kindness Crossword Puzzles
SPELLING 2022-10-20
Kindness 2021-08-13
7 Clues: useful • warm and friendly • a feeling of fondness • a polite speech or action • the friendly entertainment of guests • showing gentleness and concern or sympathy • behavior that conforms to accepted standards
Kindness 2021-10-07
- How someone feels like their emotions
- The act of being open to other peoples ideas
- Always giving things to others without being reluctant
- always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people
- It means when one person does it everyone else does it.
- extremely happy
- always trying to be with others and assist them
7 Clues: extremely happy • How someone feels like their emotions • The act of being open to other peoples ideas • always trying to be with others and assist them • Always giving things to others without being reluctant • It means when one person does it everyone else does it. • always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people
key words 2017-01-24
- a way of showing kindness
- being hurt emotionally
- calm and cheerful
- inspiring
- fun to watch
- a characteristic of being funny
- showing respect to strangers
- funny and clumsy
- wonderful and incredible
- showing kindness towards others
- a person of magic
- all knowing
- being treated unfairly
- a time in which being highly disrespected
- not aware of surroundings
15 Clues: inspiring • all knowing • fun to watch • funny and clumsy • a person of magic • calm and cheerful • being hurt emotionally • being treated unfairly • wonderful and incredible • a way of showing kindness • not aware of surroundings • showing respect to strangers • showing kindness towards others • a characteristic of being funny • a time in which being highly disrespected
The Proverbs Crossword: Justice and Kindness 2015-06-20
- Rulers are able to decree justice when they use this—Prov. 8:15.
- God ___ righteousness and justice—Psalm 33:5.
- Those who keep justice and practice righteousness at all times will be this—Psalm 106:3.
- You will find the excellent wife teaching kindness with this instrument—Prov. 31:26.
- The Lord is ___ the paths of justice—Prov. 2:8.
- Because He loves justice, God will not do this to His people—Psalm. 37:28.
- Solomon said to write kindness and truth here—Prov. 3:3.
- Justice for man comes from the ___—Prov. 29:26.
- Justice and this are the foundation of God’s throne—Psalm 89:14.
- A rascally witness makes this of justice—Prov. 19:28.
- The wicked ___ to act with justice—Prov. 21:7.
- Those who ___ God understand justice—Prov. 28:5.
- God leads these in justice—Psalm 25:9.
- Exercising justice brings (or results in) this—Prov. 21:15.
- Wisdom walks in the midst of the ___ of justice—Prov. 8:20.
- If we receive God’s wisdom we will ___ righteousness and justice and equity and every good course—Prov. 2:9.
- Solomon’s proverbs contain instruction in wise behavior, righteousness, equity and this—Prov. 1:3.
- Solomon said to tie kindness and truth to this body part—Prov. 3:3.
- Under the old law the Lord desired from His people righteousness and justice more than this—Prov. 21:3.
- Kindness and truth are to those who devise this—Prov. 14:22.
- God executes judgment for these—Psalm 146:7.
- A king who sits on the throne of justice ___ all evil with his eyes.—Prov. 20:8.
- These pervert the ways of justice—Prov. 17:23.
- Kindness is a ___ characteristic for a person to possess—Prov. 19:22.
- When a king practices justice he gives this to his kingdom—Prov. 29:4.
25 Clues: God leads these in justice—Psalm 25:9. • God executes judgment for these—Psalm 146:7. • God ___ righteousness and justice—Psalm 33:5. • These pervert the ways of justice—Prov. 17:23. • The wicked ___ to act with justice—Prov. 21:7. • The Lord is ___ the paths of justice—Prov. 2:8. • Justice for man comes from the ___—Prov. 29:26. • ...
LES ADJECTIFS 2022-02-23
- - amusement
- - has lots of power
- - doesn’t have much money
- - being irritating
- - thin/small
- - showing pleasure
- - something/someone that catches your attention
- - sleepy
- - good style
- - neat great
- - brown or black hair
- - lots of energy or activity
- - being nervous
- - showing kindness towards others
- - someone causing laughter
- - not strong
- - doesn’t mind when people take their time
- - no hair
- - bad looking
- - showing lots of intelligence
- - lightly colored hair/yellow
- - unable to do something/stupid
- - has lots of money
- - showing no kindness towards others
- - showing or feeling sorrow
25 Clues: - sleepy • - no hair • - amusement • - not strong • - thin/small • - good style • - neat great • - bad looking • - being nervous • - being irritating • - showing pleasure • - has lots of power • - has lots of money • - brown or black hair • - doesn’t have much money • - someone causing laughter • - showing or feeling sorrow • - lots of energy or activity • - lightly colored hair/yellow • ...
kindness 2021-10-07
7 Clues: Has a trunk • Flying mammal • Large marsupial • do daring things • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • its some thing you should do with you're mind
Kindness 2021-10-07
- How someone feels like their emotions
- The act of being open to other peoples ideas
- Always giving things to others without being reluctant
- always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people
- It means when one person does it everyone else does it.
- extremely happy
- always trying to be with others and assist them
7 Clues: extremely happy • How someone feels like their emotions • The act of being open to other peoples ideas • always trying to be with others and assist them • Always giving things to others without being reluctant • It means when one person does it everyone else does it. • always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people
Kindness 2022-06-13
7 Clues: not bad • after a kind act • With your whole heart • We are saved by _________ • when asking for something • He loves us and died for us • My best ________ in my class
Kindness 2024-05-28
8 Clues: AISJ mascot • your teacher • your teacher • be this every day • a person you like • you have this at school • a classmates' name that is up in the air • a noise that comes out of your mouth when something is funny
Sammi 2021-03-29
- my sisters mouse?
- the month I was born in?
- the name of my cat?
- My favorite hobbie?
- showing kindness to others?
- this is.......?
- the thing I am not?
- I am a.....?
- I like to eat this on toast?
- the name of my mouse?
- the things that Sophie always reads?
- you do this when you hurt people?
- the thing i am?
- my favorite colour?
- I always.....?
- my mouse Chickpea is this?
- I am this sometimes and it is displaying kindness?
- this is a....?
- I am....?
- I have a.....?
