easy Crossword Puzzles

unit 1-4 2017-10-12

unit 1-4 crossword puzzle
  1. megerősít
  2. borsó
  3. karrier
  4. nyaralás
  5. lepedő
  6. mindig
  7. helyszin
  8. uticél
  1. marhahús
  2. répa
  3. információ
  4. tengerpart
  5. ár
  6. könnyű
  7. csirke
  8. sütni (olajban)
  9. könyvelő
  10. szappan
  11. pincér
  12. lazac

20 Clues: árrépaborsólazackönnyűcsirkelepedőmindigpincéruticélkarrierszappanmarhahúsnyaraláskönyvelőhelyszinmegerősítinformációtengerpartsütni (olajban)

Adjectives 2016-02-24

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. sicker
  2. smarter
  3. bubllier
  4. easier
  5. heavier
  6. prettier
  7. better
  8. taller
  9. bigger
  1. faster
  2. richer
  3. worse
  4. smaller
  5. uglier
  6. lazier
  7. whiter
  8. stupider
  9. poorer
  10. cooler
  11. longer

20 Clues: worsefasterrichersickeruglierlaziereasierwhiterpoorercoolerbettertallerlongerbiggersmartersmallerheavierbubllierstupiderprettier

GFI4 Kpl 9 2019-02-09

GFI4 Kpl 9 crossword puzzle
  1. korkea
  2. puhdas
  3. helppo
  4. matala
  5. likainen
  6. viileä
  7. kevyt
  8. vanha
  9. painava
  10. lyhyt
  11. lämmin
  12. iso
  1. ruma
  2. uusi
  3. pieni
  4. nätti
  5. kylmä
  6. kuuma
  7. pitkä
  8. vaikea

20 Clues: isorumauusipieninättikylmäkevytkuumapitkävanhalyhytkorkeapuhdashelppomatalaviileävaikealämminpainavalikainen

Comparatives 2019-03-09

Comparatives crossword puzzle
  1. warm
  2. cold
  3. cheap
  4. small
  5. bad
  6. interesting
  7. noisy
  8. smart
  9. hot
  1. good
  2. quiet
  3. difficult
  4. boring
  5. easy
  6. slow
  7. expensive
  8. long
  9. big
  10. short
  11. fast

20 Clues: bigbadhotgoodwarmcoldeasyslowlongfastquietcheapsmallshortnoisysmartboringdifficultexpensiveinteresting

Comparatives 2019-03-09

Comparatives crossword puzzle
  1. expensive
  2. small
  3. bad
  4. short
  5. cold
  6. big
  7. noisy
  8. cheap
  9. slow
  10. good
  11. long
  12. easy
  1. quiet
  2. interesting
  3. difficult
  4. fast
  5. boring
  6. smart
  7. warm
  8. hot

20 Clues: badbighotfastwarmcoldslowgoodlongeasyquietsmallsmartshortnoisycheapboringdifficultexpensiveinteresting

What is the Antonym? 2019-03-28

What is the Antonym? crossword puzzle
  1. easy
  2. strong
  3. love
  4. wet
  5. student
  6. sad
  7. doctor
  8. sit
  9. empty
  10. short
  1. bad
  2. above
  3. start
  4. adult
  5. poor
  6. front
  7. male
  8. day
  9. push
  10. big

20 Clues: baddaywetsadbigsiteasypoormalelovepushabovestartadultfrontemptyshortstrongdoctorstudent

unit 1/2 2019-11-04

unit  1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. работать
  2. смотреть
  3. иностранный
  4. вместе
  5. всегда
  6. столица
  7. солнечный
  8. город
  9. обычно
  10. разный
  11. река
  1. знать
  2. язык
  3. иногда
  4. страна
  5. жить
  6. ухаживать
  7. играть
  8. легкий
  9. верблюд

20 Clues: языкжитьреказнатьгородиногдастранаигратьвместелегкийвсегдаобычноразныйстолицаверблюдработатьсмотретьухаживатьсолнечныйиностранный

unit 1/2 2019-11-04

unit  1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. bilmək
  2. işləmək
  3. şəhər
  4. xarici
  5. qulluq etmək
  6. dəvə
  7. asan
  8. birlikdə
  9. adətən
  1. baxmaq
  2. oynamaq
  3. çay
  4. ölkə
  5. müxtəlif
  6. bəzən
  7. dil
  8. paytaxt
  9. günəşli
  10. həmişə
  11. yaşamaq

20 Clues: çaydilölkədəvəasanşəhərbəzənbaxmaqbilməkxaricihəmişəadətənoynamaqişləməkpaytaxtgünəşliyaşamaqmüxtəlifbirlikdəqulluq etmək

unit 1/2 2019-11-04

unit  1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. xarici
  2. bəzən
  3. həmişə
  4. ölkə
  5. dil
  6. işləmək
  7. oynamaq
  8. müxtəlif
  9. dəvə
  10. yaşamaq
  1. birlikdə
  2. adətən
  3. qulluq etmək
  4. şəhər
  5. günəşli
  6. baxmaq
  7. bilmək
  8. paytaxt
  9. çay
  10. asan

20 Clues: dilçayölkədəvəasanşəhərbəzənadətənxaricihəmişəbaxmaqbilməkgünəşlipaytaxtişləməkoynamaqyaşamaqbirlikdəmüxtəlifqulluq etmək

Antonyms 2019-07-27

Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. hot
  2. slow
  3. big
  4. new
  5. sad
  6. hard
  7. end
  8. poor
  9. up
  10. light
  1. south
  2. neat
  3. true
  4. cry
  5. old
  6. sweet
  7. alive
  8. good
  9. boy
  10. out

20 Clues: uphotcryoldbignewsadendboyoutneattrueslowhardgoodpoorsouthsweetalivelight

Adjectivos 2013-01-15

Adjectivos crossword puzzle
  1. happy
  2. small
  3. inexpensive
  4. open
  5. lost
  6. easy
  7. blonde
  8. young
  9. full
  10. empty
  1. poor
  2. slow
  3. closed
  4. strong
  5. angry
  6. kind
  7. sad
  8. weak
  9. short
  10. new

20 Clues: sadnewpoorslowkindopenlostweakeasyfullhappyangrysmallshortyoungemptyclosedstrongblondeinexpensive

Call of the Wild Vocab 2013-01-30

Call of the Wild Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. many
  2. temporary
  3. flexible
  4. frustration
  5. sadness
  6. easy-going
  7. rhythm
  8. difficult
  9. adventure
  1. children
  2. endless
  3. clever
  4. hidden
  5. untouchable
  6. recuperation
  7. indirect
  8. frightened
  9. problem
  10. hardened
  11. gloomy

20 Clues: manycleverhiddengloomyrhythmendlesssadnessproblemchildrenflexibleindirecthardenedtemporarydifficultadventurefrightenedeasy-goinguntouchablefrustrationrecuperation

Call of the Wild Vocab 2013-01-30

Call of the Wild Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. gloomy
  2. children
  3. clever
  4. hidden
  5. indirect
  6. recuperation
  7. difficult
  8. temporary
  9. rhythm
  10. sadness
  1. hardened
  2. endless
  3. untouchable
  4. frustration
  5. flexible
  6. easy-going
  7. frightened
  8. problem
  9. adventure
  10. many

20 Clues: manygloomycleverhiddenrhythmendlessproblemsadnesshardenedchildrenindirectflexibledifficulttemporaryadventureeasy-goingfrighteneduntouchablefrustrationrecuperation

Vocab Puzzle 2015-03-10

Vocab Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. strong
  2. difference
  3. harmful
  4. selfless
  5. rest
  6. eager
  7. respectful
  8. scarcity
  9. sincere
  10. modest
  11. go
  1. mildness
  2. sponsor
  3. unbeatable
  4. careless
  5. trudge
  6. approval
  7. correct
  8. confidence
  9. easy

