irregular verbs Crossword Puzzles

irregular verbs 2022-05-07

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bear
  2. fed
  3. buy
  4. teach
  5. thought
  6. grown
  7. rise
  8. drive
  9. ride
  10. fallen
  11. met
  12. draw
  13. find
  14. quit
  15. caught
  1. written
  2. fought
  3. eaten
  4. brought
  5. hear
  6. begun
  7. fly
  8. lie
  9. felt
  10. hurt
  11. read
  12. deal
  13. leave

28 Clues: fedbuyflyliemetbearhearfelthurtrisereadridedealdrawfindquiteatenteachbegungrowndriveleavefoughtfallencaughtwrittenbroughtthought

Irregular verbs 2022-05-04

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Make
  2. Can
  3. Drink
  4. Give
  5. Eat
  6. Have
  7. See
  8. Sit
  9. Stand
  10. Go
  1. Fall
  2. Break
  3. Come
  4. Do
  5. Read
  6. Hear
  7. Write
  8. Lose
  9. Get
  10. Win

20 Clues: DoGoCanEatSeeSitGetWinFallMakeComeReadGiveHaveHearLoseBreakDrinkWriteStand

irregular verbs 2022-05-05

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ____ - rang - rung звенеть
  2. ____ - shook - shaken трясти
  3. forget - ___ - forgotten забывать
  4. send - ___ - _____ отправлять
  5. stand - _____ - _____ стоять
  6. win - _____ -_____ выигрывать
  7. причинять боль
  8. mean - ____ -_____ иметь в виду
  9. say - ____ -_____ говорить
  10. _____ - woke up - woken up просыпаться
  11. grow - _____ - grown растить
  12. do - did - _____ делать
  13. ride - rode - _____ ездить верхом
  14. sit - ____ - ____ сидеть
  15. _____ - wore - worn носить
  16. learn - ____ - _____ учить
  17. ____ - bought - bought покупать
  18. читать
  19. take - _____ - taken брать
  20. leave - _____ - _____ оставлять
  21. tell - ____ -_____ рассказывать
  22. резать
  1. know - knew - _____ знать
  2. catch - ____ - _____ ловить
  3. show - ____ - shown показывать
  4. think - ____ -______ думать
  5. sing - ____ - sung петь
  6. speak - _____ - spoken
  7. класть
  8. write - wrote - _____ писать
  9. spend - ____ - ______ тратить, проводить
  10. dig - ___ - _____ копать
  11. eat - ____ - eaten есть
  12. meet - ____ -_____ встречать
  13. _____ - felt - felt чувствовать
  14. drink - ___ - drunk пить
  15. ____ - drew - drawn рисовать
  16. swim - _____ - swum плавать
  17. lay - ___ - _____ откладывать
  18. stick - _____ -_____ клеить
  19. break - _____ - broken ломать
  20. teach - _____ - ______ обучать
  21. fall - fell - _____ падать
  22. throw - ____ - thrown бросать

44 Clues: кластьчитатьрезатьпричинять больspeak - _____ - spokensing - ____ - sung петьeat - ____ - eaten естьdo - did - _____ делатьdig - ___ - _____ копатьdrink - ___ - drunk питьsit - ____ - ____ сидетьknow - knew - _____ знать____ - rang - rung звенетьsay - ____ -_____ говорить_____ - wore - worn носитьlearn - ____ - _____ учитьtake - _____ - taken брать...

Irregular verbs 2023-01-10

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. know
  2. sleep
  3. choose
  4. fall
  5. eat
  6. forget
  7. go
  8. have
  9. give
  10. grow
  11. lose
  12. do
  13. get
  14. feel
  1. drink
  2. become
  3. speak
  4. find
  5. come
  6. leave
  7. break
  8. think
  9. hear
  10. stand
  11. drive

25 Clues: godoeatgetknowfallfindcomehavegiveheargrowlosefeeldrinksleepspeakleavebreakthinkstanddrivebecomechooseforget

Irregular verbs 2023-01-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim
  2. forget
  3. become
  4. have
  5. bite
  6. get
  7. write
  8. drink
  9. come
  1. go
  2. give
  3. draw
  4. fall
  5. buy
  6. cut
  7. do
  8. break
  9. see
  10. run
  11. eat

20 Clues: godobuycutseegetruneatgiveswimdrawfallhavebitecomebreakwritedrinkforgetbecome

Irregular verbs 2022-12-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. yemoq
  2. qo'ymoq
  3. jo'nab ketmoq
  4. yugurmoq
  5. o'tirgan o'rnidan turmoq
  6. sindirmoq
  7. boshlamoq
  8. mashina haydamoq
  9. olmoq
  10. bormoq
  11. yozmoq
  1. o'tirmoq
  2. o'rnatmoq
  3. tushunmoq
  4. eshitmoq
  5. uchmoq
  6. o'qimoq
  7. bajarmoq
  8. ichmoq
  9. bor bo'lmoq
  10. olmoq
  11. bermoq
  12. ruxsat bermoq
  13. bilmoq
  14. kesmoq

25 Clues: yemoqolmoqolmoquchmoqichmoqbermoqbilmoqkesmoqbormoqyozmoqqo'ymoqo'qimoqo'tirmoqeshitmoqyugurmoqbajarmoqo'rnatmoqtushunmoqsindirmoqboshlamoqbor bo'lmoqjo'nab ketmoqruxsat bermoqmashina haydamoqo'tirgan o'rnidan turmoq

Irregular Verbs 2023-01-12

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. win
  2. understand
  3. sing
  4. eat
  5. feed
  6. rise
  7. forget
  8. come
  9. lose
  10. mean
  1. write
  2. burn
  3. ride
  4. buy
  5. sell
  6. spoken
  7. froze
  8. build
  9. leave
  10. see

20 Clues: winbuyeatseeburnridesingsellfeedrisecomelosemeanwritefrozebuildleavespokenforgetunderstand

irregular verbs 2023-01-24

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. come
  2. buy
  3. build
  4. give
  5. find
  6. see
  7. have
  8. get
  9. go
  10. become
  11. throw
  12. eat
  13. read
  14. think
  15. take
  1. catch
  2. send
  3. begin
  4. bring
  5. did
  6. speak
  7. meet
  8. draw
  9. be
  10. teach
  11. make
  12. fall
  13. fight
  14. break

29 Clues: gobebuydidseegeteatsendcomegivefindmeethavedrawmakefallreadtakecatchbuildbeginbringspeakthrowteachfightbreakthinkbecome

irregular verbs 2022-06-23

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. gagner(pp)
  2. se lever(infinitif)
  3. donner(prétérit)
  4. envoyer(infinitif)
  5. perdre(pp)
  6. dessiner(prétérit)
  7. tomber(pp)
  8. penser(infinitif)
  9. conduire (pp)
  10. faire(prétérit)
  1. acheter (pp)
  2. aller(prétérit)
  3. courir(prétérit)
  4. entendre(infinitif)
  5. aller(pp)
  6. voir(prétérit)
  7. boire(prétérit)
  8. manger(infinitif)
  9. faire du vélo(pp)
  10. avoir(pp)

20 Clues: aller(pp)avoir(pp)gagner(pp)perdre(pp)tomber(pp)acheter (pp)conduire (pp)voir(prétérit)aller(prétérit)boire(prétérit)faire(prétérit)courir(prétérit)donner(prétérit)manger(infinitif)faire du vélo(pp)penser(infinitif)envoyer(infinitif)dessiner(prétérit)se lever(infinitif)entendre(infinitif)

Irregular Verbs 2022-08-09

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Write (Past Participle)
  2. Awake (Simple Past)
  3. Sit (Past Participle)
  4. Sell (Simple Past)
  5. Leave (Simple Past)
  6. Fight (Past Participle)
  7. Sing (Past Participle)
  8. Choose (Past Participle)
  9. Sleep (Simple Past)
  1. Meet (Simple Past)
  2. Beat (Past Participle)
  3. Fall (Simple Past)
  4. Rise (Simple Past)
  5. Stand (Past Participle)
  6. Drink (Past Participle)
  7. Let (Past Participle)
  8. Forgive (Past Participle)
  9. Hide (Simple Past)
  10. Build (Simple Past)
  11. Hit (Simple Past)

20 Clues: Hit (Simple Past)Meet (Simple Past)Fall (Simple Past)Rise (Simple Past)Sell (Simple Past)Hide (Simple Past)Awake (Simple Past)Leave (Simple Past)Build (Simple Past)Sleep (Simple Past)Sit (Past Participle)Let (Past Participle)Beat (Past Participle)Sing (Past Participle)Write (Past Participle)Stand (Past Participle)Drink (Past Participle)...

irregular verbs 2022-06-14

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. become
  2. leave
  3. say
  4. sit
  5. run
  6. meet
  7. lie
  8. ring
  9. pay
  10. make
  11. think
  12. sleep
  13. know
  14. eat
  15. do
  16. hold
  1. hear
  2. come
  3. fall
  4. go
  5. find
  6. stand
  7. see
  8. freeze
  9. tell
  10. give
  11. catch
  12. get
  13. wake
  14. dig
  15. take
  16. sell
  17. put
  18. read
  19. have

35 Clues: godosaysitseerunliegetpaydigputeathearcomefallfindmeettellgiveringwakemaketakesellreadhaveknowholdleavestandcatchthinksleepbecomefreeze

