physics Crossword Puzzles

Courses/Days of the Week 2022-12-02

Courses/Days of the Week crossword puzzle
  1. spanish
  2. Music
  3. geography
  4. art
  5. humanties
  6. sciences
  7. sociology
  8. foreignlangueges
  9. accounting
  10. english
  1. mathematics
  2. psychology
  3. history
  4. biology
  5. literature
  6. chemistry
  7. archeology
  8. Journalism
  9. economics
  10. physics
  11. computerscience

21 Clues: artMusichistoryspanishbiologyphysicsenglishscienceschemistrygeographyeconomicshumantiessociologypsychologyliteraturearcheologyJournalismaccountingmathematicscomputerscienceforeignlangueges

1-90 2023-01-08

1-90 crossword puzzle
  1. 의붓어머니
  2. 유체
  3. 공포감
  4. 고마움
  5. 발명품
  6. 물리학
  7. 증오심
  8. 웃음
  9. 원동력
  1. 기술
  2. 예측
  3. 비율
  4. 살금살금하는사람
  5. 성격
  6. 기계
  7. 감정
  8. 속물
  9. 우주선
  10. 은하계

21 Clues: 기술유체예측비율성격기계감정속물웃음공포감고마움발명품우주선물리학증오심은하계원동력의붓어머니살금살금하는사람

classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. bookbag
  2. male teacher
  3. female teacher
  4. stadium
  5. history
  6. test
  7. computer science
  8. book
  9. science
  10. english
  11. desk
  1. Spanish
  2. music
  3. Math
  4. Physics
  5. Biology
  6. window
  7. student
  8. library
  9. art

20 Clues: artMathtestbookdeskmusicwindowSpanishbookbagPhysicsstadiumBiologyhistorystudentlibraryscienceenglishmale teacherfemale teachercomputer science

French Test :( 2022-05-02

French Test :( crossword puzzle
  1. funny
  2. energetic
  3. French
  4. computer science
  5. English
  6. biology
  7. art
  8. physics
  9. chemistry
  10. music
  1. languages
  2. hard
  3. Spanish
  4. history
  5. science
  6. easy
  7. math
  8. school subjects
  9. PE
  10. German

20 Clues: PEarthardeasymathfunnymusicFrenchGermanSpanishhistoryscienceEnglishbiologyphysicslanguagesenergeticchemistryschool subjectscomputer science

chapter Deanna Wigley 2022-11-21

chapter Deanna Wigley crossword puzzle
  1. man
  2. french_speaking
  3. popular
  4. languages
  5. citys
  6. sea
  7. brunette
  8. small
  9. mountains
  10. country
  1. chemistory
  2. sister
  3. now
  4. woman
  5. physics
  6. plant
  7. male_friend
  8. history
  9. math
  10. course
  11. big

21 Clues: mannowseabigmathwomanplantcityssmallsistercoursephysicspopularhistorycountrybrunettelanguagesmountainschemistorymale_friendfrench_speaking

L'école 2017-01-19

L'école crossword puzzle
  1. Latin
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology
  4. Teacher
  5. History
  6. Math
  7. French
  8. Languages
  9. School
  1. Physics
  2. Geometry
  3. Humane Letters
  4. Literature
  5. Course
  6. High school
  7. Art Class
  8. English
  9. Orchestra
  10. Calculus
  11. Class

20 Clues: MathLatinClassCourseFrenchSchoolPhysicsBiologyTeacherHistoryEnglishGeometryCalculusChemistryArt ClassOrchestraLanguagesLiteratureHigh schoolHumane Letters

spanish vocab 2023-09-29

spanish vocab crossword puzzle
  1. grade
  2. history
  3. middle school
  4. elementary school
  5. literature
  6. geography
  7. high school
  8. algebra
  9. chemistry
  10. sociology
  1. university
  2. math
  3. psycology
  4. class
  5. biology
  6. science
  7. calculus
  8. physics
  9. geometry
  10. required

20 Clues: mathgradeclasshistorybiologysciencephysicsalgebracalculusgeometryrequiredpsycologygeographychemistrysociologyuniversityliteraturehigh schoolmiddle schoolelementary school

Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-31

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Who discovered penicillin
  2. who invented boyle's law
  3. Who designed regent street
  4. Who is the father of chemistry
  5. Who is the father of biodiversity
  6. Who discovered neutron
  7. Father of quantum physics
  8. Who is known for theory of relativity
  1. Who developed the theory of evolution
  2. Who is the father of DNA
  3. Who is father of modern physics
  4. Pioneer in the field of exobiology
  5. Molecular bilogist
  6. Who invented pascal
  7. Who discovered radioactivity(1867-1934)

15 Clues: Molecular bilogistWho invented pascalWho discovered neutronwho invented boyle's lawWho is the father of DNAWho discovered penicillinFather of quantum physicsWho designed regent streetWho is the father of chemistryWho is father of modern physicsWho is the father of biodiversityPioneer in the field of exobiologyWho developed the theory of evolution...

