irregular verbs Crossword Puzzles

irregular verbs 2022-03-20

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. traduzco
  2. produce
  3. hace
  4. duermen
  5. estáis
  6. conducen
  7. piden
  8. quieres
  9. pido
  1. tengo
  2. traemos
  3. da
  4. veis
  5. dan
  6. pueden
  7. estás
  8. tienen
  9. viene
  10. pones

20 Clues: dadanveishacepidotengoestásvieneponespidenpuedenestáistienentraemosproduceduermenquierestraduzcoconducen

Irregular verbs 2022-05-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. could
  2. swam
  3. won
  4. sold
  5. spent
  6. sat
  7. bought
  8. slept
  9. understood
  10. met
  11. told
  12. up got up
  13. drank
  14. spoke
  15. kept
  16. gave
  17. thought
  18. did
  19. heard
  20. took
  21. up woke up
  1. came
  2. wrote
  3. rode
  4. found
  5. said
  6. left
  7. forgot
  8. stood
  9. lost
  10. built
  11. had
  12. broke
  13. saw
  14. ate
  15. put
  16. made
  17. left
  18. ran
  19. stole
  20. went
  21. drove

42 Clues: wonsathadsawateputmetrandidcameswamrodesoldsaidleftlostmadetoldleftkeptgavewenttookcouldwrotefoundspentstoodbuiltbrokesleptdrankspokestoledroveheardforgotboughtthoughtup got upunderstoodup woke up

Irregular verbs 2022-05-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. forget
  2. win
  3. say
  4. drive
  5. see
  6. buy
  7. can
  8. drink
  9. sleep
  10. go
  11. speak
  12. give
  13. hear
  14. write
  15. have
  16. sit
  17. put
  18. break
  19. take
  20. meet
  21. tell
  22. keep
  1. find
  2. ride
  3. steal
  4. do
  5. up wake up
  6. up get up
  7. think
  8. understand
  9. come
  10. leave
  11. stand
  12. sell
  13. leave
  14. swim
  15. run
  16. spend
  17. build
  18. lose
  19. make
  20. eat

42 Clues: dogowinsayseebuycanrunsitputeatfindridecomesellgiveswimhearhavelosetakemeetmaketellkeepstealdrivethinkleavedrinksleepstandspeakleavewritespendbreakbuildforgetup get upup wake upunderstand

Irregular verbs 2022-05-17

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. To say/tell
  2. to bring
  3. to know information
  4. to begin
  5. to hear
  6. to be temporary
  7. to close
  8. to want
  9. to know people
  10. To give
  1. To see
  2. To come
  3. To have
  4. to drive
  5. t0 leave
  6. to think
  7. to translate
  8. to fall
  9. to go
  10. to be permanent

20 Clues: to goTo seeTo comeTo haveto fallto hearto wantTo giveto driveto bringt0 leaveto thinkto beginto closeTo say/tellto translateto know peopleto be permanentto be temporaryto know information


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. BE(I,SHE,HE,IT)
  2. GIVE
  4. BUY
  5. DO
  6. LEAVE
  7. DRIVE
  8. FEEL
  9. GO
  10. GET
  2. EAT
  3. BITE
  5. HAVE
  6. LET
  7. DRINK
  8. LEARN
  9. FIND
  10. BEGIN
  11. GROW
  12. FORGET



IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Flying mammal
  2. past participle of ride
  3. simple past of see
  4. simple past of ride
  5. past participle of see
  6. past participle of sell
  7. simple past of put
  8. simple past of ring
  9. simple past of say
  10. simple past of quit
  11. past participle of ring
  1. Large marsupial
  2. simple past of read
  3. simple past of rise
  4. simple past of run
  5. Man's best friend
  6. past participle of say
  7. Has a trunk
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. simple past of sell
  10. past participle of rise
  11. past participle of run

22 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendsimple past of seesimple past of runsimple past of putsimple past of saysimple past of readsimple past of risesimple past of rideLikes to chase micesimple past of sellsimple past of ringsimple past of quitpast participle of seepast participle of saypast participle of runpast participle of ride...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. PAY
  2. SPEAK
  4. LEAVE
  5. THINK
  6. RIDE
  7. SING
  8. TAKE
  1. HAVE
  2. MAKE
  3. SEE
  4. KNOW
  5. COME
  6. GO
  7. BUILD
  8. FIND
  9. TELL
  10. HURT
  11. FORGET
  12. CATCH


Irregular Verbs 2023-10-22

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. send
  2. catch
  3. bring
  4. drive
  5. ride
  6. fly
  7. know
  8. think
  9. stand
  10. drink
  11. make
  12. go
  13. do
  1. lose
  2. come
  3. take
  4. hold
  5. choose
  6. break
  7. spend
  8. find
  9. forget
  10. write
  11. steal
  12. hear
  13. swim
  14. draw

27 Clues: godoflylosecomesendtakeholdfindrideknowhearswimdrawmakecatchbringbreakspenddrivewritestealthinkstanddrinkchooseforget

Irregular verbs 2023-10-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. robić II
  2. móc, potrafić I
  3. robić III
  4. wiedzieć I
  5. słyszeć I
  6. przynieść II
  7. złamać II
  8. widzieć II
  9. zapominać I
  10. płacić II
  11. czytać II
  12. mieć II
  13. powiedzieć II
  14. zrobić II
  15. trzymać I
  16. powiedzieć I
  17. widzieć I
  18. ciąć II
  1. zrobić II
  2. pić II
  3. wiedzieć II
  4. zapominać II
  5. trzymac II
  6. prowadzić II
  7. móc, potrafić II
  8. kupować II
  9. zaczynać II
  10. słyszeć II
  11. gryźć II
  12. sprzedać II
  13. robić I
  14. mieć I
  15. łapać I
  16. sprzedać I
  17. płacić I
  18. spać II

36 Clues: pić IImieć Irobić Imieć IIłapać Ispać IIciąć IIrobić IIgryźć IIpłacić Izrobić IIrobić IIIsłyszeć Izłamać IIpłacić IIczytać IIzrobić IItrzymać Iwidzieć Itrzymac IIwiedzieć Ikupować IIsłyszeć IIwidzieć IIsprzedać Iwiedzieć IIzaczynać IIsprzedać IIzapominać Izapominać IIprowadzić IIprzynieść IIpowiedzieć Ipowiedzieć IImóc, potrafić Imóc, potrafić II

Irregular Verbs 2023-11-17

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. The students ______ to Feira de Santana last Monday.
  2. My family and I ___________ a comedy movie last Sunday.
  3. It was so hot yesterday. Then I __________some water.
  4. The teacher __________the books on the table.
  5. I __________ a new book on Saturday.
  6. ________ Pedro and Matheus good student?
  7. I ________the school bell ring.
  8. It was raining when the students ___________Ceeptic.
  9. Her mother __________ to her little daughter every night at the bed time.
  10. At The Feira de Ciências, teacher Anderson __________ with a solution to Debuggy car.
  11. The meeting ________ at five in the afternoon.
  1. I didn't ______ the answer to the last question yesterday.
  2. We _____________ the game by a score of 4-2.
  3. _______ a lot of cars at the park of the school today.
  4. Who __________Tatu?
  5. Maria Rita _______for her lunch with twenty reais.
  6. Who _______ the last cookie from the cookie jar this morning?
  7. A ball _______through the window.
  8. This morning I _________ at seven-thirty.
  9. I was taking a bath when the telephone ____________.
  10. While crossing the street on my way to school, I __________ my English Teacher.

21 Clues: Who __________Tatu?I ________the school bell ring.A ball _______through the window.I __________ a new book on Saturday.________ Pedro and Matheus good student?This morning I _________ at seven-thirty.We _____________ the game by a score of 4-2.The teacher __________the books on the table.The meeting ________ at five in the afternoon....

Irregular verbs 2023-11-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. win
  2. keep
  3. become
  4. find
  5. take
  6. grow
  7. speak
  8. learn
  9. forget
  10. buy
  11. spend
  12. do
  13. meet
  14. think
  15. draw
  1. choose
  2. know
  3. bring
  4. teach
  5. feel
  6. write
  7. stand
  8. see
  9. give
  10. put
  11. shine
  12. mean
  13. run

28 Clues: dowinseebuyputrunkeepknowfindtakefeelgrowgivemeetmeandrawbringteachwritespeakstandlearnspendshinethinkchoosebecomeforget

irregular verbs 2024-02-20

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. blow
  2. drink
  3. bite
  4. build
  5. drive
  6. draw
  7. awake
  8. come
  9. eat
  10. bring
  11. choose
  12. be
  1. buy
  2. burn
  3. break
  4. become
  5. do
  6. dream
  7. cost
  8. catch
  9. cut
  10. begin

22 Clues: dobebuycuteatblowburnbitecostdrawcomedrinkbreakbuilddrivedreamcatchawakebringbeginbecomechoose

Irregular verbs 2023-12-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fizet
  2. send
  3. betűzni
  4. teach
  5. visel
  6. harcol
  7. felébred
  8. dream
  9. blow
  10. tartani
  1. ad
  2. ül
  3. beszélni
  4. ring
  5. rajzolni
  6. get
  7. fall
  8. hide
  9. learned
  10. hall

20 Clues: adülgetsendringfallhideblowhallfizetteachviseldreamharcolbetűznilearnedtartanibeszélnirajzolnifelébred


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. FLY
  3. FEEL
  4. SAID
  5. GIVE
  6. RUN
  7. GROW
  8. LOSE
  9. HEAR
  10. MAKE
  11. LEARN
  12. HIDE
  13. EAT
  14. SELL
  15. HUNT
  16. PAY
  1. GET
  2. KNOW
  3. FIGHT
  5. SING
  6. SEE
  7. RIDE
  8. LEAVE
  9. FALL
  10. READ
  11. GO
  12. MEET
  13. HAVE
  14. FIND
  15. SIT
  16. PUT


Irregular verbs 2023-12-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Find
  2. Come
  3. Think
  4. Give
  5. Do
  6. Take
  7. See
  8. Eat
  9. Say
  10. Tell
  1. Go
  2. Feel
  3. Write
  4. Have
  5. Get
  6. Know
  7. Read
  8. Sleep
  9. Be
  10. Make

20 Clues: GoDoBeGetSeeEatSayFindFeelComeHaveGiveTakeKnowReadMakeTellWriteThinkSleep

irregular verbs 2023-12-16

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. meet
  2. leave
  3. get
  4. give
  5. go
  6. lose
  7. fly
  8. hear
  9. hang
  10. put
  11. read
  1. make
  2. lend
  3. lie
  4. forget
  5. grow
  6. know
  7. find
  8. keep
  9. ride
  10. have
  11. pay

22 Clues: goliegetflyputpaymakelendmeetgrowgiveknowfindlosekeephearridehanghavereadleaveforget

Irregular verbs 2023-12-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. buy
  2. bring
  3. feel
  4. choose
  5. draw
  6. be
  7. drink
  1. find
  2. cut
  3. build
  4. get
  5. give
  6. break
  7. hold
  8. fly
  9. come
  10. know
  11. do
  12. go
  13. eat

