diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Gentechnik 2014-05-28

Gentechnik crossword puzzle
  1. Wann wurde die erste gentechnisch veränderte Pflanze kommerziell vermarktet?
  2. Bakterien,Algen und Pilze sind ...?
  3. Welche Krankheit wird mit Insulin behandelt?
  4. Welches menschliche Problem kann die Gentechnik leicht lösen?
  5. In welchem Bereich wird die Grüne Gentechnik genutzt?
  6. Wer nutzte vor 6000Jahre Mikroorganismen?
  7. Was soll die grüne Gentechnik bringen?
  1. Welches Enzym erkennt und schneidet die DNA an bestimmten Stellen?
  2. Wo darf man keine Gentechnik mehr in Deutschland verwenden?
  3. Was wird bei der Gentechnik entschlüsselt und verändert?
  4. Wer entdeckte die Rolle der Mikroorganismen?

11 Clues: Bakterien,Algen und Pilze sind ...?Was soll die grüne Gentechnik bringen?Wer nutzte vor 6000Jahre Mikroorganismen?Wer entdeckte die Rolle der Mikroorganismen?Welche Krankheit wird mit Insulin behandelt?In welchem Bereich wird die Grüne Gentechnik genutzt?Was wird bei der Gentechnik entschlüsselt und verändert?...

Weglaufen gilt nicht 2018-01-08

Weglaufen gilt nicht crossword puzzle
  1. Was kann Billa mit ihrer Krankheit gar nicht brauchen?
  2. Was muss Billa sich spritzen?
  3. Was für eine Krankheit ist Diabetes?
  4. Wann kommen Billa und Philipp sich näher?
  5. An was muss Billa sich halten?
  1. Welche Sportart darf Billa nicht mehr professionell spielen?
  2. Was müssen Billa und Philipp tun,damit sie ihre Krankheit im Griff haben?
  3. Wie viele Bluterkranke gibt es in Deutschland?
  4. Was nimmt Billa zu sich und muss erneut in die Klinik? fünftausend
  5. Was muss sich Philipp spritzen?
  6. Anderer Begriff für Bluter?

11 Clues: Anderer Begriff für Bluter?Was muss Billa sich spritzen?An was muss Billa sich halten?Was muss sich Philipp spritzen?Was für eine Krankheit ist Diabetes?Wann kommen Billa und Philipp sich näher?Wie viele Bluterkranke gibt es in Deutschland?Was kann Billa mit ihrer Krankheit gar nicht brauchen?...

Nutrition and Exercise 2022-03-07

Nutrition and Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. someone who helps others with their diet
  2. muscle that is bilateral to the triceps
  3. the food group accounting for the biggest serving on the food plate
  4. someone who plays a sport professionally
  5. food group including meat, eggs, etc.
  6. when the body gets overweight
  1. disease where the body has problems making insulin
  2. a muscle in the shoulder
  3. raising heart rate through physical activity
  4. muscle that is bilateral to the bicep
  5. the kinds of food that a person eats

11 Clues: a muscle in the shoulderwhen the body gets overweightthe kinds of food that a person eatsmuscle that is bilateral to the bicepfood group including meat, eggs, etc.muscle that is bilateral to the tricepssomeone who helps others with their dietsomeone who plays a sport professionallyraising heart rate through physical activity...

Health and fitness 2024-01-10

Health and fitness crossword puzzle
  1. measurement of the amount of energy found in food
  2. bad or dangerous
  3. not too much or too little
  4. hoping that something, especially something pleasant, will happen
  5. a disease in which the body is not able to use sugar efficiently
  6. to understand, to accept that something is true
  1. a medical condition in which blood cannot reach the brain and the brain becomes damaged
  2. to limit, to use less
  3. last a long time
  4. doing things that involve movement and energy
  5. a feeling of confidence and pride

11 Clues: bad or dangerouslast a long timeto limit, to use lessnot too much or too littlea feeling of confidence and pridedoing things that involve movement and energyto understand, to accept that something is truemeasurement of the amount of energy found in fooda disease in which the body is not able to use sugar efficiently...

Cell Biology Project 2024-05-02

Cell Biology Project crossword puzzle
  1. The plant cell has a larger version of this organelle
  2. The "powerhouse of the cell"
  3. All cells come from existing _______
  4. When a cell fails to kill itself
  5. Destroys waste or things that shouldn't be in the cell
  6. What the mitochondria creates
  1. Created when a cell does photosynthesis
  2. Is believed to be caused by the disfunction of the cell membrane
  3. Organelle that creates protein
  4. ________ cells have no nucleus are less complex
  5. ________ cells have nucleus and are more complex

11 Clues: The "powerhouse of the cell"What the mitochondria createsOrganelle that creates proteinWhen a cell fails to kill itselfAll cells come from existing _______Created when a cell does photosynthesis________ cells have no nucleus are less complex________ cells have nucleus and are more complexThe plant cell has a larger version of this organelle...

Hypoglycemia vs Hyperglycemia 2024-04-22

Hypoglycemia vs Hyperglycemia crossword puzzle
  1. "Hot and dry, sugar _____?"
  2. What do patients take when they have hypoglycemia?
  3. What is the skin type of hyperglycemic patients?
  4. "Cool and clammy needs some ____?"
  5. The common disease associated with hyperglycemia/hypoglycemia?
  6. What is it called when hyperglycemic patients have increased hunger?
  1. What is it called when hyperglycemic patients have increased thirst?
  2. What is it called when hyperglycemic patients have frequent urination?
  3. What do patients take when they have hyperglycemia?
  4. Where is insulin secreted?
  5. What happens to the vision in hyperglycemic patients?

11 Clues: Where is insulin secreted?"Hot and dry, sugar _____?""Cool and clammy needs some ____?"What is the skin type of hyperglycemic patients?What do patients take when they have hypoglycemia?What do patients take when they have hyperglycemia?What happens to the vision in hyperglycemic patients?...

Pharmacology Final 2024-06-23

Pharmacology Final crossword puzzle
  1. this medication should not be used for patients with active liver disease or severe hepatic impairment
  2. drugs that stimulate uterine contractions
  3. used to treat flu, not recommended for pt w. ESRD who are not receiving dialysis
  4. diuretic, brand name, potassium-sparing
  5. Albuterol causes what to increase
  1. We give sodium bicarbonate for what medication overdose.
  2. Lipoprotein, the bad kind, abbreviation
  3. breast cancer medication
  4. this medication is used for weight loss
  5. Type 2 diabetes risk factor
  6. Lipoprotein, the good kind, abbreviation

11 Clues: breast cancer medicationType 2 diabetes risk factorAlbuterol causes what to increaseLipoprotein, the bad kind, abbreviationthis medication is used for weight lossdiuretic, brand name, potassium-sparingLipoprotein, the good kind, abbreviationdrugs that stimulate uterine contractionsWe give sodium bicarbonate for what medication overdose....

Metabolism Vocab Crossword Puzzle 2021-12-07

Metabolism Vocab Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Gets the air
  2. Breaks down from protein
  3. breaks down from foods such as corn
  4. Breaks down from Starch
  5. Transfers molecules to the places they need to go
  1. breaks down food
  2. Chemical Reaction between oxygen and glucose molecules
  3. breaks down from foods like fish
  4. We get it from the air around us
  5. Happens when the pancreas can’t produce insulin for the glucose molecules to get to the cells stoping cellular respiration

10 Clues: Gets the airbreaks down foodBreaks down from StarchBreaks down from proteinbreaks down from foods like fishWe get it from the air around usbreaks down from foods such as cornTransfers molecules to the places they need to goChemical Reaction between oxygen and glucose molecules...

SNP Crossword Puzzle 2021-11-24

SNP Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. State offering Balance and Heart First in 2022
  2. Individualized Care Plan
  3. Document that providers the basic framework under which the SNP will meet the needs of its enrollees
  4. State offering Balance and Heart First in 2022
  5. SCAN plan for members dually enrolled in Medicare and Medi-Cal
  1. Health Risk Assessment
  2. Acronym for plans serving members with special needs
  3. SCAN plan for members with diabetes
  4. Congestive Heart Failure
  5. SCAN plan for members in Assisted Living Facilities
  6. Interdisciplinary Care Team

11 Clues: Health Risk AssessmentIndividualized Care PlanCongestive Heart FailureInterdisciplinary Care TeamSCAN plan for members with diabetesState offering Balance and Heart First in 2022State offering Balance and Heart First in 2022SCAN plan for members in Assisted Living FacilitiesAcronym for plans serving members with special needs...

Underweight 2012-02-14

Underweight crossword puzzle
  1. determining how much of your total body mass is fat
  2. Hair, teeth, and skin composition
  3. Condition that can lead to being underweight and not eating
  4. Recovery time for illness
  5. Needed so that additional weight is muscle and not fat
  1. Condition dealing with sugar levels in the blood
  2. Beneficial for weight gain
  3. At least 105 pounds for the first five feet
  4. Muscle mass
  5. contain the neccesary calories but no saturated fat

10 Clues: Muscle massRecovery time for illnessBeneficial for weight gainHair, teeth, and skin compositionAt least 105 pounds for the first five feetCondition dealing with sugar levels in the blooddetermining how much of your total body mass is fatcontain the neccesary calories but no saturated fatNeeded so that additional weight is muscle and not fat...

Spijsverteringsstelsel 2012-12-16

Spijsverteringsstelsel crossword puzzle
  1. de verbinding tussen mond en maag
  2. een enzyme nodig om voedsel af te breken
  3. deze scheiden speeksel af
  4. hiermee vermalen we voedsel
  5. als ik ontsteek noemt dit een appendicitis
  6. de ph van maagsap ligt normaalgezien rond dit getal
  1. bij deze ziekte werkt de alvleesklier niet goed
  2. dit heb je nodig om oude cellen te vervangen en nieuwe cellen te maken
  3. ze zitten overvloedig in onze dikke darm
  4. het ritmisch bewegen van de slokdarm

10 Clues: deze scheiden speeksel afhiermee vermalen we voedselde verbinding tussen mond en maaghet ritmisch bewegen van de slokdarmze zitten overvloedig in onze dikke darmeen enzyme nodig om voedsel af te brekenals ik ontsteek noemt dit een appendicitisbij deze ziekte werkt de alvleesklier niet goedde ph van maagsap ligt normaalgezien rond dit getal...

Lesões celulares reversíveis e irreversíveis 2023-03-14

Lesões celulares reversíveis e irreversíveis crossword puzzle
  1. síndrome que cursa com degeneração em gotas hialinas
  2. principal enfermidade envolvida na patogenia da gangrena seca
  3. mineral que contribui para a morte celular
  4. alteração que dá início a necrose de coagulação
  5. necrose especial secundária a pancreatite
  1. tipo de necrose encontrado na tuberculose
  2. exemplo de necrose de liquefação (Sigla)
  3. degeneração causada por disfunção na bomba de sódio e potássio
  4. bactérias que formam abscessos são...
  5. doença sexualmente transmissível que causa um tipo especial de necrose

10 Clues: bactérias que formam abscessos são...exemplo de necrose de liquefação (Sigla)tipo de necrose encontrado na tuberculosenecrose especial secundária a pancreatitemineral que contribui para a morte celularalteração que dá início a necrose de coagulaçãosíndrome que cursa com degeneração em gotas hialinas...

Bioteknologi 3 2023-03-14

Bioteknologi 3 crossword puzzle
  1. salah satu produk bioteknologi yang menggunakan kacang kedelai
  2. binatang yang dilakukan rekayasa genetika agar mengahsilkan susu lebih banyak dan berkualitas
  3. baketeri yang digunakan dalam pembuatan roti
  4. proses peningkatan sistem kekebalan tubuh
  5. penggunaan bakteri untuk menanggulangi pencemaran perairan
  6. bahan dasar pembuat keju
  1. penggunaan enceng gondok untuk mengatasai pencemaran perairan
  2. mikroorganisme yang digunakan untuk menghambat tumbuhnya mikroorganisme lain yang berbahaya
  3. produk bioteknologi yang digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit diabetes melitus
  4. bahan dasar pembuatan roti

10 Clues: bahan dasar pembuat kejubahan dasar pembuatan rotiproses peningkatan sistem kekebalan tubuhbaketeri yang digunakan dalam pembuatan rotipenggunaan bakteri untuk menanggulangi pencemaran perairanpenggunaan enceng gondok untuk mengatasai pencemaran perairansalah satu produk bioteknologi yang menggunakan kacang kedelai...

