diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Diseases 2024-02-12

Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. ztráta řeči
  2. trombóza
  3. operace
  4. zánět ucha
  5. astma
  6. puchýř
  7. otřes mozku
  8. spálová angína
  9. mrtvice
  10. průjem
  1. senná rýma
  2. cukrovka
  3. neštovice
  4. angína
  5. zácpa
  6. infarkt
  7. příušnice
  8. rakovina
  9. chřipka
  10. ztráta paměti

20 Clues: zácpaastmaangínapuchýřprůjemoperaceinfarktchřipkamrtvicecukrovkatrombózarakovinaneštovicepříušnicesenná rýmazánět uchaztráta řečiotřes mozkuztráta pamětispálová angína

HASTALIKLAR 2022-10-29

HASTALIKLAR crossword puzzle
  1. Tuberculosis
  2. Hernia
  3. Diabetes
  4. Paralysis
  5. Pressure
  6. Deafness
  7. Shortness of breath
  8. Migraine
  9. Cough
  10. Measles
  11. Fever
  1. Kidney stone
  2. Headache
  3. Poisoning
  4. Cold
  5. Nausea
  6. Depression
  7. Allergies
  8. Toothache
  9. Cold
  10. Asthma
  11. Cancer
  12. Rheumatism

23 Clues: ColdColdCoughFeverNauseaHerniaAsthmaCancerMeaslesHeadacheDiabetesPressureDeafnessMigrainePoisoningAllergiesToothacheParalysisDepressionRheumatismKidney stoneTuberculosisShortness of breath

Titel 3 2016-04-24

Titel 3 crossword puzzle
  1. An was für einem möglichen Symptom ist Diabetes Typ 2 erkennbar?
  2. Die Ernährungsempfehlung bei Diabetes Typ 2 richtet sich nach der schweizerischen ……….
  3. Ernährung Auf was sollte bei den Mahlzeiten geachtet werden?
  1. Was gibt es nebst Insulin für blutzuckersenkende Medikamente?
  2. Was ist Diabetes mellitus grundsätzlich?
  3. Was begünstigt Diabetes Typ2 zusätzlich?
  4. Nenne mir ein bekanntes, sichtbares Fett!
  5. Wie heisst das Hormon, das den Blutzucker senkt?

8 Clues: Was ist Diabetes mellitus grundsätzlich?Was begünstigt Diabetes Typ2 zusätzlich?Nenne mir ein bekanntes, sichtbares Fett!Wie heisst das Hormon, das den Blutzucker senkt?Ernährung Auf was sollte bei den Mahlzeiten geachtet werden?Was gibt es nebst Insulin für blutzuckersenkende Medikamente?...

Homeostasis 2014-05-14

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. Secretes thyroxine
  2. Glucose is converted into this in the liver
  3. Carbon dioxide leaves the body through...
  4. Blood vessels do this to retain heat
  5. Insulin is secreted when blood sugar levels are too _______
  6. Homeostasis - the maintenance of a ________ internal environment
  7. When we are too cold
  8. Produce testosterone
  9. When we are too warm
  1. Control water loss through urine production
  2. Condition from low body temp
  3. Produce oestrogen
  4. Not enough water
  5. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of this process
  6. Blood vessels do this to release heat
  7. Controls body temperature
  8. Secretes insulin
  9. Chemicals secreted by glands
  10. Diabetes where the body does not make enough insulin
  11. Diabetes where the body does not respond to insulin

20 Clues: Not enough waterSecretes insulinProduce oestrogenSecretes thyroxineWhen we are too coldProduce testosteroneWhen we are too warmControls body temperatureCondition from low body tempChemicals secreted by glandsBlood vessels do this to retain heatBlood vessels do this to release heatCarbon dioxide leaves the body through......

REPETITION 3 GROUP 11 PRZ 2015-06-03

REPETITION 3 GROUP 11 PRZ crossword puzzle
  1. tablica pamiątkowa
  2. dzielnica
  3. święcić
  4. podbite oko
  5. drogi
  6. służący
  7. siniak
  1. kości
  2. bazie
  3. cukrzyca
  4. wielki tydzień
  5. wstrętne
  6. cisza
  7. niebezpieczeństwo
  8. właścicielka mieszkania
  9. ból głowy
  10. grypa
  11. kwaśne

18 Clues: kościbazieciszadrogigrypasiniakkwaśneświęcićsłużącycukrzycawstrętnedzielnicaból głowypodbite okowielki tydzieńniebezpieczeństwotablica pamiątkowawłaścicielka mieszkania


HEALTH VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. generalpractitioner
  2. a disease that affects the nervous system, some of the affected childrem may lose the ability to use the muscles on their legs or arms
  3. an infectious very serious disease that causes fever and spots on the skin, it leaves the skin severly scarred
  4. urine
  5. insertion of liquid into the body with a needle
  6. recoveryposition
  7. an infectious disease that spread in the middle ages
  8. diabetes
  9. sorethroat
  10. junction
  1. the injection of a liquid into the body to prevent an illness rwehrw
  2. firstaid
  3. appendicitis
  4. chicken-pox
  5. maternityward
  6. a very serious infection of the lungs
  7. a state of temporary loss of consciousness induced for medical reasons e.g. to perform surgery
  8. measles
  9. earlobe
  10. physician
  11. cpr

21 Clues: cprurinemeaslesearlobefirstaiddiabetesjunctionphysiciansorethroatchicken-poxappendicitismaternitywardrecoverypositiongeneralpractitionera very serious infection of the lungsinsertion of liquid into the body with a needlean infectious disease that spread in the middle agesthe injection of a liquid into the body to prevent an illness rwehrw...

Endocrine System Crossword Puzzle 2023-04-03

Endocrine System Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Hyperexcretion of growth hormones in adults
  2. Excessive growth of blood vessels in the retina
  3. Another word for diabetes insipidus
  4. Not enough of the GH hormone in the body
  5. Another word for diabetes mellitus
  6. Hypothyroidism with no goiter in adults
  7. Hyperexcretion of thyroid hormones
  8. Cancer of the glands
  9. Underexcretion of pituitary gland hormones
  10. Having an insensitive androgen
  11. Hyperexcretion of growth hormones in children
  1. Underexcretion of cortical hormones
  2. Another word for rickets
  3. Underexcretion of cortical hormones
  4. Breast inflammation
  5. Hypothyroidism with no goiter in children
  6. Enlargement of the thyroid
  7. Excess production of hormones by thyroid
  8. When too much aldosterone is released
  9. Involuntary muscle contractions
  10. Pancreas tumors

21 Clues: Pancreas tumorsBreast inflammationCancer of the glandsAnother word for ricketsEnlargement of the thyroidHaving an insensitive androgenInvoluntary muscle contractionsAnother word for diabetes mellitusHyperexcretion of thyroid hormonesUnderexcretion of cortical hormonesUnderexcretion of cortical hormonesAnother word for diabetes insipidus...

Homeostasis 2014-05-14

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes where the body does not respond to insulin
  2. Condition from low body temp
  3. Not enough water
  4. Insulin is secreted when blood sugar levels are too _______
  5. Secretes insulin
  6. Blood vessels do this to release heat
  7. When we are too cold
  8. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of this process
  1. Control water loss through urine production
  2. Produce oestrogen
  3. Secretes thyroxine
  4. Controls body temperature
  5. Carbon dioxide leaves the body through...
  6. Blood vessels do this to retain heat
  7. Produce testosterone
  8. When we are too warm
  9. Chemicals secreted by glands
  10. Glucose is converted into this in the liver
  11. Homeostasis - the maintenance of a ________ internal environment
  12. Diabetes where the body does not make enough insulin

20 Clues: Not enough waterSecretes insulinProduce oestrogenSecretes thyroxineProduce testosteroneWhen we are too warmWhen we are too coldControls body temperatureCondition from low body tempChemicals secreted by glandsBlood vessels do this to retain heatBlood vessels do this to release heatCarbon dioxide leaves the body through......

Diabetes Complications 2013-05-14

Diabetes Complications crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for nerve disease
  2. The most common life-threatening disease linked to diabetes
  3. Abbreviation for urinary tract infection
  4. The clear gel that fills the eye
  5. A foot doctor
  1. How many long-term complications are caused by diabetes
  2. An eye doctor
  3. A doctor who is specially trained to diagnose and treat kidney problems
  4. Disease of the retina
  5. Filters waste products from the blood
  6. clouding of the lens on the eye
  7. Treatment given to people without two working kidneys

12 Clues: An eye doctorA foot doctorDisease of the retinaAnother name for nerve diseaseclouding of the lens on the eyeThe clear gel that fills the eyeFilters waste products from the bloodAbbreviation for urinary tract infectionTreatment given to people without two working kidneysHow many long-term complications are caused by diabetes...

Diabetes Crossword 2018-03-26

Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. We can see everything! (7)
  2. plan One of school's many responsibilities (4,4)
  3. Very annoying and feels rubbish (13)
  4. Hormone (7)
  5. Acidotic (7)
  1. Symptom of high glucose (7)
  2. Paving the way with diabetes research (4 individual letters)
  3. Broken (8)
  4. One of many ways to administer insulin (9)
  5. Can cause my blood glucose to rise as I get older (8)
  6. Energy source (7)
  7. ....to drive (DVLA rules) (4)

12 Clues: Broken (8)Hormone (7)Acidotic (7)Energy source (7)We can see everything! (7)Symptom of high glucose (7)....to drive (DVLA rules) (4)Very annoying and feels rubbish (13)One of many ways to administer insulin (9)plan One of school's many responsibilities (4,4)Can cause my blood glucose to rise as I get older (8)...

The human body 2019-10-14

The human body crossword puzzle
  1. PÕLV
  2. GRIPP
  3. ÕLG
  6. MAGU
  8. HAAV
  9. PUUS
  11. NEER


Élelmiszer áruismeret 2020-12-17

Élelmiszer áruismeret crossword puzzle
  1. cukorka
  2. margarin
  3. áfonya
  4. keksz
  5. cérnametélt
  6. nápolyi
  7. fokhagyma
  8. praliné
  9. méz
  1. íz
  2. cukorbetegség
  3. karalábé
  4. édesítő
  5. félbarna
  6. kolbász
  7. búza

16 Clues: ízmézbúzakekszáfonyacukorkaédesítőkolbásznápolyipralinékaralábémargarinfélbarnafokhagymacérnametéltcukorbetegség

7.a 2020-04-07

7.a crossword puzzle
  1. napozni
  2. kór,betegség
  3. szakértő
  4. dél
  5. megelőzni
  6. siklóernyőzés
  7. keserű
  8. ejtőernyőzés
  9. ébren
  1. cukorbetegség
  2. megfelelő
  3. serkent
  4. étcsoki
  5. hírnév
  6. betegség
  7. lakos

16 Clues: déllakosébrenhírnévkeserűnapozniserkentétcsokiszakértőbetegségmegfelelőmegelőznikór,betegségejtőernyőzéscukorbetegségsiklóernyőzés

Crossword 2020-07-08

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 11
  2. 8
  3. 10
  4. 4
  5. 6
  6. 3
  7. 1
  8. 7
  1. 9
  2. 16
  3. 5
  4. 2
  5. 12
  6. 15
  7. 14
  8. 13

16 Clues: 98524631716111210151413

Med surg 2022-08-09

Med surg crossword puzzle
  1. oral diabetes medication
  2. gets help from insulin to enter cells
  3. low end of normal blood sugar
  4. type of sleep apnea
  5. one part of metabolic syndrome
  6. secretes insulin
  7. diabetics are at risk for this
  8. testing blood sugar before meals and at bedtime
  1. pressure against arteries during relaxation
  2. long acting insulin
  3. low end of normal blood pressure
  4. pressure against arteries during contraction
  5. obstructive pulmonanry disease

13 Clues: secretes insulinlong acting insulintype of sleep apneaoral diabetes medicationlow end of normal blood sugarone part of metabolic syndromeobstructive pulmonanry diseasediabetics are at risk for thislow end of normal blood pressuregets help from insulin to enter cellspressure against arteries during relaxation...

Diabetes Insipidus NEW 2021-06-07

Diabetes Insipidus NEW crossword puzzle
  1. Termo usado para indicar sede excessiva
  2. Quando há deficiência no hormônio ADH, é esperado o aumento no volume da
  3. Enzimas que degradam o ADH
  4. Em qual trimestre de gravidez a doença se manifesta
  5. Tipo de diabetes onde há deficiência renal
  6. Termo usado para indicar a vontade excessiva de urinar
  1. Outro nome dado ao hormônio ADH
  2. Medicamento usado no tratamento de Diabetes Insipidus
  3. Excesso de cálcio
  4. Tipo de diabetes insipidus onde há deficiência no eixo hipófise-hipotálamo

10 Clues: Excesso de cálcioEnzimas que degradam o ADHOutro nome dado ao hormônio ADHTermo usado para indicar sede excessivaTipo de diabetes onde há deficiência renalEm qual trimestre de gravidez a doença se manifestaMedicamento usado no tratamento de Diabetes InsipidusTermo usado para indicar a vontade excessiva de urinar...


