irregular verbs Crossword Puzzles

Irregular verbs 2022-08-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. beat
  2. blow
  3. teach
  4. fall
  5. catch
  6. written
  7. meant
  8. make
  9. known
  10. sink
  11. fight
  12. met
  13. pay
  14. sell
  15. drive
  16. think
  17. sang
  18. burn
  19. ride
  1. be
  2. awake
  3. bite
  4. became
  5. begun
  6. build
  7. show
  8. eaten
  9. left
  10. dig
  11. kept
  12. stand
  13. understand
  14. gave
  15. bend
  16. forget
  17. buy
  18. hang
  19. break

38 Clues: bedigmetpaybuybeatblowbiteshowfallleftmakekeptsinkgavebendsellsangburnhangrideawakebegunbuildteacheatencatchmeantknownstandfightdrivethinkbreakbecameforgetwrittenunderstand

Irregular verbs 2022-06-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. spreken
  2. eten
  3. winnen
  4. rijden
  5. voelen
  6. vallen
  7. betalen
  8. rennen
  9. nemen
  10. geven
  11. denken
  1. kiezen
  2. winnen
  3. beginnen
  4. schrijven
  5. gaan
  6. vinden
  7. (ver)laten
  8. slapen
  9. zien
  10. breken
  11. kopen

22 Clues: etengaanzienkopennemengevenkiezenwinnenwinnenrijdenvoelenvindenslapenvallenbrekenrennendenkensprekenbetalenbeginnenschrijven(ver)laten

Irregular Verbs 2022-06-30

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. powiedzieć, _____, told, told
  2. wiedzieć, know, knew, _____
  3. jeździć, _____, rode, ridden
  4. _____, think, thought, thought
  5. up budzić się, wake up, woke up, _____ __
  6. widzieć, see, saw, _____
  7. rzucać, throw, _____, thrown
  8. wygrywać, _____, won, won
  9. otrzymywać, get, _____, got
  10. _____, meet, met, met
  1. spadać, fall, _____, fallen
  2. brać, take, took, _____
  3. mówić, speak, _____, spoken
  4. _____, say, said, said
  5. prowadzić auto, drive, drove, _____
  6. _____, give, gave, given
  7. _____, sing, sang, sung
  8. zostawiać, leave, _____, left
  9. robić/tworzyć, _____, made, made
  10. _____, fly, flew, flown
  11. budować, build, _____, built
  12. uderzać, _____, hit, hit

22 Clues: _____, meet, met, met_____, say, said, saidbrać, take, took, __________, sing, sang, sung_____, fly, flew, flown_____, give, gave, givenwidzieć, see, saw, _____uderzać, _____, hit, hitwygrywać, _____, won, wonspadać, fall, _____, fallenmówić, speak, _____, spokenwiedzieć, know, knew, _____otrzymywać, get, _____, gotjeździć, _____, rode, ridden...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. _______, bought, bought.
  2. Choose, _______, chosen.
  3. Give, _______, given.
  4. _______, was/were, been.
  5. Eat, ate, ________.
  6. Fall,_____, fallen.
  7. Bring, _______, brought.
  8. Drive, drove, _______.
  9. Fly, flew, _______.
  10. ______, drank, drunk.
  11. Get, ________, gotten.
  1. ______, went, gone.
  2. Become, _________, become.
  3. Come, _______, come.
  4. ______, felt, felt.
  5. Begin, _________, begun.
  6. ______, found, found.
  7. Forget, ______, forgotten.
  8. Have, had, ______.
  9. Do, did, _______.

20 Clues: Do, did, _______.Have, had, ______.______, went, gone.______, felt, felt.Eat, ate, ________.Fall,_____, fallen.Fly, flew, _______.Come, _______, come.Give, _______, given.______, found, found.______, drank, drunk.Drive, drove, _______.Get, ________, gotten._______, bought, bought.Choose, _______, chosen.Begin, _________, begun....

Irregular verbs 2022-11-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. move
  2. have
  3. throw
  4. blow
  5. take
  6. shut
  7. catch
  8. feel
  9. see
  10. drive
  11. listen
  1. bring
  2. fall
  3. come
  4. watch
  5. start
  6. lose
  7. eat
  8. walk
  9. hear
  10. run
  11. sleep

22 Clues: eatseerunfallmovecomehaveblowlosetakewalkshuthearfeelbringthrowwatchstartcatchdrivesleeplisten

Irregular Verbs 2022-10-30

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. לשחות
  2. לדבר
  3. ליפול
  4. לבחור
  5. לבנות
  6. ללבוש
  7. לחפור
  8. להתחבא
  9. ללמד
  10. לריב
  11. להביס. להכות
  12. לדעת
  13. לאכול
  14. לשבור
  15. לתלות
  16. להרגיש
  17. לשלם
  1. להבין
  2. להתכוון
  3. לתפוס
  4. להביא
  5. להפוך ל...
  6. לשכב
  7. לשתות
  8. להכות
  9. לטוס. לעוף
  10. לנשוך
  11. לשמוע
  12. לתת
  13. לצייר

30 Clues: לתתלדברלשכבללמדלריבלדעתלשלםלשחותלהביןליפוללבחורלתפוסלהביאלבנותללבושלחפורלשתותלהכותלנשוךלאכוללשבורלתלותלשמועלציירלהתחבאלהרגישלהתכווןלהפוך ל...לטוס. לעוףלהביס. להכות

Irregular Verbs 2022-10-30

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. לשחות
  2. לדבר
  3. ליפול
  4. לבחור
  5. לבנות
  6. ללבוש
  7. לחפור
  8. להתחבא
  9. ללמד
  10. לריב
  11. להביס. להכות
  12. לדעת
  13. לאכול
  14. לשבור
  15. לתלות
  16. להרגיש
  17. לשלם
  1. להבין
  2. להתכוון
  3. לתפוס
  4. להביא
  5. להפוך ל...
  6. לשכב
  7. לשתות
  8. להכות
  9. לטוס. לעוף
  10. לנשוך
  11. לשמוע
  12. לתת
  13. לצייר

30 Clues: לתתלדברלשכבללמדלריבלדעתלשלםלשחותלהביןליפוללבחורלתפוסלהביאלבנותללבושלחפורלשתותלהכותלנשוךלאכוללשבורלתלותלשמועלציירלהתחבאלהרגישלהתכווןלהפוך ל...לטוס. לעוףלהביס. להכות

Irregular Verbs 2022-11-12

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hide
  2. run
  3. grow
  4. put
  5. fly
  6. let
  7. give
  8. think
  9. blow
  10. shake
  11. swim
  12. go
  1. hang
  2. break
  3. steal
  4. leave
  5. write
  6. meet
  7. have
  8. lose
  9. know

21 Clues: gorunputflylethidehanggrowmeetgivehaveblowloseknowswimbreakstealleavewritethinkshake

Irregular verbs 2022-10-06

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Poner
  2. Pagar
  3. Leer
  4. Volar
  5. Sentir
  6. Enviar
  7. Realizar,elaborar
  8. Comprender
  9. Empezar
  10. Luchar
  1. Dejar, abandonar
  2. Pagar
  3. Correr
  4. Aprender
  5. Olvidar
  6. Perder
  7. Enseñar
  8. Llamar
  9. Mantener
  10. Sentarse
  11. Beber

21 Clues: LeerPonerPagarPagarVolarBeberCorrerSentirPerderLlamarEnviarLucharOlvidarEnseñarEmpezarAprenderMantenerSentarseComprenderDejar, abandonarRealizar,elaborar

Irregular verbs 2022-10-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sing
  2. know
  3. begin
  4. think
  5. do
  6. pay
  7. buy
  8. read
  9. send
  10. come
  11. forget
  12. speak
  13. leave
  1. make
  2. go
  3. find
  4. build
  5. eat
  6. have
  7. run
  8. sleep
  9. catch
  10. fall

23 Clues: godoeatpaybuyrunmakesingknowfindhavereadsendcomefallbeginbuildthinksleepcatchspeakleaveforget


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. _____ very happy.
  2. _____ in a swimming pool.
  3. _____ ten dollars at a store.
  4. _____ to call my mom.
  5. _____ my lunch to work.
  6. _____ a strange sound at midnight.
  7. _____ a baby in my arms.
  8. _____ an e-mail to my friend.
  9. _____ my homework.
  10. was late, but they _____ on time.
  11. _____ the answer to a question.
  12. _____ the blue pen, not the red one.
  13. _____ my little brother to a cinema
  14. _____ a glass of orange juice.
  15. _____ to the library to read a book.
  16. _____ my key. I couldn't find it.
  1. _____ to class late.
  2. _____ a ball at the park.
  3. _____a story about a princess.
  4. _____ at a bus stop for minutes.
  5. _____ about a difficult problem.
  6. _____an egg on the floor.
  7. _____ "El Quijote de la Mancha".
  8. _____ in an airplane.
  9. _____ my brother's cookies.
  10. _____ a picture of a tree.
  11. _____ a sock under my bed.
  12. _____ a mistake on a test.
  13. _____ the pen. I still have it.
  14. Didn't _____ breakfast.
  15. _____my bicycle to school.
  16. _____ my car to a park.

32 Clues: _____ very happy._____ my homework._____ to class late._____ to call my mom._____ in an airplane._____ my lunch to work._____ my car to a park._____ a baby in my arms.Didn't _____ breakfast._____ a ball at the park._____ in a swimming pool._____an egg on the floor._____ a picture of a tree._____ a sock under my bed._____ a mistake on a test....

Irregular verbs 2022-10-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. make
  2. fight
  3. know
  4. draw
  5. buy
  6. read
  7. sit
  8. win
  9. sleep
  10. wake
  11. speak
  12. have
  1. leave
  2. grow
  3. understand
  4. find
  5. meet
  6. tell
  7. drive
  8. go
  9. see

21 Clues: gobuysitwinseemakegrowknowfinddrawmeettellreadwakehaveleavefightdrivesleepspeakunderstand

irregular verbs 2022-10-26

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. present tense of drew
  2. present tense of ran
  3. present tense of took
  4. present tense of gave
  5. present tense of sang
  6. present tense of threw
  7. present tense of met
  8. present tense of fed
  9. present tense of bought
  10. present tense of saw
  11. present tense of got
  1. present tense of wrote
  2. present tense of drank
  3. present tense of ate
  4. present tense of swam
  5. present tense of went
  6. present tense of had
  7. present tense of left
  8. present tense of flew
  9. present tense of sat

20 Clues: present tense of ranpresent tense of atepresent tense of hadpresent tense of metpresent tense of fedpresent tense of sawpresent tense of satpresent tense of gotpresent tense of drewpresent tense of tookpresent tense of gavepresent tense of sangpresent tense of swampresent tense of wentpresent tense of leftpresent tense of flewpresent tense of wrote...

