mathematics Crossword Puzzles

Spanish Words 2021-10-27

Spanish Words crossword puzzle
  1. dictionary
  2. she
  3. mathematics
  4. youhave
  5. easy
  6. spanishclass
  7. Ihave
  8. I
  9. lunch
  10. scienceclass
  11. you
  12. classof
  13. threeringbinder
  14. technology
  15. for
  1. caculator
  2. class
  3. youneed
  4. socialstudies
  5. english
  6. inthehour
  7. ineed
  8. schedule
  9. diffiult
  10. he
  11. alot
  12. artclass
  13. physicaleducation
  14. homework

29 Clues: IhesheyouforeasyalotclassineedIhavelunchyouneedyouhaveenglishclassofschedulediffiultartclasshomeworkcaculatorinthehourdictionarytechnologymathematicsspanishclassscienceclasssocialstudiesthreeringbinderphysicaleducation

El horario escolar 2017-01-23

El horario escolar crossword puzzle
  1. fourth
  2. school (adj)
  3. first
  4. science
  5. second
  6. mathematics
  7. homework
  8. I'm sorry
  9. to do/make
  10. quinto
  11. history
  12. it ends/terminates
  13. let's see
  1. eighth
  2. schedule
  3. seventh
  4. it begins
  5. physical education
  6. semester
  7. to learn
  8. to teach
  9. backpack
  10. English

23 Clues: firsteighthfourthsecondquintoseventhsciencehistoryEnglishschedulesemesterto learnto teachhomeworkbackpackit beginsI'm sorrylet's seeto do/makemathematicsschool (adj)physical educationit ends/terminates

guerrilla poem 2012-11-03

guerrilla poem crossword puzzle
  1. Adore
  2. confuses,stumps
  3. Master
  4. Texts
  5. Disguising
  6. The indefinite article
  7. P_____g
  8. This ___ that
  9. Famous DS game professor
  10. (abbr.) Mathematics
  11. Accompanying
  1. Crazy about
  2. Most of all
  3. Qu__e
  4. Section of land
  5. Me
  6. Board _____
  7. When something is funny you _____
  8. (abbr.) Technology
  9. I am

20 Clues: MeI amAdoreQu__eTextsMasterP_____gDisguisingCrazy aboutMost of allBoard _____AccompanyingThis ___ thatconfuses,stumpsSection of land(abbr.) Technology(abbr.) MathematicsThe indefinite articleFamous DS game professorWhen something is funny you _____

Study 2013-07-23

Study crossword puzzle
  1. การบัญชี
  2. คณิตศาสตร์
  3. สถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์
  4. การบิน
  5. ภาษา
  6. กฎหมาย
  7. ประวัติศาสตร์
  8. การโฆษณา
  9. ปรัชญา
  10. อิเลคทรอนิกส์
  11. ทางด้านเศรษฐกิจ
  12. ศาสนา
  13. วิชาการหนังสือพิมพ์
  14. วิทยาศาสตร์
  1. นักเขียนโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์
  2. กีฬา
  3. การจัดภูมิทัศน์
  4. ฟิสิกส์
  5. วิศวกรรม
  6. การละคร
  7. ภาษาอังกฤษ
  8. ศิลป
  9. เศรษฐศาสตร์
  10. ชีววิทยา
  11. ทันตแพทยศาสตร์
  12. จิตวิทยา
  13. จิตเวช
  14. แพทยศาสตร์

28 Clues: กีฬาภาษาศิลปศาสนาการบินกฎหมายปรัชญาจิตเวชฟิสิกส์การละครการบัญชีวิศวกรรมชีววิทยาการโฆษณาจิตวิทยาคณิตศาสตร์ภาษาอังกฤษแพทยศาสตร์เศรษฐศาสตร์วิทยาศาสตร์ประวัติศาสตร์อิเลคทรอนิกส์ทันตแพทยศาสตร์การจัดภูมิทัศน์ทางด้านเศรษฐกิจสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์วิชาการหนังสือพิมพ์นักเขียนโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์

Engelse wiskundige woorden 2015-10-28

Engelse wiskundige woorden crossword puzzle
  1. diameter
  2. lijn
  3. deelbaar
  4. negatief
  5. vierkant
  6. loodrecht
  7. wiskunde
  8. bissectrice
  9. passer
  10. breuk
  11. vermenigvuldigen
  12. driehoek
  13. cirkel
  14. tabel
  1. oneven
  2. evenwijdig
  3. priemgetal
  4. rechthoek
  5. assenstelel
  6. hoek
  7. wortel
  8. berekeningen
  9. straal
  10. plus
  11. bereken
  12. min
  13. richtingscoefficient
  14. delen

28 Clues: minlijnhoekplusbreukdelentabelonevenwortelstraalpassercirkelberekendiameterdeelbaarnegatiefvierkantwiskundedriehoekrechthoekloodrechtevenwijdigpriemgetalassenstelelbissectriceberekeningenvermenigvuldigenrichtingscoefficient

When is the class?/The courses 2023-03-31

When is the class?/The courses crossword puzzle
  1. at1:00
  2. history
  3. at2:00
  4. English
  5. typing
  6. Italian
  7. geometry
  8. mathematics
  9. science
  10. at11:00
  11. drama
  12. choir
  13. languages
  14. physics
  15. biology
  16. PE
  1. at9:00
  2. chemistry
  3. calculus
  4. Bible
  5. civics
  6. Spanish
  7. art
  8. algebra
  9. at10:00
  10. German
  11. French

27 Clues: PEartBibledramachoirat9:00at1:00civicsat2:00typingGermanFrenchhistorySpanishEnglishItalianalgebraat10:00scienceat11:00physicsbiologycalculusgeometrychemistrylanguagesmathematics

Crossword Einheit 2 2023-09-06

Crossword Einheit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. course of studies
  2. major
  3. paper
  4. eraser
  5. chemistry
  6. chair
  7. school
  8. new
  9. mechanical engineering
  10. binder
  11. floor
  12. lamp
  13. wall
  1. dirty
  2. classroom
  3. mathematics
  4. clock
  5. window
  6. to study
  7. favorite course
  8. medicine
  9. history
  10. schedule
  11. clean
  12. to read

25 Clues: newlampwalldirtyclockmajorpaperchaircleanfloorwindoweraserschoolbinderhistoryto readto studymedicinescheduleclassroomchemistrymathematicsfavorite coursecourse of studiesmechanical engineering

2A 2024-10-29

2A crossword puzzle
  1. seventh
  2. first
  3. fifth
  4. physicaleducation
  5. spanishclass
  6. third
  7. theschedule
  8. english
  9. totalk
  10. calculator
  11. fourth
  12. scienceclass
  13. artclass
  14. sixth
  15. tostudy
  16. second
  17. theclassof
  1. tenth
  2. eighth
  3. socialstudies
  4. technology
  5. toteach
  6. mathematics
  7. inthehour
  8. class
  9. thehomework
  10. ninth
  11. lunch

28 Clues: tenthfirstfifththirdclassninthsixthluncheighthtotalkfourthsecondseventhtoteachenglishtostudyartclassinthehourtechnologycalculatortheclassofmathematicstheschedulethehomeworkspanishclassscienceclasssocialstudiesphysicaleducation

Mathematics 2020-12-05

Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. An expression with only one term
  2. The graph of y=2x+3 is
  3. A polynomial of 2 degree
  1. expression with 2 unlike terms
  2. A first degree polynomial
  3. 3(x+y) = 3x+3y is true by the property
  4. A curve shaped graph which can open up or down

7 Clues: The graph of y=2x+3 isA polynomial of 2 degreeA first degree polynomialexpression with 2 unlike termsAn expression with only one term3(x+y) = 3x+3y is true by the propertyA curve shaped graph which can open up or down

la clases 2023-11-15

la clases crossword puzzle
  1. i go to/I'm going to
  2. easy
  3. I have
  4. because
  5. art
  6. fith period
  7. spanish
  8. social studies
  9. I don't like
  10. fun
  1. mathematics
  2. borring
  3. technology
  4. third period
  5. music
  6. Science

16 Clues: artfuneasymusicI haveborringbecausespanishSciencetechnologymathematicsfith periodthird periodI don't likesocial studiesi go to/I'm going to

Mathematics Puzzle 2022-01-10

Mathematics Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 8 raised to the power 0
  2. A quadilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides equal and diagonals intersect at 90 degree
  3. Perimeter of a rhombus of side length 5cm
  4. Value of 'a' power zero
  5. A regular polygon has all its sides equal
  6. Next prime no.after 5
  1. Product of 121*0*200*25
  2. 20+(90/2)
  3. 10 is natural no.Yes/No
  4. Smallest even prime number
  5. 50 times 8 equals
  6. No.of sides of decagon

12 Clues: 20+(90/2)50 times 8 equalsNext prime no.after 5No.of sides of decagonProduct of 121*0*200*258 raised to the power 010 is natural no.Yes/NoValue of 'a' power zeroSmallest even prime numberPerimeter of a rhombus of side length 5cmA regular polygon has all its sides equal...

Mathematics Puzzle 2022-01-10

Mathematics Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 8 raised to the power 0
  2. A quadilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides equal and diagonals intersect at 90 degree
  3. Perimeter of a rhombus of side length 5cm
  4. Value of 'a' power zero
  5. A regular polygon has all its sides equal
  6. Next prime no.after 5
  1. Product of 121*0*200*25
  2. 20+(90/2)
  3. 10 is natural no.Yes/No
  4. Smallest even prime number
  5. 50 times 8 equals
  6. No.of sides of decagon

12 Clues: 20+(90/2)50 times 8 equalsNext prime no.after 5No.of sides of decagonProduct of 121*0*200*258 raised to the power 010 is natural no.Yes/NoValue of 'a' power zeroSmallest even prime numberPerimeter of a rhombus of side length 5cmA regular polygon has all its sides equal...