Irregular verbs 2022-08-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. beat
  2. blow
  3. teach
  4. fall
  5. catch
  6. written
  7. meant
  8. make
  9. known
  10. sink
  11. fight
  12. met
  13. pay
  14. sell
  15. drive
  16. think
  17. sang
  18. burn
  19. ride
  1. be
  2. awake
  3. bite
  4. became
  5. begun
  6. build
  7. show
  8. eaten
  9. left
  10. dig
  11. kept
  12. stand
  13. understand
  14. gave
  15. bend
  16. forget
  17. buy
  18. hang
  19. break

38 Clues: bedigmetpaybuybeatblowbiteshowfallleftmakekeptsinkgavebendsellsangburnhangrideawakebegunbuildteacheatencatchmeantknownstandfightdrivethinkbreakbecameforgetwrittenunderstand

Irregular verbs 2022-12-01

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Soplar
  2. Atar, encuadernar
  3. Comprar
  4. Ate Eaten Comer
  5. Forgave Forgiven Perdonar
  6. Morder
  7. Drove Driven Conducir
  8. Ir
  9. Cortar
  10. Dreamt /Dreamed Dreamt /Dreamed Soñar
  11. Doblar
  12. Drank Drunk Beber
  1. Elegir
  2. Pujar
  3. Sangrar
  4. Agarrarse
  5. Apostar
  6. Romper
  7. Flew Flown Volar
  8. Llegar a Ser
  9. Empezar
  10. Traer Llevar
  11. Dibujar

23 Clues: IrPujarElegirSoplarRomperMorderCortarDoblarSangrarComprarApostarEmpezarDibujarAgarrarseLlegar a SerTraer LlevarAte Eaten ComerFlew Flown VolarAtar, encuadernarDrank Drunk BeberDrove Driven ConducirForgave Forgiven PerdonarDreamt /Dreamed Dreamt /Dreamed Soñar

irregular verbs 2022-12-01

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. guiar
  2. agitar
  3. quemar
  4. elegir
  5. lidiar
  6. sangrar
  7. pararse
  8. moler
  9. desgarrar
  10. pelear
  11. encender
  12. alimentar
  13. significar
  14. cry
  1. deslizar
  2. pagar
  3. aventar
  4. arrodillarse
  5. construir
  6. escuchar
  7. inclinarse
  8. soñar
  9. disparar
  10. atrapar
  11. cavar
  12. escapar
  13. venir
  14. encontrar
  15. esconder
  16. congelar

30 Clues: crypagarguiarsoñarmolercavarveniragitarquemarelegirlidiarpelearaventarsangrarpararseatraparescapardeslizarescuchardispararesconderencendercongelarconstruirdesgarrarencontraralimentarinclinarsesignificararrodillarse

Irregular verbs 2022-12-02

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. pay
  2. cut
  3. teach
  4. spill
  5. break
  6. sing
  7. rise
  8. sleep
  9. forget
  10. win
  1. deal
  2. hit
  3. mean
  4. choose
  5. grow
  6. swear
  7. build
  8. shake
  9. hear
  10. fly

20 Clues: hitpaycutflywindealmeangrowsingrisehearteachswearspillbreakbuildshakesleepchooseforget

Irregular verbs 2022-12-09

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fly
  2. fall
  3. mean
  4. drink
  5. catch
  6. say
  7. go
  8. fight
  9. give
  10. know
  11. choose
  12. do
  13. bring
  14. drive
  15. write
  16. forget
  17. bite
  1. feel
  2. ring
  3. pay
  4. forgive
  5. understand
  6. meet
  7. teach
  8. come
  9. speak
  10. tell
  11. hear
  12. get
  13. cut
  14. take
  15. draw
  16. become
  17. hit
  18. spend
  19. buy

36 Clues: godoflypaysaygetcuthitbuyfeelringfallmeanmeetcometellheargiveknowtakedrawbiteteachdrinkcatchspeakfightbringspenddrivewritechoosebecomeforgetforgiveunderstand

Irregular verbs 2022-09-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bring
  2. fly
  3. catch
  4. feel
  5. make
  6. break
  7. eat
  8. fit
  9. do
  10. go
  1. buy
  2. speak
  3. fall
  4. be
  5. stand
  6. cut
  7. read
  8. know
  9. leave
  10. hide

20 Clues: bedogobuyflycuteatfitfallfeelmakereadknowhidespeakbringstandcatchbreakleave

Irregular verbs 2022-09-09

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. be
  2. give
  3. can
  4. lose
  5. drive
  6. have
  7. swim
  8. buy
  9. write
  10. win
  11. come
  12. build
  1. read
  2. wear
  3. sell
  4. get
  5. tell
  6. see
  7. speak
  8. eat
  9. drink
  10. take
  11. go
  12. catch

24 Clues: begogetcanseeeatbuywinreadwearsellgivetelllosehaveswimtakecomedrivespeakdrinkwritecatchbuild


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. KNOW
  2. RUN
  3. BITE
  4. FEEL
  5. CUT
  6. CATCH
  7. TEACH
  8. WIN
  9. FEED
  10. STEAL
  11. LEAVE
  1. DRIVE
  2. WRITE
  3. BUY
  4. FIGHT
  5. CAN
  6. HURT
  7. WEAR
  8. SELL
  9. FALL


Irregular Verbs 2022-09-21

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. threw V3
  2. sing V3
  3. sleep V3
  4. run V2
  5. sit V2
  6. read V3
  7. wear V3
  8. see V2
  9. see V3
  10. steal V3
  11. think V3
  12. teach V2
  13. tell V2
  14. take V3
  15. ride V3
  1. win V2
  2. send V3
  3. sing V2
  4. throw V2
  5. swim V2
  6. write V3
  7. ride V2
  8. spend V2
  9. write V2
  10. wear V2
  11. swim V3
  12. take V2
  13. stand V3
  14. steal V2
  15. say V2

30 Clues: win V2run V2sit V2see V2see V3say V2send V3sing V3sing V2swim V2ride V2read V3wear V3wear V2swim V3take V2tell V2take V3ride V3threw V3sleep V3throw V2write V3spend V2write V2stand V3steal V3steal V2think V3teach V2

irregular verbs 2023-02-10

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. drank
  2. blew
  3. fell
  4. heard
  5. ate
  6. laid
  7. held
  8. paid
  9. fought
  10. lent
  11. grew
  12. chose
  13. lost
  14. became
  15. forgot
  16. bought
  1. began
  2. knew
  3. hung
  4. caught
  5. built
  6. lay
  7. hit
  8. awoke
  9. forgave
  10. dreamt
  11. hid
  12. went
  13. left
  14. flew

30 Clues: layhitatehidknewhungblewfelllaidheldpaidlentgrewwentlostleftflewbegandrankbuiltheardawokechosecaughtfoughtdreamtbecameforgotboughtforgave

irregular verbs 2023-02-10

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. grow
  2. caught
  3. blew
  4. fell
  5. hide
  6. fly
  7. lose
  8. lie
  9. dreamt
  10. became
  11. hang
  12. leave
  13. lend
  14. drank
  15. hit
  16. build
  1. fight
  2. chose
  3. hear
  4. hold
  5. go
  6. forgive
  7. awoke
  8. begin
  9. ate
  10. forget
  11. know
  12. lay
  13. pay
  14. bought

30 Clues: goflylieatelaypayhitgrowhearholdblewfellhidelosehangknowlendfightchoseawokebeginleavedrankbuildcaughtdreamtbecameforgetboughtforgive


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. lose
  2. say
  3. see
  4. wake
  5. fight
  6. bite
  7. tell
  8. make
  9. get
  10. go
  11. buy
  12. run
  13. read
  14. have
  1. sell
  2. fly
  3. swim
  4. sleep
  5. find
  6. think
  7. feed
  8. brake
  9. eat
  10. meet
  11. drive
  12. take
  13. cut
  14. win
  15. do

29 Clues: godoflysayseeeatgetcutwinbuyrunsellloseswimfindwakefeedbitetellmakemeettakereadhavesleepthinkfightbrakedrive

irregular verbs 2023-02-21

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. lost
  2. thrown
  3. forgiven
  4. done
  5. sent
  6. grown
  7. written
  8. fed
  9. kept
  10. known
  1. chosen
  2. eaten
  3. swum
  4. driven
  5. gone
  6. forgotten
  7. seen
  8. drunk
  9. fallen
  10. begun

20 Clues: fedlostswumgonedonesentseenkepteatendrunkgrownbegunknownchosendriventhrownfallenwrittenforgivenforgotten

Irregular verbs 2023-03-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Steal
  2. Sell
  3. Write
  4. Go
  5. Buy
  6. Sleep
  7. Throw
  8. Hear
  9. Cut
  1. Fly
  2. Break
  3. Win
  4. Forget
  5. Send
  6. Take
  7. Lose
  8. See
  9. Read
  10. Hit
  11. Do
  12. Come

21 Clues: GoDoFlyWinBuySeeHitCutSendSellTakeLoseReadHearComeBreakStealWriteSleepThrowForget


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Past tense of give
  2. Past tense of catch
  3. Past tense of bring
  4. Past tense of make
  5. Past tense of write
  6. Past tense of drive
  7. Past tense of stand
  8. Past tense of eat
  9. Past tense of know
  1. Past tense of cut
  2. Past tense of get
  3. Past tense of come
  4. Past tense of grow
  5. Past tense of buy
  6. Past tense of have
  7. Past tense of go
  8. Past tense of run
  9. Past tense of take
  10. Past tense of fly
  11. Past tense of swim

20 Clues: Past tense of goPast tense of cutPast tense of getPast tense of buyPast tense of runPast tense of flyPast tense of eatPast tense of givePast tense of comePast tense of growPast tense of havePast tense of makePast tense of takePast tense of swimPast tense of knowPast tense of catchPast tense of bringPast tense of writePast tense of drive...

