countries Crossword Puzzles

Countries/Cityes 2019-10-22

Countries/Cityes crossword puzzle
  1. The pasta and the pizza is the most famouse of this country
  2. Kindom Is next toIrlanda
  3. His flag is white with a red dot
  4. The island it's nex to Africa
  5. There is a very big chinese wall
  6. de Janeiro There celebated the most famous carnaval.
  7. Sydney is the capital of...
  8. Famous for the spicy food
  9. This country is the biggest of the world
  10. There are bus with two flats. They are red
  1. A city with a lot of water in their streets
  2. The capital of this country is Nueva Delhi
  3. The capital of this illand
  4. USA is down this country
  5. Countrie situated between Spain and France
  6. There are lot of cows
  7. York A city that has a very famous park called Central Park.
  8. The city of love
  9. In this country the most important mountain is called Machupichu
  10. The capital of Russia

20 Clues: The city of loveThere are lot of cowsThe capital of RussiaUSA is down this countryFamous for the spicy foodKindom Is next toIrlandaThe capital of this illandSydney is the capital of...The island it's nex to AfricaHis flag is white with a red dotThere is a very big chinese wallThis country is the biggest of the world...

Spanish countries 2019-08-21

Spanish countries crossword puzzle
  1. Quito is the capital of
  2. Santiago is the capital of
  3. Salvador San Salavadoro is the capital of
  4. Rico San Juan is the capital of
  5. Managua is the capital of
  6. Guinea Malabo is the capital of
  7. Caracas is the capital of
  8. La Paz is the capital of
  9. Panama City is the capital of
  10. Asunción is the capital of
  1. Mexico City is the capital of
  2. Rica San Jose is the capital of
  3. Bagotá is the capital of
  4. Lima is the capital of
  5. Havana is the capital of
  6. Tegucigalpa is the capital of
  7. Buenos Aires is the capital of
  8. Guatemala City is the capital of
  9. Republic Santo Domingo is the capital of
  10. Madrid is the capital of
  11. Montevideo is the capital of

21 Clues: Lima is the capital ofQuito is the capital ofBagotá is the capital ofHavana is the capital ofMadrid is the capital ofLa Paz is the capital ofManagua is the capital ofCaracas is the capital ofSantiago is the capital ofAsunción is the capital ofMontevideo is the capital ofMexico City is the capital ofTegucigalpa is the capital of...

Hispanic Countries 2019-08-22

Hispanic Countries crossword puzzle
  1. – Quito
  2. Rico – San Juan
  3. – Mexico City
  4. – Buenos Aires
  5. – Caracas
  6. – Havana
  7. – Santiago
  8. – Managua
  9. – Montevideo
  10. – Asunción
  1. – Panama City
  2. – Lima
  3. – Madrid
  4. Republic – Santo Domingo
  5. Guinea – Malabo
  6. – Bogotá
  7. – Guatemala City
  8. Salvador – San Salvador
  9. Rica – San José
  10. – La Paz, Sucre
  11. – Tegucigalpa

21 Clues: – Lima– Quito– Madrid– Bogotá– Havana– Caracas– Managua– Santiago– Asunción– Montevideo– Panama City– Mexico City– Tegucigalpa– Buenos AiresGuinea – MalaboRico – San JuanRica – San José– La Paz, Sucre– Guatemala CitySalvador – San SalvadorRepublic – Santo Domingo

G20 COUNTRIES 2023-06-08

G20 COUNTRIES crossword puzzle
  1. the world's oldest company was found here
  2. Arabia oil was discovered here in 1938
  3. largest economy in the world
  4. the famous dish of this country Doner kebap
  5. only continent in the world without an active volcano
  6. first to use paper money
  7. home to the second longest river in the world
  8. Africa first heart transplant to place here
  9. most visited country in the world
  10. it is the first country to mine diamonds
  11. Union the only union of G20
  1. home of longest street
  2. worlds longest railway is here
  3. second largest country of South America
  4. here are more than 20000 castles
  5. 5th most visited country in the world
  6. 10 to 12% of the world's biodiversity is in this country
  7. of korea Siberian Tiger is the national animal of this country
  8. country with largest Muslim population
  9. Kingdom place where bunking gum Palace is located

20 Clues: home of longest streetfirst to use paper moneylargest economy in the worldUnion the only union of G20worlds longest railway is herehere are more than 20000 castlesmost visited country in the world5th most visited country in the worldcountry with largest Muslim populationArabia oil was discovered here in 1938second largest country of South America...

Countries-Nationalities 2023-06-12

Countries-Nationalities crossword puzzle
  1. Turkey
  2. Great Britain
  3. Poland
  4. England
  5. Spain
  6. Korea
  7. Brazil
  8. Sweden
  9. Japan
  10. the USA
  1. Canada
  2. Portugal
  3. the Netherlands
  4. Germany
  5. China
  6. Russia
  7. France
  8. Austria
  9. Slovakia
  10. Italy
  11. Latvia
  12. Switzerland
  13. Denmark

23 Clues: ChinaSpainKoreaItalyJapanCanadaTurkeyRussiaFrancePolandBrazilSwedenLatviaGermanyAustriaEnglandDenmarkthe USAPortugalSlovakiaSwitzerlandGreat Britainthe Netherlands

European Countries 2023-07-12

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. ハンガリー
  2. エストニア
  3. スロベニア
  4. ドイツ
  5. マルタ
  6. ノルウェー
  7. アイスランド
  8. チェコ共和国
  9. ブルガリア
  10. フランス
  11. ルーマニア
  12. ポーランド
  13. イギリス
  14. スロバキア
  15. ギリシャ
  16. スウェーデン
  17. ルクセンブルク
  18. デンマーク
  19. リトアニア
  20. モナコ
  21. セルビア
  22. サンマリノ
  1. ロシア
  2. スイス
  3. ポルトガル
  4. ベルギー
  5. フィンランド
  6. イタリア
  7. クロアチア
  8. 北マケドニア
  9. ベラルーシ
  10. オランダ
  11. バチカン市
  12. ウクライナ
  13. アンドラ
  14. オーストリア
  15. キプロス
  16. モンテネグロ
  17. リヒテンシュタイン
  18. コソボ
  19. ラトビア
  20. アイルランド
  21. モルドバ
  22. アルバニア
  23. スペイン
  24. ジョージア

46 Clues: ロシアスイスドイツマルタコソボモナコベルギーイタリアオランダアンドラキプロスフランスイギリスラトビアギリシャモルドバセルビアスペインハンガリーエストニアポルトガルスロベニアクロアチアベラルーシノルウェーバチカン市ウクライナブルガリアルーマニアポーランドスロバキアデンマークリトアニアアルバニアジョージアサンマリノフィンランド北マケドニアアイスランドオーストリアチェコ共和国モンテネグロアイルランドスウェーデンルクセンブルクリヒテンシュタイン

World Countries 2023-07-12

World Countries crossword puzzle
  1. トルクメニスタン
  2. フランス
  3. クウェート
  4. キルギス
  5. インドネシア
  6. コロンビア
  7. イエメン
  8. ハンガリー
  9. ベリーズ
  10. ブルネイ
  11. ガイアナ
  12. モーリタニア
  13. アイスランド
  14. モルディブ
  15. スリランカ
  16. ポーランド
  17. 持ち帰り
  18. シンガポール
  19. ネパール
  20. ペルー
  21. ウズベキスタン
  22. エリトリア
  23. アイルランド
  24. ルーマニア
  25. スロベニア
  26. ツバル
  27. ウガンダ
  28. 南アフリカ
  29. カンボジア
  30. ロシア
  31. ルワンダ
  32. バルバドス
  33. イスラエル
  34. グアテマラ
  35. メキシコ
  36. リビア
  37. アメリカ合衆国
  38. タイ
  39. アフガニスタン
  40. マルタ
  41. ドミニカ
  42. ボリビア
  43. ボツワナ
  44. ナミビア
  45. モザンビーク
  46. チャド
  47. モンテネグロ
  48. 日本
  49. ホンジュラス
  50. ベルギー
  51. オランダ
  52. ナウル
  53. サモア
  54. エストニア
  55. シリア
  56. フィジー
  57. ミャンマー
  58. インド
  59. ケニア
  60. ベラルーシ
  61. ジョージア
  62. 中国
  63. 七面鳥
  64. モンゴル
  65. タンザニア
  66. ウクライナ
  67. デンマーク
  68. レバノン
  69. オーストリア
  70. アルジェリア
  71. スリナム
  72. ドイツ
  73. ニュージーランド
  74. ギニア
  75. ベネズエラ
  76. カメルーン
  77. ガンビア
  78. ハイチ
  79. 北朝鮮
  80. モロッコ
  81. カタール
  82. アラブ首長国連邦
  83. スイス
  1. イギリス
  2. セーシェル
  3. エチオピア
  4. マレーシア
  5. ナイジェリア
  6. モーリシャス
  7. バーレーン
  8. ブルンジ
  9. クロアチア
  10. リヒテンシュタイン
  11. アンゴラ
  12. タジキスタン
  13. ミクロネシア
  14. キューバ
  15. カナダ
  16. モナコ
  17. チリ
  18. アルゼンチン
  19. レソト
  20. コモロ
  21. ニカラグア
  22. チェコ
  23. ブラジル
  24. ノルウェー
  25. ルクセンブルク
  26. ベナン
  27. グレナダ
  28. 南スーダン
  29. セネガル
  30. オーストラリア
  31. ラトビア
  32. マラウイ
  33. アンドラ
  34. マダガスカル
  35. サウジアラビア
  36. スワジランド
  37. アルメニア
  38. スーダン
  39. バングラデシュ
  40. コスタリカ
  41. バハマ
  42. スペイン
  43. アルバニア
  44. ソマリア
  45. イラク
  46. パキスタン
  47. パナマ
  48. コンゴ
  49. ブータン
  50. ベトナム
  51. ヨルダン
  52. チュニジア
  53. ニジェール
  54. 韓国
  55. キプロス
  56. アゼルバイジャン
  57. ガーナ
  58. フィリピン
  59. ラオス
  60. リトアニア
  61. キリバス
  62. マリ
  63. ジンバブエ
  64. イタリア
  65. バヌアツ
  66. セルビア
  67. ガボン
  68. ブルガリア
  69. パラグアイ
  70. ジャマイカ
  71. ポルトガル
  72. トンガ
  73. オマーン
  74. フィンランド
  75. ジブチ
  76. カザフスタン
  77. ザンビア
  78. イラン
  79. ウルグアイ
  80. エクアドル
  81. スロバキア
  82. スウェーデン
  83. モルドバ
  84. エジプト
  85. リベリア
  86. ギリシャ
  87. パラオ

170 Clues: チリタイ韓国日本マリ中国カナダモナコレソトコモロチェコペルーベナンツバルバハマロシアリビアイラクパナマコンゴマルタチャドガーナラオスナウルサモアシリアガボンインドケニアトンガ七面鳥ジブチイランドイツパラオギニアハイチ北朝鮮スイスイギリスフランスキルギスブルンジイエメンアンゴラベリーズキューバブルネイガイアナ持ち帰りブラジルネパールグレナダセネガルラトビアマラウイウガンダアンドラスーダンスペインルワンダメキシコソマリアドミニカボリビアブータンベトナムボツワナヨルダンナミビアキプロスキリバスベルギーオランダイタリアバヌアツセルビアフィジーオマーンモンゴルザンビアレバノンスリナムモルドバエジプトリベリアギリシャガンビアモロッコカタールセーシェルエチオピアマレーシアクウェートバーレーンコロンビア...

Countries 2024 2023-04-16

Countries 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Kathmandu
  2. Ashgabat
  3. Stockholm
  4. Oslo
  5. Muscat
  6. Vienna
  7. Zagreb
  8. Managua
  9. Vientiane
  10. Yaounde
  11. Canberra
  12. Bishkek
  13. Niamey
  14. Baku
  15. Banjul
  16. Buenos Aires
  17. Accra
  18. Abuja
  19. Ottawa
  20. Athens
  1. Beirut
  2. Phnom Penh
  3. Havana
  4. Kyiv
  5. Copenhagen
  6. Kuwait City
  7. Zealand Wellington
  8. Paramaribo
  9. Tunis
  10. Islamabad
  11. Berlin
  12. Libreville
  13. Suva
  14. Yerevan
  15. Helsinki
  16. Melekeok
  17. Lome
  18. Santiago
  19. Riga
  20. Tbilisi
  21. Paris

41 Clues: KyivOsloSuvaLomeBakuRigaTunisAccraAbujaParisBeirutHavanaMuscatBerlinViennaZagrebNiameyBanjulOttawaAthensManaguaYaoundeBishkekYerevanTbilisiAshgabatCanberraHelsinkiMelekeokSantiagoKathmanduStockholmIslamabadVientianePhnom PenhCopenhagenParamariboLibrevilleKuwait CityBuenos AiresZealand Wellington

Countries quiz. 2023-04-28

Countries quiz. crossword puzzle
  1. This country’s currency is the strongest on earth.
  2. Its flag is the most colorful, with 12 colors, mostly in its coat of arms.
  3. Country in the Caribbean that doesn’t use red, white or blue in its flag.
  4. The most recent NATO member.
  5. Largest Central American country whose capital is Managua.
  6. A large African island.
  7. Both an island and a continent.
  8. The most recent UN member.
  9. A large and influential country in North America with a diverse population and a rich history of contributions to many fields.
  10. Pizza.
  11. Current day successor of the largest land contiguous empire on Earth.
  1. This country changed its flag at least 30 times since 1928.
  2. Its national animal is a unicorn.
  3. Through history it had been invaded by Mongols, Russians, Germans, Soviets and more.
  4. The country we live in.
  5. The smallest UN member.
  6. The second largest country on Earth.
  7. This country in Middle East and known for its beautiful mosques and palaces, and for being the birthplace of Islam.
  8. This country won the most world cups.
  9. Country with the most neighbors.
  10. One of the only three countries, completely surrounded by only one country, with the other two being Vatican City and San Marino.

21 Clues: Pizza.The country we live in.The smallest UN member.A large African island.The most recent UN member.The most recent NATO member.Both an island and a continent.Country with the most neighbors.Its national animal is a unicorn.The second largest country on Earth.This country won the most world cups.This country’s currency is the strongest on earth....

States & Countries 2023-11-20

States & Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Is in both Europe and Asia
  2. Is bordered by New Mexico and Texas
  3. The big apple
  4. Dallas, Houston, Corpus Christi
  5. Indianapolis is in it
  6. Better known by its initials, LA
  7. Struck Pearl Harbor during WW2
  8. Famous for Casablanca
  9. People often falsely think D.C. is in it
  10. Lemons and pasta
  11. The fabulous Las Vegas, ______
  1. Known for cheese
  2. Just south of Washington
  3. Mummies and cats
  4. Montana and Washington border it
  5. African country with a movie named after it
  6. Redwood forests
  7. Blueberries and lobster
  8. Lots of things are made in it and large population
  9. Chopin was born in the capital of it, Warsaw

20 Clues: The big appleRedwood forestsKnown for cheeseMummies and catsLemons and pastaIndianapolis is in itFamous for CasablancaBlueberries and lobsterJust south of WashingtonIs in both Europe and AsiaStruck Pearl Harbor during WW2The fabulous Las Vegas, ______Dallas, Houston, Corpus ChristiMontana and Washington border itBetter known by its initials, LA...

European Countries 2023-09-28

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. A small nation known for its banking sector.
  2. Famous for its historic castles and beer.
  3. Known for its pristine lakes and Northern Lights.
  4. Famous for pasta pizza and historic cities.
  5. Known for its stunning Alpine landscapes.
  6. Famous for its cuisine fashion and the Eiffel Tower.
  7. An island nation in the Eastern Mediterranean.
  8. A country in the Balkans with diverse cultures.
  9. A Scandinavian country known for its design.
  10. An island nation with stunning natural beauty.
  1. A disputed territory in the Balkans.
  2. Famous for its chocolates waffles and beer.
  3. Located on the Adriatic Sea with a rich coastline.
  4. Known for its lush landscapes and pubs.
  5. Known for its engineering and Oktoberfest.
  6. Famous for its thermal baths and cuisine.
  7. A tiny principality in the Alps.
  8. Known for its historic sites and Black Sea coast.
  9. The birthplace of Western civilization.
  10. Known for its rich cultural heritage.
  11. Located in the Baltic region with a tech-savvy culture.
  12. A country located on the Balkan Peninsula.
  13. Part of the Baltic states in Northern Europe.
  14. A small principality in the Pyrenees Mountains.
  15. A landlocked nation in Eastern Europe.

25 Clues: A tiny principality in the Alps.A disputed territory in the Balkans.Known for its rich cultural heritage.A landlocked nation in Eastern Europe.Known for its lush landscapes and pubs.The birthplace of Western civilization.Famous for its thermal baths and cuisine.Famous for its historic castles and beer.Known for its stunning Alpine landscapes....

Asian Countries 2023-09-28

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Located at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.
  2. Known for its diverse culture spices and Bollywood.
  3. An island nation in the Indian Ocean.
  4. Home to the historic Angkor Wat temple complex.
  5. A small oil-rich sultanate on the island of Borneo.
  6. An island nation in the Eastern Mediterranean.
  7. Known for its mountainous terrain and nomadic culture.
  8. A landlocked country in Central Asia.
  9. Located at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.
  10. Part of the historical Mesopotamia.
  11. Known for its diverse culture and tropical rainforests.
  12. A landlocked country in Southeast Asia.
  13. A country with a rich culinary tradition.
  14. Known for its ancient history and Persian culture.
  1. A country with deep historical and religious significance.
  2. An archipelago with diverse cultures and natural beauty.
  3. Known for its stunning Himalayan landscapes.
  4. Home to the historic Petra archaeological site.
  5. The world's most populous country with a rich history.
  6. A densely populated country in South Asia.
  7. Known for sushi cherry blossoms and high-tech gadgets.
  8. A small but wealthy country in the Persian Gulf.
  9. An island nation in the Persian Gulf.
  10. Known for its rich history and culture.
  11. The world's largest landlocked country.

