maths Crossword Puzzles

Class vocabulary Unit 1 2022-10-02

Class vocabulary Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. jumper
  2. timetable
  3. history
  4. shoe
  5. changing room
  6. schoolyard
  7. Hose
  8. Hemd
  9. Rock/Jupe
  10. Turnen
  1. tie
  2. Turnhalle
  3. Schulfach
  4. chor, Gesangsverein
  5. headmaster
  6. class/grade
  7. Schüler/-in
  8. break/recess
  9. Mathe

19 Clues: tieshoeHoseHemdMathejumperTurnenhistorytimetableTurnhalleSchulfachRock/Jupeheadmasterschoolyardclass/gradeSchüler/-inbreak/recesschanging roomchor, Gesangsverein

Les études 2013-03-31

Les études crossword puzzle
  1. physiology
  2. accounting
  3. art,design
  4. management
  5. advertising
  6. journalism
  7. history
  1. math
  2. english
  3. biology
  4. business
  5. philosophy
  6. chemistry
  7. psychology
  8. law

15 Clues: lawmathenglishbiologyhistorybusinesschemistryphysiologyaccountingphilosophypsychologyart,designmanagementjournalismadvertising

Las asignaturas 2020-09-13

Las asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish
  2. Music
  3. Geography
  4. History
  5. Drama
  6. Science
  7. PE
  1. French
  2. German
  3. Maths
  4. Computer Science
  5. Art
  6. RE
  7. DT
  8. English

15 Clues: REDTPEArtMathsMusicDramaFrenchGermanSpanishHistoryScienceEnglishGeographyComputer Science

School subjects 2023-02-09

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. Drama
  3. French
  4. Science
  5. Break
  6. P.E
  7. English
  8. Religious Studies
  1. Spanish
  2. History
  3. Technology
  4. Maths
  5. Geography
  6. Art
  7. IT

15 Clues: ITP.EArtMusicMathsDramaBreakFrenchSpanishHistoryScienceEnglishGeographyTechnologyReligious Studies

Unit 2 2018-10-15

Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. angļu valoda
  2. sports
  3. otrdiena
  4. ģeogrāfija
  5. ceturtdiena
  6. piektdiena
  7. pirmdiena
  8. informātika
  9. mūzika
  1. dabaszinības
  2. trešdiena
  3. svētdiena
  4. sestdiena
  5. vēsture
  6. latviešu valoda
  7. matemātika
  8. vizuālā māksla

17 Clues: sportsmūzikavēstureotrdienatrešdienasvētdienasestdienapirmdienaģeogrāfijapiektdienamatemātikaceturtdienainformātikadabaszinībasangļu valodavizuālā mākslalatviešu valoda

Skolämnen och veckodagar 2020-01-12

Skolämnen och veckodagar crossword puzzle
  1. matematik
  2. torsdag
  3. fredag
  4. söndag
  5. tisdag
  6. historia och geografi
  7. rast
  8. engelska
  1. gymnastik
  2. musik
  3. måndag
  4. teknik
  5. lördag
  6. tyska
  7. onsdag
  8. franska
  9. lunch

17 Clues: rastmusiktyskalunchmåndagteknikfredaglördagonsdagsöndagtisdagtorsdagfranskaengelskagymnastikmatematikhistoria och geografi

Chapitre 4 2021-11-17

Chapitre 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Orchestra
  2. Civics
  3. Math
  4. Art
  5. school
  6. German
  7. Science
  8. middle school
  1. French
  2. Drama
  3. English
  4. to study
  5. subject
  6. History
  7. Band
  8. Chorus
  9. high school

17 Clues: ArtMathBandDramaFrenchCivicsschoolChorusGermanEnglishsubjectHistoryScienceto studyOrchestrahigh schoolmiddle school

Class vocabulary Unit 1 2022-10-02

Class vocabulary Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. class/grade
  2. Rock/Jupe
  3. changing room
  4. Hemd
  5. jumper
  6. Mathe
  7. Schüler/-in
  8. history
  1. break/recess
  2. schoolyard
  3. Chor/Gesangsverein
  4. Turnhalle
  5. timetable
  6. headmaster
  7. tie
  8. Schulfach
  9. Hose
  10. shoe
  11. Turnen

19 Clues: tieHemdHoseshoeMathejumperTurnenhistoryTurnhalletimetableRock/JupeSchulfachschoolyardheadmasterclass/gradeSchüler/-inbreak/recesschanging roomChor/Gesangsverein

Vocabulary Unit 1 2019-11-06

Vocabulary Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. ankreuzen
  2. verbinden
  3. Fähigkeit, können
  4. Werkstätte
  5. Mitschüler/in
  6. leise, ruhig
  7. etwas nicht mögen
  8. gemeinsam
  9. erklären
  10. Tafel
  1. Mathe
  2. Schauspielerin
  3. trainieren, üben
  4. Interaktion
  5. Schüler/in
  6. Gegenstand, Thema
  7. Saft
  8. Profil
  9. wiederholen

19 Clues: SaftMatheTafelProfilerklärenankreuzenverbindengemeinsamWerkstätteSchüler/inInteraktionwiederholenleise, ruhigMitschüler/inSchauspielerintrainieren, übenFähigkeit, könnenGegenstand, Themaetwas nicht mögen

EW 3 unit 1 2019-09-22

EW 3 unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. урок математики
  2. класс ( в школе)
  3. волнующий , радостный
  4. легко
  5. учить
  6. виды спорта
  7. доска
  8. растение
  9. трудно
  10. гитара
  1. урок рисования
  2. урок музыки
  3. естественные науки
  4. страница
  5. интересный
  6. урок
  7. школа
  8. банка
  9. тихий

19 Clues: уроклегкошколаучитьбанкатихийдоскатрудногитарастраницарастениеинтересныйурок музыкивиды спортаурок рисованияурок математикикласс ( в школе)естественные наукиволнующий , радостный

we 2020-08-27

we crossword puzzle
  1. такой же
  2. провалить экзамен
  3. все еще
  4. информатика
  5. физкультура
  6. математика
  7. экзамен
  8. физика
  1. курс
  2. успешно сдать экзамен
  3. литература
  4. в точности
  5. химия
  6. история
  7. носитель языка
  8. встреча выпускников
  9. география
  10. языки
  11. биология

19 Clues: курсхимияязыкифизикаисториявсе ещеэкзаментакой жебиологиягеографиялитературав точностиматематикаинформатикафизкультураноситель языкапровалить экзаменвстреча выпускниковуспешно сдать экзамен

Unit 11 2020-05-18

Unit 11 crossword puzzle
  1. - kodutöö
  2. - koht
  3. Sunday - pühapäeval
  4. - umbes
  5. - trumm
  6. - kolmapäev
  7. - pühapäev
  8. - kehaline kasvatus
  9. the weekend - nädalavahetusel
  10. place - siin: minu kodu
  11. - neljapäev
  1. - nädalavahetus
  2. - esmaspäev
  3. - hõivatud, tegevuses
  4. - teisipäev
  5. - laupäev
  6. - sööma
  7. - reede
  8. - matemaatika

19 Clues: - koht- umbes- trumm- sööma- reede- kodutöö- laupäev- pühapäev- esmaspäev- teisipäev- kolmapäev- neljapäev- matemaatika- nädalavahetusSunday - pühapäeval- kehaline kasvatus- hõivatud, tegevusesplace - siin: minu koduthe weekend - nädalavahetusel

Vocabulaire: Jeu de Mots Croisés 2013-05-06

Vocabulaire: Jeu de Mots Croisés crossword puzzle
  1. shorts
  2. biology
  3. morning
  4. book
  5. binder
  6. today
  7. laptop
  8. test
  9. dictionary
  10. Spanish
  11. week
  12. eraser
  1. pen
  2. sneakers
  3. computer science
  4. notebook
  5. German
  6. calculator
  7. math
  8. dismissal
  9. physics
  10. cell phone
  11. night

23 Clues: penbooktestmathweektodaynightshortsGermanbinderlaptoperaserbiologymorningSpanishphysicssneakersnotebookdismissalcalculatordictionarycell phonecomputer science

Les jours de la semaine 2018-05-08

Les jours de la semaine crossword puzzle
  1. matte
  2. skolämne
  3. lektion
  4. franska
  5. idrott
  6. intressant
  7. torsdag
  8. engelska
  9. roligt
  1. tisdag
  2. dag
  3. onsdag
  4. vecka
  5. tråkigt
  6. idag
  7. musik
  8. samedi dimanche
  9. att vara
  10. jättebra
  11. måndag
  12. att ha
  13. toppen

