mathematics Crossword Puzzles

School subjects 2015-01-08

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. valoda
  2. vēsture
  3. sports
  4. ķīmija
  5. fizika
  6. māksla
  1. matemātika
  2. dabaszinības
  3. angļu valoda
  4. mūzika
  5. latviešu valoda
  6. bioloģija

12 Clues: valodasportsmūzikaķīmijafizikamākslavēsturebioloģijamatemātikadabaszinībasangļu valodalatviešu valoda

MATH PUZZLE 2017-12-14

MATH PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. measurement of something from base to top
  2. obtain from (a number) another that contains the first number a specified number of times
  3. with the addition of (+)
  4. a quantity obtained by multiplying quantities together
  5. an abbreviation of logarithm
  6. a number in terms of which other numbers are expressed as logarithms
  7. a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles
  8. a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another
  9. take away (a number or amount)
  10. (of an angle) less than 90°
  11. put together (two or more numbers or amounts)
  12. a numerical quantity that is not a whole number
  13. the number of times a certain number is to be multiplied by itself
  14. a number by which another number is to be divided
  15. be equivalent to
  16. the branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles and with the relevant functions of any angles
  17. the branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulation of numbers
  18. the abstract science of number, quantity, and space
  19. a round plane figure whose boundary consists of points equidistant from a fixed point
  20. a quantity by which a given number is to be multiplied
  21. it is commonly referred to as the x
  22. a number to be divided by another number
  23. a number that is added to another
  24. the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs
  25. a plane figure with three straight sides and three angles
  26. it is a relation where each elements in the domain is related to only one value in the range by some rule
  27. measurement of something from side to side
  1. measurement of something from end to end
  2. a number without fractions (0,1,2,3)
  3. the process of dividing a matrix, vector, or other quantity by another under specific rules to obtain a quotient
  4. a diagram showing the relation between variable quantities, typically of two variables, each measured along one of a pair of axes at right angles
  5. the branch of mathematics that deals with the finding and properties of derivatives and integrals of functions
  6. a quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised
  7. a quantity or number from which another is to be subtracted
  8. it is a rule that relates values from a set of values to a second set of values
  9. the amount of space that a substance or object occupies
  10. the process of taking a matrix, vector, or other quantity away from another under specific rules to obtain the difference
  11. the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines
  12. with the subtraction of (-)
  13. it is commonly referred to as the y
  14. the process of combining matrices, vectors, or other quantities under specific rules to obtain their product
  15. a whole number (-1,0,1,-2)
  16. a quantity or number to be subtracted from another
  17. a quantity that is to be multiplied by another
  18. with the multiplication of (x)
  19. a quantity by which amounts differ
  20. the total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items
  21. the process of combining matrices, vectors, or other quantities under specific rules to obtain their sum
  22. separate (something) into portions
  23. an abbreviation of mathematics

50 Clues: be equivalent towith the addition of (+)a whole number (-1,0,1,-2)(of an angle) less than 90°with the subtraction of (-)an abbreviation of logarithmtake away (a number or amount)with the multiplication of (x)an abbreviation of mathematicsa number that is added to anothera quantity by which amounts differseparate (something) into portions...

Mathematics HSE 2021-01-26

Mathematics HSE crossword puzzle
  1. Measurement for the capacity of a figure
  2. Action that results in a smaller expression
  3. 90 degree angle also knows as a _____ angle
  4. A figure with four equal sides
  5. A fraction is this type of problem
  6. A three sided figure
  1. Magic number machine
  2. A formula using square roots
  3. This number sentence contains an equal sign
  4. Process of removing terms from a system
  5. Equation that uses standard form

11 Clues: Magic number machineA three sided figureA formula using square rootsA figure with four equal sidesEquation that uses standard formA fraction is this type of problemProcess of removing terms from a systemMeasurement for the capacity of a figureAction that results in a smaller expression90 degree angle also knows as a _____ angle...

Mathematics Puzzle 2021-05-26

Mathematics Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The intersection point of the two number lines of a coordinate graph. The intersection point is represented by the coordinates (0,0)
  2. common denominator The smallest number that can be divided evenly by all denominators in the problem
  3. (π) A constant that is used for determining the circumference or area of a circle. It is equal to approximately 3.14
  4. number The square root of a negative number
  5. notation To point out the place value of a digit by writing the number as the digit times its place value
  6. / To divide into two equal sections
  1. In a right triangle it is the side opposite from the 90° angle
  2. An expression in algebra that consists of only one term
  3. equation An equation where the solution set does not form a straight line when it is plotted on a coordinate graph
  4. The measurement unit of an angle
  5. The four divisions on a coordinate graph

11 Clues: The measurement unit of an angle/ To divide into two equal sectionsThe four divisions on a coordinate graphnumber The square root of a negative numberAn expression in algebra that consists of only one termIn a right triangle it is the side opposite from the 90° angle...

Mathematics project 2024-12-05

Mathematics project crossword puzzle
  1. representation of data in a circle
  2. the probability of an event
  3. second name for circle graph
  4. possible result of an experiment that depends on probability
  5. procedure that can be repeated and has a set of possible outcomes
  6. a set of outcomes of an experiment
  1. display of info using bars
  2. interlocking tables
  3. pictorial representation of data using symbols
  4. outcome of data analysis
  5. predict how likely events are to happen

11 Clues: interlocking tablesoutcome of data analysisdisplay of info using barsthe probability of an eventsecond name for circle graphrepresentation of data in a circlea set of outcomes of an experimentpredict how likely events are to happenpictorial representation of data using symbolspossible result of an experiment that depends on probability...

17th Jan 2023-01-17

17th Jan crossword puzzle
  1. 영향을끼치다
  2. 물리적인
  3. 방정식(수학)
  4. 넓은(두깨가,너비가)
  5. 비록~일지라도
  6. (=can)~할수있다
  7. 영향을끼치는사람들(유명한사람들)
  1. 상의,상의하는
  2. 수학
  3. (=must)~해야한다
  4. 왜냐하면
  5. 역겨운
  6. 벌써,이미
  7. 방금,막
  8. 아직

15 Clues: 수학아직역겨운물리적인왜냐하면방금,막벌써,이미영향을끼치다상의,상의하는방정식(수학)비록~일지라도넓은(두깨가,너비가)(=can)~할수있다(=must)~해야한다영향을끼치는사람들(유명한사람들)

Gupta Empire 2022-12-20

Gupta Empire crossword puzzle
  1. poem that took years to complete
  2. study of numbers
  3. a man who combined mathematics and astronomy to make crucial discoveries
  4. a truce or union that is formed for the benefit of both sides
  5. was typically used to make alliances
  6. a time of wealth and florishing
  7. well known for their metalwork
  8. highly esteemed paintings are located here
  1. search for wisdom and knowledge
  2. a work of Hindu literature that is beloved by many
  3. domain that is included in an empire
  4. conquered and united northern kingdoms

12 Clues: study of numberswell known for their metalworksearch for wisdom and knowledgea time of wealth and florishingpoem that took years to completedomain that is included in an empirewas typically used to make alliancesconquered and united northern kingdomshighly esteemed paintings are located herea work of Hindu literature that is beloved by many...

Asignaturas con adjetivos 2021-01-20

Asignaturas con adjetivos crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. student (f)
  3. teacher (f)
  4. teacher (m)
  5. boring
  6. geometry
  7. biology
  8. big
  9. art
  10. german
  11. english
  12. interesting
  13. Phys. Ed.
  14. mathematics
  1. french
  2. subject
  3. spanish
  4. America History
  5. small
  6. intelligent
  7. nice
  8. geography
  9. easy
  10. fun
  11. class
  12. demanding
  13. algebra
  14. science

28 Clues: bigartfunniceeasysmallclassfrenchboringgermansubjectspanishbiologyenglishalgebrasciencegeometrydifficultgeographydemandingPhys. Ed.student (f)teacher (f)intelligentteacher (m)interestingmathematicsAmerica History

Unidad 2.1 La escuela 2017-02-01

Unidad 2.1 La escuela crossword puzzle
  1. pencil
  2. lesson
  3. keyboard
  4. calculator
  5. book
  6. pen
  7. school
  8. notebook
  9. science
  10. social studies
  11. mathematics
  12. homework
  13. backpack
  14. paper
  1. mouse
  2. screen
  3. chalkboard
  4. quiz
  5. physical education
  6. printer
  7. dictionary
  8. computer
  9. chalk
  10. desk
  11. eraser
  12. English
  13. subject
  14. class
  15. test
  16. art

30 Clues: penartquizbookdesktestmousechalkclasspaperpencilscreenlessonschooleraserprinterscienceEnglishsubjectkeyboardcomputernotebookhomeworkbackpackchalkboarddictionarycalculatormathematicssocial studiesphysical education

Jan 2022-10-18

Jan crossword puzzle
  1. jan
  2. gg
  3. mm
  4. pp
  5. bb
  6. er
  7. cc
  8. oo
  9. qq
  10. kkubff
  11. djdjfj
  12. ff
  13. jjuehdfki
  14. aa
  15. dd
  16. iiurbfmf
  1. ww
  2. kk
  3. nn
  4. xx
  5. ii
  6. ll
  7. ee
  8. hatodg
  9. uh
  10. vv
  11. jj
  12. ss
  13. hh
  14. tt

30 Clues: wwggkknnxxmmiilleeppbberccooqquhvvjjssffhhttaaddjanhatodgkkubffdjdjfjiiurbfmfjjuehdfki

Spanish 2023-01-20

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. chemistry
  2. music
  3. mathematics
  4. Spanish
  5. to the right of
  6. art
  7. computer science
  8. accounting
  9. literature
  10. over there
  11. humanities
  12. sociology
  13. history
  1. journalism
  2. next to
  3. foreign languages
  4. there
  5. economics
  6. physics
  7. sciences
  8. geography
  9. English
  10. to the left of
  11. biologia
  12. psychology

25 Clues: arttheremusicnext tophysicsSpanishEnglishhistorysciencesbiologiachemistryeconomicsgeographysociologyjournalismaccountingliteraturepsychologyover therehumanitiesmathematicsto the left ofto the right ofcomputer scienceforeign languages

cross word 2023-09-22

cross word crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. Computer Science
  3. Next to; besides
  4. Physica
  5. History
  6. Psychology
  7. To have breakfast
  8. Why?
  9. Mathematics
  10. Bookstore
  11. Which ones?
  12. English
  13. To arrive
  14. To have dinner
  15. Because
  1. Which
  2. Business administration
  3. Biology
  4. Library
  5. Wastebasket
  6. Where to?
  7. Economy
  8. To the left of
  9. To the right of