25 Clues: Part of the historical Mesopotamia.An island nation in the Indian Ocean.A landlocked country in Central Asia.An island nation in the Persian Gulf.Known for its rich history and culture.The world's largest landlocked country.A landlocked country in Southeast Asia.A country with a rich culinary tradition.A densely populated country in South Asia....

Countries Assignment 2024-05-07

Countries Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. The Land of Milk and Honey
  2. The City of 7 Hills
  3. The Land of the Rising Sun
  4. The Hermit Kingdom
  5. The Gift of the Nile
  6. The Land of the Palms
  7. The Red Dragon
  8. The Land of Hope and Glory
  9. The Red Island
  10. The Land of Opportunity
  11. The Land of the Midnight Sun
  1. The Land of the Morning Calm
  2. The Land of the long white cloud
  3. The Great White North
  4. The Rainbow Nation
  5. The Land of Grace
  6. The Land of White Elephants
  7. The Hinge of Africa
  8. The Golden Sparrow
  9. The Boot
  10. The Land Between Two Rivers

21 Clues: The BootThe Red DragonThe Red IslandThe Land of GraceThe Rainbow NationThe Hermit KingdomThe Golden SparrowThe City of 7 HillsThe Hinge of AfricaThe Gift of the NileThe Great White NorthThe Land of the PalmsThe Land of OpportunityThe Land of Milk and HoneyThe Land of the Rising SunThe Land of Hope and GloryThe Land of White Elephants...

WORDS Countries 2024-05-29

WORDS Countries crossword puzzle
  1. An official document issued by a government allowing someone to travel abroad.
  2. A small settlement typically found in a rural area.
  3. A person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone.
  4. A piece of land surrounded by water.
  5. Freedom from disturbance; tranquility.
  6. The currency used in many European countries.
  7. The part of the land near the sea.
  8. A piece of cloth with a distinctive design used as a symbol of a country.
  9. card, A card with identifying information.
  10. European Union.
  11. A ceremonial headpiece worn by a monarch.
  1. A legislative body of government.
  2. The female ruler of an independent state.
  3. officer, A member of the police force.
  4. A male ruler of an independent state.
  5. A system of money in general use in a particular country.
  6. A method of human communication.
  7. A continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere.
  8. Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
  9. A fight between armed forces.
  10. A line separating two countries.
  11. United Kingdom.

22 Clues: United Kingdom.European Union.A fight between armed forces.A method of human communication.A line separating two countries.A legislative body of government.The part of the land near the sea.A piece of land surrounded by water.A male ruler of an independent state.officer, A member of the police force.Freedom from disturbance; tranquility....

Countries 2026 2024-06-25

Countries 2026 crossword puzzle
  1. Colombia
  2. Kyiv
  3. Sweden
  4. Port Louis
  5. Slovakia
  6. Funafuti
  7. SaudiArabia
  8. Madagascar
  9. Cardiff
  10. Helsinki
  11. Slovenia
  12. Rabat
  13. Ulaanbaatar
  14. Syria
  1. Nouakchott
  2. Switzerland
  3. Ashgabat
  4. Hanoi
  5. Lilongwe
  6. Addis Ababa
  7. Buenos Aires
  8. Sana'a
  9. Podgorica
  10. Kampala
  11. Israel
  12. Yerevan

26 Clues: KyivHanoiRabatSyriaSwedenSana'aIsraelCardiffKampalaYerevanColombiaAshgabatLilongweSlovakiaFunafutiHelsinkiSloveniaPodgoricaNouakchottPort LouisMadagascarSwitzerlandAddis AbabaSaudiArabiaUlaanbaatarBuenos Aires

Countries 2024 2024-08-10

Countries 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Dakar
  2. Ashgabat
  3. Ankara
  4. Helsinki
  5. Edinburgh
  6. Athens
  7. Belgrade
  8. PortofSpain
  9. Antananarivo
  10. Warsaw
  11. Podgorica
  12. Kigali
  13. Victoria
  14. Tbilisi
  15. Vaduz
  16. Tripoli
  17. Moscow
  18. Chisinau
  19. Maputo
  1. Paris
  2. Lisbon
  3. Manila
  4. Freetown
  5. Kyiv
  6. Monaco
  7. Bratislava
  8. Maseru
  9. Monrovia
  10. Tunis
  11. Suva
  12. Rabat
  13. Doha
  14. Libreville
  15. Singapore
  16. Ottawa
  17. Berlin
  18. Ulaanbaatar
  19. Bucharest
  20. Accra
  21. Kampala
  22. Funafuti[25]
  23. Beirut
  24. Banjul

43 Clues: KyivSuvaDohaParisDakarTunisRabatAccraVaduzLisbonManilaMonacoAnkaraMaseruAthensOttawaBerlinWarsawKigaliBeirutMoscowBanjulMaputoKampalaTbilisiTripoliAshgabatFreetownHelsinkiMonroviaBelgradeVictoriaChisinauEdinburghSingaporePodgoricaBucharestBratislavaLibrevillePortofSpainUlaanbaatarAntananarivoFunafuti[25]

African Countries 2024-01-29

African Countries crossword puzzle
  1. This is the largest city in Africa but it isn't the capital.
  2. The only market listed in our 6 countries.
  3. Kenya’s eastern border has approximately 330 miles of ___________.
  4. Both the Congo and Nigeria have this type of animal.
  5. Kenya's and Southerners eat a lot of these types of greens.
  6. This country is approximately a quarter of the size of the US.
  7. The most common spoken language especially for business and commerce.
  8. ________ Africa has the largest economy on the continent of Africa.
  9. _________ and English are spoken in Kenya
  10. e_____ grows in the Congo River Basin
  11. This country has a specific white-throat monkey that is __________.
  12. There are 2 lakes in Kenya Victoria and _________.
  1. Lagos lies on the on the Gulf of _________.
  2. The longest river in the world.
  3. The capital of the country where the White Nile and Blue Nile tributaries join to create the Nile River.
  4. These giant land birds can not fly but are very fast and found in the southern part of Africa.
  5. The country known as a melting pot where over 200 ethnic groups call home.
  6. The 3rd largest city in Africa has been around since 969 CE
  7. The capital and 2nd largest city in Africa.
  8. _______ of the Kings in Egypt contains King Tut's Tomb
  9. _____ white sharks live in the waters around this country.
  10. Most of this country is desert causing 95% of its inhabitants to live in only 5% of its land.

22 Clues: The longest river in the world.e_____ grows in the Congo River Basin_________ and English are spoken in KenyaThe only market listed in our 6 countries.Lagos lies on the on the Gulf of _________.The capital and 2nd largest city in Africa.There are 2 lakes in Kenya Victoria and _________.Both the Congo and Nigeria have this type of animal....

Sec. 3 Unit 6 Beyond Borders (2) 2021-11-15

Sec. 3 Unit 6 Beyond Borders (2) crossword puzzle
  1. In our ____ lives, there are many products that come from other countries.
  2. These ____ connect and help us all.
  3. Electronic devices are no _____.
  4. Japan is connected to other countries through foreign _____.
  5. If we didn't ____ chicken from other countries, fried chicken would be quite expensive.
  6. We're ____ by foreign products in our lives.
  7. Japan ____ on foreign goods like most countries.
  8. In areas with no school ______, children can use the backpacks as desks.
  1. ______ your life without school.
  2. Many goods and services travel all around the ____.
  3. One-third of chicken that we eat comes from other countries, like Brazil and ____.
  4. Many products that are _____ by Japanese companies are made in other countries.
  5. Our relationships with foreign countries are becoming more and more ____.
  6. About 90 percent of our clothes, shirts, pants, and _____ come from various Asian countries.
  7. Our _____ are only lines on a map.
  8. Goods and services from foreign countries are necessary for Japan for its ______.

16 Clues: ______ your life without school.Electronic devices are no _____.Our _____ are only lines on a map.These ____ connect and help us all.We're ____ by foreign products in our lives.Japan ____ on foreign goods like most countries.Many goods and services travel all around the ____.Japan is connected to other countries through foreign _____....

POPULATION 2022-04-03

POPULATION crossword puzzle
  1. area Urban area
  2. mortality Child mortality
  3. of demographic transition Theory of demographic transition
  4. fertility rate (TFR) Total fertility rate (TFR)
  5. countries Developed countries
  6. Demographers
  7. structure diagrams Age structure diagrams
  8. death rate Crude death rate
  9. pyramid Population pyramid
  10. expectancy Life expectancy
  11. domestic product (GDP) Gross domestic product (GDP)
  12. Immigration
  13. momentum Population momentum
  1. planning Family planning
  2. equation IPAT equation
  3. Demography
  4. domestic product (GDP) Gross domestic product (GDP)
  5. countries Developing countries
  6. birth rate Crude birth rate
  7. Emigration
  8. Affluence
  9. mortality Infant mortality

22 Clues: AffluenceDemographyEmigrationImmigrationDemographersarea Urban areaequation IPAT equationplanning Family planningmortality Child mortalitypyramid Population pyramidexpectancy Life expectancymortality Infant mortalitydeath rate Crude death ratebirth rate Crude birth ratemomentum Population momentumcountries Developed countries...

Cold war 2024-02-02

Cold war crossword puzzle
  1. communication intended to reach a large group
  2. alliance between us and other European countries
  3. alliance between USSR and satellite countries
  4. the USSR had a __ government
  5. license to sell products or services
  6. political rivalry between us&USSR
  7. going to the brink of war
  8. aid to middle eastern countries
  9. list of actors
  10. create goods consumers desire
  1. aid destroyed European countries after WWII
  2. competition to get to space
  3. economic & political system controlled by private owners
  4. competing for military abilities
  5. money sent to allied countries
  6. spreading fear of communism in America
  7. illegal info using spies
  8. designing products that break quickly
  9. cooperation of different businesses

19 Clues: list of actorsillegal info using spiesgoing to the brink of warcompetition to get to spacethe USSR had a __ governmentcreate goods consumers desiremoney sent to allied countriesaid to middle eastern countriescompeting for military abilitiespolitical rivalry between us&USSRcooperation of different businesseslicense to sell products or services...

International Wealth 2015-04-09

International Wealth crossword puzzle
  1. economic model, goal:egalitarian society with no social class
  2. _________ countries are the least economically and socially advanced countries in the world
  3. _________ countries have a strong economy, educated workforce and large middle class
  4. Belief that is is the state's responsibility to redistribute the wealth produced
  5. Another word for wealth
  6. He believed capitalism through interventionism
  7. The gini coefficient measures degrees of ________ in income distribution among a population
  8. He believed capitalism through economic liberalism
  9. Used to measure the quality of life in different countries (acronym)
  1. communist superpower in the Cold War
  2. In 1990 Russia declared its _________.
  3. Accumulation of wealth through foreign trade (think Mother country/colonies)
  4. Best instrument for measuring a country's wealth (acronym)
  5. Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba are examples of ________ countries
  6. domination of society by an aristocracy (middle ages-16th C)
  7. Private enterprise does not exist (state owned)
  8. When colonized countries break free from mother countries (began 18th century)
  9. Overly abusing something
  10. High unemployment, falling inflation
  11. A German philosopher who believed Communism to be the ultimate system (last name only)

20 Clues: Another word for wealthOverly abusing somethingcommunist superpower in the Cold WarHigh unemployment, falling inflationIn 1990 Russia declared its _________.He believed capitalism through interventionismPrivate enterprise does not exist (state owned)He believed capitalism through economic liberalism...

IGOs/NGOs- Megan, Abby,Justice 2023-10-02

IGOs/NGOs- Megan, Abby,Justice crossword puzzle
  1. Cross/Crescent A worldwide movement focused on humanitarian relief due to disasters.
  2. purpose to improve global wealth and promote world trade.
  3. The united nations agency that connects nations , partners, and people to promote safety and physical well being.
  4. works to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people
  5. A unique partner ship between 27 countries known as member states.
  6. An organization focused on changing systematic environmental issues.
  7. an entity connecting countries created by a treaty that works toward an issue of common interest
  8. A corroboration of different European countries focused on eliminating global poverty.
  9. a political and military alliance of European countries (and the U.S.)
  10. an organization that promotes affordable housing for families
  11. a regional grouping that aims to promote economic and security cooperation among its ten members.
  12. focused on changing systematic issues via business and politics
  1. dedicated to the protection of human rights
  2. works to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its 190 member countries.
  3. An international organization that researches and collects data on abuse and human rights.
  4. regulates trade negotiations between nations
  5. supports developing countries and issues low-interest loans to low- and middle-income countries
  6. a body of countries of the second-largest continent
  7. humanitarian organization promoting young people’s rights
  8. a body of multiple countries that share data around illegal acts to promote justice
  9. a nonprofit that focuses on addressing a social or political issue; advocacy or operational

21 Clues: dedicated to the protection of human rightsregulates trade negotiations between nationsa body of countries of the second-largest continentpurpose to improve global wealth and promote world trade.humanitarian organization promoting young people’s rightsworks to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people...

Francophone Countries 2018-01-16

Francophone Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Célèbre pour le sirop d'érable
  2. Faso: La capitale de cet endroit est Ouagadougou
  3. Célèbre pour le lac Tchad
  4. Cet état a été fondé le 20 juin 1960
  5. Bien connu pour son rhinocéros blanc
  6. française: Au-dessus du Brésil et la capitale est Cayenne
  7. Le nom d'un célèbre film d'animation
  8. Monte Carlo est une région dans cet état
  9. équatoriale: La capitale de ce pays est Malabo
  10. Dans la langue Ewe, il est traduit par "terre où sont les lagunes"
  1. L'un des seuls pays francophones d'Océanie
  2. Cet endroit est célèbre pour les gaufres, frites, chocolat et bière
  3. Première nation indépendante dirigée par des Noirs dans le monde
  4. Fromage Suisse
  5. Connu comme la passerelle vers l'Afrique
  6. Entouré par la Belgique, la France et l'Allemagne
  7. Il est connu comme la ville de la lumière
  8. Un pays enclavé en Afrique de l'Ouest nommé d'après le fleuve Niger
  9. d'Ivoire: Côte d'Ivoire: pays dont le nom, traduit en anglais, inclut les défenses d'un éléphant
  10. la monnaie est le franc congolais

20 Clues: Fromage SuisseCélèbre pour le lac TchadCélèbre pour le sirop d'érablela monnaie est le franc congolaisCet état a été fondé le 20 juin 1960Bien connu pour son rhinocéros blancLe nom d'un célèbre film d'animationConnu comme la passerelle vers l'AfriqueMonte Carlo est une région dans cet étatIl est connu comme la ville de la lumière...

francophone countries 2022-01-12

francophone countries crossword puzzle
  1. Monte-Carlo
  2. Dakar
  3. Lomé
  4. Bern
  5. Port-au-Prince
  6. Ottawa
  7. Ouagadougou
  8. paris
  9. Libreville
  10. Djibouti
  1. Conakry
  2. Kinshasa
  3. Bamako
  4. Yamoussoukro
  5. Luxembourg
  6. Port Vila
  7. N'Djamena
  8. Porto-Novo
  9. kigali
  10. Brussels
  11. Niamey

21 Clues: LoméBernDakarparisBamakoOttawakigaliNiameyConakryKinshasaBrusselsDjiboutiPort VilaN'DjamenaLuxembourgPorto-NovoLibrevilleMonte-CarloOuagadougouYamoussoukroPort-au-Prince

European Countries 2021-10-29

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. All of Eastern Europe
  2. Between Romania and Austria
  3. West of Sweden
  4. Between France and The Netherlands
  5. South of Czech Republic
  6. East of Belgium
  7. South of Romania
  8. North of Italy, South of Germany
  9. North of the English Channel
  10. Tiny country south of Belgium
  11. East of Sweden
  1. East of Portugal
  2. Bordering France - 40 degrees North Latitude
  3. South of the Baltic Sea
  4. Between Poland and France
  5. North of the Black Sea
  6. East of Spain
  7. Between Norway and Finland
  8. Peninsula country south of Sweden
  9. Peninsula country in the Mediterranean Sea
  10. West of United Kingdom

21 Clues: East of SpainWest of SwedenEast of SwedenEast of BelgiumEast of PortugalSouth of RomaniaAll of Eastern EuropeNorth of the Black SeaWest of United KingdomSouth of the Baltic SeaSouth of Czech RepublicBetween Poland and FranceBetween Norway and FinlandBetween Romania and AustriaNorth of the English ChannelTiny country south of Belgium...

