books Crossword Puzzles

Books genres 2025-01-24

Books genres crossword puzzle
  1. A genre involving suspense, crime, or solving a puzzle.
  2. Book Literature intended for young readers.
  3. Books widely regarded as having enduring qualities.
  4. A self-written account of one's life.
  1. Writing that expresses emotions or ideas, often rhythmic.
  2. A genre designed to scare or unsettle the reader.
  3. A genre that includes magical elements and imaginary worlds.
  4. A genre depicting a society that is undesirable or frightening.
  5. Fiction: A fictional story set in a real historical period.
  6. Tale: A story involving magical beings, often for children.

10 Clues: A self-written account of one's life.Book Literature intended for young readers.A genre designed to scare or unsettle the reader.Books widely regarded as having enduring qualities.A genre involving suspense, crime, or solving a puzzle.Writing that expresses emotions or ideas, often rhythmic....

Mayberry School 2021-05-04

Mayberry School crossword puzzle
  1. the first grade level at Mayberry
  2. place where students don't eat anymore
  3. the last grade level at Mayberry
  4. do this when travelling down the halls
  5. talented artist that teaches his craft
  6. after school program
  7. it brought us sweet treats on Monday
  8. schools out
  1. books, books, books
  2. what is Ms. Peltons favorite color.
  3. text that is make believe
  4. Mayberrys big kahuna
  5. we see these animals outside Mayberry
  6. welcome back to school
  7. number on the bottom of a fraction

15 Clues: schools outbooks, books, booksMayberrys big kahunaafter school programwelcome back to schooltext that is make believethe last grade level at Mayberrythe first grade level at Mayberrynumber on the bottom of a fractionwhat is Ms. Peltons favorite brought us sweet treats on Mondaywe see these animals outside Mayberry...

Archeology in the bible 2025-01-31

Archeology in the bible crossword puzzle
  1. Practical advice for living a good life
  2. The first five books of the Old Testament also known as the Torah
  3. Reflects the meaning of life and the search for happiness
  4. The rise and fall of the first Israelite kings Saul and David
  5. It contains 46 books, including the Pentateuch, historical books, wisdom, and prophets
  6. A story of loyalty and love, a foreshadowing of the Messiah
  7. The story of the Israelites conquering the promised land
  8. The forefathers of the Israelite
  9. The fifth book in the Bible
  1. It consists of 27 books, including the gospel, act, epistles, and revelation
  2. The second book in the Bible
  3. Reveals God's covenant to the Israeliteslites
  4. The third book in the Bible
  5. The first book in the Bible
  6. The Hebrew word for “Law” or “teachings”
  7. Explores the problem of suffering and God's justice
  8. The fourth book in the Bible
  9. Describes the period after Joshua, when judges ruled the Israelites

18 Clues: The third book in the BibleThe first book in the BibleThe fifth book in the BibleThe second book in the BibleThe fourth book in the BibleThe forefathers of the IsraelitePractical advice for living a good lifeThe Hebrew word for “Law” or “teachings”Reveals God's covenant to the IsraeliteslitesExplores the problem of suffering and God's justice...

Chapter 13 Vocabulary 2015-10-09

Chapter 13 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. books that are heavily illustrated
  2. books that explain in detail to expose
  3. books on one particular subject
  4. the author writes about the life of a real person
  5. to take away
  1. the person writes about his or her life
  2. high quality books that teachers use in the classroom
  3. picture books with little or no text
  4. books that are available in a sequenced series
  5. type of literary work characterized by distinctive elements

10 Clues: to take awaybooks on one particular subjectbooks that are heavily illustratedpicture books with little or no textbooks that explain in detail to exposethe person writes about his or her lifebooks that are available in a sequenced seriesthe author writes about the life of a real personhigh quality books that teachers use in the classroom...

PPABC 2022-11-29

PPABC crossword puzzle
  1. you can not ring up a audio book package here
  2. how giftees get notified of their books
  3. the number of different audio packages we offer
  4. if a giftee doesn't like their book
  5. the package that sends a book every other month
  6. where do you ring up audio book club sales in-store
  1. coordinating the audio book club
  2. how many audio books do you get for $49
  3. how to add more books
  4. if they have questions
  5. acronym for audio book club
  6. other book passage club audio book club is modeled after
  7. what app does the audio club member use to listen to books
  8. how to contact audio book club coordinator
  9. i.e. Indy Commerce

15 Clues: i.e. Indy Commercehow to add more booksacronym for audio book clubcoordinating the audio book clubif a giftee doesn't like their bookhow many audio books do you get for $49how giftees get notified of their bookshow to contact audio book club if they have questionsyou can not ring up a audio book package here...

Religion unit 2:) 2024-11-26

Religion unit 2:) crossword puzzle
  1. Our Savior
  2. the last 32 books in the bible
  3. an exchange of people
  4. the Hebrew word for "breath"
  5. the first 46 books in the bible
  6. to show a future event before it happens
  1. someone who foreshadows something or someone
  2. the story of God's love and mercy revealed to us throughout human history
  3. the amount of books in the bible
  4. a person God chose to represent all things entering a covenant
  5. an external representation of the interior reality within a covenant
  6. an exchange of goods and services
  7. teaches us how to act right
  8. the official list of inspired books in the bible
  9. the study of how something in salvation history foreshadows a person or thing

15 Clues: Our Savioran exchange of peopleteaches us how to act rightthe Hebrew word for "breath"the last 32 books in the biblethe first 46 books in the biblethe amount of books in the biblean exchange of goods and servicesto show a future event before it happenssomeone who foreshadows something or someonethe official list of inspired books in the bible...

genre 2024-09-19

genre crossword puzzle
  1. "the Wizard of Oz" is a classic example of _________.
  2. FICTION tistorical events and figures are often depicted in _________.
  3. BOOKS books like "The Cat in the Hat" are typically classified as _________.
  4. "romeo and Juliet" is a famous work of _________.
  5. "the Legend of King Arthur" is a classic example of _________.
  6. stories like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" are classified as _________.
  7. books about real people's lives, like "Steve Jobs", are classified as _________.
  1. BOOKS non-fiction books providing facts and data are classified as _______.
  2. TALE "goldilocks and the Three Bears" is an example of a _________.
  3. FICTION"the Hunger Games" is a popular example of _________.
  4. RHYME traditional poems recited or sung, like "Humpty Dumpty", are classified as _________.
  5. "the Diary of Anne Frank" is an example of _________.
  6. stories passed down through oral tradition, like "Jack and the Beanstalk", are classified as _________.
  7. "the Iliad" and "The Odyssey" are ancient examples of _________.

14 Clues: "romeo and Juliet" is a famous work of _________."the Wizard of Oz" is a classic example of _________."the Diary of Anne Frank" is an example of _________.FICTION"the Hunger Games" is a popular example of _________."the Legend of King Arthur" is a classic example of _________."the Iliad" and "The Odyssey" are ancient examples of _________....

Fahrenheit 451, Part One 2022-11-04

Fahrenheit 451, Part One crossword puzzle
  1. Millie tries to adjust this and Montag tells her to stop because he has hidden something here
  2. Montag again refers to how Millie loses track of these
  3. the number of hours that Beatty says Montag can keep the book
  4. how Clarisse is killed
  5. how Mildred feels she is connected to the characters in her shows
  6. Millie and Montag have been together this many years
  7. typical of all fireman, Montag tries to scratch this by keeping a book
  8. supercedes emotions and personal relationships
  9. Montag might have made this by showing Millie the books
  10. Beatty says that when books are cut short, "Everything boils down to" this
  1. the old woman quoted this heretic who was burned alive in the 16th century
  2. Beatty says the ideas of one book will do this to that of another
  3. hidden in the vent
  4. tone with which Bradbury writes of a future which is overtaken by lack of books and free thought
  5. Beatty claims that books have none
  6. we hear Bradbury's __________, his commentary on society through the language of Beatty
  7. allows people to disconnect from the present; equivalent to airpods today
  8. arrives at the Montage house to talk
  9. a modernday example of overstimulating technology , where users create and watch nothing but short, quick pieces of entertainment
  10. Above all, Beatty says, the people of the country want to be this
  11. Millie suggests that Montage drive this around to calm down after Beatty's visit
  12. "bright and clean"

22 Clues: hidden in the vent"bright and clean"how Clarisse is killedBeatty claims that books have nonearrives at the Montage house to talksupercedes emotions and personal relationshipsMillie and Montag have been together this many yearsMontag again refers to how Millie loses track of theseMontag might have made this by showing Millie the books...

Amazing Grace 2014-10-19

Amazing Grace crossword puzzle
  1. the type of grace given to help a person in a particular circumstance
  2. the Redeemer who rescues us from our sin and reconciles us back to a right relationship with God
  3. the biblical writer who wrote the most on the subject of grace
  4. one of the three theological virtues
  5. the human response of involvement to God's gift of grace
  6. one of the seven sacraments
  7. a wise saying and also the name of a book in the Old Testament
  8. the heresy against grace that taught that it was possible for a person to achieve salvation through his own merits by doing good works
  9. the free and undeserved gift of God’s own life and blessing to us
  10. a false teaching
  1. the foundation for what we believe as Christians, how we worship, how we live our lives, and how we approach God in prayer is found here
  2. one of the New Testament gospels
  3. to be made righteous or in just standing before God
  4. a prayer of petition or appeal
  5. the first New Testament letter listed in the Bible
  6. the “background” type of grace, first received at baptism, that predisposes and enables us to live the Gospel life
  7. the Old Testament books are commonly categorized as Pentateuch books, historical books,wisdom books, and these books
  8. opposite of eternal
  9. a selection from a book (especially Scripture)
  10. a profession of faith or summary statement of faith

20 Clues: a false teachingopposite of eternalone of the seven sacramentsa prayer of petition or appealone of the New Testament gospelsone of the three theological virtuesa selection from a book (especially Scripture)the first New Testament letter listed in the Bibleto be made righteous or in just standing before God...

Religion & Science 2018-10-08

Religion & Science crossword puzzle
  1. a Catholic scientist who devised an early theory of evolution
  2. the idea that believers have a duty to care for the environment on God's behalf
  3. the first book of the Bible
  4. the first five books of the Old Testament
  5. books that record the actions and teachings of Jesus
  6. someone who believes that the Bible is a factual record that is without error
  7. the teaching authority of the Church, exercised by the Pope and the bishops
  8. being worth of respect and honour
  9. will the belief that God gives humans the opportunity to make decisions for themselves
  10. books written by inspired figures who were sent to challenge people to stay faithful to God
  1. a story that conveys a deep truth or message
  2. an apocalyptic book featuring the visions of the author, John, including the end of the world
  3. books that show how God guided the Jews and how people often refused to listen
  4. all-knowing
  5. all-loving
  6. books including psalms, prayers and poems of people responding to God's call
  7. someone who believes in the literal truth of scripture
  8. holiness, often used to describe the precious nature of the life that God gives to the universe
  9. the action of explaining the meaning of something
  10. the Hebrew word for humanity, which many people see as the name of the first man
  11. the guidance that God gives to people
  12. a priest who devised one of the earliest Big Bang theories
  13. all-powerful

23 Clues: all-lovingall-knowingall-powerfulthe first book of the Biblebeing worth of respect and honourthe guidance that God gives to peoplethe first five books of the Old Testamenta story that conveys a deep truth or messagethe action of explaining the meaning of somethingbooks that record the actions and teachings of Jesus...

Library 2022-02-01

Library crossword puzzle
  1. How I enter the library
  2. This is where a damaged book goes (2 words)
  3. These books are true stories or information books
  4. Person who wrote the book
  5. Protects book from damage
  6. If I hit someone with a book that book becomes a_______
  7. Librarian will ask me this when checking out a book
  1. this is where books are found in the library
  2. This person runs the library and helps me to find books
  3. When I take a book home from the library
  4. When answering a question I raise my _____
  5. Name of a book
  6. These stories are not true
  7. when I take a book back to the library
  8. When I check the same book out again

15 Clues: Name of a bookHow I enter the libraryPerson who wrote the bookProtects book from damageThese stories are not trueWhen I check the same book out againwhen I take a book back to the libraryWhen I take a book home from the libraryWhen answering a question I raise my _____This is where a damaged book goes (2 words)...

