ZSCT's Thakur College Of Science (1019), Department of Microbiology (ID), is organizing Online Crossword Puzzle Competition on "World Nature Conservation Day- 28th July 2021"

  1. 2. Non-renewable organic resources
  2. 4. Plantation of trees along with monocot crops
  3. 6. Wetlands of the world occupy land
  4. 7. Planned management of natural resources
  5. 10. Maintenance of biome for grazing and fire
  6. 11. The richness and variety of life on earth
  7. 13. Shifting cultivation practised in India
  8. 15. World’s first forest conservation & wildlife Management
  1. 1. Population of species decreasing over a period
  2. 3. Soil erosion can be prevented by
  3. 5. Non-polluting renewable type of energy
  4. 8. The base on which remote sensors are mounted is termed as
  5. 9. Which species provide highest medicine?
  6. 12. Deforestation may reduce the chances of
  7. 14. Estuaries are __wetlands