easy Crossword Puzzles

The Easy Life 2023-05-16

The Easy Life crossword puzzle
  1. this machine takes photos
  2. a type of computer you can rest on your lap
  3. a machine that can perform specific tasks automatically, they sometimes look like humans
  4. a type of floor cleaner
  5. owning this machine means you don't have to wash the dishes by hand
  6. similar to a laptop but smaller
  7. this machine is for listening to music, news, and audioplays
  8. something valuable
  1. these are for listening to music
  2. a type of computer you can put on your desk
  3. a gadget to help you see in the dark
  4. a machine for working out sums
  5. a machine for playing video games
  6. this machine is for watching films, shows and sports

14 Clues: something valuablea type of floor cleanerthis machine takes photosa machine for working out sumssimilar to a laptop but smallerthese are for listening to musica machine for playing video gamesa gadget to help you see in the darka type of computer you can put on your deska type of computer you can rest on your lap...

Easy Exponential Crossword 2023-05-23

Easy Exponential Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. e^t1 = 0.5e^t2
  2. The n of y=n^x
  3. Rate of exponential decay
  4. The x of y=n^x
  5. Rate of exponential growth
  6. Add the exponents
  1. When the function is doubled
  2. Inverse of natural exponent
  3. Exponential growth in a bank
  4. Log with a base of 10
  5. Functions never reach this
  6. Subtract the exponents
  7. Interchanging the first and second coordinates of each ordered pair
  8. Inverse of an exponent

14 Clues: e^t1 = 0.5e^t2The n of y=n^xThe x of y=n^xAdd the exponentsLog with a base of 10Subtract the exponentsInverse of an exponentRate of exponential decayFunctions never reach thisRate of exponential growthInverse of natural exponentWhen the function is doubledExponential growth in a bank...

easy crossword puzzle 2023-11-22

easy crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 친구
  2. 과학자
  3. 의자
  4. 학교
  5. 백팩
  6. 수학
  7. 우정
  8. 컴퓨터
  1. 독서
  2. 운동
  3. 과학
  4. 숙제
  5. 식탁
  6. 미소

14 Clues: 친구독서운동과학의자학교숙제백팩수학식탁미소우정과학자컴퓨터

Kuma Family (Easy) 2023-12-28

Kuma Family (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. Name of person who got Covid twice
  2. Most common type of pasta cooked for dinner
  3. Appa’s birth name
  4. Brand of the first Kuma family car
  5. What Iness always does
  6. Mummy drinks this everyday
  7. Eliss’ friend who gives cookies
  1. Political party we “support”
  2. Mummy’s school; Abbr
  3. Favourite colour of 2 family members
  4. Pap’s soulmate
  5. Not allowed in the house
  6. Pap’s favourite food
  7. Akka’s favourite family member

14 Clues: Pap’s soulmateAppa’s birth nameMummy’s school; AbbrPap’s favourite foodWhat Iness always doesNot allowed in the houseMummy drinks this everydayPolitical party we “support”Akka’s favourite family memberEliss’ friend who gives cookiesName of person who got Covid twiceBrand of the first Kuma family carFavourite colour of 2 family members...

This one’s easy 2023-12-30

This one’s easy crossword puzzle
  1. How many oranges?
  2. Otherwise known as a cheese platter.
  3. What’s Clint’s favourite chocolate?
  4. Favourite champagne?
  5. Something Clint is but Andrea not so much.
  6. One thing Andrea would do for Clint.
  7. What’s really strong between us?
  1. Clint is this.
  2. What Clint says when he’s happy.
  3. Grumpy old ?
  4. Cards of ?
  5. Something we’re in the middle of.
  6. Andrea is good at doing this.
  7. What Andrea wants to see when she’s old.

14 Clues: Cards of ?Grumpy old ?Clint is this.How many oranges?Favourite champagne?Andrea is good at doing this.What Clint says when he’s happy.What’s really strong between us?Something we’re in the middle of.What’s Clint’s favourite chocolate?Otherwise known as a cheese platter.One thing Andrea would do for Clint.What Andrea wants to see when she’s old....

Common Adjectives A1 2024-06-05

Common Adjectives A1 crossword puzzle
  1. I have got lots of friends, I am ...
  2. opposite of sad
  3. not easy
  4. opposite of old, e.g. in a shop
  5. not happy
  1. not difficult
  2. not good
  3. my ... car is Mercedes A200
  4. opposite of big
  5. opposite of hot
  6. opposite of old
  7. after work you are ...

12 Clues: not goodnot easynot happynot difficultopposite of bigopposite of hotopposite of sadopposite of oldafter work you are ...my ... car is Mercedes A200opposite of old, e.g. in a shopI have got lots of friends, I am ...

Wortpower -part 3 2020-03-02

Wortpower -part 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Rettungssanitäter
  2. dortdrüben
  3. gefühlsbetont
  4. ob
  5. aufdemSchulparkplatz
  6. Befehlsform
  7. krankwerden
  8. Tablett
  1. ErsteHilfeleisten
  2. Anweisungengeben
  3. amWochenende
  4. druchdrehen
  5. Austausch
  6. liegenlassenvergessen
  7. Akademie
  8. reparieren
  9. schwierig
  10. verdienen
  11. leicht

19 Clues: obleichtTablettAkademieAustauschschwierigverdienendortdrübenreparierendruchdrehenBefehlsformkrankwerdenamWochenendegefühlsbetontAnweisungengebenErsteHilfeleistenRettungssanitäteraufdemSchulparkplatzliegenlassenvergessen

Adjectives 2020-08-14

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. dirty
  2. big
  3. fast
  4. difficult
  5. boring
  6. near
  7. sad
  8. full
  1. cheap
  2. healthy
  3. hot
  4. heavy
  5. dangerous
  6. low
  7. last
  8. old
  9. short
  10. free
  11. ugly

19 Clues: hotbiglowoldsadfastlastfreenearuglyfullcheapdirtyheavyshortboringhealthydifficultdangerous

Adjectives 2020-11-30

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. new
  2. thin
  3. hot
  4. poor
  5. fast
  6. funny
  7. hardworking
  8. difficult
  9. beautiful
  10. thin
  1. young
  2. bad
  3. weak
  4. quiet
  5. expensive
  6. far
  7. small
  8. tall
  9. high
  10. unhappy
  11. dirty

21 Clues: badnewhotfarweakthinpoorfasttallhighthinyoungquietfunnysmalldirtyunhappyexpensivedifficultbeautifulhardworking

PRIDEVNIKI 2019-09-30

PRIDEVNIKI crossword puzzle
  1. tišina
  2. vesel
  3. novo
  4. zabaven
  5. majhen
  6. zanimivo
  7. star
  8. velik
  9. resno
  10. odlično
  1. drag
  2. obupen
  3. glasno
  4. lahko
  5. dolgočasno
  6. žalosten
  7. težko
  8. dobro
  9. slabo

19 Clues: dragnovostarvesellahkotežkodobroslabovelikresnotišinaobupenglasnomajhenzabavenodličnožalostenzanimivodolgočasno

Antonyms 2022-07-06

Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. Forward
  2. Easy
  3. Ugly
  4. Borrow
  5. Plural
  6. Long
  7. Down
  8. Forget
  9. Promote
  10. Imitation
  11. Correct
  1. Lazy
  2. Praise
  3. Senior
  4. Ascend
  5. Scarce
  6. End
  7. Give
  8. Permanent

19 Clues: EndLazyEasyUglyLongGiveDownPraiseSeniorBorrowAscendPluralScarceForgetForwardPromoteCorrectPermanentImitation

Opposites 2023-04-19

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. little
  2. thick
  3. long
  4. few
  5. messy
  6. quiet
  7. lethargic
  8. cheap
  9. old
  10. empty
  11. light
  1. interesting
  2. rude
  3. dishonest
  4. mean
  5. hot
  6. difficult
  7. cranky
  8. cloudy

