friends Crossword Puzzles

Star Friends 2024-12-16

Star Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Violet can _________ through the shadows
  2. The girls have found ___________: something that might help you find something or solve a problem and/or mystery.
  3. Sita can _________ people so they are not grumpy
  4. Each girl has a special animal called a __________.
  5. Alice goes to collect _________.
  6. the shades _________ Sita.
  7. Somebody put a spell on the meadow making it _________.
  8. Mia does not like __________, because she thinks she is judgemental.
  9. Juniper has a ________ for Lexi
  10. Bracken feels ________ when Mia goes to school
  11. When Mia looks through the mirror she sees crystals and ___________.
  12. Sorrel can ________ when shades are near
  13. Mia can see the ________, but she needs a mirror otherwise it doesn’t work
  14. The girls are trying to figure out a mystery, it’s almost like they are ____________.
  15. It goes up and down, back and forth.
  1. When people get mad at each other about something.
  2. They go to a _________ to see who won.
  3. Lizzie doesn’t gudge Mia and Lexi because she thinks they are _________.
  4. Everybody has them; sometimes you have them when you are little.
  5. Mia’s favorite café that she only goes to on special occasions is called ___________.
  6. it is sandy and wet, but everybody loves it.
  7. The girls go to a store that is called ___________.
  8. The girls think Alice is conjuring __________.
  9. The girls notice something wrong about the ___________.
  10. Some mysterious source of power.
  11. The girls are sceptical about _________.
  12. Lexi has a _________ to climb really fast
  13. There are many ways to answer a problem and it’s called a __________.
  14. The girls hang out somewhere hidden away in the ___________.
  15. Willow has an amazing sense of ________, she can ________ when there are shades around

30 Clues: the shades _________ Sita.Juniper has a ________ for LexiAlice goes to collect _________.Some mysterious source of power.It goes up and down, back and forth.They go to a _________ to see who won.Violet can _________ through the shadowsThe girls are sceptical about _________.Sorrel can ________ when shades are near...

nin1 2024-07-02

nin1 crossword puzzle
  1. Prefix for guy Rachel and Monica spy on in "Friends"
  2. Vampire with a British accent in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
  3. Unstable vampire in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
  4. Watcher and mentor in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
  5. Quirky musician in "Friends"
  6. Chef and clean freak on "Friends"
  7. Sarcastic friend in "Friends"
  8. Blonde barista in "Friends"
  9. Alien virus in "The X-Files"
  10. Buffy's loyal, humorous friend
  11. FBI assistant director in "The X-Files"
  12. FBI agent fascinated by aliens in "The X-Files"
  1. Vampire slayer in Sunnydale
  2. Coffeehouse in "Friends"
  3. Smoking Man, antagonist in "The X-Files"
  4. Phoebe's song in "Friends"
  5. Parasitic monster in "The X-Files"
  6. Chandler's nasal-voiced girlfriend in "Friends"
  7. Aspiring actor in "Friends"
  8. Fashion-forward character in "Friends"
  9. Vampire with a soul in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
  10. Skeptical doctor in "The X-Files"
  11. Paleontologist on "Friends"
  12. Trio aiding Mulder and Scully in "The X-Files"
  13. Buffy's witchy friend

25 Clues: Buffy's witchy friendCoffeehouse in "Friends"Phoebe's song in "Friends"Vampire slayer in SunnydaleAspiring actor in "Friends"Blonde barista in "Friends"Paleontologist on "Friends"Quirky musician in "Friends"Alien virus in "The X-Files"Sarcastic friend in "Friends"Buffy's loyal, humorous friendChef and clean freak on "Friends"...

Neighborhood Friends 2022-01-12

Neighborhood Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Never met her, but heard her
  2. 12.5% visible
  3. Elder Australian statesman
  4. Never barks
  5. Postman’s friend
  6. Fence jumper
  7. Inspired by a visit from Queen of the Neighborhood
  8. Black brothers
  9. Off leash show dog
  10. Lived across from 21 down
  11. Lived across from 16 across
  12. Australian pal
  13. Lives with cars
  14. One of a friendly trio
  15. Everyone’s sweetheart
  16. Georgia fan behind the fence
  17. Team mascot
  1. Best ears in the neighborhood
  2. Recently departed fence friend
  3. Was tied to a stop sign with Danke and Bitte
  4. Replacement for 1 across
  5. Unleashable
  6. Nickname for Trump fan’s friend
  7. Keeps his distance for good reason
  8. Undisputed Queen of the Neighborhood
  9. Biter
  10. Trampoline audience
  11. Most car rides
  12. Unleashable
  13. Despicable show dog
  14. Where’s the ball?
  15. Lived with Anne when she lived in the hood
  16. Smallest of a friendly trio
  17. Please Don’t Eat the Daisies
  18. Another of a friendly trio

35 Clues: BiterUnleashableNever barksUnleashableTeam mascotFence jumper12.5% visibleBlack brothersMost car ridesAustralian palLives with carsPostman’s friendWhere’s the ball?Off leash show dogTrampoline audienceDespicable show dogEveryone’s sweetheartOne of a friendly trioReplacement for 1 acrossLived across from 21 downElder Australian statesman...

Laura's Friends 2021-11-30

Laura's Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Sheila ________
  2. ________ Wenz
  3. Jason ________ (computer tech)
  4. ________ Wills
  5. ________ Rabel
  6. Bird watcher in heaven. (2 words)
  7. Susan ________ (Best friend)
  8. ________ Kothman (The directors are dead)
  9. Large black truck (2 words)
  10. Dog groomer (2 words)
  11. Mary ________ (Violinist)
  12. ________ Hughes (A diva)
  13. ________ La Femme (Best heavenly furry friend)
  14. Kim ________ (Dom’s wife)
  15. Clooney look-alike (2 words)
  16. Honorary diva (2 words)
  17. Has a son living in CA (2 words)
  1. Charlize ________
  2. Lov-n-Raggedy (2 words)
  3. Gail ________
  4. Arby’s (2 words)
  5. ________ Alexander (A diva)
  6. Claire’s mom (2 words)
  7. Diva husband (two words)
  8. Anne ________ (A diva)
  9. Most selfless person in heaven (2 words)
  10. Grub worm (two words)
  11. ________ Riehl
  12. Incense burner (two words)
  13. ________ Wymer (One of the best gift givers)
  14. Brian ________
  15. Another fellow Snoopy lover (2 words)
  16. Mister Misty’s (two words)
  17. ________ Belle (Best furry friend)
  18. ________ Brescia (Pen-pal)
  19. Breck ________
  20. ________ Fox (A diva)

37 Clues: Gail ________________ Wenz________ Wills________ Rabel________ RiehlBrian ________Breck ________Sheila ________Arby’s (2 words)Charlize ________Grub worm (two words)Dog groomer (2 words)________ Fox (A diva)Claire’s mom (2 words)Anne ________ (A diva)Lov-n-Raggedy (2 words)Honorary diva (2 words)Diva husband (two words)________ Hughes (A diva)...

fishy friends 2013-05-28

fishy friends crossword puzzle
  1. top end fish
  2. french for projecting
  3. george royal whiting
  4. hide coat
  5. striped perch
  6. rock lobster
  7. squid
  8. bright home
  9. big fish
  10. hook,line and
  11. on rods
  1. artificial reefs
  2. type of boat
  3. blue manna
  4. large sea going mammal
  5. steel
  6. pathfinder Greg's new book
  7. one of our peninsulas
  8. mulloway
  9. national tide centre
  10. favourite xmas seafood
  11. rat Greg's father
  12. club marine
  13. global positioning system
  14. possession
  15. mr ruff

26 Clues: steelsquidon rodsmr ruffmullowaybig fishhide coatblue mannapossessionbright homeclub marinetype of boattop end fishrock lobsterstriped perchhook,line andartificial reefsgeorge royal whitingnational tide centrerat Greg's fatherfrench for projectingone of our peninsulaslarge sea going mammalfavourite xmas seafoodglobal positioning system...

605 FRIENDS 2012-10-18

605 FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  10. HE HAS A COUSIN IN 605


False Friends! 2013-02-26

False Friends! crossword puzzle
  1. Een hoepel, of heel veel?
  2. Een _ _ _ _ _ _ van het alfabet, of een _ _ _ _ _?
  3. Een fruitsoort, of je leeftijdsgenoot
  4. Een vrouwelijke sprookjesfiguur of een boete?
  5. Internship of podium?
  6. Slag_ _ _ _ en een kamer
  7. Op het ijs is het _ _ _ _, wat is dit woord in het Engels?
  8. Een hoeveelheid, of een vijver
  9. Een lange reis of zin in eten?
  10. In het Nederlands een gevoel over iets engs, in het Engels een harde geluid
  11. Je loopt door een _ _ _ _ om naar je lokaal te gaan, maar in het Engels is het 'bende'
  1. A sausage, of het ergste
  2. Een lichaamsbeweging, in het Engels een soort vlees
  3. Een soort bier, of 'beneden', 'onder', 'onderste'
  4. Een hoofdeksel, of een huisdier
  5. In het Nederlands is het iets aan je fiets of auto, in het Engels is het een muziek groep
  6. Fashion, of een houding?
  7. De laatste, of iets zwaars dat je moet verduren
  8. Een jong iemand, of iemand die aardig is?
  9. Een varkentje, maar ook iets groots en lang

20 Clues: Internship of podium?A sausage, of het ergsteSlag_ _ _ _ en een kamerFashion, of een houding?Een hoepel, of heel veel?Een hoeveelheid, of een vijverEen lange reis of zin in eten?Een hoofdeksel, of een huisdierEen fruitsoort, of je leeftijdsgenootEen jong iemand, of iemand die aardig is?Een varkentje, maar ook iets groots en lang...

False friends 2015-03-04

False friends crossword puzzle
  1. továrna
  2. opatrnost
  3. přehlížet
  4. konkrétní
  5. pravidla spo. chování
  6. kauce
  7. soucitný
  8. skutečný
  9. sympatický
  10. látka
  11. geniální
  12. pobočka
  13. dohlížet
  1. pronajímatelný
  2. beton, pevně daný
  3. rentabilní
  4. rozumný
  5. izolace (stavební mat)
  6. soucitný
  7. aktuální
  8. ekiketa
  9. žaluzie
  10. branže
  11. šéfkuchař
  12. fundovaný, erudovaný

25 Clues: kaucelátkabranžetovárnarozumnýekiketažaluziepobočkasoucitnýsoucitnýaktuálnískutečnýgeniálnídohlížetopatrnostpřehlížetkonkrétníšéfkuchařrentabilnísympatickýpronajímatelnýbeton, pevně danýfundovaný, erudovanýpravidla spo. chováníizolace (stavební mat)

Best Friends 2022-12-06

Best Friends crossword puzzle
  1. iszkol
  2. milyen cukrot adjon a Mikulás?
  3. Hány éve ismered Zsuzsát?
  4. valami ami értünk van
  5. ki Előd gyereke?
  6. Nem Joci hanem...
  7. Erdélyi étel
  8. Milyen utcában lakik Zsuzsa?
  9. Zsuzsa beceneve
  10. Harcias nő
  11. pirula régiesen
  12. is
  13. Hol voltál összel nyaralni?
  14. nem ott
  15. maratva tisztít
  16. Andi beceneve
  17. mesealak
  18. Birs?
  19. nyugodjá
  1. Kőolajszállító hajó
  2. Mi a szinházi évad utolsó színdarabja?
  3. mit szoktunk vasárnap együtt csinálni?
  4. krumpli
  5. Mit csinál ha nem eszik?
  6. Fodor a blúzon
  7. milyen táncolósos estén voltál legutóbb?
  8. tiszai növény
  9. Mi az ami neked nincs de Zsuzsának van a túrán?
  10. milyen fecske?
  11. a torok része
  12. beigli töltelék
  13. vélemény
  14. sajtos tejfölös
  15. ki fejti most a relytvényt?
  16. ruhakészítő
  17. Lassú
  18. mi az amit mindketten szeretűnk inni?

37 Clues: isLassúBirs?iszkolkrumplinem ottvéleménymesealaknyugodjáHarcias nőruhakészítőErdélyi ételtiszai növénya torok részeAndi beceneveFodor a blúzonmilyen fecske?Zsuzsa becenevebeigli töltelékpirula régiesensajtos tejfölösmaratva tisztítki Előd gyereke?Nem Joci hanem...Kőolajszállító hajóvalami ami értünk vanMit csinál ha nem eszik?...

Football Friends 2022-12-13

Football Friends crossword puzzle
  1. ________ is worth seven points.
  2. But then you controlled your _______.
  3. Use your ______ to run faster.
  4. He ran all the way to the _______ and scored!
  5. Mrs. Smith was the __________.
  6. Don't pay any __________ to Mark.
  7. Kids play football during ________.
  8. But inside his _____ burned.
  9. Thanks to him, I ______ a touchdown.
  10. I'm going to give you football ___________.
  1. If you _____ them, they'll give up
  2. Let's play touch __________.
  3. Kids met on the __________ to play football.
  4. Mark's team name was the _________.
  5. Freddy ________ it was like rocket fuel!
  6. Mark and Freddy were __________.
  7. Mark and Freddy were _______ each other.
  8. I heard Mark ______ you
  9. Freddy's team name was the __________.
  10. Freddy gave Mark a _______.

20 Clues: I heard Mark ______ youFreddy gave Mark a _______.Let's play touch __________.But inside his _____ burned.Use your ______ to run faster.Mrs. Smith was the __________.________ is worth seven points.Mark and Freddy were __________.Don't pay any __________ to Mark.If you _____ them, they'll give upMark's team name was the _________....

Best Friends 2022-12-10

Best Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Maratva tisztít
  2. Milyen fecske'?
  3. kocsma más néven'
  4. Lassú
  5. Hol táncoltál legutóbb?
  6. Mi Zsuzsa beceneve?
  7. Fodor a blúzon
  8. Mit szoktunk inni ha nem vizet?
  9. is'
  10. Harcias nö
  11. erdélyi étel
  12. Nem ott, hanem..
  13. Nyugogyjá'
  14. Milyen utcába lakik Zsuzsa?
  1. Mit szoktunk együtt csinálni?
  2. Milyen szaloncukrot adjon a Mikulás?
  3. Burgonya más nevén
  4. Mi a színházi évad utolsó darabja?
  5. tiszai növény
  6. Beigli töltelék
  7. Kőolajszállító hajó
  8. Hol voltál összel nyaralni?
  9. Mi a Te beceneved?
  10. Nem Joci, hanem...
  11. Torok része
  12. Birs?
  13. Ki Előd gyereke?
  14. Mesealak
  15. Mit csinál ha nem eszik?

29 Clues: is'LassúBirs?MesealakHarcias nöNyugogyjá'Torok részeerdélyi ételtiszai növényFodor a blúzonMaratva tisztítMilyen fecske'?Beigli töltelékKi Előd gyereke?Nem ott, hanem..Burgonya más nevénkocsma más néven'Mi a Te beceneved?Nem Joci, hanem...Kőolajszállító hajóMi Zsuzsa beceneve?Hol táncoltál legutóbb?Mit csinál ha nem eszik?...

VEA Friends 2023-02-09

VEA Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Is he hurt? Again?
  2. She really likes candy
  3. He must really like to eat lettuce from the garden
  4. She has a look-a-like
  5. She loves classical music
  6. Is her computer dead, or does she just like to sit by the window?
  7. Like Mrs. Sosa, she loves Blackpink
  8. He can debate about anything
  9. He walks like a principal
  10. He will be an engineer someday
  11. Thank goodness she organizes the bookshelf for me
  1. His hair is silky smooth
  2. He was in Mrs. Sosa's meditation club until she dropped the ball
  3. She wears awesome earrings
  4. He's super super smart but is very lowkey about it
  5. I wish she were here every day
  6. She loves lemonheads
  7. He seems not to be working, but really he is
  8. Is he having another seizure?
  9. Everyone wants to sit with him
  10. Did you notice her hair today?
  11. He loves to work, work, work

22 Clues: Is he hurt? Again?She loves lemonheadsShe has a look-a-likeShe really likes candyHis hair is silky smoothShe loves classical musicHe walks like a principalShe wears awesome earringsHe can debate about anythingHe loves to work, work, workIs he having another seizure?I wish she were here every dayEveryone wants to sit with him...

