math Crossword Puzzles

Alex Lyle spelling 2013-05-14

Alex Lyle spelling crossword puzzle
  1. frightened
  2. a thermometer tells the _____
  3. were not
  4. bigger than hundredths
  5. something that isn't really there
  6. something people didn't have in the olden days
  7. WE have this class in the morning
  1. Math Reading _____
  2. we write in our _____
  3. fish
  4. do is the base word
  5. you do these in math
  6. Christ is base word
  7. long board game
  8. tells the temperature
  9. onomatopoeia is a type of _____
  10. _____ one?
  11. Central _____ School
  12. _____ you do that
  13. go is the base word

20 Clues: fishwere notfrightened_____ one?long board game_____ you do thatMath Reading _____do is the base wordChrist is base wordgo is the base wordyou do these in mathCentral _____ Schoolwe write in our _____tells the temperaturebigger than hundredthsa thermometer tells the _____onomatopoeia is a type of _____something that isn't really there...

HOF Member Crossword 2023-11-14

HOF Member Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the lord of the ducks
  2. 🎷🐛
  3. struggles to remain manager
  4. is "bad at math"
  5. will very wholesomely say hello :)
  6. is NOT the main character
  7. helps the gender ratio a bit
  8. doesnt talk much
  9. there for random funniness
  1. he'll be back
  2. got periodically kicked for not talking
  3. smart man
  4. DragonKing
  5. occasionally goes mad with power
  6. god
  7. talks too much
  8. toaster himself
  9. mr foolery
  10. most recent addition to HOF
  11. whale
  12. is occasionally there for math

21 Clues: 🎷🐛godwhalesmart manDragonKingmr fooleryhe'll be backtalks too muchtoaster himselfis "bad at math"doesnt talk muchthe lord of the ducksis NOT the main characterthere for random funninessstruggles to remain managermost recent addition to HOFhelps the gender ratio a bitis occasionally there for mathoccasionally goes mad with power...

Teachers 2024-01-22

Teachers crossword puzzle
  1. Library
  2. coaches soccer and teaches math
  3. swim coach
  4. English teacher
  5. funny principal
  6. councler
  7. English 1 2 teacher
  1. old science teacher
  2. one of the principals
  3. Spanish teacher
  4. Cheer and ELA teacher
  5. Math and Cheer coach
  6. coaches volleyball
  7. he has a husband
  8. loves to dance

15 Clues: Librarycounclerswim coachloves to danceSpanish teacherEnglish teacherfunny principalhe has a husbandcoaches volleyballold science teacherMath and Cheer coachEnglish 1 2 teacherone of the principalsCheer and ELA teachercoaches soccer and teaches math

math 2022-09-01

math crossword puzzle
  1. order of a math problem
  2. the result of division problem
  3. usally with parenthases
  4. a problem with no letters
  5. a product of a math problem
  6. the value of the number
  7. one math problem
  8. opposite of multiplication
  1. a number or letter in a problem
  2. opposite of division
  3. the result of a multiplication problem add,subtract,multi.,division
  4. order of operations
  5. with letters

13 Clues: with lettersone math problemorder of operationsopposite of divisionorder of a math problemusally with parenthasesthe value of the numbera problem with no lettersopposite of multiplicationa product of a math problemthe result of division problema number or letter in a problemthe result of a multiplication problem add,subtract,multi.,division

Math 2021-05-24

Math crossword puzzle
  1. (two words) used in multi-step problems
  2. part of our warm-up (two words)
  3. has three sides and three vertices
  4. a math symbol, less
  1. a math symbol, sum
  2. a math symbol, less groups
  3. part of a whole
  4. a math symbol, more groups
  5. (two word) graph with dots
  6. opposite sides are parallel, four sides

10 Clues: part of a wholea math symbol, suma math symbol, lessa math symbol, less groupsa math symbol, more groups(two word) graph with dotspart of our warm-up (two words)has three sides and three vertices(two words) used in multi-step problemsopposite sides are parallel, four sides

the Alexander crossword 2023-05-08

the Alexander crossword crossword puzzle
  1. people how do math
  2. something lasting left by someone who has died
  3. something you believe
  4. used math to estimate the distance around the earth
  5. lovers of wisdom
  6. used math to suggest all planets revolved around the sun
  7. a certain region
  8. a place named after Alexander in his honor
  1. time of achievement in greek civilization
  2. he said a ruler should be a person of good character
  3. used mathematics to build many useful mathematical
  4. important work in geometry
  5. a great leader
  6. they gained control of the mediterranean region after Alexander’s deaf
  7. a sandy place

15 Clues: a sandy placea great leaderlovers of wisdoma certain regionpeople how do mathsomething you believeimportant work in geometrytime of achievement in greek civilizationa place named after Alexander in his honorsomething lasting left by someone who has diedused mathematics to build many useful mathematical...

Domenica´s crossword 2021-06-25

Domenica´s   crossword crossword puzzle
  1. history l_ f_ h _ _ t _ r y (i.h.d.)
  2. P _ l _ _ e (Job in english)
  3. l _ o _ (animal in english)
  4. m_ l _ _ p _ _ c _ _ i _ _ s (math)
  5. d _ _ _ o r (Job in english)
  6. s _ _ t _ _ c t _ _ _ s (math)
  1. b _ b _ e (religion)
  2. p _ _ n e _ _ (social Studies)
  3. c _ m _ _ t _ r (computing)
  4. a _ _ i _ i _ _ s (math)
  5. a story t _ l _ a _ t _ r _ (language and literature)
  6. c _ l _ u _ e (art)
  7. c _ l _ r _ (art)
  8. o c _ _ p _ _ (sea animal in english)
  9. bio_ _ v e r _ _ t y (social studies and language and literature)
  10. s _ _ g (music)

16 Clues: s _ _ g (music)c _ l _ r _ (art)c _ l _ u _ e (art)b _ b _ e (religion)a _ _ i _ i _ _ s (math)c _ m _ _ t _ r (computing)P _ l _ _ e (Job in english)l _ o _ (animal in english)p _ _ n e _ _ (social Studies)d _ _ _ o r (Job in english)s _ _ t _ _ c t _ _ _ s (math)m_ l _ _ p _ _ c _ _ i _ _ s (math)o c _ _ p _ _ (sea animal in english)...

Math 2022-05-23

Math crossword puzzle
  1. we do it every other day for math EI
  2. square,rectangle,rhombus,trapezoid...
  3. repeated addition
  4. repeated subtraction
  5. you put it on our math tests
  1. we use it to correct things
  2. we say and after the whole number
  3. they have three sides
  4. less than a grater than an equal sigh
  5. we do it every wed for PSSA prep calculator the math tool we could not live without
  6. the best math teacher

11 Clues: repeated additionrepeated subtractionthey have three sidesthe best math teacherwe use it to correct thingsyou put it on our math testswe say and after the whole numberwe do it every other day for math EIsquare,rectangle,rhombus,trapezoid...less than a grater than an equal sigh...

Spanish School Items 2022-10-27

Spanish School Items crossword puzzle
  1. i carry things in my ____
  2. yum
  3. i love ____ de espanol
  4. mrs. yaltzindehg
  5. achoo! "____"
  6. a kind of math with shapes
  7. hola
  8. a kind of social studies
  9. oui oui
  1. i write with a ___ (led/graphite)
  2. a kind of science
  3. ÷
  4. what time is it
  5. i read my ____
  6. i love to paint
  7. i use this to do math equations
  8. laptop
  9. i speak english
  10. i write with a ____ (ink)
  11. i love listening to _____

20 Clues: ÷yumholalaptopoui ouiachoo! "____"i read my ____what time is iti love to painti speak englishmrs. yaltzindehga kind of sciencei love ____ de espanola kind of social studiesi carry things in my ____i write with a ____ (ink)i love listening to _____a kind of math with shapesi use this to do math equationsi write with a ___ (led/graphite)

Week#10 & 11 Comp. App 23/24 2024-01-07

Week#10 & 11 Comp. App 23/24 crossword puzzle
  1. A math equation in a spreadsheet.
  2. A group of selected "cells"!
  3. Identifies a cell.
  4. An electronic document in which data is arranged in the rows and columns of a grid and can be manipulated and used in calculations.
  5. Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
  6. Toolbar that has all the math formulas like average and sum.
  7. Multiplication sign.
  8. Minus sign.
  1. File, Edit, View, Format Data (Click and make changes.)
  2. Another name for "mean" (Spreadsheet/math term.
  3. Like a page number for a worksheet, in a spreadsheet.
  4. Division sign.
  5. Vertical division of a page or text.
  6. Plus sign.
  7. All formulas start with this sign!
  8. Where your works is in a spreadsheet.
  9. Make to change the text or data to look a certain way.
  10. Click and makes a formatting change.
  11. Horizontal alignment of text, data.
  12. Where a column and row come together.

20 Clues: Plus sign.Minus sign.Division sign.Identifies a cell.Multiplication sign.A group of selected "cells"!A math equation in a spreadsheet.All formulas start with this sign!Horizontal alignment of text, data.Vertical division of a page or text.Click and makes a formatting change.Where your works is in a spreadsheet.Where a column and row come together....

Spring Semester Test Review Part 2 2023-05-10

Spring Semester Test Review Part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A change done to a shape, point or line on acoordinate plane by rotation, reflection or translation
  2. A letter that takes the place of an unknown numbervalue
  3. Figures that are the same shape and same size
  4. A ratio compared to 100
  5. A mathematical expression in which the sides are not equal to each other; uses an inequality sign
  6. It turns or spins the figure around a point
  7. A math problem without an equal sign
  8. A whole number that is positive, negative, or zero
  9. It flips the figure over a line to create a mirror image
  10. A graph that displays data in fourths, showing quartiles 1, 2 and 3
  11. A math problem with an equal sign
  1. It slides the figure to a different location
  2. A rule that tells the correct sequence of steps for evaluating a math expression; PEMDAS
  3. A number that shows how many times to mulitlpy another number by itself
  4. A comparison of two numbers by division
  5. The math operation that undoes another operation:multiply & divide are inverse operations; add &subtract are inverses
  6. Lines that divide the object into its identical halves
  7. Equal or congruent - having the same value
  8. Figures that are the same shape but different sizes
  9. A ratio with measurements

20 Clues: A ratio compared to 100A ratio with measurementsA math problem with an equal signA math problem without an equal signA comparison of two numbers by divisionEqual or congruent - having the same valueIt turns or spins the figure around a pointIt slides the figure to a different locationFigures that are the same shape and same size...

Math Crossyword 2023-06-15

Math Crossyword crossword puzzle
  1. Another way to say weight
  2. Moves the shape
  3. Flips the shape
  4. Num. 11 but the entire thing
  5. What this crossword is about
  6. Math uses a lot of these
  7. To make an educated guess
  8. The chance of something happening or not happening
  9. Where 2 sides of a shape are the same
  10. 2 lines that never meet
  11. A 2D version of a 3D shape with each shape attached
  12. Graph Also called a circle graph
  13. Num.4 but in shapes
  1. How much something can hold
  2. Turns the shape
  3. A repeating action
  4. The act of figuring out how long or tall something is
  5. Related to Num.5 Perimeter
  6. but only the outside
  7. Changes shapes
  8. Num.2 in pieces
  9. 2 lines that meet to make this
  10. Polygons
  11. A way to show math info
  12. The inside of a 2D polygon

25 Clues: PolygonsChanges shapesTurns the shapeMoves the shapeFlips the shapeNum.2 in piecesA repeating actionNum.4 but in shapesbut only the outsideA way to show math info2 lines that never meetMath uses a lot of theseAnother way to say weightTo make an educated guessRelated to Num.5 PerimeterThe inside of a 2D polygonHow much something can hold...

