50 states Crossword Puzzles

pick 50 2022-09-01

pick 50 crossword puzzle
  1. a measure of the amount of matter that an object contains
  2. A combination of two or more substances that are not chemically combined
  3. he substance in which a solute dissolves to produce a homogeneous mixture.
  4. a state of matter that occurs when a set of atoms is cooled almost to absolute zero in which a statistical description of the positions of the atoms implies that they physically overlap each other and in effect form a single atom
  5. The smallest particle of a substance that has all of the physical and chemical properties of that substance
  6. smallest part of an element
  7. metallic substance composed of two or more elements, as either a compound or a solution
  8. a characteristic of a particular substance that can be observed in a chemical reaction
  9. a homogeneous mixture of one or more solutes dissolved in a solvent
  10. a property (as color, hardness, boiling point) of matter not involving in its manifestation
  11. the process by which a liquid turns into a gas
  12. the process by which a liquid turns into a vapor when it is heated to its boiling point
  13. an insoluble solid that emerges from a liquid solution
  14. a mixture in which the composition is uniform throughout the mixture
  15. A substance made up of atoms of two or more different elements joined by chemical bonds
  1. a change to the physical—as opposed to chemical—properties of a substance
  2. a substance made up of various types of particles that occupies physical space and has inertia
  3. a process by which dissolved components, i.e. solutes, form a solution in a solvent
  4. the phase change of a substance from the liquid state to a solid-state
  5. happens when one chemical substance is transformed into one or more different substances
  6. any substance consisting of particles substantially larger than atoms or ordinary molecules but too small to be visible to the unaided eye
  7. the phase transition in which gas transforms into solid without passing through the liquid phase
  8. a sample of matter that conforms to the shape of a container in which it is held, and which acquires a defined surface in the presence of gravity
  9. change of a solid into a liquid when heat is applied
  10. a mixture in which the composition is not uniform throughout the mixture
  11. a physically distinctive form of matter, such as a solid, liquid, gas, or plasma
  12. conversion of a substance from the liquid or solid phase into the gaseous (vapour) phase
  13. sample of matter that conforms to the shape of a container in which it is held and acquires a uniform density inside the container
  14. the process where water vapor becomes liquid
  15. a heterogeneous mixture of a finely distributed solid in a liquid
  16. a state of matter that retains its shape and density when not confined
  17. a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler components by any non-nuclear chemical reaction

32 Clues: smallest part of an elementthe process where water vapor becomes liquidthe process by which a liquid turns into a gaschange of a solid into a liquid when heat is appliedan insoluble solid that emerges from a liquid solutiona measure of the amount of matter that an object containsa heterogeneous mixture of a finely distributed solid in a liquid...

Papa 50 2023-01-28

Papa 50 crossword puzzle
  1. eyeeeeeieaaaaaah
  2. promised by kids, never fulfilled
  3. surname of protagonist in Netflix series
  4. Chausa
  5. 1994 ; 2019
  6. Gomti
  7. island in the caribbean
  8. universal exclamation
  9. your favourite cuisine as of 20/1/23
  10. island south of Singapore
  11. fake blind ; rabbit
  12. sister in-law
  13. worthless/useless
  14. mall below previous workplace
  15. mouse, role played by tejas
  16. upcoming trip accomodation
  17. vietnamese soup and broth
  18. famous actor first name
  19. mallik #1
  20. ECP exit 8A
  21. Japanese street snack
  22. Pikotaro's choice of drink
  23. surname of Credit Suisse chief risk officer
  24. Changi 2012 ; mobile game
  1. extinct 65 million years ago
  2. frequently used adjective at home
  3. street food ; verb
  4. 24 mins journey to city
  5. love-hate relationship with them
  6. sweet treat ; dog
  7. six guesses ; five letters
  8. scores between 1-3 points in a card game
  9. spice ; mithai
  10. 'city' in Hindi
  11. quickly quickly
  12. defensive backhand TT rubber
  13. ex-colleague ; Duxton Hill
  14. Hindi for well mannered
  15. ❤️=🥚 in this
  16. graphic comic series
  17. what is the purpose of this?
  18. ivy league university
  19. autonomous region
  20. frozen surface for skating + 'u'
  21. list of passengers and cargo ; TV show
  22. reaction when someone cuts in courtpiece
  23. region in UK ; terrier
  24. leading producer of badminton products
  25. (sic) stinky ; Toy Story
  26. 'reeking of/rotten' in Hindi

50 Clues: GomtiChausamallik #11994 ; 2019ECP exit 8A❤️=🥚 in thissister in-lawspice ; mithai'city' in Hindiquickly quicklyeyeeeeeieaaaaaahsweet treat ; dogworthless/uselessautonomous regionstreet food ; verbfake blind ; rabbitgraphic comic seriesuniversal exclamationivy league universityJapanese street snackregion in UK ; terrier24 mins journey to city...

Mike 50 2023-03-06

Mike 50 crossword puzzle
  1. Vaak gebruikt schoeisel aan de Haverhof, tevens oud-hollands schoeisel
  2. Op wie testte Mike vroeger "lege" batterijen uit?
  3. Mike's eerste pony, tevens een eindtoets op de basisschool
  4. Minder geliefd water-vervoermiddel van Mike, tevens een koek, te eten bij een bakkie pleur
  5. bijnaam van de flat waar Mike met Seef ging oefenen met samenwonen
  6. Achternaam van een bekende autocoureur, maar eerder bekend als Mike's enige en unieke dochter
  7. Hier lag de halve zolder bij zijn ouders thuis vroeger vol mee
  8. Carnavalsnaam van de stad waar hij het HBO afrondde
  9. Achternaam van Amerikaanse acteur waar Mike vroeger op leek
  10. Leiden hoop in bange Osse dagen
  11. Mike's petekind
  12. Hoofdstad van Spanje, tevens een stedentrip bestemming van Mike en Severine
  13. Mike's steun en toeverlaat
  14. Naam van Mike's eigen bedrijf
  15. Mike's meest trouwe viervoeter
  16. Speenkruid 15, de oudste bewoner is?
  1. tweede naam van zijn eerste eigen auto, tevens sjieke sport in Engeland
  2. Eén van Mike's maatjes op de MTS
  3. Beruchte shoarmatent in Herpen
  4. wat gooide de juffrouw op Mike's basisschool naar zijn hoofd?
  5. Merk trouw-auto tijdens het huwelijk van Mike en Severine
  6. Wat worden Mike's ogen bij de eerste de beste lach?
  7. Dit geluid maakte Mike tot zijn 17de wanneer hij hard wegfietste
  8. Mike werkte ook voor bouwbedrijf van der ...
  9. Vaak bezochte kuststreek in Kroatie, zwart-wit hondenras is hiernaar vernoemd
  10. de achternaam van Mike's meest geliefde middelbare schoolleraar/ - directeur
  11. de achternaam van Mike's minst geliefde basisschool-leraar
  12. In deze straat stond Mike's wieg
  13. Op welke doordeweekse dag ging Mike elke week 's avonds met Hansko langs de Osse autogarages?
  14. Kledingstuk met een J, nodig bij koud of nat weer
  15. Voornaam van de broer van de Belgische zanger Koen Wouters, tevens de voornaam van Mike's jongste zoon
  16. Voornaam van de oudste van de nieuwe generatie van Grunsven's

32 Clues: Mike's petekindMike's steun en toeverlaatNaam van Mike's eigen bedrijfBeruchte shoarmatent in HerpenMike's meest trouwe viervoeterLeiden hoop in bange Osse dagenEén van Mike's maatjes op de MTSIn deze straat stond Mike's wiegSpeenkruid 15, de oudste bewoner is?Mike werkte ook voor bouwbedrijf van der ......

50 ANNI 2023-03-22

50 ANNI crossword puzzle
  1. Come sembri nelle tue foto da bambina
  2. Il suo CD va in loop da anni, alcuni lo chiamerebbe "il profeta"
  3. La vedi tutti gli anni, resta sempre uguale, quello che resta speciale però è la sua campagna
  4. Ne hai sei sempre indosso
  5. Lo prediligi nell'abbigliamento
  6. Ci hai lavorato quando aspettavi
  7. la tua città natale
  8. Lo sport che non ti piaceva fare da piccola
  9. Gli anni che fai il 03/04/2023
  10. È una tua passione, ti fa fermare e immortalare il tempo per sempre
  11. Per farli ti serve una penna, un passatempo che ti è sempre piaciuto
  12. Una delle tue serie preferite - "è una trappola"
  13. Tua figlia ha sempre detto che ne hai sicuramente più di 32
  14. Il genere di libri che ti piace leggere
  15. La persona che ti manca di più
  16. La coppia più amata di tutta la famiglia, ti hanno creata
  17. Come ti chiama tua figlia quando parla con gli amici
  18. Ao c'hai vissuto
  19. Il colore dei tuoi grandi occhi
  20. nel monopoli passi sempre dal via, tu passi sempre dalla ...
  21. La tua colazione non esiste senza
  22. I tuoi fiori preferiti
  23. Gli anni del tuo matrimonio
  24. È una tua caratteristica, ti rende situazioni chiare prima che vengano esplicitate
  25. Il soprannome della tua vecchia rossa
  26. Non hai il pollice verde, ma per questi si
  27. Una passione di famiglia, non ce ne facciamo scappare neanche uno
  1. Il tuo segno zodiacale
  2. Lo sei da 21 anni
  3. Ne hai due, uno più lontano, ma per entrambi sei tu la piccolina
  4. Cosa hai studiato alle superiori
  5. La tua canzone preferita del CD che va in loop in macchina
  6. Conosciuta piangendo davanti all'asilo - ti vuole un mondo di bene
  7. l'alimento che ti piace di più sulla pizza
  8. Lì hai conosciuto una persona speciale
  9. Ne hai uno in giapponese
  10. la mamma migliore del mondo
  11. Lo sport che ha aiutato a renderti la persona forte che sei oggi
  12. Fa parte della maggior parte dei tuoi look
  13. Il luogo esatto in cui sei nata
  14. Farli ti rilassa; ti piace prepararli per chi ami
  15. Dove è casa
  16. Tra di esse si trova il tuo segno di espressione più iconico
  17. Le due lente ma veloci, una temeva le carote
  18. Ci ha tenuto compagnia per tre anni, il suo soprannome più usato
  19. Quando lo fai illumini la stanza
  20. La tua per sempre bimba
  21. Tra le tue tante qualità
  22. Una passione che ha tanti pezzi
  23. Con questo tratti tutte le persone a cui vuoi bene
  24. L'amica che conosci da più tempo- "Vuoi essere mia amica?"

51 Clues: Dove è casaAo c'hai vissutoLo sei da 21 annila tua città nataleIl tuo segno zodiacaleI tuoi fiori preferitiLa tua per sempre bimbaNe hai uno in giapponeseTra le tue tante qualitàNe hai sei sempre indossola mamma migliore del mondoGli anni del tuo matrimonioGli anni che fai il 03/04/2023La persona che ti manca di piùLo prediligi nell'abbigliamento...

50 ANNI 2023-03-22

50 ANNI crossword puzzle
  1. Dove è casa
  2. Gli anni che fai il 03/04/2023
  3. Cosa hai studiato alle superiori
  4. Per farli ti serve una penna, un passatempo che ti è sempre piaciuto
  5. Il colore dei tuoi grandi occhi
  6. La tua colazione non esiste senza
  7. Le due lente ma veloci, una temeva le carote
  8. Lo sport che non ti piaceva fare da piccola
  9. Conosciuta piangendo davanti all'asilo - ti vuole un mondo di bene
  10. Il suo CD va in loop da anni, alcuni lo chiamerebbe "il profeta"
  11. Una passione che ha tanti pezzi
  12. Una delle tue serie preferite - "è una trappola"
  13. l'alimento che ti piace di più sulla pizza
  14. Una passione di famiglia, non ce ne facciamo scappare neanche uno
  15. La tua per sempre bimba
  16. la mamma migliore del mondo
  17. Come sembri nelle tue foto da bambina
  18. Ne hai uno in giapponese
  19. Ne hai due, uno più lontano, ma per entrambi sei tu la piccolina
  20. È una tua caratteristica, ti rende situazioni chiare prima che vengano esplicitate
  21. la tua città natale
  22. nel monopoli passi sempre dal via, tu passi sempre dalla ...
  23. Il luogo esatto in cui sei nata
  24. Ci ha tenuto compagnia per tre anni, il suo soprannome più usato
  1. Lì hai conosciuto una persona speciale
  2. Tra le tue tante qualità
  3. Ao c'hai vissuto
  4. La persona che ti manca di più
  5. Farli ti rilassa; ti piace prepararli per chi ami
  6. Ne hai sei sempre indosso
  7. La tua canzone preferita del CD che va in loop in macchina
  8. Tra di esse si trova il tuo segno di espressione più iconico
  9. La vedi tutti gli anni, resta sempre uguale, quello che resta speciale però è la sua campagna
  10. Quando lo fai illumini la stanza
  11. Gli anni del tuo matrimonio
  12. Il genere di libri che ti piace leggere
  13. È una tua passione, ti fa fermare e immortalare il tempo per sempre
  14. La coppia più amata di tutta la famiglia, ti hanno creata
  15. Come ti chiama tua figlia quando parla con gli amici
  16. Lo sport che ha aiutato a renderti la persona forte che sei oggi
  17. Tua figlia ha sempre detto che ne hai sicuramente più di 32
  18. Ci hai lavorato quando aspettavi
  19. Lo sei da 21 anni
  20. I tuoi fiori preferiti
  21. Non hai il pollice verde, ma per questi si
  22. Il tuo segno zodiacale
  23. Il soprannome della tua vecchia rossa
  24. Fa parte della maggior parte dei tuoi look
  25. Con questo tratti tutte le persone a cui vuoi bene
  26. L'amica che conosci da più tempo- "Vuoi essere mia amica?"
  27. Lo prediligi nell'abbigliamento

51 Clues: Dove è casaAo c'hai vissutoLo sei da 21 annila tua città nataleI tuoi fiori preferitiIl tuo segno zodiacaleLa tua per sempre bimbaTra le tue tante qualitàNe hai uno in giapponeseNe hai sei sempre indossoGli anni del tuo matrimoniola mamma migliore del mondoLa persona che ti manca di piùGli anni che fai il 03/04/2023Il colore dei tuoi grandi occhi...

50 ANNI 2023-03-27

50 ANNI crossword puzzle
  1. La vedi tutti gli anni, resta sempre uguale, quello che resta speciale però è la sua campagna
  2. Tra di esse si trova il tuo segno di espressione più iconico
  3. Cosa hai studiato alle superiori
  4. Fa parte della maggior parte dei tuoi look
  5. Quando lo fai illumini la stanza
  6. È una tua passione, ti fa fermare e immortalare il tempo per sempre
  7. Il genere di libri che ti piace leggere
  8. Una passione che ha tanti pezzi
  9. Una delle tue serie preferite - "è una trappola"
  10. La tua colazione non esiste senza
  11. Come ti chiama tua figlia quando parla con gli amici
  12. Gli anni che fai il 03/04/2023
  13. Ao c'hai vissuto
  14. l'alimento che ti piace di più sulla pizza
  15. Come sembri nelle tue foto da bambina
  16. La mamma migliore del mondo
  17. Lo sport che ha aiutato a renderti la persona forte che sei oggi
  18. Farli ti rilassa; ti piace prepararli per chi ami
  19. I tuoi fiori preferiti
  20. Ne hai due, uno più lontano, ma per entrambi sei tu la piccolina
  21. Gli anni del tuo matrimonio
  22. Con questo tratti tutte le persone a cui vuoi bene
  23. La persona che ti manca di più
  24. Il luogo esatto in cui sei nata
  25. È una tua caratteristica, ti rende situazioni chiare prima che vengano esplicitate
  26. Nel monopoli passi sempre dal via, tu passi sempre dalla ...
  1. Il suo CD va in loop da anni, alcuni lo chiamerebbe "il profeta"
  2. Il soprannome della tua vecchia rossa
  3. Ci hai lavorato quando aspettavi
  4. La tua città natale
  5. Lo sport che non ti piaceva fare da piccola
  6. Una passione di famiglia, non ce ne facciamo scappare neanche uno
  7. Dove è casa
  8. La coppia più amata di tutta la famiglia, ti hanno creata
  9. L'amica che conosci da più tempo- "Vuoi essere mia amica?"
  10. Lo prediligi nell'abbigliamento
  11. La tua per sempre bimba
  12. Tra le tue tante qualità
  13. Le due lente ma veloci, una temeva le carote
  14. Ne hai uno in giapponese
  15. Ne hai sei sempre indosso
  16. Non hai il pollice verde, ma per questi si
  17. Conosciuta piangendo davanti all'asilo - ti vuole un mondo di bene
  18. Il tuo segno zodiacale
  19. Per farli ti serve una penna, un passatempo che ti è sempre piaciuto
  20. Il colore dei tuoi grandi occhi
  21. Lo sei da 21 anni
  22. La tua canzone preferita del CD che va in loop in macchina
  23. Tua figlia ha sempre detto che ne hai sicuramente più di 32
  24. Lì hai conosciuto una persona speciale
  25. Ci ha tenuto compagnia per tre anni, il suo soprannome più usato

51 Clues: Dove è casaAo c'hai vissutoLo sei da 21 anniLa tua città nataleIl tuo segno zodiacaleI tuoi fiori preferitiLa tua per sempre bimbaTra le tue tante qualitàNe hai uno in giapponeseNe hai sei sempre indossoLa mamma migliore del mondoGli anni del tuo matrimonioGli anni che fai il 03/04/2023La persona che ti manca di piùLo prediligi nell'abbigliamento...

