All Crossword Puzzles


  1. O uso da tecnologia pode permitir que o idoso lide melhor com as ................... e desafios da vida moderna
  2. É ............ para a inclusão social.
  3. Os que não se ................ aos recursos digitais acabam sendo, de certa forma, excluídos da sociedade contemporânea
  4. O.............dos idosos em estarem conectados com as novidades do mundo digital tem aumentado ano a ano.
  5. A inclusao digital tem......... uma série de benefícios para os idosos, por exemplo
  6. De acordo com a pesquisa do Centro Regional de Estudo para o Desenvolvimento da ..............................da Informação
  7. A ....... em que a sociedade se moderniza tecnologicamente, o público da terceira idade é chamado a se adaptar às mudanças e as novas tecnologias......................foram identificadas no processo de adaptação dos idosos em relação às tecnologias, como: acompanhar as mudanças
  8. está presente na rotina da maioria das pessoas em todos os lugares do mundo.
  1. Criado em 2001, a.....................á beneficiou mais de 4 mil pessoas
  2. evitar compartilhar dados que podem causar problemas pessoais e ......................... na web
  3. ..............foram identificadas no processo de adaptação dos idosos em relação às tecnologias, como: acompanhar as mudanças
  4. Sem dúvida, investir na inclusão digital para idosos é uma forma de .......................a cidadania e de promover mais qualidade de vida
  5. O........é promover gratuitamente o acesso às potencialidades da Internet às pessoas da terceira idade
  6. pessoas na terceira idade que usam internet cresceu de 8% para 19%, de 2012 a 2016
  7. É necessário ter cuidado com as ameaças nos.................. virtuais

15 Clues: É ............ para a inclusão social.É necessário ter cuidado com as ameaças nos.................. virtuaisestá presente na rotina da maioria das pessoas em todos os lugares do mundo.Criado em 2001, a.....................á beneficiou mais de 4 mil pessoasA inclusao digital tem......... uma série de benefícios para os idosos, por exemplo...

Chat Chatters 2024-07-26

Chat Chatters crossword puzzle
  1. This is where we take chats and enter cases for owners.
  1. This library provides verbiage to answer basic owner questions quickly and efficiently.
  2. This resource provides tools for agents to assist the owners.
  3. This person is our go-to for

4 Clues: This person is our go-to forThis is where we take chats and enter cases for owners.This resource provides tools for agents to assist the owners.This library provides verbiage to answer basic owner questions quickly and efficiently.

TEXTO 2024-07-26

TEXTO crossword puzzle
  1. Palabras resaltadas en un texto para llamar la atención.
  2. Nombre del capítulo que aparece al inicio del mismo.
  3. Imagen pequeña que ilustra un concepto dentro del texto.
  4. Texto introductorio que precede al cuerpo del texto.
  5. Elemento que acompaña al texto y facilita su comprensión.
  6. Texto que indica el tema principal de una obra.
  7. Texto que acompaña a una imagen para explicarla.
  8. Parte inferior de una página donde se puede colocar información adicional.
  9. Texto adicional que proporciona información complementaria.
  10. Elemento visual que adorna o ilustra el texto.
  1. Parte del libro que recoge términos técnicos o difíciles.
  2. Conjunto de letras o caracteres tipográficos.
  3. Parte del texto donde se presenta el contenido principal.
  4. Número que aparece en cada página del libro.
  5. Espacio que deja el borde superior de una página.
  6. Nombre del autor que aparece al inicio de un texto.
  7. Conjunto de palabras que forman un enunciado completo.
  8. Texto final que suele resumir el contenido.
  9. Espacio que se utiliza para separar párrafos.

19 Clues: Texto final que suele resumir el contenido.Número que aparece en cada página del libro.Conjunto de letras o caracteres tipográficos.Espacio que se utiliza para separar párrafos.Elemento visual que adorna o ilustra el texto.Texto que indica el tema principal de una obra.Texto que acompaña a una imagen para explicarla....

Residence Life Coordinator Crossword 2024-07-26

Residence Life Coordinator Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Supervises Chadbourne and Barnard Halls
  2. Supervises Bradley and Sullivan Halls
  3. Supervises Dejope and Phillips Hall
  4. Co-Supervises Lowell, Merit, Ogg Halls
  5. Supervises Smith Hall
  6. Co-Supervises Witte Hall
  1. Supervises Waters Hall
  2. Co-Supervises Sellery Hall
  3. Co-Supervises Witte Hall
  4. Co-Supervises Sellery Hall
  5. Supervises Tripp, Adams, Slichter Halls
  6. Co-Supervises Lowell, Merit, Ogg Halls
  7. Supervises Cole, Leopold, Humphrey, Jorns Halls
  8. Supervises Kronshage Hall

14 Clues: Supervises Smith HallSupervises Waters HallCo-Supervises Witte HallCo-Supervises Witte HallSupervises Kronshage HallCo-Supervises Sellery HallCo-Supervises Sellery HallSupervises Dejope and Phillips HallSupervises Bradley and Sullivan HallsCo-Supervises Lowell, Merit, Ogg HallsCo-Supervises Lowell, Merit, Ogg Halls...

The prodigal son 2024-07-26

The prodigal son crossword puzzle
  1. - What did the family do when their son arrived home
  2. - The prodigal son had asked for this from his father early
  3. - What animals did the son feed when he was poor?
  4. - "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is ____"
  1. - The father did this to his son
  2. - What is an eight-letter word that means "wastefully extravagant"
  3. - The father was filled with ____ for him
  4. - when he spent everything a severe famine arose and He was ____
  5. - To feel genuinely sorry and ask for forgiveness
  6. - He felt He was not worthy to be called son so he wanted to be treated as a ___

10 Clues: - The father did this to his son- The father was filled with ____ for him- To feel genuinely sorry and ask for forgiveness- What animals did the son feed when he was poor?- What did the family do when their son arrived home- The prodigal son had asked for this from his father early- when he spent everything a severe famine arose and He was ____...

Farm Animals 2024-07-26

Farm Animals crossword puzzle
  1. They have a long neck, webbed feet, and a bill instead of teeth
  2. has a large body covered in shaggy feathers and a small head with a beak
  3. They eat Lettuce, hay, and carrots
  4. say "hee-haw" and are known for being strong and helpful.
  1. say "moo" and like to stay together in groups called herds
  2. say "Baa" and are covered in thick, fluffy wool
  3. has a hard shell, four legs, and a beak instead of teeth
  4. say "baa" or "maa" and like to climb and jump

8 Clues: They eat Lettuce, hay, and carrotssay "baa" or "maa" and like to climb and jumpsay "Baa" and are covered in thick, fluffy woolhas a hard shell, four legs, and a beak instead of teethsay "hee-haw" and are known for being strong and helpful.say "moo" and like to stay together in groups called herds...

Första skoldagen 2024-07-26

Första skoldagen crossword puzzle
  1. "hej" på franska
  2. Vid ett larm går vi lugnt ut och samlas på...
  3. "tack" på spanska
  4. "tack" på tyska
  5. "hej" på spanska
  1. Cyklar och mopeder parkeras runt ...?
  2. Om man inte dyker upp i tid får man en ...
  3. Man får inte hämta ... föremål till skolan.
  4. "tack" på franska
  5. "hej" på tyska

10 Clues: "hej" på tyska"tack" på tyska"hej" på franska"hej" på spanska"tack" på franska"tack" på spanskaCyklar och mopeder parkeras runt ...?Om man inte dyker upp i tid får man en ...Man får inte hämta ... föremål till skolan.Vid ett larm går vi lugnt ut och samlas på...

Bike Tour USA 2024-07-26

Bike Tour USA crossword puzzle
  1. what a nail does to your wheel
  2. translates effort levels
  3. nature's air conditioning
  4. the guy in front provides for easier riding
  5. touring vehicle
  6. skin friction
  7. muscle seizes
  8. huff puff elevation
  9. add air
  10. painful pavement gap
  11. provides wheel tension
  12. what you hope the weather provides
  1. cranium protection
  2. share the road
  3. on the blank again
  4. inside the wheel, always carry spares
  5. overnight stay
  6. connector
  7. bicycle bags
  8. adjust
  9. padded shorts
  10. hit the wall

22 Clues: adjustadd airconnectorbicycle bagshit the wallskin frictionmuscle seizespadded shortsshare the roadovernight staytouring vehiclecranium protectionon the blank againhuff puff elevationpainful pavement gapprovides wheel tensiontranslates effort levelsnature's air conditioningwhat a nail does to your wheelwhat you hope the weather provides...

hymeline 2024-07-26

hymeline crossword puzzle
  1. : her city
  2. : she cried watching that Disney
  3. : her dream job
  1. : her bible
  2. : her she color
  3. her drink of choice

6 Clues: : her city: her bible: her she color: her dream jobher drink of choice: she cried watching that Disney

Personality Adjectives 2024-07-26

Personality Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who talks a lot in a friendly way.
  2. A person who tells other people what to do in a way that they don’t like.
  3. Not making much noise or talking much.
  4. Caring only about yourself and not about other people.
  5. Sure of yourself and your abilities.
  6. Willing to help other people.
  7. Being nice and caring about others.
  8. Always happy and smiling.
  9. Sb that keeps things neat and in the right place.
  1. Not wanting to work or be active.
  2. Showing good manners and being respectful to others.
  3. Not polite; saying or doing things that might hurt other people’s feelings.
  4. Kind and nice to other people.
  5. Smart and good at learning or understanding things quickly.
  6. Nervous or uncomfortable with other people, especially new people.
  7. Makes people laugh.

16 Clues: Makes people laugh.Always happy and smiling.Willing to help other people.Kind and nice to other people.Not wanting to work or be active.Being nice and caring about others.Sure of yourself and your abilities.Not making much noise or talking much.Someone who talks a lot in a friendly way.Sb that keeps things neat and in the right place....

Lyla's Crossword Puzzle 2024-07-26

Lyla's Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What's Carlos's favorite color?
  2. What's Crystal's favorite color?
  3. How many years have we been together?
  4. How many pounds did Crystal weigh at birth?
  5. When did Carlos Propose?
  1. What does Crystal crave during Pregnancy?
  2. What food made Crystal sick during pregnancy?
  3. How many pounds did Carlos weigh at birth?
  4. What is Lyla's Due date?
  5. What did we eat on our 1st date?
  6. How did we Gender reveal?

11 Clues: What is Lyla's Due date?When did Carlos Propose?How did we Gender reveal?What's Carlos's favorite color?What's Crystal's favorite color?What did we eat on our 1st date?How many years have we been together?What does Crystal crave during Pregnancy?How many pounds did Carlos weigh at birth?How many pounds did Crystal weigh at birth?...

Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry 2024-07-26

Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry crossword puzzle
  1. An unorthodox or independent-minded person
  2. To provoke or annoy
  3. Feeling or showing anger at unfair treatment
  4. Inspiring fear or respect through being large or powerful
  5. Not aware of or concerned about what is happening
  6. Distant or reserved in manner
  7. Not securely held or in position
  8. In a sullen, moody manner
  1. A rebuke, especially an official one
  2. Abnormally thin or weak
  3. Thickly curdled sour milk
  4. To walk slowly or leisurely
  5. Property or assets offered to secure a loan
  6. Depressing; dreary
  7. Plowed and left unseeded

15 Clues: Depressing; drearyTo provoke or annoyAbnormally thin or weakPlowed and left unseededThickly curdled sour milkIn a sullen, moody mannerTo walk slowly or leisurelyDistant or reserved in mannerNot securely held or in positionA rebuke, especially an official oneAn unorthodox or independent-minded personProperty or assets offered to secure a loan...