19 Clues: fewhotoldrudelongmeanthickmessyquietcheapemptylightlittlecrankycloudydishonestlethargicdifficultinteresting

Opposites 2023-04-19

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. rude
  2. cranky
  3. interesting
  4. old
  5. difficult
  6. long
  7. thick
  8. hot
  9. cheap
  10. mean
  1. empty
  2. messy
  3. lethargic
  4. cloudy
  5. dishonest
  6. light
  7. few
  8. quiet
  9. little

19 Clues: oldfewhotrudelongmeanemptymessylightthickquietcheapcloudycrankylittlelethargicdifficultdishonestinteresting

Darek adjectives unit 7 2023-05-12

Darek adjectives unit 7 crossword puzzle
  1. powolny
  2. roślina
  3. brzydki
  4. noc
  5. zdumiewający
  6. razem
  7. godzina
  8. pić
  9. łatwy
  1. jedzenie
  2. szybki
  3. silny
  4. uroczy
  5. spać
  6. liść
  7. niebezpieczny
  8. przewodnik
  9. myśleć
  10. pracować

19 Clues: nocpićspaćliśćsilnyrazemłatwyszybkiuroczymyślećpowolnyroślinabrzydkigodzinajedzeniepracowaćprzewodnikzdumiewającyniebezpieczny

Thesaurus #5 2023-11-16

Thesaurus #5 crossword puzzle
  1. climb
  2. farm
  3. delay
  4. hungry
  5. lonely
  6. cheap
  7. level
  8. habit
  9. better
  10. boss
  1. barrier
  2. general
  3. irony
  4. depend
  5. brush
  6. label
  7. detail
  8. easy
  9. envy

19 Clues: farmeasybossenvyclimbdelayironybrushcheaplabellevelhabithungrydependlonelydetailbetterbarriergeneral

Latin II Pyrrhus of Epirus 2024-04-18

Latin II Pyrrhus of Epirus crossword puzzle
  1. contra
  2. impetus
  3. potens
  4. caelum
  5. levo
  6. autaut
  7. propter
  8. amitto
  9. olim
  10. facilis
  1. in
  2. exercitus
  3. integer
  4. fintimus
  5. acer
  6. proelium
  7. obtineo
  8. navigo
  9. commoveo

19 Clues: inacerlevoolimcontrapotenscaelumautautnavigoamittoimpetusintegerobtineopropterfacilisfintimusproeliumcommoveoexercitus

Adjective Opposites 2012-05-09

Adjective Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. neat
  2. safe
  3. light
  4. ugly
  5. high
  6. small
  7. same
  8. dry
  9. wrong
  10. loud
  1. full
  2. fat
  3. cheap
  4. thin
  5. nice
  6. easy
  7. short
  8. busy
  9. clean

19 Clues: fatdryfullneatsafethinniceeasyuglyhighbusysameloudcheaplightshortsmallcleanwrong

SCHOOL VOCAB!! 2012-12-14

SCHOOL VOCAB!! crossword puzzle
  1. tohaveto
  2. alittle
  3. quiz
  4. everyday
  5. test
  6. always
  7. difficult
  8. never
  9. homework
  10. thatswhy
  11. same
  1. onceinawhile
  2. rarely
  3. easy
  4. sometimes
  5. rightnow
  6. school
  7. soon
  8. onemust

19 Clues: easyquiztestsoonsameneverrarelyschoolalwaysalittleonemusttohavetorightnoweverydayhomeworkthatswhysometimesdifficultonceinawhile

Places in school and feelings in Spanish 2023-02-16

Places in school and feelings in Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. interesting
  2. depress
  3. easy
  4. restroom
  5. dificult
  6. calm
  7. office
  8. gym
  9. excited
  1. cafeteria
  2. fun
  3. library
  4. angry
  5. boring
  6. nervous
  7. hall
  8. busy
  9. happy
  10. tired

19 Clues: fungymhallbusyeasycalmangryhappytiredboringofficelibrarynervousdepressexcitedrestroomdificultcafeteriainteresting

Adjectives 2020-02-24

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. - скучный
  2. - дорогой
  3. - плохой
  4. - опасный
  5. - смешной
  6. - воодушевляющий
  7. - добрый
  8. - низкий
  9. - простой
  10. - быстрый
  1. - дешёвый
  2. - умный
  3. - высокий
  4. - красивый
  5. - хороший
  6. - сложный
  7. - сильный
  8. - дружелюбный
  9. - безопасный

19 Clues: - умный- плохой- добрый- низкий- дешёвый- высокий- скучный- хороший- дорогой- опасный- сложный- смешной- сильный- простой- быстрый- красивый- безопасный- дружелюбный- воодушевляющий

Opposites 2020-12-12

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. Good
  2. Tall
  3. Empty
  4. right
  5. Right
  6. Big
  7. Wet
  8. Clod
  9. Clean
  1. Slow
  2. Difficult
  3. Rich
  4. Noisy
  5. Pretty
  6. dark
  7. Strong
  8. New
  9. Happy
  10. Young
  11. Hard
  12. Thin

21 Clues: NewBigWetSlowGoodRichTalldarkHardClodThinNoisyEmptyrightHappyYoungRightCleanPrettyStrongDifficult

Vocabulary 2021-06-22

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. fácil
  2. semana
  3. primo
  4. juegos
  5. mes
  6. flauta
  7. película
  8. diario
  9. ahora
  10. aburrido
  1. ciencias
  2. cocina
  3. lavar
  4. hora
  5. hoy
  6. mañana
  7. divertido
  8. almuerzo
  9. desayuno

19 Clues: meshoyhorafácilprimolavarahorasemanacocinajuegosflautamañanadiariocienciaspelículaalmuerzodesayunoaburridodivertido

Josh 4 - Opposites 2022-07-22

Josh 4 - Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. White
  2. Dry
  3. Go
  4. Close
  5. Awake
  6. First
  7. Clean
  8. Easy
  9. Day
  1. Different
  2. Lose
  3. Short
  4. Hot
  5. Bottom
  6. Girl
  7. Skinny
  8. Start
  9. Happy
  10. Wrong

19 Clues: GoDryHotDayLoseGirlEasyWhiteShortCloseAwakeStartFirstHappyCleanWrongBottomSkinnyDifferent

Espanol Repaso 2022-10-16

Espanol Repaso crossword puzzle
  1. door
  2. flag
  3. backpack
  4. teach
  5. chair
  6. difficult
  7. lunch
  8. english
  9. clock
  10. dictionary
  11. third
  12. amusing
  1. need
  2. mathematics
  3. talk
  4. easy
  5. class
  6. schedule
  7. ninth

19 Clues: needdoorflagtalkeasyteachchairclasslunchclockninththirdenglishamusingbackpackscheduledifficultdictionarymathematics

Adjectives 2022-11-15

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. short
  2. little
  3. fat
  4. big
  5. beautiful
  6. expensive
  7. long
  8. easy
  9. old
  10. young
  11. bad
  1. weak
  2. sad
  3. white
  4. heavy
  5. amazing
  6. thin
  7. tired
  8. hot

19 Clues: sadfatbigoldhotbadweakthinlongeasyshortwhiteheavytiredyounglittleamazingbeautifulexpensive

LET'S SOLVE ME 2017-11-20

LET'S SOLVE ME crossword puzzle
  1. bad
  2. ugly
  3. cheap
  4. important
  5. short
  6. dirty
  7. thin
  8. safe
  9. thin
  10. near
  11. cold
  1. hard
  2. easy
  3. late
  4. lazy
  5. tall
  6. sad
  7. slow
  8. light
  9. poor

20 Clues: badsadhardeasyuglylatelazytallthinslowsafepoorthinnearcoldcheapshortdirtylightimportant

OPPOSITES 2019-07-03

OPPOSITES crossword puzzle
  1. below
  2. lazy
  3. cheap
  4. narrow
  5. short
  6. amateur
  7. short
  8. quiet
  9. small
  10. blunt
  1. under
  2. simple
  3. cruel
  4. careless
  5. easy
  6. light
  7. boring
  8. bright
  9. mean
  10. sad

