naruto shippuden Crossword Puzzles

Envision Crossword 2024-02-25

Envision Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The iconic pirate anime series with Monkey D. Luffy as the main character (4 letters).
  2. (Secure Sockets Layer) The acronym for the protocol that ensures secure communication over a computer network (4 letters).
  3. The planet known as the "Red Planet" (6 letters).
  4. The largest ocean on Earth (5 letters).
  5. The legendary Studio that produced "Spirited Away" and "My Neighbor Totoro" (4 letters).
  6. The process of finding errors and fixing them in a program (8 letters).
  7. The protagonist of "Naruto" who aims to become the Hokage (5 letters).
  1. The sport featured in the anime "Haikyuu!!" (6 letters).
  2. The famous scientist who developed the theory of relativity (6 letters).
  3. The currency used in Japan (4 letters).
  4. A data structure that consists of nodes connected in a linear sequence (4 letters).
  5. The term for a software component that adds specific features to a larger software application (9 letters).
  6. The capital city of Australia (7 letters).
  7. The term for animated Japanese TV shows and movies (5 letters).
  8. The programming language developed by Apple for iOS app development (5 letters).

15 Clues: The currency used in Japan (4 letters).The largest ocean on Earth (5 letters).The capital city of Australia (7 letters).The planet known as the "Red Planet" (6 letters).The sport featured in the anime "Haikyuu!!" (6 letters).The term for animated Japanese TV shows and movies (5 letters)....

Crossword 2014-03-28

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Japanese city
  2. Indonesian "pressed rice"
  3. Organisation headed by a korean
  4. Native religion in Japan
  5. Biggest religion in Indonesia
  6. Ongoing Japanese manga series
  7. One of Beijing's biggest problems
  8. Japanese fighting
  9. Chinese symbolic animal
  10. ... massacre
  11. Indian money
  12. Chinese website
  13. Japanese quality thinking
  1. A type of noodles
  2. Chinese martial arts
  3. Chinese ideology
  4. Chinese currency
  5. Vietnamese economic reforms
  6. Ancient name of Ho Chi Minh City
  7. 5 neighbouring countries
  8. First President of Indonesia
  9. Indonesian airline
  10. "singing in Japan"

23 Clues: ... massacreIndian moneyJapanese cityChinese websiteChinese ideologyChinese currencyA type of noodlesJapanese fightingIndonesian airline"singing in Japan"Chinese martial artsChinese symbolic animalNative religion in Japan5 neighbouring countriesIndonesian "pressed rice"Japanese quality thinkingVietnamese economic reformsFirst President of Indonesia...

2sday Fun! 2022-02-20

2sday Fun! crossword puzzle
  1. loves HBO Max
  2. had COVID twice
  3. very friendly
  4. future football star
  5. loves Pokemon
  6. loves to sleep
  7. loves Naruto
  8. family is from Mexico
  9. has tons of cats
  10. eats burgers on Wednesday
  11. natural born leader
  12. loves the beach
  13. newest to the class
  1. loves Roblox
  2. curly hair
  3. Bob's step sister
  4. celebrates Eid
  5. knows the most about China
  6. obsessed with Quinceaneras
  7. went to Disney World
  8. always playing games
  9. obsessed with West Virginia
  10. thinks everything is boring
  11. eats pizza every week

24 Clues: curly hairloves Robloxloves Narutoloves HBO Maxvery friendlyloves Pokemoncelebrates Eidloves to sleephad COVID twiceloves the beachhas tons of catsBob's step sisternatural born leadernewest to the classfuture football starwent to Disney Worldalways playing gamesfamily is from Mexicoeats pizza every weekeats burgers on Wednesday...

genius edition 2024-03-20

genius edition crossword puzzle
  1. "nice annotation"
  2. genius live performance
  3. write lyrics, say
  4. wavy
  5. hot release hunter
  6. to have checkmark
  7. "rap god" transcriber
  8. siion alias
  9. mod who announces birthdays
  10. former news editor
  11. chris brown fan
  12. live feed of activity
  1. locations to look for help
  2. number following keller, phonetically
  3. brazillian mod inf.
  4. announcement to followers
  5. hokage editor
  6. film genius figurehead
  7. new page button
  8. inform inf.
  9. user with coding prowess
  10. __butnotleast
  11. highest viewed R&B track
  12. former genius user with the highest viewed country song

24 Clues: wavyinform inf.siion aliashokage editor__butnotleastnew page buttonchris brown fan"nice annotation"write lyrics, sayto have checkmarkhot release hunterformer news editorbrazillian mod inf."rap god" transcriberlive feed of activityfilm genius figureheadgenius live performanceuser with coding prowesshighest viewed R&B trackannouncement to followers...

Anime 2020-09-16

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. His beyblade is named super hyperion
  2. A name of a fish
  3. rhymes with indigo
  4. One peice
  5. His beyblade is named king helios
  6. Uchiha clan
  1. Byakugan
  2. The strongest anime characters disciple
  3. The strongest anime character
  4. Volts beyblade
  5. The dragon sin

11 Clues: ByakuganOne peiceUchiha clanVolts beybladeThe dragon sinA name of a fishrhymes with indigoThe strongest anime characterHis beyblade is named king heliosHis beyblade is named super hyperionThe strongest anime characters disciple

Anime crossword 2024-06-04

Anime crossword crossword puzzle
  1. strong
  2. Man's best friend
  3. clone justsu
  4. Has a trunk
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Fire eater
  4. Likes to chase mice

8 Clues: strongFire eaterHas a trunkclone justsuFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Dup Dup 2023-12-16

Dup Dup crossword puzzle
  1. Engine builder, but also powers some engines
  2. Airbnbs and a mother (movie)
  3. Replacement for car
  4. Dat is currently obsessed with
  5. You have a few of these, or a killer ___
  6. Telltale feature from a creeper
  7. Band from Richmond
  8. Misty’s Pikachu
  9. Maggie and Patrycja’s boss
  1. Let It Go
  2. “Ew, David!”
  3. “Let’s go ____!” Canela catchphrase
  4. “Dattebayo!”
  5. Peaky Blinders haunt

14 Clues: Let It Go“Ew, David!”“Dattebayo!”Misty’s PikachuBand from RichmondReplacement for carPeaky Blinders hauntMaggie and Patrycja’s bossAirbnbs and a mother (movie)Dat is currently obsessed withTelltale feature from a creeper“Let’s go ____!” Canela catchphraseYou have a few of these, or a killer ___Engine builder, but also powers some engines

naruto 2 2023-04-10

naruto 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Nindzapsi
  2. Dumpling
  3. Hanzovostvorenje
  4. Fu
  1. Guren
  2. Amaterasu
  3. dvorepa zver
  4. Dynamicmarking
  5. Monkic

9 Clues: FuGurenMonkicDumplingAmaterasuNindzapsidvorepa zverDynamicmarkingHanzovostvorenje

Naruto Finale 2023-11-05

Naruto Finale crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 4
  3. 8
  4. 2
  5. 3
  1. 5
  2. 9
  3. 1
  4. 7

9 Clues: 596147823

Naruto 30.10.2023. 2023-10-29

Naruto 30.10.2023. crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 6
  3. 2
  4. 1
  5. 3
  1. 7
  2. 5
  3. 8
  4. 4

9 Clues: 759864213

Belajar8 2023-03-26

Belajar8 crossword puzzle
  1. belajar supaya ....
  2. binatang bersayap
  3. nabi yang bisa membelah laut
  4. bulu tipis diatas bibir
  5. makanan dari kedelai
  6. presiden Republik Indonesia
  7. binantang yang berkokok
  8. indra untuk melihat
  9. anak laki laki naruto
  10. kitab suci umat islam
  1. nama adik kamu
  2. alat untuk mencukur
  3. malaikat yang menyampaikan wahyu
  4. Binatang yang haram dimakan
  5. ibukota indonesia
  6. kotoran manusia
  7. kejadian alam turun nya air dari langit
  8. detektif cilik
  9. kendaraan roda dua dengan mesin
  10. toko ice cream
  11. kota hujan
  12. ikan yang ada kumis nya

22 Clues: kota hujannama adik kamudetektif ciliktoko ice creamkotoran manusiabinatang bersayapibukota indonesiaalat untuk mencukurbelajar supaya ....indra untuk melihatmakanan dari kedelaianak laki laki narutokitab suci umat islambulu tipis diatas bibirbinantang yang berkokokikan yang ada kumis nyaBinatang yang haram dimakanpresiden Republik Indonesia...

Nintendo items 2022-02-05

Nintendo items crossword puzzle
  1. item of Zelda
  2. item of pokemon
  3. item of castelvania
  4. item of megaman
  5. item of final fantasy
  6. item of donkey Kong
  7. item of Minion
  8. item of super mario
  9. item of pacman
  10. item of kingdom hearts
  1. item of one piece
  2. item of sonic
  3. item of drmario
  4. item of metroid
  5. item of spongebob
  6. item of Naruto
  7. item of duck hunt
  8. item of kirby
  9. item of Everyone at school
  10. item of mio and mao
  11. item of me contro te

21 Clues: item of Zeldaitem of sonicitem of kirbyitem of Narutoitem of Minionitem of pacmanitem of drmarioitem of pokemonitem of metroiditem of megamanitem of one pieceitem of spongebobitem of duck huntitem of castelvaniaitem of donkey Kongitem of super marioitem of mio and maoitem of me contro teitem of final fantasyitem of kingdom hearts...

