irregular verbs Crossword Puzzles

Irregular verbs 2024-01-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. (1:a tf av tända)
  2. (3:e tf av bära, ha på sig)
  3. (2:a tf av börja)
  4. (3:e tf av dricka)
  5. (3:e tf av lära ut, undervisa)
  6. (3:e tf av mena, betyda)
  7. (1:a tf av glömma)
  8. (3:e tf av göra)
  9. (1:a tf av gunga)
  10. (3:e tf av lägga, sätta)
  11. (2:a tf av tycka, tänka, tro)
  12. (2:a tf av spendera, tillbringa)
  1. (3:e tf av förlåta)
  2. (3:e tf av kasta)
  3. (2:a tf av äta)
  4. (3:e tf av fånga)
  5. (2:a tf av köra)
  6. (2:a tf av hålla)
  7. (1:a tf av välja)
  8. (1:a tf av träffa, möta)
  9. (3:e tf av köpa)
  10. (1:a tf av missförstå)

22 Clues: (2:a tf av äta)(2:a tf av köra)(3:e tf av köpa)(3:e tf av göra)(1:a tf av tända)(3:e tf av kasta)(3:e tf av fånga)(2:a tf av börja)(2:a tf av hålla)(1:a tf av välja)(1:a tf av gunga)(3:e tf av dricka)(1:a tf av glömma)(3:e tf av förlåta)(1:a tf av missförstå)(3:e tf av mena, betyda)(1:a tf av träffa, möta)(3:e tf av lägga, sätta)...

Irregular Verbs 2024-02-22

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. was
  2. woke
  3. ran
  4. drove
  5. chose
  6. knew
  7. heard
  8. spoke
  9. sat
  10. taught
  11. paid
  12. rode
  1. spoke
  2. took
  3. grew
  4. understood
  5. fought
  6. shook
  7. went
  8. swam
  9. broke
  10. wore
  11. slept

23 Clues: wasransattookgrewwokewentswamknewworepaidrodespokeshookdrovechosebrokeheardspokesleptfoughttaughtunderstood

irregular verbs 2024-03-03

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. prétérit et participe passé du verbe "faire, fabriquer"
  2. "faire" à l'infinitif
  3. participe passé du verbe "aller"
  4. "dépenser" à l'infinitif
  5. "attraper" à l'infinitif
  6. prétérit et participe passé du verbe "gagner"
  7. participe passé du verbe "être"
  8. participe passé du verbe "faire"
  9. "être" au prétérit pour you, we et they.
  10. prétérit et participe passé du verbe "obtenir"
  11. "gagner" à l'infinitif
  12. "avoir" à l'infinitif
  13. "être" à l'infinitif
  1. prétérit et participe passé du verbe "attraper"
  2. "aller" à l'infinitif
  3. "faire" au prétérit
  4. "devenir" à l'infinitif et son participe passé
  5. "faire, fabriquer" à l'infinitif
  6. prétérit et participe passé du verbe "dépenser"
  7. prétérit et participe passé du verbe "avoir"
  8. "devenir" au prétérit
  9. "aller" au prétérit
  10. "obtenir" à l'infinitif
  11. "être" au prétérit pour I, he, she et it.

24 Clues: "faire" au prétérit"aller" au prétérit"être" à l'infinitif"aller" à l'infinitif"faire" à l'infinitif"devenir" au prétérit"avoir" à l'infinitif"gagner" à l'infinitif"obtenir" à l'infinitif"dépenser" à l'infinitif"attraper" à l'infinitifparticipe passé du verbe "être"participe passé du verbe "aller""faire, fabriquer" à l'infinitif...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. the past tense of the verb cut
  2. the past tense of the verb put
  3. the past tense of the verb buy
  4. the past tense of the verb send
  5. the past tense of the verb can
  6. the past tense of the verb feel
  7. the past tense of the verb read
  8. the past tense of the verb see
  9. the past tense of the verb cost
  10. the past tense of the verb speak
  11. the past tense of the verb fall
  12. the past tense of the verb bite
  13. the past tense of the verb make
  1. the past tense of the verb catch
  2. the past tense of the verb begin
  3. the past tense of the verb bring
  4. the past tense of the verb sell
  5. the past tense of the verb cme
  6. the past tense of the verb fly
  7. the past tense of the verb drive
  8. the past tense of the verb eat
  9. the past tense of the verb be
  10. the past tense of the verb ride
  11. the past tense of the verb lose
  12. the past tense of the verb break

25 Clues: the past tense of the verb bethe past tense of the verb cutthe past tense of the verb putthe past tense of the verb buythe past tense of the verb canthe past tense of the verb cmethe past tense of the verb flythe past tense of the verb eatthe past tense of the verb seethe past tense of the verb sendthe past tense of the verb sell...

Irregular Verbs 2024-02-28

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. get
  2. say
  3. come
  4. know
  5. drink
  6. send
  7. have
  8. think
  9. sleep
  10. take
  11. see
  1. forget
  2. give
  3. speak
  4. catch
  5. write
  6. tell
  7. drive
  8. go
  9. sit

20 Clues: gogetsaysitseegivecomeknowsendtellhavetakespeakcatchwritedrinkdrivethinksleepforget


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. swim
  2. see
  3. bring
  4. know
  5. speak
  6. fight
  7. pay
  8. make
  9. do
  10. have
  11. leave
  12. sleep
  13. go
  14. read
  1. sing
  2. be
  3. find
  4. keep
  5. begin
  6. think
  7. catch
  8. hide
  9. draw
  10. eat
  11. say

25 Clues: bedogoseepayeatsayswimsingfindkeepknowhidemakedrawhavereadbringbeginthinkspeakcatchfightleavesleep

Irregular verbs 2024-03-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. felt
  2. brought
  3. met
  4. knew
  5. spent
  6. ran
  7. got
  8. wore
  9. slept
  10. bought
  1. fell
  2. forgot
  3. went
  4. thought
  5. lost
  6. sang
  7. read
  8. told
  9. came
  10. said
  11. put

21 Clues: metrangotputfellfeltwentlostknewsangreadtoldcameworesaidspentsleptforgotboughtbroughtthought

Irregular verbs 2024-03-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. find
  2. take
  3. wear
  4. speak
  5. buy
  6. think
  7. come
  8. say
  9. have
  10. learn
  11. fly
  1. bring
  2. write
  3. know
  4. choose
  5. go
  6. forget
  7. stand
  8. teach
  9. pay
  10. sit
  11. give

22 Clues: gobuypaysaysitflyknowfindtakewearcomegivehavebringwritespeakstandthinkteachlearnchooseforget

Irregular verbs 2024-03-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past participle of write
  2. past participle of fall
  3. past participle of ride
  4. past simple of feel
  5. past simple of shake
  6. past simple of tear
  7. past simple of become
  8. past simple of spill
  9. past simple of cut
  10. past participle of drink
  11. past simple of buy
  1. past simple of read
  2. past participle of ring
  3. past participle of tear
  4. past simple of weep
  5. past simple of rise
  6. past simple of wear
  7. past simple of fall
  8. past simple of see
  9. past simple of strike
  10. past participle of burn
  11. past simple of swing

22 Clues: past simple of seepast simple of cutpast simple of buypast simple of readpast simple of weeppast simple of risepast simple of wearpast simple of feelpast simple of fallpast simple of tearpast simple of shakepast simple of spillpast simple of swingpast simple of strikepast simple of becomepast participle of ringpast participle of tear...

Irregular verbs 2024-04-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. різати
  2. йти
  3. ранити, боліти
  4. писати
  5. робити
  6. бути
  7. сказати, говорити
  8. їздити верхи
  9. робити, примушувати, виготовляти
  10. бачити
  11. класти, ставити
  1. дозволяти
  2. коштувати
  3. світити, сяяти
  4. читати
  5. чути
  6. підніматися
  7. водити (авто), їздити
  8. мати
  9. зачиняти

20 Clues: йтичутибутиматирізатичитатиписатиробитибачитизачинятидозволятикоштуватипідніматисяїздити верхисвітити, сяятиранити, болітикласти, ставитисказати, говоритиводити (авто), їздитиробити, примушувати, виготовляти

Irregular Verbs 2024-04-05

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bought
  2. read
  3. drank
  4. fought
  5. said
  6. flew
  7. wrote
  8. sang
  9. felt
  10. understood
  11. stood
  12. taught
  13. woke
  14. caught
  15. spoke
  16. saw
  17. was, were
  18. had
  19. found
  20. meant
  21. became
  22. ate
  23. left
  24. learnt
  1. ran
  2. chose
  3. began
  4. hid
  5. put
  6. shone
  7. knew
  8. forgot
  9. met
  10. sent
  11. gave
  12. set
  13. built
  14. told
  15. got
  16. thought
  17. shook
  18. drew
  19. grew
  20. went
  21. stole
  22. swam
  23. did
  24. kept
  25. burnt
  26. made
  27. led
  28. won
  29. took
  30. spent

54 Clues: ranhidputmetsetgotsawhaddidledwonatereadknewsaidsentgaveflewtoldsangfeltdrewgrewwokewentswamkeptmadelefttookchosebeganshonedrankbuiltwroteshookstoodspokestoleburntfoundmeantspentboughtfoughtforgottaughtcaughtbecamelearntthoughtwas, wereunderstood

Irregular verbs 2024-04-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. be
  2. lose
  3. see
  4. get
  5. hear
  6. come
  7. go
  8. drink
  9. do
  10. fall
  1. break
  2. sit
  3. write
  4. give
  5. have
  6. read
  7. stand
  8. can
  9. make
  10. win
  11. eat

21 Clues: begodositseegetcanwineatgivelosehearhavereadcomemakefallbreakwritestanddrink


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. GROW
  2. FIND
  3. KNOW
  4. READ
  5. BRING
  6. EAT
  7. DRIVE
  8. WRITE
  9. THINK
  1. COME
  2. BEGIN
  3. SPEAK
  4. BE
  5. DO
  6. GO
  7. SEE
  8. RIDE
  9. MAKE
  10. HAVE
  11. BREAK
  12. GET
  13. TAKE


Irregular verbs 2024-05-27

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. tasakaalustatud toitumine
  2. vaatama (kellegi järele)
  3. haagissuvila
  4. maks
  5. kalju
  6. päikesesüsteem
  7. edel
  8. väin
  9. mäeahelik
  10. soolestik
  11. poolsaar
  12. asteroid
  13. põrn
  1. aset leidma
  2. parandas (parandama minevikuvorm)
  3. tõstuk
  4. maastik
  5. org
  6. koristas (koristama minevikuvorm)
  7. kiirrong
  8. ookean
  9. meri
  10. korda mööda midagi tegema
  11. ristmik, risttee
  12. aitama (kedagi)
  13. komeet
  14. mootorratas
  15. kirre

28 Clues: orgmaksmeriedelväinpõrnkaljukirretõstukookeankomeetmaastikkiirrongpoolsaarasteroidmäeaheliksoolestikaset leidmamootorratashaagissuvilapäikesesüsteemaitama (kedagi)ristmik, ristteevaatama (kellegi järele)tasakaalustatud toituminekorda mööda midagi tegemaparandas (parandama minevikuvorm)koristas (koristama minevikuvorm)