European Countries 2014-12-17

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Fráncia
  2. Suécia
  3. Polónia
  4. Bélxica
  5. Islándia
  6. Rúsia
  7. Bulgaria
  8. República Checa
  9. Portugal
  10. Paises Baixos
  11. Cidade do Vaticano
  12. Montenegro
  13. Suiza
  14. Bielorúsia
  15. Macedónia
  16. Hungria
  17. Croacia
  18. Irlanda
  19. Austria
  20. Chipre
  21. Malta
  22. Albania
  1. España
  2. Grécia
  3. Romania
  4. Sérbia
  5. Reino Unido
  6. Xeorxia
  7. Moldávia
  8. Luxemburgo
  9. Lituania
  10. Turquia
  11. Liechtenstein
  12. Ucraína
  13. Eslováquia
  14. San Marino
  15. Estónia
  16. Eslovénia
  17. Itália
  18. Dinamarca
  19. Bosnia
  20. Andorra
  21. Mónaco
  22. Finlándia
  23. Noruega
  24. Galicia
  25. Letónia

47 Clues: RúsiaSuizaMaltaEspañaGréciaSuéciaSérbiaItáliaBosniaMónacoChipreFránciaRomaniaPolóniaBélxicaXeorxiaTurquiaUcraínaEstóniaAndorraHungriaCroaciaIrlandaNoruegaGaliciaLetóniaAustriaAlbaniaMoldáviaIslándiaBulgariaLituaniaPortugalEslovéniaDinamarcaMacedóniaFinlándiaLuxemburgoEslováquiaSan MarinoMontenegroBielorúsiaReino UnidoLiechtensteinPaises Baixos...

African countries 2023-04-27

African countries crossword puzzle
  1. - This East African country is home to the highest peak in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, and the Serengeti National Park, famous for its annual wildebeest migration.
  2. - This West African country is home to the ancient city of Timbuktu and the great mosque of Djenné.
  3. - This landlocked country in Central Africa is known for its harsh desert landscape.
  4. - This West African country is the most populous in Africa and is known for its diverse cultures and music industry.
  5. - This North African country is known for its vibrant culture and architecture, including the famous blue city of Chefchaouen.
  6. - This East African country is home to diverse wildlife, including the "big five" game animals.
  7. - This landlocked country in southern Africa is home to the world-famous Okavango Delta.
  8. - This southern African country is known for its diverse cultures, wildlife, and stunning natural landscapes, including Table Mountain and Kruger National Park.
  9. - This Central African country is sometimes referred to as "Africa in miniature" due to its diverse geography and cultures.
  10. Coast - This West African country is the world's largest cocoa producer.
  11. - This East African country is the birthplace of coffee and is known for its ancient churches carved out of rock.
  1. - This West African country was formerly known as Upper Volta.
  2. - This West African country was the first African country to gain independence from European colonialism.
  3. - This southern African country is known for its rich natural resources, including diamonds and oil.
  4. - This West African country is known for its vibrant music scene and its role as a gateway to West Africa.
  5. - This North African country is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world and the famous pyramids.
  6. - This North African country is known for its Sahara Desert landscape and ancient ruins.
  7. - This West African country is the birthplace of the vodou religion.
  8. - This landlocked country in West Africa is home to the world's largest protected area of giraffes.
  9. - This North African country is the largest in Africa by land area.

20 Clues: - This West African country was formerly known as Upper Volta.- This North African country is the largest in Africa by land area.- This West African country is the birthplace of the vodou religion.Coast - This West African country is the world's largest cocoa producer....

Countries crossword 2020-11-30

Countries crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - The romans stole basically everything from them
  2. - This country is famous for the eiffel tower
  3. - What is the largest country in the world
  4. - What continent has the most countries
  5. - Australia is below ________
  6. - Famous for their music
  7. - which country is Rio in
  8. - What part of Australia is not connected
  9. - an island in America with amazing beaches
  10. - A place that has pyramids
  1. - What is the coldest country
  2. - This country is famous for its maple syrup
  3. - The coldest continent
  4. - famous for its spicy food
  5. - What continent is Russia in
  6. - What is the smallest content
  7. - A small island above New Zealand
  8. - Which country is Australia's sister
  9. - This country is the biggest country in Asia
  10. - The creator of pizza

20 Clues: - The creator of pizza- The coldest continent- Famous for their music- which country is Rio in- famous for its spicy food- A place that has pyramids- What is the coldest country- What continent is Russia in- Australia is below ________- What is the smallest content- A small island above New Zealand- Which country is Australia's sister...


  1. WELSH
  5. DUTCH
  3. IRISH
  5. SWISS
  7. GREEK
  9. ASIAN


Countries crossword 2022-05-25

Countries crossword crossword puzzle
  1. in a war with another country (started the war)
  2. The country with the shortest day
  3. The second largest country
  4. Where mt. everest is located
  5. known for the potatoes
  6. birds migrate here in the winter
  7. Has the highest average height
  8. The leader is Kim-Jong-Un
  9. the biggest country with stan at the end
  10. The worlds fifth most populated country
  11. the home of venice
  1. we eat this for thanksgiving
  2. A country and continent
  3. The country with the most wars
  4. The hottest country in the world
  5. Sits on the largest uranium deposit
  6. The second richest country in the world
  7. The closest country space
  8. The biggest population in the world
  9. the home of the amazon rain forest
  10. the home of the great pyramids
  11. The biggest country in europe
  12. Has the second most population in the world

23 Clues: the home of veniceknown for the potatoesA country and continentThe closest country spaceThe leader is Kim-Jong-UnThe second largest countrywe eat this for thanksgivingWhere mt. everest is locatedThe biggest country in europeThe country with the most warsHas the highest average heightthe home of the great pyramidsThe hottest country in the world...

World Countries 2022-05-24

World Countries crossword puzzle
  1. known for its "rainbow mountains"
  2. the largest proven oil reserves in africa
  3. known for the best education in the world
  4. known for the abundant forests and lakes
  5. famous for " day if the dead"
  6. the biggest country in the world
  7. called "the land of the blue sky"
  8. its capital is algiers
  9. known for its polish culture
  10. known for its sunflower seeds
  1. known for the famous flamenco
  2. home to the seine river
  3. known as the land of fire and ice
  4. known for its famous cherry trees
  5. known as the emerald island
  6. known for its great bridge
  7. famous for its vikings and folklore history
  8. known for its turkish tea and coffee
  9. has the oldest influential art heritages
  10. one of the worlds most biodiverse countries
  11. used to be called "snow land"
  12. this is known for its pharaohs

22 Clues: its capital is algiershome to the seine riverknown for its great bridgeknown as the emerald islandknown for its polish cultureknown for the famous flamencofamous for " day if the dead"known for its sunflower seedsused to be called "snow land"this is known for its pharaohsthe biggest country in the worldknown for its "rainbow mountains"...

Dawsin Countries 2022-05-24

Dawsin Countries crossword puzzle
  1. main imports are machinery, food and fuel products
  2. has had 26 different flags
  3. the Limassol carnival, Wreck diving (Zenobia wreck), Haloumi cheese and Commandaria, the sweet dessert wine from Cyprus.
  4. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Castles, there are several hundreds of castles, chateaus, and mansions in Czechia.
  5. home to one of the biggest rivers, delta
  6. the home of more than 10 thermal water sites
  7. known for having some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
  8. the pyramid of tirana is there
  9. arepas and specialty coffee, as well as the kindness of its people
  10. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  11. its major cities such as Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Havar, as well as the Dalmatian coast and islands.
  12. known for its jewellery, watches, fragrances, accessories, and leather goods.
  13. It has one of the world's oldest capitals
  14. is famous in southeast Asia for its gorgeous mosques and Islamic architecture.
  15. home to the otherworldly landscapes of Lac Abbé and Lac Assal, fascinating diving, magnificent marine life including whale sharks as well as a charming wildlife sanctuary
  16. famous for Angkor Wat.
  17. its native music styles, particularly Makossa and Bikutsi, and for its successful national football team.
  18. English is widely spoken in the business world
  1. A Underwater Theme Park is found there
  2. affectionately known by its inhabitants as the “pais de los poetas” or the “country of poets”
  3. is well known for having some of the best wilderness and wildlife areas on the African continent
  4. has a very unique Spanish accent!
  5. is famous for its ancient philosophers, like Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Aristotle
  6. known for Potatoes, tractors, and being one of the poorest countries in Europe by total wealth.
  7. paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder
  8. Sahara desert takes up space of this place
  9. one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world
  10. 80% of there animals are unique
  11. is famous for its iconic carnival festival and its talented soccer players like Pelé and Neymar
  12. known for their great scenic beauty
  13. Bolivia is home to 37 official languages.
  14. famous landmarks, historical wonders, delicious food, incredible culture, and all the outdoor exploration you could want
  15. mud volcanoes happen often
  16. the land of waffles, beer, chocolate
  17. one of only three countries in the world not to use the metric system
  18. Portuguese is there Official Language.
  19. The Only Jaguar Preserve on the Planet
  20. produces a lot of tobacco

38 Clues: famous for Angkor Wat.produces a lot of tobaccohas had 26 different flagsmud volcanoes happen oftenthe pyramid of tirana is there80% of there animals are uniquehas a very unique Spanish accent!known for their great scenic beautythe land of waffles, beer, chocolateA Underwater Theme Park is found therePortuguese is there Official Language....

Dawsin Countries 2022-05-24

Dawsin Countries crossword puzzle
  1. has had 26 different flags
  2. famous for Angkor Wat.
  3. 80% of there animals are unique
  4. is famous for its ancient philosophers, like Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Aristotle
  5. known for having some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
  6. its major cities such as Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Havar, as well as the Dalmatian coast and islands.
  7. Sahara desert takes up space of this place
  8. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Castles, there are several hundreds of castles, chateaus, and mansions in Czechia.
  9. A Underwater Theme Park is found there
  10. the land of waffles, beer, chocolate
  11. its native music styles, particularly Makossa and Bikutsi, and for its successful national football team.
  12. known for its jewellery, watches, fragrances, accessories, and leather goods.
  13. arepas and specialty coffee, as well as the kindness of its people
  14. It has one of the world's oldest capitals
  15. the pyramid of tirana is there
  16. main imports are machinery, food and fuel products
  17. is famous for its iconic carnival festival and its talented soccer players like Pelé and Neymar
  18. The Only Jaguar Preserve on the Planet
  19. home to one of the biggest rivers, delta
  20. one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world
  21. known for their great scenic beauty
  1. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  2. paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder
  3. one of only three countries in the world not to use the metric system
  4. English is widely spoken in the business world
  5. mud volcanoes happen often
  6. is well known for having some of the best wilderness and wildlife areas on the African continent
  7. Bolivia is home to 37 official languages.
  8. Portuguese is there Official Language.
  9. the home of more than 10 thermal water sites
  10. famous landmarks, historical wonders, delicious food, incredible culture, and all the outdoor exploration you could want
  11. affectionately known by its inhabitants as the “pais de los poetas” or the “country of poets”
  12. produces a lot of tobacco
  13. has a very unique Spanish accent!
  14. is famous in southeast Asia for its gorgeous mosques and Islamic architecture.
  15. known for Potatoes, tractors, and being one of the poorest countries in Europe by total wealth.
  16. home to the otherworldly landscapes of Lac Abbé and Lac Assal, fascinating diving, magnificent marine life including whale sharks as well as a charming wildlife sanctuary
  17. the Limassol carnival, Wreck diving (Zenobia wreck), Haloumi cheese and Commandaria, the sweet dessert wine from Cyprus.

38 Clues: famous for Angkor Wat.produces a lot of tobaccohas had 26 different flagsmud volcanoes happen oftenthe pyramid of tirana is there80% of there animals are uniquehas a very unique Spanish accent!known for their great scenic beautythe land of waffles, beer, chocolateA Underwater Theme Park is found therePortuguese is there Official Language....

Countries III 2022-11-09

Countries III crossword puzzle
  1. Otabek
  2. You spelled my name wrong
  3. Of blackbirds
  4. Goulash 'Gulyas' is from here! ;)
  5. Hindi-Urdu, Punjabi, and other languages originate in
  6. Loves potatoes
  7. Kanga is part of the traditional clothes
  8. Language mutually intellegable with Thai
  9. Fritz
  10. Red over white
  11. This island is GREEN.
  1. You can't pronounce it, sadly
  2. Arirang
  3. I'm not the state!
  4. Blue, White, and Red
  5. Home country of GARLIC BREAD
  6. My hometown is the capital of ;)
  7. The Sun ;)
  8. Also the name of a river in the area
  9. Reggae

20 Clues: FritzOtabekReggaeArirangThe Sun ;)Of blackbirdsLoves potatoesRed over whiteI'm not the state!Blue, White, and RedThis island is GREEN.You spelled my name wrongHome country of GARLIC BREADYou can't pronounce it, sadlyMy hometown is the capital of ;)Goulash 'Gulyas' is from here! ;)Also the name of a river in the area...

arab countries 2022-10-05

arab countries crossword puzzle
  1. Mohammed bin Zayed
  2. Anarchy
  3. Salman Bin Hamad
  4. Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed
  5. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi
  6. Azali Assoumani
  7. Michel Aoun
  8. Ismail Omar Guelleh
  9. Mohamed Ould Ghazouani
  10. Abdelmadjid Tebboune
  11. Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad
  12. Haitham Bin Tariq
  1. Kais Saied
  2. Abdullah II of ______
  3. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan
  4. Nawaf Al-Ahmad
  5. Mahmoud Abbas
  6. Aziz Akhannouch
  7. Bashar Al Assad
  8. Anarchy
  9. Mahamat Déby
  10. Ali Khamenei
  11. Barham Salih
  12. Mohammed Bin Salman

24 Clues: AnarchyAnarchyKais SaiedMichel AounMahamat DébyAli KhameneiBarham SalihMahmoud AbbasNawaf Al-AhmadAziz AkhannouchBashar Al AssadAzali AssoumaniSalman Bin HamadHaitham Bin TariqMohammed bin ZayedIsmail Omar GuellehMohammed Bin SalmanAbdel Fattah El-SisiAbdelmadjid TebbouneAbdullah II of ______Abdel Fattah al-BurhanMaeen Abdulmalik Saeed...

Countries, lanquages 2018-01-31

Countries, lanquages crossword puzzle
  1. Saksamaa
  2. Soome
  3. eesti keel
  4. Venemaa
  5. huvitav
  6. soome keel
  7. prantsuse keel
  8. inglise keel
  9. Inglismaa
  10. Prantsusmaa
  1. vene keel
  2. Eesti
  3. imetore
  4. hispaania keel
  5. kohutav
  6. rootsi keel
  7. raske
  8. Rootsi
  9. Hispaania
  10. saksa keel

20 Clues: EestiSoomeraskeRootsiimetorekohutavVenemaahuvitavSaksamaavene keelHispaaniaInglismaaeesti keelsoome keelsaksa keelrootsi keelPrantsusmaainglise keelhispaania keelprantsuse keel

Countries & Languages 2017-12-05

Countries & Languages crossword puzzle
  1. государство
  2. произношение
  3. столица
  4. ученый
  5. сильный, могущественный
  6. население
  7. континент
  8. состоять (из)
  9. включать (в свой состав)
  10. естественный
  1. культурный
  2. финансовый
  3. общение
  4. перевод
  5. современный
  6. разница
  7. важный
  8. продвинутый
  9. иностранный
  10. занимать (место)
  11. официальный

21 Clues: ученыйважныйобщениепереводразницастолицанаселениеконтиненткультурныйфинансовыйгосударствосовременныйпродвинутыйиностранныйофициальныйпроизношениеестественныйсостоять (из)занимать (место)сильный, могущественныйвключать (в свой состав)

Spanish countries 2019-08-21

Spanish countries crossword puzzle
  1. Mexico City is the capital of
  2. Lima is the capital of
  3. La Paz is the capital of
  4. Havana is the capital of
  5. Caracas is the capital of
  6. Rica San Jose is the capital of
  7. Guinea Malabo is the capital of
  8. Republic Santo Domingo is the capital of
  9. Panama City is the capital of
  10. Tegucigalpa is the capital of
  11. Asunción is the capital of
  1. Rico San Juan is the capital of
  2. Madrid is the capital of
  3. Quito is the capital of
  4. Guatemala City is the capital of
  5. San Salavadoro is the capital of
  6. Buenos Aires is the capital of
  7. Santiago is the capital of
  8. Montevideo is the capital of
  9. Bagotá is the capital of
  10. Managua is the capital of

21 Clues: Lima is the capital ofQuito is the capital ofMadrid is the capital ofLa Paz is the capital ofHavana is the capital ofBagotá is the capital ofCaracas is the capital ofManagua is the capital ofSantiago is the capital ofAsunción is the capital ofMontevideo is the capital ofMexico City is the capital ofPanama City is the capital of...

Countries/Cityes 2019-10-22

Countries/Cityes crossword puzzle
  1. In this country the most important mountain is called Machupichu
  2. This country is the biggest of the world
  3. There are bus with two flats. They are red
  4. The capital of Russia
  5. Sydney is the capital of...
  6. Countrie situated between Spain and France
  7. His flag is white with a red dot
  8. The island it's nex to Africa
  9. The capital of this country is Nueva Delhi
  10. There is a very big chinese wall
  1. Famous for the spicy food
  2. A city with a lot of water in their streets
  3. de Janeiro There celebated the most famous carnaval.
  4. Kindom Is next toIrlanda
  5. There are lot of cows
  6. The capital of this illand
  7. USA is down this country
  8. The city of love
  9. York A city that has a very famous park called Central Park.
  10. The pasta and the pizza is the most famouse of this country

20 Clues: The city of loveThere are lot of cowsThe capital of RussiaUSA is down this countryFamous for the spicy foodKindom Is next toIrlandaThe capital of this illandSydney is the capital of...The island it's nex to AfricaHis flag is white with a red dotThere is a very big chinese wallThis country is the biggest of the world...

