mathematics Crossword Puzzles

my Project 2021-06-16

my Project crossword puzzle
  1. , N _ M _ B _R (MATHEMATICS)
  2. , S_ _ R_ (SOCIAL STUDIES)
  3. , T_U_ _D_ _ (INGLISH)
  4. , C_ _L_C_T_ _E (SOCIAL STUDIES)
  5. , A_ _L_E (MATHEMATICS)
  1. , D_ _P_I_ (INGLISH)
  2. , B_ _ D _ (NATURAL SCIENCES)
  3. , B_ _T_ _F_L_ (NATURAL SCIENCES)



STUDY AND SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. A branch of mathematics in which symbols represent numbers
  2. to develop mentally
  3. to grasp the meaning of
  4. physical exercise
  1. The branch of mathematics that deals with triangles
  2. to grasp the nature or significance of something
  3. to gain knowledge
  4. give someone knowledge of something
  5. attends an educational institution

9 Clues: to gain knowledgephysical exerciseto develop mentallyto grasp the meaning ofattends an educational institutiongive someone knowledge of somethingto grasp the nature or significance of somethingThe branch of mathematics that deals with trianglesA branch of mathematics in which symbols represent numbers

(4/5) En la clase 2021-09-14

(4/5) En la clase crossword puzzle
  1. Which?
  2. English
  3. Chemistry
  4. Mathematics
  5. Biology
  6. Where to?
  7. To the right of
  8. Bookstore
  9. To the left of
  10. to have dinner
  11. Next to; besides
  12. Which ones?
  1. Economy
  2. Physics
  3. Computer science
  4. Why?
  5. Business administration
  6. History
  7. Library
  8. Because
  9. Wastebasket
  10. Psychology
  11. To have breakfast
  12. To arrive

24 Clues: Why?Which?EconomyEnglishPhysicsHistoryBiologyLibraryBecauseChemistryWhere to?BookstoreTo arrivePsychologyMathematicsWastebasketWhich ones?To the left ofto have dinnerTo the right ofComputer scienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

G1 Unit 3 Vocab 2022-11-30

G1 Unit 3 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. favorite subject
  3. Easy
  4. slow
  5. poster
  6. English
  7. paper
  8. Pencil
  9. tablet
  10. chair
  11. mathematics
  12. female teacher
  1. smart like Nikola Tesla
  2. male teacher
  3. Table
  4. laptop
  5. Whiteboard
  6. schoolbag
  7. Letter grade
  8. calculator
  9. map
  10. Notebook
  11. projector
  12. nervous
  13. marker
  14. to learn
  15. To Buy
  16. pen

28 Clues: mappenEasyslowTablepaperchairlaptoppostermarkerPenciltabletTo BuyPhysicsEnglishnervousNotebookto learnschoolbagprojectorWhiteboardcalculatormathematicsmale teacherLetter gradefemale teacherfavorite subjectsmart like Nikola Tesla

Unidad 4 Vocabulario 2023-01-30

Unidad 4 Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. matematicas
  2. quinto
  3. segundo
  4. tambien
  5. decimo
  6. pero
  7. primero
  8. lainformatica
  9. septimo
  10. lasciencias
  11. importante
  12. ultimo
  13. interesante
  14. lascienciassociales
  15. facil
  1. media
  2. sexto
  3. optativo
  4. poreso
  5. nuestro
  6. laslenguas
  7. cuarto
  8. divertido
  9. aburrido
  10. necesario
  11. octavo
  12. pequeno
  13. electivo
  14. noveno
  15. tercero
  16. grande

31 Clues: peromediasextofacilquintoporesodecimocuartooctavonovenograndeultimonuestrosegundotambienprimeropequenoseptimotercerooptativoaburridoelectivodivertidonecesariolaslenguasimportantematematicaslascienciasinteresantelainformaticalascienciassociales

en la clase -Juan Lopez 2023-09-21

en la clase -Juan Lopez crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. que? why?
  3. To the right of
  4. Mathematics
  5. Buisness adminstration
  6. English
  7. Which?
  8. Next to beside
  9. Biology
  10. Computer Science
  11. To arrive
  12. Economy
  1. History
  2. Libary
  3. Wastebasket
  4. Which ones?
  5. TO have breakfast
  6. Physics
  7. Bookstore
  8. Phychology
  9. Where to?
  10. To the left of
  11. Becuase
  12. To have dinner

24 Clues: LibaryWhich?HistoryPhysicsEnglishBecuaseBiologyEconomyChemistryBookstoreWhere to?To arriveque? why?PhychologyWastebasketWhich ones?MathematicsTo the left ofNext to besideTo have dinnerTo the right ofComputer ScienceTO have breakfastBuisness adminstration

in la clase 2023-09-21

in la clase crossword puzzle
  1. to have breakfast
  2. where to?
  3. biology
  4. psychology
  5. Computer science
  6. History
  7. next to: besides
  8. economics
  9. which ones
  10. English
  11. to the right of
  12. library
  1. why
  2. mathematics
  3. to the left of
  4. bookstore
  5. physics
  6. Because
  7. wastebasket
  8. which
  9. chemistry
  10. to arrive

22 Clues: whywhichbiologyphysicsBecauseHistoryEnglishlibrarywhere to?bookstorechemistryeconomicsto arrivepsychologywhich onesmathematicswastebasketto the left ofto the right ofComputer sciencenext to: besidesto have breakfast

Spanish 1 2023-09-21

Spanish 1 crossword puzzle
  1. economy
  2. to the left of
  3. business administration
  4. where to
  5. library
  6. next to;besides
  7. To have breakfast
  8. computer science
  9. history
  10. bookstore
  11. because
  12. which ones?
  1. wastebasket
  2. physics
  3. Psychology
  4. to the right of
  5. mathematics
  6. to have dinner
  7. english
  8. chemistry
  9. biology
  10. which
  11. To arrive
  12. why?

24 Clues: why?whicheconomyphysicslibraryenglishbiologyhistorybecausewhere tochemistryTo arrivebookstorePsychologywastebasketmathematicswhich ones?to the left ofto have dinnerto the right ofnext to;besidescomputer scienceTo have breakfastbusiness administration

En la Clase 2023-09-21

En la Clase crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Economics
  4. Psychology
  5. Why?
  6. To have dinner
  7. To arrive
  8. To the left of
  9. Which ones?
  10. because
  11. Physics
  12. To have breakfast
  13. Where to?
  14. Computer science
  1. business administration
  2. Bookstore
  3. library
  4. English
  5. To the right of
  6. wastebasket
  7. Which?
  8. biology
  9. history
  10. Next to;besides

24 Clues: Why?Which?libraryEnglishbiologyhistorybecausePhysicsBookstoreChemistryEconomicsTo arriveWhere to?PsychologymathematicswastebasketWhich ones?To have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to;besidesComputer scienceTo have breakfastbusiness administration

En la Clase 2023-09-21

En la Clase crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Economics
  4. Psychology
  5. Why?
  6. To have dinner
  7. To arrive
  8. To the left of
  9. Which ones?
  10. because
  11. Physics
  12. To have breakfast
  13. Where to?
  14. Computer science
  1. business administration
  2. Bookstore
  3. library
  4. English
  5. To the right of
  6. wastebasket
  7. Which?
  8. biology
  9. history
  10. Next to;besides

24 Clues: Why?Which?libraryEnglishbiologyhistorybecausePhysicsBookstoreChemistryEconomicsTo arriveWhere to?PsychologymathematicswastebasketWhich ones?To have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to;besidesComputer scienceTo have breakfastbusiness administration

En la Clase 2023-09-21

En la Clase crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Economics
  4. Psychology
  5. Why?
  6. To have dinner
  7. To arrive
  8. To the left of
  9. Which ones?
  10. because
  11. Physics
  12. To have breakfast
  13. Where to?
  14. Computer science
  1. business administration
  2. Bookstore
  3. library
  4. English
  5. To the right of
  6. wastebasket
  7. Which?
  8. biology
  9. history
  10. Next to;besides

24 Clues: Why?Which?libraryEnglishbiologyhistorybecausePhysicsBookstoreChemistryEconomicsTo arriveWhere to?PsychologymathematicswastebasketWhich ones?To have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to;besidesComputer scienceTo have breakfastbusiness administration

En la clase-Juan Lopez 2023-09-22

En la clase-Juan Lopez crossword puzzle
  1. To the right of
  2. To the left of
  3. Beucause
  4. Which?
  5. Next to; besides
  6. Biology
  7. History
  8. Economy
  9. Wastebasket
  10. Where To?
  11. To Arrive
  12. Business Administration
  1. Libary
  2. Which ones?
  3. To have breakfast
  4. To have dinner
  5. Computer Science
  6. Chemistry
  7. Psychology
  8. Mathematics
  9. Bookstore
  10. English
  11. Why?
  12. Physics

24 Clues: Why?LibaryWhich?BiologyHistoryEnglishEconomyPhysicsBeucauseChemistryBookstoreWhere To?To ArrivePsychologyWhich ones?MathematicsWastebasketTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness Administration

my Project 2021-06-16

my Project crossword puzzle
  1. , B_ _T_ _F_L_ (NATURAL SCIENCES)
  2. , T_U_ _D_ _ (INGLISH)
  3. , A_ _L_E (MATHEMATICS)
  1. , C_ _L_C_T_ _E (SOCIAL STUDIES)
  2. , S_ _ R_ (SOCIAL STUDIES)
  3. , B_ _ D _ (NATURAL SCIENCES)
  4. , D_ _P_I_ (INGLISH)
  5. , N _ M _ B _R (MATHEMATICS)


my Project 2021-06-16

my Project crossword puzzle
  1. , B_ _T_ _F_L_ (NATURAL SCIENCES)
  2. , T_U_ _D_ _ (INGLISH)
  3. , A_ _L_E (MATHEMATICS)
  1. , C_ _L_C_T_ _E (SOCIAL STUDIES)
  2. , S_ _ R_ (SOCIAL STUDIES)
  3. , B_ _ D _ (NATURAL SCIENCES)
  4. , D_ _P_I_ (INGLISH)
  5. , N _ M _ B _R (MATHEMATICS)


Subjects 2021-03-22

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Economie
  2. Nederlands
  3. Aardrijkskunde
  4. Natuurwetenschappen
  5. Frans
  6. Engels
  7. Boekhouden
  1. Wiskunde
  2. Geschiedenis
  3. Levensbeschouwelijke vakken
  4. LO