Greek Letter Quest 2025-02-25

Greek Letter Quest crossword puzzle
  1. - What Greek letter denotes density in physics?
  2. - What Greek letter is used for summation in mathematics?
  3. - Which Greek letter represents the mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159?
  4. - Which Greek letter is used for efficiency in engineering?
  5. - What Greek letter is used for the chi-square distribution in statistics?
  6. - What Greek letter represents an angle in geometry?
  7. - Which Greek letter is associated with electromagnetic waves?
  1. - What Greek letter represents resistance in electrical circuits?
  2. - What Greek letter symbolizes the wave function in quantum mechanics?
  3. - Which Greek letter represents wavelength in physics?
  4. - What Greek letter symbolizes change in mathematics?
  5. - Which Greek letter is used in fluid dynamics?
  6. - What Greek letter represents the golden ratio?
  7. - Which Greek letter is used for torque in physics?
  8. - Which Greek letter is used to denote a micro-unit in measurements?

15 Clues: - Which Greek letter is used in fluid dynamics?- What Greek letter denotes density in physics?- What Greek letter represents the golden ratio?- What Greek letter represents an angle in geometry?- Which Greek letter represents wavelength in physics?- What Greek letter symbolizes change in mathematics?...

科目 Pinyin 2018-12-07

科目 Pinyin crossword puzzle
  1. hechangke
  2. xibanyawenke
  3. yingwenke
  4. shehuixueke
  5. shengwuke
  6. Health
  7. diannaoke
  8. zixi
  9. yinyueke
  10. huaxueke
  11. kexueke
  1. wulike
  2. shuxueke
  3. fawenke
  4. dilike
  5. tiyuke
  6. nongyeke
  7. lishike
  8. yishuke

19 Clues: zixiwulikediliketiyukeHealthfawenkelishikeyishukekexuekeshuxuekenongyekeyinyuekehuaxuekehechangkeyingwenkeshengwukediannaokeshehuixuekexibanyawenke

Freak's dictionary 2023-04-28

Freak's dictionary crossword puzzle
  1. human
  2. books
  3. human
  4. writing
  5. future
  6. Shows
  7. steel
  8. gentlemen
  9. thought
  10. plant
  11. lady
  1. gangster
  2. element
  3. energy
  4. float
  5. past
  6. Designing
  7. armor
  8. mind
  9. small

20 Clues: pastmindladyhumanbooksfloathumanarmorShowssteelsmallplantenergyfutureelementwritingthoughtgangsterDesigninggentlemen

Vigaas Singh Noble Prize 8C 2021-07-12

Vigaas Singh Noble Prize 8C crossword puzzle
  1. Who has won 5 noble prizes of which 1 is in physics
  2. To whom was the 2020 noble prize in physics given to
  3. First women to win a noble prize in physics
  4. First person to get noble prize in physics and chemistry
  1. First ever noble prize winner
  2. Youngest winner of noble prize
  3. First Indian to win a noble prize in physics
  4. Only person to win noble prize twice

8 Clues: First ever noble prize winnerYoungest winner of noble prizeOnly person to win noble prize twiceFirst women to win a noble prize in physicsFirst Indian to win a noble prize in physicsWho has won 5 noble prizes of which 1 is in physicsTo whom was the 2020 noble prize in physics given toFirst person to get noble prize in physics and chemistry

Prosser 2020-09-22

Prosser crossword puzzle
  1. the principal name
  2. the physics teacher name
  3. the music teacher name
  4. the math teacher name
  5. What are the prosser colors
  6. How many sports are in prosser
  7. the English teacher name
  8. the P.E teacher name
  1. The address for prosser high school
  2. The other English teacher name
  3. the world studies name
  4. the spanish teacher name
  5. How many clubs are is prosser
  6. what type of high school is prosser
  7. The other physics teacher name

15 Clues: the principal namethe P.E teacher namethe math teacher namethe world studies namethe music teacher namethe physics teacher namethe spanish teacher namethe English teacher nameWhat are the prosser colorsHow many clubs are is prosserThe other English teacher nameHow many sports are in prosserThe other physics teacher name...

Connor we miss you 2023-11-03

Connor we miss you crossword puzzle
  1. who quinn gets to see on Thursday <3
  2. super cool and funny and awesome
  3. has a super cool edit of himself
  4. good physics discussion music
  5. where we tend to study
  6. cranky today
  7. the worst day next week
  1. best note taker in physics
  2. haidyn is in love with him
  3. the color of the sky
  4. is robert's friend and doesn't like us
  5. best soda ever
  6. wasn't in lecture today
  7. peed herself
  8. cute with glasses

15 Clues: peed herselfcranky todaybest soda evercute with glassesthe color of the skywhere we tend to studywasn't in lecture todaythe worst day next weekbest note taker in physicshaidyn is in love with himgood physics discussion musicsuper cool and funny and awesomehas a super cool edit of himselfwho quinn gets to see on Thursday <3...