Irregular Verbs 2024-06-14

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. win
  2. ride
  3. pay
  4. leave
  5. make
  6. speak
  7. drive
  8. teach
  9. find
  10. sing
  11. begin
  12. know
  13. go
  14. put
  1. buy
  2. write
  3. swim
  4. sleep
  5. eat
  6. do
  7. think
  8. fall
  9. sell
  10. meet
  11. drink
  12. cut
  13. fly
  14. see
  15. build
  16. get

30 Clues: dogobuywinpayeatcutflyseegetputswimridefallsellmeetmakefindsingknowwritesleepthinkleavedrinkspeakdriveteachbeginbuild

Irregular Verbs 2024-07-19

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past of are
  2. Past of Bite
  3. Past of Catch
  4. Hacer en Ingles para (She, He, It)
  5. Hacer en Ingles para (I, You, They, We)
  6. Morder en Ingles
  7. Iniciar en Ingles
  8. Past of Eat
  9. Past of Drink
  10. Past of Choose
  11. Past of Fall
  12. Past of Become
  1. Atrapar en Ingles
  2. Past of am and is
  3. Past of Begin
  4. Tomar en Ingles
  5. Past of Do, Does
  6. Comer en Ingles
  7. Convertirse en Ingles
  8. Caer en Ingles
  9. Escoger en Ingles

21 Clues: Past of arePast of EatPast of BitePast of FallPast of BeginPast of CatchPast of DrinkCaer en InglesPast of ChoosePast of BecomeTomar en InglesComer en InglesPast of Do, DoesMorder en InglesAtrapar en InglesPast of am and isIniciar en InglesEscoger en InglesConvertirse en InglesHacer en Ingles para (She, He, It)...

Irregular Verbs 2024-06-20

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. находить v3
  2. управлять v3
  3. отправить v2
  4. видеть v2
  5. читать v2
  6. начинать v1
  7. изготавливать v2
  8. говорить v3
  9. покидать v1
  10. делать v3
  11. рисовать v3
  12. летать v2
  13. забывать v3
  14. спать v3
  15. пришел v2
  16. петь v1
  17. стоять v2
  18. иметь v2
  19. резать v1
  20. думать v2
  21. драться v2
  22. писать v3
  1. расти v3
  2. побеждать v2
  3. платить v1
  4. терять v2
  5. водить v3
  6. встретить v3
  7. брать v3
  8. кушать v2
  9. пить v2
  10. быть v2
  11. плавать v2
  12. говорить v2
  13. понимать v2
  14. чувствовать v1
  15. позволять v1
  16. носить v1
  17. падать v1
  18. ходить v2
  19. бежать v2
  20. покупать v3
  21. поймать v3
  22. хранить v2
  23. украсть v3
  24. класть v3
  25. стоить v1
  26. слышать v3
  27. учить v2

49 Clues: пить v2быть v2петь v1расти v3брать v3спать v3иметь v2учить v2терять v2водить v3видеть v2кушать v2читать v2делать v3носить v1летать v2падать v1ходить v2бежать v2пришел v2стоять v2класть v3резать v1стоить v1думать v2писать v3платить v1плавать v2поймать v3хранить v2украсть v3слышать v3драться v2находить v3начинать v1говорить v3говорить v2понимать v2...

Irregular verbs 2024-06-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. faire, 'tu' form, conditional tense
  2. vouloir, 'ils' form, conditional tense
  3. aller, 'tu' form, future tense
  4. devoir, 'nous' form, present tense
  5. connaitre, 'je' form, future tense
  6. savoir, 'je' form, conditional tense
  7. boire, 'je' form, conditional tense
  8. faire, 'je' form, imperfect tense
  9. dire, 'tu' form, imperfect tense
  10. pouvoir, 'je' form, present tense
  11. voir, 'vous' form, future tense
  12. dire, 'ils' form, present tense
  13. dire, 'je' form, present tense
  14. savoir, 'il' form, present tense
  15. pouvoir, 'nous' form, future tense
  16. devoir, je' form, future tense
  17. vouloir, 'je' form, present tense
  1. faire, 'je' form, future tense
  2. connaitre, 'nous' form, conditional tense
  3. prendre, 'je' form, future tense
  4. savoir, 'nous' form, imperfect tense
  5. faire, 'il' form, future tense
  6. aller, 'je' form, present tense
  7. boire, 'je' form, present tense
  8. voir, 'il' form, imperfect tense
  9. aller, 'nous' form, present tense
  10. vouloir, 'il' form, imperfect tense
  11. être, 'je' form, imperfect tense
  12. dire, 'ils' form, future tense
  13. connaitre, 'ils' form, present tense
  14. aller, 'tu' form, imperfect tense
  15. savoir, 'tu' form, future tense
  16. prendre, 'il' form, future tense
  17. dire, 'tu' form, conditional tense
  18. être, 'vous' form, future tense
  19. boire, 'je' form, imperfect tense
  20. vouloir, 'il' form, future tense

37 Clues: faire, 'je' form, future tensefaire, 'il' form, future tensealler, 'tu' form, future tensedire, 'ils' form, future tensedire, 'je' form, present tensedevoir, je' form, future tensealler, 'je' form, present tenseboire, 'je' form, present tensesavoir, 'tu' form, future tensevoir, 'vous' form, future tensedire, 'ils' form, present tense...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. fall
  2. shoot
  3. set
  4. hit
  5. let
  6. hide
  7. freeze
  8. burn
  9. forgive
  10. blow
  11. catch
  12. send
  1. lend
  2. lead
  3. steal
  4. sell
  5. cost
  6. hang
  7. awake
  8. begin
  9. ring
  10. bite
  11. throw
  12. cut

24 Clues: sethitletcutlendfallleadsellcosthidehangburnringblowbitesendshootstealawakebegincatchthrowfreezeforgive

Irregular Verbs 2024-09-03

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. set
  2. fight
  3. cost
  4. read
  5. hear
  6. get
  7. feel
  8. shut
  9. feed
  1. built
  2. bought
  3. cut
  4. leave
  5. keep
  6. sell
  7. say
  8. brought
  9. hang
  10. put
  11. find
  12. lose

21 Clues: cutsetsayputgetkeepsellcostreadhearhangfeelfindloseshutfeedbuiltleavefightboughtbrought

Irregular Verbs 2024-05-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past of drink
  2. past of seek
  3. past of dig
  4. past of drive
  5. past of say
  6. past of wake
  7. past of sleep
  8. past of lose
  9. past of bring
  10. past of fight
  11. past of keep
  12. past of leave
  13. past of hide
  14. past of win
  15. past of bite
  1. past of sing
  2. past of catch
  3. past of tell
  4. past of ride
  5. past of sell
  6. past of speak
  7. past of choose
  8. past of feel
  9. past of think
  10. past of buy
  11. past of break
  12. past of teach
  13. past of pay
  14. past of begin
  15. past of write

30 Clues: past of digpast of saypast of buypast of paypast of winpast of singpast of seekpast of tellpast of ridepast of sellpast of wakepast of feelpast of losepast of keeppast of hidepast of bitepast of drinkpast of catchpast of drivepast of speakpast of sleeppast of thinkpast of bringpast of breakpast of teachpast of fightpast of beginpast of leave...

Irregular verbs 2022-04-27

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. send
  2. leave
  3. shake
  4. drive
  5. fly
  6. lose
  7. fall
  8. mean
  9. take
  10. grow
  1. spend
  2. buy
  3. think
  4. wake
  5. lend
  6. catch
  7. feel
  8. lie
  9. break
  10. ride
  11. show
  12. keep

22 Clues: buyflyliesendwakelendfeelrideloseshowkeepfallmeantakegrowspendleavethinkshakedrivecatchbreak

Irregular verbs 2024-05-17

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. build
  2. sing
  3. make
  4. run
  5. wake
  6. eat
  7. grow
  8. speak
  9. have
  10. meet
  11. read
  12. be
  13. leave
  14. know
  1. fly
  2. bought
  3. swim
  4. go
  5. drive
  6. do
  7. ride
  8. bring
  9. ring
  10. get
  11. sleep
  12. drink
  13. fall
  14. see

28 Clues: godobeflyrungeteatseesingswimmakerideringwakegrowhavefallmeetreadknowbuilddrivebringspeaksleepdrinkleavebought


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  3. ABRIR
  5. PEGAR
  6. HACER
  8. TRAER
  10. VER
  12. GIRAR
  2. PAGAR
  12. LLEVAR
  15. LEER


Irregular verbs 2024-09-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. buy
  2. catch
  3. be
  4. come
  5. find
  6. bring
  7. drive
  8. draw
  9. give
  1. build
  2. forget
  3. get
  4. become
  5. eat
  6. feel
  7. choose
  8. cut
  9. do
  10. break
  11. drink

20 Clues: bedobuygeteatcutfeelcomefinddrawgivebuildcatchbringbreakdrivedrinkforgetbecomechoose

Irregular verbs 2021-06-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. seen
  2. taken
  3. say
  4. eaten
  5. begun
  6. lose
  7. think
  8. catch
  9. drive
  10. come
  11. read
  12. draw
  13. drink
  14. gone
  1. sit
  2. written
  3. sent
  4. feel
  5. get
  6. leave
  7. given
  8. swum
  9. hear
  10. sell
  11. known
  12. done
  13. run

27 Clues: sitsaygetrunseensentfeelloseswumhearselldonecomereaddrawgonetakeneatenleavebegungiventhinkcatchknowndrivedrinkwritten

Irregular Verbs 2021-06-01

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. BUY
  2. RIDE
  3. HURT
  4. TEACH
  5. LEAVE
  6. STEAL
  7. TAKE
  8. BREAK
  9. SPEAK
  10. DRIVE
  11. FORGET
  1. BEGIN
  2. SELL
  3. THINK
  4. CATCH
  5. BITE
  6. RING
  7. FELL
  8. THROW
  9. SLEEP
  10. FIND
  11. SEE
  12. FLY
  13. SWIM
  14. FEED


Irregular verbs 2021-06-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. come
  2. think
  3. bring
  4. go
  5. break
  6. speak
  7. make
  8. say
  9. know
  10. draw
  11. buy
  1. teach
  2. leave
  3. find
  4. eat
  5. write
  6. build
  7. have
  8. take
  9. be
  10. become
  11. pay
  12. sleep
  13. get

24 Clues: gobeeatpaysaygetbuycomefindhavetakemakeknowdrawteachleavewritebuildthinkbringbreakspeaksleepbecome

Irregular verbs 2021-05-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. choose
  2. felt
  3. break
  4. flew
  5. drink
  6. do
  7. Jure
  8. build
  9. went
  10. become
  11. eat
  12. got
  1. had
  2. draw
  3. fall
  4. forgot
  5. grew
  6. drive
  7. forgave
  8. gave
  9. buy
  10. cost
  11. come

