irregular verbs Crossword Puzzles

irregular verbs 2013-12-11

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. said
  2. had
  3. ate
  4. fell
  5. went
  6. read
  7. brought
  8. spent
  9. caught
  10. drank
  11. made
  12. left
  1. bought
  2. felt
  3. sat
  4. heard
  5. forgot
  6. began
  7. knew
  8. slept
  9. came
  10. drove
  11. gave

23 Clues: sathadatefeltsaidfellwentreadknewcamegavemadeleftheardbeganspentsleptdrovedrankboughtforgotcaughtbrought

irregular verbs 2014-03-21

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim swam ____
  2. do ____ done
  3. stand stood ____
  4. drink drank ____
  5. catch ____ caught
  6. become ____ become
  7. fly ____ flown
  8. buy ____ bought
  9. choose chose ____
  10. win ____ won
  11. go ____ gone
  1. sell ____ sold
  2. make ____ made
  3. ride rode ____
  4. shake shook ____
  5. think ____ thought
  6. keep ____ kept
  7. lie lay ____
  8. speak ____ spoken
  9. eat ____ eaten
  10. wear wore ____

21 Clues: do ____ donelie lay ____win ____ wongo ____ goneswim swam ____sell ____ soldmake ____ maderide rode ____keep ____ keptfly ____ flowneat ____ eatenwear wore ____buy ____ boughtstand stood ____shake shook ____drink drank ____catch ____ caughtchoose chose ____speak ____ spokenthink ____ thoughtbecome ____ become

Irregular verbs 2014-05-14

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim
  2. find
  3. ring
  4. come
  5. greak
  6. stand
  7. give
  8. catch
  9. take
  10. fly
  11. meet
  12. eat
  13. feel
  1. speak
  2. drive
  3. get
  4. buy
  5. send
  6. do
  7. make
  8. lose
  9. fall
  10. go

23 Clues: dogogetbuyflyeatswimfindringcomesendgivemakelosetakefallmeetfeelspeakdrivegreakstandcatch


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. infinitif du verbe ACHETER
  2. participe passé du verbe AVOIR
  3. participe passé du verbe VENIR
  4. prétérit du verbe ALLER
  5. infinitif du verbe GAGNER
  6. prétérit du verbe DORMIR
  7. participe passé du verbe VOIR
  8. prétérit du verbe LIRE
  9. prétérit du verbe PERDRE
  10. participe passé du verbe OUBLIER
  11. prétérit du verbe CASSER
  12. infinitif du verbe PARTIR
  13. infinitif du verbe PASSER, DEPENSER
  14. infinitif du vebre COURIR
  1. participe passé du verbe FABRIQUER
  2. participe passé de be
  3. participe passé du verbe PRENDRE
  4. prétérit du verbe ECRIRE
  5. prétérit du verbe NAGER
  6. infinitif du verbe RENCONTRER
  7. infinitif du verbe TIRER
  8. participe passé du verbe RIDE
  9. participe passé du verbe PARLER
  10. infinitif du verbe DONNER
  11. verbe CONDUIRE à l'infinitif
  12. prétérit du verbe MANGER
  13. prétérit du vebre ENVOYER
  14. prétérit du verbe DO

28 Clues: prétérit du verbe DOparticipe passé de beprétérit du verbe LIREprétérit du verbe ALLERprétérit du verbe NAGERprétérit du verbe ECRIREprétérit du verbe DORMIRinfinitif du verbe TIRERprétérit du verbe PERDREprétérit du verbe CASSERprétérit du verbe MANGERinfinitif du verbe GAGNERinfinitif du verbe DONNERinfinitif du verbe PARTIR...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Get
  2. Make
  3. Ride
  4. Write
  5. Grow
  6. Catch
  7. Have
  8. Put
  9. Meet
  10. Send
  11. Become
  12. Say
  13. Find
  14. Sleep
  15. Teach
  16. Win
  17. Sell
  18. Hear
  19. Bite
  1. Know
  2. Throw
  3. Come
  4. Fall
  5. Buy
  6. Cut
  7. Understand
  8. Eat
  9. Fly
  10. Tell
  11. Wake
  12. Lose
  13. See
  14. Take
  15. Drive
  16. Build
  17. Stand
  18. Do
  19. Hit
  20. Run
  21. Break

40 Clues: DoGetBuyCutEatFlyPutSeeSayWinHitRunKnowComeFallMakeRideGrowHaveTellMeetWakeLoseSendTakeFindSellHearBiteThrowWriteCatchDriveBuildSleepStandTeachBreakBecomeUnderstand

Irregular verbs 2014-12-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. put
  2. fell
  3. meant
  4. paid
  5. built
  6. heard
  7. came
  8. cut
  9. stood
  10. bought
  11. ran
  12. wore
  13. lay
  14. took
  15. understood
  16. drove
  17. began
  18. spoke
  19. lost
  20. held
  21. sat
  22. rose
  23. grew
  24. set
  1. kept
  2. told
  3. found
  4. led
  5. felt
  6. made
  7. broke
  8. thought
  9. said
  10. met
  11. chose
  12. spent
  13. drew
  14. wrote
  15. brought
  16. read
  17. left
  18. became
  19. gave
  20. went
  21. sent
  22. knew
  23. let
  24. saw
  25. showed
  26. got

50 Clues: putledmetcutranlayletsatsawgotsetkepttoldfellfeltmadepaidsaidcamedrewreadworelefttookgavewentsentknewlostheldrosegrewfoundmeantbuiltbrokeheardchosestoodspentwrotedrovebeganspokeboughtbecameshowedthoughtbroughtunderstood

Irregular Verbs 2015-01-29

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. The Seattle Seahawks ________ the Superbowl after defeating the Packers.
  2. Elizabeth_________ some potatoes and carrots in her backyard.
  3. "It is time to _______ class,so put your homework in the bin" said Ms. Abbott.
  4. Mr. Massey watered his lawn so that his grass would ________.
  5. Yesterday, I _______ to Disney World with Igus and Beyonka.
  6. Do you want to _________ my bicycle that my dad bought me for my birthday?
  7. Karston wanted to _________ up because he wanted to do jumping jacks,
  8. Malik asked Igus, " Do you _______ how to play hide and seek?"
  9. Today I ________ to the store with Mylah to buy some crackers.
  10. Today, Ms. Hines _________ a nice red sweater to stay warm.
  1. Ms. Abbott ________ everyone a snack today during class.
  2. Ms. Abbott asked the class if they know how to ________ apple pie.
  3. Igus wanted to ________ a "get well soon" letter to Victor's mom.
  4. Classes at Hope Valley ________ at 9:00 A.M.
  5. "Please ______ me my pencil back! " said Malik
  6. Beyonka __________ a letter to Ms. Abbott that she will miss her over the summer.
  7. Mr. Martin _________ up because he spilled his drink on his office desk.
  8. After school, Victor _________ the bus back home.
  9. I _______ it was time to go home because the bell rang.
  10. Mylah had to ______ an apron while she was cooking so that she would not burn herself.

20 Clues: Classes at Hope Valley ________ at 9:00 A.M."Please ______ me my pencil back! " said MalikAfter school, Victor _________ the bus back home.I _______ it was time to go home because the bell rang.Ms. Abbott ________ everyone a snack today during class.Yesterday, I _______ to Disney World with Igus and Beyonka....

Irregular verbs 2014-01-28

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. / Forma podstawowa od was/were.
  2. / Druga i trzecia forma od win.
  3. / Forma podstawowa od met.
  4. / Forma podstawowa od understood.
  5. / Trzecia forma od speak.
  6. / Druga forma od forget.
  7. / Druga forma od become.
  8. / Druga forma od write.
  1. / Druga forma od come.
  2. / Forma podstawowa od built.
  3. / Trzecia forma od know.
  4. / Trzecia forma od see.
  5. / Trzecia forma od write.
  6. / Druga i trzecia forma od teach.
  7. / Trzecia forma od forget.
  8. / Trzecia forma od drink.
  9. / Forma podstawowa od done.
  10. / Trzecia forma od give.
  11. / Druga forma od see.
  12. / Druga i trzecia forma od tell.

20 Clues: / Druga forma od see./ Druga forma od come./ Trzecia forma od see./ Druga forma od write./ Trzecia forma od know./ Druga forma od forget./ Trzecia forma od give./ Druga forma od become./ Trzecia forma od write./ Trzecia forma od drink./ Trzecia forma od speak./ Forma podstawowa od met./ Trzecia forma od forget./ Forma podstawowa od done....

irregular verbs 2014-01-27

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. dziedāt 2f
  2. stāvēt 2f
  3. skriet 2f
  4. kauties2f
  5. modināt 3f
  6. tasīt 2f
  7. smaržot3f
  8. sākt 3f
  9. gaisma 2f
  10. pārdot2f
  11. redzēt3f
  12. mācīties
  13. būt 3f
  14. sapnis 3f
  15. krist2f
  16. piedot3f
  17. dzirdēt2f
  18. būt3f
  19. izveleties3f
  20. nozīmēt 3f
  21. celt
  22. pārtraukums 2f
  23. dzert 3f
  24. nākt 2f
  25. aizdot
  26. domāt3f
  27. samzināt2f
  28. valkāt 2f
  29. ļaut 3f
  30. uzvarēt2f
  31. komplekts3f
  1. gredzens 2f
  2. loms 2f
  3. noplūde 3f
  4. braukt 3f
  5. braukt3f
  6. peldēt 3f
  7. mācīties3f
  8. rakstīt 3f
  9. nozagt 3f
  10. zaudēt 3f
  11. gulēt2f
  12. saprast 2f
  13. veikt3f
  14. barība
  15. vadīt 2f
  16. aizmirst3f
  17. lasīt 2f
  18. kļūt2f
  19. justies 2f
  20. dedzināt2f
  21. ienest3f
  22. cena2f
  23. mest2f
  24. rakt2f
  25. augt3f
  26. ēst 2f
  27. meli
  28. slēgts 3f
  29. pateikt 2f

60 Clues: celtmelibūt3fbūt 3fbarībakļūt2fcena2fmest2faizdotrakt2faugt3fēst 2floms 2fsākt 3fgulēt2fveikt3fkrist2fnākt 2fdomāt3fļaut 3fbraukt3ftasīt 2fpārdot2fredzēt3fmācītiesvadīt 2fpiedot3flasīt 2fienest3fdzert 3fstāvēt 2fbraukt 3fskriet 2fpeldēt 3fkauties2fsmaržot3fnozagt 3fzaudēt 3fgaisma 2fsapnis 3fdzirdēt2fvalkāt 2fuzvarēt2fslēgts 3fdziedāt 2fnoplūde 3f...

irregular verbs 2015-03-24

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. go
  2. swim
  3. draw
  4. eat
  5. hear
  6. bring
  7. ride
  8. sleep
  1. run
  2. teach
  3. find
  4. wake
  5. make
  6. begin
  7. fight
  8. sit
  9. write
  10. become
  11. ring
  12. sing

20 Clues: gorunsiteatfindswimwakemakedrawhearrideringsingteachbeginfightwritebringsleepbecome

Irregular Verbs 2015-04-21

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. kohtama 1. pv
  2. murdma, katki tegema 2. pv
  3. saama 3. pv
  4. panema, asetama 2. pv
  5. võitma 2. pv
  6. minema 3. pv
  7. ostma 2. pv
  8. kinni püüdma 1. pv
  9. ütlema 1. pv
  10. kirjutama 2. pv
  11. lugema 3. pv
  12. kandma (riideid, jalatseid) 2. pv
  13. autot juhtima 3. pv
  14. müüma 3. pv
  15. istuma 3. pv
  16. tegema 1. pv
  1. olema 1. pv
  2. võtma; viima 3. pv
  3. lendama 3. pv
  4. ehitama 3. pv
  5. rippuma; riputama 3. pv
  6. laulma 2. pv
  7. minema 2. pv
  8. unustama 3. pv
  9. tulema 2. pv
  10. kuulma 2. pv
  11. nägema 3. pv
  12. tegema 3. pv
  13. leidma 1. pv
  14. kaotama 1. pv
  15. omama 2. pv

31 Clues: olema 1. pvsaama 3. pvostma 2. pvmüüma 3. pvomama 2. pvlaulma 2. pvvõitma 2. pvminema 2. pvminema 3. pvtulema 2. pvkuulma 2. pvütlema 1. pvnägema 3. pvtegema 3. pvlugema 3. pvleidma 1. pvistuma 3. pvtegema 1. pvkohtama 1. pvlendama 3. pvehitama 3. pvkaotama 1. pvunustama 3. pvkirjutama 2. pvvõtma; viima 3. pvkinni püüdma 1. pvautot juhtima 3. pv...