Caremore 2 2020-04-28

Caremore 2 crossword puzzle
  1. 1-800-589-3148 is the phone number for _____
  2. Risk factor for falls
  3. CareMore program to fight loneliness
  4. Losing _____ percent of your body weight can help reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease
  5. High blood pressure is also known as _____
  6. Veggies and spinach make a heart- healthy _____
  1. Recommended twice a year if there’s a family history of heart problems
  2. Symptoms of hypertension
  3. Prevents lowering your immune system
  4. For healthy aging, quit _____

10 Clues: Risk factor for fallsSymptoms of hypertensionFor healthy aging, quit _____CareMore program to fight lonelinessPrevents lowering your immune systemHigh blood pressure is also known as _____1-800-589-3148 is the phone number for _____Veggies and spinach make a heart- healthy _____Recommended twice a year if there’s a family history of heart problems...

Sunshine 2021-05-11

Sunshine crossword puzzle
  1. you should drink 8 glasses of this a day
  2. sunshine vitamin
  3. hormone released from the brain because of light exposure
  4. if you cook with too much salt you can get
  5. source of light in the day
  1. electromagnetic...... given off by the sun
  2. an activity that should be done 3-5 times a week
  3. the fourth word in the acronymn NEWSTART
  4. eating healthy and a balanced diet
  5. type 1 and type 2

10 Clues: sunshine vitamintype 1 and type 2source of light in the dayeating healthy and a balanced dietyou should drink 8 glasses of this a daythe fourth word in the acronymn NEWSTARTif you cook with too much salt you can getelectromagnetic...... given off by the sunan activity that should be done 3-5 times a week...

Pendidikan Kesehatan 2024-05-17

Pendidikan Kesehatan crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu tempat pelaksanaan pendidikan kesehatan
  2. Proses perubahan pada diri seseorang yang dihubungkan dengan pencapaian tujuan kesehatan individu dan masyarakat
  3. Upaya pengorganisasian masyarakat pada konsep pendidikan kesehatan
  4. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan
  5. Salah satu domain perilaku pada pendidikan kesehatan
  1. Penyakit yang disebabkan gaya hidup masyarakat
  2. Sasaran pendidikan kesehatan (binaan puskesmas)
  3. Contoh peran pendidikan kesehatan dalam faktor lingkungan
  4. Indikator healthy behavior pada konsep pendidikan kesehatan
  5. Peran pendidikan kesehatan dalam Masyarakat secara internal

10 Clues: Faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatanPenyakit yang disebabkan gaya hidup masyarakatSasaran pendidikan kesehatan (binaan puskesmas)Salah satu tempat pelaksanaan pendidikan kesehatanSalah satu domain perilaku pada pendidikan kesehatanContoh peran pendidikan kesehatan dalam faktor lingkunganIndikator healthy behavior pada konsep pendidikan kesehatan...

The Killer Dentist Crossword 2024-04-02

The Killer Dentist Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What was Glennon Engleman job during the day?
  2. How many people did Glennon Engleman kill?
  3. What illness did Glennon suffer from?
  4. How many siblings did Glennon have?
  5. What was Glennon's main motive for his kills?
  1. In what state was Glennon convicted?
  2. What did Glennon plead to in court?
  3. Who was Glennon's first victim?
  4. What did Glennon graduate from at Washington University?
  5. At what age did Glennon die in prison?

10 Clues: Who was Glennon's first victim?What did Glennon plead to in court?How many siblings did Glennon have?In what state was Glennon convicted?What illness did Glennon suffer from?At what age did Glennon die in prison?How many people did Glennon Engleman kill?What was Glennon Engleman job during the day?What was Glennon's main motive for his kills?...

Sugar Facts 2014-04-28

Sugar Facts crossword puzzle
  1. the treat we made for you.
  2. the nutrient of our presentation.
  3. a simple sugar used to create energy.
  4. a sweet sugar found in honey and fruit.
  5. the old saying sugar and _____ and everything nice
  1. the category sugar falls under.
  2. why we need sugar.
  3. the disease you get from eating to much sugar.

8 Clues: why we need sugar.the treat we made for you.the category sugar falls under.the nutrient of our presentation.a simple sugar used to create energy.a sweet sugar found in honey and fruit.the disease you get from eating to much sugar.the old saying sugar and _____ and everything nice

Non infectious diseases 2015-05-19

Non infectious diseases crossword puzzle
  1. Physical activity that contributes to good health
  2. UV lights from it can cause cancer
  3. Alcohol is a _____________ as it depresses your central nervous system
  1. Disease where insulin is not working properly
  2. Cant see colours
  3. needed for healthy bones
  4. Disease where cells grow out of control to form a tumors
  5. Needed to break down blood sugar

8 Clues: Cant see coloursneeded for healthy bonesNeeded to break down blood sugarUV lights from it can cause cancerDisease where insulin is not working properlyPhysical activity that contributes to good healthDisease where cells grow out of control to form a tumorsAlcohol is a _____________ as it depresses your central nervous system

Sports Drinks 2016-11-24

Sports Drinks crossword puzzle
  1. How quickly gels work.
  2. Commonly used to treat diabetes.
  1. A substance found in sport drinks.
  2. A substance sport drinks replenish.
  3. Additional substance sometimes added to gels and sport drinks.
  4. A sport drink with lower concentration of salts and sugars than the human body.
  5. A type of sport drink.
  6. A concentrated version of sport drinks.

8 Clues: How quickly gels work.A type of sport drink.Commonly used to treat diabetes.A substance found in sport drinks.A substance sport drinks replenish.A concentrated version of sport drinks.Additional substance sometimes added to gels and sport drinks.A sport drink with lower concentration of salts and sugars than the human body.

James :) crossword puzzle about cells 2024-02-06

James :) crossword puzzle about cells crossword puzzle
  1. builds cell membranes excess linked with heart
  2. Vital for red blood cells
  3. fiber lowers risk of diabetes and heart disease
  4. important for bones teeth heart
  1. c helps body absorb iron
  2. needed for nerve function excess linked with heart and kidney disease
  3. A important for eyes skin
  4. important for heart brain kidney muscles

8 Clues: c helps body absorb ironVital for red blood cellsA important for eyes skinimportant for bones teeth heartimportant for heart brain kidney musclesbuilds cell membranes excess linked with heartfiber lowers risk of diabetes and heart diseaseneeded for nerve function excess linked with heart and kidney disease

Quiz Bootcamp CI 2024-07-27

Quiz Bootcamp CI crossword puzzle
  1. Standar menentukan berat badan ideal
  2. Komisi PCB 25% jika bayar selam ... Tahun
  3. Salah satu data yang ditanyakan saat pengajuan SPAJ
  4. Salah satu organ utama pada manusia
  5. Salah satu sumber awal mula segala penyakit
  1. Salah satu penyakit jantung yang bermasalah dengan detak jantungnya
  2. Salah satu penyakit turunan
  3. Tindakan anamnesa saat di rumah sakit

8 Clues: Salah satu penyakit turunanSalah satu organ utama pada manusiaStandar menentukan berat badan idealTindakan anamnesa saat di rumah sakitKomisi PCB 25% jika bayar selam ... TahunSalah satu sumber awal mula segala penyakitSalah satu data yang ditanyakan saat pengajuan SPAJSalah satu penyakit jantung yang bermasalah dengan detak jantungnya

First Aid Vocabulary 2024-07-29

First Aid Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Tempetures above 37 Celsius
  2. Lack of oxygen in the brain
  3. Condition in which the pancreas does not work well.
  4. A condition in whuch a person has problems breating
  1. Used to clean wounds
  2. When sun light or hot liquids affect your skin
  3. When a person breaks a bone.
  4. The heart of a person stops beating

8 Clues: Used to clean woundsTempetures above 37 CelsiusLack of oxygen in the brainWhen a person breaks a bone.The heart of a person stops beatingWhen sun light or hot liquids affect your skinCondition in which the pancreas does not work well.A condition in whuch a person has problems breating

FOOD 2017-05-03

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. a disease that leaves an impact on the heart
  2. something that our body requires that is in water
  3. something that a chicken produces and is healthy
  1. made by the government to help us with our diets
  2. something that contains protein
  3. a liquid made by fruit
  4. something that gives us energy
  5. one of our 5 a day
  6. produced by cows
  7. eating too much can give us type 2 diabetes

10 Clues: produced by cowsone of our 5 a daya liquid made by fruitsomething that gives us energysomething that contains proteineating too much can give us type 2 diabetesa disease that leaves an impact on the heartmade by the government to help us with our dietssomething that a chicken produces and is healthysomething that our body requires that is in water

healthy food 2016-11-03

healthy food crossword puzzle
  1. 1.5 litres should be consumed per day
  2. way to see what amount of different types of food you should eat
  3. small pulpy often edible fruit eg strawberry
  4. high in protein
  1. high in fibre
  2. a deseae when you eat to much salt/sugar
  3. can make you gain weight
  4. dairy food
  5. a mix of fruits and vegetables sometimes as a side dish
  6. an alternative from eating healthy food or going on a diet

10 Clues: dairy foodhigh in fibrehigh in proteincan make you gain weight1.5 litres should be consumed per daya deseae when you eat to much salt/sugarsmall pulpy often edible fruit eg strawberrya mix of fruits and vegetables sometimes as a side dishan alternative from eating healthy food or going on a diet...

Homeostasis Crossword 2021-05-06

Homeostasis Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Gland in the female reproductive system
  2. an example of a non-hormonal contraceptive
  3. Male reproductive hormone
  4. detects a stimulus such as heat
  5. The contraceptive pill contains oestrogen and _____________.
  1. condition when people cannot control their blood glucose level
  2. on day 14 when a egg is released
  3. Gland that releases insulin when a blood glucose levels are too high
  4. the central nervous system is made up of the brain and ______.
  5. hormone produced in the ovaries

10 Clues: Male reproductive hormonehormone produced in the ovariesdetects a stimulus such as heaton day 14 when a egg is releasedGland in the female reproductive systeman example of a non-hormonal contraceptiveThe contraceptive pill contains oestrogen and _____________.condition when people cannot control their blood glucose level...

Healthy Weight Choice Board 2022-12-12

Healthy Weight Choice Board crossword puzzle
  1. A fat like substance made in the liver
  2. persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest
  3. Activity requiring physical effort
  4. A respiratory condition marked by spasms in the lungs
  5. Confidence in ones abilities or ones self
  1. Being of above average weight
  2. seeking to harm or embarrass someone
  3. The force at which your heart pumps blood
  4. Affects how your body turns food into energy
  5. What you eat on a day to day basis

10 Clues: Being of above average weightWhat you eat on a day to day basisActivity requiring physical effortseeking to harm or embarrass someoneA fat like substance made in the liverThe force at which your heart pumps bloodConfidence in ones abilities or ones selfAffects how your body turns food into energypersistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest...

maQantioxidant 2023-01-16

maQantioxidant crossword puzzle
  1. Name one cause of aging
  2. What is the term described for gain in oxygen?
  3. Which reactive species has the shortest half-life?
  4. Which part of the chromosome plays important role in the aging process?
  5. Subclass of polyphenol
  6. Pathogenesis related to glucose level
  1. Antioxidant fights against?
  2. What are the sources of free radicals which happened in the human body?
  3. Honey with the most antioxidant properties?
  4. The imbalance in the prooxidant and antioxidant level

10 Clues: Subclass of polyphenolName one cause of agingAntioxidant fights against?Pathogenesis related to glucose levelHoney with the most antioxidant properties?What is the term described for gain in oxygen?Which reactive species has the shortest half-life?The imbalance in the prooxidant and antioxidant level...

