diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Diabetes Mellitus 2018-02-02

Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. When insulin is not available or working as it should, ______ cannot enter the cells, and builds up in the blood stream.
  2. a sign of hyperglycemia.
  3. If BG<70 mg/dL and/or patient symptomatic initiate ___________(2 words)
  4. Notify ________ after administration of D50 or glucagon.
  5. a sign of hypoglycemia.
  6. type of insulin that peaks in 6-10 hours and lasts at least 18 hours.
  1. these should be assessed on a daily basis at home and in the hospital.
  2. This type of hemoglobin test shows how well diabetes has been controlled over a 2-3 month period.
  3. signs of this include: nausea, vomiting, weakness, lethargy, headaches, abdominal pain, and high blood glucose levels
  4. Used to treat an unconscious person with diabetes.
  5. Always check this date on the insulin bottle
  6. This can happen to tissue if injection sites are not rotated.
  7. 15 minutes after administration of carbs, D50 or Glucagon ______BG.

13 Clues: a sign of hypoglycemia.a sign of hyperglycemia.Always check this date on the insulin bottleUsed to treat an unconscious person with diabetes.Notify ________ after administration of D50 or glucagon.This can happen to tissue if injection sites are not rotated.15 minutes after administration of carbs, D50 or Glucagon ______BG....

gdm.puzzle 2022-02-01

gdm.puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. insulin antagonist
  2. effect of diabetes on pregnancy
  3. big baby
  4. complication in newborn
  5. diagnose GDM
  1. gestational diabetes mellitus
  2. drug of choice in GDM
  3. major complication in antenatal
  4. complication during puerperium
  5. complication of GDM
  6. complication of big baby

11 Clues: big babydiagnose GDMinsulin antagonistcomplication of GDMdrug of choice in GDMcomplication in newborncomplication of big babygestational diabetes mellituscomplication during puerperiummajor complication in antenataleffect of diabetes on pregnancy

Chronic Diseases 2023-04-13

Chronic Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. a chemical element
  2. Disease or period of sickness that affects the body or the mind
  3. provides vitamins ,minerals, dietary fiber and plant chemicals
  4. lowers blood pressure when eaten
  5. Abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy tissue
  6. all movement
  7. Disease that effects your lungs
  9. health conditions
  1. Harmful deviation from the normal structure
  2. Diabetes mellitus
  3. Joint inflammation
  4. Occurs when something blocks the blood supply
  5. eating healthy and balanced diet
  6. fatty acids

15 Clues: DISEASEfatty acidsall movementDiabetes mellitushealth conditionsa chemical elementJoint inflammationDisease that effects your lungslowers blood pressure when eateneating healthy and balanced dietHarmful deviation from the normal structureOccurs when something blocks the blood supplyAbnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy tissue...

Biotechnology Fadila 2014-03-03

Biotechnology Fadila crossword puzzle
  1. electronic things that help science.
  2. genetics in living organisms.
  3. invaded by disease type bacteria.
  4. used to help and cure diseases or simple illnesses.
  5. hereditary genes.
  6. some foods contain ______.
  7. animals, humans, living things.
  8. infection in cell.
  1. another word for medicine.
  2. in high possibility of dying out.
  3. helping give food more durability, better taste and quality.
  4. those that study science, create medicines and research.
  5. to conserve.
  6. using insulin to control.
  7. used for treating diabetes.

15 Clues: to conserve.hereditary genes.infection in cell.using insulin to control.another word for medicine.some foods contain ______.used for treating diabetes.genetics in living organisms.animals, humans, living things.in high possibility of dying out.invaded by disease type bacteria.electronic things that help science....

Biotechnology - Fadila 2014-03-03

Biotechnology - Fadila crossword puzzle
  1. genetics in living organisms.
  2. infection in cell.
  3. those that study science, create medicines and research.
  4. helping give food more durability, better taste and quality.
  5. in high possibility of dying out.
  6. hereditary genes.
  7. to conserve.
  8. some foods contain ______.
  1. another word for medicine.
  2. electronic things that help science.
  3. invaded by disease type bacteria.
  4. used to help and cure diseases or simple illnesses.
  5. animals, humans, living things.
  6. using insulin to control.
  7. used for treating diabetes.

15 Clues: to conserve.hereditary genes.infection in cell.using insulin to control.another word for medicine.some foods contain ______.used for treating diabetes.genetics in living organisms.animals, humans, living things.invaded by disease type bacteria.in high possibility of dying out.electronic things that help science....

Endocrine Society Advocacy Crossword 2019-05-14

Endocrine Society Advocacy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ___ and Management Codes
  2. Political body regulating EDCs
  3. Chemicals interfering with hormone action
  4. Agency managing Senior’s Health
  5. Medicare payment prgm.
  6. Diabetes Research Inst.
  7. Where to buy $25 insulin
  8. Co-Chair of Congressional Diabetes Caucus
  1. Speaker of the House
  2. U.S. research org.
  3. Federal family planning and contraception program
  4. Medicare program that covers drugs
  5. Nickname for health reform law
  6. Program that must be reauthorized by Sept. 30
  7. Process to fund the federal government

15 Clues: U.S. research org.Speaker of the HouseMedicare payment prgm.Diabetes Research Inst.___ and Management CodesWhere to buy $25 insulinNickname for health reform lawPolitical body regulating EDCsAgency managing Senior’s HealthMedicare program that covers drugsProcess to fund the federal governmentChemicals interfering with hormone action...

Preventing Cardiovascular Disease 2024-03-18

Preventing Cardiovascular Disease crossword puzzle
  1. A condition in which a blood vessel that feeds the brain is clogged, leading to blood flow disruption to the brain.
  2. Triglyceride-transporting molecules.
  3. Procedure in which a balloon-tipped catheter is inserted and the inflated to widen the inner lumen of the artery.
  4. Low blood pressure.
  5. (fats) Cholesterol and triglycerides.
  6. An excessive accumulation of body fat, usually at least 30 percent above recommended body weight.
  7. A measure of the force exerted against the walls of the vessels by he blood flowing through them.
  8. Fats formed by glycerol and three fatty acids; also called free fatty acids.
  9. Includes all agricultural commodities that undergo processing (cooking, canning, freezing, dehydration, or milling) or addition of another ingredient.
  1. The inability of the cells to respond appropriately to insulin.
  2. Fight-or-flight hormones, including epinephrine and norepinephrine.
  3. Irregular heart rhythms.
  4. A waxy substance, technically a steroid alcohol, found only in animal fats and oil and used in making cell membranes, as a building black for some hormones, in the fatty sheath around nerve fibers, and in other necessary substances.
  5. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, a condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin; also known as juvenile diabetes.
  6. chronically elevated blood pressure.
  7. A hormone secreted by he pancreas; essential for proper metabolism of blood glucose (sugar) and maintenance of blood glucose level.
  8. Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, a condition in which insulin is not processed properly; also known as adult-onset diabetes.
  9. Heart muscle

18 Clues: Heart muscleLow blood pressure.Irregular heart rhythms.Triglyceride-transporting molecules.chronically elevated blood pressure.(fats) Cholesterol and triglycerides.The inability of the cells to respond appropriately to insulin.Fight-or-flight hormones, including epinephrine and norepinephrine....

type two diabetes 2022-11-02

type two diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. shows how much you sugar level is at
  2. it warns a doctor to question if you have a disease.
  3. it can hydrate and move healthy fluids
  4. is a chronic disease when you eat too much sugar
  5. it can help lose pounds
  6. when you do this you gain weight even if its healthy
  1. warns you if your blood sugar is too low or too high
  2. they can help you get better
  3. is a medication to help with diabetes
  4. if you are are obese
  5. its a type of fat you don't want
  6. it can cause type two diabetes

12 Clues: if you are are obeseit can help lose poundsthey can help you get betterit can cause type two diabetesits a type of fat you don't wantshows how much you sugar level is atis a medication to help with diabetesit can hydrate and move healthy fluidsis a chronic disease when you eat too much sugarwarns you if your blood sugar is too low or too high...

Anatomy & Physiology 2020-04-01

Anatomy & Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. The organ that helps regulate blood sugar
  2. Polyphagia symptom in diabetes is excessive
  3. Excessive urine-a symptom of diabetes is called as
  4. Hormone secreted by Beta cell of Islet of Langerhans
  5. The system in the body which produces hormones
  6. A microvascular complication affecting eyes
  1. Excessive thirst in diabetes patients is known as
  2. Glucose is stored in the liver in form of
  3. Hormone secreted by Alpha cell of Islet of Langerhans
  4. Blood sugar level lower than normal is called
  5. Insulin helps cells take in glucose to make
  6. Starch in carbohydrate is broken down finally into

12 Clues: Glucose is stored in the liver in form ofThe organ that helps regulate blood sugarPolyphagia symptom in diabetes is excessiveInsulin helps cells take in glucose to makeA microvascular complication affecting eyesBlood sugar level lower than normal is calledThe system in the body which produces hormones...

Kosakata Kesehatan 2023-10-25

Kosakata Kesehatan crossword puzzle
  1. حُمَى
  2. سُعَالٌ
  3. ضَغْةُ الدَّمِّ
  4. دُهْنٌ
  5. شَفَةٌ
  6. سُكَّرِيٌّ
  7. صُدَاعٌ
  8. اِلْتِهَابٌ
  9. زُكَامٌ
  1. وَصْفَةُ الطَّبِيْب
  2. إِسْهَال
  3. مِقْيَاسُ الحَرَارَة
  4. قَرْصٌ
  5. يَفْحَصُ
  6. صَدْرٌ
  7. حَبَّةٌ
  8. حُقْنَة
  9. مُمَرِّضٌ
  10. سَمَاعَة
  11. بَطْنٌ

20 Clues: حُمَىقَرْصٌدُهْنٌصَدْرٌشَفَةٌبَطْنٌسُعَالٌحَبَّةٌحُقْنَةصُدَاعٌزُكَامٌإِسْهَاليَفْحَصُسَمَاعَةمُمَرِّضٌسُكَّرِيٌّاِلْتِهَابٌضَغْةُ الدَّمِّوَصْفَةُ الطَّبِيْبمِقْيَاسُ الحَرَارَة

Biotechnology Fadila 2014-03-03

Biotechnology Fadila crossword puzzle
  1. electronic things that help science.
  2. using insulin to control.
  3. invaded by disease type bacteria.
  4. those that study science, create medicines and research.
  5. used for treating diabetes.
  6. helping give food more durability, better taste and quality.
  7. used to help and cure diseases or simple illnesses.
  8. to conserve.
  9. genetics in living organisms.
  1. in high possibility of dying out.
  2. infection in cell.
  3. animals, humans, living things.
  4. hereditary genes.
  5. another word for medicine.
  6. some foods contain ______.

15 Clues: to conserve.hereditary genes.infection in cell.using insulin to control.another word for medicine.some foods contain ______.used for treating diabetes.genetics in living organisms.animals, humans, living things.in high possibility of dying out.invaded by disease type bacteria.electronic things that help science....


POLA HIDUP SEHAT crossword puzzle
  1. karena tingginya gula darah
  2. ketegangan;gangguan mental
  3. pengobatan jiwa
  4. tumbuhan bahan baku rokok
  5. Olahraga untuk kebugaran jantung dan paru paru
  6. Jenis mineral yang terkandung dalam susu
  7. badan PBB yang menangani kesehatan
  1. nama lain covid-19
  2. keadaan tidak dapat tidur
  3. dokter spesial kesehatan jiwa
  4. bapak ilmu gizi di dunia
  5. zat yang paling dibutuhkan oleh tubuh manusia
  6. posisi indonesia dalam pengidap penyakit diabetes di dunia
  7. ramuan herbal untuk pengobatan
  8. penyakit menular

15 Clues: pengobatan jiwapenyakit menularnama lain covid-19bapak ilmu gizi di duniakeadaan tidak dapat tidurtumbuhan bahan baku rokokketegangan;gangguan mentalkarena tingginya gula darahdokter spesial kesehatan jiwaramuan herbal untuk pengobatanbadan PBB yang menangani kesehatanJenis mineral yang terkandung dalam susu...

Endocrine Society Advocacy Crossword 2019-05-14

Endocrine Society Advocacy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Speaker of the House
  2. Process to fund the federal government
  3. Program needing reauthorization by Sept. 30
  4. Nickname for health reform law
  5. Co-Chair of Congressional Diabetes Caucus
  6. Medicare program that covers drugs
  7. Federal family planning program
  8. U.S. research org.
  1. Political body regulating EDCs
  2. Where to buy $25 insulin
  3. Medicare payment prgm.
  4. Diabetes Research Inst.
  5. Agency managing Senior’s Health
  6. Chemicals interfering with hormone action
  7. ___ and Management codes changing in 2020

15 Clues: U.S. research org.Speaker of the HouseMedicare payment prgm.Diabetes Research Inst.Where to buy $25 insulinPolitical body regulating EDCsNickname for health reform lawAgency managing Senior’s HealthFederal family planning programMedicare program that covers drugsProcess to fund the federal governmentChemicals interfering with hormone action...

Advocacy in Action: Crossword Edition 2019-05-14

Advocacy in Action: Crossword Edition crossword puzzle
  1. Medicare program that covers drugs
  2. Process to fund the federal government
  3. Speaker of the House
  4. Political body regulating EDCs
  5. Agency managing Senior’s Health
  6. Chemicals interfering with hormone action
  7. U.S. research org.
  8. Where to buy $25 insulin
  1. Program needing reauthorization by Sept. 30
  2. Medicare payment prgm.
  3. Diabetes Research Inst.
  4. ___ and Management codes changing in 2020
  5. Federal family planning program
  6. Co-Chair of Congressional Diabetes Caucus
  7. Nickname for health reform law

15 Clues: U.S. research org.Speaker of the HouseMedicare payment prgm.Diabetes Research Inst.Where to buy $25 insulinPolitical body regulating EDCsNickname for health reform lawFederal family planning programAgency managing Senior’s HealthMedicare program that covers drugsProcess to fund the federal government___ and Management codes changing in 2020...

Sweet Tooth 2024-07-23

Sweet Tooth crossword puzzle
  1. A blood sugar level of 70mg/dl to 110mg/dl is __
  2. This disease is called Diabetes __________
  3. The body organ that produces a hormone responsible for lowering blood sugar
  4. Diabetes Mellitus can cause poor ________
  5. Which of these can be eaten in moderation if you have diabetes? Mangos, Apples, Watermelons
  1. The main component of carbohydrates, sugars or starch
  2. A hormone that lowers blood sugar
  3. Eat this vegetable in little amounts
  4. Healthy nutrition and _________ can help prevent diabetes mellitus

9 Clues: A hormone that lowers blood sugarEat this vegetable in little amountsDiabetes Mellitus can cause poor ________This disease is called Diabetes __________A blood sugar level of 70mg/dl to 110mg/dl is __The main component of carbohydrates, sugars or starchHealthy nutrition and _________ can help prevent diabetes mellitus...

Sweet Tooth 2024-07-23

Sweet Tooth crossword puzzle
  1. A blood sugar level of 70mg/dl to 110mg/dl is __
  2. This disease is called Diabetes __________
  3. The body organ that produces a hormone responsible for lowering blood sugar
  4. Diabetes Mellitus can cause poor ________
  5. Which of these can be eaten in moderation if you have diabetes? Mangos, Apples, Watermelons
  1. The main component of carbohydrates, sugars or starch
  2. A hormone that lowers blood sugar
  3. Eat this vegetable in little amounts
  4. Healthy nutrition and _________ can help prevent diabetes mellitus

9 Clues: A hormone that lowers blood sugarEat this vegetable in little amountsDiabetes Mellitus can cause poor ________This disease is called Diabetes __________A blood sugar level of 70mg/dl to 110mg/dl is __The main component of carbohydrates, sugars or starchHealthy nutrition and _________ can help prevent diabetes mellitus...

Hypopituitarism 2024-09-12

Hypopituitarism crossword puzzle
  1. Although we can see this condition in any age group, it is ____
  2. condition can be caused by compression or ______ to the pituitary gland
  3. A symptom of diabetes insipidus
  4. This synthetic hormone is used to treat diabetes insipidus, by replacing ADH
  5. Pituitary insufficiency in children
  6. The lack of which hormone is involved in diabetes insipidus
  7. symptoms will depend on which _______ is lowered
  8. One major cause of pituitary hypofunction
  1. Hypofunction of the pituitary gland
  2. One of the most common types of related non-cancerous pituitary tumors
  3. In adult pituitary insufficiency, __________ is absent in women
  4. pituitary dwarfism is treatable with

12 Clues: A symptom of diabetes insipidusHypofunction of the pituitary glandPituitary insufficiency in childrenpituitary dwarfism is treatable withOne major cause of pituitary hypofunctionsymptoms will depend on which _______ is loweredThe lack of which hormone is involved in diabetes insipidusAlthough we can see this condition in any age group, it is ____...

verzorging 2014-02-08

verzorging crossword puzzle
  1. spuit met ziek makende stoffen
  2. ander woord voor onderkoeling
  3. speekselklieren in de mondbodem
  4. eetstoornis met oncontroleerbare vreetbuien
  5. ander woord voor suikerziekte
  6. ander woord voor urinebuis
  7. overgang tussen dunne- en dikkedarm
  8. vergrote prostaat
  9. vernietigingsproces van micro organismen
  10. ander woord voor alvleesklier
  11. ander woord voor doorlig wonden
  12. vreemde lichaamsindringer
  1. een van de 3 onderdelen van het colon
  2. naam van de knedende beweging van de darmen
  3. incontinentie bij het belemmeren van de urinebuis
  4. ander woord voor urineleider
  5. botontkalking
  6. reeds klaargemaakte afvalstoffen
  7. urine geur van diabetes patiënten
  8. hormoon dat aangemaakt wordt door alvleesklier
  9. ander woord voor waterhoofd
  10. te lage glycemie waarde
  11. witte bloedcellen
  12. ander woord voor ziekenhuisbacterie

24 Clues: botontkalkingvergrote prostaatwitte bloedcellente lage glycemie waardevreemde lichaamsindringerander woord voor urinebuisander woord voor waterhoofdander woord voor urineleiderander woord voor onderkoelingander woord voor suikerziekteander woord voor alvleesklierspuit met ziek makende stoffenspeekselklieren in de mondbodem...


