kindness Crossword Puzzles

SPELLING 2022-10-20

SPELLING crossword puzzle
  1. a lot
  2. kindness
  3. smooth
  4. Transmit
  5. reconsider
  6. likeness
  1. Transatlantic
  2. weakness
  3. Transport
  4. Transfer

10 Clues: a lotsmoothweaknesskindnessTransmitTransferlikenessTransportreconsiderTransatlantic

Kindness 2021-08-13

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. the friendly entertainment of guests
  2. useful
  3. showing gentleness and concern or sympathy
  4. a polite speech or action
  1. warm and friendly
  2. a feeling of fondness
  3. behavior that conforms to accepted standards

7 Clues: usefulwarm and friendlya feeling of fondnessa polite speech or actionthe friendly entertainment of guestsshowing gentleness and concern or sympathybehavior that conforms to accepted standards

Kindness 2021-10-07

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. How someone feels like their emotions
  2. The act of being open to other peoples ideas
  3. Always giving things to others without being reluctant
  1. always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people
  2. It means when one person does it everyone else does it.
  3. extremely happy
  4. always trying to be with others and assist them

7 Clues: extremely happyHow someone feels like their emotionsThe act of being open to other peoples ideasalways trying to be with others and assist themAlways giving things to others without being reluctantIt means when one person does it everyone else does it.always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people

key words 2017-01-24

key words crossword puzzle
  1. a way of showing kindness
  2. being hurt emotionally
  3. calm and cheerful
  4. inspiring
  5. fun to watch
  6. a characteristic of being funny
  7. showing respect to strangers
  8. funny and clumsy
  1. wonderful and incredible
  2. showing kindness towards others
  3. a person of magic
  4. all knowing
  5. being treated unfairly
  6. a time in which being highly disrespected
  7. not aware of surroundings

15 Clues: inspiringall knowingfun to watchfunny and clumsya person of magiccalm and cheerfulbeing hurt emotionallybeing treated unfairlywonderful and incrediblea way of showing kindnessnot aware of surroundingsshowing respect to strangersshowing kindness towards othersa characteristic of being funnya time in which being highly disrespected

The Proverbs Crossword: Justice and Kindness 2015-06-20

The Proverbs Crossword: Justice and Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Rulers are able to decree justice when they use this—Prov. 8:15.
  2. God ___ righteousness and justice—Psalm 33:5.
  3. Those who keep justice and practice righteousness at all times will be this—Psalm 106:3.
  4. You will find the excellent wife teaching kindness with this instrument—Prov. 31:26.
  5. The Lord is ___ the paths of justice—Prov. 2:8.
  6. Because He loves justice, God will not do this to His people—Psalm. 37:28.
  7. Solomon said to write kindness and truth here—Prov. 3:3.
  8. Justice for man comes from the ___—Prov. 29:26.
  9. Justice and this are the foundation of God’s throne—Psalm 89:14.
  10. A rascally witness makes this of justice—Prov. 19:28.
  11. The wicked ___ to act with justice—Prov. 21:7.
  12. Those who ___ God understand justice—Prov. 28:5.
  13. God leads these in justice—Psalm 25:9.
  14. Exercising justice brings (or results in) this—Prov. 21:15.
  1. Wisdom walks in the midst of the ___ of justice—Prov. 8:20.
  2. If we receive God’s wisdom we will ___ righteousness and justice and equity and every good course—Prov. 2:9.
  3. Solomon’s proverbs contain instruction in wise behavior, righteousness, equity and this—Prov. 1:3.
  4. Solomon said to tie kindness and truth to this body part—Prov. 3:3.
  5. Under the old law the Lord desired from His people righteousness and justice more than this—Prov. 21:3.
  6. Kindness and truth are to those who devise this—Prov. 14:22.
  7. God executes judgment for these—Psalm 146:7.
  8. A king who sits on the throne of justice ___ all evil with his eyes.—Prov. 20:8.
  9. These pervert the ways of justice—Prov. 17:23.
  10. Kindness is a ___ characteristic for a person to possess—Prov. 19:22.
  11. When a king practices justice he gives this to his kingdom—Prov. 29:4.

25 Clues: God leads these in justice—Psalm 25:9.God executes judgment for these—Psalm 146:7.God ___ righteousness and justice—Psalm 33:5.These pervert the ways of justice—Prov. 17:23.The wicked ___ to act with justice—Prov. 21:7.The Lord is ___ the paths of justice—Prov. 2:8.Justice for man comes from the ___—Prov. 29:26....

LES ADJECTIFS 2022-02-23

LES ADJECTIFS crossword puzzle
  1. - amusement
  2. - has lots of power
  3. - doesn’t have much money
  4. - being irritating
  5. - thin/small
  6. - showing pleasure
  7. - something/someone that catches your attention
  8. - sleepy
  9. - good style
  10. - neat great
  11. - brown or black hair
  12. - lots of energy or activity
  1. - being nervous
  2. - showing kindness towards others
  3. - someone causing laughter
  4. - not strong
  5. - doesn’t mind when people take their time
  6. - no hair
  7. - bad looking
  8. - showing lots of intelligence
  9. - lightly colored hair/yellow
  10. - unable to do something/stupid
  11. - has lots of money
  12. - showing no kindness towards others
  13. - showing or feeling sorrow

25 Clues: - sleepy- no hair- amusement- not strong- thin/small- good style- neat great- bad looking- being nervous- being irritating- showing pleasure- has lots of power- has lots of money- brown or black hair- doesn’t have much money- someone causing laughter- showing or feeling sorrow- lots of energy or activity- lightly colored hair/yellow...

kindness 2021-10-07

kindness crossword puzzle
  1. its some thing you should do with you're mind
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. Flying mammal
  4. do daring things
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Man's best friend
  3. Large marsupial

7 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialdo daring thingsMan's best friendLikes to chase miceits some thing you should do with you're mind

Kindness 2021-10-07

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. How someone feels like their emotions
  2. The act of being open to other peoples ideas
  3. Always giving things to others without being reluctant
  1. always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people
  2. It means when one person does it everyone else does it.
  3. extremely happy
  4. always trying to be with others and assist them

7 Clues: extremely happyHow someone feels like their emotionsThe act of being open to other peoples ideasalways trying to be with others and assist themAlways giving things to others without being reluctantIt means when one person does it everyone else does it.always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people

Kindness 2022-06-13

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. not bad
  2. when asking for something
  3. after a kind act
  4. My best ________ in my class
  1. With your whole heart
  2. He loves us and died for us
  3. We are saved by _________

7 Clues: not badafter a kind actWith your whole heartWe are saved by _________when asking for somethingHe loves us and died for usMy best ________ in my class

Kindness 2024-05-28

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. you have this at school
  2. AISJ mascot
  3. your teacher
  1. be this every day
  2. your teacher
  3. a person you like
  4. a classmates' name that is up in the air
  5. a noise that comes out of your mouth when something is funny

8 Clues: AISJ mascotyour teacheryour teacherbe this every daya person you likeyou have this at schoola classmates' name that is up in the aira noise that comes out of your mouth when something is funny

Sammi 2021-03-29

Sammi crossword puzzle
  1. my sisters mouse?
  2. the month I was born in?
  3. the name of my cat?
  4. My favorite hobbie?
  5. showing kindness to others?
  6. this is.......?
  7. the thing I am not?
  8. I am a.....?
  9. I like to eat this on toast?
  1. the name of my mouse?
  2. the things that Sophie always reads?
  3. you do this when you hurt people?
  4. the thing i am?
  5. my favorite colour?
  6. I always.....?
  7. my mouse Chickpea is this?
  8. I am this sometimes and it is displaying kindness?
  9. this is a....?
  10. I am....?
  11. I have a.....?

20 Clues: I am....?I am a.....?I always.....?this is a....?I have a.....?the thing i am?this is.......?my sisters mouse?the name of my cat?my favorite colour?My favorite hobbie?the thing I am not?the name of my mouse?the month I was born in?my mouse Chickpea is this?showing kindness to others?I like to eat this on toast?you do this when you hurt people?...

Kindness Crossword 2021-10-21

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the quality of being gentle, loving, or kind
  2. feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
  3. the giving of necessities and especially money to the needy
  4. return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process.
  5. mercy
  6. disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
  1. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  2. able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
  3. kind, gentle, or compassionate treatment especially towards someone who is undeserving of it
  4. the quality of being thankful
  5. the quality or state of being generous

11 Clues: mercythe quality of being thankfulthe quality or state of being generousthe quality of being gentle, loving, or kindable to be maintained at a certain rate or level.the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process....