PATOLOGÍA AMBIENTAL crossword puzzle
  1. La cardiopatía isquémica es un_____ entre la irrigación del miocardio y la demanda cardiaca y de sangre oxígenada.
  2. Trastorno por el cual los vasos sanguíneos tienen persistentemente una tensión elevada.
  3. Controlar los ______ de riesgo cardiovasculares como el colesterol alto, diabetes, tabaquismo, hipertensión, etc.
  4. La obstrucción arterial coronaria_______ el flujo sanguíneo a una región del miocardio provocando isquemia.
  5. Enfermedad crónica (de larga duración) que afecta la forma en que el cuerpo convierte los alimentos en energía (glucosa).
  6. El azúcar en la sangre, también llamada_____es el azúcar principal que se encuentra en su sangre. Esta proviene de los alimentos que usted consume y es su principal fuente de energía.
  7. La placa ateromatosa esta formada porcolesterol, triglicéridos, ácidos grasos y______ espumosos.
  8. Es una consecuencia social generada por las drogas que consiste en alejarse de la sociedad.
  9. El hábito alimentario, también conocido como régimen alimentario o a veces como______
  10. Las dos causas más importantes de disfunción endotelial son los transtornos_______y la hipercolesterolemia.
  11. Al consumir drogas puede dar una _____ por sobredosis.
  12. La diabetes es una afección en la que los niveles de _____ en sangre.
  13. Grupo de enfermedades que causan obstrucción de la circulación del aire y generan problemas relacionados con la respiración.
  1. Fase última de la hepatopatía alcohólica.
  2. Consiste en sentirse dependiente del consumo de una sustancia o droga.
  3. Es el principal factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de la ateroesclerosis.
  4. Para reducir estas enfermedades es necesario hacer actividad_________.
  5. afección frecuente que aparece cuando una sustancia pegajosa llamada placa se acumula en el interior de las arterias.
  6. El _____ al miocardio se genera por la obstrucción de la circulación provocando necrosis.
  7. Las venas varicosas (várices) son venas con_______retorcidas y dilatadas que se pueden ver bajo la piel. Con frecuencia son de color rojo o azul. Generalmente aparecen en las piernas, pero pueden presentarse en otras partes del cuerpo.
  8. El ____ es un factor de riesgo para la obesidad y diabetes.
  9. Protuberancia anormal o dilatación en las paredes de un vaso sanguíneo.
  10. El____ diabetico es una complicación frecuente en pacientes con diabetes y ´puede llegar hasta la amputación.
  11. Los______más sensibles y específicos de daño al miocardio son las proteínas cardio especificas.

24 Clues: Fase última de la hepatopatía alcohólica.Al consumir drogas puede dar una _____ por sobredosis.El ____ es un factor de riesgo para la obesidad y diabetes.La diabetes es una afección en la que los niveles de _____ en sangre.Consiste en sentirse dependiente del consumo de una sustancia o droga....

N/A 2023-06-08

N/A crossword puzzle
  1. -mo
  2. -mik
  3. -si
  4. -oku
  5. -len
  6. -uij
  7. -ten
  8. -ou
  9. -pows
  1. -war
  2. -sen
  3. -mit
  4. -seb
  5. -loe
  6. -bo
  7. -trot

16 Clues: -mo-si-bo-ou-war-sen-mit-mik-seb-oku-loe-len-uij-ten-trot-pows

Diabetes Insipidus 2021-06-07

Diabetes Insipidus crossword puzzle
  1. Enzimas que degradam o ADH
  2. Outro nome dado ao hormônio ADH
  3. Em qual trimestre de gravidez a doença se manifesta
  4. Excesso de cálcio
  1. Medicamento usado no tratamento de Diabetes Insipidus
  2. Tipo de diabetes onde há deficiência renal
  3. Quando há deficiência no hormônio ADH, é esperado o aumento no volume da
  4. Termo usado para indicar sede excessiva
  5. Termo usado para indicar a vontade excessiva de urinar
  6. Tipo de diabetes insipidus onde há deficiência no eixo hipófise-hipotálamo

10 Clues: Excesso de cálcioEnzimas que degradam o ADHOutro nome dado ao hormônio ADHTermo usado para indicar sede excessivaTipo de diabetes onde há deficiência renalEm qual trimestre de gravidez a doença se manifestaMedicamento usado no tratamento de Diabetes InsipidusTermo usado para indicar a vontade excessiva de urinar...

sugar and diabetes 2024-06-25

sugar and diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. what should I do to lower my chance of getting diabetes
  2. what causes diabetes other than eating unhealthy food
  3. we eat that causes diabetes
  1. what's the opposite of healthy
  2. what's the most common food people eat that people eat that causes diabetes
  3. where is sugar originally made from
  4. eating too much food with sugar causes

7 Clues: we eat that causes diabeteswhat's the opposite of healthywhere is sugar originally made fromeating too much food with sugar causeswhat causes diabetes other than eating unhealthy foodwhat should I do to lower my chance of getting diabeteswhat's the most common food people eat that people eat that causes diabetes

Crucigrama 2024-05-08

Crucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. jaosjwbeooenfkfbrk
  2. bksksksksjwbekllk
  3. jskskwlwljdndkdlel
  4. kwkskwbwkwldlnrleorij
  5. jajajajajajjajajajkowiw
  6. problema jakajwjsbskslslfl
  7. jaooajwbdbeloejwbwlwkb
  8. date jaosojssbkkksjns
  9. Rate jakakjwbskdldkebdkdkd
  1. hsosoabaldleiejdnllb
  2. kwksowjebeleldnekldlfj
  3. jsñowbdnxln
  4. Administration jalakwjdbsk
  5. jajakjajajajajajjaj
  6. jalabwjakwlsjwbwnwllsksw
  7. jajidbeofbelnk
  8. jskalwlwkjwnwkwkdkdken
  9. jajajjakakakajajaa

18 Clues: jsñowbdnxlnjajidbeofbelnkbksksksksjwbekllkjaosjwbeooenfkfbrkjskskwlwljdndkdleljajajjakakakajajaajajakjajajajajajjajhsosoabaldleiejdnllbkwkskwbwkwldlnrleorijdate jaosojssbkkksjnskwksowjebeleldnekldlfjjaooajwbdbeloejwbwlwkbjskalwlwkjwnwkwkdkdkenjajajajajajjajajajkowiwjalabwjakwlsjwbwnwllskswAdministration jalakwjdbskproblema jakajwjsbskslslfl...

Keep yourself fit: vocabulary 2023-10-12

Keep yourself fit: vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. mor
  2. pojištění
  3. chirurg
  4. operace
  5. plané neštovice
  6. pediatr
  7. nevyléčitelný
  8. průjem
  9. infekce
  10. rakovina
  1. chřipka
  2. vzteklina
  3. practitioner obvodní lékař
  4. zdr.sestra
  5. lékárna
  6. zánět středního ucha
  7. cukrovka
  8. zubař
  9. nachlazení

19 Clues: morzubařprůjemchřipkachirurgoperacelékárnapediatrinfekcecukrovkarakovinavzteklinapojištěnízdr.sestranachlazenínevyléčitelnýplané neštovicezánět středního uchapractitioner obvodní lékař

Suomalaisten kansantaudit 2022-11-17

Suomalaisten kansantaudit crossword puzzle
  1. hengitystiet ahtautuvat.
  2. Lisääntyy hallitsemattomasti.
  3. Aikuistyypin diabetes.
  4. vaaraton aine aiheuttaa reaktion iholla
  1. Nuoruustyypin diabetes.
  2. Perintöaines
  3. yleisempi iäkkäillä
  4. Vie happea ja ravintoa sydänlihakselle.
  5. Alentaa verensokeritasoa.

9 Clues: Perintöainesyleisempi iäkkäilläAikuistyypin diabetes.Nuoruustyypin diabetes.hengitystiet ahtautuvat.Alentaa verensokeritasoa.Lisääntyy hallitsemattomasti.Vie happea ja ravintoa sydänlihakselle.vaaraton aine aiheuttaa reaktion iholla

Diabetes- Type 2 2021-09-30

Diabetes- Type 2 crossword puzzle
  1. DM is an alteration in the metabolism of this essential nutrient type
  2. a blood test that measures glycemic control over months
  3. The name for ocular damage caused by uncontrolled DM
  4. Clients with DM are high risk for this complication
  5. Risk factor for DM
  6. The functional unit of the kidney that is damaged by DM
  7. The type of blood sugar that when elevated suggests DM
  8. The name for the numbness, tingling or pain brought on by DM
  9. The hormone responsible (via active transport) for allowing glucose to enter the cells of the body
  1. Produced with insulin, a storage of glucose (energy) in the liver and skeletal muscles
  2. A common comorbidity of DM, related to blood pressure
  3. The cells of the pancreas that produced insulin
  4. The name for renal failure caused by uncontrolled DM
  5. The abbreviation for diabetes mellitus
  6. The hormone responsible for mobilizing glucose stored in the body, secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreas
  7. Clients with DM are high risk for this complication that will remove parts of their body
  8. The type of diabetes, in woman that is a solid predictor of later DM type 2
  9. An uncontrollable risk factor for DM

18 Clues: Risk factor for DMAn uncontrollable risk factor for DMThe abbreviation for diabetes mellitusThe cells of the pancreas that produced insulinClients with DM are high risk for this complicationThe name for renal failure caused by uncontrolled DMThe name for ocular damage caused by uncontrolled DMA common comorbidity of DM, related to blood pressure...

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 2024-04-14

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. The body is resistant to this hormone in GDM
  2. This hormone has a blocking effect on insulin during pregnancy
  3. The trimester GDM is diagnosed in
  4. Excessive hunger
  5. Larger than average newborn size
  6. This many ounces of glucose solution is consumed during the OGTT
  7. A medication used to control blood sugar levels
  8. Excess amniotic fluid
  9. A GDM diet should be rich in this nutrient
  10. Pregnancy over this maternal age increases the risk for GDM
  1. A GDM patient should meet with this diabetes specialist
  2. Excessive thirst
  3. This body system can be altered in GDM and cause HTN
  4. This test diagnoses GDM
  5. Low blood sugar level
  6. Excessive urination
  7. Elevated blood sugar level
  8. This cell is dysfunctional in GDM

18 Clues: Excessive thirstExcessive hungerExcessive urinationLow blood sugar levelExcess amniotic fluidThis test diagnoses GDMElevated blood sugar levelLarger than average newborn sizeThe trimester GDM is diagnosed inThis cell is dysfunctional in GDMA GDM diet should be rich in this nutrientThe body is resistant to this hormone in GDM...

First aid 2018-01-02

First aid crossword puzzle
  1. The type of diabetes, when organism does not produce enough insulin
  2. To calm down (synonym – to __ )
  3. House dust, animal fur are ___
  4. The type of diabetes, which affects females during pregnancy
  1. Results from low blood sugar
  2. In some people who have type 1 diabetes, a pancreas ___ may be an option.
  3. Asthma is a common lung condition that causes occasional ____ difficulties.
  4. Action plan for unconscious casualty suffering from diabetes

8 Clues: Results from low blood sugarHouse dust, animal fur are ___To calm down (synonym – to __ )Action plan for unconscious casualty suffering from diabetesThe type of diabetes, which affects females during pregnancyThe type of diabetes, when organism does not produce enough insulinIn some people who have type 1 diabetes, a pancreas ___ may be an option....

First aid 2018-01-02

First aid crossword puzzle
  1. The type of diabetes, when organism does not produce enough insulin
  2. Asthma is a common lung condition that causes occasional ____ difficulties.
  3. Results from low blood sugar
  4. Action plan for unconscious casualty suffering from diabetes
  5. To calm down (synonym – to __ )
  1. The type of diabetes, which affects females during pregnancy
  2. House dust, animal fur are ___
  3. In some people who have type 1 diabetes, a pancreas ___ may be an option.

8 Clues: Results from low blood sugarHouse dust, animal fur are ___To calm down (synonym – to __ )The type of diabetes, which affects females during pregnancyAction plan for unconscious casualty suffering from diabetesThe type of diabetes, when organism does not produce enough insulinIn some people who have type 1 diabetes, a pancreas ___ may be an option....

Diabetes 2022-09-27

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. a symptom that revolves around bladder
  2. main type of diabetes
  3. A hormone from your pancreas that helps regulate your blood glucose level
  4. A place glucose is stored in
  1. produces glucose
  2. Sugar produced from carbohydrates
  3. The hormone from the pancreas brings down blood sugar levels

7 Clues: produces glucosemain type of diabetesA place glucose is stored inSugar produced from carbohydratesa symptom that revolves around bladderThe hormone from the pancreas brings down blood sugar levelsA hormone from your pancreas that helps regulate your blood glucose level

Diabetes 2020-11-15

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. hormônio produzido pelas células beta do pâncreas.
  2. cor do canhão da agulha para aplicação de insulina.
  3. terminologia para glicemia abaixo do nível normal
  4. produz insulina e glucagon.
  1. terminologia para alta glicemia.
  2. terminologia para concentração de glicose sanguínea.
  3. é um fator de risco para diabetes tipo 2.

