maths Crossword Puzzles

maths croisées 2019-05-05

maths croisées crossword puzzle
  1. Segment joignant deux points d’un cercle
  2. Les cercles en ont un
  3. Point de concours des hauteurs d’un triangle
  4. Représente un point
  5. Nombre de droite passant par un point
  6. Point de départ d’une demi-droite
  7. Portion de droite limitée des deux cotés
  1. Portion du cercle
  2. Par deux point il n’en passe qu’une
  3. Délimitent un segment
  4. Peut être représenté par une croix
  5. Des cercles qui ont le même centre sont
  6. Il mesure la moitié d’un diamètre
  7. Point d’un segment qui le partage en deux segment de même longueur
  8. Instrument utilisé pour reporter une longueur

15 Clues: Portion du cercleReprésente un pointLes cercles en ont unDélimitent un segmentIl mesure la moitié d’un diamètrePoint de départ d’une demi-droitePeut être représenté par une croixPar deux point il n’en passe qu’uneNombre de droite passant par un pointDes cercles qui ont le même centre sontSegment joignant deux points d’un cercle...

Maths Crossword 2020-03-19

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How many tens are in 2860?
  2. What is 32 x 45 = ?
  3. 8748 - 342 = ?
  4. What is 243 multiplied by 65
  5. $13.90 + $13.50 = ? (don't forget the $ sign)
  6. How many ones are in the number 92378542?
  7. 8 x 4 = ?
  1. 14372 + 5667 = ?
  2. Round 4527 to the nearest ten
  3. How many hundreds are in 1300?
  4. 9543 divided by 3 = ?
  5. 268852 divided by 4 = ?
  6. 1/5 of 652385 = ?
  7. What is 7.8 + 11.3?
  8. Round 3843 to the nearest hundred

15 Clues: 8 x 4 = ?8748 - 342 = ?14372 + 5667 = ?1/5 of 652385 = ?What is 32 x 45 = ?What is 7.8 + 11.3?9543 divided by 3 = ?268852 divided by 4 = ?How many tens are in 2860?What is 243 multiplied by 65Round 4527 to the nearest tenHow many hundreds are in 1300?Round 3843 to the nearest hundredHow many ones are in the number 92378542?...

Maths Project 2019-12-28

Maths Project crossword puzzle
  1. Each of the numbers in the list in an A.P. is called as a ____________.
  2. The abscissca of the point of intersection of the less than type and of more than type cumulative frequency curves of a grouped data gives its _____________.
  3. All circle are similar. State True/False.
  4. A ___________ is a proven statement used for proving another statement.
  5. An _____________ is a series of well defined steps which gives a procedure for solving a type of problem.
  6. The famous mathematician associated with the finding the sum of the first 100 natural numbers is __________.
  7. Basic proportionality Theorem is also known as ___________ Theorem.
  8. When the probability of an event is 0, then the event is said to be ___________ event.
  1. Given a right circular cone, which is sliced through by a plane parallel to it's base, when the smaller conical portion is removed, the resulting solid is called a ____________ of a right circular cone.
  2. If the lines intersect at a point, then that point gives the unique solution of the 2 equations. In this case, the pair of equation is ___________.
  3. When the probability of an event is 1, then the event is said to ____________ event.
  4. The angle of _________ of the point viewed is the angle formed by the line of sight with the horizontal when the point being viewed is above the horizontal level.
  5. If a, b, c are in A.P, then b=a+c/2 and b is called the __________ mean of a & c.
  6. The highest power of 'x' in p(x) is called as the ____________ of the polynomial.
  7. The word tangent was introduced by the ____________ mathematician Thomas Fineke in 1583.

15 Clues: All circle are similar. State True/False.Basic proportionality Theorem is also known as ___________ Theorem.Each of the numbers in the list in an A.P. is called as a ____________.A ___________ is a proven statement used for proving another statement.If a, b, c are in A.P, then b=a+c/2 and b is called the __________ mean of a & c....

Mots-Maths 2020-12-04

Mots-Maths crossword puzzle
  1. 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10 000, 100 000 sont des _____________ de 10.
  2. Type de fraction ayant 100 comme dénominateur
  3. Le résultat d'une multiplication de nombres ayant des signes différents
  4. L'acronyme maître des chaînes d'opérations
  5. Type de fraction qui a un dénominateur plus petit que son numérateur
  6. Ensemble de nombres qui comprend tous les nombres positifs et négatifs n'ayant aucune partie décimale
  7. La caractéristique que doit avoir le dénominateur lors d'une addition de fractions
  8. Ensemble de nombres qui comprend tous les nombres pouvant s'écrire comme une fraction décimale
  9. Ensemble de nombres qui comprend tous les nombres positifs n'ayant aucune partie décimale
  1. Le résultat d'une division de nombres ayant le même signe
  2. La division de fractions est une multiplication par l'____________
  3. Cette opérateur indique la multiplication d'un nombre par lui-même un certain nombre de fois
  4. Le symbole qui distingue la partie entière d'un nombre de sa partie décimale
  5. La fraction finale doit toujours être___________
  6. Ensemble de nombres qui comprend tous les nombres s'écrivant sous la forme a/b

15 Clues: L'acronyme maître des chaînes d'opérationsType de fraction ayant 100 comme dénominateurLa fraction finale doit toujours être___________Le résultat d'une division de nombres ayant le même signe1, 10, 100, 1000, 10 000, 100 000 sont des _____________ de 10.La division de fractions est une multiplication par l'____________...

Maths Terms 2023-12-17

Maths Terms crossword puzzle
  1. The volume of substance that a container will hold
  2. The unit of an angle's measure represented with the symbol °.
  3. The branch of mathematics that substitutes letters for numbers to solve for unknown values.
  4. A number that divides into another number exactly
  5. A line is where two faces meet in a three-dimensional structure.
  6. The sum obtained through multiplication of two or more numbers
  7. The longest side of a right-angled triangle
  1. A four-sided polygon.
  2. The study of lines, angles, shapes, and their properties
  3. Two rays sharing the same endpoint
  4. The complete distance around a circle
  5. A polygon with two sides of equal length.
  6. The average is the same as the mean. Add up a series of numbers and divide the sum by the total number of values
  7. A ratio or fraction with the denominator 100
  8. A segment joining two points on a circle.

15 Clues: A four-sided polygon.Two rays sharing the same endpointThe complete distance around a circleA polygon with two sides of equal length.A segment joining two points on a circle.The longest side of a right-angled triangleA ratio or fraction with the denominator 100A number that divides into another number exactly...

Financial Maths 2024-01-18

Financial Maths crossword puzzle
  1. An efficient portfolio
  2. Excess risk
  3. The market line describing returns using betas
  4. An asset below the SML
  5. Portfolio with risky and risk-free assets
  6. The gradient of the SML
  7. The line used for spreading capital
  1. A measure of systematic risk
  2. A risk associated with all assets
  3. The gradient of the CML
  4. A unique risk to an asset
  5. An asset above the SML
  6. The market line with maximal Sharpe's ratio
  7. Portfolio with beta value equal to one
  8. The sum of market and specific risks

15 Clues: Excess riskAn efficient portfolioAn asset above the SMLAn asset below the SMLThe gradient of the CMLThe gradient of the SMLA unique risk to an assetA measure of systematic riskA risk associated with all assetsThe line used for spreading capitalThe sum of market and specific risksPortfolio with beta value equal to one...

HHW - Maths 2024-06-02

HHW - Maths crossword puzzle
  1. The highest power of the variable in a polynomial.
  2. The process of breaking down a polynomial into simpler factors.
  3. A polynomial with three terms.
  4. A polynomial equation that is true for all values of the variable.
  5. A polynomial with two terms.
  6. A polynomial equation of degree two.
  7. A polynomial with no variable term.
  8. A polynomial with more than two terms.
  9. A polynomial with one term.
  1. A polynomial with four terms.
  2. The process of expressing a polynomial as a product of its factors.
  3. The sum or difference of two monomials.
  4. The result of dividing one polynomial by another.
  5. A polynomial equation with only one variable.
  6. A polynomial equation of degree one.