11 Clues: LOFransEngelsEconomieWiskundeNederlandsBoekhoudenGeschiedenisAardrijkskundeNatuurwetenschappenLevensbeschouwelijke vakken

my favorite subjects 2022-06-08

my favorite subjects crossword puzzle
  1. musica
  2. leyes
  3. historia
  4. actuacion
  5. ciencias
  6. fisica
  7. ingenieria
  1. psicologia
  2. matematicas
  3. estudios empresariales
  4. quimica

11 Clues: leyesmusicafisicaquimicahistoriacienciasactuacionpsicologiaingenieriamatematicasestudios empresariales

Ancient Indian Accomplishments 2023-04-25

Ancient Indian Accomplishments crossword puzzle
  1. Demonstrated rules for working with negative numbers.
  2. Once ___ was introduced, almost all of the mathematical mechanics would be in place to enable ancient Indians.
  3. Ancient India surgeons could do all sorts of things, like _____, earlobe reconstruction, and much more.
  4. From which century BC, have we written evidence of the Brahmi numerals?
  5. The Vedas of Indian are an ancient collected of sacred verses, hymns, prayers, and teachings.
  6. There are hundreds - thousands ______ in India and Pakistan.
  7. Ancient _____ made important contributions in other scientific fields, especially astronomy.
  8. Gossip magazines regularly indulge in "spot the ____" in before-and-after celebrity photos.
  9. ___________ was the leading Mathematics of the Gupta empire.
  1. When the ____ occupied India, they considered stepwells unsanitary and set about creating new sources of water.
  2. ____ mathematics created the symbols for the numbers 1 to 9 that we use today.
  3. Wootz ___ was traded all over the ancient and Medieval world, including Europe.
  4. Indian are an ancient collected of sacred verses, hymns, prayers, and teachings.
  5. ____ steel was being produced at almost an industrial scale.
  6. After Aryan people developed _____, then the Vedas could be recorded.
  7. But ______ often found that people who lived more blocks away from a stepwell had no idea that it existed.
  8. Despite the lack of modern _____, modern drugs, and modern tools that we feel are required for even minor surgery.
  9. This type of ____ steel, i.e. a type of steel produced by melting the raw materials in a ____.
  10. People began constructing stepwells in western ____ in around 650 AD.
  11. We also have written evidence of the ______ numerals, the precursors to the modern.

20 Clues: Demonstrated rules for working with negative numbers.____ steel was being produced at almost an industrial scale.There are hundreds - thousands ______ in India and Pakistan.___________ was the leading Mathematics of the Gupta empire.After Aryan people developed _____, then the Vedas could be recorded....

CROSSWORD 2022-02-10

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  4. ROBOT


Chapitre 2 Vocabulaire 1 2020-09-06

Chapitre 2 Vocabulaire 1 crossword puzzle
  1. French
  2. a course
  3. Spanish
  4. biology
  5. German
  6. economics
  7. a high school
  8. physics
  9. trigonometry
  10. mathematics
  11. algebra
  12. social sciences
  1. natural sciences
  2. a classroom
  3. chemistry
  4. Latin
  5. a teacher
  6. geometry
  7. geography
  8. languages
  9. a school subject
  10. a friend (f.)
  11. arithmetic
  12. English
  13. a class
  14. history
  15. Italian

27 Clues: LatinFrenchGermanSpanishbiologyphysicsEnglisha classalgebrahistoryItaliana coursegeometrychemistrya teachergeographylanguageseconomicsarithmetica classroommathematicstrigonometrya high schoola friend (f.)social sciencesnatural sciencesa school subject

En la Clase 2023-09-21

En la Clase crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Economics
  4. Psychology
  5. Why?
  6. To have dinner
  7. To arrive
  8. To the left of
  9. Which ones?
  10. because
  11. Physics
  12. To have breakfast
  13. Where to?
  14. Computer science
  1. business administration
  2. Bookstore
  3. library
  4. English
  5. To the right of
  6. wastebasket
  7. Which?
  8. biology
  9. history
  10. Next to;besides

24 Clues: Why?Which?libraryEnglishbiologyhistorybecausePhysicsBookstoreChemistryEconomicsTo arriveWhere to?PsychologymathematicswastebasketWhich ones?To have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to;besidesComputer scienceTo have breakfastbusiness administration

en la clase 2024-01-26

en la clase crossword puzzle
  1. because
  2. teacher
  3. el desayuno
  4. english
  5. it's difficult
  6. technology
  7. the gym
  8. la escuela
  9. la sala de clase
  10. history
  11. spanish
  12. divertido/a it'sfun
  13. p.e
  14. music
  15. mathematics
  1. art
  2. it'seasy
  3. lunch
  4. la clase (de .....)
  5. it's boring
  6. break
  7. el/la estudiante
  8. social studies
  9. science
  10. health

25 Clues: artp.elunchbreakmusichealthbecauseteacherenglishsciencethe gymhistoryspanishit'seasytechnologyla escuelael desayunoit's boringmathematicsit's difficultsocial studiesel/la estudiantela sala de clasela clase (de .....)divertido/a it'sfun

Math Review 2023-08-11

Math Review crossword puzzle
  1. To find the difference of two numbers.
  2. A way to show repeated multiplication.
  3. The order in which we solve multi step problems in mathematics.
  4. Positive and negative whole numbers.
  5. Numbers greater than zero.
  6. To find the quotient of two numbers.
  1. To find the product of two numbers.
  2. To find the sum of two numbers.
  3. Grouping symbols used in mathematics.
  4. Numbers less than zero.
  5. The sign used to show two expressions that are the same.

11 Clues: Numbers less than zero.Numbers greater than zero.To find the sum of two numbers.To find the product of two numbers.Positive and negative whole numbers.To find the quotient of two numbers.Grouping symbols used in mathematics.To find the difference of two numbers.A way to show repeated multiplication....

El Colegio 2021-09-14

El Colegio crossword puzzle
  1. physical Education
  2. science
  3. geometry
  4. geography
  5. history
  1. liteture
  2. Chemistry
  3. spanish
  4. mathematics
  5. Biology
  6. english

11 Clues: spanishBiologyscienceenglishhistoryliteturegeometryChemistrygeographymathematicsphysical Education

Strand 2 Vocab 2023-03-16

Strand 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a grouping academic disciplines that include science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
  2. a student is introduced to content at home and practices working through it at school
  3. measuring proficiency in mathematics, language arts, science, and writing
  4. a set of educational standards for teaching and testing Language Arts, and Mathematics between kindergarten and twelfth grade
  5. a school supported by a private organization or individuals
  6. school supported by public funds
  7. combining online educational materials and opportunities for international with traditional classroom methods
  1. a teaching method where students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time and an authentic and complex question, problem, or challenge
  2. a school using internet connection to receive instruction
  3. a public school offering special instruction and programs not available elsewhere
  4. a publicly funded independent school established by parents, teachers, or community groups

11 Clues: school supported by public fundsa school using internet connection to receive instructiona school supported by a private organization or individualsmeasuring proficiency in mathematics, language arts, science, and writinga public school offering special instruction and programs not available elsewhere...

Interview Vocab 2021-12-15

Interview Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. asparagus
  2. movies
  3. French
  4. to draw
  5. mathematics
  6. read
  1. ice cream
  2. to swim
  3. chocolate
  4. to study
  5. French fries
  6. social studies

12 Clues: readmoviesFrenchto swimto drawto studyice creamasparaguschocolatemathematicsFrench friessocial studies

College Majors By Nicole Nocera 2013-03-10

College Majors By Nicole Nocera crossword puzzle
  1. Teaching
  2. Numbers
  3. Newspapers
  4. Reactions
  5. Dates
  6. Novels
  7. Movies
  1. Taxes
  2. Selling a product
  3. Study of the mind
  4. Paintings
  5. Not sure of what you want to do
  6. Cultures
  7. Organisms

14 Clues: TaxesDatesNovelsMoviesNumbersTeachingCulturesPaintingsReactionsOrganismsNewspapersSelling a productStudy of the mindNot sure of what you want to do

困難的20題 2017-03-12

困難的20題 crossword puzzle
  1. 機器人
  2. 是否
  3. 語言
  4. 類似萵苣的生菜
  5. 九月
  6. 舒適的
  7. 起司
  8. 番茄
  9. 花費
  1. 台灣
  2. 學生
  3. 星期
  4. 危險的
  5. 數學
  6. 方便的
  7. 鐵路
  8. 回答

20 Clues: 台灣學生是否星期數學語言九月鐵路起司番茄回答花費機器人危險的方便的舒適的類似萵苣的生菜

En la Clase 2023-09-21

En la Clase crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Economics
  4. Psychology
  5. Why?
  6. To have dinner
  7. To arrive
  8. To the left of
  9. Which ones?
  10. because
  11. Physics
  12. To have breakfast
  13. Where to?
  14. Computer science
  1. business administration
  2. Bookstore
  3. library
  4. English
  5. To the right of
  6. wastebasket
  7. Which?
  8. biology
  9. history
  10. Next to;besides

24 Clues: Why?Which?libraryEnglishbiologyhistorybecausePhysicsBookstoreChemistryEconomicsTo arriveWhere to?PsychologymathematicswastebasketWhich ones?To have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to;besidesComputer scienceTo have breakfastbusiness administration

En la Clase 2023-09-21

En la Clase crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Economics
  4. Psychology
  5. Why?
  6. To have dinner
  7. To arrive
  8. To the left of
  9. Which ones?
  10. because
  11. Physics
  12. To have breakfast
  13. Where to?
  14. Computer science
  1. business administration
  2. Bookstore
  3. library
  4. English
  5. To the right of
  6. wastebasket
  7. Which?
  8. biology
  9. history
  10. Next to;besides

24 Clues: Why?Which?libraryEnglishbiologyhistorybecausePhysicsBookstoreChemistryEconomicsTo arriveWhere to?PsychologymathematicswastebasketWhich ones?To have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to;besidesComputer scienceTo have breakfastbusiness administration

En la Clase 2023-09-21

En la Clase crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. history
  3. business administration
  4. Physics
  5. To the left of
  6. Psychology
  7. Bookstore
  8. biology
  9. To have breakfast
  10. English
  11. Where to?
  12. because
  1. Which?
  2. Economics
  3. Computer science
  4. mathematics
  5. To arrive
  6. Which ones?
  7. library
  8. Why?
  9. wastebasket
  10. Next to;besides
  11. To the right of
  12. To have dinner

24 Clues: Why?Which?historylibraryPhysicsbiologyEnglishbecauseEconomicsChemistryTo arriveBookstoreWhere to?PsychologymathematicsWhich ones?wastebasketTo the left ofTo have dinnerNext to;besidesTo the right ofComputer scienceTo have breakfastbusiness administration

