colors Crossword Puzzles

Colors 2020-11-05

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. 学校
  2. 眼睛
  3. 胳膊
  4. 身体
  1. 鼻子
  2. 耳朵

12 Clues: 鼻子学校眼睛耳朵胳膊身体

Colors 2020-11-05

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. 好笑的
  2. 大象
  3. 猴子
  1. 大熊猫
  2. 老虎
  3. 鸭子
  4. 动物园

12 Clues: 老虎大象鸭子猴子大熊猫好笑的动物园

Colors 2022-10-31

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of blue on the color wheel.
  2. a little girls favorite color.
  3. the color of a grizzly bear.
  4. similar to purple.
  5. you need blue and ___ to make green.
  1. also known as a royal color.
  2. the color of the night.
  3. one of the two main colors during Christmas time.
  4. the color of love.
  5. lightest color in the color wheel.
  6. the color of cement once dried.
  7. color of the sky.

12 Clues: color of the sky.the color of love.similar to purple.the color of the night.also known as a royal color.the color of a grizzly bear.a little girls favorite color.the color of cement once dried.lightest color in the color wheel.opposite of blue on the color need blue and ___ to make of the two main colors during Christmas time.

Colors 2022-05-03

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. First Place
  2. Blood
  3. Bubblegum
  4. Nemo
  5. Water
  6. Snow
  7. Wood
  1. Grass
  2. Amethyst
  3. Bee
  4. Metal
  5. Night

12 Clues: BeeNemoSnowWoodGrassBloodWaterMetalNightAmethystBubblegumFirst Place

Colors 2022-03-31

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. a color associated with girls
  2. a color that is associated with darkness
  3. the color of dandelions
  4. the color of silver
  5. the color of links
  1. often confused for grey but its purple
  2. the color of an elehant's tusks
  3. a color named after a fruit
  4. a color that is associated with vegetables
  5. a color that is mature and feminine
  6. a common color for lipstick
  7. the color of old book's pages

12 Clues: the color of linksthe color of silverthe color of dandelionsa color named after a fruita common color for lipsticka color associated with girlsthe color of old book's pagesthe color of an elehant's tusksa color that is mature and feminineoften confused for grey but its purplea color that is associated with darkness...

Colors 2022-03-31

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. a color associated with girls
  2. a color that is associated with darkness
  3. the color of dandelions
  4. the color of silver
  5. the color of links
  1. often confused for grey but its purple
  2. the color of an elehant's tusks
  3. a color named after a fruit
  4. a color that is associated with vegetables
  5. a color that is mature and feminine
  6. a common color for lipstick
  7. the color of old book's pages

12 Clues: the color of linksthe color of silverthe color of dandelionsa color named after a fruita common color for lipsticka color associated with girlsthe color of old book's pagesthe color of an elehant's tusksa color that is mature and feminineoften confused for grey but its purplea color that is associated with darkness...

Colors 2022-03-31

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. a color associated with girls
  2. a color that is associated with darkness
  3. the color of dandelions
  4. the color of silver
  5. the color of links
  1. often confused for grey but its purple
  2. the color of an elehant's tusks
  3. a color named after a fruit
  4. a color that is associated with vegetables
  5. a color that is mature and feminine
  6. a common color for lipstick
  7. the color of old book's pages

12 Clues: the color of linksthe color of silverthe color of dandelionsa color named after a fruita common color for lipsticka color associated with girlsthe color of old book's pagesthe color of an elehant's tusksa color that is mature and feminineoften confused for grey but its purplea color that is associated with darkness...

colors 2022-08-08

colors crossword puzzle
  1. blue
  2. grey
  3. red
  4. pink
  5. orange
  1. white
  2. beige
  3. black
  4. purple
  5. yellow
  6. brown
  7. green

12 Clues: redbluegreypinkwhitebeigeblackbrowngreenpurpleyelloworange

Colors 2023-08-28

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. The color of a chocolate cake
  2. The color of leaves
  3. This a .... fish
  4. The color of the sun
  5. If you mix red and blue you get this color
  6. The opposite of white
  1. The color of the sky during the day
  2. It is the name of a fruit
  3. Tomatoes are...
  4. It starts with G
  5. The opposite of black
  6. Girls love the color...

12 Clues: Tomatoes are...This a .... fishIt starts with GThe color of leavesThe color of the sunThe opposite of blackThe opposite of whiteGirls love the color...It is the name of a fruitThe color of a chocolate cakeThe color of the sky during the dayIf you mix red and blue you get this color

Colors 2023-08-29

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. Ungu
  2. Emas
  3. Hitam
  4. Putih
  5. Hijau
  1. Biru
  2. Merah
  3. Merahmuda
  4. Oranye
  5. Coklat
  6. Abu-abu
  7. Kuning

12 Clues: BiruUnguEmasMerahHitamPutihHijauOranyeCoklatKuningAbu-abuMerahmuda

colors 2023-11-15

colors crossword puzzle
  1. kırmızı
  2. mavi
  3. lacivert
  4. pembe
  5. turuncu
  6. kahverengi
  7. beyaz
  8. sarı
  1. yeşil
  2. siyah
  3. mor
  4. gri

12 Clues: morgrimavisarıyeşilsiyahpembebeyazkırmızıturunculacivertkahverengi

colors 2024-05-15

colors crossword puzzle
  1. punane
  2. roheline
  3. sinine
  4. lilla
  5. valge
  6. heleroheline
  7. helesinine
  1. oranž
  2. tumeroheline
  3. kollane
  4. tumesinine
  5. hall

12 Clues: halloranžlillavalgepunanesininekollanerohelinetumesininehelesininetumerohelineheleroheline

Colors 2024-05-08

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. The color the ocean
  2. The color of cutlery
  3. The color of traffic cones
  4. The color of the grass
  5. The color of a school bus
  6. The color of flamingos
  1. The color of amethyst
  2. The color of dirt
  3. The color of space
  4. The color of strawberries
  5. The color of The color of the treasure of a leprechaun
  6. The color of clouds

12 Clues: The color of dirtThe color of spaceThe color the oceanThe color of cloudsThe color of cutleryThe color of amethystThe color of the grassThe color of flamingosThe color of strawberriesThe color of a school busThe color of traffic conesThe color of The color of the treasure of a leprechaun

COLORS 2024-07-09

COLORS crossword puzzle
  1. disaster relief organization
  2. beer with a celestial name
  3. rock band starring Adam Levine
  4. static-like sound that combines all audible sound frequencies
  5. type of bee
  6. falsely accused Harry Potter character, sent to Azkaban
  7. family friendly movie following French inspector Jacques Clouseau (featuring beyonce)
  1. football team
  2. English psychedelic rock band singing 'comfortably numb' and 'wish you were here'
  3. pale princess
  4. 'A' worn as a punitive mark of adultery
  5. underground or shadowed exchange of illegal goods

12 Clues: type of beefootball teampale princessbeer with a celestial namedisaster relief organizationrock band starring Adam Levine'A' worn as a punitive mark of adulteryunderground or shadowed exchange of illegal goodsfalsely accused Harry Potter character, sent to Azkabanstatic-like sound that combines all audible sound frequencies...

Colors 2024-02-28

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. The color of tomatoes and stop signs.
  2. The darkest color, the absence of light.
  3. The color of the sun and stars.
  4. A blue-green color often seen in gemstones and tropical waters.
  1. found on flowers and related to love.
  2. The color of oranges.
  3. Grandparent's hair color.
  4. The color of chocolate.
  5. The color of snow and clouds.
  6. The color of the ocean and the sky.
  7. The color of grass and leaves.
  8. A mix of red and blue.

12 Clues: The color of oranges.A mix of red and blue.The color of chocolate.Grandparent's hair color.The color of snow and clouds.The color of grass and leaves.The color of the sun and stars.The color of the ocean and the sky.found on flowers and related to love.The color of tomatoes and stop signs.The darkest color, the absence of light....

Colors 2024-12-03

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. Maroon (m)
  2. Golden (pl)
  3. Olive green (f)
  4. Navy blue (pl)
  5. Silver (m)
  1. Pink (pl)
  2. Maroon (f)
  3. Golden (m)
  4. Olive green (m)
  5. Pink (f)
  6. Navy blue (f)
  7. Silver (f)

12 Clues: Pink (f)Pink (pl)Maroon (m)Maroon (f)Golden (m)Silver (m)Silver (f)Golden (pl)Navy blue (f)Navy blue (pl)Olive green (m)Olive green (f)

Colors 2025-02-12

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. Color of Sweetness
  2. Color of griffindor.
  3. Color of Salasar slitherings Head in the chamber of secrets
  4. Color of Wood in it.
  5. Color of Migros
  1. Color of The Genitiv
  2. Like plants
  3. Color of Messis noumber in Barcelona
  4. Color of the Wall
  5. Color of Wizards Suits in Harry potter
  6. Color of Kiosk
  7. Color of winners

12 Clues: Like plantsColor of KioskColor of MigrosColor of winnersColor of the WallColor of SweetnessColor of The GenitivColor of griffindor.Color of Wood in it.Color of Messis noumber in BarcelonaColor of Wizards Suits in Harry potterColor of Salasar slitherings Head in the chamber of secrets

Art/Interior Design 2024-01-23

Art/Interior Design crossword puzzle
  1. Use tints and shades of a single hue
  2. In this career you would be in charge of construction projects
  3. One of the most expensive states to live in
  4. A term for color
  5. This type of line in up and down
  6. This color means royalty
  7. This color means love
  8. In this career you would plan and design buildings
  9. adds black, values that are darker
  10. This color reminds you of nature
  11. This type of line in angled
  12. When you mix primary colors with secondary colors you get ___________ colors
  1. the brightness or dullness of a color
  2. Red, blue and yellow are ____________ colors
  3. The most expensive place to live in Colorado
  4. This type of line follows the horizon
  5. This color means innocence
  6. Bill Gates has this in his house
  7. The most important element
  8. adds white, values lighter than normal
  9. An element in the room that moves the eye
  10. The lightness or darkness of a color
  11. Green, purple and orange are ____________ colors

23 Clues: A term for colorThis color means loveThis color means royaltyThis color means innocenceThe most important elementThis type of line in angledBill Gates has this in his houseThis type of line in up and downThis color reminds you of natureadds black, values that are darkerUse tints and shades of a single hueThe lightness or darkness of a color...

ART1 Crossword 2024-08-23

ART1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the color of lavender
  2. the" _____ wheel" is the diagram where we view all colors of the color spectrum and introduced in color theory
  3. when you mix red and yellow
  4. Green, orange, and purple are _____ colors.
  5. _____ colors are red, yellow, and blue
  6. shape of a honeycomb
  7. _____ is key!
  8. In this class, we don't look for perfection, but give our best _____!
  9. has 5 sides and 5 corners
  10. Someone who makes art.
  11. You may talk quietly, but stay _____!
  1. you are to show yourself, others, materials, and surroundings this
  2. the color of many veggies
  3. when you're feeling sad
  4. not a right, but a _____
  5. name of a shape which sounds very similar to octopus
  6. the color that usually represents the emotion of anger
  7. colors that represent calmness and nature
  8. the color of the sun
  9. first 5min and last 5min of class, we are at the voice level
  10. erasers are typically this color
  11. _____ colors are red, yellow, and orange
  12. Make good decisions. Your _____ affect others!

23 Clues: _____ is key!the color of the sunshape of a honeycombthe color of lavenderSomeone who makes art.when you're feeling sadnot a right, but a _____the color of many veggieshas 5 sides and 5 cornerswhen you mix red and yellowerasers are typically this colorYou may talk quietly, but stay _____!_____ colors are red, yellow, and blue...

Graphic Design 2023-11-05

Graphic Design crossword puzzle
  1. The space not occupied by an object or figure but circulating in and around it, contributing to the total effect of the composition.
  2. Colors next to each other on the color wheel.
  3. The name of a color in its pure form; also a color’s position on the spectrum.
  4. An ________ is a hand-lettered book illustrated with brightly painted images
  5. The enclosed areas or objects in an artwork.
  6. The plan an artist uses to organize a composition is called a
  1. Color scheme created using tints and shades of a single color.
  2. Colors that are not truly warm or cool.
  3. ___________, Latin for dark room, is a drawing aid made from an image projected onto a ground glass and then traced by the artist.
  4. An __________ is a technique in which a print is created from a design incised in a plate of metal,wood, or plastic.
  5. is the process of organizing and composing words and images to create a message.
  6. Pictures that stand for words or ideas are called ________.
  7. Durable metal type invented by Johann Gutenberg is called ________.
  8. Primary colors are _____, blue and yellow.
  9. Two colors directly opposite each other on the color wheel, meaning they are in extreme contrast with each other.
  10. Secondary colors are orange, ______, and green.

16 Clues: Colors that are not truly warm or cool.Primary colors are _____, blue and yellow.The enclosed areas or objects in an artwork.Colors next to each other on the color wheel.Secondary colors are orange, ______, and green.Pictures that stand for words or ideas are called ________.The plan an artist uses to organize a composition is called a...