Kindness crossword 2021-12-29

Kindness crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a feeling of loving or liking somebody/something
  2. having or showing kindness or understanding
  3. the quality of being generous
  4. the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution
  5. the money or gifts collected or given to people who are poor, sick, etc.
  6. helpful feeling towards other people
  1. telling the truth
  2. to suffer together
  3. morally correct
  4. to like somebody in the strongest possible way
  5. friendly and generous

11 Clues: morally correcttelling the truthto suffer togetherfriendly and generousthe quality of being generoushelpful feeling towards other peoplehaving or showing kindness or understandingto like somebody in the strongest possible waya feeling of loving or liking somebody/somethingthe making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution...

Kindness crossword 2022-01-05

Kindness crossword crossword puzzle
  1. when we do this we feel happy
  2. earth's highest mountain above sea level
  3. before beginning a thing all we need is this
  4. benevolence
  5. other word of joy
  1. feel deep sympathy and try to alleviate it
  2. in winter everyone loves sun's _______
  3. to be in another's shoes
  4. we should always ____ for the best
  5. when you get some help you say
  6. opposite of bad

11 Clues: benevolenceopposite of badother word of joyto be in another's shoeswhen we do this we feel happywhen you get some help you saywe should always ____ for the bestin winter everyone loves sun's _______earth's highest mountain above sea levelfeel deep sympathy and try to alleviate itbefore beginning a thing all we need is this

Kindness crossword 2021-12-21

Kindness crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A person who agrees to do something without being forced or paid to do it
  2. The act of being kind to others
  3. Living things that give us Oxygen
  4. A person who is very down to earth
  5. Beautiful bird with blue n green feathers
  1. Another word for gratitude
  2. An effect that causes harm to our earth
  3. The layer that protects our Environment
  4. Our planet
  5. Humans loyal animal friend
  6. King of the jungle

11 Clues: Our planetKing of the jungleAnother word for gratitudeHumans loyal animal friendThe act of being kind to othersLiving things that give us OxygenA person who is very down to earthAn effect that causes harm to our earthThe layer that protects our EnvironmentBeautiful bird with blue n green feathers...

Kindness Crossword 2023-05-15

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone
  2. Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
  3. Feeling or showing love or great care
  4. Done on purpose; deliberate
  5. Paying close attention to something
  1. A gentle feeling of fondness or liking
  2. Consideration for the needs of other people
  3. The quality of being friendly; affability.
  4. Inconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the world
  5. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
  6. The showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others

11 Clues: Done on purpose; deliberatePaying close attention to somethingFeeling or showing love or great careA gentle feeling of fondness or likingThe quality of being friendly; affability.Consideration for the needs of other peopleThe quality of being friendly, generous, and considerateInconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the world...

Understanding Kindness 2024-04-11

Understanding Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Kindness involves actions intended to benefit ______.
  2. Acts of kindness are driven by this feeling towards others.
  3. Kindness is an act of _______ for the benefit of others, without expecting anything in return.
  4. Kindness is not motivated by external ________ or punishments.
  1. This virtue is about showing care and concern for others.
  2. One of the key motivations behind kindness; it is the opposite of selfishness.
  3. A quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  4. Performing acts of kindness can improve the ______-being of the person who is being kind.

8 Clues: Kindness involves actions intended to benefit ______.A quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.This virtue is about showing care and concern for others.Acts of kindness are driven by this feeling towards others.Kindness is not motivated by external ________ or punishments....


KINDNESS CHALLENGE crossword puzzle
  1. on top
  2. all you need _____
  3. respond to need
  4. Man's best friend
  5. Likes to chase mice
  6. Highest mountain in the world
  7. symbol of love
  1. Without pride
  2. the opposite of cruelness
  3. group of people work together for good cause
  4. look after someone

11 Clues: on topWithout pridesymbol of loverespond to needMan's best friendall you need _____look after someoneLikes to chase micethe opposite of cruelnessHighest mountain in the worldgroup of people work together for good cause

Kindness Crossword 2021-10-27

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. giving aid or useful
  2. ignoring one's own self interest
  3. a humane characteristic
  4. to give or provide
  5. synonym to kindness
  6. a charitable behavior
  1. care or sympathy for others
  2. good will
  3. a prayer
  4. something for which you are grateful
  5. concern for someone

11 Clues: a prayergood willto give or provideconcern for someonesynonym to kindnessgiving aid or usefula charitable behaviora humane characteristiccare or sympathy for othersignoring one's own self interestsomething for which you are grateful

Kindness Crossword 2022-02-08

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The people you live with - parents/guardians, brothers, sisters...
  2. When you are very pleased someone has helped you out
  3. Jobs you do at home to help
  4. When you give something (maybe your time or money) to someone else to help
  5. Somone you live near to
  1. Something you give to someone, maybe on their birthday
  2. When your mouth curves upwards
  3. Something you do for someone else, or something someone else does for you when you need some help
  4. When you say something nice about someone
  5. People you choose to have fun with
  6. When you and a friend put your arms around each other

11 Clues: Somone you live near toJobs you do at home to helpWhen your mouth curves upwardsPeople you choose to have fun withWhen you say something nice about someoneWhen you are very pleased someone has helped you outWhen you and a friend put your arms around each otherSomething you give to someone, maybe on their birthday...

Kindness Crossword 2021-10-26

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a place where you donate to
  2. keeping in mind why it is done
  3. word associated to being a good host
  4. a word often used opposite of selfish
  5. Emotion you feel for others
  6. acceptable behaviour when in defeat
  1. something that you give wholeheartedly
  2. characteristic used to describe Azim Premji
  3. generally accepting and soothing behaviour
  4. synonym to care
  5. The tallest mountain in the world

11 Clues: synonym to carea place where you donate toEmotion you feel for otherskeeping in mind why it is doneThe tallest mountain in the worldacceptable behaviour when in defeatword associated to being a good hosta word often used opposite of selfishsomething that you give wholeheartedlygenerally accepting and soothing behaviour...

Kindness Act 2022-12-22

Kindness Act crossword puzzle
  1. _____ is caring
  2. A care provided to improve the situation
  3. A hand lend
  4. Help the _____
  5. work in a group
  6. Someone who takes up duties and responsibilities
  1. Comfort someone when they are feeling low
  2. Thankfulness
  3. The feeling of joy
  4. Have_______ on me god
  5. Highest Mountain peak

11 Clues: A hand lendThankfulnessHelp the __________ is caringwork in a groupThe feeling of joyHave_______ on me godHighest Mountain peakA care provided to improve the situationComfort someone when they are feeling lowSomeone who takes up duties and responsibilities

Kindness Challenge 2021-07-01

Kindness Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Trust in something
  2. Forgive or Excuse
  3. The state of honour
  4. To like very much
  5. Elevation of 8848mts
  6. To assist someone
  1. Help for the needy
  2. The feeling of sorrow
  3. A kind act
  4. A present
  5. The action of help

11 Clues: A presentA kind actForgive or ExcuseTo like very muchTo assist someoneHelp for the needyTrust in somethingThe action of helpThe state of honourElevation of 8848mtsThe feeling of sorrow

Kindness 2021-10-07

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. How someone feels like their emotions
  2. The act of being open to other peoples ideas
  3. Always giving things to others without being reluctant
  1. always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people
  2. It means when one person does it everyone else does it.
  3. extremely happy
  4. always trying to be with others and assist them

7 Clues: extremely happyHow someone feels like their emotionsThe act of being open to other peoples ideasalways trying to be with others and assist themAlways giving things to others without being reluctantIt means when one person does it everyone else does it.always being kind to other people and treating them well and not like inferior people

Kindness 2022-01-01

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. watchman
  2. Handwash
  3. tallest mountain
  1. recent students love
  2. safety cap
  3. afforestation
  4. hide from new enemy

7 Clues: watchmanHandwashsafety capafforestationtallest mountainhide from new enemyrecent students love

Kindness 2024-08-16

Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Rule
  2. Ear
  3. Words
  4. Heart
  1. in Others
  2. Hand
  3. Gestures
  4. in Action

8 Clues: EarHandRuleWordsHeartGesturesin Othersin Action

Compassion & Kindness 2020-12-14

Compassion & Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. what you say when someone does something for you
  2. friendly or generous
  3. two types of physical greetings
  4. when you make a mistake, you can...
  5. intentional time with someone you care about
  1. on a birthday or any ol' time ...
  2. take on another's harship
  3. we can't do everything ourselves
  4. parents would love these done on time
  5. to uplift something
  6. best done without thinking of how to respond

11 Clues: to uplift somethingfriendly or generoustake on another's harshiptwo types of physical greetingswe can't do everything ourselveson a birthday or any ol' time ...when you make a mistake, you can...parents would love these done on timebest done without thinking of how to respondintentional time with someone you care about...