MATHEMATICS F1 2023-09-20

MATHEMATICS F1 crossword puzzle
  1. A triangle with two equal sides is ..... triangle
  2. Polygon with six sides
  3. Numbers that can be written in fractional form known as ..... numbers
  4. Positive and negative whole numbers including zero
  1. 1,4,9,16 are known as ..... squares
  2. 7ab & -2.5ab are known as ..... terms
  3. 80 km/h is the example of .....
  4. a + b = b + a are said to obey the ..... law
  5. 2,3,5 & 11 are the examples of ..... numbers
  6. ..... is used to compare two or more quantities of same kind that are measured in same unit
  7. Lowest common multiples (LCM) of 2 and 3 are .....

11 Clues: Polygon with six sides80 km/h is the example of .....1,4,9,16 are known as ..... squares7ab & -2.5ab are known as ..... termsa + b = b + a are said to obey the ..... law2,3,5 & 11 are the examples of ..... numbersA triangle with two equal sides is ..... triangleLowest common multiples (LCM) of 2 and 3 are ........


GENERAL MATHEMATICS crossword puzzle
  1. a relationship between sets of values.
  2. the ratio of two polynomials
  3. the set of values that we are allowed to plug into our function.
  4. a function of which the answers never repeat.
  1. which is defined by multiple sub-functions, each sub-function applying to a certain interval of the main function's domain (a sub-domain).
  2. a function that serves to “undo” another function.
  3. a function are the values of x when f(x) is equal to 0.
  4. a function that is a fraction and has the property that both its numerator and denominator are polynomials.
  5. relation between a set of inputs having one output each.
  6. a ratio of two polynomials.
  7. the difference between the highest values and lowest values in a given set of numbers.

11 Clues: a ratio of two polynomials.the ratio of two polynomialsa relationship between sets of values.a function of which the answers never repeat.a function that serves to “undo” another function.a function are the values of x when f(x) is equal to 0.relation between a set of inputs having one output each....

School Synonym For Group 2A 2022-05-24

School Synonym For Group 2A crossword puzzle
  1. cloud
  2. analyst
  3. math
  4. rather
  5. shine
  6. fruit
  1. build
  2. stomach
  3. canal
  4. sock
  5. bachelor
  6. click

12 Clues: sockmathbuildcloudcanalshinefruitclickratherstomachanalystbachelor

School Subjects 2020-11-19

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. kemi
  2. engelska
  3. idrott
  4. musik
  5. biologi
  1. naturkunskap
  2. geografi
  3. fysik
  4. samhällskunskap
  5. matematik
  6. bild
  7. historia

12 Clues: kemibildfysikmusikidrottbiologigeografiengelskahistoriamatematiknaturkunskapsamhällskunskap

Spanish words 2021-10-27

Spanish words crossword puzzle
  1. dictionary
  2. she
  3. mathematics
  4. youhave
  5. easy
  6. spanishclass
  7. Ihave
  8. I
  9. lunch
  10. scienceclass
  11. you
  12. classof
  13. threeringbinder
  14. technology
  15. for
  1. caculator
  2. class
  3. youneed
  4. socialstudies
  5. english
  6. inthehour
  7. ineed
  8. schedule
  9. diffiult
  10. he
  11. alot
  12. artclass
  13. physicaleducation
  14. homework

29 Clues: IhesheyouforeasyalotclassineedIhavelunchyouneedyouhaveenglishclassofschedulediffiultartclasshomeworkcaculatorinthehourdictionarytechnologymathematicsspanishclassscienceclasssocialstudiesthreeringbinderphysicaleducation


SPANISH VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. student desk
  2. mathematics
  3. social studies
  4. eraser
  5. paper
  6. music
  7. calculator
  8. language arts
  9. teacher desk
  10. student
  11. notebook
  12. tape
  1. folder
  2. pen
  3. backpack
  4. pencil
  5. stapler
  6. 21st century life skills
  7. spanish
  8. map
  9. teacher
  10. technology
  11. scissors
  12. ruler
  13. chalkboard

25 Clues: penmaptapepapermusicrulerfolderpencileraserstaplerspanishteacherstudentbackpackscissorsnotebookcalculatortechnologychalkboardmathematicsstudent deskteacher desklanguage artssocial studies21st century life skills

Good Spanish Crossword 2023-04-10

Good Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. lunch
  3. totalk
  4. theclass of
  5. socialstudies
  6. artclass
  7. seventh
  8. toteach
  9. theschedule
  10. eighth
  11. English
  12. second
  13. calculator
  1. technology
  2. scienceclass
  3. first
  4. tenth
  5. third
  6. sixth
  7. spanish class
  8. fifth
  9. PhysicalEducation
  10. inthehour
  11. fourth
  12. thehomework
  13. ninth
  14. tostudy
  15. class

28 Clues: firsttenththirdsixthlunchfifthninthclasstotalkfourtheighthsecondtostudyseventhtoteachEnglishartclassinthehourtechnologycalculatormathematicstheclass ofthehomeworktheschedulescienceclassspanish classsocialstudiesPhysicalEducation

vocabulary 2023-03-30

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. easy
  2. seventh
  3. first
  4. tenth
  5. fifth
  6. english
  7. to teach
  8. science
  9. technology
  10. social studies
  11. i need
  12. interesting
  1. fourth
  2. practical
  3. second
  4. difficult
  5. sixth
  6. to talk
  7. mathematics
  8. third
  9. to study
  10. spanish
  11. ninth
  12. lunch
  13. class
  14. eighth
  15. art

27 Clues: arteasysixthfirsttenththirdfifthninthlunchclassfourthsecondeighthi needseventhto talkenglishsciencespanishto teachto studypracticaldifficulttechnologymathematicsinterestingsocial studies

Capitulo 1 Vocabulario 2 2023-11-29

Capitulo 1 Vocabulario 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Who? (plural)
  2. Small (fem)
  3. Also, as well
  4. New (masc)
  5. Physical education (2 words)
  6. Same (masc)
  7. Easy
  8. Boring (masc)
  9. Hard
  10. they are
  1. Secondary (fem)
  2. sort of
  3. Interesting
  4. Science
  5. Mathematics
  6. very
  7. History
  8. Social Studies (2 words)
  9. But
  10. English
  11. French

21 Clues: ButveryEasyHardFrenchsort ofScienceHistoryEnglishthey areNew (masc)InterestingMathematicsSmall (fem)Same (masc)Who? (plural)Also, as wellBoring (masc)Secondary (fem)Social Studies (2 words)Physical education (2 words)

Vocabulario 2023-09-20

Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. Biology
  2. To have breakfast
  3. Bookstore
  4. To the left of
  5. Where to
  6. Economics
  7. Next to; beside
  8. Business administration
  9. Chemistry
  10. Computer science
  1. Wastebasket
  2. To arrive
  3. History
  4. To the right of
  5. matemáticas Mathematics
  6. Psychology
  7. English
  8. Physics
  9. To have dinner
  10. Library
  11. Because

21 Clues: BiologyHistoryEnglishPhysicsLibraryBecauseWhere toTo arriveBookstoreEconomicsChemistryPsychologyWastebasketTo the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofNext to; besideComputer scienceTo have breakfastmatemáticas MathematicsBusiness administration

Mots croises 10 2024-03-06

Mots croises 10 crossword puzzle
  1. handbag
  2. garbage can
  3. sheet (of paper)
  4. cola
  5. cap
  6. dress scarf
  7. ring
  8. grandmother
  9. saturday
  10. nephew
  11. museum
  12. march
  13. fries
  14. winter scarf
  1. classroom
  2. mathematics
  3. bread, thin loaf
  4. change purse
  5. orange juice
  6. bed
  7. leather goods shop
  8. glass
  9. tablecloth
  10. salt

24 Clues: bedcapcolaringsaltglassmarchfriesnephewmuseumhandbagsaturdayclassroomtableclothmathematicsgarbage candress scarfgrandmotherchange purseorange juicewinter scarfbread, thin loafsheet (of paper)leather goods shop

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle 2015-05-12

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Mathematics. one of the positive or negative numbers
  2. (of a variable) having values determined by one or more independent variables
  3. Also called counting number. one of the positive integers or zero; any of the numbers
  4. the quality or power of expressing an attitude, emotion
  5. a quantity of which a given quantity is the square
  6. The decimal expansion of a number is its representation in base
  7. a positive integer or zero
  8. a number usually expressed in the form a/b
  9. the development at length of an expression indicated in a contracted form
  10. a number that cannot be exactly expressed as a ratio of two integers
  1. Mathematics. an expression or a proposition, often algebraic, asserting the equality of two quantities
  2. of or going to the root or origin; fundamental
  3. a rational number or the limit of a sequence of rational numbers, as opposed to a complex number
  4. the theorem that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides
  5. a quantity of which a given quantity is the cube
  6. pertaining to tenths or to the number 10
  7. Mathematics. a theoretical proposition, statement, or formula embodying something to be proved from other propositions or formulas
  8. capable of being varied or changed; alterable
  9. the source or origin of a thing

19 Clues: a positive integer or zerothe source or origin of a thingpertaining to tenths or to the number 10a number usually expressed in the form a/bcapable of being varied or changed; alterableof or going to the root or origin; fundamentala quantity of which a given quantity is the cubea quantity of which a given quantity is the square...

general knowledge 2024-01-24

general knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. popular citrus fruit
  2. The outer layer of the Earth
  3. The study of numbers and shapes (Answer: Mathematics)
  1. The capital of England
  2. A flying insect that produces honey
  3. A unit of time equal to 60 seconds
  4. Home of the Eiffel Tower
  5. The opposite of cold
  6. The opposite of old
  7. Chemical symbol for gold

10 Clues: The opposite of oldThe opposite of coldpopular citrus fruitThe capital of EnglandHome of the Eiffel TowerChemical symbol for goldThe outer layer of the EarthA unit of time equal to 60 secondsA flying insect that produces honeyThe study of numbers and shapes (Answer: Mathematics)

Mathematics... 2020-06-25

Mathematics... crossword puzzle
  1. there are two types of decimal no. Under this
  2. how many no. Lie b/w 2 rational no.
  3. The positive integers excluding 0
  1. can be written in p/q form
  2. finite no. Of digits after decimal
  3. the positive numbers including 0
  4. contains set of positive and negative no.