20 Clues: I am....? • I am a.....? • I always.....? • this is a....? • I have a.....? • the thing i am? • this is.......? • my sisters mouse? • the name of my cat? • my favorite colour? • My favorite hobbie? • the thing I am not? • the name of my mouse? • the month I was born in? • my mouse Chickpea is this? • showing kindness to others? • I like to eat this on toast? • you do this when you hurt people? • ...
Kindness Crossword 2021-10-21
- the quality of being gentle, loving, or kind
- feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
- the giving of necessities and especially money to the needy
- return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process.
- mercy
- disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
- the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
- able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
- kind, gentle, or compassionate treatment especially towards someone who is undeserving of it
- the quality of being thankful
- the quality or state of being generous
11 Clues: mercy • the quality of being thankful • the quality or state of being generous • the quality of being gentle, loving, or kind • able to be maintained at a certain rate or level. • the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. • feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune. • return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process. • ...
Kindness crossword 2021-12-29
- a feeling of loving or liking somebody/something
- having or showing kindness or understanding
- the quality of being generous
- the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution
- the money or gifts collected or given to people who are poor, sick, etc.
- helpful feeling towards other people
- telling the truth
- to suffer together
- morally correct
- to like somebody in the strongest possible way
- friendly and generous
11 Clues: morally correct • telling the truth • to suffer together • friendly and generous • the quality of being generous • helpful feeling towards other people • having or showing kindness or understanding • to like somebody in the strongest possible way • a feeling of loving or liking somebody/something • the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution • ...
Kindness crossword 2022-01-05
- when we do this we feel happy
- earth's highest mountain above sea level
- before beginning a thing all we need is this
- benevolence
- other word of joy
- feel deep sympathy and try to alleviate it
- in winter everyone loves sun's _______
- to be in another's shoes
- we should always ____ for the best
- when you get some help you say
- opposite of bad
11 Clues: benevolence • opposite of bad • other word of joy • to be in another's shoes • when we do this we feel happy • when you get some help you say • we should always ____ for the best • in winter everyone loves sun's _______ • earth's highest mountain above sea level • feel deep sympathy and try to alleviate it • before beginning a thing all we need is this
Kindness crossword 2021-12-21
- A person who agrees to do something without being forced or paid to do it
- The act of being kind to others
- Living things that give us Oxygen
- A person who is very down to earth
- Beautiful bird with blue n green feathers
- Another word for gratitude
- An effect that causes harm to our earth
- The layer that protects our Environment
- Our planet
- Humans loyal animal friend
- King of the jungle
11 Clues: Our planet • King of the jungle • Another word for gratitude • Humans loyal animal friend • The act of being kind to others • Living things that give us Oxygen • A person who is very down to earth • An effect that causes harm to our earth • The layer that protects our Environment • Beautiful bird with blue n green feathers • ...
Kindness Crossword 2023-05-15
- The provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone
- Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
- Feeling or showing love or great care
- Done on purpose; deliberate
- Paying close attention to something
- A gentle feeling of fondness or liking
- Consideration for the needs of other people
- The quality of being friendly; affability.
- Inconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the world
- The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
- The showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others
11 Clues: Done on purpose; deliberate • Paying close attention to something • Feeling or showing love or great care • A gentle feeling of fondness or liking • The quality of being friendly; affability. • Consideration for the needs of other people • The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate • Inconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the world • ...
Understanding Kindness 2024-04-11
- Kindness involves actions intended to benefit ______.
- Acts of kindness are driven by this feeling towards others.
- Kindness is an act of _______ for the benefit of others, without expecting anything in return.
- Kindness is not motivated by external ________ or punishments.
- This virtue is about showing care and concern for others.
- One of the key motivations behind kindness; it is the opposite of selfishness.
- A quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
- Performing acts of kindness can improve the ______-being of the person who is being kind.
8 Clues: Kindness involves actions intended to benefit ______. • A quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. • This virtue is about showing care and concern for others. • Acts of kindness are driven by this feeling towards others. • Kindness is not motivated by external ________ or punishments. • ...
11 Clues: on top • Without pride • symbol of love • respond to need • Man's best friend • all you need _____ • look after someone • Likes to chase mice • the opposite of cruelness • Highest mountain in the world • group of people work together for good cause
Kindness Crossword 2021-10-27
11 Clues: a prayer • good will • to give or provide • concern for someone • synonym to kindness • giving aid or useful • a charitable behavior • a humane characteristic • care or sympathy for others • ignoring one's own self interest • something for which you are grateful
Kindness Crossword 2022-02-08
- The people you live with - parents/guardians, brothers, sisters...
- When you are very pleased someone has helped you out
- Jobs you do at home to help
- When you give something (maybe your time or money) to someone else to help
- Somone you live near to
- Something you give to someone, maybe on their birthday
- When your mouth curves upwards
- Something you do for someone else, or something someone else does for you when you need some help
- When you say something nice about someone
- People you choose to have fun with
- When you and a friend put your arms around each other
11 Clues: Somone you live near to • Jobs you do at home to help • When your mouth curves upwards • People you choose to have fun with • When you say something nice about someone • When you are very pleased someone has helped you out • When you and a friend put your arms around each other • Something you give to someone, maybe on their birthday • ...
Kindness Crossword 2021-10-26
- a place where you donate to
- keeping in mind why it is done
- word associated to being a good host
- a word often used opposite of selfish
- Emotion you feel for others
- acceptable behaviour when in defeat
- something that you give wholeheartedly
- characteristic used to describe Azim Premji
- generally accepting and soothing behaviour
- synonym to care
- The tallest mountain in the world
11 Clues: synonym to care • a place where you donate to • Emotion you feel for others • keeping in mind why it is done • The tallest mountain in the world • acceptable behaviour when in defeat • word associated to being a good host • a word often used opposite of selfish • something that you give wholeheartedly • generally accepting and soothing behaviour • ...
