environmental economics Crossword Puzzles

Environmental Science 2024-04-10

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. The process that occurs when human water pollution slows speeds up by introducing sewage water
  2. Waters that's been used in homes,businesses and apart of industrial uses
  3. The reduction of dissolved oxygen
  4. The rapid growth of microscopic algae
  5. areas of water bodies where aquatic life cannot survive due to the low levels or oxygen
  6. Plant Nutrients Fertilizer runoff from farmland
  7. Sources any single identifiable source of pollution from which pollutants are discharged
  8. sources occur when runoff from rain and snow melt carries pollutants into waterways such as rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and even groundwater
  9. Pollution Soil erosion causes soil particles to be carried into waterways
  1. Process in which nutrients accumulate in a body of water
  2. The biologically catalyzed reduction in complexity of chemical compounds
  3. Lakes that are unproductive
  4. The action of making plants more dilute
  5. The presence of excessive bacteria in the small intestine
  6. Typically shallow with a mucky bottom

15 Clues: Lakes that are unproductiveThe reduction of dissolved oxygenThe rapid growth of microscopic algaeTypically shallow with a mucky bottomThe action of making plants more dilutePlant Nutrients Fertilizer runoff from farmlandProcess in which nutrients accumulate in a body of waterThe presence of excessive bacteria in the small intestine...

Kouluaineita - School subjects 2022-11-17

Kouluaineita - School subjects crossword puzzle
  8. KEMIA


Economics 2016-05-31

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. / All human resources.
  2. / When more money goes out than comes in.
  3. / regular payment made into a fund by an employee towards a future pension.
  4. / of or relating to money and especially to the money a government, business, or organisation earns, spends, and owes.
  5. / When a court judges that a debtor is unable to make the payments owed to a creditor.
  6. / a period of time in which there is little economic activity and many people do not have jobs.
  1. / When supply and demand are in balance.
  2. Gains / The profit from the sale of a capital asset, such as a share or a property.
  3. / the policy of leaving things to take their own course, without interfering.
  4. / an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
  5. / a continual increase in the price of goods and services.
  6. / a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something.

12 Clues: / All human resources./ When supply and demand are in balance./ When more money goes out than comes in./ a continual increase in the price of goods and services./ regular payment made into a fund by an employee towards a future pension./ the policy of leaving things to take their own course, without interfering....

Economics 2017-03-01

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. synonym of price
  2. money put to economic use
  3. a usually public sale of goods or property, where people make higher and higher price
  4. establishment of financial and commercial transactions(rialto)
  5. income from hiring out LAND
  6. ...cost-Production costs that do not change
  1. income/revenue
  2. synonym of alternative
  3. person who buy smth
  4. deficit
  5. inquiry for smth
  6. starting out as places that would guard your money

12 Clues: deficitincome/revenuesynonym of priceinquiry for smthperson who buy smthsynonym of alternativemoney put to economic useincome from hiring out LAND...cost-Production costs that do not changestarting out as places that would guard your moneyestablishment of financial and commercial transactions(rialto)...

Economics 2013-04-24

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. People pay this because it is required by law
  2. This is a tax on money that is earned
  3. This is a place of business where people store, borrow, and exchange money
  4. Some work that you do for others
  5. A tax paid to your state
  6. A tax paid to your country
  7. This is a tax on the things that you own
  8. This is a tax on the things that you buy
  1. This is where money is set aside for a later purchase
  2. This is where money is put so you can make more money
  3. A tax paid to your city
  4. Something that you want or need

12 Clues: A tax paid to your cityA tax paid to your stateA tax paid to your countrySomething that you want or needSome work that you do for othersThis is a tax on money that is earnedThis is a tax on the things that you ownThis is a tax on the things that you buyPeople pay this because it is required by law...

Economics 2012-06-20

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. money returned from output
  2. the issue of employment
  3. benefits less costs
  4. NPV
  5. negatives
  6. i gave up my apple for an orange
  1. indirect costs and benefits
  2. maximum output
  3. limited supply of resources
  4. positives
  5. valuing something less than its orginal worth
  6. costs suffered by a group/ society as a whole

12 Clues: NPVpositivesnegativesmaximum outputbenefits less coststhe issue of employmentmoney returned from outputindirect costs and benefitslimited supply of resourcesi gave up my apple for an orangevaluing something less than its orginal worthcosts suffered by a group/ society as a whole

Economics 2013-12-11

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. communities who wander from place to place in search of food, water and shelter to satisfy their wants
  2. something to make your job easier
  3. activities that economic resources to create goods and services
  4. Things that are necessary fro survival such as food and water
  5. thins done by others
  6. using natural resources
  7. work done in exchange for some return such as money
  1. new ideas
  2. items that you can see and touch
  3. sufficient supplying all wants by yourself (effort)
  4. someone who buys goods and services to satisfy needs and wants
  5. things that are not essential for survival but that we would like to have

12 Clues: new ideasthins done by othersusing natural resourcesitems that you can see and touchsomething to make your job easierwork done in exchange for some return such as moneysufficient supplying all wants by yourself (effort)Things that are necessary fro survival such as food and watersomeone who buys goods and services to satisfy needs and wants...

Economics 2021-03-17

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. – workers who apply their effort, abilities, and skills to production
  2. resources (4 factors of production), combined result in production and are often referred to a simply “resources”.
  3. cost - the cost of the next best alternative among a person’s choices
  4. – means by which something is produced and includes money, tools, equipment, machinery, and factories.
  5. are required for survival
  6. are desired for satisfaction
  7. who combine land, labor, and capital into new products
  1. the alternative choices people face in making an economic decision
  2. a cost or benefit that motivates a decision or action by consumers, workers, firms or other participants in the economy.
  3. a limited resource including minerals, vegetation, animal life and climate
  4. refers to the limited availability of a resource in comparison to the limitless wants
  5. possibilities frontier, combinations of goods and/or services that can be produced when all productive resources are used

12 Clues: are required for survivalare desired for satisfactionwho combine land, labor, and capital into new productsthe alternative choices people face in making an economic decision– workers who apply their effort, abilities, and skills to productioncost - the cost of the next best alternative among a person’s choices...

Economics 2021-11-05

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. financial decisions involving weighing costs and benefits
  2. economic problem of humans facing limited resources with unlimited wants and needs
  3. trade with others so that everyone benefits
  4. what will your choice cause you to lose and cause you to benefit from like pros and cons
  5. what you want past your needs
  1. Specializing in making a certain products
  2. social science that studies production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
  3. distribution for a specific reason
  4. rewards that influence choices
  5. the loss of potential gain from making one choice over another
  6. the supply of materials or other assets
  7. what you need to survive (food, water, shelter)

12 Clues: what you want past your needsrewards that influence choicesdistribution for a specific reasonthe supply of materials or other assetsSpecializing in making a certain productstrade with others so that everyone benefitswhat you need to survive (food, water, shelter)financial decisions involving weighing costs and benefits...

Economics 2022-04-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. smaller, less profitable firms
  2. Producing goods from environment
  3. providing services
  4. manufacturing goods
  5. Market is shared by less people
  6. Corporation of several businesses
  7. Private enterprise
  1. Private business competition
  2. Large firm donating industries
  3. a job or profession
  4. exclusive control of a good’s supply
  5. Government owns production means

12 Clues: providing servicesPrivate enterprisea job or professionmanufacturing goodsPrivate business competitionsmaller, less profitable firmsLarge firm donating industriesMarket is shared by less peopleProducing goods from environmentGovernment owns production meansCorporation of several businessesexclusive control of a good’s supply

Economics 2022-03-11

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. goods or services that are sold to other countries
  2. lowest amount one can earn by law
  3. money that is borrowed and must be paid back, usually with additional interest
  4. goods or services that are bought from other countries
  5. the limited availability of all resources
  6. total value of all goods and services produced in a country in one year
  1. a person or an organization (usually a bank) that lends you money.
  2. average annual income of a nations citizens
  3. a limit on imports
  4. money that can be easily accessed or spent
  5. trading without using money
  6. a grant of money from the government given to individuals or buisness

12 Clues: a limit on importstrading without using moneylowest amount one can earn by lawthe limited availability of all resourcesmoney that can be easily accessed or spentaverage annual income of a nations citizensgoods or services that are sold to other countriesgoods or services that are bought from other countries...

Economics 2022-03-11

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. to reuse something that would otherwise be discarded
  2. purchases/payments that cost money
  3. % of loan that must be paid back in addition to loan amount
  4. money spent directly from someone’s bank account
  5. money someone can easily access and spend
  6. resources or tools
  1. not having a job
  2. a nations form of money
  3. a plan for spending/saving money
  4. money from work or through investments
  5. taking money out of bank account
  6. total value of goods/services in 1 year

12 Clues: not having a jobresources or toolsa nations form of moneya plan for spending/saving moneytaking money out of bank accountpurchases/payments that cost moneymoney from work or through investmentstotal value of goods/services in 1 yearmoney someone can easily access and spendmoney spent directly from someone’s bank account...

Economics 2022-04-27

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. needs based funded by the government
  2. money earned
  3. a steady/rapid increase in the market
  4. a share of ownership in a company
  5. the amount of money subtracted from the gross pay
  6. 640-699 on the credit score chart
  7. total amount of money earned during a pay period before deductions
  1. earn money during the school year while also gaining valuable work experience
  2. only goes to social security and medical
  3. the process of paying back a loan over time
  4. a fee that a lender charges a borrower for the service of using their money
  5. money that you can borrow to help play for college and must be rapaid

12 Clues: money earneda share of ownership in a company640-699 on the credit score chartneeds based funded by the governmenta steady/rapid increase in the marketonly goes to social security and medicalthe process of paying back a loan over timethe amount of money subtracted from the gross paytotal amount of money earned during a pay period before deductions...

Economics 2022-08-16

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. cost the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
  2. the study of the labor force as an element in the process of production
  3. a balance achieved between two desirable but incompatible features; a compromise
  4. financial motivations for people to take certain actions
  5. cash or liquid assets being held or obtained for expenditures
  6. something that is desired
  7. the process of discovering new ways of combining resources
  1. the gap between limited resources and limitless wants
  2. Possibilities Frontier a graph that shows all the different combinations of output of two goods that can be produced using available resources and technology.
  3. of Production Land, Labor,Capital, entrepreneurship
  4. essential to human survival
  5. the resource that encompasses the natural resources used in production

12 Clues: something that is desiredessential to human survivalthe gap between limited resources and limitless wantsfinancial motivations for people to take certain actionsthe process of discovering new ways of combining resourcescash or liquid assets being held or obtained for expendituresof Production Land, Labor,Capital, entrepreneurship...

economics 2022-06-21

economics crossword puzzle
  1. GDP divided by population
  2. a direct or indirect payment to individuals or firms, usually by the government
  3. Curve used to show inequality
  4. when GDP falls for more than two consecutive quarters or six months
  5. Total amount of money earned by a nation's population and businesses
  6. Resources that are rivalrous and non-excludable
  7. branch of economics deals with the economy as a whole
  1. a sustained increase in the average price level over a period of time
  2. two words,provided all other variables remain the same.
  3. an economic concept used to measure the change in the aggregate quantity demanded of a good or service in relation to price movements of that good or service
  4. a model used to show the tradeoffs associated with allocating resources between the production of two goods
  5. C+I+G+(X-M)

12 Clues: C+I+G+(X-M)GDP divided by populationCurve used to show inequalityResources that are rivalrous and non-excludablebranch of economics deals with the economy as a wholetwo words,provided all other variables remain the same.when GDP falls for more than two consecutive quarters or six months...