23 Clues: dohadbuyeatgotdrawfeltfallflewgrewgaveJurewentcostcomebreakdrinkdrivebuildchooseforgotbecomeforgave

Irregular Verbs 2021-04-27

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fly
  2. take
  3. ride
  4. go
  5. catch
  6. swim
  7. eat
  8. hear
  9. stand
  10. bite
  11. drive
  12. forget
  13. send
  14. hold
  15. spend
  16. drink
  1. light
  2. break
  3. write
  4. keep
  5. draw
  6. come
  7. sleep
  8. make
  9. steal
  10. find
  11. bring
  12. think
  13. know
  14. lead

30 Clues: goflyeattakekeepridedrawcomeswimmakefindhearbitesendknowholdleadlightbreakwritecatchsleepstealstandbringdrivethinkspenddrinkforget


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. SWIM
  2. DRAW
  3. THINK
  5. KEEP
  6. HAVE
  7. GO
  8. DRINK
  9. CATCH
  1. KNOW
  2. SEE
  3. MAKE
  4. BRING
  5. WRITE
  6. FIGHT
  8. LOST
  9. SAY
  10. WIN
  11. TEACH


Irregular Verbs 2022-09-19

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. the past tense of fight
  2. the past tense of give
  3. the past tense of catch
  4. the past tense of build
  5. the past tense of grow
  6. the past tense of lose
  7. the past tense of go
  8. the past tense of say
  9. the past tense of win
  10. the past tense of make
  11. the past tense of eat
  1. the past tense of drive
  2. the past tense of buy
  3. the past tense of teach
  4. the past tense of hide
  5. the past tense of took
  6. the past tense of tell
  7. the past tense of see
  8. the past tense of sleep
  9. the past tense of run

20 Clues: the past tense of gothe past tense of buythe past tense of seethe past tense of saythe past tense of runthe past tense of winthe past tense of eatthe past tense of givethe past tense of hidethe past tense of tookthe past tense of tellthe past tense of growthe past tense of losethe past tense of makethe past tense of drivethe past tense of fight...

Irregular verbs 2022-09-21

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 18.
  2. 16.
  3. 10.
  4. 3.
  5. 13.
  6. 9.
  7. 14.
  8. 6.
  9. 8.
  1. 5.
  2. 2.
  3. 20.
  4. 15.
  5. 21.
  6. 4.
  7. 12.
  8. 19.
  9. 1.
  10. 7.
  11. 17.
  12. 11.

21 Clues:

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Forgive
  2. Drink
  3. Sing
  4. Sell
  5. Wear
  6. Dream
  7. Spell
  8. Read
  9. lean
  10. learn
  11. Come
  12. Let
  13. hide
  14. Meet
  1. Forget
  2. Take
  3. Arise
  4. know
  5. Choose
  6. Spend
  7. Beat
  8. Draw
  9. hurt
  10. Swim
  11. Lie
  12. Begin
  13. Plead
  14. Think
  15. Cut
  16. say

30 Clues: LieCutsayLetTakeknowSingBeatSellDrawWearhurtSwimReadleanComehideMeetAriseDrinkSpendDreamSpellBeginPleadlearnThinkForgetChooseForgive

Irregular Verbs 2022-06-06

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. chose
  2. found
  3. caught
  4. ate
  5. met
  6. broke
  7. went
  8. ran
  9. had
  10. flew
  1. blew
  2. saw
  3. drew
  4. became
  5. felt
  6. did
  7. cut
  8. got
  9. drank
  10. fell

20 Clues: sawdidcutategotmetranhadblewdrewfeltwentfellflewchosefoundbrokedrankbecamecaught

Irregular verbs 2022-09-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. lose
  2. buy
  3. leave
  4. awake
  5. bet
  6. fight
  7. choose
  8. draw
  9. mean
  10. have
  1. build
  2. teach
  3. rise
  4. speak
  5. freeze
  6. break
  7. catch
  8. hide
  9. swim
  10. hear
  11. sing
  12. pay

22 Clues: buybetpayriselosehideswimhearsingdrawmeanhavebuildteachspeakleaveawakebreakcatchfightfreezechoose

irregular verbs 2022-09-25

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. be
  2. eat
  3. write
  4. forget
  5. break
  6. lose
  7. do
  8. have
  9. sleep
  10. know
  1. give
  2. fly
  3. teach
  4. take
  5. fall
  6. buy
  7. say
  8. run
  9. go
  10. swim

20 Clues: bedogoflyeatbuysayrungivetakefalllosehaveswimknowteachwritebreaksleepforget

Irregular verbs 2022-11-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Lehrplan
  2. Gepäck
  3. Erlaubnis
  4. Information
  5. These
  6. Brot
  7. Kind
  8. Kriterium
  9. Arbeit
  10. Reh
  11. Musik
  12. Verhaltensweise
  13. Würfel
  14. Mann
  15. Frau
  16. Strom
  17. Reise
  18. Brotlaib
  19. Geduld
  20. Ratschlag
  21. Ochse
  22. Wasser
  23. Fisch
  1. Analyse
  2. Gans
  3. Antenne
  4. Medium
  5. Ehefrau
  6. Möbelstück
  7. Zahn
  8. Lehrplan
  9. Glück
  10. Durcheinander
  11. Wolf
  12. Dieb
  13. Unterkunft
  14. Serie
  15. Schaf
  16. Gegend
  17. Reisegepäck
  18. Phänomen
  19. Blut
  20. Maus
  21. Spezie
  22. Fortschritt
  23. Flugzeug

46 Clues: RehGansZahnBrotKindWolfDiebMannFrauBlutMausTheseGlückMusikSerieSchafStromReiseOchseFischMediumGepäckArbeitGegendWürfelSpezieGeduldWasserAnalyseAntenneEhefrauLehrplanLehrplanPhänomenBrotlaibFlugzeugErlaubnisKriteriumRatschlagMöbelstückUnterkunftInformationReisegepäckFortschrittDurcheinanderVerhaltensweise

Irregular Verbs 2022-09-06

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. V2 for lose
  2. V2 for see
  3. V2 for drink
  4. V2 for write
  5. V2 for pay
  6. V2 for eat
  7. V2 for break
  8. V2 for think
  9. V2 for begin
  10. V2 for do
  11. V2 for say
  12. V2 for run
  1. V2 for tell
  2. V2 for speak
  3. V2 for come
  4. V2 for make
  5. V2 for go
  6. V2 for drive
  7. V2 for have
  8. V2 for build
  9. V2 for sing

21 Clues: V2 for goV2 for doV2 for seeV2 for payV2 for eatV2 for sayV2 for runV2 for loseV2 for tellV2 for comeV2 for makeV2 for haveV2 for singV2 for speakV2 for drinkV2 for writeV2 for driveV2 for breakV2 for thinkV2 for beginV2 for build

Irregular Verbs 2022-09-09

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. - write
  2. - come
  3. - think
  4. - buy
  5. - run
  6. - drink
  7. - catch
  8. - give
  9. - sit
  10. - leave
  11. - feel
  12. - see
  13. - sleep
  14. - spend
  1. - win
  2. - meet
  3. - go
  4. - find
  5. - take
  6. - bring
  7. - get
  8. - ring
  9. - sing
  10. - teach
  11. - keep
  12. - hurt
  13. - swim
  14. - lose
  15. - fall
  16. - lie

30 Clues: - go- win- buy- get- run- sit- lie- see- meet- find- come- take- ring- sing- keep- hurt- give- swim- lose- feel- fall- write- think- bring- drink- teach- catch- leave- sleep- spend

irregular verbs 2022-10-26

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past tense of have
  2. past tense of buy
  3. past tense of swim
  4. past tense of write
  5. past tense of get
  6. past tense of draw
  7. past tense of throw
  8. past tense of drink
  9. past tense of leave
  10. past tense of meet
  1. past tense of sing
  2. past tense of see
  3. past tense of take
  4. past tense of sit
  5. past tense of feed
  6. past tense of go
  7. past tense of give
  8. past tense of run
  9. past tense of eat
  10. past tense of fly

20 Clues: past tense of gopast tense of seepast tense of buypast tense of sitpast tense of getpast tense of runpast tense of eatpast tense of flypast tense of singpast tense of havepast tense of takepast tense of swimpast tense of feedpast tense of givepast tense of drawpast tense of meetpast tense of writepast tense of throwpast tense of drink...

Irregular Verbs 2022-11-01

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. break
  2. dreamt
  3. found
  4. bleed
  5. brought
  6. fought
  7. fed
  8. blow
  9. bend
  10. came
  11. arise
  12. bought
  13. burn
  14. do
  15. caught
  16. drink
  1. choose
  2. felt
  3. build
  4. deal
  5. draw
  6. forget
  7. dug
  8. bite
  9. drive
  10. begin
  11. fall
  12. fly
  13. become
  14. cost
  15. eat
  16. forbid
  17. beat
  18. cut

34 Clues: dodugfedflyeatcutfeltdealdrawbitefallblowbendcamecostburnbeatbreakbuildfoundbleeddrivebeginarisedrinkchoosedreamtforgetfoughtbecomeforbidboughtcaughtbrought

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. when you buy something you must
  2. you are in a karaoke and do you have to?
  3. in the army the soldiers their boots
  4. the cell phone was created for
  5. the birds can do it
  6. you know a mamerto and you want .... his crotch
  7. the dream of every anarchist with a church
  8. we must not .... trash
  9. when it gets late
  10. they want .... who gave the order
  11. when you have something of value but you don't need it
  12. when you can't find something
  13. when you are children you dream of
  14. do you see the cabal young. you in their faces
  15. ¿The presidential candidates and the thieves?
  16. the peasants of colombia had to ..... from the countryside
  17. It always happens but you can't always remember it
  1. Are the chairs for?
  2. you meet a fan of fico, you give him a book and he doesn't know how to read, so you're going to him
  3. you meet the fachos in the corner, you start to ..... cold
  4. what we should do with stereotypes
  5. you are polo polo and you lose your seat, you start to
  6. the opposite of remembering
  7. when you leave your house the door
  8. recommend three books a year
  9. the hearts of the mothers of soacha ..... for the pain of their children
  10. with your ears you can
  11. when you see a uribista you want it
  12. when you lose something
  13. Petro smells ugly, ¿why?
  14. You are María Fernanda Cabal, you do not collect enough signatures, so you should?
  15. the traffic light is green, do you have to?
  16. when you use the car

33 Clues: when it gets lateAre the chairs for?the birds can do itwhen you use the carwe must not .... trashwith your ears you canwhen you lose somethingPetro smells ugly, ¿why?the opposite of rememberingrecommend three books a yearwhen you can't find somethingthe cell phone was created forwhen you buy something you mustthey want .... who gave the order...

