All Crossword Puzzles

Verbs in Present Simple 2024-10-07

Verbs in Present Simple crossword puzzle
  1. go
  2. wants
  4. works
  5. stops
  6. look
  7. swim
  8. tries
  9. kisses
  10. read
  11. closes
  1. cry
  2. get
  3. wake
  4. fly
  5. brush
  6. plays
  7. studies
  8. watches
  9. see
  10. says

21 Clues: gocrygetflyseewakelookswimsaysreadwantsbrushlikesworksstopsplaystrieskissesclosesstudieswatches

Ο υπολογιστής 2024-10-07

Ο υπολογιστής crossword puzzle
  1. Στη θύρα PS/2 συνδέουμε το πληκτρολόγιο ή το ….
  2. Πόσες θύρες σύνδεσης έχει ο υπολογιστής;
  3. Ο υπολογιστής αποτελείται από το υλικό και το…
  4. Ποιο είναι το πιο μεγάλο εξάρτημα του υπολογιστή;
  5. Πόσα είδη μνήμης υπάρχουν;
  1. Ποιο είναι το πιο σημαντικό εξάρτημα του υπολογιστή;
  2. μητρική πλακέτα περιέχει ….. οθόνης, ήχου και δικτύου
  3. Ποια θύρα είναι η πιο αργή;
  4. Η μνήμη μόνο για ανάγνωση λέγεται και...
  5. Ποιό μέρος του υπολογιστή του παρέχει ρεύμα;

10 Clues: Πόσα είδη μνήμης υπάρχουν;Ποια θύρα είναι η πιο αργή;Η μνήμη μόνο για ανάγνωση λέγεται και...Πόσες θύρες σύνδεσης έχει ο υπολογιστής;Ποιό μέρος του υπολογιστή του παρέχει ρεύμα;Ο υπολογιστής αποτελείται από το υλικό και το…Στη θύρα PS/2 συνδέουμε το πληκτρολόγιο ή το ….Ποιο είναι το πιο μεγάλο εξάρτημα του υπολογιστή;...

Sociology 2024-10-07

Sociology crossword puzzle
  1. Small scale
  2. Personal document used for qualitative data
  3. Prediction that research is designed to test
  4. Way of collecting samples from mutual group of people
  5. Hiding identity for observation
  6. Ways to present statistical data
  7. What Positivists are looking for
  8. Understanding certain point of view by putting oneself in others
  9. Which culture is Anne Frank from?
  10. Hiding certain truth or giving incomplete information
  1. Large scale
  2. Combination of more than one method
  3. Done in intervals and periodically
  4. Researcher of Suicide rates
  5. Ways to select the respondents
  6. Asking questions to gain findings
  7. Techniques of research for a large sample
  8. Permission
  9. Ways something are influenced by certain thing
  10. Main idea of a research
  11. The name of a factory where observer's effect are first discovered

21 Clues: PermissionLarge scaleSmall scaleMain idea of a researchResearcher of Suicide ratesWays to select the respondentsHiding identity for observationWays to present statistical dataWhat Positivists are looking forAsking questions to gain findingsWhich culture is Anne Frank from?Done in intervals and periodicallyCombination of more than one method...

FI2 Moraaliristikko :) Hyödynnä kpl 2.2 2024-10-07

FI2 Moraaliristikko :) Hyödynnä kpl 2.2 crossword puzzle
  1. Harkitulla teolla on tällainen.
  2. Kuuluisa filosofi (etunimi riittää).
  3. Teko eli ____.
  4. Akvinolaisen mukaan tämän periaate muotoilee moraalille keskeisen sisällön.
  5. Moraalinen toimija tietää, mitä tekee ja osaa arvioida tekonsa seurauksia. Esimerkiksi hän tietää, mitä hän syö tai juo ja millä tavalla nämä aineet voivat vaikuttaa häneen.
  6. Moraalista toimijaa voidaan syyttää,kiittää tai paheksua, eli hänellä on ____ teoistaan.
  7. "Salainen" tai "Moraalinen"_____.
  8. Kuka varastaa lääkettä kuuluisassa ajatuskokeessa?
  9. Laissa tämä tarkoittaa, ettei ihminen kykene ymmärtämään tekojaan tai niiden vääryyttä.
  10. Tämä toteutuu, kun moraalinen toimija hallitsee itseään.
  1. Kuolemaan auttaminen eli armomurha.
  2. Psykologian suuntaus, joka selittää ihmisen käyttäytymistä esim. ehdollistumisen avulla.
  3. Olio, jolla on moraalista arvoa.
  4. Keskiaikainen filosofi. Perusteli teon olevan hyvä, jos sen tarkoitus on hyvä.
  5. Moraalisen toimijan ominaisuus,jonka toteutuessa toimija päättää itse, mitä tekee.
  6. Tarkoituksellinen tekemättä jättäminen eli ____.
  7. Luolavertaus, Heinzin dilemma ja Kaksi rattijuoppoa ovat esimerkkejä tällaisesta.
  8. Ajatus, joka nousee välittömästi mieleen ilman rationaalista ajatusprosessia.

18 Clues: Teko eli ____.Harkitulla teolla on tällainen.Olio, jolla on moraalista arvoa."Salainen" tai "Moraalinen"_____.Kuolemaan auttaminen eli armomurha.Kuuluisa filosofi (etunimi riittää).Tarkoituksellinen tekemättä jättäminen eli ____.Kuka varastaa lääkettä kuuluisassa ajatuskokeessa?Tämä toteutuu, kun moraalinen toimija hallitsee itseään....

Formation of a company 2024-10-07

Formation of a company crossword puzzle
  1. Conceive business idea
  2. Rules for internal management
  3. Number of suggested names
  4. Feasibility study of physical resources
  1. Minimum number of subscribers to MOA
  2. Appointment of professionals
  3. All legal formalities complied with
  4. of Allotment, Index of shareholders
  5. Charter of the company
  6. Shares are issued at this value

10 Clues: Conceive business ideaCharter of the companyNumber of suggested namesAppointment of professionalsRules for internal managementShares are issued at this valueAll legal formalities complied withof Allotment, Index of shareholdersMinimum number of subscribers to MOAFeasibility study of physical resources

Творческое задание/кроссворд по разделам III и IV учебного пособия. КЭ-243, Тумэндэмбэрэл. У 2024-10-07

Творческое задание/кроссворд по разделам III и IV учебного пособия. КЭ-243, Тумэндэмбэрэл. У crossword puzzle
  1. Политическая система, основанная на принципах равенства и участия граждан в управлении
  2. Способ представления и обоснования политических идей и концепций
  3. Непосредственное право государств осуществлять власть без внешнего вмешательства
  4. Способ организации власти, при котором регионы обладают определенной автономией
  5. Совокупность институтов, обеспечивающих управление обществом
  6. Система взглядов и представлений о мире и месте человека в нем
  1. Основной закон страны, определяющий ее политическую структуру
  2. Форма правления, при которой власть принадлежит народу
  3. Чувство любви и преданности своей стране
  4. Исторически сложившаяся общность людей с уникальной культурой и ценностями

10 Clues: Чувство любви и преданности своей странеФорма правления, при которой власть принадлежит народуСовокупность институтов, обеспечивающих управление обществомОсновной закон страны, определяющий ее политическую структуруСистема взглядов и представлений о мире и месте человека в немСпособ представления и обоснования политических идей и концепций...

Mathematical identities 2024-10-07

Mathematical identities crossword puzzle
  2. a^2+2ab+b^2


Movie Genre 2024-10-07

Movie Genre crossword puzzle
  1. A movie about love and relationships.
  2. A movie that makes you laugh.
  3. A movie with suspense and excitement.
  4. A movie with lots of singing and dancing.
  5. A movie with cartoon characters.
  1. A movie that shows real-life events.
  2. A serious movie with emotional stories.
  3. A movie with robots, spaceships, or the future.
  4. A scary movie with ghosts or monsters.
  5. A movie where characters try to solve a crime.
  6. A movie with lots of fighting and stunts.
  7. A movie about magical worlds and creatures.

12 Clues: A movie that makes you laugh.A movie with cartoon characters.A movie that shows real-life events.A movie about love and relationships.A movie with suspense and excitement.A scary movie with ghosts or monsters.A serious movie with emotional stories.A movie with lots of singing and dancing.A movie with lots of fighting and stunts....


ΤΑ ΜΕΡΗ ΤΟΥ ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΗ crossword puzzle
  1. Συνδέει τον υπολογιστή με τον διαδίκτυο.
  2. Συνδέει εξωτερικά εξαρτήματα με τον υπολογιστή.
  3. Εισάγουμε DVD στον υπολογιστή.
  4. Συνδέει την οθόνη με τον υπολογιστή.
  5. Σύνδεση εξαρτημάτων του υπολογιστή.
  6. Αποθηκεύονται προσωρινά τα δεδομένα.
  1. Μετατρέπει τον εναλλασσόμενο ρεύμα σε συνεχές.
  2. Επεξεργάζεται τα δεδομένα που του δίνουν οι μνήμες.
  3. Αποθηκεύονται παντοτινά τα δεδομένα.
  4. Ψύχει τον υπολογιστή.
  5. Επιλέγει εικονίδια στην οθόνη του υπολογιστή.
  6. Συνδέει ηχεία και μικρόφωνα με τον υπολογιστή.

12 Clues: Ψύχει τον υπολογιστή.Εισάγουμε DVD στον υπολογιστή.Σύνδεση εξαρτημάτων του υπολογιστή.Αποθηκεύονται παντοτινά τα δεδομένα.Συνδέει την οθόνη με τον υπολογιστή.Αποθηκεύονται προσωρινά τα δεδομένα.Συνδέει τον υπολογιστή με τον διαδίκτυο.Επιλέγει εικονίδια στην οθόνη του υπολογιστή.Μετατρέπει τον εναλλασσόμενο ρεύμα σε συνεχές....

bonnie's amazeballs ocat 2024-10-07

bonnie's amazeballs ocat crossword puzzle
  1. we're efficient; we can all hop on the same left-handed staircase at the same time.
  2. I'm a suicide bomb, don't threaten me, I'm highly volatile
  3. this is protein kinases' version of tag.
  4. won at bowling even though i still have some pins standing.
  5. jack of all trades. i read, build, and proofread.
  6. monetary value of goods and services in a country over a time period, and i also keep the trio together.
  7. On your mark, get set, transcribe!
  8. I'm here to tell you about your cell's extended warranty!
  9. rumours spread fast.
  10. aaah the final touch! now you can go outside.
  11. when there's a straight line on dose response curves.
  12. pharmacological; there's room for both of us at this table.
  1. hmmm something's fishy here.
  2. The puzzle is finished, but the pieces need to be glued together
  3. He had a kNAcK for formulas
  4. you can copy my homework, but change it up a little.
  5. These guys would have loved Trickle-down economics
  6. pause. this threw me in for a loop!
  7. i'm getting old. i don't work as well as i used to, so i'm going to retire.
  8. You need to let this out to diffuse the situation after reaching a climax
  9. helps me unwind after a tense day.
  10. the fourth derivative of position (physics moment...), and I'm waiting for my partner to bring their stuff over.
  11. Facilitates prisoner exchange under the pirate's mast
  12. my marks have been fluctuating a lot recently. if i add them up, maybe i'll finally see some potential.

24 Clues: rumours spread fast.He had a kNAcK for formulashmmm something's fishy here.On your mark, get set, transcribe!helps me unwind after a tense day.pause. this threw me in for a loop!this is protein kinases' version of tag.aaah the final touch! now you can go outside.jack of all trades. i read, build, and proofread....

