ZSCT's Thakur College Of Science (1019), Department of Microbiology (ID), is organizing Online Crossword Puzzle Competition on "World Nature Conservation Day- 28th July 2021"
- 2. Non-renewable organic resources
- 4. Plantation of trees along with monocot crops
- 6. Wetlands of the world occupy land
- 7. Planned management of natural resources
- 10. Maintenance of biome for grazing and fire
- 11. The richness and variety of life on earth
- 13. Shifting cultivation practised in India
- 15. World’s first forest conservation & wildlife Management
- 1. Population of species decreasing over a period
- 3. Soil erosion can be prevented by
- 5. Non-polluting renewable type of energy
- 8. The base on which remote sensors are mounted is termed as
- 9. Which species provide highest medicine?
- 12. Deforestation may reduce the chances of
- 14. Estuaries are __wetlands