15 Clues: A polynomial with one term.A polynomial with two terms.A polynomial with four terms.A polynomial with three terms.A polynomial with no variable term.A polynomial equation of degree two.A polynomial equation of degree one.A polynomial with more than two terms.The sum or difference of two monomials.A polynomial equation with only one variable....

school subjects 2016-02-16

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. matematika
  2. történelem
  3. földrajz
  4. zene
  5. természetismeret
  6. biológia
  1. angol nyelv
  2. számítógépes ismeretek (röv)
  3. magyar nyelv
  4. rajz és tervezés
  5. tesi (röv)
  6. iskola

12 Clues: zeneiskolaföldrajzbiológiamatematikatörténelemtesi (röv)angol nyelvmagyar nyelvrajz és tervezéstermészetismeretszámítógépes ismeretek (röv)

unit 1 2022-05-14

unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 音乐
  2. 看见
  3. 有趣
  4. 学校
  5. 数学
  6. 科学
  7. 语文
  8. 艺术
  9. 操场
  1. 时间表
  2. 课程
  3. 星期一
  4. 下午
  5. 欢迎

15 Clues: 音乐课程看见有趣学校数学下午科学欢迎语文艺术操场时间表星期一

3rd year crossword 2023-01-23

3rd year crossword crossword puzzle
  1. color of spongbob
  2. sunday+1
  3. yellow+blue
  4. 5-2=....
  5. a-b-c-d-e....
  6. day no 5
  7. number 7
  8. brother of Meriem
  1. color of orange
  2. thursday-1
  3. .....morning
  4. عكس ON
  5. رياضة العقل
  6. color of sky
  7. .....and geography
  8. color of night
  9. number 9

18 Clues: عكس no 5number 7number 9thursday-1yellow+blueرياضة العقل.....morningcolor of skya-b-c-d-e....color of nightcolor of orangecolor of spongbobbrother of Meriem.....and geography

Maths Words 2013-06-04

Maths Words crossword puzzle
  1. take away something
  2. does difficult sums for you
  3. four sided shape
  4. %
  5. e.g. +-x
  6. three sided shape
  7. round
  1. times it by something
  2. the other direction of clockwise
  3. help you draw circles
  4. reflection
  5. 6 sided shape
  6. a sum with letters
  7. helps you measure angles
  8. two lines that never meet

15 Clues: %rounde.g. +-xreflection6 sided shapefour sided shapethree sided shapea sum with letterstake away somethingtimes it by somethinghelp you draw circleshelps you measure anglestwo lines that never meetdoes difficult sums for youthe other direction of clockwise

maths crossword 2015-07-28

maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. : finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers.
  2. : used to mean a number that uses a decimal point followed by digits that show a value smaller than one.
  3. : a mathematical operation that represents the operation of removing objects from a collection.
  4. : the result of multiplying a number by an integer (not by a fraction).
  5. : a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.
  6. : a whole number that can be divided evenly by numbers other than 1 or itself.
  7. : one of the broad parts of mathematics, together with number theory, geometry and analysis.
  1. : splitting into equal parts or groups. It is the result of "fair sharing".
  2. : in mathematics, the number that appears on the top of a fraction.
  3. : shows the relative sizes of two or more values.
  4. : the bottom part of a fraction.
  5. : when a whole is divided into equal pieces, if fewer equal pieces are needed to make up the whole, then each piece must be larger.
  6. : the area of mathematics that deals with points, lines, shapes and space.
  7. : number can be divided evenly only by 1, or itself. And it must be a whole number greater than 1
  8. : finding a value that is close enough to the right answer, usually with some thought or calculation involved.

15 Clues: : the bottom part of a fraction.: a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.: shows the relative sizes of two or more values.: finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers.: in mathematics, the number that appears on the top of a fraction.: the result of multiplying a number by an integer (not by a fraction)....


MATHS CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. the line of ____ is drawn from the eye level of the observer.
  2. L denotes the ____ term of an AP
  3. x^2-4x+6 is a quadratic ____
  4. D is the common _______g
  5. An eq.n of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 is called a ____ eq.n
  6. S denotes the ___ of all terms
  7. The angle of ____ of the point viewed is the angle formed by the line of sight with the horizontal, where the point being viewed is above the horizontal.
  8. A denotes the ____ term of an AP
  1. _____ is the square of b-4ac
  2. The variable used to denote an unknown angle.
  3. b^2-4ac<0 has ___ real roots
  4. AP stands for ___ progression
  5. APs which do not have a last term are called ____ APs
  6. Cos divided by Sin
  7. Roots are ___ if b^2-4ac = 0

15 Clues: Cos divided by SinD is the common _______g_____ is the square of b-4acb^2-4ac<0 has ___ real rootsx^2-4x+6 is a quadratic ____AP stands for ___ progressionRoots are ___ if b^2-4ac = 0S denotes the ___ of all termsL denotes the ____ term of an APA denotes the ____ term of an APThe variable used to denote an unknown angle....

Maths Homework 2019-10-18

Maths Homework crossword puzzle
  1. fraction a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator, such as 5/4.
  2. constituting number ten in a sequence; 10th.
  3. the number above the line in a fraction
  4. point a full point or dot placed after the figure representing units in a decimal fraction.
  5. In other words equivalent fractions
  6. one part in a hundred equal parts. 1/100th
  7. line a line on which numbers are marked at intervals, used to illustrate simple maths operations
  8. fraction a fraction that is less than one, with the numerator less than the denominator.
  1. any of the numerals from 0 to 9, especially when forming part of a number.
  2. is a number that represents a part of a whole
  3. the number below the line in a fraction
  4. value the number value that a digit has by virtue of its position in a number.
  5. All of something. Complete.
  6. half of half
  7. an amount equal to a half.

15 Clues: half of halfan amount equal to a half.All of something. Complete.In other words equivalent fractionsthe number below the line in a fractionthe number above the line in a fractionone part in a hundred equal parts. 1/100thconstituting number ten in a sequence; a number that represents a part of a whole...

Maths Crosswrod 2021-05-11

Maths Crosswrod crossword puzzle
  1. x=(-b+-√b^2-4ac)/2a
  2. p(E)=1
  3. d=? in AP
  4. V=2 [( l × b ) + ( l× h ) + ( b× h )] is volume of.....
  5. a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the centre)
  6. p(E)=2.4
  7. Side-angle-side short form
  1. it can be found the by drawing an ogive
  2. a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, ... this is the general form of an.....
  3. straight line passing through 2 points of a circle
  4. Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of two or more numbers is the smallest number that is a multiple of all of those numbers.
  5. the plane figure enclosed by two radii of a circle
  6. Highest Common Factor (HCF) of two or more numbers is the largest number that divides all of those numbers without leaving a remainder.
  7. D-meaning in quadratic equation
  8. V=a3 is the volume of.....

15 Clues: p(E)=1p(E)=2.4d=? in APx=(-b+-√b^2-4ac)/2aV=a3 is the volume of.....Side-angle-side short formD-meaning in quadratic equationit can be found the by drawing an ogivestraight line passing through 2 points of a circlethe plane figure enclosed by two radii of a circleV=2 [( l × b ) + ( l× h ) + ( b× h )] is volume of........

Maths Crossword 2022-12-02

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with no corners
  2. To do with lines
  3. A study of data
  4. Rise over run
  5. Used to find missing values in triangles
  6. Someone who studies statistics
  7. Part of a whole number
  1. The chance of something happening
  2. Denominator and Numerator
  3. A² + B² = C²
  4. %
  5. A term used to express a never-ending concept
  6. A type of maths that frequently uses letters to replace numbers in equations
  7. A shape with opposite sides that are parallel
  8. 3.14159

15 Clues: %3.14159A² + B² = C²Rise over runA study of dataTo do with linesPart of a whole numberA shape with no cornersDenominator and NumeratorSomeone who studies statisticsThe chance of something happeningUsed to find missing values in trianglesA term used to express a never-ending conceptA shape with opposite sides that are parallel...

Maths Crosword 2023-02-08

Maths Crosword crossword puzzle
  1. what you do to earn money
  2. something rats like
  3. currency
  4. putting aside money for something in the future
  5. the process of raising funds or capital for any kind of expenditure.
  6. how you aquire money illegally
  7. person who pays you
  1. place where your money is stored
  2. payment per hour
  3. percent of money you get from selling something
  4. how you acquire money
  5. fixed amount you get paid regardless as a sale worker
  6. payment per year
  7. a fraction of something
  8. money you earn while on vacation

15 Clues: currencypayment per hourpayment per yearsomething rats likeperson who pays youhow you acquire moneya fraction of somethingwhat you do to earn moneyhow you aquire money illegallyplace where your money is storedmoney you earn while on vacationpercent of money you get from selling somethingputting aside money for something in the future...

83.Maths 2023-06-18

83.Maths crossword puzzle
  1. - Parts of a whole, math that unfolds.
  2. - Chances and likelihood, math's ability.
  3. - Taking away, math's a game we play.
  4. - Solving for the unknown, math skills grown.
  5. - Guessing close, math's grandiose.
  1. - Repeated addition, math in every situation.
  2. - Putting numbers together, it's math that's clever.
  3. - Shapes and angles, math that entangles.
  4. - Length, weight, and time, math that's sublime.
  5. - Sequences and repeats, math's sweet treats.
  6. - Numbers with a point, math that won't disappoint.
  7. - Sharing equally, math's a wonderful mystery.
  8. - Numbers in a row, math that helps us grow.
  9. - Variables and equations, math's transformations.
  10. - Mirror images, math's delightful bridges.

