maths Crossword Puzzles

6th Grade 2021-05-13

6th Grade crossword puzzle
  1. jazyk
  2. základní škola
  3. dělat si poznámky
  4. školní předmět
  5. vědět, znát
  6. kontrolovat
  7. Ptát se na otázky
  8. loď
  9. informatika
  1. zeměpis
  2. zkoušení
  3. gramatika
  4. třída
  5. těžký
  6. hláskovat
  7. matematika
  8. internátní škola
  9. věda
  10. dějepis
  11. tělocvik

20 Clues: loďvědajazyktřídatěžkýzeměpisdějepiszkoušenítělocvikgramatikahláskovatmatematikavědět, znátkontrolovatinformatikazákladní školaškolní předmětinternátní školadělat si poznámkyPtát se na otázky

Hoofdstuk 1.2 - AR 1KGT 2023-06-10

Hoofdstuk 1.2 - AR 1KGT crossword puzzle
  1. learn
  2. gym
  3. geschiedenis
  4. left
  5. pencil
  6. wiskunde
  7. kantine
  8. antwoord
  9. teacher
  10. slim
  11. kluisje
  12. homework
  1. ask
  2. klaslokaal
  3. to understand
  4. English
  5. schoolbag
  6. write
  7. easy
  8. agenda
  9. break
  10. bibliotheek
  11. right
  12. lesson

24 Clues: askgymlefteasyslimlearnwritebreakrightpencilagendalessonEnglishkantineteacherkluisjewiskundeantwoordhomeworkschoolbagklaslokaalbibliotheekgeschiedenisto understand

school and education by luca urbinati 2014-02-24

school and education by luca urbinati crossword puzzle
  1. gesso
  2. lavagna
  3. educazione fisica
  4. matematica
  5. religione
  6. musica
  7. mappamondo
  8. righello
  9. banco
  10. fisica
  1. calcolatrice
  2. arte
  3. mappa
  4. sedia
  5. storia
  6. cartella
  7. informatica
  8. letteratura
  9. armadietto
  10. biologia
  11. colla
  12. matita
  13. penna

23 Clues: artegessomappasediacollabancopennastoriamusicamatitafisicalavagnacartellabiologiarighelloreligionematematicaarmadiettomappamondoinformaticaletteraturacalcolatriceeducazione fisica

Family and School Subjects 2018-01-07

Family and School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. j.angielski
  2. przyroda
  3. mąż
  4. technika
  5. matematyka
  6. tata
  7. religia
  8. ciocia
  9. brat
  10. kuzyn
  11. j.polski
  12. wf
  1. godzina wychowawcza
  2. muzyka
  3. babcia
  4. historia
  5. wujek
  6. geografia
  7. siostra
  8. plastyka
  9. dziadek
  10. informatyka
  11. mama
  12. żona

24 Clues: wfmążtatabratmamażonawujekkuzynmuzykababciaciociasiostrareligiadziadekhistoriaprzyrodatechnikaplastykaj.polskigeografiamatematykaj.angielskiinformatykagodzina wychowawcza

grade 4 lesson 11-12 2019-10-02

grade 4 lesson 11-12 crossword puzzle
  1. математика
  2. половина
  3. никогда
  4. доска
  5. картина
  6. стена
  7. книжный шкаф
  8. дверь
  1. парта
  2. музыка
  3. расписание
  4. пол
  5. окно
  6. классная комната
  7. рисование
  8. урок

16 Clues: полокноурокпартадоскастенадверьмузыканикогдакартинаполовинарисованиематематикарасписаниекнижный шкафклассная комната

School subjects (grade 4) 2016-01-05

School subjects (grade 4) crossword puzzle
  1. musiikki
  2. historia
  3. lukujärjestys
  4. uskonto
  5. koe
  6. käsityö
  7. matematiikka
  8. liikunta
  1. oppitunti
  2. oppiaine
  3. luokkahuone
  4. äidinkieli
  5. englanti
  6. kuvataide
  7. ympäristö- ja luonnontiede
  8. välitunti

16 Clues: koeuskontokäsityömusiikkihistoriaoppiaineenglantiliikuntaoppituntikuvataidevälituntiäidinkieliluokkahuonematematiikkalukujärjestysympäristö- ja luonnontiede

Subjects 2020-09-03

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. hist
  2. Foreign
  3. fren
  4. Eng
  5. liter
  6. geog
  7. sci
  8. pe
  9. bio
  10. math
  1. inform
  2. chem
  3. Art
  4. physics
  5. sp

15 Clues: pespEngArtscibiohistfrenchemgeogmathliterinformForeignphysics

Maths Crossword 2013-01-23

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 7. = 22/7
  2. 19. Is a A parallelogram with sides of equal length.
  3. angels 10.When the sum of the measures of two angles is 90°, the angles are called as .
  4. 8. In practical geometry, making with a compass is important as it shows the angles to be marked by drawing a line through it.
  5. 4. The distance of any number from 0 is called its absolute value of an .
  6. 12.There are unlimited number of rational numbers between two rational .
  7. 3. integers are a collection of numbers containing numbers and their negatives.
  8. 6. An angle whose arms coincide with each other without taking any rotation is called as angle.
  9. 11.Two lines l and m intersect if they have a point in common. This common point O is their point of .
  10. 5. pair is a pair of adjacent angles whose non common arms are opposite rays.
  1. 18.A quadrilateral with each pair of opposite sides parallel is called as .
  2. 20.A rectangle with sides of equal length:
  3. 15.The distance around a circular region is known as its .
  4. 13. is the distance around a closed figure whereas area is the part of plane occupied by the closed figure.
  5. 1. Rational numbers are numbers which are in the form p/q where p and q are integers and q≠0.
  6. 14.Area of a square = side × .
  7. 9.In an equation there is always an sign.
  8. 2. 2xy2 + 3xy2 are a number.
  9. 17.The angle by which the object rotates is the angle of .
  10. 16.A figure has line if there is a line about which the figure may be folded so that the two parts of the figure will coincide.

20 Clues: 7. = 22/72. 2xy2 + 3xy2 are a number.14.Area of a square = side × .20.A rectangle with sides of equal length:9.In an equation there is always an sign.19. Is a A parallelogram with sides of equal length.17.The angle by which the object rotates is the angle of ....

Maths Boggler 2013-06-01

Maths Boggler crossword puzzle
  1. a number written using the base 10
  2. A charge for a loan
  3. Slant
  4. not divisible by two
  5. the third power of a number or quantity
  6. an exponent
  7. reduction
  8. that which divides into two equal parts
  9. a plane curve
  10. a straight line joining the centre of a circle to any point on the circumference
  11. a method by listing the names of the elements in braces
  12. an expression that indicates the quotient of two quantities
  13. a collection of numbers or objects that satisfy a given condition or share a property
  14. measurement of the size of something in a particular direction
  15. remaining after all deductions like taxes and expenses
  16. identical in shape and size
  17. sum of quantities/ number of quantities
  18. expressions with two terms
  19. without exact limits
  20. A linear differential equation
  21. the amount of surface enclosed by a closed figure
  22. the rate of increase of speed
  23. inversed fraction
  24. the relationship between two number or amounts expressed as a proportion
  25. a number placed as a superscript to another number indicating how many times the number is to be used as a factor
  26. a branch of mathematics dealing with infinitesimal changes to a number or quantity
  27. the digit or position exactly to the left of the decimal point
  28. a measure used as a unit to estimate distances
  29. a set with no numbers
  30. any whole number that will divide exactly into a given number
  31. the space between two straight lines that meet
  32. meeting at the same point
  33. the amount received for a commodity in excess of the original cost
  34. a conic section formed by a plane that cuts both bases of a cone
  35. a set containing all the members of two given sets
  36. expression with three terms
  37. same as minus
  38. not equal in size, length or quality
  39. Distance divided by speed
  40. the distance from the base of something to the top
  1. Time multiplied by speed
  2. a negative difference between selling price and cost price
  3. 22/7 or 3.14159
  4. the amount paid for a commodity by its seller
  5. to become greater or larger
  6. the rate of speed
  7. not convergent
  8. to deduct or subtract from a cost price
  9. A straight line through the centre of a circle or sphere
  10. either of the two limits of a scale or range
  11. the rate at which something moves or happens
  12. the angle of a slant
  13. any of a set of numbers defining the location of a point with reference to a system of axes
  14. the number below the line in a fraction
  15. a measure of the heaviness of an object
  16. a system or unit used for measuring
  17. having a range of possible values
  18. having a slanting or sloping direction/ course or position
  19. pertaining to the ancient mathematician and his theorem: a2+b2=c2
  20. proportion or rate per hundred parts
  21. separated by an equal distance at every point
  22. possible to reach or exceed by counting
  23. curving in
  24. equations of facts, rules, principles or other logical relations
  25. a quantity or number which remains invariable
  26. a number greater than zero
  27. a mathematical expression that two expressions are equal
  28. the side or face of a geometric figure to which an attitude is or thought to be drawn
  29. a pictorial device such as a pi chart or bar graph used to illustrate quantitative relationships also called a chart
  30. an equation that states that two ratios are equal
  31. the capacity of a solid
  32. curving outwards
  33. a number divisible by itself and one
  34. a three sided closed figure
  35. the point on a geometric figure where the sides form an angle
  36. A particular number represented by a symbol or figure

76 Clues: Slantreductioncurving inan exponenta plane curvesame as minusnot convergent22/7 or 3.14159curving outwardsthe rate of speedinversed fractionA charge for a loannot divisible by twothe angle of a slantwithout exact limitsa set with no numbersthe capacity of a solidTime multiplied by speedmeeting at the same pointDistance divided by speed...

maths crossword 2014-01-13

maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. plane
  2. circumference
  3. angle
  4. area
  5. diameter
  6. data
  7. volume
  8. rhombus
  9. minor
  10. circle
  11. kite
  1. sector
  2. parallelogram
  3. edges
  4. chord
  5. segment
  6. arc
  7. diagonal
  8. major
  9. radius

20 Clues: arcareadatakiteplaneedgeschordanglemajorminorsectorvolumecircleradiussegmentrhombusdiameterdiagonalparallelogramcircumference

Maths Statistics 2013-10-15

Maths Statistics crossword puzzle
  1. the observation of the numerically distant from the others
  2. the number that occurs the most
  3. data that is less important
  4. data the most important data
  5. it is the sudden change of direction
  6. the difference of the largest and the smallest number
  7. it has no set number it can be anything
  8. relationship between two variables
  9. facts and statistics used for future references
  10. A set of facts and statistics
  11. series of questions made to find out
  1. the official survey taken to count the population
  2. to understand the particular meaning of something
  3. the middle number
  4. that is organized into categories.
  5. something that’s is identical on both sides
  6. data that is categorized into numeral order
  7. where it was found
  8. n/a
  9. the average

20 Clues: n/athe averagethe middle numberwhere it was founddata that is less importantdata the most important dataA set of facts and statisticsthe number that occurs the mostthat is organized into categories.relationship between two variablesit is the sudden change of directionseries of questions made to find outit has no set number it can be anything...

Maths Crossword 2013-07-31

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ______ Trials is an experiment in which a single action, such as flipping a coin, is repeated identically over and over
  2. The product of a given integer and all smaller positive integers
  3. German word for number
  4. A graph of paired data in which the data values are plotted as (x, y) points
  5. The point at which the three (possibly extended) altitudes of a triangle intersect
  6. Two similar ways of indicating direction
  7. A sharp point on a curve
  8. A U-shaped curve
  9. A flat surface extending in all directions
  10. The number , or 1 followed by a googol number of zeros
  11. ______ is a solution of a simplified version of an equation that does not satisfy the original equation
  12. A curve shaped like a spring
  13. The horizontal line drawn as part of a fraction or radical
  1. A cycloid hanging downwards
  2. To cover a plane with identically shaped pieces which do not overlap or leave blank spaces
  3. A polygon with eleven sides
  4. The region between two concentric circles which have different radii
  5. A line segment, ray, or line that extends from a vertex of a triangle to the opposite side
  6. Study of change
  7. The line segment from the center of a regular polygon to the midpoint of a side
  8. ______ is a technique for finding the volume of a solid of revolution

21 Clues: Study of changeA U-shaped curveGerman word for numberA sharp point on a curveA cycloid hanging downwardsA polygon with eleven sidesA curve shaped like a springTwo similar ways of indicating directionA flat surface extending in all directionsThe number , or 1 followed by a googol number of zeros...

maths crossword 2015-05-27

maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. polynomial of degree 2
  2. a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself
  3. series of well defined steps which gives a procedure for solving a type of problem
  4. a number whose prime factors of the denominator is not in the form 2m.5n
  5. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number
  6. polynomial of degree 3
  7. Two or more lines that meet at a point are called
  8. Two lines that lie on top of one another are called
  9. polynomial of degree 1
  10. lines that remain the same distance apart over their entire length
  1. If a system has at least one solution, it is said to be
  2. a number whose prime factors of the denominator is in the form 2m.5n
  3. product of the greatest power of each prime factor involved in the numbers
  4. If a consistent system has an infinite number of solutions, it is
  5. positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself
  6. curve formed from all the points (x, y) that are equidistant from the directrix and the focus.
  7. number that cannot be written in the form p/q format
  8. number that can be written in the form p/q where p and q are integers
  9. product of the smallest power of each common prime factor in the numbers
  10. proven statement used for proving another statement

20 Clues: polynomial of degree 2polynomial of degree 3polynomial of degree 1Two or more lines that meet at a point are calledTwo lines that lie on top of one another are calledproven statement used for proving another statementnumber that cannot be written in the form p/q formatIf a system has at least one solution, it is said to be...

maths meganumber 2015-07-03

maths meganumber crossword puzzle
  1. the area of a triangle with length 7 and height 12
  2. 5742/9
  3. the value of 7 cubed
  4. the area of a rectangle with sides of 8 and 80
  5. the first four terms of the sequence 6n
  6. 8 to the power of zero
  7. the mean of 8,6,9,4 and 8
  8. 15% of 980
  9. the average speed of 990mile journey over 18 hours
  10. first four terms of the sequence n+1
  11. the missing angle in a triangle with angles 34 and 98
  12. 7811 rounded to 2 significant figures
  13. 96x85
  14. the first 4 terms of the sequence 11n-3
  15. 645x521
  16. the value of 5 to the power of 4
  17. 5% increase of 682
  18. 472532 rounded to 3 significant figures
  19. the value of x if x/2-12=48
  1. the value of 3c squared if c=9
  2. 645x587
  3. 198x658
  4. 10% of 62040
  5. 5 squared x 6 squared
  6. 8716392 rounded to 3 significant figures
  7. the square root of 225
  8. amount of metres in 1.8km
  9. first four terms of the sequence 3n+1
  10. 184x56
  11. the value of x if 6x-9=27
  12. 175x692
  13. 16 squared
  14. -8x-17
  15. the amount of cards in a full pack (excluding jokers)
  16. 3 squared x 7 squared

35 Clues: 96x855742/9184x56-8x-17645x587198x658175x692645x52115% of 98016 squared10% of 620405% increase of 682the value of 7 cubed5 squared x 6 squared3 squared x 7 squared8 to the power of zerothe square root of 225the mean of 8,6,9,4 and 8amount of metres in 1.8kmthe value of x if 6x-9=27the value of x if x/2-12=48the value of 3c squared if c=9...

