french Crossword Puzzles

French French French 2018-01-10

French French French crossword puzzle
  1. Soccer
  2. Makes it easier to click
  3. Paper
  4. The color of a clear sky
  5. The color of healthy grass
  6. What Mr. Ryan is using
  7. A color and a fruit
  8. The color of my eyes
  1. Half of the word Pencil
  2. What you sit on
  3. Color of Ashland spirit
  4. What you "Skate" with
  5. What Mr. Ryan has
  6. Tableau blanc
  7. The stars on the American Flag
  8. Pencil
  9. Aunt
  10. Sister
  11. The color of my life
  12. A woman that is your parent

20 Clues: AuntPaperSoccerPencilSisterTableau blancWhat you sit onWhat Mr. Ryan hasA color and a fruitThe color of my lifeThe color of my eyesWhat you "Skate" withWhat Mr. Ryan is usingHalf of the word PencilColor of Ashland spiritMakes it easier to clickThe color of a clear skyThe color of healthy grassA woman that is your parent...

Unité 3 fun 2022-12-15

Unité 3 fun crossword puzzle
  1. FEBRUARY in French
  2. 25 in French
  3. LANGUAGE in French
  4. SCIENCE in French
  5. APRIL in French
  6. 16 in French
  7. MATH in French
  8. DATE in French
  9. 9 in French
  10. DECEMBER in French
  11. 6 in French
  1. HOUR in French
  2. JANUARY in French
  3. 15 in French
  4. 5 in French
  5. JULY in French
  6. FRENCH in French
  7. 20 in French
  8. 13 in French
  9. WHEN in French
  10. 1 in French
  11. AUGUST in French
  12. 11 in French
  13. TIME in French
  14. 10 in French

25 Clues: 5 in French1 in French9 in French6 in French15 in French25 in French20 in French13 in French16 in French11 in French10 in FrenchHOUR in FrenchJULY in FrenchWHEN in FrenchMATH in FrenchDATE in FrenchTIME in FrenchAPRIL in FrenchFRENCH in FrenchAUGUST in FrenchJANUARY in FrenchSCIENCE in FrenchFEBRUARY in FrenchLANGUAGE in FrenchDECEMBER in French

days/months/colours-Aiden 2023-05-16

days/months/colours-Aiden crossword puzzle
  1. Tuesday in French
  2. Wednesday in French
  3. Thursday in French
  4. White in French
  5. Saturday in French
  6. Friday in French
  7. August in French
  8. December in French
  9. january in French
  10. October in French
  11. Orange in French
  12. february in French
  1. March in French
  2. Pink in French
  3. Sunday in French
  4. Brown in French
  5. July in French
  6. may in French
  7. Monday in French
  8. june in French
  9. April in French
  10. September in French
  11. red in French
  12. Purple in French
  13. November in French
  14. Grey in French
  15. Yellow in French
  16. Black in French
  17. blue in French
  18. Green in French

30 Clues: may in Frenchred in FrenchPink in FrenchJuly in Frenchjune in FrenchGrey in Frenchblue in FrenchMarch in FrenchBrown in FrenchWhite in FrenchApril in FrenchBlack in FrenchGreen in FrenchSunday in FrenchMonday in FrenchFriday in FrenchPurple in FrenchAugust in FrenchYellow in FrenchOrange in FrenchTuesday in Frenchjanuary in FrenchOctober in French...

French - Vocabulary Crossword 2022-03-24

French - Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. tall in French
  2. father in French
  3. yellow in French
  4. leg in French
  5. forty in French
  6. eight in French
  7. March in French
  8. head in French
  9. back in French
  10. cousin (f) in French
  11. eyes in French
  12. arm in French
  13. aunt in French
  14. hundred in French
  15. fifteen in French
  16. red in French
  17. green ( in French
  1. pretty (f) in French
  2. mother in French
  3. twelve in French
  4. small in French
  5. two in French
  6. January in French
  7. white (m) in French
  8. brother in French
  9. hair in French
  10. sister in French
  11. uncle in French
  12. blue (m) in French
  13. thirty in French

30 Clues: two in Frenchleg in Frencharm in Frenchred in Frenchtall in Frenchhair in Frenchhead in Frenchback in Frencheyes in Frenchaunt in Frenchsmall in Frenchforty in Frencheight in FrenchMarch in Frenchmother in Frenchtwelve in Frenchfather in Frenchyellow in Frenchsister in Frenchuncle in Frenchthirty in FrenchJanuary in Frenchbrother in French...

French vocabulary crossword 2021-10-04

French vocabulary crossword crossword puzzle
  1. strong in french
  2. cat in french
  3. good in french
  4. fish in french
  5. mom in french
  6. nice in french
  7. short in french
  8. dad in french
  9. husband in french
  10. weak in french
  11. niece in french
  12. pretty/cute in french
  13. parents in french
  14. shy in french
  1. uncle in french
  2. noisy in french
  3. happy in french
  4. friendly in french
  5. son in french
  6. calm in french
  7. cousin{f} in french
  8. aunt in french
  9. athletic in french
  10. brother in french
  11. tall in french
  12. dog in french
  13. sad in french

27 Clues: son in frenchcat in frenchmom in frenchdad in frenchdog in frenchsad in frenchshy in frenchcalm in frenchaunt in frenchgood in frenchfish in frenchnice in frenchtall in frenchweak in frenchuncle in frenchnoisy in frenchhappy in frenchshort in frenchniece in frenchstrong in frenchbrother in frenchhusband in frenchparents in frenchfriendly in french...

vocab unit 3 2017-10-10

vocab unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. "blue" french translation
  2. "uncle" french translation
  3. "long" french translation
  4. "blond" french translation
  5. "stepmom" french translation
  6. "aunt" french translation
  7. "red headed" french translation
  8. "ears" french translation
  9. "athletic" french translation
  10. "nephew" french translation
  11. "hair" french translation
  12. "wife" french translation
  13. "eyes" french translation
  14. "black" french translation
  1. "young" french translation
  2. "kind" french translation
  3. "short" french translation
  4. "smart" french translation
  5. "stepdad" french translation
  6. "lazy" french translation
  7. "mouth" french translation
  8. "shy" french translation
  9. "old" french translation
  10. "husband" french translation
  11. "nose" french translation

25 Clues: "shy" french translation"old" french translation"blue" french translation"kind" french translation"long" french translation"lazy" french translation"aunt" french translation"ears" french translation"hair" french translation"wife" french translation"eyes" french translation"nose" french translation"young" french translation"uncle" french translation...

Colours 2020-12-23

Colours crossword puzzle
  1. Crimson in French
  2. Lavender in French
  3. Grey in French
  4. Wine in French
  5. Maroon in French
  6. Indigo in French
  7. Green in French
  8. Pink in French
  9. Purple in French
  10. Chestnut in French
  11. Lime in French
  12. Orange in French
  13. Brown in French
  1. Yellow in French
  2. White in French
  3. Salmon in French
  4. Grape in French
  5. Periwinkle in French
  6. Magenta in French
  7. Red in French
  8. Violet in French
  9. Tan in French
  10. Blue in French
  11. Blond in French
  12. Cyan in French
  13. Black in French

26 Clues: Red in FrenchTan in FrenchGrey in FrenchWine in FrenchPink in FrenchBlue in FrenchCyan in FrenchLime in FrenchWhite in FrenchGrape in FrenchGreen in FrenchBlond in FrenchBlack in FrenchBrown in FrenchYellow in FrenchSalmon in FrenchMaroon in FrenchIndigo in FrenchViolet in FrenchPurple in FrenchOrange in FrenchCrimson in FrenchMagenta in French...

French crossword 2023-05-24

French crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Parents in French
  2. pet in French
  3. Cat in French
  4. Mother in French
  5. female cousin in French
  6. Uncle in French
  7. family in French
  8. sister in French
  9. husband in French
  10. Father in French
  11. wife in French
  12. stepmother in French
  13. Son in French
  14. Stepbrother in French
  15. stepsister in French
  1. Dog in French
  2. grand parents in French
  3. Grandmother in French
  4. child in French
  5. male cousin in French
  6. Aunt in French
  7. stepfather in French
  8. daughter in French
  9. twins in French
  10. brother in French
  11. twins in French
  12. grandfather in French
  13. baby in French

28 Clues: Dog in Frenchpet in FrenchCat in FrenchSon in FrenchAunt in Frenchwife in Frenchbaby in Frenchchild in FrenchUncle in Frenchtwins in Frenchtwins in FrenchMother in Frenchfamily in Frenchsister in FrenchFather in FrenchParents in Frenchhusband in Frenchbrother in Frenchdaughter in Frenchstepfather in Frenchstepmother in Frenchstepsister in French...

Unité 3 FUN! 2022-12-15

Unité 3 FUN! crossword puzzle
  1. 25 in French
  2. FEBRUARY in French
  3. december in French
  4. 13 in French
  5. 6 in French
  6. math in French
  7. 9 in French
  8. 1 in French
  9. JANUARY in French
  10. language in French
  11. 11 in French
  1. science in French
  2. AUGUST in French
  3. JULY in French
  4. april in French
  5. 15 in French
  6. 10 in French
  7. 5 in French
  8. TIME in French
  9. HOUR in French
  10. FRENCH in French
  11. 20 in French
  12. 16 in French

23 Clues: 5 in French6 in French9 in French1 in French25 in French15 in French10 in French13 in French20 in French16 in French11 in FrenchJULY in FrenchTIME in Frenchmath in FrenchHOUR in Frenchapril in FrenchAUGUST in FrenchFRENCH in Frenchscience in FrenchJANUARY in FrenchFEBRUARY in Frenchdecember in Frenchlanguage in French

Unité 2 Vocab 2024-01-10

Unité 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. eleven in French
  2. female cousin in French
  3. she is in French
  4. I have in French
  5. they are in French
  6. he has in French
  7. they are in French
  8. we have in French
  9. uncle in French
  10. he is in French
  11. aunt in French
  12. y'all are in French
  13. mom in French
  14. sixteen in French
  15. dad in French
  16. she is in French
  1. I am in French
  2. twelve in French
  3. you are in French
  4. grandpa in French
  5. fifteen in French
  6. she has in French
  7. Japan in French
  8. male cousin in French
  9. grandma in French
  10. you have in French
  11. we are in French
  12. sister in French
  13. fourteen in French
  14. y'all have in French
  15. he is in French
  16. brother in French
  17. thirteen in French

33 Clues: mom in Frenchdad in FrenchI am in Frenchaunt in FrenchJapan in Frenchuncle in Frenchhe is in Frenchhe is in Frenchtwelve in Frencheleven in Frenchshe is in FrenchI have in Frenchhe has in Frenchwe are in Frenchsister in Frenchshe is in Frenchyou are in Frenchgrandpa in Frenchfifteen in Frenchshe has in Frenchgrandma in Frenchwe have in French...

days/months/colours-Aiden 2025-01-14

days/months/colours-Aiden crossword puzzle
  1. Tuesday in French
  2. Wednesday in French
  3. Thursday in French
  4. White in French
  5. Saturday in French
  6. Friday in French
  7. August in French
  8. December in French
  9. january in French
  10. October in French
  11. Orange in French
  12. february in French
  1. March in French
  2. Pink in French
  3. Sunday in French
  4. Brown in French
  5. July in French
  6. may in French
  7. Monday in French
  8. june in French
  9. April in French
  10. September in French
  11. red in French
  12. Purple in French
  13. November in French
  14. Grey in French
  15. Yellow in French
  16. Black in French
  17. blue in French
  18. Green in French

30 Clues: may in Frenchred in FrenchPink in FrenchJuly in Frenchjune in FrenchGrey in Frenchblue in FrenchMarch in FrenchBrown in FrenchWhite in FrenchApril in FrenchBlack in FrenchGreen in FrenchSunday in FrenchMonday in FrenchFriday in FrenchPurple in FrenchAugust in FrenchYellow in FrenchOrange in FrenchTuesday in Frenchjanuary in FrenchOctober in French...

Les Pays et les Nationalités 2021-09-15

Les Pays et les Nationalités crossword puzzle
  1. / Greece in French
  2. /France in French
  3. / Europe in French
  4. / Norway in French
  5. / Quebec in French
  6. /England in French
  7. / Portugal in French
  8. / morocco in French
  9. / Senegal in French
  10. / Spain in French
  11. / netherlands in French
  12. / Pakistan in French
  13. / India in French
  14. / Italy in French
  1. / Belgium in French
  2. / Germany in French
  3. / UK in French
  4. / Swiss in French
  5. / Britain in French
  6. / Scotland in French
  7. / Irish in French
  8. / united States in French
  9. / Canada in French
  10. / Wales in French
  11. / Denmark in French

25 Clues: / UK in French/France in French/ Swiss in French/ Irish in French/ Spain in French/ Wales in French/ India in French/ Italy in French/ Greece in French/ Europe in French/ Norway in French/ Quebec in French/England in French/ Canada in French/ Belgium in French/ Germany in French/ Britain in French/ morocco in French/ Senegal in French...