R7 Friends 2020-05-17

R7 Friends crossword puzzle
  1. She has a sister named Izzy.
  2. His dad is a park ranger.
  3. He loves basketball.
  4. He is a great reader and his name begins with an O.
  5. She moved to Florida.
  6. She has long blond hair and just stated wearing glasses.
  7. She has a sister named Ava and her name starts with an E.
  8. She is a wonderful writer and her name starts with K.
  9. She has long red hair and her name start with an I.
  10. He is a great mathematician and his name starts with O.
  11. He plays the violin beautifully!
  12. Her name starts with B and she loves art.
  13. She wears super cool glasses.
  1. He wants to be a principal when he grows up!
  2. He loves trains!
  3. your teacher
  4. He has 2 sisters that were in my class.
  5. She loves art!
  6. He is an amazing artist and his name starts with E.
  7. She has 3 older brothers and her name starts with E.
  8. She has a sister named Gracie that was in my class.
  9. Her name starts with a C and she has a beautiful smile!
  10. She just got a new puppy!
  11. He loves Mario and his name starts with a J.
  12. His name starts with an M and he loves to listen to stories.

25 Clues: your teacherShe loves art!He loves trains!He loves basketball.She moved to Florida.His dad is a park ranger.She just got a new puppy!She has a sister named Izzy.She wears super cool glasses.He plays the violin beautifully!He has 2 sisters that were in my class.Her name starts with B and she loves art.He wants to be a principal when he grows up!...

My Friends 2020-05-13

My Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Really smart
  2. Mad hatter
  3. Giraffe(According to meher when she first met him)
  4. my BFF
  5. really popular girl
  6. BFF
  7. new to my class this year
  8. Friends with fimi super kind
  9. Really popular super kind amazing friend
  10. Best frineds with alessa and shane
  11. Mutien Basketball football
  12. Annoying Basketball faker status
  13. Indian girl in my class
  14. Touch rugby
  15. Crazy hair
  1. uhhhhhhhh
  2. Basketball lover smallish
  3. also crazy hairs friend
  4. friend of crazy hair
  5. Girl in my class
  6. I like him
  7. Crazy hairs friend
  8. BFF
  9. really bad at art
  10. Sas ha
  11. MEEEE
  12. Used to be lennas BFF
  13. BFF
  14. BFF
  15. India partner
  16. BFF with

31 Clues: BFFBFFBFFBFFMEEEEmy BFFSas haBFF withuhhhhhhhhMad hatterI like himCrazy hairTouch rugbyReally smartIndia partnerGirl in my classreally bad at artCrazy hairs friendreally popular girlfriend of crazy hairUsed to be lennas BFFalso crazy hairs friendIndian girl in my classBasketball lover smallishnew to my class this yearMutien Basketball football...

Friends & Family 2021-07-10

Friends & Family crossword puzzle
  1. Has a cracker named after him
  2. Obsessed with basketball
  3. Dallas
  4. "ooh ooh ooh!"
  5. Brother of cracker namesake
  6. Owner of a cookie company
  7. Eats chicken fingers and pasta
  8. Sings "Happy Birthday" terribly
  9. Fellow Marshmello fan
  10. Benji's owner
  11. Trampoline master
  12. Owner of a tie dye company
  13. Loves Bathing Ape
  14. Our baker in chief
  15. USC fan
  1. Loves Spaceballs
  2. The family pilot
  3. Says "Tylee! Stop-a!"
  4. The family health nut
  5. Son of Scott
  6. Sixers fan
  7. Master pizza maker
  8. His mom makes the best ribs
  9. Does not enjoy "dump it"
  10. The family astronomer
  11. Gets hurt riding dirt bikes
  12. Needs tech support

27 Clues: DallasUSC fanSixers fanSon of ScottBenji's owner"ooh ooh ooh!"Loves SpaceballsThe family pilotTrampoline masterLoves Bathing ApeMaster pizza makerNeeds tech supportOur baker in chiefSays "Tylee! Stop-a!"The family health nutThe family astronomerFellow Marshmello fanObsessed with basketballDoes not enjoy "dump it"Owner of a cookie company...

FALSE FRIENDS 2021-07-05

FALSE FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  2. - SENSATO
  3. - PAI/MÃE
  4. - IMPOSTO
  13. - SACADA
  1. - REVISTA
  2. - VIDEIRA
  4. - PLATEIA
  5. - LENDA
  9. - TECIDO


English Friends 2021-10-07

English Friends crossword puzzle
  1. boodschap
  2. stekelig
  3. bazig
  4. artiest
  5. kaart
  6. slim
  7. sportief
  8. noodgeval
  9. warm
  10. er goed uitzien
  11. mooi
  1. pinguins
  2. verlegen
  3. onderzeeër
  4. kaal
  5. lui
  6. recht
  7. gekruld
  8. stoer
  9. aardig

20 Clues: luikaalslimwarmmooibazigkaartrechtstoeraardigartiestgekruldpinguinsverlegenstekeligsportiefboodschapnoodgevalonderzeeërer goed uitzien

Two Friends 2022-04-20

Two Friends crossword puzzle
  1. surrounded by armed forces aiming to capture it or force surrender
  2. make a military observation
  3. anything that interrupts the chronological order of the narrative to take the reader back in time to the past events in a character’s life
  4. hinting to what will happen in the story before it actually happens
  5. language that stimulates the reader’s senses; usually evoked through touch, taste, sight, smell, and sound
  6. the conversations held between the characters of the short story
  7. inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, capable.
  1. a person who sells cloth and dry goods.
  2. enthusiastic or excited
  3. stand astride over; span or straddle.
  4. a potent green aniseed-flavored alcoholic spirit
  5. intense or violent pain and struggle
  6. in the moment
  7. serenely free of interruption or disturbance
  8. in a warm and friendly way.
  9. move in a circular way.
  10. what happens to the character after the resolution of the conflict
  11. a small edible European freshwater fish, often used as bait by anglers.
  12. a feeling that can refer to the emotional state of mind of a person/character or the atmosphere of a story
  13. impress (someone) so much that they become silent or inhibited.

20 Clues: in the momententhusiastic or excitedmove in a circular way.make a military observationin a warm and friendly way.intense or violent pain and strugglestand astride over; span or straddle.a person who sells cloth and dry goods.serenely free of interruption or disturbancea potent green aniseed-flavored alcoholic spirit...

False Friends 2022-06-15

False Friends crossword puzzle
  1. [wen]
  2. [fɪˈzɪʃən]
  3. [ˈnəʊ̯tɪs]
  4. [hel]
  5. [ˈæmbjələns]
  6. [sɪn]
  7. [ˈkjʊəriəs]
  8. [ˈprɒspekt]
  9. [ˈsɜ:kl̩]
  10. [keɪ̯k]
  11. [fɑ:st]
  1. [kwəʊ̯t]
  2. [waɪ̯l]
  3. [weɪ̯ʤ]
  4. [mɪst]
  5. [ʤæm]
  6. [əbˈʤektɪv]
  7. [ˈbɪskɪt]
  8. [ˈsɪəriəs]
  9. [ˈrəʊ̯mən]
  10. [sekt]
  11. [rɒk]
  12. [mes]

23 Clues: [wen][ʤæm][hel][sɪn][rɒk][mes][mɪst][sekt][waɪ̯l][weɪ̯ʤ][keɪ̯k][fɑ:st][kwəʊ̯t][ˈbɪskɪt][ˈsɜ:kl̩][fɪˈzɪʃən][ˈnəʊ̯tɪs][ˈsɪəriəs][ˈrəʊ̯mən][əbˈʤektɪv][ˈkjʊəriəs][ˈprɒspekt][ˈæmbjələns]

False friends 2022-07-28

False friends crossword puzzle
  1. s'étouffer
  2. malheureux, très triste
  3. un personnage de fiction
  4. une marchandise
  5. timide, hésitant
  6. faire semblant
  7. finalement
  8. exhaustif
  9. l'université(USA)
  1. impressionnant
  2. un lieu/endroit
  3. relancer,recommencer
  4. duper
  5. participate
  6. chanceux
  7. raisonnable, sensé
  8. une cave
  9. an exam réussir un examen(trois mots)
  10. une couverture mais on ne le mange pas
  11. exiger
  12. un car ou une personne qui t'aide à améliorer
  13. engager

22 Clues: duperexigerengagerchanceuxune caveexhaustifs'étoufferfinalementparticipateimpressionnantfaire semblantun lieu/endroitune marchandisetimide, hésitantl'université(USA)raisonnable, sensérelancer,recommencermalheureux, très tristeun personnage de fictionan exam réussir un examen(trois mots)une couverture mais on ne le mange pas...

Bettys Friends! 2022-11-29

Bettys Friends! crossword puzzle
  1. storm
  2. A friend who looks like she could be Betty's sister
  3. who always stays the latest
  4. Her name is fitting for her
  5. ultimate dance mom
  6. The best teacher
  7. Mint leaf
  8. They never do wordle
  9. Hockey mom
  1. daughter of a senator
  2. Samosa
  3. Has a son who is a chef
  4. Barcelona
  5. Long face
  6. Always late
  7. Tried to convince Avery that she was a surgeon
  8. Big time lecturer
  9. would be the little spoon
  10. Farmer
  11. Casino Rip with Wayne
  12. Loves tequila shots

21 Clues: stormSamosaFarmerBarcelonaLong faceMint leafHockey momAlways lateThe best teacherBig time lecturerultimate dance momLoves tequila shotsThey never do wordledaughter of a senatorCasino Rip with WayneHas a son who is a chefwould be the little spoonwho always stays the latestHer name is fitting for herTried to convince Avery that she was a surgeon...

friends crossword 2024-01-06

friends crossword crossword puzzle
  1. dove ci siamo conosciuti davvero?
  2. che cosa si è rotto a tutti?p.s.faceva parte del kit
  3. l'ora in cui siamo tornati più tardi
  4. dove dormivamo noi ragazze?
  5. come tornavamo a "casa"?
  6. miglior mamma ospitante
  7. chi ci ha salvati alla fermata entrocamento?
  8. di che colore era la bandana che la chia e furla avevano sempre addosso?
  9. chi porterò con me in nuova zeland?
  10. cosa si è dimenticato andre?
  11. di dove erano i ragazzi che abbiamo incontrato davanti al monastero di lisbona
  12. ... prossima gmg
  13. con chi è la foto più iconica della gmg?
  14. che cosa abbiamo fatto per passare il tempo durante l'attesa del papa?p.s. abbaimo anche una foto
  15. dove avete scritto le vostre dediche?
  1. la nostra pagina instagram
  2. che balletto facevamo sempre in treno?
  3. gabriele ospite alla festa degli italiani
  4. ... è vida
  5. dove ci siamo riuniti dopo la gmg?
  6. dove siamo andati il secondo giorno??
  7. cibo immangiabile alla messa con il papa
  8. che cosa non facevo mai in tempo?
  9. chi ci ha svegliato la mttina del 6 agosto?
  10. che cosa mandavamo ogni giorno io e fra?
  11. che cosa mi sono dimenticata il primo giorno?
  12. che cosa non mi funzionava maiii
  13. da dove siamo partiti?

28 Clues: ... è vida... prossima gmgda dove siamo partiti?miglior mamma ospitantecome tornavamo a "casa"?la nostra pagina instagramdove dormivamo noi ragazze?cosa si è dimenticato andre?che cosa non mi funzionava maiiidove ci siamo conosciuti davvero?che cosa non facevo mai in tempo?dove ci siamo riuniti dopo la gmg?chi porterò con me in nuova zeland?...

Friends Crossword 2024-03-12

Friends Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ... are Joey's favourite food (10)
  2. Monica's job is ... (4)
  3. the cafe is called ... (7, 4)
  4. Ross studies ... in his job (9)
  5. owns the cafe (7)
  6. is Chandler's roommate (4)
  7. Friends is set in (3, 4)
  8. Ross & Rachel were... (2, 1, 5)
  9. Rachel's first job is as a ... (8)
  10. character played by Jennifer Aniston (6)
  1. Janice's catchphrase is ... (2, 2 , 3)
  2. ... is Ross's first wife (5)
  3. Joey has ... sisters (5)
  4. is played by Mathew Perry (8)
  5. Monica's older brother (4)
  6. ... is a song by Phoebe (5, 3)
  7. Ross's son is called ... (3)
  8. is married to Mike (6)
  9. married Chandler ((6)
  10. Joey's job is ... (5)

20 Clues: owns the cafe (7)married Chandler ((6)Joey's job is ... (5)is married to Mike (6)Monica's job is ... (4)Joey has ... sisters (5)Friends is set in (3, 4)Monica's older brother (4)is Chandler's roommate (4)... is Ross's first wife (5)Ross's son is called ... (3)is played by Mathew Perry (8)the cafe is called ... (7, 4)... is a song by Phoebe (5, 3)...

Unusual friends 2024-04-10

Unusual friends crossword puzzle
  1. To affect (someone) with tender emotion or feeling
  2. Easily hurt or offended
  3. To prevail over (opposition, a debility, temptations, etc.
  4. To extend out
  5. Outstandingly
  6. Extremely pleased and excited
  7. Efficacious
  1. To change someone or something into someone or something
  2. To return often to the mind, memory, or consciousness of (someone)
  3. To reveal or betray
  4. To give forth in words
  5. Relating to or of the nature of books and writings
  6. With respect to
  7. Perform
  8. Harm
  9. Meaning
  10. An instance of faithfulness
  11. Strive
  12. Influence
  13. To bring near to something

20 Clues: HarmStrivePerformMeaningInfluenceEfficaciousTo extend outOutstandinglyWith respect toTo reveal or betrayTo give forth in wordsEasily hurt or offendedTo bring near to somethingAn instance of faithfulnessExtremely pleased and excitedTo affect (someone) with tender emotion or feelingRelating to or of the nature of books and writings...

False Friends 2024-11-13

False Friends crossword puzzle
  1. (7) [EN] The number 1,000,000,000. / [DE] The number 1,000,000,000,000.
  2. (6) [EN] Begin to be something. / [DE] Receive, get.
  3. (4) [EN] A regular payment made to a landlord for the use of their house or land. / [DE] Interest or yield.
  4. (4) [EN] To take or seize hold of something. / [DE] A trench or ditch.
  5. (6) [EN] A textile material. / [DE] A building for manufacturing, typically with machines - a factory.
  6. (7) [EN] A formal speech or presentation, typically given at a university. / [DE] Reading or lesson.
  7. (11) [EN] Showing understanding, compassion, and kindness. / [DE] Likeable or pleasant.
  8. (4) [EN] A flexible tube or pipe for conveying water. / [DE] A pair of trousers.
  1. (8) [EN] An elderly person. / [DE] A classic car.*
  2. office (4, 6) [EN] The UK government department responsible for law and order, immigration, and national security. / [DE] Work from home.*
  3. (10) [EN] Indicating something will happen at some point in the future, but not immediately. / [DE] Ultimately, finally.
  4. (4) [EN] Not enough of something. / [DE] Paint or varnish.
  5. (9) [EN] A supply of something; a legal condition or requirement. / [DE] A commission fee.
  6. (7) [EN] A series of actions or steps taken to achieve something. / [DE] A trial or legal procedure.
  7. (6) [EN] Becoming aware of something; an official announcement. / [DE] A written note or warning.
  8. (5) [EN] A mythical creature who traditionally grants three wishes after being released from a magic lamp. / [DE] An exceptionally talented or skilled individual - a genius.
  9. (5) [EN] Short in duration, concise. / [DE] Underwear.
  10. (6) [EN] Something real, as opposed to imagined or hypothetical. / [DE] Happening now, current.
  11. (4) [EN] Quickly, speedily. / [DE] Almost.
  12. (3) [EN] A visual representation of a geographic area. / [DE] Folder or file.
  13. (4) [EN] To blink with one eye. / [DE] A nod of the head.
  14. (5) [EN] Convenient or useful. / [DE] A mobile phone.*

22 Clues: (4) [EN] Quickly, speedily. / [DE] Almost.(8) [EN] An elderly person. / [DE] A classic car.*(6) [EN] Begin to be something. / [DE] Receive, get.(5) [EN] Short in duration, concise. / [DE] Underwear.(5) [EN] Convenient or useful. / [DE] A mobile phone.*(4) [EN] To blink with one eye. / [DE] A nod of the head....

