mathematics Crossword Puzzles

2A 2024-10-31

2A crossword puzzle
  1. eighth
  2. physical education
  3. to teach
  4. seventh
  5. social studies
  6. ninth
  7. the class of
  8. sixth
  9. technology
  10. the schedule
  11. The homework
  12. second
  13. class
  14. three-ring binder
  15. to study
  1. forth
  2. mathematics
  3. third
  4. tenth
  5. English
  6. science class
  7. first
  8. in period)
  9. Spanish class
  10. calculator
  11. fifth
  12. lunch
  13. art class
  14. to talk ,to speak

29 Clues: forththirdtenthfirstninthsixthfifthlunchclasseighthsecondseventhEnglishto teachto studyart classcalculatortechnologymathematicsthe class ofthe scheduleThe homeworkscience classSpanish classsocial studiesto talk ,to speakthree-ring binderphysical educationin period)

NO lo tengo 2023-10-15

NO lo tengo crossword puzzle
  1. He/She doesn't have them(masculine-Plural)
  2. School
  3. Gym Class
  4. Normal
  5. Dicctionary
  6. tiene He/She doesn't have it (masculine-Singular)
  7. Mathematics
  8. Student
  1. Music Class
  2. He/She doesn't have it(feminine-Singular)
  3. Art Class
  4. Messy
  5. Girl
  6. Classess
  7. Science Class
  8. He/She doesn't have them(feminine-Plural)

16 Clues: GirlMessySchoolNormalStudentClassessArt ClassGym ClassMusic ClassDicctionaryMathematicsScience ClassHe/She doesn't have it(feminine-Singular)He/She doesn't have them(feminine-Plural)He/She doesn't have them(masculine-Plural)tiene He/She doesn't have it (masculine-Singular)

Amazing Mathematics 2017-12-12

Amazing Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. It is the only even prime number
  2. The name given to the answer of multiplication
  3. 2,3,5,7..... are ______ numbers
  4. The part of the fraction that tells us what we are focussing on
  5. ___________ is repeated subtraction
  1. _______ is a number that divides another number completely
  2. The product of two numbers is also called ________
  3. A subject that deals with numbers
  4. It is the only number that is neither prime nor composite

9 Clues: 2,3,5,7..... are ______ numbersIt is the only even prime numberA subject that deals with numbers___________ is repeated subtractionThe name given to the answer of multiplicationThe product of two numbers is also called ________It is the only number that is neither prime nor composite_______ is a number that divides another number completely...


MATHEMATICS: ALGEBRA 2 crossword puzzle
  1. The set of y values which are the actual results.
  2. A way of representing function that uses coefficients and variables.
  3. A constant value multiplied to the variable
  4. A way of representing function where x and y values are separated by a comma and enclosed by parenthesis.
  5. The place where the function reaches its lowest point
  6. If there will be no restriction on graph of function, this will be the set of domain and codomain.
  7. A way of representing function where it uses columns and arrows to show relationship from x to y value.
  1. A mapping of the domain to those of the range.
  2. The set of all possible y-values
  3. The set of all x-values
  4. A relation where every element in the domain is mapped to exactly one of the range.
  5. A way of representing function using x and y axis and coordinate plane.
  6. The place where the function reaches its highest point
  7. A symbol for a value we don't know yet.

14 Clues: The set of all x-valuesThe set of all possible y-valuesA symbol for a value we don't know yet.A constant value multiplied to the variableA mapping of the domain to those of the range.The set of y values which are the actual results.The place where the function reaches its lowest pointThe place where the function reaches its highest point...

asignaturas 2023-01-11

asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. music
  3. lunch
  4. art
  1. computer science
  2. algebra
  3. biology
  4. english
  5. ciencias

9 Clues: artmusiclunchalgebrabiologyenglishcienciasmathematicscomputer science

Las Materias 2022-05-23

Las Materias crossword puzzle
  1. Mathematics
  2. Information Technology
  3. Music
  4. Spanish
  5. English
  1. History
  2. Science
  3. Art
  4. P.E

9 Clues: ArtP.EMusicHistoryScienceSpanishEnglishMathematicsInformation Technology

Arithmetic Sequencs 2020-09-03

Arithmetic Sequencs crossword puzzle
  1. a fact or rule written with mathematical symbols
  2. a branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and rules
  3. a single number or variable
  4. an arithmetic sequence has a _____ pattern
  5. is the spot where a term is located in a sequence
  1. the _____ between terms is always the same
  2. a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label
  3. an enumerated collection of objects in which repetitions are allowed
  4. the branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulation of numbers
  5. a series of sequence that repeats itself

10 Clues: a single number or variablea series of sequence that repeats itselfthe _____ between terms is always the samean arithmetic sequence has a _____ patterna fact or rule written with mathematical symbolsis the spot where a term is located in a sequencea branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and rules...

Maths 2024-02-12

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. Mathematical expression with an equals sign.
  2. A numerical quantity representing part of a whole.
  3. Combining numbers to find the total.
  4. Repeated addition or combining equal groups.
  5. A closed figure with straight sides.
  6. A number divisible only by 1 and itself.
  1. Sharing or separating into equal parts.
  2. Finding the difference between two numbers.
  3. Branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles.
  4. Branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols.

10 Clues: Combining numbers to find the total.A closed figure with straight sides.Sharing or separating into equal parts.A number divisible only by 1 and itself.Finding the difference between two numbers.Mathematical expression with an equals sign.Repeated addition or combining equal groups.A numerical quantity representing part of a whole....

Maths 2024-02-12

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. Mathematical expression with an equals sign.
  2. A numerical quantity representing part of a whole.
  3. Combining numbers to find the total.
  4. Repeated addition or combining equal groups.
  5. A closed figure with straight sides.
  6. A number divisible only by 1 and itself.
  1. Sharing or separating into equal parts.
  2. Finding the difference between two numbers.
  3. Branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles.
  4. Branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols.

10 Clues: Combining numbers to find the total.A closed figure with straight sides.Sharing or separating into equal parts.A number divisible only by 1 and itself.Finding the difference between two numbers.Mathematical expression with an equals sign.Repeated addition or combining equal groups.A numerical quantity representing part of a whole....

La Escuela 2021-03-25

La Escuela crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. art
  3. pencil
  4. quiz
  5. pencil eraser
  6. eraser
  7. mouse
  8. homework
  9. math
  10. Spanish
  11. subject (school)
  12. backpack
  13. dictionary
  14. English
  15. computer
  16. notebook
  17. music
  18. history
  19. calculator
  1. printer
  2. paper
  3. class/classroom
  4. P.E.
  5. pen
  6. desk
  7. chalkboard
  8. computer science
  9. screen
  10. social studies
  11. literature
  12. keyboard
  13. lesson
  14. test
  15. school
  16. chalk
  17. book

36 Clues: artpenP.E.quizdeskmathtestbookpapermousechalkmusicpencilscreeneraserlessonschoolscienceprinterSpanishEnglishhistoryhomeworkkeyboardbackpackcomputernotebookchalkboardliteraturedictionarycalculatorpencil erasersocial studiesclass/classroomcomputer sciencesubject (school)

S1 U2L3 2023-01-19

S1 U2L3 crossword puzzle
  1. sociology
  2. geography
  3. archeology
  4. physics
  5. foreignlanguages
  6. english
  7. mathematics
  8. computerscience
  9. literature
  10. psychology
  11. history
  12. below
  13. there
  14. economics
  15. infrontof
  1. totherightof
  2. music
  3. accounting
  4. farfrom
  5. sciences
  6. nextto
  7. near
  8. in;on
  9. without
  10. art
  11. humanities
  12. chemistry
  13. ontopof
  14. with
  15. biology
  16. totheleftof
  17. behind
  18. spanish
  19. overthere
  20. between
  21. on;over
  22. journalism

37 Clues: artnearwithmusicin;onbelowtherenexttobehindfarfromphysicswithoutenglishontopofbiologyhistoryspanishbetweenon;oversciencessociologygeographychemistryoverthereeconomicsinfrontofaccountingarcheologyhumanitiesliteraturepsychologyjournalismmathematicstotheleftoftotherightofcomputerscienceforeignlanguages

kys 2024-04-16

kys crossword puzzle
  1. location
  2. maths
  3. chemicals
  4. electric
  5. Relating to or composed of substances that do not contain carbon atoms.
  6. micro
  7. space
  8. The study of the structure and function of biological molecules.
  9. "let's get____"
  10. astro
  11. shortest word ever
  1. bio_____
  2. quantum
  3. living things
  4. study of geans
  5. heat
  6. ___________ covers more than 100 different complex diseases.
  7. can kill.
  8. earth wind and ____
  9. gravity
  10. organisems

21 Clues: heatmathsmicrospaceastroquantumgravitybio_____locationelectricchemicalscan kill.organisemsliving thingsstudy of geans"let's get____"shortest word everearth wind and _______________ covers more than 100 different complex diseases.The study of the structure and function of biological molecules....

El Vocabulario 2024-10-31

El Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. class
  2. mathematics
  3. I need
  4. social studies
  5. third
  6. the homework
  7. eighth
  8. to teach
  9. fifth
  10. technology/computers
  11. fourth
  12. the class of
  13. science class
  14. first
  15. to talk, to speak
  1. Spanish class
  2. dictionary
  3. second
  4. sixth
  5. the schedule
  6. you need
  7. ninth
  8. physical eduactaion
  9. lunch
  10. to study
  11. calculator
  12. English
  13. art class
  14. tenth
  15. seventh

30 Clues: classsixthninthlunchthirdfifthtenthfirstsecondI needeighthfourthEnglishseventhyou needto teachto studyart classdictionarycalculatormathematicsthe schedulethe homeworkthe class ofSpanish classscience classsocial studiesto talk, to speakphysical eduactaiontechnology/computers

Spanish Classes 2015-03-30

Spanish Classes crossword puzzle
  1. sociales social studies
  2. mathematics
  3. english
  4. spanish
  5. science
  6. technology
  1. P.E.
  2. lunch
  3. art

9 Clues: artP.E.lunchenglishspanishsciencetechnologymathematicssociales social studies

Lily's birthday puzzle 2022-04-26

Lily's birthday puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Sucking and licking
  2. Our favorite food to order
  3. Favorite book series
  4. Your idol and dream man
  5. Pocket _____
  6. Corruption, beauty
  1. Favorite place to swim
  2. Favorite subject
  3. Online Platform, first met
  4. Game, favorite
  5. Favorite color
  6. Game, building
  7. Favorite anime
  8. Game, catching
  9. Favorite nut
  10. Gamer, flower
  11. Favorite snack and food
  12. Location, dream abroad

18 Clues: Favorite nutPocket _____Gamer, flowerGame, favoriteFavorite colorGame, buildingFavorite animeGame, catchingFavorite subjectCorruption, beautySucking and lickingFavorite book seriesFavorite place to swimLocation, dream abroadYour idol and dream manFavorite snack and foodOnline Platform, first metOur favorite food to order

math 2024-10-02

math crossword puzzle
  1. description of a handsome person talking about a man
  2. surgery to correct parts of the body or face
  3. a specialist or expert in mathematics
  4. being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value.
  5. instructions for working on something or for something
  1. the quality or state of being similar
  2. a certain form of an object
  3. mathematics that uses distance, shape, size and relative positions of figures.
  4. device used to create music

9 Clues: a certain form of an objectdevice used to create musicthe quality or state of being similara specialist or expert in mathematicssurgery to correct parts of the body or facebeing the same in quantity, size, degree, or value.description of a handsome person talking about a maninstructions for working on something or for something...

mathematics crossword 2022-03-18

mathematics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. pair of numbers to indicate the position of a point
  2. the act of separating numbers into groups
  3. either add or subtract the equations to get an equation in one variable
  4. solving a math problem where the answer is close to the real answer
  1. part of a whole
  2. a straight line shows how steep a straight line is
  3. the act of adding one number to another
  4. answer to a multiplication problem
  5. how much of one thing there is compared to another thing

9 Clues: part of a wholeanswer to a multiplication problemthe act of adding one number to anotherthe act of separating numbers into groupsa straight line shows how steep a straight line ispair of numbers to indicate the position of a pointhow much of one thing there is compared to another thing...