20 Clues: dogobecutbuygetflyeatfindgiveholdfeelcomeknowdrawbuildbringbreakdrinkchoose

irregular verbs 2024-01-23

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. gondol 3.alak
  2. érez, 3.alak
  3. kezdődik 2.alak
  4. megért 2.alak
  5. kerül valamibe 2.alak
  6. hagy 3.alak
  7. lát 3.alak
  8. hord, visel 2.alak
  9. broke 2.alak
  10. elfog, elér 1.alak
  11. repül2. alak
  12. eszik 2.alak
  13. felébred 3.alak
  14. beszél 2.alak
  15. cseng 3.alak
  16. mond 3.alak
  17. nő 2.alak
  18. költ pénzt, tölt időt 2.alak
  19. készít 3.alak
  20. talál 2.alak
  21. áll 2.alak
  22. dob 2.alak
  23. ad 3.alak
  1. hoz 2. alak
  2. elfelejt 3.alak
  3. valamivé válik 3.alak
  4. megy 3.alak
  5. tanít 3.alak
  6. lop 3.alak
  7. elindul2.alak
  8. ír 3.alak
  9. énekel 3.alak
  10. választ 2.alak
  11. elveszít 1.alak
  12. esik 3.alak
  13. tud, ismer 3.alak
  14. hajt, vezet 3.alak
  15. úszik 3.alak
  16. tart 2. alak
  17. elad 2. alak
  18. ül 3.alak
  19. nyer 2. alak

42 Clues: ír 3.alaknő 2.alakül 3.alakad 3.alaklop 3.alaklát 3.alakáll 2.alakdob 2.alakhoz 2. alakmegy 3.alakhagy 3.alakesik 3.alakmond 3.alaktanít 3.alakérez, 3.alakbroke 2.alakrepül2. alakeszik 2.alakcseng 3.alakúszik 3.alaktart 2. alakelad 2. alaktalál 2.alaknyer 2. alakgondol 3.alakmegért 2.alakelindul2.alakénekel 3.alakbeszél 2.alakkészít 3.alak...

irregular verbs 2024-01-18

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. the past of freeze
  2. the past and past participle of stand
  3. the past participle of grow
  4. the past participle of become
  5. the past of be (singular)
  6. the past of throw
  7. the past and past participle of catch
  8. the past of swim
  9. the past of grow
  10. the past of take
  11. the past participle of freeze
  12. the past of go
  13. the past of be (plural)
  14. the past participle of take
  15. the past participle of fall
  16. the past participle of be
  17. the past and past participle of build
  18. the past and past participle of hear
  1. the past participle of write
  2. the past of choose
  3. the past of draw
  4. the past of bite
  5. the past of become
  6. the past participle of swim
  7. the past participle of draw
  8. the past of speak
  9. the past participle of fly
  10. the past participle of choose
  11. the past participle of go
  12. the past of write
  13. the past participle of speak
  14. the past of fall
  15. the past of fly
  16. the past participle of bite

34 Clues: the past of gothe past of flythe past of drawthe past of bitethe past of swimthe past of growthe past of takethe past of fallthe past of throwthe past of speakthe past of writethe past of freezethe past of choosethe past of becomethe past of be (plural)the past of be (singular)the past participle of gothe past participle of be...

Irregular verbs 2023-09-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. forget
  2. drink
  3. build
  4. come
  5. have
  6. feel
  7. can
  8. eat
  9. find
  10. break
  11. leave
  12. write
  13. become
  14. draw
  15. pay
  16. teach
  17. sing
  18. see
  19. send
  20. catch
  1. write
  2. sell
  3. go
  4. say
  5. give
  6. ride
  7. bring
  8. make
  9. fall
  10. take
  11. cost
  12. drive
  13. choose
  14. know
  15. sleep
  16. fly
  17. buy
  18. have
  19. begin
  20. run
  21. do
  22. shake
  23. fight
  24. sit

44 Clues: godosaycaneatflybuyrunpayseesitsellgiveridecomehavemakefeelfalltakecostknowfindhavedrawsingsendwritedrinkbuildbringdrivesleepbreakleavewritebeginteachshakefightcatchforgetchoosebecome

Irregular verbs 2024-04-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. pay
  2. ride
  3. sweep
  4. fly
  5. hear
  6. spend
  7. wake
  8. tear
  9. forget
  10. steal
  11. eat
  12. build
  13. freeze
  14. teach
  1. draw
  2. keep
  3. seek
  4. write
  5. upset
  6. sink
  7. drive
  8. lose
  9. shine
  10. shut
  11. think
  12. ring

26 Clues: payflyeatdrawkeeprideseeksinkhearlosewaketearshutringsweepwriteupsetdrivespendshinestealthinkbuildteachforgetfreeze

Irregular verbs 2024-03-17

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. находить
  2. искать
  3. ловить
  4. сидеть
  5. есть
  6. написать
  7. пить
  8. идти
  9. приходить
  10. встретить
  11. держать
  12. положить
  13. увидеть
  14. забыть
  15. приносить
  16. думать
  17. класть
  18. знать
  19. быть
  20. читать
  21. становиться
  1. понять
  2. иметь
  3. слышать
  4. водить
  5. делать
  6. вести
  7. спать
  8. получать
  9. терять
  10. делать
  11. кидать
  12. отправить
  13. мечтать
  14. стоять
  15. брать
  16. давать
  17. ломать
  18. чувствовать

39 Clues: естьпитьидтибытьиметьвестиспатьбратьзнатьпонятьискатьловитьсидетьводитьделатьтерятьделатькидатьстоятьзабытьдаватьдуматькластьломатьчитатьслышатьдержатьувидетьмечтатьнаходитьнаписатьполучатьположитьприходитьвстретитьотправитьприноситьчувствоватьстановиться

Irregular verbs 2024-03-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. blow
  2. come
  3. teach
  4. choose
  5. awake
  6. buy
  7. write
  8. find
  9. make
  10. build
  1. know
  2. become
  3. cut
  4. grow
  5. speak
  6. eat
  7. get
  8. run
  9. sell
  10. do
  11. meet

21 Clues: docuteatbuygetrunknowblowcomegrowsellfindmakemeetteachspeakawakewritebuildbecomechoose

Irregular verbs 2024-03-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. падать
  2. выбирать
  3. резать
  4. Ударить
  5. приходить
  6. держать
  7. изучать
  8. рисовать
  9. давать
  10. покидать(оставлять)
  11. пить
  12. приносить
  13. иметь
  14. есть(кушать)
  15. находить
  16. жечь (гореть)
  17. быть
  18. стоить
  1. строить
  2. ломать
  3. идти
  4. становиться
  5. получать
  6. мечтать(видеть сны)
  7. слышать
  8. расти
  9. летать
  10. ловить
  11. делать
  12. хранить
  13. покупать
  14. начинать
  15. водить авто
  16. знать
  17. забывать

35 Clues: идтипитьбытьрастииметьзнатьломатьпадатьрезатьлетатьловитьделатьдаватьстоитьстроитьУдаритьслышатьдержатьизучатьхранитьполучатьвыбиратьрисоватьпокупатьначинатьнаходитьзабыватьприходитьприноситьстановитьсяводить автоесть(кушать)жечь (гореть)мечтать(видеть сны)покидать(оставлять)


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. The past participle form of "bite"
  2. The past simple form of "grow"
  3. The past simple form of "read"
  4. The past simple form of "find"
  5. The past simple form of "become"
  6. The past simple form of "begin"
  7. The past participle form of "sleep"
  8. The past participle form of "wake"
  9. The past participle form of "tell"
  10. The past participle form of "forget"
  11. The past simple form of "understand"
  12. The past simple form of "make"
  13. The past participle form of "run"
  1. The past simple form of "hear"
  2. The past simple form of "write"
  3. The past simple form of "drive"
  4. The past participle form of "win"
  5. The past participle form of "see"
  6. The past participle form of "have"
  7. The past simple form of "leave"
  8. The past participle form of "break"
  9. The past participle form of "fly"
  10. The past simple form of "say"
  11. The past participle form of "put"
  12. The past participle form of "do"
  13. The past simple form of "choose"
  14. The past simple form of "feed"
  15. The past simple form of "take"
  16. The past participle form of "know"
  17. The past simple form of "swim"

30 Clues: The past simple form of "say"The past simple form of "hear"The past simple form of "grow"The past simple form of "read"The past simple form of "find"The past simple form of "feed"The past simple form of "take"The past simple form of "swim"The past simple form of "make"The past simple form of "write"The past simple form of "drive"...

Irregular Verbs 2024-05-02

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. be
  2. begin
  3. give
  4. see
  5. go
  6. meet
  7. light
  8. do
  9. hit
  10. find
  11. put
  12. keep
  1. ring
  2. grow
  3. know
  4. eat
  5. steal
  6. make
  7. sit
  8. think
  9. drink
  10. cut

22 Clues: begodoeatseesithitcutputringgrowknowgivemeetmakefindkeepbeginsteallightthinkdrink


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. śnić/marzyć
  2. opuszczać
  3. upaść
  4. dawać
  5. nosić
  6. łapać
  7. mówić
  8. wiedzieć
  9. mieć
  10. zapomnieć
  1. budzić się
  2. stać się
  3. myśleć
  4. latać
  5. pić
  6. nauczać
  7. kupować
  8. słyszeć
  9. pływać
  10. wybierać

20 Clues: pićmiećupaśćlataćdawaćnosićłapaćmówićmyślećpływaćnauczaćkupowaćsłyszećstać sięwiedziećwybieraćopuszczaćzapomniećbudzić sięśnić/marzyć

Irregular Verbs 2024-05-11

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. quemar
  2. criar
  3. romper
  4. soportar o tolerar
  5. apostar
  6. ser o estar
  7. doblar
  8. soplar
  9. surgir o levantarse
  10. golpear
  11. empezar
  1. encuadernar o atar
  2. morder
  3. despertar
  4. radiar
  5. sangrar
  6. convertirse, llegar a ser
  7. construir
  8. traer o llevar
  9. pujar

20 Clues: criarpujarquemarmorderromperradiardoblarsoplarapostarsangrargolpearempezardespertarconstruirser o estartraer o llevarencuadernar o atarsoportar o tolerarsurgir o levantarseconvertirse, llegar a ser

irregular Verbs 2024-05-13

irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. escribir
  2. prohibir
  3. hacer
  4. batir, golpear
  5. dar
  6. ver
  7. tomar
  8. cabalgar
  9. caer
  10. despertar
  11. seleccionar
  1. levantarse
  2. comer
  3. olvidar
  4. manejar
  5. ser
  6. robar
  7. romper
  8. hablar
  9. congelar
  10. agitar

21 Clues: serdarvercaercomerhacerrobartomarromperhablaragitarolvidarmanejarescribirprohibircongelarcabalgardespertarlevantarseseleccionarbatir, golpear

Irregular Verbs 2024-05-29

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see
  2. hear
  3. get
  4. keep
  5. fly
  6. choose
  7. be
  8. break
  9. write
  10. drink
  11. tell
  12. drive
  13. make
  14. begin
  15. think
  16. buy
  1. come
  2. have
  3. give
  4. eat
  5. take
  6. know
  7. drive
  8. feel
  9. find
  10. go
  11. say
  12. do
  13. run
  14. bring

30 Clues: begodoseeeatgetflysayrunbuycomehavegiveheartakekeepknowfeelfindtellmakedrivebreakwritedrinkdrivebeginbringthinkchoose

irregular verbs 2024-06-03

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. stand-stood-____
  2. run-__-run
  3. get-got-___
  4. sing-___-sung
  5. wake-woke-____
  6. eat-___-eaten
  7. pay-paid-___
  8. spend-____-spent
  9. feel-___-felt
  10. begin-began-___
  11. hurt-hurt-___
  12. mean-___-meant
  13. win-won-___
  14. cut-cut-__
  15. think-___-thought
  16. freeze-___frozen
  17. drive-___-driven
  18. build-_____-built
  1. been be-was/were-_____
  2. cost-cost-___
  3. drive-drove-___
  4. blow-blew-_____
  5. fall-fell-___
  6. sleep-___-slept
  7. give-___-given
  8. go-___-gone
  9. know-___-known
  10. do-did-____
  11. shoot-shot-____
  12. fight-fought-_____
  13. come-_____-come
  14. drink-____-drunk
  15. take-took-____
  16. write-wrote-___
  17. forget-forgot-___
  18. shake-____-shook
  19. buy-____-bought
  20. feed-___-fed

38 Clues: run-__-runcut-cut-__get-got-___go-___-gonedo-did-____win-won-___pay-paid-___feed-___-fedcost-cost-___fall-fell-___sing-___-sungeat-___-eatenfeel-___-felthurt-hurt-___give-___-givenwake-woke-____know-___-knowntake-took-____mean-___-meantdrive-drove-___blow-blew-_____sleep-___-sleptshoot-shot-____begin-began-___come-_____-comewrite-wrote-___...