24 Clues: Why?WhichBiologyLibraryPhysicaHistoryEconomyEnglishBecauseChemistryWhere to?BookstoreTo arrivePsychologyWastebasketMathematicsWhich ones?To the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

Vocabulario 2023-09-21

Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. to have breakfast
  2. english
  3. library
  4. business administration
  5. computer science
  6. biology
  7. to arrive
  8. which ones
  9. to the left of
  10. why
  11. physics
  1. bookstore
  2. phsychology
  3. history
  4. mathematics
  5. where to
  6. chemistry
  7. wastebasket
  8. next to; besides
  9. because
  10. to have dinner
  11. economy
  12. which
  13. to the right of

24 Clues: whywhichhistoryenglishlibrarybecausebiologyeconomyphysicswhere tobookstorechemistryto arrivewhich onesphsychologymathematicswastebasketto have dinnerto the left ofto the right ofcomputer sciencenext to; besidesto have breakfastbusiness administration

En la clase-Jose 2023-09-21

En la clase-Jose crossword puzzle
  1. next to
  2. computer science
  3. library
  4. bookstore
  5. psychology
  6. to the left of
  7. to the right of
  8. economics
  9. Why?
  10. biology
  11. physics
  1. business
  2. to have dinner
  3. English
  4. chemistry
  5. History
  6. because
  7. where to?
  8. mathematics
  9. to arrive
  10. wastebasket
  11. to have breakfast
  12. Which?

23 Clues: Why?Which?next toEnglishlibraryHistorybecausebiologyphysicsbusinesschemistrybookstorewhere to?to arriveeconomicspsychologymathematicswastebasketto have dinnerto the left ofto the right ofcomputer scienceto have breakfast

Las asignaturas 2023-11-03

Las asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. I like it
  2. fun
  3. English
  4. I dont like it
  5. Computer
  6. Art
  7. useful
  8. Religion
  9. good
  10. school subject
  11. Geography
  12. I hate it
  13. easy
  14. Science
  1. bad
  2. I love it
  3. Social Studies
  4. Spanish
  5. PE
  6. History
  7. music
  8. boring
  9. useless
  10. Mathematics
  11. French
  12. difficult

26 Clues: PEbadfunArtgoodeasymusicusefulboringFrenchSpanishEnglishHistoryuselessScienceComputerReligionI like itI love itGeographyI hate itdifficultMathematicsSocial StudiesI dont like itschool subject

2 2024-04-08

2 crossword puzzle
  1. - Christmas beverage
  2. - Korean garment
  3. - Gas composition
  4. - Largest ocean
  5. - Art medium
  6. - "Sea cow"
  7. - Tokyo district
  8. - God of dreams
  9. - Atmospheric layer
  10. - Australian animal
  1. - Cooking method
  2. - Famous lake
  3. - Shuttlecock
  4. - Mathematics
  5. - Climate phenomenon
  6. - Flower symbolizing eternal love
  7. - U.S. river
  8. - Buddhist temple
  9. - Famous desert
  10. - September birthstone

20 Clues: - "Sea cow"- Art medium- U.S. river- Famous lake- Shuttlecock- Mathematics- Largest ocean- Famous desert- God of dreams- Cooking method- Korean garment- Tokyo district- Gas composition- Buddhist temple- Atmospheric layer- Australian animal- Christmas beverage- Climate phenomenon- September birthstone- Flower symbolizing eternal love

French 2024-10-17

French crossword puzzle
  1. Science
  2. Clever
  3. Easy
  4. Literature
  5. Biology
  6. German
  7. Quarter
  8. Chemistry
  9. History
  10. French
  11. Physics
  12. Hours
  13. English
  14. Geography
  15. Half
  1. Interesting
  2. Noon
  3. Difficult
  4. Computer Science
  5. Midnight
  6. Spanish
  7. Hour
  8. Mathematics
  9. Energetic
  10. Chinese
  11. Math
  12. Plastic Arts
  13. Funny
  14. Languages
  15. Music

30 Clues: NoonHourEasyMathHalfFunnyHoursMusicCleverGermanFrenchScienceSpanishBiologyChineseQuarterHistoryPhysicsEnglishMidnightDifficultEnergeticChemistryLanguagesGeographyLiteratureInterestingMathematicsPlastic ArtsComputer Science

Chapter 2 2022-11-21

Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. calculator
  2. tenth
  3. easy, simple
  4. homework
  5. física physical education, gym class
  6. schedule
  7. poster
  8. computer
  9. desk
  10. lunch
  11. English
  12. to talk
  13. class
  14. mouse
  1. fourth
  2. pencil sharpener
  3. Spanish
  4. dictionary
  5. mathematics
  6. keyboard
  7. to study
  8. difficult, hard
  9. to teach
  10. flag
  11. clock, watch

25 Clues: flagdesktenthlunchclassmousefourthposterSpanishEnglishto talkkeyboardhomeworkto studyschedulecomputerto teachcalculatordictionarymathematicseasy, simpleclock, watchdifficult, hardpencil sharpenerfísica physical education, gym class

Days of the Week/Subjects 2022-12-02

Days of the Week/Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. week
  2. journalism
  3. wednesday
  4. sciences
  5. physics
  6. art
  7. What day is it?
  8. Sunday
  9. When?
  10. geography
  11. biology
  12. English
  13. economics
  14. Tuesday
  15. music
  16. Saturday
  17. Today is
  1. mathematics
  2. computer science
  3. Spanish
  4. psychology
  5. literature
  6. history
  7. chemistry
  8. Thursday
  9. humanities
  10. Monday
  11. Friday

28 Clues: artweekWhen?musicSundayMondayFridaySpanishhistoryphysicsbiologyEnglishTuesdaysciencesThursdaySaturdayToday iswednesdaychemistrygeographyeconomicsjournalismpsychologyliteraturehumanitiesmathematicsWhat day is it?computer science

Буква М 2017-08-21

Буква М crossword puzzle
  1. menu
  2. model
  3. car
  4. meter
  5. medicament
  6. mechanism
  7. sea
  8. mathematician
  9. motorcycle
  10. moment
  11. motorcyclist
  12. mechanic
  13. fashion designer
  14. store
  15. musician
  16. metal
  1. furniture
  2. minute
  3. mine
  4. million
  5. millionaire
  6. mathematics
  7. mask
  8. maximum
  9. monolog
  10. minimum
  11. masseur
  12. manager
  13. music
  14. massage
  15. melody

31 Clues: carseamenuminemaskmodelmetermusicstoremetalminutemomentmelodymillionmaximummonologminimummasseurmanagermassagemechanicmusicianfurnituremechanismmedicamentmotorcyclemillionairemathematicsmotorcyclistmathematicianfashion designer

School Subjects 2024-01-10

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. school
  3. language
  4. geometry
  5. Spanish
  6. assembly
  7. history
  8. class
  9. chemistry
  10. orchestra
  11. schoolsubject
  12. science
  13. recess
  14. English
  15. language
  1. algebra
  2. computerscience
  3. lunchtime
  4. mathematics
  5. socialstudies
  6. geography
  7. schoolsubject
  8. physicaleducation
  9. band
  10. civics
  11. literature
  12. art
  13. finearts
  14. socialscience
  15. studyhall
  16. choir
  17. technology

32 Clues: artbandclasschoirschoolcivicsrecessalgebrabiologySpanishhistoryscienceEnglishlanguagegeometryassemblyfineartslanguagelunchtimegeographychemistryorchestrastudyhallliteraturetechnologymathematicssocialstudiesschoolsubjectsocialscienceschoolsubjectcomputersciencephysicaleducation

Vocab 3 15/16 2024-01-30

Vocab 3 15/16 crossword puzzle
  1. baby goat
  2. baby swine
  3. examination
  4. young horse or donkey
  5. mitten (baseball catcher)
  6. young swan
  7. hippopotamus
  8. laboratory
  9. submarine
  10. young deer
  1. baby fox
  2. bicycle
  3. automobile
  4. baby kangaroo
  5. mathematics
  6. young cow, whale or elephant
  7. young bear, lion or tiger
  8. baby goose
  9. zoology
  10. omnibus

20 Clues: bicyclezoologyomnibusbaby foxbaby goatsubmarinebaby swineautomobileyoung swanbaby gooselaboratoryyoung deerexaminationmathematicshippopotamusbaby kangarooyoung horse or donkeymitten (baseball catcher)young bear, lion or tigeryoung cow, whale or elephant

Crucigrama Spanish P. 5 2023-09-21

Crucigrama Spanish P. 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Which?
  2. Physics
  3. English
  4. psychology
  5. totheleftof
  6. Which ones?
  7. to arrive
  8. Where To?
  9. business administration
  10. because
  1. history
  2. Mathematics
  3. Biology
  4. library
  5. to the right of
  6. next to;beside
  7. Why?
  8. Computer Science
  9. to have breakfast
  10. Chemistry
  11. wastebasket
  12. to have dinner
  13. Economy
  14. library

24 Clues: Why?Which?historyPhysicsEnglishBiologylibraryEconomylibrarybecauseChemistryto arriveWhere To?psychologyMathematicstotheleftofWhich ones?wastebasketnext to;besideto have dinnerto the right ofComputer Scienceto have breakfastbusiness administration

2 2024-04-08

2 crossword puzzle
  1. - Largest ocean
  2. - Flower symbolizing eternal love
  3. - "Sea cow"
  4. - Gas composition
  5. - Famous lake
  6. - Famous desert
  7. - Shuttlecock
  8. - Art medium
  9. - Australian animal
  1. - Cooking method
  2. - God of dreams
  3. - September birthstone
  4. - Climate phenomenon
  5. - Korean garment
  6. - U.S. river
  7. - Mathematics
  8. - Tokyo district
  9. - Buddhist temple
  10. - Christmas beverage
  11. - Atmospheric layer

20 Clues: - "Sea cow"- U.S. river- Art medium- Mathematics- Famous lake- Shuttlecock- God of dreams- Largest ocean- Famous desert- Cooking method- Korean garment- Tokyo district- Gas composition- Buddhist temple- Atmospheric layer- Australian animal- Climate phenomenon- Christmas beverage- September birthstone- Flower symbolizing eternal love