We Still Belong 2024-07-26

We Still Belong crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the school dance
  2. Main character’s first name
  3. Main character’s best friend
  1. What the intertribal get together is called
  2. Main character’s crush

5 Clues: Main character’s crushName of the school danceMain character’s first nameMain character’s best friendWhat the intertribal get together is called

Damaris und Nils 2024-07-26

Damaris und Nils crossword puzzle
  1. Wo hat Damaris studiert?
  2. Wo hat Damaris das letzte Jahr über gearbeitet
  3. Nils' Studentenstadt
  4. Sportart, die Nils mal ausgeübt hat
  5. Instrument im Fehrmann'schen Esszimmer
  6. Damaris wünscht sich auf Parties immer Lieder von...
  7. Der erste (Wein-)Urlaub war an der...
  8. Nils' Instrument
  9. Damaris Lieblingsserie zu Schulzeiten
  1. Damaris Geburtsort
  2. Da haben sich Nils und Damaris kennengelernt
  3. Die letzte Reise ging nach...
  4. Wo hat Nils den Antrag gemacht?
  5. Nils' Lieblingsmusikrichtung
  6. Nils' Geburtsort

15 Clues: Nils' InstrumentNils' GeburtsortDamaris GeburtsortNils' StudentenstadtWo hat Damaris studiert?Nils' LieblingsmusikrichtungDie letzte Reise ging nach...Wo hat Nils den Antrag gemacht?Sportart, die Nils mal ausgeübt hatDer erste (Wein-)Urlaub war an der...Damaris Lieblingsserie zu SchulzeitenInstrument im Fehrmann'schen Esszimmer...

ED-A-MUMMA 2024-07-26

ED-A-MUMMA crossword puzzle
  1. Small dry stick.
  2. Waste material; garbage or litter.
  3. an amazing or extraordinary power or ability.
  4. A small amount of food eaten between meals.
  1. Another word for scared.
  2. To go and get something - specially got by a dog.
  3. Which tree had a deep voice?
  4. Word used to describe the crow.

8 Clues: Small dry stick.Another word for scared.Which tree had a deep voice?Word used to describe the crow.Waste material; garbage or litter.A small amount of food eaten between amazing or extraordinary power or ability.To go and get something - specially got by a dog.

Procedures 2024-07-26

Procedures crossword puzzle
  1. - The action of moving from one activity to another
  2. - The term for the space and rules for student movement in the classroom
  3. - What you need to ask for when you need to leave the room
  4. - The set of rules for behavior in class
  1. - The procedures for how students handle their assignments
  2. - The process of preparing for the end of the class
  3. - The time when students enter the classroom and get ready
  4. - Where to find materials and tools in the classroom
  5. - How students should be seated when they arrive
  6. - What students need to do if they have to leave for a short break

10 Clues: - The set of rules for behavior in class- How students should be seated when they arrive- The process of preparing for the end of the class- The action of moving from one activity to another- Where to find materials and tools in the classroom- The procedures for how students handle their assignments...

All About Janick 2024-07-26

All About Janick crossword puzzle
  1. Dream car
  2. Name of pet fish
  3. Favorite Movie
  4. Favorite City
  1. Family Nickname
  2. Middle name
  3. Janick's Dog
  4. Favorite Fruit
  5. Birthday Month

9 Clues: Dream carMiddle nameJanick's DogFavorite CityFavorite MovieFavorite FruitBirthday MonthFamily NicknameName of pet fish

Economics 2024-07-26

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. created a free trade zone in Canada, Mexico, and the United States
  2. Individuals in this economic system are able to decide what goods and services should be produced, how they should be produced, and for whom they are produced.
  3. an economic system that is centrally controlled by a powerful government
  4. the national government under both Democratic and Republican leadership have worked to ______ barriers to international trade
  5. helps administer free trade agreements by handling various disputes and providing a forum for member nations to negotiate.
  1. an early economist who believed that the free market system was the best way to organize the economy
  2. supported equality and a strong central government
  3. In this economy, people often work the same jobs as their parents and grandparents.
  4. Although free trade is generally positive for the nations involved, but the US government is still set up _____ on trade
  5. A nation chooses its economic system based on how its society answers the ____ basic economic questions

10 Clues: supported equality and a strong central governmentcreated a free trade zone in Canada, Mexico, and the United Statesan economic system that is centrally controlled by a powerful governmentIn this economy, people often work the same jobs as their parents and grandparents....

TEJ2O1 - Hardware Review - D. French 2024-07-26

TEJ2O1 - Hardware Review - D. French crossword puzzle
  1. CPU stands for ____ Processing Unit.
  2. A Blu-ray drive shines a ____ on the disc to read it.
  3. CD Drives and hard drives require this many connectors inside the computer.
  4. What type of storage does a mechanical hard drive use?
  5. Windows and MacOS are examples of this type of software.
  6. This clears the data from your hard drive and prepares it for use.
  7. A single 1 or 0 is referred to as a ____.
  8. On a CD/DVD drive, data is stored using ____ and ____.
  9. These slots on your motherboard allow you to add expansion cards ex. Graphics Card.
  10. If you open this device, it can kill you.
  11. When building a computer, the motherboard and the CPU must have a matching ____.
  12. Memory that is erased when the power turns off is called ____ memory.
  13. An ____ drive is currently the fastest type of long-term storage drive for PCs.
  14. ____ discharge can easily fry sensitive computer components.
  1. A webcam is an ____ device.
  2. A long-term storage device that uses spinning platters with a magnetic coating.
  3. Touch the ____ to ground yourself before fixing the computer.
  4. Hard drives organize data into concentric rings called ____ and pie shaped sectors.
  5. A printer is an ____ device.
  6. This separates your drive into one or more logical sections.
  7. You can use VGA, DVI, HDMI or DisplayPort to plug in a ____.
  8. What type of storage does a CD/DVD/Blu-Ray use?
  9. A set of eight 1s and 0s is called a ____.
  10. A PS/2 port was used to plug in a ____ before USB was invented.
  11. This device is in charge of controlling hardware, executing commands, performing calculations and storing information.
  12. This can be used to cool a hot computer component like the CPU.
  13. Your hardware may not function properly unless you install this type of software.
  14. RAM stands for ____ Access Memory.
  15. LCD stands for ____ Crystal Display.
  16. Modern computers have replaced the parallel IDE drives with ____ drives.

30 Clues: A webcam is an ____ device.A printer is an ____ device.RAM stands for ____ Access Memory.CPU stands for ____ Processing Unit.LCD stands for ____ Crystal Display.A single 1 or 0 is referred to as a ____.If you open this device, it can kill you.A set of eight 1s and 0s is called a ____.What type of storage does a CD/DVD/Blu-Ray use?...

Verbs in present 2024-07-26

Verbs in present crossword puzzle
  1. to know the meaning of something that someone says.
  2. the brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc.
  3. to be unable to remember a fact, something that happened.
  4. to move something or someone from one place to another.
  5. to produce something, often using a particular substance or material.
  6. When you fill out the form, please ________ clearly/legibly in black ink.
  7. to move down under the water.
  8. to give food to a person, group, or animal.
  9. Synonym for start.
  1. to make musical sounds with the voice, usually a tune with words.
  2. When a bird, insect, or aircraft flies, it moves through the air,
  3. used with the past participle of other verbs to form the present perfect.
  4. to move or travel on land in a motor vehicle.
  5. to give someone knowledge or to train someone; to instruct,
  6. to move or travel toward the speaker or with the speaker.
  7. Your handwriting is so sloppy I can't ________ it.
  8. to offer something to someone, or to provide someone with something
  9. to have or continue to have in your possession.
  10. to be conscious of what is around you by using your eyes.
  11. to achieve first position and/or get a prize in a competition, election, fight, etc.
  12. to travel or move to another place.

21 Clues: Synonym for move down under the travel or move to another give food to a person, group, or move or travel on land in a motor have or continue to have in your possession.the brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc.Your handwriting is so sloppy I can't ________ it....

Tamara) 2024-07-26

Tamara) crossword puzzle
  1. высокий
  2. одинокий
  3. яркий
  4. ждать
  5. толстый
  6. преследовать
  7. слабый
  8. молодой
  9. бедный
  10. легкий
  11. сверчок
  12. полный
  13. огонь
  14. низкий
  15. мрачный
  16. пустой
  17. сильный
  18. дешевый
  19. схватить
  20. сгоревший
  21. дорогой
  1. мокрый
  2. длинный
  3. хотеть
  4. злой
  5. яркий
  6. смелый
  7. тяжелый
  8. прочь
  9. кричать
  10. деревянный
  11. стучать
  12. голос
  13. пол
  14. мягкий
  15. жесткий
  16. плотник
  17. груша
  18. грустный
  19. медленный
  20. лить
  21. ведро
  22. тонкий
  23. тихий

44 Clues: ползлойлитьяркийяркийждатьпрочьголосогоньгрушаведротихиймокрыйхотетьсмелыйслабыйбедныймягкийлегкийполныйнизкийпустойтонкийвысокийдлинныйтяжелыйтолстыйкричатьстучатьмолодойжесткийсверчокплотникмрачныйсильныйдешевыйдорогойодинокийгрустныйсхватитьмедленныйсгоревшийдеревянныйпреследовать

Studio Training 2024-07-26

Studio Training crossword puzzle
  1. the green dot
  2. Trophy, Medallion, Ribbon, and Star
  3. This is a document that goes to our Compliance department anytime we come across suspicious activity.
  4. Another name for a TVFCU Check
  5. the amount in a member account including pending transactions
  1. the amount available in a members account after pending transactions
  2. anonymous surveys completed by members about a tellers quality of service
  3. Any time we handle more than $10,000 in cash. If we do a deposit, withdrawal, loan payment by cash, or cash a check we must fill out this form
  4. interactive teller machine

9 Clues: the green dotinteractive teller machineAnother name for a TVFCU CheckTrophy, Medallion, Ribbon, and Starthe amount in a member account including pending transactionsthe amount available in a members account after pending transactionsanonymous surveys completed by members about a tellers quality of service...

Types of Nations 2024-07-26

Types of Nations crossword puzzle
  1. Common faith
  2. Common Language
  3. Common ethnic group
  1. Common location
  2. common law/political beliefs

5 Clues: Common faithCommon locationCommon LanguageCommon ethnic groupcommon law/political beliefs

Crossword Puzzle 2024-07-26

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. An item made from milk on the charcuterie board
  2. What is the name of the town we are in?
  3. What do bees make?
  4. What fruit is grown at a vineyard?
  1. Where is wine made?
  2. What county are we in?
  3. This is the name of the road the vineyard is on
  4. What do bees collect pollen from?

8 Clues: What do bees make?Where is wine made?What county are we in?What do bees collect pollen from?What fruit is grown at a vineyard?What is the name of the town we are in?This is the name of the road the vineyard is onAn item made from milk on the charcuterie board

family 2024-07-26

family crossword puzzle
  1. car man
  2. argentina
  3. ducks
  4. breaker
  5. dancing queen
  6. The eldest
  7. mother of five
  8. so many goals
  9. sloth
  1. new york new york
  2. drummer
  3. reader
  4. Our Mary Poppins
  5. hockey man
  6. world's best nurse
  7. fireman
  8. speech

17 Clues: ducksslothreaderspeechdrummercar manbreakerfiremanargentinahockey manThe eldestdancing queenso many goalsmother of fiveOur Mary Poppinsnew york new yorkworld's best nurse

Leah 2024-07-26

Leah crossword puzzle
  1. Western European city recaptured by Christian forces on the Second Crusade
  2. Democratic presidential candidate of 1972 who lost 49 states to Richard Nixon
  3. Johnny Cash biopic starring Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon
  4. Director of Heat (1995), Collateral (2004), and Miami Vice (2006)
  5. Spanish conquistador who conquered the Inca empire
  6. Real first name of Travis Scott
  7. Director of Carrie (1976), Scarface (1983), and the first Mission: Impossible (1996)
  1. Pioneering German expressionist filmmaker who made Metropolis (1927) and M (1931)
  2. British royal dynasty of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I
  3. US state of Nat Turner’s 1831 slave revolt
  4. City where Tupac was killed in 1996
  5. South African prime minister and “architect” of apartheid assassinated in Parliament in 1966
  6. Scottish town which in 1996 saw the last and most famous school shooting in British history
  7. Last Han Chinese imperial dynasty, from 1368 to 1644
  8. First capital of British India until 1911

15 Clues: Real first name of Travis ScottCity where Tupac was killed in 1996First capital of British India until 1911US state of Nat Turner’s 1831 slave revoltSpanish conquistador who conquered the Inca empireBritish royal dynasty of Henry VIII and Elizabeth ILast Han Chinese imperial dynasty, from 1368 to 1644...

