family Crossword Puzzles

Family 2023-07-02

Family crossword puzzle
  1. A family formed when a parent remarries, bringing a new spouse and their children together to create a blended family.
  2. Animals that become part of our family. They bring joy, companionship, and teach us about responsibility and care for living creatures.
  3. The parents of our parents. They have lots of love and wisdom to share and often spoil us with treats and stories from the past.
  4. family A family where children are legally and permanently welcomed into a loving home by parents who are not their biological parents.
  5. The people who take care of and guide their children. They provide love, support, and help their children grow and learn.
  6. family A larger family network that includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. They often gather for family celebrations and holidays.
  7. Brothers and sisters who share the same parents. They grow up together, play together, and sometimes have sibling rivalry.
  1. family A family where one parent takes care of the children, providing love, support, and fulfilling both parental roles.
  2. The brother or sister of our spouse. They become part of our family when we get married and often develop close relationships with us.
  3. Adults who are chosen by our parents to play a special role in our lives. They offer guidance, love, and support as we grow up.
  4. family A small family unit consisting of parents and their children living together and supporting one another.
  5. Relatives who are the children of our aunts and uncles. We may see them at family gatherings and enjoy playing and bonding with them.
  6. family A family that temporarily provides a safe and nurturing home for children who are unable to live with their biological parents.
  7. and Uncles Our parents' siblings. They can be like second parents, providing guidance, support, and fun experiences in our lives.

14 Clues: family A small family unit consisting of parents and their children living together and supporting one another.A family formed when a parent remarries, bringing a new spouse and their children together to create a blended A family where one parent takes care of the children, providing love, support, and fulfilling both parental roles....

family 2023-07-10

family crossword puzzle
  1. A male sibling who shares a common parent or parents. Brothers can be playmates, friends, and protective figures in a family.
  2. The child of one's aunt or uncle. Cousins are relatives who can become close friends and companions as they grow up together.
  3. The son of one's sibling or sibling-in-law. Nephews are often loved and cherished family members who bring joy and fun to the family.
  4. A caring and loving person who is usually a female parent. Mothers take care of their children and provide support and guidance.
  5. The mother of one's parent. Grandmothers are often loving and wise figures who share stories, wisdom, and love with their grandchildren.
  6. A female sibling who shares a common parent or parents. Sisters often have a special bond and can be supportive and fun companions.
  7. The collective term for one's brothers and sisters. Siblings are lifelong companions who share family bonds, memories, and experiences.
  8. The sister of one's parent. Aunts can be supportive, fun, and caring family members who offer guidance and love.
  9. A strong and protective person who is usually a male parent. Fathers provide for their family and offer guidance and support.
  1. The collective term for one's grandparents. Grandparents are older generations who offer wisdom, love, and support to their grandchildren.
  2. The collective term for one's mother and father. Parents are the primary caregivers who provide love, support, and guidance to their children.
  3. The daughter of one's sibling or sibling-in-law. Nieces are often loved and cherished family members who bring joy and happiness.
  4. The brother of one's parent. Uncles can be protective, fun, and supportive family members who offer guidance and companionship.
  5. The father of one's parent. Grandfathers are often experienced and caring figures who provide guidance, stories, and support to their grandchildren.

14 Clues: The sister of one's parent. Aunts can be supportive, fun, and caring family members who offer guidance and love.A male sibling who shares a common parent or parents. Brothers can be playmates, friends, and protective figures in a family....

Family 2023-02-07

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Ruled England for 70 years
  2. Kingdom
  3. __Gates
  4. Franklin
  5. Eisenhower
  6. small fat 2 eyed minion
  7. 2 book in the Bible
  1. ____ 70's show
  2. ____bird
  3. striped horse
  4. ______states of America
  5. anatomy
  6. King Williem-Alexander
  7. Hopes grandpa off of raising hope
  8. Ronald _____ Reagan

15 Clues: anatomyKingdom__Gates____birdFranklinEisenhowerstriped horse____ 70's showRonald _____ Reagan2 book in the BibleKing Williem-Alexander______states of Americasmall fat 2 eyed minionRuled England for 70 yearsHopes grandpa off of raising hope

Family 2023-07-17

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Your parents' sisters or your mother's sisters. They can be like second mothers to you. They may spoil you with hugs and presents.
  2. Your aunts' and uncles' children. They are like your friends who are also part of your family. You can have fun and make memories with them.
  3. Your parents' brothers or your father's brothers. They can be like second fathers to you. They may teach you new things and make you laugh.
  4. A boy who becomes your brother through marriage. You may have different parents, but you are still family.
  5. Brothers and sisters who are part of your family. You may play together and sometimes argue, but you always have each other's back.
  6. A man who becomes your father through marriage. He loves and cares for you as if you were his own child.
  7. Your parents' parents. They are older and have lots of stories and wisdom to share with you. They give you lots of love and treats.
  8. The people who take care of you and love you. They are like your guides in life.
  9. The family members of your spouse. They become your family through marriage. You can have new grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
  1. Your aunts' and uncles' children. They are like your friends who are also part of your family. You can have fun and make memories with them.
  2. A girl who becomes your sister through marriage. You may have different parents, but you are still family.
  3. A woman who becomes your mother through marriage. She loves and cares for you as if you were her own child.
  4. The children of your siblings. They are like your little brothers or sisters. You can play and have adventures with them.
  5. The children of your siblings. They are like your little sisters or brothers. You can have fun and protect them.
  6. pet A furry or feathery friend that is part of your family. They bring joy and companionship to your home.

15 Clues: The people who take care of you and love you. They are like your guides in life.A man who becomes your father through marriage. He loves and cares for you as if you were his own child.A girl who becomes your sister through marriage. You may have different parents, but you are still family....

family 2023-04-18

family crossword puzzle
  1. NEITA
  2. NIETO
  5. PAPA
  6. MADRE
  1. PRIMO
  3. HIJA
  4. TIA
  5. TIO
  9. HIJO


Family 2023-05-19

Family crossword puzzle
  1. vend
  2. perekond
  3. õde
  4. klass
  5. vanavanemad
  6. vend
  7. kindlasti; kindel
  8. täna
  9. ema
  1. amet, töö
  2. kaksikud
  3. vanaema
  4. õde
  5. isa
  6. vanaisa
  7. arst

16 Clues: õdeõdeisaemavendvendtänaarstklassvanaemavanaisakaksikudperekondamet, töövanavanemadkindlasti; kindel

Family 2023-09-18

Family crossword puzzle
  1. People who are part of your extended family, like aunts, uncles, and cousins.
  2. A child of your aunt or uncle, like an extended family member.
  3. The people who live together in the same home, often a family.
  4. A grandmother or grandfather, the parents of your parents.
  5. A group of people who are related by blood or love and live together.
  6. The daughter of your brother or sister.
  7. A group of people born and living around the same time, like grandparents, parents, and children.
  1. The son of your brother or sister.
  2. Customs and practices that are passed down from generation to generation within a family.
  3. The brother of your mother or father.
  4. A strong feeling of affection and care that family members have for each other.
  5. A brother or sister, someone who shares the same parents.
  6. A mother or father who takes care of and loves their children.
  7. The sister of your mother or father.

14 Clues: The son of your brother or sister.The sister of your mother or father.The brother of your mother or father.The daughter of your brother or sister.A brother or sister, someone who shares the same parents.A grandmother or grandfather, the parents of your parents.A child of your aunt or uncle, like an extended family member....

FAMILY 2023-09-17

FAMILY crossword puzzle
  1. NEICE 2
  2. BROTHER 2
  3. DAD
  4. LAST NAME 2
  5. ME
  6. SON
  3. LAST NAME 3
  4. HUBBY
  6. NEICE
  7. MOM


FAMILY 2023-10-08

FAMILY crossword puzzle
  1. A boy is this to his father ...
  2. My granny's mother is my ...
  3. My mother's sister is my ...
  4. Grandfather or ...
  5. A girl is this to her father ...
  6. My mother's brother is my ...
  1. My aunties' child is my ...
  2. She is my parents' child.
  3. Grandmother or ...
  4. He is my parents' child.
  5. She is my mother or my...
  6. A girl is this to her Auntie...
  7. He is my father or my ...
  8. A boy is this to his auntie ...

14 Clues: Grandmother or ...Grandfather or ...He is my parents' child.She is my parents' child.She is my mother or my...He is my father or my ...My aunties' child is my ...My granny's mother is my ...My mother's sister is my ...My mother's brother is my ...A boy is this to his father ...A girl is this to her Auntie...A boy is this to his auntie ......

Family 2024-01-21

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Julia
  2. Joseph
  3. Nox
  4. Dio
  5. Eos
  6. Misha
  7. Sage
  8. Freya
  1. Sunshine
  2. Rinoa
  3. Baroness
  4. Twilight
  5. Mew
  6. Amelia

14 Clues: MewNoxDioEosSageRinoaJuliaMishaFreyaJosephAmeliaSunshineBaronessTwilight

FAMILY 2024-02-02

FAMILY crossword puzzle
  1. saudara laki-laki
  2. istri
  3. bibi
  4. cucu laki-laki
  5. anak perempuan
  6. cucu perempuan
  7. nenek
  1. kakek
  2. saudara perempuan
  3. suami
  4. ayah
  5. paman
  6. anak laki-laki
  7. ibu

14 Clues: ibuayahbibikakekistrisuamipamannenekcucu laki-lakianak perempuancucu perempuananak laki-lakisaudara laki-lakisaudara perempuan

Family 2024-03-12

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Cousin
  2. Mari
  3. Mère
  4. Grand-mère
  5. Femme
  6. Neveu
  1. Fils
  2. Sœur
  3. Frère
  4. Tante
  5. Fille
  6. Maman (US)
  7. Père
  8. Oncle

14 Clues: FilsSœurMariPèreMèreFrèreTanteFilleOncleFemmeNeveuCousinMaman (US)Grand-mère

family 2024-09-29

family crossword puzzle
  1. babcia
  2. córka
  3. ciocia
  4. kuzyn/kuzynka
  5. siostrzenica/bratanica
  6. dziecko
  7. brat
  1. ojciec
  2. siostra
  3. matka
  4. dziadek
  5. wujek
  6. siostrzeniec/bratanica
  7. syn

14 Clues: synbratmatkacórkawujekojciecbabciaciociasiostradziadekdzieckokuzyn/kuzynkasiostrzenica/bratanicasiostrzeniec/bratanica

family 2024-12-10

family crossword puzzle
  1. suocero
  2. nonno
  3. figlia
  4. zio
  5. nipote
  1. mamma
  2. cugino
  3. nonna
  4. sorella
  5. papà
  6. padrino
  7. fratello
  8. figlio
  9. zia