7 Clues: produz insulina e glucagon.terminologia para alta glicemia.é um fator de risco para diabetes tipo 2.terminologia para glicemia abaixo do nível normalhormônio produzido pelas células beta do pâncreas.cor do canhão da agulha para aplicação de insulina.terminologia para concentração de glicose sanguínea.

Diabetes 2014-05-05

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Men kan insuline toedienen met een pen of een ...
  2. Andere naam die mensen gebruiken voor diabetes
  3. Hormoon dat er voor zorgt dat glucose wordt omgezet in glycogeen
  4. Wisselende hoge en lage bloedsuikergehaltes kunnen leiden tot beschadiging van de ...
  1. Is goed maar met maten
  2. Bij Diabetes type 2 kan het helpen de eetgewoonten en de ... aan te passen
  3. Diabetes is een ... ziekte

7 Clues: Is goed maar met matenDiabetes is een ... ziekteAndere naam die mensen gebruiken voor diabetesMen kan insuline toedienen met een pen of een ...Hormoon dat er voor zorgt dat glucose wordt omgezet in glycogeenBij Diabetes type 2 kan het helpen de eetgewoonten en de ... aan te passen...

Diabetes 2015-05-19

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Was ist „Ketoazidose?"
  2. Der _____ Wert zeigt die Blutzuckerkonzentration der vorangegangen 6-8 Wochen an.
  3. Eine andere Form von Diabetes?
  4. Die genetische Veranlagung spielt bei dieser Form eine Rolle.
  1. Wenn der Wert beispielsweise zu niedrig ist, verhindert ein_____ Snack
  2. Aufgrund von einer Virenübertragung kann es zu diesem Typus kommen.
  3. Diese Form von Diabetes tritt aufgrund einer falschen Lebensweise (Bewegungsmangel, falsche Ernährung) auf.
  4. Dieses Hormon braucht der Körper um den Blutzuckerspiegel zu senken.

8 Clues: Was ist „Ketoazidose?"Eine andere Form von Diabetes?Die genetische Veranlagung spielt bei dieser Form eine Rolle.Aufgrund von einer Virenübertragung kann es zu diesem Typus kommen.Dieses Hormon braucht der Körper um den Blutzuckerspiegel zu senken.Wenn der Wert beispielsweise zu niedrig ist, verhindert ein_____ Snack...

Diabetes 2024-03-23

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A disease caused by a mutation in the genes.
  2. Scientific term for "sugar".
  3. The number of the main types of diabetes.
  4. Disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys body tissue.
  1. Organ located behind the lower part of the stomach that produces hormones.
  2. Hormone that manages sugar levels in blood.
  3. A symptoms of diabetes connected to water.

7 Clues: Scientific term for "sugar".The number of the main types of diabetes.A symptoms of diabetes connected to water.Hormone that manages sugar levels in blood.A disease caused by a mutation in the genes.Organ located behind the lower part of the stomach that produces hormones....

diabetes 2024-06-24

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. a diet to stop chances of diabetes
  2. is a disease that causes a lack of insulin
  3. very sweet
  1. first type of diabetes
  2. second type of diabetes
  3. makes insulin in you're body
  4. made by the pancreas

7 Clues: very sweetmade by the pancreasfirst type of diabetessecond type of diabetesmakes insulin in you're bodya diet to stop chances of diabetesis a disease that causes a lack of insulin

noncommunicable diseases 2023-02-21

noncommunicable diseases crossword puzzle
  1. 18
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 13
  5. 19
  6. 21
  7. 14
  8. 5
  9. 4
  10. 15
  11. 20
  12. 10
  13. 12
  1. 7
  2. 22
  3. 1
  4. 25
  5. 16
  6. 3
  7. 11
  8. 2
  9. 23
  10. 6
  11. 17
  12. 25

25 Clues: 79183256418222513161119232114171525201012

noncommunicable diseases 2023-02-21

noncommunicable diseases crossword puzzle
  1. 18
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 13
  5. 19
  6. 21
  7. 14
  8. 5
  9. 4
  10. 15
  11. 20
  12. 10
  13. 12
  1. 7
  2. 22
  3. 1
  4. 25
  5. 16
  6. 3
  7. 11
  8. 2
  9. 23
  10. 6
  11. 17
  12. 25

25 Clues: 79183256418222513161119232114171525201012

HASTALIKLAR 2022-10-29

HASTALIKLAR crossword puzzle
  1. Paralysis
  2. Cold
  3. Migraine
  4. Depression
  5. Transfer
  6. Kidney stone
  7. Diabetes
  8. Toothache
  9. Nausea
  10. Asthma
  11. Measles
  12. Deafness
  13. Cold
  1. Poisoning
  2. Shortness of breath
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. Rheumatism
  5. Allergies
  6. Cough
  7. Hernia
  8. Fever
  9. Cancer
  10. Pressure
  11. Headache

24 Clues: ColdColdCoughFeverHerniaNauseaCancerAsthmaMeaslesMigraineTransferDiabetesPressureHeadacheDeafnessPoisoningParalysisAllergiesToothacheRheumatismDepressionTuberculosisKidney stoneShortness of breath

HASTALIKLAR 2022-10-29

HASTALIKLAR crossword puzzle
  1. Cold
  2. Cancer
  3. Kidney stone
  4. Toothache
  5. Cough
  6. Pressure
  7. Tuberculosis
  8. Migraine
  9. Nausea
  10. Allergies
  1. Diabetes
  2. Transfer
  3. Paralysis
  4. Measles
  5. Headache
  6. Hernia
  7. Poisoning
  8. Rheumatism
  9. Depression
  10. Deafness
  11. Asthma
  12. Fever
  13. Shortness of breath
  14. Cold

24 Clues: ColdColdCoughFeverCancerHerniaAsthmaNauseaMeaslesDiabetesTransferHeadacheDeafnessPressureMigraineParalysisPoisoningToothacheAllergiesRheumatismDepressionKidney stoneTuberculosisShortness of breath

Impulse 4 unit 4 part 2 2024-03-11

Impulse 4 unit 4 part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. naczynie
  2. objadanie się
  3. choroba
  4. dieta
  5. przede wszystkim
  6. czynnik
  7. komórka
  8. psychiczny
  9. odżywianie
  10. oddechowy
  11. przewlekły
  12. spożycie
  13. dolegliwość
  1. siedzący
  2. otyłość
  3. krążeniowy
  4. nadciśnienie
  5. cukrzyca
  6. odpowiednio, właściwie
  7. lęk, niepokój
  8. trądzik
  9. autoimmunologiczny

22 Clues: dietaotyłośćchorobaczynnikkomórkatrądziksiedzącynaczyniecukrzycaspożycieoddechowykrążeniowypsychicznyodżywianieprzewlekłydolegliwośćnadciśnienieobjadanie sięlęk, niepokójprzede wszystkimautoimmunologicznyodpowiednio, właściwie


  1. 13.
  2. 3.
  3. 5.
  4. 10.
  5. 8.
  6. 11.
  1. 6.
  2. 4.
  3. 15.
  4. 14.
  5. 1.
  6. 2.
  7. 9.
  8. 7.
  9. 12.

15 Clues:

Woordenlijst 2013-09-25

Woordenlijst crossword puzzle
  1. wind
  2. buigen
  3. voorzijde
  4. suikerziekte
  5. knijpen
  6. blauwzucht
  1. huid
  2. buikloop
  3. dijbeen
  4. tasten
  5. uitademen
  6. bot
  7. spier
  8. giftig
  9. opgelet

15 Clues: bothuidwindspiertastenbuigengiftigdijbeenknijpenopgeletbuikloopuitademenvoorzijdeblauwzuchtsuikerziekte

Blood Glucose Control 2021-04-17

Blood Glucose Control crossword puzzle
  1. The type of diabetes where the pancreas cannot produce insulin
  2. The control of internal body condition
  3. A simple sugar obtained in our diets
  4. A hormone released by the pancreas when blood glucose levels are high
  5. A condition where blood glucose cannot be controlled
  6. An organ that can be damaged from high blood glucose concentration
  7. A hormone released by the pancreas when blood glucose levels are low
  1. An activity that will cause a decrease in blood glucose concentration
  2. A type of protein released by endocrine glands
  3. The organ where glucose can be stored
  4. The type of diabetes caused by obesity
  5. An activity that will cause an increase in blood glucose concentration

12 Clues: A simple sugar obtained in our dietsThe organ where glucose can be storedThe control of internal body conditionThe type of diabetes caused by obesityA type of protein released by endocrine glandsA condition where blood glucose cannot be controlledThe type of diabetes where the pancreas cannot produce insulin...

insulin search 2023-10-10

insulin search crossword puzzle
  1. where you can purchase medicine
  2. type of diabetes
  3. produces insulin
  4. regulates blood sugar
  5. system to govern
  1. cant produce insulin/ chronic high blood sugar
  2. also known as protein
  3. sugar
  4. increasing prices to a level that is unfair
  5. cost

10 Clues: costsugartype of diabetesproduces insulinsystem to governalso known as proteinregulates blood sugarwhere you can purchase medicineincreasing prices to a level that is unfaircant produce insulin/ chronic high blood sugar

Medical Crossword 2024-05-24

Medical Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Test that records the electrical activity of the heart
  2. Scan Imaging procedure using X-rays
  3. Medication for type 2 diabetes
  4. Anti-inflammatory medication
  5. Imaging technique using X-rays
  6. Antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections
  7. Hormone used to regulate blood sugar
  8. Condition with a deficiency of red blood cells
  1. Treatment for cancer using chemical substances
  2. Cancer of blood-forming tissues
  3. Imaging technique using sound waves
  4. Medical imaging technique
  5. Medication used to reduce pain and inflammation
  6. Inflammation of the joints
  7. High blood pressure condition
  8. Chronic disease affecting blood sugar regulation

16 Clues: Medical imaging techniqueInflammation of the jointsAnti-inflammatory medicationHigh blood pressure conditionMedication for type 2 diabetesImaging technique using X-raysCancer of blood-forming tissuesImaging technique using sound wavesScan Imaging procedure using X-raysHormone used to regulate blood sugar...

biomedical careers a-z 2017-10-19

biomedical careers a-z crossword puzzle
  1. helps stop and learn about epidemics
  2. teaches aspiring doctors
  3. educate people about healthy meals while making sure patients dietary needs are met
  4. fixes ear problems
  5. the final decider in a medical related crime case
  6. works with medical machines that help research sicknesses
  7. works to help people understand their medical problems
  8. works to sure that sugar and liquid products are not contaminated
  9. works with ultrasounds which are used in checking for internal problems
  10. helps to fix and learn about problems pertaining to the nervous system
  11. draws medical pictures
  12. helps people with breathing problems
  1. build parts to fix and replace parts that don’t work
  2. educates people who have diabetes about diabetes
  3. finds out what is causing a medical problem
  4. heals animals
  5. fixes blood related problems
  6. writes about medicine
  7. works with animals
  8. helps with metal problems
  9. makes sure bottled water is clean and healthy
  10. writes about science
  11. works with x rays
  12. a doctor who cares for a whole family
  13. offers advice about genetics to people
  14. for hospitals helps cook meals for patients

26 Clues: heals animalsworks with x raysworks with animalsfixes ear problemswrites about sciencewrites about medicinedraws medical picturesteaches aspiring doctorshelps with metal problemsfixes blood related problemshelps stop and learn about epidemicshelps people with breathing problemsa doctor who cares for a whole family...

jacobsendocrine 2024-04-19

jacobsendocrine crossword puzzle
  1. hormone that actually increases blood sugar (opposite of insulin)
  2. disease associated with a lack of insulin
  3. organ that tells endocrine organs what to do and when to release hormones
  4. this and Cushing's disease are conditions resulting from imbalances in the adrenal glands
  5. hormone produced by pancreas regulates this
  6. also called T-4, released by thyroid gland
  7. feedback that occurs when a hormone's release "turns off" when homeostasis is released
  8. male hormone produced by testes
  9. disease associated with imbalances in the ovaries that results in weak or porous bones
  10. too much human growth hormone leading to overly tall body
  11. diabetes that is often regulated and managed by lifestyle changes
  1. regulates metabolism by releasing T-4
  2. organ that regulates sugar by releasing insulin
  3. produced by the adrenal glands during times of stress
  4. type of diabetes a person is born with-inability to produce insulin
  5. gland in brain that produces human growth hormone
  6. produce progesterone and estrogen
  7. feedback that occurs when a hormone's release increases
  8. chemical messengers released by the endocrine system
  9. a result of not enough human growth hormone (type of under growth of the body)
  10. released by hypothalamus and related to childbirth
  11. the purpose of hormones-internal balance

22 Clues: male hormone produced by testesproduce progesterone and estrogenregulates metabolism by releasing T-4the purpose of hormones-internal balancedisease associated with a lack of insulinalso called T-4, released by thyroid glandhormone produced by pancreas regulates thisorgan that regulates sugar by releasing insulin...

