dream smp Crossword Puzzles

Anniversary Crossword 2023-09-18

Anniversary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. First time you bought me flowers?
  2. First movie we watched in the cinema?
  3. Your favourite movie?
  4. Favourite dessert?
  5. The month we started talking?
  6. The necklace you gave me had your?
  7. Your favourite type of video games?
  8. Favourite coke?
  9. Your nickname for me?
  10. First song recommended?
  11. The month we started dating?
  12. Your middle name?
  13. My favourite ice cream?
  14. Your dream vehicle?
  15. Name for our son?
  16. My first nickname for you?
  1. Our first date location?
  2. Name for our daughter?
  3. The age we started talking?
  4. My dream vehicle?
  5. Your favourite football player?
  6. Festival we want to visit?
  7. Your favourite football team?
  8. Favourite animal?
  9. Favourite f1 team?
  10. Your favourite ice cream?
  11. First thing i baked for you?
  12. My middle name?
  13. Our favourite food?
  14. How we started talking?

30 Clues: Favourite coke?My middle name?My dream vehicle?Favourite animal?Your middle name?Name for our son?Favourite dessert?Favourite f1 team?Our favourite food?Your dream vehicle?Your favourite movie?Your nickname for me?Name for our daughter?First song recommended?How we started talking?My favourite ice cream?Our first date location?...

The Prophet Daniel 2023-11-01

The Prophet Daniel crossword puzzle
  1. A proclaimer of the will of God
  2. Daniel's religion
  3. The second Neo-Babylonian emperor
  4. What Cyrus allowed to be rebuilt
  5. Was sent by God to protect Daniel from the lions
  6. Who Daniel attributed his rescue to
  7. Who would be slain by Nebuchadnezzar's decree
  8. What the word mene means
  9. What was interpreted for Nebuchadnezzar
  10. What Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar to distribute
  1. Conquered Babylon
  2. The number of years that Nebuchadnezzar would be struck with insanity according to his second dream
  3. How many of Daniels friends were relocated with him
  4. The primary source of Jewish religious law
  5. The last king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire
  6. Where Daniel was sent to face his punishment
  7. An ancient city in West Asia
  8. An endowed gift given to Daniel
  9. Ancient city located on the lower Euphrates River
  10. Persian king that ended Jewish captivity in Babylon

20 Clues: Conquered BabylonDaniel's religionWhat the word mene meansAn ancient city in West AsiaA proclaimer of the will of GodAn endowed gift given to DanielWhat Cyrus allowed to be rebuiltThe second Neo-Babylonian emperorWho Daniel attributed his rescue toWhat was interpreted for NebuchadnezzarThe primary source of Jewish religious law...

Danielle 7th Anniversary 2024-08-27

Danielle 7th Anniversary crossword puzzle
  1. Band of bands
  2. Lobsters actually don’t partner for life, but these are better
  3. month of Chicago 2nd time
  4. The Gård of our 3rd time
  5. french dinner place for tonight
  6. Rs nr 2 ring
  7. Island-part starting this date
  8. Our plan, and restaurant
  9. The whole island that is also a pizza name
  10. Not agreeing 7th metal
  11. Best kind of 7th fabric
  12. ♾️
  13. Danielle is Richard’s __
  14. Short for our month
  1. __mate
  2. Richard’s favorite
  3. Instrument AND metal
  4. Good idea for cozy aid in Sweden weather
  5. Flight destination of Atlantic dream (one word)
  6. Swedish forever
  7. Ocean color of my love
  8. Part of favorite island and Demi-god
  9. Magical 4-wheeler destination
  10. closer by restaurant than one might think
  11. Portuguese dream island
  12. best ice cream flavor abroad
  13. How many years now?

27 Clues: ♾️__mateRs nr 2 ringBand of bandsSwedish foreverRichard’s favoriteHow many years now?Short for our monthInstrument AND metalOcean color of my loveNot agreeing 7th metalPortuguese dream islandBest kind of 7th fabricThe Gård of our 3rd timeOur plan, and restaurantDanielle is Richard’s __month of Chicago 2nd timebest ice cream flavor abroad...

Sip and solve 2024-05-03

Sip and solve crossword puzzle
  1. The grooms favourite colour
  2. The brides dream job as a teenager
  3. The brides favourite colour
  4. The grooms favourite food
  5. "L is for the way you ____ at me
  6. First road trip together
  7. The grooms first car
  8. Hospital the bride was born in
  9. Brides favourite food
  10. Favourite activity together?
  11. what was the first DIY project the couple worked on together
  12. The grooms dream job as a child
  13. Where did the proposal take place
  14. what high school did the couple go to
  1. how long the couple has been together
  2. Tea The grooms favourite cocktail
  3. what the groom does for work
  4. Birthplace of the father of the groom
  5. The brides favourite hobby
  6. What shape is the engagement ring
  7. Hospital the groom was born in
  8. who said I love you first?
  9. The month that the groom proposed
  10. Who made the first move?
  11. Name of the couples pet

25 Clues: The grooms first carBrides favourite foodName of the couples petFirst road trip togetherWho made the first move?The grooms favourite foodThe brides favourite hobbywho said I love you first?The grooms favourite colourThe brides favourite colourwhat the groom does for workFavourite activity together?Hospital the groom was born in...

Jetzt ist Sommer 2014-09-21

Jetzt ist Sommer crossword puzzle
  1. dream woman
  2. freezing
  3. summer
  4. sunglasses
  5. winter
  6. laugh
  7. Alright
  1. head
  2. happen
  3. rubber boat
  4. bath tub
  5. upset
  6. sun lotion

13 Clues: headupsetlaughhappensummerwinterAlrightfreezingbath tubsun lotionsunglassesdream womanrubber boat

La princesse et la grenouille/mardi gras 2024-02-25

La princesse et la grenouille/mardi gras crossword puzzle
  1. float
  2. spirit
  3. hard-working
  4. parade
  5. power
  6. a dream
  7. a wish
  1. costume
  2. lent
  3. lazy
  4. Fat Tuesday
  5. faith
  6. mask

13 Clues: lentlazymaskfloatpowerfaithspiritparadea wishcostumea dreamFat Tuesdayhard-working

TTS Natal SMP Kristen Imanuel 2020-12-10

TTS Natal SMP Kristen Imanuel crossword puzzle
  1. nama murid yang paling di kasihi Tuhan Yesus
  2. Bibi Maria Ibu Yesus
  3. Kota Yesus dibesarkan
  4. Tempat membaringkan Yesus.
  5. Malaikat yang memberitahu kelahiran Yesus kepada Maria oleh Allah.
  6. Kota kelahiran Yesus
  7. Kaisar yang memerintah pada saat Yesus lahir.
  8. Ahli bintang-bintang pada zaman Yesus.
  1. Pengrajin yang pertama tahu tentang kelahiran Yesus Kristus
  2. Nama sungai saat Tuhan Yesus dibabtis
  3. Raja jahat yang memerintah negara tempat Kristus dilahirkan
  4. Arti Efrata
  5. Allah menyertai kita.
  6. arti Mesias
  7. Kota Mujizat air menjadi anggur

15 Clues: Arti Efrataarti MesiasBibi Maria Ibu YesusKota kelahiran YesusAllah menyertai kita.Kota Yesus dibesarkanTempat membaringkan Yesus.Kota Mujizat air menjadi anggurNama sungai saat Tuhan Yesus dibabtisAhli bintang-bintang pada zaman Yesus.nama murid yang paling di kasihi Tuhan YesusKaisar yang memerintah pada saat Yesus lahir....

Teka-teki Silang Biologi SMP 2023-01-25

Teka-teki Silang Biologi SMP crossword puzzle
  1. alat pernafasan insekta
  2. golongan organisme uniseluler seperti bakteri
  3. sel tubuh
  4. mamalia yang bertelur
  5. tempat terjadinya filtrasi pada ginjal
  6. gerakan tumbuhan karena ransangan cahaya yang tidak dipengaruhi arah ransangan
  7. rabun jauh atau mata minus
  8. darah sukar membeku
  1. kelainan pada lengkungan tulang belakang yang membuat punggung bagian atas terlihat membungkuk
  2. sebutan untuk pengurai pada rantai makanan
  3. jamur untuk pembuatan antibiotik
  4. ilmu yang mempelajari tentang sel
  5. jaringan tumbuhan yang terdapat pada daun
  6. jenis sendi yang terdapat pangkal tulang ibu jari
  7. keping darah

15 Clues: sel tubuhkeping darahdarah sukar membekumamalia yang berteluralat pernafasan insektarabun jauh atau mata minusjamur untuk pembuatan antibiotikilmu yang mempelajari tentang seltempat terjadinya filtrasi pada ginjaljaringan tumbuhan yang terdapat pada daunsebutan untuk pengurai pada rantai makanangolongan organisme uniseluler seperti bakteri...

Hari raya agama Buddha SMP 2023-11-21

Hari raya agama Buddha SMP crossword puzzle
  1. tempat Buddha parinibbana
  2. Budaya yang menempatkan wanita lebih rendah dari kaum pria
  3. Ruangan yang digunakan oleh para bhikkhu untuk membuat suatu pernyataan bahwa mereka akan melaksanakan masa vassa adalah
  4. dalam Majjhima Patipada Samma vayama, samma sati dan samma samadhi termasuk dalam kelompok....
  5. seorang wanita penyokong Buddha
  6. Sutta yang menjelaskaan tentang lima kekuatan wanita yang menjadikan wanita idaman
  7. Gelar untuk para bhikkhu yang telah melaksanakan masa vassa selama 10 kali sampai 19 kali
  8. Hari raya yang merupakan hari bakti umat bUddha kepada sangha adalah....
  1. Tempat Buddha mengajarkan dharma pertama kali
  2. jumlah murid pertama BUddha
  3. Isi yang pertama dari Cattari Ariya Saccani
  4. Dalam sutta apakah ketika Buddha menjelaskan apabila seseorang yang telah menembus 4 kesunyataan mulia meskipun belum sempurna maka ia mencapaitingkat kesucian sotapana
  5. gelar untuk para bhikkhu yang telah melaksanakan masa vassa selama 20 kali
  6. pemimpin sangha bhikkhuni yang memiliki 500 pengikut
  7. Terbentuknya sangha diperingati sebagai hari raya....

15 Clues: tempat Buddha parinibbanajumlah murid pertama BUddhaseorang wanita penyokong BuddhaIsi yang pertama dari Cattari Ariya SaccaniTempat Buddha mengajarkan dharma pertama kalipemimpin sangha bhikkhuni yang memiliki 500 pengikutTerbentuknya sangha diperingati sebagai hari raya....Budaya yang menempatkan wanita lebih rendah dari kaum pria...

TTS IPA KELAS 07 SMP 2024-03-14

TTS IPA KELAS 07 SMP crossword puzzle
  1. Hubungan timbal balik antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungan
  2. Upaya pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati, baik berupa flora maupun fauna yang dilakukan di habitat asli spesies tersebut
  3. Komponen biotik yang dalam ekosistem berperan sebagai penghasil makanan
  4. MAKANAN Peristiwa makan dan dimakan yang membentuk rangkaian lurus yang tidak bercabang-cabang
  5. Kegiatan manusia yang dapat memperlambat kepunahan organisme
  6. Organisme yang dapat membuat makanannya sendiri dan mengambil zat-zat dari lingkungan melalui proses fotosintesis
  7. SImbiosis antara dua individu berbeda jenis, dimana pihak satu mendapat keuntungan dan pihak lain tidak untung ataupun rugi
  8. makhluk hidup tunggal contoh: seekor sapi
  1. Kumpulan individu sejenis yang menempati wilayah tertentu
  2. Komponen biotik yang dalam ekosistem berperan sebagai pengurai zat organic yang terdapat dalam tubuh komponen biotik lainnya
  3. Kumpulan populasi –populasi yang berbeda dan hidup bersama di suatu
  4. Komponen tak hidup / benda mati
  5. Komponen makhluk hidup yang terdapat di dalam ekosistem
  6. Simbiosis antara dua individu yang berbeda jenis, dimana pihak satu mendapat keuntungan dan pihak lain dirugikan
  7. seperti penangkaran dan kebun binatang merupakan contoh dari konservasi…

15 Clues: Komponen tak hidup / benda matimakhluk hidup tunggal contoh: seekor sapiKomponen makhluk hidup yang terdapat di dalam ekosistemKumpulan individu sejenis yang menempati wilayah tertentuHubungan timbal balik antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkunganKegiatan manusia yang dapat memperlambat kepunahan organisme...

Are video Games Dangerous? yael 2022-03-13

Are video Games Dangerous? yael crossword puzzle
  1. Friends are ________ of time.
  2. Don't __________ like you're better than I am
  3. You've got a good __________.
  4. The criminals conspired to _________ a bank.
  5. He discovered that his car had been _________.
  6. Real dream is the other shore of _________.
  1. How will these changes ____________us?
  2. I just want to sit down and _________
  3. I had a _________ dream last night.
  4. Police records attest to his long history of _________.
  5. Whoever _______________ should go to jail.
  6. I _______ my car to James for £800.

12 Clues: Friends are ________ of time.You've got a good __________.I had a _________ dream last night.I _______ my car to James for £800.I just want to sit down and _________How will these changes ____________us?Whoever _______________ should go to jail.Real dream is the other shore of _________.The criminals conspired to _________ a bank....

Disney Princess 2021-11-22

Disney Princess crossword puzzle
  1. "How far I'll go
  2. "A whole new world."
  3. "Why is my reflection someone I don't know."
  4. "When will my life begin."
  5. "I'm almost there."
  6. "True that he's no prince charming."
  1. "A dream is a wish your heart makes."
  2. "Colors of the wind."
  3. "I wanna be where the people are"
  4. "I'm wishing for the one I love"
  5. "I know you I've walked with you once upon a dream."
  6. "Love is an open door."

12 Clues: "How far I'll go"I'm almost there.""A whole new world.""Colors of the wind.""Love is an open door.""When will my life begin.""I'm wishing for the one I love""I wanna be where the people are""True that he's no prince charming.""A dream is a wish your heart makes.""Why is my reflection someone I don't know."...

tts alat penjernih air 2024-04-02

tts alat penjernih air crossword puzzle
  1. 2+1
  2. sklh menengah pertama
  1. tidak rajin

3 Clues: 2+1tidak rajinsklh menengah pertama

Zema 2022 study guide mice and men 2022-09-07

Zema 2022 study guide mice and men crossword puzzle
  1. lennie crushed whos hand
  2. who has a mental disorder
  3. where did George and lennie travel from
  4. what animal did slim give lennie
  5. what article of clothing did lennie grab of the girls
  6. whos dog got shot because it was old
  7. who killed curleys wife
  8. what did they want to buy with there money
  9. who wrote from mice and men
  10. what is lennies american dream
  11. when did the story take place
  1. what does lennie keep dead in his pocket to pet
  2. what is candy willing to contribute for them farm
  3. what are lennie and George
  4. what was lennies aunts name
  5. what state was the farm in
  6. what pov was this story made in
  7. where did goerge tell lennie to hide in
  8. who wanted to join candy,lennie, and georges dream
  9. who drowned the pups

20 Clues: who drowned the pupswho killed curleys wifelennie crushed whos handwho has a mental disorderwhat are lennie and Georgewhat state was the farm inwhat was lennies aunts namewho wrote from mice and menwhen did the story take placewhat is lennies american dreamwhat pov was this story made inwhat animal did slim give lennie...