Kindness Crossword 2021-10-21

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the quality of being thankful
  2. the quality or state of being generous
  3. disinterested and selfless concern for the wellbeing of others.
  4. kind, gentle, or compassionate treatment especially towards someone who is undeserving of it
  5. mercy
  6. able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
  1. return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process.
  2. the highest point
  3. feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
  4. the quality of being gentle, loving, or kind
  5. the giving of necessities and especially money to the needy

11 Clues: mercythe highest pointthe quality of being thankfulthe quality or state of being generousthe quality of being gentle, loving, or kindable to be maintained at a certain rate or level.return (material) to a previous stage in a cyclic process.feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune....

Kindness puzzle 2021-10-20

Kindness puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. avoid hunger
  2. something that is needed
  3. mountain
  4. avoid diseases
  5. something which is thought
  1. reuse
  2. something which is given
  3. place we live
  4. care for environment
  5. care for others
  6. someone who works under ngo

11 Clues: reusemountainavoid hungerplace we liveavoid diseasescare for otherscare for environmentsomething which is givensomething that is neededsomething which is thoughtsomeone who works under ngo


KINDNESS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle


Kindness Crossword 2021-06-27

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A fruit
  2. A quality of being friendly
  3. A skill to be social
  4. the quality of being thankful
  1. A network of water
  2. A Breakfast in the morning
  3. the acquisition of knowledge or skills through the study
  4. a person who works for an organization without being paid
  5. A group of animals
  6. An organisation helping the needy
  7. One of the highest peak on earth

11 Clues: A fruitA network of waterA group of animalsA skill to be socialA Breakfast in the morningA quality of being friendlythe quality of being thankfulOne of the highest peak on earthAn organisation helping the needythe acquisition of knowledge or skills through the studya person who works for an organization without being paid

To kill a mockin bird 2017-02-05

To kill a mockin bird crossword puzzle
  1. Queer
  2. Showing of ventless or kindness
  3. Soverly thoughtful;pensive
  4. Imperious
  5. The state if being calm or peaceful
  6. Prying
  7. Hazy or confused
  8. A tuft hair that grows in the opposite direction from the rest
  9. Favored by fortune; prosperous
  1. Kepping order during services
  2. An act of kindness
  3. A list of dramas, operas, etc.. that the actor or singer is prepared to perform
  4. Done, occuring, or coming at night
  5. Very brief
  6. Varieties of Kale
  7. To engage in thought or contemplation
  8. Small; tiny
  9. Without liveliness or spirit

18 Clues: QueerPryingImperiousVery briefSmall; tinyHazy or confusedVarieties of KaleAn act of kindnessSoverly thoughtful;pensiveWithout liveliness or spiritKepping order during servicesFavored by fortune; prosperousShowing of ventless or kindnessDone, occuring, or coming at nightThe state if being calm or peacefulTo engage in thought or contemplation...

someones crossword puzzle 2021-04-05

someones crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what is a short word for kindness
  2. laughter
  3. there to learn
  4. brain
  5. ice playing
  6. paying attention in
  7. adorable
  1. something people love
  2. music
  3. a girl in the family
  4. cute fluufy things
  5. helping family or anyone in need

12 Clues: musicbrainlaughteradorableice playingthere to learncute fluufy thingspaying attention ina girl in the familysomething people lovehelping family or anyone in needwhat is a short word for kindness

Moral 2023-08-19

Moral crossword puzzle
  1. kindness and understanding to people who are going through tough times.
  2. Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
  3. An inner sense of what is right and wrong.
  4. Being accountable for our actions and choices.
  5. Treating everyone equally and justly.
  1. Being friendly, considerate, and helpful.
  2. Accepting and respecting differences in others.
  3. The principles that guide our behavior and choices.
  4. Telling the truth and being sincere.
  5. The beliefs and ideas that are important to us.
  6. Doing what's right even when no one is watching.
  7. Sharing and giving to others selflessly.
  8. A positive quality or trait, like honesty or kindness.

13 Clues: Telling the truth and being sincere.Treating everyone equally and justly.Sharing and giving to others selflessly.Being friendly, considerate, and helpful.An inner sense of what is right and wrong.Being accountable for our actions and choices.Accepting and respecting differences in others.The beliefs and ideas that are important to us....

Empathy 2021-09-16

Empathy crossword puzzle
  1. the quality of being only a short distance away
  2. being nice to someone is showing...
  3. feelings that you have
  4. speak with someone
  5. feelings of pity and sorrow for another
  6. share or exchange information
  7. to give
  8. you l*** someone
  9. work as a team
  10. the state of being close to another person
  11. displaying kindness and concern for others
  12. to help someone or something
  1. bring together
  2. a relationship between friends
  3. know what or how it feels
  4. the people around you
  5. hearing others
  6. angry and happy

18 Clues: to givebring togetherhearing otherswork as a teamangry and happyyou l*** someonespeak with someonethe people around youfeelings that you haveknow what or how it feelsto help someone or somethingshare or exchange informationa relationship between friendsbeing nice to someone is showing...feelings of pity and sorrow for another...

Kindness Crossword 2021-07-11

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A person who works for an organization without being paid
  2. Sympathetic concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
  3. Displaying kindness and concern for others
  4. Showing a readiness to give more of something, especially money, than is strictly necessary or expected
  5. A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes
  1. To give for a good cause
  2. World's tallest mountain
  3. Disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others
  4. Seek financial support for a charity or cause
  5. Ability to understand and share feelings of others
  6. A person more concerned with the needs of others

11 Clues: To give for a good causeWorld's tallest mountainDisplaying kindness and concern for othersSeek financial support for a charity or causeA person more concerned with the needs of othersAbility to understand and share feelings of othersA person who works for an organization without being paid...

Kindness Challenge 2022-07-11

Kindness Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. pigment in leaves
  2. Layer that protects from harmfull races of sun
  3. Farmers best friend
  4. Biggest planet in the world
  5. Solar energy comes from
  6. Destruction of forest
  1. First element in periodic table
  2. Rainbow
  3. Most abundant gas in environment
  4. Primary Source of Oxygen
  5. Nondegradable waste

11 Clues: Rainbowpigment in leavesFarmers best friendNondegradable wasteDestruction of forestSolar energy comes fromPrimary Source of OxygenBiggest planet in the worldFirst element in periodic tableMost abundant gas in environmentLayer that protects from harmfull races of sun

Kindness puzzle 2021-10-20

Kindness puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. avoid hunger
  2. something that is needed
  3. mountain
  4. avoid diseases
  5. something which is thought
  1. reuse
  2. something which is given
  3. place we live
  4. care for environment
  5. care for others
  6. someone who works under ngo

11 Clues: reusemountainavoid hungerplace we liveavoid diseasescare for otherscare for environmentsomething which is givensomething that is neededsomething which is thoughtsomeone who works under ngo

Kindness crossword 2021-10-20

Kindness crossword crossword puzzle
  1. we should not ____ animals.
  2. when you are kind to someone,it can make them feel?
  3. green peace campaign is to stop___ change?
  4. kindness is the language that ____ can hear.
  5. people should be banned to hunt in forest to ensure protection of?
  6. who plants kindness gathers?
  1. reduce, reuse and recycle can conserve our?
  2. another word for kind?
  3. every living being is important and should be?
  4. sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb which mountain?
  5. Show ____ to the poor.

11 Clues: another word for kind?Show ____ to the poor.we should not ____ animals.who plants kindness gathers?green peace campaign is to stop___ change?reduce, reuse and recycle can conserve our?kindness is the language that ____ can hear.every living being is important and should be?when you are kind to someone,it can make them feel?...