14 Clues: ziaziopapàmammanonnanonnocuginofigliofiglianipotesorellasuoceropadrinofratello

Family 2024-12-11

Family crossword puzzle
  1. female child
  2. female sibling
  3. The child of your aunt or uncle
  4. the son of your brother or sister
  5. married woman
  6. the daughter of your brother or sister
  7. female parent
  8. a male sibling
  1. your mother's or father's sister
  2. your mother's dad
  3. your mother's or father's brother
  4. your mother's mother
  5. male parent
  6. A male child of parents

14 Clues: male parentfemale childmarried womanfemale parentfemale siblinga male siblingyour mother's dadyour mother's motherA male child of parentsThe child of your aunt or uncleyour mother's or father's sisteryour mother's or father's brotherthe son of your brother or sisterthe daughter of your brother or sister

Angela's Ashes crossword puzzle 2023-12-06

Angela's Ashes crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. character that lets the family live with him post eviction
  2. Frank starts doing these to earn money for his family
  3. literary device and also Frank's father does this a lot
  4. symbol of Frank's hope and dreams of a better life
  5. employs Frank to help since his legs are not working well
  6. Frank's dead sister
  7. important character that is very depressed
  8. Frank has much of this and because of this wants to leave Ireland
  9. sickness that holds Frank in the hospital for months
  10. Frank goes through this at school
  1. huge part of Frank's upbringing and also caused problems for his family
  2. the family does not have much of this
  3. big event that keeps happening to the family
  4. Frank's family's religion
  5. theme in the novel shown by other characters around the McCourt family
  6. character that causes hurt in the family because of their alcoholism
  7. main character of the novel
  8. Frank's family gets this from people like family and places like the societies
  9. the family goes through, Angela gets this the most
  10. a theme that shows how poor the family really is

20 Clues: Frank's dead sisterFrank's family's religionmain character of the novelFrank goes through this at schoolthe family does not have much of thisimportant character that is very depressedbig event that keeps happening to the familya theme that shows how poor the family really issymbol of Frank's hope and dreams of a better life...

Platyhelminthes and Mollusca 2023-09-16

Platyhelminthes and Mollusca crossword puzzle
  1. family of conches
  2. family of abalone
  3. class of planarians
  4. family of the cockle
  5. order of freshwater mussel
  6. family of olive snail
  7. family of whelk
  8. genus of liver fluke
  9. class of chiton
  10. class of the flukes
  11. order of chiton
  12. family of cone snail
  13. order of planarians
  14. order of tapeworms
  15. clade of sea snails
  16. genus of tapeworm
  17. phylum of mollusks
  18. order of bivalves
  1. genus of planarians
  2. family of murex snail
  3. genus of hammerhead worm
  4. class of tapeworms
  5. family of moon snails
  6. subclass of bivalves
  7. class of bivalves
  8. subclass of extant bivalves
  9. family of gumboot chiton
  10. subclass of tapeworms
  11. clade of conchs and moon snails
  12. subclass of endoparasitic flukes
  13. class of slugs and snails
  14. phylum of flatworms
  15. new gastropods clade
  16. family of freshwater mussel
  17. order of trematodes

35 Clues: family of whelkclass of chitonorder of chitonfamily of conchesfamily of abaloneclass of bivalvesgenus of tapewormorder of bivalvesclass of tapewormsorder of tapewormsphylum of mollusksgenus of planariansclass of planariansphylum of flatwormsclass of the flukesorder of trematodesorder of planariansclade of sea snailssubclass of bivalves...

Functions of a Family 2020-10-13

Functions of a Family crossword puzzle
  1. A legal relationship between a male and female
  2. Legal dissolution of a legally constituted marriage
  3. The money and property that passes upon the death of an individual to another
  4. The declaration of a court that a marriage is null and void
  5. _________ family is arranged with authority lying with the mother
  6. Family is considered the _______ block of society
  7. Where adults who have children from previous relationships come together to form a family
  8. Family type which includes mother father and their child(ren)
  1. A family is considered a ________ group
  2. Is characterized by partners living in separate locations but operating as a family is a ________ relationship
  3. The legal procedure by which a married couple remains legally married while living apart
  4. Member of the family that who provides financial support
  5. A family that joins more than two generations of water
  6. In the __________ family authority is shared between both parents
  7. When partners live together without being legally married
  8. _________ family is arranged with authority lying with the father
  9. A family headed by a female
  10. The ______ family occurs when a man has a second family with a female other than his wife
  11. A family headed by a male

19 Clues: A family headed by a maleA family headed by a femaleA family is considered a ________ groupA legal relationship between a male and femaleFamily is considered the _______ block of societyLegal dissolution of a legally constituted marriageA family that joins more than two generations of waterMember of the family that who provides financial support...

Family 2022-01-25

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Cobra
  2. Grandma's blue eyed boy
  3. Beag
  4. Mr GAA
  5. Boom boom, let me here you say Weeio
  6. One in a million
  7. Bear
  8. Spiderman
  1. First of her kind, third of her name
  2. Wee Miss B
  3. Cutest little ginger snap
  4. Spideóg
  5. Best buddy of Setanta
  6. Matriarch who gives the best hugs

14 Clues: BeagBearCobraMr GAASpideógSpidermanWee Miss BOne in a millionBest buddy of SetantaGrandma's blue eyed boyCutest little ginger snapMatriarch who gives the best hugsFirst of her kind, third of her nameBoom boom, let me here you say Weeio

family 2021-12-29

family crossword puzzle
  1. oldest
  2. little miss
  3. march
  4. the law
  5. bubba
  6. d2
  7. youngin
  1. daughter
  2. little man,
  3. dad
  4. mom,
  5. horses
  6. october
  7. the nurse

14 Clues: d2dadmom,marchbubbaoldesthorsesoctoberthe lawyoungindaughterthe nurselittle man,little miss

Family 2022-01-30

Family crossword puzzle
  1. First granddaughter?
  2. what is moms name?
  3. Middle child?
  4. What was the oldest daughters name?
  5. Who did Ami marry?
  6. Chad married?
  7. What was papa George’s middle name?
  8. Middle child married who?
  1. What is dads name?
  2. What was brothers name?
  3. What is Brittany sons name?
  4. Step granddaughter?
  5. Second granddaughter?
  6. First grandson?

14 Clues: Middle child?Chad married?First grandson?What is dads name?what is moms name?Who did Ami marry?Step granddaughter?First granddaughter?Second granddaughter?What was brothers name?Middle child married who?What is Brittany sons name?What was the oldest daughters name?What was papa George’s middle name?

Family 2020-09-17

Family crossword puzzle
  1. The daughter of your aunt or uncle.
  2. My mother or farther's sister's child is my...
  3. A young kid.
  4. My mother or farther's sister
  5. Male sibling
  6. The son of your aunt or uncle.
  7. Your mother or father's father
  8. Female sibling
  1. My father or mother's mother
  2. You can use this word when you have more than one sister or brother.
  3. Female parent
  4. My father or mother's brother
  5. Another word for my mother and father.
  6. Male parent

14 Clues: Male parentA young kid.Male siblingFemale parentFemale siblingMy father or mother's motherMy father or mother's brotherMy mother or farther's sisterThe son of your aunt or uncle.Your mother or father's fatherThe daughter of your aunt or uncle.Another word for my mother and father.My mother or farther's sister's child is my......

family 2022-02-17

family crossword puzzle
  1. A place we went to in the summer_______________
  2. The school that I go to is____________
  3. My mom likes to do________
  4. My dad gives me allowance when I take out the______
  5. Joseph favourite food is____________
  6. 14 Joseph birthday is ____________
  7. Mom and dad were born in_________
  1. The first place you went to in canada__________
  2. When we went to florida, what was my favourite thing to do
  3. Our pet name is_______
  4. A video game I like
  5. My favourite sport is__________
  6. Our streets name
  7. A old pet that we had

14 Clues: Our streets nameA video game I likeA old pet that we hadOur pet name is_______My mom likes to do________My favourite sport is__________Mom and dad were born in_________14 Joseph birthday is ____________Joseph favourite food is____________The school that I go to is____________The first place you went to in canada__________...

Family 2021-11-22

Family crossword puzzle
  1. A female sibling.
  2. Your mum or dad's dad.
  3. Your mum and dad.
  4. Your mum or dad's mum.
  5. A male sibling.
  1. Your grandma and grandpa.
  2. Your aunt or uncle's child.
  3. A female child.
  4. Dad.
  5. Your mum or dad's sister.
  6. Your mum or dad's brother.
  7. A male child.
  8. Mum.
  9. An animal that lives with you.

14 Clues: Dad.Mum.A male child.A female child.A male sibling.A female sibling.Your mum and dad.Your mum or dad's dad.Your mum or dad's mum.Your grandma and grandpa.Your mum or dad's sister.Your mum or dad's brother.Your aunt or uncle's child.An animal that lives with you.

family 2022-02-06

family crossword puzzle
  1. gd1
  2. gs3
  3. d3
  4. d1
  5. gd3
  6. gs2
  7. us2
  8. m
  9. gd2
  1. d4
  2. del
  3. d2
  4. us
  5. gs1

14 Clues: md4d3d2usd1gd1gs3delgs1gd3gs2us2gd2

family 2013-12-30

family crossword puzzle
  1. on the other side of the world
  2. family name
  3. a suffragette
  4. a port
  5. where we used to live
  6. a song bird
  7. a mother
  1. maiden name
  2. shakey city
  3. where we are
  4. a father
  5. youngest daughter
  6. a purple flower
  7. eldest child

14 Clues: a porta fathera mothermaiden nameshakey cityfamily namea song birdwhere we areeldest childa suffragettea purple floweryoungest daughterwhere we used to liveon the other side of the world

Family 2012-09-22

Family crossword puzzle
  1. - Great Grandpa
  2. - Cousin younger
  3. - mommy
  4. - myself
  5. -Cousin elder
  6. - Grandma(mommy's mommy)
  7. - uncle
  1. - Grandma (daddy's mommy)
  2. - daddy
  3. - Grandpa(daddy's daddy)
  4. - Grandpa (mommy's daddy)
  5. - Sister
  6. - auntie
  7. -Great Grandma

14 Clues: - daddy- mommy- uncle- Sister- myself- auntie-Cousin elder-Great Grandma- Great Grandpa- Cousin younger- Grandpa(daddy's daddy)- Grandma(mommy's mommy)- Grandma (daddy's mommy)- Grandpa (mommy's daddy)