Lecture 1 2024-10-07

Lecture 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Student Paper Collapsed into Disaster (12)
  2. Clot Damaged Mobile with Embedded SIM (8)
  1. She Hides in the Orange Laboratory (6)
  2. Talk About Field Event with Sweden (7)

4 Clues: She Hides in the Orange Laboratory (6)Talk About Field Event with Sweden (7)Clot Damaged Mobile with Embedded SIM (8)Student Paper Collapsed into Disaster (12)

Ο υπολογιστής 2024-10-07

Ο υπολογιστής crossword puzzle
  1. Στη θύρα PS/2 συνδέουμε το πληκτρολόγιο ή το ….
  2. Πόσες θύρες σύνδεσης έχει ο υπολογιστής;
  3. Η μνήμη μόνο για ανάγνωση λέγεται και...
  4. Ποια θύρα είναι η πιο αργή;
  5. μητρική πλακέτα περιέχει ….. οθόνης, ήχου και δικτύου
  1. Ποιό μέρος του υπολογιστή του παρέχει ρεύμα;
  2. Ποιο είναι το πιο μεγάλο εξάρτημα του υπολογιστή;
  3. Πόσα είδη μνήμης υπάρχουν;
  4. Ποιο είναι το πιο σημαντικό εξάρτημα του υπολογιστή;
  5. Ο υπολογιστής αποτελείται από το υλικό και το…

10 Clues: Πόσα είδη μνήμης υπάρχουν;Ποια θύρα είναι η πιο αργή;Η μνήμη μόνο για ανάγνωση λέγεται και...Πόσες θύρες σύνδεσης έχει ο υπολογιστής;Ποιό μέρος του υπολογιστή του παρέχει ρεύμα;Ο υπολογιστής αποτελείται από το υλικό και το…Στη θύρα PS/2 συνδέουμε το πληκτρολόγιο ή το ….Ποιο είναι το πιο μεγάλο εξάρτημα του υπολογιστή;...


VOKABELTEST OKTOBER crossword puzzle
  1. springa
  2. eleverna
  3. kanske
  4. vänta
  5. ännu
  6. först
  7. tillOchMed
  8. toppen
  9. tråkigt
  10. detRegnar
  11. Badhuset
  1. några
  2. nyaVänner
  3. FyraGånger
  4. Genast
  5. allt
  6. precis

17 Clues: ännualltnågraväntaförstkanskeGenasttoppenprecisspringatråkigtelevernaBadhusetnyaVännerdetRegnarFyraGångertillOchMed

ips kelas 7 2024-10-07

ips kelas 7 crossword puzzle
  1. salah satu jenis flora di hutan hujan tropis
  2. lapisan udara yang menyelimuti bumi
  3. lapisan tanah paling atas yang subur
  4. proses perubahan wujud air menjadi uap
  5. bencana alam yang berupa gelombang laut yang sangat besar
  6. kegiatan manusia yang dapat melestarikan lingkungan
  7. hewan khas Australia
  8. sumber daya alam yang dapat di perbarui
  9. lapisan bumi yang paling dalam
  10. proses pencairan es kutub
  11. salah satu jenis fauna di hutan hujan tropis
  12. jenis tumbuhan yang hidup di daerah kering
  13. jenis cuaca yang ditandai turunnya hujan deras
  1. bencana alam yang disebabkan oleh pergerakan lempeng bumi
  2. jenis hutan yang memiliki curah hujan tinggi sepanjang tahun
  3. proses daur ulang air
  4. proses pengikisan tanah oleh air dan angin
  5. kegiatan manusia yang dapat merusak lingkungan
  6. jenis iklim yang panas dan kering
  7. sumber daya alam tidak dapat di perbarui

20 Clues: hewan khas Australiaproses daur ulang airproses pencairan es kutublapisan bumi yang paling dalamjenis iklim yang panas dan keringlapisan udara yang menyelimuti bumilapisan tanah paling atas yang suburproses perubahan wujud air menjadi uapsumber daya alam yang dapat di perbaruisumber daya alam tidak dapat di perbarui...

Novelle 2024-10-07

Novelle crossword puzzle
  1. Hvad var Bøf ift. de andre børn?
  2. Hvad kaldte de Bøf, da han kom med storken?
  3. Hvad spiste Bøfs' familie?
  4. Hvad kaldes det sted, som novellen foregår
  5. hvordan slutter en novelle ofte?
  6. Hvordan begynder en novelle ofte?
  7. Hvad var der på værelset da hans ben røg med støvlen?
  8. Hvad kalder man det, som novellen drejer sig om?
  9. Hvordan er sproget i en novelle?
  1. Hvad kunne søstrene ikke synke?
  2. Et andet ord for novellens opbygning?
  3. Hvor lang er en novelle?
  4. Hvem løser ofte konflikten i novellen?
  5. Hvilken advent stiller Bøf, gummistøvlen?
  6. Hvad er Bøfs mor?
  7. Hvordan er handlingsforløbet?
  8. Hvor mange karaktere er med i en novelle?
  9. Hvad er hovedpersonenes navn i novellen?

18 Clues: Hvad er Bøfs mor?Hvor lang er en novelle?Hvad spiste Bøfs' familie?Hvordan er handlingsforløbet?Hvad kunne søstrene ikke synke?Hvad var Bøf ift. de andre børn?hvordan slutter en novelle ofte?Hvordan er sproget i en novelle?Hvordan begynder en novelle ofte?Et andet ord for novellens opbygning?Hvem løser ofte konflikten i novellen?...

Pancasila 2024-10-07

Pancasila crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Selviytymisopas Suomeksi 9 2024-10-07

Selviytymisopas Suomeksi 9 crossword puzzle
  1. yrke
  2. trivas
  3. försenad
  4. vid behov
  5. reality-tv
  6. program
  7. andra
  8. imorgon
  9. paus
  10. hoppas
  11. överlevnadsguide
  12. extra övning
  13. hemsk
  14. utbildning
  15. läxor
  16. förhör
  17. presentera
  18. guide
  19. presentation
  20. betyg
  21. vila
  22. muntlig
  23. läsesal
  24. studieteknik
  25. tankekarta
  26. rädda
  27. intervjua
  28. skriftlig
  1. arbetsställning
  2. senast
  3. sista
  4. tillfälle
  5. projekt
  6. förhör
  7. i tid
  8. grad, stadiet
  9. samhällslära
  10. intervju
  11. inlämningsdag
  12. prov
  13. gymnasium
  14. utbrändhet
  15. räcker
  16. disciplin
  17. systematisk
  18. olika
  19. föredrag
  20. tidtabell
  21. rast
  22. stram
  23. vitsord
  24. tupplur
  25. dum

53 Clues: dumyrkepausprovrastvilasistaandrai tidhemskläxorolikaguidebetygstramräddasenasttrivasförhörhoppasräckerförhörprogramprojektimorgonmuntligläsesalvitsordtupplurförsenadintervjuföredragvid behovtillfällegymnasiumdisciplintidtabellintervjuaskriftligreality-tvutbildningutbrändhetpresenteratankekartasystematisksamhällsläraextra övningpresentation...

deutch 2024-10-07

deutch crossword puzzle
  1. redan
  2. först
  3. toppen
  4. kanske
  5. springa
  6. några
  7. kat
  8. gematch bra jobbat
  9. sova
  1. försenad
  2. genast
  3. tråkigt
  4. hjälpa
  5. allt
  6. hund
  7. vänta

16 Clues: katallthundsovaredanförstnågraväntagenasttoppenkanskehjälpatråkigtspringaförsenadgematch bra jobbat


ΤΑ ΜΕΡΗ ΤΟΥ ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΗ crossword puzzle
  1. Αποθηκεύει τα δεδομένα μόνιμα
  2. Αποθηκεύει τα δεδομένα προσωρινά
  3. Συσκευή εισόδου εξόδου
  4. Ψυχραίνει τον υπολογιστή
  5. Είναι υπεύθυνος για τις επεξεργασίες στον υπολογιστή
  6. Μετατρέπει το εναλλασσόμενο ρεύμα σε συνεχές
  1. Είναι συνήθως το μεγαλύτερο εξάρτημα στο εσωτερικό του υπολογιστή
  2. Την έχουμε για να βλέπουμε εικόνα

8 Clues: Συσκευή εισόδου εξόδουΨυχραίνει τον υπολογιστήΑποθηκεύει τα δεδομένα μόνιμαΑποθηκεύει τα δεδομένα προσωρινάΤην έχουμε για να βλέπουμε εικόναΜετατρέπει το εναλλασσόμενο ρεύμα σε συνεχέςΕίναι υπεύθυνος για τις επεξεργασίες στον υπολογιστήΕίναι συνήθως το μεγαλύτερο εξάρτημα στο εσωτερικό του υπολογιστή

Provförberedande HT 24 2024-10-07

Provförberedande HT 24 crossword puzzle
  1. Kallas det geografiska området norr om polcirkeln, Skandinavien, där samerna lever
  2. En opera kan pågå i flera timmar(ibland dagar!) Vad kallar man en låt i en opera?
  3. Låter tungsint
  4. Pulsen i musiken delas in i en sån här
  5. Låter fryntligt
  6. En av de absolut största kompositörerna i musikhistorien, har b.a. skrivit "Trollflöjten" och "Blinka lilla stjärna"
  7. Avståndet mellan t.ex. A och A, åtta(okto på grekiska) toner
  8. Studion där Max Martin & Dennis Pop började sina karriärer, låg på Kungsholmen
  1. Att med gehörets hjälp lära sig en låt
  2. Ett samiskt urgammalt sångsätt
  3. Musiköra
  4. Den rytmen inom salsamusiken som "bestämmer" 3+2 eller 2+ 3
  5. Ett stilistiskt grepp inom t.ex. Hip-Hop. Flera ord i följd börjar på samma bokstav
  6. En förstörd ljudvåg, ett ljud på elgitarrerna som ger det stilriktiga ljudet i bl.a. hårdrock
  7. Vad heter Max i efternamn? Svensk producent som har skrivit musiken till de flesta artisterna på dagens pophimmel!

15 Clues: MusiköraLåter tungsintLåter fryntligtEtt samiskt urgammalt sångsättAtt med gehörets hjälp lära sig en låtPulsen i musiken delas in i en sån härDen rytmen inom salsamusiken som "bestämmer" 3+2 eller 2+ 3Avståndet mellan t.ex. A och A, åtta(okto på grekiska) tonerStudion där Max Martin & Dennis Pop började sina karriärer, låg på Kungsholmen...


  1. Τα περισσότερα εξαρτήματα είναι συνδεδεμένα σε
  2. είναι η μνήμη που αποθηκεύει οποιοδήποτε πρόγραμα χρησιμοποιούσαμε.
  3. Αυτό που ψύχει τον υπολογιστή
  4. Είναι η κάρτα η οποία επεξεργάζεται το σήμα που στέλνεται στην οθόνη
  5. η κάρτα αναπαράγει ήχο
  1. είναι απαραίτητες για την λειτουργία του
  2. Είναι η μνήμη η οποία αποθηκεύουμε μόνιμες πληροφορίες
  3. Συνδέει τον υπολογιστή σε άλλους υπολογιστές που έχουν συνδεθεί στο δίκτυο
  4. είναι η κεντρική μονάδα επεξεργασίας
  5. Είναι η συσκευή με την οποία γράφουμε στον υπολογιστή

10 Clues: η κάρτα αναπαράγει ήχοΑυτό που ψύχει τον υπολογιστήείναι η κεντρική μονάδα επεξεργασίαςείναι απαραίτητες για την λειτουργία τουΤα περισσότερα εξαρτήματα είναι συνδεδεμένα σεΕίναι η συσκευή με την οποία γράφουμε στον υπολογιστήΕίναι η μνήμη η οποία αποθηκεύουμε μόνιμες πληροφορίεςείναι η μνήμη που αποθηκεύει οποιοδήποτε πρόγραμα χρησιμοποιούσαμε....

ymptomatology and General principles of treatment of chronic glomerulonephritiswith 2024-10-07

ymptomatology and General principles of treatment of chronic glomerulonephritiswith crossword puzzle
  1. Common treatment involving fluid removal (8 letters)
  2. of waste in blood (4 letters)
  3. levels of this electrolyte can occur in kidney disease (8 letters)
  4. symptom characterized by fatigue and weakness (8 letters)
  5. in urine (9 letters)
  6. Dietary component often limited (6 letters)
  1. type that reduces inflammation (8 letters)
  2. Another term for kidney function tests (4 letters)
  3. Condition marked by high blood pressure (8 letters)
  4. Swelling in the legs (6 letters

10 Clues: in urine (9 letters)of waste in blood (4 letters)Swelling in the legs (6 letterstype that reduces inflammation (8 letters)Dietary component often limited (6 letters)Another term for kidney function tests (4 letters)Condition marked by high blood pressure (8 letters)Common treatment involving fluid removal (8 letters)...

idioms crosswords 2024-10-07

idioms crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. day
  2. done in time
  3. eager to learn
  4. world
  1. all times
  2. few
  3. awkward

7 Clues: fewdayworldawkwardall timesdone in timeeager to learn

Campur Sari 2024-10-07

Campur Sari crossword puzzle
  1. kelompok hewan yangberkembang biak dengan cara melahirkan...
  2. lambang negara kita adalah ....
  3. perkalian yang berulang dengan dirinya sendiri disebut bilangan....
  1. permainan bola basket termasuk kedalam permainan....
  2. Salah satu contoh alat asesmen formatif adalah...
  3. surat yang menjelaskan tentang ciri ciri pendusta agama
  4. kalimat perintah diakhiri oleh tanda.....
  5. benua yang terbesar didunia adalah.....

