All Crossword Puzzles

Renaissance 2025-03-07

Renaissance crossword puzzle
  1. A Renaissance artist, who painted the Sistine Chapel
  2. The city where the Medici family played a large role in the Renaissance
  3. The event where Martin Luther was excommunicated after refusing to recant his writings.
  1. Renaissance invention that helped spread literature and Reformation ideas
  2. Religious leader who nailed the 95 Theses to a church door
  3. The Protestant reformer who introduced predestination
  4. Movement that aimed to reform the Catholic Church and led to the creation of Protestant churches
  5. The term for a new Christian branch established during the Reformation, initiated by Martin Luther
  6. The pope during Martin Luther's protest against indulgences

9 Clues: A Renaissance artist, who painted the Sistine ChapelThe Protestant reformer who introduced predestinationReligious leader who nailed the 95 Theses to a church doorThe pope during Martin Luther's protest against indulgencesThe city where the Medici family played a large role in the Renaissance...

Earthquakes 2025-03-07

Earthquakes crossword puzzle
  1. When the two slabs of land move away from each other
  2. The point on Earth's surface directly above the focus
  3. A number that characterizes the relative size of an earthquake
  4. A break in the Earth's crust
  5. Energy that travels in back and forth vibration waves
  6. The slowest wave that can only travel through solid rock
  1. The fastest kind of seismic wave that is the first to arrive
  2. When the two slabs of land move toward each other
  3. A process used to determine the epicenter of an earthquake
  4. The origin of an earthquake

10 Clues: The origin of an earthquakeA break in the Earth's crustWhen the two slabs of land move toward each otherWhen the two slabs of land move away from each otherThe point on Earth's surface directly above the focusEnergy that travels in back and forth vibration wavesThe slowest wave that can only travel through solid rock...

The Kite Runner (Practice) 2025-03-07

The Kite Runner (Practice) crossword puzzle
  1. A type of ground meatball.
  2. Power or Strength
  3. Arabic phrase meaning, ‘thank you’
  4. An Arabic phrase that means ‘God has willed it.’
  5. An exciting ambiance, or a flamboyant, energetic person. *Drunk*
  1. A sudden, violent and unlawful seizure from the power of a government.
  2. An Afghan tendency to exaggerate.
  3. An equestrian game the riders compete to obtain the goat carcass that has been decapitated and defooted.
  4. An Arabic word for cancer.
  5. A market in the middle east.
  6. A confusing/squirmish fight.

11 Clues: Power or StrengthA type of ground meatball.An Arabic word for cancer.A market in the middle east.A confusing/squirmish fight.An Afghan tendency to exaggerate.Arabic phrase meaning, ‘thank you’An Arabic phrase that means ‘God has willed it.’An exciting ambiance, or a flamboyant, energetic person. *Drunk*...

TTS "Pelanggaran HC" 2025-03-07

TTS "Pelanggaran HC" crossword puzzle
  1. 29. Hak distribusi
  2. 28. Modifikasi ilegal
  3. 38. Hak adaptasi
  4. 31. Pembajakan buku
  5. 9. Penggunaan karya tanpa izin untuk pendidikan
  6. 30. Hak publikasi
  7. 26. Karya dilindungi hukum
  8. 18. Penyembunyian data
  9. 43. Peminjaman ilegal
  10. 48. Klaim kepemilikan
  11. 23. Hak cipta pertunjukan
  12. 37. Pemalsuan karya
  13. 2. Menyalin karya tanpa izin
  14. 7. Pembayaran kepada pencipta
  15. 10. Konsep kebalikan hak cipta
  16. 44. Penghapusan hak
  17. 45. Manipulasi hak
  18. 8. Hak hukum pencipta
  19. 17. Karya bebas hak cipta
  20. 33. Rekaman bajakan
  21. 3. Pelanggaran hak cipta
  22. 21. Mengambil bagian musik
  23. 35. Fotokopi ilegal
  24. 20. Menggabungkan musik
  1. 36. Hak reproduksi
  2. 39. Pelanggaran merek
  3. 13. Produk tiruan
  4. 15. Memberi kredit pencipta
  5. 25. Organisasi pengelola hak
  6. 22. Pembajakan digital
  7. 24. Dokumen kepemilikan hak
  8. 12. Berbagi file ilegal
  9. 50. Perlindungan hak
  10. 19. Menonton online ilegal
  11. 14. Tanda pada karya
  12. 46. Hak kontrol
  13. 40. Hak impor
  14. 49. Penggunaan ilegal
  15. 11. Teknologi pembatas akses
  16. 34. Hak pertunjukan publik
  17. 27. Masa berlaku hak cipta
  18. 6. Hak merek dagang
  19. 42. Hak penyewaan
  20. 5. Hak eksklusif penemu
  21. 47. Pembobolan DRM
  22. 4. Izin penggunaan karya
  23. 1. Pembajakan karya cipta
  24. 16. Karya hasil modifikasi
  25. 41. Ekspor ilegal
  26. 32. Lisensi perangkat lunak

50 Clues: 40. Hak impor46. Hak kontrol38. Hak adaptasi13. Produk tiruan30. Hak publikasi42. Hak penyewaan41. Ekspor ilegal36. Hak reproduksi29. Hak distribusi47. Pembobolan DRM45. Manipulasi hak31. Pembajakan buku6. Hak merek dagang37. Pemalsuan karya44. Penghapusan hak33. Rekaman bajakan35. Fotokopi ilegal50. Perlindungan hak14. Tanda pada karya...

/f/ sound 2025-03-07

/f/ sound crossword puzzle
  1. A quick, bright light.
  2. Smelling or tasting like fish, or something that seems suspicious.
  3. A high steep cliff, or to pretend something is true.
  4. Soft and light pieces of fabric or fur.
  5. The sounds that letters make.
  6. Another word for a picture taken with a camera.
  7. The air around the Earth.
  8. Smelling something with your nose.
  9. Something you wear on your ears to listen to sound.
  10. To move slowly, like a leaf on water.
  11. A book about someone's life.
  1. A high edge of rock.
  2. A picture taken with a camera.
  3. A musical instrument you blow into.
  4. A device that makes your voice louder.
  5. A type of fish that can blow up like a balloon.
  6. A round 3D shape like a ball.
  7. A drawing that shows information.
  8. The opposite of on.
  9. A group of sentences about the same idea.
  10. Soft material inside a pillow or toy, or food inside a turkey.

21 Clues: The opposite of on.A high edge of rock.A quick, bright light.The air around the Earth.A book about someone's life.The sounds that letters make.A round 3D shape like a ball.A picture taken with a camera.A drawing that shows information.Smelling something with your nose.A musical instrument you blow into.To move slowly, like a leaf on water....

STS Bahasa Inggris Genap Kelas 4 2025-03-07

STS Bahasa Inggris Genap Kelas 4 crossword puzzle
  1. kuda
  2. tenang
  3. sedih
  4. cacing
  5. jerapah
  6. burung unta
  7. malas
  8. bahagia
  9. burung merak
  10. lucu
  1. mudah
  2. kejam
  3. jujur
  4. tikus
  5. beruang
  6. lumba lumba
  7. kotor
  8. paus
  9. angsa
  10. kepiting

20 Clues: kudapauslucumudahkejamjujurtikussedihkotorangsamalastenangcacingberuangjerapahbahagiakepitinglumba lumbaburung untaburung merak

Junct 2025-03-07

Junct crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 1
  4. 9
  1. committee 7
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 10
  5. 2
  6. 8

10 Clues: 3456128910committee 7

mia's life 2025-03-07

mia's life crossword puzzle
  1. La plus grande opps que le monde aie connu
  2. Tu veux te déplacer tu appelle qui
  3. D'après ton ex on est des...
  4. Ta safe place
  5. Un amour de jeunesse marquant
  6. Un ex qui est devenu un animal
  1. L'endroit qui te fait basculer de fille bien à timp
  2. Ton QG pendant un bon moment
  3. Ton expression quotidienne
  4. Deux merde en anglais mais on en rigole

10 Clues: Ta safe placeTon expression quotidienneTon QG pendant un bon momentD'après ton ex on est des...Un amour de jeunesse marquantUn ex qui est devenu un animalTu veux te déplacer tu appelle quiDeux merde en anglais mais on en rigoleLa plus grande opps que le monde aie connuL'endroit qui te fait basculer de fille bien à timp

Words 2025-03-07

Words crossword puzzle
  1. to be out of money; financially ruined; “to break the bank
  2. to break up; to cause confusion
  3. something that breaks up what you were doing; an unplanned event that breaks up an activity
  4. something that breaks someone’s concentration; bothersome; annoying
  5. evil; dishonest; to break away from honesty
  1. able to be influenced into doing something that breaks away from the rules; able to become bad
  2. to break into someone’s conversation
  3. sudden; unexpected; broken into what is expected
  4. to explode; to break out with force
  5. to burst or break open (usually a body part)

10 Clues: to break up; to cause confusionto explode; to break out with forceto break into someone’s conversationevil; dishonest; to break away from honestyto burst or break open (usually a body part)sudden; unexpected; broken into what is expectedto be out of money; financially ruined; “to break the bank...

Pupujian 2025-03-07

Pupujian crossword puzzle
  1. suku kata dina basa Sunda disebut?
  2. Bait dina basa sunda disebut?
  3. Pupujian asalna tina sastra?
  4. Pupujian gedé kamungkinan asalna mah pangaruh tina?
  5. pupujian mah eusina pangajaran?
  6. puisi tradisional anu eusina muji kaagungan pangeran disebut?
  1. Cara ngawihkeun pupujian
  2. Baris dina basa sunda disebut?

8 Clues: Cara ngawihkeun pupujianPupujian asalna tina sastra?Bait dina basa sunda disebut?Baris dina basa sunda disebut?pupujian mah eusina pangajaran?suku kata dina basa Sunda disebut?Pupujian gedé kamungkinan asalna mah pangaruh tina?puisi tradisional anu eusina muji kaagungan pangeran disebut?

Wedding 2025-03-07

Wedding crossword puzzle
  1. Bachelor destination?
  2. Best Man?
  3. Second Dog?
  4. First Big Trip?
  5. Matron of Honor?
  6. First Date?
  1. Who said “I love you” first?
  2. What town do we live in?
  3. Bachelorette destination?
  4. First Dog?
  5. Where we got engaged?

11 Clues: Best Man?First Dog?Second Dog?First Date?First Big Trip?Matron of Honor?Bachelor destination?Where we got engaged?What town do we live in?Bachelorette destination?Who said “I love you” first?

TTS PJOK 2025-03-07

TTS PJOK crossword puzzle
  1. olahraga menggunakan musik?
  2. olahraga di air?
  3. contoh gerakan non lokomotor?
  1. contoh gerakan manipulatif?
  2. contoh gerakan lokomotor?
  3. olahraga ditendang?

6 Clues: olahraga di air?olahraga ditendang?contoh gerakan lokomotor?contoh gerakan manipulatif?olahraga menggunakan musik?contoh gerakan non lokomotor?

exercise 2025-03-07

exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Group exercise classes with rhythmic movements
  2. Exercise that targets the lower body
  3. Steady, moderate-paced running
  4. Mind-body practice combining physical postures and breathing
  5. Exercise that raises heart rate and improves endurance
  6. Exercise system focusing on core strength and flexibility
  7. Exercise that strengthens the upper body and core
  8. Handheld weight used in resistance training
  9. Full-body exercise involving a squat, plank, and jump
  10. Exercise that targets the legs and glutes
  11. Training Workout alternating between high and low intensity
  1. Exercise targeting the abdominal muscles
  2. High-intensity indoor cycling workout
  3. Bands Elastic bands used for strength training
  4. Equipment used for strength training
  5. Bodyweight exercises focusing on large muscle groups
  6. Machine used for walking or running indoors
  7. Jacks Exercise involving jumping to a position with the legs spread wide
  8. Core exercise involving holding a position
  9. Activity to improve flexibility and prevent injury

20 Clues: Steady, moderate-paced runningEquipment used for strength trainingExercise that targets the lower bodyHigh-intensity indoor cycling workoutExercise targeting the abdominal musclesExercise that targets the legs and glutesCore exercise involving holding a positionMachine used for walking or running indoorsHandheld weight used in resistance training...

chapters: 12,15,16 2025-03-07

chapters: 12,15,16 crossword puzzle
  1. the practice of the virtue of patience with respect to the opinions or practices of others
  2. unhappiness and another good fortune or social status
  3. the good or bad opinion commonly held about a person
  4. Recreation of an injustice committed sense of the damage is not repaired a permanent state of Injustice is produced
  5. the science and art dealing with the form organization Administration and government of people within a state or between states
  6. the power to enforce obedience to dictated laws
  7. truthfulness the disposition of a person to tell the truth
  8. that defined geographic region comprised of people who are under the same governmental structure
  9. in the act of giving up one's life for the faith
  10. a maliciously false statement or report in order to fame or injure a person
  11. the command or order usually from a superior
  12. the condition of living and harmonious Association and Company with others for Mutual benefit defense and other needs
  13. the house or dwelling the science deals with the relations of living organisms
  1. respect for your parents
  2. the desire for Earthly Goods Without Limits
  3. attributes qualities that may not exist for which or exaggerated usually for personal gain or favor
  4. the weight or seriousness of a sin
  5. unjustly taking and keeping the property of another against the reasonable will of the owner
  6. a passionate desire for riches that leaves one to gain and 40 bucks
  7. A man and a woman United a marriage, together with their children
  8. respect or good reputation that is acquired for the practice of virtue or heroic
  9. that which is contrary to truth; the intentional making of untrue statements
  10. a responsible and just use of the world's resources
  11. grandparents and uncles and other relatives were not in the immediate family
  12. the correlation between the idea and one's mind and objective reality
  13. the action of taking away from a person's Merit or reputation by disclosing another's true false or sins

26 Clues: respect for your parentsthe weight or seriousness of a sinthe desire for Earthly Goods Without Limitsthe command or order usually from a superiorthe power to enforce obedience to dictated lawsin the act of giving up one's life for the faitha responsible and just use of the world's resourcesthe good or bad opinion commonly held about a person...