Family 2012-09-02

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Reid
  2. Arron
  3. Haley
  4. Michael
  5. Roger
  6. Keith
  7. Amy
  1. Lisa
  2. Sonny
  3. Sharise
  4. Hannah
  5. Sarah
  6. Hope
  7. Ryan

14 Clues: AmyLisaReidHopeRyanSonnyArronHaleySarahRogerKeithHannahShariseMichael

Family 2013-01-22

Family crossword puzzle
  1. tante
  2. mamma
  3. katt
  4. onkel
  5. far
  6. bestefar
  7. hund
  8. bror
  1. pappa
  2. niese
  3. mor
  4. bestemor
  5. nevø
  6. søster

14 Clues: morfarkattnevøhundbrorpappatanteniesemammaonkelsøsterbestemorbestefar

family 2015-02-05

family crossword puzzle
  1. mom
  2. dad
  3. new in law
  4. boy
  5. daughter too
  6. her
  7. oldest
  1. baby
  2. girl
  3. daughter
  4. grand
  5. son
  6. in law
  7. in law too

14 Clues: momdadsonboyherbabygirlgrandin lawoldestdaughternew in lawin law toodaughter too

FAMILY 2015-06-15

FAMILY crossword puzzle
  1. The man who is my grandfather's son
  2. The man who is my parents' son
  3. The man who is my grandfather's grandfather
  4. The time when you stay with all your family
  5. The man who is my daughter's husband
  1. The woman who is my grandfather's daughter
  2. The man who is my husband's wife's brother
  3. The man who is my father's brother
  4. The man who is my father's father
  5. The man who is my husband's wife's father
  6. grandfather The man who is my grandfather's father
  7. The person who is my father's brother's son
  8. The man who is my father's grandson
  9. The man who is my brother's son

14 Clues: The man who is my parents' sonThe man who is my brother's sonThe man who is my father's fatherThe man who is my father's brotherThe man who is my grandfather's sonThe man who is my father's grandsonThe man who is my daughter's husbandThe man who is my husband's wife's fatherThe woman who is my grandfather's daughter...

Family 2015-06-05

Family crossword puzzle
  1. A man who raises a child
  2. Plural of child
  3. A son of your brother or sister
  4. One's female child
  5. A man joined to another person in marriage
  6. A woman who gives birth to a child
  7. The daughter of your brother or sister
  1. A male having the same parents
  2. A child of your son or daughter
  3. The mother of one's father or mother
  4. The brother of one's mother or father
  5. The sister of one's father or mother
  6. Two persons who are raising a child
  7. A female having the same parents as you

14 Clues: Plural of childOne's female childA man who raises a childA male having the same parentsA child of your son or daughterA son of your brother or sisterA woman who gives birth to a childTwo persons who are raising a childThe mother of one's father or motherThe sister of one's father or motherThe brother of one's mother or father...

Family 2016-03-18

Family crossword puzzle
  1. sister of parent
  2. female parent
  3. mother of one's mother/ father
  4. the father of one's mother/ father
  5. brothers and sisters
  6. brother of parent
  7. male child
  1. male parent
  2. father or mother
  3. the parents of one's parents
  4. brother/ sister's son
  5. children of aunt/ uncle
  6. female child
  7. brother/ sister's daughter

14 Clues: male childmale parentfemale childfemale parentfather or mothersister of parentbrother of parentbrothers and sistersbrother/ sister's sonchildren of aunt/ unclebrother/ sister's daughterthe parents of one's parentsmother of one's mother/ fatherthe father of one's mother/ father

family 2022-09-27

family crossword puzzle
  1. my sister's daughter is my ...
  2. my sister's husband is my ...
  3. my uncle's children are my ...
  4. my father's sister is my ...
  5. my husband's mother is my ...
  6. my mother's new husband is my ...
  7. if I have no brothers or sisters I am ...
  8. my brother's son is my ...
  1. my mother's grandma is my ...
  2. grandmas like to take care of their ...
  3. my father's father is my ...
  4. a strange relative in a family is called the ...
  5. a married man
  6. my father's brother is my ...

14 Clues: a married manmy brother's son is my father's father is my father's sister is my mother's grandma is my sister's husband is my father's brother is my husband's mother is my sister's daughter is my uncle's children are my mother's new husband is my ...grandmas like to take care of their ......

Family 2022-10-04

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Evaluative characterization of something as extraordinary, extraordinary, exceptional in its power of manifestation/Оценочная характеристика чего-либо как экстраординарного, экстраординарного, исключительного по своей силе проявления
  2. A sharp deterioration in the relationship between people, a state of enmity/Резкое ухудшение отношений между людьми, состояние вражды
  3. Official termination of a valid marriage between living spouses/Официальное расторжение действительного брака между живущими супругами
  4. To be composed of someone, something, to have someone, something in its composition/Состоять из кого-то, чего-то, иметь кого-то, что-то в своем составе
  5. Enlarged, more complete in composition, in content/Увеличенный, более полный по составу, по содержанию
  6. Not subordinate, free/Не подчиненный, свободный
  7. The character of a person who cannot sort himself out and often makes spontaneous unreasonable decisions, regretting it later/Характер человека, который не может разобраться в себе и часто принимает спонтанные неразумные решения, сожалея об этом позже
  1. A state of supreme satisfaction with life, a feeling of deep contentment and joy experienced by someone/Состояние высшей удовлетворенности жизнью, чувство глубокого удовлетворения и радости, испытываемое кем-то
  2. Work paid above the norm/Работа, оплачиваемая сверх нормы
  3. A collection of people of close age living at the same time/Совокупность людей близкого возраста, живущих в одно и то же время
  4. Not being a part of anything whole or unified; independent/Не являясь частью чего-либо целого или унифицированного; независимый
  5. Subjectively experienced connections and relationships between people/Субъективно переживаемые связи и взаимоотношения между людьми
  6. Accompanied by success; having a favorable course and a positive result/Сопровождающийся успехом; имеющий благоприятный ход и положительный результат
  7. To make explicit, known or understandable, to find the essence of something/Сделать явным, известным или понятным, найти суть чего-либо

14 Clues: Not subordinate, free/Не подчиненный, свободныйWork paid above the norm/Работа, оплачиваемая сверх нормыEnlarged, more complete in composition, in content/Увеличенный, более полный по составу, по содержаниюA collection of people of close age living at the same time/Совокупность людей близкого возраста, живущих в одно и то же время...

Family 2022-12-23

Family crossword puzzle
  1. pawpaw
  2. shawn
  3. liana
  4. david
  5. jason
  6. zoey
  1. shannon
  2. grammy
  3. sarah
  4. lisa
  5. kayden
  6. tad
  7. lexi
  8. jojo

14 Clues: tadlisalexijojozoeysarahshawnlianadavidjasongrammypawpawkaydenshannon

Family 2023-01-09

Family crossword puzzle
  1. daughter1
  2. grandma
  3. granddaughter1
  4. two
  5. three
  6. grandson2
  7. grandpa
  1. son-in-law1
  2. granddaughter3
  3. grandson1
  4. granddaughter2
  5. one
  6. daughter2
  7. son-in-law2

14 Clues: onetwothreegrandmagrandpadaughter1grandson1daughter2grandson2son-in-law1son-in-law2granddaughter3granddaughter2granddaughter1

Family 2020-04-24

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Brother 3
  2. Sister
  3. boyfriend
  4. Daughter 2
  5. Son
  6. Daughter
  7. Girlfriend
  1. Brother 2
  2. Mother
  3. Brother
  4. Boyfriend 2
  5. Sister 2
  6. Father
  7. SIster 3

14 Clues: SonMotherSisterFatherBrotherSister 2DaughterSIster 3Brother 2Brother 3boyfriendDaughter 2GirlfriendBoyfriend 2

Family 2020-11-15

Family crossword puzzle
  1. a woman after when her husband died
  2. your parents brother
  3. your sibling' son
  4. your father new wife after divorce
  5. brother and sister
  6. your parents sister
  7. one of the couple on the weeding day(man)
  8. one of the couple on the weeding day (woman)
  9. your sibling' daughter
  10. your wife'/husband' father
  1. the child of your mother's brother
  2. your parents chosen this man for you
  3. your father new wife' daughter
  4. after when you got a ring
  5. your wife'/husband' mother

15 Clues: your sibling' sonbrother and sisteryour parents sisteryour parents brotheryour sibling' daughterafter when you got a ringyour wife'/husband' motheryour wife'/husband' fatheryour father new wife' daughterthe child of your mother's brotheryour father new wife after divorcea woman after when her husband diedyour parents chosen this man for you...

Family 2021-02-28

Family crossword puzzle
  1. племянник
  2. бабушка
  3. тетя
  4. сестра
  5. дети
  6. мать
  1. дедушка
  2. дядя
  3. родители
  4. племянница
  5. муж
  6. отец
  7. брат
  8. жена

14 Clues: муждядяотецбратженатетядетиматьсестрадедушкабабушкародителиплемянникплемянница

Family 2021-03-01

Family crossword puzzle
  1. сын
  2. дядя
  3. муж
  4. бабушка
  5. отец
  6. жена
  1. сестра
  2. дедушка
  3. дети
  4. брат
  5. тётя
  6. мать
  7. дочь
  8. семья

14 Clues: сынмуждядядетибраттётяматьдочьотецженасемьясестрадедушкабабушка

family 2021-04-07

family crossword puzzle
  1. férj
  2. nagynéni
  3. nagypapa
  4. unokatestvér
  5. lánytestvér
  6. fia
  7. unokahúg
  1. nagymama
  2. lánya
  3. unokaöcs
  4. fiúunoka
  5. nagybácsi
  6. fiútestvér
  7. feleség

14 Clues: fiaférjlányafeleségnagymamanagynéniunokaöcsfiúunokanagypapaunokahúgnagybácsifiútestvérlánytestvérunokatestvér

Family 2022-06-07

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. number 1 son
  3. his queen
  4. The king
  5. college boy
  6. Has a trunk
  1. 1st grand child
  2. youngest grand child
  3. Man's best friend
  4. their first born
  5. her spouse
  6. grand princess
  7. Likes to chase mice
  8. Flying mammal

14 Clues: The kinghis queenher spousecollege boyHas a trunknumber 1 sonFlying mammalgrand princess1st grand childLarge marsupialtheir first bornMan's best friendLikes to chase miceyoungest grand child

Family 2022-10-07

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Synonym for nature or character
  2. Parents need to have an active.......... in their children's life.
  3. We need to...............the talent of our children, make them grow and become successful
  4. a brother or sister
  5. includes our parents and siblings.
  6. an occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other
  1. the way in which you are treated and educated when young, especially by your parents
  2. Family.................. is a good time for family members to hang out.
  3. includes more than two generations.
  4. the period of time in a person's life when they are developing into an adult
  5. They have striking physical.................They look just like each other.
  6. We should develop ................... relationship where we both feel that we are appreciated.
  7. The company decided to.................a new approach to staff recruitment.
  8. passed down through a family (verb)

14 Clues: a brother or sisterSynonym for nature or characterpassed down through a family (verb) includes more than two includes our parents and siblings.Parents need to have an active.......... in their children's life.Family.................. is a good time for family members to hang out....

