irregular verbs Crossword Puzzles

Irregular Verbs 2023-10-02

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bought
  2. read
  3. brought
  4. told
  5. spoke
  6. said
  7. ate
  8. became
  9. chose
  10. went
  11. was
  12. thought
  13. wrote
  1. paid
  2. understood
  3. took
  4. broke
  5. left
  6. sat
  7. saw
  8. came
  9. forgot
  10. could
  11. knew

24 Clues: satsawatewaspaidtookreadtoldleftsaidcamewentknewbrokespokechosecouldwroteboughtbecameforgotbroughtthoughtunderstood

irregular verbs 2023-09-14

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  2. LEND
  3. BRING
  4. HOLD
  5. GROW
  6. KEEP
  8. CUT
  9. DRAW
  10. DRINK
  11. COME
  12. GIVE
  13. BUILD
  14. FIND
  15. FALL
  16. KNOW
  17. BE
  18. BEGIN
  19. FORGET
  20. BLOW
  21. BREAK
  1. CATCH
  2. GET
  3. COST
  4. HAVE
  5. FEEL
  6. LEAVE
  7. EAT
  8. FIGHT
  9. HURT
  10. BUY
  11. DRIVE
  12. FEED
  13. HEAR
  14. DO
  15. HIDE
  16. GO
  17. HIT
  18. BITE
  19. FLY



IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  2. PAST OF "RUN"
  3. PAST OF "SEE"
  4. PAST OF "DO"
  5. PAST OF "GO"
  7. PAST OF "BUY"
  11. PAST OF "SING"
  3. PAST OF "BE"
  8. PAST OF "EAT"


Irregular verbs 2023-11-19

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. find
  2. swim
  3. tell
  4. drive
  5. make
  6. fly
  7. pay
  8. buy
  9. forget
  10. meet
  1. come
  2. feel
  3. do
  4. speak
  5. hear
  6. eat
  7. see
  8. leave
  9. go
  10. bring
  11. have
  12. choose

22 Clues: dogoeatseeflypaybuycomefindfeelswimheartellmakehavemeetspeakdriveleavebringchooseforget

Irregular Verbs 2024-05-15

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim
  2. set
  3. blow
  4. give
  5. write
  6. take
  7. sing
  8. have
  9. read
  10. go
  11. drink
  1. lose
  2. wear
  3. come
  4. send
  5. buy
  6. be
  7. ride
  8. eat
  9. win

20 Clues: begosetbuyeatwinloseswimwearcomesendblowgiveridetakesinghavereadwritedrink

Irregular verbs 2024-05-06

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. buy
  2. feel
  3. drink
  4. bring
  5. drive
  6. cost
  7. eat
  8. be
  9. see
  1. come
  2. get
  3. sit
  4. lose
  5. go
  6. forgot
  7. do
  8. have
  9. give
  10. choose
  11. mistake

20 Clues: godobegetsitbuyeatseecomelosefeelhavegivecostdrinkbringdriveforgotchoosemistake

Irregular verbs 2024-05-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I the football in the air
  2. My mum liked the red dress but she the the yellow dress
  3. She 2 litres of Coca Cola yesterday
  4. They very happy when they passed the exam.
  5. My dad his keys and now he can't enter the house
  6. I a book about blue whales last night
  7. I a 10 in my last English exam
  8. I clean my bedroom because it was dirty
  9. My dad us to the zoo
  10. I 20 euros in my jacket yesterday
  11. I to the academy after school
  1. I a tablet for 300 euros yesterday
  2. My teacher a book on the table
  3. The teacher be quiet during an exam
  4. I my brother a blue pen to colour
  5. I need help and my brother the answers to my homework
  6. I speak Engliah and now I can
  7. My mum a chocolate cake yesterday
  8. I hungry yesterday
  9. The photographer my picture at the match
  10. He 15 kinder Buenos
  11. A classmate a big turtle to school for biology class
  12. I Taylor Swift in the street yesterday

23 Clues: I hungry yesterdayHe 15 kinder BuenosMy dad us to the zooI the football in the airI speak Engliah and now I canI to the academy after schoolMy teacher a book on the tableI a 10 in my last English examI my brother a blue pen to colourMy mum a chocolate cake yesterdayI 20 euros in my jacket yesterdayI a tablet for 300 euros yesterday...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. catch
  2. come
  3. do
  4. is
  5. find
  6. feed
  7. break
  8. fly
  9. are
  10. fight
  11. bring
  12. buy
  1. choose
  2. cut
  3. can
  4. drive
  5. eat
  6. fall
  7. draw
  8. feel
  9. drink
  10. build
  11. forget
  12. begin
  13. cost

25 Clues: doiscutcaneatflyarebuycomefindfalldrawfeedfeelcostcatchdrivedrinkbreakbuildbeginfightbringchooseforget


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. have
  2. fall
  3. see
  4. win
  5. sit
  6. get
  7. go
  8. know
  9. do
  10. run
  11. keep
  1. make
  2. fly
  3. forget
  4. sing
  5. / were
  6. eat
  7. give
  8. take
  9. read
  10. drive

21 Clues: godoflyseeeatwinsitgetrunmakehavefallsinggivetakereadknowkeepdriveforget/ were

irregular verbs 2024-02-15

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. futni
  2. írni
  3. elvezetni
  4. ütni
  5. dobni
  6. tudni
  7. ellopni
  8. énekelni
  9. lenni
  10. megtartani
  11. esni/zuhanni
  12. hallani
  13. kiborítani
  14. aludni
  15. mondani
  16. harapni
  17. találkozni
  18. eladni
  19. hajlítnai
  20. égetni
  21. inni
  22. tudni
  23. felakaszttani
  24. úszni
  25. elrejteni
  1. elfelejteni
  2. olvasni
  3. enni
  4. felülmúlni
  5. rajzolni
  6. elvenni
  7. gondolni
  8. felkelni
  9. csinálni
  10. rázni
  11. lebetűzni
  12. hozni/vinni
  13. repülni
  14. elveszteni
  15. elkölteni
  16. állni
  17. törni
  18. tanítani
  19. csengetni
  20. választani
  21. vezetni

46 Clues: írnienniütniinnifutnidobnitudniráznilenniállnitörnitudniúsznialudnieladniégetniolvasnielvenniellopnirepülnihallanimondaniharapnivezetnirajzolnigondolnifelkelnicsinálniénekelnitanítanielvezetnilebetűznielköltenihajlítnaicsengetnielrejtenifelülmúlnimegtartanielvesztenikiborítanitalálkozniválasztanielfelejtenihozni/vinniesni/zuhannifelakaszttani

Irregular verbs 2024-02-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. know
  2. buy
  3. forget
  4. ride
  5. forgive
  6. write
  7. tell
  8. find
  9. meet
  10. hear
  11. sing
  12. go
  13. teach
  14. wake
  15. catch
  16. sleep
  17. lose
  1. bring
  2. fight
  3. be
  4. fall
  5. read
  6. hide
  7. fly
  8. grow
  9. steal
  10. leave
  11. understand
  12. drink
  13. eat
  14. think
  15. choose
  16. say
  17. take
  18. sell

35 Clues: begobuyflyeatsayknowfallreadhideridegrowtellfindmeethearsingwaketakelosesellbringfightstealwriteleavedrinkthinkteachcatchsleepforgetchooseforgiveunderstand

irregular verbs 2024-07-18

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. drink
  2. speak
  3. come
  4. sleep
  5. wear
  6. think
  7. sing
  8. drive
  9. buy
  10. eat
  1. write
  2. choose
  3. make
  4. forget
  5. give
  6. lose
  7. find
  8. have
  9. spend
  10. forgive

20 Clues: buyeatmakegivecomelosefindwearhavesingwritedrinkspeaksleepthinkspenddrivechooseforgetforgive

Irregular Verbs 2024-07-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. do
  2. forgive
  3. win
  4. hide
  5. begin
  6. understand
  7. write
  8. drink
  9. bring
  10. fly
  11. hear
  12. sleep
  13. come
  14. go
  15. steal
  16. got
  17. know
  1. draw
  2. give
  3. build
  4. find
  5. buy
  6. eat
  7. read
  8. swim
  9. think
  10. break
  11. become
  12. say
  13. drive
  14. send
  15. lose
  16. grow

33 Clues: dogowinbuyeatsayflygotdrawgivefindhidereadswimhearsendcomelosegrowknowbuildbeginwritethinkdrinkbringbreakdrivesleepstealbecomeforgiveunderstand

Irregular verbs 2024-07-29

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past form of RUN
  2. past form of BE/ AM-IS
  3. past form of BECOME
  4. past form of CUT
  5. past form of TAKE
  6. past form of FALL
  7. past form of HEAR
  8. past form of SPEND
  9. past form of GET
  10. past form of MEET
  11. past form of COME
  12. past form of GO
  13. past form of BUILD
  1. past form of EAT
  2. past form of HAVE
  3. past form of SEND
  4. past form of BE/ ARE
  5. past form of BUY
  6. past form of SELL
  7. past form of FORGET
  8. past form of LOSE
  9. past form of MAKE
  10. past form of BEGIN
  11. past form of LEAVE
  12. past form of PUT

25 Clues: past form of GOpast form of RUNpast form of EATpast form of BUYpast form of CUTpast form of GETpast form of PUTpast form of HAVEpast form of SENDpast form of SELLpast form of TAKEpast form of FALLpast form of LOSEpast form of MAKEpast form of HEARpast form of MEETpast form of COMEpast form of BEGINpast form of SPENDpast form of LEAVE...

Irregular Verbs 2024-08-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. BRING
  2. EAT
  3. SEE
  4. DRINK
  5. FLY
  6. HEAR
  7. GO
  8. GIVE
  10. TELL
  1. LEND
  3. WRITE
  5. WIN
  6. BLOW
  7. HIT
  8. SING
  9. READ
  10. MEET


Irregular verbs 2024-08-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to flee
  2. to teach
  3. to seek
  4. to thrust
  5. to speed
  6. to light
  7. to draw
  8. to abide
  9. to dig
  10. to swear
  11. to lay
  12. to throw
  1. to weep
  2. to cast
  3. can
  4. to hit
  5. to wind
  6. to strive
  7. will
  8. to awake
  9. to fling
  10. to swim

22 Clues: canwillto hitto digto layto weepto fleeto castto seekto windto drawto swimto teachto speedto lightto abideto awaketo flingto swearto throwto thrustto strive

Irregular Verbs 2023-12-20

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ridden
  2. hide
  3. become
  4. woven
  5. shoot
  6. dwell
  7. written
  8. stink
  9. wind
  10. meant
  11. teach
  12. kneel
  13. bit
  14. preset
  15. wake
  16. slung
  17. wrung
  1. interlay
  2. prove
  3. risen
  4. left
  5. bidden
  6. cast
  7. withdrawn
  8. slept
  9. told
  10. mistook
  11. rung
  12. hurt
  13. drank
  14. torn
  15. upset
  16. laid
  17. blew
  18. choosen

35 Clues: bitlefthidecasttoldrunghurtwindtornlaidblewwakeproverisenwovenshootsleptdwellstinkdrankmeantteachupsetkneelslungwrungriddenbecomebiddenpresetmistookwrittenchooseninterlaywithdrawn

Irregular verbs 2024-01-07

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. "dar" or "regalar" in English
  2. past simple of have
  3. "venir" in English
  4. past participle of choose
  5. "congelado" in English
  6. past simple of buy
  7. past participle of drink
  8. past simple of eat
  9. past simple of know
  10. "sentir" in English
  11. past participle of to be
  12. coger, atrapar
  13. past participle of forget
  14. past participle of blow
  15. past simple of do
  16. "buy" in Spanish
  1. infinitive of began, begun
  2. past simple of become
  3. past participle of find
  4. past simple of fight
  5. past simple of go
  6. past simple of drive
  7. past simple of build
  8. "guardar", "mantener"
  9. learn in Spanish
  10. "costar" in English
  11. past participle of hear
  12. past simple of fly
  13. past participle of break