Bible assignment 3 2022-11-02

Bible assignment 3 crossword puzzle
  1. the legs were made out of
  2. the first stone talks about what
  3. the chest represented the
  4. the main point talked about in the video
  5. where was the first talking stone mentioned in the video found
  6. Has 40 authors and 66 books
  7. the chest was made out of
  8. the head of the statue was made out of
  9. the man who wanted his dream to be interpreted
  1. the second stone mentions who
  2. the head of the statue represented
  3. the one who interpreted the kings dream
  4. the third stone is found here
  5. the second stone was found here
  6. the legs represented
  7. who does the third stone mention
  8. the thighs represented
  9. the thighs were made out of
  10. near the end of the video what book of the bible has the most prophecy

19 Clues: the legs representedthe thighs representedthe legs were made out ofthe chest represented thethe chest was made out ofHas 40 authors and 66 booksthe thighs were made out ofthe second stone mentions whothe third stone is found herethe second stone was found herethe first stone talks about whatwho does the third stone mention...

Lesson 18 - Gen 28 crossword 2021-02-02

Lesson 18 - Gen 28 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Jacob's dream
  2. God's attribute - God gives it to us generously
  3. Jacob named this place after his encountered God
  4. Married his third wife from Ishmael
  5. God's promise to Jacob of a large family
  6. Brother of Rebekah
  1. Jacob poured this over the stone he slept on
  2. In who's line will the promise of Messiah come from
  3. God's kindness poured out on the undeserving
  4. He is our stairway to heaven
  5. Another word for promise
  6. They were going up and down in Jacob's dream
  7. Jacob's feeling when he was on his journey
  8. Jacob used this as a pillow

14 Clues: Jacob's dreamBrother of RebekahAnother word for promiseJacob used this as a pillowHe is our stairway to heavenMarried his third wife from IshmaelGod's promise to Jacob of a large familyJacob's feeling when he was on his journeyJacob poured this over the stone he slept onGod's kindness poured out on the undeserving...

Tangled Crossword 2023-12-11

Tangled Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is the second man's dream?
  2. Who knows best?
  3. Who comes into the pub at the end?
  4. What is the dream of the man with the hook?
  5. What is the name of the pub?
  6. What is the name of Rapunzel's lizard?
  7. Who does Mother Gothel see in the woods?
  1. What do the men sing about in the pub?
  2. What does Gunther do?
  3. What does Rapunzel want to see on her birthday?
  4. What animal follows Flynn?
  5. What does Vladimir collect?
  6. What does Flynn want?
  7. What was wrong with Flynn's picture on the wanted poster?

14 Clues: Who knows best?What does Gunther do?What does Flynn want?What animal follows Flynn?What does Vladimir collect?What is the name of the pub?What is the second man's dream?Who comes into the pub at the end?What do the men sing about in the pub?What is the name of Rapunzel's lizard?Who does Mother Gothel see in the woods?...

the BFG - Syanne temple 2016-10-12

the BFG - Syanne temple crossword puzzle
  1. where the queen helped the nice giant and the little girl
  2. what the little girl was
  3. a delicious fizzy drink that has bubbles in the bottem instead of the to
  4. what the nice giant wanted
  5. what the nice giant ate
  6. the nastiest giant of all
  7. the little girls name
  1. the place where Sophie lived
  2. the women who ran the place where the little girl lived
  3. the nice giants name
  4. the most rotten dream ever
  5. what comes after drinking the fizzy drink
  6. the most wonderful golden dream ever
  7. the country the little girl lived in

14 Clues: the nice giants namethe little girls namewhat the nice giant atewhat the little girl wasthe nastiest giant of allthe most rotten dream everwhat the nice giant wantedthe place where Sophie livedthe most wonderful golden dream everthe country the little girl lived inwhat comes after drinking the fizzy drink...

the BFG - Syanne temple 2016-10-12

the BFG - Syanne temple crossword puzzle
  1. the nice giants name
  2. the little girls name
  3. the nastiest giant of all
  4. the women who ran the place where the little girl lived
  5. what the nice giant ate
  6. what the nice giant wanted
  1. what comes after drinking the fizzy drink
  2. the most rotten dream ever
  3. a delicious fizzy drink that has bubbles in the bottom instead of the top
  4. what the little girl was
  5. the most wonderful golden dream ever
  6. the place where Sophie lived
  7. the country the little girl lived in
  8. where the queen helped the nice giant and the little girl

14 Clues: the nice giants namethe little girls namewhat the nice giant atewhat the little girl wasthe nastiest giant of allthe most rotten dream everwhat the nice giant wantedthe place where Sophie livedthe most wonderful golden dream everthe country the little girl lived inwhat comes after drinking the fizzy drink...

Zema 2022 study guide mice and men 2022-09-07

Zema 2022 study guide mice and men crossword puzzle
  1. lennie crushed whos hand
  2. who has a mental disorder
  3. where did George and lennie travel from
  4. what animal did slim give lennie
  5. what article of clothing did lennie grab of the girls
  6. whos dog got shot because it was old
  7. who killed curleys wife
  8. what did they want to buy with there money
  9. who wrote from mice and men
  10. what is lennies american dream
  11. when did the story take place
  1. what does lennie keep dead in his pocket to pet
  2. what is candy willing to contribute for them farm
  3. what are lennie and George
  4. what was lennies aunts name
  5. what state was the farm in
  6. what pov was this story made in
  7. where did goerge tell lennie to hide in
  8. who wanted to join candy,lennie, and georges dream
  9. who drowned the pups

20 Clues: who drowned the pupswho killed curleys wifelennie crushed whos handwho has a mental disorderwhat are lennie and Georgewhat state was the farm inwhat was lennies aunts namewho wrote from mice and menwhen did the story take placewhat is lennies american dreamwhat pov was this story made inwhat animal did slim give lennie...

คำที่ 49-60 2020-05-03

คำที่ 49-60 crossword puzzle
  1. ห้องอาหาร
  2. ความฝัน
  3. ผู้กำกับ, ผู้อำนวยการ
  4. อาหาร
  5. ใจกลางเมือง
  6. แต่งตัว
  1. นกพิราบ
  2. ต่างกัน
  3. ชั้นล่าง
  4. อร่อย
  5. บทสนทนา
  6. ไดโนเสาร์

12 Clues: อร่อยอาหารนกพิราบต่างกันความฝันบทสนทนาแต่งตัวชั้นล่างห้องอาหารไดโนเสาร์ใจกลางเมืองผู้กำกับ, ผู้อำนวยการ

Your name (vocabulary) 2022-05-10

Your name (vocabulary) crossword puzzle
  1. inhale and exhale
  2. mirror
  3. flowers
  4. sad and upset
  5. nasty
  6. touching
  1. act
  2. past action
  3. sleep and imagine
  4. food
  5. show and reveal
  6. speech
  7. alarm
  8. song
  9. location

15 Clues: actfoodsongalarmnastymirrorspeechflowerstouchinglocationpast actionsad and upsetshow and revealinhale and exhalesleep and imagine

keepsake-chelynn 2023-12-20

keepsake-chelynn crossword puzzle
  1. your dream place with me
  2. somewhere spontaneous
  3. you made this after you met me! (something i can bring in my phone)
  4. something bloomed last anniversary
  5. my dream place with you
  6. one of the most memorable dates in our first year together
  1. valentine’s 2022
  2. your mom’s favorite // first anniversary
  3. what I made last valentine’s
  4. the cutest thing ever
  5. wherever we go what glitters is gold, you’ll be my _____ until we grow old
  6. something you like after you met me
  7. on your first birthday with me, i called you my

13 Clues: valentine’s 2022the cutest thing eversomewhere spontaneousmy dream place with youyour dream place with mewhat I made last valentine’ssomething bloomed last anniversarysomething you like after you met meyour mom’s favorite // first anniversaryon your first birthday with me, i called you myone of the most memorable dates in our first year together...

A Midsummer Night's Dream 2022-03-07

A Midsummer Night's Dream crossword puzzle
  1. distorting of the truth
  2. to apply, often of an oil or juice
  3. a wild celebration
  4. sweet, pleasing to the senses
  5. children, or outcome
  6. to beg
  1. the face or appearance of someone
  2. being of low value, also of short height
  3. to express sympathy
  4. having a notable odor or smell, often a good one
  5. peace, harmony
  6. to state, or to explain in careful detail
  7. having to do with a wedding
  8. to attract, to lure
  9. friendship, goodwill
  10. a violent storm
  11. A proclamation, decree

17 Clues: to begpeace, harmonya violent storma wild celebrationto express sympathyto attract, to lurefriendship, goodwillchildren, or outcomeA proclamation, decreedistorting of the truthhaving to do with a weddingsweet, pleasing to the sensesthe face or appearance of someoneto apply, often of an oil or juicebeing of low value, also of short height...

Crossword for Lori 2017-02-16

Crossword for Lori crossword puzzle
  1. Zed's favourite Big Bang Theory character
  2. The name of Zed's favourite Friends character
  3. Zed's favourite author
  4. Zed's favourite body part of yours
  5. Zed's favourite colour
  6. Zed's childhood favourite TV show
  7. Zed's favourite drink
  8. Zed's all-time favourite band
  9. Zed's favourite Avenger
  10. Another animal Zed wants
  11. A place Zed has always wanted to go
  12. One of Zed's allergy
  13. Zed's favourite food
  14. Zed's favourite Golden Girls character
  1. Zed's favourite Playstation game
  2. Zed's favourite sport
  3. Zed's favourite comedian/actress
  4. Zed's childhood dream career
  5. The name of Zed's pop
  6. Zed's dream car
  7. Another nickname Zed calls you
  8. Zed's childhood favourite movie series
  9. A nickname Zed calls you
  10. Zed's favourite comedian/actor
  11. Pokemon vs Digimon
  12. Zed's favourite teacher at the Gordon
  13. Zed's first word
  14. Zed's most hated Friends character
  15. An animal Zed wants

29 Clues: Zed's dream carZed's first wordPokemon vs DigimonAn animal Zed wantsOne of Zed's allergyZed's favourite foodZed's favourite sportThe name of Zed's popZed's favourite drinkZed's favourite authorZed's favourite colourZed's favourite AvengerA nickname Zed calls youAnother animal Zed wantsZed's childhood dream careerZed's all-time favourite band...

parallel4 2018-05-13

parallel4 crossword puzzle
  1. the musical instrument that Matías plays
  2. Francisco's homwtown
  3. He comes from Iquique
  4. Irene has one as a pet
  5. Cristobal's presentation was about it
  6. Gabriel has read his books
  7. Where Diego V. was born
  8. Gabriel's favourite sport
  9. Paula's pet's name
  10. Valentina is one
  11. Vincent's favourite sport
  12. Arlette's dpg's name
  13. Ignacio has participated in a contest of that
  14. where Gloria went in summer
  1. Where Sofía spent her holidays
  2. Sebastian's O. pet's name
  3. He is allergic to cats
  4. Jose's topic
  5. one of Sebastian's dream is to have one
  6. her parents chose her
  7. Gloria's part time summer job
  8. Luis' favourite sport
  9. Hugo's dream city
  10. He supports Manchester United
  11. Jorge comes from there
  12. The next event Valentina is going to attend
  13. Albert talked about it
  14. Natalia has one as a pet
  15. The language they speak in the Netherlands

29 Clues: Jose's topicValentina is oneHugo's dream cityPaula's pet's nameFrancisco's homwtownArlette's dpg's nameHe comes from Iquiqueher parents chose herLuis' favourite sportHe is allergic to catsIrene has one as a petJorge comes from thereAlbert talked about itWhere Diego V. was bornNatalia has one as a petSebastian's O. pet's name...

Genesis 31 2021-04-22

Genesis 31 crossword puzzle
  1. years Jacob served for Laban's daughters
  2. years Jacob served for the cattle
  3. It took Laban _ days to overtake Jacob.
  4. This consumed Jacob in the day
  5. They ate _ at Jacob's sacrifice.
  6. Laban changed Jacob's wages _ times
  7. sheep and goats are ____.
  8. Jacob called stone heap that witnessed their covenant __.
  9. The LORD watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.
  10. Laban _ his sons and daughters at Mizpah.
  11. Rachel stole these from her father.
  1. Laban overtook Jacob in mount __.
  2. Rachel hid the images in the camel's ___.
  3. Laban's _____ was not toward Jacob as before.
  4. This consumed Jacob in the night.
  5. years Jacob served Laban
  6. God is the God of _ in Jacob's dream.
  7. God told Laban not to speak good or _ to Jacob.
  8. Jacob sware by the ____ of his father Isaac.
  9. The day Laban found that Jacob was gone
  10. The LORD spoke to Jacob and Laban in a ___.

21 Clues: years Jacob served Labansheep and goats are ____.This consumed Jacob in the dayThey ate _ at Jacob's sacrifice.Laban overtook Jacob in mount __.years Jacob served for the cattleThis consumed Jacob in the night.Laban changed Jacob's wages _ timesRachel stole these from her father.God is the God of _ in Jacob's dream....

Genesis 31 kids 2021-04-22

Genesis 31 kids crossword puzzle
  1. years Jacob served for Laban's daughters
  2. years Jacob served for the cattle
  3. It took Laban _ days to overtake Jacob.
  4. This consumed Jacob in the day
  5. They ate _ at Jacob's sacrifice.
  6. Laban changed Jacob's wages _ times
  7. sheep and goats are ____.
  8. Jacob called stone heap that witnessed their covenant __.
  9. The LORD watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.
  10. Laban _ his sons and daughters at Mizpah.
  11. Rachel stole these from her father.
  1. Laban overtook Jacob in mount __.
  2. Rachel hid the images in the camel's ___.
  3. Laban's _____ was not toward Jacob as before.
  4. This consumed Jacob in the night.
  5. years Jacob served Laban
  6. God is the God of _ in Jacob's dream.
  7. God told Laban not to speak good or _ to Jacob.
  8. Jacob sware by the ____ of his father Isaac.
  9. The day Laban found that Jacob was gone
  10. The LORD spoke to Jacob and Laban in a ___.