48 2024-08-28

48 crossword puzzle
  1. One Piece creator
  2. Ahiru no Sora studio
  3. Samurai Champloo creators
  4. Durarara studio
  5. Servamp studio
  6. Gintama creator
  7. Hunter x Hunter creator
  8. Golden Kamuy studio
  9. Astro Boy creator
  10. Noir creators
  11. JoJo creator
  12. Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun studio
  1. Dragon Ball creator
  2. Tokyo Revengers studio
  3. My Teen Romantic Comedy studio
  4. Cowboy Bebop director
  5. Mushishi studio
  6. Evangelion director
  7. Yuki Yuna is a Hero studio
  8. Lupin the Third creators
  9. Naruto creator
  10. Love Hina studio
  11. InuYasha creator
  12. Ranma creator
  13. Tokyo Ghoul creator

25 Clues: JoJo creatorNoir creatorsRanma creatorServamp studioNaruto creatorMushishi studioDurarara studioGintama creatorLove Hina studioInuYasha creatorOne Piece creatorAstro Boy creatorDragon Ball creatorEvangelion directorGolden Kamuy studioTokyo Ghoul creatorAhiru no Sora studioCowboy Bebop directorTokyo Revengers studioHunter x Hunter creator...

pertanyaan andini deska metria X IPS 2 2022-05-17

pertanyaan andini deska metria X IPS 2 crossword puzzle
  1. perangkat yang digunakan untuk menampilkan monitor dilayar besar
  2. kebutuhan manusia
  3. paru paru dunia
  4. ayah dari boruto
  5. read only memory
  1. ibukota indonesia
  2. ibukota sumatera barat
  3. tempat hilling
  4. perangkat untuk mencetak hasil kerja
  5. universal serial bus

10 Clues: tempat hillingparu paru duniaayah dari borutoread only memoryibukota indonesiakebutuhan manusiauniversal serial busibukota sumatera baratperangkat untuk mencetak hasil kerjaperangkat yang digunakan untuk menampilkan monitor dilayar besar

Scout toujours 2020-03-22

Scout toujours crossword puzzle
  1. animateur parfais
  2. jamais carré soutient le pilotis
  3. La légende qui entraîna naruto
  4. un psycho gun en guise de bras
  5. nœud de base
  6. embellie et affirme l'identité d'un scout
  7. utile pour cuisiner
  8. esteban,tao,zia
  9. nuisible à la mode
  10. poésie d'avant sommeil
  1. le corsaire de l'espace
  2. voisin d'un habitant d'un Ananas
  3. fidèle compagnon de Sacha
  4. c'est un américain du Mississippi
  5. 7 boules de cristal
  6. timon et pumba
  7. nous rassemble le soir
  8. petit mais il est vaillant
  9. marque coupante
  10. jeux mythique au scout

20 Clues: nœud de basetimon et pumbaesteban,tao,ziamarque coupanteanimateur parfaisnuisible à la mode7 boules de cristalutile pour cuisinernous rassemble le soirjeux mythique au scoutpoésie d'avant sommeille corsaire de l'espacefidèle compagnon de Sachapetit mais il est vaillantLa légende qui entraîna narutoun psycho gun en guise de bras...

How Well do you know Dedrick? 2017-02-13

How Well do you know Dedrick? crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite Color?
  2. Middle Name?
  3. Favorite NFL team? (3 words)
  4. College Attended?(2 words)
  5. Favorite Movie?(2 words)
  6. Favorite NBA team? (2 words)
  7. High School Attended?
  8. Dream Car?
  9. Favorite Food(s)? (2 words)
  10. Favorite Soft Drink?
  1. How Many siblings does he have?
  2. Favorite flavor Air Heads? (2 words)
  3. Favorite Time of Year?
  4. Favorite animal?
  5. Favorite ice cream? (2 words)
  6. Major in College?
  7. Favorite Rapper?(2 words)
  8. Favorite number?
  9. Instrument played throughout elementary and middle school?
  10. Favorite Sport?
  11. Favorite TV Show?

21 Clues: Dream Car?Middle Name?Favorite Color?Favorite Sport?Favorite animal?Favorite number?Major in College?Favorite TV Show?Favorite Soft Drink?High School Attended?Favorite Time of Year?Favorite Movie?(2 words)Favorite Rapper?(2 words)College Attended?(2 words)Favorite Food(s)? (2 words)Favorite NFL team? (3 words)Favorite NBA team? (2 words)...

Careers in Visual Arts 2023-02-01

Careers in Visual Arts crossword puzzle
  1. ​creates costumes
  2. ​Design Building
  3. ​create clothe designs
  4. ​paints objects or figures
  5. ​Takes videos
  6. ​Edits videos
  7. ​creates Sculpture
  8. ​Create sketches
  9. talk about and discuss art
  10. ​creates a movie/play set
  11. ​takes photos
  12. researches past art ​
  1. handles and display museum art​
  2. Creates video and/or movies
  3. ​Sell artwork
  4. ​decorates the face
  5. Apply art to the body
  6. ​makes indoor functional and beautiful
  7. ​they deterimine the worth of art
  8. Create Frozen, Naruto One piece
  9. Do large paintings on walls
  10. ​creates designs for commercials

22 Clues: ​Sell artwork​Takes videos​Edits videos​takes photos​Design Building​Create sketches​creates costumes​creates Sculpture​decorates the faceApply art to the body​create clothe designs​creates a movie/play setresearches past art ​​paints objects or figurestalk about and discuss artCreates video and/or moviesDo large paintings on walls...

The Rodrigo Tribune 2024-09-17

The Rodrigo Tribune crossword puzzle
  1. Our favorite videogame
  2. Your favorite Italian place
  3. The type of person you are
  4. First instrument I learned to play
  5. Your favorite apple
  6. Our future pet
  7. My favorite pastime
  8. My childhood nickname
  9. Your favorite summer activity
  10. Hobby we enjoy doing together
  11. The month we start dating
  1. My astrological sign
  2. My favorite flower
  3. Your drink of choice
  4. Our one-year anniversary trip location
  5. Your favorite season
  6. Where we first met
  7. My favorite anime
  8. First date location
  9. One of your favorite bands

20 Clues: Our future petMy favorite animeMy favorite flowerWhere we first metYour favorite appleMy favorite pastimeFirst date locationMy astrological signYour drink of choiceYour favorite seasonMy childhood nicknameOur favorite videogameThe month we start datingThe type of person you areOne of your favorite bandsYour favorite Italian place...

Puzzle Club! 2022-04-14

Puzzle Club! crossword puzzle
  1. Maramawit's favorite type of puzzle
  2. Aiden's favorite animal
  3. Brycen's favorite movie
  4. Van's favorite movie
  5. Ben's favorite animal
  6. where Michael wants to go on vacation
  7. Tristan's favorite TV show
  1. Peyton's favorite kind of puzzle
  2. Evelyn's favorite animal
  3. where Jordan wants to go on vacations
  4. Katelyn's favorite movie
  5. Dylan's favorite movie
  6. Gabby's favorite movie
  7. Liam's favorite movie
  8. Isla's favorite animal
  9. Geon's favorite animal
  10. where Tatom wants to go on vacation

17 Clues: Van's favorite movieLiam's favorite movieBen's favorite animalDylan's favorite movieGabby's favorite movieIsla's favorite animalGeon's favorite animalAiden's favorite animalBrycen's favorite movieEvelyn's favorite animalKatelyn's favorite movieTristan's favorite TV showPeyton's favorite kind of puzzleMaramawit's favorite type of puzzle...

TTS ANIME 2023-10-09

TTS ANIME crossword puzzle
  1. husbuku dari anime tokrev
  2. manusia karet di one piece
  3. karakter menyebalkan di jjk
  4. tobi adalah penyamaran
  5. husbu apelku adalah
  1. karakter perempuan beban di naruto
  2. husbuku adalah
  3. kakak dari sasuke
  4. aku menyukai seseorang bernama
  5. karakter nyasar

10 Clues: husbuku adalahkarakter nyasarkakak dari sasukehusbu apelku adalahtobi adalah penyamaranhusbuku dari anime tokrevmanusia karet di one piecekarakter menyebalkan di jjkaku menyukai seseorang bernamakarakter perempuan beban di naruto

Adgangsprøve nr. 2 2014-02-11

Adgangsprøve nr. 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Hattrick-helten mod Newcastle d. 8 februar 2014
  2. Verdens bedste manga
  3. Hvad Ba altid har på
  4. Måneden, som Me har fødselsdag
  5. Svaret på spørgsmål 22 i færdighedsregningen
  6. Chelsea's mest scorende spiller
  7. Chelsea's dyreste spiller
  1. Chelsea's Champions League helt
  2. Martin's yndlingsklub
  3. Nicolai's yndlingsklub
  4. The Special One
  5. Solgt til Manchester United
  6. Charlotte's kærestes kælenavn

13 Clues: The Special OneVerdens bedste mangaHvad Ba altid har påMartin's yndlingsklubNicolai's yndlingsklubChelsea's dyreste spillerSolgt til Manchester UnitedCharlotte's kærestes kælenavnMåneden, som Me har fødselsdagChelsea's Champions League heltChelsea's mest scorende spillerSvaret på spørgsmål 22 i færdighedsregningen...

