mathematics Crossword Puzzles

School Subjects 2023-10-18

School Subjects crossword puzzle


Wordbuilding nouns to adjectives 2024-06-17

Wordbuilding nouns to adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. geology
  3. archaeology
  4. language
  5. biology
  6. journalism
  1. science
  2. economics
  3. lawyer
  4. architecture

10 Clues: lawyersciencegeologybiologylanguageeconomicsjournalismmathematicsarchaeologyarchitecture





GENERAL MATHEMATICS crossword puzzle
  1. smallest number that is a common denominator of a given set of fractions
  2. the inverse of a number or a value
  3. an infinite line whose points corresponds to real numbers
  4. composed of rational expressions combined with a ≤,≥,<,or >.
  5. x- or y-coordinates of the points
  1. x^2-5x-6
  2. a set of ordered pairs
  3. false solutions
  4. exists on the graph of a rational function at any input value
  5. a line(or a curve)that the graph of a function gets close to but does not touch

10 Clues: x^2-5x-6false solutionsa set of ordered pairsx- or y-coordinates of the pointsthe inverse of a number or a valuean infinite line whose points corresponds to real numberscomposed of rational expressions combined with a ≤,≥,<,or >.exists on the graph of a rational function at any input value...

Mathematics(DM) 2017-02-27

Mathematics(DM) crossword puzzle
  1. a regular polyhedron, each face of which is a square
  2. =10 000 m²
  3. is when vectors lies in one plane
  4. a straight, with a common point on the curve, but not intersecting it
  5. a ___ with one or more unknown quantities
  1. is variable, changing depending on changes in the value of the other
  2. an additional tangent angle
  3. a sum of the lengths of all sides
  4. the teacher of all teachers
  5. a segment connecting the center of the circle to any point on the circle

10 Clues: =10 000 m²an additional tangent anglethe teacher of all teachersa sum of the lengths of all sidesis when vectors lies in one planea ___ with one or more unknown quantitiesa regular polyhedron, each face of which is a squareis variable, changing depending on changes in the value of the other...

Mathematics Vocabulary 2023-12-02

Mathematics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. half diameter
  2. distance round a circle
  3. act if taking away one number from another
  4. act if combining sets of numbers
  1. multiplication of length,width,height
  2. a part of a whole number
  3. distance round a shape
  4. answer to an additional problem
  5. three sided polygon
  6. answer to a multiplocation problem

10 Clues: half diameterthree sided polygondistance round a shapedistance round a circlea part of a whole numberanswer to an additional problemact if combining sets of numbersanswer to a multiplocation problemmultiplication of length,width,heightact if taking away one number from another

Mathematics 1 2024-07-14

Mathematics 1 crossword puzzle
  1. The number you divide by
  2. A shape with four equal sides
  3. The bottom number in a fraction
  4. A three sided polygon
  5. The distance around the circle
  1. A part of the whole
  2. A tension sided polygon
  3. The answer to an additional problem
  4. The value of a digit based on its position
  5. The result of x

10 Clues: The result of xA part of the wholeA three sided polygonA tension sided polygonThe number you divide byA shape with four equal sidesThe distance around the circleThe bottom number in a fractionThe answer to an additional problemThe value of a digit based on its position

Mathematics Day 2024-12-15

Mathematics Day crossword puzzle
  1. A relationship between two quantities.
  2. A shape with four equal sides but no right angles.
  3. The result of multiplying numbers.
  4. A 3D shape with two parallel bases.
  5. The difference between the highest and lowest numbers.
  1. A line from the center of a circle to its edge.
  2. A 3D shape with a triangular base.
  3. A specific spot on a graph or map.
  4. A dessert often circular in shape.
  5. A straight line that starts at a point and extends infinitely.

10 Clues: A 3D shape with a triangular base.The result of multiplying numbers.A specific spot on a graph or map.A dessert often circular in shape.A 3D shape with two parallel bases.A relationship between two quantities.A line from the center of a circle to its edge.A shape with four equal sides but no right angles....

Mathematics Day 2024-12-15

Mathematics Day crossword puzzle
  1. A way to organize data in rows and columns.
  2. A shape with four equal sides and angles.
  3. A perfectly round 3D shape.
  4. A tool to measure weight or a ratio between dimensions.
  1. Forms like circles, squares, and triangles.
  2. A quick way to count using marks.
  3. To take away a number from another.
  4. A tool used to measure lengths.
  5. The edges of a shape.
  6. The result of adding numbers.

10 Clues: The edges of a shape.A perfectly round 3D shape.The result of adding numbers.A tool used to measure lengths.A quick way to count using marks.To take away a number from another.A shape with four equal sides and angles.Forms like circles, squares, and triangles.A way to organize data in rows and columns....

Mathematics Day 2024-12-15

Mathematics Day crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of matter in an object.
  2. A unit of time equal to 60 minutes.
  3. A straight path that goes on forever in both directions.
  4. A network of intersecting lines.
  5. A diagram showing data relationships.
  6. The average of a set of numbers.
  1. A number that divides another number exactly.
  2. A shape with six sides.
  3. How tall something is.
  4. A flat surface on a 3D object.

10 Clues: How tall something is.A shape with six sides.A flat surface on a 3D object.A network of intersecting lines.The average of a set of numbers.The amount of matter in an object.A unit of time equal to 60 minutes.A diagram showing data relationships.A number that divides another number exactly.A straight path that goes on forever in both directions.

Mathematics Day 2024-12-15

Mathematics Day crossword puzzle
  1. A unit of time based on the calendar.
  2. The number appearing most in a set.
  3. A unit of length in the metric system.
  4. A shape with five sides.
  5. Two matching items.
  1. Numbers not divisible by two.
  2. To increase a number by repeating it.
  3. A mathematical value.
  4. An elongated circular shape.
  5. A repeated design or sequence.

10 Clues: Two matching items.A mathematical value.A shape with five sides.An elongated circular shape.Numbers not divisible by two.A repeated design or sequence.The number appearing most in a set.A unit of time based on the calendar.To increase a number by repeating it.A unit of length in the metric system.

STEM 2024-02-15

STEM crossword puzzle
  1. building or designing of robots
  2. gaining knowledge you didn't know
  3. a form of record keeping
  4. A type of machine that helps people
  1. Mass times acceleration
  2. knowledge of any kind
  3. The building or repair of something
  4. science technology engineering mathematics

8 Clues: knowledge of any kindMass times accelerationa form of record keepingbuilding or designing of robotsgaining knowledge you didn't knowThe building or repair of somethingA type of machine that helps peoplescience technology engineering mathematics

STEM 2024-02-15

STEM crossword puzzle
  1. building or designing of robots
  2. gaining knowledge you didn't know
  3. a form of record keeping
  4. A type of machine that helps people
  1. Mass times acceleration
  2. knowledge of any kind
  3. The building or repair of something
  4. science technology engineering mathematics

8 Clues: knowledge of any kindMass times accelerationa form of record keepingbuilding or designing of robotsgaining knowledge you didn't knowThe building or repair of somethingA type of machine that helps peoplescience technology engineering mathematics

clubs & activities 2022-10-26

clubs & activities crossword puzzle
  1. 小号
  2. 电脑
  3. 戏剧
  4. 乐队
  5. 实验
  6. 棒球
  7. 冠军
  8. 舞台
  1. 照片
  2. 想知道
  3. 数学
  4. 壁画
  5. 钢琴
  6. 职员
  7. 顾问

15 Clues: 小号照片电脑戏剧数学壁画乐队实验钢琴职员棒球顾问冠军舞台想知道

STEM 2024-02-15

STEM crossword puzzle
  1. building or designing of robots
  2. gaining knowledge you didn't know
  3. a form of record keeping
  4. A type of machine that helps people
  1. Mass times acceleration
  2. knowledge of any kind
  3. The building or repair of something
  4. science technology engineering mathematics

8 Clues: knowledge of any kindMass times accelerationa form of record keepingbuilding or designing of robotsgaining knowledge you didn't knowThe building or repair of somethingA type of machine that helps peoplescience technology engineering mathematics

STEM 2024-02-15

STEM crossword puzzle
  1. building or designing of robots
  2. gaining knowledge you didn't know
  3. a form of record keeping
  4. A type of machine that helps people
  1. Mass times acceleration
  2. knowledge of any kind
  3. The building or repair of something
  4. science technology engineering mathematics

8 Clues: knowledge of any kindMass times accelerationa form of record keepingbuilding or designing of robotsgaining knowledge you didn't knowThe building or repair of somethingA type of machine that helps peoplescience technology engineering mathematics

