Zulia state

  1. 3. Entre 1984 y 1985 lleva a cabo los murales El mercado, La industria del petróleo, La contaminación del lago, Los puertos y El petróleo
  2. 4. composed for various rhythms: waltzes, dances, contradanzas and bambucos; in addition to boleros, pasodobles, chotis and meringues
  3. 6. is a species of carnivorous mammals of the Felidae family.
  4. 7. It is a shrubby species of the Opuntia genus of the Cactaceae family.
  5. 9. It is a meteorological phenomenon that develops in the basin of Lake Maracaibo
  6. 14. It is a species of flowering plant of the Cactaceae family that lives in mountainous or highland areas.
  7. 15. Pulgar, prisionero en Puerto Cabello, logra subvertir a la guarnición que consistía en el último bastión contra el recién instaurado gobierno de Antonio Guzmán Blanco.
  8. 17. is a genus of apodiform birds belonging to the troquiline subfamily.
  9. 18. It is a species of carnivorous mammals of the Felidae family.
  10. 19. It is a dish similar to lasagna or pasticho. It consists of short pasta with ground meat stuffed with ham, cheese, bananas, potatoes and boiled eggs.
  1. 1. Compositor prolijo de piezas musicales del flocklore venezolano
  2. 2. are a genus of perissodactyl mammals of the Tapiridae family. It is the only extant genus in the family, which includes nine other extinct genera.
  3. 3. It is a species of galliform bird of the Cracidae family that is found in northern Colombia, northern Venezuela and on the island of Tobago
  4. 5. It is a species of hystricomorph rodent of the Cuniculidae family.
  5. 8. it is considered a sinister and ominous bird
  6. 10. It is one of the species of the pantherine subfamily belonging to the genus Panthera
  7. 11. Fundador del hospital de Chiquinquirá (1865) y su director en varias ocasiones, donde destacó como clínico y cirujano
  8. 12. Fue vocal y presidente de la Corte Suprema del Zulia, entre 1875 y 1890
  9. 13. are a group of poisonous snakes of the Elapidae family typical of tropical areas.
  10. 16. is remembered, above all, for being the interpreter of Limón limonero