SMSHS Library Orientation - 2014 Crossword 2014-03-02

SMSHS Library Orientation - 2014 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Borrowed books are stamped with a --- ---- (2 words)
  2. These books are available for one night only
  3. These type of books are about made-up stories
  4. This desk is where I for help and to borrow
  5. There are thousands of these in the library
  6. She is our school librarian
  7. Taught us how to copy and store information (name)
  8. Students and teachers can book these rooms
  1. This person helps students in the library (name)
  2. I need this to borrow a book (letters and word)
  3. I use this machine to copy and store information
  4. The library photocopier does not use any - - - -
  5. Food, bags and - - - - - - are not allowed
  6. These are what I need for study and revision
  7. I need this to store information

15 Clues: She is our school librarianI need this to store informationStudents and teachers can book these roomsThis desk is where I for help and to borrowThere are thousands of these in the libraryThese books are available for one night onlyFood, bags and - - - - - - are not allowedThese are what I need for study and revision...

Fahrenheit 451 2023-05-30

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. What Clarisse asks Montag if he is
  2. One of the things that the government banned
  3. What is chasing Montag
  4. What Montag uses to kill Beatty
  5. The landform that Montag uses to escape at the end of the book
  6. What you do with books
  7. What is used to start fires and fuel them
  8. One of the most important religious books that Montag had in his possession
  1. Where Mildred spends all her time talking to the “family”
  2. What the logo the fireman use is
  3. What Montag didn’t notice on the grass
  4. What Montag hopes to achieve by reading
  5. Montag's job before he met Clarisse
  6. What Montag did to books as a fireman
  7. What Montag does to Beatty

15 Clues: What is chasing MontagWhat you do with booksWhat Montag does to BeattyWhat Montag uses to kill BeattyWhat the logo the fireman use isWhat Clarisse asks Montag if he isMontag's job before he met ClarisseWhat Montag did to books as a firemanWhat Montag didn’t notice on the grassWhat Montag hopes to achieve by reading...

Snow Day at the Library 2021-08-30

Snow Day at the Library crossword puzzle
  1. A person in the library who shelves books.
  2. The snowiest state in the US
  3. A community on instagram that post pictures of books and talk about books.
  4. The coldest month in Illinois on average.
  5. A lover and collector of books.
  6. Put another of these on the fire.
  7. How many inches of snow we got.
  8. When the library is closed for a snow day you can check this out.
  9. All the books are here.
  10. There is a lot of this after the plows come, it's also a food.
  11. You might get this snow if you live near Chicago.
  12. Slide downhill over snow.
  13. To extend the loan period of a book.
  14. A group of letters and/or numbers that identifies a specific item in a library.
  1. A book that does not have a continuation in a second book.
  2. You'll never get out of your neighborhood if this doesn't come.
  3. The art of using language in an apt, fluent way.
  4. Each one is unique.
  5. A series of three literary works.
  6. There is no point in changing out of these.
  7. A hot beverage.
  8. A cozy activity involving the oven.
  9. Popular Nickelodeon movie from 2000.
  10. A website to keep track of what you read.
  11. Complete, not shortened, copy of the original work.
  12. Not everyone's favorite season.
  13. an award given for achievements in journalism, literature, newspaper, magazine, and musical composition.
  14. A common warm fiber.

28 Clues: A hot beverage.Each one is unique.A common warm fiber.All the books are here.Slide downhill over snow.The snowiest state in the USA lover and collector of books.How many inches of snow we got.Not everyone's favorite season.A series of three literary works.Put another of these on the fire.A cozy activity involving the oven....

The Challenge 2023-09-19

The Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Fiction books are shelved by
  2. Nonfiction books are: True or False
  3. A reference book containing information about a person, place or thing
  4. the date the book is published
  1. A part of a book that defines words
  2. Book part in the back of the book that gives subjects and page #'s
  3. Nonfiction books are shelved by
  4. A reference book used for maps
  5. A book about a person
  6. Fiction books are: True or False
  7. Biography books are shelved by ____ name

11 Clues: A book about a personFiction books are shelved byA reference book used for mapsthe date the book is publishedNonfiction books are shelved byFiction books are: True or FalseA part of a book that defines wordsNonfiction books are: True or FalseBiography books are shelved by ____ nameBook part in the back of the book that gives subjects and page #'s...

Unit 4 Review Game-Moran 2019-11-07

Unit 4 Review Game-Moran crossword puzzle
  1. one who proclaims the good news; this term refers in a special way to Sts. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, who each wrote a Gospel
  2. the forty-six books of the Bible recording the history of salvation from the Creation until the time of Christ
  3. one of the hypothetical sources of the Pentateuch, reflecting the perspectives of Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel around the eighth or ninth century BC
  4. an Old English rendering of the Greek for "good news". The good news of God's mercy and love revealed in life, death and Resurrection of Christ. The Apostles, and the Church following them, proclaim this to the entire world.
  5. the portion of Mass that includes the preparation of the bread and wine, the consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ, and the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful
  6. those parts of the Old Testament removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture but in the Septuagint used by the early Christians
  7. the portion of Mass that includes the reading of Scripture and the homily.
  8. Sacred Scripture; the books containing the truth of God's Revelation as composed by inspired, Sacred Authors
  9. one of the hypothetical sources of the Pentateuch, particularly the Book of Deuteronomy, written around the seventh century BC
  10. the list of inspired books of the Bible
  1. from the Latin word for common; the name of St. Jerome's translation of the Bible from the original languages into Latin
  2. from the Greek word for "five books"; the Torah
  3. a letter addressed to a particular person or people. Much of the New Testament consists of these letters written to individuals, to congregations, or to the Church as a whole
  4. because God is truth, there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the various books of the Bible; these illustrate and shed light on one another and the complete plan of Revelation
  5. a person selected by God to call others to repentance and amendment of their lives in order to avoid dire consequences
  6. one of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, thought to be a later editor who revised all five books to reflect the concerns of the Jerusalem priesthood after the return of Jews from the Babylonian Exile
  7. the twenty-seven books of the Bible written by sacred authors, in apostolic times; they have Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God- his life, teachings, Passion and glorification, and the beginnings of his Church- as their central theme
  8. the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
  9. those books of the Bible that were included in the Jewish or Hebrew canon of Scriptures
  10. The Old Testament books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgement and warn of divine retribution while calling Israel to repentance. Ex. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel
  11. an event or person in Scripture pointing to a later event or person that has similar virtues or other qualities as its fulfillment
  12. a third-century BC Greek translation of the Old Testament made by seventy Jewish scholars
  13. a type of literature characterized by symbolic imagery; an alternate name for the Book of Revelation
  14. a synonym for covenant
  15. the study of ancestry or a chronological list of ancestors

25 Clues: a synonym for covenantthe list of inspired books of the Biblefrom the Greek word for "five books"; the Torahthe study of ancestry or a chronological list of ancestorsthe portion of Mass that includes the reading of Scripture and the homily.the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy...

THL 09 - Bible - Final Exam C 2021-12-07

THL 09 - Bible - Final Exam C crossword puzzle
  1. A judge known for his immense strength who defeated the Philistines.
  2. To show respect and devotion to someone or something.
  3. The Old Testament is made up of _____ books (two words).
  4. The name given to Jacob which means “God-wrestler”.
  5. This proof for God’s existence shows that God is the Necessary Being who directs all things.
  6. From the Greek for “priest” or “learned one,” refers to the wise men from the East who visited the newborn Jesus in Bethlehem.
  7. The _____ sense of Scripture investigates realities and events in terms of their eternal significance and leads us toward heaven.
  8. A scholar specializing in critical explanation of biblical texts.
  9. The _____ Books of the Old Testament contain religious visionaries’ proclamations of hope and calls for people to repent of their sins.
  10. Apostolic _____ is the uninterrupted passing on of apostolic preaching and authority from the Apostles directly to all bishops.
  11. The Garden of ___ near the Mount of Olives is where Jesus gathered with the Apostles to pray and prepare for his Crucifixion on Calvary.
  12. This proof for God’s existence shows that God, who is perfect, is the source for all goodness and truth in creation.
  13. The Books of the _____ refer to the first five books of the Old Testament which contain accounts of Creation, sin, teachings, and rules for the Chosen People of Israel.
  14. A type of psalm that thanks God for His amazing action in our lives.
  15. Because Jesus is at the heart of the Gospels, the Gospels are at the heart of all ___.
  16. Biblical _____ is the doctrine that states that books of Sacred Scripture are free from error regarding the truth which God wishes to reveal for the sake of our salvation.
  17. The twenty-seven books of the Bible written in apostolic times which contain accounts of the life, Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ as well as the beginnings of the Church is the _____ Testament.
  18. Another standard for accepting books into the Bible was whether or not early Christians used them in their _____.
  19. Salvation _____ refers to the pattern of specific events in human history in which God reveals His presence and saving actions.
  1. Worshipping false gods.
  2. A main way to categorize the books of the prophets are those who lived before/during the ___ Exile and those who lived during/after.
  3. The strong leader who succeeded Moses and was commissioned by God to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.
  4. God’s self-communication through which He makes known the mystery of His divine plan (two words).
  5. Collection of books of the Bible that the Church recognizes as the inspired Word of God.
  6. The sufferings of Jesus during the final days of this life: his agony in the garden at Gethsemane, his trial, and his Crucifixion.
  7. Universal _____ is the standard for determining what books are included in the Bible based on whether or not all the early Christian communities were using them.
  8. A prophetic term for the small portion of people who will be saved because of their faithfulness to God.
  9. Led to the loss of original holiness, made humans subject to death, and made sin universally present in the world (two words).
  10. The first sin mentioned after the fall is the ___ of Cain’s brother.
  11. The Baptism of Jesus manifested His identity as the long-awaited ___ of Israel and as the Son of God.
  12. The Israelite king known for his wisdom and for building the Temple of the Lord.

31 Clues: Worshipping false gods.The name given to Jacob which means “God-wrestler”.To show respect and devotion to someone or something.The Old Testament is made up of _____ books (two words).A scholar specializing in critical explanation of biblical texts.A judge known for his immense strength who defeated the Philistines....

We Love Libraries 2012-11-29

We Love Libraries crossword puzzle
  1. A form of writing used in plays and for making movies
  2. Someone who draws or paints pictures
  3. A program you can use to search what is in the library
  4. Written with text and illustrations
  5. Somewhere you can borrow items such as books, magazines, DVDs, computer games, CDs
  6. Which season is in the months of December, January and February?
  7. Something you use to get to a place with street and suburb names
  8. We read them, love them and borrow them from libraries
  1. Children of a younger age read these type of books
  2. A story written about someone’s real life
  3. What is CD shot for?
  4. A feature length film
  5. The name of our cute book friend for Charles Sturt Library
  6. A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features
  7. Something you read while cooking
  8. Fiction characterised by highly fanciful or supernatural elements
  9. A piece of literature written in metre or verse
  10. Someone who writes books

18 Clues: What is CD shot for?A feature length filmSomeone who writes booksSomething you read while cookingWritten with text and illustrationsSomeone who draws or paints picturesA story written about someone’s real lifeA piece of literature written in metre or verseChildren of a younger age read these type of books...

Chapter 4- Theo I- Sacred Scripture 2018-01-03

Chapter 4- Theo I- Sacred Scripture crossword puzzle
  1. The five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
  2. One of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, reflecting the perspective of Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel around the eighth or ninth century BC
  3. The list of the inspired books of the Bible
  4. From the Greek for five books; the Torah
  5. Sacred Scripture; the books containing the truth of God’s Revelation as composed by inspired, Sacred Authors
  6. A letter addressed to a particular person or people. Much of the New Testament consists of these letters written to individuals, to congregations, or to the Church as a whole
  7. One of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, particularly the Book of Deuteronomy, written around the seventh century BC
  8. A person selected by God to call others to repentance and amendment of their lives in order to avoid dire consequences
  9. from the Latin word for common; the name of St. Jerome’s translation of the Bible from the original languages into Latin
  10. The portion of the Mass that includes the reading of Scripture and the homily
  11. One of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, reflecting the perspective of Jews in Judah around the ninth or tenth century BC
  12. A third‐century BC Greek translation of the Old Testament made by seventy Jewish scholars
  13. The portion of the Mass that includes the preparation of the bread and wine, the consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ, and the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful
  14. An event or person in Scripture pointing to a later event or person that has similar virtues or other qualities as its fulfillment
  15. Those parts of the Old Testament removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture but in the Septuagint used by the early Christians
  16. A synonym for covenant
  17. An old English rendering of the Greek for good news; the good news of God’s mercy and love revealed in the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ
  1. The old Testament books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgment and warn of divine retribution while calling Israel to repentance.
  2. One who proclaims the good news; this term refers in a special way to Sts. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, who each wrote a Gospel
  3. Those books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon of Scripture
  4. Because God is truth,there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the various books of the Bible; these illustrate and shed light on one another and the complete plan of Revelation
  5. The study of ancestry or a chronological list of ancestors
  6. The forty‐six books of the Bible recording the history of salvation from the Creation until the time of Christ
  7. The twenty‐seven books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the apostolic era
  8. One of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, thought to be a later editor who revised all five books to reflect the concerns of the Jerusalem priesthood after the return of Jews from the Babylonian Exile
  9. A type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery; an alternate name for the Book of Revelation
  10. A version of the Septuagint produced by Origen; it presents the texts in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns

27 Clues: A synonym for covenantFrom the Greek for five books; the TorahThe list of the inspired books of the BibleThe study of ancestry or a chronological list of ancestorsThose books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon of ScriptureThe five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy...