False Friends 2024-11-13

False Friends crossword puzzle
  1. (EN) Showing understanding, compassion, and kindness (11)
  2. (EN) To blink with one eye (4)
  3. (EN) Quickly, speedily (4)
  4. (EN) To take or seize hold of something (4)
  5. (EN) A textile material (6)
  6. (EN) A mythical creature who traditionally grants three wishes after being released from a magic lamp (5)
  7. (EN) The result of a certain action or event (11)
  8. (EN) Short in duration, concise (5)
  9. (EN) A visual representation of a geographic area (3)
  10. (EN) Becoming aware of something; an official announcement (6)
  11. office (EN) The UK government department responsible for law and order, immigration and national security (4, 6)
  12. (EN) Not enough of something (4)
  13. (EN) Something real, as opposed to imagined or hypothetical (6)
  14. (EN) A regular payment made to a landlord for the use of their house or land (4)
  1. (EN) The number 1,000,000,000 (7)
  2. (EN) An elderly person; ( (8)
  3. (EN) A flexible tube or pipe for conveying water (4)
  4. (EN) A supply of something; a legal condition or requirement (9)
  5. (EN) A series of actions or steps taken to achieve something (7)
  6. (EN) Begin to be something (6)
  7. (EN) Convenient or useful (5)
  8. (EN) Indicating something will happen at some point in the future, but not immediately (10)
  9. (EN) A formal speech or presentation, typically given at a university (7)

23 Clues: (EN) Quickly, speedily (4)(EN) A textile material (6)(EN) An elderly person; ( (8)(EN) Convenient or useful (5)(EN) To blink with one eye (4)(EN) Begin to be something (6)(EN) Not enough of something (4)(EN) The number 1,000,000,000 (7)(EN) Short in duration, concise (5)(EN) To take or seize hold of something (4)...

Mr Grindstaff's 4th hour 2018-03-07

Mr Grindstaff's 4th hour crossword puzzle
  1. Sits with Estrella and Giselle
  2. Friends with Martin, Roni and Marco.
  3. Sits across from Gustavo
  4. Friends with Andrea and likes to play basketball
  5. Friends with Yami
  6. Friends with Genesis and Vivian
  7. Friends with Kallie.
  8. Sits normally with Emily and Estrella also likes basketball
  9. Friends with Claudia and Genesis
  10. Currently sits with Roni, Martin and Eduardo
  11. Sits with Roni and Eduardo
  12. The newest student
  13. She likes slime
  14. Sits across from Alexis and Estrealla
  1. Friends with Miriam
  2. Relatively new student friend with Areli.
  3. Sits next to Eileen
  4. Sits next to Giselle and Emily
  5. Sits next to Marin and across from Eduardo
  6. Likes a disagreement
  7. Friends with Reymundo
  8. Friends with Areli
  9. Friends with Francisco
  10. Sits with Eduardo and Roni likes to test aerodynamics
  11. She has three Zs in her name

25 Clues: She likes slimeFriends with YamiFriends with AreliThe newest studentFriends with MiriamSits next to EileenLikes a disagreementFriends with Kallie.Friends with ReymundoFriends with FranciscoSits across from GustavoSits with Roni and EduardoShe has three Zs in her nameSits with Estrella and GiselleSits next to Giselle and Emily...

My Friends 2020-05-13

My Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Really smart
  2. Mad hatter
  3. Giraffe(According to meher when she first met him)
  4. my BFF
  5. really popular girl
  6. BFF
  7. new to my class this year
  8. Friends with fimi super kind
  9. Really popular super kind amazing friend
  10. Best frineds with alessa and shane
  11. Mutien Basketball football
  12. Annoying Basketball faker status
  13. Indian girl in my class
  14. Touch rugby
  15. Crazy hair
  1. uhhhhhhhh
  2. Basketball lover smallish
  3. also crazy hairs friend
  4. friend of crazy hair
  5. Girl in my class
  6. I like him
  7. Crazy hairs friend
  8. BFF
  9. really bad at art
  10. Sas ha
  11. MEEEE
  12. Used to be lennas BFF
  13. BFF
  14. BFF
  15. India partner
  16. BFF with

31 Clues: BFFBFFBFFBFFMEEEEmy BFFSas haBFF withuhhhhhhhhMad hatterI like himCrazy hairTouch rugbyReally smartIndia partnerGirl in my classreally bad at artCrazy hairs friendreally popular girlfriend of crazy hairUsed to be lennas BFFalso crazy hairs friendIndian girl in my classBasketball lover smallishnew to my class this yearMutien Basketball football...

MY FRIENDS 2020-09-08

MY FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. He slept on the ___ last night.
  2. These ancient buildings are part of the national_____.
  3. Little pigeons can ____ great messages.
  4. An ______ is a child whose parents are dead.
  5. Ellen was a shy, ____ girl.
  6. Do you ____going out this evening?
  7. Wicked children are quite _____sometimes.
  8. Each_____ was allowed two 30-kg pieces of luggage
  9. ____stores sell many foods that have been processed.
  10. Kate has changed too much, I barely____her.
  11. It was so embarrassing having to sing in____.
  12. It is a ___ that the young look after the old in their family.
  13. I always admire Jane for her____.
  14. The sun's____ vaporizes the water of the ocean.
  15. The show was hilarious-I couldn't stop___.
  16. His____clothes were witness to his poverty.
  17. He's strong enough to___ a car!
  18. American culture has been spread all over the world.
  19. As a____ on the childcare project, I really saw life.
  20. Ready meals sell well because of their ____.
  21. Your opinion will not ___my decision.
  1. Generosity is part of the American____.
  2. The___ moves round the sun.
  3. Farmers are____ busy during the harvest.
  4. Rob's very___, he likes to party.
  5. Mr. Wilson gave an_____talk on birds.
  6. The___ is not seen where the sun shines.
  7. We had a ____ afternoon without the children.
  8. A ___ is the person in charge of a school.
  9. Babies are always___ about everything around them.
  10. The smoke makes me____.
  11. Generally, a book has an_____.
  12. Dad started going ____ when he was in his forties.
  13. He often tells jokes. Everybody loves his sense of____.
  14. The___ community was shocked by the murders.

35 Clues: The smoke makes me____.The___ moves round the sun.Ellen was a shy, ____ girl.Generally, a book has an_____.He slept on the ___ last night.He's strong enough to___ a car!I always admire Jane for her____.Rob's very___, he likes to party.Do you ____going out this evening?Mr. Wilson gave an_____talk on birds.Your opinion will not ___my decision....

Friends Crossword 2019-12-20

Friends Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Wanted me to save my gummies.
  2. Young girls annoy me less if I think of them as a ______.
  3. Our favorite dragon
  4. You taught Stephanie this
  5. Make winter driving better.
  6. The tall FRC
  7. The new puppy in your family
  8. Quesnel coffee shop
  9. Luc
  10. Jolene Jolene Jolene __________
  11. Friend that was in an accident.
  1. Silly stories for the drive.
  2. Best at Ritual
  3. Alaskan home of the A-Frames
  4. The short FRC
  5. Clarkson's alter ego
  6. Best at Zoe's
  7. A slightly sketchy provincial park
  8. "Pronounced ""pah-stah"""
  9. """I like ________"""
  10. Friend that helped you move.
  11. A Brazillian
  12. They were in trench coats the whole time.
  13. Your work mom
  14. Actually just five dogs in a human suit.

25 Clues: LucThe tall FRCA BrazillianThe short FRCBest at Zoe'sYour work momBest at RitualOur favorite dragonQuesnel coffee shopClarkson's alter ego"""I like ________""""Pronounced ""pah-stah"""You taught Stephanie thisMake winter driving better.Silly stories for the drive.Alaskan home of the A-FramesFriend that helped you move.The new puppy in your family...

Rex & Friends! 2020-05-03

Rex & Friends! crossword puzzle
  1. a good smelling purple flower that grows on a bush
  2. Rex is about ¼ this breed
  3. the season that (hopefully!) brings lots of snow
  4. the name of the city we all live in
  5. Rex's dad's name
  6. the season we are currently in, with everything blooming!
  7. The first of Rex's three "formal" names (HARD QUESTION!)
  8. One name of the illness that is affecting people these days
  9. the season that comes with sunshine and heat
  10. The last of Rex's three "formal" names (HARD QUESTION!)
  11. the major street that runs east-west north of Menlo Park
  12. the fancy name for the season that brings changing leaves
  13. what Rex wears when he goes on a walk
  1. Rex is about ¾ this breed
  2. the name of the current season
  3. The full name of the virus that is making people ill
  4. One of Rex's favorite games to play
  5. the second word in the title of this newsletter
  6. the scientific name for a dog
  7. The middle of Rex's three "formal" names (HARD QUESTION!)
  8. Rex's mom's name
  9. an early spring flower that is yellow
  10. the major street that runs east-west south of Menlo Park

23 Clues: Rex's dad's nameRex's mom's nameRex is about ¾ this breedRex is about ¼ this breedthe scientific name for a dogthe name of the current seasonthe name of the city we all live inOne of Rex's favorite games to playan early spring flower that is yellowwhat Rex wears when he goes on a walkthe season that comes with sunshine and heat...

classe friends 2021-09-13

classe friends crossword puzzle
  1. very smart
  2. loves criystals
  3. loves hockey
  4. boy twin
  5. 82 meters tall
  6. very very very tall
  7. 81 meters tall
  8. great at knitting
  9. two lasted names
  10. great pursanalaty
  1. amazing at snowboarding
  2. goes houres back riding
  3. amazing grandma
  4. girl twin
  5. has a dog
  6. fun to hang out with
  7. fast runner
  8. great goalie
  9. love hockey cards
  10. very very good drawer
  11. curly hair

21 Clues: boy twingirl twinhas a dogvery smartcurly hairfast runnerloves hockeygreat goalie82 meters tall81 meters tallamazing grandmaloves criystalstwo lasted nameslove hockey cardsgreat at knittinggreat pursanalatyvery very very tallfun to hang out withvery very good draweramazing at snowboardinggoes houres back riding

Friends 2.0 2021-08-09

Friends 2.0 crossword puzzle
  1. What is Barry's job?
  2. Who is Joey's agent
  3. Ross and Rachaels first date
  4. Joey's favourite food?
  5. Who is the youngest friend?
  6. What store does Pheobe hate?
  7. How many seasons are there
  8. "Custard... jam... meat..."
  9. Where is Chander moving to?
  10. Who said "here come the meat sweats
  1. What is Ross allergic to?
  2. Chandlers middle name?
  3. Colour of Monica's apartment
  4. Occupation joey writes for ros
  5. "The I ... Rachael Green club"
  6. Who brought Rachael a scarf?
  7. Ross' total divorces
  8. Monica ate this off a jewelbox
  9. Monica's Towel categories?
  10. Where does David move to for work?
  11. What city is friends set in?
  12. Ross' comic book name?
  13. What's Joey's toy penguin name?

23 Clues: Who is Joey's agentWhat is Barry's job?Ross' total divorcesChandlers middle name?Joey's favourite food?Ross' comic book name?What is Ross allergic to?Monica's Towel categories?How many seasons are thereWho is the youngest friend?"Custard... jam... meat..."Where is Chander moving to?Colour of Monica's apartmentWho brought Rachael a scarf?...

Friends Quiz 2021-08-29

Friends Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Ross és Monica vezetékneve
  2. Central ‘…’
  3. Ide utazna Chandler Janice elől
  4. Monica allergiás rá
  5. Phoebe nem eszik ilyet
  6. Ross hangszere
  7. A Ronda Pucér Pasi hangszere
  8. Phoebe néma ikertestvére
  9. Joey kedvenc étele
  10. Lazacos Szusi
  11. Megcsípte Chandlert az állatkertben
  12. Ross allergiás erre a gyümölcsre
  13. Ide utazott David, Phoebe szerelme
  14. Ross Majma
  15. ‘..., bébi’
  16. Monica képzeletbeli barátja
  17. Rachel húgát, Amyt játszotta (Christina)
  18. Ichiban színe
  19. Ross válásainak száma
  20. Rachel húgát, Jillt játszotta (Reese)
  21. Monica lakása alatt lakik Mr. ‘…’
  1. Dr. Ramoray keresztneve
  2. Ilyen állattal alszik Joey
  3. Ross foglalkozása
  4. ‘….’ Consuela Hercegnő
  5. Chandler vezetékneve az újság előfizetésen
  6. Phoebe üdítős dobozban találja
  7. Macska szaga
  8. Geller nagymama becenece
  9. Ross itt is dolgozott
  10. Rachel kedvenc könyve
  11. Joey kedvenc könyve
  12. Phoebe első férje
  13. Phoebe vezetékneve
  14. Phoebe sosem viselné
  15. Joey húgainak száma
  16. Phoebe apukája
  17. ‘….’ Bobby, Monica exe
  18. Rachel ruháinak színe mosás után
  19. Itt hagyta el Rachel Barryt
  20. Richard Burke leghíresebb sorozata
  21. Joey középső neve

42 Clues: Ross MajmaCentral ‘…’‘..., bébi’Macska szagaLazacos SzusiIchiban színeRoss hangszerePhoebe apukájaRoss foglalkozásaPhoebe első férjeJoey középső nevePhoebe vezetékneveJoey kedvenc ételeMonica allergiás ráJoey kedvenc könyveJoey húgainak számaPhoebe sosem viselnéRoss itt is dolgozottRachel kedvenc könyveRoss válásainak száma‘….’ Consuela Hercegnő...

Special Friends! 2021-02-20

Special Friends! crossword puzzle
  1. Bumper cars
  2. Senior moments
  3. Mr Whiskers
  4. 10th grade heartthrob
  5. Welcome newcomer
  6. Hey, wait! I CAN do math!
  7. Gonna beat up Caleb Creech
  8. Cafeteria crew
  9. Double trouble
  10. Hoodie queen
  11. Giant boots
  12. Disney frequent flyer
  1. I'll pray, Mr Creech.
  2. Pushed cousin out of the window
  3. It's not safe on the roads
  4. What? Show my work?
  5. The price is right
  6. Sunflower seeds
  7. Mirror image
  8. Maintenance man
  9. Eyes for only one
  10. Just celebrated a birthday
  11. Boss of everybody
  12. Mr Taylor, Jr
  13. My poor chickens!
  14. All-star player

26 Clues: Bumper carsMr WhiskersGiant bootsMirror imageHoodie queenMr Taylor, JrSenior momentsCafeteria crewDouble troubleSunflower seedsMaintenance manAll-star playerWelcome newcomerEyes for only oneBoss of everybodyMy poor chickens!The price is rightWhat? Show my work?I'll pray, Mr Creech.10th grade heartthrobDisney frequent flyerHey, wait! I CAN do math!...

FALSE FRIENDS 2021-03-08

FALSE FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. It doesn't mean lame
  2. It doesn't mean preservativi
  3. It doesn't mean cesto
  4. It doesn't mean parenti
  5. It doesn't mean terrificante
  6. It doesn't mean libreria
  7. It doesn't mean pavimento
  8. It doesn't mean romanzo
  9. It doesn't mean eventualmente
  10. It doesn't mean incidente
  11. It doesn't mean pretendere
  1. It doesn't mean argomento
  2. It doesn't mean bravo
  3. It doesn't mean aggiustare
  4. It doesn't mean rumore
  5. It doesn't mean annoiare
  6. It doesn't mean attuale
  7. It doesn't mean domandare
  8. It doesn't mean notizia
  9. It doesn't mean estate

20 Clues: It doesn't mean lameIt doesn't mean bravoIt doesn't mean cestoIt doesn't mean rumoreIt doesn't mean estateIt doesn't mean parentiIt doesn't mean attualeIt doesn't mean romanzoIt doesn't mean notiziaIt doesn't mean libreriaIt doesn't mean annoiareIt doesn't mean argomentoIt doesn't mean pavimentoIt doesn't mean domandareIt doesn't mean incidente...