2A 2024-10-24

2A crossword puzzle
  1. toteach
  2. totalktospeak
  3. tostudy
  4. socialstudies
  5. english
  6. inthe…hour
  7. difficult
  8. class
  9. scienceclass
  10. lunch
  11. Youhave
  12. alot
  13. artclass
  14. dictionary
  15. for
  16. three-ringbinder
  1. mathematics
  2. Youneed
  3. calculator
  4. theschedule
  5. Ineed
  6. physicaleducation
  7. interesting
  8. technologycomputers
  9. spanishclass
  10. Ihave
  11. easy
  12. theclassof
  13. thehomework

29 Clues: foraloteasyIneedclasslunchIhavetoteachYouneedtostudyenglishYouhaveartclassdifficultcalculatorinthe…hourtheclassofdictionarymathematicsthescheduleinterestingthehomeworkscienceclassspanishclasstotalktospeaksocialstudiesthree-ringbinderphysicaleducationtechnologycomputers

Mathematics Puzzle 2022-01-10

Mathematics Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 8 raised to the power 0
  2. A quadilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides equal and diagonals intersect at 90 degree
  3. Perimeter of a rhombus of side length 5cm
  4. Value of 'a' power zero
  5. A regular polygon has all its sides equal
  6. Next prime no.after 5
  1. Product of 121*0*200*25
  2. 20+(90/2)
  3. 10 is natural no.Yes/No
  4. Smallest even prime number
  5. 50 times 8 equals
  6. No.of sides of decagon

12 Clues: 20+(90/2)50 times 8 equalsNext prime no.after 5No.of sides of decagonProduct of 121*0*200*258 raised to the power 010 is natural no.Yes/NoValue of 'a' power zeroSmallest even prime numberPerimeter of a rhombus of side length 5cmA regular polygon has all its sides equal...


MATHEMATICS PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. Average of observations.
  2. A polynomial of degree 2.
  3. A Greek letter.
  4. Series of well defined steps which gives a procedure for solvin a type of problem.
  5. Counting no. 1,2,3,4....,etc.
  6. Proven statement used for proving another statement.
  1. Median formula.
  2. 0.1010010000 eg.
  3. Dividend=Divisor*_________+remainder.
  4. If counted in pairs it'll remain.
  5. Value of variates which occurs most often.

11 Clues: Median formula.A Greek letter.0.1010010000 eg.Average of observations.A polynomial of degree 2.Counting no. 1,2,3,4....,etc.If counted in pairs it'll remain.Dividend=Divisor*_________+remainder.Value of variates which occurs most often.Proven statement used for proving another statement....

Mathematics 1 2023-10-25

Mathematics 1 crossword puzzle
  1. divisor
  2. dividendo
  3. multiplicando
  4. factorización
  5. raíz cuadrada
  6. multiplicación
  7. suma
  1. división
  2. exponenciación
  3. resta
  4. exponente

11 Clues: sumarestadivisordivisióndividendoexponentemultiplicandofactorizaciónraíz cuadradaexponenciaciónmultiplicación

Mathematics Vocabulary 2024-03-21

Mathematics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a part of a line
  2. the answer of division
  3. the answer of subtraction
  4. number the factor is the number itself and one
  5. the answer of an addition
  1. at an angle of 90 degrees to a line or plane
  2. the answer of multiplication
  3. having the same distance between them
  4. a deduction from the usual cost of something
  5. positive numbers, negative numbers and zero
  6. the distance around the edge of a shape

11 Clues: a part of a linethe answer of divisionthe answer of subtractionthe answer of an additionthe answer of multiplicationhaving the same distance between themthe distance around the edge of a shapepositive numbers, negative numbers and zeroat an angle of 90 degrees to a line or planea deduction from the usual cost of something...

Crossword of mathematicians 2021-09-20

Crossword of mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. who invented O
  2. who invented substantial contributions
  3. discoverer of logarithms
  4. who reduced geometry
  5. first professor of mathematics at Queen's College, Cork in Ireland
  6. the first institution of higher learning in the Western
  1. who made major contributions to mathematics
  2. who led to infinitesimal calculus
  3. the leader of a cosmic observatory at Ujjain
  4. he discovered algebra

10 Clues: who invented Owho reduced geometryhe discovered algebradiscoverer of logarithmswho led to infinitesimal calculuswho invented substantial contributionswho made major contributions to mathematicsthe leader of a cosmic observatory at Ujjainthe first institution of higher learning in the Western...

MATH CROSSWORD PUZZLE (Famous women Mathematicians) 2021-06-08

MATH CROSSWORD  PUZZLE (Famous women Mathematicians) crossword puzzle
  1. Herschel, She didn't receive much formal schooling so later in life when she was calculating astronomical data she used a cheat sheet of multiplication tables.
  2. Nightingale, her knowledge of mathematics became evident when she used her collected data to calculate the mortality rate in the hospital.
  3. Agnesi, she was an Italian mathematician who was the first woman to write a mathematics handbook and the first woman to be a mathematics professor at a university.
  4. Lovelace, She is considered the first computer programmer even though the computer was never built she realized that the computer could follow a series of simple instructions to perform a complex calculation.
  1. Germain, She is best known for her work in number theory, but her work in the theory of elasticity is also very important to mathematics.
  2. Browne, Mathematician and educator who became the third African American woman to earn a PhD in her field.
  3. She was trained to be a mathematician by her dad and took his place as the leading mathematician of Alexandria.
  4. Kovalevskaya, She was the first major Russian female mathematician, responsible for important original contributions to analysis, differential equations and mechanics
  5. Noether, German mathematician who found out alot about both algebra and physics.
  6. Somerville, She began solving math problems posed by a mathematics journal and won a medal for a solution she submitted.

10 Clues: Noether, German mathematician who found out alot about both algebra and physics.Browne, Mathematician and educator who became the third African American woman to earn a PhD in her field.She was trained to be a mathematician by her dad and took his place as the leading mathematician of Alexandria....

Vertaal die Engelse woorde 2021-09-02

Vertaal die Engelse woorde crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. science
  3. children
  4. write
  5. run
  1. many/a lot
  2. teacher
  3. pig
  4. breakfast
  5. mathematics
  6. icecream
  7. answer

12 Clues: pigrunbookwriteanswerteachersciencechildrenicecreambreakfastmany/a lotmathematics

Mathematics CLASS X 2014-01-05

Mathematics CLASS X crossword puzzle
  1. half of diameter
  2. formula for finding co-ordinates.
  3. perimeter of circle.
  4. circumference divided by diameter.
  5. Line intersecting a circle in two points.
  6. series of well defined steps.
  7. angle more than 90 degree.
  8. angle less than 90 degree.
  1. proven statement,used to prove another statement.
  2. polynomial with degree 1.
  3. Maximum parallel tangent in a circle.
  4. line intersect the circle in 1 point.
  5. longest chord
  6. an equation with degree 2.
  7. polynomial with degree 3.
  8. angle that measure 90 degree.
  9. curves of graph.

17 Clues: longest chordhalf of diametercurves of graph.perimeter of circle.polynomial with degree 1.polynomial with degree equation with degree 2.angle more than 90 degree.angle less than 90 degree.angle that measure 90 degree.series of well defined steps.formula for finding co-ordinates.circumference divided by diameter....

Katherine Johnson 2023-02-08

Katherine Johnson crossword puzzle
  1. first name of both of her husbands
  2. last name of all of her kids
  3. Number of siblings she had
  4. She most notably worked here
  5. She had degrees in ____ and mathematics
  6. she lived with ____ of her parents
  1. last name of the best math teacher in the world
  2. Age she graduated college
  3. She helped with the launching and descent of John _____’s spacecraft.
  4. Her favorite subject
  5. Her mom's job

11 Clues: Her mom's jobHer favorite subjectAge she graduated collegeNumber of siblings she hadlast name of all of her kidsShe most notably worked herefirst name of both of her husbandsshe lived with ____ of her parentsShe had degrees in ____ and mathematicslast name of the best math teacher in the world...

At School 2023-11-08

At School crossword puzzle
  1. Word 8
  2. Word 7
  3. Word 15
  4. Word 4
  5. Word 5
  6. Word 13
  7. Word 18
  8. Word 3
  9. Word 19
  1. Word 14
  2. Word 10
  3. Word 9
  4. Word 11
  5. Word 6
  6. Word 2
  7. Word 17
  8. Word 12
  9. Word 1
  10. Word 16

19 Clues: Word 8Word 9Word 7Word 6Word 2Word 4Word 1Word 5Word 3Word 14Word 10Word 11Word 17Word 15Word 12Word 13Word 18Word 16Word 19

Asignaturas con adjetivos 2021-01-20

Asignaturas con adjetivos crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. geometry
  3. Phys. Ed.
  4. english
  5. interesting
  6. biology
  7. geography
  8. small
  9. easy
  10. fun
  11. german
  12. America History
  13. art
  14. big
  15. teacher (m)
  16. boring
  1. french
  2. nice
  3. demanding
  4. difficult
  5. mathematics
  6. spanish
  7. student (f)
  8. algebra
  9. teacher (f)
  10. class
  11. subject
  12. intelligent

28 Clues: funartbigniceeasysmallclassfrenchgermanboringscienceenglishspanishbiologyalgebrasubjectgeometryPhys. Ed.demandingdifficultgeographymathematicsinterestingstudent (f)teacher (f)intelligentteacher (m)America History

Focus 2 Unit 2.1 vocab 2021-12-06

Focus 2 Unit 2.1 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. matemātiķis
  2. veikt pētījumu
  3. lietotājvārds
  4. veikt pierakstus
  5. atklāt
  6. planēta
  7. attīstīt teoriju
  8. astronomija
  9. parole
  10. ekrāns
  11. biologs
  12. ķīmiķis
  13. matemātika
  14. izgudrot
  15. astronoms
  1. datorzinātne
  2. fiziķis
  3. gravitāte
  4. taisīt eksperimentu
  5. veikt mērījumus
  6. novērot
  7. digitāls
  8. bioloģija
  9. ķīmija
  10. vākt paraugus
  11. fizika
  12. zinātne
  13. zinātnieks

28 Clues: atklātķīmijafizikaparoleekrānsfiziķisnovērotplanētazinātnebiologsķīmiķisdigitālsizgudrotgravitātebioloģijaastronomszinātnieksmatemātikamatemātiķisastronomijadatorzinātnelietotājvārdsvākt paraugusveikt pētījumuveikt mērījumusveikt pierakstusattīstīt teorijutaisīt eksperimentu