Chapter 2 2023-09-21

Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Which ones?
  2. computer science
  3. which
  4. mathematics
  5. to have dinner
  6. history
  7. Economics
  8. to arrive
  9. Physchology
  10. library
  11. to have breakfast
  12. to the right of
  13. Why
  14. Business administration
  1. to the left of
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology
  4. English
  5. wastebasket
  6. because
  7. next to; besides
  8. Bookstore
  9. Where to?
  10. physics

24 Clues: WhywhichBiologyhistoryEnglishbecauselibraryphysicsChemistryEconomicsto arriveBookstoreWhere to?Which ones?mathematicswastebasketPhyschologyto the left ofto have dinnerto the right ofcomputer sciencenext to; besidesto have breakfastBusiness administration

School Subjects and Schedule 2024-11-11

School Subjects and Schedule crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish
  2. computer science
  3. physical education
  4. fine arts
  5. study hall
  6. history
  7. geometry
  8. assembly
  9. language
  10. social studies
  11. geography
  12. the school subject
  13. recess
  14. band
  1. mathematics
  2. science
  3. civics
  4. technology
  5. English
  6. lunch time
  7. class
  8. literature
  9. algebra
  10. biology
  11. chemistry
  12. school
  13. choir
  14. art
  15. orchestra

29 Clues: artbandclasschoircivicsschoolrecessscienceSpanishEnglishalgebrabiologyhistorygeometryassemblylanguagefine artschemistryorchestrageographytechnologylunch timeliteraturestudy hallmathematicssocial studiescomputer sciencephysical educationthe school subject

Geometry Crossword Puzzle 2024-02-13

Geometry Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. geometry, A geometry of three dimensional space
  2. geometry, Also known as coordinate geometry or Cartesian geometry
  3. angle, An angle which is measured less than 90 degrees
  4. It is sometimes called rubber sheet geometry
  5. a long narrow mark or band
  6. A concept first introduced by the mathematician Felix Hausdorff in 1918
  7. angle, An angle that is equal to 180 degrees
  8. geometry, Deals with flat shapes wich can be drawn on a piece of paper
  9. angle, An angle which is measured than 90 degrees ang less than 180 degrees
  10. Is a point where two or more curves, lines or edges
  1. angles, When the sum of two angles is equal to 90 degrees they are called ____
  2. Is the science and study of quality structure, space and change
  3. angle, A ____ is an angle of exactly 90 degrees or /2 radians corresponding to a quarter turn
  4. a three sided polygon that consist of three edges and three vertices
  5. A plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles
  6. the branch of mathematics concerned with specific functions of angles and their application
  7. geometry, A system that uses one or more numbers or coordinates to uniquely determine the position of the points or other geometric elements on a manifold such as Euclidean space
  8. segment, A part of a straight line that is bounded by two distinct end points
  9. A round plane fugure whose boundary
  10. A branch of mathematics concerned with properties of space such as the distance, shape, size and relative position of figures

20 Clues: a long narrow mark or bandA round plane fugure whose boundaryIt is sometimes called rubber sheet geometryangle, An angle that is equal to 180 degreesgeometry, A geometry of three dimensional spaceIs a point where two or more curves, lines or edgesangle, An angle which is measured less than 90 degrees...

Unit 11 sõnavara 2021-02-10

Unit 11 sõnavara crossword puzzle
  1. Võrrand
  2. Füüsik
  3. Suhtelisus, relatiivsus
  4. teoreetiline
  5. Eriline
  1. Kogus, suurus
  2. Filosoofia
  3. Kumer
  4. kirglikult
  5. leiutis
  6. Matemaatika

11 Clues: KumerFüüsikVõrrandleiutisErilineFilosoofiakirglikultMatemaatikateoreetilineKogus, suurusSuhtelisus, relatiivsus

Las materias - Lección 2 (Vocabulary) 2024-12-01

Las materias - Lección 2 (Vocabulary) crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. journalism
  4. literature
  5. chemistry
  1. sociology
  2. humanities
  3. extranjeras foreign languages
  4. psychology
  5. English
  6. mathematics

11 Clues: historyCOURSESEnglishsociologychemistryhumanitiesjournalismpsychologyliteraturemathematicsextranjeras foreign languages

All About Justice Mitsch 2023-04-03

All About Justice Mitsch crossword puzzle
  1. One of the subjects I take interest in is ___.
  2. I have been to ___ U.S. States.
  3. My favorite branch of visual artistry is ___.
  4. My brother's middle name is ___.
  5. I have thoroughly studied calculus, geometry, fractal geometry, ___ geometry, and logical mathematics.
  1. My favorite season is ___.
  2. My favorite color range is ___.
  3. My favorite subject is ___.
  4. I was born in ___, Georgia.
  5. My favorite form of exercise is ___.

10 Clues: My favorite season is ___.My favorite subject is ___.I was born in ___, Georgia.My favorite color range is ___.I have been to ___ U.S. States.My brother's middle name is ___.My favorite form of exercise is ___.My favorite branch of visual artistry is ___.One of the subjects I take interest in is ___....

Ancient Mathematics 2018-05-14

Ancient Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. Who founded algebra?
  2. If you did not know a number, you would use letters from a ______.
  3. What is the old Chinese version of Suduco called?
  4. Before the number 0 was founded, what was used?
  5. Who founded the number 0?
  1. What gender was odd numbers?
  2. What did the Chinese use to write maths?
  3. Numbers 0-9 were and still are called ___________ numerals.
  4. The symbol 0 came from ______ in the ground.
  5. What gender was even numbers?

10 Clues: Who founded algebra?Who founded the number 0?What gender was odd numbers?What gender was even numbers?What did the Chinese use to write maths?The symbol 0 came from ______ in the ground.Before the number 0 was founded, what was used?What is the old Chinese version of Suduco called?Numbers 0-9 were and still are called ___________ numerals....

Mathematics Crossword 2020-12-12

Mathematics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A polynomial of degree 3
  2. A polynomial of degree 2
  3. a line which which touches or intersect with a circle at exactly one point is called a
  4. The shape of the graph of a quadratic polynomial
  5. Decimal Number which cannot be expressed in p/q form
  6. A polynomial as of degree 1
  1. The distance of a point from the y-axis is called its x-coordinate, or
  2. a polynomial of degree 4
  3. A pair of liner equations in 2 variables, which as infinitely many distant common solutions is called a ___ pair of linear equations in 2 variables
  4. A line intersecting a circle in two point is called a

10 Clues: A polynomial of degree 3a polynomial of degree 4A polynomial of degree 2A polynomial as of degree 1The shape of the graph of a quadratic polynomialDecimal Number which cannot be expressed in p/q formA line intersecting a circle in two point is called aThe distance of a point from the y-axis is called its x-coordinate, or...


  1. Degree two.
  2. Point of concurrence of medians.
  3. Longest chord.
  4. Diagonals perpendicular bisector of each other.
  5. Degree of zero polynomial
  6. Points on the same line.
  1. Triangles with same shape and same size.
  2. Region bounded by arc and corresponding chord.
  3. Distance of point from X-axis
  4. non-terminating and non-repeating.

10 Clues: Degree two.Longest chord.Points on the same line.Degree of zero polynomialDistance of point from X-axisPoint of concurrence of medians.non-terminating and non-repeating.Triangles with same shape and same size.Region bounded by arc and corresponding chord.Diagonals perpendicular bisector of each other.

Discrete mathematics 2022-12-12

Discrete mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. A × B is the ....of A and B: the set of all ordered pairs (a,b) with a ∈ A and b ∈ B.
  2. A function is ....(onto) if every element of the codomain is the image of at least one element from the domain.
  3. P → Q is read “if P then Q” and called an implication or ....
  4. The ....quantifier is ∃ and is read “there exists” or “there is”.
  1. The set of all inputs for a function is called the ....
  2. The ....set is the set which contains no elements.
  3. Determine which of the relation? S={(1,1),(1,2),(2,2),(2,3)}.
  4. The ....function (also known as the least integer function) of a real number x denoted ⌈x⌉, is defined as the smallest integer that is not smaller than x.
  5. Consider the following function from R into R: f(x)=x³-2x²-5x+6
  6. Determine the truth value of each of the following statement where U = {1, 2, 3} is the universal set: ∀x∀y, x2+ y2< 12.

10 Clues: The ....set is the set which contains no elements.The set of all inputs for a function is called the ....Determine which of the relation? S={(1,1),(1,2),(2,2),(2,3)}.P → Q is read “if P then Q” and called an implication or ....Consider the following function from R into R: f(x)=x³-2x²-5x+6...


MATHEMATICS PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. ten add three
  2. nine multoply two
  3. eighty divide by two
  4. thirty five multiply two
  5. seventeen subtract one
  1. ten add ten
  2. eleven add eight
  3. six multiply five
  4. five multiply three
  5. four multiply three

10 Clues: ten add tenten add threeeleven add eightnine multoply twosix multiply fivefive multiply threefour multiply threeeighty divide by twoseventeen subtract onethirty five multiply two

Basic Mathematics 2024-09-02

Basic Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. decimal point, decimal separator.
  2. remainder calculation.
  3. a factor of a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number.
  4. taking away a number or amount from another number or amount.
  5. the process of calculating the total of two or more numbers or amounts.
  6. represent exponent.
  1. used to show that two things are the same in value, size, meaning, etc
  2. a mathematical operation which involves the sharing of an amount into equal-sized groups.
  3. a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100.
  4. refers to multiplication.

10 Clues: represent exponent.remainder calculation.refers to multiplication.decimal point, decimal separator.a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100.taking away a number or amount from another number or amount.used to show that two things are the same in value, size, meaning, etc...

Mathematics Day 2024-12-15

Mathematics Day crossword puzzle
  1. The number representing nothing.
  2. The space between two intersecting lines.
  3. A measure of events' progression.
  4. A standard quantity for measurement.
  5. A corner point of a shape.
  6. A tool to measure weight.
  1. The force due to gravity on an object.
  2. A line that touches a curve at one point.
  3. A shape with three sides.
  4. The amount of space an object occupies.

10 Clues: A shape with three sides.A tool to measure weight.A corner point of a shape.The number representing nothing.A measure of events' progression.A standard quantity for measurement.The force due to gravity on an object.The amount of space an object occupies.A line that touches a curve at one point.The space between two intersecting lines.

Mathematics Day 2024-12-15

Mathematics Day crossword puzzle
  1. A line joining two opposite corners.
  2. To split into parts.
  3. A part of a whole.
  4. To approximate a number or amount.
  5. The study of shapes and spaces.
  6. A geometric form.
  1. The numerals from 0 to 9.
  2. A diagram showing steps or processes.
  3. Twice as much or twice a number.
  4. Having the same value.