French Vocab Review 2024-01-08

French Vocab Review crossword puzzle
  1. French word for ‘English’
  2. French word for ‘high school’
  3. French word for ‘American’
  4. French word for ‘small’
  5. French for for ‘piano’
  6. French for for ‘young’
  7. French word for ‘college’
  8. French word for ‘foot’
  9. French word for ‘French’
  10. French verb for ‘to walk’
  11. French word for ‘brother’
  12. French word for ‘bed’
  13. French word for ‘black’
  14. French verb for ‘to finish’
  15. French word for ‘perfume’
  16. French word for ‘athletic’
  17. French word for ‘door’
  18. French word for ‘song’
  19. French word for ‘banana’
  20. French word for ‘dress’
  21. French word for ‘snail’
  22. French word for ‘apple’
  1. French word for ‘white’
  2. French word for ‘team’
  3. French word for ‘dog’
  4. French word for ‘yellow’
  5. French word for ‘teacher’
  6. French word for ‘chair’
  7. French verb for ‘to sell’
  8. French word for ‘cat’
  9. French word for ‘tall’
  10. French word for ‘hospital’
  11. French word for ‘head’
  12. French verb for ‘to wait’
  13. French word for ‘hand’
  14. French word for ‘bedroom’
  15. French word for ‘street’
  16. French word for ‘funny’
  17. French word for ‘soccer’
  18. French word for ‘exam’
  19. French word for ‘chicken’
  20. French verb for ‘to speak’
  21. French word for ‘uncle’
  22. French word for ‘strict’
  23. French word for ‘red’
  24. French word for ‘middle school’
  25. French word for ‘skirt’

47 Clues: French word for ‘dog’French word for ‘cat’French word for ‘bed’French word for ‘red’French word for ‘team’French word for ‘tall’French for for ‘piano’French for for ‘young’French word for ‘head’French word for ‘foot’French word for ‘hand’French word for ‘exam’French word for ‘door’French word for ‘song’French word for ‘white’French word for ‘chair’...

French Words 2020-08-23

French Words crossword puzzle
  1. greetings in French
  2. unusual in French (feminine)
  3. killer in French (feminine)
  4. drenching in French
  5. forgetful in French (masculine)
  6. painter in French
  7. nod in French
  8. glad in French (feminine)
  9. vomiting in French
  10. fancy in French
  11. computer in French
  12. joking in French
  13. homework in French
  14. what in French (feminine)
  15. manager in French (feminine)
  16. running in French
  1. sheep in French (masculine)
  2. jobsite in French
  3. right in French (feminine)
  4. hairdresser in French (feminine)
  5. boring in French (masculine)
  6. endless in French
  7. flowering in French
  8. apple in French
  9. heard in French (feminine)
  10. lie in French
  11. shrimp in French
  12. numbness in French
  13. bad in French (masculine)
  14. muddy in French (masculine)
  15. cringey in French

31 Clues: nod in Frenchlie in Frenchapple in Frenchfancy in Frenchshrimp in Frenchjoking in Frenchjobsite in Frenchendless in Frenchpainter in Frenchcringey in Frenchrunning in Frenchnumbness in Frenchvomiting in Frenchcomputer in Frenchhomework in Frenchgreetings in Frenchflowering in Frenchdrenching in Frenchglad in French (feminine)...

Les Pays et les Nationalités 2021-09-15

Les Pays et les Nationalités crossword puzzle
  1. / Greece in French
  2. /France in French
  3. / Europe in French
  4. / Norway in French
  5. / Quebec in French
  6. /England in French
  7. / Portugal in French
  8. / morocco in French
  9. / Senegal in French
  10. / Spain in French
  11. / netherlands in French
  12. / Pakistan in French
  13. / India in French
  14. / Italy in French
  1. / Belgium in French
  2. / Germany in French
  3. / UK in French
  4. / Swiss in French
  5. / Britain in French
  6. / Scotland in French
  7. / Irish in French
  8. / united States in French
  9. / Canada in French
  10. / Wales in French
  11. / Denmark in French

25 Clues: / UK in French/France in French/ Swiss in French/ Irish in French/ Spain in French/ Wales in French/ India in French/ Italy in French/ Greece in French/ Europe in French/ Norway in French/ Quebec in French/England in French/ Canada in French/ Belgium in French/ Germany in French/ Britain in French/ morocco in French/ Senegal in French...

Pays et nationalités en français 2022-05-08

Pays et nationalités en français crossword puzzle
  1. China in French
  2. Lebanon in French
  3. Australia in French
  4. Belgian in French
  5. United States in French
  6. Turkey in French
  7. Beligium in French
  8. American in French
  9. Japanese in French
  10. German in French
  11. Chinese in French
  1. Mexico in French
  2. Scotland in French
  3. Japan in French
  4. England in French
  5. India in French
  6. New Zealand in French
  7. Switzerland in French
  8. Germany in French
  9. English in French
  10. country in French
  11. Indonesia in French

22 Clues: China in FrenchJapan in FrenchIndia in FrenchMexico in FrenchTurkey in FrenchGerman in FrenchLebanon in FrenchEngland in FrenchBelgian in FrenchGermany in FrenchEnglish in Frenchcountry in FrenchChinese in FrenchScotland in FrenchBeligium in FrenchAmerican in FrenchJapanese in FrenchAustralia in FrenchIndonesia in FrenchNew Zealand in French...

Family puzzle- Jaxon 2023-05-18

Family puzzle- Jaxon crossword puzzle
  1. dog in french
  2. cat in french
  3. grandfather in french
  4. son in french
  5. child in french
  6. girl cousin in french
  7. baby in french
  8. husband in french
  9. brother in french
  10. daughter in french
  11. parents in french
  1. family in french
  2. uncle in french
  3. grandparents in french
  4. aunt in french
  5. grandmother in french
  6. mother in french
  7. boy cousin in french
  8. wife in french
  9. sister in french
  10. father in french

21 Clues: dog in frenchcat in frenchson in frenchaunt in frenchwife in frenchbaby in frenchuncle in frenchchild in frenchfamily in frenchmother in frenchsister in frenchfather in frenchhusband in frenchbrother in frenchparents in frenchdaughter in frenchboy cousin in frenchgrandfather in frenchgrandmother in frenchgirl cousin in frenchgrandparents in french

Les mots dans francais 2024-11-27

Les mots dans francais crossword puzzle
  1. French for "fire"
  2. French for "Yes"
  3. French for "Sorry"
  4. French for "When"
  5. French for "teacher/Teach"
  6. French for "How"
  7. French for "Hello"
  8. French for "Us"
  9. French for "He"
  10. French for "Her"
  1. French for "Thank you"
  2. French for "Why"
  3. French for "basketball(simplified)"
  4. French for "House"
  5. French for "Who"
  6. French for "And"
  7. French for "No"
  8. French for "Me"
  9. French for "You"
  10. French for "I"
  11. French for "Where"

21 Clues: French for "I"French for "No"French for "Me"French for "Us"French for "He"French for "Why"French for "Yes"French for "Who"French for "And"French for "How"French for "You"French for "Her"French for "fire"French for "When"French for "House"French for "Sorry"French for "Hello"French for "Where"French for "Thank you"French for "teacher/Teach"...

Unité 0 : Vocabulaire 2024-01-10

Unité 0 : Vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. purple in French
  2. gray in French
  3. pen in French
  4. book in French
  5. whiteboard in French
  6. listen in French
  7. chair in French
  8. pencil in French
  9. black in French
  10. white in French
  11. eraser in French
  12. pink in French
  1. observe in French
  2. table in French
  3. orange in French
  4. notebook in French
  5. pencil case in French
  6. yellow in French
  7. brown in French
  8. red in French
  9. blue in French

21 Clues: pen in Frenchred in Frenchgray in Frenchbook in Frenchblue in Frenchpink in Frenchtable in Frenchbrown in Frenchchair in Frenchblack in Frenchwhite in Frenchpurple in Frenchorange in Frenchlisten in Frenchyellow in Frenchpencil in Frencheraser in Frenchobserve in Frenchnotebook in Frenchwhiteboard in Frenchpencil case in French

crosswords puzzle - Clara 2023-05-30

crosswords puzzle - Clara crossword puzzle
  1. garbage can in french
  2. loucker in french
  3. chair in french
  4. eraser in french
  5. pencil in french
  6. ruler in french
  7. glue in french
  8. computer in french
  9. book in french
  10. note book in french
  11. table in french
  12. windon in french
  1. marker in french
  2. tesk in french
  3. Door in french
  4. paper in french
  5. pen in french
  6. sudents in french
  7. pencil crayons in french
  8. scissors n french

20 Clues: pen in frenchtesk in frenchDoor in frenchglue in frenchbook in frenchpaper in frenchchair in frenchruler in frenchtable in frenchmarker in frencheraser in frenchpencil in frenchwindon in frenchloucker in frenchsudents in frenchscissors n frenchcomputer in frenchnote book in frenchgarbage can in frenchpencil crayons in french

school vocabulary -Jayda 2023-05-25

school vocabulary -Jayda crossword puzzle
  1. paper in french
  2. book in french
  3. chair in french
  4. eraser in french
  5. ruler in french
  6. pen in french
  7. window in french
  8. marker in french
  9. glue in french
  1. locker in french
  2. desk in french
  3. crayons in french
  4. table in french
  5. notebook in french
  6. scissors in french
  7. garbage bin in french
  8. door in french
  9. computer in french
  10. students in french
  11. pencil in french

20 Clues: pen in frenchdesk in frenchbook in frenchdoor in frenchglue in frenchtable in frenchpaper in frenchchair in frenchruler in frenchlocker in frencheraser in frenchwindow in frenchpencil in frenchmarker in frenchcrayons in frenchnotebook in frenchscissors in frenchcomputer in frenchstudents in frenchgarbage bin in french

French Numbers 2024-10-28

French Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. Five in french
  2. Two in french
  3. Seventeen in french
  4. Fourteen in french
  5. Eight in french
  6. Nineteen in french
  7. Thirteen in french
  8. Eleven in french
  1. Six in french
  2. Four in french
  3. Twenty in french
  4. Ten in french
  5. Eighteen in french
  6. Twelve in french
  7. Sixteen in french
  8. Seven in french
  9. Fifteen in french
  10. Nine in french
  11. One in french
  12. Three in french

20 Clues: Six in frenchTen in frenchTwo in frenchOne in frenchFive in frenchFour in frenchNine in frenchSeven in frenchEight in frenchThree in frenchTwenty in frenchTwelve in frenchEleven in frenchSixteen in frenchFifteen in frenchEighteen in frenchFourteen in frenchNineteen in frenchThirteen in frenchSeventeen in french

school vocabulary- Addi 2023-05-25

school vocabulary- Addi crossword puzzle
  1. ruler in french
  2. eraser in french
  3. door in french
  4. window in french
  5. chair in french
  6. pen in french
  7. students in french
  8. notebook in french
  9. computer in french
  10. desk in french
  11. scissors in french
  1. pencil crayons in french
  2. trash can in french
  3. glue in french
  4. book in french
  5. locker in french
  6. marker in french
  7. paper in french
  8. pencil in french
  9. table in french

20 Clues: pen in frenchdoor in frenchglue in frenchbook in frenchdesk in frenchruler in frenchchair in frenchpaper in frenchtable in frencheraser in frenchwindow in frenchlocker in frenchmarker in frenchpencil in frenchstudents in frenchnotebook in frenchcomputer in frenchscissors in frenchtrash can in frenchpencil crayons in french

French Puzzle - Addi 2023-05-30

French Puzzle - Addi crossword puzzle
  1. ruler in french
  2. eraser in french
  3. door in french
  4. window in french
  5. chair in french
  6. pen in french
  7. student in french
  8. notebook in french
  9. computer in french
  10. desk in french
  11. scissors in french
  1. pencil crayons in french
  2. trash can in french
  3. glue in french
  4. book in french
  5. locker in french
  6. marker in french
  7. paper in french
  8. pencil in french
  9. table in french

20 Clues: pen in frenchdoor in frenchglue in frenchbook in frenchdesk in frenchruler in frenchchair in frenchpaper in frenchtable in frencheraser in frenchwindow in frenchlocker in frenchmarker in frenchpencil in frenchstudent in frenchnotebook in frenchcomputer in frenchscissors in frenchtrash can in frenchpencil crayons in french

French 2023-08-29

French crossword puzzle
  1. funny in french
  2. pretty in french
  3. purple in french
  4. turtle in french
  5. naughty in french
  6. dirty in french
  7. curious in french
  8. shy in french
  9. black in french
  1. lizard in french
  2. small in french
  3. active in french
  4. boring in french
  5. gold in french
  6. green in french
  7. silver in french
  8. Yellow in French
  9. dog in french
  10. mouse in french
  11. cat in french

20 Clues: dog in frenchcat in frenchshy in frenchgold in frenchsmall in frenchfunny in frenchgreen in frenchdirty in frenchmouse in frenchblack in frenchlizard in frenchactive in frenchboring in frenchpretty in frenchpurple in frenchturtle in frenchsilver in frenchYellow in Frenchnaughty in frenchcurious in french

French Adjectives 2013-08-20

French Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. French for big
  2. French for purple
  3. French for funny
  4. French for nice
  5. French for horrible
  6. French for sporty
  7. French for smart
  8. French for fun
  1. French for red
  2. French for yellow
  3. French for weird
  4. French for pink
  5. French for boring
  6. French for shy
  7. French for cute
  8. French for perfect
  9. French for terrific
  10. French for blue
  11. French for small
  12. French for active

20 Clues: French for redFrench for bigFrench for shyFrench for funFrench for pinkFrench for niceFrench for cuteFrench for blueFrench for weirdFrench for funnyFrench for smallFrench for smartFrench for yellowFrench for purpleFrench for boringFrench for sportyFrench for activeFrench for perfectFrench for terrificFrench for horrible

crossword puzzle - Melissa 2023-05-30

crossword puzzle - Melissa crossword puzzle
  1. notebook in french
  2. book in french
  3. de coleurs pencilcrayons in french
  4. garbage can in french
  5. marker in french
  6. ruler in french
  7. eraser in french
  8. door in french
  9. pen in french
  10. table in French
  1. computer in french
  2. sudents in french
  3. locker in french
  4. scissors in french
  5. chair in french
  6. glue in french
  7. desk in french
  8. paper in french
  9. pencil in french
  10. window in french

20 Clues: pen in frenchbook in frenchglue in frenchdesk in frenchdoor in frenchchair in frenchpaper in frenchruler in frenchtable in Frenchlocker in frenchpencil in frenchmarker in frenchwindow in frencheraser in frenchsudents in frenchcomputer in frenchnotebook in frenchscissors in frenchgarbage can in frenchde coleurs pencilcrayons in french

Les Pays et les Nationalités 2021-09-15

Les Pays et les Nationalités crossword puzzle
  1. / Greece in French
  2. /France in French
  3. / Europe in French
  4. / Norway in French
  5. / Quebec in French
  6. /England in French
  7. / Portugal in French
  8. / morocco in French
  9. / Senegal in French
  10. / Spain in French
  11. / netherlands in French
  12. / Pakistan in French
  13. / India in French
  14. / Italy in French
  1. / Belgium in French
  2. / Germany in French
  3. / UK in French
  4. / Swiss in French
  5. / Britain in French
  6. / Scotland in French
  7. / Irish in French
  8. / united States in French
  9. / Canada in French
  10. / Wales in French
  11. / Denmark in French

25 Clues: / UK in French/France in French/ Swiss in French/ Irish in French/ Spain in French/ Wales in French/ India in French/ Italy in French/ Greece in French/ Europe in French/ Norway in French/ Quebec in French/England in French/ Canada in French/ Belgium in French/ Germany in French/ Britain in French/ morocco in French/ Senegal in French...

