All Crossword Puzzles

balancing chemical equations 2025-02-07

balancing chemical equations crossword puzzle
  1. can be physically taken apart
  2. matter can't be created or destroyed
  3. not equal on both sides of the arrow
  4. after the arrow
  1. anything that has mass and takes up space
  2. before the arrow
  3. can be chemically taken apart
  4. equal on both sides of the arrow
  5. chemical compound for water
  6. a pure substance

10 Clues: after the arrowbefore the arrowa pure substancechemical compound for watercan be physically taken apartcan be chemically taken apartequal on both sides of the arrowmatter can't be created or destroyednot equal on both sides of the arrowanything that has mass and takes up space

Cell Division Crossword 2025-02-07

Cell Division Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. During this phase of mitosis, there are two fully formed nuclei
  2. During this phase of mitosis, chromosomes are pulled to opposite ends of the cell by spindle fibers
  3. The exchanging of a segment of DNA between chromosomes
  4. Another term for gametes
  5. During this phase of mitosis, chromatin condenses into chromosomes
  6. The form of DNA in interphase
  7. Another term for a somatic cell
  8. 46 chromosomes
  1. The type of cell division that occurs in gametes
  2. Egg and sperm are examples of...
  3. During this phase of mitosis, chromosomes line up in the middle of a cell
  4. G1, S phase, and G2 are the parts of...
  5. Division of the cytoplasm
  6. 23 chromosomes
  7. The cell division that occurs in somatic cells

15 Clues: 23 chromosomes46 chromosomesAnother term for gametesDivision of the cytoplasmThe form of DNA in interphaseAnother term for a somatic cellEgg and sperm are examples of...G1, S phase, and G2 are the parts of...The cell division that occurs in somatic cellsThe type of cell division that occurs in gametes...

Unit Two Quiz 2025-02-07

Unit Two Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. is charged if you ask the bank to stop the check from being paid.
  2. is also called a maintenance fee. The bank might charge this monthly fee just for having the account.
  3. A charge for using the ATM at your bank or at a bank other than your own. If you use another bank’s ATM that bank may charge an additional fee.
  4. A special form comes with each pack of checks which helps to record all the withdrawals and deposits
  5. a type of savings account with medium interest, medium deposit requirement and have time-bound withdrawals.
  6. the exchange of value to
  7. a fee for each check you write.
  8. when an individual puts money into an account.
  9. allows individuals to automate their bill payments, ensuring that payments are made on time.
  1. a loan specifically used to purchase real estate.
  2. when an individual adds another individual to a credit card.
  3. services allow individuals to cash checks quickly for a fee.
  4. Also called non-sufficient funds (NSF) fees, these fees are charged when you do not have enough money in your account to cover your transactions (e.g., withdrawal, purchase, or payment).
  5. when an individual takes money out of an account.
  6. a charge automatically deducted from your checking account for printing checks you purchase from the bank. You can buy checks from other companies as well, choosing from many different designs.
  7. account that is made for everyday withdrawals and deposits.
  8. a type of savings account with high interest, timebound withdrawal limits, and require a large deposit.
  9. allows you to conduct financial transactions using your smartphone or tablet.
  10. A special form comes with each pack of checks which helps to record all the withdrawals and deposits
  11. A card that you use purchase goods or services with your own money.
  12. a savings account with low interest, little to no deposit and little to no withdrawl requirements
  13. allows you to borrow money up to a specified limit to make purchases.
  14. is a payment card that is preloaded with funds, allowing you to spend only the amount you have loaded onto it.
  15. a paper form that you fill out allowing the business or person to take money out of your checking account.
  16. a number that shows lenders your creditworthiness.

25 Clues: the exchange of value toa fee for each check you write.when an individual puts money into an account.a loan specifically used to purchase real estate.when an individual takes money out of an account.a number that shows lenders your creditworthiness.account that is made for everyday withdrawals and deposits....

Alexa 2nd hour 2025-02-07

Alexa 2nd hour crossword puzzle
  1. A God or goddess
  2. Your existence after your death
  3. describes the climate of ancient Egypt
  4. A reed that grows along the Nile
  5. record keeper of an ancient civilization.
  6. A flood or overflow
  7. The process of preserving a dead body as a mummy
  8. changed the religion to polytheistic
  9. 2nd ruler of age 25
  10. a waterfall
  1. technological advancement of the Egyptians allowed for the watering crops arid climate
  2. A river that flows into another river
  3. wetland area that forms as river waters empty into a larger body of water
  4. A triangle shape barrel tomb
  5. Second king of the 4th dynasty
  6. Characters used in a writing form
  7. Only pharaoh that had everything in his tomb when discovered
  8. A family or line of rulers
  9. first female to be successful with trading expeditions
  10. Someone who has complete control over land

20 Clues: a waterfallA God or goddessA flood or overflow2nd ruler of age 25A family or line of rulersA triangle shape barrel tombSecond king of the 4th dynastyYour existence after your deathA reed that grows along the NileCharacters used in a writing formchanged the religion to polytheisticA river that flows into another river...

AAA 2025-02-07

AAA crossword puzzle
  1. an official rule made by a government or some other authority
  2. to let sb/sth come out of a place where they have been kept or trapped
  3. detailed information on how to do or use sth
  4. to limit the size, amount or range of sth
  5. to increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of sb/sth
  6. to make an action or a process possible or easier
  1. a point in time by which sth must be done
  2. a drawing or picture in a book, magazine, etc. especially one that explains sth
  3. the act or process of buying sth
  4. to give official permission for sth, or for sb to do sth
  5. to become an expert in a particular area of work, study or business; to spend more time on one area of work, etc. than on others

11 Clues: the act or process of buying stha point in time by which sth must be doneto limit the size, amount or range of sthdetailed information on how to do or use sthto make an action or a process possible or easierto give official permission for sth, or for sb to do sthan official rule made by a government or some other authority...

Civil and Architecture Vocab 2025-02-07

Civil and Architecture Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A person who plans and lays out the terrain and area of the structure.
  2. a fundamental artistic technique that involves the creation of quick, informal, and simplified drawings to capture the essence, form, and structure of a subject or idea
  3. Owners of the property being examined/planned.
  4. an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.
  5. Books or digital documents used to record the progress, findings, and details of a project.
  6. A detailed record of activities.
  7. Person that an architect is working for.
  8. Person who plans/designs buildings and oversees their construction.
  1. Detailed documents that provide comprehensive instructions.
  2. the person who sells a home or property.
  3. A person who supervises or regulates.
  4. The builder of the home
  5. Institutions: Banks and other organization involved with money and giving people approval.
  6. Detailed technical drawings used in construction or manufacturing to guide the fabrication and assembly of components or structures.
  7. a compilation of academic and professional materials that exemplifies your beliefs, skills, qualifications, education, training, and experiences.
  8. A person appointed to represent someone regarding legal matters.
  9. The act of using someone's else work or ideas without giving proper credit.
  10. A planned piece of work that involves a series of task to be completed over a specific period.

18 Clues: The builder of the homeA detailed record of activities.A person who supervises or regulates.the person who sells a home or property.Person that an architect is working for.Owners of the property being examined/planned.Detailed documents that provide comprehensive instructions.A person appointed to represent someone regarding legal matters....

German 2 Pünktchen und Anton 1 2025-02-07

German 2 Pünktchen und Anton 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Luise
  2. ticket
  3. walking stick
  4. letters
  5. clothes
  6. rice
  7. newspaper
  8. factory
  9. stomach
  10. umbrella
  11. pillow
  12. nanny
  13. pills
  14. twin
  15. family last name
  16. soup
  17. mother
  1. chicken
  2. the dog
  3. dessert
  4. lady
  5. matches
  6. pretty
  7. maid
  8. movie house
  9. room
  10. box
  11. apartment
  12. bathrobe
  13. frying pan
  14. tail
  15. to beg
  16. healthy

33 Clues: boxladymaidriceroomtailtwinsoupLuisenannypillsticketprettypillowto begmotherchickenthe dogdessertmatcheslettersclothesfactorystomachhealthybathrobeumbrellanewspaperapartmentfrying panmovie housewalking stickfamily last name

Chapter 18-20- Wonder 2025-02-07

Chapter 18-20- Wonder crossword puzzle
  1. – Chaos or disorder.
  2. – Shaking slightly due to fear, excitement, or cold.
  3. – Enthusiastic applause or praise.
  4. – A series of words said as a magic spell or charm.
  1. – To eat something quickly and eagerly.
  2. – A large room or hall where performances and gatherings take place
  3. – A journey or trip taken for a specific purpose.
  4. – Showing sympathy and concern for others.
  5. – Something that is not usual or expected.
  6. – To descend a rock face using a rope.

10 Clues: – Chaos or disorder.– Enthusiastic applause or praise.– To descend a rock face using a rope.– To eat something quickly and eagerly.– Showing sympathy and concern for others.– Something that is not usual or expected.– A journey or trip taken for a specific purpose.– A series of words said as a magic spell or charm....

The Great Indian Desert 2025-02-07

The Great Indian Desert crossword puzzle
  1. dates are grown near___ in the desert
  2. nomadic people who move from one place to another
  3. the great indian desert is also called as___
  1. desert state in india____
  2. ship of the desert

5 Clues: ship of the desertdesert state in india____dates are grown near___ in the desertthe great indian desert is also called as___nomadic people who move from one place to another

Crucichill 2025-02-07

Crucichill crossword puzzle
  1. Le aspettiamo tutti
  2. Ce l'hai in mano adesso
  3. Come salutiamo il prof di francese
  4. Ci hanno insegnato a contare con questo
  5. Custodisce la palestra
  6. Il nome della prof.ssa Puleo
  7. Se entra in classe non si fa più lezione
  8. Le devi mettere nella macchinetta
  1. Non lo usa più nessuno
  2. Ti fa battere forte il cuore
  3. Ci stanno studenti e professori
  4. Quando lo prendiamo sono dolori
  5. Se suona in classe è la fine
  6. Ci sono i nostri voti
  7. I denti più religiosi

15 Clues: Le aspettiamo tuttiCi sono i nostri votiI denti più religiosiNon lo usa più nessunoCustodisce la palestraCe l'hai in mano adessoTi fa battere forte il cuoreSe suona in classe è la fineIl nome della prof.ssa PuleoCi stanno studenti e professoriQuando lo prendiamo sono doloriLe devi mettere nella macchinettaCome salutiamo il prof di francese...

Sliver Wing 2025-02-07

Sliver Wing crossword puzzle
  1. Who were the bad guys?
  2. Where were the bats trying to go?
  1. what kind of bat is Marina
  2. It was burnt down by the owls
  3. He went on an adventure

5 Clues: Who were the bad guys?He went on an adventurewhat kind of bat is MarinaIt was burnt down by the owlsWhere were the bats trying to go?