Irregular verbs 2022-10-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. understand
  2. swing
  3. hurt
  4. read
  5. leave
  6. mean
  7. cut
  8. spend
  9. lose
  10. have
  11. hear
  12. build
  13. feel
  14. let
  15. bring
  16. make
  17. teach
  18. stand
  19. feed
  20. get
  1. buy
  2. meet
  3. keep
  4. smell
  5. sleep
  6. drive
  7. find
  8. put
  9. win
  10. sell
  11. think
  12. hold
  13. say
  14. hit
  15. send
  16. catch
  17. sit
  18. learn
  19. tell
  20. spell

40 Clues: buycutputwinsayhitsitletgetmeetkeephurtreadfindmeanselllosehaveholdhearsendfeelmaketellfeedsmellswingsleepdriveleavespendthinkbuildcatchlearnbringteachstandspellunderstand


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. choose
  2. read
  3. lose
  4. sleep
  5. make
  6. forget
  7. understand
  8. think
  9. know
  10. throw
  11. buy
  12. tell
  13. drive
  14. come
  15. take
  1. write
  2. give
  3. hold
  4. hear
  5. spend
  6. bring
  7. send
  8. teach
  9. do
  10. get
  11. find
  12. see
  13. catch
  14. break
  15. eat
  16. become
  17. have
  18. drink
  19. go

34 Clues: dogogetseeeatbuygiveholdhearreadlosesendmakefindknowhavetellcometakewritespendbringsleepteachthinkcatchbreakthrowdrivedrinkchooseforgetbecomeunderstand


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. ran
  2. did
  3. stood
  4. made
  5. fell
  6. gave
  7. had
  8. took
  9. put
  10. said
  11. went
  1. found
  2. rang
  3. thought
  4. slept
  5. met
  6. got
  7. was
  8. heard
  9. knew

20 Clues: randidmetgotwashadputrangmadefellgavetookknewsaidwentfoundstoodsleptheardthought

irregular verbs 2017-02-06

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. he/she stays
  2. we walk
  3. we see
  4. you stay
  5. i stay
  6. we manage
  7. he/she drives
  8. i drive
  9. he/she gives
  10. you manage(plural)
  11. we feel
  12. we give
  13. you see(plural)
  14. we come
  15. you hear(plural)
  1. you come
  2. he/she walks
  3. you feel(plural)
  4. i come
  5. i give
  6. you manage
  7. we drive
  8. we hear
  9. you walk(plural)
  10. i feel
  11. you hear
  12. you see

27 Clues: i comewe seei stayi givei feelwe walkwe heari drivewe feelwe giveyou seewe comeyou comeyou staywe driveyou hearwe manageyou managehe/she stayshe/she walkshe/she giveshe/she drivesyou see(plural)you feel(plural)you walk(plural)you hear(plural)you manage(plural)

Irregular Verbs 2017-11-27

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. / I’ve _____ to Costa Rica last June.
  2. / Viviana has ______ in the Karaoke the last Saturday.
  3. / The bus has _______ three hours ago.
  4. / My mom hasn't _____ me sleep in the evenings.
  5. / Have you ever ______ the thunder?
  6. / My grandmother has _______ a cook book.
  7. / She has _______ a ring on the street.
  8. / My sister has _____ Chocolatina Jet since a girl.
  9. / Gabriel has ______ a lot of books.
  10. / My niece has _______ my grandmother´s glass vase
  11. / The students have_______ to a book fair on Monday morning.
  12. / I haven’t ______ this nights.
  13. / He has _______ late because of the heavy traffic.
  14. / I’ve _____ Danna since the 1st semester.
  1. / Adriana has _______ a scarf yesterday.
  2. / I’ve ______ a text message to my brother in the morning.
  3. / I’ve _______ to do the crossword.
  4. / I’ve ________ with unicorns yesterday.
  5. / Paola has _____ working in a bank.
  6. / I haven´t ______ between blue or pink.
  7. / Carmen has ______ orange juice in the morning.
  8. / Sophia has ______ the Salsa competition last week.
  9. / Daniel has _______ his car in the rain yesterday.
  10. / She has ______ her luggage in the airport.
  11. / The sun has ______ brightly on Sunday morning
  12. / My brother has ______ the Christmas tree in his house.
  13. / My mom has ______ cold because today's a rainy day.
  14. / I´ve never ____ the monster of the Ness Lake.
  15. / Cristian has _____ the grass every Sunday since 2011.

29 Clues: / I haven’t ______ this nights./ I’ve _______ to do the crossword./ Have you ever ______ the thunder?/ Paola has _____ working in a bank./ Gabriel has ______ a lot of books./ I’ve _____ to Costa Rica last June./ The bus has _______ three hours ago./ She has _______ a ring on the street./ Adriana has _______ a scarf yesterday....

irregular verbs 2017-12-11

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ring
  2. catch
  3. went
  4. win
  5. become
  6. begin
  7. write
  8. sit
  9. forget
  10. flown
  11. find
  12. speak
  13. thrown
  14. grow
  15. held
  1. knew
  2. wear
  3. fall
  4. give
  5. think
  6. spell
  7. eat
  8. understand
  9. drink
  10. leave
  11. swam
  12. ride
  13. lose
  14. have

29 Clues: wineatsitknewwearfallringgivewentswamridelosefindhavegrowheldcatchthinkspellbegindrinkleavewriteflownspeakbecomeforgetthrownunderstand

Irregular verbs 2018-02-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Cut
  2. Fall
  3. Begin
  4. forget
  5. Sweep
  6. Drink
  7. Give
  8. Meet
  9. Shoot
  10. Eat
  1. Build
  2. Sing
  3. Find
  4. Buy
  5. Ride
  6. Tell
  7. Sleep
  8. Run
  9. Know
  10. Set

20 Clues: CutBuyRunSetEatSingFallFindRideTellKnowGiveMeetBuildBeginSweepSleepDrinkShootforget

Irregular Verbs 2019-04-10

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past tense of swim
  2. past tense of be
  3. past participle of lay
  4. past tense of become
  5. past tense of keep
  6. past tense of read
  7. past tense of get
  8. past tense of sell
  9. past tense of wear
  10. past tense of hurt
  11. past tense of put
  12. past tense of do
  1. past tense of write
  2. past tense of hear
  3. past tense of go
  4. past tense of sing
  5. past tense of leave
  6. past tense of meet
  7. past tense of know
  8. past tense of ride
  9. past tense of send
  10. past tense of hit
  11. past tense of pay

23 Clues: past tense of bepast tense of gopast tense of dopast tense of getpast tense of hitpast tense of putpast tense of paypast tense of swimpast tense of hearpast tense of singpast tense of meetpast tense of keeppast tense of knowpast tense of readpast tense of ridepast tense of sellpast tense of sendpast tense of wearpast tense of hurt...

Irregular verbs 2019-07-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim
  2. know
  3. lie
  4. break
  5. fall
  6. put
  7. Sleep
  8. stand
  9. sell
  10. drink
  11. ring
  12. catch
  13. meet
  14. think
  1. be
  2. make
  3. write
  4. leave
  5. keep
  6. feed
  7. shake
  8. teach
  9. do
  10. give
  11. bring
  12. dream
  13. take

27 Clues: bedolieputswimmakeknowkeepfallfeedsellgiveringmeettakewriteleavebreakSleepshakestandteachbringdrinkdreamcatchthink

Irregular verbs 2019-04-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. leave
  2. swim
  3. sell
  4. wake
  5. fly
  6. hear
  7. become
  8. understand
  9. cost
  10. say
  11. catch
  12. do
  13. grow
  14. know
  15. eat
  16. take
  17. make
  1. read
  2. send
  3. speak
  4. write
  5. keep
  6. be
  7. bring
  8. lose
  9. break
  10. steal
  11. drink
  12. give
  13. sing
  14. stand
  15. choose
  16. pay

33 Clues: bedoflysaypayeatreadswimsendsellwakekeeploseheargivecostsinggrowknowtakemakeleavespeakwritebringbreakstealdrinkstandcatchbecomechooseunderstand

Irregular verbs 2019-03-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bought
  2. ran
  3. brought
  4. came
  5. broke
  6. swam
  7. heard
  8. cut
  9. thought
  10. taught
  11. lost
  12. drank
  13. met
  14. said
  15. forgave
  16. left
  17. stood
  18. saw
  19. forgot
  20. put
  21. ate
  22. drove
  23. learnt
  24. did
  25. knew
  1. won
  2. built
  3. read
  4. went
  5. began
  6. gave
  7. wrote
  8. fit
  9. made
  10. stung
  11. understood
  12. kept
  13. flew
  14. chose
  15. slept
  16. took
  17. sat
  18. became
  19. had
  20. spoke
  21. got
  22. told
  23. found
  24. drew
  25. sang

50 Clues: wonranfitcutmetsathadsawgotputatedidreadwentgavecameswammadekeptflewlosttooksaidlefttolddrewsangknewbuiltbeganwrotebrokestungheardchosesleptdrankspokestoodfounddroveboughttaughtbecameforgotlearntbroughtthoughtforgaveunderstood

Irregular verbs 2019-03-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. did
  2. won
  3. began
  4. sat
  5. took
  6. became
  7. lost
  8. drove
  9. forgave
  10. said
  11. forgot
  12. slept
  13. heard
  14. told
  15. stood
  16. learnt
  17. taught
  18. met
  19. read
  20. found
  21. broke
  22. got
  23. built
  24. kept
  25. ran
  1. came
  2. wrote
  3. cut
  4. made
  5. saw
  6. chose
  7. understood
  8. swam
  9. went
  10. left
  11. gave
  12. bought
  13. drank
  14. spoke
  15. had
  16. fit
  17. sang
  18. flew
  19. thought
  20. stung
  21. ate
  22. brought
  23. drew
  24. knew
  25. put

50 Clues: didwoncutsatsawhadfitmetategotputrancamemadetookswamwentlostleftgavesaidsangflewtoldreaddrewkeptknewwrotebeganchosedrovedrankspokesleptheardstoodstungfoundbrokebuiltbecameboughtforgotlearnttaughtforgavethoughtbroughtunderstood

Irregular verbs 2019-03-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sat
  2. sang
  3. stung
  4. saw
  5. fit
  6. knew
  7. cut
  8. flew
  9. brought
  10. slept
  11. stood
  12. made
  13. spoke
  14. forgave
  15. told
  16. learnt
  17. did
  18. took
  19. thought
  20. became
  21. came
  22. drew
  23. built
  24. heard
  25. ate
  1. swam
  2. won
  3. gave
  4. got
  5. ran
  6. put
  7. said
  8. found
  9. kept
  10. wrote
  11. chose
  12. broke
  13. lost
  14. understood
  15. left
  16. drank
  17. taught
  18. met
  19. drove
  20. forgot
  21. went
  22. began
  23. had
  24. bought
  25. read

50 Clues: satwongotranputsawfitcutmetdidhadateswamsanggavesaidknewkeptflewlostleftmadetoldtookwentcamedrewreadstungfoundwrotechosebrokesleptstooddrankspokedrovebeganbuiltheardtaughtforgotlearntbecameboughtbroughtforgavethoughtunderstood

Irregular verbs 2019-03-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. learnt
  2. knew
  3. forgot
  4. met
  5. brought
  6. had
  7. flew
  8. understood
  9. drew
  10. stung
  11. came
  12. left
  13. spoke
  14. wrote
  15. got
  16. put
  17. taught
  18. sang
  19. built
  20. read
  21. said
  22. kept
  23. fit
  1. became
  2. broke
  3. lost
  4. forgave
  5. took
  6. swam
  7. made
  8. told
  9. chose
  10. found
  11. cut
  12. drove
  13. drank
  14. ran
  15. did
  16. began
  17. slept
  18. saw
  19. gave
  20. stood
  21. won
  22. went
  23. thought
  24. heard
  25. bought
  26. ate
  27. sat

50 Clues: methadcutrandidsawwongotputatesatfitlostknewtookswammadetoldflewdrewgavecameleftwentsangreadsaidkeptbrokechosefounddrovedrankbegansleptstungspokestoodwroteheardbuiltbecamelearntforgottaughtboughtforgavebroughtthoughtunderstood