Irregular verbs 2015-06-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hear
  2. feel
  3. forget
  4. sell
  5. ring
  6. choose
  7. leave
  8. pay
  9. cut
  10. drink
  11. see
  12. give
  13. meet
  1. make
  2. become
  3. put
  4. bring
  5. fall
  6. buy
  7. come
  8. sleep
  9. fly
  10. do
  11. run
  12. know
  13. eat

26 Clues: doputbuyflypayruncutseeeatmakehearfeelfallcomesellringknowgivemeetbringsleepleavedrinkbecomeforgetchoose

Irregular verbs 2015-03-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. dig
  2. choose
  3. fight
  4. fall
  5. break
  6. teach
  7. understand
  8. sit
  9. keep
  10. light
  11. say
  1. ride
  2. shake
  3. forget
  4. throw
  5. lose
  6. bring
  7. eat
  8. drink
  9. speak
  10. tell
  11. bite

22 Clues: digeatsitsayridefalllosekeeptellbiteshakefightthrowbringbreakteachdrinkspeaklightchooseforgetunderstand

Irregular Verbs 2015-12-09

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 2nd form of the verb 'to win'
  2. 2nd form of the verb 'to wear'
  3. 2nd form of the verb 'to think'
  4. 1st form of the 2nd form 'slid'
  5. 2nd form of the verb 'to tear'
  6. 2nd form of the verb 'to stick'
  7. 2nd form of the verb 'to spoil'
  8. 2nd form of the verb 'to spread'
  9. 2nd form of the verb 'to tell'
  10. 2nd form of the verb 'to spill'
  11. 2nd form of the verb 'to sow'
  12. 2nd form of the verb 'to steal'
  13. 2nd form of the verb 'to wind'
  14. 2nd form of the verb 'to sleep'
  15. 2nd form of the verb 'to write'
  1. 2nd form of the verb 'to spend'
  2. 2nd form of the verb 'to wet'
  3. 2nd form of the verb 'to spell'
  4. 2nd form of the verb 'to wake'
  5. 2nd form of the verb 'to weep'
  6. 2nd form of the verb 'to take'
  7. 2nd form of the verb 'to stand'
  8. 2nd form of the verb 'to swell'
  9. 2nd form of the verb 'to teach'
  10. 2nd form of the verb 'to spring'
  11. 2nd form of the verb 'to throw'
  12. 2nd form of the verb 'to speak'
  13. 2nd form of the verb 'to sink'
  14. 2nd form of the verb 'to sweep'
  15. 2nd form of the verb 'to swim'

30 Clues: 2nd form of the verb 'to win'2nd form of the verb 'to wet'2nd form of the verb 'to sow'2nd form of the verb 'to wear'2nd form of the verb 'to wake'2nd form of the verb 'to weep'2nd form of the verb 'to take'2nd form of the verb 'to tear'2nd form of the verb 'to tell'2nd form of the verb 'to sink'2nd form of the verb 'to wind'...

Irregular verbs 2015-12-01

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. / write
  2. / sit
  3. / wake
  4. / cut
  5. / buy
  6. / speak
  7. / fall
  8. / send
  9. / swim
  10. / win
  11. / get
  12. / begin
  13. / drink
  14. / tell
  1. / draw
  2. / think
  3. / meet
  4. / set
  5. / cost
  6. / build
  7. / know
  8. / eat
  9. / become
  10. / fly
  11. / sing
  12. / pay
  13. / break
  14. / say
  15. / lie

29 Clues: / sit/ set/ cut/ eat/ buy/ fly/ win/ pay/ get/ say/ lie/ draw/ meet/ wake/ cost/ know/ fall/ send/ sing/ swim/ tell/ write/ think/ build/ speak/ begin/ break/ drink/ become

Irregular verbs 2015-10-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Have you ever … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean?
  2. Tyler injured his arm once when he was playing hockey and for a few days it really hurt when he ... (bend) it.
  3. Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?
  4. I wanted to plant
  5. Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?
  6. Bruno has just … (throw) his book against the wall; he was angry because he had forgotten to learn his irregular verbs!
  7. Yesterday was a really nice day, the sun … (shine) all day.
  8. Ludovic … (shoot) a deer last weekend.
  9. Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?
  1. Excuse me if I look a bit tired, I haven’t really … (wake) up properly yet.
  2. The waitress asked Raphaël if he wanted another beer. He … (shake) his head; one was enough.
  3. Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?
  4. Two guys were having an argument in the bar. Then they went out and … (fight) in the street.
  5. There was a power cut last weekend, so Jolan … (light) lots of candles to be able to study for his physics exam.
  6. Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?
  7. Cédric had … (stand) there waiting for Félicia for hours in the cold and she never came.
  8. Oops, the fridge was too cold and everything has...(freeze).
  9. I haven’t … (show) you my new bike. Let’s go for a ride this afternoon.
  10. Last week Enea had to buy a book for his maths course and it ... (cost) him 70.- He wasn’t pleased!
  11. I asked Jonas to finish his exercise, so he … (speed) up.

20 Clues: I wanted to plantHas your sister … (ring) you up yet?Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?Ludovic … (shoot) a deer last weekend.Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?Have you ever … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean?Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?...

irregular verbs 2015-11-11

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past tense of hide
  2. past tense of make
  3. past tense of light
  4. past tense of drink
  5. past tense of keep
  6. past tense of lend
  7. past tense of buy
  8. past tense of lose
  9. past tense of learn
  10. past tense of grow
  1. past tense of hear
  2. past tense of dig
  3. past tense of meet
  4. past tense of put
  5. past tense of kneel
  6. past tense of leave
  7. past tense of catch
  8. past tense of hold
  9. past tense of know
  10. past tense of eat
  11. past tense of freeze

21 Clues: past tense of digpast tense of putpast tense of buypast tense of eatpast tense of hidepast tense of hearpast tense of makepast tense of meetpast tense of keeppast tense of lendpast tense of holdpast tense of knowpast tense of losepast tense of growpast tense of lightpast tense of drinkpast tense of kneelpast tense of leavepast tense of catch...

irregular verbs 2015-05-15

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. denken
  2. schwören
  3. gewinnen
  4. stechen
  5. wachen
  6. treffen
  7. zerreissen
  8. stinken
  9. stehlen
  10. weinen
  11. schwingen
  12. lehren
  1. schwimmen
  2. nehmen
  3. werfen
  4. kleben
  5. tragen
  6. stehen
  7. kehren
  8. schreiben
  9. erzählen

21 Clues: nehmendenkenwerfenklebentragenwachenstehenkehrenweinenlehrenstechentreffenstinkenstehlenschwörengewinnenerzählenschwimmenschreibenschwingenzerreissen

Irregular Verbs 2015-05-07

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Do you ______ the newspaper in the morning?
  2. There _____ many pictures in our wedding photo album.
  3. Did you _____ to your boss about taking tomorrow off?
  4. Laurel _____ too fast, so she got a speeding ticket.
  5. That church is very old. It was ______ in 1853.
  6. Did he _____ you why he was going to be late to class?
  7. It _______ her 2 hours to drive home because of the accident.
  8. Do you ______ Minnesota is a nice place to live?
  9. She _______ a noise in her garage. It was a mouse!
  1. My son ______ his arm playing football.
  2. Juan _____ he can't come to class tonight.
  3. My family _____ to the United States in 2014.
  4. Did you _____ all of the Fast and Furious movies?
  5. I ______ a lot of money at the Mall of America.
  6. In my home country, I _____ a dress every day.
  7. Our soccer team ____ the final game 2-0. We were so sad.
  8. Sometimes I like to ______ on the couch and take a nap.
  9. I _____ $5.00 on the street when I was walking to work.
  10. His dad ______ his hand as they crossed the busy street.
  11. He _____ home as fast as he could because of the rain.

20 Clues: My son ______ his arm playing football.Juan _____ he can't come to class tonight.Do you ______ the newspaper in the morning?My family _____ to the United States in 2014.In my home country, I _____ a dress every day.I ______ a lot of money at the Mall of America.That church is very old. It was ______ in 1853....

Irregular verbs 2016-11-22

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to draw (3)
  2. to sing (2)
  3. to hang (2)
  4. to broadcast (2)
  5. to meet (2)
  6. to get (3)
  7. to lay (3)
  8. to throw (3)
  9. to do (2)
  10. to steal (2)
  11. to come (2)
  12. to beat(2)
  1. to hold (3)
  2. to run (2)
  3. to teach (2)
  4. to swear (2)
  5. to fall (3)
  6. to give (2)
  7. to catch(3)
  8. to shoot (2)
  9. to flee (3)
  10. to ride (3)
  11. to write (2)
  12. to cut (3)
  13. to make (2)

25 Clues: to do (2)to run (2)to get (3)to lay (3)to cut (3)to beat(2)to hold (3)to draw (3)to sing (2)to fall (3)to hang (2)to give (2)to catch(3)to meet (2)to flee (3)to ride (3)to come (2)to make (2)to teach (2)to swear (2)to shoot (2)to throw (3)to write (2)to steal (2)to broadcast (2)


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. hear
  2. fly
  3. become
  4. forget
  5. catch
  6. build
  7. find
  8. begin
  9. drink]
  1. hide
  2. choose
  3. ring
  4. fall
  5. buy
  6. fight
  7. can
  8. break
  9. burn
  10. eat
  11. dig

20 Clues: flybuycaneatdighidehearringfallfindburnfightcatchbreakbuildbeginchoosebecomeforgetdrink]

Irregular Verbs 2016-09-21

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Necmettin _____________ the food prepared by Margarita, but he did not like it.
  2. Perla ___________ a movie at the new Casablanca theater last weekend with Xochitl.
  3. Houria _____________ to the store to buy some coffee and dates before she stopped at the bank.
  4. Gaby ____________ copies of her important papers in a safety deposit box so that her ex-husband could not take them again.
  5. Ricardo ____________ Duyen a jump when her car battery died.
  6. Julie ___________ the map while Mariana drove.
  7. Priscila __________ that the apartment complex did not allow pets, but she had her cats with her anyway.
  8. We ______________ wet after walking to the library in the rain.
  9. Nilser finally _______________ the keys to her car yesterday after she looked for them all week.
  10. Kenia ______________ class early last week because she had an appointment at the lawyer's office.
  11. Carla ___________ the flu after bringing her son to the doctor's office.
  12. Gina ______________ to quit her job so that she could take care of her sick husband.
  13. Marcia _______________ to record the show on her DVR even though her husband reminded her three times.
  1. I ______________ a bartender after working as a restaurant hostess for two years.
  2. Said ____________ hungry this morning, but he was late for work so he had to skip breakfast.
  3. Ariana ______________ the TOEFL test last weekend after studying for it all year.
  4. Laura thought she ____________ Norma screaming in the middle of the night, but it was someone outside.
  5. Bambi ______________ the man's face but she could not remember his name.
  6. Jorge _____________ Jonathon about the homework due on Thursday.
  7. Ruth _______________ chocolate pecan pie to bring to the Thanksgiving dinner.
  8. Although the invitation asked the guests to not bring gifts to the party, Eduardo __________ one anyway.
  9. Andrea _____________ sad and alone when the rest of her family went on vacation without her.
  10. Linda __________ in line for the new iPhone 7 for 20 hours, but the store sold out before it was her turn.
  11. Roberto ______________ an experiment before writing a research paper for his Chemistry class.

