irregular verbs Crossword Puzzles

Irregular Verbs 2020-04-26

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past simple of SHOOT
  2. infinitiv of WROTE
  3. 3rd form of KEEP
  4. past tense of TEACH
  5. 3rd form of SING
  6. 3rd form of LIE
  7. 3rd form of FEED
  8. past simple of GROW
  9. past simple of RISE
  10. past simple of WEAR
  11. 3rd form of DRINK
  12. past simple of DO
  13. past simple of UNDERSTAND
  14. Infinitive of GOT
  1. 3rd form of LOSE
  2. past simple of SLEEP
  3. 3rd form of DRIVE
  4. past simple of BECOME
  5. 3rd form of HEAR
  6. past simple of SEE
  7. 3rd form of GIVE
  8. past simple of EAT
  9. past simple of TAKE
  10. past simple of READ
  11. past simple of STEAL
  12. 3rd form of HIDE
  13. 3rd form of KNOW

27 Clues: 3rd form of LIE3rd form of LOSE3rd form of KEEP3rd form of HEAR3rd form of SING3rd form of GIVE3rd form of FEED3rd form of HIDE3rd form of KNOW3rd form of DRIVE3rd form of DRINKpast simple of DOInfinitive of GOTinfinitiv of WROTEpast simple of SEEpast simple of EATpast tense of TEACHpast simple of GROWpast simple of TAKEpast simple of RISE...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Past participle of RIDE
  2. Past participle of STEAL
  3. Past participle of RING
  4. Past simple of WRITE
  5. Past simple of SWIM
  6. Past participle of DRAW
  7. Past simple of FEED
  8. Past participle of TEACH
  9. Past simple of CATCH
  1. Past simple of KNOW
  2. Past simple of BLOW
  3. Past simple of SHINE
  4. Past participle of UNDERSTAND
  5. Past participle of DRINK
  6. Past participle of BURNT
  7. Past simple of GIVE
  8. Past simple of SHOW
  9. Past participle of FIGHT
  10. Past simple of EAT
  11. Past participle of MEAN

20 Clues: Past simple of EATPast simple of KNOWPast simple of BLOWPast simple of GIVEPast simple of SWIMPast simple of SHOWPast simple of FEEDPast simple of SHINEPast simple of WRITEPast simple of CATCHPast participle of RIDEPast participle of RINGPast participle of DRAWPast participle of MEANPast participle of STEALPast participle of DRINK...

Irregular Verbs 2020-11-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sit
  2. buy
  3. leave
  4. find
  5. drive
  6. loose
  7. bring
  8. write
  9. give
  10. meet
  11. make
  12. teach
  13. speak
  14. do
  15. know
  1. come
  2. put
  3. have
  4. think
  5. feel
  6. take
  7. blow
  8. say
  9. go
  10. eat
  11. tell
  12. get
  13. see

28 Clues: godoputsitbuysayeatgetseecomehavefindfeeltakeblowgivemeetmaketellknowleavethinkdriveloosebringwriteteachspeak

Irregular verbs 2020-12-04

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. read
  2. sat
  3. chose
  4. got
  5. knew
  6. wrote
  7. sold
  8. had
  9. went
  10. spoke
  11. bought
  1. ate
  2. spoke
  3. did
  4. hurt
  5. came
  6. gave
  7. brought
  8. slept
  9. thought
  10. said

21 Clues: atesatdidgothadreadhurtcamegaveknewsoldwentsaidspokechosewrotesleptspokeboughtbroughtthought

Irregular verbs 2020-12-04

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. come
  2. choose
  3. hurt
  4. bring
  5. know
  6. sit
  7. eat
  8. sell
  9. do
  10. sleep
  11. buy
  12. go
  1. give
  2. think
  3. speak
  4. write
  5. have
  6. read
  7. say
  8. speak
  9. get

21 Clues: dogositsayeatbuygetgivecomehurtknowhavereadsellthinkspeakbringwritesleepspeakchoose

Irregular Verbs 2020-12-02

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. построить
  2. забывать
  3. вести машину
  4. становиться
  5. ловить
  6. кормить
  7. выбирать
  8. приносить
  9. упасть
  1. гореть
  2. находить
  3. быть
  4. дуть
  5. начинать
  6. кусать
  7. дать
  8. ломать
  9. рисовать
  10. замёрзнуть
  11. резать

20 Clues: бытьдутьдатьгоретькусатьловитьломатьрезатьупастькормитьнаходитьзабыватьначинатьрисоватьвыбиратьпостроитьприноситьзамёрзнутьстановитьсявести машину

Irregular Verbs 2020-12-14

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. burn
  2. lose
  3. say
  4. shoot
  5. spend
  6. hurt
  7. make
  8. let
  9. have
  10. keep
  11. teach
  12. mean
  13. think
  14. sleep
  15. learn
  16. find
  17. stand
  18. build
  19. cost
  20. send
  21. cut
  1. buy
  2. sell
  3. catch
  4. fight
  5. meet
  6. smell
  7. tell
  8. hit
  9. put
  10. shut
  11. leave
  12. feel
  13. hear
  14. get
  15. pay
  16. sit
  17. bring
  18. lend

39 Clues: buysaylethitputgetpaysitcutburnlosesellmeettellhurtmakehavekeepshutfeelmeanhearfindcostlendsendcatchfightshootspendsmellleaveteachthinksleeplearnstandbuildbring

Irregular verbs 2021-02-24

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. come
  2. can
  3. sit
  4. find
  5. swim
  6. speak
  7. give
  8. hear
  9. begin
  10. meet
  11. do
  12. know
  13. keep
  14. take
  1. hear
  2. choose
  3. teach
  4. feel
  5. drink
  6. have
  7. say
  8. eat
  9. sing
  10. get
  11. write

25 Clues: docansitsayeatgethearcomefindfeelhaveswimsinggivehearmeetknowkeeptaketeachdrinkspeakbeginwritechoose

irregular verbs 2021-03-01

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. cut
  2. blew
  3. ring
  4. become
  5. forget
  6. take
  7. be
  8. put
  9. cost
  10. begin
  11. do
  1. build
  2. write
  3. bring
  4. eat
  5. see
  6. bite
  7. buy
  8. keep
  9. win
  10. speak
  11. find
  12. break
  13. give

24 Clues: bedocuteatseebuywinputblewringbitetakekeepfindcostgivebuildwritebringspeakbeginbreakbecomeforget


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. I ______ you a gift
  2. I ________ cake batter for the bakery
  3. Please ______ that sticky stuff off of your desk
  4. When I was cooking I _________ my hand
  5. When you mess up it is called this
  6. In order to make ice, you need to ______ water
  7. You do this action with scissors or a knife
  8. A lot of grandmas do this as a hobby
  9. I watched a TV news ______________
  10. The opposite of asleep
  11. You have to do this to your coffee before brewing it
  12. A sense that has to do with your ears
  13. You do this with food
  14. A fist ________
  15. I have to ______ an essay for tomorrows class
  16. You _______ a car
  17. You do this when you are sleeping
  18. When at the pool you could get this from the sun
  19. I _________ with my teeth
  20. You can do this when you trip and hit the ground
  1. You can do this in your bed, usually you are about to fall asleep
  2. I _______ off of the dock
  3. You can do this with colored pencils or markers to make a picture
  4. When you see something you misplaced
  5. To start something
  6. Don't forget to _____ your desk with the Lysol
  7. _______ a mirror is bad luck
  8. Please ____ around and face me
  9. Please don't ____ with your mouth open
  10. I like to _____ with my friends when we hangout
  11. I need to ______ this ball
  12. _________ and Seek
  13. I use my vocal cords to beautifully _________
  14. I _____ the candle to brighten the hallway
  15. I usually ______ my books
  16. I _____ my clothing
  17. We all do this, but some stop earlier than others
  18. I do this with clothes in my closet
  19. A sense having to do with your eyes
  20. My dad told me I needed to _____ the lawn

40 Clues: A fist ________You _______ a carTo start something_________ and SeekI ______ you a giftI _____ my clothingYou do this with foodThe opposite of asleepI _______ off of the dockI usually ______ my booksI _________ with my teethI need to ______ this ball_______ a mirror is bad luckPlease ____ around and face meYou do this when you are sleeping...

Irregular verbs 2021-03-18

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. buy
  2. have
  3. speak
  4. ride
  5. go
  6. win
  7. teach
  8. eat
  9. write
  10. woke
  1. break
  2. get
  3. choose
  4. drive
  5. see
  6. run
  7. think
  8. make
  9. fly
  10. make
  11. do

21 Clues: godobuygetseerunwinflyeathaveridemakemakewokebreakdrivespeakthinkteachwritechoose

irregular verbs 2017-03-17

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see
  2. shut
  3. rise
  4. blow
  5. forbid
  6. deal
  7. go
  8. become
  9. hide
  10. beat
  11. steal
  12. fight
  13. forget
  14. kneel
  15. meet
  1. be
  2. take
  3. ride
  4. show
  5. write
  6. put
  7. understand
  8. begin
  9. drive
  10. choose
  11. catch
  12. hear
  13. do
  14. leave
  15. lay

30 Clues: begodoseeputlayshuttakeriserideshowblowdealhidehearbeatmeetwritebegindrivecatchstealleavefightkneelforbidchoosebecomeforgetunderstand

irregular verbs 2017-03-17

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hear
  2. fight
  3. be
  4. catch
  5. blow
  6. drive
  7. rise
  8. understand
  9. lay
  10. hide
  11. beat
  12. leave
  13. steal
  14. take
  1. do
  2. see
  3. show
  4. write
  5. forbid
  6. become
  7. forget
  8. choose
  9. kneel
  10. ride
  11. deal
  12. shut
  13. begin
  14. meet

28 Clues: dobeseelayhearshowblowriseridedealshuthidebeatmeettakewritefightcatchkneeldrivebeginleavestealforbidbecomeforgetchooseunderstand

irregular verbs 2017-01-18

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. tell
  2. sit
  3. pay
  4. begin
  5. catch
  6. stand
  7. become
  8. fall
  9. spend
  10. think
  11. drink
  12. buy
  13. send
  14. meet
  15. read
  16. run
  1. forget
  2. do
  3. have
  4. sing
  5. swim
  6. feel
  7. break
  8. understand
  9. sleep
  10. give
  11. teach
  12. speak
  13. ride
  14. know
  15. cut
  16. draw

32 Clues: dositpaycutbuyruntellhavesingswimfeelgivefallrideknowsendmeetreaddrawbeginbreakcatchstandsleepspendthinkteachspeakdrinkforgetbecomeunderstand

Irregular Verbs 2017-04-22

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. To say(yo)
  2. To go(Èl)
  3. To come(yo)
  4. To have(tu)
  5. To have(yo)
  6. To know(tu)
  7. To go(yo)
  8. To give(yo)
  9. To leave(tu)
  10. To do(yo)
  1. To put(yo)
  2. To bring(tu)
  3. To come(tu)
  4. To do(tu)
  5. To bring(el)
  6. To hear(tu)
  7. To put(el)
  8. To be(yo)
  9. To hear(yo)
  10. To know(yo)

