cars Crossword Puzzles

Monikot 2023-05-05

Monikot crossword puzzle
  1. tomato
  2. woman
  3. dog
  4. maat
  5. life
  6. sheep
  7. berry
  1. fox
  2. lady
  3. octopus
  4. tooth
  5. boy
  6. child
  7. autot
  8. wife
  9. men

16 Clues: foxboydogmenladymaatwifelifetoothwomanchildautotsheepberrytomatooctopus

Die Mehrzahl im Englischen 2017-01-29

Die Mehrzahl im Englischen crossword puzzle
  1. chairs
  2. cousins
  3. tables
  4. roads
  5. bedrooms
  6. dogs
  7. birthdays
  8. rubbers
  9. sheep
  10. cars
  11. doors
  1. fish
  2. minutes
  3. villages
  4. cats
  5. books
  6. exercises
  7. feet
  8. bags
  9. houses
  10. boards
  11. rulers
  12. pens

23 Clues: fishcatsfeetbagsdogspenscarsbooksroadssheepdoorschairstableshousesboardsrulersminutescousinsrubbersvillagesbedroomsexercisesbirthdays

En la ciudad/ en el campo 2023-03-13

En la ciudad/ en el campo crossword puzzle
  1. sky
  2. mountains
  3. hospital
  4. store
  5. toy store
  6. cars
  7. office
  8. movies
  9. pool
  10. station
  11. grocery store
  1. gym
  2. skyscraper
  3. parking lot
  4. bakery
  5. restaurante
  6. beach
  7. trees
  8. church
  9. buildings
  10. lake
  11. factory

22 Clues: gymskycarslakepoolstorebeachtreesbakeryofficechurchmoviesfactorystationhospitalmountainstoy storebuildingsskyscraperparking lotrestaurantegrocery store

plurals 2021-05-07

plurals crossword puzzle
  1. child
  2. baby
  3. city
  4. knife
  5. potato
  6. fish
  7. sheep
  1. bus
  2. wife
  3. tooth
  4. radio
  5. men
  6. person
  7. car
  8. day
  9. box

16 Clues: busmencardayboxwifebabycityfishtoothradiochildknifesheeppersonpotato

In the street 2 2016-08-08

In the street 2 crossword puzzle
  1. people that shop
  2. people that drive cars
  3. where you can borrow a book
  4. people that collect garbage for a job
  5. where people study
  6. where a policeman works
  7. a place to turn left or right
  8. put your rubbish in here
  9. where you can post a letter
  10. a public place to make a call
  1. where you wait for a bus
  2. people that are visiting
  3. something to drive on
  4. go here when you are sick
  5. a lump in the road to slow down cars
  6. anything that was built
  7. an ATM machine
  8. people that walk on the street
  9. a circular junction in the road
  10. where the mayor works
  11. a place to walk

21 Clues: an ATM machinea place to walkpeople that shopwhere people studysomething to drive onwhere the mayor workspeople that drive carsanything that was builtwhere a policeman workswhere you wait for a buspeople that are visitingput your rubbish in herego here when you are sickwhere you can borrow a bookwhere you can post a letter...

I'm Learning Jobs! 2022-12-25

I'm Learning Jobs! crossword puzzle
  1. They take care of our health.
  2. They draw buildings.
  3. They're always busy.
  4. They save lives when there is a fire.
  5. They protect people.
  6. They play football.
  7. They paint walls.
  8. They fly an airplane.
  9. They help doctors.
  10. They drive cars, buses or taxis.
  11. They teach us everything.
  12. They sing.
  1. They repair things, like cars.
  2. They bring people letters.
  3. They make engines, machines, or buildings.
  4. They cut and shape people's hair.
  5. They make delicious food.
  6. They take care of our teeth.
  7. They make clothes.
  8. They make furniture from wood.
  9. They paint pictures.
  10. They invent new things.
  11. We can see them in films or theathers.
  12. They work in a farm
  13. They work.

25 Clues: They work.They sing.They paint walls.They make clothes.They help doctors.They play football.They work in a farmThey draw buildings.They're always busy.They protect people.They paint pictures.They fly an airplane.They invent new things.They make delicious food.They teach us everything.They bring people letters.They take care of our teeth....

NEW YORK CITY (crosswords) 2024-01-24

NEW YORK CITY (crosswords) crossword puzzle
  1. What you do when you can't drive
  2. Active
  3. Super tall buildings
  4. You see them for directions
  5. Splendid, spectacular
  6. Very big
  7. When there are cars in the streets
  8. With colors
  9. Where you can buy clothes
  10. What companies use to sell products
  11. You see them in three colors
  12. Taxis
  1. People who visit a city
  2. Where you are situated
  3. What you do at a shop
  4. Yellow objects
  5. Coca Cola, Nike, Apple etc.
  6. What you do with a car
  7. Tourism
  8. What you do when you are a tourist
  9. Appreciate
  10. Big posters
  11. Where you walk
  12. They are separated from the street and cars
  13. You can sit on them

25 Clues: TaxisActiveTourismVery bigAppreciateBig postersWith colorsYellow objectsWhere you walkYou can sit on themSuper tall buildingsWhat you do at a shopSplendid, spectacularWhere you are situatedWhat you do with a carPeople who visit a cityWhere you can buy clothesCoca Cola, Nike, Apple etc.You see them for directionsYou see them in three colors...


GUESSING WORDS crossword puzzle
  1. consoles too get funny with your friends
  2. effects Digital effects
  3. speaker usinng too listen music
  4. Job where they look at your teeth
  5. cars Cars that don't use gasoline
  6. the bed After sleep yo make...
  7. Person from a movie
  8. Very old
  9. energy Energy that comes from the sun
  10. When a person help you is...
  11. You jump off a bridge
  1. Object you can make friends with
  2. Job where you drive a flying transport
  3. Place where there are paintings, structures
  4. Sport that you need a horse
  5. Site where are fishes to see
  6. Object you can work with
  7. Art martial of japonese...
  8. Very big
  9. When you like an activity,that emotion is...

20 Clues: Very oldVery bigPerson from a movieYou jump off a bridgeObject you can work witheffects Digital effectsArt martial of japonese...Sport that you need a horseSite where are fishes to seeWhen a person help you is...Object you can make friends withspeaker usinng too listen musicJob where they look at your teeththe bed After sleep yo make......

the plural in English 2022-11-25

the plural in English crossword puzzle
  1. ladies
  2. children
  3. feet
  4. thieves
  5. women
  6. cars
  7. boxes
  8. potatoes
  1. days
  2. sandwiches
  3. cities
  4. wives
  5. tomatoes
  6. cups
  7. men
  8. boys

16 Clues: mendaysfeetcarscupsboyswiveswomenboxesladiescitiesthieveschildrentomatoespotatoessandwiches

Plurals Crossword - napiš do křížovky množné číslo 2020-10-14

Plurals Crossword - napiš do křížovky množné číslo crossword puzzle
  1. orange
  2. box
  3. car
  4. person
  5. man
  6. toothbrush
  7. glass
  8. woman
  1. book
  2. boy
  3. child
  4. dog
  5. picture
  6. watch
  7. girl
  8. desk

16 Clues: boxboycardogmanbookgirldeskchildwatchglasswomanorangepersonpicturetoothbrush

First project 2020-11-05

First project crossword puzzle
  1. Russian
  2. nationality
  3. French
  4. fruits
  5. animals
  6. Chinese
  7. Japanese
  8. Canadian
  1. Spanish
  2. hamburges
  3. UnitedStates
  4. pizza
  5. English
  6. German
  7. cars
  8. Mexican

16 Clues: carspizzaGermanFrenchfruitsSpanishRussianEnglishMexicananimalsChineseJapaneseCanadianhamburgesnationalityUnitedStates

plural 2024-06-26

plural crossword puzzle
  1. wallet
  2. tablet
  3. kiss
  4. shelf
  5. sketch
  6. wife
  1. party
  2. family
  3. tomato
  4. friend
  5. day
  6. book
  7. wish
  8. fly
  9. car
  10. match

16 Clues: dayflycarbookwishkisswifepartymatchshelffamilywallettomatofriendtabletsketch

Professions 2022-02-16

Professions crossword puzzle
  1. They teach children.
  2. They make furniture.
  3. They make food.
  4. They fix teeth.
  1. They fly spaceships
  2. They drive cars.
  3. They fix cars.
  4. They help sick people.
  5. They help sick animals.
  6. They fly planes.

10 Clues: They fix cars.They make food.They fix teeth.They drive cars.They fly planes.They fly spaceshipsThey teach children.They make furniture.They help sick people.They help sick animals.

Car Week #1 2013-05-29

Car Week #1 crossword puzzle
  1. This company makes the Mustang.
  2. A car's engine output power is measured in this unit.
  3. This brand's logo features a circle with blue and white quarters, meant to look like a spinning airplane propellar.
  4. This company makes the Corvette as well as the Camaro.
  5. A V10 has ten of these, a V8 has eight, a V6 has six.
  6. The part of the car that changes gears as you drive.
  7. This car maker started out making tractors in Italy before making some of the fastest, most expensive cars in the world.
  1. The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing is more commonly known as this.
  2. This Italian company produces some of the most desirable cars in the world.
  3. Cars use spoilers and vents to help and improve this, especially at high speeds.
  4. This term is applied to cars that use an electric motor in addition to their gasoline motors for better fuel economy, such as a Toyota Prius
  5. When a car's top can be raised or lowered, the car is called a ___________.
  6. This brand's logo is made up of six stars, representing the Pleiades star cluster.

