kindness Crossword Puzzles

Tom’s spelling word for this week 2020-08-25

Tom’s spelling word for this week crossword puzzle
  1. good will
  2. reflective
  3. trade
  4. Wear that
  5. over there
  6. they’re over there
  7. the climate
  1. pardon
  2. to make something
  3. to travel some where
  4. their things
  5. time that will come
  6. to write your name in a document
  7. Where is that
  8. we are

15 Clues: tradepardonwe aregood willWear thatreflectiveover therethe climatetheir thingsWhere is thatto make somethingthey’re over theretime that will cometo travel some whereto write your name in a document

Vocabulary Test 2012-10-18

Vocabulary Test crossword puzzle
  1. first in importance
  2. expressing disdain
  3. not clearly stated
  4. banned for fascinating
  5. affected by anger over a wrong
  6. plunder
  7. well skilled
  1. seriousness
  2. to involve or entangle
  3. to show a kindness or favor to
  4. imperious, domineering
  5. overwhelming quantinty or explosion
  6. richly abundant
  7. servile follower "Yess Master"
  8. wretched, disapproving behavior
  9. to deprive
  10. unfriendly

17 Clues: plunderto depriveunfriendlyseriousnesswell skilledrichly abundantexpressing disdainnot clearly statedfirst in importanceto involve or entangleimperious, domineeringbanned for fascinatingto show a kindness or favor toservile follower "Yess Master"affected by anger over a wrongwretched, disapproving behavioroverwhelming quantinty or explosion

Buddhist Crossword 2020-04-16

Buddhist Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. morality
  2. the awaken one
  3. loving kindness
  4. the blessed one
  5. compassion
  1. generosity
  2. the name of the Buddha
  3. metal cultivation
  4. equanimity
  5. excellent
  6. sympathetic joy

11 Clues: moralityexcellentgenerosityequanimitycompassionthe awaken oneloving kindnessthe blessed onesympathetic joymetal cultivationthe name of the Buddha

kindness puzzle 2021-12-25

kindness puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. kind
  2. giving
  3. friendly
  4. grow
  1. warmth
  2. kindness
  3. affection
  4. lucky

8 Clues: kindgrowluckywarmthgivingkindnessfriendlyaffection

Show kindness 2023-08-17

Show kindness crossword puzzle
  1. help
  2. Forgiving
  3. honest
  1. Helpful
  2. Positive
  3. punctual
  4. Forgive

7 Clues: helphonestHelpfulForgivePositivepunctualForgiving

Surahs Studied 2013-01-07

Surahs Studied crossword puzzle
  7. TIME
  8. daybreak


2.1 Vocabluary 2021-09-10

2.1 Vocabluary crossword puzzle
  1. põhjalik - Give the house a thorough cleaning.
  2. sõbralikkus - He treated me with friendliness.
  3. viisakus - Dean took a seat and joined her, part politeness , part to guard the remaining slice.
  4. tundlikkus - This is a matter of great political sensitivity.
  5. ambitsioonikas - Everyone has an ambition in life.
  6. taktiline - A tactful native minister, Sir Donald McLean, did the rest.
  7. julge - Everybody praised me for my daring act.
  8. headus - I've shown you what kindness I possess.
  1. ausalt - The bank has always dealt honestly with me.
  2. tujukas - She's a moody woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next.
  3. vastutundlikkus - Lori didn't want the responsibility of a baby.
  4. hellitav
  5. alandlik - Suarez lived a very humble and simple life.
  6. kannatlikus - Finally, his patience wore thin.
  7. vaimukas - But he is one of the most vivid and witty of our medieval historians.

15 Clues: hellitavpõhjalik - Give the house a thorough cleaning.sõbralikkus - He treated me with friendliness.kannatlikus - Finally, his patience wore thin.julge - Everybody praised me for my daring act.headus - I've shown you what kindness I possess.ambitsioonikas - Everyone has an ambition in life.ausalt - The bank has always dealt honestly with me....

Community 2023-10-16

Community crossword puzzle
  1. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
  2. open-minded, insightful, imaginative
  3. taking charge of a situation while considering others shows many _______ qualities
  4. doing the morally right thing, even when nobody is watching
  5. the ability to sense others emotions
  6. trust is a key when using this quality
  7. when you are wholly committed to something, you have lots of _______
  8. not lying, deceiving, cheating, etc.
  1. the quality of doing the things you’re supposed to be doing and accepting the results of your actions
  2. when you work together with another person or group of people
  3. someone showing kindness towards someone in need has lots of _______
  4. you talk to each other using ______
  5. awareness the ability to focus on yourself
  6. if a person is determined to do what they’re doing they have lots of _____
  7. what is this crossword about?

15 Clues: what is this crossword about?you talk to each other using ______open-minded, insightful, imaginativethe ability to sense others emotionsnot lying, deceiving, cheating, is a key when using this qualityawareness the ability to focus on yourselfthe quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate...

Unit 9 2024-07-11

Unit 9 crossword puzzle
  1. Go on a ______
  2. Balanced _______
  3. уменьшать, сокращать
  4. _____ myself
  5. на открытом воздухе
  6. Call an _______
  7. act of ________
  8. Get a great _____
  9. Make a ______ (устроить беспорядок)
  1. Visit a ____ (посетить дворец)
  2. ________ on the beach
  3. An _______ ride
  4. go up the ______
  5. fall ______
  6. Forget to _____ (забыть взять с собой)
  7. _______ time (время, проведенное с пользой)
  8. _____ the game

17 Clues: _____ myself_____ the gamefall ______Balanced _______на открытом воздухеCall an _______Go on a ______уменьшать, сокращатьact of ________________ on the beachAn _______ rideGet a great _____go up the ______Visit a ____ (посетить дворец)Make a ______ (устроить беспорядок)...

The Kindness Puzzle! 2021-12-23

The Kindness Puzzle! crossword puzzle
  1. plants & animals love this
  2. a mountain and a great team
  3. ability to cheer up
  4. treat yourself/others with
  5. always necessary!
  1. helps fight winter/sadness
  2. makes you considerate
  3. another word for love
  4. outdoors' social support
  5. to plants/people/animals

10 Clues: always necessary!ability to cheer upmakes you considerateanother word for loveoutdoors' social supportto plants/people/animalshelps fight winter/sadnessplants & animals love thistreat yourself/others witha mountain and a great team

Kindness challenge crossword 2021-12-27

Kindness challenge crossword crossword puzzle
  1. King of jungle
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. Large marsupial
  4. highest peak of our world
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Man's best friend
  3. gentleman's game
  4. king of fruits
  5. Flying mammal
  6. group of people working together

10 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalKing of jungleking of fruitsLarge marsupialgentleman's gameMan's best friendLikes to chase micehighest peak of our worldgroup of people working together

KINDNESS FOR ALL :) 2021-12-26

KINDNESS FOR ALL :) crossword puzzle
  1. the quality of being morally good or virtuous.
  2. sense of affection for something or somebody
  3. Due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others
  4. accept that (something) is true, especially without proof
  5. enthusiasm , affection and kindness
  1. the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish
  2. state of being happy/joyful
  3. permitting or acceptance of an action / idea.
  4. the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude
  5. a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen

10 Clues: state of being happy/joyfulenthusiasm , affection and kindnesssense of affection for something or somebodypermitting or acceptance of an action / idea.the quality of being morally good or virtuous.Due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of othersthe quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish...

Khushi's kindness puzzle 2021-10-27

Khushi's kindness puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. other word for safekeeping
  2. form of love by parents
  3. Ngo named after a mountain
  4. brotherly fellowship
  1. the state of being in agreement or concord.
  2. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  3. an intense feeling of deep affection.
  4. relating to the assistance of those in need.
  5. A friend in ____ is a friend indeed
  6. the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.

10 Clues: brotherly fellowshipform of love by parentsother word for safekeepingNgo named after a mountainA friend in ____ is a friend indeedan intense feeling of deep affection.the state of being in agreement or concord.relating to the assistance of those in need.the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope....