Kaleb's crossword 2023-05-09

Kaleb's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. my favorite food is
  2. I have a
  3. I am good at
  4. I lived in
  5. my favorite drink is
  6. I want to be a
  7. I like to play
  1. I like to play
  2. my favorite show
  3. my favorite Pokemon is
  4. my dream car is a
  5. my favorite animal
  6. my favorite color is
  7. my favorite superhero / dc character

14 Clues: I have aI lived inI am good atI like to playI want to be aI like to playmy favorite showmy dream car is amy favorite animalmy favorite food ismy favorite color ismy favorite drink ismy favorite Pokemon ismy favorite superhero / dc character

NARUTO APP 2021-12-07

NARUTO APP crossword puzzle


One piece 2023-11-30

One piece crossword puzzle
  1. one punch man
  2. bleach
  3. jjk
  4. naruto
  1. 7deadly sins
  2. one piece
  3. Aot

7 Clues: jjkAotbleachnarutoone piece7deadly sinsone punch man

Anime Stuff 2022-02-03

Anime Stuff crossword puzzle
  1. A Volleyball Anime
  2. "Open Gate Of The Golden Bull!____!!"
  3. Uses Ice Make Magic
  4. What Is Tanjiros Breathing Style
  5. A Crispy Purple Villain
  6. Murdered His Clan
  7. Wendy And Gajeel Are What
  8. Dollar Store Michael Jackson
  9. "NEZUKO CHANNNNN!!!" <3
  1. A Cry Baby Hero
  2. The Tiny Giant
  3. Trash
  4. Killed Daichi :)
  5. What Is Eris Quirk
  6. Has A Hot Demon Butler As One Of The Main
  7. The Main Loud Blond
  8. OP 12 Year Old

17 Clues: TrashThe Tiny GiantOP 12 Year OldA Cry Baby HeroKilled Daichi :)Murdered His ClanA Volleyball AnimeWhat Is Eris QuirkUses Ice Make MagicThe Main Loud BlondA Crispy Purple Villain"NEZUKO CHANNNNN!!!" <3Wendy And Gajeel Are WhatDollar Store Michael JacksonWhat Is Tanjiros Breathing Style"Open Gate Of The Golden Bull!____!!"...

pertanyaan andini deska metria X IPS 2 2022-05-17

pertanyaan andini deska metria X IPS 2 crossword puzzle
  1. ibukota indonesia
  2. perangkat untuk mencetak hasil kerja
  3. paru paru dunia
  4. universal serial bus
  1. perangkat yang digunakan untuk menampilkan monitor dilayar besar
  2. tempat hilling
  3. ayah dari boruto
  4. ibukota sumatera barat
  5. read only memory
  6. kebutuhan manusia

10 Clues: tempat hillingparu paru duniaayah dari borutoread only memoryibukota indonesiakebutuhan manusiauniversal serial busibukota sumatera baratperangkat untuk mencetak hasil kerjaperangkat yang digunakan untuk menampilkan monitor dilayar besar

Yee and Kevin Wedding 2024-09-23

Yee and Kevin Wedding crossword puzzle


juegos 2014-02-19

juegos crossword puzzle
  1. el juego de cuadros
  2. cuatro el juego mas emocionante
  3. el juego del muñeco diavolico
  4. el juego de la muerte
  5. of legends el juego mas padre
  6. el juego con carros
  7. con zombies
  1. el mas deportivo
  2. el juego nuevo
  3. el juego del vago
  4. el juego del miedo
  5. el juego que juega juan
  6. el juego con carros suaves
  7. el juego de de la muerta
  8. el juego ninja

15 Clues: con zombiesel juego nuevoel juego ninjael mas deportivoel juego del vagoel juego del miedoel juego de cuadrosel juego con carrosel juego de la muerteel juego que juega juanel juego de de la muertael juego con carros suavesel juego del muñeco diavolicoof legends el juego mas padrecuatro el juego mas emocionante

2021 2021-09-17

2021 crossword puzzle
  1. Lieblings Ship
  2. Manga den ich freiwillig gelesen habe
  3. Lieblingsserie
  4. nach welchem Serien Charakter habe ich mein Otter kuscheliger benannt
  5. BFFs
  6. Lieblings Essen
  1. Konfirmations Datum
  2. Lieblingsfarben
  3. Manga den ich wegen Mai lesen muss
  4. welche Serie veröffentlicht alle Folgen durcheinander
  5. Lieblings Ferien Unternehmung
  6. Lieblingsblume
  7. Lieblings trinken
  8. Lieblings Owl house Charakter
  9. Serie von meiner watchlist

15 Clues: BFFsLieblingsblumeLieblings ShipLieblingsserieLieblingsfarbenLieblings EssenLieblings trinkenKonfirmations DatumSerie von meiner watchlistLieblings Ferien UnternehmungLieblings Owl house CharakterManga den ich wegen Mai lesen mussManga den ich freiwillig gelesen habewelche Serie veröffentlicht alle Folgen durcheinander...

leroy's top 15 favourite things 2023-09-28

leroy's top 15 favourite things crossword puzzle
  1. a big blue circle
  2. this crossword
  3. my favourite food
  4. a game with a lot of gore
  5. a good candy
  6. japanese food
  7. my favorite type of car
  1. my favourite anime
  2. a drink made by logan paul
  3. my favourite video game
  4. a fun card game
  5. my favourite word
  6. my best friend
  7. a good type of spicy chip
  8. my favourite kit in bedwars

15 Clues: a good candyjapanese foodthis crosswordmy best frienda fun card gamea big blue circlemy favourite wordmy favourite foodmy favourite animemy favourite video gamemy favorite type of cara good type of spicy chipa game with a lot of gorea drink made by logan paulmy favourite kit in bedwars

leroy's top 15 favourite things 2023-09-28

leroy's top 15 favourite things crossword puzzle
  1. a big blue circle
  2. this crossword
  3. my favourite food
  4. a game with a lot of gore
  5. a good candy
  6. japanese food
  7. my favorite type of car
  1. my favourite anime
  2. a drink made by logan paul
  3. my favourite video game
  4. a fun card game
  5. my favourite word
  6. my best friend
  7. a good type of spicy chip
  8. my favourite kit in bedwars

15 Clues: a good candyjapanese foodthis crosswordmy best frienda fun card gamea big blue circlemy favourite wordmy favourite foodmy favourite animemy favourite video gamemy favorite type of cara good type of spicy chipa game with a lot of gorea drink made by logan paulmy favourite kit in bedwars

Guesss The Anime By The Emoji 2021-12-03

Guesss The Anime By The Emoji crossword puzzle
  1. 👹🧸🏡
  2. 🎻👫🎹
  3. 🐉🥎Z
  1. 👹👺🗡
  2. 🦸🏫🦹
  3. 🃏🎲🎰
  4. 🎸👪🏫
  5. 🍜🥷🦊
  6. ⚡🧢🐱

9 Clues: 👹👺🗡🦸🏫🦹🃏🎲🎰🎸👪🏫👹🧸🏡🍜🥷🦊🎻👫🎹⚡🧢🐱🐉🥎Z

leroy's top 15 favourite things 2023-09-28

leroy's top 15 favourite things crossword puzzle
  1. a big blue circle
  2. this crossword
  3. my favourite food
  4. a game with a lot of gore
  5. a good candy
  6. japanese food
  7. my favorite type of car
  1. my favourite anime
  2. a drink made by logan paul
  3. my favourite video game
  4. a fun card game
  5. my favourite word
  6. my best friend
  7. a good type of spicy chip
  8. my favourite kit in bedwars

15 Clues: a good candyjapanese foodthis crosswordmy best frienda fun card gamea big blue circlemy favourite wordmy favourite foodmy favourite animemy favourite video gamemy favorite type of cara good type of spicy chipa game with a lot of gorea drink made by logan paulmy favourite kit in bedwars

1st Anniversary Special Crossword 2024-02-16

1st Anniversary Special Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 2nd favorite anime
  2. dream country to visit
  3. favorite color
  4. favorite fruit
  5. foot size
  1. favorite food of all time
  2. favorite singer of all time
  3. ultimate crush
  4. celebrity crush
  5. dream profession other than being a detective

10 Clues: foot sizeultimate crushfavorite colorfavorite fruitcelebrity crush2nd favorite animedream country to visitfavorite food of all timefavorite singer of all timedream profession other than being a detective

sara 2022-11-15

sara crossword puzzle
  1. Hvad hedder min mors far?
  2. Hvad hedder min nye lillesøster?
  3. Yndling kropsdel at træne?
  4. Hvad er Jazzlyns mellemnavn?
  5. Yndlings prinsesse?
  6. Hvad hedder min far?
  7. Drømme bil?
  8. Hvor er jeg født?
  1. Yndlings Naruto karakter?
  2. Hvem er sweet?
  3. Tætteste planet på jorden?
  4. Hvad er min yndlings hobby udover fitness?
  5. Hvad hedder min guddatter?
  6. Hvilken by vil jeg virkelig besøge?
  7. Yndlings pokemon starter?
  8. Hvem ejer Tesla motor sports?

16 Clues: Drømme bil?Hvem er sweet?Hvor er jeg født?Yndlings prinsesse?Hvad hedder min far?Yndlings Naruto karakter?Hvad hedder min mors far?Yndlings pokemon starter?Tætteste planet på jorden?Hvad hedder min guddatter?Yndling kropsdel at træne?Hvad er Jazzlyns mellemnavn?Hvem ejer Tesla motor sports?Hvad hedder min nye lillesøster?...