Color Theory 2016-12-05

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Primary
  2. The lightness and darkness of a color
  3. How many colors in the color wheel
  4. A section of the color wheel which refers to three colors
  5. Natural colors you cannot get by mixing
  6. You swipe your paintbrush across the paper plate to
  7. Secondary
  8. What color should look golden
  9. Word used to describe the tip of the paintbrush
  1. The color you get by mixing blue and yellow
  2. When mixing, what color do you need lesser of
  3. A circular arrangement of color
  4. How many secondary colors are in the color wheel
  5. Word used to describe how you wash your brush
  6. Colors made by mixing a primary and secondary
  7. Technique used for drying your brush
  8. Color made by mixing primary with a primary
  9. The color you get when you mix red and violet
  10. This bounces off an object and reflects back into your eye allowing you to see color

19 Clues: PrimarySecondaryWhat color should look goldenA circular arrangement of colorHow many colors in the color wheelTechnique used for drying your brushThe lightness and darkness of a colorNatural colors you cannot get by mixingThe color you get by mixing blue and yellowColor made by mixing primary with a primary...

makeup 2023-01-04

makeup crossword puzzle
  1. Makeup, referred to as beauty make up or natural make up
  2. colors opposite each other on the color wheel
  3. darker colors that help recede & define or diminish
  4. divide the face into ____ areas
  5. of color, states that out of all the colors only 3 are pure
  6. a hue with gray added
  7. liner, helps define or correct your client’s lip shape
  8. a technique to keep your hands steady & keep the client safe
  9. identifies client wants and needs & visualizes the end result & obtains client consent
  10. enhancement services, creates the illusion of thicker lashes or brows
  11. hue with white added
  12. establishes rapport and builds credibility with each client
  13. used with powder products for a more diffused effect
  14. another term for color
  15. heaviest coverage
  16. narrow forehead and wide strong jawline
  17. shadow, used to contour the eye & accentuate the eye shape & color
  18. refers to the vibrancy of a color
  19. Type of colors that contain blue violet or green
  20. face is rounded, long and narrow
  21. plan, knowing which colors are most flattering for the client’s coloring
  22. light colors that draw attention to certain areas
  23. similar to heart shape but narrower forehead
  24. lifting, also known as eyelash perming
  25. the lightness or darkness of a color
  26. used to “set” foundation & concealer
  1. adds color & tone or depth
  2. used to contour curves of the face
  3. type of colors that neither warm nor cool
  4. reviews the service experience & client satisfaction
  5. wheel, a tool in which the 12 colors are positioned in a circle
  6. spray, sets makeup in place longer
  7. gives the illusion of tanned skin without harmful sun rays
  8. what color concealer helps brighten sallow skin on darker skin tones
  9. large space between eyes
  10. type of colors that contain red orange or yellow
  11. adds color and texture to the lips
  12. produces functional & predictable & pleasing results
  13. has very little or no crease
  14. the art of arranging light and dark to produce the illusion of 3-dimensional shapes
  15. three colors that are adjacent to each other
  16. small space between eyes
  17. what color concealer disguise dark circles under eyes on darker skin tones
  18. Extensions, semi permanent lash enhancements
  19. moisturizer, Provides light & sheer and/or dewy coverage
  20. Concealer, Light to medium coverage
  21. used to define & lengthen and thicken the eyelashes
  22. three colors located in a triangular position
  23. what color concealer hides redness on vascular conditions
  24. hue with black added

50 Clues: heaviest coveragehue with white addedhue with black addeda hue with gray addedanother term for colorlarge space between eyessmall space between eyesadds color & tone or depthhas very little or no creasedivide the face into ____ areasface is rounded, long and narrowrefers to the vibrancy of a colorused to contour curves of the face...

makeup 2023-01-04

makeup crossword puzzle
  1. Makeup, referred to as beauty make up or natural make up
  2. colors opposite each other on the color wheel
  3. darker colors that help recede & define or diminish
  4. divide the face into ____ areas
  5. of color, states that out of all the colors only 3 are pure
  6. a hue with gray added
  7. liner, helps define or correct your client’s lip shape
  8. a technique to keep your hands steady & keep the client safe
  9. identifies client wants and needs & visualizes the end result & obtains client consent
  10. enhancement services, creates the illusion of thicker lashes or brows
  11. hue with white added
  12. establishes rapport and builds credibility with each client
  13. used with powder products for a more diffused effect
  14. another term for color
  15. heaviest coverage
  16. narrow forehead and wide strong jawline
  17. shadow, used to contour the eye & accentuate the eye shape & color
  18. refers to the vibrancy of a color
  19. Type of colors that contain blue violet or green
  20. face is rounded, long and narrow
  21. plan, knowing which colors are most flattering for the client’s coloring
  22. light colors that draw attention to certain areas
  23. similar to heart shape but narrower forehead
  24. lifting, also known as eyelash perming
  25. the lightness or darkness of a color
  26. used to “set” foundation & concealer
  1. adds color & tone or depth
  2. used to contour curves of the face
  3. type of colors that neither warm nor cool
  4. reviews the service experience & client satisfaction
  5. wheel, a tool in which the 12 colors are positioned in a circle
  6. spray, sets makeup in place longer
  7. gives the illusion of tanned skin without harmful sun rays
  8. what color concealer helps brighten sallow skin on darker skin tones
  9. large space between eyes
  10. type of colors that contain red orange or yellow
  11. adds color and texture to the lips
  12. produces functional & predictable & pleasing results
  13. has very little or no crease
  14. the art of arranging light and dark to produce the illusion of 3-dimensional shapes
  15. three colors that are adjacent to each other
  16. small space between eyes
  17. what color concealer disguise dark circles under eyes on darker skin tones
  18. Extensions, semi permanent lash enhancements
  19. moisturizer, Provides light & sheer and/or dewy coverage
  20. Concealer, Light to medium coverage
  21. used to define & lengthen and thicken the eyelashes
  22. three colors located in a triangular position
  23. what color concealer hides redness on vascular conditions
  24. hue with black added

50 Clues: heaviest coveragehue with white addedhue with black addeda hue with gray addedanother term for colorlarge space between eyessmall space between eyesadds color & tone or depthhas very little or no creasedivide the face into ____ areasface is rounded, long and narrowrefers to the vibrancy of a colorused to contour curves of the face...

Art Week Vocabulary 2014-01-21

Art Week Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. wheel a circular diagram which shows the relationship between colors
  2. a point of view
  3. the part of a painting which appears nearest to the front
  4. a simple drawing that is done quickly
  5. a room or building where an artist works
  6. the size of something in comparison to something else
  7. pictures made by pasting bits of material, paper and/or objects onto a background surface such as wood, paper, or canvas
  8. a pattern or picture made by putting together small, colored pieces
  9. a large painting, usually on a wall or ceiling
  10. (three dimensional) in painting, to give something depth by shading
  1. life a drawing or painting of an inanimate objects ( something without movement) such as fruit or flowers
  2. cloth backed or stretched over a frame as a surface for a painting
  3. the part of a picture which is behind the main subject
  4. to train under a skilled artist or tradesman
  5. colors the colors you get by mixing parts of two primary colors (orange, purple, and green)
  6. difference between the light and dark parts of a picture
  7. colors the set of colors from which all other colors are made (Red, Blue, and Yellow)
  8. a person who gives their opinion about whether something is good or valuable
  9. point the center of attention
  10. the way you feel; artists and writers often try to make you feel certain emotion (happy, sad, angry, etc.) with their work

20 Clues: a point of viewpoint the center of attentiona simple drawing that is done quicklya room or building where an artist worksto train under a skilled artist or tradesmana large painting, usually on a wall or ceilingthe size of something in comparison to something elsethe part of a picture which is behind the main subject...

Color Theory, Acrylic Painting, and Oil Pastel (Studio in Art) 2024-02-04

Color Theory, Acrylic Painting, and Oil Pastel (Studio in Art) crossword puzzle
  1. The complement of Orange is what color?
  2. These are created by adding white to a color. This creates lighter variations of that color.
  3. The complement of Red is what color?
  4. This type of art movement relied on the use of analogous color schemes and unblended brush strokes to convey emotion and impression rather than realism.
  5. The complement of Yellow is what color?
  6. Orange, Green, Purple. These colors are created by mixing two primary colors together.
  7. Red, Yellow, Blue. These colors mixed together create the spectrum, however, these colors cannot be created.
  8. This is the middle value in a painting, between the highlight and the shadow.
  9. This is a thin, watered down layer paint that is done in the very beginning of a painting. This helps the artist to see the placement of colors before going in with thicker layers of paint.
  1. This drawing material is created by suspending pigment (color) in oil to create drawing sticks that can be used similarly to oil paint.
  2. Blue, Purple, and Red would be an example of what type of color scheme?
  3. When you mix two complementary colors together, they ________ each other. This results in colors like brown and black.
  4. This artist was a famous painter during the Impressionism era. He is well known for his painting “Starry Night” and the “Sunflowers” series.
  5. Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Purple, Red-Purple, Red-Orange. These colors are created by mixing a primary and secondary color together.
  6. These are created by adding complements to a color. This creates darker variations of that color (can also be made by adding black).
  7. Colors in an Analogous color scheme are ______ to each other on the color wheel.
  8. This oil pastel technique is created by scratching away at a painted surface to reveal the surface below. This can be used to create texture in an artwork.
  9. These are two colors on the color wheel that neutralize each other, they are also across from each other on the color wheel.
  10. This technique is created by using repetitive, small dots next to each other to create areas of value and color.

19 Clues: The complement of Red is what color?The complement of Orange is what color?The complement of Yellow is what color?Blue, Purple, and Red would be an example of what type of color scheme?This is the middle value in a painting, between the highlight and the shadow.Colors in an Analogous color scheme are ______ to each other on the color wheel....

Art Vocabulary 2021-11-03

Art Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the 3 base colors, red, yellow, blue
  2. the lightness or darkness of a piece
  3. the intensity of a pure color
  4. a family of 3 or more colors on the color wheel
  5. the quality and effort put into a work of art
  6. the area including the subject
  7. line that shows details like contours and textures
  8. a type of art that is commonly unrecognizable consisting of shapes and colors
  9. the outer edge of an object
  10. the name of a color
  11. made by mixing two primary colors together
  12. a type of line that is loose and shows emotion
  13. red, orange, yellow
  14. the blank space around the subject
  15. a strong difference between two values or colors
  1. consisting of multiple shades of one hue
  2. the size of the art piece
  3. a smooth transition or change of color or values
  4. the 3rd level of colors consisting of one primary and one secondary color mix
  5. commonly made of straight lines or perfect circles
  6. the shadow that is created by the object onto a surface
  7. a part of calligraphy that is extra curly and does not form a letter
  8. the inner lines, forms and edges shown in a line drawing
  9. the material used to create an art piece
  10. colors opposite each other on the color wheel
  11. an enclosed area of space made with a line
  12. "fancy handwriting"
  13. always three-dimensional created by value
  14. free flowing, biomorphic

29 Clues: "fancy handwriting"the name of a colorred, orange, yellowfree flowing, biomorphicthe size of the art piecethe outer edge of an objectthe intensity of a pure colorthe area including the subjectthe blank space around the subjectthe 3 base colors, red, yellow, bluethe lightness or darkness of a piececonsisting of multiple shades of one hue...

5th Grade Art Crossword 2022-03-09

5th Grade Art Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This is the complementary color to green
  2. These can be geometric or organic; 2-D; circle is an example
  3. These colors remind us of snow, winter, nature; Blue, Violet, and Green
  4. This color is made by mixing yellow and red
  5. This color is made by mixing red and blue
  6. This color is made by mixing yellow and blue
  7. This is the complementary color to purple
  8. These colors remind us of the sun, lava, fire; Red, Orange, and Yellow
  9. This is the way something feels or looks like it feels; Bumpy, Fluffy, Rough are examples
  10. This group of colors include Black, Brown, White, and Gray
  11. This is a piece of art that looks like the outdoors; Think of Bob Ross
  1. This is created when we add black to a color
  2. This is created when shapes or lines repeat
  3. This is how buildings are constructed; An artist makes a building
  4. This is the complementary color to orange
  5. The way things are separated on a paper; think about the middle ground, background, and foreground
  6. These are the three colors that make all other colors; Red, Blue, and Yellow
  7. This is when something can be folded in half and be the same on both sides
  8. These can be geometric or organic; 3-D; sphere is an example
  9. This is created when we add white to a color
  10. These are the colors that are made by mixing two primary colors together; Green, Orange, Purple

21 Clues: This is the complementary color to greenThis is the complementary color to orangeThis color is made by mixing red and blueThis is the complementary color to purpleThis is created when shapes or lines repeatThis color is made by mixing yellow and redThis is created when we add black to a colorThis color is made by mixing yellow and blue...

Art 1 Intro Color Crossword 2022-03-25

Art 1 Intro Color Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. They are across from one another on the color wheel.
  2. The name of a color scheme that has three colors spaced an equal distance apart on the color wheel.
  3. Yellow, Yellow-orange, orange, red-orange, and red. These are high-energy colors.
  4. The primary colors.
  5. Colors that have not been mixed—they are the highest intensity they can be. You make a low intensity color by mixing in a color’s complement.
  6. These colors are made by mixing an unequal amount of primary colors.
  7. Three colors next to each other on the color wheel.
  1. A hue mixed with white.
  2. The name of a color scheme based on one hue (hue=“color”) and the hues on each side of its complement on the color wheel.
  3. Green, blue-green, blue, violet are considered cool colors. These are low-energy colors.
  4. A hue mixed with black.
  5. The three colors that are made by mixing an even amount of the primary colors.
  6. The name of the color scheme that is one hue using all values (tints & shades) and intensities.

13 Clues: The primary colors.A hue mixed with white.A hue mixed with black.Three colors next to each other on the color wheel.They are across from one another on the color wheel.These colors are made by mixing an unequal amount of primary colors.The three colors that are made by mixing an even amount of the primary colors....

