physics Crossword Puzzles

Chapter 2 Spanish Crossword 2020-10-06

Chapter 2 Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. humanities
  2. art
  3. course
  4. schedule
  5. biology
  6. sciences
  7. English
  8. semester
  9. music
  10. computer science
  11. homework
  1. geography
  2. quiz
  3. library
  4. psychology
  5. accounting
  6. history
  7. Spanish
  8. class
  9. physics
  10. journalism
  11. economics

22 Clues: artquizclassmusiccourselibrarybiologyhistorySpanishEnglishphysicsschedulesciencessemesterhomeworkgeographyeconomicshumanitiespsychologyaccountingjournalismcomputer science

Spanish Vocab 2020-10-07

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. quiz
  2. schedule
  3. trimester;quarter
  4. spanish
  5. labatory
  6. music
  7. acounting
  8. class
  9. classmate
  1. course
  2. university;college
  3. art
  4. sciences
  5. home;house
  6. homework
  7. library
  8. stadium
  9. physics
  10. semester
  11. test;exam

20 Clues: artquizmusicclasscourselibraryspanishstadiumphysicsschedulescienceshomeworklabatorysemesteracountingclassmatetest;examhome;housetrimester;quarteruniversity;college

Schoolsubjects06112020 2020-11-06

Schoolsubjects06112020 crossword puzzle
  1. fyzika
  2. guma
  3. tabule
  4. dějepis
  5. přestávka
  6. nástěnka
  7. zeměpis
  8. semestr, pololetí
  9. pravítko, panovník
  10. svačina
  1. předmět
  2. chodba
  3. učebnice
  4. zařízení, vybavení
  5. věda
  6. biologie
  7. školní jídelna
  8. soukromý
  9. budova
  10. tělocvična

20 Clues: gumavědafyzikachodbatabulebudovapředmětdějepiszeměpissvačinaučebnicebiologiesoukromýnástěnkapřestávkatělocvičnaškolní jídelnasemestr, pololetízařízení, vybavenípravítko, panovník

unit 10 2020-11-18

unit 10 crossword puzzle
  1. matek
  2. felfedez
  3. kalapács
  4. választás
  5. hozzáállás
  6. eldobható
  7. golyóálló mellény (3 szó)
  8. tervez
  9. bizonyitvány
  10. kíváncsi
  1. találmány
  2. rendetlen, szétszort
  3. fizika
  4. regény
  5. osztályzatok
  6. viselkedés
  7. kötelező
  8. anyag
  9. pelenka
  10. összezavar

20 Clues: matekanyagfizikaregénytervezpelenkafelfedezkalapácskötelezőkíváncsitalálmányválasztáseldobhatóviselkedéshozzáállásösszezavarosztályzatokbizonyitványrendetlen, szétszortgolyóálló mellény (3 szó)

3D My School 2021-01-11

3D My School crossword puzzle
  1. osztály
  2. állampolgári ismeretek
  3. technika
  4. biológia
  5. szünet
  6. hittan
  7. rajz
  8. fizika
  9. órarend
  1. ének-zene
  2. informatika
  3. francia
  4. gyűlés
  5. természettudomány
  6. történelem
  7. regisztráció
  8. angol
  9. kémia
  10. félév
  11. testnevelés
  12. ebéd

21 Clues: rajzebédangolkémiafélévgyűlésszünethittanfizikafranciaosztályórarendtechnikabiológiaének-zenetörténeleminformatikatestnevelésregisztrációtermészettudományállampolgári ismeretek

School subjects crossword 2023-02-21

School subjects crossword crossword puzzle
  1. středa
  2. angličtina
  3. matematika
  4. čeština
  5. chemie
  6. zeměpis
  7. informatika
  8. výtvarná výchova
  9. úterý
  10. dějepis
  11. pátek
  12. neděle
  1. náboženství
  2. hudební výchova
  3. fyzika
  4. domácí ekonomika
  5. sobota
  6. pondělí
  7. tělocvik
  8. přírodopis
  9. čtvrtek

21 Clues: úterýpátekstředafyzikasobotachemienedělečeštinapondělízeměpisčtvrtekdějepistělocvikangličtinamatematikapřírodopisnáboženstvíinformatikahudební výchovadomácí ekonomikavýtvarná výchova

Finland? Where's that? 2014-11-12

Finland? Where's that? crossword puzzle
  1. pääkaupunki
  2. kuvataide
  3. ongelma
  4. vempain
  5. nykyaikainen
  6. luokka
  7. maantieto
  8. uskoa
  9. puhua
  10. hampaat
  11. luulla/arvata
  12. sairaana
  1. biologia
  2. käsityöt
  3. matematiikka
  4. kartta
  5. kemia
  6. mielenkiintoinen
  7. missään
  8. fysiikka
  9. historia
  10. musiikki

22 Clues: kemiauskoapuhuakarttaluokkaongelmavempainmissäänhampaatbiologiakäsityötfysiikkahistoriamusiikkisairaanakuvataidemaantietopääkaupunkimatematiikkanykyaikainenluulla/arvatamielenkiintoinen

Education Vocabulary 2016-02-10

Education Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. biologia
  2. wykład
  3. język
  4. ocena
  5. kapela
  6. chemia
  7. literatura
  8. stypendium
  9. badania
  10. seminarium
  11. sztuka
  1. tytuł
  2. kolegium
  3. absolwent
  4. przejść
  5. klasa
  6. program nauczania
  7. geografia
  8. łacina
  9. teza
  10. orkiestra
  11. zadanie
  12. nauka
  13. fizyka

24 Clues: tezatytułjęzykocenaklasanaukawykładkapelachemiałacinafizykasztukaprzejśćzadaniebadaniakolegiumbiologiaabsolwentgeografiaorkiestraliteraturastypendiumseminariumprogram nauczania

Chapter 4 Vocab French 1 2022-03-25

Chapter 4 Vocab French 1 crossword puzzle
  1. pen
  2. morning
  3. dismissal
  4. orange
  5. binder
  6. German
  7. pencil
  8. biology
  9. history
  10. red
  1. physics
  2. black
  3. green
  4. week
  5. now
  6. computer science
  7. chemistry
  8. sneakers
  9. pencil case
  10. evening
  11. day

21 Clues: pennowdayredweekblackgreenorangebinderGermanpencilphysicsmorningbiologyeveninghistorysneakersdismissalchemistrypencil casecomputer science

Bloggers 2, U0/A vocabularies 2021-11-23

Bloggers 2, U0/A vocabularies crossword puzzle
  1. příjemný
  2. HV
  3. Ch
  4. vybavení, zařízení
  5. tělocvična
  6. pokus
  7. spolužák
  8. přírodní vědy
  9. D
  10. VV
  11. hřiště
  1. M
  2. prostředí
  3. občanka
  4. knihovna
  5. ČJ
  6. AJ
  7. F
  8. vzdělání
  9. Z

21 Clues: MFZDHVChČJAJVVpokushřištěobčankapříjemnýknihovnavzděláníspolužákprostředítělocvičnapřírodní vědyvybavení, zařízení

School stuff (German edition!) 2024-03-29

School stuff (German edition!) crossword puzzle
  1. ruler
  2. economics
  3. physics
  4. colored-pencil
  5. biology
  6. pencil-case
  7. schedule
  8. ethics
  9. break
  10. geography
  1. politics
  2. history
  3. binder
  4. computer-science
  5. notebook
  6. social-studies
  7. school-supplies
  8. math
  9. chemistry
  10. art

20 Clues: artmathrulerbreakbinderethicshistoryphysicsbiologypoliticsnotebookscheduleeconomicschemistrygeographypencil-casecolored-pencilsocial-studiesschool-suppliescomputer-science

Who did what and when crossword 2021-12-20

Who did what and when crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what degree did Heisenburg receive in 1923
  2. what are hardons holding a fraction of charge called
  3. who organized the atoms for peace conference in 1955
  4. what idea is that things may have dual nature, but we can only experience one aspect at a time
  5. Heisenburg discovered you could measure position and what other thing of an electron
  6. what principle is used to measure properties of an electron
  7. which scientist became professor at the University of Gottinburg
  8. which son of bohr followed in his footsteps
  1. what noble prize did Murray win in 1969
  2. what type of system did heisenburg apply to atomic physics
  3. Bohr founded the institute for what type of physics
  4. which scientist entered Yale at 15
  5. where did Murray obtain his PhD
  6. Bohr discovered what existed at at set levels or energy
  7. how many families did Murray separate particles into