Irregular Verbs 2023-02-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. know
  2. grow
  3. see
  4. feed
  5. lose
  6. forgive
  7. eat
  8. write
  9. swim
  1. choose
  2. go
  3. drink
  4. do
  5. keep
  6. fall
  7. forget
  8. drive
  9. begin
  10. send
  11. throw

20 Clues: godoseeeatknowgrowkeepfallfeedlosesendswimdrinkdrivebeginthrowwritechooseforgetforgive

Irregular Verbs 2023-02-17

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see
  2. run
  3. teach
  4. buy
  5. sit
  6. eat
  7. drink
  8. stand
  9. think
  10. write
  11. do
  12. come
  1. bring
  2. go
  3. get
  4. sleep
  5. put
  6. have
  7. catch
  8. drive
  9. ride
  10. read

22 Clues: godoseerunbuygetsitputeathaveridereadcomebringteachsleepcatchdrinkdrivestandthinkwrite

IrreGular Verbs 2023-03-06

IrreGular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. make
  2. can
  3. drink
  4. give
  5. eat
  6. have
  7. see
  8. sit
  9. stand
  10. go
  1. fall
  2. break
  3. come
  4. do
  5. read
  6. hear
  7. write
  8. lose
  9. get
  10. win

20 Clues: dogocaneatseesitgetwinfallmakecomereadgivehavehearlosebreakdrinkwritestand

Irregular verbs 2023-03-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. read
  2. forget
  3. write
  4. find
  5. keep
  6. go
  7. have
  8. fly
  9. buy
  10. feed
  11. wear
  12. catch
  13. make
  14. tell
  15. understand
  16. send
  17. give
  18. come
  1. leave
  2. drink
  3. bring
  4. know
  5. meet
  6. break
  7. run
  8. do
  9. pay
  10. think
  11. sell
  12. fall
  13. win
  14. get
  15. eat
  16. say
  17. cut
  18. become
  19. see

37 Clues: dogorunpayflywinbuygeteatsaycutseereadknowmeetfindkeephavesellfallfeedwearmaketellsendgivecomeleavedrinkbringbreakwritethinkcatchforgetbecomeunderstand


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. CATCH
  2. HOLD
  3. RUN
  4. COST
  5. LET
  6. FIND
  7. BUY
  8. HIT
  9. KEEP
  10. COME
  11. FEED
  12. GET
  1. SET
  2. HAVE
  3. HURT
  4. CAN
  5. CUT
  6. BRING
  7. PUT
  8. BUILD
  10. FEEL


Irregular Verbs 2023-05-04

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. get
  2. choose
  3. hold
  4. drink
  5. hit
  6. grow
  7. build
  8. come
  9. go
  10. find
  11. fall
  12. have
  13. draw
  1. give
  2. drive
  3. catch
  4. hurt
  5. do
  6. buy
  7. eat
  8. know
  9. hide
  10. bring
  11. fly

24 Clues: dogogetbuyeathitflygiveholdhurtknowhidegrowcomefindfallhavedrawdrivecatchdrinkbuildbringchoose

Irregular verbs 2023-04-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. drew
  2. found
  3. gave
  4. slept
  5. drank
  6. began
  7. caught
  8. lost
  9. saw
  10. made
  11. left
  12. paid
  1. ran
  2. felt
  3. got
  4. sang
  5. brought
  6. ate
  7. chose
  8. met
  9. flew

21 Clues: rangotatesawmetdrewfeltgavesanglostmadeflewleftpaidfoundsleptdrankbeganchosecaughtbrought

irregular verbs 2023-05-08

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. know
  2. forgot
  3. lead
  4. overcome
  5. spend
  6. lend
  7. pay
  8. see
  9. mean
  1. give
  2. grow
  3. ride
  4. make
  5. lose
  6. get
  7. leave
  8. hear
  9. take
  10. swim
  11. stand

20 Clues: getpayseegivegrowknowridemakeleadlosehearlendtakeswimmeanleavespendstandforgotovercome

irregular verbs 2023-05-08

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. know
  2. forgot
  3. lead
  4. overcome
  5. spend
  6. lend
  7. pay
  8. see
  9. mean
  1. give
  2. grow
  3. ride
  4. make
  5. lose
  6. get
  7. leave
  8. hear
  9. take
  10. swim
  11. stand

20 Clues: getpayseegivegrowknowridemakeleadlosehearlendtakeswimmeanleavespendstandforgotovercome

Irregular Verbs 2023-04-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. write, wrote, ___________, escribir
  2. grow, grew, grown, _________
  3. steal, ____________,stolen, robar
  4. ___________, shut, shut, cerrar
  5. fight, ___________, fought, pelear
  6. __________, lost, lost, perder
  7. build, built, ____________, construir
  8. fly, ____________, flown, volar
  9. ___________, read, read, leer
  10. say, __________, said, decir/contar
  11. do, did, __________, hacer
  12. make, made, __________, hacer
  13. swim, swam, swum, ____________
  14. think, ___________, thought, penser
  15. ___________, spoke, spoken, hablar
  16. ring, rang, __________ , lammar/sonar
  1. catch, __________, caught, coger/atrapar
  2. rise, rose, ___________, levantarse
  3. understand, understood, understood, ___________
  4. bring, _____________, brought, llevar/traer
  5. put, put, ___________, poner
  6. wear, _________, worn, llevar puesto
  7. hold, ____________, held, sostener
  8. understand, ____________, understood, entender
  9. ___________, broke, broken, romper
  10. bite, bit, ____________, morder
  11. feel, felt, _________, sentir
  12. sink, ____________, sunk, hundirse
  13. set, set, ____________, poner/colocar
  14. ___________, lent, lent, dejar prestado
  15. hang, hung, ____________, colgar

31 Clues: do, did, __________, hacerput, put, ___________, ponergrow, grew, grown, _________feel, felt, _________, sentir___________, read, read, leermake, made, __________, hacer__________, lost, lost, perderswim, swam, swum, _______________________, shut, shut, cerrarbite, bit, ____________, morderfly, ____________, flown, volar...

Irregular verbs 2023-03-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fell
  2. ate
  3. stood
  4. bit
  5. taught
  6. met
  7. brought
  8. wrote
  9. rode
  10. knew
  11. drank
  1. flew
  2. found
  3. fed
  4. said
  5. took
  6. fought
  7. sold
  8. cut
  9. heard
  10. thought
  11. was/were
  12. grew
  13. won
  14. wore

25 Clues: fedatebitcutmetwonflewfellsaidtooksoldgrewworerodeknewfoundstoodheardwrotedrankfoughttaughtthoughtbroughtwas/were


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. past participle of let
  2. French for learn
  3. past particple of lead
  4. verbal base of se battre
  5. preterit of coller
  6. French for hear
  7. preterit of dessiner
  8. past participle of bite
  9. French for show
  1. French for lead
  2. preterit of attraper
  3. verbal base of dessiner
  4. preterit of mettre
  5. preterit of spend
  6. preterit of pardonner
  7. past participle of tenir
  8. preterit of show
  9. verbal base of signifier
  10. preterit of se cacher
  11. verbal base of être assis

20 Clues: French for leadFrench for hearFrench for showFrench for learnpreterit of showpreterit of spendpreterit of mettrepreterit of collerpreterit of attraperpreterit of dessinerpreterit of pardonnerpreterit of se cacherpast participle of letpast particple of leadverbal base of dessinerpast participle of biteverbal base of se battrepast participle of tenir...

