easy Crossword Puzzles

Easy Beginner 2020-05-03

Easy Beginner crossword puzzle
  1. need to drink daily
  2. Coffee Seller
  3. Large Australian animal
  4. Flower
  5. Flying mammal
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. Has a trunk
  3. Man's best friend
  4. you eat it

9 Clues: Floweryou eat itHas a trunkCoffee SellerFlying mammalMan's best friendLikes to chase miceneed to drink dailyLarge Australian animal

Library (Easy) 2021-07-20

Library (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. Something you read
  2. A book about a person's life
  3. Specialist in libraries
  4. A book of maps
  5. Stories that are made up
  1. Factual Books
  2. Where you borrow books
  3. To learn more about a topic
  4. What books sit on

9 Clues: Factual BooksA book of mapsWhat books sit onSomething you readWhere you borrow booksSpecialist in librariesStories that are made upTo learn more about a topicA book about a person's life

not easy 2017-12-01

not easy crossword puzzle
  1. a person that can be easily trict
  2. disobedient
  3. radiating or reflecting light
  4. requiring or claiming more than is generally felt by others
  5. providing no hope
  1. disappointed
  2. lacking in knowledge or training
  3. a bad person
  4. afriad in a moment

9 Clues: disobedientdisappointeda bad personproviding no hopeafriad in a momentradiating or reflecting lightlacking in knowledge or traininga person that can be easily trictrequiring or claiming more than is generally felt by others

Animals Easy 2020-01-03

Animals Easy crossword puzzle
  1. Little Bo Peep lost hers
  2. It slithers along the ground
  3. This bird is quackers
  4. Australian animal with strong bouncy legs
  5. Flying mammal
  1. A beautiful white bird, that likes the water
  2. Has a trunk
  3. Likes to chase mice
  4. Man's best friend

9 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalMan's best friendLikes to chase miceThis bird is quackersLittle Bo Peep lost hersIt slithers along the groundAustralian animal with strong bouncy legsA beautiful white bird, that likes the water

easy crossword 2015-05-14

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. a group of students who are taught togeter, a kind, a grade
  3. a space with its own walls, door, ceiling, and floor
  4. a line that curves so that one end meets the other
  1. to use words to communicate
  2. to control a vehicle so that it moves somewhere
  3. to change position or place
  4. a game that involves physical exercise
  5. a vehicle with four wheels and motor

9 Clues: Likes to chase miceto use words to communicateto change position or placea vehicle with four wheels and motora game that involves physical exerciseto control a vehicle so that it moves somewherea line that curves so that one end meets the othera space with its own walls, door, ceiling, and floor...

Easy Choice 2016-03-13

Easy Choice crossword puzzle
  1. the activity of making,buying or selling goods
  2. capital of japan
  3. special
  4. the act of choosing
  5. to exchange something for money
  6. to make a choice about something after thinking about it
  1. a store thatsells books
  2. to say what something or someone is like
  3. A person who works in a store

9 Clues: specialcapital of japanthe act of choosinga store thatsells booksA person who works in a storeto exchange something for moneyto say what something or someone is likethe activity of making,buying or selling goodsto make a choice about something after thinking about it

EMTE Easy 2022-08-10

EMTE Easy crossword puzzle
  1. Dr's name in 6025
  2. When in doubt
  3. What does F1 do
  4. What does F5 do
  5. Which Dr do you page after hours
  1. What type of page has a 3 minute reminder
  2. How do you Priority Hold
  3. Where is the OnCall shown
  4. What specialty is 6010

9 Clues: When in doubtWhat does F1 doWhat does F5 doDr's name in 6025What specialty is 6010How do you Priority HoldWhere is the OnCall shownWhich Dr do you page after hoursWhat type of page has a 3 minute reminder

Level - EASY 2023-03-05

Level - EASY crossword puzzle
  1. what kind of refractive error is a common risk factor for glaucoma
  2. Risk factor for glaucoma related to sports or in children
  3. Conventional glaucoma surgery
  1. Glaucoma affects this part of your vision
  2. Who else should get tested, once you are diagnosed with glaucoma
  3. Method of measuring eye pressure
  4. Origin of the word glaucoma
  5. Beware of this medicine, due its effects on eye pressure
  6. Glaucoma affects this nerve of the body

9 Clues: Origin of the word glaucomaConventional glaucoma surgeryMethod of measuring eye pressureGlaucoma affects this nerve of the bodyGlaucoma affects this part of your visionBeware of this medicine, due its effects on eye pressureRisk factor for glaucoma related to sports or in childrenWho else should get tested, once you are diagnosed with glaucoma...

Armada [easy] 2023-02-05

Armada [easy] crossword puzzle
  1. first base Zack is sent to
  2. name of the game that trained gamers for war with drones
  3. The name of the game that trained gamers for war with mechs
  4. One of the mechs used to defend Earth
  5. Xavier Lightman's Callsign
  1. fiction company that created Armada and Terra Firma
  2. The base that Zack is sent to defend Earth
  3. The author of Armada
  4. The name of the organization that trained gamers for war

9 Clues: The author of Armadafirst base Zack is sent toXavier Lightman's CallsignOne of the mechs used to defend EarthThe base that Zack is sent to defend Earthfiction company that created Armada and Terra Firmaname of the game that trained gamers for war with dronesThe name of the organization that trained gamers for war...

15 adjectives 2021-02-04

15 adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. easy to fall over on it
  2. very modern
  3. easy to get hold of
  4. people living with limbs missing
  5. looks like it came from the future
  6. is in danger
  7. something making a big surprise
  1. giving wrong directions
  2. generated by volcanoes
  3. infinite source of something
  4. main/big part of smthng
  5. really big
  6. in connection with a city
  7. environmental friendly
  8. not in connection with other things

15 Clues: really bigvery modernis in dangereasy to get hold ofgenerated by volcanoesenvironmental friendlygiving wrong directionseasy to fall over on itmain/big part of smthngin connection with a cityinfinite source of somethingsomething making a big surprisepeople living with limbs missinglooks like it came from the futurenot in connection with other things

Opposites! 2014-03-17

Opposites! crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. open
  3. bad
  4. thin
  5. wide
  6. short
  7. safe
  8. dark
  9. expensive
  10. cold
  11. slow
  1. wet
  2. big
  3. ugly
  4. interesting
  5. weak
  6. new
  7. straight
  8. clean
  9. left

20 Clues: wetbigbadnewuglyopenweakthinwidesafeleftdarkcoldslowshortcleanstraightdifficultexpensiveinteresting

Opposite 2014-05-23

Opposite crossword puzzle
  1. Fast
  2. Cold
  3. Big
  4. Open
  5. Light
  6. Pretty
  7. Tall
  8. Full
  9. Wet
  10. Loud
  11. Satisfied
  12. Fat
  13. Strong
  1. Black
  2. Dirty
  3. Dark
  4. Awake
  5. Sad
  6. Long
  7. Easy
  8. Old
  9. Old