Irregular Verbs 2018-11-28

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. vous/to go
  2. tu/to write
  3. tu/to owe, have to
  4. nous/to sleep
  5. elles/to be able, can
  6. vous/to be able, can
  7. tu/to promise
  8. vous/to understand
  9. il/to rain
  10. elles/to take
  11. je/to open
  12. ils/to drink
  13. vous/to run
  14. elle/to go
  15. je/to understand
  16. ils/to be
  17. ils/to believe
  18. elle/to understand
  19. ils/to appear
  20. je/to go
  21. vous/to learn
  22. nous/to cook
  23. je/to take
  24. vous/to become
  25. ils/to come back
  26. nous/to drink
  27. je/to translate
  28. je/to read
  29. nous/to produce
  30. il/to wish, want
  31. je/to appear
  32. ils/to know a noun
  33. je/to make, to do
  34. nous/to be able, can
  35. je/to go away, leave
  36. je/to drink
  37. nous/to promise
  38. elle/to have
  39. nous/to make, to do
  40. je/to wish, want
  41. elle/to come back
  42. vous/to see
  43. je/to become
  44. vous/to translate
  45. elles/to know facts, processes
  46. il/to be necessary
  47. elles/to learn
  48. nous/to be
  49. vous/to put, put on
  50. il/to know facts, processes
  51. nous/to owe, have to
  52. elles/to see
  53. je/to come back
  54. tu/to run
  55. je/to appear, to seem
  56. il/to serve
  57. tu/to be
  58. vous/to take
  59. il/to tell, say
  60. vous/to appear, to seem
  61. elle/to receive
  62. ils/to go away, leave
  63. je/to believe
  64. vous/to tell, say
  1. vous/to be
  2. nous/to go
  3. il/to take
  4. ils/to owe, have to
  5. vous/to receive
  6. je/to allow
  7. ils/to open
  8. elles/to wish, want
  9. ils/to come
  10. nous/to go out
  11. il/to build
  12. nous/to write
  13. vous/to drink
  14. nous/to receive
  15. ils/to understand
  16. ils/to make, to do
  17. nous/to see
  18. elles/to have
  19. il/to know a noun
  20. nous/to learn
  21. nous/to build
  22. tu/to see
  23. tu/to go
  24. elle/to cook
  25. tu/to produce
  26. nous/to come back
  27. ils/to become
  28. il/to be able, can
  29. tu/to come
  30. tu/to drive
  31. vous/to wish, want
  32. je/to know a noun
  33. nous/to believe
  34. tu/to tell, say
  35. tu/to go out
  36. il/to learn
  37. nous/to have
  38. ils/to drive
  39. je/to have
  40. nous/to serve
  41. vous/to know facts, processes
  42. tu/to be able, can
  43. elle/to put, put on
  44. elle/to appear, to seem
  45. vous/to have
  46. vous/to believe
  47. tu/to open
  48. elle/to make, to do
  49. elle/to become
  50. elles/to read
  51. je/to know facts, processes
  52. tu/to have
  53. nous/to come
  54. vous/to go away, leave
  55. vous/to allow
  56. ils/to receive
  57. nous/to go away, leave
  58. ils/to go
  59. nous/to tell, say
  60. je/to be
  61. elle/to sleep
  62. elle/to appear
  63. elle/to be
  64. je/to receive
  65. vous/to make, to do

129 Clues: tu/to goje/to goje/to betu/to betu/to seeils/to beils/to gotu/to runvous/to benous/to goil/to takevous/to goil/to rainje/to openelle/to gotu/to comeje/to takeje/to readje/to havetu/to opentu/to havenous/to beelle/to betu/to writeje/to allowils/to openils/to comeil/to buildnous/to seevous/to runtu/to driveil/to learnje/to drinkvous/to seeil/to serve...

Irregular verbs 2018-11-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. BRING
  2. FALL
  3. HAVE
  4. BUY
  5. CATCH
  6. SLEEP
  7. SEE
  8. TEAR
  9. MAKE
  10. DRIVE
  11. FEEL
  1. SHINE
  2. THINK
  3. BLEED
  4. BITE
  5. FIGHT
  6. TEACH
  7. GO
  8. SWIM
  9. SELL
  10. FEED
  11. WAKE
  12. KEEP


Irregular verbs 2018-10-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to lie (past participle)
  2. to flee (past simple)
  3. to fight (past participle)
  4. to grow (past participle)
  5. to kneel (past simple)
  6. to be (past participle)
  7. to forbid (past simple)
  8. to hide (past participle)
  9. to choose (past simple)
  10. to go (past simple)
  1. to do (past simple)
  2. to catch (past participle)
  3. to lend (past simple)
  4. to forget (past participle)
  5. to drink (past participle)
  6. to begin (past participle)
  7. to fly (past simple)
  8. to become (past simple)
  9. to drive (past participle)
  10. to blow (past participle)

20 Clues: to do (past simple)to go (past simple)to fly (past simple)to lend (past simple)to flee (past simple)to kneel (past simple)to become (past simple)to be (past participle)to forbid (past simple)to choose (past simple)to lie (past participle)to grow (past participle)to hide (past participle)to blow (past participle)to catch (past participle)...

Irregular verbs 2018-12-02

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 2nd form of bauen
  2. 3rd form of fahren
  3. 1st form of werden
  4. 1st form of schneiden
  5. 3rd form of choose
  6. 2nd form of be
  7. 1st form of bekommen
  8. 3rd form of vergessen
  9. hold - held - ???
  10. catch - ??? - caught
  11. ??? - went - gone
  12. 2nd form of haben
  13. 3rd form of zeichnen
  14. 2nd form of fall
  15. know - knew - ???
  16. 3rd form of begin
  17. give - ??? - given
  18. 1st form of verletzten
  1. 2nd form of blasen
  2. ??? - broke - broken
  3. do - did - ???
  4. 3rd form of fliegen
  5. dream - ??? - dreamt
  6. 1st form of schlagen
  7. bring - brought - ???
  8. 2nd form of kommen
  9. eat - ate - ???
  10. hear - heard - ???
  11. 3rd form of kaufen
  12. fight - ??? - fought
  13. ??? - drank -drunk
  14. 2nd form of können
  15. 3rd form of verstecken
  16. 3rd form of hang
  17. 2nd form of fühlen
  18. 2nd form of find
  19. dig - ??? - dug

37 Clues: do - did - ???2nd form of beeat - ate - ???dig - ??? - dug3rd form of hang2nd form of find2nd form of fall2nd form of bauenhold - held - ?????? - went - gone2nd form of habenknow - knew - ???3rd form of begin2nd form of blasen3rd form of fahren1st form of werden2nd form of kommen3rd form of choosehear - heard - ???3rd form of kaufen...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Drink
  2. Blow
  3. Drive
  4. Go
  5. Find
  6. Choose
  7. Give
  8. Become
  9. Hit
  10. Feed
  11. Break
  12. Forgive
  13. Draw
  14. Catch
  1. Come
  2. Grow
  3. Get
  4. Eat
  5. Bet
  6. Do
  7. Are
  8. Feel
  9. Bring
  10. Cut
  11. Have
  12. Hear
  13. Fly
  14. Buy
  15. Beat
  16. Am

30 Clues: DoGoAmGetEatBetAreCutHitFlyBuyComeGrowBlowFindFeelGiveHaveHearFeedBeatDrawDrinkDriveBringBreakCatchChooseBecomeForgive


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Bet
  2. Find
  3. Drive
  4. Draw
  5. Have
  6. Bring
  7. Break
  8. Feel
  9. Are
  10. Go
  11. Come
  12. Am
  13. Grow
  14. Hit
  1. Cut
  2. Buy
  3. Drink
  4. Feed
  5. Forgive
  6. Do
  7. Hear
  8. Choose
  9. Become
  10. Eat
  11. Fly
  12. Beat
  13. Blow
  14. Give
  15. Catch
  16. Get

30 Clues: DoGoAmCutBetBuyEatFlyAreGetHitFeedFindHearDrawHaveFeelBeatBlowGiveComeGrowDrinkDriveBringBreakCatchChooseBecomeForgive


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Come
  2. Do
  3. Hit
  4. Beat
  5. Choose
  6. Go
  7. Hear
  8. Bring
  9. Break
  10. Fly
  11. Get
  12. Find
  13. Give
  14. Are
  15. Eat
  1. Feed
  2. Cut
  3. Drive
  4. Blow
  5. Am
  6. Have
  7. Bet
  8. Catch
  9. Buy
  10. Forgive
  11. Draw
  12. Drink
  13. Become
  14. Feel
  15. Grow

30 Clues: DoAmGoCutHitBetBuyFlyGetAreEatFeedComeBlowHaveBeatHearDrawFindFeelGiveGrowDriveCatchDrinkBringBreakChooseBecomeForgive

Irregular Verbs 2019-10-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past perfect for BREAK
  2. past perfect for GROW
  3. past perfect for MEAN
  4. past perfect for WRITE
  5. past perfect for SING
  6. past perfect for GET
  7. past perfect for FIND
  8. past perfect for UNDERSTAND
  9. past perfect for WEAR
  10. past perfect for CATCH
  11. past perfect for HAVE
  12. past perfect for SELL
  13. past perfect for GIVE
  14. past perfect for SET
  15. past perfect for SHOW
  16. past perfect for STAND
  17. past perfect for DRIVE
  18. past perfect for LEAVE
  19. past perfect for FEED
  20. past perfect for LEARN
  21. past perfect for SIT
  22. past perfect for HEAR
  23. past perfect for BEGIN
  24. past perfect for HIT
  25. past perfect for SAY
  26. past perfect for SLEEP
  27. past perfect for PUT
  28. past perfect for COME
  29. past perfect for STEAL
  30. past perfect for HOLD
  31. past perfect for DO
  32. past perfect for KNOW
  33. past perfect for LEND
  1. past perfect for BUY
  2. past perfect for BECOME
  3. past perfect for FORGIVE
  4. past perfect for FORGET
  5. past perfect for FALL
  6. past perfect for SWIM
  7. past perfect for BRING
  8. past perfect for MEET
  9. past perfect for THINK
  10. past perfect for DRINK
  11. past perfect for TELL
  12. past perfect for MAKE
  13. past perfect for CHOOSE
  14. past perfect for TEACH
  15. past perfect for SEE
  16. past perfect for HIDE
  17. past perfect for COST
  18. past perfect for SPEAK
  19. past perfect for WIN
  20. past perfect for DRAW
  21. past perfect for EAT
  22. past perfect for READ
  23. past perfect for FIGHT
  24. past perfect for LOSE
  25. past perfect for RIDE
  26. past perfect for THROW
  27. past perfect for BUILD
  28. past perfect for RISE
  29. past perfect for FEEL
  30. past perfect for TAKE
  31. past perfect for PAY
  32. past perfect for FLY
  33. past perfect for CUT
  34. past perfect for SPEND
  35. past perfect for GO
  36. past perfect for SEND

69 Clues: past perfect for GOpast perfect for DOpast perfect for BUYpast perfect for GETpast perfect for SEEpast perfect for SETpast perfect for WINpast perfect for EATpast perfect for SITpast perfect for HITpast perfect for SAYpast perfect for PUTpast perfect for PAYpast perfect for FLYpast perfect for CUTpast perfect for GROWpast perfect for FALL...

Irregular verbs 2019-11-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Why ____ you do that?
  2. Let's _____ a bottom line under expenditures
  3. I ____ home at 2 pm every day
  4. My Dad ______ me to school yesterday in his car
  5. I ______ about having a dog
  6. To___ a good person is very important
  7. The alarm ____ to ring early in the morning
  8. I don't know how to ____ a car. I don't have driving licence
  9. This new model of car has an autopilot. It is self______
  10. The old alcoholic was ______ again yesterday
  11. I will ____ a dentist one day
  12. What present will you _____ for your mum this year?
  13. He _____ a new house for his family
  14. I ____ back home late yesterday
  15. I ____ happy to meet my friends yesterday
  1. I ___ my homework every day
  2. I _____ a picture of my family yesterday
  3. I have never ___ that in my entire life!
  4. The girl was ______ to be a leader of the swimming team
  5. They _____ late for the class and the teacher got very angry
  6. The picture was ______ in the last century
  7. They ___ houses for poor people
  8. We will _____ swimming next year
  9. I ____ too much water yesterday.
  10. My mum ____ a mother for a second time 11 months ago
  11. The beef was finely ____
  12. I always feel confused when i have to _____ which ice-cream to buy
  13. I ______ about something very nice last night
  14. I ____ a new toy for my cat in the pet shop
  15. Do you like to ____ tea in the morning?
  16. I have never ___ to Goa
  17. How much did the new car ____?