Math Crossyword 2023-06-15

Math Crossyword crossword puzzle
  1. Another way to say weight
  2. Moves the shape
  3. Flips the shape
  4. Num. 11 but the entire thing
  5. What this crossword is about
  6. Math uses a lot of these
  7. To make an educated guess
  8. The chance of something happening or not happening
  9. Where 2 sides of a shape are the same
  10. 2 lines that never meet
  11. A 2D version of a 3D shape with each shape attached
  12. Graph Also called a circle graph
  13. Num.4 but in shapes
  1. How much something can hold
  2. Turns the shape
  3. A repeating action
  4. The act of figuring out how long or tall something is
  5. Related to Num.5 Perimeter
  6. but only the outside
  7. Changes shapes
  8. Num.2 in pieces
  9. 2 lines that meet to make this
  10. Polygons
  11. A way to show math info
  12. The inside of a 2D polygon

25 Clues: PolygonsChanges shapesTurns the shapeMoves the shapeFlips the shapeNum.2 in piecesA repeating actionNum.4 but in shapesbut only the outsideA way to show math info2 lines that never meetMath uses a lot of theseAnother way to say weightTo make an educated guessRelated to Num.5 PerimeterThe inside of a 2D polygonHow much something can hold...

Percents Vocabulary 2024-03-01

Percents Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The first spot after the decimal
  2. A number with a . - ex. 0.34
  3. Numbers to the left of zero
  4. A number by itself in an expression or equation
  5. Literally means "of 100"
  6. What you do to the variable to solve an equation
  7. A math sentence with an =
  8. Numbers to the right of zero
  9. The bottom number in a fraction'
  10. The top number in a fraction
  1. The number in front of a variable
  2. The name of the school you attend
  3. The school mascot
  4. The second spot after the decimal
  5. The group of numbers including -3,-2,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3,
  6. A math phrase without an =
  7. A comparison of two numbers (A percent is one)
  8. The sport Mr. Lollis coaches
  9. An unknown in a math problem
  10. The first group of numbers we learn (also called counting numbers) 1, 2, 3

20 Clues: The school mascotLiterally means "of 100"A math sentence with an =A math phrase without an =Numbers to the left of zeroA number with a . - ex. 0.34The sport Mr. Lollis coachesAn unknown in a math problemNumbers to the right of zeroThe top number in a fractionThe first spot after the decimalThe bottom number in a fraction'...




Students of Mendel 2014-12-25

Students of Mendel crossword puzzle
  1. walang mata
  2. dyosa ng Mendel
  3. sasali sa The Voice
  4. Magaling sa Math,friendly
  5. Iyakin, hindi Chix
  6. bagay sila ni Cherry
  7. pinakamasipag
  8. gwapo daw ng Mendel
  1. gwapo
  2. pose ng pose
  3. magaling mag layout
  4. magaling sa Math minsan
  5. Megamind
  6. babes nila
  7. source ng sagot

15 Clues: gwapoMegamindbabes nilawalang matapose ng posepinakamasipagdyosa ng Mendelsource ng sagotIyakin, hindi Chixmagaling mag layoutsasali sa The Voicegwapo daw ng Mendelbagay sila ni Cherrymagaling sa Math minsanMagaling sa Math,friendly

oneil 2022-10-19

oneil crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. ba
  3. me
  4. lit
  5. book
  6. repeat
  1. be
  2. sport
  3. math
  4. her
  5. read

11 Clues: bebameherlitmathreadbooksportrepeatscience


  2. ART
  4. MUSIC
  3. LUNCH
  4. MATH
  5. PE


Unit 1 & 2 Review 2021-11-23

Unit 1 & 2 Review crossword puzzle
  1. The solution to an addition problem
  2. A positive and negative of the same tile
  3. The space inside a shape
  4. The solution to a multiplication problem
  5. The middle of a coordinate grid (0,0)
  6. The opposite of multiplication
  7. A negative times a positive is a _______
  1. A math statement without an equal sign
  2. Moving tiles from the negative world to the positive world
  3. The opposite of addition
  4. Math is ______
  5. A math statement with an equal sign/answer
  6. The third legal move
  7. A negative times a negative is a _______
  8. The distance around the outside of a shape

15 Clues: Math is ______The third legal moveThe opposite of additionThe space inside a shapeThe opposite of multiplicationThe solution to an addition problemThe middle of a coordinate grid (0,0)A math statement without an equal signA positive and negative of the same tileThe solution to a multiplication problemA negative times a negative is a _______...

Math 2022-05-23

Math crossword puzzle
  1. we do it every other day for math EI
  2. square,rectangle,rhombus,trapezoid...
  3. repeated addition
  4. repeated subtraction
  5. you put it on our math tests
  1. we use it to correct things
  2. we say and after the whole number
  3. they have three sides
  4. less than a grater than an equal sigh
  5. we do it every wed for PSSA prep calculator the math tool we could not live without
  6. the best math teacher

11 Clues: repeated additionrepeated subtractionthey have three sidesthe best math teacherwe use it to correct thingsyou put it on our math testswe say and after the whole numberwe do it every other day for math EIsquare,rectangle,rhombus,trapezoid...less than a grater than an equal sigh...

Math 2022-05-23

Math crossword puzzle
  1. we do it every other day for math EI
  2. square,rectangle,rhombus,trapezoid...
  3. repeated addition
  4. repeated subtraction
  5. you put it on our math tests
  1. we use it to correct things
  2. we say and after the whole number
  3. they have three sides
  4. less than a grater than an equal sigh
  5. we do it every wed for PSSA prep calculator the math tool we could not live without
  6. the best math teacher

11 Clues: repeated additionrepeated subtractionthey have three sidesthe best math teacherwe use it to correct thingsyou put it on our math testswe say and after the whole numberwe do it every other day for math EIsquare,rectangle,rhombus,trapezoid...less than a grater than an equal sigh...

Summit Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-14

Summit Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 9th and 10th grade Spanish teacher
  2. 10th grade resident for history
  3. 11th grade math teacher
  4. 9th grade math teacher
  5. Summit's best friend and mascot
  6. 10th grade English teacher
  1. 11th grade and 12th grade Spanish teacher
  2. 11th grade student history teacher
  3. 11th grade Chemistry teacher
  4. 11th grade history teacher
  5. 10th grade history teacher
  6. 10th grade math teacher

12 Clues: 9th grade math teacher11th grade math teacher10th grade math teacher11th grade history teacher10th grade history teacher10th grade English teacher11th grade Chemistry teacher10th grade resident for historySummit's best friend and mascot9th and 10th grade Spanish teacher11th grade student history teacher11th grade and 12th grade Spanish teacher

Branches of Mathematics 2024-05-29

Branches of Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. Basic math operations.
  2. Study of shapes in space.
  3. Different ways to count.
  4. Likelihood of events.
  5. Math with letters.
  6. Study of rates of change.
  7. Mirror-like balance.
  8. Data analysis field.
  1. Deals with angles and ratios.
  2. Study of shape properties.
  3. In-depth math scrutiny

11 Clues: Math with letters.Mirror-like balance.Data analysis field.Likelihood of events.Basic math operations.In-depth math scrutinyDifferent ways to count.Study of shapes in space.Study of rates of change.Study of shape properties.Deals with angles and ratios.

School Supplies 2024-01-05

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. shows angles in math
  2. holds papers for classes
  3. lead tip
  4. ink tip
  5. online work
  6. has information in it
  7. emphasizes
  1. read it
  2. write inside it
  3. solves math problems
  4. holds writing utensils
  5. measurements
  6. rids mistakes
  7. holds all your belongings

14 Clues: read itink tiplead tipemphasizesonline workmeasurementsrids mistakeswrite inside itshows angles in mathsolves math problemshas information in itholds writing utensilsholds papers for classesholds all your belongings

Math For College Readiness/Mrs McCue's Class Information 2014-08-13

Math For College Readiness/Mrs McCue's Class Information crossword puzzle
  1. best chance for succeeding if _____ all classes
  2. credit given when work in not complete
  3. straight edge used for graphing lines
  4. exam given to MCR at the end of school year
  5. keep all work in it and bring to class daily
  6. percent of 9 weeks grade for Test grades
  7. ten points if a parent signs this paper
  8. notebook,pen,pencils
  9. to be served when tardy to class
  10. only calculator permitted in MCR class
  11. shows poor judgement-zero credit
  12. used to write math practice problems
  13. be here when the bell rings to start class
  1. all students in MCR have this ranking
  2. Which page should class info sheet be in notebook?
  3. not permitted for use on PERT Exam
  4. late to class
  5. your responsibility when absent
  6. working on math in math class
  7. not working-unproductive
  8. behave this way to teachers and students
  9. follow these to be successful in class
  10. percent of 9 weeks grade for CW/HW
  11. used to head CW and Test papers
  12. Math For ______ Readiness
  13. maximum unexcused absences before FA
  14. most of our practice work will be done here
  15. maximum points given for completing an assignment

28 Clues: late to classnotebook,pen,pencilsnot working-unproductiveMath For ______ Readinessworking on math in math classyour responsibility when absentused to head CW and Test papersto be served when tardy to classshows poor judgement-zero creditnot permitted for use on PERT Exampercent of 9 weeks grade for CW/HWmaximum unexcused absences before FA...

Math Vocabulary 2023-01-05

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. You are in this class right now
  2. A negative number times a negative number equals a ________ number
  3. A comparison of 2 or more numbers. Can be written as 2:3
  4. A shape with 3 sides
  5. The answer to an addition problem
  6. A letter used for something we don't know in a math problem
  7. Numbers that include negatives, positives and zero
  8. The mascot for the school you attend
  9. Literally means "per 100."
  10. The answer to a division problem
  11. The answer to a multiplication problem
  12. Georgia and TCU are playing for the championship in this sport
  13. The bottom number on a fraction
  1. LeBron James plays this sport
  2. The answer to a subtraction problem
  3. All the numbers to the right of zero on the numberline
  4. This angle has 90 degrees
  5. The name of the school you attend
  6. The group of numbers that we learn first in counting: 1, 2, 3
  7. It's a special number we use in math that is represented as 3.14
  8. A math sentence with an equals sign: x+2=4
  9. The top number on a fraction
  10. A shape with 4 EQUAL sides
  11. All the numbers to the left of zero on the numberline
  12. A line drawn across a circle and through its center

25 Clues: A shape with 3 sidesThis angle has 90 degreesA shape with 4 EQUAL sidesLiterally means "per 100."The top number on a fractionLeBron James plays this sportYou are in this class right nowThe bottom number on a fractionThe answer to a division problemThe name of the school you attendThe answer to an addition problemThe answer to a subtraction problem...

Student Math Crossword 2024-06-03

Student Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. drawing conclusions about a parameter one to seek estimate
  2. study of system or its parts by maniupaltion of its math representation
  3. a collection of facts
  4. measure of the amount of variation of a random variable
  5. collection, description, analysis and interpretation
  6. math average of two or more numbers
  7. possibility
  8. statistical rule that states all observed data falls in three standard deviations
  9. method of visually representing expectations of some data series
  10. a proposition made off of reasoning
  11. description to display math concepts or language
  12. type of data that can be stored into groups
  13. data represented numerically
  14. quantity that influences the output
  15. measure how many standard deviations a data point is from mean
  1. type of continuous probability distribution
  2. an investigation
  3. selection of data from a larger group of data
  4. collection of information that is divided into groups
  5. observed data for a normal distribution
  6. representation of numerical data by rectangles
  7. method of collecting data by asking questions
  8. special type of diagram showing 1, 2, 3 boxes
  9. a proposition that is consistent with known data
  10. the whole group that is being studied
  11. detection or assertion of a truth in the context of math activity
  12. an approximate value close enough to correct value

27 Clues: possibilityan investigationa collection of factsdata represented numericallymath average of two or more numbersa proposition made off of reasoningquantity that influences the outputthe whole group that is being studiedobserved data for a normal distributiontype of continuous probability distributiontype of data that can be stored into groups...