Unit 4 Vocabulary 2025-02-07

Unit 4 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. work together
  2. a large body of saltwater that covers much of Earth’s surface
  3. large bodies of water that often have rivers flowing into and out of them
  4. the solid part of the Earth, made up of rocks, mountains, and landforms
  5. the air that surrounds our planet, which is made up of different gases
  6. all the water on Earth, including oceans, rivers, and lakes
  7. water located beneath the surface of the Earth
  8. a supply of water (liquid or frozen)
  1. different systems on our planet that work together: the
  2. a thick mound of ice that forms on top of land from many years of snowfall
  3. ice caps frozen water and snow in the form of ice found in the water
  4. water that does not contain salt
  5. biosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere
  6. the community of living things on Earth, including plants, animals, and people
  7. bodies of water that move along a channel in the ground

15 Clues: work togetherwater that does not contain salta supply of water (liquid or frozen)biosphere, geosphere, and hydrospherewater located beneath the surface of the Earthdifferent systems on our planet that work together: thebodies of water that move along a channel in the groundall the water on Earth, including oceans, rivers, and lakes...

unit 6 2025-02-07

unit 6 crossword puzzle
  1. a war when the United States was divided and fought against itself
  2. the Union Army’s plan to capture Atlanta in the summer of 1864
  1. the belief that a state’s sovereignty (or power) is more important than that of the national government
  2. the time period from 1867 to 1877 when the southern states were brought back into the Union after the Civil War
  3. a system of forced labor.

5 Clues: a system of forced labor.the Union Army’s plan to capture Atlanta in the summer of 1864a war when the United States was divided and fought against itselfthe belief that a state’s sovereignty (or power) is more important than that of the national government...

The Constitution 2025-02-07

The Constitution crossword puzzle
  1. proposed laws
  2. bonds
  3. the minimum number of people needed to conduct business
  4. term
  5. procedure of foreign born persons to become citizens
  1. tariffs
  2. official accusations of federal wrongdoing
  3. official population count
  4. release from punishment for a crime
  5. to stop indefinitely
  6. temporarily

11 Clues: termbondstariffstemporarilyproposed lawsto stop indefinitelyofficial population countrelease from punishment for a crimeofficial accusations of federal wrongdoingprocedure of foreign born persons to become citizensthe minimum number of people needed to conduct business

Vetements 2025-02-07

Vetements crossword puzzle
  1. glasses
  2. necklace
  3. belt
  4. skirt
  5. socks
  6. coat
  7. watch
  1. jeans
  2. pants
  3. polo
  4. women's shirt
  5. shorts
  6. hat
  7. dress
  8. bag
  9. men's shirt
  10. shoes

17 Clues: hatbagpolobeltcoatjeanspantsdressskirtsocksshoeswatchshortsglassesnecklacemen's shirtwomen's shirt

Crossword G8 2025-02-07

Crossword G8 crossword puzzle
  1. A machine that follows instructions written by people
  2. The thing you use to look at websites
  3. A person who designs or builds things, especially in technology
  4. A thin metal that carries electricity
  5. What robots use to get their power
  6. Something used to capture photos or videos
  1. A device used to make calls or text messages
  2. A robot that picks things up
  3. A flat, light-emitting display
  4. A global system for connecting computers
  5. Short for technology

11 Clues: Short for technologyA robot that picks things upA flat, light-emitting displayWhat robots use to get their powerThe thing you use to look at websitesA thin metal that carries electricityA global system for connecting computersSomething used to capture photos or videosA device used to make calls or text messages...

Vocabulary Words 2025-02-07

Vocabulary Words crossword puzzle
  1. to take something from the store without paying for it
  2. an offical document that says someone is allowed to do a certain job
  1. an organ or piece of skin moved in a transplant operation
  2. a speed at which someone walks
  3. physically or emotionally strong and able to deal with difficult situations,

5 Clues: a speed at which someone walksto take something from the store without paying for itan organ or piece of skin moved in a transplant operationan offical document that says someone is allowed to do a certain jobphysically or emotionally strong and able to deal with difficult situations,

Cell organelles 2025-02-07

Cell organelles crossword puzzle
  1. chloroplast is only found in this type of cell
  2. produces food (glucose)
  3. stores water, food and other materials
  4. can be smooth or rough; packages and
  5. synthesizes proteins
  6. produces ATP through cellular respiration
  1. rigid structure used for support of the cell
  2. cell wall is only found in this type of cell
  3. proteins
  4. gel-like substance in the cell
  5. packages materials for export
  6. controls what enters and leaves the cell
  7. controls all cell activity and stores DNA
  8. breaks down waste in the cell

14 Clues: proteinssynthesizes proteinsproduces food (glucose)packages materials for exportbreaks down waste in the cellgel-like substance in the cellcan be smooth or rough; packages andstores water, food and other materialscontrols what enters and leaves the cellcontrols all cell activity and stores DNAproduces ATP through cellular respiration...

Into The Wild Chapters 1-18 Vocabulary 2025-02-07

Into The Wild Chapters 1-18 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a specific area of land with clear boundaries and a unique ownership, land use, or other characteristic
  2. a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well
  3. a planned route or journey
  4. relating to an immature, undeveloped, or basic form
  5. (of a person) lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age
  6. persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action
  7. a temporary stay
  8. deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness
  9. engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought
  10. (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little
  11. a person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer
  12. persevering with something despite setbacks
  13. suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way
  14. think deeply about something
  15. truthful and straightforward; frank
  1. Without the basic necessities of life
  2. a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee
  3. the action of providing or supplying something for use
  4. the area near or surrounding a particular place
  5. cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions
  6. a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people
  7. not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse
  8. (of a person) fond of company; sociable
  9. (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession
  10. lacking in quantity or quality
  11. (of air or water) moving unsteadily or violently
  12. a firmly held belief or opinion
  13. possessed with an intense but short- lived passion or admiration for someone
  14. be strongly attracted to someone or something
  15. (of a river or road) follow a winding course

30 Clues: a temporary staya planned route or journeythink deeply about somethinglacking in quantity or qualitya firmly held belief or opiniontruthful and straightforward; frankWithout the basic necessities of life(of a person) fond of company; sociablepersevering with something despite setbackscautious or wary due to realistic suspicions...

Charles Freeman 2025-02-07

Charles Freeman crossword puzzle
  1. Five six ...
  2. What he treasured most
  3. Favorite Tv show
  4. Love of his life
  5. Taught this for over 40 years
  6. Favorite granddaughter
  7. Favorite grandson
  8. Knows the classification of these
  1. Favorite granddaughter
  2. His example of an ugly word
  3. Favorite granddaughter
  4. Most watched network
  5. Favorite granddaughter
  6. Master at grilling this
  7. Job in the Marines
  8. Current address

16 Clues: Five six ...Current addressFavorite Tv showLove of his lifeFavorite grandsonJob in the MarinesMost watched networkFavorite granddaughterFavorite granddaughterWhat he treasured mostFavorite granddaughterFavorite granddaughterMaster at grilling thisHis example of an ugly wordTaught this for over 40 yearsKnows the classification of these

Watercraft Crossword 2025-02-07

Watercraft Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. bottom of kayak
  2. the backbone of the kayak
  3. lowest part
  4. fitting the secures ropes to the dock of a boat
  5. a fast flowing water in a river
  6. flat surface forming the stern
  7. a technique to keep the canoe straight
  8. the front of the boat
  9. the width of the boat measured from port to starboard
  10. the cross beam that connects the starboard and aft sides
  11. a calm spot behind an obstacle in a river
  12. a movable barrier installed in a river of canal
  1. supportive wall inside the kayak
  2. the upper edge of the side of a boat or ship
  3. horizontal beams that run across a boat
  4. the canoes back
  5. side sheltered from the wind
  6. turns the canoe opposite to the paddler
  7. the right side of the boat
  8. movable surface that makes the boat move through water
  9. the left side of the boat

21 Clues: lowest partbottom of kayakthe canoes backthe front of the boatthe backbone of the kayakthe left side of the boatthe right side of the boatside sheltered from the windflat surface forming the sterna fast flowing water in a riversupportive wall inside the kayaka technique to keep the canoe straighthorizontal beams that run across a boat...

Crossword G8 2025-02-07

Crossword G8 crossword puzzle
  1. A flat, light-emitting display
  2. A global system for connecting computers
  3. A machine that follows instructions written by people
  4. A person who designs or builds things, especially in technology
  5. A device used to make calls or text messages
  1. The thing you use to look at websites
  2. What robots use to get their power
  3. Something used to capture photos or videos
  4. A thin metal that carries electricity
  5. A robot that picks things up
  6. Short for technology

11 Clues: Short for technologyA robot that picks things upA flat, light-emitting displayWhat robots use to get their powerThe thing you use to look at websitesA thin metal that carries electricityA global system for connecting computersSomething used to capture photos or videosA device used to make calls or text messages...

Amara crossword puzzle, chapters 4-7 2025-02-07

Amara crossword puzzle, chapters 4-7 crossword puzzle
  1. the carcass of the animal was on the side of the road
  2. I took the airport terminal to then next spot
  3. My dad taught me how to fletch throwing a baseball
  4. My team scrutinize the data before we sent the data to our teacher
  5. You winched when your doctor gave you a shot
  6. I found treasure embedded in the sand
  7. I had to go in Vising my application for a visa
  8. The birds migrate South
  9. The air was filled with sulfurous smell from the factory
  1. I gingerly picked up the broken glass so it wont cut me
  2. my doctor gave me medicine to counteract how I was with the treatment
  3. my friends blunt comment made me feel uncomfortable
  4. in the zoo animals are kept in enclosures
  5. After all that physical exertion on my bike, I was exhausted
  6. The fires had a devastating result on the city
  7. After a long meeting, we are recessing for a break
  8. My team was styied over the complex problem and we could figure it out
  9. after a long hike I felt lethargy and sore
  10. the mountains stretch across the sky
  11. time and space

20 Clues: time and spaceThe birds migrate Souththe mountains stretch across the skyI found treasure embedded in the sandin the zoo animals are kept in enclosuresafter a long hike I felt lethargy and soreYou winched when your doctor gave you a shotI took the airport terminal to then next spotThe fires had a devastating result on the city...

Colores 2025-02-07

Colores crossword puzzle
  1. morado
  2. yellow
  3. green
  4. black
  1. blanco
  2. pink
  3. brown
  4. azul
  5. anaranjado
  6. rojo
  7. gray

11 Clues: pinkazulrojograybrowngreenblackblancomoradoyellowanaranjado

Fanum tax 2025-02-07

Fanum tax crossword puzzle
  1. Penguins have this sigma

    1 Clue: Penguins have this sigma

    Σταυρόλεξο για τους πλανήτες 2025-02-07

    Σταυρόλεξο για τους πλανήτες crossword puzzle
    1. Ο πλανήτης που είναι γνωστός για τους πάγους του
    2. Ο έβδομος πλανήτης από τον Ήλιο
    3. Ο μεγαλύτερος πλανήτης του ηλιακού συστήματος
    4. Ο πλανήτης μας
    1. Ο μικρότερος πλανήτης του ηλιακού συστήματος
    2. Ο δεύτερος πλανήτης από τον Ήλιο
    3. Ο πλανήτης με τους εντυπωσιακούς δακτυλίους
    4. Ο "κόκκινος πλανήτης"

    8 Clues: Ο πλανήτης μαςΟ "κόκκινος πλανήτης"Ο έβδομος πλανήτης από τον ΉλιοΟ δεύτερος πλανήτης από τον ΉλιοΟ πλανήτης με τους εντυπωσιακούς δακτυλίουςΟ μικρότερος πλανήτης του ηλιακού συστήματοςΟ μεγαλύτερος πλανήτης του ηλιακού συστήματοςΟ πλανήτης που είναι γνωστός για τους πάγους του

    Sophia Phillips hour 2 2025-02-07

    Sophia Phillips hour 2 crossword puzzle
    1. flat land that overflows.
    2. built great pyramid of Giza.
    3. first peace treaty.
    4. A huge waterfall.
    5. a word that means existence after death.
    6. wetlands that form as rivers.
    7. ancient ruler of ancient egypt.
    8. other word for floodings.
    9. father of the "Boy King."
    10. tomb found intact.
    1. first woman pharaoh.
    2. Tombs for pharaohs.
    3. process of preserving the body in cloth.
    4. offering to show respect or allegiance.
    5. nutrient-rich soil that came from floodings.
    6. smaller river that flows to a larger river.
    7. God or goddess.
    8. religion that believes in many gods.
    9. Egyptian writing system.
    10. reed used for writing.

