easy Crossword Puzzles

Pictionary (Easy) 2022-10-22

Pictionary (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. gg
  2. str
  3. hrt
  4. mttn
  5. lf
  1. ys
  2. r
  3. hrs
  4. trtl
  5. tr

10 Clues: rysggtrlfhrsstrhrttrtlmttn

EASY Authors3 2022-05-27

EASY Authors3 crossword puzzle
  1. wrote "Click Clack Moo"
  2. wrote the "Martha" titles
  3. wrote the "Bad Kitty" titles
  4. wrote "Franklin" the turtle books
  5. wrote "Henry the Sailor Cat" titles
  6. wrote the title "Corduroy"
  1. wrote "Big Woods" titles
  2. wrote "Frances" titles
  3. wrote title "Huge Harold"
  4. wrote Caldecott winner "Swimmy"

10 Clues: wrote "Frances" titleswrote "Click Clack Moo"wrote "Big Woods" titleswrote the "Martha" titleswrote title "Huge Harold"wrote the title "Corduroy"wrote the "Bad Kitty" titleswrote Caldecott winner "Swimmy"wrote "Franklin" the turtle bookswrote "Henry the Sailor Cat" titles

easy crossword 2019-11-18

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice and birds
  2. Likes to eat peanuts
  3. People ride it
  4. extinct many years ago by a volcanic eruption
  5. drinks your blood in the summer
  1. Largest mammal that has ever lived
  2. Give birth to the baby
  3. ruins the environment
  4. jumps hight and fast
  5. man's best freind

10 Clues: People ride itman's best freindjumps hight and fastLikes to eat peanutsruins the environmentGive birth to the babyLikes to chase mice and birdsdrinks your blood in the summerLargest mammal that has ever livedextinct many years ago by a volcanic eruption

easy astronomy 2020-10-13

easy astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. Known as the Red planet, also the home of Martians
  2. Eclipses are fun,without me you're done,I am the..
  3. once considered the farthest planet in our system
  4. Home to a variety of life, liquid water...home
  5. short for Extra Terrestrial,Stephen Spielberg movie
  1. Saturday is named after me and I have many rings
  2. Sent into space to investigate and provide TV
  3. We twinkle at night, used to describe famous people
  4. at night hear the loon, under the light of the....
  5. Men are from Mars, women are from.(female goddess)

10 Clues: Sent into space to investigate and provide TVHome to a variety of life, liquid water...homeSaturday is named after me and I have many ringsonce considered the farthest planet in our systemKnown as the Red planet, also the home of MartiansEclipses are fun,without me you're done,I am the..at night hear the loon, under the light of the.......

animals ( easy ) 2020-09-25

animals ( easy ) crossword puzzle
  1. TALL
  2. tadpole
  3. sushi
  4. cat with stripes
  5. reptile that is in a river
  1. oink
  2. rainbow bird
  3. teddy
  4. australian animal
  5. bird at night

10 Clues: oinkTALLteddysushitadpolerainbow birdbird at nightcat with stripesaustralian animalreptile that is in a river

animals ( easy ) 2020-09-25

animals ( easy ) crossword puzzle
  1. TALL
  2. tadpole
  3. sushi
  4. cat with stripes
  5. reptile that is in a river
  1. oink
  2. rainbow bird
  3. teddy
  4. australian animal
  5. bird at night

10 Clues: oinkTALLteddysushitadpolerainbow birdbird at nightcat with stripesaustralian animalreptile that is in a river

easy listening 2021-03-14

easy listening crossword puzzle
  1. odyssey
  2. hazlehurst
  3. mansfield
  4. brass
  5. condor
  6. summertime
  7. james last
  1. superstitious
  2. daydream
  3. village

10 Clues: brasscondorodysseyvillagedaydreammansfieldhazlehurstsummertimejames lastsuperstitious

easy test 2021-04-13

easy test crossword puzzle
  1. 10 Ns
  2. 5+5=
  3. a name I call my self
  4. 2 Es
  5. tern that frawn up side down
  6. roses are red vilets are ____
  1. what makes a Minecraft explosion
  2. opposite of naughty
  3. 4 Es
  4. it goes squeak and click

10 Clues: 5+5=4 Es2 Es10 Nsopposite of naughtya name I call my selfit goes squeak and clicktern that frawn up side downroses are red vilets are ____what makes a Minecraft explosion

easy crossword 2023-03-05

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 5 parts from broken thing
  2. 10 if you get caught in an court
  3. 1 tackling someone
  4. 7 the day you get presants
  5. 9 definitely doing or getting something
  1. 4 to see whats in the lanes in a super market
  2. 8 boats you can live on
  3. 2 covering from candy
  4. 3 small place to live
  5. 6 what you get if you buy a house

10 Clues: 1 tackling someone2 covering from candy3 small place to live8 boats you can live on5 parts from broken thing7 the day you get presants10 if you get caught in an court6 what you get if you buy a house9 definitely doing or getting something4 to see whats in the lanes in a super market

Economical Easy 2023-06-22

Economical Easy crossword puzzle
  1. memiliki fungsi primer sebagai alat tukar
  2. kenaikan harga barang dan jasa
  3. cara perdagangan dimana barang ditukar dengan barang
  4. nilai suatu barang dan jasa
  5. periode penurunan roda perekonomian
  1. pendapatan yg dibayarkan kepada mereka yg meminjamkan uang
  2. kegiatan memasukan barang dari luar negeri
  3. penanaman uang atau modal untuk memperoleh keuntungan
  4. badan usaha yang menghimpun dana
  5. tempat terjadinya proses jual beli

10 Clues: nilai suatu barang dan jasakenaikan harga barang dan jasabadan usaha yang menghimpun danatempat terjadinya proses jual beliperiode penurunan roda perekonomianmemiliki fungsi primer sebagai alat tukarkegiatan memasukan barang dari luar negericara perdagangan dimana barang ditukar dengan barangpenanaman uang atau modal untuk memperoleh keuntungan...

DRR, Easy 2014-01-23

DRR, Easy crossword puzzle
  1. when the song is easy to sing.
  2. is dizzy.
  3. is the technique of photographing successive drawings or cartoon.
  4. when a thing is strange and can't explain.
  5. it is really funny.
  6. it is really inspiring story.
  1. is a popular or the latest style of somethings, such as cloth or hair.
  2. is not based on a particular instance.
  3. is making or intended to make a profit.
  4. is a kind of entertainment.

10 Clues: is dizzy.it is really funny.is a kind of entertainment.it is really inspiring story.when the song is easy to sing.is not based on a particular instance.is making or intended to make a profit.when a thing is strange and can't explain.is the technique of photographing successive drawings or cartoon....

Easy Peasy 2018-01-18

Easy Peasy crossword puzzle
  1. / Nabi makan dengan berapa jari?
  2. / Berjalan secara _______ memperlihatkan ciri ciri orang yang mempunyai tekad tinggi
  3. / Salah satu sunnah Rasululah SAW dalam menjaga kebersihan
  4. / Kita mestilah bercakap dengan penuh ______
  5. / Tidur sebelum Zohor dikenali sebagai _____
  1. / Sebelum tidur, kita digalakkan mengambil ________
  2. / Kemarahan Nabi sentiasa berkait dengan ______
  3. / Amalam Rasulullah SAW yang dilakukan sntiasa supaya mengingati PenciptaNya.
  4. / Ketika bergurau, perbuatan ini dilarg oleh Rasulullah SAW
  5. / Mendahulukan pergerakan dengan anggota sebelah _____ kecuali jika masuk ke tandas

10 Clues: / Nabi makan dengan berapa jari?/ Kita mestilah bercakap dengan penuh ______/ Tidur sebelum Zohor dikenali sebagai _____/ Kemarahan Nabi sentiasa berkait dengan ______/ Sebelum tidur, kita digalakkan mengambil ________/ Salah satu sunnah Rasululah SAW dalam menjaga kebersihan/ Ketika bergurau, perbuatan ini dilarg oleh Rasulullah SAW...

Easy Peasy 2018-01-16

Easy Peasy crossword puzzle
  1. Amalan Rasulullah SAW yang dilakukan supaya sentiasa mengingati Penciptanya.
  2. Mendahulukan pergerakan dengan anggota sebelah ____ kecuali jika ke tandas
  3. Ketika bergurau, perbuatan ini dilarang oleh Rasulullah SAW
  4. Kemarahan Nabi sentiasa berkait dengan ____
  5. Kita mestilah bercakap dengan penuh _____
  1. Salah satu sunnah Rasulullah SAW dalam menjaga kebersihan
  2. Tidur sebelum Zohor dikenali sebagai ______
  3. Berjalan secara _____ memperlihatkan ciri-ciri orang yang mempunyai tekad tinggi
  4. Nabi makan dengan berapa jari?
  5. Sebelum tidur, kita digalakkan mengambil _____

10 Clues: Nabi makan dengan berapa jari?Kita mestilah bercakap dengan penuh _____Tidur sebelum Zohor dikenali sebagai ______Kemarahan Nabi sentiasa berkait dengan ____Sebelum tidur, kita digalakkan mengambil _____Salah satu sunnah Rasulullah SAW dalam menjaga kebersihanKetika bergurau, perbuatan ini dilarang oleh Rasulullah SAW...