29 Clues: coger, atraparlearn in Spanish"buy" in Spanishpast simple of gopast simple of do"venir" in Englishpast simple of buypast simple of eatpast simple of flypast simple of havepast simple of know"sentir" in English"costar" in Englishpast simple of fightpast simple of drivepast simple of buildpast simple of become"guardar", "mantener"...

irregular verbs 2023-11-07

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. - arrive
  2. - sing
  3. - read
  4. - come
  5. - understand
  6. - tell
  7. - bring
  8. - fly
  9. - build
  10. - keep
  11. - think
  1. - make
  2. - have
  3. eat - don't eat
  4. - hear
  5. - sleep
  6. - give
  7. - go
  8. - run
  9. - sit
  10. - lie
  11. - break
  12. - buy
  13. - feel
  14. - cut
  15. - win

26 Clues: - go- run- sit- lie- buy- fly- cut- win- make- have- hear- sing- give- read- come- tell- feel- keep- sleep- bring- break- build- think- arrive- understandeat - don't eat

Irregular verbs 2023-11-05

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. speak
  2. build
  3. break
  4. make
  5. become
  6. catch
  7. have
  8. fight
  9. teach
  10. begin
  11. take
  1. fall
  2. be
  3. come
  4. do
  5. bring
  6. buy
  7. read
  8. go
  9. think
  10. find
  11. draw
  12. get
  13. see

24 Clues: bedogobuygetseefallcomereadmakefindhavedrawtakespeakbuildbringbreakcatchthinkfightteachbeginbecome

Irregular Verbs 2023-10-09

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. cut
  2. sat
  3. woke
  4. had
  5. won
  6. found
  7. kept
  8. laid
  9. fell
  10. slept
  11. hit
  1. got
  2. lost
  3. caught
  4. wrote
  5. read
  6. forgot
  7. paid
  8. left
  9. swam

20 Clues: gotcutsathadwonhitlostwokereadkeptpaidlaidleftfellswamwrotefoundsleptcaughtforgot

Irregular Verbs 2023-10-12

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bought
  2. drove
  3. grew
  4. drank
  5. saw
  6. sang
  7. shook
  8. went
  9. wrote
  10. taught
  1. flew
  2. began
  3. brought
  4. wore
  5. did
  6. knew
  7. took
  8. spoke
  9. swam
  10. ate

20 Clues: didsawateflewworegrewknewtooksangswamwentbegandrovedrankspokeshookwroteboughttaughtbrought

Irregular verbs 2024-01-29

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hide (past participle)
  2. forbid (past participle)
  3. thrown (infinitive)
  4. break (past participle)
  5. give (past simple)
  6. sold (infinitive)
  7. meet (past simple)
  8. fight (past simple)
  9. write (past participle)
  1. chose (past simple)
  2. hear (past simple)
  3. lay (infinitive)
  4. become (past simple)
  5. forgive (past simple)
  6. take (past simple)
  7. told (infinitive)
  8. buy (past simple)
  9. know (past participle)
  10. catch (past simple)
  11. seen (infinitive)

20 Clues: lay (infinitive)told (infinitive)buy (past simple)sold (infinitive)seen (infinitive)hear (past simple)take (past simple)give (past simple)meet (past simple)chose (past simple)thrown (infinitive)catch (past simple)fight (past simple)become (past simple)forgive (past simple)hide (past participle)know (past participle)break (past participle)...


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. READ
  2. RIDE
  3. WEAR
  4. SEE
  5. TEACH
  6. SPEAK
  7. SAY
  8. SELL
  9. SHOW
  10. LOST
  11. STEAL
  12. LEAVE
  13. SPIT
  14. TELL
  15. MAKE
  16. PUT
  17. MEET
  1. TAKE
  2. WRITE
  3. WIN
  4. RUN
  5. STAND
  6. PAY
  7. SING
  8. THROW
  9. THINK
  10. WAKE
  11. SIT
  12. LEARN
  13. SWIM
  14. SLEEP


Irregular Verbs 2024-03-28

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. came
  2. wrote
  3. knew
  4. began
  5. got
  6. forgot
  7. said
  8. found
  9. had
  10. drove
  11. told
  12. thought
  13. taught
  14. saw
  1. met
  2. chose
  3. gave
  4. brought
  5. bought
  6. went
  7. ran
  8. spent
  9. caught
  10. made
  11. felt
  12. drank
  13. ate
  14. took
  15. left
  16. heard

30 Clues: metgotranhadatesawcamegaveknewwentsaidmadefelttoldtookleftchosewrotebeganspentfounddrankdroveheardboughtforgotcaughttaughtbroughtthought

Irregular Verbs 2024-04-01

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Au dessus
  2. Eat au prétérit et participe passé
  3. Have au prétérit et participe passé
  4. Sleep au prétérit et participe passé
  5. Fight au prétérit et participe passé
  6. À droite
  7. À gauche
  8. Steal au prétérit et participe passé
  9. Wear au prétérit et participe passé
  10. Au milieu
  11. Do au prétérit et participe passé
  1. En bas
  2. Cut au prétérit et participe passé
  3. Become au prétérit et participe passé
  4. En haut
  5. Sing au prétérit et participe passé
  6. Shoot au prétérit et participe passé
  7. En dessous
  8. Drink au prétérit et participe passé
  9. Be au prétérit et participe passé

20 Clues: En basEn hautÀ droiteÀ gaucheAu dessusAu milieuEn dessousBe au prétérit et participe passéDo au prétérit et participe passéCut au prétérit et participe passéEat au prétérit et participe passéHave au prétérit et participe passéSing au prétérit et participe passéWear au prétérit et participe passéSleep au prétérit et participe passé...

Irregular Verbs 2024-03-12

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. have
  2. hold
  3. bet
  4. buy
  5. give
  6. become
  7. catch
  8. drive
  9. fall
  10. hide
  11. choose
  12. cut
  13. forget
  14. bring
  15. build
  16. go
  17. feed
  18. deal
  1. come
  2. keep
  3. hang
  4. find
  5. become
  6. hear
  7. eat
  8. grow
  9. hurt
  10. hit
  11. fight
  12. cost
  13. draw
  14. get
  15. do
  16. break
  17. feel
  18. drink

36 Clues: dogobetbuyeathitcutgetcomehavekeepholdhangfindheargivegrowfallhidehurtcostdrawfeelfeeddealcatchdrivefightbringbuildbreakdrinkbecomebecomechooseforget


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. ARE
  2. BREAK
  3. SWIM
  4. CATCH
  5. DRIVE
  6. SEND
  7. THINK
  8. DRINK
  9. DO
  10. KNOW
  1. BRING
  3. GO
  4. WRITE
  5. MAKE
  6. FLY
  7. FIND
  8. RIDE
  9. READ
  10. CHOOSE
  11. TAKE
  12. IS


Irregular verbs 2024-03-06

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past simple of eat
  2. past simple of find
  3. past simple of learn
  4. past simple of come
  5. present of had
  6. past participle of forget
  7. past participle of be
  8. past participle of meet
  9. past participle of drove
  1. past simple of run
  2. past participle of fall over
  3. past simple of get
  4. present of fed
  5. past participle of drew
  6. past simple of grow
  7. past simple of see
  8. past partciple of began
  9. past participle of do
  10. present of took
  11. past participle of make

20 Clues: present of fedpresent of hadpresent of tookpast simple of runpast simple of eatpast simple of getpast simple of seepast simple of findpast simple of growpast simple of comepast simple of learnpast participle of dopast participle of bepast participle of drewpast partciple of beganpast participle of meetpast participle of makepast participle of drove...

Irregular Verbs 2024-04-03

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sit
  2. give
  3. go
  4. dig
  5. cut
  6. think
  7. pay
  8. become
  9. say
  10. fall
  11. begin
  12. do
  13. teach
  14. make
  15. take
  16. run
  17. sleep
  18. throw
  19. get
  20. fly
  1. catch
  2. read
  3. keep
  4. come
  5. have
  6. grow
  7. tell
  8. eat
  9. drink
  10. see
  11. leave
  12. sing
  13. buy
  14. break
  15. drive
  16. hear
  17. feel
  18. swim
  19. write

39 Clues: godositdigcutpayeatseebuysayrungetflyreadgivekeepcomehavegrowtellsingfallhearfeelmaketakeswimcatchthinkdrinkleavebeginbreakdriveteachsleepthrowwritebecome

Irregular verbs 2024-04-04

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to have
  2. to blow
  3. to break
  4. to catch
  5. to find
  6. to begin
  7. to build
  8. to leave
  9. to eat
  10. to know
  1. to be
  2. to buy
  3. to hear
  4. to do
  5. to drive
  6. to drink
  7. to draw
  8. to go
  9. to get
  10. to give
  11. to bring
  12. to lose
  13. to fly

23 Clues: to beto doto goto buyto getto flyto eatto hearto drawto haveto blowto findto giveto loseto knowto driveto drinkto breakto catchto beginto buildto bringto leave

Irregular verbs 2024-09-16

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. (to) break
  2. (to) forget
  3. (to) fly
  4. (to) teach
  5. (to) sleep
  6. (to) choose
  7. (to) stand
  8. (to) draw
  1. (to) know
  2. (to) freeze
  3. (to) catch
  4. (to) think
  5. (to) speak
  6. (to) meet
  7. (to) write
  8. (to) leave
  9. (to) say
  10. (to) have
  11. (to) see
  12. (to) swim

20 Clues: (to) fly(to) say(to) see(to) know(to) meet(to) have(to) swim(to) draw(to) catch(to) think(to) break(to) speak(to) write(to) leave(to) teach(to) sleep(to) stand(to) freeze(to) forget(to) choose

Irregular Verbs 2024-09-17

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  2. BEGIN P
  3. HURT PP
  4. DO P
  6. PAY PP
  7. TAKE P
  8. STAND P
  9. RING P
  10. BE PP
  11. SPELL PP
  12. WAKE P
  13. STICK PP
  14. BUY P
  15. MAKE P
  16. HIDE P
  17. RIDE P
  18. FORGET P
  19. READ P
  20. SEND PP
  22. GROW P
  23. SWEEP PP
  24. SIT P
  25. EAT PP
  26. CATCH PP
  27. TROW PP
  28. BURN P
  29. GIVE P
  30. THINK PP
  31. GET PP
  32. LIE PP
  33. FLY PP
  34. MEAN PP
  36. SINK PP
  37. FEEL PP
  38. TEAR P
  39. DRIVE P
  40. LEAVE P
  1. BREAK P
  3. HAVE P
  4. DRINK P
  6. SAY P
  7. GO P
  8. WIN PP
  10. DRAW P
  11. BITE P
  12. TELL P
  13. CUT PP
  14. COME P
  15. BUILD PP
  16. HIT P
  17. HEAR P
  18. SELL PP
  19. FIND P
  20. KEEP PP
  21. SPEAK P
  22. SING P
  23. SPEND PP
  24. COST P
  25. KNOW P
  26. SWIM P
  27. STEAL P
  28. TEACH P
  29. RUN P
  30. FALL PP
  31. DIG P
  32. PUT PP
  33. FREEZE P
  34. SLEEP P
  35. WEAR PP
  36. HOLD PP
  37. SET PP
  38. FIGHT PP
  39. LOSE P
  40. MEET PP
  41. SEE P
  42. FEED PP


Irregular Verbs 2024-09-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. draw
  2. see
  3. put
  4. tell
  5. write
  6. read
  7. drink
  8. choose
  9. sell
  10. ring
  11. hear
  12. understand
  13. sing
  14. send
  15. go
  16. cost
  17. learn
  18. take
  19. have
  20. leave
  21. swim
  22. find
  23. forget
  24. fall
  25. mean
  26. do
  1. know
  2. grow
  3. bring
  4. show
  5. win
  6. say
  7. run
  8. hide
  9. buy
  10. sleep
  11. lose
  12. ride
  13. give
  14. make
  15. get
  16. hit
  17. eat
  18. sit
  19. come
  20. wear
  21. speak
  22. think
  23. pay
  24. let
  25. throw
  26. stand
  27. feel
  28. fly

54 Clues: godoseeputwinsayrunbuygethiteatsitpayletflyknowgrowdrawshowtellreadhidesellloseringridegivemakehearsingsendcomewearcosttakehaveswimfindfeelfallmeanbringwritedrinksleepspeaklearnthinkleavethrowstandchooseforgetunderstand

irregular verbs 2024-09-18

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. English translation of the Dutch word 'leunen'
  2. Past simple form of 'to steal'
  3. Past participle of 'to hear'
  4. Past simple form of 'to cut'
  5. English translation of the Dutch word 'bewijzen'
  6. Past simple form of 'to find'
  7. Past simple form of 'to stand'
  8. Past participle of 'to win'
  9. Dutch translation of the English word 'to burn'
  10. Dutch translation of the English word 'to hit'
  1. Past participle of 'to eat'
  2. Dutch translation of the English word 'to read'
  3. English translation of the Dutch word 'gooien'
  4. Dutch translation of the English word 'to drive'
  5. English translation of the Dutch word 'vergeten'
  6. Dutch translation of the English word 'to know'
  7. Past participle of 'to tell'
  8. Past participle of 'to speak'
  9. English translation of the Dutch word 'bouwen'
  10. Past simple form of 'to lay'

20 Clues: Past participle of 'to eat'Past participle of 'to win'Past participle of 'to hear'Past simple form of 'to cut'Past participle of 'to tell'Past simple form of 'to lay'Past simple form of 'to find'Past participle of 'to speak'Past simple form of 'to steal'Past simple form of 'to stand'English translation of the Dutch word 'leunen'...

