
  1. 3. It is the most common element on Earth.
  2. 6. This is the tenth element in the periodic table.
  3. 8. This is the first element in the Actinide Series.
  4. 11. These gases have stable electronic configurations.
  5. 12. This is the first element in the Lanthanide Series.
  6. 14. The symbol of the 118th element in the periodic table.
  7. 16. These are elements with atomic number greater than 92.
  8. 21. The discovered of Chlorine is from what country?
  9. 23. This is the 103rd element in the periodic table.
  10. 24. This is the other term for family in the periodic table.
  11. 25. The only liquid non-metal.
  12. 27. The symbol for the element in number 1.
  13. 28. He developed the first periodic table of elements.
  14. 29. Semi-metals are also called ________.
  1. 1. These elements are under group VII-A.
  2. 2. The only element that starts with the letter x.
  3. 4. How many elements are found in the stepped diagonal line?
  4. 5. Element symbol for Ununquadium.
  5. 7. Discovered by Sir Humphry Davy of Britain in 1807.
  6. 9. These elements are found in the B families.
  7. 10. It is the most electronegative of all elements.
  8. 13. It is the most common element in the Universe.
  9. 15. U is the symbol of what element?
  10. 17. Named after Russian scientist who devised the periodic table.
  11. 18. William ______ discovered Titanium in 1791.
  12. 19. It is the 100th element.
  13. 20. This is the collective name of elements arranged horizontally in the periodic table.
  14. 22. The only liquid metal at room temperature.
  15. 26. About 80% of the known elements are _______.
  16. 30. How many elements are under the II- A family?