10 Clues: A geometric form.A part of a whole.To split into parts.Having the same value.The numerals from 0 to 9.The study of shapes and spaces.Twice as much or twice a number.To approximate a number or amount.A line joining two opposite corners.A diagram showing steps or processes.

What's their specialty? 2020-02-19

What's their specialty? crossword puzzle
  1. Physiotherapist
  2. Lawyer
  3. Trained nurse
  4. First lawyer in the family
  5. Chief Editor,school paper
  6. Mathematics graduate
  7. Marketing graduate
  8. Practising nurse
  9. Neurologist
  10. Dentistry graduate
  11. Translat'n serv provider
  1. CAF pilot trainee
  2. Design student
  3. Design Graduate
  4. Music teacher
  5. Opthalmologist
  6. Occupational Therapist
  7. Sports Therapy graduate
  8. Education trainee
  9. Pilot
  10. Law student

21 Clues: PilotLawyerNeurologistLaw studentMusic teacherTrained nurseDesign studentOpthalmologistPhysiotherapistDesign GraduatePractising nurseCAF pilot traineeEducation traineeMarketing graduateDentistry graduateMathematics graduateOccupational TherapistSports Therapy graduateTranslat'n serv providerChief Editor,school paperFirst lawyer in the family

Words from Root Words Synonyms Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-15

Words from Root Words Synonyms Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. vivarium
  2. fear of holes
  3. abstract shape
  4. simultaneous
  5. aggressive
  6. amphitheatre
  7. breathing
  1. symbol
  2. mobile
  3. used in mathematics to measure angles
  4. record player
  5. enormous
  6. morals
  7. disrupt
  8. separable
  9. synthesis of compounds with the aid of radiant energy (especially in plants)
  10. confess
  11. repair
  12. dizziness
  13. operating, living or growing in water

20 Clues: symbolmobilemoralsrepairdisruptconfessenormousvivariumseparabledizzinessbreathingaggressivesimultaneousamphitheatrerecord playerfear of holesabstract shapeused in mathematics to measure anglesoperating, living or growing in watersynthesis of compounds with the aid of radiant energy (especially in plants)

die Schuhle 2014-11-09

die Schuhle crossword puzzle
  1. ruler
  2. subject
  3. on the wall
  4. notebook
  5. clock
  6. English
  7. geography
  8. German
  9. table
  10. natural sciences
  11. mathematics
  12. school
  13. chemistry
  14. religion
  15. music
  1. board
  2. map
  3. book
  4. biology
  5. French
  6. physics
  7. school bag
  8. calculator
  9. pencil
  10. desk
  11. history
  12. board eraser
  13. eraser
  14. chair
  15. pen

30 Clues: mappenbookdeskboardrulerclocktablechairmusicFrenchpencilGermaneraserschoolbiologysubjectphysicsEnglishhistorynotebookreligiongeographychemistryschool bagcalculatoron the wallmathematicsboard erasernatural sciences

Unit 2: Descriptions - Noun & Nationalities 2023-12-11

Unit 2: Descriptions - Noun & Nationalities crossword puzzle
  1. la educación físicia
  2. la escuela
  3. la joven
  4. la ciencia
  5. la profesora
  6. el español
  7. el maestro
  8. la clase
  9. el amigo
  10. la música
  11. chileno
  12. puertorriqueña
  13. ecuatoriana
  1. los estudios sociales
  2. las matemáticas
  3. la historia
  4. el inglés
  5. el curso
  6. la alumna
  7. la muchacha
  8. el estudiante
  9. el arte
  10. venezolano
  11. guatemalteco
  12. peruana
  13. el chico

26 Clues: el artechilenoperuanael cursola jovenla claseel amigoel chicoel inglésla alumnala músicala escuelala cienciael españolel maestrovenezolanola historiala muchachaecuatorianala profesoraguatemaltecoel estudiantepuertorriqueñalas matemáticasla educación físicialos estudios sociales

Singular and Plural 2024-03-02

Singular and Plural crossword puzzle
  1. Matematika (Математика)
  2. Kiyim (Одежда)
  3. Yosh bola (Ребенок)
  4. Uy ishi (Домашнее задание)
  5. Kichkina naushniklar (Наушники)
  6. Ayollar (Женщины)
  7. Ochki (Очки)
  8. G’oz (Гусь)
  1. Yosh bolalar (Дети)
  2. Ma’lumot (Информация)
  3. Tishlar (Зубы)
  4. Shim (Брюки)
  5. Qaychi (Ножницы)
  6. Bilim (Знание)
  7. Odamlar (Люди)
  8. Katta quloqchinlar (Наушники)
  9. Sichqonlar (Мыши)
  10. Pul (Деньги)
  11. Politsiya (Полиция)
  12. Inson (Человек)

20 Clues: G’oz (Гусь)Shim (Брюки)Pul (Деньги)Ochki (Очки)Tishlar (Зубы)Kiyim (Одежда)Bilim (Знание)Odamlar (Люди)Inson (Человек)Qaychi (Ножницы)Ayollar (Женщины)Sichqonlar (Мыши)Yosh bola (Ребенок)Yosh bolalar (Дети)Politsiya (Полиция)Ma’lumot (Информация)Matematika (Математика)Uy ishi (Домашнее задание)Katta quloqchinlar (Наушники)...

en la classe 2023-09-21

en la classe crossword puzzle
  1. To the right of
  2. Chemistry
  3. History
  4. Computer Science
  5. Wastebasket
  6. Library
  7. Psychology
  8. Which
  9. Because
  10. Mathematics
  11. To the left of
  12. Economy
  13. Which ones?
  1. Biology
  2. To have dinner
  3. To have breakfast
  4. Physics
  5. Business administration
  6. Bookstore
  7. To arrive
  8. Where to?
  9. Next to; besides
  10. Why?
  11. English

24 Clues: Why?WhichBiologyPhysicsHistoryLibraryEnglishBecauseEconomyChemistryBookstoreTo arriveWhere to?PsychologyWastebasketMathematicsWhich ones?To have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

Spanish Crossword Adriana Loma 2023-09-21

Spanish Crossword  Adriana Loma crossword puzzle
  1. to the right of
  2. wastebasket
  3. beacuse
  4. to have dinner
  5. chemistry
  6. library
  7. where to?
  8. to arrive
  9. booksotre
  10. which ones
  1. english
  2. which?
  3. to have breakfast
  4. next to; besides
  5. mathematics
  6. business administration
  7. la fisica
  8. why?
  9. physchology
  10. biology
  11. economy
  12. to the left
  13. history
  14. computacion computer science

24 Clues: why?which?englishbeacusebiologyeconomyhistorylibraryla fisicachemistrywhere to?to arrivebooksotrewhich onesmathematicswastebasketphyschologyto the leftto have dinnerto the right ofnext to; besidesto have breakfastbusiness administrationcomputacion computer science

En la clase-Kitzia Jimenez 2023-09-21

En la clase-Kitzia Jimenez crossword puzzle
  1. bookstore
  2. que? why?
  3. english
  4. mathematics
  5. derecha de To the right of
  6. biology
  7. chemistry
  8. which?
  9. economy
  10. because
  11. wastebasket
  12. Which ones?
  13. de next to;besides
  1. libary
  2. physics
  3. to arrive
  4. history
  5. de empresas business administration
  6. computer science
  7. psychology
  8. where to?
  9. to have dinner
  10. to have breakfast
  11. izuierda de to the left of

24 Clues: libarywhich?physicsenglishhistorybiologyeconomybecausebookstoreque? why?to arrivechemistrywhere to?psychologymathematicswastebasketWhich ones?to have dinnercomputer scienceto have breakfastde next to;besidesderecha de To the right ofizuierda de to the left ofde empresas business administration

Crossword Puzzle Chapter 2 2023-09-20

Crossword Puzzle Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. To the right of
  2. Chemistry
  3. History
  4. Computer Science
  5. Wastebasket
  6. Library
  7. Psychology
  8. Which
  9. Because
  10. Mathematics
  11. To the left of
  12. Economy
  13. Which ones?
  1. Biology
  2. To have dinner
  3. To have breakfast
  4. Physics
  5. Business administration
  6. Bookstore
  7. To arrive
  8. Where to?
  9. Next to; besides
  10. Why?
  11. English

24 Clues: Why?WhichBiologyPhysicsHistoryLibraryEnglishBecauseEconomyChemistryBookstoreTo arriveWhere to?PsychologyWastebasketMathematicsWhich ones?To have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

En la clase 2023-09-20

En la clase crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Mathematics
  3. Biology
  4. Which?
  5. To the left of
  6. Wastebasket
  7. Business administration
  8. Because
  9. Chemistry
  10. To Arrive
  1. Psicology
  2. To have breakfast
  3. Computer science
  4. To the right of
  5. Which ones?
  6. Economics
  7. Library
  8. Next to; besides
  9. Bookstore
  10. History
  11. why?
  12. Where to?
  13. To have dinner
  14. English

24 Clues: why?Which?PhysicsBiologyLibraryHistoryBecauseEnglishPsicologyEconomicsBookstoreWhere to?ChemistryTo ArriveMathematicsWhich ones?WastebasketTo the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofComputer scienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

Leccion 2 Vocabulario pt1v2 2023-10-11

Leccion 2 Vocabulario pt1v2 crossword puzzle
  1. backpack
  2. literature
  3. wastebasket
  4. chalk
  5. paper
  6. trimester; quarter
  7. test; quiz
  8. pen
  9. table
  10. chair
  11. homework
  12. semester
  13. geography
  14. university; college
  15. psychology
  1. door
  2. foreign languages
  3. mathematics
  4. teacher
  5. journalism
  6. blackboard
  7. sociology
  8. history
  9. chemistry
  10. bookstore
  11. window
  12. music
  13. map
  14. book
  15. clock; watch

30 Clues: penmapdoorbookchalkpapermusictablechairwindowteacherhistorybackpackhomeworksemestersociologychemistrybookstoregeographyliteraturejournalismblackboardtest; quizpsychologymathematicswastebasketclock; watchforeign languagestrimester; quarteruniversity; college

las materias 2024-11-08

las materias crossword puzzle
  1. foreign languages
  2. spanish
  3. psychology
  4. journalism
  5. literature
  6. sciences
  7. - mathematics
  8. - music
  1. English
  2. accounting
  3. history
  4. economy
  5. biology
  6. sociology
  7. geography
  8. art
  9. the humanities
  10. computer sciences
  11. chemistry
  12. physics

