cybersecurity Crossword Puzzles
test 2022-07-15
- Type of engineer Michael is -
- Sammis bridal shower was a ___ party -
- Basketball team michael supports -
- How they met
- Sammis favorite flowers -
- European country michael lived in -
- Month they met -
- Type of dance sammi did growing up -
- City they will live in after the wedding -
- Color of michaels bathroom before they painted it -
- Sammi’s side hustle -
- On the way to Big Sur they stopped at an ___ farm -
- Brand of sammi’s car -
- Michael proposed in ___ beach -
- Sauce michael hates -
- Attends ___ ___ community church -
- Industry sammi works in -
- City sammi did her internship in -
- Amusement park they had annual passes to -
- Music festival they attended -
- Destination of first plane ride together -
- State michael was raised in -
- Location of their first post together on IG -
- City of the music festival they attended -
- Engagement ring shape -
- How we are honoring sammis dad at the wedding -
- Year they met -
- Where they ate on their first date -
- City they took their engagement photos -
- Day of the week they attend life group -
30 Clues: How they met • Year they met - • Month they met - • Sammi’s side hustle - • Sauce michael hates - • Brand of sammi’s car - • Engagement ring shape - • Industry sammi works in - • Sammis favorite flowers - • Type of engineer Michael is - • State michael was raised in - • Music festival they attended - • Michael proposed in ___ beach - • City sammi did her internship in - • ...
JG informaatika 2022-12-05
- Ussi nimeline programmerimiskeel
- Bolt asutaja(d) (ainult perekonnanimi)
- Inglise keeles küberturvalisus
- Internetikeskkonnas toimuv kiusamine, nt teise inimese nimele tehtud libakontod, sõimamine ja ähvardamine foorumites, võõraste piltide ülesriputamine ja moonutamine
- Rämpspost teisesõnaga
- Missuguse ülikooli kolledž asub Kohtla-Järvel (lühend)
- Inglise keeles riistvara
- Uus Jõhvis avatud tehnoloogiakool
- IT pikk nimetus
- Rakendusprogramm internetis liikumiseks ja veebilehtede kuvamiseks
- Cybernetica poolt loodud IT terminoloogia leksikon
- Veebilehtede anonüümne sirvimisrežiim, mis ei salvesta kasutaja sirvimisajalugu
- Missugune amet (lühend) korraldab küberturvalisuse ennetustegevusi Eestis
- Eesti esimese 5G sagedusloa oksjoni võitja
- Interneti osa, kus toimub peamine kuritegelik tegevus
- Inglise keeles tarkvara
- Tuntuim krüptoraha
- Ruudukestest koosneva mustrina esitatud maatrikskood
- Inglise keelse IT termini AI lühendi vaste eesti keeles
- Programmikoodi koostamine, testimine ja parandamine
- Sotsiaalvõrgustik, mis loodi 2004. aastal
- Täpne samm-sammuline, kuid mitte tingimata formaalne juhend millegi tegemiseks
- Isik, kes murrab luba küsimata sisse mõnda süsteemi
- Kood, milles informatsioon on esitatud kahendsüsteemis
- E-kirjale lisatud teksti-, pildi- vm fail
- Ohtlik programm, mis võib levitada end ise ja kutsuda esile soovimatuid sündmusi või arvuti kokkujooksmist
- Eesti suurim rahvusvaheline robootika festival
27 Clues: IT pikk nimetus • Tuntuim krüptoraha • Rämpspost teisesõnaga • Inglise keeles tarkvara • Inglise keeles riistvara • Inglise keeles küberturvalisus • Ussi nimeline programmerimiskeel • Uus Jõhvis avatud tehnoloogiakool • Bolt asutaja(d) (ainult perekonnanimi) • Sotsiaalvõrgustik, mis loodi 2004. aastal • E-kirjale lisatud teksti-, pildi- vm fail • ...
technology 2024-04-11
- decenteralized and transarent digital ledger
- the wider it is the fater data flows
- no need for cables or cords to connect
- computers and software processing information
- global compuer network
- the process of identifying a user or system
- used to inform you
- a system of interconnected devices
- to help with direction
- to store data
- people post
- information in didgitl form
- secure and safe connection
- used to communicate
- connecting of computers or other devices to share information
- used for research
- to protect data
- protection against digital threats
- physical and organization structures needed for a society or enterprise
- invisible connection
- converting information into secret codes
- used to play games
- transmission of information over a distance
- detects physical output
- a portable device with a touchscreen used for various tasks
- a part that is used to tye for input commands
- programs or applications that run on a computer or device
- electronic device that can perform various tasks and process information
- uses physical and behavioral traits for identification
- professianal coomunication
30 Clues: people post • to store data • to protect data • used for research • used to play games • used to inform you • used to communicate • invisible connection • global compuer network • to help with direction • detects physical output • secure and safe connection • professianal coomunication • information in didgitl form • protection against digital threats • a system of interconnected devices • ...
Responds & Report Security Risks 2023-11-13
- IT or tech professionals who can fix security issues.
- Action to take when you suspect a security problem – like turning off the water in a leaky house.
- Potential threats or vulnerabilities that could harm digital systems.
- Staying watchful and alert to potential security threats.
- Unauthorized access
- One of the aspects compromised by security risks, involves protecting sensitive information.
- A collective effort to create a safer digital environment by addressing potential risks.
7 Clues: Unauthorized access • IT or tech professionals who can fix security issues. • Staying watchful and alert to potential security threats. • Potential threats or vulnerabilities that could harm digital systems. • A collective effort to create a safer digital environment by addressing potential risks. • ...
Responds & Report Security Risks 2023-11-13
- IT or tech professionals who can fix security issues.
- Action to take when you suspect a security problem – like turning off the water in a leaky house.
- Potential threats or vulnerabilities that could harm digital systems.
- Staying watchful and alert to potential security threats.
- Unauthorized access
- One of the aspects compromised by security risks, involves protecting sensitive information.
- A collective effort to create a safer digital environment by addressing potential risks.
7 Clues: Unauthorized access • IT or tech professionals who can fix security issues. • Staying watchful and alert to potential security threats. • Potential threats or vulnerabilities that could harm digital systems. • A collective effort to create a safer digital environment by addressing potential risks. • ...
Cybersecurity Awareness Crossword 2022-09-10
- malware designed to deny a user or organization access to files on their computer
- _____ theft happens when someone impersonates people to commit fraud
- is an attack that attempts to steal your money or your identity via voice call
- provides the first line of defence against unauthorized access to your computer and personal information
- security exploit in which an infected USB charging station is used to compromise connected devices
- social________ is a manipulation technique that exploits human error to gain private information, access, or valuables
- type of malicious software or malware that is installed on a computer without the end user's knowledge.
- is an attack that attempts to steal your money or your identity via email
8 Clues: _____ theft happens when someone impersonates people to commit fraud • is an attack that attempts to steal your money or your identity via email • is an attack that attempts to steal your money or your identity via voice call • malware designed to deny a user or organization access to files on their computer • ...
Tech'22 2022-01-07
- ______________ cloud: An architecture where multiple clouds are used to meet compliance needs, performance requirements.
- A unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain.
- A network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection.
- Everything as a service
- _______ automation: orchestrated use of multiple technologies, tools or platforms
- Refers to all the cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin.
- __________ Computing: Machines performing calculations based on the probability of an object's state before it is measured - instead of just 1s or 0s
- ____3: New age internet.
- The combination of video games and decentralized finance.
- Cybersecurity ______: A cyber defense strategy that independently secures each device with its own perimeter.
10 Clues: Everything as a service • ____3: New age internet. • Refers to all the cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin. • The combination of video games and decentralized finance. • A network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection. • A unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain. • ...
Crossword- Day 5 2023-07-20
- A flexible approach to IT project management.
- The process of converting information into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
- The capacity to be maintained or continued without depleting resources.
- The capability of a system to handle an increasing amount of work or its potential to be enlarged.
- The quality of being trustworthy and dependable.
- Protection of computer systems and data from digital threats and attacks.
- The ability to accomplish a task with the least amount of wasted time and effort.
- The potential for negative outcomes in IT operations.
- The degree of excellence of IT services.
- - An examination of IT processes for compliance and efficiency.
10 Clues: The degree of excellence of IT services. • A flexible approach to IT project management. • The quality of being trustworthy and dependable. • The potential for negative outcomes in IT operations. • - An examination of IT processes for compliance and efficiency. • The capacity to be maintained or continued without depleting resources. • ...
CyberCross 2023-09-10
- is like a set of locks and guards that keep it safe from bad guys
- when someone pretends to be someone else
- viruses, worms, and trojan horses
- Names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and other stuff that are targeted by hackers
- A good one uses a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols
- type of authentication that is like having 2 locks on your chest/safe (no space)
- locks your device or files until a ransom is paid
- something that puts your computer or information in danger
- breaking into computer systems or accounts that they're not supposed to
- don't ___ random links
10 Clues: don't ___ random links • viruses, worms, and trojan horses • when someone pretends to be someone else • locks your device or files until a ransom is paid • something that puts your computer or information in danger • is like a set of locks and guards that keep it safe from bad guys • breaking into computer systems or accounts that they're not supposed to • ...
Crossword puzzle- Gaby Perez 2023-03-22
- the second word in anglo pride.
- synonym of generous.
- an electronic device for storing and processing data.
- a global computer network providing a variety of information.
- Something you read.
- a person who takes care of things and is independent.
- the fifth word in anglo pride.
- a flat panel or area on an electronic device such as a television.
- movie about a boy whos a wizard.
- the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer or other electronic system.
- a person who sleeps a lot.
- the main means of mass communication.
- the third word in anglo pride.
- the state of being protected against the criminal or unauthorized use of electronic data.
- a system for transmitting voices over a distance.
- the first word in anglo pride.
- the forth word in anglo pride.
- a small, movable device that lets you control a range of things on a computer.
- the programs and other operating information used by a computer.
- the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency.
20 Clues: Something you read. • synonym of generous. • a person who sleeps a lot. • the third word in anglo pride. • the first word in anglo pride. • the forth word in anglo pride. • the fifth word in anglo pride. • the second word in anglo pride. • movie about a boy whos a wizard. • the main means of mass communication. • a system for transmitting voices over a distance. • ...
test 2022-07-15
- City sammi did her internship in -
- Engagement ring shape -
- Sammi’s side hustle -
- How we are honoring sammis dad at the wedding -
- Where they ate on their first date -
- Sauce michael hates -
- Type of dance sammi did growing up -
- Industry sammi works in -
- Day of the week they attend life group -
- Sammis favorite flowers -
- Attends ___ ___ community church -
- Location of their first post together on IG -
- Year they met -
- Month they met -
- City they will live in after the wedding -
- Amusement park they had annual passes to -
- City they took their engagement photos -
- Music festival they attended -
- Destination of first plane ride together -
- Color of michaels bathroom before they painted it -
- Basketball team michael supports -
- Brand of sammi’s car -
- State michael was raised in -
- European country michael lived in -
- Type of engineer Michael is -
- Sammis bridal shower was a ___ party -
- Michael proposed in ___ beach -
- On the way to Big Sur they stopped at an ___ farm -
- How they met
- City of the music festival they attended -
30 Clues: How they met • Year they met - • Month they met - • Sammi’s side hustle - • Sauce michael hates - • Brand of sammi’s car - • Engagement ring shape - • Industry sammi works in - • Sammis favorite flowers - • State michael was raised in - • Type of engineer Michael is - • Music festival they attended - • Michael proposed in ___ beach - • City sammi did her internship in - • ...