Fahrenheit 451 Adam Searle period 3 1/27/23 2023-01-27

Fahrenheit 451           Adam Searle period 3 1/27/23 crossword puzzle
  1. clarisse is considered to be this which is ironic
  2. The fire captain
  3. Used in flamethrowers, flamable liquid
  4. The person who started Montags questioning of his happiness
  5. One of the Firemen's tools was the mechanical ___
  6. architects stopped putting these on houses
  7. if you rub this on your chin and it comes off it means your in love
  8. The protagonist of Fahrenheit 451
  9. what mildred and her friends watched on TV
  10. Teaches montag everyone needs to leave their mark of the world
  11. montag tried to fill one with sand as a child
  12. Montag jumps into this to escape the mechanical hound
  13. Who helped Montag with his love for books
  14. The people that burned books
  15. fabers old job was being a
  1. The author of Fahrenheit 451
  2. where montag met mildred
  3. What Mildred overdosed on
  4. clarisses uncle got arrested for being
  5. the book of the bible montag has memorized
  6. Mildred considered those on TV
  7. Were illegal but Montag fell in love with them
  8. The name for headphones of earbuds
  9. Montags wife
  10. To burn books have to be at 451 degrees ____
  11. The book montag reads to mildred and her friends
  12. How the firemen disposed of books
  13. the govornment lies and tells the people montag is
  14. The tool the firemen used to make fire
  15. Montag hid a book under his ____
  16. beleives himself to be this becuase he didnt stand up for books
  17. the symbol on the profession of the firemen

32 Clues: Montags wifeThe fire captainwhere montag met mildredWhat Mildred overdosed onfabers old job was being aThe author of Fahrenheit 451The people that burned booksMildred considered those on TVMontag hid a book under his ____The protagonist of Fahrenheit 451How the firemen disposed of booksThe name for headphones of earbuds...

Celebrate Crossword Puzzle Day with CCPL 2020-10-19

Celebrate Crossword Puzzle Day with CCPL crossword puzzle
  1. Weekly virtual trivia night at CCPL.
  2. Learn about CCPL staff's favorite books.
  3. Program guests included a Hydroseeder.
  4. Also called L2.
  5. Tales and _____ , explore the world with CCPL.
  6. Podcast led by Dr. Nic Butler.
  7. Feathery mascot.
  8. Weekly program, introducing you to CCPL.
  1. Check one out to observe the sky at home.
  2. Reading room, The Charleston Archive.
  3. Darryl's weekly program.
  4. Bring the internet with you.
  5. Stream free music with this app.
  6. Newest branch.
  7. Check out a learning tablet for the kids.
  8. Borrow books from other libraries around the world.
  9. Give your technology skills a boost.
  10. Parlez-vous français? You can with this database.
  11. App used to access e-books through Overdrive.
  12. Magazines, AcornTV, and test prep, oh my!

20 Clues: Newest branch.Also called L2.Feathery mascot.Darryl's weekly program.Bring the internet with you.Podcast led by Dr. Nic Butler.Stream free music with this app.Weekly virtual trivia night at CCPL.Give your technology skills a boost.Reading room, The Charleston Archive.Program guests included a Hydroseeder.Learn about CCPL staff's favorite books....

Sacred Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-18

Sacred Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the gathering of the pope and bishops
  2. official teaching authority of the church
  3. how many books make up the entire bible
  4. means scripture alone
  5. the name of the translation st. Jerome made
  6. last book of the old testament
  7. another name for the Ten Commandments
  8. an agreement between humans and God
  9. Good news
  10. last book of the Bible
  11. term used for any sacred writing
  1. first book of the new testament
  2. the 27 books of the Bible
  3. God's chosen people
  4. the 46 books of the Bible
  5. the heritage of faith contained in sacred scripture and sacred tradition
  6. first book of the Bible
  7. Collection of sacred writings
  8. God revealing himself to us
  9. God makes himself known to human by nature

20 Clues: Good newsGod's chosen peoplemeans scripture alonelast book of the Biblefirst book of the Biblethe 27 books of the Biblethe 46 books of the BibleGod revealing himself to usCollection of sacred writingslast book of the old testamentfirst book of the new testamentterm used for any sacred writingan agreement between humans and God...

Fahrenheit 451 2022-02-09

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. The little voice in your head
  2. When something is glowing and hot
  3. To take advantage of someone/thing
  4. Super loud noises all put together
  5. To check for problems in a system
  6. To let something intrigue someone
  7. Something you don't want to happen
  8. When something has the ability to explode
  9. Gets rid of the knowledge held in books
  10. Has a "mechanical" advantage
  11. The thing which causes contention
  1. To let something glow and light up
  2. To put something out that was burning
  3. The name of the main firefighter
  4. To really think about something
  5. When something isn't what it seems
  6. The place for crazy people that had books
  7. The firefighter's wife
  8. The strange girl that visits with montag
  9. Something that interests people
  10. Gives and holds knowledge

21 Clues: The firefighter's wifeGives and holds knowledgeHas a "mechanical" advantageThe little voice in your headTo really think about somethingSomething that interests peopleThe name of the main firefighterWhen something is glowing and hotTo check for problems in a systemTo let something intrigue someoneThe thing which causes contention...

Opposing Views - Crossword on Society 2022-11-29

Opposing Views - Crossword on Society crossword puzzle
  1. best book detector
  2. recent fireman fugitive
  3. amount of scents the hounds can track
  4. the thing we use to listen to the news
  5. we take these to fall asleep
  6. no one dies from ____
  7. our city's best fireman captain
  8. ideal citizen
  1. they burn books to protect us
  2. machine that helps to clean blood
  3. temperature books burn at
  4. best source of entertainment
  5. banned items that should be burned
  6. the animal our firetrucks are based on
  7. what the hounds inject into criminals

15 Clues: ideal citizenbest book detectorno one dies from ____recent fireman fugitivetemperature books burn atbest source of entertainmentwe take these to fall asleepthey burn books to protect usour city's best fireman captainmachine that helps to clean bloodbanned items that should be burnedamount of scents the hounds can track...

Slaughterhouse Five 2020-10-26

Slaughterhouse Five crossword puzzle
  1. Billy's occupation
  2. what person is the first chapter written in
  3. the alien response to death
  4. Roland who wanted glory
  5. what type of syrup does Billy get in the factory
  6. a type of gas used in WW2
  7. the play the British put on in Germany
  8. the technique vonnegut uses in his text
  9. the number of the slaughterhouse
  10. Anti-war books could also be likened to anti - what books
  1. kilgour who writes the books?
  2. who makes the first noise after a massacre
  3. they are trapped like bugs in what
  4. Blue and ....
  5. the first name of the pornstar
  6. what Edgar Derby died for
  7. what the Tralfamadorians looked like
  8. Billy's daughter
  9. this story is a non linear what
  10. what is inevitable in this book

20 Clues: Blue and ....Billy's daughterBilly's occupationRoland who wanted glorywhat Edgar Derby died fora type of gas used in WW2the alien response to deathkilgour who writes the books?the first name of the pornstarthis story is a non linear whatwhat is inevitable in this bookthe number of the slaughterhousethey are trapped like bugs in what...

F451 crossword puzzle 2023-05-01

F451 crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The man who teaches Montag poetry.
  2. The Firemen’s “water”.
  3. Robo doggy.
  4. The truck that Firemen use.
  5. Clarisse’s symbol of love.
  6. Montag wants to encourage the ________ that changes the world.
  7. “You speak or think… we’ll burn your life”.
  8. The fakest in-laws around.
  9. Brings calming tunes to stressed ears.
  1. The outlawed symbol of knowledge.
  2. Faber’s homemade hearing device.
  3. The books’ savior.
  4. Where did Montag hide the books he kept?
  5. The destroyer of intellectual pages.
  6. Everyone is the same, nobody has any _________.
  7. Everyone has a severe _________ to their walls these days.
  8. Mildred overdoses on these before Montag comes home one night.
  9. Bringer of blazing death and destruction.
  10. What makes Clarisse so disliked by her peers?
  11. “Wait! There’s a war happening?”

20 Clues: Robo doggy.The books’ savior.The Firemen’s “water”.Clarisse’s symbol of love.The fakest in-laws around.The truck that Firemen use.Faber’s homemade hearing device.“Wait! There’s a war happening?”The outlawed symbol of knowledge.The man who teaches Montag poetry.The destroyer of intellectual pages.Brings calming tunes to stressed ears....

genre 2024-09-18

genre crossword puzzle
  1. "the Wizard of Oz" is a classic example of _________.
  2. FICTION tistorical events and figures are often depicted in _________.
  3. BOOKS books like "The Cat in the Hat" are typically classified as _________.
  4. "romeo and Juliet" is a famous work of _________.
  5. "the Legend of King Arthur" is a classic example of _________.
  6. stories like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" are classified as _________.
  7. books about real people's lives, like "Steve Jobs", are classified as _________.
  1. BOOKS non-fiction books providing facts and data are classified as _______.
  2. TALE "goldilocks and the Three Bears" is an example of a _________.
  3. FICTION"the Hunger Games" is a popular example of _________.
  4. RHYME traditional poems recited or sung, like "Humpty Dumpty", are classified as _________.
  5. "the Diary of Anne Frank" is an example of _________.
  6. stories passed down through oral tradition, like "Jack and the Beanstalk", are classified as _________.
  7. "the Iliad" and "The Odyssey" are ancient examples of _________.

14 Clues: "romeo and Juliet" is a famous work of _________."the Wizard of Oz" is a classic example of _________."the Diary of Anne Frank" is an example of _________.FICTION"the Hunger Games" is a popular example of _________."the Legend of King Arthur" is a classic example of _________."the Iliad" and "The Odyssey" are ancient examples of _________....

Types of books 2015-05-07

Types of books crossword puzzle
  1. This is a book whose plot is not imaginary, but it is based on facts.
  2. This is a book that is written as a continuation of another one. It may have the same character(s) or storyline.
  3. This is a book for travellers, where they will find a lot of useful information about the places they want to visit.
  4. This is a book for students containing information for the study of a particular subject.
  5. This is a book written by somebody (often a famous person) about his or her life.
  6. This is a book that gives a description of a place, which tourists can benefit from while visiting.
  7. This is a book where a murder takes place and at the very end we find out who the murderer is.
  1. These are stories about imaginary world(s) that involve magic.
  2. This book is a reliable source of information about people and historical events where facts are arranged in alphabetical order.
  3. This is a book about invented people and events.
  4. This is a very exciting book about adventures or a murder.
  5. This is a short story about adventure or some situation A fairy ..... is a story for children where magical things happen.
  6. This is a very sad book that makes us cry.
  7. This is a book that you can’t put down, it is likely to make you stay up because you’re so engrossed in reading.
  8. This is a story, often for children, that is told in pictures.
  9. This is a piece of writing arranged in patterns of lines and sounds that express some thoughts and feelings.

16 Clues: This is a very sad book that makes us cry.This is a book about invented people and events.This is a very exciting book about adventures or a murder.These are stories about imaginary world(s) that involve magic.This is a story, often for children, that is told in pictures.This is a book whose plot is not imaginary, but it is based on facts....