Teachers 2023-01-05

Teachers crossword puzzle
  1. 6th grade S.S/Science
  2. Dog
  3. 5th grade S.S
  4. 4th grade science/math
  5. 4th ELA/S.S
  6. 6th grade math
  1. councilor
  2. 3rd grade teacher
  3. Tech guy
  4. 5th grade math/science
  5. 3rd grade teacher

11 Clues: DogTech guycouncilor4th ELA/S.S5th grade S.S6th grade math3rd grade teacher3rd grade teacher6th grade S.S/Science5th grade math/science4th grade science/math

Rules/Expectations 2023-08-18

Rules/Expectations crossword puzzle
  1. When we can retake an assessment or get help
  2. Used instead of water fountain during class
  3. Best school in the world
  4. What must be cared for everyday during class
  5. What must be followed the first time given
  6. Percentage of our grade for assessments
  7. Doing our __________ in the nest
  8. How seating is chosen
  9. Percentage of our grade for practice assignments
  10. Who we work with to discover math topics
  1. Mascot of our school
  2. Needed in case of a bathroom emergency
  3. Where we go to find the lesson/resources/assignment
  4. Only used during passing period and lunch
  5. Hands and feet need to be kept in this location
  6. Who is excited to teach you
  7. Why we are here
  8. Best subject in the world
  9. How often we need to come to math class

19 Clues: Why we are hereMascot of our schoolHow seating is chosenBest school in the worldBest subject in the worldWho is excited to teach youDoing our __________ in the nestNeeded in case of a bathroom emergencyPercentage of our grade for assessmentsHow often we need to come to math classWho we work with to discover math topics...

Kumon Student Achievement Awards 2015-06-21

Kumon Student Achievement Awards crossword puzzle
  1. How many days of the week is the Richvale Kumon Centre open throughout the summer?
  2. At which table do you switch your homework?
  3. What is Mr. Kumon’s first name?
  4. ASHR stands for _______________________________.
  5. What is the last level in Reading?
  6. How many days of the week is the Richvale Kumon Centre open throughout the fall?
  7. How many Reading Completers are listed in the programme?
  1. How many students have reached GOLD (3 years above grade level) in math?
  2. What subjects are covered in Kumon?
  3. What picture is on the front of the Student Achievement Awards programme?
  4. What is the last level in Math?
  5. A Math student who reaches level G by grade 5 is considered a __________.
  6. Kumon was founded in which country?
  7. How many levels are there in the Reading programme?
  8. How many students have reached SILVER (2 years above grade level) in reading?
  9. How many levels are there in the Math programme? (excluding level X)
  10. What colour are the walls at the Richvale Kumon Centre?

17 Clues: What is the last level in Math?What is Mr. Kumon’s first name?What is the last level in Reading?What subjects are covered in Kumon?Kumon was founded in which country?At which table do you switch your homework?ASHR stands for _______________________________.How many levels are there in the Reading programme?...

Math Crossword 2024-01-05

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A math operation where two or more numbers are combined
  2. Two straight lines joined to a common point making a 90 degree angle with each other
  3. A point where two or more curves, lines, or edges meet or intersect
  4. A mathematical sentence that equates two expressions
  5. A finite combination of symbols
  6. A branch of math involving angles and shapes
  7. The difference between the lowest and highest values
  8. A math operation where two or more values take away from another value
  9. The locus of points that are a fixed distance from a given point
  10. The length of the line through the center that touches two points on the edge of the circle
  11. A math operation where two or more values are combined to create a product
  12. A relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output
  1. The length from the center of a circle to one edge of the circle
  2. The mathematical average of two or more numbers
  3. The rise over the run
  4. The most common number that appears in a set of data
  5. A value that doesn't change
  6. A letter or symbol that represents an unknown value
  7. Tells a value how many times it is multiplied by itself
  8. The answer to a problem
  9. A math operation where two or more values create a small quantity than the original numbers to create a quotient
  10. Two lines in the same plane that are at equal distance from each other
  11. The middle of a sorted list of numbers
  12. Shows how many times one number contains another
  13. A relation which makes a non-equal comparison between two numbers

25 Clues: The rise over the runThe answer to a problemA value that doesn't changeA finite combination of symbolsThe middle of a sorted list of numbersA branch of math involving angles and shapesThe mathematical average of two or more numbersShows how many times one number contains anotherA letter or symbol that represents an unknown value...

Teachers of Hope 2016-08-20

Teachers of Hope crossword puzzle
  1. Earth Science and new TLE teacher
  2. Business Mathematics and Accounting teacher for ABM
  3. Christian Theology
  4. Filipino Communications teacher for Senior HS and adviser of Clarion
  5. Araling Panlipunan teacher
  6. Filipino teacher
  7. ICT teacher and part of IT department
  8. TechVoc teacher and part of IT department
  9. Filipino teacher
  10. UCSP teacher and principal of Hope
  11. World Religion teacher
  12. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
  13. Math teacher
  14. Physics teacher
  1. G12 Physics teacher
  2. Tech for the 21st Century teacher and part of IT department
  3. Economics teacher
  4. Math teacher
  5. ORACOM teacher
  6. Philosophy and Bible teacher
  7. Pre-Calculus teacher for G11
  8. Earth Science teacher for G12
  9. Earth and Life Science teacher
  10. General Math teacher for G11 and head of Math department
  11. Principles of Marketing, Business Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Literacy teacher
  12. Head of Science department and Chemistry teacher
  13. Biology teacher
  14. English teacher

28 Clues: Math teacherMath teacherORACOM teacherBiology teacherPhysics teacherEnglish teacherFilipino teacherFilipino teacherEconomics teacherChristian TheologyG12 Physics teacherWorld Religion teacherAraling Panlipunan teacherPhilosophy and Bible teacherPre-Calculus teacher for G11Earth Science teacher for G12Earth and Life Science teacher...

Mathematic Maddness 2016-05-12

Mathematic Maddness crossword puzzle
  1. angle smaller than 90 degrees
  2. someone who calculates number in order to build things
  3. when a whole number has a fraction
  4. a person that teaches students math
  5. >, <, or
  6. answer to a subtraction problem
  7. a person that uses wind speed, temperature, and calculations to predict the weather
  8. distance across a circle
  9. a math genius
  10. three hundred twenty-four
  11. answer to a multiplication problem
  12. half of the distance across a circle
  13. =12 inches
  1. a person that counts money every day and the money must balance
  2. best math teacher ever
  3. number on the top of a fraction
  4. a shape with equal sides
  5. a 90 degree angle
  6. a person that measures crime scenes and accidents
  7. 300+20+4
  8. a shape with two sets of parallel sides
  9. number on the bottom of a fraction
  10. 3.14
  11. angle larger than 90 degrees
  12. a round shape with no vertices

25 Clues: 3.14300+20+4>, <, or=12 inchesa math geniusa 90 degree anglebest math teacher evera shape with equal sidesdistance across a circlethree hundred twenty-fourangle larger than 90 degreesangle smaller than 90 degreesa round shape with no verticesnumber on the top of a fractionanswer to a subtraction problemwhen a whole number has a fraction...

All About 5th Grade 2022-05-22

All About 5th Grade crossword puzzle
  1. we use NWEA to take this 3 times a year
  2. the second rotation for Dawson's class
  3. the class where you learn how to infer
  4. the number of students in Bagamano's class
  5. why students stay after school on Wednesdays
  6. 5th grade math teacher
  7. shorter PE teacher
  8. math pull out teacher
  9. Skyview's mascot
  1. principal for 5th grade
  2. the test we take at the end of the year
  3. bilingual teacher for 3rd/4th grade
  4. How many 3rd grade teachers are there?
  5. when students can't play with others during recess
  6. 5th grade social studies teacher
  7. music teacher for Mr. K's class
  8. the class where you learn all about matter
  9. the normal consequence during recess
  10. why students stay after school on Tuesdays
  11. 5th grade science teacher
  12. everyone's favorite art teacher
  13. reading teacher for 5th grade

22 Clues: Skyview's mascotshorter PE teachermath pull out teacher5th grade math teacherprincipal for 5th grade5th grade science teacherreading teacher for 5th grademusic teacher for Mr. K's classeveryone's favorite art teacher5th grade social studies teacherbilingual teacher for 3rd/4th gradethe normal consequence during recess...

Math Crossyword 2023-06-15

Math Crossyword crossword puzzle
  1. Another way to say weight
  2. Moves the shape
  3. Flips the shape
  4. Num. 11 but the entire thing
  5. What this crossword is about
  6. Math uses a lot of these
  7. To make an educated guess
  8. The chance of something happening or not happening
  9. Where 2 sides of a shape are the same
  10. 2 lines that never meet
  11. A 2D version of a 3D shape with each shape attached
  12. Graph Also called a circle graph
  13. Num.4 but in shapes
  1. How much something can hold
  2. Turns the shape
  3. A repeating action
  4. The act of figuring out how long or tall something is
  5. Related to Num.5 Perimeter
  6. but only the outside
  7. Changes shapes
  8. Num.2 in pieces
  9. 2 lines that meet to make this
  10. Polygons
  11. A way to show math info
  12. The inside of a 2D polygon

25 Clues: PolygonsChanges shapesTurns the shapeMoves the shapeFlips the shapeNum.2 in piecesA repeating actionNum.4 but in shapesbut only the outsideA way to show math info2 lines that never meetMath uses a lot of theseAnother way to say weightTo make an educated guessRelated to Num.5 PerimeterThe inside of a 2D polygonHow much something can hold...

12 Before 13 2024-03-11

12 Before 13 crossword puzzle
  1. What did Kaylan throw for Ari?
  2. What was the club Ari started about?
  3. What do Ari and Kaylan do when they finish something on the list?
  4. What do Kaylan and Ari do a lot?
  5. What age are they turning?
  6. What do Ari and Kaylan draw everyday?
  7. What color was the camp named after?
  8. Who is the smartest in their math class?
  9. Where did Ari go over the summer?
  1. What is the emotion that Ari's mom is always feeling?
  2. What do Kaylan and Ari?
  3. What does everyone call Ari's boyfriend?
  4. What religion is Ari?
  5. What subject are they struggling in?
  6. Who is the math teacher?
  7. What do Kaylan and Ari want to keep strong?
  8. What kind of cracker does Ari put into her mac'n cheese
  9. What did Ari's dad loose?
  10. What does Ari love to do?
  11. What was Ari supposed to have at her bat mitzvah?

20 Clues: What religion is Ari?What do Kaylan and Ari?Who is the math teacher?What did Ari's dad loose?What does Ari love to do?What age are they turning?What did Kaylan throw for Ari?What do Kaylan and Ari do a lot?Where did Ari go over the summer?What was the club Ari started about?What subject are they struggling in?What color was the camp named after?...

Teachers 2023-03-21

Teachers crossword puzzle
  1. English teacher
  2. Science teacher
  3. Social studies para
  4. Computer teacher
  5. Social studies teacher
  6. English para
  7. Science para
  8. FACS teacher
  1. Gym teacher
  2. Shop teacher
  3. Math teacher
  4. math para
  5. Special Education teacher

13 Clues: math paraGym teacherShop teacherMath teacherEnglish paraScience paraFACS teacherEnglish teacherScience teacherComputer teacherSocial studies paraSocial studies teacherSpecial Education teacher

the Alexander crossword 2023-05-08

the Alexander crossword crossword puzzle
  1. lovers of wisdom
  2. people how do math
  3. important work in geometry
  4. a place named after Alexander in his honor
  5. a certain region
  6. time of achievement in greek civilization
  1. they gained control of the mediterranean region after Alexander’s deaf
  2. used math to estimate the distance around the earth
  3. a great leader
  4. used math to suggest all planets revolved around the sun
  5. something lasting left by someone who has died
  6. used mathematics to build many useful mathematical
  7. a sandy place
  8. something you believe
  9. he said a ruler should be a person of good character

15 Clues: a sandy placea great leaderlovers of wisdoma certain regionpeople how do mathsomething you believeimportant work in geometrytime of achievement in greek civilizationa place named after Alexander in his honorsomething lasting left by someone who has diedused mathematics to build many useful mathematical...

