environmental economics Crossword Puzzles

Environmental science 2023-05-09

Environmental science crossword puzzle
  1. occurs when harmful substances—often chemicals or microorganisms—contaminate a stream,
  2. any source of water pollution that does not meet the legal definition of "point source" in section
  3. An ecosystem service is any positive benefit that wildlife or ecosystems provide to people. The benefits can be direct or indirect—small or large.
  4. a measure of the ability of a material (such as rocks) to transmit fluids.
  5. the highest point in an aquifer from wheel water can be obtained
  6. water pollution that comes from a single, discrete place, typically a pipe.
  7. the cycle of processes by which water circulates between the earth's oceans, atmosphere, and land, involving precipitation as rain and snow, drainage in streams and rivers, and return to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration.
  1. is water that exists underground in saturated zones beneath the land surface. The upper surface of the saturated zone is called the water table.
  2. the volumetric flow rate of groundwater through an aquifer.
  3. a cavity in the ground
  4. manmade processes or natural processes enhanced by humans that convey water
  5. an underground layer of rock, sand, or gravel that holds groundwater a source of well and spring water
  6. the amount of space between particles in a substance
  7. the branch of geology concerned with water occurring underground or on the surface of the earth.
  8. the action or process of filtering something.

15 Clues: a cavity in the groundthe action or process of filtering something.the amount of space between particles in a substancethe volumetric flow rate of groundwater through an aquifer.the highest point in an aquifer from wheel water can be obtaineda measure of the ability of a material (such as rocks) to transmit fluids....

Environmental Science 2023-05-08

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. - A gas in the Earth's atmosphere that protects the planet from harmful UV radiation.
  2. - The variety of living organisms in an ecosystem.
  3. effect - The warming of the Earth's surface due to the trapping of heat by greenhouse gases.
  4. footprint - The amount of greenhouse gases produced by an individual, organization, or activity.
  5. - The long-term weather patterns of a region or the planet.
  6. - The natural environment where a plant or animal lives.
  7. - The process by which soil and rock are worn away by wind, water, and other natural forces.
  8. - Contamination of the environment by harmful substances.
  9. - The process of turning waste materials into new products to reduce the consumption of raw materials.
  1. footprint - The impact of human activities on the natural environment.
  2. - The removal of trees from an area of land, often for commercial purposes.
  3. - The ability to maintain environmental balance and resources for future generations.
  4. - The protection and preservation of natural resources and wildlife.
  5. - A resource that can be replenished naturally in a short period of time.
  6. rain - Rain that is acidic due to the presence of pollutants in the air.

15 Clues: - The variety of living organisms in an ecosystem.- The natural environment where a plant or animal lives.- Contamination of the environment by harmful substances.- The long-term weather patterns of a region or the planet.- The protection and preservation of natural resources and wildlife....

environmental activism 2023-05-05

environmental activism crossword puzzle
  1. the energy in the nucleus, or core, of an atom
  2. one of the nuclear reactors at a plant malufunctioned
  3. a severe nuclear reactor accident that results in core damage from overheating.
  4. pollution standards, to conduct environmental research, and to assist
  5. regulates commercial nuclear power plants, and other uses of nuclear materials.
  6. chemical compounds that are used to kill pests, including insects, rodents, fungi and unwanted plants (weeds).
  7. environmental-awareness activity and spotlighted such problems as pollution,
  1. authorized the development of comprehensive federal and state regulations to limit emissions from both stationary (industrial) sources and mobile sources.
  2. agency was given the power to set and
  3. someone who takes an active role in the protection of the environment
  4. a marine biologist, published a book entitled Silent
  5. more than 10,000 schools and 2,000 colleges hosted some type
  6. the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.
  7. and local governments in pollution control
  8. growth of toxic waste, and the earth’s dwindling resources.

15 Clues: agency was given the power to set andand local governments in pollution controlthe energy in the nucleus, or core, of an atoma marine biologist, published a book entitled Silentone of the nuclear reactors at a plant malufunctionedthe introduction of harmful materials into the environment.growth of toxic waste, and the earth’s dwindling resources....

Environmental Impacts 2024-04-29

Environmental Impacts crossword puzzle
  1. a scale that ranks levels of ozone and other air pollutants
  2. all the members of a species living in a given area
  3. the process of restoring land distributed by mining
  4. the natural process that occurs when certain gases in the atmosphere absorb and reradiate thermal energy from the Sun
  5. the development of land for houses and other buildings near a city
  6. pollution from several widespread sources that cannot be traced back to a single location
  7. rain or snow that has a lower pH than that of normal rainwater
  8. the development of desert-like conditions due to human activities and/or climate change
  9. an increase in Earth's average surface temperature
  1. pollution from a single source that can be identified
  2. the largest number of individuals of a given species that Earth's resources can support and maintain for a long period of time
  3. planting trees to replace trees that have been cut or burned down
  4. the mix of both solid and liquid particles in the air
  5. the removal of large areas of forests for human purposes
  6. caused when nitrogen and carbon compounds in the air react in sunlight

15 Clues: an increase in Earth's average surface temperatureall the members of a species living in a given areathe process of restoring land distributed by miningpollution from a single source that can be identifiedthe mix of both solid and liquid particles in the airthe removal of large areas of forests for human purposes...

Environmental Science 2023-09-12

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. a particle that consists of protons and neutrons
  2. Potential of hydrogen
  3. is a thing that is composed of two or separate elements
  4. anything that occupies space
  5. Complex compound of high molecular weight (Ribonucleic acid)
  6. distinct nuclear species of the same element
  7. made up of atoms with the same number of protons
  8. proton acceptor
  9. can donate a proton to another substance
  1. large group of organic compounds
  2. self-replicating material and carrier of genetic information
  3. compounds of amino acids
  4. density and type of atoms in a given object
  5. group of atoms bonded together
  6. how quickly a substance decreases in concentration

15 Clues: proton acceptorPotential of hydrogencompounds of amino acidsanything that occupies spacegroup of atoms bonded togetherlarge group of organic compoundscan donate a proton to another substancedensity and type of atoms in a given objectdistinct nuclear species of the same elementa particle that consists of protons and neutrons...

Earth/Environmental 2024-05-08

Earth/Environmental crossword puzzle
  1. blocks near the fault move horizontally past one another
  2. shaking or trembling
  3. type of rock that forms from heat and pressure
  4. a series of processes on the surface and inside earth that slowly changes rocks from one kind to another
  5. process of using data from at least 3 seismographs to locate the epicenter of an earthquake
  1. secondary seismic waves that travel only through solids
  2. all the water on earth
  3. fastest seismic wave that travels through liquids and solids
  4. plates moving past each other
  5. the breaking down of rocks
  6. molten rocks below earth surface
  7. process by rocks being moved from one place to another
  8. molten rocks above earth surface
  9. outermost layer of the earth
  10. innermost layer of the earth

15 Clues: shaking or tremblingall the water on earththe breaking down of rocksoutermost layer of the earthinnermost layer of the earthplates moving past each othermolten rocks below earth surfacemolten rocks above earth surfacetype of rock that forms from heat and pressureprocess by rocks being moved from one place to another...


  1. A group of individuals of single species living together within a particular geographic area.
  2. Is a study of living things in relation with their environment.
  3. These are plants also known as autotrophs which can manufacture their food by themselves.
  4. When species form relationships with other species.
  5. A symbiotic relationship which is found in all ecosystems that includes organisms that eats plants and animals.
  6. Defined as the natural dwelling place of an organism.
  7. A symbiotic relationship which a member of one species benefits at the expense of another species.
  1. Defined as a community of living things interacting with the non-living things within their environment.
  2. It is the highest level of organization, This is a portion of earth which supports life.
  3. A symbiotic relationship in which one species benefit and the other species is neither harmed or not.
  4. These are organisms feed on dead plats and animals break them down and in the process release nutrients into the soil.
  5. These are animals also known as autotrophs which depend on plant for their food.
  6. Species evolve either to avoid each other, to tolerate the presence of the other, or to aggressively exclude the other.
  7. A symbiotic relationship in which both species/organisms benefit from each other.
  8. It is the lowest level of organization, which includes both unicellular and multicellular organisms.

15 Clues: When species form relationships with other species.Defined as the natural dwelling place of an organism.Is a study of living things in relation with their environment.These are animals also known as autotrophs which depend on plant for their food.A symbiotic relationship in which both species/organisms benefit from each other....

Environmental Issues 2023-12-19

Environmental Issues crossword puzzle
  1. of Biodiversity The decline in the variety and number of plant and animal species in a particular habitat or globally.
  2. Impact The environmental consequences of mining activities, including habitat destruction and water pollution.
  3. Pollution Accumulation of plastic waste in the environment, harming wildlife and ecosystems.
  4. Excessive fishing that depletes fish populations and disrupts marine ecosystems.
  5. Pollution The presence of harmful substances in the air, often from human activities, causing respiratory problems.
  6. Pollution Contamination of water bodies by pollutants, affecting aquatic life and endangering water resources.
  7. The large-scale clearing or removal of forests, leading to the loss of trees, biodiversity, and habitats.
  1. The expansion of urban areas into natural landscapes, impacting ecosystems and increasing resource demand.
  2. Change Long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, and weather patterns, largely attributed to human activities.
  3. Erosion The wearing away of topsoil due to natural factors or human activities, leading to reduced soil fertility.
  4. Pollution The contamination of the environment by chemical pesticides, affecting soil, water, and non-target organisms.
  5. Destruction The loss or degradation of natural habitats, threatening the survival of many plant and animal species.
  6. Pollution The presence of unwanted or harmful sound in the environment, often caused by human activities.
  7. Management Inadequate handling and disposal of waste, leading to pollution and environmental health risks.
  8. Depletion The thinning of the ozone layer in Earth's stratosphere, allowing harmful ultraviolet rays to reach the surface.

15 Clues: Excessive fishing that depletes fish populations and disrupts marine ecosystems.Pollution Accumulation of plastic waste in the environment, harming wildlife and ecosystems.Pollution The presence of unwanted or harmful sound in the environment, often caused by human activities....

Environmental protection 2023-11-03

Environmental protection crossword puzzle
  1. Long-term alterations in global weather patterns and temperatures, often emphasizing the importance of reducing carbon emissions and protecting the planet.
  2. A community of living organisms and their physical environment, often emphasizing the interconnectedness of plants, animals, and their surroundings.
  3. The action of preserving and protecting the environment, often emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices and reducing waste.
  4. The impact of human activities on the environment, often emphasizing the importance of reducing one's carbon footprint and conserving resources.
  5. The variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat or ecosystem, often emphasizing the importance of preserving and protecting diverse species.
  6. Materials or substances found in nature that can be used for economic gain, often emphasizing the importance of using resources sustainably.
  7. The ability to maintain and support ecological balance and protect natural resources for the future, often emphasizing the importance of responsible and mindful consumption.
  8. Lifestyle choices and practices that promote environmental sustainability, often emphasizing the importance of reducing one's ecological impact.
  1. Consciousness and knowledge of environmental issues and their impact, often emphasizing the importance of education and informed decision-making.
  2. Energy derived from natural sources that are constantly replenished, often emphasizing the importance of reducing reliance on non-renewable resources.
  3. The natural world and surroundings in which people, animals, and plants live, often emphasizing the importance of protecting and preserving natural resources.
  4. A method of farming that avoids the use of synthetic chemicals and promotes ecological balance, often emphasizing the importance of sustainable and natural agricultural practices.
  5. A person who advocates for the protection and preservation of the environment, often emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices and ecological awareness.
  6. The presence of harmful substances or contaminants in the environment, often emphasizing the importance of reducing and preventing harmful waste.
  7. The process of converting waste materials into reusable objects, often emphasizing the importance of reducing waste and conserving resources.

15 Clues: The action of preserving and protecting the environment, often emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices and reducing waste.Materials or substances found in nature that can be used for economic gain, often emphasizing the importance of using resources sustainably....

Environmental Science 2024-01-26

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
  1. - Essential for life.
  2. - Protecting nature.
  3. - Photosynthesis.
  4. - Provide oxygen.
  5. - Plant growth.
  6. - Power source.
  7. - Reduce, reuse, recycle.
  1. - Large water body.
  2. - Source of energy.
  3. - Biodiversity.
  4. - Rain, sun, wind.
  5. - Our planet.
  6. - Breathed in.
  7. - Harmful substances.
  8. - Reuse materials.

15 Clues: - Our planet.- Breathed in.- Biodiversity.- Plant growth.- Power source.- Photosynthesis.- Provide oxygen.- Rain, sun, wind.- Reuse materials.- Large water body.- Source of energy.- Protecting nature.- Essential for life.- Harmful substances.- Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Chemistry crossword puzzle 2020-05-25

Chemistry crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. nitrogen
  2. sugar
  3. kilogram
  4. meltingpoint
  5. distillation
  6. heterogenous
  7. inorganic
  8. polymer
  9. excitation
  10. chromatography
  11. color
  12. one
  13. alcohol
  14. homogenous
  15. gas
  16. environmental
  17. ampere
  18. biochemistry
  19. water
  20. butane
  21. liquid crystal
  22. industrial
  23. centimeter
  24. bakingsoda
  25. volume
  26. liquid
  1. kelvin
  2. floatation
  3. analytical
  4. organic
  5. strange
  6. electro-degenerate
  7. neutron-degenerate
  8. elements
  9. solid
  10. photogenic
  11. two
  12. covalent
  13. boilingpoint
  14. plasma
  15. plasma
  16. second
  17. physical
  18. covalent
  19. three
  20. mass
  21. methane
  22. candela
  23. density
  24. metallic
  25. ionic
  26. salt

52 Clues: onetwogasmasssaltsugarcolorsolidthreewaterionickelvinplasmaplasmasecondamperebutanevolumeliquidorganicstrangepolymeralcoholmethanecandeladensitynitrogenkilogramelementscovalentphysicalcovalentmetallicinorganicfloatationanalyticalexcitationphotogenichomogenousindustrialcentimeterbakingsodameltingpointdistillationheterogenousboilingpointbiochemistry...

Econ 203 Introduction 2018-01-25

Econ 203 Introduction crossword puzzle
  1. name of SI leader
  2. when people's wants are greater than what they have
  3. provide land,labor,and capital to the market for the factors of production
  4. level of production that cannot be achieved given current level of technology and available resources
  5. how people manage their resources
  6. form of economics that focuses on the national and international scales
  1. simplifications of complex problems
  2. cost associated with the value you have to give up in order to get something
  3. point where given available resources and technology it is possible to produce more output
  4. form of economics that focuses on the individual and firms
  5. receives labor from the market for goods and services

11 Clues: name of SI leaderhow people manage their resourcessimplifications of complex problemswhen people's wants are greater than what they havereceives labor from the market for goods and servicesform of economics that focuses on the individual and firmsform of economics that focuses on the national and international scales...

Economics-Chapter One 2013-02-04

Economics-Chapter One crossword puzzle
  1. An analysis limited to statements that are verifiable
  2. If event "a" occurs, then event "b" follows
  3. Factor of Production
  4. A person who purchases goods or services for personal use
  5. All other things remain unchanged
  6. There is an economic relationship between the two subjects
  7. Predicts the results of various changes and invariables
  8. Basic inputs that nature cannot automatically replace
  9. No correlation occurs spontaneously
  10. An analysis based on value judgement
  11. Person or Business enterprise that generates goods
  12. A paper claim on economic capital
  13. Goods that increase the amount of wants satisfied
  14. Education of the labor factor
  15. Creative ability to seek profits by taking risks
  1. Study of individual aspects of social science
  2. Free enterprise, individually owned, more risks
  3. Basic inputs that nature can automatically replace
  4. Products purchased by the public
  5. Study of social science as a whole
  6. What a person could have bought with resources spent on a particular object
  7. Limited resources
  8. Factors for humans to consider
  9. A curve that shows the maximum combinations of two products that an economy can produce with its resources
  10. Unlimited desires of society
  11. Physical machinery to produce other goods
  12. Simplified Description of reality used to predict the relationship between variables
  13. Financial Capital used to trade goods
  14. Natural resources used to satisfy
  15. Study of how society uses recources to satisfy unlimited wants

30 Clues: Limited resourcesFactor of ProductionUnlimited desires of societyEducation of the labor factorFactors for humans to considerProducts purchased by the publicAll other things remain unchangedA paper claim on economic capitalNatural resources used to satisfyStudy of social science as a wholeNo correlation occurs spontaneously...

LAS MATERIAS 2014-09-08

LAS MATERIAS crossword puzzle
  1. psychology
  2. literature
  3. mathematics
  4. sciences
  5. physics
  1. chemistry
  2. Spanish
  3. economics
  4. philosophy
  5. communications
  6. sociology
  7. art
  8. history

13 Clues: artSpanishhistoryphysicsscienceschemistryeconomicssociologyphilosophypsychologyliteraturemathematicscommunications

Behavioral Economics 2023-01-26

Behavioral Economics crossword puzzle
  1. bias subconscious errors
  2. economics human behavior and economics
  3. bias someone that looks for support
  4. effect put value on things
  1. not wanting to miss out
  2. person believing they are better
  3. Bias confident in abilities
  4. mentality trying to fit in
  5. aversion losses are more important than gains
  6. adaptation baseline leveling out

10 Clues: not wanting to miss outbias subconscious errorsmentality trying to fit ineffect put value on thingsBias confident in abilitiesperson believing they are betteradaptation baseline leveling outbias someone that looks for supporteconomics human behavior and economicsaversion losses are more important than gains

Crossword เศรษฐศาสตร์ 2022-12-14

Crossword เศรษฐศาสตร์ crossword puzzle
  1. ปริมาณความต้องการซื้อ
  2. ผลที่ได้เกินต้นทุน
  3. บิดาแห่งเศรษฐศาสตร์
  4. ผลที่ได้น้อยกว่าต้นทุน
  5. สถาบันการเงิน
  6. สิ่งของที่ซื้อขายกัน
  7. การปฏิบัติรับใช้, การให้ความสะดวกต่าง ๆ
  8. ปริมาณความต้องการเสนอขาย
  1. การประกอบกิจการเพื่อมุ่งการค้าหากำไร
  2. วิชาเกี่ยวกับการผลิต การกระจาย การบริโภคสินค้าและบริการ
  3. วิกฤตการณ์ทางการเงินซึ่งส่งผลกระทบถึงหลายประเทศในทวีปเอเชีย
  4. เงินที่บุคคลหรือกิจการติดค้างอยู่ จะต้องใช้คืน
  5. เงินที่มีกฎหมายกำหนดให้รัฐเรียกเก็บจากบุคคลในเหตุต่าง ๆ
  6. กิจการเกี่ยวกับเงิน
  7. สิ่งที่ในมาแลกเปลี่ยนในยุคปัจจุบัน

15 Clues: สถาบันการเงินผลที่ได้เกินต้นทุนกิจการเกี่ยวกับเงินบิดาแห่งเศรษฐศาสตร์สิ่งของที่ซื้อขายกันปริมาณความต้องการซื้อผลที่ได้น้อยกว่าต้นทุนปริมาณความต้องการเสนอขายสิ่งที่ในมาแลกเปลี่ยนในยุคปัจจุบันการประกอบกิจการเพื่อมุ่งการค้าหากำไรการปฏิบัติรับใช้, การให้ความสะดวกต่าง ๆเงินที่บุคคลหรือกิจการติดค้างอยู่ จะต้องใช้คืน...

