harry potter Crossword Puzzles

Harry Potter 2023-10-24

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. date of birth for J.K. Rowling
  2. "You're a ______, Harry".
  3. the author
  4. "a wizard boy with two friends at a _______ school."
  5. first magical installment
  6. "I solemnly swear I am up to no ____".
  1. How many copies of Harry Potter a year?
  2. British company that published Harry Potter
  3. eighth installment of Harry Potter
  4. Movie Company that made the Harry Potter films
  5. the boy who lived

11 Clues: the authorthe boy who lived"You're a ______, Harry".first magical installmentdate of birth for J.K. Rowlingeighth installment of Harry Potter"I solemnly swear I am up to no ____".How many copies of Harry Potter a year?British company that published Harry PotterMovie Company that made the Harry Potter films...

Harry Potter en de geheime kamer 2013-02-21

Harry Potter en de geheime kamer crossword puzzle
  1. Op welke school zit Harry Potter?
  2. Hoe noemt Ron, Harry omdat hij met slangen kan praten?
  3. Wie is de aartsvijand van Harry op school?
  4. Toen Ron, Malfidus wou vervloeken omdat hij Hermelien had uitgescholden, schoot een straal groen licht uit de verkeerde kant van de kapotte toverstok en raakte Ron in zijn maag. Wat kwam er door die vloek voortdurend uit Ron zijn mond?
  5. Waar werkt de vader van Ron? Bij de afdeling .....
  6. Volgens de ..... bouwde Zwadderich een verborgen kamer.
  7. Wie is professor Perkamentus?
  8. Hoe noemt men tovenaarsmensen zonder één druppel tovenaarsbloed in hun aderen?
  9. Door wie alleen kon de geheime kamer geopend worden?
  10. Welk dier heeft Harry Potter als huisdier?
  1. Harry heeft maar 1 ding van zijn vader geërfd. Wat was dat?
  2. Tijdens het gevecht met de basilisk kreeg Harry een .... in zijn arm.
  3. Waar stak Harry de afgebroken giftand in om Marten Vilijn te verslaan en te doen verdwijnen?
  4. Wat was het wachtwoord van de geheime ingang van de toren van griffoender?
  5. Hoe ziet het litteken er uit van Harry Potter?
  6. Wie verdeelt elk jaar de eerste jaars bij de aanvang van het nieuwe schooljaar?
  7. Bij welke familie is Harry opgevoed?
  8. Hoe noemt de populairste sport in de toverwereld?
  9. Wat zat er in de geheime kamer?
  10. Wie heeft de baselisk zijn gele bolle ogen uitgestoken?

20 Clues: Wie is professor Perkamentus?Wat zat er in de geheime kamer?Op welke school zit Harry Potter?Bij welke familie is Harry opgevoed?Wie is de aartsvijand van Harry op school?Welk dier heeft Harry Potter als huisdier?Hoe ziet het litteken er uit van Harry Potter?Hoe noemt de populairste sport in de toverwereld?...

harry potter 2024-01-15

harry potter crossword puzzle
  1. la cicatrice que harry à sur le fond à quelle forme?
  2. quelle est le personne Mort à cause d'un sortilège lancé par Petter Pattigrow ?
  3. où est anci le sortilège de la marque des ténèbres?
  4. qui gagne la coupe du Monde de quidditch ?
  5. comment s'appelle les adeptes de voldemort?
  6. chez qui harry potter passe t-il ses vacances?
  7. avec qui harry potter sort-il au bal de Noël?
  8. Qui tue Cédric digorry ?
  1. Qui arrive à poullart en carosse?
  2. qui arrive à poudlard en bateau?
  3. Qui est la meilleure ami de harry potter?
  4. Qui est choisi pour ce tournoi dans l'école drumstang?
  5. a c'est quoi l'animal qu'a hermione ?
  6. que represent le portoloin ?
  7. qui est le nouveau professeur?
  8. qui est le personnage principal ?
  9. l'école beaubatons et drumstang arrive un quel mois ?

17 Clues: Qui tue Cédric digorry ?que represent le portoloin ?qui est le nouveau professeur?qui arrive à poudlard en bateau?Qui arrive à poullart en carosse?qui est le personnage principal ?a c'est quoi l'animal qu'a hermione ?Qui est la meilleure ami de harry potter?qui gagne la coupe du Monde de quidditch ?comment s'appelle les adeptes de voldemort?...

Harry Potter 2021-03-17

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Tonks era uma ...
  2. A coruja das neves do Harry
  3. Remus Lupin é um ...
  4. James Potter era um ... de veado, quer dizer, cervo
  5. Luna Lovegood é uma ...
  6. Sem nariz
  1. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs present the ... Map
  2. A casa de coragem com o símbolo do leão
  3. Há ... livros da saga Harry Potter
  4. O diretor do primeiro ao sexto ano do Harry
  5. Escola de magia e feitiçaria de ...
  6. Harry James ...
  7. A estrela mais brilhante do hemisfério sul, também conhecida como estrela cão
  8. Os ... são conhecidos por serem puro-sangue, ricos, de cabelo loiro platinado
  9. Expecto...

15 Clues: Sem narizExpecto...Harry James ...Tonks era uma ...Remus Lupin é um ...Luna Lovegood é uma ...A coruja das neves do HarryHá ... livros da saga Harry PotterEscola de magia e feitiçaria de ...A casa de coragem com o símbolo do leãoO diretor do primeiro ao sexto ano do HarryJames Potter era um ... de veado, quer dizer, cervo...

Hard Harry potter crossword puzzle 2022-04-07

Hard Harry potter crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a weird word
  2. a yummy candy
  3. a store where you can buy broom sticks in harry potter
  4. the head master of Hogwarts
  5. a candy made in hogsmeade
  1. something that is very hot
  2. a wond shop in harry potter
  3. a wizard in a book
  4. something that harry has on his fourhead
  5. a character that dislikes Harry Potter
  6. an owl in harry potter

11 Clues: a weird worda yummy candya wizard in a bookan owl in harry pottera candy made in hogsmeadesomething that is very hota wond shop in harry potterthe head master of Hogwartsa character that dislikes Harry Pottersomething that harry has on his fourheada store where you can buy broom sticks in harry potter

Fantasy Fun 2023-06-13

Fantasy Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Earth Setting for The Lord of the Rings
  2. Chronicles of Narnia Popular children's book series by C.S Lewis
  3. Famous wizarding school in Harry Potter
  4. Pan A classic tale about a boy who never grows up written by J.M Barrie .
  5. Avatar. The Last Airbender,a group formed to defeat Firelord Ozai.
  6. A wizard in "The Lord of the Rings" who guides Frodo on his journey to destroy the ring.
  7. An object that grants wishes when rubbed or found inside a lamp
  8. A magical creature that can fly
  9. Another name for witches or wizards in Harry Potter universe
  1. Evil sorcerer in Disney's Sleeping Beauty
  2. In Greek mythology, a creature with a lion's body and human head.
  3. & Dragons (D&D) A popular tabletop game set within a medieval-themed universe involving dragons, knights & magic spells.
  4. The main villain from "The Lion King".
  5. Mythical bird that rises from its own ashes.
  6. Name of Bilbo Baggins' sword from The Hobbit
  7. Name of the world created by J.R.R Tolkien
  8. Powerful wizard who was Dumbledore’s mentor in Harry Potter series
  9. Rice A famous author known for her works on vampires.
  10. Main character of Harry Potter
  11. A person who is half-human and half-horse in Greek mythology.

20 Clues: Main character of Harry PotterA magical creature that can flyThe main villain from "The Lion King".Famous wizarding school in Harry PotterEarth Setting for The Lord of the RingsEvil sorcerer in Disney's Sleeping BeautyName of the world created by J.R.R TolkienMythical bird that rises from its own ashes.Name of Bilbo Baggins' sword from The Hobbit...


  4. antagonist of harry potter


Chamber of Secrets Crossword 2023-04-13

Chamber of Secrets Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. State of students who see a reflection of the monster, but do not look in it the eye
  2. The heir of this house is back at Hogwarts this year
  3. Snake language spoken by both Harry Potter and Salazar Slytherin
  4. One of the founders of Hogwarts who owned a goblin-made sword
  5. Article of clothing Harry Potter hides in the diary
  6. Monster that is living in the Chamber
  7. House elf who Harry Potter frees from servitude
  8. Voldemort's real name revealed in the diary
  9. Type of potion used by the Golden Trio to turn into Malfoy's pals
  1. "You can't cancel _________". -Oliver Wood to Minerva McGonagall
  2. Famous wizard, turns out to be a fraud and erases his own memory in the Chamber
  3. "Tell them ________ is no longer safe". -Albus Dumbledore
  4. Ghostly occupant of the girl's bathroom on the first floor of Hogwarts
  5. "There's no Hogwarts without you, ______". -Harry Potter
  6. Man responsible for slipping Voldemort's diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron
  7. A child with non-magic parents who possesses magical abilities
  8. Hypnotized by Voldemort to open the Chamber of Secrets
  9. Name of Hagrid's pet that was released into the Forbidden Forest
  10. Ron Weasley's owl that was late delivering the release papers to Azkaban
  11. Name of Albus Dumbledore's Phoenix that saves Harry and his friends

20 Clues: Monster that is living in the ChamberVoldemort's real name revealed in the diaryHouse elf who Harry Potter frees from servitudeArticle of clothing Harry Potter hides in the diaryThe heir of this house is back at Hogwarts this yearHypnotized by Voldemort to open the Chamber of Secrets"There's no Hogwarts without you, ______". -Harry Potter...

Harry Potter Crossword Puzzle 2022-12-19

Harry Potter Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the boy that tries to bully Harry Potter in school
  2. the headmaster (principal) of Hogwarts
  3. You need this to cast spells
  4. the house Harry Potter is in
  5. the animal Harry Potter has as a pet
  6. the very smart girl Harry Potter is friends with
  1. the mean professor at Hogwarts
  2. the main villain in Harry Potter
  3. Where you went to buy your school supplies
  4. Harry Potter's school

10 Clues: Harry Potter's schoolYou need this to cast spellsthe house Harry Potter is inthe mean professor at Hogwartsthe main villain in Harry Potterthe animal Harry Potter has as a petthe headmaster (principal) of HogwartsWhere you went to buy your school suppliesthe very smart girl Harry Potter is friends with...

Harry Potter 2017-11-28

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Dumbledore: After all this time? Snape: ...
  2. Codric´s Hollowis elav Dumbledore sõber, keda mainitakse 7.osas (eesnimi)
  3. Harry Potteri 7.osa Harry Potter ja ... (vastus on 2 sõna aga kirjuta kokku)
  4. Snape patronus
  5. 3.osas vanglast põgenenud vang (eesnimi)
  6. Tonksi eesnimi
  7. Remus Lupin oli ...
  8. Peteri perekonnanimi
  9. 4.osas ära surnud Hufflepuffi õpilane (eesnimi)
  1. Hermione patronus
  2. Helliknokk oli ...
  3. proffesor Sprouti eesnimi
  4. totu, Nukitsa, Päntajala ja Vingerja leiutis
  5. tund, mida Snape esimesed 5 aastat Harryle õpetas
  6. Weasley, kellel kaotati 7.osa alguses kõrv ära (eesnimi)
  7. Dumbledore´i fööniksi nimi
  8. olendid, kes valvasid Azkabani vanglat
  9. Harry Potteri kirjanik (perekonnanimi)
  10. Blacki perekonna majahaldjas
  11. Harry perekonnanimi

20 Clues: Snape patronusTonksi eesnimiHermione patronusHelliknokk oli ...Remus Lupin oli ...Harry perekonnanimiPeteri perekonnanimiproffesor Sprouti eesnimiDumbledore´i fööniksi nimiBlacki perekonna majahaldjasolendid, kes valvasid Azkabani vanglatHarry Potteri kirjanik (perekonnanimi)3.osas vanglast põgenenud vang (eesnimi)...

Harry Potter 2013-10-08

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. 'hij-die-niet-genoemd-mag-worden'
  2. naam uil Harry Potter
  3. huis-elf familie Malfidus
  4. kleur dodelijke ogen van de basilisk
  5. magisch voorwerp waarmee nieuwe leerlingen worden ingedeeld
  6. naam toverschool Harry Potter
  7. wezens die de gevangenis van Azkaban bewaken
  1. dier afgebeeld op afdelingswapen Zwadderich
  2. naam volgeling Voldemort
  3. naam feniks Albus Perkamenteus
  4. tovenaarswinkelstraat waar Harry Potter schoolspullen koopt
  5. vak waarbij les over dreuzels wordt gegeven
  6. iemand die niet kan toveren en er ook niet vanaf weet
  7. naam dorp toverschool Zweinstein
  8. naam van iemand die in tovenaarsgezin is geboren, maar niet kan toveren
  9. naam afdeling geest De Dikke Monnik
  10. iemand die Sisselspraak kent

17 Clues: naam uil Harry Potternaam volgeling Voldemorthuis-elf familie Malfidusiemand die Sisselspraak kentnaam toverschool Harry Potternaam feniks Albus Perkamenteusnaam dorp toverschool Zweinstein'hij-die-niet-genoemd-mag-worden'naam afdeling geest De Dikke Monnikkleur dodelijke ogen van de basiliskdier afgebeeld op afdelingswapen Zwadderich...

harry potter deel 5 2015-02-03

harry potter deel 5 crossword puzzle
  1. wat is de voornaam van degene met wie Ron later trouwt?
  2. wat is de spreuk des doods?
  3. wat is de achternaam van de schrijfster van Harry potter?
  4. wat is de voornaam van de peetvader van Harry?
  5. wat is de voornaam van de beste vriend van Harry?
  6. hoeveel bladzijdes heeft Harry Potter deel 5?
  7. wie is de beste vriendin van Harry?
  8. hoe heet Harry’s rivaal?
  1. waar staat de K voor bij J.K. Rowling?
  2. Dit is een……
  3. wat is de voornaam van het hoofd van Zweinstijn?
  4. Dit is een…
  5. wat is de voornaam van degene met wie Harry later trouwt?
  6. over welk deel deed ik met mijn boekbespreking?
  7. hoe heten de volgelingen van Voldemoord?
  8. wat is de voornaam van de nicht van Sirius zwarts?
  9. wat is de voornaam van de omslag illustrator van Harry Potter?

17 Clues: Dit is een…Dit is een……hoe heet Harry’s rivaal?wat is de spreuk des doods?wie is de beste vriendin van Harry?waar staat de K voor bij J.K. Rowling?hoe heten de volgelingen van Voldemoord?hoeveel bladzijdes heeft Harry Potter deel 5?wat is de voornaam van de peetvader van Harry?over welk deel deed ik met mijn boekbespreking?...