Irregular verbs 2023-03-22

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. do
  2. build
  3. break
  4. forget
  5. eat
  6. go
  7. draw
  8. have
  9. bite
  10. hear
  11. catch
  12. be
  1. feel
  2. drink
  3. drive
  4. come
  5. find
  6. hold
  7. leave
  8. buy
  9. lay
  10. become
  11. cut

23 Clues: dogobebuylayeatcutfeelcomefindholddrawhavebiteheardrinkbuilddrivebreakleavecatchforgetbecome


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. COME
  2. BUY
  3. DO
  6. BUILD
  8. KEEP
  9. FLY
  1. COST
  2. HAVE
  3. DRIVE
  4. GO
  5. FIND
  6. EAT
  7. LEARN
  8. BREAK
  9. GET
  10. KNOW
  11. FEEL


Irregular verbs 2023-03-14

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. montar
  2. hacer
  3. volar
  4. conseguir/obtener
  5. ver
  6. encontrar
  7. fabricar
  8. ser/estar (2)
  9. tener
  10. olvidar
  1. comprar
  2. leer
  3. comer
  4. aprender
  5. ser/estar (1)
  6. nadar
  7. dar
  8. escribir
  9. beber
  10. ir

20 Clues: irdarverleercomerhacervolarnadarbebertenermontarcomprarolvidaraprenderescribirfabricarencontrarser/estar (1)ser/estar (2)conseguir/obtener

Irregular verbs 2023-06-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fall
  2. steal
  3. go
  4. do
  5. cost
  6. buy
  7. take
  8. think
  9. bleed
  10. know
  11. freeze
  12. tell
  13. see
  1. be
  2. ring
  3. feed
  4. spend
  5. sit
  6. bite
  7. get
  8. shine
  9. hide
  10. write
  11. pay
  12. swim

25 Clues: begodositbuygetpayseeringfallfeedcostbitetakehideknowtellswimstealspendshinethinkbleedwritefreeze

Irregular verbs 2023-05-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past participle of swim
  2. past simple of leave
  3. past simple of read
  4. past participle of lose
  5. past participle of understand
  6. past simple of hide
  7. past simple of mean
  8. past simple of hit
  9. past simple of eat
  10. past simple of sing
  11. past participle of win
  12. past participle of forget
  13. past participle of build
  14. past simple of drink
  15. past participle of show
  16. past participle of think
  17. past participle of grow
  18. past simple of hear
  19. past simple of fall
  1. past simple of find
  2. past simple of sit
  3. past simple of keep
  4. past simple of bring
  5. past participle of say
  6. past simple of let
  7. past participle of cost
  8. past participle of ride
  9. past participle of draw
  10. past simple of choose
  11. past simple of beat
  12. past participle of shoot
  13. past participle of spell
  14. past participle of burn
  15. past participle of know
  16. past participle of steal
  17. past simple of grow

36 Clues: past simple of sitpast simple of letpast simple of hitpast simple of eatpast simple of findpast simple of keeppast simple of readpast simple of hidepast simple of meanpast simple of beatpast simple of singpast simple of growpast simple of hearpast simple of fallpast simple of leavepast simple of bringpast simple of drinkpast simple of choose...

Irregular verbs 2023-05-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sell
  2. think
  3. become
  4. know
  5. break
  6. win
  7. learn
  8. spend
  9. have
  1. do
  2. buy
  3. give
  4. take
  5. begin
  6. eat
  7. run
  8. speak
  9. see
  10. go
  11. lose
  12. swim

21 Clues: dogobuyeatrunseewinsellgivetakeknowloseswimhavethinkbeginbreakspeaklearnspendbecome

Irregular verbs 2023-07-26

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. (4) grow
  2. (3) let
  3. (4) take
  4. (4) keep
  5. (4) read
  6. (4) show
  7. (4) mean
  8. (5) speak
  9. (4) send
  10. (5) break
  11. (4) meet
  12. (5) stick
  13. (4) wake
  1. (4) walk
  2. (4) have
  3. (5) bring
  4. (4) feel
  5. (4) cast
  6. (5) store
  7. (4) read
  8. (6) delete
  9. (5) throw
  10. (4) lose

23 Clues: (3) let(4) walk(4) have(4) grow(4) take(4) feel(4) keep(4) cast(4) read(4) show(4) mean(4) read(4) send(4) meet(4) lose(4) wake(5) bring(5) store(5) speak(5) throw(5) break(5) stick(6) delete

Irregular verbs 2023-08-28

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. speak
  2. stand
  3. ride
  4. think
  5. become
  6. run
  7. leave
  8. make
  9. break
  10. take
  11. write
  12. sit
  13. read
  14. understand
  15. send
  1. spend
  2. let
  3. sleep
  4. buy
  5. eat
  6. pay
  7. begin
  8. cost
  9. forget
  10. meet
  11. find
  12. know
  13. go
  14. sing
  15. drink

30 Clues: goletbuyeatpayrunsitridecostmakemeetfindtakeknowsingreadsendspendspeakstandsleepthinkbeginleavebreakwritedrinkbecomeforgetunderstand

irregular verbs 2024-05-22

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. spill
  2. do
  3. ride
  4. begin
  5. drink
  6. sit
  7. grow
  8. bite
  9. sing
  10. hurt
  11. cut
  12. mean
  1. keep
  2. say
  3. drive
  4. find
  5. get
  6. catch
  7. know
  8. see
  9. buy
  10. draw
  11. choose
  12. could

24 Clues: dosaygetsitseebuycutkeepfindrideknowgrowbitesingdrawhurtmeanspilldrivebegincatchdrinkcouldchoose

Irregular Verbs 2024-06-02

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. choose
  2. teach
  3. hurt
  4. catch
  5. fall
  6. wear
  7. lie (in bed)
  8. lay
  9. bite
  10. hang
  11. lead
  12. shake
  13. bear
  14. begin
  15. beat
  1. lie (to not tell the truth)
  2. mean
  3. fight
  4. forbid
  5. burst
  6. feel
  7. arise
  8. draw
  9. bring
  10. grind
  11. blow

26 Clues: laymeanhurtfallfeelweardrawbitehangleadbearblowbeatfightburstteachcatcharisebringgrindshakebeginchooseforbidlie (in bed)lie (to not tell the truth)

Irregular Verbs 2024-06-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. find
  2. run
  3. put
  4. go
  5. build
  6. fight
  7. fly
  8. sleep
  9. drive
  10. get
  11. give
  12. know
  13. hold
  14. eat
  15. speak
  1. buy
  2. make
  3. keep
  4. teach
  5. cut
  6. write
  7. think
  8. leave
  9. ride
  10. break
  11. take
  12. see
  13. pay
  14. grow
  15. drink

30 Clues: gobuyruncutputflyseepaygeteatfindmakekeepridetakegivegrowknowholdteachwritethinkbuildleavebreakfightsleepdrivedrinkspeak


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. lose
  2. make
  3. spend
  4. choose
  5. wear
  6. break
  7. pay
  8. get
  9. put
  10. have
  11. sit
  1. meet
  2. leave
  3. swim
  4. go
  5. eat
  6. know
  7. take
  8. sleep
  9. buy

20 Clues: goeatbuypaygetputsitmeetloseswimmakeknowtakewearhaveleavespendsleepbreakchoose

irregular verbs 2024-04-24

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. base form of(said)
  2. past participle of sleep
  3. base form of(brought)
  4. past form of the verb lose
  5. past participle of have
  6. base form of(came)
  7. past form of the verb hurt
  8. past form of the verb run
  9. past participle of the verb speak
  10. past participle of begin
  11. past form of the verb keep
  12. past participle of make
  13. past form of the verb hear
  14. past form of the verb fall
  15. past form of the verb cost
  16. past participle of be
  17. past form of the verb beat
  18. base form of hid
  19. past participle of sell
  20. past form of the verb draw
  21. past participle of steal
  22. past form of the verb forget
  23. past form of the verb do
  24. base form of(driven)
  25. past participle of go
  26. past participle of leave
  27. past participle of put
  28. base form of (built)
  29. past participle of the verb choose
  30. past participle of the verb(spend)
  31. past participle of get
  32. past form of the verb meet
  1. past participle of the verb buy
  2. past form of the verb sit
  3. base form (held)
  4. base form of(caught)
  5. base form of the verb (became)
  6. past participle of be grow
  7. past participle of the verb drink
  8. past participle of fight
  9. past participle of read
  10. past form of the verb see
  11. past participle of give
  12. past form of the verb eat
  13. past form of the verb fly
  14. base form of(let)
  15. past participle of cut
  16. past form of the verb sing
  17. base form of(fed)
  18. past participle of the verb pay
  19. past form of the verb bleed
  20. base form of(blew)
  21. past participle of find
  22. base form of(known)
  23. past form of the verb ride
  24. past form of the verb stand
  25. past form of the verb send
  26. past participle of hit
  27. past participle of feel
  28. base form of the verb (bit)
  29. past participle of break
  30. past form of the verb swim
  31. past form of the verb take

63 Clues: base form (held)base form of hidbase form of(let)base form of(fed)base form of(said)base form of(came)base form of(blew)base form of(known)base form of(caught)base form of(driven)base form of (built)base form of(brought)past participle of bepast participle of gopast participle of cutpast participle of hitpast participle of putpast participle of get...