KINDNESS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle



KINDNESS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle



KINDNESS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  2. understanding between people;
  3. the voluntary giving of help
  1. tenderness
  2. the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests
  3. he quality of being kind
  4. caring
  5. the showing of politeness in one's attitude
  6. a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.
  7. the capacity to accept or tolerate things

11 Clues: caringtendernessWORLDS TALLEST MOUNTAINhe quality of being kindPROVIDING HELP TO THE NEEDYthe voluntary giving of helpunderstanding between people;a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.the capacity to accept or tolerate thingsthe showing of politeness in one's attitudethe friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests

Kindness Puzzle 2021-12-28

Kindness Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Praise
  2. Highest Peak
  3. Benevolent
  4. Aid
  5. Fund
  1. A tense
  2. Freely offer to work
  3. Smirk
  4. Red Jumper Cable
  5. Emotionally Understanding
  6. Rhymes with jug

11 Clues: AidFundSmirkPraiseA tenseBenevolentHighest PeakRhymes with jugRed Jumper CableFreely offer to workEmotionally Understanding

Complete the Crossword to Find Your RAK! 2024-09-23

Complete the Crossword to Find Your RAK! crossword puzzle
  1. Allowing liquid to escape, usually unintentionally
  2. A wooden crosspiece used to join two animals
  3. Essential tool for unlocking something
  4. The outline of buildings or mountains against the sky
  5. Affirmative response
  6. A small act of kindness that can brighten someone's day
  7. Smooth and glossy in appearance
  8. The opposite of selfishness, often linked to RAKs
  9. An activity where you help others for no personal gain
  10. A common phrase that encourages random acts of kindness
  11. The region of the atmosphere above Earth
  1. Probable or expected to happen
  2. Something you might leave for a stranger to find as a RAK
  3. The word for doing something nice without expecting anything in return
  4. A large deer with big antlers
  5. This term describes a spontaneous gesture of goodwill
  6. A hair that grows on the edge of the eyelid
  7. A flat board on wheels used for riding and tricks
  8. Revolution A movement that promotes kindness in everyday life
  9. What you call a selfless act that benefits others
  10. Framework of bones in the body
  11. A feeling often associated with performing a RAK

22 Clues: Affirmative responseA large deer with big antlersProbable or expected to happenFramework of bones in the bodySmooth and glossy in appearanceEssential tool for unlocking somethingThe region of the atmosphere above EarthA hair that grows on the edge of the eyelidA wooden crosspiece used to join two animals...

Complete the Crossword to Find Your RAK! 2024-09-23

Complete the Crossword to Find Your RAK! crossword puzzle
  1. Prone to allowing fluids or gases to escape
  2. Burden or bond connecting two entities
  3. Something vital or central to solving a puzzle
  4. Outline of urban architecture seen from afar
  5. Response signaling agreement or affirmation
  6. A small act of kindness that can brighten someone's day
  7. Polished and stylish, often describing modern designs
  8. The opposite of selfishness, often linked to RAKs
  9. An activity where you help others for no personal gain
  10. A common phrase that encourages random acts of kindness
  11. Limitless expanse, visible above, often blue or cloudy
  1. Highly probable, though not certain
  2. Something you might leave for a stranger to find as a RAK
  3. The word for doing something nice without expecting anything in return
  4. Majestic animal known for its antlered crown
  5. This term describes a spontaneous gesture of goodwill
  6. Fine strand protecting the eye, commonly curled
  7. Street-rider's platform on wheels, often used for tricks
  8. Revolution A movement that promotes kindness in everyday life
  9. What you call a selfless act that benefits others
  10. Framework that supports a structure, often hidden
  11. A feeling often associated with performing a RAK

22 Clues: Highly probable, though not certainBurden or bond connecting two entitiesProne to allowing fluids or gases to escapeResponse signaling agreement or affirmationMajestic animal known for its antlered crownOutline of urban architecture seen from afarSomething vital or central to solving a puzzleFine strand protecting the eye, commonly curled...

The Fruits of the Spirit 2023-08-25

The Fruits of the Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. self control
  2. affection
  3. forbearance
  4. usefulness that is moral excellence
  5. virtue
  1. quietness, rest
  2. humility
  3. kindness, mild tempered
  4. assurance, belief
  5. cheerfulness

10 Clues: virtuehumilityaffectionforbearanceself controlcheerfulnessquietness, restassurance, beliefkindness, mild temperedusefulness that is moral excellence

Friend's Day 2024-07-10

Friend's Day crossword puzzle
  1. kindness (bondade)
  2. honest (honestidade)
  3. affection (afeição)
  4. faithful (fidelidade)
  5. partiner (parceria)
  1. sincerity (sinceridade)
  2. tenderness (ternura)
  3. love (amor)
  4. loyal (lealdade)
  5. care (cuidado)

10 Clues: love (amor)care (cuidado)kindness (bondade)tenderness (ternura)loyal (lealdade)affection (afeição)sincerity (sinceridade)partiner (parceria)faithful (fidelidade)honest (honestidade)


FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT crossword puzzle
  1. PEACE
  5. JOY
  2. LOVE


Kindness Vocabulary 2021-02-09

Kindness Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to annoy or make fun of someone
  2. to form a supportive connection
  3. something taken in as part of a whole
  4. sympathy for the feelings or habits of others
  5. a setting where a lot of traits coexist
  1. unfair treatment of a different person
  2. an idea about a group of people, often untrue
  3. a benefit given to some but not to others
  4. an act of gentleness and thoughtfulness
  5. mistreatment by someone who holds more power
  6. someone who has a strong liking for another person

11 Clues: to annoy or make fun of someoneto form a supportive connectionsomething taken in as part of a wholeunfair treatment of a different personan act of gentleness and thoughtfulnessa setting where a lot of traits coexista benefit given to some but not to othersmistreatment by someone who holds more poweran idea about a group of people, often untrue...

Allahs kindness 2021-07-02

Allahs kindness crossword puzzle
  1. They are on our head and help us hear
  2. they take care of us since we were babies until we grow up
  3. ___ loves us more than our parents
  4. Allah helps us when we need it because he is ____
  5. We need it to survive and without we become very hungry
  6. Allah loves us because he ____ us
  1. they are on our face and help us see
  2. when it falls down it makes everything grow
  3. when we want something from Allah we can ___ to him and tell him
  4. Allah ___ everything we say when we pray to him
  5. Allah is kind to us and ___ us so much

11 Clues: Allah loves us because he ____ us___ loves us more than our parentsthey are on our face and help us seeThey are on our head and help us hearAllah is kind to us and ___ us so muchwhen it falls down it makes everything growAllah ___ everything we say when we pray to himAllah helps us when we need it because he is ____...

Kindness Crossword 2021-10-13

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. friendly and helpful
  2. giving or ready to give
  3. give for a good cause
  4. person who freely offers to take part or support an organization or task
  5. kind or pleasant
  6. like or enjoy a lot
  7. to look after
  1. thankful for something
  2. providing encouragement or emotional help
  3. friendly and helpful
  4. concerned and thoughtful
  5. NGO founded by Karthee Vidya to help children through various ways

12 Clues: to look afterkind or pleasantlike or enjoy a lotfriendly and helpfulfriendly and helpfulgive for a good causethankful for somethinggiving or ready to giveconcerned and thoughtfulproviding encouragement or emotional helpNGO founded by Karthee Vidya to help children through various ways...

Kindness Crossword 2021-11-09

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. where there is ____ there is life.
  2. _______ oceans as they absorbs over 90% of the heat and 30% of co2 emissions and produces 70% of oxygen of the planet.
  3. do not say but show you ____.
  4. Peace begins with a _____.
  5. Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________.
  1. want to volunteer ? learn more here -
  2. _____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama.
  3. a sense of ______ for others gives our life a meaning; it is the root of all human happiness.
  4. ______ is like a mirror it reflects back.
  5. to lose _____ is to lose battle.
  6. In a world where you can be anything, be ______.

11 Clues: Peace begins with a not say but show you lose _____ is to lose battle.where there is ____ there is life.______ is like a mirror it reflects back.Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________.In a world where you can be anything, be ______._____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama....

Kindness Crossword 2021-11-09

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. _____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama.
  2. Peace begins with a _____.
  3. a sense of ______ for others gives our life a meaning; it is the root of all human happiness.
  4. ______ is like a mirror it reflects back.
  5. _______ oceans as they absorbs over 90% of the heat and 30% of co2 emissions and produces 70% of oxygen of the planet.
  1. want to volunteer ? learn more here -
  2. to lose _____ is to lose battle.
  3. Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________.
  4. do not say but show you ____.
  5. In a world where you can be anything, be ______.
  6. where there is ____ there is life.