Harry Potter Winter Camp 2023-12-05

Harry Potter Winter Camp crossword puzzle
  1. 재치 있는
  2. Harry catches this in Quidditch.
  3. 자심감 있는
  4. 마술
  5. 용감한
  1. 야망 있는
  2. A girl who does magic.
  3. Harry Potter has ________ movies.
  4. The name of the school that Harry Potter goes to
  5. a spell, 주문을 걸다
  6. Harry Potter rides this

11 Clues: 마술용감한야망 있는재치 있는자심감 있는a spell, 주문을 걸다A girl who does magic.Harry Potter rides thisHarry catches this in Quidditch.Harry Potter has ________ movies.The name of the school that Harry Potter goes to

Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal 2021-08-18

Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal crossword puzzle
  1. Nome do cão das 3 cabeças
  2. Como se chama a tia de Harry Potter?
  3. Professor que queria roubar a pedra filosofal
  4. De que cor é a pedra filosofal
  5. Último nome do melhor amigo de Harry
  6. Nome do primeiro feitiço que a Hermione usa
  7. Último nome da melhor amiga de Harry
  8. Onde é que o professor Quirrell transportava o Voldemort?
  9. plantas com bebés
  10. Melhor equipa da escola
  11. De que animal bebe o Voldemort sangue
  1. professora mais fixe da escola
  2. nome da guarda das chaves de Hogwarts
  3. Professor mais velho da escola
  4. transporte em que vão os alunos do 1º ano desde o hogwarts express até a Hogwarts?
  5. ser não mágico
  6. Nome da coruja do harry Potter
  7. Nome da cobra
  8. De quem era a mota que Hagrid levou para ir buscar Harry?
  9. Madeira da varinha do Harry
  10. Posição de Harry no Quidditch
  11. De quem é a pena que faz parte da varinha do Harry?

22 Clues: Nome da cobraser não mágicoplantas com bebésMelhor equipa da escolaNome do cão das 3 cabeçasMadeira da varinha do HarryPosição de Harry no Quidditchprofessora mais fixe da escolaProfessor mais velho da escolaDe que cor é a pedra filosofalNome da coruja do harry PotterComo se chama a tia de Harry Potter?Último nome do melhor amigo de Harry...


  1. The name of the ghost in the girls bathroom first floor
  2. Hagrid's gift to Harry Potter on his 11th birthday
  3. Harry Potter's birth place
  4. The map which Goerge and Fred gave Harry Potter
  5. The last thing snape gave harry as he died
  6. Ron Weasley's pets name
  7. Sirius Black was killed by
  8. Cedric Diggory patronus
  9. Harry Potter’s owls name
  1. The room of requirements was found by
  2. Dumbledore's brothers name
  3. Bellatrix Lestrange was killed by
  4. The last hocrux
  5. Cedric Diggory's girlfriend
  6. The name of the poltergeist of Hogwarts(mentioned in the book only not movie)
  7. The anigamus form of Professor Mcgonagall
  8. Muggle object that Arthur Weasley was fascinated by
  9. The tree in which Harry and Ron crashed in their second year of Hogwarts
  10. The house elf of the Malfoy's
  11. The most powerful wand ever created

20 Clues: The last hocruxRon Weasley's pets nameCedric Diggory patronusHarry Potter’s owls nameDumbledore's brothers nameHarry Potter's birth placeSirius Black was killed byCedric Diggory's girlfriendThe house elf of the Malfoy'sBellatrix Lestrange was killed byThe most powerful wand ever createdThe room of requirements was found by...


  1. The name of the ghost in the girls bathroom first floor
  2. Hagrid's gift to Harry Potter on his 11th birthday
  3. Harry Potter's birth place
  4. The map which Goerge and Fred gave Harry Potter
  5. The last thing snape gave harry as he died
  6. Ron Weasley's pets name
  7. Sirius Black was killed by
  8. Cedric Diggory patronus
  9. Harry Potter’s owls name
  1. The room of requirements was found by
  2. Dumbledore's brothers name
  3. Bellatrix Lestrange was killed by
  4. The last hocrux
  5. Cedric Diggory's girlfriend
  6. The name of the poltergeist of Hogwarts(mentioned in the book only not movie)
  7. The anigamus form of Professor Mcgonagall
  8. Muggle object that Arthur Weasley was fascinated by
  9. The tree in which Harry and Ron crashed in their second year of Hogwarts
  10. The house elf of the Malfoy's
  11. The most powerful wand ever created

20 Clues: The last hocruxRon Weasley's pets nameCedric Diggory patronusHarry Potter’s owls nameDumbledore's brothers nameHarry Potter's birth placeSirius Black was killed byCedric Diggory's girlfriendThe house elf of the Malfoy'sBellatrix Lestrange was killed byThe most powerful wand ever createdThe room of requirements was found by...

Harry Potter 2023-02-03

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. He is the friend of Harry and Hermione, together they are the inseparable trio
  2. It is a the main character and he is on the good side.
  3. Is the owl of Harry Potter, it was a gift from Rubeus Hagrid to Harry
  4. Name of Harry Potter's mom
  5. it is the last name of the headmaster of hogwarts
  6. He is the main antagonist of the story and he wants to kill Harry Potter
  7. name of the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry which is situated in Great Britain
  8. All wizards use this to cast a spell
  1. Name of the house of the three main characters
  2. It is a very popular sport and the sport Harry Potter likes
  3. She is one of Harry's best friends and a very powerful witch
  4. The quidditch players ride on them
  5. What Harry Potter has on his forehead

13 Clues: Name of Harry Potter's momThe quidditch players ride on themAll wizards use this to cast a spellWhat Harry Potter has on his foreheadName of the house of the three main charactersit is the last name of the headmaster of hogwartsIt is a the main character and he is on the good side.It is a very popular sport and the sport Harry Potter likes...

POTTER PUZZLE 2020-04-27

POTTER PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. Harry's room at the Dursley's was under the what?
  2. Harry's magic cloak made him what?
  3. Non-magical people
  4. Keeper of the keys and grounds at Hogwarts
  5. I helped Harry and Ron with spells
  6. School of magic
  7. A game played while riding a magic broom.
  1. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all had magic what?
  2. Whose name we cannot speak
  3. Harry and Ron drove a flying what?
  4. Head professor
  5. This professor is the head of the Slytherins
  6. Number one Harry Potter fan
  7. Which Malfoy was always irritating Harry?
  8. The Hogwart express is a what?
  9. A loud or angry letter.
  10. Harry's last name

17 Clues: Head professorSchool of magicHarry's last nameNon-magical peopleA loud or angry letter.Whose name we cannot speakNumber one Harry Potter fanThe Hogwart express is a what?Harry and Ron drove a flying what?Harry's magic cloak made him what?I helped Harry and Ron with spellsWhich Malfoy was always irritating Harry?...

Harry Potter 2023-03-30

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. The creature that serves the Hogwarts students' meals
  2. The house-elf who saved Harry Potter
  3. The wand maker who supplies wands to Hogwarts students
  4. The magical government in the Harry Potter series
  5. The school that Harry and his friends attend
  6. The main character of the Harry Potter series
  1. The magical creature that can only be seen by someone who has witnessed death
  2. The evil wizard who killed Harry's parents
  3. The sport played on broomsticks in the Harry Potter series
  4. The street where Hogwarts students buy their school supplies
  5. The subject taught by Severus Snape
  6. The prison for wizards and witches who break the law

12 Clues: The subject taught by Severus SnapeThe house-elf who saved Harry PotterThe evil wizard who killed Harry's parentsThe school that Harry and his friends attendThe main character of the Harry Potter seriesThe magical government in the Harry Potter seriesThe prison for wizards and witches who break the law...

how well do you know kimberly? 2021-06-07

how well do you know kimberly? crossword puzzle
  1. favourite hobby
  2. dream job
  3. favourite series of movies
  4. favourite show
  5. favourite annimal
  6. favourite singer
  7. first job
  8. celebrity crush
  1. favourite online game
  2. harry potter house
  3. favourite colour
  4. shop i like going
  5. favourite ps game
  6. favourite holiday
  7. harry potter favourite character
  8. favourite restaurant
  9. place i want to go to

17 Clues: dream jobfirst jobfavourite showfavourite hobbycelebrity crushfavourite colourfavourite singershop i like goingfavourite ps gamefavourite holidayfavourite annimalharry potter housefavourite restaurantfavourite online gameplace i want to go tofavourite series of moviesharry potter favourite character

Harry Potter 2021-02-24

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. He is a tall giant and has a pet dog.
  2. Part of the Weasley family, Harry's best friend
  3. He has a lightening scar on his head
  4. The yellow Harry Potter house
  5. The powers that everyone has.
  6. Old wizard with a long grey beard
  7. He who shall not be named.
  1. The green Harry Potter house
  2. The red Harry Potter house
  3. She is Harry's best friend and is smart
  4. The school where they all go.
  5. The green Harry Potter house
  6. The name for a person without magic.
  7. He is mean to Harry and is in Slytherin.

14 Clues: The red Harry Potter houseHe who shall not be named.The green Harry Potter houseThe green Harry Potter houseThe school where they all go.The yellow Harry Potter houseThe powers that everyone has.Old wizard with a long grey beardHe has a lightening scar on his headThe name for a person without magic.He is a tall giant and has a pet dog....


  1. Sirius Black was killed by
  2. The name of the ghost in the girls bathroom first floor
  3. Cedric Diggory's girlfriend
  4. The map which Goerge and Fred gave Harry Potter
  5. The last hocrux
  6. The room of requirements was found by
  7. Bellatrix Lestrange was killed by
  8. Harry Potter’s owls name
  9. Hagrid's gift to Harry Potter on his 11th birthday
  1. Harry Potter's birth place
  2. Muggle object that Arthur Weasley was fascinated by
  3. The name of the poltergeist of Hogwarts(mentioned in the book only not movie)
  4. The tree in which Harry and Ron crashed in their second year of Hogwarts
  5. The last thing snape gave harry as he died
  6. Dumbledore's brothers name
  7. Ron Weasley's pets name
  8. Cedric Diggory patronus
  9. The house elf of the Malfoy's
  10. The anigamus form of Professor Mcgonagall
  11. The most powerful wand ever created

20 Clues: The last hocruxRon Weasley's pets nameCedric Diggory patronusHarry Potter’s owls nameHarry Potter's birth placeSirius Black was killed byDumbledore's brothers nameCedric Diggory's girlfriendThe house elf of the Malfoy'sBellatrix Lestrange was killed byThe most powerful wand ever createdThe room of requirements was found by...


  1. Sirius Black was killed by
  2. The name of the ghost in the girls bathroom first floor
  3. Cedric Diggory's girlfriend
  4. The map which Goerge and Fred gave Harry Potter
  5. The last hocrux
  6. The room of requirements was found by
  7. Bellatrix Lestrange was killed by
  8. Harry Potter’s owls name
  9. Hagrid's gift to Harry Potter on his 11th birthday
  1. Harry Potter's birth place
  2. Muggle object that Arthur Weasley was fascinated by
  3. The name of the poltergeist of Hogwarts(mentioned in the book only not movie)
  4. The tree in which Harry and Ron crashed in their second year of Hogwarts
  5. The last thing snape gave harry as he died
  6. Dumbledore's brothers name
  7. Ron Weasley's pets name
  8. Cedric Diggory patronus
  9. The house elf of the Malfoy's
  10. The anigamus form of Professor Mcgonagall
  11. The most powerful wand ever created

20 Clues: The last hocruxRon Weasley's pets nameCedric Diggory patronusHarry Potter’s owls nameHarry Potter's birth placeSirius Black was killed byDumbledore's brothers nameCedric Diggory's girlfriendThe house elf of the Malfoy'sBellatrix Lestrange was killed byThe most powerful wand ever createdThe room of requirements was found by...

Harry Potter Crossword 2021-11-03

Harry Potter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is Nevel's toad's name?
  2. Who is Harry's least favorite teacher?
  3. Who is the smartest student in hogwarts?
  4. What house is blue?
  5. Who is the most recent potion teacher?
  6. Who was Harry's first friend?
  7. how many Harry Potter movies are there?
  8. Who is Harry's and Ginny's oldest son?
  9. Where is platform 9 3/4?
  10. What part of the whomping willow stalls it?
  1. Where did Harry get his wand?
  2. What was the first wizard food Harry had?
  3. Who killed bellatrix le strange?
  4. What was Harry's Owl named?
  5. Who wrote Harry Potter?
  6. Where did Harry kill voldemort?
  7. Who is the gamekeeper at hogwarts?
  8. What is the tortchure curce?
  9. What is ron and hermione's duaghter's name?
  10. At what age did Harry get a invited to hogwarts?
  11. A magicail person is either a wizard or a __

21 Clues: What house is blue?Who wrote Harry Potter?Where is platform 9 3/4?What was Harry's Owl named?What is Nevel's toad's name?What is the tortchure curce?Where did Harry get his wand?Who was Harry's first friend?Where did Harry kill voldemort?Who killed bellatrix le strange?Who is the gamekeeper at hogwarts?Who is Harry's least favorite teacher?...

Harry Potter 2/8/17 2017-02-08

Harry Potter 2/8/17 crossword puzzle
  1. "The Boy who Lived" and "The Chosen One"
  2. The worst wizard who doesn't have a nose
  3. Snape the head of this house
  4. The everyday item in a witch/wizard's hand
  5. Harry's smartest best friend
  6. Ron's little sister
  7. Harry Potter's cousin
  8. The ghost who is "nearly headless"
  9. ____ School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
  10. The potion teacher Harry first had
  11. The giant who tells Harry he's a wizard
  12. Lupin's first name
  1. Daughter of the publisher for the Quibbler
  2. The village next to the castle
  3. The ______ Tournament
  4. The wand shop
  5. Station 9 and __
  6. Harry's owl
  7. Harry Potter father's name
  8. The hat that sings in The Great Hall
  9. The first headmaster Harry Potter meets
  10. Mcgonagall is the head of this house
  11. Harry's mom's name
  12. Harry's best friend's real name
  13. The small, golden ball in quidditch
  14. Harry's godfather's name

26 Clues: Harry's owlThe wand shopStation 9 and __Harry's mom's nameLupin's first nameRon's little sisterThe ______ TournamentHarry Potter's cousinHarry's godfather's nameHarry Potter father's nameSnape the head of this houseHarry's smartest best friendThe village next to the castleHarry's best friend's real nameThe ghost who is "nearly headless"...

Flying into Fantasy world 2022-12-11

Flying into Fantasy world crossword puzzle
  1. The school of the female contender in the Triwizard Tournament [Harry Potter]
  2. The one focus for a Seeker in a game of Quidditch [Harry Potter]
  3. The name Lord Petyr Baelish is popularly known as [Game of Thrones]
  4. First name of one of the Stark children who died in Battle of Bastards [Game of Thrones]
  5. The spell used to turn an object into a Portkey [Harry Potter]
  1. The cursed castle [Game of Thrones]
  2. Last name of Albus Dumbledore’s love interest [Harry Potter]
  3. Password to get from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade [Harry Potter]
  4. First place in Westeros that Queen Daenerys set foot on [Game of Thrones]
  5. The one House in Game of Thrones that always pays their regards [Game of Thrones]
  6. First name of the Death Eater who disguised himself as Alastor Moody in the Goblet of Fire [Harry Potter]
  7. The real first name of Jon Snow [Game of Thrones]

12 Clues: The cursed castle [Game of Thrones]The real first name of Jon Snow [Game of Thrones]Password to get from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade [Harry Potter]Last name of Albus Dumbledore’s love interest [Harry Potter]The spell used to turn an object into a Portkey [Harry Potter]The one focus for a Seeker in a game of Quidditch [Harry Potter]...