Irregular verbs 2024-05-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Tu-querer
  2. Tu-poner
  3. El/ella-venir
  4. El/ella-saber
  5. Tu-decir
  6. El/Ella-estar
  7. Yo-almorzar
  8. Nosotros-estar
  9. Ellos-ver
  1. Ellos-poder
  2. Nosotros-hacer
  3. Yo-tener
  4. Nosotros-saber
  5. Yo-hacer
  6. Yo-querer
  7. El/ella-dar
  8. El/ella-traer
  9. Yo-llegar
  10. Yo-pescar
  11. Ellos-ir

20 Clues: Yo-tenerTu-ponerYo-hacerTu-decirEllos-irTu-quererYo-quererYo-llegarYo-pescarEllos-verEllos-poderEl/ella-darYo-almorzarEl/ella-venirEl/ella-saberEl/Ella-estarEl/ella-traerNosotros-hacerNosotros-saberNosotros-estar

Irregular Verbs 2024-06-22

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. cut, shear
  2. decrease, lessen
  3. bow,flection,arc
  4. plant, grow
  5. quit, repudiate, leave
  6. cry,lament
  7. explosion, flare
  8. skip, hop
  9. pitch, expulsion
  10. bow
  11. twist, extract
  12. reduce, powder
  13. emerge,appear,begin
  14. kill, destroy
  1. depart,drop out
  2. suspend, float
  3. break, crack
  4. carry, deliver,take
  5. cut, incision
  6. fly, blow,leave
  7. exhausted, fatigued
  8. clip, cut
  9. continue, embrace
  10. get married
  11. scramble, steal
  12. arrange, set

26 Clues: bowclip, cutskip, hopcut, shearcry,lamentplant, growget marriedbreak, crackarrange, setcut, incisionkill, destroysuspend, floattwist, extractreduce, powderdepart,drop outfly, blow,leavescramble, stealdecrease, lessenbow,flection,arcexplosion, flarepitch, expulsioncontinue, embracecarry, deliver,takeexhausted, fatiguedemerge,appear,begin...

Irregular verbs 2024-06-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fly
  2. make
  3. read
  4. eat
  5. find
  6. held
  7. see
  8. spend
  9. stand
  10. think
  11. meet
  12. pay
  13. ride
  14. bite
  15. begin
  1. do
  2. draw
  3. teach
  4. drive
  5. understand
  6. drink
  7. sit
  8. swim
  9. steal
  10. hear
  11. write

26 Clues: doflyeatseesitpaymakedrawreadfindheldswimhearmeetridebiteteachdrivedrinkspendstandstealthinkwritebeginunderstand

Irregular verbs 2024-06-27

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. begin
  2. be (singular)
  3. feel
  4. eat
  5. steal
  6. fight
  7. tell
  8. run
  9. be (plural)
  10. do
  1. break
  2. give
  3. go
  4. cut
  5. say
  6. hear
  7. find
  8. take
  9. meet
  10. see
  11. have

21 Clues: godocutsayeatseerungivehearfeelfindtakemeethavetellbreakbeginstealfightbe (plural)be (singular)


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. past participle of swim
  2. simple past of give
  3. past participle of write
  4. the simple past of sit
  5. simple past of drink
  6. past participle of shake
  7. past participle of do
  8. simple past of eat
  9. simple past of draw
  10. simple past of wear
  11. past participle of fly
  1. the simple past and past participle of buy
  2. simple past of begin
  3. past participle of go
  4. past participle of grow
  5. simple past of break
  6. past participle of take
  7. past participle of steal
  8. simple past of see
  9. simple past of write
  10. past participle of choose

21 Clues: simple past of seesimple past of eatsimple past of givesimple past of drawsimple past of wearsimple past of beginsimple past of breaksimple past of drinksimple past of writepast participle of gopast participle of dothe simple past of sitpast participle of flypast participle of swimpast participle of growpast participle of take...

Irregular Verbs 2012-05-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. To see
  2. To feel
  3. To sleep
  4. To drink
  5. To become
  6. To choose
  7. To bring
  8. To sing
  9. To swim
  10. To forget
  11. To build
  12. To go
  13. To write
  14. To get
  15. To make
  16. To have
  1. To spend
  2. To leave
  3. To tell
  4. To dream
  5. To understand
  6. To buy
  7. To come
  8. To speak
  9. To teach
  10. To sell
  11. To take
  12. To drive
  13. To do
  14. To eat

30 Clues: To goTo doTo seeTo buyTo getTo eatTo feelTo tellTo comeTo singTo sellTo swimTo takeTo makeTo haveTo spendTo leaveTo dreamTo sleepTo drinkTo speakTo bringTo teachTo buildTo driveTo writeTo becomeTo chooseTo forgetTo understand


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. cut
  2. cost
  3. did
  4. put
  5. read
  6. left
  7. went
  8. drank
  9. became
  10. felt
  11. stood
  12. sat
  13. fought
  14. was were
  15. began
  16. had
  17. told
  18. hid
  19. knew
  20. made
  1. hit
  2. came
  3. spoke
  4. taught
  5. understood
  6. lost
  7. ate
  8. caught
  9. drove
  10. gave
  11. wrote
  12. broke buy bought
  13. took
  14. flew
  15. swam
  16. bit
  17. won

37 Clues: hitcutdidputatesathadbithidwoncamecostreadleftlostwentfeltgavetookflewtoldswamknewmadespokedrankstooddrovewrotebegantaughtbecamecaughtfoughtwas wereunderstoodbroke buy bought


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. see
  2. ring
  3. swim
  4. tell
  5. break
  6. fall
  7. make
  8. give
  9. lose
  10. teach
  11. become
  12. drink
  13. think
  14. go
  15. buy
  16. say
  17. win
  1. write
  2. come
  3. fight
  4. do
  5. bite
  6. sing
  7. feel
  8. speak
  9. understand
  10. sit
  11. have
  12. catch
  13. know
  14. stand
  15. build
  16. take
  17. pay
  18. get

35 Clues: dogoseesitpaybuygetsaywinringcomeswimtellbitesingfallfeelmakegivelosehaveknowtakewritefightbreakspeakteachcatchdrinkstandbuildthinkbecomeunderstand

Irregular Verbs 2012-10-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sat
  2. shook
  3. slept
  4. dug
  5. sang
  6. rode
  7. lost
  8. felt
  9. ate
  10. broke
  11. shrank
  12. sold
  13. bought
  14. drew
  15. brought
  16. met
  17. began
  18. thought
  19. forgot
  20. grew
  21. caught
  1. drank
  2. chose
  3. went
  4. gave
  5. spoke
  6. told
  7. left
  8. said
  9. threw
  10. fought
  11. understood
  12. shot
  13. fell
  14. bit
  15. taught
  16. kept
  17. ran
  18. hid

39 Clues: satdugatemetbitranhidwentgavetoldleftsangrodelostsaidfeltsoldshotdrewfellkeptgrewdrankchoseshooksleptspokethrewbrokebeganfoughtshrankboughttaughtforgotcaughtbroughtthoughtunderstood

Irregular verbs 2013-01-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ciąć, kroić (I)
  2. zaczynac (I)
  3. dawac (II)
  4. fight (I)
  5. kupowac (II)
  6. choose (II)
  7. przynosic (II)
  8. drive (I)
  9. swim (II)
  10. pisac (II)
  11. bite (I)
  12. robic (II)
  13. fall (I)
  1. become (I)
  2. sit (II)
  3. dzwonic (II)
  4. build (II)
  5. catch (I)
  6. zapominac (II)
  7. hear (I)
  8. get (I)
  9. kosztowac (II)
  10. trzymac (I)
  11. say (I)
  12. robic (II)
  13. isc (I)
  14. jesc (II)
  15. sprzedawac (I)

28 Clues: get (I)say (I)isc (I)sit (II)hear (I)bite (I)fall (I)catch (I)fight (I)drive (I)swim (II)jesc (II)become (I)build (II)dawac (II)robic (II)pisac (II)robic (II)choose (II)trzymac (I)dzwonic (II)zaczynac (I)kupowac (II)zapominac (II)przynosic (II)kosztowac (II)sprzedawac (I)ciąć, kroić (I)

Irregular Verbs 2013-02-11

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. קח
  2. הסתיר
  3. ליפול
  4. נתן
  5. הלך
  6. זרק
  7. הדליק
  8. לימד
  9. החזיק
  10. חשב
  11. פגש
  12. דיבר
  13. סיפר
  14. עלה
  15. ידע
  1. הכיל
  2. קרע
  3. תלה
  4. תס
  5. הבין
  6. בנה
  7. קנה
  8. גנב
  9. אכל
  10. תפס
  11. פגע
  12. לבש
  13. התכוון
  14. ישב
  15. צייר

30 Clues: קחתסקרעתלהנתןבנההלךקנהגנבאכלזרקתפספגעלבשחשבפגשישבעלהידעהכילהביןלימדדיברסיפרציירהסתירליפולהדליקהחזיקהתכוון


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. / She ____ her homework in the afternoon.
  2. / The bird ____ in the sky.
  3. / I ____ her secret very well
  4. / I_______ a teddy bear when I was a baby.
  5. / I______ a present to my friend for her birthday.
  6. / She ____ a famous actress.
  7. / I _____ my pencil case in my bedroom
  8. / My sister _______ my favourite toy.
  9. / I _________ to the cinema on Saturday.
  10. / He ________ the book from the library
  11. / The frog _______ a prince.
  12. / She ____a dress for the party.
  13. / I ___ my nails went I was nervous
  1. / I _____ a picture of a tiger.
  2. / My friends ______ to my party
  3. / He____ ill yesterday.
  4. / The film ________ at 19:00.
  5. / I _____ the answer.
  6. / She____ her new car.
  7. / She ____ a sandwich for lunch
  8. / I ______ milk when I was a child.
  9. / My mum _______ bought some water in the supermarket.
  10. / My friend _______ my mistake.
  11. / My older computer ______ 600 $
  12. / The wind ______ in London.

25 Clues: / I _____ the answer./ She____ her new car./ He____ ill yesterday./ She ____ a famous actress./ The frog _______ a prince./ The wind ______ in London./ The bird ____ in the sky./ The film ________ at 19:00./ I ____ her secret very well/ My friends ______ to my party/ She ____ a sandwich for lunch/ I _____ a picture of a tiger....