20 Clues: goresteasyeagerstrongtrudgemodestsponsorharmfulcorrectsinceremildnesscarelessselflessapprovalscarcitydifferenceunbeatablerespectfulconfidence

All your words 2015-03-18

All your words crossword puzzle
  1. husdjur
  2. kväll
  3. smörgås
  4. vem
  5. kusin
  6. imorgon
  7. sjuksyster
  8. sen
  9. nyckel
  1. lila
  2. flingor
  3. semester
  4. svårt
  5. bråttom
  6. fel
  7. öken
  8. förlorat
  9. kläder
  10. behöver
  11. lätt

20 Clues: vemfelsenlilaökenlättkvällsvårtkusinklädernyckelhusdjurflingorsmörgåsbråttomimorgonbehöversemesterförloratsjuksyster

Crossword 2014-12-07

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Sport
  2. Hill
  3. Summer
  4. Desert
  5. Small
  6. Brother
  7. Nwe
  8. River
  9. Day
  10. Start
  11. Cat
  1. Poor
  2. Bike
  3. Under
  4. Good
  5. Eat
  6. Short
  7. Helicopter
  8. Easy
  9. Cold

20 Clues: EatNweDayCatPoorBikeHillGoodEasyColdSportUnderSmallShortRiverStartSummerDesertBrotherHelicopter

all about adjectives 2023-10-17

all about adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. dalam
  2. rajin
  3. bahagia
  4. bersemangat
  5. bersih
  6. mudah
  7. malas
  8. baik hati
  9. kasar
  1. buruk
  2. lembut
  3. mewah
  4. datar
  5. Marah
  6. gelap
  7. rakus
  8. Cemas
  9. tenang
  10. berani
  11. panas

20 Clues: burukdalammewahdatarMarahrajingelaprakusCemasmudahmalaskasarpanaslembutbersihtenangberanibahagiabaik hatibersemangat

Tarea 2 Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-13

Tarea 2 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. handsome
  2. easy
  3. person
  4. live
  5. hard
  6. run
  7. manny
  8. mother
  9. fat
  1. artist
  2. uncle
  3. learn
  4. aunt
  5. Russia
  6. Open
  7. Chinese
  8. read
  9. eat
  10. drink
  11. same

20 Clues: runeatfateasyauntliveOpenhardreadsameunclelearndrinkmannyartistpersonRussiamotherChinesehandsome

Comparative Adjectives 2024-01-17

Comparative Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. slow
  2. far
  3. hot
  4. difficult
  5. old
  6. young
  7. light
  8. strong
  9. good
  10. big
  1. busy
  2. weak
  3. heavy
  4. short
  5. tall
  6. quiet
  7. loud
  8. fast
  9. bad
  10. easy

20 Clues: farhotoldbadbigbusyweakslowtallloudfastgoodeasyheavyshortquietyounglightstrongdifficult

French Crossword 2023-12-07

French Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. circle
  2. sour
  3. smile
  4. size
  5. whattype
  6. bitter
  7. glass
  8. magazine
  9. color
  10. schedule
  1. toothpaste
  2. easy
  3. customers
  4. pot
  5. especially
  6. shape
  7. young
  8. obtain
  9. circle
  10. aim
  11. alone

21 Clues: potaimeasysoursizesmileshapeyoungglassalonecolorcirclebitterobtaincirclewhattypemagazineschedulecustomerstoothpasteespecially

Adjectives (Viktor 6A) 2023-11-29

Adjectives (Viktor 6A) crossword puzzle
  1. viisas
  2. vaikea
  3. kiltti
  4. urheilullinen
  5. helppo
  6. upea
  7. uskollinen
  8. nopea
  9. pitkä
  10. hiljainen
  1. rehellinen
  2. rento
  3. hupsu
  4. hidas
  5. toimelias
  6. ujo
  7. fantastinen
  8. avulias
  9. suloinen
  10. äänekäs

20 Clues: ujoupearentohupsuhidasnopeapitkäviisasvaikeakilttihelppoavuliasäänekässuloinentoimeliashiljainenrehellinenuskollinenfantastinenurheilullinen

Adjectives (Max 6A) 2023-11-29

Adjectives (Max 6A) crossword puzzle
  1. iso
  2. suloinen
  3. pieni
  4. reilu
  5. kiltti
  6. helppo
  7. nopea
  8. avulias
  9. hiljainen
  10. hyvä
  11. äänekäs
  1. rehellinen
  2. kaunis
  3. ujo
  4. rento
  5. nuori
  6. kuuma
  7. bad
  8. vanha
  9. uskollinen

20 Clues: isoujobadhyväpienireilurentonuorinopeakuumavanhakauniskilttihelppoavuliasäänekässuloinenhiljainenrehellinenuskollinen

Adverbs 2024-02-18

Adverbs crossword puzzle
  1. safe
  2. honest
  3. silent
  4. soft
  5. sudden
  6. patient
  7. quick
  8. strange
  9. easy
  1. joyful
  2. sad
  3. jealous
  4. strict
  5. rare
  6. friend
  7. happy
  8. fortunate
  9. probable
  10. most
  11. regrettable

20 Clues: sadsaferaresoftmosteasyhappyquickjoyfulstricthonestsilentfriendsuddenjealouspatientstrangeprobablefortunateregrettable

LSN May 2024 Crossword 2024-04-14

LSN May 2024 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. high
  2. large
  3. free
  4. dificil
  5. importante
  6. largo
  7. far
  8. bad
  9. young
  10. new
  1. pequeño
  2. viejo
  3. easy
  4. boring
  5. poco
  6. oscuro
  7. cerca
  8. clear
  9. bajo
  10. bueno

20 Clues: farbadneweasyhighpocofreebajoviejolargecercaclearlargobuenoyoungboringoscuropequeñodificilimportante

Write down the Dutch words (Stepping Stones pg. 48/49) 2024-03-31

Write down the Dutch words (Stepping Stones pg. 48/49) crossword puzzle
  1. library
  2. happen
  3. build
  4. space
  5. rent
  6. places
  7. dishwasher
  8. office
  9. cross
  10. clean
  1. opposite
  2. desk
  3. Bus stop
  4. heating
  5. hospital
  6. kitchen
  7. bathtub
  8. cook
  9. easy
  10. tiny

20 Clues: deskrentcookeasytinybuildspacecrosscleanhappenplacesofficelibraryheatingkitchenbathtuboppositeBus stophospitaldishwasher


  4. MALO
  5. CLARO
  6. ALTO
  4. FELIZ
  5. LARGO
  7. BUENO
  10. NUEVO
  11. FÁCIL


Opposite Adjectives 2024-06-27

Opposite Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. slow
  2. sad
  3. quiet
  4. dry
  5. warm
  6. strong
  7. light
  8. tall
  9. dirty
  10. dumb
  11. small
  1. sick
  2. soft
  3. thin
  4. cheap
  5. full
  6. difficult
  7. old
  8. hot
  9. good

20 Clues: saddryoldhotsicksoftslowthinwarmfulltalldumbgoodquietcheaplightdirtysmallstrongdifficult

Descripciones 2022-10-03

Descripciones crossword puzzle
  1. easy
  2. green
  3. difficult
  4. good-looking
  5. pretty
  6. interesting
  7. brown
  8. small
  9. big
  10. awesome
  11. blue
  12. red
  1. fun
  2. black
  3. important
  4. boring
  5. grey
  6. orange
  7. yellow
  8. white

20 Clues: funbigredeasygreyblueblackgreenbrownsmallwhiteboringprettyorangeyellowawesomedifficultimportantinterestinggood-looking