J.K. Rowling 2022-03-14

J.K. Rowling crossword puzzle
  1. Rowling's oldest daughter
  2. Harry, Hermione, and Ron
  3. half giant
  4. villain
  5. Where Rowling got her idea for the Harry Potter series
  6. professor of transfiguration
  7. Rowling's sister
  8. trophy or boot
  1. British Sorcerer's Stone
  2. George and Fred
  3. sport
  4. Half-Blood Prince
  5. Number of books in the Harry Potter series
  6. magic village
  7. What wizards and witches use

15 Clues: sportvillainhalf giantmagic villagetrophy or bootGeorge and FredRowling's sisterHalf-Blood PrinceBritish Sorcerer's StoneHarry, Hermione, and RonRowling's oldest daughterWhat wizards and witches useprofessor of transfigurationNumber of books in the Harry Potter seriesWhere Rowling got her idea for the Harry Potter series

POTTER PUZZLE 2020-04-27

POTTER PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. Harry's room at the Dursley's was under the what?
  2. Harry's magic cloak made him what?
  3. Non-magical people
  4. Keeper of the keys and grounds at Hogwarts
  5. I helped Harry and Ron with spells
  6. School of magic
  7. A game played while riding a magic broom.
  1. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all had magic what?
  2. Whose name we cannot speak
  3. Harry and Ron drove a flying what?
  4. Head professor
  5. This professor is the head of the Slytherins
  6. Number one Harry Potter fan
  7. Which Malfoy was always irritating Harry?
  8. The Hogwart express is a what?
  9. A loud or angry letter.
  10. Harry's last name

17 Clues: Head professorSchool of magicHarry's last nameNon-magical peopleA loud or angry letter.Whose name we cannot speakNumber one Harry Potter fanThe Hogwart express is a what?Harry and Ron drove a flying what?Harry's magic cloak made him what?I helped Harry and Ron with spellsWhich Malfoy was always irritating Harry?...

HARRY POTTER 2017-01-08

HARRY POTTER crossword puzzle


harry potter 2018-05-11

harry potter crossword puzzle
  1. is Harry's last name
  2. name of the wizard school
  3. is the main character
  4. is an evil wizard
  5. is what Harry called his aunt
  6. wrote Harry Potter
  1. is the animal Harry picked for school
  2. is the name of the 1 Harry Potter book
  3. is Dudley's last name
  4. is Harry's best friend
  5. gamekeeper of hogwarts

11 Clues: is an evil wizardwrote Harry Potteris Harry's last nameis Dudley's last nameis the main characteris Harry's best friendgamekeeper of hogwartsname of the wizard schoolis what Harry called his auntis the animal Harry picked for schoolis the name of the 1 Harry Potter book

Harry potter 2020-03-25

Harry potter crossword puzzle
  1. goon
  2. twin
  3. main character
  4. Malfoy
  5. evil
  6. potions
  7. castle
  8. Ron...
  9. stutter
  10. goon
  11. twin
  1. Harry
  2. albus
  3. smart
  4. hills
  5. Percy
  6. ginger
  7. Hermione
  8. Prefect
  9. draco

20 Clues: goontwinevilgoontwinHarryalbussmarthillsPercydracoMalfoygingercastleRon...potionsPrefectstutterHermionemain character

Harry Potter 2018-10-16

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. /Harry Potter’s best friend
  2. /She is very smart
  3. /If you are not magical you are
  4. /Harry Potter house
  1. / Harry Potter is a
  2. /The potions teacher
  3. /Head master
  4. /Our favorite elf
  5. /Harry Potter school

10 Clues: /Head master/Our favorite elf/She is very smart/THE BOY WHO LiVED/ Harry Potter is a/Harry Potter house/The potions teacher/Harry Potter school/Harry Potter’s best friend/If you are not magical you are

Harry Potter 2014-05-23

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Wer wird Meister der Quidditch-Weltmeisterschaft?
  2. Aus welcher Schule stammt Viktor Krumm?
  3. Wo wohnen die Weasleys?
  4. Wo arbeitet Arthur Weasley?
  5. Wo wohnen die Dursleys?
  6. Wie heißt die Einkaufsstraße für Zauberer?
  7. Wie ist der Name der Acromantula, die Hagrid im Verbotenen Wald versteckt?
  8. In welches Haus von Hogwarts schickt der sprechende Hut Harry Potter beinahe?
  9. Der Name der Wahrsage-Lehrerin ist Professor...?
  10. Mit welchem Wort beleidigt Draco Malfoy Hermine Granger?
  1. Wie heißt der "Angeber-Professor" mit Familiennamen? Gilderoy...
  2. Wie heißt Harry Potter mit zweitem Vornamen?
  3. Wie heißt der Zauberstab, der ein Heiligtum des Todes ist?
  4. Wie heißt der Schulleiter von Hogwarts? Albus...
  5. Was spielen Harry und Ron in den Winterferien?
  6. Welches Wesen nimmt die Gestalt deiner größten Angst an?
  7. Wie heißt der zum Tode verurteilte Hippogreif?
  8. Wie heißt Mad-Eye Moody mit Vornamen?
  9. Wie wird Tom Riddle genannt? Lord...
  10. Welche Rolle hat Harry Potter beim Quidditch?
  11. Wie heißt Professor McGonagall mit Vornamen?

21 Clues: Wo wohnen die Weasleys?Wo wohnen die Dursleys?Wo arbeitet Arthur Weasley?Wie wird Tom Riddle genannt? Lord...Wie heißt Mad-Eye Moody mit Vornamen?Aus welcher Schule stammt Viktor Krumm?Wie heißt die Einkaufsstraße für Zauberer?Wie heißt Harry Potter mit zweitem Vornamen?Wie heißt Professor McGonagall mit Vornamen?...

Harry Potter 2014-05-23

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Welche Rolle hat Harry Potter beim Quidditch?
  2. Welches Wesen nimmt die Gestalt deiner größten Angst an?
  3. Wo wohnen die Weasleys?
  4. Wo arbeitet Arthur Weasley?
  5. Aus welcher Schule stammt Viktor Krumm?
  6. Wie heißt der Schulleiter von Hogwarts? Albus...
  7. Der Name der Wahrsage-Lehrerin ist Professor...?
  8. In welches Haus von Hogwarts schickt der sprechende Hut Harry Potter beinahe?
  9. Wer wird Meister der Quidditch-Weltmeisterschaft?
  10. Wie heißt die Einkaufsstraße für Zauberer?
  11. Wie ist der Name der Acromantula, die Hagrid im Verbotenen Wald versteckt?
  1. Wie heißt der "Angeber-Professor" mit Familiennamen? Gilderoy...
  2. Wie heißt Harry Potter mit zweitem Vornamen?
  3. Mit welchem Wort beleidigt Draco Malfoy Hermine Granger?
  4. Was spielen Harry und Ron in den Winterferien?
  5. Wie heißt Professor McGonagall mit Vornamen?
  6. Wie heißt der zum Tode verurteilte Hippogreif?
  7. Wie wird Tom Riddle genannt? Lord...
  8. Wie heißt Mad-Eye Moody mit Vornamen?
  9. Wo wohnen die Dursleys?
  10. Wie heißt der Zauberstab, der ein Heiligtum des Todes ist?

21 Clues: Wo wohnen die Weasleys?Wo wohnen die Dursleys?Wo arbeitet Arthur Weasley?Wie wird Tom Riddle genannt? Lord...Wie heißt Mad-Eye Moody mit Vornamen?Aus welcher Schule stammt Viktor Krumm?Wie heißt die Einkaufsstraße für Zauberer?Wie heißt Harry Potter mit zweitem Vornamen?Wie heißt Professor McGonagall mit Vornamen?...

Harry Potter 2021-12-08

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Barty _____ Jr.
  2. ______ Snape.
  3. _____ Gryffindor, one of the four founders of Hogwarts.
  4. _____ Potter.
  5. Crabbe and _____.
  6. _______ Longbottom.
  7. ______ Ravenclaw, one of the four founders of Hogwarts.
  8. ____ Weasley, eldest brother.
  9. Rubeus _____, gamekeeper of Hogwarts.
  10. Dolores _______.
  11. Cho _______.
  12. Quirinus _______, Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher during Harry's first year.
  13. ____ Delacour.
  14. Lord ________.
  15. _____ Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts.
  16. Dudley _______.
  17. ______ Finnigan, Irish Gryffindor student.
  18. ___ Weasley, glorified useless character.
  19. House elf freed by Harry.
  20. _____ Lovegood.
  21. ______ Potter, father of Harry.
  22. ______ Krum.
  23. _____ Hufflepuff, one of the four founders of Hogwarts.
  24. _____ Weasley, only daughter.
  25. Argus ______, caretake of Hogwarts.
  1. ______ Weasley, second eldest Weasley, works with dragons.
  2. Peter ________.
  3. _________ Lestrange.
  4. ________ Granger.
  5. Remus _____.
  6. Albus _______.
  7. Tom ______.
  8. _________ Fudge, Minister of Magic.
  9. _________ Tonks.
  10. _____ Diggory.
  11. Alastor (Mad-Eye) _______.
  12. ______ weasley, third eldest Weasley, pompous Gryffindor prefect.
  13. Giledroy _______.
  14. ______ Black.
  15. _____ Weasley, father of the Weasleys.
  16. Fred & ______ Weasley.
  17. Minerva ___________.
  18. ______ Malfoy.
  19. _____ Potter, mother of Harry.

44 Clues: Tom ______.Remus _____.Cho _______.______ Krum.______ Snape._____ Potter.______ Black.Albus _______.____ Delacour._____ Diggory.Lord ________.______ Malfoy.Barty _____ Jr.Peter ________.Dudley _______._____ Lovegood.Dolores _______._________ Tonks.________ Granger.Crabbe and _____.Giledroy _______._______ Longbottom._________ Lestrange....

Harry Potter and the cursed Child Crossword By OJ 2022-12-08

Harry Potter and the cursed Child Crossword By OJ crossword puzzle
  1. The dark Lord
  2. Of invisibility
  3. Magic stick
  4. The sport in Harry Potter
  5. The headmaster
  6. Malfoys House
  7. Harrys House
  1. What do you use to play quidditch
  2. Potter
  3. Diggory
  4. The School
  5. The Yellow House
  6. Malfoy
  7. The Blue House
  8. Malfoys son

15 Clues: PotterMalfoyDiggoryThe SchoolMagic stickMalfoys sonHarrys HouseThe dark LordMalfoys HouseThe headmasterThe Blue HouseOf invisibilityThe Yellow HouseThe sport in Harry PotterWhat do you use to play quidditch

Harry Potter 2018-10-16

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. /Harry Potter’s best friend
  2. /She is very smart
  3. /If you are not magical you are
  4. /Harry Potter house
  1. / Harry Potter is a
  2. /The potions teacher
  3. /Head master
  4. /Our favorite elf
  5. /Harry Potter school

10 Clues: /Head master/Our favorite elf/She is very smart/THE BOY WHO LiVED/ Harry Potter is a/Harry Potter house/The potions teacher/Harry Potter school/Harry Potter’s best friend/If you are not magical you are

Crucio-verba! 2015-08-09

Crucio-verba! crossword puzzle
  1. Colui che non deve essere nominato
  2. L'incantesimo inventato dal Principe Mezzosangue
  3. L'animale patronus di Piton
  4. La mappa del...
  5. La versione umana del topo Crosta, che è un animagus (nome e cognome)
  6. L'ex elfo domestico dei Malfoy
  7. Il nome della sorella di Sirius Black
  8. Il nome del cane a tre teste di Hagrid
  9. Cosa estrae Harry dal cappello parlante?
  10. Il preside di Hogwarts (cognome)
  1. Da quanti libri è composta la saga?
  2. Il covo del basilisco
  3. "Paura Potter?" Chi ha detto questa frase? (nome e cognome)
  4. Il bambino sopravvissuto (nome e cognome)
  5. Le iniziali dell'autrice di Harry Potter?
  6. Il serpente di Voldemort
  7. Quanti sono i doni della morte?
  8. Il nome del miglior amico di Potter
  9. L'ultima prova del Torneo Tre Maghi
  10. Come si chiama la civetta di Harry?

20 Clues: La mappa del...Il covo del basiliscoIl serpente di VoldemortL'animale patronus di PitonL'ex elfo domestico dei MalfoyQuanti sono i doni della morte?Il preside di Hogwarts (cognome)Colui che non deve essere nominatoDa quanti libri è composta la saga?Il nome del miglior amico di PotterL'ultima prova del Torneo Tre Maghi...

HARRY POTTER 2023-07-29

HARRY POTTER crossword puzzle
  1. Cedric Diggory's patronus
  2. The most powerful wand ever created
  3. The house elf of the Malfoy's
  4. The muggle object Arthur Weasley was fascinated by
  5. Ron Weasley’s pets name
  6. Killed Bellatrix Lestrange
  7. The name of the ghost in the girls bathroom first
  1. Hagrid gave Harry Potter on his 11th birthday
  2. Harry Potter’s owls name
  3. The last horcrux
  4. Harry potter's birth place
  5. The anigamus form of Professor Mcgonagall
  6. Dumbledore's brothers name
  7. Cedric Diggory's girlfriend
  8. The name of the poltergeist of Hogwarts
  9. The last thing Professor Snape gave Harry Potter as he died

16 Clues: The last horcruxHarry Potter’s owls nameCedric Diggory's patronusHarry potter's birth placeKilled Bellatrix LestrangeCedric Diggory's girlfriendDumbledore's brothers nameThe house elf of the Malfoy'sRon Weasley’s pets nameThe most powerful wand ever createdThe name of the poltergeist of HogwartsThe anigamus form of Professor Mcgonagall...

