physics Crossword Puzzles

Subjects 2021-09-30

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. lapiseira
  2. livro
  3. química
  4. lápis
  5. educação física
  6. biologia
  7. arte
  8. caneta
  9. tesoura
  10. regua
  11. boletim
  1. estojo
  2. apontador
  3. cola
  4. geografia
  5. inglês
  6. física
  7. mochila
  8. caderno
  9. borracha
  10. história
  11. portugues
  12. matemática

23 Clues: colaartelivrolápisreguaestojoinglêsfísicacanetamochilaquímicacadernotesouraboletimborrachahistóriabiologiaapontadorlapiseirageografiaportuguesmatemáticaeducação física

Spanish 2 Asi se dice 1-6 U1 2022-04-14

Spanish 2 Asi se dice 1-6 U1 crossword puzzle
  1. coach
  2. bye
  3. physics
  4. dear
  5. demanding
  6. first
  7. to grade
  8. nice
  9. distant
  10. fourth
  11. regards
  1. literature
  2. to train
  3. nurse
  4. biology
  5. sincerely
  6. eighth
  7. review
  8. act
  9. unfair
  10. kisses
  11. dance

22 Clues: byeactdearnicecoachnursefirstdanceeighthreviewunfairkissesfourthbiologyphysicsdistantregardsto trainto gradesincerelydemandingliterature

2-A Tú día en la escuela 2013-03-19

2-A Tú día en la escuela crossword puzzle
  1. geology
  2. home economics
  3. english
  4. biology
  5. physics
  6. mathematics
  7. band
  8. chemistry
  9. calculus
  10. music
  11. health
  12. languages
  13. algebra
  1. spanish
  2. history
  3. geometry
  4. science
  5. physical education
  6. social studies
  7. computer science
  8. french

21 Clues: bandmusicfrenchhealthspanishhistorygeologyscienceenglishbiologyphysicsalgebrageometrycalculuschemistrylanguagesmathematicshome economicssocial studiescomputer sciencephysical education


  1. MUSIC
  3. ART
  10. BIG
  4. SMALL
  9. CLASS
  11. EASY
  12. LATIN


U18 - Las asignaturas 2024-05-28

U18 - Las asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. RE
  2. business
  3. geography
  4. science
  5. drama
  6. art
  7. biology
  8. home economics
  9. Spanish
  10. French
  11. history
  1. technology
  2. careers
  3. English
  4. Irish
  5. subject
  6. PE
  7. maths
  8. music
  9. chemistry
  10. physics
  11. IT
  12. German
  13. art

24 Clues: REPEITartartIrishmathsmusicdramaGermanFrenchcareersEnglishsubjectsciencephysicsbiologySpanishhistorybusinessgeographychemistrytechnologyhome economics

Unit 1a 2022-09-19

Unit 1a crossword puzzle
  1. - drovus, kuklus
  2. - planeta
  3. - išvaizda
  4. - didvyris
  5. - tapti, pasikeisti
  6. - policininkas
  7. - galaktika
  8. - fizika
  9. - matyti
  1. - tapti nematomu
  2. - pašokti
  3. - stiprus
  4. - skaityti mintis
  5. - girdėti
  6. - protingas
  7. - talentingas, protingas
  8. - didelis greitis
  9. - našlaitis
  10. - skristi
  11. - lipti

20 Clues: - lipti- fizika- matyti- pašokti- stiprus- girdėti- planeta- skristi- išvaizda- didvyris- protingas- našlaitis- galaktika- policininkas- tapti nematomu- drovus, kuklus- skaityti mintis- didelis greitis- tapti, pasikeisti- talentingas, protingas

school 2022-11-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. espagnol
  3. directrice
  4. cantine
  5. géographie
  6. agenda
  7. chimie
  1. musique
  2. devoirs
  3. élève
  4. enseignant
  5. EPS
  6. cartable
  7. physique
  8. SVT
  9. histoire
  10. latin
  11. emploi du temps
  12. maths
  13. anglais
  14. arts plastiques
  15. allemand

22 Clues: EPSSVTélèvelatinmathsagendachimiemusiquedevoirssciencecantineanglaiscartableespagnolphysiquehistoireallemandenseignantdirectricegéographieemploi du tempsarts plastiques

School and Education 2024-09-16

School and Education crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. history
  3. english
  4. physical education
  5. gymnasium
  6. computer science
  7. library
  8. classroom
  9. bathroom
  10. music
  1. literature
  2. cafeteria
  3. geography
  4. laboratory
  5. hallway
  6. spanish
  7. mathematics
  8. chemistry
  9. physics
  10. office
  11. art
  12. biology

22 Clues: artmusicofficesciencehallwayspanishhistoryphysicsenglishbiologylibrarybathroomcafeteriageographychemistrygymnasiumclassroomliteraturelaboratorymathematicscomputer sciencephysical education

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. backpack
  2. art
  3. library
  4. computer science
  5. desk
  6. math
  7. male/female student
  8. studio
  9. Spanish
  10. female professor
  1. male professor
  2. physics
  3. biology
  4. Science
  5. history
  6. window
  7. english
  8. students
  9. music
  10. book

20 Clues: artdeskmathbookmusicwindowstudiophysicslibrarybiologySciencehistoryenglishSpanishbackpackstudentsmale professorcomputer sciencefemale professormale/female student

Classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

Classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. bioligy
  2. library
  3. male teacher
  4. malestudent
  5. desk
  6. science
  7. book
  8. math
  9. spanish
  10. test
  1. female teacher
  2. physics
  3. backpack
  4. english
  5. art
  6. femalestudent
  7. history
  8. computerscience
  9. stadium
  10. music
  11. homework
  12. window

22 Clues: artdeskbookmathtestmusicwindowphysicsbioligyenglishlibraryhistorystadiumsciencespanishbackpackhomeworkmalestudentmale teacherfemalestudentfemale teachercomputerscience

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. window
  3. english
  4. history
  5. test
  6. homework
  7. spanish
  8. femaleteacher
  9. book
  10. library
  11. music
  12. male/femalestudent
  13. computerscience
  1. math
  2. backpack
  3. stadium
  4. science
  5. art
  6. schedule
  7. desk
  8. maleteacher
  9. physics

22 Clues: artmathtestdeskbookmusicwindowstadiumbiologyscienceenglishhistoryspanishlibraryphysicsbackpackschedulehomeworkmaleteacherfemaleteachercomputersciencemale/femalestudent

Classes and School Supplies 2021-04-14

Classes and School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. male/femalestudent
  3. maleteacher
  4. english
  5. Spanish
  6. book
  7. library
  8. math
  9. physics
  10. history
  11. biology
  12. femaleteacher
  1. test
  2. quiz
  3. science
  4. schedule
  5. window
  6. homework
  7. computer science
  8. music
  9. desk
  10. stadium
  11. backpack

23 Clues: arttestquizdeskbookmathmusicwindowscienceenglishSpanishstadiumlibraryphysicshistorybiologyschedulehomeworkbackpackmaleteacherfemaleteachercomputer sciencemale/femalestudent

Las Materias 2021-04-14

Las Materias crossword puzzle
  1. Schedule
  2. Male Teacher
  3. Music
  4. book
  5. window
  6. Quiz
  7. homework
  8. computer science
  9. library
  10. test
  1. history
  2. desk
  3. Female Teacher
  4. Math
  5. Spanish
  6. Student
  7. biology
  8. backpack
  9. science
  10. art
  11. physics

21 Clues: artdeskMathbookQuiztestMusicwindowhistorySpanishStudentbiologysciencephysicslibrarySchedulebackpackhomeworkMale TeacherFemale Teachercomputer science

Time and School Unit 2021-05-06

Time and School Unit crossword puzzle
  1. Geography
  2. English
  3. Physics
  4. Math
  5. After
  6. Orchestra
  7. Science
  8. Sport
  9. Quarter
  10. Chemistry
  1. Before
  2. Time
  3. German
  4. O'clock
  5. Half before
  6. History
  7. Biology
  8. Art
  9. Spanish
  10. Choir
  11. Hour/ Period
  12. Minutes

22 Clues: ArtTimeMathAfterChoirSportBeforeGermanO'clockHistoryBiologyEnglishPhysicsSpanishScienceMinutesQuarterGeographyOrchestraChemistryHalf beforeHour/ Period

Unit 12 Adventure 2022-04-05

Unit 12 Adventure crossword puzzle
  1. mõlk
  2. midagi üleannetut tegema
  3. põnevust otsiv
  4. selginema
  5. välimus
  6. tugevus
  7. liialdamine
  8. sütitav
  9. tögav
  10. peksma
  11. vasardama
  12. füüsika
  1. konserviavaja
  2. olemasolu
  3. vigastust siduma
  4. kõrvalisel rajal
  5. riski võtma
  6. tõrkuma
  7. närvikõdi tekitama
  8. sinep