False Friends 2023-05-02

False Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Commodity
  2. Collar
  3. Aplication
  4. College
  5. comprehensive
  6. Appreciation
  7. Amass
  8. Adept
  9. Intend
  1. Competition
  2. Cigar
  3. Appointment
  4. Eventually
  5. Contest
  6. Prejudice
  7. Lecture
  8. Costume
  9. Pull
  10. Actually
  11. Argument

20 Clues: PullCigarAmassAdeptCollarIntendContestLectureCostumeCollegeActuallyArgumentCommodityPrejudiceEventuallyAplicationCompetitionAppointmentAppreciationcomprehensive

Best friends 2023-05-27

Best friends crossword puzzle
  1. Pavans favorite fighter
  2. wrestler killed himself and family
  3. does 101/202dmg
  4. bffs online moniker
  5. her chamorro surname
  6. Teddy is currently in love with
  7. Bronze 2
  8. favorite marvel hero/group of the BFF
  9. Teddy's full first name
  10. last four digits (pavan)
  1. Chelsea's online moniker
  2. favorite holiday of BFF
  3. Pavans most asked question since last night
  4. Pavans twitch name
  5. Justin's online moniker
  6. what color is my shirt right now?
  7. pavans new daily hobby/routine
  8. Justin's only comp game
  9. Pavans smash main
  10. vandal skin
  11. favorite sci-fi show of bff
  12. BFF birthday
  13. how old is pavan?

23 Clues: Bronze 2vandal skinBFF birthdaydoes 101/202dmgPavans smash mainhow old is pavan?Pavans twitch namebffs online monikerher chamorro surnamefavorite holiday of BFFPavans favorite fighterJustin's online monikerJustin's only comp gameTeddy's full first nameChelsea's online monikerlast four digits (pavan)favorite sci-fi show of bff...

Friends Forever 2023-06-25

Friends Forever crossword puzzle
  1. What cracked and broke when Tom made his pepperoni roll
  2. Jackie and _______
  3. The street that the UPS drivers used to fight over to deliver to
  4. Whack off in ________
  5. Terri loves her Pinot ________
  6. You can never have too many ______ according to Erin
  7. We hope you enjoyed dinner at _____
  8. Belle ________
  9. ________sprouts
  10. What the lady who lived in the Mount Laurel house did NOT have
  11. 150 _____
  12. A bad day at ___ is better than a good day at work
  13. Name of Tom and Erin’s townhouse complex _____ Manor
  1. Time goes by too _______ when we get together
  2. Steve and Erin are ________
  3. The state in which our server will be married next year
  4. Emily and ______
  5. Abe _______ pizza
  6. St. Maarten’s cheese
  7. He shares a birthday with a famous mouse
  8. See you in _______
  9. Our lovely server’s name
  10. What we make every time we get together
  11. Ed and Tom are __________

24 Clues: 150 _____Belle ________________sproutsEmily and ______Abe _______ pizzaJackie and _______See you in _______St. Maarten’s cheeseWhack off in ________Our lovely server’s nameEd and Tom are __________Steve and Erin are ________Terri loves her Pinot ________We hope you enjoyed dinner at _____What we make every time we get together...

friends&family 2013-03-09

friends&family crossword puzzle
  1. becca's man
  2. "GOOD MORNING!!!"
  3. obsessed with trains
  4. loves to ride Harleys
  5. johns daughter
  6. Martha Roses only sister
  7. obsessed with xbox360
  8. "let me play the game or I'm going to tell dad"
  9. gets embarrassed easy
  10. UT mascot
  11. papa can I play on the computer
  12. has a drinking problem
  1. "pack your stuff and you had better be out by Sunday"
  2. "I want my DADDY!!"
  3. listens to CRAZY music
  4. hates everyone according to mitzi
  5. johns step son
  6. do you like my pretty dress
  7. aka nana
  8. hey dude got anything good
  9. johns son
  10. has the same name as milks favorite cookie

22 Clues: aka nanajohns sonUT mascotbecca's manjohns daughterjohns step son"GOOD MORNING!!!""I want my DADDY!!"obsessed with trainsloves to ride Harleysobsessed with xbox360gets embarrassed easylistens to CRAZY musichas a drinking problemMartha Roses only sisterhey dude got anything gooddo you like my pretty dresspapa can I play on the computer...

ADP Friends 2023-07-20

ADP Friends crossword puzzle
  1. newest PSW to join our team
  2. Who among us worked in a Jewelry Store?
  3. Educated us about his people and their culture
  4. Former hairdresser, loves to sunbath and cares deeply for all of us
  5. Who is our class clown?
  6. local teen who is kind and caring, heart of gold
  7. What is the surname of our favourite couple who attends ADP?
  8. Human Resource Manager at Northern Telecom
  9. His fabulous voice, won him a singing contest on a cruise
  10. Her 2 pet birds are named Rufus and Bruno
  11. Longestemployeee at EWCS?
  12. Knows the best information about Christmas Trees
  13. Has lived for a century
  14. Loves to garden and go for walks and was an elementary school teacher.c
  15. First name of our fabulous student volunteer
  16. Milo and Robyn are her pride and joy
  17. Is our 'Queen' and has perfect hair
  1. Who knows how to serve a cold beer?
  2. Grew up with 12 siblings in beautiful Ireland
  3. She never stops moving as she whips up our delicious meals.
  4. The lady in charge?
  5. Canadian born but also lived in Mississippi
  6. Drives the big white bus and always has a few jokes up his sleeve
  7. Long time client who will sadly be moving away in September.
  8. Wears a gorgeous, beaded sweater we all want to steal
  9. Grace used this to 'get around'
  10. There is nothing slow about his quick wit answers
  11. Joins us on Mondays and is not a fan of waking up early
  12. Visit us monthly to play their guitars so we can sign along
  13. Drives our white van and always has the funniest things to say

30 Clues: The lady in charge?Who is our class clown?Has lived for a centuryLongestemployeee at EWCS?newest PSW to join our teamGrace used this to 'get around'Who knows how to serve a cold beer?Is our 'Queen' and has perfect hairMilo and Robyn are her pride and joyWho among us worked in a Jewelry Store?Her 2 pet birds are named Rufus and Bruno...

Cabin Friends 2023-10-08

Cabin Friends crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the river by the cabin
  2. Type of story told around a fire (or type of hunter Diane went on a date with)
  3. First name of the best pajamas (and where Jen works)
  4. Food product Kathryn & Diane first worked on together
  5. Campfire snack
  6. Popular historic log cabin builder/style around this area
  7. PNW wool blanket brand
  8. Meat + Cheese board
  9. Val's no-home-base lifestyle
  10. Michelle played this sport in college
  11. Where Jen and Diane met (two words)
  12. Cabin (and pandemic) go to entertainment
  1. Bourbon + Vermouth + Bitters
  2. Toy brand best used for building cabins (two words)
  3. Oregon's tallest peak
  4. Michelle's favorite chocolate brand
  5. A small axe
  6. Jen's dog (also a cocktail)
  7. Michelle & Kathryn met their beau's on this dating app
  8. Where Val is from (city)
  9. Melted cheese deliciousness
  10. Val's winter hobby
  11. The best fruit fly trap
  12. Kathryn's dog (also an SNL actor)

24 Clues: A small axeCampfire snackVal's winter hobbyMeat + Cheese boardOregon's tallest peakPNW wool blanket brandThe best fruit fly trapWhere Val is from (city)Jen's dog (also a cocktail)Melted cheese deliciousnessBourbon + Vermouth + BittersVal's no-home-base lifestyleKathryn's dog (also an SNL actor)The name of the river by the cabin...

Faith's friends! 2023-12-25

Faith's friends! crossword puzzle
  1. broccoli
  2. doesn't eat
  3. first friend in class
  4. long story short, I survived
  5. low commanding voice
  6. zonal champs
  8. asked you out <3
  9. cold classrooms
  10. faith is my bb
  11. flying
  12. buzy bully
  1. i like to kick ball
  2. scared of momo
  3. art, plants and cats
  4. ellie
  5. high baby voice
  6. older and taller
  7. abby
  9. stays in the east
  10. council
  11. fashyann
  12. water bottle
  13. teh tarik
  14. climate justice

26 Clues: abbyellieflyingcouncilbroccolifashyannteh tarikHEY GURLLLbuzy bullydoesn't eatwater bottlezonal champsscared of momofaith is my bbhigh baby voiceclimate justicecold classroomsolder and tallerHAHAHAHAHAHAHx10asked you out <3stays in the easti like to kick ballart, plants and catslow commanding voicefirst friend in classlong story short, I survived

False friends 2024-01-16

False friends crossword puzzle
  1. habit
  2. sensible
  3. dress
  4. present
  5. photograph
  6. character
  7. medicine
  8. advertisement
  9. cave
  10. plate
  1. route
  2. store
  3. glass
  4. car
  5. location
  6. chair
  7. vacation
  8. furniture
  9. phrase
  10. figure

20 Clues: carcaveroutestoreglasshabitdresschairplatephrasefigurepresentsensiblelocationvacationmedicinefurniturecharacterphotographadvertisement

Lupes friends :) 2024-03-06

Lupes friends :) crossword puzzle
  1. Cute babies with hats
  2. Sticker Shop
  3. Best Ramen ever
  4. Chihuahua Devil
  5. Green Cocktail
  6. Dale
  7. Smelly MMo
  8. I took a Pill in Ibiza
  9. No one out __ the hut
  10. Mentally Ill Baddie
  11. Racist
  12. We all have except Roger
  13. Sports bar
  1. Santa Ana Club
  2. Where dreams go to die
  3. Happiest Place on Earth
  4. Nasty drink
  5. ball
  6. SoCal Photographer
  7. Sister's new home

20 Clues: DaleballRacistSmelly MMoSports barNasty drinkSticker ShopSanta Ana ClubGreen CocktailBest Ramen everChihuahua DevilSister's new homeSoCal PhotographerMentally Ill BaddieCute babies with hatsNo one out __ the hutWhere dreams go to dieI took a Pill in IbizaHappiest Place on EarthWe all have except Roger

Friends!! :D 2024-02-02

Friends!! :D crossword puzzle
  1. swimmer
  2. jolly ranchers
  3. Matt sturniolo
  4. strawberry
  5. longtime pjo fan
  6. GAYYY asf
  7. simp
  8. Mom friend
  9. loud
  10. Angelo’s gf
  11. unhinged
  1. not emo
  2. Gracie’s bf
  3. threat to society
  4. vi’s wife
  5. ‘s puffs
  6. artist
  7. tally hall
  8. kpop
  9. book nerd
  10. weeb
  11. sweet

22 Clues: kpopsimploudweebsweetartistnot emoswimmer‘s puffsunhingedvi’s wifeGAYYY asfbook nerdstrawberrytally hallMom friendGracie’s bfAngelo’s gfjolly ranchersMatt sturniololongtime pjo fanthreat to society

Fozzie & Friends 2024-11-24

Fozzie & Friends crossword puzzle
  1. James’ branded work attire
  2. 12 hours after the time we start our drive to Sudbury
  3. Roadtrip reading material
  4. “Hi, I’m James. Do you like ….?”
  5. Canadian treats worth fighting over
  6. What we watch (recorded) on a Sun.
  7. “Are you ready to go … Hard Lee.”
  8. Summer spritz aperitif
  9. Our (sold) Eddie Bower edition
  10. What Elaine never has, but James always does
  11. The vehicle that caused some unexpected beach camping in Worthington Bay
  12. Our sacred Saturday ritual
  13. The number two racing car
  14. Lazy Sunday card game
  15. It’s like tv, but in real life.
  16. Like Fozzie in the Winter
  17. It’s a boat, not a vacuum cleaner
  18. A true playfield angel
  19. Highway to home
  20. “Grand …, MN” according to Geoff’s mom
  21. Dolce doggo treat
  22. Favourite thing to compliment Elaine on
  23. “A pocket full of ….” OR Banff adjacent ski locale
  1. A great trail, if you can stay on it
  2. “Bring the Thunder” channel
  3. Thunder Bay luxury vehicle
  4. Locale of the best yard in the whole city
  5. All weekend meal menu when Elaine is away
  6. Hikeable locale in flipflops
  7. James’ forever screensaver
  8. Mr. Hunt
  9. Best way to shower
  10. Makes my conferences seem small
  11. You need to be a baller to afford this dog toy
  12. Dog nicknames X 2
  13. Kamview trail that’s gone to the dogs
  14. James’ party prep focus that floods Elaine with fear
  15. She’s the (original) most wonderful girl
  16. Powerboat party island
  17. Garage spaceholder
  18. When they’re closed, they’re still awesome

41 Clues: Mr. HuntHighway to homeDog nicknames X 2Dolce doggo treatBest way to showerGarage spaceholderLazy Sunday card gameSummer spritz aperitifPowerboat party islandA true playfield angelRoadtrip reading materialThe number two racing carLike Fozzie in the WinterJames’ branded work attireThunder Bay luxury vehicleJames’ forever screensaver...

Just Jaime 2023-03-15

Just Jaime crossword puzzle
  1. Jaime's best friend
  2. Maya is being mean to Jaime
  3. Has nobody to play with
  4. friends mocking her singing
  5. laugh a lot
  6. Main character
  7. loves helping people
  8. friends making fun of her
  9. Jaime is black
  1. Not real friends to Jaime
  2. Maya is annoyed by Jaime
  3. Jaime acts like a baby
  4. Jaime is not a clean girl
  5. Became friends again
  6. out Maya and Jaime got left out
  7. wants to be popular
  8. nice to her friends
  9. best friends leaving her out
  10. Jaime's friends like to gossip
  11. got good grades

20 Clues: laugh a lotMain characterJaime is blackgot good gradesJaime's best friendwants to be popularnice to her friendsBecame friends againloves helping peopleJaime acts like a babyHas nobody to play withMaya is annoyed by JaimeNot real friends to JaimeJaime is not a clean girlfriends making fun of herMaya is being mean to Jaimefriends mocking her singing...

Farewell Friends 2017-11-20

Farewell Friends crossword puzzle
  1. A colour
  2. Sala Bafa
  3. Hufflepuff
  4. Queen...Elizabeth
  5. Ubertaxi
  6. Wife
  7. Mariam
  8. *meow* cats
  9. Sherlock Holmes
  10. Hermione
  11. Senor Lemon
  12. Slytherin Queen
  13. Riddle me this
  14. Hacker
  15. Snap!
  16. A country
  17. my squishy child
  18. Ahong and aardvark
  1. No teacher pronounces it right
  2. A common last name
  3. Bossy boots
  4. Pew Pew
  5. 3 x 5
  6. Hickies
  7. Mr Beardman
  8. Corn
  9. Mrs Knightly
  10. Mr Dabrera
  11. First name
  12. Germany
  13. No tears
  14. Bruce and Jet
  15. TinTin
  16. Japan
  17. Turtle
  18. Slow blink and slurp slurp
  19. Big Jimmy

37 Clues: CornWife3 x 5JapanSnap!MariamTinTinTurtleHackerPew PewHickiesGermanyA colourUbertaxiNo tearsHermioneSala BafaBig JimmyA countryHufflepuffMr DabreraFirst nameBossy bootsMr Beardman*meow* catsSenor LemonMrs KnightlyBruce and JetRiddle me thisSherlock HolmesSlytherin Queenmy squishy childQueen...ElizabethA common last nameAhong and aardvark...

friends. banana 2022-04-05

friends. banana crossword puzzle
  1. - как насчёт
  2. - некоторое время
  3. - как хочешь
  4. - возможность быть креативной
  5. - после вопроса
  6. - очевидно
  7. - это займёт какое-то время
  8. - после утвердительного
  9. - добавлять
  10. - среди
  11. - подтвердить
  12. - прятаться от закона
  1. - ее очередь, черед
  2. - это должно быть
  3. - тебе с этим жить
  4. - как это точно работает
  5. - заполнить форму
  6. - как оказалось
  7. - растерянный
  8. - опять неправильно
  9. - ты хочешь, чтобы я...
  10. - поздороваться

22 Clues: - среди- очевидно- добавлять- как насчёт- как хочешь- подтвердить- растерянный- как оказалось- после вопроса- поздороваться- некоторое время- заполнить форму- это должно быть- тебе с этим жить- ее очередь, черед- опять неправильно- прятаться от закона- ты хочешь, чтобы я...- после утвердительного- как это точно работает- это займёт какое-то время...