Kindness Is Everything 2023-02-17

Kindness Is Everything crossword puzzle
  1. a road in a city or town that has houses or other buildings on one or both sides (거리, 도로)
  2. a machine used for carrying people and things to different levels in a building (엘리베이터)
  3. to offer to do something without being forced to or without getting paid to do it (자원 봉사자)
  4. a usually small cloth bag that is sewn into a piece of clothing (주머니)
  1. to suddenly force air out through your nose and mouth with a usually loud noise because your body is reacting to dust, a sickness (재채기하다)
  2. to use your hands to stop and hold (잡다)
  3. to continue to be in the same place or with the same person or group for a period of time (머무르다)
  4. thin usually rubber bag that becomes larger when it is filled with air or gas (풍선)
  5. having or showing a kind and quiet nature, not harsh or violent (온화한, 순한)
  6. move with your legs at a speed that is faster than walking (뛰다)

10 Clues: to use your hands to stop and hold (잡다)move with your legs at a speed that is faster than walking (뛰다)a usually small cloth bag that is sewn into a piece of clothing (주머니)having or showing a kind and quiet nature, not harsh or violent (온화한, 순한)thin usually rubber bag that becomes larger when it is filled with air or gas (풍선)...

Kindness Crossword Puzzle 2024-07-08

Kindness Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. God extends this to us
  2. a person who lives near or next to another
  3. a fruit of the Spirit
  4. open communication with God
  5. something you ask God for
  1. someone who is against you
  2. When you listen to God and his directions
  3. Our lesson title for today
  4. showing empathy
  5. to save, rescue or support

10 Clues: showing empathya fruit of the SpiritGod extends this to ussomething you ask God forsomeone who is against youOur lesson title for todayto save, rescue or supportopen communication with GodWhen you listen to God and his directionsa person who lives near or next to another

1046b 2013-03-14

1046b crossword puzzle
  1. certainly
  2. given to God
  3. every day
  4. all alone
  5. acting like a friend
  6. one who wants to do harm
  7. covered by scales
  8. undeserved kindness
  9. thing just like another thing
  1. full of juice
  2. farm with many milk cows
  3. with snow
  4. with love
  5. glad or joyful
  6. feeling or showing anger
  7. probably
  8. fat
  9. story of past times
  10. near the beginning

19 Clues: fatprobablycertainlywith snowwith loveevery dayall alonegiven to Godfull of juiceglad or joyfulcovered by scalesnear the beginningstory of past timesundeserved kindnessacting like a friendfarm with many milk cowsfeeling or showing angerone who wants to do harmthing just like another thing

Prefixes & Suffixes 2014-03-10

Prefixes & Suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. wrongly,misfire
  2. between,interact
  3. condition of activity, humor
  4. before,prefix
  5. act process, occasion
  6. above,superstar
  7. state of condition of, kindness
  8. and ible can be, comfortable
  1. not opposite ,disagree
  2. action or process, enjoyment
  3. status,friendship
  4. comparative,higher
  5. outside of beyond, extraordinary
  6. not,nonsense
  7. without,fearless
  8. made of, wooden
  9. after of behind, postpone
  10. under, submarine
  11. characteristic of, quickly

19 Clues: not,nonsensebefore,prefixwrongly,misfiremade of, woodenabove,superstarbetween,interactwithout,fearlessunder, submarinestatus,friendshipcomparative,higheract process, occasionnot opposite ,disagreeafter of behind, postponecharacteristic of, quicklyaction or process, enjoymentcondition of activity, humorand ible can be, comfortable...


  4. SMIRK


Kesher Crossword 2022-09-19

Kesher Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Synagogue Cherry Hill
  2. new year of the trees
  3. guest speakers
  4. kindness
  5. Jewish population 6.8M
  6. round for Rosh Hashanah
  7. white robe
  8. Israel Airline
  9. seder plate
  1. Synagogue Voorhees
  2. Israel snack
  3. Heard 100x on Rosh Hashanah
  4. Silicon Valley of Israel
  5. gift auction
  6. Kesher day of week
  7. Kesher meaning

16 Clues: kindnesswhite robeseder plateIsrael snackgift auctionguest speakersKesher meaningIsrael AirlineSynagogue VoorheesKesher day of weekSynagogue Cherry Hillnew year of the treesJewish population 6.8Mround for Rosh HashanahSilicon Valley of IsraelHeard 100x on Rosh Hashanah

Vocabulario Unidad 1 2022-10-04

Vocabulario Unidad 1 crossword puzzle
  1. daycare
  2. kindness
  3. to chat online
  4. never ever
  5. to accomplish
  6. sand castle
  7. lively
  8. proud
  9. persistent
  10. to have a good time
  1. hide and seek
  2. to jump rope
  3. tag
  4. to take place
  5. to wear a costume
  6. toys
  7. open-minded
  8. the application
  9. to feel like doing
  10. demanding

20 Clues: tagtoysproudlivelydaycarekindnessdemandingnever everpersistentopen-mindedsand castleto jump ropehide and seekto take placeto accomplishto chat onlinethe applicationto wear a costumeto feel like doingto have a good time

quote book 1 sec 5 2020-12-08

quote book 1 sec 5 crossword puzzle
  1. is likely
  2. to perform an act
  3. a narrow walkway
  4. to exist or live
  5. goodwill, affection, tenderness
  6. intense feelings of affection
  7. belonging to
  8. characterized by accompaniment
  9. belonging to you
  10. everyone
  11. traverse, pass by you
  12. through
  1. exclusively
  2. intimate association
  3. displaying
  4. ignite, as a fire
  5. with a purpose
  6. a person
  7. negation
  8. spoken communication
  9. internal essential organ
  10. belonging to you
  11. allow to pass
  12. satisfied

24 Clues: througha personnegationeveryoneis likelysatisfieddisplayingexclusivelybelonging toallow to passwith a purposea narrow walkwayto exist or livebelonging to youbelonging to youto perform an actignite, as a fireintimate associationspoken communicationtraverse, pass by youinternal essential organintense feelings of affection...

Iton Isaiah Crossword 2022-11-28

Iton Isaiah Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. good morning
  2. love
  3. kindness
  4. peace
  1. hero
  2. dog
  3. soul
  4. sky
  5. faith

9 Clues: dogskyherosoullovefaithpeacekindnessgood morning

PE Crossword 2020-06-25

PE Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Showing someone or something passion and generosity
  2. When someone only cares about themselves.
  3. When someone can feel what you are feeling
  4. When you know someone can keep a secret
  5. What is called when someone goes against you for being different?
  1. When someone shows kindness to someone else
  2. People or friends who help you with your learning ect.
  3. When when is respectful and keeps secrets
  4. When people ______ each other.

9 Clues: When people ______ each other.When you know someone can keep a secretWhen someone only cares about themselves.When when is respectful and keeps secretsWhen someone can feel what you are feelingWhen someone shows kindness to someone elseShowing someone or something passion and generosityPeople or friends who help you with your learning ect....

Character Strengths Crossword 2022-09-29

Character Strengths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - wisdom
  2. - a good feeling
  3. - vitality,enthusiasm
  4. - loyalty
  5. - interest,novelty-seeking,openness to experience
  6. - care
  1. - persistence,industriousness
  2. - critical thinking
  3. - originality,ingenuity
  4. - valor
  5. - authenticity,integrity

11 Clues: - care- valor- wisdom- loyalty- a good feeling- critical thinking- vitality,enthusiasm- originality,ingenuity- authenticity,integrity- persistence,industriousness- interest,novelty-seeking,openness to experience


  5. LOVE Give an unexpected compliment.
  3. giving something to others when you have it or can afford it.


School Rules and Behavio 2023-06-30

School Rules and Behavio crossword puzzle
  1. Showing compassion, being friendly, and caring towards others.
  2. Acting honestly, having strong moral principles, and being trustworthy.
  3. Working together, being helpful, and collaborating with others.
  4. Being on time and completing tasks or assignments promptly.
  1. Taking ownership of one's actions and tasks, and being reliable.
  2. Using good manners, speaking respectfully, and being considerate.
  3. Following rules, staying focused, and showing self-control.
  4. Treating others with kindness, consideration, and appreciation.
  5. Telling the truth, being sincere, and acting with integrity.
  6. Offering and dividing resources, ideas, or experiences with others.

10 Clues: Following rules, staying focused, and showing self-control.Being on time and completing tasks or assignments promptly.Telling the truth, being sincere, and acting with integrity.Showing compassion, being friendly, and caring towards others.Treating others with kindness, consideration, and appreciation....