13 Clues: This company makes the Mustang.The part of the car that changes gears as you drive.A car's engine output power is measured in this unit.A V10 has ten of these, a V8 has eight, a V6 has six.This company makes the Corvette as well as the Camaro.This Italian company produces some of the most desirable cars in the world....

4th Grade unit 27 EN 2021-05-12

4th Grade unit 27        EN crossword puzzle
  1. math
  2. measured
  3. small angle
  4. decision
  5. gift
  6. same shape and same size
  7. Dirt
  8. preacher
  9. corner
  1. angle
  2. name
  3. can see
  4. pretty
  5. math
  6. cliff
  7. shopping
  8. back thin
  9. cars
  10. sister
  11. legs
  12. work

21 Clues: namemathmathgiftcarslegsDirtworkanglecliffprettysistercornercan seemeasuredshoppingdecisionpreacherback thinsmall anglesame shape and same size

Orth An Cost 2023-06-14

Orth An Cost crossword puzzle
  1. Buses
  2. Fisherman
  3. Cliff
  4. Sea
  5. Sand
  6. Visitors
  7. Shells
  8. Path
  9. Seaweed
  10. Balls
  11. Cafe
  1. Cars
  2. Rocks
  3. Surf
  4. Gulls
  5. Island
  6. Children
  7. Beach
  8. Surf
  9. Lighthouse
  10. Crabs
  11. Boats
  12. Dune
  13. Pools

24 Clues: SeaCarsSurfSurfSandPathDuneCafeRocksBusesGullsCliffBeachCrabsBoatsBallsPoolsIslandShellsSeaweedChildrenVisitorsFishermanLighthouse

words but Spanish- Maxx Bryan 2024-05-22

words but Spanish- Maxx Bryan crossword puzzle
  1. cool
  2. skin
  3. big
  4. capitalism
  5. communism
  6. bugs
  7. in
  8. cheese
  9. men
  10. remember
  11. shirt
  1. screaming
  2. cars
  3. chest
  4. is
  5. no hint find it yourself
  6. internal
  7. hose
  8. your
  9. duck
  10. tomorrow

21 Clues: isinbigmencarscoolskinhoseyourbugsduckchestshirtcheeseinternaltomorrowrememberscreamingcommunismcapitalismno hint find it yourself

GG 2020-04-05

GG crossword puzzle
  1. powerful businessman from Young and the Restless
  2. a coin, or one of your former pets
  3. another one of your cars
  4. A delicious type of cookie
  5. art
  6. a favorite flyer
  7. a brand of beverage that gets you going in the morning
  1. one of your cars
  2. Where Patty lives
  3. a cool beverage
  4. Hospital where Dave was born
  5. night school place
  6. City of birth
  7. "I could see, that girl was no good for me"

14 Clues: artCity of birtha cool beverageone of your carsa favorite flyerWhere Patty livesnight school placeanother one of your carsA delicious type of cookieHospital where Dave was borna coin, or one of your former pets"I could see, that girl was no good for me"powerful businessman from Young and the Restless...

Spanish Vocab Puzzle 2020-04-28

Spanish Vocab Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. blocks
  2. tricycle
  3. celebrate
  4. video games
  5. train
  6. gift
  7. zoo
  8. pet
  9. dog
  10. to have fun
  11. balloon
  1. to camp
  2. see saw
  3. cake
  4. quiet
  5. curious
  6. spoiled
  7. cat
  8. disobedient
  9. toy cars

20 Clues: catzoopetdogcakegiftquiettrainblocksto campsee sawcuriousspoiledballoontricycletoy carscelebratevideo gamesdisobedientto have fun

[Scuffed] CHEAP LIFERS :D 2024-04-29

[Scuffed] CHEAP LIFERS :D crossword puzzle
  2. Juice
  3. Cars
  4. Minecart
  5. Flatulence
  6. Fakwad
  7. AI
  8. Alt
  9. Danish
  10. Emo
  11. HATE
  12. Quebec
  13. Yellow
  14. Cactus
  1. Saloon
  2. Portal
  3. Prototype
  4. Fruit
  5. Red
  6. Canadian
  7. Tower
  8. Snowman
  9. Art

23 Clues: AIRedAltEmoArtCarsHATEJuiceFruitTowerSaloonNOOOOOPortalFakwadDanishQuebecYellowCactusSnowmanMinecartCanadianPrototypeFlatulence

The Great Pinewood Derby 2023-03-08

The Great Pinewood Derby crossword puzzle
  1. The type of wood your derby car is made of
  2. The group of cars that are assigned to race against one another
  3. Your car must meet all of these requirements to be allowed to race
  4. Use this to add color to your car
  5. This is the force that slows a solid object that is in motion
  6. Combined with a wheel this creates a simple machine that makes it easier for your car to roll
  7. The type of energy that is in motion
  8. The maximum amount your car can be is 5 ounces
  1. You own creative idea for your car
  2. shape of your car in a smooth manner
  3. The event where cars are raced down a track
  4. Loudly rooting for your car
  5. A design that allows air to move over and around
  6. The first car that cross the finish line
  7. The long lanes the cars race down
  8. Attach four these so your car can roll fast

16 Clues: Loudly rooting for your carUse this to add color to your carThe long lanes the cars race downYou own creative idea for your carshape of your car in a smooth mannerThe type of energy that is in motionThe first car that cross the finish lineThe type of wood your derby car is made ofThe event where cars are raced down a track...

In the street 2 2016-08-08

In the street 2 crossword puzzle
  1. where the mayor works
  2. people that shop
  3. put your rubbish in here
  4. people that collect garbage for a job
  5. people that walk on the street
  6. a public place to make a call
  7. where you can post a letter
  8. a circular junction in the road
  9. where you wait for a bus
  1. go here when you are sick
  2. where you can borrow a book
  3. anything that was built
  4. where a policeman works
  5. people that are visiting
  6. a place to turn left or right
  7. an ATM machine
  8. people that drive cars
  9. a place to walk
  10. a lump in the road to slow down cars
  11. something to drive on
  12. where people study

21 Clues: an ATM machinea place to walkpeople that shopwhere people studywhere the mayor workssomething to drive onpeople that drive carsanything that was builtwhere a policeman workspeople that are visitingput your rubbish in herewhere you wait for a busgo here when you are sickwhere you can borrow a bookwhere you can post a letter...

General Knowledge 2022-12-28

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. 900 divided by 100
  2. Cavaliers Forward Legend
  3. What people do first when they meet
  4. let's fix his throat!
  5. to prevent from harm
  6. AC-__
  7. popular streaming service
  8. Kiss from a Rose
  9. side effect of soul food
  10. Second born Kardashian
  11. Greek holiday spot
  12. A real party
  13. They wear green berets and brown cargoes
  14. belief that there is no God
  15. Godfather maker
  1. They say love is--
  2. 8 legged Monstrosity
  3. all things being equal
  4. Drug Addict(informal)
  5. blood vessel disease
  6. plastic at the end of a shoestring
  7. coagulation
  8. Heart attack
  9. "I'll have my steak___rare"
  10. movie about cars
  11. Rob Dyrdek show
  12. Me myself and I
  13. Strikes and ___
  14. Ready,Set,___!
  15. Receptacle

30 Clues: AC-__ReceptaclecoagulationHeart attackA real partyReady,Set,___!Rob Dyrdek showMe myself and IStrikes and ___Godfather makermovie about carsKiss from a RoseThey say love is--900 divided by 100Greek holiday spot8 legged Monstrosityblood vessel diseaseto prevent from harmDrug Addict(informal)let's fix his throat!all things being equal...


GUESSING WORDS crossword puzzle
  1. consoles too get funny with your friends
  2. effects Digital effects
  3. speaker usinng too listen music
  4. Job where they look at your teeth
  5. cars Cars that don't use gasoline
  6. the bed After sleep yo make...
  7. Person from a movie
  8. Very old
  9. energy Energy that comes from the sun
  10. When a person help you is...
  11. You jump off a bridge
  1. Object you can make friends with
  2. Job where you drive a flying transport
  3. Place where there are paintings, structures
  4. Sport that you need a horse
  5. Site where are fishes to see
  6. Object you can work with
  7. Art martial of japonese...
  8. Very big
  9. When you like an activity,that emotion is...