15 Clues: where did Murray obtain his PhDwhich scientist entered Yale at 15what noble prize did Murray win in 1969what degree did Heisenburg receive in 1923which son of bohr followed in his footstepsBohr founded the institute for what type of physicswhat are hardons holding a fraction of charge calledwho organized the atoms for peace conference in 1955...

classes and school supply 2021-04-15

classes and school supply crossword puzzle
  1. homework
  2. science
  3. backback
  4. maleteacher
  5. spanish
  6. window
  7. history
  8. english
  1. library
  2. computerscience
  3. physics
  4. enlgish
  5. femaleteacher
  6. bool
  7. stadium
  8. test
  9. art

17 Clues: artbooltestwindowlibraryphysicsenlgishsciencespanishstadiumhistoryenglishhomeworkbackbackmaleteacherfemaleteachercomputerscience

Spanish 2021-11-09

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. House
  2. Eraser
  3. Semester
  4. Accounting
  5. Wastebasket
  6. Chalk
  7. Map
  8. Physics
  9. Blackboard
  10. Desk
  1. Calculator
  2. Book
  3. Stadium
  4. Table
  5. Pen
  6. Backpack
  7. Chair

17 Clues: PenMapBookDeskHouseTableChalkChairEraserStadiumPhysicsSemesterBackpackCalculatorAccountingBlackboardWastebasket

Physics Chapter 1 Key Terms_Ellen Bae 2021-08-31

Physics Chapter 1 Key Terms_Ellen Bae crossword puzzle
  1. as distinguished from classical physics, all revolutionary discoveries in physics made since approximately 1900
  2. the commonly used term for describing what scientists do
  3. all scientific observations that are subject to interpretation according to the governing scientific paradigm a set of assumptions, concepts, values, beliefs, and practices that controls the way a person or a group of persons perceives some aspect of reality
  4. the body of scientific knowledge acquired by methods of investigation that involve real-time observations of present-day phenomenon or records of first-person observations of events in the past
  5. an assumption one derives from his worldview when making a decision about the validity of a stated fact
  6. research based on four things
  7. of or having to do with a dimension of a system
  8. science which depends on present-day observations or experiments
  9. the study of the sources and utilization of heat, and its conversion to other forms of energy
  1. the body of scientific knowledge acquired by making inferences about events and processes in the past, based observations of evidence in the present
  2. the study of the motion of macroscopic objects
  3. the field of study involving any aspect of electricity and magnetism
  4. empirical science that is done in response to God's commandment to exercise dominion over the earth
  5. defining something by specifying certain tests that an object or phenomenon must meet rather than by using simpler or more fundamental terms
  6. a systematic process for solving a scientific problem or presenting an explanation for a phenomenon
  7. a review of a scientific paper by qualified scientists working in the area of the reported work in order to offer critical comments, suggest corrections, and to ensure that the highest standards of scientific research are followed
  8. physics that is based upon the three major areas of mechanics, electrodynamics, and thermodynamics
  9. a deliberate application of the senses to a phenomenon, with or without the aid of instruments
  10. a statement describing a consistent relationship among physical quantities in nature

19 Clues: research based on four thingsthe study of the motion of macroscopic objectsof or having to do with a dimension of a systemthe commonly used term for describing what scientists doscience which depends on present-day observations or experimentsthe field of study involving any aspect of electricity and magnetism...

PHYSICS FUN 2013-09-05

PHYSICS FUN crossword puzzle
  1. explosive beginning of what exists
  2. based on a limiting velocity of light
  3. force between charges
  4. most famous physicist
  5. when the sun blocks light from stars
  6. they number four in relativity
  7. physics about minute particles very close
  8. smallest quantities of light
  1. what Isaac Newton derived equations about
  2. sort of waves permeating our universe
  3. conjectured about by Stephen Hawking
  4. all of the galaxies combined
  5. very important mathematics used in physics
  6. pathways between different periods of time
  7. more complicated than Albert's Special
  8. charge opposite to a negative charge
  9. he collected equations about electromagnetism

17 Clues: force between chargesmost famous physicistall of the galaxies combinedsmallest quantities of lightthey number four in relativityexplosive beginning of what existsconjectured about by Stephen Hawkingwhen the sun blocks light from starscharge opposite to a negative chargesort of waves permeating our universebased on a limiting velocity of light...

Regents Physics with R 2024-12-20

Regents Physics with R crossword puzzle
  1. our force roadmap
  2. time is nowhere in sight
  3. proportional to the velocity of an object squared
  4. much algebra needed for this formula
  5. work done against friction
  6. your favorite physics teacher is
  7. when you need to relax
  8. strikes fear into student’s hearts at the start of the band
  9. on your schedule next year
  10. what the students ask everyday
  11. acceleration proportional to vector sum of the forces
  12. how to illustrate the sum of vector quantities
  1. part of the MKS system of units
  2. opposes motion
  3. the amount of work done by centripetal forces
  4. super secret formula
  5. the rate at which the energy of a system changes
  6. increases with stretch or compression distance
  7. when the initial and final values align
  8. the universal gravitational constant
  9. a push or pull
  10. when you have a question at night
  11. causes an object to move in a circle
  12. what you get when you measure your weight
  13. the net force is equal to the weight
  14. helps you remember physics stuff
  15. the area on a displacement vs time graph
  16. its always the unit's fault
  17. helps you quantify physics stuff

29 Clues: opposes motiona push or pullour force roadmapsuper secret formulawhen you need to relaxtime is nowhere in sightwork done against frictionon your schedule next yearits always the unit's faultwhat the students ask everydaypart of the MKS system of unitsyour favorite physics teacher ishelps you remember physics stuffhelps you quantify physics stuff...

Indian Nobel Laureates 2014-06-25

Indian Nobel Laureates crossword puzzle
  1. in Peace 1979
  2. in Physics 1983
  3. in Medicine 1902
  4. in Economic Sciences 1998
  5. in Literature 2001
  6. in Literature 1907
  1. in Literature 1913
  2. in Medicine 1968
  3. in Chemistry 2009
  4. in Physics 1930

10 Clues: in Peace 1979in Physics 1983in Physics 1930in Medicine 1968in Medicine 1902in Chemistry 2009in Literature 1913in Literature 2001in Literature 1907in Economic Sciences 1998

Indian Nobel Laureates 2014-06-25

Indian Nobel Laureates crossword puzzle
  1. in Medicine 1968
  2. in Physics 1983
  3. in Literature 1913
  4. in Peace 1979
  1. in Chemistry 2009
  2. in Physics 1930
  3. in Literature 2001
  4. in Economic Sciences 1998
  5. in Literature 1907
  6. in Medicine 1902

10 Clues: in Peace 1979in Physics 1930in Physics 1983in Medicine 1968in Medicine 1902in Chemistry 2009in Literature 2001in Literature 1907in Literature 1913in Economic Sciences 1998

space 2022-04-26

space crossword puzzle
  1. Uranus
  2. surface
  3. Mars
  4. storm
  5. bright
  6. exoplanets
  1. Mars gas Uranus earth Neptune astronomy mercury physics exoplanets scientific solar system Jupiter bright Venus storm Saturn surface Pluto wind
  2. solar system
  3. wind
  4. Neptune
  5. mercury

11 Clues: windMarsstormUranusbrightsurfaceNeptunemercuryexoplanetssolar systemMars gas Uranus earth Neptune astronomy mercury physics exoplanets scientific solar system Jupiter bright Venus storm Saturn surface Pluto wind

Les Matières 2021-03-11

Les Matières crossword puzzle
  1. recess
  2. calculus
  3. business
  4. biology
  5. computer science
  6. chorus
  7. history
  8. geometry
  9. PE
  10. physics
  1. performing arts
  2. algebra
  3. geography
  4. fine arts
  5. drawing
  6. chemistry
  7. culinary arts
  8. band
  9. math