  1. Salah satu komposisi urine
  2. Urine yang dihasilkan pada proses filtrasi
  3. Kekurangan hormon tersebut menyebabkan diabetes insipidus
  4. Tempat terjadinya proses filtrasi
  5. Gnagguan ginjal yang disebabkan bakteri
  6. Organ yang diserang oleh penyakit sirosis
  7. Sistem pengeluaran Zat sisa yang tidak diperlukan tubuh
  8. Lapisan kulit terluar
  9. Proses yang menghasilkan urine sesungguhnya
  10. Organ ekskresi yang mengeluarkan zat sisa berupa urine
  11. Proses yang terjadi di tubulus kontortus proksimal
  1. Zat sisa yang dikeluarkan oleh hati
  2. Lapisan dalam ginjal
  3. Reaksi alergi pada kulit
  4. Radang hati
  5. Jenis diabetes dimana kandungan gula dalam darahnya tinggi
  6. Zat sisa yang dihasilkan oleh kulit
  7. Saluran yang menghubungkan ginjal dan kantong kemih
  8. Zat warna empedu
  9. Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

20 Clues: Radang hatiZat warna empeduLapisan dalam ginjalLapisan kulit terluarReaksi alergi pada kulitSalah satu komposisi urineTempat terjadinya proses filtrasiZat sisa yang dikeluarkan oleh hatiZat sisa yang dihasilkan oleh kulitGnagguan ginjal yang disebabkan bakteriOrgan yang diserang oleh penyakit sirosisUrine yang dihasilkan pada proses filtrasi...


  1. Makanan yang mengandung apa yang dihindari penyakit diabetes
  2. contoh makanan
  3. riwayat penyakit tertentu
  4. penurunan fungsi sel
  5. contoh makanan berserat
  6. gambaran klinis penyakit degeneratif
  7. penyebab utama geografis adalah perubahan gaya hidup akibat..
  8. faktor yang tidak dapat diubah
  9. memiliki resiko jika anggota keluarganya
  10. tekstur makanan untuk diet penyakit diabetes
  11. contoh protein
  12. minuman yang dilarang pada diit pasien
  1. Makanan yang dilarang penderita obesitas
  2. jenis makanan diit penyakit stroke
  3. faktor yang dapat diubah
  4. tujuan diet mengendalikan tekanan.
  5. tujuan diet penyakit degeneratif untuk memenuhi..
  6. tujuan diet penyakit stroke untuk memenuhi kebutuhan
  7. untuk mencapai dan mempertahankan berat badan normal harus
  8. penyakit degeneratif
  9. salah satu penyebab timbulnya penyakit degeneratif

21 Clues: contoh makanancontoh proteinpenurunan fungsi selpenyakit degeneratifcontoh makanan berseratfaktor yang dapat diubahriwayat penyakit tertentufaktor yang tidak dapat diubahjenis makanan diit penyakit stroketujuan diet mengendalikan tekanan.gambaran klinis penyakit degeneratifminuman yang dilarang pada diit pasien...


  1. Zat sisa yang dikeluarkan oleh hati
  2. Zat warna empedu
  3. Lapisan dalam ginjal
  4. Salah satu komposisi urine
  5. Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
  6. Sistem pengeluaran Zat sisa yang tidak diperlukan tubuh
  7. Organ ekskresi yang mengeluarkan zat sisa berupa urine
  8. Radang hati
  9. Urine yang dihasilkan pada proses filtrasi
  10. Kekurangan hormon tersebut menyebabkan diabetes insipidus
  11. Lapisan kulit terluar
  1. Zat sisa yang dihasilkan oleh kulit
  2. Proses yang menghasilkan urine sesungguhnya
  3. Jenis diabetes dimana kandungan gula dalam darahnya tinggi
  4. Organ yang diserang oleh penyakit sirosis
  5. Gnagguan ginjal yang disebabkan bakteri
  6. Proses yang terjadi di tubulus kontortus proksimal
  7. Reaksi alergi pada kulit
  8. Tempat terjadinya proses filtrasi
  9. Saluran yang menghubungkan ginjal dan kantong kemih

20 Clues: Radang hatiZat warna empeduLapisan dalam ginjalLapisan kulit terluarReaksi alergi pada kulitSalah satu komposisi urineTempat terjadinya proses filtrasiZat sisa yang dihasilkan oleh kulitZat sisa yang dikeluarkan oleh hatiGnagguan ginjal yang disebabkan bakteriOrgan yang diserang oleh penyakit sirosisUrine yang dihasilkan pada proses filtrasi...

Spanish 4 Module 2 Crossword 2020-09-02

Spanish 4 Module 2 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. it's urgent that
  2. overweight
  3. it's advisable that
  4. to eradicate
  5. malaria
  6. nutrition
  7. bmi; body mass index
  8. symptoms
  9. to threaten
  10. malnutrition
  11. mortality rate
  12. well-being
  13. flu
  14. danger
  15. outbreak
  16. to take advantage of
  17. it's disgraceful that
  18. basic foods
  19. moral imperative
  20. development
  21. health
  22. infant mortality
  23. global crisis
  24. degenerative diseases
  25. climate change
  26. pneumonia
  1. food security
  2. contagious
  3. smallpox
  4. it's recommended that
  5. growth
  6. it's necessary that
  7. it's strange that
  8. maintain a healthy weight
  9. insomnia
  10. migraine
  11. coronary disease
  12. breastfeeding
  13. chicken pox
  14. stress
  15. unease,discomfort
  16. obesity
  17. diabetes
  18. immunization

44 Clues: flugrowthstressdangerhealthmalariaobesitysmallpoxinsomniamigrainesymptomsoutbreakdiabetesnutritionpneumoniacontagiousoverweightwell-beingto threatenchicken poxbasic foodsdevelopmentto eradicatemalnutritionimmunizationfood securitybreastfeedingglobal crisismortality rateclimate changeit's urgent thatcoronary diseasemoral imperativeinfant mortality...

Teka Silang Kata Kenali Ubat Anda 2023-03-13

Teka Silang Kata Kenali Ubat Anda crossword puzzle
  1. Pengambilan zat ____ adalah rawatan bagi kekurangan sel darah merah (anemia).
  2. Ubat diabetes akan memperlahankan proses kerosakan ____ (seperti buah pinggang) akibat daripada komplikasi diabetes.
  3. Antara tanda-tanda hipoglisemia adalah _____, peluh dingin, mengantuk, lemah, pening, resah, dan menggeletar.
  4. Diabetes berlaku apabila pankreas tidak menghasilkan ____ yang mencukupi atau sel tidak sensitif kepada insulin menyebabkan glukosa tidak dapat digunakan oleh sel.
  5. Waktu pengambilan ubat kolesterol statin adalah pada waktu ____ sebelum tidur kerana penghasilan kolesterol adalah tinggi pada waktu malam.
  1. Jenis rawatan diabetes termasuk ubat antidiabetes oral (ubat makan) dan ____ insulin.
  2. Ubat yang diambil sebelum makan perlu diambil 30 minit atau ____ jam sebelum makan.
  3. Pengambilan ubat tahan ____ secara berpanjangan boleh menyebabkan kerosakan buah pinggang.
  4. Insulin yang perlu disuntik pada waktu siang perlu disuntik 30 minit ____ makan.
  5. Diabetes tidak boleh disembuhkan, tetapi boleh dikawal dengan ubat antidiabetes dan amalan cara hidup yang ____.

10 Clues: Pengambilan zat ____ adalah rawatan bagi kekurangan sel darah merah (anemia).Insulin yang perlu disuntik pada waktu siang perlu disuntik 30 minit ____ makan.Ubat yang diambil sebelum makan perlu diambil 30 minit atau ____ jam sebelum makan.Jenis rawatan diabetes termasuk ubat antidiabetes oral (ubat makan) dan ____ insulin....

โรคและอาการของโรค 1 2023-08-19

โรคและอาการของโรค 1 crossword puzzle
  1. โรคกรดไหลย้อน
  2. ภาวะผู้ป่วยนอนติดเตียง
  3. โรคคอตีบ
  4. โรคเบาหวาน
  5. อัมพาต
  6. ท้องเสีย,ท้องเดิน,ท้องร่วง
  7. มะเร็ง
  8. โรคนิ่วในถุงน้ำดี
  9. โรคภูมิแพ้
  10. ริดสีดวงทวาร
  11. หอบหืด
  1. โรคซึมเศร้า
  2. โรคปอดอักเสบ
  3. ไข้เลือดออก
  4. โรคตับแข็ง
  5. มะเร็ง
  6. โรคปอดอุดกลั้นเรื้อรัง
  7. ดีซ่าน
  8. โรคไส้ติ่งอักเสบ
  9. โรคหลอดเลือดสมอง
  10. ภาวะเลือดออก

21 Clues: มะเร็งอัมพาตดีซ่านมะเร็งหอบหืดโรคคอตีบโรคตับแข็งโรคเบาหวานโรคภูมิแพ้โรคซึมเศร้าไข้เลือดออกโรคปอดอักเสบภาวะเลือดออกริดสีดวงทวารโรคกรดไหลย้อนโรคไส้ติ่งอักเสบโรคหลอดเลือดสมองโรคนิ่วในถุงน้ำดีภาวะผู้ป่วยนอนติดเตียงโรคปอดอุดกลั้นเรื้อรังท้องเสีย,ท้องเดิน,ท้องร่วง

โรคและอาการของโรค 1 2023-08-19

โรคและอาการของโรค 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Cirrhosis
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Astmatic
  4. Stroke
  5. Bleeding
  6. Paralysis
  7. Bed Ridden
  8. Pneumonia
  9. Hemorrhoids
  10. Jaundice
  11. Malignant
  12. Dengue Fever
  1. cancer
  2. GERD
  3. Diphtheria
  4. Depression
  5. Appendictis
  6. COPD
  7. Allergy
  8. Gallstones
  9. Diabetes

21 Clues: GERDCOPDcancerStrokeAllergyDiarrheaAstmaticBleedingDiabetesJaundiceCirrhosisParalysisPneumoniaMalignantDiphtheriaDepressionGallstonesBed RiddenAppendictisHemorrhoidsDengue Fever

salud 2023-08-14

salud crossword puzzle
  1. heart attack
  2. broken bone
  3. diabetes
  4. allergies
  1. strep throat
  2. mental mental health
  3. sore throat
  4. ulcer
  5. asthma

9 Clues: ulcerasthmadiabetesallergiessore throatbroken bonestrep throatheart attackmental mental health

DIABETES ONE 2017-07-03

DIABETES ONE crossword puzzle
  1. Intestinal hormones that augment insulin secretion in response to nutrients
  2. As a patients HbA1c level approaches the normal range, ...... takes on greater importance in determining HbA1c
  3. Which incretin is responsible for the incretin effect? Incretin hormones produce the incretin effect, which accounts for 50-70% of total insulin release following oral glucose administration
  4. Which class of oral Diabetes medication has a primary mechanism of action that increases insulin sensitivity
  5. One of the macrovascular complications common in individuals with diabetes which is responsible for 50-80% of diabetes related deaths
  6. One of the classic 3 P's diabetes symptoms that has to do with excessive thirst
  7. One of the Microvascular complications unique to individuals with diabetes is the leading cause of end stage renal disease (Kidney Failure)
  1. This is defined as occuring when cells in the body including liver, skeletal, muscle, and adipose fat tissue become less sensitive and eventually resistant to insulin
  2. Drugs that prevent complete glucose reabsorption from the glomerular filtrate back to the blood stream
  3. How much is the benefit of a 1% reduction in mean HbA1c when it comes to deaths related to diabetes in percentage terms
  4. C-peptide is calculated to check capability of Beta cell function. The ......... C-peptide levels are the more capable Beta cells are

11 Clues: Intestinal hormones that augment insulin secretion in response to nutrientsOne of the classic 3 P's diabetes symptoms that has to do with excessive thirstDrugs that prevent complete glucose reabsorption from the glomerular filtrate back to the blood stream...

N/A 2023-06-08

N/A crossword puzzle
  1. -A
  2. -pows
  3. -M
  4. -oku
  5. -bo
  6. -89
  7. -mo
  8. -8
  9. -M
  10. Fallacies -mit
  1. -si
  2. -C
  3. -Ab
  4. -ou
  5. -yn7
  6. -B
  7. -bargh
  8. -seb
  9. -sen
  10. -okay

20 Clues: -A-C-B-M-8-M-si-Ab-ou-bo-89-mo-yn7-seb-sen-oku-pows-okay-barghFallacies -mit

‘Year in’ type 2 diabetes: epidemiology, aetiology and treatment 2017-08-02

‘Year in’ type 2 diabetes: epidemiology, aetiology and treatment crossword puzzle
  1. In the DEVOTE study, degludec was _________ to glargine in regard to severe hypoglycaemia in type 2 diabetic patients with high cardiovascular risk.
  2. The ______trial reported that bariatric surgery plus intensive medical therapy was superior to the latter alone in improving glycaemic control, cardiovascular risk factors and quality of life after 5 years in moderate- and severely-obese patients with type 2 diabetes.
  3. Degludec is an an _______acting insulin.
  4. The _________ study demonstrates that empagliflozin reduces the risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction and cardiovascular death and slows the progression of diabetic kidney disease.
  1. In middle-income countries, diabetes accounts for one-____ of all deaths in adult patients.
  2. In _______, semaglutide lowered cardiovascular death and non-fatal events in patients with type 2 diabetes.
  3. Reduced _______ adipose tissue storage capacity is a key determinant of insulin-resistance and that this link is mediated by specific and multiple genetic factors.
  4. In middle- and low-income countries (>25%), mortality is ____-times higher amongst those with vs those without diabetes.
  5. In more affluent countries, recent studies demonstrate a ____ in all-cause mortality and the incidence of cardiovascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes.
  6. In the ________ study, liraglutide lowered cardiovascular death and non-fatal events in patients with type 2 diabetes.
  7. _______ reported a cardiovascular benefit for canagliflozin.

11 Clues: Degludec is an an _______acting insulin._______ reported a cardiovascular benefit for canagliflozin.In middle-income countries, diabetes accounts for one-____ of all deaths in adult patients.In _______, semaglutide lowered cardiovascular death and non-fatal events in patients with type 2 diabetes....

CVD and Diabetes 2014-05-06

CVD and Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. / Diabetes in pregnancy
  2. / These cells in the pancreas produce insulin
  3. / A food component that you should get 25-30g of as per TLC
  4. / Elevated BP
  5. / This citrus juice can interfere with a number of medications
  6. / The type of fat that reduces triglyceride levels when replacing high GI CHO
  7. / The result of chronic hyperglycemia
  8. / This medication type inhibits a rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis
  9. / This cell is a "fat laden macrophage" that develops from fatty streaks
  10. / A K-sparing diuretic that may cause weight loss
  11. / The type of fat that increases LDL, TG, TC and reduces HDL.
  1. / A DPP-4 inhibitor
  2. / A super important element to limit when you have hypertension
  3. / Advising a patient on lifestyle changes would be this step of the NCP
  4. / A drug that may be used to slow the progression of prediabetes, could also result in compromised B12 status with long term use
  5. / A nutrition diagnosis domain concerned with what/how much the patient takes in
  6. / Progressive narrowing of the arteries
  7. / Eating more fruits and veggies will help you get more of this mineral
  8. / The most important principle about carbohydrate intake for diabetics is this
  9. / Obstruction of blood flow d/t thrombosis
  10. / A HUGE risk factor for diabetes and heart disease too
  11. / A K-depleting diuretic that is OK for renal patients too

22 Clues: / Elevated BP/ A DPP-4 inhibitor/ Diabetes in pregnancy/ The result of chronic hyperglycemia/ Progressive narrowing of the arteries/ Obstruction of blood flow d/t thrombosis/ These cells in the pancreas produce insulin/ A K-sparing diuretic that may cause weight loss/ A HUGE risk factor for diabetes and heart disease too...

Diabetes Diet Management 2015-04-13

Diabetes Diet Management crossword puzzle
  1. size of palm of hand
  2. shaky, sweaty, weak, headaches
  3. a way to control diabetes by keeping track of carbohydrates
  4. fist size
  5. one cup yogurt or milk
  6. cupped hand full
  7. 1/2 cup cooked
  8. 45-60% total calories
  9. small potato or slice bread
  10. a person to turn to for help with diabetes control
  11. half should be vegetables or salad, third should be starch, third protein, third fruit and dairy
  12. 15-20% total calories
  1. source for diabetic information
  2. way to measure how a carbohydrate affects blood glucose levels
  3. excessive urination or thirst
  4. Fat less than 7% total calories
  5. 25 grams/day
  6. small apple or 1/2 cup juice
  7. fat free, sugar free
  8. legumes, fruit. non-starchy vegetables

20 Clues: fist size25 grams/day1/2 cup cookedcupped hand fullsize of palm of handfat free, sugar free45-60% total calories15-20% total caloriesone cup yogurt or milksmall potato or slice breadsmall apple or 1/2 cup juiceexcessive urination or thirstshaky, sweaty, weak, headachessource for diabetic informationFat less than 7% total calories...

diabetes and drugs 2021-01-22

diabetes and drugs crossword puzzle
  1. there are many types of this that can affect the whole body.
  2. it is banned from new jersey
  3. it is when you have a bunch of emotions and you feel sad.
  4. it has 2 types
  5. drug that speeds up the body
  6. Lyme's
  7. doing something bad over and over again like, over dosing on a drug.
  8. celled microscopic organisms.
  9. many people do it, and it can be called smoking.
  10. Microscopic organisms that cause disease. (not living organisms, ex: stomach virus)
  1. this product was targeted to kids,it is worse than smoking and there's a bunch of flavors.
  2. athlete’s foot
  3. substance that is usually injected into a person or animal to protect against a particular disease
  4. Lyme's disease
  5. Single celled microscopic organisms.
  6. affecting a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time
  7. ticks
  8. An illness or condition that prevents the body from functioning normally
  9. this is a drink that starts with a b or w you will not get effective if you drink responsively.
  10. ticks
  11. occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly and affects a large number of people over a wide area or throughout the world
  12. it is affecting the world right now and people are working on a vaccine that has been made.
  13. Living microscopic organisms that may cause disease (strep)
  14. Organisms that get their nutrients from other living or dead things.