22 Clues: dagidagmatteveckamusiktisdagonsdagidrottmåndagatt hatoppenroligtlektionfranskatråkigttorsdagskolämneatt varajättebraengelskaintressantsamedi dimanche

die Fächer 2022-11-10

die Fächer crossword puzzle
  1. Computers
  2. Irish
  3. Geography
  4. PE
  5. French
  6. Biology
  7. Business
  8. Art
  9. TechDrawing
  10. English
  11. Music
  12. Metalwork
  1. Science
  2. Religion
  3. Chemistry
  4. SPHE
  5. German
  6. Woodwork
  7. HomeEc
  8. CSPE
  9. Spanish
  10. History
  11. Physics
  12. Maths

24 Clues: PEArtSPHECSPEIrishMusicMathsGermanHomeEcFrenchScienceBiologySpanishHistoryPhysicsEnglishReligionWoodworkBusinessComputersChemistryGeographyMetalworkTechDrawing

School Subjects 2023-01-04

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. matemaatika
  2. loodusõpetus, teadus
  3. saksa keel
  4. geograafia
  5. ajalugu
  6. arvutiõpetus
  7. prantsuse keel
  8. hispaania keel
  9. ühiskonnaõpetus
  10. eesti keel
  1. meediaõpetus
  2. ärijuhtimine
  3. kirjandus
  4. kehaline kasvatus
  5. näitekunst
  6. füüsika
  7. vene keel
  8. bioloogia
  9. keemia
  10. inglise keel

20 Clues: keemiaajalugufüüsikakirjandusvene keelbioloogiasaksa keelgeograafianäitekunsteesti keelmatemaatikameediaõpetusärijuhtiminearvutiõpetusinglise keelprantsuse keelhispaania keelühiskonnaõpetuskehaline kasvatusloodusõpetus, teadus

British Words 2023-12-25

British Words crossword puzzle
  1. car park
  2. flashlight
  3. motorway
  4. hob
  5. garbage
  6. hoover
  7. apartment
  8. chips
  9. ground floor
  10. math
  11. elevator
  1. field
  2. semi-truck
  3. French fries
  4. trunk
  5. soccer
  6. line
  7. interval
  8. trousers
  9. gasoline
  10. boots with spikes

21 Clues: hoblinemathfieldtrunkchipssoccerhoovergarbagecar parkmotorwayintervaltrousersgasolineelevatorapartmentsemi-truckflashlightFrench friesground floorboots with spikes

unit 5 2024-03-06

unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. stołówka
  2. biblioteka
  3. matematyka
  4. biologia
  5. korytarz
  6. sala komputerowa
  7. sklepik
  8. pokój nauczycielski
  9. historia
  1. klasa
  2. plac zabaw
  3. sala gimnastyczna
  4. sekretariat
  5. parcownia chemiczna
  6. plastyka
  7. szatnia
  8. boisko
  9. muzyka
  10. geografia
  11. w-f
  12. informatyka

21 Clues: w-fklasaboiskomuzykaszatniasklepikstołówkaplastykabiologiakorytarzhistoriageografiaplac zabawbibliotekamatematykasekretariatinformatykasala komputerowasala gimnastycznaparcownia chemicznapokój nauczycielski

School 2024-04-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. bioloģija
  2. matemātika
  3. spāņu valoda
  4. māksla
  5. angļu valoda
  6. pretī
  7. pāri
  8. iekšā
  9. zem
  10. priekšā
  11. blakus
  12. reliģijas mācība
  1. literatūra
  2. aiz
  3. datorzinātnes
  4. vēsture
  5. latviešu valoda
  6. krievu valoda
  7. sports
  8. ģeogrāfija
  9. dabaszinības
  10. uz

22 Clues: uzaizzempāripretīiekšāsportsmākslablakusvēsturepriekšābioloģijaliteratūramatemātikaģeogrāfijaspāņu valodaangļu valodadabaszinībasdatorzinātneskrievu valodalatviešu valodareliģijas mācība

School 2023-01-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. bioloģija
  2. sporta soma
  3. ķīmija
  4. penālis
  5. sports
  6. baltā tāfele
  7. kalkulators
  8. vēsture
  1. fizika
  2. lineāls
  3. mūzika
  4. vizuālā māksla
  5. plakāts
  6. ģeogrāfija
  7. matemātika
  8. mācību grāmata
  9. angļu valoda

17 Clues: fizikamūzikaķīmijasportslineālsplakātspenālisvēsturebioloģijaģeogrāfijamatemātikasporta somakalkulatorsangļu valodabaltā tāfelevizuālā mākslamācību grāmata

Spelling List #1 Grade 4 2019-03-10

Spelling List #1 Grade 4 crossword puzzle
  1. inglés
  2. basurero
  3. flauta
  4. comienzo
  5. matemática
  6. jueves
  7. parque con juegos
  8. adivinar
  9. roto
  1. ciencia
  2. algo
  3. miércoles
  4. martes
  5. ¡Apúrate!
  6. lecciones
  7. preocuparse

16 Clues: algorotoinglésmartesflautajuevescienciabasurerocomienzoadivinarmiércoles¡Apúrate!leccionesmatemáticapreocuparseparque con juegos

Go for it 6 kpl 9 2020-02-21

Go for it 6 kpl 9 crossword puzzle
  1. elämänkatsomustieto
  2. ympäristöoppi
  3. fysiikka
  4. historia
  5. uskonto
  1. musiikki
  2. kemia
  3. maantieto
  4. äidinkieli
  5. ruotsi
  6. matematiikka
  7. käsityö
  8. kuvataide
  9. biologia
  10. liikunta

15 Clues: kemiaruotsikäsityöuskontomusiikkibiologiafysiikkaliikuntahistoriamaantietokuvataideäidinkielimatematiikkaympäristöoppielämänkatsomustieto

school vocab 2021-01-06

school vocab crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. cooking
  3. chemistry
  4. computers
  5. English
  6. gym
  1. biology
  2. physics
  3. dance
  4. technology
  5. French
  6. Spanish
  7. music
  8. theater
  9. math

15 Clues: gymmathdancemusicFrenchbiologyphysicshistorycookingSpanishtheaterEnglishchemistrycomputerstechnology

UNIT 1 VOCABULARY 2021-10-21

UNIT 1 VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  3. LENTO
  3. FACIL


L'ecole 2023-05-23

L'ecole crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. Door
  3. Notebook
  4. Table
  5. Music
  6. Band
  7. Health
  8. Pen
  1. Principal(m)
  2. Eraser
  3. Homework
  4. English
  5. Chorus
  6. Science
  7. Math

15 Clues: PenDoorMathBandTableMusicEraserChorusHealthEnglishScienceHomeworkNotebookChemistryPrincipal(m)

Maths 2023-01-16

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. another name for corner
  2. letters
  3. angle 89 degrees or less
  4. the shape of the windows
  5. use it in maths
  1. 180 degree shape
  2. the thing used to do maths
  3. 90 degrees
  4. to measure angles
  5. to make circles

10 Clues: letters90 degreesto make circlesuse it in maths180 degree shapeto measure anglesanother name for cornerangle 89 degrees or lessthe shape of the windowsthe thing used to do maths

Italian scoula 2020-08-31

Italian scoula crossword puzzle
  1. the friend
  2. to watch
  3. lunch
  4. teacher
  5. to speak
  6. student
  7. to buy
  8. small
  1. Maths
  2. cheerful
  3. to educate
  4. To walk
  5. ugly
  6. Chemistry
  7. the chair
  8. big
  9. slow
  10. to scream
  11. soccer

19 Clues: biguglyslowMathslunchsmallsoccerto buyTo walkteacherstudentto watchcheerfulto speakChemistrythe chairto screamthe friendto educate

Dora 2022-10-18

Dora crossword puzzle
  1. γήπεδο ποδοσφαίρου
  2. Εικαστικά
  3. Ιστορία
  4. Τετάρτη
  5. γήπεδο μπάσκετ
  6. Πέμπτη
  7. προαύλιο
  8. ..... education, Γυμναστική
  1. μαθητής
  2. κουρτίνες
  3. ...studies, Μελέτη Περιβαλοντος
  4. χάρτης
  5. Εξήντα
  6. Γλώσσα
  7. Τρίτη
  8. όροφος
  9. Μαθηματικά

17 Clues: ΤρίτηχάρτηςΕξήνταΓλώσσαΠέμπτηόροφοςμαθητήςΙστορίαΤετάρτηπροαύλιοκουρτίνεςΕικαστικάΜαθηματικάγήπεδο μπάσκετγήπεδο ποδοσφαίρου..... education, Γυμναστική...studies, Μελέτη Περιβαλοντος

maths 2022-01-03

maths crossword puzzle
  1. PRICE buying price of an item.
  2. the amount of money which is lost by a business
  3. money that you have to pay to the government so that it can provide public services
  4. the money that you make when you sell something for more than it cost you.
  5. number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100
  6. period total length of time it takes a company to pay off a loan
  1. PRICE price at which a product is sold out.
  2. general price of the thing without any
  3. quick and easy method of calculating the interest charge on a loan.
  4. The total amount of money borrowed
  5. addition of interest to the principal sum of a loan or deposit, or in other words, interest on interest.