Easy Crossword 2021-12-10

Easy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Synonym for scared
  2. Synonym for tiny
  3. Synonym for smart
  4. Antonym for young
  5. Antonym for early
  1. Antonym for slow
  2. Synonym for huge
  3. Synonym for begin
  4. Antonym for quiet
  5. Antonym for short

10 Clues: Antonym for slowSynonym for hugeSynonym for tinySynonym for beginSynonym for smartAntonym for quietAntonym for shortAntonym for youngAntonym for earlySynonym for scared

Easy 1 2023-08-11

Easy 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Raining ____ and dogs
  2. Home of the Broncos
  3. Place for drinks
  4. Large sand pile
  5. Extraterrestrial
  1. Liquid fruit
  2. After lightning
  3. ____ Island
  4. Protection from the elements
  5. Topping for toast

10 Clues: ____ IslandLiquid fruitAfter lightningLarge sand pilePlace for drinksExtraterrestrialTopping for toastHome of the BroncosRaining ____ and dogsProtection from the elements

Fast & Easy 2023-09-25

Fast & Easy crossword puzzle
  1. _______of trainers Term that use to train people about pharmaceutical waste
  2. To fix something to extend its useful life
  3. Color of the disposal bag for infections clinical waste
  4. A method for the destruction of waste by controlled burning at high temperature
  1. ___________pharmaceutical waste are collected in black container
  2. An area of land designed to handle the disposal of solid waste
  3. To make less waste by using less stuff
  4. Non hazardous pharmaceutical waste are collected in__________container
  5. waste The philosophy of 10% or less of everything we use ending up in the landfill
  6. To use more than one

10 Clues: To use more than oneTo make less waste by using less stuffTo fix something to extend its useful lifeColor of the disposal bag for infections clinical wasteAn area of land designed to handle the disposal of solid waste___________pharmaceutical waste are collected in black container...

Easy verbs 2023-09-28

Easy verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ecrire
  2. jouer
  3. boire
  4. ecouter
  5. penser
  1. lire
  2. demander
  3. courir
  4. rire
  5. manger

10 Clues: lirerirejouerboireecrirecourirmangerpenserecouterdemander

Wonder (Easy) 2023-09-07

Wonder (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. 写真
  2. 運転する
  3. 朝食
  1. 親切
  2. 寝る
  3. かわいい
  4. 笑う

10 Clues: 親切寝る写真笑う朝食かわいい運転する

Easy 3 2024-08-15

Easy 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Ketika aku bertamu dan dijamu makanan, aku mengambil makanan yang paling … denganku.
  2. Aku selalu berusaha untuk … dalam menggunakan air dan listrik di manapun aku berada.
  3. Jika aku menemukan barang milik orang lain, maka aku akan … kepada pemiliknya.
  4. Jika ada kucing yang datang ke rumahku, maka aku akan memberi … kucing.
  5. Saat aku berada di taman bermain aku tidak … fasilitas yang ada.
  1. Jika aku melihat ada tanaman yang layu, maka aku akan … tanaman tersebut.
  2. Setelah selesai makan aku membaca ….
  3. Untuk menjaga kebersihan, aku tidak akan menggunakan … temanku untuk mengeringkan badanku.
  4. Aku selalu menjaga barang yang dititipkan kepadaku karena aku meniru sifat Nabiku yaitu ….
  5. Allah mewajibkan kita untuk … lingkungan sekitar baik pepohonan maupun hewan-hewan.

10 Clues: Setelah selesai makan aku membaca ….Saat aku berada di taman bermain aku tidak … fasilitas yang ada.Jika ada kucing yang datang ke rumahku, maka aku akan memberi … kucing.Jika aku melihat ada tanaman yang layu, maka aku akan … tanaman tersebut.Jika aku menemukan barang milik orang lain, maka aku akan … kepada pemiliknya....

EASY ENGLISH 2024-12-16

EASY ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. River, a never ending watercourse
  2. Lake, a big or small water lagoon
  3. Meander, a river’s big curve
  4. Source, where the river starts
  5. Streaming water, a variable watercourse
  1. Emissary, a small river that drags the waters of a bigger river
  2. Tributary, a small river the goes in a bigger river
  3. Bank, artificial building that contains the water when the river overflows
  4. Mouth, where the watercourse ends
  5. Riverbed, where the river flows

10 Clues: Meander, a river’s big curveSource, where the river startsRiverbed, where the river flowsRiver, a never ending watercourseLake, a big or small water lagoonMouth, where the watercourse endsStreaming water, a variable watercourseTributary, a small river the goes in a bigger riverEmissary, a small river that drags the waters of a bigger river...

Science (Easy) 2024-11-29

Science (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. A sugar
  2. This subject
  3. A process whereby plants turn carbon dioxide into water
  4. A rock formed through intense heat and pressure
  5. Top layer of the earth
  1. One of the 4 spheres
  2. What we need to survive
  3. The layer that protects us from meteors
  4. A sedimentary
  5. A planet

10 Clues: A sugarA planetThis subjectA sedimentaryOne of the 4 spheresTop layer of the earthWhat we need to surviveThe layer that protects us from meteorsA rock formed through intense heat and pressureA process whereby plants turn carbon dioxide into water

Easy One 2016-06-19

Easy One crossword puzzle
  1. Born here
  2. Have once got fired from this post
  3. A gift from my father which I hold dearest
  4. An addiction which I have picked up this summers
  5. What is my project on
  6. The better city among Kanpur and Delhi (LOL)
  1. Bestie growing up
  2. Root word which you stole from me
  3. Told everyone I wanted to become this till late-adolescence
  4. Made my childhood magical

10 Clues: Born hereBestie growing upWhat is my project onMade my childhood magicalRoot word which you stole from meHave once got fired from this postA gift from my father which I hold dearestThe better city among Kanpur and Delhi (LOL)An addiction which I have picked up this summersTold everyone I wanted to become this till late-adolescence


EASY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. possuem dois eixos um negativo e positivo
  2. são necessários dois conjuntos A e B
  3. é o elemento do conjunto B que corresponde ao objeto A
  4. são os elementos do conjunto A
  5. um numero que é multiplicado por si mesmo
  6. correspondência em que cada objeto corresponde a uma imagem
  1. tem um eixo vertical e um eixo horizontal
  2. é o conjunto de todas as imagens e este representamos por CD ou D`
  3. um numero que recorre a potência de base 10
  4. é o conjunto de todos os elementos

10 Clues: são os elementos do conjunto Aé o conjunto de todos os elementossão necessários dois conjuntos A e Btem um eixo vertical e um eixo horizontalpossuem dois eixos um negativo e positivoum numero que é multiplicado por si mesmoum numero que recorre a potência de base 10é o elemento do conjunto B que corresponde ao objeto A...


MEASUREMENT - EASY crossword puzzle
  1. We measure this in litres.
  2. eight pints
  3. 1760 yards
  4. four cups
  5. tsp
  1. 30.48 cm is one ...
  2. kilogram is similar to ...
  3. We measure temperature in Celsius or ...
  4. 16 fl. ozs.
  5. 28.35 grams is one ...

10 Clues: tspfour cups1760 yardseight pints16 fl. ozs.30.48 cm is one ...28.35 grams is one ...We measure this in litres.kilogram is similar to ...We measure temperature in Celsius or ...

Easy Puzzle 2022-11-07

Easy Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a person who speaks a language as their first language and has not learnt it as a foreign language
  2. the size of a surface , that you can calculate by multiplying the lenght by the width
  3. detailed and carefull study of sth to find out more
  4. a place or position
  5. A thing that has been made or designed by sb for the firs
  6. an aim or purpose
  1. the route you take to reach somewhere
  2. the time now
  3. The style or design of a building or buildings
  4. One of the people who owns business

10 Clues: the time nowan aim or purposea place or positionOne of the people who owns businessthe route you take to reach somewhereThe style or design of a building or buildingsdetailed and carefull study of sth to find out moreA thing that has been made or designed by sb for the firs...

easy 1 2022-09-23

easy 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 2 times 1 +1
  2. 4/3*pie*radius square is used to measure volume
  3. horizontal line used in mathematical
  4. 3*3
  5. angles less than 90 degree
  1. 14/2+5+3-8
  2. 181-17*10
  3. number like 0,2,4,6,8 etc
  4. the numeral for 'C'
  5. 94's roman numeral

10 Clues: 3*3181-17*1014/2+5+3-82 times 1 +194's roman numeralthe numeral for 'C'number like 0,2,4,6,8 etcangles less than 90 degreehorizontal line used in mathematical4/3*pie*radius square is used to measure volume

Charades (Easy) 2022-10-19

Charades (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. swmmng
  2. tch
  3. cry
  4. lddr
  5. slp
  1. hmmr
  2. swllw
  3. gtr
  4. hg
  5. crcl

10 Clues: hggtrtchcryslphmmrcrcllddrswllwswmmng

Ajoneuvosanoja (easy) 2019-04-11

Ajoneuvosanoja (easy) crossword puzzle
  1. vene
  2. juna
  3. laiva
  4. matkustaa
  5. auto
  1. moottoripyörä
  2. polkupyörä
  3. bussi
  4. lentokone
  5. kuorma-auto

10 Clues: venejunaautobussilaivalentokonematkustaapolkupyöräkuorma-automoottoripyörä

Easy Solving! 2019-12-20

Easy Solving! crossword puzzle
  1. Tu in English and to be (present tense) together
  2. To give ________
  3. Opposite of never
  4. <3
  5. Ryhmes with a billion (abillion)
  1. Active present tense of to do
  2. Four letter synonym for wish; name
  3. The person who this is from!
  4. Synonym for evermore
  5. Adjective for something great/love-like

10 Clues: <3To give ________Opposite of neverSynonym for evermoreThe person who this is from!Active present tense of to doRyhmes with a billion (abillion)Four letter synonym for wish; nameAdjective for something great/love-likeTu in English and to be (present tense) together

reptiles easy 2020-10-13

reptiles easy crossword puzzle
  1. the rattler, anaconda and viper are kinds of...
  2. I hide in my shell but some of us are snappy
  3. my tail comes off to avoid predators. it'll grow!
  4. means snake, starts with 's', rhymes with repent
  5. I'm the biggest snake in the world! amazon life
  6. I look like an alligator, but i'm not
  1. I lived millions of years ago, reptile ancestor
  2. I can change color to hide in my surroundings
  3. look like a turtle but i'm much older and bigger
  4. I'm huge, dangerous and I live in your swamp!

10 Clues: I look like an alligator, but i'm notI hide in my shell but some of us are snappyI can change color to hide in my surroundingsI'm huge, dangerous and I live in your swamp!I lived millions of years ago, reptile ancestorthe rattler, anaconda and viper are kinds of...I'm the biggest snake in the world! amazon life...