20 Clues: mõlktögavsineppeksmatõrkumavälimustugevussütitavfüüsikaolemasoluselginemavasardamariski võtmaliialdaminekonserviavajapõnevust otsivvigastust sidumakõrvalisel rajalnärvikõdi tekitamamidagi üleannetut tegema

Famous Scientists 2023-07-24

Famous Scientists crossword puzzle
  1. - DNA
  2. - Genetics
  3. - Planets
  4. - Probability
  5. - Telescope
  6. - Electromagnetism
  7. - Electricity
  8. - Electromagnetic Waves
  9. - Evolution
  10. - Relativity
  11. - Penicillin
  1. - Expanding Universe
  2. - Atomic Model
  3. - Quantum Physics
  4. - Oxygen
  5. - Thermodynamics
  6. - Radioactivity
  7. - Black Holes
  8. - Animal Electricity
  9. - Gravity

20 Clues: - DNA- Oxygen- Planets- Gravity- Genetics- Telescope- Evolution- Relativity- Penicillin- Probability- Black Holes- Electricity- Atomic Model- Radioactivity- Thermodynamics- Quantum Physics- Electromagnetism- Expanding Universe- Animal Electricity- Electromagnetic Waves

Unit III. 2024-02-12

Unit III. crossword puzzle
  1. porovnat
  2. chemie
  3. andulka
  4. minulý,poslední
  5. spící
  6. nosit,mít na sobě
  7. fyzika
  8. biologie
  9. dějepis
  1. předmět
  2. pololetí
  3. ocas
  4. srst
  5. občanka
  6. rozvrh
  7. angličtina
  8. shromáždění
  9. nudný
  10. ucho
  11. zobák
  12. hodina

21 Clues: ocassrstuchonudnýzobákspícírozvrhchemiehodinafyzikapředmětobčankaandulkadějepispololetíporovnatbiologieangličtinashromážděníminulý,poslednínosit,mít na sobě

School subjects 2024-09-25

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. történelem
  2. ének
  3. irodalom
  4. testnevelés
  5. technika
  6. hittan
  7. hon-és népismeret
  8. rajz
  9. földrajz
  1. matek
  2. kémia
  3. fizika
  4. informatika
  5. angol
  6. természettudomány
  7. nyelvtan
  8. etika

17 Clues: énekrajzmatekkémiaangoletikafizikahittanirodalomnyelvtantechnikaföldrajztörténeleminformatikatestneveléstermészettudományhon-és népismeret

Physics unit 4 2021-05-21

Physics unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Change in position
  2. SI unit for distance
  3. equal
  4. Radio waves
  5. The height of a wave
  6. Beam of light spreading out
  7. the throwing back by light, heat etc.
  8. Greek letter
  9. The bottom of a wave
  10. When something goes into something
  11. Push or pull
  12. Greek letter for physics
  13. Study of motion and energy
  14. Measured by distance over time acceleration When something slows down and speeds up.
  1. Measurement of how far an object traveled
  2. A carrier of energy
  3. The distance between ONE wave
  4. When speeds up or slows down
  5. Used in night vision goggles
  6. Happens often
  7. Distributing thing to other places
  8. Very strong purple light
  9. The top of a wave

23 Clues: equalRadio wavesGreek letterPush or pullHappens oftenThe top of a waveChange in positionA carrier of energySI unit for distanceThe height of a waveThe bottom of a waveVery strong purple lightGreek letter for physicsStudy of motion and energyBeam of light spreading outWhen speeds up or slows downUsed in night vision goggles...

text 4 + science 2023-10-11

text 4 + science crossword puzzle
  1. yleinen
  2. oxygen
  3. taajuus
  4. tietokanta
  5. todisteet
  6. nuclear physics
  7. merkittävä
  8. breakthrough
  1. uhka
  2. vety
  3. response
  4. scientific
  5. selvittää
  6. acceleration
  7. schedule
  8. issue

16 Clues: uhkavetyissueoxygenyleinentaajuusresponsescheduleselvittäätodisteetscientifictietokantamerkittäväaccelerationbreakthroughnuclear physics

Adrian's crossword 2018-11-14

Adrian's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. instrukcja obsługi
  2. zamieścić opis
  3. ustawienia
  4. gniazdko
  5. ekologia
  6. komórka
  7. nauka
  8. zawieszac się
  9. załączyć
  1. szczepionka
  2. fizyka
  3. bateria
  4. opisać
  5. tlen
  6. plik
  7. wybrać
  8. ziemia

17 Clues: tlenpliknaukafizykaopisaćwybraćziemiabateriakomórkagniazdkoekologiazałączyćustawieniaszczepionkazawieszac sięzamieścić opisinstrukcja obsługi

physics 2018-07-17

physics crossword puzzle
  1. voltmeter connection
  2. how galilleo mesured time
  3. conservation of charge is the first law
  4. heaviest stable boson
  5. speed limit
  1. J is, N is, A isnt
  2. millionth
  3. waved goodbye to that
  4. the route light takes
  5. often thought to be a third pair
  6. ds or sd
  7. channel with lots of energy

12 Clues: ds or sdmillionthspeed limitJ is, N is, A isntvoltmeter connectionwaved goodbye to thatthe route light takesheaviest stable bosonhow galilleo mesured timechannel with lots of energyoften thought to be a third pairconservation of charge is the first law

Physics 2013-06-04

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. neutrons add this to an atom (4)
  2. when something changes from a gas to a liquid (12)
  3. the opposite of melting is ?? (8)
  4. heat is transferred by conduction, radiation and ?? (10)
  1. to find the speed of a wave the formula is velocity= wavelength x ??? (9)
  2. this is measured in ohms (10)
  3. the types of radioactive decay are alpha, beta and ???(5)
  4. there are two types of waves:electromagnetic and ?? (10)
  5. the energy of motion (7)
  6. when something changes from sold to gas (11)
  7. when the direction is downwards the velocity is this (8)
  8. the state of matter when there are weak forces of attraction between atoms (6)

12 Clues: the energy of motion (7)this is measured in ohms (10)neutrons add this to an atom (4)the opposite of melting is ?? (8)when something changes from sold to gas (11)when something changes from a gas to a liquid (12)there are two types of waves:electromagnetic and ?? (10)when the direction is downwards the velocity is this (8)...

Physics 2013-06-04

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. When a unstable atom shoots something out of the nucleus
  2. The Perpendicular distance from the crest to the rest point of a wave
  3. Unit of Charge
  4. Distance between two adjacent crest/trough
  5. Distance/Time
  6. The number of waves that pass a certain point in a second
  1. Opposite Charges
  2. Unit of Energy
  3. Waves that need something to pass through
  4. Slows down current
  5. Rate of flow of charge
  6. Work/Distance

12 Clues: Distance/TimeWork/DistanceUnit of EnergyUnit of ChargeOpposite ChargesSlows down currentRate of flow of chargeWaves that need something to pass throughDistance between two adjacent crest/troughWhen a unstable atom shoots something out of the nucleusThe number of waves that pass a certain point in a second...

physics 2013-06-04

physics crossword puzzle
  1. - a type of radiation that cant go through led (5 letters)
  2. - a wave that moves particles perpendicular(10 letters)
  3. - the energy of motion (7 letters)
  4. - the same element with a different number of newtrons (7 letters)
  5. - adds energy to something (4 letters)
  1. - it keeps us on the floor (7 letters)
  2. - measured in amps (7 letters)
  3. - the time it takes for half th radioactive material to decay (8 letters)
  4. - speed with direction (8 letters)
  5. - contains nuetrons and electrons (4 letters)
  6. - the unit used to measure force (6 letters)
  7. - an atome with charge (3 letters)

12 Clues: - measured in amps (7 letters)- speed with direction (8 letters)- the energy of motion (7 letters)- an atome with charge (3 letters)- it keeps us on the floor (7 letters)- adds energy to something (4 letters)- the unit used to measure force (6 letters)- contains nuetrons and electrons (4 letters)...

physics 2013-06-06

physics crossword puzzle
  1. symbol that looks like a fish
  2. negative charge
  3. Ep
  4. rate of flow of charge
  1. lead stops it
  2. measured in meters
  3. charge is normally neutral
  4. postivie charge
  5. symbol is a B with a tail
  6. the tyoe of energy where you move
  7. neutral charge
  8. another word for energy

12 Clues: Eplead stops itneutral chargenegative chargepostivie chargemeasured in metersrate of flow of chargeanother word for energysymbol is a B with a tailcharge is normally neutralsymbol that looks like a fishthe tyoe of energy where you move

physics 2013-06-06

physics crossword puzzle
  1. when water turns to gas
  2. time it takes for half a radioactive material to decay
  3. in a triangle with velocity and time
  4. an atom with different numbers of neutrons
  5. is a good conductor and is in wires
  1. it's symbol is v
  2. holds us to the earth
  3. can look at a skeleton
  4. speed with direction
  5. in the center of an atom
  6. how to measure energy
  7. amount of electricty going through a curcuit

12 Clues: it's symbol is vspeed with directionholds us to the earthhow to measure energycan look at a skeletonwhen water turns to gasin the center of an atomis a good conductor and is in wiresin a triangle with velocity and timean atom with different numbers of neutronsamount of electricty going through a curcuit...