Irregular verbs 2024-09-21

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. the products are out of stock they__them all
  2. simple past of go
  3. to give money for something in exchange - past participle
  4. other two tenses of make
  5. when something is finished
  6. have on your body a piece of clothing - past
  7. like talk - past
  8. past participle of eat
  9. past participle of give
  10. similar to grab - past participle
  11. action of the mind - past
  12. I__exercise yesterday
  1. past participle of send
  2. when you have consumed a lot of alcohol
  3. the verb has two meanings - past participle
  4. past participle of have
  5. when you had a conversation in the past
  6. past and past participle of smell
  7. to start something - past
  8. “I got it” - past participle
  9. to achieve synonym - past participle
  10. begin, begun and..

22 Clues: like talk - pastsimple past of gobegin, begun and..I__exercise yesterdaypast participle of eatpast participle of sendpast participle of havepast participle of giveother two tenses of maketo start something - pastaction of the mind - pastwhen something is finished“I got it” - past participlepast and past participle of smell...

Irregular Verbs 2024-09-08

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past of fall
  2. past of find
  3. past of build
  4. past of swim
  5. past of take
  6. past of break
  7. past of eat
  8. past of give
  9. past of think
  10. past of come
  1. past of leave
  2. past of know
  3. past of shake
  4. past of write
  5. past of drink
  6. past of fight
  7. past of become
  8. past of sing
  9. Past of go
  10. past of win

20 Clues: Past of gopast of eatpast of winpast of fallpast of knowpast of findpast of swimpast of takepast of singpast of givepast of comepast of leavepast of buildpast of shakepast of writepast of drinkpast of fightpast of breakpast of thinkpast of become


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. BE(AM/IS)
  2. EAT
  3. GET
  4. GIVE
  5. SEND
  6. FEEL
  7. SPEAK
  8. HAVE
  9. MEET
  11. DRIVE
  12. PUT
  13. GROWUP
  14. READ
  15. WEAR
  16. DRINK
  18. SING
  1. BUY
  2. GO
  3. SEE
  5. MAKE
  6. COME
  7. WIN
  8. SAY
  9. THINK
  10. LEAVE
  11. KNOW
  12. DO
  13. WRITE
  14. TELL
  15. TAKE
  16. BE(ARE)
  17. RUN
  18. DRAW


Irregular Verbs 2024-10-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Miranda ________ one cookie before Amy saw them (to sneak)
  2. please ______ the puzzle to class (to bring)
  3. the teacher _______ it would be like this (to say)
  4. the girl ______ a new car with her boyfriend’s money (to buy)
  5. Bertha ______ 100 laps in the pool (to swim)
  6. the people would have been __________ by then (to freeze)
  7. Lydia _____ the story very well (to read)
  8. the moon had ______ before I went home (to rise)
  9. Ruby _______ that the experiment was accurate (to prove)
  10. everyone was _________ in the library (to sit)
  11. the fisherman has ______ a big fish (to catch)
  12. Amy has _______ all of the cookies (to eat)
  13. the boy has ________ a beautiful note to his girlfriend (to write)
  14. the girl _______ when she read the note (to weep)
  15. the batter swung the bat before the pitcher had ________ the ball (to throw)
  1. the birds _____ away before the typhoon (to fly)
  2. Someone ______ all of the money (to keep)
  3. the batter had _______ at the pitch but he missed it (to swing)
  4. Tina has _______ in the Philippines (to dive)
  5. after I ate a big dinner, I thought my pants had _______ (to shrink)
  6. the boy has _______ another girl that is less expensive (to choose)
  7. the dog ______ away during the typhoon (to run)
  8. everyone has __________ their English vocabulary (to forget)
  9. Someone ______ a lot of money by investing (to make)
  10. please _____ the book on the table (to set)
  11. the phone has ______ many times (to ring)
  12. Noah has ______ for the food already (to pay)
  13. the students had ______ at the table (to sit)
  14. the class _____ lunch before class time (to eat)
  15. the sun had ______ before I went home (to set)
  16. the plant has ______ very tall (to grow)
  17. the earthquake ______ the house violently (to shake)
  18. the typhoon _____ the tree down (to blow)
  19. she ______ out of bed when the alarm rang (to spring)
  20. Trasita ______ the rollercoaster at JanFuShan (to ride)

35 Clues: the plant has ______ very tall (to grow)Someone ______ all of the money (to keep)Lydia _____ the story very well (to read)the phone has ______ many times (to ring)the typhoon _____ the tree down (to blow)please _____ the book on the table (to set)Amy has _______ all of the cookies (to eat)please ______ the puzzle to class (to bring)...

Irregular Verbs 2024-10-07

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Simple past of the verb "Pay"
  2. Past participle of the verb "Read"
  3. Past participle of the verb "Be"
  4. Simple past of the verb "Begin"
  5. Past participle of the verb "Ring"
  6. Simple past of the verb "Have"
  7. Simple past of the verb "Know"
  8. Past Participle of the verb "Take"
  9. Past participle of the verb "Eat"
  10. Simple past of the verb "Write"
  1. Simple past of the verb "Do"
  2. Simple past of the verb "Eat"
  3. Past participle of the verb "Make"
  4. Simple past of the verb "Buy"
  5. Simple past of the verb "See"
  6. Past participle of the verb "Break"
  7. Past participle of the verb "Do"
  8. Simple past of the verb "Leave"
  9. Past participle of the verb "Put"
  10. Past participle of the verb "Know"

20 Clues: Simple past of the verb "Do"Simple past of the verb "Pay"Simple past of the verb "Eat"Simple past of the verb "Buy"Simple past of the verb "See"Simple past of the verb "Have"Simple past of the verb "Know"Simple past of the verb "Begin"Simple past of the verb "Leave"Simple past of the verb "Write"Past participle of the verb "Be"...

Irregular Verbs 2024-10-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. give
  2. do
  3. break
  4. choose
  5. come
  6. eat
  7. bite
  8. fall
  9. begin
  10. feel
  11. buy
  12. build
  13. find
  1. have
  2. become
  3. go
  4. bring
  5. be
  6. cut
  7. know
  8. blow
  9. fight
  10. forget

23 Clues: godobecuteatbuyhavegivecomeknowbiteblowfallfeelfindbreakbringfightbeginbuildbecomechooseforget

Irregular Verbs 2024-11-19

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. stand
  2. swim
  3. have
  4. get
  5. be
  6. bring
  7. see
  8. sell
  9. make
  10. tell
  11. know
  1. buy
  2. write
  3. meet
  4. do
  5. begin
  6. eat
  7. come
  8. say
  9. sleep
  10. take
  11. drink
  12. feel

23 Clues: dobebuygeteatseesayswimmeethavecomeselltakemakefeeltellknowstandwritebeginbringsleepdrink


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  3. ABRIR
  5. PEGAR
  6. HACER
  8. TRAER
  10. VER
  12. GIRAR
  2. PAGAR
  12. LLEVAR
  15. LEER


Irregular verbs 2024-09-27

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. reduce
  2. boost
  3. begin
  4. cry
  5. pledge
  6. shoot
  7. plunge
  8. adhere
  9. broom
  10. create
  11. provide
  1. bounce
  2. cover
  3. explosion
  4. glow
  5. planted
  6. rip
  7. ban
  8. walkout
  9. oscillation
  10. deceit
  11. expansion

22 Clues: ripbancryglowcoverboostbeginshootbroombouncereducepledgeplungeadheredeceitcreateplantedwalkoutprovideexplosionexpansionoscillation

Irregular verbs 2024-10-28

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. you go to school
  2. he is funny
  3. they are writing
  4. it is necessary
  5. we know someone
  6. you sleep
  7. you all are reading
  8. you all are running
  9. we have a test
  10. they are telling
  11. I want some food
  1. it is raining
  2. I put down the phone
  3. he is coming
  4. we know how to work
  5. you recieve a letter
  6. I am leaving
  7. we must do our homework
  8. he is taking a break
  9. you all make cards

20 Clues: you sleephe is funnyhe is comingI am leavingit is rainingwe have a testit is necessarywe know someoneyou go to schoolthey are writingthey are tellingI want some foodyou all make cardswe know how to workyou all are readingyou all are runningI put down the phoneyou recieve a letterhe is taking a breakwe must do our homework

Irregular verbs 2024-11-27

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. feel
  2. atrapar
  3. fly
  4. entender
  5. go
  6. dibujar
  7. buy
  8. forbid
  9. beat
  10. doblar
  11. freeze
  12. alimentar
  13. transmitir por ondas de aire
  14. olvidar
  15. moverse sigilosamente
  16. elejir
  1. cortar
  2. tratar/negociar
  3. soñar
  4. cost
  5. bite
  6. elevarse/subirse
  7. build
  8. llegar a ser/convertirse en
  9. comenzar
  10. venir
  11. grow
  12. romper/quebrar
  13. calzar
  14. colgar
  15. atrapar
  16. sell

32 Clues: goflybuyfeelcostbitebeatgrowsellsoñarbuildvenircortarforbiddoblarfreezecalzarcolgarelejiratrapardibujaratraparolvidarentendercomenzaralimentarromper/quebrartratar/negociarelevarse/subirsemoverse sigilosamentellegar a ser/convertirse entransmitir por ondas de aire

Irregular Verbs 2024-11-05

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. SPEND
  2. CATCH
  3. BUY
  4. SET
  5. FEEL
  6. GIVE
  7. WRITE
  8. SIT
  9. BEGIN
  10. MAKE
  11. READ
  12. GET
  1. RUN
  2. PUT
  3. TAKE
  5. COME
  6. HAVE
  7. GO
  8. FIND
  9. EAT
  10. BRAKE
  11. SELL
  12. SING
  13. MEET


Irregular verbs 2024-12-02

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Encontrar
  2. Forgive
  3. Oir
  4. Saber/concocer
  5. Build
  6. Catch
  7. Vencer
  8. sijilosamente Creep
  9. a ser/Convertirse en Become
  10. Be
  11. Venir
  12. Go
  13. Dar
  14. elevarse/Subirse
  15. Crecer
  16. Blow
  17. Prohibir
  18. Cortar
  19. Sangrar
  20. Deal
  1. Fly
  2. Esconder
  3. Learn
  4. Have
  5. Bring
  6. Caer
  7. Comprar
  8. Burst
  9. (terminar) Do
  10. Congelar
  11. Feel
  12. Choose
  13. Break
  14. por ondas del aire Broadcast
  15. Drive
  16. Hold
  17. Prestar
  18. Olvidar
  19. Drink
  20. Colgar
  21. Comer

41 Clues: BeGoFlyOirDarHaveCaerFeelBlowHoldDealLearnBuildBringCatchBurstVenirBreakDriveDrinkComerVencerChooseCrecerCortarColgarForgiveComprarPrestarOlvidarSangrarEsconderCongelarProhibirEncontrar(terminar) DoSaber/concocerelevarse/Subirsesijilosamente Creepa ser/Convertirse en Becomepor ondas del aire Broadcast