Irregular verbs 2013-05-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Strike(II)
  2. Seek(II)
  3. Fall(III)
  4. Write(III)
  5. Bite(II)
  6. Draw(III)
  7. Hide(III)
  8. Wear(III)
  9. Mean(III)
  1. Sing(II)
  2. Freeze(II)
  3. Steal(III)
  4. Cut(II)
  5. Understand(II)
  6. Pay(II)
  7. Win(II)
  8. Be(III)
  9. Teach(III)
  10. Eat(III)
  11. Go(II)

20 Clues: Go(II)Cut(II)Pay(II)Win(II)Be(III)Sing(II)Seek(II)Bite(II)Eat(III)Fall(III)Draw(III)Hide(III)Wear(III)Mean(III)Freeze(II)Strike(II)Steal(III)Write(III)Teach(III)Understand(II)

Irregular verbs 2013-05-02

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Guillem _______ fanta last weekend
  2. Yestarday I _______ a Ipad
  3. Last day I ______ the hokmework
  4. last night I ______ a good friend
  5. Last Monday I _____a mosquito
  6. Last I _________ about basketball
  7. Last Monday I ______ a paper bird
  8. Last hour I________ a glass
  9. Every day I ______ 0'5cm long
  10. I______ the correct way
  11. Last Sunday I ______ a candle
  12. Last day i have _______ on my leg
  1. Last wekeend I _______ a chiken
  2. Eduard _______ to the Europe last month
  3. Every day I _______ the computer on class
  4. Last day I ______ a friend
  5. batman _______ vs Joker
  6. Last year I _______ on the mountain
  7. Yestarday I _____ the clothes
  8. Last Thursday I _______ a bike
  9. Last month I _______ a big grave
  10. last saturday night I_____ from my house at 12:00
  11. When i was boring I _____ a paper
  12. My granfather _______ a carpenter
  13. Last day one buildier_______ a sing

25 Clues: batman _______ vs JokerI______ the correct wayYestarday I _______ a IpadLast day I ______ a friendLast hour I________ a glassLast Monday I _____a mosquitoYestarday I _____ the clothesEvery day I ______ 0'5cm longLast Sunday I ______ a candleLast Thursday I _______ a bikeLast wekeend I _______ a chikenLast day I ______ the hokmework...

Irregular verbs 2014-04-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. go
  2. choose
  3. burn
  4. find
  5. cut
  6. buy
  7. lose
  8. come
  9. grow
  10. have
  1. be
  2. can
  3. fight
  4. put
  5. blow
  6. hang
  7. fly
  8. pay
  9. run
  10. eat

20 Clues: gobecancutputbuyflypayruneatburnfindblowhanglosecomegrowhavefightchoose

Irregular verbs 2014-04-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. draw
  2. blow
  3. lay
  4. bring
  5. begin
  6. find
  7. drink
  8. choose
  9. eat
  10. can
  11. cut
  1. grow
  2. fall
  3. build
  4. overcome
  5. do
  6. keep
  7. hear
  8. send
  9. cost

20 Clues: dolayeatcancutgrowdrawfallblowfindkeephearsendcostbuildbringbegindrinkchooseovercome

irregular verbs 2014-04-15

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. thought
  2. shut
  3. grew
  4. brought
  5. wore
  6. overcame
  7. kept
  8. smelt
  9. told
  10. flew
  1. could
  2. taught
  3. sang
  4. took
  5. wrote
  6. stole
  7. woke
  8. met
  9. fell
  10. laid

20 Clues: metshutsangtookgrewworewokekeptfelllaidtoldflewcouldwrotestolesmelttaughtthoughtbroughtovercame

Irregular verbs 2013-12-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. redzēt
  2. just
  3. lidot
  4. pirkt
  5. kļūt
  6. dot
  7. saprast
  8. ņemt
  9. uzvarēt
  10. ievainot,sāpēt
  11. zināt
  12. stāstīt
  13. mācīt
  14. zīmēt
  15. teikt
  16. runāt
  17. dzert
  1. iet
  2. krist
  3. doties ceļā,atstāt
  4. rakstīt
  5. aizmirst
  6. ēst
  7. sākties
  8. ķert
  9. atnest
  10. satikt
  11. mācīties
  12. glabāt
  13. cirst,griezt
  14. valkāt
  15. izvēlēties
  16. vadīt mašīnu
  17. atrast
  18. darīt

35 Clues: ietēstdotjustķertkļūtņemtkristlidotpirktzinātmācītzīmētteiktrunātdzertdarītredzētatnestsatiktglabātvalkātatrastrakstītsāktiessaprastuzvarētstāstītaizmirstmācītiesizvēlētiescirst,grieztvadīt mašīnuievainot,sāpētdoties ceļā,atstāt

Irregular verbs 2013-12-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. think, thought, x
  2. see, x, seen
  3. x, cost, cost
  4. go, went, x
  5. sleep, x, slept
  6. feel, x, felt
  7. x, ate, eaten
  8. win, x, won
  9. give, gave, x
  10. x, broke, broken
  11. speak, x, spoken
  1. choose, chose, x
  2. throw, threw, x
  3. teach, taught, x
  4. x, sit, sit
  5. write, x, written
  6. x, took, taken
  7. swim, x, swum
  8. fly, flew, x
  9. x, drove, driven
  10. x, was/were, been

21 Clues: x, sit, sitgo, went, xwin, x, wonsee, x, seenfly, flew, xx, cost, costswim, x, swumfeel, x, feltx, ate, eatengive, gave, xx, took, takenthrow, threw, xsleep, x, sleptchoose, chose, xteach, taught, xx, drove, drivenx, broke, brokenspeak, x, spokenthink, thought, xwrite, x, writtenx, was/were, been

Irregular verbs 2014-03-24

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. yesterday, Peter __________ a special day.
  2. The bear ____________ on the ice.
  3. Camilo ____________ to the party with Camila.
  4. I ____________ my lost keys.
  5. did Charles ____________ the best job?
  6. Yesterday afternoon I ____________ to Cali to visit family.
  7. My aunt didn´t ____________ her family.
  8. Yenny ____________ a new jackect.
  9. Jason ____________ 12 kilos by doing a diet.
  10. She ____________ a gift to her friend.
  11. Last night, I ____________ some hot milk to sleep.
  12. My mom didn´t ____________ my birthday cake.
  13. up Marcela ____________ early this morning.
  14. I____________ to school last year
  15. John didn´t ____________ from his friends
  16. This morning, Sophie ____________ his finger.
  1. Marco ____________ his dog.
  2. Did you ____________ the teacher´s instructions?
  3. I didn´t ____________ the line.
  4. in 2004, Paul ____________ a Doctor.
  5. The player ____________ the ball at the game
  6. The teacher ____________ a game to play in the class.
  7. Juan ____________ in love with Natalia.
  8. last week, Mary ____________ her new job as teacher.
  9. Yesterday, Samuel ____________ his car to Pereira.
  10. I ____________ all the test answers.
  11. The word didn´t ____________ as the teacher told us
  12. Did the player ____________ the ball in the game?
  13. Yesterday, Michael ____________ his homework.

29 Clues: Marco ____________ his dog.I ____________ my lost keys.I didn´t ____________ the line.The bear ____________ on the ice.Yenny ____________ a new jackect.I____________ to school last yearin 2004, Paul ____________ a Doctor.I ____________ all the test answers.She ____________ a gift to her friend.did Charles ____________ the best job?...

Irregular verbs 2014-01-27

Irregular  verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sniedza 2f
  2. sacies 3f
  3. griest
  4. zinams 3f
  5. stavet
  6. zagt
  7. skriet 2f
  8. sapnoja 2f
  9. darija, 2f
  10. domat
  11. piedots 3f
  12. nolikt 2f
  13. satika, 3f
  14. rakstit
  15. uzvaret
  16. celt
  17. nodedzinatas 2f
  18. turet
  19. saprata 2f
  20. trapit 2f
  21. aizsutija 3f
  22. redzeja 2f
  23. sutit
  24. macit
  25. meta 2f
  26. spideja 2f
  27. guleja 2f
  28. nokrita 2f
  29. pazaudet
  30. bija 3f
  31. sedet
  32. pateikt
  33. pastastija, 3f
  1. eda, 2f
  2. prom 3f
  3. nemot 3f
  4. panemt 2f
  5. staveja 2f
  6. gulet
  7. paradija 2f
  8. macities
  9. gatavots 3f
  10. macijas 3f
  11. rakstisks 3f
  12. brauca, 2f
  13. aizmirsts 3f
  14. lidot 2f
  15. parnemts 3f
  16. dzert
  17. atrast 3f
  18. celta, 3f
  19. zimet
  20. velkat 3f
  21. macija 2f
  22. turet, 2f
  23. dzirdet 3f
  24. peldejas 2f
  25. pavadija 3f
  26. nozimeja 2f
  27. peldet
  28. smarzoja 3f
  29. sadalit 2f
  30. pamest 2f
  31. turet 3f
  32. samaksats 3f
  33. slegts 2f
  34. vadija, 2f

67 Clues: zagtceltguletdomatdzertzimetturetsutitmacitsedetgrieststavetpeldeteda, 2fprom 3frakstituzvaretmeta 2fbija 3fpateiktnemot 3fmacitieslidot 2fturet 3fpazaudetsacies 3fpanemt 2fzinams 3fskriet 2fnolikt 2fatrast 3fcelta, 3fvelkat 3fmacija 2ftrapit 2fturet, 2fguleja 2fpamest 2fslegts 2fsniedza 2fstaveja 2fmacijas 3fsapnoja 2fdarija, 2fbrauca, 2f...

Irregular Verbs 2014-01-27

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 2f melot
  2. 2f turēt
  3. 2f zaudēt
  4. redzēt
  5. teikt
  6. 2f sūtīt
  7. lasīt
  8. 2f satikt
  9. pamest
  10. 2f spīdēt
  11. cīnīties
  12. turēt
  13. 2f mācīt
  14. 2f zīmēt
  15. 2f rakt
  16. saprast
  17. 2f iet
  18. sāpināt
  19. 2f zināt
  20. 2f salauzts
  21. 2f rakstīt
  22. mācīties
  23. 2f ēst
  24. 2f braukt
  25. 2f maksā
  26. sist
  1. 2f vadīt
  2. būt
  3. krist
  4. 2f aizdot
  5. 2f mest
  6. 2f peldēt
  7. nākt
  8. 2f sēdēt
  9. 3f dziedāt
  10. gulēt
  11. 2f ķert
  12. darīt
  13. 2f piedot
  14. 2f zagt
  15. just
  16. 2f aizmirst
  17. 3f zvanīt
  18. 3f domāt
  19. 2f braukt
  20. 2f uzvarēt
  21. sapņot
  22. 3f rādīt
  23. 2f pamosties
  24. 2f sākt
  25. 2f augt
  26. 2f lidot
  27. 2f skriet
  28. 2f plēst
  29. 2f dzirdēt
  30. likt