Spring Mathematics 2016-04-29

Spring Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. Popular spring flower
  2. 9(2-5+6)
  3. Popular 2016 Movie
  4. hundred thirty 5(-4+6*5)
  1. A popular spring animal
  2. 2(3+5)
  3. A spring activty
  4. A spring sport
  5. A popular spring color

9 Clues: 2(3+5)9(2-5+6)A spring sportA spring activtyPopular 2016 MoviePopular spring flowerA popular spring colorA popular spring animalhundred thirty 5(-4+6*5)

Mathematics-Polynomials 2020-12-05

Mathematics-Polynomials crossword puzzle
  1. 3(x+y) = 3x+3y is true by the property
  2. expression with 2 unlike terms
  3. A polynomial of 2 degree
  1. An expression with only one term
  2. A curve shaped graph which can open up or down
  3. The graph of y=2x+3 is
  4. A first degree polynomial
  5. The lowest point of a parabola
  6. three degree polynomial

9 Clues: The graph of y=2x+3 isthree degree polynomialA polynomial of 2 degreeA first degree polynomialexpression with 2 unlike termsThe lowest point of a parabolaAn expression with only one term3(x+y) = 3x+3y is true by the propertyA curve shaped graph which can open up or down

Mathematics crossword 2021-08-09

Mathematics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the product of two consecutive natural numbers is
  2. graph of a polynomial intersects the x-axis at three points, then it contains ____ zeroes
  3. largest cord
  4. the product of a rational and irrational
  5. a equation with 1 variable
  1. If a pair of linear equations is consistent, then the lines will be
  2. the number ‘π’ is
  3. reciprocal of sinQ
  4. A fair dice is rolled. Probability of getting a number x such that 1 ≤ x ≤ 6, is
  5. The graph of x = -2 is a line parallel to

10 Clues: largest cordthe number ‘π’ isreciprocal of sinQa equation with 1 variablethe product of a rational and irrationalThe graph of x = -2 is a line parallel tothe product of two consecutive natural numbers isIf a pair of linear equations is consistent, then the lines will be...

Mathematics crossword 2021-10-07

Mathematics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The study of shapes.
  2. A branch of mathematics dealing with angles and sides of a triangle.
  3. Value of this number is 3.14
  4. A vertical line present on the left side of a graph is the _____.
  5. An algebraic expression consisting of one term.
  6. To put 2 or more things in a straight line.
  1. A 3D figure with 12 sides and 6 faces.
  2. A fraction is also known as a ____ number.
  3. A shape with 3 vertices.

9 Clues: The study of shapes.A shape with 3 vertices.Value of this number is 3.14A 3D figure with 12 sides and 6 faces.A fraction is also known as a ____ number.To put 2 or more things in a straight line.An algebraic expression consisting of one term.A vertical line present on the left side of a graph is the _____....

Mathematics Quiz 2024-02-29

Mathematics Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Lawan dari persamaan
  2. Susunan angka pada persegi panjang yang termuat pada baris dan kolom
  3. peubah
  4. Grafik yang terbentuk oleh persamaan kuadrat 1 variabel
  1. Salah satu metode dalam menyelesaikan sistem linear dengan menghilangkan salah satu variable
  2. Bilangan yang dapat ditemukan pada matrix persegi
  3. Titik yang didapat dari perpotongan garis pada sumbu x dan sumbu y
  4. Bilangan
  5. Salah satu jenis grafik yang terbentuk pada persamaan kuadrat dengan 2 variabel

9 Clues: peubahBilanganLawan dari persamaanBilangan yang dapat ditemukan pada matrix persegiGrafik yang terbentuk oleh persamaan kuadrat 1 variabelTitik yang didapat dari perpotongan garis pada sumbu x dan sumbu ySusunan angka pada persegi panjang yang termuat pada baris dan kolom...


MATHEMATICS (PT1-QUARTER3) crossword puzzle
  1. Two lines with common point.
  2. these are ponints that lie on the same plane.
  3. These are planes that have common line.
  4. These are two lines that are not in the same plane.
  5. These are planes that have no common point.
  6. A portion of a line that has one endpoint and it is named bt the endpoint.
  1. lines These are coplanar lines that not intersect.
  2. These are points that lie on the same line.
  3. Two lines that intersect forming congruent right angles.
  4. It ha only a location, It has no size, but can be modeled by dot. A point is name using a capital letter.
  5. Straight and has infinite length but don't have width and thickness and with two arrow heads on both sides.
  6. A flat surface that has infinite length and width but no thickness
  7. Two rays that have a commo0n endpoint that point in opposite direction.
  8. Portion of a line that two end points.

14 Clues: Two lines with common point.Portion of a line that two end points.These are planes that have common line.These are points that lie on the same line.These are planes that have no common point.these are ponints that lie on the same plane.lines These are coplanar lines that not intersect.These are two lines that are not in the same plane....

JANUARY 19 2023-01-19

JANUARY 19 crossword puzzle
  1. Selection, option
  2. A- or B+
  3. Center
  4. Travels
  5. 9th
  6. 20
  7. Down on a map
  1. Musical interval from A to F
  2. 핀란드
  3. 대학
  4. School subject

11 Clues: 대학20핀란드9thCenterTravelsA- or B+Down on a mapSchool subjectSelection, optionMusical interval from A to F

Math Final 2021-05-17

Math Final crossword puzzle
  1. in mathematics, a matrix is a rectangular array or table of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns. For example, the dimension of the matrix below is 2 × 3, because there are two rows and three columns
  2. In mathematics, a parabola is a plane curve which is mirror-symmetrical and is approximately U-shaped. It fits several superficially different mathematical descriptions, which can all be proved to define exactly the same curves. One description of a parabola involves a point and a line
  3. In algebra, the zero-product property states that the product of two nonzero elements is nonzero. In other words, it is the following assertion: If ab=0, then a=0 or b=0
  4. A vertical stretching is the stretching of the graph away from the x-axis. A vertical compression (or shrinking) is the squeezing of the graph toward the x-axis. • if k > 1, the graph of y = k•f (x) is the graph of f (x) vertically stretched by multiplying each of its y-coordinates by k.
  5. A vertical compression (or shrinking) is the squeezing of the graph toward the x-axis. • if k > 1, the graph of y = k•f (x) is the graph of f (x) vertically stretched by multiplying each of its y-coordinates by k.
  6. The dimensions of a matrix are the number of rows by the number of columns. If a matrix has a rows and b columns, it is an a×b matrix.
  7. In mathematics, a reflection is a mapping from a Euclidean space to itself that is an isometry with a hyperplane as a set of fixed points; this set is called the axis or plane of reflection. The image of a figure by a reflection is its mirror image in the axis or plane of reflection
  8. In mathematics, a parent function is the simplest function of a family of functions that preserves the definition of the entire family. For example, for the family of quadratic functions having the general form {\displaystyle y=ax^{2}+bx+c\, } the simplest function is {\displaystyle y=x^{2}}
  9. Slope-intercept form definition is - the equation of a straight line in the form y = mx + b where m is the slope of the line and b is its y-intercept.
  10. In general, a solution of a system in three variables is an ordered triple (x, y, z) that makes ALL THREE equations true. In other words, it is what they all three have in common. So if an ordered triple is a solution to one equation, but not another, then it is NOT a solution to the system.
  11. In algebra, a quadratic function, a quadratic polynomial, a polynomial of degree 2, or simply a quadratic, is a polynomial function with one or more variables in which the highest-degree term is of the second degree
  1. In Euclidean geometry, a translation is a geometric transformation that moves every point of a figure or a space by the same distance in a given direction. A translation can also be interpreted as the addition of a constant vector to every point, or as shifting the origin of the coordinate system.
  2. The minimum value of a function is the place where the graph has a vertex at its lowest point. In the real world, you can use the minimum value of a quadratic function to determine minimum cost or area. It has practical uses in science, architecture and business.
  3. Linear equations in three variables. If a, b, c and r are real numbers (and if a, b, and c are not all equal to 0) then ax + by + cz = r is called a linear equation in three variables. (The “three variables” are the x, the y, and the z.) The numbers a, b, and c are called the coefficients of the equation.
  4. Maximum, In mathematics, a point at which a function's value is greatest. ... If the value is greater than or equal to all other function values, it is an absolute maximum
  5. In mathematics, a polynomial is an expression consisting of variables and coefficients, that involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponentiation of variables. An example of a polynomial of a single indeterminate x is x² − 4x + 7.
  6. Consisting of three terms of which the first is the name of the genus, the second that of the species, and the third that of the subspecies or variety.
  7. Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form. It may be referred to as scientific form or standard index form, or standard form in the UK
  8. In mathematics, a transformation is a function f that maps a set X to itself, i.e. f: X → X. In other areas of mathematics, a transformation may simply refer to any function, regardless of domain and codomain.
  9. In geometry, focuses or foci, singular focus, are special points with reference to which any of a variety of curves is constructed. For example, one or two foci can be used in defining conic sections, the four types of which are the circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola.

20 Clues: The dimensions of a matrix are the number of rows by the number of columns. If a matrix has a rows and b columns, it is an a×b matrix.Slope-intercept form definition is - the equation of a straight line in the form y = mx + b where m is the slope of the line and b is its y-intercept....

CA YOUR Crossword 2024-01-09

CA YOUR Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Committed
  2. Work together
  3. Mathematics
  4. Self Sufficient
  1. Adaptability
  2. Effectively Talk
  3. Independent Thought
  4. Take Charge
  5. Fix Things
  6. Work Effectively

10 Clues: CommittedFix ThingsTake ChargeMathematicsAdaptabilityWork togetherSelf SufficientEffectively TalkWork EffectivelyIndependent Thought

math crossword 2014-05-12

math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. value:the positive real number equal to a given real but disregarding its sign
  2. angles that add up to 180°
  3. angles that add up to 90°
  4. the branch of mathematics that deals with the deduction of the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, and figures in space from their defining conditions by means of certain assumed properties of space.
  5. hundrenths, thousanths
  6. be converted into a decimal or a fraction
  1. Mathematics; one of the positive or negative numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., or zero
  2. the same angle in the same place
  3. the number on top of the fraction bar
  4. the same shape but not the same size
  5. the same shape and size
  6. by side negatives make a ______ sign
  7. opppisite of positive
  8. any particular extent of space or surface

14 Clues: opppisite of positivehundrenths, thousanthsthe same shape and sizeangles that add up to 90°angles that add up to 180°the same angle in the same placethe same shape but not the same sizeby side negatives make a ______ signthe number on top of the fraction barany particular extent of space or surfacebe converted into a decimal or a fraction...

Mathematics Fun! 2013-04-25

Mathematics Fun! crossword puzzle
  1. mathematical sentence
  2. does not form straight line
  3. the C in the pythagorean theorem
  4. 3.14
  5. straight line
  1. can be made as a fraction
  2. cannot be made as a fraction
  3. opposite of horizontal
  4. opposite of vertical

9 Clues: 3.14straight lineopposite of verticalmathematical sentenceopposite of horizontalcan be made as a fractiondoes not form straight linecannot be made as a fractionthe C in the pythagorean theorem

Mathematics crossword 2021-08-09

Mathematics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The graph of x = -2 is a line parallel to
  2. If a pair of linear equations is consistent, then the lines will be
  3. graph of a polynomial intersects the x-axis at three points, then it contains ____ zeroes
  4. the product of a rational and irrational
  1. a equation with 1 variable
  2. largest cord
  3. the number ‘π’ is
  4. A fair dice is rolled. Probability of getting a number x such that 1 ≤ x ≤ 6, is
  5. reciprocal of sinQ
  6. the product of two consecutive natural numbers is

10 Clues: largest cordthe number ‘π’ isreciprocal of sinQa equation with 1 variablethe product of a rational and irrationalThe graph of x = -2 is a line parallel tothe product of two consecutive natural numbers isIf a pair of linear equations is consistent, then the lines will be...