Economics 2022-02-17

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Money going into your account
  2. Something Desirable, Worthwhile And Important
  3. There's a limited amount of resources to meet humanity's unlimited wants and needs
  4. Something Needed or required in life
  5. Something unnecessary but desired
  6. Study of how society uses its limited resources
  7. A person who makes an active effort to help humanity usually threw donation of money
  1. People who offer to do something without being forced or receiving payment for their service
  2. The value of the next best alternative you gave up when you selected a different choice.
  3. Money coming out of your account.
  4. Is the voluntary giving of help or aid, Usually in the form of money, Given to those in need or an organization that works to get and distribute that help or aid.
  5. A measurement of how much a person or household owns once all debts are paid

12 Clues: Money going into your accountMoney coming out of your account.Something unnecessary but desiredSomething Needed or required in lifeSomething Desirable, Worthwhile And ImportantStudy of how society uses its limited resourcesA measurement of how much a person or household owns once all debts are paid...

Economics 2022-10-24

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Measures inflation by determining how the cost of a standard group of consumer goods (or “market basket”) has changed over time.
  2. Anything that is a medium of exchange, has a store of value, and is a unit of account.
  3. When real GDP stops rising and is the height of economic expansion.
  4. Unemployment resulting from people’s skills no longer matching up with the available jobs.
  5. An extra long contraction usually measured by a decline in real GDP for two consecutive quarters
  6. Government debt that has accumulated after operating for several years on a deficit.
  1. Measured by real GDP and has 4 phases
  2. The value of all final goods and services produced by a country during a year.
  3. Taxing and spending by the government to influence the economy.
  4. (The FED) Our nation’s bank
  5. A rise in CPI which shows an overall rise in prices.
  6. Refers to large-scale economic issues such as overall economic growth, unemployment rate, inflation.

12 Clues: (The FED) Our nation’s bankMeasured by real GDP and has 4 phasesA rise in CPI which shows an overall rise in prices.Taxing and spending by the government to influence the economy.When real GDP stops rising and is the height of economic expansion.The value of all final goods and services produced by a country during a year....

Economics 2022-10-19

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. maximum possibilities for 2 goods
  2. involves a sacrifice that must be made to get a certain product or experience.
  3. financial motivations for people to take certain actions.
  4. Resources (4 Factors of Production) input resources required in the production of goods and services.
  5. Cost the value of the next-best alternative when a decision is made;
  6. the state of being scarce or in short supply a product given or service by a supplier that offers to consumers at a given price level.
  1. essentials we need for survival
  2. Possibilities Frontier a graph that shows different combinations of output of two goods that can be produced using available resources and technology.
  3. the amount of physical, mental, and social effort used to produce goods and services in an economy.
  4. the process of discovering new ways of combining resources.
  5. liquid assets
  6. something that we desire

12 Clues: liquid assetssomething that we desireessentials we need for survivalmaximum possibilities for 2 goodsfinancial motivations for people to take certain actions.the process of discovering new ways of combining resources.Cost the value of the next-best alternative when a decision is made;...

Economics 2020-07-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Government to producers
  2. From overseas
  3. The money that people pay businesses
  4. Social welfare payments from government
  5. To overseas
  6. Income tax
  1. The money that people do not spend immediately
  2. Sales tax
  3. The money that banks lend producers
  4. The money that businesses pay people for work
  5. Producers to financial to households
  6. One of the four flows

12 Clues: Sales taxIncome taxTo overseasFrom overseasOne of the four flowsGovernment to producersThe money that banks lend producersProducers to financial to householdsThe money that people pay businessesSocial welfare payments from governmentThe money that businesses pay people for workThe money that people do not spend immediately

Economics 2020-05-15

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. anything used to produce goods
  2. not having enough of something
  3. to put money into a bank
  4. a person who buys food or goods
  5. things we like to have but not needed to survive
  6. things you can't survive without
  1. an activity you pay someone to do
  2. a country's system of money
  3. anything you buy that you can hold
  4. trading without using money
  5. to take money out
  6. a person who makes a good or provides a service

12 Clues: to take money outto put money into a banka country's system of moneytrading without using moneyanything used to produce goodsnot having enough of somethinga person who buys food or goodsthings you can't survive withoutan activity you pay someone to doanything you buy that you can holda person who makes a good or provides a service...

Economics 2023-02-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. money that the government collects from individuals and businesses to pay for public goods and services.
  2. anyone who buys and partakes in a good or a service.
  3. the study of how we make choices based on scarcity.
  4. something provided by a person or done by them.
  5. when people depend on one another.
  1. the process of choosing one good/service over the other;the item you don't choose is the opportunity cost.
  2. a consumption tax on the sale of goods and services.
  3. anyone who makes or grows a good/performs a service.
  4. a percentage of money taken out of your income.
  5. limited resources, therefore people must make choices.
  6. something physical that can be felt;merchandise or possessions
  7. a person who comes up with a product or service, or a better way to produce one.

12 Clues: when people depend on one another.a percentage of money taken out of your income.something provided by a person or done by them.the study of how we make choices based on scarcity.a consumption tax on the sale of goods and services.anyone who makes or grows a good/performs a service.anyone who buys and partakes in a good or a service....

Economics 2023-02-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. money that the government collects from individuals and businesses to pay for public goods and services.
  2. anyone who buys and partakes in a good or a service.
  3. the study of how we make choices based on scarcity.
  4. something provided by a person or done by them.
  5. when people depend on one another.
  1. the process of choosing one good/service over the other;the item you don't choose is the opportunity cost.
  2. a consumption tax on the sale of goods and services.
  3. anyone who makes or grows a good/performs a service.
  4. a percentage of money taken out of your income.
  5. limited resources, therefore people must make choices.
  6. something physical that can be felt;merchandise or possessions
  7. a person who comes up with a product or service, or a better way to produce one.

12 Clues: when people depend on one another.a percentage of money taken out of your income.something provided by a person or done by them.the study of how we make choices based on scarcity.a consumption tax on the sale of goods and services.anyone who makes or grows a good/performs a service.anyone who buys and partakes in a good or a service....

Economics 2024-04-25

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Business _____: Consists of four distinct phases: expansion, peak, contraction, and trough.
  2. Occurs when business activity decreases.
  3. _____ rate: cost of borrowing money.
  4. economic system in which there is private ownership of natural resources and capital goods.
  5. owned by stockholders.
  1. the process of rapid integration among countries.
  2. economic system where the government owns and controls capital.
  3. not enough income to maintain a minimum amount of money.
  4. the D in GDP.
  5. best-known U.S. stock exchange
  6. exchange of goods and services between countries.
  7. consumer price index initials.

12 Clues: the D in GDP.owned by stockholders.best-known U.S. stock exchangeconsumer price index initials._____ rate: cost of borrowing money.Occurs when business activity decreases.the process of rapid integration among countries.exchange of goods and services between countries.not enough income to maintain a minimum amount of money....

Economics 2024-04-25

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. economic system where the government owns and controls capital.
  2. exchange of goods and services between countries.
  3. Business _____: Consists of four distinct phases: expansion, peak, contraction, and trough.
  4. Occurs when business activity decreases.
  5. _____ rate: cost of borrowing money.
  1. the process of rapid integration among countries.
  2. not enough income to maintain a minimum amount of money.
  3. the D in GDP.
  4. owned by stockholders.
  5. economic system in which there is private ownership of natural resources and capital goods.
  6. best-known U.S. stock exchange
  7. consumer price index initials.

12 Clues: the D in GDP.owned by stockholders.best-known U.S. stock exchangeconsumer price index initials._____ rate: cost of borrowing money.Occurs when business activity decreases.the process of rapid integration among countries.exchange of goods and services between countries.not enough income to maintain a minimum amount of money....

Economics 2024-04-30

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a state in which market supply and demand balance each other
  2. a fuel derived directly from living matter
  3. Model consist of a set of mathematical equations that describe a theory of economic behavior
  4. an estimate of the future price of a stock
  5. an amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand
  6. does not allow the lender to pursue anything other than the collateral
  7. a type of price control, usually government-mandated, that sets the maximum amount a seller can charge for a good or service
  1. allow each person to have only a fixed amount of (a particular commodity)
  2. a state or situation in which something needed cannot be obtained in sufficient amounts
  3. the lowest legal price that can be paid in a market for goods and services, labor, or financial capital
  4. when there is no shortage or surplus of a product in the market
  5. the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something

12 Clues: a fuel derived directly from living matteran estimate of the future price of a stocka state in which market supply and demand balance each otherwhen there is no shortage or surplus of a product in the marketdoes not allow the lender to pursue anything other than the collateralallow each person to have only a fixed amount of (a particular commodity)...

Unit 1: Principles of Economics 2022-01-19

Unit 1: Principles of Economics crossword puzzle
  1. type of policy that involves altering interest rates, borrowing and credit
  2. Type of economics that focuses on the large scale
  3. type of economy that focuses on survival
  4. type of policy that involves government spending and taxes
  1. Type of economics that focuses on individuals
  2. The study of how humans make decisions in the face of scarcity
  3. Humans wants for goods and services exceeds what is available
  4. type of economy where government controls everything
  5. type of economy where decision making is decentralized
  6. Smith Proposed that the economy was ran by an invisible hand

10 Clues: type of economy that focuses on survivalType of economics that focuses on individualsType of economics that focuses on the large scaletype of economy where government controls everythingtype of economy where decision making is decentralizedtype of policy that involves government spending and taxes...

Lecture 1 - What is Economics 2013-06-12

Lecture 1 - What is Economics crossword puzzle
  1. deals with individuals and markets.
  2. this is shown by those who organise the factors of production.
  3. supplier of factors of production.
  4. most economics is ________________ in nature.
  5. another name for natural resources.
  6. an economic system where the factors of production are owned by government.
  7. another name for factors of production.
  8. an institution which ensures that firms behave in a competitive and efficient way.
  1. something given up.
  2. an example of capital
  3. an example of an economic agent.
  4. deals with the economy as a whole.
  5. an example of a market capitalist country.
  6. a type of efficiency.
  7. another term for fairness.
  8. the return for entrepreneurship.
  9. a type of efficiency.
  10. study of the interrelationship between different economic agents.
  11. wants exceed available resources.
  12. an important economic question.

20 Clues: something given up.an example of capitala type of efficiency.a type of efficiency.another term for fairness.an important economic question.an example of an economic agent.the return for entrepreneurship.wants exceed available resources.deals with the economy as a whole.supplier of factors of production.deals with individuals and markets....

Lecture 1 - What is Economics 2013-06-12

Lecture 1 - What is Economics crossword puzzle
  1. deals with individuals and markets.
  2. this is shown by those who organise the factors of production.
  3. supplier of factors of production.
  4. most economics is ________________ in nature.
  5. another name for natural resources.
  6. an economic system where the factors of production are owned by government.
  7. another name for factors of production.
  8. an institution which ensures that firms behave in a competitive and efficient way.
  1. something given up.
  2. an example of capital
  3. an example of an economic agent.
  4. deals with the economy as a whole.
  5. an example of a market capitalist country.
  6. a type of efficiency.
  7. another term for fairness.
  8. the return for entrepreneurship.
  9. a type of efficiency.
  10. study of the interrelationship between different economic agents.
  11. wants exceed available resources.
  12. an important economic question.