24 Clues: Julie ___________ the map while Mariana drove.Ricardo ____________ Duyen a jump when her car battery died.We ______________ wet after walking to the library in the rain.Jorge _____________ Jonathon about the homework due on Thursday.Bambi ______________ the man's face but she could not remember his name....

Irregular Verbs 2016-09-21

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Ruth _______________ chocolate pecan pie to bring to the Thanksgiving dinner.
  2. Julie ___________ the map while Mariana drove.
  3. Necmettin _____________ the food prepared by Margarita, but he did not like it.
  4. Laura thought she ____________ Norma screaming in the middle of the night, but it was someone outside.
  5. Gaby ____________ copies of her important papers in a safety deposit box so that her ex-husband could not take them again.
  6. Roberto ______________ an experiment before writing a research paper for his Chemistry class.
  7. Although the invitation asked the guests to not bring gifts to the party, Eduardo __________ one anyway.
  8. Perla ___________ a movie at the new Casablanca theater last weekend with Xochitl.
  9. Marcia _______________ to record the show on her DVR even though her husband reminded her three times.
  10. Linda __________ in line for the new iPhone 7 for 20 hours, but the store sold out before it was her turn.
  11. Bambi ______________ the man's face but she could not remember his name.
  12. Andrea _____________ sad and alone when the rest of her family went on vacation without her.
  13. Carla ___________ the flu after bringing her son to the doctor's office.
  1. I ______________ a bartender after working as a restaurant hostess for two years.
  2. We ______________ wet after walking to the library in the rain.
  3. Ricardo ____________ Duyen a jump when her car battery died.
  4. Priscila __________ that the apartment complex did not allow pets, but she had her cats with her anyway.
  5. Kenia ______________ class early last week because she had an appointment at the lawyer's office.
  6. Gina ______________ to quit her job so that she could take care of her sick husband.
  7. Ariana ______________ the TOEFL test last weekend after studying for it all year.
  8. Nilser finally _______________ the keys to her car yesterday after she looked for them all week.
  9. Said ____________ hungry this morning, but he was late for work so he had to skip breakfast.
  10. Jorge _____________ Jonathon about the homework due on Thursday.
  11. Houria _____________ to the store to buy some coffee and dates before she stopped at the bank.

24 Clues: Julie ___________ the map while Mariana drove.Ricardo ____________ Duyen a jump when her car battery died.We ______________ wet after walking to the library in the rain.Jorge _____________ Jonathon about the homework due on Thursday.Bambi ______________ the man's face but she could not remember his name....


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. be
  2. come
  3. eat
  4. sit
  5. buy
  6. be
  7. hold
  8. think
  9. do
  10. read
  11. say
  12. know
  1. meet
  2. go
  3. see
  4. make
  5. catch
  6. sleep
  7. put
  8. have
  9. hear
  10. run
  11. give

23 Clues: begobedoseeeatsitbuyputrunsaymeetmakecomeholdhaveheargivereadknowcatchsleepthink


IRREGULAR VERBS! crossword puzzle
  1. VER
  4. GANAR
  5. COGER
  6. TENER
  8. HACER
  9. COMER
  10. VENIR
  12. HACER
  13. DECIR
  2. DECIR
  3. BEBER
  5. NADAR
  8. OIR
  9. LEER
  10. DORMIR
  12. IR
  14. TOMAR
  15. CAER


Irregular Verbs 2016-07-27

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. shrink
  2. say
  3. freeze
  4. take
  5. teach
  6. pay
  7. buy
  8. grow
  9. rewrite
  10. give
  11. think
  12. come
  13. sit
  14. go
  15. know
  1. find
  2. ride
  3. spend
  4. forget
  5. meet
  6. eat
  7. keep
  8. fly
  9. bring
  10. hang
  11. write
  12. blow
  13. swim
  14. tear
  15. see

30 Clues: gosayeatflypaybuysitseefindridemeettakekeephanggrowblowswimgivetearcomeknowspendteachbringwritethinkshrinkfreezeforgetrewrite

Irregular verbs 2016-12-01

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past tense for "give"
  2. Past tense for "go"
  3. Past tense for "see"
  4. Past tense for "become"
  5. Past tense for "get"
  6. Past tense for "hold"
  7. Past tense for "show"
  8. Past tense for "know"
  9. Past tense for "tell"
  10. Past tense for "think"
  11. Past tense for "meet"
  12. Past tense for "make"
  13. Past tense for "run"
  14. Past tense for "take"
  1. Past tense for "come"
  2. Past tense for "feel"
  3. Past tense for "write"
  4. Past tense for "hear"
  5. Past tense for "pay"
  6. Past tense for "begin"
  7. Past tense for "put"
  8. Past tense for "bring"
  9. Past tense for "leave"
  10. Past tense for "say"
  11. Past tense for "find"
  12. Past tense for "let"
  13. Past tense for "stand"
  14. Past tense for "mean"
  15. Past tense for "keep"

29 Clues: Past tense for "go"Past tense for "pay"Past tense for "put"Past tense for "see"Past tense for "get"Past tense for "say"Past tense for "let"Past tense for "run"Past tense for "come"Past tense for "feel"Past tense for "give"Past tense for "hear"Past tense for "hold"Past tense for "show"Past tense for "know"Past tense for "find"Past tense for "tell"...

Irregular Verbs 2016-04-30

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. can
  2. forget
  3. put
  4. know
  5. bring
  6. get
  7. speak
  8. teach
  9. say
  10. cut
  11. feel
  12. steal
  13. do
  14. wake
  15. take
  1. build
  2. catch
  3. drink
  4. buy
  5. eat
  6. stand
  7. think
  8. become
  9. sing
  10. fly
  11. come
  12. have
  13. feed
  14. lose

29 Clues: docanbuyeatputgetsayflycutknowsingcomehavefeelfeedlosewaketakebuildcatchdrinkstandthinkbringspeakteachstealforgetbecome

Irregular verbs 2016-06-10

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. kopen
  2. geworden
  3. kreeg
  4. legde
  5. hing
  6. geweest
  7. onderwijzen
  8. stond
  9. gezien
  10. verliezen
  11. gegeven
  12. gedragen
  13. begreep
  14. gevallen
  15. brengen
  16. vertelde
  17. zag
  1. begon
  2. sneed
  3. betaalde
  4. pijn gedaan
  5. uitlenen
  6. geblazen
  7. genomen
  8. gegooid
  9. betekende
  10. wist
  11. gesproken
  12. gereden
  13. gevonden
  14. verliet
  15. gelezen

32 Clues: zaghingwistkopenbegonsneedkreeglegdestondgeziengeweestgenomengegooidgeredengegevenbegreepverlietbrengengelezengewordenbetaaldeuitlenengeblazengedragengevallengevondenverteldebetekendegesprokenverliezenpijn gedaanonderwijzen

irregular verbs 2016-02-23

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fell
  2. wept
  3. shone
  4. blew
  5. gave
  6. became
  7. rode
  8. brought
  9. ate
  10. flew
  11. sent
  12. stood
  13. hid
  1. bit
  2. told
  3. lost
  4. wrote
  5. broke
  6. began
  7. could
  8. drank
  9. kept
  10. taught
  11. fed
  12. sat
  13. saw

26 Clues: bitatefedsatsawhidtoldfelllostweptblewgaverodekeptflewsentwroteshonebrokebegancoulddrankstoodbecametaughtbrought

Irregular Verbs 2016-02-25

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. (to) write-...-written
  2. (to) draw- drew-...
  3. (to) fall-...-fallen
  4. (to)let-let-...
  5. (to) think-thought-...
  6. (to) drive- drove-...
  7. (to) read-read-...
  8. (to) spend- spent-....
  9. (to) sleep-slept-...
  10. (to) come-came-...
  11. (to) keep-kept-
  12. (to) cost-cost-...
  1. (to) make-made-...
  2. (to) hurt-...-hurt
  3. (to) catch-caught-...
  4. (to) teach-...-taught
  5. (to) eat-...-eaten
  6. (to) fall- fell- ...
  7. (to) light-lit-...
  8. (to) hear- heard-...
  9. (to) understand-...-understood
  10. (to) mean-meant-...
  11. (to) take- took-...
  12. (to) win-won-...
  13. (to) see-saw-...

25 Clues: (to)let-let-...(to) keep-kept-(to) win-won-...(to) see-saw-...(to) make-made-...(to) hurt-...-hurt(to) eat-...-eaten(to) light-lit-...(to) read-read-...(to) come-came-...(to) cost-cost-...(to) draw- drew-...(to) mean-meant-...(to) take- took-...(to) fall-...-fallen(to) fall- fell- ...(to) hear- heard-...(to) sleep-slept-...(to) catch-caught-......