Spanish words 2021-04-15

Spanish words crossword puzzle
  1. english
  2. student
  3. stadium
  4. science
  5. schedule
  6. art
  7. back pack
  8. spanish
  9. boy teacher
  10. music
  11. girl teacher
  1. library
  2. biology
  3. window
  4. history
  5. book
  6. physics
  7. desk
  8. math
  9. exam

20 Clues: artbookdeskmathexammusicwindowlibrarybiologyhistoryenglishstudentphysicsstadiumsciencespanishscheduleback packboy teachergirl teacher

en la clase 2020-10-08

en la clase crossword puzzle
  1. clock
  2. map
  3. paper
  4. biology
  5. book
  6. homework
  7. chalk
  8. school
  9. studio
  10. art
  11. backpack
  1. spanish
  2. pen
  3. table
  4. test
  5. physics
  6. window
  7. music
  8. house
  9. class
  10. course

21 Clues: penmaparttestbookclocktablepapermusichouseclasschalkwindowschoolstudiocoursespanishphysicsbiologyhomeworkbackpack

Schulfächer 2022-01-04

Schulfächer crossword puzzle
  1. Social Studies
  2. Science
  3. Chemistry
  4. PE
  5. Computer Science
  6. English
  7. engineering
  8. Orchestra
  9. Math
  1. French
  2. Art
  3. Russian
  4. History
  5. Biology
  6. Latin
  7. Geography
  8. German
  9. Spanish
  10. Physics
  11. Choir

20 Clues: PEArtMathLatinChoirFrenchGermanScienceRussianHistoryBiologySpanishPhysicsEnglishChemistryGeographyOrchestraengineeringSocial StudiesComputer Science

words 2017-12-01

words crossword puzzle
  1. Испанский
  2. в
  3. напротив
  4. музыка
  5. рядом
  6. баскетбол
  7. гимнастика
  8. рядом
  9. за
  10. плакат
  11. на
  12. растение
  1. биалогия
  2. физика
  3. полки
  4. доска для заметок
  5. плавонье
  6. под
  7. шкаф
  8. жалюзи
  9. часы

21 Clues: взанаподшкафчасыполкирядомрядомфизикамузыкажалюзиплакатбиалогиянапротивплавоньерастениеИспанскийбаскетболгимнастикадоска для заметок

Tantárgyak 2023-10-08

Tantárgyak crossword puzzle
  1. rajz
  2. fizika
  3. matematika
  4. technika
  5. főiskola
  6. hittan
  7. tantárgy
  8. földrajz
  9. up felnőni
  10. gyakorolni
  11. középiskola
  12. névsorolvasás_és_gyülekező
  1. nyelvtan
  2. testnevelés
  3. irodalom
  4. tényleg
  5. info
  6. lakás
  7. történelem
  8. természetismeret
  9. még

21 Clues: mégrajzinfolakásfizikahittanténylegnyelvtanirodalomtechnikafőiskolatantárgyföldrajzmatematikatörténelemup felnőnigyakorolnitestnevelésközépiskolatermészetismeretnévsorolvasás_és_gyülekező

Les matieres a l'ecole 2021-06-16

Les matieres a l'ecole crossword puzzle
  1. chemistry
  2. english
  3. history
  4. spanish
  5. recess
  6. IT
  7. lunch
  8. maths
  9. french
  10. music
  11. technology
  1. chinese
  2. german
  3. biology
  4. sport
  5. physics
  6. geography
  7. drawing
  8. study period

19 Clues: ITsportlunchmathsmusicgermanrecessfrenchchineseenglishhistorybiologyspanishphysicsdrawingchemistrygeographytechnologystudy period

Famous Medical Physicists 2017-11-06

Famous Medical Physicists crossword puzzle
  1. Resident, U of T
  2. Medical Physics Leader, BCCA
  3. no longer working in Medical Physics
  4. Medical Physicist, Kelowna
  5. Medical Physicist, Regina, SK
  6. Medical Physicist, Victoria, BC
  7. Medical Physicist, Newmarket, ON
  8. Medical Physicist, CCI, PhD 2010
  9. RSO, U of A, MSc 2007
  10. Medical Physicist, TBCC, MSc 2004
  11. PhD Student, UBC
  1. Med Student, U of C
  2. RSO, U of A, MSc 2006
  3. Medical Physicist, Lawrenceville, NJ
  4. Retired, PhD 1984
  5. Applications Specialist, Varian Medical Systems
  6. Resident, TBCC
  7. Medical Physicist, TBCC, PhD 2007
  8. Medical Physicist, CCI, PhD 2004 (AND MSc 1999)
  9. Medical Physicist, Saskatoon
  10. Medical Physicist, Halifax, NS
  11. Global Research Alliance Manager, Cyclotrons etc, Sweden

22 Clues: Resident, TBCCResident, U of TPhD Student, UBCRetired, PhD 1984Med Student, U of CRSO, U of A, MSc 2006RSO, U of A, MSc 2007Medical Physicist, KelownaMedical Physics Leader, BCCAMedical Physicist, SaskatoonMedical Physicist, Regina, SKMedical Physicist, Halifax, NSMedical Physicist, Victoria, BCMedical Physicist, Newmarket, ON...

thick and tangible 2023-06-05

thick and tangible crossword puzzle
  1. how you want your thread to be
  2. ex-blondie
  3. controlled experiment
  4. watersort fiend
  5. gc philosophy creator
  6. passport or silly girl
  7. yolo sayer
  8. best game ever
  9. w girlfriend
  10. jobaholic
  11. "bottoms are better than tops"
  12. furry
  1. subject neglected by half of us
  2. hella strange physics goof
  3. colloquial friendship term
  4. time we wanted to k*** ourselves
  5. ipsita at night
  6. she's got a lot on her mind
  7. gc name creator i guess she insists
  8. hella nosy white-haired goof
  9. somewhere you can find hella buddies
  10. something only freaks say
  11. something you probably don't have
  12. ar doesnt know what this is

24 Clues: furryjobaholicex-blondieyolo sayerw girlfriendbest game everwatersort fiendipsita at nightcontrolled experimentgc philosophy creatorpassport or silly girlsomething only freaks sayhella strange physics goofcolloquial friendship termshe's got a lot on her mindar doesnt know what this ishella nosy white-haired goofhow you want your thread to be...