TTS Seputar Ramadhan 2025-03-07

TTS Seputar Ramadhan crossword puzzle
  1. sholat sunnah ganjil yang dikerjakan pada ramadhan
  2. sholat sunnah dibulan ramadhan
  3. malam seribu bulan
  4. amalan wajib yang dilakukan di bulan ramadhan
  5. dibelenggu pada bulan ramadhan
  6. buah yang disunnahkan berbuka dengannya
  1. disegerakan
  2. Idul Fitri
  3. Zakat yang wajib dikeluarkan
  4. ibadah yang dilakukan pada 10 hari terkhir ramadhan
  5. hukum puasa ramadhan
  6. perang yang terjadi dibulan ramadhan
  7. sunnahnya diakhirkan

13 Clues: Idul Fitridisegerakanmalam seribu bulanhukum puasa ramadhansunnahnya diakhirkanZakat yang wajib dikeluarkansholat sunnah dibulan ramadhandibelenggu pada bulan ramadhanperang yang terjadi dibulan ramadhanbuah yang disunnahkan berbuka dengannyaamalan wajib yang dilakukan di bulan ramadhansholat sunnah ganjil yang dikerjakan pada ramadhan...

Vocabulary Test 2 2025-03-07

Vocabulary Test 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Something that is interesting to you, that you pay attention to
  2. Done quickly, or without delay
  3. Something that you must report to authorities, by law
  4. The attitude of a piece of writing or someone's voice, for example it could be warm or cold
  1. When something happens. It is often used when something happens that could have injured someone, or made them sick.
  2. Your aim, or what you want to happen
  3. When something is recorded in writing or other permanent way

7 Clues: Done quickly, or without delayYour aim, or what you want to happenSomething that you must report to authorities, by lawWhen something is recorded in writing or other permanent waySomething that is interesting to you, that you pay attention toThe attitude of a piece of writing or someone's voice, for example it could be warm or cold...

the outsiders 2025-03-07

the outsiders crossword puzzle
  1. – The wealthy social group in the novel
  2. – The age Johnny is when he dies
  3. – The item Johnny and Ponyboy use to change their hair
  4. – The middle Curtis brother
  5. – The Greaser who carries a switchblade
  6. – The Greaser who is known for shoplifting
  7. – The item Dally gives Ponyboy and Johnny before they run away
  8. – The place where the final rumble takes place
  9. – The month The Outsiders is set in
  10. – The beverage Ponyboy and Cherry both like
  11. – The thing Johnny and Ponyboy save children from
  1. – The color of Ponyboy’s eyes
  2. – The state where The Outsiders takes place
  3. – What Johnny tells Ponyboy to "stay"
  4. – The full first name of Two-Bit
  5. – The reason Dally is chased by police
  6. – The Soc who refuses to fight in the rumble
  7. – The last name of the Soc who is Cherry’s boyfriend
  8. you like me to format this into a printable crossword grid?
  9. – The Greaser who works at a gas station
  10. – The Curtis brothers' last name
  11. – The name of Sodapop's horse

22 Clues: – The middle Curtis brother– The color of Ponyboy’s eyes– The name of Sodapop's horse– The full first name of Two-Bit– The age Johnny is when he dies– The Curtis brothers' last name– The month The Outsiders is set in– What Johnny tells Ponyboy to "stay"– The reason Dally is chased by police– The wealthy social group in the novel...

Electricity 2025-03-07

Electricity crossword puzzle
  1. an opposition that a substance offers to the flow of electric current
  2. flows easily goes through
  3. the pressure from electrical circuit
  4. allows current to follow through multiple paths
  5. a Sl unit of power
  6. ampsxohms
  7. conduction moving around magnet field
  8. the area around a magnet
  9. electrical circuit where lines are connected
  10. the push or pull that happens between magnets and magnetic objects
  11. a physical property of matter
  1. interacts with 2 types of field
  2. electrical resistance
  3. path electricity flows through
  4. an instrument for measuring electric current in amperes.
  5. doesn't allow flow through
  6. no contact force
  7. a type of electromagnet
  8. device with energy to activate another
  9. 6.24x10^18
  10. other charge particles surrounded
  11. a material that allow the flow of electricity
  12. negative charge through nucleus of atom
  13. measure for electric current
  14. energy that transferring per unit time
  15. a device that has electrical resistance

26 Clues: ampsxohms6.24x10^18no contact forcea Sl unit of powerelectrical resistancea type of electromagnetthe area around a magnetflows easily goes throughdoesn't allow flow throughmeasure for electric currenta physical property of matterpath electricity flows throughinteracts with 2 types of fieldother charge particles surrounded...


LATIHAN IPAS KELAS 4 crossword puzzle
  1. peta yang berskala sangat kecil
  2. laut yang sangat luas menghubungkan benua benua
  3. kumpulan air asin
  4. rangkaian bukit
  5. kumpulan peta berbentuk buku
  6. kerajaan tertua di indonesia
  7. tiruan bola bumi
  8. raja hayam wuruk
  9. lembah yang sisinya curam
  10. tempat tinggal raja
  11. dijuluki ayam jantan dari timur
  1. bagian laut yang menjorok ke daratan
  2. tulisan yang memiliki sejarah
  3. kerajaan islam pertama di indonesia
  4. menjelaskan simbol simbol pada peta
  5. cerita yang diambil dari suatu kejadian sejarah
  6. simbol warna coklat
  7. tulisan yang diukir dengan teknik khusus
  8. ukuran perbandingan jarak
  9. bangunan yang dibuat untuk menghormati leluhur
  10. gambaran permukaan bumi pada bidang datar
  11. daerah yang terletak di tepi laut
  12. bahasa peninggalan kerajaan

23 Clues: rangkaian bukittiruan bola bumiraja hayam wurukkumpulan air asinsimbol warna coklattempat tinggal rajaukuran perbandingan jaraklembah yang sisinya curambahasa peninggalan kerajaankumpulan peta berbentuk bukukerajaan tertua di indonesiatulisan yang memiliki sejarahpeta yang berskala sangat kecildijuluki ayam jantan dari timur...

Addiction crossword 2025-03-07

Addiction crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The choice to abstain from the use of mind altering substances
  2. popular club drug
  3. also known as cannabis
  4. illegal substances
  5. something used in sports to enhance performance
  6. intoxicates a person who drinks it
  7. something that affects pain receptors in the brain
  8. something that occurs after taking too many drugs
  1. something found in cigarettes
  2. also known as galaxy gas
  3. something caused by the ongoing use of a substance
  4. a well known stimulant
  5. withdrawal from this substance can cause death
  6. Opposite of low
  7. something people get addicted to

15 Clues: Opposite of lowpopular club drugillegal substancesalso known as cannabisa well known stimulantalso known as galaxy gassomething found in cigarettessomething people get addicted tointoxicates a person who drinks itwithdrawal from this substance can cause deathsomething used in sports to enhance performance...

REMED (Alysyah putri wibowo XI.1) 2025-03-07

REMED (Alysyah putri wibowo XI.1) crossword puzzle
  1. Himana toki wa, watashi wa hon o ...
  2. Nihon no oshougatsu ni wa, kazoku to issho ni ... o tabemasu
  3. Tomodachi to gakkou e iku toki, ... o tsukaimasu
  4. Himana toki, anime ya eiga o ...
  1. Nihon no kodomo wa oshougatsu ni ... o moraimasu
  2. Densha ya basu wa ... de norimasu
  3. Kesa,watashi wa pan to ... o nomimashitato
  4. Fia-san wa yoru ... o nomimasu.
  5. Oshougatsu no asa, nihonjin wa ... e ikimasu
  6. Yuki-san wa asa shichi ji ni ... de gakkou e ikimasu

10 Clues: Fia-san wa yoru ... o nomimasu.Himana toki, anime ya eiga o ...Densha ya basu wa ... de norimasuHimana toki wa, watashi wa hon o ...Kesa,watashi wa pan to ... o nomimashitatoOshougatsu no asa, nihonjin wa ... e ikimasuNihon no kodomo wa oshougatsu ni ... o moraimasuTomodachi to gakkou e iku toki, ... o tsukaimasu...

Analisis data kelas 7 2025-03-07

Analisis data kelas 7 crossword puzzle
  1. pertemuan baris dan kolom
  2. perintah untuk memberikan garis tepi tabel
  3. Tombol yang digunakan untuk mengurangi jumlah desimal disebut..... Decimal
  4. perintah ctrl+C merupakan perintah
  5. Bagian Excel yang berisi kumpulan kolom dan baris
  6. Fitur yang digunakan untuk menggabungkan beberapa sel
  7. Nama program yang digunakan untuk mengolah data dalam bentuk tabel
  8. mengganti nama sheet dengan klik kanan kemudian klik
  9. simbol * digunakan untuk operator
  10. Menu utama di Excel yang berisi berbagai perintah yang terdiri atas berbagai menu
  11. simbol/ digunakan untuk operator
  12. Bagian Excel yang ditandai dengan huruf (A, B, C, ...)
  13. Kotak yang digunakan untuk memilih jenis huruf
  1. Menghapus satu karakter disebelah kanan
  2. Bagian Excel yang ditandai dengan angka (1, 2, 3, ...)
  3. Format yang digunakan untuk membuat teks berada di tengah sel
  4. tempat menulis rumus disebut
  5. Rumus dalam Excel diawali dengan simbol
  6. Bagian Excel yang berisi kumpulan worksheet dalam satu file
  7. simbol + digunakan untuk operasi
  8. Format angka yang digunakan untuk mata uang
  9. Format angka yang menampilkan tanggal

22 Clues: pertemuan baris dan kolomtempat menulis rumus disebutsimbol + digunakan untuk operasisimbol/ digunakan untuk operatorsimbol * digunakan untuk operatorperintah ctrl+C merupakan perintahFormat angka yang menampilkan tanggalMenghapus satu karakter disebelah kananRumus dalam Excel diawali dengan simbolperintah untuk memberikan garis tepi tabel...

Our Year: 1975 2025-03-07

Our Year: 1975 crossword puzzle
  1. 1975 Junior Miss Extraordinaire
  2. 1975 hit show featuring political incorrectness.
  3. Senior Class Secretary
  4. City where the Vietnam War ended in 1975.
  5. Senior Class President
  6. 1975 blockbuster that gave us the line 'You're gonna need a bigger boat'
  1. 1975 High School Principal
  2. "Manu" hit song by Kalapana
  3. Senior Class Treasurer
  4. Senior Class VP who may or may not remember having the job.
  5. Mrs. White moved to Hawaii from here

11 Clues: Senior Class SecretarySenior Class TreasurerSenior Class President1975 High School Principal"Manu" hit song by Kalapana1975 Junior Miss ExtraordinaireMrs. White moved to Hawaii from hereCity where the Vietnam War ended in 1975.1975 hit show featuring political incorrectness.Senior Class VP who may or may not remember having the job....

Cellular Processes 2025-03-07

Cellular Processes crossword puzzle
  1. Division The process by which a cell splits into two new cells.
  2. The most abundant substance in living organisms.
  3. Respiration The process of breaking down sugar to release energy.
  4. The process by which living things maintain stable internal conditions.
  5. Movement of particles from high to low concentration.
  6. The movement of water across a cell membrane.
  1. Two or more atoms bonded together
  2. The process of removing materials from a cell via vesicles.
  3. Membrane The structure that controls what enters and exits a cell
  4. When concentrations of substances are the same on both sides.
  5. The energy currency of cells.
  6. The powerhouse of the cell, where energy is produced.

12 Clues: The energy currency of cells.Two or more atoms bonded togetherThe movement of water across a cell membrane.The most abundant substance in living organisms.Movement of particles from high to low concentration.The powerhouse of the cell, where energy is produced.The process of removing materials from a cell via vesicles....