Italian Desserts 2024-07-26

Italian Desserts crossword puzzle
  1. Sweet bread, traditionally served at Christmas.
  2. Italian pudding.
  3. Dessert made with egg yolks, sugar, and Marsala wine.
  4. Coffee-flavored dessert.
  5. Italian tart with a jam filling.
  6. Neapolitan cake made with ricotta and wheat.
  7. Rum-soaked sponge cake.
  8. Soft almond cookies from Siena.
  9. Fruit-filled sweet bread.
  10. Nougat with nuts.
  11. Sicilian pastry with sweet ricotta filling.
  1. Pastry with layers and a sweet filling.
  2. Sweet bun filled with whipped cream.
  3. Sicilian cake with ricotta and candied fruit.
  4. Cotta Creamy dessert, often served with fruit.
  5. Honey-soaked pastry balls.
  6. Almond-flavored cookie.
  7. Italian-style ice cream.
  8. Twice-baked cookies.
  9. Semi-frozen dessert made from sugar, water, and flavorings.

20 Clues: Italian pudding.Nougat with nuts.Twice-baked cookies.Almond-flavored cookie.Rum-soaked sponge cake.Coffee-flavored dessert.Italian-style ice cream.Fruit-filled sweet bread.Honey-soaked pastry balls.Soft almond cookies from Siena.Italian tart with a jam filling.Sweet bun filled with whipped cream.Pastry with layers and a sweet filling....

BD 2024-07-26

BD crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite number game
  2. Delta for one
  3. By any other name
  4. Likes to chase mice
  5. Has a trunk
  6. balloon Up up and away
  7. Man's best friend
  8. Vine ripened
  9. Fabric of many colors
  10. Path underground
  11. Large marsupial
  12. Yellow people hauler
  1. Poodle palace
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Birthday dessert
  4. Candy Fairground treat
  5. December holiday
  6. White Whale
  7. Tears from heaven
  8. Skin Art
  9. Stolen
  10. Made from grapes

22 Clues: StolenSkin ArtHas a trunkWhite WhaleVine ripenedPoodle palaceFlying mammalDelta for oneLarge marsupialBirthday dessertDecember holidayMade from grapesPath undergroundBy any other nameMan's best friendTears from heavenLikes to chase miceFavorite number gameYellow people haulerFabric of many colorsCandy Fairground treatballoon Up up and away

Zenblen 2024-07-26

Zenblen crossword puzzle
  1. the software team has their heads in the clouds because of this
  2. source of protein
  3. home state of the bros
  4. v4 locale
  5. what conghao's wife is playing
  6. hometown of backend intern
  7. green line station
  8. she's an alcoholic?
  9. cultural heritage of Isabella's boyfriend
  10. the parts of the machines currently built
  11. baseball team on jack's hat
  12. conghao's wedding venue
  13. company swag
  14. intern lunch special
  15. ui software
  16. orange smoothie
  1. isabella's discovery
  2. the drink that brought us all here
  3. best flavor?
  4. the little man
  5. where many of our parts are coming from
  6. front-of-office inhabitant
  7. weekly team meeting
  8. strongwoman
  9. how amir gets to work
  10. company color
  11. where dan goes to get sloshed
  12. where justin gets matcha
  13. office nuts
  14. the big man
  15. angel's handiwork
  16. tuesday call
  17. team bonding

33 Clues: v4 localestrongwomanoffice nutsthe big manui softwarebest flavor?company swagtuesday callteam bondingcompany colorthe little manorange smoothiesource of proteinangel's handiworkgreen line stationweekly team meetingshe's an alcoholic?isabella's discoveryintern lunch specialhow amir gets to workhome state of the brosconghao's wedding venue...

Mecánica de fluidos 2024-07-26

Mecánica de fluidos crossword puzzle
  1. Su rugosidad absoluta es de 0.12 (mm)
  2. Su viscosidad dinámica es de 4X10^-5 (lb-s/pie^2) a 60°F
  3. Tipo de flujo cuando el Nre está entre 2000 y 4000
  4. Menciona un componente de la pérdida de energía
  5. Densidad del flujo a 4 grados = 1000 kg/m3
  6. Su sg es de 9.94
  1. Es la suma del cuadrado de los cuatro lados al cuadrado y la circunferencia del circulo
  2. La velocidad máxima ocurre en el centro
  3. ¿Dónde ocurre la velocidad máxima en el tubo en un flujo turbulento?
  4. La velocidad máxima ocurre en las paredes
  5. ¿Cómo se llama la ecuación para calcular HL?
  6. Es la resultante de medir el área entre el perímetro mojado

12 Clues: Su sg es de 9.94Su rugosidad absoluta es de 0.12 (mm)La velocidad máxima ocurre en el centroLa velocidad máxima ocurre en las paredesDensidad del flujo a 4 grados = 1000 kg/m3¿Cómo se llama la ecuación para calcular HL?Menciona un componente de la pérdida de energíaTipo de flujo cuando el Nre está entre 2000 y 4000...

Essays and Their types 2024-07-26

Essays and Their types crossword puzzle
  1. most important part. It should not exceed five short sentences.
  1. writer contemplates an idea and givers their emotional reactions and feelings.
  2. paragraph should have a main idea with supporting detail that develop the main idea.

3 Clues: most important part. It should not exceed five short sentences.writer contemplates an idea and givers their emotional reactions and feelings.paragraph should have a main idea with supporting detail that develop the main idea.

Marco epistemologico - GNS 2024-07-26

Marco epistemologico - GNS crossword puzzle
  1. comunitaria Al enfatizar la responsabilidad colectiva, todas las partes interesadas (estudiantes, familias y personal) participan activamente en el proceso de aprendizaje
  2. GNS mejora la comprensión de las funciones cognitivas y adapta las estrategias educativas para optimizar el aprendizaje y el neurodesarrollo.
  3. el enfoque en el aprendizaje situacional y funcional permite a los estudiantes conectar el conocimiento con aplicaciones del mundo real teniendo en cuenta conocimiento previo
  4. brindar una educación integral de calidad que empodere a los estudiantes para desarrollar sus proyectos de vida y contribuir positivamente a la sociedad.
  1. posicionando a los estudiantes como participantes activos en su aprendizaje
  2. GNS se compromete a actualizar periódicamente los métodos pedagógicos, garantizando que la educación siga siendo relevante y eficaz para enfrentar los desafíos modernos.
  3. las dimensiones cognitivas, emocionales, sociales y físicas, asegurando un crecimiento integral de los estudiantes.

7 Clues: posicionando a los estudiantes como participantes activos en su aprendizajelas dimensiones cognitivas, emocionales, sociales y físicas, asegurando un crecimiento integral de los estudiantes.GNS mejora la comprensión de las funciones cognitivas y adapta las estrategias educativas para optimizar el aprendizaje y el neurodesarrollo....

Har ni koll på oss? 2024-07-26

Har ni koll på oss? crossword puzzle
  1. Vad tappade Sara ofta bort under sin uppväxt?
  2. Sara och Jenny har uppträtt som en känd duett. Jenny var Kenny Rogers och Sara var...?
  3. Vad heter Jennys katts instagram-konto?
  4. Var förvarade Jenny en av sina döda råttor under en tid?
  5. Var spenderar Sara en vecka varje sommar - det s.k Sara-lägret?
  6. Vad är Saras favoritgodis?
  7. Vilket märke på kaffe dricker Jenny på jobbet?
  8. Vilken är Jennys nyaste favoritaffär?
  9. Vad heter Jenny i mellannamn?
  10. Vad hette scoutlägret där Jenny träffade Martin?
  1. Vilket yrke skulle Sara vilja prova, om hon sadlar om från läraryrket?
  2. Vilken elitidrottares barn har Jenny varit lärare för?
  3. Istället för att sy upp för långa byxor har Sara använt detta!
  4. Sara är ingen stjärna i köket, men en sak är hon grym på. Vadå?
  5. Vad MÅSTE Sara göra varje morgon?
  6. Vilken färg undviker Jenny att ha i sitt hår?
  7. Var bor Sara?
  8. Vad önskar sig Sara mest av allt i hela världen?
  9. Vad är första ordet i låten som ALLTID får Jenny att dansa?
  10. Var bor Jenny?

20 Clues: Var bor Sara?Var bor Jenny?Vad är Saras favoritgodis?Vad heter Jenny i mellannamn?Vad MÅSTE Sara göra varje morgon?Vilken är Jennys nyaste favoritaffär?Vad heter Jennys katts instagram-konto?Vad tappade Sara ofta bort under sin uppväxt?Vilken färg undviker Jenny att ha i sitt hår?Vilket märke på kaffe dricker Jenny på jobbet?...

Prep class Summer 2024 Monday 2024-07-26

Prep class Summer 2024 Monday crossword puzzle
  1. the apostle who baptized
  2. the death of Jesus and resurrection on Easter
  1. father son and holy spirit

3 Clues: the apostle who baptizedfather son and holy spiritthe death of Jesus and resurrection on Easter

Tales of the Crossword 2024 2024-07-26

Tales of the Crossword 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Svensson’s bar, or a Cobbler alternative
  2. Ferros from Florence
  3. Nick of The Fontainebleau
  4. Hotel Squad’s Oklahoman
  5. Speakeasy for J. O’Brien
  6. Everyone wants one, buying one leaves people bitter
  7. Home for Alfonsia
  8. Brand celebrating 300 years in 2024
  9. Máté’s Bar, or Chappell Roan hit
  10. Number Below, for Petinari
  11. Campari’s annual event
  12. Coulter of Chicago
  13. Smith’s space in Portland
  14. Last Word allocation
  15. Sydney Red Coat Ryan _____
  16. Workplace for Madeleine MacDonald
  17. You can see it on Ken Yeong’s face at work
  18. November Platoon’s Sam-Roman
  19. Fox Bar employee Santiago _____
  20. Harrison of The Bourbon House
  21. Joe of the Jack Rose
  22. Delta Squad’s Chris
  23. Rodriguez of Camp Everglades
  24. Works at Leroy in Montgomery
  1. Bradsel made it for Campbell
  2. Kate Moss request?
  3. Starving Artist’s Davison
  4. We worked it all week
  5. Tango Squad’s Canadian
  6. Alexandria from 10 Cubed NYC
  7. Breakfast sponsor
  8. Essani of Muro
  9. Club for Kate, or a double greeting
  10. Hometown for J.L. Rodriguez
  11. Schroter of The Keefer Bar
  12. Erika of Mike Squad
  13. Speakeasy for Neo
  14. Kim Vo’s type of Courage
  15. Finn’s Chicago “Lobby Bar”
  16. Lili who lives in Louisville
  17. Dassler of the Peacock Lounge
  18. Maida’s San Salvador pop up
  19. J. Thompson’s NYC workplace
  20. Workplace for Cody Mashni
  21. Minnesotan in Platoon Four
  22. Alpha Squad member from San Diego
  23. One of Lyn’s Animals
  24. Kerwin from Bozeman

48 Clues: Essani of MuroBreakfast sponsorHome for AlfonsiaSpeakeasy for NeoKate Moss request?Coulter of ChicagoErika of Mike SquadKerwin from BozemanDelta Squad’s ChrisFerros from FlorenceLast Word allocationOne of Lyn’s AnimalsJoe of the Jack RoseWe worked it all weekTango Squad’s CanadianCampari’s annual eventHotel Squad’s OklahomanSpeakeasy for J. O’Brien...

Alice Wong's Year of the Tiger 2024-07-26

Alice Wong's Year of the Tiger crossword puzzle
  1. A shelter-in-place recipe
  2. Discrimination in favor of able-bodied people
  3. A delicious______peach
  4. Something to eat
  5. Alice's city
  6. A member of the cat family
  1. The third word in this hashtag #AccessIs...
  2. One of Alice's favorite sci-fi shows
  3. A doughy food item filled with savory or sweet ingredients, fried or steamed
  4. Alice is very particular about this beverage
  5. Alice is editor of this many books
  6. The state where Alice was born

12 Clues: Alice's citySomething to eatA delicious______peachA shelter-in-place recipeA member of the cat familyThe state where Alice was bornAlice is editor of this many booksOne of Alice's favorite sci-fi showsThe third word in this hashtag #AccessIs...Alice is very particular about this beverageDiscrimination in favor of able-bodied people...

Star Trek 2024-07-26

Star Trek crossword puzzle
  1. Captain Kirk was born in the year ____.
  2. Captain Kirk's birthday was March ____.
  3. Shatner's younger sister.
  1. According to the Star Trek timeline, the show ended in the ____ century.
  2. Shatner's older sister.
  3. Small fictional space animal.
  4. Shatner debuted and Captian James T. Kirk in what year?