15 Clues: - Guessing close, math's grandiose.- Taking away, math's a game we play.- Parts of a whole, math that unfolds.- Shapes and angles, math that entangles.- Chances and likelihood, math's ability.- Mirror images, math's delightful bridges.- Numbers in a row, math that helps us grow.- Repeated addition, math in every situation....

Maths words 2024-05-14

Maths words crossword puzzle
  1. kvádr
  2. osa
  3. procentová část
  4. čitatel zlomku
  5. jmenovatel zlomku
  6. obdélník
  7. krychle
  8. bod
  1. zlomek
  2. trojúhelník
  3. kružnice
  4. úsečka
  5. úhel
  6. čtverec
  7. poměr

15 Clues: osabodúhelkvádrpoměrzlomekúsečkačtvereckrychlekružniceobdélníktrojúhelníkčitatel zlomkuprocentová částjmenovatel zlomku

Lezione 2.5 | School Subjects 2013-07-15

Lezione 2.5 | School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Science
  2. Technical Design
  3. Latin
  4. Italian
  5. Art
  6. Maths
  7. Music
  1. English
  2. History
  3. Sport/Physical Education
  4. Geography/SOSE

11 Clues: ArtLatinMathsMusicEnglishScienceHistoryItalianGeography/SOSETechnical DesignSport/Physical Education

In My School 2021-11-22

In My School crossword puzzle
  1. компьютер
  2. спортзал
  3. история
  4. спортивная площадка
  5. английский язык
  1. математика
  2. изо, искусство
  3. игровая площадка
  4. география
  5. наука, химия
  6. музыка

11 Clues: музыкаисторияспортзалкомпьютергеографияматематиканаука, химияизо, искусствоанглийский языкигровая площадкаспортивная площадка

School subjects 2024-01-30

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. přírodopis
  2. občanská výchova
  3. dějepis
  4. tělocvik
  5. chemie
  1. angličtina
  2. náboženství
  3. fyzika
  4. zeměpis
  5. matematika
  6. informatika (informační a komunikační technologie)

11 Clues: fyzikachemiezeměpisdějepistělocvikangličtinapřírodopismatematikanáboženstvíobčanská výchovainformatika (informační a komunikační technologie)

Multiplication 2023-08-10

Multiplication crossword puzzle
  1. - repeated addition
  2. mental maths 35×2
  3. - answer of multiplication
  4. property in which we multiply two or more numbers in any order
  1. number to be multiplied
  2. number which we multiply
  3. Any number multiplied by 0
  4. hundred - mental maths 2×100

8 Clues: mental maths 35×2- repeated additionnumber to be multipliednumber which we multiplyAny number multiplied by 0- answer of multiplicationhundred - mental maths 2×100property in which we multiply two or more numbers in any order

Find the Maths word 2024-07-15

Find the Maths word crossword puzzle
  1. number dot number
  2. Number over number
  3. times tables
  4. Maths term for adding
  5. also a food
  1. Maths term for minus
  2. divided by

7 Clues: divided byalso a foodtimes tablesnumber dot numberNumber over numberMaths term for minusMaths term for adding

quiz ig? 2021-12-27

quiz ig? crossword puzzle
  1. is difficult
  2. triangles have 3 equal sides
  3. are basis of maths
  4. can have an infinite number of diameters bisecting it
  5. numbers have never ending and un-repeating decimal places
  1. has 4 sides
  2. are add on's onto the numbers
  3. angle is 90 degrees
  4. is written as 22/7 as a way for its everyday use

9 Clues: has 4 sidesis difficultare basis of mathsangle is 90 degreestriangles have 3 equal sidesare add on's onto the numbersis written as 22/7 as a way for its everyday usecan have an infinite number of diameters bisecting itnumbers have never ending and un-repeating decimal places

Unit 18 crossword. 2020-05-11

Unit 18 crossword. crossword puzzle
  1. muffin
  2. -
  3. every week
  4. hold the baby
  5. student
  6. salary with other word
  7. small word of chocolate
  8. excercise in maths
  9. voice of lion
  10. result of adding numbers
  1. period of 3 months
  2. cattle
  3. =
  4. 2x
  5. wants to keep everything for itself
  6. rule
  7. all the sum
  8. thing for holding dresses
  9. very angry
  10. make money

20 Clues: -=2xrulemuffincattlestudentevery weekvery angrymake moneyall the sumhold the babyvoice of lionperiod of 3 monthsexcercise in mathssalary with other wordsmall word of chocolateresult of adding numbersthing for holding dresseswants to keep everything for itself

2 KGT - File 2 part A-B-C 2023-11-30

2 KGT - File 2 part A-B-C crossword puzzle
  1. gaaf
  2. hoofd van de school
  3. oefening
  4. douche
  5. fietsen
  6. woensdag
  7. zandkasteel
  8. herfst
  9. bruin
  10. aardrijkskunde
  11. 12 uur 's nachts
  12. kleurrijk
  13. laten zien
  14. zaterdag
  15. muur
  16. paars
  17. maart
  18. potlood
  1. wereldbol
  2. wiskunde
  3. bericht
  4. vieren
  5. heel goed
  6. morgen
  7. druk
  8. insteekmapje
  9. verzamelen
  10. rugtas
  11. agenda
  12. pompoen

30 Clues: gaafdrukmuurbruinpaarsmaartvierendouchemorgenherfstrugtasagendaberichtfietsenpompoenpotloodwiskundeoefeningwoensdagzaterdagwereldbolheel goedkleurrijkverzamelenlaten zienzandkasteelinsteekmapjeaardrijkskunde12 uur 's nachtshoofd van de school

Introduction Unit Crossword 1 2024-09-24

Introduction Unit Crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. estuche
  2. sacapuntas
  3. morado/a
  4. naranja
  5. literatura
  6. azul
  7. historia
  8. libro
  9. rotulador
  10. rosa
  11. arte
  12. agenda
  13. informatics
  14. educacion fisica
  15. verde
  1. frances
  2. ciencia/s
  3. boligrafo
  4. teatro
  5. blanco/a
  6. cuaderno
  7. mathematics
  8. ingles
  9. negro/a
  10. goma / borrador
  11. geografia
  12. marron
  13. amarillo/a
  14. gris
  15. lapiz
  16. mochilla
  17. musica

32 Clues: azulgrisrosaartelibrolapizverdeteatroinglesmarronagendamusicafrancesestuchenaranjanegro/amorado/ablanco/acuadernohistoriamochillaciencia/sboligrafogeografiarotuladorsacapuntasliteraturaamarillo/amathematicsinformaticsgoma / borradoreducacion fisica

Maths 2021-09-07

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. The person who loves maths.(5)
  2. The F grade on a math test.(4)
  3. The equation for adding a number multiple times.(5)
  4. The number for nothing.(4)
  1. The best programme for learning maths.(12)
  2. The external form, contours, or outline of someone or something.(5)
  3. What you write your maths in.(6)

7 Clues: The number for nothing.(4)The person who loves maths.(5)The F grade on a math test.(4)What you write your maths in.(6)The best programme for learning maths.(12)The equation for adding a number multiple times.(5)The external form, contours, or outline of someone or something.(5)

Les matières 2013-03-07

Les matières crossword puzzle
  1. wiskunde
  2. gym
  3. Nederlands
  4. aardrijkskunde
  5. geschiedenis
  1. tekenen
  2. Engels
  3. Frans
  4. techniek
  5. muziek

10 Clues: gymFransEngelsmuziektekenenwiskundetechniekNederlandsgeschiedenisaardrijkskunde

Lessons 2014-12-07

Lessons crossword puzzle
  1. - Mathematik
  2. - Technik
  3. - Sport
  4. - Musik
  5. - Englisch
  1. - Kunst
  2. - Geschichte
  3. - Geografie
  4. - Naturwissenschaft
  5. - Informatik

10 Clues: - Kunst- Sport- Musik- Technik- Englisch- Geografie- Mathematik- Geschichte- Informatik- Naturwissenschaft

Les matières 2020-12-15

Les matières crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 9
  4. 4
  5. 1
  6. 7
  1. 6
  2. 8
  3. 2
  4. 3

10 Clues: 56982413710

School Subject 2021-03-05

School Subject crossword puzzle
  1. WF
  2. muzyka
  3. historia
  4. sztuka
  5. polski
  1. angielski
  2. matematyka
  3. geografia
  4. informatyka
  5. biologia