Books 21 & 22 2021-01-09

Books 21 & 22 crossword puzzle
  1. Telemachos stabs him in the back
  2. Athena appears in this form to taunt Odysseus
  3. The Marshal
  4. The first to attempt to string the bow
  5. The suitors have to shoot an arrow between these
  6. Odysseus is planning to kill them
  7. Makes the spears not hit Odysseus and his men
  8. The drover
  9. Odysseus is disguised as this
  1. strings the bow with ease
  2. Shot in the neck by Odysseus
  3. Tries to frame Antinoös as the only one deserving of death
  4. Runs back to the storeroom and collects weapons and armor for themselves
  5. Odysseus reveals this to Eumaios and Philoitios
  6. The suitors warm the bow over this
  7. Penelopeia brings this out to the suitors for the competition

16 Clues: The droverThe Marshalstrings the bow with easeShot in the neck by OdysseusOdysseus is disguised as thisTelemachos stabs him in the backOdysseus is planning to kill themThe suitors warm the bow over thisThe first to attempt to string the bowAthena appears in this form to taunt OdysseusMakes the spears not hit Odysseus and his men...

New Testament books 2022-11-14

New Testament books crossword puzzle
  1. Paul's letter to the Church in Rome.
  2. A letter about house churches.
  3. Two letters to a young preacher.
  4. A prophecy of what is to come in the future.
  5. A letter comparing Jesus to other biblical people.
  6. A letter telling people not to be rebellious.
  7. A letter to a Church.
  8. A Doctor.
  9. Two letters to a Church.
  1. A letter to a small Church.
  2. A tax collector.
  3. A letter to a Church.
  4. The Disciple closest to Jesus.
  5. A letter to a slave owner about forgiveness.
  6. Two more letters to a Church.
  7. The second gospel.
  8. The story of the early Church.
  9. A letter to a Church.

18 Clues: A Doctor.A tax collector.The second gospel.A letter to a Church.A letter to a Church.A letter to a Church.Two letters to a Church.A letter to a small Church.Two more letters to a Church.A letter about house churches.The Disciple closest to Jesus.The story of the early Church.Two letters to a young preacher.Paul's letter to the Church in Rome....

Our STELLAR BOOKS! 2023-03-06

Our STELLAR BOOKS! crossword puzzle
  1. to complain about someone or something in an annoyed way.
  2. a picture produced using a camera.
  3. to try to escape by running towards something.
  4. below the surface of the earth.
  5. a building designed to give protection from bad weather, danger, or attack
  6. a medical condition in which the body temperature is higher than usual.
  7. a piece of this cloth used by artists for painting on.
  8. an act of hurrying.
  9. to move backwards and forwards or up and down
  1. to make a low, rough sound, usually in anger.
  2. a room or building that is used for showing works of art.
  3. to make a deep, rough sound while showing the teeth, usually in anger.
  4. having no fear.
  5. impossible to defeat or prevent from doing what is intended.
  6. shake slightly because they feel cold, ill, or frightened.
  7. very harmful and able to cause illness or death.

16 Clues: having no act of hurrying.below the surface of the earth.a picture produced using a make a low, rough sound, usually in move backwards and forwards or up and downto try to escape by running towards something.very harmful and able to cause illness or death.a piece of this cloth used by artists for painting on....

Celebration of Books! 2023-11-29

Celebration of Books! crossword puzzle
  1. The Christie _____ by Nina de Gramont
  2. The Book of Lost _____ by Lisa Wingate
  3. The _____ We Keep by Allison Larkin
  4. _____ of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
  5. The Library _____ by Susan Orlean
  6. Tea _____ Book Club
  7. Educated by Tara _____
  1. The Chocolate _____ Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke
  2. The No. 1 _____ Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith
  3. The _____ Act by Catherine Steadman
  4. The _____ Artist by Alka Joshi
  5. Ask Again, _____ by Mary Beth Keane
  6. The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie _____ by Allison Pataki
  7. The _____ Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin
  8. Speedy Saturday Book _____
  9. One Italian _____ by Rebecca Serle

16 Clues: Tea _____ Book ClubEducated by Tara _____Speedy Saturday Book _____The _____ Artist by Alka JoshiThe Library _____ by Susan OrleanOne Italian _____ by Rebecca SerleThe _____ Act by Catherine SteadmanThe _____ We Keep by Allison LarkinAsk Again, _____ by Mary Beth KeaneThe Christie _____ by Nina de GramontThe Book of Lost _____ by Lisa Wingate...

Opposing Views - Crossword on Society 2022-11-29

Opposing Views - Crossword on Society crossword puzzle
  1. best book detector
  2. recent fireman fugitive
  3. amount of scents the hounds can track
  4. the thing we use to listen to the news
  5. we take these to fall asleep
  6. no one dies from ____
  7. our city's best fireman captain
  8. ideal citizen
  1. they burn books to protect us
  2. machine that helps to clean blood
  3. temperature books burn at
  4. best source of entertainment
  5. banned items that should be burned
  6. the animal our firetrucks are based on
  7. what the hounds inject into criminals

15 Clues: ideal citizenbest book detectorno one dies from ____recent fireman fugitivetemperature books burn atbest source of entertainmentwe take these to fall asleepthey burn books to protect usour city's best fireman captainmachine that helps to clean bloodbanned items that should be burnedamount of scents the hounds can track...

Opposing Views - Crossword on Society 2022-11-29

Opposing Views - Crossword on Society crossword puzzle
  1. best book detector
  2. recent fireman fugitive
  3. amount of scents the hounds can track
  4. the thing we use to listen to the news
  5. we take these to fall asleep
  6. no one dies from ____
  7. our city's best fireman captain
  8. ideal citizen
  1. they burn books to protect us
  2. machine that helps to clean blood
  3. temperature books burn at
  4. best source of entertainment
  5. banned items that should be burned
  6. the animal our firetrucks are based on
  7. what the hounds inject into criminals

15 Clues: ideal citizenbest book detectorno one dies from ____recent fireman fugitivetemperature books burn atbest source of entertainmentwe take these to fall asleepthey burn books to protect usour city's best fireman captainmachine that helps to clean bloodbanned items that should be burnedamount of scents the hounds can track...

Fahrenheit 451 2020-12-03

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. got burnt down to the ground with the books
  2. what does mildred go in when she leaves montag
  3. guy friend
  4. wife of guy
  5. the setting
  6. firefighter
  7. are bad
  1. montag tries to kill this person
  2. what does mildred take to commit suicide
  3. what does mildred watch everyday
  4. what does clarisse get ran over by
  5. last name of guy and mildred
  6. it is what the use to burn the books
  7. bradbury wrote this book
  8. city

15 Clues: cityare badguy friendwife of guythe settingfirefighterbradbury wrote this booklast name of guy and mildredmontag tries to kill this personwhat does mildred watch everydaywhat does clarisse get ran over byit is what the use to burn the bookswhat does mildred take to commit suicidegot burnt down to the ground with the books...

Classroom Commands Review 2022-12-12

Classroom Commands Review crossword puzzle
  1. read
  2. open the books
  3. write
  4. sit down
  5. get up
  6. attention
  7. a sheet of paper
  8. listen
  1. turn in
  2. repeat
  3. your papers
  4. close the books
  5. silence
  6. take out

14 Clues: readwriterepeatget uplistenturn insilencetake outsit downattentionyour papersopen the booksclose the booksa sheet of paper

GREAT BOOKS 2021-03-02

GREAT BOOKS crossword puzzle


Subsidiary Books 2020-08-10

Subsidiary Books crossword puzzle
  1. contra entry recorded in?
  2. Which is not considered as cash or cash equivalent?
  3. When a check is received from a customer and it is deposited into the bank for collection but ultimately returned dishonored, the customer account will be?
  4. When any entry is made on the both sides of cash book is called as?
  5. Which subsidiary books serves the purpose of ledger too, in addition to the recording of accounting transaction?
  6. The total of the purchases book is posted periodically to the debit of?
  1. What is sent to a customer when he returns goods?
  2. The unfavorable balance of cash in cash book is?
  3. Issued by the firm to the customers serves as the source document to record in the sales day book
  4. Total of the purchase return book is posted to the which side of purchase return account in the ledger?

10 Clues: contra entry recorded in?The unfavorable balance of cash in cash book is?What is sent to a customer when he returns goods?Which is not considered as cash or cash equivalent?When any entry is made on the both sides of cash book is called as?The total of the purchases book is posted periodically to the debit of?...

OBOB Books 2019-02-23

OBOB Books crossword puzzle
  1. the gossop group
  2. jenny
  3. dakota
  4. ms.lee
  5. blue
  6. gus
  1. p.b.g.t.m.c.
  2. long
  3. chit chat
  4. kelly

10 Clues: guslongbluejennykellydakotams.leechit chatp.b.g.t.m.c.the gossop group

BOOKS/POETRY 2019-10-18

BOOKS/POETRY crossword puzzle
  1. a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time
  3. one or more words used before or after a person's name, in certain contexts
  4. a series of fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling
  1. a stack of usually rectangular pages
  2. was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest dramatist
  3. a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poetand the founder of modern Russian literature
  4. an American novelist and short story writer in the fantasy, horror, and science fiction genres, screenwriter, and television producer;FAMOUS FOR Game of Thrones
  5. a rhetorical device that consists of repeating a sequence of words at the beginnings of neighboring clauses

10 Clues: WAR AND PEACE GENREOPPOSITE FOR ANAPHORAa stack of usually rectangular pagesa series of fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowlinga Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all timeone or more words used before or after a person's name, in certain contexts...

Banned Books 2023-03-03

Banned Books crossword puzzle
  1. Excessive violence, bad language, implies humans are little more then animals.
  2. sexually offensive passages, being ¨a depressing book¨.
  3. accused of promoting an anti-police agenda, profanities, violence.
  4. Pro-communist, sexually explicit content
  5. nudity of a cartoon mouse, cursing
  6. Sexist, derogatory to children, hurtful to self-esteem, occult.
  1. violence, profanities, depictions of gore
  2. profanity, references to witchcraft
  3. Focus of wizardry and magic, anti-family themes
  4. anti-ethnic, anti-family, insensitivity, offensive language, violence

10 Clues: nudity of a cartoon mouse, cursingprofanity, references to witchcraftPro-communist, sexually explicit contentviolence, profanities, depictions of goreFocus of wizardry and magic, anti-family themessexually offensive passages, being ¨a depressing book¨.Sexist, derogatory to children, hurtful to self-esteem, occult....

Books Quiz 2023-04-23

Books Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Joanne ___, author of I Am Ella and Zephany
  2. This year's International Booker Prize shortlist includes works translated from French, Bulgarian, Catalan and which other language?
  3. The ___ on the Train, ___ with the Dragon Tattoo, or ___ with a Pearl Earring
  4. A style or category of art, music, or literature.
  5. The ___ Life, by Lebohang Masango
  1. Colleen ___, author of 6 of the 10 bestselling books of 2022
  2. Anne Schlebusch's first novel for adults
  3. Justice ___, author of The Plot to Save South Africa
  4. Colour of the symbolic light in The Great Gatsby
  5. Bret Easton ___ published autofiction The Shards in 2023

10 Clues: The ___ Life, by Lebohang MasangoAnne Schlebusch's first novel for adultsJoanne ___, author of I Am Ella and ZephanyColour of the symbolic light in The Great GatsbyA style or category of art, music, or literature.Justice ___, author of The Plot to Save South AfricaBret Easton ___ published autofiction The Shards in 2023...

Romance Books 2023-08-12

Romance Books crossword puzzle
  1. This book title suggests a perfect companion for a day at the seaside
  2. A tear-jerking novel about young love in the face of illness
  3. Unexpected love strikes a football player in this book
  4. A romantic story that involves a scientific approach to love
  1. A story about a fan-fiction writer's secret identity
  2. A novel where two authors discover a love that blooms over a week in June
  3. Honeymoons might not always go as planned in this novel
  4. This book plays a word game in its title involving honesty and facial hair
  5. A story where confessions lead to unexpected romances
  6. A tale involving an unconventional relationship experiment

10 Clues: A story about a fan-fiction writer's secret identityA story where confessions lead to unexpected romancesUnexpected love strikes a football player in this bookHoneymoons might not always go as planned in this novelA tale involving an unconventional relationship experimentA tear-jerking novel about young love in the face of illness...