1-50 2023-07-31

1-50 crossword puzzle
  1. Penggabungan dua atau lebih perusahaan dimana salah satu perusahaan yang lebih besar (biasanya) akan mempertahankan identitasnya.
  2. Jika Tingkat Pengembalian Investasi sama dengan COC maka kekayaan pemilik saham.
  3. Laba operasi perusahaan setelah dikurang pajak pengahasilan.
  4. Bagian dari keuntungan perusahaan yang dibagikan kepada pemegang saham.
  5. Sumber pembiayaan temporer terdiri dari kewajiban …
  6. Pada umumnya investasi temporer berbentuk … atau persediaan.
  7. Average collection period menunjukkan lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengkonvensi piutang menjadi ….
  8. Bunga yang dibayarkan dari pinjaman ditambahkan terhadap pinjaman pokok secara berkala.
  9. Suatu rangkaian pembayaran uang dalam jumlah yang sama yang terjadi dalam periode waktu tertentu.
  10. Jika Tingkat Pengembalian Investasi lebiih dari COC maka kekayaan pemilik saham.
  11. Simpanan yang pencairannya hanya dapat dilakukan pada jangka waktu tertentu dan syarat-syarat tertentu.
  12. Biaya modal tertimbang.
  13. Metode untuk menghitung tingkat bunga suatu investasi dan menyamakannya dengan nilainya saat ini berdasarkan perhitungan kas bersih di periode mendatang.
  14. Rumus dari pokok utang x tingkat bunga x jangka waktu.
  15. Investasi asset permanen adalah investasi pada suatu asset yang akan dipertahankan untuk jangka waktu … dari 1 tahun, baik itu asset lancar maupun asset tetap.
  16. Perusahaan yang memiliki hak pengendalian pada satu atau lebih perusahaan.
  17. Pihak yang meminjamkan dana pada perusahaan.
  18. Nilai tambah ekonomi.
  19. Kemampuan perusahaan membayar kewajiban jangka pendek yang jatuh tempo.
  20. Aktivitas penanaman uang atau modal (aset berharga) untuk tujuan memperoleh keuntungan.
  21. Jika Tingkat Pengembalian Investasi kurang dari COC maka kekayaan pemilik saham.
  22. Jenis rasio yang mengukur seberapa cepat perusahaan mengjasilkan penjualan atau cash.
  23. Kewajiban pada perusahaan.
  24. Laporan keuangan untuk melacak setiap pemasukan dan pengeluaran sehingga menghasilkan analisa keuangan baik apakah mengalami kenaikan atau penurunan.
  25. Rasio yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan perusahaan menghasilkan laba.
  26. Penambahan persediaan pada perusahaan bersifat …
  1. Singkatan dari Capital Asset Pricing Model.
  2. Sebutan untuk commercial paper.
  3. Ringkasan posisi kekayaan perusahaan pada saat tertentu.
  4. Sumber pinjaman tanpa jaminan.
  5. Sebutan untuk tingkat bunga.
  6. Membandingkan perusahaan dengan pesaing utama ataupun dengan industri.
  7. Utang dagang termasuk sumber pembiayaan …
  8. Salah satu cara perusahaan memperoleh modal sendiri dengan mengeluarkan …
  9. Prinsip yang digunakan untuk mencocokkan antara karakteristik suatu asset dalam menghasilkan uang dangan jangka waktu pengembalian dari sumber keuangan yang dipakai untuk membiayai asset tersebut.
  10. Sumber dana yang berasal dari pemilik perusahaan/pemegang saham dan memiliki umur tidak terbatas.
  11. Return on Total Assets atau yang disingkat ROA sering disebut juga.
  12. Metode summary analysis melakukan analisa pada lima aspek dasar yaitu likuiditas, aktivitas, hutang, profitabilitas, dan …
  13. Hak pemilik terhadap aset perusahaan setelah dikurangi liabilitas dalam neraca.
  14. Individu atau kelompok yang menanamkan modal bisnis dalam jangka tertentu untuk memperoleh keuntungan.
  15. Penyusutan dalam manajemen keuangan.
  16. Penghasilan bersih yang didapatkan dari aktivitas perusahaan.
  17. Ratio yang digunakan untuk memahami kapasitas hutang perusahaan.
  18. Earnings Before Interest and Tax atau laba sebelum bunga dan pajak.
  19. Selisih antara nilai arus kas masuk sekarang dan yang keluar selama dalam kurun waktu tertentu.
  20. Tingkat bunga yang dikenakan oleh bank sentral kepada bank komersial saat mereka meminjam uang.
  21. Ukuran terkait seberapa mudah dan memungkinkan bagi perusahaan dalam memenuhi kewajiban jangka pendek.
  22. Surat utang jangka menengah maupun jangka panjang yang dapat diperjualbelikan.
  23. Singkatan dari Earning Per Share yang menunjukkan laba per lembar saham yang menjadi hak pemegang saham biasa.
  24. Jumlah metode penghitungan cashflow.

50 Clues: Nilai tambah ekonomi.Biaya modal tertimbang.Kewajiban pada perusahaan.Sebutan untuk tingkat bunga.Sumber pinjaman tanpa jaminan.Sebutan untuk commercial paper.Penyusutan dalam manajemen keuangan.Jumlah metode penghitungan cashflow.Utang dagang termasuk sumber pembiayaan …Singkatan dari Capital Asset Pricing Model....

50 songs 2024-06-04

50 songs crossword puzzle
  1. Most babies do this before they walk.
  2. Son of God who's my best friend
  3. The opposite of light.
  4. 3 rings of fun.
  5. The opposite of death.
  6. It's been said that this type of music can soothe the soul
  7. Joan Jett's emotional connection to rock'n'roll
  8. The first day of the weekend, hey!
  9. The opposite of less - yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
  10. Pick up the phone and ____ me
  11. Synonym for having possession of.
  12. A proper noun to call someone
  13. It's the shades of a kaleidoscope
  14. Not the same but we're _____
  15. The good doctors name who is with the bad mister.
  16. Action that shows manners or regard for another.
  17. They get a new tour bus filled with electric guitars
  18. The opposite of life
  19. When something has been ripped.
  20. Present or coming end of the day.
  21. Very nearly but not exactly
  22. Not dead but ______.
  23. To give assistance
  24. The opposite of slavery
  25. The person who betrayed Jesus
  26. The city that Motley Crue started in (2 words).
  27. It's not a want... it's a ____
  1. Not big. Type of town I grew up in
  2. Used to illuminate an area
  3. Break into many pieces
  4. First name of Michael Jackson's girl
  5. The Periodic table of _____
  6. In baseball, when you're not safe you're called this.
  7. What you travel on
  8. To put your hand out to grasp something higher
  9. Opposite of win.
  10. The darkest color
  11. Synonym for Insane
  12. Presently regenerating a new life
  13. Sometime's you're between this & a hard place
  14. 10,9,8,7...
  15. KISS' favorite city
  16. To give up something.
  17. A square has 4 of these. A triangle has 3
  18. Someone who is shell-shocked could be said to be this.
  19. A round shape.
  20. Synonym for looking good
  21. Reese Witherspoon & Lynard Skynard have this state in common
  22. A gut reaction or an emotion.
  23. State Atlanta is.
  24. Sugar is _____

51 Clues: 10,9,8,7...A round shape.Sugar is _____3 rings of fun.Opposite of win.The darkest colorState Atlanta is.What you travel onSynonym for InsaneTo give assistanceKISS' favorite cityThe opposite of lifeNot dead but ______.To give up something.Break into many piecesThe opposite of light.The opposite of death.The opposite of slavery...

PUZZLE 50 2023-09-08

PUZZLE 50 crossword puzzle
  1. Overthrow (6)
  2. Very small (4)
  3. Captain Mainwaring's first name in Dad's Army (6)
  4. Ashamed (9)
  5. Former US president born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1961 (6,5)
  6. A little of this is a dangerous thing (9)
  7. Unsinkable ship built in Belfast, Northern Ireland (7)
  8. Against (6)
  9. Celebration for 45 years' marriage (8)
  10. Dung beetle (6)
  1. The bones of the spine (9)
  2. Venomous snake native to Western Australia (6)
  3. Discovered by John Cabot in 1497 (12)
  4. Longest bone in the human body (5)
  5. 500 sheets of paper (4)
  6. Left-hand page of a book (5)
  7. King Arthur's sword (9)
  8. New Zealand lizard with three eyes (7)
  9. Unit of currency in Hungary (6)
  10. Break a promise (6)
  11. He led the children of Israel out of Egypt (5)

21 Clues: Ashamed (9)Against (6)Overthrow (6)Very small (4)Dung beetle (6)Break a promise (6)500 sheets of paper (4)King Arthur's sword (9)The bones of the spine (9)Left-hand page of a book (5)Unit of currency in Hungary (6)Longest bone in the human body (5)Discovered by John Cabot in 1497 (12)New Zealand lizard with three eyes (7)...

ERIKA 50 2023-09-22

ERIKA 50 crossword puzzle
  1. Művészeti és sportág, amely a test – jellemzően ritmikus, zenére történő – mozgásával fejez ki érzelmeket, épít kapcsolatokat
  2. 2 deci bor + 3 deci szóda
  3. Legnagyobb tavunk északi partjának fővárosa
  4. Meggyes csoki neve
  5. Ebben a csapatban biciklizik Evenepoel
  6. Koccintás előtt mindig elhangzik
  7. Görög eredetű férfinév, jelentése Krisztushoz tartozó
  8. Szicíliai kisváros, ahol egy barátnőddel megismerkedtél
  9. E szálloda 6. emeleti teraszán hangzott el két határozott igen
  10. Hova kell önteni a cuba librében a kólát?
  11. Rudolf Péter főszereplésével 1982-ben készült film
  12. Emlékezetes szilveszter helyszíne
  13. Kakaós, diós süteményt is neveztek el róla
  14. A "jövő" békés helyszíne
  15. Kéttűs fenyők alatt trónol rózsaszín kalapjában
  16. A Teremtő
  1. Egyezményes diszkrét kifejezés arra ha "valaki ágyba bújik"
  2. Baranyai falu tájidegen polgármesterrel
  3. Kutatják is, Skoda is, de leginkább síp lóg a nyakában
  4. Kerkakutasi damilos sporteszköz
  5. Felhívás csajos biciklitúráráa
  6. Sylvester Stalone által megformált figura
  7. Tartson életben!
  8. “Ott nagy nyomások és hőmérsékletek vannak”
  9. Királynék városa
  10. Film Schwarzenegger és Danny de Vito főszeplésével
  11. A vén cigány c. vers költője
  12. Napsütötte ....,
  13. Nyelvújítás korabeli elnevezése körduplány
  14. Koccintás után mindig elcsattan
  15. Pozitív rezgése miatt már az első találkozáskor kölcsönkért tárgy.
  16. Híres számának refrénje így kezdődik: Je Veux de l'amour ...
  17. Nem rövid ideig
  18. Dorothy kutyusa

34 Clues: A TeremtőNem rövid ideigDorothy kutyusaTartson életben!Királynék városaNapsütötte ....,Meggyes csoki neveA "jövő" békés helyszíne2 deci bor + 3 deci szódaA vén cigány c. vers költőjeFelhívás csajos biciklitúráráaKerkakutasi damilos sporteszközKoccintás után mindig elcsattanKoccintás előtt mindig elhangzikEmlékezetes szilveszter helyszíne...

50 palabras 2023-11-28

50 palabras crossword puzzle
  1. gen
  2. biologia
  3. Respiracio
  4. DNA
  5. ADN
  6. Energia
  7. cerebro
  8. Nomenclatura
  9. Enzimatica
  10. electron
  11. acido
  12. humano
  13. Membrana
  14. Fases
  15. ADP
  16. Fosfato
  17. alcohol
  18. crecer
  19. organicas
  20. ATP
  21. Reaccion
  22. Subfases
  23. funcion
  24. compuesto
  25. Fotosintesis
  26. Plantas
  27. sistema
  1. exploración
  2. vida
  3. Hipotesis
  4. Nasa
  5. Metabolismo
  6. Bacteria
  7. fresco
  8. enzima
  9. agua
  10. protenia
  11. esquema
  12. morir
  13. procesos
  14. luz
  15. planeta
  16. Glucosa
  17. glucolisis
  18. evolucion
  19. Riboflaviba
  20. Molecula
  21. tierrq
  22. Mutacion

49 Clues: genDNAADNADPluzATPvidaNasaaguaacidomorirFasesfrescoenzimahumanocrecertierrqEnergiacerebroesquemaFosfatoalcoholplanetaGlucosafuncionPlantassistemabiologiaBacteriaelectronproteniaMembranaprocesosReaccionSubfasesMoleculaMutacionHipotesisorganicasevolucioncompuestoRespiracioEnzimaticaglucolisisexploraciónMetabolismoRiboflavibaNomenclaturaFotosintesis

1-50 2023-11-15

1-50 crossword puzzle
  1. לשים
  2. מטאטא
  3. קורבן
  4. נוף
  5. נשאר
  6. להזדהות
  7. להגן
  8. מגוון
  9. מטרה
  10. להוכיח
  11. אזןר
  12. אמת
  13. בכיר
  14. אלימות
  15. מחקר
  16. לשקף
  17. דחף
  18. זוכר
  19. באמת
  20. מכירה
  21. איכות
  22. להרים
  23. שלח
  24. משאב
  25. משך
  26. שום דבר
  1. לספק
  2. לאחרונה
  3. רחב
  4. שלם
  5. סיבה
  6. לחוש
  7. הודעה
  8. לנסות
  9. לפנות
  10. מבנה
  11. להשתמש
  12. דברים
  13. לקבל
  14. הערה
  15. לדרוש
  16. ערך
  17. דתי
  18. להבין
  19. מערכת יחסים
  20. מאפיין
  21. בדרך כלל
  22. חתן
  23. נשק
  24. להגיב

50 Clues: רחבנוףשלםאמתערךדתידחףחתןנשקשלחמשךלשיםלספקסיבהלחושנשארלהגןמבנהמטרהלקבלאזןרהערהבכירמחקרלשקףזוכרבאמתמשאבמטאטאקורבןהודעהלנסותלפנותמגווןדבריםלדרושלהביןמכירהאיכותלהריםלהגיבלהשתמשלהוכיחאלימותמאפייןלאחרונהלהזדהותשום דברבדרך כללמערכת יחסים

Zolti 50 2024-04-22

Zolti 50 crossword puzzle
  1. Sokszor nyaraltunk ezzel a körmendi családdal
  2. Lányod kedvenc idegennyelve
  3. Apu első céges autójának rendszáma (csak a betűk)
  4. Első számítógépünk márkája
  5. Középiskolai végzettséged
  6. Lakodalmatok ennek a szállodaláncnak az éttermében volt
  7. Szabó papa mestersége
  8. Ennyi éves voltál, amikor megszülettél
  9. Az első színes tévénk márkája
  10. Gyakran használt szövegszerkesztő
  11. Káldon a Mária utca korábbi neve
  12. Ilyen autóval dolgozott apu
  13. Anyu munkatársának keresztneve
  14. Egyik óvónénid keresztneve
  15. Gyerekként mindig itt nyaraltál a családdal
  16. A hét ezen napján születtél
  1. Az első autómárka, amiben ültél
  2. Keresztlányod második keresztneve
  3. Általános iskolai osztályfőnököd keresztneve
  4. Szülőfalud címerében szereplő állat
  5. Mostani autód modellje
  6. Ebben a városban voltál középiskolás
  7. "Szürke" első rendszámának betűi
  8. Ebben a kollégiumban kezdted a kollégiumi életet
  9. Ma éppen ennyi éves vagy
  10. Informatikusként itt is dolgoztál
  11. Ekkor készült el a "nagy ház" (19..)
  12. Ebben az utcában laksz
  13. Süti ...kocka (nem szereted)

29 Clues: Szabó papa mesterségeMostani autód modelljeEbben az utcában lakszMa éppen ennyi éves vagyKözépiskolai végzettségedElső számítógépünk márkájaEgyik óvónénid keresztneveLányod kedvenc idegennyelveIlyen autóval dolgozott apuA hét ezen napján születtélSüti ...kocka (nem szereted)Az első színes tévénk márkájaAnyu munkatársának keresztneve...

1-50 2023-12-10

1-50 crossword puzzle
  1. בכיר
  2. מחקר
  3. אלימות
  4. נשאר
  5. לספק
  6. לשקף
  7. נשק
  8. מאפיין
  9. הודעה
  10. להגיב
  11. לדרוש
  12. להשתמש
  13. דתי
  14. להזדהות
  15. שום דבר
  16. מטאטא
  17. לאחרונה
  18. להבין
  19. מגוון
  20. הערה
  21. נוף
  22. באמת
  23. רחב
  24. לשים
  25. איכות
  26. דחף
  1. להרים
  2. מטרה
  3. זוכר
  4. להגן
  5. אזןר
  6. שלח
  7. מכירה
  8. לחוש
  9. לקבל
  10. לפנות
  11. להוכיח
  12. דברים
  13. משך
  14. משאב
  15. ערך
  16. מערכת יחסים
  17. בדרך כלל
  18. חתן
  19. לנסות
  20. סיבה
  21. מבנה
  22. שלם
  23. קורבן
  24. אמת

50 Clues: נשקשלחמשךערךדתיחתןנוףשלםרחבאמתדחףמטרהזוכרבכירמחקרנשארלהגןלספקאזןרלשקףלחושלקבלמשאבסיבהמבנההערהבאמתלשיםלהריםמכירההודעהלפנותלהגיבדבריםלדרושלנסותמטאטאלהביןמגווןקורבןאיכותאלימותמאפייןלהוכיחלהשתמשלהזדהותשום דברלאחרונהבדרך כללמערכת יחסים

Sort 50 2024-04-15

Sort 50 crossword puzzle
  1. - Understanding or perception of a situation
  2. - Mentally ill or irrational
  3. - Located or occurring inside a building
  4. - Part of the arm between the elbow and wrist
  5. - Indicate or suggest beforehand
  6. - Money earned from work or investments
  7. - Offensive or inappropriate
  8. - Not finished or lacking completion
  9. - Peaceful or without violence
  10. - Not active or not in use
  11. - Without fat or low in fat
  1. - Continuous or without interruption
  2. - Not genuine or truthful
  3. - Organization not operated for profit
  4. - Predict or prophesy future events
  5. - Predict or anticipate in advance
  6. - Part of the face above the eyes and below the hairline
  7. - Literary genre based on real events or facts
  8. - First or most important in position or rank
  9. - Surface resistant to sticking
  10. - Not correct or accurate
  11. - Prediction of future events or weather
  12. - Area of a baseball field between the bases
  13. - Absurd or meaningless words or actions

24 Clues: - Not genuine or truthful- Not correct or accurate- Not active or not in use- Without fat or low in fat- Mentally ill or irrational- Offensive or inappropriate- Peaceful or without violence- Surface resistant to sticking- Indicate or suggest beforehand- Predict or anticipate in advance- Predict or prophesy future events...

Crossword Challenge 2012-10-21

Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. 7 x 8
  2. 2 x 200
  3. 3 x 4
  4. 9 x 90
  5. 9 x 20
  6. 3 x 80
  7. 20 x 7
  8. 5 x 300
  9. 90 x 4
  10. 5 x 100
  11. 2 x 40
  1. 7 x 80
  2. 9 x 50
  3. 70 x 40
  4. 10 x 10
  5. 30 x 9
  6. 80 x 2
  7. 5 x 30
  8. 100 x 3
  9. 1 x 50
  10. 9 x 9

21 Clues: 7 x 83 x 49 x 97 x 809 x 509 x 909 x 203 x 8030 x 920 x 780 x 25 x 3090 x 41 x 502 x 402 x 20070 x 4010 x 105 x 300100 x 35 x 100

Name the countries 2023-09-13

Name the countries crossword puzzle
  1. axolotl, chihuahua, Dia de los Muertos
  2. panda, is second biggest country with second most people in the world
  3. Eiffel Tower, croissant, oui oui
  4. snow leopard, Himalayas, has an ocean named after it
  5. box jellyfish, good day mate, kangaroo
  6. eagle, stars and stripes, 50 states
  1. high mountains, Andean condor, name sounds like something spicy
  2. maple leaf, moose, hockey
  3. caracal, mau, mummies
  4. bulldog, red fox, no more queen :(
  5. spaghetti, cannoli, tiny version of greyhound
  6. Caribbean Sea, bee hummingbird, Havanese
  7. Bull, tapas, Iberian lynx

13 Clues: caracal, mau, mummiesmaple leaf, moose, hockeyBull, tapas, Iberian lynxEiffel Tower, croissant, oui ouibulldog, red fox, no more queen :(eagle, stars and stripes, 50 statesaxolotl, chihuahua, Dia de los Muertosbox jellyfish, good day mate, kangarooCaribbean Sea, bee hummingbird, Havanesespaghetti, cannoli, tiny version of greyhound...

The USA 2024-04-23

The USA crossword puzzle
  1. the national bird is called a bald ....
  2. a national sport
  3. Grand .... is one of the seven natural wonders
  4. American flag has 50 ...
  5. the president lives in the ..... House
  6. the state that starts with 'd'
  1. 13 stripes on the flag represent 13 ...
  2. American president whose first name was Abraham
  3. Steve ...., the creator of Apple
  4. the original colour of Statue of Liberty
  5. you can see 4 heads of presidents carved in the rock
  6. the biggest state
  7. the number of states

13 Clues: a national sportthe biggest statethe number of statesAmerican flag has 50 ...the state that starts with 'd'Steve ...., the creator of Applethe president lives in the ..... House13 stripes on the flag represent 13 ...the national bird is called a bald ....the original colour of Statue of LibertyGrand .... is one of the seven natural wonders...