Vocabulary of education 2022-07-11

Vocabulary of education crossword puzzle
  1. Graduado
  2. Estudiar
  3. Guardería
  4. Comportarse
  5. Música
  6. Matemáticas
  7. Química
  8. Universidad
  9. Español
  1. Profesor
  2. Pasar
  3. Marcas
  4. Fallar
  5. Compañero de Clase
  6. Física
  7. Diseño
  8. Hacer Trampa
  9. Biología
  10. Revisar
  11. Inglés

20 Clues: PasarMarcasFallarFísicaDiseñoMúsicaInglésQuímicaRevisarEspañolProfesorGraduadoEstudiarBiologíaGuarderíaComportarseMatemáticasUniversidadHacer TrampaCompañero de Clase

Spanish 2020-04-14

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. science
  3. male/femalestudent
  4. music
  5. chemistry
  6. history
  7. teacher
  8. English
  9. biology
  10. femaleteacher
  1. PE
  2. algebra
  3. class
  4. physics
  5. calculus
  6. health
  7. math
  8. geometry
  9. Spanish
  10. French
  11. art

21 Clues: PEartmathclassmusichealthFrenchalgebrasciencephysicshistoryteacherEnglishSpanishbiologycalculusgeometrygeographychemistryfemaleteachermale/femalestudent

Vocabulario 2020-10-06

Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. sciences
  2. book
  3. clock
  4. mathmatics
  5. history
  6. art
  7. university;college
  8. chair
  9. Schedule
  10. paper
  11. physics
  1. biology
  2. music
  3. student
  4. homework
  5. course
  6. backpack
  7. desk
  8. home;house
  9. chemistry

20 Clues: artbookdeskmusicclockchairpapercoursebiologystudenthistoryphysicsscienceshomeworkbackpackSchedulechemistrymathmaticshome;houseuniversity;college

Spanish Vocab 2020-10-06

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. table
  2. the girl student
  3. art
  4. chalk
  5. homework
  6. paper
  7. map
  8. door
  9. the class
  1. music
  2. physics
  3. spanish
  4. chemistry
  5. window
  6. clock
  7. pen
  8. history
  9. book
  10. house
  11. teacher

20 Clues: artpenmapbookdoormusictableclockchalkpaperhousewindowphysicsspanishhistoryteacherhomeworkchemistrythe classthe girl student

French subjects 2021-10-03

French subjects crossword puzzle
  1. RE
  2. German
  3. Languages
  4. Chemistry
  5. History
  6. Drama
  7. Maths
  8. Geography
  9. PE
  1. Spanish
  2. ICT
  3. Art
  4. French
  5. Biology
  6. English
  7. DT
  8. Latin
  9. Physics
  10. Study
  11. Science
  12. Music

21 Clues: REDTPEICTArtLatinStudyDramaMathsMusicFrenchGermanSpanishBiologyEnglishPhysicsScienceHistoryLanguagesChemistryGeography

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. spanish
  2. homework
  3. physics
  4. biology
  5. science
  6. art
  7. english
  8. window
  9. book
  10. quiz
  11. male teacher
  1. library
  2. stadium
  3. backpack
  4. math
  5. music
  6. history
  7. schedule
  8. computer science
  9. test

20 Clues: artmathbookquiztestmusicwindowlibraryspanishstadiumphysicsbiologyscienceenglishhistoryhomeworkbackpackschedulemale teachercomputer science

School subjects 2021-05-02

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. biologi
  2. NO
  3. religion
  4. Hkk
  5. franska
  6. spanska
  7. tyska
  8. svenska
  9. bild
  1. SO
  2. modersmål
  3. teknik
  4. matematik
  5. musik
  6. geografi
  7. historia
  8. engelska
  9. kemi
  10. slöjd
  11. fysik
  12. Idrott

21 Clues: SONOHkkkemibildmusikslöjdfysiktyskateknikIdrottbiologifranskaspanskasvenskareligiongeografihistoriaengelskamodersmålmatematik

words 2017-12-01

words crossword puzzle
  1. растение
  2. шкаф
  3. напротив
  4. плакат
  5. баскетбол
  6. за
  7. гимнастика
  8. физика
  9. жалюзи
  10. рядом
  1. музыка
  2. рядом
  3. под
  4. доска для заметок
  5. на
  6. полки
  7. плавонье
  8. в
  9. биалогия
  10. Испанский
  11. часы

21 Clues: вназаподшкафчасырядомполкирядоммузыкаплакатфизикажалюзирастениенапротивплавоньебиалогиябаскетболИспанскийгимнастикадоска для заметок