Art 1 Midterm Review 2021-12-02

Art 1 Midterm Review crossword puzzle
  1. The furnace or oven used to fire clay is called a
  2. is the arrangement of elements in a work of art. These rules can be broken, but only to emphasize a point.
  3. Colors red, yellow, orange
  4. when attaching two pieces of clay together you need to use a glue like substance.
  5. is how well the artwork is made and constructed
  6. when completing an art critique:what is it called when you state the obvious facts regarding the artwork (Title, artist, the layout, the subject matter, the style, etc.)?
  7. shapes with hard edges often found in mathematics are called ______ shapes
  8. Colors red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-green, yellow-orange, red-orange
  9. are three-dimensional shapes, expressing length, width, and depth.
  10. area between and around objects is called
  11. is the relative lightness or darkness of tones or colors
  12. Colors that are across from each other on the color wheel.
  13. Sculpture that is not only nice to look at but also serves a purpose is called
  14. surface quality, real or implied, that can be seen and felt is called the
  1. Colors blue, purple, green
  2. Colors green, orange, purple
  3. Colors are next to each other on the color wheel
  4. a group of colors that forms an equilateral triangle on the color wheel
  5. building art that has 3 dimensions is called
  6. A continuous mark with length and direction is called a
  7. what do you get when you mix two complementary colors together?
  8. What type of colors are used to make all the other colors
  9. long snake like pieces of rolled clay are called
  10. after clay has been fired once it is called
  11. what is it called when you discuss whether or not the work succeeds or fails by expressing your opinion based on solid facts?
  12. what is it called when you describe what is happening or what is the artist trying to say within the artwork? The mood or feeling should also be stated to back up your observation?
  13. is the paint-like substance you add to the surface of clay that when fired turns out shiny.
  14. A closed line expressing 2 dimensions is a
  15. shapes which occur in nature are called
  16. what is it called when you explain how the artist arranged specific elements of art and principles of design within the artwork?
  17. Color red, yellow, blue
  18. when clay is dried but has not been fired it is called
  19. is light reflected off objects.

33 Clues: Colors blue, purple, greenColors red, yellow, orangeColor red, yellow, blueColors green, orange, purpleis light reflected off objects.shapes which occur in nature are calledarea between and around objects is calledA closed line expressing 2 dimensions is aafter clay has been fired once it is called...

Makeup 2023-01-04

Makeup crossword puzzle
  1. reviews the service experience & client satisfaction
  2. identifies client wants and needs & visualizes the end result & obtains client consent
  3. referred to as beauty make up or natural make up
  4. small space between eyes
  5. type of colors that neither warm nor cool
  6. large space between eyes
  7. used to contour curves of the face
  8. has very little or no crease
  9. states that out of all the colors only 3 are pure
  10. Type of colors that contain blue violet or green
  11. divide the face into ____ areas
  12. adds color & tone or depth
  13. the art of arranging light and dark to produce the illusion of 3-dimensional shapes
  14. Light to medium coverage
  15. darker colors that help recede & define or diminish
  16. type of colors that contain red orange or yellow
  17. sets makeup in place longer
  18. semi permanent lash enhancements
  19. face is rounded, long and narrow
  20. refers to the vibrancy of a color
  21. colors opposite each other on the color wheel
  22. three colors that are adjacent to each other
  23. narrow forehead and wide strong jawline
  24. used to contour the eye & accentuate the eye shape & color
  25. a technique to keep your hands steady & keep the client safe
  26. gives the illusion of tanned skin without harmful sun rays
  27. what color concealer disguise dark circles under eyes on darker skin tones
  1. produces functional & predictable & pleasing results
  2. establishes rapport and builds credibility with each client
  3. helps define or correct your client’s lip shape
  4. the lightness or darkness of a color
  5. Provides light & sheer and/or dewy coverage
  6. light colors that draw attention to certain areas
  7. heaviest coverage
  8. a hue with gray added
  9. what color concealer helps brighten sallow skin on darker skin tones
  10. hue with black added
  11. a tool in which the 12 colors are positioned in a circle
  12. also known as eyelash perming
  13. used to “set” foundation & concealer
  14. what color concealer hides redness on vascular conditions
  15. similar to heart shape but narrower forehead
  16. used with powder products for a more diffused effect
  17. three colors located in a triangular position
  18. hue with white added
  19. creates the illusion of thicker lashes or brows
  20. adds color and texture to the lips
  21. knowing which colors are most flattering for the client’s coloring
  22. another term for color
  23. used to define & lengthen and thicken the eyelashes

50 Clues: heaviest coveragehue with black addedhue with white addeda hue with gray addedanother term for colorsmall space between eyeslarge space between eyesLight to medium coverageadds color & tone or depthsets makeup in place longerhas very little or no creasealso known as eyelash permingdivide the face into ____ areassemi permanent lash enhancements...

Art Terms Crosswords 2023-05-18

Art Terms Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. The area in or around an object
  2. The path the viewer's eyes take through the work of art; often to focal areas
  3. 2 opposite colors on the wheel
  4. No color from the color wheel; Neutral
  5. Using colors next to each other on the wheel
  6. Creating a work of art with one color with different values
  7. Part of the design that catches the viewer's attention
  8. 3 colors that form a triangle on the wheel
  9. Separate parts working together in a composition
  10. The path of a moving point
  11. Lights and darks of a color
  1. 3 colors, across the wheel and split
  2. Repeating a single element many times in a design
  3. Surface feel of an object
  4. The distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, textures, and space
  5. The dimensions of a composition and relationship between height, width, and depth
  6. 3D, length/width/depth
  7. Reflected light; ROYGBIV
  8. When opposite elements are arranged together
  9. 2D, flat, length/width

20 Clues: 3D, length/width/depth2D, flat, length/widthReflected light; ROYGBIVSurface feel of an objectThe path of a moving pointLights and darks of a color2 opposite colors on the wheelThe area in or around an object3 colors, across the wheel and splitNo color from the color wheel; Neutral3 colors that form a triangle on the wheel...

PHS Spring Exam Review 2024-05-28

PHS Spring Exam Review crossword puzzle
  1. Abuse: undermining someone's self-worth
  2. Colors resulting from mixing two primary colors
  3. not providing basic needs for a child
  4. Colors that are exactly opposite each other
  5. Size relationships found in other objects
  6. A thing or event that causes stress
  7. Abuse: Treating another in a sexually demeaning
  8. Abuse: Controlling all the money
  9. Comes first
  10. Three colors that are the farthest and equidistant from each other
  1. Abuse: Causing fear and playing mind games
  2. Relative size of an object in relation to other objects
  3. Abuse: hitting, slapping, leaving bruises
  4. Two kinds: symmetrical and asymmetrical
  5. Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  6. A primary color and secondary color mixed together
  7. Occurs when an element of design forms an organized pattern
  8. Create a center point of interest/focal point

18 Clues: Comes firstAbuse: Controlling all the moneyA thing or event that causes stressnot providing basic needs for a childAbuse: undermining someone's self-worthTwo kinds: symmetrical and asymmetricalAbuse: hitting, slapping, leaving bruisesSize relationships found in other objectsAbuse: Causing fear and playing mind games...

colors 2022-12-02

colors crossword puzzle
  1. pi-ai-en-kei
  2. ou-ar-ei-en-dji-i
  3. dji-ar-i-i-en
  4. bi-el-yu-i
  5. dobleyu-eich-ai-ti-i
  1. bi-ar-ou-dobleyu-en
  2. bi-el-ei-si-kei
  3. ar-i-di
  4. pi-yu-ar-pi-el-i
  5. wai-i-el-el-ou-dobleyu
  6. dji-ar-i-wai
  7. bi-i-ai-dji-i

12 Clues: ar-i-dibi-el-yu-ipi-ai-en-keidji-ar-i-waidji-ar-i-i-enbi-i-ai-dji-ibi-el-ei-si-keipi-yu-ar-pi-el-iou-ar-ei-en-dji-ibi-ar-ou-dobleyu-endobleyu-eich-ai-ti-iwai-i-el-el-ou-dobleyu

Colors 2022-10-13

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. green
  2. blue
  3. black
  4. red
  5. Pink
  6. yellow
  1. brown
  2. orange
  3. purple
  4. gold
  5. white
  6. grey

12 Clues: redbluegoldgreyPinkbrowngreenblackwhiteorangepurpleyellow

colors 2020-03-03

colors crossword puzzle
  1. the color of Mckenna's backpack
  2. the color of bubblegum
  3. the color of the sky
  4. the color of fire trucks
  5. the second color of the rainbow
  6. the color of lilacs
  7. the color of sand
  8. the color of clouds
  1. the color of grass
  2. the color of plums
  3. the color of dirt
  4. the color of a sunflower

12 Clues: the color of dirtthe color of sandthe color of grassthe color of plumsthe color of lilacsthe color of cloudsthe color of the skythe color of bubblegumthe color of a sunflowerthe color of fire trucksthe color of Mckenna's backpackthe second color of the rainbow

colors 2020-10-30

colors crossword puzzle
  1. red yellow and blue
  2. black and white
  3. purple and white
  4. white and blue
  5. blue and yellow
  6. another base color
  7. base color
  8. blue and green
  9. green blue and red
  1. white and green
  2. red and yellow
  3. another base color
  4. red and blue

13 Clues: base colorred and bluered and yellowwhite and blueblue and greenwhite and greenblack and whiteblue and yellowpurple and whiteanother base coloranother base colorgreen blue and redred yellow and blue

COLORS 2021-02-15

COLORS crossword puzzle
  4. VIOLA
  6. NERO
  3. VERDE
  4. ROSA
  5. ROSSO


Colors 2021-03-05

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. the rainbow has many different _____
  2. in the summer my skin is ____
  3. on a cloudy day, the sky is _____
  4. some apples are ___
  5. the sun is ____
  6. the sky at night is _____
  1. plants are ____
  2. the color of a fruit by the same name and color
  3. pigs are _____
  4. snow is _____
  5. soil is ____
  6. on a sunny day, the sky is ____

12 Clues: soil is ____snow is _____pigs are _____plants are ____the sun is ____some apples are ___the sky at night is _____in the summer my skin is ____on a sunny day, the sky is ____on a cloudy day, the sky is _____the rainbow has many different _____the color of a fruit by the same name and color

Colors 2021-04-06

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. สีน้ำเงิน
  2. สีครีม
  3. สีบรอน
  4. สีคราม
  5. สีทอง
  6. สีเทา
  1. สีกากี
  2. สีม่วง
  3. สีส้ม
  4. สีเนื้อ
  5. สีน้ำตาล
  6. สีเงิน

12 Clues: สีส้มสีทองสีเทาสีกากีสีม่วงสีครีมสีบรอนสีเงินสีครามสีเนื้อสีน้ำตาลสีน้ำเงิน

Colors 2021-05-02

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. Preto
  2. Purple
  3. Cinza
  4. Verde
  5. Marrom
  6. Azul Escuro
  7. Branco
  1. Azul Claro
  2. Laranja
  3. Amarelo
  4. Rosa
  5. Vermelho

12 Clues: RosaPretoCinzaVerdePurpleMarromBrancoLaranjaAmareloVermelhoAzul ClaroAzul Escuro

colors 2021-08-06

colors crossword puzzle
  1. crow
  2. orange
  3. bee
  4. heart
  1. bow
  2. coala
  3. leaf
  4. paper
  5. grapes
  6. sky
  7. wood
  8. gold

12 Clues: bowskybeeleafcrowwoodgoldcoalapaperheartgrapesorange

colors 2023-04-06

colors crossword puzzle
  1. color of the sky
  2. color of the leaves
  3. color of the eggplants
  4. basic color
  5. color of the hairs in general
  1. color of the oranges
  2. color of the blood
  3. color liked by man in general
  4. color of the gold
  5. color of rocks
  6. color of the sand
  7. bright color of the sun

12 Clues: basic colorcolor of rockscolor of the skycolor of the goldcolor of the sandcolor of the bloodcolor of the leavescolor of the orangescolor of the eggplantsbright color of the suncolor liked by man in generalcolor of the hairs in general

Colors 2018-06-07

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. Really dark orange.
  2. Purplish-red color.
  3. One of the most famous Prince's song (1st word).
  4. With out it we would not be able to see.
  5. Color of saphir.
  6. It symbolizes peace.
  1. Pale shade of red.
  2. Color that describes fall best.
  3. A very sour, bright fruit.
  4. How does look plants that has chlorophyll?
  5. Color of stawberry.
  6. It symbolizes darkness.

12 Clues: Color of saphir.Pale shade of red.Really dark orange.Purplish-red color.Color of stawberry.It symbolizes peace.It symbolizes darkness.A very sour, bright fruit.Color that describes fall best.With out it we would not be able to see.How does look plants that has chlorophyll?One of the most famous Prince's song (1st word).

Colors! 2022-04-18

Colors! crossword puzzle
  1. blanco
  2. café
  3. gris
  4. rosa
  5. azul
  6. naranjado
  1. plateado
  2. amarillo
  3. negro
  4. morado
  5. dorado
  6. verde

12 Clues: cafégrisrosaazulnegroverdeblancomoradodoradoplateadoamarillonaranjado

Colors 2022-03-31

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. a color associated with girls
  2. a color that is associated with darkness
  3. the color of dandelions
  4. the color of silver
  5. the color of links
  1. often confused for grey but its purple
  2. the color of an elehant's tusks
  3. a color named after a fruit
  4. a color that is associated with vegetables
  5. a color that is mature and feminine
  6. a common color for lipstick
  7. the color of old book's pages

12 Clues: the color of linksthe color of silverthe color of dandelionsa color named after a fruita common color for lipsticka color associated with girlsthe color of old book's pagesthe color of an elehant's tusksa color that is mature and feminineoften confused for grey but its purplea color that is associated with darkness...