False Friends 2022-03-24

False Friends crossword puzzle
  1. To hold onto something tightly
  2. Nickname
  3. Nominate
  4. Meat from the cow
  5. Understand for the first time
  6. A famous person
  7. The boss of a magazine
  8. Clothing
  9. A diary
  10. Family members
  11. A school of terciary education
  12. Present someone to another person
  13. Adjective describing a person who doesn't work anymore
  14. Clothing worn in a theatre play or at Carnival
  15. An outside area extending from an upper floor room
  16. Give counsel to someone
  17. Finally
  1. Beautiful and delicate
  2. A container that jam comes in
  3. Make as if something is real that isn't
  4. Preconceptions
  5. Material used for making clothing
  6. A midday meal
  7. Give strength to someone or something
  8. Register for a course
  9. A form of physical exertion to get fit
  10. The part around the neck of a shirt
  11. A foodstuff popular in Italy
  12. A type of fabric used in the making of clothes
  13. A wound or sore on the body
  14. In reality
  15. A person who receives something
  16. A warning or sign
  17. To reach an agreement by making concessions
  18. A scheduled meeting
  19. The way out

36 Clues: A diaryFinallyNicknameNominateClothingIn realityThe way outA midday mealPreconceptionsFamily membersA famous personMeat from the cowA warning or signA scheduled meetingRegister for a courseBeautiful and delicateThe boss of a magazineGive counsel to someoneA wound or sore on the bodyA foodstuff popular in ItalyA container that jam comes in...

False Friends 2022-03-24

False Friends crossword puzzle
  1. To hold onto something tightly
  2. Nickname
  3. Nominate
  4. Meat from the cow
  5. Understand for the first time
  6. A famous person
  7. The boss of a magazine
  8. Clothing
  9. A diary
  10. Family members
  11. A school of terciary education
  12. Present someone to another person
  13. Adjective describing a person who doesn't work anymore
  14. Clothing worn in a theatre play or at Carnival
  15. An outside area extending from an upper floor room
  16. Give counsel to someone
  17. Finally
  1. Beautiful and delicate
  2. A container that jam comes in
  3. Make as if something is real that isn't
  4. Preconceptions
  5. Material used for making clothing
  6. A midday meal
  7. Give strength to someone or something
  8. Register for a course
  9. A form of physical exertion to get fit
  10. The part around the neck of a shirt
  11. A foodstuff popular in Italy
  12. A type of fabric used in the making of clothes
  13. A wound or sore on the body
  14. In reality
  15. A person who receives something
  16. A warning or sign
  17. To reach an agreement by making concessions
  18. A scheduled meeting
  19. The way out

36 Clues: A diaryFinallyNicknameNominateClothingIn realityThe way outA midday mealPreconceptionsFamily membersA famous personMeat from the cowA warning or signA scheduled meetingRegister for a courseBeautiful and delicateThe boss of a magazineGive counsel to someoneA wound or sore on the bodyA foodstuff popular in ItalyA container that jam comes in...

friends crossword 2021-11-29

friends crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what does joey not share
  2. the one where _________ _____ ___. (know as one of the best episodes and is my personal favorite)
  3. where monica and chandler first get together
  4. the only main character who didn't date one of the other 5
  5. the most memorable line from the last episode, made by rachel
  6. the one where ____ and ______ ... you know
  7. what ross and rachel were on
  8. joey's catchphrase
  9. "what are they feeding you?"
  1. "I'm the Holdiay _________!"
  2. always says ""
  3. one of Joey's best lines, "Mmmm...______ ____"
  4. where rachel and joey get together (episode name)
  5. where phoebe's grandma's secret cookie recipe was actually from
  6. "What is it called? What is it called? What is it called?"
  7. monica's occupation
  8. the ____ one
  9. what did rachel add to her dessert?
  10. the couch
  11. 1. karate; having a greater sense of souls and the people around you 2. salmon spring roll

20 Clues: the couchthe ____ onejoey's catchphrasemonica's occupationwhat does joey not share"I'm the Holdiay _________!"what ross and rachel were on"what are they feeding you?"what did rachel add to her dessert?always says ""the one where ____ and ______ ... you knowwhere monica and chandler first get together...

Best Friends 2022-09-06

Best Friends crossword puzzle
  1. what did Shannon and Jen put in their locker at the beginning of the school year
  2. The place where Shannon had her first summer job
  3. What the boys called their new band
  4. Shannon's family went on a _______ trip
  5. For Shannon's first class in high school she had ______ English
  6. The song that Shannon was humming in the hallway _____ Cats
  7. How Shannon felt like when Jen asked her "Don't you like Mrs. Granger better too?" she felt like it was a ______ Minefield
  8. what is the missing word in the title of chapter 2 "Do You ____ Someone?"
  9. The guy that Shannon liked in second grade
  10. Where Shannon and her friends called boys and asked them to rate them on "Personality, Face, Body." It was called ______ Calls
  11. What the boys thought that the girls had in kindergarten
  1. What is the title of the book
  2. The place that Shannon's class went for a field trip Justice ______
  3. The girl who moved away in chapter 2
  4. Shannon's teacher called her up to her dest to tell her about something that something was Advanced __________ Group.
  5. The Amusement Park talked about most in the story *only amusement park*
  6. The tittle of chapter 3 "How are you _______ today?"
  7. The place that Shannon's older sister moved in the first book, *also talked about in the second book as well*
  8. What Shannon wants to be when she grows up
  9. What happens to Shannon's chin when she gets upset *also when she covers it*
  10. The main characters name
  11. a place to go to learn

22 Clues: a place to go to learnThe main characters nameWhat is the title of the bookWhat the boys called their new bandThe girl who moved away in chapter 2Shannon's family went on a _______ tripWhat Shannon wants to be when she grows upThe guy that Shannon liked in second gradeThe place where Shannon had her first summer job...

Friends Trivia 2022-07-30

Friends Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. - Monica's Son
  2. - Bought by Monica Fallola Geller
  3. - Enlarge a photo x400
  4. - Judy Geller insisted on riding
  5. - That's how they measure pants
  6. - got thrown in the lake
  7. - kindergarten flashbacks
  8. - Mama's Little Bakery
  9. - Gunther's alleged family name
  10. - two pizzas
  11. - Was given to Rachel by Monica
  12. - Chandler nickname
  13. - Hillary's Apartment
  14. - Got Ordained
  1. - Ceramic ornament at joey's apartment
  2. - Obsessed with marriage and babies
  4. - Near-Death Experience
  5. - not pizza without
  6. - like a hound
  7. - Joey's Boat
  8. - it is now but will get better later
  9. - Showed Ross's White Teeth
  10. - Rosse's Wedding
  11. - that's not even a word
  12. - Janitor
  13. - Gave the bings two presents
  14. - Covered while chandler was in a box

28 Clues: - Janitor- two pizzas- Joey's Boat- Monica's Son- OHH MYY GODD- like a hound- Got Ordained- Rosse's Wedding- not pizza without- Chandler nickname- Hillary's Apartment- Enlarge a photo x400- Mama's Little Bakery- Near-Death Experience- got thrown in the lake- that's not even a word- kindergarten flashbacks- Showed Ross's White Teeth...

Furry Friends 2022-06-28

Furry Friends crossword puzzle
  1. dolphins' kin
  2. inhabits a sty
  3. european bird
  4. honey producer
  5. flightless bird
  6. cat with stripes
  7. horse in the ocean
  8. sucks
  9. tailless amphibian
  10. eq. to water snake
  11. symbol of love
  12. cs language
  13. human who thinks they are an animal
  14. black and white
  15. stinging marine animal (2)
  16. extinct bird
  17. will stink if bothered
  18. signifies rebirth
  1. people; baby chicken
  2. feeds on arctic creatures
  3. phineas and ferb
  4. small marsupials
  5. female cervidae
  6. stinging marine animal (1)
  7. domesticated short leg creature
  8. american ideogram
  9. has a voluptuous mane
  10. cs software library
  11. now part of cboe
  12. akin to croc
  13. largest animal in bovidae family
  14. "_____" tank; tv

32 Clues: suckscs languageakin to crocextinct birddolphins' kineuropean birdinhabits a styhoney producersymbol of loveflightless birdfemale cervidaeblack and whitephineas and ferbsmall marsupialscat with stripesnow part of cboe"_____" tank; tvamerican ideogramsignifies rebirthhorse in the oceantailless amphibianeq. to water snakecs software library...

Gin friends 2021-07-21

Gin friends crossword puzzle
  1. where gin is kept
  2. world favourite drink
  3. sweet to eat or drink garnish
  4. gin royalty accessory
  5. people you invite to tastings
  6. drinking gin in
  7. a garnish for g&t
  8. popular sinkhole product
  9. named after wilma
  10. dried or blood
  1. another type of still
  2. popular brand
  3. pieces that fit
  4. fever
  5. type of still
  6. ingredient most gins have
  7. how gin is made
  8. gin country
  9. a blood relative
  10. a word containing gin

20 Clues: fevergin countrypopular brandtype of stilldried or bloodpieces that fithow gin is madedrinking gin ina blood relativewhere gin is kepta garnish for g&tnamed after wilmaanother type of stillworld favourite drinkgin royalty accessorya word containing ginpopular sinkhole productingredient most gins havesweet to eat or drink garnish...

MY FRIENDS 2020-04-01

MY FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. Who is most likely to be a poet?
  2. Who cries even in happy movies?
  3. Who is most likely to work for NASA?
  4. what did dilay make better than arda?
  5. Who is most likely to walk into a glass door?
  6. whats buraks fav hp character?
  7. arda? (thats it thats the question, you will figure it out)
  8. Who is most likely to do weird things in public?
  9. ceyda does which just dance so masterly?
  10. Who is most likely to be the first one to die in a zombie attack?
  11. Who has the most technical intelligence?
  12. who is the ghost of the group?
  1. Who is the most alcoholic person?
  2. barış went home in the new year with what?
  3. what is the most delicious thing in the world?
  4. where is feyzas sweatshirt? (this or it is burned)
  5. Who is most likely to be a gambler?
  6. batuhan can imitate which animal?
  7. whats dilans fav gazvoda beverage?
  8. what does şueda drink instead of water?

20 Clues: who is the ghost of the group?Who cries even in happy movies?whats buraks fav hp character?Who is most likely to be a poet?Who is the most alcoholic person?batuhan can imitate which animal?whats dilans fav gazvoda beverage?Who is most likely to be a gambler?Who is most likely to work for NASA?what did dilay make better than arda?...

4N Friends 2023-05-15

4N Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Kermit creator
  2. Future silkscreener and/or gem cutter
  3. Ballet queen
  4. Shark boy
  5. Her nickname involves a plane
  6. Spring, Summer, Winter
  7. French Ace
  8. scary flexible
  9. Has a passion for fashion
  10. BK
  11. origami master
  12. Lambert International Airport
  13. Epic Fortnite gamer
  1. Star Wars fan
  2. Negative self-talk enthusiast
  3. Kermit Club
  4. P$
  5. amazing gymnast
  6. Loves his chickens
  7. Space expert
  8. Chiefs biggest fan
  9. Cosplay Queen
  10. BTS
  11. Librarian and future author

24 Clues: P$BKBTSShark boyFrench AceKermit ClubBallet queenSpace expertStar Wars fanCosplay QueenKermit creatorscary flexibleorigami masteramazing gymnastLoves his chickensChiefs biggest fanEpic Fortnite gamerSpring, Summer, WinterHas a passion for fashionLibrarian and future authorNegative self-talk enthusiastHer nickname involves a plane...

4S Friends 2023-05-15

4S Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Always reminds me to do the Friday dance
  2. Brought in a little human to share
  3. Has impeccable handwriting
  4. Looks great with sideburns
  5. Loves to go horseback riding
  6. Our 4th grade egg
  7. loves to dance
  8. Swims all year long
  9. Has an older and a younger brother
  10. An amazing gymnast
  11. A Swiftie
  12. her WHOLE family is at Community
  1. An amazing comic author
  2. A little bit dramatic
  3. An amazing speller
  4. Batman rain coat
  5. Always wearing a hat
  6. obsessed with books
  7. Hot dogs biggest fan
  8. Best friends with Gilbert
  9. Hit through the cycle
  10. Loves to read in trees
  11. I think their favorite color is pink

23 Clues: A Swiftieloves to danceBatman rain coatOur 4th grade eggAn amazing spellerAn amazing gymnastobsessed with booksSwims all year longAlways wearing a hatHot dogs biggest fanA little bit dramaticHit through the cycleLoves to read in treesAn amazing comic authorBest friends with GilbertHas impeccable handwritingLooks great with sideburns...

My Friends 2023-04-01

My Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Draco Malfoy Simp
  2. Brainly
  3. Therapist
  4. Best Advice
  5. House Crew
  6. Tech
  7. Tennis
  8. Neo
  9. Haunted House
  10. Abs Man
  1. Makeup
  2. Hair
  3. Louie
  4. Stich
  5. Rich
  6. Beautiful
  7. Dumb____
  8. Him<3
  9. Future Singer
  10. Victoria
  11. All Black
  12. Choir

22 Clues: NeoHairRichTechLouieStichHim<3ChoirMakeupTennisBrainlyAbs ManDumb____VictoriaBeautifulTherapistAll BlackHouse CrewBest AdviceFuture SingerHaunted HouseDraco Malfoy Simp

Friends Crossword 2023-12-01

Friends Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. טועה
  2. מצטער-מתחרט
  3. סוד
  4. עוד יותר
  5. כועס
  6. לפרוץ
  7. להקה
  8. עסוק מדי
  9. הכי טוב
  10. צריך לעשות
  11. עצה
  12. מסכים
  1. אמון
  2. משקר
  3. מתכוון
  4. לבד
  5. להתפרץ
  6. אמיתי
  7. להתפרק
  8. קרה
  9. מראיין
  10. גילה
  11. אותו הדבר
  12. צוחק

24 Clues: לבדסודקרהעצהאמוןטועהמשקרכועסלהקהגילהצוחקאמיתילפרוץמסכיםמתכווןלהתפרץלהתפרקמראייןהכי טובעוד יותרעסוק מדיאותו הדברצריך לעשותמצטער-מתחרט

False friends 2024-08-22

False friends crossword puzzle
  1. beczka
  2. obskurny
  3. dane
  4. pasażer, lokator
  5. okupant
  6. dziki
  7. paragon
  8. frekwencja
  9. dyrygent
  10. częstotliwość
  11. gospodarka
  12. prowizja
  1. niejasny
  2. ekonomia
  3. kryminał
  4. kaprys
  5. batuta
  6. śmiertelny
  7. bieda
  8. przyczepa kempingowa
  9. aspekt
  10. glina
  11. uprzejmy

23 Clues: danedzikibiedaglinabeczkakaprysbatutaaspektokupantparagonniejasnyekonomiakryminałobskurnydyrygentuprzejmyprowizjaśmiertelnyfrekwencjagospodarkaczęstotliwośćpasażer, lokatorprzyczepa kempingowa

ESL Friends 2024-05-06

ESL Friends crossword puzzle
  1. will visit West Palm Beach the end of May
  2. from Nicaragua
  3. will go to Yellowstone in August
  4. will go to Serbia in June
  5. knitted scrubbers for ESL ladies
  6. competed training as a nail technician
  7. visited Mt. Rushmore a few weeks ago
  8. gave a presentation at ESL on Czech Republic
  9. will travel to Indonesia this summer
  10. husband's name is Eiichi
  1. will be in China June and July
  2. will spend 3 weeks in Brazil this summer
  3. will move to Virginia soon
  4. will move to Florida soon
  5. has a son named Jojo
  6. birthday is July 17
  7. has a son named Anthony
  8. has a 3rd grade daughter named Mitsuki
  9. has a daughter named Glory
  10. helped LeeAnn teach crochet on Wednesday

20 Clues: from Nicaraguabirthday is July 17has a son named Jojohas a son named Anthonyhusband's name is Eiichiwill move to Florida soonwill go to Serbia in Junewill move to Virginia soonhas a daughter named Glorywill be in China June and Julywill go to Yellowstone in Augustknitted scrubbers for ESL ladiesvisited Mt. Rushmore a few weeks ago...

CFR Friends - 2024-11-11

CFR Friends - crossword puzzle
  2. Shopping ya once a week!
  3. ______ is her name, fundraising is her game!
  4. Writing all day long to get us some $$
  5. We gon save that money!
  6. Check Lady!
  7. She will find you and everyone ya know a job
  8. EFAP Queen!
  9. Social Media Legend!
  10. You can hear her laugh anywhere!
  11. Money, Money, Money!
  12. How many calls did we have in the past 2 weeks?
  13. Need some nutrition facts?
  1. Resources are her jam!
  2. Our Clienttrack expert.
  3. Housing wouldn't be the same without her!
  4. My social committee partner in crime
  5. Rapidly getting these clients housed!
  6. Yours truly.
  7. Keeping the apartments in check!
  8. Mrs. Boss Lady
  9. Tomorrow is her last day :(
  11. She was a minion on Halloween!