Easy crossword 2023-03-23

Easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Something in the sky, sometimes, but more often tasty and in our tummies
  2. a fastener or sorts, often used by extreme outdoor sports enthusiasts
  3. green machine location
  4. Stretchy
  5. Has at least 5 different meanings or spellings (probably)
  1. Something you press
  2. basic foraging
  3. female name often associated with canned goods
  4. California's new winter season, also known as constant [blank]
  5. Prickly

10 Clues: PricklyStretchybasic foragingSomething you pressgreen machine locationfemale name often associated with canned goodsHas at least 5 different meanings or spellings (probably)California's new winter season, also known as constant [blank]a fastener or sorts, often used by extreme outdoor sports enthusiasts...

easy peasy 2023-01-24

easy peasy crossword puzzle
  1. During the siege people began ... food and supplies.
  2. Recently the rumour mill went into ... with suggestions that the couple might split.
  3. Prince Vasili came up to Pierre with slow ... footsteps.
  4. The doctor said he was suffering from ... and work-related stress.
  5. The drinker ...s not only his wealth, but also his honor.
  1. My own notions were too wide of the notions ... among lawyers.
  2. She looked ... in an army uniform.
  3. His bad manners ... from his good character.
  4. A ... or trend is any form of collective behavior that develops within a culture, a generation or social group in which a group of people enthusiastically follow an impulse for a short period.
  5. Thus, because empathy and mind reading abet the survival skill of gossip, they too became ... into the human brain.

10 Clues: She looked ... in an army uniform.His bad manners ... from his good character.During the siege people began ... food and supplies.Prince Vasili came up to Pierre with slow ... footsteps.The drinker ...s not only his wealth, but also his honor.My own notions were too wide of the notions ... among lawyers....

very easy 2023-06-21

very easy crossword puzzle
  1. an animal that belongs to the cat family
  2. when you have more then one
  3. a mate you might play with at lunch
  4. where you can swim in the salt water
  5. a thing that a green house is made out of
  1. it's a funny show where clowns perform
  2. when you don't have to go to school or work
  3. someone you don't like
  4. a beautiful thing found in the gardens
  5. where students come to learn

10 Clues: someone you don't likewhen you have more then onewhere students come to learna mate you might play with at lunchwhere you can swim in the salt waterit's a funny show where clowns performa beautiful thing found in the gardensan animal that belongs to the cat familya thing that a green house is made out ofwhen you don't have to go to school or work

easy crossword 2023-03-12

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. where you find bushes tree ponds
  2. not being your self
  3. when something is just made
  4. the riestance to an object
  5. being born
  6. how to keep your memory without thinking about it
  1. a big house you share with people
  2. in the hospital when your sick
  3. doing something while you have nothing to do
  4. how to find out the date

10 Clues: being bornnot being your selfhow to find out the datethe riestance to an objectwhen something is just madein the hospital when your sicka big house you share with peoplewhere you find bushes tree pondsdoing something while you have nothing to dohow to keep your memory without thinking about it

EASY-PEASY 2024-01-19

EASY-PEASY crossword puzzle
  1. Scam Warning Signs:- Sender believes to be a secret shopper sending money transfer transactions to test the money transfer company's processes.
  2. Example of fraud with common purpose like legal fees, delivery fees, customs, notary fees
  3. federal law governing financial transactions
  4. Official appointed to investigate an individual's complaints
  5. 1- location that does form free transactions answere
  1. What Case reason should you describe if the resolution of Follow-Up Call Process is not available/not acceptable to the caller and/or they want to dispute it
  2. How you call the questions you should ask to identify potential fraud
  3. Which word can't you say to the customer if you suspect fraud
  4. You are required to "____" PAN Data when documenting cases
  5. type of scam where someone asks you to send them money so they can come visit you

10 Clues: federal law governing financial transactions1- location that does form free transactions answereYou are required to "____" PAN Data when documenting casesOfficial appointed to investigate an individual's complaintsWhich word can't you say to the customer if you suspect fraudHow you call the questions you should ask to identify potential fraud...

Easy Eleven 2023-11-11

Easy Eleven crossword puzzle
  1. Dot with two eyes. Fool!(Com) (5)
  2. Seen Lu fuss about its benefits (Ana)(10)
  3. Palmerston has no pets but that is usually the case (Del)6)
  4. Logs could be - like plums could be (Dou)(2,1,3)
  5. No actor in strip (Ana) (7)
  6. Toasting for Satin left behind? Cannot remember! (Del) (6)
  1. A fast swimmer fish. The German has a painting (Com) (6)
  2. Created with the advent of the wheel or is that a tall story (Dou) (4,4)
  3. Sleigh and slid out for butter (Del) (4)
  4. Is he sound asleep? (Str) (6)

10 Clues: No actor in strip (Ana) (7)Is he sound asleep? (Str) (6)Dot with two eyes. Fool!(Com) (5)Sleigh and slid out for butter (Del) (4)Seen Lu fuss about its benefits (Ana)(10)Logs could be - like plums could be (Dou)(2,1,3)A fast swimmer fish. The German has a painting (Com) (6)Toasting for Satin left behind? Cannot remember! (Del) (6)...

Easy Puzzle 2024-05-11

Easy Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Color "I" in "ROY G BIV"?
  2. What restaurant serves the whopper?
  3. Actor who plays Hermione Granger in Harry Potter (Last Name)?
  4. Interstate that runs East to West in VA that passes through Richmond and Charlottesville
  1. Kraft, Downey Jr, Pattinson, De Niro
  2. Outer layer of the Earth?
  3. Force that makes you fall back to the ground?
  4. Capital city in Virginia?
  5. First President of the United States (Last Name)
  6. ____ F-150 (car brand)

10 Clues: ____ F-150 (car brand)Color "I" in "ROY G BIV"?Outer layer of the Earth?Capital city in Virginia?What restaurant serves the whopper?Kraft, Downey Jr, Pattinson, De NiroForce that makes you fall back to the ground?First President of the United States (Last Name)Actor who plays Hermione Granger in Harry Potter (Last Name)?...

planets easy 2024-04-18

planets easy crossword puzzle
  1. what is the first moon of mars called
  2. what is the seventh planet from the sun
  3. what is the second planet for the sun
  4. what is the fifth planet from the sun
  5. what is the forth planet form the sun
  1. what is the eight planet form the sun
  2. what is the sixth planet form the sun
  3. what is the third planet for the sun
  4. what is the second moon of mars called
  5. what is the first planet form the sun

10 Clues: what is the third planet for the sunwhat is the eight planet form the sunwhat is the first moon of mars calledwhat is the sixth planet form the sunwhat is the second planet for the sunwhat is the fifth planet from the sunwhat is the forth planet form the sunwhat is the first planet form the sunwhat is the second moon of mars called...

Easy 2 2024-08-15

Easy 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku tidak bercanda melampaui … sehingga membuat sedih temanku.
  2. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku naik bus sekolah dengan ….
  3. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku tidak berbicara terlalu … sehingga bisa mengganggu.
  4. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku … orang yang membutuhkan bantuan.
  1. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku … ikut berdesak-desakan saat keluar atau masuk kelas.
  2. Aku … buku pelajaran, peralatan sekolah, dan pakaianku sebelum tidur.
  3. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku tidak … tetanggaku.
  4. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu ketika ayahku … saat lampu lalu lintas berwarna merah.
  5. Aku ikut bergembira dan mengucapkan … atas pencapaian yang diraih oleh teman atau saudaraku.
  6. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku membantu nenek yang kesusahan berjalan untuk menyebrang ….

10 Clues: Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku tidak … tetanggaku.Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku naik bus sekolah dengan ….Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku … orang yang membutuhkan bantuan.Aku … buku pelajaran, peralatan sekolah, dan pakaianku sebelum tidur.Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu ketika ayahku … saat lampu lalu lintas berwarna merah....

Easy 1 2024-08-15

Easy 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Senyuman kita untuk saudara semuslim kita merupakan … bagi kita.
  2. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku mengucap … saat bertemu teman atau saudaraku.
  3. Salah satu hak seorang muslim terhadap muslim lainnya adalah … ketika ia sakit.
  4. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku membuang … pada tempat yang sudah disediakan.
  1. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku membuat wajahku … saat bertemu teman atau saudaraku.
  2. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku berjabat … saat bertemu teman atau saudaraku.
  3. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku … saat ingin membayar belanjaanku di kasir.
  4. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku tidak … pembicaraan orang lain.
  5. Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku tidak meninggikan … saat berbicara kepada orang lain.
  6. Aku bergaul dengan teman-teman yang memiliki sikap ….

10 Clues: Aku bergaul dengan teman-teman yang memiliki sikap ….Senyuman kita untuk saudara semuslim kita merupakan … bagi kita.Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku tidak … pembicaraan orang lain.Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku … saat ingin membayar belanjaanku di kasir.Termasuk adab yang baik yaitu aku berjabat … saat bertemu teman atau saudaraku....

Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-12

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. easy to talk to, easy to approach
  2. having to deal with extreme self adoration
  3. bitter; harsh
  4. to soothe pacify or appease
  5. abrupt (synonym)
  6. careless; rash
  7. hard to understand
  8. to talk wildy about
  1. dull or stale because of overuse
  2. self-satisfied; smug
  3. overly thrifty or miserly
  4. lightheartedness
  5. to think about seriously
  6. brief and full of meaning and substance
  7. kind (antonym)
  8. to crowd together (antonym)
  9. false opinion or belief

17 Clues: bitter; harshkind (antonym)careless; rashlightheartednessabrupt (synonym)hard to understandto talk wildy aboutself-satisfied; smugfalse opinion or beliefto think about seriouslyoverly thrifty or miserlyto crowd together (antonym)to soothe pacify or appeasedull or stale because of overuseeasy to talk to, easy to approach...