Colors 2022-03-31

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. a color associated with girls
  2. a color that is associated with darkness
  3. the color of dandelions
  4. the color of silver
  5. the color of links
  1. often confused for grey but its purple
  2. the color of an elehant's tusks
  3. a color named after a fruit
  4. a color that is associated with vegetables
  5. a color that is mature and feminine
  6. a common color for lipstick
  7. the color of old book's pages

12 Clues: the color of linksthe color of silverthe color of dandelionsa color named after a fruita common color for lipsticka color associated with girlsthe color of old book's pagesthe color of an elehant's tusksa color that is mature and feminineoften confused for grey but its purplea color that is associated with darkness...

Colors 2023-09-11

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. röd
  2. svart
  3. grön
  4. ljusblå
  5. Carro är den bästa
  6. orange
  1. blå
  2. mörkblå
  3. rosa
  4. vit
  5. brun
  6. gul

12 Clues: blårödvitgulrosagrönbrunsvartorangemörkblåljusblåCarro är den bästa

Colors 2023-10-18

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. Black and orange make ...
  2. The sixth color of the rainbow.
  3. Red and white make ...
  4. The first color of the rainbow.
  5. The third color of the rainbow.
  6. White and black make ...
  7. Blue and red make ...
  1. Red, blue and yellow make ...
  2. The color of the cross of the Scotland's flag.
  3. Blue and Yellow make ...
  4. The seventh color of the rainbow.
  5. Red and yellow make ...

12 Clues: Blue and red make ...Red and white make ...Red and yellow make ...Blue and Yellow make ...White and black make ...Black and orange make ...Red, blue and yellow make ...The sixth color of the rainbow.The first color of the rainbow.The third color of the rainbow.The seventh color of the rainbow.The color of the cross of the Scotland's flag.

Colors 2023-11-29

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. a color between yellow and green.
  2. a light blue green color
  3. a rich deep red color inclining to purple.
  4. a pale indigo color
  5. red and black combined
  1. a bright red-orange that is saturated and warm
  2. a dark brown color with a reddish-orange tinge.
  3. dark brown-red
  4. brownish-grey in colour
  5. deep blue in color like a clear sky
  6. a color that combines blue and violet
  7. an earthy, pale pink

12 Clues: dark brown-reda pale indigo coloran earthy, pale pinkred and black combinedbrownish-grey in coloura light blue green colora color between yellow and green.deep blue in color like a clear skya color that combines blue and violeta rich deep red color inclining to purple.a bright red-orange that is saturated and warm...

COLORS 2024-03-26

COLORS crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the dog breed
  2. The color of chocolate
  3. The last color in the rainbow
  4. The color of the grass
  5. The teacher's favorite color
  6. The color of flamingos
  1. The color of the clouds
  2. The color of bananas
  3. Related to the sea
  4. The same name of a fruit
  5. The main color of Christmas
  6. The color of the sky at night

12 Clues: Related to the seaThe color of bananasThe color of chocolateThe color of the grassThe color of flamingosThe color of the cloudsThe same name of a fruitThe name of the dog breedThe main color of ChristmasThe teacher's favorite colorThe last color in the rainbowThe color of the sky at night

colors 2024-04-26

colors crossword puzzle
  1. the mixture of black and white
  2. in between green and blue
  3. most woods are this color
  4. this color plus white make pink
  5. the pedals of a sunflower
  6. the color of a pig
  7. also the name of a fruit
  1. touch grass
  2. the rarest color to find in nature
  3. the sun is this color
  4. the darkest color
  5. violet is a shade of this

12 Clues: touch grassthe darkest colorthe color of a pigthe sun is this coloralso the name of a fruitmost woods are this colorthe pedals of a sunflowerviolet is a shade of thisin between green and bluethe mixture of black and whitethis color plus white make pinkthe rarest color to find in nature

colors 2024-05-15

colors crossword puzzle
  1. punane
  2. roheline
  3. sinine
  4. lilla
  5. valge
  6. heleroheline
  7. helesinine
  1. oranž
  2. tumeroheline
  3. kollane
  4. tumesinine
  5. hall

12 Clues: halloranžlillavalgepunanesininekollanerohelinetumesininehelesininetumerohelineheleroheline

COLORS 2024-07-20

COLORS crossword puzzle
  1. (2nd place medal)
  2. (Carrots)
  3. (Leaves, Trees)
  4. (The Sun, Bananas)
  5. (Strawberry Ice Cream)
  6. (3rd place medal)
  1. (Water, Skies)
  2. (Grapes)
  3. (Rocks, Elephants)
  4. (Apples, Blood)
  5. (1st place medal)
  6. (Teeth, Snow)

12 Clues: (Grapes)(Carrots)(Teeth, Snow)(Water, Skies)(Apples, Blood)(Leaves, Trees)(2nd place medal)(1st place medal)(3rd place medal)(Rocks, Elephants)(The Sun, Bananas)(Strawberry Ice Cream)

Colors 2024-08-02

Colors crossword puzzle
  1. Marrón
  2. Rosa
  3. Rojo
  4. Azul
  5. Naranja
  6. Blanco
  1. Verde
  2. Morado
  3. Amarillo
  4. - Violeta
  5. Negro
  6. Gris

12 Clues: RosaRojoAzulGrisVerdeNegroMarrónMoradoBlancoNaranjaAmarillo- Violeta

Art Terms Crosswords 2023-05-18

Art Terms Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. The area in or around an object
  2. The path the viewer's eyes take through the work of art; often to focal areas
  3. 2 opposite colors on the wheel
  4. No color from the color wheel; Neutral
  5. Using colors next to each other on the wheel
  6. Creating a work of art with one color with different values
  7. Part of the design that catches the viewer's attention
  8. 3 colors that form a triangle on the wheel
  9. Separate parts working together in a composition
  10. The path of a moving point
  11. Lights and darks of a color
  1. 3 colors, across the wheel and split
  2. Repeating a single element many times in a design
  3. Surface feel of an object
  4. The distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, textures, and space
  5. The dimensions of a composition and relationship between height, width, and depth
  6. 3D, length/width/depth
  7. Reflected light; ROYGBIV
  8. When opposite elements are arranged together
  9. 2D, flat, length/width

20 Clues: 3D, length/width/depth2D, flat, length/widthReflected light; ROYGBIVSurface feel of an objectThe path of a moving pointLights and darks of a color2 opposite colors on the wheelThe area in or around an object3 colors, across the wheel and splitNo color from the color wheel; Neutral3 colors that form a triangle on the wheel...

Color Wheel Crossword 2023-04-26

Color Wheel Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. red, orange, and yellow are ____ colors
  2. blue, green and orange are _____ colors
  3. colors red, blue, and yellow are ____ colors
  4. invented the color wheel
  5. yellow + red =
  6. another name for color
  1. blue green is an example of a _____ color
  2. red + blue =
  3. yellow + blue =
  4. opposite colors on the wheel
  5. blue, green, and violet are _____ colors
  6. how many colors are on the color wheel

12 Clues: red + blue =yellow + red =yellow + blue =another name for colorinvented the color wheelopposite colors on the wheelhow many colors are on the color wheelred, orange, and yellow are ____ colorsblue, green and orange are _____ colorsblue, green, and violet are _____ colorsblue green is an example of a _____ color...

110.1 Color Theory 2024-09-12

110.1 Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The _____ system is a numbering system that identifies the lightness or darkness of hair colors in small specific increments.
  2. When two of the three primary colors are mixed in varying proportions, they produce the three _________ colors: orange, green and violet.
  3. Complementary colors are often used to correct or __________ unwanted tones.
  4. When _____________ colors are mixed they produce a neutral color.
  5. Refers to the vividness, brightness or saturation of a color within its own level.
  6. Mixing a primary color with its neighboring secondary color in varying proportions makes ________ colors.
  7. Synthetic hair colorants used today change color in one of two ways: temporarily and ___________.
  1. Complementary colors are found ________ one another on the color wheel.
  2. The tone of a hair color can be described as warm, ____ or neutral.
  3. Wavelengths that can be seen create color and are known as “_______ light”
  4. Colors that do not exhibit warm or cool tones.
  5. _____ is the visual perception of the reflection of light.
  6. The law of color states that only three colors -yellow, red and blue, called _______ colors- are “pure” colors.

13 Clues: Colors that do not exhibit warm or cool tones._____ is the visual perception of the reflection of light.When _____________ colors are mixed they produce a neutral color.The tone of a hair color can be described as warm, ____ or neutral.Complementary colors are found ________ one another on the color wheel....

webpage design 2023-09-01

webpage design crossword puzzle
  1. a different type of identifying colors
  2. the first heading in html coding
  3. a color that represents courage and deprivation
  4. where the main code is written
  5. a color that represents optimism and caution
  6. a group of 3 or more colors
  7. ffffff
  8. orange green and purple
  9. 000000
  10. red blue and yellow
  11. a type of coding
  1. a color that represents growth and envy
  2. a type of identifying colors
  3. a color that represents power and anger
  4. cccccc
  5. the idea that colors have meaning behind them
  6. a color that represents loyalty and emotionlessness
  7. a color that represents innovation and suppression
  8. symbol to recognize a company by
  9. the target demographic for your company
  10. a color that represents wisdom and reflection

21 Clues: ccccccffffff000000a type of codingred blue and yelloworange green and purplea group of 3 or more colorsa type of identifying colorswhere the main code is writtenthe first heading in html codingsymbol to recognize a company bya different type of identifying colorsa color that represents growth and envya color that represents power and anger...

Art Vocabulary 2024-04-26

Art Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a color mixed with black
  2. repeated lines or shapes
  3. the feeling of distance and depth in a picture; a two or three dimensional area into which all other elements are placed
  4. colors that are side by side on the color wheel
  5. colors that are opposite on the color wheel
  6. a mark that goes from one point to another
  7. has height, width, and depth, and is or appears to be three dimensional
  1. produced when light strikes an object and reflects back to the eye
  2. enclosed, two dimensional areas that are flat
  3. colors that are created by mixing a secondary color with one of its original primary colors
  4. the lightness or darkness of a color
  5. the 3 base colors, red, yellow and blue
  6. colors that are created by mixing two primary colors
  7. the way an object feels or looks like it might feel if touched
  8. a color mixed with white

15 Clues: a color mixed with blackrepeated lines or shapesa color mixed with whitethe lightness or darkness of a colorthe 3 base colors, red, yellow and bluea mark that goes from one point to anothercolors that are opposite on the color wheelenclosed, two dimensional areas that are flatcolors that are side by side on the color wheel...

Color Theory 2021-11-16

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. colors-that are created from two primary colors
  2. colors-the hues green/blue/violet
  3. color +black
  4. colors-the hues red/orange/yellow
  5. the title of this puzzle with no space and how we study colors in relation to each other
  6. colors- red-violet, blue-violet, yellow-green
  1. another word for color
  2. Color scheme that neighbor each other on the color wheel
  3. colors- that are opposite each other on color wheel
  4. the way an object reflects or emits lights
  5. colors-red/yellow/blue
  6. color +white

12 Clues: color +blackcolor +whiteanother word for colorcolors-red/yellow/bluecolors-the hues green/blue/violetcolors-the hues red/orange/yellowthe way an object reflects or emits lightscolors- red-violet, blue-violet, yellow-greencolors-that are created from two primary colorscolors- that are opposite each other on color wheel...