Mathematics Crossword 2024-06-10

Mathematics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The number that comes after nine
  2. 5 x 5 = __
  3. The result of subtraction
  4. A shape with four equal sides
  1. The number of months in a year
  2. The value of a digit depending on its place
  3. The number of sides in a triangle
  4. 7 + 2 = __
  5. A solid shape with six equal square faces

9 Clues: 5 x 5 = __7 + 2 = __The result of subtractionA shape with four equal sidesThe number of months in a yearThe number that comes after nineThe number of sides in a triangleA solid shape with six equal square facesThe value of a digit depending on its place

Mathematics Quiz 2024-02-12

Mathematics Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu jenis persamaan yang variabelnya hanya berpangkat 1
  2. Bilangan
  3. Peubah
  4. Memasukkan suatu bilangan atau variabel pada uatu persamaan
  5. Bilangan yang dapat ditemukan pada matriks persegi
  1. Menghilangkan atau menghapus salah satu variable pada persamaan
  2. Salah satu jenis persamaan yang variabelnya maksimal berpangkat 2
  3. Akan terbentuk jika ada beberapa persamaan yang saling terkait
  4. Susunan angka pada persegi panjang yang terdiri dari baris dan kolom

9 Clues: PeubahBilanganBilangan yang dapat ditemukan pada matriks persegiMemasukkan suatu bilangan atau variabel pada uatu persamaanSalah satu jenis persamaan yang variabelnya hanya berpangkat 1Akan terbentuk jika ada beberapa persamaan yang saling terkaitMenghilangkan atau menghapus salah satu variable pada persamaan...

Sukh bday 2021 2021-08-21

Sukh bday 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. She wishes she was
  2. Favorite Food?
  3. Passed this test on first try?
  4. favorite band?
  5. Favorite vacation spot?
  6. eye color
  7. can't live without?
  1. Best trait?
  2. Started school at age?
  3. Least favorite subject?
  4. Eldest grand child?
  5. never has enough?
  6. obsessed with washing?
  7. Loves to?
  8. Favorite Sport?

15 Clues: Loves to?eye colorBest trait?Favorite Food?favorite band?Favorite Sport?never has enough?She wishes she wasEldest grand child?can't live without?Started school at age?obsessed with washing?Least favorite subject?Favorite vacation spot?Passed this test on first try?

For Oliver 2022-04-22

For Oliver crossword puzzle
  1. Another great sport
  2. Challenge class
  3. Family business
  4. My favorite sport
  5. Late
  6. Great street
  7. On the ice rink
  8. Best dog breed
  1. Day of upcoming birthday
  2. I pass this on the ice
  3. My new pal
  4. position I play
  5. Best game toy
  6. Favorite person
  7. Great school

15 Clues: LateMy new palGreat streetGreat schoolBest game toyBest dog breedChallenge classFamily businessposition I playFavorite personOn the ice rinkMy favorite sportAnother great sportI pass this on the iceDay of upcoming birthday

Útiles escolares, some classes, and colors. Sra. Jiménez 2021-01-22

Útiles escolares, some classes, and colors. Sra. Jiménez crossword puzzle
  1. Geometry
  2. female teacher
  3. black
  4. History
  5. paper
  6. art
  7. highlighter
  8. folder
  9. classes
  10. gray
  11. blue
  12. pink
  13. orange
  14. computer
  15. pen
  16. pencil
  17. brown
  18. yellow
  19. book
  20. English
  1. student
  2. Mathematics
  3. backpack
  4. cooking
  5. rojo
  6. eraser
  7. ruler
  8. green
  9. male teacher
  10. Spanish
  11. notebook
  12. white
  13. Geography
  14. chemistry
  15. Algebra
  16. Biology
  17. class

37 Clues: artpenrojograybluepinkbookblackrulergreenpaperwhiteclassbrowneraserfolderorangepencilyellowstudentcookingHistorySpanishclassesAlgebraBiologyEnglishGeometrybackpacknotebookcomputerGeographychemistryMathematicshighlightermale teacherfemale teacher

French 1 Chapter 4.1 Vocab 2020-10-04

French 1 Chapter 4.1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. physics
  2. break
  3. history
  4. today
  5. test
  6. in the morning
  7. art class
  8. biology
  9. Sunday
  10. chemistry
  11. Monday
  12. in the evening
  13. weekend
  14. physical education
  15. now
  16. Tuesday
  17. dismissal
  1. geography
  2. music
  3. computer science
  4. school subjects
  5. Friday
  6. homework
  7. tomorrow
  8. Thursday
  9. German
  10. Spanish
  11. Saturday
  12. day
  13. in the afternoon
  14. mathematics
  15. week
  16. Wednesday

33 Clues: daynowtestweekmusicbreaktodayFridayGermanSundayMondayphysicshistorySpanishbiologyweekendTuesdayhomeworktomorrowThursdaySaturdaygeographyart classchemistryWednesdaydismissalmathematicsin the morningin the eveningschool subjectscomputer sciencein the afternoonphysical education

Vocabulario- Auténtico 1, Capítulo 2A Tu Día en la Escuela 2021-12-20

Vocabulario- Auténtico 1, Capítulo 2A Tu Día en la Escuela crossword puzzle
  1. I need
  2. easy
  3. you need
  4. science class
  5. more...than
  6. class
  7. art
  8. when
  9. the homework
  10. technology/computers
  11. for
  12. i have
  13. let's see
  14. difficult
  15. Spanish
  16. the class of
  1. interesting
  2. English
  3. a lot
  4. mathematics
  5. the three-ring binder
  6. the dictionary
  7. the calculator
  8. in the... hour (class period)
  9. lunch
  10. social studies
  11. physical education
  12. the schedule

28 Clues: artforeasywhena lotclasslunchI needi haveEnglishSpanishyou needlet's seedifficultinterestingmathematicsmore...thanthe homeworkthe schedulethe class ofscience classthe dictionarythe calculatorsocial studiesphysical educationtechnology/computersthe three-ring binderin the... hour (class period)

Las Materias y Preguntas 2022-11-29

Las Materias y Preguntas crossword puzzle
  1. Who?
  2. mathematics
  3. Which ones?
  4. What?
  5. accounting
  6. biology
  7. qué? Why?
  8. physics
  9. English
  10. geography
  11. sociology
  12. chemistry
  13. literature
  14. journalism
  15. Spanish
  16. economics
  1. humanities
  2. Which?
  3. How?
  4. music
  5. extranjeras foreign languages
  6. Where?
  7. computación computer science
  8. because
  9. psychology
  10. When?
  11. How much/many?
  12. history
  13. Where (to)?
  14. archaeology
  15. art
  16. ciencias science, the sciences

32 Clues: artWho?How?musicWhat?When?Which?Where?biologybecausephysicsEnglishhistorySpanishqué? Why?geographysociologychemistryeconomicshumanitiesaccountingpsychologyliteraturejournalismmathematicsWhich ones?Where (to)?archaeologyHow much/many?computación computer scienceextranjeras foreign languagesciencias science, the sciences

Math crossword 2017-03-02

Math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs
  2. brother of sine
  3. the longest of a right-angled triangle
  4. d=15,934 find the area of a circle
  5. gathering lines
  6. theme that changed our perception about the digit 0
  1. that give us a n/0
  2. a branch of mathematics concerned with relative position of figures
  3. thing that helps to us in difficult situations
  4. He came up with us easy formula, but we decide on the discriminant
  5. Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.

11 Clues: brother of sinegathering linesthat give us a n/0d=15,934 find the area of a circlethe longest of a right-angled trianglething that helps to us in difficult situationstheme that changed our perception about the digit 0He came up with us easy formula, but we decide on the discriminanta branch of mathematics concerned with relative position of figures...

School Subjects Crossword 2023-01-21

School Subjects Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Musica
  2. Educación Fisica
  3. Matematica
  4. Ingles
  1. Español
  2. Estudios Sociales
  3. Informatica
  4. Ciencias
  5. Artes

9 Clues: ArtesMusicaInglesEspañolCienciasMatematicaInformaticaEducación FisicaEstudios Sociales

Subjects 2022-06-23

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์
  2. วิชาศิลปะ
  3. Technology วิชาคอมพิวเตอร์
  4. วิชาประวัติศาสตร์
  5. Education วิชาพลศึกษา
  6. วิชาดนตรี
  1. วิชาภูมิศาสตร์
  2. วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
  3. วิชาคณิตศาสตร์

9 Clues: วิชาศิลปะวิชาดนตรีวิชาภูมิศาสตร์วิชาภาษาอังกฤษวิชาคณิตศาสตร์วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์วิชาประวัติศาสตร์Education วิชาพลศึกษาTechnology วิชาคอมพิวเตอร์

Vocabulario- Auténtico 1, Capítulo 2 A Tu Día en La Escuela 2021-12-13

Vocabulario- Auténtico 1, Capítulo 2 A Tu Día en La Escuela crossword puzzle
  1. physical education
  2. to teach
  3. tenth
  4. in the hour(class period)
  5. fourth
  6. first
  7. art class
  8. Spanish class
  9. to study
  10. the class of
  11. lunch
  12. social studies
  13. second
  1. fifth
  2. third
  3. the calculator
  4. to talk,to speak
  5. Science class
  6. seventh
  7. mathematics
  8. eighth
  9. the homework
  10. ninth
  11. class
  12. technology/computer
  13. the schedule
  14. sixth
  15. english

28 Clues: fifththirdtenthfirstninthclasssixthlunchfourtheighthsecondseventhenglishto teachto studyart classmathematicsthe homeworkthe class ofthe scheduleScience classSpanish classthe calculatorsocial studiesto talk,to speakphysical educationtechnology/computerin the hour(class period)

Jermyn's Spanish 2.1 Vocab Puzzle 2022-02-01

Jermyn's Spanish 2.1 Vocab Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Never
  2. to arrive
  3. always
  4. History
  5. to use a computer
  6. Early
  7. how many
  8. Spanish
  9. Art
  10. Test
  11. to get a good grade
  12. to get a bad grade
  13. every day
  14. to need
  1. to take notes
  2. Late
  3. Easy
  4. almost
  5. Science
  6. English
  7. A lot(masculine)
  8. difficult
  9. Mathematics
  10. to answer
  11. to teach
  12. a lot of times

26 Clues: ArtLateEasyTestNeverEarlyalmostalwaysScienceHistoryEnglishSpanishto needhow manyto teachto arrivedifficultto answerevery dayMathematicsto take notesa lot of timesA lot(masculine)to use a computerto get a bad gradeto get a good grade

Week 21 Spelling List 2017-03-06

Week 21 Spelling List crossword puzzle
  1. outburst,outbreak
  2. having all parts, whole, entire
  3. some time later
  4. water
  5. destroying
  6. support, ease or content
  7. operations, numbers or expressions
  8. habitual, common
  9. disease
  10. last, final point
  11. being active
  1. forget
  2. caution or cautious
  3. relating to science
  4. tiny, invisible to the eye
  5. readily seen, visible
  6. position on a line, directing
  7. violent, enraged
  8. allergy
  9. location
  10. deep thought
  11. freedom from injury

22 Clues: waterforgetallergydiseaselocationdestroyingdeep thoughtbeing activesome time laterviolent, enragedhabitual, commonoutburst,outbreaklast, final pointcaution or cautiousrelating to sciencefreedom from injuryreadily seen, visiblesupport, ease or contenttiny, invisible to the eyeposition on a line, directinghaving all parts, whole, entire...