Irregular Verbs 2024-04-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. make
  2. buy
  3. run
  4. win
  5. come
  6. become
  7. lose
  8. think
  9. wear
  10. spend
  11. drink
  1. have
  2. meet
  3. find
  4. give
  5. eat
  6. go
  7. fall
  8. begin
  9. break
  10. get
  11. leave
  12. say
  13. take
  14. see

25 Clues: gobuyruneatwingetsayseehavemakemeetfindgivefallcomelosetakewearbeginbreakleavethinkspenddrinkbecome

Irregular Verbs 2024-04-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see
  2. be
  3. make
  4. take
  5. bring
  6. hear
  7. do
  8. get
  9. say
  10. spend
  11. feel
  1. come
  2. swim
  3. meet
  4. write
  5. go
  6. win
  7. buy
  8. have
  9. read
  10. give
  11. eat
  12. leave
  13. put

24 Clues: begodoseewinbuyeatgetsayputcomeswimmeetmaketakehavehearreadgivefeelwritebringleavespend


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Swore
  2. Know
  3. Write
  4. Say
  5. Go
  6. Break
  7. Forgive
  8. Get
  9. Lay
  10. Meet
  11. Leave
  12. Find
  13. Hear
  14. Hold
  1. Speak
  2. Abide
  3. Lead
  4. Give
  5. Buy
  6. Win
  7. Think
  8. Vote
  9. Become
  10. Fight
  11. Prove

25 Clues: GoBuySayWinGetLayKnowLeadGiveVoteMeetFindHearHoldSworeSpeakAbideWriteThinkBreakLeaveFightProveBecomeForgive

Irregular Verbs 2024-06-03

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. become
  2. read
  3. spend
  4. fall
  5. understand
  6. begin
  7. forget
  8. buy
  9. sit
  10. grow
  11. lose
  1. come
  2. give
  3. sell
  4. teach
  5. go
  6. have
  7. found
  8. leave
  9. drink
  10. cut
  11. build
  12. write
  13. swim
  14. take

25 Clues: gocutbuysitcomegivereadsellhavefallswimgrowtakelosespendteachfoundleavedrinkbeginbuildwritebecomeforgetunderstand


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. Past tense of stand
  2. Past tense of buy
  3. Past tense of sleep
  4. Past tense of cost
  5. Past tense of see
  6. Past tense of bite
  7. Past tense of write
  8. Past tense of sell
  9. Past tense of forgive
  10. Past tense of meet
  11. Past tense of think
  12. Past tense of have
  13. Past tense of lose
  14. Past tense of read
  15. Past tense of eat
  16. Past tense of choose
  17. Past tense of drive
  18. Past tense of get
  19. Past tense of make
  20. Past tense of hit
  21. Past tense of feel
  22. Past tense of give
  23. Past tense of bring
  24. Past tense of blow
  25. Past tense of keep
  26. Past tense of run
  27. Past tense of know
  1. Past tense of hide
  2. Past tense of forget
  3. Past tense of steal
  4. Past tense of put
  5. Past tense of cut
  6. Past tense of sit
  7. Past tense of come
  8. Past tense of break
  9. Past tense of pay
  10. Past tense of go
  11. Past tense of say
  12. Past tense of win
  13. Past tense of take
  14. Past tense of throw
  15. Past tense of hear
  16. Past tense of teach
  17. Past tense of beat
  18. Past tense of find
  19. Past tense of tell
  20. Past tense of send
  21. Past tense of fight
  22. Past tense of hold
  23. Past tense of fall
  24. Past tense of catch
  25. Past tense of build
  26. Past tense of become

53 Clues: Past tense of goPast tense of buyPast tense of putPast tense of cutPast tense of sitPast tense of seePast tense of payPast tense of sayPast tense of winPast tense of eatPast tense of getPast tense of hitPast tense of runPast tense of hidePast tense of costPast tense of comePast tense of bitePast tense of sellPast tense of meetPast tense of take...

Irregular Verbs 2023-10-02

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bought
  2. read
  3. brought
  4. told
  5. spoke
  6. said
  7. ate
  8. became
  9. chose
  10. went
  11. was
  12. thought
  13. wrote
  1. paid
  2. understood
  3. took
  4. broke
  5. left
  6. sat
  7. saw
  8. came
  9. forgot
  10. could
  11. knew

24 Clues: satsawatewaspaidtookreadtoldleftsaidcamewentknewbrokespokechosecouldwroteboughtbecameforgotbroughtthoughtunderstood

irregular verbs 2023-09-14

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  2. LEND
  3. BRING
  4. HOLD
  5. GROW
  6. KEEP
  8. CUT
  9. DRAW
  10. DRINK
  11. COME
  12. GIVE
  13. BUILD
  14. FIND
  15. FALL
  16. KNOW
  17. BE
  18. BEGIN
  19. FORGET
  20. BLOW
  21. BREAK
  1. CATCH
  2. GET
  3. COST
  4. HAVE
  5. FEEL
  6. LEAVE
  7. EAT
  8. FIGHT
  9. HURT
  10. BUY
  11. DRIVE
  12. FEED
  13. HEAR
  14. DO
  15. HIDE
  16. GO
  17. HIT
  18. BITE
  19. FLY



IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  2. PAST OF "RUN"
  3. PAST OF "SEE"
  4. PAST OF "DO"
  5. PAST OF "GO"
  7. PAST OF "BUY"
  11. PAST OF "SING"
  3. PAST OF "BE"
  8. PAST OF "EAT"


Irregular verbs 2023-11-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. find
  2. swim
  3. tell
  4. drive
  5. make
  6. fly
  7. pay
  8. buy
  9. forget
  10. meet
  1. come
  2. feel
  3. do
  4. speak
  5. hear
  6. eat
  7. see
  8. leave
  9. go
  10. bring
  11. have
  12. choose

22 Clues: dogoeatseeflypaybuycomefindfeelswimheartellmakehavemeetspeakdriveleavebringchooseforget

Irregular Verbs 2024-05-15

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim
  2. set
  3. blow
  4. give
  5. write
  6. take
  7. sing
  8. have
  9. read
  10. go
  11. drink
  1. lose
  2. wear
  3. come
  4. send
  5. buy
  6. be
  7. ride
  8. eat
  9. win

20 Clues: begosetbuyeatwinloseswimwearcomesendblowgiveridetakesinghavereadwritedrink

Irregular verbs 2024-05-06

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. buy
  2. feel
  3. drink
  4. bring
  5. drive
  6. cost
  7. eat
  8. be
  9. see
  1. come
  2. get
  3. sit
  4. lose
  5. go
  6. forgot
  7. do
  8. have
  9. give
  10. choose
  11. mistake

20 Clues: godobegetsitbuyeatseecomelosefeelhavegivecostdrinkbringdriveforgotchoosemistake

Irregular verbs 2024-05-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I the football in the air
  2. My mum liked the red dress but she the the yellow dress
  3. She 2 litres of Coca Cola yesterday
  4. They very happy when they passed the exam.
  5. My dad his keys and now he can't enter the house
  6. I a book about blue whales last night
  7. I a 10 in my last English exam
  8. I clean my bedroom because it was dirty
  9. My dad us to the zoo
  10. I 20 euros in my jacket yesterday
  11. I to the academy after school
  1. I a tablet for 300 euros yesterday
  2. My teacher a book on the table
  3. The teacher be quiet during an exam
  4. I my brother a blue pen to colour
  5. I need help and my brother the answers to my homework
  6. I speak Engliah and now I can
  7. My mum a chocolate cake yesterday
  8. I hungry yesterday
  9. The photographer my picture at the match
  10. He 15 kinder Buenos
  11. A classmate a big turtle to school for biology class
  12. I Taylor Swift in the street yesterday

23 Clues: I hungry yesterdayHe 15 kinder BuenosMy dad us to the zooI the football in the airI speak Engliah and now I canI to the academy after schoolMy teacher a book on the tableI a 10 in my last English examI my brother a blue pen to colourMy mum a chocolate cake yesterdayI 20 euros in my jacket yesterdayI a tablet for 300 euros yesterday...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. catch
  2. come
  3. do
  4. is
  5. find
  6. feed
  7. break
  8. fly
  9. are
  10. fight
  11. bring
  12. buy
  1. choose
  2. cut
  3. can
  4. drive
  5. eat
  6. fall
  7. draw
  8. feel
  9. drink
  10. build
  11. forget
  12. begin
  13. cost

25 Clues: doiscutcaneatflyarebuycomefindfalldrawfeedfeelcostcatchdrivedrinkbreakbuildbeginfightbringchooseforget


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. have
  2. fall
  3. see
  4. win
  5. sit
  6. get
  7. go
  8. know
  9. do
  10. run
  11. keep
  1. make
  2. fly
  3. forget
  4. sing
  5. / were
  6. eat
  7. give
  8. take
  9. read
  10. drive

21 Clues: godoflyseeeatwinsitgetrunmakehavefallsinggivetakereadknowkeepdriveforget/ were

irregular verbs 2024-02-15

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. futni
  2. írni
  3. elvezetni
  4. ütni
  5. dobni
  6. tudni
  7. ellopni
  8. énekelni
  9. lenni
  10. megtartani
  11. esni/zuhanni
  12. hallani
  13. kiborítani
  14. aludni
  15. mondani
  16. harapni
  17. találkozni
  18. eladni
  19. hajlítnai
  20. égetni
  21. inni
  22. tudni
  23. felakaszttani
  24. úszni
  25. elrejteni
  1. elfelejteni
  2. olvasni
  3. enni
  4. felülmúlni
  5. rajzolni
  6. elvenni
  7. gondolni
  8. felkelni
  9. csinálni
  10. rázni
  11. lebetűzni
  12. hozni/vinni
  13. repülni
  14. elveszteni
  15. elkölteni
  16. állni
  17. törni
  18. tanítani
  19. csengetni
  20. választani
  21. vezetni

46 Clues: írnienniütniinnifutnidobnitudniráznilenniállnitörnitudniúsznialudnieladniégetniolvasnielvenniellopnirepülnihallanimondaniharapnivezetnirajzolnigondolnifelkelnicsinálniénekelnitanítanielvezetnilebetűznielköltenihajlítnaicsengetnielrejtenifelülmúlnimegtartanielvesztenikiborítanitalálkozniválasztanielfelejtenihozni/vinniesni/zuhannifelakaszttani

Irregular verbs 2024-02-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. know
  2. buy
  3. forget
  4. ride
  5. forgive
  6. write
  7. tell
  8. find
  9. meet
  10. hear
  11. sing
  12. go
  13. teach
  14. wake
  15. catch
  16. sleep
  17. lose
  1. bring
  2. fight
  3. be
  4. fall
  5. read
  6. hide
  7. fly
  8. grow
  9. steal
  10. leave
  11. understand
  12. drink
  13. eat
  14. think
  15. choose
  16. say
  17. take
  18. sell