21 Clues: years Jacob served Labansheep and goats are ____.This consumed Jacob in the dayThey ate _ at Jacob's sacrifice.Laban overtook Jacob in mount __.years Jacob served for the cattleThis consumed Jacob in the night.Laban changed Jacob's wages _ timesRachel stole these from her father.God is the God of _ in Jacob's dream....

JJ Sunday Crossword: Amen 2021-03-28

JJ Sunday Crossword: Amen crossword puzzle
  1. _____ than a man deserves to taste
  2. Mercy, mercy I laid _____ and prayed
  3. Last _____ I had a dream
  4. At the banquet _____
  5. A _____ at a feast
  6. Unfolding like a _____
  7. Inside of her like _____
  8. Her _____ under my fingertips
  9. She don't _____ the door
  10. Windows up, the _____ blowing
  11. And I forgot to _____
  12. A thousand _____ running through my veins
  1. The honeysuckle on her _____
  2. If I don't _____ her again
  3. I _____ through the stars
  4. She'll be _____ me forever
  5. Burned like a thousand _____ in her arms
  6. I laid _____ in her garden
  7. We poured the _____ until our cup ran over
  8. It was like we'd _____ been
  9. The dream I had was _____
  10. Last night we were _____ together
  11. Went walking on the _____
  12. I felt her _____ between my lips
  13. _____ on her floor
  14. Mercy, mercy what _____ can I say
  15. We stayed _____ 'til the candles burned the carpet

27 Clues: A _____ at a feast_____ on her floorAt the banquet _____And I forgot to _____Unfolding like a _____Last _____ I had a dreamInside of her like _____She don't _____ the doorI _____ through the starsThe dream I had was _____Went walking on the _____If I don't _____ her againShe'll be _____ me foreverI laid _____ in her garden...

If you are unable to fill the crossword you did not watch the movie in lessons 2022-03-03

If you are unable to fill the crossword you did not watch the movie in lessons crossword puzzle
  1. Where is the book set ?
  2. What kind of dog did Candy have ?
  3. Who cared for Lennie before George ?
  4. What does Curley's wife let Lennie touch ?
  5. What physical characteristic is unique about Candy?
  6. Owner of the newborn puppies
  7. Name of a black charcter in the movie ?
  8. Lennie gets killed by ?
  9. The story occurs during ?...
  10. Who directed the movie of Mice and Men (1992)?
  1. Specific literary device
  2. First animal to get killed by Lennie
  3. Who joins the dream of George & Lennie ?
  4. Who did Lennie break his hand ?
  5. What another animal does Lennie accidentally kill ?
  6. Old man with his poor old dog...
  7. Surname of Lennie ?
  8. Dream job of Curley's wife ?
  9. Author of the book ?
  10. Who stole Carlson's gun?
  11. Who shoots Candy's dog ?
  12. Who kills Lennie ?
  13. Colour of the dress of the women in the beginning of the movie ?
  14. Town George & Lennie fled at first place

24 Clues: Who kills Lennie ?Surname of Lennie ?Author of the book ?Where is the book set ?Lennie gets killed by ?Specific literary deviceWho stole Carlson's gun?Who shoots Candy's dog ?Dream job of Curley's wife ?Owner of the newborn puppiesThe story occurs during ?...Who did Lennie break his hand ?Old man with his poor old dog......

Manvin 2.0 2022-02-25

Manvin 2.0 crossword puzzle
  1. get you a guy that fills them for you at dinner
  2. name of valentines day restaurant
  3. food you made me try during Christmas time and I loved
  4. My fav Bts cartoon
  5. where did we for for my first bday
  6. Type of videos I like to watch(u laugh at)
  7. My dream job
  8. park we went to for our picnic
  9. Thing I stole at the diner
  10. vinnie and?
  11. what I always call you
  1. first Christmas gift
  2. hike we didn't finish
  3. what you do to me that I don't like sometimes
  4. My nickname for you
  5. First sleepover together
  6. Our first date activity
  7. best thing at wilfs
  8. sushi that almost killed you
  9. My sports team name
  10. My dream vacation
  11. outside what restaurant did we first hold hands
  12. My favourite soccer team
  13. what you call me when I'm acting dumb

24 Clues: vinnie and?My dream jobMy dream vacationMy fav Bts cartoonMy nickname for youbest thing at wilfsMy sports team namefirst Christmas gifthike we didn't finishwhat I always call youOur first date activityFirst sleepover togetherMy favourite soccer teamThing I stole at the dinersushi that almost killed youpark we went to for our picnic...

English 9B Final Review 2023-06-06

English 9B Final Review crossword puzzle
  1. Root word meaning "to end/kill".
  2. The correct font size for MLA format.
  3. Root word meaning "space".
  4. Author of "The Odyssey".
  5. What Elie Wiesel lived through.
  6. When text hints at something that will happen in the future.
  7. The main character of "The Odyssey".
  8. Comparison using "like" or "as".
  9. Author of the book "Night".
  10. Root word meaning "book".
  11. The name of the correct font used for MLA format.
  12. Popular text that MLK Jr. quotes in his "I Have a Dream" speech while using allusion.
  1. Used when there is dialogue in a sentence.
  2. Where MLK Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech.
  3. Applying human traits to non-human things.
  4. The root word meaning "water".
  5. Root word meaning "down".
  6. What you should do at the beginning of every new paragraph.
  7. Root word meaning "away"
  8. Used before listing things in a sentence.

20 Clues: Author of "The Odyssey".Root word meaning "away"Root word meaning "down".Root word meaning "book".Root word meaning "space".Author of the book "Night".The root word meaning "water".What Elie Wiesel lived through.Root word meaning "to end/kill".Comparison using "like" or "as".The main character of "The Odyssey".The correct font size for MLA format....

T&C Wedding Crossword 2023-04-08

T&C Wedding Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the Maid of Honour
  2. The bride spent a year of high school here
  3. Groom's childhood dream job
  4. Bride's oldest childhood friend
  5. Who takes longer showers?
  6. Location of their first holiday
  7. What will their married name be?
  8. Engagement location
  9. Best football club
  10. Worst football club
  11. Bride's childhood dream job
  1. Groom's middle name
  2. Which sibling is expecting in July?
  3. The photographer's name
  4. Where the Groom was born
  5. Brand of car they both own
  6. Name of their cat
  7. City where the groom attended university
  8. App that got the fire started between them
  9. The Groom's first nephew
  10. City they are moving to this year
  11. The Bride's adolescent nickname
  12. How did the bridesmaids all met
  13. The language the Groom is learning
  14. Sport the best man and groom played at university
  15. Groom's number of siblings

26 Clues: Name of their catBest football clubGroom's middle nameEngagement locationWorst football clubThe photographer's nameWhere the Groom was bornThe Groom's first nephewWho takes longer showers?Brand of car they both ownName of the Maid of HonourGroom's number of siblingsGroom's childhood dream jobBride's childhood dream job...

Of Mice and Men 2023-09-21

Of Mice and Men crossword puzzle
  1. who was the owner of the ranch
  2. decade that the novel takes place in
  3. what animal did Lennie throw in the barn
  4. who was the boss's son
  5. what game did the men always play
  6. what animal did Lennie want to tend to on the dream farm
  7. who is the writer of the book
  8. who really likes soft objects
  9. what body part on Curley did Lennie break
  10. who killed Candy's dog
  1. what game did the men always play in the barn
  2. what was the first animal that Lennie killed
  3. what historical event was going on during this time period
  4. who did Lennie kill
  5. what did Lennie like on his beans
  6. who was the stable buck
  7. who did Curley's Wife want to be
  8. who was going to be on the dream farm with George and Lennie
  9. who as Lennie's aunt
  10. who killed Lennie

20 Clues: who killed Lenniewho did Lennie killwho as Lennie's auntwho was the boss's sonwho killed Candy's dogwho was the stable buckwho is the writer of the bookwho really likes soft objectswho was the owner of the ranchwho did Curley's Wife want to bewhat did Lennie like on his beanswhat game did the men always playdecade that the novel takes place in...

Clap When You Land 2023-02-25

Clap When You Land crossword puzzle
  1. She gives birth to a premature baby
  2. Camino steals this from Yahaira
  3. The place Yahaira finds out about Papi’s death
  4. Camino’s stocker
  5. Camino’s dream college
  6. Paid El Cero to stay away from Camino
  7. Camino’s mom cause of death
  8. Knows Yahaira is gay
  9. Carline’s sons name
  10. Camino’s dream job
  11. Both girls speak this language
  12. Lives in New York City
  1. Camino is an excellent __
  2. Yahaira’s girlfriend
  3. Yahaira was a champion __ player
  4. Yahaira and Camino are __
  5. Camino’s and Yahaira’s form of communication
  6. Papi’s cause of death
  7. Yahaira uses her mom’s credit card to buy this
  8. What does Dre want to study in college
  9. Helped identify Papi’s body
  10. Vida Lata is what kind of animal
  11. Lives in the Dominican Republic
  12. Camino does this to the marriage certificate
  13. People do this when the plane lands

25 Clues: Camino’s stockerCamino’s dream jobCarline’s sons nameYahaira’s girlfriendKnows Yahaira is gayPapi’s cause of deathCamino’s dream collegeLives in New York CityCamino is an excellent __Yahaira and Camino are __Helped identify Papi’s bodyCamino’s mom cause of deathBoth girls speak this languageCamino steals this from Yahaira...

member NCT 2024 update(bahasa indo) 2024-03-03

member NCT 2024 update(bahasa indo) crossword puzzle
  1. cegilnya dimana mana, emot kelinci ke2 setelah doy
  2. mawar emot-nya, visual AI
  3. samoyed,00L
  4. barudak kanada, subak lover
  5. wibu premium, dari macau
  6. chicago hot guy, tertua ke2
  7. dari jepang, zodiak cancer
  8. dari jepang, punya tato kupu kupu
  9. vocal terbaik di wayv, emot dino
  10. maknae dari keseluruhan nct, croisant
  11. menang 2x, primadona nct
  12. adiknya gongmyung, emot-nya kelinci
  1. si palink kaya, cina aseli
  2. nama aslinya daeyoung,05L
  3. dari negara asia tenggara, 5+5
  4. peach, punya lesung pipi
  5. member china line-nya dream, 00L
  6. leader wish
  7. 04L,dari jepang
  8. bucin mark, beruangnya papi johnny
  9. bisa apa aja termasuk nerbangin pesawat
  10. paling tua, best vocalist
  11. member wish, termuda ke2
  12. suka ngomong sama pohon, maknae dream
  13. the member with the best hair, termasuk wangwangz
  14. kambing dalam bahasa korea 2x, rapper asal china

26 Clues: samoyed,00Lleader wish04L,dari jepangpeach, punya lesung pipiwibu premium, dari macaumember wish, termuda ke2menang 2x, primadona nctnama aslinya daeyoung,05Lmawar emot-nya, visual AIpaling tua, best vocalistsi palink kaya, cina aselidari jepang, zodiak cancerbarudak kanada, subak loverchicago hot guy, tertua ke2dari negara asia tenggara, 5+5...

Midgley Wedding Crossword 2024-04-21

Midgley Wedding Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The brides cocktail of choice
  2. The couples honeymoon location
  3. The name of their pet
  4. The grooms favourite food
  5. The item the bride forgot when going on their first holiday
  6. The couples favourite country they have visited together
  7. The amount of cars the groom has owned
  8. The brides dream destination holiday
  9. The engagement month
  10. The grooms dream destination holiday
  11. The grooms childhood dog
  1. The total number of countries the couple have visited together
  2. The brides middle name
  3. The brides favourite food
  4. The grooms guilty pleasure film
  5. The grooms birthday month
  6. The number of years the couple have known each other
  7. The grooms middle name
  8. The football team the groom supports
  9. The holiday destination the couple had a 7 hour flight delay
  10. The couples first holiday abroad together
  11. The brides birthday month
  12. The brides guilty pleasure film
  13. The location of engagement

24 Clues: The engagement monthThe name of their petThe brides middle nameThe grooms middle nameThe grooms childhood dogThe brides favourite foodThe grooms birthday monthThe grooms favourite foodThe brides birthday monthThe location of engagementThe brides cocktail of choiceThe couples honeymoon locationThe grooms guilty pleasure film...

How well do you know me? 2024-04-15

How well do you know me? crossword puzzle
  1. Scared or Brave??
  2. Jesus or naw?
  3. Favorite Color
  4. Therapy or no?
  5. Gas or electric
  6. oldest dog
  7. Graduated when
  8. Dream Car
  9. Cosmetic Surgery or naw?
  10. Graduated from what College
  11. Painted nails or Frenchie?
  12. Processed Hair?
  13. Oldest child
  14. Favorite Animal
  15. Favorite Movie
  16. Dream Job
  17. Youngest child
  18. Long or short hair?
  19. Happy or Sad?
  1. Graduated from what high school
  2. Mountains or Beach
  3. youngest dog
  4. Best thin crust pizza
  5. Sober Anniversary
  6. Birthday
  7. what do I do when I'm sad?
  8. Spouse
  9. birthplace
  10. What really gets my goat?
  11. Facebook or Instagram
  12. Dream Job
  13. Light or dark
  14. Something I wish I could do
  15. Middle child
  16. How many children
  17. Swim or Fly
  18. Music or talk radio
  19. Been married how long
  20. Wedding Aniiversary
  21. Favoite drink
  22. curly or straight
  23. A lil wine is find

42 Clues: SpouseBirthdayDream JobDream CarDream Jobbirthplaceoldest dogSwim or Flyyoungest dogMiddle childOldest childJesus or naw?Light or darkFavoite drinkHappy or Sad?Favorite ColorTherapy or no?Graduated whenFavorite MovieYoungest childGas or electricProcessed Hair?Favorite AnimalScared or Brave??Sober AnniversaryHow many childrencurly or straight...

Who sang it Disney 2024-05-17

Who sang it Disney crossword puzzle
  1. Some Day My Price Will Come
  2. Heffalumps and woozles
  3. Your Welcome
  4. I got no strings to hold me down
  5. Cruella De Vil
  6. Into the unown
  7. I'm Almost There
  8. Once Upon a dream
  9. Little April Shower
  10. I got a dream
  11. Circle of Life
  12. Under the sea
  13. I'm on my way
  14. I'll Make A Man Out Of You
  15. I won't say I'm in love
  16. Surface Pressure
  17. Hawian Rollarcoaster
  1. Try Everything
  2. HellFire
  3. Everyone wants to be a cat
  4. Colors of the Wind
  5. You'll Be In My Heart
  6. Goodbye May Seem Forever
  7. The Bear Necessities
  8. You Can Fly
  9. In Summer
  10. A Whole New World
  11. The Unbirthday Song
  12. When I see A Elephant Fly.
  13. Be Our Guest
  14. One Little Slip
  15. oo-de-lally
  16. Bippity Boppity Boo
  17. You got a friend like me

34 Clues: HellFireIn SummerYou Can Flyoo-de-lallyYour WelcomeBe Our GuestI got a dreamUnder the seaI'm on my wayTry EverythingCruella De VilInto the unownCircle of LifeOne Little SlipI'm Almost ThereSurface PressureA Whole New WorldOnce Upon a dreamColors of the WindThe Unbirthday SongLittle April ShowerBippity Boppity BooThe Bear Necessities...