Skola 2024-08-02

Skola crossword puzzle
  1. grade
  2. chemistry
  3. pupil
  4. timetable
  5. school
  6. homework
  7. teacher
  8. mathematics
  9. geography
  10. pencil case
  11. history
  12. music
  13. physics
  14. mother tongue
  15. university
  16. notebook
  17. laptop
  1. biology
  2. pencil sharpener
  3. student
  4. pen, pencil
  5. physical education
  6. health education
  7. art
  8. ruler
  9. high school
  10. civics
  11. religion
  12. handicraft
  13. test
  14. classroom
  15. college
  16. book
  17. subject
  18. exam

35 Clues: arttestbookexamgradepupilrulermusicschoolcivicslaptopbiologystudentteacherhistorycollegesubjectphysicsreligionhomeworknotebookchemistrytimetableclassroomgeographyhandicraftuniversitypen, pencilhigh schoolmathematicspencil casemother tonguepencil sharpenerhealth educationphysical education

2A 2024-02-09

2A crossword puzzle
  1. i have
  2. mathematics
  3. difficult
  4. calculator
  5. clase
  6. you need
  7. Spanish class
  8. I need
  9. art class
  10. physical education
  11. three ring binder
  12. the schedule
  13. interesting
  1. social studies
  2. easy
  3. technology/computers
  4. to speak, to talk
  5. English
  6. for
  7. to teach
  8. science class
  9. the homework
  10. you have
  11. dictionary
  12. a lot
  13. the class of
  14. to study
  15. lunch

28 Clues: foreasyclasea lotlunchi haveI needEnglishto teachyou needyou haveto studydifficultart classcalculatordictionarymathematicsinterestingthe homeworkthe class ofthe schedulescience classSpanish classsocial studiesto speak, to talkthree ring binderphysical educationtechnology/computers

Spanish 1 - Vocab Man #2 2024-11-08

Spanish 1 - Vocab Man #2 crossword puzzle
  1. el francés
  2. el fin de semana
  3. el lunes
  4. el jueves
  5. el martes
  6. el español
  7. la educación física
  8. el sábado
  9. las ciencias
  10. claro/a
  11. marrón(es)
  12. el almuerzo
  13. el historia
  1. el viernes
  2. el miércoles
  3. la salud
  4. las matemáticas
  5. anaranjado/a
  6. la música
  7. el inglés
  8. el drama
  9. oscuro/a
  10. el arte
  11. el domingo
  12. gris(es)

25 Clues: el arteclaro/ala saludel lunesel dramaoscuro/agris(es)el juevesla músicael martesel inglésel sábadoel viernesel francésel españolel domingomarrón(es)el almuerzoel historiael miércolesanaranjado/alas cienciaslas matemáticasel fin de semanala educación física

school subject 2024-02-27

school subject crossword puzzle


Mathematics 10 2023-06-25

Mathematics 10 crossword puzzle
  1. The value obtained when a polynomial is divided by a binomial of the form x - a.
  2. A number that is multiplied repeatedly to form a geometric sequence.
  3. A sequence in which each term is obtained by adding a constant value to the previous term.
  4. The process of breaking down a polynomial into its factors.
  5. A mathematical statement that equates two polynomials.
  1. A type of sequence where each term is found by multiplying the previous term by a constant.
  2. Used in arithmetic sequences that represents the constant value by which each term differs from the previous term.
  3. The result of dividing one polynomial by another.
  4. An expression consisting of variables and coefficients, combined using addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

9 Clues: The result of dividing one polynomial by another.A mathematical statement that equates two polynomials.The process of breaking down a polynomial into its factors.A number that is multiplied repeatedly to form a geometric sequence.The value obtained when a polynomial is divided by a binomial of the form x - a....

School subject 2022-09-13

School subject crossword puzzle
  1. technologie
  2. maths
  3. géographie
  4. physique chimie/svt
  5. français
  1. histoire
  2. sport
  3. musique
  4. anglais

9 Clues: sportmathsmusiqueanglaishistoirefrançaisgéographietechnologiephysique chimie/svt

School subject 2022-09-13

School subject crossword puzzle
  1. technologie
  2. maths
  3. géographie
  4. physique chimie/svt
  5. français
  1. histoire
  2. sport
  3. musique
  4. anglais

9 Clues: sportmathsmusiqueanglaishistoirefrançaisgéographietechnologiephysique chimie/svt

Core 4 Mathematics (AQA) 2013-04-28

Core 4 Mathematics (AQA) crossword puzzle
  1. Type of formula of the format 'sinAcosB - sinBcosA'
  2. The dot product is also known as the ?????? product
  3. The simplest method of integration
  4. Digits in a number that are not trailing zeros are said to be this
  5. Greek symbol meaning 'proportional to'
  6. The '+c' is required in which type of integral?
  7. Feature of two straight lines that result in the dot product of their direction vectors being equal to 0
  8. The curve of a 'ln' graph can be described as this
  9. Type of fraction in which numerator > denominator
  10. A curve with several x values to one y value is not one of these
  11. Process by which brackets around several terms are removed
  12. Opposite of 'growth' in differential mathematics
  13. The modulus is also known as the ???????? value
  1. One of the three differentiation rules
  2. Process in which part of a fraction is made to be absent of surds
  3. Process in which several mathematical elements are totalled
  4. The theorem used to find the magnitude of a vector
  5. Pair of equations with x and y as subjects
  6. Type of vector expressed second in the general vector equation of a straight line
  7. Type of single transformation that always involves a change of sign
  8. That which the letter 'a' represents in the binomial expansion formula
  9. An angle greater than 1/2 pi radians
  10. Word expression which defines the priority order for selecting 'u' in an integration

23 Clues: The simplest method of integrationAn angle greater than 1/2 pi radiansOne of the three differentiation rulesGreek symbol meaning 'proportional to'Pair of equations with x and y as subjectsThe '+c' is required in which type of integral?The modulus is also known as the ???????? valueOpposite of 'growth' in differential mathematics...

The problem of mathematics 2022-02-25

The problem of mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. 410,674+420,6316
  2. 963,258-369,820
  3. 999,999-999,888
  4. 987,654+147,963
  5. 500000+40000+2000+300+30+2
  6. 985,576-652,963
  7. 741,258-740,259
  8. 629,323 rounded to 1,000
  9. 60000+7000
  10. 663,125-214,668
  1. 623832+524,662
  2. 123,458+789,123
  3. 532,782+328,642
  4. 412,952+610,687
  5. 60000+2000+100+50+3
  6. 852,201-589,147
  7. 369,982+652,182
  8. 532,632 rounded to 10,000
  9. 988,987-789,663
  10. 639,343 rounded to 10
  11. 305,621+541,756

21 Clues: 60000+7000623832+524,662123,458+789,123532,782+328,642412,952+610,687963,258-369,820852,201-589,147999,999-999,888987,654+147,963369,982+652,182985,576-652,963988,987-789,663741,258-740,259305,621+541,756663,125-214,668410,674+420,631660000+2000+100+50+3639,343 rounded to 10629,323 rounded to 1,000532,632 rounded to 10,000500000+40000+2000+300+30+2

Mathematics crossword by Prisha 2022-06-13

Mathematics crossword by Prisha crossword puzzle
  1. , angles measure 90 degrees.
  2. Terminating, The decimal expansion of √2 is
  3. is a number or letter written above and to the right of a mathematical expression called the base
  4. If the decimal representation of a number is non-terminating, non-repeating then the number is
  5. is a symbol to represent a number
  6. Numbers represented by ‘Z’
  7. √9 is __________ number.
  8. angles are two nonadjacent interior angles located on opposite sides of the transversal.
  9. a line that intersects two parallel lines and form eight angles
  10. Can we write 0 in the form of p/q?
  11. angles are two nonadjacent exterior angles located on opposite sides of the transversal
  12. We can identify a linear equation in two variables if it is expressed in the form ax+by+ c = 0, consisting of two variables x and y and the highest degree of the given equation is
  13. , The coordinates are (0 , 0)
  14. number, Numbers represent by ‘W’
  15. tool used to measure angles
  16. how many units will be the distance of the point (0,-3) from the origin
  17. , This is an example of what property: 25+(37+69)=(25+37)+69
  18. 3x+10 = 0 will have solution
  1. the x - coordinate of a point is in which from the y - axis
  2. angles, angles that have the same position on two different parallel lines cut by a transversal
  3. What would be the denominator after rationalizing 7/(5√3 – 5√2)?
  4. is the inverse (opposite operation) of addition.
  5. Linear equations in two variables are usually used to plot a straight line on the
  6. , lines in a plane that are always the same distance apart
  7. system of equations having at least one solution
  8. In equation, y = mx+c, m is
  9. very rational number is a number
  10. system,The system used for describing the position of a point in a plane is also called as
  11. he linear equation 3x – y = x – 1 has solutions
  12. the abscissa of all points on the y axis is always
  13. two linear equations have no solution , lines are
  14. axis,if the abscissa of a point is 1 and the ordinate is 0, then the point lies in the
  15. two rays with a common endpoint
  16. y axis is known as
  17. x axis is known as
  18. angles that together measure 180 degrees
  19. , (T, Y) coordinate of a point
  20. he equation 2x + 5y = 7 has a unique solution, if x, y are numbers
  21. interior , s four angles formed inside by a transversal and two parallel lines
  22. , coordinates of points are of the form of (+,-) is in which quadrant

40 Clues: y axis is known asx axis is known as√9 is __________ number.Numbers represented by ‘Z’In equation, y = mx+c, m istool used to measure angles, angles measure 90 degrees.3x+10 = 0 will have solution, The coordinates are (0 , 0)two rays with a common endpoint, (T, Y) coordinate of a pointvery rational number is a number...

HL Mathematics Cryptic Crossword 2019-03-30

HL Mathematics Cryptic Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Ordinarily perpendicular - 6
  2. Complex perspective - 8
  3. A repeating ending - 6
  4. Up against this side of a right angled triangle - 8
  5. This integral is indecent - 8
  6. Function for confused car companies - 6
  7. All around the perimeter - 13
  8. Vital area - 8
  9. Lines crossing circles harmoniously - 6
  10. "Sine" of the (2) times - 6/5/7
  11. Sequence sandwich - 7/7
  12. Take part in discussions? For mathematicians, the opposite - 8
  13. Domino effect - 9
  14. Cruel average - 4
  1. Going off on one - 7
  2. For life threatening limits- 9/4
  3. To infinity (but not beyond)- 9
  4. Fashionable average - 4
  5. When rates of change are not explicit - 8/15
  6. Flipping cats - 10/5
  7. Going in different directions, paths never crossing - 4
  8. Absolutely positive - 7

22 Clues: Vital area - 8Domino effect - 9Cruel average - 4Going off on one - 7Flipping cats - 10/5A repeating ending - 6Fashionable average - 4Complex perspective - 8Sequence sandwich - 7/7Absolutely positive - 7Ordinarily perpendicular - 6This integral is indecent - 8All around the perimeter - 13To infinity (but not beyond)- 9"Sine" of the (2) times - 6/5/7...


  1. The person that signs the note.
  2. X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?
  3. What the interest change always based on the original?
  4. What is the balance of a savings account after 1 year, if RM1000 is deposited at a 6% interest rate and compounded monthly?
  5. What is the amount of money added to their cost of a product or service?
  6. RM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.
  7. price What is usually the amount on the price tag?
  8. Vision computers offers a line of computers for RM 6000 less 25% and 10% each. What is the net price of a computer?
  9. A department store lists a product for RM200 less 20%. To improve the sales, the net price is reduced to RM120. What additional rate of discount is given by the store?
  10. A 10%, 100 days note was date 20 September 1992. The maturity value of the note wan RM3083.33. if the note was discounted on 17 November 1992 at 12%, find the maturity date of the note.
  1. The person to whom the payment is to be made
  2. The net price of a table is RM800. A trade discount of 30% is offered. Find the list price.
  3. Find the cost price if retail price is RM3700 and 15% markup based on retail price.
  4. RM1000 is invested seven months in a bank, earning a simple interest rate 8% per annum. Find the simple interest earned.
  5. If you take a car loan of RM5000, with a 4% interest rate over 3 years, how much interest would you pay?
  6. Which interest can allows a principal amount to grow at a faster rate.
  7. Find the retail prices, if cost price is RM120 and markup 25% based on cost price.
  8. The markdown percent for a camera is 20%. If the new retail price is RM250, find the old retail price.
  9. Formula of simple interest.
  10. Find the bank discount on the following loans. RM 4215 from 10 June to 5 August of the same year at 10%.