Books B 2023-12-06

Books B crossword puzzle
  1. Elephant king from the Celesteville kingdom
  2. Uses a purple crayon for imaginative drawings
  3. Chronicles his middle school life in a diary
  4. Adventurous explorer of the Amazon
  5. Raised by wolves in the jungle
  6. Pioneer girl on the prairie
  1. Hobbit on a quest to destroy the One Ring
  2. Aspiring writer and keen observer
  3. Climbed a magical beanstalk to a giant's land
  4. Discovered a parallel world through a secret door

10 Clues: Pioneer girl on the prairieRaised by wolves in the jungleAspiring writer and keen observerAdventurous explorer of the AmazonHobbit on a quest to destroy the One RingElephant king from the Celesteville kingdomChronicles his middle school life in a diaryClimbed a magical beanstalk to a giant's landUses a purple crayon for imaginative drawings...

Books D 2023-12-06

Books D crossword puzzle
  1. Mischievous monkey and his adventures
  2. Little girl in a Parisian boarding school
  3. Small mouse with a big heart
  4. Amphibious friends and their stories
  5. Spunky kindergartener and her escapades
  1. Friend to Wilbur the pig
  2. Big red dog with a gentle spirit
  3. Spirited girl navigating childhood
  4. Plaza-dwelling girl with a flair for the dramatic
  5. Orphan with a vivid imagination

10 Clues: Friend to Wilbur the pigSmall mouse with a big heartOrphan with a vivid imaginationBig red dog with a gentle spiritSpirited girl navigating childhoodAmphibious friends and their storiesMischievous monkey and his adventuresSpunky kindergartener and her escapadesLittle girl in a Parisian boarding school...

books genres 2023-11-29

books genres crossword puzzle
  1. love story
  2. non-fiction control of event as they happen.
  3. exciting suspence story
  4. account of someone's life written by someone else.
  1. fiction story about space and future
  2. information about something in a newspaper
  3. the author's account of his own life
  4. educational book
  5. funny story
  6. strip a story told in pictures and dialogue.

10 Clues: love storyfunny storyeducational bookexciting suspence storythe author's account of his own lifefiction story about space and futureinformation about something in a newspapernon-fiction control of event as they happen.strip a story told in pictures and dialogue.account of someone's life written by someone else.

Holy books 2024-01-13

Holy books crossword puzzle
  1. The night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed
  2. The chapters or sections in the Quran
  3. The angel who conveyed the messages of Allah to Prophet Muhammad
  4. The final prophet in Islam, to whom the Quran was revealed
  5. The city where the Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation
  6. The religious duty of giving to charity, one of the Five Pillars of Islam
  1. The holy book of Islam
  2. The daily prayers performed by Muslims
  3. The second holiest month in Islam, known for fasting
  4. The pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the Five Pillars of Islam

10 Clues: The holy book of IslamThe chapters or sections in the QuranThe daily prayers performed by MuslimsThe second holiest month in Islam, known for fastingThe pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the Five Pillars of IslamThe night when the first verses of the Quran were revealedThe final prophet in Islam, to whom the Quran was revealed...

Books B 2024-04-03

Books B crossword puzzle
  1. Cannibalistic psychiatrist
  2. Dickens' Christmas grouch
  3. Fairy tale princess
  4. Clever Hogwarts student
  1. One-legged pirate
  2. Mysterious millionaire
  3. Brontë's resilient orphan
  4. Obsessed whaling captain
  5. Boyish adventurer
  6. Ring-bearer in Middle-earth

10 Clues: One-legged pirateBoyish adventurerFairy tale princessMysterious millionaireClever Hogwarts studentObsessed whaling captainBrontë's resilient orphanDickens' Christmas grouchCannibalistic psychiatristRing-bearer in Middle-earth

Books D 2024-04-03

Books D crossword puzzle
  1. Bildungsroman theme
  2. Backstabbing theme
  3. Shakespearean drama
  4. Philosophical exploration
  5. Political struggle
  1. Loneliness motif
  2. Retribution motif
  3. Noble giving
  4. Ethical dilemma
  5. Romantic motif

10 Clues: Noble givingRomantic motifEthical dilemmaLoneliness motifRetribution motifBackstabbing themePolitical struggleBildungsroman themeShakespearean dramaPhilosophical exploration

Books G 2024-04-03

Books G crossword puzzle
  1. Additional information
  2. Well-read individuals
  3. Timeless masterpiece
  4. Storyline development
  5. Book haven
  6. Book cover protector
  1. Chart-topping book
  2. Bookshelf selfie
  3. Intriguing puzzle
  4. Eager reader

10 Clues: Book havenEager readerBookshelf selfieIntriguing puzzleChart-topping bookTimeless masterpieceBook cover protectorWell-read individualsStoryline developmentAdditional information

Lesson 24 ELA Vocab Crossword 2023-11-02

Lesson 24 ELA Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Book that explains the meaning, spelling, and pronunciation of words.
  2. Front of book, gives ch. titles and pg. numbers.
  3. Addition to the end of a book or document.
  4. At the front of books, give the date it was published.
  5. Book like a calendar published every year with info about weather, sports, events.
  6. Words with the same spelling, different sound and meaning.
  7. Words that are both homophones and homographs.
  8. Dictionary with gives synonyms and antonyms of words.
  1. At the beginning of books, contains title and name of the author and publisher.
  2. At the back of books, list of special, technical, or difficult words.
  3. Book or set of books giving info on all branches of knowledge.
  4. A book of maps.
  5. Words with the same sound, different meanings.
  6. At the back of books, gives pg. numbers to find names and topics in that book.

14 Clues: A book of maps.Addition to the end of a book or document.Words with the same sound, different meanings.Words that are both homophones and homographs.Front of book, gives ch. titles and pg. numbers.Dictionary with gives synonyms and antonyms of words.At the front of books, give the date it was published....

Old Testament Vocab 2023-08-22

Old Testament Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. male leaders in the Old Testament
  2. belief in one god
  3. One of the writers of the Pentateuch, according to one theory.
  4. female leaders in the Old Testament
  5. Jewish word for Pentateuch (means teaching)
  6. Looks at the human authors of the bible AND God's message in the stories
  7. beginning
  8. official collection of sacred books
  9. sacred writings
  10. category of literature, art, music, etc.
  1. belief in many gods
  2. the Holy Spirit guiding the writers of the bible
  3. passing down stories through word of mouth
  4. God's saving actions in the world
  5. a sign from God
  6. the sin of Adam & Eve
  7. library of sacred books
  8. first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures
  9. Sacred agreement or promise

19 Clues: beginninga sign from Godsacred writingsbelief in one godbelief in many godsthe sin of Adam & Evelibrary of sacred booksSacred agreement or promisemale leaders in the Old TestamentGod's saving actions in the worldfemale leaders in the Old Testamentofficial collection of sacred bookscategory of literature, art, music, etc....

Subsidiary Books 2020-08-10

Subsidiary Books crossword puzzle
  1. Which subsidiary books serves the purpose of ledger too, in addition to the recording of accounting transaction?
  2. When any entry is made on the both sides of cash book is called as?
  3. Issued by the firm to the customers serves as the source document to record in the sales day book
  4. When a check is received from a customer and it is deposited into the bank for collection but ultimately returned dishonored, the customer account will be?
  5. Which is not considered as cash or cash equivalent?
  1. contra entry recorded in?
  2. The total of the purchases book is posted periodically to the debit of?
  3. What is sent to a customer when he returns goods?
  4. Total of the purchase return book is posted to the which side of purchase return account in the ledger?
  5. The unfavorable balance of cash in cash book is?

10 Clues: contra entry recorded in?The unfavorable balance of cash in cash book is?What is sent to a customer when he returns goods?Which is not considered as cash or cash equivalent?When any entry is made on the both sides of cash book is called as?The total of the purchases book is posted periodically to the debit of?...

Subsidiary Books 2020-08-10

Subsidiary Books crossword puzzle
  1. Total of the purchase return book is posted to the which side of purchase return account in the ledger?
  2. The unfavorable balance of cash in cash book is?
  3. Issued by the firm to the customers serves as the source document to record in the sales day book
  4. The total of the purchases book is posted periodically to the debit of?
  5. Which subsidiary books serves the purpose of ledger too, in addition to the recording of accounting transaction?
  6. Which is not considered as cash or cash equivalent?
  1. What is sent to a customer when he returns goods?
  2. When a check is received from a customer and it is deposited into the bank for collection but ultimately returned dishonored, the customer account will be?
  3. contra entry recorded in?
  4. When any entry is made on the both sides of cash book is called as?

10 Clues: contra entry recorded in?The unfavorable balance of cash in cash book is?What is sent to a customer when he returns goods?Which is not considered as cash or cash equivalent?When any entry is made on the both sides of cash book is called as?The total of the purchases book is posted periodically to the debit of?...

beach books 2015-05-28

beach books crossword puzzle
  1. to feed on land covered by grass
  2. run wit quick light steps especially through fear or excitement
  3. fall down or in; give way
  4. to swell and stick out
  5. move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward or from side to side
  6. an untidy collection of things piled up
  1. scattered fragments, typically of something wrecked or destroyed
  2. confused and noisy disturbance
  3. come together again in order to continue fighting after a defeat
  4. come near or nearer to

10 Clues: come near or nearer toto swell and stick outfall down or in; give wayconfused and noisy disturbanceto feed on land covered by grassan untidy collection of things piled uprun wit quick light steps especially through fear or excitementscattered fragments, typically of something wrecked or destroyed...

Story Books 2023-08-02

Story Books crossword puzzle
  1. The adventures of a boy and his friend Jim, an escaped slave, on the Mississippi River.
  2. The story of a girl with long hair locked in a tower.
  3. A girl who discovers a parallel world with an eerie and dangerous "Other Mother."
  4. A man who finds himself in strange lands and has fantastical adventures with tiny people.
  5. A young girl's visit to a house belonging to three bears and her curious encounters.
  1. A clever girl with magical abilities who loves books and stands up to bullies.
  2. A tale of a kind-hearted girl and her magical transformation.
  3. The adventures of a wooden puppet who dreams of becoming a real boy.
  4. The story of a boy sent to a juvenile detention center and his mysterious digging tasks.
  5. A vampire story with the famous Count Dracula seeking victims in Transylvania.

10 Clues: The story of a girl with long hair locked in a tower.A tale of a kind-hearted girl and her magical transformation.The adventures of a wooden puppet who dreams of becoming a real boy.A clever girl with magical abilities who loves books and stands up to bullies.A vampire story with the famous Count Dracula seeking victims in Transylvania....

Books A 2023-12-06

Books A crossword puzzle
  1. Mouse journalist and adventurer
  2. Wholesome creature navigating everyday challenges
  3. Hippopotamus friends and their adventures
  4. Gloomy but lovable donkey in the Hundred Acre Wood
  1. Created his own imaginative world
  2. Wise Italian grandmother with a magical pot
  3. Mischievous younger brother to Peter
  4. Traveled through time with a wrinkle
  5. Magical nanny with a bottomless bag
  6. Mouse and her vibrant group of friends

10 Clues: Mouse journalist and adventurerCreated his own imaginative worldMagical nanny with a bottomless bagMischievous younger brother to PeterTraveled through time with a wrinkleMouse and her vibrant group of friendsHippopotamus friends and their adventuresWise Italian grandmother with a magical potWholesome creature navigating everyday challenges...

Children's Books 2023-09-06

Children's Books crossword puzzle
  1. Mr. Popper's _____
  2. _____ Eggs and Ham
  3. Charlotte's _____
  4. Orphan girl living in Swiss Alps
  5. If You Give A Mouse A_____
  6. Name of Beatrix Potter Rabbit
  1. A curious monkey
  2. "Freight Train" Children
  3. Where the _____ Ends
  4. Jane _____, By Bronte

10 Clues: A curious monkeyCharlotte's _____Mr. Popper's __________ Eggs and HamWhere the _____ EndsJane _____, By Bronte"Freight Train" ChildrenIf You Give A Mouse A_____Name of Beatrix Potter RabbitOrphan girl living in Swiss Alps

Bible Books 2023-09-02

Bible Books crossword puzzle
  1. A collection of songs, prayers, and poems found in the Old Testament, traditionally attributed to King David.
  2. The final book of the New Testament, containing prophetic visions and messages about the end times.
  3. The third book of the Bible, outlining laws and regulations for religious rituals and moral conduct.
  4. The first book of the Bible, which describes the creation of the world and early history.
  1. The fourth book of the Bible, which includes a census of the Israelites and their journey in the wilderness.
  2. A book in the Old Testament that explores the theme of suffering and faith.
  3. A book in the Old Testament that tells the story of a Moabite woman's loyalty to her Israelite mother-in-law.
  4. The second book of the Bible, recounting the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
  5. A book in the Old Testament that describes the period of Israel's history before the monarchy, marked by cycles of sin and deliverance through various judges.
  6. The fifth book of the New Testament, chronicling the early history of the Christian Church.