Family 2022-10-24

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Your mother's mother
  2. The daughter of your brother or sister
  3. The brother of one of your parents or your aunt's husband
  4. Another word for mother usually used by British children
  5. Your daughter's husband
  6. The sister of one of your parents or your uncle's wife
  7. Your female parent
  8. This woman or girls has the same parents as you
  1. Your male parent
  2. The female parent of your wife or husband
  3. family The big family with 4-5 kids
  4. The child of your aunt or uncle
  5. The son of your brother or sisiter
  6. Your female child

14 Clues: Your male parentYour female childYour female parentYour mother's motherYour daughter's husbandThe child of your aunt or uncleThe son of your brother or sisiterfamily The big family with 4-5 kidsThe daughter of your brother or sisterThe female parent of your wife or husbandThis woman or girls has the same parents as you...

family 2018-01-19

family crossword puzzle
  1. bryony
  2. olivia
  3. bren
  4. adele
  5. john
  6. mark
  7. grace
  1. robbie
  2. amy
  3. antony
  4. donaldson
  5. russ
  6. emma
  7. reece

14 Clues: amybrenrussemmajohnmarkadelereecegracerobbieantonybryonyoliviadonaldson

Family 2018-03-02

Family crossword puzzle
  1. ребенок
  2. сестра
  3. тетя
  4. муж
  5. бабушка и дедушка
  6. мать
  7. отец
  1. двоюродный брат/сестра
  2. брат
  3. дочь
  4. сын
  5. родители
  6. дядя
  7. жена

14 Clues: сынмужбратдочьтетядядяженаматьотецсестраребенокродителибабушка и дедушкадвоюродный брат/сестра

Family 2019-06-07

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Krišjānis and Helēna are my ...
  2. Father=dad=?
  3. My dad's dad is my ...
  4. My brother's sister is ...
  5. I am Mikelis' ...
  6. Dace's sister is my ...
  7. My mum's sister is my ...
  8. My mum's husband is my ...
  1. Grandmother=?
  2. Mikelis is my ...
  3. My mum's mother is my ...
  4. Helēna's dad is my ...
  5. Grandfather=?
  6. Mother=mum=?

14 Clues: Father=dad=?Mother=mum=?Grandmother=?Grandfather=?Mikelis is my ...I am Mikelis' ...Helēna's dad is my ...My dad's dad is my ...Dace's sister is my ...My mum's mother is my ...My mum's sister is my ...My brother's sister is ...My mum's husband is my ...Krišjānis and Helēna are my ...

Family 2019-11-27

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Patty is Marge's ...
  2. Bart is Lisa's ...
  3. Bart is Selma's ...
  4. Homer is Marge's ...
  5. Maggie is Marge's ...
  6. Ling is Lisa's ...
  7. Maggie is Selma's ...
  1. Marge is Bart's ...
  2. Abraham is Homer's ...
  3. Abraham and Mona are Bart's ...
  4. Patty is Maggie's ...
  5. Herb is Lisa's ...
  6. Herb is Abraham's ...
  7. Jackeline is Clancy's ...

14 Clues: Bart is Lisa's ...Herb is Lisa's ...Ling is Lisa's ...Marge is Bart's ...Bart is Selma's ...Patty is Marge's ...Homer is Marge's ...Patty is Maggie's ...Maggie is Marge's ...Herb is Abraham's ...Maggie is Selma's ...Abraham is Homer's ...Jackeline is Clancy's ...Abraham and Mona are Bart's ...

Family 2023-06-27

Family crossword puzzle
  1. A married woman in relation to her husband, sharing a life together as partners
  2. The sister of one's parent, often a source of love, support, and advice
  3. A male sibling who shares the same parents
  4. A female parent who nurtures, cares for, and loves her children
  5. A female child in relation to her parents, often embodying grace and affection
  6. The mother of one's parent, often a source of love, wisdom, and family traditions
  1. A male parent who provides love, guidance, and support to his children
  2. The father of one's parent, often a wise and experienced figure in the family
  3. The brother of one's parent, often a friendly and caring presence in the family
  4. A female sibling who shares the same parents
  5. Brothers and sisters who share the same parents and form a close bond
  6. The child of one's aunt or uncle, often a friend and playmate within the extended family
  7. A married man in relation to his wife, sharing a life together as partners
  8. A male child in relation to his parents, often bringing joy and laughter to the family

14 Clues: A male sibling who shares the same parentsA female sibling who shares the same parentsA female parent who nurtures, cares for, and loves her childrenBrothers and sisters who share the same parents and form a close bondA male parent who provides love, guidance, and support to his children...

Family 2023-07-10

Family crossword puzzle
  1. A male sibling who shares a common parent or parents. Brothers can be playmates, friends, and protective figures in a family.
  2. The collective term for one's brothers and sisters. Siblings are lifelong companions who share family bonds, memories, and experiences.
  3. The collective term for one's grandparents. Grandparents are older generations who offer wisdom, love, and support to their grandchildren.
  4. The brother of one's parent. Uncles can be protective, fun, and supportive family members who offer guidance and companionship.
  5. The sister of one's parent. Aunts can be supportive, fun, and caring family members who offer guidance and love.
  1. A caring and loving person who is usually a female parent. Mothers take care of their children and provide support and guidance.
  2. The child of one's aunt or uncle. Cousins are relatives who can become close friends and companions as they grow up together.
  3. The collective term for one's mother and father. Parents are the primary caregivers who provide love, support, and guidance to their children.
  4. The father of one's parent. Grandfathers are often experienced and caring figures who provide guidance, stories, and support to their grandchildren.
  5. The son of one's sibling or sibling-in-law. Nephews are often loved and cherished family members who bring joy and fun to the family.
  6. A female sibling who shares a common parent or parents. Sisters often have a special bond and can be supportive and fun companions.
  7. The mother of one's parent. Grandmothers are often loving and wise figures who share stories, wisdom, and love with their grandchildren.
  8. The daughter of one's sibling or sibling-in-law. Nieces are often loved and cherished family members who bring joy and happiness.
  9. A strong and protective person who is usually a male parent. Fathers provide for their family and offer guidance and support.

14 Clues: The sister of one's parent. Aunts can be supportive, fun, and caring family members who offer guidance and love.The child of one's aunt or uncle. Cousins are relatives who can become close friends and companions as they grow up together....

Family 2023-07-07

Family crossword puzzle
  1. A married woman in relation to her husband, sharing a life together as partners
  2. The sister of one's parent, often a source of love, support, and advice
  3. A male sibling who is younger in age and shares the same parents
  4. A female parent who nurtures, cares for, and loves her children
  5. A female child in relation to her parents, often embodying grace and affection
  6. The mother of one's parent, often a source of love, wisdom, and family traditions
  1. A male parent who provides love, guidance, and support to his children
  2. The father of one's parent, often a wise and experienced figure in the family
  3. The brother of one's parent, often a friendly and caring presence in the family
  4. A female sibling who is younger in age and shares the same parents
  5. Brothers and sisters who share the same parents and form a close bond
  6. The child of one's aunt or uncle, often a friend and playmate within the extended family
  7. A married man in relation to his wife, sharing a life together as partners
  8. A male child in relation to his parents, often bringing joy and laughter to the family

14 Clues: A female parent who nurtures, cares for, and loves her childrenA male sibling who is younger in age and shares the same parentsA female sibling who is younger in age and shares the same parentsBrothers and sisters who share the same parents and form a close bondA male parent who provides love, guidance, and support to his children...

Family 2023-07-29

Family crossword puzzle
  1. a person's child or children
  2. family members from past generations
  3. the time when someone is a child
  4. the member of a family who earns most of the money that the family needs
  5. all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family
  6. a person who is related to you and who lives after you, such as your child or grandchild, and all future generations
  7. all the people who live in one house
  1. the way in which you are treated and educated when young, especially by your parents
  2. the care of children, especially by a crèche, nursery or childminder while parents are workin demanding that people obey completely and refusing to allow them the freedom to act as they wish
  3. passed from the genes of a parent to a child
  4. a young person who is developing into an adult
  5. either of two children born to the same mother on the same occasion
  6. the state of being a mother
  7. the male child of your brother or sister

14 Clues: the state of being a mothera person's child or childrenthe time when someone is a childfamily members from past generationsall the people who live in one housethe male child of your brother or sisterpassed from the genes of a parent to a childa young person who is developing into an adult...

Family 2023-08-05

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Your daughter
  2. Your Irish niece
  3. Street you live on
  4. Your 6”6’ nephew
  5. Lawrence ? (The “Program”)
  6. Mafia Uncle -
  7. Your fathers middle name
  1. Your sister
  2. City where you were born
  3. Cousin who flew a B17, married to Peg
  4. Your mother’s maiden name
  5. Your youngest nephew
  6. Angeles California City your parents lived in
  7. Son in law

14 Clues: Son in lawYour sisterYour daughterMafia Uncle -Your Irish nieceYour 6”6’ nephewStreet you live onYour youngest nephewCity where you were bornYour fathers middle nameYour mother’s maiden nameLawrence ? (The “Program”)Cousin who flew a B17, married to PegAngeles California City your parents lived in

Family 2024-01-16

Family crossword puzzle
  1. fils
  2. grand-père
  3. oncle
  4. belle-mère
  5. soeur
  6. mari
  7. femme
  1. enfants
  2. cousin(e)
  3. père
  4. fille
  5. tante
  6. frère
  7. mère

14 Clues: pèrefilsmèremarifilletanteonclefrèresoeurfemmeenfantscousin(e)grand-pèrebelle-mère

Family 2023-12-02

Family crossword puzzle
  1. A relative who is the child of one's uncle or aunt, often a playmate in family gatherings.
  2. A young person who is part of the family and cared for by parents or guardians.
  3. A loving figure who is a parent to one's parent, like a grandmother or grandfather.
  4. The daughter of one's brother or sister, a younger family member to care for.
  5. The son of one's brother or sister, a younger family member to play with.
  6. A relative by marriage, such as a mother-in-law or brother-in-law, adding diversity to the family.
  7. A partner in marriage, either a husband or wife, sharing life's journey together.
  1. A brother or sister, a companion in the family sharing the same parents.
  2. The process of legally becoming the parent of someone else's child, creating a loving family.
  3. A family formed by remarriage, with stepparents and step-siblings creating new bonds.
  4. A caring individual who guides and nurtures a child, either a mother or father.
  5. The sister of one's parent, someone who can provide additional care and support.
  6. Family Relatives beyond the immediate family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
  7. The brother of one's parent, often seen as a supportive and fun family member.