Irregular verbs 2024-12-09

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bite
  2. dreamt
  3. get
  4. buy
  5. bought
  6. draw
  7. fall
  8. congelar
  9. olvidar
  10. dream
  11. built
  12. hurt
  13. broke
  14. forbid
  15. do
  16. sentir
  17. hide
  18. began
  19. chose
  20. brought
  21. be
  1. sostener
  2. cost
  3. did
  4. caught
  5. bit
  6. know
  7. creep
  8. alimentar
  9. forgive
  10. catch
  11. became
  12. bled
  13. dig
  14. soplar
  15. hit
  16. cut
  17. drive
  18. dar
  19. colgar
  20. grow
  21. tratar
  22. tener/tomar
  23. guardar

44 Clues: dobedidbitgetbuydighitcutdarcostbiteknowdrawfallbledhurthidegrowcreepcatchdreambuiltbrokedrivebeganchosecaughtdreamtboughtbecamesoplarforbidsentircolgartratarforgiveolvidarguardarbroughtsostenercongelaralimentartener/tomar

Festive CLA crossword 2020-12-15

Festive CLA crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Aitchison’s middle stage
  2. social interaction theorist
  3. an example of assimilation
  4. the number of words in the phase that follows the holophrase
  5. suffix and prefix theorist
  6. imitation theorist
  7. Will Ferrell was one in the best Christmas film ever
  8. /sh/ /ch/ /dz/ etc
  9. the phenomena where kids think they’re speaking correctly
  1. the type of verbs that are over generalised
  2. one word phase
  3. question theorist
  4. /d/ /p/ /t/ /b/ etc
  5. Father Christmas
  6. over-?; eg. Daddy for every male
  7. pragmatic theorist

16 Clues: one word phaseFather Christmasquestion theoristimitation theoristpragmatic theorist/sh/ /ch/ /dz/ etc/d/ /p/ /t/ /b/ etcAitchison’s middle stagean example of assimilationsuffix and prefix theoristsocial interaction theoristover-?; eg. Daddy for every malethe type of verbs that are over generalisedWill Ferrell was one in the best Christmas film ever...

irregular verbs 2016-05-04

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. III powstać
  2. III przewidywac
  3. II kopać
  4. III skradac się
  5. III pomylić
  6. II szyc
  7. III kruszyć
  8. III leżeć
  9. III dręczyć, prześladować
  10. bezokolicznik krwawić
  1. bezokolicznik uciekać
  2. II płakać
  3. III kroczyc
  4. II zakazywać
  5. III strzyc
  6. bezokolicznik drzec
  7. II zrezygnować
  8. bezokolicznik mieszkać
  9. II kłamać
  10. II pochylić się

20 Clues: II szycII kopaćII płakaćIII leżećII kłamaćIII strzycIII powstaćIII kroczycIII pomylićIII kruszyćII zakazywaćII zrezygnowaćIII przewidywacIII skradac sięII pochylić siębezokolicznik drzecbezokolicznik uciekaćbezokolicznik krwawićbezokolicznik mieszkaćIII dręczyć, prześladować

Irregular verbs 2016-05-03

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. делать
  2. расти
  3. быть
  4. покупать
  5. падать
  6. водить
  7. находить
  8. ловить
  9. получать
  10. летать
  11. приходить
  12. рисовать
  13. прощать
  14. чувствовать
  15. строить
  16. иметь
  1. начинать
  2. давать
  3. выбирать
  4. забывать
  5. становиться
  6. идти
  7. приносить
  8. кушать
  9. пить

25 Clues: бытьидтипитьрастииметьдаватьделатьпадатьводитьловитьлетатькушатьпрощатьстроитьначинатьвыбиратьпокупатьзабыватьнаходитьполучатьрисоватьприноситьприходитьстановитьсячувствовать

Irregular Verbs 2016-10-05

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. choose
  2. fly
  3. take
  4. let
  5. write
  6. become
  7. build
  8. fight
  9. teach
  10. go
  11. buy
  12. shake
  13. set
  1. give
  2. see
  3. hurt
  4. speak
  5. freeze
  6. burn
  7. keep
  8. learn
  9. bring
  10. meet
  11. put
  12. leave
  13. forget
  14. hear
  15. send

28 Clues: goseeflyletputbuysetgivehurtburntakekeepmeethearsendspeaklearnwritebringbuildleavefightteachshakechoosefreezebecomeforget

irregular verbs 2016-07-26

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Who has _____ you? (upset)
  2. I have never ____ the queen (see)
  3. We ___ up the room last night. (set)
  4. I ____ my old violin until my son was old to play it. (keep)
  5. I _____ in the queue for 2 hours last week. (stand)
  6. My parents have already _____ me $1000 (give)
  7. We ____ in the sea every day last summer. (swim)
  8. We ____ to Finland last weekend. (go)
  9. I haven't ______ a card yet. (choose)
  10. I have already _____ with 5 difficult customers today. (deal)
  11. I _____ too much last night. (drink)
  12. He ______ President 3 years ago. (become)
  13. We _____ until 11 this morning. (sleep)
  14. I ____ you £30 yesterday. (give)
  15. I have never ______ a Ferrari (drive)
  16. She ____ a pink shirt yesterday. (wear)
  17. I _____ too much yesterday. (spend)
  18. I ____ this picture when I was a child. (draw)
  19. The child ___ in the cupboard 20 minutes ago. (hide)
  20. I __________ Spanish when I was a child. (understand)
  21. I have never ___ a gold medal (win)
  22. I ____ my knee yesterday. (hurt)
  23. I _____ a loud bang 20 minutes ago. (hear)
  24. We _______ about it for a long time. (think)
  25. She ____ brilliantly in the concert last night. (sing)
  26. I _____ to study English at university. (choose)
  27. We ___ a big hole yesterday. (dig)
  28. Have you _____ your keys yet? (find)
  29. He has never ____ a fight (lose)
  1. We ____ to Greece last summer. (fly)
  2. He has just ______ the new record holder. (become)
  3. Your dog ___ me yesterday! (bite)
  4. I haven't _____ my house yet. (build)
  5. I have ____ you three letters this week! (send)
  6. They ____ three hours ago. (leave)
  7. He _____ these posters to the wall 2 years ago. (stick)
  8. Have you ____ your car yet? (sell)
  9. I ___ you yesterday! (see)
  10. I have never ______ to him about it. (speak )
  11. The bottle of milk has just ______ off the table. (fall)
  12. I ____ up at 6am today. (wake)
  13. Have you ___ his parents yet? (meet)
  14. My Mum ____ a lovely cake yesterday. (make)
  15. I have _______ 100 words this week (learn)
  16. How many pictures have you _____ this week? (draw)
  17. I have already ____ him (pay)
  18. I have already ___ the cat (feed)
  19. I have never ____ in icy water. (swim)
  20. I have never ______ money. (steal)
  21. I ___ 10km yesterday. (run)
  22. We _______ lots of presents home from Sochi. (bring)
  23. I have never ___ a woman. (hit)
  24. My dog has just ___ me here (lead)
  25. Have you ____ out the washing yet? (hang)
  26. The dog has just ___ away! (run)
  27. He ______ me his car yesterday. (show)
  28. The sun ____ at 5am. (rise)
  29. I ____ my Mum yesterday. (tell)
  30. The match has already _____ . (begin)
  31. I have ___ three brothers. (get)

60 Clues: Who has _____ you? (upset)I ___ you yesterday! (see)I ___ 10km yesterday. (run)The sun ____ at 5am. (rise)I have already ____ him (pay)I ____ up at 6am today. (wake)I have never ___ a woman. (hit)I ____ my Mum yesterday. (tell)I ____ you £30 yesterday. (give)I ____ my knee yesterday. (hurt)The dog has just ___ away! (run)...

Irregular verbs 2016-04-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. vergessen
  2. schlafen
  3. lesen
  4. fallen
  5. wissen, kennen
  6. sein
  7. beginnen
  8. verlassen
  9. zeichnen
  10. gehen
  1. sprechen
  2. fangen
  3. schreiben
  4. auswählen
  5. (fest)halten
  6. stehlen
  7. graben
  8. fliegen
  9. fühlen
  10. hören
  11. hängen
  12. liegen
  13. legen

23 Clues: seinlesenhörenlegengehenfangengrabenfallenfühlenhängenliegenstehlenfliegensprechenschlafenbeginnenzeichnenschreibenauswählenvergessenverlassen(fest)haltenwissen, kennen

Irregular verbs 2016-08-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. _____, dreamt, dreamt
  2. grind, ______, ground
  3. ____, fed, fed
  4. fall, fell, ______
  5. dig, dug, ___
  6. forbid, _______, forbidden
  7. ____, fled, fled
  8. fling, _____, flung
  9. give, gave, _____
  10. dwell, dwelt, _____
  1. fight, ______, fought
  2. drink, drank, _____
  3. _______, forsook, forsaken
  4. eat, ___, eaten
  5. ____, found, found
  6. ______, froze, frozen
  7. grow, ____, grown
  8. _____, fought, fought
  9. drive, drove, ______
  10. go, went, ____
  11. fly, flew, _____

21 Clues: dig, dug, _______, fed, fedgo, went, ____eat, ___, eatenfly, flew, _________, fled, fledgrow, ____, growngive, gave, _________, found, foundfall, fell, ______drink, drank, _____fling, _____, flungdwell, dwelt, _____drive, drove, ______fight, ______, fought_____, dreamt, dreamtgrind, ______, ground______, froze, frozen_____, fought, fought...

irregular verbs 2015-10-14

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. be
  2. come
  3. go
  4. drink
  5. do
  6. teach
  7. draw
  8. drive
  9. spend
  10. sleep
  11. cut
  12. buy
  13. put
  1. begin
  2. eat
  3. know
  4. read
  5. understand
  6. meet
  7. swim
  8. hit

21 Clues: begodoeatcutbuyhitputcomeknowreaddrawmeetswimbegindrinkteachdrivespendsleepunderstand


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. become
  2. get
  3. bear
  4. stand
  5. meet
  6. freeze
  7. learn
  8. hold
  9. think
  10. be
  11. drink
  12. put
  1. come
  2. see
  3. begin
  4. burn
  5. speak
  6. wake
  7. can
  8. spend
  9. forget
  10. teach
  11. bring
  12. hear
  13. go

25 Clues: begoseegetcanputcomeburnbearwakemeetholdhearbeginspeakstandspendteachlearnbringthinkdrinkbecomeforgetfreeze

irregular verbs 2016-02-07

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sprzedawać-2
  2. pokazywać-3
  3. uczyć-się-2
  4. pożyczać-komuś-1
  5. uczyć-kogoś-1
  6. kłaść-2
  7. pisać-3
  8. biegać-2
  9. myśleć-2
  10. stać-2
  11. jeździć-1
  12. spać-2
  13. pływać-3
  14. brać,wziąć-2
  15. gubić,tracić-3
  16. nosić(na-sobie)-2
  1. powiedzieć-3
  2. śpiewać-1
  3. opuszczać,zostawiać-3
  4. powiedzieć-3
  5. znaczyć-2
  6. widzieć-1
  7. rozumieć-3
  8. spędzać-3
  9. pozwalać-2
  10. wygrywać-1
  11. płacić-1
  12. czytać-3
  13. rzucać-1
  14. mówić-1
  15. kraść-1
  16. spotykać-3
  17. robić,wytwarzać-1
  18. siedzieć-3

34 Clues: stać-2spać-2kłaść-2pisać-3mówić-1kraść-1płacić-1biegać-2czytać-3myśleć-2rzucać-1pływać-3śpiewać-1znaczyć-2widzieć-1spędzać-3jeździć-1rozumieć-3pozwalać-2wygrywać-1spotykać-3siedzieć-3pokazywać-3uczyć-się-2powiedzieć-3sprzedawać-2powiedzieć-3brać,wziąć-2uczyć-kogoś-1gubić,tracić-3pożyczać-komuś-1robić,wytwarzać-1nosić(na-sobie)-2...