56 Clues: būtnāktjustliktsistkristteiktgulētlasītdarītturētredzētpamestsapņot2f iet2f ēst2f mest2f ķert2f zagt2f raktsaprastsāpināt2f sākt2f augt2f melot2f vadīt2f turēt2f sēdēt2f sūtītcīnīties3f domāt2f mācīt2f zīmēt3f rādīt2f zināt2f lidot2f plēstmācīties2f maksā2f aizdot2f zaudēt2f peldēt2f satikt2f piedot2f spīdēt3f zvanīt2f braukt2f skriet2f braukt...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. mācīties 1f
  2. pirkt 1f
  3. just1f
  4. izvēlēties1f
  5. sūtīt1f
  6. dot 2f
  7. teikt2f
  8. aizmirst2f
  9. darīt1f
  10. celt 1f
  11. rakstisks2f
  12. skriet3f
  13. domāt 3f
  14. rādīt 2f
  15. peldējās3f
  16. stāvēja2f
  17. uzstādīt 2f
  18. runāt1f
  19. sist 1f
  20. tērēt3f
  21. lidot3f
  22. turēt2f
  23. skriet 2f
  24. uzvarēt2f
  25. aizņemties3f
  26. rakt2f
  1. dzirdēt2f
  2. nolikt3f
  3. augt2f
  4. kļūt2f
  5. barot3f
  6. barot1f
  7. salauzts2f
  8. atrast 1f
  9. zīmēt3f
  10. mācija2f
  11. valkātas3f
  12. izlijušas2f
  13. dabūt2f
  14. nozīmēja2f
  15. spīdēja3f
  16. mest3f
  17. celties2f
  18. dzēra2f
  19. sēdēt2f
  20. nozagt1f
  21. aizvērt2f
  22. lidoja3f
  23. ievainit3f
  24. dzied3f
  25. paņemt2f
  26. samaksāt 3f

52 Clues: augt2fkļūt2fjust1fdot 2fmest3frakt2fbarot3fbarot1fsūtīt1fteikt2fzīmēt3fdabūt2fdarīt1fcelt 1fdzēra2fsēdēt2frunāt1fsist 1ftērēt3fdzied3flidot3fturēt2fnolikt3fpirkt 1fmācija2fskriet3fdomāt 3frādīt 2fnozagt1flidoja3fpaņemt2fdzirdēt2fatrast 1fspīdēja3fcelties2fstāvēja2faizvērt2fskriet 2fuzvarēt2fsalauzts2faizmirst2fvalkātas3fnozīmēja2fpeldējās3f...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. vadīt 3f
  2. sapinat 3f
  3. peldēt 2f
  4. terēt 3f
  5. lidot 3f
  6. gulēt 3f
  7. salauzt 2f
  8. zvanīt 2f
  9. dzert 3f
  10. slēpt 3f
  11. sapņot 3f
  12. domāt 3f
  13. zīmēt 2f
  14. zagt 3f
  15. aiziet 3f
  16. samaksāt 3f
  17. piedot 3f
  18. melot 2f
  19. iedegt, apgaismot 3f
  20. dabūt 3f
  21. pirkt 3f
  22. uzvarēt 2f
  23. izvēlēties 3f
  24. vilkt 3f
  25. sviest 3f
  26. piederēt 3f
  27. braukt 2f
  28. atnākt 2f
  29. augt 3f
  30. aizvert 2f
  31. zaudēt 3f
  32. darīt 3f
  33. barot 2f
  34. ēst 2f
  35. sacīt 3f
  36. sist 3f
  37. kļūt 2f
  38. dziedāt 2f
  39. sēdēt 3f
  1. aizņemties 3f
  2. atnest 2f
  3. domāts 3f
  4. just 1f
  5. taisit 3f
  6. paturēt 2f
  7. kauties 3f
  8. mācīties 3f
  9. spīdēt 3f
  10. dedzināt 3f
  11. braukt 3f
  12. sākt 3f
  13. rakstīt 3f
  14. turēt 3f
  15. aizmirst 2f
  16. atnest 3f
  17. krist 3f
  18. uzlikt 3f
  19. noķert 2f
  20. zināt 3f
  21. rādīt 2f
  22. skriet 3f
  23. paņemt 3f
  24. atrast 3f
  25. dzirdēt 2f
  26. rakt 1f
  27. pārdot 3f
  28. maksāt 3f
  29. griezt 3f
  30. lasīt 2f
  31. sūtīt 2f
  32. satikt 3f
  33. redzēt 3f
  34. uzstādīt 3f

73 Clues: ēst 2fjust 1fsākt 3fzagt 3frakt 1faugt 3fsist 3fkļūt 2fvadīt 3fterēt 3flidot 3fgulēt 3fdzert 3fslēpt 3fdomāt 3fturēt 3fzīmēt 2fkrist 3fmelot 2fdabūt 3fpirkt 3fzināt 3frādīt 2fvilkt 3flasīt 2fsūtīt 2fdarīt 3fbarot 2fsacīt 3fsēdēt 3fatnest 2fdomāts 3fpeldēt 2ftaisit 3fspīdēt 3fbraukt 3fzvanīt 2fsapņot 3fatnest 3faiziet 3fuzlikt 3fpiedot 3fnoķert 2f...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. mācīties 1f
  2. pirkt 1f
  3. just1f
  4. izvēlēties1f
  5. sūtīt1f
  6. dot 2f
  7. teikt2f
  8. aizmirst2f
  9. darīt1f
  10. celt 1f
  11. rakstisks2f
  12. skriet3f
  13. domāt 3f
  14. rādīt 2f
  15. peldējās3f
  16. stāvēja2f
  17. uzstādīt 2f
  18. runāt1f
  19. sist 1f
  20. tērēt3f
  21. lidot3f
  22. turēt2f
  23. skriet 2f
  24. uzvarēt2f
  25. aizņemties3f
  26. rakt2f
  1. dzirdēt2f
  2. nolikt3f
  3. augt2f
  4. kļūt2f
  5. barot3f
  6. barot1f
  7. salauzts2f
  8. atrast 1f
  9. zīmēt3f
  10. mācija2f
  11. valkātas3f
  12. izlijušas2f
  13. dabūt2f
  14. nozīmēja2f
  15. spīdēja3f
  16. mest3f
  17. celties2f
  18. dzēra2f
  19. sēdēt2f
  20. nozagt1f
  21. aizvērt2f
  22. lidoja3f
  23. ievainit3f
  24. dzied3f
  25. paņemt2f
  26. samaksāt 3f

52 Clues: augt2fkļūt2fjust1fdot 2fmest3frakt2fbarot3fbarot1fsūtīt1fteikt2fzīmēt3fdabūt2fdarīt1fcelt 1fdzēra2fsēdēt2frunāt1fsist 1ftērēt3fdzied3flidot3fturēt2fnolikt3fpirkt 1fmācija2fskriet3fdomāt 3frādīt 2fnozagt1flidoja3fpaņemt2fdzirdēt2fatrast 1fspīdēja3fcelties2fstāvēja2faizvērt2fskriet 2fuzvarēt2fsalauzts2faizmirst2fvalkātas3fnozīmēja2fpeldējās3f...

Irregular Verbs 2014-09-21

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. drive
  2. spend
  3. draw
  4. fall
  5. think
  6. hear
  7. buy
  8. swing
  9. go
  1. come
  2. keep
  3. can
  4. hold
  5. smell
  6. send
  7. let
  8. forget
  9. grow
  10. begin
  11. win

20 Clues: gocanletbuywincomekeepholdsenddrawfallgrowheardrivespendsmellthinkbeginswingforget

Irregular verbs 2014-06-10

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. know
  2. come
  3. put
  4. feel
  5. go
  6. get
  7. find
  8. become
  9. show
  10. tell
  11. think
  12. hold
  1. see
  2. keep
  3. make
  4. leave
  5. write
  6. give
  7. bring
  8. say
  9. stand
  10. begin
  11. take

23 Clues: goseeputgetsayknowkeepmakecomefeelgivefindshowtelltakeholdleavewritebringstandbeginthinkbecome

Irregular Verbs 2013-07-14

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Participle of Sell
  2. Participle of Think
  3. Participle of Throw
  4. Participle of Grow
  5. Past of Sleep
  6. Past of Draw
  7. Past of Sink
  8. Past of Hurt
  9. Past of Fit
  1. Participle of Bleed
  2. Past of Lend
  3. Past of Catch
  4. Participle of Teach
  5. Past of Know
  6. Participle of Spend
  7. Past of Ring
  8. Past of Shake
  9. Past of Sit
  10. Participle of Shoot
  11. Participle of Hit

20 Clues: Past of SitPast of FitPast of LendPast of KnowPast of RingPast of DrawPast of SinkPast of HurtPast of CatchPast of SleepPast of ShakeParticiple of HitParticiple of SellParticiple of GrowParticiple of BleedParticiple of ThinkParticiple of TeachParticiple of ThrowParticiple of SpendParticiple of Shoot

Irregular Verbs 2015-02-02

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Classes ________ at 9:00 today at Hope Valley Elementary School.
  2. Ms. Abbott __________ everyone a snack today during class.
  3. Mr. Massey watered his lawn so that his grass would _________.
  4. After school, Victor _________ the bus back home.
  5. Malik asked Igus, " Do you ________ how to play hide and seek?"
  6. Elizabeth ___________ some potatoes and carrots in her backyard.
  7. The Seattle Seahawks _________ the Superbowl after beating the Green Bay Packers.
  8. Yesterday, I _______ to Disney World with Igus and Beyonka.
  9. Today, Ms. Hines ________ a nice red sweater to stay warm.
  10. Beyonka _________ a letter to Ms. Abbott that she will miss her over the summer.
  11. Mr. Martin _________ up because he spilled drink all over his desk.
  1. "It is time to ________ class, so put your homework in the bin," said Ms. Abbott.
  2. "Please _______ me my pencil back!" said Malik.
  3. Do you want to ________ my bicycle that my dad bought for me for my birthday?
  4. I________ it was time to go because the bell rang at 3:30.
  5. Ms. Abbott asked the class if they remember how to ________ apple pie.\
  6. Today I want to ______ to the store with Mylah to buy some crackers.
  7. Mylah had to _________ an apron while she was cooking so that she would not burn herself.
  8. Karston wanted to ________ up because he wanted to do jumping jacks.
  9. Igus wanted to _________ a "get well soon" card to Victor's mom.

20 Clues: "Please _______ me my pencil back!" said Malik.After school, Victor _________ the bus back home.Ms. Abbott __________ everyone a snack today during class.I________ it was time to go because the bell rang at 3:30.Today, Ms. Hines ________ a nice red sweater to stay warm.Yesterday, I _______ to Disney World with Igus and Beyonka....

Irregular verbs 2015-04-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. have
  2. visit
  3. watch
  4. paint
  5. take
  6. eat
  7. climb
  8. come
  9. help
  10. write
  11. go
  12. do
  13. drink
  14. see
  15. talk
  1. play
  2. listen
  3. buy
  4. dance
  5. clean
  6. read
  7. give

22 Clues: godobuyeatseeplayhavetakecomehelpreadgivetalkvisitwatchpaintdanceclimbcleanwritedrinklisten

Irregular verbs 2015-03-24

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 2nd form of the verb "to bring"
  2. 2nd form of the verb "to become"
  3. 2nd form of the verb "to begin"
  4. 3rd form of the verb "to catch"
  5. 3rd form of the verb "to feed"
  6. 3rd form of the verb "to dream"
  7. 3rd form of the verb "to be"
  8. 3rd form of the verb "to burn"
  9. 3rd form of the verb "to bleed"
  10. 2nd form of the verb "to drow"
  11. 2nd form of the verb "to cost"
  12. 3rd form of the verb "to creep"
  13. 2nd form of the verb "to feel"
  1. 2nd form of the verb "to break"
  2. 3rd form of the verb "to choose"
  3. 3rd form of the verb "to fall"
  4. 2nd form of the verb "to buy"
  5. 3rd form of the verb "to beat"
  6. 2nd form of the verb "to eat"
  7. 3rd form of the verb "to blow"
  8. 2nd form of the verb "to do"
  9. 3rd form of the verb "to drink"
  10. 3rd form of the verb "to build"
  11. 2nd form of the verb "to burst"
  12. 2nd form of the verb "to drive"
  13. 3rd form of the verb "to cut"
  14. 2nd form of the verb "to come"

27 Clues: 2nd form of the verb "to do"3rd form of the verb "to be"2nd form of the verb "to buy"2nd form of the verb "to eat"3rd form of the verb "to cut"3rd form of the verb "to fall"3rd form of the verb "to beat"3rd form of the verb "to blow"3rd form of the verb "to feed"3rd form of the verb "to burn"2nd form of the verb "to drow"...