8 Clues: lambang negara kita adalah ....benua yang terbesar didunia adalah.....kalimat perintah diakhiri oleh tanda.....Salah satu contoh alat asesmen formatif adalah...permainan bola basket termasuk kedalam permainan....surat yang menjelaskan tentang ciri ciri pendusta agamakelompok hewan yangberkembang biak dengan cara melahirkan......


  1. Ένα κράτος που βρίσκεται στη δυτική Ευρώπη.
  2. Ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο σε έκταση κράτος;
  3. Ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο σε πληθυσμό κράτος;
  4. Ένα κράτος που βρίσκεται στην νότια Ευρώπη.
  5. Ένα κράτος που βρίσκεται στην ανατολική Ευρώπη.
  6. Ένα κράτος που βρίσκεται στην βόρεια Ευρώπη.
  1. Ένα νησιωτικό κράτος της Ευρώπης.
  2. Ένα κράτος που βρίσκεται στην κεντρική Ευρώπη.
  3. Πόσα είναι τα ευρωπαϊκά κράτη;
  4. Ποιο είναι το μικρότερο σε έκταση κράτος;
  5. Ποιο είναι το μικρότερο σε πληθυσμό κράτος;

11 Clues: Πόσα είναι τα ευρωπαϊκά κράτη;Ένα νησιωτικό κράτος της Ευρώπης.Ποιο είναι το μικρότερο σε έκταση κράτος;Ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο σε έκταση κράτος;Ένα κράτος που βρίσκεται στη δυτική Ευρώπη.Ποιο είναι το μικρότερο σε πληθυσμό κράτος;Ένα κράτος που βρίσκεται στην νότια Ευρώπη.Ποιο είναι το μεγαλύτερο σε πληθυσμό κράτος;...

Υλικό και λογισμικό 2024-10-07

Υλικό και λογισμικό crossword puzzle
  1. Τι είναι απαραίτητο να υπάρχει στον υπολογιστή για να συνδέετε με άλλους υπολογιστές που βρίσκονται στο δίκτυο
  2. Τι είναι αυτό που δίνει ρεύμα στον υπολογιστή
  3. Ποιο είναι συνήθως το μεγαλύτερο εξάρτημα στον υπολογιστή
  4. Ποια είναι η μνήμη μικρής χωρητικότητας που αποθηκεύει αρχεία μόνιμα
  1. Τι επεξεργάζεται το σήμα της οθόνης του υπολογιστή
  2. Είναι απαραίτητο για να ακούς ήχους και μουσική από τον υπολογιστή
  3. Ποια είναι η μνήμη τοποθετεί δεδομένα και εντολές πριν σταλούν στον επεξεργαστή
  4. Ποια είναι η μνήμη που χρησιμοποιείται πιο συχνά και αποθηκεύει προσωρινά εργασίες

8 Clues: Τι είναι αυτό που δίνει ρεύμα στον υπολογιστήΤι επεξεργάζεται το σήμα της οθόνης του υπολογιστήΠοιο είναι συνήθως το μεγαλύτερο εξάρτημα στον υπολογιστήΕίναι απαραίτητο για να ακούς ήχους και μουσική από τον υπολογιστήΠοια είναι η μνήμη μικρής χωρητικότητας που αποθηκεύει αρχεία μόνιμα...

The King and the Shirt 2024-10-07

The King and the Shirt crossword puzzle
  1. a mixture of various ingredients
  2. a story with a message
  3. to own
  4. in large amount or quantity/ generous
  5. a doctor
  6. to provide with food or cause to grow
  1. to make someone healthy again from an illness
  2. lucky
  3. to call for or send for
  4. someone who gives advice on what to do

10 Clues: luckyto owna doctora story with a messageto call for or send fora mixture of various ingredientsin large amount or quantity/ generousto provide with food or cause to growsomeone who gives advice on what to doto make someone healthy again from an illness

Geographical Terms October 9 2024-10-07

Geographical Terms October 9 crossword puzzle
  1. Any vertical or nearly vertical rock exposure, usually formed by the processes of weathering and erosion.
  2. tropical grasslands with scattered vegetation primarily located on the African continent.
  3. northernmost of the Earth's two polar circles, north of which the sun appears above the horizon for 24 continuous hours at least once per year (and is therefore visible at midnight).
  4. vast and treeless region located in the Arctic and subarctic regions of the world.
  5. One of four main types of wetland. Accumulates deposits of dead plant material, especially mosses.
  6. solid rock in the Earth's crust that underlies all soil and other loose material; the rock material that breaks down eventually to form soil.
  7. geographical area that is remote, isolated, undeveloped, or difficult to access
  8. boundary of a country or state.
  1. open-air mine from which rocks and minerals can be extracted.
  2. A primary city or town of a country, state, or province.
  3. Warm, dry wind along the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains in the United States and Canada. It can result in a rise in temperature of 20 °C (36 °F) in a quarter of an hour.
  4. A bound collection of maps.
  5. narrower than a canyon and the product of stream cutting erosion; usually very narrow and quite deep.
  6. A mountain or hill.
  7. isolated hill or mountain with steep sides.

15 Clues: A mountain or hill.A bound collection of maps.boundary of a country or state.isolated hill or mountain with steep sides.A primary city or town of a country, state, or mine from which rocks and minerals can be extracted.geographical area that is remote, isolated, undeveloped, or difficult to access...

Medeltiden 2024-10-07

Medeltiden crossword puzzle
  1. Läroverk som grundas under slutet av medeltiden
  2. Bäver och säl
  3. Heliga staden som det krigades om
  4. Heligt krig under medeltiden
  5. Pesten i slutet av medeltiden
  6. Religionen som växte fram på arabiska halvön
  7. Religionen som dominerade Europa
  8. Systemet där kungen delar upp landet i mindre delar som styrs av stormän
  9. Medeltidens blomstrande tid
  1. Yrkessoldat under medeltiden
  2. Kungen över frankerriket
  3. Pesten i början av medeltiden
  4. Medeltiden slutar när han anländer i Amerika
  5. Språket kyrkan använde
  6. Epoken före medeltiden
  7. Romarriket splittras i flera mindre

16 Clues: Bäver och sälSpråket kyrkan användeEpoken före medeltidenKungen över frankerriketMedeltidens blomstrande tidYrkessoldat under medeltidenHeligt krig under medeltidenPesten i början av medeltidenPesten i slutet av medeltidenReligionen som dominerade EuropaHeliga staden som det krigades omRomarriket splittras i flera mindre...


  1. Enzim yang bertanggung jawab untuk mencerna karbohidrat di mulut adalah __________..
  2. Bagian dari paru-paru yang terhubung langsung ke trakea adalah __________.
  3. Penyakit yang ditandai dengan peningkatan tekanan darah disebut __________.
  4. Zat aditif yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan rasa makanan adalah __________.
  1. Penyakit yang ditandai dengan kesulitan bernapas dan penyempitan saluran pernapasan adalah __________.
  2. Proses pembentukan urine dimulai di __________.
  3. Urine disimpan dalam __________ sebelum dikeluarkan dari tubuh.
  4. Organ pertama yang terlibat dalam proses pencernaan makanan adalah __________.
  5. Organ yang menyaring darah dan membuang limbah melalui urine adalah __________.
  6. Proses pengeluaran limbah dari tubuh disebut __________.

10 Clues: Proses pembentukan urine dimulai di __________.Proses pengeluaran limbah dari tubuh disebut __________.Urine disimpan dalam __________ sebelum dikeluarkan dari tubuh.Bagian dari paru-paru yang terhubung langsung ke trakea adalah __________.Penyakit yang ditandai dengan peningkatan tekanan darah disebut __________....


  1. Organ yang menyaring darah dan membuang limbah melalui urine adalah __________.
  2. Penyakit yang ditandai dengan kesulitan bernapas dan penyempitan saluran pernapasan adalah __________.
  3. Proses pembentukan urine dimulai di __________.
  4. Bagian dari paru-paru yang terhubung langsung ke trakea adalah __________.
  5. Zat aditif yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan rasa makanan adalah __________.
  1. Urine disimpan dalam __________ sebelum dikeluarkan dari tubuh.
  2. Enzim yang bertanggung jawab untuk mencerna karbohidrat di mulut adalah __________..
  3. Organ pertama yang terlibat dalam proses pencernaan makanan adalah __________.
  4. Penyakit yang ditandai dengan peningkatan tekanan darah disebut __________.
  5. Proses pengeluaran limbah dari tubuh disebut __________.

10 Clues: Proses pembentukan urine dimulai di __________.Proses pengeluaran limbah dari tubuh disebut __________.Urine disimpan dalam __________ sebelum dikeluarkan dari tubuh.Bagian dari paru-paru yang terhubung langsung ke trakea adalah __________.Penyakit yang ditandai dengan peningkatan tekanan darah disebut __________....


ΤΑ ΜΕΡΗ ΤΟΥ ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΗ crossword puzzle
  1. Αποθηκεύονται παντοτινά τα δεδομένα.
  2. Επεξεργάζεται τα δεδομένα που του δίνουν οι μνήμες.
  3. Σύνδεση εξαρτημάτων του υπολογιστή.
  4. Επιλέγει εικονίδια στην οθόνη του υπολογιστή.
  5. Συνδέει τον υπολογιστή με τον διαδίκτυο.
  6. Αποθηκεύονται προσωρινά τα δεδομένα.
  1. Συνδέει ηχεία και μικρόφωνα με τον υπολογιστή.
  2. Εισάγουμε DVD στον υπολογιστή.
  3. Συνδέει εξωτερικά εξαρτήματα με τον υπολογιστή.
  4. Ψύχει τον υπολογιστή.
  5. Μετατρέπει τον εναλλασσόμενο ρεύμα σε συνεχές.
  6. Συνδέει την οθόνη με τον υπολογιστή.

12 Clues: Ψύχει τον υπολογιστή.Εισάγουμε DVD στον υπολογιστή.Αποθηκεύονται παντοτινά τα δεδομένα.Σύνδεση εξαρτημάτων του υπολογιστή.Συνδέει την οθόνη με τον υπολογιστή.Αποθηκεύονται προσωρινά τα δεδομένα.Συνδέει τον υπολογιστή με τον διαδίκτυο.Επιλέγει εικονίδια στην οθόνη του υπολογιστή.Συνδέει ηχεία και μικρόφωνα με τον υπολογιστή....

