irregular verbs Crossword Puzzles

Irregular verbs 2014-01-27

Irregular  verbs crossword puzzle
  1. spideja 2f
  2. lidot 2f
  3. nozimeja 2f
  4. darija, 2f
  5. nokrita 2f
  6. dzert
  7. griest
  8. staveja 2f
  9. zimet
  10. piedots 3f
  11. sedet
  12. redzeja 2f
  13. zinams 3f
  14. nemot 3f
  15. peldet
  16. bija 3f
  17. smarzoja 3f
  18. saprata 2f
  19. skriet 2f
  20. gulet
  21. sacies 3f
  22. zagt
  23. celt
  24. rakstisks 3f
  25. macit
  26. brauca, 2f
  27. nolikt 2f
  28. slegts 2f
  29. eda, 2f
  30. sadalit 2f
  31. meta 2f
  32. atrast 3f
  33. domat
  34. aizsutija 3f
  35. turet 3f
  36. pateikt
  1. pastastija, 3f
  2. sutit
  3. turet, 2f
  4. stavet
  5. pamest 2f
  6. pazaudet
  7. parnemts 3f
  8. satika, 3f
  9. aizmirsts 3f
  10. paradija 2f
  11. sniedza 2f
  12. peldejas 2f
  13. prom 3f
  14. guleja 2f
  15. trapit 2f
  16. gatavots 3f
  17. nodedzinatas 2f
  18. celta, 3f
  19. sapnoja 2f
  20. macijas 3f
  21. macities
  22. samaksats 3f
  23. rakstit
  24. macija 2f
  25. dzirdet 3f
  26. vadija, 2f
  27. pavadija 3f
  28. velkat 3f
  29. panemt 2f
  30. uzvaret
  31. turet

67 Clues: zagtceltsutitdzertzimetsedetguletmacitdomatturetstavetgriestpeldetprom 3fbija 3frakstiteda, 2fmeta 2fuzvaretpateiktlidot 2fpazaudetnemot 3fmacitiesturet 3fturet, 2fpamest 2fzinams 3fguleja 2ftrapit 2fcelta, 3fskriet 2fsacies 3fmacija 2fnolikt 2fslegts 2fvelkat 3fpanemt 2fatrast 3fspideja 2fdarija, 2fnokrita 2fstaveja 2fsatika, 3fpiedots 3f...

irregular verbs 2014-01-27

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. likt,3f
  2. atrast,3f
  3. peldēties,3f
  4. vilkt,3f
  5. redzēt,3f
  6. pirkt,2f
  7. būt,3f
  8. izvelēties,2f
  9. rakt,3f
  10. griezt,2f
  11. pamest,3f
  12. iet,2f
  13. smaržot,3f
  14. dabūt,2f
  15. saprast,3f
  16. noķert,3f
  17. lasīt,3f
  18. sist,3
  19. maksāt,3f
  20. slēpties,3f
  21. just,3f
  22. braukt,3f
  23. dziedāt,3f
  24. dedzināt
  25. paturēt,2f
  26. atnest
  27. zīmet,3f
  28. nosēsties,3f
  29. runāt,3f
  30. sedēt,3f
  31. darīt,3f
  1. samaksāt,3f
  2. sāpēt,3f
  3. lidot,3f
  4. pamosties,2f
  5. iepazīt,3f
  6. nākt,3f
  7. piedot,3f
  8. domāt,3f
  9. sapņot,3f
  10. smaržot,2f
  11. celt
  12. cīnities,3f
  13. vinēt,3f
  14. peldēt,2f
  15. kļūt,2f
  16. pateikt,3f
  17. macīt,3f
  18. zagt,3f
  19. turēt,3f
  20. skriet,2f
  21. lidot,2f
  22. mest,3f
  23. dzirdēt,2f
  24. dzert,3f
  25. saplēst
  26. plīst,2f
  27. paņemt,2f
  28. stāvēt,3f
  29. sūtit,3f

60 Clues: celtbūt,3fiet,2fsist,3atnestlikt,3fnākt,3frakt,3fkļūt,2fzagt,3fmest,3fjust,3fsaplēstsāpēt,3flidot,3fvilkt,3fdomāt,3fpirkt,2fvinēt,3fmacīt,3fdabūt,2fturēt,3flasīt,3flidot,2fdzert,3fdedzinātplīst,2fzīmet,3frunāt,3fsedēt,3fsūtit,3fdarīt,3fatrast,3fpiedot,3fsapņot,3fredzēt,3fpeldēt,2fgriezt,2fpamest,3fnoķert,3fskriet,2fmaksāt,3fbraukt,3fpaņemt,2f...

Irregular Verbs 2014-03-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Be
  2. Fly
  3. Reply
  4. Start
  5. Forget
  6. Play
  7. Meet
  8. Change
  9. Try
  10. Tell
  11. Clean
  12. Look
  13. Begin
  1. Go
  2. Break
  3. Order
  4. Steal
  5. Sell
  6. Finish
  7. Write
  8. Stop
  9. Arrange
  10. Have
  11. Leave
  12. Make
  13. Turn
  14. Eat
  15. See

28 Clues: GoBeFlyTryEatSeeSellStopHavePlayMeetMakeTurnTellLookBreakOrderStealReplyWriteStartLeaveCleanBeginFinishForgetChangeArrange

Irregular verbs 2014-04-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. blow
  2. lay
  3. bring
  4. choose
  5. fall
  6. drink
  7. hear
  8. cost
  9. send
  1. grow
  2. build
  3. begin
  4. do
  5. overcome
  6. can
  7. eat
  8. keep
  9. find
  10. draw
  11. cut

20 Clues: dolaycaneatcutgrowblowkeepfallfindheardrawcostsendbuildbeginbringdrinkchooseovercome

irregular verbs 2012-06-08

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. build
  2. hold
  3. hear
  4. find
  5. break
  6. sing
  7. write
  8. show
  9. study
  10. come
  11. have
  12. teach
  13. choose
  14. eat
  15. give
  16. make
  1. try
  2. take
  3. am
  4. bring
  5. fall
  6. do
  7. read
  8. sell
  9. think
  10. buy
  11. speak
  12. see
  13. drive
  14. know
  15. feel
  16. go
  17. say

33 Clues: amdogotrybuyseeeatsaytakeholdhearfindfallreadsingsellshowknowcomefeelhavegivemakebuildbringbreakwritethinkspeakstudydriveteachchoose

Irregular Verbs 2012-11-12

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Kevin _______________ all the cookies out of the cookie jar.
  2. Maggie _____________ her grandparents a package in the mail.
  3. Thomas ___________ his last sandwich, before his favorite customer came.
  4. Kate _____________ the doorbell to see if her friend was home.
  5. Reiley was told to __________ down in her seat three times.
  6. Hemmi wanted to ___________ late, but she had to get up at seven o'clock.
  7. Jessie _____________ eight laps during swim practice.
  8. Esme ___________ the ball to her dog, because they were playing fetch.
  9. Angie wanted to ____________ a special homemade Christmas present for her mom.
  10. Ed ______________ a roller coaster at Kings Island, and said that it was fun.
  11. Mrs. Auel already _______________ her class about pronouns.
  1. Maisy ____________ the wrapping paper off her gift.
  2. Joe ____________ his mom and dad about school, at the dinner table.
  3. Sarah ___________ her favorite song in the talent show.
  4. The sun had ___________ at seven o'clock in the morning.
  5. Jack ______ a five dollar bill on the ground, and he picked it up.
  6. Carl _____________ the front door, because it was very cold outside.
  7. Emme ___________ all of her money at the store.
  8. Lucy had already _____________ the bill for dinner.
  9. Livvie wanted to ____________ the president of the United States.
  10. Jerry ___________ all the way home, to tell her parents that she got an a.

21 Clues: Emme ___________ all of her money at the store.Maisy ____________ the wrapping paper off her gift.Lucy had already _____________ the bill for dinner.Jessie _____________ eight laps during swim practice.Sarah ___________ her favorite song in the talent show.The sun had ___________ at seven o'clock in the morning....

Irregular verbs! 2013-04-20

Irregular verbs! crossword puzzle
  1. przeczytałem
  2. powiedziałem
  3. wyszedłem, opuściłem
  4. poszedłem
  5. pływałem
  6. kupiłem
  7. usiadłem
  8. wstałem
  9. byłem
  10. złapałem
  11. wiedziałem
  12. napisałem
  13. pojechałem
  14. wziąłem
  15. zjadłem
  1. zrobiłem
  2. zrobiłem
  3. wydałem, spędziłem
  4. myślałem
  5. powiedziałem
  6. spotkałem
  7. dostałem
  8. zobaczyłem
  9. znalazłem
  10. mówiłem
  11. przyszedłem
  12. usłyszałem
  13. uderzyłem
  14. nosiłem
  15. wygrałem
  16. miałem

31 Clues: byłemmiałemkupiłemwstałemmówiłemnosiłemwziąłemzjadłemzrobiłemzrobiłemmyślałempływałemdostałemusiadłemzłapałemwygrałemposzedłemspotkałemznalazłemuderzyłemnapisałemzobaczyłemusłyszałemwiedziałempojechałemprzyszedłemprzeczytałempowiedziałempowiedziałemwydałem, spędziłemwyszedłem, opuściłem

Irregular verbs 2013-04-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. the police will _______ the robber
  2. she ________ very sick today
  3. I ______ the homework at night
  4. he ______ a book every week
  5. he _______ very fast
  6. I don't __________ that topic
  7. I am _________ because of the rain
  8. she _________ a car
  9. I ________ a book
  10. I _________ till 10 am on Sundays
  1. the plane _______ from the sky
  2. you can forgive, but you never __________
  3. I ________my cat
  4. when I am thirsty, I _______ a glass of water
  5. please_________ for my sin
  6. he _________ a landscape
  7. she ________ gifts for Christmas
  8. the store ________ all kind of things
  9. I think, she will ________ the prize
  10. I _______ an apple

20 Clues: I ________my catI ________ a bookI _______ an appleshe _________ a carhe _______ very fasthe _________ a landscapeplease_________ for my sinhe ______ a book every weekshe ________ very sick todayI don't __________ that topicthe plane _______ from the skyI ______ the homework at nightshe ________ gifts for ChristmasI _________ till 10 am on Sundays...

irregular verbs 2013-04-17

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. lenni
  2. tud, ismer
  3. eszik
  4. fizet
  5. érez
  6. birtokol
  7. jut, kap :)
  8. tud, képes
  9. kezdeni
  10. iszik
  11. megy
  1. készít
  2. tart
  3. csinál
  4. talál
  5. üt
  6. tanul
  7. eltörni
  8. jön
  9. vezet

20 Clues: ütjöntartérezmegylennieszikfizettaláltanuliszikvezetkészítcsinálkezdenieltörnibirtokoltud, ismertud, képesjut, kap :)


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. I ________ in the tunnel.
  2. I _____ the apple in the kitchen.
  3. He __________ a whole bottle of wine.
  4. I have_____ a three sausages and one plate of soup.
  5. They____________ hung a picture of my cousin.
  6. I __________ the TV in his house.
  7. I ___________ cake for her birthday.
  8. My mother quickly _________.
  9. I _________ the potatoes in the orchard.
  10. I ___________ a book for St George.
  11. I __________ reply of the problem.
  1. The bird _______ very slowly.
  2. I _________ the list of the shopping.
  3. My sister _________ with me last Saturday.
  4. I _________ to the cinema with my sisters and my parents.
  5. I ______ about you.
  6. a paper airplane.
  7. We___________ the meaning of that word.
  8. We ________ the castle in the sand.
  9. I _______ a homework in the afternoon.
  10. The fruit _____ me very of money.
  11. It will ______ a big horse.
  12. I ________ to the bottom of the hole.
  13. We ________ the trophy in the office.
  14. I ___________ in the park.