Getaran dan Gelombang 2025-03-07

Getaran dan Gelombang crossword puzzle
  1. gerakan bolak balik memalui titik kesetimbangan
  2. alat optik yang digunakan untuk melihat benda yang letaknya sangat jauh seperti bintang dan planet
  3. bunyi pantul yang terdengar setelah bunyi asli selesai
  4. cacat mata yang tidak dapat melihat benda yang jaraknya dekat
  1. rentang waktu yang digunakan untuk melakukan satu getaran penuh
  2. cacat mata miopi dapat diatasi dengan lensa...
  3. bunyi yang dapat didengar oleh manusia
  4. gelombang radio, gelombang TV merupakan contoh gelombang...
  5. simpangan terjauh benda yang bergetar terhadap titik kesetimbangan
  6. satuan untuk menyatakan frekuensi

10 Clues: satuan untuk menyatakan frekuensibunyi yang dapat didengar oleh manusiacacat mata miopi dapat diatasi dengan lensa...gerakan bolak balik memalui titik kesetimbanganbunyi pantul yang terdengar setelah bunyi asli selesaigelombang radio, gelombang TV merupakan contoh gelombang...cacat mata yang tidak dapat melihat benda yang jaraknya dekat...

Vocabulary Test 1 2025-03-07

Vocabulary Test 1 crossword puzzle
  1. To ask for something politely or formally
  2. to ask for information or to investigate something
  3. To find a solution to a problem, or difficult situation.
  1. A problem or concern that needs to be fixed. It can also mean a topic for discussion.
  2. A person or entity that receives something
  3. A group of words that contains a subject and a predicate and forms part of a sentence
  4. Describing something that has a bad or harmful effect.

7 Clues: To ask for something politely or formallyA person or entity that receives somethingto ask for information or to investigate somethingDescribing something that has a bad or harmful effect.To find a solution to a problem, or difficult situation.A problem or concern that needs to be fixed. It can also mean a topic for discussion....

Zoo Animals 2025-03-07

Zoo Animals crossword puzzle
  1. A bird that is awake at night and says 'hoot'.
  2. An animal that swings in trees and loves bananas.
  3. A farm animal that has horns and loves to climb.
  4. A big cat with orange fur and black stripes.
  5. A bird with colorful feathers that can spread out like a fan.
  6. A big furry animal that loves honey and sleeps in the winter.
  7. A small, clever animal with a bushy tail and red fur.
  1. A bird that quacks and loves to swim.
  2. A small horse that kids can ride.
  3. A fluffy animal used for carrying things.
  4. A big bird that runs fast but cannot fly.
  5. A large bird with sharp claws and great eyesight.
  6. An animal from Australia that jumps and has a pouch.

13 Clues: A small horse that kids can ride.A bird that quacks and loves to swim.A fluffy animal used for carrying things.A big bird that runs fast but cannot fly.A big cat with orange fur and black stripes.A bird that is awake at night and says 'hoot'.A farm animal that has horns and loves to climb.An animal that swings in trees and loves bananas....

The f ff ph sounds 2025-03-07

The f ff ph sounds crossword puzzle
  1. you can be _________ at a picture or something else
  2. you can be from a _______ country
  3. you can work in a ______
  4. the shape of a ball
  5. time _____ by
  6. one ______
  7. this can be __________ food or dye
  8. 100%
  9. you can see your _________ in a mirror
  10. you can be _______ but you can be tough too
  11. you hit some one
  12. you are a _______ of our company
  13. there can be a _______ of glass
  14. A _________ a person who is a healer
  15. you can ______ if you hurt yourself
  16. you can use a lot of ________ in a sentence
  17. it can be very _________
  18. sighs are something you can do in ______
  19. This is what where you can work
  20. You can be in a _______ jam
  21. easily damaged and broken
  22. a ______ is where you are scared of something
  23. you need to do the monster ____
  24. there is a ______ angle,
  25. you can do this when something funny happens
  26. An _________ is a creature and an axolotl is one too
  1. you need to not do that for your ____
  2. ___________ is where you are scared of spiders
  3. you can have a __________ in college
  4. You can use this to give you energy
  5. you can be ________ but you don't have too
  6. multiple ______
  7. you can get hurt __________
  8. you can ______ something
  9. the 26 letters
  10. you are full of __________
  11. in writing you use _________
  12. bright and glowing as a result of being ___________
  13. he was injured and _________ unable to play
  14. dogs are very fluffy
  15. you can _____ when you are sick
  16. it can be a _____ of someting
  17. you can listen to music with this
  18. you can _________ your time
  19. you can put lots of ______ into something
  20. "_______" she said when she finished the test.
  21. enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end
  22. you can _____ something to someone
  23. it can be a _____ surface
  24. you can be very _________ about something
  25. you get this when you win
  26. you can give a lot of ______
  27. you can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and ________ in school

53 Clues: 100%one ______time _____ bythe 26 lettersmultiple ______you hit some onethe shape of a balldogs are very fluffyyou can work in a ______you can ______ somethingit can be very _________there is a ______ angle,it can be a _____ surfaceyou get this when you wineasily damaged and brokenyou are full of __________you can get hurt __________...

The f ff ph sounds 2025-03-07

The f ff ph sounds crossword puzzle
  1. you can be _________ at a picture or something else
  2. you can be from a _______ country
  3. you can work in a ______
  4. the shape of a ball
  5. time _____ by
  6. one ______
  7. this can be __________ food or dye
  8. 100%
  9. you can see your _________ in a mirror
  10. you can be _______ but you can be tough too
  11. you hit some one
  12. you are a _______ of our company
  13. there can be a _______ of glass
  14. A _________ a person who is a healer
  15. you can ______ if you hurt yourself
  16. you can use a lot of ________ in a sentence
  17. it can be very _________
  18. sighs are something you can do in ______
  19. This is what where you can work
  20. You can be in a _______ jam
  21. easily damaged and broken
  22. a ______ is where you are scared of something
  23. you need to do the monster ____
  24. there is a ______ angle,
  25. you can do this when something funny happens
  26. An _________ is a creature and an axolotl is one too
  1. you need to not do that for your ____
  2. ___________ is where you are scared of spiders
  3. you can have a __________ in college
  4. You can use this to give you energy
  5. you can be ________ but you don't have too
  6. multiple ______
  7. you can get hurt __________
  8. you can ______ something
  9. the 26 letters
  10. you are full of __________
  11. in writing you use _________
  12. bright and glowing as a result of being ___________
  13. he was injured and _________ unable to play
  14. dogs are very fluffy
  15. you can _____ when you are sick
  16. it can be a _____ of someting
  17. you can listen to music with this
  18. you can _________ your time
  19. you can put lots of ______ into something
  20. "_______" she said when she finished the test.
  21. enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end
  22. you can _____ something to someone
  23. it can be a _____ surface
  24. you can be very _________ about something
  25. you get this when you win
  26. you can give a lot of ______
  27. you can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and ________ in school

53 Clues: 100%one ______time _____ bythe 26 lettersmultiple ______you hit some onethe shape of a balldogs are very fluffyyou can work in a ______you can ______ somethingit can be very _________there is a ______ angle,it can be a _____ surfaceyou get this when you wineasily damaged and brokenyou are full of __________you can get hurt __________...

TEKA-TEKI ASIK 2025-03-07

TEKA-TEKI ASIK crossword puzzle


Unit 5 Review 2025-03-07

Unit 5 Review crossword puzzle
  1. - to adopt the culture or way of life
  2. - a town that experiences a great population increase in only a short time period
  3. - word said when gold was found
  4. - the reason so many people moved to californina
  5. - US war general and 12th president of the United states
  6. - the fear of anything that is perceived as foreign
  7. - the belief that America was destined by God to take the western land
  8. -know for sutter’s fort
  9. - a settler moving to a new land
  1. - reasons you leave your country to immigrate to a new one
  2. -used to travel along the Oregon Trail
  3. - permanently move to another country
  4. - a rebellion
  5. - land granted by Mexico in the form of large estates in what is now California
  6. - one of the 21 spanish missions
  7. - a tactic in which a military force surrounds a city in an attempt to take control of it
  8. -the route travelers took to get to California, was 2000 miles long
  9. - men who went to California to find gold in 1849
  10. - used to try to convert natives to christianity
  11. - reason so many Irish people moved to US

20 Clues: - a rebellion-know for sutter’s fort- word said when gold was found- one of the 21 spanish missions- a settler moving to a new land- to adopt the culture or way of life- permanently move to another country-used to travel along the Oregon Trail- reason so many Irish people moved to US- the reason so many people moved to californina...

Tts Posyandu Remaja 2025-03-07

Tts Posyandu Remaja crossword puzzle
  1. pergaulan yang tidak terkendali dan dapat menyebabkan masalah
  2. cara penularan hiv
  3. dampak negatif dari penggunaan narkoba
  4. virus yang dapat menyebabkan aids
  5. konsep makanan yang seimbang dan bergizi
  6. contoh makanan pokok 4 sehat 5 sempurna
  7. zat gizi yang dibutuhkan tubuh dalam jumlah kecil
  8. manfaat mengonsumsi vitamin C
  9. contoh narkoba yang sering digunakan
  10. cara mencegah pergaulan bebas
  1. manfaat mengonsumsi makanan 4 sehat 5 sempurna
  2. zat yang dapat menyebabkan ketergantungan dan kerusakan otak
  3. dampak negatif dari pergaulan bebas
  4. cara mendapatkan vitamin D
  5. contoh vitamin yang penting untuk kesehatan mata

15 Clues: cara penularan hivcara mendapatkan vitamin Dmanfaat mengonsumsi vitamin Ccara mencegah pergaulan bebasvirus yang dapat menyebabkan aidsdampak negatif dari pergaulan bebascontoh narkoba yang sering digunakandampak negatif dari penggunaan narkobacontoh makanan pokok 4 sehat 5 sempurnakonsep makanan yang seimbang dan bergizi...

PHGY Presentation Group 11 2025-03-07

PHGY Presentation Group 11 crossword puzzle
  1. What ion mediates the release of neuropeptides after TRPV1 binding?
  2. How many minutes was the cough response counted following the challenge?
  3. The metric to measure potency of each agent was the mean concentration required to produce how many coughs?
  4. The delivery method for each irritant
  5. Capsaicin binds the _____ domain of TRPV1
  6. Which irritant caused a decrease in FEV1
  1. The equipment used to measure airflow
  2. Rapidly adapting stretch receptors (RAR) are associated with _______ fibres
  3. First author of this article.
  4. The method used to estimate C5 from dose-response curves
  5. The type of tests used before and after exposure to tussive agents in humans
  6. What does RTX stand for?
  7. What functional group gives RTX its specificity
  8. Unmyelinated afferent fibres are also known as?
  9. RTX and capsaicin are _______ agonists
  10. What was given as a control in the Guinea Pig Trials

16 Clues: What does RTX stand for?First author of this article.The equipment used to measure airflowThe delivery method for each irritantRTX and capsaicin are _______ agonistsWhich irritant caused a decrease in FEV1Capsaicin binds the _____ domain of TRPV1What functional group gives RTX its specificityUnmyelinated afferent fibres are also known as?...

TEKA-TEKI ASIK 2025-03-07

TEKA-TEKI ASIK crossword puzzle


unit1-1 2025-03-07

unit1-1 crossword puzzle
  1. adj. strong and well
  2. n. one of the five long thin parts on your hand
  3. n. the red liquid in your body
  4. n. someone who helps sick people
  5. v. to be in pain
  1. v. to make it hurt less or bother you less
  2. n. the bottom part of your face below your mouth
  3. n. a pain one feels in their head
  4. n. a person who takes care of teeth
  5. n. the whole physical person

10 Clues: v. to be in painadj. strong and welln. the whole physical personn. the red liquid in your bodyn. someone who helps sick peoplen. a pain one feels in their headn. a person who takes care of teethv. to make it hurt less or bother you lessn. one of the five long thin parts on your handn. the bottom part of your face below your mouth

liverpool 2025-03-07

liverpool crossword puzzle
  1. a team in the premier league
  2. a Egyptian soccer player
  3. another Liverpool coach
  4. one of Liverpool most world renowned coaches
  1. salah's record in the UCL
  2. a Colombian Liverpool play

6 Clues: another Liverpool coacha Egyptian soccer playersalah's record in the UCLa Colombian Liverpool playa team in the premier leagueone of Liverpool most world renowned coaches

Tipos de texto 2025-03-07

Tipos de texto crossword puzzle
  1. Se usan en trámites legales o burocráticos (contratos, leyes).
  2. Explican conocimientos especializados (investigaciones, informes).
  3. Buscan una finalidad estética (poesía, teatro, novela).
  4. Informan sobre hechos de actualidad (noticias, crónicas).
  5. Dan indicaciones o pasos a seguir (recetas, manuales de uso).
  1. Defienden una idea con razones y pruebas (ensayos, editoriales).
  2. Informan sobre un tema de manera objetiva (artículos científicos, enciclopedias).
  3. Explican cómo es algo o alguien (guías turísticas, retratos).
  4. Cuentan una historia o suceso (cuentos, novelas, mitos).