2015 Contaminants Crossword Final Test 2015-03-31

2015 Contaminants Crossword Final Test crossword puzzle
  1. Area of land that catches precipitation and drains into surface water bodies.
  2. Layer of porous substrate that contains and transmits groundwater.
  3. A wall constructed using plant material that naturally filters indoor air pollutants.
  4. Occur in dry soil; a type of preferential pathway where water/contaminant infiltrates with gravity but doesn’t infiltrate evenly thus creating finger like patterns.
  5. Process where there is no transfer of heat or energy across an air parcels boundaries.
  6. Variation in amount of contaminant in soils due to spatial differences in contaminant release.
  7. Top of area in soil profile that is saturated with groundwater.
  8. Treatment systems that use natural processes involving wetland vegetation, soils, and microbial populations to improve water quality.
  9. Ease of movement through soil or rock pore spaces.
  10. Process distributing contaminant, elongating it as it moves downstream because water at the center of the river moves faster related to friction at river bottom and riverbanks.
  11. Large pore spaces in soil; a type of preferential pathway that allows easy movement of water and air.
  12. Potentially contaminated land due to historical industrial and commercial land uses.
  13. A phased approach to evaluate environmental conditions at a brownfield site.
  14. Remediation technique where the environmental medium is left in place and remediated.
  15. A report completed by a qualified person and filed on the Environmental Site Registry that documents the results of one or more environmental site assessments.
  16. Cells of atmospheric circulation related to heat being transported to the poles.
  17. System that is man-made or largely controlled by anthropogenic activities.
  18. Air pollution containing gases and aerosol particles that results in poor air quality and reduced visibility.
  19. An innovative approach to land development mimicking the natural movement of water in order to manage stormwater.
  20. Describes how easily surface or groundwater can become polluted.
  21. Step in the Environmental Site Assessment process that is focused on a high-level, preliminary assessment of a site based on background research.
  22. Condition in the atmosphere where temperature increases with elevation.
  23. A subsurface drainage system used to remove excess water from agricultural fields.
  24. Particles that spend the majority of their time on the river bottom.
  25. A scientific examination of the nature and magnitude of contamination risk.
  26. Amount of time water stays in a lake based on volume and water loss.
  27. Variation in amount of contaminant in soils often due to temporal differences in contaminant release.
  1. Difference in hydraulic head between two points such that water flows from high hydraulic head to low hydraulic head.
  2. Measures used to help achieve target levels of risk that are equal to site condition standards.
  3. Diagram providing a visualization of groundwater flow based on lines of equal hydraulic head.
  4. Remediation technique where the environmental medium is removed from the site and remediated.
  5. Point where water vapor in air begins to condense forming clouds.
  6. Designation of the individual who can complete an Environmental Site Assessment (based on profession, education, and experience).
  7. Standards based on property type that identifies that maximum allowable concentration of contaminants in soil and water on a property.
  8. Lapse rate describing the rate an air parcel cools as it rises.
  9. Height of the water table.
  10. Type of aquifer where water can flow directly between the soil surface and an aquifer.
  11. The use of various techniques to reduce or eliminate a contaminant.
  12. Circular motion of water when water passes an obstacle and water move contrary to direction of the main current.
  13. Activities used to mitigate or prevent environmental issues.
  14. Describes how quickly water moves vertically through the soil profile from the soil surface to an aquifer.
  15. Defined, self-contained body of air.
  16. Lapse rate describing the rate of temperature decrease with increased elevation.
  17. Type of aquifer where an impermeable layer of rock or substrate restricts movement through soils above an aquifer.
  18. Capture zone describing how quickly water moves horizontally through the aquifer to the well or from upstream to downstream in surface water bodies.
  19. Type of infrastructure that uses natural elements or ecosystem features as components of design and development.
  20. Step in the Environmental Site Assessment process that involves a detailed investigation and assessment of a property to determine the type and extent of contamination.
  21. Probability that a contaminant will cause human or environmental harm.

48 Clues: Height of the water table.Defined, self-contained body of air.Ease of movement through soil or rock pore spaces.Activities used to mitigate or prevent environmental issues.Lapse rate describing the rate an air parcel cools as it rises.Top of area in soil profile that is saturated with groundwater....

newspaper 2021-06-08

newspaper crossword puzzle
  1. Career
  2. Hour Week
  3. Cabinet
  4. Economics
  5. Wind
  6. In The Brotherhood
  7. Fraud
  8. Abrantes
  1. Sproule
  2. Theft
  3. Who Care
  4. Coverers
  5. Labor Agreements
  6. to Work
  7. Label

15 Clues: WindTheftLabelFraudCareerSprouleCabinetto WorkWho CareCoverersAbrantesHour WeekEconomicsLabor AgreementsIn The Brotherhood

Welcome to Global Economics 2022-09-06

Welcome to Global Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the way in which different workers divide required tasks to produce a good or services
  2. interaction between potential buyers and sellers
  3. branch of economics that focuses on broad issues
  4. products made domestically and sold abroad
  5. diagram that views the economy as consisting of households and firms
  6. the trend in which buying and selling in markets have increasingly crossed national borders
  7. the study of how humans make decisions
  1. an economy where economic decisions are passed down from government authority and where the government owns the resources
  2. when humans wants for goods and services exceed the available supply
  3. branch of economics that focuses on actions of particular agents within the economy
  4. products made abroad and then sold domestically

11 Clues: the study of how humans make decisionsproducts made domestically and sold abroadproducts made abroad and then sold domesticallyinteraction between potential buyers and sellersbranch of economics that focuses on broad issueswhen humans wants for goods and services exceed the available supply...

About you 2021-09-13

About you crossword puzzle
  1. Bestellung
  2. ungarisch
  3. Volkswirtschaftslehre
  4. raten
  5. türkisch
  6. typisch
  7. ähnlich
  8. Stundenplan
  9. Nachname
  10. französisch
  11. pause
  12. Heimatstadt
  13. Kursleiter
  14. Postleitzahl
  1. lieblings...
  2. Formular
  3. Nationalität
  4. Fortschritt
  5. Türkei
  6. Selbstbeurteilung
  7. Einschreibung
  8. Sprache
  9. selbständig
  10. chinesisch
  11. name Vorname
  12. Ernährung

26 Clues: ratenpauseTürkeiSprachetypischähnlichFormulartürkischNachnameungarischErnährungBestellungchinesischKursleiterFortschrittselbständigStundenplanfranzösischHeimatstadtlieblings...Nationalitätname VornamePostleitzahlEinschreibungSelbstbeurteilungVolkswirtschaftslehre

Spanish Vocabulary 2023-09-20

Spanish Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Wastebasket
  2. Buisness Administration
  3. Biology
  4. To arrive
  5. Mathematics
  6. To have dinner
  7. Psychology
  8. Chemistry
  9. Next to;besides
  10. Economics
  11. Library
  12. To have breakfast
  1. Computer Science
  2. Physics
  3. To the left of
  4. English
  5. To the right of
  6. History
  7. Because
  8. Bookstore

20 Clues: BiologyPhysicsEnglishHistoryBecauseLibraryTo arriveBookstoreChemistryEconomicsPsychologyWastebasketMathematicsTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to;besidesComputer ScienceTo have breakfastBuisness Administration

Crossword Puzzle 2023-09-21

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Mathematics
  2. Business Administration
  3. Chemistry
  4. English
  5. Bookstore
  6. History
  7. To the left of
  8. Economics
  9. Biology
  10. Because
  11. Computer Science
  1. Psychology
  2. To have dinner
  3. To arrive
  4. Physics
  5. To have breakfast
  6. To the right of
  7. next to;beside
  8. Library
  9. Wastebasket

20 Clues: PhysicsEnglishHistoryLibraryBiologyBecauseTo arriveChemistryBookstoreEconomicsPsychologyMathematicsWastebasketTo have dinnernext to;besideTo the left ofTo the right ofComputer ScienceTo have breakfastBusiness Administration

Capitulo 2 2023-09-21

Capitulo 2 crossword puzzle
  1. why?
  2. bookstore
  3. wastebasket
  4. economics
  5. chemistry
  6. left
  7. psychology
  8. to arrive
  9. biology
  10. which ones
  11. where to
  12. mathematics
  13. english
  14. right
  15. besides
  1. history
  2. to have breakfast
  3. library
  4. business administration
  5. computer science
  6. why?
  7. which
  8. physcis
  9. to have dinner

24 Clues: why?why?leftwhichrighthistorylibraryphyscisbiologyenglishbesideswhere tobookstoreeconomicschemistryto arrivepsychologywhich oneswastebasketmathematicsto have dinnercomputer scienceto have breakfastbusiness administration

Vocabulary Review: Business English and The Market 2024-09-12

Vocabulary Review: Business English and The Market crossword puzzle
  1. Fähigkeiten
  2. Kunden
  3. Rechnung
  4. Buchhaltung
  5. Angebot
  6. Abteilung
  7. bestimmen
  8. Zahlung
  9. im Ausland
  10. Gesetzgebung
  11. Käufer
  12. cv (in America)
  13. überreden
  1. Schriftverkehr
  2. Menge
  3. Vertrag
  4. nachfragen
  5. Nachfrage
  6. Wettbewerb
  7. beeinflussen
  8. Handel
  9. BWL
  10. company
  11. sich beziehen auf
  12. Werbung

25 Clues: BWLMengeKundenHandelKäuferVertragAngebotZahlungcompanyWerbungRechnungNachfrageAbteilungbestimmenüberredennachfragenWettbewerbim AuslandFähigkeitenBuchhaltungbeeinflussenGesetzgebungSchriftverkehrcv (in America)sich beziehen auf

economy 2023-02-03

economy crossword puzzle
  1. used on a regular basis
  2. FoP only do stuff they can do better
  3. risk taker in search of profits
  4. like to have but not necessary
  5. tools, equipment, factories
  6. satisfy competing wants
  7. another factor of production
  8. measure of goods and services
  9. where FoP are bough and sold
  10. resources not created by people
  11. allows buyers to exchange a specific product
  12. basic requirements for survival
  1. producers sell goods and services
  2. organizing work so it gets done faster
  3. basic problem in economics
  4. nonnecessities with high value
  5. people skills, abilities, health
  6. economic product
  7. transferable from one person to another
  8. useful, tangible item
  9. dollar value of all goods
  10. capacity to be useful
  11. people with all their efforts
  12. resources required to produce things
  13. item lasts fewer than 3 years

25 Clues: economic productuseful, tangible itemcapacity to be usefulused on a regular basissatisfy competing wantsdollar value of all goodsbasic problem in economicstools, equipment, factoriesanother factor of productionwhere FoP are bough and soldmeasure of goods and servicespeople with all their effortsitem lasts fewer than 3 years...

Remedial ekonomi 2024-09-12

Remedial ekonomi crossword puzzle
  1. Both labour and capital are variable
  2. An economic situation where not enough resources are available
  3. The study of how people use limited resources to satisfy their needs and wants
  4. The production possibilities curve
  5. one factor of production is fixed
  6. The Latin term meaning 'all other things being equal
  7. When all factors of production are variable, includeing technology/regulation
  8. To manage or handle resources effectively due to their limited nature
  9. A factor of production that includes human effort
  10. Decision on how resources are to be allocated are regulary
  11. Tangible, easily sold in the market, and it depreciates with the passage of time
  1. The government a central role in all decision that are made
  2. Intangible, cannot be sold in the market, and depreciation in human capital can be reduced by making continuous investment
  3. In a mixed economy, both the private sector and public sector have a part to play in the allocation of recources
  4. Type of economics that deals with objective, fact-based analysis
  5. Economic problem of having limited resources for unlimited wants
  6. A mark or point given for a fault or deficiency, often used in disciplinary systems
  7. Economics that involves value judgments and opinions about what ought to be
  8. The study of individual economic units, such as households and firms
  9. The branch of economics that looks at the economy as a whole

20 Clues: one factor of production is fixedThe production possibilities curveBoth labour and capital are variableA factor of production that includes human effortThe Latin term meaning 'all other things being equalDecision on how resources are to be allocated are regularyThe government a central role in all decision that are made...

Summer Reading 2024 2024-01-12

Summer Reading 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Where can you find Judge's Cave?
  2. Winner of 2014 Nobel Peace Prize and advocate for women's education, ______ Yousafzai
  3. Civil Rights activist who was the first Black child to attend a segregated school in New Orleans
  4. Connecticut's water border
  5. What causes an orange sky?
  6. Swedish youth environmental activist _______ Thunberg
  7. Where can you find dinosaurs in New Haven?
  1. What day celebrates environmental protections?
  2. NHFPL Summer Reading Theme
  3. Which library branch is located on Dixwell Avenue?
  4. Where are the fireworks launched on the 4th of July?
  5. You can see this style of art at the skate park in Edgewood!
  6. US Government agency tasked with environmental protections
  7. Location of New Haven's Shakespeare in the Park
  8. The month of June is ______ Month
  9. Which park has both tennis and basketball courts?

16 Clues: NHFPL Summer Reading ThemeConnecticut's water borderWhat causes an orange sky?Where can you find Judge's Cave?The month of June is ______ MonthWhere can you find dinosaurs in New Haven?What day celebrates environmental protections?Location of New Haven's Shakespeare in the ParkWhich park has both tennis and basketball courts?...

Economics Vocabulary 2024-01-05

Economics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. - Anything that can be bought and sold.
  2. - A service or other asset used to produce goods and services that meet human needs and wants.
  3. - The study of how people use limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants
  4. - Work that someone/something is willing to pay for.
  5. - Highest value alternative that must be given up when scarce resources are used for one purpose instead of another.
  6. - Additional satisfaction (benefit) or utility (cost) lost from consuming an additional unit of a good or service.
  7. Economics - Economic study based on an opinion or a set goal to be achieved
  8. - Additional satisfaction (benefit) or utility (cost) gained from consuming an additional unit of a good or service.
  9. - A system used to manage limited resources
  10. - Something that motivates a person/thing to take particular a course of action
  11. - Study of “the economy” as a whole
  1. - Way to compare the costs of an action with the benefits of that action
  2. Economics - Economic study based on scientific method and math
  3. - Something that is gained
  4. - Something that is spent
  5. - The exchange of one benefit or advantage for another that is better.
  6. - The result of people having limited resources but unlimited wants.
  7. - Study of how individual consumers and firms make choices.

18 Clues: - Something that is spent- Something that is gained- Study of “the economy” as a whole- Anything that can be bought and sold.- A system used to manage limited resources- Work that someone/something is willing to pay for.- Study of how individual consumers and firms make choices.Economics - Economic study based on scientific method and math...

CEE166- Environmental Law 2023-04-05

CEE166- Environmental Law crossword puzzle
  1. This law regulates reclamation of mining impacted sites
  2. An Environmental [Blank] Statement is required by NEPA
  3. Top organic hazardous substance according to ATSDR/CERCLA
  4. Number of steps in the Superfund Remedial Process
  5. Regulates and tracks industrial chemicals produced or imported into the US.
  6. Antimicrobial resistance genes.
  7. Per- and polyfluorinated substances, also known as forever chemicals. More than 12,000 individual compounds.
  8. This law establishes primary and secondary drinking water standards.
  9. Top priority hazardous substance according to ATSDR/CERCLA
  10. RCRA regulates Hazardous Waste from [Blank] to grave
  1. Another name for CERCLA
  2. The author of Silent Spring who started awareness about ecological and environmental health impacts of DDT and other chemicals.
  3. This river burned because of chemical releases in the 1960s
  4. Pollutant previously used in gasoline and paint.
  5. 1 in 1,000,000,000
  6. Maximum Contaminant Level
  7. First Environmental Law in the US
  8. Number of air quality pollutants regulated by NAAQS
  9. Type of contaminants that do not have detectable health effects or cause aesthetic concerns, part of CWA.

19 Clues: 1 in 1,000,000,000Another name for CERCLAMaximum Contaminant LevelAntimicrobial resistance genes.First Environmental Law in the USPollutant previously used in gasoline and paint.Number of steps in the Superfund Remedial ProcessNumber of air quality pollutants regulated by NAAQSRCRA regulates Hazardous Waste from [Blank] to grave...

Chapter 1 2023-01-12

Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. UsefulItem
  2. Tool
  3. FinalUse
  4. Requirement
  5. Study of
  6. Not necessary
  7. Useful
  8. Worth
  9. Notenough
  1. FewerThan3Years
  2. RegularBasis
  3. MonetaryValue
  4. Prices
  5. TangibleItems
  6. Work

15 Clues: ToolWorkWorthPricesUsefulFinalUseStudy ofNotenoughUsefulItemRequirementRegularBasisMonetaryValueTangibleItemsNot necessaryFewerThan3Years

Business Economics 2012-07-21

Business Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the type of money that circulates in different countries
  2. the money used to start a business
  3. to make goods from raw materials
  4. a company with a maximum of 10 owners
  5. a business run by one owner only
  6. the money left over after paying all your expenses
  7. the money people need to pay the government based on their salary
  8. a company that buys goods and sell them at a proffit
  9. luxury items
  10. people who buy goods from shops
  11. when someone has an employer
  1. the sums that you do in order to work out your expenses and proffit
  2. A person who sees a need in a community and starts a business to satisfy that need
  3. the symbol that represents a company
  4. opposite of a communist
  5. people you are aiming to sell your product to
  6. how much something is worth
  7. the abreviation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  8. items we have to have in order to survive
  9. a company with a maximum of 2-20 owners

20 Clues: luxury itemsopposite of a communisthow much something is worthwhen someone has an employerpeople who buy goods from shopsto make goods from raw materialsa business run by one owner onlythe money used to start a businessthe symbol that represents a companya company with a maximum of 10 ownersa company with a maximum of 2-20 owners...

Economics Crossword 2013-04-30

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. bars of precious metal
  2. person or institution to whom money is owed
  3. amount banks set aside according to law as a protection for depositors
  4. substance that functions as a medium of exchange, and a measure and store of value
  5. condensed statement showing all assets and liabilities at a given point in time
  6. properties, possessions, and claims of others
  7. funds available whenever the depositor wish them
  8. money that has an alternative use as a commodity
  9. form of currency made by the Narragansett indians out of white conch and black mussel shells
  10. paper money issued by government through an act of law
  11. ability to be converted into cash in a very short period of time
  1. laws regulating the maximum interest rate on passbook savings
  2. money by government decree
  3. bank that can lend to other banks in times of need
  4. debts and obligations to others
  5. interest-earning deposits that cannot be withdrawn by check
  6. stock certificates representing ownership of the bank
  7. property or other security used to guarantee repayment of a loan
  8. excess of assets over liabilities that is a measure of the value of a business
  9. metallic forms of money

20 Clues: bars of precious metalmetallic forms of moneymoney by government decreedebts and obligations to othersperson or institution to whom money is owedproperties, possessions, and claims of othersfunds available whenever the depositor wish themmoney that has an alternative use as a commoditybank that can lend to other banks in times of need...