Vocabulary 07.10 revision 2024-10-07

Vocabulary 07.10 revision crossword puzzle
  1. sumienny
  2. lokal
  3. oczekiwać, spodziewać się
  4. dochodowy
  5. prześwietlany, sprawdzany
  6. … options – rozważać opcje
  7. drżeć
  8. … work - praca nieumysłowa – fizyczna, produkcyjna lub administracyjna, ale niższego szczebla
  9. bez względu na
  10. rozwodzić się nad, użalać się
  11. drobiazgowy, skrupulatny
  12. przynoszący satysfakcję
  13. warty zachodu
  14. zmiana w pracy
  1. niedopowiedzenie
  2. praktyki
  3. przemawiać do
  4. nakłonić
  5. przedsiębiorczy
  6. wrażliwy, podatny na zranienie
  7. … the thought of doing something- drżeć na samą myśl o czymś
  8. dwupoziomowy, dwupiętrowy
  9. być świetnym w
  10. znacząco
  11. ………….. something – przeprowadzić coś
  12. learn the … - uczyć się podstaw

26 Clues: lokaldrżećsumiennypraktykinakłonićznaczącodochodowyprzemawiać dowarty zachodubyć świetnym wbez względu nazmiana w pracyprzedsiębiorczyniedopowiedzenieprzynoszący satysfakcjędrobiazgowy, skrupulatnyoczekiwać, spodziewać sięprześwietlany, sprawdzanydwupoziomowy, dwupiętrowy… options – rozważać opcjerozwodzić się nad, użalać się...

Spelling Quiz #5 2024-10-07

Spelling Quiz #5 crossword puzzle
  1. to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or amount
  2. in a way that is tumultuous (= very loud, or full of confusion)
  3. an unusual, exciting, and possibly dangerous activity, such as a trip or experience, or the excitement produced by such an activity
  4. to help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful, or unpleasant situation
  5. an unexpected event
  6. shaking slightly in a way that you cannot control
  7. to enjoy food or an experience slowly, in order to enjoy it as much as possible
  8. a story or a description of a series of events:
  1. to make someone angry or annoyed
  2. The ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed
  3. able to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened
  4. a person represented in a film, play, or story
  5. shining brightly
  6. to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it, or producing it from something else
  7. a group of similar things that are close together, sometimes surrounding something:

15 Clues: shining brightlyan unexpected eventto make someone angry or annoyeda person represented in a film, play, or storya story or a description of a series of events:shaking slightly in a way that you cannot controlin a way that is tumultuous (= very loud, or full of confusion)...

faze kreativnog mišljenja 2024-10-07

faze kreativnog mišljenja crossword puzzle
  1. problem u početnoj fazi
  1. osobina čovjeka

2 Clues: osobina čovjekaproblem u početnoj fazi

Kaum di Malaysia 2024-10-07

Kaum di Malaysia crossword puzzle
  1. Pekerjaan masyarakat Cina
  2. Pekerjaan masyarakat Melayu
  3. Tiga kumpulan terbesar iaitu Negrito (Semang),Senoi dan Melayu Proto
  4. Kaum terbesar di Sabah
  1. Kaum majoriti di Malaysia
  2. Kaum ketiga terbesar di Malaysia
  3. Menggunakan bahasa Hokkien, Hakka dan Kantonis
  4. Perkahwinan pedagang China dengan penduduk tempatan
  5. Kaum yang menyambut Hari Gawai

9 Clues: Kaum terbesar di SabahKaum majoriti di MalaysiaPekerjaan masyarakat CinaPekerjaan masyarakat MelayuKaum yang menyambut Hari GawaiKaum ketiga terbesar di MalaysiaMenggunakan bahasa Hokkien, Hakka dan KantonisPerkahwinan pedagang China dengan penduduk tempatanTiga kumpulan terbesar iaitu Negrito (Semang),Senoi dan Melayu Proto

American Revolution 2024-10-07

American Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. Freedom from control by another country.
  2. Colonists who wanted independence from Britain.
  3. The document that outlines the U.S. government structure.
  4. City known for the famous 'Tea Party' protest.
  1. Country that helped the American colonies during the war.
  2. A movement to overthrow a government.
  3. Document stating the colonies' intent to separate from Britain.
  4. First U.S. president and leader of the Continental Army.
  5. Colonists who remained loyal to Britain.
  6. Imposed by Britain on colonies, such as the Stamp Act.

10 Clues: A movement to overthrow a government.Freedom from control by another country.Colonists who remained loyal to Britain.City known for the famous 'Tea Party' protest.Colonists who wanted independence from Britain.Imposed by Britain on colonies, such as the Stamp Act.First U.S. president and leader of the Continental Army....


VOKABELTEST OKTOBER crossword puzzle
  1. fortfarande
  2. toppen
  3. bordtennis
  4. sova
  5. några
  6. Hjälpa
  7. till och med
  8. springa
  9. fyra gånger
  1. poäng
  2. redan
  3. ursäkta
  4. först
  5. precis
  6. vänta

15 Clues: sovapoängredanförstnågraväntatoppenprecisHjälpaursäktaspringabordtennisfortfarandefyra gångertill och med

Deutsch 1 Lemmy 2024-10-07

Deutsch 1 Lemmy crossword puzzle
  1. vädret
  2. Varför inte
  3. läxa
  4. till och med
  5. springa
  6. fortfarande
  7. tillsammans
  8. bordtennis
  9. genast
  10. fyra gånger
  11. först
  1. några
  2. lunchrast
  3. allt
  4. hjälp
  5. redan
  6. vänta

17 Clues: läxaalltnågrahjälpredanväntaförstvädretgenastspringalunchrastbordtennisVarför intefortfarandetillsammansfyra gångertill och med

Evelīna par datoriku 2024-10-07

Evelīna par datoriku crossword puzzle
  1. Kā sauc ierīci kas ļauj lietotājiem pārvietot kursoru pa monitoru?

    1 Clue: Kā sauc ierīci kas ļauj lietotājiem pārvietot kursoru pa monitoru?

    FILMS/ MOVIES/ BOOKS 2024-10-07

    FILMS/ MOVIES/ BOOKS crossword puzzle
    1. movie: A film genre that focuses on love and romantic relationships, often exploring themes of passion, heartbreak, and emotional connection.
    2. A book or magazine that uses a series of illustrations and dialogue to tell a story, often humorous or action-packed.
    3. A movie that tells the story of a real person’s life, often focusing on significant events or achievements.
    4. movie: A film that incorporates singing and dancing into the narrative, with characters performing musical numbers as part of the story.
    5. movie: A genre of film that focuses on realistic storytelling and emotional themes, often portraying complex relationships and character development.
    6. A book bound with rigid protective covers, often more durable and expensive than a paperback.
    7. movie: A movie set in a fictional universe, often involving magic, mythical creatures, and supernatural elements.
    8. film: A movie centered around the experiences of soldiers, battles, and the impact of war on individuals and society.
    9. A book used in schools or colleges that contains comprehensive information on a subject, designed to teach students.
    1. A piece of writing in which words are chosen for their beauty, sound, and meaning, often arranged in lines and stanzas.
    2. movie: A film intended to make the audience laugh, often featuring humorous situations, jokes, and funny characters.
    3. book: A book that contains recipes and instructions on how to prepare and cook various dishes.
    4. book: A book that primarily uses illustrations to tell a story, often aimed at young children, with minimal text.
    5. A short story, usually with animals as characters, that conveys a moral or lesson.
    6. story: A type of story or movie that involves ghosts or spirits, often intended to scare the reader or viewer.
    7. A book with a flexible paper cover, usually less expensive and lighter than a hardcover.
    8. tale: A traditional story for children that features magical and imaginary characters, such as fairies, giants, or talking animals.
    9. movie: is about a detective or investigator solving a crime, often involving mystery and suspense.
    10. movie: A film designed to frighten or shock the audience, often involving elements of the supernatural, monsters, or psychological terror.
    11. movie: A film genre characterized by intense physical activity, including fighting, chases, and explosions.

    20 Clues: A short story, usually with animals as characters, that conveys a moral or lesson.A book with a flexible paper cover, usually less expensive and lighter than a hardcover.A book bound with rigid protective covers, often more durable and expensive than a paperback....

    ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΉΣ 2024-10-07

    ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΉΣ crossword puzzle
    1. Τι περιέχει ο υπολογιστής για να συνδέεται με άλλες συσκευές;
    2. Τι μας είναι απαραίτητο να θέλουμε να συνδέσουμε τον υπολογιστή σε δίκτυο;
    3. Σε ποια μνήμη αποθηκεύονται προσωρινά πληροφορίες;
    4. Τι χρειαζόμαστε για να μην υπερθερμαίνεται ο υπολογιστής;
    5. Τι συνδέουμε στη θύρα ΡS/2;
    6. Από πού αναπαράγεται ο ήχος;
    1. Ποιο είναι το εξάρτημα που είναι υπεύθυνο για τις κυριότερες επεξεργασίες του υπολογιστή;
    2. Ποιο είναι το πιο μεγάλο εξάρτημα;
    3. Τι πρέπει να έχουμε για την αναπαραγωγή ήχου;
    4. Πως λένε πολλοί τον επεξεργαστή αλλιώς;
    5. Ποια είναι η μνήμη που όσα κάνουμε αποθηκεύονται μόνιμα σε αυτή;

    11 Clues: Τι συνδέουμε στη θύρα ΡS/2;Από πού αναπαράγεται ο ήχος;Ποιο είναι το πιο μεγάλο εξάρτημα;Πως λένε πολλοί τον επεξεργαστή αλλιώς;Τι πρέπει να έχουμε για την αναπαραγωγή ήχου;Σε ποια μνήμη αποθηκεύονται προσωρινά πληροφορίες;Τι χρειαζόμαστε για να μην υπερθερμαίνεται ο υπολογιστής;Τι περιέχει ο υπολογιστής για να συνδέεται με άλλες συσκευές;...

    eating out 2024-10-07

    eating out crossword puzzle
    1. to
    2. ages
    3. up prices
    1. value
    2. quality

    5 Clues: toagesvaluequalityup prices

    Nichi 2024-10-07

    Nichi crossword puzzle
    1. What you just read
    2. Baby #3
    3. Some 15 yr old kid
    4. What you always are pt 2
    5. Baby #2
    6. Daddy
    7. Your Everything
    1. Jihyo
    2. Always<3
    3. Baddie frfr
    4. Baby #1
    5. Peter
    6. Nini's everything
    7. What you always are

    14 Clues: JihyoPeterDaddyBaby #3Baby #1Baby #2Always<3Baddie frfrYour EverythingNini's everythingWhat you just readSome 15 yr old kidWhat you always areWhat you always are pt 2

    London the capital of the UK 2024-10-07

    London the capital of the UK crossword puzzle
    1. efterrätt
    2. lämna plats åt
    3. ursprungligen
    4. bagare
    5. gränd, liten gata
    6. inkräktare
    7. tätbyggd
    8. ö
    9. förort
    10. storstad,metropol
    11. tidvatten
    12. välja
    13. utveckling
    14. aska
    15. mästerverk
    16. enorm
    17. kasta ut
    18. vakna
    19. vanlig syn
    20. medeltida
    21. makt
    1. väldig,enorm
    2. bosätta sig
    3. försvinna
    4. utvidgning
    5. obegränsad
    6. återbygga
    7. huvudstad
    8. rök
    9. i riktning mot
    10. tvåvåningsbuss
    11. val av
    12. längre upp
    13. för...sedan
    14. besegra
    15. mur
    16. slag i krig
    17. erövrare
    18. belägen
    19. plats
    20. omringa
    21. tunnelbana
    22. ockupatition
    23. lukt
    24. århundrande
    25. mynning

    46 Clues: örökmuraskaluktmaktväljaplatsenormvaknabagareval avförortbesegrabelägenomringamynningtätbyggderövrarekasta utefterrättförsvinnaåterbyggahuvudstadtidvattenmedeltidautvidgningobegränsadlängre uppinkräktareutvecklingmästerverktunnelbanavanlig synbosätta sigför...sedanslag i krigårhundrandeväldig,enormockupatitionursprungligenlämna plats åt...