9 Clues: Buscan una finalidad estética (poesía, teatro, novela).Cuentan una historia o suceso (cuentos, novelas, mitos).Informan sobre hechos de actualidad (noticias, crónicas).Explican cómo es algo o alguien (guías turísticas, retratos).Dan indicaciones o pasos a seguir (recetas, manuales de uso)....

TTS Seni Budaya 2025-03-07

TTS Seni Budaya crossword puzzle
  1. bagian inti lagi
  2. Pola lagu yang memiliki lebih dari dua bagian berbeda.
  3. musik ditengah lagu
  4. bagian akhir lagu
  5. Pola lagu yang terdiri dari satu bagian yang diulang-ulang tanpa variasi. (5 huruf)
  1. bagian yang menjembatani antar bagian lagu
  2. istilah lain dari bait
  3. perpindahan dari satu nada ke tangga nada lainnya
  4. musik permulaan

9 Clues: musik permulaanbagian inti lagibagian akhir lagumusik ditengah laguistilah lain dari baitbagian yang menjembatani antar bagian laguperpindahan dari satu nada ke tangga nada lainnyaPola lagu yang memiliki lebih dari dua bagian berbeda.Pola lagu yang terdiri dari satu bagian yang diulang-ulang tanpa variasi. (5 huruf)

TTS SENI BUDAYA 2025-03-07

TTS SENI BUDAYA crossword puzzle
  1. Istilah lain dari bait
  2. Pergantian dari satu nada ke tangga nada lain
  3. Musik yang ada di tengah lagu
  4. Pola lagu yang biasanya ada pada lagu rakyat dan anak-anak
  5. Genre musik yang identik dengan gitar listrik dan energi tinggi.
  6. Genre musik yang memiliki tempo 60-90 BPM
  1. Inti lagu
  2. Bagian lagu yang menghubungkan verse dan chorus
  3. Musik permulaan dari sebuah lagu
  4. Genre musik yang berbasis improvisasi dan harmoni kompleks.
  5. Pola lagu dengan urutan bait-reff-bait-reff
  6. Bagian akhir pada lagu

12 Clues: Inti laguIstilah lain dari baitBagian akhir pada laguMusik yang ada di tengah laguMusik permulaan dari sebuah laguGenre musik yang memiliki tempo 60-90 BPMPola lagu dengan urutan bait-reff-bait-reffPergantian dari satu nada ke tangga nada lainBagian lagu yang menghubungkan verse dan chorusPola lagu yang biasanya ada pada lagu rakyat dan anak-anak...

Elderly 2025-03-07

Elderly crossword puzzle
  1. A term for the period of life when someone is in their 80s
  2. A professional who specializes in the care of older adults
  3. The process of becoming older
  4. __________ Citizen / A term for a person who is advanced in age
  5. A term describing a feeling of sadness often experienced by the elderly
  1. A common cognitive decline associated with aging
  2. A facility where elderly individuals receive assistance with daily activities
  3. The act of providing care and help to someone in need

8 Clues: The process of becoming olderA common cognitive decline associated with agingThe act of providing care and help to someone in needA term for the period of life when someone is in their 80sA professional who specializes in the care of older adults__________ Citizen / A term for a person who is advanced in age...

liverpool 2025-03-07

liverpool crossword puzzle
  1. salah luis diaz shankly

    1 Clue: salah luis diaz shankly

    Mujer Virtuosa 2025-03-07

    Mujer Virtuosa crossword puzzle
    1. (v. 13-14, 27)
    2. (v. 17, 25)
    3. (v. 30)
    4. (v. 26)
    1. (v. 11)
    2. (v. 12, 20)
    3. (v. 16

    7 Clues: (v. 16(v. 11)(v. 30)(v. 26)(v. 12, 20)(v. 17, 25)(v. 13-14, 27)

    Elderly 2025-03-07

    Elderly crossword puzzle
    1. A term for the period of life when someone is in their 80s
    2. A professional who specializes in the care of older adults
    3. The process of becoming older
    4. A term for a person who is advanced in age
    5. A term describing a feeling of sadness often experienced by the elderly
    1. A common cognitive decline associated with aging
    2. A facility where elderly individuals receive assistance with daily activities
    3. The act of providing care and help to someone in need

    8 Clues: The process of becoming olderA term for a person who is advanced in ageA common cognitive decline associated with agingThe act of providing care and help to someone in needA term for the period of life when someone is in their 80sA professional who specializes in the care of older adults...

    words 2025-03-07

    words crossword puzzle
    1. small clumps of grass
    2. a First Nations gun used before proper guns were invented
    3. a slight downpour of rain/water
    4. to trip or fall
    5. making a sound
    6. a person worth respecting
    1. another word for glasses
    2. to see something the same way as someone else
    3. a good decision to help protect our planet
    4. to be able to use something repeatably
    5. to look
    6. the thing in a rattlesnakes tail
    7. a small temporary shelter

    13 Clues: to lookmaking a soundto trip or fallsmall clumps of grassanother word for glassesa small temporary sheltera person worth respectinga slight downpour of rain/waterthe thing in a rattlesnakes tailto be able to use something repeatablya good decision to help protect our planetto see something the same way as someone else...

    Produk Pangan Kreatif Daging dan Ikan Potensi Kearifan Lokal 2025-03-07

    Produk Pangan Kreatif Daging dan Ikan Potensi Kearifan Lokal crossword puzzle
    1. Olahan ikan tenggiri dengan toping bumbu kacang dan
    2. Penambah aroma pada opor ayam
    3. Teknik menghilangkan kadar air pada bahan makanan
    4. Daging/ikan dibungkus dengan daun pisang dan bumbu
    5. Kerupuk, sosis dan ikan
    6. Menghaluskan bahan makanan
    7. Cemilan dari daging ayam yang berbalut tepung panir
    1. Pengasapan pada bahan makanan
    2. Bahan pengenyal pada pembuatan bakso
    3. Produk kreatif dari bakso
    4. Memasak menggunakan air mendidih
    5. daging atau ikan tanpa tulang/duri
    6. Hidangan khas Indonesia dari daging yang direbus sampai kental
    7. Irisan daging direndam dalam bumbu dan dikeringkan
    8. Parutan keju dan sambal pada penyajian ayam goreng

    15 Clues: Kerupuk, sosis dan ikanProduk kreatif dari baksoMenghaluskan bahan makananPengasapan pada bahan makananPenambah aroma pada opor ayamMemasak menggunakan air mendidihdaging atau ikan tanpa tulang/duriBahan pengenyal pada pembuatan baksoTeknik menghilangkan kadar air pada bahan makananDaging/ikan dibungkus dengan daun pisang dan bumbu...

    TTS Agama Kristen 2025-03-07

    TTS Agama Kristen crossword puzzle
    1. Menurut Alkitab, pada mulanya Allah menciptakan segala sesuatu adalah ...
    2. perbedaan fungsi peran sosial yang dikonstruksikan oleh masyarakat terhadap laki-laki dan perempuan adalah ..
    3. bahasa Ibrani dari salam damai.
    4. Kata syalom juga berarti kesejahteraan yang ...
    5. Langit diatasmu sebagai besi dan tanahmu sebagai ...
    6. Lebih jauh dari itu, multikulturalisme menekankan kebudayaan dalam ...
    7. dalam Hakim-Hakim diceritakan bahwa orang Israel diterror oleh orang.
    8. Di Afrika Selatan orang-orang kulit hitam dan kulit berwarna juga kehilangan hak-haknya karena politik rasial yang disebut ...
    9. Anak perempuan yang lebih suka bermain di luar ketimbang membantu ibunya di dapur dianggap ...
    10. Dalam injil yohanes 14:23-31, janji Tuhan Yesus memberikan damai sejahtera kepada kita diucapkan menjelang kematiannya di ..
    11. konflik remaja yang mencari jati diri.
    12. kata lain prasangka.
    13. Dalam zakharia 6:13 tertulis, syalom antara sahabat berkaitan dengan hubungan yang ...
    14. pejuang kulit hitam Afrika Selatan yang terkenal ...
    15. Konsep yang digunakan untuk mengkategorikan sekelompok manusia adalah.
    16. Idealnya manusia dan ciptaan lainnya hidup dalam ...
    17. Yang menarik dari penelitian Weber ini adalah kenyataan bahwa orang-orang Kristen Protestan di barat terbiasa hidup ...
    18. Di zaman dahulu, orang-orang ... menganggap diri mereka sebagai bangsa yang paling hebat.
    19. lawan kata ugahari
    20. dalam kbbi, disebut sebagai tenteram, tenang, rukun dan keadaan tidak bermusuhan.
    21. “Spiritualitas Keugaharian: Merayakan Keragaman bagi Kehidupan Kebangsaan yang Utuh” diterbitkan oleh ...
    22. Keadilan, perdamaian dan keutuhan ciptaan merupakan bagian integral dalam spiritualitas ...
    23. Multikultur mencakup berbagai klaim dan tujuan normatif, para pendukung multikultur menemukan titik temu dalam menolak cita-cita ...
    24. ketika kita membicarakan mengenai keutuhan ciptaan maka yang dimaksudkan adalah seluruh.. tanpa kecuali.
    25. Keugaharian adalah sebuah kata yang berasal dari akar kata ..
    1. hukum pertama dan yang terutama.
    2. Penyebutan yang diberikan kepada sekelompok manusia yang mendiami daerah tertentu serta memiliki adat kebiasaan sendiri adalah ...
    3. Yesus mengajarkan kita untuk hidup dalam ...
    4. ... dan etnisitas adalah konsep yang digunakan untuk mengkategorikan sekelompok manusia.
    5. Indonesia memiliki beragam budaya. Oleh karena itu, indonesia merupakan ...
    6. perintah Allah yang keenam memerintahkan kita untuk jangan
    7. percekcokan, perselisihan, pertentangan.
    8. Kedamaian yang datang dengan mengorbankan kebenaran hanyalah kedamaian.
    9. Kitab Suci memanggil para pengikut Kristus untuk membela ...
    10. Jika seseorang ingin menjadi pembawa damai, ia harus memiliki kemurnian.
    11. Ucapan bahagia ditutup dengan kata “bersuka cita” kelengkapan dari damai adalah ...
    12. menahan diri, bersikap sabar, menghargai orang lain berpendapat lain, berhati lapang dan tenggang rasa terhadap orang yang berlainan pandangan atau agama.
    13. Di kalangan remaja kini, tawuran menjadi masalah yang ..
    14. bahasa Yunani (untuk perjanjian baru) dari damai sejahtera.
    15. Karena sakit hati dan dengki, Kain pun ... Habel adiknya.
    16. kondisi di mana seseorang menjadi obsesi berlebihan terhadap suatu hal, seperti ajaran, agama, politik, dan lain-lain.
    17. Pada abad ke-18 orang semakin mendalami perbedaan-perbedaan ini, namun pemahamannya mulai disertai dengan gagasan-gagasan.
    18. seorang anggota keluarga termuda dalam keluarga Manasye untuk menyelamatkan orang Israel.
    19. Max Weber (1864-1920), seorang pakar sosiologi dari ...
    20. Bangsa Jepang tergolong bangsa Asia, dari ras.
    21. Apa yang dijanjikan Tuhan Yesus untuk menyertai para murid dan semua orang percaya?
    22. Orang-orang dari bagian lain di Afrika biasanya berambut hitam dan ...
    23. Terwujudnya kesetaran (persamaan) dan keadilan gender ditandai dengan tidak adanya ...
    24. raja damai.
    25. hari yang diperintahkan Tuhan untuk diingat dan dikuduskan.

    50 Clues: raja damai.lawan kata ugaharikata lain prasangka.bahasa Ibrani dari salam damai.hukum pertama dan yang terutama.konflik remaja yang mencari jati diri.percekcokan, perselisihan, pertentangan.Yesus mengajarkan kita untuk hidup dalam ...Bangsa Jepang tergolong bangsa Asia, dari ras.Kata syalom juga berarti kesejahteraan yang ......

    venomous 2025-03-07

    venomous crossword puzzle
    1. Certain species, like the poison dart frog, are highly toxic
    2. Fast-moving, highly venomous snake
    3. Large, hairy spider with a venomous bite
    4. Many-legged creature with venomous fangs
    5. Highly venomous fish found in coastal waters
    6. Jellyfish One of the most venomous marine creatures
    7. Arachnid with a venomous sting in its tail
    8. Snake with long fangs and venomous bite
    9. Striped fish with venomous spines
    10. Marine animal with venomous tentacles
    11. Snail Marine snail with a venomous harpoon
    1. Dragon Large lizard with toxic saliva
    2. Taipan Also known as the "fierce snake," has extremely toxic venom
    3. Venomous snake with a rattle at the end of its tail
    4. Snake Aquatic snake known for its potent venom
    5. Male has venomous spurs on its hind legs
    6. Insect that can deliver a venomous sting
    7. Flying insect known for its painful sting
    8. Snake known for its hood and potent venom
    9. Arachnid known for its venomous bite, like the black widow

    20 Clues: Striped fish with venomous spinesFast-moving, highly venomous snakeDragon Large lizard with toxic salivaMarine animal with venomous tentaclesSnake with long fangs and venomous biteMale has venomous spurs on its hind legsInsect that can deliver a venomous stingLarge, hairy spider with a venomous biteMany-legged creature with venomous fangs...