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. you know a mamerto and you want .... his crotch
  2. when you buy something you must
  3. when you can't find something
  4. Are the chairs for?
  5. do you see the cabal young. you in their faces
  6. when you use the car
  7. when you have something of value but you don't need it
  8. the birds can do it
  9. you meet a fan of fico, you give him a book and he doesn't know how to read, so you're going to him
  10. when you lose something
  11. when you see a uribista you want it
  12. they want .... who gave the order
  13. the hearts of the mothers of soacha ..... for the pain of their children
  14. when it gets late
  15. the traffic light is green, do you have to?
  16. what we should do with stereotypes
  17. the opposite of remembering
  18. recommend three books a year
  19. you are in a karaoke and do you have to?
  1. It always happens but you can't always remember it
  2. you meet the fachos in the corner, you start to ..... cold
  3. with your ears you can
  4. when you are children you dream of
  5. you are polo polo and you lose your seat, you start to
  6. You are María Fernanda Cabal, you do not collect enough signatures, so you should?
  7. when you leave your house the door
  8. the peasants of colombia had to ..... from the countryside
  9. Petro smells ugly, ¿why?
  10. we must not .... trash
  11. the dream of every anarchist with a church
  12. in the army the soldiers their boots
  13. the cell phone was created for
  14. ¿The presidential candidates and the thieves?

33 Clues: when it gets lateAre the chairs for?the birds can do itwhen you use the carwith your ears you canwe must not .... trashwhen you lose somethingPetro smells ugly, ¿why?the opposite of rememberingrecommend three books a yearwhen you can't find somethingthe cell phone was created forwhen you buy something you mustthey want .... who gave the order...

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. in the army the soldiers their boots
  2. recommend three books a year
  3. the cell phone was created for
  4. when you leave your house the door
  5. you are polo polo and you lose your seat, you start to
  6. the peasants of colombia had to ..... from the countryside
  7. you are in a karaoke and do you have to?
  8. when you can't find something
  9. the traffic light is green, do you have to?
  10. when you lose something
  11. you meet a fan of fico, you give him a book and he doesn't know how to read, so you're going to him
  12. they want .... who gave the order
  13. the dream of every anarchist with a church
  14. You are María Fernanda Cabal, you do not collect enough signatures, so you should?
  15. you know a mamerto and you want .... his crotch
  16. when it gets late
  17. when you buy something you must
  1. when you use the car
  2. you meet the fachos in the corner, you start to ..... cold
  3. It always happens but you can't always remember it
  4. the birds can do it
  5. when you are children you dream of
  6. ¿The presidential candidates and the thieves?
  7. the opposite of remembering
  8. when you have something of value but you don't need it
  9. do you see the cabal young. you in their faces
  10. the hearts of the mothers of soacha ..... for the pain of their children
  11. Petro smells ugly, ¿why?
  12. we must not .... trash
  13. what we should do with stereotypes
  14. when you see a uribista you want it
  15. with your ears you can
  16. Are the chairs for?

33 Clues: when it gets latethe birds can do itAre the chairs for?when you use the carwe must not .... trashwith your ears you canwhen you lose somethingPetro smells ugly, ¿why?the opposite of rememberingrecommend three books a yearwhen you can't find somethingthe cell phone was created forwhen you buy something you mustthey want .... who gave the order...

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-30

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. DRIVE,___________,DRIVEN
  2. CHOOSE,___________,CHOSEN
  3. BREAK,BROKE,___________
  4. EAT,_______,EATEN
  5. _________________,UNDERSTOOD,UNDERSTOOD
  6. THINK,_______________,THOUGHT
  7. FORGET,_____________,FORGOTTEN
  8. MAKE,__________,MADE
  1. READ,__________,READ
  2. GO,WENT,____________
  3. ____________,HEARD,HEARD
  4. SPEAK,SPOKE,_______________
  5. KNOW,KNEW,_____________
  6. CAN,_________, BEEN ABLE TO
  7. _________,BROUGHT, BROUGHT
  8. COME,_________,COME
  9. CATCH, ___________, CAUGHT
  10. ______,DID,DONE
  11. GIVE,GAVE,______________
  12. BE,______/WERE,BEEN

20 Clues: ______,DID,DONEEAT,_______,EATENCOME,_________,COMEBE,______/WERE,BEENREAD,__________,READGO,WENT,____________MAKE,__________,MADEKNOW,KNEW,_____________BREAK,BROKE,___________DRIVE,___________,DRIVEN____________,HEARD,HEARDGIVE,GAVE,______________CHOOSE,___________,CHOSEN_________,BROUGHT, BROUGHTCATCH, ___________, CAUGHT...

irregular verbs 2022-06-14

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. become
  2. leave
  3. say
  4. sit
  5. run
  6. meet
  7. lie
  8. ring
  9. pay
  10. make
  11. think
  12. sleep
  13. know
  14. eat
  15. do
  16. hold
  1. hear
  2. come
  3. fall
  4. go
  5. find
  6. stand
  7. see
  8. freeze
  9. tell
  10. give
  11. catch
  12. get
  13. wake
  14. dig
  15. take
  16. sell
  17. put
  18. read
  19. have

35 Clues: godosaysitseerunliegetpaydigputeathearcomefallfindmeettellgiveringwakemaketakesellreadhaveknowholdleavestandcatchthinksleepbecomefreeze

Irregular verbs 2022-07-06

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. drink
  2. Hurt
  3. Put
  4. give
  5. teach
  6. leave
  7. hide
  8. Drive
  9. sing
  10. send
  11. draw
  1. bring
  2. eat
  3. hear
  4. pay
  5. sell
  6. take
  7. think
  8. Make
  9. Read
  10. see
  11. Run

22 Clues: eatPutpayseeRunHurthearsellgivetakehideMakesingReadsenddrawbringdrinkteachthinkleaveDrive

Irregular Verbs 2022-12-02

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see simple past
  2. ride simple past
  3. win simple past
  4. fly simple past
  5. run simple past
  6. give simple past
  7. swim simple past
  8. leave simple past
  9. sit simple past
  10. pay simple past
  1. cost simple past
  2. grow simple past
  3. write simple past
  4. forget simple past
  5. wear simple past
  6. know simple past
  7. eat simple past
  8. lose simple past
  9. say simple past
  10. lie simple past

20 Clues: see simple pastwin simple pastfly simple pastrun simple pasteat simple pastsit simple pastsay simple pastlie simple pastpay simple pastcost simple pastgrow simple pastride simple pastwear simple pastknow simple pastgive simple pastswim simple pastlose simple pastwrite simple pastleave simple pastforget simple past

irregular verbs 2022-12-02

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. choose
  2. say
  3. break
  4. write
  5. lost
  6. eaten
  7. swing
  8. think
  9. drive
  10. begin
  11. cut
  12. write
  13. read
  14. sell
  15. give
  16. spend
  17. hit
  18. fall
  19. be s
  20. go
  21. dream
  22. send
  23. see
  1. steel
  2. sing
  3. sleep
  4. cost
  5. win
  6. tell
  7. fly
  8. eat
  9. buy
  10. throw
  11. hear
  12. teach
  13. said
  14. mean
  15. speak
  16. take
  17. lain
  18. swim
  19. spend
  20. draw
  21. dreamt

44 Clues: gosaywinflyeatbuycuthitseesingcosttelllosthearreadsellsaidmeangivetakefalllainswimbe sdrawsendsteelbreaksleepwriteeatenswingthinkdrivebeginthrowwriteteachspeakspendspenddreamchoosedreamt

Irregular Verbs 2022-10-03

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I pick up
  2. He orders/asks for
  3. You play
  4. We close
  5. They return
  6. You prefer
  7. She hears
  8. I know María
  9. You formal sleep
  10. You formal bring
  11. The girls eat lunch
  12. You leave
  13. We begin/start
  14. You close
  15. They think
  16. I choose
  1. We want
  2. They can
  3. You find
  4. He turns on
  5. I put
  6. I say/tell
  7. She has
  8. It costs
  9. We can
  10. I go
  11. They wrap
  12. I understand
  13. You all give
  14. I know how to cook
  15. I make/do
  16. I lose
  17. We come

33 Clues: I goI putWe canI loseWe wantShe hasWe comeThey canYou findYou playWe closeIt costsI chooseI pick upShe hearsThey wrapYou leaveYou closeI make/doI say/tellYou preferThey thinkHe turns onThey returnI know MaríaI understandYou all giveWe begin/startYou formal sleepYou formal bringHe orders/asks forI know how to cookThe girls eat lunch

irregular verbs 2022-11-27

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past simple of understand
  2. past simple of forgive
  3. infinitive of taught
  4. past simple of learn
  5. past participle of drink
  6. past participle of hear
  7. past simple of lose
  8. past participle of forget
  9. past simple of fall
  10. past simple of fly
  1. past participle of forgive
  2. past simple of drink
  3. past simple of bring
  4. past participle of meet
  5. past simple of thought
  6. past participle of fly
  7. past simple of forget
  8. infinitive of sold
  9. past participle of fall
  10. past simple of tell
  11. infinitive of felt

21 Clues: infinitive of soldpast simple of flyinfinitive of feltpast simple of losepast simple of tellpast simple of fallpast simple of drinkpast simple of bringinfinitive of taughtpast simple of learnpast simple of forgetpast simple of forgivepast simple of thoughtpast participle of flypast participle of meetpast participle of hearpast participle of fall...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. _____ a ball at the park.
  2. _____ a baby in my arms.
  3. _____ a mistake on a test.
  4. _____ a sock under my bed.
  5. _____ in an airplane.
  6. _____ my lunch to work.
  7. _____ an e-mail to my friend.
  8. _____ the pen. I still have it.
  9. _____ ten dollars at a store.
  10. _____ my homework.
  11. _____ my brother's cookies.
  12. _____my bicycle to school.
  13. _____ "El Quijote de la Mancha".
  14. _____ my little brother to a cinema
  15. _____an egg on the floor.
  16. _____ to the library to read a book.
  17. was late, but they _____ on time.
  1. _____ in a swimming pool.
  2. _____ the blue pen, not the red one.
  3. _____ about a difficult problem.
  4. _____ to class late.
  5. _____ to call my mom.
  6. _____ a glass of orange juice.
  7. _____a story about a princess.
  8. _____ my key. I couldn't find it.
  9. _____ very happy.
  10. _____ at a bus stop for minutes.
  11. _____ my car to a park.
  12. _____ a strange sound at midnight.
  13. Didn't _____ breakfast.
  14. _____ a picture of a tree.
  15. _____ the answer to a question.

32 Clues: _____ very happy._____ my homework._____ to class late._____ to call my mom._____ in an airplane._____ my lunch to work._____ my car to a park._____ a baby in my arms.Didn't _____ breakfast._____ in a swimming pool._____ a ball at the park._____an egg on the floor._____ a mistake on a test._____ a sock under my bed._____my bicycle to school....