7 Clues: Shatner's older sister.Shatner's younger sister.Small fictional space animal.Captain Kirk was born in the year ____.Captain Kirk's birthday was March ____.Shatner debuted and Captian James T. Kirk in what year?According to the Star Trek timeline, the show ended in the ____ century.

Dino Trees, Plants and Flowers 2024-07-26

Dino Trees, Plants and Flowers crossword puzzle
  1. Seed plants with cones, common in the dinosaur era. (7 letters)
  2. Primitive vascular plants resembling modern horsetails, common in the Paleozoic era. (11 letters)
  1. Early plants that reproduced using spores. (5 letters)
  2. A type of ancient tree that resembled modern palm trees. (5 letters)
  3. A genus of flowering plants, one of the earliest known, still existing today. (8 letters)
  4. Early seed plants known for their fan-shaped leaves. (6 letters)

6 Clues: Early plants that reproduced using spores. (5 letters)Seed plants with cones, common in the dinosaur era. (7 letters)Early seed plants known for their fan-shaped leaves. (6 letters)A type of ancient tree that resembled modern palm trees. (5 letters)A genus of flowering plants, one of the earliest known, still existing today. (8 letters)...


  1. GENESE 22v14
  3. ESAÏE 1v24
  5. EXODE 15v26
  1. EXODE 15v15
  6. JUGES 6v24


Puzzle 2 2024-07-26

Puzzle 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Eskimo house
  2. Large wall painting
  3. String instrument larger than a violin
  4. Imitate closely
  5. Aromatic wood
  6. Poison from a snake
  7. Additional performance
  8. Public square
  9. Thin layer of ice crystals
  10. Large black bird
  1. Short, pointed weapon
  2. Proof of absence from a crime
  3. Brief look
  4. Argentine dance
  5. Beliefs or character of a group
  6. Foot-operated lever
  7. Object from the past
  8. Joint between upper and lower arm
  9. Zodiac sign
  10. Layer in the atmosphere

20 Clues: Brief lookZodiac signEskimo houseAromatic woodPublic squareImitate closelyArgentine danceLarge black birdLarge wall paintingPoison from a snakeFoot-operated leverObject from the pastShort, pointed weaponAdditional performanceLayer in the atmosphereThin layer of ice crystalsProof of absence from a crimeBeliefs or character of a group...

Soccer Vocabulary 2024-07-26

Soccer Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. When the player kicks the ball backward over his own head.
  2. When the players of one team make a ____ by standing in a horizontal line to try and block a free kick
  3. When you pass the ball with your head it is called a
  4. Pass the ball between your opponent’s legs, regaining possession on the other side
  5. This position plays offense and defense
  6. When you kick the ball to a teammate it is called a
  7. Great players, better people is this club's motto
  8. A warning that you can shout out to your teammate when another player is right behind them.
  9. The yellow card is a
  10. Only the GK can use this body part in the box
  11. when a player scores three points in one game
  12. The yellow card is a
  13. when the goalkeeper prevents the ball from entering the goal.
  1. It’s when players move the ball with their feet while maintaining control.
  2. A time of the tournament when teams are eliminated if they lose
  3. The short break after the first half of the game is played and before the second half starts.
  4. when a team doesn’t allow any scores on their goal for a whole game
  5. This is a kind of foul when a player deliberately touches the ball with his hand
  6. A rule that states that when the ball is passed, there must be at least two defenders between the attacker from the other team and the goal line.
  7. an overhead throw of the ball from the sidelines after it has gone out of bounds.
  8. Acronym for center attacking midfielder
  9. Teams wear matching _____
  10. To get a point you have to score a
  11. when a player contributes to a goal being scored by providing a pass or setting up the opportunity for a teammate to score
  12. Each half starts with a
  13. You wear __ guards to protect your legs.
  14. The primary official responsible for enforcing the rules and ensuring fair play during a match.

27 Clues: The yellow card is aThe yellow card is aEach half starts with aTeams wear matching _____To get a point you have to score aThis position plays offense and defenseAcronym for center attacking midfielderYou wear __ guards to protect your legs.Only the GK can use this body part in the boxwhen a player scores three points in one game...

Dados biológicos I 2024-07-26

Dados biológicos I crossword puzzle
  1. Animal de ovulação induzida. Nome científico
  2. Na taxonomia, gênero dos Hamsters?
  3. Efeito de 5% na reabsorção dos embriões após exposição ao ferormonio de outros machos
  4. primeiras 24 h de gestação.
  5. Espécie de roedor com genética amplamente conhecida.
  6. Hábito de limpeza de roedores (Ingles)
  7. Efeito que ocorre em hamster que permite identificar femeas em estro.
  1. Nome científico do rato utilizados nos laboratórios.
  2. Fase do ciclo estral em camundongos e ratos
  3. Indica a ocorrência de cópula em ratos e camundongos
  4. Possuem 4 incisivos superiores e 2 inferiores.

11 Clues: primeiras 24 h de gestação.Na taxonomia, gênero dos Hamsters?Hábito de limpeza de roedores (Ingles)Fase do ciclo estral em camundongos e ratosAnimal de ovulação induzida. Nome científicoPossuem 4 incisivos superiores e 2 inferiores.Nome científico do rato utilizados nos laboratórios.Indica a ocorrência de cópula em ratos e camundongos...

Harry potter 2024-07-26

Harry potter crossword puzzle
  1. Harry's middle name
  2. Harry's owl
  3. the name of the school
  4. keeper of keys
  5. Harry's house
  6. hallows the name of the last book
  1. Cho Chang's house
  2. stone the name of the first book
  3. of secrets the name of the second book
  4. he who must not be named
  5. Hermione's last name

11 Clues: Harry's owlHarry's housekeeper of keysCho Chang's houseHarry's middle nameHermione's last namethe name of the schoolhe who must not be namedstone the name of the first bookhallows the name of the last bookof secrets the name of the second book

GEOL 101 Chapter 13 Review Crossword Puzzle 2024-07-26

GEOL 101 Chapter 13 Review Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A glacial landform with steep-walled, pyramidal peaks
  2. All sediment deposited by glacial ice
  3. An end moraine that forms when the glacier’s terminus retreats,then stabilizes
  4. A glacial landform that forms a steep-walled bowl-shaped depression
  5. Glaciers that cover at least 50,000 km2
  6. An arm of the sea which extends into a glacial trough eroded below sea level
  7. Finely laminated, alternating light and dark layers of sediment
  8. A moving body of ice on land that flows downslope or outward
  9. ____ limit separates the zone of accumulation from the Zone of wastage
  10. Long, sinuous ridges of stratified drift deposited by running water
  11. Glaciers that flow into the ocean
  12. The budget that occurs when the firn limit moves down the glacier, the glacier advances
  13. Elongated hills of till
  14. Moraine of sediment released from melting as a glacier’s terminus retreats
  1. Rock fragments carried from the source by glaciers
  2. The moraine that is deposited along the margins of a valley glacier
  3. Drift that is deposited by a glacier that is layered and shows some sorting
  4. Another name for valley glaciers
  5. A narrow serrated ridge between two glacial valleys or cirques
  6. A cirque that contains water
  7. Formed by large blocks of ice left from a retreating glacier
  8. The process by which ice evaporated directly from the surface of a glacier
  9. A tributary valley whose floor is above the main valley
  10. Conical hills of stratified drift originally deposited in a depression
  11. Occurs when glacial ice freezes in the cracks and crevices of a bedrock projection

25 Clues: Elongated hills of tillA cirque that contains waterAnother name for valley glaciersGlaciers that flow into the oceanAll sediment deposited by glacial iceGlaciers that cover at least 50,000 km2Rock fragments carried from the source by glaciersA glacial landform with steep-walled, pyramidal peaksA tributary valley whose floor is above the main valley...

Dino era 2024-07-26

Dino era crossword puzzle
  1. Extinct marine reptiles with long necks from the Triassic.
  2. Hardened remains of ancient plants and animals. (6 letters)
  1. A term for the study of ancient life through fossils.
  2. The period that followed the Triassic period.
  3. Dinosaurs closest living relatives.

5 Clues: Dinosaurs closest living relatives.The period that followed the Triassic period.A term for the study of ancient life through fossils.Extinct marine reptiles with long necks from the Triassic.Hardened remains of ancient plants and animals. (6 letters)

Famous Italian Products 2024-07-26

Famous Italian Products crossword puzzle
  1. Leading pasta manufacturer.
  2. High-performance car brand.
  3. Famous aperitif.
  4. Luxury fashion brand.
  5. Iconic fashion house.
  6. Sports car manufacturer.
  7. Famous beer brand.
  8. Luxury car brand.
  9. Luxury fashion brand.
  10. Luxury sports car brand.
  1. Famous Italian fashion duo.
  2. Historic Italian car manufacturer.
  3. Global fashion brand.
  4. High-quality notebooks.
  5. High-end fashion brand.
  6. Leading tire manufacturer.
  7. Famous brand of vermouth.
  8. Renowned coffee brand.
  9. Prestigious fashion brand.
  10. Renowned brand of mineral water.

20 Clues: Famous aperitif.Luxury car brand.Famous beer brand.Global fashion brand.Luxury fashion brand.Iconic fashion house.Luxury fashion brand.Renowned coffee brand.High-quality notebooks.High-end fashion brand.Sports car manufacturer.Luxury sports car brand.Famous brand of vermouth.Leading tire manufacturer.Prestigious fashion brand....

Marco epistemologico-GNSM 2024-07-26

Marco epistemologico-GNSM crossword puzzle
  1. de Calidad El objetivo final es brindar una educación integral de calidad que empodere a los estudiantes para desarrollar sus proyectos de vida y contribuir positivamente a la sociedad.
  2. holístico La escuela prioriza un enfoque multifacético, abordando las dimensiones cognitivas, emocionales, sociales y físicas, asegurando un crecimiento integral de los estudiantes.
  3. comunitaria Participación comunitaria
  4. de la neurociencia al aprovechar la neurociencia, GNS mejora la comprensión de las funciones cognitivas y adapta las estrategias educativas para optimizar el aprendizaje y el neurodesarrollo.
  1. continua GNS se compromete a actualizar periódicamente los métodos pedagógicos, garantizando que la educación siga siendo relevante y eficaz para enfrentar los desafíos modernos.
  2. significativo el enfoque en el aprendizaje situacional y funcional permite a los estudiantes conectar el conocimiento con aplicaciones del mundo real, mejorando el compromiso y la retención
  3. constructivista La base de George Noble School se basa en el constructivismo, posicionando a los estudiantes como participantes activos en su aprendizaje, fomentando la independencia y el pensamiento crítico

7 Clues: comunitaria Participación comunitariacontinua GNS se compromete a actualizar periódicamente los métodos pedagógicos, garantizando que la educación siga siendo relevante y eficaz para enfrentar los desafíos modernos....

Puzzle 1 2024-07-26

Puzzle 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Bell sound
  2. Hot spring that erupts
  3. Dramatic work set to music
  4. Writing instrument from a feather
  5. Prophetic prediction
  6. Glowing piece of coal
  7. Underwater detection system
  8. Assumed name
  9. Relating to the moon
  1. Narrow boat pointed at both ends
  2. Italian staple food
  3. Opposite of what is expected
  4. Search or pursuit
  5. Short story with a moral
  6. Garment worn over clothes
  7. Hard white substance from elephant tusks
  8. Collection of maps
  9. Venomous snake
  10. Fertile spot in a desert
  11. Device emitting focused light

20 Clues: Bell soundAssumed nameVenomous snakeSearch or pursuitCollection of mapsItalian staple foodProphetic predictionRelating to the moonGlowing piece of coalHot spring that eruptsShort story with a moralFertile spot in a desertGarment worn over clothesDramatic work set to musicUnderwater detection systemOpposite of what is expected...