Economics Crossword 2013-05-11

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The income received from the activity of the enterprise
  2. Things used to aid in the production of other goods
  3. A government regulation stipulating the maximum price that can be charged for a product
  4. A method of analyzing firm behaviour that highlights mutual interdependence between firms
  5. The effect that a price change has on real income
  6. Human physical and mental effort that can be used to produce goods and services
  7. The productive resources that are available to an economy, categorized as land, labour, capital, and enterprise
  8. Total product divided by the quantity of inputs used to produce that total
  9. Controls Government regulations to set either a maximum or minimum price for a product
  10. Products that tend to be purchased jointly and whose demands therefore are related
  11. Cost advantages achieved as a result of large-scale operations
  12. Total fixed cost divided by the quantity of the output
  13. The quantity that prevails at the equilibrium price
  14. Total cost divided by quantity of output
  15. Benefits or costs of a product experienced by people who neither produce nor consume that product
  16. A change in the quantities demanded at every price
  17. The human resource that innovates and takes risks
  18. the study of how the major components of an economy interact
  19. The responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in income
  20. Goods or services whose benefits are not affected by the number of users and from which no one can be exluded
  21. The period of time during which all inputs are available
  22. The study of the outcomes of decisions by people and firms through a focus on the supply and demand of goods, the cost of production, and market structures
  1. INcome measured in terms of the amount of goods and services that it will buy
  2. A market in which a single firm is the sole producer
  3. Goods used by consumers to satisfy their wants and needs
  4. The annual cost of any asset that is expected to be in use for more than one year
  5. A tax (or duty) levied on imports
  6. The price at which the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied such that there is neither a surplus nor a shortage
  7. Quantity demanded that is quite responsive to change in price
  8. A limit imposed on the production or sale of a product
  9. The quantities that producers are willing and able to sell per period of time at various prices
  10. The amount that consumers are willing and able to buy
  11. The advantage that comes from producing something at a lower opportunity cost than others are able to do
  12. All human-made resources that can be used to produce goods and services
  13. Obstacles that make it difficult for new participants to enter a market
  14. A market dominated by a few large firms
  15. A market in which all buyers and sellers are price takers
  16. A mechanism that brings buyers and sellers together and assists them in negotiating the exchange of products
  17. An association of sellers acting in unison
  18. A change in the quantities supplied at every price
  19. Revenue over and above all costs, including normal profits
  20. The amount of revenue received per unit sold
  21. Quantity demanded that is not very responsive to a change in price
  22. An agreement among suppliers to set the price of a product or the quantities each will produce

44 Clues: A tax (or duty) levied on importsA market dominated by a few large firmsTotal cost divided by quantity of outputAn association of sellers acting in unisonThe amount of revenue received per unit soldThe effect that a price change has on real incomeThe human resource that innovates and takes risksA change in the quantities supplied at every price...

Economics: Money 2013-05-13

Economics: Money crossword puzzle
  1. Card Cards used to purchase goods or services on credit from a store, up to a pre arranged credit limit.
  2. Putting some of your wages or salary aside for later use e.g. in a savings account or by investing in stocks and shares or 5 or 10 year savings plan.
  3. A plan of your future weekly, inflows of finance and the outflows of finance to identify under and overspending.
  4. The stages of life people go through
  5. Something given up when making a choice e.g. when buying a sandwich from the school canteen you give up the benefit you could have got from a hot chocolate.
  6. The basic products that people need to survive e.g. food, drink, shelter, warmth, and clothing.
  7. A figure quoted in savings advertisements to help customers compare savings products with one another
  8. The desire to consume goods and services. Wants are unlimited because there is no limit to the amount of goods and services people would like to consume.
  9. Long term loan often secured on a house, which remains the property of the banks until it is paid off
  10. The time in the personal life cycle when you stop working and depend for income on your retirement fund in a pension. Or continue to work if it’s not enough- semi-retired
  11. The quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a particular price.
  12. Resources are limited compared with our wants
  1. The rights and wrongs of an issue
  2. The interest rate charged on loans to help compare their rates
  3. The quantity of a good or service that businesses will offer for sale at a given price.
  4. Total money received by a person from salary or wages, interest or dividend.
  5. An annual rate which is charged to borrowers or paid to savers
  6. regular payments from the government to support people who are unemployed or in need.
  7. Borrowing up to an agreed limit on a current account. Daily interest is charged it must be paid back and can be called in at any time by a bank.
  8. Type of savings account

20 Clues: Type of savings accountThe rights and wrongs of an issueThe stages of life people go throughResources are limited compared with our wantsThe interest rate charged on loans to help compare their ratesAn annual rate which is charged to borrowers or paid to saversTotal money received by a person from salary or wages, interest or dividend....

Economics terms 2013-06-05

Economics terms crossword puzzle
  1. what accountants charge their clients
  2. a written instruction to a bank to transfer money
  3. things that are done for us
  4. income earned as a percentage of sale price
  5. person who writes out a cheque
  6. income earned paid on a yearly basis
  7. (5,2,5) a function of money
  8. the person named on a cheque to be paid
  9. used to write with
  10. paid to the owners of land
  11. man made resources
  12. someone who buys goods
  13. a common form of electronic payment
  14. any natural resource
  1. a plan of income and spending
  2. income earned paid per hour
  3. the basic economic problem
  4. paid to people who have saved money
  5. income earned by shareholders
  6. unearned income passed on from someone else
  7. the bank you have a cheque account with
  8. income earned by business owners
  9. a quality of money
  10. (6,7)paid by the govt to help people
  11. human resources
  12. what we usually write on
  13. things we buy
  14. a quality of money

28 Clues: things we buyhuman resourcesa quality of moneyused to write withman made resourcesa quality of moneyany natural resourcesomeone who buys goodswhat we usually write onthe basic economic problempaid to the owners of landincome earned paid per hourthings that are done for us(5,2,5) a function of moneya plan of income and spending...

Economics Crossword 2013-05-28

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Requirements for survival
  2. What you got from scarcity
  3. resources being used effiecently to produce goods and services
  4. of living well-being of an individual or group
  5. percent of people without a job that are looking for one
  6. increase in general level of prices
  7. collar Physical labor force that works with hands
  8. not enough of something
  9. Domestic Product total dollar value of all final goods and services
  10. collar Mental labor force
  11. Demand greater than supply
  12. Amount of something that is available
  1. Amount of good or service that people are willing to buy
  2. price point where supply and demand meet
  3. risk takers
  4. resources gifts of nature that makes production possible
  5. Tangible products that we use to satisfy our wants and needs
  6. Cost What you have to give up because of scarcity
  7. resources Labor provided by man
  8. Advantage the ability of a country to produce a good at a lower oppotunity cost than another country can
  9. Things we would like to have but don't need
  10. Price Index Measure of the change in price
  11. goods Previously manufacted goods used to make other goods and services
  12. Supply is greater than demand

24 Clues: risk takersnot enough of somethingRequirements for survivalcollar Mental labor forceWhat you got from scarcityDemand greater than supplySupply is greater than demandresources Labor provided by manincrease in general level of pricesAmount of something that is availableprice point where supply and demand meetPrice Index Measure of the change in price...

Economics Crossword 2013-10-18

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Measures responsiveness of supply to a change in the price
  2. Good Goods that see an increase in demand when income rises
  3. Surplus Difference between how much buyers are prepared to pay and what they actually pay
  4. Elasticity Measures percentage change in demand for one good after a price change of another good
  5. Surplus Difference between what price suppliers receive and what price they are actually prepared to supply at
  6. Situation where supply does not equal demand
  7. Function of price - to allocate and ration goods to highest price
  8. Paribus Assumes other variable remain unchanged
  9. Amount consumers are able and willing to buy at a given price
  10. The responsiveness of demand to a change in price
  1. Producers who supply the market
  2. Demand Goods that are consumed together (ie. milk and cereal)
  3. Good Goods that see a fall in demand when income rises
  4. Demand Good that is demanded for more than one purpose, so if demand for one use rises, supply for the other falls
  5. Elastic A fall in price leads to an infinite level of demand
  6. A rise in price leads to a rise in demand. Special Inferior good
  7. Price at which supply and demand are equal
  8. Changes in price leads to same proportionate change in demand
  9. Function of price - to encourage firms, buyers to supply and demand more
  10. Demand When demand is greater than supply at this price

20 Clues: Producers who supply the marketPrice at which supply and demand are equalSituation where supply does not equal demandParibus Assumes other variable remain unchangedThe responsiveness of demand to a change in priceGood Goods that see a fall in demand when income risesDemand When demand is greater than supply at this price...

Economics Worksheet 2013-12-12

Economics Worksheet crossword puzzle
  1. Things that are not necessary for survival but that we would like to have
  2. sector responsible for providing services & goods
  3. Items that you can see and touch
  4. The man-made or manufactured objects that helps in producing other products
  5. Work done in exchange for something in return
  6. Limited
  7. The things are necessary for survival
  8. Activities that blend economic resources to create goods & services
  9. Sector responsible for manufacturing and processing the raw materials
  10. The abilities to form new ideas for goods and services
  1. Things done for you by others (often not visual)
  2. Sector responsible for extraction of raw materials
  3. Scarce resources and people's unlimited wants
  4. Direct exchange of good/service for another
  5. Raw materials supplied by nature
  6. Communities who wonder from place to place in search for essential needs
  7. Supplying all your wants using own abilities and skills
  8. Achieved through devotion of time and effort to one task
  9. Someone who buys goods and services to satisfy needs and wants
  10. A source/supply where benefits are gathered from
  11. A token that people generally accept as payment in exchange for goods/services

21 Clues: LimitedItems that you can see and touchRaw materials supplied by natureThe things are necessary for survivalDirect exchange of good/service for anotherScarce resources and people's unlimited wantsWork done in exchange for something in returnThings done for you by others (often not visual)A source/supply where benefits are gathered from...

Economics Worksheet 2013-12-12

Economics Worksheet crossword puzzle
  1. A token that people generally accept as payment in exchange for goods/services
  2. Things that are not necessary for survival but that we would like to have
  3. Raw materials supplied by nature
  4. Scarce resources and people's unlimited wants
  5. The abilities to form new ideas for goods and services
  6. The things are necessary for survival
  7. Activities that blend economic resources to create goods & services
  8. Supplying all your wants using own abilities and skills
  9. Communities who wonder from place to place in search for essential needs
  10. Limited
  1. A source/supply where benefits are gathered from
  2. Work done in exchange for something in return
  3. Things done for you by others (often not visual)
  4. Items that you can see and touch
  5. Sector responsible for manufacturing and processing the raw materials
  6. Someone who buys goods and services to satisfy needs and wants
  7. sector responsible for providing services & goods
  8. The man-made or manufactured objects that helps in producing other products
  9. Sector responsible for extraction of raw materials
  10. Achieved through devotion of time and effort to one task
  11. Direct exchange of good/service for another

21 Clues: LimitedRaw materials supplied by natureItems that you can see and touchThe things are necessary for survivalDirect exchange of good/service for anotherWork done in exchange for something in returnScarce resources and people's unlimited wantsA source/supply where benefits are gathered fromThings done for you by others (often not visual)...

Economics #1 2015-05-11

Economics #1 crossword puzzle
  1. is the change in the total cost that arises when the quantity produced has an increment by unit.
  2. that is gained goes to the business's owners
  3. is defined as a service or other asset used to produce goods and services that meet human needs and wants
  4. the body of persons engaged in such activity, especially those working for wages.
  5. A method for systematically selecting among possible choices that is based on reason and facts
  6. An individual who, rather than working as an employee, runs a small business and assumes all the risk and reward of a given business venture, idea, or good or service offered for sale.
  7. generally refers to financial wealth especially that used to start or maintain a business.
  8. An economic system that features characteristics of both capitalism and socialism
  9. the exchange of one thing for another of more or less equal value, especially to effect a compromise
  10. The reduction or elimination of government power in a particular industry, usually enacted to create more competition within the industry.
  11. Regulations the US Environmental Protection Agency's Audit Policy is an example of
  12. in which decisions regarding investment, production, and distribution are based on supply and demand, and prices of goods and services are determined in a free price system.
  1. when the price charged is more than or less than the equilibrium price determined by market forces of demand and supply.
  2. comprises all naturally occurring resources whose supply is inherently fixed. Examples are any and all particular geographical locations, mineral deposits, and even geostationary orbit locations and portions of the electromagnetic spectrum
  3. The cost of an alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action.
  4. is the act of buyers and sellers freely and willingly engaging in market transactions.
  5. is a situation when the price charged is more than or less than the equilibrium price determined by market forces of demand and supply.
  6. The additional satisfaction or utility that a person receives from consuming an additional unit of a good or service.
  7. A system where the government, rather than the free market, determines what goods should be produced, how much should be produced and the price at which the goods will be offered for sale.
  8. are goods or services that are not necessary but that we desire or wish for
  9. Dividing a job into many specialized parts, with a single worker or a few workers assigned to each part
  10. fundamental economic problem of having seemingly unlimited human wants in a world of limited resources.
  11. Broadcasting services.
  12. A method of production where a business or area focuses on the production of a limited scope of products or services in order to gain greater degrees of productive efficiency within the entire system of businesses or areas.
  13. is the social science that seeks to describe the factors which determine the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

25 Clues: Broadcasting services.that is gained goes to the business's ownersare goods or services that are not necessary but that we desire or wish forthe body of persons engaged in such activity, especially those working for wages.An economic system that features characteristics of both capitalism and socialism...

Economics #3 2015-05-11

Economics #3 crossword puzzle
  1. - a privilege of a public nature conferred on an individual, group, or company by a government
  2. - occurs when there is a limited need for a type of work to be performed during a particular period during the year.
  3. is a debt investment in which an investor loans money to an entity (typically corporate or governmental) which borrows the funds for a defined period of time at a variable or fixed interest rate.
  4. - The policy of a government in controlling its own expenditures and taxation, which together make up the budget.
  5. - A legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners
  6. - A share of a company held by an individual or group
  7. - A condition of slow economic growth and relatively high unemployment
  8. - defined as workers losing their jobs due to business cycle fluctuations in output, i.e. the normal up and down movements in the economy as it cycles through booms and recessions over time
  9. - A longer-lasting form of unemployment caused by fundamental shifts in an economy
  10. the opposite of inflation
  1. - is a microeconomics concept that describes a market structure controlled entirely by market forces.
  2. -The amount by which the government’s total budget outlays exceeds its total receipts for a fiscal year
  3. - is an unincorporated business with one owner who pays personal income tax on profits from the business
  4. - A business organization in which two or more individuals manage and operate the business.
  5. - income remaining after deduction of taxes and other mandatory charges, available to be spent or saved as one wishes.
  6. - a type of imperfect competition such that many producers sell products that are differentiated from one another
  7. A situation in which a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service.
  8. - is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time
  9. - This is unemployment that occurs from the inevitable time delays in finding new employment in a free market
  10. - one the primary indicators used to gauge the health of a country's economy. It represents the total dollar value of all goods and services produced over a specific time period - you can think of it as the size of the economy.
  11. - used as an economic indicator, a deflator of other economic series
  12. -Total outstanding borrowings of a central government comprising of internal and external
  13. - examines economy-wide phenomena such as changes in unemployment, national income, rate of growth, gross domestic product, inflation and price levels.
  14. A situation in which a particular market is controlled by a small group of firms.
  15. Market situation in which competitors would not lower prices for fear of a price war.

25 Clues: the opposite of inflation- A share of a company held by an individual or group- A legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners- used as an economic indicator, a deflator of other economic series- A condition of slow economic growth and relatively high unemployment...

Economics 2 2016-05-05

Economics 2 crossword puzzle
  1. monetary system in which a country's government allows its currency unit to be freely converted into fixed amounts of gold and vice versa.
  2. is the macroeconomic policy laid down by the central bank. It involves management of money supply and interest rate and is the demand side economic policy used by the government to achieve inflation, consumption, and growth.
  3. an increase in the level of economicactivity, and of the goods and services available. It is a period ofeconomic growth as measured by a rise in real GDP.
  4. indicators a statistic used to gauge future trends in a nation's economy.
  5. Smith Wrote the Wealth of Nations
  6. is an individual retirement plan that bears many similarities to the traditionalIRA, but the contributions are not tax deductible and qualified distributions are tax free.
  7. is a policy followed by some international markets in which countries' governments do not restrict imports from, or exports to, other countries.
  8. states that if countries specialise in producing goods where they have a lower opportunity cost – then there will be an increase in economic welfare.
  9. is a government program guaranteeing access to some benefit by members of a specific group and based on established rights or by legislation.
  10. income exceeds expenditures
  11. is the means by which a government adjusts its spending levels and tax rates to monitor and influence a nation's economy.
  12. an economic measure of a negative balance of trade in which a country's imports exceeds its exports.
  13. World Trade Organization.
  14. is the total assets minus total outside liabilities of an individual or a company.
  15. a ratio between the output volume and the volume of inputs. In other words, it measures how efficiently production inputs, such as labour and capital, are being used in an economy to produce a given level of output.
  1. a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.
  2. North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement
  3. Money which is set aside for an emergency situation, such as unexpected unemployment or injury, or a natural disaster which destroys one's home and belongings.
  4. American economist who believed in free- market capitalism.
  5. refers to the ability of a party (an individual, or firm, or country) to produce a greater quantity of a good, product, or service than competitors, using the same amount of resources.
  6. Maynard Keynes English economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments
  7. policy of restraining trade between states (countries) through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow (according to proponents) fair competition between imports and goods and services .
  8. Austrian economist who supported bottom up economics
  9. the central banking system of the United States.
  10. an increase of value of a currency
  11. the highest point between the end of an economic expansion and the start of a contraction in a business cycle.
  12. the monetary value of all goods and services produced within a nation's geographic borders over a specified period of time.
  13. a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales
  14. is a measure of average income per person in a country.
  15. currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, but is not backed by a physical commodity
  16. A comprehensive measure used for estimation of price changes in a basket of goods and services representative of consumption expenditure in an economy
  17. ow turning point or a local minimum of a business cycle.

32 Clues: World Trade Organization.income exceeds expendituresSmith Wrote the Wealth of Nationsan increase of value of a currencyNorth Atlantic Free Trade Agreementthe central banking system of the United States.Austrian economist who supported bottom up economicsis a measure of average income per person in a country....