20 Clues: Very oldVery bigPerson from a movieYou jump off a bridgeObject you can work witheffects Digital effectsArt martial of japonese...Sport that you need a horseSite where are fishes to seeWhen a person help you is...Object you can make friends withspeaker usinng too listen musicJob where they look at your teeththe bed After sleep yo make......

the city 2020-12-24

the city crossword puzzle
  1. buildings
  2. people
  3. streets
  1. buses
  2. noise
  3. stores
  4. cars
  5. park

8 Clues: carsparkbusesnoisestorespeoplestreetsbuildings

Future cities 2024-05-16

Future cities crossword puzzle
  1. CARS
  2. PARKS


Vocabulario 2013-05-06

Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. fridge
  2. window
  3. curtain
  4. garden
  5. toys
  6. watch
  7. plants
  8. pan
  9. mugs
  1. flashlight
  2. shetts
  3. towl
  4. kitchen
  5. mirrors
  6. cars
  7. glasses

16 Clues: pantoystowlcarsmugswatchfridgewindowshettsgardenplantscurtainkitchenmirrorsglassesflashlight

Plural Words 2021-02-20

Plural Words crossword puzzle
  1. banana
  2. brush
  3. potato
  4. fox
  5. wife
  6. tomatos
  7. bus
  1. knife
  2. baby
  3. car
  4. house
  5. boy
  6. photo
  7. dog
  8. gas
  9. box

16 Clues: carboydogfoxgasbusboxbabywifeknifebrushhousephotobananapotatotomatos

In the street 2 2016-08-08

In the street 2 crossword puzzle
  1. put your rubbish in here
  2. where a policeman works
  3. an ATM machine
  4. something to drive on
  5. a place to walk
  6. anything that was built
  7. people that drive cars
  8. where you can post a letter
  9. people that are visiting
  10. where the mayor works
  11. where people study
  1. people that walk on the street
  2. a circular junction in the road
  3. a lump in the road to slow down cars
  4. a place to turn left or right
  5. people that shop
  6. people that collect garbage for a job
  7. where you wait for a bus
  8. go here when you are sick
  9. where you can borrow a book
  10. a public place to make a call

21 Clues: an ATM machinea place to walkpeople that shopwhere people studysomething to drive onwhere the mayor workspeople that drive carswhere a policeman worksanything that was builtput your rubbish in herewhere you wait for a buspeople that are visitinggo here when you are sickwhere you can post a letterwhere you can borrow a book...

In the street 2 2016-08-08

In the street 2 crossword puzzle
  1. put your rubbish in here
  2. where a policeman works
  3. an ATM machine
  4. something to drive on
  5. a place to walk
  6. anything that was built
  7. people that drive cars
  8. where you can post a letter
  9. people that are visiting
  10. where the mayor works
  11. where people study
  1. people that walk on the street
  2. a circular junction in the road
  3. a lump in the road to slow down cars
  4. a place to turn left or right
  5. people that shop
  6. people that collect garbage for a job
  7. where you wait for a bus
  8. go here when you are sick
  9. where you can borrow a book
  10. a public place to make a call

21 Clues: an ATM machinea place to walkpeople that shopwhere people studysomething to drive onwhere the mayor workspeople that drive carswhere a policeman worksanything that was builtput your rubbish in herewhere you wait for a buspeople that are visitinggo here when you are sickwhere you can post a letterwhere you can borrow a book...

amusement park 2023-06-25

amusement park crossword puzzle
  1. games They are indoor games that you can play with tokens or coins.
  2. house It is a spooky attraction with surprises and scares inside.
  3. They are small, motorized cars that you can race around a track.
  4. area It is a designated space with playground equipment for children to play.
  5. It is a merry-go-round with colorful animals that you can ride on.
  6. coaster It is a thrilling ride that takes you on twists, turns, and drops.
  7. golf It is a miniature version of golf with obstacles and putting greens.
  8. They are seats attached to chains or ropes that you can swing back and forth.
  9. line It is a cable suspended between two points that you can slide down.
  10. jump It is a thrilling activity where you jump from a height with a bungee cord.
  1. cars They are small electric cars that you can drive and bump into each other.
  2. wheel It is a tall, rotating ride with passenger cars for a panoramic view.
  3. It is a bouncy surface where you can jump and perform acrobatics.
  4. slide It is a slide that lets you slide down and splash into a pool of water.
  5. It is a circular platform with decorative horses that go up and down.
  6. ride It is a ride on a train that takes you around the park.
  7. wall It is a vertical wall with holds and grips for climbing.
  8. wheel It is a large rotating wheel with passenger cars for a scenic view.
  9. park It is an area with various water attractions like slides and pools.
  10. It is a suspended seat that moves back and forth like a pendulum.

20 Clues: ride It is a ride on a train that takes you around the park.wall It is a vertical wall with holds and grips for climbing.They are small, motorized cars that you can race around a track.It is a bouncy surface where you can jump and perform It is a spooky attraction with surprises and scares inside....

BRANDS 2021-07-28

BRANDS crossword puzzle
  1. Electric Cars
  2. orchestra intro to Movies
  3. a franchise with a aussie bearded man on cars
  4. google email
  5. Meat pie brand
  6. a pc brand that makes gaming pc parts
  7. HalfLife and Portal Series
  1. Staff wear Referee Uniform
  2. Mexican cuisine
  3. Producer of Minions
  4. three stripes logo

11 Clues: google emailElectric CarsMeat pie brandMexican cuisinethree stripes logoProducer of Minionsorchestra intro to MoviesStaff wear Referee UniformHalfLife and Portal Seriesa pc brand that makes gaming pc partsa franchise with a aussie bearded man on cars

test 2023-05-23

test crossword puzzle
  1. What does burning fuel produce?
  2. What do electric car use to run instead of gasoline?
  1. Electric and hybrid cars help protect the _______.
  2. Electric cars do not need _______ to run.
  3. What is used to store electricity?
  4. Electric cars use an electric _______ to move.
  5. Regular cars use an _______ to move.
  6. What is a type of car that use both electricity and gasoline?

8 Clues: What does burning fuel produce?What is used to store electricity?Regular cars use an _______ to move.Electric cars do not need _______ to run.Electric cars use an electric _______ to move.Electric and hybrid cars help protect the _______.What do electric car use to run instead of gasoline?...

Fall Fair 2022-10-29

Fall Fair crossword puzzle
  1. Cars
  2. Pumpkin Spice
  3. Orange
  4. Entertainment
  5. Game
  6. Stable Floor
  7. More Music
  8. ______ Wheel
  9. Maize
  10. Music
  1. Blueberry
  2. Ribbon
  3. Treat
  4. Food
  5. Rides
  6. Dance
  7. Condiment
  8. Pull
  9. Prize
  10. Drink
  11. Rodeo
  12. Bumpkin

22 Clues: CarsFoodPullGameTreatRidesDancePrizeDrinkRodeoMaizeMusicRibbonOrangeBumpkinBlueberryCondimentMore MusicStable Floor______ WheelPumpkin SpiceEntertainment

Die Mehrzahl im Englischen 2017-01-29

Die Mehrzahl im Englischen crossword puzzle
  1. bag
  2. ruler
  3. house
  4. exercise
  5. minute
  6. chair
  7. board
  8. foot
  9. dog
  10. pen
  1. door
  2. birthday
  3. table
  4. bedroom
  5. village
  6. rubber
  7. cousin
  8. fish
  9. car
  10. sheep
  11. cat
  12. book
  13. road

23 Clues: bagcarcatdogpendoorfishbookroadfoottablerulerhousechairsheepboardrubbercousinminutebedroomvillagebirthdayexercise

Uzair’s Crossword 2021-06-02

Uzair’s Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An electric thing you balance on
  2. A moving thing you balance on
  3. You keep your belongings in this when you go out
  4. Man of Steel
  5. The machine in cars
  6. What you use to travel to nearby places
  7. What you get when you win a game
  8. The infectious virus
  1. A set of wires
  2. What you use to breath
  3. What you use to travel far distances
  4. A sport for flexibility
  5. A thing that children play with
  6. What you use to write
  7. What you use to cut fruits and vegetables
  8. The surface you stand on
  9. Something you sit on
  10. A touchscreen electric device (Apple)
  11. Gives people light
  12. Something you wear to keep yourself safe when you go out

20 Clues: Man of SteelA set of wiresGives people lightThe machine in carsSomething you sit onThe infectious virusWhat you use to writeWhat you use to breathA sport for flexibilityThe surface you stand onA moving thing you balance onA thing that children play withAn electric thing you balance onWhat you get when you win a game...

city 2022-10-26

city crossword puzzle
  1. where kids go to learn
  2. outdoor shops
  3. where kids play
  4. you can see lots of ------ at night
  5. cars travel on these
  6. the number of people in one place
  7. how you get places
  8. where you work and get paid
  9. live there in the city
  10. where you eat out or have lunch
  1. going to a place and buying things
  2. small house like area in a building we live in
  3. where you work, live or stay
  4. young humans
  5. bunch of vehicle held up in a line
  6. going somewhere to see a famous sight
  7. main form of transport
  8. we like to go on evening -----
  9. animals that live with humans
  10. it's a very ---- area

20 Clues: young humansoutdoor shopswhere kids playhow you get placescars travel on theseit's a very ---- areawhere kids go to learnmain form of transportlive there in the citywhere you work and get paidwhere you work, live or stayanimals that live with humanswe like to go on evening -----where you eat out or have lunchthe number of people in one place...