Alyssa's Case Study Crossword 2014-11-02

Alyssa's Case Study Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Drugs to help with anxiety
  2. A level of 126 mg per dL most often means you have diabetes
  3. Eye doctor
  4. Form of hemoglobin measured to identify average plasma glucose concentration over long periods of time
  5. Syndrome Name for a group of risk factors
  6. Blurred vision
  7. Excess urination
  8. One of the tools used to diagnose diabetes
  9. Excess of glucose in blood
  10. Drug to help with feelings of severe dejection
  11. Excessive hunger
  12. Same side of the body
  13. Breathing repeatedly stops and starts
  14. Feelings of severe dejection
  15. Person qualified to practice orthotics
  1. Expert in human nutrition
  2. Sugar
  3. Pre-diabetic state of hyperglycemia
  4. Most common form of diabetes
  5. Outside the brain and spinal chord
  6. Damage to a nerve or nerves
  7. Abbreviation of another name for blood glucose
  8. Person who is abnormally anxious about health
  9. Test measuring glucose levels after not eating for 8 hours
  10. Fat is used for fuel instead of glucose because of lack of insulin
  11. High blood pressure
  12. Abnormally great thirst
  13. Type of anxiety disorder
  14. Excess of sugar in urine
  15. An area of the skin supplied by nerves from a single spinal root
  16. Hormone produced in the pancreas

31 Clues: SugarEye doctorBlurred visionExcess urinationExcessive hungerHigh blood pressureSame side of the bodyAbnormally great thirstType of anxiety disorderExcess of sugar in urineExpert in human nutritionDrugs to help with anxietyExcess of glucose in bloodDamage to a nerve or nervesMost common form of diabetesFeelings of severe dejection...


  1. Teknik bioteknologi yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tanaman yang tahan hama & penyakit ..... (Transgenik)
  2. Bakteri yang banyak digunakan untuk -memisahkan tembaga dari campuran berbagai logam berasal dari genus .... (Thiobacillus)
  3. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang alat yang digunakan untuk mempermudah kerja menggunakan makhluk hidup atau mikroorganisme adalah ..... (Bioteknologi)
  4. Bioteknologi tradisional menggunakan mikroorganisme secara ..... (Langsung)
  5. Bakteri yang digunakan pada padi transgenik .... (Erwinia uredovoa)
  6. Neurospora crassa adalah mikroorganisme yang membantu pembuatan .... (Oncom)
  7. Nata de coco menggunakan mikroorganisme yang disebut ..... (Acetobacter xylinum)
  8. Dalam teknik kultur jaringan, bagian tumbuhan yang ditumbuhan dalam media kultur .... (Eksplan)
  1. Penerapan teknologi rekayasa genetika pada manusia pertama kali adalah pada penderita .... (Diabetes)
  2. Lactobacillus sp Mikroorgansime yang berperan dalam pembuatan .... (Yoghurt)
  3. Ilmuwan yang dikenal sebagai Bapak Bioteknologi bernama (Alexander Flemming)
  4. Yang memanfaatkan sifat totipotensi sel .... (Kultur Jaringan)
  5. Gen yang diberikan pada sapi segar agar produksi susu sapi meningkat adalah …. (Somototropin)
  6. Proses penggandaan individu yang sama persis tanpa kawin disebut .... (Kloning)
  7. Hewan yang dihasilkan dari proses hibidrisasi ..... (Sapi brangus)
  8. Produk dari bahan udang lalu difermentasi .... (Terasi)
  9. Penyembuhan kanker merupakan fungsi dari .... (Antibodi Monoklonal)
  10. Proses menggabungkan 2 sel dari jaringan yang berbeda dari organisme yang berbeda dan menggabungkannya menjadi 1 sel tunggal ..... (Teknologi Hibridoma)
  11. Teknik yang bisa digunakan untuk membantu penderita diabetes mellitus ..... (Rekombinan DNA)
  12. Rhizopus oryzae merupakan mikroorganisme yang digunakan untuk membuat ..... (Tempe)

20 Clues: Produk dari bahan udang lalu difermentasi .... (Terasi)Yang memanfaatkan sifat totipotensi sel .... (Kultur Jaringan)Hewan yang dihasilkan dari proses hibidrisasi ..... (Sapi brangus)Penyembuhan kanker merupakan fungsi dari .... (Antibodi Monoklonal)Bakteri yang digunakan pada padi transgenik .... (Erwinia uredovoa)...

UNIT13B2 2020-02-12

UNIT13B2 crossword puzzle
  1. anxiety
  2. diabetes
  3. prescription
  4. hygine
  5. prevention
  6. blurry
  7. injection
  8. lay
  9. disorder
  10. spend
  1. memory
  2. rinse
  3. poisoning
  4. loneliness
  5. heart

15 Clues: layrinseheartspendmemoryhygineblurryanxietydiabetesdisorderpoisoninginjectionpreventionlonelinessprescription

Healthy Crossword 2018-11-29

Healthy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. D, ________ can be prevent ostreporosis.
  2. & Vegetables, They have different colours.
  3. This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  4. There are _____ types of diabetes.
  5. meats, Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  6. Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  7. Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  8. activity level, This is an internal factor.
  9. & Dislikes, You have control over this.
  1. Emotions are ________ factors.
  2. Too much sugar can give you this.
  3. This is an external factor.
  4. disease, Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  5. Cultural backgroungs are ________ factors.
  6. A lot of red meats have ___.
  7. This type of food has come from Asia.
  8. Their _____ health disorders.

17 Clues: This is an external factor.A lot of red meats have ___.Their _____ health disorders.Emotions are ________ factors.Too much sugar can give you this.Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.There are _____ types of diabetes.Most of the time it can’t be cured.This type of food has come from Asia.& Dislikes, You have control over this....

Healthy crossword 2018-11-29

Healthy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  2. D ________ can be prevent ostreporosis.
  3. meats Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  4. Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  5. disease Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  6. A lot of red meats have ___.
  7. This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  8. Their _____ health disorders.
  9. Emotions are ________ factors.
  1. This is an external factor.
  2. Cultural backgroungs are ________ factors.
  3. This type of food has come from Asia.
  4. Too much sugar can give you this.
  5. activity level This is an internal factor.
  6. There are _____ types of diabetes.
  7. & Dislikes You have control over this.
  8. & Vegetables They have different colours.

17 Clues: This is an external factor.A lot of red meats have ___.Their _____ health disorders.Emotions are ________ factors.Too much sugar can give you this.Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.There are _____ types of diabetes.Most of the time it can’t be cured.This type of food has come from Asia.& Dislikes You have control over this....

^-^ Healthy Crossword ^-^ 2018-12-04

^-^ Healthy Crossword ^-^ crossword puzzle
  1. , this can prevent osteoporosis.
  2. & Vegetables ,They have different colours.
  3. disease ,Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  4. meats ,Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  5. ,Their _____ health disorders.
  6. ,It is an internal factor.
  7. ,Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  8. & Dislikes ,You have control over this.
  9. ,A lot of red meats have ___.
  1. ,Cultural backgrounds are ________ factors.
  2. ,This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  3. ,This type of food has come from Asia.
  4. ,Too much sugar can give you this.
  5. ,Emotions are ________ factors.
  6. ,Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  7. ,There are _____ types of diabetes.
  8. ,This is an external factor.

17 Clues: ,It is an internal factor.,This is an external factor.,A lot of red meats have ___.,Their _____ health disorders.,Emotions are ________ factors., this can prevent osteoporosis.,Too much sugar can give you this.,Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.,There are _____ types of diabetes.,Most of the time it can’t be cured....

Healthy Crossword 2018-11-29

Healthy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. D, ________ can be prevent ostreporosis.
  2. & Vegetables, They have different colours.
  3. This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  4. There are _____ types of diabetes.
  5. meats, Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  6. Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  7. Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  8. activity level, This is an internal factor.
  9. & Dislikes, You have control over this.
  1. Emotions are ________ factors.
  2. Too much sugar can give you this.
  3. This is an external factor.
  4. disease, Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  5. Cultural backgroungs are ________ factors.
  6. A lot of red meats have ___.
  7. This type of food has come from Asia.
  8. Their _____ health disorders.

17 Clues: This is an external factor.A lot of red meats have ___.Their _____ health disorders.Emotions are ________ factors.Too much sugar can give you this.Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.There are _____ types of diabetes.Most of the time it can’t be cured.This type of food has come from Asia.& Dislikes, You have control over this....

Healthy Crossword 2018-11-29

Healthy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. D, ________ can be prevent ostreporosis.
  2. & Vegetables, They have different colours.
  3. This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  4. There are _____ types of diabetes.
  5. meats, Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  6. Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  7. Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  8. activity level, This is an internal factor.
  9. & Dislikes, You have control over this.
  1. Emotions are ________ factors.
  2. Too much sugar can give you this.
  3. This is an external factor.
  4. disease, Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  5. Cultural backgroungs are ________ factors.
  6. A lot of red meats have ___.
  7. This type of food has come from Asia.
  8. Their _____ health disorders.

17 Clues: This is an external factor.A lot of red meats have ___.Their _____ health disorders.Emotions are ________ factors.Too much sugar can give you this.Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.There are _____ types of diabetes.Most of the time it can’t be cured.This type of food has come from Asia.& Dislikes, You have control over this....

Healthy Crossword 2018-11-29

Healthy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. D, ________ can be prevent ostreporosis.
  2. & Vegetables, They have different colours.
  3. This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  4. There are _____ types of diabetes.
  5. meats, Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  6. Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  7. Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  8. activity level, This is an internal factor.
  9. & Dislikes, You have control over this.
  1. Emotions are ________ factors.
  2. Too much sugar can give you this.
  3. This is an external factor.
  4. disease, Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  5. Cultural backgroungs are ________ factors.
  6. A lot of red meats have ___.
  7. This type of food has come from Asia.
  8. Their _____ health disorders.

17 Clues: This is an external factor.A lot of red meats have ___.Their _____ health disorders.Emotions are ________ factors.Too much sugar can give you this.Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.There are _____ types of diabetes.Most of the time it can’t be cured.This type of food has come from Asia.& Dislikes, You have control over this....

Play &Think 2020-06-02

Play &Think crossword puzzle
  1. Largest animal in the world.
  2. First woman Who Won Nobel Prize.
  3. 2+15*6-4/2=? (in letters).
  4. study proved that 17/23 copies didn't match with Amaryl.
  5. currency of phillipines.
  6. First Dpp-4 inhibitor Cv outcome trial vs Amaryl.
  7. the largest country in the world by landmass.
  8. price of Januvia 100/pack in copayment.
  9. ketoacidosis is common in which Diabetes type.
  10. price of lantus for type 1 in NHI(in letters).
  11. Diabetes Control and Complications trial(DCTT)in?
  12. 6.5 less Risk Of Hypoglycemia than Amaryl.
  13. Price of Rositor 10/pack.
  14. price of Amaryl 2mg/pack in copayment.
  1. Capital Of Denmark
  2. Capital Of Russia.
  3. Efficacy and Safety study for Glimpiride in T2 Diabetes In Ramadan.
  4. First Toujeo Head to Head study vs insulin Degludec u/ml.
  5. synthesis of glycogen
  6. Type of insulins not recommended by ISPAD for pediatric use.
  7. plural of goose.
  8. the only SU approved by FDA to be combined with insulins.
  9. chemical element with the symbol"As".
  10. price of Toujeo in NHI for type 1.
  11. first line treatment for hypertriglyceridemia.
  12. No.1 Football Player in the world in 2019.
  13. price of Diamicron 60 MR/pack scored in copayment.
  14. monthly cost of Amaryl 4mg.
  15. largest river in the world.
  16. price of Amaryl 3mg/pack in copayment.

30 Clues: plural of goose.Capital Of DenmarkCapital Of Russia.synthesis of glycogencurrency of phillipines.Price of Rositor 10/pack.2+15*6-4/2=? (in letters).monthly cost of Amaryl 4mg.largest river in the world.Largest animal in the world.First woman Who Won Nobel Prize.price of Toujeo in NHI for type 1.chemical element with the symbol"As"....