Unit 1 2023-01-25

Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. August in French
  2. Fri. in French
  3. Sat. in French
  4. printemps spring in French
  5. 5 in French
  6. summer in French
  7. 4 in French
  8. March in French
  9. jours the days in French
  1. Wed. in French
  2. January in French
  3. June in French
  4. September in French
  5. Sun. in French
  6. 10 in French
  7. say hello in French
  8. mois month in French
  9. 9 in French
  10. fall in French
  11. winter in French
  12. say hi in French

21 Clues: 5 in French9 in French4 in French10 in FrenchWed. in FrenchJune in FrenchSun. in FrenchFri. in FrenchSat. in Frenchfall in FrenchMarch in FrenchAugust in Frenchsummer in Frenchwinter in Frenchsay hi in FrenchJanuary in FrenchSeptember in Frenchsay hello in Frenchmois month in Frenchjours the days in Frenchprintemps spring in French

Family crossword- Isla H 2023-05-18

Family crossword- Isla H crossword puzzle
  1. girl cousin in French
  2. female twins in french
  3. belle souer stepsister in French
  4. grandmother in French
  5. Husband in French
  6. stepfather in French
  7. baby in French
  8. grandfather in French
  9. brother in French
  10. sister in French
  1. stepmother in French
  2. Boy cousin in French
  3. grandparents in French
  4. mother in French
  5. father in French
  6. Parents in French
  7. male twins in French
  8. wife in French
  9. aunt in French
  10. uncle in French
  11. stepbrother in French

21 Clues: wife in Frenchbaby in Frenchaunt in Frenchuncle in Frenchmother in Frenchfather in Frenchsister in FrenchParents in FrenchHusband in Frenchbrother in Frenchstepmother in FrenchBoy cousin in Frenchmale twins in Frenchstepfather in Frenchgirl cousin in Frenchgrandmother in Frenchstepbrother in Frenchgrandfather in Frenchgrandparents in French...

vocab unit 4 2017-10-12

vocab unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. "sorry" french translation
  2. "wednesday" french translation
  3. "music" french translation
  4. "dictionary" french translation
  5. "eraser" french translation
  6. "friday" french translation
  7. "saturday" french translation
  8. "history" french translation
  9. "day" french translation
  1. "pen" french translation
  2. "exam/test" french translation
  3. "monday" french translation
  4. "calculator" french translation
  5. "week" french translation
  6. "sunday" french translation
  7. "thursday" french translation
  8. "biology" french translation
  9. "chemistry" french translation
  10. "tuesday" french translation
  11. "quiz" french translation
  12. "book" french translation

21 Clues: "pen" french translation"day" french translation"week" french translation"quiz" french translation"book" french translation"sorry" french translation"music" french translation"monday" french translation"sunday" french translation"eraser" french translation"friday" french translation"biology" french translation"tuesday" french translation...

La Famille 2025-01-05

La Famille crossword puzzle
  1. Grandmother in French
  2. Sister in French
  3. Wife in French
  4. Granddaughter in French
  5. Female cousin in French
  6. Male cousin in French
  7. Brother in French
  8. Aunt in French
  9. Niece in French
  1. Son in French
  2. Family in French
  3. Father in French
  4. Mother in French
  5. Grandson in French
  6. Daughter in French
  7. Baby in French
  8. Husband in French
  9. Uncle in French
  10. Nephew in French
  11. Grandfather in French

20 Clues: Son in FrenchBaby in FrenchWife in FrenchAunt in FrenchUncle in FrenchNiece in FrenchFamily in FrenchFather in FrenchMother in FrenchSister in FrenchNephew in FrenchHusband in FrenchBrother in FrenchGrandson in FrenchDaughter in FrenchGrandmother in FrenchMale cousin in FrenchGrandfather in FrenchGranddaughter in FrenchFemale cousin in French

vocab 5 2017-10-13

vocab 5 crossword puzzle
  1. "may" french translation
  2. "bike" french translation
  3. "surf" french translation
  4. "volleyball" french translation
  5. "ski" french translation
  6. "theater" french translation
  7. "beach" french translation
  8. "ice skating rink" french translation
  9. "cold" french translation
  10. "July" french translation
  11. "mountain" french translation
  12. "June" french translation
  13. "guitar" french translation
  1. "march" french translation
  2. "April" french translation
  3. "February" french translation
  4. "drums" french translation
  5. "countryside" french translation
  6. "January" french translation
  7. "track and field" french translation
  8. "tennis" french translation
  9. "hot" french translation
  10. "museum" french translation

23 Clues: "may" french translation"ski" french translation"hot" french translation"bike" french translation"surf" french translation"cold" french translation"July" french translation"June" french translation"march" french translation"April" french translation"drums" french translation"beach" french translation"tennis" french translation...

crossword puzzle - Knox 2023-05-30

crossword puzzle - Knox crossword puzzle
  1. paper in French
  2. marqer in French
  3. eraser in French
  4. chair in French
  5. pencil crayons
  6. glue in French
  7. door in French
  8. scissors in french
  9. table in French
  10. backpack in French
  11. window in French
  1. book in French
  2. garbage can in French
  3. ruler in French
  4. pen in French
  5. locker in French
  6. students in French
  7. desk in French
  8. pencil in French
  9. notebook in French

20 Clues: pen in Frenchbook in Frenchpencil crayonsglue in Frenchdesk in Frenchdoor in Frenchpaper in Frenchruler in Frenchchair in Frenchtable in Frenchmarqer in Frencheraser in Frenchlocker in Frenchpencil in Frenchwindow in Frenchstudents in Frenchscissors in frenchnotebook in Frenchbackpack in Frenchgarbage can in French

crosswords puzzle - Karen 2023-05-30

crosswords puzzle - Karen crossword puzzle
  1. paper in french
  2. chair in french
  3. window in french
  4. notebook in french
  5. marker in french
  6. locker in french
  7. garbage can in french
  8. glue in french
  9. table in french
  10. door in frenchch
  1. computer in french
  2. stundent in french
  3. desk in french
  4. ruler in french
  5. pencil in french
  6. pencil crayons in french
  7. scissors in french
  8. pen in french
  9. eraser in french
  10. book in french

20 Clues: pen in frenchdesk in frenchglue in frenchbook in frenchpaper in frenchchair in frenchruler in frenchtable in frenchwindow in frenchpencil in frenchmarker in frenchlocker in frencheraser in frenchdoor in frenchchcomputer in frenchstundent in frenchnotebook in frenchscissors in frenchgarbage can in frenchpencil crayons in french

Technology 2021-01-11

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. spamming in french
  2. network in french
  3. data layout in french
  4. microphone in french
  5. robotics in french
  6. browser in french
  7. laptop in french
  8. file in french
  9. output in french
  10. coding in french
  1. brightness in french
  2. keyboard in french
  3. delete in french
  4. keyboard shortcut in french
  5. input in french
  6. guides in french
  7. shifting in french
  8. template in french
  9. key in french
  10. crop in french

20 Clues: key in frenchfile in frenchcrop in frenchinput in frenchdelete in frenchguides in frenchlaptop in frenchoutput in frenchcoding in frenchnetwork in frenchbrowser in frenchkeyboard in frenchspamming in frenchshifting in frenchtemplate in frenchrobotics in frenchbrightness in frenchmicrophone in frenchdata layout in frenchkeyboard shortcut in french

*+*EMMA*+* 2023-06-01

*+*EMMA*+* crossword puzzle
  1. lockers in french
  2. computer in french
  3. glue in french
  4. scissors in french
  5. table in french
  6. marker in french
  7. door in french
  8. window in french
  9. pencil crayons in french
  1. pen in french
  2. garbage can in french
  3. notebook in french
  4. chair in french
  5. paper in french
  6. eraser in french
  7. book in french
  8. ruler in french
  9. desk in french
  10. pencil in french
  11. students in french

20 Clues: pen in frenchbook in frenchdoor in frenchglue in frenchchair in frenchpaper in frenchtable in frenchdesk in frencheraser in frenchmarker in frenchruler in frenchpencil in frenchlockers in frenchwindow in frenchcomputer in frenchnotebook in frenchstudents in frenchscissors in frenchgarbage can in frenchpencil crayons in french

PRINTEMPS 2024-04-05

PRINTEMPS crossword puzzle
  1. French word for LADYBUGS
  2. French word for PEOPLE
  3. French word for SUN
  4. French word for THUNDERSTORM (17)
  5. French word for ANIMALS
  6. French word for BUGS
  7. French word for UMBRELLA
  8. French word for TREES
  9. French word for SUMMER
  10. French word for DOGS
  11. French word for BIRDS
  1. French word for FARM
  2. French word for HAPPINESS
  3. French word for VEGTABLES
  4. French word for AUTUMN
  5. French word for CATS
  6. French word for MISTER
  7. French word for GRASS
  8. French word for CLOUDS
  9. French word for FLOWERS
  10. French word for FRUITS
  11. French word for PLANTS
  12. French word for RAIN
  13. French word for WARM
  14. French word for COWS

25 Clues: French word for SUNFrench word for FARMFrench word for CATSFrench word for BUGSFrench word for RAINFrench word for DOGSFrench word for WARMFrench word for COWSFrench word for GRASSFrench word for TREESFrench word for BIRDSFrench word for PEOPLEFrench word for AUTUMNFrench word for MISTERFrench word for CLOUDSFrench word for FRUITS...

French puzzle 2022-05-27

French puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. when in french
  2. to like in french
  3. to want in french
  4. to do/make in french
  5. french in french
  6. how much in french
  7. house in french
  8. to love in french
  9. to be able to in french
  10. to take in french
  1. who in french
  2. to have in french
  3. where in french
  4. to eat in french
  5. what in french
  6. to come in french
  7. to finish in french
  8. how in french
  9. to need in french
  10. to be in french

20 Clues: who in frenchhow in frenchwhen in frenchwhat in frenchwhere in frenchhouse in frenchto be in frenchto eat in frenchfrench in frenchto like in frenchto have in frenchto want in frenchto come in frenchto love in frenchto need in frenchto take in frenchhow much in frenchto finish in frenchto do/make in frenchto be able to in french

French crossword 2023-05-24

French crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Cat in French
  2. female cousin in French
  3. family in French
  4. Son in French
  5. Father in French
  6. wife in French
  7. stepsister in French
  8. sister in French
  9. stepmother in French
  10. Grandmother in French
  11. grandfather in French
  12. grandparents in French
  13. child in French
  1. male cousin in French
  2. Aunt in French
  3. daughter in French
  4. stepfather in Frenc
  5. brother in French
  6. Mother in French
  7. baby in French
  8. animal domestique pet in French
  9. jumelles female twins in French
  10. Stepbrother in French
  11. husband in French
  12. Dog in French
  13. Parents in French
  14. jumeaux male twins in French
  15. Uncle in French

28 Clues: Cat in FrenchSon in FrenchDog in FrenchAunt in Frenchwife in Frenchbaby in FrenchUncle in Frenchchild in Frenchfamily in FrenchMother in FrenchFather in Frenchsister in Frenchbrother in Frenchhusband in FrenchParents in Frenchdaughter in Frenchstepfather in Frencstepsister in Frenchstepmother in Frenchmale cousin in FrenchStepbrother in French...

family crossword-priscilla 2023-05-18

family crossword-priscilla crossword puzzle
  1. grandmother in french
  2. father in french
  3. verb with je
  4. dog in french
  5. with tu
  6. female cousin in french
  7. brother in french
  8. grandparents in french
  9. grandfather in french
  10. with ils
  11. cat in french
  12. daughter in french
  13. family in french
  1. baby in french
  2. wife in french
  3. male cousin in french
  4. mother in french
  5. husband in french
  6. uncle in french
  7. parents in french
  8. verb with nous
  9. sister in french
  10. with elles
  11. child in french
  12. with vous
  13. aunt in french
  14. son in french

27 Clues: with tuwith ilswith vouswith ellesverb with jedog in frenchcat in frenchson in frenchbaby in frenchwife in frenchverb with nousaunt in frenchuncle in frenchchild in frenchmother in frenchfather in frenchsister in frenchfamily in frenchhusband in frenchparents in frenchbrother in frenchdaughter in frenchmale cousin in frenchgrandmother in french...

family crossword-priscilla 2023-05-18

family crossword-priscilla crossword puzzle
  1. grandmother in french
  2. father in french
  3. verb with je
  4. dog in french
  5. with tu
  6. female cousin in french
  7. brother in french
  8. grandparents in french
  9. grandfather in french
  10. with ils
  11. cat in french
  12. daughter in french
  13. family in french
  1. baby in french
  2. wife in french
  3. male cousin in french
  4. mother in french
  5. husband in french
  6. uncle in french
  7. parents in french
  8. verb with nous
  9. sister in french
  10. with elles
  11. child in french
  12. with vous
  13. aunt in french
  14. son in french

27 Clues: with tuwith ilswith vouswith ellesverb with jedog in frenchcat in frenchson in frenchbaby in frenchwife in frenchverb with nousaunt in frenchuncle in frenchchild in frenchmother in frenchfather in frenchsister in frenchfamily in frenchhusband in frenchparents in frenchbrother in frenchdaughter in frenchmale cousin in frenchgrandmother in french...