Physics 2013-06-10

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the experiment that discoverd the Atom (he has an element named after him)
  2. Name of the process from solid to gas
  3. The energy of motion
  4. The name of th particle that is made up of 2 protons and 2 nuetrons
  5. Unit for Static Charge
  6. The middle of an atom
  7. Rate of flow of charge
  1. Type of wave that includes light
  2. Units used to measure wavelength
  3. Work per unit of charge
  4. A type of wave that includes sound
  5. An atom with a diferant amount of nuetrons but the same element

12 Clues: The energy of motionThe middle of an atomUnit for Static ChargeRate of flow of chargeWork per unit of chargeType of wave that includes lightUnits used to measure wavelengthA type of wave that includes soundName of the process from solid to gasAn atom with a diferant amount of nuetrons but the same element...

Physics 2021-08-30

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. fully described by magnitude alone
  2. distance traveled over a period of time
  3. slope of velocity versus time graph
  4. Overall change in velocity
  1. Used to determine velocities and distance in the frame
  2. descibes objects moving in a stragight linne
  3. a number that scales size
  4. described by magnitude and direction
  5. the speed at any given time
  6. How far an object travels
  7. Displacement of an object over time
  8. The moving of something from its place or position

12 Clues: a number that scales sizeHow far an object travelsOverall change in velocitythe speed at any given timefully described by magnitude aloneDisplacement of an object over timeslope of velocity versus time graphdescribed by magnitude and directiondistance traveled over a period of timedescibes objects moving in a stragight linne...

Physics 2022-03-31

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Units for mass
  2. When two objects have the same relationship
  3. Units for time
  4. How far an object travels over an interval of time
  5. How far an object travels over an interval of time, with direction
  6. Equal to mass times force of gravity
  1. When a force is applied over a timer interval, also known as the change in momentum
  2. Units for force
  3. Relationship between force and time
  4. Greek symbol the represents change
  5. Mass with motion
  6. Direction with magnitude

12 Clues: Units for massUnits for timeUnits for forceMass with motionDirection with magnitudeGreek symbol the represents changeRelationship between force and timeEqual to mass times force of gravityWhen two objects have the same relationshipHow far an object travels over an interval of timeHow far an object travels over an interval of time, with direction...

physics 2021-04-10

physics crossword puzzle
  1. horizontal line on a graph
  2. SI unit of acceleration
  3. slowing down
  4. SI unit of distance
  5. measure of distance over time
  6. vertical line on a graph
  7. study of motion and energy
  1. change in velocity
  2. measure of how far an object traveled
  3. change in position
  4. visual representation
  5. SI unit of speed

12 Clues: slowing downSI unit of speedchange in velocitychange in positionSI unit of distancevisual representationSI unit of accelerationvertical line on a graphhorizontal line on a graphstudy of motion and energymeasure of distance over timemeasure of how far an object traveled

Physics 2021-03-31

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. SI unit of distance
  2. measure of distance over time
  3. Horizontal line on a graph
  4. change in velocity
  5. study of motion and energy
  6. change in position
  1. slowing down
  2. SI unit of speed
  3. measure of how far a object traveled
  4. SI unit of acceleration
  5. Representational of date
  6. vertical line on a graph

12 Clues: slowing downSI unit of speedchange in velocitychange in positionSI unit of distanceSI unit of accelerationRepresentational of datevertical line on a graphHorizontal line on a graphstudy of motion and energymeasure of distance over timemeasure of how far a object traveled

Physics 2022-10-06

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. straight line path of travel of an object in respect to an origin.
  2. the location of an object
  3. speed with an direction
  4. change in position over a period of time
  5. the rate which velocity changes (m/s^2
  1. the length of the actual path an object travels
  2. quick way to write big numbers
  3. speed/velocoty of the object
  4. falling object with no gravity
  5. indicates precision
  6. where object is located at time 0, beginning of the experiment
  7. how long an event takes to occur

12 Clues: indicates precisionspeed with an directionthe location of an objectspeed/velocoty of the objectquick way to write big numbersfalling object with no gravityhow long an event takes to occurthe rate which velocity changes (m/s^2change in position over a period of timethe length of the actual path an object travels...

physics 2020-11-30

physics crossword puzzle
  1. ....produced by burning fussel fuels
  2. long term change in average eather
  3. planet we live in
  4. another word for climate change
  5. ...fuels
  6. The Sun together with the eight planets
  7. physical quantity that expresses hot and cold
  1. natural process that warms the Earth's surface
  2. energy that comes from natural sources
  3. the process through which plants use water and carbon dioxide to create their food, grow and release excess oxygen into the air
  4. brown-ish black rock
  5. most common element on Earth

12 Clues: ...fuelsplanet we live inbrown-ish black rockmost common element on Earthanother word for climate changelong term change in average eather....produced by burning fussel fuelsenergy that comes from natural sourcesThe Sun together with the eight planetsphysical quantity that expresses hot and coldnatural process that warms the Earth's surface...

Physics 2023-04-04

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. A common eye condition in which near objects appear blurry. Also known as farsightedness.
  2. A type of lens that is thicker in the center than at the edges and causes light rays to converge or focus.
  3. A common eye condition in which distant objects appear blurry. Also known as nearsightedness.
  4. An optical device that projects an enlarged image onto a screen or wall using a light source and lenses.
  5. The ability to perceive and interpret visual information from the environment.
  6. An optical device made of transparent material that refracts (bends) light and can be used to focus, diverge or converge light rays.
  1. An optical instrument used to view distant objects. It typically consists of a combination of lenses or mirrors that magnify and focus the image.
  2. The branch of physics that studies light and its behavior, including the properties and applications of lenses, mirrors, and other optical devices.
  3. term used to describe a lens or other optical device that causes light rays to come together or converge at a focal point.
  4. A term used in optics to describe an image that is not actually located at the position where it appears to be.
  5. A solid material that is often used in the production of lenses due to its optical properties.
  6. An optical device used to magnify small objects, often used in scientific research and medical diagnosis.

12 Clues: The ability to perceive and interpret visual information from the environment.A common eye condition in which near objects appear blurry. Also known as farsightedness.A common eye condition in which distant objects appear blurry. Also known as nearsightedness....

Physics 2023-09-28

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Greičiausias gyvūnas EN
  2. Grečiausi kalneliai Pasaulyje EN
  3. Grečiausias traukinio tipas EN
  4. Gretis prasideda iš V EN
  5. Ilgis EN
  1. Pagreitis EN
  2. Grečiausias dalykas EN
  3. Greitis EN
  4. Tempas
  5. Greičiau EN
  6. Geriausios mašinu varžybos EN
  7. Vidutinis EN

12 Clues: TempasIlgis ENGreitis ENGreičiau ENPagreitis ENVidutinis ENGrečiausias dalykas ENGreičiausias gyvūnas ENGretis prasideda iš V ENGeriausios mašinu varžybos ENGrečiausias traukinio tipas ENGrečiausi kalneliai Pasaulyje EN

Physics 2023-09-28

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Greičiausias gyvūnas EN
  2. Grečiausi kalneliai Pasaulyje EN
  3. Grečiausias traukinio tipas EN
  4. Gretis prasideda iš V EN
  5. Ilgis EN
  1. Pagreitis EN
  2. Grečiausias dalykas EN
  3. Greitis EN
  4. Tempas
  5. Greičiau EN
  6. Geriausios mašinu varžybos EN
  7. Vidutinis EN

12 Clues: TempasIlgis ENGreitis ENGreičiau ENPagreitis ENVidutinis ENGrečiausias dalykas ENGreičiausias gyvūnas ENGretis prasideda iš V ENGeriausios mašinu varžybos ENGrečiausias traukinio tipas ENGrečiausi kalneliai Pasaulyje EN

PHYSICS 2024-09-25

PHYSICS crossword puzzle
  1. A material with high electrical resistance.
  2. A closed conducting loop that allows the passage of an electric current.
  3. A Lens used in microscope
  4. The measure of potential difference.
  5. A particle with very low charge.
  1. A device that resists the flow of electric current.
  2. The unit of electrical energy.
  3. A safety device that prevents excessive current in a circuit
  4. The flow of electric charge in a conductor.
  5. A mirror used as shaving mirror
  6. The SI unit of electric power.
  7. The unit of electric current.