4th grade By Troy Cross 2020-06-02

4th grade By Troy Cross crossword puzzle
  1. we learn about culture
  2. this place has computers in it
  3. a science topic
  4. a reading homeroom teacher
  5. a math homeroom teacher
  6. we learn instruments in this subject
  7. we use paper for this subject to
  8. a field trip that 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders go to
  9. we eat in this subject
  1. a math homeroom teacher who you get if you go to Mrs.A
  2. My class gets books when we are in this subject
  3. we do experiments here
  4. we do sports in this subject
  5. a reading teacher you get by having Mrs.Busch
  6. we go outside during this
  7. we use paper in this subject
  8. we use words are learn vocabulary in this subject
  9. a room where we do are experiments
  10. we use numbers and signs in this subject

19 Clues: a science topicwe learn about culturewe do experiments herewe eat in this subjecta math homeroom teacherwe go outside during thisa reading homeroom teacherwe do sports in this subjectwe use paper in this subjectthis place has computers in itwe use paper for this subject toa room where we do are experimentswe learn instruments in this subject...

I need a snow day 2023-02-21

I need a snow day crossword puzzle
  1. _____ tomorrow will be a snow day.
  2. How was the math test? Easy or Difficult?
  3. Let it snow so much that is covers my ____.
  4. Let it snow so much that the ____ can't run.
  5. I have an _____ math test tomorrow
  6. I won't have to take the ____.
  7. What kind of day does the girl want? A ____ day.
  1. Let it snow so much that Dad's car is ____.
  2. I don't even see one ____.
  3. How does the girl feel about the math test?
  4. Let it snow so much that the _____ are shut down.
  5. What kind of test does the girl have?

12 Clues: I don't even see one ____.I won't have to take the ____._____ tomorrow will be a snow day.I have an _____ math test tomorrowWhat kind of test does the girl have?How was the math test? Easy or Difficult?Let it snow so much that Dad's car is ____.How does the girl feel about the math test?Let it snow so much that is covers my ____....

Math Test Vocabulary And Mabey Something Else 2023-12-04

Math Test Vocabulary And Mabey Something Else crossword puzzle
  1. the answer to an addition problem.
  2. when a math problem has the answer to it for example 2*2=4
  3. the world's BEST math and english teacher
  4. when an expression or an equation is not equal
  5. the number next to a variable
  6. the horizontal line on a graph or grid
  1. the answer to a division problem
  2. the person that is IN LOVE with Jesse
  3. a letter that is unknown
  4. best person at making crossword:)
  5. when a math problem does not have the answer for example 2*2
  6. the awsome thing Mr.Brain

12 Clues: a letter that is unknownthe awsome thing Mr.Brainthe number next to a variablethe answer to a division problembest person at making crossword:)the answer to an addition problem.the person that is IN LOVE with Jessethe horizontal line on a graph or gridthe world's BEST math and english teacherwhen an expression or an equation is not equal...

Wackers Crossword 2024-03-28

Wackers Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. one of the four basic math operations
  2. any number from 0-9
  3. part of math that uses letters in place of unknown numbers
  4. the result of subtracting two or more numbers
  5. the 2d area taken up by an object or shape
  6. math with shapes and stuff
  7. one of the four basic math operations
  8. a number times itself is
  9. a number times itslef three times is
  10. the result of adding two or more numbers
  11. the branch of math that studies numbers
  12. a number that when multiplied by itslef gives the original number
  13. the result of multiplying two or more numbers
  14. the flat surfaces on a 3d object
  1. goes on forever
  2. not infinite; it has an end
  3. a straight line that goes forever in only one direction
  4. a standard quantity used in measurment
  5. where a line crosses another line
  6. the result of dividing two or more numbers
  7. the relationship between two numbers
  8. one of the four basic math operations
  9. the average of a set of numbers
  10. the horizontal line in a coordinate plane
  11. the vertical line in a coodinate plane
  12. one of the four basic math operations
  13. What you use to find the square/cube/etc. root
  14. a letter in place of an unknown number
  15. a never ending number
  16. a number to a power is a/an

30 Clues: goes on foreverany number from 0-9a never ending numbera number times itself ismath with shapes and stuffnot infinite; it has an enda number to a power is a/anthe average of a set of numbersthe flat surfaces on a 3d objectwhere a line crosses another linethe relationship between two numbersa number times itslef three times is...

DMS Teachers 2022-05-20

DMS Teachers crossword puzzle
  2. how you been
  3. Craig of the creek
  4. mine a hand
  5. lions
  6. mr.manacles
  7. city cup
  1. billy ______
  2. Drama drama drama
  3. singer of math
  4. Tom and g___
  5. math master
  6. hey Stella

13 Clues: lionscity cupmrs.musichey Stellamine a handmath mastermr.manaclesbilly ______how you beenTom and g___singer of mathDrama drama dramaCraig of the creek

Pie Knowledge 2018-02-19

Pie Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Math Branch that uses Pi
  2. Medieval Pie Filling
  3. helped this famous number in Math person
  4. Sweet pie inventors
  5. Are good for eyesight
  6. This Type of pie came from England American as
  7. This Crucial ingredient was made more in 1545
  1. Fruit Pies were considered this
  2. Illegal pie toping in Kansas at one time
  3. Early ovens were made from
  4. World's Largest producer of Blueberries
  5. 3.14 in math is better known by this name
  6. Pie Crust was used to make
  7. Used instead of Sweet Cherries in Cherry Pie

14 Clues: Sweet pie inventorsMedieval Pie FillingAre good for eyesightMath Branch that uses PiEarly ovens were made fromPie Crust was used to makeFruit Pies were considered thisWorld's Largest producer of BlueberriesIllegal pie toping in Kansas at one timehelped this famous number in Math person3.14 in math is better known by this name...

yes 2023-12-05

yes crossword puzzle
  1. a soft item of clothing to wear
  2. speak it out
  3. what is in an electronic device
  4. school subject
  5. big brain
  6. similar to a property in math, but STEM
  7. a hard item of clothing to wear
  8. think of
  1. build
  2. what you see
  3. work together
  4. mathematics
  5. plan
  6. electronic devices
  7. create

15 Clues: planbuildcreatethink ofbig brainmathematicswhat you seespeak it outwork togetherschool subjectelectronic devicesa soft item of clothing to wearwhat is in an electronic devicea hard item of clothing to wearsimilar to a property in math, but STEM

Mr. Josh's Rules and Procedures Crossword Puzzle 2015-01-03

Mr. Josh's Rules and Procedures Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What should you keep away from all computers in the room?
  2. You will be learning _____ in this class.
  3. What color can remind you of being caring?
  4. What activity is done at the beginning of almost every math class.
  5. Please ask to leave your _________ during class.
  6. Leave all personal items in cottage to avoid this.
  7. You have the right to be treated as a ______________ person.
  8. Do not _________ water bottles.
  9. To get credit in class you must complete all of your class ______ .
  10. You should enter the classroom in this manner.
  11. Do not _________ on a situation after it has occurred while you were on awareness.
  12. What color can remind you of being respectful?
  13. A three sided shape.
  14. In order to be respectful to staff, you should follow their ________________ .
  15. What color can remind you of being fair?
  1. In order to respect yourself and others, you should talk without _________ .
  2. One of you math teachers' dogs names.
  3. Math that focuses on finding an unknown variable.
  4. Do not touch the __________ when you come into class.
  5. "Play by the rules" is an example of what "Pillar of Character?"
  6. You can receive 10 points per day for doing what in class?
  7. If you vote, then you are being a responsible ___________ .
  8. Saying "please" and "thank you" are example of being _____________ .
  9. What is the first rule of being on awareness?
  10. Class _________ will be written on boards in class.
  11. Everyone will have ________ seats in class.
  12. I have the right to need extra _________.
  13. Math that focuses on shapes and their relationships.
  14. Being kind and compassionate are a part of what "Pillar of character?"
  15. Cover your ______ when you are on awareness.

30 Clues: A three sided shape.Do not _________ water bottles.One of you math teachers' dogs names.What color can remind you of being fair?You will be learning _____ in this class.I have the right to need extra _________.What color can remind you of being caring?Everyone will have ________ seats in class.Cover your ______ when you are on awareness....

wjhs 2023-01-20

wjhs crossword puzzle
  1. The Band teacher
  2. The Chorus Teacher
  3. The PE teacher
  4. The Strings Teacher
  5. The Vice Principal
  6. The Principal
  1. the 6th grade math teacher
  2. the 7th grade science teacher
  3. One of the 8th grade LA teachers
  4. the 8th grade math teacher
  5. The 7th grade math teacher

11 Clues: The PrincipalThe PE teacherThe Band teacherThe Chorus TeacherThe Vice PrincipalThe Strings Teacherthe 6th grade math teacherthe 8th grade math teacherThe 7th grade math teacherthe 7th grade science teacherOne of the 8th grade LA teachers

wjhs 2023-01-20

wjhs crossword puzzle
  1. The Band teacher
  2. The Chorus Teacher
  3. The PE teacher
  4. The Strings Teacher
  5. The Vice Principal
  6. The Principal
  1. the 6th grade math teacher
  2. the 7th grade science teacher
  3. One of the 8th grade LA teachers
  4. the 8th grade math teacher
  5. The 7th grade math teacher

11 Clues: The PrincipalThe PE teacherThe Band teacherThe Chorus TeacherThe Vice PrincipalThe Strings Teacherthe 6th grade math teacherthe 8th grade math teacherThe 7th grade math teacherthe 7th grade science teacherOne of the 8th grade LA teachers

Week 1 Vocabulary 2023-01-12

Week 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Terms that are similar and can be combined. 3x & 5x
  2. This property looks like this: 2(x+2)= 2x+4
  3. A math sentence with an equals sign (2x+3=11)
  4. The number in front of the variable
  5. This property is about how we group numbers: 1+(2+3)=(1+2)+3
  6. The parts of an expression separated by addition or subtraction signs
  7. A math statement that uses signs such as < and >
  8. A math phrase without an equals sign (2x+3)
  9. The number of times the base is being multiplied against itself in an exponent problem
  1. The answer to a division problem
  2. The answer to a multiplication problem
  3. This property says that if I multiply a number by one, I get the number.
  4. The answer to a subtraction problem
  5. A letter used to represent something we don't know in a math problem
  6. This property is about how we move numbers. 1+2+3=3+2+1
  7. The answer to an addition problem
  8. The number that is being multiplied against itself in an exponent problem

17 Clues: The answer to a division problemThe answer to an addition problemThe answer to a subtraction problemThe number in front of the variableThe answer to a multiplication problemThis property looks like this: 2(x+2)= 2x+4A math phrase without an equals sign (2x+3)A math sentence with an equals sign (2x+3=11)...