Kindness Act 2022-12-22
11 Clues: A hand lend • Thankfulness • Help the _____ • _____ is caring • work in a group • The feeling of joy • Have_______ on me god • Highest Mountain peak • A care provided to improve the situation • Comfort someone when they are feeling low • Someone who takes up duties and responsibilities
Kindness Challenge 2021-07-01
11 Clues: A present • A kind act • Forgive or Excuse • To like very much • To assist someone • Help for the needy • Trust in something • The action of help • The state of honour • Elevation of 8848mts • The feeling of sorrow
Kindness 2021-10-07
- How someone feels like their emotions
- The act of being open to other peoples ideas
- Always giving things to others without being reluctant
- always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people
- It means when one person does it everyone else does it.
- extremely happy
- always trying to be with others and assist them
7 Clues: extremely happy • How someone feels like their emotions • The act of being open to other peoples ideas • always trying to be with others and assist them • Always giving things to others without being reluctant • It means when one person does it everyone else does it. • always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people
Compassion & Kindness 2020-12-14
- what you say when someone does something for you
- friendly or generous
- two types of physical greetings
- when you make a mistake, you can...
- intentional time with someone you care about
- on a birthday or any ol' time ...
- take on another's harship
- we can't do everything ourselves
- parents would love these done on time
- to uplift something
- best done without thinking of how to respond
11 Clues: to uplift something • friendly or generous • take on another's harship • two types of physical greetings • we can't do everything ourselves • on a birthday or any ol' time ... • when you make a mistake, you can... • parents would love these done on time • best done without thinking of how to respond • intentional time with someone you care about • ...
Kindness Crossword 2021-10-21
- the quality of being thankful
- the quality or state of being generous
- disinterested and selfless concern for the wellbeing of others.
- kind, gentle, or compassionate treatment especially towards someone who is undeserving of it
- mercy
- able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
- return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process.
- the highest point
- feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
- the quality of being gentle, loving, or kind
- the giving of necessities and especially money to the needy
11 Clues: mercy • the highest point • the quality of being thankful • the quality or state of being generous • the quality of being gentle, loving, or kind • able to be maintained at a certain rate or level. • return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process. • feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune. • ...
Kindness puzzle 2021-10-20
11 Clues: reuse • mountain • avoid hunger • place we live • avoid diseases • care for others • care for environment • something which is given • something that is needed • something which is thought • someone who works under ngo
Kindness Crossword 2021-06-27
- A fruit
- A quality of being friendly
- A skill to be social
- the quality of being thankful
- A network of water
- A Breakfast in the morning
- the acquisition of knowledge or skills through the study
- a person who works for an organization without being paid
- A group of animals
- An organisation helping the needy
- One of the highest peak on earth
11 Clues: A fruit • A network of water • A group of animals • A skill to be social • A Breakfast in the morning • A quality of being friendly • the quality of being thankful • One of the highest peak on earth • An organisation helping the needy • the acquisition of knowledge or skills through the study • a person who works for an organization without being paid
To kill a mockin bird 2017-02-05
- Queer
- Showing of ventless or kindness
- Soverly thoughtful;pensive
- Imperious
- The state if being calm or peaceful
- Prying
- Hazy or confused
- A tuft hair that grows in the opposite direction from the rest
- Favored by fortune; prosperous
- Kepping order during services
- An act of kindness
- A list of dramas, operas, etc.. that the actor or singer is prepared to perform
- Done, occuring, or coming at night
- Very brief
- Varieties of Kale
- To engage in thought or contemplation
- Small; tiny
- Without liveliness or spirit
18 Clues: Queer • Prying • Imperious • Very brief • Small; tiny • Hazy or confused • Varieties of Kale • An act of kindness • Soverly thoughtful;pensive • Without liveliness or spirit • Kepping order during services • Favored by fortune; prosperous • Showing of ventless or kindness • Done, occuring, or coming at night • The state if being calm or peaceful • To engage in thought or contemplation • ...
someones crossword puzzle 2021-04-05
12 Clues: music • brain • laughter • adorable • ice playing • there to learn • cute fluufy things • paying attention in • a girl in the family • something people love • helping family or anyone in need • what is a short word for kindness
Moral 2023-08-19
- kindness and understanding to people who are going through tough times.
- Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
- An inner sense of what is right and wrong.
- Being accountable for our actions and choices.
- Treating everyone equally and justly.
- Being friendly, considerate, and helpful.
- Accepting and respecting differences in others.
- The principles that guide our behavior and choices.
- Telling the truth and being sincere.
- The beliefs and ideas that are important to us.
- Doing what's right even when no one is watching.
- Sharing and giving to others selflessly.
- A positive quality or trait, like honesty or kindness.
13 Clues: Telling the truth and being sincere. • Treating everyone equally and justly. • Sharing and giving to others selflessly. • Being friendly, considerate, and helpful. • An inner sense of what is right and wrong. • Being accountable for our actions and choices. • Accepting and respecting differences in others. • The beliefs and ideas that are important to us. • ...
Empathy 2021-09-16
- the quality of being only a short distance away
- being nice to someone is showing...
- feelings that you have
- speak with someone
- feelings of pity and sorrow for another
- share or exchange information
- to give
- you l*** someone
- work as a team
- the state of being close to another person
- displaying kindness and concern for others
- to help someone or something
- bring together
- a relationship between friends
- know what or how it feels
- the people around you
- hearing others
- angry and happy
18 Clues: to give • bring together • hearing others • work as a team • angry and happy • you l*** someone • speak with someone • the people around you • feelings that you have • know what or how it feels • to help someone or something • share or exchange information • a relationship between friends • being nice to someone is showing... • feelings of pity and sorrow for another • ...
Kindness Crossword 2021-07-11
- A person who works for an organization without being paid
- Sympathetic concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
- Displaying kindness and concern for others
- Showing a readiness to give more of something, especially money, than is strictly necessary or expected
- A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes
- To give for a good cause
- World's tallest mountain
- Disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others
- Seek financial support for a charity or cause
- Ability to understand and share feelings of others
- A person more concerned with the needs of others
11 Clues: To give for a good cause • World's tallest mountain • Displaying kindness and concern for others • Seek financial support for a charity or cause • A person more concerned with the needs of others • Ability to understand and share feelings of others • A person who works for an organization without being paid • ...