25 Clues: a paper airplane.I ______ about you.I ________ in the tunnel.I ___________ in the park.It will ______ a big horse.The bird _______ very slowly.My mother quickly _________.I __________ the TV in his house.I _____ the apple in the kitchen.The fruit _____ me very of money.I ___________ a book for St George.I __________ reply of the problem....

Irregular Verbs 2013-04-29

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. / You ______ a treasure in the sea.
  2. / We ____ five euros with the winner of the game.
  3. / I ____ a little present for his birthday, my money can't allow more spending.
  4. / I ____ the door with a kick, the wood is old.
  5. / You _____ a blue flower on the screen.
  6. / The assassin ________ a good person.
  7. / She _______ because he was cut with a knife.
  8. / You _____ her breakfast?
  9. / I _____ the punching bag.
  10. / Physical _____ isn't more painful than psichical damage.
  11. / That trousers ______ 19.99 euros.
  12. / She is the _____, is the oldest.
  13. / They _____ a cake with a sugar glazed.
  1. / A plane ______, a ship, breaks the water.
  2. / I ____ a soda drink with orange flavour.
  3. / He _____ my very personal secret.
  4. / The plant has a _____ method of 5 days.
  5. / The wine is very ______ after put on the freezer.
  6. / My brother _______ always with imposible things.
  7. / Yesterday, I _____ sad for the death of my grandparent.
  8. / He _____ on my house two hours late.
  9. / An impressionant ______ starts on Barcelona.
  10. / A _______ began his professional race.
  11. / _____ this pen a second, please!
  12. / An archeologist starts a _____ on the ancestral ruines.

25 Clues: / You _____ her breakfast?/ I _____ the punching bag./ _____ this pen a second, please!/ She is the _____, is the oldest./ You ______ a treasure in the sea./ He _____ my very personal secret./ That trousers ______ 19.99 euros./ He _____ on my house two hours late./ The assassin ________ a good person./ You _____ a blue flower on the screen....

Irregular verbs 2013-04-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. the kid _____ a monster and a princess
  2. I _____ the answer in the class
  3. the vase was dropped and _____ into many pieces
  4. this case _____ me 5$
  5. I always_____ red shoes
  6. the players make a ______ and the winner won 1000 euros
  7. the fairy _______a very pretty girl
  8. I ____ you were truble
  9. the bird ______ across Paris
  10. a star ____like the sun
  11. my dog ______ the leash
  12. a builder_____ a house
  1. in the party I _________ coca-cola
  2. I ____ the homework when you were watching the TV
  3. once upon a Month my father ______ working in the zoo
  4. yesterday I _________ that there were only two days of school!
  5. I___ the paper with scissors
  6. the wind _____ strong
  7. the wound _____ he a lot
  8. the dog _____the Frisbee
  9. I'ts friday ____ calm!
  10. yesterday I ____ very nice
  11. my rabbit ______ my uncle

23 Clues: this case _____ me 5$the wind _____ strongI ____ you were trubleI'ts friday ____ calm!a builder_____ a houseI always_____ red shoesa star ____like the sunthe dog _____the Frisbeemy dog ______ the leashthe wound _____ he a lotyesterday I ____ very nicemy rabbit ______ my uncleI___ the paper with scissorsthe bird ______ across Paris...

Irregular verbs 2013-04-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. the kid _____ a monster and a princess
  2. I _____ the answer in the class
  3. the vase was dropped and _____ into many pieces
  4. this case _____ me 5$
  5. I always_____ red shoes
  6. the players make a ______ and the winner won 1000 euros
  7. the fairy _______a very pretty girl
  8. I ____ you were truble
  9. the bird ______ across Paris
  10. a star ____like the sun
  11. my dog ______ the leash
  12. a builder_____ a house
  1. in the party I _________ coca-cola
  2. I ____ the homework when you were watching the TV
  3. once upon a Month my father ______ working in the zoo
  4. yesterday I _________ that there were only two days of school!
  5. I___ the paper with scissors
  6. the wind _____ strong
  7. the wound _____ he a lot
  8. the dog _____the Frisbee
  9. I'ts friday ____ calm!
  10. yesterday I ____ very nice
  11. my rabbit ______ my uncle

23 Clues: this case _____ me 5$the wind _____ strongI ____ you were trubleI'ts friday ____ calm!a builder_____ a houseI always_____ red shoesa star ____like the sunthe dog _____the Frisbeemy dog ______ the leashthe wound _____ he a lotyesterday I ____ very nicemy rabbit ______ my uncleI___ the paper with scissorsthe bird ______ across Paris...

irregular verbs 2013-01-23

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. say
  2. spin
  3. dig
  4. send
  5. stand
  6. feel
  7. break
  8. write
  9. see
  10. draw
  11. eat
  12. hold
  13. tell
  1. sell
  2. catch
  3. sing
  4. keep
  5. drive
  6. grow
  7. fall
  8. wear
  9. tear
  10. swim
  11. give
  12. lend
  13. lead

26 Clues: saydigseeeatsellsingspinkeepsendgrowfeelfallweartearswimgivedrawholdlendleadtellcatchdrivestandbreakwrite

Irregular Verbs 2013-04-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. il (vouloir)
  2. tu (aller)
  3. elle (pouvoir)
  4. to be able to
  5. tu (etre)
  6. je (faire)
  7. vous (avoir)
  8. to want
  9. nous (pouvoir)
  10. to make
  11. elles (venir)
  12. ils (faire)
  13. je (etre)
  14. nous (mettre)
  15. ils (pouvoir)
  16. vous (pouvoir)
  17. nous (aller)
  18. tu (avoir)
  19. to put
  20. ils (mettre)
  21. to see
  22. tu (venir)
  23. ils (etre)
  24. vous (vouloir)
  25. il (prendre)
  26. vous (voir)
  27. vous (prendre)
  28. elle (voir)
  29. il (venir)
  30. vous (aller)
  1. je (mettre)
  2. tu (vouloir)
  3. nous (vouloir)
  4. je (voir)
  5. nous (etre)
  6. tu (prendre)
  7. to come
  8. je (pouvoir)
  9. nous (faire)
  10. nous (avoir)
  11. nous (venir)
  12. elles (prendre)
  13. elle (faire)
  14. vous (etre)
  15. il (aller)
  16. nous (prendre)
  17. elles (avoir)
  18. elles (vouloir)
  19. vous (faire)
  20. to go
  21. to take
  22. nous (voir)
  23. to have
  24. elle (mettre)
  25. elles (aller)
  26. vous (venir)
  27. ils (voir)
  28. vous (mettre)
  29. je (aller)
  30. elle (etre)
  31. je (avoir)
  32. to be

62 Clues: to goto beto putto seeto cometo wantto maketo taketo haveje (voir)tu (etre)je (etre)tu (aller)je (faire)il (aller)tu (avoir)tu (venir)ils (etre)ils (voir)je (aller)il (venir)je (avoir)je (mettre)nous (etre)vous (etre)ils (faire)nous (voir)vous (voir)elle (etre)elle (voir)il (vouloir)tu (vouloir)tu (prendre)je (pouvoir)nous (faire)vous (avoir)...

Irregular Verbs 2013-02-11

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. קרע
  2. בנה
  3. תס
  4. אכל
  5. עלה
  6. זרק
  7. פגע
  8. ליפול
  9. חשב
  10. הסתיר
  11. דיבר
  12. לימד
  13. התכוון
  14. צייר
  1. פגש
  2. סיפר
  3. הלך
  4. הבין
  5. הדליק
  6. נתן
  7. הכיל
  8. תפס
  9. ישב
  10. החזיק
  11. קנה
  12. לבש
  13. קח
  14. תלה
  15. גנב
  16. ידע

30 Clues: תסקחפגשקרעהלךבנהנתןאכלעלהתפסישבזרקפגעקנהחשבלבשתלהגנבידעסיפרהביןהכילדיברלימדציירהדליקהחזיקליפולהסתירהתכוון

Irregular verbs 2014-12-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. cut
  2. meant
  3. lay
  4. drew
  5. bought
  6. sent
  7. heard
  8. went
  9. fell
  10. understood
  11. rose
  12. said
  13. wore
  14. put
  15. took
  16. left
  17. wrote
  18. stood
  19. let
  20. thought
  21. began
  22. held
  23. grew
  24. set
  25. gave
  1. came
  2. knew
  3. led
  4. made
  5. ran
  6. chose
  7. brought
  8. spoke
  9. became
  10. paid
  11. felt
  12. drove
  13. kept
  14. sat
  15. read
  16. spent
  17. met
  18. broke
  19. told
  20. built
  21. saw
  22. showed
  23. lost
  24. found
  25. got

50 Clues: cutlayledransatmetputsawletgotsetcameknewmadedrewsentwentpaidfellfeltkeptrosesaidworereadtooklefttoldheldlostgrewgavemeantchosespokehearddrovespentbrokewrotebuiltstoodbeganfoundboughtbecameshowedbroughtthoughtunderstood

Irregular verbs 2015-01-20

Irregular  verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hurt
  2. smell
  3. choose
  4. keep
  5. stand
  6. catch
  7. hold
  8. steal
  9. spend
  10. give
  11. sing
  12. say
  13. forget
  14. mean
  15. sew
  16. wear
  17. lose
  18. pay
  19. drive
  20. grow
  21. put
  22. ring
  23. spell
  24. bring
  25. drink
  26. buy
  27. cut
  28. shut
  29. find
  30. ride
  31. come
  32. shoot
  33. hear
  1. hang
  2. meet
  3. think
  4. feel
  5. sleep
  6. fall
  7. tell
  8. wake
  9. make
  10. begin
  11. speak
  12. understand
  13. build
  14. swim
  15. fly
  16. eat
  17. draw
  18. sell
  19. teach
  20. get
  21. go
  22. become
  23. sit
  24. break
  25. take
  26. cost
  27. see
  28. read

61 Clues: gosayflyeatsewpaygetputsitbuycutseehurthangmeetfeelfallkeeptellwakemakeholdgivesingswimmeandrawsellwearlosegrowringtakecostshutfindridereadcomehearthinksmellsleepstandcatchbeginstealspeakspendbuildteachdrivespellbringdrinkbreakshootchooseforgetbecomeunderstand

Irregular Verbs 2015-03-25

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ir
  2. jurar
  3. enviar
  4. escoger
  5. hacer, manufacturar
  6. lastimar
  7. a ser
  8. golpear
  9. esconder
  1. lanzar, aventar
  2. guardar, conservar
  3. escribir
  4. ganar
  5. gastar, pasar
  6. hablar
  7. escuchar
  8. leer
  9. morder
  10. illuminar, alumbrar
  11. hacer

20 Clues: irleerjurarganara serhacerenviarhablarmorderescogergolpearescribirlastimarescucharescondergastar, pasarlanzar, aventarguardar, conservarhacer, manufacturarilluminar, alumbrar

Irregular Verbs 2015-04-28

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. felt
  2. tell (p)
  3. see (p)
  4. sleep (p)
  5. do (p)
  6. ran
  7. sing (p)
  8. take (p)
  9. began
  10. make (p)
  11. ate
  12. sold
  13. have (p)
  1. broke
  2. found
  3. came
  4. go (p)
  5. speak (p)
  6. think (p)
  7. drank
  8. drove
  9. send (p)
  10. build
  11. say (p)