35 Clues: begobuyflyeatsayknowfallreadhideridegrowtellfindmeethearsingwaketakelosesellbringfightstealwriteleavedrinkthinkteachcatchsleepforgetchooseforgiveunderstand

irregular verbs 2024-07-18

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. drink
  2. speak
  3. come
  4. sleep
  5. wear
  6. think
  7. sing
  8. drive
  9. buy
  10. eat
  1. write
  2. choose
  3. make
  4. forget
  5. give
  6. lose
  7. find
  8. have
  9. spend
  10. forgive

20 Clues: buyeatmakegivecomelosefindwearhavesingwritedrinkspeaksleepthinkspenddrivechooseforgetforgive

Irregular Verbs 2024-07-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. do
  2. forgive
  3. win
  4. hide
  5. begin
  6. understand
  7. write
  8. drink
  9. bring
  10. fly
  11. hear
  12. sleep
  13. come
  14. go
  15. steal
  16. got
  17. know
  1. draw
  2. give
  3. build
  4. find
  5. buy
  6. eat
  7. read
  8. swim
  9. think
  10. break
  11. become
  12. say
  13. drive
  14. send
  15. lose
  16. grow

33 Clues: dogowinbuyeatsayflygotdrawgivefindhidereadswimhearsendcomelosegrowknowbuildbeginwritethinkdrinkbringbreakdrivesleepstealbecomeforgiveunderstand

Irregular verbs 2024-07-29

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past form of RUN
  2. past form of BE/ AM-IS
  3. past form of BECOME
  4. past form of CUT
  5. past form of TAKE
  6. past form of FALL
  7. past form of HEAR
  8. past form of SPEND
  9. past form of GET
  10. past form of MEET
  11. past form of COME
  12. past form of GO
  13. past form of BUILD
  1. past form of EAT
  2. past form of HAVE
  3. past form of SEND
  4. past form of BE/ ARE
  5. past form of BUY
  6. past form of SELL
  7. past form of FORGET
  8. past form of LOSE
  9. past form of MAKE
  10. past form of BEGIN
  11. past form of LEAVE
  12. past form of PUT

25 Clues: past form of GOpast form of RUNpast form of EATpast form of BUYpast form of CUTpast form of GETpast form of PUTpast form of HAVEpast form of SENDpast form of SELLpast form of TAKEpast form of FALLpast form of LOSEpast form of MAKEpast form of HEARpast form of MEETpast form of COMEpast form of BEGINpast form of SPENDpast form of LEAVE...

Irregular Verbs 2024-08-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. BRING
  2. EAT
  3. SEE
  4. DRINK
  5. FLY
  6. HEAR
  7. GO
  8. GIVE
  10. TELL
  1. LEND
  3. WRITE
  5. WIN
  6. BLOW
  7. HIT
  8. SING
  9. READ
  10. MEET


Irregular verbs 2024-08-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to flee
  2. to teach
  3. to seek
  4. to thrust
  5. to speed
  6. to light
  7. to draw
  8. to abide
  9. to dig
  10. to swear
  11. to lay
  12. to throw
  1. to weep
  2. to cast
  3. can
  4. to hit
  5. to wind
  6. to strive
  7. will
  8. to awake
  9. to fling
  10. to swim

22 Clues: canwillto hitto digto layto weepto fleeto castto seekto windto drawto swimto teachto speedto lightto abideto awaketo flingto swearto throwto thrustto strive

Irregular Verbs 2023-12-20

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ridden
  2. hide
  3. become
  4. woven
  5. shoot
  6. dwell
  7. written
  8. stink
  9. wind
  10. meant
  11. teach
  12. kneel
  13. bit
  14. preset
  15. wake
  16. slung
  17. wrung
  1. interlay
  2. prove
  3. risen
  4. left
  5. bidden
  6. cast
  7. withdrawn
  8. slept
  9. told
  10. mistook
  11. rung
  12. hurt
  13. drank
  14. torn
  15. upset
  16. laid
  17. blew
  18. choosen

35 Clues: bitlefthidecasttoldrunghurtwindtornlaidblewwakeproverisenwovenshootsleptdwellstinkdrankmeantteachupsetkneelslungwrungriddenbecomebiddenpresetmistookwrittenchooseninterlaywithdrawn

Irregular verbs 2024-01-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. "dar" or "regalar" in English
  2. past simple of have
  3. "venir" in English
  4. past participle of choose
  5. "congelado" in English
  6. past simple of buy
  7. past participle of drink
  8. past simple of eat
  9. past simple of know
  10. "sentir" in English
  11. past participle of to be
  12. coger, atrapar
  13. past participle of forget
  14. past participle of blow
  15. past simple of do
  16. "buy" in Spanish
  1. infinitive of began, begun
  2. past simple of become
  3. past participle of find
  4. past simple of fight
  5. past simple of go
  6. past simple of drive
  7. past simple of build
  8. "guardar", "mantener"
  9. learn in Spanish
  10. "costar" in English
  11. past participle of hear
  12. past simple of fly
  13. past participle of break

29 Clues: coger, atraparlearn in Spanish"buy" in Spanishpast simple of gopast simple of do"venir" in Englishpast simple of buypast simple of eatpast simple of flypast simple of havepast simple of know"sentir" in English"costar" in Englishpast simple of fightpast simple of drivepast simple of buildpast simple of become"guardar", "mantener"...

irregular verbs 2023-11-07

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. - arrive
  2. - sing
  3. - read
  4. - come
  5. - understand
  6. - tell
  7. - bring
  8. - fly
  9. - build
  10. - keep
  11. - think
  1. - make
  2. - have
  3. eat - don't eat
  4. - hear
  5. - sleep
  6. - give
  7. - go
  8. - run
  9. - sit
  10. - lie
  11. - break
  12. - buy
  13. - feel
  14. - cut
  15. - win

26 Clues: - go- run- sit- lie- buy- fly- cut- win- make- have- hear- sing- give- read- come- tell- feel- keep- sleep- bring- break- build- think- arrive- understandeat - don't eat

Irregular verbs 2023-11-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. speak
  2. build
  3. break
  4. make
  5. become
  6. catch
  7. have
  8. fight
  9. teach
  10. begin
  11. take
  1. fall
  2. be
  3. come
  4. do
  5. bring
  6. buy
  7. read
  8. go
  9. think
  10. find
  11. draw
  12. get
  13. see

24 Clues: bedogobuygetseefallcomereadmakefindhavedrawtakespeakbuildbringbreakcatchthinkfightteachbeginbecome

Irregular Verbs 2023-10-09

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. cut
  2. sat
  3. woke
  4. had
  5. won
  6. found
  7. kept
  8. laid
  9. fell
  10. slept
  11. hit
  1. got
  2. lost
  3. caught
  4. wrote
  5. read
  6. forgot
  7. paid
  8. left
  9. swam

20 Clues: gotcutsathadwonhitlostwokereadkeptpaidlaidleftfellswamwrotefoundsleptcaughtforgot

Irregular Verbs 2023-10-12

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bought
  2. drove
  3. grew
  4. drank
  5. saw
  6. sang
  7. shook
  8. went
  9. wrote
  10. taught
  1. flew
  2. began
  3. brought
  4. wore
  5. did
  6. knew
  7. took
  8. spoke
  9. swam
  10. ate

20 Clues: didsawateflewworegrewknewtooksangswamwentbegandrovedrankspokeshookwroteboughttaughtbrought

Irregular verbs 2024-01-29

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hide (past participle)
  2. forbid (past participle)
  3. thrown (infinitive)
  4. break (past participle)
  5. give (past simple)
  6. sold (infinitive)
  7. meet (past simple)
  8. fight (past simple)
  9. write (past participle)
  1. chose (past simple)
  2. hear (past simple)
  3. lay (infinitive)
  4. become (past simple)
  5. forgive (past simple)
  6. take (past simple)
  7. told (infinitive)
  8. buy (past simple)
  9. know (past participle)
  10. catch (past simple)
  11. seen (infinitive)

20 Clues: lay (infinitive)told (infinitive)buy (past simple)sold (infinitive)seen (infinitive)hear (past simple)take (past simple)give (past simple)meet (past simple)chose (past simple)thrown (infinitive)catch (past simple)fight (past simple)become (past simple)forgive (past simple)hide (past participle)know (past participle)break (past participle)...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. READ
  2. RIDE
  3. WEAR
  4. SEE
  5. TEACH
  6. SPEAK
  7. SAY
  8. SELL
  9. SHOW
  10. LOST
  11. STEAL
  12. LEAVE
  13. SPIT
  14. TELL
  15. MAKE
  16. PUT
  17. MEET
  1. TAKE
  2. WRITE
  3. WIN
  4. RUN
  5. STAND
  6. PAY
  7. SING
  8. THROW
  9. THINK
  10. WAKE
  11. SIT
  12. LEARN
  13. SWIM
  14. SLEEP


Irregular Verbs 2024-03-28

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. came
  2. wrote
  3. knew
  4. began
  5. got
  6. forgot
  7. said
  8. found
  9. had
  10. drove
  11. told
  12. thought
  13. taught
  14. saw
  1. met
  2. chose
  3. gave
  4. brought
  5. bought
  6. went
  7. ran
  8. spent
  9. caught
  10. made
  11. felt
  12. drank
  13. ate
  14. took
  15. left
  16. heard