Irregular verbs 2017-02-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. win
  2. lose
  3. hit
  4. see
  5. leave
  6. ring
  7. sit
  8. mean
  9. pay
  10. make
  11. hurt
  12. speak
  13. forbid
  14. write
  15. build
  16. teach
  17. become
  18. wear
  19. throw
  20. bite
  1. sell
  2. tell
  3. send
  4. do
  5. go
  6. stand
  7. fall
  8. break
  9. catch
  10. say
  11. forget
  12. bet
  13. learn
  14. bring
  15. know
  16. begin
  17. cut

37 Clues: dogowinhitseesitsaypaybetcutselltellsendlosefallringmeanmakehurtknowwearbitestandleavebreakcatchlearnspeakbringwritebuildteachbeginthrowforgetforbidbecome

Irregular Verbs 2017-11-28

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. / The bus has _______ three hours ago.
  2. / My mom hasn't _____ me sleep in the evenings.
  3. / I’ve _____ Danna since the 1st semester.
  4. / He has _______ late because of the heavy traffic.
  5. / We have ______ the rainbow at 4 o'clock.
  6. / She has _______ a ring on the street
  7. / My niece has _______ my grandmother´s glass vase
  8. / Adriana has _______ a scarf yesterday.
  9. / Gabriel has ______ a lot of books.
  10. / Daniel has _______ his car in the rain yesterday.
  11. / I´ve never ____ the monster of the Ness Lake.
  12. / The students have_______ to a book fair on Monday morning.
  13. / I haven’t ______ this nights.
  14. / Have you ever ______ the thunder?
  15. / She has ______ her luggage in the airport.
  1. / My brother has ______ the Christmas tree in his house.
  2. / My mom has ______ cold because today's a rainy day.
  3. / Cristian has _____ the grass every Sunday since 2011.
  4. / I’ve _____ to Costa Rica last June.
  5. / My grandmother has _______ a cook book.
  6. / Carmen has ______ orange juice in the morning.
  7. / Sophia has ______ the Salsa competition last week.
  8. / I haven´t ______ between blue or pink.
  9. / I’ve _______ to do the crossword.
  10. / My sister has _____ Chocolatina Jet since a girl.
  11. / Viviana has ______ in the Karaoke the last Saturday.
  12. / I’ve ______ a text message to my brother in the morning.
  13. / I’ve ________ with unicorns yesterday.
  14. / Paola has _____ working in a bank.
  15. / The sun has ______ brightly on Sunday morning

30 Clues: / I haven’t ______ this nights./ I’ve _______ to do the crossword./ Have you ever ______ the thunder?/ Gabriel has ______ a lot of books./ Paola has _____ working in a bank./ I’ve _____ to Costa Rica last June./ The bus has _______ three hours ago./ She has _______ a ring on the street/ I haven´t ______ between blue or pink....

Irregular Verbs 2017-11-30

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. put
  2. start
  3. say
  4. walk
  5. practice
  6. pay
  7. start
  8. play
  9. be
  10. do
  11. search for
  12. be able to
  13. come
  1. have
  2. be
  3. find out
  4. go
  5. play
  6. drive
  7. arrive
  8. give
  9. have lunch
  10. see
  11. want
  12. take
  13. bring

26 Clues: begobedoputsayseepayhaveplaywalkgivewanttakeplaycomedrivestartstartbringarrivefind outpracticehave lunchsearch forbe able to

Irregular Verbs 2017-12-12

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. broke
  2. ate
  3. taught
  4. drove
  5. had
  6. blew
  7. gave
  8. made
  9. drew
  10. drank
  1. forgot
  2. caught
  3. took
  4. stole
  5. wrote
  6. swam
  7. hid
  8. bought
  9. knew
  10. ran

20 Clues: atehadhidrantookswamblewgavemadeknewdrewbrokestolewrotedrovedrankforgotcaughttaughtbought

irregular verbs 2017-12-07

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. passen (zu)
  2. fallen
  3. (zer)brechen
  4. kommen
  5. auswählen
  6. beißen
  7. wissen; kennen
  8. schlagen
  9. hören
  10. (auf)hängen
  11. führen
  1. kosten
  2. fliegen
  3. füttern
  4. werden
  5. beginnen; anfangen
  6. zeichnen
  7. (mit)bringen
  8. (be)halten; aufbewahren
  9. halten

20 Clues: hörenkostenfallenwerdenkommenbeißenhaltenführenfliegenfütternzeichnenschlagenauswählenpassen (zu)(auf)hängen(zer)brechen(mit)bringenwissen; kennenbeginnen; anfangen(be)halten; aufbewahren

Irregular Verbs 2017-09-17

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Nosotros (dar) una fiesta para nuestro padre.
  2. Yo (dar) un regalo a Felipe.
  3. Tú (dar) el papel de regalo a Emma.
  4. Yo (hacer) mi tarea todos los días.
  5. Mis abuelos (traer) dulces para nosotros.
  6. ¿(Traer) tú un regalo para Lorenzo?
  7. Ella (poner) la ropa en el armario.
  8. Yo (traer) un regalo a la fiesta.
  9. Monica (venir) a la clase de español.
  10. Tú no (decir) la verdad.
  11. Rita y yo (hacer) mucho los sábados.
  12. Mis amigos y yo (traer) comida para la fiesta.
  13. Tú y yo (venir) para ayudar.
  14. Tú (venir) con un chico.
  15. Yo (venir) tarde.
  16. Ustedes (poner) la tarea en mi escritorio.
  1. Guillermo y Jake (salir) de la fiesta porque es aburrida.
  2. Tú (salir) con amigos los viernes.
  3. Mis padres (decir) que yo soy flojo.
  4. Yo (decir) "Hola amigo" en el pasillo.
  5. ¿Qué (hacer) ustedes en la clase de historia?
  6. Mi casa (tener) dos piso y seis cuartos.
  7. Ustedes (tener) muchos regalos para Chase.
  8. Yo (poner) la mesa.
  9. Nosotros (tener) una fiesta de sorpresa.
  10. Nosotros (decir) "Gracias por enseñarnos."
  11. Nosotros (salir) del apartamento.
  12. Los perros (venir) porque yo tengo comida.
  13. Yo (salir) para la escuela a las siete y media.
  14. Yo (ver) mis amigos en la fiesta.
  15. Nosotros (ver) un programa excelente en la tele

31 Clues: Yo (venir) tarde.Yo (poner) la mesa.Tú no (decir) la verdad.Tú (venir) con un chico.Yo (dar) un regalo a Felipe.Tú y yo (venir) para ayudar.Yo (traer) un regalo a la fiesta.Nosotros (salir) del apartamento.Yo (ver) mis amigos en la fiesta.Tú (salir) con amigos los viernes.Tú (dar) el papel de regalo a Emma.Yo (hacer) mi tarea todos los días....

Irregular verbs 2017-09-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past participle of 'swim' - I have s____.
  2. Past tense of 'throw'.
  3. Past participle of 'bear' - I have b____.
  4. Past tense of 'eat'.
  5. Past participle of 'give'. - I have g____.
  6. Past tense of 'see'.
  7. Past participle of hide' - I have h___ the money.
  8. Past tense of 'hide'.
  9. Past participle of 'throw' - I have t____.
  10. Present tense of 'slept'.
  11. Past tense of 'ride'.
  12. Past tense of 'give'.
  13. Past tense of 'run'.
  14. Past participle of 'eat' - I have e____.
  1. Past tense of 'go'.
  2. Present tense of 'drank'.
  3. Past tense of 'swim'.
  4. Past participle of 'begin' - I have b_____.
  5. Past participle of 'ride' - I have r___ the horse.
  6. Past tense and Past participle of 'say' - I s___/ I have s___.
  7. Past participle of 'write' - I have w____.
  8. Past tense of 'write'.
  9. Past participle of 'see' - I have s___.
  10. Past tense of 'bear'.
  11. Past participle of 'go' - I have g___.
  12. Past participle of 'run' - I have r___.

26 Clues: Past tense of 'go'.Past tense of 'eat'.Past tense of 'see'.Past tense of 'run'.Past tense of 'swim'.Past tense of 'hide'.Past tense of 'bear'.Past tense of 'ride'.Past tense of 'give'.Past tense of 'throw'.Past tense of 'write'.Present tense of 'drank'.Present tense of 'slept'.Past participle of 'go' - I have g___....


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. swim-swam...
  2. set-set...
  3. take...taken
  4. ring-rang...
  5. ...taught-taught
  6. blow-blew...
  7. ...came-come
  8. write-wrote...
  9. ...sat-sat
  10. show...shown
  11. keep-kept...
  12. break...broken
  13. spend-spent...
  15. ...lay-layn
  1. see-saw...
  2. shine-shone...
  3. draw-drew...
  4. fight-fought...
  5. fall-fell...
  6. throw...thrown
  7. ride-rode...
  8. ...thought-thought
  9. freeze...frozen
  10. ...chose-chosen
  11. stand...stood
  12. wake-woke...
  13. ...told-told
  14. be-was/were...
  15. ...stole-stolen

30 Clues:

irregular verbs 2017-04-04

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past Participle von SINK
  2. Past Participle von SEND
  3. Simple Past von HOLD
  4. Infinitiv von WORE
  5. Simple Past von BECOME
  6. Past Participle von RISE
  7. Simple Past von SHINE
  8. Simple Past von MEAN
  9. Simple Past von HANG
  10. Simple Past von SLEEP
  11. Simple Past von FIGHT
  12. Simple Past von COST
  13. Simple Past von THINK
  14. Infinitiv von CAUGHT
  15. Past Participle von RIDE
  1. Simple Past von SAY
  2. Past Participle von KNOW
  3. Infinitiv von TORN
  4. Simple Past von LIE
  5. Infinitiv von LOST
  6. Simple Past von BUY
  7. Past Participle von BET
  8. Simple Past von SPEND
  9. Past Participle von TEACH
  10. Simple Past von FEEL
  11. Past Participle von FORGET
  12. Simple Past von GET
  13. Past Participle von SHOW

28 Clues: Infinitiv von TORNInfinitiv von LOSTInfinitiv von WORESimple Past von SAYSimple Past von LIESimple Past von BUYSimple Past von GETSimple Past von HOLDSimple Past von MEANSimple Past von FEELSimple Past von HANGSimple Past von COSTInfinitiv von CAUGHTSimple Past von SPENDSimple Past von SHINESimple Past von SLEEPSimple Past von FIGHT...