STEAM 2024-01-24

STEAM crossword puzzle
  1. Ipad
  2. ______on learning, benefit of steam
  3. _______ in classwork, benefit of Steam
  4. Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math
  5. Potions
  6. to create
  1. 2+2+5
  2. Looking forward to steam ______
  3. Steam job, designing
  4. steam is ___
  5. we will ____ fun in steam.
  6. Ms. Carey
  7. Steam job, help people
  8. Building, constructing,...etc
  9. without an "a"

15 Clues: Ipad2+2+5PotionsMs. Careyto createsteam is ___without an "a"Steam job, designingSteam job, help peoplewe will ____ fun in steam.Building, constructing,...etcLooking forward to steam ____________on learning, benefit of steam_______ in classwork, benefit of SteamScience, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math

Charlotte's Crossword 2021-06-22

Charlotte's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. _e_ _ (math)
  2. M__t__ C__c___t___ (Math)
  3. U_ _v_ _s_ (Natural Science)
  4. b_ _d_ _e_ _ _ t_ (IHD)
  5. A___n__r_ P__k (English Class)
  6. C_ _ _u_ _ _ (Computing)
  7. S_ _g_ (Music)
  1. _e _ _ _r (language)
  2. _o_o_ _ (art-ACE)
  3. C_ _ _ u_ _ (Social Science)
  4. M _ _ _ (Social Science)
  5. _o_ _ (language)
  6. B_ _l_ (Religion)
  7. W_ _s (Social Science)
  8. _t_r_ (IHD)
  9. _l_ _ e_ (Natural Science)

16 Clues: _e_ _ (math)_t_r_ (IHD)S_ _g_ (Music)_o_ _ (language)_o_o_ _ (art-ACE)B_ _l_ (Religion)_e _ _ _r (language)b_ _d_ _e_ _ _ t_ (IHD)W_ _s (Social Science)M _ _ _ (Social Science)M__t__ C__c___t___ (Math)C_ _ _u_ _ _ (Computing)_l_ _ e_ (Natural Science)C_ _ _ u_ _ (Social Science)U_ _v_ _s_ (Natural Science)A___n__r_ P__k (English Class)

Highlands Crossword 2023-05-12

Highlands Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Other math teacher on campus
  2. PE teacher on campus
  3. ELA teacher on campus
  4. Helps with i-Ready
  5. High School
  6. ROTC teacher who retires this year
  7. Reading program
  8. Vice principal
  1. Point system
  2. Science teacher on campus
  3. Art teacher on campus
  4. The Living ___
  5. A-L counselor
  6. Geography teacher on campus
  7. School mascot
  8. Math teacher on campus

16 Clues: High SchoolPoint systemA-L counselorSchool mascotThe Living ___Vice principalReading programHelps with i-ReadyPE teacher on campusArt teacher on campusELA teacher on campusMath teacher on campusScience teacher on campusGeography teacher on campusOther math teacher on campusROTC teacher who retires this year

Doménica's beautiful Cross Word 2021-06-26

Doménica's beautiful Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. d _ c _ o _ (Job in english)
  2. history l _ f _ h _ s _ o _ y (i.h.d)
  3. l _ o _ (animal in english)
  4. p _ l _ c _ (Job in english)
  5. b i o _ _ v e r _ _ t y (natural Sciences and social studies)
  6. p _ a _ e _ s (natural Sciences)
  7. o _ t _ p _ s (sea animal in english)
  8. s _ b _ r _ c _ i _ n _ (math)
  9. g _ e _ n (color - art)
  1. m _ l _ i _ l _ c _ t _ o _ s (math)
  2. c _ m _ _ t _ r (computing)
  3. a story t _ l _ a _ s _ o _ y (language and literature)
  4. b _ b _ e (religion)
  5. s _ m _ (math)
  6. c _ l _ u _ e (art)
  7. _ o _ g (music)

16 Clues: s _ m _ (math)_ o _ g (music)c _ l _ u _ e (art)b _ b _ e (religion)g _ e _ n (color - art)c _ m _ _ t _ r (computing)l _ o _ (animal in english)p _ l _ c _ (Job in english)d _ c _ o _ (Job in english)s _ b _ r _ c _ i _ n _ (math)p _ a _ e _ s (natural Sciences)m _ l _ i _ l _ c _ t _ o _ s (math)o _ t _ p _ s (sea animal in english)...

math 2016-12-19

math crossword puzzle
  1. kuerzeste verbindung zwischen 2 punkten
  2. teil der additionsaufgabe
  3. wert verringern
  4. zusaetzlicher geldwert fuer spareinlagen
  5. teil eines bruchs
  6. zahl mit sich multipliziert
  7. 2 terme mit gleichheitszeichen
  1. 100 prozent
  2. ergebnis der addition
  3. koerper mit 6 gleichen flaechen
  4. zahl mit komma
  5. 2 strahlen mit gleichem anfangspunkt
  6. mathematischer ausdruck ohne gleichheitszeichen
  7. zeichengeraet
  8. halbgerade
  9. platzhalter in termen

16 Clues: halbgerade100 prozentzeichengeraetzahl mit kommawert verringernteil eines bruchsergebnis der additionplatzhalter in termenteil der additionsaufgabezahl mit sich multipliziert2 terme mit gleichheitszeichenkoerper mit 6 gleichen flaechen2 strahlen mit gleichem anfangspunktkuerzeste verbindung zwischen 2 punktenzusaetzlicher geldwert fuer spareinlagen...

math 2017-05-06

math crossword puzzle
  1. arc /measure greater than or equal to
  2. /the ratio of the hypotenuse to the shorter side adjacent to an acute angle
  3. angle /formed by two chords in a circle which have a common endpoint.
  4. / round plane figure whose boundary
  5. arc /is a section of the circumference of a circle. It is encased on either side by two different chords or line
  6. equation of a circle-is a way to express the definition of a circle on the coordinate plane.
  7. /A line which touches a circle or ellipse at just one point.
  8. angle/ in a circle determines an arc
  1. arc/of a circle having measure less than or equal to
  2. circle /or circumcircle of a polygon is a circle which passes through all the vertices of the polygon
  3. of a chord
  4. /is a one-dimensional locus of points that forms half of a circle.
  5. arcs/a central angles congruent, then arcs congruent.
  6. of a minor arc/ is an arc of a circle having measure less than or equal to
  7. segment /The point at which the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle intersect.
  8. /of a circle is any straight line segment that passes through the center of the circle and whose endpoints lie on the circle.

16 Clues: of a chord/ round plane figure whose boundaryangle/ in a circle determines an arcarc /measure greater than or equal toarc/of a circle having measure less than or equal toarcs/a central angles congruent, then arcs congruent./A line which touches a circle or ellipse at just one point./is a one-dimensional locus of points that forms half of a circle....

math 2017-06-01

math crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for next to
  2. Angles are in the same position on the two lines in relation to the transversal. There angle measures are congruent
  3. Angles that measure between 90 and 180
  4. formula D=RT
  5. Lines intersect at right angles
  6. Exterior Angles are opposite sides of the transversal and outside the other lines. There angle measures are congruent
  7. Angles that measure less than 90
  8. Angles measure 90
  1. the set of the first coordinates
  2. Another word for equal
  3. Angles that have a sum of 90
  4. in a polynomial, a term that does not contain a variable is a constant
  5. Angles are opposite angle
  6. the numerical factor in any term of polynomial
  7. Angles that have a sum of measures that equal 180
  8. Lines that never intersect

16 Clues: formula D=RTAngles measure 90Another word for equalAnother word for next toAngles are opposite angleLines that never intersectAngles that have a sum of 90Lines intersect at right anglesthe set of the first coordinatesAngles that measure less than 90Angles that measure between 90 and 180the numerical factor in any term of polynomial...

Math 2022-04-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The difference between two or more number
  2. The sum of two or more numbers
  3. A number that is endless
  4. A single fixed number
  5. An image formed by plotting the solutions on a coordinate plane
  6. A symbol that can be replaced by any set of numbers or objects.
  7. When numbers and variables are combined using the operations of arithmetic.
  8. Number in front of the variables in a term
  9. The study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols in formula.
  1. The product of two or more numbers
  2. An expression that is multiplied by another expression
  4. A number that is raised to a power.
  5. a sentence stating two expressions are equal.
  6. A point on a 2-dimensional plane is described by a pair (x,y).
  7. Created to prove physhics

16 Clues: PEMDASA single fixed numberA number that is endlessCreated to prove physhicsThe sum of two or more numbersThe product of two or more numbersA number that is raised to a power.The difference between two or more numberNumber in front of the variables in a terma sentence stating two expressions are equal....

math 2022-06-07

math crossword puzzle
  1. the result of one or more multiplications
  2. a statement of an order relationship—greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or less than or equal to—between two numbers or algebraic expressions.
  3. a number is defined as a number that when multiplied by the original number gives the product as 1
  4. the result of adding
  5. used to scale shapes in different dimensions.
  6. the number resulting from the division of one number by another.
  7. Numbers, symbols and operators grouped together that show the value of something.
  1. tells us how to solve expressions in the form of a(b + c).
  2. when three or more numbers are added or multiplied, the sum or the product is the same regardless of the grouping of the addends
  3. statement of equality between two expressions consisting of variables and/or numbers.
  4. What you add to a number to get zero. The negative of a number.
  5. the system of marks at fixed intervals, which define the relation between the units being used and their representation on the graph.
  6. subtract the number with the smallest value from the number with the largest value.
  7. numbers on which we operate can be moved or swapped from their position without making any difference to the answer
  8. to find the value of the expression when the variable is replaced by a given number.
  9. magnitude of a real number without regard to its sign.

16 Clues: the result of addingthe result of one or more multiplicationsused to scale shapes in different dimensions.magnitude of a real number without regard to its sign.tells us how to solve expressions in the form of a(b + c).What you add to a number to get zero. The negative of a number.the number resulting from the division of one number by another....

Math 2021-11-23

Math crossword puzzle
  1. What operation is the product?
  2. 5 sided shape
  3. 3 sided shape.
  4. -8 + 18 = (write the number)
  5. When you multiply 2 negative numbers you get a...
  6. What operation is the difference?
  7. A division problem. Also an amount out of something.
  8. The second rule in the order of operations
  1. 2 Equivalent ratios.
  2. What operation is the sum?
  3. What operation is the quotient?
  4. An angle that is 90 degrees.
  5. The bottom part of a fraction.
  6. Always out of 100.
  7. 3 feet equals this.
  8. The first decimal place is called this.

16 Clues: 5 sided shape3 sided shape.Always out of 100.3 feet equals this.2 Equivalent ratios.What operation is the sum?An angle that is 90 degrees.-8 + 18 = (write the number)What operation is the product?The bottom part of a fraction.What operation is the quotient?What operation is the difference?The first decimal place is called this....

math 2022-10-26

math crossword puzzle
  1. what is the leading coefficient in this polynomial: 4x³ + 3x² + 2x - 1
  2. a polynomial with only one term
  3. a number by which another number is to be divided
  4. it is a theorem linking factors and zeros of a polynomial
  5. a number that is less than zero
  6. the method of breaking the polynomial into a product of its factors.
  7. how many terms are in this polynomial: 3x² + 2x - 3
  8. the value left after the division
  1. is a shorthand method for dividing a polynomial by a linear factor
  2. a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another
  3. an approach of Euclidean division of polynomials.
  4. a number that is greater than or equal to zero
  5. an expression of more than two algebraic terms, especially the sum of several terms that contain different powers of the same variable(s).
  6. a polynomial with two terms
  7. it’s the number/s that is being divided
  8. what would be the remainder when x² + 2x + 1 is divided by x + 1?