24 Clues: ticksticksLyme'sathlete’s footLyme's diseaseit has 2 typesit is banned from new jerseydrug that speeds up the bodycelled microscopic organisms.Single celled microscopic organisms.many people do it, and it can be called smoking.it is when you have a bunch of emotions and you feel sad.Living microscopic organisms that may cause disease (strep)...

Diabetes Prevention Crossword 2014-09-05

Diabetes Prevention Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. two wheeled mode of transportation and excellent exercise
  2. do this for 150 minutes per week
  3. walk on this in suite 6 when you visit us
  4. number of states that have obesity rates under 20%
  5. take this off your chicken to lower fat & calories
  6. keeps us "regular"
  7. who will be on vacation next month and will miss aftercore
  8. source of healthy fat
  9. he likes to Sweat to the Oldies
  10. a low calorie snack
  11. keeps us hydrated
  12. leafy green super food
  13. number of DPP groups
  14. excellent source of healthy fat found in local rivers
  15. traditional food found on or under trees
  1. try to do one of these with Jay or Margreet at least once every 3 months
  2. celebration coming up in October
  3. too much of this will keep you up all night
  4. white substance that's bad for teeth and everything else
  5. should show at 10,000 steps at the end of the day
  6. type of "food" containing too much fat, calories, sodium, etc
  7. limit consumption of this at the celebration in October
  8. body's way of cooling itself
  9. what we all want to avoid
  10. lifting this will help us stay strong
  11. sour fruit used to flavor water
  12. an exercise that is good for our hearts and dogs

27 Clues: keeps us hydratedkeeps us "regular"a low calorie snacknumber of DPP groupssource of healthy fatleafy green super foodwhat we all want to avoidbody's way of cooling itselfhe likes to Sweat to the Oldiessour fruit used to flavor waterdo this for 150 minutes per weekcelebration coming up in Octoberlifting this will help us stay strong...


MS2 FINALE DIABETES crossword puzzle
  1. occurs primarily in people with type 2 diabetes who experience high blood glucose levels due to illness or added stress- infection.
  4. group of diseases in which there is disturbance in metabolism and use of glucose
  5. A serious condition caused by incomplete metabolism of fats resulting from an absence or insufficient supply of insulin.
  6. occurs when the body's immune system destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.
  1. usually develops slowly and does not cause immediate changes in level of consciousness. HIGH BG
  2. can occur rapidly. LOW BG
  4. Production of copius amounts of dilute urine d/t decreased production of ADH
  6. responsible for making insulin.
  9. Progressive disease due to increasing inability of cells to respond to insulin( resistance) and decreased production of insulin.


Diabetes care review 2022-12-15

Diabetes care review crossword puzzle
  1. Which body parts will be examined? (answer 1 of 2)
  2. What measurements will be discussed? (answer 1 of 3)
  3. What factors may mean that a diabetic review is required more often? (answer 1 of 3)
  4. What measurements will be taken? (5,8)(answer 1 of 3)
  5. The patient will be asked if they have any ______ or ______ (answer 1 of 2)
  6. The doctor/nurse may also ask the patient if they are suffering from ______ as this is more common in people with diabetes
  7. What measurements will be taken? (answer 2 of 3)
  8. People who take insulin should also have their ______ ____(9,5) checked
  9. How often should people with diabetes have a diabetes care review?
  1. The doctor/nurse will discuss and advise any changes in _____ or _____ (answer 1 of 2)
  2. What factors may mean that a diabetic review is required more often? (5,9)(answer 2 of 3)
  3. The patient will be asked if they have any ______ or ______ (answer 2 of 2)
  4. What is the urine test looking for?
  5. What will the patient need to book and attend a few weeks prior to the care review? (5,4)
  6. What factors may mean that a diabetic review is required more often? (answer 3 of 3)
  7. What may a patient need to do before blood is taken?
  8. What measurements will be discussed? (5,7) (answer 2 of 3)
  9. The patient will be asked about their _____ of hypo- and hyperglycaemic episodes
  10. What measurements will be taken? (answer 3 of 3)
  11. The doctor/nurse will discuss and advise any changes in _____ or _____ (answer 2 of 2)
  12. Which body parts will be examined? (answer 2 of 2)
  13. What measurements will be discussed? (answer 3 of 3)
  14. What sample will the patient need to provide?

23 Clues: What is the urine test looking for?What sample will the patient need to provide?What measurements will be taken? (answer 3 of 3)What measurements will be taken? (answer 2 of 3)Which body parts will be examined? (answer 1 of 2)Which body parts will be examined? (answer 2 of 2)What measurements will be discussed? (answer 1 of 3)...

Endocrine System & Diabetes 2022-12-09

Endocrine System & Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. PTH regulates this ion in the blood stream
  2. hormones attach to this on target cells
  3. gland in females that secretes estrogen
  4. secreted when glucose levels are too high
  5. located in brain and secretes melatonin
  6. oxytocin is released from this part of Pit. G.
  7. system that uses hormones to keep homeostasis parathyroid gland that secretes PTH
  8. structure in N.S. that regulated Pit. G.
  9. gland that secretes immunity hormones
  10. part of Pit. G. that releases growth hormone
  11. target cell of glucagon, which stores glycogen
  12. chemical that enters blood & influences tissues
  13. hormone released from the adrenal medulla
  1. the endocrine & nervous systems manage this
  2. secreted when glucose levels are too low
  3. hormone released from the adrenal cortex
  4. essential organ that develops during pregnancy
  5. gland that secretes glucagon and insulin
  6. hormone released from testes
  7. anti-diuretic hormone that regulates water balance
  8. gland that releases T3 & T4
  9. disease involving the pancreas & insulin

22 Clues: gland that releases T3 & T4hormone released from testesgland that secretes immunity hormoneshormones attach to this on target cellsgland in females that secretes estrogenlocated in brain and secretes melatoninsecreted when glucose levels are too lowhormone released from the adrenal cortexgland that secretes glucagon and insulin...

Diabetes 395 Quiz 2024-04-17

Diabetes 395 Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Can't be used alongside a GLP-1 agonist
  2. Once daily dosing (SC)
  3. Drug class held while dehydrated
  4. When uncontrolled, that can cause peripheral neuropathy over time
  5. Rapid acting insulin
  6. Intermediate acting insulin
  7. Short acting insulin
  8. Score used to determine insulin target in elderly
  9. Long acting insulin
  10. High glycemic index food
  11. Serious adverse event = lactic acidosis
  1. Indicated in diabetes over the age of 40
  2. Serious adverse event = increased mortality
  3. Diabetes patient with nephropathy would benefit
  4. Drug class with increased risk of heart failure
  5. Low glycemic index food
  6. First BG measurement to be addressed in insulin management
  7. TID dosing
  8. Renal benefits have been shown in studies
  9. On the Beer's Criteria
  10. Class of drug at risk of pancreatitis
  11. Does not need to be held when sick

22 Clues: TID dosingLong acting insulinRapid acting insulinShort acting insulinOnce daily dosing (SC)On the Beer's CriteriaLow glycemic index foodHigh glycemic index foodIntermediate acting insulinDrug class held while dehydratedDoes not need to be held when sickClass of drug at risk of pancreatitisCan't be used alongside a GLP-1 agonist...

Friday diabetes crossword 2024-05-27

Friday diabetes crossword crossword puzzle
  1. heart may do this if blood sugar is low.
  2. red ones of these live for three months.
  3. keylock should be this.
  4. in your emergency plan make these clear.
  5. ICE person should know what you take.
  6. be sure that the ICE in your phone has been told
  7. keylock should not be in clear view, should be slightly this
  8. do not put anything in this if the person is unconscious
  9. vision may become this if sugars are high
  10. keylock should be this to a pole close to entrance,
  11. Handy spot to put your medical details.
  12. important to have handy in the car for low sugar
  13. symptom of low blood sugar
  14. ICE person should have this about you.
  1. use emergency pen when a person is this.
  2. have this in a spot that ICE is aware of.
  3. if you have one of these it can save you.
  4. this must be called if a person is unresponsive.
  5. have one of these ready to easily grab if you have a hypo
  6. mood may become this if sugar is low.
  7. ensure this information is correct if you cant talk
  8. put this in your phone to help ambulance officers
  9. common side effect of high blood sugars
  10. hypoglycemia is this state.
  11. very high blood sugars.
  12. place a person on this if they are unconscious
  13. wear one of these to inform others.
  14. state in your emergency plan which one of these you want to be taken to.
  15. a person who is unconscious is considered this.
  16. type of injection diabetics should have in the fridge

30 Clues: keylock should be this.very high blood sugars.symptom of low blood sugarhypoglycemia is this state.wear one of these to inform others.mood may become this if sugar is low.ICE person should know what you take.ICE person should have this about you.common side effect of high blood sugarsHandy spot to put your medical details....

Footcare 2018-03-15

Footcare crossword puzzle
  1. Trying to ____ corns or calluses off your feet can lead to infection.
  2. Wear shoes and _____ that fit well.
  3. Break in new shoes ____.
  4. If you have difficulty seeing the bottom of your feet, use a _____ or have somebody help you.
  5. Get ____ treatment for foot problems.
  6. Ask your ___ to check your feet at every visit.
  7. ____ you put on your shoes, check for rocks or rough spots.
  1. A minor foot injury can become a ______.
  2. Inspect your feet at least ____ a day.
  3. Make sure you ___ your feet well before putting shoes on.
  4. Diabetes can interfere with your bodies ability to fight ___.
  5. Diabetes can damage the _____ vessels in your feet.
  6. Diabetes damages _____ endings in your feet.

13 Clues: Break in new shoes ____.Wear shoes and _____ that fit well.Get ____ treatment for foot problems.Inspect your feet at least ____ a day.A minor foot injury can become a ______.Diabetes damages _____ endings in your feet.Ask your ___ to check your feet at every visit.Diabetes can damage the _____ vessels in your feet....

Homeostasis 2023-03-03

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. body response due to drop in temperature
  2. waste product that should be removed from body
  3. the process of maintaining a constant environment in the body
  4. response of blood vessels when body temp is too high
  5. symptom of diabetes
  6. when more water reaches the bladder the urine will be more
  1. part of the brain that maintains homeostasis
  2. insulin is produced here
  3. response of blood vessels when body temp is too low
  4. the part of the brain that controls homeoastasis is this size
  5. type of diabetes where the pancreas doesnt produce any insulin
  6. a factor that can potentially be a risk to developing diabetes
  7. hormone produced by hypothalamus to regulate water

13 Clues: symptom of diabetesinsulin is produced herebody response due to drop in temperaturepart of the brain that maintains homeostasiswaste product that should be removed from bodyhormone produced by hypothalamus to regulate waterresponse of blood vessels when body temp is too lowresponse of blood vessels when body temp is too high...

Diabetes Month 2021-10-29

Diabetes Month crossword puzzle
  1. Type ____ diabetes is usually diagnosed in children, teens, and young adults, but can develop at any age.
  2. Diabetic ___________ may result in a loss of vision, also called diabetic eye disease.
  3. hormone that helps the body use glucose for energy.
  4. __________ A1C Test is a measure of a person’s average blood glucose level over the past 2 to 3 months.
  5. a person is considered this when they have reported to not participating in physical activity or exercise in the past 30 days.
  1. Diabetic ____________ is an emergency condition that can result in the breakdown the bodies fat to use for energy and an accumulation of ketones in the blood and urine.
  2. serious health condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough yet to be type 2 diabetes.
  3. Type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy and usually disappears after delivery.
  4. low blood glucose.
  5. glucose, The main sugar that is found in the blood and used as the bodies main source of energy.
  6. Medical costs and lost work and wages for people with diagnosed diabetes total $327 ________ yearly.
  7. In type ____ diabetes, an individual’s body is resistant to insulin.

12 Clues: low blood glucose.hormone that helps the body use glucose for energy.In type ____ diabetes, an individual’s body is resistant to insulin.Type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy and usually disappears after delivery.Diabetic ___________ may result in a loss of vision, also called diabetic eye disease....

Unit Review - Chronic Disease 2013-04-18

Unit Review - Chronic Disease crossword puzzle
  1. which type of diabetes is most common
  2. machine that resets an abnormal heart rhythm
  3. Blocked arteries and no oxygen causes what
  4. "Lousy"
  5. what do you normally need to inject into you if you have type 1 diabetes
  6. when happens to your heart in a cardiac arrest
  7. another name for type 1 diabetes
  8. What should you feed a diabetic person when they need food
  9. when a cancer grows to another part of the body
  10. what do you call everytime there is an incident
  11. Dangerous type of cancer
  12. procedure in which they take a piece of tissue for testing
  1. when the blood sugar is too low
  2. most common type of pain for heart diseases
  3. "healthy"
  4. what procedure involves chest compressions?
  5. a test in which you gie glucose samples to determine how quickly it can clear from the blood
  6. the cardiovascular system is made of what 2 things
  7. causes cancer
  8. Non dangerous type of cancer
  9. when the body cant tell the difference between antigen and healthy cells
  10. number sunscreen you should wear at least
  11. procedure used to test for cancer/diseases (normally females)
  12. how often should you apply sunscreen
  13. two types of radiation

25 Clues: "Lousy""healthy"causes cancertwo types of radiationDangerous type of cancerNon dangerous type of cancerwhen the blood sugar is too lowanother name for type 1 diabeteshow often should you apply sunscreenwhich type of diabetes is most commonnumber sunscreen you should wear at leastBlocked arteries and no oxygen causes what...

Chronic Illness 2017-10-23

Chronic Illness crossword puzzle
  1. the state of being free from illness or injury.
  2. Helps doctors know you have a certain illness or disorder.
  3. (two types of this illness and one is caused by unhealthy eating choices.
  4. reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat and many other factors.
  5. caused by genetics (born with it).
  6. _______ makes your insulin.
  7. the pancreas makes this to help digest your glucose.
  8. The amount of compounds of carbon.
  9. This helps you know how much insulin to take.
  10. Test your blood sugar before and after each ______.
  11. normal blood sugar is from 4 to ___.
  1. Your appetite for food is extremely high
  2. caused by unhealthy eating choices.
  3. type one diabetes is_______.
  4. When testing your blood, it sucks your blood into the device.
  5. This device helps when you've passed out from you blood sugar being to low.
  6. The place where the glucose enters.
  7. If your blood sugar is under ____ you shouldn't be driving
  8. The factors that you may or may not have the illness.
  9. ___% of Canadians have type one diabetes.

20 Clues: _______ makes your insulin.type one diabetes is_______.caused by genetics (born with it).The amount of compounds of carbon.caused by unhealthy eating choices.The place where the glucose enters.normal blood sugar is from 4 to ___.Your appetite for food is extremely high___% of Canadians have type one diabetes....

Lemon's Fruitful Crossword 2019-02-28

Lemon's Fruitful Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. recognizes infected human cells and cancer cells
  2. gives you healthy skin and good vision
  3. body's defense against disease
  4. good motivating stress
  5. 53% of teens are using this
  6. more than 1/5 of students report this
  7. when plague builds up on artery walls
  8. percentage of body fat
  9. average life span of an American
  10. most common type of pathogen
  11. this many lives can be saved if everyone washed their hands properly
  12. asthma is a ______ disease.
  13. 95% of vaping substance is used in this
  14. diabetes in the_______cause of death in the world.
  15. 2.1 million teen are doing this
  1. the acronym for cancer
  2. white blood cells that are responsible for engulfing foreign particles
  3. chronic disease that affects the way the body converts food into energy
  4. this should be over one hundred
  5. 23% of Americans from ages 20-74 have this
  6. disease that is from hereditary or lifestyle choices
  7. diabetes is the fastest growing______disease in country
  8. first in your third line of defense
  9. nutrients that help chemical reactions take place in the body
  10. process by which your body takes in and uses food
  11. state of mental strain/tension resulting from adverse/very demanding circumstances

26 Clues: the acronym for cancergood motivating stresspercentage of body fat53% of teens are using thisasthma is a ______ disease.most common type of pathogenbody's defense against diseasethis should be over one hundred2.1 million teen are doing thisaverage life span of an Americanfirst in your third line of defensemore than 1/5 of students report this...