20 Clues: something given up.an example of capitala type of efficiency.a type of efficiency.another term for fairness.an important economic question.an example of an economic agent.the return for entrepreneurship.wants exceed available resources.deals with the economy as a whole.supplier of factors of production.deals with individuals and markets....

Environmental, social and ergonomic challenge 2017-07-03

Environmental, social and ergonomic challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Relating to economics or the economy.
  2. A colourless, odourless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 per cent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis. (6,7)
  3. Relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these.
  4. The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself.
  5. A time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
  6. A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. (6,7)
  1. A limitation or restriction.
  2. The action of clearing a wide area of trees.
  3. Relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition.
  4. Trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers. (4,5)
  5. Relating to society or its organization.

11 Clues: A limitation or restriction.Relating to economics or the economy.Relating to society or its organization.The action of clearing a wide area of trees.A time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.Relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these....

School And Education by Camilla Zanotti 2014-02-24

School And Education by Camilla Zanotti crossword puzzle
  7. ZAINO
  10. STORIA
  12. PORTA
  13. SEDIA
  4. PENNA
  6. MAPPA
  7. LIBRO
  11. BANCO
  12. ARTE


La vie scolaire 2022-08-04

La vie scolaire crossword puzzle
  1. course
  2. french
  3. physics
  4. english
  5. chemistry
  6. history
  7. high school
  8. computer science
  9. class
  10. german
  11. science
  12. languages
  13. physical education
  1. public school
  2. geography
  3. art
  4. sports
  5. biology
  6. private school
  7. spanish
  8. math
  9. music
  10. middle school
  11. economics

24 Clues: artmathclassmusiccoursefrenchsportsgermanphysicsenglishbiologyhistoryspanishsciencegeographychemistryeconomicslanguageshigh schoolpublic schoolmiddle schoolprivate schoolcomputer sciencephysical education

Environmental 2020-09-21

Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. can produce from spores or asexually
  2. are seedless plants that make seeds in a cone shape
  3. plant Club Moss is a
  4. very top of flower
  5. bottom to top of flower
  1. no seeds
  2. 90% of all living plants belong to this category
  3. plants include ferns, club mosses(2 words)
  4. organisms who’s cells each have a nucleus
  5. male parts

10 Clues: no seedsmale partsvery top of flowerplant Club Moss is abottom to top of flowercan produce from spores or asexuallyorganisms who’s cells each have a nucleusplants include ferns, club mosses(2 words)90% of all living plants belong to this categoryare seedless plants that make seeds in a cone shape

eNvironmental 2021-10-05

eNvironmental crossword puzzle
  1. Building roads for transportation
  2. Relying on agriculture for raw materials
  3. wildflowers in the UK include
  4. Current issues
  1. Biggest land coverage area
  2. type of climate
  3. Wearing warm clothes in the winter
  4. What is 10% of the land covered by
  5. Popular Hobbiies

9 Clues: Current issuestype of climatePopular HobbiiesBiggest land coverage areawildflowers in the UK includeBuilding roads for transportationWearing warm clothes in the winterWhat is 10% of the land covered byRelying on agriculture for raw materials

environmental 2023-02-03

environmental crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to do work
  2. can make food for themselves
  3. a graphical representation of the energy found within the trophic levels of an ecosystem
  4. consists of all the food chains in a single ecosystem
  5. the order of events in an ecosystem, where one living organism eats another organism
  1. each level in an ecosystem only gives 10% of its energy to the levels above it
  2. eats otherplants or animals for energy
  3. the position it occupies in a food web
  4. a graphical representation of the energy found within the trophic levels of an ecosystem
  5. renewable energy from plants and animals

10 Clues: the ability to do workcan make food for themselvesthe position it occupies in a food webrenewable energy from plants and animalseats otherplants or animals for energyconsists of all the food chains in a single ecosystemeach level in an ecosystem only gives 10% of its energy to the levels above it...

Economics chapter 1 2021-09-16

Economics chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. not able to be felt by touch
  2. able to be felt by touch
  3. branch of economics that deals w human behavior & choices to small parts
  4. anything that's used to produce goods or services
  5. explanation of how something works, designed to answer question has no obvious answer
  6. graphic representation of all possible combinations of 2 goods economy can produce
  7. additional
  8. quality of bringing dissatisfaction
  9. tasks that ppl pay others to perform for them
  1. something that encourages/ motivates a person to take action
  2. special talent that ppl have for searching out & taking advantage of new business opp.
  3. means of deciding who gets what portion of available resources
  4. all natural resources found in nature
  5. most valued opp. or alternative given up when a choice is made
  6. something we desire to have
  7. situation having more of 1 thing means having less of another
  8. physical & mental talents ppl corgialtribute to production of goods & services
  9. science that studies choices of ppl trying to satisfy their wants in world of scarcity
  10. condition which our wants are greater than resources available to satisfy them
  11. produced goods that can be used as resources for further production
  12. quality of bringing satisfaction
  13. anything that satisfies a person's wants or brings satisfaction
  14. branch of economics that deals w human behavior & choices to entire economy

23 Clues: additionalable to be felt by touchsomething we desire to havenot able to be felt by touchquality of bringing satisfactionquality of bringing dissatisfactionall natural resources found in naturetasks that ppl pay others to perform for themanything that's used to produce goods or servicessomething that encourages/ motivates a person to take action...

Introduction to Economics 2022-09-15

Introduction to Economics crossword puzzle
  1. labor related basic economic question
  2. reward for the entreperneur
  3. eco system base on profit
  4. factor of production such as human resource
  5. factor of production such as investment resource
  6. cost of the next best option to a decision
  7. the physical cost to a economic decision
  8. too many wants not enough resources
  9. eco system base on government decisions
  10. division of economics based on national issues
  11. on the line of a production possibility curve
  12. eco system base on community
  1. primary basic economic question
  2. production possibility curve must be this
  3. division of economics based on smaller issues
  4. another name for the factors of production
  5. factor of production such as natural resource
  6. type of science with no constants
  7. graph compares the various output levels of society
  8. economic decision making
  9. final basic economic question

21 Clues: economic decision makingeco system base on profitreward for the entreperneureco system base on communityfinal basic economic questionprimary basic economic questiontype of science with no constantstoo many wants not enough resourceslabor related basic economic questioneco system base on government decisionsthe physical cost to a economic decision...

Interns and Teachers 2013-02-21

Interns and Teachers crossword puzzle
  1. Philippines
  2. Algebra
  3. Forces
  4. Trigonometry
  5. Compounds
  6. Ibong Adarna
  7. Nervous System
  8. Diagramming
  9. Economics
  1. Calculus
  2. Quadrants
  3. Newspaper
  4. Mae Music Arts
  5. Research
  6. TLE

15 Clues: TLEForcesAlgebraCalculusResearchQuadrantsNewspaperCompoundsEconomicsPhilippinesDiagrammingTrigonometryIbong AdarnaMae Music ArtsNervous System

Vocabulario: Ch. 2: Las Materias (Classes) 2024-02-05

Vocabulario: Ch. 2: Las Materias (Classes) crossword puzzle
  1. Geography
  2. Phys Ed/ Gym Class
  3. Tech Ed
  4. Biology
  5. Psychology
  6. Math
  7. Science
  1. Computers
  2. Spanish
  3. English
  4. Chemistry
  5. Economics
  6. History
  7. Art
  8. Music

15 Clues: ArtMathMusicSpanishEnglishTech EdHistoryBiologyScienceComputersGeographyChemistryEconomicsPsychologyPhys Ed/ Gym Class

Commerce Puzzle 2021-12-02

Commerce Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Middle Line
  2. Height
  3. Below Canada
  4. corporation
  5. paper
  6. goods
  7. Money
  8. Opposite
  1. Below USA
  2. here!
  3. shipping
  4. tradies
  5. discussion
  6. Economy

14 Clues: here!papergoodsMoneyHeighttradiesEconomyshippingOppositeBelow USAdiscussionMiddle LinecorporationBelow Canada

Environmental Issues 2012-11-01

Environmental Issues crossword puzzle
  1. power can you use that uses the sun for energy.
  2. go fishing for fish go and fish for________.
  3. contaminates the ocean from boats.
  4. these issues are called.
  5. does the rubbish go when there is no room for landfill.
  1. plastic bottles are being ______ cycled.
  2. a _____ minute shower to save water.
  3. are factories letting out.
  4. plastic _____ we drink instead of taps.
  5. go through human body due to fertilizes from ____________ in the garden you are growing.
  6. is the best type of water to have.
  7. is the action when you throw rubbish on the floor.
  8. p______ our world
  9. type of bag is killing turtles.
  10. much percent of plastic bottles are recycled.

15 Clues: p______ our worldthese issues are called.are factories letting out.type of bag is killing turtles.is the best type of water to have.contaminates the ocean from boats.a _____ minute shower to save water.plastic _____ we drink instead of taps.plastic bottles are being ______ cycled.go fishing for fish go and fish for________....

Environmental studies 2014-11-27

Environmental studies crossword puzzle
  1. Organophosphates
  2. used to deflect and absorb sound
  3. a substance that causes cancer
  4. involves a fine water spray that washes out suspended solids
  5. a pesticide that is absorbed and transported around a plant in the sap
  6. a measure of differing toxicities of a substance on different organisms
  7. the process where the presence of two materials produces a greater effect
  8. a water body with a low nutrient level
  9. radiation rays that travel long distances
  10. radioactive isotope that is naturally occurring in rocks
  1. a mirror system that reflects incoming light onto a single point
  2. the frequency at which an object naturally vibrates
  3. a fuel where the nuclei of he atoms can be split my nucleus bombardment
  4. which protocol intended to set targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  5. the unit of sound used to monitor noise pollution

15 Clues: Organophosphatesa substance that causes cancerused to deflect and absorb sounda water body with a low nutrient levelradiation rays that travel long distancesthe unit of sound used to monitor noise pollutionthe frequency at which an object naturally vibratesradioactive isotope that is naturally occurring in rocks...

Environmental Biology 2016-01-29

Environmental Biology crossword puzzle
  1. – the breaking down of dead animals or waste to form minerals to feed plants
  2. – the ways an animal is suited to live in its habitat
  3. – something that eats both plants and animals
  4. – a few food chains that link together to form a web
  5. – a way of showing how many organisms are eaten in each stage of a food chain or web
  6. – anything that eats anything else in the food chain
  7. – an animal that only eats plants
  8. – an animal that is hunted and killed by the predator
  1. – using resources but ensuring that there is some left for the future
  2. – Organisms that help in the decay process e.g. maggots, bacteria and fungi
  3. – an animal that hunts and kills other animals
  4. – a place where Organisms live.
  5. – a green plant, the thing that starts a food chain.
  6. – a diagram that shows the passing of energy from one organism to organism
  7. – an animal that eats meat or other animals

15 Clues: – a place where Organisms live.– an animal that only eats plants– an animal that eats meat or other animals– something that eats both plants and animals– an animal that hunts and kills other animals– a few food chains that link together to form a web– a green plant, the thing that starts a food chain....