20 Clues: Formula of simple interest.The person that signs the note.The person to whom the payment is to be madeX= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?RM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.What the interest change always based on the original?price What is usually the amount on the price tag?...


  1. What the interest change always based on the original?
  2. What is the balance of a savings account after 1 year, if RM1000 is deposited at a 6% interest rate and compounded monthly?
  3. RM1000 is invested seven months in a bank, earning a simple interest rate 8% per annum. Find the simple interest earned.
  4. A 10%, 100 days note was date 20 September 1992. The maturity value of the note wan RM3083.33. if the note was discounted on 17 November 1992 at 12%, find the maturity date of the note.
  5. price What is usually the amount on the price tag?
  6. Find the retail prices, if cost price is RM120 and markup 25% based on cost price.
  7. Find the cost price if retail price is RM3700 and 15% markup based on retail price.
  8. Vision computers offers a line of computers for RM 6000 less 25% and 10% each. What is the net price of a computer?
  9. A department store lists a product for RM200 less 20%. To improve the sales, the net price is reduced to RM120. What additional rate of discount is given by the store?
  10. Formula of simple interest.
  11. Which interest can allows a principal amount to grow at a faster rate.
  1. The person that signs the note.
  2. Find the bank discount on the following loans. RM 4215 from 10 June to 5 August of the same year at 10%.
  3. RM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.
  4. X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?
  5. The net price of a table is RM800. A trade discount of 30% is offered. Find the list price.
  6. The person to whom the payment is to be made
  7. The markdown percent for a camera is 20%. If the new retail price is RM250, find the old retail price.
  8. If you take a car loan of RM5000, with a 4% interest rate over 3 years, how much interest would you pay?
  9. What is the amount of money added to their cost of a product or service?

20 Clues: Formula of simple interest.The person that signs the note.X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?The person to whom the payment is to be madeRM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.What the interest change always based on the original?price What is usually the amount on the price tag?...


  1. Find the retail prices, if cost price is RM120 and markup 25% based on cost price.
  2. Find the bank discount on the following loans. RM 4215 from 10 June to 5 August of the same year at 10%.
  3. The person to whom the payment is to be made.
  4. X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?
  5. The person that signs the note.
  6. Vision computers offers a line of computers for RM 6000 less 25% and 10% each. What is the net price of a computer?
  7. What is the amount of money added to their cost of a product or service?
  8. The markdown percent for a camera is 20%. If the new retail price is RM250, find the old retail price.
  9. If you take a car loan of RM5000, with a 4% interest rate over 3 years, how much interest would you pay?
  10. Which interest can allows a principal amount to grow at a faster rate.
  11. Formula of simple interest.
  12. The net price of a table is RM800. A trade discount of 30% is offered. Find the list price.
  1. A department store lists a product for RM200 less 20%. To improve the sales, the net price is reduced to RM120. What additional rate of discount is given by the store?
  2. A 10%, 100 days note was date 20 September 1992. The maturity value of the note wan RM3083.33. If the note was discounted on 17 November 1992 at 12%, find the maturity date of the note.
  3. RM20000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.
  4. What is usually the amount on the price tag?
  5. RM1000 is invested seven months in a bank, earning a simple interest rate 8% per annum. Find the simple interest earned.
  6. What is the balance of a savings account after 1 year, if RM1000 is deposited at a 6% interest rate and compounded monthly?
  7. Find the cost price if retail price is RM3700 and 15% markup based on retail price.
  8. What is the interest change always based on the original?

20 Clues: Formula of simple interest.The person that signs the note.What is usually the amount on the price tag?X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?The person to whom the payment is to be made.RM20000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.What is the interest change always based on the original?...

Do you know me well? 2023-03-20

Do you know me well? crossword puzzle
  1. grandpa (mom)
  2. my middle name
  3. my last name
  4. my boyfriend
  5. the black and white cat
  6. my first name
  7. my dad
  1. least favorite class
  2. the springer spaniel
  3. my favorite class
  4. the orange cat
  5. my mom
  6. my brother
  7. grandma (mom)
  8. my favorite color

15 Clues: my mommy dadmy brothermy last namemy boyfriendgrandpa (mom)my first namegrandma (mom)my middle namethe orange catmy favorite classmy favorite colorleast favorite classthe springer spanielthe black and white cat

CrossWord spell Mathematics 2024-12-03

CrossWord spell Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. The study of reasoning and argument in mathematics.
  2. A mathematical statement proven to be true.
  3. are the shorter definitions related to mathematics:
  4. A set of symbols and rules used to derive mathematical truths.
  5. A mathematical statement believed to be true but not yet proven.
  6. A mathematical statement that leads to a contradiction or unexpected result.
  7. A concept representing an unbounded quantity.
  1. A basic mathematical principle accepted without proof.
  2. A step-by-step procedure for solving a mathematical problem.
  3. The process of simplifying mathematical concepts by focusing on key properties.
  4. A logical argument that confirms a mathematical statement.

11 Clues: A mathematical statement proven to be true.A concept representing an unbounded quantity.The study of reasoning and argument in mathematics.are the shorter definitions related to mathematics:A basic mathematical principle accepted without proof.A logical argument that confirms a mathematical statement....

School Courses 2024-05-13

School Courses crossword puzzle
  1. Ciencias Naturales
  2. Educación Física
  3. Español
  4. Matemáticas
  1. Ciencias Sociales
  2. Inglés
  3. Agricultura
  4. Religión
  5. P.E.
  6. Expresiones Artísticas
  7. Matemáticas

11 Clues: P.E.InglésEspañolReligiónAgriculturaMatemáticasMatemáticasEducación FísicaCiencias SocialesCiencias NaturalesExpresiones Artísticas

Word Study Week 10 2021-10-07

Word Study Week 10 crossword puzzle
  1. used to single out one person,
  2. used in sweets
  3. mathematics
  4. stop
  5. plan
  1. person
  2. lots of space
  3. figure it out
  4. informing information
  5. from someone
  6. sickness

11 Clues: stopplanpersonsicknessmathematicsfrom someonelots of spacefigure it outused in sweetsinforming informationused to single out one person,

school subjects 2021-06-24

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. (mathrmatics)
  2. ()natural sciences)
  3. (language)
  4. (mathematics)
  5. (social studies)
  6. (natural sciences)
  7. (social studies)
  1. (english)
  2. (eca)
  3. (english)
  4. (religion)
  5. (language)

12 Clues: (eca)(english)(english)(religion)(language)(language)(mathrmatics)(mathematics)(social studies)(social studies)(natural sciences)()natural sciences)

Hello Ambreen 2023-08-04

Hello Ambreen crossword puzzle
  1. programming language
  2. my favourite colour
  3. boro loker Jayga
  4. 🎄
  5. thanks in Korean
  6. who do we hate?
  7. my favourite name
  1. ! in mathematics
  2. world’s most boring sport
  3. I gifted you on 2nd date
  4. best adjective for you
  5. goddess of witchcraft
  6. Mamamoo member
  7. _______ chele
  8. my mom’s name

15 Clues: 🎄_______ chelemy mom’s nameMamamoo memberwho do we hate?! in mathematicsboro loker Jaygathanks in Koreanmy favourite namemy favourite colourprogramming languagegoddess of witchcraftbest adjective for youI gifted you on 2nd dateworld’s most boring sport

Algebra crossword 2024-05-08

Algebra crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A mathematical expression with only one term.
  2. a function that grows really really fast
  3. A mathematical statement that two expressions are equal.
  4. The point where a line crosses the y-axis.
  5. The result of multiplying a number by itself.
  6. The result of adding two or more numbers.
  7. It is a U-shaped curve that appears often in mathematics. It always has a vertex and an axis of symmetry
  8. The number multiplied by a variable in a term
  9. The point where a line crosses the x-axis
  10. The value of a variable that makes an equation true.
  1. used to find the vertex of a parabola
  2. A point halfway between 2 other points
  3. How far apart 2 points are
  4. A letter used to represent a quantity in mathematics
  5. The number before a variable in a term.
  6. A mathematical phrase containing numbers, variables, and operations.
  7. A mathematical expression with two or more terms.
  8. interdependence of variable quantities.
  9. involving the second and no higher power of an unknown quantity or variable.
  10. A number or quantity placed before a variable.

20 Clues: How far apart 2 points areused to find the vertex of a parabolaA point halfway between 2 other pointsThe number before a variable in a term.interdependence of variable quantities.a function that grows really really fastThe result of adding two or more numbers.The point where a line crosses the x-axisThe point where a line crosses the y-axis....

Chapter 3 Vocabulary 2022-10-24

Chapter 3 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The number that is being divided.
  2. A property of mathematics in which the order of the factors does not change the product.
  3. A number that divides a whole number evenly.
  4. A property of mathematics in which the grouping of the factors does not change the product.
  5. When any number is multiplied by 0, the product is 0.
  1. Subtraction of the same subtrahend over and over again.
  2. 0, 8, 16, 24, 32
  3. The number by which the dividend is being divided by.
  4. When any number is multiplied by 1, the product is that number.
  5. To break apart a number.
  6. A group of related facts using the same numbers.
  7. The answer to a division problem
  8. The answer to a multiplication problem.

13 Clues: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32To break apart a number.The answer to a division problemThe number that is being divided.The answer to a multiplication problem.A number that divides a whole number evenly.A group of related facts using the same numbers.The number by which the dividend is being divided by.When any number is multiplied by 0, the product is 0....

Roee Spelling Bee Practice 2024-05-02

Roee Spelling Bee Practice crossword puzzle
  1. A story or account of events or experiences, whether true or fiction
  2. The ability to read and write.
  3. A district, especially one forming a community within a town or city
  4. Concerning the writing, study or content of literature.
  5. The science or numbers, quantities and space.
  6. A room or building equipped for scientific experiments
  7. The ability to read or express oneself in a smooth, natural, and efficient manner.
  8. Held in common by two or more parties
  1. Involving or concerned with careful examination and inquiry
  2. The action of explaining the meaning of something.
  3. Ascertain the size, amount, or degree of something by using an instrument or device marked in standard units.
  4. The introduction of new ideas, methods, or technologies.
  5. Written works.
  6. A device by which a flow of liquid or gas from a pipe can be controlled; a tap.
  7. A person who is an expert in mathematics
  8. The process of examining something in detail to understand its nature or structure
  9. Of a very great size; huge

17 Clues: Written works.Of a very great size; hugeThe ability to read and write.Held in common by two or more partiesA person who is an expert in mathematicsThe science or numbers, quantities and space.The action of explaining the meaning of something.A room or building equipped for scientific experiments...

STCH Crossword 2024-05-09

STCH Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. สีผมที่ต้องย้อม ถ้าอยากมีแฟน
  2. วิชาเกลียดนิยมอันดับหนึ่ง
  3. ไม่ใช่ยุง แต่กินเลือดเป็นอาหาร
  4. ถ้าผิดระเบียบระวังจะโดนคนเหล่านี้วิ่งไล่!
  1. สรุปอาหารชนิดนี้ควรมีสับปะรดมั้ยอะ
  2. Who is ภัทรดร สุคนธ์ทวิชาติ?
  3. จำนวนค่าเสียหายในการทำบัตรประจำตัวใหม่
  4. ชื่อเรียกของการโดนอดีตแอพนกฟ้าคุมกำเนิด
  5. ของโปรดน้องขนมถ้วย
  6. คอยาว ขนปุย ฟันหย่าย เคี้ยวหญ้าแจ่บๆ

10 Clues: ของโปรดน้องขนมถ้วยวิชาเกลียดนิยมอันดับหนึ่งWho is ภัทรดร สุคนธ์ทวิชาติ?สีผมที่ต้องย้อม ถ้าอยากมีแฟนไม่ใช่ยุง แต่กินเลือดเป็นอาหารสรุปอาหารชนิดนี้ควรมีสับปะรดมั้ยอะคอยาว ขนปุย ฟันหย่าย เคี้ยวหญ้าแจ่บๆจำนวนค่าเสียหายในการทำบัตรประจำตัวใหม่ชื่อเรียกของการโดนอดีตแอพนกฟ้าคุมกำเนิดถ้าผิดระเบียบระวังจะโดนคนเหล่านี้วิ่งไล่!