Irregular verbs 2016-05-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. идти
  2. иметь
  3. расти
  4. строить
  5. давать
  6. быть
  7. становиться
  8. приносить
  9. ловить
  10. забывать
  11. рисовать
  12. чувствовать
  1. находить
  2. пить
  3. летать
  4. покупать
  5. выбирать
  6. водить
  7. прощать
  8. делать
  9. приходить
  10. начинать
  11. получать
  12. падать
  13. кушать

25 Clues: питьидтибытьиметьрастилетатьводитьделатьдаватьпадатьловитькушатьпрощатьстроитьнаходитьпокупатьвыбиратьначинатьполучатьзабыватьрисоватьприходитьприноситьстановитьсячувствовать

Irregular verbs 2016-05-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. иметь
  2. забывать
  3. летать
  4. становиться
  5. ловить
  6. чувствовать
  7. расти
  8. начинать
  9. рисовать
  10. пить
  11. получать
  12. покупать
  13. кушать
  1. делать
  2. приходить
  3. водить
  4. выбирать
  5. приносить
  6. прощать
  7. быть
  8. падать
  9. идти
  10. давать
  11. находить
  12. строить

25 Clues: бытьидтипитьиметьрастиделатьводитьлетатьпадатьловитьдаватькушатьпрощатьстроитьвыбиратьзабыватьнаходитьначинатьрисоватьполучатьпокупатьприходитьприноситьстановитьсячувствовать

irregular verbs 2016-05-04

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. III powstać
  2. III przewidywac
  3. II kopać
  4. III skradac się
  5. III pomylić
  6. II szyc
  7. III kruszyć
  8. III leżeć
  9. III dręczyć, prześladować
  10. bezokolicznik krwawić
  1. bezokolicznik uciekać
  2. II płakać
  3. III kroczyc
  4. II zakazywać
  5. III strzyc
  6. bezokolicznik drzec
  7. II zrezygnować
  8. bezokolicznik mieszkać
  9. II kłamać
  10. II pochylić się

20 Clues: II szycII kopaćII płakaćIII leżećII kłamaćIII strzycIII powstaćIII kroczycIII pomylićIII kruszyćII zakazywaćII zrezygnowaćIII przewidywacIII skradac sięII pochylić siębezokolicznik drzecbezokolicznik uciekaćbezokolicznik krwawićbezokolicznik mieszkaćIII dręczyć, prześladować


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Past and participle of the verb HACER, FABRICAR
  2. PArticiple of the verb IR
  3. Past and participle of the verb IRSE or ABANDONAR
  4. Past of the verb CORRER
  5. Past and participle of the ver COGER, ATRAPAR
  6. Participle of the verb SER or ESTAR
  7. Past and participle of the verb PODER
  8. Past and participle of the verb COMPRENDER
  9. Past and participle of the verb CONSTRUIR
  10. Past of the verb IR
  1. Past of the verb CONVERTIRSE, LLEGAR A SER
  2. Participle of the verb SABER, CONOCER
  3. Participle of the verb HACER
  4. Participle of ESCRIBIR
  5. LEARNT is the past and participle of the Spanins verb...
  6. Won is the past and participle of the verb...
  7. Past and Participle of the verb ENCONTRAR
  8. Present and participle of the verb CORRER
  9. Present, past and participle of the verb LEER
  10. Past and Participle of the verb PERDER
  11. Past and Participle of the verb COMPRAR
  12. Past of the verb Hablar
  13. Past of the 3rd person singular of the verb SER or ESTAR

23 Clues: Past of the verb IRParticiple of ESCRIBIRPast of the verb CORRERPast of the verb HablarPArticiple of the verb IRParticiple of the verb HACERParticiple of the verb SER or ESTARParticiple of the verb SABER, CONOCERPast and participle of the verb PODERPast and Participle of the verb PERDERPast and Participle of the verb COMPRAR...

Irregular Verbs 2017-11-19

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I _____ to Costa Rica last June
  2. My brother ______ the Christmas tree in his house
  3. He watched the snow as it ______ on the trees
  4. Paola _____ working in a bank
  5. She ______ her luggage in the airport
  6. Daniel _______ his bycicle in the rain yesterday
  7. I can´t ______ between blue or pink
  8. My sister loves _______ Chocolatina Jet
  9. I _____ Danna in the 1st semester
  10. Michell _______ a scarf yesterday
  11. We ______ the rainbow at 4 o'clock
  12. He _______ late because of the heavy traffic
  13. She _______ a ring on the street
  14. I can´t ______ last night
  15. Viviana ______ in the Karaoke the last Saturday
  16. My grandmother _______ a cook book
  1. My mom ______ cold because today's a rainy day
  2. The students _______ to a book fair on Monday morning
  3. My niece _______ my grandmother´s glass vase
  4. My mom doesn't _____ me sleep in the evenings
  5. I _______ do the crossword
  6. The sun ______ brightly on Sunday morning
  7. I ________ with unicorns yesterday
  8. Cristian _____ the grass every Sunday
  9. Yesterday I ______ the thunder
  10. I ______ a text message to my brother in the morning
  11. Sophia ______ the Salsa competition last week
  12. Gabriel García Marquez ______ a book in 1967
  13. The bus _______ in one hour
  14. Carmen ______ orange juice in the morning

30 Clues: I can´t ______ last nightI _______ do the crosswordThe bus _______ in one hourPaola _____ working in a bankYesterday I ______ the thunderI _____ to Costa Rica last JuneShe _______ a ring on the streetI _____ Danna in the 1st semesterMichell _______ a scarf yesterdayI ________ with unicorns yesterdayWe ______ the rainbow at 4 o'clock...

irregular verbs 2017-12-11

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. begin
  2. fall
  3. held
  4. speak
  5. think
  6. grow
  7. thrown
  8. drink
  9. understand
  10. write
  11. have
  12. give
  13. ring
  14. spell
  15. eat
  1. win
  2. become
  3. went
  4. lose
  5. forget
  6. leave
  7. find
  8. ride
  9. catch
  10. knew
  11. wear
  12. flown
  13. sit
  14. swam

29 Clues: winsiteatwentlosefallheldfindgrowrideknewwearhavegiveringswambeginleavespeakthinkcatchdrinkwriteflownspellbecomeforgetthrownunderstand

Irregular verbs 2018-02-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Cut
  2. Sleep
  3. Buy
  4. Find
  5. Ride
  6. Sing
  7. Eat
  8. Set
  9. Get
  1. Build
  2. Know
  3. Sweep
  4. Begin
  5. Fall
  6. Drink
  7. Run
  8. Give
  9. Meet
  10. Shoot
  11. Tell

20 Clues: CutBuyRunEatSetGetKnowFindFallRideSingGiveMeetTellBuildSleepSweepBeginDrinkShoot

Irregular verbs 2018-02-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. eat
  2. read
  3. take
  4. forget
  5. speak
  6. become
  7. met
  8. think
  9. fall
  10. shoot
  11. win
  1. pay
  2. feel
  3. wrote
  4. shake
  5. break
  6. dream
  7. fly
  8. sleep
  9. hold
  10. hit
  11. leave
  12. see

23 Clues: payeatflymethitseewinfeelreadtakeholdfallwroteshakebreakdreamspeaksleepthinkleaveshootforgetbecome

Irregular verbs 2018-02-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. eat
  2. read
  3. take
  4. forget
  5. speak
  6. become
  7. met
  8. think
  9. fall
  10. shoot
  11. win
  1. pay
  2. feel
  3. wrote
  4. shake
  5. break
  6. dream
  7. fly
  8. sleep
  9. hold
  10. hit
  11. leave
  12. see

23 Clues: payeatflymethitseewinfeelreadtakeholdfallwroteshakebreakdreamspeaksleepthinkleaveshootforgetbecome

irregular verbs 2018-03-16

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. came
  2. cut
  3. brought
  4. built
  5. fell
  6. drank
  7. bought
  8. became
  9. ate
  10. forgot
  11. did
  12. caught
  1. felt
  2. cost
  3. could
  4. broke
  5. found
  6. went
  7. was/were
  8. drove
  9. flew
  10. began
  11. bit
  12. chose
  13. got
  14. fought
  15. grew
  16. drew

28 Clues: cutbitgotatedidfeltcamecostwentfellflewgrewdrewcouldbrokefoundbuiltdrovedrankbeganchoseboughtbecameforgotfoughtcaughtbroughtwas/were

Irregular verbs 2018-10-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. participle of hit
  2. participle of is,are
  3. participle of dream
  4. participle of drive
  5. participle of get
  6. participle of catch
  7. participle of draw
  8. participle of grow
  9. participle of become
  10. participle of leave
  11. participle of give
  12. paticiple of cost
  1. participle of lend
  2. participle of hold
  3. paticiple of beat
  4. participle of fall
  5. participle of bring
  6. participle of fight
  7. participle of choose
  8. participle of hide
  9. participle of hang
  10. participle of fly
  11. participle of build
  12. participle of cut

24 Clues: participle of hitpaticiple of beatparticiple of getparticiple of flypaticiple of costparticiple of cutparticiple of lendparticiple of holdparticiple of fallparticiple of hideparticiple of hangparticiple of drawparticiple of growparticiple of giveparticiple of dreamparticiple of bringparticiple of driveparticiple of fightparticiple of catch...

Irregular verbs 2018-09-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. feed
  2. fly
  3. can
  4. be
  5. drink
  6. cost
  7. bring
  8. choose
  9. give
  10. build
  11. catch
  12. eat
  13. break
  14. come
  1. draw
  2. feel
  3. find
  4. dream
  5. go
  6. forgive
  7. forget
  8. buy
  9. become
  10. cut
  11. begin
  12. do
  13. blow
  14. drive
  15. beat

29 Clues: begodoflycanbuycuteatfeeddrawfeelfindcostgiveblowbeatcomedreamdrinkbringbeginbuildcatchdrivebreakforgetbecomechooseforgive

Irregular verbs 2018-05-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. won
  2. grew
  3. laid
  4. burst
  5. shone
  6. freeze
  7. split
  8. forbade
  9. woken
  10. flown
  11. dug
  1. rang
  2. swear
  3. risen
  4. strike
  5. swept
  6. swum
  7. thrown
  8. drew
  9. led

20 Clues: wonleddugranggrewlaidswumdrewswearrisenburstshonesweptsplitwokenflownstrikefreezethrownforbade

Irregular Verbs 2018-08-28

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see (2 форма)
  2. keep
  3. fall (2 форма)
  4. say
  5. speak
  6. break (3 форма)
  7. stand
  8. give (2 форма)
  9. think
  10. sing ( 2 форма)
  11. begin
  12. lose
  13. catch
  14. put
  15. wake (3 форма)
  1. write (2 форма)
  2. do (2 форма)
  3. take (2 форма)
  4. find
  5. leave
  6. spend
  7. sleep
  8. eat (3 форма)
  9. bring
  10. sell
  11. get
  12. swim (3 форма)
  13. come (2 форма)
  14. hear
  15. hold

30 Clues: saygetputkeepfindselllosehearholdleavespendspeaksleepbringstandthinkbegincatchdo (2 форма)see (2 форма)eat (3 форма)take (2 форма)fall (2 форма)give (2 форма)swim (3 форма)come (2 форма)wake (3 форма)write (2 форма)break (3 форма)sing ( 2 форма)

Irregular Verbs 2018-10-07

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past forms of verb to buy
  2. past simple of verb to bleed
  3. past participle of verb to fall
  4. past simple pf verb to begin
  5. past forms of verb to dig
  6. past forms of verb to forget
  7. past simple of verb to eat
  8. past forms of verb to fight
  9. past simple of verb to feel
  10. past participle of verb to drive
  11. past participle of verb to do
  12. past participle of verb to break
  13. past participle of verb to fly
  14. past participle of verb to draw
  15. past participle of verb to come
  16. past forms of verb to build
  1. past participle of verb to freeze
  2. past simple of verb to choose
  3. past forms of verb to catch
  4. past forms of verb to bend
  5. past simple of verb to do
  6. past participle of verb to forgive
  7. past forms of verb to beat
  8. past simple of verb to grow
  9. past participle of verb to be
  10. past forms of verb to feed
  11. past forms of verb to find
  12. past participle of verb to drink
  13. past simple of verb to blow
  14. past simple of verb to give
  15. past forms of verb to cut
  16. past simple of verb to bite

32 Clues: past forms of verb to buypast simple of verb to dopast forms of verb to digpast forms of verb to cutpast forms of verb to bendpast forms of verb to beatpast simple of verb to eatpast forms of verb to feedpast forms of verb to findpast forms of verb to catchpast simple of verb to growpast forms of verb to fightpast simple of verb to feel...