32 Clues: Why ____ you do that?I have never ___ to GoaThe beef was finely ____I ___ my homework every dayI ______ about having a dogI ____ home at 2 pm every dayI will ____ a dentist one dayHow much did the new car ____?They ___ houses for poor peopleI ____ back home late yesterdayWe will _____ swimming next yearI ____ too much water yesterday....

Irregular Verbs 2023-05-14

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 唱,歌唱 She _____ a beautiful song at the concert
  2. 开始,着手 They _____ to work on the project
  3. 保持,保留 He _____ his promise and helped her
  4. 告诉,讲述 She _____ him a story
  5. 离开,留下 He _____ the office at five o'clock
  6. 意味,意思 He _____ what he said
  7. 读,阅读 She _____ a novel before going to bed
  8. 来,到达 She _____ from Japan
  9. 飞,乘飞机 She _____ to Paris for vacation
  10. 关闭,闭上 She _____ the door and locked it
  11. 躺,说谎 She _____ on the bed and read a book
  12. 扔,投掷 She _____ a ball to her dog
  13. 打败,胜过 He _____ his opponent in the chess game
  14. 选择,挑选 He _____ the blue shirt over the red one
  15. 花费,价值 The book _____ ten dollars
  16. 生长,种植 He _____ tomatoes in his garden
  17. 扫,扫除 He _____ the floor with a broom
  18. 燃烧,烧伤 The fire _____ the forest
  19. 爆裂,爆发 The balloon _____ with a loud noise
  20. 骑,乘坐 She _____ a bike to school every day
  21. 借出,贷款 She _____ him some money when he was in need
  22. 上升,升起 She _____ early in the morning
  23. 哭泣,流泪 She _____ when she heard the bad news
  24. 坐,就座 She _____ on the sofa and watched TV
  25. 花费,度过 She _____ a lot of money on clothes
  26. 知道,认识 She _____ a lot of facts about history
  27. 打破,折断 He _____ the vase by accident
  28. 得到,变得 She _____ a new bike for her birthday
  29. 铃响,打电话 He _____ the bell and waited for someone to answer
  30. 学习,学会 She _____ how to play the piano
  31. 伤害,疼痛 She _____ her ankle when she fell
  32. 梦想,做梦 She _____ of becoming a singer
  33. 放置,铺设 He _____ the book on the table
  1. 游泳,游动 She _____ across the lake
  2. 变成,成为 She _____ a teacher after graduating from college
  3. 建造,建立 They _____ a house in the countryside
  4. 失去,输掉 She _____ her wallet on the bus
  5. 付款,支付 She _____ the bill with her credit card
  6. 教,教授 She _____ math at a high school
  7. 落下,跌倒 She _____ from the bike and hurt her knee
  8. 抓住,赶上 She _____ the ball and threw it back
  9. 感觉,觉得 She _____ happy today
  10. 说话,讲话 She _____ three languages fluently
  11. 写,书写 She _____ a letter to her friend
  12. 遇见,见面 She _____ him for the first time at a party
  13. 做,干 She _____ her homework every day
  14. 听见,听说 She _____ a noise outside the window
  15. 去,走 She _____ to school by bus
  16. 驾驶,驱使 She _____ a car to work every day
  17. 悬挂,吊死 She _____ a picture on the wall
  18. 切,割 He _____ the cake into eight pieces
  19. 卖,出售 She _____ her old clothes online
  20. 撕,撕裂 He _____ the paper into pieces
  21. 发光,照耀 She _____ her flashlight in the dark
  22. 下沉,沉没 He _____ to the bottom of the pool
  23. 弯曲,屈服 He _____ the wire into a circle
  24. 带来,引起 She _____ a cake to the party
  25. 站立,忍受 He _____ up and walked away
  26. 设置,安排 She _____ the alarm clock for six o'clock
  27. 传播,展开 She _____ butter on the bread
  28. 醒来,唤醒 She _____ up early every morning
  29. 打架,斗争 They _____ for freedom and justice
  30. 偷窃,窃取 She _____ a necklace from the jewelry store
  31. 咬,叮 The dog _____ the mailman
  32. 赢,获胜 He _____ the lottery and became rich
  33. 吹,刮 The wind _____ the leaves away
  34. 说,讲 She _____ hello to him
  35. 打击,碰撞 She _____ the ball with a bat

68 Clues: 来,到达 She _____ from Japan说,讲 She _____ hello to him告诉,讲述 She _____ him a story意味,意思 He _____ what he said感觉,觉得 She _____ happy today咬,叮 The dog _____ the mailman去,走 She _____ to school by bus游泳,游动 She _____ across the lake燃烧,烧伤 The fire _____ the forest扔,投掷 She _____ a ball to her dog花费,价值 The book _____ ten dollars站立,忍受 He _____ up and walked away...

Irregular verbs 2023-05-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. знаходити
  2. приходити
  3. приносити
  4. прилетів
  5. давав
  6. лежав
  7. давати
  8. літав
  9. одержував
  10. дув
  11. приходив
  1. чути
  2. знаходив
  3. приносив
  4. літати
  5. чув
  6. здув
  7. одержувати
  8. дути
  9. лежати

20 Clues: чувдувчутиздувдутидававлежавлітавлітатидаватилежатизнаходивприносивприлетівприходивзнаходитиприходитиприноситиодержуваводержувати

Irregular Verbs 2023-05-08

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hurt
  2. see
  3. know
  4. eat
  5. fly
  6. put
  7. get
  8. have
  9. lose
  10. cut
  11. can
  12. write
  13. find
  14. say
  15. take
  16. come
  17. read
  18. tell
  19. feel
  20. stand
  21. make
  22. send
  1. grow
  2. catch
  3. sing
  4. keep
  5. fall
  6. feed
  7. think
  8. shut
  9. bring
  10. freeze
  11. sit
  12. drink
  13. wake
  14. buy
  15. do
  16. teach
  17. leave
  18. drive
  19. meet

41 Clues: doseeeatflyputgetcutcansitsaybuygrowhurtsingknowkeepfallfeedhaveloseshutfindwaketakecomereadtellfeelmakemeetsendcatchthinkbringwritedrinkteachleavestanddrivefreeze

Irregular Verbs 2023-06-30

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. felt
  2. began
  3. wrote
  4. held
  5. burnt
  6. won
  7. took
  8. cut
  9. slept
  10. left
  11. blew
  12. dealt
  13. bet
  14. lost
  15. drank
  16. sang
  1. ran
  2. met
  3. became
  4. forgave
  5. forgot
  6. ate
  7. built
  8. spoke
  9. knew
  10. spelt
  11. rode
  12. sat
  13. found
  14. swam

30 Clues: ranmetatewoncutsatbetfeltheldtookknewrodeleftblewlostswamsangbeganwroteburntbuiltspokespeltsleptdealtfounddrankbecameforgotforgave

Irregular verbs 2023-05-31

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. She _________ a beautiful sunset at the beach.
  2. I _____ very tired yesterday.
  3. I _________ my keys in my backpack.
  4. They ________ to visit us last summer.
  5. He ___________ me a book for my birthday.
  6. He ________ the movie was boring.
  7. He _________ the bus to work this morning.
  8. He ______ all his homework before dinner.
  9. She ________ me she was going on vacation next month.
  10. She _______ she would be here by 5 pm.
  11. I _________ the answer to the question.
  1. She __________ her laptop to do her homework.
  2. She _________ late last night to finish her project.
  3. She _______ a delicious cake for the party.
  4. They ______ to the beach last weekend.
  5. She __________ to go to the concert, but it was sold out.
  6. He _________ sick after eating too much candy.
  7. I _______ a new phone for my birthday.
  8. She _____ a great time at the party.
  9. He _________ me for directions to the train station.

20 Clues: I _____ very tired yesterday.He ________ the movie was boring.I _________ my keys in my backpack.She _____ a great time at the party.They ______ to the beach last weekend.They ________ to visit us last summer.I _______ a new phone for my birthday.She _______ she would be here by 5 pm.I _________ the answer to the question....

irregular verbs 2023-05-31

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past simple of to rise
  2. past participle of to wake
  3. past simple of to deal
  4. past participle of to tear
  5. past participle of to read
  6. past simple of to choose
  7. past participle of to know
  8. past simple of to learn
  9. past simple of to quit
  10. past particple of to think
  11. past simple of to understand
  12. past simple of to throw
  13. past simple of to drive
  1. past simple of to sing
  2. past simple of to beat
  3. past participle of to forget
  4. past simple of to catch
  5. past particple of to ride
  6. past simple of to sweep
  7. past simple of to smell
  8. past participle of to write
  9. past simple of to teach
  10. past participle of to cut
  11. past participle of to hide
  12. past participle of to be
  13. part particple of to show
  14. past simple of to overcome
  15. past participle of to shake
  16. past participle of to bring

29 Clues: past simple of to risepast simple of to singpast simple of to beatpast simple of to dealpast simple of to quitpast simple of to catchpast simple of to sweeppast simple of to smellpast simple of to learnpast simple of to teachpast simple of to throwpast simple of to drivepast simple of to choosepast participle of to bepast particple of to ride...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. say
  2. find
  3. drink
  4. be
  5. take
  6. go
  7. have
  8. buy
  9. give
  10. can
  11. make
  12. eat
  1. speak
  2. do
  3. understand
  4. think
  5. wear
  6. see
  7. hear
  8. leave
  9. come
  10. run

22 Clues: dobegosayseebuycanruneatfindweartakehaveheargivecomemakespeakdrinkthinkleaveunderstand

Irregular verbs 2023-08-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. do
  2. swim
  3. break
  4. write
  5. put
  6. bring
  7. fly
  8. feel
  9. hear
  10. to be
  11. read
  12. make
  13. know
  1. draw
  2. win
  3. sleep
  4. buy
  5. eat
  6. begin
  7. come
  8. lose
  9. have
  10. drink
  11. go
  12. run

25 Clues: dogowinbuyeatputflyrundrawswimcomefeellosehearhavereadmakeknowsleepbreakwritebeginbringdrinkto be

Irregular verbs 2024-01-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Prétérit de " to come"
  2. Prétérit de "to beat"
  3. Prétérit de "can"
  4. Prétérit de "to eat"
  5. Prétérit de "to build"
  6. Prétérit de " to cost"
  7. They/we/You (to be)_________
  8. Prétérit de "to do"
  9. Prétérit de "to find"
  10. Prétérit de "to become"
  11. Prétérit de "to break"
  12. Prétérit de "to fight"
  13. Prétérit de "to forget"
  14. Prétérit de "to choose"
  1. Prétérit de "to drive"
  2. Prétérit de "to cut"
  3. Prétérit de "to buy"
  4. Prétérit de "to drink"
  5. Prétérit de "to go"
  6. Traduction de "to forbid"
  7. Prétérit de "to feed"
  8. Prétérit de " to burst"
  9. She/he/it (to be) _____
  10. Prétérit de "to fall"
  11. Prétérit de "to bend"
  12. Prétérit de "to bring"
  13. Prétérit de "to begin"
  14. Prétérit de "to get"
  15. Prétérit de "to feel

29 Clues: Prétérit de "can"Prétérit de "to go"Prétérit de "to do"Prétérit de "to cut"Prétérit de "to buy"Prétérit de "to eat"Prétérit de "to get"Prétérit de "to feelPrétérit de "to beat"Prétérit de "to feed"Prétérit de "to find"Prétérit de "to fall"Prétérit de "to bend"Prétérit de "to drive"Prétérit de " to come"Prétérit de "to drink"Prétérit de "to build"...