Health and Lifestyle 2023-05-17

Health and Lifestyle crossword puzzle
  1. A common stress-relieving practice that involves controlled breathing.
  2. Medical term for high blood pressure.
  3. Number of Chambers in human heart.
  4. A disease that results in increased sugar in the blood.
  5. Known as "sunshine Vitamin".
  1. Diseases is transmitted by an insect vector.
  2. ___ fat is considered the healthiest for the body.
  3. This Nutrient is responsible for building and repairing body tissues.
  4. Organ responsible for filtering the blood.
  5. Largest organ of human body.

10 Clues: Largest organ of human body.Known as "sunshine Vitamin".Number of Chambers in human heart.Medical term for high blood pressure.Organ responsible for filtering the blood.Diseases is transmitted by an insect vector.___ fat is considered the healthiest for the body.A disease that results in increased sugar in the blood....

Labs 2024-03-01

Labs crossword puzzle
  1. a chemical compound that many bacteria that can cause UTI's produce
  2. gram-negative, rod shaped, facultative anaerobic bacteria
  3. what does "long" mean on ultrasound
  4. enzyme found in E.coli that converts nitrate to nitrite
  5. condition that can give urine a sweet, fruity odor
  6. produces sound waves that are reflected back
  1. enzyme released by activated neutrophils
  2. used to test urine
  3. what does RK mean on ultrasound?
  4. what does "UB" mean on ultrasound

10 Clues: used to test urinewhat does RK mean on ultrasound?what does "UB" mean on ultrasoundwhat does "long" mean on ultrasoundenzyme released by activated neutrophilsproduces sound waves that are reflected backcondition that can give urine a sweet, fruity odorenzyme found in E.coli that converts nitrate to nitrite...

Teka Teki Minggu 2024-04-23

Teka Teki Minggu crossword puzzle
  1. Nama program EVP di Kalventis adalah ... ... Kalventis
  2. Hormon insulin dihasilkan oleh organ
  3. Vaksin flu dengan empat strain adalah jenis...
  4. Vaksin untuk mencegah tipes adalah vaksin...
  5. Vaksin flu dianjurkan diulang setiap ... sekali
  1. Selain tekanan darah dan kolesterol, apa saja yang perlu dicek sebelum mudik
  2. Salah satu fokus area terapeutik di Kalventis
  3. Lengkapi vaksinasi paling lambat ... hari sebelum jadwal umrah/haji
  4. Puasa bisa menurunkan ... jahat
  5. Hari Diabetes Nasional dirayakan setiap tanggal ... belas April

10 Clues: Puasa bisa menurunkan ... jahatHormon insulin dihasilkan oleh organVaksin untuk mencegah tipes adalah vaksin...Salah satu fokus area terapeutik di KalventisVaksin flu dengan empat strain adalah jenis...Vaksin flu dianjurkan diulang setiap ... sekaliNama program EVP di Kalventis adalah ... ... Kalventis...

Pendidikan Kesehatan 2024-05-17

Pendidikan Kesehatan crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu tempat pelaksanaan pendidikan kesehatan
  2. Proses perubahan pada diri seseorang yang dihubungkan dengan pencapaian tujuan kesehatan individu dan masyarakat
  3. Upaya pengorganisasian masyarakat pada konsep pendidikan kesehatan
  4. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan
  5. Salah satu domain perilaku pada pendidikan kesehatan
  1. Penyakit yang disebabkan gaya hidup masyarakat
  2. Sasaran pendidikan kesehatan (binaan puskesmas)
  3. Contoh peran pendidikan kesehatan dalam faktor lingkungan
  4. Indikator healthy behavior pada konsep pendidikan kesehatan
  5. Peran pendidikan kesehatan dalam Masyarakat secara internal

10 Clues: Faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatanPenyakit yang disebabkan gaya hidup masyarakatSasaran pendidikan kesehatan (binaan puskesmas)Salah satu tempat pelaksanaan pendidikan kesehatanSalah satu domain perilaku pada pendidikan kesehatanContoh peran pendidikan kesehatan dalam faktor lingkunganIndikator healthy behavior pada konsep pendidikan kesehatan...

Healthy Living 2016-12-06

Healthy Living crossword puzzle
  1. a disease you can get for being overweight.
  2. body weight and not eating.
  3. BMI over 35.
  4. sexually transmitted infection
  1. Behaviors of good physical and mental health.
  2. mass index

6 Clues: mass indexBMI over 35.body weight and not eating.sexually transmitted infectiona disease you can get for being overweight.Behaviors of good physical and mental health.

Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center National Nutrition Month Crossword Puzzle 2021-03-10

Bedford Stuyvesant  Family Health Center National Nutrition Month Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Nutrient needed to build strong bones & teeth
  2. An edible fungi
  3. Curd made from mashed soybean
  4. A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in blood
  5. Carbohydrate that the body cannot digest
  1. A condition that results when a person does not get enough iron
  2. A dairy food made by fermenting milk with culture of healthful bacteria
  3. Dried grapes
  4. Peas and beans are _________
  5. A thin unleavened flatbread used for wraps
  6. Breakfast food made from roasted grains, typically eaten
  7. Nutrient that provides heat and energy

12 Clues: Dried grapesAn edible fungiPeas and beans are _________Curd made from mashed soybeanNutrient that provides heat and energyCarbohydrate that the body cannot digestA thin unleavened flatbread used for wrapsNutrient needed to build strong bones & teethBreakfast food made from roasted grains, typically eaten...


TEKA SILANG KATA CDC crossword puzzle
  1. lebih mudah merebak di institusi seperti taska
  2. disebabkan oleh makanan yang dicemari bakteria patogenik
  3. boleh dicegah dengan suntikan vaksin
  4. disebabkan oleh treponema pallidum
  5. disebarkan oleh nyamuk spesis anopheles
  6. juga dikenali sebagai batuk kering dan sangat mudah berjangkit
  7. sangat mudah dijangkiti oleh golongan berisiko seperti penghidap diabetes
  1. penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteria E.Coli
  2. boleh menyebabkan kematian jika tidak mendapatkan rawatan segera
  3. berjangkit melalui sumber air yang dicemari kencing/najis haiwan perosak
  4. singkatan bagi 'sindrom kurang daya tahan badan melawan penyakit'
  5. virus yang tersebar melalui hubungan seks dan perkongsian jarum suntikan

12 Clues: disebabkan oleh treponema pallidumboleh dicegah dengan suntikan vaksindisebarkan oleh nyamuk spesis anophelespenyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteria E.Colilebih mudah merebak di institusi seperti taskadisebabkan oleh makanan yang dicemari bakteria patogenikjuga dikenali sebagai batuk kering dan sangat mudah berjangkit...

Revisão dos Sistemas 2020-10-12

Revisão dos Sistemas crossword puzzle
  1. Órgão que está associado a nossa capacidade de falar.
  2. Sistema com função de realizar excreção.
  3. Órgão do sistema digestório.
  4. Músculo que possibilita o processo de respiração.
  5. Nome dado aos resíduos do metabolismo celular.
  6. Local onde terminam as fossas nasais.
  1. Problema causado pelo acúmulo de gordura nas artérias.
  2. Órgão mais importante do sistema cardiovascular.
  3. Órgão mais importante do sistema urinário.
  4. Tipo de alimento que predispõem o organismo ao surgimento de distúrbios cardiovasculares.
  5. Doenças associada ao sistema endócrino.
  6. vasos sanguíneos que levam o sangue do coração para o resto do corpo.

12 Clues: Órgão do sistema digestório.Local onde terminam as fossas nasais.Doenças associada ao sistema endócrino.Sistema com função de realizar excreção.Órgão mais importante do sistema urinário.Nome dado aos resíduos do metabolismo celular.Órgão mais importante do sistema cardiovascular.Músculo que possibilita o processo de respiração....

Non-communicable diseases 2024-06-18

Non-communicable diseases crossword puzzle
  1. Alcohol can cause cirrhosis of this organ
  2. Diseases that can't be spread from person to person
  3. _____ factors can contribute to increased chance of non-communicable diseases developing
  4. The type of tumour that is cancerous
  5. The addictive substance in cigarettes
  6. The type of tumour that does not spread
  1. Cancer treatment that uses radiation
  2. A lifestyle risk factor that can cause lung cancer
  3. Obesity is a strong risk factor for this disease
  4. Cancer can spread through this
  5. The carcinogen in cigarettes
  6. The type of risk factor that runs in your family

12 Clues: The carcinogen in cigarettesCancer can spread through thisCancer treatment that uses radiationThe type of tumour that is cancerousThe addictive substance in cigarettesThe type of tumour that does not spreadAlcohol can cause cirrhosis of this organObesity is a strong risk factor for this diseaseThe type of risk factor that runs in your family...

Aneurysms 2023-11-25

Aneurysms crossword puzzle
  1. i am a cardiac complication of type A aortic dissection
  2. I typically present with suddent onset intrascapular pain
  3. risk factor for aortic dissection
  4. pain occurs here atypically following ruptured AAA
  5. dissection affecting the ascending aorta
  1. i am NOT a risk factor for aortic aneurysms
  2. age all men are invited for screening
  3. surgical method with a low reintervention rate
  4. surgical option with shorter hospital stay
  5. The most common aneurysm shape
  6. the layer a tear occurs in aortic dissection
  7. dilation of all the layers of the arterial wall

12 Clues: The most common aneurysm shaperisk factor for aortic dissectionage all men are invited for screeningdissection affecting the ascending aortasurgical option with shorter hospital stayi am NOT a risk factor for aortic aneurysmsthe layer a tear occurs in aortic dissectionsurgical method with a low reintervention rate...

Health problems 2024-02-12

Health problems crossword puzzle
  1. thanks to them you can move your arms or legs
  2. it helps to cure you
  3. one of its symptom is hay fever
  4. with this pain you need to see a dentist
  5. many red dots on skin
  6. you have two of them but you can live with one
  1. its what happens when bee bites you
  2. when you have it you have problem with sugar
  3. a list from doctor with medicines to buy
  4. diseas when you connot breathe
  5. when you feel dizzy and fell down
  6. high temperature

12 Clues: high temperatureit helps to cure youmany red dots on skindiseas when you connot breatheone of its symptom is hay feverwhen you feel dizzy and fell downits what happens when bee bites youa list from doctor with medicines to buywith this pain you need to see a dentistwhen you have it you have problem with sugar...

Definitions 2024-08-29

Definitions crossword puzzle
  1. Thinking in terms of the whole
  2. One of the pipes in your body
  3. Yellow in appearance, often due to liver failure
  4. A condition where the bones in the feet are fragile and break, usually caused by diabetes.
  5. A pathogen that destroys the lungs, was widespread in England long ago
  6. The spread of people from their homeland
  7. Glossy
  1. common or widespread
  2. A hormone in humans that makes you less hungry
  3. To get rid of something
  4. The class of mineral that is formed when magma cools
  5. Tar

12 Clues: TarGlossycommon or widespreadTo get rid of somethingOne of the pipes in your bodyThinking in terms of the wholeThe spread of people from their homelandA hormone in humans that makes you less hungryYellow in appearance, often due to liver failureThe class of mineral that is formed when magma cools...