    Chapter 2 Physical properties 2025-03-07

    Chapter 2 Physical properties crossword puzzle
    1. A less dense material will f_____ above a denser material.
    2. K_____ is the SI unit of mass.
    3. Digital C_____ measure short length and diameters of short objects.
    4. M_____ point is the temperature at which a material changes from solid to liquid.
    5. Cubic m_____ is the SI unit of volume.
    6. A denser material will s_____ below a less dense material.
    7. T_____ conductivity is a measure of how easily thermal energy flows through a material.
    8. D______ is the amount of matter an object has in proportion to its volume.
    1. B_____ point is the temperature at which a material changes from liquid to gas.
    2. F______ is the ability of a material to bend without breaking, and return to its initial shape and size after bending.
    3. E_____ conductivity is a measure of how easily an electric current flows though a material.
    4. H_____ is the ability of a material to resist wear and tear, and scratches.
    5. Density is m____ over volume.
    6. S______ is the ability for a material to support heavy load without changing its shape permanently.

    14 Clues: Density is m____ over volume.K_____ is the SI unit of mass.Cubic m_____ is the SI unit of volume.A less dense material will f_____ above a denser material.A denser material will s_____ below a less dense material.Digital C_____ measure short length and diameters of short objects....

    Bahasa 2025-03-07

    Bahasa crossword puzzle
    1. Bintang yang menjadi pusat tata surya.
    2. Lapisan gas yang melindungi Bumi
    3. Bagian tumbuhan yang menyerap air dan mineral dari tanah.
    4. Organ tubuh manusia yang memompa darah.
    5. Alat pernapasan pada ikan.
    6. Proses perubahan dari ulat menjadi kupu-kupu.
    1. Gaya yang menarik benda ke pusat Bumi.
    2. Zat yang memiliki bentuk tetap.
    3. Proses perubahan wujud cair menjadi gas.
    4. Planet tempat kita tinggal.

    10 Clues: Alat pernapasan pada ikan.Planet tempat kita tinggal.Zat yang memiliki bentuk tetap.Lapisan gas yang melindungi BumiGaya yang menarik benda ke pusat Bumi.Bintang yang menjadi pusat tata surya.Organ tubuh manusia yang memompa darah.Proses perubahan wujud cair menjadi gas.Proses perubahan dari ulat menjadi kupu-kupu....

    Crossword Puzzle Title: Reading & Writing Academic Text and Structures 2025-03-07

    Crossword Puzzle Title: Reading & Writing Academic Text and Structures crossword puzzle
    1. Large marsupial
    2. Likes to chase mice
    1. Has a trunk
    2. Flying mammal
    3. Man's best friend

    5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

    /f/ sound 2025-03-07

    /f/ sound crossword puzzle
    1. To move slowly, like a leaf on water.
    2. A round 3D shape like a ball.
    3. A high steep cliff, or to pretend something is true.
    4. A device that makes your voice louder.
    5. The air around the Earth.
    6. Smelling or tasting like fish, or something that seems suspicious.
    7. Soft material inside a pillow or toy, or food inside a turkey.
    8. A quick, bright light.
    9. A group of sentences about the same idea.
    1. The opposite of on.
    2. Another word for a picture taken with a camera.
    3. A drawing that shows information.
    4. A high edge of rock.
    5. Something you wear on your ears to listen to sound.
    6. A book about someone's life.
    7. A picture taken with a camera.
    8. Smelling something with your nose.
    9. The sounds that letters make.
    10. Soft and light pieces of fabric or fur.
    11. Something you use if you have asthma.
    12. A musical instrument you blow into.

    21 Clues: The opposite of on.A high edge of rock.A quick, bright light.The air around the Earth.A book about someone's life.A round 3D shape like a ball.The sounds that letters make.A picture taken with a camera.A drawing that shows information.Smelling something with your nose.A musical instrument you blow into.To move slowly, like a leaf on water....

    Ecosystems and adaptations 2025-03-07

    Ecosystems and adaptations crossword puzzle
    1. Reef Clownfish, sea turtles, colorful fish, starfish.
    2. Flowing water that moves from mountains to the ocean.
    3. Has large ears that help dissipate heat.
    4. Full of trees, plants, and animals; lots of rain and sunlight.
    5. Very dry with little rain; lots of sand and rocks.
    6. Store water in their leaves and stems.
    7. Grow close to the ground to avoid freezing winds.
    8. Use echolocation to navigate and find food in murky waters.
    9. Have large feet that act like snowshoes.
    1. Have thick fur and a layer of fat to stay warm
    2. Have gills to extract oxygen from water and fins for swimming.
    3. Have roots that filter salt from water and can breathe air at low tide.
    4. Sharks, whales, dolphins, jellyfish.
    5. Areas with lots of water, like swamps.
    6. Polar bears, arctic foxes, caribou, snowy owls

    15 Clues: Sharks, whales, dolphins, jellyfish.Areas with lots of water, like swamps.Store water in their leaves and stems.Has large ears that help dissipate heat.Have large feet that act like snowshoes.Have thick fur and a layer of fat to stay warmPolar bears, arctic foxes, caribou, snowy owlsGrow close to the ground to avoid freezing winds....

    pets 2025-03-07

    pets crossword puzzle
    1. comfort you and your friends
    2. little cute friendly
    3. cute friendly swims
    1. meows and playful
    2. playful swims in water

    5 Clues: meows and playfulcute friendly swimslittle cute friendlyplayful swims in watercomfort you and your friends

    Transition words 2025-03-07

    Transition words crossword puzzle
    1. __ she was jogging, she ran across a construction site.
    2. He studies so hard last night ______ he gets the best score at school
    3. _____ Indonesia is a maritine nation, it needa more ships for traveling
    4. He loves playing football _____ he got injured playing it
    5. _____ it was snowing, he still played football
    1. He had problem solving the homework _____ he asked the teacher for help
    2. __ He was walking home with his friend, they saw a rare chipmunk
    3. _____ he likes playing soccer, he doesn't want to play with others
    4. Susan studied all night, _____ she got a good score
    5. ______ it was flooding, they had a picnic on a boat

    10 Clues: _____ it was snowing, he still played footballSusan studied all night, _____ she got a good score______ it was flooding, they had a picnic on a boat__ she was jogging, she ran across a construction site.He loves playing football _____ he got injured playing it__ He was walking home with his friend, they saw a rare chipmunk...

    Cross of Culture 2025-03-07

    Cross of Culture crossword puzzle
    1. movie version of a Broadway musical about the backstory of the witches in OZ
    2. a romantic relationship that in individual is not officially committed to
    3. the tern for wearing jeans with a jean top or jacket
    1. the mego popular app know for its scrolling feature
    2. a brand known for making workwear clothing
    3. the term so mindlessly watching vertical social media while disconnecting from reality
    4. new virus causing egg price increases and could be deadly to humans
    5. ____ thatcher, is an actress staring in yellowjackets and companion
    6. a hairstyle popular in the 80s that has come back with a modern twist
    7. shoes as comfy has slippers that can be worn outside the house

    10 Clues: a brand known for making workwear clothingthe mego popular app know for its scrolling featurethe tern for wearing jeans with a jean top or jacketshoes as comfy has slippers that can be worn outside the housenew virus causing egg price increases and could be deadly to humans____ thatcher, is an actress staring in yellowjackets and companion...


    ORCHESTRA PRACTICE crossword puzzle
    1. You hit these with sticks to make a beat.
    2. A small string instrument played with a bow.
    3. A large string instrument that you pluck with your fingers, often seen in orchestras and fairytales.
    1. This instrument looks like a piano but is smaller and electronic.
    2. A small metal instrument that makes a ringing sound when hit.

    5 Clues: You hit these with sticks to make a beat.A small string instrument played with a bow.A small metal instrument that makes a ringing sound when hit.This instrument looks like a piano but is smaller and electronic.A large string instrument that you pluck with your fingers, often seen in orchestras and fairytales.

    predator 2025-03-07

    predator crossword puzzle
    1. Bird of prey often found hunting in forests and fields
    2. Bird of prey with keen eyesight and powerful talons
    3. Pack-hunting canine known for its howling
    4. Striped big cat native to Asia, a skilled hunter
    5. Spotted big cat, adept at climbing trees
    6. Scavenger and predator known for its distinctive laugh
    7. Reptile that uses venom or constriction to catch prey
    8. Also known as a cougar or mountain lion, a solitary predator
    9. Large mammal that hunts fish and other animals
    10. Nocturnal bird of prey known for its silent flight
    11. Fast-flying bird of prey with pointed wings
    1. Large wild cat found in the jungle, known for its powerful bite
    2. Fastest land animal, capable of incredible speed
    3. Small but fierce mammal, known for its strength and ferocity
    4. Known as the king of the jungle, this big cat is a top predator
    5. Also known as a killer whale, a top predator in the ocean
    6. Apex predator of the ocean, known for its sharp teeth
    7. Large reptile that ambushes its prey in water
    8. Wildcat with tufted ears, a skilled hunter
    9. Cunning predator known for its adaptability

    20 Clues: Spotted big cat, adept at climbing treesPack-hunting canine known for its howlingWildcat with tufted ears, a skilled hunterFast-flying bird of prey with pointed wingsCunning predator known for its adaptabilityLarge reptile that ambushes its prey in waterLarge mammal that hunts fish and other animalsFastest land animal, capable of incredible speed...

    Prefix 2025-03-07

    Prefix crossword puzzle
    1. Woww! I can saw planet Uranus with a ____ scope.
    2. A _____ organism is a small living being.
    3. a ___cicle has only 1 wheel!
    4. 2 1/2 of a circle is called a ____ circle.
    5. People can't breathe _____ water
    1. Sunlight is _____ coloured
    2. What is the weather today? Let's see the weather ____ cast!
    3. On that country, mothers have ____ ruplets
    4. Some living things can only be seen with a _____ scope.
    5. People that can't live alone/need someone else beside is called _____ dependent.

    10 Clues: Sunlight is _____ coloureda ___cicle has only 1 wheel!People can't breathe _____ waterA _____ organism is a small living being.On that country, mothers have ____ ruplets2 1/2 of a circle is called a ____ circle.Woww! I can saw planet Uranus with a ____ scope.Some living things can only be seen with a _____ scope....

    Prefix 2025-03-07

    Prefix crossword puzzle
    1. Woww! I can saw planet Uranus with a ____ scope.
    2. A _____ organism is a small living being.
    3. a ___cicle has only 1 wheel!
    4. 2 1/2 of a circle is called a ____ circle.
    5. People can't breathe _____ water
    1. Sunlight is _____ coloured
    2. What is the weather today? Let's see the weather ____ cast!
    3. On that country, mothers have ____ ruplets
    4. Some living things can only be seen with a _____ scope.
    5. People that can't live alone/need someone else beside is called _____ dependent.

    10 Clues: Sunlight is _____ coloureda ___cicle has only 1 wheel!People can't breathe _____ waterA _____ organism is a small living being.On that country, mothers have ____ ruplets2 1/2 of a circle is called a ____ circle.Woww! I can saw planet Uranus with a ____ scope.Some living things can only be seen with a _____ scope....

    Reading Groups 2025-03-07

    Reading Groups crossword puzzle
    1. “Hey look this cup is *blank*!”
    2. The company is not very *blank*
    3. I drew a drawing using *blank*!
    4. A loud noise or toy
    5. “She will *blank* down the hill if she walks like that!”
    1. John is very *blank*
    2. There was a slight *blank* of rain
    3. A shack/house

    8 Clues: A shack/houseA loud noise or toyJohn is very *blank*“Hey look this cup is *blank*!”The company is not very *blank*I drew a drawing using *blank*!There was a slight *blank* of rain“She will *blank* down the hill if she walks like that!”