Irregular verbs 2023-10-01

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. read past simple
  2. send past simple
  3. can past simple
  4. raken
  5. go past simple
  6. think past simple
  7. betalen
  8. worden
  9. rijden
  10. zien past simple
  11. fly past simple
  12. write past simple
  13. eat past simple
  14. hear past simple
  1. keep past simple
  2. sell past simple
  3. catch past simple
  4. feel past simple
  5. choose past simple
  6. kopen
  7. weten
  8. uitgeven
  9. break past simple
  10. begin past simple
  11. fall past simple
  12. dragen
  13. wake past simple

27 Clues: rakenkopenwetenwordenrijdendragenbetalenuitgevengo past simplecan past simplefly past simpleeat past simplekeep past simpleread past simplesend past simplesell past simplefeel past simplezien past simplefall past simplewake past simplehear past simplecatch past simplethink past simplebreak past simplebegin past simplewrite past simple...

Irregular Verbs 2023-10-02

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past participle steal
  2. past participle feed
  3. past simple wear
  4. past participle sink
  5. past simple let
  6. past participle write
  7. past simple dig
  8. past participle rise
  9. past participle learn
  10. past participle ride
  11. past simple hold
  12. past participle hit
  13. past participle burn
  1. past participle bite
  2. past participle understand
  3. past participle fight
  4. past participle wake
  5. past participle fly
  6. past simple shine
  7. past participle forgive
  8. past participle lie
  9. past participle shake
  10. past simple stick
  11. past simple lay
  12. past simple forbid
  13. past simple sweep
  14. past participle hear

27 Clues: past simple letpast simple digpast simple laypast simple wearpast simple holdpast simple shinepast simple stickpast simple sweeppast simple forbidpast participle flypast participle liepast participle hitpast participle bitepast participle feedpast participle wakepast participle sinkpast participle risepast participle ridepast participle hear...

Irregular verbs 2024-01-06

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. become
  2. find
  3. fight
  4. break
  5. buy
  6. fall
  7. drink
  8. draw
  9. cast
  1. come
  2. fly
  3. build
  4. cut
  5. catch
  6. feed
  7. drive
  8. forget
  9. bring
  10. begin
  11. blow
  12. do
  13. eat
  14. be (I...)
  15. choose

24 Clues: doflycutbuyeatcomefindfeedblowfalldrawcastbuildcatchdrivefightbreakbringbegindrinkbecomeforgetchoosebe (I...)

irregular verbs 2024-01-22

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. forget
  2. bring
  3. drink
  4. hold
  5. write
  6. is
  7. are
  8. hear
  9. lose
  10. send
  11. fly
  12. go
  13. make
  14. stand
  1. choose
  2. catch
  3. find
  4. drive
  5. think
  6. come
  7. know
  8. break
  9. draw
  10. take
  11. read
  12. spend
  13. steal
  14. ride
  15. swim
  16. do

30 Clues: isgodoareflyfindcomeknowholddrawtakereadhearridelosesendswimmakecatchdrivethinkbringdrinkbreakwritespendstealstandchooseforget

Irregular verbs 2023-11-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ride
  2. write
  3. hide
  4. eat
  5. give
  6. wake
  7. forget
  8. begin
  9. freeze
  10. shake
  1. rise
  2. forgive
  3. bite
  4. choose
  5. steal
  6. Drive
  7. break
  8. drink
  9. take
  10. ring
  11. speak
  12. fall
  13. sing

23 Clues: eatriderisebitehidegivewaketakeringfallsingwritestealDrivebreakdrinkspeakbeginshakechooseforgetfreezeforgive


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. have
  2. break
  3. wake
  4. see
  5. find
  6. drive
  7. learn
  8. bring
  9. go
  10. sing
  11. dream
  1. choose
  2. fly
  3. draw
  4. sell
  5. buy
  6. feel
  7. be
  8. eat
  9. drink

20 Clues: gobeflyseebuyeathavedrawwakesellfindfeelsingbreakdrivelearnbringdreamdrinkchoose


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. FLY
  3. FEEL
  4. SAID
  5. GIVE
  6. RUN
  7. LOSE
  8. GROW
  9. HEAR
  10. MAKE
  11. LEAVE
  12. PUT
  13. HIDE
  14. EAT
  15. SELL
  16. HUNT
  1. GET
  2. KNOW
  3. FIGHT
  5. PAID
  6. SEE
  7. SING
  9. FIND
  10. LEARN
  11. FALL
  12. READ
  13. GO
  14. MET
  15. HAVE
  16. SIT


irregular verbs 2023-12-03

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sleep
  2. have
  3. speak
  4. sing
  5. do
  6. bring
  7. drink
  8. eat
  9. see
  10. catch
  11. give
  12. swim
  13. think
  14. say
  15. take
  16. know
  17. meet
  1. pay
  2. hear
  3. forget
  4. read
  5. ride
  6. understand
  7. run
  8. fly
  9. write
  10. teach
  11. go
  12. come
  13. buy
  14. make

31 Clues: dogopayruneatflyseebuysayhavehearreadsingridecomegiveswimmaketakeknowmeetsleepspeakbringdrinkwriteteachcatchthinkforgetunderstand

Irregular verbs 2023-09-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim
  2. sell
  3. lead
  4. put
  5. read
  6. cost
  7. ring
  8. begin
  9. tell
  10. hurt
  11. hit
  1. see
  2. speak
  3. broadcast
  4. feed
  5. drink
  6. cut
  7. think
  8. run
  9. buy
  10. let
  11. hold

22 Clues: seecutputrunbuylethitswimfeedsellleadreadcostringtellhurtholdspeakdrinkthinkbeginbroadcast

irregular verbs 2023-08-22

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. moverse por los aires con alas
  2. no decir la verdad
  3. lo opuesto de destruir
  4. poseer, ser dueño de algo
  5. un doctor o un ingeniero
  6. una canción con voz elevada
  7. comunicar conocimientos, lo que hace un profesor
  8. encender fuego a algo
  9. tenderse en la cama
  10. conocimiento profundo de algo
  11. una manzana, o lo que un perro te puede hacer
  1. lo opuesto de ganar
  2. a alguien por teléfono
  3. percibir el olor de algo
  4. pactar que el que tenga la razón gana algo
  5. representar figuras de personas o cosas
  6. causar dolor o dañar alguien/algo
  7. lo que haces con el dinero cuando pagas
  8. rayo de luz que emite un objeto
  9. lo que pasa cuando te cortas

20 Clues: no decir la verdadlo opuesto de ganartenderse en la camaencender fuego a algoa alguien por teléfonolo opuesto de destruirpercibir el olor de algoun doctor o un ingenieroposeer, ser dueño de algouna canción con voz elevadalo que pasa cuando te cortasconocimiento profundo de algomoverse por los aires con alasrayo de luz que emite un objeto...

irregular verbs 2023-09-07

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. get
  2. left
  3. sat
  4. do
  5. fall
  6. win
  7. begin
  8. made
  9. write
  10. gave
  11. buy
  1. work
  2. said
  3. have
  4. learnt
  5. became
  6. teach
  7. come
  8. burn
  9. say
  10. knew

21 Clues: dogetsatwinsaybuyworksaidhaveleftfallcomeburnmadeknewgaveteachbeginwritelearntbecame

Irregular Verbs 2024-01-28

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. speak
  2. hear
  3. leave
  4. read
  5. win
  6. come
  7. think
  8. take
  9. put
  10. make
  11. eat
  12. cast
  13. break
  14. be (plural)
  15. say
  16. give
  1. find
  2. learn
  3. lose
  4. fight
  5. be (singular)
  6. meet
  7. write
  8. get
  9. buy
  10. drink
  11. see
  12. become
  13. do
  14. have

30 Clues: dowingetbuyputeatseesayfindhearlosereadmeetcometakemakecasthavegivespeaklearnleavefightwritethinkdrinkbreakbecomebe (plural)be (singular)

irregular verbs 2023-10-09

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. begin
  2. forget
  3. grow
  4. think
  5. bitte
  6. leave
  7. come
  8. go
  9. have
  10. mean
  1. keep
  2. catch
  3. buy
  4. fall
  5. get
  6. eat
  7. pay
  8. find
  9. be
  10. feel

20 Clues: gobebuygeteatpaykeepfallgrowfindcomefeelhavemeancatchbeginthinkbitteleaveforget

Irregular verbs 2023-10-09

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. catch
  2. drive
  3. be
  4. break
  5. send
  6. teach
  7. come
  8. give
  9. buy
  1. go
  2. drink
  3. have
  4. fly
  5. sleep
  6. write
  7. run
  8. say
  9. think
  10. grow
  11. eat

20 Clues: gobeflyrunsayeatbuyhavesendgrowcomegivedrinkcatchdrivesleepwritebreakthinkteach

irregular verbs 2023-10-21

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. grow
  2. hurt
  3. come
  4. do
  5. lose
  6. leave
  7. bring
  8. eat
  9. forget
  10. drink
  1. hear
  2. put
  3. give
  4. have
  5. cut
  6. make
  7. get
  8. sing
  9. feel
  10. find
  11. bite
  12. see
  13. know

23 Clues: doputcutgeteatseeheargrowgivehurthavecomemakelosesingfeelfindbiteknowleavebringdrinkforget

Irregular verbs 2023-10-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sleep II
  2. do II
  3. see III
  4. say II
  5. buy II
  6. get II
  7. see II
  8. break II
  9. eat III
  10. drive II
  11. go II
  12. hear II
  13. keep II
  14. steal III
  15. find II
  16. know II
  17. be III
  1. pay II
  2. drive III
  3. make II
  4. can II
  5. speak III
  6. steal II
  7. stand II
  8. give II
  9. come II
  10. go III
  11. break III
  12. eat II
  13. do III
  14. Feel II
  15. meet II
  16. know III
  17. speak II

34 Clues: do IIgo IIpay IIcan IIsay IIbuy IIget IIgo IIIsee IIeat IIdo IIIbe IIImake IIsee IIIgive IIcome IIeat IIIhear IIFeel IImeet IIkeep IIfind IIknow IIsleep IIsteal IIstand IIbreak IIdrive IIknow IIIspeak IIdrive IIIspeak IIIbreak IIIsteal III

Irregular Verbs 2024-01-30

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. saama, muutuma kellekski II
  2. tooma II
  3. asetama, lauda katma II
  4. unustama, viskama III
  5. murdma, murduma III
  6. lõhkema, puhkema II
  7. kuulma II
  8. valima, eelistama III
  9. lamama, asetsema III
  10. hoidma II
  1. ratsutama, sõitma III
  2. kinni püüdma II
  3. sõidukit juhtima III
  4. õpetama II
  5. leidma II
  6. mõtlema II
  7. ostma II
  8. viskama III
  9. teadma III
  10. müüma II

20 Clues: tooma IIostma IImüüma IIleidma IIkuulma IIhoidma IIõpetama IImõtlema IIteadma IIIviskama IIIkinni püüdma IImurdma, murduma IIIlõhkema, puhkema IIsõidukit juhtima IIIlamama, asetsema IIIratsutama, sõitma IIIunustama, viskama IIIvalima, eelistama IIIasetama, lauda katma IIsaama, muutuma kellekski II

Irregular Verbs 2024-04-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. make
  2. buy
  3. run
  4. win
  5. come
  6. become
  7. lose
  8. think
  9. wear
  10. spend
  11. drink
  1. have
  2. meet
  3. find
  4. give
  5. eat
  6. go
  7. fall
  8. begin
  9. break
  10. get
  11. leave
  12. say
  13. take
  14. see

25 Clues: gobuyruneatwingetsayseehavemakemeetfindgivefallcomelosetakewearbeginbreakleavethinkspenddrinkbecome


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. past participle of go
  2. past of show
  3. past participle of drawn
  4. past of steal
  5. past and participle of meet
  6. past participle of wake
  7. past participle of know
  8. past and participle of teach
  9. past of draw
  10. past of drive
  11. past and participle of keep
  12. past of see
  13. past of fall
  1. past of begin
  2. past and participle of learn
  3. past participle of sing
  4. past participle of choose
  5. past of run
  6. past of give
  7. past and participle of smell
  8. past of take
  9. past and participle of buy
  10. past and participle of hear
  11. past participle of fly
  12. past participle of wear
  13. past and past participle of pay

26 Clues: past of runpast of seepast of showpast of givepast of takepast of drawpast of fallpast of beginpast of stealpast of drivepast participle of gopast participle of flypast participle of singpast participle of wakepast participle of knowpast participle of wearpast participle of drawnpast participle of choosepast and participle of buy...