Adjectives 2021-10-07

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of small
  2. opposite of light
  3. Opposite of Dry
  4. opposite of fast
  5. opposite of rich
  6. opposite of sad
  7. Opposite of slow
  8. opposite of easy
  9. opposite of poor
  10. opposite of big
  11. opposite of wet
  12. Opposite of young
  13. Opposite of Weak
  1. opposite of full
  2. opposite of heavy
  3. opposite of thin
  4. oppposite difficult
  5. opposite of bad
  6. opposite of short
  7. opposite of strong
  8. Opposite of Fat
  9. Opposite of Empty
  10. opposite of hot
  11. opposite of good
  12. opposite of old
  13. opposite cold
  14. opposite of happy

27 Clues: opposite coldOpposite of Dryopposite of badopposite of sadOpposite of Fatopposite of hotopposite of bigopposite of wetopposite of oldopposite of fullopposite of thinopposite of fastopposite of richOpposite of slowopposite of easyopposite of pooropposite of goodOpposite of Weakopposite of heavyopposite of smallopposite of lightopposite of short...

GEMS 2022-03-31

GEMS crossword puzzle
  1. Repeated, imitated, or copied. [P]
  2. American river. [P]
  3. Round like a ball. [P]
  4. Easily cracked. [E]
  5. Made by humans in imitation of nature. [P]
  6. Related to volcanoes. [D]
  7. The characteristic of being easy to see through. [E]
  8. Making something smooth and shiny by rubbing. [D
  9. Small amounts. [RS]
  10. Melted in liquid. [P]
  1. Clearness of appearance. [E]
  2. Basically; fundamentally. [RS]
  3. Color. [RS]
  4. A distinctive mark or characteristic that identifies something. [E]
  5. Delicate. [E]
  6. Found. [D]
  7. A well-known building. [P]
  8. Footwear. [RS]
  9. Someone who invented something. [P]
  10. Easy to see through. [RS]

20 Clues: Found. [D]Color. [RS]Delicate. [E]Footwear. [RS]American river. [P]Easily cracked. [E]Small amounts. [RS]Melted in liquid. [P]Round like a ball. [P]Related to volcanoes. [D]Easy to see through. [RS]A well-known building. [P]Clearness of appearance. [E]Basically; fundamentally. [RS]Repeated, imitated, or copied. [P]...

Adjective 2021-06-02

Adjective crossword puzzle
  1. attractive in looks or actions
  2. exceeding most other things of like kind especially in quantity or size
  3. Having great physical power
  4. Not easy to do
  5. a point or level that is the least in degree
  6. Grandma is ...
  7. Conscious
  8. Hard to do
  9. Not the same
  10. not easy to be found
  1. Fear
  2. Not having much money
  3. Being famous
  4. Not much
  5. able or likely to cause injury
  6. the quality or state of being gentle and considerate
  7. Not cold
  8. Smart
  9. Can't add anything anymore
  10. feeling pleasure and enjoyment

20 Clues: FearSmartNot muchNot coldConsciousHard to doBeing famousNot the sameNot easy to doGrandma is ...not easy to be foundNot having much moneyCan't add anything anymoreHaving great physical powerattractive in looks or actionsable or likely to cause injuryfeeling pleasure and enjoymenta point or level that is the least in degree...

Level up 7 unit 1 2022-09-04

Level up 7 unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. turhamainen
  2. ____ is terrible. It's raining
  3. paikka
  4. pian
  5. Shellfish, prawn and ____fish
  6. "no one" vastakohta
  7. You don't know? Do I need to ____?
  8. tarkoittaa
  9. villi
  10. avoin
  11. naapurusto
  12. ____, made, made
  13. tärkeä
  14. Easy as ___!
  15. If it's not hard it's...?
  16. muuttaa
  17. tavata
  18. näyttää, katsoa
  1. ystävällinen
  2. valtava
  3. go, ___, gone
  4. ____, wrote, written
  5. Did you want to ask a ____?
  6. Leipuri
  7. kiharat
  8. näyttää
  9. Opiskelija
  10. äyriäiset
  11. Voida
  12. vastata
  13. mean, ____, meant
  14. know, knew, _____
  15. muuttaa
  16. yksin
  17. ryhmä
  18. aivan
  19. liha
  20. puhe, puhua

38 Clues: pianlihaVoidayksinvilliryhmäavoinaivanpaikkatärkeätavatavaltavaLeipurikiharatnäyttäävastatamuuttaamuuttaaäyriäisetOpiskelijatarkoittaanaapurustoturhamainenpuhe, puhuaystävällinenEasy as ___!go, ___, gonenäyttää, katsoa____, made, mademean, ____, meantknow, knew, _____"no one" vastakohta____, wrote, writtenIf it's not hard it's...?...

Morfemas: FAC/FACT, OPUS/OPER 2020-09-04

Morfemas: FAC/FACT, OPUS/OPER crossword puzzle
  1. to operate (on)
  2. feasible
  3. operation
  4. competence
  5. operative
  1. to make easy
  2. factor
  3. operator
  4. easy
  5. worker

10 Clues: easyfactorworkerfeasibleoperatoroperationoperativecompetenceto make easyto operate (on)

Personality Adjectives - Chloe 2024-09-23

Personality Adjectives - Chloe crossword puzzle
  1. Someone that likes to talk to people
  2. Soemone who's satisfyed with their achievements
  3. A person that talks a lot
  4. A person that isn't good to others. Doesn't say thanks
  5. A person that always says the truth
  6. Someone who has always everything in their place
  7. A person that doesn't do anything.
  8. A person that's not always good friend
  9. Someone that doesn't talk much
  10. A person who doesn't like to give money to the others
  11. Soemone who wants that everyone makes what they say
  12. A person that trust itself and that isn't scared of doing things in public
  13. A person that gives money or things to the others
  14. A person that's so intelligent and it's easy to them learn things
  15. Soemone that doesn't want to give things to the others
  16. Soemone who thinks that's always right
  1. A person that works a lot
  2. A person who's not nice to the others
  3. A person who's easy to talk and be friends with
  4. Soemone that doesn't say the truth to the others
  5. Someone who doesn't pick up their things
  6. Soemone who's not easy to be friends with
  7. A person that always says thanks and it's educated
  8. Someone easy to be friend with everybody
  9. A person that always makes jokes or make others laugh and feel good.
  10. Someone who's always good with everything and everyone
  11. Soemone who doesn't make jokes or laugh of some things
  12. Someone who doesn't like to share things with the others
  13. A person who you can trust
  14. Someone who always get what they want
  15. A person that gets mad when someone takes their things
  16. A person that doesn't keep their things on his place
  17. A person who can talk to everyone in every moment
  18. A very happy person, always positive
  19. Soemone who's always changing their mood
  20. Someone who's not comfortable talking to people

36 Clues: A person that works a lotA person that talks a lotA person who you can trustSomeone that doesn't talk muchA person that doesn't do anything.A person that always says the truthSomeone that likes to talk to peopleA very happy person, always positiveA person who's not nice to the othersSomeone who always get what they want...

Spelling 6.2 2024-02-01

Spelling 6.2 crossword puzzle
  1. Be vigilant, be aware
  2. a good feeling
  3. with a chance for meatballs
  4. in a relaxed, controlled way
  5. let's shake on it
  6. full of delight
  7. better late than never
  8. this should follow an apology
  9. no threat, safe
  10. easy peasy
  11. to be near, a short distance away
  1. not lacking, an abundance
  2. nice and easy
  3. this looks like a good spot
  4. so many, too much
  5. not in a quiet way
  6. recently or currently
  7. what was the word? I can't remember
  8. rule and law maker
  9. a scheduled time and place

20 Clues: easy peasynice and easya good feelingfull of delightno threat, safeso many, too muchlet's shake on itnot in a quiet wayrule and law makerBe vigilant, be awarerecently or currentlybetter late than nevernot lacking, an abundancea scheduled time and placethis looks like a good spotwith a chance for meatballsin a relaxed, controlled way...

"I'm Glad My Mom Died" Crossword Puzzler 2023-08-28

"I'm Glad My Mom Died" Crossword  Puzzler crossword puzzle
  1. someone who is easy to overcome or influence
  2. ability to influence another side in negotiations
  3. someone who is efficient and capable
  4. intense longing for something
  5. distress
  6. sentimental
  7. feeling of self-consciousness or shame
  8. expressing feelings of gratitude
  9. affectedly and irritatingly grand
  10. anticipate with great apprehension
  1. a state of nervous excitement or anxiety
  2. use someone in an unfair way
  3. easy to be trusted
  4. lack of success
  5. a limiting condition or measure
  6. going against someone you trust
  7. causing discomfort or unhappiness
  8. ability to do something
  9. hopeless
  10. considered to be unworthy of someone's respect

20 Clues: distresshopelesssentimentallack of successeasy to be trustedability to do somethinguse someone in an unfair wayintense longing for somethinga limiting condition or measuregoing against someone you trustexpressing feelings of gratitudecausing discomfort or unhappinessaffectedly and irritatingly grandanticipate with great apprehension...

Adj 2021-06-02

Adj crossword puzzle
  1. attractive in looks or actions
  2. exceeding most other things of like kind especially in quantity or size
  3. Having great physical power
  4. Not easy to do
  5. a point or level that is the least in degree
  6. Grandma is ...
  7. Conscious
  8. Hard to do
  9. Not the same
  10. not easy to be found
  1. Fear
  2. Not having much money
  3. Being famous
  4. Not much
  5. able or likely to cause injury
  6. the quality or state of being gentle and considerate
  7. Not cold
  8. Smart
  9. Can't add anything anymore
  10. feeling pleasure and enjoyment

20 Clues: FearSmartNot muchNot coldConsciousHard to doBeing famousNot the sameNot easy to doGrandma is ...not easy to be foundNot having much moneyCan't add anything anymoreHaving great physical powerattractive in looks or actionsable or likely to cause injuryfeeling pleasure and enjoymenta point or level that is the least in degree...

Adjective 2021-06-02

Adjective crossword puzzle
  1. Attractive in looks or actions
  2. Exceeding most other things of like kind especially in quantity or size
  3. Having great physical power
  4. Not easy to do
  5. A point or level that is the least in degree
  6. Grandma is ...
  7. Conscious
  8. Hard to do
  9. Not the same
  10. Not easy to be found
  1. Fear
  2. Not having much money
  3. Being famous
  4. Not much
  5. Able or likely to cause injury
  6. The quality or state of being gentle and considerate
  7. Not cold
  8. Smart
  9. Can't add anything anymore
  10. Feeling pleasure and enjoyment

20 Clues: FearSmartNot muchNot coldConsciousHard to doBeing famousNot the sameNot easy to doGrandma is ...Not easy to be foundNot having much moneyCan't add anything anymoreHaving great physical powerAttractive in looks or actionsAble or likely to cause injuryFeeling pleasure and enjoymentA point or level that is the least in degree...