Kaleb's crossword 2023-05-09

Kaleb's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. my favorite food is
  2. I have a
  3. I am good at
  4. I lived in
  5. my favorite drink is
  6. I want to be a
  7. I like to play
  1. I like to play
  2. my favorite show
  3. my favorite Pokemon is
  4. my dream car is a
  5. my favorite animal
  6. my favorite color is
  7. my favorite superhero / dc character

14 Clues: I have aI lived inI am good atI like to playI want to be aI like to playmy favorite showmy dream car is amy favorite animalmy favorite food ismy favorite color ismy favorite drink ismy favorite Pokemon ismy favorite superhero / dc character

Guess the anime-Based off Main Character 2021-04-08

Guess the anime-Based off Main Character crossword puzzle
  1. Goku
  2. Naofumi Iwatani
  3. Sasuke Uchiha
  1. Nagisa Shiota
  2. Izuku Midoriya
  3. Ayanokoji
  4. Rudeus Greyrat

7 Clues: GokuAyanokojiNagisa ShiotaSasuke UchihaIzuku MidoriyaRudeus GreyratNaofumi Iwatani


ALDEIA DO ALICERCE crossword puzzle
  1. ele é traidor bom sinho
  2. ELE Participou DA AKATSUKI
  3. ela sempre desmaia
  4. ele tem cachorro
  6. ele é da odeia da folha
  1. ele é uma cobra
  3. ele aldeia da areia
  4. ela forte

11 Clues: TARADOela forteELE É ESPERTOele é uma cobraele tem cachorroela sempre desmaiaele aldeia da areiaele é traidor bom sinhoele é da odeia da folhaELE Participou DA AKATSUKIELE QUER PEGA UMA PESSOA QUE TRAIU

Anime 2021-12-13

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Mankai
  2. best show type
  3. love
  4. YU-GI-OH
  1. dreams effect reality
  2. blocked-new world
  3. Dream big
  4. akagami no shirayuki hime

8 Clues: loveMankaiYU-GI-OHDream bigbest show typeblocked-new worlddreams effect realityakagami no shirayuki hime

Do you.... ? 2022-09-07

Do you.... ? crossword puzzle
  1. Do you like to _____?
  2. Are you a _____ fan?
  3. I eat _____ at seven.
  4. I watch ____ on Fridays.
  5. Do you eat ______?
  6. I _____ to play games.
  7. Do ____ watch Naruto?
  1. I like to listen to _____.
  2. I _____ like natto.
  3. I sleep on a ______.
  4. I like to read _____.
  5. Do you _____ coffee?
  6. I am a member of the ____ club.
  7. Do you go to ______ everyday?
  8. I like to _____ the piano.

15 Clues: Do you eat ______?I _____ like natto.I sleep on a ______.Do you _____ coffee?Are you a _____ fan?I like to read _____.Do you like to _____?I eat _____ at seven.Do ____ watch Naruto?I _____ to play games.I watch ____ on Fridays.I like to listen to _____.I like to _____ the piano.Do you go to ______ everyday?I am a member of the ____ club.


TTS TEBAK NAMA MPLS crossword puzzle
  1. yang ganteng, tampan dan indah
  2. yang suka es krim
  3. yang baik hati
  4. yang suka naruto
  5. yang suka bola
  1. yang suka cerita fiksi
  2. yang suka anime
  3. yang semangat
  4. yang dermawan

9 Clues: yang semangatyang dermawanyang baik hatiyang suka bolayang suka animeyang suka narutoyang suka es krimyang suka cerita fiksiyang ganteng, tampan dan indah

our 5th monthversary 2023-05-26

our 5th monthversary crossword puzzle
  1. olahraga yang revano sukaa
  2. minuman yang selalu dipesan aya
  3. panggilan kesayangan revano buat aya
  4. zodiak aya
  5. kalo malem, kita berdua sering ngapain?
  1. lagu gantengmu
  2. kita kenal lewat aplikasi apa?
  3. orang paling ganteng sedunia!
  4. buah kesukaan aya
  5. nama anakmu (anak kita gsie)
  6. hewan yang ditakutin revano
  7. bulan pertama kita kenal

12 Clues: zodiak ayalagu gantengmubuah kesukaan ayabulan pertama kita kenalolahraga yang revano sukaahewan yang ditakutin revanonama anakmu (anak kita gsie)orang paling ganteng sedunia!kita kenal lewat aplikasi apa?minuman yang selalu dipesan ayapanggilan kesayangan revano buat ayakalo malem, kita berdua sering ngapain?

2021 2021-09-17

2021 crossword puzzle
  1. Manga den ich wegen Mai lesen muss
  2. nach welchem Serien Charakter habe ich mein Otter kuscheliger benannt
  3. welche Serie veröffentlicht alle Folgen durcheinander
  4. Lieblings trinken
  5. Manga den ich freiwillig gelesen habe
  6. Lieblingsblume
  7. BFFs
  1. Lieblings Owl house Charakter
  2. Konfirmations Datum
  3. Serie von meiner watchlist
  4. Lieblingsfarben
  5. Lieblings Essen
  6. Lieblingsserie
  7. Lieblings Ferien Unternehmung
  8. Lieblings Ship

15 Clues: BFFsLieblingsserieLieblingsblumeLieblings ShipLieblingsfarbenLieblings EssenLieblings trinkenKonfirmations DatumSerie von meiner watchlistLieblings Owl house CharakterLieblings Ferien UnternehmungManga den ich wegen Mai lesen mussManga den ich freiwillig gelesen habewelche Serie veröffentlicht alle Folgen durcheinander...

Anime 2023-08-18

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Flat
  2. Iconic Dragon Ball move
  3. Strong piccle
  4. Rival of dragon balls main character
  5. Weak scholar
  1. Meany cool boy
  2. Dumb yellow haired boy
  3. Vegeta's main attack
  4. Way to over powered.

9 Clues: FlatWeak scholarStrong piccleMeany cool boyVegeta's main attackWay to over powered.Dumb yellow haired boyIconic Dragon Ball moveRival of dragon balls main character

Dragon ball 2021-07-17

Dragon ball crossword puzzle
  1. who created the animated movie “Spirited Away” (2001)?
  2. What sport is being played in the Anime Eyeshield 21?
  3. In “One Piece”, what does “the Pirate King” mean to the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates?
  4. Who is the main character with yellow hair in the anime Naruto?
  5. who does Cell absorb in order to achieve his second transformation?
  6. What is the name of the corgi in Cowboy Bebop?
  1. what technique does Goku use to get from one place to another instantly?
  2. in Dragon Ball Z, who was the first character to go Super Saiyan 2?
  3. What is the last name of Edward and Alphonse in the Fullmetal Alchemist series.

9 Clues: What is the name of the corgi in Cowboy Bebop?What sport is being played in the Anime Eyeshield 21?who created the animated movie “Spirited Away” (2001)?Who is the main character with yellow hair in the anime Naruto?who does Cell absorb in order to achieve his second transformation?...

J&L 2024-11-14

J&L crossword puzzle
  1. Time to walk
  2. Seaside TV show
  3. Original my favourite colour
  4. Dream honeymoon destination
  5. what my program is called
  6. Favourite show (one of them)
  7. Frustratingly fun (for you)
  8. Sport I enjoy watching the most
  9. First job
  1. What comes after lightning
  2. Which subject I would like to teach
  3. Dish we both love
  4. My first pet
  5. Favourite place together
  6. First restaurant we tried
  7. After korean bbq potentially
  8. where I started to fall for you
  9. what I was first attracted to you
  10. Dream holiday/shopping destination

19 Clues: First jobTime to walkMy first petSeaside TV showDish we both loveFavourite place togetherFirst restaurant we triedwhat my program is calledWhat comes after lightningDream honeymoon destinationFrustratingly fun (for you)Original my favourite colourAfter korean bbq potentiallyFavourite show (one of them)where I started to fall for you...

T's favorites Crossword 2023-04-19

T's favorites Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. They will be there on the double
  2. Cold and creamy
  3. A dummy and a candy.
  4. Cars playing soccer
  5. The hottest place
  6. the number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja
  7. 8-sided geometric shape
  1. America's favorite pie
  2. A royal colour
  3. A cat that likes lasagna
  4. A kid's favorite winter pastime
  5. My dog's name.
  6. Mexican swamp amphibian
  7. A fruit with a man's name

14 Clues: A royal colourMy dog's name.Cold and creamyThe hottest placeCars playing soccerA dummy and a candy.America's favorite pieMexican swamp amphibian8-sided geometric shapeA cat that likes lasagnaA fruit with a man's nameA kid's favorite winter pastimeThey will be there on the doublethe number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja

Dragon ball 2021-07-17

Dragon ball crossword puzzle
  1. who created the animated movie “Spirited Away” (2001)?
  2. In “One Piece”, what does “the Pirate King” mean to the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates?
  3. what technique does Goku use to get from one place to another instantly?
  1. who does Cell absorb in order to achieve his second transformation?
  2. What is the name of the corgi in Cowboy Bebop?
  3. What sport is being played in the Anime Eyeshield 21?
  4. in Dragon Ball Z, who was the first character to go Super Saiyan 2?
  5. What is the last name of Edward and Alphonse in the Fullmetal Alchemist series.
  6. Who is the main character with yellow hair in the anime Naruto?

9 Clues: What is the name of the corgi in Cowboy Bebop?What sport is being played in the Anime Eyeshield 21?who created the animated movie “Spirited Away” (2001)?Who is the main character with yellow hair in the anime Naruto?who does Cell absorb in order to achieve his second transformation?...

,,,. 2023-01-09

,,,. crossword puzzle
  1. karakter
  2. en güzel şey
  3. resimli kitap
  4. anime
  1. en ünlü yotubet
  2. isim
  3. maga

7 Clues: isimmagaanimekarakteren güzel şeyresimli kitapen ünlü yotubet

Anime 2022-02-24

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. Piggy
  2. Michael Jackson
  3. Volleyball
  4. Fox with nine tails
  5. Deaf girl
  1. "No Escape"
  2. Quirk

7 Clues: QuirkPiggyDeaf girlVolleyball"No Escape"Michael JacksonFox with nine tails

Prejudice's 2022-09-03

Prejudice's crossword puzzle
  1. sonic the hedgehogs partner
  2. traveller girl with a monkey
  3. king of wakanda
  4. time stone keeper
  5. crazy family deals with many stones
  6. three girls saves earth
  7. a guy with his teddy lives his life
  8. the person harry potter always suspected
  1. heroes killed in avenger endgame
  2. a cat and mouse
  3. mystery case solving
  4. shipudden
  5. a boy controls 5 powers of nature
  6. friendly neighborhood
  7. powerful power rangers
  8. a man builds his strength through spinach
  9. gohan's father

17 Clues: shipuddengohan's fathera cat and mouseking of wakandatime stone keepermystery case solvingfriendly neighborhoodpowerful power rangersthree girls saves earthsonic the hedgehogs partnertraveller girl with a monkeyheroes killed in avenger endgamea boy controls 5 powers of naturecrazy family deals with many stonesa guy with his teddy lives his life...