Countries/Cityes 2019-10-22

Countries/Cityes crossword puzzle
  1. The capital of this illand
  2. Famous for the spicy food
  3. This country is the biggest of the world
  4. Kindom Is next toIrlanda
  5. The capital of Russia
  6. York A city that has a very famous park called Central Park.
  7. There are lot of cows
  8. The pasta and the pizza is the most famouse of this country
  9. USA is down this country
  10. de Janeiro There celebated the most famous carnaval.
  11. There is a very big chinese wall
  1. The city of love
  2. In this country the most important mountain is called Machupichu
  3. The island it's nex to Africa
  4. His flag is white with a red dot
  5. Countrie situated between Spain and France
  6. A city with a lot of water in their streets
  7. Sydney is the capital of...
  8. The capital of this country is Nueva Delhi
  9. There are bus with two flats. They are red

20 Clues: The city of loveThe capital of RussiaThere are lot of cowsUSA is down this countryFamous for the spicy foodThe capital of this illandKindom Is next toIrlandaSydney is the capital of...The island it's nex to AfricaHis flag is white with a red dotThere is a very big chinese wallThis country is the biggest of the world...


COUNTRIES & ORIGINS crossword puzzle
  1. SPAIN
  3. CHINA
  5. USA
  10. EGYPT
  12. JAPAN
  3. ITALY
  6. FROM


G20 COUNTRIES 2023-06-22

G20 COUNTRIES crossword puzzle
  1. A country known for swaths of tropical beaches
  2. it is a union
  3. It is home to the oldest meteor scar in the world
  4. president of G20 countries
  5. It is known as the country of football footballers such as Pelé and Neymar
  6. Santa Claus was born in this country
  7. A country which have Niagara falls
  8. A country known for its passion for soccer
  1. There are 100 active volcanoes in that country
  2. It is known for its pop dance - ie,bts, BP etc
  3. There are more than 20,000 castles in that country
  4. It is home to the world's deepest lake,
  5. This country is home to Mecca, Islam's holiest city and the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad
  6. It has The 4th Longest River System In The World
  7. It Has the Largest Art Museum.
  8. A country full of technology
  9. It is known all over the world for its sports and literature.
  10. It is the world's second-most populous country
  11. It is home to the world's largest pyramid.
  12. It is home to Europe's oldest University.

20 Clues: it is a unionpresident of G20 countriesA country full of technologyIt Has the Largest Art Museum.A country which have Niagara fallsSanta Claus was born in this countryIt is home to the world's deepest lake,It is home to Europe's oldest University.It is home to the world's largest pyramid.A country known for its passion for soccer...

Countries 2 2023-08-15

Countries 2 crossword puzzle
  1. capital of Germany
  2. Ababa capital of Ethiopia
  3. capital of Egypt
  4. capital of Gambia
  5. capital of Estonia
  6. Salvador capital of El Salvador
  7. capital of France
  8. capital of Gabon
  9. capital of Denmark
  10. capital of Greece
  1. capital of Finland
  2. capital of Ecuador
  3. capital of England
  4. capital of Eritrea
  5. capital of Fiji
  6. capital of Georgia
  7. capital of Guinea
  8. capital of Djibouti
  9. capital of Ghana
  10. capital of Dominica

20 Clues: capital of Fijicapital of Egyptcapital of Ghanacapital of Gaboncapital of Guineacapital of Gambiacapital of Francecapital of Greececapital of Finlandcapital of Ecuadorcapital of Germanycapital of Englandcapital of Eritreacapital of Georgiacapital of Estoniacapital of Denmarkcapital of Djibouticapital of DominicaAbaba capital of Ethiopia...


ASEAN COUNTRIES crossword puzzle


Hispanic countries 2023-08-17

Hispanic countries crossword puzzle
  1. ___ is the nationla drink in dominica republic
  2. the ___plays in the radio every morning in costa rica
  3. Equatorial Guinea is the only ___ that has spanish has its official language
  4. The largest ___ was recorded in Chile
  5. Bolivia has two___
  6. ___are a venzeluan breakfast staple
  7. The__ runs through Ecuador
  8. el salvador faced a war due to ___ matches
  9. __ its the most popular sport in nicaragua
  10. Mexico has more__ than Egypt
  11. Colombia is the most ____ country of the planet
  1. Puerto rico is home to the ____
  2. Over 70% of the__ population lives in Peru
  3. ___ was banned from cuba for 30 years
  4. paraguay is home to the world's largest___
  5. Guatemala means land of__
  6. Uruguay is the biggest consumer of ___ in the world
  7. Argentina's official national sport is____
  8. hondura's nickname was the ___ republic
  9. eagle the national bird of panama is the___
  10. Spain is home to the ___ in the world

21 Clues: Bolivia has two___Guatemala means land of__The__ runs through EcuadorMexico has more__ than EgyptPuerto rico is home to the _______are a venzeluan breakfast staple___ was banned from cuba for 30 yearsThe largest ___ was recorded in ChileSpain is home to the ___ in the worldhondura's nickname was the ___ republic...

European Countries 2023-11-14

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Zagreb
  2. Cork
  3. Talinn
  4. Barcelona
  5. Liverpool
  6. Kyiv
  7. Athens
  8. Bucharest
  9. Oslo
  10. Stockholm
  11. Berlin
  12. Zurich
  13. Copenhagen
  1. Glasgow
  2. Brussels
  3. Vienna
  4. Amsterdam
  5. Venice
  6. Budapest
  7. Lisbon
  8. Cardiff
  9. Paris
  10. Prague
  11. Warsaw
  12. Athens

25 Clues: CorkKyivOsloParisZagrebViennaTalinnVeniceAthensLisbonPragueWarsawAthensBerlinZurichGlasgowCardiffBrusselsBudapestAmsterdamBarcelonaLiverpoolBucharestStockholmCopenhagen

ASEAN Countries 2023-08-28

ASEAN Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Capital city of laos
  2. Candi hindu terbesar di Indonesia
  3. Capital city of indonesia
  4. Cambodia's head of state
  5. Who is the head of state in indonesia
  6. Indonesia's government
  7. official languange of cambodia
  8. longest river in southeast asia
  9. Capital city of thailand
  10. The country in southeast asia with the biggest land mass
  11. capital city of cambodia
  12. highest peak in Idonesia
  13. most populated country in southeast asia
  14. Malaysia's longest river
  15. Candi buddha terbesar di Indonesia
  16. Laos official languange
  17. Official languange of the philipines
  18. Malaysia's government
  19. largest religious monument in the world
  1. Cambodia share a border in the east with .....
  2. capital city of malaysia
  3. Malaysia and Brunei is a
  4. The sultan's name is hasanah bolkia
  5. Largest river in cambodia
  6. largest lake in Indonesia
  7. Highest peak in malaysia
  8. Highest peak in brunei darussalam
  9. Climate of southeast asian countries
  10. capital city of philipines
  11. official languange of brunei and malaysia

30 Clues: Capital city of laosMalaysia's governmentIndonesia's governmentLaos official languangecapital city of malaysiaCambodia's head of stateHighest peak in malaysiaCapital city of thailandcapital city of cambodiahighest peak in IdonesiaMalaysia's longest riverLargest river in cambodiaCapital city of indonesialargest lake in Indonesia...

European countries 2023-09-17

European countries crossword puzzle
  1. Smallest country in the world
  2. Competed in the last 2 FIFA World Cup finals
  3. Home of Guinness
  4. One of two nations landlocked in Italy
  5. This country created the Rubik’s cube
  6. Country of 2023 Wimbledon champion
  7. Country holds the Guinness world record for most alcohol content in a singular drink
  8. Home of popular tourist destination, Aya Napa
  9. an island nation made up of 4 countries
  10. National dish is Cepelinai
  11. The highest amount of cyclists in Europe
  12. Became a FIFA member in 2013
  13. Birthplace of Dracula
  14. Marie Curie’s birth country
  15. Novak Djokovic’s country of birth
  16. Woman’s FIFA World Cup winners in 1995
  17. Setting for movie Gladiator
  18. Participated in Euro 2016 for the first time
  19. Oldest country in Europe that hasn’t changed its name since it’s origin.
  20. Actual home of French Fries
  1. Country with the most castles in Europe
  2. Birthplace of Nikola Tesla
  3. Country that started the Olympic Games and hosted in 2004
  4. Competed in Euro 2020, first time this nation qualified for a major tournament
  5. Home of Lego
  6. Country shares it’s language with Brazil
  7. Defeated USSR in the Winter War
  8. Birth country of Atletico Madrid goalkeeper, Jan Oblak
  9. Cold country with approximately 130 volcanoes
  10. Host of the last rainforest in Europe
  11. Famous for building watches and clocks
  12. FIFA World Cup finalist in 1958
  13. Least visited country in Europe
  14. This nation has it’s own football team that play in the Spanish League system
  15. Shares a border with 9 other countries
  16. Small country that has a popular F1 track
  17. Home of the widest waterfall in Europe
  18. Eurovision Song Contest winners of 2014
  19. Country that invented the helicopter
  20. Home of kebab
  21. Island nation, hottest country in Europe
  22. Richest nation in 2023

42 Clues: Home of LegoHome of kebabHome of GuinnessBirthplace of DraculaRichest nation in 2023Birthplace of Nikola TeslaNational dish is CepelinaiMarie Curie’s birth countrySetting for movie GladiatorActual home of French FriesBecame a FIFA member in 2013Smallest country in the worldDefeated USSR in the Winter WarFIFA World Cup finalist in 1958...

African Countries 2023-09-28

African Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Known for its diamond industry.
  2. Home to Mount Kilimanjaro and Serengeti National Park.
  3. The most populous country in Africa.
  4. Known for Lake Malawi and friendly people.
  5. The largest country in Africa before its division.
  6. Known for its rich culture and cuisine.
  7. Located in North Africa with vast desert areas.
  8. Located on the west coast of Africa.
  9. An island nation with unique biodiversity.
  10. A landlocked country surrounded by South Africa.
  11. Known for its recovery from a tragic history.
  12. Sudan The newest country in Africa.
  13. A small country in West Africa.
  14. Famous for its deserts and wildlife.
  15. Founded by freed American slaves in the 19th century.
  1. Known for its historic trading city of Timbuktu.
  2. Located in the Horn of Africa.
  3. Located on the southeastern coast of Africa.
  4. A beautiful island nation in the Indian Ocean.
  5. Famous for its wildlife and long-distance runners.
  6. An island nation in the Gulf of Guinea.
  7. An archipelago with stunning beaches.
  8. A landlocked country in the Sahel region.
  9. A largely desert country in West Africa.
  10. Africa Known for its diverse landscapes and cultures.

25 Clues: Located in the Horn of Africa.Known for its diamond industry.A small country in West Africa.Sudan The newest country in Africa.The most populous country in Africa.Located on the west coast of Africa.Famous for its deserts and wildlife.An archipelago with stunning beaches.An island nation in the Gulf of Guinea.Known for its rich culture and cuisine....

Asian Countries 2024-02-28

Asian Countries crossword puzzle
  1. อินเดีย
  2. บังคลาเทศ
  3. ฟิลิปปินส์
  4. โอมาน
  5. เลบานอน
  6. เนปาล
  7. เวียดนาม
  8. อาร์เมเนีย
  9. บาห์เรน
  10. ญี่ปุ่น
  11. สหรัฐอาหรับเอมิเรตส์
  12. ไก่งวง
  13. จีน
  14. เกาหลีเหนือ
  15. คีร์กีซสถาน
  16. คูเวต
  17. ศรีลังกา
  18. มัลดีฟส์
  19. ปากีสถาน
  20. อัฟกานิสถาน
  21. กาตาร์
  22. พม่า
  23. ไซปรัส
  24. เกาหลีใต้
  25. ซาอุดิอาราเบีย
  1. กัมพูชา
  2. อิสราเอล
  3. ปาเลสไตน์
  4. สิงคโปร์
  5. มองโกเลีย
  6. บรูไน
  7. มาเลเซีย
  8. จอร์แดน
  9. ไต้หวัน
  10. จอร์เจีย
  11. อาเซอร์ไบจาน
  12. ประเทศไทย
  13. เยเมน
  14. เติร์กเมนิสถาน
  15. อุซเบกิสถาน
  16. ทาจิกิสถาน
  17. ลาว
  18. อิหร่าน
  19. คาซัคสถาน
  20. ติมอร์ตะวันออก
  21. อิรัก
  22. ภูฏาน
  23. ซีเรีย
  24. อินโดนีเซีย

49 Clues: จีนลาวพม่าโอมานบรูไนเนปาลเยเมนคูเวตอิรักภูฏานไก่งวงกาตาร์ไซปรัสซีเรียกัมพูชาอินเดียเลบานอนจอร์แดนไต้หวันบาห์เรนญี่ปุ่นอิหร่านอิสราเอลสิงคโปร์มาเลเซียจอร์เจียเวียดนามศรีลังกามัลดีฟส์ปากีสถานปาเลสไตน์บังคลาเทศมองโกเลียประเทศไทยคาซัคสถานเกาหลีใต้ฟิลิปปินส์อาร์เมเนียทาจิกิสถานอุซเบกิสถานเกาหลีเหนือคีร์กีซสถานอัฟกานิสถานอินโดนีเซียอาเซอร์ไบจาน...

Countries HF4 2024-05-26

Countries HF4 crossword puzzle
  1. A small country between Sweden and Germany.
  2. Home of the ancient pyramids.
  3. Nokia phones are from ___.
  4. The home of Ikea.
  5. Famous for its sausages!
  6. Everything is made in ___.
  7. Famous for food and Ferraris.
  8. The capital is Bratislava.
  9. Everything is green on St. Patrick´s Day.
  10. A land of ice and volcanoes.
  1. This is also the name of a bird.
  2. The second biggest country.
  3. They eat frogs´legs here.
  4. Mountainous with expensive chocolate.
  5. The Pope lives in the ___ city.
  6. This is also an American state, starting with G.
  7. The capital is Amsterdam.
  8. Kangaroos live here.
  9. Gandhi is from ___.
  10. I run, but in the past.
  11. Sea animals!
  12. The Amazon river flows through this country.

22 Clues: Sea animals!The home of Ikea.Gandhi is from ___.Kangaroos live here.I run, but in the past.Famous for its sausages!They eat frogs´legs here.The capital is Amsterdam.Nokia phones are from ___.Everything is made in ___.The capital is Bratislava.The second biggest country.A land of ice and volcanoes.Home of the ancient pyramids....

European Countries 2012-12-17

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Having a king and queen but still being in the EU, this country is a part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and only borders Norway and Finland.
  2. This country is a peninsula itself and only borders Germany even though it’s close to Sweden. Greenland is also a property of this country.
  3. This country used to have a dictator and the cause of two world wars, plus it borders 8 other countries including Denmark and France.
  4. Being the oldest country in the world, the Romans lived here, making lots of sculptures and art and is inside of Italy.
  5. This proud EU member has a constitutional monarchy and borders France, Andorra, and Portugal.
  6. AKA Holland, this country only borders Germany and Belgium, and it touching the North Sea.
  7. This republic of the EU is in Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea and 7 other country.
  8. Being the smallest country on earth, it is near the west coast of Italy and has a pope as their leader.
  9. This country is in the Alps with a highland climate and borders 9 other countries including Germany and Hungary.
  10. Kosovo recently detached from this landlocked country. It also has a temperate continental climate.
  11. Only bordering Spain, this country has a Marine West Coast climate from the Gulf Stream, with mixed forests.
  12. This is the only non-EU country that is in the Scandinavia’s. They have a constitutional monarchy and are in the Arctic Circle.
  13. This boot shaped country has two smaller countries in it and the Alps run through its northern border.
  14. This is the largest country on earth. It is in two continents with the Ural Mountains separating it.
  15. Off the coast of Italy, this country has a Mediterranean climate and its vegetation is chaparral.
  16. One of the three countries known as the “Baltic States” this country is a part of the Great Northern plains and was a part of the former Soviet Union.
  1. This is a small landlocked country that is made up entirely of the Pyrenees Mountains.
  2. With the Pyrenees Mountains separating this country from Spain, the Great European Plains run through its coast.
  3. In the Great Northern Plains, this country borders Latvia, Belarus, Poland, and Russia, while also touching the Baltic Sea.
  4. This landlocked, non-EU country is south of Germany and east of France with the Appalachian Mountains running through it.
  5. This landlocked country is the least populated member in the EU and is the 7th smallest country in Europe.
  6. This country has a constitutional monarchy with the English Channel off its southern coast and has a capital on London.
  7. This island of a country has a republic government and isn’t a part of the EU.
  8. This country has a Chunnel connecting it to the U.K. and has a capital of Brussels, and is also part of the EU.
  9. This is where the dragons are in Harry Potter. This country touches the black sea but otherwise is landlocked; it borders Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia and 2 other countries.

25 Clues: This island of a country has a republic government and isn’t a part of the EU.This is a small landlocked country that is made up entirely of the Pyrenees Mountains.AKA Holland, this country only borders Germany and Belgium, and it touching the North Sea.This republic of the EU is in Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea and 7 other country....