Renal y Endócrino 2020-06-09

Renal y Endócrino crossword puzzle
  1. ¿Cómo es la frecuencia cardiaca en el hipotiroidismo?
  2. ¿Qué cambio de peso se presenta en el hipotiroidismo?
  3. Se define como alto nivel de azúcar en sangre
  4. Enfermedad que predomina en el hipertiroidismo
  5. ¿Es un trastorno metabólico?
  6. ¿Cómo se le llama a la patología en la cual se presentan cálculos en cualquier nivel del tracto urinario?
  7. ¿Cómo se le llama al aumento del tamaño del riñón?
  8. ¿Cómo está el gasto cardiaco en el hipertiroidismo?
  9. Estado de hiperfunción hormonal
  10. ¿Qué enfermedad de tiroides no produce suficientes hormonas?
  11. ¿Tipo de diabetes que puede aparecer en el embarazo?
  12. Tipo de diabetes mellitus que genera insulina insuficiente
  1. Se le denomina a la perdida de proteínas en sangre
  2. Es un tratamiento para el síndrome nefrítico
  3. Estado de deficiencia hormonal
  4. ¿Cómo se llama el síndrome que presenta; edema, proteinuria, hiporoteinuria, hiperlipidemia y edema?
  5. Se le denomina a la perdida masiva de proteínas
  6. Proceso de eliminación de orina menos de 400 ml en 24 horas
  7. ¿En la hipotensión hay aumento de qué hormona?
  8. ¿Qué proteína principal sale en el síndrome nefrótico?
  9. ¿Qué tipo de diabetes no produce insulina?
  10. ¿En qué sexo hay más predominancia en el hipertiroidismo?
  11. ¿Qué carga tiene la membrana basal en el riñón?
  12. ¿Patología donde hay grandes cantidades de T3 y T4?

24 Clues: ¿Es un trastorno metabólico?Estado de deficiencia hormonalEstado de hiperfunción hormonal¿Qué tipo de diabetes no produce insulina?Es un tratamiento para el síndrome nefríticoSe define como alto nivel de azúcar en sangreEnfermedad que predomina en el hipertiroidismo¿En la hipotensión hay aumento de qué hormona?...

The Effect of Poor Nutrition on Well Being 2021-09-05

The Effect of Poor Nutrition on Well Being crossword puzzle
  1. Consuming too much ____-____ beverages can shorten one's lifespan.
  2. What is caused by a diet high in energy, fat, and low in fiber?
  3. A diet lacking _____ can lead to depression.
  4. What mental illness does consuming too much sugar worsen?
  5. Being in a state of well being means the absence of _____ and illness.
  6. _____ blood pressure puts someone at higher risk for getting type 2 diabetes.
  7. What eating disorder is defined as the failure to nourish the body through starvation?
  8. How many years does consuming too much junk food and fast food shorten one's lifespan by?
  9. Binge eating can cause someone to feel shame and ____-______.
  10. Nutritional psychiatry focuses on the "_____-_____" connection.
  11. What is the eating disorder that involves eating things that are not food?
  12. Those in MNT learn about ____ control, reading food labels, etc.
  1. What does MNT stand for?
  2. _____ and Tryptophan encourage the feeling of well being.
  3. _______ disease is the number one cause of death in the United States.
  4. Consuming too much of this type of food can lead to depression.
  5. Slowing down the body's _____ rate can lead to binge eating.
  6. What type of sugar causes insulin resistance?
  7. Diabetes puts someone at risk for depression, ______, and eating disorders.
  8. Anorexia nervosa can cause ____ blood pressure.

20 Clues: What does MNT stand for?A diet lacking _____ can lead to depression.What type of sugar causes insulin resistance?Anorexia nervosa can cause ____ blood pressure._____ and Tryptophan encourage the feeling of well being.What mental illness does consuming too much sugar worsen?Slowing down the body's _____ rate can lead to binge eating....

Diseases of the Endocrine System 2013-09-12

Diseases of the Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes insipidus can be controlled with ________.
  2. The levels of this indicates the potential disease of the thyroid gland.
  3. Hypothyroid may affect all body functions. This type is the most severe form.
  4. The most common cause of __________ is a pituitary tumor.
  5. This releases inhibiting factors that inhibit growth hormone secretion.
  6. ____________ regulate the menstrual cycle.
  7. ________ assures that enough body heat is made to maintain body equilibrium.
  8. Facial features may thicken; hands and feet are unusually large.
  1. disruption of blood flow, infection, autoimmune diseases, or neoplastic growth
  2. _________ disease includes the development of coronary vascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, and stroke.
  3. This hormone stimulates the adrenal cortex
  4. This hormone promotes growth and development of tissues.
  5. When hormone levels are adequate, the release of the hormone stops. This is called ____.
  6. Symptoms include nervousness, restlessness, weakness, and muscle cramps.
  7. A abnormal production of urine; a symptom of diabetes insipidus.
  8. The immune system attacks and destroys beta cells
  9. In diabetes mellitus, no _______ should appear in the urine.
  10. In a male, excessive testosterone is produced, possibly from a tumor in the testes
  11. This gland is known as the master gland and controls most glandular activity.
  12. secreted by beta cells in the pancreas
  13. _______ hormone decreases after age 30 in males.
  14. A sustained muscle contraction

22 Clues: A sustained muscle contractionsecreted by beta cells in the pancreasThis hormone stimulates the adrenal cortex____________ regulate the menstrual cycle._______ hormone decreases after age 30 in males.The immune system attacks and destroys beta cellsDiabetes insipidus can be controlled with ________....

Healthy crossword! 2018-12-01

Healthy crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  2. Emotions are ________ factors.
  3. There are _____ types of diabetes.
  4. A lot of red meats have ___.
  5. Too much sugar can give you this.
  6. meats Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  7. , this can prevent osteoporosis.
  8. This is an external factor.
  9. Their _____ health disorders.
  1. disease Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  2. activity level This is an internal factor.
  3. & Dislikes You have control over this.
  4. & Vegetables They have different colours.
  5. This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  6. Cultural backgroungs are ________ factors.
  7. This type of food has come from Asia.
  8. Most of the time it can’t be cured.

17 Clues: This is an external factor.A lot of red meats have ___.Their _____ health disorders.Emotions are ________ factors., this can prevent osteoporosis.Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.Too much sugar can give you this.There are _____ types of diabetes.Most of the time it can’t be cured.This type of food has come from Asia....

^-^ Healthy Crossword puzzle^-^ By: Arjen Suventhiran 2018-12-04

^-^ Healthy Crossword puzzle^-^    By: Arjen Suventhiran crossword puzzle
  1. disease ,Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  2. ,This type of food has came from italy.
  3. & Dislikes ,You have control over this.
  4. ,Too much sugar can give you this.
  5. ,Their are _____ health disorders.
  6. ,It is an internal factor.
  7. ,This type of food has come from Asia.
  8. ,This is an external factor.
  9. , this can prevent osteoporosis.
  1. & Vegetables ,They have different colours.
  2. ,Emotions are ________ factors.
  3. ,Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  4. meats ,Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  5. ,This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  6. ,Cultural backgrounds are ________ factors.
  7. ,A lot of red meats have ___.
  8. ,Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  9. ,There are _____ types of diabetes.

18 Clues: ,It is an internal factor.,This is an external factor.,A lot of red meats have ___.,Emotions are ________ factors., this can prevent osteoporosis.,Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.,Too much sugar can give you this.,Their are _____ health disorders.,There are _____ types of diabetes.,Most of the time it can’t be cured....

^-^ Healthy Crossword ^-^ 2018-12-04

^-^ Healthy Crossword ^-^ crossword puzzle
  1. Too much sugar can give you this.
  2. Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  3. Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  4. This is an external factor.
  5. This type of food has come from Asia.
  6. This can prevent osteoporosis.
  7. They have different colours.
  8. This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  9. Cultural backgrounds are ________ factors.
  1. It is an internal factor.
  2. Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  3. There are _____ types of diabetes.
  4. You have control over this.
  5. Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  6. This type of food has came from Italy.
  7. Emotions are ________ factors.
  8. A lot of red meats have ___.
  9. There are _____ health disorders.

18 Clues: It is an internal factor.You have control over this.This is an external factor.They have different colours.A lot of red meats have ___.Emotions are ________ factors.This can prevent osteoporosis.Too much sugar can give you this.Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.There are _____ health disorders.There are _____ types of diabetes....

DM 2 Komprehensif 2024-09-18

DM 2 Komprehensif crossword puzzle
  1. Risiko yang dikurangi atas Pengelolaan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
  2. Materi tentang perjalanan penyakit DM, penyulit, risiko disampaikan
  3. upaya mencapai dan memelihara kadar glukosa darah dalam batas normal
  4. cara kerja menurunkan produksi glukosa hati dan meningkatkan sensitifitas terhadap insulin
  5. Langkah-langkah terapi Pengelolaan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
  1. prinsip perencanaan makanan 45-65% dari total kalori
  2. Obat Antihiperglikemia Oral yang tersedia di FKTP
  3. efek samping utama BB naik dan hipoglikemia
  4. kadar HbA1c ≥ 6.5 GDP ≥ 126 GDPP ≥ 200
  5. kadar HbA1c < 5.7 GDP 70 - 99 GDPP 70 - 139

10 Clues: kadar HbA1c ≥ 6.5 GDP ≥ 126 GDPP ≥ 200efek samping utama BB naik dan hipoglikemiakadar HbA1c < 5.7 GDP 70 - 99 GDPP 70 - 139Obat Antihiperglikemia Oral yang tersedia di FKTPprinsip perencanaan makanan 45-65% dari total kaloriLangkah-langkah terapi Pengelolaan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2Risiko yang dikurangi atas Pengelolaan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2...

Key Terms for Type 2 Diabetes 2013-12-11

Key Terms for Type 2 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. low blood glucose level
  2. machine used to test blood glucose level
  3. something you will need to change to control your blood glucose level
  4. something you will need to do every day to control your diabetes
  1. organ that produces insulin
  2. someone I can ask for help to manage my type 2 diabetes
  3. high blood glucose level
  4. found in bread, pasta, potato etc.
  5. controls blood glucose level, in type 2 diabetes this is not working properly
  6. another term for sugar

10 Clues: another term for sugarlow blood glucose levelhigh blood glucose levelorgan that produces insulinfound in bread, pasta, potato etc.machine used to test blood glucose levelsomeone I can ask for help to manage my type 2 diabetessomething you will need to do every day to control your diabetes...

Health 2022-03-07

Health crossword puzzle
  1. röntgen
  2. kötszer
  3. hőmérő
  4. bensőség
  5. gyógyszer
  6. szemvizsgálat
  7. vérnyomás
  8. kerekesszék
  1. mentős
  2. fejfájás
  3. műtét
  4. ápoló
  5. cukorbetegség
  6. leégés
  7. köhögés

15 Clues: műtétápolómentőshőmérőleégésröntgenkötszerköhögésfejfájásbensőséggyógyszervérnyomáskerekesszékcukorbetegségszemvizsgálat

^-^ Healthy Crossword puzzle ^-^ 2018-12-04

^-^ Healthy Crossword puzzle ^-^ crossword puzzle
  1. A lot of red meats have ___.
  2. meats Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  3. Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  4. Cultural backgrounds are ________ factors.
  5. You have control over this.
  6. It is an internal factor.
  7. This is an external factor.
  8. This type of food has come from Asia.
  9. Emotions are ________ factors.
  10. Their _____ health disorders.
  1. This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  2. They have different colours.
  3. disease Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  4. This can prevent osteoporosis.
  5. Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  6. Too much sugar can give you this.
  7. There are _____ types of diabetes.
  8. This type of food has came from italy.

18 Clues: It is an internal factor.You have control over this.This is an external factor.A lot of red meats have ___.They have different colours.Their _____ health disorders.This can prevent osteoporosis.Emotions are ________ factors.Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.Too much sugar can give you this.There are _____ types of diabetes....

^-^ Healthy Crossword puzzle ^-^ 2018-12-04

^-^ Healthy Crossword puzzle ^-^ crossword puzzle
  1. This type of food has come from Asia.
  2. Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  3. This can prevent osteoporosis.
  4. This is an external factor.
  5. They have different colours.
  6. Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  7. This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  8. Emotions are ________ factors.
  9. Their _____ health disorders.
  1. This type of food has came from Italy.
  2. Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  3. It is an internal factor.
  4. A lot of red meats have ___.
  5. Cultural backgrounds are ________ factors.
  6. Too much sugar can give you this.
  7. You have control over this.
  8. There are _____ types of diabetes.
  9. Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.

18 Clues: It is an internal factor.You have control over this.This is an external factor.A lot of red meats have ___.They have different colours.Their _____ health disorders.This can prevent osteoporosis.Emotions are ________ factors.Too much sugar can give you this.Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.There are _____ types of diabetes....