Lists 00, 01, 02 2022-08-22

Lists 00, 01, 02 crossword puzzle
  1. French word for a female student
  2. hello in French
  3. backpack in French
  4. computer science in French
  5. French word for map
  6. French word for binder
  7. French word for hi, or bye (informal)
  8. history in French
  9. poster in French
  10. office or a teacher's desk
  11. cabinet or closet
  12. French word for whiteboard
  13. open in French (singular)
  14. French word for book
  15. French word for notebook
  16. see you tomorrow in French
  17. walk in French
  18. French term for a club or a box
  19. French word for chair (no le, la, les)
  20. chemistry in French
  21. French term for folder
  22. languages in French
  23. French word for corner
  1. French word for pineapple
  2. I'm doing VERY badly in French
  3. music in French
  4. point in French (singular)
  5. French word for quickly
  6. scrub in French
  7. wall in French
  8. French term for "I'm doing so/so"
  9. French expression for sit down
  10. French expression for my name is
  11. French word for NFL type football
  12. French word for goodbye (formal)
  13. French expression for go
  14. French for male student
  15. term for close in French (singular)
  16. I'm doing badly in French
  17. the floor in French
  18. hit/knock in French
  19. pencil in French
  20. teacher in French
  21. French word for English

44 Clues: wall in Frenchwalk in Frenchhello in Frenchmusic in Frenchscrub in Frenchposter in Frenchpencil in Frenchhistory in Frenchcabinet or closetteacher in Frenchbackpack in FrenchFrench word for mapthe floor in Frenchhit/knock in Frenchchemistry in Frenchlanguages in FrenchFrench word for bookFrench word for binderFrench term for folder...

French Adjectives 2013-08-19

French Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. French word for active
  2. French word for cute
  3. French word for nice
  4. French word for horrible
  5. French word for sporty
  6. French word for fun
  7. French word for boring
  8. French word for smart
  9. French colour purple
  10. French word for big
  11. French colour blue
  1. French colour yellow
  2. French word for weird
  3. French colour pink
  4. French word for funny
  5. French word for terrific
  6. French word for small
  7. French word for perfect
  8. French word for shy
  9. French colour red

20 Clues: French colour redFrench colour pinkFrench colour blueFrench word for funFrench word for shyFrench word for bigFrench colour yellowFrench word for cuteFrench word for niceFrench colour purpleFrench word for weirdFrench word for funnyFrench word for smallFrench word for smartFrench word for activeFrench word for sportyFrench word for boring...

Chez Moi 2023-11-17

Chez Moi crossword puzzle
  1. the living room in French
  2. 40 in French
  3. 50 in French
  4. yellow in French
  5. the ground floor in French
  6. 90 in French
  7. brother in French
  8. black in French
  9. the bedroom in French
  1. pink in French
  2. mother in French
  3. 70 in French
  4. father in French
  5. grey in French
  6. 80 in French
  7. 60 in French
  8. the kitchen in French
  9. sister in French
  10. green in French
  11. 100 in French

20 Clues: 70 in French40 in French80 in French60 in French50 in French90 in French100 in Frenchpink in Frenchgrey in Frenchgreen in Frenchblack in Frenchmother in Frenchfather in Frenchyellow in Frenchsister in Frenchbrother in Frenchthe kitchen in Frenchthe bedroom in Frenchthe living room in Frenchthe ground floor in French

Family Crossword - Mary-Jane 2023-05-16

Family Crossword - Mary-Jane crossword puzzle
  1. Verb avoir with vous
  2. Uncle in French
  3. Cat in French
  4. Son in French
  5. Dog in French
  6. Husband in French
  7. Wife in French
  8. Step sister in French
  9. Grandparents in French
  10. Brother in French
  1. Male cousin in French
  2. Baby in French
  3. Verb avoir with nous
  4. Female cousin in French
  5. Aunt in French
  6. Daughter in French
  7. Verb avoir with je
  8. Mother in French
  9. Parents in French
  10. Sister in French
  11. Child in French
  12. Step brother in French
  13. Father in French

23 Clues: Cat in FrenchSon in FrenchDog in FrenchBaby in FrenchAunt in FrenchWife in FrenchUncle in FrenchChild in FrenchMother in FrenchSister in FrenchFather in FrenchHusband in FrenchParents in FrenchBrother in FrenchDaughter in FrenchVerb avoir with jeVerb avoir with vousVerb avoir with nousMale cousin in FrenchStep sister in FrenchStep brother in French...

Foods in French 2022-02-08

Foods in French crossword puzzle
  1. french word for blueberry
  2. french word for orange
  3. french word for ice cream
  4. french word for cream
  5. french word for watermelon
  6. french for fruit
  7. french word for carrot
  8. french for dairy products
  9. french word for bell pepper
  10. french word for plum
  11. french word for apple
  12. french word for yogurt
  1. french word for radish
  2. french word for cucumber
  3. french word for grapes
  4. french word for tomato
  5. french word for cheese
  6. french word for butter
  7. french word for strawberry
  8. french word for corn
  9. french for vegetables
  10. french word for peach
  11. french word for celery
  12. french word for milk

24 Clues: french for fruitfrench word for cornfrench word for milkfrench word for plumfrench word for creamfrench for vegetablesfrench word for peachfrench word for applefrench word for radishfrench word for grapesfrench word for tomatofrench word for cheesefrench word for orangefrench word for butterfrench word for celeryfrench word for carrot...

french 2019-05-13

french crossword puzzle
  1. maybe in french
  2. Excuse me in french
  3. aussi same here in french
  4. no in french
  5. slower please in french
  6. mister in french
  7. i'm sorry in french
  8. it's not necessary in french
  9. I speak English in french
  10. yesterday in french
  11. why? in french
  1. Please repeat in French
  2. of course in french
  3. tomorrow in french
  4. I don’t understand in french
  5. how do you say in french in french
  6. I don’t speak french in french
  7. Do you speak English in french
  8. miss in french
  9. yes in french
  10. today in french
  11. Where are you from in french
  12. Mrs in french

23 Clues: no in frenchyes in frenchMrs in frenchmiss in frenchwhy? in frenchmaybe in frenchtoday in frenchmister in frenchtomorrow in frenchof course in frenchExcuse me in frenchi'm sorry in frenchyesterday in frenchPlease repeat in Frenchslower please in frenchaussi same here in frenchI speak English in frenchI don’t understand in french...

0-20 2022-04-12

0-20 crossword puzzle
  1. French word for six
  2. French word for eight
  3. French word for four
  4. French word for Zero
  5. French word for nine
  6. French word for eleven
  7. French word for three
  8. French word for twelve
  9. French word for two
  10. French word for twenty
  11. French word for ten
  12. French word for fifteen
  1. French word for eighteen
  2. French word for thirteen
  3. French word for one
  4. French word for fourteen
  5. French word for sixteen
  6. French word for seventeen
  7. French word for nineteen
  8. French word for five
  9. French word for seven

21 Clues: French word for sixFrench word for oneFrench word for twoFrench word for tenFrench word for fourFrench word for ZeroFrench word for nineFrench word for fiveFrench word for eightFrench word for threeFrench word for sevenFrench word for elevenFrench word for twelveFrench word for twentyFrench word for sixteenFrench word for fifteen...

Ma famille 2011-09-26

Ma famille crossword puzzle
  1. step-dad in French.
  2. a girl cousin in French.
  3. grandpa in French.
  4. mommy in French.
  5. step-brother in French.
  6. mom in French.
  7. niece in French.
  1. uncle in French.
  2. nephew in French.
  3. brother in French.
  4. a boy cousin in French.
  5. daddy in French
  6. step-mom in French.
  7. god-father in French.
  8. grandma in French.
  9. sister in French.
  10. step-sister in French.
  11. god-mother in French.
  12. aunt in French.
  13. dad in French.

20 Clues: mom in in French.daddy in Frenchaunt in French.uncle in French.mommy in French.niece in French.nephew in French.sister in in French.grandma in French.grandpa in French.step-dad in French.step-mom in French.god-father in French.god-mother in French.step-sister in French.a boy cousin in French.step-brother in French....

Family Crossword - Mary-Jane 2023-05-18

Family Crossword - Mary-Jane crossword puzzle
  1. Step sister in French
  2. verb avoir with nous
  3. Husband in French
  4. Child in French
  5. Brother in French
  6. Female twins in French
  7. Uncle in French
  8. Baby in French
  9. Father in French
  10. Aunt in French
  1. Step brother in French
  2. Male cousin in French
  3. Dog in French
  4. Parents in French
  5. Sister in French
  6. verb avoir with je
  7. Male twins in French
  8. Female cousin in French
  9. Son in French
  10. Daughter in French
  11. Wife in French
  12. Cat in French
  13. Mother in French

23 Clues: Dog in FrenchSon in FrenchCat in FrenchWife in FrenchBaby in FrenchAunt in FrenchChild in FrenchUncle in FrenchSister in FrenchMother in FrenchFather in FrenchParents in FrenchHusband in FrenchBrother in Frenchverb avoir with jeDaughter in Frenchverb avoir with nousMale twins in FrenchMale cousin in FrenchStep sister in FrenchStep brother in French...

Family Crossword - Courtney 2023-05-16

Family Crossword - Courtney crossword puzzle
  1. Cat In French
  2. Female Twins In French
  3. Girl Cousin In French
  4. Daughter In French
  5. Brother In French
  6. Verb Avoir With Je
  7. Father In French
  8. Step Mother In French
  9. Verb Avoir With Nous
  10. Wife In French
  11. Sister In French
  12. step Father In French
  13. Husband In French
  1. Dog In French
  2. Boy Cousin In French
  3. Verb Avoir With Nous
  4. Step Sister In French
  5. Male Twins In French
  6. Baby In French
  7. Mother In French
  8. Step Brother In French
  9. Child In French
  10. Son In French
  11. Avoir With
  12. Family In French

25 Clues: Avoir WithDog In FrenchCat In FrenchSon In FrenchBaby In FrenchWife In FrenchChild In FrenchMother In FrenchFather In FrenchSister In FrenchFamily In FrenchBrother In FrenchHusband In FrenchDaughter In FrenchVerb Avoir With JeBoy Cousin In FrenchVerb Avoir With NousMale Twins In FrenchVerb Avoir With NousStep Sister In FrenchGirl Cousin In French...

La Farce de Maitre Pathelin (scene 1-3) 2022-10-31

La Farce de Maitre Pathelin (scene 1-3) crossword puzzle
  1. IT'S THE END in French
  3. TO MOCK or MAKE FUN OF in French
  4. YOU'RE SCREAMING in French
  5. MONEY in French
  6. FABRIC in French
  7. THIEF in French
  8. MIDDLE AGES in French
  9. the word for SICK in French
  10. I WANT MY MONEY in French
  11. ALMOST DEAD in French
  12. DEVIL in French
  13. CHEATERS in French
  14. I'M LEAVING in French
  1. HE OWES ME in French
  3. SHEPHEARD in French
  4. CRAZY (masculine) in French
  5. SHEEP in French
  6. WITHOUTPAYING in French
  7. DEFENDANT in French
  9. TO KILL in French
  10. YOU'RE TORTURING HIM in French
  11. HE'S GOING TO DIE in French
  12. PLAINTIFF in French
  14. TO MIX in French
  16. TO EAT in French
  18. DISHONEST in French
  19. BEASTS in French
  20. GOOD FOR NOTHING in French
  21. TO HIDE ONESELF in French


school vocabulary eveyne 2023-05-30

school vocabulary eveyne crossword puzzle
  1. ruler in french
  2. glue in french
  3. pen
  4. scissors in french
  5. locker in french
  6. blackboard in french
  7. paper in french
  8. window in french
  9. computer in french
  10. notebook in french
  11. book
  1. garbage can
  2. marker in french
  3. pencil crayon in french
  4. door in french
  5. chair in french
  6. pencil in french
  7. eraser in french
  8. desk
  9. students in french

20 Clues: pendeskbookgarbage candoor in frenchglue in frenchruler in frenchchair in frenchpaper in frenchmarker in frenchpencil in frenchlocker in frencheraser in frenchwindow in frenchscissors in frenchstudents in frenchcomputer in frenchnotebook in frenchblackboard in frenchpencil crayon in french

Family crossword - Rylan 2023-05-23

Family crossword - Rylan crossword puzzle
  1. grandmother in french
  2. daughter in french
  3. verb avoir with tu
  4. verb avoir with nous
  5. boy cousin in french
  6. cat in french
  7. wife in french
  8. husband in french
  9. girl cousin in french
  10. sister in french
  11. verb avoir with je
  12. brother in french
  13. verb avoir with ils
  14. uncle in french
  15. baby in french
  1. grandpa in french
  2. son in french
  3. grandparents in french
  4. child in french
  5. parents in french
  6. dog in french
  7. verb avoir with elles
  8. mother in french
  9. father in french
  10. family in french
  11. aunt in french

26 Clues: son in frenchdog in frenchcat in frenchwife in frenchaunt in frenchbaby in frenchchild in frenchuncle in frenchmother in frenchfather in frenchsister in frenchfamily in frenchgrandpa in frenchparents in frenchhusband in frenchbrother in frenchdaughter in frenchverb avoir with tuverb avoir with jeverb avoir with ilsverb avoir with nous...