20 Clues: sadlazyeasymeanunderbelowcruellightcheapshortshortquietsmallbluntsimpleboringnarrowbrightamateurcareless

noel 2023-11-29

noel crossword puzzle
  1. ujo
  2. viisas
  3. rohkea
  4. jännittävä
  5. vahva
  6. iloinen
  7. tyhmä
  8. hyvä
  9. kylmä
  1. painava
  2. tylsä
  3. salainen
  4. kevyt
  5. helppo
  6. söpö
  7. surullinen
  8. paha
  9. vanha
  10. kuuma

19 Clues: ujosöpöpahahyvätylsäkevytvahvatyhmävanhakuumakylmäviisasrohkeahelppopainavailoinensalainenjännittäväsurullinen

Opposite Word 2024-10-08

Opposite Word crossword puzzle
  1. Out
  2. Asleep
  3. Buy
  4. Before
  5. Girl
  6. Remember
  7. Ugly
  8. Low
  9. Expensive
  1. Quiet
  2. Panic
  3. Cool
  4. Departure
  5. Difficult
  6. Tall
  7. Small
  8. Fat
  9. Dirty
  10. Exclude

19 Clues: OutBuyFatLowCoolTallGirlUglyQuietPanicSmallDirtyAsleepBeforeExcludeRememberDepartureDifficultExpensive

lukas and teodor's crrosswowerd 2021-02-25

lukas and teodor's crrosswowerd crossword puzzle
  1. it always works correctly
  2. a gadget you take photos with
  3. advertising and shopping via television
  4. a personal internet journal
  5. big screen with different channels
  6. a gadget used to project images on flat surface
  7. a computer
  1. a harmful software (VIRUS)
  2. a gadget for digitalizing documents
  3. a small portable computer
  4. a small gadget for doing math
  5. useful and easy-to-use
  6. easy to break
  7. a gadget that prints documents
  8. a portable source of energy

15 Clues: a computereasy to breakuseful and easy-to-useit always works correctlya small portable computera harmful software (VIRUS)a personal internet journala portable source of energya gadget you take photos witha small gadget for doing matha gadget that prints documentsbig screen with different channelsa gadget for digitalizing documents...

joshua.rottanburg 2019-04-04

joshua.rottanburg crossword puzzle
  1. swimming and baseball
  2. having a gentle personalty
  3. i like pizza and pasta
  4. having a strong say on a subject and won't stop for a while
  5. acting lie a freind
  6. not messy
  7. avoiding danger or accident
  8. having lots of manners
  9. can stand pain and i am ready for it
  1. astrix series
  2. not relying on others
  3. easy to make people laugh
  4. easy going on new conditions
  5. willing to agree to something
  6. favorite coluar

15 Clues: not messyastrix seriesfavorite coluaracting lie a freindswimming and baseballnot relying on othersi like pizza and pastahaving lots of mannerseasy to make people laughhaving a gentle personaltyavoiding danger or accidenteasy going on new conditionswilling to agree to somethingcan stand pain and i am ready for it...

Opposites 2021-03-08

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. old
  2. dirty
  3. little
  4. sad
  5. cold
  6. difficult
  7. out
  8. wrong
  9. slow
  10. full
  1. walk
  2. strong
  3. dark
  4. low
  5. night
  6. shut
  7. tall
  8. light
  9. dry

19 Clues: oldlowsadoutdrywalkdarkcoldshuttallslowfulldirtynightwronglightstronglittledifficult

Basic English 2021-01-12

Basic English crossword puzzle
  1. Falar
  2. Difícil
  3. Ler
  4. Fácil
  5. Caderno
  6. Assistir
  7. Sentir
  8. Escrever
  9. Ir
  10. Conversar
  1. Acreditar
  2. Entender
  3. Estudar
  4. Erro
  5. Fone_de_ouvido
  6. Beber
  7. Comer
  8. Trabalhar
  9. Dizer

19 Clues: IrLerErroFalarBeberFácilComerDizerSentirEstudarDifícilCadernoEntenderAssistirEscreverAcreditarTrabalharConversarFone_de_ouvido

aggettivi: scrivi la traduzione in italiano 2020-11-25

aggettivi: scrivi la traduzione in italiano crossword puzzle
  1. old
  2. scary
  3. polite
  4. big
  5. interesting
  6. serious
  7. good
  8. small
  9. difficult
  1. new
  2. shy
  3. bad
  4. nice
  5. young
  6. rude
  7. easy
  8. friendly
  9. boring
  10. happy

19 Clues: newshyoldbadbignicerudeeasygoodyoungscaryhappysmallpoliteboringseriousfriendlydifficultinteresting

LET'S SOLVE ME 2017-11-20

LET'S SOLVE ME crossword puzzle
  1. sad
  2. near
  3. easy
  4. light
  5. important
  6. cold
  7. bad
  8. tall
  9. hard
  10. thin
  1. ugly
  2. cheap
  3. lazy
  4. dirty
  5. late
  6. safe
  7. poor
  8. thin
  9. slow
  10. short

20 Clues: sadbaduglylazyneareasylatesafepoorthincoldslowtallhardthincheapdirtylightshortimportant

Antonyms 2023-11-06

Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. slow
  2. wide
  3. expensive
  4. short
  5. old
  6. black
  7. night
  8. strong
  1. cold
  2. soft
  3. dry
  4. down
  5. open
  6. hard
  7. small
  8. boring
  9. light
  10. whisper
  11. wright

19 Clues: dryoldcoldslowsoftwidedownopenhardshortsmallblacklightnightboringstrongwrightwhisperexpensive

go getter 2 unit 4 2024-01-11

go getter 2 unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. дешевый
  2. опасный
  3. водопад
  4. вулкан
  5. высокий
  6. безопасный
  7. дорогой
  8. город
  9. городок
  1. гора
  2. пустыня
  3. остров
  4. сложный
  5. лес
  6. река
  7. озеро
  8. легкий
  9. пляж
  10. низкий

19 Clues: лесгорарекапляжозерогородостроввулканлегкийнизкийпустынядешевыйопасныйсложныйводопадвысокийдорогойгородокбезопасный

Crossword 2024-01-03

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Mathematics
  2. Threeringbinder
  3. Tostudy
  4. Calculator
  5. boring
  6. Totalk
  1. TheHomework
  2. ToTeach
  3. Ihave
  4. Easy
  5. Science
  6. Favorite
  7. Lunch
  8. English
  9. Technology
  10. Theclass
  11. Schedule
  12. Dictionary
  13. Alot

19 Clues: EasyAlotIhaveLunchboringTotalkToTeachScienceEnglishTostudyFavoriteTheclassScheduleTechnologyDictionaryCalculatorTheHomeworkMathematicsThreeringbinder

7.1 2024-01-23

7.1 crossword puzzle
  1. attractive
  2. moisture
  3. panting
  4. pleasure
  5. bright
  6. reconstruct
  7. random
  8. fragile
  9. pristine
  10. familiarity
  1. lovely
  2. happy
  3. excessive
  4. concrete
  5. honest
  6. pardon
  7. everlasting
  8. defy
  9. easy

19 Clues: defyeasyhappylovelyhonestpardonbrightrandompantingfragileconcretemoisturepleasurepristineexcessiveattractivereconstructeverlastingfamiliarity

Unit 5 Vocabulary 1 2022-05-24

Unit 5 Vocabulary 1 crossword puzzle
  1. ruidoso
  2. pequeño
  3. facil
  4. casado
  5. nuevo
  6. feo
  7. grande
  8. barato
  9. caro
  1. viejo
  2. aburrido
  3. pesado
  4. delgado
  5. soltero
  6. joven
  7. rico
  8. guapo
  9. pobre
  10. callado