14 Clues: A brother or sister, a companion in the family sharing the same parents.The son of one's brother or sister, a younger family member to play with.The daughter of one's brother or sister, a younger family member to care for.The brother of one's parent, often seen as a supportive and fun family member....

Family 2023-11-03

Family crossword puzzle
  1. bro3
  2. mom3
  3. dad2
  4. mom1
  5. dad1
  6. bro1
  1. bro
  2. dad3
  3. Dad
  4. sis1
  5. sis
  6. sis3
  7. mom2
  8. Mom

14 Clues: broDadsisMombro3dad3sis1mom3sis3dad2mom2mom1dad1bro1

Family 2023-10-31

Family crossword puzzle
  1. father
  2. mother
  3. aunt
  4. cousin girl
  5. daughter
  6. cousin boy
  7. uncle
  8. nephew
  1. grandfather
  2. grandmother
  3. brother
  4. son
  5. niece
  6. sister

14 Clues: sonauntnieceunclefathermothersisternephewbrotherdaughtercousin boygrandfathergrandmothercousin girl

FAMILY 2023-11-15

FAMILY crossword puzzle
  1. SEAN
  3. LIAM
  5. IAN
  6. JULIE
  7. YI
  8. GREG
  1. DYLAN
  2. ERIN
  5. ERIK


Family 2023-12-06

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Rylee's middle name
  2. Harry's middle name
  3. Alex's middle name
  4. Gibby's full name
  5. Joey's middle name
  6. Favorite cat
  7. Keith's middle name
  1. Mel's maiden name
  2. Lydia's middle name
  3. Grampa's middle name
  4. Gramma's maiden name
  5. Gram's maiden name
  6. Tracy's middle name
  7. Nana's maiden name

14 Clues: Favorite catMel's maiden nameGibby's full nameAlex's middle nameJoey's middle nameGram's maiden nameNana's maiden nameLydia's middle nameRylee's middle nameHarry's middle nameTracy's middle nameKeith's middle nameGrampa's middle nameGramma's maiden name

FAMILY 2023-09-11

FAMILY crossword puzzle
  8. FILHA


Family 2024-01-10

Family crossword puzzle
  1. syn
  2. táta
  3. vnoučata
  4. teta
  5. strýc
  6. dědeček
  7. matka
  8. otec
  1. babička
  2. prarodiče
  3. sestřenice
  4. bratr
  5. dcera
  6. máma

14 Clues: syntátatetamámaotecbratrdcerastrýcmatkababičkadědečekvnoučataprarodičesestřenice

Family 2024-07-25

Family crossword puzzle
  1. your aunt and uncle's child
  2. your grandfather's wife
  3. your sister's son
  4. your brother's wife (write as one word)
  5. your brother's daughter
  6. your child's children
  1. your grandmother's husband
  2. your sister's husband (write as one word)
  3. your parents' male child
  4. your husband's mother(write as one word)
  5. your husband's father (write as one word)
  6. your uncle's wife
  7. your female sibling
  8. your mother's sister's husband

14 Clues: your uncle's wifeyour sister's sonyour female siblingyour child's childrenyour grandfather's wifeyour brother's daughteryour parents' male childyour grandmother's husbandyour aunt and uncle's childyour mother's sister's husbandyour brother's wife (write as one word)your husband's mother(write as one word)your sister's husband (write as one word)...

Family 2024-07-25

Family crossword puzzle
  1. your child's children
  2. your husband's mother(write as one word)
  3. your parents' male child
  4. your brother's wife (write as one word)
  5. your sister's husband (write as one word)
  6. your sister's son
  7. your female sibling
  8. your grandfather's wife
  1. your uncle's wife
  2. your mother's sister's husband
  3. your grandmother's husband
  4. your husband's father (write as one word)
  5. your aunt and uncle's child
  6. your brother's daughter

14 Clues: your uncle's wifeyour sister's sonyour female siblingyour child's childrenyour brother's daughteryour grandfather's wifeyour parents' male childyour grandmother's husbandyour aunt and uncle's childyour mother's sister's husbandyour brother's wife (write as one word)your husband's mother(write as one word)your husband's father (write as one word)...

Family 2024-08-04

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Breakfast food we eat when we go to Dayton
  2. Game we like to play together
  3. Celeste and Haley started this sport at age 3
  4. Deana's favorite singer
  5. Best chocolate shop around
  6. What Haley wants to be when she grows up
  7. Sport Haley plays
  1. College Celeste is attending this fall
  2. Place you went on vacation this year
  3. How many grandchildren you have
  4. Youngstown State mascot
  5. Where you go for a morning coffee
  6. Your birthday month
  7. Name of your son's dog

14 Clues: Sport Haley playsYour birthday monthName of your son's dogYoungstown State mascotDeana's favorite singerBest chocolate shop aroundGame we like to play togetherHow many grandchildren you haveWhere you go for a morning coffeePlace you went on vacation this yearCollege Celeste is attending this fallWhat Haley wants to be when she grows up...

family 2024-09-08

family crossword puzzle
  1. MASON
  3. BRODY
  7. NICK
  1. LOGAN
  5. NIKKO
  6. DAN
  7. RYAN


FAMILY 2024-09-24

FAMILY crossword puzzle
  1. a type of family with only one parent
  2. family members like uncle, aunt, niece...
  3. sister of your dad or mom
  4. male sibling
  5. a family with no children
  6. a daughter of one's brother or sister
  1. type of family with parents and children
  2. female sibling
  3. mom of your mom or dad
  4. dad of your mom or dad
  5. a son of one's brother or sister
  6. brother of your dad or mom
  7. a married man
  8. a married woman

14 Clues: male siblinga married manfemale siblinga married womanmom of your mom or daddad of your mom or dadsister of your dad or moma family with no childrenbrother of your dad or moma son of one's brother or sistera type of family with only one parenta daughter of one's brother or sistertype of family with parents and children...

Family 2024-09-26

Family crossword puzzle
  1. c_us_n
  2. mo_ _er
  3. f_th_ _
  4. ne_hew
  5. s_s_er
  6. a_nt
  7. n_ec_
  1. tw_n_
  2. g_an_moth_r
  3. _nc_e
  4. b_o_her
  5. p_t
  6. gran_fa_he_
  7. f_m_ly

14 Clues: p_ta_nttw_n__nc_en_ec_c_us_nne_hews_s_erf_m_lyb_o_hermo_ _erf_th_ _g_an_moth_rgran_fa_he_

Family 2024-10-20

Family crossword puzzle
  1. a female parent
  2. the son or daughter of your aunt or uncle
  3. the son of your brother or sister
  4. your female child
  5. the father of your father or mother
  6. a boy or man whose mother and father are your mother and father, too
  1. the mother of your father or mother
  2. the daughter of your brother or sister
  3. a male parent
  4. a girl or woman whose mother and father are your mother and father, too
  5. the brother of your father or mother
  6. two children born at the same time to the same mother
  7. the sister of your father or mother
  8. your male child

14 Clues: a male parenta female parentyour male childyour female childthe son of your brother or sisterthe mother of your father or motherthe sister of your father or motherthe father of your father or motherthe brother of your father or motherthe daughter of your brother or sisterthe son or daughter of your aunt or uncle...

Family! 2024-12-16

Family! crossword puzzle
  1. Where do the first gifts come from?
  2. Wore a "stay puff" onesie one year.
  3. Why do we go to Chad's in the morning around Christmas?
  4. In Uno Dare, what was Chad dared to dance like?
  5. Where were the botanical gardens we visited last year to see lights?
  6. What island are we on?
  7. Who dropped Chloe on the ground during pictures? (Its okay! I still love you!)
  1. Name of the blanket sweater that Chloe wore last year
  2. Who hands out the stockings each year?
  3. What kind of drink powder was in the chocolate bombs we made?
  4. What kind of cookies do we decorate each year?
  5. How many times have the Packers played on Christmas?
  6. What book do we read before opening gifts?
  7. What did Jenna, Chloe, and Amelia draw one Christmas by following Piper's tutorial?

14 Clues: What island are we on?Where do the first gifts come from?Wore a "stay puff" onesie one year.Who hands out the stockings each year?What book do we read before opening gifts?What kind of cookies do we decorate each year?In Uno Dare, what was Chad dared to dance like?How many times have the Packers played on Christmas?...

family 2024-12-23

family crossword puzzle
  1. fried potatoes
  2. season of snow
  3. dads favorite color
  4. celebration of new beginnings
  5. sliding in the snow
  6. what Mom and Memphis watch each night
  1. dancing on ice
  2. moms favorite color
  3. walking in the mountains
  4. hot drink for cold days
  5. our dog
  6. dads favorite baseball team
  7. the family loves to go ______ together
  8. moms favorite food

14 Clues: our dogdancing on icefried potatoesseason of snowmoms favorite foodmoms favorite colordads favorite colorsliding in the snowhot drink for cold dayswalking in the mountainsdads favorite baseball teamcelebration of new beginningswhat Mom and Memphis watch each nightthe family loves to go ______ together

Family 2024-12-27

Family crossword puzzle
  1. blessed
  2. joy
  3. care
  4. daughter one
  5. clever
  6. hope
  7. daughter
  1. Smile
  2. beautiful
  3. strong
  4. son
  5. weaver
  6. my family
  7. love

14 Clues: sonjoycarelovehopeSmilestrongweavercleverblesseddaughterbeautifulmy familydaughter one

Family Types 2020-10-13

Family Types crossword puzzle
  1. The legal procedure by which a married couple remains legally married while living apart
  2. A family that joins more than two generations of water
  3. In the __________ family authority is shared between both parents
  4. The ______ family occurs when a man has a second family with a female other than his wife
  5. Is characterized by partners living in separate locations but operating as a family is a ________ relationship
  6. _________ family is arranged with authority lying with the father
  7. Where adults who have children from previous relationships come together to form a family
  8. Member of the family that who provides financial support
  1. _________ family is arranged with authority lying with the mother
  2. The declaration of a court that a marriage is null and void
  3. A family headed by a female
  4. A legal relationship between a male and female
  5. Family is considered the _______ block of society
  6. A family is considered a ________ group
  7. When partners live together without being legally married
  8. The money and property that passes upon the death of an individual to another
  9. A family headed by a male
  10. Family type which includes mother father and their child(ren)
  11. Legal dissolution of a legally constituted marriage

19 Clues: A family headed by a maleA family headed by a femaleA family is considered a ________ groupA legal relationship between a male and femaleFamily is considered the _______ block of societyLegal dissolution of a legally constituted marriageA family that joins more than two generations of waterMember of the family that who provides financial support...