Ma routine quotdienne 2022-10-31

Ma routine quotdienne crossword puzzle
  1. 20 in French
  2. CONDITIONER in French
  3. TOOTHBRUSH in French
  4. the word for LEG in French
  5. the word for TOWEL in French
  6. the translation of SHOWER CURTAIN
  7. the word for LIQUID SOAP in French
  8. TO WAKE UP in French
  9. TO GET UP in French
  10. the word for SHOWER in French
  11. the word for SHAMPOO in French
  12. the word for RAZOR in French
  13. I GET DRESSED in French
  14. the word for SLIPPER in French
  15. HAIR DRYER in French
  16. the word for TOOTHPASTE in French
  17. the word for ARM in French
  18. BATH in French
  19. SHAVING CREAM in French
  20. the word for BAR SOAP in French
  21. MONTH in French
  22. WASH CLOTH in French
  23. TO PUT ON MAKE UP in French
  1. MIDNIGHT in French
  2. the expression IT IS ONE O'CLOCK in French
  3. the word for MOUTHWASH in French
  4. TO BRUSH ONE'S TEETH in French
  5. MY NAME IS in French
  6. the expression TO SHAVE ONESELF in French
  7. the word for FACE in French
  8. TO SHOWER ONESELF in French
  9. the word for EYES in French
  10. the word for WATER in French
  11. TO DRY ONESELF in French
  12. to GO TO BED in French
  13. BODY in French
  14. the word for MAKEUP in French
  15. the word for HEAD in French
  16. TO UNDRESS in French
  17. TO HAVE FUN in French
  18. the word for HANDS in French
  19. 15 in French
  20. TONGUE in French
  21. the word for FOREHEAD in French
  22. NOON in French
  23. the word for EYE in French
  24. the word for MOUTH in French

47 Clues: 20 in French15 in FrenchBODY in FrenchBATH in FrenchNOON in FrenchMONTH in FrenchTONGUE in FrenchMIDNIGHT in FrenchTO GET UP in FrenchTOOTHBRUSH in FrenchMY NAME IS in FrenchTO WAKE UP in FrenchTO UNDRESS in FrenchHAIR DRYER in FrenchWASH CLOTH in FrenchCONDITIONER in FrenchTO HAVE FUN in Frenchto GO TO BED in FrenchI GET DRESSED in French...

er verbs in French 2023-02-27

er verbs in French crossword puzzle
  1. To start/to begin in French
  2. To find again/to meet up in French
  3. To draw in French
  4. To eat in French
  5. To share in French
  6. a To live at in French
  7. To have dinner in French
  8. To like in French
  9. To speak in French
  10. To call someone in French
  11. To give in French
  12. To go back in French
  13. To watch/to look at in French
  14. To travel in French
  1. To meet up in French
  2. to visit a place in French
  3. To swim in French
  4. que To think that in French
  5. To arrive in French
  6. To forget in French
  7. To ask in French
  8. To work in French
  9. To hate in French
  10. To adore in French
  11. To look for in French
  12. To study in French
  13. a To attend in French

27 Clues: To eat in FrenchTo ask in FrenchTo draw in FrenchTo swim in FrenchTo work in FrenchTo hate in FrenchTo like in FrenchTo give in FrenchTo share in FrenchTo adore in FrenchTo speak in FrenchTo study in FrenchTo arrive in FrenchTo forget in FrenchTo travel in FrenchTo meet up in FrenchTo go back in FrenchTo look for in Frencha To live at in French...

Family Crossword - Maya 2023-05-18

Family Crossword - Maya crossword puzzle
  1. brother in French
  2. husband in French
  3. aunt in French
  4. Grandparents in French
  5. verb avoir with J'
  6. grandfather in French
  7. sister in French
  8. verb avoir with Tu
  9. child in French
  10. cousin (girl) in French
  11. verb avoir with Ils
  12. verb avoir with Vous
  1. parents in French
  2. cat in French
  3. daughter in French
  4. grandmother in French
  5. dog in French
  6. farther in French
  7. baby in French
  8. son in French
  9. cousin (boy) in French
  10. verb avoir with Nous
  11. mother in French
  12. wife in French
  13. verb avoir with Ells
  14. uncle in French

26 Clues: cat in Frenchdog in Frenchson in Frenchaunt in Frenchbaby in Frenchwife in Frenchchild in Frenchuncle in Frenchsister in Frenchmother in Frenchparents in Frenchbrother in Frenchhusband in Frenchfarther in Frenchdaughter in Frenchverb avoir with J'verb avoir with Tuverb avoir with Ilsverb avoir with Nousverb avoir with Ellsverb avoir with Vous...

Family Crossword - Aylah Farley-Szekely 2023-05-16

Family Crossword - Aylah Farley-Szekely crossword puzzle
  1. Brother in french
  2. Daughter in french
  3. Grandfather in french
  4. Boy cousin in french
  5. Verb avoir with Je
  6. Son in french
  7. Verb avoir with Tu
  8. Verb avoir with nous
  9. Verb avoir with Vous
  10. Husband in french
  11. Mother in french
  12. Sister in french
  13. Verb avoir with Elles
  1. Grandmother in french
  2. Wife in french
  3. Girl cousin in french
  4. Child in french
  5. Grandparents in french
  6. Dog in french
  7. Aunt in french
  8. Family in french
  9. Cat in french
  10. Baby in french
  11. Father in french
  12. Verb avoir with Ils
  13. Uncle in french

26 Clues: Dog in frenchSon in frenchCat in frenchWife in frenchAunt in frenchBaby in frenchChild in frenchUncle in frenchFamily in frenchFather in frenchMother in frenchSister in frenchBrother in frenchHusband in frenchDaughter in frenchVerb avoir with JeVerb avoir with TuVerb avoir with IlsBoy cousin in frenchVerb avoir with nousVerb avoir with Vous...

vocabulaire 1 2017-09-27

vocabulaire 1 crossword puzzle
  1. "table" french translation
  2. "good evening" french translation
  3. "ten" french translation
  4. "goodbye" french translation
  5. "teacher" french translation
  6. title for a married woman in French
  7. "classroom" french translation
  8. "twenty" french translation
  9. "girl" french translation
  10. "desk" french translation
  1. formal way to say "you"
  2. "nine" french translation
  3. "hello" french translation
  4. "three" french translation
  5. title for an unmarried woman in French
  6. title for a man in french
  7. "one" french translation
  8. "chair" french translation
  9. "map" french translation
  10. "five" french translation
  11. "hey!" french translation
  12. informal way to say "you"

22 Clues: formal way to say "you""ten" french translation"one" french translation"map" french translation"nine" french translationtitle for a man in french"five" french translation"hey!" french translation"girl" french translationinformal way to say "you""desk" french translation"hello" french translation"table" french translation"three" french translation...

French Numbers 0 - 20 2020-10-02

French Numbers 0 - 20 crossword puzzle
  1. French number 1
  2. French number 20
  3. French number 12
  4. French number 3
  5. French number 8
  6. French number 4
  7. French number 17
  8. French number 6
  9. What is your name?
  10. French number 0
  11. Hello
  12. How are you?
  13. You are welcome
  14. Thank you.
  15. French number 10
  1. French number 5
  2. French number 9
  3. French number 13
  4. French number 18
  5. Goodbye
  6. French number 14
  7. French number 19
  8. My name is Tom.
  9. I am fine.
  10. French number 7
  11. French number 15
  12. French number 16
  13. French number 2
  14. French number 11

29 Clues: HelloGoodbyeI am fine.Thank you.How are you?French number 5French number 1French number 9French number 3French number 8French number 4My name is Tom.French number 6French number 7French number 0French number 2You are welcomeFrench number 20French number 13French number 12French number 18French number 14French number 17French number 19...

Family Crossword - Antonio 2023-05-16

Family Crossword - Antonio crossword puzzle
  1. Dog in French
  2. verb avoir with Ils
  3. Daughter in French
  4. Husband in French
  5. Grandparents in French
  6. Mother in French
  7. Father in French
  8. Sister in French
  9. Family in French
  10. Cat in French
  11. verb avoir with Vous
  12. Grandfather in French
  1. Verb avoir with J
  2. Girl cousin in French
  3. Boy Cousin in French
  4. Child in French
  5. Son in French
  6. Wife in French
  7. Grandmother in French
  8. Brother in French
  9. verb avoir with Tu
  10. Baby in French
  11. Uncle in French
  12. Aunt in French
  13. Parents in French
  14. verb avoir with elles
  15. verb avoir with Nous

27 Clues: Dog in FrenchSon in FrenchCat in FrenchWife in FrenchBaby in FrenchAunt in FrenchChild in FrenchUncle in FrenchMother in FrenchFather in FrenchSister in FrenchFamily in FrenchVerb avoir with JBrother in FrenchHusband in FrenchParents in FrenchDaughter in Frenchverb avoir with Tuverb avoir with IlsBoy Cousin in Frenchverb avoir with Vous...

Family crossword - Rylan 2023-05-23

Family crossword - Rylan crossword puzzle
  1. grandmother in french
  2. daughter in french
  3. verb avoir with tu
  4. verb avoir with nous
  5. boy cousin in french
  6. cat in french
  7. wife in french
  8. husband in french
  9. girl cousin in french
  10. sister in french
  11. verb avoir with je
  12. brother in french
  13. verb avoir with ils
  14. uncle in french
  15. baby in french
  1. grandpa in french
  2. son in french
  3. grandparents in french
  4. child in french
  5. parents in french
  6. dog in french
  7. verb avoir with elles
  8. mother in french
  9. father in french
  10. family in french
  11. aunt in french

26 Clues: son in frenchdog in frenchcat in frenchwife in frenchaunt in frenchbaby in frenchchild in frenchuncle in frenchmother in frenchfather in frenchsister in frenchfamily in frenchgrandpa in frenchparents in frenchhusband in frenchbrother in frenchdaughter in frenchverb avoir with tuverb avoir with jeverb avoir with ilsverb avoir with nous...

Family Crossword-Gloria 2023-05-18

Family Crossword-Gloria crossword puzzle
  1. Verb avoir with Tu
  2. Dog in french
  3. Father in french
  4. Verb avoir with Elles
  5. Brother on french
  6. Cousin in French
  7. Grandparents in french
  8. Aunt in french
  9. Husband in french
  10. Mother in french
  11. Uncle in french
  12. Verb avoir with Ils
  13. Cousin in french
  14. Child in french
  15. Baby in french
  1. Grandmother in french
  2. Daughter in french
  3. Grandfather in french
  4. Parents in french
  5. Wife in french
  6. Verb avoir with Je
  7. Son in french
  8. Cat in french
  9. Pet in french
  10. Verb avoir with Nous
  11. Sister in french
  12. Verb avoir with Vous

27 Clues: Dog in frenchSon in frenchCat in frenchPet in frenchWife in frenchAunt in frenchBaby in frenchUncle in frenchChild in frenchFather in frenchCousin in FrenchMother in frenchSister in frenchCousin in frenchParents in frenchBrother on frenchHusband in frenchVerb avoir with TuDaughter in frenchVerb avoir with JeVerb avoir with IlsVerb avoir with Nous...

Family Crossword -Leah 2023-05-18

Family Crossword -Leah crossword puzzle
  1. wife in french
  2. dog in french
  3. verb Avoir with Nous
  4. Grandfather in french
  5. sister in french
  6. daughter in french
  7. Father in french
  8. verb Avoir with Je
  9. grand-parents in french
  10. boy cousin in french
  11. girl cousin in french
  12. aunt in french
  13. verb Avoir with Vous
  1. son in french
  2. baby in french
  3. Mother in french
  4. uncle in french
  5. parents in french
  6. baby in french
  7. Brother in french
  8. grandmother in french
  9. family in french
  10. verb Avoir with Tu
  11. cat in french
  12. Verb Avoir with Ils
  13. husband in french

26 Clues: son in frenchdog in frenchcat in frenchbaby in frenchwife in frenchbaby in frenchaunt in frenchuncle in frenchMother in frenchsister in frenchFather in frenchfamily in frenchparents in frenchBrother in frenchhusband in frenchdaughter in frenchverb Avoir with Jeverb Avoir with TuVerb Avoir with Ilsverb Avoir with Nousboy cousin in french...