Rivian teams up with Mercedes 2022-12-08

Rivian teams up with Mercedes crossword puzzle
  1. keeping something/ maintaining something
  2. add for something
  3. how electric cars get power
  4. Not a car but not a truck
  5. on a device
  6. Luxury car brand
  7. the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system
  8. Make smaller/decrease
  9. an electric car brand that stated in June 2009
  10. making things in a continuous line
  11. CEO of rivian
  12. delivery service
  1. this state is known for its role in the underground railroad
  2. Toyota ___________ cars
  3. The branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences
  4. Something you get from amazon on your porch
  5. Electric van
  6. A car that has no gas
  7. what the postal person does
  8. content that starts with a E

20 Clues: on a deviceElectric vanCEO of rivianLuxury car branddelivery serviceadd for somethingA car that has no gasMake smaller/decreaseToyota ___________ carsNot a car but not a truckhow electric cars get powerwhat the postal person doescontent that starts with a Emaking things in a continuous linekeeping something/ maintaining something...


  1. cars go on the_________________
  2. we walk on the________________________-
  3. It’s something you can find in a museum and is not a painting
  4. it’s the place where we park cars
  1. cars follow the rules of a___________________________
  2. it’s the place where people show photos or drawings
  3. it’s a public transport which doesn’t see the sunlight
  4. you want to pay with__________ or with credit card
  5. It’s the place where you can see paintings
  6. the place where we play

10 Clues: the place where we playcars go on the_________________it’s the place where we park carswe walk on the________________________-It’s the place where you can see paintingsyou want to pay with__________ or with credit cardit’s the place where people show photos or drawingscars follow the rules of a___________________________...

Marcos 5C 2021-05-24

Marcos 5C crossword puzzle
  1. it is dangerous if you breathe it and it is used for cooking
  2. it's a queue of cars
  3. bus, train ...
  4. it's good for the environment
  5. used to make cars move
  1. it is very big and has many animals
  2. in all cities there are many
  3. when you throw it you generate it
  4. In Madrid there is a lot, and the cars give off a lot too
  5. It is used to walk but it is not a steel

10 Clues: bus, train's a queue of carsused to make cars movein all cities there are manyit's good for the environmentwhen you throw it you generate itit is very big and has many animalsIt is used to walk but it is not a steelIn Madrid there is a lot, and the cars give off a lot tooit is dangerous if you breathe it and it is used for cooking

Martin Slezák 2020-11-21

Martin Slezák crossword puzzle
  1. moře
  2. prostředí
  3. smetí nebo odpadky
  4. auta
  5. rostliny
  6. recyklovat
  7. zničit
  8. plýtvat
  1. zemně
  2. zachránit
  3. deštný (pra)les
  4. les
  5. chránit
  6. jed
  7. plast
  8. stromy
  9. oceán
  10. znečistit

18 Clues: lesjedmořeautazemněplastoceánstromyzničitchránitplýtvatrostlinyzachránitprostředíznečistitrecyklovatdeštný (pra)lessmetí nebo odpadky

1920s - MERRIMAN, JACOB 2019-02-28

1920s - MERRIMAN, JACOB crossword puzzle
  1. a company that produced pedal cars
  2. a political issue that involved guns
  3. the Model T but better
  4. first American made car
  5. a set of codes for international air travel
  6. a toy company based in Britain that made model toys
  7. early airports
  8. a model of battleship
  9. laws enforced to keep movie houses closed on Sundays
  10. a period of time in which alcohol was illegalized
  1. a blimp that crashed
  2. small wooden interlocking logs
  3. first movies made
  4. movie making central
  5. a ship that carried planes
  6. movie star in the era
  7. created the Model T
  8. small pedal-powered cars that children played
  9. a faster way of assembling products
  10. a balloon like vehicle

20 Clues: early airportsfirst movies madecreated the Model Ta blimp that crashedmovie making centralmovie star in the eraa model of battleshipthe Model T but bettera balloon like vehiclefirst American made cara ship that carried planessmall wooden interlocking logsa company that produced pedal carsa faster way of assembling products...

Rivian teams up with Mercedes 2022-12-08

Rivian teams up with Mercedes crossword puzzle
  1. CEO of rivian
  2. the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system
  3. keeping something/ maintaining something
  4. delivery service
  5. The branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences
  6. A car that has no gas
  7. what the postal person does
  8. Something you get from amazon on your porch
  9. Not a car but not a truck
  10. ad for something
  1. Make smaller/decrease
  2. making things in a continuous line
  3. how electric cars get power
  4. Toyota ___________ cars
  5. Electric van
  6. this state is known for its role in the underground railroad
  7. Luxury car brand
  8. on a device
  9. content that starts with a E
  10. an electric car brand that stated in june 2009

20 Clues: on a deviceElectric vanCEO of riviandelivery serviceLuxury car brandad for somethingMake smaller/decreaseA car that has no gasToyota ___________ carsNot a car but not a truckhow electric cars get powerwhat the postal person doescontent that starts with a Emaking things in a continuous linekeeping something/ maintaining something...

livability words 2023-09-20

livability words crossword puzzle
  1. a monthly fee when living in a house
  2. cars and vehicles blocking roads
  3. learning and growth
  4. when people fell comfortable
  5. service which makes you feel welcome
  6. buying and living in houses
  7. space a natural space for people to hang out in
  8. relating to the economy
  9. fine dining for people to eat
  1. the growth of population
  2. centers a free medical doctor for treatment
  3. a path for cars to drive on
  4. a service use to help the suburb
  5. nice hills and scenery
  6. a public vehicle for travel
  7. something illegal
  8. nature covering the sun
  9. covering from the sun sing man-made materials
  10. numerous stores for selling
  11. a free service for recreational purposes

20 Clues: something illegallearning and growthnice hills and scenerynature covering the sunrelating to the economythe growth of populationa path for cars to drive ona public vehicle for travelbuying and living in housesnumerous stores for sellingwhen people fell comfortablefine dining for people to eatcars and vehicles blocking roads...

Cars brands 2022-06-20

Cars brands crossword puzzle
  1. fast bull
  2. Elon musk made this car
  3. dancing horse
  1. South Korean
  2. blue and white logo
  3. it was made in japan
  4. Olympics sign
  5. a factory in Cork made this

8 Clues: fast bullSouth KoreanOlympics signdancing horseblue and white logoit was made in japanElon musk made this cara factory in Cork made this

Jdm Cars 2023-11-13

Jdm Cars crossword puzzle
  1. Fast and Furious
  2. Slows the car down
  3. Powers The Car
  4. Accelerates the car extra fast
  1. Back of the car
  2. Runs the car
  3. Rotates the wheels
  4. Keeps the car rolling

8 Clues: Runs the carPowers The CarBack of the carFast and FuriousSlows the car downRotates the wheelsKeeps the car rollingAccelerates the car extra fast

SPORTS CARS 2024-03-06

SPORTS CARS crossword puzzle
  1. its Mc but not Mcdonalds
  2. camaro is one of the car types
  3. like porch
  4. named after an animal
  1. bull logo
  2. "little red ________!"
  3. horse logo
  4. ____ GT

8 Clues: ____ GTbull logohorse logolike porchnamed after an animal"little red ________!"its Mc but not Mcdonaldscamaro is one of the car types

G7 - Cars 2024-04-15

G7 - Cars crossword puzzle
  1. The way something has been made.
  2. How fast something goes.
  3. Something that you have to try extremely hard to break; an achievement that has not been done before.
  4. An extremely fast car (two words).
  5. A group of people working together for the same thing.
  1. A mostly empty land where very little grows. Sometimes full of sand . . .
  2. The person who takes the wheel.
  3. Ground that is not the sea . . .

8 Clues: How fast something goes.The person who takes the wheel.The way something has been made.Ground that is not the sea . . .An extremely fast car (two words).A group of people working together for the same thing.A mostly empty land where very little grows. Sometimes full of sand . . ....

Vocabulary Time 2023-07-04

Vocabulary Time crossword puzzle
  1. Jatuh
  2. Timur
  3. Meminta maaf
  4. Memaafkan
  5. Menunggu
  6. Barat laut
  7. Meminjam
  1. Nenek
  2. Minuman
  3. Mencuri
  4. Kakek
  5. Bertemu
  6. Mengundang
  7. Rindu
  8. Mobil-mobil
  9. Daging sapi
  10. Mengepel
  11. atau

18 Clues: atauNenekJatuhKakekTimurRinduMinumanMencuriBertemuMenungguMengepelMeminjamMemaafkanMengundangBarat lautMobil-mobilDaging sapiMeminta maaf

jobs 2015-11-07

jobs crossword puzzle
  1. drives cars
  2. plans houses
  3. builds houses
  4. deals with electricity
  5. teaches students
  1. mends cars
  2. sells goods in a shop
  3. heals people
  4. welds metal

9 Clues: mends carsdrives carswelds metalheals peopleplans housesbuilds housesteaches studentssells goods in a shopdeals with electricity

CO2 Car Crossword Puzzle 2021-01-06

CO2 Car Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The kind of wood used to make the cars
  2. who had 3 laws for aerodynamics
  3. what we do to the back of the car to make it go faster.
  4. what area of science we studied to make the cars go faster.
  5. smooths out the car before we paint it
  6. what there is between the wheels and the floor that slows the car down
  7. what the wheels go on to
  1. screws into bottom of car so it stays on the track
  2. The type of line used as the track
  3. what we compare the air to as it flows over the car
  4. what keeps the wheels away from the body of the car
  5. what acts as a bearing for the axles
  6. what you do to your care to make it pretty
  7. Fuel source for the CO2 cars

14 Clues: what the wheels go on toFuel source for the CO2 carswho had 3 laws for aerodynamicsThe type of line used as the trackwhat acts as a bearing for the axlesThe kind of wood used to make the carssmooths out the car before we paint itwhat you do to your care to make it prettyscrews into bottom of car so it stays on the track...