24 Clues: Check Lady!EFAP Queen!Yours truly.Mrs. Boss LadyOH LUCCYYYYYYYSocial Media Legend!Money, Money, Money!Resources are her jam!Our Clienttrack expert.We gon save that money!TODAY IS HER LAST DAY :(Shopping ya once a week!Need some nutrition facts?Tomorrow is her last day :(She was a minion on Halloween!Keeping the apartments in check!...

Fozzie & Friends 2024-11-24

Fozzie & Friends crossword puzzle
  1. You need to be a baller to afford this dog toy
  2. Garage spaceholder
  3. It’s like tv, but in real life.
  4. Dolce doggo treat
  5. Like Fozzie in the Winter
  6. Canadian treats worth fighting over
  7. Roadtrip reading material
  8. “Are you ready to go … Hard Lee.”
  9. Powerboat party island
  10. Hikeable locale in flipflops
  11. Locale of the best yard in the whole city
  12. Dog nicknames X 2
  13. Summer spritz aperitif
  14. Our (sold) Eddie Bower edition
  15. “Hi, I’m James. Do you like ….?”
  16. What Elaine never has, but James always does
  17. Best way to shower
  18. The number two racing car
  19. “A pocket full of ….” OR Banff adjacent ski locale
  20. James’ branded work attire
  21. “Grand …, MN” according to Geoff’s mom
  1. Makes my conferences seem small
  2. Kamview trail that’s gone to the dogs
  3. James’ party prep focus that floods Elaine with fear
  4. The vehicle that caused some unexpected beach camping in Worthington Bay
  5. When they’re closed, they’re still awesome
  6. Our sacred Saturday ritual
  7. “Bring the Thunder” channel
  8. A great trail, if you can stay on it
  9. She’s the (original) most wonderful girl
  10. Thunder Bay luxury vehicle
  11. It’s a boat, not a vacuum cleaner
  12. 12 hours after the time we start our drive to Sudbury
  13. All weekend meal menu when Elaine is away
  14. Favourite thing to compliment Elaine on
  15. James’ forever screensaver
  16. A true playfield angel
  17. An impossible crib hand
  18. Highway to home
  19. Mr. Hunt
  20. What we watch (recorded) on a Sun.

41 Clues: Mr. HuntHighway to homeDolce doggo treatDog nicknames X 2Garage spaceholderBest way to showerPowerboat party islandSummer spritz aperitifA true playfield angelAn impossible crib handLike Fozzie in the WinterRoadtrip reading materialThe number two racing carOur sacred Saturday ritualThunder Bay luxury vehicleJames’ forever screensaver...

Fozzie & Friends 2024-11-24

Fozzie & Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Our (sold) Eddie Bower edition
  2. James’ party prep focus that floods Elaine with fear
  3. Summer spritz aperitif
  4. It’s a boat, not a vacuum cleaner
  5. A great trail, if you can stay on it
  6. Lazy Sunday card game
  7. She’s the (original) most wonderful girl
  8. Powerboat party island
  9. You need to be a baller to afford this dog toy
  10. What Elaine never has, but James always does
  11. The other half of BARK BARK
  12. Kamview trail that’s gone to the dogs
  13. “Bring the Thunder” channel
  14. James’ forever screensaver
  15. Like Fozzie in the Winter
  16. The vehicle that caused some unexpected beach camping in Worthington Bay
  17. “Grand …, MN” according to Geoff’s mom
  18. Best way to shower
  19. “A pocket full of ….” OR Banff adjacent ski locale
  20. Garage spaceholder
  1. Thunder Bay luxury vehicle
  2. All weekend meal menu when Elaine is away
  3. What we watch (recorded) on a Sun.
  4. “Hi, I’m James. Do you like ….?”
  5. Locale of the best yard in the whole city
  6. The number two racing car
  7. Mr. Hunt
  8. When they’re closed, they’re still awesome
  9. Hikeable locale in flipflops
  10. Dolce doggo treat
  11. Canadian treats worth fighting over
  12. Makes my conferences seem small
  13. It’s like tv, but in real life.
  14. Roadtrip reading material
  15. Highway to home
  16. 12 hours after the time we start our drive to Sudbury
  17. A true playfield angel
  18. “Are you ready to go … Hard Lee.”
  19. Our sacred Saturday ritual
  20. James’ branded work attire

40 Clues: Mr. HuntHighway to homeDolce doggo treatBest way to showerGarage spaceholderLazy Sunday card gameSummer spritz aperitifPowerboat party islandA true playfield angelThe number two racing carRoadtrip reading materialLike Fozzie in the WinterThunder Bay luxury vehicleOur sacred Saturday ritualJames’ forever screensaverJames’ branded work attire...

Star Friends 2024-12-17

Star Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Mia does not like __________, because she thinks she is judgemental.
  2. Willow has an amazing sense of ________, she can ________ when there are shades around
  3. Somebody put a spell on the meadow making it _________.
  4. Some mysterious source of power.
  5. It goes up and down, back and forth.
  6. Lexi has a _________ to climb really fast
  7. The girls are sceptical about _________.
  8. They go to a _________ to see who won.
  9. Each girl has a special animal called a __________.
  10. The girls think Alice is conjuring __________.
  11. it is sandy and wet, but everybody loves it.
  12. Mia can see the ________, but she needs a mirror otherwise it doesn’t work
  13. The girls hang out somewhere hidden away in the ___________.
  14. There are many ways to answer a problem and it’s called a __________.
  15. The girls have found ___________: something that might help you find something or solve a problem and/or mystery.
  16. When people get mad at each other about something.
  17. Juniper has a ________ for Lexi
  1. Lizzie doesn’t gudge Mia and Lexi because she thinks they are _________.
  2. The girls go to a store that is called ___________.
  3. Everybody has them; sometimes you have them when you are little.
  4. The girls are trying to figure out a mystery, it’s almost like they are ____________.
  5. Bracken feels ________ when Mia goes to school
  6. Mia’s favorite café that she only goes to on special occasions is called ___________.
  7. Sita can _________ people so they are not grumpy
  8. Violet can _________ through the shadows
  9. Alice goes to collect _________.
  10. The girls notice something wrong about the ___________.
  11. the shades _________ Sita.
  12. When Mia looks through the mirror she sees crystals and ___________.
  13. Sorrel can ________ when shades are near

30 Clues: the shades _________ Sita.Juniper has a ________ for LexiSome mysterious source of power.Alice goes to collect _________.It goes up and down, back and forth.They go to a _________ to see who won.The girls are sceptical about _________.Violet can _________ through the shadowsSorrel can ________ when shades are near...

FALSE FRIENDS 2021-03-08

FALSE FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. It doesn't mean lame
  2. It doesn't mean preservativi
  3. It doesn't mean cesto
  4. It doesn't mean parenti
  5. It doesn't mean terrificante
  6. It doesn't mean libreria
  7. It doesn't mean pavimento
  8. It doesn't mean romanzo
  9. It doesn't mean eventualmente
  10. It doesn't mean incidente
  11. It doesn't mean pretendere
  1. It doesn't mean argomento
  2. It doesn't mean bravo
  3. It doesn't mean aggiustare
  4. It doesn't mean rumore
  5. It doesn't mean annoiare
  6. It doesn't mean attuale
  7. It doesn't mean domandare
  8. It doesn't mean notizia
  9. It doesn't mean estate

20 Clues: It doesn't mean lameIt doesn't mean bravoIt doesn't mean cestoIt doesn't mean rumoreIt doesn't mean estateIt doesn't mean parentiIt doesn't mean attualeIt doesn't mean romanzoIt doesn't mean notiziaIt doesn't mean libreriaIt doesn't mean annoiareIt doesn't mean argomentoIt doesn't mean pavimentoIt doesn't mean domandareIt doesn't mean incidente...

False Friends 2021-01-12

False Friends crossword puzzle
  1. – spjut
  2. – var, vore (plural)
  3. – dock, fastän
  4. – lås
  5. – dare
  6. – hål
  7. – slöseri
  8. – färga
  9. (We are) – vi är
  10. – hela, helhet
  11. – sin, dess
  12. – tråg
  13. – en gång,
  14. – titta
  15. – där
  16. – henne, hennes
  17. – med
  18. – Inte ett ord..
  19. - av, från, bort, helt, ur, iväg
  20. - tyst
  21. – ohederlig
  22. – uns, gnutta
  23. - sedan, då
  24. – snarlik, ganska, alldeles
  25. – skickat
  26. – he is
  27. – än
  28. (they are) – de är
  1. – öl
  2. – extra (spare time = fritid)
  3. – dö
  4. – rouge (smink)
  5. – inte ett ord
  6. – ljuga
  7. – i, med, till, vid
  8. – tuff
  9. – fräta
  10. – öre
  11. – endast, sula
  12. – bar (som att någon är bar/utan kläder)
  13. – här
  14. – björn
  15. – tänka, tänk
  16. – vart, var (plats)
  17. – vilket
  18. – på
  19. – själ
  20. - häxa
  21. – igenom
  22. – ett
  23. – till, på
  24. – skurk, bov, bandit
  25. – inte ett ord….
  26. – för, också, även
  27. – lukt
  28. – dinera
  29. – föl
  30. – midja
  31. – hans
  32. – inte ett ord på engelska.
  33. - deras
  34. (It is) – det är
  35. – neka

63 Clues: – öl– dö– på– än– lås– öre– hål– här– ett– där– med– föl– tuff– dare– själ- häxa– tråg– lukt- tyst– hans– neka– spjut– ljuga– fräta– björn– färga– titta– midja- deras– he is– vilket– igenom– dinera– slöseri– skickat– en gång,– till, på– sin, dess– ohederlig- sedan, då– tänka, tänk– uns, gnutta– dock, fastän– inte ett ord– endast, sula– hela, helhet...

Cet86M1 friends 2020-12-15

Cet86M1 friends crossword puzzle
  1. one of two grandfathers in our class (6)
  2. A studious guy from Kundara Kollam, now abroad (7)
  3. Left us for heavenly abode in mid 90s (10)
  4. Father of the only twins boys of cet86m1 family (5)
  5. Father of the only twins girls of cet86m1 family (6)
  6. Along with Easaw they are in a satisfying profession (5)
  7. Manoj is a good ___ (7)
  8. Most of our Trivandrum friends work here (4)
  9. Former Kerala state cricket player (5)
  10. Works in senior position in an ERP co. (6)
  11. Recently had a surgical procedure done on him (3)
  12. Suresh at 56 is already a ____ from govt service(7)
  1. Pappan lives in this town in Central Travancore (8)
  2. Harikumar lived most of his time in this continent (6)
  3. Lives with family in Canada (4)
  4. The other grandfather in our class (3)
  5. Works in oil and gas industry in Oman (6)
  6. Works in the oil and gas industry in Qatar (5)
  7. Owned a Maruti motorbike while in college (4)
  8. He works with the Dettol Europe (5)

20 Clues: Manoj is a good ___ (7)Lives with family in Canada (4)The other grandfather in our class (3)Former Kerala state cricket player (5)one of two grandfathers in our class (6)Works in oil and gas industry in Oman (6)He works with the Dettol Europe (5)Left us for heavenly abode in mid 90s (10)Works in senior position in an ERP co. (6)...

Cet86M1 friends 2020-12-15

Cet86M1 friends crossword puzzle
  1. one of two grandfathers in our class (6)
  2. A studious guy from Kundara Kollam, now abroad (7)
  3. Left us for heavenly abode in mid 90s (10)
  4. Father of the only twins boys of cet86m1 family (5)
  5. Father of the only twins girls of cet86m1 family (6)
  6. Along with Easaw they are in a satisfying profession (5)
  7. Manoj is a good ___ (7)
  8. Most of our Trivandrum friends work here (4)
  9. Former Kerala state cricket player (5)
  10. Works in senior position in an ERP co. (6)
  11. Recently had a surgical procedure done on him (3)
  12. Suresh at 56 is already a ____ from govt service(7)
  1. Pappan lives in this town in Central Travancore (8)
  2. Harikumar lived most of his time in this continent (6)
  3. Lives with family in Canada (4)
  4. The other grandfather in our class (3)
  5. Works in oil and gas industry in Oman (6)
  6. Works in the oil and gas industry in Qatar (5)
  7. Owned a Suzuki motorbike while in college (4)
  8. He works with the Dettol Europe (5)

20 Clues: Manoj is a good ___ (7)Lives with family in Canada (4)The other grandfather in our class (3)Former Kerala state cricket player (5)one of two grandfathers in our class (6)Works in oil and gas industry in Oman (6)He works with the Dettol Europe (5)Left us for heavenly abode in mid 90s (10)Works in senior position in an ERP co. (6)...

Ditat & Friends 2020-02-28

Ditat & Friends crossword puzzle
  1. “How do you like your ____”
  2. Acronym used to describe us in high school
  3. You known the food is good if you’re doing this while eating
  4. Everyday item, nickname for one of us
  5. Old friend who chugs beer and listens to hard rock
  6. Nick once famously turned into this animal
  7. Pete’s least favorite place on earth
  8. A half-assed laugh incepted in high school
  9. Nickname of Marco ex-gf
  10. The Homeland
  11. Nick and Steve’s short lived business venture
  12. You should always be nice to this person
  13. “The next huge social media platform”
  14. Employee of Seaside boardwalk
  15. Commonly found on first floor of 828
  16. Hairstyle once worn by Jared
  17. Acronym referencing Marco’s anatomy
  18. Gabe once got stuck in one
  19. Liptak’s shits
  20. Color of Nick’s hair in middle school
  1. Flavor of ice cream once demanded in Vermont
  2. Beard style once worn by Jared
  3. Jackie Chan’s favorite drink
  4. Seinfeld, Garcia
  5. Liptak, Evan, and Jared
  6. Basketball player commonly associated with Liptak
  7. Reason for southbound traffic on Sunday nights
  8. Jesus’s favorite restaurant
  9. An Albany sandwich staple
  10. End of week college gathering
  11. Famous AAU playcall
  12. Brand of shampoo bottles found at bottom of 828 bathtubs
  13. One of Alfons’s occupations
  14. Game invented to hit stick Quinn
  15. Jared’s apartment
  16. Marco’s social media of choice
  17. Animal associated with an Evan nickname
  18. “If it’s not ____, it’s healthy”

38 Clues: The HomelandLiptak’s shitsSeinfeld, GarciaJared’s apartmentFamous AAU playcallLiptak, Evan, and JaredNickname of Marco ex-gfAn Albany sandwich stapleGabe once got stuck in one“How do you like your ____”Jesus’s favorite restaurantOne of Alfons’s occupationsJackie Chan’s favorite drinkHairstyle once worn by JaredEnd of week college gathering...

3L friends 2020-05-17

3L friends crossword puzzle
  1. sporty dresser
  2. really artistic
  3. art loving girl
  4. spent 4 months in Australia
  5. had a b day two days ago
  6. ice skater
  7. loves dragons
  8. new from California
  9. mathematician
  10. loves basketball
  11. last name rhymes with Pond
  12. Teacher!
  1. good friends with Belle
  2. Funniest kid in the class
  3. loves video games
  4. first name rhymes with Go
  5. birthday today
  6. great gymnast
  7. invented the Gaga Cuff
  8. loves cats
  9. moved to a different state
  10. awesome gymnast
  11. also loves dragons
  12. climber
  13. one of the three twins in the class
  14. invented the Water Recycler
  15. a twin as well
  16. loves PE
  17. loves Harry Potter

29 Clues: climberloves PETeacher!loves catsice skatergreat gymnastloves dragonsmathematiciansporty dresserbirthday todaya twin as wellreally artisticawesome gymnastart loving girlloves basketballloves video gamesalso loves dragonsloves Harry Potternew from Californiainvented the Gaga Cuffgood friends with Bellehad a b day two days ago...