Mots croisés Harry Potter pour les 20 ans de Léa 2022-12-24

Mots croisés Harry Potter pour les 20 ans de Léa crossword puzzle
  1. Quel est le second prénom d’Hermione
  2. Quelle est la profession des parents d’Hermione Granger
  3. Dans la saga Harry Potter, qui est le prince de sang mêlé
  4. Quel est l'animagus de James Potter
  5. Comment se prénomme la mère de Drago Malefoy
  6. Quel est le nom du dragon appartenant à Hagrid
  7. Quel est le statut du sorcier Dumbledore
  8. Dans quelle maison était Albus Dumbledore lorsqu’il était élève à Poudlard
  9. Qui était Peter Pettigrow pour Ron
  10. Quel est le patronus d’Hermione Granger
  11. Quelle est la langue des serpents
  12. Qui va pétrifier Hermione Granger
  13. Comment s’appelle le chat d’Argus Rusard
  14. Quel est le prénom de Hagrid, le demi-géant de la saga
  15. Quel professeur a la réputation d'avoir été champion de duel dans sa jeunesse
  1. Quel acteur joue le rôle de Drago Malefoy
  2. Quelle est la formule du sortilège de mort
  3. Quel poste tient Harry Potter dans son équipe de Quidditch
  4. Quel titre Voldemort a-t-il décidé de porter
  5. Quelle potion permet à un sorcier de prendre l'apparence d'un autre humain
  6. Sur quelle partie du corps, Albus Dumbledore possède-t-il une cicatrice qui représente le plan du métro de Londres
  7. Quelle forme prend l'épouvantard de Ron dans la saga
  8. Qui est le parrain d'harry potter
  9. Quels sont les prénoms des enfants de Ron et Hermione
  10. Qui a offert le très performant Nimbus 2000 à Harry Potter
  11. Quel animal est Buck
  12. Quel est le sortilège de désarmement
  13. Quel est le premier cadeau de Noël que Hagrid a offert à Harry Potter
  14. De quelle espèce Albus Dumbledore comprend-il la langue
  15. Quelle activité passionne tout particulièrement Albus Dumbledore
  16. De quel bois est composée la baguette d'Harry Potter
  17. Quel est le signe du zodiaque du jeune Harry Potter
  18. Qui tue Nagini, le serpent de voldemort
  19. Quelle matière était enseignée par Albus Dumbledore avant de devenir directeur de Poudlard
  20. Qui gardent Azkaban, la prison des sorciers

35 Clues: Quel animal est BuckQui est le parrain d'harry potterQuelle est la langue des serpentsQui va pétrifier Hermione GrangerQui était Peter Pettigrow pour RonQuel est l'animagus de James PotterQuel est le second prénom d’HermioneQuel est le sortilège de désarmementQuel est le patronus d’Hermione GrangerQui tue Nagini, le serpent de voldemort...

Who was J.K. Rowling? 2021-05-31

Who was J.K. Rowling? crossword puzzle
  1. ________ dollar fortune because of writting books
  2. a small vilige where jo's family moved to
  3. She is the second highest __________ in the world
  4. Harry potter was a worldwide ____________
  1. Fans lined up at________ to buy the new Potterbook
  2. awards for writting the harry potter series
  3. named harry who had a lightning bolt ____?
  4. The month J.K. rowling finished the last harry potter book
  5. The number of Harry Potter books
  6. the month the first harry potter movie premiered

10 Clues: The number of Harry Potter booksa small vilige where jo's family moved toHarry potter was a worldwide ____________named harry who had a lightning bolt ____?awards for writting the harry potter seriesthe month the first harry potter movie premiered________ dollar fortune because of writting booksShe is the second highest __________ in the world...

HARRY POTTER 2017-01-09

HARRY POTTER crossword puzzle


Harry Potter Quiz 2024-01-11

Harry Potter Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Who has a lightning bolt scar on his forehead?
  2. Who is the author of the Harry Potter books?
  3. How do you get to Hogwarts?
  4. Who teaches Transfiguration class?
  5. Who wants to kill Harry?
  1. Who teaches the Care of Magical Creatures class?
  2. Who has 5 brothers and 1 sister?
  3. Whose parents are Muggles?
  4. How many Harry Potter movies are there?
  5. Who is Harry's rival?
  6. Who is the head of Slytherin?
  7. Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts?
  8. How many Harry Potter books are there?

13 Clues: Who is Harry's rival?Who wants to kill Harry?Whose parents are Muggles?How do you get to Hogwarts?Who is the head of Slytherin?Who has 5 brothers and 1 sister?Who teaches Transfiguration class?Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts?How many Harry Potter books are there?How many Harry Potter movies are there?Who is the author of the Harry Potter books?...

Harry Potter Crossword 2021-10-11

Harry Potter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How many harry potter books are there?
  2. What platform is to hogwarts
  3. Who is the main villian of harry potter
  4. Who is the leader of hogwarts?
  1. What symbol does harry potter have on his head?
  2. Who is Harry Potter's best friend?
  3. What House Does harry potter get into?
  4. How many houses are there in harry potter? *example Gryffindor*
  5. What pet does harry potter have?

9 Clues: What platform is to hogwartsWho is the leader of hogwarts?What pet does harry potter have?Who is Harry Potter's best friend?What House Does harry potter get into?How many harry potter books are there?Who is the main villian of harry potterWhat symbol does harry potter have on his head?How many houses are there in harry potter? *example Gryffindor*

Harry Potter Crossword 2021-10-11

Harry Potter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How many harry potter books are there?
  2. What platform is to hogwarts
  3. Who is the main villian of harry potter
  4. Who is the leader of hogwarts?
  1. What symbol does harry potter have on his head?
  2. Who is Harry Potter's best friend?
  3. What House Does harry potter get into?
  4. How many houses are there in harry potter? *example Gryffindor*
  5. What pet does harry potter have?

9 Clues: What platform is to hogwartsWho is the leader of hogwarts?What pet does harry potter have?Who is Harry Potter's best friend?What House Does harry potter get into?How many harry potter books are there?Who is the main villian of harry potterWhat symbol does harry potter have on his head?How many houses are there in harry potter? *example Gryffindor*

Harry potter 2022-02-18

Harry potter crossword puzzle
  1. wat heeft hij altijd op zijn gezicht?
  2. Hoe heet de vijand van Harry potter?
  3. hoe heet de school van Harry potter?
  4. wat is zijn lievelings kleur van Harry potter?
  1. hoe heet de naam van de hoofdpersonage?
  2. wie is de directrice van
  3. hoe heet de aartsvijand van Harry potter?
  4. hoe heet de beste vriendin van ron en Harry potter
  5. hoe heet de beste vriend van Harry potter?

9 Clues: wie is de directrice vanHoe heet de vijand van Harry potter?hoe heet de school van Harry potter?wat heeft hij altijd op zijn gezicht?hoe heet de naam van de hoofdpersonage?hoe heet de aartsvijand van Harry potter?hoe heet de beste vriend van Harry potter?wat is zijn lievelings kleur van Harry potter?...

Nuestra clase 2021-09-09

Nuestra clase crossword puzzle
  1. Color celeste y Harry Potter.
  2. Pokemon y Chucky
  3. Tiene tres tatoo
  4. Color rojo y le gusta el Barça
  5. Color rojo y miedo a las alturas
  6. Está de viaje
  7. Color amarillo y azul y padre no ruso.
  8. Amiga de María y caja azul
  9. Dumbo y patinar
  10. Color azul, dos hermanos y no tictokers
  11. León y fútbol
  12. Perro, conejo, verde e IT.
  13. Su madre es Valentina
  14. Carne y Harry Potter
  1. Le gusta It y tiene dos hermanos.
  2. Tigres y color negro
  3. Marvel y color negro y naranja
  4. Le gustan los conejos y los Iphone
  5. Futbol y amarillo.
  6. Color azul y nombre acortado
  7. Cinco hermanos y perros
  8. Amarillo y Harry Potter
  9. Color verde y blanco
  10. Solo en casa y odia el azul
  11. Cole nuevo
  12. Amarillo, violeta, hermana y hermano

26 Clues: Cole nuevoEstá de viajeLeón y fútbolDumbo y patinarPokemon y ChuckyTiene tres tatooFutbol y amarillo.Tigres y color negroColor verde y blancoCarne y Harry PotterSu madre es ValentinaCinco hermanos y perrosAmarillo y Harry PotterAmiga de María y caja azulPerro, conejo, verde e IT.Solo en casa y odia el azulColor azul y nombre acortado...

The city where the witch comes from 2021-05-02

The city where the witch comes from crossword puzzle
  1. Wizards use this ball to tell the future
  2. The name of the school in Harry Potter
  3. A magic 'stick'
  4. This house's emblem is yellow and black
  5. The author of Harry Potter
  6. The number one villain/enemy in 'Harry Potter'
  1. She is Harry's and Ron's best friend
  2. Hermione is a ...
  3. A night bird
  4. The hero's name is...
  5. A big 'pan' to make potions

11 Clues: A night birdA magic 'stick'Hermione is a ...The hero's name is...The author of Harry PotterA big 'pan' to make potionsShe is Harry's and Ron's best friendThe name of the school in Harry PotterThis house's emblem is yellow and blackWizards use this ball to tell the futureThe number one villain/enemy in 'Harry Potter'

Qual é a prenda de Natal da Sandra? 2022-12-24

Qual é a prenda de Natal da Sandra? crossword puzzle
  1. Mocho do Harry Potter
  2. O feitiço que causa amnesia
  3. Quem mata a Bellatrix Lestrange?
  4. Qual é o apelido dos tios do Harry Potter?
  5. Foi ordenado que matasse o Dumbledore
  6. Nome da Fenix do Dumbledore
  7. O que é que a Hermione encontrou na casa de banho?
  8. O vilão dos filmes Monstros Fantásticos estudou em Hogwarts?
  1. Quem é o vilão dos filmes Monstros Fantásticos?
  2. Melhor amigo do Harry Potter
  3. A que casa pertencia Newt Scamander?
  4. Ribeirinho do João
  5. Quem é que curte bué de meias?
  6. O feitiço para abrir portas
  7. A que casa pertencia a Luna Lovegood?
  8. Pessoa nascida de pais sem poderes de magia
  9. O que é que seleciona as casas?

17 Clues: Ribeirinho do JoãoMocho do Harry PotterO feitiço que causa amnesiaO feitiço para abrir portasNome da Fenix do DumbledoreMelhor amigo do Harry PotterQuem é que curte bué de meias?O que é que seleciona as casas?Quem mata a Bellatrix Lestrange?A que casa pertencia Newt Scamander?A que casa pertencia a Luna Lovegood?...

Harry Potter 2022-01-09

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Hagrid's giant half brother
  2. Head of Durmstrang
  3. The 'R' in R.A.B.
  4. Author of the Harry Potter franchise
  5. Harry's position on the Quidditch team
  6. Sirius Black's animagus
  7. Colin Creevey's brother
  8. The Half Blood Prince
  9. Hermione's patronus
  10. Harry Potter's house
  11. Creature that drains happiness from people
  12. Captured and impersonated Mad Eye Moody
  13. A trait most Ravenclaws posses
  1. Summoning charm
  2. Spoken words to wipe the Maurader's Map
  3. The name of Ginny's Pygmy Puff
  4. The only female Weasley child
  5. Where uncle Vernon works
  6. Professor Lupin's first name
  7. Villian of the Harry Potter franchise
  8. Secret club Harry made in his 5th year
  9. Hagrid's pet spider
  10. Dark wizard catchers
  11. Nymphadora Tonk's house

24 Clues: Summoning charmThe 'R' in R.A.B.Head of DurmstrangHagrid's pet spiderHermione's patronusHarry Potter's houseDark wizard catchersThe Half Blood PrinceSirius Black's animagusColin Creevey's brotherNymphadora Tonk's houseWhere uncle Vernon worksHagrid's giant half brotherProfessor Lupin's first nameThe only female Weasley child...

The city where the witch comes from 2021-05-02

The city where the witch comes from crossword puzzle
  1. Wizards use this ball to read the future
  2. The name of the school in Harry Potter
  3. A magic 'stick'
  4. This house's emblem is yellow and black
  5. The author of Harry Potter
  6. The number one villain/enemy in 'Harry Potter'
  1. She is Harry's and Ron's best friend
  2. Hermione is a ...
  3. A night bird
  4. The hero's name is...
  5. A big 'pan' to make potions

11 Clues: A night birdA magic 'stick'Hermione is a ...The hero's name is...The author of Harry PotterA big 'pan' to make potionsShe is Harry's and Ron's best friendThe name of the school in Harry PotterThis house's emblem is yellow and blackWizards use this ball to read the futureThe number one villain/enemy in 'Harry Potter'

Harry Potter Crossword Puzzle 2020-12-21

Harry Potter Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Harry's mom
  2. Malfoy's companion
  3. Enemy from the beginning
  4. The wizard that choked in the 6th book
  5. Person that defeats Voldemort
  6. The light spell
  7. The very smart witch
  8. The snake that petrified Hermione Granger
  1. Who Harry Potter marries
  2. The villain in Harry Potter
  3. Ghost in the girl's bathroom
  4. The headmaster
  5. The potions professor
  6. Harry's dad
  7. Malfoy's second companion

15 Clues: Harry's momHarry's dadThe headmasterThe light spellMalfoy's companionThe very smart witchThe potions professorWho Harry Potter marriesEnemy from the beginningMalfoy's second companionThe villain in Harry PotterGhost in the girl's bathroomPerson that defeats VoldemortThe wizard that choked in the 6th bookThe snake that petrified Hermione Granger

The Sorcerer's Stone 2021-12-19

The Sorcerer's Stone crossword puzzle
  1. Harry's position in Quidditch
  2. Hedwig is an ____
  3. school of wizardry
  4. Herbology is the study of magical _____
  5. Harry's house at school
  6. Trevor is Neville's pet ____
  7. Dursley is Harry's ___
  8. The headmaster of Hogwarts
  9. the Hogwarts Express is a _____
  10. Ron's pet rat
  11. Harry's best friend is Ron _____
  1. _____ and George - the twins
  2. this is where Harry sleeps under the stairs
  3. this creature breaks into Hogwarts on Halloween
  4. _____ hat puts wizards in their House
  5. a non-wizard
  6. the Golden _____
  7. Harry _____
  8. Slytherin's colors: _____ and silver
  9. a wizard's tool
  10. Harry's cousin
  11. Hogwarts is located in a _____
  12. Harry Potter is a ____

23 Clues: Harry _____a non-wizardRon's pet ratHarry's cousina wizard's toolthe Golden _____Hedwig is an ____school of wizardryDursley is Harry's ___Harry Potter is a ____Harry's house at schoolThe headmaster of Hogwarts_____ and George - the twinsTrevor is Neville's pet ____Harry's position in QuidditchHogwarts is located in a _____...