20 Clues: artEnglishhistoryeconomybiologyspanish- musicphysicssciencessociologygeographychemistryaccountingpsychologyjournalismliterature- mathematicsthe humanitiesforeign languagescomputer sciences

Theory of Knowledge: AoKs & WoKs 2016-10-07

Theory of Knowledge: AoKs & WoKs crossword puzzle
  1. Abstractions (WoK)
  2. Free will (AoK)
  3. Empathy (WoK)
  4. Tradition (AoK)
  5. Recall (WoK)
  6. Utilitarianism (AoK)
  7. Denotation (WoK)
  8. Rationalism (WoK)
  1. Empiricism (AoK)
  2. Polytheism (AoK)
  3. Confirmation bias (AoK)
  4. Propaganda (AoK)
  5. Subconscious (WoK)
  6. Interpretation (WoK)
  7. Wish fulfilment (WoK)
  8. Beauty (AoK)

16 Clues: Recall (WoK)Beauty (AoK)Empathy (WoK)Free will (AoK)Tradition (AoK)Empiricism (AoK)Polytheism (AoK)Propaganda (AoK)Denotation (WoK)Rationalism (WoK)Abstractions (WoK)Subconscious (WoK)Interpretation (WoK)Utilitarianism (AoK)Wish fulfilment (WoK)Confirmation bias (AoK)

Mathematics Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-06

Mathematics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 2πr(h + r)
  2. value never changes
  3. French philosopher and mathematician
  4. numerical value of a term containing a variable
  5. Numbers starting from 0
  6. A number that can be represented as the quotient p/q of two integers such that q ≠ 0
  7. a three-dimensional shape that's half of a sphere with one flat, circular side
  8. constant polynomial whose coefficients are all equal to 0
  1. √s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)
  2. It states that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.
  3. special case of a parallelogram and a kite.
  4. value can change
  5. the point where the axes of the system intersect
  6. a number that can be written without a fractional component
  7. the point where the axes of the system intersect
  8. The part of an algebraic expression that is separated by addition or subtraction
  9. data that is not in form to be used or not yet processed.

17 Clues: 2πr(h + r)value can changevalue never changes√s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)Numbers starting from 0French philosopher and mathematicianspecial case of a parallelogram and a kite.numerical value of a term containing a variablethe point where the axes of the system intersectthe point where the axes of the system intersect...

School Subjects 2020-01-04

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Lunch
  2. Music
  3. Social Studies
  4. Mathematics
  5. Homework
  1. Spanish
  2. English
  3. Technology
  4. Physical Education
  5. Science
  6. Art

11 Clues: ArtLunchMusicSpanishEnglishScienceHomeworkTechnologyMathematicsSocial StudiesPhysical Education

School Classes 2020-09-04

School Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Geschichte
  2. class Werken
  3. Pause (zwischen Schulstunden)
  4. Religionsunterricht
  5. Zeichnung
  6. Kunstunterricht
  7. Wissenschaft, Naturwissenschaft
  8. Geometrie
  9. Grammatik
  10. Ethik
  11. debattieren
  12. Physik
  13. spielen
  14. Musik
  15. Geografie
  1. economics Hauswirtschaftslehre
  2. schreiben
  3. Theater, Schauspiel (n)
  4. Chemie
  5. studies Fremdsprachenunterricht
  6. Mathematik
  7. Algebra
  8. Education (PE) Sportunterricht, Turnen
  9. lesen
  10. Literatur
  11. class Gesundheitserziehung

26 Clues: lesenEthikMusikChemiePhysikAlgebraspielenschreibenZeichnungGeometrieLiteraturGrammatikGeografieGeschichteMathematikdebattierenclass WerkenKunstunterrichtReligionsunterrichtTheater, Schauspiel (n)class GesundheitserziehungPause (zwischen Schulstunden)economics Hauswirtschaftslehrestudies FremdsprachenunterrichtWissenschaft, Naturwissenschaft...

Así se dice #2 - La universidad 2023-02-07

Así se dice #2 - La universidad crossword puzzle
  1. humanities
  2. middle school
  3. college
  4. PE(Physical education)
  5. bookstore
  6. geography
  7. attendance
  8. faculty
  9. help/attend to
  10. history
  11. school/department(university)
  12. application
  13. anthropology
  14. reading
  15. custodian
  1. library
  2. literature
  3. grade
  4. sociology
  5. philosophy
  6. lecture
  7. art
  8. professor
  9. science
  10. to attend(class)
  11. college
  12. mathematics
  13. English
  14. grade
  15. check-grades

30 Clues: artgradegradelibrarycollegelecturesciencecollegeEnglishfacultyhistoryreadingsociologybookstoreprofessorgeographycustodianliteraturehumanitiesphilosophyattendancemathematicsapplicationcheck-gradesanthropologymiddle schoolhelp/attend toto attend(class)PE(Physical education)school/department(university)

A0-01 Occupations 2021-01-18

A0-01 Occupations crossword puzzle
  1. university
  2. house and children
  3. sings
  4. news
  5. food
  6. school
  7. fire
  8. mind
  9. meat
  10. triage
  11. acts
  12. art
  1. hospital
  2. technology and mathematics
  3. taxi
  4. photos
  5. writes books
  6. vegetables
  7. police station
  8. draws houses
  9. cleans school
  10. art
  11. hair
  12. teeth
  13. airplane
  14. defender
  15. my company

27 Clues: artarttaxinewsfoodfiremindhairmeatactssingsteethphotosschooltriagehospitalairplanedefenderuniversityvegetablesmy companywrites booksdraws housescleans schoolpolice stationhouse and childrentechnology and mathematics

Colors, Greetings, Classes 2023-09-27

Colors, Greetings, Classes crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. striped
  3. blue
  4. science
  5. see you tomorrow
  6. social studies
  7. red
  8. green
  9. spanish
  10. my
  11. class
  12. boring
  13. orange
  1. good morning
  2. fun
  3. easy
  4. white
  5. good night
  6. see you later
  7. MRS.
  8. english
  9. hard
  10. his/her
  11. Miss
  12. interesting
  13. art
  14. MR
  15. very
  16. yellow

29 Clues: myMRfunredarteasyblueMRS.hardMissverywhitegreenclassyellowboringorangestripedscienceenglishhis/herspanishgood nightmathematicsinterestinggood morningsee you latersocial studiessee you tomorrow

En la clase-Emmanuel 2023-09-21

En la clase-Emmanuel crossword puzzle
  1. Computer science
  2. Why?
  3. Bookstore
  4. library
  5. Where to?
  6. Next to
  7. To have breakfast
  8. To have dinner
  9. History
  10. Chemistry
  11. To the left of
  12. English
  13. Economy
  1. Wastebasket
  2. To the right of
  3. which?
  4. business administration
  5. Because
  6. To arrive
  7. Psychology
  8. Wich ones
  9. Mathematics
  10. Biology
  11. Physics

24 Clues: Why?which?libraryBecauseNext toHistoryBiologyEnglishPhysicsEconomyBookstoreWhere to?To arriveWich onesChemistryPsychologyWastebasketMathematicsTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofComputer scienceTo have breakfastbusiness administration

Crucigrama (Angie) 2023-09-21

Crucigrama (Angie) crossword puzzle
  1. To arrive
  2. Because
  3. Business administration
  4. Where to?
  5. Psychology
  6. History
  7. Economy
  8. To have breakfast
  9. Which?
  10. Bookstore
  11. Phyiscs
  12. Computer Science
  1. To the left of
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology
  4. To the right of
  5. English
  6. Library
  7. Which ones?
  8. Why?
  9. Wastebasket
  10. To have dinner
  11. Mathematics
  12. Next to;beside

24 Clues: Why?Which?BecauseBiologyEnglishLibraryHistoryEconomyPhyiscsChemistryTo arriveWhere to?BookstorePsychologyWhich ones?WastebasketMathematicsTo the left ofTo have dinnerNext to;besideTo the right ofComputer ScienceTo have breakfastBusiness administration

en la clase-trinidad camacho 2023-09-21

en la clase-trinidad camacho crossword puzzle
  1. to the right of
  2. which one?
  3. chemistrymatematicas mathematics
  4. economy
  5. business administration
  6. physics
  7. to the left of
  8. computer science?porque? why?
  9. english
  1. wastebasket psicologia psychology
  2. which ones?
  3. history
  4. library
  5. where to?
  6. to arrive
  7. next to; besides
  8. bookstore
  9. to have diner
  10. biology
  11. psychology
  12. because
  13. to have breakfast

22 Clues: historylibraryeconomybiologyphysicsbecauseenglishwhere to?to arrivebookstorewhich one?psychologywhich ones?to have dinerto the left ofto the right ofnext to; besidesto have breakfastbusiness administrationchemistrymatematicas mathematicscomputer science?porque? why?...

Chapter 2 2023-09-20

Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. To the right of
  3. To arrive
  4. Economy
  5. Where to?
  6. Psychology
  7. History
  8. To have dinner
  9. To the left of
  10. Because
  11. Wastebasket
  1. Bookstore
  2. Which ones?
  3. Library
  4. Business administration
  5. English
  6. Biology
  7. To have breakfast
  8. Computer science
  9. Mathematics
  10. Next to; beside
  11. Which?
  12. Chemistry
  13. Why?

24 Clues: Why?Which?PhysicsLibraryEnglishBiologyEconomyHistoryBecauseBookstoreTo arriveWhere to?ChemistryPsychologyWhich ones?MathematicsWastebasketTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to; besideComputer scienceTo have breakfastBusiness administration

Math Review 2023-08-11

Math Review crossword puzzle
  1. The order in which we solve multi step problems in mathematics.
  2. Numbers less than zero.
  3. The sign used to show two expressions that are the same.
  4. To find the quotient of two numbers.
  5. A way to show repeated multiplication.
  6. Grouping symbols used in mathematics.
  1. To find the sum of two numbers.
  2. Positive and negative whole numbers.
  3. To find the product of two numbers.
  4. To find the difference of two numbers.
  5. Numbers greater than zero.

11 Clues: Numbers less than zero.Numbers greater than zero.To find the sum of two numbers.To find the product of two numbers.Positive and negative whole numbers.To find the quotient of two numbers.Grouping symbols used in mathematics.To find the difference of two numbers.A way to show repeated multiplication....