Cyber Security 2023-09-09
- the protection of data and systems.
- insurance that provides liability.
- training to help educate about possible cyber threats.
- software designed with malicious intent to steal/destroy data.
- a type of malware used to encrypt files and obtain data.
- protecting connected devices and networks from unauthorized access.
- the conversion of readable data to encoded data.
- protects data from physical actions.
- insurance that covers losses money.
- a group of steps that show how to execute a test.
- an organization to help businesses manage cybersecurity risks.
- a set of requirements to help create strong passwords.
- when someone pretends to be something to steal data.
- changes made to a software to improve it.
- helps cover a business's losses from a cyber attack.
- saving data in a different secure and safe place in case data is lost.
- encrypted security used to protect Wi-Fi networks.
- stealing information from an unaware person through the internet.
- a strategy made to protect businesses from threats.
- an attack used to obtain sensitive data by acting as a trusted source.
20 Clues: insurance that provides liability. • the protection of data and systems. • insurance that covers losses money. • protects data from physical actions. • changes made to a software to improve it. • the conversion of readable data to encoded data. • a group of steps that show how to execute a test. • encrypted security used to protect Wi-Fi networks. • ...
TTS Evolusi Teknologi 2024-08-30
- Kendaraan udara tanpa awak yang dikendalikan secara remote atau otomatis
- Teknologi pencatatan informasi yang sulit untuk diubah atau dihack
- Algoritma yang memungkinkan mesin untuk belajar dari data
- Pengalaman yang mensimulasikan lingkungan melalui komputer
- Jaringan global yang menghubungkan komputer di seluruh dunia
- Mobil yang bisa beroperasi tanpa pengemudi manusia
- Mata uang digital yang menggunakan kriptografi untuk keamanan
- Penyimpanan dan pengolahan data yang dilakukan di server jarak jauh
- Komponen dasar dalam elektronik yang memungkinkan kontrol arus listrik
- Kumpulan data sangat besar yang tidak bisa diolah menggunakan metode tradisional
- Bahan dasar pembuatan transistor yang memiliki konduktivitas di antara konduktor dan isolator
- Perlindungan untuk sistem informasi dari serangan cyber
- Sistem yang terinspirasi dari otak manusia untuk mengolah informasi
- Media transmisi cahaya yang digunakan untuk komunikasi data berkecepatan tinggi
- Teknologi nirkabel untuk mentransfer data antar perangkat dalam jarak dekat
- Program komputer yang dirancang untuk mensimulasikan percakapan dengan pengguna manusia
- Teknologi nirkabel yang memungkinkan koneksi internet tanpa kabel
- Kecil namun sangat penting, jantung dari semua perangkat modern
- Sistem yang memungkinkan penentuan posisi di permukaan bumi dengan presisi
- Perangkat yang menggabungkan telepon dengan komputer pribadi
20 Clues: Mobil yang bisa beroperasi tanpa pengemudi manusia • Perlindungan untuk sistem informasi dari serangan cyber • Algoritma yang memungkinkan mesin untuk belajar dari data • Pengalaman yang mensimulasikan lingkungan melalui komputer • Jaringan global yang menghubungkan komputer di seluruh dunia • Perangkat yang menggabungkan telepon dengan komputer pribadi • ...
Compliance 2021-10-29
- Intimidation of an individual after reporting an allegation of misconduct.
- A situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity
- Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain
- A direct telephone line set up for a specific purpose.
- Unacceptable or improper behavior.
- Use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others
- Computer security.
- An official inspection of an individual's or organization's accounts.
- A situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment.
- A situation involving exposure to danger.
10 Clues: Computer security. • Unacceptable or improper behavior. • A situation involving exposure to danger. • A direct telephone line set up for a specific purpose. • An official inspection of an individual's or organization's accounts. • Intimidation of an individual after reporting an allegation of misconduct. • ...
Risk Culture Awareness 2022-01-18
- your ability and willingness to stomach a decline in the value of your investments.
- chance of something happening
- the elimination of hazards, activities and exposures that can negatively affect an organization and its assets
- represents the third line
- you are part of this line
- risk of loss resulting from ineffective or failed internal processes, people, systems
- not part of operational risk
- there are three lines of them
- reputational harm stemming from a cyberattack or breach within an organization's network
- level of risk that an organization is prepared to accept in pursuit of its objectives, before action is deemed necessary to reduce the risk.
10 Clues: represents the third line • you are part of this line • not part of operational risk • chance of something happening • there are three lines of them • your ability and willingness to stomach a decline in the value of your investments. • risk of loss resulting from ineffective or failed internal processes, people, systems • ...
Jaringan komputer dan internet 2024-01-12
- metode atau cara yang digunakan agar bisa menghubungkan satu komputer dengan komputer lainnya .
- perangkat komputasi yang saling terhubung serta dapat bertukar data dan berbagi sumberdaya satusama lain.
- berkaitan dengan aspek yang menentukan kualitas dari sistem informasi
- berasal dari dua kata dalam bahasa Inggris yakni cyber yang artinya dunia maya (internet) dan security yang artinya keamanan
- transmisi data terstruktur antar organisasi secara elektronis.
- metodologi yang memastikan agar data berada dalam kondisi yang tepat untuk mendukung inisiatif dan operasi bisnis.
- ada 7 lapisan
- memungkinkan aplikasi menyesuaikan setelan keamanan jaringannya dalam file konfigurasi deklaratif yang aman tanpa memodifikasi kode aplikasi.
- Open Systems Interconnection
- salah satu Perangkat Koneksi
10 Clues: ada 7 lapisan • Open Systems Interconnection • salah satu Perangkat Koneksi • transmisi data terstruktur antar organisasi secara elektronis. • berkaitan dengan aspek yang menentukan kualitas dari sistem informasi • metode atau cara yang digunakan agar bisa menghubungkan satu komputer dengan komputer lainnya . • ... 2013-05-15
- blank work space
- ex: Angry Birds
- credit
- uses 1s and 0s to transmit info
- optical, mechanical, touch pad
- ex: Comcast
- internet
- behavior online
- accessible on any computer
- pamphlet
- a saying or group of words representing a business, store, etc.
- circuit board
- ex: Dogpile and Mamma
- a promise new presidents take
- an arrangement, how it looks
- 1000 megabytes
- CPU, how fast it is
- flash drive plugin
- ex: Google and Bing
- the arrangement of data
- 1000 bytes
- similar to powerpoint
- gaming ports
- an image representing a business, store, etc.
- security/protection online
- to make sure no one takes/copies your work
- a character
- 1000 gigabytes
- ex: phone
- a formal introduction into office
- safety online
- headphone plugin
- flash drive
- DSL, Cable
- who, what, why
- a port to plug in an internet cable
- ex: mouse and keyboard
- mobile storage
- 1000 kilobytes
- online
- 3G and 4G are options
- pre-made document to fill in
- ex: printer
- 8 bits
45 Clues: RAM • credit • online • 8 bits • internet • pamphlet • ex: phone • 1000 bytes • DSL, Cable • a character • ex: Comcast • flash drive • ex: printer • gaming ports • safety online • circuit board • 1000 megabytes • 1000 gigabytes • who, what, why • mobile storage • 1000 kilobytes • ex: Angry Birds • behavior online • blank work space • headphone plugin • flash drive plugin • CPU, how fast it is • ex: Google and Bing • ...
ADSI Laura Pinzon 2022-05-05
- A person who will use the information system.
- The varchar, int, float and are called.
- It is the protection of information on a computer.
- An object or thing.
- It is a set of organized data, whose function is to convey a message.
- The physical parts of an information system.
- A set of elements with relationships with each other.
- Uniquely identifies each row in a table.
- These are relationships between tables that match data.
- It is in charge of having relationships between tables by means of a key.
- Is used to delete a database.
- The characteristics of an object.
- It is a set of activities that are carried out to reach an objective.
- It is realized in tables with their keys and relationships.
- It is performed to know the characteristics or the current state of something.
- It is responsible for storing information.
- A set of programs and routines that allow the computer to perform certain tasks.
- It is the graphic part of web design.
- Used to create a database.
- A symbolic representation of an attribute or variable.
20 Clues: An object or thing. • Used to create a database. • Is used to delete a database. • The characteristics of an object. • It is the graphic part of web design. • The varchar, int, float and are called. • Uniquely identifies each row in a table. • It is responsible for storing information. • The physical parts of an information system. • ...
RU ITEC411: Crime and Security. 2024-11-25
- Traveling to sue under strict libel laws in certain countries.
- Malicious software designed to gather user information without consent.
- The process of encoding information to prevent unauthorized access.
- Denial-of-service attack that disrupts online services.
- The use of someone else's personal information for fraud
- A security tool used to filter and monitor network traffic.
- Using hacking to promote a political cause.
- Phishing attacks carried out via voice calls.
- Fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information via email.
- Hackers who improve system security by identifying vulnerabilities.
- A security tool to lure and study hackers.
- Security measures using unique biological characteristics
- Measures taken to protect computer systems from cyber attacks.
- A sophisticated worm that targeted Iranian nuclear facilities
- Manipulating individuals to divulge confidential information.
- An organization that addresses trade agreements, including cross-border digital issues.
- Phishing attacks carried out via SMS.
- The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act that criminalizes unauthorized computer access.
- Unauthorized access to or manipulation of computer systems.
- Redirecting users to fraudulent websites to steal personal data.
20 Clues: Phishing attacks carried out via SMS. • A security tool to lure and study hackers. • Using hacking to promote a political cause. • Phishing attacks carried out via voice calls. • Denial-of-service attack that disrupts online services. • The use of someone else's personal information for fraud • Security measures using unique biological characteristics • ...
Welcome to CyberSecurity! 2023-01-03
- ones and zeroes that make up computer code
- the kind of app or website that you might use to share photos or message friends
- a person who intentionally finds weak points in a computer system and exploits them
- a program that infects your computer and interferes with its programming
- a place where information is posted on the internet; you'll want to check the source to see if the information is trustworthy
- the kind of security that depends on a person's fingerprint, face, or even the patterns on their retina
- the secret part of your login information that protects your accounts from other users
- emails that are sent by hackers to attempt to get your information with suspicious links and attachments
8 Clues: ones and zeroes that make up computer code • a program that infects your computer and interferes with its programming • the kind of app or website that you might use to share photos or message friends • a person who intentionally finds weak points in a computer system and exploits them • ...