French Crossword 2023-03-01

French Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. color yellow in french
  2. years in french
  3. house in french
  4. to go in french
  5. a father in french
  6. class in french
  7. center in french
  8. a book in french
  9. poor in french
  10. school in french
  1. studied in french
  2. to feel sympathetic
  3. to eat in french
  4. a town or village in french
  5. sad in french
  6. a mother in french
  7. sixteen in french
  8. slang for girlfriend, friend, or lover
  9. respond in french
  10. a friend in french
  11. clothes in french

21 Clues: sad in frenchpoor in frenchyears in frenchhouse in frenchto go in frenchclass in frenchto eat in frenchcenter in frencha book in frenchschool in frenchstudied in frenchsixteen in frenchrespond in frenchclothes in frencha mother in frencha father in frencha friend in frenchto feel sympatheticcolor yellow in frencha town or village in french...

Sports Individuels 2020-03-16

Sports Individuels crossword puzzle
  1. French word for sailing
  2. French word for skiing
  3. French word for gymnastics
  4. French word for snowboarding
  5. French word for mountain biking
  6. French word for horseback riding
  7. French word for windsurfing
  8. French word for surfboarding
  9. French word for cycling
  10. French word for skateboarding
  11. French word for hiking
  1. French work for jogging
  2. French word for "to run"
  3. French word for in-line skating
  4. French word for waterskiing
  5. French word for "to practice"
  6. French word for rolr skating
  7. French word for rock climbing
  8. French word for ice skating
  9. French word for swimming

20 Clues: French word for skiingFrench word for hikingFrench work for joggingFrench word for sailingFrench word for cyclingFrench word for "to run"French word for swimmingFrench word for gymnasticsFrench word for waterskiingFrench word for windsurfingFrench word for ice skatingFrench word for rolr skatingFrench word for snowboarding...

Ma Famille/Verb Avoir 2023-05-15

Ma Famille/Verb Avoir crossword puzzle
  1. Verb avoir for tu
  2. Father in French
  3. Grandfather in French
  4. Husband in French
  5. Male cousin in French
  6. Brother in French
  7. Aunt in French
  8. Verb avoir for elle
  9. Verb avoir for vous
  10. Uncle in French
  11. Daughter in French
  12. Sister in French
  13. Child in French
  1. Mother in French
  2. Female cousin in French
  3. Grandparents in French
  4. Parents in French
  5. Baby in French
  6. Son in French
  7. Grandmother in French
  8. Cat in French
  9. Verb avoir for ils
  10. Verb avoir for je
  11. Verb avoir for avons
  12. Wife in French
  13. Dog in French

26 Clues: Son in FrenchCat in FrenchDog in FrenchBaby in FrenchAunt in FrenchWife in FrenchUncle in FrenchChild in FrenchMother in FrenchFather in FrenchSister in FrenchVerb avoir for tuParents in FrenchHusband in FrenchBrother in FrenchVerb avoir for jeVerb avoir for ilsDaughter in FrenchVerb avoir for elleVerb avoir for vousVerb avoir for avons...

family crossword-Jaiden 2023-05-18

family crossword-Jaiden crossword puzzle
  1. husband in french
  2. girl twins in french
  3. daughter in french
  4. dog in french
  5. grandfather in french
  6. boy cousin in french
  7. verb avoir with nous
  8. verb avoir with elles
  9. grand parents in french
  10. verb avoir with je
  11. verb avoir with vous
  12. father in french
  13. baby in french
  1. son in french
  2. mother in french
  3. child in french
  4. sister in french
  5. uncle in french
  6. grandmother in french
  7. verb avoir with ils
  8. cat in french
  9. brother in french
  10. girl cousin in french
  11. aunt in french
  12. verb avoir with tu
  13. family in fench
  14. wife in french
  15. boy twins in french
  16. parents in french

29 Clues: son in frenchdog in frenchcat in frenchaunt in frenchwife in frenchbaby in frenchchild in frenchuncle in frenchfamily in fenchmother in frenchsister in frenchfather in frenchhusband in frenchbrother in frenchparents in frenchdaughter in frenchverb avoir with tuverb avoir with jeverb avoir with ilsboy twins in frenchgirl twins in french...

La Famille -Desi 2023-05-18

La Famille -Desi crossword puzzle
  1. Verb avoir with Tu
  2. Uncle in French
  3. Step-Mom in French
  4. Step-Brother in French
  5. Step-Dad in French
  6. Daughter in French
  7. Twins (boy) in French
  8. Cousin (girl) in French
  9. Cousin (boy) in French
  10. Father in French
  11. Verb avoir with Nous
  1. Grandpa in French
  2. Grandma in French
  3. Brother in French
  4. Aunt in French
  5. Sister in French
  6. Verb avoir with Ils
  7. Son in French
  8. Mother in French
  9. Baby in French
  10. Twins (girl) in French
  11. Step-Sister in French
  12. Verb avoir with Je
  13. Child in French
  14. Verb avoir with Nous
  15. Cat in French
  16. Verb avoir with Elles

27 Clues: Son in FrenchCat in FrenchAunt in FrenchBaby in FrenchUncle in FrenchChild in FrenchSister in FrenchMother in FrenchFather in FrenchGrandpa in FrenchGrandma in FrenchBrother in FrenchVerb avoir with TuStep-Mom in FrenchStep-Dad in FrenchVerb avoir with JeDaughter in FrenchVerb avoir with IlsVerb avoir with NousVerb avoir with Nous...

Family crossword - Meela 2023-05-18

Family crossword - Meela crossword puzzle
  1. Grandmother in French
  2. Son in French
  3. Aunt in French
  4. Child in French
  5. Grandfather in French
  6. Verb avoir with Elles
  7. Cat in French
  8. Boy cousin in French
  9. Dog in French
  10. Daughter in French
  11. Family in French
  12. Father in French
  13. Girl cousin in French
  14. Verb avoir with Vous
  1. Parents in French
  2. Husband in French
  3. Grandparents in French
  4. Verb avoir with Ils
  5. Baby in French
  6. Verb avoir with Nous
  7. Verb avoir with Je
  8. Uncle in French
  9. Wife in French
  10. Brother in French
  11. Mother in French
  12. Sister in French
  13. Verb avoir with Tu

27 Clues: Son in FrenchCat in FrenchDog in FrenchAunt in FrenchBaby in FrenchWife in FrenchChild in FrenchUncle in FrenchFamily in FrenchMother in FrenchSister in FrenchFather in FrenchParents in FrenchHusband in FrenchBrother in FrenchVerb avoir with JeDaughter in FrenchVerb avoir with TuVerb avoir with IlsVerb avoir with NousBoy cousin in French...

Family crossword - Artur 2023-05-18

Family crossword - Artur crossword puzzle
  1. Verb avoir with nous
  2. Girl cousin in french
  3. Wife in french
  4. Family in french
  5. Grandparents in french
  6. Verb avoir with elle
  7. Dog in french
  8. Brother in french
  9. Parents in french
  10. Verb avoir with vous
  11. Husband in french
  12. Girl twins in french
  1. Grandmother in french
  2. Boy cousin in french
  3. Child in french
  4. Daughter in french
  5. Boy twins in french
  6. Baby in french
  7. Father in french
  8. Uncle in french
  9. Aunt in french
  10. Son in french
  11. Verb avoir with ils
  12. Cat in french
  13. Grandfather in french
  14. Verb avoir with je
  15. Sister in french
  16. Mother in french
  17. Verb avoir with tu

29 Clues: Son in frenchDog in frenchCat in frenchBaby in frenchWife in frenchAunt in frenchChild in frenchUncle in frenchFather in frenchFamily in frenchSister in frenchMother in frenchBrother in frenchParents in frenchHusband in frenchDaughter in frenchVerb avoir with jeVerb avoir with tuBoy twins in frenchVerb avoir with ilsVerb avoir with nous...

French Vocabulary 2022-12-01

French Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The word for "thank you" in french?
  2. "Dead" in french is?
  3. "House" in french is?
  4. What is "alot" in french?
  5. "To look at" in french?
  6. "nephew" is what in french?
  7. "Young" in french?
  8. what is "beautiful" in french?
  9. "Year" in french ?
  10. "To eat" in french?
  11. "Water" in french?
  12. "To send" in french?
  13. The word for "Old" in french?
  1. What is "speak" in french?
  2. "Bedroom" is what in french?
  3. "To open is what is french?
  4. "How much" in french is?
  5. What is "white" in french?
  6. What is "mister" in french?
  7. What is "same" in french?
  8. What do you call your "aunt" in french?
  9. What is "why" in french?
  10. How do you say "excuse me" in french?
  11. what is "before" in french?
  12. "To work" in french?
  13. How do you say "hair" in french?
  14. "To read" in french?
  15. how do you say "also" in french?
  16. How do you say "eyes" In french

29 Clues: "Young" in french?"Year" in french ?"Water" in french?"To eat" in french?"Dead" in french is?"To work" in french?"To read" in french?"To send" in french?"House" in french is?"To look at" in french?"How much" in french is?What is "why" in french?What is "same" in french?What is "alot" in french?What is "speak" in french?What is "white" in french?...

French Test 2013-10-31

French Test crossword puzzle
  1. The French word for croissant
  2. Thje french word for dog
  3. The French for French
  4. Name day!
  5. The french word for lunch
  6. The french word for cat
  7. The french word for BIRTHDAY
  8. The french word for Mr
  9. The french word for family
  10. The french word for thanks
  11. The french word for December
  12. The french word for number
  13. The french word for colour
  14. The french phrase for "see you soon"
  15. the french word for brother
  1. - The french word for music
  2. The french word for jam
  3. The french word for nineteen
  4. the french word for bread
  5. the french word for grandmother
  6. The French word for how are you /OK
  7. two
  8. the french word for cereal
  9. The french word for bird
  10. The french word for nine
  11. Milk
  12. No
  13. The french word for chocolate
  14. The french word for me
  15. The french word for fruit
  16. the french number for 13

31 Clues: NotwoMilkName day!The French for FrenchThe french word for MrThe french word for meThe french word for jamThe french word for catThje french word for dogThe french word for birdThe french word for ninethe french number for 13the french word for breadThe french word for lunchThe french word for fruitthe french word for cereal...

French Numbers 0 - 20 2015-12-15

French Numbers 0 - 20 crossword puzzle
  1. French number 1
  2. French number 20
  3. French number 12
  4. French number 3
  5. French number 8
  6. French number 4
  7. French number 17
  8. French number 6
  9. What is your name?
  10. French number 0
  11. Hello
  12. How are you?
  13. You are welcome
  14. Thank you.
  15. French number 10
  1. French number 5
  2. French number 9
  3. French number 13
  4. French number 18
  5. Goodbye
  6. French number 14
  7. French number 19
  8. My name is Tom.
  9. I am fine.
  10. French number 7
  11. French number 15
  12. French number 16
  13. French number 2
  14. French number 11

29 Clues: HelloGoodbyeI am fine.Thank you.How are you?French number 5French number 1French number 9French number 3French number 8French number 4My name is Tom.French number 6French number 7French number 0French number 2You are welcomeFrench number 20French number 13French number 12French number 18French number 14French number 17French number 19...

famile crossword-klaudia 2023-05-22

famile crossword-klaudia crossword puzzle
  1. uncle in french
  2. girl cousin in french
  3. dog in french
  4. verb avior with elles
  5. aunt in french
  6. mother in french
  7. stepbrother in french
  8. husband in french
  9. daughter in french
  10. father in french
  11. avons with tu
  12. grand mother in french
  13. sister in french
  14. wife in french
  15. stepfather in french
  1. stepsister in french
  2. boy cousin in french
  3. cat in french
  4. verb avoir with ils
  5. avons with je
  6. family in french
  7. son in french
  8. verb avoir with nous
  9. baby in french
  10. verb avoir with vous
  11. stepmother in french
  12. grandfather in French

27 Clues: cat in frenchdog in frenchavons with jeson in frenchavons with tuaunt in frenchbaby in frenchwife in frenchuncle in frenchmother in frenchfamily in frenchfather in frenchsister in frenchhusband in frenchdaughter in frenchverb avoir with ilsstepsister in frenchboy cousin in frenchverb avoir with nousverb avoir with vousstepmother in french...

French level 1 2019-03-24

French level 1 crossword puzzle
  1. french word for maybe
  2. french word for yes
  3. french word for today
  4. french word for hello
  5. french word for I don’t understand
  6. french word for how are you
  7. french word for of course
  8. french word for tomorrow
  9. french word for im sorry
  10. french word for mister
  11. french word for goodbye
  12. french word for mrs
  13. french word for thank you
  1. french word for why
  2. french word for very well and you
  3. french word for Where are you from
  4. french word for yesterday
  5. french word for Do you speak english
  6. french word for i speak english
  7. french word for miss
  8. french word for no
  9. french word for excuse me
  10. french word for same here

23 Clues: french word for nofrench word for whyfrench word for yesfrench word for mrsfrench word for missfrench word for maybefrench word for todayfrench word for hellofrench word for misterfrench word for goodbyefrench word for tomorrowfrench word for im sorryfrench word for yesterdayfrench word for of coursefrench word for excuse me...

La famile send to Isabella and recive 2023-05-17

La famile                   send to Isabella and recive crossword puzzle
  1. step sister in french
  2. uncle in french
  3. Father in french
  4. Mother in french
  5. sister in french
  6. avoir with nous
  7. grandma in french
  8. aunt in french
  9. step dad in french
  10. step mother in french
  1. cat in french
  2. grandpa in french
  3. daughter in french
  4. son in french
  5. Dog in french
  6. step brother in french
  7. parents in french
  8. avoir with vous
  9. avoir with elles
  10. avoir with ai
  11. avoir with lis
  12. brother in french
  13. baby in french

23 Clues: cat in frenchson in frenchDog in frenchavoir with aiavoir with lisbaby in frenchaunt in frenchuncle in frenchavoir with nousavoir with vousFather in frenchMother in frenchsister in frenchavoir with ellesgrandpa in frenchparents in frenchgrandma in frenchbrother in frenchdaughter in frenchstep dad in frenchstep sister in frenchstep mother in french...