Brooks+Friends 2021-05-22

Brooks+Friends crossword puzzle
  1. Psych's cat but real
  2. Quirky dad of the Armstrongs
  3. retarded red dog
  4. Brooks's close friends that have a bird
  5. quickest reader Anderson child
  6. the best helper when babysitting
  7. the Armstrong kid that can't have gluten
  8. the people with all the pets
  9. Handy man Robertson
  10. mom of the brooks'
  11. The anderson backyard neighbors
  12. The blonde quiet robertson kid
  13. if a zebra were an Anderson child
  14. dad of the brooks'
  15. A white mean chicken
  1. colorful bird pet
  2. pips perch while they're on the computer
  3. Mom of the Armstrongs
  4. Percy Jackson obsessed kid in the brooks family
  5. over loving yellow dog
  6. video gamer child in the brooks family
  7. Armstrong's cat but its named after food
  8. bearded guy in the Anderson's
  9. fattest rabbit
  10. most flexible brooks kid
  11. racer rabbit
  12. Kaylee and Kendra babysit these kids of this family
  13. nicknamed "mama bear" in young womens
  14. pip's real favorite
  15. grey rabbit
  16. the robertson way too young to have had 8 girlfriends
  17. robertson cat that rhymes with jinx
  18. Kevins friend thats a robertson
  19. Percy Jackson but a dog
  20. wild child brooks kid
  21. the scarily smart Armstrong kid

36 Clues: grey rabbitracer rabbitfattest rabbitretarded red dogcolorful bird petmom of the brooks'dad of the brooks'Handy man Robertsonpip's real favoritePsych's cat but realA white mean chickenMom of the Armstrongswild child brooks kidover loving yellow dogPercy Jackson but a dogmost flexible brooks kidQuirky dad of the Armstrongs...

FALSE FRIENDS 2021-07-05

FALSE FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  5. - PLATEIA
  9. - VIDEIRA
  11. - IMPOSTO
  3. - PAI/MÃE
  6. - TECIDO
  7. - LENDA
  8. - SACADA
  9. - REVISTA
  10. - SENSATO


Two Friends 2022-04-20

Two Friends crossword puzzle
  1. surrounded by armed forces aiming to capture it or force surrender.
  2. make a military observation
  3. anything that interrupts the chronological order of the narrative to take the reader back in time to the past events in a character’s life
  4. hinting to what will happen in the story before it actually happens
  5. language that stimulates the reader’s senses; usually evoked through touch, taste, sight, smell, and sound
  6. the conversations held between the characters of the short story
  7. inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, capable.
  1. a person who sells cloth and dry goods.
  2. enthusiastic or passionate.
  3. stand astride over; span or straddle.
  4. a potent green aniseed-flavored alcoholic spirit
  5. intense or violent pain and struggle
  6. in the moment
  7. serenely free of interruption or disturbance
  8. in a warm and friendly way.
  9. move in a circular way.
  10. what happens to the character after the resolution of the conflict
  11. a small edible European freshwater fish, often used as bait by anglers.
  12. a feeling that can refer to the emotional state of mind of a person/character or the atmosphere of a story
  13. impress (someone) so much that they become silent or inhibited.

20 Clues: in the momentmove in a circular way.enthusiastic or passionate.make a military observationin a warm and friendly way.intense or violent pain and strugglestand astride over; span or straddle.a person who sells cloth and dry goods.serenely free of interruption or disturbancea potent green aniseed-flavored alcoholic spirit...

False friends 2019-11-15

False friends crossword puzzle
  1. The ___________ (Bedeutung) of the word
  2. English for beweisen.
  3. The ____________ (Mörder) committed the
  4. the person directing a film
  5. English for engagiert
  6. I ___________ worked for my exam, that's why I failed.
  7. After the accident he had severe physical and ____________ problems.
  8. English for konkret.
  9. another word or really
  10. If you ____________ from a political position
  11. You should have a ___________ (Konzept) if
  12. English for nicht dürfen.
  1. you want to introduce your _____________ (Idee).
  2. I want to ___________ (werden) a teacher
  3. up you ____________ (aufgeben) your work as a politician.
  4. (Mord) on the president.
  5. the boss of a school
  6. English for Handy
  7. English for Kritik
  8. English for anständig (d___)
  9. _____________ (Meinung) is not always clear.
  10. In contrast to his brother he was a very _____________ (sympathisch) guy.
  11. I worked very __________ for my exam, that's why I passed.
  12. the person above in hierarchy in my company
  13. English for Geschenk
  14. conscious A synonym for shy.

26 Clues: English for HandyEnglish for Kritikthe boss of a schoolEnglish for konkret.English for GeschenkEnglish for beweisen.English for engagiertanother word or really(Mord) on the president.English for nicht dürfen.the person directing a filmEnglish for anständig (d___)conscious A synonym for shy.The ___________ (Bedeutung) of the word...

605 FRIENDS 2012-10-18

605 FRIENDS crossword puzzle


Animal Friends 2013-05-29

Animal Friends crossword puzzle
  1. The first summer month
  2. You swim in the ...
  3. Sam is a...
  4. A man made of snow
  5. Ozzy is a...
  6. I ... my bike every day
  7. You cook there
  8. You buy food there
  9. They fly
  10. He lives in a farm
  11. Anna is a...
  12. John is a...
  13. Robert is a...
  14. An Australian animal
  1. eat it in the summer
  2. One, two, ...
  3. You read a...
  4. A castle made of sand
  5. The Greek flag is blue and...
  6. Time for bed
  7. You sleep there
  8. You wash there
  9. Pella is a...
  10. The colour of the sky
  11. Cows make...

25 Clues: They flySam is a...Ozzy is a...Time for bedAnna is a...John is a...Cows make...One, two, ...You read a...Pella is a...You cook thereYou wash thereRobert is a...You sleep thereA man made of snowYou buy food thereHe lives in a farmYou swim in the ...An Australian animalA castle made of sandThe colour of the skyThe first summer month...

making friends 2014-09-05

making friends crossword puzzle
  1. velho
  2. as vezes
  3. compania
  4. 22
  5. cerveja
  6. presidente
  7. mais jovens
  8. algum dia
  9. uma coisa
  10. of coffee copo de café
  11. filha
  12. irmã
  13. quem
  14. go vamos lá
  1. solteiro
  2. irmão
  3. amanhã
  4. fome
  5. próximo
  6. sede
  7. 31
  8. eat para comer
  9. mais
  10. 17
  11. felissimo
  12. menino
  13. anos
  14. curioso
  15. be estarei la

29 Clues: 223117fomesedemaisanosirmãquemirmãovelhofilhaamanhãmeninopróximocervejacuriososolteiroas vezescompaniaalgum diauma coisafelissimopresidentemais jovensgo vamos lábe estarei laeat para comerof coffee copo de café

Friends S01E01 2023-10-23

Friends S01E01 crossword puzzle
  1. a type of glove with a single part for all the fingers and a separate part for the thumb
  2. a light, or a radio or radar signal that is put somewhere to warn or guide people, ships, vehicles, or aircraft
  3. to force a small amount of saliva(or blood, drink, etc.) out of your mouth
  4. a large round part on someone’s back
  5. a person you go out with in a romantic way
  6. a place where people are kept as a punishment for a crime they have committed
  7. a hairpiece that covers only a bald part of your head
  8. a problem or worry that somebody has with something
  9. very great or strong; having or showing strong feelings or emotions
  10. the particular taste of a food or drink
  11. soft, white rock made into white or colored sticks used for writing or drawing
  12. the front window of a vehicle (e.g. a car)
  1. extremely bad or serious
  2. a word or phrase that means one thing and is used for referring to another thing in order to emphasize their similar qualities
  3. very beautiful or attractive
  4. very bad or unpleasant
  5. completely
  6. a vehicle that is pulled by animals and used for traveling over snow
  7. a small animal (reptile) with a long tail and rough skin that lives mainly in hot places
  8. very strange or unusual and difficult to explain
  9. by chance or by mistake; in a way that wasn’t planned or intended

21 Clues: completelyvery bad or unpleasantextremely bad or seriousvery beautiful or attractivea large round part on someone’s backthe particular taste of a food or drinka person you go out with in a romantic waythe front window of a vehicle (e.g. a car)very strange or unusual and difficult to explaina problem or worry that somebody has with something...

friends. empire 2022-06-10

friends. empire crossword puzzle
  1. - беспокоить
  2. пробный
  3. - обращать внимание
  4. - бесполезный
  5. - повиси ( на проводе)
  6. - обещать
  7. - это заняло два часа
  8. - заканчивается время
  9. - сценарий
  10. - вешать трубку
  11. - как бы грубый
  12. - окружать
  13. - настолько много она может
  1. - без обид
  2. - кричать
  3. - конечно же да
  4. - убийственная работа
  5. как ты смеешь
  6. - предложить
  7. - прогон
  8. - большая часть недели
  9. - кстати
  10. - отодвинуть
  11. - снабжать

24 Clues: пробный- прогон- кстати- кричать- обещать- без обид- сценарий- снабжать- окружать- беспокоить- предложить- отодвинуть- бесполезныйкак ты смеешь- конечно же да- вешать трубку- как бы грубый- обращать внимание- убийственная работа- это заняло два часа- заканчивается время- повиси ( на проводе)- большая часть недели- настолько много она может

Zodiac Friends 2023-03-24

Zodiac Friends crossword puzzle
  5. CHIEF
  6. STONE
  8. SPACE
  2. MARS
  5. FIRE


False Friends 2023-03-05

False Friends crossword puzzle
  1. f
  2. a
  3. y1
  4. p
  5. o1
  6. i
  7. d1
  8. q
  9. m1
  10. h
  11. t1
  12. u
  13. n
  14. z
  15. c1
  16. r1
  17. q1
  18. v
  19. r
  20. a1
  21. x
  22. y
  23. n1
  24. k1
  25. s
  26. t
  1. b
  2. g1
  3. l1
  4. b1
  5. w1
  6. e
  7. f1
  8. h1
  9. x1
  10. j
  11. g
  12. l
  13. v1
  14. e1
  15. o
  16. i1
  17. c
  18. u1
  19. k
  20. j1
  21. m
  22. d
  23. p1
  24. w

50 Clues: bfeapjgilqohunczkmvdrxyswtg1l1b1w1f1h1y1x1o1d1v1e1m1t1i1u1c1r1j1q1a1n1p1k1

Friends Crossword 2024-09-01

Friends Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Carol's wife (5)
  2. Monica and Ross' childhood dog (3,3)
  3. Viva Las ______ (6)
  4. Where Chandler told Janice he was moving to (5)
  5. Name of the coffee house (7,4)
  6. The amount of pages in Rachel's letter to Ross (8)
  7. Joey's catchphrase (3,3,4)
  8. Monica's apartment number (6)
  9. Ross' son (3)
  10. Monica wanted a haircut like her (4,5)
  11. Food that Ross is allergic to (4)
  12. Name of the restaurant where Monica works (11)
  13. Rachel's prom date (4)
  14. Monica, Ross & Rachel's high school (7)
  15. Colour of the couch at the coffee house (6)
  16. Pheobe's song (6,3)
  17. Rachel accidentally put this in the trifle (4)
  18. Who is obsessed with Rachel? (7)
  19. Ross' third wife (6)
  20. Monica had a boyfriend addicted to _______ (7)
  21. Monica & Chandlers son (4)
  22. Who lived below Monica & Rachel? (2,7)
  23. Brad Pitt's character (4)
  24. Barry's profession (12)
  25. Chandlers crazy roommate (5)
  26. Joey's toy penguins name (5)
  27. Chandler's middle name (6)
  28. Phoebe's most hated store (7,4)
  29. Joey's favourite food (10)
  1. County where Monica & Chandler decide to move (11)
  2. The woman Ross & Joey both date (7)
  3. Monica got a pencil stuck in this part of her body (3)
  4. Bald woman at the beach (6)
  5. Band who sing the opening theme song (3,10)
  6. Rachel's surname (5)
  7. Phoebe's twin (6)
  8. Game that Chandler invented to give Joey money (4)
  9. Chandler's mothers name (4)
  10. Oh My God! (6)
  11. Phoebe's car (4)
  12. Dr Drake Ramoray's profession (5,7)
  13. Ross shouts this
  14. Phoebe's dad (5)
  15. The last line spoken in the series (5)
  16. Phoebe's occupation (8)
  17. Number of sisters Joey has (5)
  18. Chandler has three of these (7)
  19. Which character had a failed spin off show? (4)
  20. The game show Joey appears on (10)
  21. Ross' monkey (6)
  22. What Ross says the trifle tastes like (4)
  23. Monica & Chandlers daughter (5)
  24. Joey's agent (7)
  25. Chick and a ___ (4)
  26. Rachel's childhood dog (2,4)
  27. Rachel's fear (6)
  28. Elle MacPherson's character (6)
  29. Tom Selleck's character (7)
  30. Phoebe found one in her soda can (5)
  31. Emma's first word (5)
  32. Who mugged Ross as a kid? (6)
  33. How many seasons of Friends? (3)

62 Clues: Ross' son (3)Oh My God! (6)Carol's wife (5)Phoebe's car (4)Ross shouts thisPhoebe's dad (5)Ross' monkey (6)Joey's agent (7)Phoebe's twin (6)Rachel's fear (6)Viva Las ______ (6)Pheobe's song (6,3)Chick and a ___ (4)Rachel's surname (5)Ross' third wife (6)Emma's first word (5)Rachel's prom date (4)Phoebe's occupation (8)Barry's profession (12)...

Classmates & Friends 2024-06-18

Classmates & Friends crossword puzzle
  1. is from Argentina and new to our class. We need to find out more...
  2. likes music, dancing, laughter, her children and the students she feeds at UNL.
  3. his nickname is "Z" and he came in wearing a disguise the last time we saw him -- a full beard!
  4. love reading and music - piano, guitar, as well as family and church
  5. is due in July; likes being outside and cooking when everyone can be home
  6. bikes, likes Love library at UNL, plays soccer with friends from church
  7. doesn't like his job very much. He's super smart and friendly and usually the first person to arrive!
  8. is from Iraq. He is a new student also.
  9. is from Ecuador and is also new to our class. We will find out more about her also.
  10. is from Kyrgystan/Iraq and is married to Susan. He was a colonel in Iraq, in charge of 300 men.
  1. is from Ethiopia but we haven't seen much of her lately. She is friendly and generous.
  2. born in Minnesota. Has lived in Iowa, Nebraska, S. Dakota and Pennsylvania. Loves nature and animals and laughter. Hobbies include guinea pigs, her dog Delilah and writing. Wants to begin biking again.
  3. her name sounds like you are saying "Good-bye!" in French. She has a husband who travels and was recently in China. She also has a child.
  4. has a husband who can cook and bake! Family is the most important thing. She likes to take walks, go to the theatre and church.
  5. lost some people he was very much connected to and loved recently. His voice is very quiet but with his friends, he is LOUD!
  6. his work is exhausting but he enjoys playing with his 3 year old son, Oliver
  7. likes to be outside, and sometimes likes to cook
  8. is also very fond of her family. They enjoy having breakfast together on the weekends. She likes to travel and learn new things. She's curious to find out about everything. She has an active 5 year old son, Samuel.
  9. values family, cooking, spending time outdoors, travel, gardening and enjoys decorating too.
  10. is from Iraq and is also new. We need to ask questions to find out more.
  11. insists he is shy but we know he is the opposite. He likes to make everyone laugh. He pretends he can't do sonething to avoid work.

21 Clues: is from Iraq. He is a new student also.likes to be outside, and sometimes likes to cookis from Argentina and new to our class. We need to find out reading and music - piano, guitar, as well as family and churchbikes, likes Love library at UNL, plays soccer with friends from church...

Friends Forever 2024-07-30

Friends Forever crossword puzzle
  1. Precious invites Babalwa to a party a Thabiso's _____.
  2. The principal is Mr _____.
  3. Precious invites Babalwa to a _____ at her house.
  4. She comes from a _____ in the Eastern Cape.
  5. Precious posts the photo of Babalwa on _____.
  6. Babalwa has to steal Miss _____'s phone.
  7. Follows the girls around and does what they say.
  8. Town The story is set in _____.
  9. Babalwa uses the money her mother gave her for school and _____ to buy clothes.
  10. _____ is Babalwa's friend from home.
  11. _____ is the new guy in school.
  12. Babalwa shares a room with her.
  1. Anathi's _____ is ill.
  2. Precious wants to give Babalwa a _____ so she would fit in.
  3. The story is told by a _____ person narrator.
  4. Babalwa is the _____ character.
  5. Precious is friends with Asiphe, Zikhona and _____.
  6. Anathi's nickname for Babalwa.
  7. "Babalwa felt like a tortoise without its shell" is a _____.
  8. Babalwa said she _____ the phone outside.
  9. Everyone blames _____ for the stolen phone.
  10. Babalwa wrote a _____ to explain what happened.
  11. Babalwa buys two T-shirts, pumps and a _____.
  12. The school they attend is _____ High.
  13. Precious is the mean, _____ girl.