Science et Technologie 2024-01-16

Science et Technologie crossword puzzle
  1. medicine
  2. ethical
  3. experiment
  4. UFO
  5. space
  6. clone
  7. astronomy
  8. research
  9. create
  10. science
  11. unethical
  12. cell
  13. inventor
  14. rocket
  15. progress
  1. biology
  2. planet
  3. mathematics
  4. chemistry
  5. demonstrate
  6. scientist
  7. comet
  8. discover
  9. datas
  10. gene
  11. technology
  12. genetics
  13. explore
  14. prove
  15. chip

30 Clues: UFOgenechipcellcometdatasspacecloneproveplanetcreaterocketbiologyethicalscienceexploremedicinediscovergeneticsresearchinventorprogresschemistryscientistastronomyunethicalexperimenttechnologymathematicsdemonstrate

Cognados/Cognates 2023-02-03

Cognados/Cognates crossword puzzle
  1. color
  2. cafetería
  3. lista
  4. clase
  5. copia
  6. mapa
  7. opuesto
  8. calculadora
  9. observar
  10. problema
  11. día
  12. pintar
  13. música
  14. idea
  15. inventar
  1. ciencia
  2. hora
  3. matemáticas
  4. familia
  5. computadora
  6. material
  7. grupo
  8. opinión
  9. alfabeto
  10. literatura
  11. completar
  12. poema
  13. organizar
  14. número
  15. arte

30 Clues: díahoramapaideaartecolorgrupolistaclasecopiapoemapintarnúmeromúsicacienciafamiliaopiniónopuestomaterialalfabetoobservarproblemainventarcafeteríacompletarorganizarliteraturamatemáticascomputadoracalculadora

En la clase-roman 2023-09-21

En la clase-roman crossword puzzle
  1. Wastebasket
  2. Where to?
  3. To have break
  4. Business administration
  5. Biology
  6. Because
  7. English
  8. Which
  9. To the left of
  10. Psychology
  11. Mathematics
  1. Economy
  2. Next to; besides
  3. Why?
  4. To have dinner
  5. Bookstore
  6. To the right of
  7. Which ones?
  8. Chemistry
  9. Physics
  10. History
  11. Library
  12. Computer Science

23 Clues: Why?WhichEconomyBiologyPhysicsBecauseEnglishHistoryLibraryWhere to?BookstoreChemistryPsychologyWastebasketWhich ones?MathematicsTo have breakTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to; besidesComputer ScienceBusiness administration

En la clase-roman 2023-09-21

En la clase-roman crossword puzzle
  1. Wastebasket
  2. Where to?
  3. To have break
  4. Business administration
  5. Biology
  6. Because
  7. English
  8. Which
  9. To the left of
  10. Psychology
  11. Mathematics
  1. Economy
  2. Next to; besides
  3. Why?
  4. To have dinner
  5. Bookstore
  6. To the right of
  7. Which ones?
  8. Chemistry
  9. Physics
  10. History
  11. Library
  12. Computer Science

23 Clues: Why?WhichEconomyBiologyPhysicsBecauseEnglishHistoryLibraryWhere to?BookstoreChemistryPsychologyWastebasketWhich ones?MathematicsTo have breakTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to; besidesComputer ScienceBusiness administration

En la Clase (Joseline) 2023-09-21

En la Clase (Joseline) crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. Wastebasket
  3. Which one
  4. Next to besides
  5. Mathematics
  6. History
  7. which
  8. To have breakfast
  9. Because
  10. Bookstore
  11. to have dinner
  12. Physics
  13. To arrive
  14. Business administration
  1. To the left of
  2. Where to
  3. Computer science
  4. To the right of
  5. Library
  6. Economy
  7. Why
  8. Chemistry
  9. Biology
  10. Psychology

24 Clues: WhywhichEnglishLibraryHistoryEconomyBiologyBecausePhysicsWhere toWhich oneChemistryBookstoreTo arrivePsychologyWastebasketMathematicsTo the left ofto have dinnerNext to besidesTo the right ofComputer scienceTo have breakfastBusiness administration

La clase 2023-09-21

La clase crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. which ones?
  3. To the left of
  4. To the right
  5. Psychology
  6. Why?
  7. Computer science
  8. Business
  9. Next to
  1. mathematics
  2. where to?
  3. Because
  4. History
  5. Bookstore
  6. To have dinner
  7. To arrive
  8. Library
  9. Wastebasket
  10. economy
  11. Chemistry
  12. To have breakfast
  13. Physics
  14. Biology

23 Clues: Why?BecauseHistoryEnglishLibraryeconomyPhysicsBiologyNext toBusinesswhere to?BookstoreTo arriveChemistryPsychologymathematicswhich ones?WastebasketTo the rightTo have dinnerTo the left ofComputer scienceTo have breakfast

Spanish Days of the Week 2022-12-06

Spanish Days of the Week crossword puzzle
  1. chemestry
  2. monday
  3. geography
  4. wendsday
  5. economics
  6. week
  7. friday
  8. biology
  9. chemestry
  10. accounting
  11. physics
  12. saturday
  13. science
  14. sociology
  15. history class
  16. music
  17. speak English
  1. humanities
  2. journalism
  3. literature
  4. teusday
  5. mathematics
  6. spanish class
  7. thursday
  8. When?
  9. archeology
  10. art class
  11. pyychology
  12. computer science
  13. sunday

30 Clues: weekWhen?musicmondayfridaysundayteusdaybiologyphysicssciencewendsdaythursdaysaturdaychemestrygeographyeconomicschemestryart classsociologyhumanitiesjournalismliteratureaccountingarcheologypyychologymathematicsspanish classhistory classspeak Englishcomputer science

Spanish Days of the Week 2022-12-06

Spanish Days of the Week crossword puzzle
  1. chemestry
  2. monday
  3. geography
  4. wendsday
  5. economics
  6. week
  7. friday
  8. biology
  9. chemestry
  10. accounting
  11. physics
  12. saturday
  13. science
  14. sociology
  15. history class
  16. music
  17. speak English
  1. humanities
  2. journalism
  3. literature
  4. teusday
  5. mathematics
  6. spanish class
  7. thursday
  8. When?
  9. archeology
  10. art class
  11. pyychology
  12. computer science
  13. sunday

30 Clues: weekWhen?musicmondayfridaysundayteusdaybiologyphysicssciencewendsdaythursdaysaturdaychemestrygeographyeconomicschemestryart classsociologyhumanitiesjournalismliteratureaccountingarcheologypyychologymathematicsspanish classhistory classspeak Englishcomputer science

2A 2024-10-24

2A crossword puzzle
  1. toteach
  2. totalktospeak
  3. tostudy
  4. socialstudies
  5. english
  6. inthe…hour
  7. difficult
  8. class
  9. scienceclass
  10. lunch
  11. Youhave
  12. alot
  13. artclass
  14. dictionary
  15. for
  16. three-ringbinder
  1. mathematics
  2. Youneed
  3. calculator
  4. theschedule
  5. Ineed
  6. physicaleducation
  7. interesting
  8. technologycomputers
  9. spanishclass
  10. Ihave
  11. easy
  12. theclassof
  13. thehomework

29 Clues: foraloteasyIneedclasslunchIhavetoteachYouneedtostudyenglishYouhaveartclassdifficultcalculatorinthe…hourtheclassofdictionarymathematicsthescheduleinterestingthehomeworkscienceclassspanishclasstotalktospeaksocialstudiesthree-ringbinderphysicaleducationtechnologycomputers

School subjects 2015-01-08

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. matemātika
  2. angļu valoda
  3. dabaszinības
  4. bioloģija
  5. māksla
  1. fizika
  2. valoda
  3. sports
  4. vēsture
  5. mūzika
  6. ķīmija
  7. latviešu valoda

12 Clues: fizikavalodasportsmūzikaķīmijamākslavēsturebioloģijamatemātikaangļu valodadabaszinībaslatviešu valoda

Ortografía- L28 2023-05-02

Ortografía- L28 crossword puzzle
  1. is
  2. Saturday
  3. also
  4. scientists
  5. easy
  1. mathematics
  2. will do
  3. robotic
  4. difficult
  5. wanted to
  6. then
  7. volcano

12 Clues: isalsotheneasywill doroboticvolcanoSaturdaydifficultwanted toscientistsmathematics

Alessandro`s fun crossword 2021-06-17

Alessandro`s fun crossword crossword puzzle
  1. m_ _ _ y (mathematics)
  2. t_ _ d _ _ _ o_s (social studies)
  3. r_ _ i_n_ (social studies)
  4. m_ _c_ _ s (natural sciences)
  5. c_l _ _ s (english)
  1. c_m_i_a_i_ _ s ( mathematics)
  2. s_o _ _ ch (natural sciences)
  3. p_ _ s (english)

8 Clues: p_ _ s (english)c_l _ _ s (english)m_ _ _ y (mathematics)c_m_i_a_i_ _ s ( mathematics)t_ _ d _ _ _ o_s (social studies)r_ _ i_n_ (social studies)s_o _ _ ch (natural sciences)m_ _c_ _ s (natural sciences)

Repaso- Un dia en la escuela 2021-04-28

Repaso- Un dia en la escuela crossword puzzle
  1. sociales: social studies
  2. ciencias: science
  3. no divertida
  4. English
  5. mathematics
  6. la_____ de español
  7. la profesora____la clase
  8. schedule
  1. educacion____
  2. art
  3. lunch
  4. octavo, noveno
  5. No es facil. Es____
  6. homework
  7. primero, segundo

15 Clues: artlunchEnglishhomeworkschedulemathematicsno divertidaeducacion____octavo, novenoprimero, segundociencias: sciencela_____ de españolNo es facil. Es____sociales: social studiesla profesora____la clase

Modern Problems of Mathematical Analysis 2021-01-05

Modern Problems of Mathematical Analysis crossword puzzle
  1. In mathematics, an _________ function is a function that maps distinct elements of its domain to distinct elements of its codomain.
  2. it is a rectangular array or table of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns
  3. it is a collection of well defined and distinct objects
  4. it is a polynomial that is the sum of two terms, each of which is a monomial.
  5. it is an enumerated collection of objects in which repetitions are allowed and order matters
  6. it is a finite combination of symbols that is well-formed according to rules that depend on the context
  7. it is a function between the elements of two sets, where each element of one set is paired with exactly one element of the other set, and each element of the other set is paired with exactly one element of the first set.
  8. In mathematics, a _______ function is a function between ordered sets that preserves or reverses the given order.
  1. A _______ is a statement that can be demonstrated to be true by accepted mathematical operations and arguments.
  2. it is a set together with a metric on the set
  3. In mathematics, specifically set theory, the ______ _________ of two sets A and B, denoted A × B, is the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) where a is in A and b is in B.
  4. In mathematics, a ______ is, roughly speaking, a description of the operation of adding infinitely many quantities, one after the other, to a given starting quantity.
  5. it is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by deleting some or no elements without changing the order of the remaining elements
  6. it is a binary relation between two sets that associates every element of the first set to exactly one element of the second set
  7. it is a multiplicative factor in some term of a polynomial, a series, or any expression; it is usually a number, but may be any expression
  8. In mathematics, a function f from a set X to a set Y is _______ , if for every element y in the codomain Y of f, there is at least one element x in the domain X of f such that f(x) = y.
  9. it is an expression consisting of variables and coefficients, that involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponentiation of variables
  10. it is the value that a function "approaches" as the input "approaches" some value

18 Clues: it is a set together with a metric on the setit is a collection of well defined and distinct objectsit is a polynomial that is the sum of two terms, each of which is a is the value that a function "approaches" as the input "approaches" some value...