10 Clues: WFmuzykasztukapolskihistoriabiologiaangielskigeografiamatematykainformatyka

At school 2018-10-21

At school crossword puzzle
  1. Informatyka
  2. Francuski
  3. sztuka
  4. WF
  1. Angielski
  2. Historia
  3. Przyroda
  4. Muzyka
  5. Geografia
  6. Matematyka

10 Clues: WFMuzykasztukaHistoriaPrzyrodaAngielskiGeografiaFrancuskiMatematykaInformatyka

At school - Wordfield 2017-11-30

At school - Wordfield crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7
  5. 4
  1. 10
  2. 2
  3. 8
  4. 3
  5. 1

10 Clues: 95283617410

PAPA 2020-10-05

PAPA crossword puzzle
  1. favouritecolour
  2. YourWife
  3. currentlywatching
  4. favouritesweet
  5. Yourdaughter
  1. Twosistersinlaw
  2. deviceyouuse
  3. aftercollege
  4. WhatyouteachVachi
  5. howmuchyourdaughterraninamarathon

10 Clues: YourWifedeviceyouuseaftercollegeYourdaughterfavouritesweetTwosistersinlawfavouritecolourcurrentlywatchingWhatyouteachVachihowmuchyourdaughterraninamarathon

School Subjects 2021-09-22

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. спорт
  2. труд
  3. математика
  4. история
  5. музыка
  6. наука
  1. чтение
  2. внглийский
  3. рисование
  4. русский

10 Clues: трудспортнаукачтениемузыкарусскийисториярисованиевнглийскийматематика

School subjects 2021-09-13

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. fysiikka
  2. käsityö
  3. elämänkatsomustieto
  4. uskonto
  5. maantieto
  1. matematiikka
  2. musiikki
  3. kemia
  4. biologia
  5. historia

10 Clues: kemiakäsityöuskontomusiikkifysiikkabiologiahistoriamaantietomatematiikkaelämänkatsomustieto

Science Week 2022! 2022-02-27

Science Week 2022! crossword puzzle
  1. MfL
  2. History
  3. Music
  4. Computing
  5. Maths
  1. Science
  2. Art
  3. English
  4. Geography
  5. P.E

10 Clues: ArtMfLP.EMusicMathsScienceEnglishHistoryGeographyComputing

S1 School Subjects 2022-10-29

S1 School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. maths
  2. Art
  3. English
  4. History
  1. Science
  2. ICT
  3. German
  4. Spanish
  5. PE
  6. Biology

10 Clues: PEICTArtmathsGermanScienceSpanishBiologyEnglishHistory

School subjects 2023-03-28

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. 3.
  2. 9.
  3. 7.
  4. 1.
  1. 6.
  2. 2.
  3. 4.
  4. 10.
  5. 5.
  6. 8.

10 Clues:

Guess the person 2014-06-15

Guess the person crossword puzzle
  1. curiouse about science and other subjects
  2. he has lots of good ideas and loves making things
  3. loves gymnastics and goes there everyday
  4. He is leaving this year and he is going to a hungarian school and he loves football
  5. she came in year 2
  6. really good at drawing and good at sports
  7. already went away but she is in york
  8. has improved her maths a lot
  9. she came in year 4 and she is really good at the piano
  10. really optimistic and enjoys learning
  11. he came this year and he is quite
  1. loves horse ridding and comes from england
  2. he is good at maths and he broke his finger
  3. he does water polo
  4. she just got a new baby sister
  5. he is leaving aswell he came in year 2 and is niels's best friend
  6. she came in year 3 and she is really kind
  7. she does synchronized swimming
  8. he loves football and he is really good at it
  9. really good at memorizing songs

20 Clues: he does water poloshe came in year 2has improved her maths a lotshe just got a new baby sistershe does synchronized swimmingreally good at memorizing songshe came this year and he is quitealready went away but she is in yorkreally optimistic and enjoys learningloves gymnastics and goes there everydaycuriouse about science and other subjects...

Math 2024-01-12

Math crossword puzzle
  1. all 4 sides are the same length and it is right angle
  2. formed by 3 line segments that intersect only at endpoints
  3. a mirror image of the original figure
  4. a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel lines
  5. all angles have the same measure
  6. an operation that maps an original geometric figure
  7. father of mathematics
  8. the sides that form the right angle
  9. figures have the same shape and size
  10. first woman in math
  11. the point where the sides of an angle meet
  12. the point of intersection of the X axis and Y axis
  13. hardest maths question
  1. one of the 4 regions that are separated by the coordinate plane
  2. any set of ordered pairs
  3. hardest unsolved maths question
  4. Line that intersects 2 or more lines
  5. a transformation in which a figure is rotated
  6. slides a figure from one position to another without
  7. amount of money invested or borrowed

20 Clues: first woman in mathfather of mathematicshardest maths questionany set of ordered pairshardest unsolved maths questionall angles have the same measurethe sides that form the right angleLine that intersects 2 or more linesamount of money invested or borroweda mirror image of the original figurefigures have the same shape and size...

maths 2014-11-28

maths crossword puzzle
  1. a line segment intersecting at two points
  2. numeric measures the degree of certainty of the occurence of the event
  3. all sides are equal
  4. numbers arrange in a definite order
  1. half of radius
  2. a quadrilateral whose opp. sides are parallel & equal
  3. opp. sides&diagonal are equal
  4. a figure made of 3 cones
  5. a sraight line pasing & intersecting at two points

9 Clues: half of radiusall sides are equala figure made of 3 conesopp. sides&diagonal are equalnumbers arrange in a definite ordera line segment intersecting at two pointsa sraight line pasing & intersecting at two pointsa quadrilateral whose opp. sides are parallel & equalnumeric measures the degree of certainty of the occurence of the event

maths 2018-06-23

maths crossword puzzle
  1. equal sides
  2. share out
  3. the corner
  1. part of
  2. times
  3. box
  4. take away
  5. divide by 10
  6. put together

9 Clues: boxtimespart oftake awayshare outthe cornerequal sidesdivide by 10put together

Maths 2020-12-22

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. A polygon with four sides and four angles.
  2. Two lines intersect to form 4 right angles.
  3. The distance around a figure.
  4. connects nonconsecutive vertices of polygon
  5. Having the EXACT same size and shape.
  1. sum of interior angles equal to 360.
  2. a bar graph representing continuous data.
  3. lines that intersecting at a single point.
  4. the middle data point if data are in order.
  5. measure of each interior angle is 108

10 Clues: The distance around a figure.sum of interior angles equal to 360.measure of each interior angle is 108Having the EXACT same size and shape.a bar graph representing continuous data.lines that intersecting at a single point.A polygon with four sides and four angles.the middle data point if data are in order.Two lines intersect to form 4 right angles....

Maths 2020-08-01

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. is the extent to which an event is likely to occur
  2. a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction
  3. part of maths used to represent numbers using letters
  1. writing a number as a product of several numbers
  2. study of geometry using the coordinate points
  3. collecting and analysing numerical data in large quantities
  4. an expression of more than two algebraic terms
  5. gives the area of a triangle when all 3 sides are given
  6. a diagram showing the relation between variable quantities

9 Clues: study of geometry using the coordinate pointsan expression of more than two algebraic termsa number that cannot be expressed as a fractionwriting a number as a product of several numbersis the extent to which an event is likely to occurpart of maths used to represent numbers using lettersgives the area of a triangle when all 3 sides are given...

maths 2020-06-09

maths crossword puzzle
  1. A letter that replaces a number
  2. progression _ is a list of numbers in which each term is obtained by adding a fixed no. to the preceding term except the first term.
  3. The lines in the graph for no solutions are:
  4. If D>0, then the roots are real and _.
  1. The curves in the graph papers are:
  2. Numbers that can't be expressed as a fraction
  3. The product of a non-zero number and an irrational number is:
  4. The polynomials with degree 2 are:
  5. When the graph of the linear equations is _ then the lines coincident on each other.

9 Clues: A letter that replaces a numberThe polynomials with degree 2 are:The curves in the graph papers are:If D>0, then the roots are real and _.The lines in the graph for no solutions are:Numbers that can't be expressed as a fractionThe product of a non-zero number and an irrational number is:...