20 Clues: To go(Èl)To do(tu)To be(yo)To go(yo)To do(yo)To put(yo)To say(yo)To put(el)To come(yo)To come(tu)To have(tu)To have(yo)To hear(tu)To know(tu)To give(yo)To hear(yo)To know(yo)To bring(tu)To bring(el)To leave(tu)

Irregular verbs 2017-04-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to return
  2. to cook
  3. to follow
  4. to start
  5. to want
  6. to understand
  7. to say
  8. to do
  9. to give
  10. to eat lunch
  11. to prefer
  12. to put
  13. to sleep
  1. to close
  2. to compete
  3. to serve
  4. to brush
  5. to order
  6. to find
  7. to think
  8. to be able/can

21 Clues: to doto sayto putto cookto wantto findto giveto closeto serveto brushto startto orderto thinkto sleepto returnto followto preferto competeto eat lunchto understandto be able/can

Irregular Verbs 2017-04-20

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I give
  2. You are
  3. You (uds.) leave
  4. You (vosotros/as) put
  5. We come
  6. He knows
  7. I bring
  8. I leave
  9. I know
  10. You (tú) say
  11. We hear
  12. You (ud.) come
  1. We bring
  2. We have
  3. You (vosotros/as) give
  4. We do
  5. She hears
  6. They go
  7. We are
  8. They have
  9. I go

21 Clues: I goWe doI giveWe areI knowWe haveYou areWe comeThey goI bringI leaveWe hearWe bringHe knowsShe hearsThey haveYou (tú) sayYou (ud.) comeYou (uds.) leaveYou (vosotros/as) putYou (vosotros/as) give

Irregular Verbs 2017-06-14

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. verkopen (infintive)
  2. bouwen (infintive)
  3. zwemmen (past participle)
  4. (ver)slaan (past simple)
  5. blazen (past participle)
  6. breken (past simple)
  7. vangen (infinitive)
  8. verbieden (past participle)
  9. spreken (infinitive)
  10. zingen (past simple)
  11. horen (past simple)
  12. nemen (past participle)
  13. krijgen/worden (past participle)
  14. dragen (past participle)
  15. laten (past simple)
  1. zeggen (past participle)
  2. bloeden (past simple)
  3. winnen (infintive)
  4. gooien (past simple)
  5. kosten (infinitve)
  6. worden (past simple)
  7. snijden/knippen (past participle)
  8. vechten (past simple)
  9. tekenen (past participle)
  10. verzenden/versturen (past simple)
  11. zien (past participle)
  12. graven (infinitive)
  13. eten (infinitive)
  14. gaan (past simple)
  15. rennen (infinitive)

30 Clues: eten (infinitive)bouwen (infintive)winnen (infintive)kosten (infinitve)gaan (past simple)vangen (infinitive)horen (past simple)graven (infinitive)rennen (infinitive)laten (past simple)verkopen (infintive)gooien (past simple)worden (past simple)breken (past simple)spreken (infinitive)zingen (past simple)bloeden (past simple)vechten (past simple)...

irregular verbs 2017-04-23

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ellos/ellas/uds.(dar)
  2. nosotros (dar)
  3. el/ella/ud. (oir)
  4. vosotros (salir)
  5. nosotros (tener)
  6. tu (venir)
  7. nosotros (poner)
  8. yo (poner)
  9. el/ella/ud. (salir)
  1. yo (hacer)
  2. vosotros (dar)
  3. tu (saber)
  4. yo (traer)
  5. nosotros (saber)
  6. tu (decir)
  7. ellos/ellas/uds. (venir)
  8. el/ella/ud. (ir)
  9. nosotros (ser)
  10. vosotros (ser)
  11. el/ella/ud. (poner)

20 Clues: yo (hacer)tu (saber)yo (traer)tu (decir)tu (venir)yo (poner)vosotros (dar)nosotros (dar)nosotros (ser)vosotros (ser)nosotros (saber)vosotros (salir)nosotros (tener)el/ella/ud. (ir)nosotros (poner)el/ella/ud. (oir)el/ella/ud. (poner)el/ella/ud. (salir)ellos/ellas/uds.(dar)ellos/ellas/uds. (venir)


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. win
  2. go
  3. catch
  4. buy
  5. drink
  6. choose
  7. make
  8. sleep
  9. forget
  10. sell
  11. find
  12. have
  13. are
  14. come
  15. fly
  1. wear
  2. teach
  3. write
  4. sing
  5. understand
  6. get
  7. keep
  8. say
  9. leave
  10. saw
  11. drive
  12. tell
  13. swim
  14. do
  15. eat

30 Clues: godowinbuygetsaysawareeatflywearsingkeepmaketellsellswimfindhavecometeachwritecatchdrinkleavedrivesleepchooseforgetunderstand


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. sit
  2. have
  3. wake
  4. eat
  5. become
  6. tell
  7. go
  8. meet
  9. fall
  10. give
  11. find
  12. catch
  13. sleep
  14. do
  15. say
  16. get
  1. put
  2. see
  3. hold
  4. dig
  5. know
  6. run
  7. stand
  8. come
  9. leave
  10. think
  11. lie
  12. make
  13. take
  14. sell
  15. pay
  16. ring

32 Clues: godoputsitseedigeatrunliepaysaygethaveholdwakeknowcometellmeetfallgivefindmaketakesellringstandleavethinkcatchsleepbecome

Irregular verbs 2018-11-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past tense of blow
  2. present tense of bound
  3. present perfect of draw
  4. present tense of bred
  5. present perfect of cling
  6. past tense of deal
  7. present perfect of choose
  8. past tense of do
  9. past tense of cut
  10. present perfect of arise
  11. past tense of cost
  12. present perfect of eat
  1. present perfect of fall
  2. present perfect of bleed
  3. past tense of draw
  4. present tense of fed
  5. past tense of drink
  6. past tense of awake
  7. vangen
  8. past tense of broadcast
  9. present perfect of dream
  10. present perfect of break
  11. present tense of came
  12. be born geboren worden

24 Clues: vangenpast tense of dopast tense of cutpast tense of blowpast tense of drawpast tense of dealpast tense of costpast tense of drinkpast tense of awakepresent tense of fedpresent tense of bredpresent tense of camepresent tense of boundpresent perfect of eatbe born geboren wordenpresent perfect of fallpresent perfect of drawpast tense of broadcast...

irregular verbs 2019-03-25

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. draw
  2. write
  3. sit
  4. be in singular
  5. catch
  6. understand
  7. sleep
  8. drive
  9. sing
  10. run
  11. find
  1. dive
  2. have
  3. be in plural
  4. listen
  5. watch
  6. play
  7. teach
  8. visit
  9. swim
  10. hear
  11. know

22 Clues: sitrundivehavedrawplayswimhearsingknowfindwatchwriteteachvisitcatchsleepdrivelistenunderstandbe in pluralbe in singular

Irregular verbs 2019-04-06

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sat
  2. began
  3. shot
  4. slept
  5. understood
  6. wrote
  7. found
  8. drove
  9. bought
  10. wore
  11. hit
  12. took
  1. got
  2. swam
  3. became
  4. fed
  5. left
  6. spent
  7. won
  8. learnt
  9. flew
  10. built
  11. ate
  12. had

24 Clues: gotsatfedwonatehithadswamshotleftflewworetookbegansleptspentwrotefounddrovebuiltbecamelearntboughtunderstood

Irregular verbs 2019-03-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. built
  2. broke
  3. began
  4. fit
  5. became
  6. sang
  7. swam
  8. chose
  9. drew
  10. lost
  11. stood
  12. went
  13. won
  14. spoke
  15. thought
  16. came
  17. understood
  18. ate
  19. taught
  20. sat
  21. kept
  22. took
  23. heard
  24. saw
  25. said
  26. flew
  1. gave
  2. drove
  3. left
  4. knew
  5. brought
  6. bought
  7. forgot
  8. found
  9. forgave
  10. met
  11. ran
  12. wrote
  13. stung
  14. learnt
  15. drank
  16. put
  17. cut
  18. slept
  19. did
  20. got
  21. made
  22. had
  23. told
  24. read

50 Clues: fitmetranwonputcutdidgotatehadsatsawgaveleftknewsangswamdrewlostwentcamemadekepttooktoldreadsaidflewbuiltdrovebrokebeganfoundchosewrotestungstooddrankspokesleptheardboughtforgotbecamelearnttaughtbroughtforgavethoughtunderstood

Irregular Verbs 2019-04-10

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past tense of pay
  2. past tense of get
  3. past tense of sing
  4. past tense of wear
  5. past tense of know
  6. past tense of ride
  7. past tense of lose
  8. past tense of make
  9. past tense of hit
  10. past tense of feed
  11. past tense of go
  12. past tense of sell
  13. past tense of hurt
  14. past tense of become
  15. past tense of read
  16. past tense of do
  1. past tense of put
  2. past tense of send
  3. past tense of grow
  4. past tense of swim
  5. past tense of be
  6. past tense of keep
  7. past tense of leave
  8. past tense of hide
  9. past tense of write
  10. past tense of meet
  11. past tense of drink
  12. past tense of hear
  13. past participle of lay

29 Clues: past tense of bepast tense of gopast tense of dopast tense of paypast tense of putpast tense of getpast tense of hitpast tense of sendpast tense of growpast tense of singpast tense of swimpast tense of wearpast tense of knowpast tense of keeppast tense of ridepast tense of losepast tense of makepast tense of hidepast tense of feedpast tense of meet...

irregular verbs 2019-05-02

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sit
  2. swim
  3. draw
  4. ride
  5. lose
  6. wear
  7. have
  8. fall
  9. spend
  10. get
  11. pay
  12. shine
  13. forget
  14. come
  15. hang
  16. drive
  17. go
  18. bring
  19. hide
  20. catch
  21. know
  1. see
  2. give
  3. make
  4. hit
  5. write
  6. do
  7. leave
  8. speak
  9. find
  10. break
  11. drink
  12. sleep
  13. think
  14. read
  15. buy
  16. take
  17. fly
  18. eat

39 Clues: dogositseehitgetpaybuyflyeatgiveswimmakedrawridelosewearhavefallfindcomehangreadtakehideknowwriteleavespendspeakbreakdrinkshinesleepthinkdrivebringcatchforget

Irregular Verbs 2019-04-25

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. began
  2. beat
  3. broke
  4. arose
  5. bent
  6. blew
  7. backslid
  8. bore
  9. bled
  10. bound
  1. bit
  2. was
  3. bade
  4. broadcasted
  5. bred
  6. became
  7. bet
  8. built
  9. awakened
  10. brought

20 Clues: bitwasbetbadebeatbredbentblewborebledbeganbrokearosebuiltboundbecamebroughtbackslidawakenedbroadcasted

Irregular Verbs 2019-05-15

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. felt
  2. grown
  3. browbeaten
  4. fallen
  5. bred
  6. burned
  7. broken
  8. gone
  9. fought
  10. ground
  11. fed
  1. blown
  2. bitten
  3. gotten
  4. bled
  5. broadcasted
  6. brought
  7. built
  8. found
  9. given