    Newsletter #7 2025-03-07

    Newsletter #7 crossword puzzle
    1. Singer with a book club
    2. Women's history month
    3. Behind these Hazel Eyes singer
    4. 4 piece group that wrote "Money, Money, Money"
    1. Live webcam to get the gate to open for certain creatures (two-words)
    2. What a panda/tween girl might turn
    3. Paris Baguette's specialty (imo)
    4. What one might farm

    8 Clues: What one might farmWomen's history monthSinger with a book clubBehind these Hazel Eyes singerParis Baguette's specialty (imo)What a panda/tween girl might turn4 piece group that wrote "Money, Money, Money"Live webcam to get the gate to open for certain creatures (two-words)

    Pollution 2025-03-07

    Pollution crossword puzzle
    1. A mixture of smoke and fog, caused by burning fossil fuels.
    2. A Pollution caused by chemical, physical, or biological substances in the atmosphere.
    3. The process of converting waste into reusable material, reducing pollution and conserving resources.
    4. A waste that contaminates soil and groundwater with harmful materials like chemicals and heavy metals.
    5. A Pollution that makes bodies of water unusable or harmful.
    1. Rain made more acidic by pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
    2. Floating collections of waste in the ocean, including plastic and discarded gear.
    3. A Pollution caused by the decomposition of waste materials on the surface or underground.

    8 Clues: A mixture of smoke and fog, caused by burning fossil fuels.A Pollution that makes bodies of water unusable or harmful.Rain made more acidic by pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.Floating collections of waste in the ocean, including plastic and discarded gear....

    Chapter 1 Scientific endeavour crossword 2025-03-07

    Chapter 1 Scientific endeavour crossword crossword puzzle
    1. Measurements are considered to be a______ is they are close to the true value.
    2. Q________ data are observations to describe objects or phenomena
    3. C______ symbol indicates that the chemical can cause damage when in contact with body parts.
    4. L______ flames can be seen with the naked eye and has uneven weak heating.
    5. P________ is a quality of a scientist to keep trying despite failures.
    6. Q________ data are measurements in numerical quantities of an object or phenomena
    7. A c______ variable is the only variable you change in an experiment.
    1. F_____ symbol shows that a chemical is highly flammable and cause fire.
    2. A c_____ variable is the variables you keep the same in an experiment.
    3. A m_______ variable is the variable you measure with an instrument.
    4. I______ is a quality of a scientist to be truthful on their findings.
    5. O______ substances releases oxygen easily which can cause fire or explosions.
    6. A proposed explanation for a scientific question is a h________.
    7. C______ symbol indicates that it can cause breathing difficulties, infertility, birth defects, damage to organs or cancer.
    8. Z____ error is a type of error when an instrument gives non-zero reading when measured quantity should be zero.
    9. C___ is the part of bunsen burner which can rotate to close the air hole.
    10. In science we ask q_______, which start with words like "what", "where", "why" and "which".
    11. P_____ error is introduced when you measure from the wrong angle.
    12. Measurements are considered to be p____ when their multiple measurements are close to each other.

    19 Clues: A proposed explanation for a scientific question is a h________.Q________ data are observations to describe objects or phenomenaP_____ error is introduced when you measure from the wrong angle.A m_______ variable is the variable you measure with an instrument.A c______ variable is the only variable you change in an experiment....

    yay 2025-03-07

    yay crossword puzzle
    1. drizzle, tumble,

      1 Clue: drizzle, tumble,

      yay 2025-03-07

      yay crossword puzzle
      1. drizzle, tumble,

        1 Clue: drizzle, tumble,

        yay 2025-03-07

        yay crossword puzzle
        1. drizzle, tumble,

          1 Clue: drizzle, tumble,

          A career with puppets 2025-03-07

          A career with puppets crossword puzzle
          1. To break suddenly
          2. confused or disordered
          3. Extremely tired or worn out
          4. put something in the ground
          5. A person who controls puppets
          1. rescued, recovered, or saved from ruin or waste
          2. Essential or absolutely necessary
          3. thrown away
          4. A monkey-like animal known for its large eyes and tail
          5. To concentrate one’s attention
          6. moving up and down or back and forth lightly

          11 Clues: thrown awayTo break suddenlyconfused or disorderedExtremely tired or worn output something in the groundA person who controls puppetsTo concentrate one’s attentionEssential or absolutely necessarymoving up and down or back and forth lightlyrescued, recovered, or saved from ruin or wasteA monkey-like animal known for its large eyes and tail

          yay 2025-03-07

          yay crossword puzzle
          1. drizzle, tumble,

            1 Clue: drizzle, tumble,

            yay 2025-03-07

            yay crossword puzzle
            1. drizzle, tumble,

              1 Clue: drizzle, tumble,

              Tabog 2025-03-07

              Tabog crossword puzzle
              1. Bahan dasar kue pepe
              2. Tepung yang digunakan untuk mengentalkan makanan
              3. Bahan dasar wedang ronde, klepon, dan mochi
              4. Bahan dasar kue talam
              5. Teknik memasak yang menggunakan radiasi panas
              6. Kue yang memiliki warna merah muda berisi mutiara
              7. Bahan olahan yang digunakan untuk membuat pecel
              8. Tepung yang digunakan untuk membuat pasta
              9. Daun yang dapat menggantikan pewarna makanan
              10. Salah satu olahan dari tape ketan
              11. Olahan yang menggunakan tepung talas
              1. Bahan dasar kue surabi dan kue lapis
              2. Bahan pangan olahan dari serealia yang mengandung banyak serat dan baik untuk pencernaan
              3. Sendok yang digunakan untuk membuat gemblong
              4. Salah satu olahan dari tepung jagung
              5. Teknik memasak kue cantik manis
              6. Teknik memasak kue donat
              7. Jenis terigu yang digunakan untuk membuat gorengan
              8. Kue yang memiliki bahan dasar tepung tapioka/tepung hunkweyang dilapisi dengan kelapa parut
              9. Daun yang digunakan dalam pembuatan klepon

              20 Clues: Bahan dasar kue pepeBahan dasar kue talamTeknik memasak kue donatTeknik memasak kue cantik manisSalah satu olahan dari tape ketanBahan dasar kue surabi dan kue lapisSalah satu olahan dari tepung jagungOlahan yang menggunakan tepung talasTepung yang digunakan untuk membuat pastaDaun yang digunakan dalam pembuatan klepon...

              Tectonics 2025-03-07

              Tectonics crossword puzzle
              1. "The preserved remains of ancient life.",
              2. "The theory that continents move over time.",
              3. "The slow movement of Earth's plates over time.",
              4. "The scientist who contributed to mantle convection theory."
              5. "The thick layer beneath the crust, made of semi-solid rock.",
              6. "The massive supercontinent that existed millions of years ago.",
              7. "A deep underwater valley formed by subduction.",
              8. "The heat-producing process that contributes to Earth's internal energy.",
              9. "The scientist who proposed continental drift.",
              10. "The upper layer of Earth's mantle that flows slowly.",
              1. "A theory explaining Earth's shifting plates.",
              2. "A chain of underwater mountains formed by plate movement.",
              3. The process where one tectonic plate moves under another.",
              4. The driving force behind mantle movement due to heat.",
              5. "The process of new oceanic crust forming at ridges.",
              6. "Related to Earth's magnetic properties and pole reversals.",
              7. "Earth's outermost solid layer.",
              8. "The rigid outer layer of Earth, including the crust and upper mantle.",

              18 Clues: "Earth's outermost solid layer.","The preserved remains of ancient life.","The theory that continents move over time.","A theory explaining Earth's shifting plates.","The scientist who proposed continental drift.","The slow movement of Earth's plates over time.","A deep underwater valley formed by subduction.",...

              Democracy Safeguards Crossword Puzzle 2025-03-07

              Democracy Safeguards Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
              1. a measure taken to protect something or to prevent something undesirable.
              2. The document that establishes the legal framework of Australia’s government.
              3. The court that has the power to review laws and ensure they align with the constitution
              4. Journalists can report on government actions and public issues without censorship
              5. The right to express opinions freely.
              1. A branch of government responsible for making laws.
              2. Powers are shared between the federal and state levels.
              3. The principle that divides government into three branches: legislature, executive, and judiciary.
              4. The process by which Australians choose their government representatives.

              9 Clues: The right to express opinions freely.A branch of government responsible for making laws.Powers are shared between the federal and state levels.a measure taken to protect something or to prevent something undesirable.The process by which Australians choose their government representatives....

              Green living 2025-03-07

              Green living crossword puzzle
              1. To add dirty or harmful substances to land, air, water, etc. so that it is no longer pleasant or safe to use
              2. an area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried under the earth
              3. A bin or box used to store things.
              4. The process by which organic material breaks down.
              1. Waste material that is not clean or safe.
              2. that can be used again
              3. A place where waste is buried underground.
              4. Organic material that can be decomposed and used as fertilizer.

              8 Clues: that can be used againA bin or box used to store things.Waste material that is not clean or safe.A place where waste is buried underground.The process by which organic material breaks down.Organic material that can be decomposed and used as area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried under the earth...

              Cross My Heart 2025-03-07

              Cross My Heart crossword puzzle
              1. the bride's got it bad
              2. the sister
              3. groom's legal first name
              4. wedding party's favorite song
              5. youngest child
              6. groom's 50th birthday location
              7. bride's maiden name
              8. bride and groom's middle school
              9. the bride and groom's first dog
              10. actual wedding day
              1. groom's favorite clothing brand in 2005
              2. the bride's brother
              3. Not Shaquille or Ray Allen, but the wedding party
              4. the groom never needs one
              5. oldest child
              6. bride's favorite clothing brand in 2005
              7. bride's 50th birthday location
              8. the queen's middle name=Sahagian+Dominique
              9. what the bride loves gives the groom an itch he can't scratch

              19 Clues: the sisteroldest childyoungest childactual wedding daythe bride's brotherbride's maiden namethe bride's got it badgroom's legal first namethe groom never needs onewedding party's favorite songbride's 50th birthday locationgroom's 50th birthday locationbride and groom's middle schoolthe bride and groom's first dog...

              navy 2025-03-07

              navy crossword puzzle
              1. Right side of a ship when facing forward
              2. Left side of a ship when facing forward
              3. Group of naval ships
              4. Place where ships are built and repaired
              5. Flag or banner used as a symbol of nationality
              6. High-ranking officer in the navy
              7. Military force trained for naval and amphibious operations
              8. Fast and maneuverable warship
              9. Junior rank in the navy
              1. Ship that carries aircraft for naval operations
              2. Large, heavily armored warship
              3. Warship used for escorting other vessels
              4. Flat surface on a ship where activities take place
              5. Device used to secure a ship to the sea bottom
              6. Person who works on a ship
              7. Officer in charge of a ship or naval unit
              8. Military force that operates at sea
              9. Underwater vessel used by the navy
              10. Underwater missile used to attack ships

              19 Clues: Group of naval shipsJunior rank in the navyPerson who works on a shipFast and maneuverable warshipLarge, heavily armored warshipHigh-ranking officer in the navyUnderwater vessel used by the navyMilitary force that operates at seaLeft side of a ship when facing forwardUnderwater missile used to attack shipsRight side of a ship when facing forward...

              Synonyms and Antonyms 2025-03-07

              Synonyms and Antonyms crossword puzzle
              1. synonym for fast
              2. antonym for late
              3. synonym for jog
              4. antonym of won
              5. synonym or over
              6. antonym for like
              7. antonym for wrong
              8. antonym for fake
              9. antonym for light
              1. antonym of fixed
              2. antonym for empty
              3. synonym for easy
              4. synonym of shut
              5. synonym for close
              6. antonym of came
              7. antonym for different
              8. synonym for scared
              9. antonym for sunny
              10. synonym of big

              19 Clues: antonym of wonsynonym of bigsynonym of shutsynonym for jogantonym of camesynonym or overantonym of fixedsynonym for easysynonym for fastantonym for lateantonym for likeantonym for fakeantonym for emptysynonym for closeantonym for wrongantonym for sunnyantonym for lightsynonym for scaredantonym for different

              The crazy crossword by Henry Steinebrg! 2025-03-07

              The crazy crossword by Henry Steinebrg! crossword puzzle
              1. cause (a process or action) to begin
              2. an organized massacre of a particular ethnic group in particular that of jewish people
              3. uncontrollably exuberant; boiserous
              4. an act or incident involving excitement, daring or adventure
              5. relating to our characteristic of a patriarch
              1. a small remaining quantity of something
              2. the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose
              3. giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen threating
              4. - pass or cause to pass easily or genty through or as

              9 Clues: uncontrollably exuberant; boiserouscause (a process or action) to begina small remaining quantity of somethingrelating to our characteristic of a patriarch- pass or cause to pass easily or genty through or asan act or incident involving excitement, daring or adventurethe technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose...

              Civil War 2025-03-07

              Civil War crossword puzzle
              1. – Famous battle and Lincoln’s address location.
              2. – The act of leaving the Union.
              3. – Taxes on imported goods, a key economic issue.
              4. – Union strategy to cut off Southern ports.
              5. – Movement to end slavery.
              1. – The southern states that seceded.
              2. – Lincoln's proclamation that freed slaves.
              3. – Soldiers on horseback used in battle.
              4. – The northern states during the Civil War.