11 Clues: Peace begins with a not say but show you lose _____ is to lose battle.where there is ____ there is life.______ is like a mirror it reflects back.Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________.In a world where you can be anything, be ______._____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama....

Kindness Crossword 2021-11-09

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. _____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama.
  2. Peace begins with a _____.
  3. a sense of ______ for others gives our life a meaning; it is the root of all human happiness.
  4. ______ is like a mirror it reflects back.
  5. _______ oceans as they absorbs over 90% of the heat and 30% of co2 emissions and produces 70% of oxygen of the planet.
  1. want to volunteer ? learn more here -
  2. to lose _____ is to lose battle.
  3. Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________.
  4. do not say but show you ____.
  5. In a world where you can be anything, be ______.
  6. where there is ____ there is life.

11 Clues: Peace begins with a not say but show you lose _____ is to lose battle.where there is ____ there is life.______ is like a mirror it reflects back.Tony Stark aka iron man is also a ___________.In a world where you can be anything, be ______._____ is the best source of happiness - Dalai lama....


KINDNESS CHALLENGE crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. symbol of love
  3. respond to need
  4. look after someone
  5. the opposite of cruelness
  6. Highest mountain in the world
  1. all you need _____
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. Without pride
  4. group of people work together for good cause
  5. on top

11 Clues: on topWithout pridesymbol of loverespond to needMan's best friendall you need _____look after someoneLikes to chase micethe opposite of cruelnessHighest mountain in the worldgroup of people work together for good cause

Kindness Crossword 2021-10-26

Kindness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a place where you donate to
  2. keeping in mind why it is done
  3. word associated to being a good host
  4. a word often used opposite of selfish
  5. Emotion you feel for others
  6. acceptable behaviour when in defeat
  1. something that you give wholeheartedly
  2. characteristic used to describe Azim Premji
  3. generally accepting and soothing behaviour
  4. synonym to care
  5. The tallest mountain in the world

11 Clues: synonym to carea place where you donate toEmotion you feel for otherskeeping in mind why it is doneThe tallest mountain in the worldacceptable behaviour when in defeatword associated to being a good hosta word often used opposite of selfishsomething that you give wholeheartedlygenerally accepting and soothing behaviour...

Kindness crossword 2021-10-20

Kindness crossword crossword puzzle
  1. every living being is important and should be?
  2. people should be banned to hunt in forest to ensure protection of?
  3. Show ____ to the poor.
  4. another word for kind?
  5. sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb which mountain?
  1. green peace campaign is to stop___ change?
  2. when you are kind to someone,it can make them feel?
  3. reduce, reuse and recycle can conserve our?
  4. kindness is the language that ____ can hear.
  5. who plants kindness gathers?
  6. we should not ____ animals.

11 Clues: Show ____ to the poor.another word for kind?we should not ____ animals.who plants kindness gathers?green peace campaign is to stop___ change?reduce, reuse and recycle can conserve our?kindness is the language that ____ can hear.every living being is important and should be?when you are kind to someone,it can make them feel?...

Kindness puzzle 2024-10-27

Kindness puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. - "A warm affection that brings people closer."
  2. - "A bond of mutual trust, support, and kindness."
  3. - "Letting go of resentment and offering a second chance."
  4. - "The quality of being thankful and showing appreciation."
  5. - "Lending a hand or encouragement to help someone."
  6. - "Giving freely to support those in need."
  1. - "Feeling deeply for others' suffering and acting to help."
  2. - "Willingness to give more than expected or required."
  3. - "A peak of compassion, also the name of a kindness-focused NGO."
  4. - "Ability to wait calmly, even when things are tough."
  5. - "Understanding and sharing another person's feelings."

11 Clues: - "Giving freely to support those in need."- "A warm affection that brings people closer."- "A bond of mutual trust, support, and kindness."- "Lending a hand or encouragement to help someone."- "Willingness to give more than expected or required."- "Ability to wait calmly, even when things are tough."...

Fruit of the Spirit and Church Unity 2016-03-24

Fruit of the Spirit and Church Unity crossword puzzle
  1. Rejoice in the _____
  2. Nothing between You and Jesus ___
  3. Believers should always seek _____________
  4. True Saints have _____ with God
  5. Be slow to ________
  6. Our theme for 2016 is Church _________
  7. ___________ is power under control
  8. Practicing benevolence towards others is ________
  9. Non-Jews were called __________
  10. Love does not _____
  1. Love is described in I _____________
  2. Love should be the __________ for all we do
  3. _______________ is conformity to God’s Commands
  4. Anchor Scripture was found in the Book of ___________
  5. _________ is correction without love
  6. Love keeps no record of ______________
  7. Kindness ______ kindness
  8. ______ was the Apostle to the Jews
  9. Believers are _______ of God’s Word
  10. The greatest of these is _______

20 Clues: Be slow to ________Love does not _____Rejoice in the _____Kindness ______ kindnessTrue Saints have _____ with GodNon-Jews were called __________The greatest of these is _______Nothing between You and Jesus _________ was the Apostle to the Jews___________ is power under controlBelievers are _______ of God’s WordLove is described in I _____________...

Fruit 2020-05-02

Fruit crossword puzzle
  1. patience
  2. selfcontrol
  3. peace
  4. goodness
  1. Faithfulness
  2. kindness
  3. love
  4. gentleness
  5. joy

9 Clues: joylovepeacekindnesspatiencegoodnessgentlenessselfcontrolFaithfulness

les adjectifs 2022-02-23

les adjectifs crossword puzzle
  1. - showing or feeling sorrow
  2. - unable to do something/stupid
  3. - sleepy
  4. - something/someone that catches your attention
  5. - brown or black hair
  6. - doesn’t have much money
  7. - no hair
  8. - free from feeling excited or anxious
  9. - being nervous
  10. - amusement
  11. - good style
  12. - bad looking
  1. - doesn’t mind when people take their time
  2. - has lots of power
  3. - showing no kindness towards others
  4. - showing kindness towards others
  5. - not strong
  6. - thin/small
  7. - lightly colored hair/yellow
  8. - being irritating
  9. - lots of energy or activity
  10. - has lots of money
  11. - showing pleasure
  12. - someone causing laughter
  13. - showing lots of intelligence

25 Clues: - sleepy- no hair- amusement- not strong- thin/small- good style- bad looking- being nervous- being irritating- showing pleasure- has lots of power- has lots of money- brown or black hair- doesn’t have much money- someone causing laughter- showing or feeling sorrow- lots of energy or activity- lightly colored hair/yellow...

Violet 2023-09-19

Violet crossword puzzle
  1. Preventing being mean to others
  2. Loud clanging noise
  3. Our slogan
  4. Swearing to do something to someone
  5. Striving for excellence
  6. Being good even when people aren't watching
  7. A place to learn
  8. Responsibility
  1. A purple flower
  2. Kindness and caring; speaking from the heart
  3. Another word for variety
  4. Responsibility for our community
  5. Kindness to everyone
  6. A way ho be happy and enjoy yourself with friends
  7. A bad change in our weather
  8. The colour spectrum
  9. A place where people can heal you
  10. A reason to try something new
  11. Having everything ready ahead of schedule
  12. Telling the truth

20 Clues: Our sloganResponsibilityA purple flowerA place to learnTelling the truthLoud clanging noiseThe colour spectrumKindness to everyoneStriving for excellenceAnother word for varietyA bad change in our weatherA reason to try something newPreventing being mean to othersResponsibility for our communityA place where people can heal you...