MIXED MATHS 2019-12-10

MIXED MATHS crossword puzzle
  1. A line with a start point but no end point (it goes to infinity)
  2. interest Where interest is calculated on both the amount borrowed and any previous interest.
  3. Curved outwards
  4. root a value that, when multiplied by itself, produces a specified quantity
  5. A number says how many times to use that number in a multiplication
  6. number any number that can be written in the form of a+bi
  7. for any two points in the interval a positive change in x results in a zero change in f(x)
  8. a positive change between size or quantity
  9. The ratio of a circle's circumference to it's diameter
  10. An expression that can have constants, variables and exponents, that can be combined using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  11. A number with no fractional part
  12. a quantity representing the power to which a fixed number (the base) must be raised to produce a given number.
  13. when a real number that can be written as a simple fraction
  14. The longest side on a right triangle
  15. Equation An equation that makes a straight line when it is graphed
  16. value How far a number is from zero
  17. a central angle that intercepts an arc s equal in length to the radius r of the circle.
  18. first, outside, inner, last
  19. a unit of angular measure equal to 1/180th of a straight angle
  1. A line segment connecting two points on a curve
  2. a relation that associates each value in the domain with exactly one value in the range
  3. a quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised
  4. hypotenuse/opposite
  5. The line that divides something into two equal parts
  6. this is formed by the intersection of a plane with two equal cones on opposites of the same vertex.
  7. the Greek word for “measurement of triangles.”
  8. The length of the adjacent side divided by the length of the hypotenuse
  9. Opposite in effect
  10. adjacent/hypotenuse
  11. maximum a value f(c) that is greater than or equal to all range values of f on some open interval containing c
  12. Coordinates A way to pinpoint where you are on a map or graph by how far along or how far up or down the graph is
  13. interest Interest calculated as a percent of the original loan
  14. The differnce between the lowest and highest numbers.
  15. The amount of 3 dimensional space and object occupy
  16. square A number made by squaring a whole number.
  17. The distance from the center to the circumference of a circle

36 Clues: Curved outwardsOpposite in effecthypotenuse/oppositeadjacent/hypotenusefirst, outside, inner, lastA number with no fractional partvalue How far a number is from zeroThe longest side on a right trianglea positive change between size or quantitythe Greek word for “measurement of triangles.”A line segment connecting two points on a curve...

maths crossword 2020-01-18

maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. probability of impossible event
  2. distance of a point from y-axis
  3. ,number of criteria to prove two triangles as similar
  4. surface area , 2(l+b)h is ________ of cuboid
  5. value 3.14 is
  6. frequency , frequency used for more than and less than ogive graphs
  7. , area of four quadrants =
  8. a quadratic polynomial has how many zeroes
  9. how many trigonometric ratios are there
  10. , number of cards in a deck
  11. sum of probabilities of all elementary events of an event
  12. of integers ,euclid's division lemma has to do with
  13. formula 3 median = mode+ 2 mean
  14. and cone , shape of ice cream cone includes ___and ___ figures
  15. defined ,value of tan 90
  16. , more than and less than ogive are used to find out ______ of data
  17. ( x,0) lies on which axis
  18. median mode, 3 measures of central tendency
  19. real roots , when discriminant>0
  1. line which intersects circle at two points
  2. meaning of greek letter sigma
  3. sum of all angles in a triangle
  4. pair of lines which are inconsistent
  5. term ,a+(n-1)d gives
  6. line drawn from eye of observer to given object
  7. polynomial , polynomial of degree 3 is called
  8. shape of a bucket
  9. max number of secants drawn in a circle
  10. number of quadrants in a graph
  11. of depression , the case when we lower our head to look at the object
  12. ,what determines if a quadratic equation has real roots or not
  13. the sum or difference of a rational and irrational number is
  14. AP, AP which is not finite
  15. , how many methods are there to solve a pair of linear equations
  16. ,maximum number of parallel tangents of a circle

35 Clues: value 3.14 isshape of a bucketterm ,a+(n-1)d gives( x,0) lies on which axis, area of four quadrants =defined ,value of tan 90, number of cards in a deckAP, AP which is not finitemeaning of greek letter sigmanumber of quadrants in a graphprobability of impossible eventdistance of a point from y-axissum of all angles in a triangle...

Maths Remedial 2020-03-10

Maths Remedial crossword puzzle
  1. 4 sided polygon
  2. :______to: 45 minutes past 10
  3. how many centuries in 500 years?
  4. milk carton measrement
  5. 750 + 930 + 411
  6. 464 436 x 24
  7. how many ml in 3.5l
  8. : 337 70 391 + 25 946
  9. how many minutes is half past 12.
  10. 690 x 15
  1. 2D- shape ;all sides equal
  2. 1 000 litres
  3. 8 sided shape
  4. ancient instrument of time.
  5. 452 x 6
  6. How many months in 8 years
  7. complete the pattern 3560; 3570; _______
  8. days in a year
  9. 681 54 340 - 21 659
  10. how many minutes in an hour?

20 Clues: 452 x 6690 x 151 000 litres464 436 x 248 sided shapedays in a year4 sided polygon750 + 930 + 411how many ml in 3.5l681 54 340 - 21 659milk carton measrement2D- shape ;all sides equalHow many months in 8 yearsancient instrument of many minutes in an hour?:______to: 45 minutes past 10: 337 70 391 + 25 946...

MATHS MA 2020-08-31

MATHS MA crossword puzzle
  1. In a right triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of
  2. The diagonals of a _____ divide each other proportionally.
  3. If in two triangles, corresponding angles are equal,then the triangles are similar.
  4. If a line is drawn parallel to one side of triangle intersecting the other two sides, then it divides the two sides in the same ratio.
  5. Similarity criterion in which corresponding sides of two triangles are in the same ratio.
  6. Every _________ can be expressed as product of prime numbers.
  7. The real numbers which cannot be expressed in the form of p/q, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0 are known as __________ numbers.
  8. Euclid's Divison __________ states that if a and b are positive integers such that a=bq+r then every common divisor of a and b is a common divisor of b and r, and vice versa.
  9. All ________ decimals are rational numbers that can be written as reduced fractions with denominators containing no prime number factors other than two or five.
  1. Two figures having the same shape but not necessarily same size.
  2. of the other sides.
  3. The lengths of a tangent drawn from a common exterior point are _________
  4. The ________ of an angle of a triangle divides the opposite side internally in the ratio of the sides containing the angle.
  5. Similarity criterion in which two angles of a triangle are respectively equal to the two angles if other triangle.
  6. The line drawn from midpoint of one side of a triangle is parallel if another side bisects the third side.
  7. A line which intersects a circle in two distinct points.
  8. A line that intersects the circle in exactly one point.
  9. Region enclosed by two radii and the corresponding arc.
  10. A collection of those points on a plane that are at a given constant distance from a given fixed point.
  11. Euclid's _________ lemma states that given two positive integer a and b, there exists whole number q and r such that a=bq+r, 0 ≤r < b.
  12. Region enclosed by a chord and corresponding arc.

21 Clues: of the other sides.Region enclosed by a chord and corresponding arc.A line that intersects the circle in exactly one point.Region enclosed by two radii and the corresponding arc.A line which intersects a circle in two distinct points.The diagonals of a _____ divide each other proportionally....

Marvellous Maths 2021-03-11

Marvellous Maths crossword puzzle
  1. - Study of structure that are distinct
  2. - Has sense of order
  3. - Number of occurrences of repeating event per unit of time.
  4. Chart - Chart that uses pie slices to show data
  5. - Data that can be divided into specific groups
  6. - Graphical Display where data is plotted as bars
  7. - entire group to be considered
  8. - Central value in set of numbers
  9. - Research method used to collect data
  1. Graph - Graph that connects to points with lines
  2. - Use picture or symbols to represent data
  3. - A function that doesn't have abrupt changes in value
  4. - Examine differences between things
  5. - Middle number in data sample
  6. - Data related to numbers
  7. - Used to identify something
  8. - obtain data from part of population
  9. - Central value of set of numbers
  10. - Number that occurs most in set of numbers
  11. - line in form of numbers used to count
  12. - obtain data from whole group

21 Clues: - Has sense of order- Data related to numbers- Used to identify something- Middle number in data sample- obtain data from whole group- entire group to be considered- Central value of set of numbers- Central value in set of numbers- Examine differences between things- obtain data from part of population- Study of structure that are distinct...

L1 Maths 2019-04-02

L1 Maths crossword puzzle
  1. going down
  2. a 3D shape with 6 faces
  3. spell 12
  4. one thousand metres
  5. an amount taken off in a special offer
  6. number of mm in a cm
  7. one hundred centimetres
  8. 3.25pm plus 2 hours 20 minutes
  9. add the numbers and divide by how many there are
  10. length multiplied by width of rectangle gives you the ....
  1. 33.3% is the same as a
  2. largest take away smallest
  3. the distance around a shape
  4. will probably not happen
  5. how many corners on a pyramid?
  6. going up
  7. what is three quarters of 72
  8. what is 15% of 320?
  9. make a guess
  10. will probably happen
  11. will definitely happen
  12. 3.5 hours is 3 hours and ..... minutes

22 Clues: going upspell 12going downmake a guesswhat is 15% of 320?one thousand metreswill probably happennumber of mm in a cm33.3% is the same as awill definitely happena 3D shape with 6 facesone hundred centimetreswill probably not happenlargest take away smallestthe distance around a shapewhat is three quarters of 72how many corners on a pyramid?...

L1 Maths 2019-04-02

L1 Maths crossword puzzle
  1. 3.5 hours is 3 hours and ..... minutes
  2. length multiplied by width of rectangle gives you the ....
  3. decrease
  4. going up
  5. the distance around a shape
  6. what is three quarters of 72
  7. what is 15% of 320?
  8. 33.3% is the same as a
  9. largest take away smallest
  10. number of mm in a cm
  1. a 3D shape with 6 faces
  2. one hundred centimetres
  3. will definitely happen
  4. will probably not happen
  5. spell 12
  6. 3.25pm plus 2 hours 20 minutes
  7. an amount taken off in a special offer
  8. one thousand metres
  9. make a guess
  10. how many corners on a pyramid?
  11. add the numbers and divide by how many there are

21 Clues: spell 12decreasegoing upmake a guessone thousand metreswhat is 15% of 320?number of mm in a cmwill definitely happen33.3% is the same as aa 3D shape with 6 facesone hundred centimetreswill probably not happenlargest take away smallestthe distance around a shapewhat is three quarters of 723.25pm plus 2 hours 20 minuteshow many corners on a pyramid?...

Maths Investigation 2017-03-09

Maths Investigation crossword puzzle
  1. 359x2
  2. 795x5
  3. 571x11
  4. 362x22
  5. 468x12
  6. 634x6
  7. 329x12
  8. 1600÷4
  9. 384÷12
  10. 352x11
  11. 660÷10
  12. 2044÷4
  13. 1011x5
  14. 273x3
  15. 289x33
  16. 548x16
  17. 459x17
  18. 246÷3
  19. 243÷3
  20. 531x7
  21. 83x9
  22. 2048÷8
  1. 363÷11
  2. 147÷3
  3. 225÷3
  4. 7x128
  5. 114÷3
  6. 218x33
  7. 1272x3
  8. 148÷2
  9. 201x30
  10. 4044x2
  11. 168÷4
  12. 144÷4
  13. 989x3
  14. 654x7
  15. 368x19
  16. 76÷4
  17. 53x11
  18. 369x3
  19. 34÷2
  20. 268x31
  21. 43x19
  22. 708x9
  23. 124x2

45 Clues: 76÷434÷283x9147÷3359x2225÷37x128795x5114÷3148÷2634x6168÷4144÷4989x3654x753x11369x3273x343x19708x9246÷3243÷3531x7124x2363÷11218x331272x3571x11362x22468x12201x30329x124044x21600÷4384÷12352x11660÷10368x192044÷41011x5289x33268x31548x16459x172048÷8

Maths Crossword 2017-11-07

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 576 divided by 8
  2. 483 divided by 7
  3. 87153+70841
  4. 586320+754942
  5. 414 divided by 3
  6. 79156-43280
  7. 342 divided by 18
  8. 31954-19768
  9. 87945+56984
  10. 935042-467831
  11. 379x684
  1. 594x326
  2. 96305-43876
  3. 98236+15706
  4. 552 divided by 6
  5. 963x574
  6. 192x876
  7. 753x496
  8. 831579-647301
  9. 294x643
  10. 19753+98540

21 Clues: 594x326963x574192x876753x496294x643379x68496305-4387687153+7084198236+1570679156-4328031954-1976887945+5698419753+98540586320+754942831579-647301935042-467831576 divided by 8483 divided by 7552 divided by 6414 divided by 3342 divided by 18

Maths Crossword 2020-10-01

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Empty Relation is also called____ relation
  2. The set of input values in a relation
  3. The number of functions in a matrix
  4. the ______ is the transpose of the matrix of the cofactors
  5. A relation in a set A is an/a _________ relation if R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive
  6. Onto function also called
  7. The _______ matrix has 1s on the diagonal and 0s off the diagonals
  8. A diagram used to determine whether a relation is or is not a function
  9. All the ordered pairs (a,b) such that a belongs to A and b belongs to B is called
  1. ______ is what remains after removal of a row and column from a matrix
  2. Union of equivalence classes gives
  3. Range of a relation is always a subset of
  4. only these type of matrices have determinants
  5. If A is a matrix of order 3x3, then the number of minors in determinant of A are
  6. A matrix whose determinant is zero
  7. A function is invertible only if the function is
  8. a matrix type whose inverse doesn’t exist
  9. Let L denote the set of all straight lines in a plane. Let a relation R be defined by lRm if and only if l is perpendicular to m for all l, m belongs to L. Then R is
  10. A matrix which has only one row
  11. A matrix equal to its transpose

20 Clues: Onto function also calledA matrix which has only one rowA matrix equal to its transposeUnion of equivalence classes givesA matrix whose determinant is zeroThe number of functions in a matrixThe set of input values in a relationRange of a relation is always a subset ofa matrix type whose inverse doesn’t exist...

Maths Vocabulary 2021-04-27

Maths Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Not a prime number and not 1
  2. Roughly the amount
  3. A pattern of numbers from smallest to largest
  4. A number that can be divided by 2
  5. A number is less than the other
  6. A group of 13
  7. A number in a larger number.
  8. A number that cannot be divided by 2
  9. A pattern of numbers from largest to smallest
  10. A number with value in the tenths, hundredths and thousandths.
  1. Any number that represents an amount
  2. The value of a digit in a number
  3. A word, letter or symbol
  4. Change the number to the nearest 10, 100, 1000...
  5. Divide it into parts.
  6. A number right after the other, without any gaps in between.
  7. Make a good guess based on the information that you have.
  8. A number that can only be divided by 1 and itself
  9. Examine 2 things to determine the similarities and differences between them.
  10. A number is bigger than the other

20 Clues: A group of 13Roughly the amountDivide it into parts.A word, letter or symbolNot a prime number and not 1A number in a larger number.A number is less than the otherThe value of a digit in a numberA number that can be divided by 2A number is bigger than the otherAny number that represents an amountA number that cannot be divided by 2...