Irregular verbs 2017-05-30

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fall
  2. send
  3. swim
  4. sing
  5. meet
  6. drive
  7. read
  8. teach
  9. do
  10. speak
  11. go
  12. pay
  13. think
  14. cut
  15. bring
  16. tell
  17. keep
  18. feel
  19. take
  1. let
  2. see
  3. run
  4. sit
  5. sleep
  6. give
  7. make
  8. understand
  9. have
  10. get
  11. find
  12. forget
  13. write
  14. buy
  15. put
  16. come
  17. leave
  18. know
  19. win

38 Clues: dogoletseerunsitgetbuypayputcutwinfallsendswimsinggivemeetmakereadhavefindcometellkeepknowfeeltakesleepdriveteachspeakwritethinkbringleaveforgetunderstand

Irregular Verbs 2017-04-22

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. they hear
  2. they give
  3. we do
  4. we have
  5. they bring
  6. you know
  7. he has to leave
  8. I put
  9. he says
  10. you go
  11. I do
  1. you have
  2. we put
  3. we say
  4. I bring
  5. I leave
  6. she knows
  7. you hear
  8. I say
  9. they have to come

20 Clues: I dowe doI putI saywe putwe sayyou gowe haveI bringI leavehe saysyou haveyou knowyou hearthey hearthey giveshe knowsthey bringhe has to leavethey have to come

Irregular Verbs 2017-04-21

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. You (ud.) give
  2. I hear
  3. They have
  4. We put
  5. I come
  6. You (vosotros/as) know
  7. We hear
  8. She comes
  9. You (tú) say
  10. I know
  11. He leaves
  1. I say
  2. I bring
  3. I put
  4. I have
  5. We bring
  6. I do/make
  7. I leave
  8. You (uds.) are
  9. They do/make
  10. We go
  11. I go
  12. You (vosotros/as) give
  13. You (tú) are

24 Clues: I goI sayI putWe goI haveI hearWe putI comeI knowI bringI leaveWe hearWe bringThey haveI do/makeShe comesHe leavesThey do/makeYou (tú) sayYou (tú) areYou (ud.) giveYou (uds.) areYou (vosotros/as) knowYou (vosotros/as) give

Irregular verbs 2017-05-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. fall
  2. drive
  3. forget
  4. run
  5. build
  6. begin
  7. think
  8. fly
  9. make
  10. lead
  11. hit
  1. go
  2. break
  3. learn
  4. bring
  5. grow
  6. put
  7. have
  8. come
  9. feel
  10. do

21 Clues: godorunputflyhitfallgrowhavecomefeelmakeleadbreaklearnbringdrivebuildbeginthinkforget

Irregular Verbs 2018-01-21

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. During the earthquake, the ground _________________ for several minutes.
  2. The shirt _________________ perfectly so I bought it.
  3. He _________________ up early and ate breakfast.
  4. The captain _________________ his troops up the mountain.
  5. She got in trouble because she _________________ a bicycle.
  6. He _________________ the hockey puck into the net.
  7. He didn't like his picture so he _________________ it up and threw it away.
  8. The bell _________________ so the kids went home from school.
  9. His new jeans _________________ a lot of money.
  10. She _________________ down to pick up the ball.
  11. We _________________ up the tent next to the river.
  12. Our dog _________________ a hole in the garden.
  13. I _________________ some pictures on the wall.
  1. The smoke _________________ high into the sky.
  2. We _________________ a fire to cook hotdogs and stay warm.
  3. He _________________ to bring an umbrella so he got wet.
  4. She _________________ her puppy and gave him water.
  5. She didn't have a pen so I _________________ her use mine.
  6. The garbage _________________ so I took it outside.
  7. He _________________ himself when he fell off his bike.
  8. We _________________ the other team 3-1.
  9. He _________________ the cake into eight pieces.
  10. The cars _________________ on the ice.
  11. We _________________ a tree house in our backyard.
  12. The ship hit an iceberg and _________________.

25 Clues: The cars _________________ on the ice.We _________________ the other team 3-1.The smoke _________________ high into the sky.The ship hit an iceberg and _________________.I _________________ some pictures on the wall.His new jeans _________________ a lot of money.She _________________ down to pick up the ball....

Irregular Verbs 2018-03-19

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. See
  2. Run
  3. Speak
  4. Sit
  5. Go
  6. Understand
  7. Lose
  8. Pay
  9. Hear
  10. Get
  11. Mean
  12. Fall
  13. Make
  14. Find
  15. Put
  16. Feel
  1. Write
  2. Know
  3. Learn
  4. Win
  5. Spend
  6. Tell
  7. Take
  8. Bring
  9. Buy
  10. Think
  11. Say
  12. Give
  13. Come
  14. Read
  15. Leave
  16. Have
  17. Meet
  18. Do
  19. Become

35 Clues: GoDoSeeRunWinSitBuySayPayGetPutKnowTellTakeLoseGiveComeReadHearMeanFallHaveMakeMeetFindFeelWriteLearnSpeakSpendBringThinkLeaveBecomeUnderstand

irregular verbs 2018-06-01

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. see
  2. run
  3. say
  4. come
  5. meet
  6. forget
  7. hear
  8. fall
  9. eat
  10. do
  11. take
  1. win
  2. ride
  3. go
  4. sung
  5. write
  6. swim
  7. make
  8. think
  9. have
  10. feed

21 Clues: godoseewinrunsayeatridesungcomeswimmeetmakehearhavefallfeedtakewritethinkforget

Irregular verbs 2018-10-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to freeze (past participle)
  2. to let (past simple)
  3. to give (past simple)
  4. to beat (past participle)
  5. to forgive (past simple)
  6. to hang (past simple)
  7. to bite (past participle)
  8. to find (past simple)
  9. to hear (past participle)
  10. to bet (past simple)
  1. to creep (past simple)
  2. to cost (past participle)
  3. to fall (past participle)
  4. to come (past simple)
  5. to leave (past participle)
  6. to bring (past participle)
  7. to eat (past simple)
  8. to know (past participle)
  9. to buy (past participle)
  10. to dig (past simple)

20 Clues: to let (past simple)to eat (past simple)to dig (past simple)to bet (past simple)to come (past simple)to give (past simple)to hang (past simple)to find (past simple)to creep (past simple)to forgive (past simple)to buy (past participle)to cost (past participle)to fall (past participle)to beat (past participle)to know (past participle)...

Irregular verbs 2018-11-27

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past tense of see
  2. past tense of go
  3. past simple of write
  4. past particple of breken
  5. past participle of do
  6. past tense of bet
  7. past particple of betalen
  8. past tense of think
  9. translation of blow
  10. full verb of made
  11. past particple of zien
  1. translation of go
  2. past tense of hurt
  3. translation of become
  4. translation of denken
  5. translation of have
  6. Past tense of bring
  7. full verb of came
  8. past tense of keep
  9. past tense of do
  10. translation of say
  11. full verb of bought
  12. full verb of had
  13. past particple of be

24 Clues: past tense of gopast tense of dofull verb of hadtranslation of gopast tense of seefull verb of camepast tense of betfull verb of madepast tense of hurtpast tense of keeptranslation of saytranslation of havePast tense of bringfull verb of boughtpast tense of thinktranslation of blowpast simple of writepast particple of betranslation of become...

Irregular Verbs 2018-11-28

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. elle/to cook
  2. il/to wish-want
  3. tu/to drive
  4. elles/to wish-want
  5. ils/to know a noun
  6. je/to translate
  7. ils/to go
  8. vous/to translate
  9. je/to read
  10. vous/to go
  11. nous/to produce
  12. nous/to see
  13. nous/to cook
  14. elles/to read
  15. il/to know a noun
  16. nous/to go out
  17. tu/to go out
  18. elle/to put-put on
  19. tu/to go
  1. il/to be necessary
  2. vous/to drink
  3. nous/to drink
  4. tu/to produce
  5. vous/to wish-want
  6. nous/to build
  7. ils/to drive
  8. je/to go
  9. vous/to put-put on
  10. nous/to go
  11. il/to build
  12. nous/to promise
  13. ils/to drink
  14. tu/to promise
  15. je/to wish-want
  16. je/to know a noun
  17. vous/to see
  18. je/to drink
  19. elles/to see
  20. tu/to see
  21. elle/to go

40 Clues: je/to gotu/to goils/to gotu/to seenous/to goje/to readvous/to goelle/to gotu/to driveil/to buildnous/to seevous/to seeje/to drinkelle/to cookils/to driveils/to drinknous/to cookelles/to seetu/to go outvous/to drinknous/to drinktu/to producenous/to buildtu/to promiseelles/to readnous/to go outil/to wish-wantje/to translatenous/to promise...

Irregular verbs 2013-04-24

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. / I ____ my favourite t- shirt last night, when I was cleaning my room.
  2. / The birds ____ last morning in the sky.
  3. / Last week I ____ the bag in the school
  4. I ___ a new notebook yesterday
  5. / When I was a little girl I ____ a dog.
  6. / Xavi Hernandez _____ famous when he was 6 years old
  7. /Yesterday I ____ my finger when I was peeling potatoes
  8. / Last week I _____ my car
  9. / Xavi Hernandez _____ to play football at 6 years old
  10. / Yesterday, I _____ my grandfather to the toilet, because he's blind
  11. / I ____ to my best friend's house yesterday, for her birdthay
  1. / Last week I____ a hole in the garden because my dog died and my family and me gave him a funeral
  2. / Last year, I ____ in love with…..
  3. / 2 hours ago I ____ a lot of Fanta
  4. / Last week I went to the Antartic and I ___ my nose
  5. / She ____ happy when she played with her friends
  6. / Yesterday I ____ my best friend because I was angry with her
  7. / She ____ a lot of chocolate last week
  8. / Yesterday I ____ my head on the shelf
  9. / Yesterday I _____ all of my homework
  10. / He _____ his leg when he was playing football
  11. / I ____ all of the answers to the exam yesterday
  12. / Last week the builders _____ a new building
  13. / She ____ me a birthday present yesterday.
  14. /Last week I ____ a big picture in my school

25 Clues: / Last week I _____ my carI ___ a new notebook yesterday/ Last year, I ____ in love with…../ 2 hours ago I ____ a lot of Fanta/ Yesterday I _____ all of my homework/ She ____ a lot of chocolate last week/ Last week I ____ the bag in the school/ When I was a little girl I ____ a dog./ Yesterday I ____ my head on the shelf...

Irregular verbs 2013-04-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. / Before yesterday I _____a Picture of a dog
  2. / My father ________ a truck .
  3. She ____good marks at english
  4. / In the morning,my mum go to the supermarket to _________food
  5. / My dog ____ a hole in the garden and hid a bone
  6. / Yesterday I ________ about you.
  7. / I _______water ten minutes ago .
  8. My grandmother ____ in the street
  9. / He ____ what he wanted: chrome
  10. / When the bird was small it didn’t _____
  11. / She ______ first in the race
  12. / Yesterday I ____ham for dinner
  13. / I ___ calm & passed this test
  1. / When I was 8 I................. the multiplication tables
  2. / I ______ my homework at school
  3. / I ______ the English homework at 3 but I haven’t finished
  4. I ___ my homework yesterday.
  5. / The police _______the thief
  6. / Last summer I ________a treasure in the sand.
  7. / Before yesterday in the park a boy was _____ a cat
  8. / The frog ______into a prince.
  9. / In winter the lake ______
  10. / I ______ my pensil case to Laia
  11. / The other day I _____ indignant
  12. / I ____a baby wen I was born

25 Clues: / In winter the lake ______I ___ my homework yesterday./ The police _______the thiefShe ____good marks at english/ My father ________ a truck ./ I ____a baby wen I was born/ She ______ first in the race/ The frog ______into a prince./ He ____ what he wanted: chrome/ I ___ calm & passed this testMy grandmother ____ in the street...

Irregular Verbs 2013-04-25

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. My dog _ my cousin’s cat with his teeth
  2. My father and my mother _ this morning, now are happy
  3. I_ water after the race
  4. My brother_ me a new computer game
  5. Marta_ her dog this morning
  6. She _ about a giant monster last night, now she is scared
  7. He _ his brother with his hands last Sunday, yesterday his brother forgave him.
  8. My mother _pizza for dinner
  9. I _ a teacher, now I am a scientist
  10. In the past, he _ a Ferrari, but with the crises, he sold it
  11. I _a blue pencil last week, now I have a green pencil
  12. In 2012 a pen _ 3 dollars, this year, 4 dollars.
  13. I_ a horse in pencil in maths class, now, in English class, now I am drawing a dog
  1. My dog_ a hole in the backyard
  2. I _ two euros in the football match of Tuesday, but I win the bet.
  3. He hit his brother with his hands last Sunday, yesterday his brother _ him
  4. I_ my homework in my home last weekend, now I have a 0
  5. She _a cake on his birthday
  6. The birds _around the city in August
  7. I _a birthday party in January
  8. My cat_ the mouse last weekend
  9. My friend _ his ruler
  10. The race_ at 11 o'clock, now it is over
  11. He _to church
  12. I_ an adventure film yesterday

25 Clues: He _to churchMy friend _ his rulerI_ water after the raceShe _a cake on his birthdayMarta_ her dog this morningMy mother _pizza for dinnerMy dog_ a hole in the backyardI _a birthday party in JanuaryI_ an adventure film yesterdayMy cat_ the mouse last weekendMy brother_ me a new computer gameI _ a teacher, now I am a scientist...