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. _____ very happy.
  2. _____ in a swimming pool.
  3. _____ ten dollars at a store.
  4. _____ to call my mom.
  5. _____ my lunch to work.
  6. _____ a strange sound at midnight.
  7. _____ a baby in my arms.
  8. _____ an e-mail to my friend.
  9. _____ my homework.
  10. was late, but they _____ on time.
  11. _____ the answer to a question.
  12. _____ the blue pen, not the red one.
  13. _____ my little brother to a cinema
  14. _____ a glass of orange juice.
  15. _____ to the library to read a book.
  16. _____ my key. I couldn't find it.
  1. _____ to class late.
  2. _____ a ball at the park.
  3. _____a story about a princess.
  4. _____ at a bus stop for minutes.
  5. _____ about a difficult problem.
  6. _____an egg on the floor.
  7. _____ "El Quijote de la Mancha".
  8. _____ in an airplane.
  9. _____ my brother's cookies.
  10. _____ a picture of a tree.
  11. _____ a sock under my bed.
  12. _____ a mistake on a test.
  13. _____ the pen. I still have it.
  14. Didn't _____ breakfast.
  15. _____my bicycle to school.
  16. _____ my car to a park.

32 Clues: _____ very happy._____ my homework._____ to class late._____ to call my mom._____ in an airplane._____ my lunch to work._____ my car to a park._____ a baby in my arms.Didn't _____ breakfast._____ a ball at the park._____ in a swimming pool._____an egg on the floor._____ a picture of a tree._____ a sock under my bed._____ a mistake on a test....


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. FLY
  2. THINK
  3. GIVE
  4. TELL
  5. BUY
  6. ARE
  7. SLEEP
  8. HOLD
  9. SIT
  10. READ
  11. IS
  12. STUDY
  13. HAVE
  14. DO
  15. COOK
  16. EAT
  17. RUN
  18. COME
  19. FALL
  20. SAY
  21. WAKE UP
  1. GO
  2. FIND
  3. CATCH
  4. FEEL
  5. TIDY
  6. GROW
  7. RIDE
  8. WRITE
  9. HEAR
  10. SWIM
  11. DRIVE
  12. HIDE
  13. DRINK
  14. CLEAN
  15. FEED
  16. CRY
  17. LAUGH
  18. STOP
  19. SEE


Irregular verbs 2023-01-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. zapomenout
  2. najít, nalézt
  3. zářit
  4. ležet
  5. ztratit
  6. psát
  7. nosit
  8. házet
  9. mínit, znamenat
  10. snít
  11. jít,jet
  12. kopat
  13. hláskovat
  14. letět
  1. vzít, brát
  2. cítit se
  3. udeřit
  4. učit se
  5. zavřít
  6. běžet
  7. slyšet
  8. myslet
  9. stát se
  10. prodávat

24 Clues: psátsnítzářitležetnositběžetházetkopatletětudeřitzavřítslyšetmysletztratitučit sestát sejít,jetcítit seprodávathláskovatzapomenoutvzít, brátnajít, naléztmínit, znamenat

Irregular Verbs 2023-01-17

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Mary ... all the way from Paris to New York to meet her cousin.
  2. Mum, I ... my homework! Please let me play with
  3. Joe ... only two mistakes in the entire test!
  4. I ... only three books last year.
  5. Someone ... into their house last month.
  6. ... the thief!
  7. Sarah ... to the library to read a book.
  8. I can't find my wallet! It was right here! someone ... it!
  9. We ... for seven hours until we reached Vienna.
  10. Do you have any news about the burglary? - Yes,
  11. Lucy ... a taxi to the hospital.
  12. John, where is all your food? - I ... it in the lunch break.
  1. The lake was extremely cold, but I ... for 10 minutes!
  2. Oh perfect, I ... my phone! Now we can leave.
  3. Olaf ... his promise and visited me in the UK.
  4. Hey, I ... this picture of a tree. Do you like it?
  5. I ... way too much. Now my stomach is full of water!
  6. friends now!
  7. Phil ... too much money last month, so he needs to save more money this month.
  8. I think the last time I ... a horse was eleven years ago.
  9. I ... my brother his bag. He forgot it at home!
  10. Yesterday an old friend ... me an email.
  11. I don't think your keys were stolen. You ... them!

23 Clues: friends now!... the thief!Lucy ... a taxi to the hospital.I ... only three books last year.Someone ... into their house last month.Sarah ... to the library to read a book.Yesterday an old friend ... me an email.Oh perfect, I ... my phone! Now we can leave.Joe ... only two mistakes in the entire test!Olaf ... his promise and visited me in the UK....

irregular verbs 2020-06-01

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swam swum
  2. ate eaten
  3. heard heard
  4. found found
  5. read read
  6. did donr
  7. made made
  8. was/were been
  9. thought thought
  10. told told
  11. spoke spoke
  12. took taken
  13. went gone
  14. wore worn
  15. spoke spoken
  16. gave given
  17. had had
  1. came come
  2. spent spent
  3. won won
  4. rode ridden
  5. drank drunk
  6. said said
  7. met met
  8. wrote written
  9. bought bought
  10. left left
  11. sat sat
  12. knew known
  13. caught caught
  14. saw seen
  15. saw seen
  16. got got

33 Clues: won wonmet metsat satgot gothad haddid donrsaw seensaw seencame comeswam swumate eatensaid saidread readmade madetold toldleft leftwent gonewore worntook takenknew knowngave givenspent spentheard heardrode riddenfound founddrank drunkspoke spokespoke spokenwrote writtenwas/were beenbought boughtcaught caughtthought thought

Irregular Verbs 2020-06-06

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. simple past for READ
  2. simple past for CUT
  3. simple past for SLEPT
  4. simple past for HEARD
  5. simple past for WON
  6. simple past for WENT
  7. simple past for SWAM
  8. simple past for
  9. simple past for THOUGHT
  10. simple past for MET
  11. simple past for SANG
  12. simple past for RODE
  13. simple past for ATE
  14. simple past for FOUND
  15. simple past for GOT
  16. simple past for GAVE
  17. simple past for SAW
  18. simple past for WORE
  19. simple past for DID
  20. simple past for CHOSE
  21. simple past for FOUGHT
  22. simple past for LENT
  23. simple past for SPENT
  24. simple past for TOLD
  25. simple past for KNEW
  26. simple past for STOLE
  27. simple past for FELT
  28. simple past for FED
  29. simple past for MADE
  30. simple past for DREW
  31. simple past for TOOK
  32. simple past for SET
  33. simple past for PAID
  34. simple past for WROTE
  35. simple past for HAD
  1. simple past for TAUGHT
  2. simple past for BEGAN
  3. simple past for UNDERSTOOD
  4. simple past for SHOWED
  5. simple past for GREW
  6. simple past for SPOKE
  7. simple past for SAID
  8. simple past for HID
  9. simple past for CAME
  10. simple past for ROSE
  11. simple past for MEANT
  12. simple past for FORGAVE
  13. simple past for BROKE
  14. simple past for CAUGHT
  15. simple past for BUILT
  16. simple past for PUT
  17. simple past for LEFT
  18. simple past for THREW
  19. simple past for SOLD
  20. simple past for DROVE
  21. simple past for BOUGHT
  22. simple past for HELD
  23. simple past for FLEW
  24. simple past for STOOD
  25. simple past for BROUGHT
  26. simple past for HIT
  27. simple past for LOST
  28. simple past for SENT
  29. simple past for DRANK
  30. simple past for FORGOT
  31. simple past for RAN
  32. simple past for LEARNED
  33. simple past for FELL
  34. simple past for SAT

69 Clues: simple past forsimple past for CUTsimple past for WONsimple past for HIDsimple past for METsimple past for ATEsimple past for PUTsimple past for GOTsimple past for SAWsimple past for DIDsimple past for HITsimple past for RANsimple past for FEDsimple past for SETsimple past for SATsimple past for HADsimple past for READsimple past for GREW...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. fly
  2. see
  3. write
  4. become
  5. speak
  6. throw
  7. build
  8. do
  9. make
  10. find
  11. go
  12. eat
  1. go
  2. give
  3. break
  4. cut
  5. swim
  6. have
  7. begin
  8. drive
  9. sing

21 Clues: godogoflyseecuteatgiveswimhavemakefindsingbreakwritespeakthrowbuildbegindrivebecome

irregular verbs 2020-03-02

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. cut 2.vorm
  2. lose 2.vorm
  3. burst 2 vorm
  4. do 2.vorm
  5. forget 3.vorm
  6. kept 1.vorm
  7. beat 3.vorm
  8. bite 2. votm
  9. hear 2.vorm
  10. lead 2.vrom
  11. make 2.vorm
  12. win 2/3. vorm
  1. build 3.vorm
  2. got 1.vorm
  3. find 3. vorm
  4. sat 2.vorm
  5. shake 2. vorm
  6. write 3. vorm
  7. drink 2.vorm
  8. feel 2.vorm
  9. break 2.vorm
  10. took 1.vorm
  11. have 2.vorm
  12. draw 3.vorm
  13. slept 1. vorm

25 Clues: do 2.vormcut 2.vormgot 1.vormsat 2.vormlose 2.vormfeel 2.vormkept 1.vormbeat 3.vormtook 1.vormhear 2.vormhave 2.vormdraw 3.vormlead 2.vrommake 2.vormbuild 3.vormfind 3. vormburst 2 vormdrink 2.vormbreak 2.vormbite 2. votmshake 2. vormwrite 3. vormforget 3.vormslept 1. vormwin 2/3. vorm

Irregular Verbs 2020-06-26

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. send
  2. catch
  3. know
  4. run
  5. see
  6. fall
  7. cut
  8. put
  9. hear
  10. do
  1. become
  2. sit
  3. take
  4. write
  5. sleep
  6. go
  7. find
  8. come
  9. make
  10. have

20 Clues: godositrunseecutputsendtakeknowfallfindcomemakehearhavecatchwritesleepbecome


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. DID
  2. HAVE
  3. TAKE
  4. FIND
  5. SAY
  6. KNOW
  7. THINK
  8. DRIVE
  9. EAT
  10. GO
  11. DRINK
  12. MEET
  1. GET
  2. PAY
  3. SELL
  4. BUY
  5. SPEND
  6. BREAK
  7. MAKE
  8. GIVE
  9. SEE
  10. TELL
  11. BECOME


irregular verbs 2019-04-09

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. rezati
  2. sedeti
  3. zmagati
  4. nositi(oblačila)
  5. spati
  6. izgubiti
  7. iti
  8. viseti
  9. pretepati
  10. prinesti
  11. ugrizniti
  12. potoniti
  13. plavati
  14. razumeti
  15. izbrati
  16. pasti
  17. govoriti
  18. krasti
  19. začeti
  20. leteti
  21. stati
  22. hraniti
  23. biti
  24. vzeti
  25. zapustiti
  26. držati
  27. videti
  28. imeti
  29. povedati
  30. piti
  1. srečati
  2. priti
  3. graditi
  4. poslati
  5. zvoniti
  6. razburiti
  7. pozabiti
  8. ujeti
  9. dobiti
  10. misliti
  11. postati
  12. zlomiti
  13. vedeti
  14. udariti
  15. stresti
  16. voziti
  17. peti
  18. najti
  19. stati(cena)
  20. preživeti
  21. rasti
  22. čutiti
  23. zbuditi
  24. reči
  25. delati
  26. plačati
  27. narediti
  28. brati
  29. prodati
  30. slišati

60 Clues: itipetirečibitipitipritiujetispatipastinajtirastistatibrativzetiimetirezatisedetidobitivisetivedetivozitikrastizačetiletetičutitidelatidržatividetisrečatigraditiposlatizvonitizmagatimislitipostatizlomitiudaritiplavatistrestiizbratizbuditihranitiplačatiprodatislišatipozabitiizgubitiprinestipotonitirazumetigovoritinareditipovedatirazburitipretepati...