19 Clues: feoricocaroviejofaciljovennuevoguapopobrepesadocasadograndebaratoruidosopequeñodelgadosolterocalladoaburrido

Language arts crossword puzzle 2023-09-13

Language arts crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. to shrink in fear or dislike
  2. real not copied or fake
  3. to hate instantly
  4. dependable easy to be trusted
  5. hateful scorn
  6. fair not favoring one side or another
  7. to hold or keep
  8. a thought or an idea
  9. to need or desire strongly
  1. easy to see clear apparent
  2. an alphabetical list of terms or words
  3. inspiring or deserving hatred
  4. completely honest
  5. having one use among many uses
  6. to invent in order to device
  7. a word that means the opposite of another word
  8. vocabulary particular to a certain subject
  9. to end by force or effort
  10. pleasant friendly

19 Clues: hateful scornto hold or keepcompletely honestto hate instantlypleasant friendlya thought or an ideareal not copied or faketo end by force or efforteasy to see clear apparentto need or desire stronglyto shrink in fear or disliketo invent in order to deviceinspiring or deserving hatreddependable easy to be trustedhaving one use among many uses...

tuck everlasting 2023-05-01

tuck everlasting crossword puzzle
  1. a gloomy state of mind
  2. an act or instance of intruding
  3. any of certain small flies
  4. to raise or lift with effort or force
  5. physically or mentally exhausted by hard work
  6. the act of contemplating
  7. causing sorrow or pity
  8. to irritate or provoke to a high degree
  9. unhappy or miserable
  10. to go at a slow easy pace
  1. uncontrollably emotional
  2. an act or instance of intruding
  3. to shake with a slight but rapid motion
  4. inclined or disposed to tolerate
  5. mild and refreshing
  6. covered or rough with bristles
  7. easy to approach
  8. deficient in quantity or quality
  9. full of or marked by resentment
  10. to dull the luster

20 Clues: easy to approachto dull the lustermild and refreshingunhappy or miserablea gloomy state of mindcausing sorrow or pityuncontrollably emotionalthe act of contemplatingto go at a slow easy paceany of certain small fliescovered or rough with bristlesan act or instance of intrudingan act or instance of intrudingfull of or marked by resentment...

Sub Activity By: Timothy Walton and Brian Cross 2016-03-09

Sub Activity By: Timothy Walton and Brian Cross crossword puzzle
  1. ugly
  2. homework
  3. fast
  4. difficult
  5. boring
  6. tall
  7. good
  8. intelligent
  9. slow
  10. short
  11. fat
  1. selfish
  2. thin
  3. interesting
  4. easy
  5. bald
  6. baseball
  7. soccer
  8. bad
  9. silly
  10. blond

21 Clues: badfatuglythinfasteasybaldtallgoodslowsillyblondshortboringsoccerselfishhomeworkbaseballdifficultinterestingintelligent

Adjectives 2016-02-24

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. dumber
  2. longer
  3. messier
  4. easier
  5. stupider
  6. happier
  7. fatter
  8. cooler
  9. thinner
  10. worse
  11. greaner
  1. uglier
  2. heavier
  3. smarter
  4. lazier
  5. faster
  6. smaller
  7. prettier
  8. better
  9. sicker
  10. bigger

21 Clues: worsedumberuglierlongerlaziereasierfasterbettersickerfattercoolerbiggerheaviermessiersmartersmallerhappierthinnergreanerstupiderprettier

CLC, Book II, Stage 17, Vocabulary 2017-12-30

CLC, Book II, Stage 17, Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. facilis
  2. numquam
  3. appropinquo
  4. diu
  5. insula
  6. negotium
  7. ara
  8. resisto
  9. quondam
  1. huc
  2. recipio
  3. maximus
  4. invitus
  5. faber
  6. itaque
  7. graviter
  8. bene
  9. benignus
  10. pauci
  11. pervenio
  12. animus

21 Clues: hucdiuarabenefaberpauciitaqueinsulaanimusfacilisrecipiomaximusnumquaminvitusresistoquondamgraviterbenignusnegotiumpervenioappropinquo

Talking about sport #1 2013-04-07

Talking about sport #1 crossword puzzle
  1. приятный
  2. безопасный
  3. нездоровый
  4. напряжённый
  5. недорогой
  6. ужасный
  7. трудный
  8. захватывающий
  9. опасный
  10. скучный
  11. удивительный
  1. монотонный
  2. дорогой
  3. бросающий вызов
  4. простой
  5. полезный
  6. влекущий за собой
  7. расслабляющий
  8. весёлый
  9. утомительный

20 Clues: дорогойпростойужасныйтрудныйопасныйвесёлыйскучныйприятныйполезныйнедорогоймонотонныйбезопасныйнездоровыйнапряжённыйутомительныйудивительныйрасслабляющийзахватывающийбросающий вызоввлекущий за собой

What is the opposite? 2014-04-24

What is the opposite? crossword puzzle
  1. light
  2. messy
  3. weak
  4. thin
  5. cheap
  6. clean
  7. deep
  8. bad
  9. dry
  10. sad
  1. slow
  2. rich
  3. boring
  4. dangerous
  5. old
  6. ugly
  7. small
  8. nasty
  9. wide
  10. old
  11. quiet
  12. difficult

22 Clues: oldoldbaddrysadslowrichweakuglythinwidedeeplightmessysmallcheapnastycleanquietboringdangerousdifficult

Les Adjectifs 2015-04-29

Les Adjectifs crossword puzzle
  1. straightforward
  2. quick witted
  3. discrete
  4. moody
  5. understanding
  6. pretentious
  7. enthusiastic
  8. snob
  9. partier
  10. hypocritical
  1. selfish
  2. independent
  3. reserved
  4. cultivated
  5. easy going
  6. exasperated
  7. uncool
  8. honest
  9. spontaneous
  10. sensitive

20 Clues: snobmoodyuncoolhonestselfishpartierreserveddiscretesensitivecultivatedeasy goingindependentexasperatedpretentiousspontaneousquick wittedenthusiastichypocriticalunderstandingstraightforward

stopień najwyższy przymiotnika 2015-04-19

stopień najwyższy przymiotnika crossword puzzle
  1. interestiong
  2. boring
  3. safe
  4. expensive
  5. crowded
  6. ugly
  7. funny
  8. cold
  9. good
  10. old
  1. clean
  2. big
  3. small
  4. important
  5. famous
  6. cheap
  7. bad
  8. large
  9. nice
  10. hot
  11. easy

21 Clues: bigbadhotoldsafeuglynicecoldeasygoodcleansmallcheaplargefunnyboringfamouscrowdedimportantexpensiveinterestiong

Sprachenlernen 2021-03-10

Sprachenlernen crossword puzzle
  1. tenses
  2. culture
  3. foreignlanguage
  4. clearly
  5. cases
  6. tricky
  7. pronunciation
  8. useful
  9. wordorder
  10. horizons
  11. easy
  1. grammar
  2. member
  3. complicated
  4. language
  5. broaden
  6. boring
  7. challenging
  8. exceptions
  9. lesson
  10. workopportunities

21 Clues: easycasestensesmemberboringtrickylessonusefulgrammarculturebroadenclearlylanguagehorizonswordorderexceptionscomplicatedchallengingpronunciationforeignlanguageworkopportunities

Opposites 2022-03-07

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. - pessimist
  2. - cold
  3. - narrow
  4. - short
  5. - heavy
  6. - bright
  7. - thin
  8. - shallow
  9. - sad
  10. - ugly
  11. - expensive
  1. - ancient
  2. - poor
  3. - fast
  4. - thin
  5. - sick
  6. - taciturn
  7. - small
  8. - bad
  9. - difficult
  10. - coward
  11. - low

22 Clues: - bad- sad- low- poor- fast- thin- cold- sick- short- thin- ugly- heavy- small- narrow- bright- coward- ancient- shallow- taciturn- pessimist- difficult- expensive

FF3 Unit 13 2022-05-04

FF3 Unit 13 crossword puzzle
  1. juoktis
  2. pabaigti
  3. alkūnė
  4. norėti
  5. akmuo
  6. lengvas
  7. muilas
  8. minkštas
  9. mylėti
  10. sunkus
  1. sudėtingas
  2. snigti
  3. sunkus (svoris)
  4. paltas
  5. gyventi
  6. nekęsti
  7. nosis
  8. pradėti
  9. naudoti
  10. lengvas (svoris)