Irregular verbs 2024-02-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. jonni
  2. tenni
  3. ulni
  4. veszteni
  5. hallani
  6. menni
  7. mondani
  8. talalni
  9. irni
  10. erteni
  11. allni
  12. valasztani
  13. tartani
  14. torni
  1. repulni
  2. vagni
  3. gondolni
  4. enni
  5. rajzolni
  6. fogni
  7. tanitani
  8. csinalni
  9. hazudni
  10. nyerni
  11. venni
  12. csinalni
  13. vezetni
  14. erezni
  15. tudni
  16. fizetni

30 Clues: ulnienniirnijonnivagnitennifognimennivenniallnitudnitorninyernierteniereznirepulnihallanimondanihazudnitalalnivezetnitartanifizetnigondolnivesztenirajzolnitanitanicsinalnicsinalnivalasztani

Irregular Verbs 2024-02-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Wear
  2. Say
  3. Understand
  4. Beat
  5. Throw
  6. Become
  7. Sell
  8. Begin
  9. Send
  1. Fly
  2. Dig
  3. Feel
  4. Sing
  5. Give
  6. Run
  7. Choose
  8. Let
  9. Build
  10. Forgive
  11. Do

20 Clues: DoFlyDigSayRunLetWearFeelSingGiveBeatSellSendThrowBuildBeginChooseBecomeForgiveUnderstand

Irregular verbs 2024-02-18

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. иметь
  2. находить
  3. расти
  4. прятать
  5. чувствовать
  6. драться
  7. держать
  8. терять
  9. вести
  10. забыть
  11. летать
  12. встретить
  13. пить
  14. есть
  15. позволять
  1. значить
  2. водить
  3. идти
  4. получать
  5. болеть
  6. простить
  7. лежать
  8. держать
  9. знать
  10. слышать
  11. класть
  12. падать
  13. давать
  14. делать
  15. замёрзнуть
  16. покинуть

31 Clues: идтипитьестьиметьрастизнатьвестиводитьболетьлежатьтерятькластьзабытьпадатьдаватьлетатьделатьзначитьпрятатьдратьсядержатьдержатьслышатьнаходитьполучатьпроститьпокинутьвстретитьпозволятьзамёрзнутьчувствовать


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. PAY
  2. EAT
  3. WEAR
  4. BEGIN
  5. SEE
  6. COST
  8. BUY
  9. GO
  10. FORGET
  11. TELL
  12. READ
  13. KEEP
  14. HAVE
  15. WIN
  16. TAKE
  17. SEND
  18. FLY
  19. GET
  20. WRITE
  21. BECOME
  1. DO
  2. COME
  3. MAKE
  5. BUILD
  6. SAY
  7. THINK
  8. FIND
  9. CUT
  10. DRINK
  11. DRIVE
  12. MEET
  13. BRING
  14. HEAR
  15. RUN
  16. KNOW
  17. PUT
  18. LOOSE
  19. FEEL
  20. LEAVE
  21. BREAK
  22. GIVE
  23. SIT


Irregular verbs 2024-03-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. learnt
  2. spoke
  3. went
  4. brought
  5. worn
  6. chose
  7. gave
  8. paid
  9. forgot
  10. bought
  11. thought
  1. took
  2. stood
  3. knew
  4. wrote
  5. had
  6. sat
  7. came
  8. said
  9. flew
  10. taught
  11. found

22 Clues: hadsattookknewwentworncamesaidgavepaidflewspokestoodwrotechosefoundlearntforgottaughtboughtbroughtthought

Irregular Verbs 2024-05-05

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past form of the verb do
  2. past form of the verb run
  3. base form of(driven)
  4. past participle of the verb buy
  5. past form of (build)
  6. past form of the verb wear
  7. past form of the verb fly
  8. past participle of the verb teach
  9. past participle of feed
  10. past participle of sleep
  11. base form of(said)
  12. past form of the verb hurt
  13. past participle of steal
  14. base form of(caught)
  15. base form (held)
  16. past participle of understand
  17. past form of the verb ride
  18. past form of the verb forget
  19. past form of the verb send
  20. past participle of the verb tell
  21. past participle of be grow
  22. past participle of go
  23. base form of the verb (bled)
  24. past form of the verb swim
  25. past participle of fight
  26. past form of the verb cost
  27. base form of the verb (became)
  28. past participle of break
  29. past participle of the verb choose
  30. past form of the verb win
  31. past form of the verb think
  32. past form of the verb eat
  33. past participle of make
  1. past participle of bring
  2. base form of(came)
  3. past participle of read
  4. past form of the verb draw
  5. past participle of get
  6. base form of the verb (bit)
  7. past participle of put
  8. past participle of begin
  9. past form of the verb lose
  10. past participle of the verb drink
  11. base form of(let)
  12. base form of hid
  13. past participle of feel
  14. base form of(paid)
  15. past form of(threw)
  16. past form of the verb stand
  17. past form of the verb sit
  18. past participle of have
  19. past form of the verb hear
  20. past participle of find
  21. past participle of the verb speak
  22. past participle of hit
  23. past form of the verb meet
  24. past form of the verb keep
  25. past form of the verb sing
  26. past form of the verb fall
  27. past participle of give
  28. past form of the verb see
  29. base form of(wrote)
  30. past participle of leave
  31. past form of be
  32. base form of(blew)
  33. past participle of take
  34. past participle of the verb(spend)
  35. base form of(known)
  36. past form of the verb beat
  37. past participle of cut
  38. past participle of sell

71 Clues: past form of bebase form of hidbase form (held)base form of(let)base form of(came)base form of(paid)base form of(said)base form of(blew)past form of(threw)base form of(wrote)base form of(known)base form of(driven)past form of (build)base form of(caught)past participle of gopast participle of getpast participle of putpast participle of hit...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. run
  2. speak
  3. wear
  4. build
  5. forget
  6. meet
  7. find
  8. teach
  9. drive
  10. win
  11. begin
  12. write
  13. send
  14. see
  1. draw
  2. buy
  3. go
  4. ride
  5. sleep
  6. feel
  7. break
  8. think
  9. know
  10. make
  11. eat
  12. come
  13. drink
  14. take
  15. swim

29 Clues: gobuyruneatwinseedrawridefeelwearknowmeetmakefindcometakesendswimspeaksleepbuildbreakthinkteachdrinkdrivebeginwriteforget


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. robar
  2. cortar
  3. cerrar
  4. caer
  5. olvidar
  6. nadar
  7. configurar
  8. dibujar
  9. sonar
  10. beber
  11. ir
  12. convertirse
  13. encontrar
  14. despertar
  1. elegir
  2. permitir
  3. costar
  4. cantar
  5. soplar
  6. congelar
  7. perdonar
  8. lanzar
  9. ganar
  10. escribir
  11. crecer
  12. conocer
  13. golpear
  14. ser

28 Clues: irsercaerrobarganarnadarsonarbeberelegircortarcostarcerrarcantarsoplarlanzarcrecerolvidardibujarconocergolpearpermitircongelarperdonarescribirencontrardespertarconfigurarconvertirse

Irregular Verbs 2024-06-06

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. She _____ me a letter last month.
  2. She ____ her homework last night.
  3. We ____ him a birthday gift.
  4. She _____ from her house to the schoool.
  5. I ______ at 8am yesterday.
  6. She ___ in the Ocean last weekend.
  7. I ____ with the Teacher after class.
  8. I ____ a drawing of my dog.
  9. I ______ the test was today.
  10. They ____ a treehouse to play.
  1. The class ____ a diorama.
  2. I ____ earrings to my friend.
  3. The kids _____ lemon juice at lunch.
  4. The tree __ a lot last year.
  5. I ___ a book yesterday.
  6. He ____ to the
  7. She ____ the song at her presentation.
  8. We ____ a lot of cake.
  9. Ancient Egyptians _____ goats for milk.
  10. The monkey _____ the banana.
  11. We ____ a new notebook for the class.

21 Clues: He ____ to theWe ____ a lot of cake.I ___ a book yesterday.The class ____ a diorama.I ______ at 8am yesterday.I ____ a drawing of my dog.The tree __ a lot last year.We ____ him a birthday gift.The monkey _____ the banana.I ______ the test was today.I ____ earrings to my friend.They ____ a treehouse to play.She _____ me a letter last month....


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. SAY
  2. FIND
  3. DRINK
  4. BE
  5. TAKE
  6. GO
  7. HAVE
  8. BUY
  9. GIVE
  10. CAN
  11. MAKE
  12. EAT
  1. SPEAK
  2. DO
  4. THINK
  5. WEAR
  6. SEE
  7. HEAR
  8. LEAVE
  9. COME
  10. RUN


Irregular Verbs 2024-06-03

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. taught
  2. ran
  3. told
  4. said
  5. sent
  6. left
  7. took
  8. stood
  9. lost
  10. let
  11. heard
  12. sang
  13. slept
  14. read
  15. sat
  16. paid
  1. wore
  2. understood
  3. lent
  4. kept
  5. met
  6. made
  7. put
  8. knew
  9. sold
  10. thought
  11. wrote
  12. saw
  13. spoke
  14. swam

30 Clues: ranmetputletsawsatworetoldlentkeptmadesaidsentlefttookknewsoldlostsangswamreadpaidstoodwroteheardspokeslepttaughtthoughtunderstood

irregular verbs 2024-05-22

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. spill
  2. do
  3. ride
  4. begin
  5. drink
  6. sit
  7. grow
  8. bite
  9. sing
  10. hurt
  11. cut
  12. mean
  1. keep
  2. say
  3. drive
  4. find
  5. get
  6. catch
  7. know
  8. see
  9. buy
  10. draw
  11. choose
  12. could

24 Clues: dosaygetsitseebuycutkeepfindrideknowgrowbitesingdrawhurtmeanspilldrivebegincatchdrinkcouldchoose

Irregular verbs 2024-09-09

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim
  2. cost
  3. eat
  4. catch
  5. make
  6. drink
  7. win
  8. find
  9. think
  10. go
  1. see
  2. meet
  3. spend
  4. come
  5. take
  6. do
  7. teach
  8. read
  9. leave
  10. write
  11. get

21 Clues: dogoseeeatwingetswimmeetcostcometakemakereadfindspendcatchteachdrinkleavewritethink

Irregular Verbs 2024-08-26

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Swim
  2. cut
  3. Get
  4. Say
  5. Know
  6. eat
  7. Ride
  8. Steal
  9. Drive
  10. Throw
  11. Meet
  12. go
  13. Hear
  14. Think
  15. Sing
  16. Drink
  1. came
  2. Buy
  3. Break
  4. Speak
  5. Choose
  6. Slept
  7. Made
  8. Write
  9. Forget
  10. See
  11. Leave
  12. Do
  13. Teach
  14. Read
  15. Win
  16. Run
  17. Tell
  18. Hide
  19. Give

35 Clues: DogoBuycutGetSayeatSeeWinRuncameSwimMadeKnowRideMeetReadHearTellHideSingGiveBreakSpeakSleptWriteStealLeaveDriveThrowTeachThinkDrinkChooseForget