Art 3 Final Study Guide 2021-11-30

Art 3 Final Study Guide crossword puzzle
  1. drawings that include people
  2. light to dark of one color
  3. art movement that was about capturing fleeting moments of light
  4. lines that define to edges of objects
  5. shapes from nature
  6. area within, around, above, below, or in-between object
  7. the focal point of an artwork
  8. three dimensional area defined by height, width, and depth
  9. the art movement that was started by Pablo Picasso
  10. two sides of the artwork are the same
  11. the intentional arrangement of objects
  12. two dimensional area that is defined by height and width
  13. a dark value of a color
  14. red, yellow, and orange are ___ colors
  15. three to four colors beside each other on the color wheel
  16. describes the extreme difference in an element
  17. a continuous mark on a surface
  18. to go outside and paint
  19. the range from light to dark
  20. a dull value of a color
  21. the type of color you get when you mix a primary with a secondary
  22. describes the amount of an element
  23. what is the first section of an art critique
  24. the third section of an art critique
  1. hue is another word for ___
  2. a light value of a color
  3. left, right, top and bottom at the same
  4. two sides of the artwork are different
  5. a plan for what colors you will use
  6. Red, yellow, and blue are the ____ colors
  7. two colors across from each other on the color wheel
  8. uses three colors, a single hue then the two on either side of its compliment
  9. oneness, wholeness, feeling of being complete
  10. the last section of an art critiqu
  11. the way the viewer's eye moves around an artwork
  12. blue, purple, and green are ___ colors
  13. shapes that are man mande
  14. repeating an element in a particular way creates a _____
  15. wheel circular chart used to remember color relationships
  16. drawings of objects that cannot move
  17. Purple, orange, and green are the ____ colors
  18. the way elements are arranged to give a sense of stability
  19. three colors that make a triangle on the color wheel
  20. the second section of an art critique
  21. the material used to create art is called what
  22. colors that are not on the color wheel
  23. surface quality or feel of an object

47 Clues: shapes from naturea dark value of a colorto go outside and painta dull value of a colora light value of a colorshapes that are man mandelight to dark of one colorhue is another word for ___drawings that include peoplethe range from light to darkthe focal point of an artworka continuous mark on a surfacethe last section of an art critiqu...

makeup 2023-01-04

makeup crossword puzzle
  1. liner, helps define or correct your client’s lip shape
  2. heaviest coverage
  3. produces functional & predictable & pleasing results
  4. has very little or no crease
  5. gives the illusion of tanned skin without harmful sun rays
  6. small space between eyes
  7. what color concealer disguise dark circles under eyes on darker skin tones
  8. a technique to keep your hands steady & keep the client safe
  9. what color concealer helps brighten sallow skin on darker skin tones
  10. used to contour curves of the face
  11. hue with black added
  12. darker colors that help recede & define or diminish
  13. another term for color
  14. three colors located in a triangular position
  15. adds color and texture to the lips
  16. hue with white added
  17. Type of colors that contain blue violet or green
  18. face is rounded, long and narrow
  19. large space between eyes
  20. establishes rapport and builds credibility with each client
  21. divide the face into ____ areas
  22. three colors that are adjacent to each other
  23. enhancement services, creates the illusion of thicker lashes or brows
  24. lifting, also known as eyelash perming
  25. Makeup, referred to as beauty make up or natural make up
  1. light colors that draw attention to certain areas
  2. colors opposite each other on the color wheel
  3. used with powder products for a more diffused effect
  4. Extensions, semi permanent lash enhancements
  5. type of colors that contain red orange or yellow
  6. reviews the service experience & client satisfaction
  7. spray, sets makeup in place longer
  8. similar to heart shape but narrower forehead
  9. what color concealer hides redness on vascular conditions
  10. adds color & tone or depth
  11. narrow forehead and wide strong jawline
  12. type of colors that neither warm nor cool
  13. the art of arranging light and dark to produce the illusion of 3-dimensional shapes
  14. of color, states that out of all the colors only 3 are pure
  15. identifies client wants and needs & visualizes the end result & obtains client consent
  16. used to “set” foundation & concealer
  17. a hue with gray added
  18. used to define & lengthen and thicken the eyelashes
  19. moisturizer, Provides light & sheer and/or dewy coverage
  20. refers to the vibrancy of a color
  21. wheel, a tool in which the 12 colors are positioned in a circle
  22. plan, knowing which colors are most flattering for the client’s coloring
  23. the lightness or darkness of a color
  24. shadow, used to contour the eye & accentuate the eye shape & color
  25. Concealer, Light to medium coverage

50 Clues: heaviest coveragehue with black addedhue with white addeda hue with gray addedanother term for colorsmall space between eyeslarge space between eyesadds color & tone or depthhas very little or no creasedivide the face into ____ areasface is rounded, long and narrowrefers to the vibrancy of a colorspray, sets makeup in place longer...

Color Theory 2021-02-03

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Creates a color scheme from different tints of the same color
  2. Color scheme created by using colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  3. Logical combinations of colors on a color wheel
  4. A scheme formed by a rectangle on the wheel, using not one but two complementary color pairs
  5. Color scheme made up of hues equally spaced around color wheel
  6. Red and blue combined make this color
  7. Indicates how dark or light a color is
  1. Mixes of primary and secondary colors
  2. Color scheme created by combining colors from opposite sides of the color wheel
  3. Basically another word for color
  4. Invented the color wheel
  5. Refers to a color's intensity
  6. Colors created by combining two primary colors
  7. The initials for the primary colors of light
  8. In paint, this color is a primary color instead of green

15 Clues: Invented the color wheelRefers to a color's intensityBasically another word for colorMixes of primary and secondary colorsRed and blue combined make this colorIndicates how dark or light a color isThe initials for the primary colors of lightColors created by combining two primary colorsLogical combinations of colors on a color wheel...

RANDOM WORDS 2023-04-16

RANDOM WORDS crossword puzzle
  1. has seven large rings
  2. none of the colors
  3. a state that starts with "A"
  4. a game
  5. 7 colors
  6. questioned;a bunch of pieces
  7. opposite of subtracting
  8. opposite of adding
  9. all of the colors
  1. has the great red spot
  2. Has a trunk
  3. a state containing "I"
  4. a roof over your head
  5. a place to put paper
  6. a bird
  7. Man's best friend
  8. goes roar
  9. Flying mammal
  10. Likes to chase mice
  11. Large marsupial

20 Clues: a gamea bird7 colorsgoes roarHas a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendall of the colorsnone of the colorsopposite of addingLikes to chase micea place to put paperhas seven large ringsa roof over your headhas the great red spota state containing "I"opposite of subtractinga state that starts with "A"questioned;a bunch of pieces

Color Theory 2021-11-08

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Created when you add black to a hue
  2. Primary + Secondary
  3. Light can be broken down using this
  4. The color of sadness
  5. Zero hues
  6. Forms a Y on the color wheel
  7. Primary + Primary
  8. Red can represent this
  9. The light that can be seen
  10. Three equidistant colors
  11. Orange represents this
  12. Pink is often associated with this
  13. This color represents power
  14. Across the color wheel
  15. Color often involves this bias
  1. Pure form of color
  2. Neighboring colors
  3. This spectrum is made up of bands of light
  4. This color is representative of nobility
  5. Using saturation and value to create a color scheme
  6. 3/4 Blue 1/4 Red
  7. Two pairs of complementary colors
  8. This color is seen as dependable
  9. The chromatic quality of an object
  10. One of the primary colors
  11. Pink is this in relation to red
  12. Add gray to a color to make it more subtle
  13. Choose green to represent this
  14. The three main colors of light produce this color mode
  15. Six-digit color code used for onscreen display
  16. Yellow can represent this
  17. White is the go to color for this
  18. Patented color system used in printing
  19. Color mode based on the four colors of ink

34 Clues: Zero hues3/4 Blue 1/4 RedPrimary + PrimaryPure form of colorNeighboring colorsPrimary + SecondaryThe color of sadnessRed can represent thisOrange represents thisAcross the color wheelThree equidistant colorsOne of the primary colorsYellow can represent thisThe light that can be seenThis color represents powerForms a Y on the color wheel...

Artistic Word Match 2023-12-20

Artistic Word Match crossword puzzle
  1. - Technique using small, distinct dots of color
  2. - Art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality.
  3. - Various hues on the color wheel
  4. - A style of art that captures the impression or momentary effect of a scene.
  5. Van Gogh - Renowned Dutch post-impressionist painter
  6. - The arrangement and organization of visual elements in an artwork.
  7. - The technique of representing three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface.
  8. - An art movement that involves depicting subjects from multiple viewpoints simultaneously.
  9. - Art form using various mediums
  10. - The feel or appearance of a surface, often created in art to add depth.
  11. - The area within and around objects
  12. Life - Artistic representation of inanimate objects
  13. - Large-scale artwork painted or applied directly on a wall or ceiling.
  1. colors - A single color with its shades and tints
  2. - A malleable material often used for sculpting and pottery.
  3. Colors - Orange, green, and purple
  4. - Visual representation of a person
  5. - Lighter variations of colors
  6. - Dutch abstract artist known for geometric paintings
  7. Starry Night - Famous painting by Vincent Van Gogh
  8. - Darker variations of colors
  9. - Artwork made by combining various materials like paper, fabric, and found objects.
  10. Colors - Red, blue, and yellow
  11. - Three-dimensional art created by carving, modeling, or molding materials.

24 Clues: - Darker variations of colors- Lighter variations of colorsColors - Red, blue, and yellow- Art form using various mediums- Various hues on the color wheelColors - Orange, green, and purple- Visual representation of a person- The area within and around objects- Technique using small, distinct dots of color...

Fashion Merchandise vocab 4.02 4.03 & 4.04 2013-03-05

Fashion Merchandise vocab 4.02 4.03 & 4.04 crossword puzzle
  1. balance Equilibrium provided by symmetrical parts.
  2. Large marsupial
  3. The principle of design that uses a concentration of interest or area of focus in a particular part or area of a design.
  4. The lighter hue created when white is added to a color.
  5. lines Lines created by details added to the surface of clothing including fabric design and trims such as top-stitching, lace, tabs, flaps, and buttons used to decorate the garment.
  6. wheel A diagram that illustrates hues and their relationship to each other.
  7. lines Lines that go across.
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. Rhythm created by alternating elements such as light and dark colors or stripes of two colors or sizes.
  10. colors Red, orange, and yellow.
  11. Rhythm created by lines emerging from a central point like rays, resulting in the parts being an equal distance from a given point.
  12. colors Two colors opposite each other on the color wheel.
  13. The principle of design that implies equilibrium or steadiness among the parts of a design or outfit. Balance in garments is produced by structural parts and added decoration.
  14. Personal care products used in grooming.
  15. The silhouette or the overall form or outline of an outfit or clothing style.
  16. jewelry The least expensive and most commonly purchased jewelry.
  17. visual texture The finishes and designs applied to the surface of the fabric.
  18. Rhythm created by repeated lines, shapes, colors, or textures in a garment.
  19. The principle of design concerned with the pleasing arrangement of the design elements to produce a feeling of continuity or easy movement of the observer’s eye.
  20. The darker hue created when black is added to a color.
  21. Products applied to the face, skin, or hair to improve appearance.
  22. lines Lines that go up and down.
  23. The principle of design dealing with the relative sizes of all the parts in a design to each other and to the whole.
  24. A distinct, elongated mark that can lead the path of eye movement up and down, side to side, or around objects.
  25. jewelry Jewelry made to look like fine jewelry but less expensive.
  26. ticketed Apparel marked with two sizes (9/10).
  27. hues (1) Orange, green, and violet. (2) Colors created by mixing equal amounts of two primary colors.
  28. The lightness or darkness of a color.
  29. The pleasing visual effect of a design created by tasteful use of the elements of design following the principles of design.
  1. Rhythm created by a gradual increase or decrease of similar design elements.
  2. colors Green, blue, and violet.
  3. hues (1) Red, yellow, and blue. (2) Colors that cannot be made using any other color.
  4. lines Lines without curves or bends.
  5. neutral White, gray, black, or beige with a bright color accent.
  6. texture Texture determined by the fibers, yarns, and the method of construction used to produce a garment.
  7. lines Lines that slant at an angle rather than being vertical or horizontal.
  8. hues (1) Blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-green, yellow-orange, red-orange, and red-violet. (2) Colors made by combining equal amounts of adjoining primary and secondary hues.
  9. colors One color plus the colors on each side of its complement.
  10. balance Equilibrium provided by asymmetrical parts.
  11. Products that add a pleasant scent such as perfume, cologne, and bath products.
  12. of design Guidelines/rules for using the elements of design.
  13. color Different tints, shades, and intensities of a single color.
  14. The look and feel of fabric.
  15. jewelry The most expensive and highest quality jewelry.
  16. colors Three colors that are equidistant from each other on the color wheel.
  17. The brightness or dullness of a color.
  18. Black, white, beige, and gray.
  19. (1) The technical word for color. (2) The name given to a color, such as red or yellow, that distinguishes one color from another.
  20. Lines Circular or gently waved lines.
  21. colors Two to five colors that are adjacent on the color wheel.
  22. Has a trunk
  23. Flying mammal
  24. Man's best friend

53 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micelines Lines that go across.The look and feel of fabric.Black, white, beige, and gray.colors Green, blue, and violet.colors Red, orange, and yellow.lines Lines that go up and down.lines Lines without curves or bends.Lines Circular or gently waved lines....

makeup 2023-01-04

makeup crossword puzzle
  1. Makeup, referred to as beauty make up or natural make up
  2. colors opposite each other on the color wheel
  3. darker colors that help recede & define or diminish
  4. divide the face into ____ areas
  5. of color, states that out of all the colors only 3 are pure
  6. a hue with gray added
  7. liner, helps define or correct your client’s lip shape
  8. a technique to keep your hands steady & keep the client safe
  9. identifies client wants and needs & visualizes the end result & obtains client consent
  10. enhancement services, creates the illusion of thicker lashes or brows
  11. hue with white added
  12. establishes rapport and builds credibility with each client
  13. used with powder products for a more diffused effect
  14. another term for color
  15. heaviest coverage
  16. narrow forehead and wide strong jawline
  17. shadow, used to contour the eye & accentuate the eye shape & color
  18. refers to the vibrancy of a color
  19. Type of colors that contain blue violet or green
  20. face is rounded, long and narrow
  21. plan, knowing which colors are most flattering for the client’s coloring
  22. light colors that draw attention to certain areas
  23. similar to heart shape but narrower forehead
  24. lifting, also known as eyelash perming
  25. the lightness or darkness of a color
  26. used to “set” foundation & concealer
  1. adds color & tone or depth
  2. used to contour curves of the face
  3. type of colors that neither warm nor cool
  4. reviews the service experience & client satisfaction
  5. wheel, a tool in which the 12 colors are positioned in a circle
  6. spray, sets makeup in place longer
  7. gives the illusion of tanned skin without harmful sun rays
  8. what color concealer helps brighten sallow skin on darker skin tones
  9. large space between eyes
  10. type of colors that contain red orange or yellow
  11. adds color and texture to the lips
  12. produces functional & predictable & pleasing results
  13. has very little or no crease
  14. the art of arranging light and dark to produce the illusion of 3-dimensional shapes
  15. three colors that are adjacent to each other
  16. small space between eyes
  17. what color concealer disguise dark circles under eyes on darker skin tones
  18. Extensions, semi permanent lash enhancements
  19. moisturizer, Provides light & sheer and/or dewy coverage
  20. Concealer, Light to medium coverage
  21. used to define & lengthen and thicken the eyelashes
  22. three colors located in a triangular position
  23. what color concealer hides redness on vascular conditions
  24. hue with black added