16 Clues: a polynomial with two termsa polynomial with only one terma number that is less than zerothe value left after the divisionit’s the number/s that is being divideda number that is greater than or equal to zeroan approach of Euclidean division of polynomials.a number by which another number is to be divided...

mAth 2020-05-06

mAth crossword puzzle
  1. quadratic
  2. exponent
  3. correlation
  4. domain
  5. range
  6. parabola
  7. linear
  8. graph
  1. equation
  2. variable
  3. scatterplot
  4. exponential
  5. causation
  6. data
  7. slope
  8. value

16 Clues: datarangeslopevaluegraphdomainlinearequationvariableexponentparabolaquadraticcausationscatterplotexponentialcorrelation

math 2023-09-25

math crossword puzzle
  1. the number infront of a varriable
  2. (x,y) location on a grid
  3. 1 of the 4 sections on a grid
  4. distance around an object (labled as just a unit)
  5. repeting or ending deciaml (written as a fraction)
  6. 2 numbers that multiply to get you 1
  7. not repeting or ending (cant be written as a fraction)
  8. adding or subtracting the same number to both sides of the equation
  1. number without varriable
  2. answer to an addition problem
  3. number and its opposite that add to give you 0
  4. answer to an multiplication problem
  5. multiply both sides or divide the same numbers to both sides of the equation
  6. space in an obeject (labled square units)
  7. pieces of and expression or equation
  8. (0,0)

16 Clues: (0,0)number without varriable(x,y) location on a gridanswer to an addition problem1 of the 4 sections on a gridthe number infront of a varriableanswer to an multiplication problem2 numbers that multiply to get you 1pieces of and expression or equationspace in an obeject (labled square units)number and its opposite that add to give you 0...

math 2024-05-06

math crossword puzzle
  1. 894-789
  2. 9409-5803
  3. 70+41
  4. 765-92
  5. 5336+3093
  6. 49+882
  7. 383-131
  8. 51-31
  1. 504-48
  2. 781+52
  3. 628+474
  4. 365+434
  5. 373+479
  6. 51+49
  7. 7902-5576
  8. 297-46

16 Clues: 70+4151+4951-31504-48781+52765-9249+882297-46894-789628+474365+434373+479383-1319409-58035336+30937902-5576

Math 2024-06-18

Math crossword puzzle
  1. graph show data by b-r g
  2. information
  3. variable- one pair of data
  4. multiply it the number by X amount
  5. inside of a build or something
  6. oppo/adj
  7. Limited us of money
  8. calculating triangles
  1. increase of data
  2. decrease of data
  3. variable- two pairs of data
  4. outside of something
  5. exponent same thing but with -
  6. oppo/hypo
  7. showing data
  8. adj/hypo

16 Clues: adj/hypooppo/adjoppo/hypoinformationshowing dataincrease of datadecrease of dataLimited us of moneyoutside of somethingcalculating trianglesgraph show data by b-r gvariable- one pair of datavariable- two pairs of dataexponent same thing but with -inside of a build or somethingmultiply it the number by X amount

teacher's name 2022-11-17

teacher's name crossword puzzle
  1. E1 "U"teacher
  2. math 2
  3. technology
  4. Japanese
  5. E2 American
  1. E2 Japanese
  2. E1 tiger
  3. science earth science,physics
  4. history
  5. science chemical,biology
  6. geography
  7. math 1

12 Clues: math 2math 1historyE1 tigerJapanesegeographytechnologyE2 JapaneseE2 AmericanE1 "U"teacherscience chemical,biologyscience earth science,physics

Mathmaticial words puzzle 2013-04-30

Mathmaticial words puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Tendency Math
  2. Property oppsite
  3. How it work
  4. Solve
  5. Degree
  1. Math
  2. x2
  3. Equal
  4. Angles
  5. problem
  6. Space

11 Clues: x2MathEqualSolveSpaceAnglesDegreeproblemHow it workTendency MathProperty oppsite

8th Grade Teachers 2017-11-28

8th Grade Teachers crossword puzzle
  1. Math teacher on team Loki
  2. ELA teacher on team Heimdall
  3. ELA teacher on team Njord
  4. Science teacher on team Heimdall
  5. Science teacher on team Njord
  1. U.S History techer on team Heimdall
  2. U.S History teacher on team Njord
  3. Science teacher on team Loki
  4. Math teacher on team Njord
  5. U.S History teacher on team Heimdall
  6. ELA teacher on team Loki
  7. Math teacher on team Heimdall

12 Clues: ELA teacher on team LokiMath teacher on team LokiELA teacher on team NjordMath teacher on team NjordScience teacher on team LokiELA teacher on team HeimdallScience teacher on team NjordMath teacher on team HeimdallScience teacher on team HeimdallU.S History teacher on team NjordU.S History techer on team HeimdallU.S History teacher on team Heimdall

math and other stuffs 2022-01-01

math and other stuffs crossword puzzle
  1. a higher up in education
  2. we have a class for it
  3. a important factor that makes algebra what it is
  4. an educator
  5. math with shapes
  1. pi
  2. math with variables
  3. the base of all math
  4. what we just did

9 Clues: pian educatorwhat we just didmath with shapesmath with variablesthe base of all mathwe have a class for ita higher up in educationa important factor that makes algebra what it is


  1. Our principle
  2. English teacher
  3. Math teacher(ULC)
  4. Our vice principle
  5. Physics teacher
  6. Economics teacher
  7. Visual Arts teacher
  1. Math teacher(OVIS)
  2. Music teacher
  3. Biology teacher
  4. Chinese teacher
  5. Social Sciences teacher
  6. Dance/library teacher

13 Clues: Our principleMusic teacherEnglish teacherBiology teacherChinese teacherPhysics teacherMath teacher(ULC)Economics teacherMath teacher(OVIS)Our vice principleVisual Arts teacherDance/library teacherSocial Sciences teacher

Math 2018-02-27

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The bottom side length of a shape.
  2. For 60 / 4 = 15, 60 is the ________.
  3. The numerator is larger than the denominator.
  4. A fraction with the smallest possible numbers for both its numerator and denominator.
  5. The ________ of 3 divided by 2 is 1.
  6. One of 10 equal parts of a whole. It can be written as 0.1.
  7. The ___________ of 4 and 6 is 10.
  8. A number with a whole number part and a fraction part.
  9. The number above the fraction bar in a fraction.
  1. A symbol used to name a part of a whole, a part of a set, or a location on a number line.
  2. The smallest denominator possible for two or more denominators.
  3. For 5 - 3 = 2, 5 is the ________.
  4. For 5 - 3 = 2, 3 is the _______.
  5. The numerator is smaller than the denominator.
  6. The number below the fraction bar in a fraction.
  7. The point at which two line segments meet.

16 Clues: For 5 - 3 = 2, 3 is the _______.For 5 - 3 = 2, 5 is the ________.The ___________ of 4 and 6 is 10.The bottom side length of a shape.For 60 / 4 = 15, 60 is the ________.The ________ of 3 divided by 2 is 1.The point at which two line segments meet.The numerator is larger than the denominator.The numerator is smaller than the denominator....

Math 2018-02-27

Math crossword puzzle
  1. For 5 - 3 = 2, 5 is the ________.
  2. The point at which two line segments meet.
  3. The ________ of 3 divided by 2 is 1.
  4. One of 10 equal parts of a whole. It can be written as 0.1.
  5. A symbol used to name a part of a whole, a part of a set, or a location on a number line.
  6. The number above the fraction bar in a fraction.
  7. The smallest denominator possible for two or more denominators.
  8. A number with a whole number part and a fraction part.
  1. The numerator is larger than the denominator.
  2. The numerator is smaller than the denominator.
  3. The number below the fraction bar in a fraction.
  4. A fraction with the smallest possible numbers for both its numerator and denominator.
  5. For 5 - 3 = 2, 3 is the _______.
  6. For 60 / 4 = 15, 60 is the ________.
  7. The ___________ of 4 and 6 is 10.
  8. The bottom side length of a shape.

16 Clues: For 5 - 3 = 2, 3 is the _______.For 5 - 3 = 2, 5 is the ________.The ___________ of 4 and 6 is 10.The bottom side length of a shape.For 60 / 4 = 15, 60 is the ________.The ________ of 3 divided by 2 is 1.The point at which two line segments meet.The numerator is larger than the denominator.The numerator is smaller than the denominator....

Math 2018-02-25

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Formed in a/b,c/d,e/f
  2. A 3D object that is completely round.
  3. A quadrilateral whose opposite sides are both parallel and equal in length.
  4. A number with a dot which means to distinguish different place values.
  5. A outcome of a division.
  6. The number that occurs the most frequently in a set of data.
  7. A round flat shape.
  1. The average of a set of data.
  2. A three-sided polygon.
  3. A four-sided shape with four right angles.
  4. A pair of marks that represents giving extra information.
  5. The outcome you get when you add numbers together.
  6. A four-sided polygon with two parallel sides.
  7. The space between two lines that join together.
  8. A rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles.
  9. number A number that involves a whole number and a proper fraction.

16 Clues: A round flat shape.Formed in a/b,c/d,e/fA three-sided polygon.A outcome of a division.The average of a set of data.A 3D object that is completely round.A four-sided shape with four right angles.A four-sided polygon with two parallel sides.The space between two lines that join together.The outcome you get when you add numbers together....

Math 2020-04-29

Math crossword puzzle
  1. addiing largely
  2. take away
  3. math with letters
  4. hundredth of a meter
  5. sharing evenly
  6. a line with positive and negative numbers
  7. how do i know its 1 ft?
  8. kg
  1. 12+1
  2. an acronym used to tell you the correct order to complete an equation
  3. a process or set of rules to sole something
  4. measuring 1 foot
  5. 1, not 1.5 just 1
  6. the longer way of multiplying
  7. 18+5=13
  8. 6x2-5

16 Clues: kg12+16x2-518+5=13take awaysharing evenlyaddiing largelymeasuring 1 foot1, not 1.5 just 1math with lettershundredth of a meterhow do i know its 1 ft?the longer way of multiplyinga line with positive and negative numbersa process or set of rules to sole somethingan acronym used to tell you the correct order to complete an equation

math 2021-03-16

math crossword puzzle
  1. the distance around the circle ( the perimeter of the circle)
  2. triangle: has three angles < 90 degrees
  3. triangle: has two equal sides
  4. angles: angles that are side by side( share a ray and vertex)
  5. has one endpoint and goes Infinity in One Direction named using the endpoint and another point on the ray
  6. angles: two angles located on opposite sides of a vertex( they are congruent)
  7. four congruent sides 4 right angles
  8. 3 sided shape with 3 angles that have a sum of 180 degrees
  9. angles: two angles that equal 180 degrees
  1. angles: two angles that equal 90 degrees
  2. triangle: has three equal sides
  3. parallel sides that are congruent four right angles
  4. triangle: has one angle> 90 degrees
  5. triangle: has one angle= 90 degrees
  6. triangle: has no equal sides
  7. part of a line can be measured named by using two endpoints

16 Clues: triangle: has no equal sidestriangle: has two equal sidestriangle: has three equal sidesfour congruent sides 4 right anglestriangle: has one angle> 90 degreestriangle: has one angle= 90 degreestriangle: has three angles < 90 degreesangles: two angles that equal 90 degreesangles: two angles that equal 180 degrees...

math 2017-05-06

math crossword puzzle
  1. of a chord
  2. arc/is a section of the circumference of a circle. It is encased on either side by two different chords or line
  3. /A line which touches a circle or ellipse at just one point.
  4. /is a one-dimensional locus of points that forms half of a circle.
  5. equation of a circle-is a way to express the definition of a circle on the coordinate plane.
  6. arcs/a central angles congruent, then arcs congruent.
  7. angle/ in a circle determines an arc
  8. /of a circle is any straight line segment that passes through the center of the circle and whose endpoints lie on the circle.
  1. / round plane figure whose boundary
  2. circle/or circumcircle of a polygon is a circle which passes through all the vertices of the polygon
  3. angle/formed by two chords in a circle which have a common endpoint.
  4. segment/The point at which the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle intersect.
  5. arc/of a circle having measure less than or equal to
  6. of a minor arc/ is an arc of a circle having measure less than or equal to
  7. /the ratio of the hypotenuse to the shorter side adjacent to an acute angle
  8. arc /measure greater than or equal to

16 Clues: of a chord/ round plane figure whose boundaryangle/ in a circle determines an arcarc /measure greater than or equal toarc/of a circle having measure less than or equal toarcs/a central angles congruent, then arcs congruent./A line which touches a circle or ellipse at just one point./is a one-dimensional locus of points that forms half of a circle....