Irregular verbs 2022-03-27

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. drive
  2. take
  3. build
  4. come
  5. bite
  6. cost
  7. break
  8. bring
  9. leave
  10. fall
  11. draw
  12. can
  1. buy
  2. do
  3. lose
  4. catch
  5. begin
  6. cut
  7. burn
  8. become
  9. steal
  10. get
  11. feel
  12. forget
  13. drink

25 Clues: dobuycutgetcanlosetakecomebiteburncostfeelfalldrawdrivecatchbuildbeginstealbreakbringleavedrinkbecomeforget

irregular verbs 2022-03-03

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. dać
  2. być
  3. widzieć
  4. zepsuć
  5. spotkać/poznać
  6. pożyczyć
  7. sprzedać
  8. zachować
  9. prowadzić
  10. znaczyć
  11. jeść
  12. kupić
  1. wiedzieć
  2. płacić
  3. pływać
  4. mówić
  5. spać
  6. zgubić
  7. iść
  8. zrobić
  9. przynieść
  10. lecieć
  11. czuć

23 Clues: daćbyćiśćspaćczućjeśćmówićkupićpłacićpływaćzepsućzgubićzrobićleciećwidziećznaczyćwiedziećpożyczyćsprzedaćzachowaćprzynieśćprowadzićspotkać/poznać

İrregular verbs 2022-03-22

İrregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swam
  2. gave
  3. cut
  4. spoke
  5. went
  6. was/were
  7. left
  8. drank
  9. did
  10. made
  11. wrote
  12. broke
  1. slept
  2. ate
  3. had
  4. came
  5. read
  6. brought
  7. rode
  8. took
  9. read
  10. bought

22 Clues: atehadcutdidswamgavecamewentreadleftrodetookmadereadsleptspokedrankwrotebrokeboughtbroughtwas/were

Irregular verbs 2022-03-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. found/found/encontrar
  2. did/done/hacer
  3. held/held/sostener
  4. broke/broken/romper
  5. began/begun/empezar, comenzar
  6. grew/grown/crecer
  7. forgave/forgiven/perdonar
  8. drew/drawn/dibujar
  9. gave/given/dar
  10. drove/driven/conducir
  11. chose/chosen/elegir, escoger
  12. caught/ caught coger, atrapar, tomar
  13. was/were/been
  14. went/gone/ir
  15. forgot/forgotten/olvidarse
  16. flew/flown/volar
  17. cut/cut/cortar
  18. froze/frozen/congelar
  19. drank/drunk/beber
  20. hit/hit pegar, golpear
  21. got/got / gotten/recibir, conseguir
  1. fell/fallen/caer
  2. came/come/venir
  3. kept/kept/guardar, continuar
  4. hung/hung/colgar
  5. built/built/construir
  6. knew/known/conocer, saber
  7. brought/brought/llevar, traer
  8. hid/hidden/esconder
  9. had/had/tener
  10. became/become/convertirse en
  11. blew/blown/soplar
  12. bit/bitten/morder
  13. ate/eaten/comer
  14. cost/cost/costar
  15. hurt/hurt/hacer daño
  16. bought/bought/comprar
  17. fought/fought/pelear, luchar
  18. felt/felt/sentir
  19. could/been able/poder

40 Clues: went/gone/irhad/had/tenerwas/were/beendid/done/hacergave/given/darcut/cut/cortarcame/come/venirate/eaten/comerfell/fallen/caerhung/hung/colgarcost/cost/costarflew/flown/volarfelt/felt/sentirgrew/grown/crecerblew/blown/soplarbit/bitten/morderdrank/drunk/beberheld/held/sostenerdrew/drawn/dibujarbroke/broken/romperhid/hidden/esconder...

Irregular verbs 2021-12-01

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. went
  2. drew
  3. flew
  4. forgave
  5. gave
  6. drove
  7. fed
  8. dug
  9. found
  1. fell
  2. forgot
  3. ate
  4. froze
  5. dreamt
  6. did
  7. forbade
  8. felt
  9. got
  10. fought
  11. drunk

20 Clues: atedidgotfeddugfellwentdrewflewfeltgavefrozedrovedrunkfoundforgotdreamtfoughtforbadeforgave


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Speak
  2. Sell
  3. Hear
  4. Fly
  5. Come
  6. Blow
  7. Grow
  8. Wear
  9. Sing
  10. Eat
  11. Hold
  12. Get
  13. Steal
  14. Win
  15. Draw
  16. Find
  17. See
  18. Send
  19. Hide
  20. Take
  21. Forget
  22. Put
  23. Feel
  24. Lose
  25. Do
  26. Buy
  27. Spend
  28. Buy
  29. Give
  30. Have
  31. Sleep
  1. Tell
  2. Go
  3. Stand
  4. Meet
  5. Know
  6. Read
  7. Fall
  8. Bring
  9. Bring
  10. Choose
  11. Make
  12. Drive
  13. Run
  14. Drink
  15. Swim
  16. Teach
  17. Feed
  18. Bite
  19. Write
  20. Sit
  21. Think
  22. Leave
  23. Break
  24. Build
  25. Catch
  26. Say
  27. Throw
  28. Begin

59 Clues: GoDoFlyEatGetRunWinSeeSitPutBuySayBuyTellSellMeetKnowHearReadFallComeBlowGrowWearMakeSingHoldSwimDrawFindFeedBiteSendHideTakeFeelLoseGiveHaveSpeakStandBringBringDriveDrinkStealTeachWriteThinkLeaveBreakBuildCatchSpendThrowBeginSleepChooseForget

Irregular verbs 2021-12-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I ____ a gold ring in the sand (to find)
  2. I ____ my heavy suitcase in my arms (to hold)
  3. My father ____ I was lost while I was walking behind him (to think)
  4. A woman ____ a bag (to steal)
  5. The taxidriver ____ us to our destination (to drive)
  6. I ____ a. lot of pictures (to take)
  7. I ____ to go swimming while everyone was relaxing inside (to choose)
  8. The children ____ playing outside (to be)
  9. We ____ a lot of money on souvenirs (to spend)
  1. My mother ____ too many things on our trip (to bring)
  2. I ____ many books on the beach (to read)
  3. We ____ our plane just in time (to catch)
  4. My brother almost ____ his suitcase ate home (to forget)
  5. My sister almost ____ her finger when she tried to ski (to break)
  6. We ____ to see a lot of monuments (to go)
  7. We ____ through the clouds (to fly)
  8. We ____ a cake to eat in front of the fireplace (to make)
  9. I ____ in my diary everyday (to write)
  10. I ____ a letter to my grandmother (to send)
  11. I ____ in the sea and as a lot of fishes(to swim)

20 Clues: A woman ____ a bag (to steal)We ____ through the clouds (to fly)I ____ a. lot of pictures (to take)I ____ in my diary everyday (to write)I ____ many books on the beach (to read)I ____ a gold ring in the sand (to find)We ____ our plane just in time (to catch)We ____ to see a lot of monuments (to go)The children ____ playing outside (to be)...

Irregular Verbs 2021-12-09

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. покупал
  2. строил
  3. сломал
  4. приходил
  5. получил
  6. получать
  7. стал
  8. были
  9. резать
  10. начинать
  1. поймал
  2. ловить
  3. приходить
  4. быть
  5. начал
  6. ломать
  7. стать
  8. резал
  9. был
  10. делал
  11. покупать

21 Clues: былбытьсталбылиначалстатьрезалделалпоймалловитьстроилсломалломатьрезатьпокупалполучилприходилполучатьначинатьпокупатьприходить

Irregular Verbs 2021-12-15

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. simple past (to) swim
  2. simple past (to ) tell
  3. simple past (to) take
  4. simple past (to) speak
  5. simple past (to) pay
  6. simple past (to) go
  7. simple past (to) run
  8. simple past (to) do
  9. simple past (to) sing
  10. simple past (to) throw
  11. simple past (to) make
  12. simple past (to) leave
  13. simple past (to) know
  14. simple past (to) grow
  15. simple past (to) catch
  16. simple past (to) understand
  17. simple past (to) hide
  18. simple past (to) drink
  1. simple past (to) forget
  2. simple past (to) see
  3. simple past (to) meet
  4. simple past (to) sleep
  5. simple past (to) say
  6. simple past (to) eat
  7. simple past (to) find
  8. simple past (to) become
  9. simple past (to) buy
  10. simple past (to) ride
  11. simple past (to) give
  12. simple past (to) come
  13. simple past (to) wake
  14. simple past (to) fight
  15. simple past (to) keep
  16. simple past (to) wear
  17. simple past (to) have
  18. simple past (to) sell
  19. simple past (to) drive
  20. simple past (to) win
  21. simple past (to) ring

39 Clues: simple past (to) gosimple past (to) dosimple past (to) seesimple past (to) saysimple past (to) eatsimple past (to) paysimple past (to) buysimple past (to) runsimple past (to) winsimple past (to) meetsimple past (to) swimsimple past (to) findsimple past (to) takesimple past (to) ridesimple past (to) singsimple past (to) givesimple past (to) come...

Irregular Verbs 2021-12-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past simple of BRING
  2. past participle of BROADCAST
  3. past participle of BECOME
  4. past simple of TEACH
  5. past simple of KNOW
  6. past simple of REWRITE
  7. past simple of SELL
  8. past participle of SPEAK
  9. past participle of HIDE
  1. past participle of DRINK
  2. past participle of WRITE
  3. past participle of SHOW
  4. past participle of FREEZE
  5. past participle of SMELL
  6. past simple of RING
  7. past participle of DIG
  8. past simple of EAT
  9. past participle of SWIM
  10. past simple of UNDERSTAND
  11. past simple of KEEP
  12. past simple of CREEP

21 Clues: past simple of EATpast simple of RINGpast simple of KNOWpast simple of KEEPpast simple of SELLpast simple of BRINGpast simple of TEACHpast simple of CREEPpast participle of DIGpast simple of REWRITEpast participle of SHOWpast participle of SWIMpast participle of HIDEpast participle of DRINKpast participle of WRITEpast participle of SMELL...

Irregular verbs 2021-11-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. lend
  2. spread
  3. freeze
  4. ride
  5. grow
  6. sink
  7. lay
  8. shake
  9. keep
  10. kneel
  11. pay
  1. hold
  2. forgive
  3. sell
  4. hang
  5. rise
  6. ring
  7. shrink
  8. lose
  9. smell
  10. hear
  11. lie

22 Clues: layliepayholdlendsellhangriderisegrowringsinklosekeephearshakesmellkneelspreadfreezeshrinkforgive

Irregular verbs 2022-01-14

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim (2. muoto)
  2. freeze (3. muoto)
  3. steal (3. muoto)
  4. come (3. muoto)
  5. mean (2./3. muoto)
  6. seek (2./3. muoto)
  7. speak (3. muoto)
  8. fight (2./3. muoto)
  9. buy (2./3. muoto)
  10. read (2./3. muoto)
  11. fall (3. muoto)
  12. hear (2./3. muoto)
  1. take (3. muoto)
  2. speak (2. muoto)
  3. rise (2. muoto)
  4. go (3. muoto)
  5. think (2./3. muoto)
  6. spend (2./3. muoto)
  7. find (2./3. muoto)
  8. begin (2. muoto)
  9. bring (2./3. muoto)
  10. flee (2./3. muoto)

22 Clues: go (3. muoto)take (3. muoto)swim (2. muoto)rise (2. muoto)come (3. muoto)fall (3. muoto)speak (2. muoto)steal (3. muoto)speak (3. muoto)begin (2. muoto)freeze (3. muoto)buy (2./3. muoto)mean (2./3. muoto)seek (2./3. muoto)find (2./3. muoto)read (2./3. muoto)flee (2./3. muoto)hear (2./3. muoto)think (2./3. muoto)spend (2./3. muoto)...