STEM 2024-02-15

STEM crossword puzzle
  1. building or designing of robots
  2. gaining knowledge you didn't know
  3. a form of record keeping
  4. A type of machine that helps people
  1. Mass times acceleration
  2. knowledge of any kind
  3. The building or repair of something
  4. science technology engineering mathematics

8 Clues: knowledge of any kindMass times accelerationa form of record keepingbuilding or designing of robotsgaining knowledge you didn't knowThe building or repair of somethingA type of machine that helps peoplescience technology engineering mathematics

STEM 2024-02-15

STEM crossword puzzle
  1. building or designing of robots
  2. gaining knowledge you didn't know
  3. a form of record keeping
  4. A type of machine that helps people
  1. Mass times acceleration
  2. knowledge of any kind
  3. The building or repair of something
  4. science technology engineering mathematics

8 Clues: knowledge of any kindMass times accelerationa form of record keepingbuilding or designing of robotsgaining knowledge you didn't knowThe building or repair of somethingA type of machine that helps peoplescience technology engineering mathematics

Name your teammate! 2021-01-15

Name your teammate! crossword puzzle
  1. Get it done
  2. You know what I mean
  3. Lead leader
  4. Mucho gusto
  5. Loves musicals
  6. Mr. Mathematics
  7. No problem - I can do it
  8. Loves Excel
  9. New edition
  1. Camping
  2. I'm Excited!
  3. Sunshine
  4. Chief
  5. Mr. Flexible
  6. Creative spirit
  7. What is the purpose?
  8. Literature
  9. PowerPoint Queen

18 Clues: ChiefCampingSunshineLiteratureGet it doneLead leaderMucho gustoLoves ExcelNew editionI'm Excited!Mr. FlexibleLoves musicalsCreative spiritMr. MathematicsPowerPoint QueenYou know what I meanWhat is the purpose?No problem - I can do it

La escuela y la clase II 2024-10-15

La escuela y la clase II crossword puzzle
  1. - (the) chemistry
  2. - I understand
  3. - (the) social sciences
  4. - (the) Spanish
  5. - (the) geography
  6. - (the) physical sciences
  7. - What does _____ mean?
  1. - (the) physics
  2. - Please repeat
  3. - How do you say...?
  4. - I know
  5. - Slower
  6. - (the) mathematics
  7. - I have a question
  8. - (the) music
  9. - (the) history
  10. - (the) art
  11. - (the) English

18 Clues: - I know- Slower- (the) art- (the) music- I understand- (the) physics- Please repeat- (the) history- (the) Spanish- (the) English- (the) chemistry- (the) geography- (the) mathematics- I have a question- How do you say...?- (the) social sciences- What does _____ mean?- (the) physical sciences

Greek mathematics 2022-05-12

Greek mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. period of Greek mathematics spanning from 300BC-300AD
  2. Greek translation of 5
  3. Greek numerical system
  4. Greek translation of 100
  1. period of Greek mathematics spanning from 600-300BC
  2. invented algorithm to find out GCD
  3. name of mathematical text Euclid created in Greek history
  4. Greek translation of 10
  5. made the formula a2+b2=c2

9 Clues: Greek translation of 5Greek numerical systemGreek translation of 10Greek translation of 100made the formula a2+b2=c2invented algorithm to find out GCDperiod of Greek mathematics spanning from 600-300BCperiod of Greek mathematics spanning from 300BC-300ADname of mathematical text Euclid created in Greek history

LOGIC 2024-03-17

LOGIC crossword puzzle
  1. a branch of mathematics concerned with properties of space such as the distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures.
  2. the result of multiplication
  3. 4 x 4
  4. combining two or more whole numbers
  5. an algebraic expression of the sum or the difference of two terms
  6. the operation or process of finding the difference between two numbers or quantities
  7. the branch of mathematics in which abstract symbols, rather than numbers, are manipulated or operated with arithmetic
  1. the square root of 81
  2. 2+2=
  3. the opposite of multiplication
  4. 20 divided by 2
  5. an area of knowledge that includes the topics of numbers, formulas and
  6. an expression of more than two algebraic terms
  7. 9 x 2
  8. 1+1

15 Clues: 1+12+2=4 x 49 x 220 divided by 2the square root of 81the result of multiplicationthe opposite of multiplicationcombining two or more whole numbersan expression of more than two algebraic termsan algebraic expression of the sum or the difference of two termsan area of knowledge that includes the topics of numbers, formulas and...

Math Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-28

Math Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. number written as a whole number with a fraction.
  2. a mathematical statement containing an equal sign
  3. this axis is vertical
  4. having the same amount or value
  5. a set of points in two or three dimensions defining a space.
  6. the area of mathematics where variables are represented by letters and symbols
  7. the use of standard units to size or quantity
  8. a positive number or negative number
  9. a visual diagram used to represent statistical info
  1. how many copies of the base number are multiplied together
  2. a number made by multiplying two whole numbers larger than one
  3. a mathematical rule using symbols
  4. a record of an amount
  5. get smaller in size, number, or quantity
  6. to find a numerical value
  7. mathematics that mainly focuses on lines, points, etc
  8. cannot be counted or measured because it has no end
  9. the bottom of something or the bottom face of a solid
  10. can be determined by using a grid or formula
  11. the amount of turning between two rays

20 Clues: a record of an amountthis axis is verticalto find a numerical valuehaving the same amount or valuea mathematical rule using symbolsa positive number or negative numberthe amount of turning between two raysget smaller in size, number, or quantitycan be determined by using a grid or formulathe use of standard units to size or quantity...

Subjects 2016-12-27

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. 과학
  2. 화학
  3. 대수학
  4. 지리학
  5. the study of the earth
  6. 예술
  7. 물리학
  1. 역사
  2. 문화
  3. 수학
  4. the study of living things
  5. 기하학

12 Clues: 역사과학문화수학화학예술대수학지리학기하학물리학the study of the earththe study of living things

The Humans: Reading #2 2023-12-08

The Humans: Reading #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Andrew Martin proved the Riemann _______
  2. the humans are an _______ species, defined by violence and greed
  3. Andrew Martin's wife
  4. _______ numbers were the heart of mathematics and mathematics was the heart of knowledge
  5. basically a two-dimensional nonmoving holograph catering only to the sense of sight
  6. While in the office, "Andrew Martin" ________ the document
  1. Andrew Martin is a _______ at Fitzwilliam College
  2. motivates Andrew Martin to solve the problem
  3. the most primitive piece of telecommunications technology
  4. author of The Humans
  5. The War and Money Show

11 Clues: Andrew Martin's wifeauthor of The HumansThe War and Money ShowAndrew Martin proved the Riemann _______motivates Andrew Martin to solve the problemAndrew Martin is a _______ at Fitzwilliam Collegethe most primitive piece of telecommunications technologyWhile in the office, "Andrew Martin" ________ the document...

School Subjects 2021-02-19

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. 과학
  2. 지리학
  3. 물리학
  4. 역사
  5. 수학
  6. 생물학
  1. 체육
  2. 영어
  3. 화학
  4. 미술

10 Clues: 체육과학영어화학미술역사수학지리학물리학생물학

Permutation of letters from a word or number 2017-03-21

Permutation of letters from a word or number crossword puzzle
  1. 44555666677777
  6. 999555


The Scientific Resolution 2021-08-04

The Scientific Resolution crossword puzzle
  1. revolving
  2. elements
  3. science
  4. logical
  5. beliefs
  1. math
  2. findings
  3. rights
  4. astronomer
  5. evidence

10 Clues: mathrightssciencelogicalbeliefselementsfindingsevidencerevolvingastronomer

Your Favourite VOLT Subject 2023-12-04

Your Favourite VOLT Subject crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 5
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 7
  1. 8
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 9
  5. 1

10 Clues: 84695123710

CROSSWORDS 2024-10-17

CROSSWORDS crossword puzzle
  1. c
  2. f
  3. j
  4. h
  1. a
  2. b
  3. i
  4. g
  5. e
  6. d

10 Clues: abicfgejdh

Subjects 2022-06-23

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. วิชาภาษาจีน
  2. วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
  3. วิชาศิลปะ
  4. วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์
  5. วิชาสังคมศึกษา
  1. วิชาคณิตศาสตร์
  2. วิชาพลศึกษา
  3. วิชาภูมิศาสตร์
  4. วิชาดนตรี
  5. วิชาประวัติศาสตร์

10 Clues: วิชาศิลปะวิชาดนตรีวิชาพลศึกษาวิชาภาษาจีนวิชาคณิตศาสตร์วิชาภูมิศาสตร์วิชาภาษาอังกฤษวิชาสังคมศึกษาวิชาวิทยาศาสตร์วิชาประวัติศาสตร์