Blake's Baffling Banger BOIIIIII 2019-02-28

Blake's Baffling Banger BOIIIIII crossword puzzle
  1. Combination of mental, physical and social
  2. found in many animal foods such as meat and diary products
  3. A common symptom in Heart attack
  4. Fastest growing teen disease
  5. A common symptom of stroke
  6. Letter N of caution
  7. This percent of Americans have hypertension from age 20-74
  8. One of the bodies first line of defense
  9. provide energy and help use vitamins more effectively
  10. Bodies most common first line of defense
  11. Nutrition that helps you build and repair body.
  1. High blood pressure that can damage blood vessels and other organs.
  2. The amount of sleep a teen should get
  3. Endurance Makes heart more efficient, Burns fat.
  4. Most common communicable disease
  5. A disease that destroys brain cells, causing thinking and behavior issues
  6. The average life span
  7. This causes Stomach issues, strep throat
  8. This percent of teens vapes
  9. Number one best super food, cures 10,000 times more than chemo does
  10. Biggest part of the Physical side of the triangle
  11. line of defense associated with eyes
  12. Leading cause of death in the world
  13. symptom of diabetes
  14. This many major types of diabetes

25 Clues: Letter N of cautionsymptom of diabetesThe average life spanA common symptom of strokeThis percent of teens vapesFastest growing teen diseaseMost common communicable diseaseA common symptom in Heart attackThis many major types of diabetesLeading cause of death in the worldline of defense associated with eyesThe amount of sleep a teen should get...

Lemon's Fruitful Crossword 2019-02-28

Lemon's Fruitful Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. asthma is a ______ disease.
  2. 23% of Americans from ages 20-74 have this
  3. most common type of pathogen
  4. first in your third line of defense
  5. body's defense against disease
  6. good motivating stress
  7. 95% of vaping substance is used in this
  8. nutrients that help chemical reactions take place in the body
  9. more than 1/5 of students report this
  10. gives you healthy skin and good vision
  11. percentage of body fat
  12. diabetes in the_______cause of death in the world.
  13. the acronym for cancer
  14. this many lives can be saved if everyone washed their hands properly
  15. 2.1 million teen are doing this
  16. state of mental strain/tension resulting from adverse/very demanding circumstances
  1. white blood cells that are responsible for engulfing foreign particles
  2. average life span of an American
  3. disease that is from hereditary or lifestyle choices
  4. diabetes is the fastest growing______disease in country
  5. 53% of teens are using this
  6. when plague builds up on artery walls
  7. this should be over one hundred
  8. chronic disease that affects the way the body converts food into energy
  9. process by which your body takes in and uses food
  10. recognizes infected human cells and cancer cells

26 Clues: good motivating stresspercentage of body fatthe acronym for cancerasthma is a ______ disease.53% of teens are using thismost common type of pathogenbody's defense against diseasethis should be over one hundred2.1 million teen are doing thisaverage life span of an Americanfirst in your third line of defensewhen plague builds up on artery walls...

Unit Review - Chronic Disease 2013-04-18

Unit Review - Chronic Disease crossword puzzle
  1. when the blood sugar is too low
  2. which type of diabetes is most common
  3. "healthy"
  4. when a cancer grows to another part of the body
  5. machine that resets an abnormal heart rhythm
  6. Dangerous cancer
  7. "Lousy"
  8. two types of radiation
  9. number sunscreen you should wear at least
  10. when happens to your heart in a cardiac arrest
  11. causes cancer
  12. Non dangerous cancer
  1. most common type of pain for heart diseases
  2. a test in which you gie glucose samples to determine how quickly it can clear from the blood
  3. procedure in which they take a piece of tissue for testing
  4. Blocked arteries and no oxygen causes what
  5. what procedure involves chest compressions?
  6. when the body cant tell the difference between antigen and healthy cells
  7. the cardiovascular system is made of what 2 things
  8. how often should you apply sunscreen
  9. what do you call everytime there is an incident
  10. another name for type 1 diabetes
  11. What should you feed a diabetic person when they need food
  12. procedure used to test for cancer/diseases (normally females)
  13. what do you normally need to inject into you if you have type 1 diabetes

25 Clues: "Lousy""healthy"causes cancerDangerous cancerNon dangerous cancertwo types of radiationwhen the blood sugar is too lowanother name for type 1 diabeteshow often should you apply sunscreenwhich type of diabetes is most commonnumber sunscreen you should wear at leastBlocked arteries and no oxygen causes whatmost common type of pain for heart diseases...

Endocrine Disorders 2023-04-05

Endocrine Disorders crossword puzzle
  1. / Enlargement of the face, feet, and hands
  2. / Tumor of the pancreas creating extra insulin
  3. androgens / High levels of androgens produced
  4. / Abnormally large breast tissue in a male
  5. disease / Bulging eyeballs and an enlarged thyroid gland
  6. / Delayed or abnormal physical and mental development.
  7. / Occurs when the adrenal glands release too much aldosterone
  1. / Involuntary muscle contractions and overly stimulated peripheral nerves
  2. / Lack of production of all hormones in the Pituitary gland
  3. / Excessive production of PTH that results in degeneration of the bones
  4. syndrome / Condition resulting from the hypersecretion of cortisol;
  5. retinopathy / A complication of diabetes mellitus that results in damage to the retina of the eye
  6. disease / Disease resulting from insufficient secretion of cortisol and sometimes aldosterone
  7. insipidus / Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
  8. feminization syndrome / Partial or complete inability of cell response to androgen
  9. / Excessive growth of body parts, often due to hypersecretion of GH
  10. / Characterized by puffy skin and swelling of the laryngeal and pharyngeal mucous membranes.
  11. / Overall enlargement of the thyroid
  12. mellitus / Insufficient production of insulin or the body’s inability to use insulin efficiently;
  13. / Malignant tumor of a gland or mucus-secreting organ
  14. / Genetic or medical condition of being abnormally small or short

21 Clues: / Overall enlargement of the thyroidinsipidus / Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes/ Enlargement of the face, feet, and hands/ Abnormally large breast tissue in a male/ Tumor of the pancreas creating extra insulinandrogens / High levels of androgens produced/ Malignant tumor of a gland or mucus-secreting organ...

Noncommunicable Disease Unit 2017-04-25

Noncommunicable Disease Unit crossword puzzle
  1. diabetes in which the body can not effectively use insulin
  2. condition prevents body from properly converting food to energy
  3. a condition in which airways narrow and breathing difficult
  4. made in pancreas, regulates blood glucose/sugar
  5. treatment that uses x-rays to kill cancer cells
  6. the return of cancer after a period of remission
  7. disease that can not be spread to others through pathogens
  8. an extreme sensitivity to an otherwise harmless substance
  9. condition in which blood flow to part of heart is blocked
  10. another word for high blood pressure
  11. a substance known to cause cancer, such as asbestos
  12. diabetes usually begins in childhood, pancreas stops working
  1. removal of a sample of tissue to be tested for cancer
  2. word that will help you recognize the warning signs of cancer
  3. tumors that are not cancerous
  4. a substance that causes allergy symptoms
  5. condition in which blood flow to brain is blocked
  6. tumors that contain cancer cells
  7. removal of cancer cells from the body
  8. characteristics that increase likelihood of developing disease
  9. a mass of abnormal cells
  10. the use of powerful medicine to destroy cancer
  11. when cancer signs and symptoms disappear

23 Clues: a mass of abnormal cellstumors that are not canceroustumors that contain cancer cellsanother word for high blood pressureremoval of cancer cells from the bodya substance that causes allergy symptomswhen cancer signs and symptoms disappearthe use of powerful medicine to destroy cancermade in pancreas, regulates blood glucose/sugar...

Diabetes and wound healing 2017-07-19

Diabetes and wound healing crossword puzzle
  1. peripheral disorder occurring twice as often in diabetic patients versus non diabetic.
  2. diabetes type 1 disorder where beta cells are destroyed.
  3. membrane that becomes thickened in capillaries.
  4. cells found in Islets of Langerhan release insulin into blood.
  5. these thrive on increased glucose available in the blood stream.
  6. frequent urination
  7. haemoglobin with a higher affinity for oxygen.
  8. can be a complication of non-healing wounds.
  9. diabetes type 2 insulin produced but body is ________to effects.
  10. risk factor for development of limb cellulitis.
  1. affects the ability of neutrophils and macrophages to function.
  2. develop as a result of autonomic neuropathy.
  3. phase that is impaired due to a lack of leukocytes and narrowing of vessel walls.
  4. a risk factor associated with reoccurrence of ulcers.
  5. damaged swollen and deformed joints leading to deformity and formation foot ulcers.
  6. ___________ability to produce collagen is impaired due to lack of oxygenation of wound bed.
  7. contributing factor to impaired healing of foot ulcers.
  8. excessive thirst
  9. condition which predisposes patients to poor wound healing.
  10. these can cause oedema and destroy new extracellular matrix.
  11. Insulin is a __________ that regulates uptake of glucose.
  12. strength of collagen impaired in poor wound healing.

22 Clues: excessive thirstfrequent urinationdevelop as a result of autonomic neuropathy.can be a complication of non-healing wounds.haemoglobin with a higher affinity for oxygen.membrane that becomes thickened in capillaries.risk factor for development of limb cellulitis.strength of collagen impaired in poor wound healing....

Patología ambiental 2024-04-20

Patología ambiental crossword puzzle
  1. Polipéptido insulinotropo dependendiente de glucosa (GIP) y péptido 1 similar a glucagón (GLP-1)
  2. Sustancia que causa alegría, euforia desinhición y aumento de energía
  3. Tipo de infarto que es una de las principales complicaciones de las ateroesclerosis que afecta al cerebro
  4. Realizarlo durante 30 minutos al día y con regularidad
  5. Esclerosis cortical que causa pseud parálisis cerebral, cuadros psicóticos variables y pérdida neuronal
  6. Evitar el consumo de alcohol y __
  7. Consumir una dieta baja en __
  8. Tipo de infarto que causa muerte de músculo cardíaco por isquemia grave y prolongada
  9. Causa predominante de la cardiopatía isquémica
  10. Diabetes que se caracteriza por ser una enfermadad autoinmunitaria desarrollada por la destrucción de los islotes por células efectoras
  11. Enfermedad esclusiva de pacientes alcohólicos o por ingesta crónica de vino tinto
  1. Consumo de frutas y _
  2. La edad el sexo masculino, herencia, genética son factores
  3. Acumulación preferentemente intracelular de lípidos
  4. Tipo de infarto que afecta a todo el espesor de la pared ventricular
  5. Es una reacción inflamatoria crónica de la pared de las arterias
  6. El 90% se asocia a ‐------ de las coronarias
  7. Sx ocasionado por el déficit de vitamina b1
  8. Son un grupo de transtornos metabólicos que comparten la hiperglucemia
  9. Los aneurismas ateroescleroticos, sifíliticos, congénitos, ventriculaes son de tipo
  10. Tipo de angina mas común que mejora con el reposo
  11. Reducir esto disminuye la probabilidad de padecer diabetes
  12. Droga estimulante y muy adictiva que se usa para fines recreativos
  13. Hormona anabÓlica más potente con muchos efectos sintéticos y promotores del crecimiento
  14. Diabetes juvenil de inicio en la madurez por mutación en el HFN4A

25 Clues: Consumo de frutas y _Consumir una dieta baja en __Evitar el consumo de alcohol y __Sx ocasionado por el déficit de vitamina b1El 90% se asocia a ‐------ de las coronariasCausa predominante de la cardiopatía isquémicaTipo de angina mas común que mejora con el reposoAcumulación preferentemente intracelular de lípidos...

Chronic Illness 2017-10-23

Chronic Illness crossword puzzle
  1. the state of being free from illness or injury.
  2. caused by genetics (born with it).
  3. This device helps when you've passed out from you blood sugar being to low.
  4. Helps doctors know you have a certain illness or disorder.
  5. type one diabetes is_______.
  6. The factors that you may or may not have the illness.
  7. ___% of Canadians have type one diabetes.
  8. caused by unhealthy eating choices.
  9. This helps you know how much insulin to take.
  1. the pancreas makes this to help digest your glucose.
  2. _______ makes your insulin.
  3. The place where the glucose enters.
  4. reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat and many other factors.
  5. If your blood sugar is under ____ you shouldn't be driving
  6. Your appetite for food is extremely high
  7. normal blood sugar is from 4 to ___.
  8. (two types of this illness and one is caused by unhealthy eating choices.
  9. When testing your blood, it sucks your blood into the device.
  10. The amount of compounds of carbon.
  11. Test your blood sugar before and after each ______.

20 Clues: _______ makes your insulin.type one diabetes is_______.caused by genetics (born with it).The amount of compounds of carbon.The place where the glucose enters.caused by unhealthy eating choices.normal blood sugar is from 4 to ___.Your appetite for food is extremely high___% of Canadians have type one diabetes....

Endocrine 2024-01-24

Endocrine crossword puzzle
  1. when one hormone opposes another
  2. Diabetes _____ is too little ADH
  3. stimulates breast milk production
  4. when the combined effect of two hormones together is amplified
  5. releases hormones to control the anterior pituitary
  6. when one hormone has to have another present to exert its full effect
  7. suppresses melatonin secretion
  8. hormones act only on cells that have a ____ for them
  9. cells that make insulin
  10. act within the same tissue but affect cell types other than those releasing them
  11. stimulates childbirth
  12. glands that regulate calcium balance
  13. regulate the function of the ovaries and testes
  14. increased _____ is a symptom of diabetes mellitus but not insipidus
  15. most hormones are made from these
  16. diabetes ____ is when there isn't insulin or insulin can't be used well
  17. cells that make glucagon
  1. receptors for water soluble hormones are located here
  2. the zona that produces cortisol
  3. exocrine glands have these
  4. exert their effects on the same cells that secrete them
  5. syndrome with moon face and buffalo hump
  6. too much growth hormone in childhood can cause this
  7. the zona that produces aldosterone
  8. remove water soluble hormones from the blood quickly
  9. gland that produces melatonin
  10. steroid hormones are ____ soluble
  11. prevents wide swings in water balance
  12. nutrient needed for thyroid hormone production
  13. main stimulus for cortisol secretion
  14. the part of the pituitary that makes ADH and oxytocin
  15. increasing the number of receptors on a target cell
  16. the major hormone secreted by the thyroid
  17. stimulates Na+ absorption
  18. stimulates release of ACTH
  19. In Type I diabetes mellitus, this is absent
  20. endocrine glands produce these
  21. site of epinephrine release
  22. cell type that makes thyroglobulin
  23. how hormones travel to target tissues
  24. a target of growth hormone

41 Clues: stimulates childbirthcells that make insulincells that make glucagonstimulates Na+ absorptionexocrine glands have thesestimulates release of ACTHa target of growth hormonesite of epinephrine releasegland that produces melatoninsuppresses melatonin secretionendocrine glands produce thesethe zona that produces cortisolwhen one hormone opposes another...

Glucose regulation 2019-02-06

Glucose regulation crossword puzzle
  1. a disease that causes hyperglycemia
  2. increased urination
  3. low blood sugars
  4. a foot doctor
  1. administered for high blood sugar
  2. a sign of hypoglycemia
  3. increased hunger
  4. high blood sugars
  5. people with diabetes are at an increased risk for
  6. increased thirst
  7. nerve damage

11 Clues: nerve damagea foot doctorincreased hungerincreased thirstlow blood sugarshigh blood sugarsincreased urinationa sign of hypoglycemiaadministered for high blood sugara disease that causes hyperglycemiapeople with diabetes are at an increased risk for

Gestational Diabetes 2021-10-14

Gestational Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. What is something you can manage to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes after pregnancy?
  2. High blood sugar
  3. Glycogen breakdown
  4. A hormone that removes glucose from the blood and brings it to cells throughout the body
  5. Blood sugar of 130mg/dL would be high or low?
  6. What is something you can eat to reduce your risk of gestational diabetes?
  7. Low blood sugar
  1. Something that increases a person's risk of developing an illness or disease
  2. Stored form of glucose
  3. A form of high blood sugar affecting pregnant women during the 2nd and/or 3rd trimester
  4. You should get this checked 6-12 weeks after birth and again every 1-3 years
  5. Blood sugar of 70mg/dL would be high or low?

12 Clues: Low blood sugarHigh blood sugarGlycogen breakdownStored form of glucoseBlood sugar of 70mg/dL would be high or low?Blood sugar of 130mg/dL would be high or low?What is something you can eat to reduce your risk of gestational diabetes?Something that increases a person's risk of developing an illness or disease...

Sugar and Diabetes 2024-06-25

Sugar and Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. The cause of diabetes
  2. A common symptom that shows you have diabetes
  3. Where sugar comes from
  1. Body part that makes insulin
  2. Diabetes A form of high diabetes affecting pregnant women
  3. A type of sugar that is in the blood
  4. Sugar give us this
  5. A device that checks how much insulin you have

8 Clues: Sugar give us thisThe cause of diabetesWhere sugar comes fromBody part that makes insulinA type of sugar that is in the bloodA common symptom that shows you have diabetesA device that checks how much insulin you haveDiabetes A form of high diabetes affecting pregnant women

Farmacologia Hipoglicemiantes I 2022-04-07

Farmacologia Hipoglicemiantes I crossword puzzle
  1. receptor de glicose no tecido muscular
  2. passar através de um sifão
  3. induz significativo aumento na produção de adiponectina
  4. fármaco de primeira escolha
  5. síndrome metabólica caracterizada por níveis elevados de glicose
  6. consequência severa da diabetes mellitos
  1. efeitos adversos da metfotmina ocorrem em nível do trato gastrintestinal
  2. interação e ativação de receptores ativados por proliferadores
  3. diabetes tipo I
  4. o pâncreas produz mais insulina mas, gradativamente, as células ficam sobrecarregadas

10 Clues: diabetes tipo Ipassar através de um sifãofármaco de primeira escolhareceptor de glicose no tecido muscularconsequência severa da diabetes mellitosinduz significativo aumento na produção de adiponectinainteração e ativação de receptores ativados por proliferadoressíndrome metabólica caracterizada por níveis elevados de glicose...