Irregular verbs 2015-09-10

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. (to) speak (sprechen (mit), reden (mit))
  2. (to) lend ((ver)leihen)
  3. (to) tell (erzählen, sagen)
  4. (to) swim (schwimmen)
  5. (to) teach (unterrichten, lehren)
  6. (to) say (sagen)
  7. (to) find (finden)
  8. (to) make (machen, bauen, bilden)
  9. (to) give (geben)
  10. (to) be (plural form) (sein)
  11. (to) put (legen, stellen, (wohin) tun)
  12. (to) buy (kaufen)
  13. (to) shine (scheinen (Sonne))
  14. (to) get (gelangen, (hin)kommen)
  15. (to) ride (reiten, (Rad, Bus etc.) fahren)
  16. (to) drink (trinken)
  17. to) be (singular form) (sein)
  18. (to) wear (tragen (Kleidung))
  1. (to) go (gehen)
  2. (to) sit (sitzen, sich setzen)
  3. (to) have (haben)
  4. (to) fly (fliegen)
  5. (to) sing (singen)
  6. (to) meet ((sich) treffen)
  7. (to) think (denken, glauben, meinen)
  8. (to) throw (werfen)
  9. (to) eat (essen)
  10. (to) come (kommen)
  11. (to) take (nehmen, (weg-, hin)bringen)
  12. (to) hurt (wehtun, verletzen)
  13. (to) begin (beginnen, anfangen)
  14. (to) hear (hören)
  15. (to) see (sehen)
  16. (to) do (tun, machen)
  17. (to) read (lesen)
  18. (to) know (wissen, kennen)
  19. (to) run (laufen, rennen)

37 Clues: (to) go (gehen)(to) say (sagen)(to) eat (essen)(to) see (sehen)(to) have (haben)(to) give (geben)(to) buy (kaufen)(to) hear (hören)(to) read (lesen)(to) fly (fliegen)(to) sing (singen)(to) come (kommen)(to) find (finden)(to) throw (werfen)(to) drink (trinken)(to) swim (schwimmen)(to) do (tun, machen)(to) lend ((ver)leihen)(to) run (laufen, rennen)...

Irregular Verbs! 2015-10-06

Irregular Verbs! crossword puzzle
  1. run
  2. come
  3. write
  4. say
  5. grow
  6. eat
  7. think
  8. fly
  9. do
  10. take
  1. draw
  2. know
  3. make
  4. bring
  5. sing
  6. swim
  7. put
  8. speak
  9. have
  10. go

20 Clues: godorunsayputeatflydrawknowmakecomesingswimgrowhavetakebringwritespeakthink

Irregular verbs 2016-02-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. pstread
  2. vtdsmell
  3. vtdpay
  4. pstseek
  5. vtdswim
  6. vtdwithdraw
  7. pstforbid
  8. pstteach
  9. pstspeak
  10. pstdrink
  11. pstfind
  1. vtdleave
  2. pstleap
  3. pstbring
  4. vtdgrow
  5. vtdshown
  6. pstunderstand
  7. vtddrive
  8. vtdthrow
  9. pstshoot

20 Clues: vtdpaypstreadpstleappstseekvtdgrowvtdswimpstfindvtdleavevtdsmellpstbringvtdshownvtddrivepstteachvtdthrowpstspeakpstshootpstdrinkpstforbidvtdwithdrawpstunderstand

Irregular verbs 2016-01-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim
  2. run
  3. hide
  4. fly
  5. write
  6. send
  7. begin
  8. become
  9. think
  10. forget
  11. take
  12. know
  1. say
  2. meet
  3. ride
  4. choose
  5. leave
  6. break
  7. catch
  8. sleep
  9. have
  10. buy
  11. bring
  12. stand
  13. find

25 Clues: sayrunflybuyswimmeetridehidesendhavefindtakeknowleavebreakwritecatchsleepbeginbringstandthinkchoosebecomeforget

Irregular verbs 2015-10-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?
  2. The waitress asked Raphaël if he wanted another beer. He … (shake) his head; one was enough.
  3. Last week Enea had to buy a book for his maths course and it ... (cost) him 70.- He wasn’t pleased!
  4. Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?
  5. Jolan … (swear) because he burnt the steaks he had been cooking on the barbecue.
  6. Bruno has just … (throw) his book against the wall; he was angry because he had forgotten to learn his irregular verbs!
  7. I wanted to plant a cactus, so I … (dig) a hole in the ground.
  8. Have you ever … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean?
  9. I haven’t … (show) you my new bike. Let’s go for a ride this afternoon.
  10. Tyler injured his arm once when he was playing hockey and for a few days it really hurt when he ... (bend) it.
  1. Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?
  2. Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?
  3. Yesterday was a really nice day, the sun … (shine) all day.
  4. Two guys were having an argument in the bar. Then they went out and … (fight) in the street.
  5. Cédric had … (stand) there waiting for Félicia for hours in the cold and she never came.
  6. Oops, the fridge was too cold and everything has ... (freeze).
  7. Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?
  8. Who … (light) the fire for the barbecue?
  9. Excuse me if I look a bit tired, I haven’t really … (wake) up properly yet.
  10. Ludovic … (shoot) a deer last weekend.
  11. I asked Jonas to finish his exercise, so he … (speed) up.

21 Clues: Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?Ludovic … (shoot) a deer last weekend.Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?Who … (light) the fire for the barbecue?Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?Have you ever … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean?Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?...

Irregular verbs 2016-02-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. get
  2. grow
  3. understand
  4. ride
  5. sit
  6. throw
  7. Keep
  8. awake
  9. eat
  10. run
  11. take
  12. wear
  1. hang
  2. give
  3. ring
  4. strike
  5. wake
  6. think
  7. dream
  8. write
  9. hear
  10. mean
  11. know

23 Clues: getsiteatrunhanggiveringgrowwakeridehearKeepmeantakeknowwearthinkdreamwritethrowawakestrikeunderstand

Irregular verbs 2016-07-14

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. My Mum ____ a lovely cake yesterday. (make)
  2. She ____ a pink shirt yesterday. (wear)
  3. She ____ brilliantly in the concert last night. (sing)
  4. I have never ____ in icy water. (swim)
  5. I have ___ three brothers. (get)
  6. The match has already _____ . (begin)
  7. I have never ______ to him about it. (speak )
  8. We ___ up the room last night. (set)
  9. The bottle of milk has just ______ off the table. (fall)
  10. I _______ 10 new words yesterday. (learn)
  11. I ___ you yesterday! (see)
  12. I have never ___ a woman. (hit)
  13. They ____ three hours ago. (leave)
  14. I ____ my knee yesterday. (hurt)
  1. I ____ you £30 yesterday. (give)
  2. I ___ 10km yesterday. (run)
  3. We ____ in the sea every day last summer. (swim)
  4. The sun ____ at 5am. (rise)
  5. I _____ too much yesterday. (spend)
  6. I _____ in the queue for 2 hours last week. (stand)
  7. My parents have already _____ me $1000 (give)
  8. He ______ President 3 years ago. (become)
  9. He _____ these posters to the wall 2 years ago. (stick)
  10. Have you ____ your car yet? (sell)
  11. He has never ____ a fight (lose)
  12. I have already _____ with 5 difficult customers today. (deal)
  13. I ____ my old violin until my son was old to play it. (keep)
  14. Have you ____ out the washing yet? (hang)

28 Clues: I ___ you yesterday! (see)I ___ 10km yesterday. (run)The sun ____ at 5am. (rise)I have never ___ a woman. (hit)I ____ you £30 yesterday. (give)I have ___ three brothers. (get)He has never ____ a fight (lose)I ____ my knee yesterday. (hurt)Have you ____ your car yet? (sell)They ____ three hours ago. (leave)I _____ too much yesterday. (spend)...

irregular verbs 2016-06-30

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. singen
  2. schmerzen
  3. schwimmen
  4. tragen(Kleidung)
  5. bauen
  6. knien
  7. werden
  8. hängen
  9. tun
  1. bezahlen
  2. schütteln
  3. zeichnen
  4. rennen
  5. verkaufen
  6. denken,glauben
  7. werfen
  8. schreiben
  9. (weg)gehen
  10. reiten
  11. füttern
  12. schlagen

21 Clues: tunbauenkniensingenrennenwerfenreitenwerdenhängenfütternbezahlenzeichnenschlagenschüttelnschmerzenschwimmenverkaufenschreiben(weg)gehendenken,glaubentragen(Kleidung)

irregular verbs 2016-06-30

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. schlagen
  2. füttern
  3. verkaufen
  4. hängen
  5. denken,glauben
  6. werfen
  7. schütteln
  8. bauen
  9. reiten
  10. tragen(Kleidung)
  11. schreiben
  1. tun
  2. (weg)gehen
  3. schmerzen
  4. singen
  5. rennen
  6. zeichnen
  7. knien
  8. schwimmen
  9. bezahlen
  10. werden

21 Clues: tunknienbauensingenrennenhängenwerdenwerfenreitenfütternschlagenzeichnenbezahlenschmerzenverkaufenschwimmenschüttelnschreiben(weg)gehendenken,glaubentragen(Kleidung)

Irregular verbs 2016-08-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past simple pay
  2. present perfect lay
  3. present perfect eat
  4. past simple win
  5. past simple broadcast
  6. past simple choose
  7. present perfect drive
  8. past simple forbid
  9. present perfect swear
  10. past simple lead
  11. present perfect cost
  12. present perfect bleed
  13. past simple shake
  1. present perfect lie
  2. present perfect wake up
  3. past simple weep
  4. past simple dig
  5. past simple shine
  6. past simple sit
  7. present perfect seek
  8. past simple smell
  9. present perfect stink
  10. past simple wear
  11. past simple throw
  12. past simple take

25 Clues: past simple paypast simple digpast simple winpast simple sitpast simple weeppast simple wearpast simple leadpast simple takepast simple shinepast simple smellpast simple throwpast simple shakepast simple choosepast simple forbidpresent perfect liepresent perfect laypresent perfect eatpresent perfect seekpresent perfect costpast simple broadcast...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. wrote
  2. felt
  3. told
  4. spent
  5. bought
  6. saw
  7. went
  8. did
  9. cost
  10. began
  11. said
  12. gave
  13. left
  14. knew
  15. could
  1. thought
  2. fell
  3. took
  4. paid
  5. forgot
  6. brought
  7. ate
  8. lost
  9. slept
  10. broke
  11. wore

26 Clues: sawatedidfeltfelltoldtookpaidwentlostcostsaidgaveleftknewworewrotespentsleptbeganbrokecouldforgotboughtthoughtbrought

irregular verbs 2018-04-11

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. tell
  2. shine
  3. shake
  4. swim
  5. spend
  6. teach
  7. sleep
  8. run
  9. understand
  10. sell
  11. write
  12. wear
  13. send
  14. pay
  15. set
  16. win
  1. take
  2. speak
  3. sing
  4. ring
  5. steal
  6. sit
  7. think
  8. say
  9. show
  10. throw
  11. wake
  12. stand
  13. read
  14. ride
  15. put
  16. see