AsHtOn 2020-09-08

AsHtOn crossword puzzle
  1. my favorite shoe brand
  2. is my favorite shop
  3. is my favorite sport
  4. is my favorite hobby
  1. is my favorite clothes brand
  2. is m dream sports car
  3. is my favorite scool
  4. is my dream vacation spot
  5. is my favorite thing to watch
  6. my favorite video game

10 Clues: is my favorite shopis my favorite scoolis my favorite sportis my favorite hobbyis m dream sports carmy favorite shoe brandmy favorite video gameis my dream vacation spotis my favorite clothes brandis my favorite thing to watch

Tts IPS IXD SMP 1 Semarang 2022-11-10

Tts IPS IXD SMP 1 Semarang crossword puzzle
  1. Ahli yang berpendapat bahwa globalisasi sebagai zaman transformasi sosial yaitu
  2. Berbagai bidang kehidupan masyarakat dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan globalisasi. satu diantaranya adalah perkembangan dalam sektor pariwisata. sektor ini dalam perkembangannya sangat dipengaruhi kemajuan
  3. Globalisasi pada dasarnya merupakan penyatuan masyarakat dunia dalam satu jaringan. Kondisi ini menyebabkan seluruh masyarakat di dunia menjadi satu komunitas. Hal ini karena didorong oleh perkembangan
  4. Menghargai persamaan derajat adalah salah satu dampak positif globalisasi di bidang
  5. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya perubahan sosial budaya adalah
  6. Bentuk kerja sama antara Indonesia dengan negara Arab Saudi merupakan bentuk kerja sama
  7. Masyarakat yang berpelaku menemukan gaya hidup bangsa barat yaitu
  8. Sikap masyarakat yang tidak mau menerima hal-hal baru dari luar seperti yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang tua yang konservatif karena trauma terhadap penjajahan adalah penghambat perubahan sosial budaya yang berupa sikap
  9. Perdagangan bebas adalah salah satu globalisasi dalam bidang
  10. Pemerintah lamban dalam menangani masalah yang ditimbulkan oleh globalisasi karena
  1. Suatu unsur dalam masyarakat yang cenderung mempertahankan suatu keadaan untuk tidak berubah disebut unsur
  2. Berkembangnya jenis kendaraan yang dapat dipakai merupakan contoh globalisasi dalam bidang
  3. Aspek positif untuk meningkatkan kemajuan dan kesejahteraan bangsa adalah
  4. Perubahan sosial secara lambat disebut
  5. Percampuran bentuk bangunan agama Islam dengan agama Hindu yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk masjid merupakan contoh
  6. Globalisasi sangat berpengaruh pada kehidupan bangsa Indonesia, terutama pada bidang
  7. Berkembangnya pesat teknologi komunikasi dan adanya integrasi ekonomi dunia merupakan faktor penting dan utama yang mendukung proses
  8. Industrialisasi merupakan proses perubahan sosial ekonomi yang mengubah sistem mata pencaharian masyarakat agraris mejadi masyarakat
  9. Disamping dampak positif, globalisasi juga memiliki dampak negatif. Di antaranya adalah kesenangan sebagian anggota masyarakat membeli barang-barang mewah yang kurang bermanfaat. Perilaku seperti itu dinamakan
  10. Perubahan besar terjadi di Indonesia setelah Soeharto menyatakan mundur dikatakan sebagai zaman

20 Clues: Perubahan sosial secara lambat disebutPerdagangan bebas adalah salah satu globalisasi dalam bidangSalah satu penyebab terjadinya perubahan sosial budaya adalahMasyarakat yang berpelaku menemukan gaya hidup bangsa barat yaituAspek positif untuk meningkatkan kemajuan dan kesejahteraan bangsa adalah...


  1. Hewan yang bertelur dan melahirkan yaitu embrionya berkembang di dalam telur yang ada di dalam tubuh induk, sampai akhirnya telur siap ditetaskan disebut dengan ... .
  2. salah satu contoh hewan yang termasuk Ovovivipar yaitu ... .
  3. Hormon pada perempuan yang membuat remaja putri adanya perkembangan seperti menstruasi yaitu hormon ... .
  4. Hewan yang mengalami perkembangan embrionya di dalam telur dan induknya berada di luar disebut ... .
  5. Bagian telur yang berfungsi sebagai tempat terjadinya pertukaran gas oksigen dan karbondioksida di dalam telur yaitu ... .
  6. Metamorfosis yang terbagi menjadi 4 fase yaitu: telur, larva, pupa, dan imago atau dewasa disebut dengan ... .
  7. Fase pada metamorfosis ketika mengalami pergantian kulit berkali-kali sebelum memasuki fase dewasa disebut fase ... .
  8. fase penambahan jumlah sel tanpa pertambahan massa sel disebut ... .
  9. setelah proses fertilisasi, pada siklus perkembangan calon bayi maka sel akan berubah menjadi ... .
  10. Embrio hewan yang berkembang di dalam tubuh induknya (hewan yang melahirkan) disebut ... .
  11. Hormon pada laki-laki yang akan memicu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan seperti produksi sperma yaitu hormon ... .
  12. Hewan bertumbuh dan berkembang dari embrio hingga dewasa disebut dengan fase ... contohnya kupu-kupu berkembang mulai dari ulat, kepompong hingga menjadi kupu-kupu.
  1. Fase pada metamorfosis seperti pada fase berpuasa termasuk waktu untuk membentuk struktur tubuhnya disebut fase ... .
  2. Fase paling sulit bagi anak-anak karena banyak perubahan yang terjadi pada tubuh, baik dari segi fisik maupun mental dimulai sejak usia 9 tahun sampai 15 tahun disebut ... .
  3. Metamorfosis yang mengalami 3 fase yaitu: telur, nimfa, dan dewasa disebut dengan ... .
  4. Fase perubahan dari anak-anak menuju dewasa disebut ... .
  5. Suatu proses yang dapat diukur dengan sistem ukur, seperti tinggi badan yang bertambah dapat terlihat secara jelas
  6. proses pembelahan zigot secara terus menerus melalui proses pembelahan sel sebanyak 2x lipat disebut ... .
  7. ketika sel sperma dan sel telur bertemu disebut dengan proses ... .
  8. bagian telur berfungsi untuk bantalan embrio dan sebagai penjaga kelembaban disebut ... .
  9. proses penambahan kemampuan seorang manusia dalam berbagai aspek. Contohnya seorang bayi belum bisa bicara, ketika berusia empat tahun sudah lancar berbicara
  10. fase pada metamorfosis yang bertujuan untuk mencari makan sebanyak-banyaknya yaitu fase ....
  11. nama lain dari katak adalah ... .
  12. bagian telur berfungsi untuk menyimpan kotoran dari embrio disebut ... .
  13. diusia berapa tahun anak-anak dimulai?

25 Clues: nama lain dari katak adalah ... .diusia berapa tahun anak-anak dimulai?Fase perubahan dari anak-anak menuju dewasa disebut ... .salah satu contoh hewan yang termasuk Ovovivipar yaitu ... .ketika sel sperma dan sel telur bertemu disebut dengan proses ... .fase penambahan jumlah sel tanpa pertambahan massa sel disebut ... ....


ALL ABOUT MYSELF crossword puzzle
  1. What is your dream school?
  2. Do you have cat?
  3. What pet do you have?
  4. How old are you?
  5. What is your favourite food?
  1. DO you have brother/s?
  2. What is your name?
  3. What is your dream?
  4. Where are you from?

9 Clues: Do you have cat?How old are you?What is your name?What is your dream?Where are you from?What pet do you have?DO you have brother/s?What is your dream school?What is your favourite food?

amoureux 2021-03-01

amoureux crossword puzzle
  1. show
  2. to hurt
  3. obey
  4. dream
  5. to be
  1. happiness
  2. mock
  3. forget
  4. sadness
  5. to do
  6. to fall
  7. laugh
  8. become

13 Clues: mockshowobeyto dolaughdreamto beforgetbecomesadnessto fallto hurthappiness

Words Review 2013-06-03

Words Review crossword puzzle
  1. unhappy
  2. give medical attention
  3. the time when your work must be finished
  4. worried
  5. when you don't understand something
  6. carton
  7. frightening dream
  8. a bit angry
  9. mark on your skin after a cut
  10. stories and pictures in your head while you're sleeping
  11. a part of the town where people live
  12. piele
  13. oțel
  14. breathe in a very nosy way when you're sleeping
  15. a number of different things put together
  1. frightened
  2. holiday on a ship
  3. worried and not able to relax
  4. cauciuc
  5. feel stupid because of something you did or something that happened
  6. not be able to sleep
  7. pleased because something happened the way you wanted it
  8. the liquid inside plants
  9. room under a house, used for storing things
  10. happy and pleased
  11. concert (informal)
  12. fight
  13. extra time you work after your working hours
  14. short sleep

29 Clues: oțelfightpielecartonunhappyworriedcauciucfrighteneda bit angryshort sleepholiday on a shiphappy and pleasedfrightening dreamconcert (informal)not be able to sleepgive medical attentionthe liquid inside plantsworried and not able to relaxmark on your skin after a cutwhen you don't understand somethinga part of the town where people live...

pigman 2013-11-27

pigman crossword puzzle
  1. John's last name
  2. Nickname is "The Cricket"
  3. what mr.pignati bought for lorraine and john
  4. mr.pignati's dead wife
  5. marshmallow kids real name
  6. john did this to lorraine when they were at mr. pignati's house
  7. where pigman died
  8. john's nickname
  9. Lorraine's last name
  10. john and lorraine ate this the night when mr. pignati had his first heart attack
  11. mr.pignati collects these
  12. what john calls his dad
  13. lorraine's moms profession
  1. lorraine's dream job
  2. the amount of heart attacks mr.pignati has
  3. where mr.pignati says his wife is
  4. lorraine and john's other friend
  5. Norton stole from Mr. Pignati's house
  6. john's dream job
  7. Mr. Pignati's favorite chimp
  8. lorraine bought this for her mom
  9. what they typed with
  10. lorraine's mom did this to lorraine when she arrived home from the party with the police
  11. lorraine and john home from the party

24 Clues: john's nicknameJohn's last namejohn's dream jobwhere pigman diedlorraine's dream jobwhat they typed withLorraine's last namemr.pignati's dead wifewhat john calls his dadNickname is "The Cricket"mr.pignati collects thesemarshmallow kids real namelorraine's moms professionMr. Pignati's favorite chimplorraine and john's other friend...

Bellerphon Crossword 2014-09-26

Bellerphon Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What Bellerphon was excited to become instead of a postal-delivery person.
  2. Seer who Bellerphon seeked advice from.
  3. What was given to Bellerphon in his dream.
  4. Magic horse,immortal offspring of Poesidon and Medusa.
  5. Fire breathing monster with a lion head, goat body, and snakes tail.
  6. Cut off Medusa's head.
  7. King Proetus' wife.
  8. Iobates told Bellerphon to fight this tribe.
  9. What Zeus sent to sting Pegasus.
  1. These werent invented yet.
  2. Who Bellerphon sought to join.
  3. Asked Bellerphon to deliver a message to his father-in-law.
  4. What the gods told Bellerphon to put on his spear.
  5. What Iobates laid to kill Bellerphon.
  6. A citizen of Corinth who was exiled for murder.
  7. King of Lycia.
  8. The spring where Bellerphon found the pegasus.
  9. The nemesis of the Hydra and Cerberus.
  10. The goddess who came to Bellerphon in a dream.
  11. Bellerphon's strategy to attack the monster was by...

20 Clues: King of Lycia.King Proetus' wife.Cut off Medusa's head.These werent invented yet.Who Bellerphon sought to join.What Zeus sent to sting Pegasus.What Iobates laid to kill Bellerphon.The nemesis of the Hydra and Cerberus.Seer who Bellerphon seeked advice from.What was given to Bellerphon in his dream.Iobates told Bellerphon to fight this tribe....

Crosswords for Gitana and Ervin 2015-08-13

Crosswords for Gitana and Ervin crossword puzzle
  1. Which month Gitana was born in?
  2. What color are Gitana‘s eyes?
  3. Ervin‘s favourite sport.
  4. Who spends more money?
  5. The most favorite holiday / leisure city in Lithuania?
  6. How do the newly married complete the following phrase:, "The most important thing is to ___________each other.“
  7. Day of the week which Ervin hates?
  8. Dream pet?
  9. Who cooks better?
  10. Ervin‘s favourite leisure time activity?
  1. What is the newly married couple favourite season?
  2. For our newly married stork is associated with....
  3. Ervin‘s zodiac sign?
  4. How many children do Gitana and Ervin plan to have?
  5. Favorite dish of our newly married couple from Lithuanian cuisine?
  6. Who is always right?
  7. Planet which symbolizes masculinity/manhood?
  8. Ervin‘s favourite subject at school.
  9. The city where they met ?
  10. Dream city of our newly married couple, which they are going to visit very soon?
  11. Gitana‘s favorite precious metal?

21 Clues: Dream pet?Who cooks better?Ervin‘s zodiac sign?Who is always right?Who spends more money?Ervin‘s favourite sport.The city where they met ?What color are Gitana‘s eyes?Which month Gitana was born in?Gitana‘s favorite precious metal?Day of the week which Ervin hates?Ervin‘s favourite subject at school.Ervin‘s favourite leisure time activity?...