Mathematics Week Crossword 2021-07-27

Mathematics Week Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the shape of witches hats.
  2. speed and direction
  3. Invented by Sir Isaac Newton & Gottfried Leibniz
  4. trigonometric ratio
  5. it has a numerator and denominator
  6. take away
  7. two dimension shape with all sides equal and opposite angles equal
  8. trigonometric ratio
  9. an angular measure other than degrees.
  1. the first derivative of velocity with respect to time
  2. these angles have a sum of 180 degrees.
  3. times together
  4. from smallest to largest
  5. a geometric object that has magnitude and direction.
  6. the likelihood of an event occurring
  7. A horizontal line placed over an expression to show that everything below the line is one group
  8. two dimension shape with its area equal to (pi)(radius)^2
  9. multiply a number by itself

18 Clues: take awaytimes togetherspeed and directiontrigonometric ratiotrigonometric ratiofrom smallest to largestthe shape of witches hats.multiply a number by itselfit has a numerator and denominatorthe likelihood of an event occurringan angular measure other than degrees.these angles have a sum of 180 degrees....

La Escuela 2021-02-25

La Escuela crossword puzzle
  1. favorite
  2. mathematics
  3. difficult
  4. technology
  5. _______ una calculadora para matematicas
  6. calculator
  1. fun
  2. boring
  3. dictionary
  4. interesting
  5. easy
  6. spanish

12 Clues: funeasyboringspanishfavoritedifficultdictionarytechnologycalculatormathematicsinteresting_______ una calculadora para matematicas

Spanish Days of the Week 2022-12-06

Spanish Days of the Week crossword puzzle
  1. chemestry
  2. monday
  3. geography
  4. wendsday
  5. economics
  6. week
  7. friday
  8. biology
  9. chemestry
  10. accounting
  11. physics
  12. saturday
  13. science
  14. sociology
  15. history class
  16. music
  17. speak English
  1. humanities
  2. journalism
  3. literature
  4. teusday
  5. mathematics
  6. spanish class
  7. thursday
  8. When?
  9. archeology
  10. art class
  11. pyychology
  12. computer science
  13. sunday

30 Clues: weekWhen?musicmondayfridaysundayteusdaybiologyphysicssciencewendsdaythursdaysaturdaychemestrygeographyeconomicschemestryart classsociologyhumanitiesjournalismliteratureaccountingarcheologypyychologymathematicsspanish classhistory classspeak Englishcomputer science

Unidad 4 Vocabulario - Las Clases 2023-02-27

Unidad 4 Vocabulario - Las Clases crossword puzzle
  1. marketing
  2. French
  3. geography
  4. biology
  5. electives
  6. Spanish
  7. sports
  8. English
  9. chemistry
  10. algebra
  11. mathematics
  12. history
  13. band
  14. trigonometry
  15. computer science
  16. PE
  1. social studies
  2. choir
  3. art
  4. geometry
  5. science
  6. orchestra
  7. languages
  8. German
  9. calculus
  10. physics
  11. music
  12. arithmetic
  13. Chinese

29 Clues: PEartbandchoirmusicFrenchsportsGermansciencebiologySpanishEnglishphysicsalgebrahistoryChinesegeometrycalculusmarketingorchestrageographylanguageselectiveschemistryarithmeticmathematicstrigonometrysocial studiescomputer science

7th Ch. 4 Vocab. 1 #2 2020-10-21

7th Ch. 4 Vocab. 1  #2 crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. biology
  3. First I have...
  4. in the morning
  5. physical education
  6. to have
  7. science
  8. lunch
  9. afterwards
  10. art
  11. French
  12. history
  13. easy
  1. English
  2. computer science
  3. German
  4. chemistry
  5. shop, workshop
  6. school subjects
  7. in the afternoon
  8. Spanish
  9. to come
  10. favorite subject
  11. mathematics

24 Clues: arteasylunchGermanFrenchEnglishbiologySpanishto haveto comesciencehistorydifficultchemistryafterwardsmathematicsshop, workshopin the morningFirst I subjectscomputer sciencein the afternoonfavorite subjectphysical education

Crucigrama de Vocabulario 2023-09-21

Crucigrama de Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. Why?
  2. Where to?
  3. Chemistry
  4. English
  5. Which ones?
  6. Business Administration
  7. Which?
  8. Economics
  9. Physics
  10. To the right of
  1. Psychology
  2. Because
  3. Wastebasket
  4. History
  5. To have breakfast
  6. Mathematics
  7. Computer Science
  8. To arrive
  9. Biology
  10. To have dinner
  11. To the left of
  12. Library
  13. Next to;beside
  14. Bookstore

24 Clues: Why?Which?BecauseHistoryEnglishBiologyLibraryPhysicsWhere to?ChemistryTo arriveBookstoreEconomicsPsychologyWastebasketMathematicsWhich ones?To have dinnerTo the left ofNext to;besideTo the right ofComputer ScienceTo have breakfastBusiness Administration

En la clase-roman 2023-09-21

En la clase-roman crossword puzzle
  1. Wastebasket
  2. Where to?
  3. To have break
  4. Business administration
  5. Biology
  6. Because
  7. English
  8. Which
  9. To the left of
  10. Psychology
  11. Mathematics
  1. Economy
  2. Next to; besides
  3. Why?
  4. To have dinner
  5. Bookstore
  6. To the right of
  7. Which ones?
  8. Chemistry
  9. Physics
  10. History
  11. Library
  12. Computer Science

23 Clues: Why?WhichEconomyBiologyPhysicsBecauseEnglishHistoryLibraryWhere to?BookstoreChemistryPsychologyWastebasketWhich ones?MathematicsTo have breakTo have dinnerTo the left ofTo the right ofNext to; besidesComputer ScienceBusiness administration

cross word 2023-09-22

cross word crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. Computer Science
  3. Next to; besides
  4. Physica
  5. History
  6. Psychology
  7. To have breakfast
  8. Why?
  9. Mathematics
  10. Bookstore
  11. Which ones?
  12. English
  13. To arrive
  14. To have dinner
  15. Because
  1. Which
  2. Business administration
  3. Biology
  4. Library
  5. Wastebasket
  6. Where to?
  7. Economy
  8. To the left of
  9. To the right of

24 Clues: Why?WhichBiologyLibraryPhysicaHistoryEconomyEnglishBecauseChemistryWhere to?BookstoreTo arrivePsychologyWastebasketMathematicsWhich ones?To the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

en la clase 2023-09-20

en la clase crossword puzzle
  1. to arrive
  2. to the right of
  3. library
  4. which
  5. history
  6. bookstore
  7. wastebasket
  8. where to
  9. biology
  10. computer science
  11. to have breakfast
  1. to the left of
  2. because
  3. mathematics
  4. chemistry
  5. to have dinner
  6. psychology
  7. physics
  8. which ones
  9. next to;besides
  10. why
  11. economics
  12. english

23 Clues: whywhichbecauselibraryphysicshistoryenglishbiologywhere toto arrivechemistrybookstoreeconomicspsychologywhich onesmathematicswastebasketto the left ofto have dinnerto the right ofnext to;besidescomputer scienceto have breakfast

Crucigrama Spanish P. 5 2023-09-21

Crucigrama Spanish P. 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Which?
  2. Physics
  3. English
  4. psychology
  5. totheleftof
  6. Which ones?
  7. to arrive
  8. Where To?
  9. business administration
  10. because
  1. history
  2. Mathematics
  3. Biology
  4. library
  5. to the right of
  6. next to;beside
  7. Why?
  8. Computer Science
  9. to have breakfast
  10. Chemistry
  11. wastebasket
  12. to have dinner
  13. Economy
  14. library

24 Clues: Why?Which?historyPhysicsEnglishBiologylibraryEconomylibrarybecauseChemistryto arriveWhere To?psychologyMathematicstotheleftofWhich ones?wastebasketnext to;besideto have dinnerto the right ofComputer Scienceto have breakfastbusiness administration

2A 2024-10-24

2A crossword puzzle
  1. Ihave
  2. Ineed
  3. artclass
  4. tostudy
  5. Youhave
  6. toteach
  7. inthe…hour
  8. alot
  9. thehomework
  10. scienceclass
  11. difficult
  12. three-ringbinder
  13. physicaleducation
  14. lunch
  15. english
  16. theschedule
  1. interesting
  2. totalktospeak
  3. mathematics
  4. socialstudies
  5. for
  6. spanishclass
  7. technologycomputers
  8. Youneed
  9. easy
  10. class
  11. theclassof
  12. calculator
  13. dictionary

29 Clues: foreasyalotIhaveIneedclasslunchtostudyYouneedYouhavetoteachenglishartclassdifficultinthe…hourtheclassofcalculatordictionaryinterestingmathematicsthehomeworktheschedulespanishclassscienceclasstotalktospeaksocialstudiesthree-ringbinderphysicaleducationtechnologycomputers