Worlds Countries 2013-07-31

Worlds Countries crossword puzzle
  1. A city in Fiji
  2. Capital of Mozembique
  3. LIN
  4. Leonardo de Vinci's IATA code
  5. CAI
  6. RUN
  7. City in Iraq
  8. ASB
  9. JIB
  10. A city in Northern Mariana Islands
  11. Ministro Pistarini's IATA code
  12. AUH
  13. in Democratic Republic of Korea
  14. Colombo's capital city
  15. AAM
  16. MBD
  17. Conakry as its capital city
  18. Airport in Osaka, Japan
  19. City in Maritania
  20. ULN
  21. DXB
  22. City in Sudan
  23. KGL
  24. CPT
  25. A city in Papua New Guinea
  26. Capital of Tanzania
  27. KIM
  28. MRU
  29. BFN
  30. YRA
  31. Capital of Zimbabwe
  32. Tegel's IATA code
  33. Narita's IATA code
  34. SEZ
  35. Orly's IATA code
  36. Capital of Uganda
  37. Ho Chi Minh City's IATA code
  1. MLE
  2. MBA
  3. Gatwick's IATA code
  4. Bangkok is its capital city
  5. CAY
  6. Airport in Reykjavik,Europe
  7. DYU
  8. A city in Australia
  9. Capital of Lesotho
  10. Capital of Namibia
  11. Beirut's IATA code
  12. A city in Nepal
  13. A city in Macau SAR
  14. PTY
  15. Galeao's IATA code
  16. Charles de Gaulle's IATA code
  17. MNL
  18. TNR
  19. ELS
  20. ADD
  21. JNB
  22. KWI
  23. LCY
  24. MQP
  25. Capital of Botswana
  26. Capital of Kenya
  27. LHR
  28. Capital of Malawi
  29. HND
  30. DUR

67 Clues: MLEMBALINCAYDYUCAIRUNASBJIBAUHPTYAAMMNLMBDTNRELSULNADDDXBJNBKGLKWICPTLCYMQPKIMLHRMRUBFNYRAHNDDURSEZCity in IraqCity in SudanA city in FijiA city in NepalCapital of KenyaOrly's IATA codeCity in MaritaniaCapital of MalawiTegel's IATA codeCapital of UgandaCapital of LesothoCapital of NamibiaBeirut's IATA codeGaleao's IATA codeNarita's IATA code...

African Countries 2014-02-20

African Countries crossword puzzle
  1. I have been less thought of when it comes to the big names of Africa.
  2. To remember me you’ll need to burn-undy the sun here.
  3. Some of my friends get mad when I get gassy in their car.
  4. genocide happened here not that long ago.
  5. My name rhymes with Tibia.
  6. Want to know where I keep my gold? not gonna tell you.
  7. Some or all of you should visit soon.
  8. Trees are what make our air clean.
  9. My soccer team is ranked 5th in the world.
  10. I mine the most Diamonds in the world.
  11. Zip-zag, zam, and zoom throughz my landz and you’ll learnz my name.
  12. I’m more likely to be a meal here than a pet.
  13. Have you ever been-in this country?
  14. Too much sun on my Mediterranean shores will leave with you with Amnesia which rhymes with my name.
  15. A lot of gabbing goes on in this country.
  16. Sick of winter? Visit mycountry the more tan you’ll be.
  17. Don’t be fooled there ain’t no gambling here.
  18. Even though you might find malls here I’m not named after them.
  19. Lion hunters drink sierra mist in my land.
  20. Bet you didn’t know we play the bongo’s here.
  21. I’m not as cold as my Russian twin.
  22. This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home and this little piggy went to the equator.
  23. I hold the tallest mountain in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  24. My dad says I don’t get as mad as my brother brad.
  25. I have some serious swag in the land where I come from.
  1. I’m known for being at the center of attention in my family
  2. In the desert I’m known as the best of the wild west.
  3. My country earned its name from the tusks of Elephants.
  4. Can ya spell my name?
  5. Curly, larry and the this third stooge can remind you of my name.
  6. It takes real gaul to play football in my country.
  7. In comparison I’m Texas to y’all Pennsylvanians.
  8. I’m not as small as my sister, but i’m not a pig either
  9. My angle and goal is to show you what africa is really like.
  10. My capital and I share the same name.
  11. In the eye of tiger.
  12. The Atlas mountains make my terrain almost as rockin as my name.
  13. you don’t want to drive a 4 door civic in my terrain.
  14. Oh wowie! I tend to have that effect on some.
  15. I rebelled and ceded from my northern family.
  16. My name itself is a riddle.
  17. So here’s my number call me’z m-baybe?
  18. My name rhymes with raccoon, yet I doubt we have those here.
  19. Hey do you want to visit Africa? Nah! maybe some other time.
  20. Come along if you are looking for King Tut down the nile river, while you’re here visit the Pyramids in Cairo.
  21. So well known for my coffee even starbucks sells it.
  22. My name rhymes with cafeteria, but you won’t find French Fries here.
  23. Good luck getting your order to go here!
  24. African Republic I’m known for being at the center of attention in my family.
  25. you gonna travel here eh?

50 Clues: In the eye of tiger.Can ya spell my name?you gonna travel here eh?My name rhymes with Tibia.My name itself is a riddle.Trees are what make our air clean.Have you ever been-in this country?I’m not as cold as my Russian twin.My capital and I share the same name.Some or all of you should visit soon.I mine the most Diamonds in the world....

Countries-Χώρες 2014-10-13

Countries-Χώρες crossword puzzle
  3. ITALY
  11. RUSSIA
  8. SPAIN
  9. JAPAN


European Countries 2014-12-17

European Countries crossword puzzle
  11. ITALIE
  16. GRECE
  17. RUSSIE
  20. MALTE
  22. MONACO
  24. SUEDE
  11. PAYS BAS
  12. FRANCE
  16. SERBIE


John countries 2017-01-05

John countries crossword puzzle
  1. (H) This country has windmills and tulips
  2. (I) This country is famous for curry
  3. (L) People in this country love kebabs
  4. (R) The cold war enemy of America
  5. (Q) A country in the middle east
  6. (A) This country has kangaroos
  7. (P) This country has jeepneys and balut
  8. (G) Aristea and her family live in this country
  9. (T) Bangkok is the capital of this country
  10. (B) Rio de Janeiro is a big city in this country
  11. (Y) A country in the middle east
  1. (U) Idi Amin used to be the president
  2. (W) Who is fantastic
  3. (J) This country has ninjas and geisha
  4. (D) Lego is from this country
  5. (K) Hyundai cars are made in this country
  6. (O) A country in the middle east
  7. (V) Next to Thailand, had a war with America
  8. (S) Famous for chocolate, watches and mountains
  9. (C) This country has a great wall
  10. (Z) A country in Africa
  11. (E) Queen Elizabeth's country
  12. (F) People eat snails in this country
  13. (M) Speedy Gonzales is from here
  14. (N) Mount Everest is in this country

25 Clues: (W) Who is fantastic(Z) A country in Africa(D) Lego is from this country(E) Queen Elizabeth's country(A) This country has kangaroos(O) A country in the middle east(Q) A country in the middle east(M) Speedy Gonzales is from here(Y) A country in the middle east(R) The cold war enemy of America(C) This country has a great wall...

John countries 2017-01-05

John countries crossword puzzle
  1. (Q) A country in the middle east
  2. (P) This country has jeepneys and balut
  3. (C) This country has a great wall
  4. (J) This country has ninjas and geisha
  5. (V) Next to Thailand, had a war with America
  6. (D) Lego is from this country
  7. (B) Rio de Janeiro is a big city in this country
  8. (A) This country has kangaroos
  9. (L) People in this country love kebabs
  10. (W) Who is fantastic
  11. (I) This country is famous for curry
  12. (K) Hyundai cars are made in this country
  1. (O) A country in the middle east
  2. (G) Aristea and her family live in this country
  3. (R) The cold war enemy of America
  4. (T) Bangkok is the capital of this country
  5. (N) Mount Everest is in this country
  6. (S) Famous for chocolate, watches and mountains
  7. (U) Idi Amin used to be the president
  8. (Z) A country in Africa
  9. (E) Queen Elizabeth's country
  10. (H) This country has windmills and tulips
  11. (F) People eat snails in this country
  12. (M) Speedy Gonzales is from here
  13. (Y) A country in the middle east

25 Clues: (W) Who is fantastic(Z) A country in Africa(E) Queen Elizabeth's country(D) Lego is from this country(A) This country has kangaroos(O) A country in the middle east(Q) A country in the middle east(M) Speedy Gonzales is from here(Y) A country in the middle east(R) The cold war enemy of America(C) This country has a great wall...

European Countries 2019-08-11

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. famous for pizza, pasta and ice-cream
  2. west of Sweden
  3. this country got a new name in 2019
  4. a country with many islands
  5. country in the Alps
  6. east of Germany
  7. very small country in the Alps
  8. the people are not hungry here!
  9. biggest European country
  1. Madrid is the capital of this country
  2. this country hosts a famous bike tournament
  3. between France and Spain
  4. English-speaking country
  5. small country located by the Baltic Sea
  6. German speaking country - not Germany!
  7. English-speaking island
  8. neighbouring country of Germany
  9. cold island in the north of Europe
  10. small country west of Russia
  11. island south of Turkey

20 Clues: west of Swedeneast of Germanycountry in the Alpsisland south of TurkeyEnglish-speaking islandbetween France and SpainEnglish-speaking countrybiggest European countrya country with many islandssmall country west of Russiavery small country in the Alpsneighbouring country of Germanythe people are not hungry here!cold island in the north of Europe...

Countries/Cityes 2019-10-22

Countries/Cityes crossword puzzle
  1. de Janeiro There celebated the most famous carnaval.
  2. There are bus with two flats. They are red
  3. The capital of this illand
  4. Sydney is the capital of...
  5. There is a very big chinese wall
  6. Countrie situated between Spain and France
  7. The island it's nex to Africa
  8. York A city that has a very famous park called Central Park.
  9. This country is the biggest of the world
  1. Kindom Is next toIrlanda
  2. The pasta and the pizza is the most famouse of this country
  3. A city with a lot of water in their streets
  4. There are lot of cows
  5. His flag is white with a red dot
  6. USA is down this country
  7. The capital of this country is Nueva Delhi
  8. The capital of Russia
  9. In this country the most important mountain is called Machupichu
  10. Famous for the spicy food
  11. The city of love

20 Clues: The city of loveThere are lot of cowsThe capital of RussiaUSA is down this countryFamous for the spicy foodKindom Is next toIrlandaThe capital of this illandSydney is the capital of...The island it's nex to AfricaHis flag is white with a red dotThere is a very big chinese wallThis country is the biggest of the world...

Africa Countries 2020-12-03

Africa Countries crossword puzzle
  1. During World War 1 this nation was one of very few that was independent and not under the rule of Europe
  2. A country along Africa's east coast near a large island
  3. Island nation on the east coast of Africa
  4. French colony that gain independence in 1960 and it's name means Coast of Ivory
  5. country between Egypt and Algeria and the 4th largest country in Africa
  6. This country is not really located in the center of Africa as the name suggest
  7. From 700 AD to 1465 this country was part of the Ghana Empire and later the Songhai Empire
  8. Rain is the name for this countries money or currency
  9. The birth place of Trevor Noah and the largest meat producer in Africa
  10. Home to the highest mountain and second largest lake in Africa
  11. Located at the entry to the Mediterranean Sea at the Strait of Gibraltar
  12. The country of cherries and dates
  13. Once once country but part of it broke off and founded a new nation with a similar name in July 2011
  14. This nations capital is Nairobi
  15. The 1st African country to make it to the World Cup
  16. One of the largest country in western Africa at slightly less than twice the size of Texas
  17. The other country within South Africa
  18. Located next to a country with a similar name but both were once a colony of King Leopold II
  1. A"non-self governing territory" next to Morocco
  2. On its border are the Victoria Falls
  3. One of two countries within South Africa and with a name similar to Switzerland
  4. Once was one of the largest suppliers of slaves in Africa
  5. The Kanem Empire was the strongest formed in this country and there is a lake near this nations capital with the same name as the country
  6. Well known for modern day pirates but in 1998 signed a peace treaty with Ethiopia
  7. African country with the greatest population but is not the largest area
  8. Once called the Gold Coast but it's name was changed to match that of an ancient kingdom
  9. Once once country but part of it broke off and founded a new nation with a similar name in July 2011
  10. Located next to a country with a similar name but both were once a colony of King Leopold II but has a major city called Kinshasa
  11. Ryan would like to rule this country along with the state of Florida
  12. The place of pharaohs and great pyramids
  13. 1994 was a terrible year for the Tutsi population
  14. The name sounds French but actually comes from Portuguese for "Lions Mountains"
  15. This nation borders Lake Victoria
  16. The location of Carthage in the 8th century B.C. who once used war elephants to fight the Romans

34 Clues: This nations capital is NairobiThe country of cherries and datesThis nation borders Lake VictoriaOn its border are the Victoria FallsThe other country within South AfricaThe place of pharaohs and great pyramidsIsland nation on the east coast of AfricaA"non-self governing territory" next to Morocco1994 was a terrible year for the Tutsi population...

HF6ch5 countries 2021-04-27

HF6ch5 countries crossword puzzle
  1. Portugali
  2. Saksa
  3. maat
  4. Tanska
  5. Kreikka
  6. Kanada
  7. Yhdysvallat
  8. Suomi
  9. Ruotsi
  10. Thaimaa
  1. Japani
  2. Alankomaat
  3. Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
  4. Norja
  5. Ranska
  6. Turkki
  7. Viro
  8. Venäjä
  9. Espanja
  10. Itävalta
  11. Kiina
  12. Italia

22 Clues: maatViroSaksaNorjaKiinaSuomiJapaniRanskaTanskaTurkkiVenäjäKanadaRuotsiItaliaKreikkaEspanjaThaimaaItävaltaPortugaliAlankomaatYhdysvallatYhdistynyt kuningaskunta

Countries/Geography 2020-09-09

Countries/Geography crossword puzzle
  1. Jewish state
  2. Not a country but a province of Indonesia
  3. Part of the United Kingdom
  4. Also known as Holland
  5. Home of the pyramids
  6. A Great country?
  7. Land of the rising sun
  8. Part of the British Isles
  9. Home of the Roman Empire
  10. The States
  1. Most populous member of the EU
  2. Host of 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics
  3. Take some warm clothes if you're going to this country!
  4. It was reunified in 1976
  5. The country formerly known as Persia
  6. Famous for its fjords
  7. Scandinavian country
  8. Lisbon is its capital
  9. The world's 2nd largest country by total area
  10. North or South?
  11. World's largest continent
  12. World's second most populous country
  13. Home of the Inca Empire

23 Clues: The StatesJewish stateNorth or South?A Great country?Scandinavian countryHome of the pyramidsFamous for its fjordsAlso known as HollandLisbon is its capitalLand of the rising sunHome of the Inca EmpireIt was reunified in 1976Home of the Roman EmpireWorld's largest continentPart of the British IslesPart of the United Kingdom...


AFRICAN COUNTRIES crossword puzzle
  1. Monrovia
  2. Lilongwe
  3. Juba
  4. Yamoussoukro
  5. Bamako
  6. Conakry
  7. Kinshasa
  8. Libreville
  9. Bangui
  10. Dodoma
  11. Cairo
  12. Mogadishu
  13. Praia
  14. Maseru
  15. Tunis
  16. Rabat
  17. Cape Town
  18. Harare
  19. Niamey
  20. Luanda
  21. Antananarivo
  22. Kampala
  23. Bissau
  24. Malabo
  25. Windhoek
  26. Algiers
  1. Nairobi
  2. Bujumbura
  3. Kigali
  4. Yaounde
  5. Ouagadougou
  6. Tripoli
  7. Khartoum
  8. Sao Tome
  9. Porto-Novo
  10. Banjul
  11. Mbabane
  12. Asmara
  13. N'Djamena
  14. Addis Ababa
  15. Victoria
  16. Brazzaville
  17. Freetown
  18. Lome
  19. Lusaka
  20. Gaborone
  21. Maputo
  22. Moroni
  23. Djibouti City
  24. Saint-Denis
  25. Nouakchott
  26. Abuja
  27. Port Louis
  28. Dakar

54 Clues: JubaLomeCairoPraiaTunisRabatAbujaDakarKigaliBamakoBanjulAsmaraBanguiDodomaMaseruHarareLusakaNiameyMaputoLuandaMoroniBissauMalaboNairobiYaoundeTripoliConakryMbabaneKampalaAlgiersMonroviaLilongweKhartoumSao TomeKinshasaVictoriaFreetownGaboroneWindhoekBujumburaN'DjamenaMogadishuCape TownPorto-NovoLibrevilleNouakchottPort LouisOuagadougouAddis Ababa...

European Countries 2021-10-15

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Warsaw
  2. Luxembourg City
  3. Tirana
  4. Rome
  5. Bratislava
  6. Vatican City
  7. Minsk
  8. Nuuk
  9. Moscow
  10. Sofia
  11. Kiev
  12. Rekyjavik
  13. SanMarino
  14. Zagreb
  15. Podgorcia
  16. Tallinn
  17. Budapest
  18. Copenhagen
  19. Valletta
  20. Skopje
  21. Dublin
  22. Monaco
  1. Oslo
  2. Amsterdam
  3. Vaduz
  4. Sarajevo
  5. Riga
  6. Madrid
  7. Bucharest
  8. Brussels
  9. Belgrade
  10. Vilnius
  11. Vienna
  12. Andorra La Vella
  13. Paris
  14. Athens
  15. Prague
  16. Ljubliana
  17. Helsinki
  18. Nicosia
  19. Berlin
  20. Stockholm
  21. Lisbon
  22. London
  23. Chisinau

45 Clues: OsloRigaRomeNuukKievVaduzMinskParisSofiaWarsawTiranaMadridViennaMoscowAthensPragueZagrebBerlinLisbonLondonSkopjeDublinMonacoVilniusTallinnNicosiaSarajevoBrusselsBelgradeHelsinkiBudapestVallettaChisinauAmsterdamBucharestRekyjavikSanMarinoLjublianaPodgorciaStockholmBratislavaCopenhagenVatican CityLuxembourg CityAndorra La Vella

G20 COUNTRIES 2023-06-22

G20 COUNTRIES crossword puzzle
  1. World's Longest Railway Is in that country
  2. The flag has 12 stars on it
  3. The country is famous for tropical beaches, imposing volcanoes, as well as historical and religious sites that exude a local charm
  4. The country is known all over the world for its sports and literature
  5. the country is Extremely Clean. ...
  6. It has over 60 separate wine regions
  7. The country is famous for a diverse set of both oriental and European elements
  8. the country is the EU's largest economy
  1. most of the languages are spoken in that country
  2. It became a country on July 1, 1867. ..
  3. the country The official language is Spanish. ...
  4. The population of that country are the largest drinkers in Asia. ...
  5. In that country Oil Was Discovered In 1938. ...
  6. That country produces over 1,500 types of cheese
  7. It has population:1,397,897,720.
  8. The largest state in the country is alaska
  9. The flag has 27 stars on it
  10. The country has 11 official languages. ...
  11. the country is the fifth most visited country in the world. ...
  12. second largest country in south america

20 Clues: The flag has 27 stars on itThe flag has 12 stars on itIt has population:1,397,897,720.the country is Extremely Clean. ...It has over 60 separate wine regionsIt became a country on July 1, 1867. ..second largest country in south americathe country is the EU's largest economyWorld's Longest Railway Is in that country...