12 Clues: A Lens used in microscopeThe unit of electric current.The unit of electrical energy.The SI unit of electric power.A mirror used as shaving mirrorA particle with very low charge.The measure of potential difference.A material with high electrical resistance.The flow of electric charge in a conductor.A device that resists the flow of electric current....

Physics 2024-11-05

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. have just magnitude
  2. measurement unit of solid angle
  3. It’s measured in meters
  4. vektorová rýchlosť
  5. vektorová hmotnosť
  6. zrýchlenie
  1. quantities we have 2 of them
  2. measurement unit of plane angle
  3. an established reference allowing you to define the magnitude(value) of a quantity
  4. current it’s measured in amperes
  5. have magnitude and direction
  6. quantities we have 7 of them

12 Clues: zrýchlenievektorová rýchlosťvektorová hmotnosťhave just magnitudeIt’s measured in metersquantities we have 2 of themhave magnitude and directionquantities we have 7 of themmeasurement unit of plane anglemeasurement unit of solid anglecurrent it’s measured in amperesan established reference allowing you to define the magnitude(value) of a quantity

3D My school 2016-03-30

3D My school crossword puzzle
  1. třída
  2. francouština
  3. hudební výchova
  4. rozvrh hodin
  5. dějepis
  6. biologie
  7. nosit(oblečení)
  8. občanská výchova
  9. umění
  10. informatika
  1. vyučovací předmět
  2. uniforma
  3. tělocvik
  4. škola
  5. matematika
  6. zeměpis
  7. dvojitý
  8. fyzika
  9. chemie
  10. angličtina
  11. náboženství

21 Clues: třídaškolauměnífyzikachemiezeměpisdvojitýdějepisuniformatělocvikbiologiematematikaangličtinanáboženstvíinformatikafrancouštinarozvrh hodinhudební výchovanosit(oblečení)občanská výchovavyučovací předmět

Unit 1a 2020-09-21

Unit 1a crossword puzzle
  1. - Pašokti, nušokti
  2. - stiprus
  3. - skristi
  4. - girdėti
  5. - lipti
  6. - tapti nematomu
  7. - nuostabus, protingas
  8. - skaityti mintis
  9. - pavirsti į
  10. - didelis greitis
  11. - išvaizda
  1. - fizika
  2. - našlaitis
  3. - protingas
  4. - matyti
  5. - planeta
  6. - policininkas
  7. - didvyris
  8. - kuklus
  9. - galaktika

20 Clues: - lipti- fizika- matyti- kuklus- stiprus- skristi- girdėti- planeta- didvyris- išvaizda- našlaitis- protingas- galaktika- pavirsti į- policininkas- tapti nematomu- skaityti mintis- didelis greitis- Pašokti, nušokti- nuostabus, protingas

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. math
  2. music
  3. desk
  4. male/female student
  5. biology
  6. english
  7. test
  8. history
  9. female teacher
  10. physics
  11. computer science
  1. art
  2. male teacher
  3. science
  4. stadium
  5. libary
  6. window
  7. book
  8. spanish
  9. backpack

20 Clues: artmathdeskbooktestmusiclibarywindowsciencestadiumbiologyenglishhistoryspanishphysicsbackpackmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

»»» 2021-04-15

»»» crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. homework
  3. art
  4. Spanish
  5. English
  6. window
  7. femaleteacher
  8. desk
  9. math
  10. malestudent
  11. schedule
  1. history
  2. science
  3. computerscience
  4. stadium
  5. test
  6. quiz
  7. physics
  8. library
  9. book
  10. music
  11. maleteacher
  12. backpack

23 Clues: arttestquizbookdeskmathmusicwindowhistorybiologysciencestadiumSpanishphysicslibraryEnglishhomeworkbackpackschedulemaleteachermalestudentfemaleteachercomputerscience

Vocabulary of education 2022-07-11

Vocabulary of education crossword puzzle
  1. Música
  2. Estudiar
  3. Repasar
  4. Biología
  5. Instituto
  6. Perder
  7. Hacer Trampa
  8. Español
  9. Notas
  10. Diseño
  11. Preescolar
  12. Compañero de Clase
  1. Aprobar
  2. Matemáticas
  3. Química
  4. Profesor de universidad (catedrático)
  5. Comportarse
  6. Graduado
  7. Física
  8. Inglés

20 Clues: NotasMúsicaFísicaPerderInglésDiseñoAprobarQuímicaRepasarEspañolEstudiarBiologíaGraduadoInstitutoPreescolarMatemáticasComportarseHacer TrampaCompañero de ClaseProfesor de universidad (catedrático)

Chapter 2 2023-09-21

Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Whereto
  2. Chemistry
  3. Wastebasket
  4. Toarrive
  5. History
  6. Tohavebreakfast
  7. Because
  8. Businessadministration
  9. Library
  10. Whichones
  11. Totherightof
  12. nexttobeside
  13. Computerscience
  1. Totheleftof
  2. Physics
  3. Bookstore
  4. English
  5. Biology
  6. Economy
  7. Why
  8. Tohavedinner
  9. Psychology
  10. Mathematics
  11. Which

24 Clues: WhyWhichPhysicsWheretoEnglishBiologyEconomyHistoryBecauseLibraryToarriveBookstoreChemistryWhichonesPsychologyTotheleftofWastebasketMathematicsTohavedinnerTotherightofnexttobesideTohavebreakfastComputerscienceBusinessadministration

Chhunword Puzzle rm 11 2024-04-11

Chhunword Puzzle rm 11 crossword puzzle
  1. Hidden valuables
  2. A subject a physician studies
  3. The term use for a device that's been invented
  4. The other word for quiet
  5. A useless person or annoying
  6. The act of using violence to overthrow a government
  7. something that not visible
  8. The act of for forcing someone to do something
  9. The other word for realize
  10. Opposite of denied
  1. The act of increasing something in size or volume
  2. A type house that's big
  3. If something hits something it creates a [BEEP]
  4. A person who studies about physics
  5. revealing a secret
  6. The term used when something is dissimilar
  7. Opposite of balance
  8. Another word for most
  9. Opposite of imbalance

19 Clues: Hidden valuablesrevealing a secretOpposite of deniedOpposite of balanceAnother word for mostOpposite of imbalanceA type house that's bigThe other word for quietsomething that not visibleThe other word for realizeA useless person or annoyingA subject a physician studiesA person who studies about physicsThe term used when something is dissimilar...

Lab Gang 2023-11-03

Lab Gang crossword puzzle
  1. The best person out there
  2. Has someone who has a Korean obsession with them
  3. Favorite spot to eat
  4. what sport did I use to play
  5. Someone who sucks at physics
  6. the most annoying slender man looking person
  7. Mostly everyone's favorite pop
  1. Quinn's future husband
  2. Someone who has an edit of himself
  3. First name of someone zander wants to get with
  4. Someone who almost crushed my legs
  5. what miranda always says to Quinn (___ __ Quinn.)
  6. A big fish
  7. Lab report food
  8. The lab report spot
  9. My cousin who sits with us in physics
  10. Someone who doesn't like to be hit
  11. Someone who literally hates us all
  12. Coffee Order
  13. Quinn's nickname
  14. last name of a brilliant man

21 Clues: A big fishCoffee OrderLab report foodQuinn's nicknameThe lab report spotFavorite spot to eatQuinn's future husbandThe best person out therewhat sport did I use to playSomeone who sucks at physicslast name of a brilliant manMostly everyone's favorite popSomeone who has an edit of himselfSomeone who almost crushed my legs...

Timetable 2021-04-21

Timetable crossword puzzle
  1. čeština
  2. matematika
  3. HV
  4. rozvrh hodin
  5. VV
  6. zeměpis
  7. fyzika
  8. francouština
  1. přestávka
  2. vědy
  3. chemie
  4. biologie
  5. dějepis
  6. informatika
  7. angličtina
  8. TV

16 Clues: HVVVTVvědychemiefyzikačeštinadějepiszeměpisbiologiepřestávkamatematikaangličtinainformatikarozvrh hodinfrancouština

4th Spanish Test 2024-06-29

4th Spanish Test crossword puzzle
  1. pluma
  2. clase
  3. papel
  4. estudiante
  5. casa
  6. biblioteca
  7. tarea
  8. Escritorio
  9. borrador
  1. profesor(a)
  2. horario
  3. mochila
  4. silla
  5. ciencias
  6. libro
  7. fisica

16 Clues: casaplumaclasepapelsillalibrotareafisicahorariomochilacienciasborradorestudiantebibliotecaEscritorioprofesor(a)

Words 2 2022-05-20

Words 2 crossword puzzle
  1. tool
  2. füüsika
  3. mootorratas
  4. kustukas
  5. kirik
  6. madal
  7. kitarr
  8. sild
  9. mitte õnnelik
  1. laev
  2. prügikast
  3. tark
  4. treener
  5. raamatukogu
  6. rahakott
  7. kanada

16 Clues: laevtooltarksildkirikmadalkanadakitarrfüüsikatreenerrahakottkustukasprügikastraamatukogumootorratasmitte õnnelik

4th Spanish Test 2024-06-29

4th Spanish Test crossword puzzle
  1. estudiante
  2. casa
  3. profesor(a)
  4. clase
  5. borrador
  6. mochila
  7. tarea
  1. horario
  2. silla
  3. ciencias
  4. libro
  5. fisica
  6. Escritorio
  7. papel
  8. biblioteca
  9. pluma

16 Clues: casasillalibropapelclaseplumatareafisicahorariomochilacienciasborradorestudianteEscritoriobibliotecaprofesor(a)

Physics 2020-06-11

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the point around the hinge
  2. and increase in speed (12)
  3. it is a type of frictional force
  4. a simple machine that moves about a pivot
  5. school science subject (6)
  6. a force generated when two surfaces come in contact with each other
  7. the rate at which someone or something moves or operates or is able to move or operate.
  1. is the scientific word for burning.
  2. is a force experienced by certain metals.
  3. the turning effect of a force
  4. is a measure of how much force is acting on an area.
  5. is a force that exists everywhere. It pulls all things with mass or energy toward one another.