32 Clues: sitsayrunpayputsetseewintelltakesingringswimshowwakesellreadwearridesendshinespeakshakestealspendteachthinksleepthrowstandwriteunderstand


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle



IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle


Irregular Verbs 2019-10-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. simple past for HIT
  2. simple past for FORGET
  3. simple past for GROW
  4. simple past for BUY
  5. simple past for FIND
  6. simple past for FEED
  7. simple past for EAT
  8. simple past for BRING
  9. simple past for FALL
  10. simple past for CHOOSE
  11. simple past for GET
  12. simple past for CUT
  13. simple past for LEARN
  14. simple past for DRAW
  15. simple past for BEGIN
  16. simple past for KNOW
  17. simple past for HAVE
  18. simple past for GO
  19. simple past for HOLD
  1. simple past for BUILD
  2. simple past for BREAK
  3. simple past for FIGHT
  4. simple past for CATCH
  5. simple past for FORGIVE
  6. simple past for FEEL
  7. simple past for DRIVE
  8. simple past for COST
  9. simple past for HEAR
  10. simple past for FLY
  11. simple past for BECOME
  12. simple past for COME
  13. simple past for DRINK
  14. simple past for DO
  15. simple past for GIVE
  16. simple past for HIDE

35 Clues: simple past for DOsimple past for GOsimple past for HITsimple past for BUYsimple past for FLYsimple past for EATsimple past for GETsimple past for CUTsimple past for GROWsimple past for FINDsimple past for FEELsimple past for COSTsimple past for HEARsimple past for FEEDsimple past for FALLsimple past for COMEsimple past for DRAWsimple past for GIVE...

irregular verbs 2020-02-27

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. essere
  2. rompere
  3. ferire
  4. volare
  5. cominciare
  6. guidare
  7. venire
  8. lasciare
  9. scegliere
  10. colpire
  11. sognare
  12. dimenticare
  13. scommettere
  14. sentire
  15. sapere
  16. bere
  17. dare
  18. perdere
  19. crescere
  20. fare
  1. andare
  2. portare
  3. mangiare
  4. costruire
  5. soffiare
  6. sentirsi
  7. diventare
  8. tagliare
  9. imparare
  10. nutrire
  11. afferrare
  12. deporre
  13. nascondersi
  14. cadere
  15. comprare
  16. trovare
  17. appendere
  18. mantenere
  19. avere
  20. tenere
  21. ottenere

41 Clues: beredarefareavereessereandareferirevolarevenirecaderesaperetenereportarerompereguidarenutriredeporrecolpiresognaresentiretrovareperderemangiaresoffiaresentirsitagliareimpararelasciarecomprarecrescereottenerecostruirediventarescegliereafferrareappenderemantenerecominciarenascondersidimenticarescommettere


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. dainuoti I forma
  2. siūti, susiūti II forma
  3. paskolinti, duoti I forma
  4. sprogti, perplyšti II forma
  5. atnešti, atvežti, atvesti II forma
  6. vogti II forma
  7. imti, paimti II forma
  8. važiuoti, joti I forma
  9. nešioti, dėvėti I forma
  10. piešti,traukti II forma
  11. prarasti, netekti IIcforma
  1. slėpti, slėptis I forma
  2. skaityti II forma
  3. elgtis, nagrinėti II forma
  4. šviesti, spindėti II forma
  5. kratyti, purtyti, drebėti II forma
  6. pūsti, dvelkti I forma
  7. praleisti, išleisti I forma
  8. žinoti, mokėti II forma
  9. kąsti, gelti II forma
  10. gulėti, gulti, būti II forma
  11. jausti, justi II forma
  12. padėti, padengti stalą I forma
  13. užsidaryti, užsiverti I forma

24 Clues: vogti II formadainuoti I formaskaityti II formaimti, paimti II formakąsti, gelti II formapūsti, dvelkti I formavažiuoti, joti I formajausti, justi II formaslėpti, slėptis I formasiūti, susiūti II formažinoti, mokėti II formanešioti, dėvėti I formapiešti,traukti II formapaskolinti, duoti I formaelgtis, nagrinėti II formašviesti, spindėti II forma...

irregular verbs 2019-12-01

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. lead p.p
  2. pay p.s
  3. hold p.p
  4. know p.p
  5. learn p.p
  6. lose p.p
  7. make p.s
  8. leave p.p
  9. mean p.s
  10. quit p.p
  11. let p.s
  1. read p.s
  2. lay p.p
  3. know p.s
  4. kneel p.p
  5. hurt p.s
  6. light p.s
  7. ride p.p
  8. lend p.p
  9. keep p.p
  10. put p.p
  11. meet p.p
  12. lie p.s

23 Clues: lay p.ppay p.sput p.plet p.slie p.sread p.slead p.pknow p.shold p.phurt p.sknow p.pride p.plose p.plend p.pkeep p.pmake p.smean p.smeet p.pquit p.pkneel p.plight p.slearn p.pleave p.p

Irregular verbs 2019-11-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. What present will you _____ for your mum this year?
  2. I ____ happy to meet my friends
  3. I have never ___ that in my life!
  4. The old alcoholic was ______ again yesterday
  5. I _____ a picture of my family yesterday
  6. I ____ a new toy for my cat
  7. Let's _____ a bottom line
  8. I don't know how to ____ a car. I don't have driving licence
  9. Do you like to ____ tea in the morning?
  10. I ______ about something very nice last night
  11. I ____ reading the fairy-tales book
  12. I will ____ a dentist one day
  13. Which car would you ______ if you had a million dollars?
  14. I ______ a career of a dentist. It has always been my dream
  15. I ______ about having a dog
  16. I ____ back home late yesterday
  1. I ___ my homework every day
  2. I have never ___ to Goa
  3. They _____ late for the class
  4. How much did the new car ____?
  5. I ____ too much water yesterday.
  6. Why ____ you do that?
  7. He _____ a new house for his family
  8. My mum ____ mother for a second time 11 months ago
  9. The picture was ______ in the last century
  10. This new model of car has an autopilot. It is self______
  11. To___ a good person is very important
  12. When did you ___ to swim?
  13. My Dad ______ me to school yesterday in his car
  14. They ___ houses for poor people
  15. The girl was ______ to be a leader of the swimming team
  16. I ____ home at 2 pm every day
  17. The beef was finely ____

33 Clues: Why ____ you do that?I have never ___ to GoaThe beef was finely ____When did you ___ to swim?Let's _____ a bottom lineI ___ my homework every dayI ____ a new toy for my catI ______ about having a dogThey _____ late for the classI will ____ a dentist one dayI ____ home at 2 pm every dayHow much did the new car ____?I ____ happy to meet my friends...

Irregular verbs 2019-11-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I _____ a picture of my family yesterday
  2. I ____ too much water yesterday.
  3. He _____ a new house for his family
  4. They ___ houses for poor people
  5. We will _____ swimming next year
  6. My mum ____ a mother for a second time 11 months ago
  7. I ______ about having a dog
  8. I ____ a new toy for my cat in the pet shop
  9. I have never ___ to America
  10. I ___ my homework every day
  11. My Dad ______ me to school yesterday in his car
  12. The girl was ______ to be a leader of the swimming team
  13. Let's _____ a bottom line under expenditures
  14. The old alcoholic was ______ again yesterday
  15. I ____ back home late yesterday
  16. The beef was finely ____
  1. To___ a good person is very important
  2. I have never ___ that in my entire life!
  3. I ____ happy to meet my friends yesterday
  4. The picture was ______ in the last century
  5. What present will you _____ for your mum this year?
  6. The alarm ____ to ring early in the morning
  7. I ______ about something very nice last night
  8. I will ____ a dentist one day
  9. This new model of car has an autopilot. It is self______
  10. I always feel confused when i have to _____ which ice-cream to buy
  11. I ______ a career of a dentist. It has always been my dream
  12. Why ____ you do that?
  13. Do you like to ____ tea in the morning?
  14. I ____ home at 2 pm every day
  15. They _____ late for the class and the teacher got very angry
  16. How much did the new car ____?

32 Clues: Why ____ you do that?The beef was finely ____I ______ about having a dogI have never ___ to AmericaI ___ my homework every dayI will ____ a dentist one dayI ____ home at 2 pm every dayHow much did the new car ____?They ___ houses for poor peopleI ____ back home late yesterdayI ____ too much water yesterday.We will _____ swimming next year...

Irregular verbs 2019-10-09

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. be
  2. cost
  3. can
  4. begin
  5. catch
  6. build
  7. draw
  8. feed
  9. give
  10. cut
  11. fly
  12. drive
  13. come
  14. take
  1. go
  2. see
  3. find
  4. break
  5. buy
  6. eat
  7. throw
  8. do
  9. fall
  10. get
  11. choose
  12. drink

26 Clues: begodoseecanbuyeatgetcutflyfindcostdrawfeedfallgivecometakebreakbegincatchthrowbuilddrivedrinkchoose

irregular verbs 2019-10-03

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sit
  2. have
  3. fall
  4. sell
  5. wear
  6. begin
  7. see
  8. drink
  9. know
  10. speak
  11. buy
  12. do
  13. meke
  14. take
  15. meet
  1. eat
  2. pay
  3. fly
  4. break
  5. lose
  6. leave
  7. understand
  8. win
  9. write
  10. tell
  11. get
  12. give

27 Clues: dositeatpayflyseewinbuygethavefallselllosewearknowtellgivemeketakemeetbreakleavebegindrinkwritespeakunderstand

irregular verbs 2019-11-04

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sit
  2. read
  3. hold
  4. shoot
  5. keep
  6. stick
  7. shine
  8. hear
  9. light
  10. win
  11. meet
  12. mean
  13. lean
  14. understand
  15. hang
  16. pay
  17. seek
  18. think
  19. bleed
  20. buy
  21. flee
  22. sweep
  23. kneel
  24. bend
  25. lose
  26. lay
  27. build
  28. sting
  1. get
  2. send
  3. lead
  4. make
  5. weep
  6. stand
  7. creep
  8. have
  9. feel
  10. spent
  11. find
  12. sleep
  13. catch
  14. leap
  15. bring
  16. dig
  17. fight
  18. srtike
  19. leave
  20. deal
  21. sell
  22. tell
  23. swing
  24. spit
  25. say

53 Clues: getsitwindigpaybuysaylaysendleadmakeweepreadholdkeephavefeelfindhearmeetmeanleapleanhangseekdealfleesellbendtellspitloseshootstandstickcreepshinespentsleeplightcatchbringfightthinkbleedleavesweepkneelswingbuildstingsrtikeunderstand

Irregular Verbs 2019-10-20

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fell
  2. drove
  3. lost
  4. forgot
  5. understood
  6. spent
  7. did
  8. broke
  9. took
  10. made
  11. saw
  12. paid
  13. thought
  14. bought
  15. brought
  16. heard
  17. gave
  18. cost
  1. wrote
  2. felt
  3. chose
  4. kept
  5. spoke
  6. drank
  7. slept
  8. came
  9. began
  10. ate
  11. found
  12. said
  13. read
  14. went
  15. had
  16. got

34 Clues: didatesawhadgotfellfeltkeptlostcametookmadesaidpaidreadwentgavecostwrotechosedrovespokedrankspentsleptbrokebeganfoundheardforgotboughtthoughtbroughtunderstood

Irregular Verbs 2020-04-01

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Infinitive of “Broken”
  2. Simple Past of “Fight”
  3. Past Participle of “Choose”
  4. Past Participle of “Beat”
  5. Simple Past of “Pay”
  6. Simple Past of “Grow”
  7. Infinitive of “Forgotten”
  8. Simple Past of “Know”
  9. Infinitive of “Cost”
  10. Simple Past of “Fly”
  11. Past Participle of “Ride”
  12. Past Participle of “Hold”
  13. Past Participle of “Ring”
  1. Simple Past of “Shine”
  2. Simple Past of “Run”
  3. Past Participle of „Hang“
  4. Simple Past of “Split”
  5. Simple Past of “Mistake”
  6. Infinitive of “Bought”
  7. Past Participle of “Arise”
  8. Infinitive of “Born”
  9. Past Participle of “Fall”
  10. Past Participle of “Hide”
  11. Infinitive of “Wore”

24 Clues: Simple Past of “Run”Infinitive of “Born”Simple Past of “Pay”Infinitive of “Cost”Simple Past of “Fly”Infinitive of “Wore”Simple Past of “Grow”Simple Past of “Know”Simple Past of “Shine”Infinitive of “Broken”Simple Past of “Fight”Simple Past of “Split”Infinitive of “Bought”Simple Past of “Mistake”Past Participle of „Hang“Past Participle of “Beat”...