Environmental Mania 2016-05-31

Environmental Mania crossword puzzle
  1. air pollution from cars
  2. mining on the ocean floor
  3. renewable energy from the sun
  4. crushed ore that is melted to separate impurities from molten metal
  5. splitting of two atoms
  6. when water vapor goes into the atmosphere
  7. liquid that passes through waste in a landfill
  1. energy used from the movement of water
  2. permanent waste disposal facility
  3. if it can be broken down by biological processes
  4. minerals with no commercial value
  5. unwanted noise
  6. 97% of Earth's water
  7. 3% of Earth's water
  8. energy used from harnessing the wind

15 Clues: unwanted noise3% of Earth's water97% of Earth's watersplitting of two atomsair pollution from carsmining on the ocean floorrenewable energy from the sunpermanent waste disposal facilityminerals with no commercial valueenergy used from harnessing the windenergy used from the movement of waterwhen water vapor goes into the atmosphere...

Environmental Mania 2016-05-31

Environmental Mania crossword puzzle
  1. 97% of Earth's water
  2. mining on the ocean floor
  3. permanent waste disposal facility
  4. unwanted noise
  5. 3% of Earth's water
  6. splitting of two atoms
  7. liquid that passes through waste in a landfill
  1. renewable energy from the sun
  2. crushed ore that is melted to separate impurities from molten metal
  3. energy used from the movement of water
  4. minerals with no commercial value
  5. when water vapor goes into the atmosphere
  6. energy used from harnessing the wind
  7. if it can be broken down by biological processes
  8. air pollution from cars

15 Clues: unwanted noise3% of Earth's water97% of Earth's watersplitting of two atomsair pollution from carsmining on the ocean floorrenewable energy from the sunminerals with no commercial valuepermanent waste disposal facilityenergy used from harnessing the windenergy used from the movement of waterwhen water vapor goes into the atmosphere...

Environmental Stress 2021-02-19

Environmental Stress crossword puzzle
  1. Telecommuting is positively/negatively related to job performance (Hypothesis 5).
  2. Surrounding in which a person completes tasks.
  3. Bring in sunlight penetration and views.
  4. Negatively related to telecommuting, the rate at which employees leave.
  5. Term for alternative work arrangement, working somewhere other than the primary workplace.
  1. Most common location to work other than the primary workplace.
  2. Amount of light in an environment.
  3. Most common device people use to complete their telecommuting tasks.
  4. 'Equals control.' Gives one control over breaks, rules, environments, etc.
  5. Which gender experiences lower sunlight penetration and more negative outcomes.
  6. Telecommuting is positively/negatively related to work-family conflict (Hypothesis 2).
  7. Global computer networks linked to other networks and provide information.
  8. Self-governance, independent of one's owns actions and behaviors, increases with telecommunication.
  9. The type of learning we are engaging in, far away from each other.
  10. Type of element found to relieve job stress (i.e., trees, plants, flowers, etc.)

15 Clues: Amount of light in an environment.Bring in sunlight penetration and views.Surrounding in which a person completes tasks.Most common location to work other than the primary workplace.The type of learning we are engaging in, far away from each other.Most common device people use to complete their telecommuting tasks....

Environmental solutions 2021-03-22

Environmental solutions crossword puzzle
  1. Growing which type of oil causes a lot of deforestation?
  2. We can help stop deforestation if we ________ to not buy things that cause deforestation.
  3. These sea creatures, with shells on their backs, eat plastic bags because they think they are jellyfish.
  4. The 3Rs to stop pollution: Reduce _______ Recycle
  5. The amount of rainforest cut down every minute is equal to 2 _______ fields.
  6. The top of the food chain is called a ______?
  7. This type of ape is being killed by deforestation in Indonesia.
  8. Greenhouse ________ cause global warming.
  1. Electric ______ will help us reduce global warming.
  2. CO2 is short for ________ dioxide.
  3. When this spills into the sea, thousands of sea creatures die.
  4. Farmers spray _______ onto their crops to kill insects and weeds, but it gets washed into rivers.
  5. 100 million _____ creatures die each year from plastic pollution in the water.
  6. When plastic breaks apart in water it breaks up into _____plastic.
  7. Cow meat is called _________ .

15 Clues: Cow meat is called _________ .CO2 is short for ________ dioxide.Greenhouse ________ cause global warming.The top of the food chain is called a ______?The 3Rs to stop pollution: Reduce _______ RecycleElectric ______ will help us reduce global warming.Growing which type of oil causes a lot of deforestation?...

Environmental Science 2020-02-08

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. The science that deals with the relationship of various organisms with their environment is known as
  2. During photosynthesis the liberated gas is
  3. The organism that feed on dead organisms and excreta of living organisms are known as _________
  4. Abiotic Environment does not include ________________
  5. The term ecosystem was first proposed by
  6. An animal that feeds upon another animal is
  7. 1st October to 7th October is celebrated as ______________
  8. Sound travels fast in _________
  1. When trees are cut, amount of oxygen ___________
  2. A region in which living organisms interact with their environment
  3. 5th June is celebrated as ________________
  4. Organisms who directly feed on producers are called :
  5. Word Environment is derived from :
  6. Many types of flora and fauna in one forest is known as _________
  7. A simple detritus food chain starts with
  8. Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis is coming from _____________

16 Clues: Sound travels fast in _________Word Environment is derived from :The term ecosystem was first proposed byA simple detritus food chain starts withDuring photosynthesis the liberated gas is5th June is celebrated as ________________An animal that feeds upon another animal isWhen trees are cut, amount of oxygen ___________...

Environmental Stewardship 2021-10-03

Environmental Stewardship crossword puzzle
  1. Climate change is about protecting ________ ___________, both human and the environment.
  2. Interconnectivity in an ordered system is called the __________.
  3. Everything in this world should not be hoarded and/or destroyed by the wealthy 2%, it has been made for ______________.
  4. With the increase of ____________, humans need to increase their respect for all of God's creation (humans, animals, the environment).
  5. All of us have a responsibility to promote _________ and equality in the world.
  6. Is this explanation of the bible citation literal or a contextual?
  7. A capitalist who owns a factory which pollutes and underpays it's workers read the citation literally or contextually?
  8. When we encourage ecological manufacturing worldwide, we are respecting ___________ __________.
  1. We are called to ________ to God's creations.
  2. We betray God's creation when we allow the ___________ of the global population to hoard or destroy the majority of the resources (water, food, land, etc.).
  3. According to Pope Benedict XVI, all country leaders should _______ _______ ________ and care for the countries who are less able and who are in need.
  4. By disrespecting the environment, we are de-valuing people (who are affected by the environmental mistreatment). This causes us to lose our ____________
  5. All beings are ____________.
  6. We must prevent anyone from destroying whole ecosystems in order to increase their personal ________ ($).
  7. ___________ _______________ is the link between the environment and humanity.

15 Clues: All beings are ____________.We are called to ________ to God's creations.Interconnectivity in an ordered system is called the __________.Is this explanation of the bible citation literal or a contextual?___________ _______________ is the link between the environment and humanity....

Environmental Sustainability 2021-11-09

Environmental Sustainability crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that can be naturally replenished
  2. ___ energy is a potential renewable energy option for Singapore
  3. Turning trash into new products
  4. Carbon _____ is how much carbon dioxide you produce in your daily life
  5. Any material which is discarded after primary use
  6. Burning ____ fuels is a major source of air pollution
  7. Sewage, pesticides, floods, and factories leads to ____ pollution
  8. Site for the disposal of waste materials
  9. Prevention of wasteful use of a resource
  1. Variety of life on Earth
  2. The most important "R" in leading a low-carbon lifestyle
  3. Clearing of forested land
  4. ____ change is defined as unstable and unpredictable weather patterns of a given location
  5. Methane gas and CFCs can destroy the ____ layer
  6. Mining, farming, and factories leads to ____ pollution

15 Clues: Variety of life on EarthClearing of forested landTurning trash into new productsEnergy that can be naturally replenishedSite for the disposal of waste materialsPrevention of wasteful use of a resourceMethane gas and CFCs can destroy the ____ layerAny material which is discarded after primary useBurning ____ fuels is a major source of air pollution...

Environmental issues 2022-01-25

Environmental issues crossword puzzle
  1. Nature, surroundings
  2. Taking future generations into account when growing and developing by using renewable resources and recycled materials
  3. A gas that is stored in trees and plants
  4. A long dry period
  5. "A community of living and non-living things that work together".
  6. Protects the Earth from UV rays
  7. To use again
  8. Materials that are able to break down into the natural environment are...
  9. Something that has been released or discharged
  10. Contaminated materials that remain radioactive for thousands of years
  1. A group of organisms that may become extinct
  2. "A natural process that warms the Earth's surface"
  3. A synonym for protection and conservation
  4. For example solar, wind and tidal power.
  5. Most cars produce these when driving.

15 Clues: To use againA long dry periodNature, surroundingsProtects the Earth from UV raysMost cars produce these when driving.A gas that is stored in trees and plantsFor example solar, wind and tidal power.A synonym for protection and conservationA group of organisms that may become extinctSomething that has been released or discharged...

Environmental security 2021-06-06

Environmental security crossword puzzle
  1. the process by which something is made worse
  2. to stop something from happening or someone from doing something
  3. relating to the whole world
  4. useful or valuable possessions, such as oil or gas, that a country has and that can be sold
  5. existing as a natural and permanent quality of something or someone
  6. an amount of a substance that is produced and sent out into the air that is harmful to the environment
  7. relating to or used in farming
  8. a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed
  1. harm or injury
  2. a situation in which there is less of something than people want or need
  3. ability to continue to exist or develop as a living being
  4. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
  5. protection of a person, building, organization, or country against threats
  6. able to be maintained or continued
  7. an amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory, country, etc.

15 Clues: harm or injuryrelating to the whole worldrelating to or used in farmingable to be maintained or continuedthe process by which something is made worseability to continue to exist or develop as a living beingto stop something from happening or someone from doing somethingexisting as a natural and permanent quality of something or someone...

Environmental Science 2023-05-08

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. - The process of turning waste materials into new products to reduce the consumption of raw materials.
  2. - The process by which soil and rock are worn away by wind, water, and other natural forces.
  3. - A gas in the Earth's atmosphere that protects the planet from harmful UV radiation.
  4. - The removal of trees from an area of land, often for commercial purposes.
  5. effect - The warming of the Earth's surface due to the trapping of heat by greenhouse gases.
  6. footprint - The amount of greenhouse gases produced by an individual, organization, or activity.
  7. - The natural environment where a plant or animal lives.
  8. - The ability to maintain environmental balance and resources for future generations.
  9. footprint - The impact of human activities on the natural environment.
  1. - Contamination of the environment by harmful substances.
  2. - The long-term weather patterns of a region or the planet.
  3. - The variety of living organisms in an ecosystem.
  4. - The protection and preservation of natural resources and wildlife.
  5. - A resource that can be replenished naturally in a short period of time.
  6. rain - Rain that is acidic due to the presence of pollutants in the air.