Crash Course Computer Science Cybersecurity 2019-02-25
- So,security experts suggest using two or more forms of authentication for important Accounts. This is known as two-factor or ______ authentication
- For organizations with users at different levels of access it’s especially important for Access Control Lists to be _____ to ensure secrecy, integrity and availability
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer. -____ permission allows a user to modify the contents
- Another issue with biometric authentication is it what
- How a system is secured what on who it’s being secured against
- What is a set of techniques to protect the secrecy, integrity and availability of computer systems and data against threats
- Good developers should take the approach that, not if, but when their programs are compromised, the damage should be limited and contained, and not let it compromise other things running on the computer. This principle is called what
- the best we have right now is a process called Independent Verification and ____
- To differentiate between right and wrong people, we use ____the process by which a computer understands who it’s interacting with.Generally, there are three types, each with their own pros and cons: What you know authentication is based on knowledge of a secret that should be known only by the real user and the computer
- Operating Systems attempt to _____ applications by giving each their own block of memory that others programs can’t touch
- To achieve these three general goals, security experts start with a specification of who your “enemy” is, at an abstract level, called a what
- They typically require _________, so it’s much harder for remote attackers to gain access. What you are authentication is based on... you! You authenticate by presenting yourself to the computer
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer.-____ permission allows a user to run a file, like a program
- Biometric authentication, however, is ___________. There’s some chance the system won’t recognize you what
- What you know and what you have authentication have the nice property of being ______ either correct or incorrect
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer. -_____permission allows a user to see the contents of a file
16 Clues: Another issue with biometric authentication is it what • How a system is secured what on who it’s being secured against • the best we have right now is a process called Independent Verification and ____ • Biometric authentication, however, is ___________. There’s some chance the system won’t recognize you what • ...
Cybersecurity Awareness Month - Week 3 2022-10-05
- Cirrus' tool for endpoint security
- A memorized secret consisting of a sequence of random words that is longer than a typical password
- Cirrus' email security platform
- A password attack that uses trial-and-error by attempting every possible combination
- Malware that disables access to data until a fee is paid
- A type of virus that automatically spreads itself
- software designed to detect and destroy viruses
- A network of devices infected and controlled by the same virus
- A physical device that connects to a network
- A social engineering attack delivered by SMS text message
- A phishing attack aimed at senior executives
- The process of encoding data using complex algorithms for confidentiality
- An attack that prompts an MFA approval request over and over
- Malware that is disguised as legitimate software
- A social engineering technique where an attacker creates a fake scenario
- A type of trojan spyware that records your keystrokes
16 Clues: Cirrus' email security platform • Cirrus' tool for endpoint security • A physical device that connects to a network • A phishing attack aimed at senior executives • software designed to detect and destroy viruses • Malware that is disguised as legitimate software • A type of virus that automatically spreads itself • A type of trojan spyware that records your keystrokes • ...
Teka Teki Techco 2024-05-16
- Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online.
- Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat.
- Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan.
- Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya.
- Data Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi.
5 Clues: Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online. • Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat. • Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya. • Data Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi. • Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan.
Cool Gadgets 2024-09-11
- A mobile phone that combines features of a computer and a phone.
- Portable device for streaming music and podcasts
- The ability to learn, understand, and make judgments.
- Electronic devices that can be worn on the body.
- A group of interconnected computers or devices.
- A small mechanical or electronic device or tool.
- Existing or occurring on computers or on the internet.
- Introducing new ideas; creative in thinking.
- The branch of technology dealing with the design, construction, and use of robots.
- A wearable device that often includes features like a phone, fitness tracker, and more.
- Measures taken to protect a computer or network against unauthorized access.
- Created by humans rather than occurring naturally.
- The state of things as they actually exist.
- Wearable tech that tracks fitness and health metrics
- Printing The process of creating a three-dimensional object from a digital model.
- The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.
- An unmanned aerial vehicle often used for photography or surveillance.
17 Clues: The state of things as they actually exist. • Introducing new ideas; creative in thinking. • A group of interconnected computers or devices. • Portable device for streaming music and podcasts • Electronic devices that can be worn on the body. • A small mechanical or electronic device or tool. • Created by humans rather than occurring naturally. • ...
Cyber Security Month 2021 2021-09-15
- Not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals
- An email or electronic communications scam targeted towards a specific individual, organization, or Business
- Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy
- Type of software that helps protect your computer against malware and cybercriminals
- The practice of being diligent about your online activities
- The process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access
- Attacks that use email or malicious websites to infect your device
- Someone who takes information from many sources and uses them to piece together a bigger puzzle
- A secret word or phrase that be used to gain access
9 Clues: A secret word or phrase that be used to gain access • Not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals • Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy • The practice of being diligent about your online activities • Attacks that use email or malicious websites to infect your device • ...
Crossword 2023-02-27
- Document that identifies the cost of a business's goods and/or services.
- Pricing and price book questions should be forwarded to this team.
- Generally a replacement of hardware, software or firmware with a newer or better version.
- All Upgrade and Migration quotes need to be quoted by this team.
- Occurs when existing customer goes from an on prem product to cloud hosted.
- Orders can be placed into this for unresolved bookings.
- Value Added Reseller
- Customer wants to switch to one product for another.
- Is an IT service provider that provides an organization with some amount of cybersecurity monitoring and management
9 Clues: Value Added Reseller • Customer wants to switch to one product for another. • Orders can be placed into this for unresolved bookings. • All Upgrade and Migration quotes need to be quoted by this team. • Pricing and price book questions should be forwarded to this team. • Document that identifies the cost of a business's goods and/or services. • ...
Axel's Puzzle 2024-03-13
- Software designed to damage or disrupt a computer system.
- Process of converting information or data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
- Trying to get sensitive information like usernames, passwords, and credit card details by pretending to be someone trustworthy.
- Secret word or phrase used for authentication and access control.
- Deliberate exploitation of computer systems, networks, or technology-dependent enterprises.
- Protection of internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, from cyberattacks.
- Software designed to detect and remove viruses and other malicious software.
- Network security system designed to prevent unauthorized access
- Update to fix vulnerabilities or improve functionality in software.
9 Clues: Software designed to damage or disrupt a computer system. • Network security system designed to prevent unauthorized access • Secret word or phrase used for authentication and access control. • Update to fix vulnerabilities or improve functionality in software. • Software designed to detect and remove viruses and other malicious software. • ...
Teka Teki Techco 2024-05-16
- Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan.
- Data Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi.
- Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online.
- Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat.
- Program perangkat lunak yang dirancang untuk melakukan tugas tertentu pada perangkat elektronik, seperti ponsel cerdas atau komputer.
- Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya.
6 Clues: Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online. • Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat. • Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya. • Data Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi. • Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan. • ...
Teka Teki Techco 2024-05-16
- Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi.
- Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan.
- Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online.
- Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat.
- Program perangkat lunak yang dirancang untuk melakukan tugas tertentu pada perangkat elektronik, seperti ponsel cerdas atau komputer.
- Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya.
6 Clues: Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online. • Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat. • Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya. • Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi. • Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan. • ...
TECHNOLOGY 2020-11-24
Crash Course Computer Science Cybersecurity 2019-02-25
- Good developers should take the approach that, not if, but when their programs are compromised, the damage should be limited and contained, and not let it compromise other things running on the computer. This principle is called what
- What you know and what you have authentication have the nice property of being ______ either correct or incorrect
- For organizations with users at different levels of access it’s especially important for Access Control Lists to be _____ to ensure secrecy, integrity and availability
- To differentiate between right and wrong people, we use ____the process by which a computer understands who it’s interacting with.Generally, there are three types, each with their own pros and cons: What you know authentication is based on knowledge of a secret that should be known only by the real user and the computer
- What is a set of techniques to protect the secrecy, integrity and availability of computer systems and data against threats
- To achieve these three general goals, security experts start with a specification of who your “enemy” is, at an abstract level, called a what
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer.-____ permission allows a user to run a file, like a program
- So,security experts suggest using two or more forms of authentication for important Accounts. This is known as two-factor or ______ authentication
- the best we have right now is a process called Independent Verification and ____
- They typically require _________, so it’s much harder for remote attackers to gain access. What you are authentication is based on... you! You authenticate by presenting yourself to the computer
- How a system is secured what on who it’s being secured against
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer. -____ permission allows a user to modify the contents
- Biometric authentication, however, is ___________. There’s some chance the system won’t recognize you what
- Another issue with biometric authentication is it what
- Operating Systems attempt to _____ applications by giving each their own block of memory that others programs can’t touch
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer. -_____permission allows a user to see the contents of a file
16 Clues: Another issue with biometric authentication is it what • How a system is secured what on who it’s being secured against • the best we have right now is a process called Independent Verification and ____ • Biometric authentication, however, is ___________. There’s some chance the system won’t recognize you what • ...
Cyber Security Month 2021 2021-09-15
- Not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals
- An email or electronic communications scam targeted towards a specific individual, organization, or Business
- Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy
- Type of software that helps protect your computer against malware and cybercriminals
- The practice of being diligent about your online activities
- The process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access
- Attacks that use email or malicious websites to infect your device
- Someone who takes information from many sources and uses them to piece together a bigger puzzle
- A secret word or phrase that be used to gain access
9 Clues: A secret word or phrase that be used to gain access • Not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals • Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy • The practice of being diligent about your online activities • Attacks that use email or malicious websites to infect your device • ...
LMS 4 2023-02-28
- Measures taken to prevent accidents and injuries in the workplace.
- The measure of how much work is accomplished in a specific amount of time.
- Measures taken to protect computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, theft, and damage.
- The ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort.
- The process of creating software programs, applications, and scripts.
- The degree of excellence of something.
- A series of steps taken to achieve a particular end.
- The use of technology to perform tasks automatically or with minimal human intervention.
- An organized collection of data that can be accessed, managed, and updated.
9 Clues: The degree of excellence of something. • A series of steps taken to achieve a particular end. • Measures taken to prevent accidents and injuries in the workplace. • The process of creating software programs, applications, and scripts. • The measure of how much work is accomplished in a specific amount of time. • ...
Teka Teki Techco 2024-05-16
- Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online.
- Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat.
- Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan.
- Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya.
- Data Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi.
5 Clues: Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online. • Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat. • Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya. • Data Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi. • Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan.
Teka Teki Techco 2024-05-16
- Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online.
- Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat.
- Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan.
- Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya.
- Data Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi.
5 Clues: Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online. • Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat. • Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya. • Data Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi. • Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan.
Cyber Security Month 2021 2021-09-15
- Not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals
- An email or electronic communications scam targeted towards a specific individual, organization, or Business
- Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy
- Type of software that helps protect your computer against malware and cybercriminals
- The practice of being diligent about your online activities
- The process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access
- Attacks that use email or malicious websites to infect your device
- Someone who takes information from many sources and uses them to piece together a bigger puzzle
- A secret word or phrase that be used to gain access
9 Clues: A secret word or phrase that be used to gain access • Not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals • Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy • The practice of being diligent about your online activities • Attacks that use email or malicious websites to infect your device • ...
Digital Citizenship Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-02
- The practice of protecting computer systems and networks from digital attacks.
- Etiquette Appropriate behavior and manners when interacting with others online.
- Media Websites and apps that allow users to create and share content with others.
- Attempting to obtain sensitive information, like usernames and passwords, by pretending to be a trustworthy entity.
- A secret combination of characters used to access your accounts.
- The legal protection of an original creative work (e.g., music, writing) from unauthorized use.
- Footprint The trail of data you create while using the internet.
- Harassment or threats that occur on the internet.
- Your right to keep personal information safe online.
9 Clues: Harassment or threats that occur on the internet. • Your right to keep personal information safe online. • Footprint The trail of data you create while using the internet. • A secret combination of characters used to access your accounts. • The practice of protecting computer systems and networks from digital attacks. • ...
Cybersecurity Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-02
8 Clues: Dark web browser. • Covert and discreet. • Malicious intrusion attempt • Adherence to laws and regulations • Potential for harm, loss, or breach. • Ability to withstand & recover from cyberattacks. • Authentication keys, often a security weak point. • Risk management strategy for financial protection
Smarthomes Exercise 1 2024-06-05
- Practices and technologies designed to protect smart home systems from digital attacks.
- Device to store food
- Network of interconnected devices that communicate and exchange data.