Maths Crossword 2021-07-16

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Finding out the total of a 3-Dimensional shape.
  2. Base angles in a triangle are the same.
  3. Minimum of two terms containing numbers or variables and connected by an operator.
  4. It's a single expression or with a single variable.
  5. A number smaller than 1 with a denominator and a numerator.
  6. A chance of something happening.
  7. A set of Maths we use to write with letters, symbols and numbers, such as 2x+1=23.
  8. Used in algebra which uses to letters to represent amount which can be changed. This can be used to solve certain algebra.
  9. You use a semi-circle Maths equipment to measure this.
  10. The area around a 2D shape.
  1. A pattern between numbers which can be found out by using nth term.
  2. You move a shape by using vectors enclosed in brackets(A transformation).
  3. Finding the measurement of a circle.
  4. A mirror line is needed to flip a shape in either direction.
  5. 2D shapes with a different name which all the sides are fully closed.
  6. Has 5 letters, starts with R and ends in O.
  7. This shape has a total of 180 degrees inside.
  8. You use tracing paper to move a shape by any angle.
  9. Making a shape bigger by an specific amount.
  10. Algebra where you can solve and find out variables.

20 Clues: The area around a 2D shape.A chance of something happening.Finding the measurement of a circle.Base angles in a triangle are the same.Has 5 letters, starts with R and ends in O.Making a shape bigger by an specific amount.This shape has a total of 180 degrees inside.Finding out the total of a 3-Dimensional shape....

Maths Project 2021-08-11

Maths Project crossword puzzle
  1. a number with at least one other factor besides itself and one, i.e. not a prime number
  2. in an algebraic expression or equation, either a single number or variable, or the product of several numbers and variables separated from another term by a + or – sign, e.g. in the expression 3 + 4x + 5yzw, the 3, the 4x and the 5yzw are all separate _____
  3. a2 + b2 = c2 is the __________ theorem
  4. the part of mathematics concerned with the size, shape and relative position of figures, or the study of lines, angles, shapes and their properties
  5. a way of writing rational numbers (numbers that are not whole numbers), also used to represent ratios or division, in the form of a numerator over a denominator, e.g. 3⁄5
  6. a number which, when multiplied by x yields the multiplicative identity 1, and can therefore be thought of as the inverse of multiplication. Eg x is 1/x __________.
  7. a set that has no members, and therefore has zero size, usually represented by {} or ø
  8. a traingle with 90° angle is a ______ angled triangle
  9. pi is an example of _________ numbers
  10. in geometry, a one-dimensional figure following a continuous straight path joining two or more points, whether infinite in both directions or just a line segment bounded by two distinct end points
  1. a number that will divide into another number exactly. Eg 5 and 2 are 10
  2. whole numbers, both positive (natural numbers) and negative, including zero
  3. a subsidiary collection of objects that all belong to, or is contained in, an original given set
  4. the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter, an irrational (and transcendental) number approximately equal to 3.141593…
  5. a branch of mathematics that uses symbols or letters to represent variables, values or numbers, which can then be used to express operations and relationships and to solve equations
  6. a collection of distinct objects or numbers, without regard to their order, considered as an object in its own right. eg the collection {1,2,3} is a ___.
  7. a polynomial algebraic expression or equation with just two terms
  8. the factors of the terms (i.e. the numbers in front of the letters) in a mathematical expression or equation.
  9. a real number which expresses fractions on the base 10 standard numbering system using place value.
  10. a number divisible by one and itself is called _______ number
  11. a flat two-dimensional surface (physical or theoretical) with infinite width and length, zero thickness and zero curvature

21 Clues: pi is an example of _________ numbersa2 + b2 = c2 is the __________ theorema traingle with 90° angle is a ______ angled trianglea number divisible by one and itself is called _______ numbera polynomial algebraic expression or equation with just two termsa number that will divide into another number exactly. Eg 5 and 2 are 10...


MATHS ACTIVITY crossword puzzle
  1. science of collecting and studying numerical data of a large quantities
  2. fourth degree polynomial
  3. quadrilateral with same side length
  4. used to indicate a root of number
  5. a letter that represents number
  6. a number that cannot be written in the form of p/q
  7. point of intersection of coordinate axes
  8. equation which is true for every value of variable.
  9. part of an algebraic expression separated by + or - signs.
  10. five term polynomial
  1. self evidently true statement
  2. term without variables
  3. performing an experiment
  4. two angles adding upto 90 degree
  5. used to prove that all integers between 3-17 are irrational
  6. divides a triangle into 2 triangles of equal area
  7. degree of a non zero constant polynomial
  8. (x ,y)
  9. detailed examination of events
  10. facts or figures with a definite purpose

20 Clues: (x ,y)five term polynomialterm without variablesfourth degree polynomialperforming an experimentself evidently true statementdetailed examination of eventsa letter that represents numbertwo angles adding upto 90 degreeused to indicate a root of numberquadrilateral with same side lengthdegree of a non zero constant polynomial...

Consumer Maths 2021-05-13

Consumer Maths crossword puzzle
  1. When you sell something for more than you buy it for.
  2. The earnings you get from working.
  3. Buying a product where you borrow.
  4. You take this out to protect your assets.
  5. Savings for retirement.
  6. Putting money away from your earnings
  7. When you buy shares the company often pays you an amount per share.
  8. Many take out one of these to buy expensive items like a car.
  9. A summary of income and spending.
  10. Expenses that have to be paid.
  11. You pay the government this so they can provide services.
  1. Interest that is same each time period.
  2. Expenses that are not essential
  3. The initial amount you borrow or invest.
  4. This is where interest is put back into the account.
  5. You can get into this if you borrow too much.
  6. When you get a percentage off the price.
  7. You do this to get returns in the future.
  8. When investing you need to consider this - you could lose your funds.
  9. The reward for saving or the cost of borrowing.

20 Clues: Savings for retirement.Expenses that have to be paid.Expenses that are not essentialA summary of income and spending.The earnings you get from working.Buying a product where you borrow.Putting money away from your earningsInterest that is same each time period.The initial amount you borrow or invest.When you get a percentage off the price....

Maths Crossword 2021-09-03

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A corner of a 3d shape
  2. Two lines that intersect at a right angle are...
  3. Multiplying a number by another number
  4. A math language
  5. Finding the amount of times one number can fit in another larger number
  6. The average
  7. The edge of a 3d shape
  8. angle A 90 degree angle is called a?
  9. Two lines directly next to each other
  10. An exact location
  11. A shape with 6 equal sides
  12. An angle that is less than 90 degrees is...
  1. Removing an amount from another number
  2. A shape wherein all sides are equal length
  3. A line that is 180 degrees and face upwards is...
  4. The difference between the smallest and largest number
  5. A way to solve a question
  6. Adding a number to another number
  7. An angle that is more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees is...
  8. The middle number in a group
  9. The most occurring number

21 Clues: The averageA math languageAn exact locationA corner of a 3d shapeThe edge of a 3d shapeA way to solve a questionThe most occurring numberA shape with 6 equal sidesThe middle number in a groupAdding a number to another numberangle A 90 degree angle is called a?Two lines directly next to each otherRemoving an amount from another number...

Maths Crossword 2021-09-06

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How many significant figures does the answer to this solution have? 55.924 + 28.702 + 93.352
  2. In the relation C/5 = make (F - 32)/9 make F as the subject and only write the denominator in the answer
  3. In a trapezium ABCD, AB∥CD. Calculate ∠D if ∠A = 24° and ∠B = 59°.
  4. A bus departed from New York at 11 pm with 44 passengers. An hour later, a few passengers got off at New Jersey. The number of passengers who boarded the bus in New Jersey was twice the number of passengers who got off the bus. If the bus has 50 passengers now, how many passengers got off the bus in New Jersey?
  5. Parents donated fudge for the fundraiser for your classroom. 40 pounds of chocolate fudge sold for $2.15 per pound and vanilla fudge sold for $1.90 per pound. Your class made $181. How many pounds of vanilla fudge was sold?
  6. Jasmine is designing boxes she will use to ship her jewellery. She wants to shape the box like a regular polygon. In order for the boxes to pack tightly, she decides to use a regular polygon that has the property that the measure of its interior angles is half the measure of its exterior angles. What regular polygon should she use?
  7. When I dropped a plate on the floor, I saw that it completed two complete revolutions and one-third of a right angle turn. How many degrees did this plate rotate in total?
  8. -15 + (30 ÷ 5 × 6 ÷ 2) × 9 - 3
  9. Mary can paint a house in 12 hours. If Nancy helps, it takes them 3 hours. Without help, how long would it take Nancy to complete the same job?
  10. ½(2x-6) = ¼(8-12x) Solve for x. Write only the denominator in the answer.
  11. The population of the United States was roughly 7.52 * 10^9 last year. Food cost an average of $721 per person in the United States last year. What was the total amount spent on food in the United States last year? Work out your answer in standard form, and then write down how many zeros you got.
  12. Solve. 7 * 10^8 * 6 * 10^5. Work out your answer in standard form, and then write down how many zeros you got.
  13. Is 5xy - 25x^3y^2same as 5xy(1-5x^2y)
  1. What comes next? 23, 40, 74, 142
  2. What comes next? 52, 65, 39, 78, 26
  3. In the Uffizi Gallery in France, there is a room built by Napoleon I called the Tribune. The room is shaped like a regular octagon. What angle do consecutive walls of the Tribune make with each other? Don’t mention the degree symbol.
  4. In the formula, l = a + (n - 1)d makes d as the subject. Find d when l = 10, a = 2, n = 5.
  5. (3x+1)/x * 21/4 = 35/2 Solve for x. Write only the numerator.
  6. Is 64x^2y^2-81z^2same as (8xy - 9z)(8xy - 9z)
  7. 4 x (7 x 4²) ÷ 4 + 74 – 16
  8. Joe is editing a photograph on his laptop. He rotates the photograph 120° degrees clockwise. He then rotates it another 160° degrees clockwise. If he continues turning the photo in a clockwise movement, how many degrees will Joe need to turn it to have made a complete 360° degree turn?
  9. A kilogram has 1000 grams in it. How many significant figures does this number have?
  10. In a rectangle, one diagonal is inclined to one of its sides at 42°. Measure the acute angle between the two diagonals.
  11. Joan takes 24 hours to reupholster furniture. It takes Fred 48 hours to complete this job. How long would it take if they worked together?

24 Clues: 4 x (7 x 4²) ÷ 4 + 74 – 16-15 + (30 ÷ 5 × 6 ÷ 2) × 9 - 3What comes next? 23, 40, 74, 142What comes next? 52, 65, 39, 78, 26Is 5xy - 25x^3y^2same as 5xy(1-5x^2y)Is 64x^2y^2-81z^2same as (8xy - 9z)(8xy - 9z)(3x+1)/x * 21/4 = 35/2 Solve for x. Write only the numerator.In a trapezium ABCD, AB∥CD. Calculate ∠D if ∠A = 24° and ∠B = 59°....

Maths Y7 2022-01-11

Maths Y7 crossword puzzle
  1. the number by which another number is divided
  2. common factor the largest number that is a factor of two or more other numbers. E.g. the highest common factor of 14 and 21 is 7.
  3. the bottom number in a fraction. In ¾, the denominator is 4.
  4. (vertices) corner (corners)
  5. to meet at a right angle, e.g. ⊥
  6. terms terms containing the same letters e.g. 2k and -4k are like terms
  7. the difference between the largest and the smallest number in a set
  8. when all the sides of a shape are the same length
  9. a sort of average. To find the median, put the numbers in order, then find the middle number.
  10. *capacity* of a container the volume of liquid that can be put into a container
  11. data An selection of values in a grouped frequency table.
  12. when you find an equivalent fraction, by dividing the top (numerator) and bottom (denominator) by the same number (a common factor). This is also called simplifying.
  13. whole numbers
  14. of rotation The point around which a shape is rotated. This point stays still while the rest of the shape moves.
  15. a regular solid, with 6 faces
  16. number 0,1,2,3,4,5.....
  17. fractions Fractions that represent the same amount. E.g. 1/2 and 3/6.
  18. the horizontal (side to side) axis on a grid
  19. shape (or composite shape) a shape made up from similar shapes
  20. turning in the same direction as the hands of a lcock
  21. clock a system of measuring time in terms of a repeating period of 24 hours
  22. two straight lines travelling in the same direction (therefore the distance between them is always the same)
  23. identical in size and shape
  24. grid two axes used to plot points, using coordinates.
  25. number the result of multiplying a whole number by itself; 81=9²
  26. factor a multiplier for converting one unit to another. E.g. to convert meters into centimeters, the multiplier is 100, because there are 100cm in 1m.
  27. are the types of averages? a representative value; it represents a group of numbers. The mode, median, and mean, are all types of averages.
  28. factor a) the number that is a factor of two different numbers. E.g. 3 is a factor of 6 and 12.
  29. Clock a system of measuring time in terms of a repeating period of 12 hours
  1. the vertical (up and don) axis on a grid
  2. a number that is being divided
  3. triangle a triangle with a right angle (90°)
  4. Two numbers that are used to locate a point. Written in brackets. e.g. (4,6)
  5. triangle a triangle where every side is the same length
  6. a sort of average. To find the maen of a set of numbers, add them all together, and divide by how many there are
  7. angle an angle less than 90°
  8. chart a diagram where values are represented by the length of bars
  9. how many times a number occurs in a set. e.g. in the set {1,2,2,3,4,5,7,13}, 2 occurs twice.
  10. is an *average*?
  11. turning in the opposite direction from the hands of a lcock
  12. (%) a fraction written out of 100 (e.g. 1%=1/100)
  13. in the equation: y=3x+4x²+2x+6, the terms 3x and 2x are like terms, and those can be collected to make 5x, making the equation: y=4x²+5x+6
  14. a quadrilateral with two pairs of equal and parallel sides,
  15. like terms gathering, by addition and subtraction, all the like terms.
  16. 1000kg
  17. terms Consecutive means "one after another", or "in a row". So the first 4 consecutive numbers are 1,2,3, and 4. The first 4 consecutive odd numbers are 1,3,5, and 7.
  18. a number that divides into other numbers without a remainder.
  19. ASA is an abbreviation of Angle Side Angle (or the size of two angles, and the length of the side between them). ASA is the minimum amount of information you need to construct a triangle.
  20. triangle a triangle with two sides equal in length
  21. one of the two number lines drawn in a co-ordinate grid.
  22. a sort of average. it is the number which occurs most
  23. two different mathematical expressions, which have the same value e.g.
  24. when one amount is compared to another amount, using the symbol : (e.g. if a tank has 9 gold fish and 3 beta fish, we can say the ratio is 9:3, which we can cancel down to 3:1)
  25. multiple a number that is a multiple of two different numbers: e.g. 12 is a common multiple of 2 and 3.