    Green 4 voca 3 2024-10-07

    Green 4 voca 3 crossword puzzle
    1. to tell someone that you are sorry.
    2. not inside a building or room.
    3. near, or easy to reach.
    4. a narrow path or road with a rough uneven surface.
    5. when someone is officially allowed to do something.
    6. to make a request for help, advice, information, etc.
    7. having a wound, or damage to a part of your body.
    8. used by the person speaking or writing to show that they are affected by their own actions.
    9. to press the buttons, or to press the dial of a telephone.
    10. to go, or to come to a place you were before.
    1. weighing a lot.
    2. likely to hurt or harm you.
    3. to say or write something in a formal,or definite way.
    4. to touch something with a lot of force.
    5. having or using special powers to make impossible things happen or seem to happen.
    6. to let someone have something as a present, or to provide something for someone
    7. to attempt to do, or get something.
    8. a ride on someone's back.
    9. after the time you are done talking about or after the present time.
    10. stay somewhere, or not do something until something else happens.

    20 Clues: weighing a lot.near, or easy to reach.a ride on someone's back.likely to hurt or harm you.not inside a building or tell someone that you are attempt to do, or get touch something with a lot of go, or to come to a place you were before.having a wound, or damage to a part of your body....

    tyska 2024-10-07

    tyska crossword puzzle
    1. en
    2. toppen
    3. hemmaskola
    4. bada
    5. vänta
    6. nu
    7. regnet
    1. poäng
    2. tennis
    3. alla
    4. trött
    5. idag
    6. genast
    7. ute
    8. ännu

    15 Clues: ennuuteallaidagbadaännupoängtröttväntatennistoppengenastregnethemmaskola

    Irregular verbs - Past participle 2024-10-07

    Irregular verbs - Past participle crossword puzzle
    1. find
    2. build
    3. go
    4. fly
    5. blew
    6. freeze
    1. cut
    2. forbid
    3. lay
    4. begin
    5. forgive
    6. get

    12 Clues: gocutlayflygetfindblewbuildbeginforbidfreezeforgive

    Τα μέρη του υπολογιστή 2024-10-07

    Τα μέρη του υπολογιστή crossword puzzle
    1. Η προσωρινή μνήμη:
    2. Το εξάρτημα αυτό είναι υπεύθυνο για την λειτουργία της οθόνης:
    3. Η επεξεργαστική μονάδα του υπολογιστή:
    4. Η μακρόχρονη μνήμη:
    5. Από εκεί εισάγονται οι δίσκοι στον υπολογιστή:
    6. Χρησιμοποιείται για την αναπαραγωγή ήχου:
    7. Εκεί εισάγονται τα USB στον υπολογιστή:
    8. Σε αυτόν είναι αποθηκευμένες όλες οι πληροφορίες του υπολογιστή:
    1. Σε εκείνο το εξάρτημα βρίσκονται τα περισσότερα κομμάτια του hardware του υπολογιστή:
    2. Συνδέει τον υπολογιστή στο διαδίκτυο:
    3. Ο ανεμιστήρας χρησιμοποιείται για αυτό στον υπολογιστή:
    4. Μετατρέπει το συνεχές σε εναλλασσόμενο ρεύμα κατάλληλο για τον υπολογιστή:

    12 Clues: Η προσωρινή μνήμη:Η μακρόχρονη μνήμη:Συνδέει τον υπολογιστή στο διαδίκτυο:Η επεξεργαστική μονάδα του υπολογιστή:Εκεί εισάγονται τα USB στον υπολογιστή:Χρησιμοποιείται για την αναπαραγωγή ήχου:Από εκεί εισάγονται οι δίσκοι στον υπολογιστή:Ο ανεμιστήρας χρησιμοποιείται για αυτό στον υπολογιστή:...

    Personality Adjectives 2024-10-07

    Personality Adjectives crossword puzzle
    1. tell everybody what to do
    2. like planning everything
    3. can wait a long time
    1. don't get upset easily
    2. don't tidy their rooms
    3. make a lot of noise
    4. don't talk a lot

    7 Clues: don't talk a lotmake a lot of noisecan wait a long timedon't get upset easilydon't tidy their roomslike planning everythingtell everybody what to do


    MEDIO EXTERNO DE LAS EMPRESAS crossword puzzle
    1. La suma de todos los negocios nacionales se le conoce como____
    2. La empresa debe responder al entorno ____ cuando se toman decisiones gerenciales.
    3. Preocupación de los trabajadores por la necesidad de crecimiento
    4. El producto nacional bruto mide los recursos producidos por el país
    5. Los cambios en la población tienen efectos profundos en la manera de hacer negocios
    6. Una ética laboral expresada en ____ de realizar el trabajo
    7. Los administradores consultan a los ____ para comprender las tendencias de la población
    1. Son los factores_____ que incluyen el estatus y tendencias demográficas etc.
    2. Los valores___ engloban costumbres, códigos legales, tradiciones
    3. Las ____ demográficas son los cambios en la población
    4. Es el factor final en el medio externo.
    5. Es el estudio de la población
    6. La___ laboral es la importancia que una persona le da al trabajo.
    7. Las leyes son el medio fundamental mediante la cual los factores ___ afectan a las empresas
    8. Es el medio que influye en la organización por medio de fuerzas externas

    15 Clues: Es el estudio de la poblaciónEs el factor final en el medio externo.Las ____ demográficas son los cambios en la poblaciónUna ética laboral expresada en ____ de realizar el trabajoLa suma de todos los negocios nacionales se le conoce como____Preocupación de los trabajadores por la necesidad de crecimiento...

    Present Simple 2024-10-07

    Present Simple crossword puzzle
    1. Present simple form of 'to close'
    2. Present simple form of 'to ask'
    3. Present simple form of 'to be'
    1. Present simple form of 'to drink'
    2. Present simple form of 'to choose'
    3. Present simple form of 'to eat'

    6 Clues: Present simple form of 'to be'Present simple form of 'to eat'Present simple form of 'to ask'Present simple form of 'to drink'Present simple form of 'to close'Present simple form of 'to choose'

    Nama Negara 2024-10-07

    Nama Negara crossword puzzle
    1. Swiss
    2. Mesir
    3. Cina
    4. Belanda
    5. Yunani
    6. Spanyol
    7. Polandia
    1. Italia
    2. Prancis
    3. Korea Selatan
    4. Korea Utara
    5. Jepang
    6. Rusia
    7. Islandia
    8. Jerman

    15 Clues: CinaSwissMesirRusiaItaliaJepangJermanYunaniPrancisBelandaSpanyolIslandiaPolandiaKorea UtaraKorea Selatan

    Nama Negara 2024-10-07

    Nama Negara crossword puzzle
    1. Swiss
    2. Mesir
    3. Cina
    4. Belanda
    5. Yunani
    6. Spanyol
    7. Polandia
    1. Italia
    2. Prancis
    3. Korea Selatan
    4. Korea Utara
    5. Jepang
    6. Rusia
    7. Islandia
    8. Jerman

    15 Clues: CinaSwissMesirRusiaItaliaJepangJermanYunaniPrancisBelandaSpanyolIslandiaPolandiaKorea UtaraKorea Selatan

    Compound Adjectives 2024-10-07

    Compound Adjectives crossword puzzle
    1. not willing to spend or give much money
    2. The opposite of good-tempered.
    3. The opposite of open-minded.
    4. emotionally stable
    5. a synonym for laid-back
    6. preoccupied with oneself
    7. determined to do as one wants even if other people advise against it
    1. not sincere, saying unpleasant things about you to other people
    2. lost in thought and unaware of one's surroundings or actions
    3. conducting oneself in an appropriate manner
    4. arrogant

    11 Clues: arrogantemotionally stablea synonym for laid-backpreoccupied with oneselfThe opposite of open-minded.The opposite of good-tempered.not willing to spend or give much moneyconducting oneself in an appropriate mannerlost in thought and unaware of one's surroundings or actionsnot sincere, saying unpleasant things about you to other people...

    Present Simple 2024-10-07

    Present Simple crossword puzzle
    1. Present simple form of 'to close'
    2. Present simple form of 'to ask'
    3. Present simple form of 'to be'
    1. Present simple form of 'to choose'
    2. Present simple form of 'to drink'
    3. Present simple form of 'to eat'

    6 Clues: Present simple form of 'to be'Present simple form of 'to eat'Present simple form of 'to ask'Present simple form of 'to drink'Present simple form of 'to close'Present simple form of 'to choose'

    Present Simple 2024-10-07

    Present Simple crossword puzzle
    1. Present simple form of 'to close'
    2. Present simple form of 'to ask'
    3. Present simple form of 'to be'
    1. Present simple form of 'to choose'
    2. Present simple form of 'to drink'
    3. Present simple form of 'to eat'

    6 Clues: Present simple form of 'to be'Present simple form of 'to eat'Present simple form of 'to ask'Present simple form of 'to drink'Present simple form of 'to close'Present simple form of 'to choose'

    Countries and languages 2024-10-07

    Countries and languages crossword puzzle
    1. Ranska
    2. saksan kieli
    3. japanin kieli
    4. kiinan kieli
    5. thai (kieli)
    6. Viro
    7. Suomi
    8. Espanja
    9. Venäjä
    10. turkin kieli
    11. Kiina
    12. tanskan kieli
    13. ruotsin kieli
    14. arabian kieli
    15. italian kieli
    1. portugalin kieli
    2. Saksa
    3. somalian kieli
    4. viron kieli
    5. Thaimaa
    6. Ruotsi
    7. suomen kieli
    8. Japani
    9. norjan kieli
    10. espanjan kieli
    11. kreikan kieli
    12. hollannin kieli
    13. ranskan kieli
    14. Itävalta
    15. Italia
    16. venäjän kieli

    31 Clues: ViroSaksaSuomiKiinaRanskaRuotsiJapaniVenäjäItaliaThaimaaEspanjaItävaltaviron kielisaksan kielikiinan kielithai (kieli)suomen kielinorjan kieliturkin kielijapanin kielikreikan kieliranskan kielitanskan kielivenäjän kieliruotsin kieliarabian kieliitalian kielisomalian kieliespanjan kielihollannin kieliportugalin kieli


    VOKABELTEST OKTOBER crossword puzzle
    1. eleverna
    2. allt
    1. nya vänner
    2. tråkig

    4 Clues: allttråkigelevernanya vänner

    Emotions 2024-10-07

    Emotions crossword puzzle
    1. When your mind is running a marathon, and you're standing still.
    2. That burst of sunshine inside you when things go right.
    3. When you’re super thankful for the little things in life.
    4. When you’re stuck in traffic, and nothing’s moving!
    5. That warm, fuzzy feeling when everything just clicks.
    6. That “phew” moment when a weight is finally lifted off your chest.
    7. That glimmer of “things will get better” in your heart.
    8. The butterflies in your stomach before something awesome happens.
    1. When your blood feels like it’s boiling, and you want to scream.
    2. When you just want to curl up with a blanket and be alone.
    3. When your heart races, and you feel like running for cover.
    4. When you can’t help but want what someone else has.
    5. That nagging feeling when you’ve done something you wish you hadn’t.
    6. When your brain is spinning, and nothing makes sense.
    7. When something unexpected leaves your jaw on the floor.
    8. That magical feeling when someone means the world to you.
    9. That cringey feeling when you wish you could disappear.
    10. When you’ve nailed it and want to tell the whole world.
    11. The peaceful vibe when everything feels just right.

    19 Clues: When you can’t help but want what someone else has.When you’re stuck in traffic, and nothing’s moving!The peaceful vibe when everything feels just right.When your brain is spinning, and nothing makes sense.That warm, fuzzy feeling when everything just clicks.That burst of sunshine inside you when things go right....