22 Clues: BigSadOldWetFatOldFastColdOpenDarkLongEasyTallFullLoudBlackDirtyAwakeLightPrettyStrongSatisfied

drink russian 2014-12-01

drink russian crossword puzzle
  1. hit
  2. end
  3. full
  4. drive
  5. go
  6. hold
  7. health
  8. heart
  9. hat
  10. fly
  11. ice
  1. important
  2. easy
  3. drink
  4. help
  5. girl
  6. fish
  7. heavy
  8. first
  9. earth

20 Clues: gohitendhatflyicefulleasyhelpholdgirlfishdrinkdriveheavyfirstheartearthhealthimportant

Spanish Vocabulary crossword puzzle 2016-03-09

Spanish Vocabulary crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. bald
  2. funny
  3. important
  4. board
  5. selfish
  6. intelligent
  7. fat
  8. easy
  9. hard
  10. good
  1. tall
  2. slow
  3. white-haired
  4. horrible
  5. generous
  6. interesting
  7. thin
  8. ideal
  9. ugly
  10. short

20 Clues: fattallbaldslowthineasyharduglygoodfunnyboardidealshortselfishhorriblegenerousimportantinterestingintelligentwhite-haired

Vocabulario! by Briana y Hannah 2016-03-09

Vocabulario! by Briana y Hannah crossword puzzle
  1. Sing
  2. Soccer
  3. Baseball
  4. Bald
  5. Red-Haired
  6. Selfish
  7. Purchase
  8. Tennis
  9. Ugly
  10. Homework
  11. Fast
  1. Swim
  2. Listen
  3. Generous
  4. Dance
  5. Tall
  6. Buy
  7. Answer
  8. Silly
  9. Easy

20 Clues: BuySwimSingTallBaldUglyEasyFastDanceSillyListenSoccerAnswerTennisSelfishGenerousBaseballPurchaseHomeworkRed-Haired

Vocabulary Unit 4 2016-03-10

Vocabulary Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Gramm
  2. sitzen
  3. aufnehmen
  4. Marke
  5. wichtig
  6. zweiter
  7. Rad
  8. buchen
  9. zehnter
  10. dritter
  1. Einladung
  2. Kalender
  3. Geschenk
  4. bestellen
  5. durch
  6. Datum
  7. zuschauen
  8. einfach
  9. lachen
  10. festhalten

20 Clues: RadGrammMarkedurchDatumsitzenlachenbuchenwichtigzweitereinfachzehnterdritterKalenderGeschenkEinladungaufnehmenbestellenzuschauenfesthalten

Vocab 4 2016-10-17

Vocab 4 crossword puzzle
  1. barato
  2. pequeno
  3. rico
  4. guapo
  5. ruidoso
  6. bonita
  7. padres
  8. delgado
  9. callado
  1. esposa
  2. pobre
  3. casado
  4. grande
  5. esposo
  6. caro
  7. dificil
  8. facil
  9. nuevo
  10. soltero
  11. feo

20 Clues: feoricocaropobrefacilguaponuevoesposabaratocasadograndeesposobonitapadrespequenodificilruidososolterodelgadocallado

Name:________________ Date:_________________ VOCABULAIRE Instructions: Fill in the crossword in french using the clues in english. 2016-05-28

Name:________________ Date:_________________   VOCABULAIRE  Instructions: Fill in the crossword in french using the clues in english. crossword puzzle
  1. sorry
  2. easy
  3. post office
  4. information
  5. where
  6. first
  7. how
  8. river
  9. lost
  10. right
  1. ok
  2. left
  3. third
  4. slowly
  5. next
  6. together
  7. road
  8. on
  9. bridge
  10. or

20 Clues: okonorhowlefteasynextroadlostsorrythirdwherefirstriverrightslowlybridgetogetherpost officeinformation

TOURISM 2020-02-17

TOURISM crossword puzzle
  1. HUMIDE++
  4. SÛR
  5. MUSEE
  7. STADE
  9. BEAU
  10. HUMIDE
  11. PLAGE
  1. FROID
  2. DOUX
  8. SEC
  9. CHAUD


unit 1/2 2019-11-04

unit  1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. город
  2. верблюд
  3. всегда
  4. иностранный
  5. легкий
  6. столица
  7. ухаживать
  8. страна
  9. иногда
  10. знать
  11. вместе
  1. играть
  2. жить
  3. солнечный
  4. язык
  5. работать
  6. обычно
  7. разный
  8. смотреть
  9. река

20 Clues: житьязыкрекагородзнатьигратьвсегдаобычнолегкийразныйстранаиногдавместеверблюдстолицаработатьсмотретьсолнечныйухаживатьиностранный

unit 1/2 2019-11-04

unit  1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. yaşamaq
  2. birlikdə
  3. baxmaq
  4. paytaxt
  5. adətən
  6. şəhər
  7. müxtəlif
  8. ölkə
  9. çay
  10. günəşli
  11. bilmək
  1. dil
  2. bəzən
  3. qulluq etmək
  4. oynamaq
  5. xarici
  6. asan
  7. həmişə
  8. dəvə
  9. işləmək

20 Clues: dilçayasandəvəölkəbəzənşəhərxaricibaxmaqadətənhəmişəbilməkyaşamaqoynamaqpaytaxtişləməkgünəşlibirlikdəmüxtəlifqulluq etmək

unit 1/2 2019-11-04

unit  1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. dəvə
  2. bilmək
  3. şəhər
  4. bəzən
  5. qulluq etmək
  6. yaşamaq
  7. xarici
  8. asan
  9. paytaxt
  10. birlikdə
  11. günəşli
  12. oynamaq
  1. işləmək
  2. həmişə
  3. çay
  4. müxtəlif
  5. adətən
  6. dil
  7. baxmaq
  8. ölkə

20 Clues: çaydildəvəasanölkəşəhərbəzənhəmişəbilməkadətənbaxmaqxariciişləməkyaşamaqpaytaxtgünəşlioynamaqmüxtəlifbirlikdəqulluq etmək

TTS Lesson 8 (OPPOSITES) 2021-01-28

TTS Lesson 8 (OPPOSITES) crossword puzzle
  1. ugly
  2. far
  3. insecure
  4. thin
  5. poor
  6. lie
  7. cheap
  8. bad
  9. slow
  10. sick
  1. careless
  2. weakness
  3. unfortunately
  4. last
  5. certain
  6. easy
  7. old
  8. infleksible
  9. dirty
  10. long

20 Clues: oldfarliebaduglylasteasythinpoorlongslowsickdirtycheapcertaincarelessweaknessinsecureinfleksibleunfortunately

Superlative Adjectives 2021-02-06

Superlative Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. juicy
  2. easy
  3. large
  4. oldest
  5. hard
  6. tall
  7. deep
  8. deadly
  9. close
  10. funny
  11. bad
  1. loud
  2. wise
  3. tiny
  4. sad
  5. dangerous
  6. hot
  7. rare
  8. cold
  9. little

20 Clues: sadhotbadloudwisetinyeasyhardrarecoldtalldeepjuicylargeclosefunnyoldestdeadlylittledangerous

Opposites 2020-04-28

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. long
  2. big
  3. white
  4. boring
  5. wrong
  6. bad
  7. false
  8. quiet
  9. unfriendly
  10. new
  1. unpopular
  2. different
  3. curly
  4. ugly
  5. cheap
  6. easy
  7. fat
  8. old
  9. light
  10. short