Sip & Solve 2024-07-26

Sip & Solve crossword puzzle
  1. Bride’s favourite cocktail
  2. Their favourite type of white wine
  3. Groom’s eye colour
  4. Engagement location
  5. Bride’s favourite colour
  6. Their favourite movie series
  7. Their dog’s name
  8. Number of houses they’ve owned
  9. Name of the place they first met
  1. Groom’s least favourite fruit
  2. Bride’s maiden name
  3. Flavour of the wedding cake sponge
  4. Bride’s new surname
  5. Their total number of siblings
  6. Their favourite trip together
  7. The month the Groom proposed
  8. Rugby team the Groom supports
  9. Bride’s middle name
  10. Bride’s birth month
  11. Minimoon locaotion

20 Clues: Their dog’s nameGroom’s eye colourMinimoon locaotionBride’s maiden nameBride’s new surnameEngagement locationBride’s middle nameBride’s birth monthBride’s favourite colourBride’s favourite cocktailThe month the Groom proposedTheir favourite movie seriesGroom’s least favourite fruitTheir favourite trip togetherRugby team the Groom supports...

Rollovers and ESRP 2024-07-26

Rollovers and ESRP crossword puzzle
  1. When will a Client Receive their Form 5498
  2. Where Distribution Codes are on Form 1040
  3. Once FA Identifies an Employer Plan eligible, As best practice to go through the rollover __________
  4. Client initiated a rollover without having a conversation about the rollover
  5. Considerations Leave it Roll it Move it Take it
  1. Tax form issued by Distributing Firm
  2. What is always needed on a Rollover?
  3. Rollover Distribution which funds are never constructively received by client.
  4. Days to return any funds in order to limit their tax liability

9 Clues: Tax form issued by Distributing FirmWhat is always needed on a Rollover?Where Distribution Codes are on Form 1040When will a Client Receive their Form 5498Considerations Leave it Roll it Move it Take itDays to return any funds in order to limit their tax liabilityClient initiated a rollover without having a conversation about the rollover...

Our House 2024-07-26

Our House crossword puzzle
  1. anger outlet
  2. Friday
  3. location
  4. city
  5. sicky ______
  6. year round
  7. little_____
  8. barrels and barrels of
  9. newest loan
  1. never ending
  2. living room protection
  3. in the corners outside
  4. makeshift dog house
  5. main use of sofa
  6. HOA
  7. everywhere all the time!
  8. I will catch you
  9. thick layer of
  10. endless
  11. Monday
  12. old roof material

21 Clues: HOAcityFridayMondayendlesslocationyear roundlittle_____newest loannever endinganger outletsicky ______thick layer ofmain use of sofaI will catch youold roof materialmakeshift dog houseliving room protectionin the corners outsidebarrels and barrels ofeverywhere all the time!

Welcome Back Wildcats 2024-07-26

Welcome Back Wildcats crossword puzzle
  1. K
  2. J
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. H
  7. G
  1. F
  2. I
  3. C
  4. L
  5. E


Western Sugar Scottsbluff 2024-07-26

Western Sugar Scottsbluff crossword puzzle
  1. Can be preventative or corrective
  2. Steam Generator
  3. 75% water and 20% Sugar
  4. Spins out the sugar
  5. Sucrose
  6. Is the most important part of your day
  1. Someone in charge
  2. Making sure everything is in order
  3. Named after fur trader Hiram Scott
  4. Made up of three main parts, Beet End, Sugar End, and MD
  5. Growers and those helping them
  6. Where the magic (science) happens
  7. Storage and Loading

13 Clues: SucroseSteam GeneratorSomeone in chargeStorage and LoadingSpins out the sugar75% water and 20% SugarGrowers and those helping themCan be preventative or correctiveWhere the magic (science) happensMaking sure everything is in orderNamed after fur trader Hiram ScottIs the most important part of your day...

Disciples of Jesus 2024-07-26

Disciples of Jesus crossword puzzle
  1. Told his friend about Jesus
  2. Was a tax collector
  3. How we can talk to God
  4. How many sets of brothers were disciples
  5. Also was called Nathanael
  6. A group of people Simon was a part of
  7. When we do something wrong
  8. Introduced the boy with the fish and loaves
  1. Jesus was asleep on it during a storm
  2. The last name of the disciple betrayed Jesus
  3. Older brother of John
  4. Disciple also called Jude and Lebbaeus
  5. His name means rock
  6. A story or illustration Jesus told
  7. Was called the doubting disciples
  8. The Beloved One

16 Clues: The Beloved OneWas a tax collectorHis name means rockOlder brother of JohnHow we can talk to GodAlso was called NathanaelWhen we do something wrongTold his friend about JesusWas called the doubting disciplesA story or illustration Jesus toldJesus was asleep on it during a stormA group of people Simon was a part of...

Pangea's Puzzle 2024-07-26

Pangea's Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Cats puke these up
  2. What the birthday girl is named after
  3. The birthday girl
  4. Water surrounding Pangea
  5. ___ and Jerry
  6. Periodt.
  7. This breed is mostly female cats
  8. How old the birthday girl is turning
  9. The birthday girl's best friend
  1. What the birthday girl got her honorary degree in
  2. What cats do for 12-16 hours a day
  3. Baby cat
  4. Alfred ______ proposed continental drift theory
  5. Underside of cats' paws
  6. The birthday girl's star sign (July 21)
  7. These make continents move
  8. Came before Pangea
  9. What cats say
  10. Cats chase these
  11. What cats do when they are mad

20 Clues: Baby catPeriodt.What cats say___ and JerryCats chase theseThe birthday girlCats puke these upCame before PangeaUnderside of cats' pawsWater surrounding PangeaThese make continents moveWhat cats do when they are madThe birthday girl's best friendThis breed is mostly female catsWhat cats do for 12-16 hours a dayHow old the birthday girl is turning...

the mesa crossword 2024-07-26

the mesa crossword crossword puzzle
  1. number after 3
  2. result
  1. make ready
  2. predicted

4 Clues: resultpredictedmake readynumber after 3

Dinosaurs 2024-07-26

Dinosaurs crossword puzzle
  1. A marine reptile, not a dinosaur, known for its large size.
  2. A dinosaur with a long neck and long front legs
  1. A long-necked dinosaur, one of the largest ever discovered.
  2. A dinosaur known for its whip-like tail and long neck

4 Clues: A dinosaur with a long neck and long front legsA dinosaur known for its whip-like tail and long neckA long-necked dinosaur, one of the largest ever discovered.A marine reptile, not a dinosaur, known for its large size.

Crossword 2024-07-26

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Nicola and Lee 2024-07-26

Nicola and Lee crossword puzzle
  1. Groom's first job
  2. First Holiday as a family
  3. What was the name of the Bride's dog
  4. The Bride's Mother's name
  5. The Bride's middle name
  6. The couple's first holiday
  7. The Couple's favourite restaurant
  8. The Couple's favourite cocktail
  9. The month they moved into their home
  10. The Groom's favourite food
  11. How many times have the couple been to Old Trafford
  12. Month they became parents
  1. Where did the Groom propose
  2. The Bride's favourite takeaway
  3. The couple's house number
  4. The month the bride and groom met
  5. Where the groom went on stag
  6. How many siblings do the couple have combined
  7. The Bride's eye colour
  8. What Man Utd legend did the bride have a selfie with
  9. The Couple's favourite Man Utd player
  10. First TV series the couple watched together
  11. The Groom's favourite colour

23 Clues: Groom's first jobThe Bride's eye colourThe Bride's middle nameFirst Holiday as a familyThe couple's house numberThe Bride's Mother's nameMonth they became parentsThe couple's first holidayThe Groom's favourite foodWhere did the Groom proposeWhere the groom went on stagThe Groom's favourite colourThe Bride's favourite takeaway...

Dinosaurs 2024-07-26

Dinosaurs crossword puzzle
  1. A dinosaur with plates on its back and spikes on its tail.
  2. A herbivorous dinosaur from Argentina.
  1. A carnivorous dinosaur discovered in India.
  2. A carnivorous dinosaur from Japan

4 Clues: A carnivorous dinosaur from JapanA herbivorous dinosaur from Argentina.A carnivorous dinosaur discovered in India.A dinosaur with plates on its back and spikes on its tail.

Animal Adventure 2024-07-26

Animal Adventure crossword puzzle
  1. the Fibonacci animal
  2. beautiful feathers
  3. the trash digger
  4. has a pouch
  5. has a trunk
  6. bushy tail
  7. goes clip-clop
  8. a cunning fellow
  9. king of the jungle
  1. strongest bite
  2. largest cat
  3. largest ever
  4. blue blood
  5. eats eucalyptus
  6. fastest on land
  7. camouflages
  8. longest neck
  9. swims in mud
  10. turns into a frog
  11. the smartest bird

20 Clues: blue bloodbushy taillargest catcamouflageshas a pouchhas a trunklargest everlongest neckswims in mudstrongest bitegoes clip-clopeats eucalyptusfastest on landthe trash diggera cunning fellowturns into a frogthe smartest birdbeautiful feathersking of the junglethe Fibonacci animal

World Mangrove Day Crossword 2024-07-26

World Mangrove Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Mangroves have been recorded to absorb almost 10 times as much _____ from the atmosphere than terrestrial forests.
  2. What kind of shark is most commonly found in mangrove forests?
  3. Wide areas of mangroves can help reduce the height of a _____ as it breaches the coast, reducing the potential loss of life and property.
  4. The American ________ is quite rare, relying heavily on mangrove habitats for their survival. This reptile can now only be found in the north Florida Bay and nearby swamps, as well as the north end of Key Largo.
  5. Many mangrove forests can be recognized by their dense tangle of prop ____ that make the trees appear to be standing on stilts above the water.
  6. _______ crabs are scavengers and may be found among mangroves feeding on algae, invertebrates, and dead organisms.
  7. Mangroves serve as nurseries for many species of tropical ___.
  8. Only three species of _______ are known to occur in mangroves.
  9. Mangrove forests stabilize the coastline, reducing ______ from storm surges, currents, waves, and tides.
  10. What charismatic big cat is most often seen in mangrove forests?
  11. The loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green sea ____ (Chelonia mydas) utilize the mangroves as juvenile nurseries, receiving protection from predators as well as an area rich in food.
  1. Florida's mangrove forests primarily consist of four tree species: red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), black mangrove (Avicennia germinans), white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) and _______ (Conocarpus erectus).
  2. In Thailand, Mexico and Indonesia, mangroves are often cut down to make room for temporary _____ pens. But once the pens have been removed, the accumulated biowaste renders the water too toxic for most forms of life.
  3. The critically endangered ____ ____ is rarely seen in the wild but sightings occur almost exclusively in the everglades mangrove forest.
  4. Most Mangrove trees live and thrive on muddy soil and can filter out as much as 90% of all the ____ in seawater when it enters their roots.
  5. Unlike most trees, mangroves can grow directly in salty or ______ water.
  6. A relative of the manatee, the _____ relies on sea grass in mangrove channels to survive.
  7. The largest amount of mangrove coverage can be found in _______, where mangrove trees cover some 31,000 square kilometers (about 12,000 square miles) — roughly the size of Maryland.
  8. Mangroves are under threat nearly everywhere, but the problem is particularly acute in ______, where one study estimated the mangrove loss rate is more than five times the global average.
  9. The United States has roughly 2,000 square kilometers (about 800 square miles) of mangroves — an area about four-fifths the size of Luxembourg — located almost entirely in southern ______.
  10. area where freshwater meets the sea, creating a salinity gradient from pure freshwater to full-strength seawater

21 Clues: What kind of shark is most commonly found in mangrove forests?Mangroves serve as nurseries for many species of tropical ___.Only three species of _______ are known to occur in mangroves.What charismatic big cat is most often seen in mangrove forests?Unlike most trees, mangroves can grow directly in salty or ______ water....