- attempts to obtain sensitive information by disguising as a trustworthy entity
- The process of converting information or data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
- A home entertainment device with internet connectivity and streaming capabilities.
6 Clues: Device to store food • Network of interconnected devices that communicate and exchange data. • attempts to obtain sensitive information by disguising as a trustworthy entity • A home entertainment device with internet connectivity and streaming capabilities. • Practices and technologies designed to protect smart home systems from digital attacks. • ...
Crash Course Computer Science Cybersecurity 2019-02-25
- Biometric authentication, however, is ___________. There’s some chance the system won’t recognize you what
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer. -____ permission allows a user to modify the contents
- How a system is secured what on who it’s being secured against
- So,security experts suggest using two or more forms of authentication for important Accounts. This is known as two-factor or ______ authentication
- Good developers should take the approach that, not if, but when their programs are compromised, the damage should be limited and contained, and not let it compromise other things running on the computer. This principle is called what
- Another issue with biometric authentication is it what
- For organizations with users at different levels of access it’s especially important for Access Control Lists to be _____ to ensure secrecy, integrity and availability
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer.-____ permission allows a user to run a file, like a program
- the best we have right now is a process called Independent Verification and ____
- What you know and what you have authentication have the nice property of being ______ either correct or incorrect
- To differentiate between right and wrong people, we use ____the process by which a computer understands who it’s interacting with.Generally, there are three types, each with their own pros and cons: What you know authentication is based on knowledge of a secret that should be known only by the real user and the computer
- They typically require _________, so it’s much harder for remote attackers to gain access. What you are authentication is based on... you! You authenticate by presenting yourself to the computer
- Operating Systems attempt to _____ applications by giving each their own block of memory that others programs can’t touch
- What is a set of techniques to protect the secrecy, integrity and availability of computer systems and data against threats
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer. -_____permission allows a user to see the contents of a file
- To achieve these three general goals, security experts start with a specification of who your “enemy” is, at an abstract level, called a what
16 Clues: Another issue with biometric authentication is it what • How a system is secured what on who it’s being secured against • the best we have right now is a process called Independent Verification and ____ • Biometric authentication, however, is ___________. There’s some chance the system won’t recognize you what • ...
Crash Course Computer Science Cybersecurity 2019-02-25
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer.-____ permission allows a user to run a file, like a program
- For organizations with users at different levels of access it’s especially important for Access Control Lists to be _____ to ensure secrecy, integrity and availability
- How a system is secured what on who it’s being secured against
- Biometric authentication, however, is ___________. There’s some chance the system won’t recognize you what
- Good developers should take the approach that, not if, but when their programs are compromised, the damage should be limited and contained, and not let it compromise other things running on the computer. This principle is called what
- To differentiate between right and wrong people, we use ____the process by which a computer understands who it’s interacting with.Generally, there are three types, each with their own pros and cons: What you know authentication is based on knowledge of a secret that should be known only by the real user and the computer
- What is a set of techniques to protect the secrecy, integrity and availability of computer systems and data against threats
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer. -_____permission allows a user to see the contents of a file
- So,security experts suggest using two or more forms of authentication for important Accounts. This is known as two-factor or ______ authentication
- They typically require _________, so it’s much harder for remote attackers to gain access. What you are authentication is based on... you! You authenticate by presenting yourself to the computer
- What you know and what you have authentication have the nice property of being ______ either correct or incorrect
- the best we have right now is a process called Independent Verification and ____
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer. -____ permission allows a user to modify the contents
- To achieve these three general goals, security experts start with a specification of who your “enemy” is, at an abstract level, called a what
- Another issue with biometric authentication is it what
- Operating Systems attempt to _____ applications by giving each their own block of memory that others programs can’t touch
16 Clues: Another issue with biometric authentication is it what • How a system is secured what on who it’s being secured against • the best we have right now is a process called Independent Verification and ____ • Biometric authentication, however, is ___________. There’s some chance the system won’t recognize you what • ...
Crash Course Computer Science Cybersecurity 2019-02-25
- Biometric authentication, however, is ___________. There’s some chance the system won’t recognize you what
- Operating Systems attempt to _____ applications by giving each their own block of memory that others programs can’t touch
- To differentiate between right and wrong people, we use ____the process by which a computer understands who it’s interacting with.Generally, there are three types, each with their own pros and cons: What you know authentication is based on knowledge of a secret that should be known only by the real user and the computer
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer. -____ permission allows a user to modify the contents
- What you know and what you have authentication have the nice property of being ______ either correct or incorrect
- Good developers should take the approach that, not if, but when their programs are compromised, the damage should be limited and contained, and not let it compromise other things running on the computer. This principle is called what
- They typically require _________, so it’s much harder for remote attackers to gain access. What you are authentication is based on... you! You authenticate by presenting yourself to the computer
- Another issue with biometric authentication is it what
- So,security experts suggest using two or more forms of authentication for important Accounts. This is known as two-factor or ______ authentication
- For organizations with users at different levels of access it’s especially important for Access Control Lists to be _____ to ensure secrecy, integrity and availability
- the best we have right now is a process called Independent Verification and ____
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer.-____ permission allows a user to run a file, like a program
- How a system is secured what on who it’s being secured against
- What is a set of techniques to protect the secrecy, integrity and availability of computer systems and data against threats
- After authentication comes Access Control. This is done through Permissions or Access Control Lists (ACL), which describe what access each user has for every file, folder and program on a computer. -_____permission allows a user to see the contents of a file
- To achieve these three general goals, security experts start with a specification of who your “enemy” is, at an abstract level, called a what
16 Clues: Another issue with biometric authentication is it what • How a system is secured what on who it’s being secured against • the best we have right now is a process called Independent Verification and ____ • Biometric authentication, however, is ___________. There’s some chance the system won’t recognize you what • ...
Cybersecurity Last Test Vocab Review 2022-12-16
- A cipher in which an encryption key, such as a word or phrase, is chosen and used to index to a row in the table. Each letter of the key indicates which row to use. To encrypt a message, you find the original letter in the appropriate row and use the letter at the top of the table as the encrypted character.
- ____ key encryption. A type of private key encryption is an encryption method where the sender and receiver share a single private key (such as a number, word, or phrase) to use in the encryption algorithm.
- The original message that needs to be encrypted
- The science and art of delivering a message securely and confidentially.
- ____ key encryption Also known as public key encryption; an encryption method that uses two keys, a public key available to everyone and a private key belonging to one owner. The keys are combined mathematically to create one key used in the encryption/decryption algorithm
- this part of the CIA triad involves maintaining the consistency, accuracy and trustworthiness of data over its entire lifecycle. Data must not be changed in transit, and steps must be taken to ensure data cannot be altered by unauthorized people.
- the practice of concealing messages within other data, such as text or images.
- The encrypted message generated by a cipher
- A file that contains other data and acts like a drive. It can be mounted (connected to) or unmounted (removed from) a drive letter, giving administrators greater control when making the data available to users.
- ____ Watermarking. Authors or creators of works may embed some code or a signature to be used to verify where the work came from and who the owner is.
- ____ Steganography replaces redundant or insignificant data with covert data. LSB substitution is an example of this, where that last bit in a byte is used to encode information. An example of this would be reserving the last bit in each byte that represents a 24-bit pixel of an image to encode 3 bits worth of information.
- this part of the CIA triad is roughly equivalent to privacy. This measures are designed to prevent sensitive information from unauthorized access attempts. It is common for data to be categorized according to the amount and type of damage that could be done if it fell into the wrong hands. More or less stringent measures can then be implemented according to those categories.
- In hash functions, the same message always results in the same hash.
- this part of the CIA triad means information should be consistently and readily accessible for authorized parties.
- ____ function A computational process that converts data of varying size to a fixed-size. The data is converted using a one-way function so the process cannot be reversed.
- an algorithm used for encryption or decryption
16 Clues: The encrypted message generated by a cipher • an algorithm used for encryption or decryption • The original message that needs to be encrypted • In hash functions, the same message always results in the same hash. • The science and art of delivering a message securely and confidentially. • ...
Teka Teki Techco 2024-05-16
- Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan.
- Data Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi.
- Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online.
- Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat.
- Program perangkat lunak yang dirancang untuk melakukan tugas tertentu pada perangkat elektronik, seperti ponsel cerdas atau komputer.
- Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya.
6 Clues: Tempat di mana data disimpan secara online. • Jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan perangkat. • Upaya melindungi sistem komputer dari ancaman di dunia maya. • Data Istilah untuk volume data besar yang diproses untuk informasi. • Perangkat elektronik kecil yang sering digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau hiburan. • ...
Cyber Security Month 2021 2021-09-15
- Not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals
- An email or electronic communications scam targeted towards a specific individual, organization, or Business
- Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy
- Type of software that helps protect your computer against malware and cybercriminals
- The practice of being diligent about your online activities
- The process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access
- Attacks that use email or malicious websites to infect your device
- Someone who takes information from many sources and uses them to piece together a bigger puzzle
- A secret word or phrase that be used to gain access
9 Clues: A secret word or phrase that be used to gain access • Not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals • Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy • The practice of being diligent about your online activities • Attacks that use email or malicious websites to infect your device • ...
Computer Science Crossword 2024-03-19
- Protecting computers and networks from theft or damage.
- Wireless local area network that uses radio waves to connect devices to the internet.
- An icon or figure representing a person in video games, forums, etc.
- Software designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system.
- The ability to read and write.
- A secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something.
- A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users.
- The programs and other operating information used by a computer.
- Facts and statistics collected for reference or analysis.
- A system of numerical notation that has 2 rather than 10 as a base.
- The action or practice of playing video games.
- A program or piece of software designed to fulfill a particular purpose.
- The physical parts of a computer system.
- A step-by-step procedure for calculations.
14 Clues: The ability to read and write. • The physical parts of a computer system. • A step-by-step procedure for calculations. • The action or practice of playing video games. • Protecting computers and networks from theft or damage. • Facts and statistics collected for reference or analysis. • The programs and other operating information used by a computer. • ...
Vocbulary - compound nouns in IT industry 2024-09-11
- A copy of data stored separately to protect against loss.
- The process of transferring data from a remote system to a local one.
- A security system that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic
- A device used to input text and commands into a computer.
- A unique identifier used to log into a system or account.
- The protection of computer systems and networks from attacks.
- The physical components of a computer system, like the CPU, monitor, and keyboard.
- A group of connected computers and devices that share resources.
- The process of transferring data from a local system to a remote one.
- A secret word or phrase used to access a system or account.
- The main page of a website that users first see.
- Programs and applications that run on computers and devices.
- A collection of related web pages accessed via the internet.
- A structured collection of data stored electronically
14 Clues: The main page of a website that users first see. • A structured collection of data stored electronically • A copy of data stored separately to protect against loss. • A device used to input text and commands into a computer. • A unique identifier used to log into a system or account. • A secret word or phrase used to access a system or account. • ...