Types of family 2021-01-28

Types of family crossword puzzle
  1. The legal procedure by which a married couple remains legally married while living apart
  2. A family that joins more than two generations of water
  3. In the __________ family authority is shared between both parents
  4. The ______ family occurs when a man has a second family with a female other than his wife
  5. Is characterized by partners living in separate locations but operating as a family is a ________ relationship
  6. _________ family is arranged with authority lying with the father
  7. Where adults who have children from previous relationships come together to form a family
  8. Member of the family who provides financial support
  1. _________ family is arranged with authority lying with the mother
  2. The declaration of a court that a marriage is null and void
  3. A family headed by a female
  4. A legal relationship between a male and female
  5. Family is considered the _______ block of society
  6. A family is considered a ________ group
  7. When partners live together without being legally married
  8. The money and property that passes upon the death of an individual to another
  9. A family headed by a male
  10. Family type which includes mother father and their child(ren)
  11. Legal dissolution of a legally constituted marriage

19 Clues: A family headed by a maleA family headed by a femaleA family is considered a ________ groupA legal relationship between a male and femaleFamily is considered the _______ block of societyLegal dissolution of a legally constituted marriageMember of the family who provides financial supportA family that joins more than two generations of water...

The Concept of Family 2020-10-13

The Concept of Family crossword puzzle
  1. _________ family is arranged with authority lying with the mother
  2. _________ family is arranged with authority lying with the father
  3. The ______ family occurs when a man has a second family with a female other than his wife
  4. A family headed by a male
  5. In the __________ family authority is shared between both parents
  6. A family is considered a ________ group
  7. Family type which includes mother father and their child(ren)
  8. Is characterized by partners living in separate locations but operating as a family is a ________ relationship
  9. A family that joins more than two generations of water
  1. Where adults who have children from previous relationships come together to form a family
  2. Member of the family that who provides financial support
  3. The money and property that passes upon the death of an individual to another
  4. When partners live together without being legally married
  5. A family headed by a female
  6. A legal relationship between a male and female
  7. The legal procedure by which a married couple remains legally married while living apart
  8. Family is considered the _______ block of society
  9. The declaration of a court that a marriage is null and void
  10. Legal dissolution of a legally constituted marriage

19 Clues: A family headed by a maleA family headed by a femaleA family is considered a ________ groupA legal relationship between a male and femaleFamily is considered the _______ block of societyLegal dissolution of a legally constituted marriageA family that joins more than two generations of waterMember of the family that who provides financial support...

The Concept of Family 2020-10-13

The Concept of Family crossword puzzle
  1. The legal procedure by which a married couple remains legally married while living apart
  2. A family that joins more than two generations of water
  3. In the __________ family authority is shared between both parents
  4. The ______ family occurs when a man has a second family with a female other than his wife
  5. Is characterized by partners living in separate locations but operating as a family is a ________ relationship
  6. _________ family is arranged with authority lying with the father
  7. Where adults who have children from previous relationships come together to form a family
  8. Member of the family that who provides financial support
  1. _________ family is arranged with authority lying with the mother
  2. The declaration of a court that a marriage is null and void
  3. A family headed by a female
  4. A legal relationship between a male and female
  5. Family is considered the _______ block of society
  6. A family is considered a ________ group
  7. When partners live together without being legally married
  8. The money and property that passes upon the death of an individual to another
  9. A family headed by a male
  10. Family type which includes mother father and their child(ren)
  11. Legal dissolution of a legally constituted marriage

19 Clues: A family headed by a maleA family headed by a femaleA family is considered a ________ groupA legal relationship between a male and femaleFamily is considered the _______ block of societyLegal dissolution of a legally constituted marriageA family that joins more than two generations of waterMember of the family that who provides financial support...

Family Business SKIT by 2 OF US 2013-04-09

Family Business SKIT by 2 OF US crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the oldest family business hotel in Japan
  2. Over 30% of family businesses survive the transition of leadership to the _______ generation
  3. A corporation that is entirely owned by the members of a single family (Two words)
  4. Individual or institution that legally owns a share of stock
  5. A person who has to transmit trust to his/her followers
  6. An inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others
  7. The birth stage of the family life cycle is related to Family-of-_______
  8. The last name of our family business teacher
  9. Name of one of the producers of "No name Production"
  10. Adult _______ is common in Japan to keep the family business
  1. The company that was sold for £18 billions to Warren Buffet and others
  2. _______ % of the world’s businesses are family owned
  3. Transactional leaders and _______ leaders
  4. What conditions are the main concerns of the family business leaders?
  5. The relation of an owner to the thing possessed; possession with the right to transfer possession to others
  6. The person who inherits the business
  7. Name of the Indian family business in Hong Kong
  8. Family business system includes Family, Ownership and
  9. What firms typically outperform non-family firms?

19 Clues: The person who inherits the businessTransactional leaders and _______ leadersThe last name of our family business teacherName of the Indian family business in Hong KongWhat firms typically outperform non-family firms?_______ % of the world’s businesses are family ownedName of one of the producers of "No name Production"...

flash18 2024-06-16

flash18 crossword puzzle
  1. Central Perk hangout
  2. Tanner family's sitcom
  3. Ties, Keaton family
  4. Leave It to ___
  5. Bar where everyone knows your name
  6. Prince of BelAir
  7. Animated Springfield family
  8. Bunch family
  9. Island castaways
  10. I Love ___
  11. Conner family sitcom
  1. Dunder Mifflin paper company
  2. Hospital comedy
  3. Huxtable family show
  4. Company with a trio
  5. Korean War medical comedy
  6. Moving on up
  7. Psychiatrist radio host
  8. Show about nothing
  9. Girls living together

20 Clues: I Love ___Moving on upBunch familyHospital comedyLeave It to ___Prince of BelAirIsland castawaysShow about nothingCompany with a trioTies, Keaton familyCentral Perk hangoutHuxtable family showConner family sitcomGirls living togetherTanner family's sitcomPsychiatrist radio hostKorean War medical comedyAnimated Springfield family...

Unit one Vocab 2022-09-16

Unit one Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a family structure that one or more children are fostered or adoptive
  2. A family with a mom, and a dad
  3. combining social and cultural factors
  4. when a child develops an emotional bond
  5. stage The stage where children start to move out
  6. relating to or involving psychoanalysis
  7. a relationship to another organism
  8. a family that fosters a child
  9. a parenting style where the parent allows some freedom and controls some
  10. when a child learns how to walk
  1. A parenting style that the parent focuses more on being the kids friend than parent
  2. when a child develops self awareness around them
  3. a family that lives with one or more extended family members
  4. A parenting style that the parent controls the child and projects their life over their child
  5. when a child learns how to talk
  6. a thing learned by an experience
  7. a family with one mom or one dad
  8. the process of becoming mature
  9. a person who has governmental control over a child
  10. A family where the mother or father have children of their own

20 Clues: a family that fosters a childA family with a mom, and a dadthe process of becoming maturewhen a child learns how to talkwhen a child learns how to walka thing learned by an experiencea family with one mom or one dada relationship to another organismcombining social and cultural factorswhen a child develops an emotional bond...

1980s Television Comedies 2024-08-05

1980s Television Comedies crossword puzzle
  1. - Cat-chasing alien
  2. - Military hospital comedy
  3. - Bar-based sitcom
  4. - World, college setting
  5. - Wealthy family drama
  6. - Boss?, workplace comedy
  7. - Girls, aging friends
  8. - Brown, investigative journalist
  9. - Street Blues, police drama
  10. - Pains, coming-of-age
  11. - Action-comedy
  1. - House, blended family
  2. - Ties, suburban humor
  3. - Company, roommate antics
  4. - Life, family sitcom
  5. - Family sitcom
  6. - Alien sitcom
  7. - Strangers, odd couple
  8. - Women, workplace humor
  9. - P.I., Hawaiian detective
  10. - Strokes, adopted brothers
  11. - Spreads sitcom
  12. - Pains, Seaver family
  13. - Court, legal sitcom
  14. - Belvedere, British butler

25 Clues: - Alien sitcom- Family sitcom- Action-comedy- Spreads sitcom- Bar-based sitcom- Cat-chasing alien- Life, family sitcom- Court, legal sitcom- Ties, suburban humor- Wealthy family drama- Girls, aging friends- Pains, Seaver family- Pains, coming-of-age- House, blended family- Strangers, odd couple- World, college setting- Women, workplace humor...

Family Law 2013-03-18

Family Law crossword puzzle
  1. The Australian __________ of Statistics has defined 'family'.
  2. The Article of the ICCPR that defines the family.
  3. Having more than one husband at a time.
  4. To make null or void.
  5. Defines by the ABS as two or more persons, one of whom is at least 15 years of age, related in some manner.
  6. Covers all aspects of the family unit.
  7. Marriage to a blood relative.
  8. Having more than one wife at a time.
  9. The Section of the Australian 'Family Law Act 1975' that defines family.
  10. In vitro fertilisation
  1. Results when a person with children remarries another person with children.
  2. A relationship between two individuals of the same gender.
  3. Family group including aunts, uncles and cousins.
  4. Family group including mother, father and children.
  5. When two people live together as a family unit without being legally married.
  6. Being married to only one person at a time.
  7. A family raised by one sole parent.
  8. One of the organisations which has defined 'family'.
  9. When a man and a woman have been joined legally.
  10. Being faithful to a spouse.

20 Clues: To make null or void.In vitro fertilisationBeing faithful to a spouse.Marriage to a blood relative.A family raised by one sole parent.Having more than one wife at a time.Covers all aspects of the family unit.Having more than one husband at a time.Being married to only one person at a time.When a man and a woman have been joined legally....