19 Clues: PEbandmathrecesschorusalgebradrawingbiologyhistoryphysicscalculusbusinessgeometrygeographyfine artschemistryculinary artsperforming artscomputer science

angol 2016-11-11

angol crossword puzzle
  1. testnevelés
  2. and thecnology technika
  3. angol
  4. francia
  5. történelem
  6. hittan
  7. matematika
  8. állampolgársági ismeretek
  9. informatika
  10. ajándék
  1. biológia
  2. fizika
  3. vastag
  4. földrajz
  5. kémia
  6. and dasing
  7. vékony
  8. ének-zene
  9. temészetismeret

19 Clues: angolkémiafizikavastagvékonyhittanfranciaajándékbiológiaföldrajzének-zeneand dasingtörténelemmatematikatestnevelésinformatikatemészetismeretand thecnology technikaállampolgársági ismeretek

Unit 8 School Subject Crossword 2018-07-17

Unit 8 School Subject Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. wénkè Spanish
  2. Art
  3. Math
  4. Seminary
  5. Driver’s Ed
  6. World History
  7. Science
  8. Computers
  9. Physics
  1. PE
  2. Music
  3. English
  4. Chemistry
  5. Biology
  6. Chinese
  7. American History
  8. Dance
  9. French
  10. Drama

19 Clues: PEArtMathMusicDanceDramaFrenchEnglishBiologyChineseSciencePhysicsSeminaryChemistryComputersDriver’s Edwénkè SpanishWorld HistoryAmerican History

TEACHER 2015-01-09

TEACHER crossword puzzle
  1. урок
  2. север
  3. архитектор
  4. промышленный
  5. химия
  6. лучший
  7. школьная форма
  8. худший
  1. юрист
  2. юг
  3. физика
  4. психология
  5. местоположение
  6. результат
  7. деревня
  8. домашняя работа
  9. биология
  10. размер

18 Clues: югурокюристсеверхимияфизикалучшийхудшийразмердеревнябиологиярезультатпсихологияархитекторпромышленныйместоположениешкольная формадомашняя работа

Physics 9 2023-08-28

Physics 9 crossword puzzle
  1. device needed for calculations
  2. The study of motion, energy and force
  3. force that pulls everything down to Earth
  4. Physics teacher's name
  5. unit of speed
  6. FHS mascot
  7. light and sound are both forms of this
  1. an electric car company and the unit for measuring magnetism
  2. # of classes each day
  3. __________ Einstein
  4. Principal's name
  5. Often called the "father of the atomic bomb". Movie premiered same day as Barbie
  6. science class you will take next year
  7. the grade you are in
  8. Isaac Newton has this many laws of motion
  9. Isaac ____________

16 Clues: FHS mascotunit of speedPrincipal's nameIsaac ______________________ Einsteinthe grade you are in# of classes each dayPhysics teacher's namedevice needed for calculationsThe study of motion, energy and forcescience class you will take next yearlight and sound are both forms of thisforce that pulls everything down to Earth...

People & Places is Education 2013-02-01

People & Places is Education crossword puzzle
  1. school
  2. private
  3. helper/aid
  4. nurse
  5. gym
  6. elementary
  7. librarian
  8. languages
  9. teacher
  10. tenth
  1. physics
  2. favorite
  3. auditorium
  4. student
  5. hallway
  6. history
  7. secondary
  8. locker
  9. laboratory
  10. italian
  11. difficult
  12. second

22 Clues: gymnursetenthschoollockersecondphysicsprivatestudenthallwayhistoryitalianteacherfavoritesecondarylibrariandifficultlanguageshelper/aidauditoriumelementarylaboratory

Las materias 2019-04-12

Las materias crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. History
  3. Music
  4. Science
  5. Literature
  6. Foreign Languages
  7. Spanish
  8. Biology
  9. Computer science
  10. Sociology
  11. Psychology
  12. Art
  13. Physics
  1. Geography
  2. Humanities
  3. Chemistry
  4. Mathematics
  5. Journalism
  6. Accounting
  7. Archaeology
  8. Economics

21 Clues: ArtMusicEnglishHistoryScienceSpanishBiologyPhysicsGeographyChemistrySociologyEconomicsHumanitiesLiteratureJournalismAccountingPsychologyMathematicsArchaeologyComputer scienceForeign Languages

Classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

Classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. library
  2. desk
  3. English
  4. backpack
  5. female student
  6. book
  7. window
  8. History
  9. stadium
  10. biology
  11. physics
  1. male student
  2. homework
  3. spanish
  4. test
  5. schedule
  6. female teacher
  7. art
  8. male teacher
  9. music

20 Clues: artdesktestbookmusicwindowlibraryspanishEnglishHistorystadiumbiologyphysicshomeworkschedulebackpackmale studentmale teacherfemale teacherfemale student

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. schedule
  2. english
  3. spanish
  4. physics
  5. desk
  6. library
  7. art
  8. window
  9. computer science
  1. male teacher
  2. history
  3. biology
  4. math
  5. stadium
  6. science
  7. backpack
  8. book
  9. test
  10. music
  11. male/female student

20 Clues: artmathdeskbooktestmusicwindowenglishhistoryspanishbiologystadiumsciencephysicslibraryschedulebackpackmale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

CH 3B 2022-05-02

CH 3B crossword puzzle
  1. funny
  2. math
  3. difficult
  4. french
  5. physics
  6. computing
  7. literature
  8. english
  9. chinese
  10. energetic
  11. autoshop
  1. woodshop
  2. arts
  3. music
  4. physical education
  5. geometry
  6. intelligent
  7. history
  8. interesting
  9. biology
  10. easy

21 Clues: artsmatheasyfunnymusicfrenchhistoryphysicsbiologyenglishchinesewoodshopgeometryautoshopdifficultcomputingenergeticliteratureintelligentinterestingphysical education

1-120 2023-01-08

1-120 crossword puzzle
  1. 예측
  2. 경제학
  3. 졸업
  4. 어린 시절
  5. 스위치
  6. 물리학
  7. 발명품
  8. 비율
  9. 지식
  10. 유치원
  11. 대기
  12. 윤리학
  1. 성격
  2. 중퇴자
  3. 흥분
  4. 신입생
  5. 화학
  6. 기쁨
  7. 위성
  8. 화학
  9. 후회
  10. 금속
  11. 증오심

23 Clues: 성격예측흥분졸업화학기쁨위성비율화학지식후회금속대기중퇴자경제학신입생스위치물리학발명품유치원윤리학증오심어린 시절

En LA CLASE 2024-08-28

En LA CLASE crossword puzzle
  1. primo
  2. fisica
  3. veinte
  4. examen
  5. padre
  6. estadio
  7. cafeteria
  8. laboratorio
  9. Biblioteca
  10. curso
  1. musica
  2. biologia
  3. ciencias
  4. tarea
  5. universidad
  6. abuelo
  7. casa
  8. clase
  9. hermano
  10. tiza
  11. arte
  12. diez

22 Clues: casatizaartediezprimotareapadreclasecursomusicafisicaveinteabueloexamenestadiohermanobiologiacienciascafeteriaBibliotecauniversidadlaboratorio

Stanislava Butova 2024-09-27

Stanislava Butova crossword puzzle
  1. Hudební Výchova
  2. Vzdělání
  3. Výtvarná Výchova
  4. Laboratoř
  5. Tělocvična
  6. Fyzika
  7. Chemie
  8. Angličtina
  9. Přírodopis
  10. Žák/ Žakyně
  1. Domácí úkol
  2. Čeština
  3. Zeměpis
  4. Pondělí
  5. přírodní vědy
  6. Jídelna
  7. Dějepis
  8. Matematika
  9. Knihovna
  10. Fotbal

20 Clues: FyzikaChemieFotbalČeštinaZeměpisPondělíJídelnaDějepisVzděláníKnihovnaLaboratořTělocvičnaMatematikaAngličtinaPřírodopisDomácí úkolŽák/ Žakyněpřírodní vědyHudební VýchovaVýtvarná Výchova

The Fascinating Gregor Mendel 2022-12-28

The Fascinating Gregor Mendel crossword puzzle
  1. law of _____ states alleles separate randomly
  2. laws of Mendelian _______
  3. where Mendel was born
  4. the disease that killed Mendel
  5. where Mendel studied philosophy
  6. occupation of Mendel's father
  7. where Mendel taught high school physics
  8. number of characteristics worked with on peas
  1. younger sister who gave Mendel her dowry
  2. now called genes
  3. where Mendel studied biology, chemistry, physics
  4. mendel's older sister
  5. name chosen by Mendel
  6. what Mendel did with yellow and green peas
  7. what most of Mendel's writings were about
  8. plant used for Mendel's most famous experiments
  9. where Mendel had a garden for his peas
  10. Mendel studied these before switching to

18 Clues: now called genesmendel's older sistername chosen by Mendelwhere Mendel was bornlaws of Mendelian _______occupation of Mendel's fatherthe disease that killed Mendelwhere Mendel studied philosophywhere Mendel had a garden for his peaswhere Mendel taught high school physicsyounger sister who gave Mendel her dowry...