12 Clues: the point around the hingeand increase in speed (12)school science subject (6)the turning effect of a forceit is a type of frictional forceis the scientific word for a force experienced by certain metals.a simple machine that moves about a pivotis a measure of how much force is acting on an area....

Physics 2013-06-06

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. The time it takes for radioactive material to decay
  2. An atom with a different number of neutrons
  3. Flow of electric charge
  4. The measurement of Potential Energy
  5. The study of the nature and properties of matter and energy
  6. The quantity of Matter
  1. Negative electric charge
  2. The rate that velocity changes with time
  3. An influence that causes an object to undergo a change
  4. Positive electric charge
  5. Unit of resistance
  6. The rate of changes from it's postition

12 Clues: Unit of resistanceThe quantity of MatterFlow of electric chargeNegative electric chargePositive electric chargeThe measurement of Potential EnergyThe rate of changes from it's postitionThe rate that velocity changes with timeAn atom with a different number of neutronsThe time it takes for radioactive material to decay...

physics 2013-06-06

physics crossword puzzle
  1. positive charge
  2. how far something is
  3. measures force
  4. it pulls you down
  5. speed/distance
  1. another word for energy
  2. measures gravitational potential
  3. double meaning one being in church
  4. a band (one)
  5. may be with you
  6. measured in meters
  7. type of energy

12 Clues: a band (one)measures forcetype of energyspeed/distancepositive chargemay be with youit pulls you downmeasured in metershow far something isanother word for energymeasures gravitational potentialdouble meaning one being in church

Physics 2012-12-12

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. What kind of diagram can show you about energy loss?
  2. What is the gradient of a distance vs time graph?
  3. What is equal to the change in velocity divided by the time taken for that change?
  4. Is concrete strong under compression or under tension?
  1. What are the units that we measure pressure in?
  2. What does the v stand for in the SUVAT equations?
  3. What is the SI unit for distance?
  4. When a roller coaster ride gets to the top and starts coming down, all the gravitational energy is being converted into which kind of energy?
  5. What is a quantity that has both a direction and a magnitude?
  6. What is the quantity that tells us about the turning effect of a force?
  7. Who was the scientist who worked on measuring the stiffness of a material?
  8. Which of Newtons laws states that force is proportional to the produce of the mass and the acceleration of an object.

12 Clues: What is the SI unit for distance?What are the units that we measure pressure in?What does the v stand for in the SUVAT equations?What is the gradient of a distance vs time graph?What kind of diagram can show you about energy loss?Is concrete strong under compression or under tension?What is a quantity that has both a direction and a magnitude?...

Physics 2016-04-20

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. The place in space where even light cannot escape
  2. The science of origin, evalution of the universe
  3. The flow of the electric chage
  4. Wave that was made by two progressive waves with the same frequency, amplitude travelling in opposite directions
  5. Our Sun lies on the _____ of the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
  6. Force of attraction that holds people to stay on the Earth
  7. The base unit of electric current
  1. The derivative of velocity
  2. What can we observe when plannets maving away from us
  3. Scientist who stated that "Every point on a wave-front may be considered a source of secondary spherical wavelets"
  4. Number of complete cycles per second
  5. The synonym of this word can be electric potential difference

12 Clues: The derivative of velocityThe flow of the electric chageThe base unit of electric currentNumber of complete cycles per secondThe science of origin, evalution of the universeThe place in space where even light cannot escapeWhat can we observe when plannets maving away from usForce of attraction that holds people to stay on the Earth...

Physics 2020-12-11

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. is the energy that is stored in an object due to its position relative to some zero position.
  2. include force, velocity, acceleration, displacement, and momentum.
  3. are measured in base or physical fundamental units: length, mass, time, electric current temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity.
  4. is a vector quantity that refers to "how far out of place an object is"; it is the object's overall change in position.
  5. is the energy that it possesses due to its motion.
  6. is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object.
  1. usually said to be a physical quantity that only has magnitude, possibly a sign, and no other characteristics.
  2. the capacity for doing work
  3. measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force at least part of which is applied in the direction of the displacement.
  4. is a vector quantity that refers to "the rate at which an object changes its position.
  5. is a scalar quantity that refers to "how much ground an object has covered" during its motion.
  6. a line straight or curved that shows relation between two quantities out of which one varies as a result of change in other.

12 Clues: the capacity for doing workis the energy that it possesses due to its motion.include force, velocity, acceleration, displacement, and any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an a vector quantity that refers to "the rate at which an object changes its position....

Physics 2021-03-31

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. SI unit of distance
  2. measure of distance over time
  3. Horizontal line on a graph
  4. change in velocity
  5. study of motion and energy
  6. change in position
  1. slowing down
  2. SI unit of speed
  3. measure of how far a object traveled
  4. SI unit of acceleration
  5. Representational of date
  6. vertical line on a graph

12 Clues: slowing downSI unit of speedchange in velocitychange in positionSI unit of distanceSI unit of accelerationRepresentational of datevertical line on a graphHorizontal line on a graphstudy of motion and energymeasure of distance over timemeasure of how far a object traveled

Physics 2021-03-31

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. SI unit of distance
  2. measure of distance over time
  3. Horizontal line on a graph
  4. change in velocity
  5. study of motion and energy
  6. change in position
  1. slowing down
  2. SI unit of speed
  3. measure of how far a object traveled
  4. SI unit of acceleration
  5. Representational of date
  6. vertical line on a graph

12 Clues: slowing downSI unit of speedchange in velocitychange in positionSI unit of distanceSI unit of accelerationRepresentational of datevertical line on a graphHorizontal line on a graphstudy of motion and energymeasure of distance over timemeasure of how far a object traveled

Physics 2021-08-30

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. describes objects moving in straight lines
  2. Quantity described by it's magnitude and direction
  3. The change of speed at any given time
  4. displacement divded by time interval of displacement
  5. rate of change in Velocity
  6. refers to quantity or distance
  7. Scalar quantity that refers to how fast a object moves or is moving
  1. The speed given at any given instant in time
  2. How much a Object traveled
  3. starting point
  4. quantity that's described by its magnitude alone
  5. When something moves from where it was at first

12 Clues: starting pointHow much a Object traveledrate of change in Velocityrefers to quantity or distanceThe change of speed at any given timedescribes objects moving in straight linesThe speed given at any given instant in timeWhen something moves from where it was at firstquantity that's described by its magnitude alone...

Physics 2021-09-13

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. The simple machine used in a knife?
  2. Camels have wide feet to reduce the ________ on the ground which help it to stand on sandy lose ground
  3. The property that keeps you from falling from a moving roller-coaster?
  4. imbalance of electrons in an object creates a ____________
  5. The degree to which a component in a circuit opposes the flow of electrons?
  6. The property by which a magnet induces electric currents in the windings of an electric motor of a generator when it is moved by wind, water etc..?
  1. It is a non-contact force that is dependent on the mass of the body?
  2. a state in which a process and its reverse are occurring at equal rates so that no overall change is taking place
  3. The property of light that determines the colour that we perceive with our eyes?
  4. In an aircraft, the movement in the horizontal plane is called ___?
  5. a region around a charged particle or object within which a force would be exerted on other charged particles or objects
  6. What is the technique of detecting the position of objects by producing very high frequency sound waves and listening to the echos?

12 Clues: The simple machine used in a knife?imbalance of electrons in an object creates a ____________In an aircraft, the movement in the horizontal plane is called ___?It is a non-contact force that is dependent on the mass of the body?The property that keeps you from falling from a moving roller-coaster?...