Amelie's identity crossword 2019-04-04

Amelie's identity crossword crossword puzzle
  1. friendly and socially confident.
  2. Easy at changing to new ways
  3. Organized and orderly
  4. Showing excitement for something
  5. Honest way of thinking
  6. Keeps trying
  7. Displaying resolve
  8. arranged of structured systematic way
  9. Keen to take risks
  10. Enjoyment
  11. Nice to something or someone
  1. Having a ability of thinking of new and creative ideas
  2. Shows symphony for others
  3. Avoiding potential danger
  4. Lively at various activities
  5. Not having to rely on other people
  6. Takes chances
  7. Can show good manners to people
  8. calm and relaxed
  9. Can make laughter happen

20 Clues: EnjoymentKeeps tryingTakes chancescalm and relaxedDisplaying resolveKeen to take risksOrganized and orderlyHonest way of thinkingCan make laughter happenShows symphony for othersAvoiding potential dangerEasy at changing to new waysLively at various activitiesNice to something or someoneCan show good manners to peoplefriendly and socially confident....

reading 2021-03-14

reading crossword puzzle
  1. is the suddivision of a chapter
  2. is a explanatin text
  3. is a start of a text
  4. is a easy text
  5. is a fascinating text
  6. is a weft
  7. recipe book
  8. is a bad character
  9. is a bad text
  10. is a terrible text
  1. is a fazzy test
  2. is a credible text
  3. is a hapyy text
  4. is the principal and general argoment
  5. is the finish of a text
  6. is a pleasant
  7. is the heading of a book
  8. is disappoint text
  9. is a savage test
  10. is a medium book

20 Clues: is a weftrecipe bookis a pleasantis a bad textis a easy textis a fazzy testis a hapyy textis a savage testis a medium bookis a credible textis disappoint textis a bad characteris a terrible textis a explanatin textis a start of a textis a fascinating textis the finish of a textis the heading of a bookis the suddivision of a chapter...

-able, keep final e/drop final e 2023-03-13

-able, keep final e/drop final e crossword puzzle
  1. able to handle
  2. not wanted or viewed as attractive
  3. able to enjoy
  4. easy to see/spot
  5. able to be used up (think of eating)
  6. capable of growing crops
  7. able to say correctly
  8. able to keep steady
  9. not able to see
  1. able to be traded
  2. able to be overlooked
  3. intelligent
  4. like your thumbs
  5. able to be saved
  6. not able to split/divide/separate
  7. able to continue
  8. able to be used again
  9. able to groove to
  10. easy to mistake for something else
  11. not able to name
  12. able to have its place taken

21 Clues: intelligentable to enjoyable to handlenot able to seelike your thumbsable to be savedable to continueeasy to see/spotnot able to nameable to be tradedable to groove toable to keep steadyable to be overlookedable to be used againable to say correctlycapable of growing cropsable to have its place takennot able to split/divide/separate...

vocabulary terms 2012-09-20

vocabulary terms crossword puzzle
  1. Childish
  2. a ghost
  3. to make clear by explaining
  4. Giving off light without heat
  5. Tending to grow or move twards light
  6. Aformal or authoritive startement
  7. Happening by good fortune
  8. Attractive in photos
  9. Unutterable
  1. To pronounce
  2. To call on for support
  3. That which is expected
  4. Allowing light to pass through
  5. Hateful
  6. An official order
  7. Causeing excitement
  8. A declaration of opinion
  9. carful; mindless rules
  10. To reject by declaration
  11. To create without any permission
  12. easy to understand
  13. To charge with a crime
  14. To make valid
  15. Easy to convince

24 Clues: Hatefula ghostChildishUnutterableTo pronounceTo make validEasy to convinceAn official ordereasy to understandCauseing excitementAttractive in photosTo call on for supportThat which is expectedcarful; mindless rulesTo charge with a crimeA declaration of opinionTo reject by declarationHappening by good fortuneto make clear by explaining...

Adjective Opposites! 2023-10-17

Adjective Opposites! crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of ugly, for a man
  2. opposite of difficult
  3. opposite of short
  4. opposite of heavy
  5. opposite of tall
  6. opposite of handsome/pretty
  7. opposite of young/new
  8. opposite of married
  9. opposite of small/little
  10. opposite of old, for an object
  11. opposite of thin
  12. opposite of loud
  1. opposite of rich
  2. opposite of expensive
  3. opposite of ugly, for a woman
  4. opposite of cheap
  5. opposite of single
  6. opposite of quiet
  7. opposite of old, for a person
  8. opposite of easy
  9. opposite of big/large
  10. opposite of poor

22 Clues: opposite of richopposite of tallopposite of easyopposite of pooropposite of thinopposite of loudopposite of cheapopposite of shortopposite of quietopposite of heavyopposite of singleopposite of marriedopposite of expensiveopposite of difficultopposite of young/newopposite of big/largeopposite of small/littleopposite of ugly, for a man...

phrases 2023-05-15

phrases crossword puzzle
  1. thats a piece of ____
  2. break a ___
  3. easy as ___
  4. shoot myself in the ____
  5. its raining ___________
  6. through thick and ____
  7. cloud ____
  1. _______ speak louder than words
  2. easy peezy ____________
  3. theres a ____ in my throat
  4. no pain no ____
  5. better late than _____

12 Clues: cloud ____break a ___easy as ___no pain no ____thats a piece of ____through thick and ____better late than _____easy peezy ____________its raining ___________shoot myself in the ____theres a ____ in my throat_______ speak louder than words

easy minecraft quiz 2020-03-26

easy minecraft quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Wypada z zombie i często rośnie w wiosce.
  2. Zawsze rośnie w wiosce i wypada z zombie.
  3. Między innymi potrzebne do stworzenia ciasta.
  4. Ulubiony blok graczy, creeper zamiast serca ma ten blok.
  5. Beżowy kamień, który da się wygładzić.
  6. Narzędzie do zbierania drewna.
  7. Gdy nasiona wyrosną otrzymasz to, z tego powstaje chleb.
  8. Tworzy się go z dwóch bloków śniegu i jednej dyni.
  1. Potrzebny do zrobienia barszczu.
  2. Pożywne mięso wypadające z krowy.
  3. Przechowywane w wiadrze po wydojeniu krowy.
  4. Ile kolorów owiec spawnuje się naturalnie?
  5. Biały kamień, który da się wygładzić.
  6. Można z tego zrobić wełnę i nie jest to owca.
  7. Prawie każdy robi z niego pierwszy set.

15 Clues: Narzędzie do zbierania drewna.Potrzebny do zrobienia barszczu.Pożywne mięso wypadające z krowy.Biały kamień, który da się wygładzić.Beżowy kamień, który da się wygładzić.Prawie każdy robi z niego pierwszy set.Wypada z zombie i często rośnie w wiosce.Zawsze rośnie w wiosce i wypada z zombie.Ile kolorów owiec spawnuje się naturalnie?...

Everyday Mysteries (easy) 2021-10-04

Everyday Mysteries (easy) crossword puzzle
  1. eléctrico
  2. cubierto
  3. inorgánico
  4. óxido
  5. burbuja
  6. fuerza
  7. daño
  1. lleno
  2. azucarado
  3. forzado
  4. escaparse
  5. conducir
  6. piel
  7. combinado
  8. rayo

15 Clues: pielrayodañollenoóxidofuerzaforzadoburbujacubiertoconducirazucaradoeléctricoescaparsecombinadoinorgánico

everyday mysteries ;) easy 2021-10-04

everyday mysteries ;) easy crossword puzzle
  1. nunca
  2. oxido
  3. escapar
  4. cerrado
  5. forzado
  6. asucarado
  7. beber
  1. delicioso
  2. burbuja
  3. frio
  4. chocolate
  5. pajaro
  6. maquina
  7. sol
  8. fuerza

15 Clues: solfrionuncaoxidobeberpajarofuerzaburbujaescaparmaquinacerradoforzadodeliciosochocolateasucarado

Everyday Mysteries-Easy. 2021-10-04

Everyday Mysteries-Easy. crossword puzzle
  1. Camisa
  2. Planeta
  3. Libertad
  4. Guantes
  5. Papel
  6. Cuerpo
  7. Nota
  8. Rescatar
  1. Crucigrama
  2. Sol
  3. Área
  4. Veloz
  5. Dinero
  6. Madera
  7. Calendario

15 Clues: SolÁreaNotaVelozPapelCamisaDineroMaderaCuerpoPlanetaGuantesLibertadRescatarCrucigramaCalendario

Easy State Slogans 2022-02-10

Easy State Slogans crossword puzzle
  1. Corn Husker State
  2. Grand Canyon State
  3. Buckeye State
  4. Aloha State
  5. Empire State
  6. Hoosier State
  7. Last Frontier State
  1. Sunshine State
  2. Show Me State
  3. Lone Star State
  4. Golden State
  5. Bluegrass State
  6. Great Lakes State
  7. Peach State
  8. Silver State

15 Clues: Peach StateAloha StateGolden StateSilver StateEmpire StateShow Me StateBuckeye StateHoosier StateSunshine StateLone Star StateBluegrass StateCorn Husker StateGreat Lakes StateGrand Canyon StateLast Frontier State

Random Trivia: Easy 2022-02-22

Random Trivia: Easy crossword puzzle
  1. One of the three articles
  2. Technical term for the division symbol
  3. The "S" in PEMDAS
  4. Most populous state in the USA
  5. A receipt is a ___ of items you purchased at the grocery store
  6. Pseudonym a famous children's poet goes by
  7. Likely what you sleep on
  1. Term for a powerless king or monarch
  2. Largest state in the USA
  3. The most serious level of crime
  4. Most popular video/media sharing company
  5. ___ is the biggest country in the world
  6. "A castrated bull used as a draft animal"
  7. Longest river in Pakistan, "Father of all Rivers"
  8. The corpse flower is a dark shade of ___

15 Clues: The "S" in PEMDASLargest state in the USALikely what you sleep onOne of the three articlesMost populous state in the USAThe most serious level of crimeTerm for a powerless king or monarchTechnical term for the division symbol___ is the biggest country in the worldMost popular video/media sharing companyThe corpse flower is a dark shade of ___...