    20 Clues: God or goddess.A huge waterfall.tomb found intact.Tombs for pharaohs.first peace treaty.first woman pharaoh.reed used for writing.Egyptian writing system.flat land that overflows.other word for floodings.father of the "Boy King."built great pyramid of Giza.wetlands that form as rivers.ancient ruler of ancient egypt....

    Fractions 2025-02-07

    Fractions crossword puzzle
    1. fractions that are equal
    2. numbers that can be divided by two or more
    3. the number at the bottom of a fraction
    4. numbers that can only be divided by two
    5. a fraction where the numerator is bigger than the denominator
    6. parts of a whole
    1. where a numerator is 1
    2. the same thing as a improper fraction
    3. the number at the top of a fraction
    4. fraction that includes a whole number

    10 Clues: parts of a wholewhere a numerator is 1fractions that are equalthe number at the top of a fractionthe same thing as a improper fractionfraction that includes a whole numberthe number at the bottom of a fractionnumbers that can only be divided by twonumbers that can be divided by two or more...

    Spainish weather 5th grade : ) 2025-02-07

    Spainish weather 5th grade : ) crossword puzzle
    1. Snowy
    2. tornado
    3. Sunny Day
    4. Windy
    5. rainbow
    6. raining
    7. Cold Day
    1. Nice day
    2. really `hot
    3. Cloudy
    4. lighting

    11 Clues: SnowyWindyCloudytornadorainbowrainingNice daylightingCold DaySunny Dayreally `hot

    Les technologies pour ameliorer 2025-02-07

    Les technologies pour ameliorer crossword puzzle
    1. measures how healthy your teeth are
    2. video call with your doctor
    3. helps you decipher words better
    4. measures your vitals
    5. disorder where words can be jumbled
    1. measures physical activity
    2. measures sugar in your blood
    3. can anticipate health problems
    4. shoes with digital technology
    5. synonym of assistance

    10 Clues: measures your vitalssynonym of assistancemeasures physical activityvideo call with your doctormeasures sugar in your bloodshoes with digital technologycan anticipate health problemshelps you decipher words bettermeasures how healthy your teeth aredisorder where words can be jumbled

    revisão 2025-02-07

    revisão crossword puzzle
    1. Tipo de monarquia em que o rei concentra muito poder em suas mãos.
    2. Lei que extinguiu a escravidão no Brasil em 1888.
    3. Poder político responsável pela elaboração das leis.
    4. Poder político responsável por colocar as leis em prática.
    5. Classe social que tem sua mão-de-obra explorada.
    6. Nome dado ao sistema político em que o rei governa.
    1. A escravidão foi extinta no Brasil pela luta do movimento...
    2. Poder político responsável por julgar as leis.
    3. Classe social que detém os meios de produção (fábricas, máquinas etc.)
    4. Nome dado ao sistema político em que há represetação popular.
    5. Sistema econômico consolidado com a Revolução Industrial do séc. XVIII
    6. Dom Pedro II foi ____ do Brasil.

    12 Clues: Dom Pedro II foi ____ do Brasil.Poder político responsável por julgar as leis.Classe social que tem sua mão-de-obra explorada.Lei que extinguiu a escravidão no Brasil em 1888.Nome dado ao sistema político em que o rei governa.Poder político responsável pela elaboração das leis.Poder político responsável por colocar as leis em prática....

    All About Oak Ridge 2025-02-07

    All About Oak Ridge crossword puzzle
    1. Oak Ridge School Principal
    2. School mascot
    3. Number of students at Oak Ridge
    4. Number of Specials
    5. Fun Friday Contest Announcer
    6. Most popular school lunch
    1. A 7C with two words
    2. Field Day Lunch
    3. Physical Education Teachers
    4. School service dog

    10 Clues: School mascotField Day LunchNumber of SpecialsSchool service dogA 7C with two wordsMost popular school lunchOak Ridge School PrincipalPhysical Education TeachersFun Friday Contest AnnouncerNumber of students at Oak Ridge

    Captain Tsubasa 2025-02-07

    Captain Tsubasa crossword puzzle
    1. Who is Nankastu's goal keeper
    2. Who is Tsubasa's golden duo partner
    3. Who is the specialist on team Nankastu
    4. Who is captain for Japan team
    5. Who is Nankastu's captain
    6. Who has a falcon shot
    7. Who taught Tsubasa the over head kick
    8. Who can do flips with the ball
    1. Who is Furano's manager
    2. Tsubasa's first friend
    3. Who has a fire shot
    4. Who is Toho's goal keeper
    5. Who can shot the ball like a bullet
    6. Who is the youngest on team Toho
    7. __And Kaso are the talbanch twins
    8. Who has a Tiger shot
    9. Who is Shutestu's main Stricker

    17 Clues: Who has a fire shotWho has a Tiger shotWho has a falcon shotTsubasa's first friendWho is Furano's managerWho is Toho's goal keeperWho is Nankastu's captainWho is Nankastu's goal keeperWho is captain for Japan teamWho can do flips with the ballWho is Shutestu's main StrickerWho is the youngest on team Toho__And Kaso are the talbanch twins...

    PPKN 2025-02-07

    PPKN crossword puzzle
    1. Tokoh yang berperan dalam pembentukan konsep kebangsaan Indonesia
    2. Tokoh yang menciptakan lagu Indonesia Raya
    3. Organisasi pemuda yang menginisiasi Kongres Pemuda II
    4. Pemuda dari Manado yang ikut serta dalam Kongres Pemuda II
    5. Ketua panitia Kongres Pemuda II
    6. Tokoh yang mengetik naskah Sumpah Pemuda
    7. Organisasi pemuda dari Sumatra
    8. Lagu kebangsaan yang pertama kali dikumandangkan pada Kongres Pemuda II
    1. 1928 Sumpah Pemuda diikrarkan pada tanggal
    2. Wakil ketua Kongres Pemuda II
    3. Bahasa yang dijadikan bahasa persatuan
    4. Gedung tempat berlangsungnya Kongres Pemuda II kini menjadi Museum
    5. Pemimpin sidang pertama Kongres PemudaII
    6. Mata pelajaran sekolah yang sering membahas Sumpah Pemuda
    7. Kota tempat diadakannya Kongres Pemuda II
    8. Semboyan yang berarti "Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu"
    9. Organisasi pemuda dari Kalimantan
    10. Tokoh pergerakan nasional yang terkenal dengan konsep "Indonesia Merdeka"
    11. Ikrar yang dihasilkan dari Kongres Pemuda II
    12. Sumpah Pemuda disusun dalam Kongres Pemuda ke-

    20 Clues: Wakil ketua Kongres Pemuda IIOrganisasi pemuda dari SumatraKetua panitia Kongres Pemuda IIOrganisasi pemuda dari KalimantanBahasa yang dijadikan bahasa persatuanPemimpin sidang pertama Kongres PemudaIITokoh yang mengetik naskah Sumpah PemudaKota tempat diadakannya Kongres Pemuda IITokoh yang menciptakan lagu Indonesia Raya...

    Chapter 11 Changing American Life 2025-02-07

    Chapter 11 Changing American Life crossword puzzle
    1. Created to travel from Augusta, Georgia to Maine.

      1 Clue: Created to travel from Augusta, Georgia to Maine.

      EJ2 2025-02-07

      EJ2 crossword puzzle
      1. rich settlement left from the Nile River flooding
      2. reed that grows on the banks of the Nile that they used for paper
      3. preservation of dead bodies by embalming
      4. a ruler of Egypt
      5. a powerful group or family that is left in power for a long time
      6. pharaoh that ruled for 66 years
      7. the female king
      8. triangular area where the river flows into a body of water
      9. a way of writing in ancient Egypt
      10. belief in multiple gods/goddesses
      11. huge triangular shaped burial tombs built for pharaohs in the Old Kingdom
      12. god and or goddess
      1. a large waterfall
      2. pharaoh who was buried in Giza
      3. the climate of Egypt
      4. a stream or river that flows into a large river
      5. flooding
      6. pharaoh that turned to monotheism
      7. life after death
      8. known as the boy king

      20 Clues: floodingthe female kinga ruler of Egyptlife after deatha large waterfallgod and or goddessthe climate of Egyptknown as the boy kingpharaoh who was buried in Gizapharaoh that ruled for 66 yearspharaoh that turned to monotheisma way of writing in ancient Egyptbelief in multiple gods/goddessespreservation of dead bodies by embalming...

      APUSH Unit 6 Crossword 2025-02-07

      APUSH Unit 6 Crossword crossword puzzle
      1. Railroad Association
      2. of the fittest
      1. Army

      3 Clues: Armyof the fittestRailroad Association

      Chapter 11 Changing American Life 2025-02-07

      Chapter 11 Changing American Life crossword puzzle
      1. Wagon Road Created to travel from Augusta, Georgia to Maine.

        1 Clue: Wagon Road Created to travel from Augusta, Georgia to Maine.

        Drošība un cieņpilna attieksme skolā 2025-02-07

        Drošība un cieņpilna attieksme skolā crossword puzzle
        1. Tie jāievēro skolā, lai visi būtu drošībā.
        2. Pirms atvēršanas jāskatās, vai aiz tām nav kāds.
        3. Svarīga prasme, ko izmanto, kad kāds izsaka savu viedokli.
        4. palīdzība Glābšanas dienests, kas palīdz ievainotajiem.
        5. Kad redzi, ka kādam ir grūtības, un sniedz atbalstu
        6. To nevajadzētu pārsniegt, skrienot pa skolas gaiteņiem.
        1. Droša iziešana no ēkas ārkārtas gadījumā.
        2. Vārds un rīcība, kas padara dienu patīkamāku.
        3. Konfliktu risināšana bez strīdiem un kautiņiem.
        4. Situācija, kad jāseko evakuācijas plānam un jāiziet no ēkas.
        5. Vārds, kas palīdz labot pārpratumus.
        6. Spēja iejusties citu cilvēku sajūtās.
        7. To regulē gājēju pārejas un luksofori pie skolas.

        13 Clues: Vārds, kas palīdz labot pārpratumus.Spēja iejusties citu cilvēku sajūtās.Droša iziešana no ēkas ārkārtas gadījumā.Tie jāievēro skolā, lai visi būtu drošībā.Vārds un rīcība, kas padara dienu patīkamāku.Konfliktu risināšana bez strīdiem un kautiņiem.Pirms atvēršanas jāskatās, vai aiz tām nav kāds.To regulē gājēju pārejas un luksofori pie skolas....