25 Clues: Anathi's _____ is ill.The principal is Mr _____.Anathi's nickname for Babalwa.Babalwa is the _____ character._____ is the new guy in school.Babalwa shares a room with her.Town The story is set in _____.Precious is the mean, _____ girl._____ is Babalwa's friend from home.The school they attend is _____ High.Babalwa has to steal Miss _____'s phone....

Disney Friends 2024-06-30

Disney Friends crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the first version of Mickey Mouse
  2. The sea-hat wearing duck
  3. Pinocchio's conscience
  4. The Beast's firey friend
  5. The smallest of the Seven Dwarves
  6. "We don't talk about ______"
  7. She lets her hair down out of a tower
  8. The first name of Mr. Disney
  9. Her name means "Beautiful" in French
  10. Maui sings, "What can I say except, 'You're _____!'"
  11. The pink-haired Troll
  12. The red-headed mermaid
  1. Is he a man or a dog?
  2. Peter Pan's fairy companion
  3. Gepetto's puppet-turned-boy
  4. Disney's all-around Mascot
  5. The reindeer
  6. The first king in The Lion King
  7. "Never had a friend like me"
  8. The Little Mermaid's nemesis
  9. In The Lion King, Timon and ____
  10. Disney's first lady
  11. Nemo's dad in Finding Nemo
  12. The very tall bird in "Up"
  13. The boat we're on! Make a _____
  14. Elsa's magical but frozen companion
  15. What puts Snow White to sleep
  16. Mickey's brown dog friend

28 Clues: The reindeerDisney's first ladyIs he a man or a dog?The pink-haired TrollPinocchio's conscienceThe red-headed mermaidThe sea-hat wearing duckThe Beast's firey friendMickey's brown dog friendDisney's all-around MascotNemo's dad in Finding NemoThe very tall bird in "Up"Peter Pan's fairy companionGepetto's puppet-turned-boy"Never had a friend like me"...

False Friends 2023-04-25

False Friends crossword puzzle
  1. śmiertelny, nieuchronny
  2. bawełna
  3. statysta
  4. materiał, tkanina
  5. huśtawka
  6. emerytura
  7. sympatyczny, miły
  8. len
  9. fabryka
  10. leave urlop macierzyński
  11. sympatia, współczucie
  12. fatalny, katastrofalny
  1. on weight przybierać na wadze
  2. weight tracić na wadze
  3. hazard, ryzykanctwo
  4. zwykły, zwyczajny
  5. nawóz
  6. cera, karnacja
  7. pot doniczka
  8. jedwab
  9. przejaw, objaw
  10. pocić się
  11. wiskoza
  12. niebezpieczeństwo, ryzyko

24 Clues: lennawózjedwabbawełnawiskozafabrykastatystahuśtawkaemeryturapocić siępot doniczkacera, karnacjaprzejaw, objawzwykły, zwyczajnymateriał, tkaninasympatyczny, miłyhazard, ryzykanctwosympatia, współczucieweight tracić na wadzefatalny, katastrofalnyśmiertelny, nieuchronnyleave urlop macierzyńskiniebezpieczeństwo, ryzykoon weight przybierać na wadze

Friends Crossword 2023-01-11

Friends Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. number of pages of rachel's letter to ross
  2. joey's stuffed penguin
  3. phoebe's twin sister
  4. ross and monica's childhood dog
  5. the color of monica's door
  6. emma's first word
  7. chandler's mother
  8. color of the central perk couch
  9. phoebe's "made up" grandfather
  10. monica and rachel's downstairs neighbor
  11. rachel's thanksgiving dessert
  1. joey's favorite food
  2. chandler's middle name
  3. joey's childhood imaginary friend
  4. ross' pet monkey
  5. the youngest friend
  6. ross and rachel's first date
  7. joey's barcalounger
  8. joey's agent
  9. rachel's tattoo
  10. ross is allergic to

21 Clues: joey's agentrachel's tattooross' pet monkeyemma's first wordchandler's motherthe youngest friendjoey's barcaloungerross is allergic tojoey's favorite foodphoebe's twin sisterchandler's middle namejoey's stuffed penguinthe color of monica's doorross and rachel's first daterachel's thanksgiving dessertphoebe's "made up" grandfather...

holiday friends 2023-01-24

holiday friends crossword puzzle
  1. Welke wijnsoort importeerde Alex voor de familie Winter en zichzelf per pallet uit Italië.
  2. Welk dier bezocht ongevraagd de Isabella voortent van de familie Hogeling in Zuid Frankrijk.
  3. In welke winkel kan Alex urenlang verblijven tijdens zijn vakantie in Zuid Frankrijk.
  4. Welk vrouwspersoon zoekt naar glasscherven op het strand tijdens haar vakantie.
  5. Naar welke vogel is de straat vernoemd waar Alex en Nina woonde in Warmenhuizen.
  6. Welk witgoed artikel verhuisde ieder jaar met de familie Pankras mee naar de camping.
  7. Wie maakte jarenlang al fietsend reclame voor de postcodeloterij.
  8. Welk manspersoon reed vanuit Frankrijk om bepaalde redenen non stop richting de Nederlandse grens zonder zijn motor uit te schakelen.
  9. Met welk materiaal werd de gaten in het Peugeot uitlaatsysteem van de familie Hogeling gedicht tijdens hun vakantie.
  10. Welk vervoermiddel reisde jarenlang met de familie Pankras mee tijdens hun vakanties.
  11. Dankzij welk type familietent werd Nina vindingrijk in het inpakken van de auto.
  12. Wat is de afkorting van de bovengemiddelde Lord Münsterland Combinatie waar de familie Pankras een aantal jaren mee door Europa heeft gereisd.
  13. Waar staat het huis waar Barry en Angelique woonde in Alkmaar.
  14. Uit welk land kwamen de duikers die onze vrouwen in L'Estartit kakelende Kippen noemden.
  15. Wie kocht er in Zuid Frankrijk een set dames jeu de boule ballen zonder daarvan op de hoogte te zijn.
  16. Hoe noem je het apparaat waarmee Barry de kogeldruk van exact 25 kilo op de trekhaak van zijn Mercedes meet.
  1. Welke familie bevond zich met hele gezin op een auto brancard in Frankrijk op de route du soleil.
  2. Welk biersoort proefden Alex, Barry en Cees bij hun blonde Belgische overbuurman tijdens hun vakantie in Zuid Frankrijk.
  3. Welke penetrante geur rook Denise tijdens haar aankomst in Les Sablons.
  4. Van welk soort materiaal maakten de families Hogeling, Pankras en Winter hun tijdelijke luifels voor de huurtenten in Zuid Frankrijk.
  5. Welk sexattribuut gebruikte Nina als wijnstop.
  6. Tijdens een vakantie maakte Alex van een deur een draaideur, in welke provincie was dit.
  7. Met welk merk vouwwagen reisde de familie Hogeling door Europa.
  8. In welk merk campingstoel konden Barry en Alex tussen een variabele hoek van 90° en 120° graden hun middagslaapje doen.
  9. Dankzij welke wind hing Barry midden in de nacht in zijn Isabella voortent om de boel te redden.
  10. Wat checkte Barry iedere ochtend bij het verlaten van zijn Isabella voortent op de juiste spanning.
  11. Met welke auto liet Alex de camping in Zuid Limburg naar snackbar ruiken.
  12. Welk soort caravan werd door de familie Hogeling gebruikt voor hun gezinsvakanties en het vervoer van hun surfplanken, fietsen en andere kampeerbenodigdheden.
  13. Naar wat voor zaak vernoemde Barry zijn ingepakte vouwwagen.
  14. Welk vrouwspersoon trok een modderig spoor van ruim driehonderd meter door het natte gras op een camping in Wassenaar dankzij een nog ingeschakeld mover systeem.
  15. Wat is de naam van het het hotel waar Barry na het ontbijt om bepaalde redenen nog even plat moest liggen.
  16. Wie liet het schoorsteenkapje van zijn Kip caravan exploderen op camping Klein Varnebroek.
  17. Kledingstuk waarmee Angelique Barry laat steigeren.
  18. Welke familie zag na een handrem fout hun caravan tijdens een overnachting bijna in de Moezel verdwijnen.

34 Clues: Welk sexattribuut gebruikte Nina als wijnstop.Kledingstuk waarmee Angelique Barry laat steigeren.Naar wat voor zaak vernoemde Barry zijn ingepakte vouwwagen.Waar staat het huis waar Barry en Angelique woonde in Alkmaar.Met welk merk vouwwagen reisde de familie Hogeling door Europa.Wie maakte jarenlang al fietsend reclame voor de postcodeloterij....

Rainbow Friends 2023-09-22

Rainbow Friends crossword puzzle
  1. ninja forms
  2. green ore
  4. The DEVIL
  5. vents
  6. a scary monster
  7. the scientist
  8. im a trohpy
  9. Forgoten forests
  10. murder
  11. a mouth that eats so much
  12. scary eyes
  13. the mines are full with a ore
  14. im not god at trophy times
  1. the times that monsters live
  2. you know this one
  3. the spaces has life
  4. blind
  5. the big foots
  6. the parasites
  7. reds head
  8. the cyclops are coming
  9. I'm silver
  10. what's the forests monster
  11. my slidey head
  12. the Dino wrath
  13. the mines have red ores now

27 Clues: blindventsmurdergreen oreThe DEVILreds headI'm silverscary eyesninja formsim a trohpyIM BLUE HELPthe big footsthe parasitesthe scientistmy slidey headthe Dino wratha scary monsterForgoten forestsyou know this onethe spaces has lifethe cyclops are cominga mouth that eats so muchwhat's the forests monsterim not god at trophy times...

Friends II 2023-09-27

Friends II crossword puzzle
  1. ____craft, a temporary hobby of Shane’s; 911
  2. Evan’s favorite non-work hobby
  3. Evan wishes he has this household item
  4. joes least favorite sound
  5. something that Evan has collected his whole life
  6. Shane’s favorite Asian sauce
  7. a sport that Collin is bad at
  8. jesse’s cat’s name
  9. what Jesse likes
  10. A top tier snack of Chads’
  11. morganns source of joy
  1. Morgann’s childhood room carpet color
  2. Collin’s girlfriend’s middle name, for short
  3. Chad’s iconic drink
  4. Morgann’s profession
  5. Collin’s nemesis also slang for standard
  6. Shane’s school; Super____
  7. Jesse’s personality type
  8. a sport that Chad rocks at
  9. a favorite of Jesse’s musical artists
  10. Joes favorite sauce

21 Clues: what Jesse likesjesse’s cat’s nameChad’s iconic drinkJoes favorite sauceMorgann’s professionmorganns source of joyJesse’s personality typejoes least favorite soundShane’s school; Super____a sport that Chad rocks atA top tier snack of Chads’Shane’s favorite Asian saucea sport that Collin is bad atEvan’s favorite non-work hobby...

Friends X 2023-10-08

Friends X crossword puzzle
  1. disappointing margs
  2. grilled cheese champion
  3. drinking chant and action you are all terrible at
  4. a place we took shots in the bathroom
  5. how Morgann stops a fall
  6. Evan’s master class on the art of the deal on Disney
  7. who cooked on our first cooking night
  8. Shane while he is camping
  9. tv show that we watched and Ryan would always interrupt
  10. the name we used on morganns sea pines pass
  11. what we do in rooms
  12. best chicken tenders
  13. Gracie’s title on the table
  1. best place to excrete fluids
  2. most insensitive picture we have ever taken
  3. what the Amazon arrow is pointing at on the table
  4. comfort game senior year
  5. Myrtle beach loko flavor
  6. the first drink I made for you when I turned 21
  7. most chaotic shot taker
  8. first song in our SoundCloud mix
  9. Jesses ethnicity
  10. theme of decorations we won a popcorn machine with
  11. a favorite plant of mine
  12. the color of Shane’s nipple clamp, in Spanish
  13. Jesse’s current apartment

26 Clues: Jesses ethnicitydisappointing margswhat we do in roomsbest chicken tendersgrilled cheese championmost chaotic shot takercomfort game senior yearMyrtle beach loko flavorhow Morgann stops a falla favorite plant of mineShane while he is campingJesse’s current apartmentGracie’s title on the tablebest place to excrete fluids...

Beetween Friends 2024-09-24

Beetween Friends crossword puzzle
  1. - Role of bees in helping plants reproduce
  2. - Community of bees
  3. - Sweet liquid collected by bees
  4. - Place where bees are kept
  5. - Young bee
  6. - The main reproductive bee in a hive
  7. - Home for bees
  8. - A large group of bees
  9. - Sound made by bees
  1. - Powdery substance collected by bees from flowers
  2. Dance - Bee’s way of communicating the location of food
  3. - Sweet product made by bees
  4. - Part of a bee used for defense
  5. Jelly - Special food for the queen bee
  6. - What bees do when they search for food
  7. - Female bee that does all the work in the hive
  8. - Male bee
  9. - What bees use to fly
  10. - Structure made of wax cells
  11. - Substance bees use to build their comb

20 Clues: - Male bee- Young bee- Home for bees- Community of bees- Sound made by bees- What bees use to fly- A large group of bees- Place where bees are kept- Sweet product made by bees- Structure made of wax cells- Part of a bee used for defense- Sweet liquid collected by bees- The main reproductive bee in a hiveJelly - Special food for the queen bee...

Friends 2021-01-19

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. druželjubiv
  2. bljedoput
  3. opušten
  4. razuman
  5. ćudljiv
  1. obojana (kosa)
  2. nestrpljiv
  3. valovita (kosa)
  4. vitak
  5. zgodan (muškarac)
  6. pretio

11 Clues: vitakpretioopuštenrazumanćudljivbljedoputnestrpljivdruželjubivobojana (kosa)valovita (kosa)zgodan (muškarac)

FRIENDS 2022-08-23

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. Which member of the British royal family appeared on Friends?
  2. Who was the maid of honor at Monica's wedding?
  3. How many times did Ross get divorced?
  4. Whose idea was it to get married in Vegas, Rachel or Ross'?
  5. Who mistakingly threw a woman's wooden leg into a fire?
  6. What form of self-defense does Ross try to teach Rachel and Phoebe?
  7. What is Chandler Bing's middle name?
  1. Who says this, "Stupid guy on my phone."
  2. The handcuffs that were found in Rachel's former room belonged to who?
  3. Who pees on Monica after she is stung by a jellyfish?
  4. What store does Phoebe hate?
  5. Monica categorizes her towels into how many categories?
  6. Phoebe's scientist boyfriend David worked in what city?

13 Clues: What store does Phoebe hate?What is Chandler Bing's middle name?How many times did Ross get divorced?Who says this, "Stupid guy on my phone."Who was the maid of honor at Monica's wedding?Who pees on Monica after she is stung by a jellyfish?Monica categorizes her towels into how many categories?Who mistakingly threw a woman's wooden leg into a fire?...

Friends 2023-03-06

Friends crossword puzzle
  1. chandlers guessed job
  2. A neat and tidy girl
  3. A man who’s job was thought of as a transponser
  4. Hilarious woman
  5. Favourite sofa colour
  1. Coffee shop manager
  2. Geller
  3. Joeys catchphrase
  4. Funny voiced lady
  5. A girl who works at central perk
  6. A man who loves eating

11 Clues: GellerHilarious womanJoeys catchphraseFunny voiced ladyCoffee shop managerA neat and tidy girlchandlers guessed jobFavourite sofa colourA man who loves eatingA girl who works at central perkA man who’s job was thought of as a transponser

FRIENDS 2023-04-03

FRIENDS crossword puzzle
  1. another word for joy
  2. Someone who doesnt like you
  3. You have a bad time
  4. Saying sorry
  5. Ur feelings
  6. Bullying or harassment
  7. Something bad about friend
  1. Maori for wellbeing
  2. Someone close to you
  3. Something good about your friend
  4. Your bestie

11 Clues: Your bestieUr feelingsSaying sorryMaori for wellbeingYou have a bad timeanother word for joySomeone close to youBullying or harassmentSomething bad about friendSomeone who doesnt like youSomething good about your friend