Kindness Challenge 2022-07-11
11 Clues: Rainbow • pigment in leaves • Farmers best friend • Nondegradable waste • Destruction of forest • Solar energy comes from • Primary Source of Oxygen • Biggest planet in the world • First element in periodic table • Most abundant gas in environment • Layer that protects from harmfull races of sun
Kindness puzzle 2021-10-20
11 Clues: reuse • mountain • avoid hunger • place we live • avoid diseases • care for others • care for environment • something which is given • something that is needed • something which is thought • someone who works under ngo
Kindness crossword 2021-10-20
- we should not ____ animals.
- when you are kind to someone,it can make them feel?
- green peace campaign is to stop___ change?
- kindness is the language that ____ can hear.
- people should be banned to hunt in forest to ensure protection of?
- who plants kindness gathers?
- reduce, reuse and recycle can conserve our?
- another word for kind?
- every living being is important and should be?
- sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb which mountain?
- Show ____ to the poor.
11 Clues: another word for kind? • Show ____ to the poor. • we should not ____ animals. • who plants kindness gathers? • green peace campaign is to stop___ change? • reduce, reuse and recycle can conserve our? • kindness is the language that ____ can hear. • every living being is important and should be? • when you are kind to someone,it can make them feel? • ...
- understanding between people;
- the voluntary giving of help
- tenderness
- the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests
- he quality of being kind
- caring
- the showing of politeness in one's attitude
- a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.
- the capacity to accept or tolerate things
11 Clues: caring • tenderness • WORLDS TALLEST MOUNTAIN • he quality of being kind • PROVIDING HELP TO THE NEEDY • the voluntary giving of help • understanding between people; • a gentle feeling of fondness or liking. • the capacity to accept or tolerate things • the showing of politeness in one's attitude • the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests
Kindness Puzzle 2021-12-28
Complete the Crossword to Find Your RAK! 2024-09-23
- Allowing liquid to escape, usually unintentionally
- A wooden crosspiece used to join two animals
- Essential tool for unlocking something
- The outline of buildings or mountains against the sky
- Affirmative response
- A small act of kindness that can brighten someone's day
- Smooth and glossy in appearance
- The opposite of selfishness, often linked to RAKs
- An activity where you help others for no personal gain
- A common phrase that encourages random acts of kindness
- The region of the atmosphere above Earth
- Probable or expected to happen
- Something you might leave for a stranger to find as a RAK
- The word for doing something nice without expecting anything in return
- A large deer with big antlers
- This term describes a spontaneous gesture of goodwill
- A hair that grows on the edge of the eyelid
- A flat board on wheels used for riding and tricks
- Revolution A movement that promotes kindness in everyday life
- What you call a selfless act that benefits others
- Framework of bones in the body
- A feeling often associated with performing a RAK
22 Clues: Affirmative response • A large deer with big antlers • Probable or expected to happen • Framework of bones in the body • Smooth and glossy in appearance • Essential tool for unlocking something • The region of the atmosphere above Earth • A hair that grows on the edge of the eyelid • A wooden crosspiece used to join two animals • ...
Complete the Crossword to Find Your RAK! 2024-09-23
- Prone to allowing fluids or gases to escape
- Burden or bond connecting two entities
- Something vital or central to solving a puzzle
- Outline of urban architecture seen from afar
- Response signaling agreement or affirmation
- A small act of kindness that can brighten someone's day
- Polished and stylish, often describing modern designs
- The opposite of selfishness, often linked to RAKs
- An activity where you help others for no personal gain
- A common phrase that encourages random acts of kindness
- Limitless expanse, visible above, often blue or cloudy
- Highly probable, though not certain
- Something you might leave for a stranger to find as a RAK
- The word for doing something nice without expecting anything in return
- Majestic animal known for its antlered crown
- This term describes a spontaneous gesture of goodwill
- Fine strand protecting the eye, commonly curled
- Street-rider's platform on wheels, often used for tricks
- Revolution A movement that promotes kindness in everyday life
- What you call a selfless act that benefits others
- Framework that supports a structure, often hidden
- A feeling often associated with performing a RAK
22 Clues: Highly probable, though not certain • Burden or bond connecting two entities • Prone to allowing fluids or gases to escape • Response signaling agreement or affirmation • Majestic animal known for its antlered crown • Outline of urban architecture seen from afar • Something vital or central to solving a puzzle • Fine strand protecting the eye, commonly curled • ...
The Fruits of the Spirit 2023-08-25
10 Clues: virtue • humility • affection • forbearance • self control • cheerfulness • quietness, rest • assurance, belief • kindness, mild tempered • usefulness that is moral excellence
Friend's Day 2024-07-10
10 Clues: love (amor) • care (cuidado) • kindness (bondade) • tenderness (ternura) • loyal (lealdade) • affection (afeição) • sincerity (sinceridade) • partiner (parceria) • faithful (fidelidade) • honest (honestidade)
Kindness Vocabulary 2021-02-09
- to annoy or make fun of someone
- to form a supportive connection
- something taken in as part of a whole
- sympathy for the feelings or habits of others
- a setting where a lot of traits coexist
- unfair treatment of a different person
- an idea about a group of people, often untrue
- a benefit given to some but not to others
- an act of gentleness and thoughtfulness
- mistreatment by someone who holds more power
- someone who has a strong liking for another person
11 Clues: to annoy or make fun of someone • to form a supportive connection • something taken in as part of a whole • unfair treatment of a different person • an act of gentleness and thoughtfulness • a setting where a lot of traits coexist • a benefit given to some but not to others • mistreatment by someone who holds more power • an idea about a group of people, often untrue • ...
Allahs kindness 2021-07-02
- They are on our head and help us hear
- they take care of us since we were babies until we grow up
- ___ loves us more than our parents
- Allah helps us when we need it because he is ____
- We need it to survive and without we become very hungry
- Allah loves us because he ____ us
- they are on our face and help us see
- when it falls down it makes everything grow
- when we want something from Allah we can ___ to him and tell him
- Allah ___ everything we say when we pray to him
- Allah is kind to us and ___ us so much
11 Clues: Allah loves us because he ____ us • ___ loves us more than our parents • they are on our face and help us see • They are on our head and help us hear • Allah is kind to us and ___ us so much • when it falls down it makes everything grow • Allah ___ everything we say when we pray to him • Allah helps us when we need it because he is ____ • ...