Mejores Amigas 2020-03-19

Mejores Amigas crossword puzzle
  1. weeks
  2. intelligent
  3. girls
  4. problem
  5. homework
  6. girl
  1. sport
  2. mathematics
  3. however
  4. help

10 Clues: helpgirlsportweeksgirlshoweverproblemhomeworkmathematicsintelligent

History 2020-01-17

History crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. invent
  3. discover
  4. science
  1. biology
  2. explore
  3. music
  4. architectu
  5. art
  6. engineering

10 Clues: artmusicinventbiologyexploresciencediscoverarchitectumathematicsengineering

Tommy Holliday’s p. 51 2020-10-29

Tommy Holliday’s p. 51 crossword puzzle
  1. young
  2. France
  3. tall
  4. unfriendly
  5. small
  1. blond
  2. mathematics
  3. funny
  4. art
  5. ugly

10 Clues: arttalluglyblondyoungfunnysmallFranceunfriendlymathematics

Las Materias 2023-11-07

Las Materias crossword puzzle
  1. Accounting
  2. Art
  3. Chemistry
  4. PE
  1. IT
  2. Mathematics
  3. Geography
  4. English
  5. Physics
  6. Science

10 Clues: ITPEArtEnglishPhysicsScienceChemistryGeographyAccountingMathematics

Sophie Germain Facts 2024-05-15

Sophie Germain Facts crossword puzzle
  1. Sophie became interested in the number theory at the age of..
  2. Germain taught herself ___ and Greek
  3. After 3 attempts, Germain earned the prize from the Paris Academy of ___
  4. Sophie Germain was diagnosed with ______ _____ in 1829.
  1. She created the ______ equation.
  2. Germain taught herself ____ using books from her father's library.
  3. She made a big impact on the _____ _____ movement
  4. Germain was the ____ woman mathematician.
  5. _____ of mathematics
  6. Sophie Germain was born here.

10 Clues: _____ of mathematicsSophie Germain was born here.She created the ______ equation.Germain taught herself ___ and GreekGermain was the ____ woman mathematician.She made a big impact on the _____ _____ movementSophie Germain was diagnosed with ______ _____ in 1829.Sophie became interested in the number theory at the age of.....

mathematics H.W 2022-01-03

mathematics H.W crossword puzzle
  1. sum of any 2 angles fo a triangle is equal to _____ angle of the 3rd angle
  2. a line segment that joins a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side in a triangle.
  3. a line segment that joins a vertex to the opposite side at an angle of 90°in a triangle.
  4. sum of all the angles of a triangle.
  5. ______ triangle has all angles equal.
  6. 89 is a ______ angle.
  1. if a triangle has one of its angles greater than 90 but less than 180 is a/an ______ triangle.
  2. measure of a right angle.
  3. no. of (answer 3) in a triangle.
  4. a shape with the least no. of straight lines.

10 Clues: 89 is a ______ angle.measure of a right of (answer 3) in a triangle.sum of all the angles of a triangle.______ triangle has all angles equal.a shape with the least no. of straight lines.sum of any 2 angles fo a triangle is equal to _____ angle of the 3rd angle...

General Mathematics 2022-03-06

General Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. in accordance with reason; When expressed as a decimal, a rational number has a finite or recurring expansion
  2. the combined action of a group of people
  3. test one's capabilities
  4. enjoyment; amusement
  5. a practice wherein one obeys by the rules or a code of behavior
  1. firmness of purpose; resoluteness
  2. the state of being a fact
  3. core subject in 1st and 3rd quarter
  4. using thought or rational judgment; intelligent
  5. main topic in general mathematics

10 Clues: enjoyment; amusementtest one's capabilitiesthe state of being a factfirmness of purpose; resolutenessmain topic in general mathematicscore subject in 1st and 3rd quarterthe combined action of a group of peopleusing thought or rational judgment; intelligenta practice wherein one obeys by the rules or a code of behavior...

Circles (Mathematics) 2021-11-04

Circles (Mathematics) crossword puzzle
  1. Chords _______ from the centre of a circle are equal.
  2. A _______ creates a major segement and a minor segement.
  3. __________ is twice its radius
  4. Opposite angles of a ________ are equal.
  5. The angle subtended at any point on the circle is ______ of the angle subtended by it at the centre.
  6. The perpendicular from the center to a chord _________ the chord.
  1. On which point on the circle does the perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through?
  2. angle in a semicircle is a _______________.
  3. There is one and only one circle passing through ______________ points.
  4. Equal chords of a circle __________ equal angles at the centre.

10 Clues: __________ is twice its radiusOpposite angles of a ________ are equal.angle in a semicircle is a _______________.Chords _______ from the centre of a circle are equal.A _______ creates a major segement and a minor segement.Equal chords of a circle __________ equal angles at the centre.The perpendicular from the center to a chord _________ the chord....

Teaching Mathematics 2014-04-12

Teaching Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. In 1989, this group set curriculum standards for the development and implementation of mathematics curricula
  2. developed for third through eighth grade who may need extra instruction to meet mathematics learning goals
  3. This curriculum causes concern to educators as being a main reason for poor math content
  4. understanding of numbers and their manipulations
  5. occurs when students meet expectations for accuracy and speed in different types of problems
  1. the ability to group or sort objects based on one or more common properties
  2. occurs when students misapply a procedure from one arithmetic operation to another
  3. problems mistakes resulting from this occur when students forget or misremember a fact that leads to an error in arithmetic calculation
  4. the ability to rank objects according to the degree to which they possess a certain common characteristic
  5. whether a student's understanding of a number and its use and meaning is flexible and fully developed

10 Clues: understanding of numbers and their manipulationsthe ability to group or sort objects based on one or more common propertiesoccurs when students misapply a procedure from one arithmetic operation to anotherThis curriculum causes concern to educators as being a main reason for poor math content...

mathematics Puzzle 2022-12-02

mathematics Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. is the amount of space an object occupies
  2. divides a shape into equal parts
  3. is the bottom number on a fraction
  4. an equal part of a whole
  5. is a closed number sentence
  6. a shape with straight sides
  1. biggest to smallest numbers
  2. is the middle number
  3. is a four sided shape
  4. score that occurs the most

10 Clues: is the middle numberis a four sided shapean equal part of a wholescore that occurs the mostbiggest to smallest numbersis a closed number sentencea shape with straight sidesdivides a shape into equal partsis the bottom number on a fractionis the amount of space an object occupies

Financial Mathematics 2017-03-15

Financial Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. The debtor gives the lender (financial institution) a refund of the money granted by the latter within an agreed period and with interest rates (fixed or variable) previously agreed upon.
  2. Is the interest that is charged by a credit and when settled is accumulated to the capital (Capitalization interest), so in the capital or base of the calculation of the new interest.
  3. It is the exit of money of a company, whereas the revenues allow reference to the incoming money.
  4. Number of periods.
  5. Value or sum money at a future time.
  1. It is the set of toolos that serve to make financil decisions as are investment and financing.
  2. you calculate it using the capital and ignoring whichever accumulated interest in previous periods.
  3. Value or sum of money in a given present time.
  4. Flow of resources received by an economic agent corresponding to the remuneration for the sale or lease of the productive factors it owns. In can be paid in goods and services or in money.
  5. The value of the use of Money through tipe.

10 Clues: Number of periods.Value or sum money at a future time.The value of the use of Money through tipe.Value or sum of money in a given present time.It is the set of toolos that serve to make financil decisions as are investment and financing.It is the exit of money of a company, whereas the revenues allow reference to the incoming money....

Mathematics Project 2021-05-12

Mathematics Project crossword puzzle
  1. Eliminating one variable to get linear equation in one variable
  2. Proven statement used to prove another statement
  3. Series of steps giving a procedure for solving a type of sum
  4. Highest degree of the equation is three
  5. Divisor *quotient +remainder
  1. Greek mathematician
  2. Pair of linear equation having no solution
  3. Curves on graph
  4. Constant value
  5. Non terminating non reccurring

10 Clues: Constant valueCurves on graphGreek mathematicianDivisor *quotient +remainderNon terminating non reccurringHighest degree of the equation is threePair of linear equation having no solutionProven statement used to prove another statementSeries of steps giving a procedure for solving a type of sum...