              9 Clues: – Movement to end slavery.– The act of leaving the Union.– The southern states that seceded.– Soldiers on horseback used in battle.– Lincoln's proclamation that freed slaves.– Union strategy to cut off Southern ports.– The northern states during the Civil War.– Famous battle and Lincoln’s address location....

              sejarah kerajaan 2025-03-07

              sejarah kerajaan crossword puzzle
              1. Perempuan yang menjadi istri Ken Arok dan ibu dari Anusapati
              2. Ibu kota Kerajaan Mataram Kuno
              3. Senjata yang digunakan Ken Arok untuk membunuh Tunggul Ametung
              4. Candi Hindu peninggalan Kerajaan Majapahit yang berisi relief Ramayana
              5. Sungai yang menjadi jalur perdagangan utama Majapahit
              6. Pusat pemerintahan Majapahit yang sekarang berada di Jawa Timur
              1. Kerajaan sebelum Majapahit yang dipimpin oleh Kertajaya
              2. Kerajaan yang didirikan oleh Ken Arok setelah mengalahkan Tunggul Ametung
              3. Raja Majapahit yang membawa kerajaan mencapai puncak kejayaan
              4. Mahapatih Majapahit yang terkenal dengan Sumpah Palapa
              5. Pendiri Kerajaan Majapahit
              6. Candi peninggalan Mataram Kuno yang terkenal dan terletak di Magelang

              12 Clues: Pendiri Kerajaan MajapahitIbu kota Kerajaan Mataram KunoSungai yang menjadi jalur perdagangan utama MajapahitMahapatih Majapahit yang terkenal dengan Sumpah PalapaKerajaan sebelum Majapahit yang dipimpin oleh KertajayaPerempuan yang menjadi istri Ken Arok dan ibu dari AnusapatiRaja Majapahit yang membawa kerajaan mencapai puncak kejayaan...

              xoxoxoox 2025-03-07

              xoxoxoox crossword puzzle
              1. Flying mammal
              2. Has a trunk
              3. Man's best friend
              1. Large marsupial
              2. Likes to chase mice
              3. Ma

              6 Clues: MaHas a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

              Elements of War 2025-03-07

              Elements of War crossword puzzle
              1. Discovered the atomic number
              2. Country were most of the WWII steel additive was mined and produced
              3. Started a foundation after his death that restored his legacy
              4. Killing agent in the Holocaust
              5. Element needed for steel in WWI
              6. Ammonia is the first step in the creation of this product, which lowered the cost of food
              7. Country were most of the WWI steel additive was mined and produced
              8. Element used in early electronics
              9. Synthesis of this compound was more cost effective because of F Harber's work
              10. Gas inhaled by chemist who discovered a cure to Hansen's disease
              11. Element needed for steel in WWII
              1. Ore from Central Africa that was mined for electronics
              2. Discovered a cure to Hansen's disease
              3. Element that was active ingredient in first chemical weapons
              4. Group containing bromine and chlorine
              5. Discovered by Alfred Nobel
              6. Element used in early electronics, originally called columbium
              7. Group containing tungsten and molybdenum _____ metals
              8. Active ingredient in insecticide by F. Harber

              19 Clues: Discovered by Alfred NobelDiscovered the atomic numberKilling agent in the HolocaustElement needed for steel in WWIElement needed for steel in WWIIElement used in early electronicsDiscovered a cure to Hansen's diseaseGroup containing bromine and chlorineActive ingredient in insecticide by F. Harber...

              festival 2025-03-07

              festival crossword puzzle
              1. Traveling company of performers
              2. Large outdoor fire often part of celebrations
              3. Gras Festival celebrated with parades and masks
              4. Person selling goods at a festival
              5. Tall pole used in traditional May Day celebrations
              6. Organized group moving together, often in celebration
              7. Small pieces of paper thrown during celebrations
              8. Large tent or structure used for events
              9. Explosive displays of light and color
              10. Ball where attendees wear masks
              1. Festive season with parades and street parties
              2. Inflatable decorations often used at festivals
              3. Outdoor party or celebration
              4. Large meal, often part of a celebration
              5. Live music performance
              6. Light source often used in celebrations
              7. Decorative flags often used at festivals
              8. Entertainer in a colorful costume
              9. Area with rides, games, and food stalls
              10. Procession of people, often celebrating a special event

              20 Clues: Live music performanceOutdoor party or celebrationTraveling company of performersBall where attendees wear masksEntertainer in a colorful costumePerson selling goods at a festivalExplosive displays of light and colorLarge meal, often part of a celebrationLight source often used in celebrationsArea with rides, games, and food stalls...

              Geomorphology concepts 2025-03-07

              Geomorphology concepts crossword puzzle
              1. surface flow of water
              2. a drainage pattern found in basin like structures
              3. also known as a non perennial river
              4. a high lying area between two tributaries
              5. where the river ends
              6. a river where the water table intersects the river bed throughout the year
              7. a river that joins a larger river
              1. looks like branches of a tree
              2. movement of water through soil into the ground
              3. upper level of ground water
              4. flow water motion characterized by smooth layers of water
              5. basin total area drained by a river and its tributaries
              6. a river characterized by a dry river bed
              7. where two or more rivers join
              8. a rover that originates in a rainy area
              9. flow occurs when the river bed is uneven
              10. where the river begins
              11. a high lying area separating two drainage basins
              12. forms over jointed igneous rocks

              19 Clues: where the river endssurface flow of waterwhere the river beginsupper level of ground waterlooks like branches of a treewhere two or more rivers joinforms over jointed igneous rocksa river that joins a larger riveralso known as a non perennial rivera rover that originates in a rainy areaa river characterized by a dry river bed...

              AI in Cyberspace: Beyond the Hype 2025-03-07

              AI in Cyberspace: Beyond the Hype crossword puzzle
              1. A term often paired with "learning" in AI advancements.
              2. The practice of protecting computer systems from threats.
              3. A type of network modeled after the human brain.
              4. AI systems designed to operate without human intervention.
              1. Related to intelligence that mimics human decision-making.
              2. The use of AI to protect cyberspace from cyber threats.
              3. A step-by-step procedure used in AI for decision-making.
              4. The process AI systems undergo to improve performance.

              8 Clues: A type of network modeled after the human brain.The process AI systems undergo to improve performance.The use of AI to protect cyberspace from cyber threats.A term often paired with "learning" in AI advancements.A step-by-step procedure used in AI for decision-making.The practice of protecting computer systems from threats....

              March 2025-03-07

              March crossword puzzle
              1. The annual NCAA Division 1 men's basketball tournament, branded as March _______.
              2. The March of _____ is a fundraising campaign and nonprofit organization that began as a campaign to cure polio and now works to improve the health of mothers and babies.
              3. The March of the ________ is a feature length nature documentary narrated by Morgan Freeman, depicting a yearly bird migration in Antarctica.
              1. The March ____ is a character who appeared with the Mad Hatter in the tea party scene in Lewis Carroll's 1865 book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
              2. The ____ of March is the Roman calendar date of March 15, associated with bad luck, betrayal, and misfortune because it is the day Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC,

              5 Clues: The annual NCAA Division 1 men's basketball tournament, branded as March _______.The March of the ________ is a feature length nature documentary narrated by Morgan Freeman, depicting a yearly bird migration in Antarctica....

              BATIK JUMPUTAN 2025-03-07

              BATIK JUMPUTAN crossword puzzle
              1. Apa nilai yang terkandung dalam batik jumputan?
              2. Kata "jumputan" berasal dari bahasa jawa yang berarti?
              3. ikat Apa istilah yang digunakan pada batik jumputan?
              4. Teknik pewarnaan kain tradisional jepang yang menggunakan cara dilipat,diikan,atau disimpul disebut teknik?
              5. Penyebutan batik jumputan di Banjarmasin disebut?
              6. Kain yang umumnya digunakan yaitu?
              7. Apa nama pola yang paling umum yang digunakan pada batik jumputan?
              1. Istilh jumputan saat ini dikenal dengan nama?
              2. Apa nama pola yang paling sulit dibuat batik jumputan?
              3. Apa nama batik yang menggunakan teknik jumput?
              4. Apa nama daerah di indonesia yang terkenal dengan batik jumputan?
              5. Apa pewarna alami yang digunakan untuk batik jumputan?
              6. Teknik tie dye atau celup ikat berasal dari mana?
              7. Proses pewarnaan pada batik jumputan menggunkan teknik?
              8. Teknik batik jumputan ada dua,salah satu diantaranya yaitu?

              15 Clues: Kain yang umumnya digunakan yaitu?Istilh jumputan saat ini dikenal dengan nama?Apa nama batik yang menggunakan teknik jumput?Apa nilai yang terkandung dalam batik jumputan?Teknik tie dye atau celup ikat berasal dari mana?Penyebutan batik jumputan di Banjarmasin disebut?ikat Apa istilah yang digunakan pada batik jumputan?...

              aktivitas sehari hari transportasi dan budaya jepang 2025-03-07

              aktivitas sehari hari transportasi dan budaya jepang crossword puzzle
              1. - tempat dimana hatsumoude dilakukan
              2. - Hal yg didengerkan mingyu san saat sedang senggang
              3. - kegiatan yang dilakukan mingyu san di masjid pada pukul lima pagi
              4. - makna dari Nanakusa no Sekku selain umur panjang
              1. - kendaraan yang digunakan Karina San setiap pagi untuk pergi ke sekolah bersama giselle San
              2. ryori - makanan khas tahun baru jepang yang disajikan dalam kotak kayu bertingkat dengan dekorasi merah dan emas
              3. - dekorasi suci dari jerami padi yang diikat dengan simpul khusus, menjadi simbol pemisah antara dunia manusia dan dunia suci
              4. - aktivitas yang dilakukan Karina San saat berada di kolam renang bersama teman temannya
              5. - kendaraan yang digunakan mingyu san untuk pergi ke sekolah pada pukul enam pagi
              6. - tempat dimana mingyu san jogging sendirian pada pagi hari

              10 Clues: - tempat dimana hatsumoude dilakukan- makna dari Nanakusa no Sekku selain umur panjang- Hal yg didengerkan mingyu san saat sedang senggang- tempat dimana mingyu san jogging sendirian pada pagi hari- kegiatan yang dilakukan mingyu san di masjid pada pukul lima pagi- kendaraan yang digunakan mingyu san untuk pergi ke sekolah pada pukul enam pagi...

              Creative Writing Vocabulary 2025-03-07

              Creative Writing Vocabulary crossword puzzle
              1. A long work of fiction, typically over 100 pages, that tells a detailed story about characters, events, and ideas.
              2. The underlying or hidden meaning in a story or piece of writing, which may not be directly stated but can be understood through context or what is left unsaid.
              3. The unique style of the writer or character that comes through in their writing. It includes how they use words, their tone, and their personality in the text.
              4. The conversation between two or more characters in a story or play. It’s often used to show how characters feel, think, and interact.
              5. A shorter work of fiction, usually between 20 and 100 pages, that tells a complete story, often focusing on a single event or character.
              6. The quality of a piece of writing that makes it flow smoothly from one idea to the next. It means that all parts of the writing are connected and work well together.
              7. Words or phrases that help move the reader from one idea, paragraph, or part of the story to another. Examples include "first," "next," or "in contrast."
              8. The sequence of events in a story. It includes the beginning, middle, and end, and often shows how characters change through conflicts and resolutions.
              9. The process of improving a piece of writing by making changes to its content, structure, and clarity. This could involve adding, removing, or rearranging words or sentences.
              10. A person, animal, or being in a story, play, or movie who has traits, actions, and feelings that help drive the plot.
              1. The emotional feeling that a writer creates in a story. It’s how the reader feels while reading, like excited, sad, or scared.
              2. To bring strong feelings or images to mind through words, actions, or events in writing. For example, a story may evoke happiness or sadness in a reader.
              3. The process of adding more detail or explanation to a point to make it clearer or more interesting. It helps to develop ideas fully and provide more depth to writing.
              4. The writer’s attitude toward the subject or the reader, often shown through word choice. It could be serious, funny, formal, or informal.
              5. A part of a story that takes place in a single location and time. Scenes help break up the story into smaller, focused moments.
              6. The quality of being clear and easy to understand, especially in writing. It means expressing ideas so that the reader can follow along easily.
              7. The background information or circumstances that help explain a particular part of a story or piece of writing. Understanding the context helps the reader make sense of the ideas, actions, or dialogue in a text.
              8. Writing that is clear and to the point, without unnecessary words or details. It means expressing ideas in a simple and direct way.
              9. The arrangement of words in a sentence, including the order and structure. Syntax helps determine how sentences sound and how ideas are connected.
              10. A group of related sentences that express one main idea. Paragraphs help organize writing and make it easier to understand.