  1. The process in the previous question interacts with oral drugs by effecting their ___.
  2. This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.
  3. A 26 year old male comes into the ED. He is very lethargic and very disoriented. You take his blood sugar and find that he is hypoglycemic. What type of insulin would you administer?
  4. Thiazolidinediones (Glitazones) reduce glucose levels by _______________ cellular response to circulating insulin.
  5. Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, and Biguanides are just a few examples of what type of oral drug?
  6. _____________________ stimulate pancreatic insulin release in a manner similar to the Sulfonylureas.
  7. Diabetes mellitus is derived from the Latin word for ______ and the Greek word for _____. The term describes one of the prominent symptoms of untreated diabetes, production of large volumes of glucose-rich urine.
  8. Risk for ___________ skin integrity related to failure to rotate insulin injection site.
  9. You are mixing a combination of insulins. You need 10 ml of insulin. You have already pulled up 3 ml of regular insulin, how much of the NPH do you need to pull up in your syringe?
  10. Type 1 diabetes results from the destruction of insulin-producing __________ cells.
  11. It is the start of your shift and you give one of your patients a shot of Humalog insulin. In how many hours do you expect to be returning to said patient to give the next shot.
  12. The most common type of diabetes. Some sources say heredity and obesity are the major factors of this type of diabetes.
  13. _____________ inhibitors should not be given with Metformin because they interact to cause significant GI effects.
  14. Ketoacidosis causes alterations in the metabolism of both glucose and what?
  15. Metformin decreases liver production of glucose and enhances uptake and utilization of glucose in which type of tissue?
  16. A 16 year old female with type II Diabetes comes into the office very concerned about how her stomach looks. You find that she has been misinformed and has been injecting herself with insulin in the same spot (lower abdomen) every day. You assess her stomach and find that her stomach is pitting in the injection spot. What do you educate her on?
  17. The actions of these hormones tell your body to release insulin after you eat.
  18. Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.
  19. A result of insulin deficiency.
  20. Many DM drugs inhibit or suppress ___ release of glucagon by delaying gastric emptying.
  21. A 76 year old female comes into the ED. Her daughter who is with her tells you that the she has not been eating regularly at her nursing home. Her daughter says she skipped breakfast this morning and believes did not eat much for dinner the night before. Your patient is very fatigued and anxious, has a fast heartbeat and is sweating profusely. You take her blood sugar and it is 47 mg/dL. You would chart your patient as?
  22. Which route would you administer the insulin of the 26 year old male who is hypoglycemic.
  23. Which of the sulfonylureas cannot be used to treat Type 1 Diabetes?
  1. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act on the intestine to delay the absorption of ________________.
  2. In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?
  3. The pancreas produces ___ which increases plasma glucose levels. It is also administered for severe hypoglycemia.
  4. Susie has was dianosed with _____ at the age of 9. She is not 20 years old and has been insulin dependent since the time she was diagnosed.
  5. A 19 year old male who has had diabetes for 2 years comes in with a raised lump on his lower abdomen. You ask him if this is the spot that he normally injects himself with insulin. He replies that this is the only place he injects himself twice a day. The raised lump is called what?
  6. Recent data have shown that this drug can prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
  7. Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin.
  8. This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.
  9. HOURS You administer NPH insulin to a patient. How long before this type of Intermediate insulin starts to peak?
  10. Glitazones should be used with caution in patients with heart failure because these drugs can cause _______________________.
  11. SCALE You have a patient that just came out of surgery who is a type II diabetic. Her blood glucose in the last three hours has not been stable. Your decide that it is best to follow the ___________ ___________ protocol and administer adjusted doses of insulin based off of her blood glucose reading every shift.
  12. An overdose of insulin may lead to your patient falling into a __________.
  13. Orinase, Glucotrol, and DiaBeta promote insulin release by the pancreas. What is the name of the drug class they belong to?
  14. The FDA warns that due to this drug's ability to complement the effects of insulin, it increases the risk of insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia.
  15. Extreme thirst, the need to urinate often, and blurry vision can be symptoms of _________________.
  16. ___ dysfunction patients are at greater risk for hypoglycemia using meglitinides.
  17. A new admit that has Type 11 diabetes is put on your floor. She says she if very hungry and would like to eat something soon. What type of insulin would you administer to her if she was to eat in the next 30 minutes.
  18. There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.
  19. __________ diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health.
  20. A patient comes in and is very worried about injecting herself with insulin due to fear of needles. She lives a very busy lifestyle of work and travel. She is curious if there are any other methods than using the Lantus pen she is prescribed. You would educate her on the idea of an Insulin _______.
  21. You are educating a very petite and skinny young woman on how to inject herself with insulin. You show her that she needs to ______ her lower abdomen and inject herself with the needle at 45 degrees to ensure that she is getting the insulin in her subcutaneous tissue.

44 Clues: A result of insulin deficiency.Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______....

Diabetes UK Docklands Dine & Delight 2024-01-16

Diabetes UK Docklands Dine & Delight crossword puzzle
  1. A chronic condition characterised by high levels of blood sugar.
  2. A device used by sailors to determine direction.
  3. A popular seafood known for its high omega-3 fatty acids.
  4. The hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels.
  5. The term for a sudden, severe drop in blood sugar levels.
  6. A nautical measurement of speed, equal to one nautical mile per hour.
  7. A nautical term for the front part of a ship.
  1. The process of navigating a ship from one place to another.
  2. A small boat typically carried or towed by a larger vessel.
  3. A device used by sailors to measure depth beneath the water's surface.
  4. A nutrient found in fish that is beneficial for heart health.
  5. A condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not yet diabetes.
  6. A type of diabetes that typically develops during childhood.
  7. The nautical term for the left side of a ship.

14 Clues: A nautical term for the front part of a ship.The nautical term for the left side of a ship.A device used by sailors to determine direction.A popular seafood known for its high omega-3 fatty acids.The term for a sudden, severe drop in blood sugar levels.The hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels....

Pharmacy Crossword 2024-09-10

Pharmacy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Study of drug effects on the body
  2. Chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels
  3. Organ that filters blood and produces urine
  4. Medication used to treat epilepsy
  5. Process of creating personalized medications
  6. Medication used to lower blood pressure
  7. Hormone that regulates blood sugar
  8. Medication used to treat diabetes
  9. Study of how drugs move through the body
  10. Medication used to relieve pain
  11. Medication used to relieve allergy symptoms
  1. Medication used to treat bacterial infections
  2. Medication used to treat depression
  3. Medication used to treat asthma
  4. Medication used to treat fungal infections
  5. Medication used to treat inflammation
  6. Organ that detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs
  7. Medication used to reduce cholesterol levels
  8. Study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion
  9. Medication used to treat hypertension
  10. Common NSAID used to reduce fever and pain

21 Clues: Medication used to treat asthmaMedication used to relieve painStudy of drug effects on the bodyMedication used to treat epilepsyMedication used to treat diabetesHormone that regulates blood sugarMedication used to treat depressionMedication used to treat inflammationMedication used to treat hypertensionMedication used to lower blood pressure...

diabetes 2015-02-09

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Oorzaak
  2. ongeneeslijk
  3. Diabetes
  4. Alvleesklier
  1. Kenmerk
  2. Hormoon
  3. Vb. type 3

7 Clues: KenmerkHormoonOorzaakDiabetesVb. type 3ongeneeslijkAlvleesklier

Diabetes 2016-02-22

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Cannot produce enough insulin
  2. Hormone inected into someone
  3. Also known a slow blood sugar
  4. blood vessle pops bluring vision
  5. Check glucose in blood
  1. Diabetes women develep during preganacy
  2. Blood sugar that gives energy to cells

7 Clues: Check glucose in bloodHormone inected into someoneCannot produce enough insulinAlso known a slow blood sugarblood vessle pops bluring visionBlood sugar that gives energy to cellsDiabetes women develep during preganacy

Diabetes 2017-04-24

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. The organ that controls the insulin levels.
  2. The patient does not have enough sugar in their blood.
  3. This is a less sever form of the disease, but is still significant.
  4. Patients may appear agitated, aggressive, and this.
  1. Too much sugar leads to this.
  2. juice A liquid that is a preferred treatment for low bood sugar.
  3. These patients require insulin, and usually begin in childhood.

7 Clues: Too much sugar leads to this.The organ that controls the insulin levels.Patients may appear agitated, aggressive, and this.The patient does not have enough sugar in their blood.These patients require insulin, and usually begin in childhood.juice A liquid that is a preferred treatment for low bood sugar....

Diabetes 2022-05-29

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Glucose levels fall very low
  2. Used to control glucose levels
  3. Should be eaten in moderation to control glucose levels
  4. Storage form of glucose
  1. is a risk factor for diabetes
  2. Produces the hormone that controls glucose levels
  3. is a symptom of diabetes

7 Clues: Storage form of glucoseis a symptom of diabetesGlucose levels fall very lowis a risk factor for diabetesUsed to control glucose levelsProduces the hormone that controls glucose levelsShould be eaten in moderation to control glucose levels

Diabetes 2019-09-23

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. excesso de glicosse no sangue
  2. alimentos que auxiliam no controle da diabetes
  3. taxa baixa de glicose no sangue.
  1. glândula que produz insulina
  2. agravamento no estado glicêmico (aumento)
  3. aumento exagerada da sede
  4. hormônio que estimula o figado a realizar a glicólise

7 Clues: aumento exagerada da sedeglândula que produz insulinaexcesso de glicosse no sanguetaxa baixa de glicose no sangue.agravamento no estado glicêmico (aumento)alimentos que auxiliam no controle da diabeteshormônio que estimula o figado a realizar a glicólise

Diabetes 2024-02-27

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. number of minutes per day people should be physically active
  2. How many days a week should those with Type 2 Diabetes should exercise
  3. Dangerously low blood sugar levels
  1. Recommended type of resistance training
  2. What can be used other than medication and exercise to manage diabetes
  3. What receptors are dulled with Type II diabetes?
  4. What to eat before the gym to avoid a crash

7 Clues: Dangerously low blood sugar levelsRecommended type of resistance trainingWhat to eat before the gym to avoid a crashWhat receptors are dulled with Type II diabetes?number of minutes per day people should be physically activeWhat can be used other than medication and exercise to manage diabetes...

Diabetes 2014-02-27

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. orgaan gevoelig voor verwikkelingen
  2. hoge bloedsuiker
  3. lage bloedsuiker
  1. ander woord voor suikers
  2. diabetes bij zwangere
  3. sleutel nodig om glucose in de cel te krijgen
  4. ander woord voor diabetes

7 Clues: hoge bloedsuikerlage bloedsuikerdiabetes bij zwangereander woord voor suikersander woord voor diabetesorgaan gevoelig voor verwikkelingensleutel nodig om glucose in de cel te krijgen

diabetes 2021-12-11

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Dysfunction of the peripheral nerves
  2. Disease of the retina of the eye
  3. Deficiency of glucose blood stream
  1. Gum disease
  2. Organ producing insulin and glucagon
  3. Excess of glucose in the blood stream
  4. Damage or dysfunction of the kidney

7 Clues: Gum diseaseDisease of the retina of the eyeDeficiency of glucose blood streamDamage or dysfunction of the kidneyOrgan producing insulin and glucagonDysfunction of the peripheral nervesExcess of glucose in the blood stream

Diabetes 2024-03-12

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Pancreas Makes This Hormone
  2. I Pancreas Does Not Make Insulin
  3. Food That Can Help With Low Blood Sugar
  1. Blood Sugar Hyper
  2. Insulin Uses Sugar To Create This
  3. Blood Sugar Hypo
  4. Another Word For Glucose
  5. II Pancreas Does Not Make Enough Insulin

8 Clues: Blood Sugar HypoBlood Sugar HyperAnother Word For GlucosePancreas Makes This HormoneI Pancreas Does Not Make InsulinInsulin Uses Sugar To Create ThisFood That Can Help With Low Blood SugarII Pancreas Does Not Make Enough Insulin