IELTS WORKSHOP Technology 2024-05-06
- digital currency
- (adj.) look like human
- When a person or a thing is on ______, they are or it is ready to be used if necessary
- made by people
- the use of machines without human control
- involving user in information exchange
- to move text or pictures up/down on a computer screen
- the ability to learn, understand, and make judgements based on reason
- very important change
- (adj.) made in a complicated way
- a change to something, usually to improve it
- the scientific study of machines and electronic devices
- the protection of crimes on the internet
- a person who dislikes the use of technology
- use or study of computer systems that have some of the qualities that the human brain has
- a machine controlled by a computer that is used to perform jobs automatically
- large system of connected computers globally
- a material, such as silicon, that allows some electricity to move through it more easily when its temperature increases
- (v.) to notice something that is partly hidden/not clear
19 Clues: made by people • digital currency • very important change • (adj.) look like human • (adj.) made in a complicated way • involving user in information exchange • the protection of crimes on the internet • the use of machines without human control • a person who dislikes the use of technology • a change to something, usually to improve it • ...
The Suffolk County September 2022 Hack 2022-10-31
- __________is malware that locks access to devices & files
- __________ is better than a cure.
- Cybersecurity is a team _____
- Many tasks normally done online, became ________ tasks
- Those involved in ____ estate processing were crippled by the attack
- Data seized in a ransomware attack is held _____ unless payment is made
- The _______ of this attack is unprecedented
- The Suffolk County government experienced a_____ attack in early Sept. 2022
- $130 _______in unpaid receivables have accumulated since the hack was reported
- Citizens are in a ______ about their data & credit being accessed.
- Restoring data can be a costly & __________ task
- Hackers posted confidential information on the _______
- If you see _________ say something.
- This ______ appears to be the most high-profile cyber attack against a government entity on LI
- It's important that we recognize the scope & ____ of this neighborhood cyberattack.
- As hackers become more sophisticated, it's important for our team to be _____
- ______ actors accessed or acquired personal information from County server.
- The County's 911 _________system was temporarily disabled
- ________ of dollars in Real Estate transactions are sitting on the sidelines
19 Clues: Cybersecurity is a team _____ • __________ is better than a cure. • If you see _________ say something. • The _______ of this attack is unprecedented • Restoring data can be a costly & __________ task • Hackers posted confidential information on the _______ • Many tasks normally done online, became ________ tasks • ...
Cybersecurity Awareness Month Crossword 2021-08-30
- Converting plain data into a secret code, which later decoded by a user with a 'key'.
- VPN stands for _________ Private Network, Pulse Secure is an example of this.
- Dangerous code hidden in online ads to tricker users into visiting unsafe sites or downloading malware.
- Using text messages to attempt to gain access to sensitive information
- Something that occurs before any new program is used at NLH is a risk _______.
- Criminals pose as bank staff or other employees on the phone to try to trick you into sharing information.
- The name of the email manager NLH uses to reduce the amount of Spam delivered to your inbox.
- Using the human tendency to trust to manipulate people to gain sensitive information.
- Another word for unsolicited emails, NLH has a dedicated email address for monitoring this.
- Using software to appear to be someone else, either by email address or caller ID.
- Harmful software meant to disable, infect, or allow hackers remote control of a device.
11 Clues: Using text messages to attempt to gain access to sensitive information • VPN stands for _________ Private Network, Pulse Secure is an example of this. • Something that occurs before any new program is used at NLH is a risk _______. • Using software to appear to be someone else, either by email address or caller ID. • ...
Technology Crossword 2023-05-10
- Measures designed to protect your computer.
- The number of distinct pixels that make up the display on a computer monitor.
- A wireless communications technology intended to replace cables.
- Resources and services available on the Internet
- Malicious software.
- The process of making something digital.
- A point within a network that interconnects with other networks.
- A piece of programming code inserted into other programming to cause damage.
- A computer that handles requests for data, email, file transfers, and other network services from other computers.
- The most common way of connecting computers on a network with a wired connection.
- A barrier that acts as a security system to protect trusted computer systems.
- A unique resource locator.
- A type of email fraud in which the perpetrator sends out emails that appear to come from a legitimate service or reputable company.
- Technology that allows computers and other devices to communicate via a wireless signal.
14 Clues: Malicious software. • A unique resource locator. • The process of making something digital. • Measures designed to protect your computer. • Resources and services available on the Internet • A point within a network that interconnects with other networks. • A wireless communications technology intended to replace cables. • ...
crossword puzzle 2023-01-25
- an attackin whickan attacker injects malicious executable scripts into the code of a trusted application or website
- an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application
- A person who hacks for political gain
- uses computer hacking to spread fear
- a cyber attack that involves executing arbitrary commands on a host operating system(OS)
- one where the number generated is extremely hard for any third party to predict what it might be
- meeting customers' cybersecurity ecpectations
- using libraries, frameworks, and other software modules that run the same privilages as the application
- bug found in a web application that attackers use to manipulate the URL
- the response and recovery procedures from error conditions present in a software application
- When the volume of data exceeds the storage capacity
- attacking information for millitary purposes
- uses the social media to campaign
- deliberate destution of an item or systeam
14 Clues: uses the social media to campaign • uses computer hacking to spread fear • A person who hacks for political gain • deliberate destution of an item or systeam • attacking information for millitary purposes • meeting customers' cybersecurity ecpectations • When the volume of data exceeds the storage capacity • ...
Azure Core: Day of learning | October 2022-10-27
- One way to donate during the Giving month in Microsoft
- Microsoft product with more than 90 million people using it to build software
- ----- partnered with Microsoft to add Teams to its meeting devices
- Microsoft product with more than 15 million monthly active users, up 50% year over year
- First British Asian Prime Minister of United Kingdom
- ICC Men's T20 World Cup is being played in
- Microsoft's cybersecurity ecosystem, launched with Data Security Council of India
- Microsoft's program which connects employees with opportunities for impact in local communities
- Microsoft announced a metaverse partnership with --------
- The quadrennial international men's football championship to be held in Qatar this year
- Microsoft product with more than 20 million monthly active users
- An internal tool for Microsoft employees to share feedback
12 Clues: ICC Men's T20 World Cup is being played in • First British Asian Prime Minister of United Kingdom • One way to donate during the Giving month in Microsoft • Microsoft announced a metaverse partnership with -------- • An internal tool for Microsoft employees to share feedback • Microsoft product with more than 20 million monthly active users • ...
FRM 2024-07-15
- What measures should XYZ implement to enhance its liquidity risk management?
- How did the cyber-attack affect XYZ's working capital and liquidity?
- How can XYZ strengthen its regulatory compliance framework?
- What are the potential legal and financial consequences for the company?
- Were there any gaps in the company's credit risk assessment processes?
- What were the root causes of the cyber-attack on XYZ Corporation?
- Were there any limitations in the company's liquidity contingency planning?
- What steps should XYZ take to strengthen its operational resilience?
- How well did the company's cybersecurity framework respond to the incident?
- Which data protection regulations did XYZ fail to comply with?
- How did the operational disruption impact XYZ's credit relationships?
- What actions should XYZ take to improve its credit risk management?
12 Clues: How can XYZ strengthen its regulatory compliance framework? • Which data protection regulations did XYZ fail to comply with? • What were the root causes of the cyber-attack on XYZ Corporation? • What actions should XYZ take to improve its credit risk management? • What steps should XYZ take to strengthen its operational resilience? • ...
ENA Crossword: Part 2 2024-01-25
- The person who had his gift repeatedly stolen at the Christmas party (5)
- A metric of energy; also a meeting room (5)
- Device that interrupts the flow of electricity when a fault is detected (7,7)
- Protection against unauthorised access to the digital infrastructure of the power grid (13)
- Essential gear for workers, including helmets, gloves, and safety glasses (3)
- First person to host the Elec/SHE thursday meeting after the reformat (5)
- Number of years ENA has existed (6-3)
- One of the main component in a heat pump (10)
- Forum hosted in the office on Tuesday (5)
- The UK regulator responsible for overseeing electricity markets (5)
- Third named storm to hit the UK this year (7)
- CEO of Northern Power Grid, first name (6)
12 Clues: Number of years ENA has existed (6-3) • Forum hosted in the office on Tuesday (5) • CEO of Northern Power Grid, first name (6) • A metric of energy; also a meeting room (5) • One of the main component in a heat pump (10) • Third named storm to hit the UK this year (7) • The UK regulator responsible for overseeing electricity markets (5) • ...
Week 1 Cybersecurity Know-How Challenge 2023-09-26
4 Clues: What does HIPPA protect? • National Cybersecurity Awareness Month • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act • Web Browsing Safety Tip 1: _ _ with the websites you visit..
ISSO June 2021 2021-06-07
- IRM’s _ _ _ was established by the CIO as IRM’s operationally focused cybersecurity organization responsible for cybersecurity compliance, threat analysis, preventative control monitoring, and incident response across all IRM-managed networks.
- The physical separation or isolation of a system from other systems or networks is known as an __ __.
- A ___ is a remote network of zombie drones under the control of a black hat. Attackers use various malware and viruses to take control of computers to form a robotic network, which will send further attacks such as spam and viruses to target computers or networks.
- A ____ is a Layer 2 technique that allows for the coexistence of multiple local area network (LAN) broadcast domains interconnected via trunks using the IEEE 802.1Q trunking protocol.
- IRM office responsable for Cyber Operations oversight.
- ____ is the only thumb drive authorized on Department of State Automated Information Systems.
- vulnerabilities must be remediated within ___calendar days of initial detection.
- The ___ and ___ Division is responsible for directing the coordination of ISSO activities through the DOS enterprise that includes its domestic facilities and overseas missions.
- this type of cyber attack locks out the rightful user of a computer or computer network and holds it hostage until the victim pays a fee.
- The ___ ___ group is a management and oversight body of the Deputy Chief Information Officer (DCIO) for Cyber Operations to manage vulnerabilities to the Department’s information technology networks and enterprise mobile infrastructure.
- is a United States federal law passed in 2002 that made it a requirement for federal agencies to develop, document, and implement an information security and protection program.
- The _ _ _ _ is a management and oversight body of the Deputy Chief Information Officer (DCIO) for Cyber Operations (CO) to meet responsibilities documented in 5 FAM 1063.
- A ___ ___ attack is a cyberattack in which a custom USB device emulates a USB keyboard to attack a workstation.
- Criminal organization responsable for the cyber attack against the Colonial Pipeline.
- A ____ is equal to 1,2 8,925,819,614,629,174,7 6,176 (28 ) bits, or 1, , , , , , , , (1 24) bytes and is the largest recognized value used with storage.
- computer accounts are accounts for computers that are stored within Active Directory where the computer hasn't actually connected to Active Directory for a lengthy amount of time.
- ISSO duties must be performed using an ISSO ___ account.
- The measures that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, and confidentiality is know as ___ assurance.
- of ___ is an attack that prevents or impairs the authorized use of information system resources or services.
19 Clues: IRM office responsable for Cyber Operations oversight. • ISSO duties must be performed using an ISSO ___ account. • vulnerabilities must be remediated within ___calendar days of initial detection. • Criminal organization responsable for the cyber attack against the Colonial Pipeline. • ...
computer apps review 2022-05-02
- what do you need to know when using social media?
- what app do you use when you want to make a poster?
- letters on sheets
- how do you let other people collaborate with you?
- what was the first project we did in computer app?
- what color is the turn-in button in docs?
- how many wevideos did we make
- what's one thing you never do when writing an essay?
- our second unit?
- what do you need for your computer to work?
- what were we taught to use when writing an email?
- what's the best app to make a presentation?
- what’s one thing you need to be careful of when being on social media?
- what were we given at the beginning of the year to complete schoolwork?
- what was our most recent project about?
- how do you make a quiz where anybody can answer and see their responses?
- what app is good for studying
- what is used between slides in videos and projects?