20 Clues: bigfatoldbadnewlonguglyeasycurlywhitecheapwronglightfalseshortquietboringunpopulardifferentunfriendly

opposites 2020-08-06

opposites crossword puzzle
  1. hot
  2. late
  3. sick
  4. enemy
  5. beginning
  6. destroy
  7. male
  8. child
  1. never
  2. laugh
  3. below
  4. subtraction
  5. melt
  6. difficult
  7. depart
  8. empty
  9. artificial
  10. open
  11. question
  12. night

20 Clues: hotmeltlatesickopenmaleneverlaughbelowenemyemptynightchilddepartdestroyquestiondifficultbeginningartificialsubtraction

2.1 Vocab 2021-01-04

2.1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. arrive
  2. music
  3. late
  4. almost
  5. need
  6. art
  7. spanish
  8. notes
  9. teach
  10. history
  11. science
  1. english
  2. computer
  3. early
  4. test
  5. difficult
  6. answer
  7. mathematics
  8. easy
  9. grade

20 Clues: arttestlateneedeasyearlymusicnotesteachgradearriveansweralmostenglishspanishhistorysciencecomputerdifficultmathematics

türkçe ingilizce kelimeler 2020-12-08

türkçe ingilizce kelimeler crossword puzzle
  1. okul
  2. tavşan
  3. evet
  4. saç
  5. hava
  6. yavaş
  7. kalem
  8. bitki
  9. bulmaca
  10. deneme
  11. çalışkan
  1. makas
  2. zemin
  3. hızlı
  4. cüzdan
  5. iyi
  6. resim
  7. kolay
  8. hayvan
  9. hayır

20 Clues: saçiyiokulevethavamakaszeminhızlıyavaşkalemresimkolaybitkihayırtavşancüzdanhayvandenemebulmacaçalışkan

L’école en France 2021-03-02

L’école en France crossword puzzle
  1. assembly
  2. lesson
  3. lunch
  4. interesting
  5. difficult
  6. Physics
  7. easy
  8. office
  9. Spanish
  10. teacher
  1. shirt
  2. break
  3. trousers
  4. Maths
  5. tie
  6. useless
  7. English
  8. library
  9. registration
  10. favourite

20 Clues: tieeasyshirtbreaklunchMathslessonofficePhysicsuselessEnglishlibrarySpanishteacherassemblytrousersdifficultfavouriteinterestingregistration

adjectives opposites 2017-05-02

adjectives opposites crossword puzzle
  1. tame
  2. bad
  3. difficult
  4. ugly
  5. short
  6. dark
  7. sunny
  8. stupid
  9. thick
  10. old
  11. unhappy
  12. slow
  1. narrow
  2. hot
  3. big
  4. dirty
  5. long
  6. quiet
  7. fat
  8. sunny
  9. wrong

21 Clues: hotbadbigfatoldtameuglylongdarkslowdirtyshortsunnyquietsunnythickwrongnarrowstupidunhappydifficult

Marc Coglievina 2018-10-23

Marc Coglievina crossword puzzle
  1. metal
  2. ràpid
  3. cosí
  4. ordinador
  5. boli
  6. gos
  7. Madrastre
  8. cavall
  1. gratis
  2. Mare
  3. gat
  4. qui
  5. estoig
  6. Fill
  7. construir
  8. policia
  9. Pare
  10. fàcil
  11. regle
  12. fusta

20 Clues: gatquigosMarecosíFillboliParemetalràpidfàcilreglefustagratisestoigcavallpoliciaconstruirordinadorMadrastre

Comparatives 2019-05-07

Comparatives crossword puzzle
  1. new
  2. happy
  3. pretty
  4. young
  5. small
  6. long
  7. rich
  8. big
  9. good
  10. bad
  1. cold
  2. heavy
  3. funny
  4. strong
  5. hot
  6. fast
  7. ugly
  8. easy
  9. safe
  10. tall

20 Clues: newhotbigbadcoldfastuglyeasysafelongrichgoodtallheavyfunnyhappyyoungsmallstrongpretty

jpSOŁTYS 2018-01-26

jpSOŁTYS crossword puzzle
  1. zły
  2. makaron
  3. prosze
  4. wójek
  5. czytać
  6. świerzy
  7. miły
  8. owoce
  9. szybki
  10. brudny
  11. łatwy
  1. dobry
  2. gorzki
  3. pyszne
  4. żona
  5. pod
  6. wiśnia
  7. leniwy
  8. dzisiaj
  9. smutny

20 Clues: złypodżonamiłydobrywójekowocełatwygorzkipyszneproszeczytaćwiśnialeniwyszybkibrudnysmutnymakaronświerzydzisiaj

Comparatives 2019-03-09

Comparatives crossword puzzle
  1. smart
  2. noisy
  3. good
  4. expensive
  5. difficult
  6. warm
  7. long
  8. hot
  9. short
  10. big
  1. fast
  2. cold
  3. slow
  4. boring
  5. interesting
  6. cheap
  7. easy
  8. small
  9. quiet
  10. bad

20 Clues: badhotbigfastcoldslowgoodeasywarmlongsmartnoisycheapsmallquietshortboringexpensivedifficultinteresting

Good 4 you - Olivia Rodrigo 2021-07-20

Good 4 you - Olivia Rodrigo crossword puzzle
  1. solo
  2. inafectado
  3. saludable
  4. dijo
  5. Mundo
  6. agarró
  7. dar
  8. quería
  9. recordar
  1. encontró
  2. ayudó
  3. semanas
  4. fácil
  5. mejor
  6. piso
  7. compró
  8. pareja
  9. Dios
  10. juró
  11. nuevo

20 Clues: darsolopisodijoDiosjuróayudófácilmejorMundonuevocompróagarróparejaqueríasemanasencontrórecordarsaludableinafectado

Unit 2 words 2021-10-20

Unit 2 words crossword puzzle
  1. amount
  2. physical
  3. grant
  4. terrible
  5. serious
  6. friend
  7. appreciate
  8. trust
  1. intelligible
  2. demon
  3. touch
  4. honest
  5. target
  6. thought
  7. sad
  8. easy
  9. good
  10. secret
  11. clean
  12. natural

20 Clues: sadeasygooddemontouchgrantcleantrustamounthonesttargetfriendsecretthoughtseriousnaturalphysicalterribleappreciateintelligible

HF4 ch5 2021-12-01

HF4 ch5 crossword puzzle
  1. kuinka
  2. lentokenttä
  3. nähtävyys
  4. painava
  5. helppo
  6. milloin
  7. asema
  8. aikataulu
  9. pyörä
  10. ravintola
  11. missä
  1. kirkko
  2. kuka
  3. juna
  4. miksi
  5. kenen
  6. mitä
  7. matkalaukku
  8. kartta
  9. koska

20 Clues: kukajunamitämiksikenenasemakoskapyörämissäkirkkokuinkahelppokarttapainavamilloinnähtävyysaikatauluravintolalentokenttämatkalaukku