50 Clues: heaviest coveragehue with white addedhue with black addeda hue with gray addedanother term for colorlarge space between eyessmall space between eyesadds color & tone or depthhas very little or no creasedivide the face into ____ areasface is rounded, long and narrowrefers to the vibrancy of a colorused to contour curves of the face...

makeup 2023-01-04

makeup crossword puzzle
  1. Makeup, referred to as beauty make up or natural make up
  2. colors opposite each other on the color wheel
  3. darker colors that help recede & define or diminish
  4. divide the face into ____ areas
  5. of color, states that out of all the colors only 3 are pure
  6. a hue with gray added
  7. liner, helps define or correct your client’s lip shape
  8. a technique to keep your hands steady & keep the client safe
  9. identifies client wants and needs & visualizes the end result & obtains client consent
  10. enhancement services, creates the illusion of thicker lashes or brows
  11. hue with white added
  12. establishes rapport and builds credibility with each client
  13. used with powder products for a more diffused effect
  14. another term for color
  15. heaviest coverage
  16. narrow forehead and wide strong jawline
  17. shadow, used to contour the eye & accentuate the eye shape & color
  18. refers to the vibrancy of a color
  19. Type of colors that contain blue violet or green
  20. face is rounded, long and narrow
  21. plan, knowing which colors are most flattering for the client’s coloring
  22. light colors that draw attention to certain areas
  23. similar to heart shape but narrower forehead
  24. lifting, also known as eyelash perming
  25. the lightness or darkness of a color
  26. used to “set” foundation & concealer
  1. adds color & tone or depth
  2. used to contour curves of the face
  3. type of colors that neither warm nor cool
  4. reviews the service experience & client satisfaction
  5. wheel, a tool in which the 12 colors are positioned in a circle
  6. spray, sets makeup in place longer
  7. gives the illusion of tanned skin without harmful sun rays
  8. what color concealer helps brighten sallow skin on darker skin tones
  9. large space between eyes
  10. type of colors that contain red orange or yellow
  11. adds color and texture to the lips
  12. produces functional & predictable & pleasing results
  13. has very little or no crease
  14. the art of arranging light and dark to produce the illusion of 3-dimensional shapes
  15. three colors that are adjacent to each other
  16. small space between eyes
  17. what color concealer disguise dark circles under eyes on darker skin tones
  18. Extensions, semi permanent lash enhancements
  19. moisturizer, Provides light & sheer and/or dewy coverage
  20. Concealer, Light to medium coverage
  21. used to define & lengthen and thicken the eyelashes
  22. three colors located in a triangular position
  23. what color concealer hides redness on vascular conditions
  24. hue with black added

50 Clues: heaviest coveragehue with white addedhue with black addeda hue with gray addedanother term for colorlarge space between eyessmall space between eyesadds color & tone or depthhas very little or no creasedivide the face into ____ areasface is rounded, long and narrowrefers to the vibrancy of a colorused to contour curves of the face...

vocab 2013-03-07

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. colors Red, orange, and yellow.
  2. Rhythm created by repeated lines, shapes, colors, or textures in a garment.
  3. texture Texture determined by the fibers, yarns, and the method of construction used to produce a garment.
  4. hues (1) Red, yellow, and blue. (2) Colors that cannot be made using any other color.
  5. Rhythm created by lines emerging from a central point like rays, resulting in the parts being an equal distance from a given point.
  6. The lightness or darkness of a color.
  7. colors One color plus the colors on each side of its complement.
  8. A distinct, elongated mark that can lead the path of eye movement up and down, side to side, or around objects.
  9. lines Lines without curves or bends.
  10. Products that add a pleasant scent such as perfume, cologne, and bath products.
  11. Personal care products used in grooming
  12. The lighter hue created when white is added to a color.
  13. Products applied to the face, skin, or hair to improve appearance.
  14. colors Three colors that are equidistant from each other on the color wheel.
  15. ticketed Apparel marked with two sizes
  1. The silhouette or the overall form or outline of an outfit or clothing style.
  2. The principle of design concerned with the pleasing arrangement of the design elements to produce a feeling of continuity or easy movement of the observer’s eye.
  3. lines Lines that go up and down.
  4. hues (1) Blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-green, yellow-orange, red-orange, and red-violet. (2) Colors made by combining equal amounts of adjoining primary and secondary hues.
  5. The principle of design dealing with the relative sizes of all the parts in a design to each other and to the whole.
  6. hues (1) Orange, green, and violet. (2) Colors created by mixing equal amounts of two primary colors.
  7. of design Guidelines/rules for using the elements of design.
  8. color Different tints, shades, and intensities of a single color.
  9. jewelry Jewelry made to look like fine jewelry but less expensive.
  10. Black, white, beige, and gray.
  11. The darker hue created when black is added to a color.
  12. jewelry The most expensive and highest quality jewelry.
  13. The look and feel of fabric.
  14. jewelry The least expensive and most commonly purchased jewelry.

29 Clues: The look and feel of fabric.Black, white, beige, and gray.colors Red, orange, and yellow.lines Lines that go up and down.lines Lines without curves or bends.The lightness or darkness of a color.ticketed Apparel marked with two sizesPersonal care products used in groomingThe darker hue created when black is added to a color....

Art 8 2014-10-09

Art 8 crossword puzzle
  1. Painting This depicts a natural scenery, like a meadow, mountains, river, etc
  2. These are three colors that are right next to each other on the color wheel
  3. This is the outline of a dark shadow created by an object
  4. This is the lightest type of paint that uses water as a medium and can be easily cleaned up.
  5. The brightness or dullness of a color
  6. This is a type of paint that dries quickly, looks like plastic, and can not be cleaned easily when dried.
  7. The element of art that is what is perceived when light hits and reflects off of an object.
  8. Colors Blue, Red, and Yellow, these three colors make all other colors and can not be made.
  9. The main property of color that designates a new color
  10. This is the category of shapes that are associated with things in the natural world
  1. This is the way the surface of an object looks like it feels, this is the type that artists use when drawing and painting.
  2. These are colors that are across from each other on the color wheel
  3. The element of art used to define shape, contours, and outlines, it gives objects mass and volume.
  4. This is the element of art that is a closed line, it is flat and can express length and width
  5. This is the heaviest type of paint that uses oil as a medium, it takes longer to dry, and can be removed in layers from a canvas
  6. Colors Purple, Green, and Orange, these three colors are made by mixing two primary colors.
  7. This is the category of shapes that have perfect uniform measurements and they don't appear often in nature
  8. The is a piece of art that is creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of colored paper, stone, or other materials.
  9. The element of art that describes the lightness or darkness of a color, it give objects depth and perception.
  10. This is invisible radiant energy, usually determined by thermal-heat-energy
  11. Colors These colors are created by mixing a Primary and Secondary Color.
  12. The element of art that describes the look and feel of a surface
  13. This is real texture, it is the way the surface of an object actually feels

23 Clues: The brightness or dullness of a colorThe main property of color that designates a new colorThis is the outline of a dark shadow created by an objectThe element of art that describes the look and feel of a surfaceThese are colors that are across from each other on the color wheel...

Color Theory Unit Crossword 2012-10-04

Color Theory Unit Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Colors that are next to each other
  2. ________ colors recede and include blue, green, and violet.
  3. The name of a color.
  4. Yellow-green is an example of this kind of color; it is created from one primary color and one secondary color.
  5. A________ color scheme uses one color + black & white.
  6. Color + Black =________
  1. These colors come first on the color wheel.
  2. The lightness and darkness of a color
  3. These colors are located across from each other.
  4. These colors include red, orange, and yellow.
  5. White + Color =________
  6. Outline of a shape
  7. These colors are created from 2 primary colors.

13 Clues: Outline of a shapeThe name of a color.White + Color =________Color + Black =________Colors that are next to each otherThe lightness and darkness of a colorThese colors come first on the color wheel.These colors include red, orange, and yellow.These colors are created from 2 primary colors.These colors are located across from each other....

Color Theory 2021-04-14

Color Theory crossword puzzle
  1. colors that are next to each other on the color wheel and closely related.
  2. hue + grey
  3. hue + black
  4. colors that can be mixed to make all colors, but they cannot be made by mixing other colors: red, yellow, and blue
  5. hue + white
  6. colors that are located midway between primary colors on the color wheel: orange, green, violet
  7. is pure color
  1. _______Colors are the blues and greens of the color spectrum associated with water, sky, ice, and cooler temperatures
  2. colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel.
  3. colors that are found between the primary and secondary colors; also called tertiary; red-orange, orange-yellow, yellow-green, green-blue, blue-violet, violet-red
  4. the strength or purity of a color
  5. _______Colors are the yellows and reds of the color spectrum,
  6. refers to the hue’s lightness or darkness

13 Clues: hue + greyhue + blackhue + whiteis pure colorthe strength or purity of a colorrefers to the hue’s lightness or darkness_______Colors are the yellows and reds of the color spectrum,colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel.colors that are next to each other on the color wheel and closely related....

Element of Color/Anatomy of the Eye 2013-10-23

Element of Color/Anatomy of the Eye crossword puzzle
  1. A shade is a color mixed with ______.
  2. Grey, Brown, Black and White.
  3. Colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel.
  4. These colors can make you feel energetic.
  5. When you create an artwork using black and white and grays, no color.
  6. Blue-green, Red-orange, red-violet are _______ colors.
  1. Green, Orange, Violet are _______ colors.
  2. Using one color plus black and white to create tints and shades.
  3. These colors can make you feel calm or relaxed.
  4. Red, Yellow, Blue are _______ colors.
  5. Another word for color
  6. A tint is a color mixed with ______.
  7. Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
  8. _______ refers to the purity or strength of a color.

14 Clues: Another word for colorGrey, Brown, Black and White.A tint is a color mixed with ______.A shade is a color mixed with ______.Red, Yellow, Blue are _______ colors.Green, Orange, Violet are _______ colors.These colors can make you feel energetic.These colors can make you feel calm or relaxed._______ refers to the purity or strength of a color....

makeup 2023-01-04

makeup crossword puzzle
  1. similar to heart shape but narrower forehead
  2. the lightness or darkness of a color
  3. the art of arranging light and dark to produce the illusion of 3-dimensional shapes
  4. type of colors that contain red orange or yellow
  5. three colors located in a triangular position
  6. what color concealer helps brighten sallow skin on darker skin tones
  7. hue with black added
  8. face is rounded, long and narrow
  9. what color concealer hides redness on vascular conditions
  10. Extensions, semi permanent lash enhancements
  11. Type of colors that contain blue violet or green
  12. hue with white added
  13. produces functional & predictable & pleasing results
  14. plan, knowing which colors are most flattering for the client’s coloring
  15. heaviest coverage
  16. moisturizer, Provides light & sheer and/or dewy coverage
  17. a hue with gray added
  18. Concealer, Light to medium coverage
  19. gives the illusion of tanned skin without harmful sun rays
  20. colors opposite each other on the color wheel
  21. type of colors that neither warm nor cool
  22. small space between eyes
  23. adds color & tone or depth
  24. used to define & lengthen and thicken the eyelashes
  1. large space between eyes
  2. of color, states that out of all the colors only 3 are pure
  3. narrow forehead and wide strong jawline
  4. wheel, a tool in which the 12 colors are positioned in a circle
  5. light colors that draw attention to certain areas
  6. identifies client wants and needs & visualizes the end result & obtains client consent
  7. used to contour curves of the face
  8. what color concealer disguise dark circles under eyes on darker skin tones
  9. has very little or no crease
  10. a technique to keep your hands steady & keep the client safe
  11. enhancement services, creates the illusion of thicker lashes or brows
  12. another term for color
  13. darker colors that help recede & define or diminish
  14. divide the face into ____ areas
  15. reviews the service experience & client satisfaction
  16. used to “set” foundation & concealer
  17. lifting, also known as eyelash perming
  18. Makeup, referred to as beauty make up or natural make up
  19. used with powder products for a more diffused effect
  20. shadow, used to contour the eye & accentuate the eye shape & color
  21. refers to the vibrancy of a color
  22. spray, sets makeup in place longer
  23. adds color and texture to the lips
  24. liner, helps define or correct your client’s lip shape
  25. three colors that are adjacent to each other
  26. establishes rapport and builds credibility with each client

50 Clues: heaviest coveragehue with black addedhue with white addeda hue with gray addedanother term for colorlarge space between eyessmall space between eyesadds color & tone or depthhas very little or no creasedivide the face into ____ areasface is rounded, long and narrowrefers to the vibrancy of a colorused to contour curves of the face...

Ch. 28 Color 2016-04-18

Ch. 28 Color crossword puzzle
  1. Why is a blue jay blue?
  2. The combination of all colors is (two words).
  3. Who showed that sunlight is composed by a mixture of all colors?
  4. Light can be analyzed with a...
  5. The sky is blue because it scatters ________ light
  6. Most objects do not emit light, but rather ________ it.
  7. Clouds are made of (two words)
  8. The brightest part of sunlight is...
  9. Green and Blue light combine to produce...
  10. To make colors while painting, we use a process known as color mixing by....
  11. A faint color will not show itself against a _____ background
  12. When an object absorbs all visible light, it is...
  13. Red, Green, and Blue are called the ______ primary colors
  14. When an atom is energized it is in a ______ state.
  1. Material that selectively absorbs colored light.
  2. Light will pass through this kind of material.
  3. Due to absorption and reflection, this cell causes plants to appear green.
  4. When two colors combine to form white they are called
  5. Subtractive primary colors are used for (two words)
  6. A pattern of distinct lines of color.
  7. Clouds composed of larger droplets are typically
  8. Red and blue light combine to produce...
  9. A device that separates white light into the color spectrum.
  10. The perceived color of an object is....