10 Clues: A book in the Old Testament that explores the theme of suffering and faith.The first book of the Bible, which describes the creation of the world and early history.The fifth book of the New Testament, chronicling the early history of the Christian Church....

Holy books 2024-01-13

Holy books crossword puzzle
  1. The night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed
  2. The chapters or sections in the Quran
  3. The angel who conveyed the messages of Allah to Prophet Muhammad
  4. The final prophet in Islam, to whom the Quran was revealed
  5. The city where the Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation
  6. The religious duty of giving to charity, one of the Five Pillars of Islam
  1. The holy book of Islam
  2. The daily prayers performed by Muslims
  3. The second holiest month in Islam, known for fasting
  4. The pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the Five Pillars of Islam

10 Clues: The holy book of IslamThe chapters or sections in the QuranThe daily prayers performed by MuslimsThe second holiest month in Islam, known for fastingThe pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the Five Pillars of IslamThe night when the first verses of the Quran were revealedThe final prophet in Islam, to whom the Quran was revealed...

Fantasy Books 2024-05-11

Fantasy Books crossword puzzle
  1. A Purple Eyed Character in Sarah J Mass’ ACOTAR
  2. A flying, scaled fantasy creature
  3. Pink Haired Love Interest in Once upon a broken heart
  4. Male love interest in ‘A Touch of Darkness’
  1. A Kingdom in Sarah J Mass’ Throne of Glass
  2. “No _____, No Funerals”
  3. Alice’s Adventures in _____
  4. The Main Female Protagonist in Fourth Wing
  5. The Wheel of ____
  6. “Remember, It’s only a game”

10 Clues: The Wheel of ____“No _____, No Funerals”Alice’s Adventures in _____“Remember, It’s only a game”A flying, scaled fantasy creatureA Kingdom in Sarah J Mass’ Throne of GlassThe Main Female Protagonist in Fourth WingMale love interest in ‘A Touch of Darkness’A Purple Eyed Character in Sarah J Mass’ ACOTAR...

Mixed Books 2024-06-29

Mixed Books crossword puzzle
  1. Joseph's coat color
  2. Moses' occupation in Midian
  3. Joseph's father
  4. Ellen White was _______________________ years old when she had her first vision
  1. We talk to God through...
  2. Saul's new name
  3. Moses' father-in-law
  4. Ellen White's husband
  5. Ellen White had her first vision in the month of
  6. Saul's physical condition when he met Jesus

10 Clues: Saul's new nameJoseph's fatherMoses' father-in-lawJoseph's coat colorEllen White's husbandWe talk to God through...Moses' occupation in MidianSaul's physical condition when he met JesusEllen White had her first vision in the month ofEllen White was _______________________ years old when she had her first vision

Books Adjectives 2024-03-22

Books Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. extremely wrong, offensive, or disgusting
  2. pleasantly entertaining or diverting
  3. something that imparts new skills or knowledge
  4. holding your attention completely
  5. involving doing or saying the same thing several times, especially in a way that is boring
  1. making a splendid appearance or show; of exceptional beauty, size, etc.
  2. exciting wonder, curiosity, or surprise while baffling efforts to comprehend or identify
  3. difficult to analyze, understand, or explain
  4. causing a feeling of great surprise or wonder
  5. having a strong emotional effect

10 Clues: having a strong emotional effectholding your attention completelypleasantly entertaining or divertingextremely wrong, offensive, or disgustingdifficult to analyze, understand, or explaincausing a feeling of great surprise or wondersomething that imparts new skills or knowledgemaking a splendid appearance or show; of exceptional beauty, size, etc....

Books F 2024-04-03

Books F crossword puzzle
  1. Collection of literary works
  2. Written artistic works
  3. Large, scholarly book
  4. Book in a series
  5. Affordable format
  1. Author's personal message
  2. Sturdy book binding
  3. Characterized by a love of books
  4. Spoken-word version
  5. Critical analysis

10 Clues: Book in a seriesCritical analysisAffordable formatSturdy book bindingSpoken-word versionLarge, scholarly bookWritten artistic worksAuthor's personal messageCollection of literary worksCharacterized by a love of books

Banned Books 2025-01-09

Banned Books crossword puzzle
  1. this book includes two main characters: Amir and Hassan
  2. killing a winged creature
  3. this book includes a character who is seemingly 'unstuck in time'
  4. the movie for this book stars Amandla Stenburg
  5. what is another unit for temperature besides Celsius?
  1. this book has been adapted into both a musical and a movie
  2. this author also wrote 'Haroun and the Sea of Stories'
  3. written by George Orwell
  4. written by Toni Morrison, what is the color of the ocean?
  5. written by William Golding

10 Clues: written by George Orwellkilling a winged creaturewritten by William Goldingthe movie for this book stars Amandla Stenburgwhat is another unit for temperature besides Celsius?this author also wrote 'Haroun and the Sea of Stories'this book includes two main characters: Amir and Hassanwritten by Toni Morrison, what is the color of the ocean?...

Describing books 2025-01-15

Describing books crossword puzzle
  1. Captivating and holding one's attention. The book was ___________, so I read it quickly.
  2. Based on past events. The ___________ film was about events from the past.
  3. Informative and educational. The documentary was ___________ and taught me a lot.
  4. Interesting and mysterious. The mystery was ___________, and I wanted to solve it.
  5. Representing a common or oversimplified image. The character was ___________ and not very interesting.
  1. Set in the future. The ___________ car looked amazing in the film.
  2. Very sad or upsetting. The movie had a ___________ending.
  3. Gloomy or depressing. The dreary weather made me feel sad.
  4. Holding one's attention tightly. The thriller was ___________ and exciting.
  5. Hard to stop reading once started. The TV show was ___________, and I watched it all night.

10 Clues: Very sad or upsetting. The movie had a ___________ending.Gloomy or depressing. The dreary weather made me feel sad.Set in the future. The ___________ car looked amazing in the film.Based on past events. The ___________ film was about events from the past.Holding one's attention tightly. The thriller was ___________ and exciting....

Books genres 2025-01-24

Books genres crossword puzzle
  1. A genre that includes magical elements and imaginary worlds.
  2. Books widely regarded as having enduring qualities.
  3. A genre designed to scare or unsettle the reader.
  4. Writing that expresses emotions or ideas, often rhythmic.
  5. A self-written account of one's life.
  1. Book: Literature intended for young readers.
  2. Fiction: A fictional story set in a real historical period.
  3. A genre depicting a society that is undesirable or frightening.
  4. A genre involving suspense, crime, or solving a puzzle.
  5. Tale: A story involving magical beings, often for children.

10 Clues: A self-written account of one's life.Book: Literature intended for young readers.A genre designed to scare or unsettle the reader.Books widely regarded as having enduring qualities.A genre involving suspense, crime, or solving a puzzle.Writing that expresses emotions or ideas, often rhythmic....

Expresiones útiles en el salón de clase 2023-11-03

Expresiones útiles en el salón de clase crossword puzzle
  1. Match.
  2. Correct.
  3. sus cuadernos Take out your notebooks.
  4. Write. (to one person)
  5. instructions from the book
  6. Sit down.
  1. Open your books.
  2. Read.
  3. Choose.
  4. Turn in your papers.
  5. Complete.
  6. Close your books.
  7. Talk.
  8. Write.(to a group)
  9. Listen.
  10. Stand up.

16 Clues: Read.Talk.Match.Choose.Listen.Correct.Complete.Stand up.Sit down.Open your books.Close your books.Write.(to a group)Turn in your papers.Write. (to one person)instructions from the booksus cuadernos Take out your notebooks.

Book Banning 2023-11-08

Book Banning crossword puzzle
  1. Books have the ___ to teach those who read them.
  2. Books improve a student's ___?
  3. Books give students ___ to otherwise inaccessible worlds.
  4. Books promote ___ in students, which is a valuable aspect of education.
  5. Reading promotes ___ in students?
  1. Reading creates various ___ for a student to learn from.
  2. Reading allows students to become more ___?
  3. Reading is an integral part of a student's ___.
  4. The more books a student is able to read, the closer they get to the ___?
  5. Reading helps students work through various ___.
  6. Reading builds ___ in students.

11 Clues: Books improve a student's ___?Reading builds ___ in students.Reading promotes ___ in students?Reading allows students to become more ___?Reading is an integral part of a student's ___.Books have the ___ to teach those who read them.Reading helps students work through various ___.Reading creates various ___ for a student to learn from....

unit 1 ponder 2021-08-29

unit 1 ponder crossword puzzle
  1. purely spiritual/noncorporeal beings
  2. God is the _____ of Sacred Scripture
  3. this choice made them lose their preternatural gifts
  4. god created this to be permanent and lifelong
  5. proper integration of human sexuality
  6. means origin
  7. total books in the Bible
  8. what day did God create Adam and Eve
  9. number of spiritual senses in sacred scripture
  10. God made male and female this
  1. means the bible tells no lies and only truth
  2. tendency towards sin
  3. first good news/Gospel
  4. God declared his creation ________
  5. this is what god made on the first day of creation
  6. books in the old testament
  7. God created them out of his great love
  8. books in the new testament
  9. sacred tradition says that ______ is the fallen angel
  10. means love in action

20 Clues: means origintendency towards sinmeans love in actionfirst good news/Gospeltotal books in the Biblebooks in the old testamentbooks in the new testamentGod made male and female thisGod declared his creation ________purely spiritual/noncorporeal beingsGod is the _____ of Sacred Scripturewhat day did God create Adam and Eve...

A-B Latin/Greek Roots Study 2023-09-15

A-B Latin/Greek Roots Study crossword puzzle
  1. without an appetite
  2. star-shaped mark
  3. the story of one's life written by oneself
  4. in the shape of a star, resembling a star
  5. the study of life
  6. a fear of or dislike for books
  7. walk on two feet
  8. writing the name of oneself;signature
  1. an airplane with two sets of wings, one above the other
  2. a person who travels in a spacecraft
  3. to cut into two equal parts
  4. a list of books written on a particular subject
  5. without any rule or government
  6. a self-moving vehicle
  7. used against living forms which invade the body
  8. moving or acting by itself
  9. scientific study of stars
  10. one who loves books or collects them
  11. able to speak two languages
  12. without feelings or emotion

20 Clues: star-shaped markwalk on two feetthe study of lifewithout an appetitea self-moving vehiclescientific study of starsmoving or acting by itselfto cut into two equal partsable to speak two languageswithout feelings or emotionwithout any rule or governmenta fear of or dislike for booksa person who travels in a spacecraft...

451 2024-04-30

451 crossword puzzle
  1. Sat in a dark corner of the Fire House.
  2. Where Mildred's "family" lived.
  3. He knew Montag had books.
  4. The "First Fireman".
  5. What the Fire Department burned with.
  6. "Is it true that firemen used to __ fires instead of starting them?"
  7. Montag's materialistic pale wife.
  8. What did Montag use to defeat the dog and escape?
  9. The Fire Department was created to remove these kinds of books.
  10. Denham's ___.
  11. This covered up Montag's scent profile.
  1. What happened in the city in the end?
  2. People think houses were always ___.
  3. "You'll never have my _!"
  4. Talked to Montag and disappeared after a week.
  5. Montag's old friend.
  6. On what did Mildred overdose?
  7. is illegal in New America.
  8. Where Faber escaped to.
  9. The burnings only happen at _.