ADJECTIVES 2023-05-24

ADJECTIVES crossword puzzle
  1. biru
  2. gemuk
  3. hijau
  4. ganteng
  5. bagus
  6. nakal
  7. sibuk
  8. kaya
  9. tinggi
  10. merah
  1. cerdas
  2. coklat
  3. bodoh
  4. kuning
  5. marah
  6. mudah
  7. cantik
  8. gila
  9. senang
  10. berani

20 Clues: birugilakayabodohgemukhijaumarahmudahbagusnakalsibukmerahcerdascoklatkuningcantiksenangberanitinggiganteng

WORD ANTONYMS 2024-11-19

WORD ANTONYMS crossword puzzle
  1. closed
  2. out
  3. weak
  4. late
  5. cold
  6. sad
  7. slow
  8. quiet
  9. old
  10. Short
  1. hard
  2. small
  3. right
  4. dark
  5. night
  6. soft
  7. dirty
  8. down
  9. dry
  10. empty

20 Clues: outsadolddryhardweaklatedarkcoldsoftslowdownsmallrightnightdirtyquietemptyShortclosed

maths vocabulary 2021-07-29

maths vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a 2d samosa is in the shape of a ________
  2. solving multiple unknowns at the same time
  3. who you are is your _____
  4. the study of triangles
  5. the figure formed by two intersecting rays is a(n) ________
  6. a type of interest whose name may be derived from the easy formula
  7. distance/time is a commonly used ______ to find speed
  8. squaring a square's side is an easy way to find its ______
  9. two triangles being exactly the same are said to be ______
  10. antonym of artificial (type of number)
  1. type of equation which involves a square of a variable
  2. 2x + 3y is an example of a mathematical _______
  3. if you walk across a whole circle, you have covered its _____
  4. values on either side of this_____ are equal
  5. an easy way to display data is on a _______
  6. a greek philosopher who is now responsible for students learning trigonometry
  7. a person who makes decisions based on logic (type of number)
  8. , a fruit juice brand, which is also a type of number
  9. a more common, but harder way to calculate interest is

19 Clues: the study of triangleswho you are is your _____antonym of artificial (type of number)a 2d samosa is in the shape of a ________solving multiple unknowns at the same timean easy way to display data is on a _______values on either side of this_____ are equal2x + 3y is an example of a mathematical _______...

AWS Quiz Part II 2022-06-07

AWS Quiz Part II crossword puzzle
  1. is a service for building conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text
  2. is the easiest way to launch and manage a virtual private server with AWS.
  3. service for deploying and scaling web applications
  4. a web service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale an in-memory cache in the cloud.
  5. a compute engine for Amazon ECS that allows you to run containers without having to manage servers or clusters
  6. helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications in production or under development, such as those built using a microservices architecture.
  7. is a fully-managed service that enables developers and data scientists to quickly and easily build, train, and deploy machine learning models at any scale.
  8. is a BI service that lets you create and publish interactive dashboards that can be accessed from browsers or mobile devices.
  9. is a fully managed ETL service that makes it easy for customers to prepare and load their data for analytics.
  10. makes it easy to collect, process, and analyze real-time, streaming data so you can get timely insights and react quickly to new information.
  1. allows you to have AWS infrastructure delivered/setup on -prem
  2. is the most widely used cloud data warehouse solution
  3. a fast, reliable, fully-managed graph database service that makes it easy to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets
  4. provides a unified user interface so you can view operational data from multiple AWS services and allows you to automate operational tasks across your AWS resources.
  5. is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that lets you write, run, and debug your code with just a browser.
  6. Aws's Daas offering
  7. lets you visualize, understand, and manage your AWS costs and usage over time
  8. This deployment is a way to connect infrastructure and applications between cloud-based resources and existing resources that are not located in the cloud
  9. an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL
  10. is a highly available, durable, secure, fully managed pub/sub messaging service

20 Clues: Aws's Daas offeringservice for deploying and scaling web applicationsis the most widely used cloud data warehouse solutionallows you to have AWS infrastructure delivered/setup on -premis the easiest way to launch and manage a virtual private server with AWS.lets you visualize, understand, and manage your AWS costs and usage over time...

Easy crossword 2021-12-05

Easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A painter who uses light and shade rather than colour to create the illusion of volume.
  2. the act of positioning close together
  3. a tendency to extreme loquacity
  4. the structure containing the vocal cords
  1. a psychotic disorder characterized by distortions
  2. a ceramic or mural decoration made by scratching off a surface layer to reveal the ground
  3. the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (such as a buss or a hiss)
  4. an academic degree on completion of undergraduate studies
  5. a shallow lake in northwestern Netherlands created in 1932 by building a dam across the entrance to the Zuider Zee

9 Clues: a tendency to extreme loquacitythe act of positioning close togetherthe structure containing the vocal cordsa psychotic disorder characterized by distortionsan academic degree on completion of undergraduate studiesA painter who uses light and shade rather than colour to create the illusion of volume....

Crossword-easy 2013-12-11

Crossword-easy crossword puzzle
  1. The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings creator
  2. The Way of Kings creator
  3. A Game of Thrones creator
  4. His Dark Materials creator
  1. Wizard's First Rule creator only surnames on every aughtor
  2. Eragon creator
  3. The Name of the Wind creator
  4. The Eye of the World creator
  5. The Chronicles of Narnia creator

9 Clues: Eragon creatorThe Way of Kings creatorA Game of Thrones creatorHis Dark Materials creatorThe Eye of the World creatorThe Name of the Wind creatorThe Chronicles of Narnia creatorThe Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings creatorWizard's First Rule creator only surnames on every aughtor

Easy math 2023-03-08

Easy math crossword puzzle
  1. it's one plus zero
  2. it's 20 minus seven
  3. it's a hundred minus a hundred
  4. it's greater than ninety-nine
  1. it's greater than three and two
  2. it's six plus four
  3. it's 8 minus six
  4. it's ten plus one
  5. it's smaller than four

9 Clues: it's 8 minus sixit's ten plus oneit's one plus zeroit's six plus fourit's 20 minus sevenit's smaller than fourit's greater than ninety-nineit's a hundred minus a hundredit's greater than three and two

Easy Science 2021-03-04

Easy Science crossword puzzle
  1. when a solid melts to become a liquid it is ___ heat
  2. what ferns and mushrooms reproduce through
  3. ____ poles repel
  4. the matter state of water, juice and blood
  5. the process of a seed that has no leaves
  1. groupings of things based on their characteristics
  2. the animal group a platypus belongs too
  3. the ability for a material to stretch
  4. what does a seed need besides air and water

9 Clues: ____ poles repelthe ability for a material to stretchthe animal group a platypus belongs toothe process of a seed that has no leaveswhat ferns and mushrooms reproduce throughthe matter state of water, juice and bloodwhat does a seed need besides air and watergroupings of things based on their characteristics...

not easy 2017-12-01

not easy crossword puzzle
  1. providing no hope
  2. disappointed
  3. a bad person
  4. lacking in knowledge or training
  1. requiring or claiming more than is generally felt by others
  2. afriad in a moment
  3. a person that can be easily trict
  4. radiating or reflecting light
  5. disobedient

9 Clues: disobedientdisappointeda bad personproviding no hopeafriad in a momentradiating or reflecting lightlacking in knowledge or traininga person that can be easily trictrequiring or claiming more than is generally felt by others

Places (easy) 2018-11-27

Places (easy) crossword puzzle
  1. uimahalli/-allas
  2. sairaala
  3. uimaranta
  4. eläintarha
  5. puisto
  1. maatila
  2. urheilukauppa
  3. koulu
  4. kirjasto

9 Clues: koulupuistomaatilasairaalakirjastouimarantaeläintarhaurheilukauppauimahalli/-allas

Easy Quiz 2023-07-16

Easy Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Aryan's ander naam dat iets om te eten betekent
  2. Het wordt gebruikt om je van de ene naar de ander plaats te Brengen
  3. Het is een dier die een slurf heeft en 2 slagtanden
  4. wat zijn dit 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 ze zijn allemaal .....
  1. Het komt meestal in Australië voor( een dier) Het naam is in het Engels
  2. Denk aan het superheld Batman (Dier)Het naam staat in het Engels
  3. Bijna iedereen heeft het thuis en meeste mensen zeggen dat het een man beste vriend is ( dier)
  4. Houdt van Muizen te pakken ( dier)
  5. Het geeft licht,warmte en geluid merken van dat zijn(Lg,Panasonic enz)

9 Clues: Houdt van Muizen te pakken ( dier)Aryan's ander naam dat iets om te eten betekentwat zijn dit 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 ze zijn allemaal .....Het is een dier die een slurf heeft en 2 slagtandenDenk aan het superheld Batman (Dier)Het naam staat in het EngelsHet wordt gebruikt om je van de ene naar de ander plaats te Brengen...