  1. jenis pesakit yang berisiko mendapat TB
  2. gelaran untuk pesakit TB
  3. vitamin yang digunakan dalam rawatan TB
  4. jumlah bulan yang perlu makan ubat TB bagi pesakit diabetis
  5. kaedah rawatan makan ubat bagi pesakit TB
  1. ujian sputum yang dijalankan pada awal investigation TB
  2. kaedah yang memudahkan pesakit untuk makan ubat setiap hari
  3. ujian yang dilakukan terhadap pesakit bagi saringan TB
  4. ujian yang digunakan untuk mengesan laten TB
  5. jumlah bulan yang perlu makan ubat TB
  6. apakah gelaran yang diberikan kepada pesakit yang mempunyai kerintangan terhadap rawatan TB
  7. gelaran pesakit bagi laten TB

12 Clues: gelaran untuk pesakit TBgelaran pesakit bagi laten TBjumlah bulan yang perlu makan ubat TBjenis pesakit yang berisiko mendapat TBvitamin yang digunakan dalam rawatan TBkaedah rawatan makan ubat bagi pesakit TBujian yang digunakan untuk mengesan laten TBujian yang dilakukan terhadap pesakit bagi saringan TB...

disease 2023-06-21

disease crossword puzzle
  1. A highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, resulting in itchy skin rashes and fluid-filled blisters.
  2. A chronic respiratory condition that narrows and inflames the airways, leading to recurrent episodes of wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.
  3. A chronic skin condition characterized by dry, itchy, and inflamed patches of skin, often accompanied by redness and scaling.
  4. Recurring headaches that cause moderate to severe pain, often accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and visual disturbances.
  5. A medical condition characterized by excess body weight and an increased risk of various health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.
  6. Types Description
  7. An infectious disease characterized by swollen salivary glands, fever, headache, and muscle aches, primarily affecting the jaw area.
  8. throat An infection caused by streptococcal bacteria, resulting in a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and swollen tonsils.
  9. An infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs, causing cough, fever, difficulty breathing, and chest pain.
  1. A metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels due to the body's inability to produce or use insulin effectively.
  2. A common viral infection that affects the nose, throat, and sinuses, causing symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and sore throat.
  3. Inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion.
  4. The body's hypersensitive reaction to certain substances, resulting in symptoms such as sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and congestion.
  5. Commonly known as high blood pressure, a condition where the force of blood against the artery walls is consistently too high.
  6. A viral infection that causes a red rash, high fever, cough, and runny nose, and can lead to complications if not properly treated.
  7. Short for influenza, a contagious respiratory illness characterized by fever, body aches, fatigue, and respiratory symptoms.

16 Clues: Types DescriptionInflammation of one or more joints, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion.An infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs, causing cough, fever, difficulty breathing, and chest pain.A highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, resulting in itchy skin rashes and fluid-filled blisters....

Crossword 2021-05-27

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The master gland
  2. Insulin causes glucose to move to these from the blood
  3. A risk factor for type 2 diabetes
  4. Gland located in the kidneys
  5. A system composed of glands which produce hormones
  6. A chemical secreted by the endocrine glands
  1. High levels of this in the blood causes the pancreas to produce insulin
  2. Excess glucose is converted into this for storage
  3. What excess glucose is converted into glycogen for
  4. A hormone produced by the pancreas
  5. The organ that produces insulin
  6. Hormone which causes glycogen to be converted into glucose

12 Clues: The master glandGland located in the kidneysThe organ that produces insulinA risk factor for type 2 diabetesA hormone produced by the pancreasA chemical secreted by the endocrine glandsExcess glucose is converted into this for storageWhat excess glucose is converted into glycogen forA system composed of glands which produce hormones...

Endocrine 101 2020-06-23

Endocrine 101 crossword puzzle
  1. What hormone is used treat growth failure?
  2. What time of day is the secretion of cortisol the most?
  3. What hormone can cause hyperthyrodism?
  4. What did president Kennedy suffer from?
  5. What is Cushing's syndrome?
  6. Inhibits the conversion of T3 and T4?
  1. What lobe of the pituitary gland secretes ADH & oxytocin?
  2. What is a possible adverse reaction when using fludrocortisone?
  3. Given for diabetes insipidus?
  4. What is the minimum time you need to situp for when using biphosphonates?
  5. What are the 2 thyroid hormones?
  6. Excessive growth after puberty?

12 Clues: What is Cushing's syndrome?Given for diabetes insipidus?Excessive growth after puberty?What are the 2 thyroid hormones?Inhibits the conversion of T3 and T4?What hormone can cause hyperthyrodism?What did president Kennedy suffer from?What hormone is used treat growth failure?What time of day is the secretion of cortisol the most?...

Bioquímica Metabólica aula 1 2020-08-13

Bioquímica Metabólica aula 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Significa concentração de glicose no sangue:
  2. Proteína importante para entrada de glicose em algumas células:
  3. Hormônio produzido pelo pâncreas no estado bem alimentado:
  4. Vias metabólicas de degradação de substâncias:
  5. Significa concentração elevada de glicose no sangue (além do normal):
  6. Substrato energético preferido de humanos:
  1. Vias metabólicas de síntese de substâncias:
  2. Significa concentração diminuída de glicose no sangue (abaixo do normal):
  3. Significa concentração normal de glicose no sangue
  4. Hormônio produzido pelo pâncreas no jejum:
  5. Sigla para receptor de insulina:
  6. Principal doença metabólica de metabolismo de carboidratos:

12 Clues: Sigla para receptor de insulina:Hormônio produzido pelo pâncreas no jejum:Substrato energético preferido de humanos:Vias metabólicas de síntese de substâncias:Significa concentração de glicose no sangue:Vias metabólicas de degradação de substâncias:Significa concentração normal de glicose no sangue...

Substance Abuse Crossword 2021-05-16

Substance Abuse Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the minimum age to buy and consume alcohol
  2. too much can cause obesity and diabetes
  3. this is sold at the LCBO
  4. the physical or mental dependency on a drug
  5. illegal drugs are bought and sold on the _____
  6. substances that are regulated and sold in stores
  7. a substance is something you eat, _____ or smoke
  1. drugs can change the way a person thinks, acts or _
  2. a doctor writes this for certain medications
  3. the addictive ingredient in cigarettes
  4. the place you go to get medication
  5. help children stay away from drugs

12 Clues: this is sold at the LCBOthe place you go to get medicationhelp children stay away from drugsthe addictive ingredient in cigarettestoo much can cause obesity and diabetesthe minimum age to buy and consume alcoholthe physical or mental dependency on a druga doctor writes this for certain medicationsillegal drugs are bought and sold on the _____...

Spelling List 2017-03-19

Spelling List crossword puzzle
  1. a straight line at an angle joining 2 opposite sides
  2. food and drink that you eat regularly
  3. a measurement in space
  4. a ruler with complete power over a country
  5. mental illness with memory disorder
  6. a simple drawing using lines
  1. a book with list of words with meanings
  2. an extinct animal that lived millions of years ago
  3. a person whose job is to represent his/her country
  4. a disease that makes the patient produce a lot of urine and feel thirsty
  5. an aboriginal woven bag
  6. a clear precious stone of pure carbon

12 Clues: a measurement in spacean aboriginal woven baga simple drawing using linesmental illness with memory disorderfood and drink that you eat regularlya clear precious stone of pure carbona book with list of words with meaningsa ruler with complete power over a countryan extinct animal that lived millions of years ago...

Sonia Sotomayor 2022-04-12

Sonia Sotomayor crossword puzzle
  1. I became this after college.
  2. This President invited me to the White House.
  3. My mother saved all her money to buy these
  4. I wanted to be her when I grew up.
  5. I am a member of this court.
  6. My mother was studying to become this.
  1. At the age of 8 I had this disease.
  2. My mother worked as a _____ operator.
  3. My father died when I was this age.
  4. We listened to this type of music.
  5. I was raised in this city
  6. I went to this University.

12 Clues: I was raised in this cityI went to this University.I became this after college.I am a member of this court.We listened to this type of music.I wanted to be her when I grew up.At the age of 8 I had this disease.My father died when I was this age.My mother worked as a _____ operator.My mother was studying to become this....

Engandered Animals 2023-12-13

Engandered Animals crossword puzzle
  1. the dinosaurs have already gone through __.
  2. the supreme court had a __ decision.
  3. humans are a __ of mammals.
  4. MLK is a major __ in the civil rights movement.
  5. When using reason and logic, you are also using __.
  6. Having high or low blood sugar is the main symptom of __.
  1. When something grows step by step, it is __.
  2. Washington state has a lot of __ within all counties.
  3. Washington and Oregon are __ states on the map.
  4. The polar bears are __.
  5. A treaty between two political parties is also known as a __.
  6. rhymes with damper

12 Clues: rhymes with damperThe polar bears are __.humans are a __ of mammals.the supreme court had a __ decision.the dinosaurs have already gone through __.When something grows step by step, it is __.Washington and Oregon are __ states on the map.MLK is a major __ in the civil rights movement.When using reason and logic, you are also using __....

Child development 2023-10-06

Child development crossword puzzle
  1. vito fertilization egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body
  2. the process in a woman discharging blood
  3. acid a synthetic form of folate that is added to fortify foods
  4. sickness nausea and vomiting in the beginning of pregnancy
  5. b vitamin
  6. diabetes a condition characterized by an elevated level of glucose
  1. not being able to get pregnant
  2. a simple sugar that is an important energy source.
  3. loss of a woman's pregnancy before the 20th week
  4. fine soft hair
  5. two months after conception to birth
  6. pregnancy 39 weeks

12 Clues: b vitaminfine soft hairpregnancy 39 weeksnot being able to get pregnanttwo months after conception to birththe process in a woman discharging bloodloss of a woman's pregnancy before the 20th weeka simple sugar that is an important energy source.sickness nausea and vomiting in the beginning of pregnancy...

Cocoyeah 2021-12-07

Cocoyeah crossword puzzle
  1. control diabetes
  2. help reverse sign of aging
  1. support weight loss
  2. good for digestion
  3. promote hair growth

5 Clues: control diabetesgood for digestionsupport weight losspromote hair growthhelp reverse sign of aging

HCC Crossword Puzzle 2012-08-03

HCC Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. HCC with the highest RAF
  2. HCC 19 is this disease without complications
  3. How long you can code an acute MI
  4. Heirarchs Bipolar Disorder
  5. A diabetic manifestation of the circulatory system
  6. Divide 33 by 3 and add 10 to get the number for this HCC
  7. HCC 15 diabetic complication
  8. This typically means resolved
  1. This condition is catagorized in HCC 79 and if ften treated with oxygen
  2. This condition is often mis-documented as a wound
  3. GFR 30-59
  4. This condition can be diagnosed with a PHQ9 screening
  5. Total or partial loss of use of limbs and torso
  6. First HCC catagory
  7. Common injection used for prostate cancer
  8. Late effect of stroke
  9. What type of retinopathy is "diabetic retinopathy"

17 Clues: GFR 30-59First HCC catagoryLate effect of strokeHCC with the highest RAFHeirarchs Bipolar DisorderHCC 15 diabetic complicationThis typically means resolvedHow long you can code an acute MICommon injection used for prostate cancerHCC 19 is this disease without complicationsTotal or partial loss of use of limbs and torso...

Y11 B2 Quiz - Can you beat Miss Crewe's time of 11 mins 13 secs? 2018-06-07

Y11 B2 Quiz - Can you beat Miss Crewe's time of 11 mins 13 secs? crossword puzzle
  1. The type of neurone in a reflex arc
  2. Where hormones are released INTO
  3. Effector organs can be muscles or _______
  4. What do spermicide agents kill?
  5. The body system that involves hormones
  6. A sperm or egg cell
  7. You only need one copy of this allele to inherit a characteristic
  8. Where are egg cells released from?
  9. The hormone that lowers blood glucose levels
  1. A section of DNA that codes for a protein
  2. A form of a gene
  3. The menstrual lasts for 28 ____
  4. The hormone that increases blood glucose levels
  5. Where hormones are released FROM
  6. The CNS is made of the brain and__________
  7. What people can do to treat type 2 diabetes
  8. The body system that involves neurons

17 Clues: A form of a geneA sperm or egg cellThe menstrual lasts for 28 ____What do spermicide agents kill?Where hormones are released INTOWhere hormones are released FROMWhere are egg cells released from?The type of neurone in a reflex arcThe body system that involves neuronsThe body system that involves hormonesA section of DNA that codes for a protein...