Irregular Verbs 2013-04-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ils (faire)
  2. il (aller)
  3. tu (vouloir)
  4. ils (voir)
  5. elles (vouloir)
  6. vous (prendre)
  7. elle (voir)
  8. il (prendre)
  9. vous (vouloir)
  10. nous (etre)
  11. elles (venir)
  12. je (pouvoir)
  13. tu (aller)
  14. vous (etre)
  15. ils (mettre)
  16. il (venir)
  17. nous (prendre)
  18. je (etre)
  19. vous (faire)
  20. nous (avoir)
  21. vous (voir)
  22. elle (mettre)
  1. je (mettre)
  2. elle (faire)
  3. vous (pouvoir)
  4. to see
  5. nous (voir)
  6. ils (pouvoir)
  7. to put
  8. tu (prendre)
  9. to take
  10. elles (prendre)
  11. nous (vouloir)
  12. tu (avoir)
  13. elles (avoir)
  14. nous (mettre)
  15. je (voir)
  16. vous (mettre)
  17. to be able to
  18. nous (venir)
  19. tu (venir)
  20. elles (aller)

42 Clues: to seeto putto takeje (voir)je (etre)il (aller)ils (voir)tu (aller)tu (avoir)il (venir)tu (venir)je (mettre)ils (faire)nous (voir)elle (voir)nous (etre)vous (etre)vous (voir)elle (faire)tu (vouloir)tu (prendre)il (prendre)je (pouvoir)ils (mettre)nous (venir)vous (faire)nous (avoir)ils (pouvoir)elles (venir)elles (avoir)nous (mettre)vous (mettre)...

Irregular verbs 2013-05-20

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. рисовать
  2. делать
  3. съел
  4. построил
  5. находить
  6. приносить
  7. выбрал
  8. пить
  9. начинать
  10. выбирать
  11. забывать
  12. поймал
  13. сжег
  14. нашел
  15. жечь
  16. есть
  1. нарисовал
  2. ловить
  3. сделал
  4. драться
  5. строить
  6. начал
  7. принес
  8. подрался
  9. выпил
  10. забыл

26 Clues: съелпитьсжегжечьестьначалвыпилнашелзабылловитьделатьсделалвыбралпринеспоймалдратьсястроитьрисоватьпостроилнаходитьначинатьвыбиратьзабыватьподралсянарисовалприносить

Irregular Verbs 2013-02-06

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past Participle of swim
  2. Past Participle of know
  3. Past Participle of go
  4. Past Participle of pay
  5. Past Tense of learn
  6. Past Tense of buy
  7. Past Tense of have
  8. Past Participle of do
  9. Past Participle of forget
  10. Past Tense of begin
  1. Past Tense of sing
  2. Past Tense of sell
  3. Past Tense of read
  4. Past Participle of be
  5. Past Tense of awake
  6. Past Participle of write
  7. Past Tense of think
  8. Past Participle of speak
  9. Past Participle of see
  10. Past Tense of eat

20 Clues: Past Tense of buyPast Tense of eatPast Tense of singPast Tense of sellPast Tense of readPast Tense of havePast Tense of awakePast Tense of learnPast Tense of thinkPast Tense of beginPast Participle of goPast Participle of bePast Participle of doPast Participle of payPast Participle of seePast Participle of swimPast Participle of know...

irregular verbs 2012-10-15

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. verbo participio de eat
  2. verbo en pasado break
  3. verbo en pasado de find
  4. verbo participio de write
  5. verbo participio de give
  6. verbo en participio de buy
  7. verbo en pasado de leave
  8. verbo en participio de say
  9. verbo en pasado have
  10. verbo en pasado de sleep
  11. verbo participio de catch
  12. verbo en participio pay
  13. verbo participio de meet
  14. verbo en pasado read
  15. verbo participio de win
  1. verbo participio de fly
  2. verbo pasado sit
  3. verbo participio de hear
  4. verbo en participio de speak
  5. verbo en pasado de begin
  6. verbo en pasado de lose
  7. verbo en pasado de forget
  8. verbo en pasado de think
  9. verbo participio de get
  10. verbo en pasado de sell
  11. verbo en pasado de stand
  12. verbo en pasado de drink
  13. verbo participio de came
  14. verbo en pasado de see
  15. verbo participio de ring

30 Clues: verbo pasado sitverbo en pasado haveverbo en pasado readverbo en pasado breakverbo en pasado de seeverbo participio de flyverbo participio de eatverbo en pasado de loseverbo en pasado de findverbo participio de getverbo en pasado de sellverbo en participio payverbo participio de winverbo participio de hearverbo en pasado de begin...

Irregular verbs 2013-02-17

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Kim Clijsters XXXX when she said goodbye to all her fans.
  2. I XXX John on my way to school.
  3. Tom has XXXX four books since January.
  4. The earth XXXXX heavily and the houses collapsed.
  5. I have XXXX awake since 4 am. I can't sleep anymore.
  6. I XXXX calm although the boy was screaming.
  7. Yesterday I XXXXX 10 Euros in the street.
  8. James has just XXXXXX up. It's 7 am.
  9. Have you XXXX the bill? It was £100.
  10. The weather was great! The sun XXXXX all day!
  11. When I was a child, I often XXXXXX with my brother.
  12. Tom has XXXXX a very nice picture.
  13. Andrew has never XXXX in the sea.
  14. My mum has XXXX shopping today. She'll be back at 5 pm.
  15. I have just XXXXXX my new bicycle for the first time.
  16. I have XXX £10,000 in the Jumbo lottery.
  17. I have just XXXXXX a new T-shirt.
  18. Arsenal have XXXXXX Manchester for the second time now.
  19. Have you XXXXX? Justin and Selena have split up.
  1. That was the best hammock (=hangmat) I have ever XXXXX in.(=moving back and forth)
  2. I like bowling but I have never XXXXXX a strike before.
  3. Have you XXX the dog yet? It seems hungry.
  4. Ann has XXXXX the boat to Dover.
  5. Miles came in and XXX down.
  6. I don't know where I XXXX my workbook, Miss. I'll bring it next time.
  7. I have XXXX a good film on TV.
  8. I have XXXXX British Airways to Athens twice.
  9. They have XXXXX a wall between the fighting countries.
  10. I have never XXXXX wine before.
  11. A bee has XXXXX my cat three times. I hope it's not allergic.
  12. I have XXXXXX the jewellery box. Now you have to find it.
  13. Did you XXXX yourself yesterday? No, not really. Just a few scratches.
  14. Julia has XXXXXXXXX to post the parcel. Now the post office is closed.
  15. Mum has XXXX a new button on my shirt. (She used a needle to do it.)
  16. He has XXXXXX to work in his new car today.
  17. Jill threw the ball and I XXXXXX it.
  18. Have you XXXXX to Miss Gruyters or Gacoms? They must know.
  19. I haven't XXXXX snake yet. Is it tasty?
  20. Cindy's leg muscle has XXXX; now she has to go to hospital.

39 Clues: Miles came in and XXX down.I have XXXX a good film on TV.I XXX John on my way to school.I have never XXXXX wine before.Ann has XXXXX the boat to Dover.Andrew has never XXXX in the sea.I have just XXXXXX a new T-shirt.Tom has XXXXX a very nice picture.James has just XXXXXX up. It's 7 am.Have you XXXX the bill? It was £100....

Irregular Verbs 2013-10-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. couter
  2. apporter
  3. venir
  4. étendre/étaler
  5. enseigner
  6. apprendre
  7. acheter
  8. blesser
  9. com)battre
  1. devenir
  2. fermer
  3. lire
  4. penser
  5. attraper
  6. mettre/poser
  7. rêver
  8. courir
  9. laisser/permettre
  10. prêter
  11. frapper

20 Clues: lirevenirrêvercouterfermerpensercourirprêterdeveniracheterblesserfrapperapporterattraperenseignerapprendrecom)battremettre/poserétendre/étalerlaisser/permettre

Irregular verbs 2013-08-12

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. WIN
  3. FEEL
  4. WRITE
  5. EAT
  6. BEGIN
  7. DRINK
  8. DO
  9. DRIVE
  10. BRING
  11. SLEEP
  12. THINK
  13. COST
  14. BUY
  15. SPEND
  16. SAY
  17. BE
  18. KEEP
  19. MAKE
  20. TELL
  21. MEET
  1. COME
  2. GIVE
  3. GO
  4. BE
  6. FIND
  7. LET
  9. SEE
  10. READ
  12. HAVE
  13. BREAK
  14. SPEAK
  15. TAKE
  16. HURT
  17. PAY
  18. SELL
  19. SWIM
  20. KNOW
  21. GET
  22. LOSE


Irregular verbs. 2014-04-15

Irregular verbs. crossword puzzle
  1. keep
  2. lose
  3. find
  4. build
  5. fall
  6. grow
  7. go
  8. see
  9. meet
  10. fly
  1. put
  2. lay
  3. say
  4. buy
  5. know
  6. burn
  7. blow
  8. be
  9. eat
  10. make

20 Clues: begoputlaysaybuyseeeatflykeeplosefindknowburnblowfallgrowmeetmakebuild

irregular verbs 2014-01-27

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sedet,3f
  2. klāt 3f
  3. pardot 3f
  4. celties 3f
  5. šuva 3f
  6. kļūt 3f
  7. krist 3f
  8. siet 3f
  9. pateikt 3f
  10. mekleja 3f
  11. lido,3f
  12. macīt 3f
  13. sākties 3f
  14. atsaldet 3f
  15. rakt 3f
  16. aug 3f
  17. aizvert 3f
  18. netrāpīt 3f
  19. būt 3f
  20. pārrakstīt 3f
  21. ņemt 3f
  22. domā.3f
  23. maldināt 3f
  24. pāŗtaisit 3f
  25. vinnēt,3f
  26. izvelēties 3f
  27. zīmēt 3f
  28. turēt 3f
  29. likt 3f
  30. turet,3f
  31. dedzināt 3f
  32. barot 3f
  1. ļaut 3f
  2. saņemt 3f
  3. melot 3f
  4. set 3f
  5. pamodās,2f
  6. gulēt 3f
  7. satikt 3f
  8. sūtīt 3f
  9. ķert 3f
  10. cīnīties 3f
  11. aizdot 3f
  12. tērēt 3f
  13. dzert 3f
  14. dalīties 3f
  15. zagt 3f
  16. atrast 3f
  17. mest.3f
  18. just 3f
  19. dabūt 3f
  20. saprata,2f
  21. spīdēt 3f
  22. valkāt.3f
  23. vadit 3f
  24. celt,3f
  25. nākt 3f
  26. pāraudzis 3f
  27. rakstīt,3f
  28. ēst 3f
  29. paslept,3f
  30. atmaksāt 3f
  31. dzeirdēt 3f
  32. kratīt 3f
  33. slaucit 3f
  34. aizdedzināt 3f
  35. dziedāt 3f
  36. atstāt 3f

68 Clues: set 3faug 3fbūt 3fēst 3fļaut 3fklāt 3fšuva 3fkļūt 3fķert 3fsiet 3fzagt 3flido,3fmest.3fjust 3frakt 3fcelt,3fnākt 3fņemt 3fdomā.3flikt 3fmelot 3fsedet,3fgulēt 3fsūtīt 3fkrist 3ftērēt 3fdzert 3fmacīt 3fdabūt 3fvadit 3fzīmēt 3fturēt 3fturet,3fbarot 3fsaņemt 3fpardot 3fsatikt 3faizdot 3fatrast 3fspīdēt 3fvalkāt.3fvinnēt,3fkratīt 3fatstāt 3fpamodās,2f...

Irregular Verbs 2014-01-27

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 2f melot
  2. 2f turēt
  3. 2f zaudēt
  4. redzēt
  5. teikt
  6. 2f sūtīt
  7. lasīt
  8. 2f satikt
  9. pamest
  10. 2f spīdēt
  11. cīnīties
  12. turēt
  13. 2f mācīt
  14. 2f zīmēt
  15. 2f rakt
  16. saprast
  17. 2f iet
  18. sāpināt
  19. 2f zināt
  20. 2f salauzts
  21. 2f rakstīt
  22. mācīties
  23. 2f ēst
  24. 2f braukt
  25. 2f maksā
  26. sist
  1. 2f vadīt
  2. būt
  3. krist
  4. 2f aizdot
  5. 2f mest
  6. 2f peldēt
  7. nākt
  8. 2f sēdēt
  9. 3f dziedāt
  10. gulēt
  11. 2f ķert
  12. darīt
  13. 2f piedot
  14. 2f zagt
  15. just
  16. 2f aizmirst
  17. 3f zvanīt
  18. 3f domāt
  19. 2f braukt
  20. 2f uzvarēt
  21. sapņot
  22. 3f rādīt
  23. 2f pamosties
  24. 2f sākt
  25. 2f augt
  26. 2f lidot
  27. 2f skriet
  28. 2f plēst
  29. 2f dzirdēt
  30. likt

56 Clues: būtnāktjustliktsistkristteiktgulētlasītdarītturētredzētpamestsapņot2f iet2f ēst2f mest2f ķert2f zagt2f raktsaprastsāpināt2f sākt2f augt2f melot2f vadīt2f turēt2f sēdēt2f sūtītcīnīties3f domāt2f mācīt2f zīmēt3f rādīt2f zināt2f lidot2f plēstmācīties2f maksā2f aizdot2f zaudēt2f peldēt2f satikt2f piedot2f spīdēt3f zvanīt2f braukt2f skriet2f braukt...