Civil war and Reconstruction 2022-02-22

Civil war and Reconstruction crossword puzzle
  1. This granted citizenship to all Americans regardless of race.
  2. This gave all American men the right to vote, regardless of race or wealth.
  3. North's plan to blockade the Southern ports and dividing the South by taking control of the Mississippi.
  4. Northerners who moved to the South to provide governmental assistance or for their own profit; some came because the South represented the land of opportunity.
  5. Northern Republicans who contested Lincoln’s treatment of Confederate states and proposed harsher punishments.
  6. Southerners who supported Northern and Republican viewpoints during Reconstruction.
  7. The time period after the Civil War during which the South rejoined the Union.
  8. A bill that stated that southern states could reenter the Union after 50% of their voters pledged allegiance to the US.
  1. This stated that slaves in rebel states would be set free on 1 January 1863.
  2. Provided for the immediate needs of those who had been freed from slavery.
  3. A racist secret society which used violence and intimidation to restrict the progress made by African-Americans.
  4. the type of farming system set up on plantations after slaves were freed to benefit them and the owners.
  5. A set of legislations which balanced concessions to Black Southerners with restrictions and limitations.
  6. President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.
  7. He took over the presidency after Lincoln’s assassination.
  8. This abolished slavery in the United States.
  9. Reconstruction plan by Lincoln stating that a state would be readmitted when 10% of the voting population had taken an oath of allegiance to the Union and accepted the end of slavery.

17 Clues: This abolished slavery in the United States.He took over the presidency after Lincoln’s assassination.This granted citizenship to all Americans regardless of race.President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.Provided for the immediate needs of those who had been freed from slavery....

The Iron Curtain Crossword 2024-05-15

The Iron Curtain Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Dictated by Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin.
  2. Brought back the rules and restrictions of the Iron Curtain
  3. Country at the heart of the cold war due to the berlin wall
  4. Where Churchill gave his speech
  5. relating to a system of ideas and ideals, especially concerning economic or political theory and policy.
  6. An ideological barrier made by the Soviet Union after WWII
  7. British Prime Minister that gave a speech.
  8. Side of the Iron Curtain influenced by NATO members
  9. Pleged that the United States would help any nation resist the spread of communism.
  1. Country with 50 states and part of the cold war.
  2. a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
  3. a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
  4. Country that was divided by the Iron Curtain
  5. Side Iron Curtain curtain influenced by the Soviet Union
  6. a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union

15 Clues: Where Churchill gave his speechBritish Prime Minister that gave a speech.Country that was divided by the Iron CurtainDictated by Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin.Country with 50 states and part of the cold war.Side of the Iron Curtain influenced by NATO membersSide Iron Curtain curtain influenced by the Soviet Union...

jenny 50 2020-01-28

jenny 50 crossword puzzle
  1. groen
  2. drank
  3. nodig voor knapperig lekker voedsel
  4. doen we
  5. thee
  6. mislukt voedsel
  7. kruid
  8. leeftijd
  9. broer
  10. dochter
  11. zus
  12. meeuwis
  13. veel water
  1. bloem
  2. dier
  3. zus
  4. lekker voedsel
  5. man
  6. strand doen
  7. neeeeeeeee
  8. naam
  9. zoon
  10. haar
  11. lekker
  12. sport

25 Clues: zusmanzusdiertheenaamzoonhaarbloemgroendrankkruidbroersportlekkerdoen wedochtermeeuwisleeftijdneeeeeeeeeveel waterstrand doenlekker voedselmislukt voedselnodig voor knapperig lekker voedsel

1~50 2020-08-31

1~50 crossword puzzle
  1. when : 언제
  2. so : 그렇게, 그래서
  3. want : 원하다
  4. all : 모든, 모두
  5. very : 매우, 대단히
  6. from : ~으로부터
  7. find : 발견하다, 알다
  8. like : 좋아하다
  9. tell : 말하다
  10. look : 보다
  11. say : 말하다
  1. this : 이것, 이
  2. why : 왜
  3. other : 다른
  4. here : 여기에, 여기서
  5. about : ~에 대하여
  6. how : 어떻게
  7. see : ~을 보다.
  8. well : 잘, 건강한, 글쎄
  9. some : 약간의, 얼마간의
  10. man : 남자, 사람
  11. take : 잡다, (시간이) 걸리다

22 Clues: why : 왜when : 언제how : 어떻게look : 보다say : 말하다other : 다른want : 원하다tell : 말하다like : 좋아하다this : 이것, 이all : 모든, 모두from : ~으로부터see : ~을 보다.man : 남자, 사람so : 그렇게, 그래서about : ~에 대하여very : 매우, 대단히here : 여기에, 여기서find : 발견하다, 알다some : 약간의, 얼마간의well : 잘, 건강한, 글쎄take : 잡다, (시간이) 걸리다

50 Words 2020-08-19

50 Words crossword puzzle
  1. ถุงมือกันร้อน
  2. คอก,แผง
  3. ข่าวลือ
  4. สาหร่าย
  5. งานเลี้ยง
  6. ข้อเสนอแนะ
  7. นักบำบัด
  8. หลอกลวง
  9. ต้านทาน
  10. เทียม
  11. การจากไป
  12. สาบาน
  13. ลึกลับ
  14. เรื่องที่ทำให้ตื่นเต้น
  15. สหรัฐ
  16. เกี่ยวกับวรรณคดี
  17. ยั่งยืน
  18. มะเขือยาวม่วง
  19. ฝัง
  20. โอ่อ่า,งดงาม
  21. การสนับสนุน
  22. ปลิง
  23. ขัดขวาง
  24. ฉีดวัคซีน
  1. จาระบี,ไขมันสัตว์
  2. กินได้
  3. เครื่องตกแต่ง
  4. รวบรวม
  5. เจาะทะลวง
  6. อย่างเมตตา
  7. จาง
  8. เป็นโพรง
  9. หลัก
  10. สำคัญ
  11. ทัศนคติ
  12. อิจฉา
  13. แข่งขัน,ต่อสู้
  14. เพดาน
  15. เวลาในระหว่างนั้น
  16. ปรัชญา
  17. กระจุก,กลุ่ม
  18. เคารพบูชา
  19. ค่ายทหาร
  20. ริบหรี่
  21. ภาระหน้าที่
  22. ผ้าขี้ริ้ว
  23. โคจร
  24. พื้นเมือง
  25. ลื่น

49 Clues: จางฝังหลักโคจรปลิงลื่นสำคัญเทียมอิจฉาเพดานสาบานสหรัฐกินได้รวบรวมลึกลับปรัชญาคอก,แผงข่าวลือสาหร่ายหลอกลวงต้านทานทัศนคติยั่งยืนริบหรี่ขัดขวางนักบำบัดเป็นโพรงการจากไปค่ายทหารเจาะทะลวงงานเลี้ยงเคารพบูชาพื้นเมืองฉีดวัคซีนอย่างเมตตาข้อเสนอแนะผ้าขี้ริ้วภาระหน้าที่การสนับสนุนกระจุก,กลุ่มโอ่อ่า,งดงามถุงมือกันร้อนเครื่องตกแต่งมะเขือยาวม่วงแข่งขัน,ต่อสู้...

50 Words 2020-08-19

50 Words crossword puzzle
  1. กระจุก,กลุ่ม
  2. หลัก
  3. โอ่อ่า,งดงาม
  4. สำคัญ
  5. สาหร่าย
  6. เวลาในระหว่างนั้น
  7. คอก,แผง
  8. มะเขือยาวม่วง
  9. เคารพบูชา
  10. หลอกลวง
  11. อย่างเมตตา
  12. ค่ายทหาร
  13. นักบำบัด
  14. การสนับสนุน
  15. เพดาน
  16. พื้นเมือง
  17. ฝัง
  18. จาระบี,ไขมันสัตว์
  19. อิจฉา
  20. เรื่องที่ทำให้ตื่นเต้น
  21. จาง
  22. โคจร
  23. ข้อเสนอแนะ
  24. ริบหรี่
  25. ยั่งยืน
  26. ลึกลับ
  1. งานเลี้ยง
  2. เครื่องตกแต่ง
  3. ผ้าขี้ริ้ว
  4. ปรัชญา
  5. สาบาน
  6. สหรัฐ
  7. ปลิง
  8. ข่าวลือ
  9. การจากไป
  10. เทียม
  11. ขัดขวาง
  12. ทัศนคติ
  13. เป็นโพรง
  14. กินได้
  15. แข่งขัน,ต่อสู้
  16. ลื่น
  17. เจาะทะลวง
  18. ต้านทาน
  19. ร้านขายเสื้อผ้าเล็กๆ
  20. ถัง
  21. ฉีดวัคซีน
  22. ตบตา
  23. เกี่ยวกับวรรณคดี
  24. ถุงมือกันร้อน
  25. ภาระหน้าที่
  26. รวบรวม

52 Clues: ถังฝังจางหลักปลิงลื่นตบตาโคจรสาบานสหรัฐสำคัญเทียมเพดานอิจฉาปรัชญากินได้รวบรวมลึกลับสาหร่ายข่าวลือคอก,แผงขัดขวางหลอกลวงทัศนคติต้านทานริบหรี่ยั่งยืนการจากไปค่ายทหารนักบำบัดเป็นโพรงงานเลี้ยงเคารพบูชาเจาะทะลวงฉีดวัคซีนพื้นเมืองผ้าขี้ริ้วอย่างเมตตาข้อเสนอแนะการสนับสนุนภาระหน้าที่กระจุก,กลุ่มโอ่อ่า,งดงามเครื่องตกแต่งมะเขือยาวม่วงถุงมือกันร้อน...

Genesis 50 2021-05-28

Genesis 50 crossword puzzle
  1. God meant the evil they thought unto _.
  2. message Joseph's brothers said was a command from their father
  3. Only these people of the house of Joseph were left behind when Joseph buried Israel.
  4. where Israel made Joseph swear to bury him
  5. All these of Pharaoh went with Joseph to bury his father.
  6. Who embalmed Israel?
  7. years Joseph lived
  8. Joseph saw the third generation of the children of _.
  9. name given to the threshingfloor because of the great mourning to the Egyptians
  10. number of days the Egyptians fulfilled for those who are embalmed
  1. grandson whose children Joseph brought up on his knees
  2. where they put Joseph after they embalmed him
  3. how Joseph spake to his brethren
  4. Joseph _ when his brethren spoke their message to him.
  5. Joseph said Israel would carry his _ with them when they returned to Canaan.
  6. Joseph told his brothers not to _.
  7. Machir's father
  8. Israel was buried in the cave of _.
  9. number of days they mourned at the threshingfloor
  10. "vehicles"taken with them when they went to bury Israel.
  11. number of days the Egyptians mourned for Israel in Egypt.
  12. All these of the land of Egypt went with Joseph to bury his father.
  13. threshingfloor in Canaan where they mourned for Israel

23 Clues: Machir's fatheryears Joseph livedWho embalmed Israel?how Joseph spake to his brethrenJoseph told his brothers not to _.Israel was buried in the cave of _.God meant the evil they thought unto _.where Israel made Joseph swear to bury himwhere they put Joseph after they embalmed himnumber of days they mourned at the threshingfloor...

Rebecca 50 2021-09-13

Rebecca 50 crossword puzzle
  1. Bästa resan
  2. Helig stad i USA
  3. Görans nya
  4. J-lig basketuppvärmning
  5. Sydsverige pärla
  6. Arg Lobastränare
  7. Marianne idol
  8. Storpack under sängen
  9. Stor NY förlust
  10. Världens bästa
  11. Lucia-idol
  12. Cats eller Chess
  13. Gul Giallo
  14. Hjärtlig pingstvän
  15. Systrarna sisters
  16. Främsta helgnöje
  17. Nobel katt
  18. Schtuga eller Stokka
  19. Perfekta även pa vintern
  1. Årligt ratad
  2. Världens finaste
  3. Superuniversitet
  4. Bonus med Scandinavian
  5. Var binds Brian
  6. Världens roligaste
  7. Tärnunderkläder
  8. Maud & Nicke favorit
  9. Mamma converse
  10. 1987 film
  11. Mellan Birgit och Göran
  12. Avstyrde basketproffskarriär
  13. Coolast på Polhem
  14. Salt Stockholmsort
  15. Linner superkraft
  16. Rebecca converse
  17. Septembertös

36 Clues: 1987 filmGörans nyaLucia-idolGul GialloNobel kattBästa resanÅrligt ratadSeptembertösMarianne idolMamma converseVärldens bästaVar binds BrianTärnunderkläderStor NY förlustVärldens finasteSuperuniversitetHelig stad i USASydsverige pärlaArg LobastränareRebecca converseCats eller ChessFrämsta helgnöjeCoolast på PolhemLinner superkraftSystrarna sisters...

1-50 2018-04-11

1-50 crossword puzzle
  1. Where
  2. Good
  3. Other
  4. In
  5. Also
  6. When
  7. Always
  8. Here
  9. Or
  10. Man
  11. By
  12. Still
  13. that
  14. Alone
  15. For
  16. que Is it that
  17. To / at
  18. As / like
  19. True
  20. Now
  21. Same
  22. Weather / time
  23. Year
  24. What
  25. If
  26. Never
  1. Day
  2. Under
  3. Why
  4. Without
  5. Then / so / hence
  6. On
  7. Who / which
  8. Of / from
  9. Only
  10. How
  11. Thing
  12. And
  13. Little / few
  14. Thank you
  15. Woman
  16. Week
  17. There
  18. Very
  19. With
  20. No
  21. month
  22. Small
  23. Yes

49 Clues: InOnOrByNoIfDayWhyHowManAndForNowYesGoodAlsoWhenOnlyHereWeekthatVeryTrueWithSameYearWhatUnderWhereOtherThingWomanStillAloneTheremonthSmallNeverAlwaysWithoutTo / atOf / fromThank youAs / likeWho / whichLittle / fewque Is it thatWeather / timeThen / so / hence

Green 50 2017-12-11

Green 50 crossword puzzle
  1. On a ______________ morning it is hard to see in front of you.
  2. In Florida the weather is usually ___________ and warm.
  3. The students worked on their writing projects very _____________, nobody said a word.
  4. The substitute reported that everything went _______________ since the children listened well and worked hard.
  5. Chicago is known as the _______________ city.
  6. He was able to _____________ answer the multiplication questions because he studied a lot.
  7. When he heard the doorbell ring he _____________ ran to the door.
  8. I pulled out of the parking lot very ___________ to make sure I did not hit anyone.
  9. When you ride the boat under Niagra Falls it is very _____________.
  10. Tomorrow the weather will be _______________ with very little sun.
  11. Besides one street light the alley was _____________ lit.
  12. It was a little __________ on the beach causing the hat to blow of Jeremy’s head.
  13. When the sun went down and the temperatures dropped, the campers huddled around the fire because they were __________.
  1. Each morning the students come in and do their ____________ warm up assignment.
  2. I had to _______________ chop the onions before adding them to the soup.
  3. The little girl ____________ scolded her dog for eating her lunch off of the table.
  4. When I looked outside I saw the _______________ landscape blanketed in white.
  5. The children ____________ greeted their parents, excited to show them their projects.
  6. The students _______________ entered the building at recess and were asked to quiet down.
  7. On a _____________ day you should bring an umbrella.
  8. The dog _______________ lounged on the floor.
  9. The boy screamed very ____________ when he couldn’t find his mother.
  10. In April we often have ____________ weather with lots of thunder and lightning.
  11. The directions were ______________ written so everyone could understand.

24 Clues: Chicago is known as the _______________ city.The dog _______________ lounged on the floor.On a _____________ day you should bring an umbrella.In Florida the weather is usually ___________ and warm.Besides one street light the alley was _____________ lit.On a ______________ morning it is hard to see in front of you....

50 Elemente 2017-10-10

50 Elemente crossword puzzle
  1. Co
  2. Cu
  3. Ni
  4. Pu
  5. Ag
  6. Hg
  7. Al
  8. P
  9. I
  10. Ra
  11. O
  12. Ne
  13. Ga
  14. Xe
  15. U
  16. N
  17. Na
  18. Zn
  19. Si
  20. Fe
  21. Br
  22. Ca
  23. Cd
  1. Ti
  2. Kr
  3. Se
  4. C
  5. W
  6. H
  7. F
  8. Au
  9. Mg
  10. V
  11. C
  12. Pb
  13. Ba
  14. Cr
  15. Pt
  16. Rn
  17. As
  18. B
  19. Mn
  20. He
  21. Sr
  22. Cl
  23. K
  24. In
  25. Sn
  26. S
  27. Li


Chapter 50 2017-11-09

Chapter 50 crossword puzzle
  1. sad (f. nom. si.)
  2. causa is preceded by the ___________________ case
  3. forgiving
  4. of longing
  5. like (m./f. nom. si.)
  6. I admire/wonder at
  7. traditional occupation of a matrona
  8. moderate/modest (m. nom. si.)
  9. ad + gerund expresses ____________________
  10. by changing
  11. I forgive (+ dat.)
  1. present (m./f./nt. gen. si.)
  2. sad (m. nom. si.)
  3. for the sake of
  4. I miss/long for
  5. longing
  6. moderate/modest (f. gen. pl.)
  7. of seeking
  8. to miss/long for
  9. (nt. nom. si.)
  10. present m./f./nt. nom. si.)
  11. scribe (m.)
  12. I change
  13. to/for admiring/wondering at
  14. I seek
  15. name of Augustus' wife

26 Clues: I seeklongingI changeforgivingof seekingof longingscribe (m.)by changing(nt. nom. si.)for the sake ofI miss/long forto miss/long forsad (m. nom. si.)sad (f. nom. si.)I admire/wonder atI forgive (+ dat.)like (m./f. nom. si.)name of Augustus' wifepresent m./f./nt. nom. si.)present (m./f./nt. gen. si.)to/for admiring/wondering at...

50 anni! 2017-09-20

50 anni! crossword puzzle


Enes 50 2019-04-27

Enes 50 crossword puzzle
  1. temizkanısağmısolmudolaştırı
  2. kanaihtiyacıolankişiyekanverilmesinenedenir
  3. yağlarısindirenorgan
  4. emilimgerçekleştirenorganlar
  5. kirlikanısağmısolnudolaştırı
  6. deridenuzaklaştırılanatıklar
  7. sindirimeyardımcıorgandanikinci
  8. sindirimeyardımcıorganlardanbiri
  9. üratranındiyeradıne
  10. kalpkasınasılçalışır
  11. böbreklerdeoluşanidrarıidrarkesesineulaştırı
  12. idrarınvücuttanatıldığıkısım
  13. beyazrekliolanhücre
  14. fizikselsindirimindiyeradıne
  1. kalbikoruyankemiğinadıne
  2. 1-7yaşlarınnabızıkaçatar
  3. dolaşımneyebenzetilir
  4. renksizolanhücre
  5. karbonhidratlarısindirimebaşladığıyer
  6. kafatasıoynarmıoynamazmı
  7. idrarkesesinindiyeradıne
  8. kesilmesilincekanakışıfışkırmahalindeolandamar
  9. uzunkemiklerne
  10. ağızdaparçalananbesinlerihangiaracılğıileyemekborusunageçer
  11. kalbinkaçodasıvar
  12. üreterindiyeradıne
  13. rengikırmızıolanhücre
  14. ağzımızdakibezlertarafındansalgılanır
  15. beyinikoruyankemiğinadıne
  16. omurgayarıoynarmıoynamazmı
  17. proteinlerinsindirimebaşladığıyer

31 Clues: uzunkemiklernerenksizolanhücrekalbinkaçodasıvarüreterindiyeradıneüratranındiyeradınebeyazrekliolanhücreyağlarısindirenorgankalpkasınasılçalışırdolaşımneyebenzetilirrengikırmızıolanhücrekalbikoruyankemiğinadıne1-7yaşlarınnabızıkaçatarkafatasıoynarmıoynamazmıidrarkesesinindiyeradınebeyinikoruyankemiğinadıneomurgayarıoynarmıoynamazmı...

first 50 2013-06-24

first 50 crossword puzzle
  1. to stop suddenly and refusing to go on
  2. to belong to or relate
  3. out of order, wrongly, mistaken
  4. to confirm
  5. appropriate, relevant,
  6. deep continuing dislike
  7. to make more bearable, to relieve
  8. to confront and speak to
  9. to mourn or express great sorrow for
  10. dilation of artery
  11. loud or angry quarrel
  12. very strong feeling or emotion, devotion,desire, vehement
  13. to beautify usually with ornament
  14. to regard with intense loath, detest
  15. goodwill
  16. dismount from a transport, come to rest, illuminate
  17. dry land, unimaginative, boring
  18. to distribute parts
  19. to surround, to harass
  20. to shout or cry loudly
  21. to designate a portion
  22. great dislike or disgust
  23. extreme greedy
  1. to provide lodging for
  2. to stick/follow
  3. to confuse or bewilder, to be lost in thought
  4. indifferent
  5. to please usually by satisfying demand
  6. excited activities
  7. previous, come before
  8. fill with shock or horror
  9. to caution or warn
  10. refer to indirectly
  11. exceptionally evil, ruthless, brutal
  12. characterized by friendly disposition
  13. easily to befriend
  14. harsh or roughness of the tone or manner
  15. strongly oppose, unwilling
  16. difficult to understand
  17. mouth wide open
  18. moving, in action
  19. to deprive or take away usually by force
  20. to grieve over, to express sorrow or pity
  21. falseness or superficial of appearance or behavior
  22. to admit or state openly, confess
  23. quality of eagle
  24. a coffin for corpse before burial
  25. from side to side
  26. to increase in amount, to intensify
  27. lighthearted, delicate

50 Clues: goodwillto confirmindifferentextreme greedyto stick/followmouth wide openquality of eaglemoving, in actionfrom side to sideexcited activitiesto caution or warneasily to befrienddilation of arteryrefer to indirectlyto distribute partsprevious, come beforeloud or angry quarrelto provide lodging forto belong to or relateappropriate, relevant,...