TED TALK Crossword 2023-10-25

TED TALK Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The gardens surrounding the building were ___.
  2. The condition may be caused by bad ___ in the brain
  3. Too much fatty food will make your ___ clog up.
  4. They have failed to honor their ___.
  5. The price of oil ___d.
  6. Exercise lowers our chances of having ___.
  7. Children should produce enough growth ___.
  1. Smoking increases the risk of ___.
  2. That's ___ of our generation.
  3. I've had the ___ of a good education.
  4. The survey revealed a lack of ___ in the government.
  5. The new evidence will ___ their case.
  6. This is the fat that won't raise your ___.
  7. People should ___ the amount of fat they eat.
  8. Such jokes tend to ____ the stereotypes.
  9. I'm trying to break the ___ of staying up too late.
  10. All my efforts ended in ___.

17 Clues: The price of oil ___d.All my efforts ended in ___.That's ___ of our generation.Smoking increases the risk of ___.They have failed to honor their ___.I've had the ___ of a good education.The new evidence will ___ their case.Such jokes tend to ____ the stereotypes.This is the fat that won't raise your ___.Exercise lowers our chances of having ___....

Metabolism 2021-12-06

Metabolism crossword puzzle
  1. - what gets produced after cellular respiration
  2. - amino acids when it isn’t broken down
  3. of your body - where all of the molecules go to
  4. - where oxygen and glucose go to create a chemical reaction
  5. - food to keep you energized
  6. respiration - chemical reaction between glucose and oxygen
  1. system - where the food goes
  2. - glucose when it isn’t broken down
  3. system - where you breathe air through
  4. - when your body doesn’t get the energy it needs
  5. - the body systems working together
  6. - the molecules you take in when you breathe
  7. system - the transporter that delivers all molecules to the cells

13 Clues: system - where the food goes- food to keep you energized- glucose when it isn’t broken down- the body systems working togethersystem - where you breathe air through- amino acids when it isn’t broken down- the molecules you take in when you breathe- what gets produced after cellular respirationof your body - where all of the molecules go to...

Vocab Unit 1 2019-01-07

Vocab Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. rainfall caused by atmospheric pollution
  2. a layer in the earth's atmosphere
  3. a procedure to restore breathing and blood flow
  4. a strong heated containers used for chemical reactions with high pressures and temperatures
  5. disease with too much sugar in the bloodstream
  6. used to kill harmful organisms
  1. procedure used to prevent choking
  2. procedure used to restart breathing without mouth to mouth contact
  3. doctor that deals with the skin
  4. causes seizures
  5. trapping of the sun's warmth that causes excess radiation exposure
  6. where garbage is disposed of
  7. someone who concentrates on primarily one subject or skill

13 Clues: causes seizureswhere garbage is disposed ofused to kill harmful organismsdoctor that deals with the skinprocedure used to prevent chokinga layer in the earth's atmosphererainfall caused by atmospheric pollutiondisease with too much sugar in the bloodstreama procedure to restore breathing and blood flow...

endangered species vocab crossword 2023-12-15

endangered species vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a biological classification
  2. what some believe the E.S.A does to some of their activities
  3. "They did not understand the ______ for the change."
  4. blood sugar disorder
  5. for example, orangutans, pandas, and tigers
  6. separate political parties agreeing
  7. for example, the 48 united states
  1. what MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X were to the civil rights movement
  2. the goal of the E.S.A is to help with the _____ of endangered species
  3. 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3
  4. variety of life on earth
  5. for example, the dodo bird, or the woolly mammoth :(
  6. "Everyone agreed, so the vote was _____."

13 Clues: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3blood sugar disordervariety of life on eartha biological classificationfor example, the 48 united statesseparate political parties agreeing"Everyone agreed, so the vote was _____."for example, orangutans, pandas, and tigers"They did not understand the ______ for the change."for example, the dodo bird, or the woolly mammoth :(...

Brushing Teeth Technique and Sugar 2023-08-24

Brushing Teeth Technique and Sugar crossword puzzle
  1. Brushing technique with up and down short stroke
  2. Over weight
  3. How many grams the maximum sugar intake per day?
  4. Organ that feel the damage from over sugar consumption in long term
  5. Focus cleaning area in bass technique
  6. dental cavity
  1. The cause of dental cavity
  2. Brushing teeth technique that use 90 degree tooth bristle angulation
  3. Brushing technique with left and right short stroke
  4. High blood sugar
  5. Brushing teeth technique that use 45 degree tooth bristle angulation
  6. Body system that damaged from over sugar consumption
  7. Focus cleaning area of tooth in fone technique

13 Clues: Over weightdental cavityHigh blood sugarThe cause of dental cavityFocus cleaning area in bass techniqueFocus cleaning area of tooth in fone techniqueBrushing technique with up and down short strokeHow many grams the maximum sugar intake per day?Brushing technique with left and right short strokeBody system that damaged from over sugar consumption...

voeding 2013-06-05

voeding crossword puzzle
  1. vloeibaar vet
  2. in alle planten die bladgroen bevatten en bijna alle vruchten is suiker onder ________vorm aanwezig.
  3. vetten die je gebruikt om iets te bereiden
  4. bevat niet allen suiker maar ook mineralen
  5. veel suiker kan leiden tot _______ of tandbederf
  6. bekendste soort suiker die het meest gebruikt wordt
  1. suiker is afkomstig van suikerbiet/rietsuiker
  2. suiker is een snelle
  3. te veel cholesterolkan leiden tot _______ en vaatziekten
  4. vetstoffen die je op je brood kan smeren

10 Clues: vloeibaar vetsuiker is een snellevetstoffen die je op je brood kan smerenvetten die je gebruikt om iets te bereidenbevat niet allen suiker maar ook mineralensuiker is afkomstig van suikerbiet/rietsuikerveel suiker kan leiden tot _______ of tandbederfbekendste soort suiker die het meest gebruikt wordt...

Caremore 2 2020-04-28

Caremore 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Veggies and spinach make a heart- healthy _____
  2. Recommended twice a year if there’s a family history of heart problems
  3. CareMore program to fight loneliness
  4. Losing _____ percent of your body weight can help reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease
  5. Prevents lowering your immune system
  1. 1-800-589-3148 is the number for __________
  2. Risk factor for falls
  3. Symptoms of hypertension
  4. High blood pressure is also known as _____________
  5. For healthy aging, quit __________

10 Clues: Risk factor for fallsSymptoms of hypertensionFor healthy aging, quit __________CareMore program to fight lonelinessPrevents lowering your immune system1-800-589-3148 is the number for __________Veggies and spinach make a heart- healthy _____High blood pressure is also known as _____________...

Glenmark Crossword 2021-03-18

Glenmark Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Helps to get relive from cold and seasonal allergies.
  2. Use to relive hay fever and allergy symptoms
  3. Used to get relive from common cold
  4. is indicated for symptomatic treatment of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis.
  5. Used to treat Acne.
  1. use for treatment of type 2 diabetes
  2. Used to treat a lung disease called lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
  3. Used in the treatment of kidney cancer
  4. used to treat mild to moderate Covid 19 disease
  5. treats epilepsy

10 Clues: treats epilepsyUsed to treat Acne.Used to get relive from common colduse for treatment of type 2 diabetesUsed in the treatment of kidney cancerUse to relive hay fever and allergy symptomsused to treat mild to moderate Covid 19 diseaseHelps to get relive from cold and seasonal allergies.Used to treat a lung disease called lymphangioleiomyomatosis....

Sistem Endokrin manusia 2017-01-23

Sistem Endokrin manusia crossword puzzle
  1. Kelenjar yang mengawal aras gula dalam darah
  2. Penyakit kekurangan hormon tiroksina
  3. Kekurangan hormon ini menyebabkan perkembangan ciri-ciri seks sekunder lelaki terbantut
  4. Hormon mengawal kadar metabolisma badan
  5. Kelenjar tidak berfungsi baik menyebabkan masalah kitaran haid
  1. Kesan kekurangan hormon ini menyebabkan keguguran embrio
  2. Hormon yang berfungsi dalam penghasilan ovum
  3. Hormon dirembeskan apabila seseorang dikejar oleh seekor lembur liar
  4. Kelenjar induk yang dapat mengawal aktiviti kelenjar endokrin lain
  5. Kelebihan hormon dirembeskan menyebabkan diabetes melitus

10 Clues: Penyakit kekurangan hormon tiroksinaHormon mengawal kadar metabolisma badanHormon yang berfungsi dalam penghasilan ovumKelenjar yang mengawal aras gula dalam darahKesan kekurangan hormon ini menyebabkan keguguran embrioKelebihan hormon dirembeskan menyebabkan diabetes melitusKelenjar tidak berfungsi baik menyebabkan masalah kitaran haid...

Oral Health in the Nursing Home 2021-11-09

Oral Health in the Nursing Home crossword puzzle
  1. Helpful ingredient in some sugarless gum
  2. Gum Disease
  3. Studies show a link between this disease (dealing with blood sugar levels) and periodontal disease
  1. Denture _____ is the most common denture induced oral lesion
  2. Works alongside toothbrushing to remove plaque
  3. Individuals can have these reactions to denture materials
  4. Dry mouth
  5. What destroys the enamel layer?
  6. Cotton-liked floss that cleans out larger volumes of plaque
  7. How often should cleaning solutions be changed for dentures

10 Clues: Dry mouthGum DiseaseWhat destroys the enamel layer?Helpful ingredient in some sugarless gumWorks alongside toothbrushing to remove plaqueIndividuals can have these reactions to denture materialsCotton-liked floss that cleans out larger volumes of plaqueHow often should cleaning solutions be changed for dentures...

Diets 2021-04-21

Diets crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who cant eat the sugar in dairy food
  2. What is the term used to describe being 20% over your ideal weight
  3. What effect does sugar have on you teeth
  4. Someone who doesn't eat meat
  5. Someone who will only eat fish
  1. Someone who will only eat chicken
  2. a condition people who eat too much sugar develop
  3. someone who can't have gluten
  4. Someone who doesn't eat animal products
  5. Someone who will only eat fruit

10 Clues: Someone who doesn't eat meatsomeone who can't have glutenSomeone who will only eat fishSomeone who will only eat fruitSomeone who will only eat chickenSomeone who doesn't eat animal productsWhat effect does sugar have on you teethSomeone who cant eat the sugar in dairy fooda condition people who eat too much sugar develop...

Metabolism 2022-10-26

Metabolism crossword puzzle
  1. the body's use of molecules for energy and growth
  2. molecule that comes from starches
  3. this breaks down in to amino acids
  4. the molecule most effected by asthma
  5. a group of cells
  6. the ability to make things move or change
  1. a group of atoms joined together in a particular way
  2. system that transports molecules to cells
  3. medical condition that impairs the body's ability to deliver insulin to cells
  4. system that breaks down food

10 Clues: a group of cellssystem that breaks down foodmolecule that comes from starchesthis breaks down in to amino acidsthe molecule most effected by asthmasystem that transports molecules to cellsthe ability to make things move or changethe body's use of molecules for energy and growtha group of atoms joined together in a particular way...

maQantioxidant 2023-01-15

maQantioxidant crossword puzzle
  1. The imbalance in the prooxidant and antioxidant level
  2. Pathogenesis that relates to glucose level
  3. Which reactive series has the shortest half life?
  4. Name one cause of aging
  5. The product form from oxidative damage to DNA
  1. Subclass of polyphenol
  2. Antioxidant fights against ........
  3. What is the term for gain in oxygen?
  4. Name the honey with the most antioxidant properties
  5. What is the sources of free radicals which happened in human body?