AWS Quiz II 2022-06-09

AWS Quiz II crossword puzzle
  1. is a service for building conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text
  2. is the easiest way to launch and manage a virtual private server with AWS.
  3. service for deploying and scaling web applications
  4. a web service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale an in-memory cache in the cloud.
  5. a compute engine for Amazon ECS that allows you to run containers without having to manage servers or clusters
  6. helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications in production or under development, such as those built using a microservices architecture.
  7. is a fully-managed service that enables developers and data scientists to quickly and easily build, train, and deploy machine learning models at any scale.
  8. is a BI service that lets you create and publish interactive dashboards that can be accessed from browsers or mobile devices.
  9. is a fully managed ETL service that makes it easy for customers to prepare and load their data for analytics.
  10. makes it easy to collect, process, and analyze real-time, streaming data so you can get timely insights and react quickly to new information.
  1. allows you to have AWS infrastructure delivered/setup on -prem
  2. is the most widely used cloud data warehouse solution
  3. a fast, reliable, fully-managed graph database service that makes it easy to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets
  4. provides a unified user interface so you can view operational data from multiple AWS services and allows you to automate operational tasks across your AWS resources.
  5. is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that lets you write, run, and debug your code with just a browser.
  6. Aws's Daas offering
  7. lets you visualize, understand, and manage your AWS costs and usage over time
  8. This deployment is a way to connect infrastructure and applications between cloud-based resources and existing resources that are not located in the cloud
  9. an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL
  10. is a highly available, durable, secure, fully managed pub/sub messaging service

20 Clues: Aws's Daas offeringservice for deploying and scaling web applicationsis the most widely used cloud data warehouse solutionallows you to have AWS infrastructure delivered/setup on -premis the easiest way to launch and manage a virtual private server with AWS.lets you visualize, understand, and manage your AWS costs and usage over time...

Crossword opposite 2021-07-03

Crossword opposite crossword puzzle
  1. after
  2. closed
  3. good
  4. big
  5. short
  6. easy
  7. day
  8. down
  9. girl
  1. dry
  2. odd
  3. off
  4. less
  5. slow
  6. empty
  7. cold
  8. hate
  9. dark
  10. out
  11. sad

20 Clues: dryoddoffbigoutdaysadlessslowcoldgoodhatedarkeasydowngirlafteremptyshortclosed

Synonym 2021-05-04

Synonym crossword puzzle
  1. quiet
  2. happy
  3. journey
  4. untrue
  5. leave
  6. short
  7. quick
  8. close
  9. choose
  10. poor
  11. unhappy
  12. below
  1. fine
  2. big
  3. wide
  4. final
  5. gift
  6. begin
  7. error
  8. simple

20 Clues: bigfinewidegiftpoorquiethappyfinalleaveshortquickbeginerrorclosebelowuntruechoosesimplejourneyunhappy

CROSSWORD 6th GRADE 2022-05-19

CROSSWORD 6th GRADE crossword puzzle
  4. TÍO
  7. CEBRA
  9. PULPO
  11. BROMA
  3. LÍDER
  5. BURRO
  7. TARDE
  9. FÁCIL


Vocab Project 2022-12-14

Vocab Project crossword puzzle
  1. mesa
  2. puerta
  3. mochilas
  4. reloj
  5. interesante
  6. ventana
  7. computadora
  8. necesitas
  9. favorito
  1. escritorio
  2. bandera
  3. aburrido
  4. practico
  5. diccionario
  6. cartel
  7. silla
  8. difícil
  9. calculadora
  10. fácil
  11. divertido

20 Clues: mesasillarelojfácilpuertacartelbanderadifícilventanaaburridopracticomochilasfavoritodivertidonecesitasescritoriodiccionariocalculadorainteresantecomputadora

KATA SIFAT D 2022-11-20

KATA SIFAT D crossword puzzle
  1. Kalah
  2. Lezat
  3. Kering
  4. Besar Sekali
  5. Deskriptif
  6. Awal
  7. Menyenangkan
  8. Menghibur
  9. Berdebu
  10. Mudah
  1. Dinamis
  2. Malu
  3. Jahat
  4. Dramatis
  5. Tergantung
  6. Aktif
  7. Halus
  8. Elegan
  9. Kotor
  10. Asyik

20 Clues: MaluAwalKalahLezatJahatAktifHalusKotorAsyikMudahKeringEleganDinamisBerdebuDramatisMenghiburTergantungDeskriptifBesar SekaliMenyenangkan

Forms of energy 2020-06-14

Forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. baby
  2. female
  3. error
  4. leave
  5. author
  6. rock
  7. close
  8. empty
  9. quiet
  1. superior
  2. join
  3. untrue
  4. below
  5. stable
  6. damp
  7. sick
  8. choose
  9. forever
  10. begin
  11. simple

20 Clues: joinbabydampsickrockbelowerrorleaveclosebeginemptyquietuntruefemalestableauthorchoosesimpleforeversuperior

Adjetivos 2020-01-22

Adjetivos crossword puzzle
  1. tall
  2. bad
  3. small
  4. own
  5. foreign
  6. near
  7. dirty
  8. cheap
  9. slow
  10. young
  1. expensive
  2. short
  3. big
  4. clean
  5. difficult
  6. old
  7. easy
  8. fast
  9. far
  10. good

20 Clues: bigbadoldownfartalleasyfastneargoodslowshortcleansmalldirtycheapyoungforeignexpensivedifficult

Adjective 2019-10-28

Adjective crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. wide
  3. poor
  4. short
  5. low
  6. dirty
  7. thin
  8. hard
  9. old
  10. small
  11. light
  1. ugly
  2. late
  3. sick
  4. sad
  5. cold
  6. slow
  7. weak
  8. boring
  9. good

20 Clues: sadlowolduglylatewidesickpoorcoldthinslowhardweakgoodshortdirtysmalllightboringdifficult

Repaso Capitulo 1 2020-10-27

Repaso Capitulo 1 crossword puzzle
  1. big
  2. funny
  3. listen
  4. mean
  5. teacher
  6. Mexican
  7. nice
  8. girl
  9. new
  10. science
  1. hard
  2. small
  3. ugly
  4. student
  5. art
  6. enough
  7. music
  8. easy
  9. how
  10. who

20 Clues: bigarthowwhonewharduglymeaneasynicegirlsmallfunnymusiclistenenoughstudentteacherMexicanscience

Opposites 2020-04-28

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. long
  2. big
  3. white
  4. boring
  5. wrong
  6. bad
  7. false
  8. quiet
  9. unfriendly
  10. new
  1. unpopular
  2. different
  3. curly
  4. ugly
  5. cheap
  6. easy
  7. fat
  8. old
  9. light
  10. short