Mathematics Crossword 2021-07-30

Mathematics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 529
  2. 2000
  3. 770
  4. 500
  5. 3200
  1. 182
  2. 1000
  3. 3000
  4. 890
  5. 710

10 Clues: 5291827708907105002000100030003200

Mathematics vocabulary 2023-07-05

Mathematics vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. มูลค่า, ค่า
  2. รวมกลุ่มใหม่
  3. ผลต่าง, ความแตกต่าง
  4. มาก
  5. ทั้งหมด
  1. เหมือนกัน
  2. หลักร้อย
  3. ที่เป็นตัวเลข
  4. หลักสิบ
  5. เลขคู่

10 Clues: มากเลขคู่หลักสิบทั้งหมดหลักร้อยเหมือนกันมูลค่า, ค่ารวมกลุ่มใหม่ที่เป็นตัวเลขผลต่าง, ความแตกต่าง

Mathematics - Money 2024-01-16

Mathematics - Money crossword puzzle
  1. a ____ of these coins makes 50c
  2. 80c is a ________ of 10c
  3. the correct name for a number is a sequence
  4. the amount an item is worth
  5. these combine to form a whole number
  1. the amount you receive after buying something
  2. counting with a rule or a pattern
  3. consider as equal to, greater than or lesser than
  4. money represented as a whole number
  5. form of exchange for good and services

10 Clues: 80c is a ________ of 10cthe amount an item is wortha ____ of these coins makes 50ccounting with a rule or a patternmoney represented as a whole numberthese combine to form a whole numberform of exchange for good and servicesthe correct name for a number is a sequencethe amount you receive after buying something...

Mathematics quiz 2023-12-14

Mathematics quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the symbol Γ or γ
  2. Name of the Symbol ∑
  3. What is the name of the number system with base 2
  4. Solve for x: 3x - 5 = 2(x + 4)
  5. 57 in Roman Numerals
  6. What is the name for the longest side of a Right Angled Triangle?
  1. Name the Polygon that has 15 Sides?
  2. In which month pi day is celebrated
  3. What comes after a Trillion?
  4. The value of Pi

10 Clues: The value of PiName of the Symbol ∑57 in Roman NumeralsName of the symbol Γ or γWhat comes after a Trillion?Solve for x: 3x - 5 = 2(x + 4)Name the Polygon that has 15 Sides?In which month pi day is celebratedWhat is the name of the number system with base 2What is the name for the longest side of a Right Angled Triangle?

Mathematics Day 2023-12-21

Mathematics Day crossword puzzle
  1. distance of the centre from any point on the circle
  2. used in definite integration
  3. mathematician associatated with HCF and complex numbers
  4. a mathematically proved statement
  5. section of a cone
  6. subset of cross product of 2 sets
  1. summation of small elements
  2. quantity in calculus for calculating slope
  3. expression containing two terms
  4. study of arithmetic and logics

10 Clues: section of a conesummation of small elementsused in definite integrationstudy of arithmetic and logicsexpression containing two termsa mathematically proved statementsubset of cross product of 2 setsquantity in calculus for calculating slopedistance of the centre from any point on the circlemathematician associatated with HCF and complex numbers

Mathematics terms 2024-08-13

Mathematics terms crossword puzzle
  1. manual calculator
  2. a statement that two expressions are equal
  3. number of times a value occurs in data
  4. extra amount to be paid after borrowing money
  5. used to draw angles
  1. used to draw circle
  2. arithmetical functions
  3. constants/variables multiplied to form term
  4. arithmetic value representing a quantity
  5. used to measure angles

10 Clues: manual calculatorused to draw circleused to draw anglesarithmetical functionsused to measure anglesnumber of times a value occurs in dataarithmetic value representing a quantitya statement that two expressions are equalconstants/variables multiplied to form termextra amount to be paid after borrowing money

Mathematics week 2024-03-25

Mathematics week crossword puzzle
  1. A quadrilateral whose opposite sides are equal
  2. What is the name of an angle that is greater than 90 degrees
  3. Triangular flat figure
  4. Are all the angles of a square right?
  1. 2 radii of a circle are ...
  2. What is the name of an angle that is less than 90 degrees
  3. What is the angle called which is equal to 90 degrees
  4. An elongated circle is called
  5. A quadrilateral figure with all right angles
  6. A mathematical constant expressing the ratio of the length and diameter of a circle

10 Clues: Triangular flat figure2 radii of a circle are ...An elongated circle is calledAre all the angles of a square right?A quadrilateral figure with all right anglesA quadrilateral whose opposite sides are equalWhat is the angle called which is equal to 90 degreesWhat is the name of an angle that is less than 90 degrees...

Mathematics Syllabus 2024-08-26

Mathematics Syllabus crossword puzzle
  1. Universal supports are for ____ students in class.
  2. To keep track of your homework, you should always bring this item to class.
  3. What program is used by this math class?
  4. Where can students keep track of grades?
  5. Van Hoosen Vikings use the ____ matrix as a guideline for behaviors and expectations.
  1. A copy of class notes will be available in ____ classroom.
  2. Late work will be accepted up to the day of the summative ________.
  3. If you have been absent for three days, you will have ____ days to complete any homework you missed.
  4. Are you allowed to retake a test or quiz?
  5. Assessment are ____, meaning you have as long as you need to complete it.

10 Clues: What program is used by this math class?Where can students keep track of grades?Are you allowed to retake a test or quiz?Universal supports are for ____ students in class.A copy of class notes will be available in ____ classroom.Late work will be accepted up to the day of the summative ________....

Mathematics Day 2024-12-15

Mathematics Day crossword puzzle
  1. A straight line around which something rotates.
  2. The process of combining numbers.
  3. The measure of a surface.
  4. A 3D shape with six equal square faces.
  5. A round shape with no corners.
  6. A figure formed by two rays meeting at a point.
  1. To split into equal parts.
  2. Information collected for reference or analysis.
  3. A number with a point dividing whole and fractional parts.
  4. Numbers divisible by two.

10 Clues: The measure of a surface.Numbers divisible by two.To split into equal parts.A round shape with no corners.The process of combining numbers.A 3D shape with six equal square faces.A straight line around which something rotates.A figure formed by two rays meeting at a point.Information collected for reference or analysis....

Mathematics Day 2024-12-15

Mathematics Day crossword puzzle
  1. The study of numbers and quantities.
  2. How long something is.
  3. Coins and bills used for exchange.
  4. Less than zero.
  5. One of two equal parts.
  1. A line showing numbers in order.
  2. A whole number, positive or negative.
  3. Ten times ten.
  4. To subtract one value from another.
  5. A chart showing data.

10 Clues: Ten times ten.Less than zero.A chart showing data.How long something is.One of two equal parts.A line showing numbers in order.Coins and bills used for exchange.To subtract one value from another.The study of numbers and quantities.A whole number, positive or negative.

Disciplines of Science 2023-05-15

Disciplines of Science crossword puzzle
  1. the study of climate
  2. the study of glaciers
  3. the study of prehistoric life through fossils
  4. the study of DNA and genes
  5. the study of how brains and neurons work
  6. the study of bugs
  7. the study of life
  8. the study of weather
  9. the study of ocean life
  10. the study of plants
  11. the study of atoms, molecules, and chemical reactions
  12. the study of societies
  1. the study of animals
  2. the study of rocks, minerals, and the history of Earth
  3. the study of outer space
  4. the study of environments and how life interacts
  5. the study of the origin of the universe
  6. the study of body structure for animals or plants
  7. the use of mathematics and physics to solve real world problems
  8. the study of prehistoric human activity
  9. the study of humans
  10. the study of how the mind works and behaves
  11. the study of mater and movement and explained using mathematics
  12. the study of oceans
  13. the study of languages

25 Clues: the study of bugsthe study of lifethe study of humansthe study of oceansthe study of plantsthe study of animalsthe study of climatethe study of weatherthe study of glaciersthe study of languagesthe study of societiesthe study of ocean lifethe study of outer spacethe study of DNA and genesthe study of the origin of the universe...

Linear Algebra by Niki 2022-11-27

Linear Algebra by Niki crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics, an expression, rule, or law that defines a relationship between one variable and another variable
  2. a systematic procedure, technique,way of doing something
  3. An exchange of two elements
  4. A mathematical model of a branch of mathematics that is based on a set of axioms
  5. a term that represents an unknown number or unknown value or unknown quantity
  1. A quantity that has both magnitude and direction but not position
  2. If a matrix is in row-echelon form, then the first nonzero entry of each row is called a
  3. an object that can be decided into two identical halves
  4. One shape is exactly like the other shape when it is moved, rotated, or flipped
  5. a procedure, a description of a set of steps that can be used to solve a mathematical computation
  6. is the part of mathematics that helps represent problems in the form of mathematical expressions

11 Clues: An exchange of two elementsan object that can be decided into two identical halvesa systematic procedure, technique,way of doing somethingA quantity that has both magnitude and direction but not positiona term that represents an unknown number or unknown value or unknown quantity...