54 Clues: 1000kgwhole numbersis an *average*?number 0,1,2,3,4,5.....(vertices) corner (corners)identical in size and shapeangle an angle less than 90°a regular solid, with 6 facesa number that is being dividedto meet at a right angle, e.g. ⊥the vertical (up and don) axis on a gridtriangle a triangle with a right angle (90°)...

Maths words 2022-09-09

Maths words crossword puzzle
  1. To add money to a bank account. For example, I had £500 credited to my bank account.
  2. section The end section created when you slice a 3D shape along it's length.
  3. The bottom part of a fraction.
  4. To work out the value of something. This does not have to mean you need a calculator!
  5. How data is shared or spread out.
  6. The number in front of an algebraic symbol. For example the coefficient of 5x is 5.
  7. Subtract the smaller value from the larger value to find the difference between two numbers.
  8. (cm) A measure of distance. 1 centimetre = 10 millimetres. (1 cm = 10 mm). 100 centimetres = 1 metre. (100 cm = 1 m).
  9. number The product when an integer is multiplied by itself twice. For example 5 cubed = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125.
  10. Not a whole number or integer. For example 3.6 or 0.235.
  11. A ten sided polygon.
  12. If you can place a shape exactly on top of another then they are said to be congruent. You may rotate, reflect or translate the shape.
  1. frequency A running total of the frequencies added up as you go along.
  2. A 3D shape with all sides made from rectangles
  3. The perimeter of a circle.
  4. To make an amount smaller.
  5. A straight line drawn from one point on the edge of a circle to another.
  6. A letter or symbol whose value always stays the same. The constant Π is a common example.
  7. How far away an object is. For example, it is a distance of 3 miles to the city centre.
  8. To take out money from a bank account. For example £400 was debited from my account.
  9. The distance across a circle which passes through the centre.
  10. A time period of 24 hours. There are 7 days in a week
  11. (cl) A measure of volume. 100 centilitres = 1 litre (100 cl = 1 l). 1 centilitre = 10 millilitres (1 cl = 10 ml).

23 Clues: A ten sided polygon.The perimeter of a circle.To make an amount smaller.The bottom part of a fraction.How data is shared or spread out.A 3D shape with all sides made from rectanglesA time period of 24 hours. There are 7 days in a weekNot a whole number or integer. For example 3.6 or 0.235....

Maths crossword 2022-04-25

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the circular movement of an object around a centre.
  2. a transformation where an object maps to an image of the same shape but different size
  3. I decided to show the results in a bar ....... .
  4. a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label
  6. a number whose whole number and the fractional part is separated by a decimal point
  7. is a scalar quantity expressing the amount of three-dimensional space enclosed by a closed surface
  8. a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles
  9. a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal
  10. The ........ of men to women was two to one
  11. three sided polygon
  1. exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane
  2. the science of numbers and their operations (see operation sense
  3. straight line touching a circle
  4. (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
  5. a line enclosing a plane areas
  6. a quantity that has both magnitude and direction but not position
  7. A geometric figure formed by two lines that begin at a common point or by two planes that begin at a common line.
  8. something a line lacks
  9. To bring two or more numbers (or things) together to make a new total.

20 Clues: SOH CAH TOA(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)three sided polygonsomething a line lacksa line enclosing a plane areasstraight line touching a circleThe ........ of men to women was two to oneI decided to show the results in a bar ....... .the circular movement of an object around a centre.a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label...

Maths Terms 2022-12-05

Maths Terms crossword puzzle
  1. The rule for order of operations
  2. in a Linear function the m stands for the
  3. a 3D shape with the same top and bottom
  4. the term in algebra which does not contain a variable
  5. four sided shape with one set of parallel sides
  6. Angles that sum to 180
  7. a bar graph for grouped or continuous numerical data
  8. a triangle with no equal sides
  9. the study of chance
  10. space, a list of all the possible outcomes of an event
  11. the middle value from a list of numbers
  12. angles that sum to 90
  13. angles that form a z shape in parallel lines
  14. Numbers with exactly two factors
  15. the smaller group of subjects taken from the population
  16. Numerical data that is counted
  17. A survey that involves the whole population
  1. a statistical graph that uses pictures to represent the data
  2. another word for variable in algebra
  3. a whole number which can be negative or positive
  4. in a linear function the c stands for the
  5. a triangle with two equal sides
  6. The mathematics topic used to find angles and sides in a right angled triangle
  7. another word for power or index
  8. the theorem used to find the longest side in a right angled triangle
  9. the ratio of opposite over hypotenuse in a right angled triangle
  10. and leaf, the plot used to order numerical data
  11. a word used to describe the answer to a multiplication sum
  12. the comparison of amounts in the same units
  13. the longest side in a right angled triangle
  14. a four sided shape
  15. the most frequent score
  16. a probability of 50/50

33 Clues: a four sided shapethe study of chanceangles that sum to 90Angles that sum to 180a probability of 50/50the most frequent scorea triangle with no equal sidesNumerical data that is counteda triangle with two equal sidesanother word for power or indexThe rule for order of operationsNumbers with exactly two factorsanother word for variable in algebra...

Maths PT 2022-09-22

Maths PT crossword puzzle
  1. 26^3
  2. 4(14x-3x)
  3. 5⁵ + √25 + 8³
  4. 3(9y-3y)
  5. The next even number after 102
  6. 20^6
  7. 30 to the power of 3
  8. Find the hcf of 168 and 180
  9. 25x times by 5
  1. 6^2
  2. the square root of 64 times by the square root of 4 times by the square root of 81
  3. 136^2
  4. 20⁵ 3200000
  5. 6x times by 2y
  6. The square root of 3600
  7. The square root of 100
  8. Find the lcm of 82 and 112
  9. 6x times 3
  10. The next odd number 49
  11. 4ab+23ab-6ab

20 Clues: 6^226^320^6136^23(9y-3y)4(14x-3x)6x times 320⁵ 32000004ab+23ab-6ab5⁵ + √25 + 8³6x times by 2y25x times by 530 to the power of 3The square root of 100The next odd number 49The square root of 3600Find the lcm of 82 and 112Find the hcf of 168 and 180The next even number after 102...

Crossword maths 2022-09-16

Crossword maths crossword puzzle
  1. 2x 5xy - 2x + 7xy
  2. 2^x = 64
  3. x^-3/x^-4
  4. 4x+5y-2x+5y
  5. 12y^2/3y
  6. 6xy- xy + 3y
  7. ( 4x x )÷ (2x x + 4 x x)
  8. 6x-2y,4x,x
  9. x+9=1
  10. 14ab^2 - 2ab^2
  11. 9x - 2x
  12. f(x) = 6x + 1
  13. 21x + x
  14. x - 5y x, - 3y, 3/4y, -5y
  15. (x^-2)^3
  16. 2x-2y-3x+y
  1. 4x^2 y x x^3 y^2
  2. 4x(2-4)
  3. 2(a -3) + 4b - 2(a -b -3) + 5
  4. X x y x z
  5. 6x(5y+7z)
  6. 8y - 4 - 6y - 4
  7. 2x(8x+5y)
  8. 5x - 5y = 7
  9. 2x(x+3)
  10. 3x x 5x
  11. a^3b^2/a^4b
  12. (5x^2)^3
  13. (2x^2)^3
  14. 3(2x-3) + 2x(4+3)

30 Clues: x+9=14x(2-4)2x(x+3)3x x 5x9x - 2x21x + x2^x = 6412y^2/3y(5x^2)^3(2x^2)^3(x^-2)^3x^-3/x^-4X x y x z6x(5y+7z)2x(8x+5y)6x-2y,4x,x2x-2y-3x+y4x+5y-2x+5y5x - 5y = 7a^3b^2/a^4b6xy- xy + 3yf(x) = 6x + 114ab^2 - 2ab^28y - 4 - 6y - 44x^2 y x x^3 y^22x 5xy - 2x + 7xy3(2x-3) + 2x(4+3)( 4x x )÷ (2x x + 4 x x)x - 5y x, - 3y, 3/4y, -5y...

Maths Crossword 2023-06-25

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 3.25x4
  2. the order of operations
  3. double an eighth
  4. A straight line that passes through the centre from side to side
  5. the same direction as clock hands
  6. 14x6
  7. The perimeter of a circle
  8. the comparison between two values a:b
  9. Having the same length, value or quantity etc.
  1. A mid value in an ordered set of numbers
  2. One hundredth of a metre
  3. A shape with eight equal sides
  4. Half of a diameter
  5. 108 divided by 4
  6. A plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, mostly five or more
  7. A solid figure with ten plane faces
  8. Round 734 to the nearest hundred
  9. the amount of space occupied by an object
  10. Round 76 to the nearest ten
  11. thousandth of a kilogram
  12. a number if below zero

21 Clues: 14x63.25x4108 divided by 4double an eighthHalf of a diametera number if below zerothe order of operationsOne hundredth of a metrethousandth of a kilogramThe perimeter of a circleRound 76 to the nearest tenA shape with eight equal sidesRound 734 to the nearest hundredthe same direction as clock handsA solid figure with ten plane faces...

Maths crossword 2023-11-22

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Game mode on fornite where you fight to be the last one standing out of 100
  2. Teacher who has been at mount erin the longest
  3. Another name for the topic 'chance'
  4. A unit of measurement for length
  5. The youtuber with the 2nd most subscribers in the world
  6. A triangle with 3 sides equal length
  7. A common way to remember the teacher's name using a minecraft reference "Flint and _____"
  8. the amount of space a 2D object takes up
  9. A triangle with 2 sides equal length
  10. 100% chance of something happening
  11. A 7 sided shape
  12. A unit of measureemtn for volume
  13. A type of transformation where you do a mirror image
  14. One of the starting pokemon in pokemon scarlet / violet
  15. Two lines that are going exactly the same direction
  16. The name of the dot in "4.908"
  17. The top number of a fraction
  18. A graph is called a _________ plane
  19. The opposite of a squared (power of 2)
  20. Another word for add
  21. 3.14159...
  22. The youtube video with the number 1 most views as of today (28/11/23)
  23. Two lines forming a right angle
  24. The middle number when numbers are listed in ascending order
  1. The dot that shows the x and y value on a graph
  2. A 10 sided shape
  3. The electric legendary bird in pokemon red / blue
  4. Teachers name Mr ______
  5. One of the 3 school values
  6. Animal on the Australian 20c coin
  7. The name of the graph in statistics that sounds like a plant ____ __ ____ plot (3 words)
  8. fraction one over five
  9. The amount of space a 3D object takes up
  10. "per 100"
  11. The total length around the outside of a 2D shape
  12. The bottom number of a fraction
  13. Where Mr Flint's mum was born
  14. Teacher's first name
  15. A fish that is commonly known as a "pinky"
  16. What you do with equations when you get the answer
  17. Capital city of Egypt
  18. The topic in maths with all the letters
  19. A more mathematical word for the average
  20. Order of operations in maths is called
  21. Longest river in the world
  22. Another word for multiply
  23. Another word for minus
  24. A type of number (Examples: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11,...)
  25. What you don't call Mr Flint
  26. fortnite emote from Snoop dog
  27. The 2nd R in the GIS process

51 Clues: "per 100"3.14159...A 7 sided shapeA 10 sided shapeTeacher's first nameAnother word for addCapital city of Egyptfraction one over fiveAnother word for minusTeachers name Mr ______Another word for multiplyOne of the 3 school valuesLongest river in the worldThe top number of a fractionWhat you don't call Mr FlintThe 2nd R in the GIS process...

Maths Crossword 2023-08-31

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - It is a mathematical expression consisting of variables, constants, and exponents that are added, subtracted, or multiplied using arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, and multiplication
  2. - A mathematical concept that represents a part of a whole or collection of objects
  3. - The expression written below the line in a common fraction that indicates the number of parts into which one whole is divided.
  4. Fraction - fractions where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.
  5. - Number just before a variable.
  6. - mathematical expressions that compare two values and show if one value is less than, greater than, or equal to the value on the other side of the equation.
  7. - Polygon with 4 sides.
  8. - Straight line segment that passes through the center of the circle.
  9. - Polygon with 6 sides
  1. Opposite Angles -angles that are opposite each other at a specific vertex and are formed by the intersection of two straight lines
  2. - a symbol that represents an unknown number, value, or quantity that can change with the context of a particular mathematical problem or experiment.
  3. - two-dimensional geometric figure that has a finite number of sides, made of straight line segments connected to each other end to end.
  4. - A relationship in which there is correspondence or similarity between entities or parts.
  5. - Segment in a circle or sphere from its center to it's perimeter or surface and its length.
  6. - A rule or fact written with mathematical symbols that connects two or more quantities with an equal sign
  7. segment - is a one-dimensional figure that describes a path between two points.
  8. - A 3 sided figure
  9. - A type of numbering system that uses a base-10 representation for numeric values
  10. - a point where two or more line segments, curves, or edges meet, forming an angle at that point
  11. - the result or answer obtained by adding two or more numbers or terms.
  12. - the result obtained by multiplying two or more values together
  13. Cartesian Plane - It is a two-dimensional coordinate plane formed by the intersection of two perpendicular lines, the X-axis and the Y-axis.
  14. - A closed line bounding a plane area.
  15. - It's symbol written above and to the right of a mathematical expression called the base
  16. - It's a mathematical statement that expresses the equality of two expressions, which are connected by the equals sign "="

25 Clues: - A 3 sided figure- Polygon with 6 sides- Polygon with 4 sides.- Number just before a variable.- A closed line bounding a plane area.- the result obtained by multiplying two or more values together- Straight line segment that passes through the center of the circle.- the result or answer obtained by adding two or more numbers or terms....

Maths RBA 2023-09-14

Maths RBA crossword puzzle
  1. A mathematical statement that two expressions are equal.
  2. A polygon with eight sides.
  3. A line that divides an angle into two equal parts.
  4. A straight line that touches a curve at a single point without crossing it.
  5. The top number in a fraction.
  6. A fraction in which the numerator is smaller than the denominator.
  7. The value that a sequence approaches as the input values get larger and larger.
  8. The longest side of a right triangle, opposite the right angle.
  9. A polygon with six sides.
  10. The distance between the center and any point on the edge of a circle.
  11. The perimeter of a circle.
  12. A triangle with all sides of different lengths.
  1. A polygon with five sides.
  2. A number that cannot be expressed as a fraction and has an infinite decimal expansion.
  3. The result of subtracting one number from another.
  4. The bottom number in a fraction.
  5. A polygon with four sides.
  6. The distance around the outside of a two-dimensional shape.
  7. The result of adding two or more numbers.
  8. A number that can be divided by 2 without leaving a remainder.

20 Clues: A polygon with six sides.A polygon with five sides.A polygon with four sides.The perimeter of a circle.A polygon with eight sides.The top number in a fraction.The bottom number in a fraction.The result of adding two or more numbers.A triangle with all sides of different lengths.The result of subtracting one number from another....