20 Clues: fedfeltbledbredgoneblowngrownbuiltfoundgivenbittengottenfallenburnedbrokenfoughtgroundbroughtbrowbeatenbroadcasted

Irregular verbs 2019-05-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Feed ... fed
  2. Leave ... left
  3. Catch caught ...
  4. ... Slept Slept
  5. Bring ... Brought
  6. ... Burnt Burnt
  7. Drink ... Drunk
  8. ... Taught Taught
  9. ... Led Led
  10. ... Built built
  11. ... Sang Sung
  12. ... Meant Meant
  1. Keep kept ...
  2. Fight fought ...
  3. ... Thought Thought
  4. Spend spent ...
  5. Begin ... Begun
  6. ... Bought Bought
  7. ... Dreamt Dreamt
  8. Hold Held ...
  9. Learn learnt ...
  10. Send ... sent

22 Clues: ... Led LedFeed ... fedKeep kept ...Hold Held ...... Sang SungSend ... sentLeave ... leftSpend spent ...... Slept SleptBegin ... Begun... Burnt BurntDrink ... Drunk... Built built... Meant MeantFight fought ...Catch caught ...Learn learnt ...Bring ... Brought... Bought Bought... Dreamt Dreamt... Taught Taught... Thought Thought

Irregular verbs 2019-06-09

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. built
  2. could
  3. went
  4. had
  5. hurt
  6. kept
  7. ate
  8. fell
  9. drank
  10. grew
  11. held
  12. learnt
  13. came
  14. beat
  15. became
  1. brought
  2. drew
  3. cut
  4. felt
  5. hit
  6. began
  7. heard
  8. found
  9. left
  10. drove
  11. knew
  12. chose
  13. gave
  14. forgot
  15. bought
  16. did

31 Clues: cuthithadatediddrewfeltwenthurtkeptfellleftknewgrewgaveheldcamebeatbuiltcouldbeganheardfounddrankdrovechoseforgotlearntboughtbecamebrought

Irregular verbs 2019-06-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. PP de be
  2. boire
  3. preterit de get
  4. PP de forget
  5. preterit de see
  6. PP de leave
  7. preterit de hear
  8. choisir
  9. PP de find
  10. preterit de hold
  11. PP de make
  12. preterit de hit
  13. preterit de sell
  14. allumer
  15. dire
  16. PP de keep
  17. avoir
  18. envoyer
  19. permettre, louer
  20. battre
  21. PP de meet
  22. preterit de rise
  1. preterit de go
  2. signifier
  3. PP de fight
  4. PP de cacher
  5. preterit de bring
  6. savoir, connaître
  7. PP de fall
  8. PP de eat
  9. PP de nourrir
  10. PP de grow
  11. preterit de buy
  12. PP de catch
  13. preterit de pay
  14. voler (en l'air)
  15. preterit de conduire
  16. preterit de come
  17. preterit de feel
  18. perdre
  19. donner
  20. PP de put
  21. fixer, mettre
  22. preterit de lead
  23. preterit de run

45 Clues: direboireavoirperdredonnerbattrechoisirallumerenvoyerPP de besignifierPP de eatPP de putPP de fallPP de growPP de findPP de makePP de keepPP de meetPP de fightPP de leavePP de catchPP de cacherPP de forgetPP de nourrirfixer, mettrepreterit de gopreterit de getpreterit de seepreterit de buypreterit de paypreterit de hitpreterit de run...

irregular verbs 2019-05-16

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sing
  2. have
  3. wake
  4. win
  5. understand
  6. lose
  7. drive
  8. go
  9. strike
  10. fight
  11. ride
  12. smell
  13. hurt
  14. feel
  15. tell
  1. do
  2. know
  3. steal
  4. eat
  5. sell
  6. buy
  7. be
  8. forget
  9. blow
  10. write
  11. break
  12. spend
  13. run
  14. catch
  15. bite
  16. leave
  17. fall

32 Clues: dobegoeatbuywinrunknowsinghavesellwakeblowloseridebitehurtfeelfalltellstealwritedrivebreakspendcatchfightsmellleaveforgetstrikeunderstand

irregular verbs 2019-05-16

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see
  2. say
  3. burn
  4. speak
  5. become
  6. teach
  7. meet
  8. buy
  9. wear
  10. sleep
  11. keep
  12. ring
  1. swim
  2. be
  3. write
  4. break
  5. stand
  6. drink
  7. begun
  8. bring
  9. bite
  10. make
  11. build
  12. take
  13. blow
  14. stink
  15. ride

27 Clues: beseesaybuyswimburnbitemeetmaketakeblowwearkeepringridewritebreakstanddrinkbegunspeakbringteachbuildsleepstinkbecome

irregular verbs 2019-05-16

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. be
  2. ride
  3. meet
  4. stink
  5. break
  6. become
  7. ring
  8. buy
  9. speak
  10. say
  11. teach
  12. burn
  13. keep
  1. wear
  2. see
  3. bite
  4. drink
  5. make
  6. begun
  7. bring
  8. stand
  9. sleep
  10. take
  11. swim
  12. build
  13. write
  14. blow

27 Clues: beseebuysaywearbiteridemeetmakeringtakeswimburnblowkeepdrinkstinkbreakbegunbringstandsleepspeakbuildteachwritebecome

Irregular Verbs 2017-02-12

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. infinitive: anpflanzen, wachsen
  2. past participle: bezahlen
  3. simple past: bauen
  4. infinitive: sich hinsetzen
  5. simple past: werden
  6. simple past: treffen, kennenlernen
  7. infinitive: fliegen
  8. simple past: hören
  9. simple past: tun, machen
  10. infinitive: (aus)wählen
  11. past participle: bedeuten
  12. past participle: sehen
  13. past participle: essen
  14. infinitive: legen, stellen
  15. simple past: wissen
  1. past participle: halten
  2. simple past: anhaben (Kleidung)
  3. infinitive: verstecken
  4. simple past: bekommen
  5. past participle: verletzen
  6. infinitive: abfahren, weggehen
  7. infinitive: verkaufen
  8. past participle: (Auto) fahren
  9. past participle: brechen
  10. simple past: laufen, rennen
  11. past participle: fangen, erwischen
  12. past participle: sein
  13. simple past: werfen
  14. simple past: (sich) fühlen

29 Clues: simple past: bauensimple past: hörensimple past: werdeninfinitive: fliegensimple past: werfensimple past: wissensimple past: bekommeninfinitive: verkaufenpast participle: seininfinitive: versteckenpast participle: sehenpast participle: essenpast participle: halteninfinitive: (aus)wählenpast participle: brechensimple past: tun, machen...

Irregular Verbs 2017-01-11

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. heard
  2. hurt
  3. built
  4. bought
  5. driven
  6. had
  7. chosen
  8. known
  9. awoken
  10. ate
  11. cut
  12. fed
  1. met
  2. hidden
  3. sat
  4. frozen
  5. began
  6. became
  7. forgotten
  8. left
  9. kept
  10. done

22 Clues: metsathadatecutfedhurtleftkeptdoneheardbuiltbeganknownhiddenfrozenboughtbecamedrivenchosenawokenforgotten

Irregular verbs 2017-01-14

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. tear...torn
  2. dig...dug
  3. make...made
  4. find...found
  5. give...given
  6. bear...borne
  7. write...written
  8. do...done
  9. become...become
  10. wear...worn
  11. know...known
  12. steal...stolen
  13. leave...left
  14. lose...lost
  15. eat...eaten
  16. hit...hit
  1. wake...woken
  2. bite...bitten
  3. ride...ridden
  5. come...come
  7. pay...paid
  8. fall...fallen
  9. drive...driven
  10. begin...begun
  11. mean...meant
  12. beat...beaten
  13. build...built
  14. go...gone
  15. sit...sat
  16. fly...flown
  17. lend...lent
  18. have...had
  19. sing...sung

35 Clues: run...rundig...dugget...gotdo...donego...gonesit...sathit...hitpay...paidhave...hadtear...torncome...comemake...madewear...wornfly...flownlend...lentlose...lostsing...sungeat...eatenwake...wokenfind...foundgive...givenbear...bornemean...meantknow...knownleave...leftbite...bittenride...riddenfall...fallenbegin...begunbeat...beatenbuild...built...

Irregular Verbs 2017-09-26

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sehen
  2. lassen
  3. steigen
  4. schlagen
  5. trinken
  6. essen
  7. fangen
  8. gehen
  9. geben
  10. kämpfen
  1. fallen
  2. sein
  3. schlafen
  4. aufwecken
  5. sprechen
  6. nehmen
  7. schreiben
  8. kommen
  9. klingeln
  10. lehren

20 Clues: seinsehenessengehengebenfallenlassennehmenfangenkommenlehrensteigentrinkenkämpfenschlafensprechenschlagenklingelnaufweckenschreiben

Irregular Verbs 2017-09-20

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I __________ my field trip shirt already.
  2. The plants in our garden __________ a lot.
  3. I __________ in the front of the class.
  4. During Science we ________ a tower.
  5. She ___________ a great candy store inside the mall.
  6. Ms. Casella __________ on the bus when she was in high school.
  7. My teacher __________ a new pair of shoes.
  8. I do not agree with the answer you __________.
  9. Marcinia _________ the baseball.
  10. My classmate ____________ her pencil.
  11. I never ___________ the problem.
  12. Last night Henry and Reili _________ for one whole hour.
  13. This morning I ___________ a crazy story.
  14. All my family __________ the same color shirt.
  15. My parents __________ me to behave in school.
  1. My parents __________ a text message to my teacher.
  2. You ________ your name on the wrong side of the paper.
  3. Yesterday you ___________ to the teacher about your assignment.
  4. Who _________ the homework?
  5. They __________ school late yesterday because of the rain.
  6. I __________ sad when many houses got flooded.
  7. He ___________ his chocolate milk quickly.
  8. I ___________ the Math test was a piece of cake.
  9. Last month Ms. Casella _________ her hair.
  10. I __________ my brother crying all night.
  11. I _________ a magnificent picture during art class.
  12. My friends _________ to the movie without me.

27 Clues: Who _________ the homework?Marcinia _________ the baseball.I never ___________ the problem.During Science we ________ a tower.I __________ in the front of the class.My classmate ____________ her pencil.I __________ my field trip shirt already.I __________ my brother crying all night.This morning I ___________ a crazy story....