11 Clues: PRICE buying price of an item.The total amount of money borrowedgeneral price of the thing without anyPRICE price at which a product is sold out.number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100the amount of money which is lost by a businessperiod total length of time it takes a company to pay off a loan...

Maths 2020-09-09

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. 3+3
  2. 6+5
  3. 10+10
  4. 5-4
  5. 5-2
  1. 2+3
  2. 2+5
  3. 8-6
  4. 10+0
  5. 5+3
  6. 2+2

11 Clues: 2+33+32+56+58-65-45+32+25-210+010+10

Maths 2021-11-14

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. name of each part of plane formed by these two lines
  2. a polynomial of degree three
  3. the graph of every linear equation in 2 variables is a ___ line
  4. A Number that can be written in p/q form
  5. in the polynomial x+3x x and 3 are the
  6. number of rational numbers between 2 rational numbers
  1. dividend=divisor*quotient+
  2. the point of intersection of the axes
  3. 7/8 has ____ decimal expansion
  4. the highest power of the variable in a polynomial
  5. the y coordinate is also called the

11 Clues: dividend=divisor*quotient+a polynomial of degree three7/8 has ____ decimal expansionthe y coordinate is also called thethe point of intersection of the axesin the polynomial x+3x x and 3 are theA Number that can be written in p/q formthe highest power of the variable in a polynomialname of each part of plane formed by these two lines...

Maths! 2013-08-18

Maths! crossword puzzle
  1. The point where the horizontal axis and vertical axis meet
  2. One quarter of a circle or number plane
  3. A connection between two variables, such as x and y
  4. A two-dimensional diagram with a horizontal and vertical axis where points or ordered pairs are plotted
  5. Perpendicular lines that are used when drawing graphs
  1. A line or surface that is at right angles to the horizon
  2. The point where a line crosses an axis
  3. Two numbers written in a particular order with brackets around them and separated by a comma
  4. A line or surface that is flat or parallel to the horizon
  5. Another name for an ordered pair
  6. to mark or trace out

11 Clues: to mark or trace outAnother name for an ordered pairThe point where a line crosses an axisOne quarter of a circle or number planeA connection between two variables, such as x and yPerpendicular lines that are used when drawing graphsA line or surface that is at right angles to the horizonA line or surface that is flat or parallel to the horizon...

Maths 2020-05-13

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. times by
  2. can be all sizes
  3. you go down the list
  4. can be obtuse or acute
  5. something you tell
  6. how many parts you have
  1. how many times it goes into
  2. to take away
  3. together
  4. this is a set of things that are in order
  5. you have a guess

11 Clues: times bytogetherto take awaycan be all sizesyou have a guesssomething you tellyou go down the listcan be obtuse or acutehow many parts you havehow many times it goes intothis is a set of things that are in order

Maths 2024-01-26

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. A 2-dimensional shape with 6 sides
  2. A number that is only divisible by itself and 1
  3. Taking one number away from another
  4. A way of doing multiplication
  5. Part of a whole number
  6. An operation like multiplication and addition that can be done either way around
  1. A person who is good at maths
  2. Bigger than the biggest number there is
  3. A 2-dimensional shape with 4 equal sides
  4. A 3-dimensional version of a circle
  5. A number that is less than zero

11 Clues: Part of a whole numberA person who is good at mathsA way of doing multiplicationA number that is less than zeroA 2-dimensional shape with 6 sidesTaking one number away from anotherA 3-dimensional version of a circleBigger than the biggest number there isA 2-dimensional shape with 4 equal sidesA number that is only divisible by itself and 1...

Аня5 2022-09-24

Аня5 crossword puzzle
  1. любимый
  2. предметы школьного обихода
  3. дни недели
  4. учебник
  5. класс, урок
  6. атлас
  7. физическое воспитание
  8. изобразительное искусство
  9. перемена
  1. информационные технологии
  2. учащийся
  3. география
  4. словарь
  5. предмет
  6. английский
  7. естествознание
  8. расписание
  9. математика
  10. блокнот
  11. учитель
  12. история

21 Clues: атлассловарьпредметлюбимыйблокнотучебникучительисторияучащийсяпеременагеографияанглийскийрасписаниематематикадни неделикласс, урокестествознаниефизическое воспитаниеинформационные технологииизобразительное искусствопредметы школьного обихода

Miroslava 2022-10-04

Miroslava crossword puzzle
  1. математика
  2. предмет
  3. ручка
  4. блокнот
  5. доска
  6. история
  7. Физра
  8. учебник
  9. линейка
  10. расписание
  11. case пенал
  12. музыка
  1. ИЗО
  2. ластик
  3. география
  4. тетрадь
  5. атлас
  6. книга
  7. bag рюкзак
  8. любимый
  9. карандаш
  10. Информатика
  11. английский язык
  12. естествознание
  13. sharpener точилка

25 Clues: ИЗОручкаатласкнигадоскаФизраластикмузыкапредметтетрадьблокнотлюбимыйисторияучебниклинейкакарандашгеографияматематикаbag рюкзакрасписаниеcase пеналИнформатикаестествознаниеанглийский языкsharpener точилка

Revision 2020-02-24

Revision crossword puzzle
  1. uvijek
  2. često
  3. matematika
  4. strip
  5. nahraniti
  6. zubi
  7. večera
  8. doručak
  9. priroda
  10. veljača
  11. srijeda
  12. likovni
  13. crtati
  1. zvati
  2. ručak
  3. ponekad
  4. mjesec
  5. studeni
  6. nikad
  7. predmet
  8. utorak
  9. različit
  10. četvrtak
  11. zalijevati

24 Clues: zubizvatiručakčestonikadstripuvijekmjesecutorakvečeracrtatiponekadstudenipredmetdoručakprirodaveljačasrijedalikovnirazličitčetvrtaknahranitimatematikazalijevati

ILE 1, Unit 11 2021-03-01

ILE 1, Unit 11 crossword puzzle
  1. uni, magama
  2. pildistama
  3. asi,ese
  4. vahetund
  5. akna juures
  6. matemaatika
  7. näeme siis
  8. Umbes kell kuus
  9. koolipink, kirjutuslaud
  1. kuula
  2. kaart
  3. seisma
  4. tahvel
  5. võtma
  6. sünnipäev
  7. nädalavahetusel
  8. kodutöö
  9. helistama, kutsuma, hõikama
  10. aken
  11. rääkima

20 Clues: akenkuulakaartvõtmaseismatahvelasi,esekodutöörääkimavahetundsünnipäevpildistamanäeme siisuni, magamaakna juuresmatemaatikanädalavahetuselUmbes kell kuuskoolipink, kirjutuslaudhelistama, kutsuma, hõikama

School things 2023-11-28

School things crossword puzzle
  1. töövihik
  2. päevik
  3. nägema
  4. kunstiõpetus
  5. eesti keel
  6. sees
  7. ilus
  8. lugema
  9. matemaatika
  10. kool
  1. kirjutama
  2. terane, taibukas
  3. joonlaud
  4. pliiats
  5. oskama, suutma, võima, tohtima
  6. peal
  7. kustukumm
  8. inglise keel
  9. all
  10. väike
  11. arvama, mõtlema

21 Clues: allpealseesiluskoolväikepäeviknägemalugemapliiatstöövihikjoonlaudkirjutamakustukummeesti keelmatemaatikakunstiõpetusinglise keelarvama, mõtlematerane, taibukasoskama, suutma, võima, tohtima