20 Clues: bigfatoldbadnewlonguglyeasycurlywhitecheapwronglightfalseshortquietboringunpopulardifferentunfriendly

ADVERBS 2021-02-15

ADVERBS crossword puzzle
  1. quiet
  2. separate
  3. calm
  4. safe
  5. certain
  6. selfish
  7. terrible
  8. careless
  9. serious
  10. playful
  1. patient
  2. bad
  3. excited
  4. anxious
  5. quick
  6. perfect
  7. curious
  8. brave
  9. anger
  10. easy

20 Clues: badcalmsafeeasyquietquickbraveangerpatientexcitedcertainanxiousselfishperfectcuriousseriousplayfulseparateterriblecareless

Synonyms 2021-10-21

Synonyms crossword puzzle
  1. hurry
  2. over
  3. present
  4. alike
  5. movie
  6. easy
  7. close
  8. beverage
  9. middle
  10. permit
  11. ancient
  1. cook
  2. beneath
  3. trip
  4. repair
  5. robber
  6. pal
  7. begin
  8. pull
  9. breezy

20 Clues: palcooktripovereasypullhurryalikemovieclosebeginrepairrobbermiddlepermitbreezybeneathpresentancientbeverage

ʻAʻano 2 2021-11-18

ʻAʻano 2 crossword puzzle
  1. mākonā
  2. mahana
  3. manakā
  4. pilau
  5. makaʻu
  6. ʻawaʻawa
  7. lepo
  8. maʻemaʻe
  9. ikaika
  10. wīwī
  11. mālie
  1. ʻono
  2. laki
  3. palahū
  4. maʻalahi
  5. ʻauʻa
  6. leʻaleʻa
  7. waiwai
  8. momona
  9. palupalu

20 Clues: ʻonolakilepowīwīʻauʻapilaumāliemākonāmahanapalahūmanakāmakaʻuwaiwaimomonaikaikamaʻalahileʻaleʻaʻawaʻawapalupalumaʻemaʻe

Synonym & Antonym 2023-05-05

Synonym & Antonym crossword puzzle
  1. Courageous
  2. Chilly
  3. Real
  4. Approach
  5. Increase
  6. Keep
  7. Question
  8. Empty
  9. Sparkling
  1. Start
  2. Vertical
  3. Amuse
  4. Excited
  5. Add
  6. Slice
  7. Reply
  8. Dreadful
  9. Inactive
  10. Easy
  11. Weep

20 Clues: AddRealKeepEasyWeepStartAmuseSliceReplyEmptyChillyExcitedVerticalApproachIncreaseDreadfulInactiveQuestionSparklingCourageous

FR3 Antonym 2023-06-16

FR3 Antonym crossword puzzle
  1. Expensive
  2. Alive
  3. Slow
  4. Spicy
  5. Easy
  6. Man
  7. Day
  8. Old
  9. Run
  10. Small
  11. Sad
  1. Hot
  2. Ugly
  3. Hard
  4. Poor
  5. Weak
  6. Clean
  7. Far
  8. Quiet
  9. Short

20 Clues: HotManFarDayOldRunSadUglyHardSlowPoorWeakEasyAliveSpicyCleanQuietSmallShortExpensive

Antonyms 2012-07-31

Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. Old
  2. Worst
  3. Problem
  4. Subtract
  5. Exit
  6. Cheap
  7. Follow
  8. Bent
  9. Empty
  1. Forward
  2. Separate
  3. Easy
  4. Whole
  5. Loose
  6. Dull
  7. Common
  8. Awake
  9. Depart
  10. Show
  11. Real

20 Clues: OldEasyExitDullBentShowRealWorstWholeLooseCheapAwakeEmptyCommonDepartFollowForwardProblemSeparateSubtract

antonyms2 2014-04-09

antonyms2 crossword puzzle
  1. voluntary
  2. modest
  3. safety
  4. freedom
  5. expensive
  6. destroy
  7. reckless
  8. expand
  9. fine
  10. multiply
  11. demolish
  1. hero
  2. unknown
  3. giant
  4. release
  5. easy
  6. reveal
  7. sober
  8. victory
  9. shallow

20 Clues: heroeasyfinegiantsobermodestsafetyexpandrevealunknownreleasefreedomdestroyvictoryshallowrecklessmultiplydemolishvoluntaryexpensive

12_14 2017-12-13

12_14 crossword puzzle
  1. előleg
  2. arany
  3. hőmérséklet
  4. digitális
  5. könnyű
  6. rossz
  7. szabályzó
  8. hitelkártya
  9. kék
  10. ajánl
  11. pénztár
  1. páratartalom
  2. kicserél
  3. kijelző
  4. porszivo
  5. tisztitani
  6. légkondi
  7. fehér
  8. fekete
  9. rózsa

20 Clues: kékaranyrosszfehérajánlrózsaelőlegkönnyűfeketekijelzőpénztárkicserélporszivolégkondidigitálisszabályzótisztitanihőmérséklethitelkártyapáratartalom

反対 Opposites 2022-04-12

反対 Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. right
  3. dangerous
  4. short
  5. low
  6. full
  7. slow
  8. busy
  9. sad
  10. dark
  11. new
  1. noisy
  2. dirty
  3. late
  4. small
  5. far
  6. light
  7. empty
  8. cold
  9. bad

20 Clues: farlowsadbadnewlatefullslowbusycolddarknoisydirtyrightsmallshortlightemptydifficultdangerous

Comparative form 2022-01-27

Comparative form crossword puzzle
  1. hot
  2. easy
  3. sad
  4. pretty
  5. big
  6. safe
  7. young
  8. sunny
  9. cheap
  1. dark
  2. late
  3. many
  4. cold
  5. busy
  6. happy
  7. friendly
  8. bad
  9. funny
  10. nice
  11. good

20 Clues: hotsadbadbigdarklatemanycoldbusyeasysafenicegoodhappyfunnyyoungsunnycheapprettyfriendly

adjectives 2022-01-13

adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. dirty
  2. ugly
  3. new
  4. small
  5. dark
  6. the same
  7. safe
  8. weak
  1. short
  2. left
  3. old
  4. cheap
  5. hot
  6. empty
  7. short
  8. easy
  9. slow
  10. low
  11. bad
  12. right
  13. poor

21 Clues: oldhotnewlowbadleftuglyeasyslowdarksafeweakpoorshortcheapdirtyemptyshortsmallrightthe same

vocab list 3 2022-05-18

vocab list 3 crossword puzzle
  1. ridiculous
  2. bored
  3. crazy
  4. loop
  5. make
  6. disconnected
  7. pretty
  8. emotionless
  1. lies
  2. cheer
  3. loud
  4. party
  5. cut
  6. easy
  7. chaotic
  8. repeat
  9. movement
  10. slime
  11. fire
  12. hidden

20 Clues: cutliesloudeasyloopmakefirecheerboredpartycrazyslimerepeathiddenprettychaoticmovementridiculousemotionlessdisconnected

Spanish 2 Para Empezar 2023-09-06

Spanish 2 Para Empezar crossword puzzle
  1. poster
  2. Math
  3. easy
  4. pen
  5. PE
  6. pencil
  7. Spanish
  8. chair
  9. 4thhour
  10. homework
  1. calculator
  2. English
  3. practical
  4. notebook
  5. door
  6. fun
  7. window
  8. art
  9. clock
  10. book

20 Clues: PEpenfunartMatheasydoorbookchairclockposterpencilwindowEnglishSpanish4thhournotebookhomeworkpracticalcalculator

adjectives (Juho 6a) 2023-11-29

adjectives (Juho 6a) crossword puzzle
  1. tumma
  2. heikko
  3. rehellinen
  4. toimelias
  5. uskollinen
  6. viisas
  7. laiska
  8. hiljainen
  9. ujo
  10. hyvä
  1. luova
  2. kuuma
  3. reilu
  4. avulias
  5. hupsu
  6. helppo
  7. suloinen
  8. äänekäs
  9. vahva
  10. kiltti