MATHS 2020-09-25

MATHS crossword puzzle


Maths 2020-10-11

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. - shapes
  2. - synonym for heap
  3. - resting _____
  4. - sound
  1. - king of orders
  2. - mother of addition and area's sibling
  3. - slice of pie
  4. - right, obtuse, straight
  5. - something that makes sense

9 Clues: - sound- shapes- slice of pie- resting _____- king of orders- synonym for heap- right, obtuse, straight- something that makes sense- mother of addition and area's sibling

Maths 2024-07-01

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. 2000 more than 1500 equals 1500 less than
  2. - LCM of 3,6,9
  3. - The product of the successor of 99 and predecessor of 1000is
  4. - Price of 1 dozen bananas is ₹96. What is the price of 10 bananas-
  5. -12 thousands+13 hundreds+2 tens
  1. -The number of 25 paise coins in ₹100
  2. -Add the biggest 4 digit number in 10 , we get
  3. -The sum of the place value of 8's in 830821 is
  4. -How many times 9 occur in writing number from 1 to 100

9 Clues: - LCM of 3,6,9-12 thousands+13 hundreds+2 tens-The number of 25 paise coins in ₹1002000 more than 1500 equals 1500 less than-Add the biggest 4 digit number in 10 , we get-The sum of the place value of 8's in 830821 is-How many times 9 occur in writing number from 1 to 100- The product of the successor of 99 and predecessor of 1000is...

Maths 2024-08-19

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. 5(6+x)
  2. 4x+3x
  3. 6x+10-4x+7
  4. 2y(3x+5)
  5. 4x*3y
  1. 3(3x+y)
  2. y(3x+5)
  3. 2(5x+4)
  4. p=4;q=2;r=-3;විට 2p+q-r+1 හි අගය

9 Clues: 4x+3x4x*3y5(6+x)3(3x+y)y(3x+5)2(5x+4)2y(3x+5)6x+10-4x+7p=4;q=2;r=-3;විට 2p+q-r+1 හි අගය

Maths 2024-08-31

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. 6 හි වර්ගය
  2. 20ත් 30ත් අතර ඇති සමචතුරස්‍ර සංඛ්‍යාවකි
  3. 7X =21 නම්, 15X = ?
  4. පරිපූරක කෝණයක අගය
  5. සෘජුකෝණාස්‍රක එක් කෝණයක අගය
  1. 2092 න් 1/4 කි
  2. 25 හි වර්ගය
  3. (6 x 6 + 3)x 12
  4. +153 - 44

9 Clues: +153 - 446 හි වර්ගය25 හි වර්ගය2092 න් 1/4 කි(6 x 6 + 3)x 12පරිපූරක කෝණයක අගය7X =21 නම්, 15X = ?සෘජුකෝණාස්‍රක එක් කෝණයක අගය20ත් 30ත් අතර ඇති සමචතුරස්‍ර සංඛ්‍යාවකි

School 2023-10-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. matematyka
  2. słownik
  3. język angielski
  4. - WF
  5. linijka
  6. plastyka
  1. przyroda
  2. gumka
  3. nożyczki
  4. farby

10 Clues: - WFgumkafarbysłowniklinijkaprzyrodanożyczkiplastykamatematykajęzyk angielski


LOYOLA COLLEGE IBADAN crossword puzzle
  1. Popular place in Lagos
  2. Renovated Lab
  3. Governor to be
  4. Set Leader
  5. Female Teacher
  6. Oladimeji
  7. Ijesha alumnus
  8. Form of beating
  9. Vice Pricipal
  10. Years after school
  11. Female Teacher
  1. Morning Devotion
  2. Ibadan NBA Chairman
  3. Principal
  4. Website designer
  5. Add Maths
  6. Musical instrument
  7. Nickname
  8. Goalkeeper
  9. Basketball player
  10. Male teacher
  11. Nickname
  12. Price giving day
  13. 30th Anniversary Venue

24 Clues: NicknameNicknamePrincipalAdd MathsOladimejiSet LeaderGoalkeeperMale teacherRenovated LabVice PricipalGovernor to beFemale TeacherIjesha alumnusFemale TeacherForm of beatingMorning DevotionWebsite designerPrice giving dayBasketball playerMusical instrumentYears after schoolIbadan NBA ChairmanPopular place in Lagos30th Anniversary Venue


AMERICAN VS BRITISH1 crossword puzzle
  1. KID
  6. MOVIE
  10. SOCCER
  11. PURSE
  12. CLOSET
  14. CANDY
  11. MATH


unit 5 2023-02-28

unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. 1olmak"
  2. "hesap"
  3. "düğme"
  4. = talk
  5. facebook,instagram, tiktok, etc...
  6. "şifre"
  7. English, Maths, Science, etc...
  8. "ev ödevi"
  9. X more
  10. X answer
  11. "ekran"
  1. "lütfen"
  2. "gazete"
  3. firefoz, chrome, microsoft edge, etc...
  4. Shakira, Tarkan, Messi, etc..
  5. "kırık, bozuk"
  6. x download
  7. "secmek"
  8. X below
  9. google, bing, duckduckgo, etc
  10. X inside
  11. X expensive

22 Clues: = talkX more1olmak""hesap""düğme"X below"şifre""ekran""lütfen""gazete""secmek"X insideX answerx download"ev ödevi"X expensive"kırık, bozuk"Shakira, Tarkan, Messi,, bing, duckduckgo, etcEnglish, Maths, Science, etc...facebook,instagram, tiktok, etc...firefoz, chrome, microsoft edge, etc...

Spanish Crossword Puzzle 2012-11-04

Spanish Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The Spanish word for the subject English
  2. sharpener
  3. french
  4. To describe
  5. I don't like maths at all
  6. I speak
  7. eraser
  8. he writes
  9. Spanish
  10. pen
  11. I eat
  12. I read
  1. science
  2. do you like PDHPE?
  3. I like science
  4. history
  5. there is not a stereo
  6. mathematics
  7. I don't like art
  8. wallet/purse

20 Clues: penI eatfrencheraserI readsciencehistoryI speakSpanishsharpenerhe writesTo describemathematicswallet/purseI like scienceI don't like artdo you like PDHPE?there is not a stereoI don't like maths at allThe Spanish word for the subject English

Tandem woordenschat tweede ronde L1/L7 A 2014-03-20

Tandem woordenschat tweede ronde L1/L7 A crossword puzzle
  1. journal de classe
  2. bricolage
  3. tu mets tes livres dedans
  4. la fille d'à coté
  5. conducteur de train
  6. presenter
  7. maths
  8. education
  9. collectioner
  10. marrant
  1. animal en péluche
  2. blagues
  3. signatures
  4. à pied
  5. boucles d'oreilles
  6. radical de 'jouer'
  7. tu le mets sur la tête
  8. mouvement de jeunesse
  9. comment?
  10. les yeux
  11. écharpe
  12. unique

22 Clues: mathsà pieduniqueblaguesécharpemarrantcomment?les yeuxbricolagepresentereducationsignaturescollectioneranimal en péluchejournal de classela fille d'à cotéboucles d'oreillesradical de 'jouer'conducteur de trainmouvement de jeunessetu le mets sur la têtetu mets tes livres dedans

Guess the Teacher Name 2023-09-05

Guess the Teacher Name crossword puzzle
  2. DEAR
  5. LINE
  9. comedy
  10. PURITY
  5. prince
  10. PEACE
  12. MATHS
  15. KG


jonh 2024-01-30

jonh crossword puzzle
  4. ANGRY
  7. OAR
  10. BOOT
  13. JAM
  14. TOILET
  16. BONNET
  18. PANTS
  2. TAP
  7. QUEUE
  8. VEST
  10. ZED
  11. BANGER
  14. MATHS
  16. BANGER


Ryans Spelling list 2014-08-13

Ryans Spelling list crossword puzzle
  1. I ... said something to my friend
  2. what is ... said mum
  3. I had to ... a bear to save my friend
  4. I had and ... itch on my tounge
  5. we shall ... at the wedding
  6. you didn't have to ... me you know
  7. we need a ... for the maths problem Mr Stakers question
  8. I cant ... the milk out out of the fridge
  9. Get out of our ... said dad
  10. there was a massive wreckage in the middle of the school
  11. the birthday cake was terrible said my friend
  1. this hallway was very ... said dad
  2. we will need these ... to build the house said the builder
  3. how will I ... what mum said
  4. today in maths we learnt about ...
  5. the ... of the car had been completely smashed
  6. my sister did a really loud
  7. our bank has gone ... said the banker
  8. a shape with four sides two the same two different
  9. I shall ... the meeting said ryan

20 Clues: what is ... said mumwe shall ... at the weddingmy sister did a really loudGet out of our ... said dadhow will I ... what mum saidI had and ... itch on my toungeI ... said something to my friendI shall ... the meeting said ryanthis hallway was very ... said dadtoday in maths we learnt about didn't have to ... me you know...