Physics 2022-11-09

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the quantity of matter in a physical body
  2. the force applied in one direction is greater than the force applied in the opposite direction
  3. total sum of force on an object
  4. a quantity or phenomenon that has two independent properties: magnitude and direction
  5. equal in size and opposite in direction
  6. speed with direction
  7. The push or pull on an object with mass causes it to change its velocity
  1. the change in position of an object
  2. distance/time
  3. rate at which velocity changes with time, in terms of both speed and direction
  4. a property of matter that causes it to resist changes in velocity (speed and/or direction)
  5. force that resists the sliding or rolling of one solid object over another.

12 Clues: distance/timespeed with directiontotal sum of force on an objectthe change in position of an objectequal in size and opposite in directionthe quantity of matter in a physical bodyThe push or pull on an object with mass causes it to change its velocityforce that resists the sliding or rolling of one solid object over another....

Physics 2023-07-29

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Stored energy
  2. State of matter with high density and fixed shape.
  3. What a dense object does in a less dense fluid.
  4. Material that reduces heat transfer.
  5. Measures temperature.
  1. Heat transfer through direct contact.
  2. Measure of the amount of matter in an object.
  3. Energy of motion.
  4. Ability of an object to float in a fluid due to density differences.
  5. Amount of space occupied by an object.
  6. Generated
  7. Opposite of generated

12 Clues: GeneratedStored energyEnergy of motion.Opposite of generatedMeasures temperature.Material that reduces heat transfer.Heat transfer through direct contact.Amount of space occupied by an object.Measure of the amount of matter in an object.What a dense object does in a less dense fluid.State of matter with high density and fixed shape....

Physics 2023-08-17

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. is the standard by which test results can be compared
  2. is a visual display of information or data
  3. is a measurement of the quantity of matter in an object
  4. is a factor that does not change
  5. is a possible explanation
  6. is the interval between two events
  7. system of units universally accepted and understood by scientists throughout the world
  1. the application of scientific knowledge to benefit people
  2. is an explanation of occurrences based on knowledge gained from observations and investigations
  3. is the distance between two points
  4. is a statement about what happens in nature and that seems to be true all the time
  5. is anything that takes up space and has mass

12 Clues: is a possible explanationis a factor that does not changeis the distance between two pointsis the interval between two eventsis a visual display of information or datais anything that takes up space and has massis the standard by which test results can be comparedis a measurement of the quantity of matter in an object...

PHYSICS 2024-01-16

PHYSICS crossword puzzle
  1. the transfer of energy
  2. the ability to do work
  3. the removal of an electron from an atom
  4. the transfer of heat through a material or by touching
  5. anything that occupies space
  6. rate of change of velocity with time
  1. 10^-3
  2. the quantity of matter contained in any physical object
  3. the mechanical transfer of "hot" molecules in a gas or liquid from one place to another
  4. a measure of how fast something is moving/the rate of change of its position with time
  5. group of atoms of different elements
  6. atomic nuclei that have the same atomic mass number but different atomic numbers

12 Clues: 10^-3the transfer of energythe ability to do workanything that occupies spacegroup of atoms of different elementsrate of change of velocity with timethe removal of an electron from an atomthe transfer of heat through a material or by touchingthe quantity of matter contained in any physical object...

Physics 2024-05-09

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. How light is measured
  2. Cell death at high doses
  3. Has the highest frequency
  4. Damage to eyes
  5. Used for cooking
  6. Can cause skin cancer
  1. Contains all known forms of light
  2. Has no dangers
  3. The only light humans can see
  4. Measures how many waves pass by a point in one second
  5. Rays Sterilize medical equipment
  6. Has the longest wavelength

12 Clues: Has no dangersDamage to eyesUsed for cookingHow light is measuredCan cause skin cancerCell death at high dosesHas the highest frequencyHas the longest wavelengthThe only light humans can seeRays Sterilize medical equipmentContains all known forms of lightMeasures how many waves pass by a point in one second

Physics 2024-10-23

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. an amount of space between two things
  2. measurement of amount of matter
  3. increase in the rate or speed of something
  4. speed in a given direction
  5. holds something down by placing a heavy object on top of it
  1. force a net force that is not zero causes acceleration
  2. change in distance over time
  3. a force that resists the motion
  4. force that act on all objects with mass
  5. Object tensense the resit change in motion
  6. force total of all forces
  7. push or pull

12 Clues: push or pullspeed in a given directionchange in distance over timeforce total of all forcesa force that resists the motionmeasurement of amount of matteran amount of space between two thingsforce that act on all objects with massObject tensense the resit change in motionincrease in the rate or speed of something...

Le Materie 2024-05-03

Le Materie crossword puzzle
  1. tech
  2. IT
  3. religious education
  4. musica
  5. PE
  6. geografia
  7. fisica
  8. latino
  9. matematica
  1. history
  2. ancient greek
  3. Foreign language
  4. science
  5. art
  6. inglese
  7. chemistry
  8. Italian

17 Clues: ITPEarttechmusicafisicalatinohistoryscienceingleseItalianchemistrygeografiamatematicaancient greekForeign languagereligious education

At school 2014-01-22

At school crossword puzzle
  1. Koridors
  2. Informātika
  3. Matemātika
  4. Ekonomika
  5. Krievu valoda
  6. Ģeogrāfija
  7. Vācu valoda
  1. Bibliotēka
  2. Skolas forma
  3. Mācību grāmata
  4. Ķīmija
  5. Mūzika
  6. Fizika
  7. Angļu valoda
  8. skolotājs
  9. Ēdnīca
  10. Kāpnes
  11. Sporta zāle
  12. Vēsture

19 Clues: ĶīmijaMūzikaFizikaĒdnīcaKāpnesVēstureKoridorsEkonomikaskolotājsBibliotēkaMatemātikaĢeogrāfijaInformātikaSporta zāleVācu valodaSkolas formaAngļu valodaKrievu valodaMācību grāmata

en la clase vocabulario 2019-11-11

en la clase vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. class
  3. student
  4. calculus
  5. science
  6. music
  7. geography
  8. male teacher
  9. spanish
  10. history
  11. french
  12. band
  13. chemistry
  1. math
  2. fisica
  3. health
  4. english
  5. geometry
  6. biology
  7. algebra
  8. chorus
  9. female teacher
  10. physics

23 Clues: artmathbandclassmusicfisicahealthchorusfrenchstudentenglishsciencebiologyspanishalgebrahistoryphysicscalculusgeometrygeographychemistrymale teacherfemale teacher

Class 4 2024-03-04

Class 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Matéria
  2. Feio
  3. Com fome
  4. Com sede
  5. Ciência
  6. Aula
  7. Bravo
  8. Ultimo
  9. Primeiro
  10. Antigo
  11. Esse
  1. Ocupado
  2. Aquele
  3. Física
  4. Feliz
  5. Pequeno
  6. Novo
  7. Ingles
  8. Chateado
  9. Grande
  10. Triste
  11. Pronto
  12. Cansado

23 Clues: FeioNovoAulaEsseFelizBravoAqueleFísicaInglesGrandeTristeProntoUltimoAntigoOcupadoMatériaPequenoCiênciaCansadoCom fomeCom sedeChateadoPrimeiro

科目 Subjects of School 2012-05-27

科目   Subjects of School crossword puzzle
  1. Chinese
  2. History
  3. Mathematics
  4. Music
  5. Design & Technology
  6. English
  7. Physics
  8. French
  9. Drama
  1. Science
  2. Arts
  3. Chemistry
  4. Geography
  5. Biology
  6. Computer
  7. Physical Education

16 Clues: ArtsMusicDramaFrenchScienceChineseHistoryBiologyEnglishPhysicsComputerChemistryGeographyMathematicsPhysical EducationDesign & Technology

German choice 2023-01-25

German choice crossword puzzle
  1. Greek
  2. math
  3. art
  4. science
  5. history
  1. chemistry
  2. computerscience
  3. Italian
  4. latin
  5. economics
  6. German
  7. French
  8. physics
  9. Rotc
  10. languages

15 Clues: artmathRotcGreeklatinGermanFrenchItalianphysicssciencehistorychemistryeconomicslanguagescomputerscience


PHYSICSSCIENCE crossword puzzle
  1. equinoxes
  2. velocity
  3. aristotle
  4. graphingmotion
  5. distance
  6. tychobrahe
  7. acceleration
  1. universe
  2. speedometer
  3. vector
  4. velocitytimegraph
  5. models
  6. nicolauscopernicus
  7. johanneskepler
  8. diurnalmotion

15 Clues: vectormodelsuniversevelocitydistanceequinoxesaristotletychobrahespeedometeraccelerationdiurnalmotionjohanneskeplergraphingmotionvelocitytimegraphnicolauscopernicus

Deutsch Kapitel 6 2024-02-14

Deutsch Kapitel 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Samstag
  2. Donnerstag
  3. Musik
  4. Franzosisch
  5. Geografie
  6. Physik
  7. Mittwoch
  1. Freitag
  2. Chemie
  3. Kunst
  4. Montag
  5. Englisch
  6. Haben
  7. Geschichte
  8. Latein