20 Clues: ujohyväluovatummakuumareiluhupsuvahvaheikkohelppoviisaslaiskakilttiavuliasäänekässuloinentoimeliashiljainenrehellinenuskollinen

Adverbs 2024-02-18

Adverbs crossword puzzle
  1. safe
  2. honest
  3. silent
  4. soft
  5. sudden
  6. patient
  7. quick
  8. strange
  9. easy
  1. joyful
  2. sad
  3. jealous
  4. strict
  5. rare
  6. friend
  7. happy
  8. fortunate
  9. probable
  10. most
  11. regrettable

20 Clues: sadsaferaresoftmosteasyhappyquickjoyfulstricthonestsilentfriendsuddenjealouspatientstrangeprobablefortunateregrettable


OPPOSITE WORDS crossword puzzle
  2. EMPTY
  3. COLD
  4. POOR
  5. DRY
  6. SHORT
  7. FAR
  8. OLD
  9. WEAK
  10. DIRTY
  1. GIRL
  2. RIGHT
  3. HIGH
  4. FAST
  5. BIG
  6. SAD
  7. LIGHT
  8. DAY
  9. MAN


Adjective Words 2024-02-27

Adjective Words crossword puzzle
  1. dingin
  2. cantik
  3. dekat
  4. marah
  5. lambat
  6. sedih
  7. mahal
  8. cepat
  9. panas
  1. tua
  2. mudah
  3. bersih
  4. panjang
  5. berani
  6. tinggi
  7. pintar
  8. lebar
  9. lapar
  10. jauh
  11. pendek

20 Clues: tuajauhmudahdekatmarahlebarlaparsedihmahalcepatpanasdinginbersihcantikberanitinggilambatpintarpendekpanjang

Huaʻōlelo 5 Pt.2 2023-12-08

Huaʻōlelo 5 Pt.2 crossword puzzle
  1. leʻaleʻa
  2. kakani
  3. mākonā
  4. maʻalahi
  5. makaʻu
  6. ʻāwīwī
  7. paʻakikī
  8. pīhoihoi
  9. kahiko
  10. ʻōmaʻimaʻi
  11. ʻōpio
  1. hoʻomakeʻaka
  2. ʻoluʻolu
  3. uʻi
  4. ʻono
  5. liʻiliʻi
  6. palupalu
  7. maikaʻiʻole
  8. lohi
  9. maʻemaʻe

20 Clues: uʻiʻonolohiʻōpiokakanimākonāmakaʻuʻāwīwīkahikoleʻaleʻaʻoluʻoluliʻiliʻimaʻalahipalupalupaʻakikīmaʻemaʻepīhoihoiʻōmaʻimaʻimaikaʻiʻolehoʻomakeʻaka

spanish vocab 2023-12-07

spanish vocab crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. easy
  3. happy
  4. old
  5. boring
  6. short
  7. sad
  8. small
  9. angry
  1. intelligent
  2. timid
  3. interesting
  4. good
  5. friendly
  6. nice
  7. big
  8. attractive
  9. young
  10. tall
  11. bad

20 Clues: bigoldbadsadgoodeasynicetalltimidhappyyoungshortsmallangryboringfriendlydifficultattractiveintelligentinteresting

Tú día en la escuela 2023-12-11

Tú día en la escuela crossword puzzle
  1. tenth
  2. there
  3. boring
  4. clock
  5. easy
  6. pencil sharpener
  7. eraser
  8. backpack
  9. trash
  1. markers
  2. keyboard
  3. folder
  4. first
  5. paper
  6. fifth
  7. calculator
  8. lunch
  9. class
  10. schedule
  11. pencil

20 Clues: easytenthfirsttherepaperfifthlunchclassclocktrashfolderboringpencilerasermarkerskeyboardschedulebackpackcalculatorpencil sharpener

La clase y la ciudad 2024-01-03

La clase y la ciudad crossword puzzle
  1. boring
  2. paper
  3. interesting
  4. home
  5. gym
  6. class
  7. period
  8. pen
  9. restaurant
  10. English
  1. History
  2. park
  3. homework
  4. difficult
  5. movie theater
  6. pencil
  7. Science
  8. Math
  9. marker
  10. easy

20 Clues: gympenparkMathhomeeasypaperclassboringpencilmarkerperiodHistoryScienceEnglishhomeworkdifficultrestaurantinterestingmovie theater

mio4a 2024-01-25

mio4a crossword puzzle
  1. elokuu
  2. helppo
  3. vaikea
  4. lyhyt
  5. matala
  6. maaliskuu
  7. puhdas
  8. kesäkuu
  9. hutikuu
  10. likianen
  1. lokakuu
  2. kesä
  3. syksy
  4. korkea
  5. ruma
  6. talvi
  7. pitkä
  8. heinäkuu
  9. kevät
  10. toukokuu

20 Clues: kesärumasyksylyhyttalvipitkäkevätelokuuhelppovaikeakorkeamatalapuhdaslokakuukesäkuuhutikuuheinäkuutoukokuulikianenmaaliskuu

French 1 Activity Board Crossword 2024-03-28

French 1 Activity Board Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Noon
  2. French
  3. Tiring
  4. Science
  5. Relaxing
  6. Exciting
  7. Practical
  8. Music
  9. ToStudy
  10. Horrible
  11. Easy
  12. ComputerScience
  1. Important
  2. Math
  3. Useless
  4. Art
  5. Midnight
  6. Bad
  7. Interesting
  8. English

20 Clues: ArtBadNoonMathEasyMusicFrenchTiringUselessScienceToStudyEnglishMidnightRelaxingExcitingHorribleImportantPracticalInterestingComputerScience

French 1 Activity Board Crossword 2024-03-28

French 1 Activity Board Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Noon
  2. French
  3. Tiring
  4. Science
  5. Relaxing
  6. Exciting
  7. Practical
  8. Music
  9. ToStudy
  10. Horrible
  11. Easy
  12. ComputerScience
  1. Important
  2. Math
  3. Useless
  4. Art
  5. Midnight
  6. Bad
  7. Interesting
  8. English

20 Clues: ArtBadNoonMathEasyMusicFrenchTiringUselessScienceToStudyEnglishMidnightRelaxingExcitingHorribleImportantPracticalInterestingComputerScience

Antonym 2023-10-31

Antonym crossword puzzle
  1. small
  2. hard
  3. open
  4. go
  5. night
  6. weak
  7. girl
  8. child
  9. short
  10. cheap
  1. big
  2. sell
  3. cool
  4. after
  5. dirty
  6. sad
  7. bad
  8. past
  9. true
  10. sweet

20 Clues: gobigsadbadsellhardcoolopenweakpasttruegirlsmallafterdirtynightsweetchildshortcheap

Latin hw 2024-04-22

Latin hw crossword puzzle
  1. Commoveo
  2. Finitimus
  3. Propter
  4. Antiquus
  5. Obtineo
  6. Impetus
  7. Contra
  8. In
  9. Carlin
  10. Proelium
  11. Facillis
  1. Integer
  2. Acer
  3. Potens
  4. Amitto
  5. olim
  6. Navigo
  7. Levo
  8. Aut
  9. Exercitus

20 Clues: InAutAcerolimLevoPotensAmittoNavigoContraCarlinIntegerPropterObtineoImpetusCommoveoAntiquusProeliumFacillisFinitimusExercitus

CK 5/2 2024-05-02

CK 5/2 crossword puzzle
  1. ancient
  2. error
  3. scared
  4. baby
  5. below
  6. purchase
  7. sad
  8. begin
  9. gift
  1. hard
  2. hurt
  3. join
  4. joyful
  5. end
  6. leave
  7. lift
  8. talk
  9. lie
  10. jog
  11. easy