Crossword for Lori 2017-02-16

Crossword for Lori crossword puzzle
  1. Another animal Zed wants
  2. Zed's favourite sport
  3. Zed's favourite teacher at the Gordon
  4. Zed's favourite author
  5. One of Zed's allergy
  6. Zed's favourite Big Bang Theory character
  7. An animal Zed wants
  8. Zed's favourite comedian/actor
  9. Zed's childhood favourite TV show
  10. Zed's dream car
  11. Zed's all-time favourite band
  12. Zed's favourite comedian/actress
  13. A place Zed has always wanted to go
  14. Zed's most hated Friends character
  1. Zed's favourite Golden Girls character
  2. The name of Zed's favourite Friends character
  3. Zed's favourite Playstation game
  4. Zed's favourite colour
  5. The name of Zed's pop
  6. Zed's childhood favourite movie series
  7. Zed's favourite Avenger
  8. Zed's first word
  9. Zed's childhood dream career
  10. Zed's favourite drink
  11. Zed's favourite food
  12. Another nickname Zed calls you
  13. Pokemon vs Digimon
  14. A nickname Zed calls you
  15. Zed's favourite body part of yours

29 Clues: Zed's dream carZed's first wordPokemon vs DigimonAn animal Zed wantsOne of Zed's allergyZed's favourite foodZed's favourite sportThe name of Zed's popZed's favourite drinkZed's favourite colourZed's favourite authorZed's favourite AvengerAnother animal Zed wantsA nickname Zed calls youZed's childhood dream careerZed's all-time favourite band...

Story of Bellerophon 2020-09-04

Story of Bellerophon crossword puzzle
  1. What Bellerophon was gifted in a dream by Athena
  2. What Bellerophon is asked to deliver to Iobates
  3. what was in lay by Iobate's soldiers after the fight with the amazons
  4. Where Bellerophon is from
  5. Sense of strategy that Bellerophon uses
  6. Fierce female warrior
  7. Horriffying beast related to Cerberus
  8. Attempted seducer of Bellerophon
  9. Who the Pegasus spawned from upon her death
  10. Act of holding a grudge that Proetus has
  1. Attack plan of Bellerophon against the Chimaera
  2. Winged equine animal that Bellerophon woke up to
  3. What aided Bellerophon in the fight against the Amazons
  4. Seer Bellerophon consults
  5. appeared to Bellerophon in a dream
  6. Asked Bellerophon to kill a Chimera
  7. kingdom where the letter is delivered to
  8. where Bellerophon spent the night and imagined Athena
  9. God of the Pegasus
  10. Animal that shares a body part with the Chimaera

20 Clues: God of the PegasusFierce female warriorWhere Bellerophon is fromSeer Bellerophon consultsAttempted seducer of Bellerophonappeared to Bellerophon in a dreamAsked Bellerophon to kill a ChimeraHorriffying beast related to CerberusSense of strategy that Bellerophon useskingdom where the letter is delivered toAct of holding a grudge that Proetus has...

JJ Sunday Crossword: Amen 2021-03-28

JJ Sunday Crossword: Amen crossword puzzle
  1. At the banquet _____
  2. She don't _____ the door
  3. The honeysuckle on her _____
  4. Last _____ I had a dream
  5. _____ than a man deserves to taste
  6. Mercy, mercy I laid _____ and prayed
  7. I felt her _____ between my lips
  8. Mercy, mercy what _____ can I say
  9. We poured the _____ until our cup ran over
  10. Last night we were _____ together
  11. Unfolding like a _____
  12. I laid _____ in her garden
  13. Her _____ under my fingertips
  14. If I don't _____ her again
  1. She'll be _____ me forever
  2. I _____ through the stars
  3. A thousand _____ running through my veins
  4. And I forgot to _____
  5. Burned like a thousand _____ in her arms
  6. It was like we'd _____ been
  7. Windows up, the _____ blowing
  8. A _____ at a feast
  9. Inside of her like _____
  10. We stayed _____ 'til the candles burned the carpet
  11. Went walking on the _____
  12. The dream I had was _____
  13. _____ on her floor

27 Clues: A _____ at a feast_____ on her floorAt the banquet _____And I forgot to _____Unfolding like a _____She don't _____ the doorLast _____ I had a dreamInside of her like _____I _____ through the starsWent walking on the _____The dream I had was _____She'll be _____ me foreverI laid _____ in her gardenIf I don't _____ her again...

Genesis 31 2021-04-22

Genesis 31 crossword puzzle
  1. years Jacob served for Laban's daughters
  2. Laban _ his sons and daughters at Mizpah.
  3. The LORD watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.
  4. God is the God of _ in Jacob's dream.
  5. Rachel stole these from her father.
  6. Jacob called stone heap that witnessed their covenant __.
  7. This consumed Jacob in the night.
  8. Laban's _____ was not toward Jacob as before.
  9. God told Laban not to speak good or _ to Jacob.
  10. Rachel hid the images in the camel's ___.
  1. The LORD spoke to Jacob and Laban in a ___.
  2. This consumed Jacob in the day
  3. They ate _ at Jacob's sacrifice.
  4. years Jacob served for the cattle
  5. It took Laban _ days to overtake Jacob.
  6. Jacob sware by the ____ of his father Isaac.
  7. years Jacob served Laban
  8. Laban overtook Jacob in mount __.
  9. The day Laban found that Jacob was gone
  10. sheep and goats are ____.
  11. Laban changed Jacob's wages _ times

21 Clues: years Jacob served Labansheep and goats are ____.This consumed Jacob in the dayThey ate _ at Jacob's sacrifice.years Jacob served for the cattleLaban overtook Jacob in mount __.This consumed Jacob in the night.Rachel stole these from her father.Laban changed Jacob's wages _ timesGod is the God of _ in Jacob's dream....

Gensis Chapters 37, 39, and 40 2022-02-16

Gensis Chapters 37, 39, and 40 crossword puzzle
  1. took Yosef
  2. the characters in the first dream
  3. One of the two peoples' dreams Yosef interpreted
  4. Where was Rueben at the time of the sale
  5. to represent that the brothers were unbothered after throwing Yosef into a pit
  6. Convinced the brothers to through Yosef in a pit
  7. Yosef was sold to...
  8. Who accused Yosef of 'lying' with him
  9. the event Pharaoh planned
  10. Yakov's Favorite wife
  11. Forgot to mention Yosef
  12. Where Yosef was sold
  1. the man who met Yosef when he was wandering in the feilds
  2. who the brothers were going to claim ate Yosef
  3. Yosef's prized possession
  4. What did Yosef interpret
  5. the meaning of the second dream
  6. where Yakov was moved
  7. brothers reaction to their fathers favoritism towards Yosef
  8. who was going to be told about Yosef once he was in egypt
  9. Where Yakov was sent
  10. emotion that the brothers felt towards Yosef

22 Clues: took YosefYosef was sold to...Where Yakov was sentWhere Yosef was soldwhere Yakov was movedYakov's Favorite wifeForgot to mention YosefWhat did Yosef interpretYosef's prized possessionthe event Pharaoh plannedthe meaning of the second dreamthe characters in the first dreamWho accused Yosef of 'lying' with himWhere was Rueben at the time of the sale...

The G.O.A.T. - It's All About Rafael 2022-02-24

The G.O.A.T. - It's All About Rafael crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite snack
  2. Ever have trouble with the "law"
  3. Dream job when he was a youngster
  4. Favorite food to cook
  5. Served in which branch of the service
  6. Least favorite domestic animal
  7. "Law" trouble was for
  8. Number of states not traveled to
  9. Brand of first and favorite vehicle owned
  10. Father's name
  11. Job in the service
  12. Graduated from what high school (think local)
  13. Favorite food (not dish)
  1. Mother's maiden name
  2. Favorite great-grand child
  3. City born in
  4. As an enlisted where did he go to party (Nick's dream road trip tour)
  5. Favorite professional sports team
  6. Last girfriend's name
  7. Served how many years in the service
  8. Favorite professional sport
  9. Favorite hobby
  10. Played what sport as a child
  11. Which country did he go to three times with the service
  12. Nickname as a child
  13. Favorite country ever traveled to
  14. Mother's name

27 Clues: City born inFather's nameMother's nameFavorite snackFavorite hobbyJob in the serviceNickname as a childMother's maiden nameFavorite food to cookLast girfriend's name"Law" trouble was forFavorite food (not dish)Favorite great-grand childFavorite professional sportPlayed what sport as a childLeast favorite domestic animal...

If you are unable to fill this crossword, you have Alzheimer's 2022-03-03

If you are unable to fill this crossword, you have Alzheimer's crossword puzzle
  1. Lennie gets killed by ?
  2. What does Curley's wife let Lennie touch ?
  3. Dream job of Curley's wife ?
  4. Town George & Lennie fled at first place
  5. Surname of Lennie ?
  6. Who joins the dream of George & Lennie ?
  7. Place where Lennie kills Curley's wife
  8. Name of a black charcter in the movie ?
  9. Where is the book set ?
  10. Who stole Carlson's gun?
  11. Who did Lennie break his hand ?
  12. Who directed the movie of Mice and Men (1992)?
  1. Author of the book ?
  2. What physical characteristic is unique about Candy?
  3. Colour of the dress of the women in the beginning of the movie ?
  4. First animal to get killed by Lennie
  5. Who shoots Candy's dog ?
  6. Specific literary device
  7. Who cared for Lennie before George ?
  8. Who kills Lennie ?
  9. Owner of the newborn puppies
  10. Old man with his poor old dog...
  11. What another animal does Lennie accidentally kill ?
  12. What kind of dog did Candy have ?

24 Clues: Who kills Lennie ?Surname of Lennie ?Author of the book ?Lennie gets killed by ?Where is the book set ?Who shoots Candy's dog ?Specific literary deviceWho stole Carlson's gun?Dream job of Curley's wife ?Owner of the newborn puppiesWho did Lennie break his hand ?Old man with his poor old dog...What kind of dog did Candy have ?...

Cait sux 2022-06-07

Cait sux crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite cancer stick (2 words)
  2. Cait's addiction
  3. Your favorite thing to make on hitch (3 words)
  4. Kentucky is the only state that starts with a K. (6 words)
  5. Your other wet dream (2 words)
  6. ~Emo voice~ (4 words)
  7. Your alter ego
  8. Where's your paddle? (2 words)
  9. Best movie series
  10. What Cait definitely has
  11. A mid meal to get post-hitch (2 words)
  1. The hoodie at Target (2 words)
  2. I like your necklace (3 words)
  3. Goodnight
  4. Never survives in the freezer for long (2 words)
  5. Your wet dream
  6. The creepiest thing at Sonic
  7. Where you go to spend too much money
  8. Cait and Aiden's past Conservative idol (2 words)
  9. You don't want to boost his ego
  10. Hours of entertainment for Cait
  11. Aiden always comments on it being in your car
  12. She's annoying

23 Clues: GoodnightYour wet dreamYour alter egoShe's annoyingCait's addictionBest movie series~Emo voice~ (4 words)What Cait definitely hasThe creepiest thing at SonicThe hoodie at Target (2 words)I like your necklace (3 words)Your other wet dream (2 words)Where's your paddle? (2 words)Favorite cancer stick (2 words)You don't want to boost his ego...

Movies and TV shows 2023-05-18

Movies and TV shows crossword puzzle
  1. Iconic wartime sitcom about 3 military doctors
  2. The most fun place to work
  3. Crackhead chemistry teacher
  4. I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse
  5. Historical drama chronicling the life of the British queen
  6. Mind bending film about a dream within a dream
  7. pivot, pivot, pivot!
  8. never rat on your friends and keep your mouth shut
  9. animated sitcom featuring lanky yellow people
  1. quirky 2012 romcom drama featuring jennifer lawrence portraying a character with bipolar disorder
  2. Underground society of men engaging in bare knuckle brawls
  3. Christmas thriller with an nypd officer
  4. A very difficult cellphone password
  5. Delivery worker chilling on an island
  6. the dark side of technology
  7. Insomniac industrial worker descends into madness, pursued by a mysterious figure
  8. A comedy on a set of very unique families
  9. Iconic celine dion song
  10. A simple man's extraordinary journey through history
  11. Famous gladiator that rebelled against the romans

20 Clues: pivot, pivot, pivot!Iconic celine dion songThe most fun place to workthe dark side of technologyCrackhead chemistry teacherA very difficult cellphone passwordDelivery worker chilling on an islandChristmas thriller with an nypd officerA comedy on a set of very unique familiesI'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse...

V+j wedding puzzle 2023-07-29

V+j wedding puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. State Jordan proposed in
  2. Jordan’s zodiac sign
  3. Video game Chaos was named after
  4. First cat they adopted together
  5. Veronika’s major in college
  6. Jordan’s favorite color
  7. They are both the … sibling
  8. Jordan’s dream job is to fly these
  9. Veronika’s favorite holiday
  10. Veronika’s favorite dessert
  11. Center stone on Veronika’s engagement ring
  12. City they were both born in
  13. Veronika’s favorite animal
  14. Veronika’s middle name
  1. Jordan’s middle name
  2. Country the honeymoon will be in
  3. Jordan’s favorite pizza topping
  4. Toast’s name when they adopted him
  5. Number of years they dated
  6. State their first trip together was in
  7. City they flew to looking to buy Jordan’s dream truck
  8. Their first pet together
  9. Veronika’s zodiac sign
  10. First street they lived on together
  11. Month they started dating
  12. Color of Veronika’s hair on their first date

26 Clues: Jordan’s middle nameJordan’s zodiac signVeronika’s zodiac signVeronika’s middle nameJordan’s favorite colorState Jordan proposed inTheir first pet togetherMonth they started datingNumber of years they datedVeronika’s favorite animalVeronika’s major in collegeThey are both the … siblingVeronika’s favorite holidayVeronika’s favorite dessert...

Sip and Solve 2023-07-29

Sip and Solve crossword puzzle
  1. How many times did Param move in Elementary
  2. The University Param went to
  3. Nivithas dream job as a kid
  4. A nick name Params family calls him by
  5. Youngest cousin of Nivitha
  6. Nivitha's favourite cartoon growing up
  7. Nivitha's middle school band instrument
  8. Honeymoon Location
  9. best travel points currency in Canada
  1. Mutual Love
  2. Videogame enjoyed by the couple
  3. The city Nivitha went to University in
  4. Param & Nivithas first date restaurant (Hint: name has changed since then)
  5. Nivitha is ____teen inches shorter than Param
  6. Which bridesmaid did Nivitha live with in Uni?
  7. The month Nivitha & Param started dating
  8. ROPSAA sport that Param won a medal for in high school
  9. Params liquor of choice
  10. Sports team that led to Nivitha & Param dating
  11. A country that both Nivitha & Param visited twice but never with each other?
  12. Param's dream job growing up

21 Clues: Mutual LoveHoneymoon LocationParams liquor of choiceYoungest cousin of NivithaNivithas dream job as a kidThe University Param went toParam's dream job growing upVideogame enjoyed by the couplebest travel points currency in CanadaThe city Nivitha went to University inA nick name Params family calls him byNivitha's favourite cartoon growing up...

all abt me 2024-06-08

all abt me crossword puzzle
  1. my go to coffee flavor
  2. my favorite jewlery color
  3. favorite holiday
  4. something that makes me sick
  5. something i hate doing, ___ clothes
  6. fav subject in HS
  7. something i do a lot
  8. my birthday
  9. my fav nail color
  10. main color in dream house scheme
  11. favorite season
  12. one of my fav movies
  13. only fruit i like
  14. book im reading, on earth we are briefly ___
  15. fav sport i played
  16. type of scent i like in perfume
  17. a dream car of mine
  1. black dog name
  2. fav water bottle brand
  3. favorite rapper, 2nd part of name
  4. if i could be anything
  5. where I am from
  6. new dog name
  7. go to store
  8. favorite sea animal
  9. my 2nd fav coffee flavor
  10. something i hate
  11. least fav holiday
  12. how many siblings i have
  13. white dog name
  14. fav disney princess movie

31 Clues: go to storemy birthdaynew dog nameblack dog namewhite dog namewhere I am fromfavorite seasonfavorite holidaysomething i hatefav subject in HSmy fav nail colorleast fav holidayonly fruit i likefav sport i playedfavorite sea animala dream car of minesomething i do a lotone of my fav moviesfav water bottle brandmy go to coffee flavor...