Diabetes - Kynzi Brown 2023-04-25

Diabetes - Kynzi Brown crossword puzzle
  1. organ that helps regulate blood sugar
  2. chemical messenger
  3. pregnancy induced
  4. used when referring to blood sugar levels
  5. insulin resistant
  6. high blood sugar
  7. a hormone that helps your cells use energy
  1. a doctor who treats patients with diabetes
  2. main risk of obtaining diabetes
  3. low blood sugar
  4. cells that produce insulin
  5. insulin dependent

12 Clues: low blood sugarhigh blood sugarpregnancy inducedinsulin dependentinsulin resistantchemical messengercells that produce insulinmain risk of obtaining diabetesorgan that helps regulate blood sugarused when referring to blood sugar levelsa doctor who treats patients with diabetesa hormone that helps your cells use energy

kansantaudit 2023-09-05

kansantaudit crossword puzzle
  1. aikuisena diagnisoitu diabetes
  2. joka kolmas suomalainen sairastaa tätä elämänsä aikana
  3. vie happea ja ravintoa sydänlihakselle
  4. diabeetikon verensokeri laskee yhtäkkiä liikaa
  5. verenpaineen mittauksessa käytettävä suurempi numero
  6. henkiteihin vaikuttava kansantauti
  7. käytetään diabeteksen hoidossa
  1. lapsena diagnisoitu diabetes
  2. vaaraton aine aiheuttaa puolustusreaktion elimistössä
  3. heikentää sydämmen pumppaustoimintaa
  4. aiheuttaa syövän
  5. mitataan sydän- ja verisuonitautien löytämisessä

12 Clues: aiheuttaa syövänlapsena diagnisoitu diabetesaikuisena diagnisoitu diabeteskäytetään diabeteksen hoidossahenkiteihin vaikuttava kansantautiheikentää sydämmen pumppaustoimintaavie happea ja ravintoa sydänlihaksellediabeetikon verensokeri laskee yhtäkkiä liikaamitataan sydän- ja verisuonitautien löytämisessä...

Medicamentos Chile 2020-09-22

Medicamentos Chile crossword puzzle
  1. Es una sulfonilurea que actúa estimulando el tejido pancreático para secretar insulina, para tratar diabetes.
  2. Sulfona utilizada para el tratamiento de la dermatitis herpetiforme
  3. Es una crema retinoide tópica que se utiliza en el tratamiento del acné vulgar.
  4. Crema tópica antifungica
  5. Es un medicamento antidiabético oral de la clase de las sulfonilureas de segunda generación
  6. Tto. del síndrome de intestino irritable
  7. Fármaco con presentación en cápsulas, que se utiliza para tratar y combatir los casos del acné severo
  8. Es un medicamento bactericida y antiséptico de uso tópico
  9. Bactericida de amplio expectro
  10. Capsulas blandas para el tratamiento del acne
  1. Esta sustancia es un medicamento indicado para el tratamiento tópico de la psoriasis vulgar
  2. Terapia hepática y biliar. Anticolelitiásico.
  3. Fármaco perteneciente a la familia de las gliflozinas que se indica en el tratamiento de la diabetes tipo 2
  4. Sirve para aumentar la producción de insulina defectuosa en el cuerpo humano, para controlar la diabetes.
  5. Fármaco de tipo alcaloide sintético anticolinérgico y procinético usado como medicamento analgésico y antiespasmódico para tratar principalmente trastornos gástricos e intestinales.
  6. Vitamina D3. Vitamina D es importante para la absorción de calcio del estómago y para la función de calcio en el cuerpo. Es usado para tratar hipertiroidismo.
  7. Es un antimicótico poliénico ampliamente eficaz en el tratamiento de infecciones producidas por especies de Candida
  8. antibiótico del grupo de las tetraciclinas que previene el crecimiento y propagación de las bacterias Gram positivas (+) y Gram negativas (-). Se usa en el tratamiento de neumonía.
  9. Es un antibiótico del grupo de las cefalosporinas de cuarta generación.
  10. Es un oligosacárido que se obtiene del Actinoplanes utahensis utilizado como medicamento para tratar la diabetes mellitus tipo 2

20 Clues: Crema tópica antifungicaBactericida de amplio expectroTto. del síndrome de intestino irritableTerapia hepática y biliar. Anticolelitiásico.Capsulas blandas para el tratamiento del acneEs un medicamento bactericida y antiséptico de uso tópicoSulfona utilizada para el tratamiento de la dermatitis herpetiforme...

Endocrine Disorders 2024-04-30

Endocrine Disorders crossword puzzle
  1. Type 2 DM is characterized by insulin ________
  2. Complication of DM with BG > 600 and commonly in Type 2 DM
  3. Temperature in Thyroid Storm
  4. Exopthalmos and goiter are signs of this disorder
  5. Patients with Addison's Disease may have skin that is ______
  6. What you must do in order to take someone off of glucocorticoids to prevent adrenal insufficiency
  7. Excess of Growth Hormone occurring after puberty
  8. High blood sugar in the morning due to cortisol, which can cause hyperglycemia in diabetics
  9. Type 1 Diabetes is an ___________ disorder
  10. A disorder of excess cortisol.
  11. Cushing's can cause this problem in the bones
  12. Extremely low thyroid hormone levels causes this, symptoms including hypothermia and hypotension
  13. Cells that produce insulin
  1. Gland where Thyrotropin releasing Hormone acts on
  2. Stimulates the release of T3 and T4
  3. Type 1 DM complication involving Kussmaul's breathing and dehydration
  4. Thyroid hormones play a role in energy processing and chemical reactions, known as __________.
  5. Macrovascular complication of diabetes involving plaque buildup in vessels
  6. Short stature d/t growth hormone deficiency
  7. Hormone that raises blood glucose
  8. When a patient goes hypoglycemic at night, so they shoot up in blood sugar in the morning to compensate.
  9. Patients with Addison's Disease should carry this in case of emergency
  10. Test checking blood sugar management over the past 3 months
  11. Microvascular complication of diabetes involving vision loss
  12. Disorder of hyperthyroidism with autoimmune origin.
  13. What happens to blood sugar in Cushing's Disease
  14. Signs include hyperthermia, diaphoresis, and high fever
  15. Type 1 Diabetes treatment requires _________.
  16. Sign of Cushings involving swelling of the face

29 Clues: Cells that produce insulinTemperature in Thyroid StormA disorder of excess cortisol.Hormone that raises blood glucoseStimulates the release of T3 and T4Type 1 Diabetes is an ___________ disorderShort stature d/t growth hormone deficiencyType 1 Diabetes treatment requires _________.Cushing's can cause this problem in the bones...


SMALL REVISION OF VA crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes happens due to Insulin Deficiency and Insulin_______________ (Fill in the Blank )
  2. To assess the efficacy, insulin dose, safety and immunogenicity when people with type 1 diabetes mellitus switched between MYL-1501D and reference insulin glargine- Name of the Study is
  3. A Closing statement should have Own Brand Name , Indication , Number of Rx.and ____________________
  4. For hospitalised patients requiring IV/SC insulin therapy , choose
  5. 'Switch' study is a mulicentre , open lebel ,______________ ( Fill in the Blank) Group trial
  6. For patients uncontrolled on OADs ___________ (Fill in the Blank) with Basalog
  7. Biocon's Insulin Glargine approved as world's first ___________ (Fill in the Blank)insulin glargine by US FDA
  8. In India this Organisation approved Biocon's Insulin Glargine
  9. The difference between Mixtard 30/70 and Insugen Cartridge is ____________ ( Fill in the Blank ) Rs.
  10. This kind of Diabetes happens to pregnant women
  11. Ideally to initiate with Basalog - how many units we should start with?
  1. While Basalog Refill is 're-usable' and Basalog One is _____________ (Fill in the Blank )
  2. In T2DM patients with HbA1c of 7.5% to 8.5% uncontrolled on OADs, Initiate(Name the international study for the Brand SKU)
  3. The Hookline for Insugen is - True ______________ ( Fill In the Blank ) in Diabetes Management
  4. If the HbA1c is more than 9% , the Fixing Fasting First concept comes - so initiate with
  5. PK and PD equivalence was demonstrated between Insugen R and Humulin -R in healthy subjects
  6. The Hook line for Basalog is - The Globally Trusted & _____________ (Fill in the Blank)Basalog
  7. Over 21 lakh patients on Insugen in last___________ ( Fill in the Blank ) years
  8. T2DM patients with HbA1c > 8.5 % requiring affordable Insulin therapy initiate with
  9. The 'SWITCH' study is accepted by which Scientific Body

20 Clues: This kind of Diabetes happens to pregnant womenThe 'SWITCH' study is accepted by which Scientific BodyIn India this Organisation approved Biocon's Insulin GlargineFor hospitalised patients requiring IV/SC insulin therapy , chooseIdeally to initiate with Basalog - how many units we should start with?...

Patología ambiental 2021-11-10

Patología ambiental crossword puzzle
  1. Segunda fase de una lesión ateroesclerótica
  2. Principal causa de cáncer de pulmón, boca, garganta, laringe y/o esófago
  3. Droga mayormente asociada en infarto al miocardio
  4. Principal característica en sangre de un paciente con diabetes mellitus
  5. Parada cardíaca que se produce inesperadamente y de forma repentina en personas que aparentemente gozan de un buen estado de salud
  6. Principal factor de riesgo modificable en diabetes mellitus
  7. Muerte del músculo cardíaco por una isquemia prolongada
  8. Tipo de necrosis presente principalmente en extremidades de pacientes que padecen diabetes mellitus
  9. Principal causa modificable de cirrosis en los seres humanos
  10. Trastornos causados por exposición a agentes químicos y físicos presentes en el ambiente
  11. Órgano que sintetiza insulina
  12. Factor de riesgo modificable que mejora la resistencia, condición física y previene patologías ambientales
  13. Es el engrosamiento de la pared arterial, literalmente «endurecimiento de las arterias»
  14. Hormona liberada en como respuesta a la presencia de glucosa en sangre
  1. Variante arterioloesclerótica que se caracteriza por presentar un engrosamiento concéntrico laminado («en piel de cebolla»)
  2. Patogenia de infarto de miocardio
  3. Dolor o molestia en el pecho debido a insuficiente irrigación sanguínea al músculo cardiaco
  4. Personas más propensas a tener reacciones farmacológicas adversas
  5. Ingestión inadecuada de proteínas y calorías o deficiencia en la digestión o absorción de las proteínas
  6. Principal causa modificable de diabetes mellitus tipo II
  7. Principal afección crónica asociada al engrosamiento de la pared arterial
  8. Causa de muerte más prevenible en los seres humanos
  9. Tipo de dieta con mayor probabilidad para desarrollar un ateroma
  10. Tipo de arterioesclerosis que se caracteriza por calcificaciones de la pared media de las arterias musculares
  11. Mayor causa individual de muerte en todo el mundo

25 Clues: Órgano que sintetiza insulinaPatogenia de infarto de miocardioSegunda fase de una lesión ateroescleróticaDroga mayormente asociada en infarto al miocardioMayor causa individual de muerte en todo el mundoCausa de muerte más prevenible en los seres humanosMuerte del músculo cardíaco por una isquemia prolongada...

Hypertension and Diabetes 2020-01-05

Hypertension and Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. / Mineral that helps maintain normal blood pressure
  2. / What is nerve damage that occurs because of the metabolic derangements associated with diabetes mellitus
  3. / What occurs when the blood glucose level drops too low?
  4. / Diabetes is what type of disorder?
  5. / used to measure blood pressure
  6. / The generic name for Lasix
  7. / The pressure exerted on the arterial walls during relaxation of the heart
  8. / Another test used in diagnosing hypertension
  9. / something that can be modified to help relieve symptoms
  10. / The top number in blood pressure
  11. / A substance that elevates blood pressure
  12. / Hypertension increases the risk for heart attack and...
  1. / A vital sign that is affected by hypertension medications
  2. / Potassium-sparing diuretic (Aldactone)
  3. / What medication blocks the production of glucose by the liver?
  4. / medication class used to control blood pressure
  5. / What currently affects almost 1 in 4 Canadian adults
  6. / Not noticed until disease becomes severe
  7. / Hypertension that is caused by an underlying issue
  8. / Medication that can be used for hypertension and urinary output
  9. / Increased, frequent urination
  10. / Some medications work by doing what to the blood vessels
  11. / Doing this daily will reduce risks

23 Clues: / The generic name for Lasix/ Increased, frequent urination/ used to measure blood pressure/ The top number in blood pressure/ Diabetes is what type of disorder?/ Doing this daily will reduce risks/ Potassium-sparing diuretic (Aldactone)/ Not noticed until disease becomes severe/ A substance that elevates blood pressure...

Diabetes Mellitus 2 2019-04-09

Diabetes Mellitus 2 crossword puzzle
  1. aumento en el volumen urinario
  2. Tipo de ejercicio que se debe de recomendar realizar por 30 min al menos 5 días de la semana
  3. Mediterránea Dieta más recomendada para ayudar al control glucémico de pacientes diabéticos
  4. de tolerancia Examen diagnóstico en el cual se administran 75g de glucosa vía oral y se cuantifica glucemia en dos horas
  5. Elemento para poder diagnosticar síndrome metabólico en un paciente (tiene que ver con lípidos)
  6. Primera elección de tx en px recién diagnosticado con DM2, con A1c de >10%
  7. Dieta más recomendada para disminuir cifras de presión arterial
  8. Prueba que se realiza para evaluar sensibilidad en extremidades inferiores
  9. Miembro importante del equipo multidisciplinario en el tratamiento de la DM2, que ayuda a aceptación de la enfermedad y apego al tratamiento
  10. Síntoma hiperglucémico que surge a consecuencia de la poliuria y disminución del volumen circulante
  11. diabética Complicación renal de la diabetes
  12. Elemento clave en el cuidado del paciente diabético para poder lograr un buen control de su glucemia
  13. Factor de riesgo para desarrollar DM2 y HAS que tiene que ver con actividad física
  14. Proceso implicado en el daño vascular y nervioso a causa de la hipoglucemia sostenida
  1. La metformina inhibe este proceso metabólico en el hígado
  2. Excreción de albúmina de 30 a 300 mg en 24 horas
  3. Cifra de mg/dl necesarios para realizar diagnóstico de DM2 en Glucosa plasmática en ayuno (en letra)
  4. Efecto adverso de estatinas, sobre todo en adultos mayores
  5. Efectos adversos más comunes de la metformina
  6. Efecto adverso del tratamiento con Glibenclamida
  7. Primera elección de tx en px con DM2
  8. láctica Efecto adverso de la metformina; más común en nefrópatas
  9. glucosilada Estudio diagnóstico que refleja el control glucémico de tres meses previos
  10. Inhibidor de la HMG CoA Reductasa
  11. y calcetín Nombre característico del patrón más común que sigue la neuropatía diabética
  12. Fármaco de primera línea en px diabético con diagnóstico reciente de microalbuminuria, que retrasa la progresión de daño renal

26 Clues: aumento en el volumen urinarioInhibidor de la HMG CoA ReductasaPrimera elección de tx en px con DM2diabética Complicación renal de la diabetesEfectos adversos más comunes de la metforminaExcreción de albúmina de 30 a 300 mg en 24 horasEfecto adverso del tratamiento con GlibenclamidaLa metformina inhibe este proceso metabólico en el hígado...

Diabetes and Insulin 2016-11-14

Diabetes and Insulin crossword puzzle
  1. What carries enzymes from the pancreas to the duodenum?
  2. Enzyme responsible for the catabolism of fats
  3. Beta cells secrete
  4. Insulin products taken about 2-3 times per day
  5. Number of polypeptide chains in insulin
  6. Alpha cells secrete
  7. Transplant typically performed in patients with Type 1 diabetes
  8. Tube inserted into the liver in the area between the chest and the hips
  9. Doctor who performs islet allo-transplants
  10. Amino acid residues in insulin forming disulfide bonds
  11. Enzyme responsible for the catabolism of carbohydrates
  1. There are typically 400000- _________ thousand islets per allo-transplant infusion
  2. Surgical removal of the pancreas
  3. Condition where the patient has low blood glucose levels
  4. Form of diabetes associated mostly with people over 40
  5. A simple polyol used in pharmaceutical formulations
  6. Glucagon has a(n) _________ effect in the liver
  7. Biomolecule used to remove islets from the pancreas of a deceased donor
  8. Brand name of the drug Metformin hydrochloride
  9. Insulin covering needs for a full day
  10. Another name for the small intestine
  11. The pancreas has ______ regions
  12. Enzyme responsible for the catabolism of proteins
  13. More severe form of diabetes
  14. Insulin promotes the uptake and usage of glucose in the
  15. Diabetic medicine that lowers blood sugar by increasing insulin production in the pancreas

26 Clues: Beta cells secreteAlpha cells secreteMore severe form of diabetesThe pancreas has ______ regionsSurgical removal of the pancreasAnother name for the small intestineInsulin covering needs for a full dayNumber of polypeptide chains in insulinDoctor who performs islet allo-transplantsEnzyme responsible for the catabolism of fats...