Mathematics Through the ages 2022-07-26

Mathematics Through the ages crossword puzzle
  1. The person who invented zero
  2. A unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
  3. the number of digits in pi
  4. Father of Mathematics
  1. The name of the symbol of division
  2. The only number that is spelt with letters arranged in alphabetical order.
  3. The country that invented the decimal system
  4. Oldest Branch of mathematics
  5. The origin of a calculator
  6. The only number that cannot be represented in Roman Numerals

10 Clues: Father of Mathematicsthe number of digits in piThe origin of a calculatorThe person who invented zeroOldest Branch of mathematicsThe name of the symbol of divisionA unit of time for 1/100th of a second.The country that invented the decimal systemThe only number that cannot be represented in Roman Numerals...

Mathematics List 29 2018-02-02

Mathematics     List 29 crossword puzzle
  1. coming together to form a right angle
  2. distance around a polygon
  3. branch of mathematics that deals with measuring lines, angles, surfaces, and solids
  4. the product of the number multiplied by a whole number
  1. figure with eight sides
  2. more or less correct or exact
  3. branch of mathematics that deals with adding, subtracting,multiplying, and diving
  4. an approximate answer
  5. distance around a circle
  6. referring to lines that never intersect

10 Clues: an approximate answerfigure with eight sidesdistance around a circledistance around a polygonmore or less correct or exactcoming together to form a right anglereferring to lines that never intersectthe product of the number multiplied by a whole numberbranch of mathematics that deals with adding, subtracting,multiplying, and diving...

mathematics and beyond 2021-01-22

mathematics and beyond crossword puzzle
  1. 49+x=180
  2. 3 or more parts that are use
  3. a + b =90 degrees
  4. add values to x or y
  5. intersects parallel lines to form several angles
  6. L//M
  7. angles that are opposite to each other
  8. 90 degrees
  1. (x,y),(-x,-y)
  2. shape with all sides and angles equal
  3. to cut in half
  4. multiplied the coordinates by a number
  5. exactly i the middle of a line segment
  6. the center of a circle
  7. negate x or y

15 Clues: L//M49+x=18090 degrees(x,y),(-x,-y)negate x or yto cut in halfa + b =90 degreesadd values to x or ythe center of a circle3 or more parts that are useshape with all sides and angles equalexactly i the middle of a line segmentangles that are opposite to each othermultiplied the coordinates by a numberintersects parallel lines to form several angles

Mathematics Is Fun! 2022-09-15

Mathematics Is Fun! crossword puzzle
  1. > 6.02 6.1 is greater than 6.02
  2. Emily have $560 in her bank account. She takes out $200. What will her new balance be?
  3. The square root of 1296
  4. A debt of $5050
  5. The cube of 18
  6. Round 5.970639 to 3 decimal place
  7. HCF of 45 and 72
  8. √25 × √16
  9. (5+7)×12÷6
  1. Use prime factorisation to find the LCM of 120 and 180
  2. LCM of 78 and 352
  3. Round 6.008962 to 3 significant figure
  4. Use a factor tree to find the HCF of 100 and 125
  5. An odd number between 995 and 998
  6. [(15+6)÷7] × 4
  7. The square of 68

16 Clues: √25 × √16(5+7)×12÷6The cube of 18[(15+6)÷7] × 4A debt of $5050HCF of 45 and 72The square of 68LCM of 78 and 352The square root of 1296> 6.02 6.1 is greater than 6.02Round 5.970639 to 3 decimal placeAn odd number between 995 and 998Round 6.008962 to 3 significant figureUse a factor tree to find the HCF of 100 and 125...

Practice Business Mathematics 2021-03-26

Practice Business Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. has 2 dimentions
  2. derivative is the same
  3. domain is greater than zero
  4. has one dimention
  5. take derivative
  1. cost and revenue are related to it
  2. bring down and subtract power by 1
  3. another word for derivative
  4. rule where you multiply the result by derivative of inner function
  5. has 3 dimentions
  6. not necessarily imply differentiability
  7. equals revenue minus cost
  8. implies continuity
  9. determined by supply and demand
  10. equals price times quantity

15 Clues: take derivativehas 2 dimentionshas 3 dimentionshas one dimentionimplies continuityderivative is the sameequals revenue minus costanother word for derivativedomain is greater than zeroequals price times quantitydetermined by supply and demandcost and revenue are related to itbring down and subtract power by 1not necessarily imply differentiability...

Practice Business Mathematics 2021-03-26

Practice Business Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. has 2 dimentions
  2. derivative is the same
  3. domain is greater than zero
  4. has one dimention
  5. take derivative
  1. cost and revenue are related to it
  2. bring down and subtract power by 1
  3. another word for derivative
  4. rule where you multiply the result by derivative of inner function
  5. has 3 dimentions
  6. not necessarily imply differentiability
  7. equals revenue minus cost
  8. implies continuity
  9. determined by supply and demand
  10. equals price times quantity

15 Clues: take derivativehas 2 dimentionshas 3 dimentionshas one dimentionimplies continuityderivative is the sameequals revenue minus costanother word for derivativedomain is greater than zeroequals price times quantitydetermined by supply and demandcost and revenue are related to itbring down and subtract power by 1not necessarily imply differentiability...

Practice Business Mathematics 2021-03-26

Practice Business Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. has 2 dimentions
  2. derivative is the same
  3. domain is greater than zero
  4. has one dimention
  5. take derivative
  1. cost and revenue are related to it
  2. bring down and subtract power by 1
  3. another word for derivative
  4. rule where you multiply the result by derivative of inner function
  5. has 3 dimentions
  6. not necessarily imply differentiability
  7. equals revenue minus cost
  8. implies continuity
  9. determined by supply and demand
  10. equals price times quantity

15 Clues: take derivativehas 2 dimentionshas 3 dimentionshas one dimentionimplies continuityderivative is the sameequals revenue minus costanother word for derivativedomain is greater than zeroequals price times quantitydetermined by supply and demandcost and revenue are related to itbring down and subtract power by 1not necessarily imply differentiability...

Geometry Mathematics Symbols 2024-09-02

Geometry Mathematics Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. radians angle unit
  2. infinite line
  3. distance between points x and y
  4. line that start from point A
  5. arcminute, 1° = 60'
  6. formed by two rays
  7. gradians/ gons
  1. = 90°
  2. same shapes, not same size
  3. triangle shape
  4. parallel lines
  5. perpendicular lines (90° angle)
  6. 1 turn = 360°
  7. degree
  8. arc from point A to point B

15 Clues: = 90°degreeinfinite line1 turn = 360°triangle shapeparallel linesgradians/ gonsradians angle unitformed by two raysarcminute, 1° = 60'same shapes, not same sizearc from point A to point Bline that start from point Aperpendicular lines (90° angle)distance between points x and y

STEM 2024-02-15

STEM crossword puzzle
  1. building or designing of robots
  2. gaining knowledge you didn't know
  3. a form of record keeping
  4. A type of machine that helps people
  1. Mass times acceleration
  2. knowledge of any kind
  3. The building or repair of something
  4. science technology engineering mathematics

8 Clues: knowledge of any kindMass times accelerationa form of record keepingbuilding or designing of robotsgaining knowledge you didn't knowThe building or repair of somethingA type of machine that helps peoplescience technology engineering mathematics

STEM 2024-02-15

STEM crossword puzzle
  1. building or designing of robots
  2. gaining knowledge you didn't know
  3. a form of record keeping
  4. A type of machine that helps people
  1. Mass times acceleration
  2. knowledge of any kind
  3. The building or repair of something
  4. science technology engineering mathematics

8 Clues: knowledge of any kindMass times accelerationa form of record keepingbuilding or designing of robotsgaining knowledge you didn't knowThe building or repair of somethingA type of machine that helps peoplescience technology engineering mathematics

vacabulario 2A 2022-10-25

vacabulario 2A crossword puzzle
  1. physical education
  2. social studies
  3. first
  4. technology/computers
  5. second
  6. the class of
  7. to study
  8. the schedule
  9. mathematics
  10. tenth
  11. lunch
  12. third
  13. eighth
  14. in the hour
  15. fourth
  16. English
  1. fifth
  2. science class
  3. sixth
  4. the homework
  5. to talk
  6. seventh
  7. to teach
  8. Spanish class
  9. ninth
  10. class
  11. art class