Complete the Crossword to Find Your RAK! 2024-09-23

Complete the Crossword to Find Your RAK! crossword puzzle
  1. Burden or bond connecting two entities
  2. This term describes a spontaneous gesture of goodwill
  3. Prone to allowing fluids or gases to escape
  4. Street-rider's platform on wheels, often used for tricks
  5. Fine strand protecting the eye, commonly curled
  6. Something you might leave for a stranger to find as a RAK
  7. Revolution A movement that promotes kindness in everyday life
  8. Outline of urban architecture seen from afar
  9. A feeling often associated with performing a RAK
  10. Majestic animal known for its antlered crown
  1. The word for doing something nice without expecting anything in return
  2. Framework that supports a structure, often hidden
  3. The opposite of selfishness, often linked to RAKs
  4. Response signaling agreement or affirmation
  5. A small act of kindness that can brighten someone's day
  6. What you call a selfless act that benefits others
  7. It Forward A common phrase that encourages random acts of kindness
  8. Polished and stylish, often describing modern designs
  9. Highly probable, though not certain
  10. An activity where you help others for no personal gain
  11. Something vital or central to solving a puzzle
  12. Limitless expanse, visible above, often blue or cloudy

22 Clues: Highly probable, though not certainBurden or bond connecting two entitiesResponse signaling agreement or affirmationProne to allowing fluids or gases to escapeOutline of urban architecture seen from afarMajestic animal known for its antlered crownSomething vital or central to solving a puzzleFine strand protecting the eye, commonly curled...

Acts of Kindness 2021-03-23

Acts of Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. What happened to the boy in Rumais' story?
  2. What did Joan & Max buy their friend in hospital?
  3. What did Miguel buy his sick grandmother?
  4. What did Jordi & Guillem do to the shopping?
  5. What fruit did Zoa & Jana give a homeless man?
  6. Marina & Alejandro gave a homeless man a ticket to what?
  7. Where did Clara get lost?
  8. What fast food did Bruna, Julia and Aitana give to a homeless man?
  9. What part of Bavu the bird was broken?
  10. What did Mar & Martina sell to collect money?
  1. What did Clara & Jana donate for Cancer patients?
  2. Guillem cheer up Jordi because he lost what sport?
  3. How much money did Oriol's grandmother give to the man?
  4. Malena donated money to children from which continent
  5. Who helped Oscar save the bird?
  6. What did Leo's grandparents do to help the cat?
  7. What did Anastasia give a homeless woman?

17 Clues: Where did Clara get lost?Who helped Oscar save the bird?What part of Bavu the bird was broken?What did Miguel buy his sick grandmother?What did Anastasia give a homeless woman?What happened to the boy in Rumais' story?What did Jordi & Guillem do to the shopping?What did Mar & Martina sell to collect money?...

Fruits of the Spirit 2017-11-30

Fruits of the Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. faithfulness
  2. love
  3. goodness
  4. patience
  1. self-control
  2. kindness
  3. gentleness
  4. joy
  5. peace

9 Clues: joylovepeacekindnessgoodnesspatiencegentlenessself-controlfaithfulness

btf 2022-04-13

btf crossword puzzle
  1. patience
  2. gentleness
  3. peace
  4. self-control
  5. goodness
  1. kindness
  2. faithfulness
  3. joy
  4. love

9 Clues: joylovepeacekindnesspatiencegoodnessgentlenessfaithfulnessself-control

Acts of Kindness 2022-09-21

Acts of Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. neglect/forget/discount
  2. say the opposite of
  3. swap
  4. excited
  5. concentrate/pay attention
  6. approval
  7. think about
  1. include
  2. examine/discover
  3. choice
  4. bravery
  5. give description/meaning
  6. show
  7. price
  8. remember
  9. depend on
  10. conscious

17 Clues: swapshowpricechoiceincludebraveryexcitedrememberapprovaldepend onconsciousthink aboutexamine/discoversay the opposite ofneglect/forget/discountgive description/meaningconcentrate/pay attention

Acts of kindness 2024-09-10

Acts of kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Something given willingly to someone without payment.
  2. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.
  3. To provide encouragement or emotional help.
  4. An organization that provides help and raises money for those in need.
  5. To give someone confidence or hope.
  6. Done without a specific pattern, purpose, or plan, often used in the context of acts of kindness.
  7. To do something unexpected that delights or pleases someone.
  8. To offer to do something without being paid for it.
  9. To assist someone in need.
  1. The quality of being kind and giving more than is necessary or expected.
  2. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  3. A polite expression of praise or admiration.
  4. To guide or advise someone, especially in their personal or professional development.
  5. To give money or goods to help others in need.
  6. To make a facial expression showing happiness or friendliness.
  7. To give a portion of something to others.
  8. The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation and to return kindness.

17 Clues: To assist someone in need.To give someone confidence or hope.To give a portion of something to others.To provide encouragement or emotional help.A polite expression of praise or admiration.To give money or goods to help others in need.To offer to do something without being paid for it.Something given willingly to someone without payment....

Kindness Crossword Puzzle 2020-08-16

Kindness Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. someone who listens attentively
  2. capacity to accept delay
  3. acts of kindness
  4. joint use of resource or space
  5. part of body associated with kindness
  6. considerate for the needs of others
  7. kind greeting
  8. someone to play
  9. kind words
  1. kind way to say hello
  2. show of gratitude
  3. readiness to give to others
  4. positive way to support others
  5. attending to the needs of others
  6. showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another
  7. assisting others

16 Clues: kind wordskind greetingsomeone to playacts of kindnessassisting othersshow of gratitudekind way to say hellocapacity to accept delayreadiness to give to otherspositive way to support othersjoint use of resource or spacesomeone who listens attentivelyattending to the needs of othersconsiderate for the needs of others...

Fruits of the Spirit 2017-11-30

Fruits of the Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. peace
  2. faithfulness
  3. joy
  4. kindness
  5. love
  1. goodnes
  2. patience
  3. gentleness
  4. self-control

9 Clues: joylovepeacegoodnespatiencekindnessgentlenessself-controlfaithfulness

Fruits of the Spirit 2017-11-30

Fruits of the Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. peace
  2. self-control
  3. gentleness
  4. goodness
  1. love
  2. faithfulness
  3. patience
  4. kindness
  5. joy

9 Clues: joylovepeacepatiencekindnessgoodnessgentlenessfaithfulnessself-control

Nouns 2022-01-27

Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. zuzar
  2. pendë
  3. xham
  4. qiri
  5. mjet
  6. ëndërr
  7. rrezik
  8. kënd
  9. rrip
  1. buzëqeshje
  2. dashamirësi
  3. gjeth
  4. mur
  5. çekiç
  6. dosje
  7. sup
  8. rastësi
  9. stol
  10. pasqyrë
  11. hundë

20 Clues: mursupxhamqirimjetstolkëndrripzuzargjethçekiçpendëdosjehundëëndërrrrezikrastësipasqyrëbuzëqeshjedashamirësi

bible 2023-03-31

bible crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 2
  3. 11
  4. 16
  5. 14
  6. 10
  7. 13
  8. 7
  1. 8
  2. 9
  3. 1
  4. 15
  5. 20
  6. 4
  7. 12
  8. 19
  9. 18
  10. 17
  11. 3
  12. 6

20 Clues: 8951243671511201216141918171013

Respect Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-03

Respect Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. ability to endure hardships
  2. accountable for your actions
  3. good judgment
  4. courteous goodwill
  5. acting truthfully
  6. accepting responsibility for your actions
  1. feeling pity or sorrow for someone else
  2. voluntary giving of help
  3. displaying kindness or concern
  4. friendly, generous, considerate
  5. honest
  6. worthy of honor or respect

12 Clues: honestgood judgmentacting truthfullycourteous goodwillvoluntary giving of helpworthy of honor or respectability to endure hardshipsaccountable for your actionsdisplaying kindness or concernfriendly, generous, consideratefeeling pity or sorrow for someone elseaccepting responsibility for your actions

Random acts of kindness 2020-11-18

Random acts of kindness crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  2. feeling or showing gratitude or pleasure.
  3. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
  4. not subject to any conditions.
  1. take action; do something.
  2. feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
  3. feeling or showing love or great care.
  4. showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.
  5. made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision.
  6. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  7. displaying kindness and concern for others.
  8. showing careful thought.
  9. belonging naturally; essential.

13 Clues: showing careful thought.take action; do something.not subject to any conditions.belonging naturally; essential.feeling or showing love or great care.feeling or showing gratitude or pleasure.displaying kindness and concern for others.the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune....

bible 2023-03-31

bible crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 16
  3. 13
  4. 12
  5. 8
  6. 3
  7. 17
  8. 2
  9. 10
  10. 20
  1. 18
  2. 6
  3. 19
  4. 9
  5. 4
  6. 14
  7. 1
  8. 15
  9. 7
  10. 11

20 Clues: 6594183271819161413121517111020

Kindness empowers you 2024-03-20

Kindness empowers you crossword puzzle
  1. in the moment, or to exist
  2. to make a concrete path
  3. on the other side
  4. when an animal is lacking nutrients
  5. art displaying audio for entertainment
  6. more
  7. system of symbols
  1. a gift for the dead, dirt and sun I will devour, I often make my bed, they call me a ______
  2. of bravery or honor
  3. bad outlook, barren land, cold
  4. act of being grateful
  5. >village <city
  6. If you see me first, you're safe
  7. searching
  8. one switch function
  9. one time is not enough, three times is too much.