20 Clues: akmuonosissnigtipaltasalkūnėnorėtimuilasmylėtisunkusjuoktisgyventinekęstilengvaspradėtinaudotipabaigtiminkštassudėtingassunkus (svoris)lengvas (svoris)

Adjectifs 2022-06-13

Adjectifs crossword puzzle
  1. lazy
  2. short
  3. good
  4. kind
  5. large
  6. happy
  7. beautiful
  8. bad
  9. easy
  10. honest
  11. narrow
  12. fair
  1. big
  2. loud
  3. small
  4. long
  5. heavy
  6. high
  7. difficult
  8. calm
  9. sad

21 Clues: bigbadsadloudlazylonggoodkindhighcalmeasyfairsmallshortheavylargehappyhonestnarrowdifficultbeautiful

spanish 2022-11-07

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. red
  2. class
  3. book
  4. salad
  5. the meat
  6. difficult
  7. living room
  8. large
  9. sandwhich
  10. Dinner
  1. first
  2. bathroom
  3. to eat
  4. my
  5. house
  6. milk
  7. easy
  8. half
  9. chair
  10. juice

20 Clues: myredbookmilkeasyhalffirstclasshousesaladchairjuicelargeto eatDinnerbathroomthe meatdifficultsandwhichliving room

Las clases 2022-10-24

Las clases crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. boring
  3. social studies
  4. technology
  5. art
  6. easy
  7. algebra
  8. difficult
  9. interesting
  10. internship
  11. civics
  12. chemistry
  1. math
  2. physics
  3. Spanish
  4. PE
  5. English
  6. geometry
  7. biology
  8. history
  9. music

21 Clues: PEartmatheasymusicboringcivicsphysicsscienceSpanishEnglishalgebrabiologyhistorygeometrydifficultchemistrytechnologyinternshipinterestingsocial studies

Get to the top 2, pages 53 and 54 2019-04-10

Get to the top 2, pages 53 and 54 crossword puzzle
  1. meghalt
  2. visszatérés
  3. rettenetes
  4. sajnos
  5. csapat
  6. tizenéves
  7. vadászat
  8. kerékpározás
  9. Franciaország
  10. megmentette
  11. új
  1. ötlet
  2. született
  3. tegnap
  4. autó
  5. hegy
  6. híres
  7. könnyű
  8. tanár
  9. életben
  10. lassú

21 Clues: újautóhegyötlethírestanárlassútegnapsajnoscsapatkönnyűmeghaltéletbenvadászatszületetttizenévesrettenetesvisszatérésmegmentettekerékpározásFranciaország

Midtest 2023-03-10

Midtest crossword puzzle
  1. tas
  2. bedak
  3. kecil
  4. kelapa
  5. tulang
  6. paman
  7. daun
  8. kabel
  9. pembicara
  10. botol
  1. hutan
  2. bangunan
  3. buaya
  4. nama
  5. plastik
  6. lantai
  7. dada
  8. jaket
  9. terbang
  10. kurus
  11. mudah

21 Clues: tasnamadadadaunhutanbedakkecilbuayapamanjaketkabelbotolkurusmudahkelapatulanglantaiplastikterbangbangunanpembicara

vocab 2023-02-10

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. interesting
  2. good looking
  3. tall
  4. pretty
  5. small
  6. thin
  7. red-head
  8. nice
  1. old
  2. intelligent
  3. big
  4. brunette
  5. fat
  6. foolish
  7. short
  8. young
  9. ugly
  10. difficult
  11. blonde
  12. easy

20 Clues: oldbigfattallthinuglyeasynicesmallshortyoungprettyblondefoolishbrunettered-headdifficultinterestingintelligentgood looking

Spanish Vocabulary 2023-02-09

Spanish Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. blonde
  2. unpleasant
  3. small
  4. German
  5. fat
  6. bad
  7. brunette
  8. many
  9. young
  10. old
  11. same
  1. short
  2. pretty
  3. likeable
  4. foolish
  5. good
  6. hard-working
  7. red-haired
  8. easy
  9. ugly

20 Clues: fatbadoldgoodmanyeasyuglysameshortsmallyoungprettyblondeGermanfoolishlikeablebrunetteunpleasantred-hairedhard-working

Spanish Crossword 2023-02-09

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Same
  2. Tall
  3. Big
  4. Good
  5. Difficult
  6. Young
  7. Ugly
  8. Thin
  9. Hard-Working
  10. Foolish
  11. Brunette
  12. Easy
  13. Blonde
  1. Fat
  2. Inteligent
  3. Bad
  4. Short
  5. Nice/Likable
  6. Old
  7. Unpleasant

20 Clues: FatBadBigOldSameTallGoodUglyThinEasyShortYoungBlondeFoolishBrunetteDifficultInteligentUnpleasantNice/LikableHard-Working

고아영 2023-11-10

고아영 crossword puzzle
  1. 기린
  2. 더 빠른
  3. 쉬운
  4. 두통
  5. 사진
  6. 보다
  7. 감기
  8. 옳은
  9. 더 무거운
  1. 흥미로운
  2. ~보다
  3. 주말
  4. 가족
  5. 생각
  6. 먹다
  7. 종종
  8. 도서관

20 Clues: 기린주말가족생각쉬운두통먹다사진보다감기종종옳은~보다도서관흥미로운더 빠른더 무거운

고아영 2023-11-10

고아영 crossword puzzle
  1. 기린
  2. 더 빠른
  3. 쉬운
  4. 두통
  5. 사진
  6. 보다
  7. 감기
  8. 옳은
  9. 더 무거운
  1. 흥미로운
  2. ~보다
  3. 주말
  4. 가족
  5. 생각
  6. 먹다
  7. 종종
  8. 도서관

20 Clues: 기린주말가족생각쉬운두통먹다사진보다감기종종옳은~보다도서관흥미로운더 빠른더 무거운

Adjectives (Nella 6A) 2023-11-29

Adjectives (Nella 6A) crossword puzzle
  1. vaarallinen
  2. vaikea
  3. hyödyllinen
  4. helppo
  5. suosittu
  6. tyhmä
  7. mahdoton
  8. herkullinen
  9. vaikea
  10. kuuluisa
  11. reilu
  12. rehellinen
  1. luova
  2. luotettava
  3. uskollinen
  4. ujo
  5. kaunis
  6. söpö
  7. kiltti
  8. viisas
  9. rento
  10. avulias

22 Clues: ujosöpöluovatyhmärentoreiluvaikeakaunishelppokilttiviisasvaikeaavuliassuosittumahdotonkuuluisaluotettavauskollinenrehellinenvaarallinenhyödyllinenherkullinen

adjectives (Iina 6A) 2023-11-29

adjectives (Iina 6A) crossword puzzle
  1. suosittu
  2. luotettava
  3. tyhjä
  4. avulias
  5. iloinen
  6. omituinen
  7. helppo
  8. aktiivinen
  9. luova
  10. viileä
  11. vaalea
  1. kaunis
  2. suloinen
  3. vaarallinen
  4. kallis
  5. painava
  6. täydellinen
  7. rohkea
  8. vaikea
  9. paksu
  10. laiska

21 Clues: tyhjäpaksuluovakauniskallisrohkeahelppovaikeaviileälaiskavaaleaavuliaspainavailoinensuloinensuosittuomituinenluotettavaaktiivinenvaarallinentäydellinen

Opposite of words 2023-11-14

Opposite of words crossword puzzle
  1. expensive
  2. out
  3. light
  4. down
  5. slow
  6. weak
  7. sad
  8. right
  9. white
  10. old
  1. low
  2. wrong
  3. difficult
  4. beautiful
  5. slim
  6. short
  7. new
  8. empty
  9. small
  10. hot
  11. bad