15 Clues: - The variety of living organisms in an ecosystem.- The natural environment where a plant or animal lives.- Contamination of the environment by harmful substances.- The long-term weather patterns of a region or the planet.- The protection and preservation of natural resources and wildlife....

Environmental Science 2023-01-30

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. To judge something or draw a conclusion about something after thinking carefully about it
  2. The degree of biological variation among individuals in a population
  3. is a group of all the living things in a particular area
  4. Electricity produced from the energy created by moving water
  5. An organism that gets its nutrients by feeding on other organisms
  6. An idea or statement that is not proven
  7. A warm shallow area in an ocean that is along the edge of land
  8. Is a body of water that does not contain salt, or that contains a very small amount of salt
  9. Something it moves continuously in a particular direction
  1. The science of weather and atmospheric changes
  2. Is a scientific process that is designed to reveal the effect of something
  3. The part of an experiment that does not receive the substance or treatment that is being tested
  4. The layer on the Earth that supports all living organisms
  5. A set of living and nonliving things that exists in a particular environment or area together
  6. Something it can be proven or disproven by performing an experiment

15 Clues: An idea or statement that is not provenThe science of weather and atmospheric changesis a group of all the living things in a particular areaThe layer on the Earth that supports all living organismsSomething it moves continuously in a particular directionElectricity produced from the energy created by moving water...

Environmental Science 2022-05-04

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. living factors in environment
  2. various ways that humans use the land
  3. The condition of poisonous qualities
  4. not living organisms
  5. all the different populations that live together in an area
  6. the number of different species in an area
  7. The dangerous poisonous chemicals
  8. clearing the forest
  9. US federal agency that protects human health and the surroundings
  10. a small organism that damages great crops
  1. Government payment to encourage economic activity
  2. The ability to maintain a process continuously over time
  3. the process of burning waste materials to reduce volume
  4. energy from the sun
  5. a rock's ability to hold water

15 Clues: energy from the sunclearing the forestnot living organismsliving factors in environmenta rock's ability to hold waterThe dangerous poisonous chemicalsThe condition of poisonous qualitiesvarious ways that humans use the landa small organism that damages great cropsthe number of different species in an area...

Environmental Science 2023-03-20

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. the term for growing plants and raising animals animals to eat
  2. the increase of world temperatures due to an increase in the greenhouse effect
  3. the term just for growing plants to eat
  4. A chemical used to kill insects
  5. consuming more than the environment can support
  6. cutting down a large area of trees
  7. when there are too many people or living things in one area
  8. this gas is released by humans, absorbed and plants, and causes global warming
  1. when overconsumption leads to loss of resources
  2. this will occur when it rains if there are no trees
  3. when gasses in the atmosphere absorb heat
  4. contamination from cars, factories, etc.
  5. A chemical used to kill pests
  6. the term just for raising animals to eat
  7. growing plants and crops without using soil

15 Clues: A chemical used to kill pestsA chemical used to kill insectscutting down a large area of treesthe term just for growing plants to eatcontamination from cars, factories, etc.the term just for raising animals to eatwhen gasses in the atmosphere absorb heatgrowing plants and crops without using soilwhen overconsumption leads to loss of resources...

Environmental Science 2023-10-12

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. H2O
  2. the process of elements going through different states
  3. the number of organisms in the same area.
  4. The amount of money countries make
  5. C
  6. measured with statistical indices such as income per capita (per person), gross domestic product per capita, life expectancy, the rate of literacy, freedom index and others.
  7. When there is too many organisms in a population
  8. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
  1. the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.
  2. the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
  3. a preference in favor of, or against a person, group of people, or thing
  4. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
  5. The process used by scientists when producing a experiment
  6. The class mascot
  7. a model of an ecosystem on a small scale

15 Clues: CH2OThe class mascotThe amount of money countries makea model of an ecosystem on a small scalethe number of organisms in the same area.When there is too many organisms in a populationthe process of elements going through different statesThe process used by scientists when producing a experiment...

Environmental Crossword 2023-11-22

Environmental Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Large plants that provide oxygen
  2. Something you shouldn't do with your rubbish
  3. Too many people in an area
  4. A product used to aid the growth of plants
  5. The largest water source in the world
  6. The variety of life in an area
  7. Stringy plant that grows on the ground
  8. A material that takes thousands of years to decompose
  1. The introduction of harmful materials into the environment
  2. Re-using material to create new things
  3. A living organism that isn't a human
  4. The destruction of a forest/large area of trees
  5. An environmental event that results in a lack of water
  6. The planet getting hotter
  7. The act of taking care of something

15 Clues: The planet getting hotterToo many people in an areaThe variety of life in an areaLarge plants that provide oxygenThe act of taking care of somethingA living organism that isn't a humanThe largest water source in the worldRe-using material to create new thingsStringy plant that grows on the groundA product used to aid the growth of plants...

Environmental Policy 2024-01-03

Environmental Policy crossword puzzle
  1. The term ____ introduce challenges to the Rational-Comprehensive Approach (RCA) which is step that decision-makers take to mitigate
  2. One at the high court's processes in examining the conduct of administrative bodies
  3. ____ as a policy instrument is a ideal to be used if it canbe enforced
  4. ____ domain is not confined to real property
  5. ____ in decision-making processes in the role of organizational and external. It idealized step of the RCA
  6. There are ____ types of administration
  7. ____, economic instruments, and laws can change people's behaviour
  8. A ____ administrator must first determine the objective of policy
  9. Who are environmental administrator
  1. Public administration involves a ____ amount of activities ranging from ensuri internal security
  2. The organization and tasks required to control the operation of a plan or organization is the definition of ____
  3. Protection of wildlife is under ____ list
  4. Main powers of government.
  5. 3 classes of the policy inputs is demands, support and ____
  6. ____ is the highest policy-making body in the country

15 Clues: Main powers of government.Who are environmental administratorThere are ____ types of administrationProtection of wildlife is under ____ list____ domain is not confined to real property____ is the highest policy-making body in the country3 classes of the policy inputs is demands, support and ____...

Environmental science 2024-04-10

Environmental science crossword puzzle
  1. Soil erosion causes soil particles to be carried into waterways
  2. diffuse contamination of water or air that does not originate from a single discrete source
  3. Sag the reduction in dissolved oxygen, plotted over a distance along a water body from a point at which sewage or other pollutants have been discharged.
  4. Water containing human wastes
  5. a lake low in nutrients
  6. a single identifiable localised source of pollution
  7. a rapid growth of microscopic algae or cyanobacteria in water, often resulting in a colored scum on the surface
  8. water that has been used in the home, in a business, or as part of an industrial process.
  1. Thermal power generation, released heated water into river systems
  2. areas of water bodies where aquatic life cannot survive because of low oxygen levels
  3. Disease-causing bacteria
  4. Third largest source of water pollution
  5. excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to runoff from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life and death of animal life from lack of oxygen
  6. any change in water quality that can harm living organisms or make the water unfit for human uses
  7. Lasts 1,000 years , ends up in rivers , lakes and oceans

15 Clues: a lake low in nutrientsDisease-causing bacteriaWater containing human wastesThird largest source of water pollutiona single identifiable localised source of pollutionLasts 1,000 years , ends up in rivers , lakes and oceansSoil erosion causes soil particles to be carried into waterways...

Environmental Vocabulary 2024-04-13

Environmental Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. when harmful things like trash or chemicals get into the air, water, or soil
  2. tall steep rocks at the edge of a sea or a river
  3. a low area of land between mountains or hills
  4. a curved part of the coast, usually with water surrounding it on three sides
  5. a big hole or space under the ground or a mountain
  6. a dense forest with lots of tall trees and heavy rainfall all year round
  7. large piece of floating ice broken off from a glacier
  1. plants and animals that live in the ocean
  2. the animals and plants that live naturally and grow in the wild
  3. when weather patterns of a place change
  4. a mountain with a hole at the top where hot melted rock, ash, and gas comes out from inside the Earth
  5. small, narrow river that flows through the land
  6. the gas used by humans and animals to breathe
  7. the power used to do things
  8. where the land meets the ocean

15 Clues: the power used to do thingswhere the land meets the oceanwhen weather patterns of a place changeplants and animals that live in the oceana low area of land between mountains or hillsthe gas used by humans and animals to breathesmall, narrow river that flows through the landtall steep rocks at the edge of a sea or a river...

Environmental Science 2024-04-30

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. A tool used to identify a specific object.
  2. The process in which businesses or other organizations develop international influence.
  3. A source in which there is an endless supply.
  4. Feeders and Decomposers- Detritus Feeders consume dead and decaying plant and animal components, as well as their excreta and animals that decompose organic material.
  5. trying to avoid the depletion of natural resources that allow one to maintain an ecological balance
  6. Method- a method of a procedure that objectively establishes facts.
  7. A group of living things in one place that have similar characteristics
  8. Equilibrium- When both genotype and allele frequencies remain constant from one generation to the next.
  1. When a liquid substance falls towards the ground.
  2. A vertical cross section of soil made of layers until it reaches the surface.
  3. The process in which water molecules ascend into the air.
  4. A maker or manufacturer of something.
  5. The circle of water that moves around the earth's atmosphere.
  6. The process in which nitrogen travels throughout living and non-living objects.
  7. A person who purchases goods or eats/uses something for themselves.

15 Clues: A maker or manufacturer of something.A tool used to identify a specific object.A source in which there is an endless supply.When a liquid substance falls towards the ground.The process in which water molecules ascend into the air.The circle of water that moves around the earth's atmosphere....

Earth&Environmental 2024-05-08

Earth&Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. type of rock formed from the broken sediment
  2. movement of air
  3. type of rock created by heat and pressure
  4. melted rock that flows below surface
  5. average weather conditions
  6. layer above the troposphere
  1. lowest region of the atmosphere
  2. removal and transporting of Earth materials
  3. able to transmit liquids
  4. unable to transmit liquids
  5. layer above the stratosphere
  6. type of rock formed from the cooling of liquid rock
  7. highest layer of the atmosphere
  8. the breaking of rock
  9. melted rock that flows above surface

15 Clues: movement of airthe breaking of rockable to transmit liquidsunable to transmit liquidsaverage weather conditionslayer above the tropospherelayer above the stratospherelowest region of the atmospherehighest layer of the atmospheremelted rock that flows below surfacemelted rock that flows above surfacetype of rock created by heat and pressure...

Environmental Science 2024-05-09

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. the contamination of natural water bodies by substances that harm organisms and the environment
  2. the positive benefits that an ecosystem provides to the people
  3. the amount of space between particles in a substance
  4. the highest point in an aquifer from which water can be obtained
  5. usually a pipe in the ground that reaches the water table
  6. a hole in the ground formed when water has dissolved underground rock to the point where it can no longer support the land surface
  7. an underground layer of rock, sand, or gravel that holds groundwater
  8. pollution that can be traced back to a single identifying incident
  9. when water seeps into the ground and replenishes the aquifer
  1. the process of separating solid matter from a fluid by have the fluid pass the pores of another substance
  2. when water leaves the aquifer
  3. pollution that is discharged over a wide land area and comes from many different sources and locations
  4. the ease with which substances such as water move through a material
  5. the supply of fresh water found beneath earth's surface in the pores of soil, sand, and rock
  6. the study of geology that is focused on the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of earth's crust

15 Clues: when water leaves the aquiferthe amount of space between particles in a substanceusually a pipe in the ground that reaches the water tablewhen water seeps into the ground and replenishes the aquiferthe positive benefits that an ecosystem provides to the peoplethe highest point in an aquifer from which water can be obtained...