Irregular verbs 2020-04-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. feed
  2. cost
  3. hang
  4. hear
  5. hit
  6. burn
  7. have
  8. deal
  9. burst
  10. get
  11. build
  1. buy
  2. find
  3. catch
  4. fight
  5. feel
  6. dig
  7. dream
  8. bring
  9. cut

20 Clues: buyhitdiggetcutfeedfindcosthanghearburnfeelhavedealcatchfightdreamburstbringbuild

irregular verbs 2020-04-07

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sing
  2. learh
  3. lose
  4. meet
  5. sell
  6. keep
  7. read
  8. leave
  9. pay
  10. have
  1. win
  2. get
  3. hear
  4. light
  5. sit
  6. find
  7. make
  8. sleep
  9. tell
  10. say

20 Clues: wingetsitsaypaysinghearlosefindmeetmakesellkeeptellreadhavelearhlightsleepleave

Irregular Verbs 2020-04-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Grow
  2. Catch
  3. Choose
  4. freeze
  5. Hide
  6. Get
  7. Drink
  8. Build
  9. Fall
  10. Drive
  11. Feed
  12. Begin
  1. Bring
  2. Go
  3. Give
  4. Fight
  5. Come
  6. Buy
  7. Do
  8. Know
  9. Have
  10. Break
  11. Lie
  12. Fly
  13. Eat

25 Clues: GoDoBuyGetLieFlyEatGrowGiveComeHideKnowHaveFallFeedBringCatchFightDrinkBuildBreakDriveBeginChoosefreeze

Irregular Verbs 2020-04-16

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. shake
  2. teach
  3. steal
  4. have
  5. understand
  6. win
  7. give
  8. say
  9. weep
  10. thing
  11. wake
  1. get
  2. sing
  3. swim
  4. tell
  5. send
  6. will
  7. hide
  8. lose
  9. see
  10. go
  11. ring
  12. take

23 Clues: gogetseewinsaysingswimtellsendwillhavehideloseringgiveweeptakewakeshaketeachstealthingunderstand

Irregular verbs 2020-04-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 2nd form of hold
  2. 2nd form of lay
  3. 3rd form of sink
  4. 3rd form of build
  5. 3rd form of see
  6. 3rd form of put
  7. 3rd form of break
  8. 3rd form of swim
  9. 2nd form of blow
  10. 3rd form of take
  11. 2nd form of eat
  12. 3rd form of go
  13. 2nd form of ring
  14. 3rd form of fight
  15. 2nd form of cut
  16. 3rd form of fall
  17. 2nd form of try
  18. 3rd form of win
  19. 3rd form of send
  20. 3rd form of choose
  21. 3rd form of buy
  1. 3rd form of have
  2. 3rd form of fly
  3. 2nd form of shoot
  4. 2nd form of know
  5. 3rd form of begin
  6. 2nd form of steal
  7. 3rd form of sleep
  8. 3rd form of drive
  9. 3rd form of sing
  10. 3rd form of lie
  11. 2nd form of be
  12. 3rd form of left
  13. 3rd form of speak
  14. 3rd form of write
  15. 3d form of give
  16. 3rd form of forget
  17. 3rd form of hear
  18. 2nd form of meet
  19. 2nd form of catch
  20. 2nd form of cut
  21. 2nd form of sit
  22. 3rd form of be

43 Clues: 2nd form of be3rd form of go3rd form of be3rd form of fly2nd form of lay3rd form of see3rd form of put3rd form of lie2nd form of eat3d form of give2nd form of cut2nd form of try3rd form of win2nd form of cut2nd form of sit3rd form of buy2nd form of hold3rd form of have3rd form of sink2nd form of know3rd form of swim3rd form of sing2nd form of blow...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. past form of have
  2. past form of speak
  3. past form of bring
  4. past form of go
  5. past form of read
  6. past form of win
  7. past form of put
  8. past form of build
  9. past form of buy
  10. past form of take
  11. past form of fight
  12. past form of do
  13. past form of give
  14. past form of drink
  15. past form of leave
  16. past form of see
  17. past form of break
  18. past form of feel
  19. past form of say
  20. past form of meet
  1. past form of hear
  2. past form of pay
  3. past form of know
  4. past form of understand
  5. past form of think
  6. past form of write
  7. past form of ate
  8. past form of catch
  9. past form of tell
  10. past form of make
  11. past form of fall
  12. past form of get
  13. past form of come
  14. past form of drive
  15. past form of sell
  16. past form of lose

36 Clues: past form of gopast form of dopast form of paypast form of atepast form of winpast form of putpast form of buypast form of getpast form of seepast form of saypast form of havepast form of hearpast form of knowpast form of readpast form of tellpast form of takepast form of makepast form of fallpast form of comepast form of givepast form of sell...

irregular verbs 2020-04-21

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. olvas
  2. süllyed
  3. ül
  4. fekszik
  5. fizet
  6. jelent valamit
  7. mond
  8. alszik
  9. csenget
  10. találkozik
  1. elveszít
  2. fut
  3. elad
  4. tesz, rak
  5. lát
  6. készít
  7. beállít
  8. küld
  9. énekel
  10. lovagol

20 Clues: ülfutláteladmondküldolvasfizetkészítalszikénekelsüllyedfekszikbeállítcsengetlovagolelveszíttesz, raktalálkozikjelent valamit

Irregular verbs 2021-01-31

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. come
  2. speak
  3. think
  4. feel
  5. break
  6. sing
  7. have
  8. go
  9. see
  10. swim
  11. know
  12. find
  1. eat
  2. fight
  3. fall
  4. buy
  5. give
  6. drink
  7. be
  8. meet
  9. begin

21 Clues: gobeeatbuyseecomefeelfallgivesinghaveswimmeetknowfindfightspeakthinkbreakdrinkbegin

Irregular verbs 2021-02-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Knew
  2. Had
  3. Chose
  4. Got
  5. Felt
  6. Ate
  7. Found
  8. Said
  9. Sat
  10. Began
  11. Made
  12. Saw
  13. Gave
  14. Did
  15. Read
  16. Brought
  1. Came
  2. Heard
  3. Left
  4. Forgot
  5. Learnt
  6. Flew
  7. Drank
  8. Sang
  9. Became
  10. Went
  11. Met
  12. Ran
  13. Bought

29 Clues: HadGotAteSatMetSawDidRanCameKnewLeftFeltFlewSaidSangWentMadeGaveReadHeardChoseFoundDrankBeganForgotLearntBecameBoughtBrought

Irregular verbs 2021-02-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. prétérit de "TROUVER"
  2. participe passé de ACHETER
  3. participe passé de SAVOIR
  4. participe passé de APPORTER
  5. participe passé de TOMBER
  6. prétérit de MONTRER
  7. prétérit de DIRE, RACONTER
  8. base verbale de VOULOIR DIRE
  9. base verbale de PORTER (des vêtements)
  10. What's the English for "ATTRAPER"?
  1. participe passé de PENSER
  2. base verbale de FERMER
  3. prétérit de COMMENCER
  4. What's the English for "PARDONNER"?
  5. participe passé de DIRE
  6. prétérit de QUITTER, PARTIR
  7. prétérit de NAGER
  8. base verbale de ENTENDRE
  9. base verbale de VOLER (air)
  10. base verbale de ENSEIGNER

20 Clues: prétérit de NAGERprétérit de MONTRERprétérit de "TROUVER"prétérit de COMMENCERbase verbale de FERMERparticipe passé de DIREbase verbale de ENTENDREparticipe passé de PENSERparticipe passé de SAVOIRparticipe passé de TOMBERbase verbale de ENSEIGNERparticipe passé de ACHETERprétérit de DIRE, RACONTERparticipe passé de APPORTER...

irregular verbs 2021-02-03

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fight
  2. forget
  3. feel
  4. stand
  5. grow
  6. buy
  7. write
  8. tell
  9. eat
  10. hear
  11. swim
  12. bite
  1. catch
  2. ring
  3. choose
  4. leave
  5. teach
  6. fly
  7. wake
  8. find
  9. break
  10. take
  11. think
  12. see
  13. begin

25 Clues: flybuyseeeatringwakefeelfindgrowtaketellhearswimbitecatchleavefightteachstandbreakwritethinkbeginchooseforget

Irregular verbs 2020-06-06

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. run
  2. grow
  3. eat
  4. sit
  5. stick
  6. know
  7. wake
  8. become
  9. hurt
  10. spell
  11. go
  12. drink
  13. stand
  14. get
  15. build
  16. steal
  17. set
  18. understand
  19. hear
  20. cost
  21. send
  22. teach
  23. put
  24. fight
  25. break
  26. pay
  27. mean
  28. think
  29. burn
  30. hide
  31. wear
  32. do
  33. cut
  34. draw
  35. sell
  36. write
  37. see
  38. leave
  1. ring
  2. feel
  3. sink
  4. swim
  5. spend
  6. keep
  7. give
  8. hold
  9. read
  10. smell
  11. learn
  12. buy
  13. ride
  14. find
  15. can
  16. tear
  17. speak
  18. catch
  19. break
  20. sing
  21. hit
  22. drive
  23. sweep
  24. say
  25. take
  26. begin
  27. make
  28. tell
  29. fly
  30. bite
  31. throw
  32. have
  33. win
  34. lose
  35. fall

73 Clues: godoruneatsitbuycangetsethitsayputpayflywincutseeringfeelsinkgrowswimknowkeepgivewakehurtholdreadridefindtearsinghearcostsendtakemeanmaketellburnbitehidehaveweardrawselllosefallstickspendspellsmelllearndrinkstandspeakcatchbuildstealbreakdrivesweepteachfightbreakbeginthinkthrowwriteleavebecomeunderstand


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. are
  2. hide
  3. freeze
  4. cut
  5. break
  6. hang
  7. take
  8. bite
  9. go
  10. find
  11. is
  1. make
  2. bring
  3. drive
  4. feel
  5. begin
  6. forgive
  7. buy
  8. fly
  9. drink

20 Clues: goisarecutbuyflymakehidefeelhangtakebitefindbringdrivebreakbegindrinkfreezeforgive