Harry Potter : The prisoner of Azkaban 2017-03-16

Harry Potter : The prisoner of Azkaban crossword puzzle
  1. Director of the school and sorcerer
  2. professor of Harry
  3. love attachment with Hermione
  4. magical creature
  5. magical artefact used to render the wearer invisible
  6. school of Harry Potter
  1. one of the twin brothers of Harry
  2. magic formula against dementors
  3. friend of Harry Potter (girl)
  4. cat
  5. opponent of Harry
  6. hedwing

12 Clues: cathedwingmagical creatureopponent of Harryprofessor of Harryschool of Harry Potterfriend of Harry Potter (girl)love attachment with Hermionemagic formula against dementorsone of the twin brothers of HarryDirector of the school and sorcerermagical artefact used to render the wearer invisible

Malaya's Crossword for Secret Santa 2018-12-19

Malaya's Crossword for Secret Santa crossword puzzle
  1. Flying mammal
  2. Dear ____ Hansen
  3. the teacher of Room 10
  4. ________ Columbia (Province Beside Alberta)
  5. the belief that men and women are equal
  6. Likes to chase mice
  7. our planet
  8. Harry Potter creature who likes gold
  9. Man's best friend
  10. like an alpaca
  11. "______ through the snow"
  12. the G in LGBTQ+
  13. "The World Turned _______"
  14. Harry Potters Ginger friend
  1. Houstons State
  2. Jaidens Doggo
  3. "How many _____ do you have to eat"
  4. JK _______ (author of Harry Potter)
  5. "I'm not gonna give away my ____'
  6. they have a badger on their crest
  7. the A in AFS
  8. Large marsupial
  9. Has a trunk
  10. "Angelica, Eliza, and _____"

24 Clues: our planetHas a trunkthe A in AFSFlying mammalJaidens DoggoHoustons Statelike an alpacaLarge marsupialthe G in LGBTQ+Dear ____ HansenMan's best friendLikes to chase micethe teacher of Room 10"______ through the snow""The World Turned _______"Harry Potters Ginger friend"Angelica, Eliza, and _____""I'm not gonna give away my ____'...

Harry Potter ⚡ 2020-05-07

Harry Potter ⚡ crossword puzzle
  1. scuola magia-stregoneria
  2. sta vicino alla foresta oscura
  3. migliore amico di Harry
  4. cognome di Harry
  5. la più cattiva prof.
  6. preside della scuola
  7. professoressa ganza
  8. professore della pietra filosofale
  9. è morto ai 3 maghi
  10. cattivo ma bello
  1. amica di harry "lunatica"
  2. il meglio professore
  3. tom riddle 👃
  4. babbo di harry
  5. migliore amica di harry
  6. animale fantastico
  7. la cinese
  8. mamma di Harry

18 Clues: la cinesetom riddle 👃babbo di harrymamma di Harrycognome di Harrycattivo ma belloanimale fantasticoè morto ai 3 maghiprofessoressa ganzail meglio professorela più cattiva prof.preside della scuolamigliore amico di Harrymigliore amica di harryscuola magia-stregoneriaamica di harry "lunatica"sta vicino alla foresta oscura...

Harry Potter crossword 2021-10-07

Harry Potter crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Most popular sport in the wizarding world (Harry plays as a seeker).
  2. follower of the Dark lord.
  3. The place where young witches and wizards go to buy school supplies.
  4. The family that Harry Potter lives with.
  5. A very expensive and nice broomstick (Harry was given it by a teacher).
  6. School House represented by a lion with the colors red and gold (Curage,chivalry & determination).
  7. One of the positions in quidditch that chases after the snitch.
  1. A female in the wizarding world.
  2. School of witchcraft and wizardry that harry potter attends.
  3. The high security prison in the wizarding world.
  4. A male in the wizarding world.
  5. Non-magical people.
  6. The "Principal" of hogwarts (Albus Dumbledore).
  7. The dark lord.
  8. City in England that Harry POtter lives in with his aunt & uncle.

15 Clues: The dark lord.Non-magical people.follower of the Dark lord.A male in the wizarding world.A female in the wizarding world.The family that Harry Potter lives with.The "Principal" of hogwarts (Albus Dumbledore).The high security prison in the wizarding world.School of witchcraft and wizardry that harry potter attends....

Harry Potter crossword 2021-10-07

Harry Potter crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Most popular sport in the wizarding world (Harry plays as a seeker).
  2. follower of the Dark lord.
  3. The place where young witches and wizards go to buy school supplies.
  4. The family that Harry Potter lives with.
  5. A very expensive and nice broomstick (Harry was given it by a teacher).
  6. School House represented by a lion with the colors red and gold (Curage,chivalry & determination).
  7. One of the positions in quidditch that chases after the snitch.
  1. A female in the wizarding world.
  2. School of witchcraft and wizardry that harry potter attends.
  3. The high security prison in the wizarding world.
  4. A male in the wizarding world.
  5. Non-magical people.
  6. The "Principal" of hogwarts (Albus Dumbledore).
  7. The dark lord.
  8. City in England that Harry POtter lives in with his aunt & uncle.

15 Clues: The dark lord.Non-magical people.follower of the Dark lord.A male in the wizarding world.A female in the wizarding world.The family that Harry Potter lives with.The "Principal" of hogwarts (Albus Dumbledore).The high security prison in the wizarding world.School of witchcraft and wizardry that harry potter attends....

Jazzy’s Jazzy Jazz Life 2020-12-30

Jazzy’s Jazzy Jazz Life crossword puzzle
  1. the game jazzy has been playing recently
  2. Jazzy’s big squishmallow
  3. one of Jazzy’s favorite Louis songs
  4. jazzy is blank percent Chinese
  5. Jazzy’s favorite singers
  6. Jazzy’s favorite character in marvel
  7. one of Jazzy’s favorite Harry style songs
  8. Jazzy’s favorite character in Harry Potter
  9. Jazzy’s birthplace
  10. Jazzy’s favorite character in Stranger Things
  11. Jazzy’s favorite character in Teen Wolf
  1. Jazzy’s favorite character in Queens Gambit
  2. most recent city Jazzy’s been to
  3. Jazzy’s Chinese name
  4. Jazzy’s Harry Potter house
  5. Jazzy’s astrology sign
  6. Jazzy’s real name
  7. Jazzy’s favorite actor
  8. Jazzy’s favorite jewelry
  9. Jazzy’s favorite character in Sabrina

20 Clues: Jazzy’s real nameJazzy’s birthplaceJazzy’s Chinese nameJazzy’s astrology signJazzy’s favorite actorJazzy’s big squishmallowJazzy’s favorite jewelryJazzy’s favorite singersJazzy’s Harry Potter housejazzy is blank percent Chinesemost recent city Jazzy’s been toone of Jazzy’s favorite Louis songsJazzy’s favorite character in marvel...

Spécial Harry Potter 2022-08-19

Spécial Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. A embrassé Harry dans la Salle sur Demande
  2. Combien Ron a-t-il de frères ?
  3. Personnage sympathique qui l’est un peu moins lors de la pleine lune
  4. Petit ami à huit pattes de Hagrid devenu Roi des araignées
  5. Maison des Weasley
  6. Serviteurs de Lord Voldemort
  7. Nombre de films qui composent la saga Harry Potter
  8. Nom de famille de Lord Voldemort
  9. Tue le serpent Nagini lors de la bataille de Poudlard
  10. Banque du chemin de Traverse
  11. Nom de famille d’Hermione
  12. Représentant officiel de Poudlard lors du Tournoi des Trois Sorciers
  13. Est un horcruxe
  14. Prénom du père de Harry
  15. Monstre sévissant dans Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets
  16. Quelle salle commune se trouve près des cachots de Poudlard ?
  1. Personnage le plus détestable dans Harry Potter et l’Ordre du Phoenix
  2. Professeur de Botanique
  3. Fantôme farceur qui hante Poudlard
  4. Maison de Poudlard
  5. Boisson préférée des jeunes sorciers
  6. Attrapeur de Serpentard
  7. Sortilège du bouclier
  8. Poste au Quidditch
  9. Directrice de Gryffondor
  10. Fait éclore des œufs de dragons dans sa cabane
  11. A été Directeur de Poudlard après Albus Dumbledore
  12. Surnom de Sirius Black sous sa forme d'animagus

28 Clues: Est un horcruxeMaison de PoudlardMaison des WeasleyPoste au QuidditchSortilège du bouclierProfesseur de BotaniqueAttrapeur de SerpentardPrénom du père de HarryDirectrice de GryffondorNom de famille d’HermioneServiteurs de Lord VoldemortBanque du chemin de TraverseCombien Ron a-t-il de frères ?Nom de famille de Lord Voldemort...

Harry Potter 2023-06-28

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. What a witch would use to cast spell (In Spanish)
  2. What does a witch cast?
  3. What is the name of the school principal?
  4. What type of animal is Hedwig (In Spanish)
  5. What do wizards wear to avoid being seen?
  6. What animal is the mascot of the house called Slytherin? (In Spanish)
  1. The scar on Harry Potter's head has what shape?
  2. What do witches use to fly? (In Spanish)
  3. La escuela de Harry Potter es...
  4. What means of transportation is used by Harry Potter and his friends to get to his school? (In Spanish)
  5. Who is "the one who must not be named"?
  6. What sport do wizards play using a broomstick?
  7. How would a "person with no magical powers" be called?
  8. He is the keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts
  9. ¿Quién es el mejor amigo de Harry Potter? (In Spanish)
  10. Who is Harry Potter's smartest friend?

16 Clues: What does a witch cast?La escuela de Harry Potter es...Who is Harry Potter's smartest friend?Who is "the one who must not be named"?What do witches use to fly? (In Spanish)What is the name of the school principal?What do wizards wear to avoid being seen?What type of animal is Hedwig (In Spanish)What sport do wizards play using a broomstick?...

Harry Potter 2020-12-09

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. w jakiej drużynie był Harry?
  2. jaka jest najpopularniejsza postać z slitherina?
  3. kto zabił Voldemorta?
  4. jak się nazywa rodzina Rona?
  5. kto jest żoną Harry'ego?
  1. jak się nazywa część 6 filmu Harry'ego Pottera?
  2. jak się nazywa osoba która wie dużo o filmie "Harry Potter"?
  3. kto zabił Cedrika Diggorry'ego?
  4. kto zabił Bellatrix?
  5. kto był szczurem Rona?
  6. kto zabił Dumbledora?
  7. jak ma na nazwisko Harry?
  8. jak się nazywał tata Harry'ego?
  9. jak się nazywa szkoła w której był Harry?

14 Clues: kto zabił Bellatrix?kto zabił Dumbledora?kto zabił Voldemorta?kto był szczurem Rona?kto jest żoną Harry'ego?jak ma na nazwisko Harry?w jakiej drużynie był Harry?jak się nazywa rodzina Rona?kto zabił Cedrika Diggorry'ego?jak się nazywał tata Harry'ego?jak się nazywa szkoła w której był Harry?jak się nazywa część 6 filmu Harry'ego Pottera?...

test 2023-01-15

test crossword puzzle
  1. The last name of Voldemort's mom.
  2. Hated Harry Potter journalist
  3. Chamber of ___
  4. How are Harry's parents, godfather, and headmaster?
  5. Harry Potter's smart friend.
  6. Lord Voldemort's first name
  1. What holds a person soul?
  2. Harry Potter's first friend.
  3. What pulls the Hogwarts carriages?
  4. How do you make a Horcrux?
  5. Who killed Albus Dumbledore?
  6. What year did Harry and his friends miss?
  7. What year was Harry Potter in in the Prisoner of Azkaban?
  8. Who was meant to kill Albus Dumbledore?

14 Clues: Chamber of ___What holds a person soul?How do you make a Horcrux?Lord Voldemort's first nameHarry Potter's first friend.Who killed Albus Dumbledore?Harry Potter's smart friend.Hated Harry Potter journalistThe last name of Voldemort's mom.What pulls the Hogwarts carriages?Who was meant to kill Albus Dumbledore?...

Spécial Harry Potter 2022-08-15

Spécial Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. A été Directeur de Poudlard après Albus Dumbledore
  2. Personnage le plus détestable de Harry Potter et l’Ordre du Phoenix
  3. Nombre de films qui composent la saga Harry Potter
  4. Boisson préférée des jeunes sorciers
  5. Combien Ron a-t-il de frères ?
  6. Petit ami à huit pattes de Hagrid devenu Roi des araignées
  7. Prénom du père de Harry
  8. Attrapeur de Serpentard
  9. Tue le serpent Nagini lors de la bataille de Poudlard
  10. Maison des Weasley
  11. Quelle salle commune se trouve près des cachots de Poudlard ?
  12. Est un horcruxe
  13. A embrassé Harry dans la Salle sur Demande
  1. Serviteurs de Lord Voldemort
  2. Maison de Poudlard
  3. Professeur de Botanique
  4. Fantôme farceur qui hante Poudlard
  5. Poste au Quidditch
  6. Sortilège du bouclier
  7. Fait éclore des oeufs de dragons dans sa cabane
  8. Banque du chemin de Traverse
  9. Surnom de Sirius Black
  10. Directrice de Gryffondor
  11. Monstre sévissant dans Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets
  12. Nom de famille d’Hermione
  13. Personnage sympathique qui l’est un peu moins lors de la pleine lune
  14. Représentant officiel de Poudlard lors du Tournoi des Trois Sorciers
  15. Nom de famille de Lord Voldemort

28 Clues: Est un horcruxeMaison de PoudlardPoste au QuidditchMaison des WeasleySortilège du bouclierSurnom de Sirius BlackProfesseur de BotaniquePrénom du père de HarryAttrapeur de SerpentardDirectrice de GryffondorNom de famille d’HermioneServiteurs de Lord VoldemortBanque du chemin de TraverseCombien Ron a-t-il de frères ?Nom de famille de Lord Voldemort...

Narrative Elements Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-07

Narrative Elements Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. she was afraid).
  2. When an author describes the character indirectly through their words, thoughts, actions, physical description, etc.
  3. Conflict The problem faced by a character inside his or her own mind.
  4. Conflict The struggle between a character and an outside force such as nature, society, or another character.
  5. The main character of a book, play, movie, etc
  6. potter Who is the protagonist in harry potter
  7. voldemort Who is the antagonist in harry potter
  8. When the author gives hints of what will happen later in the story.
  9. The time, place, in which the action of the story takes place.
  1. What is the setting for harry potter
  2. Traits When an author describes the character by directly telling you something about them
  3. conflict Harry has no parents what type of conflict is this
  4. Setting of little riding hood
  5. A character or group of characters that is against the main character in a story.
  6. The message or truth about life/human nature that the author reveals in the story
  7. her hands were shaking as she clutched the phone).

16 Clues: she was afraid).Setting of little riding hoodWhat is the setting for harry potterpotter Who is the protagonist in harry potterThe main character of a book, play, movie, etcvoldemort Who is the antagonist in harry potterher hands were shaking as she clutched the phone).conflict Harry has no parents what type of conflict is this...