Scene 1: kpl 4-6 sanasto 2021-12-02

Scene 1: kpl 4-6 sanasto crossword puzzle
  1. toinen,muu
  2. ulkomailla
  3. melkein
  4. suosittu
  5. kilpailu
  6. outo
  7. ammatti
  8. resepti
  9. jopa
  10. palkinto
  11. tilata
  1. fysiikka
  2. erilainen
  3. harjoitella
  4. ystävyys
  5. illallinen
  6. asiakas
  7. jälkiruoka
  8. suosia
  9. ruoanlaitto
  10. päättää

21 Clues: outojopasuosiatilatamelkeinasiakasammattireseptipäättääfysiikkaystävyyssuosittukilpailupalkintoerilainentoinen,muuulkomaillaillallinenjälkiruokaharjoitellaruoanlaitto

L'ecole 2022-03-02

L'ecole crossword puzzle
  1. subject
  2. french
  3. physics
  4. room
  5. maths
  6. history
  7. business
  8. chemistry
  9. algebra
  10. spanish
  11. teacher
  1. art
  2. german
  3. IT
  4. student
  5. biology
  6. geo
  7. english
  8. languages
  9. pe
  10. lesson

21 Clues: ITpeartgeoroommathsfrenchgermanlessonsubjectphysicshistorystudentbiologyalgebraenglishspanishteacherbusinesschemistrylanguages

CH 3B 2022-05-02

CH 3B crossword puzzle
  1. computing
  2. energetic
  3. history
  4. easy
  5. interesting
  6. chinese
  7. autoshop
  8. french
  9. funny
  10. physical education
  11. intelligent
  1. woodshop
  2. music
  3. biology
  4. difficult
  5. physics
  6. arts
  7. math
  8. geometry
  9. english

20 Clues: artsmatheasymusicfunnyfrenchbiologyphysicshistoryenglishchinesewoodshopgeometryautoshopcomputingdifficultenergeticinterestingintelligentphysical education

Lección 2 Vocabulario Las materias 2024-10-11

Lección 2 Vocabulario Las materias crossword puzzle
  1. - English
  2. - computer science
  3. - geography
  4. - sociology
  5. - art
  6. - Spanish
  7. - humanities
  8. - music
  9. - mathematics
  10. - history
  11. - biology
  1. - journalism
  2. - chemistry
  3. - psychology
  4. - literature
  5. - sciences
  6. - economics
  7. - physics
  8. - accounting
  9. extranjeras - foreign languages

20 Clues: - art- music- English- physics- Spanish- history- biology- sciences- chemistry- geography- sociology- economics- journalism- psychology- literature- accounting- humanities- mathematics- computer scienceextranjeras - foreign languages

PT1 3c 2024-12-11

PT1 3c crossword puzzle
  1. keskkond
  2. tubajagama
  3. kirjandus
  4. kohalkäima
  5. rahakoguma
  6. keemia
  7. bioloogia
  8. toitumisplaan
  9. põnev
  1. sõbrunema
  2. heategevus
  3. ajaleht
  4. kõvasti õppima
  5. ülikoolilinnak
  6. madalhind
  7. üritus
  8. sinaiseseisvalt
  9. näitering
  10. ühiselamu
  11. füüsika
  12. seiklus

21 Clues: põnevürituskeemiaajalehtfüüsikaseikluskeskkondsõbrunemakirjandusmadalhindnäiteringühiselamubioloogiaheategevustubajagamakohalkäimarahakogumatoitumisplaankõvasti õppimaülikoolilinnaksinaiseseisvalt

Education 2024-12-01

Education crossword puzzle
  1. vědy
  2. tabule
  3. hřiště
  4. ředitel
  5. guma
  6. propadnout
  7. tělocvična
  8. podvládět
  9. fyzika
  10. školka
  11. fix
  1. nepřitomnost
  2. jazyk
  3. knihovna
  4. skřinka
  5. absolvent
  6. cizí
  7. třídní
  8. zkouška
  9. spolužak
  10. občanka

21 Clues: fixvědycizígumajazyktabulehřištětřídnífyzikaškolkaskřinkaředitelzkouškaobčankaknihovnaspolužakabsolventpodvládětpropadnouttělocvičnanepřitomnost

UNIT 5 LESSON B BS5 2020-07-17

UNIT 5 LESSON B BS5 crossword puzzle
  1. /ʤɪmˈnæstɪks/
  2. /ˈkælkjələs/
  3. /ˈkɛməstri/
  4. /ˈkwaɪər/
  5. /ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪks /
  6. /ˈælʤəbrə/
  7. /ˈlɪtərəʧər/
  8. /ɑrt/
  9. /baɪˈɑləʤi/
  10. /ˈɔrkəstrə/
  1. /kəmˈpjutər ˈsaɪəns/
  2. /ˈhɪstəri/
  3. /ˈfɪzɪks/
  4. /dæns/
  5. /ʤiˈɑgrəfi/
  6. /ˈdrɑmə/
  7. /bænd/
  8. /ʤiˈɑmətri/
  9. /træk/