Daniel & Ally 2023-05-15

Daniel & Ally crossword puzzle
  1. humble
  2. verse
  3. heart
  4. calm
  5. soft
  1. mercy
  2. happy
  3. mercy
  4. nice
  5. quiet

10 Clues: nicecalmsoftmercyhappymercyversequiethearthumble

Annabelle 2021-04-09

Annabelle crossword puzzle
  1. given or existing in large amounts
  2. more than expected
  3. french sometimes say this to you on a boat
  4. a blessing
  5. beauty
  6. an institution
  7. good things given
  8. calm and quite
  9. lots of color
  1. generous
  2. showing thanks
  3. having kindness
  4. helpful
  5. helping to do
  6. helping others

15 Clues: beautyhelpfulgenerousa blessinghelping to dolots of colorshowing thanksan institutioncalm and quitehelping othershaving kindnessgood things givenmore than expectedgiven or existing in large amountsfrench sometimes say this to you on a boat

Vocabulary 2023-09-27

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. number after 89
  2. to have extra
  3. relating ti home
  4. tiny substance
  5. plot of rented land
  6. bunch of grass
  7. having knowledge
  8. being mean or inhumane
  1. caring
  2. driver of a vehicle
  3. to listen
  4. quantity of something
  5. something false
  6. an agreement
  7. collective noun for chicken

15 Clues: caringto listenan agreementto have extratiny substancebunch of grassnumber after 89something falserelating ti homehaving knowledgedriver of a vehicleplot of rented landquantity of somethingbeing mean or inhumanecollective noun for chicken

100 points jeronimo 17 crossword 2023-11-27

100 points jeronimo 17 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to be happy
  2. to be angry
  3. to be scary
  4. to say quickly
  5. to be exact
  6. to forgive
  1. to say sincerly
  2. to be stern
  3. to be weak
  4. to be social
  5. to be dark
  6. to do suspicously
  7. to be kind
  8. to do happy
  9. to be sad

15 Clues: to be sadto be weakto be darkto be kindto forgiveto be sternto be happyto be angryto be scaryto do happyto be exactto be socialto say quicklyto say sincerlyto do suspicously

The Great Feast 2013-08-30

The Great Feast crossword puzzle
  1. meek
  2. reciprocal
  3. an uninhabited place
  4. wealthy
  5. make high
  6. a feast
  7. lavish giving
  8. kindness towards guests
  9. embarrassment
  10. the day that the Sabbath begins
  11. abandon
  12. a wedding
  1. a strict follower of Jewish law
  2. unable to see
  3. unable to walk
  4. self-important
  5. unassuming
  6. respected
  7. a reply to an invitation
  8. pious
  9. self-interested
  10. abundant
  11. somebody who owes money

23 Clues: meekpiouswealthya feastabandonabundantrespectedmake higha weddingreciprocalunassumingunable to seelavish givingembarrassmentunable to walkself-importantself-interestedan uninhabited placekindness towards guestssomebody who owes moneya reply to an invitationa strict follower of Jewish lawthe day that the Sabbath begins

latin root crossword 2023-11-13

latin root crossword crossword puzzle
  1. self centered
  2. wishing kindness
  3. break
  4. to show respect
  5. to alter waves on a straight path
  6. flowery
  7. being faithful loyal
  8. to divert something
  9. using ones ability to choose
  10. associated with an appreciation for beauty
  1. worthy of respect
  2. sleepwalk
  3. second version of oneself
  4. freely chosen
  5. outside of the law
  6. most powerful
  7. breakable
  8. as a result
  9. a curse
  10. life force energy

20 Clues: breakflowerya cursesleepwalkbreakableas a resultfreely chosenself centeredmost powerfulto show respectwishing kindnessworthy of respectlife force energyoutside of the lawto divert somethingbeing faithful loyalsecond version of oneselfusing ones ability to chooseto alter waves on a straight pathassociated with an appreciation for beauty

dasdasd 2024-12-05

dasdasd crossword puzzle
  1. 38
  2. 30
  3. 35
  4. 19
  5. 23
  6. 9
  7. 27
  8. 8
  9. 1
  10. 37
  11. 6
  12. 28
  13. 14
  14. 32
  15. 39
  16. 31
  17. 33
  18. 4
  19. 34
  1. 7
  2. 12
  3. 3
  4. 36
  5. 29
  6. 25
  7. 11
  8. 15
  9. 17
  10. 21
  11. 40
  12. 5
  13. 10
  14. 16
  15. 13
  16. 26
  17. 24
  18. 2
  19. 22
  20. 20
  21. 18

40 Clues: 73985162412362938302535111923151721402737102816132624143222203931183334

Sarah's 5.2 Crossword 2014-03-28

Sarah's 5.2 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a room
  2. clumsy
  3. necessary or important
  4. get in the way
  5. unselfishness or kindness
  6. figure out
  1. persuaded
  2. announced
  3. unhappiness
  4. a person who guards or protects
  5. energetic and lively
  6. excited

12 Clues: a roomclumsyexcitedpersuadedannouncedfigure outunhappinessget in the wayenergetic and livelynecessary or importantunselfishness or kindnessa person who guards or protects

Renaissance 2023-05-24

Renaissance crossword puzzle
  1. Mona Lisa
  2. Kindness towards humans
  3. Cosimo Medici
  4. Medici God's Banker
  5. Pool Game
  1. New way of building support
  2. Great Drink
  3. Dome
  4. Relating to Ancient Greece
  5. Americas
  6. Trade Route
  7. Jan Hus

12 Clues: DomeJan HusAmericasMona LisaPool GameGreat DrinkTrade RouteCosimo MediciMedici God's BankerKindness towards humansRelating to Ancient GreeceNew way of building support

The qualities that matter most 2023-05-25

The qualities that matter most crossword puzzle
  1. committed to someone
  2. having made a firm decision
  3. honest,loyal
  4. intelligence
  5. being reliable
  1. imagination
  2. ability to understand
  3. strength of character
  4. leading
  5. friendly, generous
  6. being honest
  7. caring for others

12 Clues: leadingimaginationhonest,loyalbeing honestintelligencebeing reliablecaring for othersfriendly, generouscommitted to someoneability to understandstrength of characterhaving made a firm decision

Suffix Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-25

Suffix Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. no color
  2. never ending
  3. full of beauty
  4. fairly large
  5. not dangerous
  6. reliable
  1. fully
  2. worth a lot of money
  3. in style
  4. not softly
  5. without a cord
  6. showing kindness

12 Clues: fullyno colorin stylereliablenot softlynever endingfairly largenot dangerousfull of beautywithout a cordshowing kindnessworth a lot of money

Christmas Crossword 2013-12-04

Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Red plant
  2. Game bird
  3. A Saint
  4. large bird
  5. Harmony
  6. cares for animals
  7. None in Wanganui right now
  8. Arrival
  1. wears a crown
  2. Birds Four
  3. Evergreen Plant that symbolizes love and kindness
  4. delight
  5. The patron Saint of risk taking
  6. flame
  7. a swimming Seven
  8. Son of …
  9. Fruit Tree
  10. Pipers piping
  11. Generosity
  12. A Jubilee
  13. Messengers
  14. Well known mother

22 Clues: flamedelightA SaintHarmonyArrivalSon of …Red plantGame birdA Jubileelarge birdFruit TreeGenerosityMessengerswears a crownPipers pipingcares for animalsWell known mothera swimming SevenNone in Wanganui right nowThe patron Saint of risk takingBirds FourEvergreen Plant that symbolizes love and kindness

Word Formation 2021-01-19

Word Formation crossword puzzle
  1. utopistinen
  2. laiton
  3. maanalainen
  4. epärehellinen
  5. yksikielinen
  6. ystävällisyys
  7. aliarvostettu
  8. avioliiton ulkopuolinen
  9. tottelemattomuus
  10. epäsäännöllinen
  11. energinen
  12. saapuminen
  13. kolmipyörä
  14. kunnianhimoinen
  15. tripod
  16. yliarvioida
  1. aliravittu
  2. alkoholisti
  3. harjoittelija
  4. lähetys
  5. yksityisyys
  6. lukutaidoton
  7. haitta
  8. käyttämätön
  9. syvyys
  10. jalankulkija
  11. ilmaantua uudelleen
  12. maalata uudelleen
  13. kuultavissa
  14. sivuittain
  15. kerjäläinen
  16. kaksikielinen
  17. vuosisata
  18. monikansallinen
  19. molempikätinen
  20. työkaveri
  21. kansalaisuus

37 Clues: laitonhaittasyvyystripodlähetysenerginenvuosisatatyökaverialiravittusivuittainsaapuminenkolmipyöräutopistinenalkoholistimaanalainenyksityisyyskäyttämätönkuultavissakerjäläinenyliarvioidayksikielinenlukutaidotonjalankulkijakansalaisuusharjoittelijaepärehellinenystävällisyysaliarvostettukaksikielinenmolempikätinenepäsäännöllinenmonikansallinen...