Spécial Harry Potter 2022-08-19

Spécial Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Professeur de Botanique
  2. Directrice de Gryffondor
  3. Nom de famille de Lord Voldemort
  4. Quelle salle commune se trouve près des cachots de Poudlard ?
  5. A embrassé Harry dans la Salle sur Demande
  6. Sortilège du bouclier
  7. A été Directeur de Poudlard après Albus Dumbledore
  8. Petit ami à huit pattes de Hagrid devenu Roi des araignées
  9. Tue le serpent Nagini lors de la bataille de Poudlard
  10. Maison de Poudlard
  11. Attrapeur de Serpentard
  12. Serviteurs de Lord Voldemort
  13. Nombre de films qui composent la saga Harry Potter
  1. Surnom de Sirius Black sous sa forme d'animagus
  2. Boisson préférée des jeunes sorciers
  3. Représentant officiel de Poudlard lors du Tournoi des Trois Sorciers
  4. Monstre sévissant dans Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets
  5. Combien Ron a-t-il de frères ?
  6. Fantôme farceur qui hante Poudlard
  7. Maison des Weasley
  8. Nom de famille d’Hermione
  9. Poste au Quidditch
  10. Personnage le plus détestable dans Harry Potter et l’Ordre du Phoenix
  11. Est un horcruxe
  12. Prénom du père de Harry
  13. Banque du chemin de Traverse
  14. Personnage sympathique qui l’est un peu moins lors de la pleine lune
  15. Fait éclore des œufs de dragons dans sa cabane

28 Clues: Est un horcruxeMaison des WeasleyPoste au QuidditchMaison de PoudlardSortilège du bouclierProfesseur de BotaniquePrénom du père de HarryAttrapeur de SerpentardDirectrice de GryffondorNom de famille d’HermioneBanque du chemin de TraverseServiteurs de Lord VoldemortCombien Ron a-t-il de frères ?Nom de famille de Lord Voldemort...

A Crossword Puzzle For You <3 2022-05-19

A Crossword Puzzle For You <3 crossword puzzle
  1. Best character in Harry Potter (in my opinion)
  2. Hottest character in Harry Potter
  3. 7 member K-Pop group
  4. Person one of our bears is based on
  5. A BTS rapper
  6. Youngest member of BTS
  7. Show with hot vampires
  8. One of my favorite cinematic universes
  9. Jane's best friend
  10. Best character in Harry Potter (in your opinion)
  11. Princess with 70 feet of hair
  12. Our favorite band director
  13. Conducts the band
  1. Award we got at UIL
  2. A BTS rapper
  3. My favorite kid show
  4. Woodwind instrument that's basically brass
  5. Activity we did for four years
  6. The other show with hot vampires
  7. Leader of BTS
  8. World Wide Handsome
  9. Best Josh Gad character
  10. Contest that didn't go well
  11. Your best friend
  12. An extraterrestrial creature
  13. Person one of our bears is based on
  14. Princess who takes her father's place when kidnapped
  15. A 7 book series that we both love
  16. Head Director
  17. Known as "The Happiest Place On Earth"

30 Clues: A BTS rapperA BTS rapperLeader of BTSHead DirectorYour best friendConducts the bandJane's best friendAward we got at UILWorld Wide HandsomeMy favorite kid show7 member K-Pop groupYoungest member of BTSShow with hot vampiresBest Josh Gad characterOur favorite band directorContest that didn't go wellAn extraterrestrial creature...

Harry Potter 2022-11-23

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. where Harry lived after his parents died
  2. house which Harry Potter is in
  3. he who must not be named
  4. gryffindors password
  5. Harry potters evil cousin
  6. potion master
  7. Harry potters nemesis
  8. janitor at hogwarts
  1. mrfilchs cats name
  2. what is Harry potters pet
  3. Harry potters pets name
  4. Harry potters streets name
  5. used to make wizards fly
  6. head master at hog warts
  7. Harry potters best friend
  8. magic stick
  9. name of the school
  10. famous ally
  11. sport that wizards play
  12. ball that helps you remember things
  13. three headed dog

21 Clues: magic stickfamous allypotion masterthree headed dogmrfilchs cats namename of the schooljanitor at hogwartsgryffindors passwordHarry potters nemesisHarry potters pets namesport that wizards playused to make wizards flyhe who must not be namedhead master at hog wartswhat is Harry potters petHarry potters best friendHarry potters evil cousin...

Phil & Anisha's Wisconsin Wedding 2019-06-05

Phil & Anisha's Wisconsin Wedding crossword puzzle
  1. The city in India where they were married
  2. Country where they took their first trip together
  3. Anisha's favorite Harry Potter Book
  4. Number of years between them (as of today)
  5. The city they currently live in
  6. Their favorite bar in Taipei
  7. The school they were working at when they met
  8. Anisha's major in college
  9. The first meal Anisha ever cooked for Phil
  10. Phil's sister in law
  11. Number of times they have gone to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (together)
  1. Where they got engaged
  2. Phil's favorite Harry Potter Book
  3. Month of their first date
  4. Anisha's Brother
  5. More or less their favorite band
  6. City where Phil's parents live
  7. The name of the crappy bar in Taipei where Phil & Anisha first met
  8. Phil's brother
  9. City where Anisha's parents live
  10. Location of their first date

21 Clues: Phil's brotherAnisha's BrotherPhil's sister in lawWhere they got engagedMonth of their first dateAnisha's major in collegeTheir favorite bar in TaipeiLocation of their first dateCity where Phil's parents liveThe city they currently live inMore or less their favorite bandCity where Anisha's parents livePhil's favorite Harry Potter Book...

Harry Potter 2022-11-23

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. he who must not be named
  2. head master at hog warts
  3. Harry potters streets name
  4. ball that helps you remember things
  5. sport that wizards play
  6. three headed dog
  7. Harry potters nemesis
  8. name of the school
  9. Harry potters best friend
  10. famous ally
  1. mrfilchs cats name
  2. used to make wizards fly
  3. magic stick
  4. Harry potters pets name
  5. potion master
  6. where Harry lived after his parents died
  7. house which Harry Potter is in
  8. janitor at hogwarts
  9. gryffindors password
  10. what is Harry potters pet
  11. Harry potters evil cousin

21 Clues: magic stickfamous allypotion masterthree headed dogmrfilchs cats namename of the schooljanitor at hogwartsgryffindors passwordHarry potters nemesisHarry potters pets namesport that wizards playused to make wizards flyhe who must not be namedhead master at hog wartswhat is Harry potters petHarry potters best friendHarry potters evil cousin...

Harry Potter 2022-11-23

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. he who must not be named
  2. head master at hog warts
  3. Harry potters streets name
  4. ball that helps you remember things
  5. sport that wizards play
  6. three headed dog
  7. Harry potters nemesis
  8. name of the school
  9. Harry potters best friend
  10. famous ally
  1. mrfilchs cats name
  2. used to make wizards fly
  3. magic stick
  4. Harry potters pets name
  5. potion master
  6. where Harry lived after his parents died
  7. house which Harry Potter is in
  8. janitor at hogwarts
  9. gryffindors password
  10. what is Harry potters pet
  11. Harry potters evil cousin

21 Clues: magic stickfamous allypotion masterthree headed dogmrfilchs cats namename of the schooljanitor at hogwartsgryffindors passwordHarry potters nemesisHarry potters pets namesport that wizards playused to make wizards flyhe who must not be namedhead master at hog wartswhat is Harry potters petHarry potters best friendHarry potters evil cousin...

Alice's Harry Potter Crossword Puzzle 2021-08-21

Alice's Harry Potter Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Potter, The boy who lived(5,6)
  2. Filius Flitwick teaches this (6)
  3. Weasly, Who is Harry's best friend (3,6)
  4. The Feline Professor (10)
  5. Malfoy, What is the name of the wife of Lucius Malfoy (8,6)
  6. The town visited by pupils every month (8)
  7. Who is the Head of Hogwarts (9)
  8. Hagrid, The Harry Potter BFG (6,6)
  9. Things that Ollivander sells (5)
  10. Malfoys, Who was Dobby's master before Harry freed him (3,7)
  1. Evans, Harry's Mother's maiden name (5,5)
  2. Liquids to enchant with (7)
  3. Granger, The cleverest witch of her age (8,7)
  4. Malfoy, Who asked for Bucbeak's exeqution (6,6)
  5. He who must not be named (10)
  6. Harry's wife's first name (5)
  7. Harry Potter's farther's first name (5)
  8. Black, Harry's godfather (6,5)
  9. Snape, Head of Slytherin (9,5)
  10. Things cast with a wand (6)
  11. Harry is a Seeker in this game (8)

21 Clues: The Feline Professor (10)Liquids to enchant with (7)Things cast with a wand (6)He who must not be named (10)Harry's wife's first name (5)Potter, The boy who lived(5,6)Black, Harry's godfather (6,5)Snape, Head of Slytherin (9,5)Who is the Head of Hogwarts (9)Filius Flitwick teaches this (6)Things that Ollivander sells (5)...

Harry Potter 2021-12-01

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. è misteriosa e lunatica
  2. professore di pozioni
  3. pazza che torturò i genitori di Neville
  4. è come una seconda madre per harry
  5. nemico di harry potter
  6. alleva draghi in romania
  7. è il cercatore della squadra di grifondoro
  8. gli piace molto erbologia
  9. professoressa di divinazione
  10. è la sorellina di Ron
  11. professore di incantesimi
  12. è il fratello più grande della famiglia weasley
  13. presidente della scuola di hogwarts
  1. elfo domestico molto fedele a Harry
  2. professoressa odiata da tutti
  3. è lo studente preferito del professor Piton
  4. prese il distintivo di prefetto nel primo film
  5. ha paura dei ragni
  6. lavora in banca nell'Ufficio per l'uso improprio dei manufatti babbani
  7. è la più studiosa e geniale del trio
  8. gli piace combinare guai insieme al suo gemello
  9. professoressa di trasfigurazione
  10. più fedele alleato di voldemort
  11. padrino di Harry Potter

24 Clues: ha paura dei ragniprofessore di pozioniè la sorellina di Ronnemico di harry potterè misteriosa e lunaticapadrino di Harry Potteralleva draghi in romaniagli piace molto erbologiaprofessore di incantesimiprofessoressa di divinazioneprofessoressa odiata da tuttipiù fedele alleato di voldemortprofessoressa di trasfigurazione...

Spécial Harry Potter 2022-08-15

Spécial Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. A embrassé Harry dans la Salle sur Demande
  2. Combien Ron a-t-il de frères ?
  3. Personnage sympathique qui l’est un peu moins lors de la pleine lune
  4. Petit ami à huit pattes de Hagrid devenu Roi des araignées
  5. Maison des Weasley
  6. Serviteurs de Lord Voldemort
  7. Nombre de films qui composent la saga Harry Potter
  8. Nom de famille de Lord Voldemort
  9. Tue le serpent Nagini lors de la bataille de Poudlard
  10. Banque du chemin de Traverse
  11. Nom de famille d’Hermione
  12. Représentant officiel de Poudlard lors du Tournoi des Trois Sorciers
  13. Est un horcruxe
  14. Prénom du père de Harry
  15. Monstre sévissant dans Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets
  16. Quelle salle commune se trouve près des cachots de Poudlard ?
  1. Personnage le plus détestable de Harry Potter et l’Ordre du Phoenix
  2. Professeur de Botanique
  3. Fantôme farceur qui hante Poudlard
  4. Maison de Poudlard
  5. Boisson préférée des jeunes sorciers
  6. Attrapeur de Serpentard
  7. Sortilège du bouclier
  8. Poste au Quidditch
  9. Directrice de Gryffondor
  10. Fait éclore des oeufs de dragons dans sa cabane
  11. A été Directeur de Poudlard après Albus Dumbledore
  12. Surnom de Sirius Black

28 Clues: Est un horcruxeMaison de PoudlardMaison des WeasleyPoste au QuidditchSortilège du bouclierSurnom de Sirius BlackProfesseur de BotaniqueAttrapeur de SerpentardPrénom du père de HarryDirectrice de GryffondorNom de famille d’HermioneServiteurs de Lord VoldemortBanque du chemin de TraverseCombien Ron a-t-il de frères ?Nom de famille de Lord Voldemort...

Harry Potter and the CONjuration Crossword 2018-10-28

Harry Potter and the CONjuration Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Harry's first love interest.
  2. Werewolf professor
  3. Scabbers
  4. Hogwarts High Inquisitor
  5. Founder of S.P.E.W.
  6. He Who Shall Not Be Named
  7. Harry Potters wife.
  8. Gryffindor student gifted in Herbology
  9. Founder of Slytherin House
  10. Charms professor at Hogwarts
  11. married Bill Weasley.
  12. Wandmaker
  13. Co-winner of the Triwizard Tournament.
  14. Leader of the Inquisitorial Squad.
  15. The Chosen One
  16. Retired Auror
  17. Harry Potter's godfather
  1. Magizoologist
  2. Half -giant
  3. Squib caretaker of Hogwarts.
  4. Founder of Ravenclaw House
  5. Founder of the Order of the Phoenix.
  6. Strange Ravenclaw student
  7. Hogwarts Transfiguration professor
  8. Best friends with Harry Potter
  9. Hogwarts Divination professor
  10. Founder of Gryffindor House
  11. Cousin of Sirius Black
  12. Founder of Hufflepuff House
  13. First cousin of Harry Potter.
  14. Fraudulent celebrity author
  15. Reporter for the Daily Prophet
  16. Multicolored Auror
  17. Hogwarts Potions professor

34 Clues: ScabbersWandmakerHalf -giantMagizoologistRetired AurorThe Chosen OneWerewolf professorMulticolored AurorFounder of S.P.E.W.Harry Potters wife.married Bill Weasley.Cousin of Sirius BlackHogwarts High InquisitorHarry Potter's godfatherStrange Ravenclaw studentHe Who Shall Not Be NamedFounder of Ravenclaw HouseFounder of Slytherin House...

Harry Potter 2022-11-23

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. he who must not be named
  2. head master at hog warts
  3. Harry potters streets name
  4. ball that helps you remember things
  5. sport that wizards play
  6. three headed dog
  7. Harry potters nemesis
  8. name of the school
  9. Harry potters best friend
  10. famous ally
  1. mrfilchs cats name
  2. used to make wizards fly
  3. magic stick
  4. Harry potters pets name
  5. potion master
  6. where Harry lived after his parents died
  7. house which Harry Potter is in
  8. janitor at hogwarts
  9. gryffindors password
  10. what is Harry potters pet
  11. Harry potters evil cousin

21 Clues: magic stickfamous allypotion masterthree headed dogmrfilchs cats namename of the schooljanitor at hogwartsgryffindors passwordHarry potters nemesisHarry potters pets namesport that wizards playused to make wizards flyhe who must not be namedhead master at hog wartswhat is Harry potters petHarry potters best friendHarry potters evil cousin...

Disney/Harry Potter Mash Up 2017-06-24

Disney/Harry Potter Mash Up crossword puzzle
  1. Brandon's favorite Disney villain
  2. Brandon's favorite Disney sidekick
  3. Pooh's donkey friend, who's voice actor also played Optimus Prime
  4. Shari's favorite Disney sidekick
  5. We only know her prince as "Charming"
  6. How many times J.K. Rowling was rejected before being published
  7. This skeleton had over 400 heads
  1. The only Disney princess with dimples
  2. Shari's favorite Disney villain
  3. Shari's favorite Harry Potter character
  4. Order of the ____ is Shari's favorite Harry Potter movie
  5. The number of Harry Potter books
  6. The number of Disney princesses
  7. Shari's favorite Disney princess
  8. Pocahontas's sidekick, who was supposed to be a talking turkey

15 Clues: Shari's favorite Disney villainThe number of Disney princessesThe number of Harry Potter booksShari's favorite Disney sidekickShari's favorite Disney princessThis skeleton had over 400 headsBrandon's favorite Disney villainBrandon's favorite Disney sidekickThe only Disney princess with dimplesWe only know her prince as "Charming"...