  1. The process in the previous question interacts with oral drugs by effecting their ___.
  2. A 76 year old female comes into the ED. Her daughter who is with her tells you that the she has not been eating regularly at her nursing home. Her daughter says she skipped breakfast this morning and believes did not eat much for dinner the night before. Your patient is very fatigued and anxious, has a fast heartbeat and is sweating profusely. You take her blood sugar and it is 47 mg/dL. You would chart your patient as?
  3. It is the start of your shift and you give one of your patients a shot of Humalog insulin. In how many hours do you expect to be returning to said patient to give the next shot.
  4. You are mixing a combination of insulins. You need 10 ml of insulin. You have already pulled up 3 ml of regular insulin, how much of the NPH do you need to pull up in your syringe?
  5. Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin.
  6. Which route would you administer the insulin of the 26 year old male who is hypoglycemic.
  7. Extreme thirst, the need to urinate often, and blurry vision can be symptoms of _________________.
  8. Recent data have shown that this drug can prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
  9. Many DM drugs inhibit or suppress ___ release of glucagon by delaying gastric emptying.
  10. _____________ inhibitors should not be given with Metformin because they interact to cause significant GI effects.
  11. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act on the intestine to delay the absorption of ________________.
  12. There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.
  13. Orinase, Glucotrol, and DiaBeta promote insulin release by the pancreas. What is the name of the drug class they belong to?
  14. Ketoacidosis causes alterations in the metabolism of both glucose and what?
  15. A result of insulin deficiency.
  16. Which of the sulfonylureas cannot be used to treat Type 1 Diabetes?
  17. In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?
  18. The FDA warns that due to this drug's ability to complement the effects of insulin, it increases the risk of insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia.
  19. The pancreas produces ___ which increases plasma glucose levels. It is also administered for severe hypoglycemia.
  1. __________ diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health.
  2. Risk for ___________ skin integrity related to failure to rotate insulin injection site.
  3. This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.
  4. Metformin decreases liver production of glucose and enhances uptake and utilization of glucose in which type of tissue?
  5. The most common type of diabetes. Some sources say heredity and obesity are the major factors of this type of diabetes.
  6. Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, and Biguanides are just a few examples of what type of oral drug?
  7. An overdose of insulin may lead to your patient falling into a __________.
  8. SCALE You have a patient that just came out of surgery who is a type II diabetic. Her blood glucose in the last three hours has not been stable. Your decide that it is best to follow the ___________ ___________ protocol and administer adjusted doses of insulin based off of her blood glucose reading every shift.
  9. A patient comes in and is very worried about injecting herself with insulin due to fear of needles. She lives a very busy lifestyle of work and travel. She is curious if there are any other methods than using the Lantus pen she is prescribed. You would educate her on the idea of an Insulin _______.
  10. Susie has was dianosed with _____ at the age of 9. She is not 20 years old and has been insulin dependent since the time she was diagnosed.
  11. This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.
  12. A 19 year old male who has had diabetes for 2 years comes in with a raised lump on his lower abdomen. You ask him if this is the spot that he normally injects himself with insulin. He replies that this is the only place he injects himself twice a day. The raised lump is called what?
  13. A 16 year old female with type II Diabetes comes into the office very concerned about how her stomach looks. You find that she has been misinformed and has been injecting herself with insulin in the same spot (lower abdomen) every day. You assess her stomach and find that her stomach is pitting in the injection spot. What do you educate her on?
  14. You are educating a very petite and skinny young woman on how to inject herself with insulin. You show her that she needs to ______ her lower abdomen and inject herself with the needle at 45 degrees to ensure that she is getting the insulin in her subcutaneous tissue.
  15. HOURS You administer NPH insulin to a patient. How long before this type of Intermediate insulin starts to peak?
  16. ___ dysfunction patients are at greater risk for hypoglycemia using meglitinides.
  17. _____________________ stimulate pancreatic insulin release in a manner similar to the Sulfonylureas.
  18. Glitazones should be used with caution in patients with heart failure because these drugs can cause _______________________.
  19. Type 1 diabetes results from the destruction of insulin-producing __________ cells.
  20. Diabetes mellitus is derived from the Latin word for ______ and the Greek word for _____. The term describes one of the prominent symptoms of untreated diabetes, production of large volumes of glucose-rich urine.
  21. A 26 year old male comes into the ED. He is very lethargic and very disoriented. You take his blood sugar and find that he is hypoglycemic. What type of insulin would you administer?
  22. Thiazolidinediones (Glitazones) reduce glucose levels by _______________ cellular response to circulating insulin.
  23. The actions of these hormones tell your body to release insulin after you eat.
  24. Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.
  25. A new admit that has Type 11 diabetes is put on your floor. She says she if very hungry and would like to eat something soon. What type of insulin would you administer to her if she was to eat in the next 30 minutes.

44 Clues: A result of insulin deficiency.Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______....


  1. The pancreas produces ___ which increases plasma glucose levels. It is also administered for severe hypoglycemia.
  2. There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.
  3. SCALE You have a patient that just came out of surgery who is a type II diabetic. Her blood glucose in the last three hours has not been stable. Your decide that it is best to follow the ___________ ___________ protocol and administer adjusted doses of insulin based off of her blood glucose reading every shift.
  4. A new admit that has Type 11 diabetes is put on your floor. She says she if very hungry and would like to eat something soon. What type of insulin would you administer to her if she was to eat in the next 30 minutes.
  5. Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin.
  6. Diabetes mellitus is derived from the Latin word for ______ and the Greek word for _____. The term describes one of the prominent symptoms of untreated diabetes, production of large volumes of glucose-rich urine.
  7. A result of insulin deficiency.
  8. A 16 year old female with type II Diabetes comes into the office very concerned about how her stomach looks. You find that she has been misinformed and has been injecting herself with insulin in the same spot (lower abdomen) every day. You assess her stomach and find that her stomach is pitting in the injection spot. What do you educate her on?
  9. Which of the sulfonylureas cannot be used to treat Type 1 Diabetes?
  10. The actions of these hormones tell your body to release insulin after you eat.
  11. Orinase, Glucotrol, and DiaBeta promote insulin release by the pancreas. What is the name of the drug class they belong to?
  12. A 76 year old female comes into the ED. Her daughter who is with her tells you that the she has not been eating regularly at her nursing home. Her daughter says she skipped breakfast this morning and believes did not eat much for dinner the night before. Your patient is very fatigued and anxious, has a fast heartbeat and is sweating profusely. You take her blood sugar and it is 47 mg/dL. You would chart your patient as?
  13. Type 1 diabetes results from the destruction of insulin-producing __________ cells.
  14. _____________ inhibitors should not be given with Metformin because they interact to cause significant GI effects.
  15. The process in the previous question interacts with oral drugs by effecting their ___.
  16. Which route would you administer the insulin of the 26 year old male who is hypoglycemic.
  17. Risk for ___________ skin integrity related to failure to rotate insulin injection site.
  18. It is the start of your shift and you give one of your patients a shot of Humalog insulin. In how many hours do you expect to be returning to said patient to give the next shot.
  19. ___ dysfunction patients are at greater risk for hypoglycemia using meglitinides.
  20. Susie has was dianosed with _____ at the age of 9. She is not 20 years old and has been insulin dependent since the time she was diagnosed.
  21. The most common type of diabetes. Some sources say heredity and obesity are the major factors of this type of diabetes.
  22. A 26 year old male comes into the ED. He is very lethargic and very disoriented. You take his blood sugar and find that he is hypoglycemic. What type of insulin would you administer?
  23. __________ diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health.
  1. _____________________ stimulate pancreatic insulin release in a manner similar to the Sulfonylureas.
  2. An overdose of insulin may lead to your patient falling into a __________.
  3. Recent data have shown that this drug can prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
  4. This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.
  5. Thiazolidinediones (Glitazones) reduce glucose levels by _______________ cellular response to circulating insulin.
  6. Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.
  7. Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, and Biguanides are just a few examples of what type of oral drug?
  8. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act on the intestine to delay the absorption of ________________.
  9. Extreme thirst, the need to urinate often, and blurry vision can be symptoms of _________________.
  10. You are mixing a combination of insulins. You need 10 ml of insulin. You have already pulled up 3 ml of regular insulin, how much of the NPH do you need to pull up in your syringe?
  11. This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.
  12. The FDA warns that due to this drug's ability to complement the effects of insulin, it increases the risk of insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia.
  13. HOURS You administer NPH insulin to a patient. How long before this type of Intermediate insulin starts to peak?
  14. Many DM drugs inhibit or suppress ___ release of glucagon by delaying gastric emptying.
  15. Metformin decreases liver production of glucose and enhances uptake and utilization of glucose in which type of tissue?
  16. You are educating a very petite and skinny young woman on how to inject herself with insulin. You show her that she needs to ______ her lower abdomen and inject herself with the needle at 45 degrees to ensure that she is getting the insulin in her subcutaneous tissue.
  17. A 19 year old male who has had diabetes for 2 years comes in with a raised lump on his lower abdomen. You ask him if this is the spot that he normally injects himself with insulin. He replies that this is the only place he injects himself twice a day. The raised lump is called what?
  18. Glitazones should be used with caution in patients with heart failure because these drugs can cause _______________________.
  19. Ketoacidosis causes alterations in the metabolism of both glucose and what?
  20. A patient comes in and is very worried about injecting herself with insulin due to fear of needles. She lives a very busy lifestyle of work and travel. She is curious if there are any other methods than using the Lantus pen she is prescribed. You would educate her on the idea of an Insulin _______.
  21. In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?

44 Clues: A result of insulin deficiency.Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin....


  1. Metformin decreases liver production of glucose and enhances uptake and utilization of glucose in which type of tissue?
  2. A new admit that has Type 11 diabetes is put on your floor. She says she if very hungry and would like to eat something soon. What type of insulin would you administer to her if she was to eat in the next 30 minutes.
  3. HOURS You administer NPH insulin to a patient. How long before this type of Intermediate insulin starts to peak?
  4. A 76 year old female comes into the ED. Her daughter who is with her tells you that the she has not been eating regularly at her nursing home. Her daughter says she skipped breakfast this morning and believes did not eat much for dinner the night before. Your patient is very fatigued and anxious, has a fast heartbeat and is sweating profusely. You take her blood sugar and it is 47 mg/dL. You would chart your patient as?
  5. There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.
  6. Ketoacidosis causes alterations in the metabolism of both glucose and what?
  7. The pancreas produces ___ which increases plasma glucose levels. It is also administered for severe hypoglycemia.
  8. _____________________ stimulate pancreatic insulin release in a manner similar to the Sulfonylureas.
  9. The actions of these hormones tell your body to release insulin after you eat.
  10. This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.
  11. ___ dysfunction patients are at greater risk for hypoglycemia using meglitinides.
  12. A 16 year old female with type II Diabetes comes into the office very concerned about how her stomach looks. You find that she has been misinformed and has been injecting herself with insulin in the same spot (lower abdomen) every day. You assess her stomach and find that her stomach is pitting in the injection spot. What do you educate her on?
  13. The FDA warns that due to this drug's ability to complement the effects of insulin, it increases the risk of insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia.
  14. A 19 year old male who has had diabetes for 2 years comes in with a raised lump on his lower abdomen. You ask him if this is the spot that he normally injects himself with insulin. He replies that this is the only place he injects himself twice a day. The raised lump is called what?
  15. Diabetes mellitus is derived from the Latin word for ______ and the Greek word for "fountain". The term describes one of the prominent symptoms of untreated diabetes, production of large volumes of glucose-rich urine.
  16. Thiazolidinediones (Glitazones) reduce glucose levels by _______________ cellular response to circulating insulin.
  17. The process in the previous question interacts with oral drugs by effecting their ___.
  18. It is the start of your shift and you give one of your patients a shot of Humalog insulin. In how many hours do you expect to be returning to said patient to give the next shot.
  19. This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.
  20. You are mixing a combination of insulins. You need 10 ml of insulin. You have already pulled up 3 ml of regular insulin, how much of the NPH do you need to pull up in your syringe?
  21. An overdose of insulin may lead to your patient falling into a __________.
  1. Risk for ___________ skin integrity related to failure to rotate insulin injection site.
  2. A patient comes in and is very worried about injecting herself with insulin due to fear of needles. She lives a very busy lifestyle of work and travel. She is curious if there are any other methods than using the Lantus pen she is prescribed. You would educate her on the idea of an Insulin _______.
  3. Glitazones should be used with caution in patients with heart failure because these drugs can cause _______________________.
  4. Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, and Biguanides are just a few examples of what type of oral drug?
  5. Orinase, Glucotrol, and DiaBeta promote insulin release by the pancreas. What is the name of the drug class they belong to?
  6. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act on the intestine to delay the absorption of ________________.
  7. Which route would you administer the insulin of the 26 year old male who is hypoglycemic.
  8. Recent data have shown that this drug can prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
  9. Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin.
  10. Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.
  11. Which of the sulfonylureas cannot be used to treat Type 1 Diabetes?
  12. __________ diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health.
  13. In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?
  14. _____________ inhibitors should not be given with Metformin because they interact to cause significant GI effects.
  15. The most common type of diabetes. Some sources say heredity and obesity are the major factors of this type of diabetes.
  16. You are educating a very petite and skinny young woman on how to inject herself with insulin. You show her that she needs to ______ her lower abdomen and inject herself with the needle at 45 degrees to ensure that she is getting the insulin in her subcutaneous tissue.
  17. You have a patient that just came out of surgery who is a type II diabetic. Her blood glucose in the last three hours has not been stable. Your decide that it is best to follow the ___________ ___________ protocol and administer adjusted doses of insulin based off of her blood glucose reading every shift.
  18. Type 1 diabetes results from the destruction of insulin-producing __________ cells.
  19. Extreme thirst, the need to urinate often, and blurry vision can be symptoms of _________________.
  20. Many DM drugs inhibit or suppress ___ release of glucagon by delaying gastric emptying.
  21. Susie has was dianosed with _____ at the age of 9. She is not 20 years old and has been insulin dependent since the time she was diagnosed.