Margreet 50 2014-08-22

Margreet 50 crossword puzzle
  1. Sterrenbeeld
  2. Haar geboorteplaats
  3. Hobby als scholier
  4. Beinvloedt haar leven
  5. Waar ze in rijdt
  6. Is ze naar vernoemd
  7. Haar tweede naam
  8. Houdt ze van
  9. Naam van de middelbare school
  10. De verste reis die ze maakte
  11. Eerste vriendje
  12. Haar ontspanning
  13. Huisgenoten in Amsterdam
  14. Vakantieland 2015
  15. Heeft ze er twee van
  16. Secretaresse van
  17. Plaats waar ze les gaf
  18. Heeft ze erg lage rekeningen van
  19. Rood en lief
  1. Eerste hond
  2. Plaats van haar studie
  3. Wat zij doceerde
  4. Traditie op 21 juni
  5. Grootste huisdier ooit
  6. Oerkwaliteit van haar
  7. Naam van haar moeder
  8. Deed ze veel vrijwilligerswerk voor
  9. Haar enige broer
  10. Is ze elke zaterdag
  11. Oude vriendin
  12. Daar doet ze het mee
  13. Sliep ze als kind in
  14. Sportieve hobby
  15. Is ze op geabonneerd
  16. Huilbaby
  17. Naam van haar vader
  18. Troetelnaam
  19. Een van haar eigenschappen
  20. Haar vriendengroep
  21. Eet ze niet

40 Clues: HuilbabyEerste hondTroetelnaamEet ze nietSterrenbeeldHoudt ze vanRood en liefOude vriendinSportieve hobbyEerste vriendjeWat zij doceerdeWaar ze in rijdtHaar enige broerHaar tweede naamHaar ontspanningSecretaresse vanVakantieland 2015Hobby als scholierHaar vriendengroepHaar geboorteplaatsTraditie op 21 juniIs ze naar vernoemdIs ze elke zaterdag...

Anna 50 2014-06-01

Anna 50 crossword puzzle
  1. El de Dallas era un bagasser però el nostre és el más mejor.
  2. La nostra estimada doctora House.
  3. El pelirojo de la peli.
  4. T’en dius perquè així es dèia la mare del teu pare.
  5. Més de tres pels té sa meva barba.
  6. Lloc on li vas fer una clapa a una madrilenya. Ai! Jo no volia!
  7. El Zacarías mallorquí, tres cops mestre.
  8. Fidel a la història de la història.
  9. Heroïna de nom incomprès per gairebé tothom
  10. Oh desgraciado de mi! Porqué no tendré dos piernas cómo las que tiene ______
  11. La triAnna 3.
  12. La nina mallorquina que encisa tothom.
  13. La gata maula.
  14. El profe que más te marcó.
  15. La que és sales però també udola.
  16. Va il.luminar el 99 amb els seus fars blaus.
  17. Allà vas conèixer en Crivillé.
  18. El padrino.
  19. El primer va ser el Botó, després va arribar ella amb nom de diva.
  20. Idioma y pueblo de Juego de Tronos.
  21. El de TMB que més has fet servir. O l’únic?
  22. Amb aquest poema seriós vas petar-te a l’insti.
  23. L’últim tresor.
  24. La mestra de literatura més estimada.
  25. Autor dels nostres primers èxits com actrius. I els únics!
  26. Esperits de la naturalesa que tenen cura de mantenir l'equilibri d'aquesta des de dins una maleta.
  27. Ex-libris.
  28. El mago periódico que te ha iluminado tantos años.
  29. “M’ajudes a instal.lar….”
  30. Allà vam fer unes precioses bombolles ianquis.
  31. Allà, entre truites de patates i jocs, vam aprendre a jugar a cartes.
  32. Apel·latiu d’en Toni Cirera segons l'amo de l'hotel sicilià.
  33. Amb aquest nom els vas conèixer a les pinedes de Castella.
  34. A Madrid o a Barcelona per aprendre van ser bones.
  35. La rossa de Tossa.
  36. Riu oloròs que travessa Hue.
  37. La triAnna 1.
  38. Carinyitu que fas a les noies estimades.
  39. S'enfada si no cantes bé o l'enganyes tirant les copes.
  40. Tasán moltes vegades i molt ràpid.
  41. Dius que no toca de peus a terra, però la tens a tocar.
  42. Els ulls més preciosos de la família.
  43. El primer. Té uns ulls que ho diuen tot.
  44. Txatxi, guai, mola...
  45. La triAnna 2.
  46. Dolç apel·latiu pels nebots i nebodes.
  47. El romàntic gruñón i també heroi de l’aventura.
  1. L’inici de la nissaga.
  2. Li fèiem fer d’Ironside amb el tacatá.
  3. El tercer darrera d’Anna.
  4. Petit gelat cada cop més gran.
  5. Encara el trobem a faltar.
  6. Allà et castigaves als 3 anys quan no veies massa clar el que havies fet.
  7. La Vega més estimada de la nostra infantesa.
  8. Sobrenom carinyòs de l’avi.
  9. La de la màquina que todo lo sabe.
  10. La mejor cuñá!
  11. Capital de Tanzania.
  12. Nom del personatge, digne d'un relat d'en Kipling, que us va fer de surrealista mestre de cerimònies a Xauen.
  13. Y en el principio la palmó la palmer...
  14. El 46 de Tavullia.
  15. Hi vas guanyar sovint al milió dels milions.
  16. La més petita. És com un fil d’or.
  17. Francesc dibuixant cristià.
  18. Más que claro, que clarín, más que clarete, esto lo que está es ....
  19. Manava a “La Nostra” quan feies maletes.
  20. Solo de saxo pel cronopi més gran!
  21. Et va portar a les profunditats.
  22. Aquell gran amic té nom de prohom de dubtosa reputació. Els temps de facultat no serien, de lluny, el mateix sense ell.
  23. Sobrenom familiar que tenies de petita.
  24. Un èxit alfabètic d’imaginació dins d’una maleta.
  25. Torre dels ocells on van viure peixos.
  26. La pluscuanperfecta orden interestelar.
  27. Una pel.li, un bar, un record...
  28. Gooooood mooooorning,____________!
  29. El de la barba imperible.
  30. Platgeta de dunes preciosa on vas estar un parell de dies amb la Mire.
  31. A Cuba tot va ser una bicoca, tot era una ganga, tot era un...
  32. La dona “més” del Vallés.
  33. D'aquestes en beguérem moltes, al Palauet.
  34. Lo més pijo que tens, tot i que ja és vellet.
  35. El superviviente exitoso que rueda por el mundo.
  36. A Palamós eren 5 i no era 25 de desembre.
  37. ¡Se acabó lo que se daba!
  38. Els companys dels Dixies.
  39. La primera que et pensar i et va veure. El sobrenom li ve de l’ullal.
  40. Troquero italianitzat.
  41. A la ciutat antiga no va ser reina. No t’ho podem dir més clar...
  42. La teva primera colla. Un bon embolic si la remenes.

89 Clues: Ex-libris.El padrino.La triAnna 3.La triAnna 1.La triAnna 2.La mejor cuñá!La gata maula.L’últim tresor.El 46 de Tavullia.La rossa de Tossa.Capital de Tanzania.Txatxi, guai, mola...L’inici de la nissaga.Troquero italianitzat.El pelirojo de la peli.El tercer darrera d’Anna.El de la barba imperible.“M’ajudes a instal.lar….”La dona “més” del Vallés....

Agnes 50 2014-07-20

Agnes 50 crossword puzzle
  1. deelt lief en leed mee #2
  2. een van de zg.n. canon heiligen
  3. Agnes favoriete kleur
  4. mixen van werk & plezier bij..
  5. werkgever
  6. "heilige man"
  7. deelt lief en leed mee #1
  8. ander woord voor genereus
  9. de beste straat van Hengelo
  10. zweeds shoppen
  11. zo moeder zo...
  12. "oude vriendschap"
  1. het 'beste' camera merk
  2. ander woord voor artistiek
  3. rond kerst verkocht door Agnes
  4. Agnes liefje
  5. ander woord voor tentoonstelling
  6. veel te vinden in de..
  7. een tijd Agnes 2e thuis
  8. ander woord voor leraar
  9. rotatie-energie
  10. winkelen bij..
  11. op de gevoelige plaat vast leggen
  12. gedeelde witte auto
  13. een zweterige bezigheid
  14. terug naar haar roots
  15. soort van kleinkind
  16. ander woord voor instructeur
  17. terug naar school
  18. eetbaar en ook niet

30 Clues: werkgeverAgnes liefje"heilige man"winkelen bij..zweeds shoppenrotatie-energiezo moeder zo...terug naar school"oude vriendschap"gedeelde witte autosoort van kleinkindeetbaar en ook nietAgnes favoriete kleurterug naar haar rootsveel te vinden in de..het 'beste' camera merkeen tijd Agnes 2e thuisander woord voor leraareen zweterige bezigheid...

IIIIIIIIIM 50! 2023-11-01

IIIIIIIIIM 50! crossword puzzle
  1. singer
  2. mascot
  3. BFF
  4. Vodie
  5. cold
  6. and linda
  7. group
  8. pumpkin ____
  9. vodka or dog
  10. red red wine
  11. valley
  12. Mallory nickname
  13. allison
  14. work or leisure
  15. 5 down singer
  16. cheeses
  17. filet
  18. "we will let you get on with..."
  19. dog
  20. bee
  21. engaged
  22. when we
  23. pulled
  24. dancing w
  25. your school
  1. boat
  2. J's city
  3. mo name for dog
  4. christmas
  5. sweet
  6. fire dem....
  7. grandpa excited
  8. range
  9. pulpo
  10. my nickname
  11. pep
  12. soup or sun dried
  13. MK Gallagher
  14. survivor
  15. sister
  16. bday movie
  17. H middle name
  18. smith
  19. ____ cut
  20. work work work
  21. brother
  22. Bday month
  23. O'Malley
  24. maiden
  25. sandy

50 Clues: BFFpepdogbeeboatcoldsweetVodierangegrouppulposmithfiletsandysingermascotvalleysisterpulledmaidenallisoncheesesbrotherengagedwhen weJ's citysurvivor____ cutO'Malleychristmasand lindadancing wbday movieBday monthmy nicknameyour schoolfire dem....pumpkin ____vodka or dogred red wineMK GallagherH middle name5 down singerwork work workmo name for dog...

Eurostoxx 50 2022-07-23

Eurostoxx 50 crossword puzzle
  1. Banks NL
  2. Consumer Products and Services DE
  3. Industrial Goods and Services NL
  4. Food, Beverage and Tobacco BE
  5. Consumer Products and Services FR
  6. Energy FR
  7. Consumer Products and Services FR
  8. Food, Beverage and Tobacco FR
  9. Food, Beverage and Tobacco FR
  10. Automobiles and Parts IT
  11. Industrial FR
  12. Grocery Stores NL
  13. Energy IT
  14. Technology NL
  15. Technology DE
  16. Health Care NL
  1. Banks ES
  2. Health Care FR
  3. Industrial Goods and Services DE
  4. Telecommunications DE
  5. Health Care DE
  6. Chemicals DE
  7. Health Care FR
  8. Consumer FR
  9. Technology DE
  10. Automobiles and Parts DE
  11. Technology NL
  12. Industrial Goods and Services FI
  13. Industrial Goods and Services FR
  14. Insurance FR
  15. Utilities ES
  16. Insurance DE

32 Clues: Banks ESBanks NLEnergy FREnergy ITConsumer FRChemicals DEInsurance FRUtilities ESInsurance DETechnology DETechnology NLIndustrial FRTechnology NLTechnology DEHealth Care FRHealth Care DEHealth Care FRHealth Care NLGrocery Stores NLTelecommunications DEAutomobiles and Parts DEAutomobiles and Parts ITFood, Beverage and Tobacco BE...

50 points 2022-10-18

50 points crossword puzzle
  1. the action or process of transmitting something, or the state of being transmitted.
  2. hit with force when moving.
  3. an instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another.
  4. separate or be separated into parts.
  5. leave out or exclude someone or something, either intentionally or forgetfully.
  6. accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person.
  7. the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents.
  8. an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
  9. go in someones country without permission
  10. gradually wears away
  11. the action or fact of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.
  12. the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.
  13. the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person.
  1. causes something to pass on from one place or person to another.
  2. a person or thing that has been left out or excluded.
  3. give authorization or consent to (someone) to do something.
  4. the action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated.
  5. the end or finish of an event or process.
  6. a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.
  7. put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited.
  8. cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
  9. by bringing (something) to an end.
  10. the action of intruding.
  11. produce and discharge (something, especially gas or radiation).
  12. consent; authorization.
  13. come to a resolution in the mind as a result of consideration.

26 Clues: gradually wears awayconsent; authorization.the action of intruding.hit with force when moving.by bringing (something) to an end.separate or be separated into parts.the end or finish of an event or process.go in someones country without permissiona person or thing that has been left out or excluded....

NBA 50 2023-02-19

NBA 50 crossword puzzle
  1. - Miami NBA team
  2. - Orlando NBA team
  3. - Close to the basket move
  4. - Toronto NBA team
  5. - New NBA player
  6. - Slamming the ball into the hoop
  7. - Stopping a shot
  8. - Dunking the ball
  9. - Sacramento NBA team
  10. - Defensive foul
  11. - Phoenix NBA team
  12. - Violation in the game
  13. - NBA star
  14. - Shot that misses
  15. - Best of the best
  16. - NBA great
  17. - LA Lakers legend
  18. - Shot that goes in
  19. - Houston star
  20. - Getting the ball off a missed shot
  21. - NBA legend
  22. - Boston NBA team
  23. - Three pointers
  24. - LA NBA team
  25. - Golden State star
  26. - Bank shot
  1. - Utah NBA team
  2. - Overhead shot
  3. - Quick transition play
  4. - Mid-range shot
  5. - Close shot to the hoop
  6. - Detroit NBA team
  7. - Most Valuable Player
  8. - Board behind rim
  9. - Offensive play
  10. - San Antonio NBA team
  11. - New York NBA team
  12. - Turning with the ball
  13. - 24 seconds on offense
  14. - LA NBA team
  15. - Dallas NBA team
  16. - Atlanta NBA team
  17. - Trying to stop the opposing team
  18. - Taking the ball away
  19. - Illegal touching of the ball
  20. - Moving too many steps with the ball
  21. - Chicago NBA team
  22. - Stopping the game
  23. - Pass and dunk
  24. - Penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct

50 Clues: - NBA star- NBA great- Bank shot- NBA legend- LA NBA team- LA NBA team- Houston star- Utah NBA team- Overhead shot- Pass and dunk- Miami NBA team- Mid-range shot- Offensive play- New NBA player- Defensive foul- Three pointers- Stopping a shot- Dallas NBA team- Boston NBA team- Detroit NBA team- Orlando NBA team- Board behind rim- Toronto NBA team...

Henriette 50 2024-03-09

Henriette 50 crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 45
  3. 8
  4. 36
  5. 26
  6. 41
  7. 3
  8. 13
  9. 5
  10. 7
  11. 17
  12. 44
  13. 32
  14. 47
  15. 24
  16. 38
  17. 42
  18. 18
  19. 2
  20. 23
  21. 43
  22. 15
  23. 22
  24. 30
  25. 1
  1. 29
  2. 12
  3. 9
  4. 14
  5. 33
  6. 21
  7. 46
  8. 11
  9. 19
  10. 48
  11. 39
  12. 27
  13. 10
  14. 40
  15. 6
  16. 37
  17. 31
  18. 28
  19. 20
  20. 35
  21. 25
  22. 16
  23. 34

48 Clues: 948357621291214453336214626114119483913271710404432473724313842281820234315352522163034

50 Words 2024-08-22

50 Words crossword puzzle
  1. pengembala
  2. terluka
  3. dengan bangga
  4. biaya yang dikeluarkan
  5. sifat atau ciri
  6. bebek yang anggun
  7. harus
  8. disamping
  9. dirobek
  10. diangkat
  11. telah dipecahkan
  12. setelah itu
  13. Keinginan
  1. berlebihan
  2. cairan yang diminum
  3. tidak hati-hati
  4. hal yang dipikirkan
  5. memohon
  6. tanggapan
  7. sepenuhnya
  8. terus-menerus
  9. bidang atau area
  10. penampilan fisik
  11. membelit atau memutar

24 Clues: harusterlukamemohondirobekdiangkattanggapandisampingKeinginanpengembalaberlebihansepenuhnyasetelah itudengan banggaterus-menerustidak hati-hatisifat atau ciribidang atau areapenampilan fisiktelah dipecahkanbebek yang angguncairan yang diminumhal yang dipikirkanmembelit atau memutarbiaya yang dikeluarkan

50 Vocalbury 2024-08-22

50 Vocalbury crossword puzzle
  1. Di dalam
  2. Dog
  3. Cerita
  4. Wolf
  5. Pantai
  6. memasuki
  7. Walk
  8. Run
  9. Kata
  10. Me
  11. Gold
  12. Grade
  13. Telah mengambil
  14. Lapangan
  15. Hubungan
  16. Activity
  17. Big
  18. semut
  19. Forest
  20. Song
  21. Berpergian
  22. Sore
  23. Gaya
  24. Mendukung
  25. Domba
  1. Protect
  2. Di luar
  3. Class
  4. Kucing
  5. Ular
  6. Menjawab
  7. Read
  8. Sabtu
  9. Create
  10. Pig
  11. Membuat
  12. Use
  13. Keluarga
  14. Dry
  15. nyata Real life
  16. Smart
  17. berakhir
  18. Berpengalaman
  19. Kursi
  20. Mobil
  21. Share
  22. Kerajang
  23. Kelaparan
  24. Waktu
  25. Mendengarkan

50 Clues: MeDogPigRunUseDryBigUlarReadWolfWalkKataGoldSongSoreGayaClassSabtuGradeSmartKursiMobilsemutShareWaktuDombaKucingCeritaCreatePantaiForestProtectDi luarMembuatDi dalamMenjawabmemasukiKeluargaberakhirLapanganHubunganActivityKerajangKelaparanMendukungBerpergianMendengarkanBerpengalamanTelah mengambilnyata Real life

Draft 50 2024-06-18

Draft 50 crossword puzzle
  1. A lover of Drama club this student also got up to mischief in the science lab.
  2. This student smoked some interesting herbs when they wagged school.
  3. This angel loved her school musicals.
  4. This student was a champion on the hockey pitch.
  5. Getting to school in the Mag Mobile was the only way to travel!
  6. This student attempted to blow up the science labs.
  7. Believe of not this student broke into school during the holidays!
  8. This student used her Prefect priviledges to give lollies away at the canteen.
  9. Says she was a goody tooshoes, but there has got to be a story with this student.
  10. Find this student over the weekend and she might have a bag of Allen's snakes!
  11. This student wterbombed all the A graders with a garbage bag full of water.
  12. This student attended 10 different schools.
  13. Hiding a bag of bolied cabbage in the Science lab this student drove the teachers mad, searching for the source of the smell
  1. One of our many students who has wagged school!
  2. After winning the Religious Knowledge prize, this student pocketed some cash from selling raffle tickets at double the price.
  3. This student used the school public phone to win tickets to a male strip show!
  4. As a boarder she loved racing the daygirls.
  5. After being voted Class Captain this student took money from his girlfriend in 4th class, knowing it was stolen cash!!
  6. This person had an interest in Fairy bread!
  7. Horse ridign was her chosen sport.
  8. A love for economics and may have serenaded the teacher.
  9. This student received a school service badge for delivering the milk.
  10. Brown paper and pasting the book labels with Perkins paste set this student up for straight As.
  11. This student was so opposed to school they made it home before their mum after she had dropped him off to school.
  12. It was the .best of times it was the naughtiest of times - when this student met his future wife at school
  13. This person school has a name in common with a famous part of London.