16 Clues: moresearching>village <cityon the other sidesystem of symbolsof bravery or honorone switch functionact of being gratefulto make a concrete pathin the moment, or to existbad outlook, barren land, coldIf you see me first, you're safewhen an animal is lacking nutrientsart displaying audio for entertainment...

jaxon's positive traits 2021-03-30

jaxon's positive traits crossword puzzle
  1. helping other people in need that need help
  2. telling the truth even in tough times
  3. showing all kindness and manners
  4. showing kindness to others
  5. beleaving in people no matter what
  6. helping other people smile in funny ways
  1. using manners and saying thank you
  2. trying no matter what gets in your way
  3. showing kindness and making other frinds with people
  4. working trying hard no matter what
  5. by waiting and not rushing people and using manners

11 Clues: showing kindness to othersshowing all kindness and mannersusing manners and saying thank youworking trying hard no matter whatbeleaving in people no matter whattelling the truth even in tough timestrying no matter what gets in your wayhelping other people smile in funny wayshelping other people in need that need help...

Adjectives 2022-12-05

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. sociability
  2. adventure
  3. kindness
  4. popularity
  5. comfort
  6. success
  7. loneliness
  8. study
  9. intelligence
  10. happiness
  11. courage
  1. resource
  2. determination
  3. joy
  4. anger
  5. challenge
  6. shyness
  7. meanness
  8. help
  9. fairness

20 Clues: joyhelpangerstudycomfortsuccessshynesscourageresourcekindnessmeannessfairnessadventurechallengehappinesspopularitylonelinesssociabilityintelligencedetermination

adjective, noun 2018-02-21

adjective, noun crossword puzzle
  1. noise
  2. person
  3. possibility
  4. intelligence
  5. sadness
  6. politics
  7. safety
  8. kindness
  9. north
  10. music
  1. medicine
  2. religion
  3. south
  4. science
  5. peace
  6. length
  7. mistake
  8. madness
  9. pain
  10. laziness

20 Clues: painnoisesouthpeacenorthmusicpersonlengthsafetysciencesadnessmistakemadnessmedicinereligionpoliticskindnesslazinesspossibilityintelligence

Family Ties (Ruth and Boaz): The Book of Ruth 2021-02-08

Family Ties (Ruth and Boaz): The Book of Ruth crossword puzzle
  1. Naomi told Orpan and Ruth that they could go back to them and leave her alone.
  2. Obed later had a son named this, who was the father of King David.
  3. She and her husband had two sons and traveled from Judah to Moab to find food.
  4. Because of the kindness of Boaz and Ruth, Naomi now had this with them.
  5. Naomi came to live with Boaz and Ruth because they did this.
  6. This story shows the impact of kindness, but also that true kindness does this.
  7. Our friends and family need to know that we think they are this to us.
  8. Naomi knew that both Orpah and Ruth had this in common so they would be able to marry again.
  9. Another one of Naomi's sons married her.
  10. Boaz went to find another family member to see if he could buy Naomi's this.
  1. Ruth and Naomi traveled to Naomi's hometown here.
  2. Showing others they are valuable by how you treat them.
  3. In Moab, one of Naomi's sons married her.
  4. Ruth asked Boaz for this since he was responsible for their family.
  5. This happened to Naomi's husband and both of her sons.
  6. Boaz offered to Ruth roasted grain and this to eat.
  7. Many hundreds of years later, he was born as part of this family line.
  8. Boaz and Ruth had a baby that they named this.
  9. The field where Ruth gathered grain belonged to a relative of Naomi named this.
  10. Orpah returned home, but she refused to leave Naomi.
  11. Ruth and Naomi needed food, so Ruth went to the fields to pick up the leftover this.

21 Clues: Another one of Naomi's sons married her.In Moab, one of Naomi's sons married her.Boaz and Ruth had a baby that they named this.Ruth and Naomi traveled to Naomi's hometown here.Boaz offered to Ruth roasted grain and this to eat.Orpah returned home, but she refused to leave Naomi.This happened to Naomi's husband and both of her sons....

Important Chumash Words 2017-11-28

Important Chumash Words crossword puzzle
  1. חֶסֶד
  2. עֵת
  3. מִדְבָּר
  4. מְאֹד
  5. פָּקַד
  6. חֹדֶשׁ
  7. כָּרַת
  8. אֲדָמָה
  9. בָּשָׂר
  1. מִשְׁפָּחָה
  2. גְּבוּל
  3. יָרַשׁ
  4. לֶחֶם
  5. כָּתַב
  6. חֵטְא
  7. עָבַד
  8. חָזָק
  9. סָבִיב
  10. אֶבֶן
  11. שִׁשִּׁים

20 Clues: עֵתלֶחֶםחֵטְאחֶסֶדעָבַדחָזָקמְאֹדאֶבֶןיָרַשׁכָּתַבסָבִיבפָּקַדחֹדֶשׁכָּרַתגְּבוּלאֲדָמָהבָּשָׂרמִדְבָּרשִׁשִּׁיםמִשְׁפָּחָה

taller 2022-05-19

taller crossword puzzle
  1. 7
  2. 9
  3. 2
  4. 20
  5. 5
  6. 10
  7. 4
  8. 13
  9. 19
  10. 8
  1. 15
  2. 3
  3. 18
  4. 6
  5. 14
  6. 12
  7. 1
  8. 17
  9. 11
  10. 16

20 Clues: 3769215481518141220171110131619

25 - The Blind Man and the Hunter 2019-09-27

25 - The Blind Man and the Hunter crossword puzzle
  1. klok
  2. løve
  3. hat
  4. feil
  5. skog
  6. hjerte
  7. fjær
  8. godhet, vennlighet
  9. flink
  10. kone
  1. landsby
  2. krige
  3. spor
  4. råd
  5. forskjell
  6. sinne
  7. hytte
  8. feller
  9. jeger
  10. skam

20 Clues: rådhatklokløvesporfeilskogfjærskamkonekrigesinnehyttejegerflinkfellerhjertelandsbyforskjellgodhet, vennlighet

Unsure 2024-09-04

Unsure crossword puzzle
  1. 18
  2. 4
  3. 7
  4. 6
  5. 3
  6. 15
  7. 13
  8. 5
  9. 10
  10. 11
  11. 14
  1. 17
  2. 9
  3. 19
  4. 2
  5. 1
  6. 8
  7. 20
  8. 16
  9. 12

20 Clues: 9421763851718191520131612101114

2013-2014 Black-Eyed Susan Nominees 2014-06-10

2013-2014 Black-Eyed Susan Nominees crossword puzzle
  1. Where you must obey the "Ten Rules"
  2. Where the "Creepy Carrots" came from
  3. Who took the wishing stick?
  4. Who found a wishing stick?
  5. Setting of "Mousetronaut"
  6. New girl in "Each Kindness"
  7. President who went camping
  8. Setting of "A Storm Called Katrina"
  9. His heart told a story
  1. Girl who "doesn't match"
  2. Whose apartment did the bear visit?
  3. Owner of a fish
  4. The setting of "Each Kindness"
  5. Name of the "Mousetronaut"
  6. She stood straight!
  7. Setting of "Joha Makes a Wish"
  8. Main character in "Creepy Carrots"

17 Clues: Owner of a fishShe stood straight!His heart told a storyGirl who "doesn't match"Setting of "Mousetronaut"Name of the "Mousetronaut"Who found a wishing stick?President who went campingWho took the wishing stick?New girl in "Each Kindness"The setting of "Each Kindness"Setting of "Joha Makes a Wish"Main character in "Creepy Carrots"...