10 Clues: Subclass of polyphenolName one cause of agingAntioxidant fights against ........What is the term for gain in oxygen?Pathogenesis that relates to glucose levelThe product form from oxidative damage to DNAWhich reactive series has the shortest half life?Name the honey with the most antioxidant properties...

Twins Crossword 2023-06-24

Twins Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Membrane contains this fluid.
  2. Developed from one egg, which splits and forms two embryos.
  3. Machine used to see the babies in the womb.
  4. What type of birth is Amy having?
  1. Twins formed from two different eggs.
  2. Glucose Tolerance Test tests for what type of diabetes?
  3. Where will the place of birth be?
  4. Baby is bottom down they would be in this position.
  5. Name of Twin B.
  6. Name of Twin A.

10 Clues: Name of Twin B.Name of Twin A.Membrane contains this fluid.Where will the place of birth be?What type of birth is Amy having?Twins formed from two different eggs.Machine used to see the babies in the womb.Baby is bottom down they would be in this position.Glucose Tolerance Test tests for what type of diabetes?...

Health triangle 2023-04-13

Health triangle crossword puzzle
  1. one of the 5 food groups
  2. a disease that is caused by obesity
  3. signs of it are lines on your forehead
  4. (2 words no space) Has to do with your friends
  5. (2 words no space) Has to do with your fitness
  1. staying healthy by doing this
  2. harmful medicines that people use
  3. (2 words no space) Has to do with your brain
  4. body´s well being
  5. interferes with messages to the brain

10 Clues: body´s well beingone of the 5 food groupsstaying healthy by doing thisharmful medicines that people usea disease that is caused by obesityinterferes with messages to the brainsigns of it are lines on your forehead(2 words no space) Has to do with your brain(2 words no space) Has to do with your friends(2 words no space) Has to do with your fitness

Pendidikan Kesehatan 2024-05-17

Pendidikan Kesehatan crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu tempat pelaksanaan pendidikan kesehatan
  2. Proses perubahan pada diri seseorang yang dihubungkan dengan pencapaian tujuan kesehatan individu dan masyarakat
  3. Upaya pengorganisasian masyarakat pada konsep pendidikan kesehatan
  4. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan
  5. Salah satu domain perilaku pada pendidikan kesehatan
  1. Penyakit yang disebabkan gaya hidup masyarakat
  2. Sasaran pendidikan kesehatan (binaan puskesmas)
  3. Contoh peran pendidikan kesehatan dalam faktor lingkungan
  4. Indikator healthy behavior pada konsep pendidikan kesehatan
  5. Peran pendidikan kesehatan dalam Masyarakat secara internal

10 Clues: Faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatanPenyakit yang disebabkan gaya hidup masyarakatSasaran pendidikan kesehatan (binaan puskesmas)Salah satu tempat pelaksanaan pendidikan kesehatanSalah satu domain perilaku pada pendidikan kesehatanContoh peran pendidikan kesehatan dalam faktor lingkunganIndikator healthy behavior pada konsep pendidikan kesehatan...

Feb 20th SGL Meds 2024-02-20

Feb 20th SGL Meds crossword puzzle
  1. Erectile dysfunction can be treated by ___ inhibitors
  2. Increases risk of GI bleeding
  3. drug names ending in -sartan
  4. influx of this ion causes vasoconstriction
  1. Inhibits the sodium-chloride symporter in the DCT
  2. Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase
  3. Jardiance is a brand name of a ___ inhibitor treating diabetes
  4. Inhibits conversion of Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II
  5. Biguanides increase activity of this enzyme
  6. Beta blockers bind to these receptors found mainly in the heart and kidney

10 Clues: Inhibits HMG-CoA reductasedrug names ending in -sartanIncreases risk of GI bleedinginflux of this ion causes vasoconstrictionBiguanides increase activity of this enzymeInhibits the sodium-chloride symporter in the DCTErectile dysfunction can be treated by ___ inhibitorsInhibits conversion of Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II...

Have You Kept up with the Pharma Trends? 2024-07-17

Have You Kept up with the Pharma Trends? crossword puzzle
  1. A common chronic disease
  2. A popular weight loss drug
  3. Diseases that affects fewer than 200K people in the US
  4. Major responsibility of the FDA
  1. Pharma startup focused on R&D
  2. m in mRNA
  3. Pharma company that developed the first COVID vaccine
  4. _____ groups are becoming an increasingly key stakeholder in drug price negotiations
  5. The drug in a Antibody-Drug Conjugate is called a _____
  6. Last name of the US scientist who discovered CRISPR

10 Clues: m in mRNAA common chronic diseaseA popular weight loss drugPharma startup focused on R&DMajor responsibility of the FDALast name of the US scientist who discovered CRISPRPharma company that developed the first COVID vaccineDiseases that affects fewer than 200K people in the USThe drug in a Antibody-Drug Conjugate is called a _____...

Hum Kaun Hai? Friends Names! 2013-07-05

Hum Kaun Hai? Friends Names! crossword puzzle
  1. Chaar Chand Lagaye
  2. Diabetes walo!!! Mujhse door ho jaao.
  3. Dharamendra ki nahi par, Jeetu ki dream girl
  4. Suraj se khele aankh micholi
  5. Mujhe dekh ke mere pati poetry likhte hai
  1. Naval nahi, par mera naam saral bhi nahi.
  2. Purane Zamane ki ek mashoor heroine.
  3. Ek fan ka brand aur ek singer ka naam?
  4. Is din mera poora chehra aasman mein dikhta hai.
  5. Mandir me gaate hai.
  6. Isne marwari jaldi se sikha, naam hai iska ........
  7. Ambani Nahi.... Par usse kam bhi nahi .
  8. Ye quality baap me nahi, par maa mein hoti hai.

13 Clues: Chaar Chand LagayeMandir me gaate hai.Suraj se khele aankh micholiPurane Zamane ki ek mashoor heroine.Diabetes walo!!! Mujhse door ho jaao.Ek fan ka brand aur ek singer ka naam?Ambani Nahi.... Par usse kam bhi nahi .Naval nahi, par mera naam saral bhi nahi.Mujhe dekh ke mere pati poetry likhte haiDharamendra ki nahi par, Jeetu ki dream girl...

Physical Health 2017-02-20

Physical Health crossword puzzle
  1. hunger hormone, signals need to eat
  2. death
  3. illness
  4. abnormally high percentage of body fat
  5. Carbohydrates, protein and fat supply calories for energy
  6. substances found in foods necessary for proper bodily function
  7. state in which the body is burning fat for energy
  8. glucose converted to starch and stored
  1. range of motion (ROM) at a joint or series of joints
  2. the science that investigates the relationship between food and disease
  3. removal of body fat via a suctioning device
  4. the process by which the body breaks down food into nutrients
  5. metabolic disease exacerbated with obesity

13 Clues: deathillnesshunger hormone, signals need to eatabnormally high percentage of body fatglucose converted to starch and storedmetabolic disease exacerbated with obesityremoval of body fat via a suctioning devicestate in which the body is burning fat for energyrange of motion (ROM) at a joint or series of joints...

Personal health vocabulary 2018-01-11

Personal health vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a disease where the body can’t produce enough insulin
  2. a medical practitioner qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorder
  3. a person who concentrated on a particular subject
  4. an emergency procedure with chest compressions
  5. filled in hole
  6. rain with an unusual acidity level
  7. used to clear objects from the airway
  8. a neurological disorder marked by sudden reacurrent times of sensory disturbance
  1. kills pests
  2. radiation from a planets atmosphere warms the plants surface
  3. layer albsorbs the suns uv light
  4. a container used for chemical reactions and other processes with high temperature and pressure
  5. CPR with no mouth to mouth breaths

13 Clues: kills pestsfilled in holelayer albsorbs the suns uv lightCPR with no mouth to mouth breathsrain with an unusual acidity levelused to clear objects from the airwayan emergency procedure with chest compressionsa person who concentrated on a particular subjecta disease where the body can’t produce enough insulin...

Afecções endócrinas e reumáticas 2022-09-01

Afecções endócrinas e  reumáticas crossword puzzle
  3. condição caracterizada por dores musculares generalizadas.


endangered species vocab crossword 2023-12-14

endangered species vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3
  2. variety of life on earth
  3. what MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X were to the civil rights movement
  4. what some believe the E.S.A does to some of their activities
  5. for example, orangutans, pandas, and tigers
  6. separate political parties agreeing
  7. "They did not understand the ______ for the change."
  1. a biological classification
  2. for example, the 48 united states
  3. blood sugar disorder
  4. for example, the dodo bird, or the woolly mammoth :(
  5. the goal of the E.S.A is to help with the _____ of endangered species
  6. "Everyone agreed, so the vote was _____."

13 Clues: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3blood sugar disordervariety of life on eartha biological classificationfor example, the 48 united statesseparate political parties agreeing"Everyone agreed, so the vote was _____."for example, orangutans, pandas, and tigersfor example, the dodo bird, or the woolly mammoth :("They did not understand the ______ for the change."...

MDA Chapter 16 2024-04-06

MDA Chapter 16 crossword puzzle
  1. state of total deficient pituitary gland activity (more serious than hypopituitarism)
  2. abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
  3. stimulates the thyroid gland (TSH)
  4. enlargement of the extremities (caused by excessive production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland after puberty)
  5. blood test used to diagnose diabetes and monitor treatment (also known as HbA1c)
  6. physician who studies and treats diseases of the endocrine (system)
  7. usually non-malignant tumor of the adrenal medulla
  8. condition brought about by hypersecretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland before puberty
  9. potassium
  1. cortext (the outer layer of a body organ)
  2. run, running
  3. disease in which thyroid gland cells are destroyed by autoimmune processes.
  4. calcium
  5. thirst
  6. Sodium
  7. extremities, height
  8. all, total

17 Clues: thirstSodiumcalciumpotassiumall, totalrun, runningextremities, heightabnormal protrusion of the eyeballstimulates the thyroid gland (TSH)cortext (the outer layer of a body organ)usually non-malignant tumor of the adrenal medullaphysician who studies and treats diseases of the endocrine (system)...

Sport & Exercises 2021-12-12

Sport & Exercises crossword puzzle
  1. to become less, to reduce
  2. make your body physically strong and powerful (2 words)
  3. a strong desire to do something
  4. to intensify, to hone
  5. something that you enjoy doing
  6. Loser, outsider
  7. an illness which prevents your heart from working normally (2 words)
  8. an advantage,plus or help that you get from something
  1. a disease in which there is too much sugar in your blood
  2. to advise someone to do something
  3. amusing and interesting
  4. to increase or improve something and make it more successful
  5. a chemical that reduces pain and can make you feel happier

13 Clues: Loser, outsiderto intensify, to honeamusing and interestingto become less, to reducesomething that you enjoy doinga strong desire to do somethingto advise someone to do somethingan advantage,plus or help that you get from somethingmake your body physically strong and powerful (2 words)a disease in which there is too much sugar in your blood...

Corona Crossword 2020-06-14

Corona Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A virus similar to Covid-19
  2. A chemical increasing blood pressure
  3. The type of cells covid-19 is believed to damage
  4. May actually be a ....disease
  5. When a disease spreads so far
  6. When a disease is passed from person to person
  7. Used in serious cases to help people breathe
  1. This may cause a stroke or heart attack
  2. What someone who is infected has to go into
  3. Medication thought to reduce risks of Covid-19
  4. a disease putting COvid-19 patients at higher risk
  5. What it is believed coronavirus binds to
  6. Used to prevent spreading from the mouth

13 Clues: A virus similar to Covid-19May actually be a ....diseaseWhen a disease spreads so farA chemical increasing blood pressureThis may cause a stroke or heart attackWhat it is believed coronavirus binds toUsed to prevent spreading from the mouthWhat someone who is infected has to go intoUsed in serious cases to help people breathe...