7th Grade Math Scrapbook 2013-04-30

7th Grade Math Scrapbook crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of space by a three-dimensional object or region of space
  2. A branch of mathematics,usually letters of the alphabet
  3. measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids
  4. A roughly bounded part of the space on a surface; a region
  5. A symbol or combination of symbols that represents a quantity pied
  1. A statement asserting the equality of two expressions
  2. Likely to change or vary; subject to variation; changeable
  3. The mathematics of the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids
  4. Mathematics A transcendental number, approximately 3.14159, represented by the symbol , that expresses the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle
  5. To diverge from the vertical or horizontal; incline

10 Clues: To diverge from the vertical or horizontal; inclineA statement asserting the equality of two expressionsA branch of mathematics,usually letters of the alphabetLikely to change or vary; subject to variation; changeableA roughly bounded part of the space on a surface; a regionA symbol or combination of symbols that represents a quantity pied...

College Majors 2013-03-10

College Majors crossword puzzle
  1. Teaching
  2. Newspapers
  3. Novels
  4. Paintings
  5. Dates
  6. Movies
  7. Study of the mind
  8. Selling a product
  1. Organisms
  2. Numbers
  3. Taxes
  4. Not sure of what you want to do
  5. Cultures
  6. Reactions

14 Clues: TaxesDatesNovelsMoviesNumbersTeachingCulturesOrganismsPaintingsReactionsNewspapersStudy of the mindSelling a productNot sure of what you want to do

Geometry Cross Word Puzzle 2024-02-13

Geometry Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. geometry, Deals with flat shapes wich can be drawn on a piece of paper
  2. geometry, Also known as coordinate geometry or Cartesian geometry
  3. A plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles
  4. geometry, A system that uses one or more numbers or coordinates to uniquely determine the position of the points or other geometric elements on a manifold such as Euclidean space
  5. Is the science and study of quality structure, space and change
  6. angle, An angle which is measured less than 90 degrees
  7. segment, A part of a straight line that is bounded by two distinct end points
  8. Is a point where two or more curves, lines or edges
  9. It is sometimes called rubber sheet geometry
  1. angles, When the sum of two angles is equal to 90 degrees they are called ____
  2. a long narrow mark or band
  3. angle, An angle which is measured than 90 degrees ang less than 180 degrees
  4. A concept first introduced by the mathematician Felix Hausdorff in 1918
  5. A branch of mathematics concerned with properties of space such as the distance, shape, size and relative position of figures
  6. a three sided polygon that consist of three edges and three vertices
  7. angle, A ____ is an angle of exactly 90 degrees or /2 radians corresponding to a quarter turn
  8. the branch of mathematics concerned with specific functions of angles and their application
  9. angle, An angle that is equal to 180 degrees
  10. A round plane fugure whose boundary
  11. geometry, A geometry of three dimensional space

20 Clues: a long narrow mark or bandA round plane fugure whose boundaryangle, An angle that is equal to 180 degreesIt is sometimes called rubber sheet geometrygeometry, A geometry of three dimensional spaceIs a point where two or more curves, lines or edgesangle, An angle which is measured less than 90 degrees...

Mathematics Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-12

Mathematics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The bottom of a shape or three-dimensional object, what an object rests on.
  2. The mode in a list of numbers are the values that occur most frequently.
  3. Piece of an algebraic equation; a number in a sequence or series; a product of real numbers and/or variables.
  4. The mean or average; an established pattern or form.
  5. The flat surfaces on a three-dimensional object.
  6. A closed three-dimensional circle that is embedded and cannot be untangled.
  7. A straight infinite path joining an infinite number of points in both directions.
  1. A line is where two faces meet in a three-dimensional structure.
  2. A three-dimensional shape with only one vertex and a circular base.
  3. A unit of measure that is equal to approximately 91.5 centimeters or 3 feet.
  4. Diagram Used in probability to show all possible outcomes or combinations of an event.
  5. The mean is the same as the average. Add up a series of numbers and divide the sum by the total number of values to find the mean.
  6. A standard quantity used in measurement. Inches and centimeters are units of length, pounds and kilograms are units of weight, and square meters and acres are units of area.
  7. The two-dimensional space taken up by an object or shape, given in square units.
  8. The ratio/likelihood of a probability event happening. The odds of flipping a coin and having it land on heads are one in two.
  9. A reflection or mirror image of a two-dimensional shape.

16 Clues: The flat surfaces on a three-dimensional object.The mean or average; an established pattern or form.A reflection or mirror image of a two-dimensional shape.A line is where two faces meet in a three-dimensional structure.A three-dimensional shape with only one vertex and a circular base....

Mathematics Is Fun! 2022-09-15

Mathematics Is Fun! crossword puzzle
  1. Use prime factorisation to find the LCM of 120 and 180
  2. Emily have $560 in her bank account. She takes out $200. What will her new balance be?
  3. 6.1 is greater than 6.02
  4. (5+7)×12÷6
  5. HCF of 135 and 270
  6. The cube of 18
  7. An odd number between 995 and 998
  8. [(15+6)÷7] × 4
  1. √25 × √16
  2. Round 6.008962 to 3 significant figure
  3. A debt of $5050
  4. The square root of 1296
  5. The square of 68
  6. Use a factor tree to find the HCF of 100 and 125
  7. LCM of 78 and 352
  8. Round 5.970639 to 3 decimal place

16 Clues: √25 × √16(5+7)×12÷6The cube of 18[(15+6)÷7] × 4A debt of $5050The square of 68LCM of 78 and 352HCF of 135 and 270The square root of 12966.1 is greater than 6.02Round 5.970639 to 3 decimal placeAn odd number between 995 and 998Round 6.008962 to 3 significant figureUse a factor tree to find the HCF of 100 and 125...

Financial Mathematics Terminology 2021-04-26

Financial Mathematics Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Clue 2
  2. Clue 8
  3. Clue 13
  4. Clue 9
  5. Clue 5
  6. Clue 1
  7. Clue 6
  8. Clue 16
  1. Clue 3
  2. Clue 4
  3. Clue 10
  4. Clue 12
  5. Clue 15
  6. Clue 14
  7. Clue 7
  8. Clue 11

16 Clues: Clue 3Clue 4Clue 2Clue 8Clue 7Clue 9Clue 5Clue 1Clue 6Clue 10Clue 12Clue 15Clue 14Clue 13Clue 16Clue 11


  1. Ms A drove her car 12963 kms in two years. Ms B drove her car 28619 kms in same period of time. How many more kms did Ms B drove than Ms A
  2. Write the product of 1 to 10 consecutive numbers
  3. Add 13264 and 29986
  4. A company earned Rs 2663244 in year 2020. The company’s earning increased to Rs 9873421 in next year. How much did the earning increased
  5. During tree plantation week, children planted 1436 saplings per day. How many saplings did they plant in 1 week
  6. Add the largest and smallest 5 digit number
  1. Solve 66923-4310
  2. Distance between Tishya’s house and school is 16478 m. Zoo is 13026 m away from school. Find the distance between the house and the zoo.
  3. 724 x 170
  4. Ms. Rose made 75 greeting cards. She sold them in the fair and raised Rs 1875. How much did she charge for 1 greeting card
  5. Quotient of 10640 / 250
  6. Remainder of 10640 / 250
  7. what is 1111 x 1111
  8. What must we add to 923610 to get the largest 6 digit number
  9. Subtract sum of 98640 and 46980 from 763210
  10. A tailor has 298 m of cloth. He uses 14 m for stitching 1 dress. How many dresses can he stitch from the total cloth

16 Clues: 724 x 170Solve 66923-4310Add 13264 and 29986what is 1111 x 1111Quotient of 10640 / 250Remainder of 10640 / 250Subtract sum of 98640 and 46980 from 763210Add the largest and smallest 5 digit numberWrite the product of 1 to 10 consecutive numbersWhat must we add to 923610 to get the largest 6 digit number...

Mathematics crossword puzzle 2024-08-29

Mathematics crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. having two modes.
  2. a one to one mapping.
  3. a plane shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  4. positioned next to each other, having a common point or side.
  5. the number of times that a particular value occurs as an observation.
  6. an image that is generated by a computer using complex numbers.
  7. a line that cuts a curvee without being tangential at two points of the curve.
  8. a property that can be measurrd relatEd to plane and space
  1. a mathematical statement established by means of a proof.
  2. not numerically equal
  3. a closed curve that looks like an elongated circle.
  4. chart a circle graph.
  5. three or more points lie on the same line.
  6. a likelihood of an element happening.
  7. a set of points that lie on a circle and that are positioned within a central angle.
  8. a solid with four faces and also called a triangular pyramid.

16 Clues: having two modes.not numerically equalchart a circle graph.a one to one mapping.a likelihood of an element happening.three or more points lie on the same line.a plane shape with eight sides and eight angles.a closed curve that looks like an elongated circle.a mathematical statement established by means of a proof....

Les matieres 2015-11-09

Les matieres crossword puzzle
  1. D and T
  2. French
  3. Mathematics
  4. Geography
  5. PE
  1. RE
  2. History
  3. Art
  4. Computer Science
  5. Drama
  6. English

11 Clues: REPEArtDramaFrenchHistoryD and TEnglishGeographyMathematicsComputer Science

môn học 2022-10-10

môn học crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. vietnamese
  3. science
  4. geography
  5. physical & health
  1. art
  2. english
  3. drawing
  4. fine-arts
  5. history
  6. design/graphic

11 Clues: artenglishdrawinghistorysciencefine-artsgeographyvietnamesemathematicsdesign/graphicphysical & health

Crossword Puzzle 2022-08-18

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Director
  2. highschool program
  3. The student body government
  4. Principle
  5. "math science"
  6. what we strive to be
  7. here
  8. highschool sports season
  9. school
  10. Sports team
  1. School goals
  2. Coordinator
  3. "life science"
  4. middleschool sport season
  5. "hardest science"
  6. "most hated subject"

16 Clues: hereschoolDirectorPrincipleCoordinatorSports teamSchool goals"life science""math science""hardest science"highschool programwhat we strive to be"most hated subject"highschool sports seasonmiddleschool sport seasonThe student body government