Unit 7- Year 6 2024-05-24

Unit 7- Year 6 crossword puzzle
  1. peale seda
  2. krediitkaardiga
  3. liikumisandur
  4. sisestama
  5. heategevusorganisatsioon
  6. veebilehekülge külastama
  7. lõpuks
  8. juhtmevabad kõlarid
  9. lahkus
  10. mälukaardipesa
  11. kõlarid
  12. ilmuma
  13. küberkiusamine
  14. sularahas
  1. kiiresti internetis leviv
  2. tehnoloogia
  3. kustutama
  4. sotsiaalmeedia
  5. tarkvara
  6. ostutšekk
  7. saama veateadet
  8. sisse ehitatud
  9. tagastatav raha
  10. kõigepealt
  11. installima
  12. puutetundlik ekraan
  13. üles laadima
  14. aku
  15. eemaldama
  16. tahvelarvuti
  17. ohver
  18. ümbris

32 Clues: akuohverlõpukslahkusilmumaümbriskõlaridtarkvarakustutamaostutšekksisestamaeemaldamasularahaspeale sedakõigepealtinstallimatehnoloogiaüles laadimatahvelarvutiliikumisandursotsiaalmeediasisse ehitatudmälukaardipesaküberkiusaminekrediitkaardigasaama veateadettagastatav rahajuhtmevabad kõlaridpuutetundlik ekraanheategevusorganisatsioon...

Spelling words 9-13-2021 2021-09-14

Spelling words 9-13-2021 crossword puzzle
  1. something that you just thought of
  2. got something back
  3. a quest
  4. angry
  5. increased fast
  6. something you announce
  7. very nice
  1. a disagreement
  2. does not care
  3. thinking of others
  4. groaned
  5. spikey mountain
  6. answer to a problem

13 Clues: angrygroaneda questvery nicedoes not carea disagreementincreased fastspikey mountainthinking of othersgot something backanswer to a problemsomething you announcesomething that you just thought of

About us 2024-07-11

About us crossword puzzle
  1. between us
  2. my lovea
  3. You are my
  4. You make me
  5. Our ___ together.
  6. Your fav word
  7. your fav word
  8. can we meet?
  9. Your ___ warms my heart.
  10. Our relationship is built on
  1. love
  2. we belong
  3. your love
  4. us

14 Clues: uslovemy loveawe belongyour lovebetween usYou are myYou make mecan we meet?Your fav wordyour fav wordOur ___ together.Your ___ warms my heart.Our relationship is built on

Zachariah 7, 8 Warren 2023-06-03

Zachariah 7, 8 Warren crossword puzzle
  1. temple destroyed
  2. helpers 7.2
  3. Zaki 4 1 7.3
  4. 24 months 7.3
  5. WR & ER 50th
  6. they go before 8.14
  7. arid land
  8. 2nd season
  9. no eating 7.3
  1. God's house 7.2
  2. morning water 8.9
  3. bottom layer 8.9
  4. no parents 7.10
  5. King in this book
  6. save 8.7
  7. mercy 7.9

16 Clues: save 8.7mercy 7.9arid land2nd seasonhelpers 7.2Zaki 4 1 7.3WR & ER 50th24 months 7.3no eating 7.3God's house 7.2no parents 7.10temple destroyedbottom layer 8.9morning water 8.9King in this bookthey go before 8.14

Mindfulness Mondays 2024-04-22

Mindfulness Mondays crossword puzzle
  1. - Present moment awareness
  2. - Personal development
  3. - Work-life equilibrium
  4. - Optimistic attitude
  5. - Constructive criticism
  6. - Feeling of thankfulness
  7. - Friendly behavior
  8. - Esteem for others
  1. - Working together
  2. - Help from coworkers
  3. of me - Value of self
  4. - Stress reduction
  5. - Pauses for rest
  6. - Understanding others' feelings
  7. - Recognition of value
  8. - Overall health and well-being

16 Clues: - Pauses for rest- Working together- Stress reduction- Friendly behavior- Esteem for others- Help from coworkersof me - Value of self- Optimistic attitude- Personal development- Recognition of value- Work-life equilibrium- Constructive criticism- Feeling of thankfulness- Present moment awareness- Overall health and well-being...

My Spelling Words 12/8/21 By: Cambria Mendoza 2021-12-08

My Spelling Words 12/8/21 By: Cambria Mendoza crossword puzzle
  1. take a dip
  2. kindness trait
  3. present
  4. duration of time
  5. the number after 4
  6. award when you win
  7. wealthy
  1. 9X1=
  2. liquid on surface
  3. donate or deliver
  4. roll over
  5. walking outdoors
  6. micky mouse club house
  7. plate,bowl,cup

14 Clues: 9X1=presentwealthyroll overtake a dipkindness traitplate,bowl,cupduration of timewalking outdoorsliquid on surfacedonate or deliverthe number after 4award when you winmicky mouse club house

Insight Inter. Unit 3A Vocabulary 2023-02-26

Insight Inter. Unit 3A Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Očekávat, čekat, předpokládat.
  2. Vlídnost, laskavost, dobrosrdečnost.
  3. Štěstí, spokojenost, pocit blaženosti.
  4. Scénář, možnost, možný vývoj.
  5. Nutnost, nezbytnost.
  6. Bohatství, majetek.
  1. Sobecký, egoistický.
  2. Dopředu, předem.
  3. Oživit, podpořit, povzbudit.
  4. Zvýšit, přibývat, vzrůst.
  5. Nátlak.
  6. Zaplavený, zatopený.
  7. Schopnost, způsobilost.
  8. Omezit, snížit, zmenšit.

14 Clues: Nátlak.Dopředu, předem.Bohatství, majetek.Sobecký, egoistický.Zaplavený, zatopený.Nutnost, nezbytnost.Schopnost, způsobilost.Omezit, snížit, zmenšit.Zvýšit, přibývat, vzrůst.Oživit, podpořit, povzbudit.Scénář, možnost, možný vývoj.Očekávat, čekat, předpokládat.Vlídnost, laskavost, dobrosrdečnost.Štěstí, spokojenost, pocit blaženosti.

The Tragedy of Romeo & Juliet Act I 2024-10-29

The Tragedy of Romeo & Juliet Act I crossword puzzle
  1. sin vs virtue
  2. reference; suggestion
  3. foe vs ally
  4. predict, telling without saying
  5. representing something
  1. worthiness; value
  2. tyranny vs kindness
  3. to permit; agree
  4. humorous use of the word
  5. distress; hurtful
  6. misfortune; calamity
  7. antigue; ancient
  8. distress; resentment
  9. increase; swell

14 Clues: foe vs allysin vs virtueincrease; swellto permit; agreeantigue; ancientworthiness; valuedistress; hurtfultyranny vs kindnessmisfortune; calamitydistress; resentmentreference; suggestionrepresenting somethinghumorous use of the wordpredict, telling without saying

St Mark Teen Vocabulary -Lessons 1-4 2014-09-18

St Mark Teen Vocabulary -Lessons 1-4 crossword puzzle
  1. to be acquainted with
  2. wealth or riches
  3. to purify
  4. to observe
  5. deliverance by price
  6. restricted to small space
  7. to reconstruct
  8. make well
  1. special respect
  2. to return
  3. kindness or sympathy
  4. formal agreement or promise
  5. attack and surround
  6. sin or wickedness
  7. to pardon

15 Clues: to returnto purifyto pardonmake wellto observeto reconstructspecial respectwealth or richessin or wickednessattack and surroundkindness or sympathydeliverance by priceto be acquainted withrestricted to small spaceformal agreement or promise

Homework 2021-08-23

Homework crossword puzzle
  1. a statue
  2. it means you love them
  3. you are moving
  4. exercise
  5. being paid
  6. unrealistic
  1. being good
  2. a holiday
  3. you are ill
  4. being kind
  5. you are boasting
  6. being neat
  7. a______ in time
  8. tells you all the information
  9. a star in mental suffering

15 Clues: a statueexercisea holidaybeing goodbeing kindbeing neatbeing paidyou are illunrealisticyou are movinga______ in timeyou are boastingit means you love thema star in mental sufferingtells you all the information

Vocabulary words #5 2022-10-10

Vocabulary words #5 crossword puzzle
  1. synonym for destitute
  2. antonym for soluble
  3. antonym for rancor
  4. antonym for arcane
  5. antonym for rancor
  6. synonym for rancor
  7. hatred
  8. very poor
  9. synonym for arcane
  1. can be dissolved
  2. known to a few people
  3. synonym for soluble
  4. not known
  5. synonym for obscure
  6. antonym for destitute
  7. antonym for obscure