Fruits of the Spirit 2017-11-30

Fruits of the Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. faithfulness
  2. kindness
  3. goodnes
  4. joy
  1. patience
  2. gentleness
  3. self-control
  4. peace
  5. love

9 Clues: joylovepeacegoodnespatiencekindnessgentlenessself-controlfaithfulness

Fruits of the Spirit 2017-11-30

Fruits of the Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. patience
  2. gentleness
  3. self-control
  4. kindness
  1. goodness
  2. peace
  3. faithfulness
  4. joy
  5. love

9 Clues: joylovepeacegoodnesspatiencekindnessgentlenessfaithfulnessself-control

Kindness Day! 2021-02-15

Kindness Day! crossword puzzle
  1. an emotion that being kind can make you feel
  2. ________ acts of kindness are those that occur unplanned
  3. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
  4. the type of kindness that is from you, for you!
  5. ______ one way to show kindness is to _______ while others are talking
  1. saying this is a way to show your appreciation!
  2. to do something for the good of others with no reward
  3. to be a good one of these, you've got to be kind
  4. someone who ISN'T kind
  5. a little facial gesture that can go a long way to make others feel welcome!

10 Clues: someone who ISN'T kindan emotion that being kind can make you feelsaying this is a way to show your appreciation!the type of kindness that is from you, for you!to be a good one of these, you've got to be kindto do something for the good of others with no reward________ acts of kindness are those that occur unplanned...

Kindness empowers you 2024-03-20

Kindness empowers you crossword puzzle
  1. in the moment, or to exist
  2. to make a concrete path
  3. on the other side
  4. when and animal is lacking nutrients
  5. art displaying audio for entertainment
  6. more
  7. system of symbols
  1. a gift for the dead, dirt and sun I will devour, I often make my bed, they call me a ______
  2. of bravery or honor
  3. bad outlook, barren land, cold
  4. act of being grateful
  5. >village <city
  6. If you see me first, you're safe
  7. searching
  8. one switch function
  9. one time is not enough, three times is too much.

16 Clues: moresearching>village <cityon the other sidesystem of symbolsof bravery or honorone switch functionact of being gratefulto make a concrete pathin the moment, or to existbad outlook, barren land, coldIf you see me first, you're safewhen and animal is lacking nutrientsart displaying audio for entertainment...

prefix and suffix 2014-03-10

prefix and suffix crossword puzzle
  1. kindness
  2. interact
  3. fearless
  4. postpone
  5. superstar
  6. comfortable
  7. attraction
  8. humor
  9. wooden
  1. disagree
  2. enjoyment
  3. misfire
  4. extraodirary
  5. prefix
  6. submarine
  7. friendship
  8. quickly
  9. nonsense
  10. higher

19 Clues: humorprefixwoodenhighermisfirequicklydisagreekindnessinteractfearlesspostponenonsenseenjoymentsubmarinesuperstarfriendshipattractioncomfortableextraodirary

Word building - make up nouns 2023-10-19

Word building - make up nouns crossword puzzle
  1. arrive
  2. know
  3. fly
  4. kind
  5. deliver
  6. invite
  7. behave
  8. depart
  9. refuse
  10. prove
  11. choose
  1. assist
  2. explain
  3. invent
  4. improve
  5. sign
  6. poor
  7. educate
  8. marry

19 Clues: flyknowkindsignpoormarryprovearriveassistinventinvitebehavedepartrefusechooseexplainimprovedelivereducate

spanish words 2022-03-28

spanish words crossword puzzle
  1. free
  2. rain
  3. fantasy
  4. laugh
  5. equality
  6. school
  7. reading
  8. rainbow
  9. teach
  1. galaxy
  2. kindness
  3. love
  4. family
  5. sunshine
  6. learn
  7. together
  8. happy
  9. special
  10. romance
  11. friends

20 Clues: freerainlovelaughlearnhappyteachgalaxyfamilyschoolfantasyspecialreadingromancefriendsrainbowkindnesssunshineequalitytogether

Faults and qualities 2022-10-25

Faults and qualities crossword puzzle
  1. sensible
  2. cruauté
  3. lâche
  4. sagesse
  5. paresse
  6. exigeant
  7. impolitesse
  8. têtu
  9. méchant
  10. égoïste
  1. faiblesse
  2. gourmand
  3. tatillon
  4. intelligent
  5. sage
  6. bonté
  7. embêtant
  8. juste
  9. tolerant
  10. audace

20 Clues: sagetêtulâchebontéjusteaudacecruautésagesseparesseméchantégoïstegourmandsensibletatillonembêtantexigeanttolerantfaiblesseintelligentimpolitesse

prefix and suffix 2014-03-10

prefix and suffix crossword puzzle
  1. prefix
  2. submarine
  3. misfire
  4. fearless
  5. interact
  6. attraction
  7. superstar
  8. wooden
  9. disagree
  1. kindness
  2. comfortable
  3. enjoyment
  4. quickly
  5. friendship
  6. humor
  7. extraodirary
  8. nonsense
  9. postpone
  10. higher

19 Clues: humorprefixwoodenhighermisfirequicklykindnessfearlessinteractnonsensepostponedisagreesubmarineenjoymentsuperstarfriendshipattractioncomfortableextraodirary

prefix and suffix 2014-03-10

prefix and suffix crossword puzzle
  1. friendship
  2. misfire
  3. higher
  4. nonsense
  5. enjoyment
  6. extraodirary
  7. disagree
  8. quickly
  9. prefix
  10. submarine
  1. fearless
  2. attraction
  3. superstar
  4. interact
  5. wooden
  6. kindness
  7. humor
  8. comfortable
  9. postpone

19 Clues: humorhigherwoodenprefixmisfirequicklyfearlessinteractkindnessnonsensedisagreepostponesuperstarenjoymentsubmarineattractionfriendshipcomfortableextraodirary

Act of Kindness 2020-12-27

Act of Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. , having knowledge or awareness
  2. antonym of "dependence"
  3. think carefully about something
  4. refuse to take notice
  5. the ability to do something that frightens one
  6. showing exceptional ability or powers
  7. look for something
  1. provide (someone) with a motive for doing something
  2. sympathetic pity
  3. synonym of "approval"
  4. , go or move in a particular direction
  5. ability to swap
  6. concentrate
  7. remember
  8. worth or usefulness of something
  9. synonym of "possession"

16 Clues: rememberconcentrateability to swapsympathetic pitylook for somethingsynonym of "approval"refuse to take noticeantonym of "dependence"synonym of "possession"think carefully about somethingworth or usefulness of something, having knowledge or awarenessshowing exceptional ability or powers, go or move in a particular direction...

prefix and suffix 2014-03-10

prefix and suffix crossword puzzle
  1. friendship
  2. misfire
  3. higher
  4. nonsense
  5. enjoyment
  6. extraodirary
  7. disagree
  8. quickly
  9. prefix
  10. submarine
  1. fearless
  2. attraction
  3. superstar
  4. interact
  5. wooden
  6. kindness
  7. humor
  8. comfortable
  9. postpone

19 Clues: humorhigherwoodenprefixmisfirequicklyfearlessinteractkindnessnonsensedisagreepostponesuperstarenjoymentsubmarineattractionfriendshipcomfortableextraodirary

5. Kindness 2021-05-27

5. Kindness crossword puzzle
  1. Coco's fruit name
  2. You speak something sweet to cheer other up so that they can do things better
  3. last week Cecilia shared this topic with us
  4. in today's story, when Zacchaeus was treated kindly by Jesus, he performs a true ____
  1. Jesus loves us so much that he _____ our sins with his sacrifice on cross
  2. the next Monday is a Bank _____. Also, we won't have fellowship next week because it is half-term ____.
  3. the tropical fruit that we surprisingly found can be grown at home in a jar
  4. the 3rd fruit of Holy Spirit we shared in this term
  5. the bible verse we read today says kind words are like ____ (something very sweet)
  6. We learnt today that kindness is more than being ____

10 Clues: Coco's fruit namelast week Cecilia shared this topic with usthe 3rd fruit of Holy Spirit we shared in this termWe learnt today that kindness is more than being ____Jesus loves us so much that he _____ our sins with his sacrifice on crossthe tropical fruit that we surprisingly found can be grown at home in a jar...

Kindness act 2021-10-27

Kindness act crossword puzzle
  1. deep affection
  2. concern
  3. expression of happiness
  4. group of people
  5. leaving peacefully
  1. give thing to needy
  2. earth's highest mountain
  3. a present
  4. expressing gratitude
  5. to give things to others

10 Clues: concerna presentdeep affectiongroup of peopleleaving peacefullygive thing to needyexpressing gratitudeexpression of happinessearth's highest mountainto give things to others