Irregular Verbs 2017-11-19

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. She _______ a ring on the street
  2. / Cristian _____ the grass every Sunday
  3. / Paola _____ working in a bank
  4. / He _______ late because of the heavy traffic
  5. / Michell _______ a scarf yesterday
  6. / I ________ with unicorns yesterday
  7. / My niece _______ my grandmother´s glass vase
  8. / Sophia ______ the Salsa competition last week
  9. / I can´t ______ last night
  10. / My mom ______ cold because today's a rainy day
  11. / Viviana ______ in the Karaoke the last Saturday
  12. He watched the snow as it ______ on the trees
  13. / The sun ______ brightly on Sunday morning
  14. / Gabriel García Marquez ______ a book in 1967
  15. / My grandmother _______ a cook book
  16. / My mom doesn't _____ me sleep in the evenings
  17. / I _____ Danna in the 1st semester
  1. / I _______ do the crossword
  2. / Carmen ______ orange juice in the morning
  3. / I can´t ______ between blue or pink
  4. / The students _______ to a book fair on Monday morning
  5. / We ______ the rainbow at 4 o'clock
  6. / Daniel _______ his bycicle in the rain yesterday
  7. She ______ her luggage in the airport
  8. / My brother ______ the Christmas tree in his house
  9. / The bus _______ in one hour
  10. / Yesterday I ______ the thunder
  11. / I _____ to Costa Rica last June
  12. / I ______ a text message to my brother in the morning
  13. / My sister loves _______ Chocolatina Jet

30 Clues: / I can´t ______ last night/ I _______ do the crossword/ The bus _______ in one hourShe _______ a ring on the street/ Paola _____ working in a bank/ Yesterday I ______ the thunder/ I _____ to Costa Rica last June/ Michell _______ a scarf yesterday/ I _____ Danna in the 1st semester/ We ______ the rainbow at 4 o'clock...

Irregular Verbs 2016-07-27

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. grew
  2. hanged
  3. saw
  4. came
  5. froze
  6. said
  7. taught
  8. rewrote
  9. brought
  10. tore
  11. found
  12. swam
  13. thought
  14. ate
  15. paid
  1. knew
  2. gave
  3. took
  4. rode
  5. forgot
  6. spent
  7. went
  8. bought
  9. met
  10. shrank
  11. wrote
  12. blew
  13. ran
  14. flew
  15. sat
  16. kept

31 Clues: sawmetransatateknewgrewgavetookrodewentcamesaidblewtoreflewswamkeptpaidspentfrozewrotefoundhangedforgotboughtshranktaughtrewrotebroughtthought

Irregular verbs 2016-06-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. To become larger or higher.
  2. To start doing something.
  3. To use weapons or physical force to try to hurt someone or to defeat an enemy.
  4. To perceive with the eyes.
  5. To pardon an offense.
  6. To go away from a place.
  7. To trace letters with a pen.
  8. To have visions and thoughts in your sleep.
  9. To talk to someone.
  10. To construct.
  11. To travel in a car.
  1. To select.
  2. To have clothes over part of your body.
  3. To comprehend.
  4. To be become a hard substance (such as ice) because of cold.
  5. To give lessons about (a particular subject) to a person or group.
  6. To use money to pay for something.
  7. To order someone not to do something.
  8. To take something that does not belong to you.
  9. To take a liquid into your mouth and swallow it.
  10. To act like the sun or the moon.

21 Clues: To select.To construct.To comprehend.To talk to someone.To travel in a car.To pardon an offense.To go away from a place.To start doing something.To perceive with the eyes.To become larger or higher.To trace letters with a pen.To act like the sun or the moon.To use money to pay for something.To order someone not to do something....

Irregular verbs 2016-06-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I ____ to the park everyday last year (run)
  2. She had ____ it all before she finished work (do)
  3. I had _____ all I could to help her (give)
  4. I ____ her to speak (forbid)
  5. I ____ up too fast (stand)
  6. They had ____ each other for many years (know)
  7. He had _____ it under the sink (hide)
  8. I have _____ in the opera for 10 years (sing)
  9. He ____ her at the bar yesterday night (see)
  10. They ____ up the building (blow)
  11. I need to ____ my hair (cut)
  1. I ____ to the swimming pool every week last year (drive)
  2. I had _____ it all before she arrived (take)
  3. I had _____ all of the wine before I started dinner (drink)
  4. He _____ me a lot about the solar system (teach)
  5. I have _____ a lot this year (grow)
  6. I have ____ a plane once before (fly)
  7. She has ____ all of his cake (eat)
  8. I had ____ 12 lengths before I got out of the pool (swim)
  9. He ____ still and waited (sit)

20 Clues: I ____ up too fast (stand)I ____ her to speak (forbid)I need to ____ my hair (cut)He ____ still and waited (sit)They ____ up the building (blow)She has ____ all of his cake (eat)I have _____ a lot this year (grow)I have ____ a plane once before (fly)He had _____ it under the sink (hide)I had _____ all I could to help her (give)...

Irregular Verbs 2018-01-21

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I _________________ some pictures on the wall.
  2. We _________________ the other team 3-1.
  3. The ship hit an iceberg and _________________.
  4. His new jeans _________________ a lot of money.
  5. She didn't have a pen so I _________________ her use mine.
  6. He _________________ to bring an umbrella so he got wet.
  7. The shirt _________________ perfectly so I bought it.
  8. He _________________ up early and ate breakfast.
  9. He didn't like his picture so he _________________ it up and threw it away.
  10. During the earthquake, the ground _________________ for several minutes.
  11. Our dog _________________ a hole in the garden.
  12. The captain _________________ his troops up the mountain.
  1. She _________________ down to pick up the ball.
  2. The smoke _________________ high into the sky.
  3. He _________________ himself when he fell off his bike.
  4. We _________________ a tree house in our backyard.
  5. We _________________ up the tent next to the river.
  6. The bell _________________ so the kids went home from school.
  7. She got in trouble because she _________________ a bicycle.
  8. The garbage _________________ so I took it outside.
  9. He _________________ the cake into eight pieces.
  10. He _________________ the hockey puck into the net.
  11. She _________________ her puppy and gave him water.
  12. The cars _________________ on the ice.
  13. We _________________ a fire to cook hotdogs and stay warm.

25 Clues: The cars _________________ on the ice.We _________________ the other team 3-1.The smoke _________________ high into the sky.I _________________ some pictures on the wall.The ship hit an iceberg and _________________.She _________________ down to pick up the ball.His new jeans _________________ a lot of money....

Irregular Verbs 2020-09-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hurt
  2. bring
  3. know
  4. do
  5. choose
  6. break
  7. feel
  8. eat
  9. catch
  10. forget
  11. hear
  12. hide
  13. hang
  14. come
  15. build
  16. draw
  17. begin
  18. fly
  1. drink
  2. buy
  3. hit
  4. have
  5. drive
  6. go
  7. dream
  8. get
  9. become
  10. fight
  11. find
  12. give
  13. dig
  14. hold
  15. cut
  16. fall
  17. blow

35 Clues: dogobuyhitgeteatdigcutflyhurthaveknowfeelfindgivehearhidehangholdcomefallblowdrawdrinkbringdrivedreambreakfightcatchbuildbeginchoosebecomeforget

Irregular Verbs 2020-10-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bring
  2. win
  3. feed
  4. become
  5. give
  6. fight
  7. say
  8. make
  9. steal
  10. put
  11. meet
  12. find
  13. begin
  14. sing
  15. feel
  1. break
  2. have
  3. fall
  4. pay
  5. leave
  6. cut
  7. teach
  8. understand
  9. swim
  10. run
  11. drink
  12. buy

27 Clues: winpaycutsayputrunbuyhavefeedfallgivemakeswimmeetfindsingfeelbringbreakleaveteachfightstealdrinkbeginbecomeunderstand

Irregular verbs 2020-09-17

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hear
  2. say
  3. cut
  4. go
  5. take
  6. feel
  7. ARE
  8. IS,AM
  9. tell
  10. wake
  11. do
  1. feed
  2. read
  3. build
  4. sing
  5. write
  6. sleep
  7. fall
  8. pay
  9. wear
  10. sell

21 Clues: godosaycutpayAREfeedhearreadsingtakefeelfallwearselltellwakebuildwritesleepIS,AM

irregular verbs 2020-09-28

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. break
  2. speak
  3. come
  4. eat
  5. tell
  6. write
  7. hear
  8. dream
  9. think
  10. are
  11. get
  12. run
  13. sit
  14. drink
  15. meet
  1. find
  2. fall
  3. become
  4. choose
  5. build
  6. have
  7. learn
  8. say
  9. feel
  10. catch
  11. is
  12. do
  13. hit
  14. give
  15. fight
  16. go
  17. read
  18. make
  19. see

34 Clues: isdogosayeathitaregetrunsitseefindfallhavecomefeeltellheargivereadmakemeetbreakbuildlearnspeakcatchwritefightdreamthinkdrinkbecomechoose

Irregular Verbs 2020-10-27

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. learn
  2. run
  3. see
  4. written write
  5. do
  6. ride
  7. be
  8. make
  9. have
  10. drink
  1. wear
  2. put
  3. hit
  4. buy
  5. fly
  6. go
  7. eat
  8. win
  9. read
  10. say
  11. cut

21 Clues: godobeputhitbuyflyeatwinrunseesaycutwearreadridemakehavelearndrinkwritten write

Irregular Verbs 2020-10-27

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. read
  2. do
  3. go
  4. eat
  5. run
  6. put
  7. see
  8. be
  9. wear
  10. hit
  1. have
  2. ride
  3. fly
  4. drink
  5. cut
  6. make
  7. write
  8. learn
  9. win
  10. say
  11. buy

21 Clues: dogobeflycuteatrunwinputseesaybuyhithaveridereadmakeweardrinkwritelearn

Irregular Verbs 2020-10-27

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. read
  2. do
  3. go
  4. eat
  5. run
  6. put
  7. see
  8. be
  9. wear
  10. hit
  1. have
  2. ride
  3. fly
  4. drink
  5. cut
  6. make
  7. write
  8. learn
  9. win
  10. say
  11. buy

21 Clues: dogobeflycuteatrunwinputseesaybuyhithaveridereadmakeweardrinkwritelearn

Irregular verbs 2020-09-27

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Pr > aller
  2. Pr > souffler, se moucher
  3. Inf > lire
  4. P.P > allumer
  5. Pr > penser
  6. P.P > mordre
  7. Pr > gagner
  8. P.P > tomber
  9. P.P > être
  10. Pr > chanter
  1. Inf > dessiner
  2. P.P > voler un objet
  3. P.P > garder
  4. Inf > écrire
  5. Pr > parier
  6. Pr > couper
  7. Inf > frapper
  8. P.P > casser
  9. Inf > trouver
  10. P.P > acheter

20 Clues: Pr > allerInf > lireP.P > êtrePr > parierPr > couperPr > penserPr > gagnerP.P > garderInf > écrireP.P > mordreP.P > casserP.P > tomberPr > chanterP.P > allumerInf > frapperInf > trouverP.P > acheterInf > dessinerP.P > voler un objetPr > souffler, se moucher

Irregular verbs 2018-05-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. they follow
  2. I say
  3. I get
  4. he hears
  5. she asks
  6. they find
  7. you sleep
  8. I leave
  9. we begin
  10. I begin
  11. I suppose
  12. they think
  13. I make
  1. I hear
  2. I return
  3. I bring
  4. I give
  5. you want
  6. I understand
  7. we remember\
  8. I am able to
  9. we prefer
  10. he closes
  11. I know
  12. he plays
  13. I put
  14. she repeats