My Identity Crossword 2018-03-20

My Identity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What do i do the most in my work?
  2. how many brothers/sisters do i have?
  3. What's My Hobby?
  4. What pet i have?
  5. What Do I Do Most Of The Time?
  6. What Is Next To My PC?
  7. what Type of child am i?
  8. what would i like to do as a job?
  9. How Many Family Members do i have?
  10. What do i always do in my work?
  11. What Is My Faveoute Game?
  12. What Am I Good At?
  1. what text do i like the most?
  2. What Is My Faveroute Colour?
  3. How Many Books Have I Read This Year?
  4. What Is My Faveroute Ice-Cream Flavor?
  5. What am i like?
  6. How do i speak?
  7. What Do I Like To Do On The Computer?
  8. What maths subject do I like the most?
  9. What is My Crossword's Password
  10. What subject am i most passinate about?
  11. What could i do when i turned off my first computer?

23 Clues: What am i like?How do i speak?What's My Hobby?What pet i have?What Am I Good At?What Is Next To My PC?what Type of child am i?What Is My Faveoute Game?What Is My Faveroute Colour?what text do i like the most?What Do I Do Most Of The Time?What is My Crossword's PasswordWhat do i always do in my work?What do i do the most in my work?...

numberz 2018-05-10

numberz crossword puzzle
  1. raw toast
  2. cat puppies
  3. swirly boi
  4. Type of gun
  5. breakfast bagels
  6. sneeze paper
  7. food revenge
  8. bread mushroom
  1. tree skin
  2. keeps doktorz away
  3. Ctrl+i
  4. cool____Games
  5. 2 to the power of 10
  6. big hilly boi
  7. candle lighters
  8. Jon un
  9. snowman blood

17 Clues: Ctrl+iJon untree skinraw toastswirly boicat puppiesType of gunsneeze paperfood revengecool____Gamesbig hilly boisnowman bloodbread mushroomcandle lightersbreakfast bagelskeeps doktorz away2 to the power of 10

Maths MAths 2014-11-23

Maths MAths crossword puzzle
  1. a fraction of a number to the power of ten
  2. the result of two numbers multiplied together
  3. what do you call a number created by another number multiplying itself by itself 3 times
  4. an idea to explain something
  1. something that says two things are the same
  2. a number times by another number
  3. the space within a shape

7 Clues: the space within a shapean idea to explain somethinga number times by another numbera fraction of a number to the power of tensomething that says two things are the samethe result of two numbers multiplied togetherwhat do you call a number created by another number multiplying itself by itself 3 times

Ccc 2017-11-30

Ccc crossword puzzle
  1. next
  2. subject learning city
  3. The subject of molecules
  4. Writing surface
  5. green leaves
  6. near
  7. surface for writing
  8. The hole in the wall
  1. below
  2. painting
  3. object time
  4. ads
  5. sciences of energy
  6. subject learning numbers
  7. Surface for books
  8. language in France
  9. The subject about the person
  10. trash

18 Clues: adsnextnearbelowtrashpaintingobject timegreen leavesWriting surfaceSurface for bookssciences of energylanguage in Francesurface for writingThe hole in the wallsubject learning citysubject learning numbersThe subject of moleculesThe subject about the person

Crosswrd 2024-04-19

Crosswrd crossword puzzle
  1. Sensory overload
  2. Recall information
  3. Difficulty reading
  4. Energetic
  5. Making choices
  6. Reasoning that makes sense
  7. Difficulty writing
  8. Differences
  9. Taking in information
  10. Right or wrong
  1. Non-verbal, Verbal, listen
  2. Staying on task
  3. Difficulty doing maths
  4. Everyone is respected
  5. Recurrent seizures
  6. Difficulty moving
  7. Repetitive behaviour
  8. Twitching

18 Clues: EnergeticTwitchingDifferencesMaking choicesRight or wrongStaying on taskSensory overloadDifficulty movingRecall informationDifficulty readingRecurrent seizuresDifficulty writingRepetitive behaviourEveryone is respectedTaking in informationDifficulty doing mathsNon-verbal, Verbal, listenReasoning that makes sense

School Subjects 2018-12-12

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Class
  2. Chemistry
  3. French
  4. Maths
  5. History
  1. To study
  2. Science
  3. Physics
  4. English
  5. Biology

10 Clues: ClassMathsFrenchSciencePhysicsEnglishBiologyHistoryTo studyChemistry

riddles 2019-11-20

riddles crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 5
  3. 10
  4. 4
  1. 1
  2. 7
  3. 9
  4. 3
  5. 8
  6. 2

10 Clues: 17693825410

All About School 2020-09-23

All About School crossword puzzle
  1. Математика
  2. Английский
  3. Естественные науки
  4. Физкультура
  5. ИЗО
  1. Музыка
  2. Расписание
  3. География
  4. Информатика
  5. История

10 Clues: ИЗОМузыкаИсторияГеографияМатематикаРасписаниеАнглийскийИнформатикаФизкультураЕстественные науки

school subjects 2023-02-03

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. informatyka
  2. geografia
  3. matematyka
  4. angielski
  1. biologia
  2. plastyka
  3. historia
  4. polski
  5. muzyka
  6. w-f

10 Clues: w-fpolskimuzykabiologiaplastykahistoriageografiaangielskimatematykainformatyka

school subjects 2015-04-16

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. computacion
  2. castellano
  3. arte
  4. historia
  5. educacion fisica
  6. musica
  1. ingles
  2. geografia
  3. matematica
  4. ciencia

10 Clues: arteinglesmusicacienciahistoriageografiamatematicacastellanocomputacioneducacion fisica

School subjects 2024-09-27

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. химия
  2. литература
  3. география
  4. история
  5. естественные науки
  1. математика
  2. биология
  3. физика
  4. искусство
  5. музыка

10 Clues: химияфизикамузыкаисториябиологияискусствогеографияматематикалитератураестественные науки

School subjects 2023-05-15

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. La historia
  2. El dibujo
  3. Las matemáticas
  4. La religión
  5. La tecnología
  6. el español
  7. La música
  8. La educación física
  1. El inglés
  2. La geografía
  3. el francés
  4. La informática
  5. El teatro
  6. Las ciencias

14 Clues: El inglésEl dibujoEl teatroLa músicael francésel españolLa historiaLa religiónLa geografíaLas cienciasLa tecnologíaLa informáticaLas matemáticasLa educación física

math word 2015-03-01

math word crossword puzzle
  1. the subject of working with numbers
  2. a series numbers that you can multiply to make a number
  3. the subject of adding numbers
  4. a shape with 3 equal sides
  5. a shape with 4 equal sides
  6. a shape with 5 equal sides
  1. a 3D shape that was used in ancient Egypt
  2. a shape with 6 equal sides
  3. the subject when you minus a number from a number
  4. a rounded shape with no corners
  5. to work out how heavy or light an object is
  6. a 3D shape with 6 square sides
  7. ruled out squares on a page that are commonly used in maths books
  8. a shape with 8 equal sides

14 Clues: a shape with 6 equal sidesa shape with 3 equal sidesa shape with 4 equal sidesa shape with 8 equal sidesa shape with 5 equal sidesthe subject of adding numbersa 3D shape with 6 square sidesa rounded shape with no cornersthe subject of working with numbersa 3D shape that was used in ancient Egyptto work out how heavy or light an object is...

Maths Words 2013-06-04

Maths Words crossword puzzle
  1. A tilted square
  2. When someting is the same
  3. A maths object that helps you draw and measure angles
  4. You must always do these first in a sum
  5. These are also names of some shapes
  6. The outside of a shape
  7. Two lines that will never meet
  8. Lines on a graph
  1. Where a line goes through the y-axis.
  2. It has a colon
  3. A four sided shape
  4. The Steepness of a line
  5. The inside of a shape
  6. It draws circles
  7. You use this to measure lines

15 Clues: It has a colonA tilted squareIt draws circlesLines on a graphA four sided shapeThe inside of a shapeThe outside of a shapeThe Steepness of a lineWhen someting is the sameYou use this to measure linesTwo lines that will never meetThese are also names of some shapesWhere a line goes through the y-axis.You must always do these first in a sum...

maths crossword 2015-07-28

maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. : a whole number that can be divided evenly by numbers other than 1 or itself.
  2. : the bottom part of a fraction.
  3. : finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers.
  4. : when a whole is divided into equal pieces, if fewer equal pieces are needed to make up the whole, then each piece must be larger.
  5. : splitting into equal parts or groups. It is the result of "fair sharing".
  6. : the area of mathematics that deals with points, lines, shapes and space.
  7. : finding a value that is close enough to the right answer, usually with some thought or calculation involved.
  8. : number can be divided evenly only by 1, or itself. And it must be a whole number greater than 1
  9. : one of the broad parts of mathematics, together with number theory, geometry and analysis.
  1. : in mathematics, the number that appears on the top of a fraction.
  2. : a mathematical operation that represents the operation of removing objects from a collection.
  3. : a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.
  4. : used to mean a number that uses a decimal point followed by digits that show a value smaller than one.
  5. : shows the relative sizes of two or more values.
  6. : the result of multiplying a number by an integer (not by a fraction).