24 Clues: Why is a blue jay blue?Clouds are made of (two words)Light can be analyzed with a...The brightest part of sunlight is...A pattern of distinct lines of color.The perceived color of an object is....Red and blue light combine to produce...Green and Blue light combine to produce...The combination of all colors is (two words)....

web design 2023-09-01

web design crossword puzzle
  1. code to bold the lines
  2. picture that represents the company
  3. (255,255,255)
  4. hypertext markup language
  5. code to break the lines
  6. budget, beliefs,
  7. to end H1
  8. every company has this
  9. Represent RGB values.
  10. should only have 3-5 colors
  11. age, graphics, race
  1. 6 elements
  2. The biggest heading
  3. city, region, size
  4. colors used in print
  5. to start a paragraph
  6. smallest heading
  7. colors used in digital monitors
  8. form of graphics created using geometric shapes
  9. Professional Grammar

20 Clues: to end H16 elements(255,255,255)smallest headingbudget, beliefs,city, region, sizeThe biggest headingage, graphics, racecolors used in printto start a paragraphProfessional GrammarRepresent RGB values.code to bold the linesevery company has thiscode to break the lineshypertext markup languageshould only have 3-5 colors...

6th Grade Review Crossword 2024-03-29

6th Grade Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Colors like Red, Orange, and Yellow
  2. When light hits an object, the part of the object closest to the light is called the ______________
  3. The artist that famously "Painted with Scissors"
  4. All of the shades between black and white
  5. Green, Purple (Violet), Orange
  6. _____ Theory is the study of how colors are created and interact
  7. Colors that are across from each other on the color wheel
  8. Colors like Blue, Green, and Purple (Violet)
  1. The French art movement pioneered by Matisse
  2. _________ with a pencil helps you create value in a piece of artwork
  3. A never-ending pattern
  4. Red, Blue, and Yellow
  5. Object used to blend charcoal or graphite
  6. Drawing material used to create our water droplet project
  7. This type of color is created when you mix two complementary colors
  8. Colors like Blue-Green, Red-Orange, and Red-Violet
  9. When light hits an object, the object blocks the light path and creates a __________ on the surface it is sitting on

17 Clues: Red, Blue, and YellowA never-ending patternGreen, Purple (Violet), OrangeColors like Red, Orange, and YellowObject used to blend charcoal or graphiteAll of the shades between black and whiteThe French art movement pioneered by MatisseColors like Blue, Green, and Purple (Violet)The artist that famously "Painted with Scissors"...

Art Terms Crossword 2022-12-13

Art Terms Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Artist who created Starry Night
  2. Common surface used to paint on
  3. Colors such as green, purple, blue
  4. Shading using two types of lines overlapped
  5. Blue + yellow
  6. Perceived surface of an object
  7. Red, Yellow, Blue colors
  8. What you use to paint with
  9. Artist who created the Woman in Gold
  1. Furthest from light source
  2. Paint medium activated by liquid
  3. Focus on symbolism rather than representation
  4. Science of how colors relate to each other
  5. Colors such as yellow, red, orange
  6. When you mix black with a color
  7. City where the Louvre is located
  8. Focus on accurate representation
  9. Red + yellow

18 Clues: Red + yellowBlue + yellowRed, Yellow, Blue colorsFurthest from light sourceWhat you use to paint withPerceived surface of an objectArtist who created Starry NightCommon surface used to paint onWhen you mix black with a colorPaint medium activated by liquidCity where the Louvre is locatedFocus on accurate representation...

Floral Design 2023-10-02

Floral Design crossword puzzle
  1. Red, Yellow, and Blue are what types of colors
  2. Blue, Purple, and Green are what colors
  3. Type of design that is characterized by their linear form
  4. A tool used to bind together floral wire and stems
  5. This material is used to hold water and keep fresh cut flowers in place
  6. Comes in different gauges (ex. #28 is finer than #16)
  7. If something is formal and equilateral it is what
  8. Colors across each other on the color wheel
  1. A type of flower used to complete the design
  2. Red, Orange, and Yellow are what colors
  3. 3 colors in a row on the color wheel
  4. What gives the design the feeling of motion
  5. When you mix equal parts primary with primary they make what
  6. When you mix a primary and a secondary color they make what
  7. Visual path the eye follows as it moves in the arrangement
  8. What flowers are used to create focal points with unusual and distinctive shapes
  9. What flowers have single stems and a large round head
  10. Type of flowers used to create the skeleton outline height or width of an arrangement
  11. The purpose of this is to hide the mechanics (wire, tape, foam, etc.) in an arrangement
  12. The ______ spectrum is made up of 12 major colors.

20 Clues: 3 colors in a row on the color wheelRed, Orange, and Yellow are what colorsBlue, Purple, and Green are what colorsWhat gives the design the feeling of motionColors across each other on the color wheelA type of flower used to complete the designRed, Yellow, and Blue are what types of colorsIf something is formal and equilateral it is what...

School Colors 2020-06-11

School Colors crossword puzzle
  1. rhymes with dead sea
  2. really messy science experiment
  3. past tense school subject
  4. Deanna's majestic steed
  5. Super Villain or Revelations
  6. Wilson #1 sport
  7. comic series
  8. white and blue (one star)
  9. fourth grade recess game
  10. didn't happen this year lol
  11. Starts June 19th
  12. bad at her job, no one likes her
  13. musical artist and time
  14. the antonym of antonym
  15. causes quakes and assigns blame
  16. red with an A
  17. my face when embarrased, laughing, or angry
  18. beloved afterschool club
  19. with the mostest
  20. our school team after Colton left
  21. "It wasn't me"
  22. How I feel about Wilson Team
  23. "I didn't do it"
  1. esteemed, personalized awards
  2. on wednesdays we wear
  3. I think we only had two??
  4. a rare morning treat
  5. small-group space
  6. a crazy person from Maine
  7. Most important part of Miss Nikki's job
  8. the color of Nikki's hair
  9. Anna's favorite musician
  10. the perfect evening snack
  11. causes growling and bad temper
  12. No one knows how to do this
  13. "Why can't I run in the hallways?"
  14. green, blue, yellow, red
  15. what we did at our community meeting
  16. Joke about Deanna's deserved success
  17. Gives out ice packs
  18. shiny ocean rock (and name)
  19. the perfect movie to end 2019
  20. a leopard gecko
  21. fancier Dunkin
  22. My favorite meal
  23. Joke about colton's undeserved success
  24. story and club
  25. green light

48 Clues: green lightcomic seriesred with an Afancier Dunkinstory and club"It wasn't me"Wilson #1 sporta leopard geckoStarts June 19thMy favorite mealwith the mostest"I didn't do it"small-group spaceGives out ice packsrhymes with dead seaa rare morning treaton wednesdays we wearthe antonym of antonymDeanna's majestic steedmusical artist and time...

Colors, animals 2014-02-24

Colors, animals crossword puzzle
  1. panda
  2. roxo
  3. leão
  4. gato
  5. girafa
  6. vermelho
  7. cachorro
  8. canguru
  9. marrom
  10. morcego
  11. laranja
  12. amarelo
  13. hipopótamo
  1. rosa
  2. aranha
  3. preto
  4. elefante
  5. tigre
  6. verde
  7. crocodilo
  8. macaco
  9. cinza
  10. azul
  11. urso
  12. branco

25 Clues: rosaroxoleãogatoazulursopandapretotigreverdecinzaaranhagirafamacacomarrombrancocangurumorcegolaranjaamareloelefantevermelhocachorrocrocodilohipopótamo

colors-numbers 2015-09-06

colors-numbers crossword puzzle
  1. öt
  2. három
  3. lila
  4. szürke
  5. kettő
  6. narancssárga
  7. sárga
  8. tizenegy
  9. kilenc
  10. rózsaszín
  1. kék
  2. fehér
  3. négy
  4. tizenkettő
  5. piros
  6. nyolc
  7. barna
  8. egy
  9. zöld
  10. fekete
  11. tíz
  12. hét
  13. hat

23 Clues: ötkékegytízhéthatnégylilazöldfehérhárompirosnyolcbarnakettősárgaszürkefeketekilenctizenegyrózsaszíntizenkettőnarancssárga

Colors and ... 2016-04-19

Colors and ... crossword puzzle
  1. Gražus
  2. Bananas
  3. Šiltas
  4. Ruda spalva
  5. Violetinė
  6. Spalvos
  7. Mėlyna
  8. Kriaušė
  9. Geltona
  10. Balta
  1. Pomidoras
  2. Kopūstas
  3. Braškė
  4. Agurkas
  5. Oranžinė
  6. Rožinė
  7. Obuolys
  8. Žalia
  9. Juoda
  10. morka
  11. Raudona
  12. Slyva
  13. Šaltas
  14. Karštas

24 Clues: ŽaliaJuodamorkaSlyvaBaltaBraškėGražusRožinėŠiltasMėlynaŠaltasAgurkasBananasObuolysSpalvosRaudonaKriaušėGeltonaKarštasKopūstasOranžinėPomidorasVioletinėRuda spalva

Horse Colors 2016-05-12

Horse Colors crossword puzzle
  1. A desexed male horse.
  2. Body color is reddish with the mane and tail the same color as the body or may be flaxen.
  3. Similar to the buckskin with variable color points.
  4. A mature female horse five or more years of age.
  5. Body color is reddish tan to reddish brown with black mane, tail, and lower legs.
  6. Tan with a black stripe along the back and has a black mane and tail; usually black on lower legs.
  7. Smoky or mouse colored, mane and tail black, usually black on lower legs.
  8. Black spots on a white coat.
  9. A young male horse up to five years of age.
  10. A white coat with skin either pink or dark
  11. Brown or black with light areas at muzzle, eyes, flank, and inside upper legs, mane and tail black.
  1. Uniform mixture of white and red hairs.
  2. Mixture of white and black hairs, usually born solid colored or almost solid colored and gets lighter with age.
  3. A form of dun with body color yellowish or flesh colored, mane and tail red.
  4. Uniform mixture of white and black hairs with a few red hairs.
  5. Spots of any color other than black on white coat.
  6. A mature male horse five or more years of age.
  7. Body color is black with no light areas such as around the muzzle and flanks.
  8. Body color is dark red or reddish brown with the mane and tail the same color.
  9. Body color of golden yellow with white mane and tail.

20 Clues: A desexed male horse.Black spots on a white coat.Uniform mixture of white and red hairs.A white coat with skin either pink or darkA young male horse up to five years of age.A mature male horse five or more years of age.A mature female horse five or more years of age.Spots of any color other than black on white coat....

crayola colors 2023-02-24

crayola colors crossword puzzle
  1. the color you get mixing red and yellow
  2. the opposite of yellow green
  3. the color of light
  4. the color of leaves
  5. The color of the ocean
  6. a dark, purplish blue
  7. the new name for "flesh tint"
  8. the color of the sun
  9. opposite of blue violet
  10. a color named after a bird egg
  11. An orange color named after a pasta dish
  12. a copyrighted color that used many z's
  13. the longest regular crayola name
  1. A color named after a green apple
  2. a color used to represent anger
  3. the opposite of blue green
  4. the opposite of red violet
  5. a color named after a bug
  6. another word for purple
  7. one of the only colors without translations
  8. the opposite of redorange
  9. A very dark color
  10. a more pinkish red-orange
  11. a very dull color, sometimes spelt with an 'e'
  12. What you get when you mix opposites
  13. A natural green color
  14. The replacement for pink
  15. the opposite of yellow orange
  16. An expensive type of wood

29 Clues: A very dark colorthe color of lightthe color of leavesthe color of the suna dark, purplish blueA natural green colorThe color of the oceananother word for purpleopposite of blue violetThe replacement for pinka color named after a bugthe opposite of redorangea more pinkish red-orangeAn expensive type of woodthe opposite of blue green...

Greetings & Colors 2024-03-17

Greetings & Colors crossword puzzle
  1. Bye!/ See ya!
  2. white
  3. the colors
  4. black
  5. brown
  6. See you tomorrow.
  7. pink
  8. See you later.
  9. orange
  10. Good evening/night.
  11. See you soon.
  12. Good morning.
  1. yellow
  2. green
  3. Thank you
  4. You’re welcome
  5. gray
  6. purple
  7. blue
  8. red
  9. Bye./ Good-bye.
  10. Good afternoon.
  11. Hi./ Hello.

23 Clues: redgraybluepinkwhitegreenblackbrownyellowpurpleorangeThank youthe colorsHi./ Hello.Bye!/ See ya!See you soon.Good morning.You’re welcomeSee you later.Bye./ Good-bye.Good afternoon.See you tomorrow.Good evening/night.