Maths Crossword 2024-04-10

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 254+953
  2. 254+953
  3. √6
  4. × 7
  5. 5-0
  6. 64/8
  7. 30%/100
  8. 7+7
  9. 8905 + 5321
  10. 3 × 3
  11. 5+5
  12. 12 × 6
  13. 10%/20
  14. 42/6
  1. 6540742.63925-37924
  2. 9 × 9
  3. √10
  4. 6 × 6
  5. 256.4 + 142,2
  6. 17^
  7. 10 × 10
  8. 11/4 + 5/4
  9. 4 × 6
  10. 12.45 + 12.45

24 Clues: √6√1017^× 75-07+75+564/842/69 × 96 × 63 × 34 × 612 × 610%/20254+953254+95330%/10010 × 1011/4 + 5/48905 + 5321256.4 + 142,212.45 + 12.456540742.63925-37924

Maths Crossword 2024-05-31

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. square root of 16
  2. 6x + 7 = 37 | x = ?
  3. half of 38
  4. the average of 2 or more numbers
  5. shape where all angles add up to 180°
  6. multiply 5 by 6
  7. 64 divided by 8
  8. 90° angle
  9. 70% of 100
  10. 3 to the power of 0
  1. 8 subtracted by -7
  2. half of 32
  3. 1000cm = ? m
  4. 4 plus 3
  5. quotient of 120 & 2
  6. type of triangle with 2 equal sides
  7. tool that’s used to measure angles
  8. shape with 6 edges & all angles are equal
  9. product of 9 & 3
  10. HCF of 123 & 72

20 Clues: 4 plus 390° anglehalf of 32half of 3870% of 1001000cm = ? mmultiply 5 by 664 divided by 8HCF of 123 & 72product of 9 & 3square root of 168 subtracted by -76x + 7 = 37 | x = ?quotient of 120 & 23 to the power of 0the average of 2 or more numberstool that’s used to measure anglestype of triangle with 2 equal sidesshape where all angles add up to 180°...

Maths Terms 2024-05-22

Maths Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Data.
  2. What the 'M' in 'BEDMAS' stands for.
  3. The outline of a shape.
  4. Shapes.
  5. A dot between two numbers.
  6. What the 'A' in 'BEDMAS' stands for.
  7. A number that can only be divided by 1 and itself.
  8. The inside of a shape.
  9. What the 'D' in 'BEDMAS' stands for.
  10. LxWxH
  11. A device used to measure angles.
  12. 3.1415926
  13. A polygon with 10 sides.
  1. A number above 0
  2. THe outline of a circle.
  3. 4 is the _______ of 16
  4. A whole number divided into parts.
  5. Uses numbers and letters.
  6. Some people call this Minus
  7. A number times by itself multiple times.
  8. Brackets Exponents Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction
  9. Not divisible by two.
  10. The _______ is another word for mean.
  11. A triangle that has two even sides.
  12. A way to work something out.
  13. A number below 0
  14. A way to display data.

27 Clues: Data.LxWxHShapes.3.1415926A number above 0A number below 0Not divisible by two.4 is the _______ of 16The inside of a shape.A way to display data.The outline of a shape.THe outline of a circle.A polygon with 10 sides.Uses numbers and letters.A dot between two numbers.Some people call this MinusA way to work something out....


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. Maths
  3. History
  4. Islamic Education
  5. Geogrpahy
  1. French
  2. Civics
  3. Science

8 Clues: MathsFrenchCivicsEnglishScienceHistoryGeogrpahyIslamic Education

Xsel Crossword 2014-11-21

Xsel Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. location of the residential
  2. time when everyone meets each other in person
  3. Xsel English topic
  4. combination of two substances
  5. Year 10 and Year 7 English teacher
  6. principal of Xsel
  7. Shakespeare name of famous playwright and poet
  8. classifies maths, science and english
  1. planet in space
  2. Year 9 English teacher
  3. former administrator of Xsel
  4. name of a famous mathematician
  5. head of Xsel and Year 8 maths teacher
  6. name of another famous mathematician

14 Clues: planet in spaceprincipal of XselXsel English topicYear 9 English teacherlocation of the residentialformer administrator of Xselcombination of two substancesname of a famous mathematicianYear 10 and Year 7 English teachername of another famous mathematicianhead of Xsel and Year 8 maths teacherclassifies maths, science and english...

Unit 2/2 2018-10-15

Unit 2/2 crossword puzzle
  1. angļu valoda
  2. informātika
  3. vizuālā māksla
  4. pirmdiena
  5. trešdiena
  6. sestdiena
  7. ceturtdiena
  8. svētdiena
  1. piektdiena
  2. sports
  3. vēsture
  4. matemātika
  5. otrdiena
  6. ģeogrāfija
  7. latviešu valoda
  8. dabaszinības
  9. mūzika

17 Clues: sportsmūzikavēstureotrdienapirmdienatrešdienasestdienasvētdienapiektdienamatemātikaģeogrāfijainformātikaceturtdienaangļu valodadabaszinībasvizuālā mākslalatviešu valoda

U 11 words 2018-03-12

U 11 words crossword puzzle
  1. loodusõpetus
  2. klassiruum
  3. koolitund
  4. vihik, märkmik
  5. kustukumm
  6. lõuna
  7. koolilaud
  1. kool
  2. inglise keel
  3. õppima
  4. matemaatika
  5. teritaja
  6. eesti keel
  7. harilik pliiats
  8. joonlaud
  9. raamat
  10. tool

17 Clues: kooltoollõunaõppimaraamatteritajajoonlaudkoolitundkustukummkoolilaudklassiruumeesti keelmatemaatikainglise keelloodusõpetusvihik, märkmikharilik pliiats

School Subjects 2022-11-30

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. reliģijas mācība
  2. mūzika
  3. datorzinības
  4. teātra māksla
  5. fizika
  6. ģeogrāfija
  7. literatūra
  8. angļu valoda
  9. dabaszinības
  1. ķīmija
  2. bioloģija
  3. latviešu valoda
  4. matemātika
  5. māksla
  6. dizains
  7. sports
  8. krievu valoda
  9. mājturība

18 Clues: ķīmijamūzikamākslafizikasportsdizainsbioloģijamājturībamatemātikaģeogrāfijaliteratūradatorzinībasangļu valodadabaszinībasteātra mākslakrievu valodalatviešu valodareliģijas mācība

Nathan Italian Year 4 2019-11-04

Nathan Italian Year 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Door
  2. Colour
  3. Maths
  4. Scissors
  5. School bag
  6. Pencil sharpener
  7. Desk
  8. Chair
  9. Pen
  1. Ruler
  2. Calculator
  3. Textas
  4. cupboard
  5. Primary
  6. Hello or goodbye
  7. Rubber
  8. Pencil case
  9. Pencil

18 Clues: PenDoorDeskRulerMathsChairTextasColourRubberPencilPrimarycupboardScissorsCalculatorSchool bagPencil caseHello or goodbyePencil sharpener

Class vocabulary Unit 1 2022-10-02

Class vocabulary Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. jumper
  2. timetable
  3. history
  4. shoe
  5. changing room
  6. schoolyard
  7. Hose
  8. Hemd
  9. Rock/Jupe
  10. Turnen
  1. tie
  2. Turnhalle
  3. Schulfach
  4. chor, Gesangsverein
  5. headmaster
  6. class/grade
  7. Schüler/-in
  8. break/recess
  9. Mathe

19 Clues: tieshoeHoseHemdMathejumperTurnenhistorytimetableTurnhalleSchulfachRock/Jupeheadmasterschoolyardclass/gradeSchüler/-inbreak/recesschanging roomchor, Gesangsverein

School Subjects 2024-05-18

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. физкультура
  2. русский язык
  3. информатика
  4. робототехника
  5. английский язык
  6. религиозное образование
  7. физика
  8. музыка
  9. казахский язык
  10. химия
  1. изобразительное искусство
  2. естествознание
  3. биология
  4. гражданское образование
  5. география
  6. французский язык
  7. математика
  8. история

18 Clues: химияфизикамузыкаисториябиологиягеографияматематикафизкультураинформатикарусский языкробототехникаестествознаниеказахский языканглийский языкфранцузский языкгражданское образованиерелигиозное образованиеизобразительное искусство

7L!! 2017-05-24

7L!! crossword puzzle
  1. funny and small, writes things in french for spanish homework
  2. primary, gingerish hair, friends with rose
  3. gets called bella and moved to our form
  4. curly brown hair, really fast runner
  5. really kind and has a candle account on instagram
  6. Sit next to and
  7. has music lessons and has a galaxy bag
  8. really gorg and sits next to frosties
  9. becky b
  10. fran fran
  11. wonderland, friends with sophie and went hannahs school
  12. really sporty and tall
  13. likes harry potter, in the same maths as me
  14. mates with kathrin, part of the rock squad
  15. reads a lot of books
  1. Has glasses, my favourite person ever
  2. went my primary and has brown hair
  3. summer,autumn,spring and winter!
  4. the most annoyingest sheep ever
  5. likes harry potter and moved to our form
  6. i sat next to her when we had miss smith for english
  7. Really slyy and bullies me
  8. has an ed sheeren song about her
  9. says bananas are going to take over the world! char char
  10. gets called scandy and has hair like elsa
  11. has the same name as me but change one letter
  12. gravy and doormoouse
  13. draws on my face in maths, sit next to in maths
  14. eats frosties and Miss wood HATES her

29 Clues: becky bfran franSit next to andgravy and doormoousereads a lot of booksreally sporty and tallReally slyy and bullies methe most annoyingest sheep eversummer,autumn,spring and winter!has an ed sheeren song about herwent my primary and has brown haircurly brown hair, really fast runnerHas glasses, my favourite person ever...

F5 Module 1,1a 2020-09-17

F5 Module 1,1a crossword puzzle
  1. klassiruum
  2. lipp
  3. muusikaõpetus
  4. inglise keel, inglane
  5. maakaart
  6. maa, riik
  7. rahvus
  8. ajalugu
  9. tervitused
  10. matemaatika
  11. eesti
  1. klassikaaslane
  2. õppeaine
  3. loodusõpetus
  4. lemmik
  5. foto
  6. objekt, asi, ese
  7. kunst

18 Clues: lippfotokunsteestilemmikrahvusajaluguõppeainemaakaartmaa, riikklassiruumtervitusedmatemaatikaloodusõpetusmuusikaõpetusklassikaaslaneobjekt, asi, eseinglise keel, inglane

Mata Pelajaran 2021-08-09

Mata Pelajaran crossword puzzle
  1. Design and Technology
  2. Religion
  3. Indonesian
  4. Art
  5. Maths
  6. Geography
  7. Computer Studies
  8. Flag Ceremony
  9. Break
  1. Sport
  2. English
  3. Science
  4. Music
  5. PE
  6. Photography
  7. History
  8. Homework
  9. Scouts

18 Clues: PEArtSportMathsMusicBreakScoutsEnglishScienceHistoryReligionHomeworkGeographyIndonesianPhotographyFlag CeremonyComputer StudiesDesign and Technology

Clue #2 - Use the clues to find the teachers last names. Follow the shaded letters to find the location 2023-12-11

Clue #2 - Use the clues to find the teachers last names. Follow the shaded letters to find the location crossword puzzle
  1. Maths AP
  2. History Trivia
  3. Humanities Sassy
  4. Psych Blonde
  5. English Loud
  1. Accounting Range Rover
  2. Maths Squash
  3. English Loud
  4. Tech 'Model' - Tina Mitsios
  5. Tech Kitty Cats

10 Clues: Maths APMaths SquashEnglish LoudPsych BlondeEnglish LoudHistory TriviaTech Kitty CatsHumanities SassyAccounting Range RoverTech 'Model' - Tina Mitsios

At school 2023-03-29

At school crossword puzzle
  1. ed. fisica
  2. inglese
  3. matematica
  4. religione
  5. scienze
  6. storia
  7. biblioteca
  8. arte
  1. armadietti
  2. atrio
  3. musica
  4. cortile
  5. palestra
  6. difficile
  7. facile
  8. tedesco

16 Clues: arteatriomusicafacilestoriacortileinglesetedescoscienzepalestradifficilereligionearmadiettied. fisicamatematicabiblioteca

Chapter 1 and 2 Vocab by Muhammad 2022-11-21

Chapter 1 and 2 Vocab by Muhammad crossword puzzle
  1. chemistry
  2. easy
  3. latin
  4. class
  5. girl
  6. poem
  7. busy
  8. cities
  1. circle
  2. math
  3. byte
  4. male friend
  5. plant
  6. microbe
  7. happy
  8. school

16 Clues: mathbyteeasygirlpoembusyplantlatinclasshappycircleschoolcitiesmicrobechemistrymale friend

Vokabeln Unit 1 S. 133 (Story und Active English) 2014-01-06

Vokabeln Unit 1 S. 133 (Story und Active English) crossword puzzle
  1. warum
  2. ohne
  3. Roll-,Schlittschuhlaufen
  4. Mathematik
  5. gefährlich
  6. Satz
  7. Schachtel,Paket,Päckchen
  8. wieder
  1. letzte(r,s)
  2. Stunde
  3. TV-Seifenoper
  4. Gewinnen
  5. Dialog
  6. Kunst
  7. (Schul-)Fach
  8. Naturwissenschaften
  9. sprechen
  10. Spaziergang

18 Clues: ohneSatzwarumKunstStundeDialogwiederGewinnensprechenMathematikgefährlichletzte(r,s)Spaziergang(Schul-)FachTV-SeifenoperNaturwissenschaftenRoll-,SchlittschuhlaufenSchachtel,Paket,Päckchen

Let's Go 4 kpl 4 School Subjects 2017-10-17

Let's Go 4 kpl 4 School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. oppitunti
  2. koe
  3. luokkahuone
  4. englanti
  5. matematiikka
  6. ymppä
  7. liikunta
  8. kuvataide
  9. käsityö
  1. suomi
  2. historia
  3. musiikki
  4. lukujärjestys
  5. oppiaine
  6. välitunti, tauko
  7. uskonto

16 Clues: koesuomiymppäkäsityöuskontohistoriamusiikkienglantioppiaineliikuntaoppituntikuvataideluokkahuonematematiikkalukujärjestysvälitunti, tauko

4th grade quiz 11 2019-09-26

4th grade quiz 11 crossword puzzle
  1. музей
  2. класс
  3. половина
  4. музыка
  5. труд (урок)
  6. учиться
  7. урок
  8. рисование
  9. парта
  1. вторник
  2. четверг
  3. удобный
  4. среда
  5. расписание
  6. математика
  7. никогда

16 Clues: урокмузейкласссредапартамузыкавторникчетвергудобныйучитьсяникогдаполовинарисованиерасписаниематематикатруд (урок)

subjects_week 2022-09-13

subjects_week crossword puzzle
  1. рисование
  2. суббота
  3. понедельник
  4. география
  5. информатика
  6. физкультура
  7. вторник
  8. воскресенье
  1. четверг
  2. среда
  3. наука
  4. математика
  5. история
  6. пятница
  7. английский язык
  8. музыка

16 Clues: среданаукамузыкачетвергсубботаисторияпятницавторникрисованиегеографияматематикапонедельникинформатикафизкультуравоскресеньеанглийский язык

Words 2022-11-24

Words crossword puzzle
  1. Гребешок
  2. Столовый нож
  3. Кастрюля
  4. Библиотекарь
  5. Химия
  6. Палочки
  7. комод
  1. Компьютер
  2. Линейка
  3. Английский
  4. Парикмахер
  5. Математика
  6. Секретарь
  7. Механик
  8. Учебник
  9. Расческа

16 Clues: ХимиякомодЛинейкаПалочкиМеханикУчебникГребешокКастрюляРасческаКомпьютерСекретарьАнглийскийПарикмахерМатематикаСтоловый ножБиблиотекарь

Spotlight9 school words 2020-10-06

Spotlight9 school words crossword puzzle
  1. läksyt
  2. jakso
  3. oppia
  4. lukukausi
  5. valmistua
  6. opiskella
  7. kouluaine
  8. kemia
  1. lukujärjestys
  2. luokka-aste,arvosana
  3. luokkakaveri
  4. biologia
  5. välitunti
  6. matematiikka
  7. historia
  8. oppilas,opiskelija

16 Clues: jaksooppiakemialäksytbiologiahistoriavälituntilukukausivalmistuaopiskellakouluaineluokkakaverimatematiikkalukujärjestysoppilas,opiskelijaluokka-aste,arvosana

School Subjects 2016-09-30

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. If you like anime you might like this
  2. Listen to, Sing to, Play to
  3. Science and Maths =
  4. Most Chaoxianzu students learn this
  5. Many students like this subject especially for games
  6. The International Language
  7. Important if you run a country
  8. Maps, Weather, Population
  1. 1 2 3 4
  2. The biggest Language in the World
  3. Atoms, Molecules
  4. Plants, Animals, Humans
  5. China has many years of this

13 Clues: 1 2 3 4Atoms, MoleculesScience and Maths =Plants, Animals, HumansMaps, Weather, PopulationThe International LanguageListen to, Sing to, Play toChina has many years of thisImportant if you run a countryThe biggest Language in the WorldMost Chaoxianzu students learn thisIf you like anime you might like this...