Electrical appliances 2024-07-26

Electrical appliances crossword puzzle
  1. device we use to warch matches

    1 Clue: device we use to warch matches

    Mom's Birthday Crossword 2024-07-26

    Mom's Birthday Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. Exam for many a 10th grader, for short
    2. Useful chain for dog owners
    3. Anxiety
    4. Nurses
    5. Make comfier over time, as clothes
    6. Beach lotion letters
    7. Bespeckled Dad lookalike
    8. Athleisure portmanteau
    9. Lin of Hamilton fame
    10. Rizzo the __ "The Muppet Show" character
    11. Text initialism rarely meant literally
    12. Like hair at salons
    13. Linger
    14. National__Day (July 29th)
    15. Certain creature comfort?
    16. We don't talk about that
    17. Creatures that have the densest fur of any mammal
    18. Line at the vet's?
    19. Strong-willed daughter on "Downton Abbey"
    20. Rotting vent rodent or the one seeking it out
    21. Tossed by a teacher
    22. Important part of a toddler's day
    23. Fish pier resident predator
    24. Spanglish sausage
    25. The "S" of NYC's SIR train line
    26. Support for a swing
    27. Lacking brightness
    28. One might be cleansed with a strip
    29. Clinger crustacean
    30. Driving you crazy, but not nuts
    31. Word used when addressing Kamala Harris
    32. Birthday Greeting card sentiment
    33. They're relayed in a relay
    34. National __ Day (July 29th)
    35. Sign of summer
    36. July birthstone
    37. Service accessories
    38. Olympics event where participants shoot for the gold
    39. HC athlete
    40. Basis for some civil cases
    1. Targets of Y.A. fiction
    2. Gossips
    3. What's for dinner?
    4. Nasal cavity
    5. Shared a bed with one's baby
    6. Country singer Stapleton
    7. Puts another layer on
    8. Little fish, in Spanish
    9. Something Dad tries to find a new one of
    10. Just get__?
    11. Shopping for nothing, or feline residences
    12. Olympic bars?
    13. Fitness class often put on by a farm
    14. Do away with grey, say
    15. Feature of a Raggedy Ann doll
    16. Answer to 28 down
    17. Question following a birthday serenade
    18. Tried to take a seat?
    19. One with a short term in office?
    20. Stack at a TSA checkpoint
    21. Finals but not semi finals
    22. Nickname for a mini spatula
    23. It comes before the main event
    24. Squeals
    25. National__ Day (July 29th)
    26. Lobster catchers?
    27. Minifigure mitt
    28. French 101 verb
    29. Meat-and-pastry dish
    30. Some Facebook pings
    31. J.J. or T.J. of the NFL
    32. Word with boot or spaghetti
    33. Delivery room offering, informally
    34. Cause to jump
    35. Con: Spanish :: __: French
    36. Competitiveness continuum
    37. Two-toned treat
    38. Exam for a future attorney, for short
    39. I don't want to laugh I want to__?

    79 Clues: NursesLingerGossipsAnxietySquealsHC athleteJust get__?Nasal cavityOlympic bars?Cause to jumpSign of summerMinifigure mittFrench 101 verbTwo-toned treatJuly birthstoneAnswer to 28 downLobster catchers?Spanglish sausageWhat's for dinner?Line at the vet's?Lacking brightnessClinger crustaceanLike hair at salonsTossed by a teacherSome Facebook pings...

    New Hire Pt 1 2024-07-26

    New Hire Pt 1 crossword puzzle
    1. Where to save your files when logged into OpenNet
    2. FAM: Foreign Affairs______
    3. HR database used at Dept of State
    4. Name of the folder to find your Telework Record
    5. Which state uses VA-4 form for state taxes
    6. First word in section VIII of QWI GFS-WI-CAM-244(C)
    7. Entitlement for employees who read/speak foreign languages
    8. Street name of Building F
    1. Employees can choose any state of domicile if stationed where
    2. Color of Actions to be Audited
    3. 3 FAM 3412
    4. Name of website to find state tax information
    5. occasional third type of tax withheld (federal, state, ___)
    6. 9 FAM Volume
    7. HR Department

    15 Clues: 3 FAM 34129 FAM VolumeHR DepartmentStreet name of Building FFAM: Foreign Affairs______Color of Actions to be AuditedHR database used at Dept of StateWhich state uses VA-4 form for state taxesName of website to find state tax informationName of the folder to find your Telework RecordWhere to save your files when logged into OpenNet...

    Historias 2024-07-26

    Historias crossword puzzle
    1. Fue el asesino de Absalon
    2. Tribu de Israel que no recibió una herencia de terra
    3. Misionero del que se dice que creció conociendo las Sagradas Escrituras
    4. Nombre del esposo de Betsabe
    5. Lugar de procedencia de Jose quien pidio enterrar el cuerpo de Jesus
    6. Juez que con 300 hombres utilizando antorchas y cuernos vencio a los madianitas
    1. Con la quijada de que animal, Sanson mato 1,000 filisteos
    2. Mujer que escondio a los espías en Jericó
    3. Nombre del sobrino de Abraham
    4. Nombre del primer hijo de Abraham

    10 Clues: Fue el asesino de AbsalonNombre del esposo de BetsabeNombre del sobrino de AbrahamNombre del primer hijo de AbrahamMujer que escondio a los espías en JericóTribu de Israel que no recibió una herencia de terraCon la quijada de que animal, Sanson mato 1,000 filisteosLugar de procedencia de Jose quien pidio enterrar el cuerpo de Jesus...

    Sip & Solve 2024-07-26

    Sip & Solve crossword puzzle
    1. Number of combined siblings
    2. Month they got engaged
    3. Bride would die to meet
    4. Said "I love you" first
    5. Brides favorite movie
    6. Couples dog name
    7. Go to take out spot
    8. Couples favorite board game
    9. Brides favorite animal
    10. First meal Groom cooked for Bride
    1. Where do they work
    2. Number of years they dated
    3. First date location
    4. Grooms middle name
    5. Liquor Bride will NOT drink
    6. Brides maiden name
    7. Grooms favorite drink
    8. Where did the groom go to college?
    9. Liquor Groom will NOT drink
    10. Grooms worst fear

    20 Clues: Couples dog nameGrooms worst fearWhere do they workGrooms middle nameBrides maiden nameFirst date locationGo to take out spotBrides favorite movieGrooms favorite drinkMonth they got engagedBrides favorite animalBride would die to meetSaid "I love you" firstNumber of years they datedNumber of combined siblingsLiquor Bride will NOT drink...

    Types of Pizza 2024-07-26

    Types of Pizza crossword puzzle
    1. Pizza with tuna.
    2. Pizza with ham.
    3. Pizza with buffalo mozzarella.
    4. Pizza with ham, artichokes, mushrooms, and olives.
    5. Classic pizza with tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil.
    6. Pizza with four types of cheese.
    7. Pizza with four different sections of toppings.
    8. Pizza with sausage and mushrooms.
    9. Pizza with tomato, garlic, oregano, and olive oil.
    10. Pizza with anchovies, capers, and mozzarella.
    1. Pizza with mushrooms.
    2. Pizza with Italian sausage.
    3. Pizza with truffle cream.
    4. Pizza with anchovies and capers.
    5. Pizza with various vegetables.
    6. Pizza with various seafood.
    7. Pizza with onions and olives.
    8. Spicy pizza with hot salami.
    9. Pizza with eggs, cheese, and pancetta.
    10. Pizza without tomato sauce.

    20 Clues: Pizza with ham.Pizza with tuna.Pizza with mushrooms.Pizza with truffle cream.Pizza with Italian sausage.Pizza with various seafood.Pizza without tomato sauce.Spicy pizza with hot salami.Pizza with onions and olives.Pizza with various vegetables.Pizza with buffalo mozzarella.Pizza with anchovies and capers.Pizza with four types of cheese....

    Sip & Solve 2024-07-26

    Sip & Solve crossword puzzle
    1. Name of their second child
    2. What month is the least popular to get married in
    3. Groom’s favorite liquor
    4. The couples favorite dessert
    5. The Bride’s middle name
    6. What is the traditional 1 year wedding anniversary gift
    7. What city did they meet in
    1. Name of their first child
    2. Bride and groom’s favorite color
    3. Bride’s favorite liquor
    4. Who wanted to elope?
    5. The month he proposed
    6. Destination of couples first vacation
    7. What will the Bride’s last name be
    8. What are the couple doing for their honeymoon
    9. The Groom’s middle name

    16 Clues: Who wanted to elope?The month he proposedBride’s favorite liquorGroom’s favorite liquorThe Groom’s middle nameThe Bride’s middle nameName of their first childName of their second childWhat city did they meet inThe couples favorite dessertBride and groom’s favorite colorWhat will the Bride’s last name beDestination of couples first vacation...

    Ali the Puppy 2024-07-26

    Ali the Puppy crossword puzzle
    1. Her prize after using the water closet.
    2. Ali knows English! Her favorite word is ____.
    3. Dogs are direct descendants of ____.
    4. Her eyes are ____.
    1. Ali's brain is the size of a ____.
    2. It has been proven that dogs have a sense of ____.
    3. ____ goes her tail.
    4. ____ is Spanish for female dog.

    8 Clues: Her eyes are ____.____ goes her tail.____ is Spanish for female dog.Ali's brain is the size of a ____.Dogs are direct descendants of ____.Her prize after using the water closet.Ali knows English! Her favorite word is ____.It has been proven that dogs have a sense of ____.

    The Prophet Nathan confronts King David 2024-07-26

    The Prophet Nathan confronts King David crossword puzzle
    1. What does God do when we are sorry for what we have done wrong
    2. What did it take for Nathan to confront the King
    3. Name of the prophet who confronted King David
    1. What nation was David the King of
    2. Because of King David’s sin, what weapon would his family always have to live by
    3. What did King David do when Nathan confronte him
    4. What did the rich man take from the poor man

    7 Clues: What nation was David the King ofWhat did the rich man take from the poor manName of the prophet who confronted King DavidWhat did King David do when Nathan confronte himWhat did it take for Nathan to confront the KingWhat does God do when we are sorry for what we have done wrong...

    GEOL 101 Chapter 12 Review Crossword Puzzle 2024-07-26

    GEOL 101 Chapter 12 Review Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
    1. Hot springs that periodically eject hot water and steam
    2. Permeable layer that transports groundwater
    3. A material's capacity to transmit fluids
    4. Volcanic gas discharge such as steam
    5. Percentage of a materials' total volume that is poor space
    6. Calcite formation from drips that hit cave floor
    7. The ultimate source of groundwater
    8. Calcite deposits
    1. Prevents groundwater movement, it is an impermeable unit
    2. This type of rock is easily dissolved by carbonic acid
    3. Formation that hangs from the ceilings of a cave
    4. A naturally formed subsurface opening that is generally connected to the
    5. Occurs wherever laterally moving groundwater intersects Earth's surface
    6. A very large cave or a system of interconnected caves
    7. Depressions in regions underlain by soluble rock
    8. This type of climate is needed for the development of karst topography
    9. Feature that occurs when a stalactiteDrip curtain A vertical sheet of rock

    17 Clues: Calcite depositsThe ultimate source of groundwaterVolcanic gas discharge such as steamA material's capacity to transmit fluidsPermeable layer that transports groundwaterFormation that hangs from the ceilings of a caveDepressions in regions underlain by soluble rockCalcite formation from drips that hit cave floor...

    U1W2 Vocabulary Crossword 2024-07-26

    U1W2 Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. – to go back over
    2. – choices
    3. – to figure out the meaning of something difficult to read or understand
    1. – to come or bring together
    2. – to sail, steer, or follow a course over or through
    3. – to do something successfully; complete
    4. – nervous, worried, or fearful about what may happen
    5. – drew one’s attention away from what one was doing or thinking

    8 Clues: – choices– to go back over– to come or bring together– to do something successfully; complete– to sail, steer, or follow a course over or through– nervous, worried, or fearful about what may happen– drew one’s attention away from what one was doing or thinking– to figure out the meaning of something difficult to read or understand

    Types of Pasta 2024-07-26

    Types of Pasta crossword puzzle
    1. Small, elbow-shaped pasta.
    2. Large tubes filled with meat or cheese.
    3. Small, rice-shaped pasta.
    4. Long, thin, cylindrical pasta.
    5. Thick spaghetti with a hole running through the center.
    6. Bow-tie or butterfly-shaped pasta.
    7. Wide, flat pasta sheets.
    8. Corkscrew-shaped pasta.
    9. Ear-shaped pasta.
    10. Spiral-shaped pasta.
    11. Flat, narrow pasta similar to fettuccine.
    1. Large, ridged tube pasta.
    2. Square pasta filled with meat or cheese.
    3. Ring-shaped pasta filled with meat or cheese.
    4. Tube-shaped pasta with angled ends.
    5. Long, flat ribbons of pasta.
    6. Corkscrew-shaped pasta.
    7. Large, broad, flat pasta.
    8. Smooth, tubular pasta.
    9. Small dumplings made from potato.

    20 Clues: Ear-shaped pasta.Spiral-shaped pasta.Smooth, tubular pasta.Corkscrew-shaped pasta.Corkscrew-shaped pasta.Wide, flat pasta sheets.Large, ridged tube pasta.Small, rice-shaped pasta.Large, broad, flat pasta.Small, elbow-shaped pasta.Long, flat ribbons of pasta.Long, thin, cylindrical pasta.Small dumplings made from potato....