24 Clues: ranatefeltcamesoldbrokefounddrankdrovebeganbuildgo (p)do (p)see (p)say (p)tell (p)sing (p)send (p)take (p)make (p)have (p)sleep (p)speak (p)think (p)

Irregular Verbs 2015-06-10

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. write
  2. come
  3. take
  4. drink
  5. become
  6. feel
  7. lose
  8. sing
  9. sleep
  10. ride
  11. begin
  12. sell
  13. drive
  14. cut
  1. speak
  2. give
  3. swim
  4. go
  5. break
  6. make
  7. see
  8. have
  9. know
  10. bring
  11. be
  12. think
  13. eat
  14. say
  15. run
  16. fall
  17. send
  18. do
  19. buy

33 Clues: gobedoseeeatsayrunbuycutgiveswimcomemaketakehaveknowfeellosesingridefallsellsendspeakwritebreakdrinkbringthinksleepbegindrivebecome

irregular verbs 2015-06-15

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past Participle of SHAKE
  2. Simple Past of WIN
  3. Simple Past of UNDERSTAND
  4. Simple Past of DRAW
  5. Past Participle of GO
  6. Simple Past of PAY
  7. Past Participle of WRITE
  8. Simple Past of LISTEN
  9. Simple Past of SING
  10. Simple Past of EAT
  11. Simple Past of LEAVE
  12. Past Participle of DO
  13. Past Participle of SWIM
  1. Past Participle of BE
  2. Simple Past of CHOOSE
  3. Simple Past of BRING
  4. Past of HURT
  5. Past Participle of MAKE
  6. Simple Past of HEAR
  7. Participle of READ
  8. Simple Past of DRINK
  9. Simple Past of FEED
  10. Past Participle of TAKE
  11. Simple Past of GO
  12. Past Participle of SELL
  13. Simple Past of FLY
  14. Simple Past of SIT
  15. Simple Past of MEET

28 Clues: Past of HURTSimple Past of GOSimple Past of WINParticiple of READSimple Past of PAYSimple Past of EATSimple Past of FLYSimple Past of SITSimple Past of HEARSimple Past of FEEDSimple Past of DRAWSimple Past of SINGSimple Past of MEETSimple Past of BRINGSimple Past of DRINKSimple Past of LEAVEPast Participle of BESimple Past of CHOOSE...

Irregular verbs 2015-06-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fühlen
  2. verlieren
  3. verletzen
  4. bedeuten
  5. fangen
  6. denken
  7. füttern
  8. verlassen
  9. zeichnen
  10. läuten
  1. fallen
  2. sein
  3. fliegen
  4. tragen
  5. beginnen
  6. halten
  7. lehren
  8. auswählen
  9. scheinen
  10. behalten
  11. graben
  12. lernen
  13. rennen

23 Clues: seinfallenfühlentragenhaltenlehrenfangendenkengrabenlernenläutenrennenfliegenfütternbeginnenbedeutenscheinenbehaltenzeichnenverlierenverletzenauswählenverlassen

Irregular verbs 2015-05-28

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. got
  2. drive
  3. fall
  4. meet
  5. catch
  6. oversleep
  7. do
  8. choose
  9. grow
  10. put
  11. drink
  12. go
  1. lose
  2. give
  3. bring
  4. leave
  5. fly
  6. make
  7. feel
  8. forget
  9. pay
  10. begin
  11. eat
  12. cut
  13. ring

25 Clues: dogogotflypayeatcutputlosegivefallmeetmakefeelgrowringbringleavedrivecatchbegindrinkforgetchooseoversleep

Irregular verbs 2015-10-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Last week Séverine had to buy a book for his maths course and it ... (cost) him 70.- He wasn’t pleased!
  2. Two guys were having an argument in the bar. Kelly told them to go away, so then they went out and … (fight) in the street.
  3. I wanted to plant a cactus, so I … (dig) a hole in the ground.
  4. Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?
  5. Oops, the fridge was too cold and everything has ... (freeze).
  6. Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?
  7. He had … (stand) there waiting for his date for hours in the cold and she never came.
  8. I haven’t … (show) you my new bike. Let’s go for a ride this afternoon.
  9. Excuse me if I look a bit tired, I haven’t really … (wake) up properly yet.
  1. Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?
  2. Yesterday was a really nice day, the sun … (shine) all day.
  3. Clémentine has … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean three times.
  4. Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?
  5. I asked Lorin to finish his exercise, so he … (speed) up.
  6. Sébastien has just … (throw) his book against the wall; he was angry because he had forgotten to learn his irregular verbs!
  7. Edy injured his arm once when he was scootering and for a few days it really hurt when he ... (bend) it.
  8. Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?
  9. The waitress asked Christophe if he wanted another beer. He … (shake) his head; he was going to a concert and was already running late.
  10. There was a power cut, so Ivan … (light) lots of candle so that he would be able to continue studying.
  11. Baptiste … (swear) because he burnt the steaks he had been cooking on the barbecue.
  12. My neighbour … (shoot) a deer last weekend when he went hunting

21 Clues: Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?I asked Lorin to finish his exercise, so he … (speed) up.Yesterday was a really nice day, the sun … (shine) all day....

Irregular verbs 2015-10-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I asked Lorin to finish his exercise, so he … (speed) up.
  2. Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?
  3. The waitress asked Christophe if he wanted another beer. He … (shake) his head; he was going to a concert and was already running late.
  4. Last week Séverine had to buy a book for his maths course and it ... (cost) him 70.- He wasn’t pleased!
  5. Two guys were having an argument in the bar. Kelly told them to go away, so then they went out and … (fight) in the street.
  6. Yesterday was a really nice day, the sun … (shine) all day.
  7. Oops, the fridge was too cold and everything has ... (freeze).
  8. Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?
  9. Excuse me if I look a bit tired, I haven’t really … (wake) up properly yet.
  10. Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?
  1. He had … (stand) there waiting for his date for hours in the cold and she never came.
  2. I wanted to plant a cactus, so I … (dig) a hole in the ground.
  3. Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?
  4. There was a power cut, so Ivan … (light) lots of candle so that he would be able to continue studying.
  5. Clémentine has … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean three times.
  6. Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?
  7. My neighbour … (shoot) a deer last weekend when he went hunting
  8. Sébastien has just … (throw) his book against the wall; he was angry because he had forgotten to learn his irregular verbs!
  9. Baptiste … (swear) because he burnt the steaks he had been cooking on the barbecue.
  10. I haven’t … (show) you my new bike. Let’s go for a ride this afternoon.
  11. Edy injured his arm once when he was scootering and for a few days it really hurt when he ... (bend) it.

21 Clues: Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?I asked Lorin to finish his exercise, so he … (speed) up.Yesterday was a really nice day, the sun … (shine) all day....

irregular verbs 2015-08-03

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hacer: yo
  2. traer: ellos
  3. decir:yo
  4. poder: nosotros
  5. venir: ella
  6. dar:ellos
  7. dar: yo
  8. salir: nosotros
  9. tener: nosotros
  10. hacer: nosotros
  11. ser:ellos
  12. poner: yo
  1. saber: nosotros
  2. ir:yo
  3. poner: ellos
  4. poder:tu
  5. decir: nosotros
  6. ver:yo
  7. saber: tu
  8. tener: él
  9. estar: nosotros
  10. traer: yo
  11. venir: yo

23 Clues: ir:yover:yodar: yodecir:yopoder:tuhacer: yosaber: tudar:ellostener: éltraer: yovenir: yoser:ellosponer: yovenir: ellatraer: ellosponer: ellossaber: nosotrospoder: nosotrosdecir: nosotrosestar: nosotrossalir: nosotrostener: nosotroshacer: nosotros

irregular verbs 2015-11-08

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. met
  2. took
  3. saw
  4. did
  5. lost
  6. went
  7. flew
  8. won
  9. spent
  10. felt
  11. got
  12. spoke
  13. thought
  14. became
  15. heard
  16. forgot
  17. sat
  18. slept
  19. wrote
  20. bought
  21. sent
  22. could
  23. lay
  1. read
  2. sold
  3. made
  4. told
  5. drank
  6. came
  7. stole
  8. fell
  9. cost
  10. stood
  11. drove
  12. left
  13. had
  14. was/were
  15. chose
  16. hit
  17. ran
  18. said
  19. found
  20. ate
  21. brought
  22. swam

45 Clues: metsawdidwongothadhitransatatelayreadsoldmadetooktoldcamelostwentflewfellcostleftfeltsaidsentswamdrankstolespentstooddrovespokechoseheardfoundsleptwrotecouldbecameforgotboughtthoughtbroughtwas/were

Irregular verbs 2015-10-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. blow
  2. cost
  3. drive
  4. feed
  5. freeze
  6. begin
  7. dream
  8. be
  9. fall
  10. come
  11. eat
  12. forget
  13. buy
  14. bite
  15. draw
  1. feel
  2. choose
  3. find
  4. burn
  5. drink
  6. dig
  7. become
  8. build
  9. bring
  10. fly
  11. cut
  12. catch
  13. fight
  14. break
  15. do

30 Clues: bedodigflycuteatbuyfeelblowcostfindburnfeedfallcomebitedrawdrivedrinkbeginbuilddreambringcatchfightbreakchoosefreezebecomeforget

irregular verbs 2014-10-02

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sowed
  2. rang
  3. drew
  4. cost
  5. sold
  6. held
  7. sat
  8. learnt/learned
  9. shot
  10. spilt/spilled
  11. fought
  12. felt
  13. drank
  14. woke
  15. let
  16. understood
  17. met
  18. became
  19. kept
  20. forgot
  21. showed
  22. froze
  23. heard
  24. swam
  25. taught
  26. shut
  27. blew
  28. got
  29. broke
  30. led
  31. ate
  32. bought
  33. began
  34. gave
  35. lent
  36. put
  37. lost
  38. wore
  39. swore
  40. ran
  41. sent
  42. found
  43. drove
  44. fell
  45. paid
  1. sank
  2. had
  3. read
  4. went
  5. cut
  6. threw
  7. slept
  8. set
  9. spoke
  10. took
  11. hid
  12. stood
  13. built
  14. fed
  15. made
  16. forgave
  17. thought
  18. saw
  19. chose
  20. caught
  21. hurt
  22. won
  23. wrote
  24. sang
  25. shook
  26. did
  27. stole
  28. left
  29. flew
  30. brought
  31. bit
  32. grew
  33. told
  34. hit
  35. knew
  36. spent
  37. came
  38. swept
  39. rode
  40. dreamt/dreamed
  41. said

86 Clues: hadcutsatsethidfedletmetsawwondidgotledatebithitputransankrangreaddrewwentcostsoldheldshottookfeltmadewokekepthurtsangswamshutblewleftflewgrewtoldgaveknewcamelentlostworerodesentsaidfellpaidsowedthrewsleptspokestoodbuiltdrankchosewrotefrozeheardshookstolebrokebeganspentsweptsworefounddrovefoughtbecamecaughtforgotshowedtaughtboughtforgavethought...