MIXED EASY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. ; Mark isn't helpful. He is a very .... boy
  2. ; the capital of China
  3. ; the one who works hard
  4. ; it lays eggs
  5. ; Jim is always happy. He is a very .... person
  6. ; Jenny doesn't do what her teacher tells her. She is a very .... girl
  7. ; a person who hunts wild animals
  8. ; a machine that carries people up and down in tall buildings
  1. ; a room at the main entrance of a building
  2. ; a school for very young children
  3. ; someone whose job is to stop fires burning
  4. ;when you do something wrong
  5. ; bags that you carry with you when you travel
  6. worker ; a person who works in a post office
  7. ; a person who steals things

15 Clues: ; it lays eggs; the capital of China; the one who works hard;when you do something wrong; a person who steals things; a person who hunts wild animals; a school for very young children; Mark isn't helpful. He is a very .... boy; a room at the main entrance of a building; someone whose job is to stop fires burning...

Crossword Easy 7 2015-03-20

Crossword Easy 7 crossword puzzle
  1. Not outside.
  2. Girl chicken.
  3. where things are made.
  4. happy
  5. black drink. Not tea.
  6. someone you invite to a party
  7. A hot box for cooking.
  1. Not poor.
  2. I want something from the computer on paper
  3. A movie star is _______. Everyone knows.
  4. Looks like sugar but doesn't taste like it.
  5. An_____ of a colour is blue.
  6. speaking
  7. Certainly not the best.
  8. Finish the problem.

15 Clues: happyspeakingNot poor.Not outside.Girl chicken.Finish the problem.black drink. Not tea.where things are made.A hot box for cooking.Certainly not the best.An_____ of a colour is blue.someone you invite to a partyA movie star is _______. Everyone knows.I want something from the computer on paperLooks like sugar but doesn't taste like it.

Crossword Easy 8 2015-03-20

Crossword Easy 8 crossword puzzle
  1. John is bigger _____ Steve.
  2. one time.
  3. a music show
  4. Starts at your shoulder and stops at your hand.
  5. answer an invitation
  6. Very sweet.
  7. I get ______ in the shower.
  8. 50:50
  9. when the sun is up
  1. A film star does this in a movie.
  2. There’s _____ at the door.
  3. zero
  4. I like to sit on this sofa. It’s very ______
  5. Almost all.
  6. Said at the end

15 Clues: zero50:50one time.Almost all.Very sweet.a music showSaid at the endwhen the sun is upanswer an invitationThere’s _____ at the door.John is bigger _____ Steve.I get ______ in the shower.A film star does this in a movie.I like to sit on this sofa. It’s very ______Starts at your shoulder and stops at your hand.

Modern Chemistry-Easy 2014-12-15

Modern Chemistry-Easy crossword puzzle
  1. Has a boiling point of 1107 C
  2. Has a density of .998
  3. A major component of marble
  4. W or wolfram
  5. Chemical substances used to make light and smoke
  6. Measurement of intensity of light
  7. Bombarded a thin, gold foil with alpha particles
  1. This produces a burst of green light in its decomposition
  2. Kilogram per cubic meter
  3. old name of gold
  4. 6.0221367X10^23
  5. old name of silver
  6. 1/1000000000 of a meter
  7. Has a noble gas notation of [Ar]3d^2 4s^2
  8. A pioneer in the study of electromagnetic radiation

15 Clues: W or wolfram6.0221367X10^23old name of goldold name of silverHas a density of .9981/1000000000 of a meterKilogram per cubic meterA major component of marbleHas a boiling point of 1107 CMeasurement of intensity of lightHas a noble gas notation of [Ar]3d^2 4s^2Chemical substances used to make light and smoke...

Easy book puzzle 2023-06-23

Easy book puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. magnus fillinis nickname from jett
  2. the food that was the best 12$ that jett ever used
  3. taken with authority
  4. ivory had a _________ farm
  5. Stanley yelnats last name is what spelt backwards
  6. jett has his own private______ (form of plane)
  7. pharvana needed to get money for her family witch is also called this substance used to make bread
  1. what saved zero and stanley
  2. A type food style that jett ordered against oasis rules
  3. number from holes
  4. the company that jett's dad owns
  5. needles is a _____ alligator
  6. in the book holes you had to dig what.
  7. Finish the name of this old arcade game _____ dance revolution
  8. ______korman

15 Clues: ______kormannumber from holestaken with authorityivory had a _________ farmwhat saved zero and stanleyneedles is a _____ alligatorthe company that jett's dad ownsmagnus fillinis nickname from jettin the book holes you had to dig what.jett has his own private______ (form of plane)Stanley yelnats last name is what spelt backwards...

Queer Test - Easy 2022-05-19

Queer Test - Easy crossword puzzle
  1. The personal identifiers that someone uses
  2. The prejudice against queer people
  3. Someone who does not feel romantic attraction
  4. Women loving women
  5. Someone who does not feel sexual attraction
  6. Overall term for someone who is LGBTQ+
  7. A person with attraction to two or more genders
  1. The prejudice against trans people
  2. Someone who does not feel sexual or romantic attraction
  3. A person who does not associate with their assigned gender at birth
  4. Someone who doesn't identify with either male or female specifically
  5. A person with attraction regardless of gender
  6. Assigned gender at birth
  7. Someone who identifies with their assigned gender at birth
  8. Men loving Men

15 Clues: Men loving MenWomen loving womenAssigned gender at birthThe prejudice against trans peopleThe prejudice against queer peopleOverall term for someone who is LGBTQ+The personal identifiers that someone usesSomeone who does not feel sexual attractionA person with attraction regardless of genderSomeone who does not feel romantic attraction...

Easy as Pi 2023-05-05

Easy as Pi crossword puzzle
  1. closeness to the exact value
  2. number of dollars Bobby's penguin costed
  3. closeness of data sets
  4. position of given amount in dimensional analysis
  5. Fibonacci's first name
  6. what was Bobby trying to buy
  7. means traveler or goof-for-nothing
  8. the number value aimed for in accuracy
  1. first number of the Fibonacci sequence
  2. visual way to convert units
  3. where Mr. Byrd works
  4. formula used to help Bobby
  5. shape of Fibonacci sequence when graphed
  6. Italian merchant who wrote Liber Abaci
  7. month of Fibonacci day

15 Clues: where Mr. Byrd workscloseness of data setsmonth of Fibonacci dayFibonacci's first nameformula used to help Bobbyvisual way to convert unitscloseness to the exact valuewhat was Bobby trying to buymeans traveler or goof-for-nothingfirst number of the Fibonacci sequenceItalian merchant who wrote Liber Abacithe number value aimed for in accuracy...

Adjectives Crossword 2015-09-06

Adjectives Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. very smart
  2. he is a ______runner
  3. has many friends
  4. easily gets angry and unhappy
  5. life is happy and easy
  6. opposite of tall
  7. he is not weak
  1. his is is not straight but______
  2. always shares with other people
  3. he is never hardworking
  4. not shy
  5. loves adventure
  6. it is not difficult
  7. cannot be friend with many people
  8. the opposite of old

15 Clues: not shyvery smarthe is not weakloves adventurehas many friendsopposite of tallit is not difficultthe opposite of oldhe is a ______runnerlife is happy and easyhe is never hardworkingeasily gets angry and unhappyalways shares with other peoplehis is is not straight but______cannot be friend with many people

Chapter 4 Changing Career Trends 2013-06-09

Chapter 4 Changing Career Trends crossword puzzle
  1. improve, advance
  2. continue, stay in the field
  3. free time, time off work
  4. belief in yourself, self assurance
  5. safe
  6. work or companies all over the world
  7. disturb, take attention away
  1. changeable, easy to adjust
  2. addiction to work
  3. working from home
  4. not easy to adapt, not flexible
  5. job, work
  6. position, job
  7. downside, disadvantage

14 Clues: safejob, workposition, jobimprove, advanceaddiction to workworking from homedownside, disadvantagefree time, time off workchangeable, easy to adjustcontinue, stay in the fielddisturb, take attention awaynot easy to adapt, not flexiblebelief in yourself, self assurancework or companies all over the world

My Crossword 2024-10-13

My Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A ___ and arrow.
  2. Something a mother would say: "I don't like your ____, mister!"
  3. Expanded form of comfy. (Easy)
  4. At some stores there will be free ______s.
  5. "Who is ___________ for this?!?"
  6. Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.
  7. If you go to a different country, you are a _______ there.
  8. Kids drink out of this.
  9. Another word for kid.
  10. "I want a science book, in __________"
  11. I'm writing a ____."
  12. "I _____! I broke the window."
  13. If you ______ a bomb, it explodes.
  14. When food gets stuck in your throat, you _____.
  15. The name of the lastest Nintendo console.
  16. The Milky Way ______. (Easy)
  17. Laptop, PC, ________.
  18. This will be affected by climate change.
  1. Another word for be anxious.
  2. Alike.
  3. A grown girl. (Easy)
  4. We can only live a week without this.
  5. The Lord _____es people.
  6. What EXP stands for.
  7. "Let me ____ my head"
  8. A striped horse.
  9. "... and lead us not into __________,..."
  10. A type of car. (It is not "car".)
  11. "I made a life-sized _____ of myself!"
  12. TV is _________ing.
  13. "I want chocolate ice cream, _______ to you, who wants vanilla.
  14. "You have been ____ed first place!"
  15. "Look! The bread is beginning to ____!"
  16. "Go to the ____ principal's office."
  17. to throw
  18. Shout.
  19. "Spooky scary ________s"
  20. What a laundry basket holds. (Easy one)
  21. A big fish.
  22. To ______ upwards.
  23. "___ I have some ice cream?"