Prejudice's 2022-09-03

Prejudice's crossword puzzle
  1. sonic the hedgehogs partner
  2. traveller girl with a monkey
  3. king of wakanda
  4. time stone keeper
  5. crazy family deals with many stones
  6. three girls saves earth
  7. a guy with his teddy lives his life
  8. the person harry potter always suspected
  1. heroes killed in avenger endgame
  2. a cat and mouse
  3. mystery case solving
  4. shipudden
  5. a boy controls 5 powers of nature
  6. friendly neighborhood
  7. powerful power rangers
  8. a man builds his strength through spinach
  9. gohan's father

17 Clues: shipuddengohan's fathera cat and mouseking of wakandatime stone keepermystery case solvingfriendly neighborhoodpowerful power rangersthree girls saves earthsonic the hedgehogs partnertraveller girl with a monkeyheroes killed in avenger endgamea boy controls 5 powers of naturecrazy family deals with many stonesa guy with his teddy lives his life...

Amaya Crosswords 2022-08-14

Amaya Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. Where I was born.
  2. Role in my last high school production.
  3. I'd die for this BTS member.
  4. Something I don't have.
  5. I know this band's entire discography by heart.
  6. My very first KPOP concert.
  7. My phone.
  8. Least favorite condiment.
  1. Favorite relationship trope
  2. Prefered eating utensil.
  3. One of my dogs (evil).
  4. Anime I know everything about.
  5. Starbucks Order
  6. My favorite color.
  7. My zodiac sign.
  8. I've logged over 1500 hours in this game.
  9. One of my dogs(not evil).

17 Clues: My phone.Starbucks OrderMy zodiac sign.Where I was born.My favorite color.One of my dogs (evil).Something I don't have.Prefered eating utensil.One of my dogs(not evil).Least favorite condiment.Favorite relationship tropeMy very first KPOP concert.I'd die for this BTS member.Anime I know everything about.Role in my last high school production....

Self Introduction 2023-04-17

Self Introduction crossword puzzle
  1. My favorite Japanese food.
  2. My favorite sport.
  3. My home.
  4. My favorite animal.
  1. Jamaican music.
  2. Japanese flowers.
  3. My favorite season.
  4. My favorite anime.

8 Clues: My home.Jamaican music.Japanese flowers.My favorite sport.My favorite anime.My favorite season.My favorite animal.My favorite Japanese food.

about me (shaif alamri) 2023-04-17

about me (shaif alamri) crossword puzzle
  1. annoying friend
  2. my favorite color
  3. favorite game
  4. an important subject
  1. my birth month
  2. favorit show
  3. favorit anime
  4. Likes to chase mice

8 Clues: favorit showfavorit animefavorite gamemy birth monthannoying friendmy favorite colorLikes to chase micean important subject

david 2020-05-27

david crossword puzzle
  1. omiljeni anime?
  2. sport koji mi je trenutno zanimljiv?
  3. omiljena hrana ?
  4. omiljeni predmet u kući?
  5. omiljena prostorija u kući?
  1. igrica koju hoču?
  2. moja omiljena igrica?
  3. marka mog televizora?
  4. moje ime?

9 Clues: moje ime?omiljeni anime?omiljena hrana ?igrica koju hoču?moja omiljena igrica?marka mog televizora?omiljeni predmet u kući?omiljena prostorija u kući?sport koji mi je trenutno zanimljiv?

Naruto and Boruto Quiz 2021-10-10

Naruto and Boruto Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. son of Orochimaru
  2. Sand ninja
  3. Nine Tail Demon
  4. Narutos son
  5. Uchiha clan and wears glasses
  1. The one that Sasuke marries
  2. Brother of Uchiha Itachi
  3. Son of Minato
  4. Garra’s sister

9 Clues: Sand ninjaNarutos sonSon of MinatoGarra’s sisterNine Tail Demonson of OrochimaruBrother of Uchiha ItachiThe one that Sasuke marriesUchiha clan and wears glasses

Leadership Explore Race 2021-06-06

Leadership Explore Race crossword puzzle
  1. Japan capital
  2. Naruto kyuubi
  3. England capital
  4. Itzy fanbase nickname
  5. EXO first album
  6. Current MotoGP championship leader 2021
  7. Guns N Roses guitarist
  8. F1 team that won 7 consecutive Constructor Championship
  9. Jung Ho seok
  1. Current F1 championship leader 2021
  2. EPL 2021 top scorer
  3. Chelsea FC UCL 2021 Final captain
  4. BTS leader
  5. Kpop girl group, Twice leader
  6. The only Japanese F1 driver 2021 season
  7. Blackpink New Zealand member
  8. F1 driver with most wins
  9. Aespa japanese member
  10. Canada prime minister, Justin

19 Clues: BTS leaderJung Ho seokJapan capitalNaruto kyuubiEngland capitalEXO first albumEPL 2021 top scorerItzy fanbase nicknameAespa japanese memberGuns N Roses guitaristF1 driver with most winsBlackpink New Zealand memberKpop girl group, Twice leaderCanada prime minister, JustinChelsea FC UCL 2021 Final captainCurrent F1 championship leader 2021...

Prejudice's 2022-09-03

Prejudice's crossword puzzle
  1. sonic the hedgehogs partner
  2. traveller girl with a monkey
  3. king of wakanda
  4. time stone keeper
  5. crazy family deals with many stones
  6. three girls saves earth
  7. a guy with his teddy lives his life
  8. the person harry potter always suspected
  1. heroes killed in avenger endgame
  2. a cat and mouse
  3. mystery case solving
  4. shipudden
  5. a boy controls 5 powers of nature
  6. friendly neighborhood
  7. powerful power rangers
  8. a man builds his strength through spinach
  9. gohan's father

17 Clues: shipuddengohan's fathera cat and mouseking of wakandatime stone keepermystery case solvingfriendly neighborhoodpowerful power rangersthree girls saves earthsonic the hedgehogs partnertraveller girl with a monkeyheroes killed in avenger endgamea boy controls 5 powers of naturecrazy family deals with many stonesa guy with his teddy lives his life...

Prejudice's 2022-09-03

Prejudice's crossword puzzle
  1. sonic the hedgehogs partner
  2. traveller girl with a monkey
  3. king of wakanda
  4. time stone keeper
  5. crazy family deals with many stones
  6. three girls saves earth
  7. a guy with his teddy lives his life
  8. the person harry potter always suspected
  1. heroes killed in avenger endgame
  2. a cat and mouse
  3. mystery case solving
  4. shipudden
  5. a boy controls 5 powers of nature
  6. friendly neighborhood
  7. powerful power rangers
  8. a man builds his strength through spinach
  9. gohan's father

17 Clues: shipuddengohan's fathera cat and mouseking of wakandatime stone keepermystery case solvingfriendly neighborhoodpowerful power rangersthree girls saves earthsonic the hedgehogs partnertraveller girl with a monkeyheroes killed in avenger endgamea boy controls 5 powers of naturecrazy family deals with many stonesa guy with his teddy lives his life...

Guess it Get it!!!! 2024-06-26

Guess it Get it!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. The copycat (grey hair)
  2. the one that doesn’t like underground
  3. Бригад киноны гол дүр цагаанаа
  4. eat & drink at same time
  5. It will go along with…
  6. Jeansnii brand
  1. stay healthy drink
  2. Killer
  3. Eniig avhuu teriig avhuu
  4. The only survivor of Naruto
  5. Minii chamaas gants nuuj idsen zuil
  6. the only thing that wedding planner needs
  7. Riddle the riddler

13 Clues: KillerJeansnii brandstay healthy drinkRiddle the riddlerIt will go along with…The copycat (grey hair)Eniig avhuu teriig avhuueat & drink at same timeThe only survivor of NarutoБригад киноны гол дүр цагаанааMinii chamaas gants nuuj idsen zuilthe one that doesn’t like undergroundthe only thing that wedding planner needs

Angelica & Walter 2024-02-08

Angelica & Walter crossword puzzle
  1. Angelica's maid of honor
  2. Angelica's favorite liquor
  3. Where are they going for their honeymoon?
  4. Walter's favorite anime
  5. Where he proposed?
  6. Their dog's name
  7. Bachelorette party location
  8. Where/how did they meet?
  9. What grade does Angelica teach?
  10. Angelica's favorite type of food to eat
  1. What city was Angelica born in?
  2. They work as
  3. Angelica's favorite color
  4. Walter's best man
  5. Their dog's breed
  6. Walter's favorite football team
  7. How many kids do they want

17 Clues: They work asTheir dog's nameWalter's best manTheir dog's breedWhere he proposed?Walter's favorite animeAngelica's maid of honorWhere/how did they meet?Angelica's favorite colorAngelica's favorite liquorHow many kids do they wantBachelorette party locationWhat city was Angelica born in?Walter's favorite football teamWhat grade does Angelica teach?...

random 2024-09-18

random crossword puzzle
  1. really hot onepeice character
  2. the 7th hokage
  3. the very weird type of anime
  4. physcotic man to commits genocide
  5. king of curses
  1. daddys home
  2. the dark knight
  3. the shadow hokage
  4. sexy blond kid who sits next to me
  5. my wife
  6. crime fighter in NYC

11 Clues: my wifedaddys homethe 7th hokageking of cursesthe dark knightthe shadow hokagecrime fighter in NYCthe very weird type of animereally hot onepeice characterphyscotic man to commits genocidesexy blond kid who sits next to me

Blake's identity crossword 2023-03-17

Blake's identity crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ninja with magic
  2. no mess
  3. feelings
  4. sharp metal
  1. being nice
  2. very alone
  3. thorites

7 Clues: no messthoritesfeelingsbeing nicevery alonesharp metalninja with magic

rachel and ellis 2023-02-05

rachel and ellis crossword puzzle
  1. ellis favorite league of legends team
  2. the company rachel works for
  3. rachels favorite animated tv show
  4. their favorite cocktail
  5. drake album on their anniversary
  6. their dogs name
  7. Rachel's favorite liquor
  1. their song
  2. Rachel's favorite Naruto character
  3. Like the only video game Ellis plays
  4. Ellis's favorite basketball player
  5. Ellis's favorite all time wrestler
  6. where ellis graduated undergrad

13 Clues: their songtheir dogs nametheir favorite cocktailRachel's favorite liquorthe company rachel works forwhere ellis graduated undergraddrake album on their anniversaryrachels favorite animated tv showRachel's favorite Naruto characterEllis's favorite basketball playerEllis's favorite all time wrestlerLike the only video game Ellis plays...