IRREGULAR VERBS :) 2014-10-07

IRREGULAR VERBS :) crossword puzzle
  1. cut
  2. keep
  3. break
  4. read
  5. meet
  6. drive
  7. say
  8. speak
  9. see
  10. put
  11. make
  1. understand
  2. write
  3. have
  4. know
  5. tell
  6. run
  7. sleep
  8. do
  9. swim
  10. eat

21 Clues: docutrunsayseeputeathavekeepknowtellreadmeetswimmakewritebreakdrivesleepspeakunderstand

irregular verbs 2015-07-01

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. йти
  2. ламати
  3. коштувати
  4. падати
  5. класти, ставити
  6. ховати
  7. вести
  8. приносити
  9. знати
  10. втрачати, губити
  11. пробачити
  12. читати
  13. вибирати
  14. їздити верхи
  15. бути
  16. забути
  17. означати
  18. приходити
  19. дати
  20. попадати
  21. бити
  22. підніматись
  23. робити
  24. знаходити
  25. позбавити
  26. робити
  27. пити
  1. дзвонити
  2. рости
  3. заморозити
  4. вкусити
  5. зустріти
  6. ловити
  7. платити
  8. заборонити
  9. починати
  10. вести справи
  11. малювати/тягнути
  12. дозволити
  13. купувати
  14. бачити
  15. ставати
  16. їсти
  17. відчувати
  18. боротися
  19. різати
  20. чути
  21. мати
  22. класти/стелити
  23. будувати
  24. казати
  25. літати
  26. тримати
  27. бігти

54 Clues: йтиїстибутидатичутиматибитипитиростивестизнатибігтиламатиловитипадатиховатибачитичитатизабутирізатиказатиробитилітатиробитивкуситиплатитиставатитриматидзвонитизустрітипочинатикупувативибиратиборотисяозначатипопадатибудуватикоштуватидозволитиприноситипробачитивідчуватиприходитизнаходитипозбавитизаморозитизаборонитипідніматисьвести справиїздити верхи...

irregular verbs 2015-07-01

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. читати
  2. бути
  3. дзвонити
  4. підніматись
  5. будувати
  6. боротися
  7. заморозити
  8. мати
  9. бити
  10. вести
  11. ставати
  12. йти
  13. коштувати
  14. літати
  15. забути
  16. їздити верхи
  17. починати
  18. втрачати, губити
  19. чути
  20. класти, ставити
  21. вибирати
  22. казати
  23. робити
  24. пити
  25. попадати
  26. приходити
  27. бігти
  1. позбавити
  2. бачити
  3. робити
  4. відчувати
  5. рости
  6. означати
  7. ламати
  8. знаходити
  9. ховати
  10. падати
  11. різати
  12. ловити
  13. приносити
  14. їсти
  15. вести справи
  16. заборонити
  17. пробачити
  18. дати
  19. купувати
  20. дозволити
  21. вкусити
  22. класти/стелити
  23. малювати/тягнути
  24. платити
  25. зустріти
  26. знати
  27. тримати

54 Clues: йтибутиматибитиїстидатичутипитиростивестизнатибігтибачитиробитичитатиламатиховатипадатирізатиловитилітатизабутиказатиробитиставативкуситиплатититриматидзвонитиозначатибудуватиборотисякупуватипочинативибиратизустрітипопадатипозбавитивідчуватизнаходитиприноситикоштуватипробачитидозволитиприходитизаморозитизаборонитипідніматисьвести справиїздити верхи...

Irregular Verbs 2015-10-19

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. spin
  2. send
  3. teach
  4. hide
  5. tell
  6. withhold
  7. break
  8. understand
  9. lay
  10. feel
  11. lead
  12. forbid
  13. rewind
  14. hurt
  1. strike
  2. think
  3. find
  4. show
  5. withdraw
  6. build
  7. bite
  8. overtake
  9. bleed
  10. fall
  11. write
  12. hit

26 Clues: layhitspinsendhidefindshowtellbitefeelfallleadhurtteachthinkbreakbuildbleedwritestrikeforbidrewindwithdrawwithholdovertakeunderstand

irregular verbs 2016-05-18

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. went
  2. knew
  3. sang
  4. saw
  5. thought
  6. became
  7. ate
  8. spoke
  9. left
  10. did
  11. flew
  12. drove
  13. had
  14. paid
  15. told
  1. ran
  2. gave
  3. wrote
  4. understood
  5. drank
  6. made
  7. sat
  8. came
  9. bought
  10. lost
  11. felt
  12. took
  13. read

28 Clues: ransawsatatedidhadwentgaveknewmadesangcameleftlostflewfelttookreadpaidtoldwrotedrankspokedrovebecameboughtthoughtunderstood

Irregular verbs 2016-08-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past simple weep
  2. present perfect bleed
  3. present perfect eat
  4. past simple take
  5. present perfect drive
  6. past simple win
  7. past simple choose
  8. present perfect seek
  9. present perfect swear
  10. past simple dig
  11. past simple lead
  12. past simple sit
  13. past simple forbid
  1. past simple broadcast
  2. past simple smell
  3. past simple throw
  4. present perfect stink
  5. past simple pay
  6. present perfect wake up
  7. present perfect lie
  8. past simple wear
  9. past simple shake
  10. present perfect cost
  11. present perfect lay
  12. past simple shine

25 Clues: past simple paypast simple winpast simple digpast simple sitpast simple weeppast simple takepast simple wearpast simple leadpast simple smellpast simple throwpast simple shakepast simple shinepast simple choosepast simple forbidpresent perfect eatpresent perfect liepresent perfect laypresent perfect seekpresent perfect costpast simple broadcast...

Irregular Verbs 2016-08-29

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. drew
  2. began
  3. cost
  4. chose
  5. drank
  6. broke
  7. built
  8. Was/were
  9. bit
  10. came
  1. drove
  2. caught
  3. became
  4. did
  5. could
  6. brought
  7. beat
  8. dreamt/dreamed
  9. bought
  10. cut
  11. ate

21 Clues: didbitcutatedrewcostbeatcamedrovebegancouldchosedrankbrokebuiltcaughtbecameboughtbroughtWas/weredreamt/dreamed

Irregular Verbs 2016-04-21

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see
  2. read
  3. spend
  4. shake
  5. send
  6. smell
  7. stand
  8. understand
  9. run
  10. sleep
  11. sting
  12. teach
  13. swim
  14. spill
  15. lose
  16. lit
  17. lie
  18. wake
  19. put
  20. wear
  21. tell
  22. say
  1. write
  2. ring
  3. speak
  4. shoot
  5. ride
  6. spell
  7. mean
  8. set
  9. show
  10. think
  11. throw
  12. sit
  13. let
  14. steal
  15. take
  16. meet
  17. shut
  18. sink
  19. make
  20. win
  21. sell
  22. pay
  23. sing

45 Clues: seesetsitletrunlitliewinputpaysayringreadridemeanshowsendtakeswimmeetshutlosesinkmakewakesellweartellsingwritespeakshootspendspellshakethinksmellthrowstandsleepstealstingteachspillunderstand

irregular verbs 2016-03-07

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. zacząć
  2. obudzić się
  3. przynieść
  4. robić
  5. rosnąć
  6. rozumieć
  7. upaść
  8. siedzieć
  9. wziąć
  1. rysować
  2. dać
  3. złamać
  4. pisać
  5. stać się
  6. myśleć
  7. wybrać
  8. kupić
  9. opuścić
  10. pić
  11. pokazać

20 Clues: daćpićpisaćrobićkupićupaśćwziąćzacząćzłamaćmyślećwybraćrosnąćrysowaćopuścićpokazaćstać sięrozumiećsiedziećprzynieśćobudzić się


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Have you ever ______ a famous person?
  2. Where ______ you last night?
  3. Oh, no! I've ________ my key!
  4. He didn't have much time, so he _______ as fast as he could to the nearest shop to buy some milk
  5. The police __________ a dangerous criminal last Monday.
  6. When I was in London, I ______ Buckingham Palace.
  7. I haven't got any money- I've _______ all my money!
  8. I haven't _____________ the letter yet.
  9. I have never _________ such an interesting article!
  10. Have you _________ the latest Tom Cruise film?
  11. I haven't ______ to her for two years.
  12. We haven't ___________ a new flat yet.
  13. Has he ever _______ a car?
  14. Oh, no! I've ____________ my homework!
  15. Look! She's _______ her hair!
  16. My brother ________ his arm yesterday.
  17. They didn't hear her but they __________ what to do.
  18. Last summer we _______ in the ocean.
  19. Have you ever _________ snails?
  20. In 2010 he _____ a great story about aliens!
  21. We've already ______ you! Why aren't you listening?
  1. After his first film Tom Cruise _________ very famous.
  2. "Where's John?" He's _______."
  3. I ________ very tired yesterday in the evening.
  4. I haven't ______ my bed yet.
  5. Sorry, but I haven't _________ what to do. Could you help me?
  6. We ______ a delicious meal at that new restaurant yesterday.
  7. Last month, someone _______ my bag in a restaurant.
  8. He went to bed late so he ________ until 1p.m.!
  9. Look! Somebody has ______ the window!
  10. When I was younger I _______ that snow was made of milk!
  11. There's no milk in the fridge- somebody has _____ it.
  12. I ______ a great birthday present yesterday.
  13. Our teacher has __________ us iregular verbs.
  14. Know what? We've just ________ $1,000!
  15. She _________ that book last week.
  16. Have you _______ the news yet? Tom is coming tomorrow!
  17. We've _______ her since 2000.
  18. They were bored so they ________ to the cinema.
  19. He ______ his coat, put it on and left.

40 Clues: Has he ever _______ a car?Where ______ you last night?I haven't ______ my bed yet.Oh, no! I've ________ my key!Look! She's _______ her hair!We've _______ her since 2000."Where's John?" He's _______."Have you ever _________ snails?She _________ that book last week.Last summer we _______ in the ocean.Have you ever ______ a famous person?...

irregular verbs 2023-02-10

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fought
  2. fell
  3. built
  4. awoke
  5. bought
  6. lent
  7. flew
  8. went
  9. hid
  10. left
  11. hung
  12. knew
  13. forgot
  14. heard
  15. lost
  16. chose
  1. hit
  2. paid
  3. held
  4. laid
  5. caught
  6. began
  7. drank
  8. became
  9. dreamt
  10. lay
  11. forgave
  12. grew
  13. ate
  14. blew

30 Clues: hitlayhidatepaidheldfelllaidlentflewwentlefthungknewgrewlostblewbuiltbegandrankawokeheardchosefoughtcaughtboughtbecamedreamtforgotforgave

Irregular verbs 2023-03-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. infinitive of 'crept'
  2. past of 'find'
  3. past of 'think'
  4. infinitive of 'lit'
  5. past participle of 'arise'
  6. infinitive of 'wept'
  7. infinitive of 'stuck'
  8. past of 'forbid'
  9. infinitive of 'shrunk'
  10. past participle of 'shine'
  11. past participle of 'show'
  12. past of 'lie'
  13. past of 'swell'
  14. past participle of 'beat'
  15. past of 'broadcast'
  16. past of 'bite'
  17. infinitive of 'won'
  1. past participle of 'sew'
  2. past of 'catch'
  3. past participle of 'grow'
  4. past of 'hang'
  5. past of 'tear'
  6. infinitive of 'lost'
  7. past participle of 'take'
  8. past participle of 'see'
  9. past of 'spring'
  10. infinitive of 'struck'
  11. infinitive of 'laid'
  12. past of 'spread'
  13. past of 'split'
  14. past of 'smell'
  15. past participle of 'ride'
  16. past participle of 'set'

33 Clues: past of 'lie'past of 'hang'past of 'find'past of 'tear'past of 'bite'past of 'catch'past of 'think'past of 'split'past of 'smell'past of 'swell'past of 'spring'past of 'forbid'past of 'spread'infinitive of 'lit'past of 'broadcast'infinitive of 'won'infinitive of 'lost'infinitive of 'wept'infinitive of 'laid'infinitive of 'crept'...