19 Clues: /ɑrt//dæns//bænd//træk//ˈdrɑmə//ˈfɪzɪks//ˈkwaɪər//ˈhɪstəri//ˈælʤəbrə//ˈkɛməstri//ʤiˈɑgrəfi//ʤiˈɑmətri//baɪˈɑləʤi//ˈɔrkəstrə//ˈkælkjələs//ˈlɪtərəʧər//ʤɪmˈnæstɪks//ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪks //kəmˈpjutər ˈsaɪəns/

Chapter 2 Contextos 2021-09-05

Chapter 2 Contextos crossword puzzle
  1. library
  2. backpack
  3. accounting
  4. schedule
  5. art
  6. semester
  7. major
  8. door
  1. stadium
  2. humanities
  3. window
  4. homework
  5. course
  6. monday
  7. computer science
  8. friday
  9. sunday
  10. thursday
  11. physics

19 Clues: artdoormajorwindowcoursemondayfridaysundaylibrarystadiumphysicsbackpackhomeworkschedulethursdaysemesterhumanitiesaccountingcomputer science

NAME................................................ 2017-01-08

NAME................................................ crossword puzzle
  10. MUZYKA
  5. ŚRODA
  7. W-F


Physics 2015-10-02

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. a body falling freely under the influence of the Earth's gravitational pull at sea level.
  2. accurate pictorial representation of data.
  3. the rate of change of velocity of an object.
  4. Another word for speed.
  5. a quantity that has both magnitude and direction.
  6. A physics teacher walks 4 meters East, 2 meters South, 4 meters West, and finally 2 meters North. Even though the physics teacher has walked a total distance of 12 meters, her displacement is 0 meters.
  1. another word for velocity.
  2. Any object that is being acted upon only by the force of gravity.
  3. a one-dimensional physical quantity.
  4. a framework that is used for the observation and mathematical description of physical phenomena and the formulation of physical laws, usually consisting of an observer, a coordinate system, and a clock or clocks assigning times at positions with respect to the coordinate system.
  5. a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean, which is calculated by dividing the sum of the values in the set by their number.
  6. the velocity of an object in motion at a specific point in time.
  7. vector quantity that refers to "how far out of place an object is"; it is the object's overall change in position.

13 Clues: Another word for speed.another word for velocity.a one-dimensional physical quantity.accurate pictorial representation of data.the rate of change of velocity of an object.a quantity that has both magnitude and direction.the velocity of an object in motion at a specific point in time.Any object that is being acted upon only by the force of gravity....

Physics 2021-01-14

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.
  2. is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object.
  3. refers to the quantity or distance.
  4. is usually a number on an axis.
  5. is any event in which two or more bodies exert forces on each other in a relatively short time.
  6. a vector is an element of a vector space.
  7. is the integral of a force, F, over the time interval, t, for which it acts.
  8. is both a property of a physical body and a measure of its resistance to acceleration (a change in its state of motion) when a net force is applied.
  1. it refers to the quantity of motion that an object has.
  2. The length of the adjacent side divided by the length of the hypotenuse.
  3. is an algebraic operation that takes two equal-length sequences of numbers, and returns a single number.
  4. a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.
  5. branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles.

13 Clues: is usually a number on an axis.refers to the quantity or distance.a vector is an element of a vector refers to the quantity of motion that an object has.a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.The length of the adjacent side divided by the length of the hypotenuse....

Physics 2022-11-08

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. The direction that is up and down.
  2. The change in a body's position
  3. The sum of a vertical & horizontal vector
  4. The ____ side connects a right triangle's legs
  5. The ____ side is 'next to' the reference angle
  1. The triangle symbol that means 'change'
  2. A ____ triangle has a 90 degree angle
  3. The ____ side is across from the reference angle
  4. A measurement that has magnitude & direction
  5. The trig ratio of opposite over hypotenuse
  6. The trig ratio of opposite over adjacent
  7. The direction that is across or 'flat'
  8. The trig ratio of adjacent over hypotenuse

13 Clues: The change in a body's positionThe direction that is up and down.A ____ triangle has a 90 degree angleThe direction that is across or 'flat'The triangle symbol that means 'change'The trig ratio of opposite over adjacentThe sum of a vertical & horizontal vectorThe trig ratio of opposite over hypotenuseThe trig ratio of adjacent over hypotenuse...

Physics 2022-01-23

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. The resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest, or the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion
  2. An instrument used for measuring the difference in electric potential between two points in an electric circuit
  3. An instrument that is used to measure electric current
  4. Occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers with no disruption between the layers.
  5. A natural phenomenon by which physical bodies attract each other with a force proportional to their masses
  6. The tendency of dissimilar particles or surfaces to cling to one another
  1. An area of space which contains no matter
  2. A measure of the distance traversed by a single spatial period of a sinusoidal wave
  3. A force which keeps a body moving with a uniform speed along a circular path and is directed along the radius towards the centre
  4. The tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis, fulcrum, or pivot
  5. Any substance (often a particle) that has rest mass and (usually) also volume
  6. The physical process by which matter is transformed directly from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase
  7. A chemical mixture of a metal with one or more other metals or other elements.

13 Clues: An area of space which contains no matterAn instrument that is used to measure electric currentThe tendency of dissimilar particles or surfaces to cling to one anotherThe tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis, fulcrum, or pivotAny substance (often a particle) that has rest mass and (usually) also volume...