26 Clues: Horse ridign was her chosen sport.This angel loved her school musicals.As a boarder she loved racing the daygirls.This person had an interest in Fairy bread!This student attended 10 different schools.One of our many students who has wagged school!This student was a champion on the hockey pitch.This student attempted to blow up the science labs....

HMD @ 50 2024-07-12

HMD @ 50 crossword puzzle
  1. Her favorite drink (6)
  2. Hidden Talent (7)
  3. Hometown (12)
  4. Last Country Visited (6)
  5. Favorite Color (4)
  6. Dad calls her (10)
  7. Last Childs name (5)
  8. Favorite Nigerian Actress
  9. Dancing or Singing (7)
  10. Nysc City (12)
  11. Spouse's First Name (5)
  12. Likes to chase mice (3)
  13. Nickname
  14. Flying mammal (3)
  1. Middle Name (5)
  2. Instagram name (12)
  3. Employer (13)
  4. Man's best friend (3)
  5. Number of Children (5)
  6. Mom Calls her (6)
  7. Large marsupial
  8. Dessert Combo (12)
  9. You could bribe her with (5)
  10. Favorite hobby (7)
  11. Has a trunk (8)
  12. Favorite Holiday (9)
  13. Favorite Tv Show (6)
  14. She Attended University here(7)
  15. Favorite Dish (5)

29 Clues: NicknameEmployer (13)Hometown (12)Nysc City (12)Middle Name (5)Large marsupialHas a trunk (8)Hidden Talent (7)Mom Calls her (6)Favorite Dish (5)Flying mammal (3)Favorite Color (4)Dad calls her (10)Dessert Combo (12)Favorite hobby (7)Instagram name (12)Last Childs name (5)Favorite Holiday (9)Favorite Tv Show (6)Man's best friend (3)...

Day 50 2024-07-19

Day 50 crossword puzzle
  1. 통계(복수취급), 통계학(단수취급)
  2. 안정된, 견고한, 마구간
  3. 반응하다, 대답하다
  4. 열망하다, 바라다
  5. 장애(물), 방해(물)
  6. 지위, 신분, 위상, 상황
  7. 고무시키다, 격려하다, 영감을 주다
  8. 후원자
  9. 설립하다, 제정하다, 입증하다, 증명하다
  10. 물질, 물체, 본질,
  11. 즉석의, 즉각적인
  1. 조각상
  2. 표준, 기준, 수준
  3. 상태, 상황, 국가, 주
  4. 만기가 되다, 끝나다
  5. ~을 책임 지고 있는, 맡고 있는, 원인이 되는
  6. 끊임없는, 계속되는, 불변의
  7. ~에 있다, 견디다
  8. 예, 사례, 경우
  9. 재산, 자산, 토지, 소유지
  10. 정신, 마음

21 Clues: 조각상후원자정신, 마음열망하다, 바라다예, 사례, 경우즉석의, 즉각적인표준, 기준, 수준반응하다, 대답하다~에 있다, 견디다만기가 되다, 끝나다물질, 물체, 본질,장애(물), 방해(물)안정된, 견고한, 마구간상태, 상황, 국가, 주지위, 신분, 위상, 상황끊임없는, 계속되는, 불변의재산, 자산, 토지, 소유지통계(복수취급), 통계학(단수취급)고무시키다, 격려하다, 영감을 주다설립하다, 제정하다, 입증하다, 증명하다~을 책임 지고 있는, 맡고 있는, 원인이 되는

50 Countries 2024-07-26

50 Countries crossword puzzle
  1. capvert
  2. Burkina
  3. Tchad
  4. Coréedusud
  5. Algérie
  6. Nigeria
  7. Angola
  8. etatsunis
  9. Bulgarie
  10. Maroc
  11. Haîti
  12. Congo
  13. Turquie
  14. Centrafrique
  15. Tunisie
  16. Belgique
  17. Japon
  18. Liban
  19. Espagne
  20. Senegal
  21. Niger
  22. Rwanda
  23. Benin
  24. Israel
  1. Cameroun
  2. cambodge
  3. mexique
  4. Allemagne
  5. Croatie
  6. Madagascar
  7. Portugal
  8. Grece
  9. Soudan
  10. Serbie
  11. colombie
  12. Italie
  13. PaysBas
  14. tchèque
  15. Chine
  16. Autriche
  17. Laos
  18. Coted'ivoire
  19. Hongrie
  20. Guinée
  21. Togo
  22. Gabon
  23. bresil
  24. Nepal
  25. Irlande
  26. France
  27. canada
  28. Pologne
  29. Angleterre

53 Clues: LaosTogoTchadGreceMarocChineHaîtiCongoGabonNepalJaponLibanNigerBeninAngolaSoudanSerbieItalieGuinéebresilFrancecanadaRwandaIsraelcapvertmexiqueBurkinaCroatieAlgérieNigeriaPaysBastchèqueHongrieTurquieTunisieIrlandeEspagnePologneSenegalCamerouncambodgePortugalcolombieBulgarieAutricheBelgiqueAllemagneetatsunisMadagascarCoréedusudAngleterreCoted'ivoire...

50 CUMPLE 2024-10-17

50 CUMPLE crossword puzzle
  1. La pintamonkeys tocaya de la otra.
  2. elSoy de los aerófonos y lo confieso, me gusta la cerveza y soy natural de donde son las mejores tapas del mundo.
  3. Su filosofía es “exprime la vida y bébetela”.
  4. Con un Valdepeñas brindaré y en Martín Codax te cantaré.
  5. Ya no quiere más frutita.
  6. Si tú eres la mamá de artes, yo soy el papá.
  7. Correcaminos que canta y tu primera profe de esteticién.
  8. El primer cuñado de tu vida.
  9. Compartíamos walkman para cantar juntas la discografía entera de Radio Futura. La respuesta es mi nombre real, aunque de otra forma me solías llamar.
  10. Su mejor poema es La grúa, grúa, grúa…
  11. Te lleva en taxi a donde quieras.
  12. Juntos compusimos "pichi" para orquesta.
  13. Qué artista se ha perdido España!!!
  14. Siempre te consideré la más guapa del Conservarorio.
  15. Te llevó a tu primer concierto.
  16. VEO a un Encantador de serpientes.
  17. De nombre compuesto, dibujanta de viñetas y acompañante de payasadas navideñas.
  18. Y a pesar del piano, Let it be salió bien.
  19. En Almería tienes tu casa….y en el País Vasco también.
  20. Siempre que te veo se me iluminan los ojos! Un bezaso desde Oriente.
  21. Gracias a ti, tengo el mismo modelo de coche que tú.
  22. Siempre me han sorprendido tu sonrisa y tus abrazos por los pasillos.
  23. Con las de playita todo es mejor.
  24. Lo mismo te hace un logaritmo neperiano que te cocina un bizcocho.
  1. Empieza con jota. Testigo directo y superviviente (al ataque de risa) del momentazo: “Hojaldreeees…”
  2. Mañón si petra no come a Pepe.
  3. Vamos a ver cosas, súper Tritón, ponte Revlon!!!
  4. La cuñada multilingüe.
  5. Magno creador de chistes y juegos de palabras.
  6. Fue la mayor en un célebre concierto de Pablo Milanés.
  7. Hemos cantado, hemos nadado y en Tarifa nos hemos aireado. La súper pava más junior.
  8. Cuando te oí recitar a Platero, me tocaste el alma.
  9. Dar clase a tus hijos fue toda una experiencia.
  10. Chío, eres mi Pepito Grillo con chocho.
  11. El que te arregla el ordenador a golpe de teléfono.
  12. Rafael al cuadrado y no es cordobés..., oro verde de Extremadura.
  13. Todo perfecto.
  14. La primera que te hizo toda una "tía".
  15. Lo primero que siempre le preguntas es si viene Pablo.
  16. Nunca olvidaré tu hospitalidad con esas hojaldrinas voladoras.
  17. La Chiquitachiquita que si le das una peseta te baila muy flamenquita.
  18. Cuando haga un calor que tetorras...ponte unos zapatos cómodos y paséate muy Pretty.
  19. Sabe que te vistes de ABBA en la intimidad.
  20. En la tarde de Reyes nos vemos en la fuente.
  21. Ladrona en la infancia y conocida por el apellido de otra.

45 Clues: Todo perfecto.La cuñada multilingüe.Ya no quiere más frutita.El primer cuñado de tu vida.Mañón si petra no come a Pepe.Te llevó a tu primer concierto.Te lleva en taxi a donde quieras.Con las de playita todo es mejor.La pintamonkeys tocaya de la otra.VEO a un Encantador de serpientes.Qué artista se ha perdido España!!!...

50 ans 2023-04-30

50 ans crossword puzzle
  1. "L'Événement le plus important depuis que l'homme a marché sur la Lune"
  2. il sort de sa forêt en 1973 et triomphe au cinéma
  3. ce que nous fêtons aujourd'hui
  4. on ne sait toujours pas à ce jour où est passée la 7ème
  5. elle est "d'amour"
  6. ils étaient 3 à avoir du succès au cinéma en 1973
  7. Odile et Dominique sont tous les deux "made in"
  8. Odile et Dominique n'ont heureusement pas eu recours à lui ce jour-là
  9. elles sont restées à Venise
  10. titre du prochain livre de chevet de Dominique ? (commençant par 50)
  11. ils sont 50... Odile et Dominique en ont visité quelques-uns
  1. ses aventures ont ravi petits et grands sur grand écran
  2. Dominique, reprenant cette chanson de Frédéric François, a sans doute invité Odile à venir s'y perdre
  3. livre de chevet d'Odile depuis 1973
  4. Odile a incontestablement rencontré celui de sa vie
  5. pour Odile, Dominique l'était, inconstestablement, le 14 avril
  6. les invités du mariage y ont eu droit, mais ils ont su s'arrêter à temps
  7. peintre espagnol mort en avril 1973
  8. imitant Hugues Aufray, c'est ce qu'aurait dit Odile aux invités en s'éclipsant avec Dominique
  9. acteur surnommé "le petit Dragon", mort en juillet 1973
  10. département qui porte le numéro 50
  11. Odile et Dominique ne le sont pas, nous en avons la preuve aujourd'hui
  12. il n'y en avait qu'une dans leurs yeux ce jour-là (de bonheur, évidemment)

23 Clues: elle est "d'amour"elles sont restées à Venisece que nous fêtons aujourd'huidépartement qui porte le numéro 50livre de chevet d'Odile depuis 1973peintre espagnol mort en avril 1973Odile et Dominique sont tous les deux "made in"il sort de sa forêt en 1973 et triomphe au cinémails étaient 3 à avoir du succès au cinéma en 1973...

50 years! 2023-01-05

50 years! crossword puzzle
  1. The largest northerly flowing river in No America
  2. This govt agency was founded in 1973
  3. Famous Candy from Canada
  4. 1983 Movie starring Chevy Chase
  5. Steinbrenner buys Yanks in 1973 from this broadcast group for $10mil
  6. W. Mark Felt, or something maybe done on honeymoon night
  7. Top grossing '73 flick, with The
  8. Number of vice presidents to become president since Feb. 3, 1973
  9. Percentage of marriages over fifty years in the USA
  10. These baseball positions were first used in MLB in '73
  11. Number of bedrooms at the Chalet Le Corzo
  12. Birthplace of Canada's first commercial brewery in 1668
  13. 2000 Movie starring Seann William Scott
  1. 1973 Super Bowl Champs home city
  2. Provincial location of Park National de la Jacques-Carter
  3. Stoves known as "Game Changers"
  4. 50th anniversary= _____ Anniversary
  5. Father in the top TV sitcom in 1973
  6. These type of puzzle answers may be helpful for you
  7. TV Show "Everybody Loves ___"
  8. $1780 base cost of this vehicle in 1973
  9. Tim Horton's beverage
  10. System used worldwide by all but three countries
  11. The Govt Publishing Comp has been making these since the 1920s
  12. First phone call of this type was made in 1973
  13. "___ is bursting out all over"
  14. 17.4 million gallons produced in Canada in 2022
  15. Mother in the '73 hit show The Waltons
  16. 1973 DJ Kool Herc, credited as the first artist in this music genre
  17. Country credited with inventing Hawaiian Pizza
  18. Of Ryan's 7 no hitters, this one came in 1973
  19. MLB WS champion city in 1973

32 Clues: Tim Horton's beverageFamous Candy from CanadaMLB WS champion city in 1973TV Show "Everybody Loves ___""___ is bursting out all over"Stoves known as "Game Changers"1983 Movie starring Chevy Chase1973 Super Bowl Champs home cityTop grossing '73 flick, with The50th anniversary= _____ AnniversaryFather in the top TV sitcom in 1973...

50 auguri 2023-05-04

50 auguri crossword puzzle
  1. Ti fa svegliare presto la mattina
  2. Il cane più scatenato
  3. Tipico appuntamento col divano
  4. Ne fai uso alla sera
  5. La tua meta ideale
  6. Ti ha lasciato in panne
  7. La tua merenda preferita
  8. Una dimora dimenticata
  9. Sempre presenti prima di cena
  10. Immancabile il lunedì
  11. Ti piace bianca
  1. Fatichi un po a impararlo
  2. Ne sei diventato esperto produttore
  3. Ti cade spesso e volentieri
  4. Ultimamente ti vanno un po stretti
  5. Se esageri ti fa male
  6. Ti distrugge il giardino
  7. Li hai persi più di una volta
  8. A volte le prendi
  9. Il tuo alleato in cucina

20 Clues: Ti piace biancaA volte le prendiLa tua meta idealeNe fai uso alla seraIl cane più scatenatoSe esageri ti fa maleImmancabile il lunedìUna dimora dimenticataTi ha lasciato in panneTi distrugge il giardinoLa tua merenda preferitaIl tuo alleato in cucinaFatichi un po a impararloTi cade spesso e volentieriLi hai persi più di una volta...

50 VERBS 2024-10-04

50 VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Talked
  2. Left
  3. Had
  4. Came
  5. Went
  6. Worked
  7. Felt
  8. Showed
  9. Used
  10. Held
  11. Tried
  12. Lived
  13. Saw
  14. Called
  15. Played
  16. Started
  17. Waswere
  18. Thought
  19. Brought
  20. Liked
  21. Moved
  22. Wrote
  23. Put
  24. Asked
  25. Meant
  26. Sat
  27. Needed
  1. Told
  2. Made
  3. Heard
  4. Did
  5. Gave
  6. Knew
  7. Found
  8. Listened
  9. Bought
  10. Sold
  11. Happened
  12. Wanted
  13. Let
  14. Said
  15. Got
  16. Turned
  17. Helped
  18. Kept
  19. Looked
  20. Seemed
  21. Began
  22. Ran
  23. Took

50 Clues: HadDidSawLetGotRanPutSatToldMadeLeftCameWentGaveKnewFeltSoldUsedHeldSaidKeptTookHeardFoundTriedLivedBeganLikedMovedWroteAskedMeantTalkedWorkedBoughtShowedWantedCalledPlayedTurnedHelpedLookedSeemedNeededStartedWaswereThoughtBroughtListenedHappened

Pennsylvania Facts 2023-09-16

Pennsylvania Facts crossword puzzle
  1. located on the Allegheny mountains near Pennsylvania's southern border.
  2. This state shares Pennsylvania's eastern border.
  3. Pennsylvania is located in the _____________ part of the United States.
  4. the oldest mountain chain in the country. All of Pennsylvania's mountains are part of this.
  5. One of the Great Lakes of Pennsylvania.
  6. This is what half of Earth is called because Geographers divide the Earth into the Eastern and Western, Northern and Southern ____________s.
  7. How many states border Pennsylvania's southern border?
  8. This is what causes gorges to form.
  9. These ____________ in PA make our state a center of transportation and business.
  10. This state shares Pennsylvania's western border.
  11. ____________ is one of 50 states in the United States of America.
  1. largest land areas on Earth.
  2. These mountains stretch across the middle of Pennsylvania, creating a 'spine'.
  3. this river flows through central PA.
  4. The overall shape on Pennsylvania.
  5. Pennsylvania's nickname. It comes from it's location.
  6. the continent in which the state of Pennsylvania is located.
  7. serves as a major shipping route.
  8. A natural feature on Earth's surface.
  9. These cover about 60% of Pennsylvania, totaling to about 17 million acres.
  10. This river is fed by its tributaries, the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers.
  11. Rivers and lakes provide sources for _____________, such as fishing and boating.
  12. A smaller river or stream that flows into a larger river.
  13. This state lies on the northern border of Pennsylvania.
  14. The other thirteen colonies resembled this, and Pennsylvania lies in the middle, creating a 'keystone'.
  15. a deep, narrow valley with steep walls.

26 Clues: largest land areas on Earth.serves as a major shipping route.The overall shape on Pennsylvania.This is what causes gorges to form.this river flows through central PA.A natural feature on Earth's surface.One of the Great Lakes of Pennsylvania.a deep, narrow valley with steep walls.This state shares Pennsylvania's eastern border....

Recycling 2015-04-09

Recycling crossword puzzle
  1. ________ is 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly
  2. Recycling a glass bottle causes 20% less air _________, 50% less water ___________ and cuts waste by 80%
  3. Out of every $10 that is spent buying things, $1 (10%) goes on _________ that is thrown away
  4. Recycling reduces emissions and consumption of raw _________, extends the life of plant equipment such as furnaces and saves energy
  5. New _________ costs 84c per pound, recycled pellets cost 60c per pound
  6. Every tree that is not cut down to make paper absorbs ___________, when paper is thrown away and incinerated, it creates _________
  7. Creating an aluminium can out of recycled materials requires only 5% as much _______ as creating a brand new can out of bauxite ore
  8. If all of our ___________ was recycled, we could save about 250 billion trees
  1. On average, it costs $30 per ton to recycle rubbish, $50 to sent it to the __________ and $70 to incinerate it
  2. Recycling one __________ can saves enough energy to run a TV for 3 hours
  3. Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy as burning it in an _________
  4. 29 ________ plastic water bottles are used in the United States every year
  5. A used aluminium can is recycled and back on the _________ shelf in as little as 60 days
  6. Recycling one pound of steel saves enough energy to run a 60-watt ________ for over a day
  7. Only about one third of all glass jars and bottles are recycled _________ in the United States
  8. Recycling a ton of paper can save 17 ________

16 Clues: Recycling a ton of paper can save 17 ________________ is 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlesslyNew _________ costs 84c per pound, recycled pellets cost 60c per poundRecycling one __________ can saves enough energy to run a TV for 3 hoursRecycling plastic saves twice as much energy as burning it in an _________...

US 2023-12-05

US crossword puzzle
  1. Last name of the current American Vice President
  2. This state is called the Sunshine State
  3. Barack
  4. Last name of American female singer
  5. America's neighbour to the north
  6. America consists of 50...
  7. A recent political slogan: Make America _____ again!
  1. The Grand Canyon is in the state of
  2. Last name of the first American president
  3. Popular American sport
  4. America's famous tinsel town where movies are made
  5. America's neighbour to the south
  6. In 1789, American got its 'grundlov'. It is called the...