27 Clues: I sayI getI putI hearI giveI knowI makeI bringI leaveI beginI returnyou wanthe hearsshe askswe beginhe playswe preferhe closesthey findyou sleepI supposethey thinkthey followshe repeatsI understandwe remember\I am able to

Irregular verbs 2018-09-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. begin
  2. bite
  3. feed
  4. come
  5. drive
  6. drink
  7. choose
  8. fly
  9. forget
  10. fight
  11. feel
  12. bring
  13. can
  14. become
  15. cut
  16. dream
  17. break
  18. be
  19. build
  1. freeze
  2. beat
  3. burn
  4. blow
  5. give
  6. do
  7. find
  8. get
  9. deal
  10. catch
  11. buy
  12. go
  13. forgive
  14. fall
  15. forbid
  16. bear
  17. cost
  18. eat
  19. burst
  20. draw
  21. dig

40 Clues: dogobegetbuyflycancuteatdigbeatburnbiteblowgivefeedcomefinddealfeelfallbearcostdrawbegindrivedrinkcatchfightbringburstdreambreakbuildfreezechooseforgetforbidbecomeforgive

Irregular verbs 2019-02-24

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. do
  2. choose
  3. drink
  4. become
  5. break
  6. bite
  7. buy
  8. dig
  9. burst
  10. be
  11. cost
  1. drive
  2. begin
  3. be
  4. dream
  5. bring
  6. blow
  7. cut
  8. build
  9. draw
  10. burn
  11. beat

22 Clues: dobebecutbuydigbiteblowdrawburnbeatcostdrivebegindrinkdreambringbreakbuildburstchoosebecome


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. BEGIN
  2. DO
  3. COST
  4. COME
  5. GO
  6. BREAK
  7. GET
  8. BE
  9. FALL
  10. DRIVE
  11. KEEP
  1. GIVE
  2. BUILD
  3. HAVE
  4. DRINK
  5. KNOW
  6. CUT
  7. GROW
  8. FIND
  9. EAT
  10. FLY
  11. FEEL


irregular verbs 2021-06-11

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. present form of shaken
  2. past of catch
  3. present form of thrown
  4. past participle of fight
  5. past participle form of bite
  6. present form of spilt
  7. past participle of become
  8. past form of flee
  9. past form of rise
  10. past participle of draw
  11. past participle form of shine
  12. present form of took
  13. present form of stood
  14. past participle form of spit
  15. past form of pay
  1. past participle of swim
  2. past participle of sting
  3. past of keep
  4. past participle of blow
  5. past participle of choose
  6. pas participle of hurt
  7. past form of write
  8. present form of fell
  9. past participle of wake
  10. past participle of hide
  11. past form of burn
  12. past of sweep
  13. past participle form of mow
  14. past participle of dream
  15. past participle form of hold
  16. past form of shrink
  17. past form of dig

32 Clues: past of keeppast of catchpast of sweeppast form of paypast form of digpast form of burnpast form of fleepast form of risepast form of writepast form of shrinkpresent form of fellpresent form of tookpresent form of spiltpresent form of stoodpresent form of shakenpas participle of hurtpresent form of thrownpast participle of swim...

irregular verbs 2021-06-15

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. i .... a car yesterday
  2. a person .... to my house yesterday
  3. this could happen in winter
  4. i .... a door bell
  5. i .... a boxer yesterday
  6. yesterday i .... to work
  7. a plane does this
  8. yesterday i did this to keep me hydrated
  9. robbers do this in the night
  10. yesterday i did this to my car window
  1. i .... in the pool
  2. yesterday night i .... my food
  3. i had a good .... yesterday night
  4. yesterday i did this in hide and seek
  5. i once .... a house
  6. i .... a dog yesterday
  7. it is something related to a bomb
  8. yesterday i .... a hundred meter race
  9. you can die if you do this
  10. yesterday i did this with a spade
  11. yesterday i .... to people
  12. i do this to wood to make a fire

22 Clues: a plane does thisi .... in the pooli .... a door belli once .... a housei .... a car yesterdayi .... a dog yesterdayi .... a boxer yesterdayyesterday i .... to workyou can die if you do thisyesterday i .... to peoplethis could happen in winterrobbers do this in the nightyesterday night i .... my foodi do this to wood to make a fire...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  2. MAKE
  3. GET
  4. FIND
  5. PAY
  6. DO
  7. WEAR
  8. BUY
  9. TAKE
  10. FEEL
  1. COME
  2. SPEND
  3. WIN
  4. SELL
  5. GIVE
  6. DRIVE
  7. SEE
  8. GO
  9. RUN
  10. PUT
  11. BRING
  12. HAVE


irregular verbs 2021-04-08

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. lo facciamo di notte
  2. lo fanno i volatili
  3. lo fai con la corda
  4. lo fa il ladro
  5. lo fanno gli scrittori
  6. quando noi diamo una penna a scuola
  7. chi arriva primo
  8. lo fa il sole all'alba
  9. lo fai mentre dormi
  10. lo fa il fuoco
  1. lo fanno le modelle durante uno shooting
  2. lo fa la bomba
  3. lo fa la pioggia
  4. lo fa la sarta
  5. lo fa l'orchestra
  6. lo fa l'insegnante
  7. quando qualcuno ti insegue
  8. lo fanno i pesci
  9. è il lavoror della ruspa
  10. lo facciamo con i vestiti

20 Clues: lo fa la bombalo fa il ladrolo fa la sartalo fa il fuocolo fa la pioggialo fanno i pescichi arriva primolo fa l'orchestralo fa l'insegnantelo fanno i volatililo fai con la cordalo fai mentre dormilo facciamo di nottelo fanno gli scrittorilo fa il sole all'albaè il lavoror della ruspalo facciamo con i vestitiquando qualcuno ti insegue...

irregular verbs 2021-04-08

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. if you get shot, you ...
  2. yesterday i ... an apology letter to my boss
  3. the seers do it
  4. i washed my pants but they ... now they go small
  5. the opposite of winning
  6. last week i finally ... a swimming pool
  7. it is the job of teachers
  8. i ... the grass because it was too tall
  9. to get the flour you have to ... the wheat
  1. sara, ... down that vase or you'll get hurt!
  2. it is done in art lessons
  3. you do it when you play "hide and seek"
  4. thieves do it
  5. today i ... up really late
  6. it is done at the end of the shopping
  7. yesterday a bee ... me
  8. you do it in a marathon
  9. the sun does it every morning
  10. last night I ... 10 hours!
  11. when you take off your coat you ... it

20 Clues: thieves do itthe seers do ityesterday a bee ... meyou do it in a marathonthe opposite of winningif you get shot, you is done in art lessonsit is the job of teacherstoday i ... up really latelast night I ... 10 hours!the sun does it every morningit is done at the end of the shoppingwhen you take off your coat you ... it...

Irregular verbs 2021-08-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fly
  2. send
  3. throw
  4. sink
  5. forgive
  6. know
  7. freeze
  8. seek
  9. win
  10. ride
  11. think
  12. catch
  13. pay
  14. sing
  1. swear
  2. go
  3. shrink
  4. steal
  5. wake
  6. shine
  7. buy
  8. lose
  9. give
  10. write
  11. bring
  12. grow
  13. meet
  14. find
  15. hang

29 Clues: goflybuywinpaysendwakesinklosegiveknowgrowseekmeetfindridehangsingswearstealthrowshinewritebringthinkcatchshrinkfreezeforgive

Irregular verbs 2021-09-29

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bought
  2. heard
  3. sold
  4. did
  5. found
  6. sent
  7. went
  8. broke
  9. wrote
  10. gave
  11. brought
  12. came
  13. spoke
  14. meant
  15. thought
  16. met
  17. lost
  18. had
  19. got
  20. paid
  21. understood
  22. began
  1. built
  2. chose
  3. saw
  4. knew
  5. took
  6. forgot
  7. slept
  8. drank
  9. won
  10. became
  11. read
  12. ate
  13. made
  14. kept
  15. flew
  16. left
  17. said
  18. drove
  19. blew

41 Clues: sawdidwonatemethadgotsoldknewtooksentwentgavereadcamemadekeptflewlostleftsaidpaidblewbuiltchoseheardfoundsleptdrankbrokewrotespokemeantdrovebeganboughtforgotbecamebroughtthoughtunderstood

irregular verbs 2021-10-04

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. buy (preterit)
  2. break (preterit)
  3. call (preterit)
  4. say (preterit)
  5. understand (preterit)
  6. know (preterit)
  7. do (preterit)
  8. meet (past participle)
  9. send (preterit)
  10. burn (preterit)
  11. write (past participle)
  12. go (preterit)
  13. pay (preterit)
  14. bring (preterit)
  15. make (preterit)
  16. take (past participle)
  17. have (past participle)
  18. steal (past participle)
  19. give (past participle)
  20. be (past participle)
  1. choose (preterit)
  2. beat(preterit)
  3. learn (preterit)
  4. forget (preterit)
  5. know (preterit)
  6. tell (preterit)
  7. drink (preterit)
  8. eat (past participle)
  9. feel (past participle)
  10. win (preterit)
  11. think (preterit)
  12. take (preterit)
  13. put (past participle)
  14. become(preterit)
  15. leave (preterit)
  16. find (past participle)
  17. begin (preterit)
  18. see (past participle)

38 Clues: do (preterit)go (preterit)buy (preterit)beat(preterit)say (preterit)win (preterit)pay (preterit)call (preterit)know (preterit)tell (preterit)know (preterit)send (preterit)burn (preterit)take (preterit)make (preterit)break (preterit)learn (preterit)drink (preterit)think (preterit)bring (preterit)become(preterit)leave (preterit)begin (preterit)...