Environmental activists 2024-06-19

Environmental activists crossword puzzle
  1. Co-author of "The Limits to Growth"
  2. Environmental lawyer
  3. Sierra Club president
  4. Ecologist known for ecosystem studies
  5. Early conservationist, influenced 60s activism
  6. Author of "A Sand County Almanac"
  7. Environmental Protection Agency head
  8. Sierra Club executive director
  1. Author of "The Monkey Wrench Gang"
  2. Prominent biologist and activist
  3. Co-founder of Greenpeace
  4. Author of "Silent Spring"
  5. Architect of geodesic dome
  6. Founder of Earth Day
  7. Author of "The Population Bomb"

15 Clues: Environmental lawyerFounder of Earth DaySierra Club presidentCo-founder of GreenpeaceAuthor of "Silent Spring"Architect of geodesic domeSierra Club executive directorAuthor of "The Population Bomb"Prominent biologist and activistAuthor of "A Sand County Almanac"Author of "The Monkey Wrench Gang"Co-author of "The Limits to Growth"...

Environmental Biotechnology 2024-07-24

Environmental Biotechnology crossword puzzle
  1. Plastics derived from renewable biomass sources (11)
  2. A device that uses biological molecules to detect the presence of various chemicals (9)
  3. The region of soil in the vicinity of plant roots where microorganisms are influenced by the plant (11)
  4. The modification of the environment to stimulate existing bacteria capable of bioremediation (13)
  5. The study of genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples (12)
  6. A device or system that supports a biologically active environment (10)
  7. Surface-active substances produced by microorganisms (13)
  1. The method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in an aqueous solvent (11)
  2. The practice of adding cultured microorganisms into the subsurface for the purpose of biodegrading specific soil and groundwater contaminants (13)
  3. A chemical substance found within an organism that is not naturally produced by or expected to be present in that organism (10)
  4. A complex aggregation of microorganisms growing on a solid substrate (7)
  5. The process of converting carbohydrates to alcohol or organic acids using microorganisms (12)
  6. The use of natural organisms, such as parasites, predators, or pathogens, to manage agricultural pests (9)
  7. The extraction of metals from their ores through the use of living organisms (11)
  8. A measurable indicator of some biological state or condition (9)

15 Clues: Plastics derived from renewable biomass sources (11)Surface-active substances produced by microorganisms (13)A measurable indicator of some biological state or condition (9)A device or system that supports a biologically active environment (10)A complex aggregation of microorganisms growing on a solid substrate (7)...

Environmental Issues 2024-05-09

Environmental Issues crossword puzzle
  1. natural habitat is no longer able to support its native species
  2. extinction
  3. fishing deplete
  4. harmful substances
  5. change weather
  6. death of all members
  7. environmental deterioration
  8. Burn
  1. Prolonged drought or extensive rainfall
  2. diminution
  3. Harmful Environment
  4. bleaching Ocean Destruction
  5. non-native
  6. the purposeful clearing of forested land
  7. air pollution

15 Clues: Burnextinctiondiminutionnon-nativeair pollutionchange weatherharmful substancesHarmful Environmentfishing depletedeath of all membersenvironmental deteriorationbleaching Ocean DestructionProlonged drought or extensive rainfallthe purposeful clearing of forested landnatural habitat is no longer able to support its native species

Ngā kaupapa ako me ngā wāhi o te kura 2022-09-05

Ngā kaupapa ako me ngā wāhi o te kura crossword puzzle
  1. canteen
  2. languages
  3. botany
  4. gym
  5. social studies
  6. science
  7. classroom
  8. technology
  9. swimming pool
  10. mathematics
  11. health
  1. history
  2. drama
  3. physical education
  4. the arts
  5. economics
  6. field
  7. playground
  8. biology
  9. french
  10. music
  11. lab
  12. english
  13. reading
  14. writing

25 Clues: labgymdramafieldmusicbotanyfrenchhealthhistorycanteenbiologyenglishsciencereadingwritingthe artslanguageseconomicsclassroomplaygroundtechnologymathematicsswimming poolsocial studiesphysical education

Lesson 2 Materias, preposiciones, adverbios 2017-01-02

Lesson 2 Materias, preposiciones, adverbios crossword puzzle
  1. in, on
  2. historia
  3. debajo de
  4. there
  5. computing science
  6. al lado de
  7. on, over, envelope
  8. Spanish
  9. geography
  10. con
  11. English
  12. over there
  1. chemistry
  2. between
  3. delante de
  4. archeology
  5. economia
  6. left
  7. contabilidad
  8. detrás de
  9. right
  10. physics

22 Clues: conleftthererightin, onbetweenSpanishphysicsEnglishhistoriaeconomiachemistrydebajo dedetrás degeographydelante dearcheologyal lado deover therecontabilidadcomputing scienceon, over, envelope

Day 13.1 2023-08-20

Day 13.1 crossword puzzle
  1. 발명가
  2. 보조자
  3. 대표자
  4. 심리학자
  5. 제안
  6. 확실성
  7. 하인
  8. 면접 대상자
  9. 도착
  10. 전도사
  1. 친척
  2. 소설가
  3. 차이(점)
  4. 수행원
  5. 발견
  6. 거주자
  7. 면접관
  8. 정치, 정치학
  9. 외모, 출현
  10. 경제학
  11. 검사
  12. 비서
  13. 용기
  14. 능력
  15. 물리학

25 Clues: 친척발견검사제안비서용기하인능력도착소설가수행원발명가보조자거주자대표자면접관경제학확실성물리학전도사심리학자차이(점)외모, 출현면접 대상자정치, 정치학

Vocabulario 2 2023-09-21

Vocabulario 2 crossword puzzle
  1. To have breakfast
  2. Wastebasket
  3. To arrive
  4. History
  5. Chemistry
  6. Economics
  7. To the left of
  8. Next to; beside
  9. Computer science
  10. Buisness administration
  11. English
  1. To the right of
  2. Physics
  3. Library
  4. Bookstore
  5. To have dinner
  6. Because
  7. Biology
  8. Psychology
  9. Mathematics

20 Clues: PhysicsLibraryHistoryBecauseBiologyEnglishTo arriveBookstoreChemistryEconomicsPsychologyWastebasketMathematicsTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to; besideComputer scienceTo have breakfastBuisness administration

Spanish CrossWord 2023-09-21

Spanish CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. psychology
  4. English
  5. Bookstore
  6. to have breakfast
  7. To the left of
  8. wastebasket
  9. Computer Science
  10. Mathematics
  11. To have dinner
  12. History
  1. Because
  2. To the right of
  3. Biology
  4. Business administration
  5. Economics
  6. Library
  7. Next to:Besides
  8. to arrive

20 Clues: BecauseBiologyPhysicsEnglishLibraryHistoryChemistryEconomicsBookstoreto arrivepsychologywastebasketMathematicsTo the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofNext to:BesidesComputer Scienceto have breakfastBusiness administration

Teacher 2023-09-20

Teacher crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Wastebasket
  3. Because
  4. Psycology
  5. To have dinner
  6. History
  7. Business administration
  8. Economics
  9. Biology
  10. English
  11. Mathematics
  1. To have breakfast
  2. Library
  3. Computer science
  4. Next to; besides
  5. Bookstore
  6. To the right of
  7. Chemistry
  8. To the left of
  9. To arrive

20 Clues: LibraryPhysicsBecauseHistoryBiologyEnglishBookstorePsycologyChemistryEconomicsTo arriveWastebasketMathematicsTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofComputer scienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

Nojui 2024-04-22

Nojui crossword puzzle
  1. tiltas
  2. geografija
  3. susigędęs, drovus
  4. šlapias
  5. visada
  6. istorija
  7. kelias
  8. prancūzų k.
  9. koncertas
  10. valtis
  11. anglų k.
  1. apsirengti (du žodžiai)
  2. dailė (trys žodžiai, be tarpų)
  3. sausas
  4. biologija
  5. ekonomika
  6. vokiečių k.
  7. pusryčiauti
  8. pavojingas
  9. susijaudinęs
  10. atvykti
  11. laimingas

22 Clues: sausastiltasvisadakeliasvaltisšlapiasatvyktiistorijaanglų k.biologijaekonomikakoncertaslaimingasgeografijapavojingasvokiečių k.pusryčiautiprancūzų k.susijaudinęssusigędęs, drovusapsirengti (du žodžiai)dailė (trys žodžiai, be tarpų)

tima unit 2 2024-03-19

tima unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. почти никогда, очень редко
  2. экономика
  3. честный
  4. до
  5. четверть (в школе)
  6. Пасха
  7. год
  8. никогда
  9. иногда
  10. тысяча
  11. ветеринар
  12. всегда
  1. неделя
  2. творческий, креативный
  3. сердитый
  4. сто
  5. обычно
  6. часто
  7. после
  8. в течении
  9. между
  10. Рождество
  11. месяц
  12. экзамены

24 Clues: достогодчастопослемеждуПасхамесяцнеделяобычноиногдатысячавсегдачестныйникогдасердитыйэкзаменыэкономикав теченииРождествоветеринарчетверть (в школе)творческий, креативныйпочти никогда, очень редко

MLTeam 1 2021-05-31

MLTeam 1 crossword puzzle
  1. stylish
  2. expressionist
  3. artist
  4. economics
  5. google earth
  6. scientist
  1. literature
  2. sweet sixteen
  3. footballer
  4. fashionista
  5. creative
  6. mathemagic
  7. flipping queen
  8. innovative

14 Clues: artiststylishcreativeeconomicsscientistliteraturefootballermathemagicinnovativefashionistagoogle earthsweet sixteenexpressionistflipping queen

Everett High School 1957 2012-07-21

Everett High School  1957 crossword puzzle
  1. commercial
  2. coach
  3. english
  4. ice cream
  5. typing
  6. principal
  7. hangout
  8. english
  9. economics
  1. mathematics
  2. bowling
  3. good eats
  4. good floats
  5. music
  6. gasoline
  7. mathematics

16 Clues: coachmusictypingbowlingenglishhangoutenglishgasolinegood eatsice creamprincipaleconomicscommercialmathematicsgood floatsmathematics

spanish 2021-10-22

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Sciences
  3. Art
  4. Class
  5. Geography
  6. Calculator
  7. Accounting
  8. Computer science
  9. Archeology
  10. Major
  11. Eraser
  12. Stadium
  13. Test
  1. de empresas Business administration
  2. Desk
  3. Spanish
  4. de clase Classmate
  5. de cuarto Roommate
  6. Course
  7. Library
  8. Student
  9. Cafeteria
  10. House
  11. Biology
  12. Economics

25 Clues: ArtDeskTestClassHouseMajorCourseEraserPhysicsSpanishLibraryStudentBiologyStadiumSciencesGeographyCafeteriaEconomicsCalculatorAccountingArcheologyComputer sciencede clase Classmatede cuarto Roommatede empresas Business administration

School And Education by Camilla Zanotti 2014-02-24

School And Education by Camilla Zanotti crossword puzzle
  4. ZAINO
  9. PORTA
  12. SEDIA
  13. FISICA
  14. BANCO
  2. PENNA
  5. MAPPA
  10. LIBRO
  11. ARTE


Alexandria Economics Crossword 2022-10-24

Alexandria Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. it is like the three economics quesgions
  2. depends on economy
  3. passed down
  4. based on supply and demand
  1. to place or group
  2. has both command and market economy in it
  3. someone cant live without it they
  4. someone seys can they have that they
  5. trade without money
  6. what role the government plays
  7. has a mixed economy that has 7 letters
  8. has a mixed economy that has 6 letters
  9. government has full control over citizens
  10. how much control the government has over the citizens
  11. has a mixed economy that has 2 letters

15 Clues: passed downto place or groupdepends on economytrade without moneybased on supply and demandwhat role the government playssomeone cant live without it theysomeone seys can they have that theyhas a mixed economy that has 7 lettershas a mixed economy that has 6 lettershas a mixed economy that has 2 lettersit is like the three economics quesgions...