Economics Crossword 2015-12-09

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. how much someone produces
  2. too much
  3. a state of limited competition
  4. trough
  5. GDP per person
  6. imports exceed exports
  7. money set aside for emergencies
  8. GDP Inflation Unemployment
  9. formal authorization
  10. hands of type of government
  11. IRA money set aside after texes
  12. everything is backed by gold
  13. peak
  14. defended classical liberalism
  15. recession
  16. beneficial
  17. short in supply
  18. central bank of the united states
  19. private business operates free of state control
  20. cannot raise the prices
  21. someone can do something more efficiently
  22. the fact of having a right to something
  23. north american free trade agreement
  24. consumer price index
  25. gov. adjusts its spending and taxes to influence economy
  26. exclusive possession of the supply in a commodity
  27. believed government should do everything
  1. sheilding a countrys domestic industries
  2. sum of money granted by the government
  3. not enough
  4. gross domestic product
  5. theory from Karl Marx
  6. FOMC uses interest rate to influence the economy
  7. money gains value
  8. everyone is employed
  9. exports exceed imports
  10. a thing that evokes a reaction
  11. someone can do something more efficiently
  12. believed in free market capitalism
  13. trade and industry are owned by private owners
  14. cannot lower prices
  15. decision making tool to maximize profits
  16. trade without barriers
  17. world trade organization
  18. believed in the division of labor
  19. everything owned by the community
  20. the state lowest pay
  21. expansion
  22. increase in prices and fall in purchasing
  23. how much an entity is worth

50 Clues: peaktroughtoo muchrecessionexpansionnot enoughbeneficialGDP per personshort in supplymoney gains valuecannot lower pricesformal authorizationeveryone is employedthe state lowest payconsumer price indextheory from Karl Marxgross domestic productimports exceed exportsexports exceed importstrade without barrierscannot raise the prices...

Development Economics 2016-01-27

Development Economics crossword puzzle
  1. when a firm or country concentrates production on one or a few goods and services
  2. skills, ability, and knowledge acquired by people with good levels of health that make them productive
  3. low incomes = low savings = low investment in physical, human and natural capital = low growth in income
  4. growth and trade strategy where a country attempts to achieve economic growth by expanding its exports
  5. refers to the level of debt or money owed to creditors
  6. loans that are offered at lower interest rates and longer repayment periods
  7. a new domestic industry that has not had time to establish / achieve its efficiencies and is unable to compete with a more mature competitor
  8. wealthy high educated coexisting with poor illiterate informal/formal sector - low productivity agricultural sector and high productivity urban industrial sector
  9. programme to provide credit in small amounts to people who do not ordinarily have access to credit
  10. any product that is produced in the primary sector
  11. donors make the recipients of foreign aid spend a portion of the borrowed funds on purchased g/s from the donor country
  12. government policies designed to support the growth of the industrial sector ie tax cuts, grants, human capital investment
  13. lending to developing countries to assist their development on non-concessional terms (from organisations or a group of countries)
  14. area between the diagonal and the Lorenz curve, divided by the area under the diagonal
  15. outside of the formal economy, illegal, unregistered, unregulated
  16. foreign aid intended to help economically less developed countries
  17. a summary measure of more than one indicator, ex. HDI
  18. policy of liberalising trade by eliminating trade protection and barriers
  1. the inability of an individual or family to afford a basic standard of goods and services
  2. an international organization that provides the institutional and legal framework for the trading system that exists between member nations
  3. non-profit organisations that provide a very wide range of services and humanitarian functions
  4. spending by firms or government on capital goods
  5. technologies that are well-suited to a country's particular economic, geographical, climate conditions
  6. a type of foreign aid consisting of funds that are in effect gifts
  7. financial investment including investment in stocks and bonds
  8. foreign aid offered by countries or by international organizations
  9. trade protection measures taking the form of administrative procedures
  10. arises when a country has a lower relative cost in the production of a good than another country
  11. investment by firms based in one country in productive activities in another country
  12. rises in the standard of living and well-being of a population
  13. a firm that is based in one country that undertakes productive investments in another country
  14. free movement of financial capital in and out of a country
  15. concessional financial flows from the developed world to LDCs

33 Clues: spending by firms or government on capital goodsany product that is produced in the primary sectora summary measure of more than one indicator, ex. HDIrefers to the level of debt or money owed to creditorsfree movement of financial capital in and out of a countryfinancial investment including investment in stocks and bonds...

Economics Crossword 2016-02-02

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. / using resources in ways to maximize production of goods and services.
  2. / Additional Satisfaction from using one or more unit of a product.
  3. / An item that is desired but not essential to survival.
  4. / The effort people devote to task for which they are paid.
  5. / additional cost of using one more unit of a product.
  6. / Graph used by economists to show impact of scarcity on an economy.
  7. / Maker of goods or a provider of services.
  8. / Studies economic behavior.
  9. / a situation in which a good or service is unavailable.
  10. / the study of the economy as a whole.
  11. / Physical objects such as clothes or shoes.
  12. / all of the resources made and used by people to produce goods and services.
  13. / land, labor, and capital, used to make all goods and services.
  14. / alternative people give up when they make choices.
  15. / Simplified representation of economic forces.
  16. / the study of how people seek to satisfy their needs and wants by making choices.
  1. / Value of something that is given up to obtain something that is wanted.
  2. / Involves vision, skills, and risk-taking needed to create and run business.
  3. / person who buys or uses goods or services.
  4. / using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using.
  5. / Methods used to encourage people to take certain actions.
  6. / natural resources that are used to make goods and services.
  7. / Information in numerical form.
  8. / the study of individuals, families, and businesses to see goods or services.
  9. / something necessary for survival.
  10. / actions or activities that one person performs for another.
  11. / Once all the factors of production are at maximum output and efficiency, producing will cost more than average.
  12. / involves judgement of what economic behavior ought to be.
  13. / limited quantities of resources meets unlimited wants.
  14. / Making decisions according to the best combination of costs and benefits.
  15. / Benefit received from using a good or service.

31 Clues: / Studies economic behavior./ Information in numerical form./ something necessary for survival./ the study of the economy as a whole./ Maker of goods or a provider of services./ person who buys or uses goods or services./ Physical objects such as clothes or shoes./ Simplified representation of economic forces....

Economics Crossword 2016-03-04

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. is a person who buys or uses goods or services.
  2. is a maker of goods or provider of services.
  3. is the benefit or satisfaction received from using a food or service.
  4. is the additional satisfaction from using one more unit of a product.
  5. of production are the resources needed to produce goods and services.
  6. analysis is an approach that weighs the benefits of an action against its costs.
  7. are objects, such as goods, clothing, and furniture, that can be bought.
  8. is the alternative people give up when they make choices.
  9. the study of how individual and societies satisfy their unlimited wants with limited resources.
  10. are work that one person does for another.
  1. is all of the human effort used to produce goods and services.
  2. refers to all natural resources used to produce goods and services.
  3. cost is the value of something that is given up to get something else that is wanted.
  4. is all of the resources made and used by people to produce goods and services.
  5. is the additional cost of using one more unit of a product.
  6. are methods used to encourage people to take certain actions.
  7. involves the vision, skills, and risk-taking needed to create and run businesses.
  8. means to make decisions according to the best combination of costs and benefits.
  9. are things that are necessary for survival.
  10. exists when there are not enough resources to satisfy human wants.
  11. are desires that can be satisfied by consuming a goal or a service.

21 Clues: are work that one person does for another.are things that are necessary for survival.is a maker of goods or provider of services.is a person who buys or uses goods or services.is the alternative people give up when they make choices.is the additional cost of using one more unit of a product....

Economics Crossword 2016-05-16

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the system by which the value of a currency was defined in terms of gold
  2. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state
  3. the amount by which the cost of a country's imports exceeds the value of its exports
  4. an American economist and statistician best known for his strong belief in free-market capitalism
  5. measures how efficiently production inputs
  6. policy macroeconomic policy laid down by the central bank
  7. allows business owners to measure the additional benefits of one production activity versus its costs
  8. an increase in the value of one currency in terms of another
  9. famous economist born in Vienna, Austria
  10. only global international organization
  11. advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole
  12. low supply
  13. an economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control
  14. also known as the "the Fed"
  15. measure of average income per person in a country
  16. currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, but is not backed by a physical commodity
  17. top point on graph
  18. use of monetary or fiscal policy changes to kick start a lagging or struggling economy
  19. an index of the variation in prices paid by typical consumers for retail goods and other items
  20. an individual retirement account
  21. complete control over imdustry
  22. increase of progress
  1. money granted to help an industry
  2. policy means by which a government adjusts its spending levels and tax rates to monitor and influence a nation's economy
  3. smooth out the effects of expansion and contraction in the business cycle by using fiscal and monetary policy
  4. broadest quantitative measure of a nation's total economic activity
  5. mass production
  6. an agreement among the United States, Canada and Mexico designed to remove tariff barriers between the three countries
  7. a situation when the price charged is more than or less than the equilibrium price
  8. the less amount of money allowed to get paid when working
  9. a political theory derived from Karl Marx
  10. measure of what an entity is worth
  11. when the demand for a product or service exceeds its supply in a market
  12. restraining trade between countries through methods such as tariffs on imported goods
  13. ability to produce a better quality good using the same resources
  14. known for Wealth of Nations
  15. if countries specialise in producing goods where they have a lower opportunity cost
  16. situation in which income exceeds expenditures
  17. measurement of "useful-ness" that a consumer obtains from any good
  18. international trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions
  19. an account that is used to set aside funds to be used in an emergency
  20. hands off government
  21. bottom point on graph
  22. government program guaranteeing access to some benefit by members of a specific group and based on established rights or by legislation
  23. used by economists to predict future economic activity
  24. situation when the price charged is more than or less than the equilibrium price
  25. everyone is eligible to work
  26. decline of progress
  27. resource that exceeds the portion that is utilized
  28. a state of limited competition

50 Clues: low supplymass productiontop point on graphdecline of progresshands off governmentincrease of progressbottom point on graphknown for Wealth of Nationsalso known as the "the Fed"everyone is eligible to workcomplete control over imdustrya state of limited competitionan individual retirement accountmoney granted to help an industry...

Economics CH7 2017-05-04

Economics CH7 crossword puzzle
  1. portions of ownership of a firm
  2. a type of business that is owned collectively by its members
  3. sold by corporations to raise funds
  4. specifies areas where various types of business activities can be pursued
  5. actual amount of money borrowed from a bondholder
  6. a business owned and operated by two or more people
  7. the type of a partnership in which partners rarely take an active role in business decisions
  8. application for a license to form a corporation
  9. certificate issued by a corporation in exchange for money borrowed from an investor
  1. the amount of time a business operates
  2. a license permitting the formation of a new corporation
  3. a major disadvantage to partnerships
  4. the type of partnership in which partners have equal decision making opportunities
  5. a business owned and operated by one person
  6. decision making body of a corporation
  7. anything of value thAt a borrower can give up if they are unable to pay a loan
  8. an enterprise that uses the original company's name to sell goods or services
  9. assigning duties to partners based on their skills
  10. occurs when one company joins with another
  11. responsibility for debt

20 Clues: responsibility for debtportions of ownership of a firmsold by corporations to raise fundsa major disadvantage to partnershipsdecision making body of a corporationthe amount of time a business operatesoccurs when one company joins with anothera business owned and operated by one personapplication for a license to form a corporation...

Economics Crossword 2018-04-12

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. of payment accounts - the record of all economic transactions between the residents of the country and of the world in a particular period
  2. - political philosophy, movement, or regime that has very radical ideas and pushes to the extreme
  3. recourses- include both fixed assets, such as machinery, buildings and land, and current assets, such as inventory.
  4. is one of the three factors of production. The others are land, and labor.
  5. system- system that relies on customs and history
  6. resources - the resources used to make goods and services ex. natural resources, human resources and capital goods.
  7. sovereignty - the situation in an economy where the desires and needs of consumers control the output of producers.
  8. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
  9. A society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
  10. - the general level of prices in an economy going down.
  11. the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit
  12. for enterprise - The systems used within the organization. Generally refers to the primary architecture
  13. - a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
  14. system- the means by which countries and governments distribute resources and trade goods and services.
  15. - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
  16. economy - an economic system combining private and public enterprise
  17. - patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts
  18. economy - Transactions in the underground economy are illegal either because the good or service being traded is illegal.
  1. payments- payment made or income received in which no goods or services are being paid for, such as a benefit payment or subsidy.
  2. materials- the basic material from which a product is made.
  3. land- land belonging to the British Crown. Land belonging to the state in some parts of the Commonwealth.
  4. -a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.
  5. enterprise- business or industry that is managed by independent companies or private individuals rather than by the state.
  6. debt - How much a country owes
  7. cashless economic system in which services and goods are traded at negotiated rates.
  8. especially hard physical work.
  9. –A country run by absolute authority in any sphere.
  10. capital- is used simply to purchase goods and services for consumption
  11. - the effectiveness of productive effort
  12. added- the amount by which the value of an article is increased at each stage of its production, exclusive of initial costs.
  13. resources- It includes patents, copyrights, franchises, goodwill, trademarks, trade names, the general interpretation also includes software
  14. economy - economic system in which economic decisions and the pricing of goods and services are guided solely by the aggregate interactions of a country's individual citizens and businesses.
  15. of production - is an economic term that describes the inputs that are used in the production of goods or services in order to make an economic profit.
  16. economy - an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.
  17. comprises all naturally occurring resources as well as geographic land. Examples include particular geographical locations, mineral deposits and forests
  18. capital- already-produced, durable goods or any non-financial asset that is used in production of goods or services

36 Clues: debt - How much a country owesespecially hard physical work.- the effectiveness of productive effort- patriotic feeling, principles, or effortssystem- system that relies on customs and history–A country run by absolute authority in any sphere.- the general level of prices in an economy going down....

Economics Review 2018-04-24

Economics Review crossword puzzle
  1. Examples of ___ resources include machine operators and cooks
  2. People/companies which make and supply goods and services are ___
  3. The number of tacos Max has to sell at his taco truck
  4. this is when countries trade without any restrictions
  5. ___ Is a generally accepted form of money issued by a government
  6. Adidas, Nike, and Puma are __
  7. __ resources come from the earth such as oil
  8. Countries that have too much of one product ___ it.
  9. Michigan's main export includes automobiles, this is an example of __.
  10. This is an economic system in which the government decides everything from what's produced to wages.
  11. A trade restriction that prevents a country from trading with another.
  12. In this economic system business own most of the resources and determine what/how to produce, but there is minor government regulation
  13. A place where people buy and sell goods.
  1. In an effort to restrict Foreign steel imports, trump has proposed a ____.
  2. Cuba is a small island that lacks many resources, therefore it __ many goods.
  3. The exchange of goods or services
  4. Cars, books, cheerios, & cell phones are all examples of ___
  5. ___ Is the exchanging of goods & services without using money
  6. People in this economic system do they what their ancestors did.
  7. ___ is when there are not enough goods or services to satisfy consumers
  8. __ Resources include items needed to provide goods and services such as mail truck
  9. Sally bought a McDonalds hamburger, she is a __.
  10. A Market economy provides people with the most __.
  11. This agreement between Mexico, Canada & the USA allow them to trade freely (acronym).
  12. Teachers, dentists, doctors all provide ___
  13. Trade ___ are reprimands, tailored to reform a country's behavior.
  14. If Iran begins to run out of oil the price of it will __.
  15. This trade restriction limits the number of products being imported
  16. If the cost for tacos double the ___ will decrease.

29 Clues: Adidas, Nike, and Puma are __The exchange of goods or servicesA place where people buy and sell goods.Teachers, dentists, doctors all provide _____ resources come from the earth such as oilSally bought a McDonalds hamburger, she is a __.A Market economy provides people with the most __.Countries that have too much of one product ___ it....

The Economics 2018-03-19

The Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Commercial companies that are engaged in specific fields such as architecture, law, consultance, etc.
  2. Finance: A claim against the assets, or legal obligations of a person or organization, arising out of past or current transactions or actions.
  3. The classic organizational structure where the employees are grouped hierarchically, managed through clear lines of authority, and report ultimately to one top person.
  4. Arrangement where one party (the franchiser) grants another party (the franchisee) the right to use its trademark or trade-name as well as certain business systems and processes, to produce and market a good or service according to certain specifications
  5. Financial assets or the financial value of assets, such as funds held in deposit accounts, as well as the tangible machinery and production equipment used in environments such as factories and other manufacturing facilities
  6. incubator An organisation that exists to help startups and early-stage companies survive and succeed.
  7. finance Financing oneself or itself without external grants or aid
  8. The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration.
  9. A kind of LLC company whose shareholders must agree before any shares can be bought or sold.
  10. and acquisition Transactions in which the ownership of companies, other business organizations or their operating units are transferred or combined.
  11. Someone who have an idea for establishing the new business.
  12. Property owned by a person or company, regarded as having value and available to meet debts, commitments, or legacies.
  1. Highest ranking officer in a firm's board of directors who presides over the board's meetings
  2. A company with stock that is more than 50% controlled by another company, which is usually referred to as the parent company or the holding company.
  3. LLC A company whose securities are traded on a stock exchange and can be bought and sold by anyone.
  4. Are owned by their stockholders (shareholders) who share in profits and losses generated through the firm's operations
  5. An individual, group, or organization that owns one or more shares in a company, and in whose name the share certificate is issued.
  6. The fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or other area, including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function
  7. stock A company or association consisting of individuals organized to conduct a business for gain and having a joint stock of capital represented by shares owned individually by the members and transferable without the consent of the group
  8. partner is the one who do not participate in the management of the company
  9. investor A wealthy individual who provides funding for a startup, often in exchange for an ownership stake in the company
  10. trader One person sets up and runs this kind of company
  11. This is any entity that engages in business
  12. Legal procedure for liquidating a business (or property owned by an individual) which cannot fully pay its debts out of its current assets
  13. financial officer A senior executive with responsibility for the financial affairs of a corporation or other institution.
  14. A startup is a young company that is just beginning to develop. Startups are usually small and initially financed and operated by a handful of founders or one individual.
  15. A group of people provide the capital, set up the company and manage it toghether.
  16. A structure in which there is more than one line of reporting managers. Effectively, it means that the employees of the organisation have more than one boss
  17. Person in the first-line management who monitors and regulates employees in their performance of assigned or delegated tasks

29 Clues: This is any entity that engages in businesstrader One person sets up and runs this kind of companySomeone who have an idea for establishing the new business.finance Financing oneself or itself without external grants or aidpartner is the one who do not participate in the management of the company...

Economics Review 2018-02-12

Economics Review crossword puzzle
  1. type of business organization with shareholders owning small pieces of business
  2. role of money that allows us to save up for purchases later
  3. market structure with several big companies controlling the market
  4. nation that produces most of a product
  5. role of money allowing comparisons
  6. GDP
  7. type of liability where you aren't held personally responsible
  8. act of businesses trying to get you to be their customer
  9. 1 of 3 basic economic questions related to which product a business should make
  10. nation with lowest opportunity cost
  11. type of business organization with only 1 owner
  12. curve that gives options for production
  13. increase in price levels
  14. condition that exist when unlimited wants & needs are greater than limited resources
  15. type of economic system ruled by supply and demand, aka capitalist
  16. states that businesses will make more products available as prices increase
  1. type of economic system where economic questions are answered by way things have always been done
  2. measure of how many people are seeking work
  3. actions carried out by the Federal Reserve to contract and expand the economy
  4. 1 of 3 basic economic questions related to process of making a product
  5. market structure with many sellers & slightly different products
  6. type of economic system combining features of command & market
  7. actions carried out by the President & Congress to contract or expand the economy
  8. market structure with many sellers & identical product
  9. states that consumers will purchase less products as prices increase
  10. 1 of 3 basic economic questions related to where the product ends up
  11. role of money that simplifies purchases
  12. focusing on producing only on a few things
  13. type of business organization with 2 or more owners
  14. graph of GDP over time
  15. cost of borrowing money
  16. market structure with one large company controlling the market
  17. type of economic system controlled by government, aka centrally planned

33 Clues: GDPgraph of GDP over timecost of borrowing moneyincrease in price levelsrole of money allowing comparisonsnation with lowest opportunity costnation that produces most of a productrole of money that simplifies purchasescurve that gives options for productionfocusing on producing only on a few thingsmeasure of how many people are seeking work...