- what do you click on to add an image to docs?
19 Clues: our second unit? • letters on sheets • what app is good for studying • how many wevideos did we make • what was our most recent project about? • what color is the turn-in button in docs? • what's the best app to make a presentation? • what do you need for your computer to work? • what do you click on to add an image to docs? • ...
IT-OT Gap 2022-11-16
- Susceptible to physical or cyber attacks or harm
- When a system has been compromised over the web or network
- This controls the logic of a process and runs the program
- The protection of personnel, hardware, software, networks and data from physical actions and events that could cause serious loss
- Two or more individuals or groups working together to accomplish a goal
- This is how Technicians interact with a process
- Another term for outdated, like processes equipment in many industrial plants
- Person tasked to handle implementing, maintaining, and repairing computer networks.
- Unwilling or hesitant. Like OT is to accept change
- The act of being ready
- Unique number used to identify a computer or component on a network
- Should be unique and hard to guess
- Person in charge of others at a plant or facility
- The practice of employing people, policies, processes and technology to protect organizations
14 Clues: The act of being ready • Should be unique and hard to guess • This is how Technicians interact with a process • Susceptible to physical or cyber attacks or harm • Person in charge of others at a plant or facility • Unwilling or hesitant. Like OT is to accept change • This controls the logic of a process and runs the program • ...
Networking Fundamentals 2021-11-22
- Unwanted emails sent repeatedly, often containing phishing links.
- Another name for the Internet.
- Stealing someone's data and pretending to be them.
- A collection computers and other devices connected together.
- A type of attack where multiple computers are used.
- Describes keeping data and users safe on a network.
- Type of software that is used encrypt data. Criminals then attempt to get the owner to pay up in return for access to the data.
- Software designed to cause damage.
- Fooling someone into giving out personal data.
- Describes a situation where data has been accessed without permission.
- Part of the Internet that requires specialist software. Often contains illegal material.
- Part of the web that is not accessible to search engines, etc.
- a network of computers infected by malware that are under the control of a single attacking party
13 Clues: Another name for the Internet. • Software designed to cause damage. • Fooling someone into giving out personal data. • Stealing someone's data and pretending to be them. • A type of attack where multiple computers are used. • Describes keeping data and users safe on a network. • A collection computers and other devices connected together. • ...
First Call Cybersecurity Challenge 2023-10-23
- Deliberate actions taken by cybercriminals to compromise the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of data or systems.
- Malicious software designed to harm, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems.
- Software: Programs designed to detect, block, and remove malicious software (viruses, worms, etc.) from a computer.
- A cyber-attack where attackers impersonate a trusted entity to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers.
- A documented set of rules and guidelines that govern an organization's cybersecurity practices and procedures.
- Weaknesses or flaws in a computer system or network that can be exploited by attackers to compromise security.
- A software update that fixes security vulnerabilities and enhances the stability of an application or operating system.
- Malware that encrypts a victim's data and demands a ransom for the decryption key.
- Three letter acronym for a security mechanism that requires users to provide two or more forms of authentication before accessing a system, enhancing security beyond 2FA.
- The process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access or data theft.
- A network security device or software that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic to prevent unauthorized access.
11 Clues: Malware that encrypts a victim's data and demands a ransom for the decryption key. • The process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access or data theft. • Malicious software designed to harm, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems. • ...
Cyber Awareness Month 2023-10-31
- A strong password should include a random string of numbers, letters, and _______
- Click the orange fish______ icon in Gmail to report suspicious email to the Kent Tech Team
- MFA requires _____ or more credentials to verify your identity
- MFA or multi-factor ____________ is a layered security approach to protect your accounts
- Text message scams that try to trick you into disclosing personal information
- Verifying your identity through your fingerprint or facial recognition
- Update _______ to install bug fixes and security updates
- Cybersecurity Awareness Month
- Email that appear to be from a legitimate source to trick you into disclosing personal information such as passwords or bank account info
- Sequence of words used for authentication
- A password _______ helps keep your accounts secure by storing and generating strong passwords
11 Clues: Cybersecurity Awareness Month • Sequence of words used for authentication • Update _______ to install bug fixes and security updates • MFA requires _____ or more credentials to verify your identity • Verifying your identity through your fingerprint or facial recognition • Text message scams that try to trick you into disclosing personal information • ...
Recruitment Trends in 2023 2022-12-22
- Working together with one or more people to complete a project or task or develop ideas or processes
- The range of similarities and differences each individual brings to the workplace
- Doing your job from any location
- Pay that is comparable or better than the market value of a position
- A focus on employee well-being
- Protecting businesses' sensitive employee and personal data
- The organizational goal of keeping productive and talented workers and reducing turnover by developing a positive work environment
- Hiring temporary staff to work for a specific project or for a specified length of time
- A workplace model that mixes in-office and remote work
- A pool of candidates ready to fill a position
- A workplace where everyone feels equally involved and supported
- Shared values and goals of an organization
12 Clues: A focus on employee well-being • Doing your job from any location • Shared values and goals of an organization • A pool of candidates ready to fill a position • A workplace model that mixes in-office and remote work • Protecting businesses' sensitive employee and personal data • A workplace where everyone feels equally involved and supported • ...
English for Computer Engineering Management 2018-06-30
- the unit used to measure the speed of a computer's processor
- set of rules that computers and other devices use when communicating with one another.
- designed to protect your computer
- a software program developed to do harm to other computers
- a type of email fraud in which the perpetrator sends out emails
- the brains of your computer
- the number of distinct pixels of the display for computer
- a barrier that acts as a security system to protect trusted computer systems and networks from outside connections
- the maximum amount of data that can travel a communications path in a given time
- it experiences a sudden spike in popularity in a short period of time
- any type of illegal activity on your computer
- the process of converting electronic data to an unrecognizable
- unsolicited email messages sent for marketing purposes
- the reduction of the size of a file
14 Clues: the brains of your computer • designed to protect your computer • the reduction of the size of a file • any type of illegal activity on your computer • unsolicited email messages sent for marketing purposes • the number of distinct pixels of the display for computer • a software program developed to do harm to other computers • ...
Set B 2023-01-29
- We must be _____ when helping new citizens integrate into our society.
- I show my support to family members who are in the military by _____ them.
- Be a _____ Singaporean.
- Learning life-saving skills such as CPR prepares you to help others in an _____.
- Regardless of age, we must continue to love _____ and acquire new skills for adaptability.
- It is important to practice good _____ habits such as ignoring emails and attachements from unknown sources.
- Regardless of race, language or religion, we can have fun together as one _____.
- Stay vigilant against public threats and report _____ people and activities to the authorities.
- We thank and show our _____ to soldiers who defend Singapore.
- Following water and electricity saving tips to _____ resources.
- The Singapore Armed Forces is a strong and well-respected _____ force.
- _____ saves lives.
12 Clues: _____ saves lives. • Be a _____ Singaporean. • We thank and show our _____ to soldiers who defend Singapore. • Following water and electricity saving tips to _____ resources. • We must be _____ when helping new citizens integrate into our society. • The Singapore Armed Forces is a strong and well-respected _____ force. • ...
DigitalTransformation 2024-10-09
- A decentralized, digital ledger technology used for secure transactions.
- The process of changing or revolutionizing a business through digital means.
- A computer-generated simulation of a 3D environment (Abbreviation).
- The process of creating a physical object from a digital model by layering material
- The discovery and interpretation of meaningful data patterns.
- Large volumes of structured or unstructured data that can be analyzed for insights.
- A subset of AI where computers learn from data.
- The practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks.
- A network of physical devices connected via the internet (Abbreviation).
- The simulation of human intelligence by machines (Abbreviation).
- The technology that designs, constructs, and operates robots.
- The fifth generation of mobile network technology.
- The use of software robots to automate repetitive tasks (Abbreviation).
- Raw information that can be processed to gain insights.
- Technology that overlays digital information onto the real world (Abbreviation).
- Technology that allows data to be stored and accessed over the internet.
16 Clues: A subset of AI where computers learn from data. • The fifth generation of mobile network technology. • Raw information that can be processed to gain insights. • The technology that designs, constructs, and operates robots. • The discovery and interpretation of meaningful data patterns. • The simulation of human intelligence by machines (Abbreviation). • ...
Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023 2023-08-29
- You can help fight cybercrime by becoming a
- This attack occurs when someone sneaks into a secured area behind someone else
- What should you do when a workstation or device is no longer in use
- Failure to run these equals failures to patch vulnerabilities
- These are designed to maintain the security of everyone associated with an organization
- The future of security is ___,not machines
- Stealing money is the main goal of this type of malware
- This attack occurs when cybercriminals research and track which sites employees visit the most
- The security tool identifies and removes malicious programs
- The individuals who control access to people, data and systems
- Kwiktrip's password policy requires co workers change their passwords every__days
- ____are the last line of defense
12 Clues: ____are the last line of defense • The future of security is ___,not machines • You can help fight cybercrime by becoming a • Stealing money is the main goal of this type of malware • The security tool identifies and removes malicious programs • Failure to run these equals failures to patch vulnerabilities • ...
EQUATE Cybersecurity - Email edition 2023-05-18
- Network security barrier against unauthorized access.
- Deceptive emails aiming to extract personal data.
- Identity verification for authorized access.
- Deceptive act of assuming someone's identity.
- Unwanted bulk emails.
- Data security through secret code conversion.
- Malicious assault on computer systems or networks.
- Malicious software demanding payment for data release.
- Protective software against malware and viruses.
- Deceptive technique involving voice calls for extracting sensitive data.
- Website or email address identifier.
11 Clues: Unwanted bulk emails. • Website or email address identifier. • Identity verification for authorized access. • Deceptive act of assuming someone's identity. • Data security through secret code conversion. • Protective software against malware and viruses. • Deceptive emails aiming to extract personal data. • Malicious assault on computer systems or networks. • ...
find your career? 2023-10-16
- AI jobs chatgpt,8. Genetic engineering study,9. Data broker money
- Programmer comp,5. Cybersecurity sec,6. Content creator insta
- Healthcare health,2. Networking work,3. Geneticist doc
- Big data engineer data sceince,14. Web developer develop
- Psychology mind,11. Entrepreneur business,12. Digital marketer markeiing
5 Clues: Big data engineer data sceince,14. Web developer develop • Healthcare health,2. Networking work,3. Geneticist doc • Programmer comp,5. Cybersecurity sec,6. Content creator insta • AI jobs chatgpt,8. Genetic engineering study,9. Data broker money • Psychology mind,11. Entrepreneur business,12. Digital marketer markeiing
C.A.G.E. File 1 2020-05-07
- In order to stay safe ________, be sure to only go to websites you trust.
- ________security has to do with online safety.
- To be a C.A.G.E. secret ____________ you must work hard and fight for good!
- A _____ tester is an important cybersecurity job. It is also called a penetration tester.
- Someone who finds security problems in a system and then helps to fix them is called an Ethical ___________.
- Microchip is the C.A.G.E. helper ___________.
- Agent X also goes by the name __________.
- A hacker might try to gain access to your computer by sending a bad link in an __________.
8 Clues: Agent X also goes by the name __________. • Microchip is the C.A.G.E. helper ___________. • ________security has to do with online safety. • In order to stay safe ________, be sure to only go to websites you trust. • To be a C.A.G.E. secret ____________ you must work hard and fight for good! • ...