    Υλικό και λογισμικό 2024-10-07

    Υλικό και λογισμικό crossword puzzle
    1. Είναι συνήθως το μεγαλύτερο εξάρτημα στο εσωτερικό του υπολογιστή
    1. αποθηκεύει τα δεδομένα μόνιμα
    2. Αποθηκεύει τα δεδομένα προσωρινά

    3 Clues: αποθηκεύει τα δεδομένα μόνιμαΑποθηκεύει τα δεδομένα προσωρινάΕίναι συνήθως το μεγαλύτερο εξάρτημα στο εσωτερικό του υπολογιστή

    crop production 2024-10-07

    crop production crossword puzzle
    1. A rabi crop that is also one of the pulses
    2. A machine used for cutting the matured crop
    3. Certain plants of the same kind grown on a large scale
    4. A process of separating the grain from chaff.
    1. Providing water to the crops
    2. The cutting of crop after it is mature is called
    3. Crops grown in winter
    4. Undesirable plants present in crops

    8 Clues: Crops grown in winterProviding water to the cropsUndesirable plants present in cropsA rabi crop that is also one of the pulsesA machine used for cutting the matured cropA process of separating the grain from chaff.The cutting of crop after it is mature is calledCertain plants of the same kind grown on a large scale

    Evelina par datoriku 2024-10-07

    Evelina par datoriku crossword puzzle
    1. ar ko lādē datoru
    2. kā sauc ierīci kur mēs redzam informāciju
    1. ar ko mēs vadam datoru
    2. ar ko parasti strādā datorikā?

    4 Clues: ar ko lādē datoruar ko mēs vadam datoruar ko parasti strādā datorikā?kā sauc ierīci kur mēs redzam informāciju

    Specific phobias 2024-10-07

    Specific phobias crossword puzzle
    1. inhibitory neurotransmitter (4)
    2. feeling of shame that can prevent seeking help
    3. low GABA levels are what type of cause of phobia? (10)
    4. apprehension about the possibility of being exposed to a phobic stimulus is ______ anxiety (12)
    5. synonym for 'external' as a causal factor (6)
    6. develop a phobia by witnessing someone else having a traumatic experience
    1. a holistic framework for understanding the human experience (15)
    2. marked and persistent fear or anxiety about a specific object, activity or situation (8,6)
    3. excitatory neurotransmitter (9)
    4. what distinguishes specific phobia from normal fears
    5. event that causes a phobia (7)

    11 Clues: event that causes a phobia (7)inhibitory neurotransmitter (4)excitatory neurotransmitter (9)synonym for 'external' as a causal factor (6)feeling of shame that can prevent seeking helpwhat distinguishes specific phobia from normal fearslow GABA levels are what type of cause of phobia? (10)...

    Sistem gerak 2024-10-07

    Sistem gerak crossword puzzle
    1. sendi yang berada di ibu jari
    2. nama ilmiah otot jantung
    3. struktur luar otot lurik sebagai ekor otot
    4. sumsum tulang yang mengandung banyak sel lemak
    5. osifikasi dengan cara mengganti tulang rawan menjadi tulang keras
    1. sel untuk menghancurkan matriks tulang
    2. jenis sendi yang bergerak bebas
    3. tulang yang ditemukan di lutut, telapak tangan, dan kaki
    4. proses pembentukan tulang
    5. miofilamen tipis

    10 Clues: miofilamen tipisnama ilmiah otot jantungproses pembentukan tulangsendi yang berada di ibu jarijenis sendi yang bergerak bebassel untuk menghancurkan matriks tulangstruktur luar otot lurik sebagai ekor ototsumsum tulang yang mengandung banyak sel lemaktulang yang ditemukan di lutut, telapak tangan, dan kaki...

    Sistem gerak 2024-10-07

    Sistem gerak crossword puzzle
    1. sendi yang berada di ibu jari
    2. nama ilmiah otot jantung
    3. struktur luar otot lurik sebagai ekor otot
    4. sumsum tulang yang mengandung banyak sel lemak
    5. osifikasi dengan cara mengganti tulang rawan menjadi tulang keras
    1. sel untuk menghancurkan matriks tulang
    2. jenis sendi yang bergerak bebas
    3. tulang yang ditemukan di lutut, telapak tangan, dan kaki
    4. proses pembentukan tulang
    5. miofilamen tipis

    10 Clues: miofilamen tipisnama ilmiah otot jantungproses pembentukan tulangsendi yang berada di ibu jarijenis sendi yang bergerak bebassel untuk menghancurkan matriks tulangstruktur luar otot lurik sebagai ekor ototsumsum tulang yang mengandung banyak sel lemaktulang yang ditemukan di lutut, telapak tangan, dan kaki...

    Metalai 2024-10-07

    Metalai crossword puzzle
    1. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Cr (7 raidės)
    2. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas fejerverkuose, simbolis Sr (8 raidės)
    3. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas branduolinėse jėgainėse, simbolis Th (5 raidės)
    4. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Ni (6 raidės)
    5. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Li, naudojamas baterijose (6 raidės)
    6. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Pb (5 raidės)
    7. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Au (5 raidės)
    8. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Co, naudojamas superlydiniuose (8 raidės)
    9. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Al (8 raidės)
    10. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas veidrodžiuose, simbolis Rh (5 raidės)
    11. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas branduolinėje energijoje, simbolis U (6 raidės)
    12. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Mg (9 raidės)
    13. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas kaulų stiprinimui, simbolis Ca (6 raidės)
    14. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas atominėse laikrodžiuose, simbolis Cs (5 raidės)
    15. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Mo (7 raidės)
    1. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas apdirbti plieną, simbolis W (6 raidės)
    2. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Hg (10 raidžių)
    3. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Ti (9 raidės)
    4. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas plieno gamyboje, simbolis Mn (8 raidės)
    5. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Be, naudojamas metalurgijoje (7 raidės)
    6. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Zn (6 raidės)
    7. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas elektros laidams, simbolis Cu (4 raidės)
    8. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Na (5 raidės)
    9. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas elektrinėse grandinėse, simbolis Ru (7 raidės)
    10. Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Fe (5 raidės)
    11. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas juvelyrikoje, simbolis Ag (6 raidės)
    12. Cheminis elementas, kuris yra švelnus ir labai reaktyvus, simbolis K (7 raidės)
    13. Cheminis elementas, turintis simbolį Sn (8 raidės)
    14. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas katalizatoriuose, simbolis Pt (8 raidės)
    15. Cheminis elementas, naudojamas lengvose lydinių medžiagose, simbolis Sc (7 raidės)

    30 Clues: Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Cr (7 raidės)Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Ti (9 raidės)Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Ni (6 raidės)Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Zn (6 raidės)Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Pb (5 raidės)Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Na (5 raidės)Cheminis elementas, kurio simbolis Fe (5 raidės)...

    Meihua 5 2024-10-07

    Meihua 5 crossword puzzle
    1. kelompok
    2. paduan suara
    3. kelas
    1. mulai
    2. tampil
    3. perlombaan
    4. ke(urutan)

    7 Clues: mulaikelastampilkelompokperlombaanke(urutan)paduan suara

    Teka Teki Silang Harmusindo B 2024-10-07

    Teka Teki Silang Harmusindo B crossword puzzle
    1. Orang yang bertugas menyampaikan informasi dan pengetahuan museum kepada publik
    2. Bulan kelahiran Muspen
    3. situs candi peninggalan Mpu Sendok pada zaman Mataram Kuno
    1. Bulan peringatan Harmusindo
    2. Alat komunikasi visual
    3. Museum Penerangan disingkat menjadi
    4. Tokoh yang meresmikan Museum Penerangan
    5. Prasasti bukti dulu pernah berdiri Kerajaan Kanjuruhan

    8 Clues: Alat komunikasi visualBulan kelahiran MuspenBulan peringatan HarmusindoMuseum Penerangan disingkat menjadiTokoh yang meresmikan Museum PeneranganPrasasti bukti dulu pernah berdiri Kerajaan Kanjuruhansitus candi peninggalan Mpu Sendok pada zaman Mataram KunoOrang yang bertugas menyampaikan informasi dan pengetahuan museum kepada publik

    《压力》1-13 2024-10-07

    《压力》1-13 crossword puzzle
    1. I don't know how to handle this situation.
    2. He studies hard, hoping to get into his dream university.
    3. -一切-会-好-都-起来-请-的,-担心-不要
    1. 这个-有-问题上,-在-和-你-同感-我
    2. Sport exercise is my best way to relieve stress.
    3. Not paying attention in class will bring trouble to oneself.
    4. -高中-的-繁重,-学业-休息-几乎-没有-时间
    5. 我-学习,-在-同时-听着-很放松-音乐,-觉得
    6. -每个-我-都-清晨,-会-一杯-热茶-喝
    7. Her family has always been by her side.
    8. She doesn't want to lose face in front of her friends.

    11 Clues: 这个-有-问题上,-在-和-你-同感-我-每个-我-都-清晨,-会-一杯-热茶-喝-一切-会-好-都-起来-请-的,-担心-不要-高中-的-繁重,-学业-休息-几乎-没有-时间我-学习,-在-同时-听着-很放松-音乐,-觉得Her family has always been by her side.I don't know how to handle this situation.Sport exercise is my best way to relieve stress.She doesn't want to lose face in front of her friends....

    Aleksandrs par datoriku 2024-10-07

    Aleksandrs par datoriku crossword puzzle
    1. ar ko mēs vadam darbu datorā
    2. kas par ierīci kur mēs redzam, informāciju
    1. ar ko strādājām datorikā
    2. uzdevums

    4 Clues: uzdevumsar ko strādājām datorikāar ko mēs vadam darbu datorākas par ierīci kur mēs redzam, informāciju

    Read all about it! L1 2024-10-07

    Read all about it! L1 crossword puzzle
    1. (v) To happen or take place.
    2. (n) A large newspaper with serious news stories.
    3. (v) To ask for something strongly or firmly.
    4. (v) To say that something is true or to ask for something that you believe belongs to you.
    5. (v) Destroyed or damaged so badly that it cannot be fixed.
    1. (n) The act of illegally copying or using something, like music, books, or movies, without permission.
    2. (adj) Very surprised or upset by something unexpected.
    3. (n) A smaller newspaper with more sensational news, like gossip or celebrities.
    4. (n) A printed or online publication that has news, stories, and information about events around the world.
    5. (n) A person who tricks or deceives others to gain something unfairly.

    10 Clues: (v) To happen or take place.(v) To ask for something strongly or firmly.(n) A large newspaper with serious news stories.(adj) Very surprised or upset by something unexpected.(v) Destroyed or damaged so badly that it cannot be fixed.(n) A person who tricks or deceives others to gain something unfairly....

    Mathematical identities 2024-10-07

    Mathematical identities crossword puzzle


    Post-Mock Review Crossword 2024-10-07

    Post-Mock Review Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. Which aesthetic feature is this quote, "I think our country sinks beneath the yoke, it weeps, it bleeds, and each new day a gash is added to her wounds"?
    2. The position you're supporting in your essay.
    3. Duncan's second son.
    4. Banquo's son.
    5. The second step of planning time.
    1. Which character says, 'But I must also feel it as a man'?
    2. What did Macbeth see before him in his act 2 scene 1 soliloquy?
    3. What could Lady Macbeth see on her hands?
    4. Fill in the black: the witches speak in tetrameter.
    5. Fill in the blank: of evidence.
    6. Short and sharp ones are the most effective.
    7. The first step of planning time.

    12 Clues: Banquo's son.Duncan's second son.The first step of planning time.The second step of planning time.Fill in the blank: of evidence.What could Lady Macbeth see on her hands?Short and sharp ones are the most effective.The position you're supporting in your essay.Which character says, 'But I must also feel it as a man'?...

    العطلة 2024-10-07

    العطلة crossword puzzle
    1. grandfather
    2. draw
    3. trip
    4. play
    1. visit
    2. farm
    3. read

    7 Clues: farmdrawtripplayreadvisitgrandfather

    Mathematical identities 2024-10-07

    Mathematical identities crossword puzzle


      Micro:bit car safety 2024-10-07

      Micro:bit car safety crossword puzzle
      1. Don't leave the Micro:bit car in direct ... for long periods.
      2. An example of a ... is a lightbulb powered by a battery.
      3. A ....-circuit can be caused by incorrect wiring.
      1. The Micro:bit is made up of a variety of ...
      2. When you are not using your Micro:bit, it should be kept in an anti-... bag.