Physics 2022-01-23

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. A measure of the distance traversed by a single spatial period of a sinusoidal wave
  2. The tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis, fulcrum, or pivot
  3. An instrument that is used to measure electric current
  4. The physical process by which matter is transformed directly from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase
  5. A natural phenomenon by which physical bodies attract each other with a force proportional to their masses
  1. An instrument used for measuring the difference in electric potential between two points in an electric circuit
  2. Any substance (often a particle) that has rest mass and (usually) also volume
  3. The resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest, or the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion
  4. A force which keeps a body moving with a uniform speed along a circular path and is directed along the radius towards the centre
  5. The tendency of dissimilar particles or surfaces to cling to one another
  6. Occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers with no disruption between the layers.
  7. An area of space which contains no matter
  8. A chemical mixture of a metal with one or more other metals or other elements.

13 Clues: An area of space which contains no matterAn instrument that is used to measure electric currentThe tendency of dissimilar particles or surfaces to cling to one anotherThe tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis, fulcrum, or pivotAny substance (often a particle) that has rest mass and (usually) also volume...

Physics 2021-11-04

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. þjóta
  2. nýeind
  3. hægðalyf
  4. örsmár, agnarlítill
  5. veikleiki
  6. varpa fyrir borð, henda
  7. force miðflóttakraftur
  1. setning, kennisetning (í stærðfræði og rökfræði)
  2. eftirgefanlegur, sveigjanlegur
  3. verulegur, þungur
  4. of magnitude stærðargráða (verulegur munur sem skiptir máli í eðlisfræði)
  5. aflaga, afbaka
  6. snúa upp á, klípa í

13 Clues: þjótanýeindhægðalyfveikleikiaflaga, afbakaverulegur, þungurörsmár, agnarlítillsnúa upp á, klípa íforce miðflóttakrafturvarpa fyrir borð, hendaeftirgefanlegur, sveigjanlegursetning, kennisetning (í stærðfræði og rökfræði)of magnitude stærðargráða (verulegur munur sem skiptir máli í eðlisfræði)

Physics 2023-04-20

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the force that brings something close.
  2. the force that moves something away.
  3. the _ constant is equal to 6.6743 × 10^(-11) m^(3) kg^(-1) s^(-2)
  4. the m in E=mc^2
  5. The a in F=ma
  6. The F in F=ma
  7. the number of dimensions that exist (According to quantum mechanics)
  1. c is the speed of this in E=mc^2
  2. He discovered relativity
  3. the 4d hyperspace Einstein believed in.
  4. The m in F=ma
  5. He made jokes about a cat being dead & alive
  6. He "discovered" gravity
  7. the E in E=mc^2

14 Clues: The m in F=maThe a in F=maThe F in F=mathe m in E=mc^2the E in E=mc^2He "discovered" gravityHe discovered relativityc is the speed of this in E=mc^2the force that moves something away.the force that brings something close.the 4d hyperspace Einstein believed in.He made jokes about a cat being dead & alive...

Physics 2024-07-25

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the distance an object is from its starting position
  2. the amount of matter an object is made up of
  3. the rate at which an objects speed changes
  4. when converting from km/h to m/s we _____ by 3.6
  5. An objects natural resistance to change
  6. unit of measurement for energy
  7. the effect of gravity on an object
  1. things that can affect an objects speed or direction
  2. unit of measurement for forces
  3. a number value which does not change, usually an important part of scientific equations
  4. a measure of how quickly an object travels a certain distance
  5. the total length an object has travelled
  6. Required for objects to do "work"

13 Clues: unit of measurement for forcesunit of measurement for energyRequired for objects to do "work"the effect of gravity on an objectAn objects natural resistance to changethe total length an object has travelledthe rate at which an objects speed changesthe amount of matter an object is made up ofwhen converting from km/h to m/s we _____ by 3.6...

Physics 2024-10-08

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the fall under gravity
  2. the speed of an object at a particular moment in time
  3. quantity that designates how fast and in what direction a point is moving
  4. a quantity, amount, or degree of something measured per unit of something else
  5. the rate of change of velocity
  6. the total distance traveled divided by the total time elapsed
  7. the vector sum of two or more vectors
  8. allow us to break a single vector quantity into two or more scalar quantities
  1. the amount of time that passes from the start of an event to its finish
  2. a quantity that has both magnitude and directio
  3. having only magnitude, not direction
  4. in comparison to
  5. the rate of change of position of an object in any direction

13 Clues: in comparison tothe fall under gravitythe rate of change of velocityhaving only magnitude, not directionthe vector sum of two or more vectorsa quantity that has both magnitude and directiothe speed of an object at a particular moment in timethe rate of change of position of an object in any direction...