21 Clues: lowoutnewsadhotbadolddownslowslimweakwronglightshortrightemptywhitesmallexpensivedifficultbeautiful


VERBS CROSSWORDS crossword puzzle
  1. menyepak
  2. membunuh
  3. meloloskan diri
  4. membatalkan
  5. menuntun
  6. buta
  7. mengutip
  8. kaya
  9. membuat panik
  10. mudah
  11. kabur
  1. memilih
  2. malas
  3. nakal
  4. merokok
  5. bahaya
  6. melihat
  7. menipu
  8. memperbaiki
  9. menawarkan

20 Clues: butakayamalasnakalmudahkaburbahayamenipumemilihmerokokmelihatmenyepakmembunuhmenuntunmengutipmenawarkanmembatalkanmemperbaikimembuat panikmeloloskan diri

Go For It! 4 kpl 9 2024-01-25

Go For It! 4 kpl 9 crossword puzzle
  1. vanhempi
  2. tiedemies
  3. painava
  4. suurempi
  5. lentäjä
  6. avaruus
  7. lämmin
  8. laskeutua
  9. avaruuspuku
  10. työ
  11. helppo
  1. korkea
  2. pitkä
  3. tuntea
  4. puhdas
  5. lyhyt
  6. eilen
  7. parempi
  8. kokeilla
  9. turvallisesti
  10. matala

21 Clues: työpitkälyhyteilenkorkeatunteapuhdaslämminmatalahelppopainavaparempilentäjäavaruusvanhempisuurempikokeillatiedemieslaskeutuaavaruuspukuturvallisesti

Strong Adjectives 2024-07-29

Strong Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. Easy
  2. Loud
  3. Sad
  4. Happy
  5. Fast
  6. Weak
  7. Pretty
  8. Strong
  9. Slow
  10. Funny
  1. Scrumptious
  2. Cold
  3. Small
  4. Hot
  5. Boring
  6. Angry
  7. Ugly
  8. Clean
  9. Hard
  10. Smart
  11. Quiet

21 Clues: SadHotEasyColdLoudFastUglyWeakHardSlowSmallHappyAngryCleanSmartFunnyQuietBoringPrettyStrongScrumptious

Adjectives 2024-11-11

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. Mudah
  2. Malas
  3. Lelah/Capek
  4. Miskin
  5. Gugup
  6. Jelek
  7. Menyenangkan
  8. Baik hati
  9. Buruk
  10. Pandai
  1. Cemburu
  2. Menyeramkan
  3. Marah
  4. Aneh
  5. Sangat buruk
  6. Bodoh
  7. Lucu
  8. Sedih
  9. Rajin
  10. Kaya

20 Clues: AnehLucuKayaMudahMalasMarahGugupBodohJelekSedihRajinBurukMiskinPandaiCemburuBaik hatiMenyeramkanLelah/CapekSangat burukMenyenangkan

antonyms 2021-09-09

antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. thin
  2. short
  3. subtract
  4. interesting
  5. slow
  6. - Solid
  7. Guilty
  8. - Terrible
  9. difficult
  10. sad
  1. sink
  2. excited
  3. multiply
  4. - Sharp
  5. Depart
  6. scared
  7. - Cloudy
  8. Complicated
  9. - Defend

19 Clues: sadthinsinkslowshortDepartGuiltyscaredexcited- Sharp- Solidsubtractmultiply- Cloudy- Defenddifficult- TerribleinterestingComplicated

Places in school and feelings in Spanish 2023-02-16

Places in school and feelings in Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. interesting
  2. depress
  3. easy
  4. restroom
  5. dificult
  6. calm
  7. office
  8. gym
  9. excited
  1. cafeteria
  2. fun
  3. library
  4. angry
  5. boring
  6. nervous
  7. hall
  8. busy
  9. happy
  10. tired

19 Clues: fungymhallbusyeasycalmangryhappytiredboringofficelibrarynervousdepressexcitedrestroomdificultcafeteriainteresting

Opposites 2023-04-19

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. dishonest
  2. thick
  3. cheerful
  4. neat
  5. light
  6. big
  7. interesting
  8. easy
  9. cheap
  1. cold
  2. full
  3. few
  4. cloudy
  5. lethargic
  6. rude
  7. long
  8. mean
  9. loud
  10. old

19 Clues: fewbigoldcoldfullneatrudelongmeanloudeasythicklightcheapcloudycheerfuldishonestlethargicinteresting

Opposites 2023-04-19

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. lethargic
  2. thick
  3. mean
  4. cheap
  5. big
  6. rude
  7. few
  8. neat
  9. loud
  10. cold
  11. cheerful
  1. interesting
  2. easy
  3. dishonest
  4. light
  5. old
  6. long
  7. full
  8. cloudy

19 Clues: oldbigfeweasymeanlongrudefullneatloudcoldthicklightcheapcloudycheerfullethargicdishonestinteresting

The Game random words 2016-01-27

The Game random words crossword puzzle
  1. dörr
  2. tärning
  3. springa
  4. efter
  5. flyga
  6. penna
  7. drottning
  8. hoppa
  9. visselpipa
  10. rulla
  11. sitta
  1. svår
  2. mörk
  3. lätt
  4. före
  5. börja
  6. kärlek
  7. siffror
  8. vänta

19 Clues: svårdörrmörklättföreefterbörjaflygapennahoppaväntarullasittakärlektärningspringasiffrordrottningvisselpipa

Alliteration 2016-01-29

Alliteration crossword puzzle
  1. Beach
  2. Street
  3. Burt's
  4. Salazar
  5. Dog
  6. Mickey
  7. Philadelphia
  8. SuperBowl
  9. Best
  10. Easy
  1. Tater
  2. Mickey
  3. Kreme
  4. Chuckee
  5. Squarepants
  6. Airlines
  7. Reagan
  8. Chase
  9. Peppermint
  10. Bunsen

20 Clues: DogBestEasyTaterBeachKremeChaseMickeyStreetBurt'sReaganMickeyBunsenChuckeeSalazarAirlinesSuperBowlPeppermintSquarepantsPhiladelphia

Vokabeln Stella 2024-07-16

Vokabeln Stella crossword puzzle
  1. reich
  2. Theaterstück
  3. Autor
  4. Kleid
  5. Buchstabe
  6. halten
  7. durch
  8. einfach
  9. Überprüfung
  10. Bauer
  1. vorbereiten
  2. kopieren
  3. Schlüsselwort
  4. Untertitel
  5. bald
  6. Licht
  7. gelangen
  8. Szene
  9. Karren

19 Clues: baldreichAutorKleidLichtdurchSzeneBauerhaltenKarreneinfachkopierengelangenBuchstabeUntertitelvorbereitenÜberprüfungTheaterstückSchlüsselwort

Test(Impossible but possible) 2014-08-08

Test(Impossible but possible) crossword puzzle
  1. How hard is this crossword?
  2. Hint:معاذنغ
  3. Kanga-Roo
  5. What
  6. That *** easy
  1. omg
  2. BYE

9 Clues: omgBYEWhatGFGFGFGKanga-RooHint:معاذنغThat *** easyHow hard is this crossword?BFEGUBIERAYIBGRVESBGYITVSEIYBGESBIG

Raptors Easy 2020-10-15

Raptors Easy crossword puzzle
  1. smallest owl, named after Santa's helpers
  2. they don't balk, they don't squawk, this bird is a
  3. unlike other birds, raptors beak is this shape
  4. nocturnal, can turn his head almost 300deg, big eyes
  5. raptors keenest sense, detects prey miles away
  1. a US favorite, appears on the coat of arms
  2. raptors favorite meal,tiny, scurries,snakes fav food
  3. not a omnivore, vegan, vegetarian..they are...
  4. sharp and long,used to catch prey,synonym of claws

9 Clues: smallest owl, named after Santa's helpersa US favorite, appears on the coat of armsnot a omnivore, vegan, vegetarian..they are...unlike other birds, raptors beak is this shaperaptors keenest sense, detects prey miles awaythey don't balk, they don't squawk, this bird is asharp and long,used to catch prey,synonym of claws...