15 Clues: KunstMusikHabenChemieMontagLateinPhysikFreitagSamstagEnglischMittwochGeografieDonnerstagGeschichteFranzosisch

Technology 2024-12-29

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. a
  2. b
  3. k
  4. l
  5. e
  6. c
  7. m
  8. g
  9. n
  10. f
  1. o
  2. d
  3. h
  4. j
  5. i

15 Clues: oadhbkljecmignf

Technology 2024-12-29

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. e
  2. d
  3. h
  4. b
  5. c
  6. n
  7. l
  1. i
  2. j
  3. g
  4. k
  5. a
  6. o
  7. f
  8. m

15 Clues: ijegdkhaobcfnml

2-A Tú día en la escuela 2013-03-19

2-A Tú día en la escuela crossword puzzle
  1. spanish
  2. physics
  3. computer science
  4. science
  5. geology
  6. biology
  7. music
  8. chemistry
  9. english
  10. languages
  1. home economics
  2. physical education
  3. health
  4. calculus
  5. social studies
  6. mathematics
  7. french
  8. geometry
  9. history
  10. algebra
  11. band

21 Clues: bandmusichealthfrenchspanishphysicssciencehistoryalgebrageologybiologyenglishcalculusgeometrychemistrylanguagesmathematicshome economicssocial studiescomputer sciencephysical education

Die Schulfächer 2021-10-19

Die Schulfächer crossword puzzle
  1. Art
  2. Religious Education
  3. Natural Sciences
  4. German
  5. Biology
  6. Class
  7. Period
  8. Recess
  9. Spanish
  10. Math
  11. Social Studies
  1. Computer Science
  2. History
  3. French
  4. English
  5. Physics
  6. Schedule
  7. PE/Gym
  8. Geography
  9. Chemistry
  10. Music

21 Clues: ArtMathClassMusicFrenchGermanPE/GymPeriodRecessHistoryEnglishPhysicsBiologySpanishScheduleGeographyChemistrySocial StudiesComputer ScienceNatural SciencesReligious Education

France 2022-05-09

France crossword puzzle
  1. French
  2. computer science
  3. physics
  4. science
  5. history
  6. languages
  7. biology
  8. German
  9. intelligent
  10. plastiques art
  1. chemistry
  2. hard
  3. math
  4. music
  5. funny
  6. easy
  7. english
  8. interesting
  9. spanish
  10. energetic
  11. school subjects

21 Clues: hardmatheasymusicfunnyFrenchGermanenglishspanishphysicssciencehistorybiologychemistryenergeticlanguagesinterestingintelligentplastiques artschool subjectscomputer science

Spanish school supplies 2021-04-15

Spanish school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. backpack
  2. book
  3. spanish
  4. test
  5. male teacher
  6. biology
  7. math
  8. library
  9. physics
  10. stadium
  1. female teacher
  2. history
  3. desk
  4. window
  5. male/female student
  6. english
  7. science
  8. computer science
  9. music
  10. art

20 Clues: artbookdesktestmathmusicwindowhistoryspanishenglishbiologysciencelibraryphysicsstadiumbackpackmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

Unit 2 words! 2020-10-04

Unit 2 words! crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. exam
  3. pen
  4. stadium
  5. schedule
  6. art
  7. homework
  8. Spanish
  9. class
  10. physics
  11. house
  12. quiz
  1. chalk
  2. sciences
  3. chair
  4. library
  5. clock
  6. window
  7. paper
  8. course
  9. map
  10. trimester
  11. school

23 Clues: penartmapbookexamquizchalkchairclockpaperclasshousewindowcourseschoolstadiumlibrarySpanishphysicssciencesschedulehomeworktrimester


BIG BANG CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  9. RAJ'S DOG


Branches of Physics 2021-05-28

Branches of Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Study of the internal structures and properties of solids
  2. Study of the motion and forces that produce motion
  3. Study of the structure, properties and reactions of the atomic nucleus
  4. Study of space, stars and planets
  5. Application of physical methods to solve problems in biology
  6. Study of the physical properties of highly ionized atoms
  1. Study of the motion and interactions of sub-atomic particles
  2. Study of charges and the associated forces and fields
  3. Study of the structure and properties of the atom

9 Clues: Study of space, stars and planetsStudy of the structure and properties of the atomStudy of the motion and forces that produce motionStudy of charges and the associated forces and fieldsStudy of the physical properties of highly ionized atomsStudy of the internal structures and properties of solids...

physics 2021-05-20

physics crossword puzzle
  1. the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.
  2. reduction in speed or rate
  3. having a wavelength greater than the red light of the invisible light spectrum
  4. having a wavelength shorter than that of the violet end of the visible spectrum
  5. the action or process of moving or being moved
  6. strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.
  1. the SI unit of length
  2. increase in the rate or speed of something
  3. the third letter of the Greek alphabet
  4. the rate at which something is going to move
  5. an amount of space between two things or people
  6. the forth letter of the Greek alphabet

12 Clues: the SI unit of lengthreduction in speed or ratethe third letter of the Greek alphabetthe forth letter of the Greek alphabetincrease in the rate or speed of somethingthe rate at which something is going to movethe action or process of moving or being movedan amount of space between two things or people...

Physics 2020-06-14

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. / A vector quantity has both magnitude and ___ while a scalar has only magnitude.
  2. / Energy is the ability to do ___.
  3. / ___ provides the centripetal force needed to allow a car to turn a corner.
  4. / If a variable frequency ac source is connected to a capacitor then with decrease in frequency the displacement current will
  5. / 10 cm is a wavelength corresponding to the spectrum of
  6. field / From Maxwell’s hypothesis, a charging electric field gives rise to
  1. / The waves used by artificial satellites for communication is
  2. / Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature is evident by
  3. / The "American" unit of power is ___.
  4. / The metric unit of power is the ___.
  5. rays / The structure of solids is investigated by using
  6. / The value of the acceleration of an object moving at constant velocity is ___.
  7. / ___ keeps the planets in their orbits.

13 Clues: / Energy is the ability to do ___./ The "American" unit of power is ___./ The metric unit of power is the ___./ ___ keeps the planets in their orbits.rays / The structure of solids is investigated by using/ 10 cm is a wavelength corresponding to the spectrum of/ The waves used by artificial satellites for communication is...

Physics 2021-01-01

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. A semiconductor has generally ______ valence electrons.
  2. The electric field lines for an electric dipole emerge from ______ charge.
  3. In transformer, the core is made up of soft iron in order to pass the maximum __________________.
  4. The photoelectric emission could be explained by the ________ nature of line.
  5. When a pure semiconductor is heated, its resistance ____________.
  6. The metal detector works on the principle of _________ in an a.c. circuit.
  1. The ______ to the magnetic field lines at any point gives the direction of the magnetic field at that point.
  2. The ratio of electric flux density to electric field intensity is known as _______.
  3. In a cyclotron the charged particles move along a _______ path under the action of a perpendicular magnetic field.
  4. In electromagnetic induction, the induced e.m.f. in a coil is independent of _________ of the circuit.
  5. Dispersion of light is caused due to dependence of its speed on ___________.
  6. Photoelectric current depends on ________ of incident light.

12 Clues: A semiconductor has generally ______ valence electrons.Photoelectric current depends on ________ of incident light.When a pure semiconductor is heated, its resistance ____________.The electric field lines for an electric dipole emerge from ______ charge.The metal detector works on the principle of _________ in an a.c. circuit....

physics 2021-08-29

physics crossword puzzle
  1. change in position/the time
  2. the amount of spance between two things
  3. rate of chang eof velocity
  4. described by magnitude and direction
  5. a set of coordinates used to determine positions and velocites
  6. change in distance/the change in time
  7. an object moving in straight lines
  1. the object overall change in position
  2. continuous function od time and acceleration at any specific time during the motion
  3. how fast an object is moving
  4. described by magnitude
  5. significance of size of something

12 Clues: described by magnituderate of chang eof velocitychange in position/the timehow fast an object is movingsignificance of size of somethingan object moving in straight linesdescribed by magnitude and directionthe object overall change in positionchange in distance/the change in timethe amount of spance between two things...