School subjects 2023-08-23

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. เกี่ยวกับพื้นดินภูมิประเทศ
  2. ได้รู้ประวัติของสถานที่หรือคน
  3. เล่นกลางแจ้งหรือในร่มก็ได้แต่ได้ขยับตัวเยอะมาก
  4. เกี่ยวกับผู้คนและการอยู่อาศัย
  5. เกี่ยวกับเครื่องดนตรี
  1. มีการทดลอง
  2. มีการคำนวณ
  3. เกี่ยวกับการสร้างภาพวาด จิตรกรรม หรืออื่น ๆ
  4. ภาษาสากล

9 Clues: ภาษาสากลมีการทดลองมีการคำนวณเกี่ยวกับเครื่องดนตรีเกี่ยวกับพื้นดินภูมิประเทศได้รู้ประวัติของสถานที่หรือคนเกี่ยวกับผู้คนและการอยู่อาศัยเกี่ยวกับการสร้างภาพวาด จิตรกรรม หรืออื่น ๆเล่นกลางแจ้งหรือในร่มก็ได้แต่ได้ขยับตัวเยอะมาก

IB Crossword 2024-04-05

IB Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Teacher
  2. Mandatory subject
  3. IB coordinator
  4. School
  5. The opposite of what IB is
  1. Humanities subject
  2. Study trip location
  3. Science subject
  4. Graduation month
  5. Language class
  6. Time consuming IB core component
  7. Physics teacher

12 Clues: SchoolTeacherIB coordinatorLanguage classScience subjectPhysics teacherGraduation monthMandatory subjectHumanities subjectStudy trip locationThe opposite of what IB isTime consuming IB core component

STCH Crossword 2024-05-09

STCH Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. อุ๋ง อุ๋งๆๆ อุ๋ง!
  2. ไม่ใช่ยุง แต่กินเลือดเป็นอาหาร
  3. พี่ปาทานค้าบบบ พี่ปาทานนน
  4. อาจารย์ทะเบียนที่ถูกหวย…กินบ่อยๆ
  5. เสกได้หลายอย่าง ไม่ได้อย่างเดียวคือโลโซ
  6. อยู่หน้าร้านปิ้งย่าง ไม่ใช่จระเข้
  1. วิชาเกลียดนิยมอันดับหนึ่ง
  2. ถังแก๊สมีขา
  3. ให้ทำที่บ้าน แต่ไม่เคยทำที่บ้าน
  4. ชายหนุ่มเดียวดาย กลายร่างในคืนจันทร์เต็มดวง

10 Clues: ถังแก๊สมีขาอุ๋ง อุ๋งๆๆ อุ๋ง!วิชาเกลียดนิยมอันดับหนึ่งพี่ปาทานค้าบบบ พี่ปาทานนนไม่ใช่ยุง แต่กินเลือดเป็นอาหารให้ทำที่บ้าน แต่ไม่เคยทำที่บ้านอาจารย์ทะเบียนที่ถูกหวย…กินบ่อยๆอยู่หน้าร้านปิ้งย่าง ไม่ใช่จระเข้เสกได้หลายอย่าง ไม่ได้อย่างเดียวคือโลโซชายหนุ่มเดียวดาย กลายร่างในคืนจันทร์เต็มดวง

Math House in Geometry 2021-04-06

Math House in Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. a quadrilateral whose four sides all have the same length.
  2. a four-sided polygon which has it's all sides equal in length and the measure of the angles are 90 degrees
  3. a field of mathematics that deals with points, lines, shapes, and solids
  4. a polygon with three edges and three vertices
  5. a straight line connecting the opposite corners of a polygon through its vertex
  6. the distance from one end to the other end of an object
  7. the measurement from base to top
  1. the perimeter of a circle or ellipse
  2. the shortest distance between any two points
  3. the distance around a two-dimensional shape
  4. capacity in term mathematics
  5. the size of a surface
  6. a polygon with six sides
  7. an abstract term used to describe the path of a continuously moving point (see continuity)
  8. the distance from side to side

15 Clues: the size of a surfacea polygon with six sidescapacity in term mathematicsthe distance from side to sidethe measurement from base to topthe perimeter of a circle or ellipsethe distance around a two-dimensional shapethe shortest distance between any two pointsa polygon with three edges and three vertices...

Discrete Mathematic 2022-10-09

Discrete Mathematic crossword puzzle
  1. is a declarative sentence that is either true or false, but not both.
  2. is notated ⋃
  3. a statement that is true by necessity or by virtue of its logical form.
  4. is a set with an endless list of elements
  5. is the branch of mathematics dealing with objects that can consider only distinct, separated values
  6. is the smallest unit of memory used in today's computing
  7. statement is a statement that can be written in the form “If P then Q,” where P and Q are sentences
  8. is a statement formed by adding two statements with the connector AND
  1. is called the number of elements in a
  2. is a statement involving an or.
  3. is a set with an uncountable number of elements
  4. in mathematics, are an organized collection of objects
  5. means reasoning
  6. is denoted ∩
  7. is the unique set having no elements
  8. of a statement is the opposite of the given mathematical statement.

16 Clues: is notated ⋃is denoted ∩means reasoningis a statement involving an the unique set having no elementsis called the number of elements in ais a set with an endless list of elementsis a set with an uncountable number of elementsin mathematics, are an organized collection of objectsis the smallest unit of memory used in today's computing...

Discrete Mathematic 2022-10-09

Discrete Mathematic crossword puzzle
  1. is a declarative sentence that is either true or false, but not both.
  2. is notated ⋃
  3. a statement that is true by necessity or by virtue of its logical form.
  4. is a set with an endless list of elements
  5. is the branch of mathematics dealing with objects that can consider only distinct, separated values
  6. is the smallest unit of memory used in today's computing
  7. statement is a statement that can be written in the form “If P then Q,” where P and Q are sentences
  8. is a statement formed by adding two statements with the connector AND
  1. is called the number of elements in a
  2. is a statement involving an or.
  3. is a set with an uncountable number of elements
  4. in mathematics, are an organized collection of objects
  5. means reasoning
  6. is denoted ∩
  7. is the unique set having no elements
  8. of a statement is the opposite of the given mathematical statement.

16 Clues: is notated ⋃is denoted ∩means reasoningis a statement involving an the unique set having no elementsis called the number of elements in ais a set with an endless list of elementsis a set with an uncountable number of elementsin mathematics, are an organized collection of objectsis the smallest unit of memory used in today's computing...


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  2. ARTES



SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. Bahasa Indonesia
  2. Pendidikan Pancasila
  3. Seni Budaya
  4. Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
  5. Pendidikan Agama Islam
  6. Bimbingan Konseling
  1. Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
  2. Matematika
  3. Informatika
  4. Pendidikan Olah Raga
  5. Bahasa Inggris

11 Clues: MatematikaInformatikaSeni BudayaBahasa InggrisBahasa IndonesiaBimbingan KonselingPendidikan Olah RagaPendidikan PancasilaIlmu Pengetahuan AlamPendidikan Agama IslamIlmu Pengetahuan Sosial

STEAM 2023-02-10

STEAM crossword puzzle
  1. a
  2. to color
  3. s
  4. this class
  5. old class name
  6. type of science
  7. art you can hear
  8. t
  1. e
  2. name of teacher
  3. an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer
  4. m
  5. teacher
  6. a vehicle that uses jet propulsion

14 Clues: easmtteacherto colorthis classold class namename of teachertype of scienceart you can heara vehicle that uses jet propulsionan optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer

Euclid Crossword Puzzle 2023-05-18

Euclid Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. He based his approach upon 10 axioms and called them ____.
  2. Euclid gathered all knowledge developed in ____. mathematics.
  3. He founded the ____ school of mathematics.
  4. Euclid's greatest work was a book called ____.
  5. What was Euclid considered the father of?
  6. Progressing from his first established principals to unknown series of steps, process was called ____.
  7. This treatsie is ____ in the history of science.
  8. Manuscripts of his famous work Elements were made in both Latin and ____ languages.
  1. He made huge contributions to the understanding of ____ numbers.
  2. Proof for every theorem shaped the ideas of ____ philosophers up until the present day.
  3. Until the 19th century only Euclid's work was considered as ____, as no other type was introduced.
  4. Euclid was born in _____, Egypt.
  5. Euclid's great work consisted of ____ books.

13 Clues: Euclid was born in _____, Egypt.What was Euclid considered the father of?He founded the ____ school of mathematics.Euclid's great work consisted of ____ books.Euclid's greatest work was a book called ____.This treatsie is ____ in the history of science.He based his approach upon 10 axioms and called them ____....

Euclid Crossword Puzzle 2023-05-18

Euclid Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. He based his approach upon 10 axioms and called them ____.
  2. Euclid gathered all knowledge developed in ____. mathematics.
  3. He founded the ____ school of mathematics.
  4. Euclid's greatest work was a book called ____.
  5. What was Euclid considered the father of?
  6. Progressing from his first established principals to unknown series of steps, process was called ____.
  7. This treatsie is ____ in the history of science.
  8. Manuscripts of his famous work Elements were made in both Latin and ____ languages.
  1. He made huge contributions to the understanding of ____ numbers.
  2. Proof for every theorem shaped the ideas of ____ philosophers up until the present day.
  3. Until the 19th century only Euclid's work was considered as ____, as no other type was introduced.
  4. Euclid was born in _____, Egypt.
  5. Euclid's great work consisted of ____ books.

13 Clues: Euclid was born in _____, Egypt.What was Euclid considered the father of?He founded the ____ school of mathematics.Euclid's great work consisted of ____ books.Euclid's greatest work was a book called ____.This treatsie is ____ in the history of science.He based his approach upon 10 axioms and called them ____....

Mathematics PUZZLE-1 2020-08-26

Mathematics PUZZLE-1 crossword puzzle
  1. Area x height
  2. Unit to measure area
  3. distance/time
  4. number of zeros of quadratic polynomial
  5. Volume/Area
  6. Unit to measure angle
  1. number of zeros of linear polynomial
  2. Unit to measure volume
  3. number of zeros of cubic polynomial
  4. Unit to measure time
  5. Unit to measure distance or length
  6. length x breadth
  7. Unit to measure Indian currency

13 Clues: Volume/AreaArea x heightdistance/timelength x breadthUnit to measure areaUnit to measure timeUnit to measure angleUnit to measure volumeUnit to measure Indian currencyUnit to measure distance or lengthnumber of zeros of cubic polynomialnumber of zeros of linear polynomialnumber of zeros of quadratic polynomial

Mathematics crossword puzzle 2023-10-31

Mathematics crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. To ____ an expression is to write a less complicated expression with the same value
  2. A point on a coordinate plane where the X-axis and Y-axis intersect is called the ____
  3. The vertical number line on a coordinate grid
  4. Two ratios are equivalent if they have the same value when simplified
  5. In an ordered pair that represents a point in the coordinate plane
  6. Two numbers written in order as follows: (X,Y)
  7. A fraction for which the numerator and the denominator have no common factor greater than one
  1. In an ordered pair that represents a point in the coordinate plane
  2. States that multiplying an expression by 1 leaves the expression unchanged
  3. The distance of the number from zero
  4. The coordinate plane is divided by its axes into four ___
  5. The horizontal number line on a coordinate grid
  6. The smallest common multiple of a set of two or more integers
  7. A ___ compares two quantities by division, it may be written using a colon, but is more often written in a fraction

14 Clues: The distance of the number from zeroThe vertical number line on a coordinate gridTwo numbers written in order as follows: (X,Y)The horizontal number line on a coordinate gridThe coordinate plane is divided by its axes into four ___The smallest common multiple of a set of two or more integers...