Countries (国) 2023-04-11

Countries (国) crossword puzzle
  1. 韓国
  2. オーストラリア
  3. アメリカ
  4. フランス
  5. モンゴル
  6. スウェーデン
  7. モロッコ
  8. カナダ
  9. タイ
  10. エジプト
  11. 日本
  12. イギリス
  13. イタリア
  1. ケニア
  2. ノルウェー
  3. シンガポール
  4. トルコ
  5. スペイン
  6. ベトナム
  7. ロシア
  8. ドイツ
  9. ガーナ
  10. インド
  11. 中国
  12. ブラジル
  13. ペルー

26 Clues: 韓国中国タイ日本ケニアトルコロシアドイツガーナインドカナダペルースペインアメリカベトナムフランスモンゴルモロッコブラジルエジプトイギリスイタリアノルウェーシンガポールスウェーデンオーストラリア

Countries 2025 2023-04-17

Countries 2025 crossword puzzle
  1. Tokyo
  2. Rome
  3. Lisbon
  4. New Delhi
  5. Lome
  6. Tashkent
  7. Valletta
  8. Maseru
  9. Oslo
  10. Islamabad
  11. Bamako
  12. Doha
  13. Suva
  14. Stockholm
  15. Riga
  16. Paramaribo
  17. Bangkok
  18. Ashgabat
  19. Tehran
  1. Kingston
  2. Monrovia
  3. Male
  4. Manila
  5. Paris
  6. Montevideo
  7. Bucharest
  8. Tripoli
  9. Kuala Lumpur
  10. Warsaw
  11. Muscat
  12. Baghdad
  13. Madrid
  14. Beirut
  15. Dublin
  16. Amman
  17. Tunis

36 Clues: RomeMaleLomeOsloDohaSuvaRigaTokyoParisAmmanTunisLisbonManilaWarsawMaseruMuscatBamakoMadridBeirutDublinTehranTripoliBaghdadBangkokKingstonMonroviaTashkentVallettaAshgabatNew DelhiBucharestIslamabadStockholmMontevideoParamariboKuala Lumpur

European countries 2022-11-07

European countries crossword puzzle
  1. The biggest of the Scandinavian countries
  2. The origin of the Roman Empire
  3. a country in Eastern Europe whose capital is Prague
  4. Its capital is known for a wall that used to divide the country in 2 parts
  5. The land of tulips and windmills
  6. A small country with a long name
  7. You can visit the beautiful Transylvania there
  8. A country which was part of the former Yugoslavia
  9. People speak French and Flemish there
  10. Salzburg, where Mozart was born, is there
  11. Its capital is Vilnius
  1. A country in Eastern Europe between Ukraine and Czech Republic
  2. Theater was born there around the 6th century
  3. A Scandinavian country with a lot of lakes
  4. The shamrock is its symbol
  5. It's the most northern of the 3 Baltic countries
  6. It shares border with Spain
  7. A small peninsula North of Germany
  8. The Louvre museum and the Eiffel Tower are there
  9. It is located between Lithuania and Estonia
  10. A small island in the Mediterranean where English is spoken
  11. It's famous for its bullfights
  12. The Danube divides its capital into 2 parts: Buda and Pest
  13. Pope John Paul II was born there

24 Clues: Its capital is VilniusThe shamrock is its symbolIt shares border with SpainThe origin of the Roman EmpireIt's famous for its bullfightsThe land of tulips and windmillsA small country with a long namePope John Paul II was born thereA small peninsula North of GermanyPeople speak French and Flemish thereThe biggest of the Scandinavian countries...

Dawsin Countries 2022-05-24

Dawsin Countries crossword puzzle
  1. the land of waffles, beer, chocolate
  2. one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world
  3. affectionately known by its inhabitants as the “pais de los poetas” or the “country of poets”
  4. produces a lot of tobacco
  5. known for its jewellery, watches, fragrances, accessories, and leather goods.
  6. has had 26 different flags
  7. English is widely spoken in the business world
  8. The Only Jaguar Preserve on the Planet
  9. is famous for its iconic carnival festival and its talented soccer players like Pelé and Neymar
  10. its major cities such as Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Havar, as well as the Dalmatian coast and islands.
  11. main imports are machinery, food and fuel products
  12. the Limassol carnival, Wreck diving (Zenobia wreck), Haloumi cheese and Commandaria, the sweet dessert wine from Cyprus.
  13. Sahara desert takes up space of this place
  14. home to one of the biggest rivers, delta
  15. one of only three countries in the world not to use the metric system
  16. has a very unique Spanish accent!
  17. Bolivia is home to 37 official languages.
  18. its native music styles, particularly Makossa and Bikutsi, and for its successful national football team.
  19. home to the otherworldly landscapes of Lac Abbé and Lac Assal, fascinating diving, magnificent marine life including whale sharks as well as a charming wildlife sanctuary
  20. 80% of there animals are unique
  1. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  2. the home of more than 10 thermal water sites
  3. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Castles, there are several hundreds of castles, chateaus, and mansions in Czechia.
  4. arepas and specialty coffee, as well as the kindness of its people
  5. known for their great scenic beauty
  6. Portuguese is there Official Language.
  7. known for having some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
  8. famous landmarks, historical wonders, delicious food, incredible culture, and all the outdoor exploration you could want
  9. the pyramid of tirana is there
  10. is famous for its ancient philosophers, like Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Aristotle
  11. is famous in southeast Asia for its gorgeous mosques and Islamic architecture.
  12. It has one of the world's oldest capitals
  13. A Underwater Theme Park is found there
  14. famous for Angkor Wat.
  15. paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder
  16. mud volcanoes happen often
  17. is well known for having some of the best wilderness and wildlife areas on the African continent
  18. known for Potatoes, tractors, and being one of the poorest countries in Europe by total wealth.

38 Clues: famous for Angkor Wat.produces a lot of tobaccohas had 26 different flagsmud volcanoes happen oftenthe pyramid of tirana is there80% of there animals are uniquehas a very unique Spanish accent!known for their great scenic beautythe land of waffles, beer, chocolatePortuguese is there Official Language.The Only Jaguar Preserve on the Planet...

Dawsin Countries 2022-05-24

Dawsin Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  2. is well known for having some of the best wilderness and wildlife areas on the African continent
  3. known for having some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
  4. English is widely spoken in the business world
  5. It has one of the world's oldest capitals
  6. the land of waffles, beer, chocolate
  7. has a very unique Spanish accent!
  8. the home of more than 10 thermal water sites
  9. the pyramid of tirana is there
  10. known for its jewellery, watches, fragrances, accessories, and leather goods.
  11. one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world
  12. its major cities such as Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Havar, as well as the Dalmatian coast and islands.
  13. the Limassol carnival, Wreck diving (Zenobia wreck), Haloumi cheese and Commandaria, the sweet dessert wine from Cyprus.
  14. home to the otherworldly landscapes of Lac Abbé and Lac Assal, fascinating diving, magnificent marine life including whale sharks as well as a charming wildlife sanctuary
  15. arepas and specialty coffee, as well as the kindness of its people
  16. mud volcanoes happen often
  17. famous for Angkor Wat.
  18. is famous for its ancient philosophers, like Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Aristotle
  19. Sahara desert takes up space of this place
  20. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Castles, there are several hundreds of castles, chateaus, and mansions in Czechia.
  21. has had 26 different flags
  1. 80% of there animals are unique
  2. is famous in southeast Asia for its gorgeous mosques and Islamic architecture.
  3. A Underwater Theme Park is found there
  4. its native music styles, particularly Makossa and Bikutsi, and for its successful national football team.
  5. home to one of the biggest rivers, delta
  6. famous landmarks, historical wonders, delicious food, incredible culture, and all the outdoor exploration you could want
  7. known for Potatoes, tractors, and being one of the poorest countries in Europe by total wealth.
  8. paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder
  9. main imports are machinery, food and fuel products
  10. produces a lot of tobacco
  11. The Only Jaguar Preserve on the Planet
  12. Bolivia is home to 37 official languages.
  13. is famous for its iconic carnival festival and its talented soccer players like Pelé and Neymar
  14. Portuguese is there Official Language.
  15. affectionately known by its inhabitants as the “pais de los poetas” or the “country of poets”
  16. known for their great scenic beauty
  17. one of only three countries in the world not to use the metric system

38 Clues: famous for Angkor Wat.produces a lot of tobaccomud volcanoes happen oftenhas had 26 different flagsthe pyramid of tirana is there80% of there animals are uniquehas a very unique Spanish accent!known for their great scenic beautythe land of waffles, beer, chocolateA Underwater Theme Park is found thereThe Only Jaguar Preserve on the Planet...

Dawsin Countries 2022-05-24

Dawsin Countries crossword puzzle
  1. home to the otherworldly landscapes of Lac Abbé and Lac Assal, fascinating diving, magnificent marine life including whale sharks as well as a charming wildlife sanctuary
  2. arepas and specialty coffee, as well as the kindness of its people
  3. has a very unique Spanish accent!
  4. The Only Jaguar Preserve on the Planet
  5. known for their great scenic beauty
  6. produces a lot of tobacco
  7. one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world
  8. is famous in southeast Asia for its gorgeous mosques and Islamic architecture.
  9. 80% of there animals are unique
  10. the pyramid of tirana is there
  11. is famous for its ancient philosophers, like Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Aristotle
  12. is famous for its iconic carnival festival and its talented soccer players like Pelé and Neymar
  13. English is widely spoken in the business world
  14. the Limassol carnival, Wreck diving (Zenobia wreck), Haloumi cheese and Commandaria, the sweet dessert wine from Cyprus.
  15. known for its jewellery, watches, fragrances, accessories, and leather goods.
  16. one of only three countries in the world not to use the metric system
  17. mud volcanoes happen often
  18. A Underwater Theme Park is found there
  19. home to one of the biggest rivers, delta
  1. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  2. its native music styles, particularly Makossa and Bikutsi, and for its successful national football team.
  3. famous for Angkor Wat.
  4. known for Potatoes, tractors, and being one of the poorest countries in Europe by total wealth.
  5. Sahara desert takes up space of this place
  6. the home of more than 10 thermal water sites
  7. famous landmarks, historical wonders, delicious food, incredible culture, and all the outdoor exploration you could want
  8. It has one of the world's oldest capitals
  9. Portuguese is there Official Language.
  10. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Castles, there are several hundreds of castles, chateaus, and mansions in Czechia.
  11. Bolivia is home to 37 official languages.
  12. the land of waffles, beer, chocolate
  13. is well known for having some of the best wilderness and wildlife areas on the African continent
  14. affectionately known by its inhabitants as the “pais de los poetas” or the “country of poets”
  15. its major cities such as Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Havar, as well as the Dalmatian coast and islands.
  16. paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder
  17. main imports are machinery, food and fuel products
  18. known for having some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
  19. has had 26 different flags

38 Clues: famous for Angkor Wat.produces a lot of tobaccomud volcanoes happen oftenhas had 26 different flagsthe pyramid of tirana is there80% of there animals are uniquehas a very unique Spanish accent!known for their great scenic beautythe land of waffles, beer, chocolateThe Only Jaguar Preserve on the PlanetPortuguese is there Official Language....

Dawsin Countries 2022-05-24

Dawsin Countries crossword puzzle
  1. its major cities such as Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Havar, as well as the Dalmatian coast and islands.
  2. Portuguese is there Official Language.
  3. affectionately known by its inhabitants as the “pais de los poetas” or the “country of poets”
  4. the Limassol carnival, Wreck diving (Zenobia wreck), Haloumi cheese and Commandaria, the sweet dessert wine from Cyprus.
  5. arepas and specialty coffee, as well as the kindness of its people
  6. the pyramid of tirana is there
  7. has had 26 different flags
  8. is famous for its ancient philosophers, like Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Aristotle
  9. The Only Jaguar Preserve on the Planet
  10. paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder
  11. main imports are machinery, food and fuel products
  12. mud volcanoes happen often
  13. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  14. known for its jewellery, watches, fragrances, accessories, and leather goods.
  15. one of only three countries in the world not to use the metric system
  16. 80% of there animals are unique
  17. produces a lot of tobacco
  18. famous for Angkor Wat.
  19. its native music styles, particularly Makossa and Bikutsi, and for its successful national football team.
  1. known for their great scenic beauty
  2. has a very unique Spanish accent!
  3. English is widely spoken in the business world
  4. famous landmarks, historical wonders, delicious food, incredible culture, and all the outdoor exploration you could want
  5. is well known for having some of the best wilderness and wildlife areas on the African continent
  6. the home of more than 10 thermal water sites
  7. Bolivia is home to 37 official languages.
  8. home to one of the biggest rivers, delta
  9. It has one of the world's oldest capitals
  10. Sahara desert takes up space of this place
  11. one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world
  12. A Underwater Theme Park is found there
  13. Prague, the historic center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Castles, there are several hundreds of castles, chateaus, and mansions in Czechia.
  14. known for Potatoes, tractors, and being one of the poorest countries in Europe by total wealth.
  15. the land of waffles, beer, chocolate
  16. is famous for its iconic carnival festival and its talented soccer players like Pelé and Neymar
  17. home to the otherworldly landscapes of Lac Abbé and Lac Assal, fascinating diving, magnificent marine life including whale sharks as well as a charming wildlife sanctuary
  18. known for having some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
  19. is famous in southeast Asia for its gorgeous mosques and Islamic architecture.

38 Clues: famous for Angkor Wat.produces a lot of tobaccohas had 26 different flagsmud volcanoes happen oftenthe pyramid of tirana is there80% of there animals are uniquehas a very unique Spanish accent!known for their great scenic beautythe land of waffles, beer, chocolatePortuguese is there Official Language.A Underwater Theme Park is found there...

Spanish countries 2022-05-05

Spanish countries crossword puzzle
  1. Madrid is the capital of
  2. Panama City is the capital of
  3. Quito is the capital of
  4. La Paz is the capital of
  5. Caracas is the capital of
  6. Rico San Juan is the capital of
  7. Havana is the capital of
  8. Buenos Aires is the capital of
  9. Managua is the capital of
  10. Asunción is the capital of
  11. Lima is the capital of
  12. Salvador San Salavadoro is the capital of
  1. Republic Santo Domingo is the capital of
  2. Mexico City is the capital of
  3. Guinea Malabo is the capital of
  4. Santiago is the capital of
  5. Bogotá is the capital of
  6. Tegucigalpa is the capital of
  7. Montevideo is the capital of
  8. Rica San Jose is the capital of
  9. Guatemala City is the capital of

21 Clues: Lima is the capital ofQuito is the capital ofMadrid is the capital ofLa Paz is the capital ofBogotá is the capital ofHavana is the capital ofCaracas is the capital ofManagua is the capital ofSantiago is the capital ofAsunción is the capital ofMontevideo is the capital ofPanama City is the capital ofMexico City is the capital of...

African Countries 2023-09-28

African Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Known for its rich cultural heritage and history.
  2. Home to the pyramids and ancient history.
  3. Known for its diverse cultures and landscapes.
  4. (Côte d'Ivoire) Known for cocoa production.
  5. A small country with oil reserves.
  6. A small landlocked country in Southern Africa.
  7. A landlocked nation in Central Africa.
  8. An island nation in the Indian Ocean.
  9. Located in West Africa with diverse landscapes.
  10. A landlocked nation with a desert landscape.
  11. The largest country in Africa by land area.
  12. (Brazzaville) Located in Central Africa.
  1. An island nation in the Atlantic Ocean.
  2. A small country in the Horn of Africa.
  3. A West African country with a rich cultural heritage.
  4. Located in the Horn of Africa.
  5. of the Congo Known for its rainforests and wildlife.
  6. A small landlocked country in East Africa.
  7. A small coastal country in West Africa.
  8. Known for its diverse landscapes and wildlife.
  9. Famous for its national parks and wildlife conservation.
  10. Located in the Sahel region with desert landscapes.
  11. Rich in biodiversity with dense rainforests.
  12. The smallest country on the African mainland.
  13. Known for its linguistic and cultural diversity.

25 Clues: Located in the Horn of Africa.A small country with oil reserves.An island nation in the Indian Ocean.A small country in the Horn of Africa.A landlocked nation in Central Africa.An island nation in the Atlantic Ocean.A small coastal country in West Africa.(Brazzaville) Located in Central Africa.Home to the pyramids and ancient history....