French Rowley p3 G7 2021-12-01

French Rowley p3 G7 crossword puzzle
  1. bald
  2. easy
  3. rich
  4. famous
  5. pessimistic
  6. pleasant
  7. optimistic
  8. shy
  9. funny
  10. poor
  1. honest
  2. unpleasant
  3. sincere
  4. difficult
  5. nice
  6. selfish
  7. thin
  8. sad
  9. foolish
  10. sociable

20 Clues: sadshybaldeasyrichnicethinpoorfunnyhonestfamoussincereselfishfoolishpleasantsociabledifficultunpleasantoptimisticpessimistic

Йеджи 2022-02-24

Йеджи crossword puzzle
  1. short
  2. apartment
  3. phone
  4. uncle
  5. relax
  6. draw
  7. answer
  8. today
  9. see
  10. new
  11. boring
  1. after
  2. easy
  3. cold
  4. room
  5. work
  6. interesting
  7. long
  8. sofa
  9. long time

20 Clues: seeneweasycoldroomworklongdrawsofaaftershortphoneunclerelaxtodayanswerboringapartmentlong timeinteresting

Synonym 2022-05-27

Synonym crossword puzzle
  1. Fine
  2. Explain
  3. Mistake
  4. Sad
  5. Same
  6. Choose
  7. Baby
  8. Gift
  9. Rock
  1. Happen
  2. Error
  3. Correct
  4. Forever
  5. Untrue
  6. Join
  7. Big
  8. Journey
  9. Leave
  10. Simple
  11. Final

20 Clues: SadBigFineJoinSameBabyGiftRockErrorLeaveFinalHappenUntrueChooseSimpleExplainCorrectForeverMistakeJourney

English extracurricular (Synonym) 2022-11-03

English extracurricular (Synonym) crossword puzzle
  1. mind
  2. burning
  3. learn
  4. starving
  5. outcome
  6. finish
  7. awful
  8. begin
  9. hilarious
  1. excellent
  2. hope
  3. delicious
  4. happiness
  5. fast
  6. large
  7. ideal
  8. difficult
  9. tiny
  10. simple
  11. purpose

20 Clues: hopemindfasttinylargelearnidealawfulbeginsimplefinishburningoutcomepurposestarvingexcellentdelicioushappinessdifficulthilarious

Practice makes perfecto 2022-11-20

Practice makes perfecto crossword puzzle
  1. Exciting
  2. Great
  3. Sympathetic
  4. Persistent
  5. Imagination
  6. Confident
  7. Reliable
  8. Tranquil
  9. Firm
  10. Inspire
  1. Restrain
  2. Adequate
  3. Relationships
  4. Welcoming
  5. Easy
  6. Learned
  7. Directs
  8. Captivating
  9. Desired
  10. Elated

20 Clues: EasyFirmGreatElatedLearnedDirectsDesiredInspireRestrainAdequateExcitingReliableTranquilWelcomingConfidentPersistentSympatheticImaginationCaptivatingRelationships

Opposite Adjectives 2022-09-30

Opposite Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. dangerous
  2. healthy
  3. easy
  4. short
  5. light
  6. relaxed
  7. dry
  8. sad
  9. quiet
  1. slow
  2. small
  3. lazy
  4. dirty
  5. unfriendly
  6. ugly
  7. cold
  8. strong
  9. soft
  10. rich
  11. young

20 Clues: drysadslowlazyeasyuglycoldsoftrichsmalldirtyshortlightquietyoungstronghealthyrelaxeddangerousunfriendly

Spanish Vocab 2023-02-08

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. blonde
  2. difficult
  3. ugly
  4. foolish
  5. young
  6. big
  7. thin
  8. pretty
  9. brunette
  10. tall
  1. intelligent
  2. easy
  3. important
  4. much
  5. good
  6. fat
  7. bad
  8. good-looking
  9. old
  10. same

20 Clues: fatbadbigoldeasymuchgooduglythinsametallyoungblondeprettyfoolishbrunettedifficultimportantintelligentgood-looking

Unit 2 Feelings (Matias) 2023-05-19

Unit 2 Feelings (Matias) crossword puzzle
  1. emocionado
  2. feo
  3. dificil
  4. aburrido
  5. hambriento
  6. asustado
  7. bueno
  8. enojado
  9. calor
  10. fuerte
  11. pesado
  1. frio
  2. preocupado
  3. divertido
  4. cansado
  5. triste
  6. feliz
  7. genial
  8. sediento
  9. fácil

20 Clues: feofriofelizbuenocalorfáciltristegenialfuertepesadodificilcansadoenojadoaburridoasustadosedientodivertidoemocionadopreocupadohambriento

Comparative adjectives 2023-06-11

Comparative adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. BLACK
  2. HAPPY
  3. SLOW
  5. SAFE
  6. CLEAN
  8. GOOD
  1. NICE
  2. BAD
  3. OLD
  5. HOT
  9. EASY
  10. BIG
  11. THIN
  12. NOISY


Unit 6/B 2023-05-22

Unit 6/B crossword puzzle
  1. átöltözni
  2. nehéz
  3. lakás
  4. valameddig
  5. éhes
  6. barátnő
  7. gyakorolni
  8. körülbelül
  9. törölköző
  10. balett
  1. beleértve
  2. megszállni
  3. padló
  4. hagyni
  5. nélkül
  6. természetesen
  7. késő, későn
  8. könnyű
  9. szünet
  10. gyakran

20 Clues: éhesnehézpadlólakáshagyninélkülkönnyűszünetbalettbarátnőgyakranbeleértveátöltöznitörölközőmegszállnivalameddiggyakorolnikörülbelülkéső, későntermészetesen

Opposites 2023-08-29

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. bright
  2. cold
  3. short
  4. dirty
  5. bad
  6. right
  7. sad
  8. loud
  9. weak
  10. late
  1. ugly
  2. dry
  3. fast
  4. light
  5. calm
  6. young
  7. left
  8. difficult
  9. boring
  10. old

20 Clues: drybadsadolduglyfastcalmcoldleftloudweaklatelightyoungshortdirtyrightbrightboringdifficult

Vocabulario 2023-10-03

Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. young
  2. dirty
  3. tall
  4. ugly
  5. enormous
  6. short
  7. healthy
  8. easy
  9. old
  10. classic
  11. pretty
  1. deep
  2. ginger
  3. soft
  4. famous
  5. enchanting
  6. boring
  7. fun
  8. difficult
  9. clean

20 Clues: funolddeepsofttalluglyeasyyoungdirtyshortcleangingerfamousboringprettyhealthyclassicenormousdifficultenchanting

134 2023-09-18

134 crossword puzzle
  1. 17
  2. 13
  3. 10
  4. 16
  5. 7
  6. 11
  7. 9
  8. 3
  9. 15
  10. 19
  11. 12
  1. 6
  2. 8
  3. 2
  4. 18
  5. 14
  6. 5
  7. 20
  8. 4
  9. 1