Cyber Security Month 2021 2021-09-15
- Social engineers use this to trick you
- The practice of being diligent about your online activities
- Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy
- Engineer Someone who takes information from many sources and uses them to piece together a bigger puzzle
- not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals
5 Clues: Social engineers use this to trick you • Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy • not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals • The practice of being diligent about your online activities • Engineer Someone who takes information from many sources and uses them to piece together a bigger puzzle
FC Times Crossword 2019-01-30
- The street name of FC's new office
- What FC company raised $155 million in 2018 and expanded into Europe?
- This NYC-based insurance startup was named a CNBC Upstart 100 company in 2018
- The conference Joanne and Steve spoke at in 2018
- In a WSJ article about the top tech companies to watch in 2018, Charles said the firm is most focused on Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and what other industry?
- The New York Times said this company will emerge as the leading residential solar installer in the US
- Foundation led this meditation company's series A
- On-demand vet service in the FC portfolio
- Foundation's newest unicorn
- Bolt Thread's first fabric is made by
10 Clues: Foundation's newest unicorn • The street name of FC's new office • Bolt Thread's first fabric is made by • On-demand vet service in the FC portfolio • The conference Joanne and Steve spoke at in 2018 • Foundation led this meditation company's series A • What FC company raised $155 million in 2018 and expanded into Europe? • ...
Cyber attack crossword puzzle 2023-09-03
- A secret word or phrase used to gain access to your accounts.
- Criminal activities carried out using computers or the internet.
- A security barrier that filters network traffic to prevent unauthorized access.
- A set of rules and practices for ensuring the security of computer systems and data.
- A fake email or website that tricks individuals into revealing sensitive information.
- The unauthorized access, theft, or manipulation of data.
- Malicious software specifically designed to harm, infiltrate, or compromise computer systems.
- A malicious software that can encrypt files and demand a ransom for their release.
- An organization or individual responsible for securing computer systems and networks.
- A program designed to protect a computer from viruses and malware.
10 Clues: The unauthorized access, theft, or manipulation of data. • A secret word or phrase used to gain access to your accounts. • Criminal activities carried out using computers or the internet. • A program designed to protect a computer from viruses and malware. • A security barrier that filters network traffic to prevent unauthorized access. • ...
Edition Puzzle 2 2024-01-02
- Refers to an interconnected and intelligent energy network
- A crucial field ensuring the safety and integrity of digital energy systems
- Method using complex algorithms for managing and optimizing energy systems
- The range of energy sources used within a particular system or economy
- Pricing mechanism adjusting prices based on immediate supply and demand
- Critical for balancing supply and demand in a grid increasingly reliant on renewable sources
- The loss of energy as electricity is transmitted over long distances
- A system that pays for reliable sources of energy to ensure grid stability
- Deliberate shutdown of electric power in parts of a system to prevent total failure
- Describes a type of decentralized communications model in energy transactions
10 Clues: Refers to an interconnected and intelligent energy network • The loss of energy as electricity is transmitted over long distances • The range of energy sources used within a particular system or economy • Pricing mechanism adjusting prices based on immediate supply and demand • A system that pays for reliable sources of energy to ensure grid stability • ...
SOCIETY 4 2024-07-02
- Software designed to perform a specific task, often more distracting than useful.
- The practice of protecting systems from cyber attacks, frequently failing.
- A digital version of a book, ensuring you never run out of things to read and ignore.
- A video blog, combining the narcissism of a blog with the vanity of a selfie.
- A small mechanical device, designed to make life easier but often complicating it.
- The buying and selling of goods online, often leading to buyer’s remorse.
- A self-portrait photograph, taken to boost one’s self-esteem.
- A mobile device that makes people dumber.
- A simulated experience, preferred over actual reality.
- A personal website for sharing opinions, read primarily by the author's family.
10 Clues: A mobile device that makes people dumber. • A simulated experience, preferred over actual reality. • A self-portrait photograph, taken to boost one’s self-esteem. • The buying and selling of goods online, often leading to buyer’s remorse. • The practice of protecting systems from cyber attacks, frequently failing. • ...
Cyber/Digital Literacy 2024-11-06
- Type of crime that uses computers or networks harm.
- It is use protect your personal information
- It has some essential skills for effective and responsible digital navigation, including critical thinking, media literacy, and cybersecurity awareness
- Type of malware that can make copies of itself and spread automatically across computers in a network.
- typing targeted keywords about a subject into a search engine.
- Bullying that takes place online using your smartphone, tablet and computer
- Who's actively participate in cyberspace and the online community offered through the internet
- An example of computer virus
- Refers to the trail of data you leave when using the internet.
- Assessing the credibility, reliability, and relevance of the information found online.
10 Clues: An example of computer virus • It is use protect your personal information • Type of crime that uses computers or networks harm. • Refers to the trail of data you leave when using the internet. • typing targeted keywords about a subject into a search engine. • Bullying that takes place online using your smartphone, tablet and computer • ...
tech 2023-10-04
- The evaluation or appraisal of someone or something.
- The practice of analyzing and interpreting complex data sets to inform decision-making.
- Services or strategies for finding and hiring suitable employees.
- Measures taken to protect computer systems, networks, and data from cyber threats.
- The practice of recruiting highly skilled individuals for specialized positions.
- The process of integrating a new employee into a company.
6 Clues: The evaluation or appraisal of someone or something. • The process of integrating a new employee into a company. • Services or strategies for finding and hiring suitable employees. • The practice of recruiting highly skilled individuals for specialized positions. • Measures taken to protect computer systems, networks, and data from cyber threats. • ...
Crossword 4 2023-09-04
- An action taken to withdraw/remove a product or system from distribution
- A fraudulent imitation of something.
- A process of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.
- the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks.
- Anything that permitted by law.
- A practice to ensure that products are stored and handled under sanitary conditions.
6 Clues: Anything that permitted by law. • A fraudulent imitation of something. • An action taken to withdraw/remove a product or system from distribution • the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. • A practice to ensure that products are stored and handled under sanitary conditions. • ...
Netowork Puzzle 101 2020-12-04
4 Clues: field of work that prevents hackers • method of exchanging messages online • Affected HCC type of attack uses emails • connection that allows peers to connect together
FC Times Crossword 2019-02-15
- Rodolfo's home country
- The street name of FC's new office
- Foundation led this meditation company's series A
- Foundation's newest unicorn
- In a WSJ article about the top tech companies to watch in 2018, Charles said the firm is most focused on Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and what other industry?
- The conference Joanne and Steve spoke at in 2018
- This NYC-based insurance startup was named a CNBC Upstart 100 company in 2018
- The New York Times said this company will emerge as the leading residential solar installer in the US
8 Clues: Rodolfo's home country • Foundation's newest unicorn • The street name of FC's new office • The conference Joanne and Steve spoke at in 2018 • Foundation led this meditation company's series A • This NYC-based insurance startup was named a CNBC Upstart 100 company in 2018 • ...
Technology 2023-01-30
- an act of transferring something such files from a usually large computer to the memory of another device
- a technique such as the combining of sound, video, and text for expressing ideas
- not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so
- the state of being protected against the criminal or unauthorized use of electronic data
- a device for introducing fresh air or expelling foul or stagnant air
- a thing made for a particular purpose
- operating by means of transmitted electromagnetic waves
- an area or window on a computer screen
8 Clues: a thing made for a particular purpose • an area or window on a computer screen • operating by means of transmitted electromagnetic waves • a device for introducing fresh air or expelling foul or stagnant air • not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so • a technique such as the combining of sound, video, and text for expressing ideas • ...
C.A.G.E. File 1 2020-05-07
- Microchip is the C.A.G.E. helper ___________.
- Someone who finds security problems in a system and then helps to fix them is called an Ethical ___________.
- Agent X also goes by the name __________.
- In order to stay safe ________, be sure to only go to websites you trust.
- To be a C.A.G.E. secret ____________ you must work hard and fight for good!
- ________security has to do with online safety.
- A hacker might try to gain access to your computer by sending a bad link in an __________.
- A _____ tester is an important cybersecurity job. It is also called a penetration tester.
8 Clues: Agent X also goes by the name __________. • Microchip is the C.A.G.E. helper ___________. • ________security has to do with online safety. • In order to stay safe ________, be sure to only go to websites you trust. • To be a C.A.G.E. secret ____________ you must work hard and fight for good! • ...
C.A.G.E. File 1 2020-05-07
- Microchip is the C.A.G.E. helper ___________.
- Someone who finds security problems in a system and then helps to fix them is called an Ethical ___________.
- To be a C.A.G.E. secret ____________ you must work hard and fight for good!
- In order to stay safe ________, be sure to only go to websites you trust.
- ________security has to do with online safety.
- Agent X also goes by the name __________.
- A hacker might try to gain access to your computer by sending a bad link in an __________.
- A _____ tester is an important cybersecurity job. It is also called a penetration tester.
8 Clues: Agent X also goes by the name __________. • Microchip is the C.A.G.E. helper ___________. • ________security has to do with online safety. • In order to stay safe ________, be sure to only go to websites you trust. • To be a C.A.G.E. secret ____________ you must work hard and fight for good! • ...
Cyber Security keywords 2024-06-07
- When a person calls you with a made up story to get personal information
- Software that secretly tracks what you do
- When an unauthorised user gains access to your account
- Software that disguises itself as something legitimate
- Software that copies itself over and over when it infects your device
- The way we protect our devices and data online is known as
- When you receive an email from an unknown person telling you a story and asking for personal information
- Software designed to cause harm to a computer and its files
8 Clues: Software that secretly tracks what you do • When an unauthorised user gains access to your account • Software that disguises itself as something legitimate • The way we protect our devices and data online is known as • Software designed to cause harm to a computer and its files • Software that copies itself over and over when it infects your device • ...
- To criticize or belittle someone or something.
- The origin or mode of formation of something.
- The final resolution of a complex plot in a story, often involving the unraveling of secrets and the tying up of loose ends.
- Changes or variations in a quantity or value over time.
- Digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure and verify transactions and to control the creation of new units.
- The process of creating a systematic and organized approach to a particular task or field.
- The practice of protecting computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks.
- To provoke or oppose someone or something.
- Lacking in seriousness or importance.
- Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
10 Clues: Lacking in seriousness or importance. • Present, appearing, or found everywhere. • To provoke or oppose someone or something. • The origin or mode of formation of something. • To criticize or belittle someone or something. • Changes or variations in a quantity or value over time. • ...
Risk Awareness! 2024-08-21
- Type of risk related to cybersecurity attacks like clicking on malicious links
- Responsible for owning and managing risks
- One of the functions of the second line, starts with "o"
- The act of trying to get you to click on a malicious link
- Type of risk that remains even after risk management
- Last step of the risk management process
- This obligation of the PDPA states that personal data we collect should be accurate and complete
- Provides independent assurance and advisory services on risk controls
- What happens if you do click on a malicious link and a hacker gets access to stored personal data
- Type of risk control that monitors for risks
10 Clues: Last step of the risk management process • Responsible for owning and managing risks • Type of risk control that monitors for risks • Type of risk that remains even after risk management • One of the functions of the second line, starts with "o" • The act of trying to get you to click on a malicious link • ...
