Zoroastrianism, Hellenistic Age, Silk Road

  1. 4. - Through silk road or route, silk went to the west, while gold, silver and ... went east.
  2. 5. - a place where hellenistic era began after the death of Alexander the great.
  3. 6. - Zoroastrian Iranian (Persian) immigrants
  4. 8. - were nomadic warriors who travelled and brought items from neighboring civilizations to other countries.
  5. 9. - The silk road was officially opened for trade between the east and the west during ... dynasty.
  6. 10. - The rise of this empire marked the end of Hellenistic age/era.
  7. 13. - hellenistic name reflects a greek name that is ...
  8. 15. - Only few people completed the route because they would handle their goods over the ...
  9. 17. - ancient pre-Islamic religion of Iran
  10. 18. - was taking control of Rome after the death of Julius Caesar.
  1. 1. - under his reign, Roman territory was vast expanding outside Rome.
  2. 2. - Iranian prophet and religious reformer of zoroastrianism
  3. 3. - murderer of Caesar and Caesar’s son.
  4. 5. - The route was increasingly unsafe and untraveled as Arabian power was on a rise as the Roman lost most of its territory in Asia. However, this route was revived by ...
  5. 7. - Range period of Hellenistic age.
  6. 11. - the highest god in Zoroastrian
  7. 12. - he was the general who built education system, universities, libraries, tax incentives for teachers
  8. 14. - after Alexander the great died, Macedonian Empire was led by his regent, named ...
  9. 16. - This historical routes were just discovered by ... geographer in 1877.