Anime 2023-12-06

Anime crossword puzzle
  1. UCHIHA and Naruto friend also his names first letter is S
  3. Naruto-dad
  1. form dragon ball
  2. nine tails beast and is Uzumaki

5 Clues: Naruto-dadNARUTOS SONform dragon ballnine tails beast and is UzumakiUCHIHA and Naruto friend also his names first letter is S

Anime / Maren Maniratnam 2023-08-14

Anime / Maren Maniratnam crossword puzzle
  1. literally a trash anime.
  2. I mean you know what it is don't you?
  3. a good starter anime about muzan Jackson
  4. a bleaching anime
  5. death
  6. academic hero
  1. hunting literally
  2. a worth for nothing football anime
  3. Gojo
  4. shinigami
  5. a long long ago so long ago

11 Clues: Gojodeathshinigamiacademic herohunting literallya bleaching animeliterally a trash anime.a long long ago so long agoa worth for nothing football animeI mean you know what it is don't you?a good starter anime about muzan Jackson

EnE Christmas 2024-10-08

EnE Christmas crossword puzzle
  1. You are ______
  2. What is a Noot Noot
  3. What is my name to you
  4. I ______ You
  5. How excited are you for Christmas
  6. I wanna make ______ with you
  7. What day is Christmas
  8. What’s normally under the tree
  1. Let ______ together
  2. Something that people decorate together
  3. I wanna kiss you under the
  4. Horseman
  5. What month did we start dating
  6. I got you into this
  7. What is something I need to finish
  8. What is your favorite color
  9. Ho Ho Ho Marry____

17 Clues: HorsemanI ______ YouYou are ______Ho Ho Ho Marry____Let ______ togetherWhat is a Noot NootI got you into thisWhat day is ChristmasWhat is my name to youI wanna kiss you under theWhat is your favorite colorI wanna make ______ with youWhat month did we start datingWhat’s normally under the treeHow excited are you for Christmas...

Only the cultured will truly grasp the riddle 2024-07-26

Only the cultured will truly grasp the riddle crossword puzzle
  1. Naruto
  2. Film Genre
  3. Demon Slayer
  4. Feeding 2 animals
  1. Super Mushroom
  2. F1 Driver
  3. Prison Exit

7 Clues: NarutoF1 DriverFilm GenrePrison ExitDemon SlayerSuper MushroomFeeding 2 animals

AMAZIN(G)RACE #4 2013-08-21

AMAZIN(G)RACE #4 crossword puzzle
  1. alexander mcqueen logo
  2. yellow rat
  3. lipton
  4. moustache man with red bow tie
  1. five for fighting
  2. shinobi
  3. spat the patty flipper
  4. rich in wysman

8 Clues: liptonshinobiyellow ratrich in wysmanfive for fightingalexander mcqueen logospat the patty flippermoustache man with red bow tie

Tebak Tokoh kartun 2021-11-05

Tebak Tokoh kartun crossword puzzle
  1. sahabat nobita
  2. "sweeper!! jangan mencuri! jangan mencuri!!"
  3. adiknya doraemon
  4. teman patrick yang jago masak krabbypatty
  1. hantu baik
  2. "Dit... bang jarwo udah deket dit!"
  3. kades konoha ke 7
  4. "betul, betul, betul!"
  5. si pelaut, suka makan bayam
  6. bis kecil ramah

10 Clues: hantu baiksahabat nobitabis kecil ramahadiknya doraemonkades konoha ke 7"betul, betul, betul!"si pelaut, suka makan bayam"Dit... bang jarwo udah deket dit!"teman patrick yang jago masak krabbypatty"sweeper!! jangan mencuri! jangan mencuri!!"

animes 2021-03-16

animes crossword puzzle
  1. ball porradaria
  2. criando itens do zero
  3. animes de espirito
  4. hammon e espiritos
  5. no hero heroi numero 1
  6. kaisen comedor de dedo
  1. raposa e garoto
  2. piece piratas com frutas
  3. no pico primeiro trauma kkkk
  4. no yaiba demonio respirando

10 Clues: ball porradariaraposa e garotoanimes de espiritohammon e espiritoscriando itens do zerono hero heroi numero 1kaisen comedor de dedopiece piratas com frutasno yaiba demonio respirandono pico primeiro trauma kkkk

ANIME 2022-06-06

ANIME crossword puzzle
  1. Termino de banda sonora
  2. Termino para definir a fanatico del anime
  3. Idioma mas comun al traducir
  4. Pais origen del anime
  5. Palabra de nacionalidad original
  6. Anime mas popular
  7. Genero comun del anime
  8. Medio por el que se trabaja
  1. Medio por donde se transmite
  2. Motivo de creacion
  3. Primer anime a color
  4. Lugar donde se desarrollo
  5. Primer anime creado
  6. Formato sin ser transmitido en vivo
  7. Estilo de dibujo japones

15 Clues: Anime mas popularMotivo de creacionPrimer anime creadoPrimer anime a colorPais origen del animeGenero comun del animeTermino de banda sonoraEstilo de dibujo japonesLugar donde se desarrolloMedio por el que se trabajaMedio por donde se transmiteIdioma mas comun al traducirPalabra de nacionalidad originalFormato sin ser transmitido en vivo...

lol 2022-05-24

lol crossword puzzle
  1. imposter
  2. what I am getting soon :o
  3. scariest teacher lol
  4. best arcane character
  5. something im actually scared of (answer is milk)
  6. best dog ever
  7. someone that is jewish
  1. what I am naming my bearded dragon that I am getting soon
  2. favorite game eva
  3. very sus indivualde
  4. something I love doing smirk emoji
  5. maxs wife lmao
  6. best naruto character ever
  7. someone that is a cancer(not max)
  8. fav teacher

15 Clues: imposterfav teacherbest dog evermaxs wife lmaofavorite game evavery sus indivualdescariest teacher lolbest arcane charactersomeone that is jewishwhat I am getting soon :obest naruto character eversomeone that is a cancer(not max)something I love doing smirk emojisomething im actually scared of (answer is milk)...

Zachary & Elise 2024-04-30

Zachary & Elise crossword puzzle
  1. Elises Favourite Anime
  2. First Movie They Watched Together
  3. First Restaurant Together
  4. Zac Favourite Country Singer
  5. Zacs Favourite Fruit
  6. Hills Where Zac and Elise First Met
  7. How Many Years Have They Been Together
  8. How Many Pets Do They Have
  1. Zacs Middle Name
  2. Zacs Favourite play Station Game
  3. Where We Met Again As Adults
  4. Elises Favourite Wine
  5. Elises Favourite Book Series
  6. Who Has Their Gun License
  7. Elise's Eye Colour
  8. Zac Eye Colour

16 Clues: Zac Eye ColourZacs Middle NameElise's Eye ColourZacs Favourite FruitElises Favourite WineElises Favourite AnimeFirst Restaurant TogetherWho Has Their Gun LicenseHow Many Pets Do They HaveWhere We Met Again As AdultsElises Favourite Book SeriesZac Favourite Country SingerZacs Favourite play Station GameFirst Movie They Watched Together...

agatówka 2021-12-14

agatówka crossword puzzle
  1. najlepszy menadżer
  2. ma dwa oblicza
  3. znana pod pseudonimem "zjarana panna"
  4. wpierdalał je ciągle naruto
  5. jest nią alexa
  6. bardzo ładne słowo na dziwkę po francusku
  1. inaczej piękny koleś
  2. proszę po niemiecku, kutas po francusku
  3. romansuje z siri
  4. oblongata - część mózgowia; też: album bjork
  5. prawdziwa nazwa amazona

11 Clues: ma dwa obliczajest nią alexaromansuje z sirinajlepszy menadżerinaczej piękny koleśprawdziwa nazwa amazonawpierdalał je ciągle narutoznana pod pseudonimem "zjarana panna"proszę po niemiecku, kutas po francuskubardzo ładne słowo na dziwkę po francuskuoblongata - część mózgowia; też: album bjork

identity 2024-06-06

identity crossword puzzle
  1. world famous sport
  2. 🐰🐇🐈🐈‍⬛
  3. very- albert einstein was this
  4. height
  5. not rude
  1. lebron james plays this plays-
  2. naruto and demon slayer are one of these
  3. steve game
  4. 🤡😂😂🤣🤣
  5. blox fruits, bedwars is in this
  6. 💤😴🛌🛏️😪🥱

11 Clues: 🤡😂😂🤣🤣🐰🐇🐈🐈‍⬛height💤😴🛌🛏️😪🥱not rudesteve gameworld famous sportlebron james plays this plays-very- albert einstein was thisblox fruits, bedwars is in thisnaruto and demon slayer are one of these

pamokos 2022-04-27

pamokos crossword puzzle
  1. fizinis
  2. pamoka esa informacines technologijos
  3. pamoka anglu
  4. lietuviu
  5. pora kajus gabriele
  1. fizinis
  2. matke
  3. best naruto