27 Clues: fifthsixthfirsttenthninthclasslunchthirdsecondeighthfourthto talkseventhEnglishto studyto teachart classmathematicsin the hourthe homeworkthe class ofthe schedulescience classSpanish classsocial studiesphysical educationtechnology/computers

A2 cross word 2023-01-30

A2 cross word crossword puzzle
  1. a lot
  2. English
  3. he
  4. easy
  5. eighth
  6. fourth
  7. fifth
  8. third
  9. favorite
  10. talk
  11. difficult
  12. we
  13. mathematics
  14. study
  15. I
  16. she
  17. I have
  1. Spanish
  2. ninth
  3. seventh
  4. practical
  5. for
  6. first
  7. you
  8. computers
  9. interesting
  10. boring
  11. tenth
  12. amusing
  13. You have
  14. teach
  15. Who?
  16. sixth
  17. art

34 Clues: IheweforyouartsheeasytalkWho?nintha lotfirstfifththirdtenthteachstudysixtheighthfourthboringI haveSpanishEnglishseventhamusingfavoriteYou havepracticalcomputersdifficultinterestingmathematics

spanish 2024-01-31

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. tenth
  2. seventh
  3. artclass
  4. socialstudies
  5. Spanish class
  6. tostudy
  7. English
  8. technology/computers
  9. ninth
  10. theschedule
  11. first
  12. lunch
  13. physicaleducation
  14. eighth
  1. fourth
  2. inthehour
  3. mathematics
  4. fifth
  5. scienceclass
  6. totalk,tospeak
  7. class
  8. toteach
  9. second
  10. third
  11. the class of
  12. sixth
  13. thehomework

27 Clues: tenthfifthclassthirdsixthninthfirstlunchfourthsecondeighthseventhtoteachtostudyEnglishartclassinthehourmathematicstheschedulethehomeworkscienceclassthe class ofsocialstudiesSpanish classtotalk,tospeakphysicaleducationtechnology/computers

Introduction Unit Crossword 1 2024-09-24

Introduction Unit Crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. estuche
  2. sacapuntas
  3. morado/a
  4. naranja
  5. literatura
  6. azul
  7. historia
  8. libro
  9. rotulador
  10. rosa
  11. arte
  12. agenda
  13. informatics
  14. educacion fisica
  15. verde
  1. frances
  2. ciencia/s
  3. boligrafo
  4. teatro
  5. blanco/a
  6. cuaderno
  7. mathematics
  8. ingles
  9. negro/a
  10. goma / borrador
  11. geografia
  12. marron
  13. amarillo/a
  14. gris
  15. lapiz
  16. mochilla
  17. musica

32 Clues: azulgrisrosaartelibrolapizverdeteatroinglesmarronagendamusicafrancesestuchenaranjanegro/amorado/ablanco/acuadernohistoriamochillaciencia/sboligrafogeografiarotuladorsacapuntasliteraturaamarillo/amathematicsinformaticsgoma / borradoreducacion fisica

mathematics crossword 2013-05-14

mathematics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. operators grouped together
  2. size of a surface
  3. represent numbers and quantities in formula
  1. with points,lines,shapes and space
  2. space between two intersecting lines
  3. symbol for a number we don't know yet
  4. ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
  5. values of two mathematical expressions
  6. straight line
  7. amount of 3-dimensional space an object occupies

10 Clues: straight linesize of a surfaceoperators grouped togetherwith points,lines,shapes and spacespace between two intersecting linessymbol for a number we don't know yetvalues of two mathematical expressionsrepresent numbers and quantities in formulaamount of 3-dimensional space an object occupiesratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter

Mathematics-Shape 2018-03-25

Mathematics-Shape crossword puzzle
  1. A eight sided polygon.
  2. To turn a shape using an angle, direction and centre of rotation.
  3. Assign an approximate value.
  4. A shape with all sides and angles the same size.
  5. Two or more lines which meet at right angles.
  1. A nine sided polygon.
  2. A shape made from straight lines.
  3. A triangle with all sides and angles the same size.
  4. Two or more lines which are always the same distance apart
  5. Choose and circle the correct answer

10 Clues: A nine sided polygon.A eight sided polygon.Assign an approximate value.A shape made from straight lines.Choose and circle the correct answerTwo or more lines which meet at right angles.A shape with all sides and angles the same size.A triangle with all sides and angles the same size.Two or more lines which are always the same distance apart...

Mathematics Crossword 2020-06-29

Mathematics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A sequence in an A.P. if and only if the sum of its n terms is of the form An2 +Bn where A,B are constants . In such a case the common difference is ______
  2. A polynomial with degree 1 is ______ polynomial
  3. It is an arrangement of numbers or objects in a definite order.
  4. If 7th and 13th terms of an Ap be 34 and 64 respectively, then it's 18th term is ______
  5. If first term of an A.P is 2 and common difference is 4 , then the sum of its forty terms is _____
  6. What should be added to polynomial x2 - 5x +4 , so that 3 is the zero of resulting polynomial.
  1. An algebraic expression is made up of consonants and _______
  2. For what value of K , is -3 a zero of the polynomial x2 + 11x +k
  3. This a,a+d,a+2d,a+3d is known as ______
  4. How many zeros does the polynomial have if its degree is 10?

10 Clues: This a,a+d,a+2d,a+3d is known as ______A polynomial with degree 1 is ______ polynomialAn algebraic expression is made up of consonants and _______How many zeros does the polynomial have if its degree is 10?It is an arrangement of numbers or objects in a definite order.For what value of K , is -3 a zero of the polynomial x2 + 11x +k...


  1. Reciprocal of secant
  2. Value of variable satisfying polynomial
  3. b² - 4ac
  4. Line touches circle at one point
  5. Trail with well-defined outcome
  6. Non-terminating and non-repeating
  1. Pair of linear equations having solution/s.
  2. Unique solution
  3. Distance between 2 parallel tangents
  4. Graph of quadratic

10 Clues: b² - 4acUnique solutionGraph of quadraticReciprocal of secantTrail with well-defined outcomeLine touches circle at one pointNon-terminating and non-repeatingDistance between 2 parallel tangentsValue of variable satisfying polynomialPair of linear equations having solution/s.

Financial Mathematics 2017-03-15

Financial Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. you calculate it using the capital and ignoring whichever accumulated interest in previous periods.
  2. Is the interest that is charged by a credit and when settled is accumulated to the capital (Capitalization interest), so in the capital or base of the calculation of the new interest.
  3. Value or sum of money in a given present time.
  4. The debtor gives the lender (financial institution) a refund of the money granted by the latter within an agreed period and with interest rates (fixed or variable) previously agreed upon.
  5. Value or sum money at a future time.
  6. Number of periods.
  7. Flow of resources received by an economic agent corresponding to the remuneration for the sale or lease of the productive factors it owns. In can be paid in goods and services or in money.
  1. The value of the use of Money through tipe.
  2. It is the set of toolos that serve to make financil decisions as are investment and financing.
  3. It is the exit of money of a company, whereas the revenues allow reference to the incoming money.

10 Clues: Number of periods.Value or sum money at a future time.The value of the use of Money through tipe.Value or sum of money in a given present time.It is the set of toolos that serve to make financil decisions as are investment and financing.It is the exit of money of a company, whereas the revenues allow reference to the incoming money....

Financial Mathematics 2017-03-15

Financial Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. Is the interest that is charged by a credit and when settled is accumulated to the capital (Capitalization interest), so in the capital or base of the calculation of the new interest.
  2. you calculate it using the capital and ignoring whichever accumulated interest in previous periods.
  3. The debtor gives the lender (financial institution) a refund of the money granted by the latter within an agreed period and with interest rates (fixed or variable) previously agreed upon.
  4. Value or sum of money in a given present time.
  5. Flow of resources received by an economic agent corresponding to the remuneration for the sale or lease of the productive factors it owns. In can be paid in goods and services or in money.
  1. It is the set of toolos that serve to make financil decisions as are investment and financing.
  2. The value of the use of Money through tipe.
  3. Value or sum money at a future time.
  4. Number of periods.
  5. It is the exit of money of a company, whereas the revenues allow reference to the incoming money.

10 Clues: Number of periods.Value or sum money at a future time.The value of the use of Money through tipe.Value or sum of money in a given present time.It is the set of toolos that serve to make financil decisions as are investment and financing.It is the exit of money of a company, whereas the revenues allow reference to the incoming money....