Alexandria Economics Crossword 2022-10-24

Alexandria Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. it is like the three economics quesgions
  2. depends on economy
  3. passed down
  4. based on supply and demand
  1. to place or group
  2. has both command and market economy in it
  3. someone cant live without it they
  4. someone seys can they have that they
  5. trade without money
  6. what role the government plays
  7. has a mixed economy that has 7 letters
  8. has a mixed economy that has 6 letters
  9. government has full control over citizens
  10. how much control the government has over the citizens
  11. has a mixed economy that has 2 letters

15 Clues: passed downto place or groupdepends on economytrade without moneybased on supply and demandwhat role the government playssomeone cant live without it theysomeone seys can they have that theyhas a mixed economy that has 7 lettershas a mixed economy that has 6 lettershas a mixed economy that has 2 lettersit is like the three economics quesgions...

Alexandria Economics Crossword 2022-10-24

Alexandria Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. it is like the three economics quesgions
  2. depends on economy
  3. passed down
  4. based on supply and demand
  1. to place or group
  2. has both command and market economy in it
  3. someone cant live without it they
  4. someone seys can they have that they
  5. trade without money
  6. what role the government plays
  7. has a mixed economy that has 7 letters
  8. has a mixed economy that has 6 letters
  9. government has full control over citizens
  10. how much control the government has over the citizens
  11. has a mixed economy that has 2 letters

15 Clues: passed downto place or groupdepends on economytrade without moneybased on supply and demandwhat role the government playssomeone cant live without it theysomeone seys can they have that theyhas a mixed economy that has 7 lettershas a mixed economy that has 6 lettershas a mixed economy that has 2 lettersit is like the three economics quesgions...

English 2024-03-28

English crossword puzzle
  1. People who care for environmental
  2. The process of decomposing organic waste using microorganisms
  3. Agency that develops innovative policies and research strategies related to the environment that transforms research results into political decisions to realize sustainable development both in the Asia-Pacific region and globally
  4. One of the renewable energy using solar
  5. The most biodiverse places on Earth, filled with more species of animals than any other habitat on land
  6. An award for cities in Indonesia that successful in cleanliness and urban environmental management, organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry
  7. Country that Jerhemy Owen has visited for their bestest system to decompost and recycling waste
  8. The figure who saved the north coast of Kendal by planting mangroves and ever received appreciation for the Kalpataru award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2020
  9. The largest waste disposal site (TPA) in Indonesia is managed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government
  10. One of product that made by Joseph Wijaya
  11. How many types of pollution?
  1. The result of fermentation of organic kitchen waste into ingredients that have many benefits for nature and humans
  2. Jerhemy Owen activity which he's invited to jog while also protecting the environment
  3. Product that Bali Earth Friends Foundation made
  4. An environmentalist group from Indonesia
  5. One of the 3R's
  6. An inspiring environmental activist from US who continuously advocates for environmental protection
  7. The month of International Environmental Day
  8. An environmentalist from Sweden, known for challenging world leaders to immediately take action to mitigate climate change
  9. Little hero from Gresik, active in dealing with polluting waste in the river and also made Germany aware to stop throwing garbage in our country
  10. Sustainable Development Goals
  11. Place that the biggest cleanup happens
  12. Program that Melati and Isabel Wijsen created in Bali
  13. The first Integrated Waste Processing Site that still under construction and focuses on sorting waste and recycling

24 Clues: One of the 3R'sHow many types of pollution?Sustainable Development GoalsPeople who care for environmentalPlace that the biggest cleanup happensOne of the renewable energy using solarAn environmentalist group from IndonesiaOne of product that made by Joseph WijayaThe month of International Environmental Day...

Behavioral Economics 2023-01-26

Behavioral Economics crossword puzzle
  1. bias subconscious errors
  2. economics human behavior and economics
  3. bias someone that looks for support
  4. effect put value on things
  1. not wanting to miss out
  2. person believing they are better
  3. Bias confident in abilities
  4. mentality trying to fit in
  5. aversion losses are more important than gains
  6. adaptation baseline leveling out

10 Clues: not wanting to miss outbias subconscious errorsmentality trying to fit ineffect put value on thingsBias confident in abilitiesperson believing they are betteradaptation baseline leveling outbias someone that looks for supporteconomics human behavior and economicsaversion losses are more important than gains

GDP 2021-04-06

GDP crossword puzzle
  1. A large scale of economics
  2. A small scale of economics
  3. Valued at current dollars and not adjusted for inflation
  4. A type of human capital
  1. When the GDP falls 2 quarters in a row
  2. Sold to another country
  3. Used for manufacturing
  4. Purchased from a different country
  5. Prolonged depression
  6. Combination of innovation or invention
  7. The value of all goods/services

11 Clues: Prolonged depressionUsed for manufacturingSold to another countryA type of human capitalA large scale of economicsA small scale of economicsThe value of all goods/servicesPurchased from a different countryWhen the GDP falls 2 quarters in a rowCombination of innovation or inventionValued at current dollars and not adjusted for inflation

ruby streets 2024-02-22

ruby streets crossword puzzle
  1. people in the middle of a social
  2. the idea that certain people become powerfulsocialism govt interventions in the economics
  3. fenced in farm lands
  4. economist and philosopher
  5. taken over by Europe
  6. free market economics
  7. the transition from creating goods by hand to using machines
  8. people moving to city
  9. free choice
  10. year around crops
  1. clothes and thread
  2. big business
  3. led the Berlin conference
  4. native
  5. when Europe took over Africa
  6. natural
  7. no private property
  8. discrimination
  9. take over of less advanced civilization
  10. people who work together
  11. Scottish economist and philosopher
  12. joined together to go on strike
  13. not working
  14. the development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale.the transition from creating goods by hand to using machines

24 Clues: nativenaturalnot workingfree choicebig businessdiscriminationyear around cropsclothes and threadno private propertyfenced in farm landstaken over by Europefree market economicspeople moving to citypeople who work togetherled the Berlin conferenceeconomist and philosopherwhen Europe took over Africajoined together to go on strike...

10-3 Vocab Crossword 2023-04-18

10-3 Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Properties able to be sold
  2. A fluid used to power many things
  3. A person who usually makes riskier deals and operates in economics
  4. The condition of a thing
  5. A living thing often used to make produce
  6. To work
  7. An expert in economics
  8. The act of harvesting underground materials
  9. Mass starvation
  1. A collection of minerals
  2. Something that influences change
  3. A collection of specific items useful in a market
  4. The amount of one thing
  5. A natural formation of rock
  6. The creation of a good
  7. A large scale conflict between two nations
  8. To move from one place to another
  9. A condition healthy for growing
  10. Economic activity that usually utilizes factories
  11. produces "gifts of nature" or natural resources.
  12. A large area of trees, shrubbery and other plantlife.
  13. A hard solid used to construct

22 Clues: To workMass starvationThe creation of a goodAn expert in economicsThe amount of one thingA collection of mineralsThe condition of a thingProperties able to be soldA natural formation of rockA hard solid used to constructA condition healthy for growingSomething that influences changeTo move from one place to anotherA fluid used to power many things...

ruby streets 2024-02-22

ruby streets crossword puzzle
  1. people in the middle of a social
  2. the idea that certain people become powerfulsocialism govt interventions in the economics
  3. fenced in farm lands
  4. economist and philosopher
  5. taken over by Europe
  6. free market economics
  7. the transition from creating goods by hand to using machines
  8. people moving to city
  9. free choice
  10. year around crops
  1. clothes and thread
  2. big business
  3. led the Berlin conference
  4. native
  5. when Europe took over Africa
  6. natural
  7. no private property
  8. discrimination
  9. take over of less advanced civilization
  10. people who work together
  11. Scottish economist and philosopher
  12. joined together to go on strike
  13. not working
  14. the development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale.the transition from creating goods by hand to using machines

24 Clues: nativenaturalnot workingfree choicebig businessdiscriminationyear around cropsclothes and threadno private propertyfenced in farm landstaken over by Europefree market economicspeople moving to citypeople who work togetherled the Berlin conferenceeconomist and philosopherwhen Europe took over Africajoined together to go on strike...

Environmental Problems 2013-03-31

Environmental Problems crossword puzzle
  1. PM2.5 = particulate _________ smaller than 2.5 micrometers (ramtte)
  2. A jungle where there is a lot of rainfall (fretosianr)
  3. There is a hole in the _______ ________ (onzoe relya)
  4. The greenhouse effect is the main cause of ________ ________ (bolgal giwramn)
  5. Animals that may become extinct are ____________ (danegrdeen)
  6. chlorofluorocarbon (CCF)
  1. Carbon dioxide is an example of a ____________ gas (hugernesoe)
  2. The place where an animal lives is called its __________ (bitatha)
  3. N20 (routins oxedi)
  4. There are too many ______ on the roads (scar)
  5. In many big cities, there is a lot of air __________ (noplutilo)
  6. A mixture of smoke and fog (goms)
  7. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out _________ (genyox)
  8. A place where trash is dumped is called a __________ (finlalld)
  9. Reuse material to make a new product (clyerce)

15 Clues: N20 (routins oxedi)chlorofluorocarbon (CCF)A mixture of smoke and fog (goms)There are too many ______ on the roads (scar)Reuse material to make a new product (clyerce)There is a hole in the _______ ________ (onzoe relya)A jungle where there is a lot of rainfall (fretosianr)Animals that may become extinct are ____________ (danegrdeen)...

environmental studies 2014-11-27

environmental studies crossword puzzle
  1. the frequency at which an object naturally vibrates
  2. a mirror system that reflects incoming light onto a single point
  3. radiation rays that travel long distances
  4. the process where the presence of two materials produces a greater effect
  5. which protocol intended to set targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  6. a water body with a low nutrient level
  7. involves a fine water spray that washes out suspended solids
  8. used to deflect and absorb sound
  1. the unit of sound used to monitor noise pollution
  2. a pesticide that is absorbed and transported around a plant in the sap
  3. radioactive isotope that is naturally occurring in rocks
  4. a substance that causes cancer
  5. Organophosphates
  6. a measure of differing toxicities of a substance on different organisms
  7. a fuel where the nuclei of he atoms can be split my nucleus bombardment

15 Clues: Organophosphatesa substance that causes cancerused to deflect and absorb sounda water body with a low nutrient levelradiation rays that travel long distancesthe unit of sound used to monitor noise pollutionthe frequency at which an object naturally vibratesradioactive isotope that is naturally occurring in rocks...