Irregular verbs 2022-02-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. am,is
  2. read
  3. think
  4. ride
  5. put
  6. hear
  7. say
  8. tell
  9. come
  10. run
  11. see
  12. meet
  13. eat
  14. have
  15. go
  1. wear
  2. buy
  3. drive
  4. get
  5. take
  6. give
  7. write
  8. pay
  9. send
  10. sit
  11. draw
  12. swim
  13. teach
  14. make
  15. do
  16. are

31 Clues: dogobuygetputpaysaysitrunseeeatarewearreadtakegiveridehearsendtelldrawcomeswimmeetmakehaveam,isdrivethinkwriteteach

irregular verbs 2022-01-25

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. find
  2. take
  3. win
  4. think
  5. become
  6. do
  7. catch
  8. go
  9. see
  1. run
  2. drink
  3. fall
  4. drive
  5. buy
  6. eat
  7. tell
  8. teach
  9. make
  10. come
  11. draw
  12. say

21 Clues: dogorunbuyeatwinseesayfindfalltaketellmakecomedrawdrinkdrivethinkteachcatchbecome

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-03

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past form of Quit
  2. Past form of Drive
  3. Past Particple of Sing
  4. Past form of Hide
  5. Past form of Swear
  6. Past Participle of Draw
  7. Past form of Knit
  8. Past Participle of Fly
  9. Past form of Rise
  10. Past form of Forgive
  1. Past Participle of Bite
  2. Past form of Fight
  3. Past Participle of Swim
  4. Past form of Draw
  5. Past form of Drink
  6. Past form of Strike
  7. Past form of Lay
  8. Past form of Fall
  9. Past Participle of Ring
  10. Past form of Freeze
  11. Past particple of Choose
  12. Past form of Bear

22 Clues: Past form of LayPast form of QuitPast form of HidePast form of DrawPast form of FallPast form of KnitPast form of RisePast form of BearPast form of FightPast form of DrivePast form of DrinkPast form of SwearPast form of StrikePast form of FreezePast form of ForgivePast Particple of SingPast Participle of FlyPast Participle of Bite...

Irregular Verbs 2022-04-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past tense of break
  2. past tense of go
  3. past tense of bring
  4. past tense of give
  5. past tense of spent
  6. past tense of eat
  7. past tense of leave
  8. past tense of lose
  9. past tense of have
  10. past tense of sing
  11. past tense of drink
  12. past tense of wake
  1. past tense of meet
  2. past tense of chose
  3. past tense of learn
  4. past tense of buy
  5. past tense of taught
  6. past tense of fall
  7. past tense of tell
  8. past tense of sleep
  9. past tense of find
  10. past tense of swim
  11. past tense of do
  12. past tense of see
  13. past tense of know

25 Clues: past tense of gopast tense of dopast tense of buypast tense of eatpast tense of seepast tense of meetpast tense of fallpast tense of tellpast tense of givepast tense of findpast tense of losepast tense of swimpast tense of havepast tense of singpast tense of knowpast tense of wakepast tense of chosepast tense of learnpast tense of break...

Irregular verbs 2022-05-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ir
  2. encontrar
  3. tener
  4. ver
  5. salir
  6. jugar
  7. empezar
  8. volver
  9. able to poder
  10. saber
  11. poner
  12. estar
  13. entender
  14. conocer
  1. venir
  2. dar
  3. hacer
  4. ser
  5. oir
  6. decir
  7. dormir
  8. pedir
  9. repetir (e-i)
  10. pensar
  11. traer

25 Clues: irdarseroirvervenirhacertenerdecirsalirjugarpedirsaberponerestartraerdormirvolverpensarempezarconocerentenderencontrarrepetir (e-i)able to poder

Irregular verbs 2022-02-09

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. built
  2. froze
  3. cut
  4. drink
  5. ran
  6. give
  7. hid
  8. bite
  9. leave
  10. made
  11. take
  1. became
  2. keep
  3. sing
  4. understand
  5. catch
  6. go
  7. swam
  8. fly
  9. break

20 Clues: gocutranhidflykeepsinggiveswambitemadetakebuiltfrozecatchdrinkbreakleavebecameunderstand

Irregular Verbs 2022-02-16

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. blow
  2. choose
  3. give
  4. know
  5. grew
  6. make
  7. bring
  8. leave
  9. break
  10. lend
  11. hold
  1. awake
  2. begin
  3. buy
  4. become
  5. lead
  6. keep
  7. find
  8. drink
  9. freeze
  10. lay

21 Clues: buylayblowgiveleadknowkeepfindgrewmakelendholdawakebegindrinkbringleavebreakbecomechoosefreeze

Irregular verbs 2022-02-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. say
  2. throw
  3. hear
  4. ride
  5. steal
  6. fight
  7. sing
  8. leave
  9. keep
  10. draw
  11. teach
  12. begin
  13. fly
  14. ring
  15. drink
  16. break
  17. catch
  18. swim
  1. know
  2. give
  3. choose
  4. sell
  5. saw
  6. bring
  7. sit
  8. speak
  9. lose
  10. find
  11. feel
  12. light
  13. wear
  14. forget
  15. hang
  16. fall
  17. pay
  18. have
  19. buy
  20. win
  21. grow

39 Clues: saysawsitpaybuyflywinknowgivesellhearridelosefindfeelwearsinghangfallkeepdrawhaveringgrowswimthrowbringstealspeakfightlightleaveteachbegindrinkbreakcatchchooseforget

Irregular verbs 2022-02-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to shake
  2. to pay
  3. to know
  4. to speak
  5. to send
  6. to deal
  7. to lose
  8. to lay
  9. to leave
  10. to be
  11. to read
  1. to chose
  2. to put
  3. to do
  4. to keep
  5. to fall
  6. to have
  7. to steal
  8. to eat
  9. to hear
  10. to lead
  11. to ring

22 Clues: to doto beto payto putto eatto layto knowto keepto fallto haveto sendto dealto hearto loseto leadto ringto readto choseto shaketo speakto stealto leave

Irregular verbs 2022-04-14

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. run
  2. speak
  3. win
  4. make
  5. drive
  6. go
  7. cut
  8. have
  9. lose
  10. bring
  11. choose
  12. eat
  13. give
  1. come
  2. find
  3. sell
  4. spend
  5. know
  6. buy
  7. meet
  8. build
  9. begin
  10. do
  11. wear
  12. send
  13. break

26 Clues: godorunwinbuycuteatcomefindsellknowmakemeethavewearlosesendgivespeakspenddrivebuildbeginbringbreakchoose

irregular verbs 2022-03-20

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. traduzco
  2. produce
  3. hace
  4. duermen
  5. estáis
  6. conducen
  7. piden
  8. quieres
  9. pido
  1. tengo
  2. traemos
  3. da
  4. veis
  5. dan
  6. pueden
  7. estás
  8. tienen
  9. viene
  10. pones

20 Clues: dadanveishacepidotengoestásvieneponespidenpuedenestáistienentraemosproduceduermenquierestraduzcoconducen

Irregular verbs 2022-05-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. could
  2. swam
  3. won
  4. sold
  5. spent
  6. sat
  7. bought
  8. slept
  9. understood
  10. met
  11. told
  12. up got up
  13. drank
  14. spoke
  15. kept
  16. gave
  17. thought
  18. did
  19. heard
  20. took
  21. up woke up
  1. came
  2. wrote
  3. rode
  4. found
  5. said
  6. left
  7. forgot
  8. stood
  9. lost
  10. built
  11. had
  12. broke
  13. saw
  14. ate
  15. put
  16. made
  17. left
  18. ran
  19. stole
  20. went
  21. drove

42 Clues: wonsathadsawateputmetrandidcameswamrodesoldsaidleftlostmadetoldleftkeptgavewenttookcouldwrotefoundspentstoodbuiltbrokesleptdrankspokestoledroveheardforgotboughtthoughtup got upunderstoodup woke up

Irregular verbs 2022-05-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. forget
  2. win
  3. say
  4. drive
  5. see
  6. buy
  7. can
  8. drink
  9. sleep
  10. go
  11. speak
  12. give
  13. hear
  14. write
  15. have
  16. sit
  17. put
  18. break
  19. take
  20. meet
  21. tell
  22. keep
  1. find
  2. ride
  3. steal
  4. do
  5. up wake up
  6. up get up
  7. think
  8. understand
  9. come
  10. leave
  11. stand
  12. sell
  13. leave
  14. swim
  15. run
  16. spend
  17. build
  18. lose
  19. make
  20. eat

42 Clues: dogowinsayseebuycanrunsitputeatfindridecomesellgiveswimhearhavelosetakemeetmaketellkeepstealdrivethinkleavedrinksleepstandspeakleavewritespendbreakbuildforgetup get upup wake upunderstand

Irregular verbs 2022-05-17

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. To say/tell
  2. to bring
  3. to know information
  4. to begin
  5. to hear
  6. to be temporary
  7. to close
  8. to want
  9. to know people
  10. To give
  1. To see
  2. To come
  3. To have
  4. to drive
  5. t0 leave
  6. to think
  7. to translate
  8. to fall
  9. to go
  10. to be permanent

20 Clues: to goTo seeTo comeTo haveto fallto hearto wantTo giveto driveto bringt0 leaveto thinkto beginto closeTo say/tellto translateto know peopleto be permanentto be temporaryto know information


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. BE(I,SHE,HE,IT)
  2. GIVE
  4. BUY
  5. DO
  6. LEAVE
  7. DRIVE
  8. FEEL
  9. GO
  10. GET
  2. EAT
  3. BITE
  5. HAVE
  6. LET
  7. DRINK
  8. LEARN
  9. FIND
  10. BEGIN
  11. GROW
  12. FORGET



IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Flying mammal
  2. past participle of ride
  3. simple past of see
  4. simple past of ride
  5. past participle of see
  6. past participle of sell
  7. simple past of put
  8. simple past of ring
  9. simple past of say
  10. simple past of quit
  11. past participle of ring
  1. Large marsupial
  2. simple past of read
  3. simple past of rise
  4. simple past of run
  5. Man's best friend
  6. past participle of say
  7. Has a trunk
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. simple past of sell
  10. past participle of rise
  11. past participle of run