Science is Cool Easter Hunt 2015-04-01

Science is Cool Easter Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. Widely used in batteries
  2. Killed by her own discovery (MC)
  3. Tellurium symbol spelt backwards
  4. Dinosaur killing meteorite was made of
  5. The seventh transuranic element
  6. Future use for solar powered cars
  7. Karl ? survived tasting hydrogen cyanide
  1. Named after German state
  2. Salt flats are rich in it
  3. Planes, Cars, Trucks, Foil
  4. What jewel is carbon found in
  5. Highest melting point
  6. Discovered by Bernard Courtois in 1811

13 Clues: Highest melting pointNamed after German stateWidely used in batteriesSalt flats are rich in itPlanes, Cars, Trucks, FoilWhat jewel is carbon found inThe seventh transuranic elementKilled by her own discovery (MC)Tellurium symbol spelt backwardsFuture use for solar powered carsDinosaur killing meteorite was made of...

Engineer 2022-02-17

Engineer crossword puzzle
  1. / oil and fuel
  2. power / another form of power
  3. / nucealur power
  4. / Helps contain virses
  5. / sloves food problems
  1. / an engineer that makes palnes
  2. / math and science to make things
  3. / design and creat things like devices
  4. / Build and test cars
  5. / goes from piont a to point A to piont B
  6. / helps you get around the farm
  7. / helps you do math fast
  8. / helps you get around
  9. drill / gets oil from the ground

14 Clues: / oil and fuel/ nucealur power/ Build and test cars/ Helps contain virses/ helps you get around/ sloves food problems/ helps you do math fastpower / another form of power/ an engineer that makes palnes/ helps you get around the farmdrill / gets oil from the ground/ math and science to make things/ design and creat things like devices...

CSAA Claims and Cars 2020-11-03

CSAA Claims and Cars crossword puzzle
  1. what part of the car produces cold air to keep you cool
  2. what is the other name for the plastic repair material on a bumper cover
  3. Interactive and personalized Well-being portal is known as what
  4. Another name for a facia
  5. abbreviation for Coverage in Question is
  6. only one holiday surpasses Halloween in consumer sales, what is it
  7. what does o/h stand for
  8. what is a name for a car that is strong
  9. how many stages of paint is a pearl
  10. who was the first president to pardon a turkey
  1. what state raises the most turkeys
  2. what is it called when you need to remove parts from a car to verify hidden damages
  3. what famous magician died on Halloween
  4. what is the English (England)name for the hood of the car
  5. what letter is sent to an insured when they are responsible for the accident
  6. what is a loss called that is not from an accident/collision
  7. October 31st
  8. CSAA utilizes this program to recognize day to day achievements and extraordinary results
  9. what is the acronym for base coat reduction

19 Clues: October 31stwhat does o/h stand forAnother name for a faciawhat state raises the most turkeyshow many stages of paint is a pearlwhat famous magician died on Halloweenwhat is a name for a car that is strongabbreviation for Coverage in Question iswhat is the acronym for base coat reductionwho was the first president to pardon a turkey...

1960s Cars: Iconic Models 2023-10-25

1960s Cars: Iconic Models crossword puzzle
  1. Chevrolet's classic full-size car.
  2. Buick's elegant personal luxury car.
  3. Chevrolet's popular full-size car.
  4. Chevrolet's legendary sports car.
  5. Chevrolet's mid-size muscle car.
  6. Pontiac's legendary muscle car.
  7. Ford's mid-size car with various trims.
  8. Ford's compact car model.
  9. Mercury's upscale and sporty model.
  10. British compact car with a cult following.
  1. A luxurious convertible model.
  2. AMC's brand with several popular models.
  3. Ford's full-size car known for comfort.
  4. Ford's iconic pony car.
  5. Volkswagen's beloved compact car.
  6. Ford's stylish personal luxury car.
  7. Chevrolet's compact car with performance options.
  8. A sleek and iconic British sports car.
  9. Chevrolet's answer to the Ford Mustang.

19 Clues: Ford's iconic pony car.Ford's compact car model.A luxurious convertible model.Pontiac's legendary muscle car.Chevrolet's mid-size muscle car.Volkswagen's beloved compact car.Chevrolet's legendary sports car.Chevrolet's classic full-size car.Chevrolet's popular full-size car.Ford's stylish personal luxury car.Mercury's upscale and sporty model....

Video Games 2022-01-12

Video Games crossword puzzle
  1. Survivor
  2. shadowdietwice
  3. Zombies
  4. TomClancy
  5. EAsports
  6. Tracer
  7. Lost
  1. Cars
  2. 2D
  3. BattleRoyale
  4. CT&T
  5. Slayer
  6. MasterChief
  7. Blocks
  8. Warfactions
  9. Arkham

16 Clues: 2DCarsCT&TLostSlayerBlocksArkhamTracerZombiesSurvivorEAsportsTomClancyMasterChiefWarfactionsBattleRoyaleshadowdietwice

Marcos 5C 2021-05-24

Marcos 5C crossword puzzle
  1. it is dangerous if you breathe it and it is used for cooking
  2. it's a queue of cars
  3. bus, train ...
  4. it's good for the environment
  5. used to make cars move
  1. it is very big and has many animals
  2. in all cities there are many
  3. when you throw it you generate it
  4. In Madrid there is a lot, and the cars give off a lot too
  5. It is used to walk but it is not a steel

10 Clues: bus, train's a queue of carsused to make cars movein all cities there are manyit's good for the environmentwhen you throw it you generate itit is very big and has many animalsIt is used to walk but it is not a steelIn Madrid there is a lot, and the cars give off a lot tooit is dangerous if you breathe it and it is used for cooking

JUNKYARD 2018-07-12

JUNKYARD crossword puzzle



  1. it’s the place where we park cars
  2. cars go on the_________________
  3. it’s a public transport which doesn’t see the sunlight
  4. we walk on the__________________
  1. the place where we play
  2. It’s something you can find in a museum and is not a painting
  3. it’s the place where people show photos or drawings
  4. It’s the place where you can see paintings
  5. cars follow the rules of a___________________________
  6. Do you want to pay with__________ or with credit card

10 Clues: the place where we playcars go on the_________________we walk on the__________________it’s the place where we park carsIt’s the place where you can see paintingsit’s the place where people show photos or drawingscars follow the rules of a___________________________Do you want to pay with__________ or with credit card...

Electric Cars 2013-10-30

Electric Cars crossword puzzle
  1. "These cells are placed on electric and cars and help it obtain it's energy"
  2. "Something with the ability to go on forever is known as this"
  3. "A road vehicle powered by an engine"
  4. "Will eventually end"
  5. "Where electric cars gets their 'charge' from"
  1. "A three-worded alternate source of transport which is environmentally friendly"
  2. "What conventional cars are powered by"
  3. "How people travel around before cars"

8 Clues: "Will eventually end""A road vehicle powered by an engine""How people travel around before cars""What conventional cars are powered by""Where electric cars gets their 'charge' from""Something with the ability to go on forever is known as this""These cells are placed on electric and cars and help it obtain it's energy"...

Lightning mcqaeen 2017-06-20

Lightning mcqaeen crossword puzzle
  1. where do the Roud 66 ends
  2. who was the instructor in the movie lightning mcqueen
  3. when did the fyrst movie com out
  4. how long is the Roud 66
  1. where do the Roud 66 starts
  2. which car is sally in the movie cars
  3. What would the movie Lightning mcqueen really have called
  4. how Many lightning mcqueen movis are there made
  5. who made the Music to cars
  6. Them did the second movie com out

10 Clues: how long is the Roud 66where do the Roud 66 endswho made the Music to carswhere do the Roud 66 startswhen did the fyrst movie com outThem did the second movie com outwhich car is sally in the movie carshow Many lightning mcqueen movis are there madewho was the instructor in the movie lightning mcqueen...