Harry Potter 2022-04-27

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Voldemort csapata.
  2. A Harry Potter ellőt játszódó film.
  3. Ebbe a házba jár Harry a Roxforton belül.
  4. A Roxfort igazgatója.
  5. Ennyi részes a könyvsorozat.
  6. Harry keresztapja.
  7. Ennyi részes a filmsorozat.
  1. A gyilkos varázslat.
  2. A Griffendél szelleme.
  3. Harry ennyi évesen kapott a Roxforttól levelet.
  4. Harry legnagyobb ellensége.
  5. Ez volt Harry első seprűje.
  6. Harry unokatesója.
  7. A három fejű kutya.
  8. Harry fiú barátja.
  9. Harry szerelme.

16 Clues: Harry szerelme.Voldemort csapata.Harry unokatesója.Harry fiú barátja.Harry keresztapja.A három fejű kutya.A gyilkos varázslat.A Roxfort igazgatója.A Griffendél szelleme.Harry legnagyobb ellensége.Ez volt Harry első seprűje.Ennyi részes a filmsorozat.Ennyi részes a könyvsorozat.A Harry Potter ellőt játszódó film....

Jasmine 4 - Harry Potter 2022-07-22

Jasmine 4 - Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. House elf
  2. Author of the books, J.K. _______
  3. Three headed dog guarding the chamber of secrets
  4. School house that Harry belongs to
  5. Wizard jail for convicted criminals
  6. Hermione's cat
  7. Scary creature hidden in the chamber of secrets
  8. _________ tournament,magical contest held between three wizarding schools
  9. Number of books in Harry Potter series
  10. Harry Potter and the ______ of fire
  11. Broomstick sport
  12. Dark creature that feeds on human happiness
  13. Hogwarts Express platform, nine and three ________
  1. _______ Myrtle
  2. Harry's cousin
  3. Harry's godfather
  4. Subject taught by McGonagall
  5. Caretaker of Hogwarts
  6. Hogwarts Express is what kind of transport?
  7. Ron's little sister
  8. What kind of animal did hagrid gift to Harry?
  9. Type of animal that Fawkes is
  10. Albus __________
  11. Name of Harry's best female friend

24 Clues: House elf_______ MyrtleHarry's cousinHermione's catAlbus __________Broomstick sportHarry's godfatherRon's little sisterCaretaker of HogwartsSubject taught by McGonagallType of animal that Fawkes isAuthor of the books, J.K. _______School house that Harry belongs toName of Harry's best female friendWizard jail for convicted criminals...

Harry and Mikey 2023-08-22

Harry and Mikey crossword puzzle
  1. You might find swings and slides here?
  2. Mikey and James have this animal as a pet?
  3. Harry’s favourite food?
  4. The town that we are in?
  5. What colour is Codie’s fart mobile?
  6. What day is it?
  7. Who is Harry Potter’s best Friend?
  8. Where does Harry Potter go to school?
  1. The bear you will see on your journey today?
  2. What bird is on Silent Night wagons?
  3. A round food that is cut into triangles?
  4. What flower are you looking for on your journey today?
  5. What is Harry Potter?
  6. Barnoldswick’s supermarket?
  7. Harry plays this sport?
  8. Where do James and Mikey go to school?
  9. What is The Whomping Willow?
  10. What is Hedwig?
  11. Mikey and James play this sport?
  12. What is The Hogwarts Express?

20 Clues: What is Hedwig?What day is it?What is Harry Potter?Harry plays this sport?Harry’s favourite food?The town that we are in?Barnoldswick’s supermarket?What is The Whomping Willow?What is The Hogwarts Express?Mikey and James play this sport?Who is Harry Potter’s best Friend?What colour is Codie’s fart mobile?What bird is on Silent Night wagons?...

Hogwarts 2020-07-21

Hogwarts crossword puzzle
  1. Voldemort The villain in all Harry Potter's movies
  2. Platform nine and three fourths
  3. Played on flying broomsticks
  4. Harry Potter's best friend that is a brilliant girl
  5. Herbology professor and head of Hufflepuff House
  6. The beast hidden in the Chamber of Secrets
  7. Lady painting to open the Gryffindor house
  8. The type of bird that Harry Potter owns
  9. Used to brew potions
  10. Harry Potter's eye color
  11. Wizard prison that is guarded by dementors
  12. Wizarding bank run by Goblins
  13. Potions professor and head of Slytherin House
  14. Harry Potter's moms name
  15. Harry Potter's dads name
  16. Potion brewed by Harry, Ron and Hermoine
  17. The occupation of Hermione's parents
  18. The name of Harry Potter's uncle
  19. The name of Harry Potter's bird
  20. Plant used to breathe underwater
  1. Charms professor and head of Ravenclaw House
  2. The best headmaster that Hogwarts ever had
  3. Black Harry Potter's godfather
  4. GryffindorSlytherinRavenclawHufflepuff
  5. Harry Potter's Birthday
  6. Hat that assigns students to houses
  7. The name of Harry Potter's aunt
  8. The way that Harry Potter sets Dobby
  9. Snitch The smallest ball used in Quidditch
  10. Man with Mad Eye Moody when he was killed
  11. Harry Potter's best friend that has red hair
  12. Transfiguration professor and head of Gryffindor House
  13. Ron and Harry flew it to Hogwarts
  14. Used by Dumbledore to take and place light
  15. The name of Harry Potter's cousin
  16. Writing device used by the Wizarding World
  17. Cloak that makes one disappear

37 Clues: Used to brew potionsHarry Potter's BirthdayHarry Potter's eye colorHarry Potter's moms nameHarry Potter's dads namePlayed on flying broomsticksWizarding bank run by GoblinsBlack Harry Potter's godfatherCloak that makes one disappearPlatform nine and three fourthsThe name of Harry Potter's auntThe name of Harry Potter's bird...

Crossword Labs Harry Potter 2020-11-15

Crossword Labs Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. wand / object used to make magic.
  2. / What Harry Potter wears on his nose.
  3. / Harry Potter's transport to the wizards' school.
  4. / A brand that can be seen on his face.
  5. / Items found in the library.
  1. / Object where you put a magic potion.
  2. / Object where you put your things when you leave.
  3. / Object that Harry Potter puts on his head.
  4. / Object used by Harry Potter to fly.
  5. / The Harry Potter Pet.

10 Clues: / The Harry Potter Pet./ Items found in the library.wand / object used to make magic./ Object used by Harry Potter to fly./ Object where you put a magic potion./ What Harry Potter wears on his nose./ A brand that can be seen on his face./ Object that Harry Potter puts on his head./ Object where you put your things when you leave....

Hogwarts 2021-10-28

Hogwarts crossword puzzle
  1. Voldemort The villain in all Harry Potter's movies
  2. Platform nine and three fourths
  3. Played on flying broomsticks
  4. Harry Potter's best friend that is a brilliant girl
  5. Herbology professor and head of Hufflepuff House
  6. The beast hidden in the Chamber of Secrets
  7. Lady painting to open the Gryffindor house
  8. The type of bird that Harry Potter owns
  9. Used to brew potions
  10. Harry Potter's eye color
  11. Wizard prison that is guarded by dementors
  12. Wizarding bank run by Goblins
  13. Potions professor and head of Slytherin House
  14. Harry Potter's moms name
  15. Harry Potter's dads name
  16. Potion brewed by Harry, Ron and Hermoine
  17. The occupation of Hermione's parents
  18. The name of Harry Potter's uncle
  19. The name of Harry Potter's bird
  20. Plant used to breathe underwater
  1. Charms professor and head of Ravenclaw House
  2. The best headmaster that Hogwarts ever had
  3. Black Harry Potter's godfather
  4. GryffindorSlytherinRavenclawHufflepuff
  5. Harry Potter's Birthday
  6. Hat that assigns students to houses
  7. The name of Harry Potter's aunt
  8. The way that Harry Potter sets Dobby
  9. Snitch The smallest ball used in Quidditch
  10. Man with Mad Eye Moody when he was killed
  11. Harry Potter's best friend that has red hair
  12. Transfiguration professor and head of Gryffindor House
  13. Ron and Harry flew it to Hogwarts
  14. Used by Dumbledore to take and place light
  15. The name of Harry Potter's cousin
  16. Writing device used by the Wizarding World
  17. Cloak that makes one disappear

37 Clues: Used to brew potionsHarry Potter's BirthdayHarry Potter's eye colorHarry Potter's moms nameHarry Potter's dads namePlayed on flying broomsticksWizarding bank run by GoblinsBlack Harry Potter's godfatherCloak that makes one disappearPlatform nine and three fourthsThe name of Harry Potter's auntThe name of Harry Potter's bird...

Hogwarts 2020-07-21

Hogwarts crossword puzzle
  1. The name of Harry Potter's cousin
  2. Plant used to breathe underwater
  3. Man with Mad Eye Moody when he was killed
  4. Played on flying broomsticks
  5. Wizard prison that is guarded by dementors
  6. Herbology professor and head of Hufflepuff
  7. Harry Potter's best female friend
  8. Potion brewed by Harry, Ron and Hermoine
  9. The type of bird that Harry Potter owns
  10. The name of Harry Potter's aunt
  11. Lady painting to open the Gryffindor house
  12. Transfiguration and head of Gryffindor
  13. GryffindorSlytherinRavenclawHufflepuff
  14. Wizarding bank run by Goblins
  15. Ron and Harry flew it to Hogwarts
  16. Platform nine and three fourths
  17. Writing device used by the Wizarding World
  18. Used to brew potions
  19. Harry Potter's Birthday
  20. The villain in all Harry Potter's movies
  21. Potions professor and head of Slytherin
  1. The beast hidden in the Chamber of Secrets
  2. Harry Potter's moms name
  3. Harry Potter's godfather
  4. Used by Dumbledore to take and place light
  5. The occupation of Hermione's parents
  6. The way that Harry Potter sets Dobby
  7. The name of Harry Potter's uncle
  8. Harry Potter's eye color
  9. Snitch The smallest ball used in Quidditch
  10. The name of Harry Potter's bird
  11. Harry Potter's dads name
  12. Cloak that makes one disappear
  13. Charms professor and head of Ravenclaw
  14. Hat that assigns students to houses
  15. Harry Potter's best male friend
  16. The best headmaster that Hogwarts ever had

37 Clues: Used to brew potionsHarry Potter's BirthdayHarry Potter's moms nameHarry Potter's godfatherHarry Potter's eye colorHarry Potter's dads namePlayed on flying broomsticksWizarding bank run by GoblinsCloak that makes one disappearThe name of Harry Potter's birdThe name of Harry Potter's auntPlatform nine and three fourthsHarry Potter's best male friend...

Harry Potter! 2019-06-06

Harry Potter! crossword puzzle
  1. What is Hermione's cat called?
  2. Who is Harry Potter's best friend and she is a girl.
  3. What is Neville's last name?
  4. What is Draco's last name?
  5. What is the main characters name(last and first name.
  6. What is Luna's last name?
  7. What is Ron's rat called
  8. Who is Harry Potter's wife in Number seven?
  9. What is Harry's father's nickname?
  10. Who is the worst bad guy in Harry Potter?
  11. What are the Weasly twins named?
  1. What was Harry's dad's name?
  2. Who is Harry Potters Best friend And he is a boy.
  3. What is Harry's Owl called?
  4. Who is the principal of Hogwarts?
  5. What age was Harry when his parents got killed?
  6. Who is one of the worst people at hogwarts?
  7. Who killed Sirius Black
  8. What is the big giants name?
  9. What animal does miss mgonagall turn into?
  10. What animals does Lupin turn into?
  11. What is the school Harry goes to called?
  12. What was Harry's mum's name?

23 Clues: Who killed Sirius BlackWhat is Ron's rat calledWhat is Luna's last name?What is Draco's last name?What is Harry's Owl called?What was Harry's dad's name?What is the big giants name?What is Neville's last name?What was Harry's mum's name?What is Hermione's cat called?What are the Weasly twins named?Who is the principal of Hogwarts?...

Harry Potter! 2019-06-06

Harry Potter! crossword puzzle
  1. What is Luna's last name?
  2. What was Harry's dad's name?
  3. What was Harry's mum's name?
  4. What is the main characters name(last and first name.
  5. Who killed Sirius Black
  6. What is Draco's last name?
  7. What is Hermione's cat called?
  8. Who is Harry Potters Best friend And he is a boy.
  9. Who is one of the worst people at hogwarts?
  10. What is Neville's last name?
  11. What age was Harry when his parents got killed?
  1. Who is the principal of Hogwarts?
  2. What is Harry's Owl called?
  3. What animals does Lupin turn into?
  4. What is the school Harry goes to called?
  5. What is the big giants name?
  6. What is Harry's father's nickname?
  7. Who is Harry Potter's wife in Number seven?
  8. What is Ron's rat called
  9. What are the Weasly twins named?
  10. Who is Harry Potter's best friend and she is a girl.
  11. Who is the worst bad guy in Harry Potter?
  12. What animal does miss mgonagall turn into?

23 Clues: Who killed Sirius BlackWhat is Ron's rat calledWhat is Luna's last name?What is Draco's last name?What is Harry's Owl called?What was Harry's dad's name?What is the big giants name?What was Harry's mum's name?What is Neville's last name?What is Hermione's cat called?What are the Weasly twins named?Who is the principal of Hogwarts?...

Harry Potter 2022-02-08

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Black Harry's Godfather
  2. Weasley Harry's best friend
  3. Petunia The not so nice aunt
  4. He who shall not be named
  5. The school Harry goes to
  6. The half-giant who Umbridge kicked off campus
  7. Chang The person Harry kissed
  8. McGonagall The transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts
  9. Granger The book-smart friend of Harry who is a girl
  10. Potter The main character of the series
  11. The very mean cousin
  1. Trelawney The divination teacher who Dolores Umbridge kicks out of the campus
  2. Vernon The not so nice uncle
  3. Weasley The father of Ron Weasley
  4. Umbridge The mean old lady who wears pink
  5. The elf Harry sees cleaning up the house
  6. and George Weasley The two twin brothers of Ron Weasley
  7. Order of the Phoenix The secret organization that Sirius Black is in
  8. Eye Moody of the people who came to pick Harry up from his house who has one eye
  9. Weasley The sister of Ron Weasley
  10. Snape The teacher who never seemed to like Harry Potter
  11. Weasley The mother of Ron Weasley

22 Clues: The very mean cousinBlack Harry's GodfatherThe school Harry goes toHe who shall not be namedWeasley Harry's best friendVernon The not so nice unclePetunia The not so nice auntChang The person Harry kissedWeasley The father of Ron WeasleyWeasley The sister of Ron WeasleyWeasley The mother of Ron WeasleyPotter The main character of the series...