      5 Clues: The Micro:bit is made up of a variety of ...A ....-circuit can be caused by incorrect wiring.An example of a ... is a lightbulb powered by a battery.Don't leave the Micro:bit car in direct ... for long periods.When you are not using your Micro:bit, it should be kept in an anti-... bag.

      Consumatorul 2024-10-07

      Consumatorul crossword puzzle
      1. orice lucru util si necesar oamenilor pentru asigurarea existentei si bunastarii lor
      2. valoare monetara (in bani) a unui bun
      3. exista in cantitati limitate cu un anumit cost
      4. exista in natura in mod liber, gratuit
      1. persoana care utilizeaza bunuri si servicii in scopul satisfaceri nevoilor sale
      2. bun material rezultat dintr-un proces de munca
      3. activitate prestata in folosul sau interesul cuiva
      4. valoare monetara (in bani) a unui serviciu

      8 Clues: valoare monetara (in bani) a unui bunexista in natura in mod liber, gratuitvaloare monetara (in bani) a unui serviciubun material rezultat dintr-un proces de muncaexista in cantitati limitate cu un anumit costactivitate prestata in folosul sau interesul cuivapersoana care utilizeaza bunuri si servicii in scopul satisfaceri nevoilor sale...

      Kebijakan Ekonomi 2024-10-07

      Kebijakan Ekonomi crossword puzzle
      1. tom
      1. jerry
      2. orang

      3 Clues: tomjerryorang

      London here we come 2024-10-07

      London here we come crossword puzzle
      1. fastän
      2. decennium
      3. skattefri
      4. svara
      5. mobiltelefon
      6. i förväg
      7. passkontroll
      8. medborgare
      9. tvilling
      10. flygförberedelser
      11. off lyfta(om flygplan)
      12. meddela
      13. flyg
      14. för mycket, extra
      15. under
      16. avdelning
      17. äkta man
      18. hall för avresande
      19. flygolag
      20. gång i flygplan
      1. föremål
      2. ha rätt till
      3. gå framåt
      4. tunnel,gång
      5. säkerhetsinformation
      6. pass boardingkort
      7. tillfälle,möjlighet
      8. par
      9. pjäs
      10. syskon
      11. 14 dagar
      12. köa
      13. armband
      14. gå ombord på
      15. vistelse
      16. bagage
      17. crew kabinpersonal
      18. säkerhetskontroll
      19. (i riktning mot)
      20. gifta sig

      40 Clues: parköapjäsflygsvaraunderfastänsyskonbagageföremålmeddelaarmbandi förvägtvilling14 dagarvistelseäkta manflygolagdecenniumgå framåtskattefriavdelninggifta sigmedborgaretunnel,gångha rätt tillmobiltelefonpasskontrollgå ombord pågång i flygplan(i riktning mot)pass boardingkortflygförberedelserför mycket, extrasäkerhetskontrollcrew kabinpersonal...

      geografi 2024-10-07

      geografi crossword puzzle
      1. Clues: tanda panah • komponen sig • kondisi fisik • subsistem sig • perangkat lunak • perangkat keras • prinsip geografi • ciri khas geografi • pendekatan geografi • objek studi geografi • Aspek-aspek geografi • objek formal geografi • objek material geografi • posisi pasti dalam ruang • sosial kondisi non-fisik • menganalisis data geografi • komponen penginderaan jauh

        1 Clue: ...

        Wedding 2024-10-07

        Wedding crossword puzzle
        1. Angry person or savory cake
        2. Duffy and Goudes’s all in one room
        3. Gillian’s zodiac sign
        4. Nikos favorite cheese
        5. Morrissey’s Girlfriend
        6. 5 letters 5 guesses
        7. Home to NASCAR
        8. On a sunset cruise in ______, Niko asked Gillian to be his wife
        9. Niko is to Gillian as sunlight is to
        10. shrimp and
        11. Niko and Gillian’s favorite meal
        12. Charleston is the ___ City
        13. Niko is from
        14. You make it there you can make it anywhere
        15. Summerville is the home of
        16. Old chiweenie that turns 14 today
        17. symbol of hospitality in Charleston?
        1. Where to next (Gillian’s Mom)
        2. always in Gillian and Nikos fridge
        3. Gillian is from
        4. Ghost buster in Charleston
        5. Niko and Gillian got big hair
        6. Heavy atom
        7. Number of legs in Gillian and Nikos house
        8. BEC
        9. Timbs and Tecovas
        10. Where Gillian and Niko met?
        11. ____ makes ship go
        12. Hurry up and wait
        13. Niko’s zodiac sign
        14. Fuels the couples closets and their wallets
        15. Walks Gillian
        16. A scaly celebration

        33 Clues: BECHeavy atomshrimp andNiko is fromWalks GillianHome to NASCARGillian is fromTimbs and TecovasHurry up and wait____ makes ship goNiko’s zodiac sign5 letters 5 guessesA scaly celebrationGillian’s zodiac signNikos favorite cheeseMorrissey’s GirlfriendGhost buster in CharlestonCharleston is the ___ CitySummerville is the home of...

        Ajaugu 2024-10-07

        Ajaugu crossword puzzle
        1. 1920. aastatel Suurbritannia peaminister, kes juhtis Tory parteid
        2. Prantsusmaal 1920. aastatel domineeriv valitsusparteide koalitsioon
        3. depresioon Mis algas aastal 1929
        4. Ameerika Ühendriikides kehtestatud põhiseaduse muudatus, mis andis naistele hääleõiguse
        1. Demokraatia aluspõhimõte, et rahvas valib oma esindajad
        2. president, kes valiti 1932. aastal (9 tähte).
        3. Prantsusmaa poliitiline suund, mis keskendub vasakule
        4. Suurbritannia kuningas, kelle valitsemisaeg kestis 1910–1936
        5. 1929. aasta majanduskriisi peamine põhjus, mis tõi kaasa töötuse kasvu

        9 Clues: depresioon Mis algas aastal 1929president, kes valiti 1932. aastal (9 tähte).Prantsusmaa poliitiline suund, mis keskendub vasakuleDemokraatia aluspõhimõte, et rahvas valib oma esindajadSuurbritannia kuningas, kelle valitsemisaeg kestis 1910–19361920. aastatel Suurbritannia peaminister, kes juhtis Tory parteid...

        Ajalugu 2024-10-07

        Ajalugu crossword puzzle
        1. 1922.aastal sooritas Konstantin Päts riigipöörde ning algas diktatuur, mida on nimetatud, milleks?
        2. Mis aastal võidutses USA-s vaba turg?
        3. Sellel ajal kuulsaks saanud kuritegelik sündikaat Chicagos?
        4. Esimese suurriigina langes diktatuuri alla pärast 1917.aasta enamlikku riigipööret, milline riik?
        5. Sündikaate hakati nimetama, millise Itaaliast tulnud sõnaga?
        6. Rahva võim ehk?
        7. Korrastatud ehk süsteemseidbtõekspidamisi ühe riigi valitsemisest
        8. Leiboristlik Partei ehk?
        9. Pärast esimest maailmasõda valitses USA-s, milline riigikord?
        10. USA poliitika mitte sekkuda Euroopa konfliktidesse.
        1. Vanimateks poliitilisteks mõttesuundadeks Euroopas võis pidada, mida?(kaks)
        2. 1918. aastal said naised valida, mis eluaastast?
        3. Mis aastal algas 20ndal sajandil suur majanduskriis USA-s?
        4. Briti rahvaste ühenduse autonoomne liikmesriik, millel on oma parlament, valitsus, kohtusüsteem,seadusandlus
        5. Kelle poolt hääletati 1936.aasta presidendivalimistel USA-s?

        15 Clues: Rahva võim ehk?Leiboristlik Partei ehk?Mis aastal võidutses USA-s vaba turg?1918. aastal said naised valida, mis eluaastast?USA poliitika mitte sekkuda Euroopa konfliktidesse.Mis aastal algas 20ndal sajandil suur majanduskriis USA-s?Sellel ajal kuulsaks saanud kuritegelik sündikaat Chicagos?...

        Wedding 2024-10-07

        Wedding crossword puzzle
        1. Heavy atom
        2. Niko is from
        3. Gillian is from
        4. Duffy and Goudes’s all in one room
        5. always in Gillian and Nikos fridge
        6. On a sunset cruise in ______, Niko asked Gillian to be his wife
        7. You make it there you can make it anywhere
        8. BEC
        9. symbol of hospitality in Charleston?
        10. Home to NASCAR
        11. Walks Gillian
        12. Old chiweenie that turns 14 today
        13. ____ makes ship go
        1. Niko is to Gillian as sunlight is to
        2. Hurry up and wait
        3. Where to next (Gillian’s Mom)
        4. Niko and Gillian got big hair
        5. 5 letters 5 guesses
        6. Morrissey’s Girlfriend
        7. Where Gillian and Niko met?
        8. Gillian’s zodiac sign
        9. Niko and Gillian’s favorite meal
        10. Timbs and Tecovas
        11. Summerville is the home of
        12. shrimp and
        13. Number of legs in Gillian and Nikos house
        14. Ghost buster in Charleston
        15. Angry person or savory cake
        16. Fuels the couples closets and their wallets
        17. Nikos favorite cheese
        18. Charleston is the ___ City
        19. Niko’s zodiac sign
        20. A scaly celebration

        33 Clues: BECHeavy atomshrimp andNiko is fromWalks GillianHome to NASCARGillian is fromHurry up and waitTimbs and TecovasNiko’s zodiac sign____ makes ship go5 letters 5 guessesA scaly celebrationGillian’s zodiac signNikos favorite cheeseMorrissey’s GirlfriendSummerville is the home ofGhost buster in CharlestonCharleston is the ___ City...

        Teka Teki Silang Harmusindo A 2024-10-07

        Teka Teki Silang Harmusindo A crossword puzzle
        1. Pendiri kerajaan singasari
        2. Buah khas Malang
        3. Nama gunung yang menjadi salah satu ikon wisata di Malang
        4. Sekali di udara tetap di Udara
        5. Kerajaan terbesar di Indonesia ini pernah berjaya di Malang. Alamat tepatnya di Tumapel
        1. Orang yang bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan koleksi museum, termasuk memilih, menyimpan, dan memamerkan koleksi
        2. Alat komunikasi audio
        3. Harga tiket masuk Museum Penerangan

        8 Clues: Buah khas MalangAlat komunikasi audioPendiri kerajaan singasariSekali di udara tetap di UdaraHarga tiket masuk Museum PeneranganNama gunung yang menjadi salah satu ikon wisata di MalangKerajaan terbesar di Indonesia ini pernah berjaya di Malang. Alamat tepatnya di Tumapel...

        personality adjectives (inter+) 2024-10-07

        personality adjectives (inter+) crossword puzzle
        1. She's beautiful, exciting, and different from ordinary people.
        2. She has an amazing imagination and she's very original.
        3. She has lots of control and influence over people and events.
        4. She can express her opinions clearly and confidently.
        5. He can be trusted to do something well.
        6. She doesn't like rules, or doing what other people tell her to do.
        1. He shows caring feelings towards everyone he knows.
        2. He does things suddenly, without thinking about what might happen.
        3. He really enjoys going out with his friends and meeting new people.
        4. He always wants what other people have.
        5. She likes to offer solutions if you have a problem.
        6. He's easily hurt, especially if you criticize him.

        12 Clues: He always wants what other people have.He can be trusted to do something well.He's easily hurt, especially if you criticize him.He shows caring feelings towards everyone he knows.She likes to offer solutions if you have a problem.She can express her opinions clearly and confidently.She has an amazing imagination and she's very original....