13 Clues: BarackPopular American sportAmerica consists of 50...America's neighbour to the southAmerica's neighbour to the northThe Grand Canyon is in the state ofLast name of American female singerThis state is called the Sunshine StateLast name of the first American presidentLast name of the current American Vice President...

The USA 2024-04-23

The USA crossword puzzle
  1. the national bird is called a bald ....
  2. a national sport
  3. Grand .... is one of the seven natural wonders
  4. American flag has 50 ...
  5. the president lives in the ..... House
  6. the state that starts with 'd'
  1. 13 stripes on the flag represent 13 ...
  2. American president whose first name was Abraham
  3. Steve ...., the creator of Apple
  4. the original colour of Statue of Liberty
  5. you can see 4 heads of presidents carved in the rock
  6. the biggest state
  7. the number of states

13 Clues: a national sportthe biggest statethe number of statesAmerican flag has 50 ...the state that starts with 'd'Steve ...., the creator of Applethe president lives in the ..... House13 stripes on the flag represent 13 ...the national bird is called a bald ....the original colour of Statue of LibertyGrand .... is one of the seven natural wonders...

AP World History Unit 1 & 2 Review 2024-02-27

AP World History Unit 1 & 2 Review crossword puzzle
  1. reform groups that eventually lead to the fall of the Ottoman Empire
  2. war to overthrow the communist government
  3. economic crisis in 1929-1939 following WW1
  4. March
  5. pandemic that spread worldwide, killing about 50 million people (not covid)
  6. distributed land back to lower class Mexicans
  7. Used in WW1 and was a new wartime technology
  8. of Ottoman
  9. "My Struggle" book written by Adolf Hitler
  10. Used by Nazis to help with mass killing
  11. dictator of Germany during WW11, the Treaty of Versailles angered him
  1. western economic and political imperialism lead to this
  2. in the War
  3. The United States' response to The Great Depression
  4. state run farms
  5. peace treaty that ended WW1
  6. plans introduced by Stalin to industrialize the Soviet Union
  7. Revolution
  8. Genocide
  9. military alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungry, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire during WW1
  10. having pride in ones country
  11. leader during the Mexican Revolution
  12. coded message sent to Mexico proposing a military alliance against the United States
  13. dictator of the Soviet Union from 1924-1953
  14. weapon used in war, first used in WW1

25 Clues: MarchGenocidein the WarRevolutionof Ottomanstate run farmspeace treaty that ended WW1having pride in ones countryleader during the Mexican Revolutionweapon used in war, first used in WW1Used by Nazis to help with mass killingwar to overthrow the communist governmenteconomic crisis in 1929-1939 following WW1"My Struggle" book written by Adolf Hitler...

Chase's Week 33 Readings Crossword 2024-04-28

Chase's Week 33 Readings Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Article IX. The United States in Congress assembled shall have the sole and exclusive right and power of _____ on peace and war Pg. 247
  2. Article XIII. Every state shall abide by the determinations of the United States in Congress assembled on all questions which by this ____ are submitted to them Pg. 251
  3. In 1787 Royall Tyler excited audiences with _____, the first successful American Play Pg. 33
  4. No state shall engage in any war without the consent of the United States in Congress assembled unless such state be actually ______ Pg. 246
  5. The author of "George Washington and the Founding of Democracy" Pg. 50
  6. Each state shall maintain its own delegates in a meeting of the states and while they act as members of the ____ of the States Pg. 245
  7. Washington left the office after two terms in this year Pg. 52
  8. In 1781 a slave named ______ sued Massachusetts sued for his freedom Pg. 32
  1. Article I. The style of this confederacy shall be ________ Pg. 244
  2. The author of "Liberty: The American Revolution" Pg. 30
  3. "To be more exposed in the eyes of the world and more ____ than we already are, is hardly possible" -George Washington Pg. 31
  4. Article III. The said states hereby severally enter into a firm league of _____ with each other Pg. 244
  5. Article XI. _____ acceding to this Confederation, and joining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into and entitled to all the advantages of this union Pg. 250

13 Clues: The author of "Liberty: The American Revolution" Pg. 30Washington left the office after two terms in this year Pg. 52Article I. The style of this confederacy shall be ________ Pg. 244The author of "George Washington and the Founding of Democracy" Pg. 50In 1781 a slave named ______ sued Massachusetts sued for his freedom Pg. 32...

States 2017-01-19

States crossword puzzle
  1. famous for scorpions
  2. What happen there stays there
  3. smallest population
  4. Mayo Clinic
  5. 7x Superbowl champions located here
  6. Hollister
  7. Flight Club headquarters
  8. Everglades
  1. Panda
  2. Quack Attack
  3. Terrapins
  4. MN
  5. Space Needle
  6. Cheese-heads

14 Clues: MNPandaTerrapinsHollisterEvergladesMayo ClinicQuack AttackSpace NeedleCheese-headssmallest populationfamous for scorpionsFlight Club headquartersWhat happen there stays there7x Superbowl champions located here

States 2018-04-23

States crossword puzzle
  1. Canyons,Deserts,Skiing
  2. The biggest state
  3. The longest named state
  4. named after southern country
  5. Where George Washington was born
  6. Disney World
  7. Casinos
  1. Volcanos and beaches
  2. Famous trail
  3. Beaches and Disneyland
  4. A rock with presidents
  5. Crazy Horse
  6. The Big Apple
  7. End of Lake Powell

14 Clues: CasinosCrazy HorseFamous trailDisney WorldThe Big AppleThe biggest stateEnd of Lake PowellVolcanos and beachesCanyons,Deserts,SkiingBeaches and DisneylandA rock with presidentsThe longest named statenamed after southern countryWhere George Washington was born

states 2022-11-01

states crossword puzzle
  1. it is a nice place
  2. were hululu is located
  3. it is very hot there
  4. next to the ocean
  5. were theres a desert
  6. houses are cheap
  7. it is alwys busy
  8. it snows
  9. there is a lot of trees
  1. were it is very cold
  2. washington dc
  3. it snows there
  4. were hollywood is
  5. close by mexico

14 Clues: it snowswashington dcit snows thereclose by mexicohouses are cheapit is alwys busywere hollywood isnext to the oceanit is a nice placewere it is very coldit is very hot therewere theres a desertwere hululu is locatedthere is a lot of trees

Economic Impact Animal ag 2022-09-14

Economic Impact Animal ag crossword puzzle
  1. 48% of household have a ?
  2. What's produced in all 50 states and top states are Idaho, California and Wisconsin?
  3. Raised for meat
  1. The largest vertically integrated
  2. Egg production is widely distributed across the US
  3. 38% of households have a ?

6 Clues: Raised for meat48% of household have a ?38% of households have a ?The largest vertically integratedEgg production is widely distributed across the USWhat's produced in all 50 states and top states are Idaho, California and Wisconsin?

Percents Crossword 2023-05-11

Percents Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What percent of 200 is 158?
  2. 71% to a decimal
  3. 50% of what is 55?
  4. 0.83 to a percent
  5. 19/20 to a percent
  6. What percent of 444 is 111?
  7. 22/25 to a percent
  8. 92% to a decimal
  9. What is 1% of 700?
  10. What percent of 1776 is 888?
  11. 99/100 to a decimal
  12. 0.12 to a fraction
  13. What percent of 60 is 9?
  14. 3/10 to a decimal
  15. 0.01 to a percent
  16. What is 80% of 555?
  17. 90% of what is 54?
  18. 5% to a fraction
  19. 3/4 to a decimal
  20. What is 25% of 12?
  21. 0.7 to a fraction
  22. 20% of what is 1?
  23. 13/20 to a decimal
  1. 0.42 to a percent
  2. 70% to a fraction
  3. 40% of what is 28?
  4. 11/100 to a percent
  5. 0.33 to a percent
  6. 57/100 to a percent
  7. 0.52 to a percent
  8. 0.32 to a fraction
  9. What percent of 80 is 8?
  10. 20% to a decimal
  11. 3/5 to a percent
  12. 0.59 to a fraction
  13. 34% to a decimal
  14. 75% of what is 24?
  15. 25% to a fraction
  16. 8% to a decimal
  17. What is 50% of 80?
  18. 0.38 to a fraction
  19. 40% to a fraction
  20. What is 200% of 50?
  21. 7/50 to a decimal
  22. 74% to a fraction

45 Clues: 8% to a decimal71% to a decimal92% to a decimal20% to a decimal3/5 to a percent34% to a decimal5% to a fraction3/4 to a decimal0.42 to a percent70% to a fraction0.83 to a percent0.33 to a percent0.52 to a percent25% to a fraction3/10 to a decimal0.01 to a percent40% to a fraction7/50 to a decimal74% to a fraction0.7 to a fraction20% of what is 1?...

Place Value Crossword 2023-03-20

Place Value Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 200 000 + 40 000 + 5000 + 800 + 30 + 3
  2. 300 000 + 40 000 + 2000 + 700 + 50 + 6
  3. 90 000 + 4000 + 500 + 80 + 2
  4. 4000 + 500 + 30 + 2
  5. 30 000 + 4000 + 200 + 50 + 9
  6. 40 000 + 5000 + 900 + 2
  7. 30 000 + 5000 + 500 + 20 + 1
  8. 1000 + 300 + 40 + 6
  9. 800 + 60 + 3
  10. 20 000 + 3000 + 500 + 90
  11. 80 000 + 8000 + 100 + 20 + 2
  1. 80 000 + 200 + 30 + 4
  2. 10 000 + 3000 + 900 + 60 + 3
  3. 80 000 + 7000 + 900 + 10 + 2
  4. 5000 + 100 + 80 + 4
  5. 2000 + 400 + 50 + 5
  6. 9000 + 400 + 50 + 6
  7. 30 000 + 9000 + 500 + 80 + 4
  8. 2000 + 300 + 30 + 9
  9. 400 000 + 60 000 + 700 + 80 + 2
  10. 3000 + 600 + 80 + 7

21 Clues: 800 + 60 + 35000 + 100 + 80 + 42000 + 400 + 50 + 54000 + 500 + 30 + 29000 + 400 + 50 + 62000 + 300 + 30 + 91000 + 300 + 40 + 63000 + 600 + 80 + 780 000 + 200 + 30 + 440 000 + 5000 + 900 + 220 000 + 3000 + 500 + 9010 000 + 3000 + 900 + 60 + 380 000 + 7000 + 900 + 10 + 290 000 + 4000 + 500 + 80 + 230 000 + 4000 + 200 + 50 + 9...

Imperialism Crossword 2024-02-24

Imperialism Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 1890 Tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%
  2. A series of opinions by the U.S. Supreme Court having to do with the Spanish-American war, and all United States territories
  3. Act that established a civilian government under U.S. control in Puerto Rico
  4. United States Navy ship which sank in Havana Harbor, contributing to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War
  5. Chinese nationalist fight to remove foreigners
  6. How many years it took to put down the Filipino insurrection
  7. President Wilson sent troops to intervene in this city in Mexico in order to destroy the government of General Huerta
  1. The last sovereign monarch of the Hawaiian kingdom
  2. Spanish-American War's nickname
  3. Tactics used by the Filipinos during the Filipino insurrection
  4. Policy that the U.S. departed from to embark on imperialism
  5. United States policy which said that all countries have equal trading rights in China

12 Clues: Spanish-American War's nicknameChinese nationalist fight to remove foreignersThe last sovereign monarch of the Hawaiian kingdomPolicy that the U.S. departed from to embark on imperialismHow many years it took to put down the Filipino insurrection1890 Tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%...

Imperialism Crossword 2024-02-24

Imperialism Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish-American War's nickname
  2. Policy that the U.S. departed from to embark on imperialism
  3. Tactics used by the Filipinos during the Filipino insurrection
  4. United States Navy ship which sank in Havana Harbor, contributing to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War
  5. United States policy which said that all countries have equal trading rights in China
  6. A series of opinions by the U.S. Supreme Court having to do with the Spanish-American war, and all United States territories
  1. Act that established a civilian government under U.S. control in Puerto Rico
  2. The last sovereign monarch of the Hawaiian kingdom
  3. Chinese nationalist fight to remove foreigners
  4. 1890 Tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%
  5. President Wilson sent troops to intervene in this city in Mexico in order to destroy the government of General Huerta
  6. How many years it took to put down the Filipino insurrection

12 Clues: Spanish-American War's nicknameChinese nationalist fight to remove foreignersThe last sovereign monarch of the Hawaiian kingdomPolicy that the U.S. departed from to embark on imperialismHow many years it took to put down the Filipino insurrection1890 Tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%...

American Flag 2023-06-16

American Flag crossword puzzle
  1. - The combination of colors on the American flag
  2. - The feeling of love and devotion to one's country
  3. - The color representing vigilance, perseverance, and justice on the American flag
  1. - Another color on the American flag
  2. - The alternating red and white bands on the American flag
  3. - Representing the 50 states on the American flag
  4. - One of the colors on the American flag
  5. - The American flag is a symbol of the United States

8 Clues: - Another color on the American flag- One of the colors on the American flag- The combination of colors on the American flag- Representing the 50 states on the American flag- The feeling of love and devotion to one's country- The American flag is a symbol of the United States- The alternating red and white bands on the American flag...

Countries of the world.. 2022-05-24

Countries of the world.. crossword puzzle
  1. Home to the longest river in the world.
  2. Is south from Italy.
  3. Is in between Russia and China.
  4. The largest country in the world.
  5. you are not allowed to take pictures of this country outside of this country.
  6. This country is mostly green and it's name is misleading.
  7. is south west of France.
  8. This country points to the indian ocean.
  9. Is North from the U.S.
  10. Owns the largest rainforest.
  11. the chichen itza is located in this country.
  12. my capital is buenos Aires.
  1. Machu Picchu is located here.
  2. has about 6,852 islands but there are only 4 main islands.
  3. The people of the united states used to be a part of this country.
  4. is north of australia but south of Malaysia.
  5. It has 50 states.
  6. Is west of england.
  7. Despite it's name it is not always green.
  8. a war in 1950 broke a country into two and this is the south part.
  9. when you say continents you say_____ and oceania.
  10. The largest population in the world.
  11. Rome is its capital.

23 Clues: It has 50 states.Is west of england.Is south from Italy.Rome is its capital.Is North from the U.S.is south west of France.my capital is buenos Aires.Owns the largest rainforest.Machu Picchu is located here.Is in between Russia and China.The largest country in the world.The largest population in the world.Home to the longest river in the world....

Getting to Know Your Co-Workers 2013-04-19

Getting to Know Your Co-Workers crossword puzzle
  1. wants to hang-glide
  2. went to yearbook camp
  3. cried when seeing Micky Mouse for the first time
  4. wants to own a cow
  5. was in 4-H for 13 years
  6. has been to 11 different islands outside the United States
  7. wants to visit some place tropical
  8. wants to do something in all 50 states
  9. has a toy poodle
  10. has traveled to Washington DC
  11. wants to visit Hawaii
  12. wants to go skydiving
  13. wants to visit the netherlands
  1. has been to Jamaica
  2. does not like tuna
  3. would like to visit Australia or Egypt
  4. wants to go snorkeling or scuba diving in the Caribbean
  5. wants to travel to Ireland
  6. backpacked in Ireland
  7. wants to see Germany without the language barrier
  8. does not like peanut butter and jelly sandwichesw
  9. was a professional roller skater
  10. has four younger sisters
  11. enjoys playing piano
  12. has been at US Bank for 11 years
  13. lived in Belgium
  14. favorite movie is The Sounnd of Music
  15. obssesed with purses

28 Clues: has a toy poodlelived in Belgiumdoes not like tunawants to own a cowhas been to Jamaicawants to hang-glideenjoys playing pianoobssesed with pursesbackpacked in Irelandwent to yearbook campwants to visit Hawaiiwants to go skydivingwas in 4-H for 13 yearshas four younger sisterswants to travel to Irelandhas traveled to Washington DC...

Imperialism Crossword 2024-02-24

Imperialism Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 1890 Tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%
  2. A series of opinions by the U.S. Supreme Court having to do with the Spanish-American war, and all United States territories
  3. Act that established a civilian government under U.S. control in Puerto Rico
  4. United States Navy ship which sank in Havana Harbor, contributing to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War
  5. Chinese nationalist fight to remove foreigners
  6. How many years it took to put down the Filipino insurrection
  7. President Wilson sent troops to intervene in this city in Mexico in order to destroy the government of General Huerta
  1. The last sovereign monarch of the Hawaiian kingdom
  2. Spanish-American War's nickname
  3. Tactics used by the Filipinos during the Filipino insurrection
  4. Policy that the U.S. departed from to embark on imperialism
  5. United States policy which said that all countries have equal trading rights in China

12 Clues: Spanish-American War's nicknameChinese nationalist fight to remove foreignersThe last sovereign monarch of the Hawaiian kingdomPolicy that the U.S. departed from to embark on imperialismHow many years it took to put down the Filipino insurrection1890 Tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%...

Agriscience Final Summative 2022-12-15

Agriscience Final Summative crossword puzzle
  1. Foundation of the FFA emblem, which is also a symbol of unity.
  2. The FFA operates in all 50 _______.
  3. 39th President of United States, that was also a member of FFA.
  4. Who created the FFA creed?
  5. in the year the 1930 E.M.tiffany made this document.
  6. Position of the sun in the FFA emblem.
  7. How many official FFA officers are there?
  8. FFA Officer stationed by the door.
  9. What degree can only a middle schooler achieve in FFA?
  10. Represents wisdom and knowledge in the FFA emblem.
  11. When FFA began in 1928, membership dues were _______ cents per year.
  1. the National FFA Organization is the largest ________ organization in the country.
  2. The act in 1917 that changed FFA forever.
  3. What is the one of the primary colors for FFA
  4. what is the secondary color for FFA.
  5. How many Kentucky FFA state officers are. there?
  6. Represents freedom in the FFA emblem.
  7. FFA Officer stationed by the emblem of Washington.
  8. Tool used on a farm to till the land.
  9. FFA Officer stationed by the flag.

20 Clues: Who created the FFA creed?FFA Officer stationed by the door.FFA Officer stationed by the flag.The FFA operates in all 50 _______.what is the secondary color for FFA.Represents freedom in the FFA emblem.Tool used on a farm to till the land.Position of the sun in the FFA emblem.The act in 1917 that changed FFA forever....

Government Chapter 4 2017-03-13

Government Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Declaring war is an example of a ___________ power
  2. Residents of one state may not be discriminated in another
  3. Powers that the National government has granted to it in the constitution
  4. Collecting and regulating taxes are an example of a __________ power
  5. Government where the national and state governments work together
  6. National law is supreme over any state law
  7. Chart of what governments overpower others
  1. Outcome of court decisions
  2. Coining money is an example of an _________ power
  3. Concept where each state needs to respect the acts, records, and judicial laws in other states
  4. Government where the national and state governments are independent
  5. separation of governmental powers between national and the 50 state governments
  6. Agreements among states themselves
  7. Powers held by the state governments
  8. Case where the supremacy clause was established
  9. Powers historically held by the national government
  10. Congress can make laws that are necessary and proper
  11. Process where a fugitive wanted in one state is returned to that state if found in another state
  12. Powers exercised by only the federal government
  13. Powers not expressly written in the constitution
  14. Dual system of government

21 Clues: Dual system of governmentOutcome of court decisionsAgreements among states themselvesPowers held by the state governmentsNational law is supreme over any state lawChart of what governments overpower othersCase where the supremacy clause was establishedPowers exercised by only the federal governmentPowers not expressly written in the constitution...