16 Clues: hatrednot knownvery poorcan be dissolvedantonym for rancorantonym for arcaneantonym for rancorsynonym for rancorsynonym for arcanesynonym for solubleantonym for solublesynonym for obscureantonym for obscuresynonym for destituteknown to a few peopleantonym for destitute

Kappa to Nu Class 2020-02-29

Kappa to Nu Class crossword puzzle
  1. Full of kindness, generosity and artistic talent
  2. Resilient, loving and an understanding motherly figure
  3. Peaceful, gentle, supportive and a great dancer
  4. Intelligent with an amazing ability to balance multiple courses
  5. Out-going, great sense of humour and fair test grade
  1. Super fit sister who lifts the mood and is always smiling
  2. Very driven and sweet with interesting stories to tell
  3. Strong, courageous and dedicated with a healthy sleep schedule
  4. A natural leader whose kindness and dedication motivates us
  5. Committed, helpful individual with best attendance at work hours
  6. Playful foodie with wonderful advice and time management skills

11 Clues: Peaceful, gentle, supportive and a great dancerFull of kindness, generosity and artistic talentOut-going, great sense of humour and fair test gradeVery driven and sweet with interesting stories to tellResilient, loving and an understanding motherly figureSuper fit sister who lifts the mood and is always smiling...

Flesh and Spirit 2024-02-28

Flesh and Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. Balaam lured the Israelites into....
  2. shown by
  3. disagreements
  4. over-boogie
  5. non-exclusive devotion
  6. walking by "it", not by what our eyes see
  7. friend of envy
  8. niceness
  9. david lacked.... when watching bathsheba
  10. shown by
  1. struggle and...
  2. not bad
  3. excessive imbibing
  4. happiness
  5. dirtiness
  6. better than better
  7. contact with
  8. not amicable
  9. the greatest of all these

19 Clues: not badshown bynicenessshown byhappinessdirtinessover-boogiecontact withnot amicabledisagreementsfriend of envystruggle and...excessive imbibingbetter than betternon-exclusive devotionthe greatest of all theseBalaam lured the Israelites into....david lacked.... when watching bathshebawalking by "it", not by what our eyes see

Jo and simon 2021-11-08

Jo and simon crossword puzzle
  1. god is
  2. not many have this
  3. best quality
  4. every year
  5. not a lot found
  6. wife
  7. great happiness
  1. husband
  2. a great strength
  3. nice to be
  4. we long for it
  5. often needed
  6. some try it

13 Clues: wifegod ishusbandnice to beevery yearsome try itbest qualityoften neededwe long for itnot a lot foundgreat happinessa great strengthnot many have this

Issey a traits 2022-03-28

Issey a traits crossword puzzle
  1. loves hearing comments and feedback
  2. can get a laugh
  3. takes risk
  4. in double digits
  5. not tall
  6. plays strings
  7. loves sport
  8. plays games
  1. loves people
  2. in school
  3. loves helping people
  4. can trust
  5. hair is black

13 Clues: not tallin schoolcan trusttakes riskloves sportplays gamesloves peopleplays stringshair is blackcan get a laughin double digitsloves helping peopleloves hearing comments and feedback

/c/ Saying ‘s’ in city by Zak 2024-07-24

/c/ Saying ‘s’ in city by Zak crossword puzzle
  1. money
  2. make a choice
  3. shortest day of the year
  4. circle
  5. very sure
  6. person in a country
  1. no kindness
  2. not long ago
  3. Whitehorse city
  4. 100 years
  5. mussel
  6. horrible and disgusting smell
  7. fun and amusing show

13 Clues: moneymusselcircle100 yearsvery sureno kindnessnot long agomake a choiceWhitehorse cityperson in a countryfun and amusing showshortest day of the yearhorrible and disgusting smell

Prefixes & Suffixes 2014-03-10

Prefixes & Suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. before,prefix
  2. made of, wooden
  3. above,superstar
  4. not opposite ,disagree
  5. condition of activity, humor
  6. act process, occasion
  7. between,interact
  8. and ible can be, comfortable
  9. under, submarine
  10. wrongly,misfire
  11. after of behind, postpone
  1. status,friendship
  2. without,fearless
  3. comparative,higher
  4. outside of beyond, extraordinary
  5. not,nonsense
  6. state of condition of, kindness
  7. characteristic of, quickly
  8. action or process, enjoyment

19 Clues: not,nonsensebefore,prefixmade of, woodenabove,superstarwrongly,misfirewithout,fearlessbetween,interactunder, submarinestatus,friendshipcomparative,higheract process, occasionnot opposite ,disagreeafter of behind, postponecharacteristic of, quicklycondition of activity, humorand ible can be, comfortableaction or process, enjoyment...

Prefixes & Suffixes 2014-03-10

Prefixes & Suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. made of, wooden
  2. status,friendship
  3. under, submarine
  4. without,fearless
  5. action or process, enjoyment
  6. after of behind, postpone
  7. not opposite ,disagree
  8. outside of beyond, extraordinary
  9. comparative,higher
  10. characteristic of, quickly
  11. not,nonsense
  1. state of condition of, kindness
  2. before,prefix
  3. above,superstar
  4. between,interact
  5. wrongly,misfire
  6. act process, occasion
  7. and ible can be, comfortable
  8. condition of activity, humor

19 Clues: not,nonsensebefore,prefixmade of, woodenabove,superstarwrongly,misfireunder, submarinewithout,fearlessbetween,interactstatus,friendshipcomparative,higheract process, occasionnot opposite ,disagreeafter of behind, postponecharacteristic of, quicklyaction or process, enjoymentand ible can be, comfortablecondition of activity, humor...

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that." - Martin Luther King Jr. 2023-12-30

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that." - Martin Luther King Jr. crossword puzzle
  1. - State of being one
  2. - Brave behavior
  3. - State of being bright
  4. - Opposite of darkness
  5. - Understanding others' feelings
  6. - Clearness and lucidity
  7. - Absence of conflict
  8. - Moral excellence
  1. - Showing compassion
  2. - Affectionate emotion
  3. - Factual information
  4. - A feeling of optimism
  5. - Acceptance of differences
  6. - Sympathetic concern
  7. - Knowledge and insight

15 Clues: - Brave behavior- Moral excellence- Showing compassion- State of being one- Factual information- Sympathetic concern- Absence of conflict- Affectionate emotion- Opposite of darkness- State of being bright- A feeling of optimism- Knowledge and insight- Clearness and lucidity- Acceptance of differences- Understanding others' feelings

Crossword Puzzle 2024-05-28

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. found fault
  2. give
  3. pardon
  4. ask about something
  5. given
  6. had a fight
  7. the state of being poor
  1. understanding
  2. caring or niceness
  3. to make someone feel better
  4. a part of
  5. to welcome someone
  6. gift received for doing something good
  7. desire to have more
  8. barely or hardly

15 Clues: givegivenpardona part offound faulthad a fightunderstandingbarely or hardlycaring or nicenessto welcome someoneask about somethingdesire to have morethe state of being poorto make someone feel bettergift received for doing something good

Friendship 2023-07-24

Friendship crossword puzzle
  1. (Best Friends Forever) Your closest and dearest friend.
  2. A friend you play games and have fun with.
  3. Showing kindness and concern for your friends' well-being.
  4. Being nice and caring towards your friends.
  5. The sound of joy and amusement shared with friends.
  1. A person you like and enjoy spending time with.
  2. Helping and encouraging your friends when they need it.
  3. Believing in and relying on your friends.
  4. Something you only share with your trusted friends.
  5. Having a great time and enjoying each other's company.
  6. A warm embrace to show affection and comfort to your friends.

11 Clues: Believing in and relying on your friends.A friend you play games and have fun with.Being nice and caring towards your friends.A person you like and enjoy spending time with.Something you only share with your trusted friends.The sound of joy and amusement shared with friends.Having a great time and enjoying each other's company....