        2. PLEASING
        4. KIND AND POLITE
        4. AGREEING TO


        Endocrine System 2025-02-07

        Endocrine System crossword puzzle
        1. In the endocrine system it would be represented by Input from Beta testers
        2. Hormones move through your body with this
        3. Not a part of the endocrine system
        4. Your __ starts to change when you go through puberty
        5. Controls how your body uses carbohydrates in food and makes sure that your blood sugar levels are good
        1. 1 function of the endocrine system
        2. Part of the endocrine system
        3. In the endocrine system, this would be represented by beta testers
        4. It is made up of many glands and ___ that make the body work and function properly.
        5. One of the 7 major glands on the body

        10 Clues: Part of the endocrine system1 function of the endocrine systemNot a part of the endocrine systemOne of the 7 major glands on the bodyHormones move through your body with thisYour __ starts to change when you go through pubertyIn the endocrine system, this would be represented by beta testers...

        Endocrine System 2025-02-07

        Endocrine System crossword puzzle
        1. Chemical reactions that control functions in your body like respiration, metabolism, and reproduction
        2. Makes and controls cells, organs, and functions of your body
        3. Maintains a stable equilibrium in the body
        4. A part found only in females
        5. A part found only in males
        1. Group of cells that produce and release hormones
        2. Regulates blood sugar
        3. produces mucins, the main componentmucusmucu
        4. Produces insulin
        5. produces hormones that regulate the body's metabolic rate, growth and development

        10 Clues: Produces insulinRegulates blood sugarA part found only in malesA part found only in femalesMaintains a stable equilibrium in the bodyproduces mucins, the main componentmucusmucuGroup of cells that produce and release hormonesMakes and controls cells, organs, and functions of your body...

        CPA Crossword 2025-02-07

        CPA Crossword crossword puzzle
        1. A high but not absolute level of confidence in financial statements.
        2. The process of identifying and evaluating risks in an audit.
        3. The organization that oversees audits of public companies in the U.S.
        4. The possibility that an audit sample may not represent the full population.
        5. A weakness in internal control that could allow misstatements to occur.
        6. A document outlining the scope and terms of an audit.
        7. The quantity and quality of audit support necessary for a conclusion.
        8. Assumption that a company will continue to operate in the foreseeable future.
        9. An error or fraud that affects financial statement decisions.
        1. Audit procedures designed to detect material misstatements.
        2. Conditions that may indicate incentives or opportunities for fraudulent reporting.
        3. A threshold set lower than materiality to reduce audit risk.
        4. A CPA's report providing assurance about subject matter other than financial statements.
        5. Processes implemented to ensure reliable financial reporting.
        6. The susceptibility of an assertion to material misstatement before considering controls.

        15 Clues: A document outlining the scope and terms of an audit.Audit procedures designed to detect material misstatements.The process of identifying and evaluating risks in an audit.A threshold set lower than materiality to reduce audit risk.Processes implemented to ensure reliable financial reporting....

        Colonial Guatemala 2025-02-07

        Colonial Guatemala crossword puzzle
        1. city used primarily as a hiding place for the Kakchiquel
        2. the first established capital of Guatemala
        1. first governor of Guatemala
        2. name of the region that means true peace
        3. the group defeated by Cortes and de Alvarado

        5 Clues: first governor of Guatemalaname of the region that means true peacethe first established capital of Guatemalathe group defeated by Cortes and de Alvaradocity used primarily as a hiding place for the Kakchiquel

        Nick & Lillian 2025-02-07

        Nick & Lillian crossword puzzle
        1. Favorite Italian spot in Seattle
        2. Name of maid of honor
        3. First country concert together
        4. Name of their dog
        5. Nick’s middle name
        6. Where Lillian was born
        7. Engagement location
        8. Favorite Irish bar in Seattle
        9. View from their living room
        1. First international vacation together
        2. First wine club
        3. First musical together
        4. Bar where they met
        5. Lillian’s middle name
        6. They own this brand of car
        7. Name of best man
        8. Alt. name for the Seahawks
        9. A favorite outdoor hobby
        10. Main sport Nick did in high school
        11. University of Washington mascot

        20 Clues: First wine clubName of best manName of their dogBar where they metNick’s middle nameEngagement locationName of maid of honorLillian’s middle nameFirst musical togetherWhere Lillian was bornA favorite outdoor hobbyThey own this brand of carAlt. name for the SeahawksView from their living roomFavorite Irish bar in Seattle...

        Politics and Governance 2025-02-07

        Politics and Governance crossword puzzle
        1. is the system to govern a state or community.
        2. Put emphasis on the use of those research tools and methods which generate valid data
        3. is the demarcated area that rightfully belongs to the population.
        4. It means active involvement of all affected and interested parties in the decision-Making.
        5. It also means that transactions involving public interests must be fully disclosed and made accessible to the public.
        6. refer to the mass population living within the state.
        7. It is the agency to which the will of the state is formulated, expressed, and carried out
        8. It emphasizes on the study of history.
        9. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
        10. Believes that there are certain uniformities in political behavior
        11. collecting data, the researcher should measure and quantify those data.
        12. It means answerability or responsibility for one’s action.
        13. is a community of people occupying a definite territory, having a government of their own, and enjoying freedom from external control
        14. Research in Political Science must be systematic.
        15. A compulsory contribution to state revenue
        16. The elected head of a republic
        1. is a society of inhabitants of a specific geographic region united and bound together by a common racial ancestry, the same language and culture, a historical past, laws, and shared interests and sentiments over the course of many years.
        2. Latin verb of governance
        3. An assembly or council usually possessing high deliberative and legislative
        4. It means that institutions serve all stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner
        5. This approach mainly emphasizes on scientific, and value free study of political Behavior
        6. Emphasizes testing and verifying everything
        7. Combination of views on and orientations to politics in philosophical, ethical and institutional
        8. This approach is concerned with the study of formal structures and institutions.
        9. Commonly defined as the exercise of power by political leaders for the sake of the Citizen
        10. This approach believes that values cannot be separated from the study of politics
        11. A greek word that means "to steer"
        12. This approach is concerned with the legal process, legal bodies or institutions.
        13. Research in Political Science must be systematic
        14. is the supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience.

        30 Clues: Latin verb of governanceThe elected head of a republicA greek word that means "to steer"It emphasizes on the study of history.A compulsory contribution to state revenueEmphasizes testing and verifying everythingis the system to govern a state or community.Research in Political Science must be systematic...

        Politics and Governance 2025-02-07

        Politics and Governance crossword puzzle
        1. is the system to govern a state or community.
        2. Put emphasis on the use of those research tools and methods which generate valid data
        3. is the demarcated area that rightfully belongs to the population.
        4. It means active involvement of all affected and interested parties in the decision-Making.
        5. It also means that transactions involving public interests must be fully disclosed and made accessible to the public.
        6. refer to the mass population living within the state.
        7. It is the agency to which the will of the state is formulated, expressed, and carried out
        8. It emphasizes on the study of history.
        9. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
        10. Believes that there are certain uniformities in political behavior
        11. collecting data, the researcher should measure and quantify those data.
        12. It means answerability or responsibility for one’s action.
        13. is a community of people occupying a definite territory, having a government of their own, and enjoying freedom from external control
        14. Research in Political Science must be systematic.
        15. A compulsory contribution to state revenue
        16. The elected head of a republic
        1. is a society of inhabitants of a specific geographic region united and bound together by a common racial ancestry, the same language and culture, a historical past, laws, and shared interests and sentiments over the course of many years.
        2. Latin verb of governance
        3. An assembly or council usually possessing high deliberative and legislative
        4. It means that institutions serve all stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner
        5. This approach mainly emphasizes on scientific, and value free study of political Behavior
        6. Emphasizes testing and verifying everything
        7. Combination of views on and orientations to politics in philosophical, ethical and institutional
        8. This approach is concerned with the study of formal structures and institutions.
        9. Commonly defined as the exercise of power by political leaders for the sake of the Citizen
        10. This approach believes that values cannot be separated from the study of politics
        11. A greek word that means "to steer"
        12. This approach is concerned with the legal process, legal bodies or institutions.
        13. Research in Political Science must be systematic
        14. is the supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience.

        30 Clues: Latin verb of governanceThe elected head of a republicA greek word that means "to steer"It emphasizes on the study of history.A compulsory contribution to state revenueEmphasizes testing and verifying everythingis the system to govern a state or community.Research in Political Science must be systematic...

        endocrine system 2025-02-07

        endocrine system crossword puzzle
        1. Major things start happening to your body during this time
        2. Releases hormones into the body
        1. Helping your body maintain a stable equilibrium

        3 Clues: Releases hormones into the bodyHelping your body maintain a stable equilibriumMajor things start happening to your body during this time

        Antigone Scenes 1&2 Vocabulary 2025-02-07

        Antigone Scenes 1&2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
        1. very scared, freaked out, or disgusted
        2. evil, bad magic or misfortune on someone or a family
        3. to be honorable, to be a good person
        4. strong
        5. to find something or find out something
        6. a traditional story that some people think is true
        1. a person who goes against their country, friend, etc
        2. to get back at someone for doing something bad to you
        3. to do what you are supposed to do or what someone told you to do
        4. to refuse, say no
        5. someone says you did something wrong
        6. a woman whose husband has died
        7. very unhappy, very unwell
        8. to defeat or make fall down
        9. bad feeling because someone did something wrong, feeling guilty

        15 Clues: strongto refuse, say novery unhappy, very unwellto defeat or make fall downa woman whose husband has diedto be honorable, to be a good personsomeone says you did something wrongvery scared, freaked out, or disgustedto find something or find out somethinga traditional story that some people think is true...

        'oa' words 2025-02-07

        'oa' words crossword puzzle
        1. A thick, warm jacket
        2. Neck passage for food
        3. A small amphibian that jumps
        4. A large tree with strong wood
        5. To stay on top of water
        6. A long piece of road for cars
        1. A barrier around a castle filled with water
        2. A big vehicle that carries people
        3. Grain used in porridge
        4. A piece of bread that has been heated
        5. Soccer position
        6. A floating vessel used on water
        7. to stay on water

        13 Clues: Soccer positionto stay on waterA thick, warm jacketNeck passage for foodGrain used in porridgeTo stay on top of waterA small amphibian that jumpsA large tree with strong woodA long piece of road for carsA floating vessel used on waterA big vehicle that carries peopleA piece of bread that has been heatedA barrier around a castle filled with water

        Bahasa Indonesia-teks puisi 2025-02-07

        Bahasa Indonesia-teks puisi crossword puzzle
        1. Jenis puisi yang tidak terikat oleh aturan rima dan irama
        2. Pengulangan bunyi pada akhir baris puisi
        3. Pencipta puisi disebut?
        4. Unsur fisik puisi yang berkaitan dengan penyusunan larik dalam bait
        5. Makna yang tersirat dalam puisi dan perlu ditafsirkan
        6. Pilihan kata dalam puisi yang memiliki makna mendalam
        7. Penyair yang terkenal dengan puisi "Aku"
        1. Unsur dalam puisi yang berhubungan dengan suasana dan perasaan penyair
        2. Puisi yang bersifat mengungkapkan isi hati dan perasaan pribadi
        3. Gaya bahasa yang membandingkan dua hal secara langsung tanpa kata pembanding
        4. Gaya bahasa yang memberikan sifat manusia pada benda mati atau hewan
        5. Bentuk puisi lama yang terdiri dari empat baris dan bersajak a-b-a-b

        12 Clues: Pencipta puisi disebut?Pengulangan bunyi pada akhir baris puisiPenyair yang terkenal dengan puisi "Aku"Makna yang tersirat dalam puisi dan perlu ditafsirkanPilihan kata dalam puisi yang memiliki makna mendalamJenis puisi yang tidak terikat oleh aturan rima dan iramaPuisi yang bersifat mengungkapkan isi hati dan perasaan pribadi...