20 Clues: 6825794131713181014162011151912

adjetivos 2023-11-28

adjetivos crossword puzzle
  1. pretty
  2. Funny
  3. thin
  4. Bad
  5. Easy
  6. Caring
  7. coffee
  8. Young
  9. Stinky
  10. Boring
  11. sad
  12. Clean
  1. Furious
  2. Generous
  3. nice
  4. accupied
  5. Blonde
  6. Tired
  7. Old
  8. strict

20 Clues: BadOldsadnicethinEasyFunnyTiredYoungCleanprettyBlondeCaringcoffeestrictStinkyBoringFuriousGenerousaccupied

Adjectives (Samuli) 2023-11-29

Adjectives (Samuli) crossword puzzle
  1. luova
  2. paksu
  3. vanha
  4. urheilullinen
  5. äänekäs
  6. reilu
  7. luotettava
  8. uskollinen
  9. tyhmä
  10. rohkea
  11. laiska
  1. salainen
  2. hupsu
  3. jännittävä
  4. vahva
  5. vaikea
  6. rento
  7. helppo
  8. hyödytön
  9. tumma

20 Clues: hupsuluovapaksuvanhavahvareilurentotyhmätummavaikeahelpporohkealaiskaäänekässalainenhyödytönjännittäväluotettavauskollinenurheilullinen

ADJECTIVE 2024-04-27

ADJECTIVE crossword puzzle
  3. DRY
  6. FAST
  10. FALSE
  1. COLD
  2. FULL
  4. FREE
  5. FRESH
  7. DIRTY
  8. EASY
  9. FAT
  10. DARK


Adjective 2023-10-26

Adjective crossword puzzle
  1. mahal
  2. kecil
  3. berbeda
  4. dingin
  5. sulit
  6. marah
  7. terbaik
  8. tinggi
  1. senang
  2. mudah
  3. pintar
  4. sempurna
  5. sedih
  6. adil
  7. lambat
  8. terkenal
  9. murah
  10. panjang
  11. besar
  12. lapar

20 Clues: adilmudahmahalkecilsedihsulitmurahmarahbesarlaparsenangpintarlambatdingintinggiberbedapanjangterbaiksempurnaterkenal

Jariyah Adjetivos/Familia 2024-02-26

Jariyah Adjetivos/Familia crossword puzzle
  1. blue
  2. black
  3. yellow
  4. young
  5. good
  6. little
  7. pretty
  8. low
  1. slow
  2. easy
  3. green
  4. brown/coffe
  5. grey
  6. red
  7. new
  8. tall
  9. ugly
  10. old
  11. white
  12. bad

20 Clues: rednewoldbadlowbluesloweasygreygoodtalluglygreenblackyoungwhiteyellowlittleprettybrown/coffe

spanish 2024-04-17

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. bad
  2. fun
  3. good-looking
  4. interesting
  5. easy
  6. ugly
  7. tall
  8. same
  9. smart
  10. pretty
  11. much
  1. large
  2. good
  3. young
  4. bruenette
  5. thin
  6. important
  7. mean
  8. short
  9. difficult

20 Clues: badfungoodthinmeaneasyuglytallsamemuchlargeyoungshortsmartprettybruenetteimportantdifficultinterestinggood-looking

Adjectives (Melléknevek) 2024-11-21

Adjectives (Melléknevek) crossword puzzle
  1. strong
  2. dirty
  3. small
  4. poor
  5. the same
  6. full
  7. easy
  8. short
  9. safe
  10. right
  1. cheap
  2. low
  3. new
  4. ugly
  5. dark
  6. left
  7. good
  8. old
  9. hot
  10. fast

20 Clues: lownewoldhotuglypoordarkleftgoodfulleasysafefastcheapdirtysmallshortrightstrongthe same

DV Q4 - Week 1 and 2 2018-12-18

DV Q4 - Week 1 and 2 crossword puzzle
  1. fame
  2. engine
  3. eat
  4. east
  5. ear
  6. eagle
  7. excited
  8. flexible
  9. fruit
  10. fact
  11. exact
  1. favor
  2. future
  3. efficient
  4. education
  5. feather
  6. fufill
  7. easy
  8. flag
  9. fresh

20 Clues: eatearfameeasteasyflagfactfavoreaglefruitfreshexactfutureenginefufillfeatherexcitedflexibleefficienteducation

Solutions_elementary_unit3_Gints 2020-05-25

Solutions_elementary_unit3_Gints crossword puzzle
  1. nekārtīgs
  2. cepure
  3. viegli
  4. nepareizs
  5. patiesība
  6. drēbes
  7. īsts
  8. dārgs
  9. brūns
  10. nelaipns
  11. līdzīgs
  1. ciešs
  2. briesmīgs
  3. īpašs
  4. rokasprādze
  5. lēts
  6. parasts
  7. dabisks
  8. viltus
  9. vecs

20 Clues: lētsīstsvecsciešsīpašsdārgsbrūnscepurevieglidrēbesviltusparastsdabiskslīdzīgsnelaipnsnekārtīgsbriesmīgsnepareizspatiesībarokasprādze

Year 4 - Antonym 2021-11-22

Year 4 - Antonym crossword puzzle
  1. small
  2. below
  3. far
  4. tall
  5. difficult
  6. push
  7. cheap
  8. wet
  9. open
  10. ugly
  1. weak
  2. after
  3. sharp
  4. black
  5. sad
  6. old
  7. fat
  8. clean
  9. hot
  10. fast

20 Clues: farsadoldfatwethotweaktallpushopenfastuglysmallafterbelowsharpblackcheapcleandifficult

Comparative adjectives 2022-03-21

Comparative adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. cold
  2. new
  3. difficult
  4. bad
  5. big
  6. amazing
  7. cheap
  8. beautiful
  9. young
  10. hard
  11. hot
  1. large
  2. tall
  3. pretty
  4. black
  5. intelligent
  6. easy
  7. cool
  8. nice
  9. good

20 Clues: newbadbighottallcoldeasycoolnicegoodhardlargeblackcheapyoungprettyamazingdifficultbeautifulintelligent

CROSSWORD 2013-06-25

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Ente
  2. Hosen
  3. Halskette
  4. Gesicht
  5. Brief
  6. Armband
  7. Spiel
  8. Arm
  9. schützen
  10. Flugzeug
  11. sehen
  1. schwierig
  2. Cap
  3. Pflanze
  4. Wurst
  5. Frei
  6. wahr
  7. Beispiel
  8. falsch
  9. einfach

20 Clues: CapArmEnteFreiwahrHosenWurstBriefSpielsehenfalschPflanzeGesichtArmbandeinfachBeispielschützenFlugzeugschwierigHalskette

-ed, -ing, -er, -est 2013-09-22

-ed, -ing, -er, -est crossword puzzle
  1. funny
  2. empty
  3. happy
  4. scary
  5. worry
  6. strange
  7. please
  8. get
  9. freeze
  1. use
  2. include
  3. great
  4. heavy
  5. occur
  6. supply
  7. angry
  8. leave
  9. swim
  10. shop
  11. easy