Kindness Crossword 2021-10-13
- friendly and helpful
- giving or ready to give
- give for a good cause
- person who freely offers to take part or support an organization or task
- kind or pleasant
- like or enjoy a lot
- to look after
- thankful for something
- providing encouragement or emotional help
- friendly and helpful
- concerned and thoughtful
- NGO founded by Karthee Vidya to help children through various ways
12 Clues: to look after • kind or pleasant • like or enjoy a lot • friendly and helpful • friendly and helpful • give for a good cause • thankful for something • giving or ready to give • concerned and thoughtful • providing encouragement or emotional help • NGO founded by Karthee Vidya to help children through various ways • ...
Kindness Crossword 2021-11-09
- where there is ____ there is life.
- _______ oceans as they absorbs over 90% of the heat and 30% of co2 emissions and produces 70% of oxygen of the planet.
- do not say but show you ____.
- Peace begins with a _____.
- Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________.
- want to volunteer ? learn more here -
- _____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama.
- a sense of ______ for others gives our life a meaning; it is the root of all human happiness.
- ______ is like a mirror it reflects back.
- to lose _____ is to lose battle.
- In a world where you can be anything, be ______.
11 Clues: Peace begins with a _____. • do not say but show you ____. • to lose _____ is to lose battle. • where there is ____ there is life. • ______ is like a mirror it reflects back. • Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________. • In a world where you can be anything, be ______. • _____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama. • ...
Kindness Crossword 2021-11-09
- _____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama.
- Peace begins with a _____.
- a sense of ______ for others gives our life a meaning; it is the root of all human happiness.
- ______ is like a mirror it reflects back.
- _______ oceans as they absorbs over 90% of the heat and 30% of co2 emissions and produces 70% of oxygen of the planet.
- want to volunteer ? learn more here -
- to lose _____ is to lose battle.
- Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________.
- do not say but show you ____.
- In a world where you can be anything, be ______.
- where there is ____ there is life.
11 Clues: Peace begins with a _____. • do not say but show you ____. • to lose _____ is to lose battle. • where there is ____ there is life. • ______ is like a mirror it reflects back. • Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________. • In a world where you can be anything, be ______. • _____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama. • ...
Kindness Crossword 2021-11-09
- _____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama.
- Peace begins with a _____.
- a sense of ______ for others gives our life a meaning; it is the root of all human happiness.
- ______ is like a mirror it reflects back.
- _______ oceans as they absorbs over 90% of the heat and 30% of co2 emissions and produces 70% of oxygen of the planet.
- want to volunteer ? learn more here -
- to lose _____ is to lose battle.
- Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________.
- do not say but show you ____.
- In a world where you can be anything, be ______.
- where there is ____ there is life.
11 Clues: Peace begins with a _____. • do not say but show you ____. • to lose _____ is to lose battle. • where there is ____ there is life. • ______ is like a mirror it reflects back. • Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________. • In a world where you can be anything, be ______. • _____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama. • ...
11 Clues: on top • Without pride • symbol of love • respond to need • Man's best friend • all you need _____ • look after someone • Likes to chase mice • the opposite of cruelness • Highest mountain in the world • group of people work together for good cause
Kindness Crossword 2021-10-26
- a place where you donate to
- keeping in mind why it is done
- word associated to being a good host
- a word often used opposite of selfish
- Emotion you feel for others
- acceptable behaviour when in defeat
- something that you give wholeheartedly
- characteristic used to describe Azim Premji
- generally accepting and soothing behaviour
- synonym to care
- The tallest mountain in the world
11 Clues: synonym to care • a place where you donate to • Emotion you feel for others • keeping in mind why it is done • The tallest mountain in the world • acceptable behaviour when in defeat • word associated to being a good host • a word often used opposite of selfish • something that you give wholeheartedly • generally accepting and soothing behaviour • ...
Kindness crossword 2021-10-20
- every living being is important and should be?
- people should be banned to hunt in forest to ensure protection of?
- Show ____ to the poor.
- another word for kind?
- sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb which mountain?
- green peace campaign is to stop___ change?
- when you are kind to someone,it can make them feel?
- reduce, reuse and recycle can conserve our?
- kindness is the language that ____ can hear.
- who plants kindness gathers?
- we should not ____ animals.
11 Clues: Show ____ to the poor. • another word for kind? • we should not ____ animals. • who plants kindness gathers? • green peace campaign is to stop___ change? • reduce, reuse and recycle can conserve our? • kindness is the language that ____ can hear. • every living being is important and should be? • when you are kind to someone,it can make them feel? • ...
Kindness puzzle 2024-10-27
- - "A warm affection that brings people closer."
- - "A bond of mutual trust, support, and kindness."
- - "Letting go of resentment and offering a second chance."
- - "The quality of being thankful and showing appreciation."
- - "Lending a hand or encouragement to help someone."
- - "Giving freely to support those in need."
- - "Feeling deeply for others' suffering and acting to help."
- - "Willingness to give more than expected or required."
- - "A peak of compassion, also the name of a kindness-focused NGO."
- - "Ability to wait calmly, even when things are tough."
- - "Understanding and sharing another person's feelings."
11 Clues: - "Giving freely to support those in need." • - "A warm affection that brings people closer." • - "A bond of mutual trust, support, and kindness." • - "Lending a hand or encouragement to help someone." • - "Willingness to give more than expected or required." • - "Ability to wait calmly, even when things are tough." • ...