♫ Instruments ♫ 2021-08-29

♫ Instruments ♫ crossword puzzle
  1. biggest & lowest in brass family
  2. smallest Orff instrument with metal bars
  3. Indonesian orchestra
  4. instrument family: tapped, scraped or shaken
  5. biggest & lowest in string family
  6. gold and shiny woodwind family member
  7. smallest & highest in brass family
  8. Japanese drum or group or art form
  9. also known as a kettledrum, in percussion
  10. also known as sleigh bells
  11. Orff instrument with wooden bars
  12. looks like small tuba, brass family
  13. high woodwind, used in music classrooms
  14. bigger & lower percussion drum, beat keeper
  15. instrument family, uses wind & reed or edge
  16. little sister to flute
  1. string players must sit to play this
  2. 4-strings, Portuguese/Hawaiian
  3. high, silver, straight, lightweight woodwind
  4. smallest in string family
  5. simple brass instrument, no valves
  6. instrument family, uses cup-shaped mouthpiece
  7. single reed woodwind, black, many keys
  8. just a bit bigger & lower than violin
  9. metal discs hit together, percussion
  10. has a slide, brass family member
  11. smaller percussion drum, plays rhythms only
  12. instrument family, all are plucked or bowed
  13. Japanese harp
  14. three-sided shape, high-pitched percussion

30 Clues: Japanese harpIndonesian orchestralittle sister to flutesmallest in string familyalso known as sleigh bells4-strings, Portuguese/Hawaiianbiggest & lowest in brass familyhas a slide, brass family memberOrff instrument with wooden barsbiggest & lowest in string familysimple brass instrument, no valvessmallest & highest in brass family...

Look What We Started! Happy 60th Anniversary! 2024-12-16

Look What We Started! Happy 60th Anniversary! crossword puzzle
  1. 2nd Granddaughter
  2. 4th Granddaughter
  3. Great Step-Grandson
  4. 1st Granddaughter
  5. Bride in 1964 (AKA Mom, Granny)
  6. Maiden Name
  7. This celebration
  8. One more family name
  9. Granddaughter-in-law(love)
  10. 1st Great granddaughter
  11. 1st Grandson-in-law
  1. This # anniversary
  2. A family name
  3. 1st Born
  4. Groom in 1964 (AKA, Daddy, Poprocks)
  5. 3rd Grandson-in-law to be
  6. Last Born
  7. The family name that started it all
  8. Most recent additional family name
  9. Yet another family name
  10. Grandson
  11. 3rd Granddaughter
  12. 2nd Grandson-in-law
  13. Son-in-law 1990
  14. An additional family name
  15. Another family name
  16. Middle Child
  17. Son-in-law 2001
  18. Son-in-law 2022
  19. Soon to be Family name

30 Clues: 1st BornGrandsonLast BornMaiden NameMiddle ChildA family nameSon-in-law 1990Son-in-law 2001Son-in-law 2022This celebration2nd Granddaughter4th Granddaughter1st Granddaughter3rd GranddaughterThis # anniversaryGreat Step-Grandson2nd Grandson-in-lawAnother family name1st Grandson-in-lawOne more family nameSoon to be Family nameYet another family name...

Music 2022-05-04

Music crossword puzzle
  1. Brass Instrtument Wrapped like a coil
  2. String Family 4 strings tuned in perfect 5ths
  3. Brass Instrument Commonly used in classicaland jazz music
  4. Percussion Family Large bowl traditionally made of copper
  5. Woodwind Family Is reedless wind
  6. Woodwind Family known for it's distinctive tone colour
  7. String Family lowest pitched bowed string
  8. Percussion family Looks like a small disk-shaped
  1. Woodwind Family Single Reed Woodwind
  2. Inventedd in 1500s-1800s Brass family
  3. Percussion Family Wooden bars struck by mullets looks like a glokenspiel
  4. Lowest Pitched musical instrument in the brass family
  5. String Family Nickmname Fiddle
  6. Woodwind Family Double reed woodwind
  7. String Family Slightly larger then thee violin
  8. Percussion Family Makes a sharp stattotic sound

16 Clues: String Family Nickmname FiddleWoodwind Family Is reedless windWoodwind Family Single Reed WoodwindWoodwind Family Double reed woodwindInventedd in 1500s-1800s Brass familyBrass Instrtument Wrapped like a coilString Family lowest pitched bowed stringString Family 4 strings tuned in perfect 5thsString Family Slightly larger then thee violin...

THE Instruments 2024-05-08

THE Instruments crossword puzzle
  1. smallest instrument in the string family.
  2. are used to open up lengths of tubing.
  3. the only instrument that is Japanese in the percussion family.
  4. needs no reeds
  5. you lose seven years in your life playing it.
  6. what Squidward plays.
  7. shape matches the name.
  8. the biggest instrument in the woodwind family.
  9. are the biggest instrument in the percussion family.
  10. the only instrument in the brass family with a slide.
  11. an instrument you have to shake.
  1. not used in a marching band.
  2. used to dot the "I" in Ohio.
  3. a tiny version of trumpet.
  4. Hawaiian string instrument
  5. its an upside down bassoon.
  6. the smallest instrument in the woodwind family.
  7. only instrument in the woodwind family that is not made out of wood.
  8. most round instrument in the brass family.
  9. the biggest instrument in the string family.

20 Clues: needs no reedswhat Squidward plays.shape matches the name.a tiny version of trumpet.Hawaiian string instrumentits an upside down bassoon.not used in a marching band.used to dot the "I" in instrument you have to shake.are used to open up lengths of tubing.smallest instrument in the string family.most round instrument in the brass family....

1950s Sitcom Families 2024-02-19

1950s Sitcom Families crossword puzzle
  1. - Father in The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
  2. - Last name of the shipwrecked crew
  3. - Creepy and kooky family
  4. - The Donna Reed Show family name
  5. - Father in The Goldbergs
  6. - Married... with Children family
  7. - I Dream of Jeannie's last name
  8. - Father in The Beulah Show
  9. - Happy Days family name
  10. - Father of Father Knows Best
  11. - The Patty Duke Show family name
  12. - Last name of Roseanne's family
  13. - Last name of The Honeymooners
  14. - Last name of Leave It to Beaver family
  15. - Ozzie and Harriet's last name
  1. - Father in Father Knows Best
  2. - Last name of I Love Lucy couple
  3. - The Lucy Show's last name
  4. - Father in My Three Sons
  5. - The Honeymooners' neighbor
  6. - All in the Family's last name
  7. - Ethel's last name in I Love Lucy
  8. - Father in Make Room for Daddy
  9. - Bewitched family name
  10. - The Life of Riley family

25 Clues: - Bewitched family name- Happy Days family name- Creepy and kooky family- Father in My Three Sons- Father in The Goldbergs- The Life of Riley family- The Lucy Show's last name- Father in The Beulah Show- The Honeymooners' neighbor- Father in Father Knows Best- Father of Father Knows Best- All in the Family's last name- Father in Make Room for Daddy...

big10 2024-07-02

big10 crossword puzzle
  1. Power family
  2. Mother son duo
  3. Moon base
  4. Dynasty spinoff
  5. Crime solver
  6. Crime drama
  7. Cursed man
  8. Doctor
  9. Car chases
  10. College football
  11. Journalist
  12. Adventure
  1. Multigenerational
  2. Comedic cop
  3. Twin comedy
  4. Rich family
  5. Ghosts
  6. Female cops
  7. Haunted stories
  8. Romantic cruise
  9. Blended family
  10. Computer hero
  11. Superheroes
  12. Soap opera
  13. Family sitcom

25 Clues: GhostsDoctorMoon baseAdventureCursed manCar chasesSoap operaJournalistComedic copTwin comedyRich familyFemale copsCrime dramaSuperheroesPower familyCrime solverComputer heroFamily sitcomMother son duoBlended familyDynasty spinoffHaunted storiesRomantic cruiseCollege footballMultigenerational

Choice Board 2022-09-20

Choice Board crossword puzzle
  1. combines factors of social enviorments
  2. related with physical surroundings
  3. emotional development deals with the emotional side of the brain
  4. how the brain works in situations
  5. Parent family one parent
  6. Parenting no rules, more freedom
  7. Parenting strict parenting
  8. a legal person that takes care of the child
  9. family 2 parents and their step children and biological kids
  1. family a parent and a non biological dad to the kids
  2. relates with the social and physical sides
  3. Parenting equal amount of freedom and rules
  4. development works with the brain and how it works
  5. family the child lives in the home but it is not your child legally
  6. development kids want and needs
  7. Family 2 parents and the biological kids
  8. deals with being mature
  9. Life Cycle the steps family go through to boost the relationship
  10. family grandparents, other family members in one house
  11. development focusing on the way children develop

20 Clues: deals with being matureParent family one parentParenting strict parentingdevelopment kids want and needsParenting no rules, more freedomhow the brain works in situationsrelated with physical surroundingscombines factors of social enviormentsFamily 2 parents and the biological kidsrelates with the social and physical sides...

THE Instruments 2024-05-08

THE Instruments crossword puzzle
  1. smallest Instrument in the string family.
  2. are used to open up lengths of tubing.
  3. the only Instrument that is Japanese in the percussion family.
  4. needs no reeds.
  5. you lose seven years in your life playing it.
  6. what Squidward plays.
  7. shape matches the name.
  8. the biggest Instrument in the woodland family.
  9. are the largest instruments in the percussion family.
  10. the only Instrument in the brass family with a slide.
  11. is an instrument you have to shake.
  1. not used in a marching band.
  2. used to dot the " I " in Ohio.
  3. is a tiny version of trumpet.
  4. Hawaiian string instrument.
  5. its an upside down bassoon.
  6. the smallest Instrument in the woodland family.
  7. only instrument in the woodwind family that is not made out of wood.
  8. most round instrument in the brass family.
  9. The biggest instrument in the string family.

20 Clues: needs no reeds.what Squidward plays.shape matches the name.Hawaiian string instrument.its an upside down bassoon.not used in a marching a tiny version of trumpet.used to dot the " I " in an instrument you have to shake.are used to open up lengths of tubing.smallest Instrument in the string family....

2024 Anderson, Burch, Fluker & Rias Family Reunion 2024-06-05

2024 Anderson, Burch, Fluker & Rias Family Reunion crossword puzzle
  1. Family name that begins with F
  2. City of reunion
  3. Remembering
  4. Harmony
  5. Sacred Text
  6. Family name that begins with R
  7. Family name that begins with B
  8. Dwelling
  9. Remembrance
  10. State where Reunion is held
  11. Contemplation
  1. Forefather
  2. Greeting
  3. Deep affection
  4. Family name that begins with A
  5. Devotion
  6. Network
  7. Homecoming
  8. Ceremony
  9. Invocation

20 Clues: NetworkHarmonyGreetingDevotionDwellingCeremonyForefatherHomecomingInvocationRememberingSacred TextRemembranceContemplationDeep affectionCity of reunionState where Reunion is heldFamily name that begins with FFamily name that begins with AFamily name that begins with RFamily name that begins with B

Family sociology crossword 2013-09-24

Family sociology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Feminists who say women are victims of capitalism and patriarchy
  2. A 'long,thin' family tree
  3. Big or little picture theory of consensus or conflict
  4. Believe the family is good for society
  5. Family who have similar equal roles
  6. Traditional nuclear family
  7. A Functionalist
  8. Managing one's own and other people's emotions
  1. Family with grown children
  2. Little picture theory of consensus or conflict
  3. Hard facts
  4. Conflict between the genders
  5. Say the family is good for the rich and powerful
  6. Deep data
  7. Big picture theory of consensus
  8. Big picture theory of conflict
  9. Traditional family of a couple with children
  10. The bad side of family life
  11. Idea that women have the two jobs of paid work and unpaid housework
  12. A Marxist feminist
  13. Say the family is good for men
  14. Marxist theory of conflict between the classes
  15. Feminists who believe women are better off without men
  16. The 'Marching' Feminists

24 Clues: Deep dataHard factsA FunctionalistA Marxist feministThe 'Marching' FeministsA 'long,thin' family treeFamily with grown childrenTraditional nuclear familyThe bad side of family lifeConflict between the gendersBig picture theory of conflictSay the family is good for menBig picture theory of consensusFamily who have similar equal roles...