Les études 2013-03-31

Les études crossword puzzle
  1. physiology
  2. accounting
  3. art,design
  4. management
  5. advertising
  6. journalism
  7. history
  1. math
  2. english
  3. biology
  4. business
  5. philosophy
  6. chemistry
  7. psychology
  8. law

15 Clues: lawmathenglishbiologyhistorybusinesschemistryphysiologyaccountingphilosophypsychologyart,designmanagementjournalismadvertising

Las asignaturas 2020-09-13

Las asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish
  2. Music
  3. Geography
  4. History
  5. Drama
  6. Science
  7. PE
  1. French
  2. German
  3. Maths
  4. Computer Science
  5. Art
  6. RE
  7. DT
  8. English

15 Clues: REDTPEArtMathsMusicDramaFrenchGermanSpanishHistoryScienceEnglishGeographyComputer Science

School subjects 2023-02-09

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. Drama
  3. French
  4. Science
  5. Break
  6. P.E
  7. English
  8. Religious Studies
  1. Spanish
  2. History
  3. Technology
  4. Maths
  5. Geography
  6. Art
  7. IT

15 Clues: ITP.EArtMusicMathsDramaBreakFrenchSpanishHistoryScienceEnglishGeographyTechnologyReligious Studies

Paired Maths 2013-03-20

Paired Maths crossword puzzle
  1. (-9)(-.8)=
  2. square 15
  3. 3/4 of 12
  4. Square 4
  5. (9+8)-7=
  6. square 1
  7. 2+1.7
  8. (-8)(-8)=
  9. product of 8 and 4
  10. 8.7-3.9=
  1. 3+7.5 twice
  2. 1000-375=
  3. square 6
  4. 12/3=
  5. 50% of 300
  6. Square 2 and add the square of 9
  7. 10.4-3.5=
  8. 13+15.5+15.5=
  9. 33% of 99
  10. half of 50
  11. 100-60 =
  12. 1/4 of 20

22 Clues: 12/3=2+1.7square 6Square 4(9+8)-7=square 1100-60 =8.7-3.9=1000-375=square 153/4 of 1210.4-3.5=33% of 99(-8)(-8)=1/4 of 20(-9)(-.8)=50% of 300half of 503+7.5 twice13+15.5+15.5=product of 8 and 4Square 2 and add the square of 9

Maths Crossword! 2013-07-09

Maths Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. Sign used in subtraction
  2. Amount of space taken by 3D shapes
  3. Longer dimension of a rectangle
  4. Three-sided shape
  5. Mathematician who found the theorem a² + b² = c²
  6. Nine-sided shape
  7. Get rid of the surd in the denominator
  8. Means multiplication
  9. Positive or negative whole number
  10. Sign used in addition
  11. Get rid of the brackets
  1. Adjective used to describe a leading question
  2. Three-sided shape having two equal sides
  3. Take away
  4. Means Triangles measurement in Greek
  5. Seven-sided shape
  6. angle greater than 90 degrees but less than 180
  7. An angle measuring less than 90 degrees
  8. Put the brackets back in
  9. Approximately equal to 3.14

20 Clues: Take awayNine-sided shapeSeven-sided shapeThree-sided shapeMeans multiplicationSign used in additionGet rid of the bracketsSign used in subtractionPut the brackets back inApproximately equal to 3.14Longer dimension of a rectanglePositive or negative whole numberAmount of space taken by 3D shapesMeans Triangles measurement in Greek...


MATHS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle


maths crossword 2015-05-27

maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Two lines that lie on top of one another are called
  2. lines that remain the same distance apart over their entire length
  3. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number
  4. polynomial of degree 2
  5. product of the smallest power of each common prime factor in the numbers
  6. a number whose prime factors of the denominator is not in the form 2m.5n
  7. If a system has at least one solution, it is said to be
  8. positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself
  9. number that cannot be written in the form p/q format
  10. product of the greatest power of each prime factor involved in the numbers
  11. curve formed from all the points (x, y) that are equidistant from the directrix and the focus.
  1. If a system has no solution, it is said to be
  2. a number whose prime factors of the denominator is in the form 2m.5n
  3. series of well defined steps which gives a procedure for solving a type of problem
  4. If a consistent system has an infinite number of solutions, it is
  5. polynomial of degree 1
  6. polynomial of degree 3
  7. Two or more lines that meet at a point are called
  8. number that can be written in the form p/q where p and q are integers
  9. proven statement used for proving another statement
  10. a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself

21 Clues: polynomial of degree 1polynomial of degree 3polynomial of degree 2If a system has no solution, it is said to beTwo or more lines that meet at a point are calledTwo lines that lie on top of one another are calledproven statement used for proving another statementnumber that cannot be written in the form p/q format...

Maths crossword 2015-10-30

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Numbers less than 0 are called ______ numbers
  2. A shape
  3. Four sided shape
  4. Making a number smaller
  5. 10 to the power of a Google
  6. The third prime number
  7. Three squared
  8. The square root of 10000
  9. A quadrilateral with two sides the same
  10. the biggest number
  1. The number where Celcius and Farenhiet are the same
  2. Squashed square
  3. Times
  4. The use of letters in place of numbers
  5. 5 squared
  6. 90 degrees
  7. Has a total interior angle of 520 degrees
  8. A triangle with no equal sides
  9. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 are all ________ numbers
  10. The first 2 digit number
  11. the number in the middle of all numbers
  12. Making a number bigger

22 Clues: TimesA shape5 squared90 degreesThree squaredSquashed squareFour sided shapethe biggest numberThe third prime numberMaking a number biggerMaking a number smallerThe first 2 digit numberThe square root of 1000010 to the power of a GoogleA triangle with no equal sidesThe use of letters in place of numbers1,1,2,3,5,8,13 are all ________ numbers...

Maths crossword 2015-10-30

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The number where Celsius and Fahrenheit are the same (5,5)
  2. leaning square (7)
  3. Has a total interior angle of 540 degrees (8)
  4. Four sided shape (13)
  5. The biggest number (8)
  6. 5 squared (6,4)
  7. The square root of 10000 (3,7)
  8. Times (8)
  9. The opposite of minusing (8)
  10. The number in the middle of all numbers (4)
  11. The use of letters in place of numbers (7)
  1. A triangle with no equal sides (7)
  2. 10 to the power of a Google (10)
  3. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 are all ________ numbers (9)
  4. Minusing (11)
  5. The first 2 digit number (3)
  6. 90 degrees (5,5)
  7. The third prime number (4)
  8. Numbers less than 0 are called ______ numbers (8)
  9. A shape (7)
  10. Three squared (4)
  11. A stretched square (9)

22 Clues: Times (8)A shape (7)Minusing (11)5 squared (6,4)90 degrees (5,5)Three squared (4)leaning square (7)Four sided shape (13)The biggest number (8)A stretched square (9)The third prime number (4)The first 2 digit number (3)The opposite of minusing (8)The square root of 10000 (3,7)10 to the power of a Google (10)A triangle with no equal sides (7)...

Maths Crossword 2015-06-03

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. another term for factorize
  2. a yearly basis
  3. to increase in size
  4. a number which is not a fraction,a whole number
  5. to make smaller
  6. a deduction from the usual cost of something
  7. an arithmetical problem,
  8. close to the actual but not exact
  9. a number or quantity that when multiplied by itself, typically a specified number of times, gives a specified number or quantity
  10. a period of 10 years
  11. take away from another to calculate the difference
  12. a period of 100 years
  1. money paid at a particular rate for money lent
  2. a numerical quantity that is not a whole number
  3. A proportion or amount in a hundred
  4. The number above the line in a fraction
  5. a period of two weeks
  6. find a numerical expression for a formula
  7. comprising the whole number or amount.
  8. a measure,quantity,or frequency measured against another measure.

20 Clues: a yearly basisto make smallerto increase in sizea period of 10 yearsa period of two weeksa period of 100 yearsan arithmetical problem,another term for factorizeclose to the actual but not exactA proportion or amount in a hundredcomprising the whole number or amount.The number above the line in a fractionfind a numerical expression for a formula...

Maths Crossword 2015-11-26

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 1000 kilograms
  2. the least amout
  3. once every year
  4. has six sides
  5. has three sides
  6. a part of a group
  7. a measure used for liquid
  8. how hot or cold a thing is
  9. two things
  10. a picture used to describe something
  11. 3D object shaped like a ball
  12. an instrument that tells us direction
  13. share into even groups
  14. twelve things
  15. how fast something is moving
  1. has three sides
  2. the same
  3. has four strait sides
  4. a mesure of legnth
  5. to work something out
  6. half of one hundred
  7. to make something bigger
  8. comes before everything
  9. first shape with double digits
  10. to join things together
  11. objects in a horizontal line
  12. a part of a whole
  13. to make smaller

28 Clues: the sametwo thingshas six sidestwelve things1000 kilogramshas three sidesthe least amoutonce every yearhas three sidesto make smallera part of a groupa mesure of legntha part of a wholehalf of one hundredhas four strait sidesto work something outshare into even groupscomes before everythingto make something biggerto join things together...

Maths Investigation 2017-03-09

Maths Investigation crossword puzzle
  1. 57÷11
  2. 654x7
  3. 246÷3
  4. 352x11
  5. 148÷2
  6. 660÷10
  7. 268x31
  8. 468x12
  9. 53x11
  10. 289x33
  11. 329x12
  12. 124x2
  13. 384÷12
  14. 273x3
  15. 1011x5
  16. 1272x3
  17. 7x128
  18. 34÷2
  19. 369x3
  20. 459x17
  21. 147÷3
  22. 83x9
  1. 548x16
  2. 362x22
  3. 168÷4
  4. 243÷3
  5. 571x11
  6. 144÷4
  7. 531x7
  8. 359x2
  9. 218x33
  10. 368x19
  11. 201x30
  12. 795x5
  13. 363÷11
  14. 4044x2
  15. 989x3
  16. 2048÷8
  17. 634x6
  18. 2044÷4
  19. 708x9
  20. 43x19
  21. 76÷4
  22. 1600÷4

44 Clues: 34÷276÷483x957÷11654x7168÷4246÷3243÷3144÷4531x7148÷2359x253x11795x5989x3124x2634x6273x3708x97x12843x19369x3147÷3548x16362x22571x11352x11660÷10268x31218x33468x12368x19201x30289x33363÷11329x124044x22048÷8384÷121011x52044÷41272x3459x171600÷4

Maths words 2017-04-04

Maths words crossword puzzle
  1. A number divisible by 5 must end in 5 or ____.
  2. Finding the value of the variable in an equation.
  3. Acronym for the order of operations.
  4. A quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent equal sides.
  5. The name given to ‘multiplying out’ brackets.
  6. Two expressions connected with an equals sign.
  7. Another name for multiply
  8. A name we give for the answer to a division.
  9. Perpendicular lines cross at ________ angles.
  10. A unit of measure for liquid.
  11. A number that is the same forwards or backwards.
  12. An angle between 180 and 360.
  13. The variable that is all by itself in an equation.
  14. You need 1000 metres to make one of these.
  15. The point where the two arms of an angle meet.
  16. The 8 in 85.
  17. A fraction that is ‘top-heavy’.
  18. A four sided figure.
  19. Two lines drawn in the same plane that never meet.
  20. A triangle with two equal sides.
  21. An angle between 90 and 180.
  22. Line that crosses over two or more other lines.
  23. A 180 angle.
  24. Angles that add up to 180.
  25. The type of operations you use to solve an equation.
  26. The shortest month in the year.
  27. A 360 angle.
  28. A particular type of 3D drawing.
  29. Not even
  30. A solid whose faces are all exactly the same shape and size.
  31. 543 written as 5 x 100 + 4 x 10 + 3 is called ___________ notation.
  32. A seven side shape.
  33. Another word for weight.
  34. The bottom number of a fraction.
  35. A whole number that divides into another whole number exactly.
  36. Two angles right next to each other.
  37. The pattern formed when adding two previous numbers to get the next number.
  38. Name of the point on the number plane with coordinates (0,0).
  39. These ‘inside’ angles are supplementary.
  40. The distance around the outside of a shape.
  1. A solid that not a prism, pyramid, cylinder or sphere.
  2. A small measurement of time.
  3. Type of symmetry where the object is exactly the same after being rotated 180 .
  4. A four sided figure whose diagonals are equal and bisect each other at right angles.
  5. Directed numbers have both positive and ________ values.
  6. A solid whose cross section is always the same.
  7. The top number of a fraction.
  8. Another name for directed whole numbers.
  9. It takes 1000kg to make this amount.
  10. Angles between parallel lines on opposite sides of a transversal.
  11. The number of sides in an octagon.
  12. The ‘space’ a 3D object occupies.
  13. The C in LCM.
  14. Smaller than a right angle.
  15. Angles that add up to 90.
  16. Another name given to equations
  17. A numeral that contains both a whole number and a fraction.
  18. The volume of liquid is called this.
  19. 1440 minutes is equal to this.
  20. Two intersecting lines create two pairs of vertically o________ angles.
  21. Another name for parentheses.
  22. Many sided 2D shape.
  23. You can only add or subtract ______ terms.
  24. A very small unit of measurement.
  25. The name of a collection of terms.
  26. Another name for a pronumeral.
  27. Lines that intersect at 90.
  28. Reducing an algebraic expression to its most basic form.
  29. To test if a number is divisible by 6 test that it is even and that it is divisible by ____.
  30. The process of replacing the variables in an equation with numbers.
  31. Fractions that are the same.
  32. To make an educated guess of the value of an answer.
  33. A name we give for the answer to a multiplication.
  34. The number in front of a variable.
  35. A quadrilateral with four equal sides, but unequal diagonals.
  36. The measuring unit for angle size.
  37. A number that has only two factors, 1 and itself.
  38. Instrument for measuring angles.
  39. Another name for add.
  40. A four sided figure with only one pair of parallel lines.
  41. Another name for power.