Countries Crossword 2022-06-28

Countries Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Its capital is Stockholm
  2. The smallest continent on the largest island
  3. His religion is Hinduism
  4. Its capital is Athens
  5. Its capital is Sucre
  6. Its capital is Lusaka
  7. Its currency is the Lempira
  8. Its currency is the Philippine peso
  9. Known for Maple Syrup
  10. Fight against U.E. in the war of resistance
  11. Its currency is the Romanian Leu
  12. Country with the most oil reserves in the world
  13. Its capital is Lisbon
  14. Its currency is the Cuban peso
  15. Country where the movie “Coco” comes from
  1. Country where the Nazis come from
  2. Its president is Volodímir Zelenski
  3. The currency of this country is the South African Rand
  4. Their language is Amharic
  5. Its capital is Brussels
  6. Country where Matrioskas come from
  7. Its capital is Madrid
  8. Its capital is Warsaw
  9. Its currency is the Pakistani Rupee
  10. Its capital is the safest city in the world
  11. Its capital is Budapest
  12. Its president is Gabriel Boric
  13. Their language is Portuguese
  14. Country of the pyramids
  15. Its capital is Ankara

30 Clues: Its capital is SucreIts capital is AthensIts capital is MadridIts capital is WarsawIts capital is LusakaKnown for Maple SyrupIts capital is LisbonIts capital is AnkaraIts capital is BrusselsIts capital is BudapestCountry of the pyramidsIts capital is StockholmHis religion is HinduismTheir language is AmharicIts currency is the Lempira...

Countries crossword 2022-08-14

Countries crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Home of the Pope
  2. Home of IKEA
  3. Sounds like the name of a marine mammal
  4. Famous for banks and chocolate
  5. World's longest river flows through this country
  6. The home of Nokia
  7. Home to the wettest inhabited place on earth
  8. The metric system was invented here
  9. Also the name of a US state
  10. This country has Autobahns
  11. Also the name of a Thanksgiving Day bird
  12. Everything is made in _______.
  1. Smallest nation to qualify for the World Cup
  2. Current F1 champion is from this country
  3. Its capital borders 2 countries
  4. World's largest wine producer
  5. Land of maple syrup and maple leaves
  6. Formerly known as Persia
  7. Home to the 2nd longest river in the world
  8. Home of Lego
  9. Home of St. Patrick
  10. This country is also a continent

22 Clues: Home of IKEAHome of LegoHome of the PopeThe home of NokiaHome of St. PatrickFormerly known as PersiaThis country has AutobahnsAlso the name of a US stateWorld's largest wine producerFamous for banks and chocolateEverything is made in _______.Its capital borders 2 countriesThis country is also a continentThe metric system was invented here...

Countries Everywhere 2022-10-10

Countries Everywhere crossword puzzle
  1. Oldest countries
  2. On border of Singapore
  3. Famous for pizza
  4. Has mango sticky rice
  5. Very poor country and big
  6. Monarch died recently
  7. SLE
  8. Trying to take over another country
  9. Giants causeway
  10. African country
  11. Niagara Falls
  12. It contains a salt area
  13. UK
  14. Very popular tourist destination
  15. Has one of the tallest and most iconic towers
  1. covered in snow and has fondue
  2. Black red and yellow flag
  3. Annexed by Russia
  4. Has military coup now
  5. Big country and powerful
  6. made of many islands
  7. Giants causeway
  8. 2nd most heavily populated per square kilometre
  9. Alphabet is known as “Hangul”
  10. SLO
  11. Ally of powerful country

26 Clues: UKSLESLONiagara FallsGiants causewayGiants causewayAfrican countryOldest countriesFamous for pizzaAnnexed by Russiamade of many islandsHas military coup nowHas mango sticky riceMonarch died recentlyOn border of SingaporeIt contains a salt areaBig country and powerfulAlly of powerful countryBlack red and yellow flagVery poor country and big...

Countries 2023 2023-02-26

Countries 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. Ottawa
  2. Guatemala City
  3. Kabul India New Delhi
  4. Verde Praia
  5. Buenos Aires
  6. Brasilia
  7. & HERZEGOVINA Sarajevo
  8. Gaborone
  9. Vienna
  10. Tunis
  11. Berlin Benin Porto Novo
  12. Algiers
  1. Yerevan
  2. Tokyo
  3. Dodoma
  4. Tirana Indonesia Jakarka
  5. Yaounde
  6. Suva
  7. Phnom Penh
  8. Baku
  9. & BARBUDA Saint John's
  10. Athens

22 Clues: SuvaBakuTokyoTunisOttawaDodomaViennaAthensYerevanYaoundeAlgiersBrasiliaGaboronePhnom PenhBuenos AiresGuatemala CityVerde Praia& HERZEGOVINA Sarajevo& BARBUDA Saint John'sKabul India New DelhiTirana Indonesia JakarkaBerlin Benin Porto Novo

Countries 2023 2023-02-26

Countries 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. Ottawa
  2. Copenhapen
  3. Algiers
  4. Quito
  5. Yerevan
  6. Minsk
  7. Brasilia
  8. Saint John's
  9. Santiago
  10. Havana
  11. Stockholm
  12. Berlin
  13. Manama
  14. Brussels
  1. Baku
  2. Canberra
  3. New Delhi
  4. Addis Ababa
  5. Vienna
  6. Sarajevo
  7. Buenos Aires
  8. Kabul
  9. Paris

23 Clues: BakuQuitoMinskKabulParisOttawaViennaHavanaBerlinManamaAlgiersYerevanCanberraSarajevoBrasiliaSantiagoBrusselsNew DelhiStockholmCopenhapenAddis AbabaBuenos AiresSaint John's

African Countries 2023-10-30

African Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Liberia
  2. Benin
  3. Guinea
  4. Ivory Coast
  5. Lesotho
  6. Guinea Bissau
  7. Rwanda
  8. Seychelles
  9. Cape Verde
  10. Burundi
  11. Botswana
  12. Eritrea
  13. Tunisia
  14. Mali
  15. Angola
  16. Sudan
  17. Malawi
  18. Somalia
  19. DRC
  20. Madagascar
  21. Kenya
  22. South Africa
  23. Ethiopia
  24. Chad
  25. Mauritania
  26. Uganda
  27. Egypt
  28. Algeria
  29. Tanzania
  30. Niger
  1. Burkina
  2. Sierra Leone
  3. Nigeria
  4. Central Afr Rep
  5. Comoros
  6. Senegal
  7. Swaziland
  8. Djibouti
  9. Sahrawi Dem Rep
  10. Equatorial Guinea
  11. Zambia
  12. South Sudan
  13. Namibia
  14. Cameroon
  15. Congo
  16. Zimbabwe
  17. Sao tome
  18. Gambia
  19. Libya
  20. Mozambique
  21. Mauritius
  22. Togo
  23. Gabon
  24. Ghana

54 Clues: DRCMaliTogoChadBeninCongoSudanLibyaGabonKenyaGhanaEgyptNigerGuineaRwandaZambiaAngolaMalawiGambiaUgandaBurkinaLiberiaNigeriaComorosLesothoSenegalBurundiNamibiaEritreaTunisiaSomaliaAlgeriaDjiboutiBotswanaCameroonZimbabweSao tomeEthiopiaTanzaniaSwazilandMauritiusSeychellesCape VerdeMozambiqueMadagascarMauritaniaIvory CoastSouth SudanSierra Leone...

European countries 2023-10-31

European countries crossword puzzle
  1. Oslo
  2. Riga
  3. Zagreb
  4. London
  5. Paris
  6. Athens
  7. Vaduz
  8. Bratislava
  9. Warsaw
  10. Skopje
  11. Bern
  12. Lisbon
  13. Dublin
  14. Budapest
  15. Chisinau
  16. Vienna
  17. Reykjavik
  18. Berlin
  19. Valletta
  20. Amsterdam
  21. Helsinki
  22. Tallinn
  23. Brussels
  1. Monaco
  2. Belgrade
  3. San Marino
  4. Sofia
  5. Ljubljana
  6. Tirana
  7. Prague
  8. Copenhagen
  9. Bucharest
  10. Stockholm
  11. Minsk
  12. Luxembourg
  13. Vilnius
  14. Kiev
  15. Andorra la Vella
  16. Madrid
  17. Moscow
  18. Podgorica
  19. Rome

42 Clues: OsloRigaBernKievRomeSofiaParisVaduzMinskMonacoZagrebTiranaLondonPragueAthensWarsawSkopjeLisbonDublinMadridViennaBerlinMoscowVilniusTallinnBelgradeBudapestChisinauVallettaHelsinkiBrusselsLjubljanaBucharestStockholmReykjavikPodgoricaAmsterdamSan MarinoCopenhagenBratislavaLuxembourgAndorra la Vella


  1. the capital city of myanmar
  2. which nation has a president who wrestles bears
  3. The country with the lowest death rates
  4. Smallest country in africa
  5. an overpopulated country in asia
  6. where is NATO located ?
  7. which country has 290 nuclear warheads in its country
  8. The country with the most genders in asia
  9. Where does pizza come from ?
  10. The country with the lowest birth rates ?
  11. what country has the highest percentage of muslims in 2021
  1. what is the SECOND country that has the most muslim population in the world in 2021 ?
  2. what is the second capital state in the united states of america
  3. Hottest nation in the world
  4. which country does not allow riding a cow while drunk ?
  5. What is the country north from indonesia ?
  6. Which country does not allow feeding pigeons
  7. the poorest country in the world
  8. The second lowest populated country
  9. where is the sakura country ?
  10. which country is the fifth country to have the most terrorist attacks this as of 2022

21 Clues: where is NATO located ?Smallest country in africathe capital city of myanmarHottest nation in the worldWhere does pizza come from ?where is the sakura country ?an overpopulated country in asiathe poorest country in the worldThe second lowest populated countryThe country with the lowest death ratesThe country with the most genders in asia...

European Countries 2023-09-28

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Known for its fjords and outdoor activities.
  2. Famous for its tulips windmills and canals.
  3. Famous for its chocolates waffles and beer.
  4. Located on the Iberian Peninsula with a rich history.
  5. The largest country in Europe by land area.
  6. and Herzegovina A country in the Balkans with diverse cultures.
  7. Known for Flamenco music and bullfighting.
  8. A country with Adriatic coastlines.
  9. Located on the Adriatic Sea with a rich coastline.
  10. Famous for its design and beautiful landscapes.
  11. Comprising England Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland.
  12. The largest country in the world.
  13. A country in the Balkans with a complex history.
  1. Known for its picturesque lakes and mountains.
  2. City The smallest independent state in the world.
  3. A Central European nation with stunning landscapes.
  4. Known for its historic sites and Black Sea coast.
  5. A country in the Balkans.
  6. An island nation in the Mediterranean.
  7. A glamorous city-state on the French Riviera.
  8. Known for its Alpine scenery and chocolates.
  9. Known for its castles and folklore.
  10. Famous for its medieval towns and hearty cuisine.
  11. A landlocked country in Eastern Europe.
  12. Marino A microstate in Italy.

25 Clues: A country in the Balkans.Marino A microstate in Italy.The largest country in the world.Known for its castles and folklore.A country with Adriatic coastlines.An island nation in the Mediterranean.A landlocked country in Eastern Europe.Known for Flamenco music and bullfighting.Famous for its tulips windmills and canals....

European Countries 2023-11-11

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Iceland
  2. Malta
  3. Portugal
  4. Slovakia
  5. France
  6. Greece
  7. Luxembourg
  8. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  9. Bulgaria
  10. Serbia
  11. Germany
  12. Sweden
  13. Netherlands
  14. Italy
  15. Albania
  16. Slovenia
  17. Andorra
  18. Vatican City
  19. Moldova
  20. United Kingdom
  21. Monaco
  1. Belarus
  2. Denmark
  3. Croatia
  4. Belgium
  5. Spain
  6. Czechia
  7. Montenegro
  8. Cyprus
  9. Latvia
  10. Poland
  11. Ukraine
  12. Liechtenstein
  13. Turkey
  14. Estonia
  15. Ireland
  16. Hungary
  17. Austria
  18. San Marino
  19. Russia
  20. Finland
  21. Kosovo
  22. Switzerland
  23. North Macedonia
  24. Lithuania
  25. Norway
  26. Romania

47 Clues: MaltaSpainItalyCyprusLatviaFranceGreecePolandTurkeySerbiaSwedenRussiaKosovoNorwayMonacoBelarusDenmarkIcelandCroatiaBelgiumCzechiaUkraineEstoniaIrelandGermanyHungaryAustriaFinlandAlbaniaAndorraMoldovaRomaniaPortugalSlovakiaBulgariaSloveniaLithuaniaMontenegroLuxembourgSan MarinoNetherlandsSwitzerlandVatican CityLiechtensteinUnited Kingdom...

States & countries 2023-11-20

States & countries crossword puzzle
  1. not KFC
  2. WWIII enemy
  3. not D.C.
  5. Icier than Iceland
  6. the state on fire
  7. home of the dead queen
  8. older than the U.S.A.
  9. maple syrup
  1. not New Mexico
  2. vacationland
  3. looks like a face
  4. infamous for being peaceful
  5. smallest state
  6. home of the bagpipes
  7. largest population
  8. almost canada
  9. greener than Greenland
  10. not Mexico
  11. almost a desert

20 Clues: not KFCnot D.C.not MexicoWWIII enemymaple syrupvacationlandKANGAROOS!!!almost canadanot New Mexicosmallest statealmost a desertlooks like a facethe state on fireIcier than Icelandlargest populationhome of the bagpipesolder than the U.S.A.greener than Greenlandhome of the dead queeninfamous for being peaceful

World's Countries 2024-01-26

World's Countries crossword puzzle
  1. In a small part they speak French
  2. Its name is the same as a neighborhood in Manhattan
  3. New York is located there
  4. You can see northern lights
  5. Where Mamma Mia was filmed
  6. The Nemocón Salt Mine location
  7. Potato omelette is very typical
  8. There are enormous pyramids
  9. It's closed to Spain
  10. Caribbean islands
  1. It's very cold there
  2. Islands of crystalline water
  3. There are a lot of elephants temples
  4. There was a war recently
  5. Harry potter was filmed there
  6. There are many spiders and snakes
  7. Cuckoo clocks are very typical
  8. Pizza and pasta are the typical food
  9. Filipino is spoken there
  10. Has a red circle on its flag
  11. The location of Machu Picchu

21 Clues: Caribbean islandsIt's very cold thereIt's closed to SpainThere was a war recentlyFilipino is spoken thereNew York is located thereWhere Mamma Mia was filmedYou can see northern lightsThere are enormous pyramidsIslands of crystalline waterHas a red circle on its flagThe location of Machu PicchuHarry potter was filmed there...

World Countries 2023-12-30

World Countries crossword puzzle
  1. This country is an island nation in Africa
  2. This country is in the Leeward Islands chain
  3. This country has a peninsula in Asia but the rest of the country is not
  4. This country's letters can be made from the first letter of 1-7
  5. World's most populated country (as of 2022)
  6. This country's capital is 11 letters long and starts with T and the country starts with H
  7. This country borders Brazil and Argentina only
  8. This country is the largest landlocked country
  9. This country borders number 23 and Saudi Arabia
  10. This country sounds similar to an island nation in the same continent
  11. This country used to be called Swaziland but changed it's name because of its 50th anniversary
  12. This country is one of the only countries that have consecutive letters
  13. This country's capital is Ottawa (I hope you didn't mistake it with Toronto)
  14. This country is made of islands, one of which has a greater population than Russia, being only 113000th of the size
  15. This country's capital is Kigali
  16. This country's capital is Lusaka
  17. This country is one of the two countries that start with a letter
  1. This country is the most populous country in Africa
  2. One of the cities in this country is Freeport
  3. City This country is a micro-state in Europe
  4. This is the only country that starts with this letter and borders 3 countries
  5. This country is not recognized by the US but is by Mexico
  6. This country is the next letter of the alphabet after 8-14
  7. This country includes the Darién Gap
  8. This country is in the Caribbean, under Cuba
  9. It is a country and a continent (if you don't count Oceania instead of the country)
  10. This country owns Greenland and the Faeroe Islands
  11. This country would have access to water if it wasn't for Vietnam
  12. World's most populated country (as of 2023)
  13. This country has about 500,000 millionaires
  14. This country is at the Horn of Africa
  15. This country is in the Pacific Ocean
  16. This country border's one other country and is the poorer of the two, even though it has more people than its neighbor

33 Clues: This country's capital is KigaliThis country's capital is LusakaThis country includes the Darién GapThis country is in the Pacific OceanThis country is at the Horn of AfricaThis country is an island nation in AfricaWorld's most populated country (as of 2022)World's most populated country (as of 2023)This country has about 500,000 millionaires...

Countries & Nationalities 2024-02-12

Countries & Nationalities crossword puzzle
  1. Ronaldo is from Portugal, he is
  2. If you are from France, you are
  3. I am Polish, where am I from?
  4. I am Swedish, where am I from?
  5. If you are Dutch, where are you from?
  6. This restaurant sells from from China
  7. Food from Greece is called
  8. If you are from Libya, you are
  9. If you are Lebanese, where are you from?
  10. People from Qatar are
  11. People in Mexico speak this language
  12. If you are from Finland, you are
  1. If you are from Philippines
  2. I am from Germany, I am
  3. If you are from Morocco, you are
  4. If you are Swiss, where are you from?
  5. If you are from Czech, you are
  6. People in France speak what language
  7. If you are Peruvian, where are you from?
  8. I am from Tajikistan, I am
  9. If you are from Norway, you are
  10. I am from Egypt, I am
  11. I am from Uzbekistan, I am
  12. If you are from Thailand, you are

24 Clues: I am from Egypt, I amPeople from Qatar areI am from Germany, I amI am from Tajikistan, I amI am from Uzbekistan, I amFood from Greece is calledIf you are from PhilippinesI am Polish, where am I from?If you are from Czech, you areI am Swedish, where am I from?If you are from Libya, you areRonaldo is from Portugal, he is...