7 Clues: can be written in p/q formthe positive numbers including 0The positive integers excluding 0finite no. Of digits after decimalhow many no. Lie b/w 2 rational no.contains set of positive and negative no.there are two types of decimal no. Under this

Mathematics 2013-03-14

Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. The distance around a figure
  2. Any point on a coordinate plane, made up of two coordinates
  3. Any four sided figure
  1. The distance around a circle
  2. 3.14
  3. Three sided figure
  4. A never ending line on a coordinate plane

7 Clues: 3.14Three sided figureAny four sided figureThe distance around a circleThe distance around a figureA never ending line on a coordinate planeAny point on a coordinate plane, made up of two coordinates

Mathematics 2023-02-21

Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. The father of Pythagoream theorem
  2. the greatest greek mathematician alive
  3. the numbers not divided two
  4. The father of Euclidean geometry
  1. Killed by Romas while doing geometry in sand
  2. The father of the thales theorem
  3. The numbers divided by two

7 Clues: The numbers divided by twothe numbers not divided twoThe father of the thales theoremThe father of Euclidean geometryThe father of Pythagoream theoremthe greatest greek mathematician aliveKilled by Romas while doing geometry in sand

Yr10 Term 2 2023-04-26

Yr10 Term 2 crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. geography
  3. clever
  4. curriculum
  5. mathematics
  6. cell
  7. brain
  8. music
  1. to know
  2. hate, troublesome, annoying
  3. art
  4. science
  5. physical education
  6. to guess

14 Clues: artcellbrainmusiccleverto knowhistoryscienceto guessgeographycurriculummathematicsphysical educationhate, troublesome, annoying

¿Cómo son tus clases? 2022-03-17

¿Cómo son tus clases? crossword puzzle
  1. Fun
  2. Difficult
  3. Science
  4. Mathematics
  5. Boring
  6. Art
  1. Spanish
  2. Gym
  3. Interesting
  4. Lunch
  5. Music
  6. Easy

12 Clues: GymFunArtEasyLunchMusicBoringSpanishScienceDifficultInterestingMathematics

วิชาเรียน 2022-12-29

วิชาเรียน crossword puzzle
  1. วิชาดนตรี
  2. วิชาภาษาไทย
  3. วิชาฟิสิกส์
  4. วิชาเศรษฐศาสตร์
  5. วิชาคณิตศาสตร์
  6. วิชาพลศึกษา
  1. วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
  2. วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์
  3. วิชาสังคมศึกษา
  4. วิชาประวัติศาสตร์
  5. วิชาเทคโนโลยี
  6. วิชาศิลปะ

12 Clues: วิชาดนตรีวิชาศิลปะวิชาภาษาไทยวิชาฟิสิกส์วิชาพลศึกษาวิชาเทคโนโลยีวิชาภาษาอังกฤษวิชาสังคมศึกษาวิชาคณิตศาสตร์วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์วิชาเศรษฐศาสตร์วิชาประวัติศาสตร์

Les matières 2022-03-16

Les matières crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. school subjects
  3. german
  4. spanish
  5. mathematics
  6. art class
  7. biology
  8. computer science (computer apps)
  9. physics
  1. music/chorus
  2. chemistry
  3. english (ELA)
  4. french
  5. physical education
  6. science
  7. history social studies)

16 Clues: germanfrenchspanishsciencebiologyphysicsgeographychemistryart classmathematicsmusic/chorusschool subjectsphysical educationenglish (ELA)history social studies)computer science (computer apps)

School 2022-09-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. математика
  2. словарь
  3. учебник
  4. скрепки
  5. доска
  1. расписание
  2. наука
  3. биология
  4. литература
  5. мелок
  6. атлас
  7. блокнот

12 Clues: наукамелокатласдоскасловарьблокнотучебникскрепкибиологиярасписаниематематикалитература

ระบบขับถ่ายปัสสาวะ 2022-12-29

ระบบขับถ่ายปัสสาวะ crossword puzzle
  1. วิชาดนตรี
  2. วิชาภาษาไทย
  3. วิชาฟิสิกส์
  4. วิชาเศรษฐศาสตร์
  5. วิชาคณิตศาสตร์
  6. วิชาพลศึกษา
  1. วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
  2. วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์
  3. วิชาสังคมศึกษา
  4. วิชาประวัติศาสตร์
  5. วิชาเทคโนโลยี
  6. วิชาศิลปะ

12 Clues: วิชาดนตรีวิชาศิลปะวิชาภาษาไทยวิชาฟิสิกส์วิชาพลศึกษาวิชาเทคโนโลยีวิชาภาษาอังกฤษวิชาสังคมศึกษาวิชาคณิตศาสตร์วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์วิชาเศรษฐศาสตร์วิชาประวัติศาสตร์

School Subjects 2020-12-04

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Religion
  2. Geographie
  3. Hauswirtschaft
  4. Mathematik
  5. Algebra
  1. Biologie
  2. Französisch
  3. Sport
  4. Deutsch
  5. Geschichte
  6. Geschichte
  7. Englisch
  8. Kunst

13 Clues: SportKunstDeutschAlgebraBiologieReligionEnglischGeographieGeschichteGeschichteMathematikFranzösischHauswirtschaft

mathematics 2015-07-15

mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. where 3 edges meet
  2. 2D shape with straight lines
  3. four sides
  1. six faces
  2. three sides
  3. six sides
  4. eight sides

7 Clues: six facessix sidesfour sidesthree sideseight sideswhere 3 edges meet2D shape with straight lines

4.1 y 4.2 Vocabulario Crossword puzzle 2021-11-08

4.1 y 4.2 Vocabulario Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. la clase de baile
  2. Mathematics
  3. History
  4. concer
  5. Spanish
  6. El Franćes
  7. El Auditorio
  8. Workshop
  1. la cafetería
  2. library
  3. Las materias
  4. easy
  5. El inglés
  6. Salir
  7. Es difícul

15 Clues: easySalirconcerlibraryHistorySpanishWorkshopEl inglésEs difículEl FranćesMathematicsla cafeteríaLas materiasEl Auditoriola clase de baile

la clases 2023-11-15

la clases crossword puzzle
  1. i go to/I'm going to
  2. easy
  3. I have
  4. because
  5. art
  6. fith period
  7. spanish
  8. social studies
  9. I don't like
  10. fun
  1. mathematics
  2. borring
  3. technology
  4. third period
  5. music
  6. Science

16 Clues: artfuneasymusicI haveborringbecausespanishSciencetechnologymathematicsfith periodthird periodI don't likesocial studiesi go to/I'm going to

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle 2015-05-12

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. of or going to the root or origin; fundamental
  2. the theorem that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides
  3. a number usually expressed in the form a/b
  4. The decimal expansion of a number is its representation in base
  5. Also called counting number. one of the positive integers or zero; any of the numbers
  6. a quantity of which a given quantity is the square
  7. (of a variable) having values determined by one or more independent variables
  8. a quantity of which a given quantity is the cube
  9. the source or origin of a thing
  1. a rational number or the limit of a sequence of rational numbers, as opposed to a complex number
  2. a positive integer or zero
  3. Mathematics. an expression or a proposition, often algebraic, asserting the equality of two quantities
  4. a number that cannot be exactly expressed as a ratio of two integers
  5. the quality or power of expressing an attitude, emotion
  6. capable of being varied or changed; alterable
  7. pertaining to tenths or to the number 10
  8. the development at length of an expression indicated in a contracted form
  9. Mathematics. a theoretical proposition, statement, or formula embodying something to be proved from other propositions or formulas
  10. Mathematics. one of the positive or negative numbers

19 Clues: a positive integer or zerothe source or origin of a thingpertaining to tenths or to the number 10a number usually expressed in the form a/bcapable of being varied or changed; alterableof or going to the root or origin; fundamentala quantity of which a given quantity is the cubea quantity of which a given quantity is the square...

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle 2015-05-12

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. capable of being varied or changed; alterable
  2. Mathematics. one of the positive or negative numbers
  3. (of a variable) having values determined by one or more independent variables
  4. Mathematics. a theoretical proposition, statement, or formula embodying something to be proved from other propositions or formulas
  5. of or going to the root or origin; fundamental
  6. pertaining to tenths or to the number 10
  7. a rational number or the limit of a sequence of rational numbers, as opposed to a complex number
  8. Mathematics. an expression or a proposition, often algebraic, asserting the equality of two quantities
  9. a number that cannot be exactly expressed as a ratio of two integers
  10. a number usually expressed in the form a/b
  11. Also called counting number. one of the positive integers or zero; any of the numbers
  12. the source or origin of a thing
  13. a quantity of which a given quantity is the square
  1. capable of being varied or changed; alterablerational-number a number that can be expressed exactly by a ratio of two integers
  2. a positive integer or zero
  3. The decimal expansion of a number is its representation in base
  4. the theorem that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides
  5. the development at length of an expression indicated in a contracted form
  6. a quantity of which a given quantity is the cube
  7. the quality or power of expressing an attitude, emotion

20 Clues: a positive integer or zerothe source or origin of a thingpertaining to tenths or to the number 10a number usually expressed in the form a/bcapable of being varied or changed; alterableof or going to the root or origin; fundamentala quantity of which a given quantity is the cubea quantity of which a given quantity is the square...