Plate Crossword 2024-10-28

Plate Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. earths continuous areas of land, such as Africa, Asia, and North America
  2. An underwater range formed from divergent plates
  3. hot liquid rock below the surface of the earth
  4. layer of soft rock underneath earths crust
  5. a piece of hard solid material that varies in size shape, and color
  6. the place where to plates meet
  7. plates moving toward each other
  8. a continent right above North America
  9. to pick plates sliding past each other horizontally
  1. along and then in the ocean floor formed from convergent plates
  2. a region of the USA that has 12 states
  3. the innermost part of the earth
  4. a very large section of hard rock that makes up earths outer layer
  5. hot magma that comes out of volcano
  6. a shaking of earths surface
  7. pushing something like lava from a volcano
  8. an opening in earths surface, where lava rocks and natural gas comes out.
  9. one of the 50 states in the USA that’s capital is st Paul
  10. plates moving apart in opposite directions
  11. Earths Outermost layer that is made of solid rock

20 Clues: a shaking of earths surfacethe place where to plates meetthe innermost part of the earthplates moving toward each otherhot magma that comes out of volcanoa continent right above North Americaa region of the USA that has 12 stateslayer of soft rock underneath earths crustpushing something like lava from a volcano...

Election Day/Patriotic 2024-11-14

Election Day/Patriotic crossword puzzle
  1. a person who is nominated for a position
  2. One of the major political parties in the United States.
  3. A formal meeting of delegates representing the population of the US.
  4. the current president
  5. One of the major political parties in the United States.
  6. an informal survey or vote.
  7. a person who has the right to vote in an election
  8. The capitol of America
  9. a formal promise of loyalty to the US
  10. The day that we choose the president or other officials.
  11. the activities associated with a government
  12. 13 stripes on the American flag to represent the colonies
  1. a Person who served in the military
  2. an organized presentation of a delegate during an election.
  3. a piece of cloth attached to a poll representing something
  4. 50 stars on the American flag to represent the states
  5. When you decide
  6. the form that a voter uses
  7. The process of the people voting for who is in charge.
  8. The day that the new president takes office
  9. an action adopted by a government.
  10. The president's home
  11. The rules of the country.
  12. the next president
  13. This year's election day

25 Clues: When you decidethe next presidentThe president's homethe current presidentThe capitol of AmericaThis year's election dayThe rules of the country.the form that a voter usesan informal survey or vote.an action adopted by a government.a Person who served in the militarya formal promise of loyalty to the USa person who is nominated for a position...

Révisions de la période 3. 2021-02-05

Révisions de la période 3. crossword puzzle
  1. Robert Doisneau en était un célèbre. (60)
  2. Instrument de musique. (55)
  3. Outil pour tracer des cercles. (65)
  4. Oiseau marin. (55)
  5. On y achète des médicaments. (70)
  6. Outil servant à planter les clous.( 60)
  7. Fleur aux feuilles en forme d'épée. (50)
  8. Trace de pas. (55)
  9. Synonyme de cacher. (50)
  10. Fruit rouge. (60)
  1. Animal avec des piquants. (70)
  2. Fruit orange. (50)
  3. Animal noir et blanc. (50)
  4. Eclairage pour les voitures. (70)
  5. Animal avec deux bosses. (60)
  6. Partie du doigt. (70)
  7. Pour le appeler, compose le 17. (65)

17 Clues: Fruit rouge. (60)Fruit orange. (50)Oiseau marin. (55)Trace de pas. (55)Partie du doigt. (70)Synonyme de cacher. (50)Animal noir et blanc. (50)Instrument de musique. (55)Animal avec deux bosses. (60)Animal avec des piquants. (70)On y achète des médicaments. (70)Eclairage pour les voitures. (70)Outil pour tracer des cercles. (65)...

QUIZ NUMBERS 2023-08-15

QUIZ NUMBERS crossword puzzle
  1. 22+41 =
  2. 42+47 =
  3. 11+12 =
  4. 7+10 =
  5. 41+50 =
  6. 20+20 =
  7. 38+34 =
  1. 30+40 =
  2. 14+22 =
  3. 40+25 =
  4. 50+50 =
  5. 13+21 =
  6. 2+9 =
  7. 18+30 =
  8. 10+15 =

15 Clues: 2+9 =7+10 =30+40 =22+41 =14+22 =40+25 =42+47 =50+50 =11+12 =13+21 =18+30 =41+50 =10+15 =20+20 =38+34 =

Citizenship 2020-10-06

Citizenship crossword puzzle
  1. A process in which you can express your thoughts and opinions and they are taken into account
  2. A song that is a increasingly powerful symbol of national unity.
  3. Great bravery
  4. Your duty or obligation
  5. a territory with its own government and borders within the U.S.
  6. A group of people living in the same place
  7. Swearing your loyalty to the U.S. flag
  8. A degree of freedom that you can exercise
  9. Showing faith and loyalty
  10. Service in the armed forces under conscription.
  11. The United States
  1. A legal obligation or responsibility
  2. The process to becoming a citizen
  3. Citizen acknowledges a duty of allegiance and swears loyalty to the U.S.
  4. Standards that you have to obey and follow
  5. The first 10 amendments that are about citizenship
  6. The status of being recognized as a citizen of our country
  7. High respect
  8. The stripes represent the original 13 Colonies and the stars represent the 50 states of our country
  9. The power or right to act, speak, or think as you would like without restraint
  10. Rules or regulations
  11. Betrayal to your country

22 Clues: High respectGreat braveryThe United StatesRules or regulationsYour duty or obligationBetrayal to your countryShowing faith and loyaltyThe process to becoming a citizenA legal obligation or responsibilitySwearing your loyalty to the U.S. flagA degree of freedom that you can exerciseA group of people living in the same place...

College P.I.G. (Review Game) 2017-12-29

College P.I.G. (Review Game) crossword puzzle
  1. Act permits federal employees to participate in partisan campaigning
  2. whip Persuades members to vote for a certain party position
  3. Having two parts in legislative
  4. Seats of the House of Rep. are distributed amongst the 50 states
  5. System Divides Congress in specific members
  6. Powers Grants Congress the power to pass all necessary laws
  7. Scrutiny Strict interpretation of the Constitution
  8. powers Act of 1973 Restrains the President's power to declare war without Congress's consent
  9. Defends civil liberties in the digital world
  10. Triangles Relationship between bureaucracy, congressmen, and lobbyist
  11. Statement Written statement by the president after signing legislation
  12. Care Clause Presidents duty to make sure laws are "faithfully executed"
  1. Action A policy that favors those who experience discrimination (minorities and women)
  2. Power to the eldest
  3. of Incorporation Bill of rights became consistent laws within states
  4. A legal authoritative rule
  5. Curiae Brief Brief represented by someone who would like to influence the outcome of a lawsuit
  6. Law Law regulates private rights and matters
  7. Amendment Limits presidential terms to two
  8. Oversees the U.S. federal budget

20 Clues: Power to the eldestA legal authoritative ruleHaving two parts in legislativeOversees the U.S. federal budgetAmendment Limits presidential terms to twoSystem Divides Congress in specific membersLaw Law regulates private rights and mattersDefends civil liberties in the digital worldScrutiny Strict interpretation of the Constitution...

Plate Crossword 2024-10-28

Plate Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. one of the 50 states in the USA that’s capital is st Paul
  2. An underwater range formed from divergent plates
  3. a continent right above North America
  4. to pick plates sliding past each other horizontally
  5. the innermost part of the earth
  6. pushing something like lava from a volcano
  7. a piece of hard solid material that varies in size shape, and color
  8. plates moving apart in opposite directions
  9. along and then in the ocean floor formed from convergent plates
  10. a shaking of earths surface
  1. the place where to plates meet
  2. plates moving toward each other
  3. earths continuous areas of land, such as Africa, Asia, and North America
  4. a very large section of hard rock that makes up earths outer layer
  5. hot liquid rock below the surface of the earth
  6. an opening in earths surface, where lava rocks and natural gas comes out.
  7. layer of soft rock underneath earths crust
  8. Earths Outermost layer that is made of solid rock
  9. a region of the USA that has 12 states
  10. hot magma that comes out of volcano

20 Clues: a shaking of earths surfacethe place where to plates meetplates moving toward each otherthe innermost part of the earthhot magma that comes out of volcanoa continent right above North Americaa region of the USA that has 12 stateslayer of soft rock underneath earths crustpushing something like lava from a volcano...

Countries/geography 2023-05-12

Countries/geography crossword puzzle
  1. 50 states
  2. country with the most tourists
  3. most populated country
  1. Ell’o Mate
  2. Amsterdam
  3. Known for Rome, Venice And Pasta

6 Clues: Amsterdam50 statesEll’o Matemost populated countrycountry with the most touristsKnown for Rome, Venice And Pasta

Countries/geography 2023-05-12

Countries/geography crossword puzzle
  1. Ell’o Mate
  2. country with the most tourists
  3. Known for Rome, Venice And Pasta
  1. most populated country
  2. 50 states
  3. Amsterdam

6 Clues: 50 statesAmsterdamEll’o Matemost populated countrycountry with the most touristsKnown for Rome, Venice And Pasta

Adição 2021-04-17

Adição crossword puzzle
  1. 10+10
  2. 40+30
  3. 350+150
  4. 50+50
  5. 40+40
  6. 40+20
  7. 250+50
  8. 9+9
  9. 200+200
  1. 20+20
  2. 80+10
  3. 25+25
  4. 300+300
  5. 100+100
  6. 15+15

15 Clues: 9+920+2010+1080+1025+2540+3050+5040+4040+2015+15250+50300+300350+150100+100200+200

Genesis 50 2021-05-28

Genesis 50 crossword puzzle
  1. God meant the evil they thought unto _.
  2. message Joseph's brothers said was a command from their father
  3. Only these people of the house of Joseph were left behind when Joseph buried Israel.
  4. where Israel made Joseph swear to bury him
  5. All these of Pharaoh went with Joseph to bury his father.
  6. Who embalmed Israel?
  7. years Joseph lived
  8. Joseph saw the third generation of the children of _.
  9. name given to the threshingfloor because of the great mourning to the Egyptians
  10. number of days the Egyptians fulfilled for those who are embalmed
  1. grandson whose children Joseph brought up on his knees
  2. where they put Joseph after they embalmed him
  3. how Joseph spake to his brethren
  4. Joseph _ when his brethren spoke their message to him.
  5. Joseph said Israel would carry his _ with them when they returned to Canaan.
  6. Joseph told his brothers not to _.
  7. Machir's father
  8. Israel was buried in the cave of _.
  9. number of days they mourned at the threshingfloor
  10. These "vehicles" were taken with them when they went to bury Israel.
  11. number of days the Egyptians mourned for Israel in Egypt.
  12. All these of the land of Egypt went with Joseph to bury his father.
  13. threshingfloor in Canaan where they mourned for Israel

23 Clues: Machir's fatheryears Joseph livedWho embalmed Israel?how Joseph spake to his brethrenJoseph told his brothers not to _.Israel was buried in the cave of _.God meant the evil they thought unto _.where Israel made Joseph swear to bury himwhere they put Joseph after they embalmed himnumber of days they mourned at the threshingfloor...

50 Verbes 2022-09-13

50 Verbes crossword puzzle
  1. to leave or to let
  2. to speak
  3. to read
  4. to call
  5. to come back
  6. to be necessary
  7. to come with
  8. to walk
  9. to look for
  10. to buy
  11. to think
  12. to go up
  13. to hold
  14. to find
  15. to give
  16. to arrive
  17. to start
  18. to understand
  19. to ask
  20. to believe
  21. to eat
  22. to know
  23. to leave
  24. to say
  1. to return
  2. to go
  3. to work
  4. to give back
  5. to love
  6. to lose
  7. to have to
  8. to want
  9. to pay
  10. to pass
  11. to do or to make
  12. to stay
  13. to look
  14. to take
  15. to put
  16. to go out
  17. to hear
  18. to be able to
  19. to appear or to seem
  20. to listen
  21. to wait
  22. to play
  23. to have
  24. to know
  25. to see

49 Clues: to goto payto buyto putto askto eatto seeto sayto workto readto callto loveto loseto wantto passto stayto lookto walkto taketo hearto holdto findto giveto waitto playto haveto knowto knowto speakto thinkto go upto startto leaveto returnto go outto listento arriveto have toto believeto look forto give backto come backto come withto be able to...

50 verbes 2022-09-13

50 verbes crossword puzzle
  1. to leave or to let
  2. to speak
  3. to read
  4. to call
  5. to come back
  6. to be necessary
  7. to come with
  8. to walk
  9. to look for
  10. to buy
  11. to think
  12. to go up
  13. to hold
  14. to find
  15. to give
  16. to arrive
  17. to start
  18. to understand
  19. to ask
  20. to believe
  21. to eat
  22. to know
  23. to leave
  24. to say
  1. to return
  2. to go
  3. to work
  4. to give back
  5. to love
  6. to lose
  7. to have to
  8. to want
  9. to pay
  10. to pass
  11. to do or to make
  12. to stay
  13. to look
  14. to take
  15. to put
  16. to go out
  17. to hear
  18. to be able to
  19. to appear or to seem
  20. to listen
  21. to wait
  22. to play
  23. to have
  24. to know
  25. to see

49 Clues: to goto payto buyto putto askto eatto seeto sayto workto readto callto loveto loseto wantto passto stayto lookto walkto taketo hearto holdto findto giveto waitto playto haveto knowto knowto speakto thinkto go upto startto leaveto returnto go outto listento arriveto have toto believeto look forto give backto come backto come withto be able to...

50 ans 2022-07-02

50 ans crossword puzzle
  1. moustique était son nom
  2. son lac
  3. y a pointé son nez vers 11h
  4. Claire y a pointé son nez
  5. son tram et sa cathédrale
  6. il aurait pu naître à la St martin
  7. activité du lundi soir
  8. région de volcans
  9. ça tache et ça donne mal au dos
  1. ça use les souliers
  2. jeu de ballon
  3. leur 1er poste
  4. elle a cousu la robe d'Isabelle
  5. y a poussé son 1er cri
  6. on y faisait le catéchisme en allemand
  7. parisien de naissance
  8. rouge,jaunes,noires et même vertes
  9. c'est bien chinois
  10. il a une mamie waou et une mamieli
  11. P,C,G sont leur initiales
  12. marque de leur 1ère voiture

21 Clues: son lacjeu de ballonleur 1er posterégion de volcansc'est bien chinoisça use les souliersparisien de naissancey a poussé son 1er criactivité du lundi soirmoustique était son nomClaire y a pointé son nezson tram et sa cathédraleP,C,G sont leur initialesy a pointé son nez vers 11hmarque de leur 1ère voitureelle a cousu la robe d'Isabelle...

Judi 50 2019-03-30

Judi 50 crossword puzzle
  1. Professional Qualification
  2. Faith community based in Collingwood (4,4)
  3. Church for last 20 Years (4,3)
  4. First house after married
  5. Sunday mornig religion
  6. Mum's favourite was lemon
  7. Grew up in
  8. English Town where she lived for the year (4,6)
  9. First overseas trip without family (3,7)
  10. Iconic Peruvian site (5,6)
  11. Middle name
  12. Joel's middle name
  13. Many summers spent camping here (7,4)
  14. Spent 1987 as Assistant Matron at this school
  15. Hayden's middle name honours Grandad
  1. Purple bib team (3,4)
  2. Community John 10:10
  3. Warrnambool coffee shop
  4. Years married
  5. Organisation supported by trekking
  6. Karina's middle name bookends her bro's
  7. Betty's maiden name
  8. In a crisis, is helping with VCC... (10,8)
  9. How the wedding engagement was celebrated
  10. Mental Health ministry volunteering (4,7)
  11. Favourite child
  12. Trek for...
  13. Musical to see in the big apple
  14. From Tom Groggin to Katoomba is a very big hike called (4,4)
  15. A clean street to live in

30 Clues: Grew up inMiddle nameTrek for...Years marriedFavourite childJoel's middle nameBetty's maiden nameCommunity John 10:10Purple bib team (3,4)Sunday mornig religionWarrnambool coffee shopFirst house after marriedMum's favourite was lemonA clean street to live inProfessional QualificationIconic Peruvian site (5,6)Church for last 20 Years (4,3)...

50 Words 2020-08-19

50 Words crossword puzzle
  1. ถุงมือกันร้อน
  2. คอก,แผง
  3. ข่าวลือ
  4. สาหร่าย
  5. งานเลี้ยง
  6. ข้อเสนอแนะ
  7. นักบำบัด
  8. หลอกลวง
  9. ต้านทาน
  10. เทียม
  11. การจากไป
  12. สาบาน
  13. ลึกลับ
  14. เรื่องที่ทำให้ตื่นเต้น
  15. สหรัฐ
  16. เกี่ยวกับวรรณคดี
  17. ยั่งยืน
  18. มะเขือยาวม่วง
  19. ฝัง
  20. โอ่อ่า,งดงาม
  21. การสนับสนุน
  22. ปลิง
  23. ขัดขวาง
  24. ฉีดวัคซีน
  1. จาระบี,ไขมันสัตว์
  2. กินได้
  3. เครื่องตกแต่ง
  4. รวบรวม
  5. เจาะทะลวง
  6. อย่างเมตตา
  7. จาง
  8. เป็นโพรง
  9. หลัก
  10. สำคัญ
  11. ทัศนคติ
  12. อิจฉา
  13. แข่งขัน,ต่อสู้
  14. เพดาน
  15. เวลาในระหว่างนั้น
  16. ปรัชญา
  17. กระจุก,กลุ่ม
  18. เคารพบูชา
  19. ค่ายทหาร
  20. ริบหรี่
  21. ภาระหน้าที่
  22. ผ้าขี้ริ้ว
  23. โคจร
  24. พื้นเมือง
  25. ลื่น

49 Clues: จางฝังหลักโคจรปลิงลื่นสำคัญเทียมอิจฉาเพดานสาบานสหรัฐกินได้รวบรวมลึกลับปรัชญาคอก,แผงข่าวลือสาหร่ายหลอกลวงต้านทานทัศนคติยั่งยืนริบหรี่ขัดขวางนักบำบัดเป็นโพรงการจากไปค่ายทหารเจาะทะลวงงานเลี้ยงเคารพบูชาพื้นเมืองฉีดวัคซีนอย่างเมตตาข้อเสนอแนะผ้าขี้ริ้วภาระหน้าที่การสนับสนุนกระจุก,กลุ่มโอ่อ่า,งดงามถุงมือกันร้อนเครื่องตกแต่งมะเขือยาวม่วงแข่งขัน,ต่อสู้...

50 worder 2020-12-01

50 worder crossword puzzle
  1. a candy like snickers
  2. the opposite of blue
  3. the only land mammal that can't jump
  4. how much candy I got on halloween
  5. most popular vid gàme
  6. fruity m&ms
  7. wooden longnosed liar
  8. a duck walks up to the lemonade stand and says, got any ____?
  9. my fav food
  10. what I want on my bed
  11. what dog 🐶 keller babysits
  1. what I was for halloween when I was really little
  2. opposite of yellow
  3. bald main character in jumanji
  4. I want to stream on ______
  5. a condiment
  6. the fruit that people think is a veggie
  7. opposite of red
  8. dad's fav video game
  9. the color of Leos ears
  10. famous fortnite dance starting with letter O
  11. phineas and ____ kids tv show

22 Clues: a condimentfruity m&msmy fav foodopposite of redopposite of yellowthe opposite of bluedad's fav video gamea candy like snickersmost popular vid gàmewooden longnosed liarwhat I want on my bedthe color of Leos earsI want to stream on ______what dog 🐶 keller babysitsphineas and ____ kids tv showbald main character in jumanji...