22 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendsimple past of seesimple past of runsimple past of putsimple past of saysimple past of readsimple past of risesimple past of rideLikes to chase micesimple past of sellsimple past of ringsimple past of quitpast participle of seepast participle of saypast participle of runpast participle of ride...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. PAY
  2. SPEAK
  4. LEAVE
  5. THINK
  6. RIDE
  7. SING
  8. TAKE
  1. HAVE
  2. MAKE
  3. SEE
  4. KNOW
  5. COME
  6. GO
  7. BUILD
  8. FIND
  9. TELL
  10. HURT
  11. FORGET
  12. CATCH


Irregular Verbs 2023-10-22

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. send
  2. catch
  3. bring
  4. drive
  5. ride
  6. fly
  7. know
  8. think
  9. stand
  10. drink
  11. make
  12. go
  13. do
  1. lose
  2. come
  3. take
  4. hold
  5. choose
  6. break
  7. spend
  8. find
  9. forget
  10. write
  11. steal
  12. hear
  13. swim
  14. draw

27 Clues: godoflylosecomesendtakeholdfindrideknowhearswimdrawmakecatchbringbreakspenddrivewritestealthinkstanddrinkchooseforget

Irregular verbs 2023-10-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. robić II
  2. móc, potrafić I
  3. robić III
  4. wiedzieć I
  5. słyszeć I
  6. przynieść II
  7. złamać II
  8. widzieć II
  9. zapominać I
  10. płacić II
  11. czytać II
  12. mieć II
  13. powiedzieć II
  14. zrobić II
  15. trzymać I
  16. powiedzieć I
  17. widzieć I
  18. ciąć II
  1. zrobić II
  2. pić II
  3. wiedzieć II
  4. zapominać II
  5. trzymac II
  6. prowadzić II
  7. móc, potrafić II
  8. kupować II
  9. zaczynać II
  10. słyszeć II
  11. gryźć II
  12. sprzedać II
  13. robić I
  14. mieć I
  15. łapać I
  16. sprzedać I
  17. płacić I
  18. spać II

36 Clues: pić IImieć Irobić Imieć IIłapać Ispać IIciąć IIrobić IIgryźć IIpłacić Izrobić IIrobić IIIsłyszeć Izłamać IIpłacić IIczytać IIzrobić IItrzymać Iwidzieć Itrzymac IIwiedzieć Ikupować IIsłyszeć IIwidzieć IIsprzedać Iwiedzieć IIzaczynać IIsprzedać IIzapominać Izapominać IIprowadzić IIprzynieść IIpowiedzieć Ipowiedzieć IImóc, potrafić Imóc, potrafić II

Irregular Verbs 2023-11-17

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. The students ______ to Feira de Santana last Monday.
  2. My family and I ___________ a comedy movie last Sunday.
  3. It was so hot yesterday. Then I __________some water.
  4. The teacher __________the books on the table.
  5. I __________ a new book on Saturday.
  6. ________ Pedro and Matheus good student?
  7. I ________the school bell ring.
  8. It was raining when the students ___________Ceeptic.
  9. Her mother __________ to her little daughter every night at the bed time.
  10. At The Feira de Ciências, teacher Anderson __________ with a solution to Debuggy car.
  11. The meeting ________ at five in the afternoon.
  1. I didn't ______ the answer to the last question yesterday.
  2. We _____________ the game by a score of 4-2.
  3. _______ a lot of cars at the park of the school today.
  4. Who __________Tatu?
  5. Maria Rita _______for her lunch with twenty reais.
  6. Who _______ the last cookie from the cookie jar this morning?
  7. A ball _______through the window.
  8. This morning I _________ at seven-thirty.
  9. I was taking a bath when the telephone ____________.
  10. While crossing the street on my way to school, I __________ my English Teacher.

21 Clues: Who __________Tatu?I ________the school bell ring.A ball _______through the window.I __________ a new book on Saturday.________ Pedro and Matheus good student?This morning I _________ at seven-thirty.We _____________ the game by a score of 4-2.The teacher __________the books on the table.The meeting ________ at five in the afternoon....

Irregular verbs 2023-11-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. win
  2. keep
  3. become
  4. find
  5. take
  6. grow
  7. speak
  8. learn
  9. forget
  10. buy
  11. spend
  12. do
  13. meet
  14. think
  15. draw
  1. choose
  2. know
  3. bring
  4. teach
  5. feel
  6. write
  7. stand
  8. see
  9. give
  10. put
  11. shine
  12. mean
  13. run

28 Clues: dowinseebuyputrunkeepknowfindtakefeelgrowgivemeetmeandrawbringteachwritespeakstandlearnspendshinethinkchoosebecomeforget

irregular verbs 2024-02-20

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. blow
  2. drink
  3. bite
  4. build
  5. drive
  6. draw
  7. awake
  8. come
  9. eat
  10. bring
  11. choose
  12. be
  1. buy
  2. burn
  3. break
  4. become
  5. do
  6. dream
  7. cost
  8. catch
  9. cut
  10. begin

22 Clues: dobebuycuteatblowburnbitecostdrawcomedrinkbreakbuilddrivedreamcatchawakebringbeginbecomechoose

Irregular verbs 2023-12-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fizet
  2. send
  3. betűzni
  4. teach
  5. visel
  6. harcol
  7. felébred
  8. dream
  9. blow
  10. tartani
  1. ad
  2. ül
  3. beszélni
  4. ring
  5. rajzolni
  6. get
  7. fall
  8. hide
  9. learned
  10. hall

20 Clues: adülgetsendringfallhideblowhallfizetteachviseldreamharcolbetűznilearnedtartanibeszélnirajzolnifelébred


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. FLY
  3. FEEL
  4. SAID
  5. GIVE
  6. RUN
  7. GROW
  8. LOSE
  9. HEAR
  10. MAKE
  11. LEARN
  12. HIDE
  13. EAT
  14. SELL
  15. HUNT
  16. PAY
  1. GET
  2. KNOW
  3. FIGHT
  5. SING
  6. SEE
  7. RIDE
  8. LEAVE
  9. FALL
  10. READ
  11. GO
  12. MEET
  13. HAVE
  14. FIND
  15. SIT
  16. PUT


Irregular verbs 2023-12-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Find
  2. Come
  3. Think
  4. Give
  5. Do
  6. Take
  7. See
  8. Eat
  9. Say
  10. Tell
  1. Go
  2. Feel
  3. Write
  4. Have
  5. Get
  6. Know
  7. Read
  8. Sleep
  9. Be
  10. Make

20 Clues: GoDoBeGetSeeEatSayFindFeelComeHaveGiveTakeKnowReadMakeTellWriteThinkSleep

irregular verbs 2023-12-16

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. meet
  2. leave
  3. get
  4. give
  5. go
  6. lose
  7. fly
  8. hear
  9. hang
  10. put
  11. read
  1. make
  2. lend
  3. lie
  4. forget
  5. grow
  6. know
  7. find
  8. keep
  9. ride
  10. have
  11. pay

22 Clues: goliegetflyputpaymakelendmeetgrowgiveknowfindlosekeephearridehanghavereadleaveforget

Irregular verbs 2023-12-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. buy
  2. bring
  3. feel
  4. choose
  5. draw
  6. be
  7. drink
  1. find
  2. cut
  3. build
  4. get
  5. give
  6. break
  7. hold
  8. fly
  9. come
  10. know
  11. do
  12. go
  13. eat

20 Clues: dogobecutbuygetflyeatfindgiveholdfeelcomeknowdrawbuildbringbreakdrinkchoose

irregular verbs 2024-01-23

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. gondol 3.alak
  2. érez, 3.alak
  3. kezdődik 2.alak
  4. megért 2.alak
  5. kerül valamibe 2.alak
  6. hagy 3.alak
  7. lát 3.alak
  8. hord, visel 2.alak
  9. broke 2.alak
  10. elfog, elér 1.alak
  11. repül2. alak
  12. eszik 2.alak
  13. felébred 3.alak
  14. beszél 2.alak
  15. cseng 3.alak
  16. mond 3.alak
  17. nő 2.alak
  18. költ pénzt, tölt időt 2.alak
  19. készít 3.alak
  20. talál 2.alak
  21. áll 2.alak
  22. dob 2.alak
  23. ad 3.alak
  1. hoz 2. alak
  2. elfelejt 3.alak
  3. valamivé válik 3.alak
  4. megy 3.alak
  5. tanít 3.alak
  6. lop 3.alak
  7. elindul2.alak
  8. ír 3.alak
  9. énekel 3.alak
  10. választ 2.alak
  11. elveszít 1.alak
  12. esik 3.alak
  13. tud, ismer 3.alak
  14. hajt, vezet 3.alak
  15. úszik 3.alak
  16. tart 2. alak
  17. elad 2. alak
  18. ül 3.alak
  19. nyer 2. alak

42 Clues: ír 3.alaknő 2.alakül 3.alakad 3.alaklop 3.alaklát 3.alakáll 2.alakdob 2.alakhoz 2. alakmegy 3.alakhagy 3.alakesik 3.alakmond 3.alaktanít 3.alakérez, 3.alakbroke 2.alakrepül2. alakeszik 2.alakcseng 3.alakúszik 3.alaktart 2. alakelad 2. alaktalál 2.alaknyer 2. alakgondol 3.alakmegért 2.alakelindul2.alakénekel 3.alakbeszél 2.alakkészít 3.alak...

irregular verbs 2024-01-18

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. the past of freeze
  2. the past and past participle of stand
  3. the past participle of grow
  4. the past participle of become
  5. the past of be (singular)
  6. the past of throw
  7. the past and past participle of catch
  8. the past of swim
  9. the past of grow
  10. the past of take
  11. the past participle of freeze
  12. the past of go
  13. the past of be (plural)
  14. the past participle of take
  15. the past participle of fall
  16. the past participle of be
  17. the past and past participle of build
  18. the past and past participle of hear
  1. the past participle of write
  2. the past of choose
  3. the past of draw
  4. the past of bite
  5. the past of become
  6. the past participle of swim
  7. the past participle of draw
  8. the past of speak
  9. the past participle of fly
  10. the past participle of choose
  11. the past participle of go
  12. the past of write
  13. the past participle of speak
  14. the past of fall
  15. the past of fly
  16. the past participle of bite

34 Clues: the past of gothe past of flythe past of drawthe past of bitethe past of swimthe past of growthe past of takethe past of fallthe past of throwthe past of speakthe past of writethe past of freezethe past of choosethe past of becomethe past of be (plural)the past of be (singular)the past participle of gothe past participle of be...