2A Repaso 2020-03-15

2A Repaso crossword puzzle
  1. schedule
  2. mathematics
  3. you have
  4. no es facil es ______
  5. binder
  6. homework
  7. social sciences
  8. primera______tercera
  9. fun, amusing
  1. la maestra ______ la clase
  2. _______ novena, decima
  3. dictionary
  4. i need
  5. science
  6. Physical education
  7. boring
  8. I have

17 Clues: i needbinderboringI havesciencescheduleyou havehomeworkdictionarymathematicsfun, amusingsocial sciencesPhysical educationprimera______tercerano es facil es _____________ novena, decimala maestra ______ la clase

Hardest Math Puzzle 2023-11-28

Hardest Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Overall measurement and dimensions of things
  2. Study of numbers, shapes, logic, and quantity and arrangements
  3. Four sided-polygon with all internal angles equal to 90 degrees
  4. Form of objects that have boundary lines, angles, and surfaces
  5. Where shapes faces meet
  6. Illustrating a general rule
  7. Mirror image of a shape
  8. Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles
  9. Result of adding numbers
  1. Polygon that has three edges and three vertices
  2. Rule written with mathematical symbols
  3. Angles that measure less than 90 degrees
  4. A portion/part
  5. Branch of mathematics that studies the angles,sizes,shapes,positions,and dimensions of things
  6. Quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  7. Measures 90 degrees
  8. Line segment that joins two vertices in a shape
  9. Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides
  10. Measure the same
  11. Two lines that intersect each other at right angles

20 Clues: A portion/partMeasure the sameMeasures 90 degreesWhere shapes faces meetMirror image of a shapeResult of adding numbersIllustrating a general ruleRule written with mathematical symbolsAngles that measure less than 90 degreesClosed figure with 12 sides and 12 anglesClosed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides...

1학년 1과 단어 2024-03-14

1학년 1과 단어 crossword puzzle
  1. A young musician is playing hip hop on a violin.
  2. I like you a lot.
  3. I'm doing homework with my classmates.
  4. This book gives useful tips on traveling.
  5. Everyone is different.
  6. This is a map of Seoul.
  7. The most difficult subject for me is science.
  8. I watched a horror movie about ghosts.
  9. Do you have a problem?
  10. My favorite subject is English.
  11. I enter your blog many times.
  1. Jenny ordered spaghetti and a salad.
  2. She is good at mathematics.
  3. He's a big music fan and has hundreds of CDs.
  4. My mom is a great cook.
  5. We are going to go to a science museum.
  6. I posted the picture on my website.
  7. I'm a member of the soccer club.
  8. There are many hearts in the picture.
  9. She listens to rap music every day.
  10. Learning to skate was difficult at first.
  11. My stomach really hurts.

22 Clues: I like you a lot.Everyone is different.Do you have a problem?My mom is a great cook.This is a map of Seoul.My stomach really hurts.She is good at mathematics.I enter your blog many times.My favorite subject is English.I'm a member of the soccer club.I posted the picture on my website.She listens to rap music every day....

CivilWords 2013-12-15

CivilWords crossword puzzle
  1. : is a software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design and drafting.
  2. : The engineering of structures that support or resist structural loads the branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles and with the relevant functions of any angles.
  3. : the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures
  4. : The application of engineering to the improvement and protection of the environment.
  5. : something used for making mathematical calculations, in particular a small electronic device with a keyboard and a visual display.
  6. : an instrument for measuring angles, typically in the form of a flat semicircle marked with degrees along the curved edge.
  7. : an instrument for drawing circles and arcs and measuring distances between points, consisting of two arms linked by a movable joint, one arm ending in a point and the other usually carrying a pencil or pen.
  1. : the branch of mathematics that deals with the finding and properties of derivatives and integrals of functions.
  2. : The use of engineering to ensure safe and efficient transportation of people and goods.
  3. : the branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles and with the relevant functions of any angles.
  4. : the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations.
  5. : Concerned with the behavior of geological materials at the site of a civil engineering project.
  6. : a template used for drawing curved lines.
  7. : a T-shaped instrument for drawing or testing right angles.
  8. : use for drawing.

15 Clues: : use for drawing.: a template used for drawing curved lines.: a T-shaped instrument for drawing or testing right angles.: is a software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design and drafting.: The application of engineering to the improvement and protection of the environment....

Year 9, Unit 11 2020-01-15

Year 9, Unit 11 crossword puzzle
  1. geenius
  2. eriline
  3. kaardus, kumer
  4. teoreetiline
  5. mass
  6. füüsik
  7. leiutis
  8. filosoofia
  1. kvantiteet, kogus
  2. rass
  3. matemaatika
  4. kirglikult
  5. relatiivsus, suhtelisus

13 Clues: rassmassfüüsikgeeniuserilineleiutiskirglikultfilosoofiamatemaatikateoreetilinekaardus, kumerkvantiteet, kogusrelatiivsus, suhtelisus

Vocabulary Review 1- Basic English/ High School 2013-03-04

Vocabulary Review 1- Basic English/ High School crossword puzzle
  1. igual
  2. desarrollo infantil
  3. puente
  4. diseño gráfico
  5. pediatra
  6. arquitectura
  7. enfermería
  8. construir
  1. educadora
  2. guardería
  3. ingeniería civil
  4. matemáticas
  5. mundo
  6. construido
  7. muebles

15 Clues: igualmundopuentemueblespediatraeducadoraguarderíaconstruirconstruidoenfermeríamatemáticasarquitecturadiseño gráficoingeniería civildesarrollo infantil

Las materias 2024-11-13

Las materias crossword puzzle
  1. English (language arts)
  2. Physical Education (P.E.)
  3. Mathematics
  4. Art
  5. Spanish
  6. Health
  7. Chorus
  8. Business
  1. Music
  2. Science
  3. Band
  4. Lunch
  5. History

13 Clues: ArtBandMusicLunchHealthChorusScienceSpanishHistoryBusinessMathematicsEnglish (language arts)Physical Education (P.E.)

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle 2015-05-12

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. (of a variable) having values determined by one or more independent variables
  2. Mathematics. a theoretical proposition, statement, or formula embodying something to be proved from other propositions or formulas
  3. a quantity of which a given quantity is the cube
  4. of or going to the root or origin; fundamental
  5. a number usually expressed in the form a/b
  6. a number that cannot be exactly expressed as a ratio of two integers
  7. the development at length of an expression indicated in a contracted form
  8. a positive integer or zero
  9. Mathematics. an expression or a proposition, often algebraic, asserting the equality of two quantities
  1. Mathematics. one of the positive or negative numbers
  2. The decimal expansion of a number is its representation in base
  3. Also called counting number. one of the positive integers or zero; any of the numbers
  4. a rational number or the limit of a sequence of rational numbers, as opposed to a complex number
  5. pertaining to tenths or to the number 10
  6. the theorem that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides
  7. the source or origin of a thing
  8. the quality or power of expressing an attitude, emotion
  9. a quantity of which a given quantity is the square
  10. capable of being varied or changed; alterable

19 Clues: a positive integer or zerothe source or origin of a thingpertaining to tenths or to the number 10a number usually expressed in the form a/bcapable of being varied or changed; alterableof or going to the root or origin; fundamentala quantity of which a given quantity is the cubea quantity of which a given quantity is the square...

Types of Classes 2020-10-14

Types of Classes crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. health
  3. music
  4. art
  5. spanish
  6. english
  1. mathematics
  2. biology
  3. band
  4. chemistry
  5. theater
  6. construction

12 Clues: artbandmusichealthbiologyhistorytheaterspanishenglishchemistrymathematicsconstruction

School Subjects 2020-11-19

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. musik
  2. engelska
  3. samhällskunskap
  4. biologi
  5. bild
  6. naturkunskap
  1. matematik
  2. fysik
  3. geografi
  4. kemi
  5. idrott
  6. historia

12 Clues: kemibildfysikmusikidrottbiologigeografiengelskahistoriamatematiknaturkunskapsamhällskunskap

4.1 y 4.2 Vocabulario Crossword puzzle 2021-11-08

4.1 y 4.2 Vocabulario Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. la clase de baile
  2. Mathematics
  3. History
  4. concer
  5. Spanish
  6. El Franćes
  7. El Auditorio
  8. Workshop
  1. la cafetería
  2. library
  3. Las materias
  4. easy
  5. El inglés
  6. Salir
  7. Es difícul

15 Clues: easySalirconcerlibraryHistorySpanishWorkshopEl inglésEs difículEl FranćesMathematicsla cafeteríaLas materiasEl Auditoriola clase de baile

Math Tricks 2023-11-30

Math Tricks crossword puzzle
  1. a point where the numbers go into another tenths
  2. collection of facts
  3. the bottom of something
  4. the size of something
  5. the balance of something
  6. a way of repeating a number
  7. the sum of everything in total
  8. a device that adds up numbers
  9. the branch of mathematics in which abstract symbols, rather than numbers, are manipulated or operated with arithmetic.
  10. less than 90
  11. multiply itself by itself again
  12. the correct answer to something
  13. timed test
  14. statistic of something
  1. the measure of something
  2. showed the location of something
  3. the bottom number of a fraction
  4. the solution to a problem
  5. to split something into 2 or more
  6. to close in something
  7. the branch of mathematics dealing with limits and related theories, such as differentiation, integration, measure, infinite series, and analytic functions.
  8. the sum of how much something is
  9. merit unit for measurements of objects
  10. put things up together to get a sum
  11. are the highest priority

25 Clues: timed testless than 90collection of factsthe size of somethingto close in somethingstatistic of somethingthe bottom of somethingthe measure of somethingthe balance of somethingare the highest prioritythe solution to a problema way of repeating a numbera device that adds up numbersthe sum of everything in totalthe bottom number of a fraction...