8 Clues: matkefizinisfizinislietuviubest narutopamoka anglupora kajus gabrielepamoka esa informacines technologijos

Alakai anime shows 2021-01-28

Alakai anime shows crossword puzzle
  1. they have stands
  2. his name is asta
  3. his name is Aang
  4. they are the nightraid
  5. they make justus
  6. there pirates
  7. they make delious foods
  1. his name izuku midoriya
  2. his best friend name is ban
  3. there mother died by a titan
  4. his best friend is killua

11 Clues: there piratesthey have standshis name is astahis name is Aangthey make justusthey are the nightraidhis name izuku midoriyathey make delious foodshis best friend is killuahis best friend name is banthere mother died by a titan

how well do u know ratadejocoque ;) 2021-03-18

how well do u know ratadejocoque ;) crossword puzzle
  1. my wife <3
  2. best thing on my wall
  3. first anime i watched
  4. no thoughts just _ in the brain
  5. superior naruto bop
  1. wot is my moon sign?????
  2. fav drink
  3. i wish i was a ?
  4. aka GOD

10 Clues: aka GODfav drinkmy wife <3i wish i was a ?I HATE HIM GRRRRRsuperior naruto bopbest thing on my wallfirst anime i watchedwot is my moon sign?????no thoughts just _ in the brain

Shounen Protagonists (Easy) 2021-11-20

Shounen Protagonists (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. Soul Society
  2. Chakra
  3. One For All
  1. Dragon Sin
  2. Rock Paper Scissors
  3. Rubber man
  4. Saiyan

7 Clues: SaiyanChakraDragon SinRubber manOne For AllSoul SocietyRock Paper Scissors

ANIME 2022-06-06

ANIME crossword puzzle
  1. Termino de banda sonora
  2. Primer anime a color
  3. Palabra de nacionalidad original
  4. Lugar donde se desarrollo
  5. Primer anime creado
  6. Idioma mas comun al traducir
  7. Pais origen del anime
  8. Anime mas popular
  9. Estilo de dibujo japones
  1. Motivo de creacion
  2. Medio por donde se transmite
  3. Medio por el que se trabaja
  4. Formato sin ser transmitido en vivo
  5. Genero comun del anime
  6. Termino para definir a fanatico del anime

15 Clues: Anime mas popularMotivo de creacionPrimer anime creadoPrimer anime a colorPais origen del animeGenero comun del animeTermino de banda sonoraEstilo de dibujo japonesLugar donde se desarrolloMedio por el que se trabajaMedio por donde se transmiteIdioma mas comun al traducirPalabra de nacionalidad originalFormato sin ser transmitido en vivo...

Marthin 2021-02-11

Marthin crossword puzzle
  1. One of the safest cars
  2. First anime Leo watched
  3. A german sportcar company
  4. Standard drink in Russia
  5. One of the best german car companys
  6. Apesex legender
  7. Bel-air
  8. Stor svart
  9. A famous Italy hypercar company
  1. Hot Anime girls that are monsters
  2. A gay drink
  3. The best Dj from norway
  4. Zlatan
  5. The worst car company ever created
  6. The fastest car
  7. Created by Adolf hitler
  8. A Famous American muscle car
  9. Car company from italy
  10. The best DJ ever
  11. In love with Naruto

20 Clues: ZlatanBel-airStor svartA gay drinkThe fastest carApesex legenderThe best DJ everIn love with NarutoOne of the safest carsCar company from italyThe best Dj from norwayFirst anime Leo watchedCreated by Adolf hitlerStandard drink in RussiaA german sportcar companyA Famous American muscle carA famous Italy hypercar company...

Worgum Worms of 2024 2024-04-24

Worgum Worms of 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Spooky Writer
  2. Lil Timmy
  3. Boddle Master
  4. Braid
  5. Epic cheese
  6. Tanner's BFF
  7. "Hey Bailey, I have a question."
  8. Broken nose AKA Bobby
  9. eyes
  10. quiet #2
  11. FNAF nerd
  12. Vampire
  13. Funny 4'5" guy
  14. Tallest boy in the class
  1. Debra
  2. Has a song for every scenario
  3. Burps like a frog
  4. Sassy Lefty
  5. Hat and hood everyday while playing soccer
  6. Evelyn's BFF
  7. Wise, helpful, truthful, funny
  8. pink hair
  9. Lacrosse Player
  10. Nerd, dragons, and something purple
  11. ZZZZzzzzz
  12. Turtle
  13. Oh Jiminy Crickets
  14. Naruto
  15. The quiet one

29 Clues: eyesDebraBraidTurtleNarutoVampirequiet #2Lil Timmypink hairZZZZzzzzzFNAF nerdSassy LeftyEpic cheeseEvelyn's BFFTanner's BFFSpooky WriterBoddle MasterThe quiet oneFunny 4'5" guyLacrosse PlayerBurps like a frogOh Jiminy CricketsBroken nose AKA BobbyTallest boy in the classHas a song for every scenarioWise, helpful, truthful, funny...

Morgan and Logan 2024-09-30

Morgan and Logan crossword puzzle
  1. Honeymoon location
  2. Logan’s car type
  3. Who said I Love You first?
  4. Morgan’s middle name
  5. Logan’s college major
  6. Month he proposed
  7. Morgan’s sorority (two words)
  8. Years together
  9. Mascot of Morgan & Logan’s Alma Mater
  10. Where Morgan studied abroad
  11. Morgan’s college major
  12. Morgan & Logan’s first pet together
  13. Logan’s favorite restaurant
  1. Groom’s childhood pet
  2. Couple’s favorite amusement park
  3. Logan’s hobby
  4. Morgan’s favorite movie & book series (two words)
  5. Logan’s favorite anime
  6. Street Morgan & Logan Live on
  7. Morgan & Logan’s favorite lunch spot (two words)
  8. Couple’s hometown
  9. Sports Logan played
  10. Morgan & Logan’s favorite show

23 Clues: Logan’s hobbyYears togetherLogan’s car typeCouple’s hometownMonth he proposedHoneymoon locationSports Logan playedMorgan’s middle nameGroom’s childhood petLogan’s college majorLogan’s favorite animeMorgan’s college majorWho said I Love You first?Where Morgan studied abroadLogan’s favorite restaurantStreet Morgan & Logan Live on...

Morgan and Logan 2024-09-30

Morgan and Logan crossword puzzle
  1. Morgan & Logan’s favorite show
  2. Logan’s favorite restaurant
  3. Month he proposed
  4. Morgan & Logan’s first pet together
  5. Morgan’s college major
  6. Logan’s hobby
  7. Mascot of Morgan & Logan’s Alma Mater
  8. Morgan’s sorority (two words)
  9. Couple’s hometown
  10. Morgan & Logan’s favorite lunch spot (two words)
  11. Logan’s car type
  1. Couple’s favorite amusement park
  2. Groom’s childhood pet
  3. Where Morgan studied abroad
  4. Street Morgan & Logan Live on
  5. Years together
  6. Who said I Love You first?
  7. Morgan’s favorite movie & book series (two words)
  8. Logan’s college major
  9. Honeymoon location
  10. Sports Logan played
  11. Logan’s favorite anime
  12. Morgan’s middle name

23 Clues: Logan’s hobbyYears togetherLogan’s car typeMonth he proposedCouple’s hometownHoneymoon locationSports Logan playedMorgan’s middle nameGroom’s childhood petLogan’s college majorMorgan’s college majorLogan’s favorite animeWho said I Love You first?Where Morgan studied abroadLogan’s favorite restaurantStreet Morgan & Logan Live on...

WIBU 2021-12-02

WIBU crossword puzzle
  1. orang yang menyukai budaya jepang
  2. suka nonton anime
  3. donatnya gabi
  4. anime bocil wibu dadakan
  5. alone hashira
  6. anime orang bisa jalan di air
  1. bocil luknut yng di tolong gin X_X
  2. hashira bertopeng baja
  3. donat gosong
  4. anime tentang titan? (singkatannya)

10 Clues: donat gosongdonatnya gabialone hashirasuka nonton animehashira bertopeng bajaanime bocil wibu dadakananime orang bisa jalan di airorang yang menyukai budaya jepangbocil luknut yng di tolong gin X_Xanime tentang titan? (singkatannya)

Manga Mania 2024-07-23

Manga Mania crossword puzzle
  1. A romantic comedy about a girl who transforms into a cat.
  2. A detective story featuring a high school student who becomes a child while solving crimes.
  3. A sports manga focused on volleyball and the underdog team of Karasuno High School.
  4. A story about a young boy who aspires to be the Wizard King.
  5. A classic about a boy named Ash and his journey to become a Pokémon Master.
  6. Centers on a group of high school students trapped in their school with supernatural powers.
  7. A cooking competition series with intense battles and gourmet dishes.
  1. A world where humans live inside walled cities to protect themselves from giant humanoid creatures.
  2. A pirate adventure series created by Eiichiro Oda.
  3. Follows the story of two alchemists, Edward and Alphonse Elric.
  4. A tale of ninjas featuring Naruto Uzumaki.
  5. A high school girl discovers a notebook that can kill anyone whose name is written in it.
  6. Follows the adventures of Goku and his quest to collect the Dragon Balls.
  7. A sports manga about basketball written by Takehiko Inoue.

14 Clues: A tale of ninjas featuring Naruto Uzumaki.A pirate adventure series created by Eiichiro Oda.A romantic comedy about a girl who transforms into a cat.A sports manga about basketball written by Takehiko Inoue.A story about a young boy who aspires to be the Wizard King.Follows the story of two alchemists, Edward and Alphonse Elric....