Kindness Crossword Challenge 2021-10-17

Kindness Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Feeling of admiring
  2. We do this for those in need
  3. Emotion we show when something good happens
  4. Second word in Mount Everest
  5. Opposite of rude
  1. Showing emotional support
  2. protect or conserve
  3. We do this when people take picture of us
  4. Displaying love and concern towards others
  5. A person to whom we can share everything

10 Clues: Opposite of rudeprotect or conserveFeeling of admiringShowing emotional supportWe do this for those in needSecond word in Mount EverestA person to whom we can share everythingWe do this when people take picture of usDisplaying love and concern towards othersEmotion we show when something good happens


  1. Better than average
  2. people living in one locality
  3. the tense of touch
  4. gentle heart
  5. the highest mountain peak in the world (29,028 feet high)
  1. Value
  2. a kind act
  3. a foundation created to promote the public good
  4. Intense emotion
  5. way of trusting

10 Clues: Valuea kind actgentle heartIntense emotionway of trustingthe tense of touchBetter than averagepeople living in one localitya foundation created to promote the public goodthe highest mountain peak in the world (29,028 feet high)

The Kindness Crossoword 2021-10-27

The Kindness Crossoword crossword puzzle
  1. a strong feeling of affection
  2. pleasure or contentment
  3. a feeling of deep admiration for someone
  4. freely offer to do something
  5. something divided among people
  1. an act of gentleness towards the other person
  2. someone who you can trust
  3. what your parents feel when you get good grades
  4. highest mountain in the world
  5. group of people working together

10 Clues: pleasure or contentmentsomeone who you can trustfreely offer to do somethinga strong feeling of affectionhighest mountain in the worldsomething divided among peoplegroup of people working togethera feeling of deep admiration for someonean act of gentleness towards the other personwhat your parents feel when you get good grades

Crossword of Kindness 2021-12-08

Crossword of Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Thinking in a good way
  2. A feeling of joy and calmness
  3. To become friends with someone
  4. Giving to people in need
  5. Being nice to someone
  6. Giving up your time for others
  1. Understanding someones mistake
  2. Reaching a goal you set
  3. A nice comment to someone
  4. Talking or acting in a respectful manner

10 Clues: Being nice to someoneThinking in a good wayReaching a goal you setGiving to people in needA nice comment to someoneA feeling of joy and calmnessUnderstanding someones mistakeTo become friends with someoneGiving up your time for othersTalking or acting in a respectful manner

Acts of Kindness 2024-10-30

Acts of Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. The place where an event or action occurs.
  2. A regular pattern or foundation for something.
  3. A person who offers to do something without being paid.
  4. The act of working hard to achieve something.
  5. A chance to do something.
  6. A person acting alone, separate from others.
  1. A set task or job given to someone.
  2. The way someone reacts to something.
  3. The conditions or context of an event.
  4. The focus or interest directed at someone or something.

10 Clues: A chance to do something.A set task or job given to someone.The way someone reacts to something.The conditions or context of an event.The place where an event or action occurs.A person acting alone, separate from others.The act of working hard to achieve something.A regular pattern or foundation for something....

A Popcorn Story 2017-04-20

A Popcorn Story crossword puzzle
  1. places where people were buried
  2. stood for
  3. decorated
  4. in an extreme way; severely
  5. events performed on special occasions
  6. piece of corn
  7. old
  1. story
  2. job
  3. more or less
  4. can be eaten
  5. stay
  6. balls of ice that fall from the sky
  7. spreading around
  8. kindness

15 Clues: joboldstaystorykindnessstood fordecoratedmore or lesscan be eatenpiece of cornspreading aroundin an extreme way; severelyplaces where people were buriedballs of ice that fall from the skyevents performed on special occasions

About Equity 2023-02-22

About Equity crossword puzzle
  1. 301
  2. We are ____________ the title company of tomorrow, today
  3. notary platform
  4. Production Application
  5. Keep your __________
  6. This is our "way"
  7. Honor other ___________
  1. Serve others _________
  2. Strive for ___________
  3. Preferred Courier
  4. ___________ Kindness and Gratitude
  5. signing
  6. __________ about why

13 Clues: 301signingnotary platformPreferred CourierThis is our "way"Keep your ____________________ about whyServe others _________Strive for ___________Production ApplicationHonor other ______________________ Kindness and GratitudeWe are ____________ the title company of tomorrow, today

Ecclesiology Ch 2 2016-01-14

Ecclesiology Ch 2 crossword puzzle
  1. kindness someone shows to another person in time of peril
  2. gift of the Holy Spirit helps serve the common good in building the Church
  3. forgiveness of sins
  4. Holy Spirit and apostles
  5. Trinity father son and Holy Spirit
  1. Spirit the third person of the holy trinity
  2. someone who dies for faith
  3. Of. The. Holy. Spirit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity
  4. another gift of the Holy Spirit
  5. the voice in your head telling you to do right and wrong
  6. Of. The. Holy. Spirit wisdom understanding knowledge counsel
  7. emotions that incline us to do good or evil

12 Clues: forgiveness of sinsHoly Spirit and apostlessomeone who dies for faithanother gift of the Holy SpiritTrinity father son and Holy SpiritSpirit the third person of the holy trinityemotions that incline us to do good or evilthe voice in your head telling you to do right and wrongkindness someone shows to another person in time of peril...

Safe and Caring Words By: Jaylene and Ceasar 2016-01-26

Safe and Caring Words By: Jaylene and Ceasar crossword puzzle
  1. work together
  2. never right
  3. friends together
  4. sometimes off
  1. all true
  2. loving others
  3. helping others
  4. understand others
  5. nice
  6. special

10 Clues: nicespecialall truenever rightloving otherswork togethersometimes offhelping othersfriends togetherunderstand others

Maxium 11 2024-02-23

Maxium 11 crossword puzzle
  1. amor
  2. grinding
  3. anger
  4. king
  5. spiritual
  6. mindset
  1. child of God
  2. forgiving
  3. positive

9 Clues: amorkingangermindsetgrindingpositiveforgivingspiritualchild of God

Suffixes 2014-12-02

Suffixes crossword puzzle
  1. in a cheerful way
  2. in a mean way
  3. very sincere
  4. not light
  5. very nice
  6. precisely
  7. not different
  8. you know what is going on around you
  9. very unhappy
  10. not slow
  1. not innocently
  2. very sweet way
  3. accepting ones apology by a person
  4. not braveness
  5. joyfulness
  6. not strong

16 Clues: not slownot lightvery nicepreciselyjoyfulnessnot strongvery sincerevery unhappyin a mean waynot bravenessnot differentnot innocentlyvery sweet wayin a cheerful wayaccepting ones apology by a personyou know what is going on around you

Oona's Crossword 2022-03-30

Oona's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. afraid of nothing
  2. not in pain
  3. has no spot
  4. a bad thing
  5. can not help
  6. eager
  7. done weak
  8. out of breath
  9. is very soft
  1. can not thank
  2. being kind
  3. is dark
  4. moving
  5. push
  6. care about nothing
  7. issued lots of times
  8. hope is gone
  9. thick
  10. mad
  11. wants to cry
  12. being good
  13. making a noise
  14. give up

23 Clues: madpushthickeagermovingis darkgive updone weakbeing kindbeing goodnot in painhas no spota bad thinghope is gonewants to crycan not helpis very softcan not thankout of breathmaking a noiseafraid of nothingcare about nothingissued lots of times

Module1 2017-12-12

Module1 crossword puzzle
  1. noteikts
  2. drosmīgs
  3. entuziasms
  4. burvīgs
  5. piedzīvojumu kārs
  6. dinamisks
  7. garlaicīgi
  8. laipnība
  9. draudzīgs
  10. noteikšana
  11. nežēlīgs
  12. agresīvs
  13. slinks
  14. noziedzība
  15. cienījams
  1. drosme
  2. laipns
  3. noderīgums
  4. dievs
  5. aizraujoši
  6. tempered slikts rūdīts
  7. iedvesmojošs
  8. radošais
  9. iztēles
  10. bērnīgs
  11. entuziasts
  12. augstprātīgs
  13. rūpes
  14. drosmīgs
  15. godīgi
  16. iedvesma
  17. slikts
  18. going viegli iet
  19. nenobriedis
  20. bezkaunīgs
  21. satraukts
  22. working smagi strādājošs

37 Clues: dievsrūpesdrosmelaipnsgodīgisliktsslinksiztēlesbērnīgsburvīgsnoteiktsdrosmīgsradošaisdrosmīgslaipnībaiedvesmanežēlīgsagresīvsdinamisksdraudzīgssatrauktscienījamsnoderīgumsaizraujošientuziastsentuziasmsgarlaicīginoteikšananoziedzībabezkaunīgsnenobriedisiedvesmojošsaugstprātīgsgoing viegli ietpiedzīvojumu kārstempered slikts rūdīts...