Hardest Math Puzzle 2023-11-28

Hardest Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles
  2. Line segment that joins two vertices in a shape
  3. Study of numbers, shapes, logic, and quantity and arrangements
  4. Angles that measure less than 90 degrees
  5. Quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  6. A portion/part
  7. Measure the same
  8. Illustrating a general rule
  9. Rule written with mathematical symbols
  10. Overall measurement and dimensions of things
  1. Where shapes faces meet
  2. Form of objects that have boundary lines, angles, and surfaces
  3. Two lines that intersect each other at right angles
  4. Polygon that has three edges and three vertices
  5. Result of adding numbers
  6. Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides
  7. Measures 90 degrees
  8. Mirror image of a shape
  9. Branch of mathematics that studies the angles,sizes,shapes,positions,and dimensions of things
  10. Four sided-polygon with all internal angles equal to 90 degrees

20 Clues: A portion/partMeasure the sameMeasures 90 degreesWhere shapes faces meetMirror image of a shapeResult of adding numbersIllustrating a general ruleRule written with mathematical symbolsAngles that measure less than 90 degreesClosed figure with 12 sides and 12 anglesClosed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides...

Mathematics 2013-03-14

Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. 3.14
  2. A never ending line on a coordinate plane
  3. The distance around a circle
  4. Three sided figure
  1. Any four sided figure
  2. Any point on a coordinate plane, made up of two coordinates
  3. The distance around a figure

7 Clues: 3.14Three sided figureAny four sided figureThe distance around a figureThe distance around a circleA never ending line on a coordinate planeAny point on a coordinate plane, made up of two coordinates

Mathematics 2023-06-26

Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. A sequence of numbers in which each term is obtained by adding a constant difference to the previous term.Long Division: A method of dividing two numbers that involves dividing the digits of the dividend (the number being divided) by the divisor (the number by which we divide) and determining the quotient and remainder.
  2. A sequence of numbers in which each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by a constant ratio or factor.
  3. The process of representing data, equations, or functions visually on a graph using axes and coordinates.
  4. A mathematical function that can be expressed as a polynomial equation, where the variable is raised to non-negative integer exponents and multiplied by coefficients.
  1. A shortcut method used to divide a polynomial by a linear factor, making the process quicker and easier compared to long division.Measurement: The process of determining the size, quantity, or extent of an object or event using standard units such as inches, centimeters, seconds, etc.
  2. A reference line used in a coordinate system, such as the x-axis or y-axis, to locate points and represent values.Polynomial Equation: An equation in which one or both sides are polynomials, involving variables raised to non-negative integer exponents.
  3. A geometric figure formed by two rays or lines that share a common endpoint, known as the vertex.Circle: A geometric shape consisting of all points in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed center point.

7 Clues: The process of representing data, equations, or functions visually on a graph using axes and coordinates.A sequence of numbers in which each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by a constant ratio or factor....

Mathematics 2023-05-26

Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. the result of multiplying two or more numbers.
  2. number on the bottom of a fraction
  1. Mathematics term that is pronounced as a food
  2. the result of subtracting one number from another.
  3. number on top of a fraction
  4. a number that can be multiplied by another number to get a produc
  5. the result of adding two or more numbers.

7 Clues: number on top of a fractionnumber on the bottom of a fractionthe result of adding two or more numbers.Mathematics term that is pronounced as a foodthe result of multiplying two or more numbers.the result of subtracting one number from another.a number that can be multiplied by another number to get a produc

Mathematics 2024-12-15

Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. sent
  2. - a rectangle with all four sides congruent
  3. - a statement that needs to be proven before being accepted trapezoid - a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of opposite sides parallel vertical angles - two nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines
  4. angles - two angles sharing a common side and vertex but no interior points in common base angles - angles formed by a base and the legs complementary angles - two angles whose sum of the measures is 90°
  1. angles - two angles whose sum of the measures is 180°
  2. - a line segment joining two nonconsecutive vertices of a polygon isosceles trapezoid - a trapezoid with congruent legs kite - a quadrilateral with two pairs of congruent and adjacent sides median of a trapezoid - the segment joining the midpoints of the legs parallelogram - a quadrilateral with two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel quadrilateral - a closed plane figure consisting of four line segments or sides rectangle - a parallelogram with four right angles rhombus - a parallelogram with all four sides congruent right angle - an angle with a measure of 90°
  3. a parallelogram, any two consecutive angles are supplementary.

7 Clues: sent- a rectangle with all four sides congruentangles - two angles whose sum of the measures is 180°a parallelogram, any two consecutive angles are supplementary....


  1. Woodwork/D.T
  2. Textiles/D.T
  3. Music
  4. Dance
  5. I.C.T
  6. Physical Education
  1. Mathematics
  2. Languages
  3. Cooking/D.T
  4. Religious Education
  5. English
  6. Business Studies
  7. Geography
  8. History

14 Clues: MusicDanceI.C.TEnglishHistoryLanguagesGeographyMathematicsCooking/D.TWoodwork/D.TTextiles/D.TBusiness StudiesPhysical EducationReligious Education

Isaac Furniss 2016-06-28

Isaac Furniss crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who put makeup on women
  2. Someone qualified to install technology
  3. Someone who is qualified to help children and their diseases
  4. A person qualified to have direct contact with the patient
  5. A noble man
  6. Someone who is qualified to practice medicine on patients
  1. Someone qualified to decide tactics
  2. Someone who is involved in the polls
  3. A funeral director
  4. A person who installs electronic appliances
  5. A person who qualifies in mathematics and arithmetic
  6. Someone who is qualified to make practices on patients
  7. A person who qualifies in mathematics
  8. Someone who is in charge of statistics and numbers
  9. A person qualified to look at people's eyes

15 Clues: A noble manA funeral directorSomeone who put makeup on womenSomeone qualified to decide tacticsSomeone who is involved in the pollsA person who qualifies in mathematicsSomeone qualified to install technologyA person who installs electronic appliancesA person qualified to look at people's eyesSomeone who is in charge of statistics and numbers...

Maths 2023-11-15

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. Who is known as the king of Mathematics in India.
  2. Who invented shapes
  3. (A×B=B×A) is______ property
  4. it is a special quadrilateral
  1. Who invented the term 0
  2. 9 is the___of 3
  3. The short form of Mathematics
  4. Two or more terms are connected using ___operation
  5. An expression containing two terms is called a___
  6. In an expression 34q^2 34 is a____
  7. 27 is the___of 3
  8. The sum of all interior angles of___is 180°

12 Clues: 9 is the___of 327 is the___of 3Who invented shapesWho invented the term 0(A×B=B×A) is______ propertyThe short form of Mathematicsit is a special quadrilateralIn an expression 34q^2 34 is a____The sum of all interior angles of___is 180°Who is known as the king of Mathematics in India.An expression containing two terms is called a___...

Hardest Math Puzzle 2023-11-28

Hardest Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Overall measurement and dimensions of things
  2. Study of numbers, shapes, logic, and quantity and arrangements
  3. Four sided-polygon with all internal angles equal to 90 degrees
  4. Form of objects that have boundary lines, angles, and surfaces
  5. Where shapes faces meet
  6. Illustrating a general rule
  7. Mirror image of a shape
  8. Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles
  9. Result of adding numbers
  1. Polygon that has three edges and three vertices
  2. Rule written with mathematical symbols
  3. Angles that measure less than 90 degrees
  4. A portion/part
  5. Branch of mathematics that studies the angles,sizes,shapes,positions,and dimensions of things
  6. Quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  7. Measures 90 degrees
  8. Line segment that joins two vertices in a shape
  9. Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides
  10. Measure the same
  11. Two lines that intersect each other at right angles

20 Clues: A portion/partMeasure the sameMeasures 90 degreesWhere shapes faces meetMirror image of a shapeResult of adding numbersIllustrating a general ruleRule written with mathematical symbolsAngles that measure less than 90 degreesClosed figure with 12 sides and 12 anglesClosed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides...

Math crossword 2022-05-18

Math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The Continuous line forming around a figure
  2. Theorem Fundamental relation among three sides of a triangle
  3. Part of a whole
  4. Part of a number, after the decimal point
  5. The largest number in a group subtracted by the smallest number in a group
  6. Putting something into groups
  7. Same shape same size
  8. number The number zero
  9. Mathematics of generalized arithmetical operations
  10. Pure mathematics of points,lines,curves,and surfaces
  11. A line that passes through the center
  1. A shape with three congruent sides
  2. The process or skill of multiplying
  3. A math sentence using equal signs
  4. Part of a number in a divisional form
  5. The distance around a circle
  6. Money expressed as a rate percent per year
  7. The product of three equal terms
  8. Answer to a math problem
  9. the Surface of a two dimensional figure

20 Clues: Part of a wholeSame shape same sizenumber The number zeroAnswer to a math problemThe distance around a circlePutting something into groupsThe product of three equal termsA math sentence using equal signsA shape with three congruent sidesThe process or skill of multiplyingPart of a number in a divisional formA line that passes through the center...