Irregular Verbs 2019-06-05

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past Simple of write
  2. Past Simple of sing
  3. Past Simple of see
  4. Past Simple of throw
  5. Past Simple of cost
  6. Past Simple of leave
  7. Past Simple of send
  8. Past Simple of break
  9. Past Simple of begin
  10. Past Simple of fly
  11. Past Simple of hear
  12. Past Simple of drink
  13. Past Simple of take
  14. Past Simple of learn
  15. Past Simple of become
  16. Past Simple of meet
  17. Past Simple of blow
  18. Past Simple of hurt
  19. Past Simple of forgive
  20. Past Simple of hit
  21. Past Simple of tell
  22. Past Simple of think
  23. Past Simple of build
  24. Past Simple of choose
  25. Past Simple of find
  26. Past Simple of spend
  27. Past Simple of wake
  28. Past Simple of light
  29. Past Simple of pay
  30. Past Simple of grow
  31. Past Simple of do
  32. Past Simple of go
  1. Past Simple of put
  2. Past Simple of win
  3. Past Simple of steal
  4. Past Simple of beat
  5. Past Simple of speak
  6. Past Simple of wear
  7. Past Simple of teach
  8. Past Simple of eat
  9. Past Simple of say
  10. Past Simple of burn
  11. Past Simple of keep
  12. Past Simple of fall
  13. Past Simple of drive
  14. Past Simple of freeze
  15. Past Simple of make
  16. Past Simple of bring
  17. Past Simple of dream
  18. Past Simple of bite
  19. Past Simple of catch
  20. Past Simple of let
  21. Past Simple of fight
  22. Past Simple of hold
  23. Past Simple of have
  24. Past Simple of can
  25. Past Simple of upset
  26. Past Simple of lose
  27. Past Simple of sell
  28. Past Simple of feel
  29. Past Simple of swim
  30. Past Simple of read
  31. Past Simple of draw
  32. Past Simple of get

64 Clues: Past Simple of doPast Simple of goPast Simple of putPast Simple of winPast Simple of seePast Simple of eatPast Simple of sayPast Simple of flyPast Simple of letPast Simple of hitPast Simple of canPast Simple of payPast Simple of getPast Simple of beatPast Simple of singPast Simple of wearPast Simple of costPast Simple of sendPast Simple of burn...

Irregular verbs 2019-06-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. PP de be
  2. boire
  3. preterit de get
  4. PP de forget
  5. preterit de see
  6. PP de leave
  7. preterit de hear
  8. choisir
  9. PP de find
  10. preterit de hold
  11. PP de make
  12. preterit de hit
  13. preterit de sell
  14. allumer
  15. dire
  16. PP de keep
  17. avoir
  18. envoyer
  19. permettre, louer
  20. battre
  21. PP de meet
  22. preterit de rise
  1. preterit de go
  2. signifier
  3. PP de fight
  4. PP de cacher
  5. preterit de bring
  6. savoir, connaître
  7. PP de fall
  8. PP de eat
  9. PP de nourrir
  10. PP de grow
  11. preterit de buy
  12. PP de catch
  13. preterit de pay
  14. voler (en l'air)
  15. preterit de conduire
  16. preterit de come
  17. preterit de feel
  18. perdre
  19. donner
  20. PP de put
  21. fixer, mettre
  22. preterit de lead
  23. preterit de run

45 Clues: direboireavoirperdredonnerbattrechoisirallumerenvoyerPP de besignifierPP de eatPP de putPP de fallPP de growPP de findPP de makePP de keepPP de meetPP de fightPP de leavePP de catchPP de cacherPP de forgetPP de nourrirfixer, mettrepreterit de gopreterit de getpreterit de seepreterit de buypreterit de paypreterit de hitpreterit de run...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. MEET
  2. SING
  3. STAND
  4. SAY
  5. PUT
  6. LEAVE
  7. THINK
  8. WAKE
  9. SWIM
  10. RIDE
  11. STEAL
  12. TAKE
  13. SPEAK
  14. PAY
  15. SIT
  1. WEAR
  2. RING
  3. MAKE
  4. SELL
  5. LOSE
  6. TEACH
  7. SLEEP
  9. SEE
  10. WIN
  11. WRITE
  12. SEND
  13. READ
  14. TELL
  15. SPEND


Irregular verbs 2019-03-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. know
  2. buy
  3. bring
  4. go
  5. read
  6. have
  7. eat
  8. speak
  9. find
  10. think
  11. drink
  12. sell
  13. send
  14. make
  1. leave
  2. break
  3. get
  4. write
  5. begin
  6. give
  7. learn
  8. lose
  9. catch
  10. take
  11. say
  12. drive
  13. run
  14. do
  15. see
  16. swim

30 Clues: godobuygeteatsayrunseeknowgivereadhavelosetakefindsellsendswimmakeleavebreakbringwritebeginlearncatchspeakdrivethinkdrink

irregular verbs 2019-05-16

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. do
  2. eat
  3. win
  4. break
  5. spend
  6. fight
  7. ride
  8. be
  9. sing
  10. blow
  11. catch
  12. know
  13. feel
  14. forget
  15. smell
  16. leave
  17. lose
  18. have
  1. run
  2. drive
  3. go
  4. strike
  5. sell
  6. understand
  7. wake
  8. steal
  9. buy
  10. write
  11. fall
  12. tell
  13. bite
  14. hurt

32 Clues: dogoberuneatwinbuysellridewakesingblowknowfeelfalltellbitelosehavehurtdrivebreakspendfightstealcatchwritesmellleavestrikeforgetunderstand

Irregular verbs 2019-03-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. built
  2. said
  3. brought
  4. became
  5. read
  6. met
  7. chose
  8. lost
  9. thought
  10. drove
  11. understood
  12. heard
  13. came
  14. flew
  15. got
  16. spoke
  17. ate
  18. won
  19. had
  20. put
  21. began
  22. ran
  23. swam
  24. drew
  1. gave
  2. bought
  3. sang
  4. wrote
  5. forgot
  6. learnt
  7. saw
  8. took
  9. forgave
  10. made
  11. told
  12. did
  13. stood
  14. drank
  15. left
  16. sat
  17. slept
  18. cut
  19. taught
  20. fit
  21. went
  22. stung
  23. kept
  24. knew
  25. found
  26. broke

50 Clues: sawmetdidsatcutfitgotatewonhadputrangavesaidsangtookreadmadetoldlostleftcameflewwentkeptknewswamdrewbuiltwrotechosestooddrankdrovesleptheardspokestungfoundbeganbrokeboughtforgotlearntbecametaughtbroughtforgavethoughtunderstood

Irregular verbs 2019-03-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. went
  2. became
  3. heard
  4. forgave
  5. sang
  6. spoke
  7. took
  8. forgot
  9. cut
  10. built
  11. had
  12. drank
  13. brought
  14. swam
  15. learnt
  16. gave
  17. taught
  18. won
  19. drew
  20. slept
  21. fit
  22. thought
  23. said
  24. lost
  25. kept
  1. came
  2. did
  3. began
  4. understood
  5. chose
  6. ran
  7. stood
  8. got
  9. read
  10. broke
  11. bought
  12. drove
  13. made
  14. met
  15. knew
  16. left
  17. found
  18. wrote
  19. stung
  20. ate
  21. flew
  22. told
  23. sat
  24. saw
  25. put

50 Clues: didrangotcuthadmetwonatefitsatsawputcamewentsangreadtookswammadeknewleftgavedrewflewtoldsaidlostkeptbeganchoseheardstoodbrokespokebuiltdrankdrovefoundwrotesleptstungbecameforgotboughtlearnttaughtforgavebroughtthoughtunderstood

Irregular Verbs 2019-04-26

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. shoot (2,3)
  2. rise (3)
  3. broadcast (2,3)
  4. lie (2)
  5. dig (2,3)
  6. tear (2)
  7. ride (2)
  8. ride (3)
  9. light (2,3)
  10. split (2,3)
  11. hold (2,3)
  1. wear (2)
  2. sting (2,3)
  3. forbid (3)
  4. rise (2)
  5. forbid (2)
  6. spoil (2,3)
  7. lend (2,3)
  8. deal (2,3)
  9. grow (3)
  10. pay (2,3)
  11. bleed (2,3)

22 Clues: lie (2)wear (2)rise (2)rise (3)grow (3)tear (2)ride (2)ride (3)dig (2,3)pay (2,3)forbid (3)forbid (2)lend (2,3)deal (2,3)hold (2,3)shoot (2,3)sting (2,3)spoil (2,3)light (2,3)split (2,3)bleed (2,3)broadcast (2,3)

Irregular verbs 2019-04-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Catch
  2. Swim
  3. Understand
  4. Take
  5. Put
  6. Stand
  7. Leave
  8. Make
  9. Be
  1. Fight
  2. Show
  3. Meet
  4. Build
  5. Hear
  6. Say
  7. Keep
  8. Fly
  9. Sing
  10. Have
  11. See

20 Clues: BeSayFlyPutSeeShowSwimMeetHearTakeKeepSingHaveMakeFightCatchBuildStandLeaveUnderstand

Irregular verbs 2019-04-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. find
  2. hear
  3. catch
  4. be
  5. hurt
  6. become
  7. blow
  8. do
  9. begin
  10. cost
  11. fall
  12. hold
  13. hang
  14. get
  15. fly
  1. forbid
  2. build
  3. fight
  4. draw
  5. beat
  6. drive
  7. eat
  8. hide
  9. have
  10. buy
  11. bite
  12. break
  13. flee
  14. drink
  15. hit
  16. grow

31 Clues: bedoeatbuyhitgetflyfinddrawbeathearhurthidehaveblowbitecostfallfleeholdhanggrowbuildfightdrivecatchbeginbreakdrinkforbidbecome

Irregular verbs 2019-09-28

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 2nd form of sing
  2. 3rd form of scheinen
  3. 3rd form of (fest-)halten
  4. go - went - ???
  5. 3rd form of verbingen, ausgeben
  6. 1st form of schwimmen
  7. 3rd form of vergessen
  8. German word for cut
  9. German word for catch
  10. speak - spoke - ???
  11. sleep - slept - ???
  12. ride - rode - ???
  13. 2nd form of brechen
  14. 2nd form of wissen
  15. ??? - lay - lain
  1. tell - ??? - told
  2. 3rd form of senden
  3. 2nd form of riechen
  4. fight - ??? - fought
  5. 2nd form of verstehen
  6. 3rd form of schreiben
  7. German word for become
  8. bring - brought - ???
  9. eat - ??? - eaten
  10. ??? - shook - shaken
  11. 2nd form of ring
  12. 2nd form of sein
  13. 3rd form of legen

28 Clues: go - went - ???2nd form of sing2nd form of ring2nd form of sein??? - lay - laintell - ??? - toldeat - ??? - eatenride - rode - ???3rd form of legen3rd form of senden2nd form of wissen2nd form of riechenGerman word for cutspeak - spoke - ???sleep - slept - ???2nd form of brechen3rd form of scheinenfight - ??? - fought??? - shook - shaken...