HELICAN'S CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. this mathematics is foundations of modern geometry, algebra, and number theory, with key contributions from mathematicians like Euclid, Pythagoras, and Archimedes.
  2. a base-10 numeral system that uses ten digits
  3. used to represent numbers, operations, relationships, and concepts in mathematical expressions and equations.
  4. This is the operation which Al-Khwarizmi originally described as al-jabr.
  5. Egyptian mathematics is an ancient mathematical system primarily focused on practical applications, such as measurement, geometry, and arithmetic, using a base-10 system and relying on simple, effective methods for solving everyday problems.
  6. one of the oldest mathematical traditions, known for its practical applications and innovations in fields like arithmetic, geometry, and algebra
  7. algebraic expression consisting of variables, coefficients, and exponents combined using addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
  8. number that represents the absence of quantity or value, serving as a foundational concept in mathematics and computing
  9. traces the evolution of numerical and logical concepts, from ancient counting systems and geometry to modern algebra, calculus, and abstract theories, driving scientific and technological progress.
  10. father of algebra
  11. two quantities that can be expressed as a ratio of integers, meaning they have a common measure.
  12. was a center of ancient learning, where significant mathematical work, including the contributions of Euclid and other scholars, took place during the Hellenistic period.
  13. rich mathematical tradition that flourished during the Islamic Golden Age, making significant contributions to algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and number theory, preserving and expanding upon Greek and Indian mathematical knowledge.
  1. writing system where symbols or letters represent the first sound of the word they stand for, often used in early alphabetic systems.
  2. used extensively for practical problem-solving and were typically written in a form resembling modern fractions
  3. an ancient Greek mathematician and astronomer best known for calculating the Earth's circumference and creating one of the earliest known maps of the world
  4. refers to the gradual development and transformation of societies, cultures, technologies, and ideas over time.
  5. wooden or bamboo sticks used for counting and performing arithmetic operations, often in place of modern numeral systems.
  6. branch of mathematics that studies change and motion, focusing on concepts such as derivatives, integrals, limits, and infinite series, and is foundational for understanding dynamic systems.
  7. branch of mathematics that deals with the basic operations of numbers
  8. this bone were used by ancient Chinese divination tools, typically made from turtle shells or animal bones, inscribed with characters
  9. this is a formula or method for calculating the area of a triangle when the lengths of all three sides are known
  10. traditional counting tool used for arithmetic calculations, consisting of beads that move along rods.
  11. ancient mathematical tradition from India, contributing key concepts such as the decimal system, zero, and early algebraic ideas, influencing global mathematical thought.
  12. an ancient Indian script used from around the 3rd century BCE, considered the precursor to many modern South and Southeast Asian writing systems.

25 Clues: father of algebraa base-10 numeral system that uses ten digitsbranch of mathematics that deals with the basic operations of numbersThis is the operation which Al-Khwarizmi originally described as al-jabr.two quantities that can be expressed as a ratio of integers, meaning they have a common measure....

4 Maria 2016-01-20

4 Maria crossword puzzle
  1. - The strength of an electric current in amperes.
  2. - Mathematics Denoting or involving numbers or quantities containing both a real and animaginary part.
  3. - A term for the potential or hypothetical departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union
  4. - The number below the line in a vulgar fraction; a divisor.
  5. - the amount of water in the air
  6. – (Mathematics & Physics )A binary function of a topological space which gives, forany two points of the space, a value equal to the distance between them, or to a value treated asanalogous to distance for the purpose
  7. - Having all its sides of the same length
  8. - a mass of dust or gas that can be seen in the night sky, often appearing very bright; a bright area in the night sky caused by a large cloud of stars that are far away
  9. - The process of turning from liquid into gas
  10. - A coil for generating intermittent high voltage from a direct current.
  11. - Mathematics A sequence derived fromnumber of terms
  12. - The trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side opposite a given angle (in a right-angled triangle) to the hypotenuse.
  13. – (Astronomy) A small planet that is the closest to the sun in the solar system, sometimes visible tothe naked eye just after sunset.
  14. – (Geometry) A four-sided plane figure, especially a square or rectangle.
  15. – (Chemistry) Cause (a substance) to be deposited in solid form from a solution
  16. - A compound with particular chemical properties includingand neutralizing oreffervescing with acids; typically, a caustic or corrosive substance of this kind such as lime orsoda
  17. - A mapping that is both one-to-one and onto, i.e. a function which relates each member of a set S (the domain) to a separate and distinct member of another set T (the range), where each member in T also has
  18. - (Of a triangle) having two sides of equal length.
  1. - An electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts or electrical force measured in volts.electric current - A flow of electricity; the magnitude of such a flow.
  2. - (Chemistry)The process or result of oxidizing or being oxidized.
  3. - Sameness of pitch or tone in a sound or utterance
  4. - A curve traced by a point on a circle being rolled along a straight line.
  5. - The enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle
  6. - A substance with particular chemical properties including turning litmus red, neutralizing alkalis, and dissolving some metals; typically, a corrosive or sour-tasting liquid of this kind
  7. - Mathematics The finding of an integral or integrals
  8. - A result obtained by dividing one quantity by another.
  9. - Law Information drawn from personal testimony, a document, or a material object, used to establish facts in a legal investigation or admissible as testimony in a law court
  10. – (Mathematics) Involving the condition that a group of quantities connectedby operators gives the same result whatever their grouping, as long as their order remains the same.
  11. a sign such as ≠ ‘not equal to’, > ‘greater than’, or < ‘less than’.
  12. - A number or quantity that when multiplied by itself, typically a specified number of times, gives a specified number or quantity.
  13. - The degree to which a substance or device opposes the passage of an electric current, causing energy dissipation. By Ohm’s law resistance (measured in ohms) is equal to the voltage divided by the current.
  14. – (Physics) The quantity of mass per unit volume of a substance
  15. - The property of being involving the condition that a group of quantitie connected by operators gives the same result whatever the order of the quantities involved.
  16. - Mathematics The relation between two
  17. – (Chemistry) solid deposit of a substance which has sublimed
  18. – (Of a letter, figure, or symbol) written or printed below the line.
  19. - The cutting of a solid by
  20. - The speed of something in a given direction.
  21. - A solid figure with many plane faces, typically more than six.
  22. - Mathematics (Of a series) increasing indefinitely as more of its termsadded.
  23. - A plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.
  24. - A subsidiary or intermediate theorem in an argument or proof.

42 Clues: - The cutting of a solid by- the amount of water in the air- Mathematics The relation between two- Having all its sides of the same length- The process of turning from liquid into gas- The speed of something in a given direction.- The strength of an electric current in amperes.- Sameness of pitch or tone in a sound or utterance...

môn học 2022-10-10

môn học crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. vietnamese
  3. science
  4. geography
  5. physical & health
  1. arts
  2. english
  3. drawing
  4. fine-arts
  5. history
  6. design/graphic

11 Clues: artsenglishdrawinghistorysciencefine-artsgeographyvietnamesemathematicsdesign/graphicphysical & health

Spanish Subjects 2021-05-18

Spanish Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. music
  2. art
  3. spelling
  4. comprehension
  5. Vocabulary
  6. English
  7. science
  1. Creative Writing (no spaces)
  2. P.E.
  3. mathematics
  4. spanish
  5. Social Studies (no spaces)

12 Clues: artP.E.musicspanishEnglishsciencespellingVocabularymathematicscomprehensionSocial Studies (no spaces)Creative Writing (no spaces)

Spanish Crossword 2023-11-29

Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to arrive
  2. to need
  3. to answer
  4. mathematics
  5. to teach
  1. easy
  2. the sciences
  3. never
  4. English
  5. history
  6. a lot
  7. always

12 Clues: easynevera lotalwaysto needEnglishhistoryto teachto arriveto answermathematicsthe sciences

The Greatest Crossword Puzzle 2024-08-30

The Greatest Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. co-inventor of magnetic core memory
  2. one of the first inventors of the mechanical calculator.
  3. the first to devise the theory of machine-independent programming languages
  4. designed the first general-purpose electronic digital computer
  5. designed ENIAC alongside J. Presper Eckert
  6. Made the mark I computer
  7. the discoverer of logarithms
  8. invented the first electronic digital computer
  1. created a program for Charles Babbage.
  2. invented the first mechanical computer
  3. considered to be the father of theoretical computer science.
  4. played an important role in the development of the earliest programmable loom
  5. founder of Microsoft.
  6. first professor of mathematics at Queen's College.
  7. co-inventor of the handheld calculator and the thermal printer
  8. developed an electromechanical tabulating machine
  9. led the team that invented and implemented FORTRAN
  10. invented calculus in addition to many other branches of mathematics
  11. a pioneer in building the mathematical framework of quantum physics,
  12. founded NM Electronics-which later became Intel Corporation.

20 Clues: founder of Microsoft.Made the mark I computerthe discoverer of logarithmsco-inventor of magnetic core memorycreated a program for Charles Babbage.invented the first mechanical computerdesigned ENIAC alongside J. Presper Eckertinvented the first electronic digital computerdeveloped an electromechanical tabulating machine...

Black mathematicians 2024-02-28

Black mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. Turner Bharucha-Reid The author of more than 70 papers and 6 books, his work touched on such diverse fields as economics, physics, and biology.
  2. Seabury first African-American student to graduate from a white high school in the state of Florida
  3. Zuber Falconer one of the earlier African-American women to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics
  4. Easley computer scientist
  5. Hunt works as a researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
  1. W. Williams He was recognized by Mathematically Gifted & Black as a Black History Month 2017 Honoree.
  2. f. Stephens 9th African American to receive Ph.D
  3. banneker astronomer
  4. Bernard Bell, Jr. professor oh mathematics at cattuiane university
  5. Deconge She was the 15th African-American woman to earn her Ph.D. in mathematics

10 Clues: banneker astronomerEasley computer scientistf. Stephens 9th African American to receive Ph.DBernard Bell, Jr. professor oh mathematics at cattuiane universityDeconge She was the 15th African-American woman to earn her Ph.D. in mathematicsHunt works as a researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology...

Maths Activity Puzzle 2021-11-08

Maths Activity Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. I am used to find x
  2. The comparison of at least two quantities
  3. I am pronounced like a food, circle likes me
  4. I consist of positive, negative and zero
  5. The mathematics of chance or possibility
  1. The calculation of per 100
  2. I can be proper or improper
  3. A Quadrilateral with equal sides & right angle
  4. The mathematics of data
  5. The total length of outer side

10 Clues: I am used to find xThe mathematics of dataThe calculation of per 100I can be proper or improperThe total length of outer sideI consist of positive, negative and zeroThe mathematics of chance or possibilityThe comparison of at least two quantitiesI am pronounced like a food, circle likes meA Quadrilateral with equal sides & right angle

mathematical week 2024-03-14

mathematical week crossword puzzle


Greek mathematics 2022-05-12

Greek mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. period of Greek mathematics spanning from 300BC-300AD
  2. Greek translation of 5
  3. Greek numerical system
  4. Greek translation of 100
  1. period of Greek mathematics spanning from 600-300BC
  2. invented algorithm to find out GCD
  3. name of mathematical text Euclid created in Greek history
  4. Greek translation of 10
  5. made the formula a2+b2=c2

9 Clues: Greek translation of 5Greek numerical systemGreek translation of 10Greek translation of 100made the formula a2+b2=c2invented algorithm to find out GCDperiod of Greek mathematics spanning from 600-300BCperiod of Greek mathematics spanning from 300BC-300ADname of mathematical text Euclid created in Greek history

History of Mathematician 2024-05-17

History of Mathematician crossword puzzle
  1. First documented woman mathematician
  2. Influential book on geometry
  3. Early civilization with documented use of mathematics
  4. Introduced the Fibonacci sequence
  5. Famous theorem about right triangles
  1. Founder of what is considered the first true school of mathematics
  2. Mathematical concept originating in India
  3. Developed a base-60 number system
  4. Known for inventions using levers and buoyancy

9 Clues: Influential book on geometryDeveloped a base-60 number systemIntroduced the Fibonacci sequenceFirst documented woman mathematicianFamous theorem about right trianglesMathematical concept originating in IndiaKnown for inventions using levers and buoyancyEarly civilization with documented use of mathematics...