Maths 2012-11-12

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. The ratio of a perfect circle.
  2. Adjacent over Hypotenuse.
  3. Opposite over Adjacent/A straight line that touches a curved surface at one point.
  4. A straight line between two points in a circle across the centre.
  5. An organised collection of numbers.
  6. The study of computation of limits, derivatives, and integrals of functions of real numbers and instantaneous rates of change.
  7. A shape with four equal sides and angles.
  8. The branch of Mathematics that deals with triangles, the relationships between their sides and angles and their functions.
  9. An unending value that goes on forever.
  10. The number which indicates that there is no value or magnitude.
  1. The branch of Mathematics in which letters and other symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations.
  2. The branch of Mathematics that deals with shapes, lines or surfaces and their properties and relations.
  3. An idea or concept that can be demonstrated using the rules of logic
  4. Hypotenuse over Adjacent.
  5. The bottom of a figure or a shape.
  6. A value expressed as an arrow, with direction and magnitude.
  7. The simplest possible ratio of the circle.
  8. A shape with three sides and tips.
  9. Adjacent over Opposite.
  10. Opposite over Hypotenuse.
  11. Hypotenuse over Opposite.
  12. A set of instructions used to solve a problem or obtain a desired result.
  13. The vertical measurement of a figure.
  14. A ratio of numbers or variables.
  15. A straight line from a point in a circle to the centre of the circle.

25 Clues: Adjacent over Opposite.Hypotenuse over Adjacent.Adjacent over Hypotenuse.Opposite over Hypotenuse.Hypotenuse over Opposite.The ratio of a perfect circle.A ratio of numbers or variables.The bottom of a figure or a shape.A shape with three sides and tips.An organised collection of numbers.The vertical measurement of a figure....

Renaissance Stuff 2024-03-06

Renaissance Stuff crossword puzzle
  1. bethel
  2. heliocentric
  3. solar
  4. test
  5. drastic change
  1. analysts
  2. query
  3. telescope
  4. addition
  5. ellipses
  6. savior
  7. cosmos
  8. revival
  9. blasphemy

14 Clues: testquerysolarbethelsaviorcosmosrevivalanalystsadditionellipsestelescopeblasphemyheliocentricdrastic change

puppyoda 2021-11-18

puppyoda crossword puzzle
  1. suitable or proper in the circumstances.
  2. the abstract science of number, quantity, and space. Mathematics may be studied in its own right ( pure mathematics ), or as it is applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering ( applied mathematics ).
  3. day of the week before Wednesday and following Monday
  4. cease to be visible.
  5. (of an object) easily broken or damaged.
  1. known for sure, established beyond doubt.
  2. to a higher degree than is usual or average.
  3. an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, or other filling between them, eaten as a light meal.

8 Clues: cease to be visible.suitable or proper in the circumstances.(of an object) easily broken or damaged.known for sure, established beyond a higher degree than is usual or of the week before Wednesday and following Monday...

Subjects 2024-08-21

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Kunst & håndverk
  2. tysk
  3. svømming
  4. historie
  5. vitenskap/naturfag
  6. kjemi
  7. musikk
  8. spansk
  9. engelsk
  10. biologi
  1. RLE (to ord i ett)
  2. fransk
  3. valgfag (to ord i ett)
  4. matematikk
  5. geografi
  6. kroppsøving (to ord i ett)
  7. fysikk

17 Clues: tyskkjemifranskfysikkmusikkspanskengelskbiologisvømminggeografihistoriematematikkKunst & håndverkRLE (to ord i ett)vitenskap/naturfagvalgfag (to ord i ett)kroppsøving (to ord i ett)


  2. PI


STS Grade 10 Mathematics Words 2015-02-09

STS Grade 10 Mathematics Words crossword puzzle
  1. a flat shape with four sides, none of which are parallel
  2. the mathematical representation of a wave, especially a graph obtained by plotting a characteristic of the wave against time
  3. a flat shape with six sides of the same length
  4. to discover an amount or number using mathematics
  5. a mathematical statement with three numbers or variables (= mathematical symbols)
  6. a flat shape that has four sides. The two sets of opposite sides are parallel and of equal length to each other
  7. if two amounts are proportional, they change at the same rate so that the relationship between them does not change
  8. describes a shape in mathematics that has the same shape and size as another
  9. a flat shape with four straight sides
  10. a method of writing numbers as the product of their factors or divisors
  11. a flat shape with three or more straight sides
  12. to find the answer to something
  1. at an angle of 90 degrees to something
  2. the size of a flat surface calculated by multiplying its width by its length
  3. the answer to a problem
  4. a generalized function used in the study of partial differential equations
  5. changing often
  6. a type of mathematics that deals with the relationship between the angles and sides of triangles
  7. a unit for measuring length, equal to 0.001 metres
  8. is a special relationship between values: Each of its input values gives back exactly one output value
  9. a triangle with two sides of equal length

21 Clues: changing oftenthe answer to a problemto find the answer to somethinga flat shape with four straight sidesat an angle of 90 degrees to somethinga triangle with two sides of equal lengtha flat shape with six sides of the same lengtha flat shape with three or more straight sidesto discover an amount or number using mathematics...

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle 2015-05-12

Module 7 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a number that can be expressed exactly by a ratio of two integers
  2. the source or origin of a thing
  3. a positive integer or zero
  4. a number usually expressed in the form a/b
  5. Mathematics. an expression or a proposition, often algebraic, asserting the equality of two quantities
  6. the theorem that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides
  7. Mathematics. a theoretical proposition, statement, or formula embodying something to be proved from other propositions or formulas
  8. capable of being varied or changed; alterable
  9. a rational number or the limit of a sequence of rational numbers, as opposed to a complex number
  1. the development at length of an expression indicated in a contracted form
  2. of or going to the root or origin; fundamental
  3. a quantity of which a given quantity is the square
  4. a number that cannot be exactly expressed as a ratio of two integers
  5. The decimal expansion of a number is its representation in base
  6. Also called counting number. one of the positive integers or zero; any of the numbers
  7. (of a variable) having values determined by one or more independent variables
  8. the quality or power of expressing an attitude, emotion
  9. pertaining to tenths or to the number 10
  10. a quantity of which a given quantity is the cube
  11. Mathematics. one of the positive or negative numbers

20 Clues: a positive integer or zerothe source or origin of a thingpertaining to tenths or to the number 10a number usually expressed in the form a/bcapable of being varied or changed; alterableof or going to the root or origin; fundamentala quantity of which a given quantity is the cubea quantity of which a given quantity is the square...

ita2 2024-05-08

ita2 crossword puzzle
  1. break-in
  2. direction
  3. neighborhood
  4. fatuous
  5. sicuradi sé | bald
  6. irremovable
  7. moth
  1. roar
  2. insurmountable
  3. steed
  4. to find a job for
  5. to nest
  6. to forshadow
  7. rag
  8. (Mathematics) to add up
  9. shutter

16 Clues: ragroarmothsteedto nestfatuousshutterbreak-indirectionirremovableto forshadowneighborhoodinsurmountableto find a job forsicuradi sé | bald(Mathematics) to add up

Information 2018 2017-07-25

Information 2018 crossword puzzle


Math 2022-05-18

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a quantity of corresponding size
  2. a movement of sending an exact image
  3. the amount of space for an object
  4. the part of mathematics that uses letters
  5. a solid geometric figure with a straight line
  6. figures identical in form
  7. a dramatic change in form or location
  8. the process of taking value from another
  9. a plot or trace on a graph
  10. an action of processing to another
  11. a whole number that isn’t a fraction
  1. surface of an object going from side to side
  2. a numerical quantities that is whole
  3. the point on place when somethin rises or lowers
  4. progressing from one stage to another in one step
  5. the action of rotating around or to another
  6. mathematics
  7. the action of shrinking or growing
  8. an extent of surface or space
  9. a surface of which one end is set to another

20 Clues: mathematicsfigures identical in forma plot or trace on a graphan extent of surface or spacea quantity of corresponding sizethe amount of space for an objectthe action of shrinking or growingan action of processing to anothera movement of sending an exact imagea numerical quantities that is wholea whole number that isn’t a fraction...

algebra 1 crossword puzzle 2023-06-01

algebra 1 crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the point where a line crossed the
  2. in an ordered list of data values
  3. the form ax+by=c,
  4. The complete distance around a circle
  5. factor when a term has a variable
  6. The distance a number is from 0
  7. An expression or equation
  8. point of intersection is called the vertex
  9. one of the four basic operations of arithmetic
  10. when a term has a variable.
  11. A procedure or set of steps used to solve a mathematical computation
  12. In the product of a constant and a variable
  1. the act of partitioning
  2. a system of numbers based on 10
  3. no one likes them
  4. helps you find the answer
  5. length of a straight line through the center
  6. mathematics deals with numerical calculations
  7. having all sides of the same length
  8. mathematics involving derivatives and integrals of a function

20 Clues: no one likes themthe form ax+by=c,the act of partitioninghelps you find the answerAn expression or equationwhen a term has a variable.a system of numbers based on 10The distance a number is from 0in an ordered list of data valuesfactor when a term has a variablethe point where a line crossed thehaving all sides of the same length...

Mathematics MYP 2022-10-25

Mathematics MYP crossword puzzle
  1. The result of the multiplicated numbers
  2. Numbers which are 0 to 9
  3. The number which is left when the a divided by b
  4. The term that is showen by symbol "N"
  5. The operation of finding the difference between two numbers by taking away one from the other.
  1. These numbers are integers bigger than 1 that are only divisible by themselves and 1
  2. If you telling a position or stg, you use this numbers.
  3. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division's
  4. The solution to a division problem.
  5. The number of every single numerals of the numbers.
  6. When a and b added together

11 Clues: Numbers which are 0 to 9When a and b added togetherThe solution to a division problem.The term that is showen by symbol "N"The result of the multiplicated numbersThe number which is left when the a divided by bThe number of every single numerals of the numbers.Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division's...