20 Clues: usegetswimshopeasyfunnygreatheavyoccuremptyhappyangryscaryworryleavesupplypleasefreezeincludestrange

Antonyms 2012-07-31

Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. Forward
  2. Empty
  3. Cheap
  4. Subtract
  5. Problem
  6. Exit
  7. Dull
  8. Depart
  9. Awake
  10. Loose
  11. Common
  1. Real
  2. Easy
  3. Old
  4. Show
  5. Follow
  6. Worst
  7. Separate
  8. Bent
  9. Whole

20 Clues: OldRealEasyShowBentExitDullEmptyWorstCheapAwakeWholeLooseFollowDepartCommonForwardProblemSubtractSeparate

Vocab Puzzle 2015-03-10

Vocab Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. true
  2. lack
  3. easy
  4. approval
  5. unbeatable
  6. shy
  7. lethal
  8. respectful
  9. defiant
  10. go
  1. sponsor
  2. careless
  3. unselfish
  4. confidence
  5. difference
  6. trudge
  7. strong
  8. correct
  9. rest
  10. mercy

20 Clues: goshytruelackeasyrestmercytrudgestronglethalsponsorcorrectdefiantcarelessapprovalunselfishconfidencedifferenceunbeatablerespectful

Opposites 2016-09-12

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. Slow
  2. Found
  3. Brave
  4. Enemy
  5. Sell
  6. Black
  7. Curly
  8. Run
  9. Beautiful
  1. West
  2. Thin
  3. Open
  4. Stupid
  5. Easy
  6. Hot
  7. Day
  8. Evening
  9. South
  10. Short
  11. Big

20 Clues: HotDayBigRunWestSlowThinOpenEasySellFoundBraveEnemySouthBlackShortCurlyStupidEveningBeautiful

I'm into! 2022-09-20

I'm into! crossword puzzle
  1. mūzika
  2. vieglatlētika
  3. garlaicīgs
  4. viegls
  5. jaus
  6. sarežģīts
  7. interesants
  8. drāma
  9. basketbols
  1. dārgs
  2. vingrošana
  3. šahu
  4. zinātne
  5. vecs
  6. labs
  7. māksla
  8. futbols
  9. slikts
  10. peldēšana
  11. lēts

20 Clues: šahuvecslabsjauslētsdārgsdrāmamūzikavieglsmākslasliktszinātnefutbolssarežģītspeldēšanavingrošanagarlaicīgsbasketbolsinteresantsvieglatlētika

Suburbs 2023-01-05

Suburbs crossword puzzle
  1. boîte
  2. coloré
  3. discrimination
  4. posséder
  5. joli
  6. sombre
  7. riche
  8. facile
  9. pratique
  10. spacieux
  11. peur
  1. propriétaire
  2. confortable
  3. retarder
  4. saleté
  5. abordable
  6. déménager
  7. similaire
  8. louer
  9. foule

20 Clues: jolipeurboîterichelouerfoulecolorésombresaletéfacileposséderretarderpratiquespacieuxabordabledéménagersimilaireconfortablepropriétairediscrimination

La Casa 2023-01-24

La Casa crossword puzzle
  1. bedroom
  2. intelligent
  3. purple
  4. window
  5. door
  6. livingroom
  7. garage
  8. kitchen
  9. fat
  1. office
  2. roof
  3. small
  4. stairs
  5. tall
  6. short
  7. house
  8. bathroom
  9. green
  10. easy
  11. big

20 Clues: bigfatrooftalldooreasysmallshorthousegreenofficestairspurplewindowgaragebedroomkitchenbathroomlivingroomintelligent

Comparative Adjectives. Write the comparative form of the following adjectives: 2023-01-27

Comparative Adjectives. Write the comparative form of the following adjectives: crossword puzzle
  1. Funny
  2. Brave
  3. Cold
  4. Greasy
  5. Kind
  6. Dirty
  7. Modern
  8. Famous
  9. Cheap
  10. Difficult
  11. Short
  1. Big
  2. Strong
  3. Easy
  4. Interesting
  5. Busy
  6. Good
  7. Bad
  8. Unusual
  9. Large

20 Clues: BigBadEasyBusyGoodColdKindFunnyBraveDirtyCheapLargeShortStrongGreasyModernFamousUnusualDifficultInteresting

Yippee 5 kpl 8 adjektiiveja. 2017-02-21

Yippee 5 kpl 8 adjektiiveja. crossword puzzle
  2. KYLMÄ
  3. HIDAS
  5. NOPEA
  6. OUTO
  7. SUURI
  10. KUUMA
  11. ISO
  1. PAHA
  2. NUORI
  7. OHUT
  8. PIENI


crossword 2020-02-05

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. lihtne
  2. loom
  3. kass
  4. pusle
  5. ei
  6. kiire
  7. koer
  8. ristsöna
  9. tasuta
  1. jah
  2. sööma
  3. tehas
  4. sina
  5. ilm
  6. riided
  7. aken
  8. sõõk
  9. söna
  10. auto
  11. üks

20 Clues: eijahilmükssinaloomkassakensõõksönakoerautosöömatehaspuslekiirelihtneriidedtasutaristsöna

Pages 48-49 Crossword 2020-05-15

Pages 48-49 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Mõjutama
  2. Sooritama
  3. Mõrv
  4. Vastutustunne
  5. Vangla
  6. Kuritegu
  7. juhend
  8. Kaasnema
  9. Seadused
  10. Teoreetiliselt
  1. Patsient
  2. Vastutustundlik
  3. Luba
  4. Illegaalne
  5. Ühinema
  6. Vabadus
  7. Karistus
  8. Keelatud
  9. Muretu
  10. Armee

20 Clues: LubaMõrvArmeeVanglajuhendMuretuÜhinemaVabadusPatsientMõjutamaKaristusKeelatudKuriteguKaasnemaSeadusedSooritamaIllegaalneVastutustunneTeoreetiliseltVastutustundlik

Synonyms Review 1 2020-05-13

Synonyms Review 1 crossword puzzle
  1. start
  2. happy
  3. mend
  4. easy
  5. talk
  6. weak
  7. like
  8. robber
  9. rich
  10. loud
  1. cry
  2. annoyed
  3. scent
  4. gift
  5. end
  6. brave
  7. respond
  8. twelve
  9. shout
  10. fast

20 Clues: cryendgiftmendeasytalkweaklikefastrichloudstartscenthappybraveshouttwelverobberannoyedrespond

FR1 Weeks 10 and 11 vocab 2020-10-22

FR1 Weeks 10 and 11 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. book
  3. eyes
  4. open
  5. history
  6. locker
  7. goes
  8. interesting
  9. math
  10. sees
  1. searches
  2. biology
  3. clock
  4. English
  5. easy
  6. says
  7. pencil
  8. bed
  9. PE
  10. finds

20 Clues: PEbedbookeasyeyessaysopengoesmathseesclockfindslockerpencilbiologyEnglishhistorysearchesdifficultinteresting

6/İ Hatice Doğan 2020-12-16

6/İ Hatice Doğan crossword puzzle
  1. kar
  2. köy
  3. kolay
  4. sınıf
  5. fırın
  6. nefis
  7. sıra
  8. uçurtma
  9. dondurma
  10. şifre
  1. sayı
  2. kış
  3. gözlük
  4. hızlı
  5. limonata
  6. meşgul
  7. çok
  8. başlık
  9. mutlu
  10. kırmızı