Co2 Dragster Test 2023-12-12

Co2 Dragster Test crossword puzzle
  1. The act of slowing a moving object. In CO2 racing, a car must be safely decelerated after it crosses the finish line.
  2. Restricted to a limited space; carbon dioxide is confined in a sealed cartridge.
  3. The force that propels an object, sets it into motion, or keeps it moving.
  4. A CO2 race car design in which a narrow rail connects the front axle to the back of the car and has wheels mounted on the outside of the car body.
  5. A bench-mounted or freestanding power tool used to make precise, curved cuts that is ideal for rough shaping CO2 car bodies.
  6. The property or tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest unless acted upon by a force.
  7. A property of an airstream moving in a swirling or tumbling fashion; see also eddie.
  8. A measurement of force per unit of area. In a sealed CO2 cartridge, pressurized carbon dioxide gas exerts an equal force in all directions to the inner surfaces of the cartridge.
  9. The CO2 cartridge on board a race car. The power plant housing is the body material that surrounds the cartridge.
  10. Describing an object’s visual appeal or attractiveness.
  11. A set of very specific requirements for a project or competition, often including a set of measurements.
  12. The race system component that is located on the finish line of the racetrack. As the two cars speed through the gate, individual sensors detect their presence, stopping the system’s electronic timers.
  13. A bench-mounted or freestanding power tool used for drilling precise holes. Particularly useful for drilling properly aligned axle holes in the car body.
  14. A race car with external wheels that has a triangular wedge body shape.
  15. A small, sealed, metal tube that contains compressed carbon dioxide. CO2 cartridges are used to propel race cars down the track.
  1. A single-strand line used to prevent speeding CO2 cars from soaring off the track. The line is threaded through two screw eyes mounted to the underside of a car body, and then it is stretched tight and anchored on extreme ends of the track.
  2. The properties and forces produced as an object moves through the air or a stream of air moves around an object.
  3. An assembly of lights oriented in two vertical columns used near the starting line of drag racing and CO2 racing to signal the start of the race.
  4. Part of launch pod assembly with sharp pointed end that punctures a hole in cars’ CO2 cartridges to start a race. Made of hardened steel.
  5. The relative positioning of a pair of cars just before they race. Nose, or nose-to-nose, alignment is achieved when the extreme forward points of both cars are aligned with the starting line.
  6. Small screws with an enclosed ring on one end. Two screw eyes are mounted on the bottom of CO2 race cars to accommodate the racetrack’s monofilament guideline.
  7. A race car that races a short distance on a straight track. CO2 race cars are often referred to as dragsters.
  8. A small handheld saw with a narrow blade, useful for making curved cuts in wood. Good for rough shaping race car bodies if a band saw is unavailable.
  9. The aerodynamic force that pushes upward on a body as it moves through an airstream. Airplane wings generate lift; race car bodies might also generate lift, positive or negative (downward force), as they move down the track.
  10. A small, quick sketch used to rapidly communicate ideas.
  11. The force that resists relative motion between two objects in contact.
  12. The friction between a car’s tires and the road surface. Traction enables the wheels/tires to propel a car forward without the wheels spinning in place. In CO2 racing, the wheels do not propel the vehicle, so increasing traction is not necessary.
  13. A freestanding racetrack surface that is roughly the same height as a tabletop. Spectator viewing is greatly enhanced with an elevated track. Pitsco’s FasTrak is a fine example.
  14. An acceptable variance from a specified measurement that’s used to determine the minimum and maximum measurements.
  15. The area of the racetrack before the starting line, on the extreme end. Pairs of cars are placed in this area (after they are threaded onto the monofilament guideline) to await their turn to race. The staging of cars saves time during a racing competition.
  16. To have balance, or to have the same shape or size on opposite sides.
  17. A turbulent flow of air that moves in a random tumbling, or circular, pattern.
  18. The force that resists an object’s movement through the air. The more the object disrupts the laminar flow of air around it, the more drag is developed.

33 Clues: Describing an object’s visual appeal or attractiveness.A small, quick sketch used to rapidly communicate ideas.To have balance, or to have the same shape or size on opposite sides.The force that resists relative motion between two objects in contact.A race car with external wheels that has a triangular wedge body shape....

ddd 2024-03-10

ddd crossword puzzle
  1. 1,000
  2. people who are walking
  3. parts of a city where people live
  4. know how to plan something
  1. taking people to many places
  2. people who live in a certain area
  3. tracks, cars, bus
  4. really loud sounds
  5. 1,000,000
  6. too many people
  7. too many cars on the road

11 Clues: 1,0001,000,000too many peopletracks, cars, busreally loud soundspeople who are walkingtoo many cars on the roadknow how to plan somethingtaking people to many placespeople who live in a certain areaparts of a city where people live

Cars Crossword 2023-03-17

Cars Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Makes the fastest production cars
  2. Quoted "magic carpet ride" for its luxury and comfort
  3. Known for its flashy style and low volume hypercars
  4. Popular for the bull logo
  1. A japanese car manufacturer known for its reliability
  2. A european car brand with a horse logo
  3. A luxury car brand
  4. Well known for its ambient lights

8 Clues: A luxury car brandPopular for the bull logoMakes the fastest production carsWell known for its ambient lightsA european car brand with a horse logoKnown for its flashy style and low volume hypercarsA japanese car manufacturer known for its reliabilityQuoted "magic carpet ride" for its luxury and comfort

Classic Cars 2024-04-26

Classic Cars crossword puzzle
  1. kickstarted the muscle car era
  2. before cars, Lamborghini manufactured ______
  3. this car featured doors that slid into the front fender wells
  4. Corvette's are built exclusively in this state
  1. Porsche 911 nickname
  2. Chevy designed the Chevelle in hopes to compete with this car
  3. first car to reach 200mph in daytona, eventually banned
  4. in 1983 chevy skipped making this car

8 Clues: Porsche 911 nicknamekickstarted the muscle car erain 1983 chevy skipped making this carbefore cars, Lamborghini manufactured ______Corvette's are built exclusively in this statefirst car to reach 200mph in daytona, eventually bannedChevy designed the Chevelle in hopes to compete with this car...

Die Mehrzahl 2017-01-29

Die Mehrzahl crossword puzzle
  1. cats
  2. minutes
  3. cars
  4. tables
  5. pencils
  6. rubbers
  7. bags
  8. sheep
  9. exercises
  10. feet
  11. houses
  12. boards
  13. doors
  1. cousins
  2. chairs
  3. rulers
  4. villages
  5. bedrooms
  6. pens
  7. birthdays
  8. fish
  9. roads
  10. books
  11. dogs

24 Clues: catscarsbagspensfishfeetdogssheeproadsbooksdoorschairsrulerstableshousesboardscousinsminutespencilsrubbersvillagesbedroomsbirthdaysexercises

Vocabulario 3CD - Juegos y Actividades 2021-02-09

Vocabulario 3CD - Juegos y Actividades crossword puzzle
  1. to love
  2. tricycle
  3. childhood
  4. gifts
  5. pets
  6. to obey
  7. to lose
  8. Close knit
  9. Toy Cars
  10. explore
  11. daring
  1. hard working
  2. to pretend
  3. skates
  4. dolls
  5. cute
  6. to swing
  7. bossy
  8. outside
  9. Balloons

20 Clues: cutepetsdollsbossygiftsskatesdaringto loveoutsideto obeyto loseexploretricycleto swingToy CarsBalloonschildhoodto pretendClose knithard working

Virtual Field Trip: Mexico 2023-10-09

Virtual Field Trip: Mexico crossword puzzle
  1. Place to play and walk
  2. Let's go play at the ____.
  3. tall and green
  4. Cars drive on the ____.
  5. place to buy things
  6. The weather was hot and ____.
  1. tall building
  2. too much money
  3. too many cars on the road
  4. fluffy and white in the sky
  5. The statue is made of ______.
  6. Color of the sky

12 Clues: tall buildingtoo much moneytall and greenColor of the skyplace to buy thingsPlace to play and walkCars drive on the ____.too many cars on the roadLet's go play at the ____.fluffy and white in the skyThe statue is made of ______.The weather was hot and ____.

Cars and Brands 2023-05-18

Cars and Brands crossword puzzle
  1. Most are made in Indianapolis, USA and 65 percent of them are still available and on the road.
  2. the first car made by this brand was electric in 1900's
  3. got from the Japanese word "Kanmuri" meaning Crown
  4. has the most expensive car model, type 57c Atlantic in the world.
  5. was named after a city in the Tuscany region of Italy but targeted the North Americas for sale
  6. is arguably the most popular Cadilac Limo
  1. name gotten from the Latin meaning "I roll"
  2. is a sports car brand based in Maranello Italy. Its founder, a racing car driver, bearing the name of the car.
  3. is popular for always using boxer engines
  4. German car inventor, Karl Benz, began this company
  5. wasn't a car maker initially but a fishing firm
  6. Bayerische Werke

12 Clues: Bayerische Werkeis popular for always using boxer enginesis arguably the most popular Cadilac Limoname gotten from the Latin meaning "I roll"wasn't a car maker initially but a fishing firmGerman car inventor, Karl Benz, began this companygot from the Japanese word "Kanmuri" meaning Crownthe first car made by this brand was electric in 1900's...