Lincoln Chp 3 2024-02-06

Lincoln Chp 3 crossword puzzle
  1. someone who measures the shape, size, and position of an area of land
  2. Destiny something that will happen and cannot be avoided
  3. change
  4. joined the armed forces
  5. area of mathematics that includes the study of lines, angles, and surfaces
  6. making
  7. patterns that can be changed or filled in
  8. freedom from another’s control
  9. agreement in which both sides give up some demands
  10. group of citizens with military training who only serve in the armed forces when needed
  1. place where weapons are stored
  2. of the peace local official with some judicial powers
  3. attempts to overthrow your country’s government
  4. respected
  5. area of mathematics that involves the study of triangles
  6. meeting of representatives of a political party to choose their candidates for an election
  7. unreasonably strict power
  8. legislature group of lawmakers in a state

18 Clues: changemakingrespectedjoined the armed forcesunreasonably strict powerplace where weapons are storedfreedom from another’s controlpatterns that can be changed or filled inlegislature group of lawmakers in a stateattempts to overthrow your country’s governmentagreement in which both sides give up some demands...

metron 2023-06-25

metron crossword puzzle
  1. a line that passes from one side of a circle to the other through the centre
  2. measures altitude or height
  3. the mathematics of the relationship between the sides and measures of angles in triangles
  4. 1000 meters
  5. a measure or term of 6 months
  6. the measurement of a person's levels of vision
  7. 1/1000 of a meter
  8. used to measure temperature
  1. a unit of measurement
  2. 1/10 of a meter
  3. the mathematics of the study of measurements of space and shape
  4. measures time and keeps an even beat
  5. a measure or term of 3 months
  6. the outer boundary of a shape
  7. having the exact same measurement on either side of a line of symmetry
  8. 1/100 of a meter
  9. the study of weights and measures

17 Clues: 1000 meters1/10 of a meter1/100 of a meter1/1000 of a metera unit of measurementmeasures altitude or heightused to measure temperaturea measure or term of 3 monthsthe outer boundary of a shapea measure or term of 6 monthsthe study of weights and measuresmeasures time and keeps an even beatthe measurement of a person's levels of vision...

Cognados en español e inglés 2021-04-28

Cognados en español e inglés crossword puzzle
  1. restaurant
  2. secret
  3. mathematics
  4. class
  5. leopard
  1. hippopotamus
  2. intelligent
  3. cave
  4. helicopter
  5. sweater
  6. radio

11 Clues: caveclassradiosecretsweaterleopardhelicopterrestaurantintelligentmathematicshippopotamus

Las Materias 2024-04-12

Las Materias crossword puzzle
  1. Science
  2. Penmanship
  3. History
  4. SocialStudies
  5. Geography
  6. Art
  1. History
  2. PhysicalEducation
  3. InformationTechnology
  4. Spanish
  5. Geography
  6. Mathematics
  7. Music

13 Clues: ArtMusicHistoryScienceSpanishHistoryGeographyGeographyPenmanshipMathematicsSocialStudiesPhysicalEducationInformationTechnology


STUDY AND SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. give someone knowledge of something
  2. to grasp the nature or significance of something
  3. to grasp the meaning of
  4. A branch of mathematics in which symbols
  1. The branch of mathematics that deals with triangles
  2. to develop mentally
  3. attends an educational institution
  4. physical exercise
  5. to gain knowledge

9 Clues: physical exerciseto gain knowledgeto develop mentallyto grasp the meaning ofattends an educational institutiongive someone knowledge of somethingA branch of mathematics in which symbolsto grasp the nature or significance of somethingThe branch of mathematics that deals with triangles

mallory's crossword 2024-10-31

mallory's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. spanish
  3. technology
  4. periodo eighth period
  5. theater
  6. periodo fourth period
  7. english
  8. mathematics
  1. periodo nineth period
  2. PE
  3. socialstudies
  4. music
  5. periodo second period
  6. periodo seventh period
  7. periodo third period
  8. periodo first period
  9. periodo sixth period

17 Clues: PEartmusicspanishtheaterenglishtechnologymathematicssocialstudiesperiodo first periodperiodo sixth periodperiodo second periodperiodo third periodperiodo fourth periodperiodo nineth periodperiodo seventh periodperiodo eighth period

Subjects 2022-06-23

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์
  2. วิชาภูมิศาสตร์
  3. วิชาพลศึกษา
  4. วิชาศิลปะ
  5. วิชาคณิตศาสตร์
  6. วิชาภาษาจีน
  1. วิชาสังคมศึกษา
  2. วิชาประวัติศาสตร์
  3. วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
  4. วิชาดนตรี
  5. วิชาคอมพิวเตอร์

11 Clues: วิชาศิลปะวิชาดนตรีวิชาพลศึกษาวิชาภาษาจีนวิชาสังคมศึกษาวิชาภูมิศาสตร์วิชาภาษาอังกฤษวิชาคณิตศาสตร์วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์วิชาคอมพิวเตอร์วิชาประวัติศาสตร์

school subjects 2024-04-11

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. materia
  2. matematicas
  3. tecnologia
  4. sociales
  5. artistica
  6. educacionfisica
  7. formacioneticayciudadana
  1. ingles
  2. naturales
  3. religion
  4. lengua

11 Clues: ingleslenguamateriareligionsocialesnaturalesartisticatecnologiamatematicaseducacionfisicaformacioneticayciudadana

Week 6 Green and Purple 2021-05-24

Week 6 Green and Purple crossword puzzle
  1. a group formed
  2. mathematics
  3. stationery
  4. houses ancient artifacts
  5. true understanding
  6. to make impure
  7. forlorn
  8. a true reflection
  1. persuade
  2. godsmacked!
  3. responsible for
  4. agreed upon payment for making a sale
  5. important paperwork
  6. great respect
  7. indicate
  8. spoken
  9. traditional activity
  10. crucial

18 Clues: spokenforlorncrucialpersuadeindicatestationerygodsmacked!mathematicsgreat respecta group formedto make impureresponsible fora true reflectiontrue understandingimportant paperworktraditional activityhouses ancient artifactsagreed upon payment for making a sale

Financial Mathematics Vocab 2021-05-20

Financial Mathematics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. An amount earned by an adviser, agent, salesperson, etc. for selling specific products (eg. house, car, tupperware). It is a percentage of what the customer pays for the product.
  2. Occurring once per hour.
  3. This refers to an increased rate of pay typically reserved for hours worked overtime or those that exceed the 40-hour workweek. ... It simply means that in addition to the employee's standard hourly rate, they will get paid an additional one half of that rate for each hour worked, 1.5 times the usual rate of pay.
  4. Money you receive from the government under special conditions i.e - JobSeeker payment.
  5. A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly basis but often expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee, especially a professional or white-collar worker.
  6. Work paid for according to the amount produced, picked, delivered, packed, etc.
  7. A regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement age (whose income and assets fall below a particular amount) and to some widows/widowers and people with a disability or special need.
  8. An increased rate of pay for overtime or for work performed under abnormal conditions, eg. weekends or public holidays.
  9. A sum paid for the use of a patent or to an author or composer for each copy of a book sold or for each public performance of a work.
  10. Done, produced, or occurring once a month.
  1. A rate of pay equal to double the standard rate, sometimes paid for working on weekends, holidays or outside normal working hours, pay is increased by 2x.
  2. The minimum amount that your employer must pay into your superannuation fund, at least 9.5% of your ordinary earnings.
  3. Occurring once per week.
  4. An employee taking annual leave is also entitled to this extra payment on top of their base rate of pay, usually 17.5% paid for 4 weeks.
  5. A fixed regular payment earned for work or services, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis and calculated on an hourly rate.
  6. Occurring once every 2 weeks.
  7. Occurring once per day.

17 Clues: Occurring once per day.Occurring once per week.Occurring once per hour.Occurring once every 2 weeks.Done, produced, or occurring once a month.Work paid for according to the amount produced, picked, delivered, packed, etc.Money you receive from the government under special conditions i.e - JobSeeker payment....

Literacy in Mathematics 2012-12-13

Literacy in Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. Function with a degree of 4, looks like a U, can have 3 turns
  2. The lowest point in a particular section of a graph
  3. Points when the graph crosses the X axis
  4. Function with a degree of 3, looks like a wiggle, can have 2 turns
  5. Coefficient with the degree
  6. Function with a degree of 5, looks like a wiggle, can have 4 turns
  7. Method for dividing polynomials
  8. A math equation with multiple terms
  1. Point in which a graph does a complete turn in the opposite direction
  2. way of reducing improper fractions
  3. Function with a degree of 2, looks like a wiggle, only 1 turn
  4. The highest point in a particular section of a graph
  5. Function with a degree of 1, looks like a line
  6. Relative minimums and maximums
  7. a function that can be defined with evaluating a polynomial
  8. The basic shape of the equation
  9. The highest exponent on a variable in a polynomial

17 Clues: Coefficient with the degreeRelative minimums and maximumsThe basic shape of the equationMethod for dividing polynomialsway of reducing improper fractionsA math equation with multiple termsPoints when the graph crosses the X axisFunction with a degree of 1, looks like a lineThe highest exponent on a variable in a polynomial...

Mathematics terminology-Arithmetic 2013-05-06

Mathematics terminology-Arithmetic crossword puzzle
  1. The number that is to be subtracted.
  2. Part of a whole.
  3. The number that is to be subtracted from.
  4. Taking one number away from another.
  5. Finding the total by combining two or more numbers.
  6. The number that you are multiplying by.
  7. The answer after you divide one number by another.
  8. Operation of splitting into equal parts or groups.
  1. The result of adding two or more numbers.
  2. The bottom number in a fraction.
  3. The number that gets multiplied.
  4. The number you divide by.
  5. The top number in a fraction.
  6. Any of the numbers that are added together.
  7. The amount that you want to divide up.
  8. The result of subtracting one number from another.
  9. The answer when two numbers are multiplied together.

17 Clues: Part of a whole.The number you divide by.The top number in a fraction.The bottom number in a fraction.The number that gets multiplied.The number that is to be subtracted.Taking one number away from another.The amount that you want to divide up.The number that you are multiplying by.The result of adding two or more numbers....