42 Clues: Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin....

tts 2023-06-09

tts crossword puzzle
  1. adanya sel darah merah dalam urine
  2. digunakan untuk oksidasi makanan sehingga menghasilkan energi
  3. tempat untuk mengalirkan urine keluar dari tubuh
  4. menyalurkan zat hasil sisa filtrasi ketubulus distal
  5. saluran mengalirkan urine keluar tubuh disebut
  6. lapisan yang terletak dibawah kulit ari adalah lapisan
  7. zat warna pada urine
  8. lapisan paling atas dalam kulit adalah lapisan
  9. nama lain stratum korneum adalah lapisan
  10. penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri streptococcus
  1. penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Propionibacterium acnes
  2. tempat penampungan urine sementara
  3. biliverdinn diubah menjadi
  4. lapisan tipis yang berada dikulit
  5. mengaktifkan enzim lipase merupakan fungsi dari
  6. tempat terjadinya filtrasi
  7. tempat pembentukan urea dari amonia merupakan fungsi
  8. mencegah masuknya kuman penyakit merupakan fungsi dari
  9. diabetes yang terjadi karena kelebihan glukosa adalah diabetes
  10. pengeluaran zat sisa hasil pencernaan

20 Clues: zat warna pada urinebiliverdinn diubah menjaditempat terjadinya filtrasilapisan tipis yang berada dikulittempat penampungan urine sementaraadanya sel darah merah dalam urinepengeluaran zat sisa hasil pencernaannama lain stratum korneum adalah lapisansaluran mengalirkan urine keluar tubuh disebutlapisan paling atas dalam kulit adalah lapisan...

Diabetes Crossword 2015-03-12

Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Name a hormone that helps the food to convert to energy.
  2. Whole grain foods and fresh fruits and vegetables are _______ with more fiber content.
  3. Increased intake of which component in diet can cause increase in blood pressure?
  4. What (in metres) is required to calculate BMI of an individual?
  5. Which disease causes your blood glucose to rise very high?
  6. Name an important symptom/sign that indicates that blood sugar is too high.
  7. Name human body’s main fuel source.
  1. Which organ constantly monitors and controls your blood sugar levels?
  2. Name an effective way to prevent diabetes.
  3. A diabetic patient is more prone to ____________________.
  4. What kind of vision would a diabetic patient have if blood sugar is not controlled?

11 Clues: Name human body’s main fuel source.Name an effective way to prevent diabetes.Name a hormone that helps the food to convert to energy.A diabetic patient is more prone to ____________________.Which disease causes your blood glucose to rise very high?What (in metres) is required to calculate BMI of an individual?...

Chronic Diabetes 2023-09-25

Chronic Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Neuropathy of the ___ nervous system can trigger delayed gastric emptying, postural hypotension, sexual dysfunction and neurogenic bladder
  2. Complication involving large and medium-sized blood vessels, such as CAD, HTN, CVA, PVD
  3. Neuropathic Arthropathy is also called ___, in which structural changes occur to the ankle and foot which lead to joint dysfunction and foot drop.
  4. If a toe becomes necrotic, it is often treated via this surgical intervention
  5. Destruction of vasculature in the kidney
  1. The most common form of this looks like red-brown, oval or round patches on the skin, esp. on the shins
  2. Term for chronic blood vessel dysfunctions seen in DM, divided into macrovascular and microvascular complications
  3. Complication involving thickening of vessel membranes in capillaries and arterioles
  4. Hemorrhages and aneurysms in the eye
  5. DM-related neuropathy can effect the ___ nervous system
  6. 60% of patients with DM will develop this form of nerve damage

11 Clues: Hemorrhages and aneurysms in the eyeDestruction of vasculature in the kidneyDM-related neuropathy can effect the ___ nervous system60% of patients with DM will develop this form of nerve damageIf a toe becomes necrotic, it is often treated via this surgical intervention...

crossword puzzle health 2023-02-21

crossword puzzle health crossword puzzle
  1. 1.
  2. 15.
  3. 4.
  4. 6.
  5. 25.
  6. 20.
  7. 24.
  8. 14.
  9. 22.
  10. 2.
  11. 10.
  12. 12.
  1. 21.
  2. 8.
  3. 17.
  4. 19.
  5. 23.
  6. 11.
  7. 5.
  8. 13.
  9. 7.
  10. 9.
  11. 16.
  12. 3.
  13. 18.

25 Clues:

noncommunicable disease 2023-02-21

noncommunicable disease crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 4
  3. 23
  4. 11
  5. 9
  6. 16
  7. 19
  8. 17
  9. 20
  10. 1
  11. 15
  12. 7
  13. 13
  1. 14
  2. 6
  3. 3
  4. 8
  5. 10
  6. 21
  7. 18
  8. attack 5
  9. 25
  10. 2
  11. 22
  12. 24

25 Clues: 6384921714121021182311162519172022152413attack 5

ncd 2023-02-21

ncd crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 22
  3. 14
  4. 7
  5. 20
  6. 17
  7. 12
  8. 9
  9. 3
  10. 16
  11. 6
  12. 23
  13. 5
  14. 24
  1. 1
  2. 11
  3. 19
  4. 21
  5. 2
  6. 25
  7. 18
  8. 13
  9. 8
  10. 15
  11. 4

25 Clues: 12793684511192110221425201817121316231524

Health Crossword 2023-02-21

Health Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 8
  3. 13
  4. 19
  5. 21
  6. 5
  7. 4
  8. 15
  9. 20
  10. 10
  11. attack 9
  12. 25
  13. 12
  1. 7
  2. 22
  3. 1
  4. 16
  5. 3
  6. 11
  7. 2
  8. 23
  9. 6
  10. 17
  11. 24
  12. 18

25 Clues: 7183256422141316111923211715242018102512attack 9

NCD 2023-02-21

NCD crossword puzzle
  1. 19
  2. 12
  3. 8
  4. 17
  5. 22
  6. 11
  7. 1
  8. 6
  9. 23
  10. 2
  11. 13
  12. 7
  13. 9
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 21
  4. 10
  5. 18
  6. 14
  7. 16
  8. 5
  9. 24
  10. 20
  11. 25
  12. 15

25 Clues: 34851627919122110171814162224112025231315

NCD 2023-02-21

NCD crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 18
  3. 17
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 23
  7. 19
  8. 13
  9. 1
  10. Arthritis 10
  11. 14
  12. 21
  13. 3
  14. 22
  1. 6
  2. 8
  3. 7
  4. 9
  5. 20
  6. 15
  7. 2
  8. 12
  9. 25
  10. 16
  11. 24

25 Clues: 687945213101817202315191314122521162422Arthritis 10

health vocab 2023-02-22

health vocab crossword puzzle
  1. 18
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 13
  5. 19
  6. 21
  7. 14
  8. 5
  9. 4
  10. 15
  11. 20
  12. 10
  13. 12
  1. 7
  2. 22
  3. 1
  4. 25
  5. 16
  6. 3
  7. 11
  8. 2
  9. 23
  10. 6
  11. 17
  12. 24

25 Clues: 79183256418222513161119232114171524201012

cm 2023-02-23

cm crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 12
  3. 20
  4. 10
  5. 6
  6. 13
  7. 17
  8. 9
  9. 11
  10. 4
  11. 15
  12. 3
  13. 23
  14. 25
  1. 5
  2. 21
  3. 18
  4. 24
  5. 22
  6. 2
  7. 8
  8. 19
  9. 16
  10. 1
  11. 7

25 Clues: 56298417314122118242010221317191116152325

ncd 2023-02-21

ncd crossword puzzle
  1. 18
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 13
  5. 19
  6. 21
  7. 14
  8. 5
  9. 4
  10. 15
  11. 20
  12. 10
  13. 12
  1. 7
  2. 22
  3. 1
  4. 25
  5. 16
  6. 3
  7. 11
  8. 2
  9. 23
  10. 6
  11. 17
  12. 24

25 Clues: 79183256418222513161119232114171524201012

kjg;harg;kjadfgklj 2023-02-21

kjg;harg;kjadfgklj crossword puzzle
  1. 7
  2. 2
  3. 1
  4. 5
  5. 21
  6. 12
  7. 4
  8. 19
  9. 14
  10. 16
  11. 10
  12. 25
  13. 9
  14. 15
  1. 8
  2. 23
  3. 18
  4. 24
  5. 3
  6. 17
  7. 13
  8. 11
  9. 20
  10. 6
  11. 22

25 Clues: 87321546923182421171312112019141610222515

Unit 4, 5, 6, and 7 2017-03-13

Unit 4, 5, 6, and 7 crossword puzzle
  1. thebirhtofaninfantthatdiedinthewomb
  2. alargeinstrumentthatencirclesthebaby'sheadtohelpaidindelivery
  3. strokethesoleofthefoottoseeiftoescurlover
  4. whenthecervixopens
  5. theplaceinwhichconceptionhappens
  6. adiseaseinwhichthebody'sabilitytoproduceorrespondtothehormoneinsulinisimpaired
  7. maturefemalereporductivecellthatbecomeanembryoafterfertilization
  8. problemsthathavebeentheresincebirth
  9. atestgivenatbirthtoevalutethebaby'sphysicalcondition
  10. asurgicalcutmadeattheopeningofthevaginatoaidduringdelivery
  11. waymoreseriousthantheothershavingthoughttoharmyouorthebaby
  12. bornbeforefulltermortooearly
  13. twinsthatcanlookthesame
  14. fertilizedovum
  1. stroketheoutsideofthefoottoseeiftoesextendorstretch
  2. alittlemoreseriousthanbabybluesit'sactualdepressionandcanbeserious
  3. apairoftubesthattheeggstravelthroughtogetfromtheovariestotheuterus
  4. twinsthatlookdifferent
  5. sadnessordepressionaffectingthemomaftergivingbirth
  6. whenthebabydrops
  7. semenfrommale
  8. theactofachildbeingmade
  9. thereflexofmakingsuckingmotionsandsoundswhencheekorlipistouched
  10. thefingerstrytograspsomethingwhenthehandistouched
  11. spontaneousdeathofababy

25 Clues: semenfrommalefertilizedovumwhenthebabydropswhenthecervixopenstwinsthatlookdifferenttheactofachildbeingmadespontaneousdeathofababytwinsthatcanlookthesamebornbeforefulltermortooearlytheplaceinwhichconceptionhappensthebirhtofaninfantthatdiedinthewombproblemsthathavebeentheresincebirthstrokethesoleofthefoottoseeiftoescurlover...

Diabetes Day 2023-12-07

Diabetes Day crossword puzzle
  1. An organization that plays a leading role in promoting awareness about diabetes.
  2. A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little to no insulin.
  3. Circle The international symbol for diabetes, consisting of a blue circle.
  1. A common type of test that measures average blood sugar levels over the past two to three months.
  2. Monitoring A common method for people with diabetes to monitor their blood glucose levels.
  3. The date on which World Diabetes Day is observed globally.
  4. The theme color for diabetes awareness.
  5. This type of diabetes is usually diagnosed in childhood and requires insulin for management.

8 Clues: The theme color for diabetes awareness.The date on which World Diabetes Day is observed globally.A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little to no insulin.Circle The international symbol for diabetes, consisting of a blue circle.An organization that plays a leading role in promoting awareness about diabetes....

Health Crossword 2021-03-03

Health Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 10
  3. 6
  4. 17
  5. 2
  6. 24
  7. 16
  8. 11
  9. 18
  10. 25
  11. 15
  12. 13
  13. 12
  14. 1
  15. 8
  1. 3
  2. 22
  3. 7
  4. 21
  5. 23
  6. 5
  7. 20
  8. 4
  9. 19
  10. 9

25 Clues: 37625491814222110231724162011182515191312

A5 2019-09-17

A5 crossword puzzle
  1. guz
  2. wścieklizna
  3. gorączka
  4. cukrzyca
  5. dudy
  6. cymbały
  7. złamanie
  8. klarnet
  9. kręgle
  10. kaszel
  11. puzon
  12. wymioty
  1. skręcenie
  2. różyczka
  3. odleżyny
  4. klawesyn
  5. opuchlizna
  6. wrzód
  7. białaczka
  8. flet prosty
  9. alergia
  10. szermierka
  11. wioślarstwo
  12. bezsenność
  13. krwawienie

25 Clues: guzdudywrzódpuzonkręglekaszelcymbałyalergiaklarnetwymiotyróżyczkaodleżynygorączkaklawesyncukrzycazłamanieskręceniebiałaczkaopuchliznaszermierkabezsennośćkrwawieniewściekliznaflet prostywioślarstwo

NCD 2023-02-21

NCD crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 10
  4. 22
  5. 8
  6. 5
  7. 12
  8. 7
  9. 23
  10. 24
  11. 20
  1. 2
  2. 21
  3. 18
  4. 15
  5. 9
  6. 16
  7. 3
  8. 19
  9. 6
  10. 11
  11. 25
  12. 17
  13. 14
  14. 13

25 Clues: 21493856721181510221619112517121413232420

cm 2023-02-22

cm crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 12
  3. 20
  4. 10
  5. 6
  6. 13
  7. 17
  8. 9
  9. 11
  10. 4
  11. 15
  12. 3
  13. 23
  14. 25
  1. 5
  2. 21
  3. 18
  4. 24
  5. 22
  6. 2
  7. 8
  8. 19
  9. 16
  10. 1
  11. 7

25 Clues: 56298417314122118242010221317191116152325