41 Clues: Alike.Shout.to throwA big fish.A ___ and arrow.A striped horse.To ______ upwards.TV is _________ing.A grown girl. (Easy)What EXP stands for.I'm writing a ____.""Let me ____ my head"Another word for kid.Laptop, PC, ________.Kids drink out of this.The Lord _____es people."Spooky scary ________s"Another word for be anxious.The Milky Way ______. (Easy)...

Easy list crossword 2014-07-16

Easy list crossword crossword puzzle
  1. join, link, or fasten together
  2. plural of medium
  3. that deals with the collection, classification, analysis, and interpretation of numerical facts or data, and that, by use of mathematical theories of probability, imposes order and regularity on aggregates of more or less disparate elements
  4. occupation of reporting, writing, editing, photographing, or broadcasting news or of conducting any news organization as a business
  5. pamphlet or monograph summarizing the past
  6. quit
  7. word for series
  1. for tv
  2. speak, perform, sponsor, or present on a radio or television program
  3. ad after show on the tv
  4. used on stage to speak loud
  5. announce electronicly etc: tv
  6. critical comment
  7. provide a few sentencesor words about something. Hint:the word below a video
  8. complete publication of generally less than 80 pages stitched or stapled together and usually having a paper cover

15 Clues: quitfor tvword for seriesplural of mediumcritical commentad after show on the tvused on stage to speak loudannounce electronicly etc: tvjoin, link, or fasten togetherpamphlet or monograph summarizing the pastspeak, perform, sponsor, or present on a radio or television program...

Modern Chemistry-Easy 2014-12-15

Modern Chemistry-Easy crossword puzzle
  1. old name of silver
  2. This produces a burst of green light in its decomposition
  3. Has a boiling point of 1107 C
  4. Measurement of intensity of light
  5. 6.0221367X10^23
  6. Chemical substances used to make light and smoke
  7. Bombarded a thin, gold foil with alpha particles
  8. W or wolfram
  9. Has a noble gas notation of [Ar]3d^2 4s^2
  1. A major component of marble
  2. old name of gold
  3. A pioneer in the study of electromagnetic radiation
  4. Has a density of .998
  5. 1/1000000000 of a meter
  6. Kilogram per cubic meter

15 Clues: W or wolfram6.0221367X10^23old name of goldold name of silverHas a density of .9981/1000000000 of a meterKilogram per cubic meterA major component of marbleHas a boiling point of 1107 CMeasurement of intensity of lightHas a noble gas notation of [Ar]3d^2 4s^2Chemical substances used to make light and smoke...

Stefan - Easy Money 2020-12-09

Stefan - Easy Money crossword puzzle
  1. kuvert
  2. annons
  3. skrev
  4. utan
  5. förlora
  6. sista
  1. cykel
  2. smörgås
  3. sedel
  4. läsa
  5. växel
  6. frimärke
  7. kille
  8. mjölk
  9. hjul

15 Clues: läsautanhjulcykelsedelväxelskrevkillemjölksistakuvertannonssmörgåsförlorafrimärke

Edvin easy money 2020-12-09

Edvin easy money crossword puzzle
  1. växla
  2. skrev
  3. mjölk
  4. hjul
  5. annons
  6. cykel
  7. sedel
  8. kuvert
  1. kille
  2. annonsör
  3. frimärke
  4. förvånad
  5. förlora
  6. brev
  7. sista

15 Clues: brevhjulväxlakilleskrevmjölksistacykelsedelannonskuvertförloraannonsörfrimärkeförvånad

crossword easy, obviously 2021-09-28

crossword easy, obviously crossword puzzle
  1. menor
  2. esfuerzo
  3. cariñoso
  4. promedio
  5. homologo
  6. cantidad
  1. levantar
  2. mejor salud
  3. fuerza
  4. colocar
  5. bajar
  6. tono
  7. comprometido/a
  8. enfoque
  9. quizás

15 Clues: tonomenorbajarfuerzaquizáscolocarenfoquelevantaresfuerzocariñosopromediohomologocantidadmejor saludcomprometido/a

Easy Crossword Puzzle 2021-05-26

Easy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. / The amount of detail an image has.
  2. / the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.
  3. Sketch / rough drawings of potential design concepts or solutions
  4. Image / A vector is an image built from paths or strokes via control points.
  5. Curve / A mathematically defined curve used in two-dimensional graphic applications.
  6. / Protects the right to use a design that identifies goods or services
  7. / The abbreviation of “picture element.”
  1. / All of the characters that make up a specific typeface.
  2. / the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation.
  3. / representations of concepts or ideas.
  4. / a catchphrase or slogan, especially as used in advertising, or the punchline of a joke.
  5. / Visual representations of actual things, ie. simplified drawings that are easily recognized.
  6. Time / the time needed to complete a task, especially one involving receiving something, processing it, and sending it out again
  7. / A type of logo where the name of the company designed in a visual way
  8. Image / An image whose data has been converted into a pattern of dots or pixels for print production

15 Clues: / The amount of detail an image has./ representations of concepts or ideas./ The abbreviation of “picture element.”/ All of the characters that make up a specific typeface.Sketch / rough drawings of potential design concepts or solutions/ Protects the right to use a design that identifies goods or services...

everyday mysteries ;) easy 2021-10-04

everyday mysteries ;) easy crossword puzzle
  1. nunca
  2. oxido
  3. escapar
  4. cerrado
  5. forzado
  6. asucarado
  7. beber
  1. delicioso
  2. burbuja
  3. frio
  4. chocolate
  5. pajaro
  6. maquina
  7. sol
  8. fuerza

15 Clues: solfrionuncaoxidobeberpajarofuerzaburbujaescaparmaquinacerradoforzadodeliciosochocolateasucarado

Geo Easy 1 2024-08-13

Geo Easy 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Der höchste Berg Afrikas, ein beliebtes Ziel für Bergsteiger.
  2. Hauptstadt von Frankreich, bekannt als Stadt der Liebe.
  3. Das längste Gebirge der Welt, erstreckt sich entlang der Westküste Südamerikas.
  4. Ein berühmter Fluss in England, der durch London fließt.
  5. Der größte Fluss in Südamerika, durchquert den Regenwald.
  6. Die größte Wüste der Welt, befindet sich in Nordafrika.
  7. Polarregion um den Nordpol, Heimat von Eisbären.
  8. Ein großer Fluss in Zentralafrika, bekannt für seine dichte Regenwaldregion.
  1. Der längste Fluss der Welt, fließt durch Ägypten.
  2. Ein großes Gebirge in Europa, bekannt für Wintersport.
  3. Der größte Kontinent der Erde, bekannt für seine kulturelle Vielfalt.
  4. Der höchste Berg der Welt, liegt im Himalaya.
  5. Hauptstadt von Kenia, ein wichtiger Knotenpunkt in Ostafrika.
  6. Ein berühmter Wasserfall an der Grenze zwischen den USA und Kanada.
  7. Hauptstadt von Deutschland, bekannt für das Brandenburger Tor.

15 Clues: Der höchste Berg der Welt, liegt im Himalaya.Polarregion um den Nordpol, Heimat von Eisbären.Der längste Fluss der Welt, fließt durch Ägypten.Ein großes Gebirge in Europa, bekannt für Wintersport.Hauptstadt von Frankreich, bekannt als Stadt der Liebe.Die größte Wüste der Welt, befindet sich in Nordafrika....

Easy TJOM crossword 2023-10-11

Easy TJOM crossword crossword puzzle
  1. just chillin' with my gems
  2. just chillin' and I don't trust you but I'm just gonna be a fox
  3. just chillin' with the salmon-sucking whirlpool
  4. just chillin' being a shagger
  5. just chillin' with my amazing GOLD HOOOORN
  6. just chillin' with my friend pearl
  7. just chillin' but why are you thinking "you are so ugly" you're meen :(
  8. just chillin' floating in the sky since I'm a CLOUD
  1. just chillin' with the birdies
  2. just chillin' with some fellow peregrine falcons
  3. just chillin' with orchid
  4. just chillin' with my shrinking powers
  5. just chillin' with my magical TUG with ELSA GURL
  6. just chillin' with a whole army of Jewel Hunters
  7. just chillin' with my 3 heads

15 Clues: just chillin' with orchidjust chillin' with my gemsjust chillin' being a shaggerjust chillin' with my 3 headsjust chillin' with the birdiesjust chillin' with my friend pearljust chillin' with my shrinking powersjust chillin' with my amazing GOLD HOOOORNjust chillin' with the salmon-sucking whirlpooljust chillin' with some fellow peregrine falcons...