Learning words 2024-05-15

Learning words crossword puzzle
  1. němčina
  2. španelština
  3. matematika
  4. zkouška, test
  5. domácí úkol
  6. zeměpis
  7. vědy
  8. francouzština
  9. výtvarka
  10. notebook
  1. génius
  2. tělocvik
  3. sešit
  4. učitel
  5. plavání
  6. dějepis
  7. angličtina
  8. orevko nebo občanka
  9. počítače
  10. učebnice
  11. hodina, přednáška, třída (školní)

21 Clues: vědysešitgéniusučitelněmčinaplavánídějepiszeměpistělocvikpočítačeučebnicevýtvarkanotebookmatematikaangličtinašpanelštinadomácí úkolzkouška, testfrancouzštinaorevko nebo občankahodina, přednáška, třída (školní)

Sonya FF2 2024-02-17

Sonya FF2 crossword puzzle
  1. их
  2. мягкий
  3. лошадь
  4. подзорная труба
  5. твой
  6. дракон
  7. двенадцать
  8. мы
  9. действительно
  10. трудный
  1. они
  2. русский
  3. мышь
  4. тридцать
  5. математика
  6. наш
  7. пират
  8. наука
  9. детская площадка
  10. английский
  11. спортзал
  12. искусство
  13. восемьдесят

23 Clues: ихмыонинашмышьтвойпиратнаукамягкийлошадьдраконрусскийтрудныйтридцатьспортзалискусствоматематикадвенадцатьанглийскийвосемьдесятдействительноподзорная трубадетская площадка


DAYS AND SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. hudební výchova
  2. středa
  3. úterý
  4. angličtina
  5. věda
  6. informatika
  7. neděle
  8. sobota
  9. pátek
  1. předmět
  2. matematika
  3. pondělí
  4. dějepis
  5. tělocvik
  6. čtvrtek
  7. výtvarná výchova

16 Clues: vědaúterýpátekstředanedělesobotapředmětpondělídějepisčtvrtektělocvikmatematikaangličtinainformatikahudební výchovavýtvarná výchova

Mi Colegio 2024-04-08

Mi Colegio crossword puzzle
  1. chess
  2. instituto
  3. maths
  4. i hate
  5. huge
  6. football
  1. English
  2. i attend
  3. easy
  4. choir
  5. clubs
  6. relaxing
  7. library
  8. subjects
  9. modern
  10. orchestra

16 Clues: easyhugechesschoirclubsmathsmoderni hateEnglishlibraryi attendrelaxingsubjectsfootballinstitutoorchestra

School subjects in Spanish. 2022-01-10

School subjects in Spanish. crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. Maths
  3. Drama
  4. Biology
  5. Art
  6. Science
  7. Geography
  8. P.E.
  9. French
  1. History
  2. Technology
  3. Chemistry
  4. German
  5. I.T.
  6. English

15 Clues: ArtI.T.P.E.MusicMathsDramaGermanFrenchHistoryBiologyScienceEnglishChemistryGeographyTechnology

k 2020-03-12

k crossword puzzle
  1. pe
  2. misic
  3. science
  4. art
  5. german
  6. drama
  7. foodtech
  1. re
  2. french
  3. history
  4. maths
  5. ict
  6. geography
  7. english
  8. dt

15 Clues: repedtictartmisicmathsdramafrenchgermanhistoryenglishsciencefoodtechgeography

School subjects 2018-02-04

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. välitunti
  2. musiikki
  3. käsityö
  4. liikunta
  5. ruokailu
  6. eukka
  7. venäjä
  1. ET
  2. uskonto
  3. äidinkieli
  4. maantieto
  5. matematiikka
  6. yhteiskuntaoppi
  7. saksa
  8. kuvis

15 Clues: ETsaksaeukkakuvisvenäjäkäsityöuskontomusiikkiliikuntaruokailuvälituntimaantietoäidinkielimatematiikkayhteiskuntaoppi

ddd 2023-11-22

ddd crossword puzzle
  1. 15
  2. 5
  3. 14
  4. 3
  5. 11
  6. 13
  7. 7
  1. 9
  2. 10
  3. 8
  4. 6
  5. 12
  6. 4
  7. 1
  8. 2

15 Clues: 986541327151012141113

1KGT - File 2 part A - My Diary 2023-11-06

1KGT - File 2 part A - My Diary crossword puzzle
  1. dinsdag
  2. 24:00 uur
  3. afspraak
  4. druk
  5. wiskunde
  6. agenda
  7. woensdag
  8. aardrijkskunde
  9. Frans
  1. lievelings-
  2. zaterdag
  3. hoofd van de school
  4. hoofdstuk
  5. morgen
  6. tekenen
  7. 12:00 uur
  8. NaSk
  9. oefening

18 Clues: drukNaSkFransmorgenagendadinsdagtekenenzaterdagafspraakwiskundewoensdagoefeninghoofdstuk24:00 uur12:00 uurlievelings-aardrijkskundehoofd van de school

ma journée scolaire 2024-05-06

ma journée scolaire crossword puzzle
  1. german
  2. in the afternoon
  3. biology
  4. récréation breaktime
  5. DT
  6. geographie
  7. PE
  8. music
  9. maths
  10. in the morning
  1. french
  2. Digital literacy
  3. history
  4. science
  5. spanish
  6. physics
  7. chemistry
  8. english

18 Clues: DTPEmusicmathsfrenchgermanhistorybiologysciencespanishphysicsenglishchemistrygeographiein the morningDigital literacyin the afternoonrécréation breaktime

My Wonderful Teachers 2024-05-02

My Wonderful Teachers crossword puzzle
  1. (Arabic)
  2. (French)
  3. (IT)
  1. (Islamic Education)
  2. (Sports)
  3. (Maths 1)
  4. (English)
  5. (Maths 2)

8 Clues: (IT)(Sports)(Arabic)(French)(Maths 1)(English)(Maths 2)(Islamic Education)

Ábhair Scoile 2016-10-11

Ábhair Scoile crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry
  2. Art
  3. Maths
  4. English
  5. Irish
  6. Accounting
  7. TechGraph
  8. Engineering
  9. CSPE
  10. HomeEc
  11. Woodwork
  12. Religion
  13. Chinese
  14. Biology
  1. Metalwork
  2. Home Ec
  3. Computers
  4. Geography
  5. Music
  6. Business
  7. History
  8. PE
  9. German
  10. French
  11. Science

25 Clues: PEArtCSPEMathsIrishMusicHomeEcGermanFrenchHome EcEnglishHistoryScienceChineseBiologyBusinessWoodworkReligionMetalworkChemistryComputersGeographyTechGraphAccountingEngineering

My school 2021-11-25

My school crossword puzzle
  1. földrajz
  2. matek
  3. informatika
  4. órarend
  5. francia
  6. technika (dizájn és technológia)
  7. hittan
  1. testnevelés
  2. biológia
  3. informatika (rövidítés)
  4. fizika
  5. ének-zene
  6. rajz
  7. angol
  8. testnevelés (rövidítés)
  9. történelem
  10. tantárgy
  11. hittan (rövidítés)
  12. állampolgári ismeretek
  13. kémia
  14. tudományok

21 Clues: rajzmatekangolkémiafizikahittanórarendfranciabiológiaföldrajztantárgyének-zenetörténelemtudományoktestnevelésinformatikahittan (rövidítés)állampolgári ismeretekinformatika (rövidítés)testnevelés (rövidítés)technika (dizájn és technológia)

huylam crossword 2 2022-12-01

huylam crossword 2 crossword puzzle
  1. civics
  2. band
  3. PE
  4. cooking
  5. geography
  6. computer science
  7. orchestra
  8. geometry
  9. home economics
  10. teacher
  11. French
  12. technology
  1. drama/theater
  2. chorus
  3. history
  4. favorite
  5. music
  6. algebra
  7. science
  8. math
  9. subject
  10. art
  11. Spanish
  12. German

24 Clues: PEartbandmathmusicchoruscivicsGermanFrenchhistoryalgebrasciencecookingsubjectSpanishteacherfavoritegeometrygeographyorchestratechnologydrama/theaterhome economicscomputer science

5.kl. 2019-05-27

5.kl. crossword puzzle
  1. näitleja
  2. putukas
  3. jahtima, küttima
  4. ämblik
  5. kino
  6. söökla
  7. õnnetus
  8. huviala
  9. tõesti
  10. eriti
  11. õhtusöök
  12. matemaatika
  13. vaikne
  1. lemmikloom
  2. kirjanik
  3. teadus
  4. torn
  5. keel
  6. köögiviljad
  7. raamatukogu
  8. nõbu
  9. ohtlik
  10. lapsevanem
  11. segama
  12. püüdma