Type 2 Diabetes 2022-02-09

Type 2 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. What consequences of T2DM occurs when there is an absence of insulin and there is a generation of ketoacids? (acronym)
  2. If someones BMI is 27 what would this person be considered?
  3. The specific cause of T2DM is ____
  4. What type of disorder is T2DM?
  5. It is important to auscultate the bowel sounds because of the nerve damage to which muscles?
  6. When alcohol is consumed while taking insulin, the risk for delayed _____ is increased
  7. Where is the most weight gained when someone has metabolic syndrome?
  8. What is the first line treatment medication?
  9. We should instruct diabetics to avoid putting this temperature on their feet
  10. What group of people often experience worse outcomes than non-Hispanic whites with DM?
  11. Which diagnostic criteria test is not altered by eating habits the day before the test?
  1. What is an underlying condition that could cause someone to be malnourished?
  2. What pollutant was used during the military conflicts in Korea and Vietnam that put veterans more at risk to develop T2DM?
  3. Based on the clinical case example, what was one of the three P's that Leann had that lead to the assumption she has diabetes?
  4. Type 2 diabetics should be on a _____ healthy diet
  5. What medication agent helps the body produce more insulin?
  6. What medication is only used when blood glucose levels cannot be met with the use of anti diabetic agents?
  7. What infant population is at risk for decreased nutrition?
  8. Risk for impaired _____ integrity is an example of a concept related to safety?
  9. Another type of nutritional status,
  10. What is the main role of a nurse when taking care of someone with T2DM?
  11. Nutrition is on a ______
  12. One main type of nutritional status is ______ nutrition

23 Clues: Nutrition is on a ______What type of disorder is T2DM?The specific cause of T2DM is ____Another type of nutritional status,What is the first line treatment medication?Type 2 diabetics should be on a _____ healthy dietOne main type of nutritional status is ______ nutritionWhat medication agent helps the body produce more insulin?...

Diabetes y CNNP 2023-05-24

Diabetes y CNNP crossword puzzle
  1. Transportador dependiente de Na para la glucosa que no se expresa en el intestino
  2. Vía de señalización celular desencadenada por la inulina
  3. Estas pruebas son usadas para evaluar la función renal
  4. Transportador de membrana dependiente de Na para glucosa
  5. Principal producto del catabolismo de las purinas
  6. Numero de subunidades alfa que presenta el receptor de insulina
  7. Complicación crónica de la DM
  8. Es la segunda causa de muerte en México
  9. Principal producto final del catabolismo de las proteínas y aminoácidos
  10. Conjunto de alteraciones metabólicas y cardiovasculares que se produce como consecuencia de un estado de resistencia a la insulina
  11. Desorden del metabolismo de las purinas y excreción del ácido úrico
  12. Prueba recomendada para el diagnostico de DM
  13. Método para la determinación de la glucosa
  14. Presencia de compuestos nitrogenados no proteicos
  15. Concepto teórico que nos orienta sobre la velocidad con la que un alimento aumenta la glucemia
  16. Gluotransportador que se expresa en las celulas b-pancreáticas
  1. Factor que incrementa el BUN
  2. Forma en que se almacena la creatinina
  3. Signo clásico de la DM
  4. La eliminación de la creatinina es exclusivamente
  5. Vida media de la insulina (minutos)
  6. DM en la que la obesidad está presente en el 80% de los pacientes
  7. La gota se caracteriza por la formación de cristales de
  8. Forma en la que se encuentra la insulina antes de ser liberada
  9. GLUT-4 se expresa donde el transporte de glucosa es dependiente
  10. Tipo de endopeptidasa
  11. Hormona que antagoniza la acción de la insulina
  12. Causa de urea o BUN disminuidos
  13. DM que se debe a la destrucción de las células beta produciendo una deficiencia de insulina
  14. Causa de hiperuricemia
  15. enlaces que une a las cadenas de insulina
  16. Inhibidor competitivo de la secreción tubular de ác. úrico

32 Clues: Tipo de endopeptidasaSigno clásico de la DMCausa de hiperuricemiaFactor que incrementa el BUNComplicación crónica de la DMCausa de urea o BUN disminuidosVida media de la insulina (minutos)Forma en que se almacena la creatininaEs la segunda causa de muerte en Méxicoenlaces que une a las cadenas de insulinaMétodo para la determinación de la glucosa...

Non-Insulin 2023-02-20

Non-Insulin crossword puzzle
  1. the brand name example of a daily GLP-1 agonist
  2. an ideal characteristic for a diabetes medication
  3. the brand name of an SGLT2 inhibitor commonly used in heart failure
  4. a common first-line oral diabetes medication, weight neutral
  5. potential vitamin deficiency with long-term metformin use
  6. what you want your patients with diabetes to lose to be healthier in most cases
  7. an organ that can be chronically diseased that SGLT2 inhibitors have benefit in
  8. how sulfonylureas affect weight
  9. brand name of saxagliptin
  1. class of medications that have potential harm in heart failure
  2. the cells where sulfonylureas work on
  3. inhibitors work by increasing urinary glucose excretion
  4. brand name of the new GIP and GLP1 receptor agonist combination
  5. lab value that gives an average three-month reflection of blood glucose

14 Clues: brand name of saxagliptinhow sulfonylureas affect weightthe cells where sulfonylureas work onthe brand name example of a daily GLP-1 agonistan ideal characteristic for a diabetes medicationinhibitors work by increasing urinary glucose excretionpotential vitamin deficiency with long-term metformin use...

ICD 10 CM 2017-09-18

ICD 10 CM crossword puzzle
  1. A41.9
  2. D64.9
  3. J45.909
  4. E86.0
  5. R50.9
  6. I10
  7. L70.9
  8. J44.9(abbr)
  9. J18.9
  10. R53.81
  11. R52
  1. N39.0(abbr)
  2. M1A.9
  3. R04.0
  4. G82.50
  5. G91.9
  6. N18.9(abbr)
  7. G47.00
  8. E11.9
  9. F84.0

20 Clues: I10R52M1A.9A41.9R04.0D64.9E86.0G91.9R50.9L70.9E11.9J18.9F84.0G82.50G47.00R53.81J45.909N39.0(abbr)N18.9(abbr)J44.9(abbr)

Diabetes Education 2023-10-13

Diabetes Education crossword puzzle
  1. Through healthy eating, coping, physical activity and medication management diabetes may not be cured but it can be
  2. Though they all impact this at varying degrees, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats all affect your blood
  3. About 90% of people with diabetes have
  4. Monitoring lipid panels and blood pressure are essential in the management of diabetes as the leading cause of death is
  5. When you have diabetes your body makes less of this hormone or none at all
  1. Insulin is a hormone made by the
  2. is a dangerous condition when your blood glucose is too high and your body breaks down fat instead of carbohydrates for energy
  3. is low blood glucose and is classified by 3 levels: level 1 glucose <70, level 2 glucose <55, and level 3 requiring assistance
  4. diabetes affects between 2 and 10% of all pregnancies in the U.S.
  5. The A1C goal for most healthy adults is less than

10 Clues: Insulin is a hormone made by theAbout 90% of people with diabetes haveThe A1C goal for most healthy adults is less thandiabetes affects between 2 and 10% of all pregnancies in the U.S.When you have diabetes your body makes less of this hormone or none at all...


  1. Metformin decreases liver production of glucose and enhances uptake and utilization of glucose in which type of tissue?
  2. A patient comes in and is very worried about injecting herself with insulin due to fear of needles. She lives a very busy lifestyle of work and travel. She is curious if there are any other methods than using the Lantus pen she is prescribed. You would educate her on the idea of an Insulin _______.
  3. You are mixing a combination of insulins. You need 10 ml of insulin. You have already pulled up 3 ml of regular insulin, how much of the NPH do you need to pull up in your syringe?
  4. Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin.
  5. __________ diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health.
  6. A 76 year old female comes into the ED. Her daughter who is with her tells you that the she has not been eating regularly at her nursing home. Her daughter says she skipped breakfast this morning and believes did not eat much for dinner the night before. Your patient is very fatigued and anxious, has a fast heartbeat and is sweating profusely. You take her blood sugar and it is 47 mg/dL. You would chart your patient as?
  7. It is the start of your shift and you give one of your patients a shot of Humalog insulin. In how many hours do you expect to be returning to said patient to give the next shot.
  8. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act on the intestine to delay the absorption of ________________.
  9. You have a patient that just came out of surgery who is a type II diabetic. Her blood glucose in the last three hours has not been stable. Your decide that it is best to follow the ___________ ___________ protocol and administer adjusted doses of insulin based off of her blood glucose reading every shift.
  10. Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.
  11. The pancreas produces ___ which increases plasma glucose levels. It is also administered for severe hypoglycemia.
  12. This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.
  13. Which of the sulfonylureas cannot be used to treat Type 1 Diabetes?
  14. Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, and Biguanides are just a few examples of what type of oral drug?
  15. Risk for ___________ skin integrity related to failure to rotate insulin injection site.
  16. Type 1 diabetes results from the destruction of insulin-producing __________ cells.
  17. Diabetes mellitus is derived from the Latin word for ______ and the Greek word for "fountain". The term describes one of the prominent symptoms of untreated diabetes, production of large volumes of glucose-rich urine.
  18. Glitazones should be used with caution in patients with heart failure because these drugs can cause _______________________.
  19. You are educating a very petite and skinny young woman on how to inject herself with insulin. You show her that she needs to ______ her lower abdomen and inject herself with the needle at 45 degrees to ensure that she is getting the insulin in her subcutaneous tissue.
  20. You administer NPH insulin to a patient. How long before this type of Intermediate insulin starts to peak?
  21. Which route would you administer the insulin of the 26 year old male who is hypoglycemic.
  22. The FDA warns that due to this drug's ability to complement the effects of insulin, it increases the risk of insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia.
  1. Recent data have shown that this drug can prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
  2. Many DM drugs inhibit or suppress ___ release of glucagon by delaying gastric emptying.
  3. Thiazolidinediones (Glitazones) reduce glucose levels by increasing cellular response to circulating __________.
  4. In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?
  5. An overdose of insulin may lead to your patient falling into a __________.
  6. A new admit that has Type 11 diabetes is put on your floor. She says she if very hungry and would like to eat something soon. What type of insulin would you administer to her if she was to eat in the next 30 minutes.
  7. _____________________ stimulate pancreatic insulin release in a manner similar to the Sulfonylureas.
  8. Extreme thirst, the need to urinate often, and blurry vision can be symptoms of _________________.
  9. There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.
  10. Ketoacidosis causes alterations in the metabolism of both glucose and what?
  11. A 19 year old male who has had diabetes for 2 years comes in with a raised lump on his lower abdomen. You ask him if this is the spot that he normally injects himself with insulin. He replies that this is the only place he injects himself twice a day. The raised lump is called what?
  12. A 16 year old female with type II Diabetes comes into the office very concerned about how her stomach looks. You find that she has been misinformed and has been injecting herself with insulin in the same spot (lower abdomen) every day. You assess her stomach and find that her stomach is pitting in the injection spot. What do you educate her on?
  13. ___ dysfunction patients are at greater risk for hypoglycemia using meglitinides.
  14. This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.
  15. The most common type of diabetes. Some sources say heredity and obesity are the major factors of this type of diabetes.
  16. Orinase, Glucotrol, and DiaBeta promote insulin release by the pancreas. What is the name of the drug class they belong to?
  17. Susie has was dianosed with _____ at the age of 9. She is not 20 years old and has been insulin dependent since the time she was diagnosed.
  18. The actions of these hormones tell your body to release insulin after you eat.

40 Clues: Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin....


  1. Ketoacidosis causes alterations in the metabolism of both glucose and what?
  2. Diabetes mellitus is derived from the Latin word for ______ and the Greek word for "fountain". The term describes one of the prominent symptoms of untreated diabetes, production of large volumes of glucose-rich urine.
  3. The most common type of diabetes. Some sources say heredity and obesity are the major factors of this type of diabetes.
  4. Risk for ___________ skin integrity related to failure to rotate insulin injection site.
  5. You are mixing a combination of insulins. You need 10 ml of insulin. You have already pulled up 3 ml of regular insulin, how much of the NPH do you need to pull up in your syringe?
  6. A 19 year old male who has had diabetes for 2 years comes in with a raised lump on his lower abdomen. You ask him if this is the spot that he normally injects himself with insulin. He replies that this is the only place he injects himself twice a day. The raised lump is called what?
  7. You administer NPH insulin to a patient. How long before this type of Intermediate insulin starts to peak?
  8. There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.
  9. You are educating a very petite and skinny young woman on how to inject herself with insulin. You show her that she needs to ______ her lower abdomen and inject herself with the needle at 45 degrees to ensure that she is getting the insulin in her subcutaneous tissue.
  10. Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, and Biguanides are just a few examples of what type of oral drug?
  11. _____________________ stimulate pancreatic insulin release in a manner similar to the Sulfonylureas.
  12. Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.
  13. Many DM drugs inhibit or suppress ___ release of glucagon by delaying gastric emptying.
  14. You have a patient that just came out of surgery who is a type II diabetic. Her blood glucose in the last three hours has not been stable. Your decide that it is best to follow the ___________ ___________ protocol and administer adjusted doses of insulin based off of her blood glucose reading every shift.
  15. _______ acidosis condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.
  16. This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.
  17. Which of the sulfonylureas cannot be used to treat Type 1 Diabetes?
  1. It is the start of your shift and you give one of your patients a shot of Humalog insulin. In how many hours do you expect to be returning to said patient to give the next shot.
  2. A new admit that has Type 11 diabetes is put on your floor. She says she if very hungry and would like to eat something soon. What type of insulin would you administer to her if she was to eat in the next 30 minutes.
  3. Susie has was dianosed with _____ at the age of 9. She is not 20 years old and has been insulin dependent since the time she was diagnosed.
  4. A 16 year old female with type II Diabetes comes into the office very concerned about how her stomach looks. You find that she has been misinformed and has been injecting herself with insulin in the same spot (lower abdomen) every day. You assess her stomach and find that her stomach is pitting in the injection spot. What do you educate her on?
  5. A 76 year old female comes into the ED. Her daughter who is with her tells you that the she has not been eating regularly at her nursing home. Her daughter says she skipped breakfast this morning and believes did not eat much for dinner the night before. Your patient is very fatigued and anxious, has a fast heartbeat and is sweating profusely. You take her blood sugar and it is 47 mg/dL. You would chart your patient as?
  6. Thiazolidinediones (Glitazones) reduce glucose levels by increasing cellular response to circulating __________.
  7. Recent data have shown that this drug can prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
  8. Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin.
  9. ___ dysfunction patients are at greater risk for hypoglycemia using meglitinides.
  10. Type 1 diabetes results from the destruction of insulin-producing __________ cells.
  11. Extreme thirst, the need to urinate often, and blurry vision can be symptoms of _________________.
  12. The FDA warns that due to this drug's ability to complement the effects of insulin, it increases the risk of insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia.
  13. A patient comes in and is very worried about injecting herself with insulin due to fear of needles. She lives a very busy lifestyle of work and travel. She is curious if there are any other methods than using the Lantus pen she is prescribed. You would educate her on the idea of an Insulin _______.
  14. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act on the intestine to delay the absorption of ________________.
  15. An overdose of insulin may lead to your patient falling into a __________.
  16. In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?
  17. __________ diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health.
  18. Which route would you administer the insulin of the 26 year old male who is hypoglycemic.
  19. The pancreas produces ___ which increases plasma glucose levels. It is also administered for severe hypoglycemia.
  20. Metformin decreases liver production of glucose and enhances uptake and utilization of glucose in which type of tissue?
  21. The actions of these hormones tell your body to release insulin after you eat.

38 Clues: Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin.Which of the sulfonylureas cannot be used to treat Type 1 Diabetes?...


  1. A patient comes in and is very worried about injecting herself with insulin due to fear of needles. She lives a very busy lifestyle of work and travel. She is curious if there are any other methods than using the Lantus pen she is prescribed. You would educate her on the idea of an Insulin _______.
  2. There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.
  3. ___ dysfunction patients are at greater risk for hypoglycemia using meglitinides.
  4. Many DM drugs inhibit or suppress ___ release of glucagon by delaying gastric emptying.
  5. A 76 year old female comes into the ED. Her daughter who is with her tells you that the she has not been eating regularly at her nursing home. Her daughter says she skipped breakfast this morning and believes did not eat much for dinner the night before. Your patient is very fatigued and anxious, has a fast heartbeat and is sweating profusely. You take her blood sugar and it is 47 mg/dL. You would chart your patient as?
  6. Risk for ___________ skin integrity related to failure to rotate insulin injection site.
  7. Glitazones should be used with caution in patients with heart failure because these drugs can cause _______________________.
  8. Susie has was dianosed with _____ at the age of 9. She is not 20 years old and has been insulin dependent since the time she was diagnosed.
  9. The pancreas produces ___ which increases plasma glucose levels. It is also administered for severe hypoglycemia.
  10. A 16 year old female with type II Diabetes comes into the office very concerned about how her stomach looks. You find that she has been misinformed and has been injecting herself with insulin in the same spot (lower abdomen) every day. You assess her stomach and find that her stomach is pitting in the injection spot. What do you educate her on?
  11. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act on the intestine to delay the absorption of ________________.
  12. Thiazolidinediones (Glitazones) reduce glucose levels by increasing cellular response to circulating __________.
  13. You are mixing a combination of insulins. You need 10 ml of insulin. You have already pulled up 3 ml of regular insulin, how much of the NPH do you need to pull up in your syringe?
  14. Metformin decreases liver production of glucose and enhances uptake and utilization of glucose in which type of tissue?
  15. Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.
  16. A new admit that has Type 11 diabetes is put on your floor. She says she if very hungry and would like to eat something soon. What type of insulin would you administer to her if she was to eat in the next 30 minutes.
  17. An overdose of insulin may lead to your patient falling into a __________.
  18. You have a patient that just came out of surgery who is a type II diabetic. Her blood glucose in the last three hours has not been stable. Your decide that it is best to follow the ___________ ___________ protocol and administer adjusted doses of insulin based off of her blood glucose reading every shift.
  19. _____________________ stimulate pancreatic insulin release in a manner similar to the Sulfonylureas.
  20. In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?
  21. Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin.
  22. __________ diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health.
  23. You are educating a very petite and skinny young woman on how to inject herself with insulin. You show her that she needs to ______ her lower abdomen and inject herself with the needle at 45 degrees to ensure that she is getting the insulin in her subcutaneous tissue.
  24. This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.
  25. The FDA warns that due to this drug's ability to complement the effects of insulin, it increases the risk of insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia.
  1. Type 1 diabetes results from the destruction of insulin-producing __________ cells.
  2. Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, and Biguanides are just a few examples of what type of oral drug?
  3. A 19 year old male who has had diabetes for 2 years comes in with a raised lump on his lower abdomen. You ask him if this is the spot that he normally injects himself with insulin. He replies that this is the only place he injects himself twice a day. The raised lump is called what?
  4. The actions of these hormones tell your body to release insulin after you eat.
  5. Diabetes mellitus is derived from the Latin word for ______ and the Greek word for "fountain". The term describes one of the prominent symptoms of untreated diabetes, production of large volumes of glucose-rich urine.
  6. It is the start of your shift and you give one of your patients a shot of Humalog insulin. In how many hours do you expect to be returning to said patient to give the next shot.
  7. Extreme thirst, the need to urinate often, and blurry vision can be symptoms of _________________.
  8. Which of the sulfonylureas cannot be used to treat Type 1 Diabetes?
  9. Ketoacidosis causes alterations in the metabolism of both glucose and what?
  10. You administer NPH insulin to a patient. How long before this type of Intermediate insulin starts to peak?
  11. Recent data have shown that this drug can prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
  12. _______ acidosis condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.
  13. Which route would you administer the insulin of the 26 year old male who is hypoglycemic.
  14. The most common type of diabetes. Some sources say heredity and obesity are the major factors of this type of diabetes.