Irregular Verbs 2014-03-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. The bird (simple past to fly) into a tree.
  2. I have (past participle to send) an e-mail to my pen pal in Australia.
  3. Where have you (past participle to be) all afternoon?
  4. He (simple past to begin) crying when he heard the news.
  5. The cat has (past participle to catch) a mouse in the garage.
  6. My brother (simple past to find)an I-phone at the bus station.
  7. She had (past particple to take) the book from the table.
  8. Robin (simple past to do) his homework on the computer.
  9. Do you think they (simple past to tell) the truth?
  10. Have you (past particple to write) that letter yet?
  11. The boys (simple past to sleep) in a tent during their holiday.
  12. They have (past particple to drive) to Paris and back again.
  13. Someone has (past particple to steal) my laptop and my bicycle.
  14. He (simple past to show) me around in his new house.
  15. Peter (simple past to win) the lottery last year.
  16. I (simple past to hurt) my foot yesterday.
  1. I have never (past participle to see) anything like this.
  2. I (simple past to spend) ten euros on the bus ticket.
  3. We (simple past to beat) the other school in a football match.
  4. Who has (past participle to break) the window?
  5. I thought you (simple past to understand)my question.
  6. They (simple past to loose) all their money at the airport.
  7. The company has (past participle to give) me compensation for the damage of my new computer.
  8. My parents have never (past participle to fly)in an airplane before.
  9. We (simple past to eat) fruit after dinner.
  10. She has (past participle to teach) him a lesson.
  11. How could I have (past particple to know) that he was coming to Rotterdam?
  12. Grandmother (simple past to drink) lemonade in the garden.
  13. simple past to go.

29 Clues: simple past to go.The bird (simple past to fly) into a tree.I (simple past to hurt) my foot yesterday.We (simple past to eat) fruit after dinner.Who has (past participle to break) the window?She has (past participle to teach) him a lesson.Peter (simple past to win) the lottery last year.Do you think they (simple past to tell) the truth?...

Irregular Verbs 2014-03-17

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. ... / knew / known
  2. be / was / ...
  3. understand / understood / ...
  4. put / ... / put
  5. ... / saw / seen
  6. teach / ... / taught
  7. buy / bought / ...
  8. ... / sat / sat
  9. read / ... / read
  10. ... / thought / thought
  11. ... / fed / fed
  12. fly / ... / flown
  13. say / said / ...
  14. hit / ... / hit
  1. ... / came / come
  2. eat / ... / eaten
  3. make / ... / made
  4. bring / ... / brought
  5. fight / fought /...
  6. shake /... /shaken
  7. ... / got / got
  8. throw / ... / thrown
  9. cut/ ... / cut
  10. give / ... /given
  11. have / had / ...
  12. lie / lay / ...
  13. shoot / shot / ...

27 Clues: be / was / ...cut/ ... / cutput / ... / put... / got / got... / sat / sat... / fed / fedlie / lay / ...hit / ... / hit... / saw / seenhave / had / ...say / said / ...... / came / comeeat / ... / eatenmake / ... / madegive / ... /givenread / ... / readfly / ... / flown... / knew / knownshake /... /shakenbuy / bought / ...shoot / shot / ......

Irregular Verbs 2014-09-29

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. You can do this with a ball OR with a cold
  2. You do this on a chair
  3. You can do this with pencils to make a picture
  4. Gangsters do this with guns
  5. To start something
  6. This is what happens when you go to bed
  7. You can do this on a horse or on a bike
  8. What happens when you sleep
  9. What you do when you are thirsty
  10. You use your ears for this
  11. One team ???? the other one
  1. You use scissors for this
  2. The sun does this
  3. Something you do when you go shopping
  4. A man might do this with flowers for a lady
  5. When you are in the swimming pool
  6. To make houses
  7. This happens when you cut yourself
  8. To make music with your voice
  9. When you land on the floor
  10. Something boxers do
  11. You do this to catch the bus if you are a little bit late
  12. You do this when you want to inflate a balloon

23 Clues: To make housesThe sun does thisTo start somethingSomething boxers doYou do this on a chairYou use scissors for thisWhen you land on the floorYou use your ears for thisGangsters do this with gunsWhat happens when you sleepOne team ???? the other oneTo make music with your voiceWhat you do when you are thirstyWhen you are in the swimming pool...

Irregular Verbs 2014-10-01

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Yesterday I _ _ _ the lottery, so I’m buying a car today.
  2. I _ _ _ _ _ a book last year and it will be published next month.
  3. I was so thirsty that I _ _ _ _ _ a bottle of watter in 1 minute.
  4. The waitress _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me a cup of coffee a while ago.
  5. The teacher _ _ _ _ to come early.
  6. A verb that is the same in present, past, and participle and is related to bananas.
  7. Past tense of a verb that means to have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something
  8. The teacher _ _ _ _ _ _ us the past tense two weeks ago.
  9. I put my water in the fridge and it _ _ _ _ _
  10. A hammock was _ _ _ _ _ between two trees.
  11. A verb that in present and participle is the same and means to arrive at a specific place.
  12. I _ _ _ _ many emails this morning.
  13. Be careful! Yesterday I _ _ _ on that chair and I fell.
  14. she _ _ _ _ someone touched her shoulder.
  15. The woman _ _ _ the thief with her umbrella.
  1. Past of a verb that means to have knowledge or information.
  2. Past tense of a verb that means to adhere to a substance or surface.
  3. I threw the ball into the air and my dog _ _ _ _ _ _ it.
  4. Participle of a verb that means to fail to remember.
  5. Past tense of the verb hold.
  6. When you are unable to find something is because you _ _ _ _ it.
  7. A bee _ _ _ _ _ me and it hurts a lot.
  8. She was seriously injured but still she _ _ _ _ _ onto life.
  9. I lost my keys but my mom _ _ _ _ _ them.
  10. Past tense of a verb that means to make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
  11. A verb that is the same in present, past and participle and means to allow.
  12. Past tense of a verb that means to clean the floor with a broom.
  13. When I _ _ _ my girlfriend she was 13 years old.
  14. Past tense of a verb that means to eject saliva forcibly from one’s mouth.
  15. Past tense of a verb that means to put down.

30 Clues: Past tense of the verb hold.The teacher _ _ _ _ to come early.I _ _ _ _ many emails this morning.A bee _ _ _ _ _ me and it hurts a lot.I lost my keys but my mom _ _ _ _ _ them.she _ _ _ _ someone touched her shoulder.A hammock was _ _ _ _ _ between two trees.Past tense of a verb that means to put down.The woman _ _ _ the thief with her umbrella....

Irregular verbs 2014-11-18

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. hang
  2. lead
  3. put
  4. rise
  5. read
  6. overcame
  7. grown
  8. hurt
  9. hear
  10. had
  11. lain
  12. lose
  13. hidden
  14. meant
  15. met
  1. quit
  2. give
  3. let
  4. pay
  5. ride
  6. forgot
  7. knew
  8. forbade
  9. got
  10. made
  11. hold
  12. hit
  13. gone

28 Clues: letputpaygothadhitmetquithanggiveleadrideriseknewreadhurtmadehearholdlainlosegonegrownmeantforgothiddenforbadeovercame

Irregular verbs 2014-05-14

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Simple Past of BREAK
  2. Simple Past of CUT
  3. Simple Past of CHOOSE
  4. Past Participle of FIGHT
  5. Simple Past of DRINK
  6. Past Participle of HURT
  7. Past Participle of KEEP
  8. Past Participle of DEAL
  9. Simple Past of BEGIN
  10. Past Participle of DO
  11. Past Participle of BE
  12. Simple Past of HIDE
  13. Past Participle of GO
  1. Past Participle of FLY
  2. Simple Past of HAVE
  3. Past Participle of FEEL
  4. Simple Past of BURST
  5. Simple Past of COME
  6. Simple Past of BUY
  7. Simple Past of FREEZE
  8. Simple Past of FEED
  9. Past Participle of HEAR
  10. Simple Past of KNOW
  11. Simple Past of DRIVE
  12. Past Participle of LAY
  13. Simple Past of EAT
  14. Past Participle of FALL
  15. Simple Past of GROW

28 Clues: Simple Past of CUTSimple Past of BUYSimple Past of EATSimple Past of HAVESimple Past of COMESimple Past of FEEDSimple Past of KNOWSimple Past of HIDESimple Past of GROWSimple Past of BREAKSimple Past of BURSTSimple Past of DRINKSimple Past of DRIVESimple Past of BEGINSimple Past of CHOOSESimple Past of FREEZEPast Participle of DO...

irregular verbs 2014-10-30

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. verleden tijd van eten
  2. hele werkwoord van lezen
  3. hele werkwoord zien
  4. verleden tijd van lesgeven
  5. verleden tijd van betalen
  6. hele werkwoord van worden
  7. voltooid deelwoord van zwemmen
  8. voltooid deelwoord van bouwen
  9. voltooid deelwoord van geven
  10. voltooid deelwoord van vergeten
  11. verleden tijd van voelen
  1. voltooid deelwoord van komen
  2. hele werkwoord van nemen
  3. hele werkwoord van kosten
  4. voltooid deelwoord van ontmoeten
  5. hele werkwoord van rijden
  6. verleden tijd van begrijpen
  7. verleden tijd van kopen
  8. verleden tijd van denken
  9. voltooid deelwoord van schrijven
  10. verleden tijd van vertrekken
  11. voltooid deelwoord van zijn

22 Clues: hele werkwoord zienverleden tijd van etenverleden tijd van kopenhele werkwoord van nemenhele werkwoord van lezenverleden tijd van denkenverleden tijd van voelenhele werkwoord van kostenhele werkwoord van rijdenverleden tijd van betalenhele werkwoord van wordenverleden tijd van lesgevenverleden tijd van begrijpenvoltooid deelwoord van zijn...

Irregular verbs 2015-01-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Bäckerei
  2. Licht
  3. Meisterschaft
  4. künstlich
  5. Krankenwagen
  6. (körperl.)behindert
  7. scharf,würzig
  8. überall
  9. gegen
  10. (Erd)Boden
  11. erst
  12. Reis
  13. Knopf
  1. Hoffnung
  2. Schönheit
  3. Klingelton
  4. Erwachsener
  5. Frisör
  6. freundlich
  7. seltsam,sonderbar
  8. kämpfen
  9. Medaille
  10. organisieren
  11. neidisch,eifersüchtig
  12. funktionieren
  13. Tasse

26 Clues: erstReisLichtgegenTasseKnopfFrisörkämpfenüberallHoffnungBäckereiMedailleSchönheitkünstlichKlingeltonfreundlich(Erd)BodenErwachsenerKrankenwagenorganisierenMeisterschaftscharf,würzigfunktionierenseltsam,sonderbar(körperl.)behindertneidisch,eifersüchtig

irregular verbs 2015-05-26

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. feel
  2. feed
  3. choose
  4. bring
  5. eaten
  6. come
  7. fight
  8. know
  9. have
  10. meet
  1. leave
  2. drink
  3. forget
  4. cut
  5. break
  6. build
  7. buy
  8. go
  9. blow
  10. be
  11. hear
  12. hit

22 Clues: gobecutbuyhitfeelfeedblowcomehearknowhavemeetleavedrinkbreakbuildbringeatenfightforgetchoose