25 Clues: tornkeelkinonõbuerititeadusämbliksööklaohtliktõestisegamapüüdmavaikneputukasõnnetushuvialakirjaniknäitlejaõhtusööklemmikloomlapsevanemköögiviljadraamatukogumatemaatikajahtima, küttima

Revision 2020-02-24

Revision crossword puzzle
  1. crtati
  2. zubi
  3. predmet
  4. strip
  5. zalijevati
  6. nikad
  7. mjesec
  8. različit
  9. ponekad
  10. četvrtak
  11. priroda
  12. likovni
  13. uvijek
  1. nahraniti
  2. večera
  3. utorak
  4. doručak
  5. često
  6. zvati
  7. srijeda
  8. studeni
  9. veljača
  10. matematika
  11. obično
  12. ručak

25 Clues: zubistripčestozvatinikadručakcrtativečerautorakmjesecobičnouvijekpredmetdoručaksrijedastudeniveljačaponekadprirodalikovnirazličitčetvrtaknahranitizalijevatimatematika

Cours et chiffres crossword 2023-01-17

Cours et chiffres crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. English
  3. Health
  4. Chorus
  5. 45
  6. 44
  7. Tech Ed
  8. Math
  9. Band
  10. 46
  1. 49
  2. science
  3. 48
  4. 43
  5. 53
  6. 42
  7. Srt
  8. 52
  9. orchestra
  10. 47

20 Clues: 49484353454252474446SrtMathBandMusicHealthChorusscienceEnglishTech Edorchestra

U11 2024-03-25

U11 crossword puzzle
  1. jäätis
  2. magama
  3. võtma
  4. pilt
  5. tegema
  6. reede
  7. sööma
  8. esmaspäev
  9. uks
  10. kolmapäev
  11. laupäev
  12. rääkima
  1. kodutöö
  2. nädalavahetus
  3. teisipäev
  4. sünnipäev
  5. koolilaud
  6. kehaline kasvatus
  7. tahvel
  8. neljapäev
  9. matemaatika
  10. helistama, kutsuma
  11. hõivatud
  12. pühapäev

24 Clues: ukspiltvõtmareedesöömajäätismagamatahveltegemakodutöölaupäevrääkimahõivatudpühapäevteisipäevsünnipäevkoolilaudneljapäevesmaspäevkolmapäevmatemaatikanädalavahetuskehaline kasvatushelistama, kutsuma

Homework Just an Ordinary Day 2015-02-19

Homework Just an Ordinary Day crossword puzzle
  1. matematik
  2. åsikt
  3. tycka om
  4. jättegott
  5. rast,paus
  6. knaprig
  7. förbättra
  1. förbi
  2. citron
  3. irritera,reta
  4. regel
  5. vanlig
  6. slicka
  7. reta
  8. jätteliten
  9. tystnad
  10. ljust,klart
  11. hemsk
  12. ställa till,orsaka
  13. sluta
  14. fängelse

21 Clues: retaförbiregelåsikthemskslutacitronvanligslickatystnadknaprigtycka omfängelsematematikjättegottrast,pausförbättrajättelitenljust,klartirritera,retaställa till,orsaka

Mein Lieblingsfach 2020-03-30

Mein Lieblingsfach crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. P.E.
  3. Geography
  4. interesting
  5. Biology
  6. R.E.
  7. French
  8. Art
  9. D.T.
  10. useful
  11. Spanish
  12. Chemistry
  13. History
  14. Maths
  1. useless
  2. difficult
  3. complicated
  4. Drama
  5. Science
  6. fascinating
  7. English
  8. easy
  9. German
  10. Physics

24 Clues: ArtP.E.easyR.E.D.T.MusicDramaMathsFrenchGermanusefuluselessScienceEnglishBiologySpanishPhysicsHistorydifficultGeographyChemistrycomplicatedfascinatinginteresting

Level up 7 W&P 2 2023-09-30

Level up 7 W&P 2 crossword puzzle
  1. headmaster
  2. home _________ (kotitalous)
  3. upper __________ school (yläkoulu)
  4. kemia
  5. student ________ (OPO)
  6. kuvaamataito
  7. ______ teacher (luokanohjaaja)
  8. käsityö
  9. historia
  1. biologia
  2. fysiikka
  3. ruotsi
  4. uskonto
  5. school _______ (todistus)
  6. liikunta
  7. maantieto
  8. matematiikka
  9. välitunti
  10. ________ school (alakoulu)
  11. _____ education (terveystieto)

20 Clues: kemiaruotsiuskontokäsityöbiologiafysiikkaliikuntahistoriamaantietovälituntiheadmastermatematiikkakuvaamataitostudent ________ (OPO)school _______ (todistus)________ school (alakoulu)home _________ (kotitalous)_____ education (terveystieto)______ teacher (luokanohjaaja)upper __________ school (yläkoulu)

NS Unit 2 : Cours 2023-09-28

NS Unit 2 : Cours crossword puzzle
  1. de går
  2. dörr
  3. äter
  4. sal
  5. svårt
  6. pojke
  7. går
  8. övar
  9. om
  10. springer
  11. matte
  12. mot
  1. matsalen
  2. lärare
  3. att studera
  4. lätt
  5. flicka
  6. öppnar
  7. det är
  8. de springer
  9. lektion
  10. kompis

22 Clues: omsalgårmotlättdörräterövarsvårtpojkemattelärarede gårflickaöppnardet ärkompislektionmatsalenspringeratt studerade springer

Spanish Crossword- Chantel 2023-02-10

Spanish Crossword- Chantel crossword puzzle
  1. maths
  2. to dance
  3. literature
  4. to run
  5. english
  6. to swim
  7. the class
  8. to draw
  9. speech and writing
  1. study
  2. spanish
  3. talk
  4. to sing
  5. art
  6. schedule
  7. geography
  8. biology
  9. teach
  10. lunch
  11. physical education

20 Clues: arttalkmathsstudyteachlunchto runspanishto singenglishbiologyto swimto drawscheduleto dancegeographythe classliteraturephysical educationspeech and writing

Maths Terms 2013-06-11

Maths Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Working over fixed time to gain extra money
  2. Tax levied directly on personal income
  3. A pension paid to a retired person.
  4. Work Only works on a needs basis
  5. Tax or fee
  6. Amount of tax you have to pay
  7. Payed by products you make
  8. Extra pay you get
  9. Payed by how much you sell
  10. Secure fee paid to person
  1. Having a break with pay
  2. Person who buys goods
  3. Fixed income
  4. Rate charged to borrower after late payments
  5. Portion of income and is subject of taxation
  6. Sum payed regularly to person
  7. Estimate amount of income
  8. Range of income taxed at given rate
  9. Per year

19 Clues: Per yearTax or feeFixed incomeExtra pay you getPerson who buys goodsHaving a break with payEstimate amount of incomeSecure fee paid to personPayed by products you makePayed by how much you sellSum payed regularly to personAmount of tax you have to payWork Only works on a needs basisA pension paid to a retired person....

Maths crossword 2015-05-05

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. in a division (q) means?
  2. in a linear equation a1,a2,a3 are - numbers.
  3. short form of highest common factor.
  4. if the lines are parallel then the pair of equations has no solution. it is -.
  5. the method to cross multiplying the value is called - method.
  6. the method to eliminating the value is called - method.
  7. in a linear equation x&y are -.
  8. short form of lowest common multiple.
  9. a1/a2 not=to b1/b2 is a - solution.
  10. if a line intersects at a point then the point gives a unique solution. it is -.
  11. in a division (r) means?
  12. numbers in the form of p/q are?
  1. a1/a2= b/b2= c1/c2 is a - solution.
  2. An- is a series well defined steps which gives a procedure for solving a type of problems.
  3. the method to substituting the value is called - method.
  4. a1/a2= b1/b2 not= c1/c2 is a -solution.
  5. who proposed the division lemma?
  6. root 2 is - number.
  7. A-is a proven statement used for proving other statement.

19 Clues: root 2 is - a division (q) means?in a division (r) means?in a linear equation x&y are -.numbers in the form of p/q are?who proposed the division lemma?a1/a2= b/b2= c1/c2 is a - solution.a1/a2 not=to b1/b2 is a - solution.short form of highest common factor.short form of lowest common multiple.a1/a2= b1/b2 not= c1/c2 is a -solution....