Irregular Verbs 2021-09-12

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I ___ sorry for her when she failed the test
  2. Will you ___ home at 3 o'clock?
  3. You should ___ butter on your bread with a knife
  4. She screamed when the bee ____ her
  5. Martin got a ticket because he ___ too fast
  6. Everyone __ when the judge entered the courtroom
  7. Jane ___ when her cat died
  8. Last year, my son ___ three inches taller
  9. Our teacher __ us these irregular verbs last week
  10. My radio is ___ and doesn't work
  1. When she slipped on the ice, she__and broke her arm
  2. The sign said "Smoking is ___" indoors
  3. We left the room quietly when the fire alarm __
  4. Yesterday, Harry ___ himself while shaving
  5. The baby's crying ___ us awake all night
  6. Ben ___ about the problem, but couldn't solve it
  7. John ___ his hands in his pockets
  8. The weather was great. The sun ___ the whole week
  9. I understood what he said, but not what he ___
  10. Jack's alarm didn't work, so he ___ until noon
  11. It's cold in here. Please ___ the window
  12. Richard has never __ the same tie two days in a row
  13. Oscar ___ cat food to his dog by mistake

23 Clues: Jane ___ when her cat diedWill you ___ home at 3 o'clock?My radio is ___ and doesn't workJohn ___ his hands in his pocketsShe screamed when the bee ____ herThe sign said "Smoking is ___" indoorsThe baby's crying ___ us awake all nightIt's cold in here. Please ___ the windowOscar ___ cat food to his dog by mistake...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Past form of say
  2. Past form of make
  3. Past form of build
  4. Past form of pay
  5. Past form of do
  6. Past form of choose
  7. Past form of begin
  8. Past form of have
  9. Past form of leave
  10. Past form of think
  11. Past form of run
  12. Past form of teach
  13. Past form of find
  14. Past form of break
  15. Past form of bring
  16. Past form of cut
  17. Past form of know
  18. Past form of speak
  1. Past form of sleep
  2. Past form of understand
  3. Past form of give
  4. Past form of take
  5. Past form of drive
  6. Past form of catch
  7. Past form of buy
  8. Past form of get
  9. Past form of sing
  10. Past form of go
  11. Past form of keep
  12. Past form of drink
  13. Past form of forget
  14. Past form of feel
  15. Past form of eat
  16. Past form of come
  17. Past form of write
  18. Past form of swim

36 Clues: Past form of doPast form of goPast form of sayPast form of payPast form of buyPast form of getPast form of runPast form of eatPast form of cutPast form of makePast form of givePast form of takePast form of singPast form of keepPast form of havePast form of findPast form of feelPast form of comePast form of knowPast form of swimPast form of sleep...

IRREGULAR verbs 2021-11-11

IRREGULAR verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past participle of choose
  2. past simple of fall
  3. base form of split
  4. past simple of win
  5. past participle of bite
  6. past participle of write
  7. base form of hung
  8. past participle of wear
  9. past participle of leave
  10. past simple of draw
  11. past participle of lie
  12. past participle of keep
  13. past simple of awake
  14. past participle of ring
  15. past simple of sit
  16. past participle of be
  17. past simple of steal
  18. past simple of lose
  19. past participle of wet
  1. base form of broke
  2. past participle of speak
  3. base form of paid
  4. past simple of fly
  5. base form of quit
  6. past participle of find
  7. past simple of see
  8. base form of let
  9. past simple of know
  10. base form of sold
  11. past simple of throw
  12. past participle of freeze and a Disney movie
  13. past simple of hide
  14. base form of thought
  15. past simple of give
  16. past participle of take
  17. base form of read
  18. base form of shot
  19. past simple of shake
  20. past participle of meet
  21. past simple of teach

40 Clues: base form of letbase form of paidbase form of quitbase form of soldbase form of hungbase form of readbase form of shotbase form of brokepast simple of flybase form of splitpast simple of seepast simple of winpast simple of sitpast simple of fallpast simple of knowpast simple of hidepast simple of drawpast simple of givepast simple of lose...

Irregular verbs 2021-11-09

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. build
  2. swim
  3. catch
  4. take
  5. hear
  6. speak
  7. sing
  8. get
  9. have
  10. go
  11. know
  12. make
  1. cut
  2. fly
  3. say
  4. meet
  5. steal
  6. be
  7. drink
  8. think
  9. put
  10. give
  11. do
  12. win
  13. be

25 Clues: bedogobecutflysayputgetwinswimmeettakeheargivesinghaveknowmakebuildstealdrinkcatchthinkspeak

Irregular verbs 2021-12-06

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past participle of bring
  2. past participle of build
  3. past simple of learn
  4. past simple of break
  5. past simple of find
  6. past simple of forgive
  7. past participle of have
  8. past participle of do
  9. past simple of get
  10. past participle of fall
  11. past participle of drive
  12. past participle of know
  1. past simple of cost
  2. past simple of eat
  3. past participle of given
  4. past participle of keep
  5. past simple of bite
  6. past simple of buy
  7. past simple of become
  8. past participle of fly
  9. past simple of drink
  10. past simple of hit

22 Clues: past simple of eatpast simple of buypast simple of getpast simple of hitpast simple of costpast simple of bitepast simple of findpast simple of learnpast simple of breakpast simple of drinkpast simple of becomepast participle of dopast simple of forgivepast participle of flypast participle of keeppast participle of havepast participle of fall...

irregular verbs 2021-12-15

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. blow
  2. lose
  3. fall
  4. deal
  5. lend
  6. lead
  7. mean
  8. rise
  9. fight
  10. begin
  11. say
  12. hide
  1. burn
  2. sell
  3. bleed
  4. feel
  5. light
  6. bend
  7. leave
  8. run
  9. hear
  10. grow

22 Clues: runsayblowburnselllosefallfeeldealbendlendleadmeanriseheargrowhidebleedlightleavefightbegin

Irregular verbs 2021-12-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to catch
  2. to fly
  3. to swim
  4. to break
  5. to send
  6. to bring
  7. to find
  8. to hold
  9. to think
  10. to drive
  11. to make
  12. to be
  13. to forget
  1. to choose
  2. to know
  3. to write
  4. to spend
  5. to stand
  6. to read
  7. to go
  8. to take
  9. to draw
  10. to keep

23 Clues: to goto beto flyto knowto swimto sendto readto findto holdto taketo drawto maketo keepto catchto writeto spendto breakto standto bringto thinkto driveto chooseto forget

Irregular Verbs 2021-12-09

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. начинать
  2. стал
  3. покупать
  4. покупал
  5. начал
  6. приходил
  7. резать
  8. приходить
  9. быть
  10. резал
  11. ловить
  1. были
  2. делал
  3. строил
  4. сломал
  5. был
  6. стать
  7. получил
  8. получать
  9. поймал
  10. ломать

21 Clues: былбылисталбытьделалначалстатьрезалстроилсломалрезатьпоймалломатьловитьпокупалполучилначинатьпокупатьприходилполучатьприходить

Irregular Verbs 2021-12-15

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. simple past (to) wear
  2. simple past (to) ride
  3. simple past (to) buy
  4. simple past (to) grow
  5. simple past (to) swim
  6. simple past (to) take
  7. simple past (to) understand
  8. simple past (to) keep
  9. simple past (to) sing
  10. simple past (to) make
  11. simple past (to) eat
  12. simple past (to) win
  13. simple past (to) speak
  14. simple past (to ) tell
  15. simple past (to) fight
  16. simple past (to) leave
  17. simple past (to) drink
  18. simple past (to) say
  19. simple past (to) drive
  20. simple past (to) become
  1. simple past (to) forget
  2. simple past (to) go
  3. simple past (to) ring
  4. simple past (to) sleep
  5. simple past (to) find
  6. simple past (to) catch
  7. simple past (to) have
  8. simple past (to) wake
  9. simple past (to) know
  10. simple past (to) give
  11. simple past (to) see
  12. simple past (to) run
  13. simple past (to) meet
  14. simple past (to) sell
  15. simple past (to) do
  16. simple past (to) hide
  17. simple past (to) pay
  18. simple past (to) come
  19. simple past (to) throw

39 Clues: simple past (to) gosimple past (to) dosimple past (to) buysimple past (to) seesimple past (to) runsimple past (to) eatsimple past (to) winsimple past (to) paysimple past (to) saysimple past (to) wearsimple past (to) ringsimple past (to) ridesimple past (to) findsimple past (to) growsimple past (to) swimsimple past (to) wakesimple past (to) take...

Irregular verbs 2021-04-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sell (sälja)
  2. shake
  3. be (many people)
  4. break
  5. see
  6. run
  7. get (få)
  8. eat
  9. go
  10. let
  11. do
  12. think (tänka)
  13. become
  14. sing
  15. have
  16. drink
  17. leave (lämna)
  18. leave
  19. drive
  20. give
  1. speak
  2. know
  3. wear
  4. ride (rida)
  5. begin
  6. swim (simma)
  7. buy (köpa)
  8. steal
  9. write
  10. lie (ligga)
  11. bite (bita)
  12. draw
  13. forget
  14. hold
  15. make
  16. be(one person)
  17. pay
  18. put (lägga, ställa)
  19. grow
  20. hit
  21. fly
  22. read

42 Clues: godoseeruneatletpayhitflyknowweardrawholdmakesinggrowhavereadgivespeakshakebeginbreakstealwritedrinkleavedriveforgetbecomeget (få)buy (köpa)ride (rida)lie (ligga)bite (bita)sell (sälja)swim (simma)think (tänka)leave (lämna)be(one person)be (many people)put (lägga, ställa)

irregular verbs 2021-04-19

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ride
  2. break
  3. give
  4. stick
  5. mean
  6. write
  7. speak
  8. buy
  9. tell
  10. sing
  11. see
  12. have
  13. stand
  14. fall
  15. find
  1. wear
  2. draw
  3. drink
  4. keep
  5. become
  6. forget
  7. sit
  8. catch
  9. teach
  10. say
  11. think
  12. dig
  13. hear
  14. lay
  15. swim
  16. eat
  17. shake

32 Clues: sitsaydigbuylayseeeatweardrawridekeepgivemeanheartellsingswimhavefallfinddrinkbreakstickcatchteachwritespeakthinkstandshakebecomeforget

Irregular verbs 2021-04-27

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swear
  2. feed
  3. feel
  4. do
  5. write
  6. wake
  7. ride
  8. throw
  9. deal
  10. say
  11. weave
  12. build
  13. sleep
  14. sink
  15. lose
  16. understand
  17. leave
  18. hold
  19. break
  20. fight
  21. shut
  22. sweep
  23. show
  24. send
  25. find
  26. light
  27. beat
  28. get
  29. rise
  30. drive
  31. run
  32. shine
  33. come
  34. spring
  35. choose
  36. become
  37. hurt
  38. catch
  39. blow
  40. steal
  41. sit
  42. go
  43. grow
  44. put
  45. have
  46. shake
  47. hit
  1. wear
  2. bet
  3. fly
  4. let
  5. draw
  6. tear
  7. read
  8. cut
  9. freeze
  10. tell
  11. cost
  12. hide
  13. buy
  14. burst
  15. forget
  16. lay
  17. stand
  18. drink
  19. sell
  20. think
  21. know
  22. keep
  23. set
  24. hang
  25. bring
  26. mean
  27. fall
  28. take
  29. stick
  30. speak
  31. sing
  32. swing
  33. make
  34. pay
  35. teach
  36. spend
  37. meet
  38. begin
  39. see
  40. lead
  41. win
  42. eat
  43. ring
  44. hear
  45. shoot
  46. swim
  47. lend
  48. give
  49. slide

96 Clues: dogobetflyletcutbuysaylaysetpaygetrunseewineatsitputhitwearfeedfeeldrawtearreadwaketellridecosthidedealsellsinkknowkeeploseholdhangmeanfalltakeshutshowsingsendfindmakebeatrisecomemeetleadhurtringhearblowswimlendgivegrowhaveswearwritethrowburstweavebuildstanddrinksleepthinkleavebreakbringfightsticksweepspeakswinglightteachdriveshinespendbegincatch...