Fruit of the Spirit and Church Unity 2016-03-24
- Rejoice in the _____
- Nothing between You and Jesus ___
- Believers should always seek _____________
- True Saints have _____ with God
- Be slow to ________
- Our theme for 2016 is Church _________
- ___________ is power under control
- Practicing benevolence towards others is ________
- Non-Jews were called __________
- Love does not _____
- Love is described in I _____________
- Love should be the __________ for all we do
- _______________ is conformity to God’s Commands
- Anchor Scripture was found in the Book of ___________
- _________ is correction without love
- Love keeps no record of ______________
- Kindness ______ kindness
- ______ was the Apostle to the Jews
- Believers are _______ of God’s Word
- The greatest of these is _______
20 Clues: Be slow to ________ • Love does not _____ • Rejoice in the _____ • Kindness ______ kindness • True Saints have _____ with God • Non-Jews were called __________ • The greatest of these is _______ • Nothing between You and Jesus ___ • ______ was the Apostle to the Jews • ___________ is power under control • Believers are _______ of God’s Word • Love is described in I _____________ • ...
Fruit 2020-05-02
les adjectifs 2022-02-23
- - showing or feeling sorrow
- - unable to do something/stupid
- - sleepy
- - something/someone that catches your attention
- - brown or black hair
- - doesn’t have much money
- - no hair
- - free from feeling excited or anxious
- - being nervous
- - amusement
- - good style
- - bad looking
- - doesn’t mind when people take their time
- - has lots of power
- - showing no kindness towards others
- - showing kindness towards others
- - not strong
- - thin/small
- - lightly colored hair/yellow
- - being irritating
- - lots of energy or activity
- - has lots of money
- - showing pleasure
- - someone causing laughter
- - showing lots of intelligence
25 Clues: - sleepy • - no hair • - amusement • - not strong • - thin/small • - good style • - bad looking • - being nervous • - being irritating • - showing pleasure • - has lots of power • - has lots of money • - brown or black hair • - doesn’t have much money • - someone causing laughter • - showing or feeling sorrow • - lots of energy or activity • - lightly colored hair/yellow • ...
Violet 2023-09-19
- Preventing being mean to others
- Loud clanging noise
- Our slogan
- Swearing to do something to someone
- Striving for excellence
- Being good even when people aren't watching
- A place to learn
- Responsibility
- A purple flower
- Kindness and caring; speaking from the heart
- Another word for variety
- Responsibility for our community
- Kindness to everyone
- A way ho be happy and enjoy yourself with friends
- A bad change in our weather
- The colour spectrum
- A place where people can heal you
- A reason to try something new
- Having everything ready ahead of schedule
- Telling the truth
20 Clues: Our slogan • Responsibility • A purple flower • A place to learn • Telling the truth • Loud clanging noise • The colour spectrum • Kindness to everyone • Striving for excellence • Another word for variety • A bad change in our weather • A reason to try something new • Preventing being mean to others • Responsibility for our community • A place where people can heal you • ...
Complete the Crossword to Find Your RAK! 2024-09-23
- Burden or bond connecting two entities
- This term describes a spontaneous gesture of goodwill
- Prone to allowing fluids or gases to escape
- Street-rider's platform on wheels, often used for tricks
- Fine strand protecting the eye, commonly curled
- Something you might leave for a stranger to find as a RAK
- Revolution A movement that promotes kindness in everyday life
- Outline of urban architecture seen from afar
- A feeling often associated with performing a RAK
- Majestic animal known for its antlered crown
- The word for doing something nice without expecting anything in return
- Framework that supports a structure, often hidden
- The opposite of selfishness, often linked to RAKs
- Response signaling agreement or affirmation
- A small act of kindness that can brighten someone's day
- What you call a selfless act that benefits others
- It Forward A common phrase that encourages random acts of kindness
- Polished and stylish, often describing modern designs
- Highly probable, though not certain
- An activity where you help others for no personal gain
- Something vital or central to solving a puzzle
- Limitless expanse, visible above, often blue or cloudy
22 Clues: Highly probable, though not certain • Burden or bond connecting two entities • Response signaling agreement or affirmation • Prone to allowing fluids or gases to escape • Outline of urban architecture seen from afar • Majestic animal known for its antlered crown • Something vital or central to solving a puzzle • Fine strand protecting the eye, commonly curled • ...
Acts of Kindness 2021-03-23
- What happened to the boy in Rumais' story?
- What did Joan & Max buy their friend in hospital?
- What did Miguel buy his sick grandmother?
- What did Jordi & Guillem do to the shopping?
- What fruit did Zoa & Jana give a homeless man?
- Marina & Alejandro gave a homeless man a ticket to what?
- Where did Clara get lost?
- What fast food did Bruna, Julia and Aitana give to a homeless man?
- What part of Bavu the bird was broken?
- What did Mar & Martina sell to collect money?
- What did Clara & Jana donate for Cancer patients?
- Guillem cheer up Jordi because he lost what sport?
- How much money did Oriol's grandmother give to the man?
- Malena donated money to children from which continent
- Who helped Oscar save the bird?
- What did Leo's grandparents do to help the cat?
- What did Anastasia give a homeless woman?
17 Clues: Where did Clara get lost? • Who helped Oscar save the bird? • What part of Bavu the bird was broken? • What did Miguel buy his sick grandmother? • What did Anastasia give a homeless woman? • What happened to the boy in Rumais' story? • What did Jordi & Guillem do to the shopping? • What did Mar & Martina sell to collect money? • ...
Fruits of the Spirit 2017-11-30
btf 2022-04-13
Acts of Kindness 2022-09-21
17 Clues: swap • show • price • choice • include • bravery • excited • remember • approval • depend on • conscious • think about • examine/discover • say the opposite of • neglect/forget/discount • give description/meaning • concentrate/pay attention
Acts of kindness 2024-09-10
- Something given willingly to someone without payment.
- The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.
- To provide encouragement or emotional help.
- An organization that provides help and raises money for those in need.
- To give someone confidence or hope.
- Done without a specific pattern, purpose, or plan, often used in the context of acts of kindness.
- To do something unexpected that delights or pleases someone.
- To offer to do something without being paid for it.
- To assist someone in need.
- The quality of being kind and giving more than is necessary or expected.
- The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
- A polite expression of praise or admiration.
- To guide or advise someone, especially in their personal or professional development.
- To give money or goods to help others in need.
- To make a facial expression showing happiness or friendliness.
- To give a portion of something to others.
- The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation and to return kindness.
17 Clues: To assist someone in need. • To give someone confidence or hope. • To give a portion of something to others. • To provide encouragement or emotional help. • A polite expression of praise or admiration. • To give money or goods to help others in need. • To offer to do something without being paid for it. • Something given willingly to someone without payment. • ...