How well do you know the couple? 2024-02-25

How well do you know the couple? crossword puzzle
  1. What is Sam's Favourite Colour?
  2. Where was the couple's favourite holiday to?
  3. What is Sam's favourite animal?
  4. What was the name of the couple's first flat
  5. What is Helen's Favourite Number?
  6. Helen's Favourite Song
  7. What is the couple's favourite TV show?
  8. Where did the couple have their first date?
  9. What's Helen's Dream Dog?
  10. What is Sam's dream profession?
  11. Sam's Favourite Film
  12. Where did Helen go to University?
  1. What gameshow did Sam get a final audition for?
  2. Helen's Favourite Dessert
  3. What was the couple's first ticketed event together?
  4. Where did the couple work when they met?
  5. What are the couple honeymooning?
  6. What is the couple's favourite board game?
  7. What do the couple do every January?
  8. Where did the couple get engaged?
  9. Sam's Favourite Wrestler
  10. What did Helen do with Becky to raise £940 for charity?

22 Clues: Sam's Favourite FilmHelen's Favourite SongSam's Favourite WrestlerHelen's Favourite DessertWhat's Helen's Dream Dog?What is Sam's Favourite Colour?What is Sam's favourite animal?What is Sam's dream profession?What are the couple honeymooning?What is Helen's Favourite Number?Where did the couple get engaged?Where did Helen go to University?...

1950s Most Read Books 2024-03-11

1950s Most Read Books crossword puzzle
  1. Novel depicting the adventures of a group of young travelers
  2. Novel depicting the dark side of the American Dream
  3. Novel about the friendship between a pig and a spider
  4. Orwell's dystopian novel depicting a totalitarian regime
  5. Fantasy trilogy set in the fictional world
  6. Huxley's dystopian novel depicting a futuristic society
  7. Philosophical novel promoting individualism and capitalism
  8. Novel exploring themes of Southern society
  1. Allegorical novel exploring human nature and society
  2. Harper Lee's classic novel addressing racial injustice
  3. Paton's novel about racial injustice in South Africa
  4. Steinbeck's epic novel exploring themes of good and evil
  5. Salinger's coming-of-age novel about teenage angst
  6. Ellison's novel addressing race and identity in America
  7. Novel depicting migrants during the Great Depression
  8. Fitzgerald's novel exploring the American Dream
  9. Novel about a young woman's mental health struggles
  10. Novel about the suppression of knowledge
  11. Hemingway's novella about an aging fisherman
  12. Betty Smith's semi-autobiographical novel

20 Clues: Novel about the suppression of knowledgeBetty Smith's semi-autobiographical novelFantasy trilogy set in the fictional worldNovel exploring themes of Southern societyHemingway's novella about an aging fishermanFitzgerald's novel exploring the American DreamSalinger's coming-of-age novel about teenage angst...

unit 2 family 2022-11-22

unit 2 family crossword puzzle
  1. - карьера
  2. -второй
  3. - рыбак
  4. - дядя
  5. - актер
  6. - дедушка и бабушка
  1. - мечтать
  2. журнал
  3. - университет
  4. первый
  5. - жениться, выйти замуж
  6. - тётя
  7. -оставаться

13 Clues: журналпервый- дядя- тётя-второй- рыбак- актер- мечтать- карьера-оставаться- университет- дедушка и бабушка- жениться, выйти замуж

Happy birthday 2023-09-27

Happy birthday crossword puzzle
  2. TWICE
  4. NCT127
  1. WINNER2
  2. BTS
  7. TWICE2
  8. BOL4


Unit 5: Cita-cita Setinggi Bintang 2024-09-09

Unit 5: Cita-cita Setinggi Bintang crossword puzzle
  1. committed
  2. to pass away
  3. brave/courageous
  4. skill
  5. adversity
  6. result
  7. ambition
  1. dream
  2. attitude
  3. emotion
  4. colon cancer
  5. stable
  6. perservere
  7. certified or confirmed

14 Clues: dreamskillstableresultemotionattitudeambitioncommittedadversityperserverecolon cancerto pass awaybrave/courageouscertified or confirmed

spreuken 2 2018-12-02

spreuken 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Art is not what you …………but what you make others see
  2. Niet …………is ook goed
  3. Om een …………te bouwen moet je het verleden kennen
  4. Creativity is …………having fun
  5. Leven is …………van lef
  6. You don’t have to see the whole…………, just take the first step
  1. Elke reis begint met een …………stap
  2. Vallen is niet erg, blijven …………wel
  3. I dream my …………en then I paint mij dream
  4. Leren is ……….
  5. …………overwin je niet door beneden te blijven
  6. Ik heb het nog nooit …………dus ik denk wel dat ik het kan
  7. Jouw energie geeft …………

13 Clues: Leren is ……….Niet …………is ook goedLeven is …………van lefJouw energie geeft …………Creativity is …………having funElke reis begint met een …………stapVallen is niet erg, blijven …………welI dream my …………en then I paint mij dream…………overwin je niet door beneden te blijvenOm een …………te bouwen moet je het verleden kennen...

Dare To Dream, vocabulary 2012-10-28

Dare To Dream, vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a single work engagement, usually done by musicians
  2. British word used for garbage
  3. senseless, stupid or foolish
  4. the act of singing along to the instrumental of a song
  5. this sport is called football in the UK
  6. the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others
  7. Risky, hazardous, chancy.
  1. a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons
  2. an organized group of singers
  3. Someone is this if they do not rely on another or others for aid or support.
  4. an exchange of light, playful, teasing remarks
  5. Short form of petroleum
  6. large in scale, amount or degree, begins with an m
  7. a playful mischievous person
  8. Another way to say assume or figure, begins with an r
  9. the female version of landlord

16 Clues: Short form of petroleumRisky, hazardous, chancy.senseless, stupid or foolisha playful mischievous personan organized group of singersBritish word used for garbagethe female version of landlordthis sport is called football in the UKan exchange of light, playful, teasing remarkslarge in scale, amount or degree, begins with an m...

Midsummer Nights Dream Crossword 2013-04-07

Midsummer Nights Dream Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Wants every role in the play
  2. Best friends with Hermia since they were children
  3. Duke
  4. The reason Titania and Oberon were fighting
  5. Wall
  6. Mishchevious
  7. The man Hermia loves
  8. The place the play was set
  1. Director
  2. Thisbe
  3. has the changling boy.
  4. The man Egeus wants Hermia to marry
  5. He wants the changling boy
  6. Wants his daughter to marry Demetrius
  7. Dukes wife
  8. Daughter of Egeus

16 Clues: DukeWallThisbeDirectorDukes wifeMishcheviousDaughter of EgeusThe man Hermia loveshas the changling boy.He wants the changling boyThe place the play was setWants every role in the playThe man Egeus wants Hermia to marryWants his daughter to marry DemetriusThe reason Titania and Oberon were fightingBest friends with Hermia since they were children

A MidSummer's Nights Dream 2016-05-11

A MidSummer's Nights Dream crossword puzzle
  1. father wants them to be together
  2. the duke Of Athens
  3. her husband puts flower juice in her eye
  4. the bellow mender chosen to play thisbe in the play
  5. A Puck Who Like to play Mean tricks to human
  6. was defeated in battle and now has to marry
  7. Hermias father whants them to be together
  8. has been abandoned by her lover
  1. was chosen to play Thisbe's Mother
  2. Father of Hermia
  3. he was changed into a donkey
  4. theseus's master of revels
  5. fights with his wife to get a Indian boy
  6. a young fellow who is persevering the one he loves even though her father dosent allow it
  7. chosen to play the Lion
  8. tried to put on a play for Theseus's Marriage

16 Clues: Father of Hermiathe duke Of Athenschosen to play the Liontheseus's master of revelshe was changed into a donkeyhas been abandoned by her loverfather wants them to be togetherwas chosen to play Thisbe's Motherher husband puts flower juice in her eyefights with his wife to get a Indian boyHermias father whants them to be together...

A MidSummer Nights Dream 2017-05-16

A MidSummer Nights Dream crossword puzzle
  1. Snout: Plays Pyramus's father
  2. Queen of the fairies
  3. Titania's husband
  4. Quince: A carpenter and leader of the craftsmen
  5. Queen of the Amazons
  6. Egeus wants Hermia to marry him
  7. Hermia loves him
  8. Hermias father
  1. A fairy ordered by Titania
  2. Is going to be married to Hippolyta
  3. Flute: Plays Thisbe
  4. Bottom: Plays Pyramus
  5. Theseus's Master of the Revels
  6. Hermia's best friend
  7. Another name for Robin Goodfellow
  8. Plays the lion in the play

16 Clues: Hermias fatherHermia loves himTitania's husbandFlute: Plays ThisbeQueen of the fairiesQueen of the AmazonsHermia's best friendBottom: Plays PyramusA fairy ordered by TitaniaPlays the lion in the playSnout: Plays Pyramus's fatherTheseus's Master of the RevelsEgeus wants Hermia to marry himAnother name for Robin Goodfellow...

I have a dream 2020-05-16

I have a dream crossword puzzle
  1. rzeczywistość
  2. My brother is keen on ... books. His favorite one is "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".
  3. My favorite ................ is "Cinderella".
  4. It's difficult to .... with problems when you're on your own.
  5. "What's your holiday ....?" "I'm going to visit New York."
  6. Charlestown is 200 .... away from here.
  7. Do you ... in fairies and ghosts?
  1. strumień, potok
  2. In the ... I'd like to be an actor.
  3. I tried to understand math, but I ...
  4. Be careful when you ... the street.
  5. ciemność
  6. anioł
  7. cud
  8. ............. evening!
  9. worth the ................

16 Clues: cudaniołciemnośćrzeczywistośćstrumień, potok............. evening!worth the ................Do you ... in fairies and ghosts?In the ... I'd like to be an actor.Be careful when you ... the street.I tried to understand math, but I ...Charlestown is 200 .... away from here.My favorite ................ is "Cinderella"....

I Have a Dream 2018-01-31

I Have a Dream crossword puzzle
  1. Extraordinary
  2. Can't be separated
  3. Handcuffs
  4. Weakened
  5. Discords Harsh troubles
  6. Goodness
  7. Winding
  1. To roll around
  2. Little village
  3. Unable to be taken away
  4. To break down
  5. Conflicts
  6. Freedom
  7. To consume
  8. 20 years
  9. Place

16 Clues: PlaceFreedomWindingWeakened20 yearsGoodnessConflictsHandcuffsTo consumeTo break downExtraordinaryTo roll aroundLittle villageCan't be separatedUnable to be taken awayDiscords Harsh troubles

A Midsummer Night’s Dream 2023-06-02

A Midsummer Night’s Dream crossword puzzle
  1. A weaver
  2. Queen of the Amazons
  3. Fairy Queen
  4. A tailor
  5. Duke of Athens
  6. Loves Demetrius
  1. A tinker
  2. A bellows mender
  3. A carpenter
  4. Lysander’s Lover
  5. Hermia’s Suitor
  6. Hermia’s Lover
  7. A joiner
  8. Prank playing fairy
  9. Fairy King
  10. Hermia’s father

16 Clues: A tinkerA weaverA joinerA tailorFairy KingA carpenterFairy QueenHermia’s LoverDuke of AthensHermia’s SuitorHermia’s fatherLoves DemetriusA bellows menderLysander’s LoverPrank playing fairyQueen of the Amazons

Gabi's ABC Adventure 2021-05-23

Gabi's ABC Adventure crossword puzzle
  1. Your dream post
  2. Prize for being Head Honor Roll honoree
  3. He makes your favorite chocolate bar
  4. Star of Disney's Mandalorian series
  5. UncleKwok would be jealous of the recipe
  6. First meal you want when you're better
  7. What the B stands for in ABC Hospital
  8. Your least favorite class
  9. President Biden's trusty canines
  10. Squirrels fear this protective predator
  11. Posted on your hospital room door
  12. Your dream university
  13. One of your favorite sandwiches
  1. Known for her keen mind, wit & big heart
  2. DOTUS breed
  3. Author of our beloved minis
  4. An early icy hospital treat
  5. Favorite seafood dish
  6. First woman VP of the US
  7. Crossword fan/maker who loves you!
  8. Author of the book you've been reading
  9. Brand of makeup you like
  10. Your favorite subject
  11. Papa Joe's mother's country of origin
  12. What the doctors want you to do everyday

25 Clues: DOTUS breedYour dream postFavorite seafood dishYour favorite subjectYour dream universityFirst woman VP of the USBrand of makeup you likeYour least favorite classAuthor of our beloved minisAn early icy hospital treatOne of your favorite sandwichesPresident Biden's trusty caninesPosted on your hospital room doorCrossword fan/maker who loves you!...

If you are unable to fill this crossword, you have Alzheimer's 2022-03-03

If you are unable to fill this crossword, you have Alzheimer's crossword puzzle
  1. Who cared for Lennie before George ?
  2. Who stole Carlson's gun?
  3. Surname of Lennie ?
  4. Who kills Lennie ?
  5. Name of a black charcter in the movie ?
  6. What physical characteristic is unique about Candy?
  7. What another animal does Lennie accidentally kill ?
  8. Dream job of Curley's wife ?
  9. What kind of dog did Candy have ?
  10. Owner of the newborn puppies
  11. Specific literary device
  12. Who shoots Candy's dog ?
  13. Who did Lennie break his hand ?
  1. What does Curley's wife let Lennie touch ?
  2. Town George & Lennie fled at first place
  3. Where is the book set ?
  4. Who directed the movie of Mice and Men (1992)?
  5. Colour of the dress of the women in the beginning of the movie ?
  6. Lennie gets killed by ?
  7. Who joins the dream of George & Lennie ?
  8. Old man with his poor old dog...
  9. First animal to get killed by Lennie
  10. Author of the book ?
  11. Place where Lennie kills Curley's wifd

24 Clues: Who kills Lennie ?Surname of Lennie ?Author of the book ?Where is the book set ?Lennie gets killed by ?Who stole Carlson's gun?Specific literary deviceWho shoots Candy's dog ?Dream job of Curley's wife ?Owner of the newborn puppiesWho did Lennie break his hand ?Old man with his poor old dog...What kind of dog did Candy have ?...