Chapter 10 Section 1 Crossword activity 2015-01-30

Chapter 10 Section 1 Crossword activity crossword puzzle
  1. Simplify Work
  2. Legal Rights
  3. whitney Made Cotton Gin
  4. revolution Development of Machinery
  5. parts Easy Setup
  6. Shares Of Ownership
  1. gin Removed Seeds
  2. Large Business
  3. enterprise Make Whatever They Want
  4. Make Profits
  5. system Easy Manufacturing
  6. Money

12 Clues: MoneyMake ProfitsLegal RightsSimplify WorkLarge Businessparts Easy Setupgin Removed SeedsShares Of Ownershipwhitney Made Cotton Ginsystem Easy Manufacturingenterprise Make Whatever They Wantrevolution Development of Machinery

School 2023-01-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. In Break Area
  2. Writing
  3. Loud Noises
  4. Have to do iready on
  5. Easy To Kick
  1. Begone Mistakes
  2. Makes Something More Dangerous
  3. Snip-Snip
  4. A Splash Of Color
  5. Easy To Throw
  6. A Place To Store Books
  7. Numbers

12 Clues: WritingNumbersSnip-SnipLoud NoisesEasy To KickIn Break AreaEasy To ThrowBegone MistakesA Splash Of ColorHave to do iready onA Place To Store BooksMakes Something More Dangerous

October Vocabulary 2022-10-31

October Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Without skill
  2. Tangible, easy to touch
  3. Satisfaction with one's situation
  4. Defeat, overcome
  5. Enthusiastic
  6. No serious purpose
  7. Pretentious, gaudy
  1. A person who gives aid to another
  2. Interview for a part or role
  3. Following an aimless journey
  4. Brave Behavior
  5. Belief that people are self-motivated
  6. Disorganized, messy
  7. Easy going, tame, mild mannered

14 Clues: EnthusiasticWithout skillBrave BehaviorDefeat, overcomeNo serious purposePretentious, gaudyDisorganized, messyTangible, easy to touchInterview for a part or roleFollowing an aimless journeyEasy going, tame, mild manneredA person who gives aid to anotherSatisfaction with one's situationBelief that people are self-motivated

School 2023-01-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. In Break Area
  2. Writing
  3. Loud Noises
  4. Have to do iready on
  5. Easy To Kick
  1. Begone Mistakes
  2. Makes Something More Dangerous
  3. Snip-Snip
  4. A Splash Of Color
  5. Easy To Throw
  6. A Place To Store Books
  7. Numbers

12 Clues: WritingNumbersSnip-SnipLoud NoisesEasy To KickIn Break AreaEasy To ThrowBegone MistakesA Splash Of ColorHave to do iready onA Place To Store BooksMakes Something More Dangerous

Easy Peasy 2016-08-27

Easy Peasy crossword puzzle
  1. September 5 is _____ Day.
  2. What bird can carry a baby deer?
  3. What is the opposite of bad?
  4. Where does happiness begin(look in Mrs. Hulsey room)?
  5. What is on October 31?
  6. What month have most US presidents been born in?
  1. What animal can't poke their tongue out?
  2. What day is mostly celebrated in the United Kingdom on October 21?
  3. The name of Newsletter is MS ______.
  4. Which month was the Lincoln penny issued?

10 Clues: What is on October 31?September 5 is _____ Day.What is the opposite of bad?What bird can carry a baby deer?The name of Newsletter is MS ______.What animal can't poke their tongue out?Which month was the Lincoln penny issued?What month have most US presidents been born in?Where does happiness begin(look in Mrs. Hulsey room)?...

Easy words 2019-11-11

Easy words crossword puzzle
  1. Vegetable
  2. Country
  3. Province
  4. Food
  5. Snack
  6. Fruit
  1. Animal
  2. Fish
  3. Month
  4. Flower

10 Clues: FishFoodMonthSnackFruitAnimalFlowerCountryProvinceVegetable

Easy Peasy! 2021-02-04

Easy Peasy! crossword puzzle
  1. a container for holding liquids
  2. a coarse brown seaweed
  3. a young cat
  4. a sweet spread made by cooking fruit and sugar
  5. a musical toy that looks like a small tube
  1. a sweetened, fruit flavored dessert
  2. a deep, shiny black color
  3. an Australian mammal with a pouch
  4. a small green flesh fruit with brown skin
  5. round container usually made of glass

10 Clues: a young cata coarse brown seaweeda deep, shiny black colora container for holding liquidsan Australian mammal with a poucha sweetened, fruit flavored dessertround container usually made of glassa small green flesh fruit with brown skina musical toy that looks like a small tubea sweet spread made by cooking fruit and sugar

Easy crossword 2020-06-03

Easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. beautiful
  2. you can get wool from it
  3. has often short hair
  4. Homans best friend
  5. very famous flower
  6. you can drink it
  1. a person you like
  2. an animal
  3. its a coller
  4. you can get milk from it

10 Clues: beautifulan animalits a colleryou can drink ita person you likeHomans best friendvery famous flowerhas often short hairyou can get wool from ityou can get milk from it

Easy Crossword! 2017-09-11

Easy Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. Place You Go Everyday
  2. Something That Goes Off Everyday
  3. Something in the Country
  4. Brightest Color To The Human Eye
  1. What is 75% of the earth
  2. What Are you doing Right Now
  3. Something You Drink With
  4. Something you call someone when they always lie
  5. Man's Best Friend
  6. Something Some People Need See Better With

10 Clues: Man's Best FriendPlace You Go EverydayWhat is 75% of the earthSomething You Drink WithSomething in the CountryWhat Are you doing Right NowSomething That Goes Off EverydayBrightest Color To The Human EyeSomething Some People Need See Better WithSomething you call someone when they always lie

Easy words 2016-05-08

Easy words crossword puzzle
  1. ist Wurst und rot
  2. fliegt ein Flugzeug
  3. ist gefährlich und hat scharfe Zähne
  4. ist gelb und krumm
  5. kann alles nachsprechen
  6. ist rund und rot
  1. ist gelb und sauer
  2. ist rund und saftig
  3. hat einen rüssel
  4. gibt Licht

10 Clues: gibt Lichthat einen rüsselist rund und rotist Wurst und rotist gelb und sauerist gelb und krummist rund und saftigfliegt ein Flugzeugkann alles nachsprechenist gefährlich und hat scharfe Zähne

Easy Crossword 2021-08-16

Easy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The time you work
  2. Get kicked out of your job
  3. Getting paid every month
  4. Opposite of positive
  5. You make videos on the internet
  1. You work with them
  2. The guy who commands every body
  3. You take care of pet's
  4. Can't wait
  5. Can talk with people

10 Clues: Can't waitThe time you workYou work with themOpposite of positiveCan talk with peopleYou take care of pet'sGetting paid every monthGet kicked out of your jobThe guy who commands every bodyYou make videos on the internet

Animal (easy) 2021-10-11

Animal (easy) crossword puzzle
  1. different types of this animal
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. eats oysters
  4. lays eggs
  5. Has a trunk
  1. swims in the ocean
  2. Large marsupial
  3. plant in the ocean
  4. Flying mammal
  5. Man's best friend

10 Clues: lays eggsHas a trunkeats oystersFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendswims in the oceanplant in the oceanLikes to chase micedifferent types of this animal

easy crossword 2021-11-05

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. püspök
  2. vihar
  3. tisztítótűz
  4. szakadás
  5. szerzetes
  1. szent
  2. fordítás
  3. pápa
  4. törvényen_kívüli
  5. vita/eszmecsere

10 Clues: pápaszentviharpüspökfordításszakadásszerzetestisztítótűzvita/eszmecseretörvényen_kívüli

Christmas - Easy 2021-09-01

Christmas - Easy crossword puzzle
  1. They make toys in a workshop
  2. Santa checks this twice
  3. These are sent through the mail to wish people a Happy Holiday
  4. Delicious drink served with marshmallows
  1. Striped with a crooked neck
  2. Arguably the most famous snowman
  3. People wish others a "__ Christmas!"
  4. Eight reindeer pull this through the night sky
  5. These are sung to celebrate the holiday
  6. Famously bellows, "ho, ho, ho!"

10 Clues: Santa checks this twiceStriped with a crooked neckThey make toys in a workshopFamously bellows, "ho, ho, ho!"Arguably the most famous snowmanPeople wish others a "__ Christmas!"These are sung to celebrate the holidayDelicious drink served with marshmallowsEight reindeer pull this through the night sky...

easy(1) 2022-10-23

easy(1) crossword puzzle
  1. garis yg memisahkan fauna asiatis dgn fauna peralihan disebut garis....
  2. Benda langit yang diturunkan dari status planet
  3. 29 februari
  4. Satuan Internasional (SI) yang digunakan untuk suhu adalah ...
  5. negara yang sebagian besar penduduknya bekerja di sektor pertanian
  1. Tanda-tanda kehidupan di bumi pertama kali terjadi di
  2. timur wilayah yang meliputi jepang, cina, dan korea
  3. samudra terbesar di dunia
  4. Organ terbesar manusia
  5. Negara dengan jumlah penduduk terbanyak di dunia

10 Clues: 29 februariOrgan terbesar manusiasamudra terbesar di duniaBenda langit yang diturunkan dari status planetNegara dengan jumlah penduduk terbanyak di duniatimur wilayah yang meliputi jepang, cina, dan koreaTanda-tanda kehidupan di bumi pertama kali terjadi diSatuan Internasional (SI) yang digunakan untuk suhu adalah ......

easy crossword 2022-11-10

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How do u talk to God/Jesus
  2. Where do u do schoolwork in
  3. U ...... the road
  4. U can make it your background
  1. u it takes a long time to be a .......
  2. U can play games on it
  3. Who is the head of school
  4. U Drink out of a
  5. U can were it
  6. U can drive in the ....

10 Clues: U can were itU Drink out of aU ...... the roadU can play games on itU can drive in the ....Who is the head of schoolHow do u talk to God/JesusWhere do u do schoolwork inU can make it your backgroundu it takes a long time to be a .......

Easy Bible 2023-01-18

Easy Bible crossword puzzle
  1. Who was Abraham's wife
  2. Who denied Jesus 3 times
  3. Who built the ark for the flood
  4. Who baptized Jesus
  5. Which disciple was known as the doubter
  6. Who was the first to die on the planet
  1. Who betrayed Jesus
  2. Who was born first on the planet
  3. Who almost Sacrificed Isaac
  4. Who was the first man on earth

10 Clues: Who betrayed JesusWho baptized JesusWho was Abraham's wifeWho denied Jesus 3 timesWho almost Sacrificed IsaacWho was the first man on earthWho built the ark for the floodWho was born first on the planetWho was the first to die on the planetWhich disciple was known as the doubter

animals (easy) 2024-05-08

animals (easy) crossword puzzle
  1. a striped horse that lives in Africa
  2. a big cat that is famously known for his mane
  3. fluffy black and white animal that eats bamboo
  4. butterfly that is known for its migration and orange color
  5. an ape featured in movies like Tarzan
  1. a snake commonly known for its "rattle"
  2. a really fast animal from the African Savannah
  3. Australian animal that has a pouch and can jump high
  4. animal known for just "hanging around" and barely moving
  5. an annoying animal from the beach that steals your fries

10 Clues: a striped horse that lives in Africaan ape featured in movies like Tarzana snake commonly known for its "rattle"a big cat that is famously known for his manea really fast animal from the African Savannahfluffy black and white animal that eats bambooAustralian animal that has a pouch and can jump high...