Irregular verbs 2024-09-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Spoke
  2. Met
  3. Woke
  4. Tore
  5. Slept
  6. Stood
  7. Sat
  8. Saw
  9. Meant
  10. Spent
  11. Rode
  12. Lay
  13. Lost
  14. Told
  15. Stole
  16. Understood
  17. Rang
  18. Ran
  19. Won
  1. Sank
  2. Took
  3. Wore
  4. Stuck
  5. Swept
  6. Paid
  7. Thought
  8. Said
  9. Put
  10. Sent
  11. Taught
  12. Spelt
  13. Wrote
  14. Made
  15. Smelt
  16. Sold
  17. Read
  18. Sang
  19. Swam
  20. Set
  21. Threw

40 Clues: MetPutSatSawLaySetRanWonSankTookWoreWokePaidToreSaidSentMadeSoldRodeReadLostSangToldSwamRangSpokeStuckSweptSleptStoodSpeltWroteMeantSpentSmeltStoleThrewTaughtThoughtUnderstood

Irregular Verbs! 2012-11-09

Irregular Verbs! crossword puzzle
  1. to prefer
  2. she prefers
  3. you carry
  4. you prefer
  5. we were able
  6. we prefer
  7. you are able
  8. I can
  9. you want
  1. you prefer
  2. she had gone
  3. he offered
  4. you perish
  5. he carries
  6. they had been away
  7. you carried
  8. we returned
  9. we want
  10. you want
  11. we do not want
  12. you can
  13. we are

22 Clues: I canwe arewe wantyou canyou wantyou wantto preferyou carrywe preferyou preferhe offeredyou perishhe carriesyou prefershe prefersyou carriedwe returnedshe had gonewe were ableyou are ablewe do not wantthey had been away

Irregular verbs 2013-03-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Yesterday, I ......(to buy) a new car.
  2. I will......(to send) him a letter explaining everything.
  3. Last week, I spoke with my grandfather about his first car.
  4. I have .......(to spend) way too much money on this thing.
  5. I have .......(to drive) all night to get here this early.
  6. He........(to give) me an envelop.
  7. My father........(to say) that I should work harder.
  8. I have always......(to know) this.
  9. Last year, we ........(to go) to Germany.
  10. I .......(to think) that this is the last one.
  11. Last winter, my brake fluid almost.....(to freeze)
  1. Yesterday, my car........(to break) down.
  2. I have ......(to choose) a black truck.
  3. He ........(to run) away from the fire.
  4. I have to ......(to go) now.
  5. The law says that you cannot ..... (to steal).
  6. I never .......(to drink) when I have to drive.
  7. Last summer, I .......(to swim) across that lake.
  8. Would you .....(to shut) the door please?
  9. He said that he .......(to write) me a letter last month.
  10. Have you ever.......(to be) to London?

21 Clues: I have to ......(to go) now.He........(to give) me an envelop.I have always......(to know) this.Yesterday, I ......(to buy) a new car.Have you ever.......(to be) to London?I have ......(to choose) a black truck.He ........(to run) away from the fire.Yesterday, my car........(to break) down.Would you .....(to shut) the door please?...

Irregular Verbs 2012-05-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. To sell
  2. To drink
  3. To write
  4. To become
  5. To understand
  6. To take
  7. To make
  8. To get
  9. To build
  10. To buy
  11. To sing
  12. To sleep
  13. To go
  14. To feel
  1. To choose
  2. To do
  3. To dream
  4. To swim
  5. To drive
  6. To leave
  7. To teach
  8. To spend
  9. To bring
  10. To see
  11. To eat
  12. To forget
  13. To have
  14. To come
  15. To speak
  16. To tell

30 Clues: To doTo goTo seeTo eatTo getTo buyTo sellTo swimTo takeTo makeTo haveTo comeTo singTo tellTo feelTo dreamTo drinkTo driveTo leaveTo writeTo teachTo spendTo bringTo buildTo sleepTo speakTo chooseTo becomeTo forgetTo understand

Irregular Verbs 2013-05-01

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I will ________ the carrots in the garden of the grandmother.
  2. Yesterday I _________my shirt.
  3. My mother _______in Brazil last month.
  4. I have to ______the duties.
  5. You have to _________your dog.
  6. The flies __________.
  7. It must _________ the ice cream.
  8. My cousin________-.
  9. I have to _______to the school every day.
  10. Because you are going to ________ against your sister?
  11. I have to _________-a rainbow.
  12. I________ the window of my room.
  13. Yesterday my sister ______and one damaged.
  1. We have get the record.
  2. I ________a horrible flu one week ago.
  3. You have to ____________between pink or red.
  4. Yesterday I went to ________an ice cream.
  5. I have ________that was travelling.
  6. We ________ all.
  7. Oh! I _________to do my task.
  8. We have to________ running.
  9. We have to __________from them.
  10. I invite her to ______.
  11. I must ________ a gull of wood.
  12. That you think that I do not ________you well.

25 Clues: We ________ all.My cousin________-.The flies __________.We have get the record.I invite her to ______.I have to ______the duties.We have to________ running.Oh! I _________to do my task.Yesterday I _________my shirt.You have to _________your dog.I have to _________-a rainbow.I must ________ a gull of wood.It must _________ the ice cream....

Irregular verbs 2013-04-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. My mum__________a cake for lunch with my family.
  2. The man___________1000000 dollars playing poker.
  3. My friend_________with a brush.
  4. The forest__________because of a cigarette.
  5. Sarah______________the birthday of her best friend.
  6. Ben__________vase from grandmother.
  7. It____________me much math test.
  8. My mum____________me eating sweets before dinner.
  9. Jenny was in London in winter and she_______ because it was very cold.
  10. She_________off a cliff.
  11. Cristina Tamashiro________One Direction.
  12. The boxer____________his opponent in the ring.
  13. The dog__________a hole in the garden.
  1. My dog__________another dog because they had fought.
  2. Tom____________the eight candles on the cake at once.
  3. I____________a glass of cold milk.
  4. Dali_______beautiful constructions.
  5. Sam_____________his friend for taking his pencilcase.
  6. My cousin only_________vegetables, salad and fish.
  7. My aunt____________with my cousin in Christmas.
  8. My grandfather______________different vegetables in his grove.
  9. My father_________pasta very well.
  10. The bird___________above Barcelona.
  11. I___________very happy because I will travel.
  12. The policeman_________because he was shot in the street yesterday.

25 Clues: She_________off a cliff.My friend_________with a brush.It____________me much math test.I____________a glass of cold milk.My father_________pasta very well.Dali_______beautiful constructions.Ben__________vase from grandmother.The bird___________above Barcelona.The dog__________a hole in the garden.Cristina Tamashiro________One Direction....


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. / I ____ in the balloon.
  2. / Tom! Please! ____ here!
  3. / I ____ a Picasso.
  4. / A man _____ us to New York
  5. / I ____ my homework’s.
  6. / The men’s ___ the threes.
  7. / I _____ the steaks.
  8. / I _______ where are my keys.
  9. / I _____ with Roki Balboa
  10. / _____ collecting
  11. / we don't ______ in this hole.
  12. / I _____ .
  13. / Binn Laden ______ a terrorist person.
  14. / My mother _____ my favorite toy.
  1. / My mother ____ at the “Consum”
  2. / I ____ my glasses
  3. / I _____ good when i goto the park.
  4. / I _______ a car.
  5. / you ______ the pencil.
  6. / I ____ with you.
  7. / I _____ you but I remember this.
  8. / I ____ the candels.
  9. / My plant ____ healthy.
  10. / I _____ the steak.
  11. / I ______ my car on the garage.

25 Clues: / I _____ ./ I _______ a car./ I ____ with you./ _____ collecting/ I ____ my glasses/ I ____ a Picasso./ I _____ the steak./ I _____ the steaks./ I ____ the candels./ I ____ my homework’s./ I ____ in the balloon./ you ______ the pencil./ My plant ____ healthy./ Tom! Please! ____ here!/ I _____ with Roki Balboa/ The men’s ___ the threes....

Irregular Verbs 2013-04-16

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. / We ____ the dog two hours ago
  2. / We ____ with a French airline.
  3. / The dogs ______ their toys.
  4. / He _______ five bones in the car accident.
  5. / They ____ to build the skyscraper.
  6. / She ______ her husband between two friends.
  7. / He _____ a soda drink.
  8. / The black men ____ the black paper.
  9. / She ____ a big red apple.
  10. / I ______ in England with my parents last summer.
  11. / I _____ the day of my sister's marriage.
  12. / The _____ finishes in 2010.
  13. / We ____ the punching bag.
  14. / He _____ back to home at 3:00 PM.
  1. / I ____ a picture of the Maldivas Islands.
  2. / They _____ during the trip to Finland.
  3. / We _____ a dress in the shopping center.
  4. / The girld _____ a skeleton in the ruines.
  5. / Five years ago, she _______ an evil person.
  6. / She _____ the difficult economic situation of my family.
  7. / She _____ the lesson and suspended the exam.
  8. / The policeman _____ the lion that escaped from the zoo.
  9. / They ____ a tunnel to build the underground.
  10. / My uncle was _____ the barbeucue grill.

24 Clues: / He _____ a soda drink./ She ____ a big red apple./ We ____ the punching bag./ The dogs ______ their toys./ The _____ finishes in 2010./ We ____ the dog two hours ago/ We ____ with a French airline./ He _____ back to home at 3:00 PM./ They ____ to build the skyscraper./ The black men ____ the black paper./ They _____ during the trip to Finland....


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. / _____ taught taught
  2. leave _____ left
  3. / _____ did done
  4. / win _____ won
  5. / _____ drank drunk
  6. / write wrote _____
  7. / know knew _____
  8. / become became _____
  9. / lose _____ lost
  10. / _____ lay lain
  1. / forget forgot _____
  2. / fall fell ____
  3. / begin bega _____
  4. / throw threw _____
  5. / stand stood _____
  6. / ride _____ ridden
  7. / _____ wrote written
  8. / break _____ broken
  9. / wake _____ woken
  10. / _____ slept sept

20 Clues: / win _____ won/ fall fell ____leave _____ left/ _____ did done/ _____ lay lain/ know knew _____/ lose _____ lost/ begin bega _____/ wake _____ woken/ _____ slept sept/ throw threw _____/ stand stood _____/ _____ drank drunk/ ride _____ ridden/ write wrote _____/ break _____ broken/ forget forgot _____/ _____ taught taught/ _____ wrote written...

Irregular verbs 2013-12-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. teikt
  2. darīt
  3. atrast
  4. valkāt
  5. sākties
  6. zināt
  7. atnest
  8. ēst
  9. mācīties
  10. iet
  11. aizmirst
  12. satikt
  13. vadīt mašīnu
  14. mācīt
  15. runāt
  16. doties ceļā,atstāt
  17. cirst,griezt
  1. redzēt
  2. zīmēt
  3. ķert
  4. dzert
  5. krist
  6. saprast
  7. rakstīt
  8. lidot
  9. dot
  10. kļūt
  11. uzvarēt
  12. stāstīt
  13. pirkt
  14. izvēlēties
  15. ievainot,sāpēt
  16. ņemt
  17. glabāt
  18. just

35 Clues: dotēstietķertkļūtņemtjustteiktzīmētdarītdzertkristlidotzinātpirktmācītrunātredzētatrastvalkātatnestsatiktglabātsaprastrakstītsāktiesuzvarētstāstītmācītiesaizmirstizvēlētiesvadīt mašīnucirst,grieztievainot,sāpētdoties ceļā,atstāt

Irregular verbs 2015-03-22

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. grow (crecer, cultivar)
  2. have (tener)
  3. (drink) beber
  4. feel (sentir)
  5. draw dibujar
  6. forgive (perdonar)
  7. dream (soñar)dreamt
  8. fight (luchar)
  9. lay (poner)
  10. find (encontrar)
  11. fly (volar)
  12. know (saber)
  13. hurt (herir, hacer daño)
  14. eat (comer)
  15. hide (esconder)
  1. hear (oir)
  2. feed(dar de comer, alimentar)
  3. get (obtener)
  4. hit(golpear)
  5. hang (colgar)hung
  6. aprender(learned)
  7. forget (olvidar)
  8. give (dar)
  9. fall (caer)
  10. freeze (congelar)
  11. drive (conducir)
  12. lead (dirigir)
  13. keep (guardar)
  14. go(ir)
  15. hold (sostener)

30 Clues: go(ir)hear (oir)give (dar)fall (caer)lay (poner)fly (volar)eat (comer)have (tener)hit(golpear)draw dibujarknow (saber)get (obtener)(drink) beberfeel (sentir)fight (luchar)lead (dirigir)keep (guardar)hold (sostener)hide (esconder)forget (olvidar)find (encontrar)drive (conducir)hang (colgar)hungaprender(learned)freeze (congelar)forgive (perdonar)...