If you are unable to fill this crossword, you have Alzheimer's 2022-03-03

If you are unable to fill this crossword, you have Alzheimer's crossword puzzle
  1. Who cared for Lennie before George ?
  2. Who stole Carlson's gun?
  3. Surname of Lennie ?
  4. Who kills Lennie ?
  5. Name of a black character in the movie ?
  6. What physical characteristic is unique about Candy?
  7. What another animal does Lennie accidentally kill ?
  8. Dream job of Curley's wife ?
  9. What kind of dog did Candy have ?
  10. Owner of the newborn puppies
  11. Specific literary device
  12. Who shoots Candy's dog ?
  13. Who did Lennie break his hand ?
  1. What does Curley's wife let Lennie touch ?
  2. Town George & Lennie fled at first place
  3. Where is the book set ?
  4. Who directed the movie of Mice and Men (1992)?
  5. Colour of the dress of the women in the beginning of the movie ?
  6. Lennie gets killed by ?
  7. Who joins the dream of George & Lennie ?
  8. Old man with his poor old dog...
  9. First animal to get killed by Lennie
  10. Author of the book ?
  11. Where does Lennie kills Curley's wife ?

24 Clues: Who kills Lennie ?Surname of Lennie ?Author of the book ?Where is the book set ?Lennie gets killed by ?Who stole Carlson's gun?Specific literary deviceWho shoots Candy's dog ?Dream job of Curley's wife ?Owner of the newborn puppiesWho did Lennie break his hand ?Old man with his poor old dog...What kind of dog did Candy have ?...

Genesis 40 2021-05-06

Genesis 40 crossword puzzle
  1. what the baker was hung on
  2. color of the baskets
  3. Pharaoh would _ the baker.
  4. Joseph asked the butler to _ him to Pharaoh.
  5. Real birds ate the baker's _.
  6. These ate what was in the top basket.
  7. These belong to God
  8. These caused the butler and baker to be sad.
  9. Pharaoh made a feast to celebrate his _.
  10. what the butler pressed into Pharaoh's cup
  11. The butler gave this into Pharaoh's hand.
  12. chief officers who offended Pharaoh
  1. Who charged Joseph with the butler and baker?
  2. Who noticed the butler and baker's sadness?
  3. Who was captain of the guard? (39:1)
  4. This was in the butlers top basket.
  5. This was in the butlers dream.
  6. The butler _ Joseph.
  7. The three branches and the three baskets were _ _.
  8. Pharaoh would _ the butler.
  9. king of Egypt
  10. where the baker carried his baskets in his dream

22 Clues: king of EgyptThese belong to Godcolor of the basketsThe butler _ Joseph.what the baker was hung onPharaoh would _ the baker.Pharaoh would _ the butler.Real birds ate the baker's _.This was in the butlers dream.This was in the butlers top basket.chief officers who offended PharaohWho was captain of the guard? (39:1)...

From Abraham to Joseph Gianna Ginel 2020-12-09

From Abraham to Joseph Gianna Ginel crossword puzzle
  1. who is the captain of the pharaoh's guard
  2. The brother that tried to save Joseph
  3. Abraham's name before it changed
  4. how many years did the famine last?
  5. who bought Joseph as a slave?
  6. what Joseph's brothers were jealous of
  7. what age did abraham die
  8. What pharaoh's dreams predicted
  9. where did joseph die?
  10. in josephs first dream, what were he and his brothers?
  11. what job did Joseph have in prison, in____
  1. what did Joseph put in Benjamin's bag
  2. how old was issac when abraham tried to sacrifice him
  3. how many skinny cows were in the Pharaohs dreams
  4. Decedents greater than the stars
  5. what did josephs brothers put on josephs coat
  6. who is Jacob's father
  7. what age did joseph get sold into slavery?
  8. what land would Abraham's decedents own
  9. who is abrahams wife?
  10. in josephs second dream, what did his brothers take the form of

21 Clues: who is Jacob's fatherwho is abrahams wife?where did joseph die?what age did abraham diewho bought Joseph as a slave?What pharaoh's dreams predictedAbraham's name before it changedDecedents greater than the starshow many years did the famine last?what did Joseph put in Benjamin's bagThe brother that tried to save Joseph...

From Abraham to Joseph Gianna Ginel 2020-12-09

From Abraham to Joseph Gianna Ginel crossword puzzle
  1. Decedents greater than the stars
  2. where did joseph die?
  3. in josephs first dream, what were he and his brothers?
  4. what did Joseph put in Benjamin's bag
  5. who is Jacob's father
  6. Josephs wife
  7. how many skinny cows were in the Pharaohs dreams
  8. what age did abraham die
  9. who is abrahams wife?
  10. What pharaoh's dreams predicted
  11. how old was issac when abraham tried to sacrifice him
  1. what job did Joseph have in prison, in____
  2. who is the captain of the pharaoh's guard
  3. in josephs second dream, what did his brothers take the form of
  4. josephs second son.
  5. who bought Joseph as a slave?
  6. what did josephs brothers put on josephs coat
  7. how many years did the famine last?
  8. what land would Abraham's decedents own
  9. Abraham's name before it changed
  10. what age did joseph get sold into slavery?
  11. The brother that tried to save Joseph
  12. what Joseph's brothers were jealous of
  13. jacobs wife

24 Clues: jacobs wifeJosephs wifejosephs second son.where did joseph die?who is Jacob's fatherwho is abrahams wife?what age did abraham diewho bought Joseph as a slave?What pharaoh's dreams predictedDecedents greater than the starsAbraham's name before it changedhow many years did the famine last?what did Joseph put in Benjamin's bag...

Domestic PFO 2023-01-27

Domestic PFO crossword puzzle
  1. Heath Ledger key role
  2. Games in this sport can span days
  3. "I'm gonna ride till I can't no more"
  4. Famous maryland seafood dish
  5. University of Maryland Mascot
  6. GOAT quarterback 28-3 superbowl 51
  7. One of the seven wonders of the world
  8. Music city
  9. Tesla and Twitter
  10. Don't stop believin'
  11. Colds that last a long time
  12. Canadian hip hop artist
  13. Kevin Costner hit show
  14. Dream within a dream
  15. Large marsupial
  1. Bronx bombers
  2. Best
  3. The old man and the sea
  4. Boston suburb and the halloween capital
  5. You're a wizard....
  6. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
  7. Loves bamboo
  8. Store offers a $1.50 hot dog and soda
  9. Where the old Abt DC office used to be
  10. top speed 223mph
  11. Home to Prague
  12. State of hockey
  13. god of mischief
  14. Music streaming service
  15. Card game that involves reading people

30 Clues: BestMusic cityLoves bambooBronx bombersHome to PragueState of hockeygod of mischiefLarge marsupialtop speed 223mphTesla and TwitterYou're a wizard....Don't stop believin'Dream within a dreamHeath Ledger key roleKevin Costner hit showThe old man and the seaCanadian hip hop artistMusic streaming service1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...

black america 2023-11-21

black america crossword puzzle
  1. not using something to kind af protest
  2. i very bad word who was used against the blacks
  3. black people used it to eascape slavery and get freedom
  4. something people do if they are unhappy about somehting
  5. the states that had slaves
  6. speration between black and white
  7. black people working against their will
  8. a racist town
  9. a racist group
  10. "i cant ____"
  11. the bibel was a big part of hope between the slaves
  12. "i have a _____"
  1. a set of laws to separate black and white
  2. the man who said i have a dream
  3. something black people did
  4. treated bad
  5. said the famous thing i cant breathe
  6. it was used in the fields so the slaves had hope
  7. risked her own life to help other slaves
  8. a woman who did not want to give up her seat on the bus

20 Clues: treated bada racist town"i cant ____"a racist group"i have a _____"something black people didthe states that had slavesthe man who said i have a dreamsperation between black and whitesaid the famous thing i cant breathenot using something to kind af protestblack people working against their willrisked her own life to help other slaves...

Maelarker 2024-03-21

Maelarker crossword puzzle
  1. you are my blank
  2. Games carcassone, space base, cubitos, etc.
  3. I blank you
  4. younger me, in Cali
  5. too many seasons, plot failed, we quit
  6. my dream vacation spot
  7. my ugly houses
  8. your dad
  9. our farm <3
  10. our favorite movie genre
  11. I made a zoo
  12. my dad
  13. you and your cousin share this name
  14. it's glowing
  15. what we were doing when I should've said I love you
  16. my mom
  17. your mom
  1. you stole her nook nook
  2. your dream vacation spot
  3. burgers our dinner show
  4. your birth month
  5. your mom and I share this name
  6. Our first Date
  7. Christian & Maria
  8. friend you're my
  9. my birth month
  10. our anniversary month
  11. second anniversary trip
  12. our favorite dessert
  13. where we went on our first anniversary
  14. room we broke out
  15. I have eight total, forever on me
  16. the gremlin menace

33 Clues: my dadmy momyour dadyour momI blank youour farm <3I made a zooit's glowingOur first Datemy ugly housesmy birth monthyou are my blankfriend you're myyour birth monthChristian & Mariaroom we broke outthe gremlin menaceyounger me, in Caliour favorite dessertour anniversary monthmy dream vacation spotyou stole her nook nookburgers our dinner show...

count35 2024-06-28

count35 crossword puzzle
  1. "Cry me a river" (Julie London)
  2. "Catch a falling star" (Perry Como)
  3. "The chain" (Fleetwood Mac)
  4. "Strawberry fields forever" (The Beatles)
  5. "Kiss from a rose" (Seal)
  6. "Shine on you crazy diamond" (Pink Floyd)
  7. "Earth song" (Michael Jackson)
  8. "Blue suede shoes" (Elvis Presley)
  9. "Spirit in the sky" (Norman Greenbaum)
  10. "Have you ever seen the rain?" (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
  11. "Rock around the clock" (Bill Haley & His Comets)
  12. "Crazy little thing called love" (Queen)
  13. "People are strange" (The Doors)
  14. "Born to be wild" (Steppenwolf)
  1. "A horse with no name" (America)
  2. "Love train" (The O'Jays)
  3. "Whispering wind" (Moby)
  4. "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" (The Beatles)
  5. "What a wonderful world" (Louis Armstrong)
  6. "Magic carpet ride" (Steppenwolf)
  7. "Glory days" (Bruce Springsteen)
  8. "Peace train" (Cat Stevens)
  9. "Dream on" (Aerosmith)
  10. "Homeward bound" (Simon & Garfunkel)
  11. "We didn't start the fire" (Billy Joel)

25 Clues: "Dream on" (Aerosmith)"Whispering wind" (Moby)"Love train" (The O'Jays)"Kiss from a rose" (Seal)"The chain" (Fleetwood Mac)"Peace train" (Cat Stevens)"Earth song" (Michael Jackson)"Cry me a river" (Julie London)"Born to be wild" (Steppenwolf)"A horse with no name" (America)"Glory days" (Bruce Springsteen)"People are strange" (The Doors)...

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Crossword 2023-02-03

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Caesar thinks that if he stays home the gods will think him a _________
  2. Caesar wishes this man was fatter
  3. Interprets a dream to favor the conspirators plans
  4. A priest
  5. This man ignores many warnings
  6. Signs sent by gods
  7. A _____ without a heart
  8. This woman has a dream in which a statue bleeds
  9. Brutus used this metaphor to show what Caesar will do when he is crowned
  10. This event foreshadows caesar’s death
  11. When beggars die there are no _____ in the sky
  12. Stabs herself to try and prove loyalty
  13. The sky rains blood in this city
  14. He warns caesar to beware of the people around him
  15. Flavius and Murellus Defame this thing
  16. Interprets what the Augers say
  1. Beware of the ides of march
  2. Where the conspirators meet
  3. Conspirators who want to bring Cicero in
  4. Brutus leaves this man out of the conspiracy because he believes that he is to independent
  5. These people celebrate Caesar’s victory
  6. A group of men against Caesar
  7. This man is terrified by the storm
  8. This man is being tricked by his co conspirators
  9. These figures send many warnings to Caesar
  10. This hellish event has Fire and blood raining from the sky
  11. this roman general was defeated by Caesar
  12. this liquid pours from the statue of Caesar
  13. These pieces of paper Manipulate Brutus
  14. This man is described as but a limb of caesar

30 Clues: A priestSigns sent by godsA _____ without a heartBeware of the ides of marchWhere the conspirators meetA group of men against CaesarThis man ignores many warningsInterprets what the Augers sayThe sky rains blood in this cityCaesar wishes this man was fatterThis man is terrified by the stormThis event foreshadows caesar’s death...