Financial mathematics 2017-03-07

Financial mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. Mathematics/ It is the set of toolos that serve to make financil decisions as are investment and financing.
  2. interest/ you calculate it using the capital and ignoring whichever accumulated interest in previous periods.
  3. Value/ Value or sum money at a future time.
  4. (n)/ Number of periods.
  5. The debtor gives the lender (financial institution) a refund of the money granted by the latter within an agreed period and with interest rates (fixed or variable) previously agreed upon.
  6. It is the exit of money of a company, whereas the revenues allow reference to the incoming money.
  1. The value of the use of Money through tipe.
  2. Value/ Value or sum of money in a given present time.
  3. Interest/ Is the interest that is charged by a credit and when settled is accumulated to the capital (Capitalization interest), so in the capital or base of the calculation of the new interest.
  4. Flow of resources received by an economic agent corresponding to the remuneration for the sale or lease of the productive factors it owns. In can be paid in goods and services or in money.

10 Clues: (n)/ Number of periods.The value of the use of Money through tipe.Value/ Value or sum money at a future time.Value/ Value or sum of money in a given present time.It is the exit of money of a company, whereas the revenues allow reference to the incoming money....

Financial mathematics 2017-03-07

Financial mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. The value of the use of Money through tipe.
  2. Number of periods.
  3. you calculate it using the capital and ignoring whichever accumulated interest in previous periods.
  4. It is the interest that is charged by a credit and when settled is accumulated to the capital (Capitalization interest), so in the capital or base of the calculation of the new interest.
  5. It is the exit of money of a company, whereas the revenues allow reference to the incoming money.
  6. Value or sum money at a future time.
  1. The debtor gives the lender (financial institution) a refund of the money granted by the latter within an agreed period and with interest rates (fixed or variable) previously agreed upon.
  2. It is the set of toolos that serve to make financil decisions as are investment and financing.
  3. Value or sum of money in a given present time.
  4. Flow of resources received by an economic agent corresponding to the remuneration for the sale or lease of the productive factors it owns. In can be paid in goods and services or in money.

10 Clues: Number of periods.Value or sum money at a future time.The value of the use of Money through tipe.Value or sum of money in a given present time.It is the set of toolos that serve to make financil decisions as are investment and financing.It is the exit of money of a company, whereas the revenues allow reference to the incoming money....

Mathematics Game 2020-10-15

Mathematics Game crossword puzzle
  1. Debit × Waktu
  2. Kecepatan × Waktu
  3. 3,5 merupakan bentuk pecahan ...
  4. Jarak pada peta ÷ Skala
  5. Jarak ÷ Waktu
  6. Berdasarkan pecahan 5/8 , 8 merupakan ...
  1. Macam-macam operasi pada pecahan
  2. Jarak pada peta ÷ Jarak sebenarnya
  3. Berdasarkan pecahan 3/7 , 3 merupakan ...
  4. Volume ÷ Debit

10 Clues: Debit × WaktuJarak ÷ WaktuVolume ÷ DebitKecepatan × WaktuJarak pada peta ÷ SkalaMacam-macam operasi pada pecahan3,5 merupakan bentuk pecahan ...Jarak pada peta ÷ Jarak sebenarnyaBerdasarkan pecahan 3/7 , 3 merupakan ...Berdasarkan pecahan 5/8 , 8 merupakan ...


MATHEMATICS PROJECT crossword puzzle
  1. A fraction written as a number in tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc
  2. An angle between 90 and 180 degrees
  3. The sum of the principal and the interest
  4. An angle that is less than 90°
  5. A six sided 2D figure
  1. The distance around an object measured in linear units
  2. The interest calculated on the original money for any given rate/time
  3. First of the major mathematician-astronomers of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy
  4. A plane figure with five straight sides and angles
  5. The money borrowed

10 Clues: The money borrowedA six sided 2D figureAn angle that is less than 90°An angle between 90 and 180 degreesThe sum of the principal and the interestA plane figure with five straight sides and anglesThe distance around an object measured in linear unitsThe interest calculated on the original money for any given rate/time...

Mathematics Crossword 2021-07-30

Mathematics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 529
  2. 2000
  3. 770
  4. 500
  5. 3200
  1. 182
  2. 1000
  3. 3000
  4. 890
  5. 710

10 Clues: 5291827708907105002000100030003200

Mathematics Statistics 2022-06-03

Mathematics Statistics crossword puzzle
  1. What is any subset of elements drawn by some appropriate method from a defined population?
  2. What is a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, organization, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data?
  3. What is the information that is taken from published or unpublished data gathered by other individuals or agencies?
  4. what is a numerical characteristics or attribute associated with the population that can assume different values.
  5. What is the sampling method of a sample that is chosen so that it will be easy for the researcher.
  1. What is the set of information which is directly gathered from the respondents or which is based on direct or first-hand experience?
  2. what is a complete set of data that consists of the totality of observations with which we are concerned.
  3. What is the method of collecting data wherein the researcher obtains the information through prepared list of questions?
  4. What is referring to the collection of observable information or facts?
  5. What is the method of gathering data that provides consistent and more precise information?

10 Clues: What is referring to the collection of observable information or facts?What is any subset of elements drawn by some appropriate method from a defined population?What is the method of gathering data that provides consistent and more precise information?What is the sampling method of a sample that is chosen so that it will be easy for the researcher....

Mathematics Review 2022-08-08

Mathematics Review crossword puzzle
  1. dealing within the measurements of an objects or shapes especially with points, angles, and lines.
  2. equation- An equation containg single variable.
  3. Equation- An a kind of equation that are in form where the variables often real numbers.
  4. A number that haven't no decimal or fractional part, includes the negative and positive, number 0.
  5. analysis, statistics and probability- analyzing every problem-solving process in terms of data.
  1. Equation- Opposite operation of an equation; where curves are shown to be inconsistent in graph.
  2. generally refers to the theory of numbers, computation and existing processed signs.
  3. and Relationship- representing of how the processed numbers to follow, a sequence follow rule to get an answer.
  4. represents the problems through math expressions; using some variables or letters.
  5. value- commonly known as "modulus". Meaning to remove the any negative sign in front of a number.

10 Clues: equation- An equation containg single variable.represents the problems through math expressions; using some variables or letters.generally refers to the theory of numbers, computation and existing processed signs.Equation- An a kind of equation that are in form where the variables often real numbers....

Mathematics Review 2022-08-08

Mathematics Review crossword puzzle
  1. The answer when two or more values are multiplied together
  2. not infinite
  3. A value that does not change
  4. An algebraic expression made up of one term
  5. A line that passes through the center of a circle and divides it in half
  6. A letter or number representing a numerical quantity attached to a term
  7. A symbol written above and to the right of a mathematical expression to indicate the operation of raising to a power
  1. the sum of terms that follow a pattern
  2. The complete distance around a circle
  3. is an ordered list of numbers

10 Clues: not infiniteA value that does not changeis an ordered list of numbersThe complete distance around a circlethe sum of terms that follow a patternAn algebraic expression made up of one termThe answer when two or more values are multiplied togetherA letter or number representing a numerical quantity attached to a term...

Mathematics Crossword 2022-06-30

Mathematics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the process of calculating the total of two or more numbers or amounts
  2. a symbol written above and to the right of a mathematical expression to indicate the operation of raising to a power
  3. represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts
  4. the method of finding the product of two or more numbers
  5. he process of ensuring that research data is stored, archived or disposed off in a safe and secure manner during and after the conclusion of a research project
  1. a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles
  2. Bracket, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction
  3. the splitting of a large number into smaller numbers
  4. the process of taking away a number from another
  5. the representation of problems or situations in the form of mathematical expressions

10 Clues: the process of taking away a number from anotherthe splitting of a large number into smaller numbersthe method of finding the product of two or more numbersBracket, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtractionthe process of calculating the total of two or more numbers or amounts...

Mathematics vocabulary 2023-07-05

Mathematics vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. หลักร้อย
  2. เหมือนกัน
  3. มูลค่า, ค่า
  4. มาก
  5. ผลต่าง, ความแตกต่าง
  1. ที่เป็นตัวเลข
  2. หลักสิบ
  3. ทั้งหมด
  4. เลขคู่
  5. รวมกลุ่มใหม่

10 Clues: มากเลขคู่หลักสิบทั้งหมดหลักร้อยเหมือนกันมูลค่า, ค่ารวมกลุ่มใหม่ที่เป็นตัวเลขผลต่าง, ความแตกต่าง

Financial mathematics 2023-04-23

Financial mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. spoření
  2. daně
  3. úrok
  4. zůstatek na účtu
  1. inflace
  2. bankovní půjčka
  3. splátka
  4. dlužník
  5. akcie
  6. výplata

10 Clues: daněúrokakcieinflacespořenísplátkadlužníkvýplatabankovní půjčkazůstatek na účtu


MATHEMATICS PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. This angle measures more than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees.
  2. These numbers can be negative or positive
  3. (3+7)=(7+3)is an example of which law?
  4. 1, 4, 9, 16 and 25 are examples of __________ numbers.
  5. This number leaves the original number unchanged under the operation.
  1. The measure of the distance around a shape.
  2. This polygon has 8 sides
  3. the difference between the highest data value and the lowest data value.
  4. 3+(4+8)=(3+4)+8 is an example of which law?
  5. The result that appears the most when given data

10 Clues: This polygon has 8 sides(3+7)=(7+3)is an example of which law?These numbers can be negative or positiveThe measure of the distance around a shape.3+(4+8)=(3+4)+8 is an example of which law?The result that appears the most when given data1, 4, 9, 16 and 25 are examples of __________ numbers....