Kindness Crossword Puzzle 2020-08-16
- someone who listens attentively
- capacity to accept delay
- acts of kindness
- joint use of resource or space
- part of body associated with kindness
- considerate for the needs of others
- kind greeting
- someone to play
- kind words
- kind way to say hello
- show of gratitude
- readiness to give to others
- positive way to support others
- attending to the needs of others
- showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another
- assisting others
16 Clues: kind words • kind greeting • someone to play • acts of kindness • assisting others • show of gratitude • kind way to say hello • capacity to accept delay • readiness to give to others • positive way to support others • joint use of resource or space • someone who listens attentively • attending to the needs of others • considerate for the needs of others • ...
Fruits of the Spirit 2017-11-30
Fruits of the Spirit 2017-11-30
Nouns 2022-01-27
bible 2023-03-31
Respect Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-03
- ability to endure hardships
- accountable for your actions
- good judgment
- courteous goodwill
- acting truthfully
- accepting responsibility for your actions
- feeling pity or sorrow for someone else
- voluntary giving of help
- displaying kindness or concern
- friendly, generous, considerate
- honest
- worthy of honor or respect
12 Clues: honest • good judgment • acting truthfully • courteous goodwill • voluntary giving of help • worthy of honor or respect • ability to endure hardships • accountable for your actions • displaying kindness or concern • friendly, generous, considerate • feeling pity or sorrow for someone else • accepting responsibility for your actions
Random acts of kindness 2020-11-18
- the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
- feeling or showing gratitude or pleasure.
- the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
- not subject to any conditions.
- take action; do something.
- feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
- feeling or showing love or great care.
- showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.
- made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision.
- the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
- displaying kindness and concern for others.
- showing careful thought.
- belonging naturally; essential.
13 Clues: showing careful thought. • take action; do something. • not subject to any conditions. • belonging naturally; essential. • feeling or showing love or great care. • feeling or showing gratitude or pleasure. • displaying kindness and concern for others. • the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. • feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune. • ...
bible 2023-03-31
Kindness empowers you 2024-03-20
- in the moment, or to exist
- to make a concrete path
- on the other side
- when an animal is lacking nutrients
- art displaying audio for entertainment
- more
- system of symbols
- a gift for the dead, dirt and sun I will devour, I often make my bed, they call me a ______
- of bravery or honor
- bad outlook, barren land, cold
- act of being grateful
- >village <city
- If you see me first, you're safe
- searching
- one switch function
- one time is not enough, three times is too much.
16 Clues: more • searching • >village <city • on the other side • system of symbols • of bravery or honor • one switch function • act of being grateful • to make a concrete path • in the moment, or to exist • bad outlook, barren land, cold • If you see me first, you're safe • when an animal is lacking nutrients • art displaying audio for entertainment • ...
jaxon's positive traits 2021-03-30
- helping other people in need that need help
- telling the truth even in tough times
- showing all kindness and manners
- showing kindness to others
- beleaving in people no matter what
- helping other people smile in funny ways
- using manners and saying thank you
- trying no matter what gets in your way
- showing kindness and making other frinds with people
- working trying hard no matter what
- by waiting and not rushing people and using manners
11 Clues: showing kindness to others • showing all kindness and manners • using manners and saying thank you • working trying hard no matter what • beleaving in people no matter what • telling the truth even in tough times • trying no matter what gets in your way • helping other people smile in funny ways • helping other people in need that need help • ...
Adjectives 2022-12-05
20 Clues: joy • help • anger • study • comfort • success • shyness • courage • resource • kindness • meanness • fairness • adventure • challenge • happiness • popularity • loneliness • sociability • intelligence • determination
adjective, noun 2018-02-21
20 Clues: pain • noise • south • peace • north • music • person • length • safety • science • sadness • mistake • madness • medicine • religion • politics • kindness • laziness • possibility • intelligence
Family Ties (Ruth and Boaz): The Book of Ruth 2021-02-08
- Naomi told Orpan and Ruth that they could go back to them and leave her alone.
- Obed later had a son named this, who was the father of King David.
- She and her husband had two sons and traveled from Judah to Moab to find food.
- Because of the kindness of Boaz and Ruth, Naomi now had this with them.
- Naomi came to live with Boaz and Ruth because they did this.
- This story shows the impact of kindness, but also that true kindness does this.
- Our friends and family need to know that we think they are this to us.
- Naomi knew that both Orpah and Ruth had this in common so they would be able to marry again.
- Another one of Naomi's sons married her.
- Boaz went to find another family member to see if he could buy Naomi's this.
- Ruth and Naomi traveled to Naomi's hometown here.
- Showing others they are valuable by how you treat them.
- In Moab, one of Naomi's sons married her.
- Ruth asked Boaz for this since he was responsible for their family.
- This happened to Naomi's husband and both of her sons.
- Boaz offered to Ruth roasted grain and this to eat.
- Many hundreds of years later, he was born as part of this family line.
- Boaz and Ruth had a baby that they named this.
- The field where Ruth gathered grain belonged to a relative of Naomi named this.
- Orpah returned home, but she refused to leave Naomi.
- Ruth and Naomi needed food, so Ruth went to the fields to pick up the leftover this.
21 Clues: Another one of Naomi's sons married her. • In Moab, one of Naomi's sons married her. • Boaz and Ruth had a baby that they named this. • Ruth and Naomi traveled to Naomi's hometown here. • Boaz offered to Ruth roasted grain and this to eat. • Orpah returned home, but she refused to leave Naomi. • This happened to Naomi's husband and both of her sons. • ...
Important Chumash Words 2017-11-28
20 Clues: עֵת • לֶחֶם • חֵטְא • חֶסֶד • עָבַד • חָזָק • מְאֹד • אֶבֶן • יָרַשׁ • כָּתַב • סָבִיב • פָּקַד • חֹדֶשׁ • כָּרַת • גְּבוּל • אֲדָמָה • בָּשָׂר • מִדְבָּר • שִׁשִּׁים • מִשְׁפָּחָה
taller 2022-05-19
25 - The Blind Man and the Hunter 2019-09-27
Unsure 2024-09-04
2013-2014 Black-Eyed Susan Nominees 2014-06-10
- Where you must obey the "Ten Rules"
- Where the "Creepy Carrots" came from
- Who took the wishing stick?