UNIT 7 2022-12-01

UNIT 7 crossword puzzle
  1. to feel joy
  2. to shake up roughly
  3. mathematics
  4. obstacle
  5. lacking meaning/silly
  1. chosen to act in someone place
  2. deserving trust
  3. busy/working
  4. rob or violence
  5. fairly large
  6. to create
  7. shrink

12 Clues: shrinkobstacleto createto feel joymathematicsbusy/workingfairly largedeserving trustrob or violenceto shake up roughlylacking meaning/sillychosen to act in someone place

math 2020-10-30

math crossword puzzle
  1. it the amount of space that a substance or object occupies, or that is enclosed within a container
  2. it is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles.
  3. it represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts
  4. it is a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal
  5. it measurement of someone or something from head to foot or from base to top
  1. it is a path that encompasses/surrounds a two-dimensional shape
  2. it is a branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols
  3. it can be defined as the space occupied by a flat shape or the surface of an object
  4. it is an area of mathematics primarily concerned with counting, both as a means and an end in obtaining results, and certain properties of finite structures.
  5. it is wide range or extent
  6. it is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets or sides, with three meeting at each vertex.
  7. it is concerned with properties of space that are related with distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures.
  8. it is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.
  9. it is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides

14 Clues: it is wide range or extentit is the figure formed by two rays, called the sidesit is a path that encompasses/surrounds a two-dimensional shapeit is a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equalit measurement of someone or something from head to foot or from base to top...

Black Mathematicians 2023-02-15

Black Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. The first black female engineer for NASA
  2. An inventor and mathematician with over 120 patents
  3. Laid the groundwork for the invention of the GPS
  4. Provided math calculations for the Apollo Moon Landing
  1. One of the first Black self-educated mathematicians
  2. The first African American to receive a PHD in Mathematics
  3. the first African American manager at nasa
  4. The first African American woman to earn a PhD in mathematics
  5. the most highly cited black mathematician

9 Clues: The first black female engineer for NASAthe most highly cited black mathematicianthe first African American manager at nasaLaid the groundwork for the invention of the GPSOne of the first Black self-educated mathematiciansAn inventor and mathematician with over 120 patentsProvided math calculations for the Apollo Moon Landing...

Crossword 2021-12-09

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - the concept of series is central to the numbers series in many exams.
  2. - in mathematics a power series (in on variable)is an infinite of the form.
  3. - depends only on the shape of the function f(x) and the boundaries of the integral,and doesn't depend on the integration variable.
  4. - the square of the number of integers converted to the square of the volume of the numbers.
  5. - the differential of a derivative integral function is equal to the integral expression.
  1. - is a sequence formed out of numbers.
  2. - in mathematics of a function variables is its derivative with respect to one of those variables,with the others held constant
  3. - it is the opposite of finding the derivative.
  4. - in mathematics a sequence is an enumerated collection of objects in which repetitions are allowed and order matters.

9 Clues: - is a sequence formed out of numbers.- it is the opposite of finding the derivative.- the concept of series is central to the numbers series in many exams.- in mathematics a power series (in on variable)is an infinite of the form.- the differential of a derivative integral function is equal to the integral expression....

Carlyn's bday! 2021-09-22

Carlyn's bday! crossword puzzle
  1. favourite food
  2. her personality type
  3. favourite subject
  4. primary school 544969
  5. favourite animal
  6. favourite show (良辰美好时光)
  7. favourite colour
  8. love language
  1. month she came to church
  2. birthday month
  3. country she wants to visit
  4. favourite worship song (hint: phil whickham)
  5. phobia
  6. subject she dislike most
  7. food she dislike most
  8. instagram handle
  9. favourite drink
  10. surname

18 Clues: phobiasurnamelove languagebirthday monthfavourite foodfavourite drinkinstagram handlefavourite animalfavourite colourfavourite subjecther personality typefood she dislike mostprimary school 544969favourite show (良辰美好时光)month she came to churchsubject she dislike mostcountry she wants to visitfavourite worship song (hint: phil whickham)

Maths Portfolio 2022-05-21

Maths Portfolio crossword puzzle
  1. are algebraic expressions that consist of variables and coefficients.
  2. refers generally to the elementary aspects of the theory of numbers, arts of mensuration, and numerical computation
  3. a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values
  4. are a set of values which helps to show the exact position of a point in the coordinate plane.
  5. a rule or principle, especially in mathematics, that can be shown to be true
  6. is a line that intersects a curve at a minimum of two distinct points
  1. is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles, and dimensions of things
  2. is a number or any symbol representing a constant value that is multiplied by the variable of a single term or the terms of a polynomial.
  3. A proven statement used for proving another statement
  4. meeting a curve or surface in a single point if a sufficiently small interval is considered straight line tangent to a curve
  5. is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles.
  6. is a shape consisting of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point, the centre.

12 Clues: A proven statement used for proving another statementa quantity that may assume any one of a set of valuesare algebraic expressions that consist of variables and a line that intersects a curve at a minimum of two distinct pointsa rule or principle, especially in mathematics, that can be shown to be true...

Science and technology 2024-02-20

Science and technology crossword puzzle
  1. A branch of mathematics concerned with the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids.
  2. intelligence (AI) The intelligence exhibited by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence.
  3. The systematic study of the natural world and phenomena using observation, experimentation, and hypothesis testing.
  4. An educated guess or proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through experimentation.
  1. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry, engineering, and everyday life.
  2. Progress, improvement, or development
  3. The act of noticing and recording information about what you see, hear, feel, smell, or taste. It is crucial for scientists to gather data and test hypotheses.
  4. A test conducted to understand a phenomenon or verify a hypothesis and making observations
  5. The science and practice of treating and preventing diseases and promoting health.
  6. A branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating them. It allows us to solve equations
  7. New creations or discoveries that solve a problem or improve upon an existing process. They can be physical objects
  8. The study of numbers, structures, quantities, and relationships. It provides a language and tools for reasoning, solving problems

12 Clues: Progress, improvement, or developmentThe science and practice of treating and preventing diseases and promoting health.A test conducted to understand a phenomenon or verify a hypothesis and making observationsintelligence (AI) The intelligence exhibited by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence....

Year 5 week 3 words 2013-07-29

Year 5 week 3 words crossword puzzle
  1. Something moving and airborne
  2. Summer
  3. Using numbers
  4. Chemicals
  5. Automatic
  6. Helps us to get better
  7. Smell
  8. In the back or front yard
  1. After change
  2. Men in space
  3. Quiet
  4. Look out the window to see pretty...
  5. Genre of books or movies
  6. A journey

14 Clues: QuietSmellSummerChemicalsAutomaticA journeyAfter changeMen in spaceUsing numbersHelps us to get betterGenre of books or moviesIn the back or front yardSomething moving and airborneLook out the window to see pretty...

Zach's Algebra Puzzle 2024-06-12

Zach's Algebra Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. - In mathematics, an _____ is a relation which makes a non-equal comparison between two numbers or other mathematical expressions.
  2. - the total number of digits or sometimes, the combination of digits and letters that is used to express numbers in a number system.
  3. sequence: A sequence of numbers in which each number can be computed by adding the same amount to the previous number.
  4. Function - An ______ function is a mathematical function that represents the relationship between an input and output.
  5. - a numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression
  6. Progression - An ______ progression (AP) is a sequence of numbers where the difference between each term is constant. This constant difference is called the common difference.
  7. like terms: Using the distributive law to add any two multiples of an expression such as x. For example, you can simplify 4x+5x into 9x.
  8. function: A function f with f(x)=f(−x) for all x. f(x)=xn is an even function if n is an even integer. A function is even if and only if its graph has the y-axis as an axis of symmetry.
  9. - an expression of more than two algebraic terms, especially the sum of several terms that contain different powers of the same variable(s).
  10. - In mathematics, the _____ of a function is the set of inputs that the function accepts. It can also be defined as the set of all possible values that qualify as inputs to a function.
  11. - an equality that holds true regardless of the values chosen for its variables
  1. - A ______ is a quantity or function that can take on any given value or set of values. It can also be defined as a characteristic, number, or quantity that can be measured or counted.
  2. Elements - In mathematics, the concept of an _____ element generalizes the concepts of opposite (−x) and reciprocal (1/x) of numbers.
  3. - a function which takes one or more inputs (named operands) and produces an output.
  4. plot: A diagram showing data values as dots above a number line.
  5. A dilation by a positive number r about a point A is a transformation that moves each other point B along the ray from A that passes through B, and multiplies distances from A by r. A is called the center of the dilation.
  6. - In mathematics, a _____ is a number or symbol that has a fixed value. It's a value or number that never changes in expression.
  7. root: The cube root of a, written 3√a, is the number whose cube is a. That is, (3√a)3=a.
  8. - _______ is a mathematical process that involves writing a number or other mathematical object as a product of several factors.
  9. - a number that is not a fraction; a whole number.
  10. - a real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of integers.
  11. function: ceiling(x) is the closest integer which is greater than or equal to x.
  12. Value - In mathematics, _____is the non-negative value of a real number without regard to its sign. It can be thought of as the distance from zero along the real number line.
  13. of symmetry: A line that you can flip (or reflect) a graph across that results in the same graph.
  14. fit line: When the points on a grid are not all on a straight line, but seem to have a somewhat linear pattern, you can find a line that is the “best fit” (closest) to the points.

25 Clues: - a number that is not a fraction; a whole number.plot: A diagram showing data values as dots above a number line.- a real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of integers.- an equality that holds true regardless of the values chosen for its variablesfunction: ceiling(x) is the closest integer which is greater than or equal to x....

Hellwig Article 2014-12-01

Hellwig Article crossword puzzle
  1. build meaningful relationships
  2. is thinking and reasoning, solving problems, & making connections
  3. allow students to interact with mathematics in context
  4. the integrity of the concepts presented in the book
  5. pictures much enhance the text but not distract from it
  6. good literature that sprats something new in the reader
  1. are used to develop and reinforce counting and number concepts
  2. students must develop these as tools to construct, articulate, and reflect on ideas
  3. should correspond with the text, not interrupt the flow of reading
  4. who a book is intended for

10 Clues: who a book is intended forbuild meaningful relationshipsthe integrity of the concepts presented in the bookallow students to interact with mathematics in contextpictures much enhance the text but not distract from itgood literature that sprats something new in the readerare used to develop and reinforce counting and number concepts...

MATH Holiday Homework 2021-08-24

MATH Holiday Homework crossword puzzle
  1. A closed plane figure formed by three or more straight line segments
  2. An angle that measures greater than 90 degrees
  3. is a part of a line that has one endpoint and goes on infinitely in only one direction
  4. 4x-2y+3 has three terms,also known as
  5. The line intersects 2 or more parallel line is called
  1. Lines in the same plane that do not intersect
  2. Father of Indian Mathematics
  3. Branch of mathematics that deal with points,lines,planes
  4. opposite side of a right angle
  5. The distance around a figure

10 Clues: Father of Indian MathematicsThe distance around a figureopposite side of a right angle4x-2y+3 has three terms,also known asLines in the same plane that do not intersectAn angle that measures greater than 90 degreesThe line intersects 2 or more parallel line is calledBranch of mathematics that deal with points,lines,planes...

High School 2024-04-01

High School crossword puzzle
  1. The study and playing of music.
  2. The branch of mathematics that deals with integrals, and derivatives.
  3. The study of the Deutsch language
  4. The team sport that has individual match-ups relying on weight-class to determine opponents.
  5. The study of events of the past.
  1. The team sport that involves distance, sprinting, jumping, and throwing events.
  2. The branch of math that introduces variables, and graphs.
  3. The study of life and all of its components.
  4. The study of English literature.
  5. The branch of mathematics dealing with the properties of shapes.

10 Clues: The study and playing of music.The study of English literature.The study of events of the past.The study of the Deutsch languageThe study of life and all of its components.The branch of math that introduces variables, and graphs.The branch of mathematics dealing with the properties of shapes....