20 Clues: karkışköyçoksayısırahızlıkolaysınıffırınnefismutluşifregözlükmeşgulbaşlıkuçurtmakırmızılimonatadondurma

Comparative adjectives 2021-02-18

Comparative adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. thin
  2. bad
  3. slow
  4. loud
  5. sad
  6. big
  7. heavy
  8. short
  9. good
  1. quick
  2. happy
  3. strong
  4. cold
  5. hard
  6. scary
  7. easy
  8. funny
  9. fast
  10. busy
  11. hot

20 Clues: badsadbighotthincoldhardsloweasyloudfastbusygoodquickhappyscaryfunnyheavyshortstrong

An Scoil 2021-02-12

An Scoil crossword puzzle
  1. lunch
  2. timetable
  3. uniform
  4. respect
  5. school
  6. facilities
  7. ban
  8. easy
  9. locker
  10. Geography
  1. rules
  2. difficult
  3. enjoyable
  4. subjects
  5. Irish
  6. English
  7. break
  8. schools
  9. permission
  10. students

20 Clues: baneasyruleslunchIrishbreakschoollockeruniformrespectEnglishschoolssubjectsstudentsdifficultenjoyabletimetableGeographyfacilitiespermission

Lesson 20 Vocab 2021-10-20

Lesson 20 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. difficilis
  2. ardeo
  3. sicut
  4. longus
  5. fessus
  6. facilis
  7. arbor
  8. epulae
  9. cena
  10. minutatim
  1. tristis
  2. muto
  3. propero
  4. eques
  5. pastor
  6. latus
  7. certatim
  8. matrimonium
  9. vivus
  10. acer

20 Clues: mutoacercenaequesardeosicutlatusvivusarborpastorlongusfessusepulaetristisproperofaciliscertatimminutatimdifficilismatrimonium

adjectives to adverbs 2022-05-25

adjectives to adverbs crossword puzzle
  1. fast
  2. gentle
  3. serious
  4. correct
  5. careful
  6. probable
  7. safe
  8. bad
  9. glad
  10. easy
  1. happy
  2. fortunate
  3. slow
  4. wise
  5. good
  6. true
  7. terrible
  8. sad
  9. playful
  10. hard

20 Clues: sadbadfastslowwisegoodtruesafegladhardeasyhappygentleseriouscorrectcarefulplayfulterribleprobablefortunate

Opposites 2017-02-07

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. thin
  2. quiet
  3. light
  4. clean
  5. woman
  6. cheap
  7. empty
  8. soft
  9. fast
  10. closed
  1. short
  2. young
  3. poor
  4. beautiful
  5. dead
  6. large
  7. old
  8. weak
  9. difficult
  10. cold

20 Clues: oldthinpoordeadweaksoftfastcoldshortyoungquietlightlargecleanwomancheapemptyclosedbeautifuldifficult

Starter Unit F5 2016-09-29

Starter Unit F5 crossword puzzle
  1. tool
  2. õudne
  3. huvitav
  4. õpetaja
  5. väike
  6. kott
  7. vahel
  8. igav
  9. joonlaud
  10. koolipink
  1. aken
  2. raske
  3. kallis
  4. riiul
  5. sõnaraamat
  6. lihtne
  7. odav
  8. lähedal
  9. tahvel
  10. all

20 Clues: allakentoolodavkottigavraskeõudneriiulväikevahelkallislihtnetahvelhuvitavõpetajalähedaljoonlaudkoolipinksõnaraamat

oppposites 2019-10-20

oppposites crossword puzzle
  1. bad
  2. long
  3. small
  4. stupid
  5. rude
  6. old
  7. empty
  8. boring
  9. wrong
  10. sad
  11. easy
  1. rich
  2. expensive
  3. dirty
  4. ugly
  5. black
  6. cold
  7. heavy
  8. noisy
  9. thin

20 Clues: badoldsadrichlonguglyrudecoldeasythindirtysmallblackemptyheavynoisywrongstupidboringexpensive

unit 1/2 2019-11-04

unit  1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. верблюд
  2. играть
  3. обычно
  4. солнечный
  5. работать
  6. знать
  7. столица
  8. разный
  9. вместе
  10. река
  11. город
  1. жить
  2. всегда
  3. смотреть
  4. язык
  5. ухаживать
  6. страна
  7. иногда
  8. иностранный
  9. легкий

20 Clues: житьязыкреказнатьгородвсегдаигратьобычностранаиногдаразныйвместелегкийверблюдстолицасмотретьработатьухаживатьсолнечныйиностранный

unit 1/2 2019-11-04

unit  1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. город
  2. река
  3. работать
  4. язык
  5. страна
  6. играть
  7. разный
  8. обычно
  9. знать
  1. легкий
  2. жить
  3. смотреть
  4. иностранный
  5. вместе
  6. иногда
  7. ухаживать
  8. столица
  9. верблюд
  10. солнечный
  11. всегда

20 Clues: житьрекаязыкгородзнатьлегкийвместеиногдастранаигратьразныйобычновсегдастолицаверблюдсмотретьработатьухаживатьсолнечныйиностранный

unit 1/2 2019-11-04

unit  1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. dəvə
  2. bilmək
  3. şəhər
  4. bəzən
  5. qulluq etmək
  6. yaşamaq
  7. xarici
  8. asan
  9. paytaxt
  10. birlikdə
  11. günəşli
  12. oynamaq
  1. işləmək
  2. həmişə
  3. çay
  4. müxtəlif
  5. adətən
  6. dil
  7. baxmaq
  8. ölkə

20 Clues: çaydildəvəasanölkəşəhərbəzənhəmişəbilməkadətənbaxmaqxariciişləməkyaşamaqpaytaxtgünəşlioynamaqmüxtəlifbirlikdəqulluq etmək

Español Vocabulario 2023-11-06

Español Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. interesting
  2. science
  3. lunch
  4. boring
  5. monday
  6. difficult
  7. sunday
  8. friday
  9. hour
  1. easy
  2. because
  3. end
  4. fun
  5. wednesday
  6. tuesday
  7. thursday
  8. saturday
  9. english
  10. spanish
  11. math

20 Clues: endfuneasymathhourlunchboringmondaysundayfridaybecausetuesdayscienceenglishspanishthursdaysaturdaywednesdaydifficultinteresting

Antonym/opposite 2024-02-13

Antonym/opposite crossword puzzle
  1. love
  2. beautiful
  3. poor
  4. weak
  5. expensive
  6. near
  7. easy
  8. same
  9. short
  10. full
  1. wrong
  2. thick
  3. old
  4. dishonest
  5. polite
  6. bad
  7. stupid
  8. hot
  9. big
  10. clean

20 Clues: oldbadhotbiglovepoorweakneareasysamefullwrongthickcleanshortpolitestupidbeautifuldishonestexpensive

Synonyms 2024-06-19

Synonyms crossword puzzle
  1. start
  2. pretty
  3. scared
  4. refuse
  5. smart
  6. silent
  7. believe
  8. calm
  9. easy
  1. old
  2. wrong
  3. funny
  4. below
  5. big
  6. pain
  7. fast
  8. angry
  9. house
  10. dad
  11. ill

20 Clues: oldbigdadillpainfastcalmeasywrongstartfunnybelowsmartangryhouseprettyscaredrefusesilentbelieve

Noah's crossword puzzle 2022-10-20

Noah's crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. to be jealous
  2. to hit on the side
  3. not being allowed to do something
  4. not easy
  5. getting hurt
  6. something that will effect you
  7. a book that you write stuff about yourself in
  1. to count on someone
  2. something entertaining
  3. something that is not necessarily easy
  4. being annoyed about a missed opportunity
  5. to win in something
  6. a contest in which cowboys show their talent in riding animals
  7. being approved
  8. to be worthy of something
  9. running but not walking

16 Clues: not easygetting hurtto be jealousbeing approvedto hit on the sideto count on someoneto win in somethingsomething entertainingrunning but not walkingto be worthy of somethingsomething that will effect younot being allowed to do somethingsomething that is not necessarily easybeing annoyed about a missed opportunity...