Economics Crossword 2018-09-27

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Condition of being unequal (economic inequality)
  2. Also "third world" nations, these countries host a high level of extreme poverty and many citizens lack access to basic healthcare and infrastructure.
  3. The use of monetary or fiscal policy changes to kickstart growth in the economy.
  4. prizes, money, or other material gain awarded for a desired behavior.
  5. All the human labor required for the production and distribution.
  6. An overall measure the well being of a person in a given nation, as a measure of their capacity for the economic growth and stability.
  7. Benefits guaranteed to an individual.
  8. average number of children born per family in a nation.
  9. Refers to property or other assets that have no proven ownership.
  10. All the man-made resources used in the production of a good or service - includes money, equipment, and partially finished goods used to produce a good or service.
  1. Combined value of all goods and services bought, sold, and produced in a year.
  2. Average age of death for people in a nation.
  3. Measures the rate of people seeking work that are unable to find it in a giving economy.
  4. The creative minds (inventors) and business people who are essential to the development or improvement.
  5. An increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services.
  6. Period of no or negative economic growth (negative GDP growth rate) that last more than six months.
  7. The term for the basic physical systems of a business or nation.
  8. Set of factors or events by which poverty, once started, is likely to continue unless there is outside intervention.
  9. Quantification of the economic value of a worker's skill set.
  10. All the natural resources (including land/space) used in the production of a good or service.
  11. It's very difficult for people to escape poverty
  12. Mainly free enterprise but government sets and organizes programs intended to promote economic progress and consumer safety.
  13. percent of a population that can read at a primary school level or higher.
  14. The state of owing money.
  15. Refers to "first world" countries, states where nearly all citizens have access to infrastructure, healthcare, clean water, and technology; little to no extreme poverty.

25 Clues: The state of owing money.Benefits guaranteed to an individual.Average age of death for people in a nation.Condition of being unequal (economic inequality)It's very difficult for people to escape povertyaverage number of children born per family in a nation.Quantification of the economic value of a worker's skill set....

Economics Crossword 2018-06-26

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. tax levied on spending
  2. cartels are formed
  3. workforce of the economy
  4. when a worker is paid for each item they produce
  5. when a business changes its prices and others must follow
  6. managerial economies is an example of
  7. individuals or groups that receive adavantages and have responsibility of an organisation or society
  8. when workers are given smaller jobs through the division of labour
  9. when markets lead to inefficiency
  10. shifts when fashions and trends change
  11. both the public and private sector provide goods and services
  1. not having enough money to repay your debts
  2. when a government pays money to encourage production of a certain good or service
  3. goods that are bought and consumed together
  4. when a company increases the range of good and services they produce
  5. diverse products
  6. the part of the companies profit that are shared between the shareholders
  7. when supply and demand are equal
  8. illegal agreements between businesses
  9. something that discourages someone from entering a market
  10. artificial resources
  11. when the government transfers a railway to a private business
  12. when there is more demand than supply
  13. a smaller market supplying a specific need or want
  14. how much money a business generated

25 Clues: diverse productscartels are formedartificial resourcestax levied on spendingworkforce of the economywhen supply and demand are equalwhen markets lead to inefficiencyhow much money a business generatedillegal agreements between businessesmanagerial economies is an example ofwhen there is more demand than supplyshifts when fashions and trends change...

Economics Crossword 2016-11-06

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The things a firm needs to make its output.
  2. a firm who has some control over the price it charges.
  3. A person who conceives and starts a business.
  4. Additional revenue generated by the production and sale of one more unit of output.
  5. Tangible out-of-pocket costs.
  6. Things that convey information about profitability of various markets.
  7. Where firms have little to no market power.
  8. Restrictions that make it difficult for a new firm to enter a market.
  9. When a small number of firms sell a product in a market with high barriers to entry.
  10. The opportunity cost of doing business.
  11. An entity having the exclusive right or control over the selling of a product.
  1. when resources are used to secure monopoly rights through the political process
  2. The amount of money a firm receives from selling a product.
  3. Refers to the way firms in a market relate to each other.
  4. The increase in cost that occurs from producing one additional unit of output.
  5. Occurs when a markets result of production is inefficient.
  6. Involves breaking up a job into tasks and assigning those tasks to individuals.
  7. Man-made resources used to create the final product.
  8. Costs that do not vary with a firms output in the short run.
  9. Incremental changes.

20 Clues: Incremental changes.Tangible out-of-pocket costs.The opportunity cost of doing business.The things a firm needs to make its output.Where firms have little to no market power.A person who conceives and starts a business.Man-made resources used to create the final product.a firm who has some control over the price it charges....

Micro Economics 2019-02-15

Micro Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Good with a negative income effect
  2. Immediate and necessary
  3. The number of units of a good a consumer is willing to buy at different prices
  4. Affects level of demand
  5. The minimum payment necessary to bring a factor into use and maintain it in that use
  6. Something is not demanded in its own right but for its contribution to the production process
  7. Measures the proportional change in quantity demanded as a result of a proportional change in income
  8. Process engaged in by firms who sell very close substitutes
  9. A social science where scarce resources which have alternative uses are allocated
  10. Goods of joint demand
  11. Goods that satisfy the same need
  1. The human effort involved in the production of wealth
  2. One or more firms combining to eliminate competition
  3. No tendency to change
  4. When goods and services are sold to different consumers at varying ratios between marginal cost and price it is called price
  5. When firms take into account the likely reaction of rivals
  6. The removal of government controls to allow for more competition
  7. Where buyers and sellers meet
  8. Cost benefits associated with increasing scale
  9. goods are identical
  10. Costs that do not change as output changes
  11. Companies agree to act together to increase profits
  12. Anything provided by nature used to produce wealth
  13. Provides user with a level of satisfaction

24 Clues: goods are identicalNo tendency to changeGoods of joint demandImmediate and necessaryAffects level of demandWhere buyers and sellers meetGoods that satisfy the same needGood with a negative income effectCosts that do not change as output changesProvides user with a level of satisfactionCost benefits associated with increasing scale...

Economics Vocabulary 2019-04-07

Economics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Payment for risk-taking or entrepreneurship
  2. The condition of not being able to have all the goods and services one wants
  3. Things of value we have that are in limited supply
  4. The Father of Marginal Thinking (2 words)
  5. The change in total benefit resulting from an action (2 words)
  6. The change in the utility from an increase or decrease in the consumption of that good or service (2 words)
  7. The change in total cost resulting from an action (2 words)
  8. Monetary (Money) or non-monetary gain or received because of an action taken or a decision made
  9. Goods and/or services that are required
  1. The condition that arises from unlimited wants and limited resources
  2. Payment for all capital
  3. The second-best alternative (or the value of that alternative) that must be given up when making a choice. (2 words)
  4. A conclusion reached after considering alternatives and their results
  5. Wrote the Wealth of Nations on Rational Maximizing (2 words)
  6. The satisfaction or benefit derived by consuming a product
  7. Desires that can be satisfied by consuming or using a good or service
  8. Result in giving up something of value to get what is most wanted
  9. What must be given up to obtain something.The effort, loss or sacrifice necessary to achieve or obtain something
  10. Any action that one person or group does for another in exchange for payment
  11. Physical improvement resource
  12. Any items that can be bought or sold

21 Clues: Payment for all capitalPhysical improvement resourceAny items that can be bought or soldGoods and/or services that are requiredThe Father of Marginal Thinking (2 words)Payment for risk-taking or entrepreneurshipThings of value we have that are in limited supplyThe satisfaction or benefit derived by consuming a product...

Economics Crossword 2019-08-03

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. If you don't want to buy from me you can't buy from anyone else
  2. A kinky market!
  3. A branded market structure
  4. Marx says labour alone creates this
  5. Keynes says this is good for each one of us but deadly for the economy
  6. The more you love this the more I have to pay to part with it
  7. When this changes you can jump between demand curves
  8. RBI uses this rate to influence interest rate
  1. Price takers all
  2. As the Beatles said, it's all within you!
  3. When this changes you just slide along a demand curve
  4. You maybe an all rounder but focus on this
  5. This thief robs your money while leaving g it with you
  6. His hand was invisible
  7. You really don't care wherever you are on this thing
  8. The sight of babies made him sick
  9. If not forgive you must forget this cost
  10. This made Marx resign from his teaching position
  11. Marshall said whenever you buy something you get this free
  12. He blamed inflation on the central bank's printing press

20 Clues: A kinky market!Price takers allHis hand was invisibleA branded market structureThe sight of babies made him sickMarx says labour alone creates thisIf not forgive you must forget this costAs the Beatles said, it's all within you!You maybe an all rounder but focus on thisRBI uses this rate to influence interest rate...

Economics Vocab 2020-01-23

Economics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. ceiling, A price ceiling is a government- or group-imposed price control, or limit, on how high a price is charged for a product, commodity, or service. Governments use price ceilings to protect consumers from conditions that could make commodities prohibitively expensive.
  2. the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services.
  3. make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide.
  4. elasticity, Price elasticity of demand is a measure used in economics to show the responsiveness, or elasticity, of the quantity demanded of a good or service to increase in its price when nothing but the price changes
  5. the part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water, as opposed to the sea or the air.
  6. a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something.
  7. cost, the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
  8. the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
  9. point - In mathematics, specifically in differential equations, an equilibrium point is a constant solution to a differential equation
  10. demand, Inelastic demand is when the buyer's demand does not change as much as the price changes. When the price increases by 20% and the demand decreases by only 1%, demand is said to be inelastic. A similar situation exists when there is a decrease in price as people will continue to buy the product or service.
  11. In trade, barter is a system of exchange where participants in a transaction directly exchange goods or services for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money.
  12. institutions, Colloquially, a depository institution is a financial institution in the United States that is legally allowed to accept monetary deposits from consumers. Under federal law, however, a "depository institution" is limited to banks and savings associations - credit unions are not included.
  1. an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.
  2. work especially hard physical work.
  3. wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing.
  4. demand, Price elasticity of demand is a measure used in economics to show the responsiveness, or elasticity, of the quantity demanded of a good or service to increase in its price when nothing but the price changes
  5. the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.
  6. of production, In economics, factors of production, resources, or inputs are what is used in the production process to produce output—that is, finished goods and services. The utilized amounts of the various inputs determine the quantity of output according to the relationship called the production function.
  7. institutions, non-depository financial institution. Government or private organization (such as building society, insurance company, investment trust, or mutual fund or unit trust) that serves as an intermediary between savers and borrowers, but does not accept time deposits.
  8. Economy, Traditional economy is an economic system in which traditions, customs, and beliefs help shape the goods and services the economy produces, as well as the rules and manner of their distribution. Countries that use this type of economic system are often rural and farm-based.
  9. Economy, an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.
  10. market, A financial market is a market in which people trade financial securities and derivatives at low transaction costs. Some of the securities include stocks and bonds, and precious metals
  11. Economy, an economic system in which production and prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.
  12. the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth.
  13. floor, A price floor is a government- or group-imposed price control or limit on how low a price can be charged for a product, good, commodity, or service. A price floor must be higher than the equilibrium price in order to be effective

25 Clues: work especially hard physical work.the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something.make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide....

Micro-Economics 2021-01-23

Micro-Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The raw materials and other factors of
  2. The selection of appropriate alternatives
  3. A measure of the satisfaction received from consumption of goods and services
  4. where or when buyers and sellers meet to trade or exchange products
  5. perfect balance in supply and demand
  6. the quantity and quality of human resources
  7. A situation in the allocation of resources where the benefits of consuming one more unit is exactly equal to the costs or producing that good
  8. Preferences for goods and services over and above human needs
  9. the output of goods and services
  10. Unlimited wants and needs but limited resources
  11. The fee that borrowers pay to lenders for the use of their funds
  12. that enter the production process
  1. The Value of the next best choice
  2. The study of how a given society allocates scarce resources to meet the unlimited wants and need of its individuals
  3. Goods and services essential for human survival
  4. The rate of increase in prices over a given period of time
  5. paper bills and coins in the hands of the public
  6. A good where quantity demanded increases when consumer income increases
  7. A measure of the responsiveness of one variable to changes in another variable
  8. A market condition where the quantity demanded of a particular good or service exceed the quantity available
  9. someone who bears the risks of the business and who organises production
  10. Goods or services used to produce other goods
  11. the calculation involved in deciding on whether to give up one good for another
  12. An economic agent that desires to purchase goods and services with the goal of maximizing the satisfaction from consumption of those goods and services

24 Clues: the output of goods and servicesThe Value of the next best choicethat enter the production processperfect balance in supply and demandThe raw materials and other factors ofThe selection of appropriate alternativesthe quantity and quality of human resourcesGoods or services used to produce other goodsGoods and services essential for human survival...

Economics Terms 2021-01-21

Economics Terms crossword puzzle
  1. the basic materials that people cannot live without
  2. A company that is the only one producing a good or providing a service
  3. someone who owns shares in a corporation
  4. someone who provides goods or services
  5. shares of ownership in a corporation
  6. producers will produce more when they can sell at higher prices
  7. human effort, skills and abilities used to produce goods and services
  8. money remaining after all expenses have been paid
  9. A type of business that is recognized as a separate legal entity from the people who own it
  10. type of economy in which the government makes all the decisions
  11. type of economy in which people may grow their own food and make their own goods
  12. a small business owned by one person
  13. social science which studies the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
  14. person who creates and assumes the risk of establishing a business
  15. type of economy in which people have the freedom to obtain goods and services however they choose
  16. corporate profits paid to people who own stock
  1. licensed financial institutions that buy and sell securities
  2. things that are not necessary for survival but they have value to consumers
  3. licensed professional who buys and sells securities
  4. work provided for others as an occupation or business
  5. lack of a particular resource
  6. items found in nature used to produce goods and services
  7. manufactured goods used to produce more goods and services
  8. Business in which two or more people share in the responsibilities, costs, profits and losses
  9. a loan made by an investor, typically a corporation or the government
  10. someone who purchases goods and services
  11. A group that provides goods or services without seeking a profit
  12. buyers will want more when they can buy at lower prices
  13. items that satisfy human wants and needs

29 Clues: lack of a particular resourceshares of ownership in a corporationa small business owned by one personsomeone who provides goods or servicessomeone who owns shares in a corporationsomeone who purchases goods and servicesitems that satisfy human wants and needscorporate profits paid to people who own stock...

Economics Vocabulary 2020-12-07

Economics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to use money to earn interest or income
  2. economic system in which individuals control the production and distribution of goods and services
  3. when expenses exceed income
  4. a good that is brought into one country from another
  5. someone who buys and uses goods or services
  6. a situation where sellers of similar goods and services each try to get consumers to buy their product
  7. Both command and market; governments makes decision
  8. the money a person pays to borrow money
  9. a plan of how much money a person, business or government is able to spend and how it will be spent
  10. a good that is sent from one country to another
  1. the people or businesses that provides goods and services is called
  2. when something is both desirable and limited
  3. intangible items that can be bought and sold
  4. Studies the behavior of individuals within economy
  5. money bought in buy a business
  6. tangible items that can be bought and sold
  7. money received on regular basis for work and investment
  8. money that a government collects from people and businesses
  9. money loaned, usually for a fee, that must be paid back
  10. Individual producers and consumers determine what and how things are made
  11. A certain amount of product out of a given input
  12. A certain amount of input to get a given product
  13. money a business makes after paying expenses

23 Clues: when expenses exceed incomemoney bought in buy a businessto use money to earn interest or incomethe money a person pays to borrow moneytangible items that can be bought and soldsomeone who buys and uses goods or serviceswhen something is both desirable and limitedintangible items that can be bought and sold...

Economics 5 2020-10-28

Economics 5 crossword puzzle
  1. More products more money
  2. More demand the higher the price
  3. To get a product need pay
  4. Schedule
  5. When price changes it affects demand
  6. Income in products
  7. Support
  8. Increase
  9. Product to substitute another need it
  10. Demand
  11. Manufacturing
  12. Ability
  13. Market demand schedule
  14. output
  15. Resources
  1. Additional product
  2. data on product demand
  3. When 2 products increase demand one after another
  4. Products not needed because there’s more mouthy income
  5. The income help decided brand and product
  6. Taxes
  7. Products to substitute
  8. Lower prices more consumers
  9. Laws
  10. The cost of workers

25 Clues: LawsTaxesDemandoutputSupportAbilityScheduleIncreaseResourcesManufacturingAdditional productIncome in productsThe cost of workersdata on product demandProducts to substituteMarket demand scheduleMore products more moneyTo get a product need payLower prices more consumersMore demand the higher the priceWhen price changes it affects demand...

Economics Crossword 2020-10-20

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. tangible commodity
  2. the study the production and distribution of goods and service
  3. the ability to produce vast amounts of goods (economic products) in an efficient manner
  4. Durable Goods, Any item that lasts less than 3 years when used on a regular basis
  5. the fundamental economic problem facing ALL societies
  6. An assignment of worth
  7. people who use these goods and services
  8. products, goods and services that are useful, relatively scarce and transferable
  9. Goods, Any good that lasts more than three years when used on a regular basis
  10. Simply the desires of citizens
  1. the work force
  2. Goods, Goods that are intended for final use by the consumer
  3. Work that is performed for someone
  4. Consumption, Use of a good or service to impress others
  5. These are basic requirements for survival like food and water and shelter
  6. capacity to be useful
  7. Products, Air, sunshine are and other items so plentiful no one could own them
  8. Cost, the cost of an economic decision
  9. the sum collection of those economic products that are tangible, scarce and useful
  10. Goods, Items used in the creation of other goods. factory machinery, trucks, etc

20 Clues: the work forcetangible commoditycapacity to be usefulAn assignment of worthSimply the desires of citizensWork that is performed for someoneCost, the cost of an economic decisionpeople who use these goods and servicesthe fundamental economic problem facing ALL societiesConsumption, Use of a good or service to impress others...