Somos estudiantes 2023-02-24

Somos estudiantes crossword puzzle
  1. To have to
  2. To take notes
  3. Easy
  4. Computer
  5. A lot
  6. Spanish
  7. Early
  8. To get a grade
  9. English
  10. Many times
  11. Science
  12. Minute
  13. To need
  1. The schedule
  2. Mathematics
  3. Once in a while
  4. The day after today
  5. To teach
  6. Always
  7. History
  8. Night
  9. Every day
  10. Never
  11. To arrive
  12. Less
  13. Art
  14. To answer
  15. Almost
  16. Late or afternoon
  17. Difficult

30 Clues: ArtEasyLessNightA lotNeverEarlyAlwaysAlmostMinuteHistorySpanishEnglishScienceTo needTo teachComputerEvery dayTo arriveTo answerDifficultTo have toMany timesMathematicsThe scheduleTo take notesTo get a gradeOnce in a whileLate or afternoonThe day after today

En la clase 2023-12-04

En la clase crossword puzzle
  1. course
  2. foreign languages
  3. humanities
  4. test/quiz
  5. library
  6. house
  7. class
  8. IT
  9. schedule
  10. semester
  11. english
  12. mathematics
  13. music
  14. stadium
  15. psychology
  16. literature
  17. classmate
  18. accounting
  1. chemistry
  2. geography
  3. school
  4. laboratory
  5. cafeteria
  6. history
  7. homework
  8. physics
  9. trimester
  10. science
  11. university/college
  12. journalism
  13. economics
  14. art
  15. spanish
  16. biology
  17. chalk
  18. bookstore
  19. exam/test
  20. sociology

38 Clues: ITarthouseclasschalkmusiccourseschoolhistoryphysicslibrarysciencespanishenglishbiologystadiumhomeworkschedulesemesterchemistrygeographycafeteriatest/quiztrimestereconomicsbookstoreexam/testsociologyclassmatelaboratoryhumanitiesjournalismpsychologyliteratureaccountingmathematicsforeign languagesuniversity/college

LES COURS 2024-09-17

LES COURS crossword puzzle
  1. physics
  2. studies
  3. class, course
  4. school
  5. chemistry
  6. mathematics
  7. physique physical education
  8. scholarship
  9. homework
  10. cafeteria
  11. computer science/class
  12. especially; above all
  13. languages/tongues
  14. difficult
  15. psychology
  16. useless
  1. I like
  2. philosophy
  3. art
  4. history
  5. diploma, degree
  6. easy
  7. business administration/education
  8. I love/adore
  9. science(s)
  10. grade/note
  11. geography
  12. useful
  13. biology
  14. economics
  15. gymnasium
  16. humanities

32 Clues: arteasyI likeschoolusefulphysicshistorystudiesbiologyuselesshomeworkchemistrygeographycafeteriaeconomicsgymnasiumdifficultphilosophyscience(s)grade/notehumanitiespsychologymathematicsscholarshipI love/adoreclass, coursediploma, degreelanguages/tonguesespecially; above allcomputer science/classphysique physical education...

Vocabulary Review 1 - High School 2013-03-04

Vocabulary Review 1 - High School crossword puzzle
  1. diseño gráfico
  2. educadora
  3. ingeniería civil
  4. pediatra
  5. arquitectura
  1. enfermería
  2. guardería
  3. desarrollo infantil
  4. matemáticas
  5. construir

10 Clues: pediatraguarderíaeducadoraconstruirenfermeríamatemáticasarquitecturadiseño gráficoingeniería civildesarrollo infantil


  1. The net price of a television is RM900. A trade discount of 40% is offered. Find the list price.
  2. The markdown percent for a iPad Mini is 15%. If the new retail price is RM750, find the old retail price.
  3. A 9%, 110-day note dated 31 August 2021 has a maturity value of RM3033.33. On 12 October 2021 the note was discounted and the proceeds received were RM4127.47. Find The face value of the note
  4. a bank discount all short term loans of 10 months duration at 3%. What is the equivalent simple interest rate?
  5. Bicycle that regularly sells for RM525 is markdown to RM418.75. What is the discount rate?
  6. The cost price of exclusive motorcycle is RM5000. What is the retail price if the seller wants 20% markup?
  7. Find the cost prices for the following retail price RM 4500 and 15% percent markup based on retail price
  8. A Aiman Laptop has a RM1,620 net price and a 40% trade discount. Calculate the compliment of the trade discount.
  9. Sony Blu-Ray player list price is RM200. The chain discount is 5/3/2. What is the trade discount, net Price ?
  10. Find the retail prices for the following cost price RM220 and 27% percent markup based on cost price.
  11. Alisa paid RM340.29 for a sport shoes that was offered a chain discount of 16% and 9%. What was the list price of the shoes?
  1. find the proceeds on the following loans given RM3281 from 10 June to 5 August of the same year at 7%
  2. find the bank discount on the following loans given RM900 for 30 days at 7.5%
  3. syakirah needs RM5000 now. Find the amount that he should borrow for 2 years from a bank that charges 8% discount
  4. The list price of a Aljimar Tablet is RM2,700. The manufacturer offers dealers a 40% trade discount. What are the net prices.
  5. Atan received an invoice of RM1570 with cash discount terms of . If he paid the invoice three days after the date of the invoice, what is the payment amount?
  6. Aiman purchase 150kg kerepek ubi at 80 cents per kilogram. 2% spoilage is expected. If he plans to make 30% markup based on selling price, what is the selling price of the kerepek ubi for each kilogram?
  7. Find the single discount equivalent of 30%, 25% and 16%
  8. An invoice of RM7000 dated 23 August 2021 was offered 15% trade discount and cash discount terms of Find the cash discount offer
  9. alia borrowed RM8000 for 180 days at a discount rate of 9%. Find the proceeds

20 Clues: Find the single discount equivalent of 30%, 25% and 16%find the bank discount on the following loans given RM900 for 30 days at 7.5%alia borrowed RM8000 for 180 days at a discount rate of 9%. Find the proceedsBicycle that regularly sells for RM525 is markdown to RM418.75. What is the discount rate?...

MYP Command Terms - Mathematics 2022-07-18

MYP Command Terms - Mathematics crossword puzzle
  1. Choose from a list or group.
  2. Obtain a value for a quantity.
  3. Mark the position of points on a diagram.
  4. Propose a solution, hypothesis or other possible answer.
  5. Obtain a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working.
  6. Give an expected result of an upcoming action or event.
  7. Provide an answer from a number of possibilities. Recognize and state briefly a distinguishing fact or feature.
  8. Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence.
  9. Display information in a diagrammatic or logical form.
  10. Represent by means of a diagram or graph (labelled as appropriate). The sketch should give a general idea of the required shape or relationship and should include relevant features.
  11. Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.
  12. Put ideas and information into a proper or systematic order.
  13. Represent by means of a labelled, accurate diagram or graph, using a pencil. A ruler (straight edge) should be used for straight lines. Diagrams should be drawn to scale. Graphs should have points correctly plotted (if appropriate) and joined in a straight line or smooth curve.
  14. Use a sequence of logical steps to obtain the required result in a formal way.
  15. Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.
  1. Follow and record the action of an algorithm.
  2. Give the steps in a calculation or derivation.
  3. Manipulate a mathematical relationship to give a new equation or relationship.
  4. Make clear by reasoning or evidence, illustrating with examples or practical application.
  5. Apply knowledge or rules to put theory into practice.
  6. Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.
  7. Add title, labels or brief explanation(s) to a diagram or graph.
  8. Obtain the answer(s) using algebraic and/or numerical and/or graphical methods.
  9. Give a judgment based on a given statement or result of a calculation.
  10. Use knowledge and understanding in response to a given situation or real circumstances. Use an idea, equation, principle, theory or law in relation to a given problem or issue.
  11. Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion.
  12. Provide evidence that validates the result.
  13. Add brief notes to a diagram or graph.
  14. Obtain an approximate value for an unknown quantity.
  15. down, Obtain the answer(s), usually by extracting information. Little or no calculation is required. Working does not need to be shown.

30 Clues: Choose from a list or group.Obtain a value for a quantity.Add brief notes to a diagram or graph.Mark the position of points on a diagram.Provide evidence that validates the result.Follow and record the action of an algorithm.Give the steps in a calculation or derivation.Obtain an approximate value for an unknown quantity....

Mathematics 5 Crossword Puzzle 2020-11-18

Mathematics 5 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A curve obtained by a plane intersecting a cone
  2. A line approached but not touched by the hyperbola
  3. Axis whose length is equal to the constant sum describing the ellipse
  4. Math 5 teacher and scale coordinator
  5. The kind of parabola described by the equation x2 = y
  6. Describes a generated shape when a plane passes through a cone’s vertex
  7. Equation in the form Ax + By = C
  8. A set used to describe one of the degenerate conics not seen geometrically
  9. A line or segment acting as a conic’s line of symmetry or as a connector of its vertices
  10. Curve making up half the hyperbola
  11. The segment connecting a hyperbola’s vertices
  12. Shortest axis of an ellipse
  1. A line which rotates about a fixed axis to make 2 cones
  2. The segment connecting a hyperbola’s co-vertices
  3. Location of the source wave that produces parallel reflected rays in a parabola
  4. Set of points whose distance from a fixed point to a fixed line is equal
  5. Shape whose reflective property is used in shock wave lithotripsy
  6. Puzzle’s maker
  7. Used to describe a conic’s deviance to a circle
  8. Equation in the form Ax + By + C = 0
  9. The 2 cones which make up the hourglass-like shape
  10. A line that is as close to the parabola’s vertex as its focus
  11. A figure that passes through a cone to generate conics
  12. Rectangle at the center of the hyperbola
  13. A kind of conic with a principal axis parallel to the x-axis
  14. Conic section with e > 1
  15. A conic perpendicular to the cone’s axis

27 Clues: Puzzle’s makerConic section with e > 1Shortest axis of an ellipseEquation in the form Ax + By = CCurve making up half the hyperbolaMath 5 teacher and scale coordinatorEquation in the form Ax + By + C = 0Rectangle at the center of the hyperbolaA conic perpendicular to the cone’s axisThe segment connecting a hyperbola’s vertices...


  1. Formula of simple interest.
  2. X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?
  3. What is the amount of money added to their cost of a product or service?
  4. RM1000 is invested seven months in a bank, earning a simple interest rate 8% per annum. Find the simple interest earned.
  5. The person that signs the note.
  6. A department store lists a product for RM200 less 20%. To improve the sales, the net price is reduced to RM120. What additional rate of discount is given by the store?
  7. Find the retail prices, if cost price is RM120 and markup 25% based on cost price.
  8. The person to whom the payment is to be made
  9. The net price of a table is RM800. A trade discount of 30% is offered. Find the list price.
  10. The markdown percent for a camera is 20%. If the new retail price is RM250, find the old retail price.
  11. RM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.
  1. Which interest can allows a principal amount to grow at a faster rate.
  2. price What is usually the amount on the price tag?
  3. A 10%, 100 days note was date 20 September 1992. The maturity value of the note wan RM3083.33. if the note was discounted on 17 November 1992 at 12%, find the maturity date of the note.
  4. What is the balance of a savings account after 1 year, if RM1000 is deposited at a 6% interest rate and compounded monthly?
  5. What the interest change always based on the original?
  6. Find the bank discount on the following loans. RM 4215 from 10 June to 5 August of the same year at 10%.
  7. Vision computers offers a line of computers for RM 6000 less 25% and 10% each. What is the net price of a computer?
  8. Find the cost price if retail price is RM3700 and 15% markup based on retail price.
  9. If you take a car loan of RM5000, with a 4% interest rate over 3 years, how much interest would you pay?

20 Clues: Formula of simple interest.The person that signs the note.X= Maturity value- Bank discount. What is X?The person to whom the payment is to be madeRM2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years.price What is usually the amount on the price tag?What the interest change always based on the original?...