    Direct & Indirect Rollovers 2024-07-26

    Direct & Indirect Rollovers crossword puzzle
    1. IRA 60 Day Rollovers are always what?
    2. when a client takes control of the distributed funds from an IRA
    3. Required Minimum Distribution
    4. 20% withholding required
    1. The client does not receive any of the funds directly
    2. 1099-R distribution code for a direct rollover of pre-tax money
    3. web046919
    4. 1099-R distribution code for a direct rollover of Roth money
    5. Rollovers that only apply to employer plans
    6. Employer Plan Rollovers-Plan Types & Descriptions

    10 Clues: web04691920% withholding requiredRequired Minimum DistributionIRA 60 Day Rollovers are always what?Rollovers that only apply to employer plansEmployer Plan Rollovers-Plan Types & DescriptionsThe client does not receive any of the funds directly1099-R distribution code for a direct rollover of Roth money...

    Repaso: Campo Semántico/Técnicas de Comprensión Oral 2024-07-26

    Repaso: Campo Semántico/Técnicas de Comprensión Oral crossword puzzle
    1. Es la reunión entre dos o más personas, quienes dialogan de forma formal, razonada y exhaustiva sobre un tema
    2. Es el conjunto de vocablos que se relaciona por su significado en común
    1. Es el que introduce el tema, indica las normas e inaugura la discusión
    2. Es el relato oral de un texto en prosa o verso
    3. Es la técnica más común y espontanea del lenguaje oral

    5 Clues: Es el relato oral de un texto en prosa o versoEs la técnica más común y espontanea del lenguaje oralEs el que introduce el tema, indica las normas e inaugura la discusiónEs el conjunto de vocablos que se relaciona por su significado en comúnEs la reunión entre dos o más personas, quienes dialogan de forma formal, razonada y exhaustiva sobre un tema

    Electrical Appliances 2024-07-26

    Electrical Appliances crossword puzzle
    1. In which you can wash your clothes
    2. In which you can charge devices
    3. Its The Device That Most of the people watch Social Media
    4. where you can put your spices or ingredients
    5. its a cable where Playstations, Xbox and Computers Connect with TV's
    6. in which you can Watch Netflix Or TV channels
    7. its something that you have to connect in every device
    1. in which you can dry your hair
    2. In Which you can heat up your food
    3. Device in Which You Can play games and use a mouse
    4. in which you can play Mario Games
    5. its a famous console Made By Sony Productions

    12 Clues: in which you can dry your hairIn which you can charge devicesin which you can play Mario GamesIn which you can wash your clothesIn Which you can heat up your foodwhere you can put your spices or ingredientsits a famous console Made By Sony Productionsin which you can Watch Netflix Or TV channelsDevice in Which You Can play games and use a mouse...

    TYLER AND SAMANTHA 2024-07-26

    TYLER AND SAMANTHA crossword puzzle


    Compliance 2024-07-26

    Compliance crossword puzzle
    1. Term for a system of labeling documents to identify and differentiate each update or iteration
    2. System used to manage and keep track of documents to ensure compliance with evolving standards and regulations
    3. Department responsible for reviewing and approving branded materials before they are shared with clients
    4. In Confluence, use this type of macro to display banners such as 'DRAFT' at the top of your page
    1. Maintaining this through consistent messaging and branding is crucial for building trust and a positive image
    2. Action to take with documents that are no longer

    6 Clues: Action to take with documents that are no longerTerm for a system of labeling documents to identify and differentiate each update or iterationIn Confluence, use this type of macro to display banners such as 'DRAFT' at the top of your pageDepartment responsible for reviewing and approving branded materials before they are shared with clients...

    Alsamaramo 2024-07-26

    Alsamaramo crossword puzzle
    1. Een van de twee leukste moeders ooit.
    2. Het aantal jaar dat Nerba verloofd was.
    3. Hier zou Nermin ooit nog van af willen springen.
    4. Geboorteplaats van Teba.
    5. Degene die de eerste move maakte volgens Teba.
    6. De staat die vrijheid verdient.
    7. Degene die de eerste move maakte volgens Nermin.
    8. Het leukste restaurant van Den Haag.
    1. De snelste craving-stopper van Nerba.
    2. Een Japanse achternaam?
    3. Het verlossende woord van vandaag.
    4. Het aantal jaar dat Nerba elkaar kent.
    5. Het album van deze artiest had Nerba het meest op repeat het afgelopen jaar.
    6. Guilty pleasure girl band van Teba.
    7. Een van de twee leukste moeders ooit.
    8. Nermin gaat hier vaak door op en neer.
    9. Dit slingert er het vaakst rond de bank nadat Teba er heeft gelegen.
    10. De handeling die Teba het vaakst maakt nadat Nermin iets grappigs zegt.
    11. Een verstopte achternaam?
    12. Inmiddels heeft Nermin al 16+ seizoenen van deze show gezien.
    13. De plek waar Nerba elkaar het eerst heeft gezien.

    21 Clues: Een Japanse achternaam?Geboorteplaats van Teba.Een verstopte achternaam?De staat die vrijheid verdient.Het verlossende woord van vandaag.Guilty pleasure girl band van Teba.Het leukste restaurant van Den Haag.De snelste craving-stopper van Nerba.Een van de twee leukste moeders ooit.Een van de twee leukste moeders ooit....

    TIMOTHY 2024-07-26

    TIMOTHY crossword puzzle
    1. FATHER
    1. in Law

    2 Clues: in LawFATHER

    Cruzadinha da Saúde 2024-07-26

    Cruzadinha da Saúde crossword puzzle
    1. Principal fonte de energia para a maioria dos seres vivos.
    2. Vitamina que auxilia a formação dos ossos e dos dentes.
    3. Gorduras presentes na maioria dos óleos vegetais.
    4. Sais minerais que auxiliam na formação de ossos e dentes.
    5. Gorduras presentes em alimentos de origem animal e em alguns óleos vegetais.
    1. Sais minerais que constituem a hemoglobina.
    2. Vitamina que é essencial na formação de estruturas relacionadas à visão.
    3. São formadas por estruturas menores, conhecidas como aminoácidos.
    4. Nutrientes altamente energéticos para o organismo e estão presentes nas gorduras e nos óleos.
    5. Carboidrato utilizado com mais facilidade pelo organismo humano.
    6. Carboidrato produzido pelos vegetais como reserva energética e pode ser encontrado em raízes.

    11 Clues: Sais minerais que constituem a hemoglobina.Gorduras presentes na maioria dos óleos vegetais.Vitamina que auxilia a formação dos ossos e dos dentes.Sais minerais que auxiliam na formação de ossos e dentes.Principal fonte de energia para a maioria dos seres vivos.Carboidrato utilizado com mais facilidade pelo organismo humano....

    Hombre de papel 2024-07-26

    Hombre de papel crossword puzzle
    1. turned her head
    2. the basket fell
    3. around
    4. caused a lot of wind
    5. paper airplane
    6. stayed standing
    7. cleared his throat
    1. lipstick
    2. got on the train
    3. he was excited
    4. kept making

    11 Clues: aroundlipstickkept makinghe was excitedpaper airplaneturned her headthe basket fellstayed standinggot on the traincleared his throatcaused a lot of wind

    Electrical Devices 2024-07-26

    Electrical Devices crossword puzzle
    1. It is a device that makes food cold
    2. is the object that brushes the teeths
    3. is the object we use to entertain ourselves
    4. is the object that mixes food
    1. It is a device that heats food
    2. is the object that has different applications
    3. is the object that is sometimes portable and sometimes not
    4. is a console that can be used on a small screen
    5. is the object that is like a cell phone but bigger
    6. is the object that loads certain objects
    7. is the object that dries the hair
    8. is the object that wakes people up at a certain time

    12 Clues: is the object that mixes foodIt is a device that heats foodis the object that dries the hairIt is a device that makes food coldis the object that brushes the teethsis the object that loads certain objectsis the object we use to entertain ourselvesis the object that has different applicationsis a console that can be used on a small screen...

    Animals 2024-07-26

    Animals crossword puzzle
    1. big,gray animal with a long trunk
    1. color made from red and blue
    2. big cat with stripes

    3 Clues: big cat with stripescolor made from red and bluebig,gray animal with a long trunk

    GEOL 101 Chapter 11 Review Crossword Puzzle 2024-07-26

    GEOL 101 Chapter 11 Review Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
    1. This drainage pattern is characterized by irregularity
    2. Features that are created when rivers enter the ocean
    3. Drainage pattern you would expect to find on a volcano
    4. Energy of position
    5. Slope of a stream in meters per kilometer
    6. This drainage pattern is characterized by right angle bends
    7. Volume of water moving past a specific point in a given interval of time
    8. Bowl shaped depressions carved into the floor of the stream
    9. Intermittent jumping motion of sand grains along a river bottom
    10. A high point separating drainage basins
    11. A _____ dominated delta has long fingerlike sand bodies
    1. This drainage pattern is the most common and resembles a tree branching
    2. Distance traveled per unit time
    3. This type of stream has a channel that is highly sinuous (curvy)
    4. The process where rock is worn smooth by the impact and transportation
    5. Energy of motion
    6. Low lying area adjacent to a channel
    7. The release of water into the atmosphere by plants
    8. Linear depression bonded by higher areas such as ridges or mountains
    9. Narrow and deep canyons
    10. This type of stream has multiple channels that divide and rejoin
    11. All sediment transported and deposited by running water
    12. A ______ dominated delta is continuously modified into tidal sand bodies

    23 Clues: Energy of motionEnergy of positionNarrow and deep canyonsDistance traveled per unit timeLow lying area adjacent to a channelA high point separating drainage basinsSlope of a stream in meters per kilometerThe release of water into the atmosphere by plantsFeatures that are created when rivers enter the ocean...

    23 2024-07-26

    23 crossword puzzle
    1. George Michael hit
    2. Madonna's song
    3. Hall & Oates hit
    4. Survivor's hit
    5. Bonnie Tyler hit
    6. Lipps Inc. hit
    7. UB40's cover hit
    8. Michael Jackson song
    9. Phil Collins song
    1. Cyndi Lauper hit
    2. Dexys Midnight Runners hit
    3. Belinda Carlisle song
    4. Phil Collins hit
    5. Kim Carnes hit
    6. Journey's ballad
    7. Pet Shop Boys hit
    8. Tears for Fears hit
    9. The Bangles hit
    10. Olivia Newton-John hit
    11. Billy Joel hit

    20 Clues: Kim Carnes hitMadonna's songSurvivor's hitLipps Inc. hitBilly Joel hitThe Bangles hitCyndi Lauper hitPhil Collins hitJourney's balladHall & Oates hitBonnie Tyler hitUB40's cover hitPet Shop Boys hitPhil Collins songGeorge Michael hitTears for Fears hitMichael Jackson songBelinda Carlisle songOlivia Newton-John hitDexys Midnight Runners hit

    Compliance 2024-07-26

    Compliance crossword puzzle
    1. for a system of labeling documents to identify and differentiate each update or iteration (7 letters)

      1 Clue: for a system of labeling documents to identify and differentiate each update or iteration (7 letters)

      ACA 2024-07-26

      ACA crossword puzzle
      1. Location, Location, Location
      2. What beliefs and ambitions guide ACA organization?
      3. Reaching your full potential in a positive light.
      4. What can cause you to loose your bonus?
      5. G.P that uses sound judgment and calculated risk?
      1. What do you do to get a higher payment?
      2. What is another word for team work?
      3. What application do you use to secure a payment?
      4. What tool have you learned to use to collect?
      5. When you learn and grow from your mistakes while acknowledging what you don’t know.

      10 Clues: Location, Location, LocationWhat is another word for team work?What do you do to get a higher payment?What can cause you to loose your bonus?What tool have you learned to use to collect?What application do you use to secure a payment?Reaching your full potential in a positive light.G.P that uses sound judgment and calculated risk?...