        Friday Science 2025-02-07

        Friday Science crossword puzzle
        1. heat exiting
        2. chooping wood
        3. heat entering
        4. liquid turning into gas
        1. fire burning
        2. mixed with baking soda
        3. mixed with hydrogen peroxide
        4. ice turning into water
        5. water turning into ice
        6. gas turning into liquid

        10 Clues: fire burningheat exitingchooping woodheat enteringmixed with baking sodaice turning into waterwater turning into icegas turning into liquidliquid turning into gasmixed with hydrogen peroxide

        Heather’s Surprise 2025-02-07

        Heather’s Surprise crossword puzzle
        1. Not Boo
        2. Two People
        3. Organised / Confirmed
        4. Direct
        5. Green Drink
        1. Close to Half
        2. It’s not mine it’s…
        3. Matrimony
        4. Not the Number
        5. Opposite of North

        10 Clues: DirectNot BooMatrimonyTwo PeopleGreen DrinkClose to HalfNot the NumberOpposite of NorthIt’s not mine it’s…Organised / Confirmed

        Globallization 2025-02-07

        Globallization crossword puzzle
        1. people have in their family
        2. is the process of the world integration
        3. a group of a people who share a common territry and other called
        4. globallization and the digital era can exacerbate social
        5. something that we can get in future
        6. fear of the loss of local culture
        1. is the type of development
        2. reciprocal of influence
        3. globallization opens up
        4. charaterized by the rapid is

        10 Clues: reciprocal of influencegloballization opens upis the type of developmentpeople have in their familycharaterized by the rapid isfear of the loss of local culturesomething that we can get in futureis the process of the world integrationgloballization and the digital era can exacerbate social...

        მეწყერი, ღვარცოფი, წყალდიდობა 2025-02-07

        მეწყერი, ღვარცოფი, წყალდიდობა crossword puzzle
        1. ტალახი ან ტალახქვიანი ნაკადი
        2. წყლის ნაკადი, რომელიც ბუნებრივ კალაპოტში მიედინება
        3. ხეების, ბუჩქებისა და ბალახების, აგრეთვე ცხოველებისა და მიკროორგანიზმების ერთობლიობა
        4. ხელოვნური წყალსატევი
        1. დაბლობი, ვაკე ადგილი
        2. ნაპირებიდან გადმოდის და ახლო მახლო ყველაფერს ფარავს.იგი წლის ყოველ დროს არ ხდება.
        3. მიწის მასების ან ქანების ფენის მოწყვეტა და გადაადგილება მთის კალთაზე
        4. ბუნებრივი ამაღლება ხმელეთის ზედაპირზე

        8 Clues: დაბლობი, ვაკე ადგილიხელოვნური წყალსატევიტალახი ან ტალახქვიანი ნაკადიბუნებრივი ამაღლება ხმელეთის ზედაპირზეწყლის ნაკადი, რომელიც ბუნებრივ კალაპოტში მიედინებამიწის მასების ან ქანების ფენის მოწყვეტა და გადაადგილება მთის კალთაზენაპირებიდან გადმოდის და ახლო მახლო ყველაფერს ფარავს.იგი წლის ყოველ დროს არ ხდება....

        Macbeth Act One - Characters + Plot 2025-02-07

        Macbeth Act One - Characters + Plot crossword puzzle
        1. Prince of Cumberland, announced to be next in line for the throne
        2. What Lady Macbeth said she would "dash the brains out" of, if she had made a promise to do so
        3. Scottish warrior, prophesized that his sons will be kings
        4. Scottish warrior, awarded the title of Thane of Cawdor
        5. Predictors of the future and agents of chaos
        6. Duncan's castle name
        7. Commits treason against his country, leading to Macbeth becoming the Thane of Cawdor
        8. King of Scotland
        9. What the witches were denied by a woman before they cast a spell to shipwreck her husband
        10. Macbeth's castle name
        11. One of King Duncan's noblemen
        1. The word Duncan ironically uses to describe the air around Macbeth's castle
        2. The gender of child Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth she should only bear, because she is so ambitious and violent
        3. Wife of Macbeth, determined to help him acquire the throne
        4. Macbeth's original title at the start of the play
        5. Brings Duncan news of Macbeth's battles

        16 Clues: King of ScotlandDuncan's castle nameMacbeth's castle nameOne of King Duncan's noblemenBrings Duncan news of Macbeth's battlesPredictors of the future and agents of chaosMacbeth's original title at the start of the playScottish warrior, awarded the title of Thane of CawdorScottish warrior, prophesized that his sons will be kings...

        The Odyssey 2025-02-07

        The Odyssey crossword puzzle
        1. A god who favors guests and is considered to be the ruler Poseidonods
        2. The king who set seige to the city of Troy in order to get his girl back
        3. A goddess who falls in love with Odysseus and is mentioned very briefly at the beginning of the story
        4. The homeland for which the hero and his men are trying to get back to
        5. A god who controls the water and is the father to one of Odysseus' first enemies
        6. (two words smashed together into one) these men ate a certain flower and forgot their duties
        7. The son to Odysseus.
        1. The wife to Odysseus.
        2. An island that Odysseus and his men raid for food on the way back home.
        3. The Cyclopes who traps Odysseus and his men behind a huge stone
        4. The city that the hero and his men besieged and conquered in the name of Sparta
        5. Goddess who favors Odysseus and is considered to be a goddess of wisdom.
        6. The hero of the story, the king of Ithaca and a man who wants to return home to his wife and son.

        13 Clues: The son to Odysseus.The wife to Odysseus.The Cyclopes who traps Odysseus and his men behind a huge stoneA god who favors guests and is considered to be the ruler PoseidonodsThe homeland for which the hero and his men are trying to get back toAn island that Odysseus and his men raid for food on the way back home....

        Substitution✓ 2025-02-07

        Substitution✓ crossword puzzle
        1. The value of a variable that makes an equation true.
        2. A relation where each input has exactly one output.
        3. The multiplicative inverse of a number or fraction.
        4. A mathematical sentence showing a non-equal comparison.
        5. The point where a graph crosses an axis.
        6. A mathematical phrase that contains numbers, variables, and operations.
        7. A symbol, usually a letter, that represents an unknown number.
        8. A set of equations solved together.
        9. The operation of finding the difference between numbers.
        10. To multiply a term outside parentheses by each term inside.
        11. A visual representation of an equation or system of equations.
        12. A mathematical statement that shows two expressions are equal.
        13. Value The distance a number is from zero on the number line.
        14. Replacing a variable with a number or expression.
        15. To rewrite an expression as a product of its parts.
        16. A number indicating how many times a base is multiplied by itself.
        1. A number that multiplies a variable in an algebraic expression.
        2. A type of equation where the highest exponent of the variable is one.
        3. To find the numerical value of an expression by substitution.
        4. A value that does not change in an equation or expression.
        5. Pair A pair of numbers representing a point on a coordinate plane.
        6. An expression with multiple terms, including variables and coefficients.
        7. To rewrite an expression in its simplest form.
        8. Another term for substitution, used in evaluating expressions.
        9. An equation that is always true, regardless of the values of variables.
        10. To get a variable alone on one side of an equation.
        11. A type of equation where the highest exponent of the variable is two.
        12. The act of replacing a variable with a given value.
        13. The opposite operation used to solve for a variable.
        14. The measure of steepness of a line on a graph.

        30 Clues: A set of equations solved together.The point where a graph crosses an axis.To rewrite an expression in its simplest form.The measure of steepness of a line on a graph.Replacing a variable with a number or expression.A relation where each input has exactly one output.The multiplicative inverse of a number or fraction....




        Technology Vocab 2025-02-07

        Technology Vocab crossword puzzle
        1. blurry
        2. record
        3. download
        4. vlog
        5. change
        6. modern
        7. invent
        8. problem
        9. security
        10. connect
        11. addicted
        12. post
        13. charge
        14. safe
        15. internet
        16. block
        17. login
        18. upload
        19. streaming
        1. smartphone
        2. delete
        3. privacy
        4. google
        5. dangerous
        6. information
        7. communication
        8. edit
        9. username
        10. clear
        11. captions
        12. solution
        13. tablet
        14. comment
        15. selfie

        34 Clues: vlogeditpostsafeclearblockloginblurrydeletegooglerecordchangemoderninventchargetabletselfieuploadprivacyproblemconnectcommentdownloadsecurityusernameaddictedcaptionssolutioninternetdangerousstreamingsmartphoneinformationcommunication

        Renissance 2025-02-07

        Renissance crossword puzzle
        1. Agatha is the patron saint of these victims
        2. Where ST Peter served
        3. what the Interior Castle is about
        4. this person is a doctor of the church
        5. wrote the Spiritual Exercises
        6. There were 26 martyrs from here
        1. died on February 5th
        2. a person who dies for the faith
        3. Where St Ignatius was born
        4. was a friend of St. Peter Claver
        5. St Ignatius started this order
        6. he took care of slaves
        7. St Teresa was from this place

        13 Clues: died on February 5thWhere ST Peter servedhe took care of slavesWhere St Ignatius was bornSt Teresa was from this placewrote the Spiritual ExercisesSt Ignatius started this ordera person who dies for the faithThere were 26 martyrs from herewas a friend of St. Peter Claverwhat the Interior Castle is aboutthis person is a doctor of the church...

        Incendiary tactics 2025-02-07

        Incendiary tactics crossword puzzle
        1. to create false stories
        2. to regurgitate food from the stomach; to puke
        3. a guaranteed method of keeping turnover rate high
        4. to avoid responsibility;shrug off what you are supposed to do
        5. a layer of dirt or filth that even God cannot get clean
        6. when a problem has been resolved
        7. dressing up ugly problems with pretty words and incomplete narratives
        8. a strategy used to keep employees content for a short period
        9. a person who works at the same place for eternity
        10. a garden tool used to till the ground for favor
        11. slow to understand; an inability to grasp basic concepts
        12. to tease or poke fun at repeatedly
        1. an unfair strategy to control another, forced submission
        2. when a group or mass of people all think the same thing
        3. the inability of management to organize multiple departments and tasks
        4. an annoying laugh akin to the sound of hyenas
        5. a form of social control
        6. below standards
        7. to address a problem head on
        8. a person who enjoys filth or refutes common hygiene practices

        20 Clues: below standardsto create false storiesa form of social controlto address a problem head onwhen a problem has been resolvedto tease or poke fun at repeatedlyto regurgitate food from the stomach; to pukean annoying laugh akin to the sound of hyenasa garden tool used to till the ground for favora guaranteed method of keeping turnover rate high...

        vocab puzzle 2025-02-07

        vocab puzzle crossword puzzle
        1. camp
        2. white northerners
        3. Southern democrats
        4. separating
        1. landowner’s property
        2. labor
        3. Lincoln, president
        4. time period

        8 Clues: camplaborseparatingtime periodwhite northernersLincoln, presidentSouthern democratslandowner’s property

        Valentine Crossword Puzzle 2025-02-07

        Valentine Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
        1. The month that Valentine is in.
        2. What is the famous City of Love located in France.
        3. The country that Valentine come from.
        4. Vital organs that pumps blood throughout your body.
        5. Hugs and kisses, abbreviate.
        1. Prickly, red flower that couple typically give to other during valentine.
        2. A group of flower that have been fastened together and attractively arranged.
        3. The color of Valentine.
        4. The feeling of strong affection.
        5. The Greek god of love famous for the image of holding bow and arrows.