Irregular verbs 2023-03-22

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. let
  2. sleep
  3. swim
  4. say
  5. ride
  6. see
  7. throw
  8. take
  9. think
  10. teach
  11. send
  12. win
  13. pay
  1. lie
  2. meet
  3. speak
  4. wear
  5. make
  6. spend
  7. sit
  8. write
  9. shake
  10. put
  11. tear
  12. sell

25 Clues: letliesayseesitputwinpaymeetswimwearmakeridetaketearsendsellsleepspeakspendthrowwriteshakethinkteach

Irregular verbs 2023-03-22

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. spend
  2. meet
  3. lead
  4. come
  5. run
  6. think
  7. sing
  8. lend
  9. sleep
  10. forget
  11. try
  12. say
  1. catch
  2. understand
  3. mean
  4. swim
  5. fly
  6. buy
  7. teach
  8. drink
  9. choose
  10. lie
  11. read

23 Clues: flybuyrunlietrysaymeanswimmeetleadcomesinglendreadcatchspendteachdrinkthinksleepchooseforgetunderstand

Irregular verbs 2023-03-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. They______the key of their house so they couldn't open the door.
  2. The students finally_____the lesson.
  3. The teacher_____twenty irregular verbs on the board.
  4. I______a green bike when I was a kid.
  5. My cousin______milk for breakfast this morning.
  6. My parents_____a new car last week.
  7. John_____all the answers in the exam.
  8. The children_____in their gandparents'house last weekend.
  1. Sorry, teacher! I______to do my homework.
  2. My granddad_____a taxi when he was young.
  3. My mum_____me a new computer for my birthday.
  4. She____all the cake.
  5. My grandmother______me a funny story about my mother.
  6. My brother______a mirror at home with his ball.
  7. My brother_____his homework yesterday afternoon.
  8. The dog_____after my father in the park.
  9. All my friends______to my birthday party.
  10. We_____to school on foot last week.
  11. The headteacher____my parents yesterday to speak about my school results.
  12. I_____your sister at the cinema.

20 Clues: She____all the cake.I_____your sister at the cinema.My parents_____a new car last week.We_____to school on foot last week.The students finally_____the lesson.I______a green bike when I was a kid.John_____all the answers in the exam.The dog_____after my father in the park.Sorry, teacher! I______to do my homework....

Irregular Verbs 2022-09-28

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. break
  2. swim
  3. forget
  4. catch
  5. hear
  6. drive
  7. know
  8. go
  9. send
  1. take
  2. fly
  3. bring
  4. find
  5. steal
  6. make
  7. lose
  8. have
  9. run
  10. draw
  11. write

20 Clues: goflyruntakefindswimmakelosehearhavedrawknowsendbreakbringstealcatchdrivewriteforget

Irregular verbs 2022-09-09

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. become
  2. say
  3. meet
  4. grow
  5. leave
  6. find
  7. choose
  8. take
  9. begin
  10. go
  1. spend
  2. hear
  3. make
  4. buy
  5. see
  6. tell
  7. feel
  8. come
  9. lose
  10. give
  11. bring
  12. be

22 Clues: gobebuysayseehearmakemeettellgrowfindfeelcomelosegivetakespendleavebeginbringbecomechoose


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. brati ________________
  2. vreči ________________
  3. pozabiti ______________
  4. postati ______________
  5. izbrati _____________
  6. biti _______________
  7. srečati _______________
  8. porabiti ______________
  9. nositi (imeti oblečeno) ______________
  10. kupiti _____________
  11. slišati _______________
  1. grow ______________
  2. take _______________
  3. understand ______________
  4. know ______________
  5. think _____________
  6. cost ______________
  7. make ______________
  8. feel _______________
  9. wake _____________
  10. hide _____________

21 Clues: wake _____________hide _____________grow ______________know ______________think _____________cost ______________make ______________take _______________biti _______________feel _______________kupiti _____________izbrati _____________brati ________________vreči ________________postati ______________pozabiti ______________srečati _______________...

Irregular verbs 2022-12-02

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. find
  2. drive
  3. go
  4. drink
  5. forget
  6. write
  7. choose
  8. build
  9. hit
  10. dream
  1. understand
  2. grow
  3. feel
  4. keep
  5. fall
  6. buy
  7. cost
  8. begin
  9. be
  10. do

20 Clues: gobedobuyhitgrowfindfeelkeepfallcostdrivedrinkwritebuildbegindreamforgetchooseunderstand

Irregular verbs 2023-01-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. - teki
  2. - tuli
  3. - tulla
  4. - ottaa kiinni
  5. - piirtää
  6. - osti
  7. - voida
  8. - rikkoi
  9. - ostaa
  10. - olla
  11. - joi
  1. - piirsi
  2. - valitsi
  3. - oli
  4. - valita
  5. - juoda
  6. - tehdä
  7. - voi
  8. - rikkoa
  9. - otti kiinni

20 Clues: - oli- voi- joi- teki- tuli- osti- olla- tulla- juoda- tehdä- voida- ostaa- piirsi- valita- rikkoi- rikkoa- valitsi- piirtää- otti kiinni- ottaa kiinni

Irregular Verbs 2023-04-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. видеть(2)
  2. подняться(3)
  3. пить(1)
  4. бежать(1)
  5. проводить/тратить(1)
  6. идти(3)
  7. платить(1)
  8. плавать(1)
  9. учить(1)
  10. стоять(1)
  11. трясти(1)
  12. спать(2)
  13. драться(1)
  14. лежать(1)
  15. строить(1)
  16. сиять(2)
  17. продавать(2)
  18. отправлять(1)
  19. писать(1)
  20. думать(2)
  21. петь(2)
  22. красть(1)
  23. петь(1)
  1. писать(3)
  2. хранить(1)
  3. приносить(3)
  4. выбирать(2)
  5. говорить(1)
  6. понимать(1)
  7. рассказать(3)
  8. брать(3)
  9. быть(1)
  10. сиять(1)
  11. иметь(1)
  12. дуть(2)
  13. пахнуть(1)
  14. побеждать(1)
  15. учить(3)
  16. писать(2)
  17. вести(1)
  18. стоить(3)
  19. положить(2)
  20. петь(3)
  21. носить(1)
  22. держать(2)
  23. думать(1)
  24. читать(1)

47 Clues: пить(1)идти(3)быть(1)дуть(2)петь(3)петь(2)петь(1)брать(3)сиять(1)иметь(1)учить(1)спать(2)учить(3)вести(1)сиять(2)видеть(2)писать(3)бежать(1)стоять(1)трясти(1)писать(2)лежать(1)стоить(3)писать(1)носить(1)думать(2)думать(1)читать(1)красть(1)хранить(1)платить(1)плавать(1)пахнуть(1)драться(1)строить(1)держать(2)выбирать(2)говорить(1)понимать(1)...

Irregular verbs 2023-04-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. buy
  2. hear
  3. begin
  4. find
  5. fall
  6. lend
  7. forget
  8. fly
  9. catch
  10. go
  1. give
  2. have
  3. eat
  4. bring
  5. build
  6. draw
  7. keep
  8. grow
  9. fight
  10. come

20 Clues: gobuyeatflygivehavehearfinddrawfallkeeplendgrowcomebeginbringbuildfightcatchforget

irregular verbs 2023-04-18

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sing
  2. feel
  3. break
  4. lose
  5. begin
  6. learn
  7. go
  8. tell
  9. ride
  10. choose
  11. find
  12. understand
  13. drink
  1. leave
  2. speak
  3. fall
  4. buy
  5. teach
  6. be
  7. eat
  8. drive
  9. sleep
  10. swim
  11. have
  12. see
  13. fly
  14. meet

27 Clues: begobuyeatseeflysingfeelfalllosetellrideswimhavefindmeetleavespeakbreakteachbeginlearndrivesleepdrinkchooseunderstand

Irregular Verbs 2023-04-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bring
  2. learn
  3. become
  4. beat
  5. lie
  6. begin
  7. show
  8. forgive
  9. come
  10. wear
  11. build
  12. split
  13. lay
  14. have
  15. steal
  16. win
  17. understand
  18. pay
  19. hit
  20. send
  21. ring
  22. forget
  23. hear
  24. sleep
  25. buy
  26. take
  27. write
  28. hide
  29. meet
  30. feel
  31. know
  32. stand
  33. swim
  34. lose
  35. let
  36. hurt
  37. wake
  1. give
  2. keep
  3. speed
  4. eat
  5. mean
  6. make
  7. break
  8. leave
  9. grow
  10. do
  11. find
  12. fall
  13. read
  14. cut
  15. ride
  16. fly
  17. spend
  18. sell
  19. shine
  20. set
  21. shoot
  22. sing
  23. run
  24. burn
  25. drive
  26. hang
  27. say
  28. think
  29. cost
  30. get
  31. teach
  32. put
  33. drink
  34. draw
  35. sit
  36. go
  37. choose
  38. catch
  39. spell
  40. tell
  41. speak
  42. see

79 Clues: dogoeatliecutflylaysetwinrunpayhitsaygetputbuysitseeletgivekeepmeanmakebeatgrowshowfindfallreadcomewearridesellhavesingburnhangsendringcostheartakehidedrawmeetfeelknowtellswimlosehurtwakebringspeedlearnbreakleavebeginbuildsplitspendstealshineshootdrivethinkteachsleepdrinkwritecatchstandspellspeakbecomeforgetchooseforgiveunderstand

Irregular Verbs 2023-04-25

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sleep
  2. take
  3. find
  4. sing
  5. buy
  6. fly
  7. be
  8. do
  9. give
  10. make
  11. write
  1. go
  2. think
  3. drive
  4. know
  5. swim
  6. see
  7. eat
  8. ride
  9. draw
  10. drink
  11. have
  12. get

23 Clues: gobedoseebuyflyeatgettakefindknowsingswimridedrawhavegivemakesleepthinkdrivedrinkwrite


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. write
  2. bring
  3. make
  4. teach
  5. buy
  6. sleep
  7. ring
  8. swim
  9. know
  1. win
  2. let
  3. forget
  4. go
  5. find
  6. have
  7. become
  8. feel
  9. think
  10. see
  11. take
  12. run
  13. read

22 Clues: gowinletbuyseerunfindhavemakefeeltakeringswimreadknowwritebringteachthinksleepforgetbecome


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. BUILD
  2. HAVE
  3. BRING
  4. COME
  5. GO
  6. DRIVE
  7. BEGIN
  8. LEAVE
  9. DRAW
  1. BUY
  2. EAT
  3. BREAK
  4. DRINK
  5. KNOW
  6. GET
  7. BE
  9. GIVE
  10. FLY
  11. DO


Irregular Verbs 2023-04-27

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. give
  2. run
  3. speak
  4. hear
  5. get
  6. fall
  7. hit
  8. know
  9. say
  10. leave
  11. meet
  1. come
  2. break
  3. buy
  4. see
  5. eat
  6. take
  7. lose
  8. have
  9. go

20 Clues: gorunbuyseeeatgethitsaycomegiveheartakefalllosehaveknowmeetbreakspeakleave


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  13. PAST OF IR


Irregular Verbs 2017-04-20

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. el/ella/ud(decir)
  2. yo(ir)
  3. tú(tener)
  4. el/ella/ud(poner)
  5. nosotros(hacer)
  6. yo(saber)
  7. nosotros(salir)
  8. tú(oír)
  9. yo(venir)
  10. tú(saber)
  11. ellos/ellas/uds(dar)
  1. yo(decir)
  2. vosotros(ir)
  3. nosotros(tener)
  4. tú(ser)
  5. el/ella/ud(traer)
  6. yo(poner)
  7. nosotros(ser)
  8. ellos/ellas/uds(salir)
  9. ellos/ellas/uds(ir)