Math 2021-10-01

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 483/161
  2. 10x10
  3. 7+33
  4. 7x9
  5. 2x4
  6. 5473846-5473846
  7. 5+65
  8. 56-36
  1. 3285/45
  2. 7+53
  3. 9+41
  4. 45/9
  5. 5346/54
  6. 5x16
  7. 39-9
  8. 73-72

16 Clues: 7x92x47+337+539+4145/95+655x1639-910x1073-7256-363285/45483/1615346/545473846-5473846

Math 2024-01-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Value - amount after 4 years that the lender receives from the borrower
  2. - a person that loans money
  3. Interest - interest is computed on the principle
  4. Date - date on which money the money borrowed or loan
  5. Annuity - interest conversion or compounding period is equal or the same as the payment interval
  6. - amount of money borrowed or invested
  7. Annuity - the periodic payment is not made at the beginning nor at the end of each payment interval, but some later date
  8. - amount paid or earned for the use of money
  1. Date - date on wich money is received by the borrower
  2. Annuity - annuity in which the periodic payment is made at the end of each payment interval.
  3. - a person who owes the money
  4. - fixed sum of money paid to someone at regular Intervals
  5. Value of an annuity - is the total accumulation of the payments and interest earned
  6. Annuity - interest conversion or compounding period is unequal or not the same as the payment interval
  7. Value of an annuity - is the principal that must be invested today to provide the regular payments of an annuity.
  8. - usually in percent, charge by the lender

16 Clues: - a person who owes the money- a person that loans money- amount of money borrowed or invested- amount paid or earned for the use of money- usually in percent, charge by the lenderInterest - interest is computed on the principleDate - date on which money the money borrowed or loan...

math 2021-12-15

math crossword puzzle
  1. the maximum or minimum value on a parabola
  2. how likey something is to happen
  3. the vertex of a parabola that opens
  4. A value or values that make an Inequality true
  5. The distance a number is from zero on a number line
  6. inequalities that have the same solution
  7. (mirror images
  8. Exponential Growth
  1. Exponential Decay
  2. the graph of a quadratic function
  3. the vertex of a parabola that opens upward
  4. where solutions (roots, zeros)
  5. the set of all possible y values
  6. values of x that makes f(x) equal zero
  7. The possible results from a probability
  8. Exponential Growth
  9. the set of all possible x values

17 Clues: (mirror imagesExponential DecayExponential GrowthExponential Growthwhere solutions (roots, zeros)how likey something is to happenthe set of all possible y valuesthe set of all possible x valuesthe graph of a quadratic functionthe vertex of a parabola that opensvalues of x that makes f(x) equal zeroThe possible results from a probability...

math 2021-12-02

math crossword puzzle
  1. staying the same
  2. x-axis
  3. lines
  4. points
  5. decreasing
  6. of change, the speed of the variable changing
  7. is a function
  8. number you put in
  1. points
  2. a relationship beteew variables
  3. increasing
  4. y-axis
  5. number after input
  6. largest
  7. littlest
  8. determining
  9. up and down

17 Clues: linespointsx-axisy-axispointslargestlittlestincreasingdecreasingdeterminingup and downis a functionstaying the samenumber you put innumber after inputa relationship beteew variablesof change, the speed of the variable changing

Math 2022-12-07

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the second number of an ordered pair
  2. has same slope
  3. the set of positive and negative numbers and zero
  4. of operations, PENDAS
  5. to find a value of an expression
  6. has greater than or equal sign
  7. form, Ax +By = C
  8. has negative reciprocal slopes
  9. the first number of an ordered pair
  10. rise over run
  1. a math sentence that has an equal sign
  2. comparing two numbers by division
  3. multiplicative inverse of a number
  4. number in front of a variable
  5. a number that can be expressed as a ratio
  6. a set of ordered pairs

16 Clues: rise over runhas same slopeform, Ax +By = Cof operations, PENDASa set of ordered pairsnumber in front of a variablehas greater than or equal signhas negative reciprocal slopesto find a value of an expressioncomparing two numbers by divisionmultiplicative inverse of a numberthe first number of an ordered pairthe second number of an ordered pair...

Math 2018-02-25

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Formed in a/b,c/d,e/f
  2. A 3D object that is completely round.
  3. A quadrilateral whose opposite sides are both parallel and equal in length.
  4. A number with a dot which means to distinguish different place values.
  5. A outcome of a division.
  6. The number that occurs the most frequently in a set of data.
  7. A round flat shape.
  1. The average of a set of data.
  2. A three-sided polygon.
  3. A four-sided shape with four right angles.
  4. A pair of marks that represents giving extra information.
  5. The outcome you get when you add numbers together.
  6. A four-sided polygon with two parallel sides.
  7. The space between two lines that join together.
  8. A rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles.
  9. number A number that involves a whole number and a proper fraction.

16 Clues: A round flat shape.Formed in a/b,c/d,e/fA three-sided polygon.A outcome of a division.The average of a set of data.A 3D object that is completely round.A four-sided shape with four right angles.A four-sided polygon with two parallel sides.The space between two lines that join together.The outcome you get when you add numbers together....

Math 2018-02-25

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Formed in a/b,c/d,e/f
  2. A 3D object that is completely round.
  3. A quadrilateral whose opposite sides are both parallel and equal in length.
  4. A number with a dot which means to distinguish different place values.
  5. A outcome of a division.
  6. The number that occurs the most frequently in a set of data.
  7. A round flat shape.
  1. The average of a set of data.
  2. A three-sided polygon.
  3. A four-sided shape with four right angles.
  4. A pair of marks that represents giving extra information.
  5. The outcome you get when you add numbers together.
  6. A four-sided polygon with two parallel sides.
  7. The space between two lines that join together.
  8. A rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles.
  9. number A number that involves a whole number and a proper fraction.

16 Clues: A round flat shape.Formed in a/b,c/d,e/fA three-sided polygon.A outcome of a division.The average of a set of data.A 3D object that is completely round.A four-sided shape with four right angles.A four-sided polygon with two parallel sides.The space between two lines that join together.The outcome you get when you add numbers together....

math 2024-04-22

math crossword puzzle
  1. Portion of income allocated to housing expenses
  2. Loan where initial payments cover only interest
  3. Relationship between debts and income
  4. Home loan with a constant interest rate
  5. The current worth of a property in the open market
  6. Loan secured by property
  7. Protection for property owners against loss or damage
  8. Initial installment paid when purchasing a property
  9. Loan with large final payment
  1. Annual levy based on the value of one's real estate
  2. The estimated value of property for tax purposes
  3. Home loan with an interest rate that can change
  4. Holding account for funds during a real estate transaction
  5. Taxation related to land and buildings
  6. Seize property due to nonpayment
  7. Total debt payments compared to income

16 Clues: Loan secured by propertyLoan with large final paymentSeize property due to nonpaymentRelationship between debts and incomeTaxation related to land and buildingsTotal debt payments compared to incomeHome loan with a constant interest ratePortion of income allocated to housing expensesLoan where initial payments cover only interest...

Math 2024-06-01

Math crossword puzzle
  1. sahabatnya bilangan imajiner disebut
  2. √5 merupakan
  3. Nama lain jari jari
  4. sudut di depan siku² disebut
  5. P(x)=x+4x+kx-5. Jika P(-2)=-29 maka P(1)=
  6. berapa konstanta dari 12x⁴ +2x²+x
  1. matriks yg determinannya nol adalah
  2. ukuran sudut yg dinyatakan dalam bentuk π disebut
  3. 2x³+7x² -5x+1. dalam polinomial tersebut 2 disebut
  4. sudut lancip ada di
  5. nilai dari tan 1200°
  6. Nama lain dari ukuran Matriks
  7. (x-1) adalah faktor dari suku banyak f(x) = 3x⁴-5x³+4x²+px+q. Hasil dari 2p+2q adalah
  8. Drago memakan satu potong pizza. Dalam matematika potongan pizza yg drago makan disebut
  9. bentuk bilangan kompleks ada berapa
  10. eksponen berbentuk lingkaran

16 Clues: √5 merupakansudut lancip ada diNama lain jari jarinilai dari tan 1200°sudut di depan siku² disebuteksponen berbentuk lingkaranNama lain dari ukuran Matriksberapa konstanta dari 12x⁴ +2x²+xmatriks yg determinannya nol adalahbentuk bilangan kompleks ada berapasahabatnya bilangan imajiner disebutP(x)=x+4x+kx-5. Jika P(-2)=-29 maka P(1)=...

Math 2018-02-25

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Formed in a/b,c/d,e/f
  2. A 3D object that is completely round.
  3. A quadrilateral whose opposite sides are both parallel and equal in length.
  4. A number with a dot which means to distinguish different place values.
  5. A outcome of a division.
  6. The number that occurs the most frequently in a set of data.
  7. A round flat shape.
  1. The average of a set of data.
  2. A three-sided polygon.
  3. A four-sided shape with four right angles.
  4. A pair of marks that represents giving extra information.
  5. The outcome you get when you add numbers together.
  6. A four-sided polygon with two parallel sides.
  7. The space between two lines that join together.
  8. A rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles.
  9. number A number that involves a whole number and a proper fraction.

16 Clues: A round flat shape.Formed in a/b,c/d,e/fA three-sided polygon.A outcome of a division.The average of a set of data.A 3D object that is completely round.A four-sided shape with four right angles.A four-sided polygon with two parallel sides.The space between two lines that join together.The outcome you get when you add numbers together....

math 2017-06-01

math crossword puzzle
  1. formula D=RT
  2. the set of the first coordinates
  3. Angles that have a sum of measures that equal 180
  4. Angles that have a sum of 90
  5. the numerical factor in any term of polynomial
  6. Angles measure 90
  7. Exterior Angles are opposite sides of the transversal and outside the other lines. There angle measures are congruent
  8. Angles that measure less than 90
  1. Lines that never intersect
  2. in a polynomial, a term that does not contain a variable is a constant
  3. Angles are in the same position on the two lines in relation to the transversal. There angle measures are congruent
  4. Another word for equal
  5. Lines intersect at right angles
  6. Another word for next to
  7. Angles that measure between 90 and 180
  8. Angles are opposite angle

16 Clues: formula D=RTAngles measure 90Another word for equalAnother word for next toAngles are opposite angleLines that never intersectAngles that have a sum of 90Lines intersect at right anglesthe set of the first coordinatesAngles that measure less than 90Angles that measure between 90 and 180the numerical factor in any term of polynomial...

Math 2020-04-29

Math crossword puzzle
  1. addiing largely
  2. take away
  3. math with letters
  4. hundredth of a meter
  5. sharing evenly
  6. a line with positive and negative numbers
  7. how do i know its 1 ft?
  8. kg
  1. 12+1
  2. an acronym used to tell you the correct order to complete an equation
  3. a process or set of rules to sole something
  4. measuring 1 foot
  5. 1, not 1.5 just 1
  6. the longer way of multiplying
  7. 18+5=13
  8. 6x2-5

16 Clues: kg12+16x2-518+5=13take awaysharing evenlyaddiing largelymeasuring 1 foot1, not 1.5 just 1math with lettershundredth of a meterhow do i know its 1 ft?the longer way of multiplyinga line with positive and negative numbersa process or set of rules to sole somethingan acronym used to tell you the correct order to complete an equation

math 2022-10-29

math crossword puzzle
  1. the result of two or more numbers when multiplied together.
  2. the result of the division
  3. A number that is greater than or equal to zero
  4. whole numbers that cannot be divided exactly into pairs
  5. a number by which another number is to be divided
  6. a shortcut method for dividing two polynomials which can be used in place of the standard long division algorithm
  7. any straight line segment that passes through the center of the circle and whose endpoints lie on the circle.
  8. an expression which is composed of variables, constants and exponents, that are combined using mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  1. a number that is less than zero
  2. the value left after the division
  3. a theorem linking factors and zeros of a polynomial.
  4. its the number being that is being divided
  5. a circle is a straight line segment whose endpoints both lie on a circular arc.
  6. any of the line segments from its center to its perimeter, and in more modern usage, it is also their length.
  7. a number that is divisible by 2 and generates a remainder of 0
  8. a shape consisting of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point, the centre.