        10 Clues: The color of Valentine.Hugs and kisses, abbreviate.The month that Valentine is in.The feeling of strong affection.The country that Valentine come from.What is the famous City of Love located in France.Vital organs that pumps blood throughout your body.The Greek god of love famous for the image of holding bow and arrows....

        Spanish 2025-02-07

        Spanish crossword puzzle
        1. un grupo de islas
        2. Perteneciente o relativo al puerto de mar o a las obras de este
        3. fruta roja
        4. una situación o evento que crea un aumento repentino de riqueza, buena fortuna o ganancias.
        1. Hacienda que alguien ha heredado de sus ascendientes

        5 Clues: fruta rojaun grupo de islasHacienda que alguien ha heredado de sus ascendientesPerteneciente o relativo al puerto de mar o a las obras de esteuna situación o evento que crea un aumento repentino de riqueza, buena fortuna o ganancias.

        Chapter 12 2025-02-07

        Chapter 12 crossword puzzle
        1. to abolish individual ownership in favor of group or government ownership
        2. a place where dead bodies are burned
        3. supremacy a belief that Germans represent a superior form of humanity
        4. a powerful leader who controls the government and laws of a country
        5. the skill of holding discussions between nations and resolving issues peacefully
        6. prejudice against or hatred of Jewish people
        1. adapted to or involving both land and water
        2. a ban on trade with a specific nation or group of nations
        3. an extreme, wide-spread shortage of food, often resulting in much suffering, illness, and death

        9 Clues: a place where dead bodies are burnedadapted to or involving both land and waterprejudice against or hatred of Jewish peoplea ban on trade with a specific nation or group of nationsa powerful leader who controls the government and laws of a countrysupremacy a belief that Germans represent a superior form of humanity...

        Middle ages 2025-02-07

        Middle ages crossword puzzle
        1. A wooden or stone fort that served as home for a Lord or King
        2. The _____ System was the main form of government during the Middle Ages
        3. The symbol of the crusaders was a ____ cross.
        4. The ____ Death was a disease that killed many people in Europe
        5. The main subject of art in the Middle Age
        6. another name for peasants
        1. He was leader of the Franks and the Holy Roman Emperor who became the founding father of the German and French monarchies
        2. The hundred _____ war was fought between England and France.
        3. Document signed by King John of England that gave the people some rights and said the king was not above the law
        4. A place where Serfs lived
        5. The top ruler of the land
        6. Another name for the Lord's home or castle
        7. A boy who worked for a master craftsman for free for seven years
        8. The first part of the Middle Ages is sometimes called the _____ Ages
        9. They invaded northern Europe on longships from Scandinavia

        15 Clues: A place where Serfs livedThe top ruler of the landanother name for peasantsThe main subject of art in the Middle AgeAnother name for the Lord's home or castleThe symbol of the crusaders was a ____ cross.They invaded northern Europe on longships from ScandinaviaThe hundred _____ war was fought between England and France....

        February Trivia 2025-02-07

        February Trivia crossword puzzle
        1. Month that is the celebration of Black History
        2. Sport often played during the winter Olympics held in February ___ Hockey
        3. Famous US holiday on the third Monday of February, ______ Day
        4. Birthstone of February
        5. February 29th occurs only in this type of year
        6. Famous US president born in February, known for his Gettysburg address
        7. Flower associated with February 14th
        8. Alternative name for February 2nd (holiday) _________ Day
        9. US president born on February 22nd
        1. February's zodiac sign for the first half
        2. February's birthstone color
        3. Month after January
        4. February's month number in the calendar year
        5. Day when love is often celebrated
        6. Holiday celebrating love
        7. February's zodiac sign for the second half
        8. Valentine's Day flower
        9. Groundhog Day event animal

        18 Clues: Month after JanuaryBirthstone of FebruaryValentine's Day flowerHoliday celebrating loveGroundhog Day event animalFebruary's birthstone colorDay when love is often celebratedUS president born on February 22ndFlower associated with February 14thFebruary's zodiac sign for the first halfFebruary's zodiac sign for the second half...

        Vocab 2025-02-07

        Vocab crossword puzzle
        1. someone in a state of ecstasy
        2. beloved or dear
        3. to come together
        1. the brothers or friends of someone
        2. without happiness
        3. low character or morals also heritage
        4. killing of one’s siblings
        5. Causing grief or anguish

        8 Clues: beloved or dearto come togetherwithout happinessCausing grief or anguishkilling of one’s siblingssomeone in a state of ecstasythe brothers or friends of someonelow character or morals also heritage

        My Side of the Mountain Vocabulary: Ch. 21-22 2025-02-07

        My Side of the Mountain Vocabulary: Ch. 21-22 crossword puzzle
        1. showing good judgment and wisdom
        2. plentiful in amount
        1. a large group of people
        2. extraordinarily good, creating strong reaction

        4 Clues: plentiful in amounta large group of peopleshowing good judgment and wisdomextraordinarily good, creating strong reaction

        ekonomi kreatif 2025-02-07

        ekonomi kreatif crossword puzzle
        1. kepentingan
        2. smuggling
        3. eksportir
        4. importir
        5. absolutadvantage
        6. ekspor
        1. counterpurchase
        2. ekonomikreatif
        3. alihteknologi
        4. exchangecontrol
        5. kreativitas
        6. periklanan
        7. potensi
        8. invest

        14 Clues: investeksporpotensiimportirsmugglingeksportirperiklanankepentingankreativitasalihteknologiekonomikreatifcounterpurchaseexchangecontrolabsolutadvantage

        TTS PKN XII KONFLIK 1 2025-02-07

        TTS PKN XII KONFLIK 1 crossword puzzle
        1. perlakuan tidak adil atau ketidaksetaraan terhadap individu atau kelompok.
        2. Pandangan atau sikap yang sangat mengutamakan ikatan-ikatan asli seperti suku, agama, ras, atau budaya sebagai identitas utama.
        3. anggapan bahwa satu gender lebih dominan daripada yang lain.
        4. masalah sosial, seperti kemiskinan, pengangguran, dan kriminalitas merupakan keragaman dalam bidang?
        5. segala bentuk kekerasan, baik fisik, psikologis, seksual, yang dilakukan terhadap seseorang karena gender mereka.
        6. Konflik yang terjadi karena perbedaan kepentingan ideologi, atau perjuangan untuk mendapatkan kekuasaan.
        1. sikap menutup diri dari kelompok lain dan menganggap hanya kelompok sendiri yang benar.
        2. Faktor yang menyebabkan konflik itu berasal dari dalam dirinya sendiri
        3. Konflik yang terjadi antara kelompok-kelompok yang berbeda ras,
        4. mengacu pada situasi di mana seseorang, terutama perempuan, harus menjalankan dua peran atau tanggung jawab.

        10 Clues: anggapan bahwa satu gender lebih dominan daripada yang lain.Konflik yang terjadi antara kelompok-kelompok yang berbeda ras,Faktor yang menyebabkan konflik itu berasal dari dalam dirinya sendiriperlakuan tidak adil atau ketidaksetaraan terhadap individu atau kelompok....

        ture & sure 2025-02-07

        ture & sure crossword puzzle
        1. a piece of equipment or furniture which is fixed in position in a building
        2. precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects
        3. the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself
        4. risky or daring journey or undertaking
        5. a substance made by mixing other substances together
        1. a large bird of prey
        2. joy, happiness, enjoyment
        3. a removable plate or frame holding one or more artificial teeth
        4. to find the size of something

        9 Clues: a large bird of preyjoy, happiness, enjoymentto find the size of somethingrisky or daring journey or undertakingprecious metals, gems, or other valuable objectsa substance made by mixing other substances togetherthe state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneselfa removable plate or frame holding one or more artificial teeth...

        Movimentos da Terra 2025-02-07

        Movimentos da Terra crossword puzzle
        1. DO ANO Períodos do ano com características climáticas distintas, causadas pela inclinação da Terra.
        2. Linha imaginária em torno da qual a Terra gira.
        3. Movimento da Terra ao redor do Sol.
        4. Movimento do ar na atmosfera, influenciado pela rotação da Terra.
        1. Duração de um dia completo, resultado do movimento de rotação da Terra.
        2. Movimento da Terra em torno do seu próprio eixo.
        3. HORÁRIO Divisão da Terra em 24 partes, cada uma com uma hora diferente.
        4. Conjunto de condições atmosféricas de uma região ao longo do tempo.
        5. Período de escuridão em um local devido à rotação da Terra.
        6. Período de iluminação solar em um local devido à rotação da Terra.
        7. Variação do nível do oceano causada pela atração gravitacional da Lua e do Sol.

        11 Clues: Movimento da Terra ao redor do Sol.Linha imaginária em torno da qual a Terra gira.Movimento da Terra em torno do seu próprio eixo.Período de escuridão em um local devido à rotação da Terra.Movimento do ar na atmosfera, influenciado pela rotação da Terra.Período de iluminação solar em um local devido à rotação da Terra....

        Greyson H 2nd Hour 2025-02-07

        Greyson H 2nd Hour crossword puzzle
        1. stylized picture of an object represent a word
        2. life after death
        3. the pharaoh that has the largest pyramid
        4. Preservation of dead bodies
        5. only tomb found untouched
        6. ruler of ancient egypt
        7. Huge triangular shaped tombs
        8. the pharaoh Changed religion to monotheistic
        9. reed that grows along the banks of the Nile river
        10. stream or river that flows into larger river
        1. technology advancement for watering of crops
        2. flooding overflowing
        3. first female pharaoh
        4. rich soil after flooding
        5. powerful family or group of rulers
        6. God or Goddess
        7. A large waterfall
        8. landform of sediment
        9. climate of Egypt
        10. the pharaoh Greatest military impact

        20 Clues: God or Goddesslife after deathclimate of EgyptA large waterfallflooding overflowingfirst female pharaohlandform of sedimentruler of ancient egyptrich soil after floodingonly tomb found untouchedPreservation of dead bodiesHuge triangular shaped tombspowerful family or group of rulersthe pharaoh Greatest military impact...

        Wilson Donley 2 2025-02-07

        Wilson Donley 2 crossword puzzle
        1. ancient tombs for pharaohs
        2. the pharaoh who signed the first peace treaty
        3. water flooding from a river
        4. the pharaoh who was buried in the great pyramid of giza
        5. the boy pharaoh
        6. changed the religion to monotheism
        7. the first female pharaoh
        8. a god or goddess
        9. a family of rulers passing down the title
        10. an Egyptian drawing showing something
        11. an area of low flat land shaped like a triangle
        12. a large waterfall
        1. preservation of dead bodies
        2. an ancient record keeper
        3. an ancient ruler of egypt
        4. life believed to follow death
        5. an egyptian reed used for paper and sandals
        6. fertile soil leftover from flooding rivers
        7. a river or stream flowing into another river
        8. an offering given to a god or goddess

        20 Clues: the boy pharaoha god or goddessa large waterfallan ancient record keeperthe first female pharaohan ancient ruler of egyptancient tombs for pharaohspreservation of dead bodieswater flooding from a riverlife believed to follow deathchanged the religion to monotheisman Egyptian drawing showing somethingan offering given to a god or goddess...