20 Clues: yo(ir)tú(ser)tú(oír)yo(decir)tú(tener)yo(poner)yo(saber)yo(venir)tú(saber)vosotros(ir)nosotros(ser)nosotros(tener)nosotros(hacer)nosotros(salir)el/ella/ud(decir)el/ella/ud(traer)el/ella/ud(poner)ellos/ellas/uds(ir)ellos/ellas/uds(dar)ellos/ellas/uds(salir)

Irregular verbs 2017-04-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to leave
  2. means they have
  3. go verb meaning to do
  4. i leave
  5. vosotros meaning to be
  6. to have
  7. to come
  8. yo form of oir- to hear
  9. ellos form of ser
  10. you know
  1. we do
  2. they say
  3. to give
  4. the you form of traer
  5. you put
  6. to be
  7. means you are
  8. yo form of ir-to go
  9. she hears
  10. she gives

20 Clues: we doto beto giveyou puti leaveto haveto comethey sayto leaveyou knowshe hearsshe givesmeans you aremeans they haveellos form of seryo form of ir-to gothe you form of traergo verb meaning to dovosotros meaning to beyo form of oir- to hear


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. past simple of have/has
  2. past simple of say
  3. past simple of understand
  4. past simple of come
  5. past simple of know
  6. past simple of hear
  7. past simple of lose
  8. past simple of teach
  9. past simple of leave
  10. past simple of meet
  11. past simple of do
  12. past simple of go
  13. past simple of begin
  1. past simple of give
  2. past simple of buy
  3. past simple of speak
  4. past simple of eat
  5. past simple of catch
  6. past simple of feel
  7. past simple of keep
  8. past simple of be
  9. past simple of see
  10. past simple of sell
  11. past simple of find
  12. past simple of take
  13. past simple of fly
  14. past simple of win

27 Clues: past simple of bepast simple of dopast simple of gopast simple of buypast simple of saypast simple of eatpast simple of seepast simple of winpast simple of givepast simple of feelpast simple of comepast simple of knowpast simple of keeppast simple of hearpast simple of losepast simple of sellpast simple of findpast simple of meetpast simple of take...

Irregular verbs 2020-02-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past tense of hear
  2. past tense of drink
  3. past tense of find
  4. past tense of say
  5. past tense of come
  6. past tense of buy
  7. past tense of sleep
  8. past tense of leave
  9. past tense of give
  10. past tense of keep
  11. past tense of write
  12. past tense of ride
  13. past tense of know
  14. past tense of get
  15. past tense of meet
  1. past tense of begin
  2. past tense of do
  3. past tense of see
  4. past tense of sit
  5. past tense of forget
  6. past tense of drive
  7. past tense of eat
  8. past tense of make
  9. past tense of put
  10. past tense of speak
  11. past tense of fly
  12. past tense of grow
  13. past tense of take
  14. past tense of ring
  15. past tense of go

30 Clues: past tense of dopast tense of gopast tense of seepast tense of sitpast tense of saypast tense of eatpast tense of buypast tense of putpast tense of flypast tense of getpast tense of hearpast tense of findpast tense of comepast tense of makepast tense of givepast tense of growpast tense of takepast tense of keeppast tense of ridepast tense of ring...

Irregular verbs 2020-03-02

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. led 1. vorm
  2. gave 1. vorm
  3. put 1. vorm
  4. bit 1. vorm
  5. drive 2. vorm
  6. lie 2. vorm
  7. sat 1. vorm
  8. speak 2. vorm
  9. sleep 3. vorm
  10. cut 2. vorm
  11. become 2. vorm
  12. drew 3. vorm
  13. send 3. vorm
  14. saw 3. vorm
  15. tought 2. vorm
  1. pay 3. vorm
  2. leave 2. vorm
  3. burst 1. vorm
  4. feel 2. vorm
  5. laid 1. vorm
  6. sold 1. vorm
  7. be 3. vorm
  8. rode 3. vorm
  9. wear 3. vorm
  10. set 1 vorm
  11. shake 3. vorm
  12. do 2. vorm
  13. win 3. vorm
  14. forget 2. vorm
  15. tore 3. vorm
  16. swim 3. vorm

31 Clues: be 3. vormset 1 vormdo 2. vormpay 3. vormled 1. vormput 1. vormbit 1. vormlie 2. vormsat 1. vormcut 2. vormwin 3. vormsaw 3. vormfeel 2. vormlaid 1. vormgave 1. vormsold 1. vormrode 3. vormwear 3. vormdrew 3. vormsend 3. vormtore 3. vormswim 3. vormleave 2. vormburst 1. vormdrive 2. vormspeak 2. vormsleep 3. vormshake 3. vormbecome 2. vorm...

irregular verbs 2020-03-02

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see .3 vorm
  2. wore .1 vorm
  3. held .1 vorm
  4. sit .2 vorm
  5. met .1 vorm
  6. slept .1 vorm
  7. forget .2 vorm
  8. say .2 vorm
  9. write .3 vorm
  10. take .2 vorm
  11. ride .2 vorm
  12. win .3 vorm
  13. keep .2 vorm
  14. lie .3 vorm
  1. made .1 vorm
  2. spent .1 vorm
  3. lose .2 vorm
  4. sold .1 vorm
  5. speak .3 vorm
  6. thought .1 vorm
  7. set .3 vorm
  8. swam .1 vorm
  9. shake .2 vorm
  10. tear .3 vorm
  11. drew .1 vorm
  12. put .2 vorm

26 Clues: see .3 vormsit .2 vormmet .1 vormset .3 vormsay .2 vormwin .3 vormput .2 vormlie .3 vormmade .1 vormwore .1 vormheld .1 vormlose .2 vormsold .1 vormswam .1 vormtear .3 vormtake .2 vormride .2 vormdrew .1 vormkeep .2 vormspent .1 vormslept .1 vormspeak .3 vormshake .2 vormwrite .3 vormforget .2 vormthought .1 vorm

irregular verbs 2020-03-08

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. participe passé de "être"
  2. prétérit de commencer
  3. prétérit de prendre
  4. participe passé de sentir (odeur)
  5. prérit de "acheter"
  6. participe passé de boire
  7. prétérit de manger
  8. prétérit de devenir
  9. prétérit de casser
  10. prétérit de gagner
  11. prétérit de "oublier"
  12. participe passé de prendre
  13. participe passé de blesser
  14. prétérit de penser
  15. prétérit de s'asseoir
  16. participe passé de raconter
  17. participe passé de "interdire"
  18. participe passé de "enseigner"
  19. participe passé de nourrir
  20. prétérit de "aller
  21. participe passé de cacher
  22. participe passé de porter (vêtement)
  23. prétérit de tomber
  24. participe passé de parler
  25. prétérit de voler, dérober
  26. prétérit de dessiner
  1. prétérit de vouloir dire
  2. prétérit de "être" (singulier)
  3. participe passé de manger
  4. participe passé de grandir, pousser
  5. participe passé de choisir
  6. prétérit de donner
  7. prétérit de lire
  8. participe passé de faire/fabriquer
  9. participe passé de distribuer
  10. participe passé de savoir
  11. participe passé de "acheter"
  12. participe passé de "écrire"
  13. participe passé de combattre
  14. participe passé de pardonner
  15. participe passé de garder
  16. prétérit de payer
  17. prétérit de voler
  18. prétérit de partir
  19. participe passé de frapper
  20. participe passé de lancer
  21. prétérit de rouler( à vélo)
  22. prétérit de tenir
  23. participe passé de geler
  24. prétérit de passer, dépenser
  25. prétérit de souffler

51 Clues: prétérit de lireprétérit de payerprétérit de volerprétérit de tenirprétérit de donnerprétérit de mangerprétérit de casserprétérit de gagnerprétérit de penserprétérit de partirprétérit de "allerprétérit de tomberprétérit de prendreprérit de "acheter"prétérit de devenirprétérit de soufflerprétérit de dessinerprétérit de commencerprétérit de "oublier"...

Irregular verbs 2020-02-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. simple past "fly"
  2. past participle "swim"
  3. past participle "werfen"
  4. past participle "sitzen"
  5. infinitive "heard"
  6. infinitive "driven"
  7. simple past "wear"
  8. German word "understand"
  9. simple past "forgotten"
  10. past participle "hide"
  1. infinitive "beißen"
  2. infinitive "fought"
  3. past participle "see"
  4. past participle "fangen"
  5. past participle "ride"
  6. simple past "write"
  7. infinitive "paid"
  8. simple past "hold"
  9. German word "given"
  10. German word "hit"

20 Clues: simple past "fly"infinitive "paid"German word "hit"infinitive "heard"simple past "hold"simple past "wear"infinitive "beißen"infinitive "fought"simple past "write"German word "given"infinitive "driven"past participle "see"past participle "swim"past participle "ride"past participle "hide"simple past "forgotten"past participle "fangen"...

Irregular verbs 2020-02-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past participle "sitzen"
  2. simple past "write"
  3. infinitive "beißen"
  4. simple past "wear"
  5. past participle "hide"
  6. simple past "hold"
  7. past participle "fangen"
  8. German word "understand"
  9. simple past "fly"
  10. infinitive "paid"
  1. past participle "werfen"
  2. German word "given"
  3. past participle "see"
  4. German word "hit"
  5. past participle "ride"
  6. infinitive "fought"
  7. simple past "forgotten"
  8. infinitive "driven"
  9. past participle "swim"
  10. infinitive "heard"

20 Clues: German word "hit"simple past "fly"infinitive "paid"simple past "wear"simple past "hold"infinitive "heard"German word "given"simple past "write"infinitive "beißen"infinitive "fought"infinitive "driven"past participle "see"past participle "ride"past participle "hide"past participle "swim"simple past "forgotten"past participle "werfen"...