50 ANNI 2023-03-27

50 ANNI crossword puzzle
  1. Fa parte della maggior parte dei tuoi look
  2. Non hai il pollice verde, ma per questi si
  3. Ne hai due, uno più lontano, ma per entrambi sei tu la piccolina
  4. Con questo tratti tutte le persone a cui vuoi bene
  5. Lo sei da 21 anni
  6. La tua canzone preferita del CD che va in loop in macchina
  7. Lì hai conosciuto una persona speciale
  8. Una delle tue serie preferite - "è una trappola"
  9. Come sembri nelle tue foto da bambina
  10. È una tua caratteristica, ti rende situazioni chiare prima che vengano esplicitate
  11. Dove è casa
  12. Il genere di libri che ti piace leggere
  13. Una passione che ha tanti pezzi
  14. Ao c'hai vissuto
  15. Lo sport che ha aiutato a renderti la persona forte che sei oggi
  16. Il soprannome della tua vecchia rossa
  17. Gli anni che fai il 03/04/2023
  18. Come ti chiama tua figlia quando parla con gli amici
  19. Il suo CD va in loop da anni, alcuni lo chiamerebbe "il profeta"
  20. Ci hai lavorato quando aspettavi
  21. Lo sport che non ti piaceva fare da piccola
  22. Lo prediligi nell'abbigliamento
  23. Ne hai sei sempre indosso
  24. È una tua passione, ti fa fermare e immortalare il tempo per sempre
  25. Il colore dei tuoi grandi occhi
  26. Ne hai uno in giapponese
  27. Cosa hai studiato alle superiori
  1. Le due lente ma veloci, una temeva le carote
  2. La tua colazione non esiste senza
  3. La coppia più amata di tutta la famiglia, ti hanno creata
  4. Nel monopoli passi sempre dal via, tu passi sempre dalla ...
  5. La mamma migliore del mondo
  6. Una passione di famiglia, non ce ne facciamo scappare neanche uno
  7. La tua città natale
  8. Farli ti rilassa; ti piace prepararli per chi ami
  9. Conosciuta piangendo davanti all'asilo - ti vuole un mondo di bene
  10. Gli anni del tuo matrimonio
  11. L'amica che conosci da più tempo- "Vuoi essere mia amica?"
  12. La vedi tutti gli anni, resta sempre uguale, quello che resta speciale però è la sua campagna
  13. La tua per sempre bimba
  14. Il tuo segno zodiacale
  15. Per farli ti serve una penna, un passatempo che ti è sempre piaciuto
  16. l'alimento che ti piace di più sulla pizza
  17. Ci ha tenuto compagnia per tre anni, il suo soprannome più usato
  18. Il luogo esatto in cui sei nata
  19. La persona che ti manca di più
  20. Quando lo fai illumini la stanza
  21. Tra di esse si trova il tuo segno di espressione più iconico
  22. Tua figlia ha sempre detto che ne hai sicuramente più di 32
  23. Tra le tue tante qualità

50 Clues: Dove è casaAo c'hai vissutoLo sei da 21 anniLa tua città nataleIl tuo segno zodiacaleLa tua per sempre bimbaTra le tue tante qualitàNe hai uno in giapponeseNe hai sei sempre indossoLa mamma migliore del mondoGli anni del tuo matrimonioGli anni che fai il 03/04/2023La persona che ti manca di piùUna passione che ha tanti pezzi...

50 ANNI 2023-03-27

50 ANNI crossword puzzle
  1. Come sembri nelle tue foto da bambina
  2. Farli ti rilassa; ti piace prepararli per chi ami
  3. Tra le tue tante qualità
  4. Ne hai sei sempre indosso
  5. Il genere di libri che ti piace leggere
  6. Ne hai uno in giapponese
  7. Una passione che ha tanti pezzi
  8. Fa parte della maggior parte dei tuoi look
  9. Il tuo segno zodiacale
  10. È una tua caratteristica, ti rende situazioni chiare prima che vengano esplicitate
  11. La tua per sempre bimba
  12. Lo prediligi nell'abbigliamento
  13. Tua figlia ha sempre detto che ne hai sicuramente più di 32
  14. Lo sei da 21 anni
  15. È una tua passione, ti fa fermare e immortalare il tempo per sempre
  16. Non hai il pollice verde, ma per questi si
  17. Conosciuta piangendo davanti all'asilo - ti vuole un mondo di bene
  18. La coppia più amata di tutta la famiglia, ti hanno creata
  19. Gli anni che fai il 03/04/2023
  20. Il luogo esatto in cui sei nata
  21. Il colore dei tuoi grandi occhi
  22. Lo sport che non ti piaceva fare da piccola
  23. l'alimento che ti piace di più sulla pizza
  24. Lo sport che ha aiutato a renderti la persona forte che sei oggi
  1. Come ti chiama tua figlia quando parla con gli amici
  2. Il suo CD va in loop da anni, alcuni lo chiamerebbe "il profeta"
  3. L'amica che conosci da più tempo- "Vuoi essere mia amica?"
  4. Per farli ti serve una penna, un passatempo che ti è sempre piaciuto
  5. Lì hai conosciuto una persona speciale
  6. Una delle tue serie preferite - "è una trappola"
  7. I tuoi fiori preferiti
  8. La tua città natale
  9. Nel monopoli passi sempre dal via, tu passi sempre dalla ...
  10. La tua colazione non esiste senza
  11. Quando lo fai illumini la stanza
  12. Una passione di famiglia, non ce ne facciamo scappare neanche uno
  13. Cosa hai studiato alle superiori
  14. Ci hai lavorato quando aspettavi
  15. Ne hai due, uno più lontano, ma per entrambi sei tu la piccolina
  16. Il soprannome della tua vecchia rossa
  17. La vedi tutti gli anni, resta sempre uguale, quello che resta speciale però è la sua campagna
  18. La mamma migliore del mondo
  19. La tua canzone preferita del CD che va in loop in macchina
  20. Le due lente ma veloci, una temeva le carote
  21. Dove è casa
  22. Ci ha tenuto compagnia per tre anni, il suo soprannome più usato
  23. Ao c'hai vissuto
  24. Con questo tratti tutte le persone a cui vuoi bene
  25. Tra di esse si trova il tuo segno di espressione più iconico
  26. La persona che ti manca di più
  27. Gli anni del tuo matrimonio

51 Clues: Dove è casaAo c'hai vissutoLo sei da 21 anniLa tua città nataleI tuoi fiori preferitiIl tuo segno zodiacaleLa tua per sempre bimbaTra le tue tante qualitàNe hai uno in giapponeseNe hai sei sempre indossoLa mamma migliore del mondoGli anni del tuo matrimonioGli anni che fai il 03/04/2023La persona che ti manca di piùUna passione che ha tanti pezzi...

50 jaor 2013-08-15

50 jaor crossword puzzle
  1. Collega oet Scheveningen
  2. Akelige producte
  3. Lunch vaan Hen
  4. Structopaatje (medewerker)
  5. Italiaanse klusjesmaan
  6. De plaank naor de boot
  7. Achternaom vaan klant vaan de kano's
  8. Ut peerd vaan de mellekboer
  9. Bedriefsadvisäör
  10. Term beij pikke
  11. Ontbrik elk jaor in december
  12. Deze kassa geit ope es ut drök is
  13. Winkelformule in de jaore '80
  14. Rechterhand (medewerker)
  1. Mevrouw Janssen
  2. Woernummend veurzitter vaan ....
  3. Ierste taak vaan z'n kinder
  4. Oetpakdaag
  5. Favoriete leedsje in de winkel
  6. Zuster vaan prinses .... kump op de winkel
  7. De oppas (medewerker)
  8. Stinkende klant
  9. Boe heer oets is begos
  10. Steit beij de ingaank
  11. Ut zunneke (medewerker)
  12. 'Mies' favoriete klant vaan Anuschka
  13. Opnames in de winkel veur ....
  14. Sjoendochter (medewerker)

28 Clues: OetpakdaagLunch vaan HenMevrouw JanssenStinkende klantTerm beij pikkeAkelige producteBedriefsadvisäörDe oppas (medewerker)Steit beij de ingaankItaliaanse klusjesmaanDe plaank naor de bootBoe heer oets is begosUt zunneke (medewerker)Collega oet ScheveningenRechterhand (medewerker)Sjoendochter (medewerker)Structopaatje (medewerker)...

50 jaor 2013-08-15

50 jaor crossword puzzle
  1. Winkelformule in de jaore '80
  2. Boe heer oets is begos
  3. Collega oet Scheveningen
  4. Zuster vaan prinses .... kump op de winkel
  5. Oetpakdaag
  6. Favoriete leedsje in de winkel
  7. Lunch vaan Hen
  8. Achternaom vaan klant vaan de kano's
  9. Woernummend veurzitter vaan ....
  10. Structopaatje (medewerker)
  11. Mevrouw Janssen
  12. Rechterhand (medewerker)
  13. Steit beij de ingaank
  14. Bedriefsadvisäör
  15. Italiaanse klusjesmaan
  1. Stinkende klant
  2. Opnames in de winkel veur ....
  3. Ierste taak vaan z'n kinder
  4. Term beij pikke
  5. 'Mies' favoriete klant vaan Anuschka
  6. Ut zunneke (medewerker)
  7. Sjoendochter (medewerker)
  8. Zoe groet is plaank naor de boot
  9. Akelige producte
  10. Ontbrik elk jaor in december
  11. Deze kassa geit ope es ut drök is
  12. Ut peerd vaan de mellekboer
  13. De oppas (medewerker)

28 Clues: OetpakdaagLunch vaan HenStinkende klantTerm beij pikkeMevrouw JanssenAkelige producteBedriefsadvisäörSteit beij de ingaankDe oppas (medewerker)Boe heer oets is begosItaliaanse klusjesmaanUt zunneke (medewerker)Collega oet ScheveningenRechterhand (medewerker)Sjoendochter (medewerker)Structopaatje (medewerker)Ierste taak vaan z'n kinder...

50 rodjendan 2014-05-10

50 rodjendan crossword puzzle
  1. Elektron
  2. Pozornica
  3. Voli piti
  4. Kalij
  5. Ured
  6. Glavni mužjak u čoporu
  7. Hernija
  8. Inicijali pjevača Jacksona
  9. Ime šogorice
  10. Pjevač Brown
  11. Trenirao je
  12. Italija
  13. Zamjenica
  14. Prezime mu jeee:
  15. Tona
  16. Sos
  17. Poznata internet tražilica
  18. Premetaljka
  19. Morski greben
  20. Ime drage punice
  21. Nedostaci
  22. Voditelj Mlakar
  23. Živi u
  24. Donji veš
  25. Neprofesionalci
  26. Ime kćeri
  27. Ime mu jeee:
  28. Hladno godišnje doba
  29. Kesteni
  30. Ime supruge
  31. Portugal
  32. Ime poznatog junaka stripa Ford
  33. Frizura
  34. Boli kad je šuplji
  35. Oblik udruživanja
  36. Celzijus
  37. Okrutni vladari
  38. Ime šogora
  39. Atom
  40. Pjevačica Turner
  41. Ukras muškog lica
  1. Grčko slovo
  2. Suglasnik
  3. Nuclear energy agency
  4. Bubuljice
  5. Rodna kuća
  6. Područje iskopa neke rude
  7. Vozi privatno
  8. Azijska zemlja
  9. Female
  10. Ime sina
  11. Radi ga pčela
  12. Član senata
  13. Straga, pozadi
  14. Ovdje
  15. Nosi se oko struka
  16. Radi u
  17. Onaj koji radi modele predmeta
  18. Afrička zemlja
  19. Male
  20. Voli piti ujutro
  21. Omiljena grupa
  22. Životinja
  23. Računalo centar mrežnog sistema
  24. Super junak iz filma i stripa
  25. Najstariji prijevod biblije na latinski
  26. Nije pčela nego
  27. Značaj
  28. Prevozno sredstvo na dva kotača
  29. Omiljeno jelo
  30. Zbrke, meteži
  31. Instrument sa tipkama
  32. Otporan na zarazne bolesti
  33. Kad sunce izlazi
  34. Iz nje se pije kava i čaj
  35. Najbolji prijatelj
  36. Ima surlu
  37. Glasač na izborima
  38. Sobica
  39. Sokratov tužitelj
  40. Tmina
  41. Otok u Jadranu
  42. Druge ostale
  43. Najdraži auto

84 Clues: SosUredTonaMaleAtomKalijOvdjeTminaFemaleRadi uŽivi uZnačajSobicaHernijaItalijaKesteniFrizuraElektronIme sinaPortugalCelzijusSuglasnikPozornicaBubuljiceVoli pitiZamjenicaNedostaciDonji vešŽivotinjaIme kćeriIma surluRodna kućaIme šogoraGrčko slovoČlan senataTrenirao jePremetaljkaIme suprugeIme šogoricePjevač BrownIme mu jeee:Druge ostaleVozi privatno...

Jose 50 2014-06-29

Jose 50 crossword puzzle
  1. Cryptisch; zij is gezien bij de vijftigers
  2. Plaats in Limburg
  3. Cryptisch; Dit draagt een vrouw die bij de tijd is.
  4. Cryptisch; Erg jammer van die overtreding
  5. Plaats in Noord Brabant
  6. Cryptisch; Deze lekkernij heeft een pittige klank.
  7. Anagram; welk beroep heeft deze persoon; Coci C. Druten
  8. Maak met het ontbrekende woord 2 nwe woorden: Bij .... meid
  9. Wereldreiziger
  10. Maak met het ontbrekende woord 2 nwe woorden; Patat .... Kloof
  11. Cryptisch; Mijn favoriete golfstok
  12. Engels woord voor asbak (vlgs Frans)
  1. Maak met het ontbrekende woord 2 nwe woorden: Hals .... wind
  2. Anagram; Welk beroep heeft deze persoon; E. Mat Baarn
  3. Anagram; Welk beroep heeft deze persoon: Rita C. Echt
  4. Anagram; Welk beroep heeft deze persoon: S. Chilks Druten
  5. Cryptisch; Kuren om iets gaar te krijgen
  6. landbouwwerktuig
  7. Deeltal
  8. Enig exemplaar
  9. Persoonlijk voornaamwoord.
  10. Lidwoord
  11. Maak het gezegde af; Een niew tijdperk ......

23 Clues: DeeltalLidwoordEnig exemplaarWereldreizigerlandbouwwerktuigPlaats in LimburgPlaats in Noord BrabantPersoonlijk voornaamwoord.Cryptisch; Mijn favoriete golfstokEngels woord voor asbak (vlgs Frans)Cryptisch; Kuren om iets gaar te krijgenCryptisch; Erg jammer van die overtredingCryptisch; zij is gezien bij de vijftigers...

Annemarie = 50! 2014-05-01

Annemarie = 50! crossword puzzle
  1. Dochter
  2. Die geweldige man die achter en naast je staat!
  3. Van deze planten we er veel van
  4. Als jij binnenkomt straal je als het
  5. Collega's
  6. 12,5 jaar in dienst
  7. Gezin
  8. expositie
  9. Lente
  10. Magazine
  11. bivakkeren
  12. Bloem
  13. Voorjaarsmaand
  14. binnenkomst
  15. Bloem
  1. Paradijs
  2. Stad waar je geboren bent
  3. Actief, doortastend, pittig, ondernemend
  4. Verkoopbevordering
  5. gedreven
  6. Het mooiste lentepark ter
  7. Tuin
  8. Elke 3e vrijdag van september
  9. Gelukwens
  10. Zoon
  11. Bloem
  12. mededeling
  13. Haar heb je vandaag gezien!
  14. Iedere ochtend de ..... lezen
  15. Rusttijd

30 Clues: TuinZoonGezinBloemLenteBloemBloemDochterParadijsgedrevenRusttijdMagazineCollega'sGelukwensexpositiemededelingbivakkerenbinnenkomstVoorjaarsmaandVerkoopbevordering12,5 jaar in dienstStad waar je geboren bentHet mooiste lentepark terHaar heb je vandaag gezien!Elke 3e vrijdag van septemberIedere ochtend de ..... lezenVan deze planten we er veel van...

Jolanda 50! 2015-11-11

Jolanda 50! crossword puzzle
  1. favoriete hobby
  2. oud vervoermiddel
  3. vrienden op vakantie
  4. tijdelijk gewoond in
  5. lieftallige partner
  6. woonplaats
  7. favoriete avondprogramma
  8. jongste zoon
  9. oudste zoon
  10. onderdeel van vov
  11. Zephir
  12. hoofdtaak thuis
  1. Eéntje van de Zutjes
  2. gehucht
  3. nieuw vervoersmiddel
  4. soort puzzel
  5. deze bezigheid
  6. beroep
  7. 50-jarige
  8. sport
  9. feestmaand
  10. 2e zoon

22 Clues: sportberoepZephirgehucht2e zoon50-jarigewoonplaatsfeestmaandoudste zoonsoort puzzeljongste zoondeze bezigheidfavoriete hobbyhoofdtaak thuisoud vervoermiddelonderdeel van vovlieftallige partnerEéntje van de Zutjesnieuw vervoersmiddelvrienden op vakantietijdelijk gewoond infavoriete avondprogramma

CC 50 2015-05-19

CC 50 crossword puzzle
  1. Hoe heet het door Bob ontwikkelde product
  2. Wat is de geboorteplaats van de vader van Stans
  3. Gehandicapt hondje
  4. Waarom heet Joost Joost
  5. Ziekenhuis waar Lisanne geboren is
  6. Waar woonden Bob en Stans in 1972/73
  7. Auto van Bob toen je Lisanne ontmoette
  8. Jij oefent je er in en Stans rijdt er in
  9. Tweede hondje
  10. Wat is de handicap van Bob
  11. Waar werd de eerste familiedag gehouden
  12. Wat is de meisjesnaam van Stans
  13. Hoe heet de konditorei in Schiefling
  14. Hoe heet de stieffamilie van Stans
  15. Hoe heet het bedrijf van Bart
  16. Eerste hondje
  17. Werd door Lisanne regelmatig bezocht
  18. Bij welk bedrijf ontmoetten Bob en Stans elkaar
  1. Waar logeerde de Schreuders in Oostenrijk
  2. Waar studeerde Bart af
  3. In welke maand trouwden Adrienne en Bart
  4. Productnaam waar Adrienne in traint
  5. Geboorteplaats van Stans
  6. Middelbareschoolvriendin van Lisanne
  7. Waar gingen Bob en Stans wonen na New York
  8. Wie leerde A&L waterskiën
  9. Hoeveel clubs mogen in je tas
  10. Wat is de geboorteplaats van Bob
  11. Waar werkte Stans in New York
  12. Hoe heet hond Mol
  13. Waar gaat Adrienne weer werken
  14. Welk instrument bespeelden A&L
  15. Hoe heet de vriendin van Marleen
  16. Universiteit waar Bob studeerde
  17. Hoeveel zwemdiploma's heeft Bob
  18. Hondje op Gran Canaria
  19. Wat verzamelt Bob
  20. Mag niet in de magnetron

38 Clues: Tweede hondjeEerste hondjeHoe heet hond MolWat verzamelt BobGehandicapt hondjeWaar studeerde Bart afHondje op Gran CanariaWaarom heet Joost JoostGeboorteplaats van StansMag niet in de magnetronWie leerde A&L waterskiënWat is de handicap van BobHoeveel clubs mogen in je tasWaar werkte Stans in New YorkHoe heet het bedrijf van Bart...

50 - School 2016-07-29

50 - School crossword puzzle
  1. somewhere to eat lunch
  2. the area around a school where sport can be played
  3. people that attend school
  4. extra work to do in the evening or at the weekend
  5. people paid to help you learn
  6. notes that a teacher writes about a student that the student's parents see
  7. another word for students
  8. (verb) to punish
  9. to test once again because you failed
  10. a performance related mark
  11. fun learning activities
  12. rooms to do experiments
  13. an indoor sports area
  14. to gather in the morning for various activities
  1. to receive an unacceptable grade
  2. when the teacher checks attendance
  3. a paper to assess ability
  4. periods of time when you learn in school
  5. a place where bad boys smoke behind
  6. a period of extra study time given for bad behaviour
  7. a very large room
  8. to achieve an acceptable grade
  9. a space to study with classmates
  10. an end of term test of knowledge
  11. the act of skipping school
  12. another word for points

26 Clues: (verb) to punisha very large rooman indoor sports areasomewhere to eat lunchfun learning activitiesanother word for pointsrooms to do experimentsa paper to assess abilitypeople that attend schoolanother word for studentsthe act of skipping schoola performance related markpeople paid to help you learnto achieve an acceptable grade...

50 anni! 2017-09-20

50 anni! crossword puzzle