        Extinct animals 2024-10-07

        Extinct animals crossword puzzle
        1. This flightless bird lived on the island of Mauritius and went extinct in the 1600s.
        2. This prehistoric feline is famous for its long, curved canine teeth and went extinct around 10,000 years ago.
        1. An ancient elephant-like animal with large, curved tusks that roamed the Ice Age and is now extinct.
        2. Giant reptile species that dominated Earth millions of years ago but went extinct about 65 million years ago.
        3. Once the most abundant bird in North America, this species went extinct in the early 20th century due to overhunting and habitat loss

        5 Clues: This flightless bird lived on the island of Mauritius and went extinct in the 1600s.An ancient elephant-like animal with large, curved tusks that roamed the Ice Age and is now extinct.Giant reptile species that dominated Earth millions of years ago but went extinct about 65 million years ago....

        Permasalahan sosial 2024-10-07

        Permasalahan sosial crossword puzzle
        1. faktor utama yang seringkali menyebabkan kesenjangan sosial

          1 Clue: faktor utama yang seringkali menyebabkan kesenjangan sosial

          KEJU-TAN! 2024-10-07

          KEJU-TAN! crossword puzzle
          1. Nama industri yang akan kita kunjungi adalah . . . .
          2. Produk yang diproduksi oleh industri adalah . . . .
          1. Kota yang akan dikunjungi pada kegiatan industri hari ini adalah . . . .

          3 Clues: Produk yang diproduksi oleh industri adalah . . . .Nama industri yang akan kita kunjungi adalah . . . .Kota yang akan dikunjungi pada kegiatan industri hari ini adalah . . . .

          Geographical Terms October 8 2024-10-07

          Geographical Terms October 8 crossword puzzle
          1. the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.
          2. a table that explains the symbols used on a map, chart, or other illustration.
          3. substances that occur naturally in nature and have a commercial value.
          4. also commonly known as mechanical weathering, the breaking down of rocks by wind and running water.
          5. not a herbivore and not a carnivore, refer to animals or people who eat both plants and meat.
          6. large area of flat and relatively high ground.
          1. the flow of ocean water in a defined direction.
          2. imaginary horizontal lines north and south used to find a location on the Earth's surface.
          3. study of the earth's surface, climate, land forms, and bodies of water.
          4. a fertile watering hole in a geographically arid place such as a desert. It is formed since there was water previously present in the specific area.
          5. geography that involves the study of the atmosphere.
          6. chemical substances used to exterminate pests or insects and prevent their infestation.
          7. imaginary vertical lines east and west used to find a location on the Earth's surface.
          8. molten rock that is below the surface of the earth; found in the mantle or crust of the planet.

          14 Clues: large area of flat and relatively high ground.the flow of ocean water in a defined direction.geography that involves the study of the atmosphere.the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.substances that occur naturally in nature and have a commercial value....

          The Johnsons 2024-10-07

          The Johnsons crossword puzzle
          1. 2
          2. 3
          1. 1
          2. 4

          4 Clues: 1423

          Dunkle Romantik 2024-10-07

          Dunkle Romantik crossword puzzle
          1. Nathanaels Sachen werden gerettet bei…
          2. Nathanael gibt Kritik an…
          3. Dreht Nathanael etwas an, lässt ihn nicht in Ruhe…
          4. Seelen Zwiespalt hat…
          5. kein einzelnes Universum sondern…
          6. Coppola und Coppelius spiegeln für Nathanael…
          7. Kindheitstrauma für Nathanael ist…
          8. Die Blume für Nathanael ist…
          9. Unordnung im Geist beschreibt…
          1. Ist in der Gesellschaft nicht mehr stark vertreten…
          2. Clara handelt…
          3. Gedanken der Aufklärung hat…
          4. Wird in Claras Augen widergespiegelt…
          5. Coppelius verhindert Nathanaels Liebesglück…
          6. Nathanael kommt mit den „dunklen Mächten“ nicht mehr klar…
          7. Kommt vor dem Einschlafen
          8. Nehmen Nathanaels Leben und Sinneswahrnehmung ein…

          17 Clues: Clara handelt…Seelen Zwiespalt hat…Nathanael gibt Kritik an…Kommt vor dem EinschlafenGedanken der Aufklärung hat…Die Blume für Nathanael ist…Unordnung im Geist beschreibt…kein einzelnes Universum sondern…Kindheitstrauma für Nathanael ist…Wird in Claras Augen widergespiegelt…Nathanaels Sachen werden gerettet bei…...

          Dunkle Romantik 2024-10-07

          Dunkle Romantik crossword puzzle
          1. Nehmen Nathanaels Leben und Sinneswahrnehmung ein…
          2. Wird in Claras Augen widergespiegelt…
          3. Clara handelt…
          4. Gedanken der Aufklärung hat…
          5. Nathanaels Sachen werden gerettet bei…
          6. Die Blume für Nathanael ist…
          7. Unordnung im Geist beschreibt…
          8. Coppola und Coppelius spiegeln für Nathanael…
          9. Nathanael gibt Kritik an…
          1. Dreht Nathanael etwas an, lässt ihn nicht in Ruhe…
          2. Seelen Zwiespalt hat…
          3. Ist in der Gesellschaft nicht mehr stark vertreten…
          4. kein einzelnes Universum sondern…
          5. Kindheitstrauma für Nathanael ist…
          6. Nathanael kommt mit den „dunklen Mächten“ nicht mehr klar…
          7. Coppelius verhindert Nathanaels Liebesglück…
          8. Kommt vor dem Einschlafen

          17 Clues: Clara handelt…Seelen Zwiespalt hat…Kommt vor dem EinschlafenNathanael gibt Kritik an…Gedanken der Aufklärung hat…Die Blume für Nathanael ist…Unordnung im Geist beschreibt…kein einzelnes Universum sondern…Kindheitstrauma für Nathanael ist…Wird in Claras Augen widergespiegelt…Nathanaels Sachen werden gerettet bei…...

          The solar system 2024-10-07

          The solar system crossword puzzle
          1. Fifth planet of the solar system
          2. The Earth's only natural satellite
          3. Group of stars, planets, gas, and dust
          4. Celestial body that orbits around a planet
          5. The coldest planet in the solar system
          6. Path of a celestial body around the Sun
          1. Name of the galaxy that our solar system is part of
          2. The most distant planet from the Sun
          3. Movement of a planet rotating on its own axis
          4. Also called the red planet
          5. The planets that are not rocky are...
          6. Most important star in the solar system

          12 Clues: Also called the red planetFifth planet of the solar systemThe Earth's only natural satelliteThe most distant planet from the SunThe planets that are not rocky are...Group of stars, planets, gas, and dustThe coldest planet in the solar systemMost important star in the solar systemPath of a celestial body around the Sun...

          Dasar-dasar Akustik 2024-10-07

          Dasar-dasar Akustik crossword puzzle
          1. Echosounder yang digunakan untuk pengukuran kedalaman di perairan dangkal dan memberikan informasi yang detail tentang dasar laut disebut ... beam echosounder
          2. bagian dari pola radiasi antena atau sistem akustik yang menunjukkan arah radiasi energi yang berada di luar main lobe
          3. Apa yang terjadi ketika gelombang suara mengenai permukaan laut atau dasar laut dan memantul kembali?
          4. Ketika gelombang suara di bawah air mengenai objek dengan ukuran yang lebih kecil dari panjang gelombang, energi suara akan tersebar ke berbagai arah. Apa istilah yang digunakan untuk fenomena ini?
          5. Mengatur waktu antara pemancaran dan penerimaan gelombang suara
          6. Fenomena apa yang terjadi ketika gelombang suara mengalami perubahan arah karena variasi kecepatan suara di medium?
          7. Menyesuaikan amplifikasi sinyal suara berdasarkan jarak
          8. Alat yang digunakan dalam pengukuran arus laut menggunakan gelombang akustik
          9. Pola distribusi energi gelombang suara yang dipancarkan oleh transducer
          10. Contoh dari instrumen akustik bawah air pasif adalah ...
          11. meminimalkan kebisingan dan meningkatkan kualitas data yang diperoleh
          1. Istilah untuk alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kedalaman laut menggunakan suara
          2. bagian dari pola radiasi sinyal yang menunjukkan arah utama radiasi
          3. Jenis echosounder yang memiliki beberapa elemen dan dapat menciptakan peta 3D
          4. Gelombang suara dengan frekuensi di atas kemampuan pendengaran manusia
          5. Satuan yang digunakan untuk mengukur intensitas suara
          6. Jenis gelombang yang dapat didengar oleh manusia
          7. Sound Navigation and Ranging
          8. Komponen utama dari echosounder ilmiah yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengubah energi listrik menjadi gelombang suara disebut
          9. Istilah untuk gelombang suara yang dipancarkan ke arah target dan dipantulkan kembali

          20 Clues: Sound Navigation and RangingJenis gelombang yang dapat didengar oleh manusiaSatuan yang digunakan untuk mengukur intensitas suaraMenyesuaikan amplifikasi sinyal suara berdasarkan jarakContoh dari instrumen akustik bawah air pasif adalah ...Mengatur waktu antara pemancaran dan penerimaan gelombang suara...

          g 2024-10-07

          g crossword puzzle
          1. hh
          2. jj
          3. jja
          1. aak
          2. jj
          3. ajek
          4. kk

          7 Clues: hhjjjjkkaakjjaajek

          In viaggio in Australia occidentale 2024-10-07

          In viaggio in Australia occidentale crossword puzzle
          1. Insieme degli animali che vivono in una determinata regione.
          2. Attività illegali che possono rappresentare un rischio per i turisti.
          3. Formazioni rocciose verticali che emergono dal terreno, spesso in ambienti desertici.
          1. Luogo finale verso cui si dirige un viaggio.
          2. Struttura marina composta da colonie di coralli, habitat di numerose specie marine.
          3. Luoghi di interesse turistico che attirano visitatori.
          4. Strumento di pagamento elettronico, essenziale per molte transazioni durante il viaggio.
          5. Piano dettagliato che descrive le tappe di un viaggio o un percorso.
          6. Un insieme di persone che viaggia insieme verso una meta comune.
          7. Valle profonda e stretta con pareti ripide, generalmente formata dall'erosione di un fiume.

          10 Clues: Luogo finale verso cui si dirige un viaggio.Luoghi di interesse turistico che attirano visitatori.Insieme degli animali che vivono in una determinata regione.Un insieme di persone che viaggia insieme verso una meta comune.Piano dettagliato che descrive le tappe di un viaggio o un percorso....

          Halloween Chills! 2024-10-07

          Halloween Chills! crossword puzzle
          1. she's the slayer
          2. Disney's witch classic
          3. She becomes the White Lady
          4. it crossed my path
          5. the walking dead
          6. a carved pumpkin
          1. he waits for the great pumpkin
          2. Halloween transportation
          3. Halloween killer
          4. eight legged crawler
          5. huaka`i po, ghosts of Hawaiian warriors
          6. they turn on a full moon
          7. bites then turns into a bat
          8. food of the day
          9. she has amazing costumes and credentials people
          10. one year she was a tardigrade

          16 Clues: food of the dayshe's the slayerHalloween killerthe walking deada carved pumpkinit crossed my patheight legged crawlerDisney's witch classicHalloween transportationthey turn on a full moonShe becomes the White Ladybites then turns into a batone year she was a tardigradehe waits for the great pumpkinhuaka`i po, ghosts of Hawaiian warriors...

          How much do you Know? 2024-10-07

          How much do you Know? crossword puzzle
          1. This is the USP for Easyrewardz
          2. We come from this position, be it our customers, colleagues or partners
          3. current product
          4. we want the customer journey to be better
          5. we crave for it after performing well.
          6. we all keep on asking for it.
          7. if not emails or teams, everyone is available here
          1. We want to have good money
          2. This is your company
          3. we are all about running them.
          4. We are all about Rewards

          11 Clues: current productThis is your companyWe are all about RewardsWe want to have good moneywe all keep on asking for it.we are all about running them.This is the USP for Easyrewardzwe crave for it after performing well.we want the customer journey to be betterif not emails or teams, everyone is available here...