Plural Nouns 2021-01-08

Plural Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. leaf
  2. wolf
  3. candy
  4. dress
  5. life
  6. sandwich
  7. book
  8. box
  1. self
  2. dog
  3. car
  4. city
  5. dish
  6. family
  7. fox

15 Clues: dogcarfoxboxleafselfwolfcitydishlifebookcandydressfamilysandwich

Make it plural 2021-04-14

Make it plural crossword puzzle
  1. tomato
  2. wish
  3. fish
  4. wife
  5. shelf
  6. match
  1. day
  2. book
  3. party
  4. friend
  5. family
  6. kiss
  7. man
  8. car
  9. child

15 Clues: daymancarbookwishfishwifekisspartyshelfmatchchildfriendtomatofamily

Make It Plural 2021-04-14

Make It Plural crossword puzzle
  1. tomato
  2. wish
  3. fish
  4. wife
  5. shelf
  6. match
  1. day
  2. book
  3. party
  4. friend
  5. family
  6. kiss
  7. man
  8. car
  9. child

15 Clues: daymancarbookwishfishwifekisspartyshelfmatchchildfriendtomatofamily

Plural Words 2021-08-26

Plural Words crossword puzzle
  1. flowers
  2. plants
  3. televisions
  4. toilets
  5. showers
  6. desks
  7. couches
  1. sinks
  2. cars
  3. armchairs
  4. lamps
  5. beds
  6. tables
  7. windows
  8. fridges

15 Clues: carsbedssinkslampsdeskstablesplantsflowerswindowsfridgestoiletsshowerscouchesarmchairstelevisions

Plurals 2022-09-22

Plurals crossword puzzle
  1. dogs
  2. books
  3. watches
  4. people
  5. children
  6. cats
  7. women
  8. oranges
  1. toothbrushes
  2. cars
  3. pictures
  4. lions
  5. men
  6. glasses
  7. boxes

15 Clues: mendogscarscatsbookslionswomenboxespeoplewatchesglassesorangespictureschildrentoothbrushes

Plural of Nouns 2022-10-04

Plural of Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. car
  3. day
  4. wife
  5. match
  6. child
  7. kiss
  8. wish
  1. tomato
  2. family
  3. friend
  4. shelf
  5. party
  6. man
  7. fish

15 Clues: cardaymanbookwifefishkisswishshelfpartymatchchildtomatofamilyfriend

Plural Of Nouns 2023-04-04

Plural Of Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. países
  2. endereços
  3. famílias
  4. carros
  5. esposas
  6. amigos
  7. facas
  8. vidas
  1. maçãs
  2. pincéis
  3. meninos
  4. dias
  5. aulas
  6. cerejas
  7. chaves

15 Clues: diasmaçãsaulasfacasvidaspaísescarrosamigoschavespincéismeninoscerejasesposasfamíliasendereços

places 2022-08-25

places crossword puzzle
  1. where do pedestrians croos the street
  2. how do we call the objects that decorate
  3. cars circulate in
  4. at the square we sit on
  5. pedestrians walk
  6. cities are divided into
  7. what iluminates the streets
  1. where does water spring from
  2. they're larger than streets
  3. the colored lights for pedestrians and cars
  4. where do people drive and walk
  5. what controls the traffic

12 Clues: pedestrians walkcars circulate inat the square we sit oncities are divided intowhat controls the trafficthey're larger than streetswhat iluminates the streetswhere does water spring fromwhere do people drive and walkwhere do pedestrians croos the streethow do we call the objects that decoratethe colored lights for pedestrians and cars

cars cars cars 2022-05-02

cars cars cars crossword puzzle
  1. car sales brand
  2. who is tina who likes cars cars cars
  3. what does tina like
  1. what does tina like
  2. who is from turners
  3. what does tina like

6 Clues: car sales brandwhat does tina likewho is from turnerswhat does tina likewhat does tina likewho is tina who likes cars cars cars

Furiously Fast 2021-10-04

Furiously Fast crossword puzzle
  1. Habitually silent or quiet, inclined to talk very little.
  2. He acquisitive cars by winning cars in illegal races.
  3. Capable of being held or defended.
  4. Generosity in giving; lavish or bountiful contributions.
  5. Cipher and Dominic Toretto arrogates it from a highly secured headquarters.
  6. A survey made for military purposes; any kind of preliminary inspection or examination.
  7. Brian O'Conner substantiates that Johnny Tran is behind the stealing of it, but it is actually wrong.
  8. Offensive, hateful; tending to cause bitterness and resentment.
  9. To change from liquid to solid, thicken; to make inflexible or rigid.
  1. He remained intransigent in restricting his FBI mission.
  2. They belabors a damaged car to restore it.
  3. Dominic Toretto's crew always holds an encomium at the end of each movie.
  4. To imitate with the intent of equaling or surpassing the model.
  5. So great or demanding as not to be satisfied.
  6. To stall or act evasively in order to gain time, avoid a confrontation, or postpone a decision; to compromise.
  7. It is mostly the only thing that coherently holds Dominic Toretto's crew together.
  8. He is always eschewing Deckard Shaw.
  9. All of the movies in the series have a banal thing.
  10. Relevant, appropriate, apropos, fitting.
  11. He is always carping with Luke Hobbs.

20 Clues: Capable of being held or defended.He is always eschewing Deckard Shaw.He is always carping with Luke Hobbs.Relevant, appropriate, apropos, fitting.They belabors a damaged car to restore it.So great or demanding as not to be satisfied.All of the movies in the series have a banal thing.He acquisitive cars by winning cars in illegal races....

Vocabulary: Unit 3A Transport 2023-04-25

Vocabulary: Unit 3A Transport crossword puzzle
  1. an occasion when you travel from one place to another
  2. British word for 'highway, freeway'
  3. the fastest speed allowed for vehicles in a particular area
  4. synonym for 'ship, boat'
  5. London's taxis
  6. to travel by plane
  7. opposite of 'pick up'
  8. someone who is walking, especially in a town or city, instead of driving or riding
  9. an area or a building where people can leave their cars for a short time
  10. past form of 'fly'
  11. a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1.609 kilometres
  1. someone who travels regularly to and from work
  2. a line of vehicles waiting behind something that is blocking the road
  3. to be in front of somebody
  4. the time of day when there are a lot of cars on the road because most people are travelling to or from work
  5. very happy, especially because something good has happened
  6. to begin a journey
  7. a period of time during which people refuse to work, as a protest about pay or conditions of work
  8. an amount of money that you have to pay because you have broken the law
  9. to stop or slow down a car, bicycle, or other vehicle by using the brakes
  10. GPS in cars

21 Clues: GPS in carsLondon's taxisto begin a journeyto travel by planepast form of 'fly'opposite of 'pick up'synonym for 'ship, boat'to be in front of somebodyBritish word for 'highway, freeway'someone who travels regularly to and from workan occasion when you travel from one place to anothera unit for measuring distance, equal to 1.609 kilometres...

How To Steal a Car 2024-02-16

How To Steal a Car crossword puzzle
  1. Main Character
  2. How old is Kelleigh and Jen
  3. Kelleigh's Bestfriend
  4. Where are cars mostly stolen?
  1. Kelleigh was never_____
  2. Cars
  3. Car seller
  4. Setting
  5. Kelleigh's friend

9 Clues: CarsSettingCar sellerMain CharacterKelleigh's friendKelleigh's BestfriendKelleigh was never_____How old is Kelleigh and JenWhere are cars mostly stolen?

Spanish: foods and items pp. 62-63 2021-04-15

Spanish: foods and items pp. 62-63 crossword puzzle
  1. mysterie
  2. chess
  3. fruits
  4. adventures
  5. vegetables
  6. science-fiction
  7. animals
  8. cars
  9. love/romance
  10. parties
  11. movies
  1. video games
  2. Italian
  3. books
  4. ice cream
  5. horror
  6. Mexican
  7. pizza
  8. food
  9. music
  10. hamburgers
  11. sports

22 Clues: foodcarsbookschesspizzamusicfruitshorrorsportsmoviesItalianMexicananimalspartiesmysterieice creamadventuresvegetableshamburgersvideo gameslove/romancescience-fiction

Xmas 2023 2023-11-30

Xmas 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. 22
  2. 19
  3. 21
  4. 15
  5. 4
  6. 6
  7. 13
  8. 2
  9. 5
  10. 10
  11. 17
  12. 12
  13. 1
  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 16
  4. 14
  5. 9
  6. 18
  7. 23
  8. 3
  9. 24
  10. 11
  11. 20

24 Clues: 789463251221916142115182324131120101712

Plural Nouns 2021-03-20

Plural Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. potato
  2. family
  3. party
  4. wish
  5. shelf
  6. kiss
  1. car
  2. match
  3. friend
  4. man
  5. child
  6. fish
  7. day
  8. book
  9. wife

15 Clues: carmandayfishbookwishwifekissmatchchildpartyshelffriendpotatofamily

Nouns plural 2023-08-23

Nouns plural crossword puzzle
  1. animal
  2. cable
  3. house
  4. school
  5. pool
  6. crossword
  7. car
  1. thief
  2. peanut
  3. planet
  4. wolf
  5. candy
  6. shop
  7. door
  8. party

15 Clues: carwolfshopdoorpoolthiefcablehousecandypartypeanutplanetanimalschoolcrossword

At a snail's pace, please 2017-03-06

At a snail's pace, please crossword puzzle
  1. tongue of chameleon
  2. figure of speech, directly address someone /an idea
  3. bell of death
  4. image created by mangled bodies and cars
  5. figure of speech likening chameleon to a cook
  6. tone throughout poem
  7. cars are compared to this
  1. ignorant people
  2. stare in a stupid or rude manner
  3. sound device in gallons of gasoline
  4. shape of the rural huts
  5. give assistance

12 Clues: bell of deathignorant peoplegive assistancetongue of chameleontone throughout poemshape of the rural hutscars are compared to thisstare in a stupid or rude mannersound device in gallons of gasolineimage created by mangled bodies and carsfigure of speech likening chameleon to a cookfigure of speech, directly address someone /an idea

turismo crucigrama 2023-02-19

turismo crucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. subway
  2. ships
  3. tourist
  4. rented
  5. steamboat
  6. tickets/bills
  7. to land
  8. to take off
  9. to take pictures
  1. backpack
  2. brakes
  3. street
  4. cabins
  5. flight
  6. line up
  7. the preperations
  8. cross
  9. seat
  10. travels
  11. cars