I love english so much 2019-12-03

I love english so much crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. artanddesign
  3. designandtechnology
  4. religiouseducation
  5. matemaatika
  6. geography
  7. French
  8. Russian
  9. biology
  1. informationandcommunicationtechnology
  2. chemistry
  3. physicaleducation
  4. German
  5. history
  6. music
  7. economics
  8. füüsika

17 Clues: musicGermanFrenchEnglishhistoryRussianfüüsikabiologychemistryeconomicsgeographymatemaatikaartanddesignphysicaleducationreligiouseducationdesignandtechnologyinformationandcommunicationtechnology

I love english so much 2019-12-03

I love english so much crossword puzzle
  1. saksakeel
  2. bioloogia
  3. füüsika
  4. venekeel
  5. kehalinekasvatus
  6. informatsioonijakommunikatsioonitehnoloogia
  7. keemia
  8. inglisekeel
  1. usuõpetus
  2. majandus
  3. kunstjadisain
  4. kunstjatehnoloogia
  5. geograafia
  6. ajalugu
  7. muusika
  8. matemaatika
  9. prantsusekeel

17 Clues: keemiafüüsikaajalugumuusikamajandusvenekeelusuõpetussaksakeelbioloogiageograafiamatemaatikainglisekeelkunstjadisainprantsusekeelkehalinekasvatuskunstjatehnoloogiainformatsioonijakommunikatsioonitehnoloogia

Unit 5 Forces 2022-03-31

Unit 5 Forces crossword puzzle
  1. o
  2. d
  3. q
  4. r
  5. p
  6. h
  7. j
  8. c
  9. e
  1. k
  2. m
  3. n
  4. l
  5. b
  6. a
  7. t
  8. e
  9. i
  10. g

19 Clues: okdmqnrlpbateighjce

Subjects 2023-01-09

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. fizika
  2. magyar
  3. iskola
  4. diák
  5. angol
  6. rajz
  1. informatika
  2. tesi
  3. természettudomány
  4. szünet
  5. biológia
  6. kémia
  7. matek
  8. történelem
  9. francia
  10. ének
  11. földrajz

17 Clues: tesiénekdiákrajzkémiamatekangolfizikaszünetmagyariskolafranciabiológiaföldrajztörténeleminformatikatermészettudomány

In the Department of Electrical Engineering 2021-11-02

In the Department of Electrical Engineering crossword puzzle
  1. ram
  2. underhåll
  3. företagsamhet
  4. ledningsdragning
  5. kunder
  6. brytare
  7. färdigheter
  1. utföra
  2. innertak
  3. manick,mojäng
  4. koppla
  5. anordning
  6. förstärkare
  7. vägguttag
  8. fysik
  9. justera
  10. montera
  11. tråd

18 Clues: ramtrådfysikutförakopplakunderjusteramonterabrytareinnertakanordningunderhållvägguttagförstärkarefärdighetermanick,mojängföretagsamhetledningsdragning

School Project 2021-01-18

School Project crossword puzzle
  1. father of modern physics
  2. Father of nuclear physics
  3. discovered neutron
  4. Laws of motion
  1. discovered proton and annode rays
  2. study of electromagnetism
  3. German born theoretical physicist
  4. Noble Prize winner in physics in 1906

8 Clues: Laws of motiondiscovered neutronfather of modern physicsstudy of electromagnetismFather of nuclear physicsdiscovered proton and annode raysGerman born theoretical physicistNoble Prize winner in physics in 1906

5th grade Unit 3 / School Subjects 2020-11-30

5th grade Unit 3 / School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. astronomi
  2. bilim
  3. kimya
  4. satranç
  5. felsefe
  6. müzik
  7. ingilizce
  8. sanat
  1. matematik
  2. din
  3. drama
  4. ispanyolca
  5. beden eğitimi
  6. piskoloji
  7. fizik
  8. jeoloji
  9. edebiyat

17 Clues: dindramabilimkimyafizikmüziksanatsatrançfelsefejeolojiedebiyatmatematikastronomipiskolojiingilizceispanyolcabeden eğitimi

Les matieres 2023-02-27

Les matieres crossword puzzle
  1. french
  2. English
  3. class,course
  4. history
  5. math
  6. lunch
  7. break
  8. spanish
  9. difficult
  1. literature
  2. easy
  3. music
  4. sciences
  5. PE
  6. technology
  7. geography
  8. physics

17 Clues: PEeasymathmusiclunchbreakfrenchEnglishhistoryspanishphysicssciencesgeographydifficultliteraturetechnologyclass,course

Identify your teachers 2024-05-20

Identify your teachers crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. bio
  3. Enterprise
  4. Arabic
  5. tourist
  6. Acca
  7. PE
  8. Physics
  9. Arabic
  10. add maths
  11. Busin
  1. imaam
  2. It
  3. chem
  4. IT
  5. islamic
  6. Dt
  7. senior
  8. GP

19 Clues: ItITDtPEGPartbiochemAccaimaamBusinArabicseniorArabicislamictouristPhysicsadd mathsEnterprise

Les matières! 2023-01-17

Les matières! crossword puzzle
  1. cooking
  2. biology
  3. Chemistry
  4. Physics
  5. (l’EPS PE
  6. RE
  7. German
  8. Spanish
  9. Music
  1. history
  2. ICT
  3. Maths
  4. Geography
  5. French
  6. art
  7. sciences
  8. English

17 Clues: REICTartMathsMusicFrenchGermanhistorycookingbiologyPhysicsEnglishSpanishsciencesGeographyChemistry(l’EPS PE

Physics project 2021-10-23

Physics project crossword puzzle
  1. Indian Meteorological Department
  2. Indian American theoretical physicist
  3. Indian nuclear physicist
  4. Indian American astrophysicist
  1. quantum mechanics
  2. specialises in the field of plasma physics
  3. Worked on particle physics and cosmic rays
  4. Elementary particle physics

8 Clues: quantum mechanicsIndian nuclear physicistElementary particle physicsIndian American astrophysicistIndian Meteorological DepartmentIndian American theoretical physicistspecialises in the field of plasma physicsWorked on particle physics and cosmic rays

quantum physics 2022-03-10

quantum physics crossword puzzle
  1. semiconductor nanocrystals
  2. someone who's job is studying quantum physics
  3. who is the researcher who is studying the quantum dot?
  4. an object as a combination of multiple possible states
  1. outcomes of experiments that showed that light and matter
  2. Latin for "how much"
  3. the study of matter and energy
  4. a research job in the studies of quantum physics
  5. proves the view trade theory
  6. when did they start researching quantum physics

10 Clues: Latin for "how much"semiconductor nanocrystalsproves the view trade theorythe study of matter and energysomeone who's job is studying quantum physicswhen did they start researching quantum physicsa research job in the studies of quantum physicswho is the researcher who is studying the quantum dot?...