30 Clues: metgotranhadatesawcamegaveknewwentsaidmadefelttoldtookleftchosewrotebeganspentfounddrankdroveheardboughtforgotcaughttaughtbroughtthought

Irregular Verbs 2024-04-01

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Au dessus
  2. Eat au prétérit et participe passé
  3. Have au prétérit et participe passé
  4. Sleep au prétérit et participe passé
  5. Fight au prétérit et participe passé
  6. À droite
  7. À gauche
  8. Steal au prétérit et participe passé
  9. Wear au prétérit et participe passé
  10. Au milieu
  11. Do au prétérit et participe passé
  1. En bas
  2. Cut au prétérit et participe passé
  3. Become au prétérit et participe passé
  4. En haut
  5. Sing au prétérit et participe passé
  6. Shoot au prétérit et participe passé
  7. En dessous
  8. Drink au prétérit et participe passé
  9. Be au prétérit et participe passé

20 Clues: En basEn hautÀ droiteÀ gaucheAu dessusAu milieuEn dessousBe au prétérit et participe passéDo au prétérit et participe passéCut au prétérit et participe passéEat au prétérit et participe passéHave au prétérit et participe passéSing au prétérit et participe passéWear au prétérit et participe passéSleep au prétérit et participe passé...

Irregular Verbs 2024-03-12

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. have
  2. hold
  3. bet
  4. buy
  5. give
  6. become
  7. catch
  8. drive
  9. fall
  10. hide
  11. choose
  12. cut
  13. forget
  14. bring
  15. build
  16. go
  17. feed
  18. deal
  1. come
  2. keep
  3. hang
  4. find
  5. become
  6. hear
  7. eat
  8. grow
  9. hurt
  10. hit
  11. fight
  12. cost
  13. draw
  14. get
  15. do
  16. break
  17. feel
  18. drink

36 Clues: dogobetbuyeathitcutgetcomehavekeepholdhangfindheargivegrowfallhidehurtcostdrawfeelfeeddealcatchdrivefightbringbuildbreakdrinkbecomebecomechooseforget


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. ARE
  2. BREAK
  3. SWIM
  4. CATCH
  5. DRIVE
  6. SEND
  7. THINK
  8. DRINK
  9. DO
  10. KNOW
  1. BRING
  3. GO
  4. WRITE
  5. MAKE
  6. FLY
  7. FIND
  8. RIDE
  9. READ
  10. CHOOSE
  11. TAKE
  12. IS


Irregular verbs 2024-03-06

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past simple of eat
  2. past simple of find
  3. past simple of learn
  4. past simple of come
  5. present of had
  6. past participle of forget
  7. past participle of be
  8. past participle of meet
  9. past participle of drove
  1. past simple of run
  2. past participle of fall over
  3. past simple of get
  4. present of fed
  5. past participle of drew
  6. past simple of grow
  7. past simple of see
  8. past partciple of began
  9. past participle of do
  10. present of took
  11. past participle of make

20 Clues: present of fedpresent of hadpresent of tookpast simple of runpast simple of eatpast simple of getpast simple of seepast simple of findpast simple of growpast simple of comepast simple of learnpast participle of dopast participle of bepast participle of drewpast partciple of beganpast participle of meetpast participle of makepast participle of drove...

Irregular Verbs 2024-04-03

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sit
  2. give
  3. go
  4. dig
  5. cut
  6. think
  7. pay
  8. become
  9. say
  10. fall
  11. begin
  12. do
  13. teach
  14. make
  15. take
  16. run
  17. sleep
  18. throw
  19. get
  20. fly
  1. catch
  2. read
  3. keep
  4. come
  5. have
  6. grow
  7. tell
  8. eat
  9. drink
  10. see
  11. leave
  12. sing
  13. buy
  14. break
  15. drive
  16. hear
  17. feel
  18. swim
  19. write

39 Clues: godositdigcutpayeatseebuysayrungetflyreadgivekeepcomehavegrowtellsingfallhearfeelmaketakeswimcatchthinkdrinkleavebeginbreakdriveteachsleepthrowwritebecome

Irregular verbs 2024-04-04

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to have
  2. to blow
  3. to break
  4. to catch
  5. to find
  6. to begin
  7. to build
  8. to leave
  9. to eat
  10. to know
  1. to be
  2. to buy
  3. to hear
  4. to do
  5. to drive
  6. to drink
  7. to draw
  8. to go
  9. to get
  10. to give
  11. to bring
  12. to lose
  13. to fly

23 Clues: to beto doto goto buyto getto flyto eatto hearto drawto haveto blowto findto giveto loseto knowto driveto drinkto breakto catchto beginto buildto bringto leave

Irregular Verbs 2024-09-08

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past of fall
  2. past of find
  3. past of build
  4. past of swim
  5. past of take
  6. past of break
  7. past of eat
  8. past of give
  9. past of think
  10. past of come
  1. past of leave
  2. past of know
  3. past of shake
  4. past of write
  5. past of drink
  6. past of fight
  7. past of become
  8. past of sing
  9. Past of go
  10. past of win

20 Clues: Past of gopast of eatpast of winpast of fallpast of knowpast of findpast of swimpast of takepast of singpast of givepast of comepast of leavepast of buildpast of shakepast of writepast of drinkpast of fightpast of breakpast of thinkpast of become

Irregular Verbs 2024-09-17

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  2. BEGIN P
  3. HURT PP
  4. DO P
  6. PAY PP
  7. TAKE P
  8. STAND P
  9. RING P
  10. BE PP
  11. SPELL PP
  12. WAKE P
  13. STICK PP
  14. BUY P
  15. MAKE P
  16. HIDE P
  17. RIDE P
  18. FORGET P
  19. READ P
  20. SEND PP
  22. GROW P
  23. SWEEP PP
  24. SIT P
  25. EAT PP
  26. CATCH PP
  27. TROW PP
  28. BURN P
  29. GIVE P
  30. THINK PP
  31. GET PP
  32. LIE PP
  33. FLY PP
  34. MEAN PP
  36. SINK PP
  37. FEEL PP
  38. TEAR P
  39. DRIVE P
  40. LEAVE P
  1. BREAK P
  3. HAVE P
  4. DRINK P
  6. SAY P
  7. GO P
  8. WIN PP
  10. DRAW P
  11. BITE P
  12. TELL P
  13. CUT PP
  14. COME P
  15. BUILD PP
  16. HIT P
  17. HEAR P
  18. SELL PP
  19. FIND P
  20. KEEP PP
  21. SPEAK P
  22. SING P
  23. SPEND PP
  24. COST P
  25. KNOW P
  26. SWIM P
  27. STEAL P
  28. TEACH P
  29. RUN P
  30. FALL PP
  31. DIG P
  32. PUT PP
  33. FREEZE P
  34. SLEEP P
  35. WEAR PP
  36. HOLD PP
  37. SET PP
  38. FIGHT PP
  39. LOSE P
  40. MEET PP
  41. SEE P
  42. FEED PP


Irregular Verbs 2024-09-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. draw
  2. see
  3. put
  4. tell
  5. write
  6. read
  7. drink
  8. choose
  9. sell
  10. ring
  11. hear
  12. understand
  13. sing
  14. send
  15. go
  16. cost
  17. learn
  18. take
  19. have
  20. leave
  21. swim
  22. find
  23. forget
  24. fall
  25. mean
  26. do
  1. know
  2. grow
  3. bring
  4. show
  5. win
  6. say
  7. run
  8. hide
  9. buy
  10. sleep
  11. lose
  12. ride
  13. give
  14. make
  15. get
  16. hit
  17. eat
  18. sit
  19. come
  20. wear
  21. speak
  22. think
  23. pay
  24. let
  25. throw
  26. stand
  27. feel
  28. fly

54 Clues: godoseeputwinsayrunbuygethiteatsitpayletflyknowgrowdrawshowtellreadhidesellloseringridegivemakehearsingsendcomewearcosttakehaveswimfindfeelfallmeanbringwritedrinksleepspeaklearnthinkleavethrowstandchooseforgetunderstand

irregular verbs 2024-09-18

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. English translation of the Dutch word 'leunen'
  2. Past simple form of 'to steal'
  3. Past participle of 'to hear'
  4. Past simple form of 'to cut'
  5. English translation of the Dutch word 'bewijzen'
  6. Past simple form of 'to find'
  7. Past simple form of 'to stand'
  8. Past participle of 'to win'
  9. Dutch translation of the English word 'to burn'
  10. Dutch translation of the English word 'to hit'
  1. Past participle of 'to eat'
  2. Dutch translation of the English word 'to read'
  3. English translation of the Dutch word 'gooien'
  4. Dutch translation of the English word 'to drive'
  5. English translation of the Dutch word 'vergeten'
  6. Dutch translation of the English word 'to know'
  7. Past participle of 'to tell'
  8. Past participle of 'to speak'
  9. English translation of the Dutch word 'bouwen'
  10. Past simple form of 'to lay'