Barker Maths Week Cryptic 2023-08-11

Barker Maths Week Cryptic crossword puzzle
  1. Phase blended into a form (5)
  2. Strange cat burst to make less (8)
  3. Whole number within enceinte German (7)
  4. Mean about 501 is the middle (6)
  5. Dial about argon minus radical joining opposite vertices (8)
  6. An american following a reversing taxi? Can be counted upon. (6)
  7. It is very small, I have hidden it in semifinal (13)
  8. Meatiest mix is my rough guess (8)
  9. Fish in tangled line creates measurement (5)
  10. Side of right triangle crashed phoney utes (10)
  11. First Minister is neither composite nor one (5)
  1. Damaged unpriced pearl stands upright (13)
  2. Sequence in pitter-patter not downpour (7)
  3. Mixing gun tonic finding the total number (8)
  4. Noted actor divides a number (6)
  5. Boundary of shifting empire followed by waterless terrain (9)
  6. Basic mathematics sounds like a rhythmic tick (10)
  7. Novel iconic, fab eponymous series (9)
  8. Foremost, each quantities usually are level (5)
  9. Confusing grey tome reveals a branch of mathematics (8)

20 Clues: Phase blended into a form (5)Mean about 501 is the middle (6)Noted actor divides a number (6)Strange cat burst to make less (8)Meatiest mix is my rough guess (8)Novel iconic, fab eponymous series (9)Whole number within enceinte German (7)Damaged unpriced pearl stands upright (13)Sequence in pitter-patter not downpour (7)...

Famous African American Mathematicians 2024-02-26

Famous African American Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. One of the first woman to recieve a PhD in mathematics
  2. Cofounded the Mathematics, engineering, science achievement program
  3. Was department head and associate provost at Spelman collage
  4. Attended the University of Chicago at age 13
  1. She worked for
  2. He was known as"the Bard of the Potomac"
  3. first black person to recieve a PhD in mathematics

7 Clues: She worked forHe was known as"the Bard of the Potomac"Attended the University of Chicago at age 13first black person to recieve a PhD in mathematicsOne of the first woman to recieve a PhD in mathematicsWas department head and associate provost at Spelman collageCofounded the Mathematics, engineering, science achievement program

Subjects 2022-06-23

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. วิชาศิลปะ
  2. Technology วิชาคอมพิวเตอร์
  3. วิชาภาษาจีน
  4. วิชาดนตรี
  5. วิชาประวัติศาสตร์
  6. Education วิชาพลศึกษา
  1. วิชาคณิตศาสตร์
  2. วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
  3. วิชาภูมิศาสตร์
  4. studies วิชาสังคมศึกษา
  5. วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์

11 Clues: วิชาศิลปะวิชาดนตรีวิชาภาษาจีนวิชาคณิตศาสตร์วิชาภาษาอังกฤษวิชาภูมิศาสตร์วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์วิชาประวัติศาสตร์Education วิชาพลศึกษาstudies วิชาสังคมศึกษาTechnology วิชาคอมพิวเตอร์

Fun with Mathematics 2023-09-14

Fun with Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. The degree of the polynomial 12x3 -5x2 + 2
  2. Alternate interior angles are _________ to each other
  3. A number which cannot be written in the form p/q where p and q are integers and q is not 0.
  4. A statement which is proved
  5. 2 in (2,-8)
  6. The value of the middle-most observation is a given set of data
  7. An Indian mathematician who found the value of pi correct to 4 decimal places
  8. A Greek mathematician who derived a formula for the area of a triangle in terms of its three sides
  1. The value of k in the polynomial 2x +3y =k when x=2 and y=1
  2. A polynomial of degree two
  3. Relation between Co-interior angles
  4. 2πr (h + r) is its total surface area
  5. "The whole is greater than the part" is one of Euclid's _________
  6. A graphical representation of a grouped frequency distribution with continuous classes
  7. A French mathematician who is known for the Cartesian system.
  8. The volume of a cubic box with length 2 meters

16 Clues: 2 in (2,-8)A polynomial of degree twoA statement which is provedRelation between Co-interior angles2πr (h + r) is its total surface areaThe degree of the polynomial 12x3 -5x2 + 2The volume of a cubic box with length 2 metersAlternate interior angles are _________ to each otherThe value of k in the polynomial 2x +3y =k when x=2 and y=1...

STEM 2024-02-15

STEM crossword puzzle
  1. building or designing of robots
  2. gaining knowledge you didn't know
  3. a form of record keeping
  4. A type of machine that helps people
  1. Mass times acceleration
  2. knowledge of any kind
  3. The building or repair of something
  4. science technology engineering mathematics

8 Clues: knowledge of any kindMass times accelerationa form of record keepingbuilding or designing of robotsgaining knowledge you didn't knowThe building or repair of somethingA type of machine that helps peoplescience technology engineering mathematics

Black mathematicians 2024-02-28

Black mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. Turner Bharucha-Reid The author of more than 70 papers and 6 books, his work touched on such diverse fields as economics, physics, and biology.
  2. Seabury first African-American student to graduate from a white high school in the state of Florida
  3. Zuber Falconer one of the earlier African-American women to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics
  4. Easley computer scientist
  5. Hunt works as a researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
  1. W. Williams He was recognized by Mathematically Gifted & Black as a Black History Month 2017 Honoree.
  2. f. Stephens 9th African American to receive Ph.D
  3. banneker astronomer
  4. Bernard Bell, Jr. professor oh mathematics at cattuiane university
  5. Deconge She was the 15th African-American woman to earn her Ph.D. in mathematics

10 Clues: banneker astronomerEasley computer scientistf. Stephens 9th African American to receive Ph.DBernard Bell, Jr. professor oh mathematics at cattuiane universityDeconge She was the 15th African-American woman to earn her Ph.D. in mathematicsHunt works as a researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology...

La Clase Vocab 2021-11-04

La Clase Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. desk, masc.
  2. mathematics, fem.
  3. university/college, fem.
  4. computer science, fem.
  5. test, masc.
  6. major, fem.
  7. quiz, fem.
  8. watch, masc.
  1. blackboard, fem.
  2. humanities, fem.
  3. accounting, fem.
  4. window, fem.
  5. eraser, masc.
  6. journalism, masc.
  7. homework, fem.

15 Clues: quiz, fem.desk, masc.test, masc.major, fem.window,, masc.eraser, masc.homework, fem.blackboard, fem.humanities, fem.accounting, fem.mathematics, fem.journalism, science,, fem.

types of math 2024-07-30

types of math crossword puzzle
  1. theory - Deals with associates elements of one set, called the domain, with elements of another set, called the codomain
  2. - Deals with data
  3. - studies properties of spaces that are invariant under any continuous
  4. Equations - A part of calculus, deals with systems systems that change in
  5. - Deals unknown quantities, represented as variables
  6. theories
  7. - Deals with basic operations, like addition, and multiplication
  8. - The mathematics of counting and arranging
  9. Algebra - Deals with the algebra of matrices
  10. Theory - Deals with sets and their properties. A set is a group of objects
  1. - Deals with chance
  2. - Deals with triangles and their properties
  3. - The branch of mathematics dealing with continuous functions, limits, and
  4. to their own rates of change or derivatives
  5. - Deals with shapes and sizes
  6. - Deals with change, particularly rates of change
  7. geometry - Geometry within a coordinate system

17 Clues: theories- Deals with data- Deals with chance- Deals with shapes and sizes- Deals with triangles and their propertiesto their own rates of change or derivatives- The mathematics of counting and arrangingAlgebra - Deals with the algebra of matricesgeometry - Geometry within a coordinate system- Deals with change, particularly rates of change...

Leonardo da Vinci 2014-05-16

Leonardo da Vinci crossword puzzle
  1. town closest to Leonardo's hometown of Vinci
  2. da Vicni famous painter and mathematician
  3. compass mathematical tool used from the 16th century to the 19th century; used to solve proportions, trigonometry, and multiplacation
  4. Leonardo's mentor
  5. 2 date of Leonardo's death
  6. solids a regular, convex polyhedron with congruent faces of regular polygons
  7. Leonardo's mother
  8. Leonardo's hometown
  1. branch of mathematics concerned with size, shape, and relative position of an object
  2. branch of mathematics concerned with properties of a space under continuous space without tearing or breaking
  3. mathematical tool consisting of two parallel rods attached to shuttles at fixed points
  4. center of the human body
  5. patterns used to create many of Leonardo's works
  6. Man drawing by Leonardo da Vinci in 1490; based on works by Vitruvius
  7. 15 Leonardo's birthdate
  8. da Vinci Leonardo's father
  9. expression and application of human creativity and imagination
  10. curved symmetrical structure spanning an opening

18 Clues: Leonardo's mentorLeonardo's motherLeonardo's hometown15 Leonardo's birthdatecenter of the human body2 date of Leonardo's deathda Vinci Leonardo's fatherda Vicni famous painter and mathematiciantown closest to Leonardo's hometown of Vincipatterns used to create many of Leonardo's workscurved symmetrical structure spanning an opening...

STEAM 2023-02-07

STEAM crossword puzzle
  1. What does the S stand for
  2. something you learn to do in steam
  3. what example of code is this: 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100001
  4. the thing you write code on
  5. what does the T stand for
  6. science technology engineering arts and mathematics
  7. what does the M stand for
  1. www or something like that (not world wide web)
  2. what can be used to make plastic models of fiction (or non fiction) stuff IRL
  3. what is responsible for your ping when you are playing online
  4. what used to be called STEAM
  5. what does the E stand for
  6. what are you staring at right now (probably)
  7. what example of code is this: print("Hello World")
  8. what does the A stand for

15 Clues: What does the S stand forwhat does the E stand forwhat does the T stand forwhat does the A stand forwhat does the M stand forthe thing you write code onwhat used to be called STEAMsomething you learn to do in steamwhat are you staring at right now (probably)www or something like that (not world wide web)...