Irregular Verbs 2022-03-25

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. - came
  2. - wrote
  3. - met
  4. - thought
  5. - had
  6. - sat
  7. - did
  8. - was/were
  9. - fell
  10. - wore
  11. - saw
  12. - ran
  13. - hid
  14. - gave
  15. - sent
  16. - felt
  17. - fed
  1. - went
  2. - ate
  3. - rode
  4. - came
  5. - put
  6. - won
  7. - made
  8. - told
  9. - hit
  10. - knew
  11. - saw
  12. - brought
  13. - swam
  14. - ran
  15. - sold
  16. - said
  17. - found
  18. - began

35 Clues: - ate- put- won- met- hit- had- sat- saw- did- saw- ran- ran- hid- fed- went- came- rode- came- made- told- knew- fell- wore- swam- sold- gave- sent- said- felt- wrote- found- began- thought- brought- was/were

Irregular verbs 2022-02-22

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. понимать
  2. расти
  3. красть
  4. видеть
  5. покупать
  6. покидать, оставлять
  7. чувствовать
  8. начинать
  9. обучать
  10. есть
  11. падать
  12. пить
  13. писать
  14. ударять
  15. забывать
  16. становиться
  17. петь
  18. брать
  19. приносить
  1. приносить
  2. читать
  3. затворять, закрывать
  4. слышать
  5. будить
  6. знать
  7. бросать
  8. находить
  9. - learnt учить
  10. ловить
  11. носить (одежду)
  12. занимать

31 Clues: естьпитьпетьрастизнатьбратьчитатькрастьвидетьбудитьловитьпадатьписатьслышатьбросатьобучатьударятьпониматьпокупатьначинатьнаходитьзаниматьзабыватьприноситьприноситьчувствоватьстановиться- learnt учитьносить (одежду)покидать, оставлятьзатворять, закрывать

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-22

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. take
  2. blow
  3. eat
  4. cut
  5. build
  6. have
  7. understand
  8. lose
  9. spend
  10. draw
  11. wake
  12. teach
  13. do
  14. hide
  1. send
  2. know
  3. fight
  4. see
  5. begin
  6. pay
  7. keep
  8. fly
  9. break
  10. think
  11. feel
  12. buy
  13. read
  14. sell
  15. tell
  16. dig

30 Clues: doseepayeatcutflybuydigsendtakeknowblowkeephavelosefeelreadselltelldrawwakehidefightbeginbuildbreakthinkspendteachunderstand

Irregular verbs 2022-06-04

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim
  2. meet
  3. break
  4. run
  5. put
  6. give
  7. leave
  8. can
  9. write
  10. buy
  11. drink
  12. think
  13. drive
  14. make
  15. go
  16. forget
  17. keep
  18. stand
  19. say
  20. sit
  21. win
  1. know
  2. speak
  3. sleep
  4. hear
  5. understand
  6. spend
  7. find
  8. take
  9. leave
  10. come
  11. up wake up
  12. build
  13. have
  14. ride
  15. steal
  16. sell
  17. eat
  18. up get up
  19. do
  20. tell
  21. lose
  22. see

43 Clues: dogorunputcanbuyeatsaysitseewinknowhearswimmeetfindtakegivecomehaveridesellmakekeeptelllosespeaksleepspendbreakleaveleavewritebuildstealdrinkthinkdrivestandforgetup get upunderstandup wake up

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. It always happens but you can't always remember it
  2. you know a mamerto and you want .... his crotch
  3. with your ears you can
  4. the cell phone was created for
  5. when you lose something
  6. in the army the soldiers their boots
  7. you are polo polo and you lose your seat, you start to
  8. you meet a fan of fico, you give him a book and he doesn't know how to read, so you're going to him
  9. ¿The presidential candidates and the thieves?
  10. they want .... who gave the order
  11. when it gets late
  12. Petro smells ugly, ¿why?
  13. the opposite of remembering
  14. the birds can do it
  15. the peasants of colombia had to ..... from the countryside
  16. the traffic light is green, do you have to?
  17. when you see a uribista you want it
  1. what we should do with stereotypes
  2. when you have something of value but you don't need it
  3. You are María Fernanda Cabal, you do not collect enough signatures, so you should?
  4. when you are children you dream of
  5. you are in a karaoke and do you have to?
  6. when you can't find something
  7. when you leave your house the door
  8. you meet the fachos in the corner, you start to ..... cold
  9. the dream of every anarchist with a church
  10. when you buy something you must
  11. we must not .... trash
  12. Are the chairs for?
  13. recommend three books a year
  14. when you use the car
  15. the hearts of the mothers of soacha ..... for the pain of their children
  16. do you see the cabal young. you in their faces

33 Clues: when it gets lateAre the chairs for?the birds can do itwhen you use the carwith your ears you canwe must not .... trashwhen you lose somethingPetro smells ugly, ¿why?the opposite of rememberingrecommend three books a yearwhen you can't find somethingthe cell phone was created forwhen you buy something you mustthey want .... who gave the order...

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. You are María Fernanda Cabal, you do not collect enough signatures, so you should?
  2. when you can't find something
  3. the peasants of colombia had to ..... from the countryside
  4. what we should do with stereotypes
  5. when you buy something you must
  6. you meet the fachos in the corner, you start to ..... cold
  7. when you lose something
  8. when you leave your house the door
  9. you meet a fan of fico, you give him a book and he doesn't know how to read, so you're going to him
  10. It always happens but you can't always remember it
  11. when you are children you dream of
  12. the birds can do it
  13. you know a mamerto and you want .... his crotch
  14. with your ears you can
  15. you are in a karaoke and do you have to?
  16. the hearts of the mothers of soacha ..... for the pain of their children
  1. they want .... who gave the order
  2. recommend three books a year
  3. ¿The presidential candidates and the thieves?
  4. you are polo polo and you lose your seat, you start to
  5. when you use the car
  6. do you see the cabal young. you in their faces
  7. the dream of every anarchist with a church
  8. Are the chairs for?
  9. Petro smells ugly, ¿why?
  10. when you see a uribista you want it
  11. in the army the soldiers their boots
  12. the opposite of remembering
  13. we must not .... trash
  14. when it gets late
  15. the traffic light is green, do you have to?
  16. the cell phone was created for
  17. when you have something of value but you don't need it

33 Clues: when it gets lateAre the chairs for?the birds can do itwhen you use the carwe must not .... trashwith your ears you canwhen you lose somethingPetro smells ugly, ¿why?the opposite of rememberingrecommend three books a yearwhen you can't find somethingthe cell phone was created forwhen you buy something you mustthey want .... who gave the order...

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. we must not .... trash
  2. do you see the cabal young. you in their faces
  3. in the army the soldiers their boots
  4. Are the chairs for?
  5. when you lose something
  6. recommend three books a year
  7. the dream of every anarchist with a church
  8. the opposite of remembering
  9. when you buy something you must
  10. you know a mamerto and you want .... his crotch
  11. You are María Fernanda Cabal, you do not collect enough signatures, so you should?
  12. when you use the car
  13. the peasants of colombia had to ..... from the countryside
  14. most plants are due?
  15. you are polo polo and you lose your seat, you start to
  16. It always happens but you can't always remember it
  17. the hearts of the mothers of soacha ..... for the pain of their children
  1. ¿The presidential candidates and the thieves?
  2. when you see a uribista you want it
  3. the cell phone was created for
  4. when it gets late
  5. in the pools you can
  6. Petro smells ugly, ¿why?
  7. when you are children you dream of
  8. you are in a karaoke and do you have to?
  9. when you leave your house the door
  10. you meet a fan of fico, you give him a book and he doesn't know how to read, so you're going to him
  11. when you have something of value but you don't need it
  12. the traffic light is green, do you have to?
  13. what we should do with stereotypes
  14. you meet the fachos in the corner, you start to ..... cold
  15. the birds can do it
  16. they want .... who gave the order
  17. when you can't find something
  18. with your ears you can

35 Clues: when it gets lateAre the chairs for?the birds can do itin the pools you canwhen you use the carmost plants are due?we must not .... trashwith your ears you canwhen you lose somethingPetro smells ugly, ¿why?the opposite of rememberingrecommend three books a yearwhen you can't find somethingthe cell phone was created for...

Irregular Verbs 2022-05-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. recommend three books a year
  2. the cell phone was created for
  3. you meet the fachos in the corner, you start to ..... cold
  4. the hearts of the mothers of soacha ..... for the pain of their children
  5. the traffic light is green, do you have to?
  6. when you lose something
  7. in the pools you can
  8. you meet a fan of fico, you give him a book and he doesn't know how to read, so you're going to him
  9. what we should do with stereotypes
  10. you know a mamerto and you want .... his crotch
  11. You are María Fernanda Cabal, you do not collect enough signatures, so you should?
  12. when you use the car
  13. when you buy something you must
  14. we must not .... trash
  15. Are the chairs for?
  16. the peasants of colombia had to ..... from the countryside
  17. Petro smells ugly, ¿why?
  18. you are polo polo and you lose your seat, you start to
  1. the opposite of remembering
  2. when it gets late
  3. when you are children you dream of
  4. when you leave your house the door
  5. It always happens when you sleep but you can't always remember it
  6. the dream of every anarchist with a church
  7. you are in a karaoke and do you have to?
  8. they want .... who gave the order
  9. in the army the soldiers their boots
  10. when you see a uribista you want it
  11. ¿The presidential candidates and the thieves?
  12. when you have something of value but you don't need it
  13. do you see the cabal young. you in their faces
  14. with your ears you can
  15. when you can't find something
  16. the birds can do it

34 Clues: when it gets lateAre the chairs for?the birds can do itin the pools you canwhen you use the carwe must not .... trashwith your ears you canwhen you lose somethingPetro smells ugly, ¿why?the opposite of rememberingrecommend three books a yearwhen you can't find somethingthe cell phone was created forwhen you buy something you must...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. SPOKE
  2. FLEW
  4. CAME
  6. ATE
  7. TOOK
  8. SAW
  9. SWAM
  10. RAN
  11. WENT
  12. FOUND
  13. MET
  1. TOLD
  2. SAID
  3. WROTE
  4. FELT
  5. BEGAN
  6. SANG
  8. FED


Irregular Verbs 2021-06-01

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. BUY
  2. FEED
  3. HURT
  4. THINK
  5. RING
  6. THROW
  7. TAKE
  8. SLEEP
  9. FELL
  10. FIND
  11. RIDE
  12. SEE
  1. TEACH
  2. CATCH
  3. BITE
  4. BREAK
  5. BEGIN
  7. STEAL
  8. SPEAK
  9. SELL
  10. LEAVE
  11. FLY
  12. DRIVE
  13. SWIM



IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  4. SHE WAS ___ BY A WASP.
  9. THE GIRL ___ FOR 10 HOURS.



IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Leave
  2. Break
  3. Lose
  4. Teach
  5. Do
  6. Know
  7. Be(singular)
  8. Come
  9. Say
  10. Become
  11. Think
  1. Meet
  2. sleep
  3. Write
  4. Fall
  5. Take
  6. Have
  7. Begin
  8. Make
  9. Be(plural)
  10. Eat
  11. Buy
  12. Can
  13. Find
  14. Tell

25 Clues: DoSayEatBuyCanMeetFallLoseTakeHaveKnowMakeComeFindTellsleepWriteLeaveBreakTeachBeginThinkBecomeBe(plural)Be(singular)

Irregular Verbs 2022-09-19

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. lose
  2. write
  3. ride
  4. get
  5. drive
  6. buy
  7. make
  8. do
  9. draw
  10. eat
  11. see
  12. sing
  1. sleep
  2. fight
  3. take
  4. read
  5. give
  6. break
  7. build
  8. hurt
  9. am
  10. go

22 Clues: doamgogetbuyeatseelosetakereadgiveridehurtmakedrawsingsleepfightwritebreakdrivebuild

Irregular Verbs 2022-09-19

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see
  2. am
  3. break
  4. make
  5. take
  6. read
  7. get
  8. draw
  9. hurt
  10. drive
  11. give
  12. lose
  1. write
  2. go
  3. buy
  4. do
  5. ride
  6. eat
  7. build
  8. fight
  9. sleep
  10. sing

22 Clues: amgodoseebuyeatgetmaketakereadridedrawhurtgivelosesingwritebreakbuildfightdrivesleep

Irregular verbs 2022-11-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. tuoda
  2. osti
  3. purra
  4. lentää
  5. puri
  6. löysi
  7. saada
  8. unohti
  9. kaatua
  10. oli
  11. tuntea
  1. toi
  2. sai
  3. olla
  4. ostaa
  5. löytää
  6. unohtaa
  7. tunsi
  8. oli
  9. lensi
  10. kaatui

21 Clues: toisaiolioliostiollapurituodapurraostaalöysitunsisaadalensilentäälöytääunohtikaatuakaatuitunteaunohtaa

Irregular verbs 2022-11-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. The Titanic _________ in the year 1912.(SINK)
  2. I am sad because all my friends ________ about my birthday. (FORGET)
  3. I ________ an entire bottle of Coca-Cola and now I feel sick. (DRINK)
  4. Yesterday, I _________ french fries - my favourite food! (EAT)
  5. The bill was ________ with a credit card. (PAY)
  6. Ben _________ downstairs and hurt his arm. (FALL)
  7. The children _________ cross-legged to listen to the story. (SIT)
  8. You went home and _________ me here all alone! I was so scared...
  9. When Marie __________ up, had already left for the game. (WAKE)
  10. My mother __________ me how to cook. (TEACH)
  11. Sally and John __________ at school. Now, they are best friends. (MEET)
  12. This dress ______ 80 EUR. (COST)
  13. I wish I __________ you when were younger. (know)
  1. Max __________ so softly we barely heard him.
  2. Julia ________ her foot playing football. (BRAKE)
  3. When I was in school, I always ________ all of my homework. (DO)
  4. That book is really interesting! We __________ it for school last year.
  5. Carlos __________ to Canada to see me.
  6. Anna __________ her house keys and now she can't get in. (LOSE)
  7. We forgot our jackets at the party because we ______ in a hurry. (BE)
  8. I no longer trust the GPS. It _______ throught a lot of creepy streets. (SEND)
  9. I ran downstairs because I __________ the housephone was ringing. (THINK)
  10. My sister _________ me a new book for my birthday. (GIVE)
  11. The cat crossing the street _________ me stop the car. (MAKE)

24 Clues: This dress ______ 80 EUR. (COST)Carlos __________ to Canada to see me.My mother __________ me how to cook. (TEACH)The Titanic _________ in the year 1912.(SINK)Max __________ so softly we barely heard him.The bill was ________ with a credit card. (PAY)Julia ________ her foot playing football. (BRAKE)Ben _________ downstairs and hurt his arm. (FALL)...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Begin, _________, begun.
  2. _______, bought, bought.
  3. Do, did, _______.
  4. Bring, _______, brought.
  5. Come, _______, come.
  6. Drive, drove, _______.
  7. Choose, _______, chosen.
  8. ______, found, found.
  9. Forget, ______, forgotten.
  10. Fall,_____, fallen.
  1. Have, had, ______.
  2. Eat, ate, ________.
  3. Get, ________, gotten.
  4. Become, _________, become.
  5. ______, went, gone.
  6. _______, was/were, been.
  7. Give, _______, given.
  8. ______, drank, drunk.
  9. Fly, flew, _______.
  10. ______, felt, felt.

20 Clues: Do, did, _______.Have, had, ______.Eat, ate, ________.______, went, gone.Fly, flew, _______.______, felt, felt.Fall,_____, fallen.Come, _______, come.Give, _______, given.______, drank, drunk.______, found, found.Get, ________, gotten.Drive, drove, _______.Begin, _________, begun._______, bought, bought.Bring, _______, brought....


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Eat, ate, ________.
  2. Fly, flew, _______.
  3. Come, _______, come.
  4. Bring, _______, brought.
  5. Fall,_____, fallen.
  6. Choose, _______, chosen.
  7. Drive, drove, _______.
  8. _______, was/were, been.
  9. ______, drank, drunk.
  1. Forget, ______, forgotten.
  2. Become, _________, become.
  3. Get, ________, gotten.
  4. ______, felt, felt.
  5. ______, went, gone.
  6. Do, did, _______.
  7. Begin, _________, begun.
  8. Have, had, ______.
  9. Give, _______, given.
  10. ______, found, found.
  11. _______, bought, bought.

20 Clues: Do, did, _______.Have, had, ______.Eat, ate, ________.Fly, flew, _______.______, felt, felt.______, went, gone.Fall,_____, fallen.Come, _______, come.Give, _______, given.______, found, found.______, drank, drunk.Get, ________, gotten.Drive, drove, _______.Bring, _______, brought.Begin, _________, begun.Choose, _______, chosen....

Irregular verbs 2022-02-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to lose
  2. to speak
  3. to hear
  4. to deal
  5. to have
  6. to eat
  7. to know
  8. to put
  9. to read
  10. to lay
  1. to catch
  2. to lead
  3. to steal
  4. to be
  5. to keep
  6. to ring
  7. to do
  8. to leave
  9. to shake
  10. to send
  11. to pay
  12. to fall

22 Clues: to beto doto eatto putto payto layto loseto leadto keepto hearto ringto dealto haveto sendto knowto fallto readto catchto stealto speakto leaveto shake

Irregular verbs 2022-01-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sold
  2. sang
  3. wrote
  4. broke
  5. rode
  6. thought
  7. cut
  8. slept
  9. taught
  10. went
  11. became
  12. ate
  13. took
  14. understood
  15. paid
  16. forgot
  17. began
  18. grew
  19. did
  20. sat
  21. woke
  22. left
  23. spent
  24. flew
  25. swam
  26. wore
  27. found
  1. built
  2. sent
  3. spoke
  4. gave
  5. met
  6. brought
  7. fought
  8. drove
  9. fell
  10. heard
  11. came
  12. held
  13. saw
  14. put
  15. caught
  16. kept
  17. bought
  18. had
  19. chose
  20. drew
  21. read
  22. knew
  23. got
  24. told
  25. felt
  26. ran
  27. made
  28. said
  29. drank
  30. lost
  31. hurt
  32. won

59 Clues: metcutsawputhadategotrandidsatwonsoldsentsanggaverodefellcameheldkeptwenttookdrewreadpaidknewtoldfeltgrewmadewokeleftsaidflewlostswamhurtworebuiltspokewrotebrokedroveheardsleptchosebeganspentdrankfoundfoughttaughtcaughtboughtbecameforgotbroughtthoughtunderstood

Irregular verbs 2022-01-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hold
  2. fall
  3. forget
  4. make
  5. go
  6. hear
  7. get
  8. see
  9. buy
  10. win
  11. lose
  12. drink
  13. know
  14. eat
  15. spend
  16. ride
  17. break
  18. choose
  19. come
  20. think
  21. give
  22. sell
  23. read
  24. fight
  25. sleep
  26. find
  27. do
  28. build
  1. leave
  2. hurt
  3. swim
  4. fly
  5. bring
  6. keep
  7. teach
  8. draw
  9. speak
  10. wear
  11. become
  12. have
  13. understand
  14. run
  15. sing
  16. wake
  17. write
  18. send
  19. begin
  20. sit
  21. tell
  22. take
  23. grow
  24. catch
  25. drive
  26. meet
  27. say
  28. pay
  29. put
  30. feel
  31. cut

59 Clues: godoflygetseebuywinruneatsitsaypayputcutholdhurtfallswimmakekeepheardrawwearhavelosesingwakeknowsendridetellcometakegivegrowsellreadmeetfindfeelleavebringteachspeakdrinkwritespendbreakbeginthinkcatchdrivefightsleepbuildforgetbecomechooseunderstand

Irregular verbs 2021-10-18

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past tense of see.
  2. Past tense of read.
  3. Past tense of find.
  4. Past tense of make.
  5. Past tense of can.
  6. Past tense of buy.
  7. Past tense of go.
  8. Past tense of ride.
  9. Past tense of come.
  10. Past tense of take.
  11. Past tense of do.
  12. Past tense of sing.
  13. Past tense of write.
  14. Past tense of put.
  1. Past tense of swim.
  2. Past tense of run.
  3. Past tense of sleep.
  4. Past tense of give.
  5. Past tense of feel.
  6. Past tense of drive.
  7. Past tense of drink.
  8. Past tense of meet.
  9. Past tense of break.
  10. Past tense of have.
  11. Past tense of eat.
  12. Past tense of get.
  13. Past tense of sit.
  14. Past tense of be.

28 Clues: Past tense of go.Past tense of do.Past tense of be.Past tense of see.Past tense of run.Past tense of can.Past tense of buy.Past tense of eat.Past tense of get.Past tense of sit.Past tense of put.Past tense of swim.Past tense of read.Past tense of give.Past tense of find.Past tense of feel.Past tense of make.Past tense of meet.Past tense of have....

irregular verbs 2022-02-15

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. preterit of Steal
  2. past Participle of Swim
  3. past participle of Wake
  4. preterit of Take
  5. past participle of Show
  6. past participle of Grow
  7. past participle of Write
  8. preterit of Grow
  9. past participle of Rise
  10. infinitive of Underwent
  1. preterit of Speak
  2. past participle of Swear
  3. past participle of Shake
  4. preterit of Throw
  5. preterit of See
  6. past participle of Sing
  7. preterit of Wear
  8. preterit of Ride
  9. past participle of Tear
  10. past participle of Ring

20 Clues: preterit of Seepreterit of Takepreterit of Wearpreterit of Ridepreterit of Growpreterit of Speakpreterit of Stealpreterit of Throwpast Participle of Swimpast participle of Wakepast participle of Showpast participle of Singpast participle of Growpast participle of Tearpast participle of Ringpast participle of Riseinfinitive of Underwent...