English 2018-01-19

English crossword puzzle
  1. barát
  2. angol
  3. tantárgy
  4. matematika
  5. tanár
  6. történelem
  1. kedvenc
  2. földrajz
  3. osztálytárs
  4. kémia
  5. diák

11 Clues: diákbarátkémiaangoltanárkedvencföldrajztantárgymatematikatörténelemosztálytárs

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle 2015-05-12

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Also called counting number. one of the positive integers or zero; any of the numbers
  2. of or going to the root or origin; fundamental
  3. the theorem that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides
  4. capable of being varied or changed; alterablerational-number a number that can be expressed exactly by a ratio of two integers
  5. a quantity of which a given quantity is the square
  6. capable of being varied or changed; alterable
  7. a number usually expressed in the form a/b
  8. a quantity of which a given quantity is the cube
  9. a rational number or the limit of a sequence of rational numbers, as opposed to a complex number
  10. Mathematics. an expression or a proposition, often algebraic, asserting the equality of two quantities
  11. pertaining to tenths or to the number 10
  1. a number that cannot be exactly expressed as a ratio of two integers
  2. The decimal expansion of a number is its representation in base
  3. the development at length of an expression indicated in a contracted form
  4. Mathematics. a theoretical proposition, statement, or formula embodying something to be proved from other propositions or formulas
  5. the quality or power of expressing an attitude, emotion
  6. Mathematics. one of the positive or negative numbers
  7. a positive integer or zero
  8. the source or origin of a thing
  9. (of a variable) having values determined by one or more independent variables

20 Clues: a positive integer or zerothe source or origin of a thingpertaining to tenths or to the number 10a number usually expressed in the form a/bcapable of being varied or changed; alterableof or going to the root or origin; fundamentala quantity of which a given quantity is the cubea quantity of which a given quantity is the square...


STUDY AND SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. attends an educational institution
  2. to grasp the meaning of
  3. A branch of mathematics in which symbols
  1. give someone knowledge of something
  2. physical exercise
  3. The branch of mathematics that deals with triangles
  4. to grasp the nature or significance of something
  5. to develop mentally
  6. to gain knowledge

9 Clues: physical exerciseto gain knowledgeto develop mentallyto grasp the meaning ofattends an educational institutiongive someone knowledge of somethingA branch of mathematics in which symbolsto grasp the nature or significance of somethingThe branch of mathematics that deals with triangles


STUDY AND SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. to gain knowledge
  2. give someone knowledge of something
  3. The branch of mathematics that deals with triangles
  4. attends an educational institution
  5. physical exercise
  1. to grasp the meaning of
  2. A branch of mathematics in which symbols
  3. to grasp the nature or significance of something
  4. to develop mentally

9 Clues: to gain knowledgephysical exerciseto develop mentallyto grasp the meaning ofattends an educational institutiongive someone knowledge of somethingA branch of mathematics in which symbolsto grasp the nature or significance of somethingThe branch of mathematics that deals with triangles

Linear Algebra by Niki 2022-11-27

Linear Algebra by Niki crossword puzzle
  1. The wavelength of any wave, especially in physics, electronic engineering, and mathematics
  2. A small electronic device with a keyboard and a visual display
  3. One shape is exactly like the other shape when it is moved, rotated, or flipped
  4. A quantity that has both magnitude and direction but not position
  5. An exchange of two elements
  6. is the part of mathematics that helps represent problems in the form of mathematical expressions
  7. an expression, rule, or law that defines a relationship between one variable and another variable(or a relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output)
  8. A value or number that never changes in expression
  1. Two lines that never intersect
  2. a procedure, a description of a set of steps that can be used to solve a mathematical computation
  3. A mathematical model of a branch of mathematics that is based on a set of axioms
  4. a systematic procedure, technique,way of doing something
  5. If a matrix is in row-echelon form, then the first nonzero entry of each row is called a
  6. a term that represents an unknown number or unknown value or unknown quantity
  7. A pair of numbers that describes the position of a point

15 Clues: An exchange of two elementsTwo lines that never intersectA value or number that never changes in expressiona systematic procedure, technique,way of doing somethingA pair of numbers that describes the position of a pointA small electronic device with a keyboard and a visual displayA quantity that has both magnitude and direction but not position...

CivilWords 2013-12-15

CivilWords crossword puzzle
  1. : the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures
  2. engineering : The application of engineering to the improvement and protection of the environment.
  3. : the branch of mathematics that deals with the finding and properties of derivatives and integrals of functions.
  4. cad : is a software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design and drafting.
  5. : something used for making mathematical calculations, in particular a small electronic device with a keyboard and a visual display.
  6. : The use of engineering to ensure safe and efficient transportation of people and goods.
  7. : use for drawing.
  1. : the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations.
  2. : Concerned with the behavior of geological materials at the site of a civil engineering project.
  3. : a T-shaped instrument for drawing or testing right angles.
  4. engineering : The engineering of structures that support or resist structural loads the branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles and with the relevant functions of any angles.
  5. : an instrument for drawing circles and arcs and measuring distances between points, consisting of two arms linked by a movable joint, one arm ending in a point and the other usually carrying a pencil or pen.
  6. : a template used for drawing curved lines.
  7. : an instrument for measuring angles, typically in the form of a flat semicircle marked with degrees along the curved edge.
  8. : the branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles and with the relevant functions of any angles.

15 Clues: : use for drawing.: a template used for drawing curved lines.: a T-shaped instrument for drawing or testing right angles.cad : is a software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design and drafting.: The use of engineering to ensure safe and efficient transportation of people and goods....

Linear Algebra by Niki 2022-11-27

Linear Algebra by Niki crossword puzzle
  1. A quantity that has both magnitude and direction but not position
  2. a procedure, a description of a set of steps that can be used to solve a mathematical computation
  3. an expression, rule, or law that defines a relationship between one variable and another variable(or a relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output)
  4. A value or number that never changes in expression
  5. A mathematical model of a branch of mathematics that is based on a set of axioms
  6. a term that represents an unknown number or unknown value or unknown quantity
  7. Two lines that never intersect
  1. If a matrix is in row-echelon form, then the first nonzero entry of each row is called a
  2. A pair of numbers that describes the position of a point
  3. A small electronic device with a keyboard and a visual display
  4. An exchange of two elements
  5. One shape is exactly like the other shape when it is moved, rotated, or flipped
  6. is the part of mathematics that helps represent problems in the form of mathematical expressions
  7. a systematic procedure, technique,way of doing something
  8. The wavelength of any wave, especially in physics, electronic engineering, and mathematics

15 Clues: An exchange of two elementsTwo lines that never intersectA value or number that never changes in expressionA pair of numbers that describes the position of a pointa systematic procedure, technique,way of doing somethingA small electronic device with a keyboard and a visual displayA quantity that has both magnitude and direction but not position...

maths crossword 2015-07-28

maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. whole number that can be divided evenly by numbers other than 1 or itself.
  2. result of multiplying a number by an integer (not by a fraction).
  3. can be divided evenly only by 1, or itself. And it must be a whole number greater than 1
  4. into equal parts or groups. It is the result of "fair sharing".
  5. the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers.
  6. bottom part of a fraction.
  7. mathematical operation that represents the operation of removing objects from a collection.
  1. mathematics, the number that appears on the top of a fraction.
  2. a value that is close enough to the right answer, usually with some thought or calculation involved.
  3. a whole is divided into equal pieces, if fewer equal pieces are needed to make up the whole, then each piece must be larger.
  4. number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.
  5. area of mathematics that deals with points, lines, shapes and space.
  6. to mean a number that uses a decimal point followed by digits that show a value smaller than one.
  7. of the broad parts of mathematics, together with number theory, geometry and analysis.
  8. the relative sizes of two or more values.

15 Clues: bottom part of a fraction.the relative sizes of two or more values.number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers.mathematics, the number that appears on the top of a fraction.into equal parts or groups. It is the result of "fair sharing"....

School subjects 2024-11-27

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. История
  2. Математика
  3. Искусство
  4. Русский
  5. География
  6. Дизайн
  1. Физика
  2. Химия
  3. Эстонский
  4. Английский
  5. Биология

11 Clues: ХимияФизикаДизайнИсторияРусскийБиологияЭстонскийИскусствоГеографияМатематикаАнглийский

Les matieres 2015-11-09

Les matieres crossword puzzle
  1. French
  2. Music
  3. PE
  4. Mathematics
  5. English
  6. RE
  1. Computer Science
  2. Science
  3. Geography
  4. History
  5. Art

11 Clues: PEREArtMusicFrenchScienceHistoryEnglishGeographyMathematicsComputer Science

Financial Mathematics Vocab 2021-05-20

Financial Mathematics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A rate of pay equal to double the standard rate, sometimes paid for working on weekends, holidays or outside normal working hours, pay is increased by 2x.
  2. An increased rate of pay for overtime or for work performed under abnormal conditions, eg. weekends or public holidays.
  3. A fixed regular payment earned for work or services, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis and calculated on an hourly rate.
  4. An amount earned by an adviser, agent, salesperson, etc. for selling specific products (eg. house, car, tupperware). The commission is a percentage of what the customer pays for the product.
  5. This refers to an increased rate of pay typically reserved for hours worked overtime or those that exceed the 40-hour workweek. ... It simply means that in addition to the employee's standard hourly rate, they will get paid an additional one half of that rate for each hour worked, 1.5 times the usual rate of pay.
  6. Money you receive from the government under special conditions i.e - JobSeeker payment.
  7. Done, produced, or occurring once a month.
  8. Occurring once every 2 weeks.
  1. An employee taking annual leave is also entitled to this extra payment on top of their base rate of pay, usually 17.5% paid for 4 weeks.
  2. The minimum amount that your employer must pay into your superannuation fund, at least 9.5% of your ordinary earnings.
  3. A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly basis but often expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee, especially a professional or white-collar worker.
  4. Occurring once per hour.
  5. Occurring once per day.
  6. A regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement age (whose income and assets fall below a particular amount) and to some widows/widowers and people with a disability or special need.
  7. Work paid for according to the amount produced, picked, delivered, packed, etc.
  8. Occurring once per week.

16 Clues: Occurring once per day.Occurring once per hour.Occurring once per week.Occurring once every 2 weeks.Done, produced, or occurring once a month.Work paid for according to the amount produced, picked, delivered, packed, etc.Money you receive from the government under special conditions i.e - JobSeeker payment....