81 Clues: Not evenThe 8 in 85.The C in LCM.A 180 angle.A 360 angle.A seven side shape.Many sided 2D shape.A four sided figure.Another name for add.Another name for power.Another word for weight.Another name for multiplyAngles that add up to 90.Smaller than a right angle.Angles that add up to 180.A small measurement of time.Lines that intersect at 90....

Maths Crossword 2019-11-13

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Addition of a sequence of any kind of numbers, this result is known as _____
  2. By multiplying by this number, we get the original number, this number is ____
  3. The space formed by 2 rays in a plane _____
  4. The data gathered from the entire population
  5. A numerical placed before a variable in an algebraic expression
  6. Whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative or zero.
  7. A result of multiplication
  8. A quadrilateral consisting of one pair of parallel sides
  9. The only number that can not be represented as Roman Number.
  10. A straight line from the centre to the circumference of a circle or a sphere are called ____
  1. Two things are same in amount or number then they are called ____
  2. The fundamental unit of length
  3. The mathematician with whom Ramanujan had discovered special numbers
  4. The line segment through vertex and perpendicular to it's opposite side in a triangle is called_____
  5. The amount of space within the boundary of a closed figure
  6. First element in a coordinate pair
  7. To bring a fraction to its lowest form we ________ it.
  8. Product of a number multiplied by itself is called it's ____
  9. When 2 shapes coincide, they are called ___
  10. The number with non-terminating decimal expansion

20 Clues: A result of multiplicationThe fundamental unit of lengthFirst element in a coordinate pairThe space formed by 2 rays in a plane _____When 2 shapes coincide, they are called ___The data gathered from the entire populationThe number with non-terminating decimal expansionTo bring a fraction to its lowest form we ________ it....

Maths crossword 2020-12-08

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the complete removal or destruction of something
  2. - literally, the right-hand side of the foreign exchange price quote.
  3. - side by side and having the same distance continuously between them.
  4. the act of becoming larger
  5. - occurring, operating, or done at the same time
  6. To make smaller or less in degree, amount or size
  7. of elevation: The arrow is referring to the ______ __ _________
  8. The arrow is pointing to the _______
  9. - close to the actual, but not completely accurate or exact.
  10. - resolve or be resolvable into factors.
  11. 2x+6=y is an ________
  12. - make or become larger or more extensive.
  13. points on a graph
  14. a recognisably different nature to something else
  1. - same direction as the way in which the hands of a clock move round.
  2. These triangles are _______
  3. the largest, highest or biggest point
  4. angle - an angle of 90°, as in a corner of a square, or formed by dividing a circle into quarters.
  5. This line is ______
  6. of symmetry: The arrow is pointing to the ____ __ ________
  7. - a relation or expression involving one or more variables.
  8. - a mapping from a Euclidean space to itself that is an isometry with a hyperplane as a set of fixed points
  9. We know the 2 triangles are congruent through ___
  10. a shoe brand
  11. to move from a lower position to a higher one
  12. - a process by which one figure, expression, or function is converted into another one of similar value.
  13. - a surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another

27 Clues: a shoe brandpoints on a graphThis line is ______2x+6=y is an ________the act of becoming largerThese triangles are _______The arrow is pointing to the _______the largest, highest or biggest point- resolve or be resolvable into factors.- make or become larger or more move from a lower position to a higher one...

Maths Vocabulary 2021-04-27

Maths Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Not a prime number and not 1
  2. Roughly the amount
  3. A pattern of numbers from smallest to largest
  4. A number that can be divided by 2
  5. A number is less than the other
  6. A group of 13
  7. A number in a larger number.
  8. A number that cannot be divided by 2
  9. A pattern of numbers from largest to smallest
  10. A number with value in the tenths, hundredths and thousandths.
  1. Any number that represents an amount
  2. The value of a digit in a number
  3. A word, letter or symbol
  4. Change the number to the nearest 10, 100, 1000...
  5. Divide it into parts.
  6. A number right after the other, without any gaps in between.
  7. Make a good guess based on the information that you have.
  8. A number that can only be divided by 1 and itself
  9. Examine 2 things to determine the similarities and differences between them.
  10. A number is bigger than the other

20 Clues: A group of 13Roughly the amountDivide it into parts.A word, letter or symbolNot a prime number and not 1A number in a larger number.A number is less than the otherThe value of a digit in a numberA number that can be divided by 2A number is bigger than the otherAny number that represents an amountA number that cannot be divided by 2...

Consumer Maths 2021-05-13

Consumer Maths crossword puzzle
  1. When you sell something for more than you buy it for.
  2. The earnings you get from working.
  3. Buying a product where you borrow.
  4. You take this out to protect your assets.
  5. Savings for retirement.
  6. Putting money away from your earnings
  7. When you buy shares the company often pays you an amount per share.
  8. Many take out one of these to buy expensive items like a car.
  9. A summary of income and spending.
  10. Expenses that have to be paid.
  11. You pay the government this so they can provide services.
  1. Interest that is same each time period.
  2. Expenses that are not essential
  3. The initial amount you borrow or invest.
  4. This is where interest is put back into the account.
  5. You can get into this if you borrow too much.
  6. When you get a percentage off the price.
  7. You do this to get returns in the future.
  8. When investing you need to consider this - you could lose your funds.
  9. The reward for saving or the cost of borrowing.

20 Clues: Savings for retirement.Expenses that have to be paid.Expenses that are not essentialA summary of income and spending.The earnings you get from working.Buying a product where you borrow.Putting money away from your earningsInterest that is same each time period.The initial amount you borrow or invest.When you get a percentage off the price....

Maths crossword 2020-07-01

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A polynomial consisting of 1 term.
  2. The line drawn from the eye of an observer to a point in the object where the person is viewing.
  3. A three sided polygon.
  4. Cos(90-A)=
  5. The magic subject.
  6. (A+B)²
  7. Indian manual of geometrical construction.
  8. The angle formed by the line of sight with the horizontal when the object is below the horizontal level.
  9. The branch of maths that deals with relation between sides of triangles and angles.
  1. The corresponding number of a given logarithm.
  2. If the right circular cone is cut off by a plane parallel to its base,then the portion of the cone between the cutting plane and the base of the cone.
  3. Origin word is per centrum.
  4. An equation whose general formula is ax²+bx+c=0,where a,b,c are real numbers and a is not equal to 0.
  5. Number of tangent which can be drawn from a point lying outside a circle.
  6. The system used to describe the position of a point in a plane.
  7. The angle formed by the line of sight with the horizontal when the object is above the horizontal level.
  8. Area of study dealing with the presentation,analysis and interpretation of data.
  9. A part of a equation or expression having the same value all the time.
  10. Under root -1 is a _______.
  11. A polynomial of degree three.

20 Clues: (A+B)²Cos(90-A)=The magic subject.A three sided polygon.Origin word is per centrum.Under root -1 is a _______.A polynomial of degree three.A polynomial consisting of 1 term.Indian manual of geometrical construction.The corresponding number of a given logarithm.The system used to describe the position of a point in a plane....

MATHS MA 2020-08-31

MATHS MA crossword puzzle
  1. In a right triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of
  2. The diagonals of a _____ divide each other proportionally.
  3. If in two triangles, corresponding angles are equal,then the triangles are similar.
  4. If a line is drawn parallel to one side of triangle intersecting the other two sides, then it divides the two sides in the same ratio.
  5. Similarity criterion in which corresponding sides of two triangles are in the same ratio.
  6. Every _________ can be expressed as product of prime numbers.
  7. The real numbers which cannot be expressed in the form of p/q, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0 are known as __________ numbers.
  8. Euclid's Divison __________ states that if a and b are positive integers such that a=bq+r then every common divisor of a and b is a common divisor of b and r, and vice versa.
  9. All ________ decimals are rational numbers that can be written as reduced fractions with denominators containing no prime number factors other than two or five.
  1. Two figures having the same shape but not necessarily same size.
  2. of the other sides.
  3. The lengths of a tangent drawn from a common exterior point are _________
  4. The ________ of an angle of a triangle divides the opposite side internally in the ratio of the sides containing the angle.
  5. Similarity criterion in which two angles of a triangle are respectively equal to the two angles if other triangle.
  6. The line drawn from midpoint of one side of a triangle is parallel if another side bisects the third side.
  7. A line which intersects a circle in two distinct points.
  8. A line that intersects the circle in exactly one point.
  9. Region enclosed by two radii and the corresponding arc.
  10. A collection of those points on a plane that are at a given constant distance from a given fixed point.
  11. Euclid's _________ lemma states that given two positive integer a and b, there exists whole number q and r such that a=bq+r, 0 ≤r < b.
  12. Region enclosed by a chord and corresponding arc.

21 Clues: of the other sides.Region enclosed by a chord and corresponding arc.A line that intersects the circle in exactly one point.Region enclosed by two radii and the corresponding arc.A line which intersects a circle in two distinct points.The diagonals of a _____ divide each other proportionally....

Maths homework 2022-03-14

Maths homework crossword puzzle
  1. addition a ‘plus’ column method
  2. _dd_t__n
  3. spread out
  4. I ________ 8cm from my table to the chair
  5. it is used to subtract in a column
  6. I am 139cm tall. My ______ is 139cm
  7. the length between metres and millimetres
  8. closely packed together
  9. ten more than units
  10. I see a ______________ grid over there
  1. a 9 becomes ten or a 326 becomes 330 or 300
  2. they end in two zeroes
  3. count TO something
  4. they are nine thousands less than ten thousands
  5. antonym to shortest
  6. think that something would happen (used in maths and science)
  7. synonym of bigger
  8. a mathematical guess
  9. 100cm
  10. a number no one knows
  11. they are also called units
  12. facts about numbers
  13. a sign, number, letter..
  14. example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

24 Clues: 100cm_dd_t__nspread outsynonym of biggercount TO somethingantonym to shortestfacts about numbersten more than unitsa mathematical guessa number no one knowsthey end in two zeroesclosely packed togethera sign, number, letter..they are also called unitsexample: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0addition a ‘plus’ column methodit is used to subtract in a column...

Maths Crossword 2021-12-06

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. numbers that can be represented as a square
  2. 1,2,3
  3. numbers divisible by the only even prime number
  4. shifting a term from one side of a equation to another
  5. comparison of 2 quantities
  6. 4+3 = 7 and 3+4 = 7
  7. the square of x is = x2
  8. A value that can never be negative
  9. Method of seperating numbers name after a Greek mathematician
  10. 3,5,7 is and example of
  11. rule which states the order of operations
  12. Two word name , was used after names of kings and queens
  13. a property in addition which states that addition of two whole values will give the result as a whole number
  1. numbers like 0 1 2 3
  2. comparison of ratios to find out whether they are equivalent or not
  3. line a line used to make calculations easier
  4. A largest factor present in all the numbers stated
  5. number is the number that tells the position of an item in a pattern
  6. natural numbers
  7. An increase in one causes a corresponding increase or decrease in the other
  8. prime numbers which differ by two
  9. a collection of information
  10. something which has a varying value
  11. The set of positive and negative numbers including 0
  12. brackets used to group things together
  13. the expression that has an equal to sign
  14. a way of representing data
  15. method A method to find out cost or measure of an object -
  16. decimals when converted into fractions have the same denominaters, what would you call these fractions
  17. the first and fourth term
  18. a fraction that has a whole number and a proper fraction

31 Clues: 1,2,3natural numbers4+3 = 7 and 3+4 = 7numbers like 0 1 2 3the square of x is = x23,5,7 is and example ofthe first and fourth termcomparison of 2 quantitiesa collection of informationa way of representing dataprime numbers which differ by twoA value that can never be negativesomething which has a varying value...

Maths Crossword 2021-12-06

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A largest factor present in all the numbers stated
  2. comparison of ratios to find out whether they are equivalent or not
  3. 4+3 = 7 and 3+4 = 7
  4. number is the number that tells the position of an item in a pattern
  5. shifting a term from one side of a equation to another
  6. the expression that has an equal to sign
  7. comparison of 2 quantities
  8. numbers divisible by the only even prime number
  9. Method of seperating numbers name after a Greek mathematician
  10. line a line used to make calculations easier
  11. rule which states the order of operations
  12. a collection of information
  13. numbers like 0 1 2 3
  14. method A method to find out cost or measure of an object -
  15. numbers that can be represented as a square
  16. prime numbers which differ by two
  1. something which has a varying value
  2. 1,2,3
  3. a way of representing data
  4. the square of x is = x2
  5. natural numbers
  6. A value that can never be negative
  7. decimals when converted into fractions have the same denominaters, what would you call these fractions
  8. Two word name , was used after names of kings and queens
  9. An increase in one causes a corresponding increase or decrease in the other
  10. brackets used to group things together
  11. The set of positive and negative numbers including 0
  12. 3,5,7 is and example of
  13. the first and fourth term
  14. a property in addition which states that addition of two whole values will give the result as a whole number

30 Clues: 1,2,3natural numbers4+3 = 7 and 3+4 = 7numbers like 0 1 2 3the square of x is = x23,5,7 is and example ofthe first and fourth termcomparison of 2 quantitiesa way of representing dataa collection of informationprime numbers which differ by twoA value that can never be negativesomething which has a varying value...

Maths crossword 2021-06-18

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Data available to use in an unorganized form called ______ data.
  2. The difference between the upper class limit and lower class limit is called the _____ of the class interval.
  3. in order to draw meaningful inferences from any data, we need to organize the data ______.
  4. the reciprocal of a positive rational number is _____.
  5. The expressions forming equations have to be ______ before we can solve them by usual methods.
  6. the operation for multiplication is_____for rational numbers.
  7. each outcome of an experiment or a collection of outcomes make an ______.
  8. a circle graph shows the relationship between a ______ and its part.
  9. An algebraic equation is an equality involving ______.
  1. Data is represented _____ to give a clear idea of what it represents.
  2. the graphical representation of data when there is no gap between the class interval is called a ______.
  3. the operation for addition is ____ for rational numbers.
  4. The rational number one is the _____ identity for rational numbers.
  5. rational numbers can be represented on a_____ line.
  6. the rational number zero is the ____ identity for rational numbers.
  7. ______ gives the number of times that a particular entry occurs.
  8. An equation is the equality of the values of two ______.
  9. the product of two rational number is always a ______.
  10. A ________ graph is also called a pie chart.
  11. In an equation the values of the expressions on the LHS and RHS are _____.

20 Clues: A ________ graph is also called a pie chart.rational numbers can be represented on a_____ line.the reciprocal of a positive rational number is _____.An algebraic equation is an equality involving ______.the product of two rational number is always a ______.the operation for addition is ____ for rational numbers....