20 Clues: endsadliejoghardhurtjoinbabylifttalkgifteasyerrorleavebelowbeginjoyfulscaredancientpurchase

Adjetcives 2024-06-18

Adjetcives crossword puzzle
  1. Hot
  2. Rude
  3. Quiet
  4. Bored
  5. Poor
  6. Healthy
  7. Old
  8. Full
  9. Hard
  10. Late
  1. Dirty
  2. Sad
  3. Pretty
  4. Narrow
  5. Strong
  6. Bright
  7. Expensive
  8. Enormous
  9. Dry
  10. Sweet

20 Clues: SadHotOldDryRudePoorFullHardLateDirtyQuietBoredSweetPrettyNarrowStrongBrightHealthyEnormousExpensive

Spelling 2020-05-06

Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. easy to do
  2. recommended
  3. impossible to break
  4. easy to influence
  1. easy to get there
  2. Very hard
  3. soft and squidgy
  4. cannot be ignored

8 Clues: Very hardeasy to dorecommendedsoft and squidgyeasy to get therecannot be ignoredeasy to influenceimpossible to break

Spelling Words Crossword Puzzle 2014-05-20

Spelling Words Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of easy
  2. used to make french fries
  3. examples are wolf, bears
  4. starts with 'M'
  5. a season that has snow
  1. a yellow vegetable
  2. they say meow
  3. a red vegetable
  4. they bark
  5. a type of meat
  6. a season that has color leaves
  7. opposite of hard

12 Clues: they barkthey say meowa type of meata red vegetablestarts with 'M'opposite of easyopposite of harda yellow vegetablea season that has snowexamples are wolf, bearsused to make french friesa season that has color leaves

JACOB 2012-09-18

JACOB crossword puzzle


Millions 2020-12-22

Millions crossword puzzle
  1. sort of like September
  2. pretty easy, the 3rd "illion"
  3. sort of like NOVEMber
  4. sort of like the quantum realm but with an "I"
  5. pretty easy, the 2nd "illion"
  6. it spells sort of like "octopus"
  1. like a quad bike, it has quad in it!
  2. the other term for gender
  3. pretty easy, the first "illion"
  4. the highest number besides infinity

10 Clues: sort of like NOVEMbersort of like Septemberthe other term for genderpretty easy, the 3rd "illion"pretty easy, the 2nd "illion"pretty easy, the first "illion"it spells sort of like "octopus"the highest number besides infinitylike a quad bike, it has quad in it!sort of like the quantum realm but with an "I"

Adjectives 2017-10-15

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. безопасный
  2. полный
  3. простой
  4. слабый
  5. грязный
  6. дорогой
  7. сильный
  8. богатый
  1. медленный
  2. быстрый
  3. пустой
  4. короткий
  5. сложный
  6. дешёвый
  7. опасный
  8. близкий
  9. бедный
  10. правильный
  11. далёкий

19 Clues: полныйпустойслабыйбедныйбыстрыйпростойгрязныйсложныйдешёвыйопасныйблизкийдорогойсильныйдалёкийбогатыйкороткиймедленныйбезопасныйправильный

Opposites 2021-10-26

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. weak
  2. light
  3. sweet
  4. fast
  5. long
  6. dark
  7. easy
  8. empty
  9. far
  10. strong
  1. short
  2. cold
  3. near
  4. heavy
  5. slow
  6. light
  7. sour
  8. difficult
  9. full
  10. hot

20 Clues: hotfarweakcoldnearslowsourfastlongfulldarkeasyshortheavylightlightsweetemptystrongdifficult

French Vocab 2022-12-01

French Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. well
  2. easy
  3. chorus
  4. badly
  5. short
  6. pen
  7. sad
  8. hair
  9. black
  10. tall
  11. eraser
  1. eye
  2. short
  3. girl
  4. history
  5. music
  6. pool
  7. strong
  8. pencil
  9. laptop

20 Clues: eyepensadwelleasygirlpoolhairtallshortbadlymusicshortblackchorusstrongpencillaptoperaserhistory

french vocab 2023-08-28

french vocab crossword puzzle
  1. tiring
  2. boring
  3. work
  4. study
  5. run
  6. amused
  7. sing
  8. dance
  9. great
  10. difficult
  1. travel
  2. eat
  3. read
  4. rubbish
  5. swim
  6. interesting
  7. draw
  8. easy
  9. annoying

19 Clues: eatrunreadswimworkdraweasysingstudydancegreattraveltiringboringamusedrubbishannoyingdifficultinteresting

Opposites 2023-11-28

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. hot
  2. true
  3. ugly
  4. wrong
  5. funny
  6. good
  7. cheap
  8. short
  9. sad
  10. quiet
  11. old
  1. easy
  2. slow
  3. open
  4. clean
  5. poor
  6. weak
  7. full
  8. big

19 Clues: hotsadbigoldeasytrueuglyslowopengoodpoorweakfullwrongfunnycleancheapshortquiet

. 2024-12-18

. crossword puzzle
  1. ninth
  2. fourth
  3. third
  4. boring
  5. difficult
  6. fun
  7. eighth
  8. practical
  1. tenth
  2. second
  3. favorite
  4. first
  5. seventh
  6. sixth
  7. schedule
  8. homework
  9. interesting
  10. easy
  11. fifth

19 Clues: funeasytenthninthfirstsixththirdfifthsecondfourthboringeighthseventhfavoriteschedulehomeworkdifficultpracticalinteresting

Suffixes 2024-08-30

Suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. someone who sells and arranges flowers
  2. someone who studies biology
  3. to do something with no particular reason
  4. someone/something that is easy to desire
  5. to judge or make sensible decisions
  6. someone who gets excited easy
  7. To be able to deal with someone/something
  8. to meet someone at a certain time or place
  1. Someone who studies hygiene
  2. something that tastes good
  3. to be able to wash
  4. someone who takes care of animals
  5. controlling and managing things or people
  6. something that is funny
  7. beautiful or splendour
  8. scared or worried
  9. when you achieve something
  10. someone who studies geology
  11. something that attaches

19 Clues: scared or worriedto be able to washbeautiful or splendoursomething that is funnysomething that attachessomething that tastes goodwhen you achieve somethingSomeone who studies hygienesomeone who studies biologysomeone who studies geologysomeone who gets excited easysomeone who takes care of animalsto judge or make sensible decisions...

Easy crossword puzzle 2020-10-22

Easy crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. That guy is very ______.
  2. that pole is very _______.
  3. That kid was very harsh on you.
  4. That cat __________ my cat.
  5. Penguins always _______.
  6. I was at the bank ready to _____ my money.
  7. My friends mom gave a ______ dinner at his house.
  1. The man stole my bike so I am ________ for the bike that was stolen.
  2. People often led ___________ lives.
  3. I was very _______ that night.
  4. That scientist had very ___________ materials.
  5. I am working on a documentary about a man who was _______.
  6. The penguins _______ to keep themselves warm.
  7. i saw a _______ of ants in my garden.

14 Clues: That guy is very ______.Penguins always _______.that pole is very _______.That cat __________ my cat.I was very _______ that night.That kid was very harsh on you.People often led ___________ lives.i saw a _______ of ants in my garden.I was at the bank ready to _____ my money.The penguins _______ to keep themselves warm....