Environmental Crossword 2015-06-10

Environmental Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The natural process that breaks down materials at Earth's surface.
  2. a Mixture of nitrogen and oxygen and other gases that extends 800 kms above Earth's surface.
  3. The trend in temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and precipitation over a period of many years.
  4. The study of past climates.
  5. Water droplets found mostly in the troposhpere.
  6. The lowest layer of the atmosphere, reaching from Earth's surface 0-12 kms above the surface.
  7. A major geographic region with a particular combination of environmental conditions and life forms.
  1. a measurement of the quantity of water vapour in the air.
  2. The clearing of trees from land.
  3. a change in state from a solid directly to a gas, or from a gas to a solid.
  4. The conditions of temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and precipitation at a particular time and place.
  5. a graphical representation of climate data for a specific region and time period.
  6. the solid outer layer of Earth's surface, including the crust and the upper part of Earth's mantel.
  7. any characteristic that enables an organism to better survive and reproduce in an environment.
  8. The thin layer of air, land, or water on or near Earth's surface that contains all life on Earth.

15 Clues: The study of past climates.The clearing of trees from land.Water droplets found mostly in the troposhpere.a measurement of the quantity of water vapour in the air.The natural process that breaks down materials at Earth's surface.a change in state from a solid directly to a gas, or from a gas to a solid....

Environmental problems 2020-02-20

Environmental problems crossword puzzle
  1. that you can use, do instead of something else
  2. pieces of rubbish that people leave in a public place
  3. a useful machine for doing things in the household
  4. the glass part of an electric lamp that gives light
  5. become bigger or more
  6. a large river of ice that movies slowly down a mountain
  7. very small drops of liquid that look like a gas
  8. the American English word for rubbish
  1. used thing treated again so that it can be used again
  2. everything around you, or the place where you live
  3. when the amount or number goes up
  4. take in something like liquid or heat, and hold it
  5. divide things, keep them away each other
  6. make something smaller or less
  7. using the sun

15 Clues: using the sunbecome bigger or moremake something smaller or lesswhen the amount or number goes upthe American English word for rubbishdivide things, keep them away each otherthat you can use, do instead of something elsevery small drops of liquid that look like a gaseverything around you, or the place where you live...

Environmental awarness 2021-01-18

Environmental awarness crossword puzzle
  1. to keep from harm.
  2. to use again
  3. to use less or make something smaller
  4. animals, birds, insects, etc. Living naturally in the wild.
  5. carrying harmful bacteria that can cause death.
  6. to keep something in tis original state
  7. the place which species normally live.
  8. no longer existing or lost forever.
  1. tu use things like energy, fuel, materials, food water, etc.
  2. to make something new from materials that have been used before.
  3. the planting of trees and plants to help a damaged ordestroyed forest recover.
  4. the contamination of the environment.
  5. a person who protects the natural world ans educates others.
  6. it is the protecion of natural environments.
  7. the complex system of relationships between living things and their environment.

15 Clues: to use againto keep from harm.no longer existing or lost forever.to use less or make something smallerthe contamination of the environment.the place which species normally live.to keep something in tis original stateit is the protecion of natural environments.carrying harmful bacteria that can cause death....

Environmental Contaminants 2018-11-03

Environmental Contaminants crossword puzzle
  1. Solids, liquids or gases that are used in manufacturing, mining, construction, agriculture and business applications
  2. pollutants that may harm humans or other living things when released into the environment
  3. Found in cigarettes
  4. Industrial waste from processes like smelting release these
  5. Any sound that is harmful or unwanted
  6. Smells of rotten eggs and is found in acid rain
  1. Long term epxosure greatly increases a person's change of developing skin cancer
  2. How sound is measured
  3. Often called "the silent killer"
  4. Irritates the respiratory system and can cause several health affects
  5. Contaminants that are alive such as some fungi, bacteria and some single celled organisms
  6. These dangerous chemicals evaporate quickly and can harm human lungs
  7. Vegetable that can be planted to intentionally absorb soil contaminants
  8. Make something impure or unsuitable by contact or mixture with something harmful
  9. A waste material produced by human activity that causes harm in the ecosystem

15 Clues: Found in cigarettesHow sound is measuredOften called "the silent killer"Any sound that is harmful or unwantedSmells of rotten eggs and is found in acid rainIndustrial waste from processes like smelting release theseThese dangerous chemicals evaporate quickly and can harm human lungs...

Environmental issues 2018-10-03

Environmental issues crossword puzzle
  1. kivihiili
  2. avohakkuu
  3. erämaa
  4. ydinvoimalat
  5. aleneminen
  6. saasteet
  7. hakkuu
  1. metsäkato
  2. ekosysteemi
  3. salametsästäjät
  4. tehomaatalous
  5. jäte
  6. laji
  7. maaperä
  8. öljy

15 Clues: jätelajiöljyerämaahakkuumaaperäsaasteetmetsäkatokivihiiliavohakkuualeneminenekosysteemiydinvoimalattehomaataloussalametsästäjät

Environmental Cycle 2021-09-08

Environmental Cycle crossword puzzle
  1. help protect your hands from corrosive or damaging material
  2. runoff system which collects all runoff lagoon or other storage means; this system eliminates or fully contains the polluted runoff
  3. pollutant which can be traced back to a specific activity
  4. Th fecal contamination must remain off the
  5. disposing of materials and properly is vital
  6. system in which runoff is treated prior to being released to an adjacent land
  7. increase in the earths average temperature in the air and the temperature of the oceans
  8. pollutant which cannot be traced back to a specific activity and is a result of several activities
  1. warming of the earth from the trapping of solar radiation in the atmosphere
  2. transfer of a contaminant
  3. food safety and inspection service; government agency, protecting public health by promoting food safety standards in processing plants, restaurants and other food related industries
  4. Escherichia coli, which is gram negative bacterium commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded animals; E. coli 0157:H7 is the contaminant associated with ground beef and food-borne illness
  5. process of cutting down trees and clearing forests for the purpose of using the land for other means
  6. is released into an adjacent field, pasture or waterway
  7. the small scale farmers practice an additional method such as slash and

15 Clues: transfer of a contaminantTh fecal contamination must remain off thedisposing of materials and properly is vitalis released into an adjacent field, pasture or waterwaypollutant which can be traced back to a specific activityhelp protect your hands from corrosive or damaging material...

Environmental Science 2022-06-05

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. A system that removes harmful gases.
  2. A unit that measures sound level.
  3. A treaty phasing out CFCs was signed here.
  4. A popular organophosphate insecticide.
  5. Mud/debris flow that originates from the slopes of a volcano.
  6. A measure of the capacity of water to neutralize acids.
  7. Commercially less valued material found in an ore.
  8. Seasons of Sri Lanka.
  9. "Meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
  1. A cost or benefit of an economic activity experienced by an unrelated third party.
  2. Caused by enrichment of minerals in water.
  3. The intentional practice of eating earth.
  4. A current global problem.
  5. The variety of life on Earth.
  6. The layer in which Ozone is formed.

15 Clues: Seasons of Sri Lanka.A current global problem.The variety of life on Earth.A unit that measures sound level.The layer in which Ozone is formed.A system that removes harmful gases.A popular organophosphate insecticide.The intentional practice of eating earth.Caused by enrichment of minerals in water.A treaty phasing out CFCs was signed here....

J.T environmental 2021-08-27

J.T environmental crossword puzzle
  1. male cones produce
  2. structure of a gymnosperm
  3. formed after sperm and egg join
  4. alternate version of seed
  5. cones female cone
  6. pine cones female cones 1 year old
  7. scale female parts
  8. Hard protective covering
  9. Tree that bears cones
  1. Functional through multiple seasons
  2. clone bearing plants
  3. Greek for “naked”
  4. attched to the grains of pine trees
  5. bearing plants divided into 2 categories
  6. inside the ovules

15 Clues: Greek for “naked”cones female coneinside the ovulesmale cones producescale female partsclone bearing plantsTree that bears conesHard protective coveringstructure of a gymnospermalternate version of seedformed after sperm and egg joinpine cones female cones 1 year oldFunctional through multiple seasonsattched to the grains of pine trees...

Environmental Science 2022-10-31

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. replenish themselves
  2. pollutes the air
  3. worthless material in ore
  4. Cannot be replaced
  5. safe for drinking
  6. naturally occurring solid metal and gems can be made from
  1. condition affecting office workers
  2. total feelings
  3. process of removing salt from seawater
  4. solid rock under loose soil
  5. minerals, forests, water, or fertile land
  6. a rock or boulder brought from glacial action
  7. material or structure formed from loosely compacted fragments or particles
  8. fertile land becomes desert
  9. pollutes something

15 Clues: total feelingspollutes the airsafe for drinkingpollutes somethingCannot be replacedreplenish themselvesworthless material in oresolid rock under loose soilfertile land becomes desertcondition affecting office workersprocess of removing salt from seawaterminerals, forests, water, or fertile landa rock or boulder brought from glacial action...

Environmental Science 2023-06-15

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. getting rid of any fuel that is in the path of a forest fire
  2. a process where sunlight is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen
  3. shape of land, that plays a role in the spread of forest fire
  4. removal of something that has been rejected
  5. fire set on purpose by humans
  6. recovering readily from adversity
  7. chemicals that build up in an organism's body throughout its lifetime
  8. liquid formed from compressed garbage, or liquid that has passed through compressed garbage
  9. fire that burns trees up their entire length to the top(2)
  1. nicotine-based pesticides that keep field corps and fruit orchards free of pests
  2. concentration of pollutants that increase with each increasing trophic level
  3. the ability to do work
  4. a part of a country's economic or business activity
  5. diversity among and within plant and animal species in an environment
  6. a part of a leaf that has waxy and protective layer which helps against any external environmental stressors

15 Clues: the ability to do workfire set on purpose by humansrecovering readily from adversityremoval of something that has been rejecteda part of a country's economic or business activityfire that burns trees up their entire length to the top(2)getting rid of any fuel that is in the path of a forest fire...

Environmental Impacts 2023-04-13

Environmental Impacts crossword puzzle
  1. development of land for houses and other buildings near a city
  2. the removal of large areas of forests for human purposes
  3. the process of restoring land disturbed by mining
  4. the largest number of individuals of a given species that Earth's resources can support and maintain for a long period
  5. all the members of a species living in a given area
  6. involves planting trees to replace trees that have been cut or burned down
  7. the natural process that occurs when certain gases in the atmosphere absorb and radiate thermal energy from the Sun
  8. rain or snow that has a lower pH than that of normal rainwater
  9. a scale that ranks levels of ozone and other air pollutants (AQI)
  1. pollution from several widespread that cannot be traced back to a single location
  2. caused when nitrogen and carbon compounds are in the air react in sunlight
  3. an increase in Earth's average surface temperature
  4. the development of desertlike conditions due to human activities and/or climate change
  5. pollution from a single source that can be identified
  6. the mix of both solid and liquid particles in the air

15 Clues: the process of restoring land disturbed by miningan increase in Earth's average surface temperatureall the members of a species living in a given areapollution from a single source that can be identifiedthe mix of both solid and liquid particles in the airthe removal of large areas of forests for human purposes...