20 Clues: seatcarsshipscrossbrakesstreetcabinssubwayflightrentedline uptouristtravelsto landbackpacksteamboatto take offtickets/billsthe preperationsto take pictures

Proyecto: Liv George 2018-04-10

Proyecto: Liv George crossword puzzle
  1. Employee
  2. Remain
  3. Size
  4. Weighted
  5. Hanging
  6. Gold-enclosed building
  7. To Fall
  8. Business
  1. Kingdom
  2. Prescription
  3. Discovered
  4. Climb
  5. Buried
  6. Pick you up
  7. Train Cars
  8. Descent
  9. Carved
  10. Message
  11. Errand
  12. Lines in the earth

20 Clues: SizeClimbBuriedRemainCarvedErrandKingdomDescentMessageHangingTo FallEmployeeWeightedBusinessDiscoveredTrain CarsPick you upPrescriptionLines in the earthGold-enclosed building

penelope spiller 30162162 2022-03-20

penelope spiller 30162162 crossword puzzle
  1. up cake face
  2. shopping
  3. laying
  4. smoking
  5. cant sit still
  6. drama
  7. meow
  8. art
  9. blood
  10. music
  11. favourite colour
  1. drive
  2. buzz
  3. zzzzzzz
  4. theft auto
  5. funny photo
  6. designing
  7. glasses
  8. silly
  9. woof
  10. food

21 Clues: artbuzzmeowwooffooddrivedramasillybloodmusiclayingzzzzzzzsmokingglassesshoppingdesigningtheft autofunny photoup cake facecant sit stillfavourite colour

Singular and Plural Nouns 2022-11-09

Singular and Plural Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. FOXES
  6. CAR
  8. DOG
  1. PHONE
  4. DAYS
  6. WATCH


Plural of nouns 2022-04-19

Plural of nouns crossword puzzle
  1. match
  2. tomato
  3. kiss
  4. family
  5. wife
  6. day
  7. party
  8. man
  1. friend
  2. book
  3. car
  4. child
  5. wish
  6. fish
  7. shelf

15 Clues: cardaymanbookkisswishfishwifematchchildshelfpartyfriendtomatofamily

plural nouns 2024-04-16

plural nouns crossword puzzle
  1. woman
  2. sheep
  3. man
  4. box
  5. house
  6. car
  7. child
  8. table
  1. person
  2. mouse
  3. fish
  4. toy
  5. bus
  6. baby
  7. foot

15 Clues: mantoyboxbuscarfishbabyfootwomansheepmousehousechildtableperson

At a snail's pace please 2017-03-06

At a snail's pace please crossword puzzle
  1. ignorant people
  2. tone throughout poem
  3. cars are compared to this
  4. sound device in gallons of gasoline
  5. tongue of chameleon
  6. stare in a stupid or rude manner
  7. figure of speech, directly address someone /an idea
  1. give assistance
  2. figure of speech likening chameleon to a cook
  3. shape of the rural huts
  4. image created by mangled bodies and cars
  5. bell of death

12 Clues: bell of deathgive assistanceignorant peopletongue of chameleontone throughout poemshape of the rural hutscars are compared to thisstare in a stupid or rude mannersound device in gallons of gasolineimage created by mangled bodies and carsfigure of speech likening chameleon to a cookfigure of speech, directly address someone /an idea

jobs 2022-08-08

jobs crossword puzzle
  1. this person sings songs
  2. this person builds houses
  3. this person takes care of peoples hair
  4. this person repairs cars
  5. this person drives cars or trucks
  6. this person takes photos
  7. this person takes care of peoples security and works at police
  8. this person takes care of sick animals
  9. this person types letters and answers the phone
  1. this person writes books
  2. this person teaches children
  3. this pperson treat peoples teeth
  4. this person treats sick people
  5. this person takes care for people who are ill
  6. this person paints pictures
  7. this person flies planes

16 Clues: this person sings songsthis person writes booksthis person repairs carsthis person takes photosthis person flies planesthis person builds housesthis person paints picturesthis person teaches childrenthis person treats sick peoplethis pperson treat peoples teeththis person drives cars or trucksthis person takes care of peoples hair...

elon musks book 2021-12-06

elon musks book crossword puzzle
  1. first name
  2. rocket company
  3. solar panels
  4. what space x make
  5. first company
  1. car company
  2. last name
  3. his cars use this energy
  4. what does tesla make

9 Clues: last namefirst namecar companysolar panelsfirst companyrocket companywhat space x makewhat does tesla makehis cars use this energy

Fastword Puzzle 2021-11-19

Fastword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Which one of these is a ______.
  2. I wasn't ______.
  3. I don't have friends, I got ______.
  4. When are you gonna give ____ _____ his jacket back.
  5. You know I like my ______ first.
  6. It's not as big as your ________.
  7. You're going ____ Toretto.
  8. You can't tell someone they ____ you.
  9. This is what 100 _______ buys?
  10. it don't matter if you win by an inch or a ____.
  11. Our family just got ______.
  12. So what we're talking about is 100 million _______.
  13. Uh, guys I think we need a change of plans. They got a ____.
  14. Daddy's gotta go to ____.
  15. That's the ____. Take it or leave it.
  1. did someone say a ____
  2. You will always be with me, and you will always be my _______.
  3. Woman, I am the _______.
  4. Oh just give it a minute, it'll ____ in.
  5. And above all else, we don't ever, ever let them get in the cars.
  6. I live my life a _______ mile at a time.
  7. I never thought I would trust a ________.
  8. why'y you'd bring the here ______.
  9. Just like ___ times.
  10. Hey buddy, cars don't ___.
  11. It's not _____ proof.
  12. I'll see you soon, _______.
  13. The most important thing in life will always be the ______ in his room.
  14. Ride or ___.
  15. i said a ten second car not a ten ______ car.
  16. You think you could leave without saying _______.

31 Clues: Ride or ___.I wasn't ______.Just like ___ times.It's not _____ proof.Woman, I am the _______.Daddy's gotta go to ____.Hey buddy, cars don't ___.You're going ____ Toretto.Our family just got ______.did someone say a ____I'll see you soon, _______.This is what 100 _______ buys?Which one of these is a ______.You know I like my ______ first....

Disney 2014-01-31

Disney crossword puzzle
  1. hoe heet de hond van Mickey mouse
  2. hoe heet het konijntje uit de film bambie
  3. waar wonen de prinsessen in
  4. welke prinses werd door het spinnewieltje geprikt
  5. de zeemeermin
  6. het vriendje van Winnie the Pooh
  7. film over snelle racewagen
  1. .... en stitch
  2. in welke stad speelt de klokkenluider van de notre dame zich af
  3. de prinses met de blauwe jurk
  4. de vriendin van Donald Duck
  5. wat voor kleur is cars
  6. kwik kwek en ??
  7. hoeveel dwergen waren er bij sneeuwwitje

14 Clues: de zeemeermin.... en stitchkwik kwek en ??wat voor kleur is carsfilm over snelle racewagenwaar wonen de prinsessen inde vriendin van Donald Duckde prinses met de blauwe jurkhet vriendje van Winnie the Poohhoe heet de hond van Mickey mousehoeveel dwergen waren er bij sneeuwwitjehoe heet het konijntje uit de film bambie...

Driving Test 2020-05-09

Driving Test crossword puzzle
  1. where cars go in a circle
  2. It has two wheels
  3. A person walking
  4. Where two roads cross
  5. Another person in the car
  6. Use these on bright sunny days
  7. The card that allows you to drive
  1. The person controlling the car
  2. Put this on before driving
  3. Turn these on at night
  4. Also called an indicator
  5. Lets you see what's behind you
  6. Sign to wait for other cars
  7. A car or truck or bicycle, for example

14 Clues: A person walkingIt has two wheelsWhere two roads crossTurn these on at nightAlso called an indicatorwhere cars go in a circleAnother person in the carPut this on before drivingSign to wait for other carsThe person controlling the carLets you see what's behind youUse these on bright sunny daysThe card that allows you to drive...

college board 1 2023-02-17

college board 1 crossword puzzle
  1. de manejar you need it to drive
  2. de para red sign that is a octagon
  3. when you get annoyed
  4. to make the cars go or stop
  5. a type of transportation
  6. when you forget something but then you...
  7. forward
  8. to take a corner
  1. to go at a certain pace
  2. are you certain
  3. something to cross one side to the other
  4. a man made thing
  5. when its busy on the road
  6. una multa what you get when you speed
  7. where cars drive on

15 Clues: forwardare you certaina man made thingto take a cornerwhere cars drive onwhen you get annoyedto go at a certain pacea type of transportationwhen its busy on the roadto make the cars go or stopde manejar you need it to drivede para red sign that is a octagonsomething to cross one side to the otheruna multa what you get when you speed...

Paris 2021-04-20

Paris crossword puzzle
  1. windows
  2. restaurant
  3. street signs
  4. speed limit
  5. garbage
  6. people
  1. motorcycle
  2. cars
  3. pedestrians
  4. streetsigns
  5. green light
  6. helmet
  7. store
  8. crosswalk
  9. red light
  10. street
  11. bike

17 Clues: carsbikestorehelmetstreetpeoplewindowsgarbagecrosswalkred lightmotorcyclerestaurantpedestriansstreetsignsgreen lightspeed limitstreet signs