Yr9 Maths 2021-04-07

Yr9 Maths crossword puzzle
  1. small red fruit used to make jam
  2. Replacing a variable with a number
  3. large flightless bird
  4. The order of operations
  5. The graph of a linear relationship
  6. What m represents in the equation y=mx+c
  7. Where the x-axis and y-axis cross
  8. the variable that changes because something else was changed
  9. musical instrument with five strings
  10. the capital city of Australia
  1. A Greek mathematician
  2. What you must use to draw a graph
  3. The opposite of squaring
  4. what c represents in the equation y=mx+c
  5. the first month of summer
  6. the variable that is deliberately changed
  7. To solve equations we use ________ operations
  8. the first month of winter
  9. A shape with three sides

19 Clues: A Greek mathematicianlarge flightless birdThe order of operationsThe opposite of squaringA shape with three sidesthe first month of summerthe first month of winterthe capital city of Australiasmall red fruit used to make jamWhat you must use to draw a graphWhere the x-axis and y-axis crossReplacing a variable with a number...

Maths Crossword 2021-05-06

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Twenty times three
  2. Thirty minus eight
  3. Three hundred and one times three
  4. Eighty-eight take away fifty-five
  5. One thousand minus four hundred and seventy-two
  6. Two hundred and fifty-five plus six
  7. Seventy-eight plus eighty-seven
  8. One plus ten
  9. Sixty multiplied by two
  10. Seven hundred and twenty-six divided by three
  1. Ninety-nine times three
  2. Eleven plus twelve plus nineteen
  3. One hundred divided by four
  4. Three hundred and twelve minus one hundred and two
  5. Eighty-eight plus fifty-five
  6. Six hundred and twelve add three hundred and twenty-nine
  7. Four hundred and sixteen divided by four
  8. Twelve plus thirteen
  9. Two hundred and fifty times four
  10. Four hundred and sixty-four divided by eight

20 Clues: One plus tenTwenty times threeThirty minus eightTwelve plus thirteenNinety-nine times threeSixty multiplied by twoOne hundred divided by fourEighty-eight plus fifty-fiveSeventy-eight plus eighty-sevenEleven plus twelve plus nineteenTwo hundred and fifty times fourThree hundred and one times threeEighty-eight take away fifty-five...

Maths crossword 2022-09-04

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Method of splitting the middle term
  2. An algebraic method of solving pair of linear equations by writing one variable in terms of the other
  3. a polynomial of degree 3
  4. shape of a graph of any quadratic polynomial
  5. a ______ has no variables
  6. Method of removing one variable in a pair of linear equation
  7. Number of solutions when the lines coincide
  8. in the case of a1/a2 isnt equal to b1/b2 the pair of linear equations is _____
  1. lines when a1/a2=b1/b2 is not equal to c1/c2
  2. The zero of a linear polynomial is related to its
  3. in the case a1/a2=b1/b2=c1/c2
  4. in the case a1/a2=b1/b2 isnt equal to c1/c2 the pair of linear equations is _____
  5. lines when a1/a2 is not equal to b1/b2
  6. a polynomial of degree 2
  7. To find the geometrical value of a polynomial we must plot it in a
  8. number of solutions when pair of lines are parallel
  9. a straight line in a graph
  10. lines when a1/a2=b1/b2=c1/c2
  11. Number of solutions when pair of lines intersect

19 Clues: a polynomial of degree 2a polynomial of degree 3a ______ has no variablesa straight line in a graphlines when a1/a2=b1/b2=c1/c2in the case a1/a2=b1/b2=c1/c2Method of splitting the middle termlines when a1/a2 is not equal to b1/b2Number of solutions when the lines coincidelines when a1/a2=b1/b2 is not equal to c1/c2...

Maths crossword 2023-06-25

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When I am multiplied by myself I am 49
  2. 120 minus half of itself
  3. I am the number you start with when you count
  4. 120 divided by 8
  5. 7 multiplied by 6 then add 7
  6. 240 divided by 7
  7. I am a multiple of 40, 60, 80, 100...
  8. 456 take away 405
  9. 962 less than 989
  10. Any number divided by me will be none
  11. and 80 60 times 3
  1. 126 divided by 7
  2. I am 35 away from 100
  3. 9 multiplied by 4 then plus 2
  4. 1368 divided by 152
  5. I am 1/30 of 3000
  6. 49 less than 63
  7. I am a multiple of 24,36,48...
  8. I am 1/2 of 100
  9. 63 divided by 7 then minus 6

20 Clues: 49 less than 63I am 1/2 of 100126 divided by 7120 divided by 8240 divided by 7I am 1/30 of 3000456 take away 405962 less than 989and 80 60 times 31368 divided by 152I am 35 away from 100120 minus half of itself7 multiplied by 6 then add 763 divided by 7 then minus 69 multiplied by 4 then plus 2I am a multiple of 24,36,48......

Maths crossword 2023-06-25

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When I am multiplied by myself I am 49
  2. 120 minus half of itself
  3. I am the number you start with when you count
  4. 120 divided by 8
  5. 7 multiplied by 6 then add 7
  6. 240 divided by 7
  7. I am a multiple of 40, 60, 80, 100...
  8. 456 take away 405
  9. 962 less than 989
  10. Any number divided by me will be none
  11. and 80 60 times 3
  1. 126 divided by 7
  2. I am 35 away from 100
  3. 9 multiplied by 4 then plus 2
  4. 1368 divided by 152
  5. I am 1/30 of 3000
  6. 49 less than 63
  7. I am a multiple of 24,36,48...
  8. I am 1/2 of 100
  9. 63 divided by 7 then minus 6

20 Clues: 49 less than 63I am 1/2 of 100126 divided by 7120 divided by 8240 divided by 7I am 1/30 of 3000456 take away 405962 less than 989and 80 60 times 31368 divided by 152I am 35 away from 100120 minus half of itself7 multiplied by 6 then add 763 divided by 7 then minus 69 multiplied by 4 then plus 2I am a multiple of 24,36,48......

Ábhair Scoile 2020-11-13

Ábhair Scoile crossword puzzle
  2. CEOL
  6. MATA
  8. STAIR


A1 Back to School 2022-10-12

A1 Back to School crossword puzzle
  1. beatbalslk
  2. iecensc
  3. rat
  4. chsiattel
  5. sphaicly iacntoeud
  6. oadimntbn
  7. oehykc
  8. shtma
  1. inehgls
  2. gesnid goytohncle
  3. tflbaool
  4. nniets
  5. gssayncmti
  6. oishtry
  7. horgagepy
  8. uismc

16 Clues: ratuismcshtmannietsoehykcinehglsiecenscoishtrytflbaoolchsiattelhorgagepyoadimntbnbeatbalslkgssayncmtigesnid goytohnclesphaicly iacntoeud

Les jours de la semaine et les matières 2024-04-15

Les jours de la semaine et les matières crossword puzzle
  1. geografia
  2. mercoledì
  3. sabato
  4. francese
  5. educazione musicale
  6. tecnologia
  7. storia
  8. lunedì
  1. venerdì
  2. giovedì
  3. domenica
  4. educazione fisica
  5. martedì
  6. inglese
  7. matematica
  8. scienze

16 Clues: sabatostorialunedìvenerdìgiovedìmartedìinglesescienzedomenicafrancesegeografiamercoledìmatematicatecnologiaeducazione fisicaeducazione musicale

evolution 1 crossword 2015-03-14

evolution 1 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. wf
  2. plakat
  3. kraj
  4. plastyka
  5. linijka
  6. przyroda
  7. angielski
  8. brzydki
  1. tani
  2. muzyk
  3. piosenkarz
  4. matematyka
  5. aktor
  6. ściana
  7. długi

15 Clues: wftanikrajmuzykaktordługiplakatścianalinijkabrzydkiplastykaprzyrodaangielskipiosenkarzmatematyka


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. biologija
  2. šport
  3. likovna
  4. angleščina
  5. tehnika
  6. fizika
  7. kemija
  1. geografija
  2. računalništvo
  3. slovenščina
  4. matematika
  5. nemščina
  6. zgodovina
  7. glasba
  8. naravoslovje

15 Clues: športglasbafizikakemijalikovnatehnikanemščinabiologijazgodovinageografijamatematikaangleščinaslovenščinanaravoslovjeračunalništvo

El colegio y asignaturas 2021-10-13

El colegio y asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. lunch
  2. Wednesday
  3. art
  4. music
  5. Spanish
  6. Friday
  7. Saturday
  1. Thursday
  2. maths
  3. sports
  4. recess
  5. drama
  6. English
  7. assembly
  8. Monday