16 Clues: the result of the divisiona number that is less than zerothe value left after the divisionits the number being that is being dividedA number that is greater than or equal to zeroa number by which another number is to be divideda theorem linking factors and zeros of a polynomial.whole numbers that cannot be divided exactly into pairs...

Math 2023-01-07

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 2 ___ 3 = 5
  2. two "0" in a number
  3. Tuan have 1 candy, Toan have 2. They have three in _____.
  4. an order from small to big
  5. thirty _______ by ten equals three
  6. 100 ___ 49 = 51
  7. three _______ by six equals eighteen
  8. "a + b = 32" is an ____________
  9. three "0" in a number
  10. 2 x (a + b) = 2 x a + 2 x b is an example of ________ property.
  1. 1 + 2 = 2 + 1 is an example of ________ property.
  2. an order from big to small
  3. (a + 2) + 3= a + (2 + 3) is an example of ________ property.
  4. 1 day = 1440 ____
  5. a + 1 = 2, a is an ___________
  6. six divided by five equal one with _______ of one

16 Clues: 2 ___ 3 = 5100 ___ 49 = 511 day = 1440 ____two "0" in a numberthree "0" in a numberan order from big to smallan order from small to biga + 1 = 2, a is an ___________"a + b = 32" is an ____________thirty _______ by ten equals threethree _______ by six equals eighteen1 + 2 = 2 + 1 is an example of ________ property....

math 2023-05-17

math crossword puzzle
  1. x^2+bx+c=0
  2. An expression consisting of 2 or more algebraic terms
  3. the maximum or minimum of a quadratic equation
  4. A continuous graph that has a domain of all real numbers and passes through the point (0,1)
  5. A symbol for an unknown value in an equation (Ex: x, y)
  6. How much the number is worth, the positive version of a number. (Ex: -3=3)
  7. a line/curve that acts as a "limit" for another line/curve
  1. A factor of a number that when multiplied by itself, gets the original number
  2. An expression containing a square root
  3. A symmetrical graph that curves, contains 3 parts: vertex, focus and focal length.
  4. The chances of a certain outcome occurring
  5. Every positive number but zero, also known as "counting numbers"
  6. The number/symbol that is being multiplied or multiplying a variable, usually in front of the variable
  7. y=mx+b, also creates a straight line
  8. An equation that only has one output for each input
  9. Makes a comparison between 2 numbers or mathematical equation

16 Clues: x^2+bx+c=0y=mx+b, also creates a straight lineAn expression containing a square rootThe chances of a certain outcome occurringthe maximum or minimum of a quadratic equationAn equation that only has one output for each inputAn expression consisting of 2 or more algebraic termsA symbol for an unknown value in an equation (Ex: x, y)...

algebra crossword puzzle 2022-05-13

algebra crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the solution to a function on the x-axis
  2. where you plot points
  3. another word for a straight line
  4. the border of something, add up all the sides
  5. the four section of a graph
  6. (x,y) or (h,k)
  7. translation is represented by the letter h
  8. math rule expressed in symbols
  9. a branch of math you learn in 8th grade
  1. when a number is to the second power
  2. when a number is multiplied by itself
  3. represented by the letter m or rise over run
  4. translation is represented by the letter k
  5. a point on the graph where x=0 and represented by the letter b
  6. letters that to represent the unknown
  7. a school subject that has four letters
  8. the formula is length*width
  9. where you set an equation to zero to solve
  10. shape of a quadratic function on a graph

19 Clues: (x,y) or (h,k)where you plot pointsthe four section of a graphthe formula is length*widthmath rule expressed in symbolsanother word for a straight linewhen a number is to the second powerwhen a number is multiplied by itselfletters that to represent the unknowna school subject that has four lettersa branch of math you learn in 8th grade...

7th Grade Math Vocab 2024-05-02

7th Grade Math Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. two lines that go on forever and never intersect
  2. a whole number that's positive or negative
  3. _________ property; multiplying the term on the outside times the terms on the inside
  4. the likeliness that something will happen
  5. angles that are next to each other
  6. a math statement where one expression is less than or greater than the other
  7. a relationship between two numbers
  8. an angle smaller than 90 degrees
  9. a math problem without an equals sign
  1. _________ value; the distance from zero, always positive
  2. angles that add up to 180 degrees
  3. the space inside of a shape
  4. angles that add up to 90 degrees
  5. a letter that takes the place of a number; can change
  6. angles that are across from each other
  7. the distance across a circle
  8. an angle bigger than 90 degrees
  9. a math problem with an equals sign
  10. the extra cost of borrowing money

19 Clues: the space inside of a shapethe distance across a circlean angle bigger than 90 degreesangles that add up to 90 degreesan angle smaller than 90 degreesangles that add up to 180 degreesthe extra cost of borrowing moneyangles that are next to each othera math problem with an equals signa relationship between two numbers...

Crossword 2022-02-11

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Advanced math topic that brakes down larger numbers into smaller ones
  2. this class at a more advanced level
  3. What this class is about
  4. Basic math topic that is still used
  5. Basic math topic that is still used
  1. Advanced math topic that has many of one number added together
  2. Also called the addition method
  3. letters in math
  4. Different ways of doing this
  5. Like a sentence in this topic

10 Clues: letters in mathWhat this class is aboutDifferent ways of doing thisLike a sentence in this topicAlso called the addition methodthis class at a more advanced levelBasic math topic that is still usedBasic math topic that is still usedAdvanced math topic that has many of one number added together...

Teachers and Staff of Prestige Academy: 2020-12-15

Teachers and Staff of Prestige Academy: crossword puzzle
  1. First teacher’s assistant
  2. Second teacher’s assistant
  3. The English teacher
  4. The math teacher
  5. The science teacher
  1. The second math teacher
  2. The social studies and government teacher
  3. The school principal
  4. Third teacher’s assistant
  5. Third math teacher

10 Clues: The math teacherThird math teacherThe English teacherThe science teacherThe school principalThe second math teacherFirst teacher’s assistantThird teacher’s assistantSecond teacher’s assistantThe social studies and government teacher

Evangelist metaphors 2023-12-29

Evangelist metaphors crossword puzzle
  1. 2Cor 5:20
  2. Math 4:19
  3. Act 1:8
  4. Math 10:16
  5. 1Cor 3:10
  1. Math 9:37
  2. 2Tim 2:3-4
  3. 1Cor 3:6;Mk 4:3,14
  4. Mal 2:7
  5. 1Pet 2:9

10 Clues: Mal 2:7Act 1:81Pet 2:9Math 9:372Cor 5:20Math 4:191Cor 3:102Tim 2:3-4Math 10:161Cor 3:6;Mk 4:3,14

Math 2020-12-13

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the most common number in a set
  2. the amount space inside a shape
  3. the middle number when the set is in numarical order
  4. an angle that is greater than a right angle and less than a straight angle
  5. An angle less than 90 degrees
  6. an angle that is 180 degrees
  7. an angle that is bigger than a straight angle
  8. skip counting
  9. the place value right of the decimal
  1. the distance around a shape
  2. the average of a set of numbers
  3. a number that has more than 2 factors
  4. a number that divides evenly into whole numbers
  5. the addition of 2 or more numbers
  6. the point where 2 line segments meet
  7. a number that only has two factors

16 Clues: skip countingthe distance around a shapean angle that is 180 degreesAn angle less than 90 degreesthe average of a set of numbersthe most common number in a setthe amount space inside a shapethe addition of 2 or more numbersa number that only has two factorsthe point where 2 line segments meetthe place value right of the decimal...

Math 2022-05-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. x+y
  2. always a division problem
  3. Add the numbers then divide the number of numbers
  4. another form of decimals and fractions
  5. 100/1000
  6. Something to measure Mean, Mode, Median, Range
  7. 10/100
  8. xXy
  1. less than 1 more than 0
  2. The middle
  3. x-y
  4. Highest - lowest
  5. The average
  6. 1000/10000
  7. the separation of a number and decimal
  8. x/y

16 Clues: x-yx+yx/yxXy10/100100/1000The middle1000/10000The averageHighest - lowestless than 1 more than 0always a division problemanother form of decimals and fractionsthe separation of a number and decimalSomething to measure Mean, Mode, Median, RangeAdd the numbers then divide the number of numbers

Math 2021-11-06

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 4.4*56.8
  2. 9.63*32.8
  3. 54.76*7.8
  4. 5.74*75.7
  5. 5.8*63.7
  6. 1.87*67.1
  7. 7.86*64.7
  8. 6.6*85.78
  1. 2.45*51.4
  2. 63.6*4.6
  3. 7.6*84.3
  4. 7.64*3.4
  5. 56.65*64.6
  6. 5.7*34.47
  7. 4.74*4.65
  8. 84.3*3.6

16 Clues: 63.6*4.64.4*56.87.6*84.37.64*3.45.8*63.784.3*3.62.45*51.49.63*32.854.76*7.85.74*75.71.87*67.15.7*34.474.74*4.657.86*64.76.6*85.7856.65*64.6

Math 2023-03-30

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the quotient of two terms
  2. the study of the relations between triangle angles and sides
  3. the study of mathematical change
  4. a sentence with at least two numbers, variables, or terms, and at least one mathematical operation.
  5. the power of a term
  6. the sum of two terms
  7. one term
  8. an expression/rule that shows a relationship between one term and another term
  9. an expression which is composed of variables, constants and exponents, that are combined using mathematical operations
  1. the study of shapes
  2. the difference of two terms
  3. the product of two terms
  4. two terms
  5. the degree measurement that is between two rays/lines that share a common vertex/point
  6. a mathematical statement that shows two expressions as equal
  7. three terms

16 Clues: one termtwo termsthree termsthe study of shapesthe power of a termthe sum of two termsthe product of two termsthe quotient of two termsthe difference of two termsthe study of mathematical changethe study of the relations between triangle angles and sidesa mathematical statement that shows two expressions as equal...

Math 2023-05-25

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a sequence of numbers in which each number can be computed by multiplying the previous number by the same amount.
  2. rewriting an expression as a product
  3. a non-equal comparison between two numbers.
  4. y=mx+b is called a ____ _______.
  5. decreasing towards zero, due to a variable in an exponent.
  6. a symbol that represents a mathematical object.
  7. The study of data, and the methods used to describe or summarize data.
  8. a shape of a graph
  9. information gained by a graph or function
  1. a whole number, negative or positive
  2. distributing variables
  3. the set of outputs (y-coordinates)
  4. the quantity of b^2−4ac is a _____.
  5. an average of a set of numbers
  6. the values of x when the solution is 0
  7. a box that shows the median,quartiles,and extremes of a collection of data

16 Clues: a shape of a graphdistributing variablesan average of a set of numbersy=mx+b is called a ____ _______.the set of outputs (y-coordinates)the quantity of b^2−4ac is a _____.a whole number, negative or positiverewriting an expression as a productthe values of x when the solution is 0information gained by a graph or function...