15 Clues: : the bottom part of a fraction.: a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.: shows the relative sizes of two or more values.: finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers.: in mathematics, the number that appears on the top of a fraction.: the result of multiplying a number by an integer (not by a fraction)....

MATHS F.A. 2015-05-12

MATHS F.A. crossword puzzle
  1. A polynomial of degree 1
  2. A pair of linear equations which has no solution is called an
  3. It is a proven statement used for proving another statement.
  4. Any real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of integers.They cannot be represented as terminating or repeating decimals.
  5. The highest power of a polynomial is called its
  6. It is the product of the smallest power of each common prime factor in the numbers.
  1. It can be defined as an algebraic expression in which exponent of a variable is a whole number.
  2. when a1/a2≠b1/b2 then the lines will be
  3. when a1/a2=b1/b2=c1/c2 then the lines will be
  4. Any number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction p/q of two integers, p and q, with the denominator q not equal to zero.
  5. lines when a1/a2=b1/b2≠c1/c2 then the lines will be
  6. A pair of linear equation in two variables which has a solution is called a
  7. A polynomial of degree 2
  8. A polynomial of degree 3
  9. It is a series of well defined steps which gives a procedure for solving a type of problem.

15 Clues: A polynomial of degree 1A polynomial of degree 2A polynomial of degree 3when a1/a2≠b1/b2 then the lines will bewhen a1/a2=b1/b2=c1/c2 then the lines will beThe highest power of a polynomial is called itslines when a1/a2=b1/b2≠c1/c2 then the lines will beIt is a proven statement used for proving another statement....

Maths Crossword 2015-05-31

Maths Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. in a ____________ decimals, after a finite no.of decimal places all succeeding place values are 0.
  2. __________ number cannot be written as the ratio of two integers.
  3. a polynomial with highest degree 3.
  4. the _________ common factor of two or more numbers is called the HCf.
  5. __________ have a positive integer that has a factor other than 1 and itself.
  6. the lowest common ___________ is called the LCM.
  7. _______ numbers are also called as counting numbers.
  1. a decimal number that does not end in a finite number.
  2. when we substitute the value of one variable by expressing it in terms of the other variable to solve the pair of linear eq., the method is called ___________.
  3. a number that can be divided only by 1 or the number itself.
  4. a number is ________ when the sum of its divisors equals the given number.
  5. if only common positive factors of two consecutive numbers are 1 then the number is said to be ___________.
  6. a set of steps used to solve a mathematical computation.
  7. in graphical method of representing a pair of linear equations in two variables by two line if the lines intersect at a point, then the equations have __________ solution.
  8. small proof or steppingstone in prooving a theorem.

15 Clues: a polynomial with highest degree 3.the lowest common ___________ is called the LCM.small proof or steppingstone in prooving a theorem._______ numbers are also called as counting numbers.a decimal number that does not end in a finite number.a set of steps used to solve a mathematical computation....

maths solids 2014-12-13

maths solids crossword puzzle
  1. A solid whose faces are square, has 8 vertices and 12 edges
  2. the _____ surface area of cube is.
  3. the ______ of cuboid is.
  4. If the axis of the cylinder is perpendicular to each cross-section then the cylinder is called_______ cylinder.
  5. A solid whose faces are rectangle, had 8 vertices and 12 edges
  6. The two faces of a solid meet in a line called.
  7. Our Earth is in the shape of a -
  8. the _____ surface are of Cylinder is .
  1. A solid with one flat surface and one curved surface
  2. A road roller, a gas cylinder , a circular pillar etc. are examples of-
  3. The standard unit of _________ is cm3
  4. Each ______ of a solid is called its face.
  5. The number of edges in the given figure is-
  6. the volume of a cuboid is length*breadth*______ .
  7. The Great ------- of Egypt is a massive monument with a square base and 4 triangular sides, begun by Cheops around 2700 BC as royal tombs in ancient Egypt.

15 Clues: the ______ of cuboid is.Our Earth is in the shape of a -the _____ surface area of cube is.The standard unit of _________ is cm3the _____ surface are of Cylinder is .Each ______ of a solid is called its face.The number of edges in the given figure is-The two faces of a solid meet in a line called.the volume of a cuboid is length*breadth*______ ....

MAths PuZZle 2021-02-03

MAths PuZZle crossword puzzle
  1. smallest 3-digit number x smallest 3-digit number
  2. Write in numerals:- MMDCXLVI
  3. 809600 ÷ smallest 4-digit number
  4. smallest 6-digit number ÷ smallest 3-digit number
  5. predecessor of the smallest 4-digit number
  6. smallest 3-digit number - 45
  7. nine centuries + nine
  8. 98940 - 8920
  1. largest 4-digit number - smallest single digit number
  2. 56T x 2H
  3. 11 H x 20
  4. 3241 + 404
  5. largest 5-digit number - smallest 5-digit number
  6. M + CM
  7. product of place values of 3's in 3563 is ________.

15 Clues: M + CM56T x 2H11 H x 203241 + 40498940 - 8920nine centuries + nineWrite in numerals:- MMDCXLVIsmallest 3-digit number - 45809600 ÷ smallest 4-digit numberpredecessor of the smallest 4-digit numberlargest 5-digit number - smallest 5-digit numbersmallest 3-digit number x smallest 3-digit numbersmallest 6-digit number ÷ smallest 3-digit number...

maths - division 2020-05-20

maths - division crossword puzzle
  1. k
  2. c
  3. o
  4. h
  5. g
  6. b
  7. l
  1. a
  2. n
  3. f
  4. j
  5. m
  6. d
  7. i
  8. e

15 Clues: kancfjmodhigebl

Maths Crossw9ed 2020-07-12

Maths Crossw9ed crossword puzzle
  1. 5x5
  2. 2x5
  3. 7x3
  4. 11x4
  5. 2x4
  6. 6x3
  7. 7x7
  8. 9x6
  9. 12x12
  1. 7x9
  2. 8x9
  3. 10x3
  4. 11x11
  5. 3x9
  6. 6x6

15 Clues: 7x98x95x52x53x97x32x46x66x37x79x610x311x411x1112x12

maths crossword 2021-08-11

maths crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 8. An __________ is a mathematical statement that says two expressions are equal.
  2. 2. In a term, the sum of the exponents on the variables is the _______ __ __ ______
  3. 9. A two-termed polynomial is a __________.
  4. 11. Terms that have the same variable(s) raised to the same exponent(s) are ______ ______.
  5. 7. The degree of the term with the greatest degree is the _______
  6. 12. Terms with different variables, or the same variables raised to different exponents are ________ ______.
  7. 15. A term with no variables, that's value remains the same is a ________ _____
  1. 4. A _________ is an algebraic expression made by adding or subtracting terms.
  2. 13. A letter representing a number or value that can change or vary is a _________.
  3. 14. A three-termed polynomial is a _________.
  4. 5. Numbers, variables, and the products of numbers and variables are all ______.
  5. 1. A one-termed polynomial is a _________.
  6. 6. The number that a variable is being multiplied with is called the __________.
  7. 3. A mathematical phrase with operators connecting numbers and variables is an _________.
  8. 10. Numbers or variables that form a product are ________.
  9. TERm 16. When the terms of a polynomial are ordered from highest to lowest degree is known as __________ ______.

16 Clues: 1. A one-termed polynomial is a _________.9. A two-termed polynomial is a __________.14. A three-termed polynomial is a _________.10. Numbers or variables that form a product are ________.7. The degree of the term with the greatest degree is the _______4. A _________ is an algebraic expression made by adding or subtracting terms....

Maths Vocabulary 2021-07-29

Maths Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The flat surface of an object.
  2. An angle smaller than a right angle.
  3. The term used to measure the weight od diamonds.
  4. The result when you multiply numbers
  5. A data set with two modes.
  6. How often an outcome ocurs.
  7. A thousand litres.
  8. Without a limit.
  1. The amount of space that a shape covers.
  2. Numbers thathave no remainders when divided into other numbers
  3. The amount a container can hold.
  4. One thousand thousand
  5. The line where two faces of a solid meet.
  6. The middle number in an ordered data set
  7. Information that you collect.