科目:School Subjects 2018-12-06

科目:School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. History
  2. English
  3. Math
  4. Physical Education
  5. Spanish
  6. Biology
  7. Choir
  8. Geography
  9. Music
  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Computer/Tech
  4. Health
  5. French
  6. Social Studies
  7. Arts
  8. Study Hall
  9. Science
  10. Agriculture

19 Clues: ArtsMathChoirMusicHealthFrenchPhysicsHistoryEnglishScienceSpanishBiologyChemistryGeographyStudy HallAgricultureComputer/TechSocial StudiesPhysical Education

School Subjects 2013-05-13

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. физическая культура
  2. английский язык
  3. природоведение
  4. математика
  5. история
  6. химия
  7. немецкий язык
  8. информатика
  1. технология
  2. география
  3. русский язык
  4. литература
  5. музыка
  6. физика
  7. биология
  8. ИЗО
  9. французский язык
  10. естествознание
  11. ОРКСЭ

19 Clues: ИЗОхимияОРКСЭмузыкафизикаисториябиологиягеографиятехнологиялитератураматематикаинформатикарусский языкнемецкий языкприродоведениеестествознаниеанглийский языкфранцузский языкфизическая культура

Vocabulary 2020-11-10

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. debate
  2. literatura
  3. organizado
  4. disorganizado
  5. solo
  6. calculo
  7. exigebte
  1. comprension
  2. laboratorio
  3. injusta
  4. prueba
  5. escirbir
  6. amable
  7. distante
  8. danza
  9. fisica

16 Clues: solodanzadebatepruebaamablefisicainjustacalculoescirbirdistanteexigebteliteraturaorganizadocomprensionlaboratoriodisorganizado

french school subjects 2022-10-25

french school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. French
  2. English
  3. sport
  4. art
  5. physics
  6. German
  7. biology
  8. mandarin
  9. drama
  1. languages
  2. geography
  3. history
  4. chemistry
  5. Spanish
  6. computing
  7. music

16 Clues: artsportmusicdramaFrenchGermanEnglishhistoryphysicsSpanishbiologymandarinlanguagesgeographychemistrycomputing

12345 2017-06-27

12345 crossword puzzle
  1. physics
  2. astronomy
  3. biology
  4. geology
  5. chemistry
  1. archaeology
  2. zoology
  3. medicine

8 Clues: zoologyphysicsbiologygeologymedicineastronomychemistryarchaeology

Vocabulary words 272-291 2020-01-28

Vocabulary words 272-291 crossword puzzle
  1. border
  2. outlook
  3. descendant
  4. astronomer's tool
  5. science
  6. awkwardness
  7. sections
  8. builder
  9. to talk with others
  1. outbreak
  2. measurement
  3. examination
  4. surgeon
  5. cloud of insects
  6. survival
  7. production
  8. crack
  9. description
  10. emergency
  11. baby

20 Clues: babycrackborderoutlooksurgeonsciencebuilderoutbreaksurvivalsectionsemergencydescendantproductionmeasurementexaminationawkwardnessdescriptioncloud of insectsastronomer's toolto talk with others

3D My School 2021-01-11

3D My School crossword puzzle
  1. kémia
  2. informatika
  3. szünet
  4. történelem
  5. hittan
  6. gyűlés
  7. biológia
  8. testnevelés
  9. francia
  10. osztály
  11. állampolgári ismeretek
  12. ebéd
  1. természettudomány
  2. regisztráció
  3. and Design rajz és technika
  4. órarend
  5. angol
  6. fizika
  7. ének-zene
  8. félév

20 Clues: ebédkémiaangolfélévszünethittangyűlésfizikaórarendfranciaosztálybiológiaének-zenetörténeleminformatikatestnevelésregisztrációtermészettudományállampolgári ismeretekand Design rajz és technika

3D My School 2021-01-11

3D My School crossword puzzle
  1. kémia
  2. informatika
  3. szünet
  4. történelem
  5. hittan
  6. gyűlés
  7. biológia
  8. testnevelés
  9. francia
  10. osztály
  11. állampolgári ismeretek
  12. ebéd
  1. természettudomány
  2. regisztráció
  3. and Design rajz és technika
  4. órarend
  5. angol
  6. fizika
  7. ének-zene
  8. félév

20 Clues: ebédkémiaangolfélévszünethittangyűlésfizikaórarendfranciaosztálybiológiaének-zenetörténeleminformatikatestnevelésregisztrációtermészettudományállampolgári ismeretekand Design rajz és technika

3D My School 2021-01-11

3D My School crossword puzzle
  1. regisztráció
  2. francia
  3. órarend
  4. kémia
  5. állampolgári ismeretek
  6. ének-zene
  7. fizika
  8. biológia
  1. informatika
  2. ebéd
  3. testnevelés
  4. hittan
  5. angol
  6. szünet
  7. félév
  8. and Design rajz és technika
  9. természettudomány
  10. gyűlés
  11. osztály
  12. történelem

20 Clues: ebédangolfélévkémiahittanszünetgyűlésfizikafranciaórarendosztálybiológiaének-zenetörténeleminformatikatestnevelésregisztrációtermészettudományállampolgári ismeretekand Design rajz és technika

Classes & School Supplies 2021-04-15

Classes & School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. male teacher
  3. window
  4. art
  5. homework
  6. science
  7. female teacher
  8. backpack
  9. male student
  10. physics
  11. book
  1. english
  2. desk
  3. stadium
  4. math
  5. music
  6. library
  7. female student
  8. test
  9. biology
  10. spanish

21 Clues: artdeskmathtestbookmusicwindowenglishhistorystadiumlibrarysciencebiologyspanishphysicshomeworkbackpackmale teachermale studentfemale studentfemale teacher

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. homework
  2. math
  3. library
  4. book
  5. window
  6. test
  7. art
  8. computer science
  9. history
  10. physics
  11. desk
  12. music
  1. backpack
  2. english
  3. biology
  4. spanish
  5. science
  6. male teacher
  7. schedule
  8. stadium
  9. male/female student

21 Clues: artmathbooktestdeskmusicwindowenglishbiologylibraryspanishsciencestadiumhistoryphysicsbackpackhomeworkschedulemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

Para tener éxito 2022-04-28

Para tener éxito crossword puzzle
  1. seat
  2. someone
  3. to turn in
  4. discuss
  5. rule
  6. on time
  7. explain
  8. locker
  9. answer
  10. to know(someone)
  1. biology
  2. algebra
  3. project
  4. to respect
  5. nobody
  6. history
  7. scissors
  8. to repeat
  9. physics
  10. report

20 Clues: seatrulenobodyreportlockeranswerbiologyalgebraprojectsomeonehistorydiscusson timephysicsexplainscissorsto repeatto respectto turn into know(someone)

SP2 Las asignaturas 2024-09-09

SP2 Las asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. drawing
  2. orchestra
  3. English
  4. break
  5. calculus
  6. schedule
  7. statistics
  8. math
  9. trigonometry
  1. lab
  2. science
  3. geography
  4. recess
  5. lunch
  6. calculus
  7. physics
  8. biology
  9. algebra
  10. chemistry
  11. dance
  12. literature
  13. essay
  14. Health
  15. exam

24 Clues: labmathexamlunchbreakdanceessayrecessHealthdrawingsciencephysicsbiologyalgebraEnglishcalculuscalculusschedulegeographyorchestrachemistryliteraturestatisticstrigonometry

PHYSICS 2021-03-31

PHYSICS crossword puzzle
  1. the greatest sudject
  2. change in position
  3. virtical line on a graph
  4. study of moion and energy
  5. change in velocity
  1. slowing down
  2. measures how far a odject moves
  3. horizontal line on a graph
  4. visual representation of data
  5. sl unit for speed
  6. measure of distance over time
  7. sl unit of distance\

12 Clues: slowing downsl unit for speedchange in positionchange in velocitythe greatest sudjectsl unit of distance\virtical line on a graphstudy of moion and energyhorizontal line on a graphvisual representation of datameasure of distance over timemeasures how far a odject moves

physics 2021-05-24

physics crossword puzzle
  1. number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time
  2. the SI base unit of length
  3. shorter than wavelengths
  4. length of the vibration path
  5. branch of science
  6. the action or process
  7. standard mathematical
  8. phenomenon in which an object changes its position over time
  1. speed within a short time
  2. is able to cool down
  3. the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it
  4. A fast-moving object has a high

12 Clues: branch of scienceis able to cool downthe action or processstandard mathematicalshorter than wavelengthsspeed within a short timethe SI base unit of lengthlength of the vibration pathA fast-moving object has a highnumber of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of timephenomenon in which an object changes its position over time...