        My Side of the Mountain Vocabulary: Ch. 19-20 2025-02-07

        My Side of the Mountain Vocabulary: Ch. 19-20 crossword puzzle
        1. someone held prisoner or kept unwillingly
        2. that which is awesome and grand
        3. in a hidden or secret manner
        4. to desire strongly
        5. flexible, strong, and undeterred
        1. gave up or granted; admitted reluctantly
        2. fact-filled or educational
        3. tending to betray, extremely dangerous

        8 Clues: to desire stronglyfact-filled or educationalin a hidden or secret mannerthat which is awesome and grandflexible, strong, and undeterredtending to betray, extremely dangerousgave up or granted; admitted reluctantlysomeone held prisoner or kept unwillingly

        PPKN 2025-02-07

        PPKN crossword puzzle
        1. Gedung tempat berlangsungnya Kongres Pemuda II kini menjadi Museum
        2. Tokoh yang berperan dalam pembentukan konsep kebangsaan Indonesia
        3. Bahasa yang dijadikan bahasa persatuan
        4. Sumpah Pemuda disusun dalam Kongres Pemuda ke-
        5. Organisasi pemuda dari Sumatra
        6. Semboyan yang berarti "Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu"
        7. Ketua panitia Kongres Pemuda II
        8. Organisasi pemuda yang menginisiasi Kongres Pemuda II
        9. 1928 Sumpah Pemuda diikrarkan pada tanggal
        1. Tokoh yang menciptakan lagu Indonesia Raya
        2. Lagu kebangsaan yang pertama kali dikumandangkan pada Kongres Pemuda II
        3. Tokoh yang mengetik naskah Sumpah Pemuda
        4. Wakil ketua Kongres Pemuda II
        5. Mata pelajaran sekolah yang sering membahas Sumpah Pemuda
        6. Pemuda dari Manado yang ikut serta dalam Kongres Pemuda II
        7. Organisasi pemuda dari Kalimantan
        8. Tokoh pergerakan nasional yang terkenal dengan konsep "Indonesia Merdeka"
        9. Ikrar yang dihasilkan dari Kongres Pemuda II
        10. Pemimpin sidang pertama Kongres PemudaII
        11. Kota tempat diadakannya Kongres Pemuda II

        20 Clues: Wakil ketua Kongres Pemuda IIOrganisasi pemuda dari SumatraKetua panitia Kongres Pemuda IIOrganisasi pemuda dari KalimantanBahasa yang dijadikan bahasa persatuanTokoh yang mengetik naskah Sumpah PemudaPemimpin sidang pertama Kongres PemudaIIKota tempat diadakannya Kongres Pemuda IITokoh yang menciptakan lagu Indonesia Raya...

        Woodsong by: Gary Paulsen 2025-02-07

        Woodsong by: Gary Paulsen crossword puzzle
        1. What is the opposite of organic?
        2. The author writes that "bears, wolves and other _______" are south already.
        3. Spring is the worst time for bears because they've just come out of what?
        4. What does the narrator call the bear he has a close encounter with?
        5. What did the writer throw at the bear?
        6. What kind of birds was eating food from the puppy pen?
        1. How many dogs did the author have at the time of this story?
        2. Where does the author's wife get chased from?
        3. What is the author's name?
        4. The narrator says he can't remember having one _________ thought when the bear came toward him.
        5. What do the dogs sometimes to do with their food to "save" it? They ____ it.
        6. What kind of animal is Notch-Ear?
        7. What did the author eject from his rifle?

        13 Clues: What is the author's name?What is the opposite of organic?What kind of animal is Notch-Ear?What did the writer throw at the bear?What did the author eject from his rifle?Where does the author's wife get chased from?What kind of birds was eating food from the puppy pen?How many dogs did the author have at the time of this story?...

        Vocab lesson 5 2025-02-07

        Vocab lesson 5 crossword puzzle
        1. to admit defeat or blame
        2. serious and steady in work
        3. resisting; rebellious
        4. the death of cells in the body, usually in one area or part
        5. a place for trading and selling merchandise
        6. using air or gas under pressure
        7. to stick as though glued
        1. to become apparent or visible
        2. to pull into a herd, as animals
        3. come up with a plan in one's mind
        4. the ruler of a nation, especially while the monarch is gone
        5. like nothing seen before; new and advanced
        6. the exes beyond what is needed
        7. the leader of a work crew
        8. an old saying that is accepted as true

        15 Clues: resisting; rebelliousto admit defeat or blameto stick as though gluedthe leader of a work crewserious and steady in workto become apparent or visiblethe exes beyond what is neededto pull into a herd, as animalsusing air or gas under pressurecome up with a plan in one's mindan old saying that is accepted as true...

        Coffee & Culture Identity 2025-02-07

        Coffee & Culture Identity crossword puzzle
        1. The ........ used slaves from Africa
        2. Historic record suggest the ........ of Yemen
        3. ........ or companies
        4. ........ was producing a third
        5. The enlightenment of ........ is a big idea that underpin the world consumed psychoactive drug.
        6. In 15th century, the first coffee
        7. Coffee has a special place in Indonesian culture : ........ , Gayo, Toraja.
        8. Coffee is not just a drink, but also a ........ , tradition, and part of social life.
        1. Coffee house in Europe space
        2. coffee comes from the fruit of arabica plant that originated in .......
        3. Espresso and cappuccino are an ........ of Italian culture.
        4. A fundamental social part

        12 Clues: ........ or companiesA fundamental social partCoffee house in Europe space........ was producing a thirdIn 15th century, the first coffeeThe ........ used slaves from AfricaHistoric record suggest the ........ of YemenEspresso and cappuccino are an ........ of Italian comes from the fruit of arabica plant that originated in ..........

        Chapter 8 P.1-4 2025-02-07

        Chapter 8 P.1-4 crossword puzzle
        1. calls Abril pretty.
        2. → Ricardo's best friend who teases him.
        3. → The name of the character who gets humiliated by Laura.
        4. → The word Laura uses to insult Ricardo in front of everyone.
        5. → What Laura claims she would never do with Ricardo.
        6. bien? → The first thing Abril says to Ricardo.
        7. → What Enrique nearly spits out when he hears Abril's story.
        8. → The part of the school where Abril finds Ricardo.
        9. → The person Ricardo first talks to in the hallway.
        10. → What Enrique jokingly calls Ricardo when teasing him.
        11. → The feeling Ricardo gets when
        12. → The color of Abril's eyes.
        13. → What Abril tells Ricardo is normal to do when feeling sad.
        1. → The place where Ricardo and Enrique meet for lunch.
        2. → The reason Ricardo walks away from Enrique after Laura's insults.
        3. → What Ricardo was doing when Abril found him.
        4. → What Laura accuses Ricardo of being.
        5. → The girl who humiliates Ricardo in front of everyone.
        6. → The girl who comforts Ricardo under the stairs.
        7. → Ricardo feels this way after Laura embarrasses him.
        8. → Where Ricardo hides to cry after his argument with Laura.

        21 Clues: calls Abril pretty.→ The color of Abril's eyes.→ The feeling Ricardo gets when→ What Laura accuses Ricardo of being.→ Ricardo's best friend who teases him.→ What Ricardo was doing when Abril found him.bien? → The first thing Abril says to Ricardo.→ The girl who comforts Ricardo under the stairs.→ The part of the school where Abril finds Ricardo....

        TTS ANAK ANAK MERAPI 2025-02-07

        TTS ANAK ANAK MERAPI crossword puzzle
        1. mobil berbentuk segi empat yang kuat
        2. Pergi menyelamatkan diri ke tempat aman
        3. Cairan panas dari gunung berapi
        4. Kelompok atau regu yang menjalankan tugas
        5. Lumpur berbatu yang keluar dari gunung berapi
        1. Berkaitan dengan gunung berapi
        2. Pos Komando
        3. Orang yang suka bertualang
        4. Terbuka karena tekanan dengan bunyi yang kuat
        5. Sisi tanah yang landai atau miring

        10 Clues: Pos KomandoOrang yang suka bertualangBerkaitan dengan gunung berapiCairan panas dari gunung berapiSisi tanah yang landai atau miringmobil berbentuk segi empat yang kuatPergi menyelamatkan diri ke tempat amanKelompok atau regu yang menjalankan tugasTerbuka karena tekanan dengan bunyi yang kuatLumpur berbatu yang keluar dari gunung berapi

        Holo taco 2025-02-07

        Holo taco crossword puzzle
        1. these iridescent toppers get shifty over different bases

          1 Clue: these iridescent toppers get shifty over different bases

          Vocab 5 2025-02-07

          Vocab 5 crossword puzzle
          1. to admit defeat or blame
          2. serious and steady in work
          3. resisting; rebellious
          4. the death of cells in the body
          5. a place for trading or selling
          6. using air or gas under pressure
          7. stick fast to
          1. to become apparent or visible
          2. to pull into a herd
          3. to come up with a plan
          4. the ruler of a nation
          5. like nothing seen before
          6. the excess beyond what is needed
          7. the leader of a work crew
          8. an old saying that is accepted as true

          15 Clues: stick fast toto pull into a herdthe ruler of a nationresisting; rebelliousto come up with a planto admit defeat or blamelike nothing seen beforethe leader of a work crewserious and steady in workto become apparent or visiblethe death of cells in the bodya place for trading or sellingusing air or gas under pressurethe excess beyond what is needed...

          Healthy weights 2025-02-07

          Healthy weights crossword puzzle
          1. An abnormal response to certain foods by the body’s immune system.
          2. is related to how you react to events in life.
          3. A disorder that weakens the immune system.
          1. A condition in which the body cannot control blood sugar levels.
          2. health problems may require changes

          5 Clues: health problems may require changesA disorder that weakens the immune related to how you react to events in life.A condition in which the body cannot control blood sugar levels.An abnormal response to certain foods by the body’s immune system.

          German 1 Conversational Vocabulary 2025-02-07

          German 1 Conversational Vocabulary crossword puzzle
          1. great
          2. first name
          3. bavaria
          4. to be called
          5. no
          6. yes
          7. bad
          8. evening
          9. good bye
          10. village
          11. welcome
          12. angry
          13. good
          14. germany
          15. night
          16. stressed
          17. sick
          18. help
          1. sad
          2. adress
          3. good bye
          4. morning
          5. name
          6. caution
          7. who
          8. to live
          9. country
          10. please/thank you
          11. city
          12. day
          13. last name
          14. sorry
          15. thanks
          16. with pleasure

          34 Clues: nosadyeswhobaddaynamecitygoodsickhelpgreatangrysorrynightadressthanksbavariamorningcautionto livecountryeveningvillagewelcomegermanygood byegood byestressedlast namefirst nameto be calledwith pleasureplease/thank you

          Unit 4 Graffiti 2025-02-07

          Unit 4 Graffiti crossword puzzle
          1. existing or happening now
          2. to intentionally damage
          3. synonym for vandalize
          4. to consider in a particular way
          5. on the surface
          6. synonym for landmark
          7. synonym for vandalize
          8. to damage something's appearance
          9. synonym for evolve
          10. to change over time
          1. synonym for deem
          2. synonym for abstract
          3. synonym for deface
          4. synonym for contemporary
          5. meant to represent an idea or feeling
          6. synonym for inevitable
          7. a place easily recognized
          8. synonym for stature
          9. good status
          10. certain to happen

          20 Clues: good statuson the surfacesynonym for deemcertain to happensynonym for defacesynonym for evolvesynonym for statureto change over timesynonym for abstractsynonym for landmarksynonym for vandalizesynonym for vandalizesynonym for inevitableto intentionally damagesynonym for contemporaryexisting or happening nowa place easily recognized...