15 Clues: artlunchmathsdramamusicsportsrecessMondayFridayEnglishSpanishThursdayassemblySaturdayWednesday

At school 2022-01-21

At school crossword puzzle
  1. Slöjd
  2. Engelska
  3. Musik
  4. Bild
  5. Religion
  6. Biologi
  7. Fysik
  8. Idrott
  9. Historia
  1. Hemkunskap
  2. Samhällskunskap
  3. Teknik
  4. Geografi
  5. Kemi
  6. Matematik

15 Clues: BildKemiSlöjdMusikFysikTeknikIdrottBiologiEngelskaReligionGeografiHistoriaMatematikHemkunskapSamhällskunskap


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. italien
  2. théâtre
  3. musique
  4. technologie
  5. SVT
  6. Physique
  7. allemand
  8. cuisine
  1. EPS
  2. histoire
  3. Chimie
  4. couture
  5. mathématiques
  6. géographie
  7. anglais

15 Clues: EPSSVTChimieitalienthéâtrecouturemusiqueanglaiscuisinehistoirePhysiqueallemandgéographietechnologiemathématiques

School subjects 2024-03-14

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. elämänkatsomustieto
  2. musiikki
  3. äidinkieli
  4. yhteiskuntaoppi
  5. kuvataide
  6. maantieto
  7. liikunta
  8. käsityö
  1. fysiikka
  2. kemia
  3. matematiikka
  4. biologia
  5. historia
  6. uskonto
  7. ruotsi

15 Clues: kemiaruotsiuskontokäsityöfysiikkamusiikkibiologiahistorialiikuntakuvataidemaantietoäidinkielimatematiikkayhteiskuntaoppielämänkatsomustieto

subjects 2024-06-04

subjects crossword puzzle
  1. coding
  2. faith
  3. sawing
  4. world
  5. taco
  6. running
  1. noise
  2. past
  3. life
  4. words
  5. acting
  6. baguette
  7. planet
  8. numbers
  9. drawing

15 Clues: pastlifetaconoisefaithwordsworldcodingactingsawingplanetnumbersdrawingrunningbaguette

School 2022-11-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. kunst
  2. inglise keel
  3. arvutiõpetus
  4. spordisaal
  5. tunniplaan
  6. söökla
  7. geograafia
  8. vene keel
  9. raamatukogu
  1. muusika
  2. matemaatika
  3. staadion
  4. mänguväljak
  5. kirjandus
  6. eesti keel
  7. kehaline kasvatus
  8. ajalugu

17 Clues: kunstsööklamuusikaajalugustaadionkirjandusvene keelspordisaaleesti keeltunniplaangeograafiamatemaatikamänguväljakraamatukoguinglise keelarvutiõpetuskehaline kasvatus

Nathan's crossword 2023-01-12

Nathan's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This is essential for building
  2. This is our teacher for maths
  3. examples of ____ we normally use cake or pizza
  4. This is the opposite of multiplication
  5. we normally use signs and letters for this category
  6. This category includes 360 180 90
  1. this is how maths was even made
  2. this is the longest word in maths if you do struggle with this you may look it up.
  3. This is one of the easiest topics and you need to know your ____ table to do well
  4. we use this to ____ from a number
  5. This is the opposite of addition

11 Clues: This is our teacher for mathsThis is essential for buildingthis is how maths was even madeThis is the opposite of additionwe use this to ____ from a numberThis category includes 360 180 90This is the opposite of multiplicationexamples of ____ we normally use cake or pizzawe normally use signs and letters for this category...

rooottttssss 2019-11-07

rooottttssss crossword puzzle
  1. you press the record button on your phone - what are u doing?
  2. blue and white colored flag - a country
  3. where things are made ... a big building with alot of workers making food, toys ect
  4. to find / discover words that you dont know - mr gent really wants us to have it for maths \
  5. the study of life
  1. not correct
  2. the ability to see
  3. a big needle that goes through your body at the hospital - it puts stuff in your system and has a s
  4. you use me for maths to measure the angles...
  5. in maths , the numbers that times together to get a certain number
  6. when you have done something
  7. bellas bfffffffffffffff :)

12 Clues: not correctthe study of lifethe ability to seebellas bfffffffffffffff :)when you have done somethingblue and white colored flag - a countryyou use me for maths to measure the press the record button on your phone - what are u doing?in maths , the numbers that times together to get a certain number...

WORDS Chapter 6 2013-04-22

WORDS Chapter 6 crossword puzzle
  1. rok
  2. natuurkunde
  3. vertrekken
  4. schoolhoofd
  5. kiezen
  6. tekenen
  7. wiskunde
  8. grappig
  1. stropdas
  2. vragen
  3. streng
  4. dorp
  5. schoolvak
  6. elke maandag
  7. leraar/docent

15 Clues: rokdorpvragenstrengkiezentekenengrappigstropdaswiskundeschoolvakvertrekkennatuurkundeschoolhoofdelke maandagleraar/docent

Francais de vocabulaire 2022-12-06

Francais de vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. Teacher
  2. French fries
  3. Yes
  4. Good evening!
  5. No
  6. To listen
  7. Music
  8. I
  9. This month in French
  10. Exactly
  11. To dance
  1. Pool
  2. 20
  3. To have
  4. Door
  5. Good morning!
  6. Good
  7. Goodbye!
  8. School subject (Math)
  9. School

20 Clues: I20NoYesPoolDoorGoodMusicSchoolTeacherTo haveExactlyGoodbye!To danceTo listenFrench friesGood evening!Good morning!This month in FrenchSchool subject (Math)

School and classroom 2019-01-16

School and classroom crossword puzzle
  1. õpik
  2. kehaline
  3. muusika
  4. vahetund
  5. keel
  6. arvutiõpetus
  7. geograafia
  8. kodunetöö
  9. kunstitund
  10. ajalugu
  11. loodusteadus
  12. koolivorm
  13. õpetaja
  14. õppima
  1. vihik
  2. eksam
  3. klassiruum
  4. inglise keel
  5. matemaatika
  6. harjutus
  7. õppeaine
  8. kool
  9. õppetund
  10. õpilane
  11. tund

25 Clues: õpikkeelkooltundvihikeksamõppimamuusikaajaluguõpilaneõpetajakehalinevahetundharjutusõppeaineõppetundkodunetöökoolivormklassiruumgeograafiakunstitundmatemaatikainglise keelarvutiõpetusloodusteadus

Days,moths,school subjects (Fryčovická) 2021-09-12

Days,moths,school subjects (Fryčovická) crossword puzzle
  1. listopad
  2. prosinec
  3. český jazyk
  4. sciences přírodní vědy
  5. červen
  6. tělesná výchova (PE)
  7. neděle
  8. červenec
  9. pátek
  10. výtvarná výchova
  11. listopad
  12. březen
  1. věda
  2. pondělí
  3. středa
  4. úterý
  5. říjen
  6. zeměpis
  7. čtvrtek
  8. matematika
  9. duben
  10. leden
  11. sobota
  12. věda

24 Clues: vědavědaúterýříjendubenledenpátekstředačervensobotanedělebřezenpondělízeměpisčtvrteklistopadprosinecčerveneclistopadmatematikačeský jazykvýtvarná výchovatělesná výchova (PE)sciences přírodní vědy

Vocabulary 2023-03-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Escritorio
  2. Enseñar
  3. Biblioteca
  4. Estante
  5. El campo
  6. Matemáticas
  7. Recordar
  8. Física
  9. Estudiar
  10. Historia
  11. Borrador
  12. Geografía
  1. Estomago
  2. Practicar
  3. Deberes
  4. Trabajo
  5. La batería
  6. Afortunado
  7. Diccionario
  8. Música
  9. Pizarra
  10. Conductor
  11. Biología
  12. Aprender

24 Clues: MúsicaFísicaEnseñarDeberesTrabajoEstantePizarraEstomagoEl campoRecordarEstudiarBiologíaHistoriaAprenderBorradorPracticarConductorGeografíaEscritorioBibliotecaLa bateríaAfortunadoMatemáticasDiccionario

Lesson 6 At school 2014-08-28

Lesson 6 At school crossword puzzle
  1. โรงเรียน
  2. ภาษาไทย ชาวไทย
  3. นักเรียน
  4. ออกกำลังกาย
  5. กระดานดำ
  6. แผนที่
  7. ว่ายน้ำ การว่ายน้ำ
  8. เก้าอี้
  9. shop ร้านขายอาหาร
  10. นั้น
  11. วิชาคณิตศาสตร์
  12. ชอบ
  13. โต๊ะเขียน โต๊ะทำงาน
  1. กีฬา
  2. วิทยาศาสตร์
  3. ศิลปะ
  4. ถูกต้อง
  5. ห้องเรียน
  6. ภาษาอังกฤษ ชาวอังกฤษ
  7. สนามเด็กเล่น
  8. คอมพิวเตอร์
  9. ผิด
  10. เหล่านั้น