Colors crossword 2022-05-18

Colors crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Is the color of the wood and represents stability.
  2. is a color that symbolize class and it has the name similar to a drink.
  3. Is used to heal the lungs and to increase energy
  4. symbolism is the color of warmth,and creativity it has the name of a sauce.
  5. is the color of the grapes.
  6. express pleasant and trust it also has the name of a fish
  7. means prosperity and it is the same color as wine.
  8. comprised of pink and orange color also it is a warm color.
  9. is an earthy color representing growth, nature, and peace.
  10. This color means that you are a happy person.
  1. This color makes you feel fresh and clean.
  2. Lavender is the color of tranquility, springtime, religion, and femininity it is also the essence of a flower.
  3. is the color of calmness and clarity, it is also similar to the color of the water.
  4. Is a powerful color, attractive, and stimulates strong emotions.
  5. Means luxury wealth, wisdom, and magic, it is the most expensive mineral.
  6. is a neutral color and is practically solid as a rock.
  7. This color is sexy, powerful, mysterious, and even ominous.
  8. is the color of harmony, change, kindness, and character it is a dark pink.
  9. Is a feminine and intuitive color.
  10. means calmness, and maturity also it is the color of many jewels.
  11. Is the color of stability and safety.

21 Clues: is the color of the grapes.Is a feminine and intuitive color.Is the color of stability and safety.This color makes you feel fresh and clean.This color means that you are a happy person.Is used to heal the lungs and to increase energyIs the color of the wood and represents stability.means prosperity and it is the same color as wine....

Spanish Colors 2024-11-07

Spanish Colors crossword puzzle
  1. red (singular, feminine)
  2. blue (singular)
  3. yellow (singular, masculine)
  4. green (singular)
  5. black (singular, feminine)
  6. purple (plural, masculine/mixed)
  7. purple (singular, masculine)
  8. white (plural, masculine/mixed)
  9. orange (singular, masculine)
  10. (orange (plural, masculine/mixed)
  11. orange (plural, feminine)
  12. green (plural)
  13. white (singular, feminine)
  14. gray (plural)
  15. red (plural, feminine)
  16. gray (singular)
  17. red (plural, masculine/mixed)
  1. pink (singular, masculine)
  2. orange (singular, feminine)
  3. brown (singular)
  4. yellow (plural, masculine/mixed)
  5. black (singular, masculine)
  6. white (plural, feminine)
  7. pink (singular, feminine)
  8. red (singular, masculine)
  9. purple (singular, feminine)
  10. pink (plural, feminine)
  11. black (plural, masculine/mixed)
  12. pink (plural, masculine)
  13. yellow (plural, feminine)
  14. blue (plural)
  15. brown (plural)

32 Clues: blue (plural)gray (plural)green (plural)brown (plural)blue (singular)gray (singular)brown (singular)green (singular)red (plural, feminine)pink (plural, feminine)red (singular, feminine)white (plural, feminine)pink (plural, masculine)pink (singular, feminine)red (singular, masculine)yellow (plural, feminine)orange (plural, feminine)...

Review Unit 4 2024-04-03

Review Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Dancer
  2. glasses
  3. all/everyone
  4. story/tale
  5. in love
  6. bored
  7. character
  8. Architect
  9. Safe
  10. light colors
  1. monument
  2. both
  3. gris
  4. brown
  5. green
  6. a few colors
  7. hat
  8. red
  9. To draw
  10. Proud
  11. blue

21 Clues: hatredbothgrisSafebluebrowngreenboredProudDancerglassesin loveTo drawmonumentcharacterArchitectstory/talea few colorsall/everyonelight colors

Intro to Fine Art Vocabulary 2024-03-22

Intro to Fine Art Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A color or object used in art to communicate feeling or meaning
  2. These colors are made from Primary and Secondary
  3. Texture you re-invented from actual texture
  4. Style of art that reduced objects into geometric forms
  5. Sculpture that is constructed or shaped into a form
  6. Texture you can't feel but an illusion
  7. A two dimensional or flat representation
  8. Artwork that utilized the "unconscious mind"
  9. Style of art that utilizes "Mark Making"
  10. Texture you can physically feel or see
  11. Pasting colored paper and magazine clippings to canvas
  12. These colors are made from Primary Colors
  13. Adding white to a color to lighten it
  14. Using only Photographs and clippings to recreate an image
  1. Sculpture that is created by removing from a surface
  2. Air Style of Painting invented by the Impressionists; painting outside
  3. Style of art that utilizes simple drawings and vibrant unnatural colors
  4. Adding Gray to a color
  5. Japanese Collage
  6. Adding Black to a color to darken it
  7. These colors make all other colors
  8. Area of an artwork classified into Positive and Negative
  9. Style of art made to connect high art with low culture
  10. A three dimensional rendering of an object
  11. A pathway between two points

25 Clues: Japanese CollageAdding Gray to a colorA pathway between two pointsThese colors make all other colorsAdding Black to a color to darken itAdding white to a color to lighten itTexture you can't feel but an illusionTexture you can physically feel or seeA two dimensional or flat representationStyle of art that utilizes "Mark Making"...

Interior Design 2017-10-27

Interior Design crossword puzzle
  1. Color that can create an elegant and sophisticated look or can depress
  2. Red, yellow and blue
  3. Can be an irritant if used over large areas
  4. The least expensive way to cover the walls of a room.
  5. Rectangular forms make a room seem more _.
  6. Paths you use to get to different parts of your room.
  7. colors Colors across from one another on the color wheel
  8. Earth tone that evokes a sense of tranquility
  9. Shiny textures make a room seem _.
  10. Color that diminishes the appetite
  11. Sets the mood of the room.
  1. Color that would be a good choice for a bathroom that does not get a lot of sun
  2. Cool and pale colors make a room seem more _.
  3. Shades of one color
  4. Yellow-green, Yellow-orange and Blue-Green would be examples
  5. Colors next to each other on the color wheel
  6. Orange, Green and Violet
  7. Color that creates a stark atmosphere
  8. Colors that advance
  9. Black and white are examples
  10. Flooring option for a room.
  11. Color that provides an emotional lift
  12. _ Colored ceilings make a room seem more open.
  13. Vertical lines make a ceiling seem _.
  14. Color that creates a feeling of freshness
  15. Colors that recede

26 Clues: Colors that recedeShades of one colorColors that advanceRed, yellow and blueOrange, Green and VioletSets the mood of the room.Flooring option for a room.Black and white are examplesShiny textures make a room seem _.Color that diminishes the appetiteColor that creates a stark atmosphereColor that provides an emotional lift...

Art Definitions 2024-09-12

Art Definitions crossword puzzle
  1. add black
  2. describes the surface quality of an object
  3. are pairs of colors that contrast with
  4. are three or more colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
  5. are the colors that
  6. other, more than any other color
  7. the arrangement of opposite elements and effects
  8. add white
  9. the visual arrangement of elements in some kind of sequence or repetition
  10. have as the result of mixing two primary colors together.
  11. all the tints, shades, and tone of a single hue
  12. three-dimensional (length, width, height) and can be viewed from many angles
  1. flat, enclosed areas that are two-dimensional
  2. add gray
  3. are the colors that
  4. the way light reflects off a surface
  5. describes the lightness or darkness of a surface
  6. the size relationship between the various parts of an artwork
  7. he way elements of art direct the viewer’s eye through an artwork
  8. the area of an artwork that dominates attention or draws interest
  9. refers to the distribution of weight in a composition
  10. used to create the illusion of depth within an artwork
  11. suggests a sense of movement in a composition
  12. a path made by a moving point through space
  13. used to create other colors. You can't create them through mixing other colors.
  14. have as the result of mixing primary and secondary colors.
  15. pure color

27 Clues: add grayadd blackadd whitepure colorare the colors thatare the colors thatother, more than any other colorthe way light reflects off a surfaceare pairs of colors that contrast withdescribes the surface quality of an objecta path made by a moving point through spaceflat, enclosed areas that are two-dimensional...

Color 2022-05-15

Color crossword puzzle
  1. I am a type of paint that you use water to apply
  2. I am a type of paint that comes in a bottle
  3. Blue, Green, and Violet are ______ colors.
  4. You use me to apply paint
  5. I am a primary color with 3 letters.
  6. I am an ink based drawing tool that comes in many colors
  7. You get me when you mix blue and yellow
  8. I am a primary color with 4 letters.
  1. You get me when you mix red and blue
  2. I am a wooden drawing tool that comes in many colors
  3. A circular arrangement of colors that show color relationships.
  4. I am a primary color with 6 letters.
  5. Red, Yellow, and Orange are ______ colors.
  6. When you mix a primary and a secondary color.
  7. I am a waxy drawing tool that has many colors
  8. You get me when you mix red and yellow

16 Clues: You use me to apply paintYou get me when you mix red and blueI am a primary color with 6 letters.I am a primary color with 3 letters.I am a primary color with 4 letters.You get me when you mix red and yellowYou get me when you mix blue and yellowRed, Yellow, and Orange are ______ colors.Blue, Green, and Violet are ______ colors....

Describing Colors 2022-04-27

Describing Colors crossword puzzle
  1. happy, bubblegum
  2. a very bright color, enthusiastic
  3. kinda pink, kinda purple
  4. leaves
  5. fruit! summer fruit! happy yellow/pink/orange
  6. angry color
  7. getting darker, animal colors? dogs
  8. bubblegum purple
  1. deep ocean
  2. money money money
  3. none of the colors
  4. an angry happy color
  5. all the colors
  6. animals
  7. a summer day, happy
  9. forests

17 Clues: leavesanimalsforestsdeep oceanangry colorall the colorshappy, bubblegumbubblegum purplemoney money moneynone of the colorsa summer day, happyan angry happy colorBIG MONEY. EXPENSIVEkinda pink, kinda purplea very bright color, enthusiasticgetting darker, animal colors? dogsfruit! summer fruit! happy yellow/pink/orange

Colors - Italian 2016-03-17

Colors - Italian crossword puzzle
  1. Shark
  2. Bird
  3. Butterfly
  4. Chicken
  5. Fish
  6. Alligator
  7. Animal
  8. Duck
  9. Kangaroo
  10. Tiger
  11. Dolphin
  12. Donkey
  13. Bear
  1. Gorilla
  2. Monkey
  3. Chimpanzee
  4. Camel
  5. Turtle
  6. Dinosaur
  7. Bee
  8. Elephant
  9. Zebra
  10. Giraffe
  11. Dog
  12. Horse
  13. Cat

26 Clues: BeeDogCatBirdFishDuckBearSharkCamelZebraHorseTigerMonkeyTurtleAnimalDonkeyGorillaChickenGiraffeDolphinDinosaurElephantKangarooButterflyAlligatorChimpanzee

Colors & Food 2022-12-01

Colors & Food crossword puzzle
  1. french fries
  2. white
  3. milk
  4. black
  5. water
  6. hamburger
  7. red
  8. yellow
  9. chicken
  10. eggs
  11. cheese
  12. lemonade
  13. soda
  1. pizza
  2. salad
  3. ham
  4. green
  5. tea
  6. blue
  7. purple
  8. pink
  9. juice
  10. meat
  11. fish
  12. brown

25 Clues: hamtearedmilkbluepinkmeatfisheggssodapizzasaladgreenwhiteblackwaterjuicebrownpurpleyellowcheesechickenlemonadehamburgerfrench fries

Colors&Clothes 2023-01-12

Colors&Clothes crossword puzzle
  1. Gloves
  2. Umbrella
  3. Hoodie
  4. Pajamas
  5. Black
  6. Suit
  7. Socks
  8. The coat
  9. Grey
  10. Shirt
  11. Green
  12. Blouse
  13. pants
  14. Yellow
  15. Shorts
  1. Jeans
  2. Sneakers
  3. Purple
  4. T-shirt
  5. Shoes
  6. Brown
  7. To put on clothing
  8. White
  9. Glasses
  10. Red
  11. Sunglasses
  12. Spanish hat
  13. Pink
  14. Dress
  15. Hat
  16. Blue
  17. Jacket
  18. Orange
  19. To wear
  20. Boots

35 Clues: RedHatSuitGreyPinkBlueJeansShoesBrownWhiteBlackSocksShirtDressGreenpantsBootsGlovesPurpleHoodieBlouseJacketYellowOrangeShortsT-shirtPajamasGlassesTo wearSneakersUmbrellaThe coatSunglassesSpanish hatTo put on clothing

The colors 2022-05-20

The colors crossword puzzle
  1. it is worst than gold
  2. The most valuable metal in the world?
  3. Can remember the color of jokes?
  4. is a boring color?
  5. is the mixture of a secondary with a primary?
  6. can remember love and anger?
  7. is the same color as the sea but darker?
  8. it is a childhood color?
  9. Has the color of an animal?
  10. Have the normal tree colors?
  11. is the childhood color similar but not the same?
  12. is the same color as blood but darker?
  1. you can see the thunders in that color?
  2. is the light color of a primary?
  3. that's the color of a pencil?
  4. is the light color of a secondary one?
  5. can remember to sea?
  6. can remember to paper that cost a lot?
  7. is the combination of two primal colors?
  8. Normally associated with the good side?
  9. Normally associated with de bad side?

21 Clues: is a boring color?can remember to sea?it is worst than goldit is a childhood color?Has the color of an animal?can remember love and anger?Have the normal tree colors?that's the color of a pencil?is the light color of a primary?Can remember the color of jokes?The most valuable metal in the world?Normally associated with de bad side?...

Spanish Colors 2024-05-06

Spanish Colors crossword puzzle
  1. Brown
  2. Blee
  3. Gray
  4. Sky blue
  5. Silver
  6. Gold
  7. Red
  8. Scarlet
  9. Purple
  10. Turquoise
  11. Indigo
  1. Yellow
  2. Pink
  3. Green
  4. Black
  5. Cyan
  6. Violet
  7. Amber
  8. Orange
  9. Dark Brown

20 Clues: RedBleeGrayPinkCyanGoldBrownGreenBlackAmberYellowSilverVioletOrangePurpleIndigoScarletSky blueTurquoiseDark Brown