Family Crossword -Jaiden 2023-05-19

Family Crossword -Jaiden crossword puzzle
  1. daughter in french
  2. husband in french
  3. dog in french
  4. grandparents in french
  5. verb ovoir with ils
  6. father in french
  7. verb avoir with tu
  8. girl cousin in fench
  9. baby in french
  10. child in french
  11. wife in french
  12. aunt in french
  13. female twins in french
  14. son in french
  1. mother in french
  2. grandfather in french
  3. family in french
  4. grandmother in french
  5. cat in french
  6. verb avoir with je
  7. verb avoir with nous
  8. boy cosin in french
  9. male twins in french
  10. uncle in french
  11. verb avoir with vous
  12. brother in french
  13. sister in french
  14. parents in french

28 Clues: dog in frenchcat in frenchson in frenchbaby in frenchwife in frenchuncle in frenchchild in frenchaunt in frenchmother in frenchfamily in frenchfather in frenchsister in frenchhusband in frenchbrother in frenchparents in frenchdaughter in frenchverb avoir with jeverb avoir with tuboy cosin in frenchverb ovoir with ilsverb avoir with nous...

French and Spanish old vocabulary (2) 2017-01-27

French and Spanish old vocabulary (2) crossword puzzle
  1. french palace
  2. spanish calender
  3. french emperor
  4. french tool gender
  5. french friend male
  6. french God
  7. spanish prince
  8. french legend
  9. french to get married
  10. spanish to fight
  11. french advanced
  12. french to transform
  13. french handsome female
  14. french religion
  15. french business gender
  16. spanish God
  17. spanish about
  18. celos spanish to be jealous
  19. spanish historical
  20. french to be in love
  21. spanish handsome
  22. french monument
  23. french friend female
  24. french beloved
  25. spanish legend
  26. spanish to wear
  27. french many centuries ago
  28. french jealousy
  29. spanish young man
  30. french civilization
  31. spanish palace
  32. spanish statue
  33. french princess
  34. spanish tool
  35. spanish religion
  36. spanish message or lesson
  37. french about
  38. spanish once upon a time
  39. french history
  40. french statue
  41. spanish battle
  42. french character
  43. french heroic
  44. spanish ruins
  45. spanish beloved
  46. french prince
  47. spanish jealousy
  48. french pyramid
  49. spanish to cry
  50. spanish to get married
  51. french to return
  52. french heroin gender
  53. french to die
  54. french hero
  1. french empress
  2. french handsome male
  3. spanish history
  4. spanish war
  5. french ancient
  6. jaloux french to be jealous
  7. french young woman
  8. french enemy male
  9. french army gender
  10. spanish army
  11. french message or lesson
  12. spanish to transform
  13. spanish to return
  14. spanish warrior
  15. spanish pyramid
  16. french historical
  17. spanish object
  18. french narration
  19. french to wear
  20. french once upon a time
  21. spanish monument
  22. french to cry
  23. french enemy female
  24. spanish character
  25. spanish hero
  26. spanish many centuries ago
  27. spanish narration
  28. spanish civilization
  29. french battle
  30. spanish heroic
  31. spanish heroin
  32. french young man
  33. spanish to be in love
  34. french ruins gender
  35. french to fight
  36. spanish business
  37. spanish princess
  38. spanish friend
  39. french mountain
  40. french calendar
  41. spanish enemy
  42. spanish ancient
  43. spanish empress
  44. spansh volcano
  45. spanish emperor
  46. french brave
  47. spanish brave
  48. spanish to die
  49. french warrior
  50. spanish young woman
  51. spanish mountain
  52. french volcano
  53. french war
  54. spanish advanced
  55. french object

109 Clues: french Godfrench warspanish warspanish Godfrench herospanish armyspanish herospanish toolfrench aboutfrench bravefrench palacefrench legendspanish aboutfrench to cryfrench battlespanish enemyspanish bravefrench statuefrench heroicfrench objectspanish ruinsfrench princefrench to diefrench empressfrench ancientfrench emperorspanish prince...

BONJOUR!!!!! 2013-09-19

BONJOUR!!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. fifth month on the French calendar
  2. sixteenth number in French
  3. first number in French
  4. seventh number in French
  5. first month on the French calender
  6. how a you in French
  7. 'what's your name' in french
  8. eightieth month on the French calender
  9. sixth number in French
  10. the twelfth month in French
  11. twentieth number in French
  12. Tuesday in French
  1. Thursday in French
  2. Saturday in French
  3. how do you say my name is in French
  4. fourteenth number in French
  5. eleventh number in French
  6. Monday in French
  7. eleventh month on the French calender
  8. how do you say hello in French

20 Clues: Monday in FrenchTuesday in FrenchThursday in FrenchSaturday in Frenchhow a you in Frenchfirst number in Frenchsixth number in Frenchseventh number in Frencheleventh number in Frenchsixteenth number in Frenchtwentieth number in Frenchfourteenth number in Frenchthe twelfth month in French'what's your name' in frenchhow do you say hello in French...

French Crossword 2013-09-19

French Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. French for "see you soon"
  2. French for the colour "blue"
  3. French for the word "good morning"
  4. French for the word "good night"
  5. French for the title "Miss"
  6. French for "how are you?"
  7. French for the colour green
  8. French for "goodbye"
  9. French for the number "9"
  10. French for the colour pink
  11. french for the number "10"
  1. French for the colour yellow
  2. French for "thank you"
  3. French for the words "very well"
  4. French for the number "5"
  5. French for "please"
  6. French for "no"
  7. French for the colour grey
  8. French for "yes"
  9. French for the title "Mrs"
  10. French for the colour brown
  11. French for the word "good evening"
  12. French for the colour black
  13. french for the number "1"

24 Clues: French for "no"French for "yes"French for "please"French for "goodbye"French for "thank you"French for "see you soon"French for the number "5"French for "how are you?"French for the number "9"french for the number "1"French for the colour greyFrench for the title "Mrs"French for the colour pinkfrench for the number "10"French for the title "Miss"...

family crossword- Lexi Irvine 2023-05-18

family crossword- Lexi Irvine crossword puzzle
  1. verb avoir with je
  2. - grand-father in french
  3. friends
  4. avoir with nous
  5. - child in french
  6. wife in french
  7. mere-step grand mother
  8. uncle in french
  9. -father in french
  10. - mother in french
  11. - grand- mother in french
  12. step dad in french
  1. cousin in french
  2. - family in french
  3. sister in french
  4. - brother in french
  5. - dog in french
  6. - cat in french
  7. avoir with vous
  8. pere - step-father in french
  9. - ant in french
  10. - step mother in french
  11. parents- parents in french
  12. female twins in french
  13. baby in french
  14. female cousin in french
  15. husband in french
  16. jumeaux- male twins in french
  17. fils- daughter in french

29 Clues: friendswife in frenchbaby in french- dog in french- cat in frenchavoir with vousavoir with nous- ant in frenchuncle in frenchcousin in frenchsister in french- child in french-father in frenchhusband in french- family in frenchverb avoir with je- mother in frenchstep dad in french- brother in frenchfemale twins in frenchmere-step grand mother...

Numbers and months in French 2022-05-25

Numbers and months in French crossword puzzle
  1. 25 in french
  2. 3rd month of the year in french
  3. 30 in french
  4. 2nd month of the year in french
  5. 29 in french
  6. 26 in french
  7. 31 in french
  8. 4th month of the year in french
  9. 10th month of the year in french
  10. 23 in french
  1. 5th month of the year in french
  2. 27 in french
  3. 1st month of the year in french
  4. 12th month of the year in french
  5. 8th month of the year in french
  6. 28 in french
  7. 22 in french
  8. 24 in french
  9. 7th month of the year in french
  10. 9th month of the year in french
  11. 6th month of the year in french
  12. 11th month of the year in french
  13. 21 in french

23 Clues: 27 in french25 in french30 in french28 in french29 in french22 in french24 in french31 in french21 in french23 in french26 in french5th month of the year in french1st month of the year in french3rd month of the year in french2nd month of the year in french8th month of the year in french7th month of the year in french9th month of the year in french...

French level 1 2019-03-24

French level 1 crossword puzzle
  1. french word for very well and you
  2. french word for today
  3. french word for I don’t understand
  4. french word for of course
  5. french word for miss
  6. french word for yes
  7. french word for why
  8. french word for mrs
  9. french word for goodbye
  10. french word for i speak english
  11. french word for same here
  1. french word for Where are you from
  2. french word for yesterday
  3. french word for hello
  4. french word for im sorry
  5. french word for excuse me
  6. french word for Do you speak english
  7. french word for maybe
  8. french word for how are you
  9. french word for mister
  10. french word for tomorrow
  11. french word for no
  12. french word for thank you

23 Clues: french word for nofrench word for yesfrench word for whyfrench word for mrsfrench word for missfrench word for hellofrench word for todayfrench word for maybefrench word for misterfrench word for goodbyefrench word for im sorryfrench word for tomorrowfrench word for yesterdayfrench word for excuse mefrench word for of course...

french 2019-03-24

french crossword puzzle
  1. french word for maybe
  2. french word for I speak English
  3. pas nécessaire the french word for it's not necessary
  4. français? french word for how do you say in french
  5. french word for I don't under stand
  6. french word for yes
  7. french word for I don't speak french
  8. french word for yesterday
  9. french word for today
  10. french word for why
  11. french word for of course
  1. french word for tomorrow
  2. french word for please repeat
  3. Anglais? french word for do you speak English
  4. the french word for miss
  5. aussi french word for same here
  6. french word for excuse me
  7. désolé the french word for I'm sorry
  8. french word for no
  9. french word for Where are you from?
  10. french word for Mrs
  11. the french word for mister

22 Clues: french word for nofrench word for yesfrench word for Mrsfrench word for whyfrench word for maybefrench word for todayfrench word for tomorrowthe french word for missfrench word for excuse mefrench word for yesterdayfrench word for of coursethe french word for misterfrench word for please repeatfrench word for I speak English...

French Crossword Puzzle! 2023-05-26

French Crossword Puzzle! crossword puzzle
  1. January In French?
  2. December?
  3. 5 + 3 - 2 + 5 - 6 + 3 = ? In French
  4. April in French?
  5. What is 50 in French?
  6. 35 + 34 = ? In French?
  7. June In French?
  8. July or june in French?
  9. August in French?
  10. What month is after april in french?
  11. What is 15 × 2 = ? In French?
  12. what is zero in French?
  1. What is 41 in French?
  2. what is November in French?
  3. 27 i French?
  4. 10 + 3 = ? in French.
  5. 5 or 6 in French?
  6. February in French?
  7. Is it mars or september in French?
  8. What is 9 in French?

20 Clues: December?27 i French?June In French?April in French?5 or 6 in French?August in French?January In French?February in French?What is 9 in French?What is 41 in French?What is 50 in French?10 + 3 = ? in French.35 + 34 = ? In French?July or june in French?what is zero in French?what is November in French?What is 15 × 2 = ? In French?...

Unit 2 French Vocabulary Crossword 2022-10-16

Unit 2 French Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Tape(that the brand is Scotch) in French.
  2. A pen in French.
  3. An agenda(feminine) in French.
  4. A ruler in French.
  5. A pencil bag in French.
  6. A dictionary in French.
  7. A paper clip in French.
  8. A marker, more like a felt in French.
  9. A notebook, more like a spiral in French.
  10. An eraser, more like "gum" in other countries in French.
  11. A pencil in French.
  1. A corrector(Example: White-Out) in French.
  2. Scissors in French.
  3. A map in French.
  4. An agenda(masculine) in French.
  5. A binder in French.
  6. A highlighter in French.
  7. A schoolbag in French.
  8. A book in French.
  9. A pencil sharpener in French.

20 Clues: A map in French.A pen in French.A book in French.A ruler in French.Scissors in French.A binder in French.A pencil in French.A schoolbag in French.A pencil bag in French.A dictionary in French.A paper clip in French.A highlighter in French.A pencil sharpener in French.An agenda(feminine) in French.An agenda(masculine) in French....