Physics 2022-02-07

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the speed of something in a given direction
  2. any event in which two or more bodies exert forces on each other in a relatively short time
  3. the total momentum of the two objects before the collision is equal to the total momentum of the two objects after the collision
  4. a force that starts a body into motion
  1. part of the kinetic energy is changed to some other form of energy in the collision
  2. there is no loss of kinetic energy in the collision
  3. the impulse an object experiences during a collision is equal to its change in momentum
  4. The property of any rotating object given by moment of inertia times angular velocity
  5. ability of a deformed material body to return to its original shape and size when the forces causing the deformation are removed
  6. the quantity of motion of a moving body
  7. a quantity that has both magnitude and direction
  8. the amount of matter or substance that makes up an object

12 Clues: a force that starts a body into motionthe quantity of motion of a moving bodythe speed of something in a given directiona quantity that has both magnitude and directionthere is no loss of kinetic energy in the collisionthe amount of matter or substance that makes up an object...

physics 2022-01-07

physics crossword puzzle
  1. a collision where there is no loss pf kinetic energy
  2. equal to distance/speed
  3. the total momentum of an isolated system remains the same as long as no outside force acts upon it
  4. a collision where there is a loss of kinetic energy
  5. displacement divided by time
  6. how much matter an object contains
  1. a change in the position of an object
  2. the resistance of motion between two objects
  3. inertia in motion
  4. the rate at which the velocity of an object changes
  5. a push or pull
  6. equal to force * time

12 Clues: a push or pullinertia in motionequal to force * timeequal to distance/speeddisplacement divided by timehow much matter an object containsa change in the position of an objectthe resistance of motion between two objectsthe rate at which the velocity of an object changesa collision where there is a loss of kinetic energy...

Physics 2021-09-02

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Objects move on a certain time
  2. moving in straight lines
  3. displacement, velocity, and acceleration
  4. objects volume, density, mass, and time
  5. the rate to move or operate.
  6. defined as the complete path travelled by an object.
  7. anything that you see, watch, or measure
  1. the change in position or displacement divided by the time intervals in which the displacement occurs.
  2. any specific time during the motion.
  3. moving away
  4. size or extent of something
  5. change of velocity

12 Clues: moving awaychange of velocitymoving in straight linessize or extent of somethingthe rate to move or operate.Objects move on a certain timeany specific time during the motion.objects volume, density, mass, and timedisplacement, velocity, and accelerationanything that you see, watch, or measuredefined as the complete path travelled by an object....

physics 2013-06-03

physics crossword puzzle
  1. are used in satilites they can travel through space
  2. a process which needs heat fuel and o2
  3. is an energy from a moving object
  1. a force caused by mass of an object
  2. is a rate of transfer of 1 joule per second
  3. a form of energy that can travel through metals and some liquids
  4. the start of the universe
  5. heat transfer that can travel through space
  6. is energy that is not usefully transfered
  7. a formof pure energy
  8. energy transferred to where it is wanted
  9. a form of energy that can pass through space and create brightness

12 Clues: a formof pure energythe start of the universeis an energy from a moving objecta force caused by mass of an objecta process which needs heat fuel and o2energy transferred to where it is wantedis energy that is not usefully transferedis a rate of transfer of 1 joule per secondheat transfer that can travel through space...

Physics 2014-03-23

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Acceleration's SI unit
  2. SI unit of the base quantity 'Time'
  3. SI unit of the base quantity 'Length'
  4. _____ is a vector quantity
  5. Reluctance of an object to change its state of rest or motion, due to its force
  1. The amount of matter in a body
  2. Velocity's SI unit
  3. Also known as 'retardation'
  4. In a pendulum, when the bob moves from R to S and back to R. It is called a complete _______.
  5. SI unit of the base quantity 'Mass'
  6. Displacement/time taken
  7. W= m x g

12 Clues: W= m x gVelocity's SI unitAcceleration's SI unitDisplacement/time taken_____ is a vector quantityAlso known as 'retardation'The amount of matter in a bodySI unit of the base quantity 'Time'SI unit of the base quantity 'Mass'SI unit of the base quantity 'Length'Reluctance of an object to change its state of rest or motion, due to its force...

Physics 2024-02-21

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. material that allows energy to flow
  2. measures level of disorder and randomness in a system
  3. heat transfer in fluids
  4. form of energy that can be transferred from one thing to another
  5. substance that can flow and take shape of containers
  6. when two objects have same tempature
  1. if its hot or cold
  2. energy in form of waves
  3. relationship between heat,energy,and work
  4. heat transfer thru direct contact
  5. doesn't let heat in or out
  6. another word for mass

12 Clues: if its hot or coldanother word for massenergy in form of wavesheat transfer in fluidsdoesn't let heat in or outheat transfer thru direct contactmaterial that allows energy to flowwhen two objects have same tempaturerelationship between heat,energy,and worksubstance that can flow and take shape of containers...

Physics 2022-09-20

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. - smallest measure of time
  2. - galaxies moving away from us
  3. - hotter than the sun, contains multiple galaxies
  4. - singularity which expanded and is widely accepted
  5. - universe’s first expansions
  6. - formed to make Hadrons
  7. relativity
  8. - galaxies moving towards us
  1. - universe is infinite in size and has no beginning or end
  2. - protons and neutrons bond through nuclear fusion
  3. - matter condensed into a single point
  4. - Cosmic microwave background radiation

12 Clues: relativity- formed to make Hadrons- smallest measure of time- galaxies moving towards us- universe’s first expansions- galaxies moving away from us- matter condensed into a single point- Cosmic microwave background radiation- hotter than the sun, contains multiple galaxies- protons and neutrons bond through nuclear fusion...

Physics 2023-05-05

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. cause a change in motion. They are not of equal force.
  2. an object at rest will stay at rest
  3. miles/hr km/sec ft/min
  4. the unit of force
  1. do not cause a change in motion. The forces are equal in size and opposite in direction.
  2. The measurement of an object’s speed AND direction
  3. The motion of an object will change only if unbalanced forces act upon it.
  4. Change in speed or velocity over time
  5. The change in an object’s position with respect to time and in comparison to reference points
  6. Forces of pushing or pulling transfer energy to objects, causing them to move, stop, or change motion.
  7. The rate of change of position (or distance traveled) with respect to time

12 Clues: the unit of forcemiles/hr km/sec ft/minFORCE = MASS x ACCELERATIONan object at rest will stay at restChange in speed or velocity over timeThe measurement of an object’s speed AND directioncause a change in motion. They are not of equal force.The motion of an object will change only if unbalanced forces act upon it....

People & Places is Education 2013-02-01

People & Places is Education crossword puzzle
  1. languages
  2. school
  3. history
  4. student
  5. laboratory
  6. second
  7. secondary
  8. gym
  9. elementary
  10. tenth
  11. difficult
  1. physics
  2. teacher
  3. helper/aid
  4. private
  5. favorite
  6. nurse
  7. librarian
  8. auditorium
  9. locker
  10. italian
  11. hallway

22 Clues: gymnursetenthschoolsecondlockerphysicsteacherprivatehistorystudentitalianhallwayfavoritelanguageslibrariansecondarydifficulthelper/aidlaboratoryauditoriumelementary

People & Places is Education 2013-02-01

People & Places is Education crossword puzzle
  1. tenth
  2. gym
  3. physics
  4. hallway
  5. teacher
  6. librarian
  7. helper/aid
  8. nurse
  9. locker
  10. difficult
  11. favorite
  1. second
  2. languages
  3. history
  4. student
  5. private
  6. elementary
  7. secondary
  8. laboratory
  9. auditorium
  10. school
  11. italian

22 Clues: gymtenthnursesecondschoollockerhistorystudentprivatephysicshallwayteacheritalianfavoritelanguagessecondarylibrariandifficultelementarylaboratoryauditoriumhelper/aid

La salle de classe 2013-01-21

La salle de classe crossword puzzle
  1. mur
  2. horloge
  3. agrafeuse
  4. chimie
  5. porte
  6. crayon
  7. biologie
  8. papier
  9. craie
  1. marqueur
  2. colle
  3. cisaux
  4. gomme
  5. calculatrice
  6. musique
  7. histoire
  8. drapeau
  9. pysique
  10. tableau
  11. carte
  12. stylo
  13. art

22 Clues: murartcollegommeportecartestylocraiecisauxchimiecrayonpapierhorlogemusiquedrapeaupysiquetableaumarqueurhistoirebiologieagrafeusecalculatrice