Mathematics Assesment 2020-06-15

Mathematics Assesment crossword puzzle
  1. something that is mixed
  2. when something is not proper
  3. when things are not alike
  4. percent out of 100
  1. to make something simple
  2. the number below the line in a fraction
  3. a number after a point
  4. when two things are equal
  5. to round a number up to the next highest multiple of ten
  6. to order something
  7. a numerical quantity that is not a whole number

11 Clues: to order somethingpercent out of 100a number after a pointsomething that is mixedto make something simplewhen two things are equalwhen things are not alikewhen something is not properthe number below the line in a fractiona numerical quantity that is not a whole numberto round a number up to the next highest multiple of ten

Mathematics quiz 2021-10-15

Mathematics quiz crossword puzzle
  1. The quadrilateral whose opposite sides are equal and parallel.
  2. The number of sides in an octahedron.
  3. Type of numbers which are divisible by one and itself only.
  4. The numbers which have more than two factors
  5. A quadrilateral whose all 04 sides are equal.
  1. This triangle's all three sides are equal.
  2. The type of numbers which multiplies itself.
  3. 90 degrees angle is also known as _____ angle.
  4. There are three _____ in a triangle.
  5. The quadrilateral whose angles are 90 degrees each and opposite sides are equal and parallel.
  6. The angle lower than obtuse angle and right angle.

11 Clues: There are three _____ in a triangle.The number of sides in an octahedron.This triangle's all three sides are equal.The type of numbers which multiplies itself.The numbers which have more than two factorsA quadrilateral whose all 04 sides are equal.90 degrees angle is also known as _____ angle.The angle lower than obtuse angle and right angle....

Mathematics Keywords 2024-12-03

Mathematics Keywords crossword puzzle
  1. The inverse operation of division
  2. sum of the numbers divided by the amount of numbers
  3. The letters in an equation
  4. Base times width times height
  5. Triangle with all sides equal
  6. You can transform a percent into it
  7. An integer to the left of zero on the number line
  1. The shape that has one internal angle greater than 180º
  2. the first operation to be solved
  3. Number on the bottom of a fraction
  4. The shape with the same area as the rectangle

11 Clues: The letters in an equationBase times width times heightTriangle with all sides equalthe first operation to be solvedThe inverse operation of divisionNumber on the bottom of a fractionYou can transform a percent into itThe shape with the same area as the rectangleAn integer to the left of zero on the number line...

Maths 2023-07-12

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. - A branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols.
  2. - The branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between the angles and sides of triangles.
  3. - The branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data.
  4. - A mathematical statement that contains an equals sign.
  1. - A Greek mathematician known for the Pythagorean theorem.
  2. - The likelihood of an event occurring.
  3. - A polynomial equation of degree 2.
  4. - A fraction expressed as a part of 100.
  5. - A pair of numbers that locates a point on a coordinate plane.
  6. - A number that can be expressed as a fraction.

10 Clues: - A polynomial equation of degree 2.- The likelihood of an event occurring.- A fraction expressed as a part of 100.- A number that can be expressed as a fraction.- A mathematical statement that contains an equals sign.- A Greek mathematician known for the Pythagorean theorem.- A pair of numbers that locates a point on a coordinate plane....

lesson 28 2017-03-29

lesson 28 crossword puzzle
  1. amuse
  2. station wagon
  3. free
  4. ample
  5. resulting in success
  6. reject
  1. loose
  2. injunction
  3. a vessel that can travel underwater
  4. mathematics
  5. sub
  6. to fill or occupy
  7. contemplate
  8. assist
  9. fact

15 Clues: subfreefactamuselooseampleassistrejectinjunctionmathematicscontemplatestation wagonto fill or occupyresulting in successa vessel that can travel underwater

Kaydens STEM Crossword Puzzle 2023-06-01

Kaydens STEM Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The E in STEM
  2. Project We Did With Spaghetti
  3. The T in STEM
  4. The Word I Wrote On All Of The Flags On My Projects
  5. The M in STEM
  6. Science,Technology,Engineering,Mathematics
  1. The S in STEM
  2. Project Where We Made Paper Fly
  3. Really Tall Tower We Put Marbles Down
  4. Our Teacher For The Class

10 Clues: The S in STEMThe E in STEMThe T in STEMThe M in STEMOur Teacher For The ClassProject We Did With SpaghettiProject Where We Made Paper FlyReally Tall Tower We Put Marbles DownScience,Technology,Engineering,MathematicsThe Word I Wrote On All Of The Flags On My Projects

T.N.K Teachers - 110 Celebration 2024-01-28

T.N.K Teachers - 110 Celebration crossword puzzle
  1. Room 16 teacher
  2. Grade two Room 5 teacher
  3. Grade 6 Mathematics teacher
  4. P.E teacher 1
  5. Grade one Room 4 teacher
  6. Reading Room teacher 2
  7. Kindergarten Room 2 teacher
  8. Grade two Resource Room teacher
  9. Grade 5 Room 13 teacher
  10. Unit for the Blind
  11. Principal
  12. Kindergarten Room 1 teacher
  13. Counselor
  14. Grade three Room 7 teacher
  15. Grade 5 Room 12 teacher
  1. Grade one Room 3 teacher
  2. P.E teacher 2
  3. HFLE teacher
  4. Unit for the Blind teacher
  5. Grade two Room 6 teacher
  6. Grade three Room 8 teacher
  7. Grade 6 Room 14 teacher
  8. Grade four Room 9 teacher
  9. Vice Principal
  10. Book Scheme Manager
  11. Reading Room teacher 1
  12. Spanish teacher
  13. Room 11 teacher
  14. Grade 5 Mathematics teacher
  15. Grade four Room 10 teacher
  16. Grade 6 Room 15 teacher

31 Clues: PrincipalCounselorHFLE teacherP.E teacher 2P.E teacher 1Vice PrincipalRoom 16 teacherSpanish teacherRoom 11 teacherUnit for the BlindBook Scheme ManagerReading Room teacher 2Reading Room teacher 1Grade 6 Room 14 teacherGrade 5 Room 13 teacherGrade 6 Room 15 teacherGrade 5 Room 12 teacherGrade one Room 3 teacherGrade two Room 5 teacher...

French Words 2021-09-24

French Words crossword puzzle
  1. languages
  2. german
  3. mathematics
  4. history
  5. teacher
  1. spanish
  2. interesting
  3. highschool
  4. class
  5. computer science
  6. physics
  7. chemistry

12 Clues: classgermanspanishphysicshistoryteacherlanguageschemistryhighschoolinterestingmathematicscomputer science

School subjects 2015-01-08

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. valoda
  2. māksla
  3. vēsture
  4. sports
  5. ķīmija
  6. mūzika
  1. biology
  2. angļu valoda
  3. matemātika
  4. latviešu valoda
  5. dabaszinības
  6. fizika

12 Clues: valodamākslasportsfizikaķīmijamūzikabiologyvēsturematemātikaangļu valodadabaszinībaslatviešu valoda

Les Matieres 2023-02-04

Les Matieres crossword puzzle
  1. Technology
  2. French
  3. Theatre
  4. Music
  5. Geography
  1. sciences
  2. Computer sciences
  3. mathematics
  4. History
  5. Arts
  6. English
  7. Education Physique et Sportive
  8. Plastic

13 Clues: ArtsMusicFrenchHistoryTheatreEnglishPlasticsciencesGeographyTechnologymathematicsComputer sciencesEducation Physique et Sportive

Quick Crossword 2021-11-24

Quick Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Information
  2. Friend
  3. A sport
  4. Nervous
  5. Asian country
  6. Pointing device
  7. Subject matter
  8. Not cooked
  9. Lessen
  10. Illegible writing
  11. Study of the Past
  1. programming language
  2. Create
  3. Purse
  4. Glasses
  5. Branch of mathematics
  6. Role/purpose
  7. "Don't worry"/"It's alright"
  8. Community
  9. Pointing device
  10. Anagram of Heart
  11. Work

22 Clues: WorkPurseCreateFriendLessenA sportGlassesNervousCommunityNot cookedInformationRole/purposeAsian countrySubject matterPointing devicePointing deviceAnagram of HeartIllegible writingStudy of the Pastprogramming languageBranch of mathematics"Don't worry"/"It's alright"

Asignaturas con adjetivos 2021-01-20

Asignaturas con adjetivos crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. student (f)
  3. teacher (f)
  4. teacher (m)
  5. boring
  6. geometry
  7. biology
  8. big
  9. art
  10. german
  11. english
  12. interesting
  13. Phys. Ed.
  14. mathematics
  1. french
  2. subjecdt
  3. spanish
  4. America History
  5. small
  6. intelligent
  7. nice
  8. geography
  9. easy
  10. fun
  11. class
  12. demanding
  13. algebra
  14. science

28 Clues: bigartfunniceeasysmallclassfrenchboringgermanspanishbiologyenglishalgebrasciencesubjecdtgeometrydifficultgeographydemandingPhys. Ed.student (f)teacher (f)intelligentteacher (m)interestingmathematicsAmerica History

vocab 2020-12-04

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. technology
  2. easy
  3. amusing, fun
  4. to teach
  5. physical education
  6. schedule
  7. dictionary
  8. difficult
  9. English
  10. Lunch
  11. art class
  12. You need
  1. practical
  2. social studies
  3. calculator
  4. science
  5. mathematics
  6. I need
  7. Spanish
  8. boring
  9. favorite
  10. to study
  11. homework
  12. to speak, talk
  13. interesting

25 Clues: easyLunchI needboringscienceSpanishEnglishto teachfavoriteto studyschedulehomeworkYou needpracticaldifficultart classcalculatortechnologydictionarymathematicsinterestingamusing, funsocial studiesto speak, talkphysical education

Cognates/Cognados 2023-02-03

Cognates/Cognados crossword puzzle
  1. idea
  2. observe
  3. invent
  4. opposite
  5. number
  6. calculator
  7. cafeteria
  8. opinion
  9. mathematics
  10. group
  11. class
  12. hour
  13. list
  1. art
  2. map
  3. literature
  4. organize
  5. material
  6. music
  7. problem
  8. science
  9. computer
  10. complete
  11. alphabet
  12. poem
  13. paint
  14. color
  15. day
  16. copy
  17. family