French and Spanish old vocabulary (2) 2017-01-27

French and Spanish old vocabulary (2) crossword puzzle
  1. french handsome female
  2. french to return
  3. spanish ruins
  4. spansh volcano
  5. french enemy female
  6. spanish to return
  7. spanish princess
  8. french to cry
  9. spanish warrior
  10. french heroin gender
  11. spanish friend
  12. spanish empress
  13. french message or lesson
  14. french object
  15. french calendar
  16. spanish army
  17. spanish statue
  18. spanish pyramid
  19. spanish to cry
  20. french handsome male
  21. spanish emperor
  22. spanish tool
  23. french heroic
  24. french battle
  25. french young woman
  26. french friend male
  27. spanish many centuries ago
  28. french history
  29. spanish historical
  30. french many centuries ago
  31. french jealousy
  32. spanish to die
  33. french once upon a time
  34. french prince
  35. spanish calender
  36. celos / Être jaloux(se) to be jeolus
  37. spanish palace
  38. spanish advanced
  39. spanish civilization
  40. french to be in love
  41. spanish hero
  42. french about
  43. french religion
  44. french princess
  45. french ancient
  46. french monument
  47. spanish object
  48. french warrior
  49. spanish war
  50. spanish heroic
  51. french to die
  52. spanish legend
  53. spanish business
  54. spanish young woman
  1. french advanced
  2. spanish to wear
  3. spanish ancient
  4. french pyramid
  5. spanish jealousy
  6. spanish message or lesson
  7. french ruins gender
  8. spanish heroin
  9. french war
  10. spanish once upon a time
  11. spanish brave
  12. spanish prince
  13. french emperor
  14. french enemy male
  15. spanish character
  16. spanish about
  17. spanish to be in love
  18. french character
  19. french volcano
  20. spanish God
  21. spanish battle
  22. french hero
  23. french business gender
  24. french narration
  25. french young man
  26. french friend female
  27. french to wear
  28. french tool gender
  29. french statue
  30. spanish history
  31. french civilization
  32. french to get married
  33. french empress
  34. french army gender
  35. spanish beloved
  36. spanish enemy
  37. french historical
  38. spanish monument
  39. spanish to get married
  40. spanish to transform
  41. spanish narration
  42. french to transform
  43. french legend
  44. french God
  45. spanish mountain
  46. french mountain
  47. spanish religion
  48. french to fight
  49. french beloved
  50. spanish handsome
  51. french palace
  52. spanish young man
  53. french brave
  54. spanish to fight

108 Clues: french warfrench Godspanish Godfrench herospanish warspanish armyspanish toolspanish herofrench aboutfrench bravespanish ruinsspanish bravefrench to cryspanish aboutfrench objectfrench heroicfrench battlefrench statuespanish enemyfrench princefrench legendfrench palacefrench to diefrench pyramidspansh volcanospanish heroinspanish prince...

Animals 2021-09-14

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. French word for goat (6)
  2. French word for giraffe (6)
  3. French word for snake (7)
  4. French word for rabbit (5)
  5. French word for pig (6)
  6. French word for sheep (6)
  7. French word for cat (4)
  8. French word for lion (4)
  9. French word for fish (7)
  10. French word for tiger (5)
  11. French word for cow (5)
  1. French word for spider (8)
  2. French word for horse (6)
  3. French word for dog (5)
  4. French word for meerkat (8)
  5. French word for elephant (8)
  6. French word for frog (10)
  7. French word for crocodile (9)
  8. French word for bear (4)
  9. French word for bird (6)

20 Clues: French word for dog (5)French word for pig (6)French word for cat (4)French word for cow (5)French word for goat (6)French word for lion (4)French word for fish (7)French word for bear (4)French word for bird (6)French word for horse (6)French word for frog (10)French word for snake (7)French word for sheep (6)French word for tiger (5)...

days/months 2023-05-15

days/months crossword puzzle
  1. December in french
  2. august in french
  3. thursday in French
  4. july in french
  5. November In french
  6. sunday in French
  7. June in French
  8. march in French
  9. friday in French
  1. wednesday in french
  2. monday in French
  3. september in french
  4. April in french
  5. February in french
  6. october in french
  7. January In French
  8. Saturday in French
  9. Tuesday in French
  10. May in French

19 Clues: May in Frenchjuly in frenchJune in FrenchApril in frenchmarch in Frenchmonday in Frenchaugust in frenchsunday in Frenchfriday in Frenchoctober in frenchJanuary In FrenchTuesday in FrenchDecember in frenchthursday in FrenchFebruary in frenchNovember In frenchSaturday in Frenchwednesday in frenchseptember in french

French and Spanish old vocabulary (3) 2017-01-28

French and Spanish old vocabulary (3) crossword puzzle
  1. french novel or original fem.
  2. spanish to struggle
  3. spanish warning
  4. french sidewalk
  5. spanish city block
  6. french obstacle
  7. french city
  8. french to prosper
  9. french cathedral
  10. spanish to prosper
  11. spanish to warm
  12. french to warn
  13. spanish product
  14. french seahorse
  15. french commitment gendder
  16. french excavation gender
  17. french improvement
  18. spanish suffering
  19. spanish to fight
  20. spanish criticize
  21. spanish to market
  22. spanish temple
  23. spanish to have charge of oneself
  24. spanish to construct
  25. spanish it is imperative that
  26. spanish to overcome
  27. french society
  28. spanish irresponsibility
  29. spanish to penalize
  30. french to continue on or carry on
  31. spanish failure
  32. spanish excavation
  33. french warning
  34. spanish agricultue
  35. french social awareness
  36. spanish to progress
  37. french to struggle
  38. french to penalize
  39. french to make a mistake
  40. spanish to hunt
  41. french to persist
  42. french unity
  43. french city block
  44. french to progress
  45. french evaluate
  46. french agriculture gender
  47. spanish cathedral
  48. spanish sugared
  49. french criticize
  50. french to solve
  51. spanish modern
  52. spanish on one hand
  53. french patent
  54. french politics
  55. french to have charge of oneself
  56. french farm
  57. french product
  58. spanish evaluate
  59. spanish farmer
  60. spanish to persist
  61. french to overcome
  62. french modern
  63. spanish to invest
  64. french sun
  65. french to insist
  1. spanish seahorse
  2. french tomb
  3. french to hunt
  4. french to fight
  5. spanish tomb
  6. spanish commitment
  7. spanish to make a mistake
  8. spanish to solve
  9. spanish citizen
  10. spanish neighborhood
  11. french neighborhood
  12. french citizen
  13. spanish to undertake
  14. french suffering
  15. spanish politics
  16. french on one hand
  17. spanish social awareness
  18. spanish unity
  19. spanish sweet
  20. spanish society
  21. french it is strange that
  22. spanish improvement
  23. french irresponsibility
  24. spanish sidewalk
  25. french it is imperative that
  26. spanish to continue on or carry on
  27. spanish patent
  28. french to undertake
  29. french failure
  30. spanish avenue
  31. french principle
  32. french to construct
  33. french sweet
  34. spanish obstacle
  35. spanish principle
  36. spanish to respect
  37. spanish on the other hand
  38. french to satisfy
  39. french sugared
  40. french farmer
  41. spanish to satisfy
  42. spanish city
  43. french mistake or error gender
  44. french to market
  45. spanish it is strange that
  46. french to respect
  47. french on the other hand
  48. french avenue gender
  49. spanish novel or original
  50. french to invest
  51. french novel or original masc.
  52. spanish farm
  53. french temple
  54. spanish to insist
  55. spanish sun
  56. spanish mistake or error

121 Clues: french sunfrench tombfrench cityspanish sunfrench farmspanish tombfrench sweetspanish cityfrench unityspanish farmspanish unityspanish sweetfrench farmerfrench patentfrench templefrench modernfrench to huntfrench citizenfrench to warnspanish templespanish patentfrench failurespanish avenuefrench societyfrench warningfrench sugaredspanish modern...

days/months 2023-05-15

days/months crossword puzzle
  1. December in french
  2. august in french
  3. thursday in French
  4. july in french
  5. November In french
  6. sunday in French
  7. June in French
  8. march in French
  9. friday in French
  1. wednesday in french
  2. monday in French
  3. september in french
  4. April in french
  5. February in french
  6. october in french
  7. January In French
  8. Saturday in French
  9. Tuesday in French
  10. May in French

19 Clues: May in Frenchjuly in frenchJune in FrenchApril in frenchmarch in Frenchmonday in Frenchaugust in frenchsunday in Frenchfriday in Frenchoctober in frenchJanuary In FrenchTuesday in FrenchDecember in frenchthursday in FrenchFebruary in frenchNovember In frenchSaturday in Frenchwednesday in frenchseptember in french

Adalynn 2023-06-01

Adalynn crossword puzzle
  1. computer in French
  2. glue stick in French
  3. pen in French
  4. chair in French
  5. book in French
  6. desk in French
  7. eraser in french
  8. marker in French
  9. students in french
  1. window in French
  2. ruler in French
  3. locker in French
  4. garbage can in French
  5. scissors in French
  6. table in French
  7. paper in French
  8. pencil in French
  9. notebook in French
  10. pencil crayons in French
  11. desk in French

20 Clues: pen in Frenchbook in Frenchdesk in Frenchdesk in Frenchruler in Frenchtable in Frenchpaper in Frenchwindow in Frenchlocker in Frenchpencil in Frenchchair in Frencheraser in frenchmarker in Frenchcomputer in Frenchscissors in Frenchnotebook in Frenchstudents in frenchglue stick in Frenchgarbage can in Frenchpencil crayons in French

Crossword puzzle Diana 2023-06-01

Crossword puzzle Diana crossword puzzle
  1. pencil crayons in french
  2. pen in french
  3. glue in french
  4. marker in french
  5. blackboard in french
  6. door in french
  7. scissors in french
  8. locker in french
  9. window in french
  10. paper in french
  1. notebook in french
  2. earaser in french
  3. student's desk in french
  4. book in french
  5. ruler in french
  6. chair in french
  7. computer in french
  8. pencil in french
  9. students in french

19 Clues: pen in frenchglue in frenchbook in frenchdoor in frenchruler in frenchchair in frenchpaper in frenchmarker in frenchpencil in frenchlocker in frenchwindow in frenchearaser in frenchnotebook in frenchcomputer in frenchscissors in frenchstudents in frenchblackboard in frenchpencil crayons in frenchstudent's desk in french

Monts-Croises 2013-10-29

Monts-Croises crossword puzzle
  1. mom (in french)
  2. une et trois font
  3. hello (in french)
  4. christmas (in french)
  5. green (in french)
  6. eraser (in french)
  7. monday (in french)
  8. 18 (in french)
  9. dance (in french)
  10. six et deux font
  1. playing (in french)
  2. dog (in french)
  3. red (in french)
  4. like a car
  5. pink(in french)
  6. pen (in french)
  7. white (in french)
  8. cinq et qinq font
  9. eat (in french)
  10. dix mont quarte font

20 Clues: like a car18 (in french)dog (in french)red (in french)mom (in french)pink(in french)pen (in french)eat (in french)six et deux fontune et trois fonthello (in french)white (in french)green (in french)cinq et qinq fontdance (in french)eraser (in french)monday (in french)playing (in french)dix mont quarte fontchristmas (in french)

days/months 2023-05-15

days/months crossword puzzle
  1. December in french
  2. august in french
  3. thursday in French
  4. july in french
  5. November In french
  6. sunday in French
  7. June in French
  8. march in French
  9. friday in French
  1. wednesday in french
  2. monday in French
  3. september in french
  4. April in french
  5. February in french
  6. october in french
  7. January In French
  8. Saturday in French
  9. Tuesday in French
  10. May in French

19 Clues: May in Frenchjuly in frenchJune in FrenchApril in frenchmarch in Frenchmonday in Frenchaugust in frenchsunday in Frenchfriday in Frenchoctober in frenchJanuary In FrenchTuesday in FrenchDecember in frenchthursday in FrenchFebruary in frenchNovember In frenchSaturday in Frenchwednesday in frenchseptember in french

julian 2023-06-01

julian crossword puzzle
  1. notebook in french
  2. window in french
  3. chair in french
  4. book in french
  5. eraser in french
  6. desk in french
  7. pen in french
  8. scissors in french
  9. door in french
  10. marker in french
  11. garbage can in french
  1. computer in french
  2. glue in french
  3. table in french
  4. students in french
  5. pencil crayon in french
  6. paper in french
  7. locker in french
  8. ruler in french

19 Clues: pen in frenchglue in frenchbook in frenchdesk in frenchdoor in frenchtable in frenchchair in frenchpaper in frenchruler in frenchwindow in frencheraser in frenchlocker in frenchmarker in frenchcomputer in frenchnotebook in frenchstudents in frenchscissors in frenchgarbage can in frenchpencil crayon in french

Family puzzle-Arya 2023-05-18

Family puzzle-Arya crossword puzzle
  1. cat in French
  2. avoir with ils
  3. son in French
  4. grandparents in French
  5. avoir with tu
  6. wife in French
  7. dog in French
  8. brtoher in French
  9. husband in French
  10. baby in French
  11. father in French
  1. avoir with elles
  2. cousin girl in French
  3. avoir with nous
  4. grandmother in French
  5. grandfather in French
  6. avoir with je
  7. avoir with vous
  8. sister in French
  9. boy cousin in French
  10. daugter in French

21 Clues: cat in Frenchson in Frenchavoir with jeavoir with tudog in Frenchavoir with ilswife in Frenchbaby in Frenchavoir with nousavoir with vousavoir with ellessister in Frenchfather in Frenchbrtoher in Frenchdaugter in Frenchhusband in Frenchboy cousin in Frenchcousin girl in Frenchgrandmother in Frenchgrandfather in Frenchgrandparents in French

French 2023-05-09

French crossword puzzle
  1. capital of Canada
  2. table in French
  3. rat in French
  4. to search/look for in French
  5. mouse in French
  6. capital of France
  7. language in French
  8. capital of Italy
  9. to have in French
  10. dog in French
  1. cat in French
  2. day in French
  3. country between France and Spain
  4. yesterday in French
  5. pig in French
  6. capital of Belgium
  7. to find in French
  8. to work in French
  9. snake in French
  10. to travel in French
  11. book in French

21 Clues: cat in Frenchday in Frenchrat in Frenchpig in Frenchdog in Frenchbook in Frenchtable in Frenchmouse in Frenchsnake in Frenchcapital of Italycapital of Canadato find in Frenchto work in Frenchcapital of Franceto have in Frenchcapital of Belgiumlanguage in Frenchyesterday in Frenchto travel in Frenchto search/look for in French...