Economics Revision 2020-03-02

Economics Revision crossword puzzle
  1. where two or more companies, organisations etc join together to form a larger company etc.
  2. where the actions of one large firm in an oligopolistic market will have a direct effect on others.
  3. are legal license that gives rights to company to manufactured a good or service under their names, other companies must pay royalties to the original designer for their use
  4. a situation where there is one dominant seller in a market.
  5. where one firm in the industry reduces price causing others to do the same.
  6. a communications company and is the only internet provider in Burkina Faso, a small country in West Africa.
  7. the commercial exploitation of a new invention.
  8. the only supplier of a unique product
  9. the rivalry that exists between firms when trying to sell goods in a particular market.
  1. where a dominant business is able to set the price charged in the whole market.
  2. firms try to persuade consumers that their product is different from those of rivals
  3. a situation that occurs when one firm in an industry can serve the entire market at a lower cost than would be possible if the industry were composed of many smaller firms.
  4. a smaller market, usually within a large market or industry.
  5. where a group of firms or countries join together and agree on pricing or output levels in the market.
  6. the act of getting control of a company by buying over 50 per cent of its shares.
  7. Which of the following is a barrier to entry? A Diseconomies of scale B High start-up costs C Low labour productivity D Inflation
  8. the dominant firms in the industry set up agreements to restrict competition
  9. A market that is dominated by a few very large producers
  10. It is also argued that firms in competitive markets are more _______.
  11. The main disadvantage to a firm operating in a competitive market is that the amount of ______ made will be limited

20 Clues: the only supplier of a unique productthe commercial exploitation of a new invention.A market that is dominated by a few very large producersa situation where there is one dominant seller in a market.a smaller market, usually within a large market or industry.It is also argued that firms in competitive markets are more _______....

Economics Glossary 2020-04-28

Economics Glossary crossword puzzle
  1. market Place where factors of production are bought and sold.
  2. All human effort, both physical and intellectual
  3. Where actions by one party have impacts on another, particularly economically.
  4. Money paid at a particular rate for the money lent
  5. Payment per year for labour
  6. Income flows which are added to the Circular Flow of Income model (investment, govt. spending, exports)
  7. Financial assistance given to people by the Government
  8. Institution which handles money for households and firms
  9. Goods and services bought from overseas
  10. Purchase of new capital
  11. Cost The cost of the next-best alternative opportunity
  12. Action of only doing one part of the process
  13. National Company A company that operates in many countries with independent headquarters in each.(McDonalds)
  14. That part of earnings not spent
  15. Organization with authority to make decisions for the population
  16. market Place where goods and services are bought and sold (Coles, Seek.com, Fremantle markets) Same as Market
  17. Used to pay for goods and services
  18. Compulsory government levy
  19. An economy where people produce only enough goods and services for their own family
  20. chain Complex group of firms in many countries each producing a component of a final product.
  21. Situation where demand is greater than supply
  22. Payment earned by entrepreneurs
  1. Final users of goods and services to satisfy their needs and wants
  2. A system which allows private ownership of the factors of production
  3. Payment per hour for labour
  4. Equipment used to make goods and services
  5. Basic necessities for life
  6. Income flows that are removed from the Circular Flow model. (savings, tax, imports)
  7. Basic units used to make goods and services
  8. All resources provided by nature
  9. Ability to combine all resources to make something (plan, recipe, system etc)
  10. The study of how people use scarce resources to satisfy needs and wants
  11. A system where factors of production are owned by the government
  12. Organisations that make goods and services
  13. National Company A company which operates in several countries with its headquarters in the parent country. (Apple)
  14. An organization that sells goods
  15. Goods and services sold overseas
  16. of production Raw materials used to make goods and services (land, labour, capital & enterprise)
  17. Reward for the use of resources
  18. Physical items used by consumer and services for a profit
  19. Goods and services which we desire but don’t need
  20. Payment for use of land
  21. A system where all factors of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services are controlled by the government
  22. Actions done for consumers by producers
  23. Place where goods and services are bought and sold.

45 Clues: Purchase of new capitalPayment for use of landBasic necessities for lifeCompulsory government levyPayment per hour for labourPayment per year for labourThat part of earnings not spentReward for the use of resourcesPayment earned by entrepreneursAll resources provided by natureAn organization that sells goodsGoods and services sold overseas...

Economics Glossary 2020-04-28

Economics Glossary crossword puzzle
  1. market Place where factors of production are bought and sold.
  2. Organization with authority to make decisions for the population
  3. All resources provided by nature
  4. National Company A company which operates in several countries with its headquarters in the parent country. (Apple)
  5. The study of how people use scarce resources to satisfy needs and wants
  6. Compulsory government levy
  7. Institution which handles money for households and firms
  8. Reward for the use of resources
  9. Place where goods and services are bought and sold.
  10. Action of only doing one part of the process
  11. Goods and services which we desire but don’t need
  12. Income flows that are removed from the Circular Flow model. (savings, tax, imports)
  13. All human effort, both physical and intellectual
  14. Financial assistance given to people by the Government
  15. Payment earned by entrepreneurs
  16. An economy where people produce only enough goods and services for their own family
  17. An organization that sells goods
  18. Actions done for consumers by producers
  19. Ability to combine all resources to make something (plan, recipe, system etc)
  20. Payment per hour for labour
  21. Income flows which are added to the Circular Flow of Income model (investment, govt. spending, exports)
  22. Where actions by one party have impacts on another, particularly economically.
  23. Situation where demand is greater than supply
  24. Final users of goods and services to satisfy their needs and wants
  25. Cost The cost of the next-best alternative opportunity
  1. A system where all factors of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services are controlled by the government
  2. Organisations that make goods and services
  3. A system where factors of production are owned by the government
  4. Goods and services sold overseas
  5. chain Complex group of firms in many countries each producing a component of a final product.
  6. Goods and services bought from overseas
  7. Payment for use of land
  8. Equipment used to make goods and services
  9. Money paid at a particular rate for the money lent
  10. Payment per year for labour
  11. National Company A company that operates in many countries with independent headquarters in each.(McDonalds)
  12. That part of earnings not spent
  13. of production Raw materials used to make goods and services (land, labour, capital & enterprise)
  14. Used to pay for goods and services
  15. Basic units used to make goods and services
  16. Basic necessities for life
  17. Physical items used by consumer and services for a profit
  18. A system which allows private ownership of the factors of production
  19. Purchase of new capital
  20. market Place where goods and services are bought and sold (Coles, Seek.com, Fremantle markets) Same as Market

45 Clues: Payment for use of landPurchase of new capitalCompulsory government levyBasic necessities for lifePayment per year for labourPayment per hour for labourReward for the use of resourcesThat part of earnings not spentPayment earned by entrepreneursAll resources provided by natureGoods and services sold overseasAn organization that sells goods...

Economics - Inflation 2020-06-16

Economics - Inflation crossword puzzle
  1. C+I+G+NX equals to this
  2. putting your money into ______ isn't as good during inflation
  3. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.
  4. fixed income earners get impacted _____ during inflation
  5. a period of extremely high inflation
  6. the business cycle has this many phases
  7. the RBNZ controls these to lessen inflation issues
  8. man-made goods used to produce other goods and services
  9. this is a policy that central banks use to change interest rates for controlling velocity of money
  1. The amount of goods and services which can be purchased by a person's income
  2. a demand for increased wages causes a left shift in ______
  3. when you buy goods or services now as you expect it's price to increase later
  4. when an individual is specially trained in one specific area to increase productivity
  5. Increased Govt. spending has a ______ impact on Aggregate Supply
  6. in the business cycle when Consumption is falling & investment is falling
  7. this is a policy when the govt controls taxes to try to control velocity of money
  8. It states that in the equation MxV = PxY, both V and Y remain relatively constant
  9. purchases of capital equipment
  10. this increases during a recovery phase as well as consumption
  11. an index of the variation in prices for retail goods and other items.
  12. during inflation, workers in firms may be _____ ___

21 Clues: C+I+G+NX equals to thispurchases of capital equipmenta period of extremely high inflationthe business cycle has this many phasesthe RBNZ controls these to lessen inflation issuesduring inflation, workers in firms may be _____ ___man-made goods used to produce other goods and servicesfixed income earners get impacted _____ during inflation...

Economics Puzzle 2020-09-14

Economics Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. land labor and capital resources
  2. inequality exists
  3. combines economic resources
  4. positive rewards
  5. human resources
  6. skills to operate a business
  7. study of economy as a whole
  8. losses
  9. highest value alternative
  1. getting a product to consumers
  2. completes the want satisfaction chain
  3. gains
  4. extra costs
  5. fines or punishment
  6. natural resources
  7. allows exchanges
  8. used to produce final goods
  9. exchanging something for something else
  10. social science involves people
  11. total sales greater than total costs
  12. study of individual consumers

21 Clues: gainslossesextra costshuman resourcesallows exchangespositive rewardsinequality existsnatural resourcesfines or punishmenthighest value alternativeused to produce final goodscombines economic resourcesstudy of economy as a wholeskills to operate a businessstudy of individual consumersgetting a product to consumerssocial science involves people...

Economics crossword 2021-03-24

Economics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. any situation where making one choice means losing something else
  2. an economy's ability to produce goods or services at lower opportunity cost than competitors
  3. he mandated maximum amount a seller is allowed to charge for a product or service.
  4. someone that acquires goods or services for direct use or ownership
  5. a situation in which demand for a product or service exceeds the available supply.
  6. something that motivates a group or individual to do something.
  7. a government-imposed trade restriction that limits the number or monetary value of goods that a country can import or export.
  8. the amount of physical, mental, and social effort used to produce goods and services in an economy.
  9. the lack of resources to be used to fulfill wants and needs or the gap between what one has and what one wants.
  10. the amount of want or need there is for a specific product to be available for purchase
  11. the price at which supply equals demand for a product
  12. is the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs across national borders and cultures.
  13. someone who creates and supplies goods or services.
  1. an economic system based on supply and demand with little or no government control and consumers have free will when buying
  2. the human-created assets that can enhance one's power to perform economically useful work
  3. the natural resources in production especially the space on which the factory is built.
  4. the curve that shows the maximum use of resources to produce various combinations of products (use first letter of each word)
  5. the potential benefits an individual, investor, or business misses out on when choosing one alternative over another.
  6. the study of how people try to satisfy unlimited wants and needs with limited resources
  7. the inputs needed for the creation of goods or services
  8. a method of production whereby an entity focuses on the production of a limited scope of goods to gain a greater degree of effectiveness
  9. A surplus describes the amount of an asset or resource that exceeds the portion that's actively utilized.
  10. a tax imposed by one country on goods and services imported from another country.
  11. governments impose absolutely no tariffs, taxes, or duties on imports, or quotas on exports.
  12. when a producer can produce a good or service in greater quantity for the same cost or lower than competitors
  13. the law that states that, the higher the price of something is, the lower the demand will be
  14. the law that states that, as the price of something goes up, the number of sources offering that thing will also go up.
  15. An embargo is when a government refuses to trade with a country or a certain part of a country.
  16. a fundamental economic concept that describes the total amount of a specific good or service that is available to consumers.
  17. the lowest amount at which a good or service may be sold and still function within the traditional supply and demand model.

30 Clues: someone who creates and supplies goods or services.the price at which supply equals demand for a productthe inputs needed for the creation of goods or servicessomething that motivates a group or individual to do something.any situation where making one choice means losing something else...

Economics Vocabulary 2022-03-22

Economics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a medium of exchange for goods and services.
  2. the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services.
  3. a scenario where different economic firms are in contention to obtain goods that are limited by varying the elements of the marketing mix: price, product, promotion and place.
  4. any benefit that we can quantify in terms of the money that it generates.
  5. a consumer's desire to purchase goods and services and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or service.
  6. an estimation of revenue and expenses over a specified future period of time and is utilized by governments, businesses, and individuals.
  7. the money that a person has left over after they subtract out their consumer spending from their disposable income over a given time period.
  8. a good or service that has a benefit (utility) to society.
  9. the amount of money that has been issued by monetary authorities minus currency that has been removed from an economy.
  10. a service or other asset used to produce goods and services that meet human needs and wants.
  11. the way for companies to account for changes in the value of a given asset in the market.
  12. common usage, the monetary value of goods and services that producers and consumers purchase.
  1. a strategic discussion that resolves an issue in a way that both parties find acceptable.
  2. any agreement where one party borrows money from a second party with the promise to pay the amount back with interest.
  3. a gift of cash or property made to a nonprofit organization to help it accomplish its goals, for which the donor receives nothing of value in return.
  4. All those man-made goods which are used in further production of wealth.
  5. a good or service bought in one country that was produced in another.
  6. mandatory contributions levied on individuals or corporations by a government entity
  7. a cashless economic system in which services and goods are traded at negotiated rates.
  8. a measure of the rate of rising prices of goods and services in an economy.
  9. the disbursement of assets from a fund, account, or individual security to an investor.
  10. used by corporations and governments to issue debt.
  11. a condition where the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied at the market price.
  12. a field of applied economics that studies the financial, organizational, market-related, and environmental issues faced by corporations.
  13. an economic system where two forces, known as supply and demand, direct the production of goods and services.
  14. movable goods produced within the boundaries of one country, which are traded with another country.
  15. an increase in the production of economic goods and services, compared from one period of time to another.
  16. a security that represents the ownership of a fraction of a corporation.

28 Clues: a medium of exchange for goods and services.used by corporations and governments to issue debt.a good or service that has a benefit (utility) to society.a good or service bought in one country that was produced in another.All those man-made goods which are used in further production of wealth....

Economics Review 2021-12-13

Economics Review crossword puzzle
  1. a continued rise in prices or the supply of money
  2. Thing you give up by making a choice is ____ cost
  3. ownership by an individual or business is ____ property
  4. Economic system where trade is controlled by people, not by federal businesses.
  5. a period of slow economic growth or decline
  6. Work at just one particular kind of job or produce one particular kind of thing
  7. A person who makes and sells goods and services is ________
  8. Who was the first steel tycoon in history?
  9. the wants and needs of material things in society are ___
  10. Land, labor, entrepreneurship, and ____ are the factors of production
  11. Who was the first railroad tycoon in history?
  1. A system that requires absolute obedience to one leader is an ______ system
  2. Producing maximum output with minimum input, or cost
  3. To change from private ownership to government ownership.
  4. The money a business has left after it has paid all its costs
  5. Something making you want to choose a certain way
  6. Work that one person does for another, for payment
  7. Graph that shows amounts of two products that can me made with given amount of resources is a production _________ curve
  8. only one company makes a product and they control the prices
  9. an organization of workers who strive for improvements in the workplace is a labor ________

20 Clues: Who was the first steel tycoon in history?a period of slow economic growth or declineWho was the first railroad tycoon in history?a continued rise in prices or the supply of moneyThing you give up by making a choice is ____ costSomething making you want to choose a certain wayWork that one person does for another, for payment...

Economics crossword 2022-02-14

Economics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Person who takes a risk to open a business
  2. Tools needed for making things
  3. The work that someone does
  4. A person who needs to hire someone
  5. Tax that is charged on $ earned from working
  6. A business that makes a product
  7. Looking for items that are similar
  8. Limited amt of $ that someone earns for work
  9. My checking account earn 1%____per quarter
  1. A tax on goods that you buy
  2. A plan on how to spend money
  3. I am an ___ at Walmart
  4. The study of how we use money
  5. Money that you have to pay back
  6. When a product is easy to find
  7. I have no money in my ___ to pay bills
  8. A person who buys a product
  9. Something that can be used in a business
  10. Rivalry between two or more companies
  11. Money that goes to the government

20 Clues: I am an ___ at WalmartThe work that someone doesA tax on goods that you buyA person who buys a productA plan on how to spend moneyThe study of how we use moneyTools needed for making thingsWhen a product is easy to findMoney that you have to pay backA business that makes a productMoney that goes to the governmentA person who needs to hire someone...

Economics Crosswords 2021-06-08

Economics Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. consumers will buy more of a product at lower prices and less at higher prices
  2. an increase in prices in general
  3. The sale of manufacture or sale of selected items
  4. A tax placed on imports to increase there price in the domestic market
  5. Something required for survival
  6. Actions by Congress to increase or decrease aggregate demand to fight inflation, recession, or stagflation.
  7. An inflation rate of 4% a year or less
  8. a change in price causes only a little change in quantity demanded
  9. The annual plan outlining proposed revenues and expenses for the upcoming year
  10. amount of a product offered for sale at all available prices.
  11. The fed has the power to increase or decrease the “money supply”
  12. the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution
  13. Shrink in the economy
  14. traits and qualities that build to create someone
  1. off An alternative available whenever a choice is made
  2. a ratio for valuing a company that measures its current share price relative to its per-share earnings
  3. something pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default.
  4. Something you would like to have but inst required for survival
  5. a diagram representing the maximum amount of goods and/or services an economy can produce when all productive resources are fully employed.
  6. GDP increasing we’re making more goods and services, not less
  7. a change in price causes a big change in quantity demanded
  8. desire, ability, and willingness to buy a product
  9. The value of the next best alternative
  10. is how many dollars worth of goods and services are made in a country over time
  11. the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers.

25 Clues: Shrink in the economySomething required for survivalan increase in prices in generalThe value of the next best alternativeAn inflation rate of 4% a year or lessThe sale of manufacture or sale of selected itemsdesire, ability, and willingness to buy a producttraits and qualities that build to create someone...

Economics Terminology 2022-04-20

Economics Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Growth policies aiming at expansion of export revenues as the vehicle of economic growth;
  2. Lower quality goods for which higher quality
  3. When the average price level continues to rise but at a slower rate so that the rate of inflation is positive but lower.
  4. Income not spent on domestic goods and
  5. Where two or more countries share the same
  6. services.
  7. Occurs when real GDP falls for at least two
  8. Aid given to alleviate short-term suffering, consisting of food aid, medical aid, and
  9. who lack access to traditional
  10. contrasted to import substitution. (2 words)
  11. Technology that relies mostly on the relatively abundant factor an economy is endowed with (2 words)
  12. It includes savings, taxes and import
  13. When government expenditures exceed
  14. tools, equipment and factories.
  15. The difference between how much a consumer is at most willing to pay for a good and how
  1. Spending by firms on capital goods such as
  2. (3 words)
  3. usually over a period of a year. (2 words)
  4. Refers to the repayment of principal and interest on the debt of a person, a firm or a country. (2 words)
  5. A decrease in the value of a currency in a fixed exchange rate system.
  6. Interest rates that have been adjusted for
  7. exist; if incomes rise, demand for the
  8. relief aid usually as a result of a natural catastrophe or war. (2 words)
  9. quality goods decreases. (2 words)
  10. and have a common central bank. (2 words)
  11. quarters.
  12. The provision of small loans to poor
  13. Goods that are jointly consumed, for example,coffee and sugar.
  14. they actually pay. (2 words)

29 Clues: (3 words)services.quarters.they actually pay. (2 words)who lack access to traditionaltools, equipment and factories.quality goods decreases. (2 words)When government expenditures exceedThe provision of small loans to poorIt includes savings, taxes and importIncome not spent on domestic goods andexist; if incomes rise, demand for the...