Vocabulary 2021-02-24

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. To obey
  2. To be
  3. Happiness(masc)
  4. People
  5. To have
  6. To become
  7. To fall
  8. To open
  9. To do/make
  1. Agree
  2. To have fun/laugh
  3. To dream
  4. To forget
  5. To come
  6. Hurt
  7. Cloud
  8. To show
  9. To mock

18 Clues: HurtAgreeTo beCloudPeopleTo obeyTo comeTo showTo haveTo mockTo fallTo openTo dreamTo forgetTo becomeTo do/makeHappiness(masc)To have fun/laugh

Halloween 2020-10-29

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. belief
  2. sharp teeth
  3. half human,half wolf
  4. sweet
  5. mammalian,can fly
  6. small human
  7. light
  8. a vegetable
  1. uneasiness
  2. evil
  3. dream
  4. insect,web
  5. fear
  6. magic
  7. drink blood

15 Clues: evilfeardreammagicsweetlightbeliefuneasinessinsect,websharp teethdrink bloodsmall humana vegetablemammalian,can flyhalf human,half wolf

wills crossword 2021-02-18

wills crossword crossword puzzle
  1. other girl
  2. messes things up
  3. fairy king
  4. opposite of day
  5. motif
  6. sleep thoughts
  7. opposite of top
  1. hernia
  2. william
  3. hippopotamus
  4. good guy
  5. titanic
  6. season
  7. bad guy
  8. middle

15 Clues: motifherniaseasonmiddlewilliamtitanicbad guygood guyother girlfairy kinghippopotamussleep thoughtsopposite of dayopposite of topmesses things up

The BoneMans Daughter 2013-01-11

The BoneMans Daughter crossword puzzle
  1. fbi
  2. people who died
  3. bethanys dream
  4. truck
  5. officer
  6. fbi
  7. model
  8. wonderful
  9. child
  10. killer
  11. where bethany wants to go
  1. mom
  2. gun
  3. gun
  4. where they live
  5. killer
  6. author
  7. best friend

18 Clues: fbimomgungunfbitruckmodelchildkillerauthorkillerofficerwonderfulbest friendbethanys dreampeople who diedwhere they livewhere bethany wants to go

hmmm 2023-11-30

hmmm crossword puzzle
  1. cold war defused
  2. truman in 1945
  3. outlet
  4. answer
  5. your very
  6. half
  7. big
  1. numbers
  2. name
  3. question?
  4. bottom of pyramid
  5. separate words in a sentence
  6. red
  7. you
  8. dream

15 Clues: redyoubignamehalfdreamoutletanswernumbersquestion?your verycold war defusedbottom of pyramidtruman in 1945separate words in a sentence

Unit 5: Cita-cita Setinggi Bintang 2024-09-09

Unit 5: Cita-cita Setinggi Bintang crossword puzzle
  1. colon cancer
  2. dream
  3. brave/courageous
  4. perservere
  5. certified or confirmed
  6. to pass away
  1. skill
  2. adversity
  3. result
  4. stable
  5. committed
  6. ambition
  7. attitude
  8. emotion

14 Clues: skilldreamresultstableemotionambitionattitudeadversitycommittedperserverecolon cancerto pass awaybrave/courageouscertified or confirmed

parallel4 2018-05-13

parallel4 crossword puzzle
  1. Natalia has one as a pet
  2. The next event Valentina is going to attend
  3. Where Diego V. was born
  4. He comes from Iquique
  5. her parents chose her
  6. Gloria's part time summer job
  7. Ignacio has participated in a contest of that
  8. Jorge comes from there
  9. Paula's pet's name
  10. Gabriel's favourite sport
  11. Where Sofía spent her holidays
  12. Vincent's favourite sport
  13. Cristobal's presentation was about it
  14. Luis' favourite sport
  15. Valentina is one
  1. one of Sebastian's dream is to have one
  2. The language they speak in the Netherlands
  3. He is allergic to cats
  4. where Gloria went in summer
  5. Arlette's dpg's name
  6. Sebastian's O. pet's name
  7. Gabriel has read his books
  8. Albert talked about it
  9. Irene has one as a pet
  10. Francisco's homwtown
  11. Hugo's dream city
  12. Jose's topic
  13. He supports Manchester United
  14. the musical instrument that Matías plays

29 Clues: Jose's topicValentina is oneHugo's dream cityPaula's pet's nameArlette's dpg's nameFrancisco's homwtownHe comes from Iquiqueher parents chose herLuis' favourite sportHe is allergic to catsAlbert talked about itIrene has one as a petJorge comes from thereWhere Diego V. was bornNatalia has one as a petSebastian's O. pet's name...

If you are unable to fill this crossword, you have Alzheimer's 2022-03-03

If you are unable to fill this crossword, you have Alzheimer's crossword puzzle
  1. Lennie gets killed by ?
  2. What does Curley's wife let Lennie touch ?
  3. Dream job of Curley's wife ?
  4. Town George & Lennie fled at first place
  5. Surname of Lennie ?
  6. Who joins the dream of George & Lennie ?
  7. Place where Lennie kills Curley's wife
  8. Name of a black charcter in the movie ?
  9. Where is the book set ?
  10. Who stole Carlson's gun?
  11. Who did Lennie break his hand ?
  12. Who directed the movie of Mice and Men (1992)?
  1. Author of the book ?
  2. What physical characteristic is unique about Candy?
  3. Colour of the dress of the women in the beginning of the movie ?
  4. First animal to get killed by Lennie
  5. Who shoots Candy's dog ?
  6. Specific literary device
  7. Who cared for Lennie before George ?
  8. Who kills Lennie ?
  9. Owner of the newborn puppies
  10. Old man with his poor old dog...
  11. What another animal does Lennie accidentally kill ?
  12. What kind of dog did Candy have ?

24 Clues: Who kills Lennie ?Surname of Lennie ?Author of the book ?Lennie gets killed by ?Where is the book set ?Who shoots Candy's dog ?Specific literary deviceWho stole Carlson's gun?Dream job of Curley's wife ?Owner of the newborn puppiesWho did Lennie break his hand ?Old man with his poor old dog...What kind of dog did Candy have ?...

If you are unable to fill this crossword, you have Alzheimer's 2022-03-03

If you are unable to fill this crossword, you have Alzheimer's crossword puzzle
  1. Who cared for Lennie before George ?
  2. Who stole Carlson's gun?
  3. Surname of Lennie ?
  4. Who kills Lennie ?
  5. Name of a black character in the movie ?
  6. What physical characteristic is unique about Candy?
  7. What another animal does Lennie accidentally kill ?
  8. Dream job of Curley's wife ?
  9. What kind of dog did Candy have ?
  10. Owner of the newborn puppies
  11. Specific literary device
  12. Who shoots Candy's dog ?
  13. Who did Lennie break his hand ?
  1. What does Curley's wife let Lennie touch ?
  2. Town George & Lennie fled at first place
  3. Where is the book set ?
  4. Who directed the movie of Mice and Men (1992)?
  5. Colour of the dress of the women in the beginning of the movie ?
  6. Lennie gets killed by ?
  7. Who joins the dream of George & Lennie ?
  8. Old man with his poor old dog...
  9. First animal to get killed by Lennie
  10. Author of the book ?
  11. Where does Lennie kills Curley's wife ?

24 Clues: Who kills Lennie ?Surname of Lennie ?Author of the book ?Where is the book set ?Lennie gets killed by ?Who stole Carlson's gun?Specific literary deviceWho shoots Candy's dog ?Dream job of Curley's wife ?Owner of the newborn puppiesWho did Lennie break his hand ?Old man with his poor old dog...What kind of dog did Candy have ?...

Bellerophon and Pegasus 2015-09-21

Bellerophon and Pegasus crossword puzzle
  1. The man that gave Pegasus half of his kingdom and his daughter
  2. King of the gods
  3. Nine of them; given to Pegasus as a pet
  4. Rode Pegasus to kill the monster; had a dream sent to him by Athena
  5. Creature that Bellerophon killed
  6. Pegasus' father; god of the seas
  7. Sent a dream to Bellerophon
  8. Something that Pegasus had that made him different from other horses
  9. What Pegasus was born from/out of
  1. Where the Chimera was located
  2. The one that killed Medusa
  3. What Zeus turned Pegasus into
  4. The name of the winged horse in Greek mythology
  5. Where Zeus and the other gods live
  6. The watchdog of Hades; one of the heads of the Chimera
  7. The muse that loved Pegasus the most
  8. Mother of Pegasus; gorgon/monster
  9. The place that Bellerophon was from
  10. What was put on the end of Bellerophon's spear
  11. What Zeus sent to sting Pegasus

20 Clues: King of the godsThe one that killed MedusaSent a dream to BellerophonWhere the Chimera was locatedWhat Zeus turned Pegasus intoWhat Zeus sent to sting PegasusCreature that Bellerophon killedPegasus' father; god of the seasMother of Pegasus; gorgon/monsterWhat Pegasus was born from/out ofWhere Zeus and the other gods live...

Joseph and the amazing Technicolor dreamcoat 2016-05-05

Joseph and the amazing Technicolor dreamcoat crossword puzzle
  1. Who did Joseph get sold to.
  2. This was one of Joseph main dreams that he would have what over his family.
  3. God's plan for protection of all creation.
  4. The mother of Joseph.
  5. Was the name of Joseph brothers that first letter starts with a S.
  6. The people who sold Joseph to Egypt.
  7. What testament was the story in.
  8. The main character of the story.
  9. Where Joseph grew up.
  10. Where the story of Joseph of found.
  1. Where Joseph was sent by his brothers.
  2. Where the pharaoh lives.
  3. The king of Egypt.
  4. Was the name of Joseph brothers that first letter starts with a B.
  5. The siblings of Joseph.
  6. What color was the dream coat.
  7. He was falsely charge so he went to.
  8. What Jacob gave to Joseph.
  9. The father of Joseph.
  10. What Joseph had every time he fell asleep.

20 Clues: The king of Egypt.The mother of Joseph.The father of Joseph.Where Joseph grew up.The siblings of Joseph.Where the pharaoh lives.What Jacob gave to Joseph.Who did Joseph get sold to.What color was the dream coat.What testament was the story in.The main character of the story.Where the story of Joseph of found.He was falsely charge so he went to....

Verbs in Simple present 2017-09-11

Verbs in Simple present crossword puzzle
  1. to possess, to get, or to hold something
  2. to feel a need or a desire for something
  3. to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk
  4. to perceive or examine by touch
  5. to perform a song or voice composition
  6. to perform, to execute
  7. to take into the mouth and swallow for nourishment
  8. to take water or other liquid
  9. to give attention with the ear
  10. to come, change, or grow to be
  1. to exist or live, to take place
  2. to perceive by the ear
  3. to have a conscious mind
  4. to trace or form on the surface of some material
  5. to perceive with the eyes
  6. to grant pardon for or remission of
  7. to receive or come to have possession
  8. to have a dream
  9. to alertly on the lookout
  10. to acquire the possession of, by paying

20 Clues: to have a dreamto perceive by the earto perform, to executeto have a conscious mindto perceive with the eyesto alertly on the lookoutto take water or other liquidto give attention with the earto come, change, or grow to beto exist or live, to take placeto perceive or examine by touchto grant pardon for or remission of...

From Abraham to Joseph - Gianna Ortiz 2020-12-08

From Abraham to Joseph - Gianna Ortiz crossword puzzle
  1. what 12 brothers through joseph inside
  2. wife betrayed Joseph from jeolousy
  3. tested abraham and his trust
  4. joseph went here because of potifars wife
  5. jacob loved this girl
  6. bakers dream
  7. josephs little brother
  8. what brothers told jacob about joseph death
  9. who was jacobs brother
  10. bought joseph and sold him
  11. put joseph right under him in control
  12. years of famine
  13. jacob went to stay with him
  14. joseph interupt from god
  15. home of abraham and his family
  1. for abraham as numerous as the stars
  2. brothers threw him into a cistrine
  3. joseph saved people from this
  4. how many brothers of josephs
  5. told jacob to run away
  6. abrahams son
  7. esau
  8. had a son at old age
  9. jacob didnt love her
  10. tried to save joseph
  11. was given to Joseph from dad
  12. was betrayed by his brother

27 Clues: esauabrahams sonbakers dreamyears of faminehad a son at old agejacob didnt love hertried to save josephjacob loved this girltold jacob to run awayjosephs little brotherwho was jacobs brotherjoseph interupt from godbought joseph and sold himwas betrayed by his brotherjacob went to stay with himhow many brothers of josephstested abraham and his trust...

From Abraham to Joseph-Reagan Forness 2020-12-07

From Abraham to Joseph-Reagan Forness crossword puzzle
  1. had a son named asher
  2. was sold by his brothers as a slave
  3. who was lott and his wife saved by
  4. when he read the dream he would be set free
  5. 12 sons
  6. what was the first book of the bible
  7. wife-put joseph in jail
  8. had a son named dan
  9. where was joseph second in command
  10. was issacs wife
  11. who was Rachels second son
  12. as numurouse as the stars
  1. coat was what color
  2. wifeput joseph in jail
  3. when joseph read the dream he was going to die
  4. who was leahs husband
  5. abrahams wife
  6. was abrahams first son
  7. was Josephs dad
  8. who volentered to stay in egypt
  9. was Issacs wife
  10. how many good years were there
  11. what did jacob give to joseph
  12. became king and was jesses son
  13. was jacobs brother
  14. how old was sarah when she had issac
  15. how mmany kids did leah have

27 Clues: 12 sonsabrahams wifewas issacs wifewas jacobs brothercoat was what colorhad a son named danhad a son named asherwho was leahs husbandwifeput joseph in jailwas abrahams first sonwas Issacs wifewife-put joseph in jailwas Josephs dadas numurouse as the starswho was Rachels second sonhow mmany kids did leah have...

All About Schradero 2022-05-05

All About Schradero crossword puzzle
  1. My favorite color
  2. Something my great great grandparents' owned
  3. My new favorite show
  4. Someone who needs a vacation
  5. My Zodiac sign
  6. One of my main gossip partners
  7. My shoe size
  8. My dream travel destination
  9. One of my many dream jobs
  10. What I got stuck in in high school
  11. The last name of my favorite author
  1. My height
  2. My favorite type of YouTube video
  3. My old major
  4. The brand that I secretly like
  5. How many siblings I have
  6. What I eat in my car after work
  7. What I took lessons for
  8. She could probably pick Jenna up with one hand
  9. My future roomie?
  10. Who haunts the store
  11. Please help me finish her crossword
  12. She always brings in some sort of fun snack
  13. One of my favorite poets
  14. I want this hairstyle
  15. What my latest story is about

26 Clues: My heightMy old majorMy shoe sizeMy Zodiac signMy favorite colorMy future roomie?My new favorite showWho haunts the storeI want this hairstyleWhat I took lessons forHow many siblings I haveOne of my favorite poetsOne of my many dream jobsMy dream travel destinationSomeone who needs a vacationWhat my latest story is about...

About Me 2023-07-12

About Me crossword puzzle
  1. What Color Are My Eyes?
  2. What Degree Am I Getting?
  3. What’s My Favorite Drink?
  4. Who Is Another One Of My Favorite Artists?
  5. What’s My Favorite Song?
  6. What Is My Favorite Hobby?
  7. What Is My Dream Job?
  8. What Is My Favorite Reality TV Show?
  9. How Many Siblings Do I Have?
  10. What Is My Favorite Color?
  11. What Kind Of Dog Is Hope?
  12. Where Did I Grow Up?
  13. What Is My Middle Name?
  1. What Is My Dog’s Name?
  2. What Year Was I Born?
  3. What Is My Favorite Netflix Series?
  4. Who Is My Favorite Artist?
  5. What Is My Favorite Holiday?
  6. What’s My Dream Car
  7. What Is My Favorite Food?
  8. What Is My Favorite Season?
  9. How Tall Am I?
  10. What Is My Favorite TV Show?
  11. What Is My Favorite Animal?
  12. What Is My Zodiac Sign?

25 Clues: How Tall Am I?What’s My Dream CarWhere Did I Grow Up?What Year Was I Born?What Is My Dream Job?What Is My Dog’s Name?What Color Are My Eyes?What Is My Zodiac Sign?What Is My Middle Name?What’s My Favorite Song?What Degree Am I Getting?What’s My Favorite Drink?What Is My Favorite Food?What Kind Of Dog Is Hope?Who Is My Favorite Artist?...