Easy English: Study 2021-04-12

Easy English: Study crossword puzzle
  1. korkkitaulu
  2. kirjat
  3. läppäri/kannettava tietokone
  4. kirjoituslevy
  5. kalenteri
  6. hylly
  7. työpöytä
  8. monitor
  1. laatikot
  2. näppäimistö
  3. kansio
  4. tulostin
  5. roskakori
  6. tuoli

14 Clues: tuolihyllykirjatkansiomonitorlaatikottulostintyöpöytäroskakorikalenterikorkkitaulunäppäimistökirjoituslevyläppäri/kannettava tietokone

easy russian mussian 2021-04-30

easy russian mussian crossword puzzle
  1. Daha uzun "Merhaba"
  2. Güzel, iyi, tamam
  3. Hayır
  4. Genç kız, kız
  5. Erkek çocuk
  6. Evet
  7. Köpek
  1. teşekkürler
  2. Merhaba
  3. Insan (insan)
  4. Kötü
  5. Anne
  6. Kedi
  7. Baba

14 Clues: KötüAnneKediEvetBabaHayırKöpekMerhabateşekkürlerErkek çocukInsan (insan)Genç kız, kızGüzel, iyi, tamamDaha uzun "Merhaba"

Crossword Puzzle - Easy 2023-07-01

Crossword Puzzle - Easy crossword puzzle
  1. Water may do this from a faucet
  2. Not yet invented
  3. To make someone mad
  4. Colorful edges, like on a picture or note
  5. Does it over and over again
  6. Introduced yourself
  1. Surf _____
  2. Similar to a monkey
  3. A needle-producing tree
  4. Not a guy
  5. ___, white, and blue
  6. Like a gift or candy
  7. A gown meant for after the bath
  8. An expensive odor

14 Clues: Not a guySurf _____Not yet inventedAn expensive odorSimilar to a monkeyTo make someone madIntroduced yourself___, white, and blueLike a gift or candyA needle-producing treeDoes it over and over againWater may do this from a faucetA gown meant for after the bathColorful edges, like on a picture or note

Christmas Crossword (Easy) 2023-12-12

Christmas Crossword (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. Sung on Christmas(6)
  2. Santa comes down(7)
  3. Kiss under the _________(9)
  4. Father of Christmas(5)
  5. given to you on Christmas(7)
  6. the home of Santa(9)
  7. festive mint boiled sweet(9)
  1. 'tis the season to be _____(5)
  2. the scent of pine(13)
  3. Christmas sculpture(7)
  4. Christmas cookie(11)
  5. Pulling Santa's Sleigh(8)
  6. New Zealand Christmas cake(7)
  7. Christmas fairies(3)

14 Clues: Santa comes down(7)Sung on Christmas(6)Christmas cookie(11)Christmas fairies(3)the home of Santa(9)the scent of pine(13)Christmas sculpture(7)Father of Christmas(5)Pulling Santa's Sleigh(8)Kiss under the _________(9)given to you on Christmas(7)festive mint boiled sweet(9)New Zealand Christmas cake(7)'tis the season to be _____(5)

Taco-Gato's Chipserria (space is -) 2024-03-08

Taco-Gato's Chipserria (space is -) crossword puzzle
  1. Secret. HARD
  2. Shiny. MEDIUM
  3. Dead Person. EASY
  4. Love. EASY
  5. Taco. EASY
  1. Pirate Flag. HARD
  2. Melting. MEDIUM
  3. Heart Attack. HARD

8 Clues: Love. EASYTaco. EASYSecret. HARDShiny. MEDIUMMelting. MEDIUMPirate Flag. HARDDead Person. EASYHeart Attack. HARD


PLACES CROSSWORD (EASY) crossword puzzle
  1. A place you go to record a song.
  2. A place you go to work.
  3. A place wear you create wooden items.
  4. A place were you buy things.
  5. A (sometimes) special place you go to eat.
  6. A place with a surplus of sand.
  7. A place were you sleep.
  1. A place were you barrow books.
  2. A place you sleep in when you go away.
  3. A place you go when you break a bone.
  4. A place with a surplus of trees.
  5. A place you go to play games and earn tickets.
  6. A place you can go to during a tornado.
  7. A place were you are educated.

14 Clues: A place you go to work.A place were you sleep.A place were you buy things.A place were you barrow books.A place were you are educated.A place with a surplus of sand.A place you go to record a song.A place with a surplus of trees.A place you go when you break a bone.A place wear you create wooden items.A place you sleep in when you go away....

Easy movies crossword 2014-04-02

Easy movies crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Has won two Oscars when acting in supporting role, Austrian origins
  2. main character Ray Ferrier
  3. famous director and producer from Indiana Jones, Star Wars
  4. Quentin Tarantino's famous movie
  5. Trilogy from Middle-earth
  6. Based on books by Rick Riordan
  7. One of most famous movies by Tom Hanks
  1. Greatest movie agent of all time
  2. According to Imdb, best movie of all time
  3. Based on games, main character is Lara Croft
  4. Monster which got it's origins from Japan, know in japanese as Gojira
  5. Russell Crowe's break-through
  6. Actor, who's latest movie is The Lone Ranger
  7. Greatest Scifi-movies of all time

14 Clues: Trilogy from Middle-earthmain character Ray FerrierRussell Crowe's break-throughBased on books by Rick RiordanGreatest movie agent of all timeQuentin Tarantino's famous movieGreatest Scifi-movies of all timeOne of most famous movies by Tom HanksAccording to Imdb, best movie of all timeBased on games, main character is Lara Croft...

Crossword #1 (Easy) 2014-03-31

Crossword #1 (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. A crop which was the centre of many a debate during the industrial revolution; mainly regarding taxation
  2. the kind of unemployment caused by the time taken to find a job
  3. Rate of change of one variable to rate of change of another
  4. Using final choices to learn initial preferences
  5. how to describe rising income or output
  6. common index used to measure inequality of income
  7. state of rising prices
  1. Transfer of State Responsibility into Private Responsibility
  2. Produced means of Production
  3. An economist who has written about social application to economics- from terrorism to discrimination, won the Nobel in 1992
  4. The Father of Economics
  5. The Dismal Science
  6. expected satisfaction
  7. One of the world's first statistical institutes for empirical study of economic policy

14 Clues: The Dismal Scienceexpected satisfactionstate of rising pricesThe Father of EconomicsProduced means of Productionhow to describe rising income or outputUsing final choices to learn initial preferencescommon index used to measure inequality of incomeRate of change of one variable to rate of change of another...

Easy Crossword Puzzle 2021-11-16

Easy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. America's favorite and most lucrative pastime.
  2. An action performed without effort or proper care.
  3. Describes something that is fated to happen or inescapable, it's also that thing Thanos said he was before he took an L to Iron man.
  4. To approach something in a curious or inquisitive fashion.
  5. Describes something in poor condition do to lack of care.
  6. To retreat or withdraw.
  7. Bratty, immature or irritable.
  1. To do in an incredibly large quantity or amount.
  2. Loud, abrasive.
  3. People do this a lot in court.
  4. Something done elegantly with care and caution. Describes stereotypical high-class society/nobility
  5. Equipment needed to complete an activity
  6. Statue of limitations.
  7. That thing everyone wants to win-TSK, MAN YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS!!!

14 Clues: Loud, abrasive.Statue of limitations.To retreat or withdraw.People do this a lot in court.Bratty, immature or irritable.Equipment needed to complete an activityAmerica's favorite and most lucrative pastime.To do in an incredibly large quantity or amount.An action performed without effort or proper care....

Easy cross word 2019-01-09

Easy cross word crossword puzzle
  1. It isn´t good it is
  2. He eats a lot of vegetables and sports a lot he is H....
  3. I don´t have 1 care I have more ....
  4. He is very ..... with that glass
  5. After he trow that grenade was there an e.....
  6. There was an ..... to sell that painting
  7. He is talking so hard it is L.....
  1. Sometimes it is .... in the winter
  2. He is very nice he is
  3. Beeing present
  4. Hillary clint lost the e.....
  5. Mr bold is very good in
  6. that new girl is very F....
  7. He won the jackpot he is very .....

14 Clues: Beeing presentIt isn´t good it isHe is very nice he isMr bold is very good inthat new girl is very F....Hillary clint lost the e.....He is very ..... with that glassSometimes it is .... in the winterHe is talking so hard it is L.....He won the jackpot he is very .....I don´t have 1 care I have more ....There was an ..... to sell that painting...