15 Clues: Without a limit.A thousand litres.One thousand thousandA data set with two modes.How often an outcome ocurs.Information that you collect.The flat surface of an object.The amount a container can hold.An angle smaller than a right angle.The result when you multiply numbersThe amount of space that a shape covers....

Maths Crosword 2023-02-08

Maths Crosword crossword puzzle
  1. what you do to earn money
  2. something rats like
  3. currency
  4. putting aside money for something in the future
  5. the process of raising funds or capital for any kind of expenditure.
  6. how you aquire money illegally
  7. person who pays you
  1. place where your money is stored
  2. payment per hour
  3. percent of money you get from selling something
  4. how you acquire money
  5. fixed amount you get paid regardless as a sale worker
  6. payment per year
  7. a fraction of something
  8. money you earn while on vacation

15 Clues: currencypayment per hourpayment per yearsomething rats likeperson who pays youhow you acquire moneya fraction of somethingwhat you do to earn moneyhow you aquire money illegallyplace where your money is storedmoney you earn while on vacationpercent of money you get from selling somethingputting aside money for something in the future...

Maths Vocabulary 2024-02-02

Maths Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. One number in a sequence.
  2. A straight line inside a shape, connecting opposite corners.
  3. A list of numbers in a specific order.
  4. A way to show how much of one number there is compared to another number.
  5. A line that goes straight across a circle, passing through the center.
  6. A triangle with one angle that is 90 degrees.
  7. A triangle with all sides the same length and each angle is 60 degrees.
  8. A number that, when multiplied by itself, makes the original number.
  1. A line from the top point of a triangle to the bottom line, making a right angle.
  2. All the numbers that can be put on a straight line, including fractions and decimals.
  3. A list of numbers where you add/ subtract the same amount to get from one number to the next.
  4. A rule that connects one set of numbers to another. Each starting number has only one matching end number.
  5. A whole number that is more than zero.
  6. A whole number, which can be positive, negative, or zero.
  7. Half of a circle.

15 Clues: Half of a circle.One number in a sequence.A list of numbers in a specific order.A whole number that is more than zero.A triangle with one angle that is 90 degrees.A whole number, which can be positive, negative, or zero.A straight line inside a shape, connecting opposite corners.A number that, when multiplied by itself, makes the original number....

MATHS PUZZLE 2024-04-10

MATHS PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. Usual form of 9000 + 400 + 3
  2. 1 kg 420 g = _____ g
  3. 497 ÷ 7
  4. 1 m = ____ cm
  5. No. Of zeros in crore
  6. If 🙂 = 20 then 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 = ____
  7. 14.467 + 3.447
  1. 948756 - 45791
  2. 11546 + 44765
  3. 360 × 42
  4. Length = 36 and breadth = 25. Find area of rectangle.
  5. If CP = 1450 and SP = 1230. Profit or loss?
  6. GCF of 65 and 105
  7. Place value 4 in 3425679
  8. LCM of 35 and 60

15 Clues: 497 ÷ 7360 × 4211546 + 447651 m = ____ cm948756 - 4579114.467 + 3.447LCM of 35 and 60GCF of 65 and 1051 kg 420 g = _____ gNo. Of zeros in crorePlace value 4 in 3425679Usual form of 9000 + 400 + 3If 🙂 = 20 then 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 = ____If CP = 1450 and SP = 1230. Profit or loss?Length = 36 and breadth = 25. Find area of rectangle.

Maths Crosswords 2024-05-14

Maths Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. When adding or subtracting decimals its critical to ____ your problem
  2. 735.32-in this number the 7 is in the ______ place
  3. A decimal can also be written as a ________
  4. two-tenths twenty hundredths and two hundrend thousandths are ______
  5. The dot between whole and part numbers is called a _____ point.
  6. 4.356 is _____ 4 and 5 on a number line
  7. 9002.24-in this number the 9 is in the ______ place
  1. 1.05-in this number the 0 is a ______
  2. both decimals and fractions are ways to show _______ of a whole
  3. 52.001 is _____ than 52
  4. a common place to find decimals is _______
  5. to estimate a number by giving it simpler place values you can ______
  6. 6.54-in this number the 4 is in the ________ place
  7. 49.999 is _____ than 50
  8. 5.6321-in this number the 6 is in the ____ place

15 Clues: 52.001 is _____ than 5249.999 is _____ than 501.05-in this number the 0 is a ______4.356 is _____ 4 and 5 on a number linea common place to find decimals is _______A decimal can also be written as a ________5.6321-in this number the 6 is in the ____ place735.32-in this number the 7 is in the ______ place...

HHW - Maths 2024-06-02

HHW - Maths crossword puzzle
  1. The highest power of the variable in a polynomial.
  2. The process of breaking down a polynomial into simpler factors.
  3. A polynomial with three terms.
  4. A polynomial equation that is true for all values of the variable.
  5. A polynomial with two terms.
  6. A polynomial equation of degree two.
  7. A polynomial with no variable term.
  8. A polynomial with more than two terms.
  9. A polynomial with one term.
  1. A polynomial with four terms.
  2. The process of expressing a polynomial as a product of its factors.
  3. The sum or difference of two monomials.
  4. The result of dividing one polynomial by another.
  5. A polynomial equation with only one variable.
  6. A polynomial equation of degree one.

15 Clues: A polynomial with one term.A polynomial with two terms.A polynomial with four terms.A polynomial with three terms.A polynomial with no variable term.A polynomial equation of degree two.A polynomial equation of degree one.A polynomial with more than two terms.The sum or difference of two monomials.A polynomial equation with only one variable....

sUBJECTS 2020-10-03

sUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. PE
  2. MATHS
  2. ARTS
  3. MUSIC


Module 1 Unit 2 I'm going to help her. 2023-07-30

Module 1 Unit 2 I'm going to help her. crossword puzzle
  1. parrot
  2. helpful
  3. maths
  1. more
  2. plus
  3. twenty

6 Clues: moreplusmathsparrottwentyhelpful

Marta 2018-04-09

Marta crossword puzzle
  1. aken
  2. sooma
  3. seisma
  4. kolmapav
  5. reede
  1. nadalavahetus
  2. esmaspaev
  3. kodutoo
  4. matemaatika
  5. trumm

10 Clues: akensoomareedetrummseismakodutookolmapavesmaspaevmatemaatikanadalavahetus

School Subjects 2022-01-06

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Französisch
  2. Geschichte
  3. Geographie
  4. Ethik
  5. Chemie
  1. Mathe
  2. Englisch
  3. Kunst
  4. Religion
  5. Physik

10 Clues: MatheKunstEthikPhysikChemieEnglischReligionGeschichteGeographieFranzösisch

VOCABULARIO 2014-02-19

VOCABULARIO crossword puzzle
  1. desk
  2. ruler
  3. glue
  4. chair
  5. book
  1. scissors
  2. maths
  3. eraser
  4. sciences
  5. marker

10 Clues: deskgluebookmathsrulerchairerasermarkerscissorssciences

Six Sigma 2013-01-07

Six Sigma crossword puzzle
  1. Recognition
  2. Creator
  3. Number
  4. Pinpoint
  5. Abbreviation
  1. Maths
  2. Boss
  3. Waste
  4. Symbol
  5. Condition

10 Clues: BossMathsWasteSymbolNumberCreatorPinpointConditionRecognitionAbbreviation

School subjects 2015-11-12

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. käsityöt
  2. liikunta
  3. maantieto
  4. historia
  5. matematiikka
  1. musiikki
  2. kemia
  3. biologia
  4. fysiikka
  5. kuvaamataito

10 Clues: kemiamusiikkikäsityötbiologialiikuntafysiikkahistoriamaantietokuvaamataitomatematiikka

Passion to knowledge 2015-10-19

Passion to knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. математика
  2. химия
  3. география
  4. французcкий
  5. русский
  1. история
  2. физика
  3. литература
  4. немецкий
  5. биология

10 Clues: химияфизикаисториярусскийнемецкийбиологиягеографияматематикалитературафранцузcкий

school words 2017-11-09

school words crossword puzzle
  1. matematiikka
  2. pulpetti
  3. kynä
  4. laskin
  5. opettaja
  6. historia
  1. reppu
  2. lukuvuosi
  3. viivoitin
  4. vihko

10 Clues: kynäreppuvihkolaskinpulpettiopettajahistorialukuvuosiviivoitinmatematiikka

school subjects for young learners 2019-12-07

school subjects for young learners crossword puzzle
  1. физкультура
  2. математика
  3. информатика
  4. наука
  5. география
  1. английский
  2. музыка
  3. русский
  4. искусство
  5. история

10 Clues: наукамузыкарусскийисторияискусствогеографияанглийскийматематикафизкультураинформатика