La Famille 2020-09-21

La Famille crossword puzzle
  1. "reconstructed" family, including step and in-law family
  2. great grandmother
  3. son
  4. female cousin
  5. grandfather
  6. husband
  7. brother
  8. stepmother
  9. stepsister
  10. sister
  11. father
  12. great grandfather
  13. mother
  14. aunt
  15. uncle
  1. stepbrother
  2. nuclear family
  3. immediate family
  4. extended family
  5. wife
  6. daughter
  7. baby
  8. male cousin
  9. stepfather
  10. children
  11. parents
  12. grandmother

27 Clues: sonwifebabyauntunclesisterfathermotherhusbandbrotherparentsdaughterchildrenstepmotherstepsisterstepfatherstepbrothergrandfathermale cousingrandmotherfemale cousinnuclear familyextended familyimmediate familygreat grandmothergreat grandfather"reconstructed" family, including step and in-law family

Ryan Chappell Absolute monarchs 2024-11-14

Ryan Chappell Absolute monarchs crossword puzzle
  1. europena war
  2. dictator temporarily of england
  3. absolutemonarchruler
  4. family of prussia and russia
  5. land owner
  6. oldest russian family
  7. the right by god
  8. new english royal family
  9. secret police
  10. queenofaustrilia
  11. executed english king
  12. between parliamentarians and royalists
  13. has unmilited power
  14. longest russian family
  1. russian monarch
  2. limited power
  3. expanded taratoryies and military
  4. war about religion
  5. monarch family of austrila
  6. king of spain
  7. william and mary becoming king and queen of england as new family
  8. restoring monarchy
  9. the first russian king
  10. russia/prussia
  11. biggest and best palace
  12. made more moddern
  13. family ofgermany

27 Clues: land ownereuropena warlimited powerking of spainsecret policerussia/prussiarussian monarchthe right by godqueenofaustriliafamily ofgermanymade more moddernwar about religionrestoring monarchyhas unmilited powerabsolutemonarchruleroldest russian familyexecuted english kingthe first russian kinglongest russian familybiggest and best palace...

1.01 2014-04-08

1.01 crossword puzzle
  1. Growth Learning about oneself
  2. Perspective Seeing the world through the eyes of a child or young person
  3. A family unit that serves as a substitute family for a child These families may be nuclear, single-parent, blended or extended family structures.
  4. Family" Children that come along with a marriage in a blended family
  5. Having a job or career and responsibilities
  6. and Acceptance Having a sense of belonging and unconditional love, being wanted and included, as in a group of friends
  7. Support Equal support from each parent in the family
  8. Family A child-bearing family; has one or more young children
  9. Family A pre- retirement family, no children at home
  10. Period A period of changing from one time in life to another
  11. Parents and one or more children that are permanently and legally placed; these families may be nuclear, single-parent, blended or extended family structures.
  12. Responsibilities Different tasks that parents will have to do due to having a child
  13. Includes one parent and one or more children
  14. Adjustments Changes in a person's attitude and perspectives--- for examples, worries and fears parents have after child is born
  15. Hiearchy of Human Needs A theory that arranges human needs in order of their priority with lower-level needs being met before higher needs can be recognized and fulfilled
  16. Family a family of elderly adults, usually retired
  17. Relationship Characterized by respect, sharing, trust and support between two people
  18. of Pride A feeling of a job well done--- for example, the pride of a parent when children live independently and give something back to the world
  19. and Security Needs Keeping family members protected from harm within and from outside the home
  1. Figure The person in charge of a family
  2. Caregiver that has legal responsibility for a child
  3. Needs To become what we are capable of becoming
  4. Needs Feeling good about yourself and accepting a realistic view of your strengths and weakness
  5. Includes married couple, each spouse's children from previous relationships, and any children they have together
  6. Family A developing family, with children growing into middle childhood and early teens
  7. Family A family with middle-age parents and children leaving home for college, etc.
  8. Family A child-bearing family, with children growing into middle childhood and early teens
  9. Families that do not follow the "typical" life cycle stages
  10. Includes husband, wife, and one or more of their biological children
  11. Needs Maintaining wellness of the human body and avoiding illness
  12. Changes Changes in the way you spend your daily schedule due to child being added to family
  13. Includes all relatives in a family, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins
  14. Individuals related to each other biologically or legally
  15. in Relationships Changes in the feelings that a couple may have for each other after a child is born due to added pressure

34 Clues: Growth Learning about oneselfFigure The person in charge of a familyHaving a job or career and responsibilitiesIncludes one parent and one or more childrenNeeds To become what we are capable of becomingFamily a family of elderly adults, usually retiredCaregiver that has legal responsibility for a child...

THE Instruments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2024-05-08

THE Instruments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. smallest instrument in the string family.
  2. are used to open up lengths of tubing.
  3. only Japanese instrument in the percussion family.
  4. Has no reeds.
  5. You lose seven years of your life playing it.
  6. what Squidward plays.
  7. shape matches the name.
  8. the biggest woodwind instrument.
  9. are the biggest in the percussion family.
  10. only instrument in the brass family with a slide.
  11. the only instrument you have to shake.
  1. not used in a marching band.
  2. Used to dot the I in Ohio.
  3. a tiny trumpet.
  4. A Hawaiian instrument.
  5. its an upside down bassoon.
  6. smallest in the woodwind family.
  7. only instrument in woodwind family that is not made out of wood.
  8. most round instrument in the brass family.
  9. biggest instrument in the string family.

20 Clues: Has no reeds.a tiny trumpet.what Squidward plays.A Hawaiian instrument.shape matches the name.Used to dot the I in Ohio.its an upside down bassoon.not used in a marching band.smallest in the woodwind family.the biggest woodwind instrument.are used to open up lengths of tubing.the only instrument you have to shake....

Crossord for English HHW 2022-06-05

Crossord for English HHW crossword puzzle
  1. “i KILLED SIRIUS BLACK *insane giggle*”
  2. 2 paths is used as its metaphor
  3. “_____ is free!” [Harry Potter]
  4. enemies last name in Spy x Family
  5. don’t call her NYMPHADORA
  6. “why’s it always me?” [Harry Potter]
  7. codename of Loid Forger in Spy x Family
  8. brother of Yor Forger in Spy x Family
  9. casted to protect self from dementors
  10. wife of Harry Potter
  11. “dont YOU DARE DISOBEY ME ________”
  1. main character in FNAF Security Breach
  2. name of the family dog in Spy x Family
  3. first name of Professor Dumbledore
  4. common word said by Henry Henderson in Spy x Family
  5. ______ Shacklebolt [Harry Potter]
  6. the school Harry Potter goes to
  7. last name of the Fake family in Spy x Family
  8. the little doll in Poppy Playtime
  9. _____ and the Mirror

20 Clues: _____ and the Mirrorwife of Harry Potterdon’t call her NYMPHADORA2 paths is used as its metaphor“_____ is free!” [Harry Potter]______ Shacklebolt [Harry Potter]enemies last name in Spy x Familythe school Harry Potter goes tofirst name of Professor Dumbledore“why’s it always me?” [Harry Potter]...

Family 2021-05-25

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Her _____ are sitting.
  2. Her _____ is eating.
  3. Her uncle is _____.
  4. Marisa has two _____.
  5. Marisa's _____ is sitting.
  6. Her _____ is drinking water.
  1. Marisa's _____ are happy.
  2. Marisa's sister is _____.
  3. Her _____ are smiling.
  4. Marisa's _____ is serving tamales.
  5. Her _____ is standing.
  6. Marisa's _____ is helping serve.
  7. Her _____ is young.
  8. Marisa has a large _____.

14 Clues: Her uncle is _____.Her _____ is young.Her _____ is eating.Marisa has two _____.Her _____ are sitting.Her _____ are smiling.Her _____ is standing.Marisa's _____ are happy.Marisa's sister is _____.Marisa has a large _____.Marisa's _____ is sitting.Her _____ is drinking water.Marisa's _____ is helping serve.Marisa's _____ is serving tamales.

FAMILY 2021-04-28

FAMILY crossword puzzle
  1. people
  2. mice
  3. boy
  4. women
  5. man
  6. friend
  7. children
  1. girl
  2. person
  3. mouse
  4. woman
  5. men
  6. child

13 Clues: boymenmangirlmicemousewomenwomanchildpeoplepersonfriendchildren

Family 2022-10-09

Family crossword puzzle
  1. the male partner in a marriage
  2. a child of someone’s uncle or aunt
  3. legal dissolution (ending) of a marriage
  4. the brother of someone’s father or mother
  5. one’s father’s second, third, etc. wife
  6. the son of someone’s brother or sister
  7. a married woman
  8. the father of one’s spouse
  9. a daughter of someone’s brother or sister
  1. a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner
  2. the daughter of one’s spouse and his or her previous partner
  3. the mother of one’s spouse
  4. family family that includes, not only of parents and children but also of grandparents

13 Clues: a married womanthe mother of one’s spousethe father of one’s spousethe male partner in a marriagea child of someone’s uncle or auntthe son of someone’s brother or sisterone’s father’s second, third, etc. wifelegal dissolution (ending) of a marriagethe brother of someone’s father or mothera daughter of someone’s brother or sister...

Family 2022-10-19

Family crossword puzzle
  1. Kinder
  2. Großmutter
  3. Schwester
  4. Onkel
  5. Sohn
  6. Großvater
  1. Tante
  2. Bruder
  3. Kind
  4. Tochter
  5. Eltern
  6. Vater
  7. Mutter

13 Clues: KindSohnTanteVaterOnkelBruderKinderElternMutterTochterSchwesterGroßvaterGroßmutter