- Who found a wishing stick?
- Setting of "Mousetronaut"
- New girl in "Each Kindness"
- President who went camping
- Setting of "A Storm Called Katrina"
- His heart told a story
- Girl who "doesn't match"
- Whose apartment did the bear visit?
- Owner of a fish
- The setting of "Each Kindness"
- Name of the "Mousetronaut"
- She stood straight!
- Setting of "Joha Makes a Wish"
- Main character in "Creepy Carrots"
17 Clues: Owner of a fish • She stood straight! • His heart told a story • Girl who "doesn't match" • Setting of "Mousetronaut" • Name of the "Mousetronaut" • Who found a wishing stick? • President who went camping • Who took the wishing stick? • New girl in "Each Kindness" • The setting of "Each Kindness" • Setting of "Joha Makes a Wish" • Main character in "Creepy Carrots" • ...
Fruits of the Spirit 2017-11-30
Fruits of the Spirit 2017-11-30
Kindness Day! 2021-02-15
- an emotion that being kind can make you feel
- ________ acts of kindness are those that occur unplanned
- the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
- the type of kindness that is from you, for you!
- ______ one way to show kindness is to _______ while others are talking
- saying this is a way to show your appreciation!
- to do something for the good of others with no reward
- to be a good one of these, you've got to be kind
- someone who ISN'T kind
- a little facial gesture that can go a long way to make others feel welcome!
10 Clues: someone who ISN'T kind • an emotion that being kind can make you feel • saying this is a way to show your appreciation! • the type of kindness that is from you, for you! • to be a good one of these, you've got to be kind • to do something for the good of others with no reward • ________ acts of kindness are those that occur unplanned • ...
Kindness empowers you 2024-03-20
- in the moment, or to exist
- to make a concrete path
- on the other side
- when and animal is lacking nutrients
- art displaying audio for entertainment
- more
- system of symbols
- a gift for the dead, dirt and sun I will devour, I often make my bed, they call me a ______
- of bravery or honor
- bad outlook, barren land, cold
- act of being grateful
- >village <city
- If you see me first, you're safe
- searching
- one switch function
- one time is not enough, three times is too much.
16 Clues: more • searching • >village <city • on the other side • system of symbols • of bravery or honor • one switch function • act of being grateful • to make a concrete path • in the moment, or to exist • bad outlook, barren land, cold • If you see me first, you're safe • when and animal is lacking nutrients • art displaying audio for entertainment • ...
prefix and suffix 2014-03-10
19 Clues: humor • prefix • wooden • higher • misfire • quickly • disagree • kindness • interact • fearless • postpone • nonsense • enjoyment • submarine • superstar • friendship • attraction • comfortable • extraodirary
Word building - make up nouns 2023-10-19
spanish words 2022-03-28
20 Clues: free • rain • love • laugh • learn • happy • teach • galaxy • family • school • fantasy • special • reading • romance • friends • rainbow • kindness • sunshine • equality • together
Faults and qualities 2022-10-25
20 Clues: sage • têtu • lâche • bonté • juste • audace • cruauté • sagesse • paresse • méchant • égoïste • gourmand • sensible • tatillon • embêtant • exigeant • tolerant • faiblesse • intelligent • impolitesse
prefix and suffix 2014-03-10
19 Clues: humor • prefix • wooden • higher • misfire • quickly • kindness • fearless • interact • nonsense • postpone • disagree • submarine • enjoyment • superstar • friendship • attraction • comfortable • extraodirary
prefix and suffix 2014-03-10
19 Clues: humor • higher • wooden • prefix • misfire • quickly • fearless • interact • kindness • nonsense • disagree • postpone • superstar • enjoyment • submarine • attraction • friendship • comfortable • extraodirary
Act of Kindness 2020-12-27
- , having knowledge or awareness
- antonym of "dependence"
- think carefully about something
- refuse to take notice
- the ability to do something that frightens one
- showing exceptional ability or powers
- look for something
- provide (someone) with a motive for doing something
- sympathetic pity
- synonym of "approval"
- , go or move in a particular direction
- ability to swap
- concentrate
- remember
- worth or usefulness of something
- synonym of "possession"
16 Clues: remember • concentrate • ability to swap • sympathetic pity • look for something • synonym of "approval" • refuse to take notice • antonym of "dependence" • synonym of "possession" • think carefully about something • worth or usefulness of something • , having knowledge or awareness • showing exceptional ability or powers • , go or move in a particular direction • ...
prefix and suffix 2014-03-10
19 Clues: humor • higher • wooden • prefix • misfire • quickly • fearless • interact • kindness • nonsense • disagree • postpone • superstar • enjoyment • submarine • attraction • friendship • comfortable • extraodirary
5. Kindness 2021-05-27
- Coco's fruit name
- You speak something sweet to cheer other up so that they can do things better
- last week Cecilia shared this topic with us
- in today's story, when Zacchaeus was treated kindly by Jesus, he performs a true ____
- Jesus loves us so much that he _____ our sins with his sacrifice on cross
- the next Monday is a Bank _____. Also, we won't have fellowship next week because it is half-term ____.
- the tropical fruit that we surprisingly found can be grown at home in a jar
- the 3rd fruit of Holy Spirit we shared in this term
- the bible verse we read today says kind words are like ____ (something very sweet)
- We learnt today that kindness is more than being ____
10 Clues: Coco's fruit name • last week Cecilia shared this topic with us • the 3rd fruit of Holy Spirit we shared in this term • We learnt today that kindness is more than being ____ • Jesus loves us so much that he _____ our sins with his sacrifice on cross • the tropical fruit that we surprisingly found can be grown at home in a jar • ...
Kindness act 2021-10-27
10 Clues: concern • a present • deep affection • group of people • leaving peacefully • give thing to needy • expressing gratitude • expression of happiness • earth's highest mountain • to give things to others