Intro to Law, Public service, and safety 2021-12-20
- criminal activities that are run by groups and are carried on a large scale
- provides protection against threats to a users privacy and security
- the level that sheriff departments are on
- security provided by a person, other than a public service, to protect or guard people
- the study around the nature of fire
- 12 people sworn to give a verdict in a legal case
- protects and defends the united states against foreign intelligence and enforce the criminal laws in the US
- to ask a higher court to review a decision by a judge
- taking someone's property unlawfully and by force
- the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property
10 Clues: the study around the nature of fire • the level that sheriff departments are on • 12 people sworn to give a verdict in a legal case • taking someone's property unlawfully and by force • to ask a higher court to review a decision by a judge • the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property • ...
Tech 2023-06-07
- is a mobile operating system
- is a mapping from some domain
- is a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form.
- is the protection of computer systems and networks from attack by malicious actors
- are small blocks of data created by a web server while a user is browsing a website and placed on the user's computer or other device by the user's web browser.
- is the world's largest technology company by revenue
- is a collection of discrete values
- represents text, computer processor instructions, or any other data using a two-symbol system.
- is the most important processor in a given computer.
- is a hardware or software component that stores data
10 Clues: is a mobile operating system • is a mapping from some domain • is a collection of discrete values • is the world's largest technology company by revenue • is the most important processor in a given computer. • is a hardware or software component that stores data • is a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. • ...
Cyber Security Month 2021 2021-09-15
- Social engineers use this to trick you
- The practice of being diligent about your online activities
- Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy
- Engineer Someone who takes information from many sources and uses them to piece together a bigger puzzle
- not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals
5 Clues: Social engineers use this to trick you • Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy • not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals • The practice of being diligent about your online activities • Engineer Someone who takes information from many sources and uses them to piece together a bigger puzzle
- short text type used to communicate
- an electronic communication network that allows computer networks to connect to each other
- video and voice speech application
- Information technology security or electronic information security
- it is the common name given to traditional and next-generation communication tools that provide one-way or interactive communication.
- A form of promotion and sharing shaped by graphic design and software languages hosted on the Internet network
- voice communication tool
- a person who provides access to systems that exploit vulnerabilities of electronic-based systems or accounts on the Internet
8 Clues: voice communication tool • video and voice speech application • short text type used to communicate • Information technology security or electronic information security • an electronic communication network that allows computer networks to connect to each other • ...
Cyber Security Month 2021 2021-09-15
- Social engineers use this to trick you
- The practice of being diligent about your online activities
- Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy
- Engineer Someone who takes information from many sources and uses them to piece together a bigger puzzle
- not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals
5 Clues: Social engineers use this to trick you • Assurance that information is accurate and Trustworthy • not disclosing information to unauthorized individuals • The practice of being diligent about your online activities • Engineer Someone who takes information from many sources and uses them to piece together a bigger puzzle
IOT competetion 2024-03-19
- cybersecurity strategy that approves a list of email address ip address on domain names
- the technology which is used to identify the object by scanning
- country which has more electronis and aslo gained title of world's factory.
- local area computer network.
- any devices use directly by an end user to communicate.
- an american multinational digital communication technology that develops networking hardware and software
- it is used to mobile control internet of things that covers 3GGP standardised low power wide area
7 Clues: local area computer network. • any devices use directly by an end user to communicate. • the technology which is used to identify the object by scanning • country which has more electronis and aslo gained title of world's factory. • cybersecurity strategy that approves a list of email address ip address on domain names • ...
Malware Monthly March 2022 2022-04-08
- Despite reports, LAPSUS$ never actually used this type of malware
- Ransomware deletes Volume ______ copies, preventing user recovery of encrypted files.
- Government agency who reported 52 infrastructure organizations had been attacked
- Another name for HermeticRansom
- United States Agency concerned with cybersecurity
- Microsoft product affected by the CVE-2017-11882 vulnerability
- Percent of phishing links clicked on by only 4% of employees.
- Uses the ransomware extension dihlxbl
- A communication app rarely used by cybercriminals, but heavily used by LAPSUS$
- Top Ransomware Family of February 2022
- A malware group targeting Ukraine with phishing attacks
- Ransomware family that threatend to publish stolen data on a "Wall of Shame"
- The age of the LAPSUS$ ringleader who was arrested in the UK
- These types of attacks will likely plead for bogus charity donations
- Most malware events revolve around the 3% of users who suffered from ___ or more malware events.
- How many thousands of Ukranian currency is offered by Formbook in their phishing e-mail
- Ensuring all employees have the correct access priviledges
- How many, out of five, employees NEVER click on phishing links.
18 Clues: Another name for HermeticRansom • Uses the ransomware extension dihlxbl • Top Ransomware Family of February 2022 • United States Agency concerned with cybersecurity • A malware group targeting Ukraine with phishing attacks • Ensuring all employees have the correct access priviledges • The age of the LAPSUS$ ringleader who was arrested in the UK • ...
CBDCs are they a good idea. 2024-02-08
- (4)a financial institution that is licensed to accept checking and savings deposits and make loans
- (13)credential Des (anag)
- (5)country situated in eastern Asia on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean, with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.
- (7)she cark (anag)
- (6)a digital currency, such as Bitcoin, that is used as an alternative payment method or specula
- (8,9)federal agency
- (8)the ability to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else
- (7)island country of the West Indies Capital is Kingston.
- (4)information (syn)
- (5,8)the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks
- (8)acquisition (syn)
- (10)of or relating to the control or direction of an activity by a set of rules, laws, etc.
- (7)computerised (syn)
- (8)legal tender
- (7,2,6)confiscation of property by the authorities
- (9)surmount. surpass (rule of law)
- (4)a currency not backed by a commodity and typically authorised by the issuing government to be legal tender.
- (1,1,1,1) Central Bank digital currency
18 Clues: (8)legal tender • (7)she cark (anag) • (8,9)federal agency • (8)acquisition (syn) • (4)information (syn) • (7)computerised (syn) • (13)credential Des (anag) • (9)surmount. surpass (rule of law) • (1,1,1,1) Central Bank digital currency • (7,2,6)confiscation of property by the authorities • (7)island country of the West Indies Capital is Kingston. • ...
Cybersecurity Awareness Week - 9/24 2021-09-24
- a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers
- a network security system that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on a set of rules
- a weakness of a system or facility holding information which can be exploited to gain access or violate system integrity
- usually consists of eight bits
- (abbreviation) a stealthy threat actor, typically a nation state or state-sponsored group, which gains unauthorized access to a computer network and remains undetected for an extended period
- (abbreviation) a way of injecting malicious scripts into web pages
- type of software to detect unwanted programs on a computer
- a secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something, you should never share yours with anyone!
- generic name someone who seeks and exploits weaknesses in a computer system or computer network
- a type of ransomware that attacked running Microsoft Windows operating systems in May 2017
- the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers
- refers to the process of making copies of data or data files to use in the event the original data or data files are lost or destroyed
- the process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access
- function of one way encryption that is normally used to check integrity of data
- a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid
15 Clues: usually consists of eight bits • type of software to detect unwanted programs on a computer • (abbreviation) a way of injecting malicious scripts into web pages • function of one way encryption that is normally used to check integrity of data • a type of ransomware that attacked running Microsoft Windows operating systems in May 2017 • ...
International security 14 (KCNS) 2022-01-08
- It is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks.
- It is the process of validating a cryptocurrency transaction.
- The programs and other operating information used by a computer.
- Using, requiring, or involved in high technology or short for high technology.
- Criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the internet.
- An arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines.
- The state of being connected or interconnected.
- A legal or other formal measure intended to preserve civil liberties and rights .
- A cryptocurrency, a virtual currency or a digital currency.
- Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
10 Clues: The state of being connected or interconnected. • A cryptocurrency, a virtual currency or a digital currency. • An arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines. • It is the process of validating a cryptocurrency transaction. • The programs and other operating information used by a computer. • ...
International security 14 (KCNS) 2022-01-08
- It is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks.
- It is the process of validating a cryptocurrency transaction.
- The programs and other operating information used by a computer.
- Using, requiring, or involved in high technology or short for high technology.
- Criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the internet.
- An arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines.
- The state of being connected or interconnected.
- A legal or other formal measure intended to preserve civil liberties and rights .
- A cryptocurrency, a virtual currency or a digital currency.
- Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
10 Clues: The state of being connected or interconnected. • A cryptocurrency, a virtual currency or a digital currency. • An arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines. • It is the process of validating a cryptocurrency transaction. • The programs and other operating information used by a computer. • ...
G.A.B.I 2023-09-13
- kegiatan p5 dalam membahas mengenai pentingnya demolrasi adalah pembuatan
- Dalam kegiatan keyakinan kelas,siswa dapat memberikan pendapatnya,karena salah satu poin p5 adalah Berpendapat
- bapak Demokrasi Indonesia
- kurikulum yang lebih menegaskan demokrasi dalam menyelesaikan tugas tugas yang menuntut kebersamaan disebut
- salah satu poin penting dalam pelaksanaan demokrasi adalah. Yang lancar
- seminar bersama ko Robertus wijaya membahas pentingnya peran gen muda dalam
- kegiatan p5 yang melakukan kegiatan berdiskusi untuk membahas nilai pancasila yang berada di dalam kelas dan sebagai pelanutan kelas
- Dalam p5 siswa diharpkan dapat dalam demokrasi
- salah satu tugas dalam nenjaga sistem pemerintahan disebut
- salah satu kegiatan memberikan suara untuk memilih pemimpin di sekolah adalah satu prinsip demokrasi terdapat pada sila
10 Clues: bapak Demokrasi Indonesia • Dalam p5 siswa diharpkan dapat dalam demokrasi • salah satu tugas dalam nenjaga sistem pemerintahan disebut • kegiatan p5 dalam membahas mengenai pentingnya demolrasi adalah pembuatan • salah satu poin penting dalam pelaksanaan demokrasi adalah. Yang lancar • ...
Cyber Security 2024-03-26
- A piece of software designed to update or fix vulnerabilities in a computer program.
- The practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks.
- A fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity.
- Software designed to harm or gain unauthorized access to a computer system.
- A secret combination of characters used to gain access to a system.
- A network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic.
- Software designed to detect and remove malicious software.
- Software that secretly gathers information about a person or organization.
- A type of malware disguised as legitimate software.
- The process of converting information into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
10 Clues: A type of malware disguised as legitimate software. • Software designed to detect and remove malicious software. • A secret combination of characters used to gain access to a system. • Software that secretly gathers information about a person or organization. • Software designed to harm or gain unauthorized access to a computer system. • ...
iWOWriors Onboarding Quiz 1 2024-02-20
- A campaign that shares the potential IT Security Risks and how to overcome them.
- What is needed to be done before disposing of paper documents?
- ____ Setting is the first milestone in Performance Appraisal Form Roadmap
- ____ Golden Rules for Cybersecurity.
- ____ & Security is one of the key functions of UITS and IT.
- The two sections in Performance Management System are 1. Performance and 2. ____
- One function of Group Strategy to the UMW Group.
- Under Group Strategy, Unit Strategy ____ will analyse and assess industry trends and market outlook.
- _____ Employees are those from the Supervisory Level until Executive Vide President II.
- The special leave due to the death of near relative, hospitalisation of immediate family or natural disaster.
10 Clues: ____ Golden Rules for Cybersecurity. • One function of Group Strategy to the UMW Group. • ____ & Security is one of the key functions of UITS and IT. • What is needed to be done before disposing of paper documents? • ____ Setting is the first milestone in Performance Appraisal Form Roadmap • ...