Economics Terminology 2022-04-20

Economics Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. The difference between how much a consumer is at most willing to pay for a good and how
  2. equipment and factories.
  3. Growth policies aiming at expansion of export revenues as the vehicle of economic growth;
  4. relief aid usually as a result of a natural catastrophe or war. (2 words)
  5. Goods that are jointly consumed, for example,coffee and sugar.
  6. they actually pay. (2 words)
  7. Income not spent on domestic goods and services.
  8. When the average price level continues to rise but at a slower rate so that the rate of inflation is positive but lower.
  9. Interest rates that have been adjusted for inflation.(3 words)
  10. Where two or more countries share the same
  1. contrasted to import substitution. (2 words)
  2. The provision of small loans to poor
  3. Aid given to alleviate short-term suffering, consisting of food aid, medical aid, and
  4. Lower quality goods for which higher quality substitutes exist; if incomes rise, demand for the lower quality goods decreases. (2 words)
  5. usually over a period of a year. (2 words)
  6. and have a common central bank. (2 words)
  7. who lack access to traditional banking services.
  8. A decrease in the value of a currency in a fixed exchange rate system.
  9. Technology that relies mostly on the relatively abundant factor an economy is endowed with (2 words)
  10. quarters.
  11. When government expenditures exceed
  12. Occurs when real GDP falls for at least two
  13. Spending by firms on capital goods such as
  14. Refers to the repayment of principal and interest on the debt of a person, a firm or a country. (2 words)

24 Clues: quarters.equipment and factories.they actually pay. (2 words)When government expenditures exceedThe provision of small loans to poorand have a common central bank. (2 words)Spending by firms on capital goods such asWhere two or more countries share the sameOccurs when real GDP falls for at least twocontrasted to import substitution. (2 words)...

Economics Vocab 2023-04-14

Economics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. after tax pay or take home pay
  2. What employees earn before taxes
  3. items or amounts constituting a state's income.
  4. Also called "paycheck", it is what you get when you are paid
  5. money received on a regular basis for working
  6. have to file these forms if self employed
  7. form for the employer that tells about employee filing status etc.
  8. an expense that can be subtracted from a taxpayer's gross income in order to reduce the amount of income that is subject to taxation
  9. the tax you pay on your annual income to the federal government
  1. Fixed payment from employer to employee (annually paid)
  2. tax rate that increases as taxable income icreases
  3. illegal nonpayment of taxes
  4. lasts from january 1st-15th
  5. Forms to verify the identity and employment authorization
  6. Federal Insurance Contributions Act
  7. tax form used for personal federal income tax returns
  8. Fixed payment from employer to employee
  9. tax form used in the United States to report wages paid to employees
  10. a mandatory payment or charge collected by local, state, and national governments
  11. the revenue service for the United States federal government

20 Clues: illegal nonpayment of taxeslasts from january 1st-15thafter tax pay or take home payWhat employees earn before taxesFederal Insurance Contributions ActFixed payment from employer to employeehave to file these forms if self employedmoney received on a regular basis for workingitems or amounts constituting a state's income....

economics vocab 2023-04-21

economics vocab crossword puzzle
  1. individuals own businesses and property rather than the government
  2. what consumers are willing to buy at a given price
  3. the money received in payment for goods or services (rent, wages, interest)
  4. the way people earn and spend money
  5. an activity that someone is paid to perform
  6. an economic system where property and business are owned by the government. The government makes choices about producing and pricing. The consumers have no choice.
  7. the founder of a business. Someone who assumes the risk of organizing resources to produce goods and services. Someone who sees an opportunity to make money and takes it.
  8. the name of Adam Smith’s idea of a free market economy
  9. the things that people sell
  1. the right to make decisions for an individual’s business or property
  2. Scottish economist who came up with the idea of capitalism. He is known as the father of modern economics, wrote the Wealth of Nations, and influenced the Founding Fathers of the United States.
  3. the person who makes the goods
  4. the government’s job is to protect property rights.
  5. when different businesses compete for consumers’ money such as Walmart v. Target or Microsoft v. Apple.
  6. an economic system where businesses and property are privately owned. The price and amount of goods traded are based on supply and demand and has little government regulation.
  7. people or businesses offering goods for sale
  8. a person who buys goods and services
  9. the money left over after all expenses are paid
  10. the government’s right to take private property for public use as long as they pay a fair price to the owner
  11. the amount the seller has to sell at a particular price

20 Clues: the things that people sellthe person who makes the goodsthe way people earn and spend moneya person who buys goods and servicesan activity that someone is paid to performpeople or businesses offering goods for salethe money left over after all expenses are paidwhat consumers are willing to buy at a given price...

Economics Vocab 2022-12-13

Economics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A decision by a corporation to turn over much of the responsibility for production to independent suppliers.
  2. A service that primarily meets the needs of individual consumers, including retail, education, health, and leisure services.
  3. These factors result from the unique characteristics of a location. These are labor, capital, and land.
  4. A theory that explains the distribution of services based on the fact that settlements serve as centers of market areas for services; larger settlements are fewer and farther apart than smaller settlements and provide services for a larger number of people who are willing to travel farther.
  5. A market center for the exchange of services by people attracted from the surrounding area.
  6. These factors involve transporting materials to and from a factory. A firm seeks a location that minimizes the cost of transporting inputs to the factory and finished goods to consumers.
  7. Makes something that gains volume or weight during production.
  8. The maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a service.
  9. trade An institutional arrangement designed to help producers in developing countries achieve better trading conditions. Members of the fair trade movement advocate the payment of higher prices to exporters, as well as improved social and environmental standards.
  10. Focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: economic, environmental, and social—also known informally as profits, planet, and people.
  11. area The area surrounding a central place from which people are attracted to use the place’s goods and services (also known as hinterland).
  12. A commodity, article, or service sold abroad (to a foreign country).
  13. A commodity, article, or service brought in from abroad (a foreign country) for sale.
  14. The area surrounding a central place from which people are attracted to use the place’s goods and services (also known as market area).
  15. Manufacturing based in homes rather than in factories, most common prior to the Industrial Revolution.
  16. The period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial society. This involves an extensive re-organization of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing
  17. A type of operation or industry that involves extracting or refining natural resources, such as mining, agriculture, forestry, and fishing.
  18. A process that links people around the world as a result of shared activities and interests. Fueled by technology and an expanding communication network, globalization creates cultural, social, environmental, health, and economic connections among countries.
  1. the transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States, in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840.
  2. A community’s collection of basic businesses.
  3. International trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions.
  4. Shipment of parts and materials to arrive at a factory moments before they are needed.
  5. A service that primarily meets the needs of other businesses, including professional, financial, and transportation services.
  6. A business that sells its products or services primarily to consumers outside the settlement.
  7. Economic activities that involve the processing of raw materials (primary products). Examples would include turning timber into furniture and turning iron-ore into steel. Any factory can be seen as a system involving inputs (e.g. timber) processes (e.g. cabinet making) and outputs (e.g. tables and chairs).
  8. An industry in which the inputs weigh more than the final products.
  9. An industry for which labor costs comprise a high percentage of total expenses.
  10. The tertiary economic activity or service sector encompasses the production of services instead of end goods that meet the needs of individuals.
  11. The transfer of goods or services from one person or entity to another, often in exchange for money. A system or network that allows trade is called a market.
  12. The minimum number of people needed to support a service.

30 Clues: A community’s collection of basic businesses.The minimum number of people needed to support a service.Makes something that gains volume or weight during production.An industry in which the inputs weigh more than the final products.The maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a service....

Economics Crossword 2023-02-06

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The construct which concerns individuals over a certain age who are not actively engaged in paid job or self-employment but are open to employment during the reference period.
  2. A service or use that a customer, business, or government is willing to pay for
  3. A discipline of economics that examines how an economy functions overall, including its composition, behavior, and decision-making.
  4. An increase in an economy's overall price level for products and services.
  5. growth The rise or improvement in the market value of the products an economy produces in a given fiscal year, adjusted for inflation.
  6. A discipline of conventional economics that investigates how people and businesses behave when deciding how to distribute scarce resources and how these people and businesses interact.
  7. The actions shown when people just base their decisions on personal preferences.
  8. deficit A situation where a country imports more than it exports.
  9. An economic strategy intended to increase exports while reducing imports in a given economy.
  10. of trade The difference in currency terms between a country's exports and imports over a specific time period.
  11. The quantity of a resource that businesses, producers, workers, financial asset providers, or other economic agents are willing and able to offer to the market or to a particular customer.
  12. The person acting as a coordinator in a capitalist society. They shift different resources, both material and immaterial, to encourage capital formation.
  1. The commitment of funds to the acquisition of an asset with the hope that its value would rise over time.
  2. of payments The difference between all of the country's financial inflow over a specific time period and its financial outflow to other countries.
  3. economics The branch of economic theory that emerged in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, particularly in Britain. It promoted laissez-faire principles and the notion of free competition, focusing on economic expansion and economic freedom.
  4. The effort put forth to generate commodities and services in an economy on a physical, intellectual, and social level.
  5. surplus An economic indicator of a favorable trade balance, where an exporting nation's exports outpace its imports.
  6. Products that meet human needs and are useful
  7. The amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to buy at different prices during a specific period of time.
  8. The economic strategy of limiting imports from other nations using tools like import taxes, import quotas, and various other government laws.
  9. When an item or service is in more demand than offered, the supply is insufficient to meet demand.
  10. What inputs—goods and services—are employed in the manufacturing process to produce output.
  11. The monetary amount that one party pays or receives from another in exchange for goods or services.
  12. Something that makes production more efficient, effective, or affordable.

24 Clues: Products that meet human needs and are usefuldeficit A situation where a country imports more than it exports.Something that makes production more efficient, effective, or affordable.An increase in an economy's overall price level for products and services.A service or use that a customer, business, or government is willing to pay for...

Economics Vocabulary 2023-01-28

Economics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Food, water, and shelter are all examples of ____.
  2. Johnny gave away 1 apple to get 2 bananas.
  3. Johnny sells his apples for $2 while Tim sells his apples for $1.50.
  4. Johnny starts selling apples without the government approval.
  5. Johnny wants to start selling apples because he knows he will make money.
  6. The USA is a market ______.
  7. There are not enough pencils for everyone to have one.
  8. Childcare and education are examples of ___.
  9. Johnny mows the lawn 2x faster that Tim
  1. Johnny got great economic ____ from the printer he bought.
  2. A salary increase is an example of a(n) ___.
  3. Machinery, equipment,and vehicles are all examples of ____.
  4. Johnny bought apples at the ______.
  5. Choosing public transportation over your car to save gas money.
  6. Running a small business is an example of a(n) ______.
  7. Johnny baught an apple and is very satisfied.
  8. Water, oil, and coal are all examples of ____.
  9. If Tim buys an apple from Johnny, Tim is a(n) _____
  10. I ___ candy.
  11. House cleaning is an example of a(n) _____.
  12. If Johnny buys his apples from the farmer , the farmer is a(n) _____
  13. cars and clothes are examples of _____
  14. Elon musk has a great amount of _____.

23 Clues: I ___ candy.The USA is a market ______.Johnny bought apples at the ______.cars and clothes are examples of _____Elon musk has a great amount of _____.Johnny mows the lawn 2x faster that TimJohnny gave away 1 apple to get 2 bananas.House cleaning is an example of a(n) _____.A salary increase is an example of a(n) ___....

Micro economics 2022-06-14

Micro economics crossword puzzle
  1. conditions that make it difficult to enter a market
  2. The amount of a good or service available
  3. the amount a producer sets the price of a good
  4. A market structure where there is only a single firm
  5. A market condition where the quantity demanded is more than what is supplied
  6. The study of a household, business firm, or any other economic agent's behavior
  7. an economic condition where the quantity available is higher than the quantity demanded
  8. What you give up for something else
  9. revenue minus the cost
  10. a type of good where quantity demanded increases when consumer income increases
  1. a situation where a producer uses all available resources to produce a single well in order to trade for another desired good
  2. a condition in the market where there is no change
  3. a type of good where the quantity demanded decreases when consumer income increases
  4. a place or institution where consumers and producers come together to exchange goods or currency
  5. someone who buys a good or service
  6. The curve is downward sloping and is the willingness to pay for a good or service
  7. factors of production and materials necessary
  8. A market structure where there are only a few firms that control the market
  9. The amount of satisfaction gained from buying a good or service
  10. the total cost divided by the level of output
  11. The contest between organizations to provide similar products or services to the same consumers

21 Clues: revenue minus the costsomeone who buys a good or serviceWhat you give up for something elseThe amount of a good or service availablefactors of production and materials necessarythe total cost divided by the level of outputthe amount a producer sets the price of a gooda condition in the market where there is no change...

Economics Crossword 2022-09-21

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An item which is necessary for survival (ex.water)
  2. satisfy the same set of goals or preferences (ex.Hamburger and pork)
  3. An individual who purchase goods or services (ex.customers)
  4. Things that can not be perceived by touch (ex.copyright)
  5. Goods that help complete another in some way (ex. ketchup and hamburger buns)
  6. Equipment, building, money, which is used to produce goods and services (ex.vehicles)
  7. A type of economy where a combination of consumers, businesses and government make the decisions (Ex.Canada)
  8. State of the economy where there is an increase in output, income, employment, prices and profit
  9. The amount of goods/services people are willing to buy at certain prices
  10. Goods that are a result of changed conditions, can replace each other in use or consumption (ex.Coke vs Pepsi)
  11. An individual or business whcih makes a product (ex.McDonalds)
  12. A product/service that consumers no longer want as it is outdated/outmoded or has been replaced by a new/improved product (ex.layer disk)
  13. An expensive item that can be seen/touched but is not necessary for survival (ex.sports car)
  14. People/businesses which buy goods/services (ex.people)
  15. Using new technology, materials or processes to improve existing products, or on how they are produced and distributed (ex.electric cars)
  1. Means through which goods and services are made available to consumers (ex.land)
  2. People who work to produce goods/services in a business (ex.training)
  3. To come up with a new unique idea, thought, or production for a new object, device, or process, which a person has not seen or heard of before (ex.light bulb)
  4. Raw materials we get from earth, water and air (ex.cotton)
  5. An essential item for survival which can be seen and/or touched (ex.food)
  6. General increase in the price of goods and services over a period of time
  7. Goods which are used together (ex.phone+data)
  8. An item which is able to be seen and/or touched (ex.pencil)
  9. An item which is not necessary for survival but adds pleasure/comfort to life (ex.playstation)
  10. Amount of goods/services businesses are willing and able to sell at certain prices
  11. State of the economy where there are large unemployment rates, a decrease in income, and standard of living decreases (ex.Great Depression)
  12. Assistance provided which satisfied needs/wants of people/businesses but is not a product that can be touched (ex.babysitting)

27 Clues: Goods which are used together (ex.phone+data)An item which is necessary for survival (ex.water)People/businesses which buy goods/services (ex.people)Things that can not be perceived by touch (ex.copyright)Raw materials we get from earth, water and air (ex.cotton)An individual who purchase goods or services (ex.customers)...

Economics Vocabulary 2022-08-19

Economics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Division of resources
  2. A way to exchange goods and services
  3. budgeting lose some x for y
  4. how much output from given input
  5. seperation of work into different tasks
  6. assets of a company for production
  7. people with knowledge and skills
  8. objects used in production
  9. satisfaction from good or service
  10. the value of all assets owned by etc.
  11. commodity produced for buyer
  12. increased production of good or service
  1. worth of good or service
  2. In short supply
  3. Can live without and can't live without
  4. Item bought
  5. benefits someone can miss out on
  6. An activity use goods,labor,capital
  7. focus on one good or service to be best
  8. 2 parties freely trade goods
  9. intangible act paid for buy buyer

21 Clues: Item boughtIn short supplyDivision of resourcesworth of good or serviceobjects used in productionbudgeting lose some x for y2 parties freely trade goodscommodity produced for buyerbenefits someone can miss out onhow much output from given inputpeople with knowledge and skillsintangible act paid for buy buyersatisfaction from good or service...


ECONOMICS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. a good that can be used in place of another good, such as Coke and Pepsi.
  2. 2 words - a maximum price set by the government
  3. 2 words - a minimum price set by the government
  4. 2 words - efforts by local, state, and federal governments to redistribute money to those in need for which there are no goods or services exchanged
  5. 2 words - a graphical representation of the Law of Supply, showing the relationship between price and quantity supplied
  6. mandatory contribution levied on individuals or corporations by a government entity—whether local, regional, or national
  7. How the Law of Supply describes the relationship between price and quantity supplied
  8. when the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied at a given price
  9. direct or indirect payment to individuals or firms, usually in the form of a cash payment from the government or a targeted tax cut
  10. 2 words - the difference between what consumers are willing to pay for a good or service and what they actually pay for it
  11. 2 words - a graphical representation of the Law of Demand, showing the relationship between price and quantity demanded
  12. Government actions to influence specific aspects of the economy at a microeconomic or macroeconomic level
  1. 4 words - It states that -- ceteris paribus -- as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity supplied for that good or service also increases.
  2. 2 words - the difference between the price a producer receives for a good or service and the minimum price they are willing to accept
  3. the point at which the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied, resulting in a stable market price
  4. 4 words - It states that as the price of a good or service decreases -- ceteris paribus -- the quantity demanded for that good or service increases.
  5. it measures how sensitive quantity demanded is to changes in price
  6. 2 words - all other things being equal;factors other than price remain constant
  7. it measures how sensitive quantity demanded is to changes in price of other goods or services
  8. it measures how sensitive quantity demanded is to changes in income
  9. 2 words - the lowest payment that a worker may be paid, as mandated by the government
  10. the relationship between price and quantity demanded according to the Law of Demand
  11. when the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded at a given price
  12. a good that is typically consumed together with another good, like hot dogs and hot dog buns

24 Clues: 2 words - a maximum price set by the government2 words - a minimum price set by the governmentit measures how sensitive quantity demanded is to changes in priceit measures how sensitive quantity demanded is to changes in incomea good that can be used in place of another good, such as Coke and Pepsi....

Business Economics 2022-10-31

Business Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Coal is an example of __ factors of production
  2. Type of economy that uses elements of all three
  3. level of income
  4. How much something is worth
  5. Created as a result of process
  6. of money
  7. A person who employ workers to producer goods
  8. The type of money that circulates in different
  9. Macroeconomics deals with
  10. Consumer's desire and willingness to pay a price
  11. Putting money aside to spend on a later date
  12. Valuable things to pay some goods or service
  13. The money used to start a business
  14. A picture or a symbol representing a business
  1. Action of buying and selling goods and services
  2. services
  3. Knowledge about the production, consumption,
  4. People who buy your product
  5. Where buyers and sellers interact
  6. Goods and services sold to other countries
  7. The study of individual
  8. The sudden rise in price
  9. necessary for survival
  10. good
  11. Amount of money required to pay for a good or
  12. The situation that exists when there are not enough resources to meet human wants
  13. A luxury item
  14. Reward paid for unskilled labour
  15. The money paid to the government depending on
  16. Input factor classified as skilled, semiskilled and unskilled

30 Clues: goodservicesof moneyA luxury itemlevel of incomenecessary for survivalThe study of individualThe sudden rise in priceMacroeconomics deals withPeople who buy your productHow much something is worthCreated as a result of processReward paid for unskilled labourWhere buyers and sellers interactThe money used to start a business...