Crossword Labs Harry Potter 2020-12-14

Crossword Labs Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. An Object in which you put things when you go on a trip
  2. This Object is used by Harry Potter to Fly
  3. An Object that Harry Potter is wearing on his nose
  1. A container in which you put some magic potions inside
  2. An Object that Harry Potter is wearing on his head
  3. Harry Potter has a ... on his forehead
  4. Items found in a library
  5. Harry Potter's pet.
  6. An Object used to do some magic
  7. Harry Potter's means of transport to the wizards' school

10 Clues: Harry Potter's pet.Items found in a libraryAn Object used to do some magicHarry Potter has a ... on his foreheadThis Object is used by Harry Potter to FlyAn Object that Harry Potter is wearing on his headAn Object that Harry Potter is wearing on his noseA container in which you put some magic potions inside...

Harry Potter 2024-03-05

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. "Weasley is our ____"
  2. Aunt Marge resembled one at one time
  3. Last name of twin's accomplice
  4. Easily favorite thing of cousin
  5. Number of Deathly Hallows
  6. Mother of Harry Potter
  1. Father and lover of muggles
  2. Harry endured these in his 5th year
  3. Number of years Harry spent at Hogwarts
  4. Last name of Harry's female best friend
  5. Harry's love interest
  6. Mother of first friend
  7. Father of Harry Potter
  8. Ron frequently used this word to describe people

14 Clues: "Weasley is our ____"Harry's love interestMother of first friendFather of Harry PotterMother of Harry PotterNumber of Deathly HallowsFather and lover of mugglesLast name of twin's accompliceEasily favorite thing of cousinHarry endured these in his 5th yearAunt Marge resembled one at one timeNumber of years Harry spent at Hogwarts...

test02 2023-12-21

test02 crossword puzzle
  1. chocolat
  2. escalade
  3. inventions
  4. harry-potter
  5. kermesse
  1. scotch
  2. dessiner
  3. bande-dessinée
  4. tintin
  5. patisserie
  6. legos

11 Clues: legosscotchtintinchocolatdessinerescaladekermesseinventionspatisserieharry-potterbande-dessinée

Harry Potter! 2019-06-06

Harry Potter! crossword puzzle
  1. What is Luna's last name?
  2. What was Harry's dad's name?
  3. What was Harry's mum's name?
  4. What is the main characters name(last and first name.
  5. Who killed Sirius Black
  6. What is Draco's last name?
  7. What is Hermione's cat called?
  8. Who is Harry Potters Best friend And he is a boy.
  9. Who is one of the worst people at hogwarts?
  10. What is Neville's last name?
  11. What age was Harry when his parents got killed?
  1. Who is the principal of Hogwarts?
  2. What is Harry's Owl called?
  3. What animals does Lupin turn into?
  4. What is the school Harry goes to called?
  5. What is the big giants name?
  6. What is Harry's father's nickname?
  7. Who is Harry Potter's wife in Number seven?
  8. What is Ron's rat called
  9. What are the Weasly twins named?
  10. Who is Harry Potter's best friend and she is a girl.
  11. Who is the worst bad guy in Harry Potter?
  12. What animal does miss mgonagall turn into?

23 Clues: Who killed Sirius BlackWhat is Ron's rat calledWhat is Luna's last name?What is Draco's last name?What is Harry's Owl called?What was Harry's dad's name?What is the big giants name?What was Harry's mum's name?What is Neville's last name?What is Hermione's cat called?What are the Weasly twins named?Who is the principal of Hogwarts?...

Harry Potter! 2019-06-06

Harry Potter! crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the worst bad guy in Harry Potter?
  2. What was Harry's dad's name?
  3. What are the Weasly twins named?
  4. What was Harry's mum's name?
  5. What animals does Lupin turn into?
  6. What is the school Harry goes to called?
  7. Who is Harry Potter's best friend and she is a girl.
  8. Who is one of the worst people at hogwarts?
  9. What is Luna's last name?
  10. What is the big giants name?
  11. Who is the principal of Hogwarts?
  1. What is Neville's last name?
  2. Who killed Sirius Black
  3. What animal does miss mgonagall turn into?
  4. What is Hermione's cat called?
  5. What is Draco's last name?
  6. What is the main characters name(last and first name.
  7. What is Ron's rat called
  8. What age was Harry when his parents got killed?
  9. Who is Harry Potters Best friend And he is a boy.
  10. Who is Harry Potter's wife in Number seven?
  11. What is Harry's father's nickname?
  12. What is Harry's Owl called?

23 Clues: Who killed Sirius BlackWhat is Ron's rat calledWhat is Luna's last name?What is Draco's last name?What is Harry's Owl called?What is Neville's last name?What was Harry's dad's name?What was Harry's mum's name?What is the big giants name?What is Hermione's cat called?What are the Weasly twins named?Who is the principal of Hogwarts?...

Harry Potter! 2019-06-06

Harry Potter! crossword puzzle
  1. Who is Harry Potters Best friend And he is a boy.
  2. What is Luna's last name?
  3. Who killed Sirius Black
  4. What is Ron's rat called
  5. What is Harry's father's nickname?
  6. Who is one of the worst people at hogwarts?
  7. What was Harry's dad's name?
  8. What are the Weasly twins named?
  1. What was Harry's mum's name?
  2. Who is Harry Potter's wife in Number seven?
  3. Who is Harry Potter's best friend and she is a girl.
  4. What is Draco's last name?
  5. What is Neville's last name?
  6. Who is the principal of Hogwarts?
  7. What is the school Harry goes to called?
  8. Who is the worst bad guy in Harry Potter?
  9. What is the main characters name(last and first name.
  10. What animal does miss mgonagall turn into?
  11. What is the big giants name?
  12. What age was Harry when his parents got killed?
  13. What is Harry's Owl called?
  14. What is Hermione's cat called?
  15. What animals does Lupin turn into?

23 Clues: Who killed Sirius BlackWhat is Ron's rat calledWhat is Luna's last name?What is Draco's last name?What is Harry's Owl called?What was Harry's mum's name?What is Neville's last name?What is the big giants name?What was Harry's dad's name?What is Hermione's cat called?What are the Weasly twins named?Who is the principal of Hogwarts?...

Harry Potter 2022-02-20

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Harry's godfather who was a close friend of Harry's father James.
  2. Hogwarts headmaster in Harry Potter's time.
  3. Ron's sister who eventually marries Harry Potter.
  4. Murderer of Harry Potter's parents.
  5. Best friend of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.
  6. Harry's snowy owl.
  1. The Keeper of Keys and Grounds, Gamekeeper, and Care of Magical Creatures professor at Hogwarts.
  2. A house-elf, indentured to the Malfoy family.
  3. Orphaned son of James and Lily Potter.
  4. A magically-hidden, wizarding shopping street located behind the Leaky Cauldron.
  5. Muggle-born Gryffindor student in Harry's year and one of his best friends.
  6. A rival of Harry, he is the son and only child of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.
  7. The school of witchcraft and wizardry that Harry attends.
  8. Potions and later Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts.

14 Clues: Harry's snowy owl.Murderer of Harry Potter's parents.Orphaned son of James and Lily Potter.Hogwarts headmaster in Harry Potter's time.A house-elf, indentured to the Malfoy family.Ron's sister who eventually marries Harry Potter.Best friend of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.The school of witchcraft and wizardry that Harry attends....

Happy Birthday Anna 2019-09-10

Happy Birthday Anna crossword puzzle
  1. Your thicc b*tch
  2. Your "favorite" harry potter house
  3. Your puppy
  4. The date of your birth
  5. Tree (think book)
  6. Your best friend
  7. Your name
  8. Your wannabe twin (ASB)
  1. Your dog
  2. Your Harry Potter house
  3. The month of your birth
  4. Your "favorite" ASB member
  5. Cayenne's other name
  6. Your crush
  7. Your color
  8. Your biggest fear

16 Clues: Your dogYour nameYour puppyYour crushYour colorYour thicc b*tchYour best friendTree (think book)Your biggest fearCayenne's other nameThe date of your birthYour Harry Potter houseThe month of your birthYour wannabe twin (ASB)Your "favorite" ASB memberYour "favorite" harry potter house

Harry Potter 2017-12-26

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Potter Chi é il ragazzo che è sopravvissuto
  2. Granger La ragazza più brillante del suo anno
  3. Weasley I parenti di Ron
  4. Come si chiama il mago oscuro più potente di tutti i tempi
  5. Weasley La ragazza di Harry Potter
  6. la ship fra ron e il pollo
  1. e Lily Potter i genitori di Harry
  2. la ship fra Ron ed Hermione
  3. Weasley Il nostro re
  4. Lestrange la mangiamorte più folle
  5. la ship fra Harry e Ginny
  6. Malfoy il "furetto" di Serpeverde

12 Clues: Weasley Il nostro reWeasley I parenti di Ronla ship fra Harry e Ginnyla ship fra ron e il pollola ship fra Ron ed Hermionee Lily Potter i genitori di HarryLestrange la mangiamorte più folleMalfoy il "furetto" di SerpeverdeWeasley La ragazza di Harry PotterPotter Chi é il ragazzo che è sopravvissuto...

Harry Potter 2022-04-04

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. ¿Quién es el némesis de Harry Potter?
  2. Deporte del mundo fantástico
  3. ¿Cuál era uno de los poderes de la Piedra Filosofal?
  4. Nombre del protagonista
  5. su logo es una serpiente
  1. ¿Quién mato a los padres de Harry Potter?
  2. mascota de Harry Potter
  3. Uno de los mejores amigos de Harry Potter
  4. Institución donde estudian las brujas y magos
  5. Enemigo del primer libro

10 Clues: mascota de Harry PotterNombre del protagonistaEnemigo del primer librosu logo es una serpienteDeporte del mundo fantástico¿Quién es el némesis de Harry Potter?¿Quién mato a los padres de Harry Potter?Uno de los mejores amigos de Harry PotterInstitución donde estudian las brujas y magos¿Cuál era uno de los poderes de la Piedra Filosofal?


  1. The type of creature that Ron Weasley has as a pet in the Harry Potter series.
  2. The character in Frozen who sings the popular song "Let It Go."
  3. The type of animal that Olaf, the snowman in Frozen, is.
  4. The magical object in the Harry Potter series that can be used to transport to different locations.
  5. The magical power used in the Harry Potter series to disarm opponents.
  6. The icy power that Elsa possesses in Frozen.
  1. The villain in the Harry Potter series.
  2. The magical school that Harry Potter attends.
  3. The kingdom where the events in Frozen take place.
  4. The magical creature that Hagrid raises in the Harry Potter series.

10 Clues: The villain in the Harry Potter series.The icy power that Elsa possesses in Frozen.The magical school that Harry Potter attends.The kingdom where the events in Frozen take place.The type of animal that Olaf, the snowman in Frozen, is.The character in Frozen who sings the popular song "Let It Go."...

Harry Potter and the Prisonor of Azkaban 2015-11-09

Harry Potter and the Prisonor of Azkaban crossword puzzle
  1. What is the name of the street the Dursley's live on?
  2. Sirius turned into a ?
  3. What did Hermionie give Harry for his 13th Birthday?
  4. Harry Potter's Uncle is?
  5. Where did Harry collapse in Chapter 3?
  6. How old was Harry when he received his first birthday card?
  1. Number of chapters in the book?
  2. What is the third book of Harry Potter?
  3. Who is Harry's first wizard friend?
  4. How many books are there altogether?
  5. Who is the author of Harry Potter?
  6. The title of the fourth book is?
  7. One of Harry's best friends?
  8. What is Marge's dogs name?

14 Clues: Sirius turned into a ?Harry Potter's Uncle is?What is Marge's dogs name?One of Harry's best friends?Number of chapters in the book?The title of the fourth book is?Who is the author of Harry Potter?Who is Harry's first wizard friend?How many books are there altogether?Where did Harry collapse in Chapter 3?What is the third book of Harry Potter?...

Five Letters 2024-03-23

Five Letters crossword puzzle
  1. Which Hogwarts' house does Luna Lovegood belong to?
  2. What is the name of Ron’s rat?
  3. What is the name of the house elf who warns Harry Potter against returning to Hogwarts in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"?
  4. Who was Harry's first kiss?
  5. What is Professor McGonagall's animagus?
  6. In Book 3, who is Neville 's greatest fear?
  7. What animal is Ron scared of more than anything else?
  8. How many players on each side of a Quidditch team?
  9. Which half-man, half-horse creature did Harry meet in the forest?
  10. What is the name of the wizard prison?
  11. What is the name of the pub at the entrance to Diagon Alley?
  12. What is the name of the wizarding newspaper?
  13. What do Hermione’s parents do for a living?
  14. Which game does Ron direct when he, Harry, and Hermione are on their way to the Sorcerer’s stone?
  15. What is the name of the ghost who lives in the girls' bathroom?
  16. What street do the Dursleys live on?
  17. What color are Harry Potter’s eyes?
  18. What kind of creature guards the high-security vaults at Gringotts?
  19. What is the name of the popular, sweet drink usually served in Hogsmeade?
  1. Who is Harry Potter's godfather?
  2. What position does Harry Potter play on the Gryffindor’s Quidditch team?
  3. What potion allows a witch or wizard to disguise themselves as someone else for a limited amount of time?
  4. What is Hagrid’s first name?
  5. This clever, magical accessory decides which house Hogwarts' students will be assigned to. What is it?
  6. What kind of cloak did Harry get as a present for his first Christmas at Hogwarts?
  7. From which platform in Kings Cross Station does a person board the train to Hogwarts?
  8. What is the name of Harry’s pet?
  9. What character was born Tom Marvolo Riddle, and split himself amongst seven horcruxes, one of which was Harry Potter?
  10. In “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, what magical creature does Harry answer a riddle in the maze during the Triwizard Tournament?
  11. Which house won the House Cup at the end of the first book?
  12. Who was the first person to tell Harry he was a wizard?
  13. What is the name of the Hogwarts herbology professor?
  14. What type of curse is Avada Kedavra?
  15. What is Dumbledore’s first name?
  16. What is the name of Hagrid’s black boarhound?
  17. What is Neville’s last name?
  18. What kind of creatures run Gringotts bank?
  19. What do wizards call non-magical folk?
  20. What is Hermione’s last name?

39 Clues: Who was Harry's first kiss?What is Hagrid’s first name?What is Neville’s last name?What is Hermione’s last name?What is the name of Ron’s rat?Who is Harry Potter's godfather?What is the name of Harry’s pet?What is Dumbledore’s first name?What color are Harry Potter’s eyes?What type of curse is Avada Kedavra?What street do the Dursleys live on?...