Sakhi Group Crossword 2013-07-05

Sakhi Group Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Ek fan ka brand aur ek singer ka naam?
  2. Suraj se khele aankh micholi
  3. Mandir me gaate hai.
  4. Ambani Nahi.... Par usse kam bhi nahi .
  5. Chaar Chand Lagaye
  6. Purane Zamane ki ek mashoor heroine.
  1. Ye quality baap me nahi, par maa mein hoti hai.
  2. Isne marwari jaldi se sikha, naam hai iska ..........................
  3. Dharamendra ki nahi par Jeetu ki dream girl
  4. Naval nahi, par mera naam saral bhi nahi.
  5. Mujhe Dekh ke mere pati poetry likhte hai
  6. Diabetes walo!!! Mujhse door ho jaao.
  7. Chanda apni puri muh dikhayi is din karta hai.

13 Clues: Chaar Chand LagayeMandir me gaate hai.Suraj se khele aankh micholiPurane Zamane ki ek mashoor heroine.Diabetes walo!!! Mujhse door ho jaao.Ek fan ka brand aur ek singer ka naam?Ambani Nahi.... Par usse kam bhi nahi .Naval nahi, par mera naam saral bhi nahi.Mujhe Dekh ke mere pati poetry likhte haiDharamendra ki nahi par Jeetu ki dream girl...

PCH Vocab 2022-09-12

PCH Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. site for waste disposal
  2. extended CPR term
  3. acidic precipitation
  4. machine that kills bacteria and viruses
  5. atomosphere layer that absorbs ultraviolet radiation
  6. gasses that trap the sun's heat in the atmosphere
  1. action of pushing into a choking persons stomach
  2. chemical used to kill pests
  3. specialist that specializes in skin, hair, and nails
  4. a disorder that causes continuous seizures
  5. action of pushing on someone's chest to get blood flowing, not mouth to mouth
  6. health condition that alters how your body turns food into energy
  7. person who is very knowledgeable on a certain subject

13 Clues: extended CPR termacidic precipitationsite for waste disposalchemical used to kill pestsmachine that kills bacteria and virusesa disorder that causes continuous seizuresaction of pushing into a choking persons stomachgasses that trap the sun's heat in the atmospherespecialist that specializes in skin, hair, and nails...

Healthy 2019-01-08

Healthy crossword puzzle
  1. geating of earth by gases in atmosphere
  2. control insect other pest
  3. when someone stuck food in their airway this will helpful
  4. No mouth to mouth
  1. the conditions of body doesn't process food to energy
  2. Air pollation causing global warming
  3. A doctor trained to handle particular kinds of patients or medical condition
  4. protect living thing from UV
  5. Is one type of specialist
  6. A device that uses to kill bacteria and virus

10 Clues: No mouth to mouthcontrol insect other pestIs one type of specialistprotect living thing from UVAir pollation causing global warminggeating of earth by gases in atmosphereA device that uses to kill bacteria and virusthe conditions of body doesn't process food to energywhen someone stuck food in their airway this will helpful...

Bioquímica Clínica - Revisão 2020-09-24

Bioquímica Clínica - Revisão crossword puzzle
  1. Doença inflamatória decorrente do acúmulo de gordura nos vasos sanguíneos
  2. Reserva de energia animal
  3. Doença onde há aumento de glicose no sangue
  1. Hormônio produzido pelas células alfa do pâncreas
  2. São os lipídeos mais abundantes e sua unidade fundamental é o ácido graxo
  3. Patologia que mostra acúmulo de gordura no fígado
  4. Considerado o colesterol "ruim"
  5. Marcador de lesão miocárdica
  6. Enzima encontrada predominantemente no músculo cardíaco
  7. Pode está envolvida em um erro pré-analítico

10 Clues: Reserva de energia animalMarcador de lesão miocárdicaConsiderado o colesterol "ruim"Doença onde há aumento de glicose no sanguePode está envolvida em um erro pré-analíticoHormônio produzido pelas células alfa do pâncreasPatologia que mostra acúmulo de gordura no fígadoEnzima encontrada predominantemente no músculo cardíaco...

Glenmark Crossword 2021-03-18

Glenmark Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. treats epilepsy
  2. Used to treat Acne.
  3. use for treatment of type 2 diabetes
  4. Helps to get relive from cold and seasonal allergies.
  5. used to treat mild to moderate Covid 19 disease
  1. Used to get relive from common cold
  2. Use to relive hay fever and allergy symptoms
  3. Used in the treatment of kidney cancer
  4. is indicated for symptomatic treatment of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis.
  5. Used to treat a lung disease called lymphangioleiomyomatosis.

10 Clues: treats epilepsyUsed to treat Acne.Used to get relive from common colduse for treatment of type 2 diabetesUsed in the treatment of kidney cancerUse to relive hay fever and allergy symptomsused to treat mild to moderate Covid 19 diseaseHelps to get relive from cold and seasonal allergies.Used to treat a lung disease called lymphangioleiomyomatosis....

Test woordenschat 29/04 2015-04-28

Test woordenschat 29/04 crossword puzzle
  1. komen uit je achterwerk
  2. doe je als het warm is of als je sport
  3. steentjes in je nieren
  4. ander woord voor diabetes
  5. weinig bloed
  1. ziekte aan een deel van je darm. De dokters moeten het dan weghalen
  2. als een stuk van je hersenen doodgaat door gebrek aan bloed
  3. moet je opensnijden, zodat het kan genezen
  4. als je been uit je arm steekt
  5. als je verkeerde stoffen in je lichaam hebt (dodelijk)

10 Clues: weinig bloedsteentjes in je nierenkomen uit je achterwerkander woord voor diabetesals je been uit je arm steektdoe je als het warm is of als je sportmoet je opensnijden, zodat het kan genezenals je verkeerde stoffen in je lichaam hebt (dodelijk)als een stuk van je hersenen doodgaat door gebrek aan bloed...

Escape Room Puzzle 2022-02-22

Escape Room Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Risk factor for macrosomia
  2. FHR baseline that is less than 110bpm
  3. Type of blood that enters the right atrium of the fetal heart via the umbilical vein
  4. Jump starts the heart
  1. Supplies oxygen to the fetus prior to birth
  2. Used to assess the baby’s condition after birth
  3. Patterns with uterine contractions
  4. A high risk drug that requires 2 RNs for verification
  5. IV induction medication
  6. Condition caused by excessive breakdown of RBCs

10 Clues: Jump starts the heartIV induction medicationRisk factor for macrosomiaPatterns with uterine contractionsFHR baseline that is less than 110bpmSupplies oxygen to the fetus prior to birthUsed to assess the baby’s condition after birthCondition caused by excessive breakdown of RBCsA high risk drug that requires 2 RNs for verification...

Types of Diseases 2024-07-27

Types of Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. - Diseases affecting the lungs (e.g., asthma).
  2. - Diseases caused by genetic mutations (e.g., cystic fibrosis).
  3. - Diseases caused by pathogens (e.g., flu).
  4. - Mental health disorders (e.g., depression).
  5. - Diseases where the immune system attacks the body (e.g., lupus).
  6. - Diseases affecting metabolism (e.g., diabetes).
  1. - Diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels (e.g., hypertension).
  2. - Diseases affecting the nervous system (e.g., Parkinson's).
  3. - Diseases affecting the digestive system (e.g., IBS).
  4. - Diseases affecting hormone-producing glands (e.g., thyroid disorders).

10 Clues: - Diseases caused by pathogens (e.g., flu).- Mental health disorders (e.g., depression).- Diseases affecting the lungs (e.g., asthma).- Diseases affecting metabolism (e.g., diabetes).- Diseases affecting the digestive system (e.g., IBS).- Diseases affecting the nervous system (e.g., Parkinson's)....

Crossword Puzzle on Chapter 10 2016-12-26

Crossword Puzzle on Chapter 10 crossword puzzle
  1. / beginning of menstrual cycle
  2. / Endocrine gland attached to the brain
  3. / Gland that secretes oil under the skin
  4. / Period of life when body undergoes reproductive maturity
  5. / used in the treatment of diabetes
  6. / secretes thyroxine
  7. / several thread like bodies,consisting of chromatin,
  8. / Age between 11 to 19 years
  9. / produced in the testes
  10. / a disease of the immune system
  11. / Hormone secreted by a gland capped on kidneys
  1. / practice conducive to the preservation of health, as cleanliness.
  2. / chemical that controls changes during adolescence
  3. / ductless gland
  4. /the state of containing the unborn within the body
  5. / a person who has attained the age of maturity as specified by law
  6. / female hormone responsible for growth in teen girls
  7. / A balanced diet
  8. / end of reproductive phase
  9. / protruding part of the throat in boys

20 Clues: / ductless gland/ A balanced diet/ secretes thyroxine/ produced in the testes/ end of reproductive phase/ Age between 11 to 19 years/ beginning of menstrual cycle/ a disease of the immune system/ used in the treatment of diabetes/ Endocrine gland attached to the brain/ protruding part of the throat in boys/ Gland that secretes oil under the skin...

Element Facts 2021-09-22

Element Facts crossword puzzle
  1. the name is from Germany
  2. is very reactive in its crystal form
  3. is a greenish gas
  4. Is used in medical implants
  5. is highly reactive
  6. is named after the miner that mined it
  7. is found in devices
  8. the properties are almost the same as chlorine
  9. Was used in making of the first atomic bomb
  10. has a sour taste
  11. is the second most abundant element in the universe
  1. the natural state is gas
  2. Atomic number 18
  3. is slightly toxic
  4. was discovered in 2000 BC
  5. is the 23rd most found element on the sun
  6. Is a very mass produced
  7. Adults need blank to reproduce
  8. IN weight is sixty times more stiff than steel
  9. Many meteorites have been found to have lots of
  10. if you have low blank it may lead to diabetes

21 Clues: Atomic number 18has a sour tasteis slightly toxicis a greenish gasis highly reactiveis found in devicesIs a very mass producedthe natural state is gasthe name is from Germanywas discovered in 2000 BCIs used in medical implantsAdults need blank to reproduceis very reactive in its crystal formis named after the miner that mined it...

crossword 2021-04-22

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a medication you take when you have a headache
  2. the drink of the mountains
  3. you get this to protect yourself from certain diseases
  4. a healthy spread for toast
  5. a sugary drink
  6. where HealthRidge pharmacy is located
  7. a condition where your sugar is too high
  8. where penguins can be found
  9. flex
  1. you pick it in the fall
  2. where you go to borrow books
  3. a dessert made from cocoa beans
  4. the classic southern dessert
  5. the place where you pick up your medications
  6. an organ that makes insulin
  7. a hormone that helps get sugar into your cells
  8. what our body uses for energy
  9. Earth Day is in this month
  10. you use this to call the pharmacy
  11. you can do this to help prevent heart attacks and strokes

20 Clues: flexa sugary drinkyou pick it in the fallthe drink of the mountainsa healthy spread for toastEarth Day is in this monthan organ that makes insulinwhere penguins can be foundwhere you go to borrow booksthe classic southern dessertwhat our body uses for energya dessert made from cocoa beansyou use this to call the pharmacy...

1.Kind of fruit 2021-05-02

1.Kind of fruit crossword puzzle
  1. contains vitamin A.
  2. bark is a bit hard and the contents are crunchy to eat
  3. with various types of shapes
  4. fruit can lose weight
  5. for digestion
  6. fruit strawberry that looks like a heart and is dark red
  7. fruit which is rich in water
  8. sweetness sour taste
  1. suitable for growing in tropical climates.
  2. is good for overcoming diabetes
  3. skin is so hard and prickly
  4. can increase endurance
  5. a very tempting aroma
  6. is good for preventing internal disease
  7. to prevent cancer
  8. skin is yellow and crunchy to eat
  9. can be used to treat throat medicine
  10. fruit is suitable for baby food
  11. is suitable for making a drink.
  12. is good for making fresh juice

20 Clues: for digestionto prevent cancercontains vitamin A.sweetness sour tastea very tempting aromafruit can lose weightcan increase enduranceskin is so hard and pricklywith various types of shapesfruit which is rich in wateris good for making fresh juiceis good for overcoming diabetesfruit is suitable for baby foodis suitable for making a drink....