On Screen 1 Unit 1a 2021-09-29

On Screen 1 Unit 1a crossword puzzle
  1. - drovus
  2. - planeta
  3. - išvaizda
  4. - didvyris
  5. - tapti
  6. - policijos pareigūnas
  7. - galaktika
  8. - fizika
  9. - matyti
  1. - tapti nematomam
  2. - šokinėti
  3. - stiprus
  4. - skaityti mints
  5. - girdėti
  6. - protingas
  7. - talentingas
  8. - didelis greitis
  9. - našlaitis
  10. - skristi
  11. - lipti, kopti

20 Clues: - tapti- drovus- fizika- matyti- stiprus- girdėti- planeta- skristi- šokinėti- išvaizda- didvyris- protingas- našlaitis- galaktika- talentingas- lipti, kopti- skaityti mints- tapti nematomam- didelis greitis- policijos pareigūnas


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. обществознание
  2. обед
  3. перемена
  4. естественные науки
  5. искусство
  6. история
  7. физкультура
  8. химия
  9. собрание
  10. французский
  11. основы религий
  12. музыка
  1. дизайн
  2. русский
  3. информатика
  4. физика
  5. математика
  6. биология
  7. расписание
  8. технология
  9. английский

21 Clues: обедхимиядизайнфизикамузыкарусскийисторияпеременабиологиясобраниеискусствоматематикарасписаниетехнологияанглийскийинформатикафизкультурафранцузскийобществознаниеосновы религийестественные науки

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. physics
  2. math
  3. biology
  4. male teacher
  5. history
  6. backpack
  7. stadium
  8. science
  9. musica music
  10. spanish
  1. window
  2. library
  3. computer science
  4. desk
  5. english
  6. book
  7. test
  8. female teacher
  9. art
  10. male student

20 Clues: artmathdeskbooktestwindowphysicslibrarybiologyenglishhistorystadiumsciencespanishbackpackmale teachermale studentmusica musicfemale teachercomputer science

Spanish Vocab 2020-11-09

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. disorganized
  2. nurse
  3. school councilor
  4. calculus
  5. literature
  6. physics
  7. lockers
  8. understanding
  9. to act
  10. dynamic
  11. laboratory
  1. theatre
  2. trigonometry
  3. biology
  4. orchestra
  5. sports field
  6. court
  7. dance
  8. coach or trainer
  9. nice

20 Clues: nicenursecourtdanceto acttheatrebiologyphysicslockersdynamiccalculusorchestraliteraturelaboratorytrigonometrydisorganizedsports fieldunderstandingschool councilorcoach or trainer

Luke´s word work 2023-03-01

Luke´s word work crossword puzzle
  1. laug____
  2. neph__
  3. daug____
  4. trop__
  5. ro___
  6. tri____
  7. phr___
  8. phant__
  9. ta___
  10. fau___
  11. phy___
  1. cau____
  2. naug___
  3. alphab__
  4. co___
  5. dolp___
  6. orp___
  7. eleph___
  8. paragr___
  9. pho__
  10. eno___
  11. tou__

22 Clues: co___ro___pho__tou__ta___neph__trop__orp___phr___eno___fau___phy___cau____naug___dolp___tri____phant__laug____daug____alphab__eleph___paragr___

School subjects 2024-09-18

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. fysik
  2. musik
  3. bild
  4. engelska
  5. historia
  6. tyska
  7. spanska
  8. idrott
  9. svenska
  10. NO
  11. teknik
  1. biologi
  2. SO
  3. slöjd
  4. religion
  5. språk
  6. geografi
  7. matte (i USA)
  8. samhällskunskap
  9. kemi
  10. franska

21 Clues: SONObildkemifysikslöjdmusikspråktyskaidrottteknikbiologispanskasvenskafranskareligionengelskageografihistoriamatte (i USA)samhällskunskap

Les Matières Scolaires 2023-08-15

Les Matières Scolaires crossword puzzle
  1. dance
  2. French
  3. geography
  4. drama
  5. history
  6. computer sciences
  7. philosophy
  1. maths
  2. music
  3. English
  4. sport
  5. chemistry
  6. biology
  7. physics
  8. art
  9. digital technologies
  10. science

17 Clues: artmathsdancemusicsportdramaFrenchEnglishbiologyhistoryphysicssciencegeographychemistryphilosophycomputer sciencesdigital technologies

Physics 2022-11-23

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Where have I created this crossword.
  2. Gravity is a part of ______.
  3. The moon is a ______ satellite
  4. One of the Physics branch starting with R.
  1. The main topic of Physics.
  2. Physics is the ______ science that deals with structure of matter.
  3. is physics hard.

7 Clues: is physics hard.The main topic of Physics.Gravity is a part of ______.The moon is a ______ satelliteWhere have I created this crossword.One of the Physics branch starting with R.Physics is the ______ science that deals with structure of matter.

words 2017-11-30

words crossword puzzle
  1. физика
  2. кровать
  3. английский
  4. фильмы
  5. плаванье
  6. химия
  7. баскетбол
  8. мусорка
  1. окно
  2. полки
  3. шахматы
  4. испанский
  5. биология
  6. футбол
  7. гимнастика
  8. география
  9. танцевать

17 Clues: окнополкихимияфизикафильмыфутболшахматыкроватьмусоркабиологияплаваньеиспанскийгеографиятанцеватьбаскетболанглийскийгимнастика

I love english so much 2019-12-03

I love english so much crossword puzzle
  1. informationandcommunicationtechnology
  2. physicaleducation
  3. chemistry
  4. geography
  5. religiouseducation
  6. economics
  1. English
  2. designandtechnology
  3. biology
  4. history
  5. physics
  6. French
  7. Russian
  8. maths
  9. artanddesign
  10. German
  11. music

17 Clues: mathsmusicFrenchGermanEnglishbiologyhistoryphysicsRussianchemistrygeographyeconomicsartanddesignphysicaleducationreligiouseducationdesignandtechnologyinformationandcommunicationtechnology

las clases 2022-03-21

las clases crossword puzzle
  1. music
  2. chemistry
  3. biology
  4. Spanish
  5. shop
  6. Physics
  7. Physical Education
  8. I have
  9. French
  10. Orchestra
  1. computer science
  2. science
  3. Lunch
  4. art
  5. history
  6. math
  7. English
  8. recess

18 Clues: artshopmathmusicLunchI haverecessFrenchsciencebiologySpanishhistoryPhysicsEnglishchemistryOrchestracomputer sciencePhysical Education

Social Problems 2024-03-19

Social Problems crossword puzzle
  1. Some cats are this
  2. Likes to make noise during class
  3. Let's forget this one
  4. A daily must
  5. please...
  6. What we're not supposed to do in lab
  7. We're all looking forward to this
  8. Idiots put these in the trash
  9. The best snack
  10. We made this in physics
  11. Dr Berim's favorite phrase
  12. What Dr Gregg probably has
  1. Alex is not this, but thinks he's this
  2. Sheridan hates this
  3. A funny thing Dr Gregg says
  4. Christian and Evan gave this up
  5. Given with wordle
  6. Physics does this
  7. The color of Dr Berim's sweater
  8. How our sociology teacher grades
  9. You're good at these
  10. Me, Christian, and Dr Gregg share this Someone

22 Clues: please...A daily mustThe best snackGiven with wordlePhysics does thisSome cats are thisSheridan hates thisYou're good at theseLet's forget this oneWe made this in physicsDr Berim's favorite phraseWhat Dr Gregg probably hasA funny thing Dr Gregg saysIdiots put these in the trashChristian and Evan gave this upThe color of Dr Berim's sweater...

classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. music
  3. test
  4. art
  5. english
  6. homework
  7. stadium
  8. female teacher
  9. biology
  10. math
  1. male teacher
  2. library
  3. computer science
  4. history
  5. desk
  6. book
  7. physics
  8. window

18 Clues: arttestdeskbookmathmusicwindowlibrarysciencehistoryphysicsenglishstadiumbiologyhomeworkmale teacherfemale teachercomputer science

SMS Fächer 2021-10-25

SMS Fächer crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Band
  3. Physical Education (PE)
  4. Japanese
  5. Biology
  6. Art
  7. English
  8. Math
  9. Chemistry
  1. Spanish
  2. Science
  3. French
  4. Health
  5. History
  6. Geography
  7. German
  8. Music
  9. Computer Science