Financial Mathematics Vocab 2021-05-20

Financial Mathematics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A rate of pay equal to double the standard rate, sometimes paid for working on weekends, holidays or outside normal working hours, pay is increased by 2x.
  2. An increased rate of pay for overtime or for work performed under abnormal conditions, eg. weekends or public holidays.
  3. A fixed regular payment earned for work or services, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis and calculated on an hourly rate.
  4. An amount earned by an adviser, agent, salesperson, etc. for selling specific products (eg. house, car, tupperware). It is a percentage of what the customer pays for the product.
  5. This refers to an increased rate of pay typically reserved for hours worked overtime or those that exceed the 40-hour workweek. ... It simply means that in addition to the employee's standard hourly rate, they will get paid an additional one half of that rate for each hour worked, 1.5 times the usual rate of pay.
  6. Money you receive from the government under special conditions i.e - JobSeeker payment.
  7. Done, produced, or occurring once a month.
  8. Occurring once every 2 weeks.
  1. An employee taking annual leave is also entitled to this extra payment on top of their base rate of pay, usually 17.5% paid for 4 weeks.
  2. The minimum amount that your employer must pay into your superannuation fund, at least 9.5% of your ordinary earnings.
  3. A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly basis but often expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee, especially a professional or white-collar worker.
  4. Occurring once per hour.
  5. Occurring once per day.
  6. A regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement age (whose income and assets fall below a particular amount) and to some widows/widowers and people with a disability or special need.
  7. Work paid for according to the amount produced, picked, delivered, packed, etc.
  8. Occurring once per week.

16 Clues: Occurring once per day.Occurring once per hour.Occurring once per week.Occurring once every 2 weeks.Done, produced, or occurring once a month.Work paid for according to the amount produced, picked, delivered, packed, etc.Money you receive from the government under special conditions i.e - JobSeeker payment....

Spelling Week 9 Term 2 2024-06-13

Spelling Week 9 Term 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Noble person.
  2. Healthcare provider.
  3. Pregnancy doctor.
  4. Skilled technical worker.
  5. Medical doctor.
  6. Statistics expert.
  7. Installs electrical systems.
  8. Arithmetic expert.
  9. Prepares bodies.
  1. Beauty treatments provider.
  2. Plays musical instruments.
  3. Nutrition expert.
  4. Performs magic tricks.
  5. Children's doctor.
  6. Government leader.
  7. Mathematics expert.
  8. Makes glasses.
  9. Strategy expert.

18 Clues: Noble person.Makes glasses.Medical doctor.Strategy expert.Prepares bodies.Nutrition expert.Pregnancy doctor.Children's doctor.Government leader.Statistics expert.Arithmetic expert.Mathematics expert.Healthcare provider.Performs magic tricks.Skilled technical worker.Plays musical instruments.Beauty treatments provider.Installs electrical systems.

Biomedical Engineer 2024-05-10

Biomedical Engineer crossword puzzle
  1. examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
  2. relating to biology and medicine or biomedicine.
  3. the necessary items for a particular purpose.
  4. a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.
  5. the maintenance of a constant difference in frequency between two or more connected circuits or components.
  6. a natural science discipline that studies living things
  1. the necessary items for a particular purpose.
  2. a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment.
  3. a system of words, letters, figures, or other symbols substituted for other words, letters, etc., especially for the purposes of secrecy
  4. the abstract science of number, quantity, and space. Mathematics may be studied in its own right ( pure mathematics ), or as it is applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering ( applied mathematics ).

10 Clues: the necessary items for a particular purpose.the necessary items for a particular purpose.relating to biology and medicine or biomedicine.a natural science discipline that studies living thingsa person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works....

Math 2024-11-22

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 12
  4. 11
  5. 2
  1. 3
  2. 7
  3. 9
  4. 8
  5. 1
  6. 6

11 Clues: 3798451621211


STUDY AND SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. physical exercise
  2. to grasp the meaning of
  3. to grasp the nature or significance of something
  1. to gain knowledge
  2. The branch of mathematics that deals with triangles
  3. A branch of mathematics in which symbols represent numbers
  4. attends an educational institution
  5. give someone knowledge of something
  6. to develop mentally

9 Clues: to gain knowledgephysical exerciseto develop mentallyto grasp the meaning ofattends an educational institutiongive someone knowledge of somethingto grasp the nature or significance of somethingThe branch of mathematics that deals with trianglesA branch of mathematics in which symbols represent numbers

Enigma Mathematica 2020-01-22

Enigma Mathematica crossword puzzle
  1. A value that does not change.
  2. Two dimensional space taken up by an object or shape,given in square units.
  3. a positive integer with a factor aside from itself and 1.
  4. The numerals 0-9 found in all numbers.
  5. Place holder in place value system.
  6. Study of numbers,shapes and patterns.
  7. Civilisation responsible for discovery of Maths.
  1. A polygon with 4 sides
  2. Numeral system consisting of letters.
  3. Synonym for average.
  4. Ordered pair giving a precise location or position on a coordinate plane.
  5. side of triangle opposite to right angle
  6. Father of Mathematics
  7. lines on a same plane that do not intersect

14 Clues: Synonym for average.Father of MathematicsA polygon with 4 sidesA value that does not change.Place holder in place value system.Numeral system consisting of letters.Study of numbers,shapes and patterns.The numerals 0-9 found in all numbers.side of triangle opposite to right anglelines on a same plane that do not intersect...


THE MATHS MYSTERY crossword puzzle
  1. A statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign =).
  2. A type of mathematics that deals with rates of change, for example: the speed of a falling object
  3. A relation between two expressions that are not equal
  4. The branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles.
  5. An arrangement of shapes closely fitted together, especially of polygons in a repeated pattern, without gaps or overlapping.
  6. A mathematical expression which cannot be definitively or precisely determined.
  7. order of using mathematical operations
  1. The abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts , or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering .
  2. Arrangement of a number of objects in a definite order
  3. If the left hand derivative and the right hand derivative are equal at a point.
  4. The rate of change of a function with respect to a variable.
  5. A number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number
  6. Number we get by adding two or more numbers and divide the sum by the number of observations.
  7. An enumerated collection of objects in which repetitions are allowed and order matters.
  8. The value that a function approaches as the input approaches some value.
  9. A value that is close to the right answer.

16 Clues: order of using mathematical operationsA value that is close to the right answer.A relation between two expressions that are not equalArrangement of a number of objects in a definite orderThe rate of change of a function with respect to a variable.A number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number...

school subjects 2018-01-04

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. ének-zene
  2. nyelvtan
  3. irodalom
  4. ...studies: hittan!
  5. education testnevelés
  6. ...language idegen nyelv
  1. rajz
  2. kémia
  3. matek
  4. földrajz
  5. biológia
  6. természettudomány

12 Clues: rajzkémiamateknyelvtanföldrajzirodalombiológiaének-zenetermészettudomány...studies: hittan!education testnevelés...language idegen nyelv

Math Vocabulary 2022-04-11

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. multiply
  2. <
  3. plus
  4. break into parts
  5. mathematics
  6. /
  7. take away
  1. +
  2. =
  3. 6,000,000
  4. >
  5. 1/2

12 Clues: +=<>/1/2plusmultiply6,000,000take awaymathematicsbreak into parts

Daina Taimina Cross Word Puzzle 2023-05-04

Daina Taimina Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a field of study in mathematics
  2. prize awarded to this mathematician for her publications
  3. Taimina's position at Cornell University
  4. institution of academic affiliation
  5. Dania Taimina's field of study
  1. uses ______ to model hyperbolic space
  2. city is Belarus where this mathematician defended her thesis
  3. known for her approach to geometry ________ through visualization and imagery
  4. Taimina's work connects mathematics and _______
  5. Taimina's country of birth

10 Clues: Taimina's country of birthDania Taimina's field of studya field of study in mathematicsinstitution of academic affiliationuses ______ to model hyperbolic spaceTaimina's position at Cornell UniversityTaimina's work connects mathematics and _______prize awarded to this mathematician for her publications...


STUDY AND SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. to gain knowledge
  2. give someone knowledge of something
  3. The branch of mathematics that deals with triangles
  4. attends an educational institution
  5. physical exercise
  1. to grasp the meaning of
  2. A branch of mathematics in which symbols
  3. to grasp the nature or significance of something
  4. to develop mentally

9 Clues: to gain knowledgephysical exerciseto develop mentallyto grasp the meaning ofattends an educational institutiongive someone knowledge of somethingA branch of mathematics in which symbolsto grasp the nature or significance of somethingThe branch of mathematics that deals with triangles

Unit 2 crossword puzzle 2022-02-04

Unit 2 crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. pele(dators)
  2. bioloģija
  3. lietotājvārds
  4. gudrais telefons
  5. 2+2=4
  6. atklāt
  7. Photo
  1. potions
  2. Solar sistem
  3. izgudrot
  4. jumping(not on the moon)
  5. Einstine
  6. stars and moon's
  7. *******(security)

14 Clues: 2+2=4PhotoatklātpotionsizgudrotEinstinebioloģijapele(dators)Solar sistemlietotājvārdsstars and moon'sgudrais telefons*******(security)jumping(not on the moon)

科目 2017-09-26

科目 crossword puzzle
  1. 中语
  2. 音乐
  3. 地理
  4. 科目
  5. 数学
  6. 戏剧
  7. 生物
  8. 美术
  1. 菲语
  2. 体育
  3. 英语
  4. 科学
  5. 历史
  6. 化学
  7. 电脑
  8. 物理

16 Clues: 菲语体育英语中语音乐地理科目科学历史化学数学电脑物理戏剧生物美术

clubs & activities 2022-10-26

clubs & activities crossword puzzle
  1. 棒球
  2. 电脑
  3. 戏剧
  4. 照片
  5. 壁画
  6. 联系
  7. 顾问
  8. 冠军
  1. 实验
  2. 小号
  3. 想知道
  4. 数学
  5. 钢琴
  6. 职员
  7. 舞台
  8. 乐队

16 Clues: 棒球实验小号电脑数学戏剧照片钢琴职员壁画联系顾问舞台乐队冠军想知道

Mi clase favorita 2024-11-14

Mi clase favorita crossword puzzle
  1. well...
  2. a little boring
  3. too easy
  4. makes me feel
  5. very fun
  6. I don't have
  7. too/also
  1. I love it!
  2. English class
  3. my favorite class
  4. social studies
  5. mathematics
  6. either
  7. difficult
  8. Seriously??

15 Clues: eitherwell...too easyvery funtoo/alsodifficultI love it!mathematicsSeriously??I don't haveEnglish classmakes me feelsocial studiesa little boringmy favorite class