PHYSICS 2021-10-03

PHYSICS crossword puzzle
  1. inversely to pressure
  2. opposed caloric theory
  3. wightless fluid
  4. transfer from hot to cold
  5. measure hotness to coldness
  6. change in size on heating
  7. movement of particle
  1. related to temperature
  2. expansion in volume
  3. directly to temperature
  4. uniform change with change of temperature
  5. expansion in length of soild

12 Clues: wightless fluidexpansion in volumemovement of particleinversely to pressurerelated to temperatureopposed caloric theorydirectly to temperaturetransfer from hot to coldchange in size on heatingmeasure hotness to coldnessexpansion in length of soilduniform change with change of temperature

Physics 2021-03-31

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. SI unit of speed
  2. Horizontal line on a graph
  3. change in velocity
  4. SI unit of acceleration
  5. vertical line on a graph
  6. measure of how far a object traveled
  1. study of motion and energy
  2. change in position
  3. slowing down
  4. SI unit of distance
  5. Representational of date
  6. measure of distance over time

12 Clues: slowing downSI unit of speedchange in positionchange in velocitySI unit of distanceSI unit of accelerationRepresentational of datevertical line on a graphstudy of motion and energyHorizontal line on a graphmeasure of distance over timemeasure of how far a object traveled

Physics 2013-06-04

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. An atom with a charge
  2. Type of wave that can move through an empty space
  3. The speed with direction
  4. Measures amps
  5. adds energy to something
  6. The energy of movement
  1. Number of neutrons and protons
  2. Type of wave that needs particles to move through
  3. Without charge
  4. Heat transfer in a solid
  5. The unit for wavelengths
  6. Unit of energy

12 Clues: Measures ampsWithout chargeUnit of energyAn atom with a chargeThe energy of movementHeat transfer in a solidThe unit for wavelengthsThe speed with directionadds energy to somethingNumber of neutrons and protonsType of wave that needs particles to move throughType of wave that can move through an empty space

Physics 2013-05-12

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the ratio of the rise to the run of a line on a graph
  2. a quantity that includes both a magnitude (size) and a direction
  3. describes the size component of a vector
  4. a push or pull, or any action that is able to change motion
  5. a force that resists the motion of objects or surfaces
  6. the motion of one object around another caused by gravitational force
  1. the distance an object travels divided by the time it takes
  2. the location of an object compared to a reference point
  3. the rate of change of velocity
  4. speed with direction
  5. a fixed reference point
  6. the property of an object that resists changes in its motion

12 Clues: speed with directiona fixed reference pointthe rate of change of velocitydescribes the size component of a vectorthe ratio of the rise to the run of a line on a grapha force that resists the motion of objects or surfacesthe location of an object compared to a reference pointthe distance an object travels divided by the time it takes...

Physics 2016-04-20

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. What can we observe when plannets maving away from us
  2. Our Sun lies on the _____ of the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
  3. The derivative of velocity
  4. Scientist who stated that "Every point on a wave-front may be considered a source of secondary spherical wavelets"
  5. The base unit of electric current
  1. The place in space where even light cannot escape
  2. Number of complete cycles per second
  3. The science of origin, evalution of the universe
  4. Force of attraction that holds people to stay on the Earth
  5. The synonym of this word can be electric potential difference
  6. Wave that was made by two progressive waves with the same frequency, amplitude travelling in opposite directions
  7. The flow of the electric chage

12 Clues: The derivative of velocityThe flow of the electric chageThe base unit of electric currentNumber of complete cycles per secondThe science of origin, evalution of the universeThe place in space where even light cannot escapeWhat can we observe when plannets maving away from usForce of attraction that holds people to stay on the Earth...

Physics 2021-12-03

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. electricity,imbalance between negative and positive charges (17)
  2. unit that measures energy (5)
  3. particle with a negative charge (8)
  4. that allows electric current to pass through it (9)
  5. unit of matter (4)
  6. used to measure voltage (9)
  1. that converts chemical energy to electric energy kinetic,Energy a type of energy possessed by the body due to its motion (13)
  2. of Power (4)
  3. elementary particle that is identical to the nucleus of the hydrogen atom (6)
  4. device that resists the flow of current in a circuit (8)
  5. device that measures current in a circuit (7)
  6. device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy (5)

12 Clues: of Power (4)unit of matter (4)used to measure voltage (9)unit that measures energy (5)particle with a negative charge (8)device that measures current in a circuit (7)that allows electric current to pass through it (9)device that resists the flow of current in a circuit (8)device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy (5)...

Physics 2023-08-13

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Force that acts between all masses in the universe.
  2. The magnitude of speed, and direction of motion.
  3. The force exerted by a surface as an object moves across it.
  4. The product of mass and acceleration.
  5. Newton's famous law stating F = ma.
  6. The tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion.
  7. Amount of matter in an object.
  1. Newton's famous law stating : Acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it.
  2. Unit of force in the International System of Units (SI).
  3. An Acceleration that keeps objects in circular motion.
  4. Force exerted by a stretched or compressed spring.
  5. The Study of motion

12 Clues: The Study of motionAmount of matter in an object.Newton's famous law stating F = ma.The product of mass and acceleration.The magnitude of speed, and direction of motion.Force exerted by a stretched or compressed spring.Force that acts between all masses in the universe.An Acceleration that keeps objects in circular motion....

physics 2024-05-20

physics crossword puzzle
  1. the number of times the pendulum oscillates each sound
  2. Rate in which velocity speeds up, slowing down, changing direction
  3. the shortest distance between start and finish
  4. one wave that travels through a medium
  5. A push or pull
  1. are points of the greatest amplitude
  2. Energy the energy of motion
  3. how fast you are going and which d
  4. points where the string does not move
  5. A property of matter that continues its existing state
  6. the change in momentum
  7. the rate at which work is done

12 Clues: A push or pullthe change in momentumEnergy the energy of motionthe rate at which work is donehow fast you are going and which dare points of the greatest amplitudepoints where the string does not moveone wave that travels through a mediumthe shortest distance between start and finishthe number of times the pendulum oscillates each sound...

Physics 2024-04-26

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. The rate at which velocity changes
  2. the speed and direction in which an object is moving
  3. the rate at which an object si moving at agiven moment in time.
  4. the ratio of the distance an object moves to the amount of time the object moves.
  5. a movement ni relation to a frame of reference.
  6. total distance traveled divided by the time it takes to travel that distance
  7. acceleration due to change in speed
  1. a steady change in velocity.
  2. a system of objects that are not moving with respect to one another.
  3. the direction from the starting point and the length of a straight line from the starting point to the ending point.
  4. a quantity that has magnitude and direction.
  5. the length of a path between two points.

12 Clues: a steady change in velocity.The rate at which velocity changesacceleration due to change in speedthe length of a path between two points.a quantity that has magnitude and direction.a movement ni relation to a frame of reference.the speed and direction in which an object is movingthe rate at which an object si moving at agiven moment in time....

Physics 2024-10-22

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. When the position of an object changes, relative to another
  2. The measure of how fast or slow an object is moving
  3. Speed in a given direction
  4. Not equal forces that cause a change in motion
  5. A measurable period between actions
  6. Objects tendency to resist change in motion
  1. An attraction force that exists between all objects that have mass
  2. The push or pull of an object
  3. equal forces that have either no motion or equal motionD
  4. The amount of space between two objects
  5. The change in velocity over time
  6. A force that resists the motion of two surfaces that have a touching

12 Clues: Speed in a given directionThe push or pull of an objectThe change in velocity over timeA measurable period between actionsThe amount of space between two objectsObjects tendency to resist change in motionNot equal forces that cause a change in motionThe measure of how fast or slow an object is moving...

physics 2024-10-30

physics crossword puzzle
  1. resultant-the vector combination of two or more single vectors
  2. fall- The falling motion of an objects without resistance under the influence of earth's gravity
  3. a form of computer graphics in which visual images are created directly from geometric shapes defined on a Cartesian plane
  4. speed-the speed of an object at any particular moment in time.
  5. A vector quantity that is the time derivative of velocity
  6. a measure of how much distance an object travels in a specified amount of time
  1. a measure of how much an object's position changes in a specified amount of time
  2. speed- the total distance traveled by the object divided by the elapsed time to cover that distance.
  3. the motion of one object with respect to another object.
  4. having only magnitude, not direction.
  5. component- the components along the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis respectively.
  6. Rate of change
  7. time- the amount of time that passes from the start of an event to its finish.

13 Clues: Rate of changehaving only magnitude, not direction.the motion of one object with respect to another object.A vector quantity that is the time derivative of velocityresultant-the vector combination of two or more single vectorsspeed-the speed of an object at any particular moment in time....

Mein Lieblingsfach 2020-03-30

Mein Lieblingsfach crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. P.E.
  3. Geography
  4. interesting
  5. Biology
  6. R.E.
  7. French
  8. Art
  9. D.T.
  10. useful
  11. Spanish
  12. Chemistry
  13. History
  14. Maths
  1. useless
  2. difficult
  3. complicated
  4. Drama
  5. Science
  6. fascinating
  7. English
  8. easy
  9. German
  10. Physics

24 Clues: ArtP.E.easyR.E.D.T.MusicDramaMathsFrenchGermanusefuluselessScienceEnglishBiologySpanishPhysicsHistorydifficultGeographyChemistrycomplicatedfascinatinginteresting