Leader Camp 2023-01-05

Leader Camp crossword puzzle
  1. Sedang di atas
  2. Saling menolong
  3. Kita semua bersaudara
  4. Pemimpin Naruto
  1. Yang membatalkan puasa
  2. Batik merupakan produk asli dari
  3. Jika rajanya meninggal pangeran jadi
  4. Pondasi

8 Clues: PondasiSedang di atasSaling menolongPemimpin NarutoKita semua bersaudaraYang membatalkan puasaBatik merupakan produk asli dariJika rajanya meninggal pangeran jadi

AMAZIN(G)RACE #4 2013-08-21

AMAZIN(G)RACE #4 crossword puzzle
  1. alexander mcqueen logo
  2. yellow rat
  3. shinobi
  4. rich in wysman
  5. lipton
  6. spat the patty flipper
  1. five for fighting
  2. moustache man with red bow tie

8 Clues: liptonshinobiyellow ratrich in wysmanfive for fightingalexander mcqueen logospat the patty flippermoustache man with red bow tie

JUARA 2021 2021-07-29

JUARA 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. makanan khas garoet
  2. ketua tokyo manji
  3. raja iblis jujutsu kaisen
  4. Barang yang paling sering hilang saat di asrama
  5. sebagian besar bumi adalah
  6. panggilan ketos alba
  1. adik doraemon
  2. biju milik naruto
  3. istilah untuk orang2 menyukai perdamaian
  4. bahasa jepangnya kaka laki

10 Clues: adik doraemonketua tokyo manjibiju milik narutomakanan khas garoetpanggilan ketos albaraja iblis jujutsu kaisensebagian besar bumi adalahbahasa jepangnya kaka lakiistilah untuk orang2 menyukai perdamaianBarang yang paling sering hilang saat di asrama 2023-09-24 crossword puzzle
  1. Sasuke’s brother
  2. Ino’s last name
  3. Nine-tailed fox
  4. The character who manipulates shadows
  1. Kabuto’s leader
  2. Kiba’s pet dog
  3. Hinata and Neji’s clan
  4. What Naruto and Konohamaru aspire to being
  5. The character who turns into a giant ball
  6. Kakashi’s group

10 Clues: Kiba’s pet dogKabuto’s leaderIno’s last nameNine-tailed foxKakashi’s groupSasuke’s brotherHinata and Neji’s clanThe character who manipulates shadowsThe character who turns into a giant ballWhat Naruto and Konohamaru aspire to being

COCO 2020-07-05

COCO crossword puzzle
  1. kalau kata pras sih film ini bagus di netflix
  2. Pernah di gosipin sama denise
  3. Saingan Tokopedia di jualan alat tulis
  4. Lagu nya diulang ulang terus sampai hapal!
  5. Mucid jualan apa?
  6. Hobi nya lagi sepedahan
  7. apa yang dilakukan tuan nanda jumat lalu?
  8. Rumah tuan Rian
  9. Bos nya tuan Yoga
  1. Rumah Kus
  2. minggu lalu kus lebih banyak optimize apa sih?
  3. kalau belanja minimal 50ribu di Tokopedia
  4. Rumah alisha
  5. OCD, harus rapi!
  6. Magetan
  7. alisha ridha ihsan
  8. musuh kita bersama di wfh
  9. anime favorite ridha
  10. kasian tuan yoga minggu lalu ......
  11. Ambis

20 Clues: AmbisMagetanRumah KusRumah alishaRumah tuan RianOCD, harus rapi!Mucid jualan apa?Bos nya tuan Yogaalisha ridha ihsananime favorite ridhaHobi nya lagi sepedahanmusuh kita bersama di wfhPernah di gosipin sama denisekasian tuan yoga minggu lalu ......Saingan Tokopedia di jualan alat tuliskalau belanja minimal 50ribu di Tokopedia...

crossword 2023-05-03

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. i like.
  2. i study on
  3. my phone is
  4. my favorite clothes mark
  5. i want to study
  6. my favorite medial social is
  7. i going after school to
  1. my favorite weather is
  2. my favorite character
  3. i love play
  4. my favorite marvel super hero
  5. my favorite drink is
  6. my favorite movie is
  7. my favorite team is
  8. My favorite shoes.
  9. Where I am from.
  10. my favorite color is
  11. my favorite netflix serie
  12. I am in this year of high school.
  13. my dreams cars is
  14. my favorite anime

21 Clues: i like.i study oni love playmy phone isi want to studyWhere I am dreams cars ismy favorite animeMy favorite favorite team ismy favorite drink ismy favorite movie ismy favorite color ismy favorite charactermy favorite weather isi going after school tomy favorite clothes markmy favorite netflix seriemy favorite medial social is...

Carter's Crossword All About Me Edition 2021-09-23

Carter's Crossword All About Me Edition crossword puzzle
  1. I really want a pet
  2. My favorite sport to play is
  3. My favorite tv show is
  4. My age is
  5. I was born in
  6. I am very
  7. I love to
  8. I am interested in
  9. My favorite holiday is
  10. The month I was born in is
  11. My favorite snack is
  1. My favorite drink is
  2. When I grow up I want to be a
  3. My favorite pastime is
  4. My favorite candy is
  5. My little sister thinks I am
  6. My favorite color is
  7. My favorite subject is
  8. I really love my
  9. My favorite food is

20 Clues: My age isI am veryI love toI was born inI really love myI am interested inI really want a petMy favorite food isMy favorite drink isMy favorite candy isMy favorite color isMy favorite snack isMy favorite pastime isMy favorite subject isMy favorite tv show isMy favorite holiday isThe month I was born in isMy little sister thinks I am...

NASA Wedding Reception 2022-06-06

NASA Wedding Reception crossword puzzle
  1. Bride’s favorite food
  2. Bride’s favorite Anime
  3. Couple’s first date cuisine
  4. Groom’s favorite sports team
  5. Couple's first trip destination
  6. Couple’s first K-Drama cosplay
  7. Country of the Groom’s birth
  8. Company the Groom works for
  9. Bride’s favorite color
  10. Groom’s favorite color
  11. Name of future cat
  1. Bride’s undergraduate college
  2. Groom’s undergraduate college
  3. City where Bride moved to for her PhD
  4. Neighborhood where the couple will live
  5. City where the Bride was born
  6. Place where groom proposed
  7. Groom’s favorite cookie
  8. Couple’s dream honeymoon destination
  9. Bride’s favorite drink
  10. Groom’s birth month
  11. Bride’s birth month

22 Clues: Name of future catGroom’s birth monthBride’s birth monthBride’s favorite foodBride’s favorite AnimeBride’s favorite drinkBride’s favorite colorGroom’s favorite colorGroom’s favorite cookiePlace where groom proposedCouple’s first date cuisineCompany the Groom works forGroom’s favorite sports teamCountry of the Groom’s birth...

anime 2020-12-09

anime crossword puzzle
  1. a boy with a special thing inside him
  2. posses the mangekyo
  3. a man that controls bugs
  4. complpetley usless person
  5. amazing taijutsu user
  1. one different eye
  2. fishing rod boy
  3. a girl with byakugan
  4. a legendary sanin who searches for power
  5. last of the uchiha
  6. a man that controls sand

11 Clues: fishing rod boyone different eyelast of the uchihaposses the mangekyoa girl with byakuganamazing taijutsu usera man that controls bugsa man that controls sandcomplpetley usless persona boy with a special thing inside hima legendary sanin who searches for power

SPRING TIME 2021-04-22

SPRING TIME crossword puzzle
  1. insect that likes nectar
  2. our next holiday
  3. Ms. Smith's dog's name
  4. holiday for egg hunting
  5. vegetable that grows underground
  6. where Spencer went during Spring break
  7. your school's name
  1. where Ms. Smith went during braek
  2. Peyton's favorite character
  3. transportation with handlebars
  4. our current season
  5. a summer fruit with pit
  6. animal with long ears
  7. where Peyton went during Spring break
  8. fruit that grows on trees and is juiced a lot

15 Clues: our next holidayour current seasonyour school's nameanimal with long earsMs. Smith's dog's namea summer fruit with pitholiday for egg huntinginsect that likes nectarPeyton's favorite charactertransportation with handlebarsvegetable that grows undergroundwhere Ms. Smith went during braekwhere Peyton went during Spring break...

animes 2021-12-07

animes crossword puzzle
  1. We have powers that come from books
  2. There is 7 of us
  3. I can kill you with one punch
  4. we are trying to find my dad
  5. human to slime to human
  6. Vollyball
  7. demon 3 humans one with a book
  1. We have quirks
  3. If we eat ourselves we become big humans
  4. We kill demons
  5. Skateboarding
  6. are pirates
  7. We are ninjas
  8. We can power up

15 Clues: VollyballZA WORLDOOare piratesSkateboardingWe are ninjasWe have quirksWe kill demonsWe can power upThere is 7 of ushuman to slime to humanwe are trying to find my dadI can kill you with one punchdemon 3 humans one with a bookWe have powers that come from booksIf we eat ourselves we become big humans

Algumas das nossas aleatóriedades 2021-05-04

Algumas das nossas aleatóriedades crossword puzzle
  1. assistimos de agosto até março
  2. primeiro jogo que jogamos
  3. um dos programas que gostamos
  4. depois do laboratório
  5. mês da nossa primeira vez
  6. até hoje to esperando você fazer a minha ____
  7. gostamos de ficar
  8. gostamos de _______ mas quem somos nós pra julgar
  9. eu gosto mas te faz nher
  1. o litão que a gente gosta
  2. todo dia tem
  3. nosso anel de compromisso
  4. chamamos o que sentimos
  5. bora ___ ?
  6. hmmm ____ com leite em pó
  7. Mês que ficamos
  8. uma cartelinha feita
  9. onde nos conhecemos

18 Clues: bora ___ ?todo dia temMês que ficamosgostamos de ficaronde nos conhecemosuma cartelinha feitadepois do laboratóriochamamos o que sentimoseu gosto mas te faz nhero litão que a gente gostaprimeiro jogo que jogamosnosso anel de compromissomês da nossa primeira vezhmmm ____ com leite em póum dos programas que gostamosassistimos de agosto até março...