Maths crossword 2021-06-18

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The reciprocal of a positive rational number is _____.
  2. The graphical representation of data when there is no gap between the class interval is called a _________.
  3. The operation for multiplication is _____ for rational numbers.
  4. The difference between the upper class limit and lower class limit is called the ______of the class interval.
  5. Data available to use in an unorganized form called- ______ data.
  6. An algebraic equation is an equality involving _________.
  7. An equation is the equality of the values of two ________.
  8. Rational numbers can be represented on a _____ line.
  9. The rational number zero is the ______ identity for rational numbers.
  10. Data is represented _______ to give a clear idea of what it represents.
  11. ______ gives the number of times that a particular entry occurs.
  12. Each outcome of an experiment or a collection of outcomes make an _______.
  13. The rational number one is the _____ identity for rational numbers.
  1. The operation for addition is _____ for rational numbers.
  2. In order to draw meaningful inferences from any data, we need to organize the data _______.
  3. A ______ graph is also called a pie chart.
  4. A circle graph shows the relationship between a _______ and its part.
  5. The product of two rational number is always a ____.
  6. The expressions forming equations have to be ________ before we can solve them by usual methods.
  7. In an equation the values of the expressions on the LHS and RHS are _______.

20 Clues: A ______ graph is also called a pie chart.The product of two rational number is always a ____.Rational numbers can be represented on a _____ line.The reciprocal of a positive rational number is _____.The operation for addition is _____ for rational numbers.An algebraic equation is an equality involving _________....

Maths Crossword 2021-08-16

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 1.373 × 10⁵
  2. 4.689 × 10⁻⁴
  3. 2501 x 7863
  4. 3.04 × 10⁻⁵
  5. 5.418 × 10³
  6. 3227 x 254
  7. 3214x9020
  8. 3.84 × 10⁻⁸
  9. 4089x2111
  10. 5.9 × 10⁷
  1. 4455 x 7878
  2. 8.39 × 10³
  3. 6540 x 7966
  4. 1134x1616
  5. 6.92 × 10⁻⁶
  6. 2.181 × 10⁷
  7. 5980x6724
  8. 1345x435
  9. 3333 x 6239
  10. 6.06 × 10⁶

20 Clues: 1345x4351134x16165980x67243214x90204089x21115.9 × 10⁷8.39 × 10³3227 x 2546.06 × 10⁶4455 x 78786540 x 79661.373 × 10⁵6.92 × 10⁻⁶2501 x 78632.181 × 10⁷3.04 × 10⁻⁵5.418 × 10³3333 x 62393.84 × 10⁻⁸4.689 × 10⁻⁴

Maths crossword 2022-04-25

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal
  2. the science of numbers and their operations (see operation sense
  3. The ........ of men to women was two to one
  4. a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label
  5. three sided polygon
  6. (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
  7. exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane
  8. is a scalar quantity expressing the amount of three-dimensional space enclosed by a closed surface
  9. straight line touching a circle
  10. I decided to show the results in a bar ....... .
  1. a number whose whole number and the fractional part is separated by a decimal point
  2. a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles
  3. something a line lacks
  4. a quantity that has both magnitude and direction but not position
  5. a transformation where an object maps to an image of the same shape but different size
  6. a line enclosing a plane areas
  7. the circular movement of an object around a centre.
  9. To bring two or more numbers (or things) together to make a new total.
  10. A geometric figure formed by two lines that begin at a common point or by two planes that begin at a common line.

20 Clues: SOH CAH TOA(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)three sided polygonsomething a line lacksa line enclosing a plane areasstraight line touching a circleThe ........ of men to women was two to oneI decided to show the results in a bar ....... .the circular movement of an object around a centre.a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label...

CLIL MATHS 2023-06-10

CLIL MATHS crossword puzzle
  1. Instrument measuring angles
  2. A number which is not divisible by 2
  3. The result of division
  4. A part of a line with a start point but no end point
  5. A quadrilateral having two oppsite sides parallel to each other
  6. A quadrilateral having both pairs of opposite sides parallel to each other
  7. The intersection of two sides of a plane figure
  8. Triangle having only 2 sides equal
  9. Triangle having all the sides equal
  10. A quadrilateral having two pairs of equal-length adjacent (next to each other) sides
  11. Division sign
  12. A rectangle having all four sides of equal length
  13. Length of a line enclosing a plane area
  14. The distance around the edge of a circle
  15. Triangle having three unequal sides
  16. An angle greater than 90° but less than 180°
  17. A number divisible by two
  1. Any of the Arabic figures of 1 through 9 and 0
  2. A closed plane curve every point of which is equidistant from a given fixed point, the centre
  3. Instrument for drawing or describing circles
  4. A machine we use for doing mathematical operation
  5. Ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
  6. Numbers we can multiply together to get another number
  7. To work out the answer or solution to a mathematical problem
  8. Numbers greater than 2 that are only divisible by 1 and themselves
  9. The distance from one point on a circle through the center to another point on the circle
  10. The result obtained by multiplying two quantities
  11. Size of a surface
  12. The branch of mathematics that deals with the deduction of the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles…
  13. The result of an addition
  14. Measurement of something from side to side
  15. A polygon having five angles and five sides
  16. A strip of wood, metal, or other material having a straight edge and usually marked off in inches or centimeters, used for drawing lines, measuring, etc.
  17. The symbol denoting subtraction
  18. A segment from a point of a circle to its center
  19. The operation or process of finding the difference between two numbers or quantities
  20. An angle greater than 0° but less than 90°
  21. A polygon having eight angles and eight sides
  22. Parallelogram with four equal sides
  23. An angle of 90°

40 Clues: Division signAn angle of 90°Size of a surfaceThe result of divisionThe result of an additionA number divisible by twoInstrument measuring anglesThe symbol denoting subtractionTriangle having only 2 sides equalTriangle having all the sides equalParallelogram with four equal sidesTriangle having three unequal sidesA number which is not divisible by 2...

Easy Maths 2023-07-14

Easy Maths crossword puzzle
  1. eight plus five
  2. three times two
  3. three minus one
  4. five plus seven
  5. thirty minus twelve
  6. nine minus eight
  7. ten plus four
  8. five times four
  9. two times four
  10. eleven minus six
  11. six plus thirteen
  1. five times three
  2. thirty-two divided by two
  3. three plus four
  4. twenty minus three
  5. eight divided by two
  6. nine divided by three
  7. seven plus four
  8. fourteen minus five
  9. a hundred divided by ten

20 Clues: ten plus fourtwo times foureight plus fivethree plus fourthree times twothree minus onefive plus sevenfive times fourseven plus fourfive times threenine minus eighteleven minus sixsix plus thirteentwenty minus threethirty minus twelvefourteen minus fiveeight divided by twonine divided by threea hundred divided by tenthirty-two divided by two

Maths Crossword 2023-07-27

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Approximating a number to the nearest place value.
  2. Taking one number away from another.
  3. Measurement of events in hours, minutes, and seconds.
  4. Combining numbers together.
  5. Repeated addition.
  6. A mathematical statement with an equal sign.
  7. Device used to measure time.
  8. A straight path that extends infinitely in both directions.
  9. The result of division.
  1. The result of subtraction.
  2. A sequence that repeats.
  3. The result of multiplication.
  4. The result of addition.
  5. A part of a whole.
  6. The study of shapes and their properties.
  7. A mark used to count and record data.
  8. Determining the size or quantity of something.
  9. Currency used for buying and selling goods.
  10. Sharing or grouping numbers equally.
  11. Value The value of a digit based on its position in a number.

20 Clues: A part of a whole.Repeated addition.The result of addition.The result of division.A sequence that repeats.The result of subtraction.Combining numbers together.Device used to measure time.The result of multiplication.Taking one number away from another.Sharing or grouping numbers equally.A mark used to count and record data....

MATHS PT 2022-09-09

MATHS PT crossword puzzle
  1. solve for angle e
  2. 3√8,000,000
  3. √3025
  4. √625
  5. 19,762+5,098
  6. solve for angle w
  7. LCM of 42 and 460
  8. 62.2678(round to whole number)
  9. (36x6)+(8x28)
  10. (4x7)+(6x20)
  11. (12)³
  1. y=529, x=45, w=9, z=8 solve for (y-x)+(zx9)
  2. 20+240
  3. (25)²
  4. (24)³
  5. 521.2723452 ( round to one decimal place )
  6. solve for angle x
  7. LCM of 72 and 90
  8. HCF of 1651 and 2032
  9. (41)²
  10. a=24 b=12 solve for (a-b)+(b+a)
  11. HCF of 18 and 54
  12. 3√17576

23 Clues: √625(25)²(24)³√3025(41)²(12)³20+2403√175763√8,000,00019,762+5,098(4x7)+(6x20)(36x6)+(8x28)LCM of 72 and 90HCF of 18 and 54solve for angle esolve for angle xsolve for angle wLCM of 42 and 460HCF of 1651 and 203262.2678(round to whole number)a=24 b=12 solve for (a-b)+(b+a)521.2723452 ( round to one decimal place )...

Maths crossword 2023-09-07

Maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Study of sizes, shapes, positions, angles, and dimensions.
  2. A number or algebraic expression that divides another number or expression evenly, with no (answer 16).
  3. Method of expressing large numbers in terms of powers.
  4. A flat shape with four straight sides.
  5. The number left over when a quantity cannot be divided evenly.
  6. An acronym to help children remember the order of mathematical operations.
  7. Repeated addition of the same number.
  8. A fraction that is shown point followed by the number of tenths, hundredths, etc.
  9. A letter or number representing a numerical quantity attached to a term.
  1. The circumference of any plane area.
  2. A (answer 11) with two sets of opposite sides that are parallel.
  3. A metric unit of measurement for length.
  4. Two lines or line segments intersecting to form a right angle.
  5. Mathematics that includes the operations of numbers.
  6. A (answer 7) of a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number.
  7. A term used to describe a shape whose sides are all of equal length.
  8. A polygon with two sides of equal length.
  9. Mathematics where letters and symbols are used to represent numbers
  10. The bottom number of a fraction.
  11. A synonym of the word sum.
  12. A whole number.

21 Clues: A whole number.A synonym of the word sum.The bottom number of a fraction.The circumference of any plane area.Repeated addition of the same number.A flat shape with four straight sides.A metric unit of measurement for length.A polygon with two sides of equal length.Mathematics that includes the operations of numbers....

Maths Portfolio 2022-05-23

Maths Portfolio crossword puzzle
  1. is a number or any symbol representing a constant value that is multiplied by the variable of a single term or the terms of a polynomial.
  2. The middle number; found by ordering all data points and picking out the one in the middle
  3. a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values
  4. a branch of applied mathematics that involves the collection, description, analysis, and inference of conclusions from quantitative data.
  5. A proven statement used for proving another statement
  6. is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles, and dimensions of things
  7. the sum (total) of all the values in a set of data, such as numbers or measurements, divided by the number of values on the list
  8. are a set of values which helps to show the exact position of a point in the coordinate plane.
  9. is the part of cone when it is cut by a plane into two parts
  10. is a line that intersects a curve at a minimum of two distinct points
  11. is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles.
  1. a rule or principle, especially in mathematics, that can be shown to be true
  2. are algebraic expressions that consist of variables and coefficients.
  3. meeting a curve or surface in a single point if a sufficiently small interval is considered straight line tangent to a curve
  4. is a mathematical quantity that shows the amount of three-dimensional space occupied by an object or a closed surface
  5. is a shape consisting of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point, the centre.
  6. is said to be a part of a circle made of the arc of the circle along with its two radii
  7. the branch of mathematics concerning numerical descriptions of how likely an event is to occur, or how likely it is that a proposition is true
  8. of any given object is the area or region occupied by the surface of the object.
  9. refers generally to the elementary aspects of the theory of numbers, arts of mensuration, and numerical computation

20 Clues: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of valuesA proven statement used for proving another statementis the part of cone when it is cut by a plane into two partsare algebraic expressions that consist of variables and a line that intersects a curve at a minimum of two distinct points...

Maths 2nde 2023-02-17

Maths 2nde crossword puzzle
  1. ces vecteurs ont uniquement le sens de différent
  2. si une figure l'est, elle ne mesure pas nécessairement entre 5 et 7 mètres
  3. les fractions sont toutes comprises dans cet ensemble
  4. C'est en un même milieu que se croisent ses diagonales perpendiculaires
  5. triangle au nom de quadrilatère
  6. on les préfère mathématiques que rénaux
  7. une passe pour un buteur
  8. Le D de CQFD
  9. polygone très français
  1. glissement ou traduction en anglais
  2. on peut en prendre une bonne en début d'année, ou l'apprendre en cours de maths
  3. médicaux, ou sur l'axe des abscisses
  4. on la prend pour s'enfuir
  5. polygone à Washington
  6. dans des mangas ou sur l'axe des ordonnées
  7. celui des Bermudes est une légende
  8. liquide en chimie
  9. ceux de 5 se terminent par 0 ou 5
  10. ressemble à une flèche de Cupidon
  11. dans le langage courant, ce n'est pas droit, pourtant en maths, cela peut être une droite

20 Clues: Le D de CQFDliquide en chimiepolygone à Washingtonpolygone très françaisune passe pour un buteuron la prend pour s'enfuirtriangle au nom de quadrilatèreceux de 5 se terminent par 0 ou 5ressemble à une flèche de Cupidoncelui des Bermudes est une légendeglissement ou traduction en anglaismédicaux, ou sur l'axe des abscisses...

Maths Crossword 2024-04-10

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 7+7
  2. × 7
  3. 3 × 3
  4. 254+953
  5. 6540742.63925-37924
  6. 4 × 6
  7. 11/4 + 5/4
  8. 12 × 6
  9. 12.45 + 12.45
  10. √10
  1. 6 × 6
  2. 8905 + 5321
  3. 10%/20
  4. 256.4 + 142,2
  5. 9 × 9
  6. 42/6
  7. 5+5
  8. 254+953
  9. 64/8
  10. √6
  11. 5-0
  12. 10 × 10
  13. 17^
  14. 30%/100

24 Clues: √67+7× 75+55-017^√1042/664/86 × 63 × 39 × 94 × 610%/2012 × 6254+953254+95310 × 1030%/10011/4 + 5/48905 + 5321256.4 + 142,212.45 + 12.456540742.63925-37924

Maths Crossword 2024-04-10

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 254+953
  2. 254+953
  3. √6
  4. × 7
  5. 5-0
  6. 64/8
  7. 30%/100
  8. 7+7
  9. 8905 + 5321
  10. 3 × 3
  11. 5+5
  12. 12 × 6
  13. 10%/20
  14. 42/6
  1. 6540742.63925-37924
  2. 9 × 9
  3. √10
  4. 6 × 6
  5. 256.4 + 142,2
  6. 17^
  7. 10 × 10
  8. 11/4 + 5/4
  9. 4 × 6
  10. 12.45 + 12.45

24 Clues: √6√1017^× 75-07+75+564/842/69 × 96 × 63 × 34 × 612 × 610%/20254+953254+95330%/10010 × 1011/4 + 5/48905 + 5321256.4 + 142,212.45 + 12.456540742.63925-37924