Irregular Verbs 2019-10-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past perfect for WIN
  2. past perfect for SLEEP
  3. past perfect for SING
  4. past perfect for STAND
  5. past perfect for HIDE
  6. past perfect for FEEL
  7. past perfect for RUN
  8. past perfect for MEAN
  9. past perfect for FEED
  10. past perfect for SEE
  11. past perfect for PUT
  12. past perfect for TELL
  13. past perfect for CHOOSE
  14. past perfect for GIVE
  15. past perfect for SET
  16. past perfect for FIGHT
  17. past perfect for BRING
  18. past perfect for MAKE
  19. past perfect for DRINK
  20. past perfect for COST
  21. past perfect for THROW
  22. past perfect for UNDERSTAND
  23. past perfect for BECOME
  24. past perfect for BEGIN
  25. past perfect for KNOW
  26. past perfect for LEARN
  27. past perfect for THINK
  28. past perfect for FALL
  29. past perfect for WRITE
  30. past perfect for HIT
  31. past perfect for SELL
  32. past perfect for STEAL
  33. past perfect for CUT
  34. past perfect for TAKE
  1. past perfect for SPEND
  2. past perfect for WEAR
  3. past perfect for SHOW
  4. past perfect for BUILD
  5. past perfect for DO
  6. past perfect for SIT
  7. past perfect for GO
  8. past perfect for SAY
  9. past perfect for DRIVE
  10. past perfect for LEND
  11. past perfect for READ
  12. past perfect for MEET
  13. past perfect for PAY
  14. past perfect for CATCH
  15. past perfect for EAT
  16. past perfect for SWIM
  17. past perfect for FORGIVE
  18. past perfect for FIND
  19. past perfect for TEACH
  20. past perfect for LEAVE
  21. past perfect for DRAW
  22. past perfect for BUY
  23. past perfect for GROW
  24. past perfect for SPEAK
  25. past perfect for FORGET
  26. past perfect for HEAR
  27. past perfect for BREAK
  28. past perfect for HOLD
  29. past perfect for GET
  30. past perfect for RIDE
  31. past perfect for HAVE
  32. past perfect for RISE
  33. past perfect for FLY
  34. past perfect for SEND
  35. past perfect for LOSE

69 Clues: past perfect for DOpast perfect for GOpast perfect for WINpast perfect for SITpast perfect for SAYpast perfect for RUNpast perfect for SEEpast perfect for PUTpast perfect for PAYpast perfect for EATpast perfect for SETpast perfect for BUYpast perfect for GETpast perfect for HITpast perfect for FLYpast perfect for CUTpast perfect for WEAR...

irregular verbs 2019-11-04

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. választ1
  2. ismer3
  3. menekül3
  4. bűzlik1
  5. ért2
  6. terjed,ken1
  7. tanít3
  8. válik valamivé2
  9. harcol3
  10. söpör1
  1. bújik3
  2. megtilt3
  3. keres3
  4. nő,növeszt3
  5. műsort sugároz
  6. megbocsát2
  7. alszik2
  8. fagy2
  9. varr
  10. esküszik,káromkodik2

20 Clues: ért2varrfagy2bújik3keres3ismer3tanít3söpör1bűzlik1alszik2harcol3megtilt3választ1menekül3megbocsát2nő,növeszt3terjed,ken1műsort sugározválik valamivé2esküszik,káromkodik2

irregular verbs 2019-11-04

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hang
  2. swing
  3. light
  4. flee
  5. get
  6. send
  7. stand
  8. spent
  9. win
  10. find
  11. say
  12. leap
  13. keep
  14. lose
  15. mean
  16. lean
  17. leave
  18. bring
  19. have
  20. build
  21. kneel
  22. hear
  23. think
  24. fight
  25. sting
  26. lay
  27. read
  1. bend
  2. hold
  3. shine
  4. bleed
  5. meet
  6. tell
  7. stick
  8. sweep
  9. creep
  10. weep
  11. deal
  12. shoot
  13. sleep
  14. sit
  15. pay
  16. srtike
  17. feel
  18. understand
  19. buy
  20. catch
  21. spit
  22. make
  23. seek
  24. sell
  25. lead
  26. dig

53 Clues: getwinsaysitpaybuylaydigbendhangholdfleemeetsendtellweepfinddealleapkeeplosemeanleanfeelhavespitmakeseekhearsellleadreadswingshinebleedlightstandstickspentsweepcreepshootsleepleavebringbuildkneelcatchthinkfightstingsrtikeunderstand

irregular verbs 2019-11-04

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sit
  2. read
  3. hold
  4. shoot
  5. keep
  6. stick
  7. shine
  8. hear
  9. light
  10. win
  11. meet
  12. mean
  13. lean
  14. understand
  15. hang
  16. pay
  17. seek
  18. think
  19. bleed
  20. buy
  21. flee
  22. sweep
  23. kneel
  24. bend
  25. lose
  26. lay
  27. build
  28. sting
  1. get
  2. send
  3. lead
  4. make
  5. weep
  6. stand
  7. creep
  8. have
  9. feel
  10. spent
  11. find
  12. sleep
  13. catch
  14. leap
  15. bring
  16. dig
  17. fight
  18. srtike
  19. leave
  20. deal
  21. sell
  22. tell
  23. swing
  24. spit
  25. say

53 Clues: getsitwindigpaybuysaylaysendleadmakeweepreadholdkeephavefeelfindhearmeetmeanleapleanhangseekdealfleesellbendtellspitloseshootstandstickcreepshinespentsleeplightcatchbringfightthinkbleedleavesweepkneelswingbuildstingsrtikeunderstand


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. sit
  2. tell
  3. lose
  4. find
  5. drive
  6. go
  7. say
  8. have
  9. bring
  10. make
  11. eat
  1. think
  2. feed
  3. speak
  4. know
  5. write
  6. buy
  7. do
  8. drink
  9. get
  10. meet

21 Clues: dogositbuysaygeteatfeedtellloseknowfindhavemeetmakethinkspeakwritedrivedrinkbring

Irregular Verbs 2020-09-30

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. simple past of get
  2. simple past of make
  3. past participle of write
  4. simple past of bring
  5. past participle of win
  6. simple past of eat
  7. past participle of leave
  8. past participle of buy
  9. past participle of drive
  10. simple past of teach
  1. simple past of forgot
  2. simple past of know
  3. past participle of be
  4. simple past of said
  5. simple past of think
  6. simple past of send
  7. past participle of catch
  8. simple past of go
  9. past participle of fly
  10. simple past of read
  11. simple past of put
  12. past participle of run

22 Clues: simple past of gosimple past of getsimple past of eatsimple past of putsimple past of knowsimple past of saidsimple past of makesimple past of sendsimple past of readsimple past of thinksimple past of bringsimple past of teachsimple past of forgotpast participle of bepast participle of winpast participle of flypast participle of buy...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. hear
  2. run
  3. give
  4. catch
  5. buy
  6. build
  7. say
  8. fight
  9. be
  10. become
  11. drive
  12. read
  13. get
  14. feel
  15. dream
  16. tell
  17. speak
  18. cut
  1. choose
  2. learn
  3. forget
  4. find
  5. hit
  6. have
  7. break
  8. make
  9. blow
  10. think
  11. come
  12. go
  13. see
  14. write
  15. do
  16. eat
  17. fall
  18. drink
  19. meet
  20. sit

38 Clues: begodorunhitbuysayseegeteatsitcutheargivefindhavemakeblowcomereadfallfeelmeettelllearncatchbuildbreakfightthinkwritedrivedreamdrinkspeakchooseforgetbecome

Irregular Verbs 2020-03-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. kukkuma I
  2. helisema, helistama III
  3. maksma III
  4. lugema I
  5. mõistma, aru saama I
  6. rippuma, riputama II
  7. lööma III
  8. lahkuma II
  9. tähendama, silmas pidama II
  10. seisma II
  11. hammustama II
  1. laulma II
  2. lendama II
  3. haiget tegema I
  4. rääkima III
  5. unistama II
  6. maksma, tasuma II
  7. andestama III
  8. kaevama I
  9. lööma III
  10. saatma II
  11. püüdma I
  12. ärkama, äratama III
  13. kaotama III
  14. olema I

25 Clues: olema Ilugema Ipüüdma Ilaulma IIkukkuma Ikaevama Ilööma IIIlööma IIIsaatma IIseisma IIlendama IImaksma IIIlahkuma IIrääkima IIIunistama IIkaotama IIIandestama IIIhammustama IIhaiget tegema Imaksma, tasuma IIärkama, äratama IIImõistma, aru saama Irippuma, riputama IIhelisema, helistama IIItähendama, silmas pidama II

Irregular Verbs 2020-11-15

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. think
  2. buy
  3. pay
  4. wear
  5. give
  6. eat
  7. do
  8. write
  9. break
  10. sleep
  11. begin
  12. tell
  13. know
  14. see
  15. leave
  16. become
  17. sell
  18. take
  1. bring
  2. get
  3. teach
  4. forget
  5. come
  6. drive
  7. hear
  8. make
  9. have
  10. go
  11. drink
  12. sit
  13. lose
  14. fly
  15. meet
  16. say
  17. find
  18. stand

36 Clues: godogetbuypayeatsitflyseesaycomehearmakehaveweargivetellloseknowmeetfindselltakebringthinkteachdrivedrinkwritebreaksleepbeginleavestandforgetbecome

irregular verbs 2020-04-19

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. put
  2. hear
  3. sleep
  4. be
  5. make
  6. steal
  7. leave
  8. sell
  9. wear
  10. have
  11. throw
  12. fly
  13. take
  14. drink
  15. find
  1. buy
  2. break
  3. burn
  4. send
  5. give
  6. go
  7. read
  8. tell
  9. send
  10. learn
  11. see
  12. eat
  13. win
  14. do

29 Clues: begodobuyputseeeatflywinburnhearsendgivemakereadtellsellsendwearhavetakefindbreaksleepstealleavelearnthrowdrink

Irregular verbs 2021-03-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. плавал
  2. почувствовал
  3. увидел
  4. встретил
  5. получил
  6. сказал
  7. написал
  8. прочитал
  9. съел
  10. бегал
  11. имел
  12. проснулся
  1. сел
  2. слетал
  3. спал
  4. сделал
  5. дал
  6. пришёл
  7. спел
  8. сходил
  9. катался
  10. выпил

22 Clues: селдалспалспелсъелимелвыпилбегалплавалслеталувиделсделалпришёлсказалсходилполучилнаписалкаталсявстретилпрочиталпроснулсяпочувствовал

irregular verbs 2021-04-05

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. pay
  2. read
  3. hear
  4. buy
  5. feel
  6. begin
  7. drink
  8. make
  9. put
  10. go
  11. fall
  12. fly
  13. lose
  1. give
  2. do
  3. eat
  4. catch
  5. have
  6. drive
  7. get
  8. find
  9. bring
  10. meet
  11. come
  12. know
  13. keep
  14. draw
  15. leave

28 Clues: dogopayeatgetbuyputflygivereadhearhavefeelfindmeetcomeknowkeepmakedrawfalllosecatchdrivebringbegindrinkleave

Irregular Verbs 2021-04-07

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past participle for sell
  2. past participle for give-gave
  3. past participle for get-got
  4. past participle for know-knew
  5. past participle for become-became
  6. past participle for write-wrote
  7. past participle for ride-ridden
  8. past participle for send
  9. past participle for sleep
  10. past participle for put
  11. past participle for think
  12. past participle for take-took
  13. past participle for pay
  1. past participle for steal-stole
  2. past participle for leave
  3. past participle for see-saw
  4. past participle for go-went
  5. past participle for throw-threw
  6. past participle for eat-ate
  7. past participle for sit
  8. past participle for teach
  9. past participle for sing-sang
  10. past participle for hear

23 Clues: past participle for sitpast participle for putpast participle for paypast participle for sellpast participle for sendpast participle for hearpast participle for leavepast participle for teachpast participle for sleeppast participle for thinkpast participle for see-sawpast participle for go-wentpast participle for get-gotpast participle for eat-ate...