20 Clues: Denham's ___.Montag's old friend.The "First Fireman".Where Faber escaped to."You'll never have my _!"He knew Montag had illegal in New America.On what did Mildred overdose?The burnings only happen at _.Where Mildred's "family" lived.Montag's materialistic pale wife.People think houses were always ___.What happened in the city in the end?...

noun crossword 2015-09-15

noun crossword crossword puzzle
  1. something that you use to call and text
  2. something you use to read the time
  3. where you go to get books
  4. something you sit on
  5. something you use to write with
  6. a type of animal
  7. something you use to listen to music
  8. case something you keep your pens in
  9. something that you find in the sky
  10. something that you put your books on
  11. a type of jewel
  1. something you find at an art museum
  2. where you go when you die
  3. a type of food
  4. something that you use to research on
  5. something that you watch on tv
  6. a plant you use for decoration
  7. something you use to light when dark
  8. something you read
  9. ben the famous clock in London

20 Clues: a type of fooda type of jewela type of animalsomething you readsomething you sit onwhere you go when you diewhere you go to get bookssomething that you watch on tva plant you use for decorationben the famous clock in Londonsomething you use to write withsomething you use to read the timesomething that you find in the sky...

Describing Things Spanish 1 2022-11-13

Describing Things Spanish 1 crossword puzzle
  1. fruit
  2. adventure books
  3. movies
  4. we like
  5. much, a lot
  6. interesting
  7. Italian food
  8. It's all the same to me
  9. chess
  10. vegetables
  11. hamburgers
  12. Chinese food
  13. ice cream
  14. food
  15. scary, horror movies
  16. parties
  17. fun
  18. phenomenal, awesome, great
  19. pizza
  20. bad
  21. cars
  22. I like
  23. It's kind of fun
  24. music
  1. romance books
  2. It's pretty good
  3. more
  4. vegetables
  5. It's awful
  6. animals
  7. they like, all of you like
  8. great, formidable
  9. mystery movies
  10. science fiction movies
  11. you(informal) like
  12. videogames
  13. books
  14. Mexican food
  15. sports
  16. It's delicious
  17. he/she/it/you (formal) likes
  18. horrible
  19. American food
  20. games

44 Clues: funbadmorefoodcarsfruitchessbookspizzagamesmusicmoviessportsI likeanimalswe likepartieshorribleice creamvegetablesIt's awfulvideogamesvegetableshamburgersmuch, a lotinterestingItalian foodMexican foodChinese foodromance booksAmerican foodmystery moviesIt's deliciousadventure booksIt's pretty goodIt's kind of fungreat, formidableyou(informal) like...

21st June 2020 2020-06-18

21st June 2020 crossword puzzle
  1. Likes whales?
  2. Patience
  3. Believer
  4. Doubter
  5. Boat builder
  6. Great Commission
  7. Paul
  8. Community
  9. Oldest man ever
  10. Had four preaching daughters
  11. Strongman
  12. Enjoying baking
  13. The weeping prophet
  14. Breaking bread
  15. School house
  16. God
  17. New Testament books
  18. Chariots of Fire
  1. Near Ingol
  2. Tax collector
  3. Holy city
  4. Wisdom
  5. Books in the Bible
  6. Holy Spirit
  7. Great king
  8. Giant
  9. Beautiful
  10. Walked with God
  11. Video conferencing
  12. County
  13. Back from Tenerife
  14. Old Testament books
  15. God's word
  16. He cut off an ear
  17. Saviour
  18. God appearing as an angel
  19. Bible book with no known author
  20. Longest book in the Bible
  21. Talking to God
  22. Writer of Revelation
  23. Three in one godhead

41 Clues: GodPaulGiantWisdomCountyDoubterSaviourPatienceBelieverHoly cityBeautifulCommunityStrongmanNear IngolGreat kingGod's wordHoly SpiritBoat builderSchool houseTax collectorLikes whales?Talking to GodBreaking breadWalked with GodOldest man everEnjoying bakingGreat CommissionChariots of FireHe cut off an earBooks in the BibleVideo conferencing...

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword 2023-05-15

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The city is eventually destroyed by
  2. dog like machine that hunted Montag
  3. At night Mildred would listen to
  4. The number of parlor walls that were covered by a screen
  5. Name of the firetruck
  6. Author of Fahrenheit 451
  7. dental ad played repetitively on the train
  8. girl that walked with Montag to work
  9. who cried after Montag reads the poem
  1. who is credited for starting burning books
  2. captain of the fire department
  3. A fireman's job is to burn
  4. what is always flying over the city
  5. Montag's wife
  6. Book of the Bible Montag tried to memorize
  7. where does Montag hide his books
  8. what room does Mildred watch the family in
  9. Montag's first name
  10. the name of the earpiece raver gives Montag
  11. English Professor/Montag's mentor

20 Clues: Montag's wifeMontag's first nameName of the firetruckAuthor of Fahrenheit 451A fireman's job is to burncaptain of the fire departmentAt night Mildred would listen towhere does Montag hide his booksEnglish Professor/Montag's mentorThe city is eventually destroyed bywhat is always flying over the citydog like machine that hunted Montag...

Christianity 2024-10-17

Christianity crossword puzzle
  1. holy text for Jews and Christians, __ Testament
  2. city that is home to Jesus
  3. Simon Peter is a __ of Jesus
  4. Peter is often considered the first __
  5. man to whom Christians and Jews trace their religion
  6. Jesus teaches using simple stories called __
  7. New Testament books about Jesus’ life
  8. group that kills Jesus
  9. important symbol of Christianity
  10. Jesus’ resurrection is celebrated at __
  11. most important figure in Christianity
  1. Christian holy book
  2. Christianity starts as a form of __
  3. Pontius __ sentences Jesus to death
  4. __ Testament includes stories about Jesus’ life
  5. Jesus’ closest disciples who are sent to spread the gospel
  6. Bible is divided into many __
  7. Jesus’ cousin, __ the Baptist
  8. Jesus’ mother
  9. New Testament consists of twenty-__ books
  10. where Christianity originates, Middle __

21 Clues: Jesus’ motherChristian holy bookgroup that kills Jesuscity that is home to JesusSimon Peter is a __ of JesusBible is divided into many __Jesus’ cousin, __ the Baptistimportant symbol of ChristianityChristianity starts as a form of __Pontius __ sentences Jesus to deathNew Testament books about Jesus’ lifemost important figure in Christianity...

reading 2020-06-02

reading crossword puzzle
  1. a book with questions
  2. indian
  3. a book
  4. reading
  5. some books
  6. a website with a bunch of books
  7. book
  1. a person
  2. our readnig techer
  3. somting you read
  4. a nonfiction book
  5. rhmying
  6. story test
  7. slides in google
  8. moving picher
  9. a dog
  10. a test
  11. read

18 Clues: readbooka dogindiana booka testrhmyingreadinga personstory testsome booksmoving pichersomting you readslides in googlea nonfiction bookour readnig techera book with questionsa website with a bunch of books

NumbersFW 2023-09-19

NumbersFW crossword puzzle
  1. no more tears
  2. seventh commandment
  3. free home bible courses conducted
  4. five books of moses
  5. third commandment
  6. God's name
  7. Jehovah's name
  8. number of congregations
  9. Good news preached
  10. forth commandment
  1. fifth commandment
  2. last days
  3. first commandment
  4. lands where we worship
  5. memorial attendance
  6. sixth commandment
  7. number of witnesses
  8. second commandment
  9. In the beginning
  10. number of bible books

20 Clues: last daysGod's nameno more tearsJehovah's nameIn the beginningfifth commandmentfirst commandmentsixth commandmentthird commandmentforth commandmentsecond commandmentGood news preachedmemorial attendancenumber of witnessesseventh commandmentfive books of mosesnumber of bible bookslands where we worshipnumber of congregations...

Lesson 4 2019-06-14

Lesson 4 crossword puzzle
  1. bicycle
  2. umbrella
  3. watch
  4. backpack
  5. sunglasses
  6. books
  1. unicycle
  2. pens
  3. smartphone
  4. guitar
  5. jeans
  6. scissors

12 Clues: pensjeanswatchbooksguitarbicycleunicycleumbrellascissorsbackpacksmartphonesunglasses

Biblio, Mania Crossword Puzzle 2021-11-11

Biblio, Mania Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. dread or hatred of books
  2. persistent craving to steal
  3. lover of books
  4. obsessive desire to write
  1. history and science of books as physical objects
  2. obsession with one object or idea
  3. list of books
  4. one who steals books
  5. excessive preoccupation with books

9 Clues: list of bookslover of booksone who steals booksdread or hatred of booksobsessive desire to writepersistent craving to stealobsession with one object or ideaexcessive preoccupation with bookshistory and science of books as physical objects

The Bible 2024-11-03

The Bible crossword puzzle
  1. There are none of these in the bible
  2. Gospel means _________ news.
  3. First 5 books of old testament
  4. the bible spans 1500_______.
  1. Thirty-seven books in the _____ testament.
  2. First 4 books of new testament
  3. Another word for testament
  4. 29 books in the ______ testament.
  5. How many men wrote the books of the bible
  6. New testament book of church history.

10 Clues: Another word for testamentGospel means _________ news.the bible spans 1500_______.First 4 books of new testamentFirst 5 books of old testament29 books in the ______ testament.There are none of these in the bibleNew testament book of church history.How many men wrote the books of the bibleThirty-seven books in the _____ testament.

Summer @ the Library 2020-06-08

Summer @ the Library crossword puzzle
  1. Get That ___ is a free service provided by the libraries that helps you with your resume, cover letter, Linked In account, and interviewing skills.
  2. _____ Book Bags is a service offered for adults; fill out a form and collect a bag with 3 books already checked out to you!
  3. This popular series about a Scottish highlander and his time-traveling English wife is currently a Starz series.
  4. _____ books tend to end with a "happily-ever-after," but lately can also end with a "happily-for-now".
  5. Title of the bestselling Biography by a recent First Lady.
  6. The loan period for a book or audio book is _____ weeks.
  1. Found in your library, _________ is a monthly book review publication that serves as a guide to the best new books published every month.
  2. The _____ Fee Free policy went into effect in the beginning of the year and means that you will no longer pay overdue charges.
  3. Nicholas ____ is a NC author who's had many of his books turned into movies.
  4. This type of book has a soft cover.
  5. By using a library ____, you can check out books and access a variety of other services.
  6. Advice ___ ___ is a service offered by the library to help teach you how to use our digital library (e-books, e-audio).
  7. Dorothea Benton ____ was an author best known for her novels set in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.
  8. This fruit-named database offered through Wake County Public Libraries provides language learning opportunities.
  9. In a ____ novel, a detective searches for clues to solve a puzzle (usually a murder!)
  10. Nonfiction books are sorted by ____ decimal number.

16 Clues: This type of book has a soft cover.Nonfiction books are sorted by ____ decimal number.The loan period for a book or audio book is _____ weeks.Title of the bestselling Biography by a recent First Lady.Nicholas ____ is a NC author who's had many of his books turned into movies....

Library Orientation 2012-09-10

Library Orientation crossword puzzle
  1. computer pass
  2. online database Global in Context
  3. online French encyclopedia
  4. colour of a regular loan due date card
  5. area for quiet group work
  6. cost to print in black & white
  7. reference book loan period
  8. library catalogue program
  9. number of books by Susan Juby in the library
  10. teacher librarian
  11. regular loan period
  12. classification system to organize the books
  13. Canadian newsmagazine
  14. Tick Tock author
  1. quiet place to work by yourself
  2. Unwind author
  3. fashion magazine
  4. newspaper title
  5. overdue fine per day
  6. sports magazine
  7. prime time for library use
  8. number of books about urban legends in the library
  9. computer magazine
  10. important Wednesday a.m. event
  11. freebie at the circulation desk
  12. card required for borrowing
  13. library technician
  14. reading exercises your

28 Clues: computer passUnwind authornewspaper titlesports magazinefashion magazineTick Tock authorcomputer magazineteacher librarianlibrary technicianregular loan periodoverdue fine per dayCanadian newsmagazinereading exercises yourarea for quiet group worklibrary catalogue programonline French encyclopediaprime time for library usereference book loan period...