              20 Clues: A long work of fiction, typically over 100 pages, that tells a detailed story about characters, events, and ideas.A person, animal, or being in a story, play, or movie who has traits, actions, and feelings that help drive the plot....

              zoo 2025-03-07

              zoo crossword puzzle
              1. Striped big cat native to Asia
              2. Big cat often referred to as the king of the jungle
              3. Colorful bird known for its ability to mimic sounds
              4. Large mammal often seen in zoo exhibits
              5. Large, solitary big cat with a sleek, black coat
              6. Large mammal known for its trunk
              7. Pink wading bird with long legs
              8. Small mammal known for standing upright
              9. Animal that can live both in water and on land
              10. Expedition to observe animals in the wild, often recreated in zoos
              1. Area where animals are kept in a zoo
              2. Natural environment of an animal
              3. Tallest land animal with a long neck
              4. Person responsible for caring for the animals
              5. Large enclosure for keeping birds
              6. Cold-blooded animal, such as a snake or lizard
              7. Group of animals including monkeys and apes
              8. Flightless bird that often lives in cold climates
              9. Marsupial known for its powerful legs and hopping
              10. Tank or pool where aquatic animals are kept

              20 Clues: Striped big cat native to AsiaPink wading bird with long legsNatural environment of an animalLarge mammal known for its trunkLarge enclosure for keeping birdsArea where animals are kept in a zooTallest land animal with a long neckLarge mammal often seen in zoo exhibitsSmall mammal known for standing upright...

              Flujo de la materia y energía 2025-03-07

              Flujo de la materia y energía crossword puzzle
              1. procesó de intercambio de elementos como carbono, nitrógeno y oxígeno en la naturaleza
              2. organismos que descomponen la materia muerta y la devuelven al suelo
              3. proceso mediante el cual los organismos obtienen energía apartir de nutrientes
              4. conjunto de seres vivos que interactuan con el medio en que viven
              1. organismos como las plantas que fabrican su propio alimento
              2. capacidad de un cuerpo o sistema para realizar un trabajo o producir un movimiento
              3. seres vivos que obtienen energía alimentándose de otros organismos
              4. proceso por el cual las plantas convierten la luz solar en energía quimica
              5. tipo de energía liberada en forma de calor
              6. serie de elementos o eslabones conectados entre si como una secuencia alimentaria

              10 Clues: tipo de energía liberada en forma de calororganismos como las plantas que fabrican su propio alimentoconjunto de seres vivos que interactuan con el medio en que vivenseres vivos que obtienen energía alimentándose de otros organismosorganismos que descomponen la materia muerta y la devuelven al suelo...

              Crossword Puzzle for Grade 8 2025-03-07

              Crossword Puzzle for Grade 8 crossword puzzle
              1. A yellow fruit
              2. The season after spring
              3. You use it to take photos.
              4. A place to keep money.
              1. The capital of France.
              2. A large gray animal with a trunk

              6 Clues: A yellow fruitThe capital of France.A place to keep money.The season after springYou use it to take photos.A large gray animal with a trunk

              Parable Of The Lamp 2025-03-07

              Parable Of The Lamp crossword puzzle
              1. Basket: "Cover not meant for a lamp."
              2. "Honor and splendor, often divine."
              3. "A parental figure or divine Creator."
              4. "Biblical coins or personal gifts."
              5. "Urban area, sometimes set on a hill."
              6. "Emit brightness or glow."
              1. "Belief in things unseen."
              2. "It gives light in the dark."
              3. "State of being clear, in thought or sight."
              4. "Elevated ground, often a setting for something seen."
              5. "What shines and dispels darkness."

              11 Clues: "Belief in things unseen.""Emit brightness or glow.""It gives light in the dark.""Honor and splendor, often divine.""Biblical coins or personal gifts.""What shines and dispels darkness."Basket: "Cover not meant for a lamp.""A parental figure or divine Creator.""Urban area, sometimes set on a hill.""State of being clear, in thought or sight."...

              Spelling List#11 2025-03-07

              Spelling List#11 crossword puzzle
              1. A person who is looking for information in a database or the World Wide Web using a search engine.
              2. Time that will be or come after the present.
              3. A person who owns or works on a ranch.
              4. The sum total of the forces at work throughout the universe.
              5. Wealth, rich materials, or valuable things.
              6. A small quantity of liquid, especially water.
              7. Any standard of comparison, estimation, or judgment.
              8. Any part of the face, as the nose,chin,or eyes.
              9. A person or thing that stretches.
              1. A speech of warning or reproof as to conduct; a long, tedious reprimand.
              2. A person guilty of brutal or indiscriminate slaughter or murder.
              3. Worldly or frivolous enjoyment.
              4. The use of such movements to express thought, emotion.
              5. A deliberative body of persons.
              6. An animal, especially a nonhuman.
              7. A specific area or piece of such ground.
              8. A constraining or compelling force or influence.
              9. A break, breach, or split.
              10. Heraldry. of the tincture or color blue.
              11. A product of mixing.

              20 Clues: A product of mixing.A break, breach, or split.Worldly or frivolous enjoyment.A deliberative body of persons.An animal, especially a nonhuman.A person or thing that stretches.A person who owns or works on a ranch.A specific area or piece of such ground.Heraldry. of the tincture or color blue.Wealth, rich materials, or valuable things....

              Parable Of The Lamp 2025-03-07

              Parable Of The Lamp crossword puzzle
              1. Basket: "Cover not meant for a lamp."
              2. "Honor and splendor, often divine."
              3. "A parental figure or divine Creator."
              4. "Biblical coins or personal gifts."
              5. "Urban area, sometimes set on a hill."
              6. "Emit brightness or glow."
              1. "Belief in things unseen."
              2. "It gives light in the dark."
              3. "State of being clear, in thought or sight."
              4. "Elevated ground, often a setting for something seen."
              5. "What shines and dispels darkness."

              11 Clues: "Belief in things unseen.""Emit brightness or glow.""It gives light in the dark.""Honor and splendor, often divine.""Biblical coins or personal gifts.""What shines and dispels darkness."Basket: "Cover not meant for a lamp.""A parental figure or divine Creator.""Urban area, sometimes set on a hill.""State of being clear, in thought or sight."...

              EAPP CROSSWORD 2025-03-07

              EAPP CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
              1. is an additional section at the end of a book, article, or report that contains supplementary or supporting information.
              2. is the main part of the essay, where you develop your arguments and present your evidence.
              3. is a conversation or exchange of ideas, opinions, or information between two or more people.
              4. in your own words. It's like taking a large piece of information and making it smaller, but still keeping the most important parts.
              5. is a type of question that limits the possible responses. It typically asks for a specific piece of information, and the answer is usually a simple "yes" or "no," a single word, or a choice from a limited set of options.
              6. is the process of ordering items or individuals based on their relative importance, value, or performance.
              7. Report is a formal document that presents the findings of a technical investigation, research, or project.
              8. are essential components in various contexts, primarily used to acknowledge and credit sources of information, ideas, or data that have been utilized in a piece of writing or research.
              9. These focus on specific subjects or areas of interest, like science, math, history, or debate.
              10. is a type of question that encourages a detailed and thoughtful response.
              11. is a set of written questions used to collect information from a group of people. It's a structured tool for gathering data on opinions, attitudes, behaviors, and demographics.
              1. is the beginning of something. It's like a first impression that sets the stage for what's to come. Here are some common uses:
              2. are a systematic and controlled way to test a hypothesis and gather evidence to support or refute it.
              3. They help us make sense of the world around us and inspire new discoveries.
              4. is the final part of something, especially a piece of writing, a speech, or an argument.
              5. is a collection of work that showcases your skills, abilities, and experience.
              6. refers to how well a student is doing in their studies. It's a measure of their academic achievements and progress. It's not just about grades,
              7. Report is a formal document that presents the results of a scientific investigation, experiment, or research project.
              8. This refers to the ability to guide and inspire others towards a common goal.
              9. It implies considering what is acceptable and relevant to the circumstances.

              20 Clues: is a type of question that encourages a detailed and thoughtful response.They help us make sense of the world around us and inspire new discoveries.It implies considering what is acceptable and relevant to the circumstances.This refers to the ability to guide and inspire others towards a common goal....

              The Boy Who Cried Wolf 2025-03-07

              The Boy Who Cried Wolf crossword puzzle
              1. to trick someone
              2. the real facts about a situation, event, or person
              3. a wild animal of the dog family
              4. to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface
              5. at, to, or from a great distance in space or time
              6. to hurry after someone or something in order to catch him, her, or it
              7. feeling unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do
              1. someone who tells lies
              2. in the direction of, or closer to someone or something
              3. a group of sheep, goats, or birds
              4. a farm animal with thick wool that eats grass and is kept for its wool, skin, and meat
              5. having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you want to shout at them or hurt them

              12 Clues: to trick someonesomeone who tells liesa wild animal of the dog familya group of sheep, goats, or birdsat, to, or from a great distance in space or timethe real facts about a situation, event, or personin the direction of, or closer to someone or somethingto be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface...

              Vocabulary Week 4 2025-03-07

              Vocabulary Week 4 crossword puzzle
              1. Not very bright.
              2. The time when the sky is dark, after the sun sets.
              3. A bright point of light in the night sky, like the Sun.
              4. Relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior
              5. A group of stars in the sky.
              6. A story originating in popular culture, typically passed on by word of mouth.
              1. A traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
              2. The space between two things.
              3. A dark area on a surface where light from a light source is blocked by an object.
              4. A star at the center of the Solar System
              5. When light bounces off a surface.
              6. A tale that is told or written.

              12 Clues: Not very bright.A group of stars in the sky.The space between two things.A tale that is told or written.When light bounces off a surface.A star at the center of the Solar SystemThe time when the sky is dark, after the sun sets.Relating to principles of right and wrong in behaviorA bright point of light in the night sky, like the Sun....

              Sarah & Kelly 2025-03-07

              Sarah & Kelly crossword puzzle
              1. The name of Sarah’s Maid of Honor?
              2. What is the couples favorite show to watch together?
              3. Where did Kelly propose?
              4. The artist of their first dance?
              5. Kelly’s Favorite football team?
              6. How many tattoos does Kelly Have?
              7. How many years has Sarah and Kelly been together (five)
              8. What Harry Potter house is Sarah in?
              9. Honorary member of the Peaky Blinders?
              10. The Brides Birth month?
              11. What is Sarah’s favorite professional hockey team?
              12. What position in Hockey did Kelly play?
              13. What type of dogs do they have?
              1. What City was Sarah born in?
              2. What city was Kelly born in?
              3. What is Kellys zodiac Sign?
              4. Who said I love you first?
              5. What Harry Potter house is Kelly in?
              6. What month did Kelly Propose?
              7. Where did Sarah and Kelly go on their first trip together?
              8. Sarah’s Favorite Musical?
              9. What instrument did Sarah play in Middle school?
              10. What rule in sports does Kelly have to explain to her every year?
              11. What color are Kelly’s eyes?
              12. What high school did they both attend?
              13. How many tattoos does Sarah Have?
              14. Who made the first move?

              27 Clues: The Brides Birth month?Where did Kelly propose?Who made the first move?Sarah’s Favorite Musical?Who said I love you first?What is Kellys zodiac Sign?What City was Sarah born in?What city was Kelly born in?What color are Kelly’s eyes?What month did Kelly Propose?Kelly’s Favorite football team?What type of dogs do they have?...

              Ap Psych Crossword 2025-03-07

              Ap Psych Crossword crossword puzzle
              1. a sense of not being fulfilled, of being left wanting in some way
              2. motivating avoidance of stimuli that may result in physical or psychological contamination
              3. Evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture.
              4. associated with a sense of uncertainty and a tendency to perceive situational control in new situations
              1. a sense of fulfillment I get when my needs are met
              2. triggers a powerful psychological and physiological response in humans
              3. associated with a sense of certainty and individual control

              7 Clues: a sense of fulfillment I get when my needs are metassociated with a sense of certainty and individual controla sense of not being fulfilled, of being left wanting in some waytriggers a powerful psychological and physiological response in humansmotivating avoidance of stimuli that may result in physical or psychological contamination...

              Ancient Rome 2025-03-07

              Ancient Rome crossword puzzle
              1. Armed combat between slaves or prisoners of war
              2. Advisory assembly
              3. Roman god of fire
              4. large public building
              5. Led a major slave revolt against the republic
              6. Short sword
              7. Long, pleated, sleeveless robe worn by married women
              8. Ancient professional fighter
              9. Mars Ultor - Divine what?
              10. Roman poor people
              11. Supreme executive power
              12. Roman Ruler
              13. Watercourse
              14. A covered walkway
              1. Advisor to the emperor
              2. Where emperor's lived
              3. A table used for religous purposes
              4. Opening at the top of a dome
              5. Roman general and statesman
              6. Romans relied on ships to transport goods
              7. Sign intimating the future
              8. Collection of documents
              9. Romans conquered most of this during the republic
              10. Public affair
              11. 5,000 military men

              25 Clues: Short swordRoman RulerWatercoursePublic affairAdvisory assemblyRoman god of fireRoman poor peopleA covered walkway5,000 military menWhere emperor's livedlarge public buildingAdvisor to the emperorCollection of documentsSupreme executive powerMars Ultor - Divine what?Sign intimating the futureRoman general and statesmanOpening at the top of a dome...