Mental Wellness Insights 2024-08-13

Mental Wellness Insights crossword puzzle
  1. Optimistic outlook
  2. Becoming more confident
  3. Becoming healthy again
  4. Calm and peaceful
  5. Coherent and clear
  6. Focused mind practice
  7. Positive expectation for the future
  8. Freedom from disturbance
  9. Established attitudes
  1. Concern for others' suffering
  2. Conscious awareness
  3. Stability and proportion
  4. Thankfulness
  5. Perception of a situation
  6. Facing fears
  7. Center of interest
  8. Friendly and considerate
  9. Tolerating delay
  10. Tranquil state
  11. Emotional or mental power

20 Clues: ThankfulnessFacing fearsTranquil stateTolerating delayCalm and peacefulOptimistic outlookCenter of interestCoherent and clearConscious awarenessFocused mind practiceEstablished attitudesBecoming healthy againBecoming more confidentStability and proportionFriendly and considerateFreedom from disturbancePerception of a situation...

Christmas Gifts and Giving 2023-09-08

Christmas Gifts and Giving crossword puzzle
  1. Decorative paper
  2. Bringing __ to others
  3. Passing on a gift
  4. Delivers gifts
  5. Gift __ with friends
  6. Unexpected gift
  7. Often for children
  8. Carefully chosen
  9. Season of __ and giving
  10. Pull Santa's sleigh
  11. Covers the gift
  1. Feeling __ for gifts
  2. Wrapped surprise
  3. Giving to a cause
  4. Act of __
  5. Person providing the gift
  6. Common stocking filler
  7. __ Santa
  8. Shopping option
  9. Hangs by the chimney

20 Clues: __ SantaAct of __Delivers giftsShopping optionUnexpected giftCovers the giftDecorative paperWrapped surpriseCarefully chosenGiving to a causePassing on a giftOften for childrenPull Santa's sleighFeeling __ for giftsGift __ with friendsHangs by the chimneyBringing __ to othersCommon stocking fillerSeason of __ and givingPerson providing the gift

/c/ Saying ‘s’ in city by Zak 2024-07-24

/c/ Saying ‘s’ in city by Zak crossword puzzle
  1. money
  2. make a choice
  3. shortest day of the year
  4. circle
  5. very sure
  6. person in a country
  1. no kindness
  2. not long ago
  3. Whitehorse city
  4. 100 years
  5. mussel
  6. horrible and disgusting smell
  7. fun and amusing show

13 Clues: moneymusselcircle100 yearsvery sureno kindnessnot long agomake a choiceWhitehorse cityperson in a countryfun and amusing showshortest day of the yearhorrible and disgusting smell

2 Peter 1:5-8 2021-06-29

2 Peter 1:5-8 crossword puzzle
  1. showing kindness to someone who is not kind to you
  2. not interrupting someone when you really want to say something
  3. praying before you go to bed
  4. sending someone an encouragement card
  1. memorizing Bible verses
  2. trusting in God
  3. spending time with family and friends
  4. learning about being godly from the different people in the Bible

8 Clues: trusting in Godmemorizing Bible versespraying before you go to bedspending time with family and friendssending someone an encouragement cardshowing kindness to someone who is not kind to younot interrupting someone when you really want to say somethinglearning about being godly from the different people in the Bible

Family 2021-05-14

Family crossword puzzle
  1. our other pet
  2. sister
  3. brother
  4. other brother
  5. our pet
  6. other sister
  1. _______is key
  2. ____is where the heart is
  3. motherly love
  4. fatherly love
  5. i____you

11 Clues: sisterbrotherour peti____youother sister_______is keymotherly loveour other petfatherly loveother brother____is where the heart is

Flash Points 2012-10-18

Flash Points crossword puzzle
  1. could it be 'Jones' himself?
  2. counsel
  3. conclave
  4. a word with no 'I'
  5. combusting
  6. fraught with peril
  7. mishap
  8. circuit perhaps?
  1. get away
  2. mans first discovery?
  3. result of friction?
  4. stimulant
  5. this has nothing to do with human kindness
  6. early repast

14 Clues: mishapcounselget awayconclavestimulantcombustingearly repastcircuit perhaps?a word with no 'I'fraught with perilresult of friction?mans first discovery?could it be 'Jones' himself?this has nothing to do with human kindness

Thanksgiving 2024-11-26

Thanksgiving crossword puzzle
  1. Animal that gobbles
  2. Maize vegetable
  3. Impressed with kindness received
  4. Deeply appreciative
  5. Loved ones
  6. Meal provided for several
  7. Animal that oinks
  8. American fall holiday
  9. Involuntary action
  1. Horn shape filled with food
  2. Festivity
  3. Mix of bread, herbs, & spices
  4. Customs
  5. Yummy pie

14 Clues: CustomsFestivityYummy pieLoved onesMaize vegetableAnimal that oinksInvoluntary actionAnimal that gobblesDeeply appreciativeAmerican fall holidayMeal provided for severalHorn shape filled with foodMix of bread, herbs, & spicesImpressed with kindness received

Wedding 2022-06-24

Wedding crossword puzzle
  1. bride
  2. needed
  3. starts with p
  4. groom
  5. starts with w
  6. amour
  1. starts with k
  2. opposite of wife
  3. calm
  4. ceremony

10 Clues: calmbridegroomamourneededceremonystarts with kstarts with pstarts with wopposite of wife

English 2024-08-09

English crossword puzzle
  1. take
  2. fast
  3. devolopper
  4. something that they like
  1. not haapy
  2. sumir
  3. happy
  4. a good person has...
  5. heat before
  6. exited

10 Clues: takefastsumirhappyexitednot haapydevolopperheat beforea good person has...something that they like

Lucy 2021-04-09

Lucy crossword puzzle
  1. existing in large amounts
  2. extra
  3. bye in french
  4. blessing
  5. full of beauty
  6. giving money
  7. free things
  8. calm
  9. bright color
  1. good things for others
  2. showing thanks
  3. displaying kindness
  4. have an good or favorable affect
  5. achieve something
  6. make it easier to do a job

15 Clues: calmextrablessingfree thingsgiving moneybright colorbye in frenchshowing thanksfull of beautyachieve somethingdisplaying kindnessgood things for othersexisting in large amountsmake it easier to do a jobhave an good or favorable affect

Mi tiempo libre 2022-02-08

Mi tiempo libre crossword puzzle
  1. shop money
  2. cartoon artiest
  3. music radio perform
  4. summer in the woods
  5. ballet
  6. food kitchen
  7. teach school
  1. to walk fast
  2. kindness 911 help
  3. perform, plays, movies
  4. Yo tengo hambre
  5. opposite of running
  6. zzzzzzzz bed

13 Clues: balletshop moneyto walk fastzzzzzzzz bedfood kitchenteach schoolcartoon artiestYo tengo hambrekindness 911 helpmusic radio performopposite of runningsummer in the woodsperform, plays, movies

Maxium 11 2024-02-23

Maxium 11 crossword puzzle
  1. amor
  2. grinding
  3. anger
  4. king
  5. spiritual
  6. mindset
  1. child of God
  2. forgiving
  3. positive

9 Clues: amorkingangermindsetgrindingpositiveforgivingspiritualchild of God

Greta's Spelling Crossword 2022-10-18

Greta's Spelling Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. My stepmum likes to go outside and water the plants in our _______
  2. died
  3. We all ________ the memory of the people that died
  4. I'm trying to keep my teeth clean so that at my next dentist __________ they won't have to make me taste that nauseating toothpaste they use
  5. Everyone was _________ when we found a big hairy dead spider
  6. Improving over time
  7. There was a lot of ________ when everyone was trying to get ready
  8. A number between 10 and 12.
  1. the start of something
  2. Sometimes it feels like adults are ________ on coffee to survive, because they drink it ALOT
  3. Something broken or ruined
  4. When I'm sick everyone shows me kindness
  5. The builders had a _______ amount of materials to use
  6. This morning when Angus, his friend and her little sister and I were walking to school we had an ________
  7. The smell coming from the kitchen was ________
  8. A sparkly decoration you use at Christmas
  9. The __________ made an important decision for the country
  10. I ______ed my hand through the air
  11. You need the right _________ to do dangerous things or you could hurt yourself

19 Clues: diedImproving over timethe start of somethingSomething broken or ruinedA number between 10 and 12.I ______ed my hand through the airWhen I'm sick everyone shows me kindnessA sparkly decoration you use at ChristmasThe smell coming from the kitchen was ________We all ________ the memory of the people that died...