Thing around School 2021-04-29

Thing around School crossword puzzle
  1. have white and red color
  2. students place to study
  3. use to sit
  4. to tie the flag
  5. diagram of the world or a smaller geographical area
  6. to buy some food in school
  7. to disposal of human urine and feces.
  8. play ground
  9. can use to dispose of garbage
  10. to save things like books
  11. bell This sound signifies the beginning and end of a class period
  1. to look up at this to see when class is going to end
  2. students can borrow books
  3. drive a small device that can transport files from another computer
  4. three-dimensional model of the world
  5. the headmaster’s work
  6. to save the important data
  7. disk a secondary storage device
  8. Laboratorium
  9. Most classes use published books containing curriculum material

20 Clues: use to sitplay groundLaboratoriumto tie the flagthe headmaster’s workstudents place to studyhave white and red colorstudents can borrow booksto save things like booksto save the important datato buy some food in schoolcan use to dispose of garbagedisk a secondary storage devicethree-dimensional model of the world...

Religion study puzzle 2022-10-17

Religion study puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the pattern of events in human history that show Gods saving action
  2. who wrote the 5 proofs of God
  3. another name for the Bible
  4. The guidence of the holy spirit
  5. the official teaching authority of the Catholic Church
  6. A text which contains the fundamental christian truths
  7. The list of books in the Bible
  8. The process of passing on the gospel message
  9. Saint Thomas Aquinas’s famous book
  1. the 46 books of the Bible
  2. model Aquinas’s fourth proof
  3. Aquinas’s fifth proof
  4. Gods chosen people
  5. most known for translating the bible to Latin
  6. Aquinas’s second proof
  7. the 27 books of the Bible
  8. The second coming of Christ
  9. The promised land of the Israelites
  10. the natural ability to know and understand truth
  11. Aquinas’s first proof

20 Clues: Gods chosen peopleAquinas’s fifth proofAquinas’s first proofAquinas’s second proofthe 46 books of the Biblethe 27 books of the Bibleanother name for the BibleThe second coming of Christmodel Aquinas’s fourth proofwho wrote the 5 proofs of GodThe list of books in the BibleThe guidence of the holy spiritSaint Thomas Aquinas’s famous book...

Sacred Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-18

Sacred Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the name of the translation st. Jerome made
  2. last book of the old testament
  3. term used for any sacred writing
  4. another name for the Ten Commandments
  5. the heritage of faith contained in sacred scripture and sacred tradition
  6. how many books make up the entire bible
  7. the gathering of the pope and bishops
  8. first book of the new testament
  9. official teaching authority of the church
  10. God's chosen people
  11. Good news
  1. Collection of sacred writings
  2. the 46 books of the Bible
  3. an agreement between humans and God
  4. God revealing himself to us
  5. last book of the Bible
  6. the 27 books of the Bible
  7. God makes himself known to human by nature
  8. means scripture alone
  9. first book of the Bible

20 Clues: Good newsGod's chosen peoplemeans scripture alonelast book of the Biblefirst book of the Biblethe 46 books of the Biblethe 27 books of the BibleGod revealing himself to usCollection of sacred writingslast book of the old testamentfirst book of the new testamentterm used for any sacred writingan agreement between humans and God...

Library 2023-07-05

Library crossword puzzle
  1. Horizontal, raised platforms used for storing books.
  2. Electronic devices used for accessing information, researching, or browsing the internet in the library.
  3. A person who works in a library and helps users find books and provides information.
  4. A place where books and other materials are available for borrowing or reading by the public.
  5. A list or database of books and resources available in the library, often organized by author, title, or subject.
  6. fees Fines or penalties imposed when library materials are returned after the due date.
  7. corner A designated area in the library with comfortable seating and good lighting for reading and studying.
  8. A person who works in a library and helps users find books and provides information.
  1. The absence of noise or disturbance, creating a calm and peaceful environment in the library.
  2. Books or materials that provide factual information and are used for research and citation.
  3. The act of learning or acquiring knowledge through reading and research.
  4. Periodical publications that contain articles, stories, and images on various topics.
  5. The act of interpreting and understanding written texts or documents.
  6. To temporarily take a book or item from the library for personal use.
  7. Printed documents or narratives that contain stories or information.

15 Clues: Horizontal, raised platforms used for storing books.Printed documents or narratives that contain stories or information.The act of interpreting and understanding written texts or documents.To temporarily take a book or item from the library for personal use.The act of learning or acquiring knowledge through reading and research....

Subsidiary Books 2020-08-10

Subsidiary Books crossword puzzle
  1. When any entry is made on the both sides of cash book is called as?
  2. Total of the purchase return book is posted to the which side of purchase return account in the ledger?
  3. The unfavorable balance of cash in cash book is?
  4. Issued by the firm to the customers serves as the source document to record in the sales day book
  5. The total of the purchases book is posted periodically to the debit of?
  6. Which is not considered as cash or cash equivalent?
  1. When a check is received from a customer and it is deposited into the bank for collection but ultimately returned dishonored, the customer account will be?
  2. contra entry recorded in?
  3. Which subsidiary books serves the purpose of ledger too, in addition to the recording of accounting transaction?
  4. What is sent to a customer when he returns goods?

10 Clues: contra entry recorded in?The unfavorable balance of cash in cash book is?What is sent to a customer when he returns goods?Which is not considered as cash or cash equivalent?When any entry is made on the both sides of cash book is called as?The total of the purchases book is posted periodically to the debit of?...

Our Books 2021-08-24

Our Books crossword puzzle
  1. Esperanza's name in English
  2. Jack's dog
  3. Where Tyler lived
  4. where Mari was born
  5. Cathy was the queen of these
  6. Esperanza's sister
  1. Esperanza had to wear these at work
  2. color of Jack's dog
  3. Mr. Walter Dean
  4. In my ears like drums

10 Clues: Jack's dogMr. Walter DeanWhere Tyler livedEsperanza's sistercolor of Jack's dogwhere Mari was bornIn my ears like drumsEsperanza's name in EnglishCathy was the queen of theseEsperanza had to wear these at work

Chapter Books 2023-04-27

Chapter Books crossword puzzle
  1. A chapterbook combining almost ALL the fairytales
  2. A book starring a teenage girl who is a dork
  3. A book starring a young boy with different types of weird teachers
  4. A book involving 2 characters (siblings) traveling
  1. A very smart girl who has some sort of power to make things float in mid-air
  2. A book with third grade students going on mysteries assigned by their teacher
  3. A book with VERY bad teachers who are crazy
  4. A book starring a young character who has her own way of doing things
  5. A British fantasy literature book kids/adults like to read
  6. A book with a young boy who was sent to a camp for punishment

10 Clues: A book with VERY bad teachers who are crazyA book starring a teenage girl who is a dorkA chapterbook combining almost ALL the fairytalesA book involving 2 characters (siblings) travelingA British fantasy literature book kids/adults like to readA book with a young boy who was sent to a camp for punishment...

Chapter Books 2023-04-27

Chapter Books crossword puzzle
  1. A chapterbook combining almost ALL the fairytales
  2. A book starring a teenage girl who is a dork
  3. A book starring a young boy with different types of weird teachers
  4. A book involving 2 characters (siblings) traveling
  1. A very smart girl who has some sort of power to make things float in mid-air
  2. A book with third grade students going on mysteries assigned by their teacher
  3. A book with VERY bad teachers who are crazy
  4. A book starring a young character who has her own way of doing things
  5. A British fantasy literature book kids/adults like to read
  6. A book with a young boy who was sent to a camp for punishment

10 Clues: A book with VERY bad teachers who are crazyA book starring a teenage girl who is a dorkA chapterbook combining almost ALL the fairytalesA book involving 2 characters (siblings) travelingA British fantasy literature book kids/adults like to readA book with a young boy who was sent to a camp for punishment...

Banned Books 2023-06-16

Banned Books crossword puzzle
  1. Noted American Prude
  2. Joads on the Road - author
  3. Deity Surveillance - author
  4. West of blue.
  5. Corporal Cantata - author
  6. Introibo ad altare Dei.
  1. He thinks you're a phony.
  2. Don't get pigheaded
  3. "Get Lo"
  4. Catholic no-no list - acronym

10 Clues: "Get Lo"West of blue.Don't get pigheadedNoted American PrudeIntroibo ad altare Dei.He thinks you're a phony.Corporal Cantata - authorJoads on the Road - authorDeity Surveillance - authorCatholic no-no list - acronym

Bible Books 2014-07-07

Bible Books crossword puzzle
  1. Journey to Nineveh
  2. Songs
  3. Wise Words
  4. Would not give up despite losing everything
  5. many prophecies
  6. Jesus' teachings
  7. Israelite's Journey
  1. Creation
  2. Past, Present and Future
  3. Baptized Jesus

10 Clues: SongsCreationWise WordsBaptized Jesusmany propheciesJesus' teachingsJourney to NinevehIsraelite's JourneyPast, Present and FutureWould not give up despite losing everything

Books & More 2017-08-16

Books & More crossword puzzle
  1. Do what Rip Van Winkle did
  2. A Charlotte Bronte Novel
  3. Of Mice and Men Author
  4. Dragon name in Game of Thrones
  5. Booker Prize winning book
  6. named Charlie Brown
  1. Et Tu Brute quoted by
  2. 1984 author
  3. Object used to review memories
  4. For men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever

10 Clues: 1984 authornamed Charlie BrownEt Tu Brute quoted byOf Mice and Men AuthorA Charlotte Bronte NovelBooker Prize winning bookDo what Rip Van Winkle didObject used to review memoriesDragon name in Game of ThronesFor men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever

Kids books 2018-02-06

Kids books crossword puzzle
  1. A dragon who became an ambulance
  2. A boy spies a fish
  3. Finds missing books
  4. Fruits come alive at night
  5. A thin man like a twig
  6. A naked boy
  1. Mouse, Snake, Fox, Owl
  2. Kids that solve misteries
  3. I spy Tom Thumb
  4. Racing car driver loses leg

10 Clues: A naked boyI spy Tom ThumbA boy spies a fishFinds missing booksMouse, Snake, Fox, OwlA thin man like a twigKids that solve misteriesFruits come alive at nightRacing car driver loses legA dragon who became an ambulance

Popular Books 2018-10-25

Popular Books crossword puzzle
  1. One of the most popular fiction series of all time
  2. Made into a movie by disney by a wacky author
  3. The main character's name is Pip
  4. A popular teen book with vampires
  5. A popular horror writer
  1. The title's first word is commonly mistaken for 'withering'
  2. Pride and...
  3. A long autobiography first published by currer bell
  4. Has a name that has four number digits (spelled out)
  5. The ______ tale

10 Clues: Pride and...The ______ taleA popular horror writerThe main character's name is PipA popular teen book with vampiresMade into a movie by disney by a wacky authorOne of the most popular fiction series of all timeA long autobiography first published by currer bellHas a name that has four number digits (spelled out)...

Children's Books 2023-08-14

Children's Books crossword puzzle
  1. meanest substitute ever
  2. never satisfied mouse
  3. very useful yet unappreciated tree
  4. loves pajamas and his mama
  5. largest pet ever
  1. wears a striped hat
  2. fun-loving monkey
  3. the shiniest in the sea
  4. I do not like them
  5. worm that eats a lot

10 Clues: largest pet everfun-loving monkeyI do not like themwears a striped hatworm that eats a lotnever satisfied mousethe shiniest in the seameanest substitute everloves pajamas and his mamavery useful yet unappreciated tree

Books C 2023-12-06

Books C crossword puzzle
  1. Young Irish criminal mastermind
  2. Dragon Rider on a quest
  3. Boy detective on the case
  4. Chronicler of the Baudelaire orphans' woes
  5. Toy seeking realness through love
  6. Demigod battling mythological monsters
  1. Poet with a light in his attic
  2. Wrote messages in a spider's web
  3. Sailed to the land of the Wild Things
  4. Discovered the secret garden

10 Clues: Dragon Rider on a questBoy detective on the caseDiscovered the secret gardenPoet with a light in his atticYoung Irish criminal mastermindWrote messages in a spider's webToy seeking realness through loveSailed to the land of the Wild ThingsDemigod battling mythological monstersChronicler of the Baudelaire orphans' woes

Books adjectives 2024-03-25

Books adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. historyczny
  2. zapadający w pamięć, niedający spokoju
  3. romantyczny
  4. nieoczekiwany
  5. komiczny
  1. wciągający
  2. zwycięski, triumfalny
  3. ulotny, nieuchwytny
  4. zróżnicowany
  5. wnikliwy, odkrywczy

10 Clues: komicznywciągającyhistorycznyromantycznyzróżnicowanynieoczekiwanyulotny, nieuchwytnywnikliwy, odkrywczyzwycięski, triumfalnyzapadający w pamięć, niedający spokoju