Mathematics Day 2024-12-15

Mathematics Day crossword puzzle
  1. A part of a hundred.
  2. A shape with eight sides.
  3. The result of multiplying a number by itself.
  4. A shape with four sides and four right angles.
  1. The result of division.
  2. The position of a digit in a number.
  3. The amount left after division.
  4. A number expressed as a base and an exponent.
  5. A unit of liquid measurement.
  6. A value that gives a specific number when multiplied by itself.

10 Clues: A part of a hundred.The result of division.A shape with eight sides.A unit of liquid measurement.The amount left after division.The position of a digit in a number.A number expressed as a base and an exponent.The result of multiplying a number by itself.A shape with four sides and four right angles....

Mathematics Day 2024-12-15

Mathematics Day crossword puzzle
  1. A straight line connecting two points on a circle.
  2. To find the total number.
  3. The distance from top to bottom.
  4. A smooth, rounded line.
  5. The bottom side of a geometric shape.
  1. The width of an object.
  2. The possibility of an event.
  3. To find similarities or differences.
  4. A 3D shape with a circular base and a pointed top.
  5. A value that does not change.

10 Clues: The width of an object.A smooth, rounded line.To find the total number.The possibility of an event.A value that does not change.The distance from top to bottom.To find similarities or differences.The bottom side of a geometric shape.A straight line connecting two points on a circle.A 3D shape with a circular base and a pointed top.

Maryam Mirzakhani 1977-2017 2022-03-09

Maryam Mirzakhani 1977-2017 crossword puzzle
  1. Second University where Mirzakhani worked.
  2. What did Mirzakhani earn her Bachlor's degree in?
  3. What country was Mirzakhani born in?
  4. Where did Mirzakhani earn her PhD?
  5. At both Universities, Mirzakhani was a _________ of Mathematics.
  6. The school was administered by Iran's national Organization for Development of ___________ Talents.
  1. Mirzakhani focused her work on 'simple _________'.
  2. What was the name of the middle school she attended?
  3. The math competition Mirzakhani participated in high school: The International Mathematical _________.
  4. Last name of Mirzakhani's best friend.
  5. University where Mirzakhani first worked.

11 Clues: Where did Mirzakhani earn her PhD?What country was Mirzakhani born in?Last name of Mirzakhani's best friend.University where Mirzakhani first worked.Second University where Mirzakhani worked.What did Mirzakhani earn her Bachlor's degree in?Mirzakhani focused her work on 'simple _________'.What was the name of the middle school she attended?...

Leader Week Icebreaker 2022-07-01

Leader Week Icebreaker crossword puzzle
  1. measurement
  2. kingpin
  3. role
  4. KIPP Credo
  5. syllabus
  6. unstoppable
  7. numbers
  8. Rita Pearson
  1. plan
  2. sight
  3. merit and worth

11 Clues: planrolesightkingpinnumberssyllabusKIPP CredomeasurementunstoppableRita Pearsonmerit and worth

crossword 2021-12-11

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. coin factory
  2. under water weapon
  3. first greek letter
  4. branch of mathematics
  5. afternoon performance
  6. South American country
  7. volcanic outpouring
  8. pen fluid
  1. skill at painting
  2. musical drama
  3. road guide
  4. mountain cat
  5. engine part
  6. flat bottomed boat
  7. zodiac sign
  8. green gem
  9. flying stinger
  10. high military rank
  11. measuring utensil

19 Clues: green gempen fluidroad guideengine partzodiac signcoin factorymountain catmusical dramaflying stingerskill at paintingmeasuring utensilunder water weaponfirst greek letterflat bottomed boathigh military rankvolcanic outpouringbranch of mathematicsafternoon performanceSouth American country

Tommy Holliday’s p. 51 2020-10-29

Tommy Holliday’s p. 51 crossword puzzle
  1. young
  2. France
  3. tall
  4. unfriendly
  5. small
  1. blond
  2. mathematics
  3. funny
  4. art
  5. ugly

10 Clues: arttalluglyblondyoungfunnysmallFranceunfriendlymathematics

Zachmann-51#1 2021-11-30

Zachmann-51#1 crossword puzzle
  1. BIG
  2. youth
  3. mathematics
  4. difficult
  2. good
  3. pretty
  5. music
  6. How

10 Clues: BIGHowgoodyouthmusicprettyBRUNETTEdifficultINTELLIGENTmathematics

History 2020-01-17

History crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. invent
  3. discover
  4. science
  1. biology
  2. explore
  3. music
  4. architecture
  5. art
  6. engineering

10 Clues: artmusicinventbiologyexploresciencediscovermathematicsengineeringarchitecture

rejtvény 2015-10-28

rejtvény crossword puzzle
  1. történelem
  2. földrajz
  3. kémia
  4. angol
  1. matematika
  2. rajz
  3. biológia
  4. ének
  5. fizika
  6. testnevelés

10 Clues: rajzénekkémiaangolfizikabiológiaföldrajzmatematikatörténelemtestnevelés

Les matières 2016-10-13

Les matières crossword puzzle
  1. French
  2. Sport
  3. Geography
  4. English
  5. Technology
  6. Mathematics
  1. Art
  2. History
  3. Science
  4. Music

10 Clues: ArtSportMusicFrenchHistoryScienceEnglishGeographyTechnologyMathematics

STEM 2024-02-15

STEM crossword puzzle
  1. building or designing of robots
  2. gaining knowledge you didn't know
  3. a form of record keeping
  4. A type of machine that helps people
  1. Mass times acceleration
  2. knowledge of any kind
  3. The building or repair of something
  4. science technology engineering mathematics

8 Clues: knowledge of any kindMass times accelerationa form of record keepingbuilding or designing of robotsgaining knowledge you didn't knowThe building or repair of somethingA type of machine that helps peoplescience technology engineering mathematics

Strand 2 Review 2023-03-16

Strand 2 Review crossword puzzle
  1. A school supported by a private organization or individuals instead of the state and federal government.
  2. A school supported by public funds.
  3. A teaching method where students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time on an authentic and complex question, problem, or challenge.
  4. A publicly funded independent school established by parents, teachers, or community groups.
  5. A public school offering special instruction and programs not available elsewhere.
  6. Combining online educational materials and opportunities for international and traditional classroom methods.
  7. Measuring proficiency in mathematics, language arts, science, and writing.
  1. A group of educators that meet regularly, share expertise, and working collaboratively to improve teaching skills and academic performance of students.
  2. A set of education standards for teaching and testing language arts and mathematics between kindergarten and twelfth grade.
  3. A student is introduced to content at home and practices working through it at school.
  4. A school using internet connection to receive instruction
  5. Grouping academic disciplines that include science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

12 Clues: A school supported by public funds.A school using internet connection to receive instructionMeasuring proficiency in mathematics, language arts, science, and writing.A public school offering special instruction and programs not available elsewhere.A student is introduced to content at home and practices working through it at school....

spanish 2013-10-15

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. english
  2. class
  3. physical education
  4. fourth
  5. homework
  6. lunch
  7. social studies
  8. spanish
  9. first
  10. mathematics
  11. schedule
  12. dictionary
  13. to talk
  14. sixth
  15. technology/computers
  16. ...clase
  17. second
  18. third
  1. to teach
  2. science
  3. fifth
  4. calculator
  5. ninth
  6. i need
  7. three-ring-binder
  8. you need
  9. seventh
  10. art
  11. eight
  12. study
  13. tenth

31 Clues: artclassfifthninthluncheightfirstsixthstudytenththirdfourthi needsecondenglishscienceseventhspanishto talkto teachhomeworkyou needschedule...clasecalculatordictionarymathematicssocial studiesthree-ring-binderphysical educationtechnology/computers