23 Clues: ผิดชอบกีฬานั้นศิลปะแผนที่ถูกต้องเก้าอี้โรงเรียนนักเรียนกระดานดำห้องเรียนเหล่านั้นวิทยาศาสตร์ออกกำลังกายคอมพิวเตอร์สนามเด็กเล่นภาษาไทย ชาวไทยวิชาคณิตศาสตร์shop ร้านขายอาหารว่ายน้ำ การว่ายน้ำโต๊ะเขียน โต๊ะทำงานภาษาอังกฤษ ชาวอังกฤษ

School 2017-02-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. prijatelj
  2. naravoslovje
  3. učenec
  4. verska vzgoja
  5. skupina
  6. sošolec
  7. zgodovina
  8. angleščina
  9. education športna vzgoja
  10. soba
  1. razred
  2. učitelj
  3. zemljepis
  4. učilnica
  5. slovenščina
  6. education verska vzgoja
  7. športna vzgoja
  8. matematika
  9. subject šolski predmet
  10. IKT
  11. umetnost

21 Clues: IKTsobarazredučenecučiteljskupinasošolecučilnicaumetnostprijateljzemljepiszgodovinamatematikaangleščinaslovenščinanaravoslovjeverska vzgojašportna vzgojasubject šolski predmeteducation verska vzgojaeducation športna vzgoja

1GTA Unit 3 2017-12-06

1GTA Unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. move
  2. trousers
  3. car
  4. elevator
  5. get
  6. page
  7. closed
  8. near
  9. delay
  10. port
  11. dress
  12. destination
  1. centre
  2. maths
  3. jumper
  4. prepare
  5. schedule
  6. rich
  7. tight
  8. drink
  9. building
  10. departure
  11. entrance
  12. beard
  13. stomach

25 Clues: cargetmoverichpagenearportmathstightdrinkbearddelaydresscentrejumperclosedpreparestomachscheduletrouserselevatorbuildingentrancedeparturedestination

freak the might project 2018-03-07

freak the might project crossword puzzle
  1. rhymes with bright and fight
  2. a french gangster
  3. something that should be obscene, not smoked
  4. a seed you plant in your head
  5. grim's word for nonsense
  6. all at once
  7. one who can sneezea hot dog through its nose
  8. a measure of energy equal to one dyne oer secound
  1. a toxic waste of time
  2. sneaker perfume
  3. what grim says when suprised
  4. a nervous cockroach
  5. a silly looking creature that eats ants
  6. you have nothing to fear but maths itself
  7. another word for Max and Kevin

15 Clues: all at oncesneaker perfumea french gangstera nervous cockroacha toxic waste of timegrim's word for nonsenserhymes with bright and fightwhat grim says when supriseda seed you plant in your headanother word for Max and Kevina silly looking creature that eats antsyou have nothing to fear but maths itselfsomething that should be obscene, not smoked...

Computer Science 2022-09-22

Computer Science crossword puzzle
  1. holds actual data or instruction
  2. stores results of maths calculations
  3. you cannot edit it
  4. processes the instructions purpose
  5. ...decode execute
  1. used when RAM is full
  2. central processing unit
  3. does simple maths equations
  4. holds address about to be used by the CPU
  5. stores currently used programs
  6. super fast memory next to the motherboard
  7. controls what the CPU does
  8. carry out the fetch decode execute instructions cycle
  9. holds the memory address for each cycle
  10. figures out the purpose of an instruction in the CPU

15 Clues: ...decode executeyou cannot edit itused when RAM is fullcentral processing unitcontrols what the CPU doesdoes simple maths equationsstores currently used programsholds actual data or instructionprocesses the instructions purposestores results of maths calculationsholds the memory address for each cycleholds address about to be used by the CPU...

Things in school (1) 2013-09-11

Things in school (1) crossword puzzle
  1. teacher
  2. laptop
  3. internet
  4. history
  5. computer
  6. kitchen
  7. toilet
  8. door
  1. geography
  2. library
  3. maths
  4. ruler
  5. swimming pool
  6. whiteboard
  7. clock

15 Clues: doormathsrulerclocklaptoptoiletlibraryteacherhistorykitcheninternetcomputergeographywhiteboardswimming pool

sds 2021-04-26

sds crossword puzzle
  1. биология
  2. история
  3. папка
  4. химия
  5. фломастер
  6. мелок
  7. география
  1. наука
  2. английский
  3. линейка
  4. театр. кружок
  5. точилка
  6. французский
  7. математика
  8. клей

15 Clues: клейнаукапапкахимиямелоклинейкаисторияточилкабиологияфломастергеографияанглийскийматематикафранцузскийтеатр. кружок

Przedmioty szkolne 2021-12-09

Przedmioty szkolne crossword puzzle
  1. ​plan lekcji
  2. muzyka
  3. ​język angielski
  4. ​języki obce nowożytne
  5. matematyka
  6. ​chemia
  7. wychowanie fizyczne
  8. technika
  9. ​język francuski
  10. historia
  1. ​literatura
  2. geografia
  3. przyroda
  4. informatyka
  5. ​biologia
  6. ​wiedza o społeczeństwie
  7. fizyka
  8. ​zajęcia teatralne
  9. plastyka

19 Clues: muzykafizyka​chemiaprzyrodatechnikaplastykahistoriageografia​biologiamatematyka​literaturainformatyka​plan lekcji​język angielski​język francuski​zajęcia teatralnewychowanie fizyczne​języki obce nowożytne​wiedza o społeczeństwie

Unit 3 A - kratka provjera znanja - February 6, 2018 2018-02-05

Unit 3 A - kratka provjera znanja - February 6, 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. hrčak
  2. fotoaparat
  3. pauza, odmor
  4. kratko
  5. raspored sati
  6. pauk
  7. Geografija
  8. Informatika
  1. polugodište, razdoblje
  2. Likovna kultura
  3. papiga
  4. dekica
  5. kemija
  6. zec
  7. Matematika
  8. škola
  9. bijela boja
  10. Glazbena kultura

18 Clues: zecpaukhrčakškolapapigadekicakemijakratkoMatematikafotoaparatGeografijabijela bojaInformatikapauza, odmorraspored satiLikovna kulturaGlazbena kulturapolugodište, razdoblje

School Subjects 2024-01-23

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Maths
  2. Islamic Education
  3. Science and Technology
  4. History and Geography
  5. French
  1. Arabic
  2. Civics
  3. English

8 Clues: MathsArabicCivicsFrenchEnglishIslamic EducationHistory and GeographyScience and Technology

IPA Crossword 2014-06-12

IPA Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. jəŋ
  2. foto
  3. trɛʒər
  4. bitʃ
  5. græf
  6. wɒtərmɛlən
  7. glæs
  1. gətɑr
  2. pajnæpəl
  3. awl
  4. trajæŋgəl
  5. mǽθs
  6. mjuzɪk
  7. klɪr

14 Clues: jəŋawlfotobitʃgræfklɪrglæsgətɑrmǽθstrɛʒərmjuzɪkpajnæpəltrajæŋgəlwɒtərmɛlən

Ábhair Scoile 2020-10-25

Ábhair Scoile crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. PE
  3. Geography
  4. German
  5. Art
  6. English
  7. Maths
  1. Religion
  2. HomeEc
  3. Science
  4. Woodwork
  5. French
  6. History
  7. Irish

14 Clues: PEArtMusicIrishMathsHomeEcFrenchGermanScienceHistoryEnglishReligionWoodworkGeography

maths 2022-09-17

maths crossword puzzle
  1. Add numbers together
  2. An equation with 2 fractions set equal to each other
  3. subtracting numbers
  4. the answer of an addition problem
  5. multiplying numbers
  6. the answer to a subtraction problem
  1. dividing numbers
  2. giving all the factors of a number
  3. the answer to a multiplication problem
  4. the comparison of 2 numbers
  5. the answer to a division problem

11 Clues: dividing numberssubtracting numbersmultiplying numbersAdd numbers togetherthe comparison of 2 numbersthe answer to a division problemthe answer of an addition problemgiving all the factors of a numberthe answer to a subtraction problemthe answer to a multiplication problemAn equation with 2 fractions set equal to each other