20 Clues: Past participle of 'to eat'Past participle of 'to win'Past participle of 'to hear'Past simple form of 'to cut'Past participle of 'to tell'Past simple form of 'to lay'Past simple form of 'to find'Past participle of 'to speak'Past simple form of 'to steal'Past simple form of 'to stand'English translation of the Dutch word 'leunen'...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  3. ABRIR
  5. PEGAR
  6. HACER
  8. TRAER
  10. VER
  12. GIRAR
  2. PAGAR
  12. LLEVAR
  15. LEER


Irregular verbs 2024-09-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. (to) break
  2. (to) forget
  3. (to) fly
  4. (to) teach
  5. (to) sleep
  6. (to) choose
  7. (to) stand
  8. (to) draw
  1. (to) know
  2. (to) freeze
  3. (to) catch
  4. (to) think
  5. (to) speak
  6. (to) meet
  7. (to) write
  8. (to) leave
  9. (to) say
  10. (to) have
  11. (to) see
  12. (to) swim

20 Clues: (to) fly(to) say(to) see(to) know(to) meet(to) have(to) swim(to) draw(to) catch(to) think(to) break(to) speak(to) write(to) leave(to) teach(to) sleep(to) stand(to) freeze(to) forget(to) choose

Festive CLA crossword 2020-12-15

Festive CLA crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Aitchison’s middle stage
  2. social interaction theorist
  3. an example of assimilation
  4. the number of words in the phase that follows the holophrase
  5. suffix and prefix theorist
  6. imitation theorist
  7. Will Ferrell was one in the best Christmas film ever
  8. /sh/ /ch/ /dz/ etc
  9. the phenomena where kids think they’re speaking correctly
  1. the type of verbs that are over generalised
  2. one word phase
  3. question theorist
  4. /d/ /p/ /t/ /b/ etc
  5. Father Christmas
  6. over-?; eg. Daddy for every male
  7. pragmatic theorist

16 Clues: one word phaseFather Christmasquestion theoristimitation theoristpragmatic theorist/sh/ /ch/ /dz/ etc/d/ /p/ /t/ /b/ etcAitchison’s middle stagean example of assimilationsuffix and prefix theoristsocial interaction theoristover-?; eg. Daddy for every malethe type of verbs that are over generalisedWill Ferrell was one in the best Christmas film ever...

Spanish Review 2024-04-23

Spanish Review crossword puzzle
  1. To Say/Tell
  2. Piedir Tú form
  3. llegar in ellos form (Preterite)
  4. Pensar is an example of a ____ Verb
  5. Something you should do
  6. Caminar in Ellos form
  7. Buscar in yo form (Preterite)
  1. Decir yo form (Irregular)
  2. Hablar in Vosotros form (Preterite)
  3. Pensar él/ella form
  4. Car/Gar/Zar Verbs only change in the __ Form
  5. Empezar yo form (Preterite)
  6. Deber in nosotros form
  7. Something you have to do
  8. To think/Plan
  9. Jugar Yo Form (Preterite)

16 Clues: To Say/TellTo think/PlanPiedir Tú formPensar él/ella formCaminar in Ellos formDeber in nosotros formSomething you should doSomething you have to doDecir yo form (Irregular)Jugar Yo Form (Preterite)Empezar yo form (Preterite)Buscar in yo form (Preterite)llegar in ellos form (Preterite)Hablar in Vosotros form (Preterite)...

Past simple - keywords 2013-05-18

Past simple - keywords crossword puzzle
  1. verbs that use -ed in past simple
  2. usually a doing word
  3. one
  1. verbs that don't use -ed in past simple
  2. more than one
  3. usually a noun or pronoun that does the action and comes before the verb in a statement
  4. a naming word

7 Clues: onemore than onea naming wordusually a doing wordverbs that use -ed in past simpleverbs that don't use -ed in past simpleusually a noun or pronoun that does the action and comes before the verb in a statement

irregular verbs 2016-05-04

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. III powstać
  2. III przewidywac
  3. II kopać
  4. III skradac się
  5. III pomylić
  6. II szyc
  7. III kruszyć
  8. III leżeć
  9. III dręczyć, prześladować
  10. bezokolicznik krwawić
  1. bezokolicznik uciekać
  2. II płakać
  3. III kroczyc
  4. II zakazywać
  5. III strzyc
  6. bezokolicznik drzec
  7. II zrezygnować
  8. bezokolicznik mieszkać
  9. II kłamać
  10. II pochylić się

20 Clues: II szycII kopaćII płakaćIII leżećII kłamaćIII strzycIII powstaćIII kroczycIII pomylićIII kruszyćII zakazywaćII zrezygnowaćIII przewidywacIII skradac sięII pochylić siębezokolicznik drzecbezokolicznik uciekaćbezokolicznik krwawićbezokolicznik mieszkaćIII dręczyć, prześladować

Irregular verbs 2016-05-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. делать
  2. расти
  3. быть
  4. покупать
  5. падать
  6. водить
  7. находить
  8. ловить
  9. получать
  10. летать
  11. приходить
  12. рисовать
  13. прощать
  14. чувствовать
  15. строить
  16. иметь
  1. начинать
  2. давать
  3. выбирать
  4. забывать
  5. становиться
  6. идти
  7. приносить
  8. кушать
  9. пить

25 Clues: бытьидтипитьрастииметьдаватьделатьпадатьводитьловитьлетатькушатьпрощатьстроитьначинатьвыбиратьпокупатьзабыватьнаходитьполучатьрисоватьприноситьприходитьстановитьсячувствовать

Irregular Verbs 2016-10-05

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. choose
  2. fly
  3. take
  4. let
  5. write
  6. become
  7. build
  8. fight
  9. teach
  10. go
  11. buy
  12. shake
  13. set
  1. give
  2. see
  3. hurt
  4. speak
  5. freeze
  6. burn
  7. keep
  8. learn
  9. bring
  10. meet
  11. put
  12. leave
  13. forget
  14. hear
  15. send

28 Clues: goseeflyletputbuysetgivehurtburntakekeepmeethearsendspeaklearnwritebringbuildleavefightteachshakechoosefreezebecomeforget

irregular verbs 2016-07-26

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Who has _____ you? (upset)
  2. I have never ____ the queen (see)
  3. We ___ up the room last night. (set)
  4. I ____ my old violin until my son was old to play it. (keep)
  5. I _____ in the queue for 2 hours last week. (stand)
  6. My parents have already _____ me $1000 (give)
  7. We ____ in the sea every day last summer. (swim)
  8. We ____ to Finland last weekend. (go)
  9. I haven't ______ a card yet. (choose)
  10. I have already _____ with 5 difficult customers today. (deal)
  11. I _____ too much last night. (drink)
  12. He ______ President 3 years ago. (become)
  13. We _____ until 11 this morning. (sleep)
  14. I ____ you £30 yesterday. (give)
  15. I have never ______ a Ferrari (drive)
  16. She ____ a pink shirt yesterday. (wear)
  17. I _____ too much yesterday. (spend)
  18. I ____ this picture when I was a child. (draw)
  19. The child ___ in the cupboard 20 minutes ago. (hide)
  20. I __________ Spanish when I was a child. (understand)
  21. I have never ___ a gold medal (win)
  22. I ____ my knee yesterday. (hurt)
  23. I _____ a loud bang 20 minutes ago. (hear)
  24. We _______ about it for a long time. (think)
  25. She ____ brilliantly in the concert last night. (sing)
  26. I _____ to study English at university. (choose)
  27. We ___ a big hole yesterday. (dig)
  28. Have you _____ your keys yet? (find)
  29. He has never ____ a fight (lose)
  1. We ____ to Greece last summer. (fly)
  2. He has just ______ the new record holder. (become)
  3. Your dog ___ me yesterday! (bite)
  4. I haven't _____ my house yet. (build)
  5. I have ____ you three letters this week! (send)
  6. They ____ three hours ago. (leave)
  7. He _____ these posters to the wall 2 years ago. (stick)
  8. Have you ____ your car yet? (sell)
  9. I ___ you yesterday! (see)
  10. I have never ______ to him about it. (speak )
  11. The bottle of milk has just ______ off the table. (fall)
  12. I ____ up at 6am today. (wake)
  13. Have you ___ his parents yet? (meet)
  14. My Mum ____ a lovely cake yesterday. (make)
  15. I have _______ 100 words this week (learn)
  16. How many pictures have you _____ this week? (draw)
  17. I have already ____ him (pay)
  18. I have already ___ the cat (feed)
  19. I have never ____ in icy water. (swim)
  20. I have never ______ money. (steal)
  21. I ___ 10km yesterday. (run)
  22. We _______ lots of presents home from Sochi. (bring)
  23. I have never ___ a woman. (hit)
  24. My dog has just ___ me here (lead)
  25. Have you ____ out the washing yet? (hang)
  26. The dog has just ___ away! (run)
  27. He ______ me his car yesterday. (show)
  28. The sun ____ at 5am. (rise)
  29. I ____ my Mum yesterday. (tell)
  30. The match has already _____ . (begin)
  31. I have ___ three brothers. (get)

60 Clues: Who has _____ you? (upset)I ___ you yesterday! (see)I ___ 10km yesterday. (run)The sun ____ at 5am. (rise)I have already ____ him (pay)I ____ up at 6am today. (wake)I have never ___ a woman. (hit)I ____ my Mum yesterday. (tell)I ____ you £30 yesterday. (give)I ____ my knee yesterday. (hurt)The dog has just ___ away! (run)...