39 Clues: Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin.Which of the sulfonylureas cannot be used to treat Type 1 Diabetes?...

USC Diabetes Lecture 2021-03-29

USC Diabetes Lecture crossword puzzle
  1. You notice that HJ seems more forgetful than she was a few years ago. Her daughter also notices her mom sometimes forgets she even has diabetes or that she needs to take medicines. She could be experiencing ________ impairment as a consequence of hypoglycemia.
  2. This category of complications includes retinopathy and neuropathy, and generally occurs late in the disease and is dependent on the level of hyperglycemia.
  3. HJ is taking aspirin for ______ prevention of cardiovascular disease.
  4. Based on HJ’s PMH and labs, what medical condition does she have that might make her A1C inaccurate?
  5. Which of HJs medications is being used to treat diabetic neuropathy?
  6. Using shared decision making, HJ decided she would like to trial a GLP-1 agonist. Which of her current medications should be stopped prior to starting a GLP-1 agonist?
  7. This GLP-1 agonist is currently being tested to determine if it has benefits on renal function in patients with CKD.
  8. The CREDENCE trial showed that patients with CKD treated with this diabetes medication had improvements in renal function.
  9. HJ reports taking this medication differently than prescribed.
  10. Which of HJs medications has the highest hypoglycemia risk?
  11. Which of HJs meals has the highest carbohydrate content?
  12. Which of HJ’s labs values shows she has albuminuria?
  1. Which of HJs diabetes medications may be unsafe to continue in light of her recent hip fracture?
  2. A patient suffering from autonomic neuropathy may suffer from ______ unawareness.
  3. ______ hypotension is defined as a drop in SBP by >20mmHg or DBP >10 mmHg upon standing.
  4. If HJ wanted to trial duloxetine for her neuropathy which of her medications would need to be tapered off?
  5. Which of HJ’s disease states could lead to medication non-adherence?
  6. This tool is used during a foot exam to screen for diabetic neuropathy.
  7. In patients with neuropathy a foot infection that does not heal can lead to ____.
  8. Which of HJs vaccination series is up to date and does not require additional action?
  9. HJ tells you she has not seen a dentist in over 2 years. You recommend she goes to her dentist to screen for _____ disease.
  10. What intensity stain is HJ currently taking?
  11. What intensity statin is HJ indicated for?
  12. Which of HJs medications has an indication for her albuminuria?
  13. When talking to HJ she decided she wants to increase her exercise to 30 minutes five days a week by the end of the month. This is an example of a _____ goal.

25 Clues: What intensity statin is HJ indicated for?What intensity stain is HJ currently taking?Which of HJ’s labs values shows she has albuminuria?Which of HJs meals has the highest carbohydrate content?Which of HJs medications has the highest hypoglycemia risk?HJ reports taking this medication differently than prescribed....

Elo, Kasmir ja Juho 2022-08-18

Elo, Kasmir ja Juho crossword puzzle
  1. leikkuupuimuri
  2. naulakko
  3. jalka
  4. pelto
  5. lääkärintodistus
  6. uida
  7. ovi
  8. jäätelö
  9. diabetes
  10. erkaantuminen
  11. herpes
  1. oppilas
  2. polvilumpio
  3. kainalosauva
  4. tietokone
  5. tuoli
  6. vaellus
  7. leiri
  8. editointi
  9. koira
  10. diadeemi
  11. vesi

22 Clues: oviuidavesijalkapeltotuolileirikoiraherpesoppilasvaellusjäätelönaulakkodiabetesdiadeemitietokoneeditointipolvilumpiokainalosauvaerkaantuminenleikkuupuimurilääkärintodistus


  1. HOURS You administer NPH insulin to a patient. How long before this type of Intermediate insulin starts to peak?
  2. A patient comes in and is very worried about injecting herself with insulin due to fear of needles. She lives a very busy lifestyle of work and travel. She is curious if there are any other methods than using the Lantus pen she is prescribed. You would educate her on the idea of an Insulin _______.
  3. Metformin decreases liver production of glucose and enhances uptake and utilization of glucose in which type of tissue?
  4. Ketoacidosis causes alterations in the metabolism of both glucose and what?
  5. It is the start of your shift and you give one of your patients a shot of Humalog insulin. In how many hours do you expect to be returning to said patient to give the next shot.
  6. The FDA warns that due to this drug's ability to complement the effects of insulin, it increases the risk of insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia.
  7. Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, and Biguanides are just a few examples of what type of oral drug?
  8. In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?
  9. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act on the intestine to delay the absorption of ________________.
  10. Glitazones should be used with caution in patients with heart failure because these drugs can cause _______________________.
  11. Susie has was dianosed with _____ at the age of 9. She is not 20 years old and has been insulin dependent since the time she was diagnosed.
  12. Thiazolidinediones (Glitazones) reduce glucose levels by increasing cellular response to circulating __________.
  13. This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.
  14. There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.
  15. Which of the sulfonylureas cannot be used to treat Type 1 Diabetes?
  16. Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin.
  17. A new admit that has Type 11 diabetes is put on your floor. She says she if very hungry and would like to eat something soon. What type of insulin would you administer to her if she was to eat in the next 30 minutes.
  18. A 16 year old female with type II Diabetes comes into the office very concerned about how her stomach looks. You find that she has been misinformed and has been injecting herself with insulin in the same spot (lower abdomen) every day. You assess her stomach and find that her stomach is pitting in the injection spot. What do you educate her on?
  19. This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.
  20. The actions of these hormones tell your body to release insulin after you eat.
  21. __________ diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health.
  22. The pancreas produces ___ which increases plasma glucose levels. It is also administered for severe hypoglycemia.
  23. You are educating a very petite and skinny young woman on how to inject herself with insulin. You show her that she needs to ______ her lower abdomen and inject herself with the needle at 45 degrees to ensure that she is getting the insulin in her subcutaneous tissue.
  1. You are mixing a combination of insulins. You need 10 ml of insulin. You have already pulled up 3 ml of regular insulin, how much of the NPH do you need to pull up in your syringe?
  2. Many DM drugs inhibit or suppress ___ release of glucagon by delaying gastric emptying.
  3. Recent data have shown that this drug can prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
  4. Which route would you administer the insulin of the 26 year old male who is hypoglycemic.
  5. The most common type of diabetes. Some sources say heredity and obesity are the major factors of this type of diabetes.
  6. The process in the previous question interacts with oral drugs by effecting their ___.
  7. Extreme thirst, the need to urinate often, and blurry vision can be symptoms of _________________.
  8. _____________________ stimulate pancreatic insulin release in a manner similar to the Sulfonylureas.
  9. ___ dysfunction patients are at greater risk for hypoglycemia using meglitinides.
  10. Type 1 diabetes results from the destruction of insulin-producing __________ cells.
  11. A 76 year old female comes into the ED. Her daughter who is with her tells you that the she has not been eating regularly at her nursing home. Her daughter says she skipped breakfast this morning and believes did not eat much for dinner the night before. Your patient is very fatigued and anxious, has a fast heartbeat and is sweating profusely. You take her blood sugar and it is 47 mg/dL. You would chart your patient as?
  12. A 19 year old male who has had diabetes for 2 years comes in with a raised lump on his lower abdomen. You ask him if this is the spot that he normally injects himself with insulin. He replies that this is the only place he injects himself twice a day. The raised lump is called what?
  13. Orinase, Glucotrol, and DiaBeta promote insulin release by the pancreas. What is the name of the drug class they belong to?
  14. An overdose of insulin may lead to your patient falling into a __________.
  15. Diabetes mellitus is derived from the Latin word for ______ and the Greek word for "fountain". The term describes one of the prominent symptoms of untreated diabetes, production of large volumes of glucose-rich urine.
  16. Risk for ___________ skin integrity related to failure to rotate insulin injection site.
  17. You have a patient that just came out of surgery who is a type II diabetic. Her blood glucose in the last three hours has not been stable. Your decide that it is best to follow the ___________ ___________ protocol and administer adjusted doses of insulin based off of her blood glucose reading every shift.
  18. Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.

41 Clues: Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin....

Healthy crossword! 2018-12-01

Healthy crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. ,Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  2. , this can prevent osteoporosis.
  3. ,This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  4. ,Cultural backgroungs are ________ factors.
  5. ,Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  6. ,Emotions are ________ factors.
  7. ,They have different colours.
  8. ,You have control over this.
  1. This is an internal factor.
  2. ,A lot of red meats have ___.
  3. ,There are _____ types of diabetes.
  4. ,Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  5. ,Their _____ health disorders.
  6. ,Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  7. ,Too much sugar can give you this.
  8. ,This is an external factor.
  9. ,This type of food has come from Asia.

17 Clues: This is an internal factor.,This is an external factor.,You have control over this.,A lot of red meats have ___.,They have different colours.,Their _____ health disorders.,Emotions are ________ factors., this can prevent osteoporosis.,Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.,Too much sugar can give you this.,There are _____ types of diabetes....

National Diabetes Awareness Week 2022 2022-07-07

National Diabetes Awareness Week 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. A common long acting insulin used for diabetes.
  2. _ _ _ _ _ UP is the theme of National Diabetes Awareness Week 2022.
  3. There are this many teaspoons of sugar in a 375ml can of soft drink
  4. Someone is said to be having this when their blood glucose is below 4.0mmol.
  5. The SGLT2i class of oral medications inhibits the reabsorption of glucose from this organ.
  6. This disease process is the main cause of T1DM
  1. Blurred _ _ _ _ _ _ is a common symptom of T2DM.
  2. This OHA which is commonly used in T2DM.
  3. A common short acting insulin used in hospitals for insulin infusions.
  4. Thirst and sudden weight _ _ _ _ are symptoms of T1DM.
  5. Diabetic Retinopathy is damage to this organ.
  6. Diet and this are important aspects of diabetes management.
  7. The disposible device that can contain Novorapid, Novomix 30, Actrapid, Protophane or Levemir.
  8. People with T1DM will always need this.
  9. A CSII .... is a common insulin delivery system for people living with T1DM.

15 Clues: People with T1DM will always need this.This OHA which is commonly used in T2DM.Diabetic Retinopathy is damage to this organ.This disease process is the main cause of T1DMA common long acting insulin used for diabetes.Blurred _ _ _ _ _ _ is a common symptom of T2DM.Thirst and sudden weight _ _ _ _ are symptoms of T1DM....

Immune dysfunction 2023-03-15

Immune dysfunction crossword puzzle
  1. This is a common symptom of type 1 diabetes.
  2. An inflammatory autoimmune bowel condition.
  3. Long-term or lifelong.
  4. Another name for extreme tiredness - a common symptom of MS.
  5. This can be carried out to remove part of an affected digestive system in Crohn's disease.
  6. The part of the neurone that is destroyed in multiple sclerosis
  7. Which hormone is not produced in type 1 diabetes.
  1. A common drug treatment for MS.
  2. The condition of having low blood glucose.
  3. A risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis.
  4. This is found in the urine of people suspected of having diabetes.
  5. A symptom in joints of people with arthritis.
  6. These can trigger the start of an autoimmune disease.
  7. The membrane in the joint affected by rheumatoid arthritis.
  8. The name of diseases where the bodies own immune system attacks its own cells and tissues.

15 Clues: Long-term or lifelong.A common drug treatment for MS.A risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis.The condition of having low blood glucose.An inflammatory autoimmune bowel condition.This is a common symptom of type 1 diabetes.A symptom in joints of people with arthritis.Which hormone is not produced in type 1 diabetes....

^-^ Healthy Crossword ^-^ 2018-12-04

^-^ Healthy Crossword ^-^ crossword puzzle
  1. Emotions are ________ factors.
  2. There are _____ types of diabetes.
  3. This type of food has came from Italy.
  4. A lot of red meats have ___.
  5. This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  6. There are _____ health disorders.
  7. Too much sugar can give you ...
  8. It is an internal factor.
  9. Cultural backgrounds are ________ factors.
  1. Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  2. This type of food has come from Asia.
  3. Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  4. You have control over this.
  5. They have different colours.
  6. Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  7. Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  8. This is an external factor.
  9. This can prevent osteoporosis.

18 Clues: It is an internal factor.You have control over this.This is an external factor.They have different colours.A lot of red meats have ___.Emotions are ________ factors.This can prevent osteoporosis.Too much sugar can give you ...Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.There are _____ health disorders.There are _____ types of diabetes....

^-^ Healthy Crossword ^-^ 2018-12-04

^-^ Healthy Crossword ^-^ crossword puzzle
  1. There are _____ types of diabetes.
  2. This type of health disorder can be contributed by nuts.
  3. Emotions are ________ factors.
  4. Too much sugar can give you this.
  5. Heart disease can be contributed by ___ _____.
  6. It is an internal factor.
  7. Most of the time it can’t be cured.
  8. Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.
  9. A lot of red meats have ___.
  10. There are _____ health disorders.
  1. They have different colours.
  2. This can prevent osteoporosis.
  3. You have control over this.
  4. Osteoporosis is also considered as …
  5. This type of food has come from Asia.
  6. Cultural backgrounds are ________ factors.
  7. This type of food has came from Italy.
  8. This is an external factor.

18 Clues: It is an internal factor.You have control over this.This is an external factor.They have different colours.A lot of red meats have ___.This can prevent osteoporosis.Emotions are ________ factors.Too much sugar can give you this.Sodium and sugars aren’t _______.There are _____ health disorders.There are _____ types of diabetes....

November 2014 Podiatrist Newsletter 2014-10-16

November 2014 Podiatrist Newsletter crossword puzzle
  1. disease with inadequate insulin production
  2. compound in body cells that may cause plaque build up
  3. National Diabetes month
  4. interruption of blood flow to the brain
  1. energy source found in many carbohydrates
  2. biggest shopping day of the year
  3. nerve disease causing numbness or weakness
  4. organ that can be damaged by diabetes
  5. blood clot

9 Clues: blood clotNational Diabetes monthbiggest shopping day of the yearorgan that can be damaged by diabetesinterruption of blood flow to the brainenergy source found in many carbohydratesdisease with inadequate insulin productionnerve disease causing numbness or weaknesscompound in body cells that may cause plaque build up

Diabetes mellitus 2016-03-16

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Όταν τα επίπεδα γλυκόζης στο αίμα ελαττώνονται, το ήπαρ μετατρέπει το γλυκογόνο σε γλυκόζη
  2. Φάρμακα που ενδείκνυνται στους ασθενείς (κοντά στο ιδανικό βάρος) στους οποίους η δίαιτα απέτυχε να ρυθμίσει την υπεργλυκαιμία.
  3. Φυσιολογικά προϊόντα του μεταβολισμού κυρίως από την αποικοδόμηση λιπαρών οξέων
  4. Εκκρίνεται κυρίως από τα λιποκύτταρα. Φυσιολογικά αναστέλλει το αίσθημα της όρεξης & την αύξηση του σωματικού βάρους
  5. σύνθεση γλυκόζης από μη-υδατανθρακικές πρόδρομες ενώσεις.
  1. Αποθηκευτική μορφή της γλυκόζης στο ήπαρ
  2. Ορμόνη που εκκρίνεται από τα β-κύτταρα των νησίδων του Langerhans στο πάγκρεας.
  3. Αντοχή στην ινσουλίνη
  4. Απέκκριση γλυκόζης απ’ τα ούρα
  5. Άύξηση της γλυκόζης στο πλάσμα
  6. Ορμόνη που ρυθμίζει τον κύκλο του ύπνου
  7. Εμφανίζονται κετόνες στα ούρα

12 Clues: Αντοχή στην ινσουλίνηΕμφανίζονται κετόνες στα ούραΑπέκκριση γλυκόζης απ’ τα ούραΆύξηση της γλυκόζης στο πλάσμαΟρμόνη που ρυθμίζει τον κύκλο του ύπνουΑποθηκευτική μορφή της γλυκόζης στο ήπαρσύνθεση γλυκόζης από μη-υδατανθρακικές πρόδρομες ενώσεις.Ορμόνη που εκκρίνεται από τα β-κύτταρα των νησίδων του Langerhans στο πάγκρεας....

