Zoonotic Diseases

  1. 3. Thing that transmits disease between organisms.
  2. 4. Condition that makes you more vulnerable to COVID-19.
  3. 6. Group of people at higher risk for COVID-19.
  4. 7. More complex pathogen, DNA with protein shield.
  5. 11. Can catch this from raw chicken.
  6. 15. Term to describe disease spread.
  7. 16. Term to describe diseases spread by animals.
  8. 17. City in China where COVID-19 originated.
  9. 18. The use of biological weapons against a population.
  10. 20. Type of food mostly sold in Wuhan market.
  1. 1. Describes humanity's ability to travel around the world.
  2. 2. Brown matter excreted by all animals.
  3. 5. Mode of transmission caused by sneezing viral particles.
  4. 8. Body system that COVID-19 affects most.
  5. 9. Blueprint to life.
  6. 10. Flying animal sold in Wuhan market.
  7. 12. Biting insect known to transmit West Nile virus.
  8. 13. Single-celled pathogen.
  9. 14. What "corona" means in Latin.
  10. 19. Fatal disease caused by a bite from an infected animal.