Irregular Verbs 2021-02-02

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fly
  2. give
  3. come
  4. buy
  5. bring
  6. make
  7. do
  8. put
  9. have
  10. know
  1. feed
  2. forgot
  3. learn
  4. go
  5. find
  6. catch
  7. begin
  8. hide
  9. eat
  10. keep

20 Clues: godoflybuyeatputfeedfindgivecomehidemakehaveknowkeeplearncatchbeginbringforgot

Irregular Verbs 2020-10-07

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. eat
  2. ride
  3. know
  4. make
  5. read
  6. go
  7. tell
  8. think
  9. speak
  10. do
  1. give
  2. feel
  3. break
  4. say
  5. write
  6. fall
  7. drive
  8. cut
  9. take
  10. have
  11. see

21 Clues: godoeatsaycutseegivefeelrideknowmakefallreadtelltakehavebreakwritedrivethinkspeak

irregular verbs 2020-10-27

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. win
  2. see
  3. run
  4. had
  5. go
  6. ride
  7. eat
  8. learn
  9. do
  10. fly
  11. put
  12. cut
  13. drink
  1. say
  2. be
  3. make
  4. hit
  5. buy
  6. wear
  7. write

20 Clues: begodosaywinseerunhadhitbuyeatflyputcutmakewearridelearnwritedrink

Irregular verbs 2020-12-01

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. shut
  2. spend
  3. eat
  4. see
  5. take
  6. bring
  7. begin
  8. tell
  9. do
  10. run
  11. ring
  12. teach
  13. say
  14. feed
  15. become
  16. wear
  17. ride
  18. pay
  19. cost
  20. lend
  21. break
  22. find
  23. buy
  24. stand
  1. fight
  2. keep
  3. sing
  4. send
  5. go
  6. win
  7. mean
  8. lead
  9. build
  10. hear
  11. write
  12. light
  13. give
  14. make
  15. hold
  16. have
  17. get
  18. fall
  19. drink
  20. sit
  21. choose
  22. think
  23. sell
  24. forget
  25. put
  26. swim

50 Clues: godoeatseewinrunsaygetsitpayputbuyshutkeepsingsendtakemeanleadheartellringgivemakeholdhavefeedfallwearridecostlendsellfindswimfightspendbringbuildbeginwritelightteachdrinkthinkbreakstandbecomechooseforget

Irregular verbs 2020-12-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. pay
  2. know
  3. go
  4. begin
  5. become
  6. think
  7. fly
  8. build
  9. bring
  10. stand
  11. drink
  1. find
  2. drink
  3. catch
  4. wear
  5. was
  6. buy
  7. leave
  8. can
  9. write
  10. break

21 Clues: gopaywasbuycanflyfindknowweardrinkcatchbeginleavethinkwritebuildbringbreakstanddrinkbecome

Irregular verbs 2020-12-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. wear
  2. find
  3. take
  4. bring
  5. hide
  6. eat
  7. have
  8. begin
  9. catch
  10. know
  11. sleep
  12. make
  13. fly
  1. draw
  2. bite
  3. tell
  4. fight
  5. lose
  6. do
  7. write
  8. buy
  9. think
  10. teach
  11. meet
  12. do
  13. pay
  14. go
  15. speak

28 Clues: dodogobuyeatpayflydrawwearbitetelllosefindtakehidemeethaveknowmakefightwritebringthinkteachbegincatchsleepspeak


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Past Participle of FORGIVE
  2. Past Simple of FEEL
  3. Past Simple of CATCH
  4. Past Participle of GROW
  5. Past Participle of DO
  6. Past Participle of RING
  7. Past Simple of MEAN
  8. Past Simple of EAT
  9. Past Simple of FIGHT
  10. Past Participle of KEEP
  11. Past Simple of GO
  1. Past Participle of SEE
  2. Past Participle of LOSE
  3. Past Simple of LEARN
  4. Past Simple of SAY
  5. Past Simple of MAKE
  6. Past simple of DRINK
  7. Past Simple of BEGIN
  8. Past Simple of GIVE
  9. Past Participle of LEAVE
  10. Past Simple of MEET
  11. Past Simple of KNOW

22 Clues: Past Simple of GOPast Simple of SAYPast Simple of EATPast Simple of FEELPast Simple of MAKEPast Simple of GIVEPast Simple of MEANPast Simple of MEETPast Simple of KNOWPast Simple of LEARNPast Simple of CATCHPast simple of DRINKPast Simple of BEGINPast Simple of FIGHTPast Participle of DOPast Participle of SEEPast Participle of LOSE...

Irregular verbs 2021-02-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. oublier
  2. build
  3. acheter au prétérit
  4. think
  5. courir au participe passé
  6. find
  7. prétérit de perdre
  8. go
  9. participe passé de cacher
  10. participe passé de do
  1. go au prétérit
  2. boire au prétérit
  3. manger
  4. participe passé de chanter
  5. écrire au participe passé
  6. comprendre
  7. gagner au prétérit
  8. participe passé de parler
  9. tomber au prétérit
  10. begin au prétérit

20 Clues: gofindbuildthinkmangeroubliercomprendrego au prétéritboire au prétéritbegin au prétéritgagner au prétérittomber au prétéritprétérit de perdreacheter au prétéritparticipe passé de doécrire au participe passéparticipe passé de parlercourir au participe passéparticipe passé de cacherparticipe passé de chanter


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. After falling asleep, a person _____
  2. The titanic _____
  3. Italy ______ 2-0 against Slovenia
  4. The writer ____ a novel
  5. What did the warriors do to defend the people during a war?
  6. When you are in the pool, what do you do?
  7. The masons ____ a new building
  8. What do you do in the art class?
  9. The model ____ during the shooting
  10. We ____ chicken during lunch
  1. A person was born,____ fed, reproduced and died
  2. In a bar i ____ a drink
  3. the stars _____
  4. Anna _____ a bag in the store
  5. Who collects _____
  6. When you are sad or watch a romantic movie ___
  7. A butterfly ____
  8. The teacher _____ to the students
  9. The seamstress _____ the dress
  10. ____ a book

20 Clues: ____ a bookthe stars _____A butterfly ____The titanic _____Who collects _____In a bar i ____ a drinkThe writer ____ a novelWe ____ chicken during lunchAnna _____ a bag in the storeThe seamstress _____ the dressThe masons ____ a new buildingWhat do you do in the art class?Italy ______ 2-0 against SloveniaThe teacher _____ to the students...

Irregular verbs 2021-03-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 3-give
  2. 2-meet
  3. 3-hear
  4. 3-break
  5. 2-buy
  6. 3-do
  7. 3-draw
  8. 3-know
  9. 2-drive
  10. 2-leave
  11. 2-build
  1. 3-send
  2. 2-make
  3. 3-have
  4. 2-run
  5. 3-begin
  6. 2-find
  7. 2-choose
  8. 2-become
  9. 2-see
  10. 2-get
  11. 2-keep
  12. 2-go
  13. 2-feel

24 Clues: 3-do2-go2-run2-buy2-see2-get3-send3-give2-meet2-make3-have3-hear2-find3-draw3-know2-keep2-feel3-break3-begin2-drive2-leave2-build2-choose2-become

Irregular verbs 2021-03-28

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. planted
  2. showed
  3. stoped
  4. named
  5. rented
  6. finished
  7. followed
  8. repeated resist resisted
  9. remembered
  10. wanted
  11. visited
  12. belonged
  13. ordered
  14. needed
  1. jumped
  2. looked
  3. turned
  4. asked
  5. used
  6. practiced
  7. stayed
  8. lived
  9. climbed
  10. rained
  11. traveled
  12. tried
  13. worked
  14. ended
  15. pointed
  16. dressed

30 Clues: usedaskednamedlivedtriedendedjumpedlookedturnedshowedstopedstayedrentedrainedwantedworkedneededplantedclimbedvisitedpointedordereddressedfinishedfollowedtraveledbelongedpracticedrememberedrepeated resist resisted

Irregular verbs 2021-03-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. said
  2. got
  3. were
  4. put
  5. felt
  6. knew
  7. meant
  8. told
  9. had
  10. gave
  11. did
  1. came
  2. saw
  3. thought
  4. became
  5. took
  6. found
  7. made
  8. left
  9. went

20 Clues: sawgotputhaddidcamesaidweretookfeltknewmadetoldleftgavewentfoundmeantbecamethought

Irregular Verbs 2021-03-03

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. said
  2. swore
  3. swept
  4. meant
  5. rang
  6. struck
  7. sought
  8. sprang
  9. sawed
  10. showed
  11. shot
  12. spat
  13. spun
  14. met
  15. shone
  16. spoke
  17. split
  18. sewed
  19. stank
  20. slep
  21. saw
  22. swelled
  23. stood
  24. rose
  1. made
  2. sang
  3. ran
  4. swung
  5. paid
  6. rode
  7. swam
  8. sat
  9. strung
  10. sank
  11. stole
  12. sent
  13. sped
  14. strove
  15. sold
  16. spent
  17. shook

41 Clues: ransatmetsawmadesaidsangpaidrangrodeswamsankshotspatspunsentspedslepsoldrosesworesweptswungmeantsawedstoleshonespokesplitsewedstankspentshookstoodstrucksoughtsprangstrungshowedstroveswelled

Irregular verbs 2021-04-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past tense of put
  2. Past tense of ride
  3. Past tense of bring
  4. Past tense of wear
  5. Past tense of take
  6. Past tense of see
  7. past tense of do
  8. Past tense of send
  9. Past tense of know
  10. Past tense of get
  11. Past tense of swim
  12. Past tense of lend
  1. Past tense of spend
  2. Past tense of eat
  3. Past tense of buy
  4. Past tense of find
  5. Past tense of drink
  6. Past tense of go
  7. Past tense of teach
  8. past tense of know
  9. Past tense of be
  10. Past tense of drink
  11. past tense of fall

23 Clues: Past tense of goPast tense of bepast tense of doPast tense of eatPast tense of buyPast tense of putPast tense of seePast tense of getPast tense of ridePast tense of findPast tense of wearPast tense of takepast tense of knowpast tense of fallPast tense of sendPast tense of knowPast tense of swimPast tense of lendPast tense of spend...

irregular verbs 2021-04-06

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to start
  2. to put on
  3. to go away quickly
  4. to understand something from a teacher
  5. ... up; it’s the title of a famous neapolitan song
  6. to listen
  7. when you knock down all the skitles
  8. to have no more
  9. to get out something
  10. to pick up
  11. to fill someone of food
  12. to encounter
  13. to satiate
  14. to make
  15. to rest
  16. to signify
  17. to put the seed in the ground
  1. when you put out the candels
  2. to take one thing among many
  3. snake’s walking
  4. to crack a nut
  5. not to remember
  6. to put in place the elettrical cables
  7. to learn something
  8. to drive a bike
  9. to divide a paper with a pair of scissors
  10. to take something without asking
  11. to allow someone to do something
  12. to exhibit
  13. to be first person plural
  14. you love, you hate
  15. to cut the grass
  16. contrary of the remove
  17. to give money to buy something

34 Clues: to maketo restto startto put onto listento exhibitto pick upto satiateto signifyto encounterto crack a nutsnake’s walkingnot to rememberto drive a biketo have no moreto cut the grassto go away quicklyto learn somethingyou love, you hateto get out somethingcontrary of the removeto fill someone of foodto be first person plural...

irregular verbs 2021-04-08

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. we do when we give a pen to school
  2. the bomb does
  3. models do it
  4. we do with clothes
  5. who come is first
  6. the bulldozer does it
  7. we do it at night
  8. the seamstress does
  9. you do it when somebody chases you
  10. the rain does it
  1. thieves do it
  2. fire does
  3. the mosquito does it
  4. the orchestra does it
  5. you do it whith the rope
  6. the sun does it
  7. a teacher does it
  8. you do it while you sleep
  9. fish does it
  10. bird dos it

20 Clues: fire doesbird dos itmodels do itfish does itthieves do itthe bomb doesthe sun does itthe rain does itwho come is firsta teacher does itwe do it at nightwe do with clothesthe seamstress doesthe mosquito does itthe orchestra does itthe bulldozer does ityou do it whith the ropeyou do it while you sleepwe do when we give a pen to school...

irregular verbs 2021-04-07

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to start
  2. to put on
  3. to go away quickly
  4. to understand something from a teacher
  5. ... up; it’s the title of a famous neapolitan song
  6. to listen
  7. when you knock down all the skitles
  8. to have no more
  9. to get out something
  10. to pick up
  11. to fill someone of food
  12. to encounter
  13. to satiate
  14. to make
  15. to rest
  16. to signify
  17. to put the seed in the ground
  1. when you put out the candels
  2. to take one thing among many
  3. snake’s walking
  4. to crack a nut
  5. not to remember
  6. to put in place the elettrical cables
  7. to learn something
  8. to drive a bike
  9. to divide a paper with a pair of scissors
  10. to take something without asking
  11. to allow someone to do something
  12. to exhibit
  13. to be first person plural
  14. you love, you hate
  15. to cut the grass
  16. contrary of the remove
  17. to give money to buy something

34 Clues: to maketo restto startto put onto listento exhibitto pick upto satiateto signifyto encounterto crack a nutsnake’s walkingnot to rememberto drive a biketo have no moreto cut the grassto go away quicklyto learn somethingyou love, you hateto get out somethingcontrary of the removeto fill someone of foodto be first person plural...