CNHP 2010 Chapter 7 2022-09-29

CNHP 2010 Chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. pituitary gland
  2. computed tomography
  3. removal of one or both adrenal glands
  4. pancreas
  5. hormone hormone that stimulate secretion from thyroid gland
  6. blood sugar
  7. hormone, hormone that affects skin pigmentation
  8. thyroid gland (shield)
  9. male
  10. glucose (sugar)
  11. removal of the thyroid
  12. ketone bodies
  13. thyroid gland (steroid)
  14. removal of the pituitary gland
  15. hormones hormones secretes by the adrenal cortex
  1. hormone hormone that influences growth
  2. inflammation of the pancreas
  3. to secrete
  4. diabetes mellitus
  5. continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
  6. hormone (an urging on)
  7. removal of the parathyroid glands
  8. hormone hormone that stimulates the secretion from adrenal cortex
  9. gland
  10. thymus gland
  11. removal of the pancreas
  12. diabetic ketoacidosis
  13. thirst
  14. removal of the thymus
  15. adrenal gland

30 Clues: maleglandthirstpancreasto secreteblood sugarthymus glandadrenal glandketone bodiespituitary glandglucose (sugar)diabetes mellituscomputed tomographydiabetic ketoacidosisremoval of the thymushormone (an urging on)thyroid gland (shield)removal of the thyroidremoval of the pancreasthyroid gland (steroid)inflammation of the pancreas...

Stuttgart 2019-11-06

Stuttgart crossword puzzle
  1. Overpriced diabetes
  2. Are you sleeping?
  3. "That's a ...!"
  4. Don't miss this collection!
  5. I like to...
  6. Busy Aging
  7. Matteo's Jealousy
  8. Road
  9. Road
  10. Our First Dog
  11. No brunch is complete without...
  12. Should've bought, back ago
  13. Stuttgart
  14. Dimly Lit
  15. I maybe get one/two right?
  16. Really need to mail
  17. How we met
  18. overlording perch
  1. Requirement from England trips
  2. What a way to spend a Sunday!
  3. Ol Hef
  4. Have you ever seen her legs?
  5. Probably had 300?
  6. Fastest way to tank morale
  7. Emergency!!
  8. The hardest thing in Germany to replace
  9. Favorite Noms
  10. Carb choice
  11. Reims Treat
  12. How are we spelling this, anyway?
  13. Anyone but this one
  14. Too sweet
  15. Vienna Ball Nightmare
  16. Whine Whine Whine
  17. Power Drain
  18. I was born in ...

36 Clues: RoadRoadOl HefStuttgartToo sweetDimly LitBusy AgingHow we metEmergency!!Carb choiceReims TreatPower DrainI like to...Favorite NomsOur First Dog"That's a ...!"Are you sleeping?Probably had 300?Matteo's JealousyWhine Whine Whineoverlording perchI was born in ...Overpriced diabetesAnyone but this oneReally need to mailVienna Ball Nightmare...

Prefijos 2023-05-08

Prefijos crossword puzzle
  1. Extremidad artificial de una persona o animal
  2. Sensación de ser perseguido
  3. Lo que le dan a mi papá por tenerme
  4. Cosa que no hay en Colombia
  5. Espacio en el tiempo en el que se realiza una acción
  6. Enfermedad relacionada con la glucosa
  7. El enemigo de la fimosis
  8. Cura ante un veneno
  1. Me pusieron complejo B en la nalga
  2. persona agradable y atractiva para los demás
  3. Lokura de los locos
  4. Transformación de ciertos animales
  5. organismo invasor que se aprovecha de otro organismo
  6. Windows defender
  7. Mi compañero el que rapea
  8. Jack si cabía en la tabla
  9. En lo que está dividida la temporada de una serie
  10. Se embarazó y no quedó de otra
  11. Tengo doble regalo de cumpleaños
  12. Personaje que está en contra de las ideas del protagonista

20 Clues: Windows defenderLokura de los locosCura ante un venenoEl enemigo de la fimosisMi compañero el que rapeaJack si cabía en la tablaSensación de ser perseguidoCosa que no hay en ColombiaSe embarazó y no quedó de otraTengo doble regalo de cumpleañosMe pusieron complejo B en la nalgaTransformación de ciertos animalesLo que le dan a mi papá por tenerme...

Fundamentals of nutrition 2023-11-01

Fundamentals of nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Food energy is measured in
  2. workhorses of life
  3. Study of food
  4. amino acids obtained from diet
  5. These nutrients can be processed metabolically
  6. It is fiber
  7. Carbohydrates stored in human body
  8. protein present in bone tissue
  9. protein having 51 amino acid
  10. No. of essential minerals
  11. It is energy yielding nutrient
  1. Low biological value protein
  2. type of simple carbohydrate
  3. Substances which provide nourishment
  4. bonds joining amino acids
  5. components of enzymes
  6. It is macronutrient as well as inorganic
  7. food containing dietary fiber
  8. Composition of proteins: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, ___
  9. Carbohydrates stored in plants
  10. food containing protein
  11. Type of diabetes caused in pregnant woman
  12. test, biochemical test for assessment
  13. protein with function of transportation
  14. refers to the uses of nutrients in the body
  15. Nutrients that are said to be alive

26 Clues: It is fiberStudy of foodworkhorses of lifecomponents of enzymesfood containing proteinbonds joining amino acidsNo. of essential mineralsFood energy is measured intype of simple carbohydrateLow biological value proteinprotein having 51 amino acidfood containing dietary fiberCarbohydrates stored in plantsamino acids obtained from diet...


SISTEM EKSKRESI crossword puzzle
  1. Jenis diabetes karena adanya glukosa dalam urin.
  2. Kemampuan ginjal untuk mengatur kadar air dalam tubuh.
  3. Fungsi badan Malpighi.
  4. Endapan ... oksalat dapat menyebabkan nefrolitiasis/batu ginjal.
  5. Sel-sel penyusun hati disebut ... .
  6. Darah dalam urin.
  7. Hormon yang dihasilkan oleh ginjal.
  8. Senyawa beracun hasil pemecahan eritrosit.
  9. Protein penyebab albuminuria.
  10. Senyawa yang mengubah glukosa menjadi energi.
  11. Substansi yang dihasilkan kulit untuk ekskresi.
  1. Tubulus penghasil urin sekunder.
  2. Volume urin melebihi kadar normal.
  3. Menghasilkan urin primer.
  4. Pengerasan hati/hepar.
  5. Saluran dimana lokasi ADH bekerja di ginjal.
  6. Salah satu dari tiga bagian utama ginjal.
  7. Unit fungsional ginjal.
  8. Teknik cuci darah.
  9. Tubulus pengumpul.
  10. Proses yang terjadi di tubulus distal.
  11. Ginjal kiri lebih ... daripada ginjal kanan.
  12. Kadar ADH ketika kadar air di darah tinggi.
  13. Bahan untuk melakukan uji kandungan protein.
  14. Acne vulgaris.

25 Clues: Acne vulgaris.Darah dalam urin.Teknik cuci darah.Tubulus pengumpul.Pengerasan hati/hepar.Fungsi badan Malpighi.Unit fungsional ginjal.Menghasilkan urin primer.Protein penyebab albuminuria.Tubulus penghasil urin sekunder.Volume urin melebihi kadar normal.Sel-sel penyusun hati disebut ... .Hormon yang dihasilkan oleh ginjal....

drug abuse 2024-06-03

drug abuse crossword puzzle
  1. shrooms are a type of this drug
  2. if taken by adolescents their growth will be stunned
  3. causes Relaxation and sleepiness
  4. type of stimulates produced in a lab
  5. a type of opiate starting with H
  6. relieves pain
  7. kills bacteria to help cure infections
  8. roofies
  1. also known as mister blue
  2. also known as black or dream stick
  3. the drugs found in vapes and cigarettes
  4. prevents infections in people exposed to the infectious agent
  5. Causes sleepiness
  6. comes from a coca plant
  7. is an ingredient in a cough syrup
  8. some effects are brain damage, loss of weight, and Erratic Behavior
  9. also know as special K some effects include numbness and hallucinations
  10. neutralizes stomach for relief from heartburn
  11. also known as angel dust
  12. lowers blood glucose levels to help treat diabetes

20 Clues: roofiesrelieves painCauses sleepinesscomes from a coca plantalso known as angel dustalso known as mister blueshrooms are a type of this drugcauses Relaxation and sleepinessa type of opiate starting with His an ingredient in a cough syrupalso known as black or dream sticktype of stimulates produced in a labkills bacteria to help cure infections...


SISTEM EKSKRESI crossword puzzle
  1. zat sisa hasil pemecahan hemoglobin yang terdapat pada sel darah merah
  2. bagian tengah ginjal
  3. sistem yang berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan zat sisa metabolisme
  4. bagian ginjal yang berfungsi untuk penyaringan
  5. salah satu kelenjar terbesar yang terletak di dalam rongga perut
  6. salah satu tahapan pembentukan urine
  7. pembuluh darah,kelenjar keringat terdapat pada kulit bagian
  8. lapisan kulit yang tidak terdapat pembuluh darah
  9. saluran tempat pengeluaran urine
  10. tempat pertukaran gas
  11. salah satu zat yang masih diperlukan pada tahap penyerapan
  12. hasil pengeluaran dari paru-paru
  13. penyakit karena kekurangan hormon ADH
  1. tahapan reabsorpsi terjadi di bagian
  2. lapisan kulit yang merupakan kumpulan jaringan ikat berfungsi melekatkan kulit pada otot
  3. salah satu lapisan kulit
  4. bau pada urin dihasilkan oleh
  5. salah satu organ ekskresi
  6. penyakit yang ditandai dengan adanya sel darah merah
  7. urine primer merupakan hasil sari tahapan
  8. bagian luar ginjal
  9. hati mengalami pemecahan protein menjadi
  10. organ yang berfungsi menyaring zat sisa dalam darah
  11. salah satu yang terkandung dari hasil urine primer

24 Clues: bagian luar ginjalbagian tengah ginjaltempat pertukaran gassalah satu lapisan kulitsalah satu organ ekskresibau pada urin dihasilkan olehsaluran tempat pengeluaran urinehasil pengeluaran dari paru-parutahapan reabsorpsi terjadi di bagiansalah satu tahapan pembentukan urinepenyakit karena kekurangan hormon ADHhati mengalami pemecahan protein menjadi...

My Plate/Nutrition 2020-10-07

My Plate/Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. cant process sugar
  2. butter
  1. substance
  2. beans,lettuce
  3. problem

5 Clues: butterproblemsubstancebeans,lettucecant process sugar

Urinalysis 2014-09-22

Urinalysis crossword puzzle
  1. only element found to indicate kidney function
  2. white blood cells in the urine
  3. presence suggest bacteria
  4. machine used for the sediment procedure
  5. elevated level may indicate liver failure
  6. examples are turbid or clear
  7. measurement that indicates density of urine
  8. measures concentration of various urine components by color reactions
  9. orange to orange-yellow urine
  10. tool used to measure specific gravity
  11. form of non sterile collection
  12. can help detect renal disease
  13. alkaline or acidic
  14. crystals found in the urine with a low pH
  1. form of sterile collection
  2. can help detect diabetes
  3. product found when body breaks down fat
  4. form of sterile collection
  5. crystals found in urine with a high pH
  6. yellow urine
  7. made when bacteria in the intestines convert bilirubin
  8. red urine
  9. red blood cells in the urine

23 Clues: red urineyellow urinealkaline or acidiccan help detect diabetespresence suggest bacteriaform of sterile collectionform of sterile collectionexamples are turbid or clearred blood cells in the urineorange to orange-yellow urinecan help detect renal diseasewhite blood cells in the urineform of non sterile collection...