Idioms 2023-03-31

Idioms crossword puzzle
  1. really annoys you (6,3,2,3,4)
  2. very easy or simple (1,5,2,4)
  3. no matter the weather or circumstance (4,4,2,5)
  4. something you don't enjoy or aren't interested in (3,4,3,2,3)
  5. something you have if you're good with plants (5,5)
  6. really expensive (5,2,3,3,1,3)
  7. very rarely (4,2,1,4,4)
  8. it's better to know less (9,2,5)
  9. feel anxious or nervous (3,11,2,4,7)
  10. experiencing joy and peace (2,5,4)
  11. understand (4,4,4,6)
  1. happening instantly (2,3,4,2,1,3)
  2. very good, useful (3,4,5,5,6,5)
  3. incredibly easy (2,4,2,7,3,1,3)
  4. start studying (3,3,5)
  5. something very common, not valuable (1,4,1,5)
  6. relieve tension or get a conversation going between strangers (5,3,3)
  7. the latest and most advanced (7,4)

18 Clues: understand (4,4,4,6)start studying (3,3,5)very rarely (4,2,1,4,4)really annoys you (6,3,2,3,4)very easy or simple (1,5,2,4)really expensive (5,2,3,3,1,3)very good, useful (3,4,5,5,6,5)incredibly easy (2,4,2,7,3,1,3)it's better to know less (9,2,5)happening instantly (2,3,4,2,1,3)the latest and most advanced (7,4)experiencing joy and peace (2,5,4)...

L3 Vocabulary Crossword 2021-02-05

L3 Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. same
  2. fat
  3. brunette
  4. intelligent
  5. large
  6. young
  7. thin
  8. many
  9. pretty
  1. important
  2. tall
  3. difficult
  4. ugly
  5. easy
  6. interesting
  7. bad
  8. good looking
  9. good
  10. short
  11. unpleasant

20 Clues: fatbadsametalluglyeasygoodthinmanylargeyoungshortprettybrunetteimportantdifficultunpleasantinterestingintelligentgood looking

1 2020-03-22

1 crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 12
  3. 18
  4. 1
  5. 11
  6. 2
  7. 17
  8. 10
  9. 19
  10. 7
  1. 5
  2. 8
  3. 16
  4. 13
  5. 6
  6. 9
  7. 15
  8. 3
  9. 20
  10. 4

20 Clues: 5861923471416121318111517201019

Opposites 2020-04-29

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. long
  2. big
  3. white
  4. boring
  5. wrong
  6. bad
  7. false
  8. quiet
  9. unfriendly
  10. new
  1. unpopular
  2. different
  3. curly
  4. ugly
  5. cheap
  6. easy
  7. fat
  8. old
  9. light
  10. short

20 Clues: bigfatoldbadnewlonguglyeasycurlywhitecheapwronglightfalseshortquietboringunpopulardifferentunfriendly


COMPARATIVES crossword puzzle
  1. bad
  2. good
  3. unusual
  4. strong
  5. tall
  6. cheap
  7. hot
  8. mean
  9. crazy
  10. big
  11. brave
  1. difficult
  2. easy
  3. far
  4. prettier
  5. interesting
  6. short
  7. funny
  8. cold
  9. busy

20 Clues: badfarhotbigeasygoodtallcoldmeanbusyshortfunnycheapcrazybravestrongunusualprettierdifficultinteresting

Antonyms Class 3(find the opposites) 2021-04-08

Antonyms Class 3(find the opposites) crossword puzzle
  1. fast
  2. hot
  3. take
  4. dry
  5. tall
  6. early
  7. lost
  8. asleep
  9. old
  10. beautiful
  1. wrong
  2. happy
  3. poor
  4. new
  5. stop
  6. close
  7. Difficult.
  8. empty
  9. down
  10. push

20 Clues: hotdrynewoldfastpoortaketallstoplostdownpushwronghappycloseearlyemptyasleepbeautifulDifficult.

Masculine or Feminine describing words 2021-12-02

Masculine or Feminine describing words crossword puzzle
  1. sad
  2. honest
  3. shy
  4. nice
  5. pleasant
  6. sociable
  7. famous
  8. thin
  9. bald
  1. funny
  2. unpleasant
  3. sincere
  4. selfish
  5. optimistic
  6. pessimistic
  7. easy
  8. difficult
  9. poor
  10. rich
  11. foolish

20 Clues: sadshyeasynicepoorrichthinbaldfunnyhonestfamoussincereselfishfoolishpleasantsociabledifficultunpleasantoptimisticpessimistic

Texting slang 2022-01-27

Texting slang crossword puzzle
  1. AIGHT
  2. YD
  3. M8
  4. NE1
  5. BC
  6. 2NTE
  7. WKD
  8. 2MRW
  9. SRY
  10. K
  1. L8R
  2. GR8
  3. PLZ
  4. PIC
  5. THNX
  6. DL
  7. B4
  8. BDAY
  9. HW
  10. EZ


hard 2022-01-12

hard crossword puzzle
  1. matas
  2. easy
  3. hehe
  4. u
  5. hi
  6. akmuo
  7. skanu
  8. lol
  9. zaruto
  10. bro
  1. ko
  2. jokubas
  3. gražūs
  4. metalas
  5. i
  6. keistas
  7. q
  8. noob
  9. raudonas
  10. labas

20 Clues: iuqkohilolbroeasyhehenoobmatasakmuoskanulabasgražūszarutojokubasmetalaskeistasraudonas

jpSOŁTYS 2018-01-26

jpSOŁTYS crossword puzzle
  1. dobry
  2. szybki
  3. prosze
  4. wójek
  5. czytać
  6. świerzy
  7. gorzki
  8. owoce
  9. smutny
  10. brudny
  11. łatwy
  1. makaron
  2. żona
  3. pyszne
  4. miły
  5. pod
  6. wiśnia
  7. leniwy
  8. dzisiaj
  9. zły

20 Clues: podzłyżonamiłydobrywójekowocełatwypyszneszybkiproszeczytaćwiśniagorzkileniwysmutnybrudnymakaronświerzydzisiaj