Irregular verbs 2015-03-24

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 2nd form of the verb "to bring"
  2. 2nd form of the verb "to become"
  3. 2nd form of the verb "to begin"
  4. 3rd form of the verb "to catch"
  5. 3rd form of the verb "to feed"
  6. 3rd form of the verb "to dream"
  7. 3rd form of the verb "to be"
  8. 3rd form of the verb "to burn"
  9. 3rd form of the verb "to bleed"
  10. 2nd form of the verb "to drow"
  11. 2nd form of the verb "to cost"
  12. 3rd form of the verb "to creep"
  13. 2nd form of the verb "to feel"
  1. 2nd form of the verb "to break"
  2. 3rd form of the verb "to choose"
  3. 3rd form of the verb "to fall"
  4. 2nd form of the verb "to buy"
  5. 3rd form of the verb "to beat"
  6. 2nd form of the verb "to eat"
  7. 3rd form of the verb "to blow"
  8. 2nd form of the verb "to do"
  9. 3rd form of the verb "to drink"
  10. 3rd form of the verb "to build"
  11. 2nd form of the verb "to burst"
  12. 2nd form of the verb "to drive"
  13. 3rd form of the verb "to cut"
  14. 2nd form of the verb "to come"

27 Clues: 2nd form of the verb "to do"3rd form of the verb "to be"2nd form of the verb "to buy"2nd form of the verb "to eat"3rd form of the verb "to cut"3rd form of the verb "to fall"3rd form of the verb "to beat"3rd form of the verb "to blow"3rd form of the verb "to feed"3rd form of the verb "to burn"2nd form of the verb "to drow"...

Irregular verbs 2015-03-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. feel
  2. have
  3. read
  4. buy
  5. begin
  6. know
  7. drive
  8. catch
  9. write
  10. understand
  11. make
  12. teach
  13. go
  14. spend
  15. say
  1. build
  2. find
  3. drink
  4. sleep
  5. think
  6. break
  7. learn
  8. see
  9. choose
  10. become
  11. forget
  12. eat
  13. pay
  14. take
  15. sing

30 Clues: gobuyseeeatpaysayfeelfindhavereadknowmaketakesingbuilddrinksleepthinkbeginbreaklearndrivecatchwriteteachspendchoosebecomeforgetunderstand

Irregular verbs 2015-10-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. put
  2. see
  3. buy
  4. come
  5. forget
  6. drink
  7. sleep
  8. write
  9. hear
  10. meet
  11. find
  1. give
  2. think
  3. say
  4. get
  5. take
  6. know
  7. speak
  8. eat
  9. make

20 Clues: putseesaybuygeteatgivetakecomeknowhearmeetmakefindthinkdrinksleepspeakwriteforget

Irregular verbs 2015-10-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Have you ever … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean?
  2. I haven’t … (show) you my new bike. Let’s go for a ride this afternoon.
  3. Cédric had … (stand) there waiting for Félicia for hours in the cold and she never came.
  4. Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?
  5. There was a power cut last weekend, so Jolan … (light) lots of candles to be able to study for his physics exam.
  6. Tyler injured his arm once when he was playing hockey and for a few days it really hurt when he ... (bend) it.
  7. Bruno has just … (throw) his book against the wall; he was angry because he had forgotten to learn his irregular verbs!
  8. Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?
  9. Ludovic … (shoot) a deer last weekend.
  10. Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?
  1. Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?
  2. The waitress asked Raphaël if he wanted another beer. He … (shake) his head; one was enough.
  3. Two guys were having an argument in the bar. Then they went out and … (fight) in the street.
  4. Yesterday was a really nice day, the sun … (shine) all day.
  5. I wanted to plant
  6. Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?
  7. Oops, the fridge was too cold and everything has...(freeze).
  8. Excuse me if I look a bit tired, I haven’t really … (wake) up properly yet.
  9. Last week Enea had to buy a book for his maths course and it ... (cost) him 70.- He wasn’t pleased!
  10. I asked Jonas to finish his exercise, so he … (speed) up.

20 Clues: I wanted to plantHas your sister … (ring) you up yet?Ludovic … (shoot) a deer last weekend.Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?Have you ever … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean?Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?...

Irregular verbs 2015-10-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?
  2. The waitress asked Raphaël if he wanted another beer. He … (shake) his head; one was enough.
  3. Last week Enea had to buy a book for his maths course and it ... (cost) him 70.- He wasn’t pleased!
  4. Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?
  5. Jolan … (swear) because he burnt the steaks he had been cooking on the barbecue.
  6. Bruno has just … (throw) his book against the wall; he was angry because he had forgotten to learn his irregular verbs!
  7. I wanted to plant a cactus, so I … (dig) a hole in the ground.
  8. Have you ever … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean?
  9. I haven’t … (show) you my new bike. Let’s go for a ride this afternoon.
  10. Tyler injured his arm once when he was playing hockey and for a few days it really hurt when he ... (bend) it.
  1. Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?
  2. Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?
  3. Yesterday was a really nice day, the sun … (shine) all day.
  4. Two guys were having an argument in the bar. Then they went out and … (fight) in the street.
  5. Cédric had … (stand) there waiting for Félicia for hours in the cold and she never came.
  6. Oops, the fridge was too cold and everything has ... (freeze).
  7. Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?
  8. Who … (light) the fire for the barbecue?
  9. Excuse me if I look a bit tired, I haven’t really … (wake) up properly yet.
  10. Ludovic … (shoot) a deer last weekend.
  11. I asked Jonas to finish his exercise, so he … (speed) up.

21 Clues: Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?Ludovic … (shoot) a deer last weekend.Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?Who … (light) the fire for the barbecue?Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?Have you ever … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean?Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?...

Irregular verbs 2015-10-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?
  2. Tyler injured his arm once when he was playing hockey and for a few days it really hurt when he ... (bend) it.
  3. There was a power cut, so Tony … (light) lots of candle so that he would be able to continue studying.
  4. Bruno has just … (throw) his book against the wall; he was angry because he had forgotten to learn his irregular verbs!
  5. I asked Jonas to finish his exercise, so he … (speed) up.
  6. Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?
  7. Yesterday was a really nice day, the sun … (shine) all day.
  8. Last week Enea had to buy a book for his maths course and it ... (cost) him 70.- He wasn’t pleased!
  9. Excuse me if I look a bit tired, I haven’t really … (wake) up properly yet.
  10. Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?
  1. Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?
  2. Two guys were having an argument in the bar. Then they went out and … (fight) in the street.
  3. Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?
  4. Cédric had … (stand) there waiting for Félicia for hours in the cold and she never came.
  5. Have you ever … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean?
  6. Oops, the fridge was too cold and everything has ... (freeze).
  7. The waitress asked Raphaël if he wanted another beer. He … (shake) his head; one was enough.
  8. Ludovic … (shoot) a deer last weekend.
  9. Jolan … (swear) because he burnt the steaks he had been cooking on the barbecue.
  10. I haven’t … (show) you my new bike. Let’s go for a ride this afternoon.
  11. I wanted to plant a cactus, so I … (dig) a hole in the ground.

21 Clues: Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?Ludovic … (shoot) a deer last weekend.Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?Have you ever … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean?Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?I asked Jonas to finish his exercise, so he … (speed) up....

Irregular Verbs 2015-06-03

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ran
  2. took
  3. rose
  4. did
  5. gave
  6. dug
  7. slept
  8. sat
  9. lit
  10. went
  11. shook
  12. drank
  13. tore
  14. woke
  15. blew
  1. made
  2. read
  3. fed
  4. rang
  5. stole
  6. began
  7. stank
  8. cost
  9. threw
  10. ate
  11. grew

26 Clues: ranfeddiddugsatlitatemadereadtookroseranggavecostwentgrewtorewokeblewstolebegansleptstankthrewshookdrank

Irregular verbs 2015-11-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. was
  2. did
  3. made
  4. wrote
  5. went
  6. took
  7. spoke
  8. ate
  9. drove
  10. paid
  11. sat
  12. broke
  13. had
  14. brought
  15. flew
  16. heard
  17. knew
  18. said
  1. saw
  2. blew
  3. came
  4. thought
  5. met
  6. got
  7. slept
  8. drank
  9. caught
  10. felt
  11. began
  12. bought
  13. gave
  14. found
  15. read

33 Clues: sawwasmetdidgotatesathadblewcamemadewenttookfeltpaidgaveflewreadknewsaidwrotespokesleptdrankdrovebrokebeganfoundheardcaughtboughtthoughtbrought


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. lendama(2)
  2. riideid kandma(3)
  3. leidma(2)
  4. pühkima(3)
  5. olema(3)
  6. püüdma(2)
  7. asetama(3)
  8. kirjutama(3)
  9. valima(2)
  10. süütama(2)
  1. lamama(3)
  2. põletama(3)
  3. riideid kandma(2)
  4. ostma(2)
  5. põhja vajuma(2)
  6. õpetama(3)
  7. lugema(2)
  8. sööma(3)
  9. sulgema(2)
  10. lamama(2)

20 Clues: ostma(2)olema(3)sööma(3)lamama(3)leidma(2)lugema(2)püüdma(2)valima(2)lamama(2)lendama(2)pühkima(3)õpetama(3)asetama(3)sulgema(2)süütama(2)põletama(3)kirjutama(3)põhja vajuma(2)riideid kandma(2)riideid kandma(3)

Irregular verbs 2015-10-29

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bet
  2. write
  3. drink
  4. become
  5. sell
  6. catch
  7. ride
  8. leave
  9. come
  10. sing
  1. cut
  2. break
  3. begin
  4. understand
  5. bend
  6. build
  7. choose
  8. fall
  9. hung
  10. take
  11. run

21 Clues: cutbetrunbendsellfallridehungtakecomesingbreakbeginwritedrinkbuildcatchleavebecomechooseunderstand

irregular verbs 2015-11-08

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. went
  2. met
  3. heard
  4. sat
  5. said
  6. spent
  7. had
  8. cost
  9. lay
  10. swam
  11. drank
  12. did
  13. found
  14. took
  15. became
  16. fell
  17. sold
  18. told
  19. could
  20. spoke
  21. left
  22. read
  23. won
  1. saw
  2. got
  3. made
  4. wrote
  5. hit
  6. bought
  7. thought
  8. sent
  9. stood
  10. drove
  11. forgot
  12. ate
  13. felt
  14. brought
  15. chose
  16. was/were
  17. flew
  18. stole
  19. came
  20. slept
  21. lost
  22. ran

45 Clues: sawgotmethitsathadlayatedidranwonwentmadesaidsentcostswamfelttookfellflewsoldtoldcameleftlostreadwroteheardspentstooddrovedrankfoundchosestolecouldspokesleptboughtforgotbecamethoughtbroughtwas/were