18 Clues: ArtBandMathMusicFrenchHealthGermanSpanishPhysicsScienceHistoryBiologyEnglishJapaneseGeographyChemistryComputer SciencePhysical Education (PE)

School Subjects 2024-09-05

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. geografi
  2. bild
  3. fysik
  4. svenska
  5. engelska
  6. historia
  7. tyska
  8. NO
  1. franska
  2. kemi
  3. studies SO
  4. slöjd
  5. matte
  6. education) idrott
  7. religion
  8. biologi
  9. spanska
  10. samhällskunskap

18 Clues: NOkemibildslöjdmattefysiktyskafranskabiologisvenskaspanskageografireligionengelskahistoriastudies SOsamhällskunskapeducation) idrott

Fächer 2022-01-28

Fächer crossword puzzle
  1. German
  2. Art
  3. Latin
  4. French
  5. Science
  6. Physics
  7. Geography
  8. Math
  1. Biology
  2. Psychology
  3. Music
  4. Computer science
  5. History
  6. PE
  7. English
  8. Spanish
  9. Chemistry

17 Clues: PEArtMathMusicLatinGermanFrenchBiologyHistoryEnglishScienceSpanishPhysicsChemistryGeographyPsychologyComputer science

FR I: Chapitre 4.1 ~ à l'école 2023-11-08

FR I: Chapitre 4.1 ~ à l'école crossword puzzle
  1. German
  2. homework
  3. now
  4. physics
  5. chemistry
  6. recess
  7. biology
  8. tomorrow
  1. computer science
  2. art
  3. dismissal
  4. test
  5. math
  6. history
  7. Spanish
  8. music
  9. geography

17 Clues: artnowtestmathmusicGermanrecesshistoryphysicsSpanishbiologyhomeworktomorrowdismissalchemistrygeographycomputer science

Subjects 2019-02-01

Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. muusika
  2. kunst
  3. prantsusekeel
  4. kehalinekasvatus
  5. venekeel
  6. loodusõpetus
  7. füüsika
  8. geograafia
  9. ajalugu
  1. käsitöö
  2. inglisekeel
  3. matemaatika
  4. saksakeel
  5. keemia
  6. eestikeel
  7. bioloogia

16 Clues: kunstkeemiakäsitöömuusikafüüsikaajaluguvenekeelsaksakeeleestikeelbioloogiageograafiainglisekeelmatemaatikaloodusõpetusprantsusekeelkehalinekasvatus

Les matières scolaires 2023-12-12

Les matières scolaires crossword puzzle
  3. PE
  6. MUSIC
  1. ART
  3. IRISH
  5. MATHS


College Majors/Subjects 2023-01-25

College Majors/Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Economy
  2. Biology
  3. Engineering
  4. Law
  5. History
  6. Mathematics
  7. Psychology
  8. Art
  1. Politics
  2. Acriculture
  3. Physics
  4. Communications
  5. Medicine
  6. German
  7. Chemistry
  8. Music

16 Clues: LawArtMusicGermanPhysicsEconomyBiologyHistoryPoliticsMedicineChemistryPsychologyAcricultureEngineeringMathematicsCommunications

College Majors/Subjects 2023-01-25

College Majors/Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Economy
  2. Biology
  3. Engineering
  4. Law
  5. History
  6. Mathematics
  7. Psychology
  8. Art
  1. Politics
  2. Acriculture
  3. Physics
  4. Communications
  5. Medicine
  6. German
  7. Chemistry
  8. Music

16 Clues: LawArtMusicGermanPhysicsEconomyBiologyHistoryPoliticsMedicineChemistryPsychologyAcricultureEngineeringMathematicsCommunications

School Subjects 2022-11-30

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. reliģijas mācība
  2. mūzika
  3. datorzinības
  4. teātra māksla
  5. fizika
  6. ģeogrāfija
  7. literatūra
  8. angļu valoda
  9. dabaszinības
  1. ķīmija
  2. bioloģija
  3. latviešu valoda
  4. matemātika
  5. māksla
  6. dizains
  7. sports
  8. krievu valoda
  9. mājturība

18 Clues: ķīmijamūzikamākslafizikasportsdizainsbioloģijamājturībamatemātikaģeogrāfijaliteratūradatorzinībasangļu valodadabaszinībasteātra mākslakrievu valodalatviešu valodareliģijas mācība

2.3 Quels cours as-tu? In answering, do not include any articles like le, la, l' or les. Accents are also not used. 2024-09-28

2.3 Quels cours as-tu? In answering, do not include any articles like le, la, l' or les.  Accents are also not used. crossword puzzle
  1. college
  2. Spanish
  3. math
  4. chemistry
  5. middle school
  6. high school
  7. computer science
  8. French
  9. physics
  1. choir
  2. drama
  3. history
  4. art
  5. band, orchestra
  6. Biology
  7. gym
  8. classes
  9. English

18 Clues: artgymmathchoirdramaFrenchhistorycollegeSpanishBiologyclassesEnglishphysicschemistryhigh schoolmiddle schoolband, orchestracomputer science

Materias escolares 2024-11-02

Materias escolares crossword puzzle
  1. German
  2. Computer Science
  3. Biology
  4. Math
  5. Chemistry
  6. Journalism
  7. Geography
  8. History
  9. Science
  10. English
  1. fisica Physical Education
  2. Italian
  3. Psychology
  4. de empresas Business
  5. Music
  6. Physics
  7. Art
  8. Spanish

18 Clues: ArtMathMusicGermanItalianBiologyPhysicsSpanishHistoryScienceEnglishChemistryGeographyPsychologyJournalismComputer Sciencede empresas Businessfisica Physical Education

3D My School 2021-01-11

3D My School crossword puzzle
  1. gyűlés
  2. angol
  3. természettudomány
  4. órarend
  5. osztály
  6. testnevelés
  7. történelem
  8. fizika
  9. and Design rajz és technika
  10. biológia
  1. regisztráció
  2. szünet
  3. francia
  4. kémia
  5. ének-zene
  6. informatika
  7. állampolgári ismeretek
  8. hittan
  9. ebéd
  10. félév

20 Clues: ebédkémiaangolfélévszünetgyűléshittanfizikafranciaórarendosztálybiológiaének-zenetörténeleminformatikatestnevelésregisztrációtermészettudományállampolgári ismeretekand Design rajz és technika

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. library
  2. window
  3. history
  4. art
  5. backpack
  6. desk
  7. male/female student
  8. physics
  9. male teacher
  10. stadium
  11. biology
  1. test
  2. math
  3. female teacher
  4. music
  5. science
  6. computer science
  7. Spanish
  8. book
  9. English

20 Clues: arttestmathdeskbookmusicwindowlibraryhistorysciencephysicsSpanishEnglishstadiumbiologybackpackmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

classes and school supplies in spanish 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies in spanish crossword puzzle
  1. window
  2. math
  3. english
  4. history
  5. biology
  6. female teacher
  7. physics
  8. book
  9. desk
  10. science
  1. test
  2. male/female student
  3. stadium
  4. spanish
  5. computer science
  6. backpack
  7. library
  8. music
  9. male teacher
  10. art

20 Clues: arttestmathbookdeskmusicwindowstadiumenglishspanishhistorylibrarybiologyphysicssciencebackpackmale teacherfemale teachercomputer sciencemale/female student

Scene 1 kpl 6 The Master Chef -sanasto 2022-03-14

Scene 1 kpl 6 The Master Chef -sanasto crossword puzzle
  1. fysiikka
  2. köyhä
  3. ulkomailla, ulkomaille
  4. kokki
  5. haastava
  6. jälkiruoka
  7. käyttää
  8. kokata, tehdä ruokaa
  9. ammatti
  10. resepti
  1. matkustaminen
  2. ruoanlaitto
  3. päättää
  4. sairas
  5. maailma
  6. tilata
  7. asiakas
  8. suosia, pitää parempana
  9. ruokalaji, annos
  10. kemia

20 Clues: köyhäkokkikemiasairastilatapäättäämaailmaasiakaskäyttääammattireseptifysiikkahaastavajälkiruokaruoanlaittomatkustaminenruokalaji, annoskokata, tehdä ruokaaulkomailla, ulkomaillesuosia, pitää parempana