Easy Crossword 2020-04-01

Easy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This drink can help build strong teeth and bones.
  2. You use it to clean your teeth, it can be either electric or manual.
  3. These taste great but can be bad for your teeth. Only for treats!
  4. Squeeze this from the tube to get your teeth nice and clean.
  5. The soft, pink part of the mouth that holds the teeth.
  1. the teeth that you lose. Put them under your pillow!
  2. A big mouthful of this after brushing can go a long way. Remember to rinse!
  3. Use this small string in between your teeth - it's not just a dance!
  4. You might need these when you are older to make your teeth straight

9 Clues: This drink can help build strong teeth and bones.the teeth that you lose. Put them under your pillow!The soft, pink part of the mouth that holds the teeth.Squeeze this from the tube to get your teeth nice and clean.These taste great but can be bad for your teeth. Only for treats!You might need these when you are older to make your teeth straight...

Easy math 2023-03-08

Easy math crossword puzzle
  1. it's one plus zero
  2. it's 20 minus seven
  3. it's a hundred minus a hundred
  4. it's greater than ninety-nine
  1. it's greater than three and two
  2. it's six plus four
  3. it's 8 minus six
  4. it's ten plus one
  5. it's smaller than four

9 Clues: it's 8 minus sixit's ten plus oneit's one plus zeroit's six plus fourit's 20 minus sevenit's smaller than fourit's greater than ninety-nineit's a hundred minus a hundredit's greater than three and two

maths easy 2023-10-04

maths easy crossword puzzle
  1. -5+5
  2. 5 times 11
  3. 1+1+2+3+4+99
  4. 29+55
  5. what does this symbol mean <
  1. 12 times 12
  2. 4 times 8
  3. 7 times 7
  4. what does this symbol mean +

9 Clues: -5+529+554 times 87 times 75 times 1112 times 121+1+2+3+4+99what does this symbol mean +what does this symbol mean <

ryele easy 2024-02-27

ryele easy crossword puzzle
  1. to look in a weird direction at someone sideways
  2. game you were just playing
  3. what grace doesn't know what this is
  4. people say this when they mean yes, in a weird way
  5. to go up in the sky and float
  1. big burger king sandwich, or chocolate balls candy
  2. Alien keyboard key
  3. John ____, former leader of Canada
  4. Flying machine in the air, basket

9 Clues: Alien keyboard keygame you were just playingto go up in the sky and floatFlying machine in the air, basketJohn ____, former leader of Canadawhat grace doesn't know what this isto look in a weird direction at someone sidewaysbig burger king sandwich, or chocolate balls candypeople say this when they mean yes, in a weird way


CROSSWORD EASY crossword puzzle
  1. To pass dry ingredients through a fine sieve, to remove any large pieces or incorporate air to make the ingredients lighter.
  2. mixing two or more ingredients until evenly distributed.
  3. Incorporating solid fat into dry ingredients only until lumps of desired size remain.
  4. Gently mixing ingredients by hand until evenly blended.
  5. to work a dough to blend the ingredients and make it smooth and springy by folding, pressing, and stretching.
  1. to beat ingredients rapidly to incorporate air and to increase their volume until they are light and fluffy.
  2. To combine two mixtures by gently cutting down through the mixture, across the bottom, and bringing the utensil back up to the surface along with some of the mixture from the bottom.
  3. Vigorously agitating foods to incorporate air or develop gluten.
  4. Vigorously combining softened fat and sugar while incorporating air until light in color and creamy.

9 Clues: Gently mixing ingredients by hand until evenly blended.mixing two or more ingredients until evenly distributed.Vigorously agitating foods to incorporate air or develop gluten.Incorporating solid fat into dry ingredients only until lumps of desired size remain....

Easy peasy 2024-07-21

Easy peasy crossword puzzle
  1. - Fordon - Kebabpizza slivovitza
  2. - Låtens titel
  3. - Efternamnet på låtskrivaren
  4. - Förnamn
  5. - Artistnamn
  1. - Efternamnet på låtutföraren
  2. - Vad uppmanar de till
  3. - Ursprungsland
  4. - Söker ett djur

9 Clues: - Förnamn- Artistnamn- Låtens titel- Ursprungsland- Söker ett djur- Vad uppmanar de till- Efternamnet på låtutföraren- Efternamnet på låtskrivaren- Fordon - Kebabpizza slivovitza

Name Game 2022-05-17

Name Game crossword puzzle
  1. Funny Rude
  2. drama starting kind
  3. Attitude
  4. Sweet cool fidget toys
  5. Sassy
  6. Mama
  7. intelligent wise musical
  8. SO SO
  9. Fresh drip
  10. easy going
  11. Sarcastic
  12. Dark personality
  13. beatstar wizard
  14. Ironical
  15. smart cool to hand out with
  16. Easy to talk to
  17. straight forward
  18. Very Energetic
  19. living life to the fullest
  20. class clown
  21. Interesting
  1. Spanish Wizard
  2. Geometry Wizard
  3. Malicous
  4. sideburns
  5. Organized
  6. Vector
  7. Loud
  8. Creative
  9. nice tattoo
  10. Determined
  11. gamer
  12. funny out of no where
  13. Chill
  14. low key quiet
  15. Energetic loud enthusiastic
  16. Athletic
  17. chill personality
  18. Simple
  19. nice

40 Clues: LoudMamaniceSassySO SOgamerChillVectorSimpleMalicousAttitudeCreativeIronicalAthleticsideburnsOrganizedSarcasticFunny RudeDeterminedFresh dripeasy goingnice tattooclass clownInterestinglow key quietSpanish WizardVery EnergeticGeometry Wizardbeatstar wizardEasy to talk toDark personalitystraight forwardchill personalitydrama starting kind...

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Level B, Units 4-6 2023-03-06

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Level B, Units 4-6 crossword puzzle
  1. easy to teach or manage
  2. a crude temporary fix
  3. payback for injury
  4. doubt
  5. read or eat casually
  6. shining with light
  7. antonym for encourage
  8. a short story
  9. unfriendly or unfavorable
  10. antonym for productive
  11. can't be copied
  12. completely empty
  13. synonym for hesitating
  14. mess with something
  15. synonym for considerable
  16. covered in dirt
  1. a fake, especially money
  2. to get something
  3. working together for common purpose
  4. an advance look
  5. synonym for trap
  6. synonym for undecided
  7. soaked, waterlogged
  8. a clownish or crude person
  9. can be wrong
  10. to trick someone
  11. easy to set on fire
  12. causing argument or disagreement
  13. someone running away
  14. nameless

30 Clues: doubtnamelesscan be wronga short storyan advance lookcan't be copiedcovered in dirtto get somethingsynonym for trapto trick someonecompletely emptypayback for injuryshining with lightsoaked, waterloggedeasy to set on firemess with somethingread or eat casuallysomeone running awaya crude temporary fixsynonym for undecidedantonym for encourage...

revision Yr 8 Vocabulaire 2014-01-30

revision Yr 8 Vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. after
  2. subject
  3. difficult
  4. exercise book
  5. today
  6. together
  7. ensemble
  8. close
  1. sports
  2. teacher
  3. afternoon
  4. usually
  5. recess
  6. open
  7. easy
  8. bell
  9. pen
  10. homework
  11. strict

19 Clues: penopeneasybellaftertodayclosesportsrecessstrictteacherusuallysubjecthomeworktogetherensembleafternoondifficultexercise book

Adjectives 2021-09-16

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. small
  2. happy
  3. easy
  4. dirty
  5. big
  6. strong
  7. hard-working
  8. fat
  9. light
  10. dry
  1. ugly
  2. bad
  3. poor
  4. cheap
  5. old
  6. full
  7. short
  8. slow
  9. cold

19 Clues: badoldbigfatdryuglyeasypoorfullslowcoldsmallhappydirtycheapshortlightstronghard-working

Easy "A" 2012-12-07

Easy "A" crossword puzzle
  1. Software program that uncludes tools for centering,editing, and formatting text and graphics.
  2. provides access to backstage view and the word options dialog box.
  3. Blinking vertical line that appears when you click in the formula bar.
  4. view avaliable in all microsoft office programs that allows you to to perform many common tasks and protects a document before sharing it to others
  1. label that appears when you position the mouse pointer over an object.
  2. small toolbar on left side of a microsoft pplication program window's title bar.
  3. a horizontal strip near the top of the window that contains tabs (pages) of command buttons, organized into groups that contains a group of related settings.
  4. Electronic files you create using word.
  5. bar at the top of every program

9 Clues: bar at the top of every programElectronic files you create using word.provides access to backstage view and the word options dialog box.label that appears when you position the mouse pointer over an object.Blinking vertical line that appears when you click in the formula bar....