BUSINESS ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. Goods and services sold to other countries
  2. How much something is worth
  3. Created as a result of process
  4. A person who employ workers to producer goods and services
  5. Where buyers and sellers interact
  6. A picture or a symbol representing a business
  7. Putting money aside to spend on a later date
  8. People who buy your product
  9. The study of individual
  10. Knowledge about the production, consumption, transfer of money
  11. The money paid to the government depending on your level of income
  12. Action of buying and selling goods and services
  13. Coal is an example of __ factors of production
  14. Valuable thing to pay some goods or service
  1. The type of money that circulates in different countries
  2. Input factor classified as skilled, semiskilled and unskilled
  3. Macroeconomics deals with
  4. A good or service that is required for survival
  5. The situation that exists when there are not enough resources to meet human wants
  6. Consumer's desire and willingness to pay a price for good
  7. A luxury item
  8. Amount of money required to pay for a good or service
  9. The money used to start a business
  10. The sudden rise in price
  11. Type of economy that uses elements of all three
  12. Reward paid for unskilled labour

26 Clues: A luxury itemThe study of individualThe sudden rise in priceMacroeconomics deals withHow much something is worthPeople who buy your productCreated as a result of processReward paid for unskilled labourWhere buyers and sellers interactThe money used to start a businessGoods and services sold to other countries...

Economics Terms 2022-11-01

Economics Terms crossword puzzle
  1. the money you actually get to take home and spend after deductions
  2. IRS requires employers to report wage and salary information for employees on this form
  3. one of the official documents (most common one) that US taxpayers use to file their annual income tax
  4. a document that is provided with each paycheck and that shows the amount of money that the employee earned and the amount that was removed for deductions
  5. collects income taxes for the Federal Government
  6. higher rates of tax on higher levels of income
  7. cash amounts taken out of the emoployee's gress wages that include taxes and contributions
  8. income received from taxes by a government
  9. verifies identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the US
  10. a federal payroll tax that is deducted from each paycheck for medicare and social security
  1. if you are an independent contractor or self-employed, the work you do may be the same as an employee, but will recieve an earnings statement on this form
  2. money an individual or business receives, usually in exchange for providing a good service or through investing capital
  3. an illegal activity in which a person or entity deliberately avoids paying a true tax liability
  4. the time period, generally between Jan 1 and April 15 of each year, when individual taxpayers prepare financial statements and reports for the previous year and submit their tax returns
  5. IRS tax form that is filled out by employees to indicate their tax situation to their employer
  6. the money you earn before any deduction
  7. provides for national programs such as national defense, veterans and foreign affairs, social programs, law enforcement, and interest on the national debt
  8. the amount per hour people are paid
  9. the amount per year people are paid
  10. a required payment to a local, state, or national(federal) government

20 Clues: the amount per hour people are paidthe amount per year people are paidthe money you earn before any deductionincome received from taxes by a governmenthigher rates of tax on higher levels of incomecollects income taxes for the Federal Governmentthe money you actually get to take home and spend after deductions...

Economics Terms 2022-11-01

Economics Terms crossword puzzle
  1. the money you actually get to take home and spend after deductions
  2. IRS requires employers to report wage and salary information for employees on this form
  3. one of the official documents (most common one) that US taxpayers use to file their annual income tax
  4. a document that is provided with each paycheck and that shows the amount of money that the employee earned and the amount that was removed for deductions
  5. collects income taxes for the Federal Government
  6. higher rates of tax on higher levels of income
  7. cash amounts taken out of the emoployee's gress wages that include taxes and contributions
  8. income received from taxes by a government
  9. verifies identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the US
  10. a federal payroll tax that is deducted from each paycheck for medicare and social security
  1. if you are an independent contractor or self-employed, the work you do may be the same as an employee, but will recieve an earnings statement on this form
  2. money an individual or business receives, usually in exchange for providing a good service or through investing capital
  3. an illegal activity in which a person or entity deliberately avoids paying a true tax liability
  4. the time period, generally between Jan 1 and April 15 of each year, when individual taxpayers prepare financial statements and reports for the previous year and submit their tax returns
  5. IRS tax form that is filled out by employees to indicate their tax situation to their employer
  6. the money you earn before any deduction
  7. provides for national programs such as national defense, veterans and foreign affairs, social programs, law enforcement, and interest on the national debt
  8. the amount per hour people are paid
  9. the amount per year people are paid
  10. a required payment to a local, state, or national(federal) government

20 Clues: the amount per hour people are paidthe amount per year people are paidthe money you earn before any deductionincome received from taxes by a governmenthigher rates of tax on higher levels of incomecollects income taxes for the Federal Governmentthe money you actually get to take home and spend after deductions...

Economics crossword 2022-06-01

Economics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. measure of joblessness
  2. products that are sold to be used together
  3. the amount of people who want something
  4. if there are more regulations less goods less regulations more goods
  5. the amount of goods and services made with a given amount of resources
  6. competing product that may be used in place of another product
  7. Shrinking GDP and Increase of prices more than 4%
  8. the increase or decrease of the money supply
  9. decreasing the money supply
  10. prices rising more than 4%
  11. list of prices and quantities that are demanded
  12. higher taxation on lower incomes
  1. the amount of a good or service that can be produced
  2. High unemployment and shrinking GDP
  3. the nations national bank
  4. higher taxation on higher incomes
  5. increasing the money supply
  6. when those in other countries buy from the US
  7. leaving your job for a better one
  8. proposed revenue and expenditures for the coming year
  9. scale to measure the inflation rate
  10. when i buy US goods and services
  11. goods and services that we consume for a price
  12. representation of a demand schedule
  13. same rate of taxation

25 Clues: same rate of taxationmeasure of joblessnessthe nations national bankprices rising more than 4%increasing the money supplydecreasing the money supplywhen i buy US goods and serviceshigher taxation on lower incomeshigher taxation on higher incomesleaving your job for a better oneHigh unemployment and shrinking GDPscale to measure the inflation rate...

Economics Final 2022-05-31

Economics Final crossword puzzle
  1. GDP shrinking, high unemployment rate
  2. rare/limited
  3. there is no such thing as a free lunch
  4. things congress does to help the economy
  5. was in love with capitalism
  6. money taken from people/businesses
  7. tax used in U.S.
  8. P and Qd are inversely related
  9. limit on # of imports
  10. P and Qs are positively related
  11. manages mutual funds
  12. type of unemployment "makes me sick"
  13. buys stocks
  14. economy is going too fast
  15. recessions and inflation
  1. amount of money banks must reserve
  2. net asset value
  3. consumer price index
  4. market for labor
  5. natural resources
  6. money paid to businesses
  7. things the FED does to help the economy
  8. products that can be used in place of each other
  9. thing to avoid when calculating GDP
  10. tax on imports

25 Clues: buys stocksrare/limitedtax on importsnet asset valuemarket for labortax used in U.S.natural resourcesconsumer price indexmanages mutual fundslimit on # of importsmoney paid to businessesrecessions and inflationeconomy is going too fastwas in love with capitalismP and Qd are inversely relatedP and Qs are positively related...

Economics Final 2022-05-31

Economics Final crossword puzzle
  1. resources required to produce the things we would like to have; land labor and entrepreneurs
  2. economic system of choice in many parts of the world
  3. how many dollars worth of goods and services were made in america over time
  4. as your income goes up the percentage of your income that you pay in taxes goes up
  5. amount of product that would be offered for sale at all possible prices that could prevail in the market
  6. tools, equipment, machinery, and factories that are used in the production of goods and services
  7. people with all their efforts, abilities and skills
  8. a risktaker in search of profits who does something new with existing resources
  9. funds that purchase stock in companies anywhere around the world, including the US
  10. the price for that product that we see in the stores
  11. can be touched
  1. natural resources that humans cannot create
  2. these are funds that primarily purchase stock in US based companies
  3. increases the supply of money to generate economic growth
  4. index used to calculate inflation rate
  5. largest category of discretionary spending in the federal economy
  6. the act of buyers and sellers freely and willingly engaging in market transition
  7. a collection of stocks versus an individual stock or bond
  8. resources that are privately owned, and competition is allowed to flourish with a minimal government interference
  9. something you can touch
  10. an inflation rate of 4% or lower
  11. cannot be touched
  12. a measurfe of the amount of goods and services produced with a given amount of resources in a specific time period
  13. the study of how human beings choose to use their scarce resources
  14. period of declining economic performance across an entire economy that lasts for several months
  15. something you cannot touch but receive

26 Clues: can be touchedcannot be touchedsomething you can touchan inflation rate of 4% or lowerindex used to calculate inflation ratesomething you cannot touch but receivenatural resources that humans cannot createpeople with all their efforts, abilities and skillseconomic system of choice in many parts of the world...

Economics Review 2022-05-11

Economics Review crossword puzzle
  1. The idea that resources are limited, but demands are unlimited.
  2. the total economic output of the entire country in current dollar values
  3. laws that prevent monopolies from forming
  4. how much people want or need a good
  5. This represents the number of unemployed people as a percent of the labor force
  6. the four components--land, capital, labor, and entrepreneurship--that go into making products
  7. All employed and unemployed people together - both those working and those looking for work
  8. government policy that addresses business and financial practices
  9. government policy that focuses on the circulation of money
  1. time and effort people put into making a product
  2. ideas, organization, and leadership people put into making a product
  3. government policy that focuses on the government budget
  4. when most prices in an economy are rising
  5. father of capitalism
  6. what you give up when you make an economic choice
  7. the tools, buildings, and money needed to make a product
  8. how much of a good is available
  9. type of market that has only one firm, no competition, and can command whatever price it wants
  10. father of communism
  11. The expected rise and fall of economic well-being that occurs over time
  12. the raw materials needed to make a product

21 Clues: father of communismfather of capitalismhow much of a good is availablehow much people want or need a goodwhen most prices in an economy are risinglaws that prevent monopolies from formingthe raw materials needed to make a producttime and effort people put into making a productwhat you give up when you make an economic choice...

Economics Today 2023-05-22

Economics Today crossword puzzle
  1. money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
  2. A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller
  3. A market structure in which a few large firms dominate a market
  4. A focus on a particular activity or area of study
  5. a graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied
  6. Trends and fashions that are highly desirable to the consumer
  7. Economic decisions are made by individuals or the open market.
  8. when consumers react to an increase in a good's price by consuming less of that good and more of other goods
  9. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
  10. A legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold
  1. a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded
  2. A business owned by one person
  3. total revenue minus total cost
  4. an establishment formed to carry on commercial enterprise
  5. Price x Quantity
  6. fixed costs plus variable costs
  7. What you expect prices to do in the future can influence your buying habits today.
  8. the cost of producing one more unit of a good
  9. the change in consumption resulting from a change in real income
  10. A legal minimum on the price at which a good can be sold

20 Clues: Price x QuantityA business owned by one persontotal revenue minus total costfixed costs plus variable coststhe cost of producing one more unit of a goodA focus on a particular activity or area of studyA legal minimum on the price at which a good can be soldA legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold...

Economics Influencers 2023-09-29

Economics Influencers crossword puzzle
  1. The type of economics that states when the business cycle is contracting and people need help, the government should intervene to help the economy “fix itself” at a faster rate.
  2. A financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent.
  3. The economic system where there is no Government interference.
  4. The economic system that has freedom to choose what to make AND Government support.
  5. When the economy is bad, people want to save this.
  6. An individual who buys things.
  7. The theory that the demand for goods and services drives economic activity.
  8. A social hierarchy in which society is divided up based upon their socio-economic status and cultural values.
  9. The term coined by Adam Smith stating that the economy will fix itself over time.
  10. Published “The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money” in 1936.
  11. The economic system based on trade.
  1. A form of Socialism based on the writing of Karl Marx.
  2. A haircut is an example of this.
  3. A severe and prolonged economic downturn; an extreme recession.
  4. A gaming console is an example of this.
  5. A significant, widespread, and prolonged downturn in economic activity.
  6. The economic system where the Government owns all resources and tells people what to make.
  7. Wrote "The Communist Manifesto."
  8. The rivalry between companies selling goods or services.
  9. The Father of Economics.

20 Clues: The Father of Economics.An individual who buys things.A haircut is an example of this.Wrote "The Communist Manifesto."The economic system based on trade.A gaming console is an example of this.When the economy is bad, people want to save this.A form of Socialism based on the writing of Karl Marx....

Economics Review 2023-03-02

Economics Review crossword puzzle
  1. few large sellers dominate industry
  2. based on tradition
  3. owned by one person
  4. central authority
  5. identical products
  6. desire to own something
  7. minimum
  8. amount of goods available
  9. the quantity of money available in economy
  10. dividend
  11. not having enough resources to meet demand
  12. natural resources
  1. greater quantity demanded
  2. cease owner
  3. revenue-cost
  4. tools/equipment
  5. most countries have this form of economy
  6. workforce
  7. the people make decisions
  8. supply and demand meet
  9. land,labor,capital,entrepreneurship
  10. maximum
  11. only one seller
  12. greater supplied
  13. owned by two or more people

25 Clues: minimummaximumdividendworkforcecease ownerrevenue-costtools/equipmentonly one sellergreater suppliedcentral authoritynatural resourcesbased on traditionidentical productsowned by one personsupply and demand meetdesire to own somethinggreater quantity demandedthe people make decisionsamount of goods availableowned by two or more people...

Economics Review 2023-03-03

Economics Review crossword puzzle
  1. You and your family
  2. Board of directors are held legally liable and can be sued for not running company properly.
  3. A condition that results from a society not having enough resources to produce all of the things people need or want.
  4. You have a Surplus if it is above Equilibrium Point. Surplus means that you have too many goods to sell and can't sell all of them.
  5. The company is taxed on its profits and shareholders are also taxed on any dividends they earn from the company.
  6. Reach up to touch the Floor. Above the floor, you will have a surplus.
  7. Owner's personal assets can be seized to pay business debts.
  8. You have a Shortage if it is below Equilibrium Point. Shortage means that you don't have enough goods to meet demand.
  9. "Cerberus Poritas (all things being equal), price has a complementary relationship to quantity supplied."
  10. Ceilings Reach down to touch the Ceiling. Below the ceiling, you have a shortage.
  11. People of the work force
  12. A payment made to individuals by the federal government through various social benefit programs.
  1. A benefit given by the government to institutions or businesses usually in the form of a cash payment or tax reduction.
  2. Where you purchase goods: McDonalds Restaurant, Walmart Store, Lowes Store, Belk's in the Mall etc.
  3. "Cerberus Poritas (all things being equal), a change in price is inverse to the relationship to the quantity demanded."
  4. land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship
  5. The Optimum Point in which the Demand and Supply curves meet.
  6. Also known as Capital Goods the are Tools, Equipment, machinery, and Factories used in production.
  7. Stockholders can't be sued and lose personal things only stock and what corporation owns.
  8. The Corporation like McDonald Corporation, Lowe's Corporation, Walton Enterprises
  9. Death of an owner ends the business and it must be reestablished in the new owner's name(s).
  10. Where you work to make your income: Restaurant, Factories, Retail Stores, Schools, Hospitals
  11. natural resources
  12. If the corporation fails, owners of the corporation cannot lose more than what they paid for their stock. (LLC)
  13. Individual who takes a risk in order to find profit, create jobs, and improve society (MOTIVATION TO START BUSINESS) by doing something different with existing resources

25 Clues: natural resourcesYou and your familyPeople of the work forceland, labor, capital, entrepreneurshipOwner's personal assets can be seized to pay business debts.The Optimum Point in which the Demand and Supply curves meet.Reach up to touch the Floor. Above the floor, you will have a surplus....

Economics review 2023-03-03

Economics review crossword puzzle
  1. The price marked by equilibrium point on supply and demand graph.
  2. unlimited wants but limited resources
  3. the turnaround point where real GDP stops going down
  4. point in business cycle where the economy returns to the previous peak
  5. period where real GDP declines for at least two quarters in a row or six months
  6. the point where real GDP stops going up
  7. time period after the economy reaches recovery where real GDP is continuing to grow
  8. A business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debts
  9. The factories and machines used to make goods
  10. Business owned by one person
  1. A situation in which quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied. Below the equilibrium point.
  2. an item that buyers give to sellers when they want to purchase goods and services
  3. official money used by the government
  4. a business owned by two or more people. All partners are responsible for management and financial obligations.
  5. A situation in which quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded. Above the equilibrium point
  6. the cost of the next best alternative
  7. the mental and physical capacity of workers to produce goods and services
  8. when GDP begins to go back up when after the economy has hit the trough
  9. when real GDP begins to go down
  10. a period of recovery from a recession
  11. alternative cost

21 Clues: alternative costBusiness owned by one personwhen real GDP begins to go downofficial money used by the governmentunlimited wants but limited resourcesthe cost of the next best alternativea period of recovery from a recessionthe point where real GDP stops going upThe factories and machines used to make goods...

Economics Crossword 2023-03-02

Economics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Economy where it's a mix of all three
  2. A payment to individuals from the federal Government
  3. Positive effect of a choice
  4. Increasing productions of goods and services over time
  5. Economy where the central authorities make the decisions
  6. The increase in overall price of goods/services.
  7. Meant to remove some type of burden
  8. Human-made resources
  9. Achieved through pursuing_____.
  10. Driving force of the economy
  1. Ensuring that all of those who are willing and able to work are able to
  2. Economy where people make the decision
  3. Market Economies typically have more_____.
  4. Small Change
  5. Resources
  6. Resources being allocated to their most productive use
  7. Economy that is passed down generations
  8. Fairness within the economy
  9. "all things being equal"
  10. protecting individuals and firms from risk
  11. Workers

21 Clues: WorkersResourcesSmall ChangeHuman-made resources"all things being equal"Positive effect of a choiceFairness within the economyDriving force of the economyAchieved through pursuing_____.Meant to remove some type of burdenEconomy where it's a mix of all threeEconomy where people make the decisionEconomy that is passed down generations...

Micro-Economics 2023-10-31

Micro-Economics crossword puzzle
  1. it is limited goods or services, limited time, or limited abilities to achieve the desired ends.
  2. Entities who determine the market demand
  3. the secret sauce that combines all the other factors of production into a product or service for the consumer market.
  4. the consumers' desire and willingness to pay for a product or service at a given price and time
  5. typically refers to money.
  6. measures the responsiveness of one economic variable to a change in another.
  7. the use of goods and services by households.
  8. is a measure of the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good to a change in its price.
  1. any expenses that change based on how much a company produces and sells.
  2. a business organisation such as a corporation that produces and sells goods and services with the aim of generating revenue and making a profit.
  3. It is a social science where individual, firms and the society deals with limited resources and unlimited needs and wants.
  4. the amount of money, property, and other transfers of value received over a set period of time in exchange for services or products.
  5. the process of making or manufacturing goods and products from raw materials or components.
  6. an expense that does not change when sales or production volumes increase or decrease.
  7. used to predict what customer demand will be for a product or service, with varying levels of specificity.
  8. the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time.
  9. the amount gained by selling a product, and it should be mor
  10. the effort expended by an individual to bring a product or service to the market.
  11. refers to the number of goods and services suppliers can make available at a particular price.
  12. the amount of money that a buyer gives to a seller in exchange for a good or a service.

20 Clues: typically refers to money.Entities who determine the market demandthe use of goods and services by households.the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time.the amount gained by selling a product, and it should be morany expenses that change based on how much a company produces and sells....