      Safety Crossword Puzzle 2024-07-26

      Safety Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
      1. keep this away from children
      2. do not do these with household chemicals
      3. make sure to think about this when using social media
      4. keep this nearby when dealing with fire.
      5. use this when using a campfire
      6. do not do this with prescriptions
      7. do not light a grill when you smell this.
      8. only use a grill here.
      9. do not store non-prescription drugs here
      1. Avoid this type of clothing that easily catches on fire when dealing with it
      2. do not burn these on a campfire
      3. make sure to carefully read this before using non-prescription drugs
      4. call this when there is a poison crisis
      5. Do not fall for the influence of this, because it may lead to unsafe decisions.
      6. always have this in case of poison emergency

      15 Clues: only use a grill here.keep this away from childrenuse this when using a campfiredo not burn these on a campfiredo not do this with prescriptionscall this when there is a poison crisisdo not do these with household chemicalskeep this nearby when dealing with not store non-prescription drugs heredo not light a grill when you smell this....

      Actividades de repaso: Campo Semántico/Técnicas de Comprensión Oral 2024-07-26

      Actividades de repaso: Campo Semántico/Técnicas de Comprensión Oral crossword puzzle
      1. Es el relato oral de un texto en prosa o verso
      2. Introduce el tema, indica e inaugura el debate.
      3. Es el conjunto de vocablos que se relacionan por su significado, comparten un eje en común
      1. Es decir, contar o decir algo es voz alta
      2. Es la técnica más común y espontánea del lenguaje oral
      3. Técnica que favorece la capacidad de análisis

      6 Clues: Es decir, contar o decir algo es voz altaTécnica que favorece la capacidad de análisisEs el relato oral de un texto en prosa o versoIntroduce el tema, indica e inaugura el debate.Es la técnica más común y espontánea del lenguaje oralEs el conjunto de vocablos que se relacionan por su significado, comparten un eje en común

      respiratory system 2024-07-26

      respiratory system crossword puzzle
      1. the waste product our body breaths out
      2. air sacs that unload oxygen into your bloodstream
      3. tubes that carry air into the lungs
      4. air enters the body from this spot
      1. known as the windpipe, connects your mouth to your lungs
      2. organs that allow us to get oxygen
      3. muscle under your lungs that pulls air into the body
      4. the air that we breath

      8 Clues: the air that we breathorgans that allow us to get oxygenair enters the body from this spottubes that carry air into the lungsthe waste product our body breaths outair sacs that unload oxygen into your bloodstreammuscle under your lungs that pulls air into the bodyknown as the windpipe, connects your mouth to your lungs

      Madhuban's I am a Hindu Crossword Puzzle 2024-07-26

      Madhuban's I am a Hindu Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
      1. Lord of obstacles
      2. The Preserver
      3. Supersoul
      4. The Creator
      5. I bow to the divinity in you
      6. A leg of dharma
      1. A leg of dharma
      2. God with the 6 qualities
      3. Another name for Hinduism
      4. Brahma sits on this flower
      5. A the legs of Dharma
      6. The law of action and reaction
      7. I am a soul
      8. A leg of dharma
      9. The Destroyer

      15 Clues: SupersoulThe CreatorI am a soulThe PreserverThe DestroyerA leg of dharmaA leg of dharmaA leg of dharmaLord of obstaclesA the legs of DharmaGod with the 6 qualitiesAnother name for HinduismBrahma sits on this flowerI bow to the divinity in youThe law of action and reaction

      Introduction to Geometry Vocabulary 2024-07-26

      Introduction to Geometry Vocabulary crossword puzzle
      1. Points that lie on the same plane
      2. All interior angles are congruent
      3. An undefined term having two dimensions represented by a wall or floor like figure
      4. A measure between 0 and 90
      5. No line contains a side of the polygon contains a point in the interior of the polygon.
      6. The point that divides a segment into two congruent segments
      7. Consists of two different rays with the same endpoint.
      8. Two angles whose noncommon sides are opposite rays
      9. All sides are congruent
      10. A point, ray, line, line segment, or plane that intersects the segment at its midpoint
      11. The set of points that two figures have in common.
      12. An endpoint of a side of a polygon or angle
      13. A measure of 180
      14. A measure of 90
      15. The absolute value of the difference of the coordinates of A and B
      16. Two angles whose sum is 90
      1. Part of a line that consists of two points and all the points on the line between.
      2. An undefined term represented by a dot which has no dimension
      3. A rule that is accepted without proof
      4. The rays of an angle
      5. A ray that divides it into two equal parts
      6. Angles with the same measure
      7. Points that lie on the same line
      8. A polygon with n- sides
      9. An undefined term with one dimension and has an arrow on each end
      10. Closed plane figure with the following features: 1)Formed by 3 or more line segments called sides 2)Each side intersects exactly two sides, one at each endpoint, so that no two with a common endpoint are collinear.
      11. A rule that can be proved
      12. Line segments that have the same length
      13. Two angles whose sum is 180
      14. A line that contains a side of the polygon also contains a point in the interior of the polygon.
      15. A measure between 90 and 180
      16. Two angles whose sides form two pairs of opposite rays
      17. A point and all points that continue in one direction from that point.
      18. Line segments that form the polygon
      19. All sides and angles are congruent

      35 Clues: A measure of 90A measure of 180The rays of an angleA polygon with n- sidesAll sides are congruentA rule that can be provedA measure between 0 and 90Two angles whose sum is 90Two angles whose sum is 180Angles with the same measureA measure between 90 and 180Points that lie on the same linePoints that lie on the same plane...

      Chapter 1 Vocabulary 2024-07-26

      Chapter 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
      1. a type of statistics dedicated to using methods that take results from a sample and extends them to the population, and measures the reliability of the result
      2. a subset of the group of individuals that is being studied
      3. information that describes characteristics of an individual
      4. a type of qualitative variable if the values of the variable can be arranged in a specific order
      5. a numerical summary of a sample
      6. a type of statistics dedicated to organizing and summarizing data through tables, graphs, and numerical summaries
      7. a type of quantitative variable that has either a finite or countable number of possible values, such as number of pages in a book
      8. a type of variable that measures or counts a quantity about individuals; another name for numerical
      1. the characteristics of the individuals within the population
      2. a person or object that is a member of the group being studied
      3. a type of qualitative variable if the values of the variable cannot be arranged in the a specific order
      4. a numerical summary of a population
      5. a type of variable that classifies individuals based on some attribute or characteristic; another name for categorical
      6. a type of quantitative variable that has an infinite number of possible values that are not countable, such as length of a fish
      7. the entire group of individuals to be studied
      8. the science of collecting, organizing, summarizing, and analyzing information to draw conclusions or answer questions

      16 Clues: a numerical summary of a samplea numerical summary of a populationthe entire group of individuals to be studieda subset of the group of individuals that is being studiedinformation that describes characteristics of an individualthe characteristics of the individuals within the populationa person or object that is a member of the group being studied...

      22 2024-07-26

      22 crossword puzzle
      1. Blondie's top song
      2. Rick Springfield hit
      3. Fleetwood Mac song
      4. Prince's classic
      5. Madonna's breakthrough hit
      6. A-ha's iconic song
      7. Cyndi Lauper song
      8. Soft Cell hit
      9. Bon Jovi anthem
      1. Kenny Loggins hit
      2. Guns N' Roses hit
      3. MJ's chart-topping song
      4. Michael Jackson hit
      5. Irene Cara's hit
      6. Van Halen's hit
      7. Toto's famous hit
      8. U2's big hit
      9. Foreigner's ballad
      10. George Michael hit
      11. The Police hit

      20 Clues: U2's big hitSoft Cell hitThe Police hitVan Halen's hitBon Jovi anthemIrene Cara's hitPrince's classicKenny Loggins hitGuns N' Roses hitToto's famous hitCyndi Lauper songBlondie's top songFleetwood Mac songForeigner's balladA-ha's iconic songGeorge Michael hitMichael Jackson hitRick Springfield hitMJ's chart-topping songMadonna's breakthrough hit

      Chapter 2 Cell Structure & Function 2024-07-26

      Chapter 2 Cell Structure & Function crossword puzzle
      1. one sugar molecule, two sugar molecules, or a long chain of sugar molecules
      2. the movement of substances through a cell membrane only by using the cell’s energy
      3. the process during which a cell takes in a substance by surrounding it with the cell membrane
      4. a substance that forms by joining many small molecules together
      5. a series of chemical reactions that convert the energy in food molecules into a usable form of energy called ATP
      6. a large macromolecule that does not dissolve in water
      7. a flexible covering that protects the inside of a cell from the environment outside a cell
      8. a process by which glucose, a sugar, is broken down into smaller molecules
      9. a reaction that eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells use to obtain energy from food when oxygen levels are low
      10. the diffusion of water molecules only
      11. the movement of substances from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
      12. a long chain of amino acid molecules
      13. when molecules pass through a cell membrane using special proteins called transport proteins
      1. a series of chemical reactions that converts light energy, water, and carbon dioxide into the food-energy molecule glucose and gives off oxygen
      2. the process during which a cell’s vesicles release their contents outside the cell
      3. the part of a eukaryotic cell that directs cell activities and contains genetic information stored in DNA
      4. a membrane-surrounded component of a cell that has specialized functions
      5. a membrane-bound organelle that uses light energy and makes food—a sugar called glucose—from water and carbon dioxide in a process known as photosynthesis
      6. a network of threadlike proteins that are joined together
      7. a stiff structure outside the cell membrane
      8. a fluid inside a cell that contains salts and other molecules
      9. states that all living things are made of one or more cells, the cell is the smallest unit of life, and all new cells come from preexisting cells
      10. a macromolecule that forms when long chains of molecules called nucleotides join together
      11. the movement of substances through a cell membrane without using the cell’s energy

      24 Clues: a long chain of amino acid moleculesthe diffusion of water molecules onlya stiff structure outside the cell membranea large macromolecule that does not dissolve in watera network of threadlike proteins that are joined togethera fluid inside a cell that contains salts and other moleculesa substance that forms by joining many small molecules together...

      Zeke and animals 2024-07-26

      Zeke and animals crossword puzzle
      1. The largest rodent in the world
      2. Medium-sized wild cat from Africa and the Middle East, recognized by its tufted ears.
      3. Wild pig from Indonesia, notable for its unusual, upward-curving tusks.
      4. Small spotted cat of South America, also known as the little spotted cat or tigrina.
      5. Southeast Asian mammal, also known as the bearcat, with a prehensile tail.
      6. Leaping lemur of Madagascar, recognized for its distinctive "dancing" locomotion.
      1. Rare bovine species discovered in Vietnam's Annamite Range, often called the "Asian unicorn."
      2. Critically endangered porpoise found in the northern part of the Gulf of California.
      3. Large, powerful cat from the Americas, known for its distinctive rosette-patterned coat.
      4. Nocturnal lemur known for its unique foraging method involving percussive tapping.
      5. Small marsupial native to Western Australia, famous for its "smiling" appearance.
      6. Small monkey from Central and South America, often characterized by its mustache-like facial hair.
      7. Insectivorous mammal related to hyenas, feeding primarily on termites.
      8. Bear Smallest bear species found in Southeast Asia, named for its characteristic chest patch.
      9. Aquatic salamander from Mexico capable of regenerating lost body parts.

      15 Clues: The largest rodent in the worldInsectivorous mammal related to hyenas, feeding primarily on termites.Wild pig from Indonesia, notable for its unusual, upward-curving tusks.Aquatic salamander from Mexico capable of regenerating lost body parts.Southeast Asian mammal, also known as the bearcat, with a prehensile tail....

      Earlham Crossword 2024-07-26

      Earlham Crossword crossword puzzle
      1. the unofficial mascot
      2. the middle of campus
      3. name of the student-run farm
      4. name of Earlham's yearbook
      1. first African American graduate
      2. student-run radio station broadcasting to all of Richmond
      3. name of on campus newspaper
      4. first co-ed dorm
      5. one of the largest student organizations focused on dance
      6. Earlham dining hall's nickname

      10 Clues: first co-ed dormthe middle of campusthe unofficial mascotname of Earlham's yearbookname of on campus newspapername of the student-run farmEarlham dining hall's nicknamefirst African American graduatestudent-run radio station broadcasting to all of Richmondone of the largest student organizations focused on dance

      Direct vs Indirect ERP Rollovers 2024-07-26

      Direct vs Indirect ERP Rollovers crossword puzzle
      1. a tasty red fruit
      1. Indirect rollovers have a _______ withholding of 20%
      2. a sour fruit

      3 Clues: a sour fruita tasty red fruitIndirect rollovers have a _______ withholding of 20%