          My Side of the Mountain Vocabulary: Ch. 16-18 2025-02-07

          My Side of the Mountain Vocabulary: Ch. 16-18 crossword puzzle
          1. able to soak up liquid
          2. prey or something that is pursued
          3. someone who works to protect the environment
          4. trunk
          5. a porch with a roof held up by pillars
          6. having or exhibiting confidence
          7. extraordinarily good, creating strong reaction
          8. attached with thick fasteners
          1. a group of feathers
          2. to sing a song for someone
          3. cheerful and optimistic
          4. a version, representation or interpretation
          5. a hiding place of food or treasure
          6. a medical support that is worn on the body
          7. bordered, protected by piling up earth, sand
          8. cleverness; quality of being creative
          9. standing out and very easy to see
          10. a clothing closet or the clothes inside it
          11. the outer edge of a town or city
          12. readiness for immediate duty or deployment
          13. a device used to wind a flexible material

          21 Clues: trunka group of feathersable to soak up liquidcheerful and optimisticto sing a song for someoneattached with thick fastenershaving or exhibiting confidencethe outer edge of a town or cityprey or something that is pursuedstanding out and very easy to seea hiding place of food or treasurecleverness; quality of being creative...

          Chapter P.1-4 2025-02-07

          Chapter P.1-4 crossword puzzle
          1. how does Ricardo react when Enrique says that Abril and Ricardo are "friends"
          2. How did Ricardo feel after Enrique looked at Abril
          3. Where does the story take place
          4. Abril color eyes
          5. What do Abril and Ricardo become
          6. new character
          7. Does Ricardo like Abril
          8. what did Laura do to everyone
          9. Does Ricardo like Abri
          10. Does Abril like Laura?
          11. grado what grade are all of them in now
          1. where do Enrique and Ricardo meet at
          2. what did Enrique think about Abril
          3. Who else lied about their summer vacation
          4. What parents did Abril parents beg to keep a secret
          5. What vacation did Ricardo come back from
          6. How did Ricardo feel after Abril told him what she did to her
          7. What was Ricardo doing under the stairs
          8. Who does Ricardo walk to school with
          9. what kind of person is Abril

          20 Clues: new characterAbril color eyesDoes Ricardo like AbriDoes Abril like Laura?Does Ricardo like Abrilwhat kind of person is Abrilwhat did Laura do to everyoneWhere does the story take placeWhat do Abril and Ricardo becomewhat did Enrique think about Abrilwhere do Enrique and Ricardo meet atWho does Ricardo walk to school with...

          Week 3 vocab 2025-02-07

          Week 3 vocab crossword puzzle
          1. - displaying passion/intensity
          2. rundown, state of ruin
          3. Has a trunk
          4. Large marsupial
          5. gather or collect
          6. difficult, tiring
          1. - having great knowledge
          2. Man's best friend
          3. - bubbly, enthusiastic
          4. - out of harmony/peace with your surroundings
          5. showing contempt (someone/something is beneath you)
          6. Flying mammal
          7. Likes to chase mice

          13 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendgather or collectdifficult, tiringLikes to chase micerundown, state of ruin- bubbly, enthusiastic- having great knowledge- displaying passion/intensity- out of harmony/peace with your surroundingsshowing contempt (someone/something is beneath you)

          "Marketing to Kids..." 2025-02-07

          "Marketing to Kids..." crossword puzzle
          1. money
          2. people who sell products to a certain type of person
          3. a special offer or sale in order to make a product popular
          4. end results
          5. dishonest
          6. an organization or group that protects people
          7. to direct a message at someone
          1. having many parts and details
          2. not knowing about something
          3. suggested
          4. only existing on the internet; not in real life

          11 Clues: moneysuggesteddishonestend resultsnot knowing about somethinghaving many parts and detailsto direct a message at someonean organization or group that protects peopleonly existing on the internet; not in real lifepeople who sell products to a certain type of persona special offer or sale in order to make a product popular

          Question words 2 2025-02-07

          Question words 2 crossword puzzle
          1. почему?
          2. где?
          3. как?
          1. который?
          2. когда?
          3. кто?
          4. что? какой?

          7 Clues: где?кто?как?когда?почему?который?что? какой?

          DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis Crossword 2025-02-07

          DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis Crossword crossword puzzle
          1. This type of RNA is the DNA code transcripted
          2. The process of decoding mRNA to create an amino acid sequence and therefore a protein
          3. Deletion and insertion are examples of these mutations
          4. The swapping of a nitrogen base to a DNA sequence is this type of mutation
          5. This enzyme adds new nucleotides to the original DNA strand during replication
          6. These are attached to a tRNA molecule so that they can match up with the codon
          7. These bonds hold the bases together in DN
          8. The part of a cell where DNA is stored
          9. DNA --> RNA --> Proteins
          10. The organelle also known as the protein factory of a cell
          11. This type of RNA brings amino acids to make proteins
          12. This term refers to the strands of DNA running alongside each other but in opposite directions
          13. This term refers to one original strand of DNA being kept and a new one being made in DNA replication
          14. group The three parts of a nucleotide are a nitrogen base, sugar, and ________.
          15. The sugar that is in DNA
          16. Pairs with adenine in DNA
          1. The process of creating mRNA from a DNA sequence
          2. Pairs with thymine in DNA and Uracil in RNA
          3. The monomer of proteins
          4. AUG
          5. This enzyme unzips DNA during replication
          6. The monomer of a nucleic acid
          7. A change in a DNA sequence
          8. This type of RNA makes up ribosomes
          9. Always pairs with guanine
          10. A sequence of 3 nitrogen bases that code for an amino acid
          11. Adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine are all examples of...
          12. The sugar found in RNA
          13. Always pairs with cytosine
          14. A chain of amino acids
          15. These bonds hold the phosphate-sugar backbone together in DNA
          16. This nitrogenous base replaces thymine in RNA

          32 Clues: AUGThe sugar found in RNAA chain of amino acidsThe monomer of proteinsDNA --> RNA --> ProteinsThe sugar that is in DNAAlways pairs with guaninePairs with adenine in DNAA change in a DNA sequenceAlways pairs with cytosineThe monomer of a nucleic acidThis type of RNA makes up ribosomesThe part of a cell where DNA is stored...

          Summary Pages 1-4 crossword 2025-02-07

          Summary Pages 1-4 crossword crossword puzzle
          1. was Ricardo nice to Abril in the beginning
          2. what was Ricardo doing under the stairs
          3. what are you doing when your face turns red
          4. where did Ricardo hide underneath
          5. what color is Abril eyes
          6. what did Abril say its okay to do sometimes
          7. how did Ricardo feel after Abril tells Ricardo she doesn't like laura
          1. what did Ricardo spend on Laura
          2. what did Laura do to everyone
          3. who else lied about their vacation
          4. what did Ricardo skip
          5. who did Ricardo spend summer with
          6. who does Ricardo walk to school with
          7. where do Enrique and Ricardo meet up at
          8. does Abril know Laura
          9. what vacation did Ricardo just come from
          10. how did Ricardo feel after Enrique looked at Abril
          11. new character
          12. what parents begged Abril's parents
          13. what is Abril

          20 Clues: new characterwhat is Abrildoes Abril know Laurawhat did Ricardo skipwhat color is Abril eyeswhat did Laura do to everyonewhat did Ricardo spend on Laurawho did Ricardo spend summer withwhere did Ricardo hide underneathwho else lied about their vacationwhat parents begged Abril's parentswho does Ricardo walk to school with...

          Multiples of tens 2025-02-07

          Multiples of tens crossword puzzle
          1. Sixty
          2. Ten
          3. Fifty
          4. One-hundred
          5. Thirty
          6. Fourty
          1. Seventy
          2. Eighty
          3. Twenty
          4. Ninety

          10 Clues: TenSixtyFiftyEightyTwentyNinetyThirtyFourtySeventyOne-hundred

          Mega kruiswoord 2025-02-07

          Mega kruiswoord crossword puzzle
          1. daar ergens
          2. langs een helling omhoog
          3. aan beide kanten
          4. als je kijkt hoe iets precies werkt of wat er aan de hand is
          5. iets bekend maken wat eerst geheim was
          6. een proef om uit te vinden hoe iets werkt
          7. aan de binnenkant
          8. ergens goed naar kijken
          9. de luchtverversing
          10. uitstekend boven iets
          11. een gebouw dat bestaat uit meerdere woningen
          1. de plek waar je een tijdje woont of logeert
          2. iets maken of doen
          3. iemand die dingen onderzoekt om zoveel mogelijk te weten te komen over een onderwerp
          4. een hek dat om een balkon heen zit
          5. een werkplaats waar mensen experimenten uitvoeren
          6. de ingang
          7. ergens naar binnen gaan
          8. veel kennis over een onderwerp
          9. dichtbij
          10. het uiterste stukje van iets
          11. de plek waar je woont
          12. kleinste deeltje van een stof met dezelfde eigenschappen als die stof
          13. wat je kunt zien zonder je te verplaatsen

          24 Clues: dichtbijde ingangdaar ergensaan beide kantenaan de binnenkantiets maken of doende luchtverversingde plek waar je woontuitstekend boven ietsergens naar binnen gaanergens goed naar kijkenlangs een helling omhooghet uiterste stukje van ietsveel kennis over een onderwerpeen hek dat om een balkon heen zitiets bekend maken wat eerst geheim was...

          Tuck Everlasting 2025-02-07

          Tuck Everlasting crossword puzzle
          1. Something that goes on a houres
          2. embarrassed
          3. unexpected
          4. unsteady
          1. something is not relevant or important to the topic being discussed
          2. burst of anger
          3. proper and neat

          7 Clues: unsteadyunexpectedembarrassedburst of angerproper and neatSomething that goes on a houressomething is not relevant or important to the topic being discussed

          Child Development 2025-02-07

          Child Development crossword puzzle
          1. ultrafine hairs
          2. Baby positions down
          3. Thick, milky covering
          4. Mother feels the kicks
          1. false contractions
          2. pregnancy stimulating hormone

          6 Clues: ultrafine hairsfalse contractionsBaby positions downThick, milky coveringMother feels the kickspregnancy stimulating hormone

          cultural conformity & Adaptation vocab Chap.3 2025-02-07

          cultural conformity & Adaptation vocab Chap.3 crossword puzzle
          1. sanction 6. a reward or punishment
          2. 13.transformation of others
          3. of behavior
          4. control 9. the process which a norm becomes
          5. 14.knowledge and tools that people use to
          6. prevent social change
          7. 2. a system of beliefs or ideas that justifies
          8. social, moral interest held by a group or
          9. action that rewards a particular
          10. 3.enforcing of norms through either internal
          1. 1. a long term conscious effort to promote
          2. lag 15.adapting borrowed culture traits
          3. sanction given by a formal organization
          4. 12.process of spreading culture traits from other
          5. sanction 8. reward or punishment used to
          6. movement 11. extreme self-centeredness
          7. conformity to norms
          8. sanction 5. a punishment used to enforced
          9. 4.a major role in maintaining social stability
          10. their environment
          11. society
          12. external means

          22 Clues: societyof behaviorexternal meanstheir environmentconformity to normsprevent social change13.transformation of action that rewards a particular14.knowledge and tools that people use tosocial, moral interest held by a group or1. a long term conscious effort to promote3.enforcing of norms through either internal...