African Countries 2024-03-15

African Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Smallest mainland African country
  2. The Horn of Africa
  3. Capital is Gitega
  4. Has a lake named after it
  5. was once a pirate hideout
  6. Movie about talking animals
  7. Has its own calendar
  8. Known for the "Line of Rail"
  9. Also unofficially known as Salone
  10. 25% of the world's bauxite reservations
  11. has Africa's largest oil reserves
  12. ThLion Kingng takes place here
  13. where the book "things fall apart" takes place
  14. The land of a thousand hills
  1. Northernmost country in Africa
  2. Africa in miniature
  3. known as the "warm heart of Africa"
  4. meeting point of blue nile and white nile
  5. Kingdom of the Sky
  6. known for having the best ports in Arica
  7. The largest country in Africa
  8. Ana Schreier went on a mission here
  9. Moses
  10. One of the two African countries to avoid colonization
  11. wealthiest Portuguese-speaking African country

25 Clues: MosesCapital is GitegaThe Horn of AfricaKingdom of the SkyAfrica in miniatureHas its own calendarHas a lake named after itwas once a pirate hideoutMovie about talking animalsKnown for the "Line of Rail"The land of a thousand hillsThe largest country in AfricaNorthernmost country in AfricaThLion Kingng takes place here...

Countries 2026 2024-06-25

Countries 2026 crossword puzzle
  1. Reykjavik
  2. Bucharest
  3. Bern
  4. Warsaw
  5. Kyiv
  6. Taipei
  7. Funafuti
  8. Madrid
  9. Bamako
  10. Lima
  11. Manama
  12. Valletta
  13. Ashgabat
  14. Nassau
  15. Kampala
  16. Manila
  17. Damascus
  18. Dhaka
  1. Majuro
  2. Bangkok
  3. Lome
  4. Khartoum
  5. Nouakchott
  6. Nuku'alofa
  7. Asuncion
  8. Stockholm
  9. New Delhi
  10. Lisbon
  11. Doha
  12. Port Louis
  13. Paramaribo
  14. Bridgetown

32 Clues: BernLomeKyivLimaDohaDhakaMajuroWarsawTaipeiMadridBamakoLisbonManamaNassauManilaBangkokKampalaKhartoumAsuncionFunafutiVallettaAshgabatDamascusReykjavikBucharestStockholmNew DelhiNouakchottNuku'alofaPort LouisParamariboBridgetown

50 Countries 2024-07-26

50 Countries crossword puzzle
  1. capvert
  2. Burkina
  3. Tchad
  4. Coréedusud
  5. Algérie
  6. Nigeria
  7. Angola
  8. etatsunis
  9. Bulgarie
  10. Maroc
  11. Haîti
  12. Congo
  13. Turquie
  14. Centrafrique
  15. Tunisie
  16. Belgique
  17. Japon
  18. Liban
  19. Espagne
  20. Senegal
  21. Niger
  22. Rwanda
  23. Benin
  24. Israel
  1. Cameroun
  2. cambodge
  3. mexique
  4. Allemagne
  5. Croatie
  6. Madagascar
  7. Portugal
  8. Grece
  9. Soudan
  10. Serbie
  11. colombie
  12. Italie
  13. PaysBas
  14. tchèque
  15. Chine
  16. Autriche
  17. Laos
  18. Coted'ivoire
  19. Hongrie
  20. Guinée
  21. Togo
  22. Gabon
  23. bresil
  24. Nepal
  25. Irlande
  26. France
  27. canada
  28. Pologne
  29. Angleterre

53 Clues: LaosTogoTchadGreceMarocChineHaîtiCongoGabonNepalJaponLibanNigerBeninAngolaSoudanSerbieItalieGuinéebresilFrancecanadaRwandaIsraelcapvertmexiqueBurkinaCroatieAlgérieNigeriaPaysBastchèqueHongrieTurquieTunisieIrlandeEspagnePologneSenegalCamerouncambodgePortugalcolombieBulgarieAutricheBelgiqueAllemagneetatsunisMadagascarCoréedusudAngleterreCoted'ivoire...

African countries 2024-08-20

African countries crossword puzzle
  1. SouthAfrica
  2. Cameroon
  3. Guinea
  4. Rwanda
  5. Egypt
  6. BurkinaFaso
  7. Guinea-Bissau
  8. Eritrea
  9. DemocraticRepublicOfCongo
  10. Uganda
  11. CentralAfricanRepublic
  12. Somalia
  13. Tanzania
  14. Togo
  15. Benin
  16. EquatorialGuinea
  17. Algeria
  18. SierraLeone
  19. Senegal
  20. Malawi
  21. Gabon
  22. Madagascar
  23. Mali
  24. Botswana
  25. Djibouti
  26. CapeVerde
  1. Swaziland
  2. Seychelles
  3. SaoTomeandPrincipe
  4. Congo
  5. Nigeria
  6. Angola
  7. Lesotho
  8. Ivorycoast
  9. Sudan
  10. Ethiopia
  11. Burundi
  12. Comoros
  13. Kenya
  14. Zimbabwe
  15. Zambia
  16. Mauritania
  17. Gambia
  18. Libya
  19. Tunisia
  20. Chad
  21. SouthSudan
  22. Mauritius
  23. Niger
  24. Ghana
  25. Liberia
  26. Mozambique
  27. Morocco
  28. Namibia

54 Clues: TogoChadMaliCongoEgyptSudanKenyaLibyaBeninNigerGhanaGabonGuineaRwandaAngolaUgandaZambiaGambiaMalawiNigeriaLesothoEritreaBurundiComorosSomaliaTunisiaAlgeriaSenegalLiberiaMoroccoNamibiaCameroonEthiopiaZimbabweTanzaniaBotswanaDjiboutiSwazilandMauritiusCapeVerdeSeychellesIvorycoastMauritaniaSouthSudanMozambiqueMadagascarSouthAfricaBurkinaFaso...

Countries 2024 2024-08-10

Countries 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Monrovia
  2. Kigali
  3. Freetown
  4. Athens
  5. Kyiv
  6. Banjul
  7. Helsinki
  8. Lisbon
  9. Beirut
  10. Vaduz
  11. Bucharest
  12. Accra
  13. Manila
  14. PortofSpain
  15. Ashgabat
  16. Belgrade
  1. Suva
  2. Singapore
  3. Bratislava
  4. Dakar
  5. Kampala
  6. Libreville
  7. Tbilisi
  8. Paris
  9. Tunis
  10. Funafuti[25]
  11. Doha
  12. Tripoli
  13. Victoria
  14. Warsaw
  15. Ankara
  16. Maseru
  17. Berlin
  18. Moscow

34 Clues: SuvaKyivDohaDakarParisTunisVaduzAccraKigaliAthensBanjulLisbonBeirutWarsawAnkaraMaseruManilaBerlinMoscowKampalaTbilisiTripoliMonroviaFreetownHelsinkiVictoriaAshgabatBelgradeSingaporeBucharestBratislavaLibrevillePortofSpainFunafuti[25]

European Countries 2024-09-04

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. the most populous county in Europe
  2. the only double landlocked country in europe
  3. has yummy waffles and chocolate
  4. most of Iberia
  5. known for pizza and pasta
  6. rhymes with pandora
  7. has a romance language
  8. invented lego
  9. used to be a country, dissolved in 1992
  10. country who's name is similar to slovakia
  11. Used to be separated into East__ and West__
  12. had the great potato famine
  13. invented Skype
  14. Ronaldo
  15. a country surrounded by Italy but not the Vatican
  16. most of the byzantine empire
  17. most of former country Yugoslavia
  1. the capital city is below sea level
  2. Ikea and Minecraft
  3. country who's name is similar to slovenia
  4. has the same name as a U.S. state
  5. drinks tea
  6. Red bull is headquartered in this country
  7. home of the Eiffel tower
  8. the smallest country in Europe
  9. volcanoes and ice
  10. not in the United nations
  11. a neutral country
  12. used to be part of Czechoslovakia
  13. Mostly in Asia, borders the Mediterranean sea

30 Clues: Ronaldodrinks teainvented legomost of Iberiainvented Skypevolcanoes and icea neutral countryIkea and Minecraftrhymes with pandorahas a romance languagehome of the Eiffel towerknown for pizza and pastanot in the United nationshad the great potato faminemost of the byzantine empirethe smallest country in Europehas yummy waffles and chocolate...

European Countries 2012-12-17

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. With the Pyrenees Mountains separating this country from Spain, the Great European Plains run through its coast.
  2. This is a small landlocked country that is made up entirely of the Pyrenees Mountains.
  3. This is the largest country on earth. It is in two continents with the Ural Mountains separating it.
  4. This country has a constitutional monarchy with the English Channel off its southern coast and has a capital on London.
  5. Only bordering Spain, this country has a Marine West Coast climate from the Gulf Stream, with mixed forests.
  6. Being the smallest country on earth, it is near the west coast of Italy and has a pope as their leader.
  7. This country is a peninsula itself and only borders Germany even though it’s close to Sweden. Greenland is also a property of this country.
  8. This landlocked, non-EU country is south of Germany and east of France with the Appalachian Mountains running through it.
  9. This is the only non-EU country that is in the Scandinavia’s. They have a constitutional monarchy and are in the Arctic Circle.
  10. One of the three countries known as the “Baltic States” this country is a part of the Great Northern plains and was a part of the former Soviet Union.
  11. This is where the dragons are in Harry Potter. This country touches the black sea but otherwise is landlocked; it borders Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia and 2 other countries.
  1. Having a king and queen but still being in the EU, this country is a part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and only borders Norway and Finland.
  2. This island of a country has a republic government and isn’t a part of the EU.
  3. Being the oldest country in the world, the Romans lived here, making lots of sculptures and art and is inside of Italy.
  4. In the Great Northern Plains, this country borders Latvia, Belarus, Poland, and Russia, while also touching the Baltic Sea.
  5. This proud EU member has a constitutional monarchy and borders France, Andorra, and Portugal.
  6. Kosovo recently detached from this landlocked country. It also has a temperate continental climate.
  7. This landlocked country is the least populated member in the EU and is the 7th smallest country in Europe.
  8. AKA Holland, this country only borders Germany and Belgium, and it touching the North Sea.
  9. Off the coast of Italy, this country has a Mediterranean climate and its vegetation is chaparral.
  10. This country used to have a dictator and the cause of two world wars, plus it borders 8 other countries including Denmark and France.
  11. This country has a Chunnel connecting it to the U.K. and has a capital of Brussels, and is also part of the EU.
  12. This country is in the Alps with a highland climate and borders 9 other countries including Germany and Hungary.
  13. This republic of the EU is in Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea and 7 other country.
  14. This boot shaped country has two smaller countries in it and the Alps run through its northern border.

25 Clues: This island of a country has a republic government and isn’t a part of the EU.This is a small landlocked country that is made up entirely of the Pyrenees Mountains.AKA Holland, this country only borders Germany and Belgium, and it touching the North Sea.This republic of the EU is in Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea and 7 other country....

European Countries 2012-12-17

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Being the oldest country in the world, the Romans lived here, making lots of sculptures and art and is inside of Italy.
  2. Kosovo recently detached from this landlocked country. It also has a temperate continental climate.
  3. One of the three countries known as the “Baltic States” this country is a part of the Great Northern plains and was a part of the former Soviet Union.
  4. Only bordering Spain, this country has a Marine West Coast climate from the Gulf Stream, with mixed forests.
  5. This country used to have a dictator and the cause of two world wars, plus it borders 8 other countries including Denmark and France.
  6. This country has a constitutional monarchy with the English Channel off its southern coast and has a capital on London.
  7. This landlocked, non-EU country is south of Germany and east of France with the Appalachian Mountains running through it.
  8. Having a king and queen but still being in the EU, this country is a part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and only borders Norway and Finland.
  9. In the Great Northern Plains, this country borders Latvia, Belarus, Poland, and Russia, while also touching the Baltic Sea.
  10. This boot shaped country has two smaller countries in it and the Alps run through its northern border.
  11. This proud EU member has a constitutional monarchy and borders France, Andorra, and Portugal.
  12. With the Pyrenees Mountains separating this country from Spain, the Great European Plains run through its coast.
  13. This is where the dragons are in Harry Potter. This country touches the black sea but otherwise is landlocked; it borders Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia and 2 other countries.
  1. This country is a peninsula itself and only borders Germany even though it’s close to Sweden. Greenland is also a property of this country.
  2. This landlocked country is the least populated member in the EU and is the 7th smallest country in Europe.
  3. Being the smallest country on earth, it is near the west coast of Italy and has a pope as their leader.
  4. This country has a Chunnel connecting it to the U.K. and has a capital of Brussels, and is also part of the EU.
  5. This is the largest country on earth. It is in two continents with the Ural Mountains separating it.
  6. This is the only non-EU country that is in the Scandinavia’s. They have a constitutional monarchy and are in the Arctic Circle.
  7. This republic of the EU is in Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea and 7 other country.
  8. AKA Holland, this country only borders Germany and Belgium, and it touching the North Sea.
  9. This island of a country has a republic government and isn’t a part of the EU.
  10. This is a small landlocked country that is made up entirely of the Pyrenees Mountains.
  11. This country is in the Alps with a highland climate and borders 9 other countries including Germany and Hungary.
  12. Off the coast of Italy, this country has a Mediterranean climate and its vegetation is chaparral.

25 Clues: This island of a country has a republic government and isn’t a part of the EU.This is a small landlocked country that is made up entirely of the Pyrenees Mountains.This republic of the EU is in Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea and 7 other country.AKA Holland, this country only borders Germany and Belgium, and it touching the North Sea....

European Countries 2012-12-17

European Countries crossword puzzle
  1. One of the three countries known as the “Baltic States” this country is a part of the Great Northern plains and was a part of the former Soviet Union.
  2. In the Great Northern Plains, this country borders Latvia, Belarus, Poland, and Russia, while also touching the Baltic Sea.
  3. Kosovo recently detached from this landlocked country. It also has a temperate continental climate.
  4. With the Pyrenees Mountains separating this country from Spain, the Great European Plains run through its coast.
  5. Being the oldest country in the world, the Romans lived here, making lots of sculptures and art and is inside of Italy.
  6. This country has a constitutional monarchy with the English Channel off its southern coast and has a capital on London.
  7. This country is in the Alps with a highland climate and borders 9 other countries including Germany and Hungary.
  8. This republic of the EU is in Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea and 7 other country.
  9. Only bordering Spain, this country has a Marine West Coast climate from the Gulf Stream, with mixed forests.
  10. This island of a country has a republic government and isn’t a part of the EU.
  11. This country is a peninsula itself and only borders Germany even though it’s close to Sweden. Greenland is also a property of this country.
  12. Having a king and queen but still being in the EU, this country is a part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and only borders Norway and Finland.
  1. This country has a Chunnel connecting it to the U.K. and has a capital of Brussels, and is also part of the EU.
  2. This boot shaped country has two smaller countries in it and the Alps run through its northern border.
  3. This proud EU member has a constitutional monarchy and borders France, Andorra, and Portugal.
  4. This landlocked country is the least populated member in the EU and is the 7th smallest country in Europe.
  5. This is the largest country on earth. It is in two continents with the Ural Mountains separating it.
  6. Off the coast of Italy, this country has a Mediterranean climate and its vegetation is chaparral.
  7. AKA Holland, this country only borders Germany and Belgium, and it touching the North Sea.
  8. Being the smallest country on earth, it is near the west coast of Italy and has a pope as their leader.
  9. This landlocked, non-EU country is south of Germany and east of France with the Appalachian Mountains running through it.
  10. This is a small landlocked country that is made up entirely of the Pyrenees Mountains.
  11. This is where the dragons are in Harry Potter. This country touches the black sea but otherwise is landlocked; it borders Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia and 2 other countries.
  12. This country used to have a dictator and the cause of two world wars, plus it borders 8 other countries including Denmark and France.
  13. This is the only non-EU country that is in the Scandinavia’s. They have a constitutional monarchy and are in the Arctic Circle.

25 Clues: This island of a country has a republic government and isn’t a part of the EU.This is a small landlocked country that is made up entirely of the Pyrenees Mountains.AKA Holland, this country only borders Germany and Belgium, and it touching the North Sea.This republic of the EU is in Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea and 7 other country....

Countries Crossword 2014-04-21

Countries Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Mexican
  2. Another name for Persian
  3. One language of India
  4. The language of Egypt
  5. Russian
  6. French
  7. The language of Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Cuba
  8. Thai
  9. Cuban
  10. The language of the U.S.A.
  11. English
  12. Iranian
  1. Vietnamese
  2. Japanese
  3. Korean
  4. Italian
  5. Indian
  6. The language of Greece
  7. Canadian
  8. The language of France and Canada
  9. The language of Brazil
  10. The nationality of people from the U.S.A.
  11. The nationality of China
  12. German
  13. The language of Italy
  14. Brazilian
  15. Egyptian

27 Clues: ThaiCubanKoreanIndianFrenchGermanMexicanItalianRussianEnglishIranianJapaneseCanadianEgyptianBrazilianVietnameseOne language of IndiaThe language of EgyptThe language of ItalyThe language of GreeceThe language of BrazilAnother name for PersianThe nationality of ChinaThe language of the U.S.A.The language of France and Canada...


COUNTRIES CAPITALS crossword puzzle
  8. RABAT
  12. LOME
  15. ABUJA
  19. BAMAKO
  20. ROMASA
  24. ASMARA
  27. ACCRA
  3. DAKAR
  5. CAIRO
  9. TUNIS
  10. MORONI
  11. GITEGA
  12. LUANDA
  20. LUSAKA
  21. BANJUL
  23. NIAMEY
  27. KIGALI
  28. MAPUTO