Easy crossword 2021-12-05

Easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A painter who uses light and shade rather than colour to create the illusion of volume.
  2. the act of positioning close together
  3. a tendency to extreme loquacity
  4. the structure containing the vocal cords
  1. a psychotic disorder characterized by distortions
  2. a ceramic or mural decoration made by scratching off a surface layer to reveal the ground
  3. the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (such as a buss or a hiss)
  4. an academic degree on completion of undergraduate studies
  5. a shallow lake in northwestern Netherlands created in 1932 by building a dam across the entrance to the Zuider Zee

9 Clues: a tendency to extreme loquacitythe act of positioning close togetherthe structure containing the vocal cordsa psychotic disorder characterized by distortionsan academic degree on completion of undergraduate studiesA painter who uses light and shade rather than colour to create the illusion of volume....

crossword easy 2023-02-16

crossword easy crossword puzzle
  1. una delle materie scolastiche che è utile per poter parlare in Italia
  2. Il complesso dei locali che costituiscono l’abitazione d’una famiglia
  3. capitale dell'italia
  4. movimento letterario del 900' dove si afferma l'idea del razionalismo
  1. stato di tranquillità
  2. astuto,furbo
  3. uno dei più famosi animali domestici
  4. inventore della dinamo in Italia
  5. participio presente di vivere

9 Clues: astuto,furbocapitale dell'italiastato di tranquillitàparticipio presente di vivereinventore della dinamo in Italiauno dei più famosi animali domesticiuna delle materie scolastiche che è utile per poter parlare in ItaliaIl complesso dei locali che costituiscono l’abitazione d’una famiglia...

Easy 3 2023-08-11

Easy 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Ground-beef patty between two buns
  2. Noise after Julia touches a nose
  3. Toy for jumping kids
  4. a shade of blue
  1. Luigi's brother
  2. Circulates blood through the body
  3. small bits of bread
  4. Tool used for sweeping
  5. A tabletop game with two paddles

9 Clues: Luigi's brothera shade of bluesmall bits of breadToy for jumping kidsTool used for sweepingNoise after Julia touches a noseA tabletop game with two paddlesCirculates blood through the bodyGround-beef patty between two buns

Level: easy 2024-01-19

Level: easy crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. mickey mouse
  3. Has a trunk
  4. Large marsupial
  5. Flying mammal
  1. can be 1 if your scared
  2. disney movie
  3. Man's best friend
  4. at the zoo

9 Clues: at the zooHas a trunkmickey mousedisney movieFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micecan be 1 if your scared

Easy Crosswords 2023-12-01

Easy Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. krusus pendek
  2. kreatif
  3. membuat
  1. cuti semester
  2. tembikar
  3. fotografi
  4. menulis
  5. layang-layang
  6. around the corner

9 Clues: menuliskreatifmembuattembikarfotograficuti semesterkrusus pendeklayang-layangaround the corner

Easy Rubbish 2024-01-29

Easy Rubbish crossword puzzle
  1. Clock app singer in Shake Shack (5)
  2. one of the funniest posters is also a country in the Middle East (6)
  3. fortified for ships or good times (4)
  4. superlative location to go out on strep (7)
  5. c heli-scam? nonsense! Essential for life (9)
  1. a third album knows pea messily (5,3)
  2. Josh lonely, confused, made this (5,5)
  3. cheeky creature found in peanut rolls (5)
  4. Horrid man emitted by scent glands (4)

9 Clues: Clock app singer in Shake Shack (5)a third album knows pea messily (5,3)fortified for ships or good times (4)Josh lonely, confused, made this (5,5)Horrid man emitted by scent glands (4)cheeky creature found in peanut rolls (5)superlative location to go out on strep (7)c heli-scam? nonsense! Essential for life (9)...

Breathe Easy 2024-07-23

Breathe Easy crossword puzzle
  1. - A type of behavioural treatment to help smokers quit (10)
  2. - The harmful gas found in cigarette smoke that reduces oxygen in the blood (10)
  3. - Common term for nicotine withdrawal symptoms (6)
  4. - Support system for smokers trying to quit, often involving meetings (6)
  1. - The addictive substance in cigarettes (8)
  2. - Medication that helps reduce nicotine cravings (9)
  3. - Lung disease commonly associated with long-term smoking (4)
  4. - Smoking cessation aid that comes in gum, patch, or lozenge form (9)
  5. - A temporary gas that provides nicotine without tobacco (7)
  6. - Another term for quitting smoking abruptly without gradual reduction (8)

10 Clues: - The addictive substance in cigarettes (8)- Common term for nicotine withdrawal symptoms (6)- Medication that helps reduce nicotine cravings (9)- A type of behavioural treatment to help smokers quit (10)- A temporary gas that provides nicotine without tobacco (7)- Lung disease commonly associated with long-term smoking (4)...

Unit 3 2022-10-12

Unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. skill of making things from wood
  2. decide
  3. not firmly attached
  4. dress
  5. taking care or paying attention
  6. fashionable
  7. the distance between two points
  1. a cable carrying electrical power
  2. easy to understand or do
  3. travel on water in a ship or boat
  4. making decorations by hand
  5. shiny
  6. a set of instructions is easy to follow
  7. done with the hands
  8. to join two pieces of cloth together by putting thread through them with a needle

15 Clues: shinydressdecidefashionabledone with the handsnot firmly attachedeasy to understand or domaking decorations by handtaking care or paying attentionthe distance between two pointsskill of making things from wooda cable carrying electrical powertravel on water in a ship or boata set of instructions is easy to follow...

Sammi's Crossword 2012-09-08

Sammi's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. newest one
  2. very pretty
  3. great surprise
  4. below normal price
  5. no cost
  1. that may be relied
  2. almost sold out
  3. almost impossible to believe
  4. not hard
  5. very easy

10 Clues: no costnot hardvery easynewest onevery prettygreat surprisealmost sold outthat may be reliedbelow normal pricealmost impossible to believe

The Absolutely true diary of a part time indian 2021-05-07

The Absolutely true diary of a part time indian crossword puzzle
  1. Not easy life
  2. was in the whole story with the people on the rez
  3. the story
  4. was The second main character in the story
  5. Was the place Where junior was able to get away and live life free
  6. Junior and the other people on the rez had to over come Racism because of the color of them.
  7. For junior when people did not believe in him.
  1. was the main part of the story and their was almost friendship in the whole story.
  2. friend is the one that is helping you throughout tough time
  3. Was the main character and the story was based around him.
  4. the peoples life was not easy
  5. Because the peoples' life was not easy
  6. they supported junior no matter what.
  7. All of the people were not treated fairly
  8. Was junior girlfriend
  9. the story took place

16 Clues: the storyNot easy lifethe story took placeWas junior girlfriendthe peoples life was not easythey supported junior no matter what.Because the peoples' life was not easyAll of the people were not treated fairlyFor junior when people did not believe in him.was The second main character in the story...

What is the opposite? 2014-04-24

What is the opposite? crossword puzzle
  1. light
  2. slow
  3. cheap
  4. sad
  5. ugly
  6. rich
  7. old
  8. quiet
  9. clean
  10. wide
  11. nasty
  12. small
  13. dry
  1. thin
  2. dangerous
  3. difficult
  4. deep
  5. boring
  6. bad
  7. messy
  8. weak
  9. old

22 Clues: sadoldbadolddrythinslowdeepuglyrichweakwidelightcheapmessyquietcleannastysmallboringdangerousdifficult