Irregular verbs 2021-03-18

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Saber
  2. Hacer (fabricar)
  3. Poner
  4. Golpear
  5. Ver
  6. Decir
  7. Olvidar
  8. Aprender
  9. Significar
  10. Enviar
  11. Leer
  1. Nadar
  2. Abandonar
  3. Mantener
  4. Oir
  5. Perder
  6. Escribir
  7. Correr
  8. Reunirse
  9. Sujetar

20 Clues: OirVerLeerNadarSaberPonerDecirPerderCorrerEnviarGolpearOlvidarSujetarMantenerEscribirAprenderReunirseAbandonarSignificarHacer (fabricar)

Irregular verbs 2021-03-18

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. full verb of drove
  2. full verb of sat
  3. past simple of know
  4. full verb of fell
  5. past simple of run
  6. past simple of eat
  7. past simple of sing
  8. past simple of feel
  9. full verb of cut
  10. past simple of try
  11. full verb of chose
  1. full verb of began
  2. past simple of buy
  3. full verb of took
  4. past simple of keep
  5. full verb of wrote
  6. past simple of lose
  7. past simple of fly
  8. full verb of cust
  9. full verb of went

20 Clues: full verb of satfull verb of cutfull verb of tookfull verb of fellfull verb of custfull verb of wentfull verb of beganpast simple of buyfull verb of wrotepast simple of runpast simple of eatpast simple of flypast simple of tryfull verb of chosefull verb of drovepast simple of knowpast simple of keeppast simple of losepast simple of sing...

Irregular Verbs 2021-03-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. infinitive form of fallen
  2. past form of drink
  3. past form of drive
  4. past form of dig
  5. past form of blow
  6. infinitive form of was
  7. past participle of awake
  8. past participle of dream
  9. past participle of bite
  10. past form of bring
  11. past form of cut
  12. infinitive form of chosen
  1. past form of deal
  2. past participle of draw
  3. past form of break
  4. past form of feed
  5. past participle of do
  6. infinitive form of built
  7. past form of beat
  8. past participle of begin
  9. infiniitive form of eaten
  10. infinitive form of caught
  11. past participle of buy
  12. past participle form of come
  13. infinitive form of cost

25 Clues: past form of digpast form of cutpast form of dealpast form of feedpast form of blowpast form of beatpast form of breakpast form of drinkpast form of drivepast form of bringpast participle of doinfinitive form of waspast participle of buypast participle of drawpast participle of biteinfinitive form of costinfinitive form of built...

Irregular verbs 2021-03-17

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Base form of drank
  2. Base form of shut
  3. Base form of understood
  4. Base form of forgot
  5. Base form of lost
  6. Base form of lay
  7. Base form of awoke
  8. Base form of ate
  9. Base form of broke
  10. Base form of blew
  1. Base form of fought
  2. Base form of cost
  3. Base form of built
  4. Base form of bought
  5. Base form of drove
  6. Base form of dug
  7. Base form of fell
  8. Base form of showed
  9. Base form of slept
  10. Base form of threw
  11. Base form of fell
  12. Base form of bet

22 Clues: Base form of dugBase form of layBase form of ateBase form of betBase form of costBase form of shutBase form of fellBase form of lostBase form of fellBase form of blewBase form of drankBase form of builtBase form of droveBase form of sleptBase form of awokeBase form of threwBase form of brokeBase form of foughtBase form of boughtBase form of forgot...

Irregular verbs 2021-10-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. break
  2. catch
  3. wake
  4. become
  5. pay
  6. understand
  7. fly
  8. win
  9. sweep
  10. feel
  11. hit
  12. fall
  1. write
  2. come
  3. sell
  4. give
  5. buy
  6. eat
  7. can
  8. sink
  9. lost
  10. be
  11. draw
  12. throw

24 Clues: bebuypayeatcanflywinhitcomesellwakegivesinklostdrawfeelfallwritebreakcatchsweepthrowbecomeunderstand

Irregular verbs 2021-10-21

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past participle of go
  2. I _____ 2.4 in my math exam. I´ll study more next time
  3. infinitive of caught
  4. past participle of fight
  5. Yes, I ____what she said but I disagree.
  6. Is the past and past participle form of build the same?
  7. She ____ me waiting for an hour. I was about to leave the restaurant without her.
  8. past participle of be
  9. She ______ hot chocolate this morning.
  10. My psychologist ___ me some useful advice.
  1. I finally _______ my wallet this evening. I´ve been looking for it all day.
  2. past of become
  3. past participle of cut
  4. past of buy
  5. past of choose
  6. past participle of do
  7. My brother ______ all my cookies!
  8. past of fall
  9. past participle of know
  10. what is the infinitive of broken?

20 Clues: past of buypast of fallpast of becomepast of chooseinfinitive of caughtpast participle of gopast participle of dopast participle of bepast participle of cutpast participle of knowpast participle of fightMy brother ______ all my cookies!what is the infinitive of broken?She ______ hot chocolate this morning.Yes, I ____what she said but I disagree....

Irregular Verbs 2021-11-01

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. мечтать
  2. ловить
  3. забывать
  4. ударять
  5. рисовать
  6. ехать,идти
  7. быть
  8. расти
  9. чувствовать
  10. ломать
  11. становиться
  12. резать
  13. прятать
  14. знать
  15. строить
  16. покидать
  17. приходить
  18. находить
  19. запрещать
  20. прощать
  21. учиться
  22. пить
  1. делать
  2. иметь
  3. стоить
  4. бороться
  5. летать
  6. кормить
  7. получать
  8. выбирать
  9. приносить
  10. падать
  11. покупать
  12. водить машину
  13. есть
  14. класть
  15. начинать
  16. хранить,держать

38 Clues: бытьестьпитьиметьрастизнатьделатьловитьстоитьлетатьпадатьломатьрезатькластьмечтатькормитьударятьпрятатьстроитьпрощатьучитьсязабыватьборотьсярисоватьполучатьвыбиратьпокупатьначинатьпокидатьнаходитьприноситьприходитьзапрещатьехать,идтичувствоватьстановитьсяводить машинухранить,держать


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Simple Past of BRING
  2. Simple Past of GO
  3. Past Participle of SWIM
  4. Simple Past of CHOOSE
  5. Simple Past of DRAW
  6. Simple Past of FLY
  7. Simple Past of SING
  8. Simple Past of UNDERSTAND
  9. Past Participle of SELL
  10. Simple Past of EAT
  11. Simple Past of STICK
  12. Past Participle of READ
  13. Past Participle of TAKE
  1. Simple Past of LEAVE
  2. Simple Past of WIN
  3. Simple Past of HURT
  4. Simple Past of PAY
  5. Past Participle of WRITE
  6. Past Participle of BE
  7. Past Participle of GO
  8. Past Participle of STAND
  9. Simple Past of FEED
  10. Past Participle of SHAKE
  11. Simple Past of DRINK
  12. Simple Past of HEAR
  13. Simple Past of MEET
  14. Past Participle of MAKE
  15. Simple Past of SIT

28 Clues: Simple Past of GOSimple Past of WINSimple Past of PAYSimple Past of FLYSimple Past of EATSimple Past of SITSimple Past of HURTSimple Past of DRAWSimple Past of SINGSimple Past of FEEDSimple Past of HEARSimple Past of MEETSimple Past of LEAVESimple Past of BRINGSimple Past of DRINKSimple Past of STICKPast Participle of BESimple Past of CHOOSE...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  8. FARE
  10. SALIRE
  14. CAPIRE
  22. PAGARE
  21. DIRE



IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. to forget
  2. to find
  3. to speak
  4. to give
  5. to throw
  6. to cut
  7. to show
  8. to swim
  9. to stand
  10. to lose
  11. to keep
  12. to write
  1. to run
  2. to think
  3. to wake
  4. to feel
  5. to spend
  6. to grow
  7. to bring
  8. to say
  9. to drink
  10. to kneel
  11. to break
  12. to speak
  13. to win

25 Clues: to runto cutto sayto winto waketo findto feelto growto giveto showto swimto loseto keepto thinkto speakto spendto bringto throwto drinkto kneelto breakto standto speakto writeto forget

irregular verbs 2023-02-10

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. dreamt
  2. build
  3. fell
  4. know
  5. fly
  6. awoke
  7. bought
  8. fight
  9. forgive
  10. lend
  11. pay
  12. hold
  13. forget
  14. hear
  1. drank
  2. ate
  3. blew
  4. go
  5. begin
  6. lie
  7. lay
  8. caught
  9. leave
  10. grow
  11. became
  12. hit
  13. chose
  14. hang
  15. lose
  16. hide

30 Clues: goateflylielayhitpayblewfellknowgrowlendholdhanglosehearhidedrankbuildbeginleaveawokefightchosedreamtcaughtboughtbecameforgetforgive

Irregular Verbs 2023-02-02

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. satmak
  2. şarkı söylemek
  3. vurmak
  4. gitmek
  5. kesmek
  6. okumak
  7. yapmak
  8. vermek
  9. konuşmak
  10. öğretmek
  11. koşmak
  12. yüzmek
  13. çizmek
  14. düşmek
  15. giymek
  16. yazmak
  17. ödemek
  1. uçmak
  2. ayakta durmak
  3. yakalamak
  4. seçmek
  5. oturmak
  6. kırmak
  7. sürmek
  8. yemek
  9. fırlatmak
  10. düşünmek
  11. uyumak
  12. içmek

29 Clues: uçmakyemekiçmeksatmakseçmekvurmakkırmakgitmekkesmekokumaksürmekyapmakvermekkoşmakyüzmekuyumakçizmekdüşmekgiymekyazmaködemekoturmakkonuşmaköğretmekdüşünmekyakalamakfırlatmakayakta durmakşarkı söylemek