Diabetes prevention 2021-12-16

Diabetes prevention crossword puzzle
  1. Symptom of diabetes
  2. Which diabetes is screened for in the NHS Health Check
  3. _____ prevention: reduce the incidence of disease and health problems within the population
  4. ______ lifestyle - Modifiable risk factor
  5. Symptom of diabetes
  6. ______ prevention: Measures taken to prevent complications and disabilities
  1. Unhealthy _____ - Modifiable risk factor
  2. Symptom of diabetes
  3. _____ prevention: Systematically detecting the early stages of disease and intervening before full symptoms develop
  4. _____ test catch the development of diseases at an early stage
  5. Non-modifiable risk factor
  6. _____ diabetes occurs during pregnancy

12 Clues: Symptom of diabetesSymptom of diabetesSymptom of diabetesNon-modifiable risk factor_____ diabetes occurs during pregnancyUnhealthy _____ - Modifiable risk factor______ lifestyle - Modifiable risk factorWhich diabetes is screened for in the NHS Health Check_____ test catch the development of diseases at an early stage...

Gestational Diabetes 2024-02-22

Gestational Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. What will cause hypoxia, increase ROS, and cause placental angiogenesis?
  2. What is the placental hormone primarily responsible for modulating maternal glucose metabolism, acting to increase insulin resistance?
  3. What is a critical parameter in the management of GDM, that reduces the risk of congenital anomalies during organogenesis?
  4. Unique pattern of fetal over growth, associated with increased risk of shoulder dystocia and brachial plexus trauma.
  5. Lipolytic effects lead to an increase ________ and provide a different fuel source to conserve glucose and amino acids for the fetus.
  6. What is the state in which pregnancy induces insulin resistance to prioritise fetal nutrient uptake?
  1. What is upregulated and favours increased glucose transfer even with well controlled diabetes?
  2. Glucose can cross the placenta, but _____ cannot.
  3. What is the class of medication, aside from insulin, sometimes considered for GDM management due to its insulin-sensitising effects?
  4. Maternal hyperglycaemia will cause fetal hyperglycaemia which will _____ insulin within the fetal circulation.
  5. did you enjoy this cross word?
  6. What is the long-term metabolic condition GDM patients are at increased risk of, necessitating lifestyle interventions and postpartum screening?

12 Clues: did you enjoy this cross word?Glucose can cross the placenta, but _____ cannot.What will cause hypoxia, increase ROS, and cause placental angiogenesis?What is upregulated and favours increased glucose transfer even with well controlled diabetes?What is the state in which pregnancy induces insulin resistance to prioritise fetal nutrient uptake?...

Gestational Diabetes 2024-04-01

Gestational Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. There is an increase in the incidence of birth defects among infants of women who develop GDM after the first trimester.
  2. Jane has to take a fasting 100g oral glucose test. Her fasting level comes back as 75. Her first hour glucose test comes back at 195mg/dL. Her 2 hour glucose test comes back at 165mg/dL. Her 3 hour glucose test comes back at 130mg/dL. Jane has tested ____ for GDM.
  3. Birthweight more than 4000 to 4500 g or greater than the 90th percentile.
  4. If risk factors such as obesity are present, maternal screening for GDM will be conducted at ____ weeks of gestation.
  5. Placental hormones, cortisol, and insulinase increase mom’s ________ to insulin.
  6. Extra glucose from mom will cause the baby’s _______ to also produce high levels of insulin.
  1. Insulin requirements decrease substantially because the major source of insulin resistance, the placenta, has been removed.
  2. Works by decreasing hepatic glucose production and increasing peripheral sensitivity to insulin.
  3. Human placental lactogen, cortisol, growth hormone, progesterone are released during pregnancy and ______ moms production of glucose during pregnancy.
  4. Andrea comes in for a non-fasting 50g oral glucose test. After one hour her blood glucose is 125mg/dL. Does Andrea need to come back in for fasting oral glucose test?
  5. All women who had GDM should be assessed for carbohydrate intolerance at around _____ weeks postpartum.
  6. After delivery, the baby will have high insulin levels but will no longer have that extra sugar from mom, the baby’s blood sugar levels can drop suddenly and cause a ______.

12 Clues: Birthweight more than 4000 to 4500 g or greater than the 90th percentile.Placental hormones, cortisol, and insulinase increase mom’s ________ to insulin.Extra glucose from mom will cause the baby’s _______ to also produce high levels of insulin.Works by decreasing hepatic glucose production and increasing peripheral sensitivity to insulin....

VOCABULARY 2024-08-28

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. uchodźcy
  2. - dbać
  3. - cukrzyca
  4. - traktować
  5. - natychmiast
  6. - nośić
  7. - zwykły, powszechny
  8. - rozrywka
  9. - wspomnieć
  1. - zapobiegać
  2. - gapić się
  3. - doświadczenie
  4. - uprzejmość
  5. - bronić
  6. - opuścić
  7. - ilość
  8. - mistrzostwa
  9. - zaniepokojony, poddenerwowany

18 Clues: - dbać- ilość- nośićuchodźcy- bronić- opuścić- cukrzyca- rozrywka- gapić się- traktować- wspomnieć- zapobiegać- uprzejmość- natychmiast- mistrzostwa- doświadczenie- zwykły, powszechny- zaniepokojony, poddenerwowany

diabetes-Rafael Ortiz 2023-04-25

diabetes-Rafael Ortiz crossword puzzle
  1. body can't produce insulin during pregnancy
  2. chemical messenger
  3. body stopped/doesn't make enough insulin
  4. organ that helps regulate blood sugar
  5. hormone that helps cells use energy in the blood
  6. low blood sugar
  7. starts as insulin resistance
  1. high blood sugar
  2. medical condition
  3. showing signs of diabetes
  4. doctors assigned to diabetic patients
  5. refers to blood sugar levels

12 Clues: low blood sugarhigh blood sugarmedical conditionchemical messengershowing signs of diabetesrefers to blood sugar levelsstarts as insulin resistancedoctors assigned to diabetic patientsorgan that helps regulate blood sugarbody stopped/doesn't make enough insulinbody can't produce insulin during pregnancy...

The Other Face of Insulin 2024-01-10

The Other Face of Insulin crossword puzzle
  1. The use of insulin in a dose higher than the therapeutic dose may result in ______________
  2. Severe hypoglycemia accounts for up to ____% of deaths among young people with type 1 diabetes.
  3. Data indicates a significant ______________ of the number of suicide attempts and deaths from deliberate overdose by intentional insulin overdose.
  4. Insulin is a ____________.
  5. The average age during the _______ suicide attempt was 16.7 years old
  6. Any chronic disease is a factor, which increases the _________ rate for adults and children.
  1. Symptoms of hypoglycemia may occur even with normal test results in a situation where glucose levels are lowered too _____
  2. Severe hypoglycemia results in LOC, coma, severe and irreversible brain injuries, or __________
  3. Insulin overdose is the most common suicide method among type _____ diabetes patients.
  4. is the most effective glycemic-lowering drug, and for people suffering from type 1 diabetes it is a life-saving drug.
  5. The suicide attempt rate almost ______ in children with chronic diseases.
  6. Insulin-induced hypoglycemia is the cause of approximately 100,000 emergency department visits per ____
  7. Patients with diabetes are burdened with a 2–3 times ____ risk of developing depression compared to the general population
  8. hypoglycemia increases risk of ___________ events

14 Clues: Insulin is a ____________.hypoglycemia increases risk of ___________ eventsThe average age during the _______ suicide attempt was 16.7 years oldThe suicide attempt rate almost ______ in children with chronic diseases.Insulin overdose is the most common suicide method among type _____ diabetes patients....

Bioquímica laboratorial - Hemoglobina glicada 2020-07-05

Bioquímica laboratorial - Hemoglobina glicada crossword puzzle
  1. Equipamento que mede absorbância de uma amostra, ou seja, a luz que é transmitida através desta amostra
  2. Complicação nas retinas causados pelo diabetes mellitus
  3. Mede a luz dispersada
  4. Complicação nos rins causados pelo diabetes mellitus
  5. Tipo de amostra coletada (2 nomes, escrever tudo junto)
  6. Mede a luz não dispersada
  7. Resultado de amostra armazenada a 20 °C negativos pode ser falsamente ...
  1. Nome da técnica que separa e/ou purifica misturas
  2. A quantidade máxima de dias em que a amostra pode ficar armazenada
  3. Sigla do anticoagulante usado na coleta do exame
  4. Número de dosagens ao ano para pacientes que não estão atingindo os objetivos recomendados com o tratamento
  5. Sigla de Diabetes Mellitus
  6. Cor da tampa do tubo de coleta de hemoglobina glicada

13 Clues: Mede a luz dispersadaMede a luz não dispersadaSigla de Diabetes MellitusSigla do anticoagulante usado na coleta do exameNome da técnica que separa e/ou purifica misturasComplicação nos rins causados pelo diabetes mellitusCor da tampa do tubo de coleta de hemoglobina glicadaComplicação nas retinas causados pelo diabetes mellitus...

Puzzle #2 2022-04-17

Puzzle #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Can lead to dependence and tolerance
  2. Memory medication
  3. Symptom of diabetes (two words)
  4. Diabetes medication
  5. BP medication
  1. Rotator cuff tear with repair
  2. Metformin brand name
  3. Medication with side effect of dizziness with standing
  4. Calcium channel blocker
  5. Patient hasn't seen in 3 years
  6. Lifestyle

11 Clues: LifestyleBP medicationMemory medicationDiabetes medicationMetformin brand nameCalcium channel blockerRotator cuff tear with repairPatient hasn't seen in 3 yearsSymptom of diabetes (two words)Can lead to dependence and toleranceMedication with side effect of dizziness with standing

Diabetes retinopathy screening 2019-06-26

Diabetes retinopathy screening crossword puzzle
  1. what is a symptom of diabetes retinopathy that you can see in your eyes
  2. how often do you get screened for diabetes (if your diabetic)
  3. the test to see if you are being blinded by diabetes
  1. when the cells that produce insulin are killed or damaged
  2. what diabetes can do to your eyes
  3. fovea in center of eye
  4. how many types of diabetes is there

7 Clues: fovea in center of eyewhat diabetes can do to your eyeshow many types of diabetes is therethe test to see if you are being blinded by diabeteswhen the cells that produce insulin are killed or damagedhow often do you get screened for diabetes (if your diabetic)what is a symptom of diabetes retinopathy that you can see in your eyes


  1. signs of this condition include urine ketones, hyperglycemia, increase HgbA1c, fatigue, and unintentional weight loss
  2. risk for type II diabetes includes obesity, sedentary lifestyle, not getting enough sleep, and smoking
  3. insulin is most quickly absorbed when injected in the ________
  4. a test used to evaluate the effectiveness of diabetes mellitus type II
  1. in hemoglobin A1c shows a type II diabetic client is adhering recommended lifestyle changes
  2. this medication is a first line antidiabetic for type II diabetes mellitus and should be taken with food
  3. this type of diabetes means that your pancreas no longer produces insulin
  4. chronic increase in blood glucose levels that can lead to deterioration of nerve cells
  5. diabetic client will set this for an insulin bolus after eating
  6. risk factors include obesity, hypercholesteremia, hyperglycemia, hypertension
  7. insulin is stable at room temperature for this long

11 Clues: insulin is stable at room temperature for this longinsulin is most quickly absorbed when injected in the ________diabetic client will set this for an insulin bolus after eatinga test used to evaluate the effectiveness of diabetes mellitus type IIthis type of diabetes means that your pancreas no longer produces insulin...

Diabetes 2022-02-07

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Health risks of diabetes include damage to ________.
  2. A healthy ________ can reduce risk of diabetes.
  3. Having __________ meals to maintain blood glucose level.
  4. A high intake of _______ can cause diabetes.
  1. A lack of __________ can cause diabetes.
  2. A high intake of _______ can cause diabetes.
  3. A __________ diet can reduce risk of diabetes.
  4. Diabetics can develop serious complications such as heart diseases and ________.

8 Clues: A lack of __________ can cause diabetes.A high intake of _______ can cause diabetes.A high intake of _______ can cause diabetes.A __________ diet can reduce risk of diabetes.A healthy ________ can reduce risk of diabetes.Health risks of diabetes include damage to ________.Having __________ meals to maintain blood glucose level....

Stroke Awareness 2022-04-13

Stroke Awareness crossword puzzle
  1. difficulty finding words
  2. antithrombic
  3. done every 4 hours on stroke patients
  4. risk factor for stroke
  5. specialty for stroke patients
  6. cannot be detected on a scan,symptoms resolve
  7. test performed before any oral intake
  8. best test to confirm a stroke
  9. test to diagnosis diabetes/management of
  1. prescribed for high cholesterol
  2. 911 calls for this type of transport
  3. type of stroke related to blockage
  4. must accompany patient to ct scan
  5. type of stroke related to bleed
  6. can cause a clot in the brain
  7. acronym for stroke s/s
  8. clot buster
  9. first scan to do on a stroke patient
  10. Panel test to check cholesterol
  11. scale done on admission for stroke patients

20 Clues: clot busterantithrombicrisk factor for strokeacronym for stroke s/sdifficulty finding wordscan cause a clot in the brainspecialty for stroke patientsbest test to confirm a strokeprescribed for high cholesteroltype of stroke related to bleedPanel test to check cholesterolmust accompany patient to ct scantype of stroke related to blockage...

Healthy Lifestyle 2024-05-15

Healthy Lifestyle crossword puzzle
  1. Found in bread or pasta
  2. ... Diet / ... Lifestyle
  3. Recommended daily activity
  4. You will not be able to do this if you don't sleep enough
  5. Sweet snack found on trees
  6. Disease caused from a exceedingly high intake of sugars
  7. Summer and winter sporting events
  8. Unhealthy meals (Burger king / McDonald's)
  9. 8-10 hours needed daily
  10. How many different types of diabetes exist
  1. Exercise can help with this
  2. Keeps the doctors away
  3. 2L of this should be drank everyday
  4. Daily physical activity is essential for this
  5. Contained in brightly coloured fruits
  6. How many Stages of sleep exist
  7. Good source of protein
  8. Percentage of adults that have obesity
  9. Good way to exercise at home
  10. Major distraction when studying

20 Clues: Keeps the doctors awayGood source of proteinFound in bread or pasta8-10 hours needed daily... Diet / ... LifestyleRecommended daily activitySweet snack found on treesExercise can help with thisGood way to exercise at homeHow many Stages of sleep existMajor distraction when studyingSummer and winter sporting events2L of this should be drank everyday...

medical terminology 2023-04-24

medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. สารสีแดงในเม็ดเลือด
  2. หายใจเร็ว
  3. ปอดอักเสบจากการติเเชื้อ
  4. เซลล์เม็ดเลือดแดง
  5. หยุดหายใจ
  6. หัวใจ
  7. ความดันโลหิตสูง
  8. ผ่าตัดเปิดหลอดลม
  1. มีเลือดในช่องเยื่อหุ้มปอด
  2. เบาหวาน
  3. ภาวะน้ำตาลต่ำ
  4. ผิวหนังคล้ำ
  5. ริดสีดวงทวารหนัก
  6. โลหิตจาง
  7. อาการดีซ่าน
  8. ตับอักเสบ

16 Clues: หัวใจเบาหวานโลหิตจางหายใจเร็วหยุดหายใจตับอักเสบผิวหนังคล้ำอาการดีซ่านภาวะน้ำตาลต่ำความดันโลหิตสูงริดสีดวงทวารหนักผ่าตัดเปิดหลอดลมเซลล์เม็ดเลือดแดงสารสีแดงในเม็ดเลือดปอดอักเสบจากการติเเชื้อมีเลือดในช่องเยื่อหุ้มปอด

Diabetes basics 2021-11-01

Diabetes basics crossword puzzle
  1. the hormone made by the pancreas involved in raising blood sugar
  2. a substance that contains elements in a fixed ratio
  3. A substance that is needed by the body to maintain life and health.
  4. the movement of water across a cell membrane
  5. excessive sugar in the blood stream
  6. a test that helps physicians understand if a patient is diabetic or not
  7. two or more atoms in a fixed ratio
  1. the maintenance of the steady-state conditions of the body
  2. a food molecule that provides immediate energy for living creatures
  3. the unit of measure used for energy in foods
  4. the hormone made by the pancreas involved in lowering blood sugar
  5. a simple sugar

12 Clues: a simple sugartwo or more atoms in a fixed ratioexcessive sugar in the blood streamthe movement of water across a cell membranethe unit of measure used for energy in foodsa substance that contains elements in a fixed ratiothe maintenance of the steady-state conditions of the bodythe hormone made by the pancreas involved in raising blood sugar...

Gestational Diabetes 2023-03-05

Gestational Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. inability of insulin to increase glucose uptake and utilization
  2. glucose intolerance with onset or recognition usually around 24 weeks gestation
  3. Metformin and glyburide are common _____ medications used
  4. regular ___________ helps maintain glucose control by increasing uptake of glucose into cells
  1. a newborn who weighs greater than 4000 g
  2. type of diabetes that may be related to lack of exercise and obesity
  3. measured one hour after initial glucose challenge test
  4. can occur as glucose is diverted to fetus (a risk factor of GDM)
  5. type of diabetes that may be due to an autoimmune process or genetic
  6. a measurement of the average glucose levels during the past 100-120 days
  7. secreted by beta cells to help keep blood glucose levels stable
  8. First step of treatment for those with GDM

12 Clues: a newborn who weighs greater than 4000 gFirst step of treatment for those with GDMmeasured one hour after initial glucose challenge testMetformin and glyburide are common _____ medications usedinability of insulin to increase glucose uptake and utilizationsecreted by beta cells to help keep blood glucose levels stable...