30 Clues: artmapdayideapoemcopyhourlistmusicpaintcolorgroupclassinventnumberfamilyobserveproblemscienceopinionorganizematerialoppositecomputercompletealphabetcafeterialiteraturecalculatormathematics

En la clase (Angel) 2023-09-21

En la clase (Angel) crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. history
  3. to the left of
  4. bookstore
  5. the right of
  6. computer science
  7. next to;besides
  8. english
  9. to have dinner
  10. business administration
  1. wastebasket
  2. physics
  3. which
  4. library
  5. because
  6. which ones
  7. to have breakfast
  8. chemistry
  9. to arrive
  10. biology
  11. psychology
  12. economy
  13. why
  14. where to

24 Clues: whywhichphysicslibrarybecausehistorybiologyeconomyenglishwhere tochemistryto arrivebookstorewhich onespsychologywastebasketmathematicsthe right ofto the left ofto have dinnernext to;besidescomputer scienceto have breakfastbusiness administration

cross word 2023-09-22

cross word crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. Computer Science
  3. Next to; besides
  4. Physica
  5. History
  6. Psychology
  7. To have breakfast
  8. Why?
  9. Mathematics
  10. Bookstore
  11. Which ones?
  12. English
  13. To arrive
  14. To have dinner
  15. Because
  1. Which
  2. Business administration
  3. Biology
  4. Library
  5. Wastebasket
  6. Where to?
  7. Economy
  8. To the left of
  9. To the right of

24 Clues: Why?WhichBiologyLibraryPhysicaHistoryEconomyEnglishBecauseChemistryWhere to?BookstoreTo arrivePsychologyWastebasketMathematicsWhich ones?To the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

cross word 2023-09-22

cross word crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. Computer Science
  3. Next to; besides
  4. Physica
  5. History
  6. Psychology
  7. To have breakfast
  8. Why?
  9. Mathematics
  10. Bookstore
  11. Which ones?
  12. English
  13. To arrive
  14. To have dinner
  15. Because
  1. Which
  2. Business administration
  3. Biology
  4. Library
  5. Wastebasket
  6. Where to?
  7. Economy
  8. To the left of
  9. To the right of

24 Clues: Why?WhichBiologyLibraryPhysicaHistoryEconomyEnglishBecauseChemistryWhere to?BookstoreTo arrivePsychologyWastebasketMathematicsWhich ones?To the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

cross word 2023-09-22

cross word crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. Computer Science
  3. Next to; besides
  4. Physica
  5. History
  6. Psychology
  7. To have breakfast
  8. Why?
  9. Mathematics
  10. Bookstore
  11. Which ones?
  12. English
  13. To arrive
  14. To have dinner
  15. Because
  1. Which
  2. Business administration
  3. Biology
  4. Library
  5. Wastebasket
  6. Where to?
  7. Economy
  8. To the left of
  9. To the right of

24 Clues: Why?WhichBiologyLibraryPhysicaHistoryEconomyEnglishBecauseChemistryWhere to?BookstoreTo arrivePsychologyWastebasketMathematicsWhich ones?To the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

cross word 2023-09-22

cross word crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. Computer Science
  3. Next to; besides
  4. Physica
  5. History
  6. Psychology
  7. To have breakfast
  8. Why?
  9. Mathematics
  10. Bookstore
  11. Which ones?
  12. English
  13. To arrive
  14. To have dinner
  15. Because
  1. Which
  2. Business administration
  3. Biology
  4. Library
  5. Wastebasket
  6. Where to?
  7. Economy
  8. To the left of
  9. To the right of

24 Clues: Why?WhichBiologyLibraryPhysicaHistoryEconomyEnglishBecauseChemistryWhere to?BookstoreTo arrivePsychologyWastebasketMathematicsWhich ones?To the left ofTo have dinnerTo the right ofComputer ScienceNext to; besidesTo have breakfastBusiness administration

Capitulo 2A 2023-10-31

Capitulo 2A crossword puzzle
  1. amusing,fun
  2. to teach
  3. to study
  4. physical education
  5. schedule
  6. mathematics
  7. interesting
  8. boring
  9. easy
  10. class
  11. technology/computers
  12. i need
  13. lunch
  14. to talk
  1. dictionary
  2. science
  3. social studies
  4. english
  5. you need
  6. spanish
  7. a lot
  8. i have
  9. art
  10. favorite
  11. calculator

25 Clues: arteasya lotclasslunchi haveboringi needscienceenglishspanishto talkto teachto studyyou needschedulefavoritedictionarycalculatoramusing,funmathematicsinterestingsocial studiesphysical educationtechnology/computers

Cognates 2024-02-13

Cognates crossword puzzle
  1. color
  2. cafetería
  3. lista
  4. clase
  5. copia
  6. mapa
  7. opuesto
  8. calculadora
  9. observar
  10. problema
  11. día
  12. pintar
  13. música
  14. idea
  15. inventar
  1. ciencia
  2. hora
  3. matemáticas
  4. familia
  5. computadora
  6. material
  7. grupo
  8. opinión
  9. alfabeto
  10. literatura
  11. completar
  12. poema
  13. organizar
  14. número
  15. arte

30 Clues: díahoramapaideaartecolorgrupolistaclasecopiapoemapintarnúmeromúsicacienciafamiliaopiniónopuestomaterialalfabetoobservarproblemainventarcafeteríacompletarorganizarliteraturamatemáticascomputadoracalculadora

h37 2024-06-24

h37 crossword puzzle
  1. Belgian fear
  2. Spanish madman
  3. Indian demon
  4. Swedish silence
  5. Japanese curse
  6. South American remake
  7. Norwegian horror
  8. Indian terror
  9. French tension
  1. Italian thriller
  2. Indian horror
  3. Austrian killer
  4. Norwegian terror
  5. Israeli mathematics
  6. Thai ghost
  7. Italian sound
  8. French catacombs
  9. German scent
  10. Irish monster
  11. Indonesian ritual

20 Clues: Thai ghostBelgian fearIndian demonGerman scentIndian horrorItalian soundIrish monsterIndian terrorSpanish madmanJapanese curseFrench tensionAustrian killerSwedish silenceItalian thrillerNorwegian terrorFrench catacombsNorwegian horrorIndonesian ritualIsraeli mathematicsSouth American remake

Math 2024-10-02

Math crossword puzzle
  1. each measure has sertan of what?
  2. The kind of mathematics that about lines
  3. when someone is the same
  4. the answer of question
  5. heavy is that
  6. when group of symbol is reapit
  1. tall
  2. The kind of mathematics that about plus and minus
  3. compliment for men
  4. A person who is very skilled in the study of number

10 Clues: tallheavy is thatcompliment for menthe answer of questionwhen someone is the samewhen group of symbol is reapiteach measure has sertan of what?The kind of mathematics that about linesThe kind of mathematics that about plus and minusA person who is very skilled in the study of number

Greek crossword 2023-07-27

Greek crossword crossword puzzle
  1. knowing
  2. mathematics and angels
  3. notes
  4. words
  5. life
  6. anti
  7. Greece
  1. planets
  2. mini sun
  3. cant stand something
  4. prehistoric
  5. live
  6. words
  7. rest

14 Clues: livelifeantirestnoteswordswordsGreeceknowingplanetsmini sunprehistoriccant stand somethingmathematics and angels

FunMath 2013-05-10

FunMath crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics of shapes: the branch of mathematics that is concerned with the properties and relationships of points
  2. the space between two diverging lines or planes, or a measure of the space
  3. The math term for 3.14
  4. the branch of mathematics in which symbols, usually letters of the alphabet, represent unknown numbers
  5. Measure of the space inside a two-dimensional figure
  6. The difference in mathmatical status
  1. The name for the constant rate of change between two points on a line
  2. Numbers, symbols and operators (such as + and ×) grouped together that show the value of something
  3. A sentence with an eqaul sign
  4. A function is a special relationship between values

10 Clues: The math term for 3.14A sentence with an eqaul signThe difference in mathmatical statusA function is a special relationship between valuesMeasure of the space inside a two-dimensional figureThe name for the constant rate of change between two points on a linethe space between two diverging lines or planes, or a measure of the space...

MATH 2023-06-03

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. Value The value of a digit based on its position in a number
  2. Numbers Numbers that can only be divided by 1 and themselves, such as 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc.
  3. Mathematical operation of taking one number away from another to find the difference
  4. Process of determining the size, length, or amount of something using standardized units
  5. Mathematical operation of sharing or dividing a quantity into equal parts
  6. Forms or figures with defined boundaries and specific attributes
  7. Numbers that represent parts of a whole or a group
  8. Repeated sequences or arrangements of numbers, objects, or events
  9. Measurement of the duration of events or intervals
  10. The measure of the amount of space inside a two-dimensional shape
  11. The total distance around the edges of a shape or object
  1. Approximation of a value or quantity based on reasonable assumptions or calculations
  2. Ordered pairs of numbers used to locate points on a graph or grid
  3. Mathematical operation of combining two or more numbers to find their total
  4. Branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and relationships of shapes and space
  5. Mathematical operation of repeated addition or combining equal groups
  6. Branch of mathematics that deals with the likelihood of events occurring
  7. Branch of mathematics that uses letters and symbols to represent numbers and quantities
  8. Currency or medium of exchange used to buy goods and services
  9. Numbers that represent parts of a whole, written with a decimal point

20 Clues: Numbers that represent parts of a whole or a groupMeasurement of the duration of events or intervalsThe total distance around the edges of a shape or objectValue The value of a digit based on its position in a numberCurrency or medium of exchange used to buy goods and servicesForms or figures with defined boundaries and specific attributes...