Kingdom Awards (but not all of them) 2015-01-21

Kingdom Awards (but not all of them) crossword puzzle
  1. ___ heart, given for above-and-beyond service
  2. ____ Barons and Baronesses usually have rendered longtime service to the crown
  3. A member of the Order of the ___ has excelled in arts/sciences and receives a Grant of Arms
  4. A ____ is a member of the chivalry who has sworn fealty
  5. Dragon's ____, for youths' service to the kingdom
  6. A ____ has rendered extraordinary service
  7. One who has achieved extraordinary heights in arts/sciences
  1. Order of the Gaping ___, now defunct
  2. Order of the ____, for courtesy and kindness to all
  3. Order of the ___, for past queens
  4. ___ Barons and Baronesses hold land in fief
  5. Purple ___, given for service to group, office or kingdom
  6. A female who wears a gold embattled coronet
  7. A male who has been prince of a principality
  8. One who has been king at least twice
  9. Order of the White ___, for excellence in equestrian subjects
  10. Purple ____, for a group's service
  11. Order of the Doe's ___, for personal service to the queen and/or chivalry and kindness
  12. Master at ___, who wears a white baldric

19 Clues: Order of the ___, for past queensPurple ____, for a group's serviceOrder of the Gaping ___, now defunctOne who has been king at least twiceMaster at ___, who wears a white baldricA ____ has rendered extraordinary service___ Barons and Baronesses hold land in fiefA female who wears a gold embattled coronetA male who has been prince of a principality...

Kindness Challenge Crossword 2021-06-12

Kindness Challenge Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient
  2. The act of a person or thing that helps
  3. Earth's highest mountain
  4. A kind act
  5. The voluntary giving of help, to those in need
  1. Something that is given to a charity
  2. Synonym for unselfish
  3. Emotional state characterized by feelings of joy
  4. The quality of being humane
  5. Putting yourself in other's shoes

10 Clues: A kind actSynonym for unselfishEarth's highest mountainThe quality of being humanePutting yourself in other's shoesSomething that is given to a charityThe act of a person or thing that helpsThe voluntary giving of help, to those in needEmotional state characterized by feelings of joy...

Kindness Crossword Puzzle 2021-06-13

Kindness Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. concern about others
  2. warm feeling
  3. we should have feeling of
  4. type of feeling
  5. we should do
  1. World highest mountain
  2. related to kindness
  3. we should have good
  4. helping others
  5. another word for concern

10 Clues: warm feelingwe should dohelping otherstype of feelingrelated to kindnesswe should have goodconcern about othersWorld highest mountainanother word for concernwe should have feeling of

Kindness Everest NGO 2022-12-14

Kindness Everest NGO crossword puzzle
  1. trash to treasure
  2. the quality of being friendly
  3. to boost someone
  4. group of people
  5. concerned more with the needs of others
  1. selfless love for others
  2. give for a good cause
  3. highest mountain in the world
  4. the quality of being thankful
  5. feel concern or interest

10 Clues: group of peopleto boost someonetrash to treasuregive for a good causeselfless love for othersfeel concern or interestthe quality of being friendlyhighest mountain in the worldthe quality of being thankfulconcerned more with the needs of others

Kindness act - Reet 2021-10-27

Kindness act - Reet crossword puzzle
  1. assist
  2. creating peace
  3. a feeling of love
  4. act of being friendly
  5. amount to needed ones
  6. care and affection
  1. Earth highestmountain
  2. concern
  3. contributingfor good
  4. giving what we have

10 Clues: assistconcerncreating peacea feeling of lovecare and affectiongiving what we havecontributingfor goodEarth highestmountainact of being friendlyamount to needed ones

14-Kindness Crossword 2021-12-25

14-Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the quality, state, or sensation of being warm; moderate heat.
  2. the action or process of working together to the same end.
  3. concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own; unselfish
  4. behaviour that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability
  5. the quality of being kind and generous
  6. the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.
  1. a strong desire to do or achieve something
  2. a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
  3. any high point of ambition or achievement
  4. feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.

10 Clues: the quality of being kind and generousany high point of ambition or achievementa strong desire to do or achieve somethingthe action or process of working together to the same end.feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.the quality, state, or sensation of being warm; moderate heat....

Kindness Crossword Puzzle 2022-04-22

Kindness Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
  2. having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature
  3. A person that cares about someone and has an affection for
  4. Having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character
  5. showing a readiness to give more of something, such as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected
  1. Random actions that make someone feel good
  2. Caring about someone and/or liking someone
  3. Behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability
  4. The act of helping someone and/or supporting someone
  5. When you like something or someone a lot

10 Clues: When you like something or someone a lotRandom actions that make someone feel goodCaring about someone and/or liking someoneThe act of helping someone and/or supporting someoneThe quality of being friendly, generous, and considerateA person that cares about someone and has an affection for...

soft c 2019-09-17

soft c crossword puzzle
  1. 100 years
  2. a person
  3. measure of temperature
  4. destructive storm
  5. showing kindness
  6. a basement
  1. a type of spice
  2. being polite
  3. last month of the year
  4. something you ride
  5. being negative
  6. repeat something

12 Clues: a person100 yearsa basementbeing politebeing negativea type of spiceshowing kindnessrepeat somethingdestructive stormsomething you ridelast month of the yearmeasure of temperature

Vocabulary List 7 2022-11-30

Vocabulary List 7 crossword puzzle
  1. not needed
  2. desire to do evil
  3. nice
  4. past generations
  5. messy
  1. clean
  2. deep respect
  3. lack of respect
  4. future generations
  5. required

10 Clues: nicecleanmessyrequirednot neededdeep respectlack of respectpast generationsdesire to do evilfuture generations

word list #5 2022-10-19

word list #5 crossword puzzle
  1. atlantic
  2. smooth stone
  3. a lot of a lot
  4. kindness is kind
  1. transport books to home
  2. no weakness

6 Clues: atlanticno weaknesssmooth stonea lot of a lotkindness is kindtransport books to home

Good character traits 2023-02-09

Good character traits crossword puzzle
  1. the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
  2. constructive, optimistic, or confident.
  3. displaying kindness and concern for others.
  4. feeling or showing deference
  5. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
  6. impartial and just treatment or behavior without favoritism or discrimination.
  7. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness
  8. a strong feeling of support or allegiance.
  1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  2. free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.
  3. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  4. having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role
  5. the quality of being kind and generous.
  6. the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
  7. able to be relied on as honest or truthful.

15 Clues: feeling or showing deferencethe quality of being kind and generous.constructive, optimistic, or confident.a strong feeling of support or of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.displaying kindness and concern for to be relied on as honest or truthful.the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate....

Fiction and Nonfiction Literature 2021-09-10

Fiction and Nonfiction Literature crossword puzzle
  1. mental pictures
  2. story
  3. undergound
  4. brutally
  1. true
  2. comfortable
  3. very horrible
  4. kindness
  5. point of supply

9 Clues: truestorykindnessbrutallyundergoundcomfortablevery horriblemental picturespoint of supply

AL'S KNOW YOUR BIBLE-Parables Of Jesus 2024-05-07

AL'S KNOW YOUR BIBLE-Parables Of Jesus crossword puzzle
  1. servant: Debt forgiveness ignored
  2. Greedy
  3. Small seed
  4. House on rock
  5. Investment
  6. Searched
  1. Workers
  2. Seeds
  3. Kindness to stranger
  4. Son returns

10 Clues: SeedsGreedyWorkersSearchedSmall seedInvestmentSon returnsHouse on rockKindness to strangerservant: Debt forgiveness ignored

Chapter 2 Ecclesiology Vocab 2016-01-14

Chapter 2 Ecclesiology Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. means witness
  2. these gifts are permanent dispositions that move us to respond to the guidance of the Holy Spirit
  3. 3rd person of the Holy Trinity
  4. moral conscience present at the heart of the person
  5. forgiveness of sins and restoration of friendship with God
  1. loving kindness and compassion or forbearance shown to one who offends
  2. emotions or dispositions which incline us to good or evil actions
  3. One God in 3 persons
  4. 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modest mess, self-control and chastity.
  5. 50th day of the end of seven weeks following Passover
  6. means free
  7. gift or grace from the Holy Spirit

12 Clues: means freemeans witnessOne God in 3 persons3rd person of the Holy Trinitygift or grace from the Holy Spiritmoral conscience present at the heart of the person50th day of the end of seven weeks following Passoverforgiveness of sins and restoration of friendship with Godemotions or dispositions which incline us to good or evil actions...