Irregular verbs 2023-09-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. forget
  2. drink
  3. build
  4. come
  5. have
  6. feel
  7. can
  8. eat
  9. find
  10. break
  11. leave
  12. write
  13. become
  14. draw
  15. pay
  16. teach
  17. sing
  18. see
  19. send
  20. catch
  1. write
  2. sell
  3. go
  4. say
  5. give
  6. ride
  7. bring
  8. make
  9. fall
  10. take
  11. cost
  12. drive
  13. choose
  14. know
  15. sleep
  16. fly
  17. buy
  18. have
  19. begin
  20. run
  21. do
  22. shake
  23. fight
  24. sit

44 Clues: godosaycaneatflybuyrunpayseesitsellgiveridecomehavemakefeelfalltakecostknowfindhavedrawsingsendwritedrinkbuildbringdrivesleepbreakleavewritebeginteachshakefightcatchforgetchoosebecome

Irregular verbs 2024-04-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. pay
  2. ride
  3. sweep
  4. fly
  5. hear
  6. spend
  7. wake
  8. tear
  9. forget
  10. steal
  11. eat
  12. build
  13. freeze
  14. teach
  1. draw
  2. keep
  3. seek
  4. write
  5. upset
  6. sink
  7. drive
  8. lose
  9. shine
  10. shut
  11. think
  12. ring

26 Clues: payflyeatdrawkeeprideseeksinkhearlosewaketearshutringsweepwriteupsetdrivespendshinestealthinkbuildteachforgetfreeze

Irregular verbs 2024-03-17

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. находить
  2. искать
  3. ловить
  4. сидеть
  5. есть
  6. написать
  7. пить
  8. идти
  9. приходить
  10. встретить
  11. держать
  12. положить
  13. увидеть
  14. забыть
  15. приносить
  16. думать
  17. класть
  18. знать
  19. быть
  20. читать
  21. становиться
  1. понять
  2. иметь
  3. слышать
  4. водить
  5. делать
  6. вести
  7. спать
  8. получать
  9. терять
  10. делать
  11. кидать
  12. отправить
  13. мечтать
  14. стоять
  15. брать
  16. давать
  17. ломать
  18. чувствовать

39 Clues: естьпитьидтибытьиметьвестиспатьбратьзнатьпонятьискатьловитьсидетьводитьделатьтерятьделатькидатьстоятьзабытьдаватьдуматькластьломатьчитатьслышатьдержатьувидетьмечтатьнаходитьнаписатьполучатьположитьприходитьвстретитьотправитьприноситьчувствоватьстановиться

Irregular verbs 2024-03-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. blow
  2. come
  3. teach
  4. choose
  5. awake
  6. buy
  7. write
  8. find
  9. make
  10. build
  1. know
  2. become
  3. cut
  4. grow
  5. speak
  6. eat
  7. get
  8. run
  9. sell
  10. do
  11. meet

21 Clues: docuteatbuygetrunknowblowcomegrowsellfindmakemeetteachspeakawakewritebuildbecomechoose

Irregular verbs 2024-03-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. падать
  2. выбирать
  3. резать
  4. Ударить
  5. приходить
  6. держать
  7. изучать
  8. рисовать
  9. давать
  10. покидать(оставлять)
  11. пить
  12. приносить
  13. иметь
  14. есть(кушать)
  15. находить
  16. жечь (гореть)
  17. быть
  18. стоить
  1. строить
  2. ломать
  3. идти
  4. становиться
  5. получать
  6. мечтать(видеть сны)
  7. слышать
  8. расти
  9. летать
  10. ловить
  11. делать
  12. хранить
  13. покупать
  14. начинать
  15. водить авто
  16. знать
  17. забывать

35 Clues: идтипитьбытьрастииметьзнатьломатьпадатьрезатьлетатьловитьделатьдаватьстоитьстроитьУдаритьслышатьдержатьизучатьхранитьполучатьвыбиратьрисоватьпокупатьначинатьнаходитьзабыватьприходитьприноситьстановитьсяводить автоесть(кушать)жечь (гореть)мечтать(видеть сны)покидать(оставлять)


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. The past participle form of "bite"
  2. The past simple form of "grow"
  3. The past simple form of "read"
  4. The past simple form of "find"
  5. The past simple form of "become"
  6. The past simple form of "begin"
  7. The past participle form of "sleep"
  8. The past participle form of "wake"
  9. The past participle form of "tell"
  10. The past participle form of "forget"
  11. The past simple form of "understand"
  12. The past simple form of "make"
  13. The past participle form of "run"
  1. The past simple form of "hear"
  2. The past simple form of "write"
  3. The past simple form of "drive"
  4. The past participle form of "win"
  5. The past participle form of "see"
  6. The past participle form of "have"
  7. The past simple form of "leave"
  8. The past participle form of "break"
  9. The past participle form of "fly"
  10. The past simple form of "say"
  11. The past participle form of "put"
  12. The past participle form of "do"
  13. The past simple form of "choose"
  14. The past simple form of "feed"
  15. The past simple form of "take"
  16. The past participle form of "know"
  17. The past simple form of "swim"

30 Clues: The past simple form of "say"The past simple form of "hear"The past simple form of "grow"The past simple form of "read"The past simple form of "find"The past simple form of "feed"The past simple form of "take"The past simple form of "swim"The past simple form of "make"The past simple form of "write"The past simple form of "drive"...

Irregular Verbs 2024-09-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past tense and past participle of "have," when you owned or experienced something
  2. Past tense and past participle of "build," when you constructed something
  3. Past participle of "rise," when something has gone up
  4. Past participle of "swim," used when you moved in water
  5. Past tense and past participle of "spend," when you used time or money
  6. Past tense and past participle of "find," when you discovered something
  7. Past participle of "speak," when you have talked
  8. Past participle of "throw," when you launched something
  9. Past participle of "write," used when you have put words on paper
  10. Past participle of "go," used when someone or something has left
  11. Past participle of "give," when you handed something to someone
  12. Past tense of "forget," when you failed to remember
  13. Past participle of "do," used when you completed a task
  14. Past tense and past participle of "say," when you spoke words
  15. Past participle of "take," when you have picked up or received something
  16. Past tense and past participle of "leave," when you went away
  17. Both past participle and past tense of "run," used when you moved quickly on foot
  1. Past participle of "fall," when you dropped down
  2. Past tense and past participle of "buy," when you purchased something
  3. Past participle of "be," used when something existed or happened
  4. Past participle of "see," used when you have looked at something
  5. Past tense and past participle of "think," when you had an idea or opinion
  6. Past participle of "forgive," when you let go of anger towards someone
  7. Past tense and past participle of "meet," when you encountered someone
  8. Past participle of "wear," when you have put on clothes
  9. Past tense and past participle of "hear," when you listened to a sound
  10. Past tense and past participle of "lose," when you couldn't find something
  11. Past participle of "drive," when you have used a car
  12. Past tense and past participle of "make," when you created something
  13. Past participle of "eat," used when you have had food

30 Clues: Past participle of "fall," when you dropped downPast participle of "speak," when you have talkedPast tense of "forget," when you failed to rememberPast participle of "drive," when you have used a carPast participle of "rise," when something has gone upPast participle of "eat," used when you have had food...

Irregular verbs 2024-09-24

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Speak
  2. Fall
  3. Fly
  4. Have
  5. Come
  6. Hurt
  7. Forget
  8. Sit
  9. Spend
  10. Bring
  11. Make
  12. Catch
  13. Begin
  14. Lose
  15. Leave
  16. Cost
  17. Hide
  18. Teach
  19. Read
  20. Give
  21. Smell
  22. Break
  23. Write
  24. Take
  25. Throw
  26. Lie
  27. Ring
  28. Pay
  29. Sweep
  30. Send
  31. Set
  32. Sing
  33. Tear
  34. Tell
  35. Know
  36. Wear
  37. Say
  38. Understand
  39. Hit
  40. Keep
  41. Mean
  1. Hold
  2. Spell
  3. Freeze
  4. Feel
  5. Dig
  6. Cut
  7. Hear
  8. Fight
  9. Draw
  10. Stick
  11. Meet
  12. Sleep
  13. Build
  14. Run
  15. Do
  16. Become
  17. Think
  18. Swim
  19. Get
  20. Ride
  21. Go
  22. Bite
  23. See
  24. Learn
  25. Find
  26. Sell
  27. Burn
  28. Wake
  29. Eat
  30. Win
  31. Put
  32. Steal
  33. Sink
  34. Drive
  35. Stand
  36. Grow
  37. Buy
  38. Drink
  39. Be
  40. Feed
  41. Choose

82 Clues: DoGoBeFlyDigCutSitRunGetSeeLieEatPayWinPutSetBuySayHitHoldFallFeelHaveComeHurtHearDrawMakeMeetLoseCostSwimHideReadRideGiveBiteFindSellBurnWakeTakeRingSendSinkSingGrowTearTellKnowFeedWearKeepMeanSpeakSpellFightSpendStickBringSleepBuildCatchBeginThinkLeaveTeachSmellLearnBreakWriteThrowSweepStealDriveStandDrinkFreezeForgetBecomeChooseUnderstand


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. past participle of swim
  2. simple past of give
  3. past participle of write
  4. the simple past of sit
  5. simple past of drink
  6. past participle of shake
  7. past participle of do
  8. simple past of eat
  9. simple past of draw
  10. simple past of wear
  11. past participle of fly
  1. the simple past and past participle of buy
  2. simple past of begin
  3. past participle of go
  4. past participle of grow
  5. simple past of break
  6. past participle of take
  7. past participle of steal
  8. simple past of see
  9. simple past of write
  10. past participle of choose

21 Clues: simple past of seesimple past of eatsimple past of givesimple past of drawsimple past of wearsimple past of beginsimple past of breaksimple past of drinksimple past of writepast participle of gopast participle of dothe simple past of sitpast participle of flypast participle of swimpast participle of growpast participle of take...

Irregular Verbs 2024-05-02

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. be
  2. begin
  3. give
  4. see
  5. go
  6. meet
  7. light
  8. do
  9. hit
  10. find
  11. put
  12. keep
  1. ring
  2. grow
  3. know
  4. eat
  5. steal
  6. make
  7. sit
  8. think
  9. drink
  10. cut

22 Clues: begodoeatseesithitcutputringgrowknowgivemeetmakefindkeepbeginsteallightthinkdrink


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. śnić/marzyć
  2. opuszczać
  3. upaść
  4. dawać
  5. nosić
  6. łapać
  7. mówić
  8. wiedzieć
  9. mieć
  10. zapomnieć
  1. budzić się
  2. stać się
  3. myśleć
  4. latać
  5. pić
  6. nauczać
  7. kupować
  8. słyszeć
  9. pływać
  10. wybierać

20 Clues: pićmiećupaśćlataćdawaćnosićłapaćmówićmyślećpływaćnauczaćkupowaćsłyszećstać sięwiedziećwybieraćopuszczaćzapomniećbudzić sięśnić/marzyć

Irregular Verbs 2024-05-11

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. quemar
  2. criar
  3. romper
  4. soportar o tolerar
  5. apostar
  6. ser o estar
  7. doblar
  8. soplar
  9. surgir o levantarse
  10. golpear
  11. empezar
  1. encuadernar o atar
  2. morder
  3. despertar
  4. radiar
  5. sangrar
  6. convertirse, llegar a ser
  7. construir
  8. traer o llevar
  9. pujar

20 Clues: criarpujarquemarmorderromperradiardoblarsoplarapostarsangrargolpearempezardespertarconstruirser o estartraer o llevarencuadernar o atarsoportar o tolerarsurgir o levantarseconvertirse, llegar a ser

irregular Verbs 2024-05-13

irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. escribir
  2. prohibir
  3. hacer
  4. batir, golpear
  5. dar
  6. ver
  7. tomar
  8. cabalgar
  9. caer
  10. despertar
  11. seleccionar
  1. levantarse
  2. comer
  3. olvidar
  4. manejar
  5. ser
  6. robar
  7. romper
  8. hablar
  9. congelar
  10. agitar

21 Clues: serdarvercaercomerhacerrobartomarromperhablaragitarolvidarmanejarescribirprohibircongelarcabalgardespertarlevantarseseleccionarbatir, golpear