Irregular verbs 2021-09-21

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. have
  2. be
  3. see
  4. eat
  5. make
  6. hear
  7. steal
  8. hurt
  9. get
  10. freeze
  11. bite
  12. read
  1. do
  2. choose
  3. say
  4. wake
  5. cost
  6. smell
  7. drive
  8. forget
  9. put
  10. tell
  11. forgive

23 Clues: dobesayseeeatputgethavewakecostmakehearhurttellbitereadsmelldrivestealchooseforgetfreezeforgive

Irregular verbs 2021-09-24

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. break
  2. say
  3. fall
  4. see
  5. sleep
  6. win
  7. think
  8. go
  9. keep
  10. speak
  11. make
  12. read
  13. hide
  14. know
  1. came
  2. leave
  3. do
  4. catch
  5. spend
  6. sing
  7. write
  8. take
  9. become
  10. sell
  11. pay
  12. begin
  13. grow
  14. hide

28 Clues: dogosayseewinpaycamefallsingtakesellkeepmakegrowreadhidehideknowleavebreakcatchspendsleepwritethinkbeginspeakbecome

Irregular verbs 2021-09-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bring
  2. stand
  3. break
  4. read
  5. catch
  6. draw
  7. choose
  8. send
  9. fly
  10. know
  11. drink
  1. forget
  2. think
  3. drive
  4. hold
  5. swim
  6. ride
  7. make
  8. take
  9. go
  10. spend
  11. find
  12. are

23 Clues: goflyareholdswimreadridemaketakedrawsendfindknowthinkbringstanddrivebreakcatchspenddrinkforgetchoose


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. see
  2. beat
  3. shoot
  4. run
  5. sew
  6. fall
  7. do
  8. sit
  9. shake
  10. set
  11. rise
  12. get
  1. shine
  2. cut
  3. break
  4. say
  5. eat
  6. fly
  7. sell
  8. drink
  9. Shut
  10. send

22 Clues: doseecutsayruneatflysewsitsetgetbeatsellfallShutsendriseshinebreakshootdrinkshake

Irregular Verbs 2021-06-01

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. THINK
  2. LEAVE
  3. FLY
  4. BEGIN
  5. TEACH
  6. DRIVE
  7. FIND
  8. CATCH
  9. SELL
  10. SLEEP
  11. RING
  12. SPEAK
  1. STEAL
  2. HURT
  3. FELL
  5. SWIM
  6. BUY
  7. RIDE
  8. BITE
  9. THROW
  10. TAKE
  11. FEED
  12. BREAK
  13. SEE



IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. the past of grind
  2. the past of learn
  3. the past of choose
  4. the past of flee
  5. the past of find
  6. the past of leave
  7. the past of go
  8. the past of become
  9. the past of fly
  10. the past of have
  11. the past of hide
  12. the past of cut
  13. the past of fall
  14. the past of drive
  15. the past of kneel
  16. past of bite
  17. the past of feel
  1. the past of catch
  2. the past of fight
  3. the past of hear
  4. past of bleed
  5. the past of hurt
  6. Past of blow
  7. the past of give
  8. the past of hold
  9. past of buy
  10. the past of know
  11. the past of feed
  12. the past of draw
  13. the past of lead
  14. the past of creep
  15. past of begin
  16. the past of keep
  17. the past of be

34 Clues: past of buyPast of blowpast of bitepast of bleedpast of beginthe past of gothe past of bethe past of flythe past of cutthe past of hearthe past of fleethe past of hurtthe past of findthe past of givethe past of holdthe past of knowthe past of feedthe past of havethe past of hidethe past of drawthe past of fallthe past of leadthe past of keep...

Irregular Verbs 2021-07-16

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. thought
  2. held
  3. swam
  4. flew
  5. wrote
  6. came
  7. broke
  8. brought
  9. read
  10. caught
  11. lost
  12. drove
  13. stood
  14. took
  15. spent
  1. knew
  2. drank
  3. stole
  4. went
  5. heard
  6. forgot
  7. were
  8. chose
  9. rode
  10. did
  11. found
  12. drew
  13. made
  14. sent
  15. was

30 Clues: didwasknewheldswamwentflewcamewerereadrodelostdrewmadesenttookdrankstoleheardwrotebrokechosefounddrovestoodspentforgotcaughtthoughtbrought

Irregular verbs 2021-10-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past Simple wore
  2. Past participle slept
  3. Base form do
  4. Past participle heard
  5. Past participle had
  6. Base form read
  7. Past participle chosen
  8. Past participle bought
  9. Base form can
  10. Past Simple drank
  11. Past Simple went
  12. Base form learn
  13. Past Simple put
  14. Past participle ridden
  15. Base form begin
  16. Past Simple made
  17. Past participle come
  1. Base form teach
  2. Base form think
  3. Past Simple met
  4. Past participle written
  5. Past Simple gave
  6. Past participle driven
  7. Base form understand
  8. Past Simple woke
  9. Past Simple took
  10. Base form get
  11. Base form pay
  12. Past Simple ate
  13. Past participle run

30 Clues: Base form doBase form canBase form getBase form payBase form readBase form teachBase form thinkPast Simple metBase form learnPast Simple putPast Simple ateBase form beginPast Simple worePast Simple gavePast Simple wokePast Simple tookPast Simple wentPast Simple madePast Simple drankPast participle hadPast participle runBase form understand...

irregular verbs 2021-10-06

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. read
  2. write
  3. drink
  4. fight
  5. have
  6. make
  7. bring
  8. fall
  9. feel
  10. sleep
  11. build
  12. cut
  13. sell
  1. give
  2. begin
  3. ring
  4. steal
  5. do
  6. think
  7. speak
  8. teach
  9. lose
  10. let
  11. pay

24 Clues: doletpaycutgivereadringhavemakefalllosefeelsellbeginwritestealdrinkfightthinkspeakbringteachsleepbuild

Irregular Verbs 2021-10-14

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. present choose, simple past chose, meaning elegir
  2. present lose, simple past lost, meaning perder
  3. present come, simple past came, meaning venir
  4. present go, simple past went, meaning ir
  5. present bring, simple past brought, meaning traer
  6. present keep, simple past kept, meaning conservar
  7. present freeze, simple past froze, meaning congelar
  8. present eat, simple past ate, meaning comer
  9. present know, simple past knew, meaning conocer
  10. present drive, simple past drove, meaning conducir
  11. present be, simple past was/were, meaning ser
  12. present feel, simple past felt, meaning sentir
  13. present make, simple past made, meaning hacer
  1. present build, simple past built, meaning construir
  2. present break, simple past broke, meaning romper
  3. present begin, simple past began, meaning empezar
  4. present forget, simple past forgot, meaning olvidar
  5. present become, simple past became, meaning llegar a ser
  6. present catch, simple past caught, meaning coger
  7. present drink, simple past drank, meaning beber
  8. present grow, simple past grew, meaning crecer
  9. present mean, simple past meant, meaning significar
  10. present awake, simple past awoke, meaning despertarse
  11. present forgive, simple past forgave, meaning perdonar
  12. present give, simple past gave, meaning dar
  13. present fall, simple past fell, meaning caer

26 Clues: present go, simple past went, meaning irpresent eat, simple past ate, meaning comerpresent give, simple past gave, meaning darpresent fall, simple past fell, meaning caerpresent come, simple past came, meaning venirpresent be, simple past was/were, meaning serpresent make, simple past made, meaning hacer...

Irregular verbs 2022-05-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. speak
  2. learn
  3. forget
  4. draw
  5. stand
  6. do
  7. catch
  8. ride
  9. think
  10. pay
  11. can
  1. buy
  2. go
  3. fly
  4. sit
  5. find
  6. bring
  7. make
  8. spell
  9. hear
  10. have

21 Clues: godobuyflysitpaycanfinddrawmakeridehearhavespeaklearnbringstandspellcatchthinkforget

Irregular verbs 2022-06-01

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. correr
  2. volar
  3. ver
  4. escribir
  5. dormir
  6. conducir
  7. decir
  8. enseñar
  9. comer
  10. encontrar
  11. llevar
  12. comprar
  13. conocer
  1. saber
  2. hablar
  3. sentir
  4. usar
  5. ser
  6. perder
  7. salir
  8. hacer
  9. oir
  10. ir
  11. traer
  12. pensar

25 Clues: irverseroirusarsabervolarsalirhacerdecirtraercomercorrerhablarsentirperderdormirpensarllevarenseñarcomprarconocerescribirconducirencontrar

Irregular verbs 2022-05-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. feel
  2. drink
  3. be
  4. catch
  5. give
  6. go
  7. drive
  8. begin
  9. build
  10. break
  11. fly
  1. up get up
  2. do
  3. come
  4. find
  5. draw
  6. be
  7. cut
  8. have
  9. eat
  10. buy
  11. become

22 Clues: dobebegocuteatbuyflycomefeelfinddrawhavegivedrinkcatchdrivebeginbuildbreakbecomeup get up

irregular verbs 2022-05-25

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see
  2. take
  3. is
  4. learn
  5. hear
  6. lose
  7. do
  8. leave
  9. fall
  10. steal
  11. break
  12. drink
  13. put
  14. get
  15. feel
  1. buy
  2. win
  3. give
  4. go
  5. tell
  6. drive
  7. hit
  8. send
  9. are
  10. lay
  11. sweep
  12. forget
  13. eat
  14. know
  15. fly

30 Clues: goisdobuyseewinhitarelayeatputflygettakegivetellhearlosesendfallknowfeellearndriveleavestealsweepbreakdrinkforget

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Are the chairs for?
  2. the hearts of the mothers of soacha ..... for the pain of their children
  3. when you see a uribista you want it
  4. when you have something of value but you don't need it
  5. do you see the cabal young. you in their faces
  6. when you leave your house the door
  7. we must not .... trash
  8. you know a mamerto and you want .... his crotch
  9. when you can't find something
  10. in the army the soldiers their boots
  11. the opposite of remembering
  12. the birds can do it
  13. when you are children you dream of
  14. It always happens when you sleep but you can't always remember it
  15. You are María Fernanda Cabal, you do not collect enough signatures, so you should?
  16. recommend three books a year
  17. when you use the car
  1. when it gets late
  2. you meet the fachos in the corner, you start to ..... cold
  3. they want .... who gave the order
  4. when you lose something
  5. when you buy something you must
  6. Petro smells ugly, ¿why?
  7. ¿The presidential candidates and the thieves?
  8. you are polo polo and you lose your seat, you start to
  9. the dream of every anarchist with a church
  10. what we should do with stereotypes
  11. you are in a karaoke and do you have to?
  12. in the pools you can
  13. the peasants of colombia had to ..... from the countryside
  14. the cell phone was created for
  15. you meet a fan of fico, you give him a book and he doesn't know how to read, so you're going to him
  16. the traffic light is green, do you have to?
  17. with your ears you can

34 Clues: when it gets lateAre the chairs for?the birds can do itin the pools you canwhen you use the carwe must not .... trashwith your ears you canwhen you lose somethingPetro smells ugly, ¿why?the opposite of rememberingrecommend three books a yearwhen you can't find somethingthe cell phone was created forwhen you buy something you must...