Chapter 2 Vocab 2020-10-06

Chapter 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Spanish
  2. Course
  3. Science
  4. Library
  5. Schedule
  6. House
  7. Biology
  8. Music
  9. Class
  1. Semester
  2. Cafeteria
  3. Physics
  4. Stadium
  5. Homework
  6. School
  7. Accounting
  8. Laboratory
  9. Art
  10. Economics
  11. Library

20 Clues: ArtHouseMusicClassCourseSchoolSpanishPhysicsStadiumScienceLibraryBiologyLibrarySemesterHomeworkScheduleCafeteriaEconomicsAccountingLaboratory

School Subjects 2024-09-09

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. geografi
  2. fysik
  3. idrott
  4. tyska
  5. musik
  6. biologi
  7. engelska
  8. kemi
  9. religion
  10. no
  11. matematik
  1. bild
  2. hemkunskap
  3. samhällskunskap
  4. svenska
  5. spanska
  6. historia
  7. slöjd
  8. franska

19 Clues: nobildkemifysiktyskamusikslöjdidrottsvenskaspanskabiologifranskageografihistoriaengelskareligionmatematikhemkunskapsamhällskunskap

Las clases 2024-10-11

Las clases crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. physics
  3. lunch
  4. geography
  5. band
  6. math
  7. choir
  1. history
  2. education
  3. geometry
  4. computer
  5. calculator
  6. orchestra
  7. pencil
  8. spanish
  9. paper
  10. english
  11. art
  12. class

19 Clues: artbandmathlunchpaperchoirclasspencilhistorysciencephysicsspanishenglishgeometrycomputereducationorchestrageographycalculator

Einstein 2022-03-31

Einstein crossword puzzle
  1. country of birth
  2. e=mc2 example
  3. theory of
  4. heritage/religion
  5. amount of matter
  1. school subject
  2. science department
  3. force of nature
  4. prize in physics
  5. root word photo

10 Clues: theory ofe=mc2 exampleschool subjectforce of natureroot word photocountry of birthprize in physicsamount of matterheritage/religionscience department

Physik 2020-09-18

Physik crossword puzzle
  1. law
  2. body
  3. theorem
  4. mechanics
  5. displacement
  6. classic
  7. inertia
  8. rest
  9. velocity
  1. quantity
  2. basics
  3. stay
  4. direction
  5. Force
  6. entity
  7. physics
  8. motion
  9. principle

18 Clues: lawstaybodyrestForcebasicsentitymotiontheoremphysicsclassicinertiaquantityvelocitydirectionmechanicsprincipledisplacement

School 2016-11-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. büfé
  2. gimnázium
  3. irodalomtanár
  4. könyvtár
  5. fizika
  6. kézilabdakapu
  7. felsőoktatás
  1. humán tárgy
  2. hittan
  3. térkép
  4. tornaszőnyeg
  5. színjátszás
  6. reáltárgy
  7. idegen-nyelv
  8. szakmunkásképző
  9. biológiatanár
  10. gyülekező helyiség
  11. tornaterem
  12. kémia
  13. óvoda

20 Clues: büfékémiaóvodahittantérképfizikakönyvtárreáltárgygimnáziumtornateremhumán tárgyszínjátszástornaszőnyegidegen-nyelvfelsőoktatásirodalomtanárbiológiatanárkézilabdakapuszakmunkásképzőgyülekező helyiség

School 2016-11-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. térkép
  2. gyülekező helyiség
  3. gimnázium
  4. hittan
  5. fizika
  6. kémia
  7. tornaszőnyeg
  8. biológiatanár
  9. büfé
  10. humán tárgy
  1. színjátszás
  2. kézilabdakapu
  3. idegen-nyelv
  4. irodalomtanár
  5. szakmunkásképző
  6. könyvtár
  7. felsőoktatás
  8. tornaterem
  9. reáltárgy
  10. óvoda

20 Clues: büféóvodakémiatérképhittanfizikakönyvtárgimnáziumreáltárgytornateremszínjátszáshumán tárgyidegen-nyelvfelsőoktatástornaszőnyegkézilabdakapuirodalomtanárbiológiatanárszakmunkásképzőgyülekező helyiség

School 2016-11-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. könyvtár
  2. kémia
  3. gimnázium
  4. hittan
  5. biológiatanár
  6. felsőoktatás
  7. térkép
  8. humán tárgy
  9. óvoda
  10. tornaszőnyeg
  11. fizika
  1. idegen-nyelv
  2. kézilabdakapu
  3. irodalomtanár
  4. gyülekező helyiség
  5. szakmunkásképző
  6. büfé
  7. reáltárgy
  8. színjátszás
  9. tornaterem

20 Clues: büfékémiaóvodahittantérképfizikakönyvtárgimnáziumreáltárgytornateremszínjátszáshumán tárgyidegen-nyelvfelsőoktatástornaszőnyegkézilabdakapuirodalomtanárbiológiatanárszakmunkásképzőgyülekező helyiség

pg 41 vocabulary 2020-10-05

pg 41 vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. cafeteria
  3. male student
  4. quiz
  5. chair
  6. pen
  7. book
  8. physics
  9. clock
  10. music
  1. semester
  2. chalk
  3. stadium
  4. female student
  5. house
  6. eraser
  7. calculator
  8. map
  9. class
  10. Spanish

20 Clues: penmapquizbookchalkhousechairclassclockmusiceraserbiologystadiumSpanishphysicssemestercafeteriacalculatormale studentfemale student

Spanish 2020-10-06

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. class
  2. music
  3. schedule
  4. university
  5. semester
  6. homework
  7. physics
  8. bookstore
  9. house
  10. libaray
  11. laboratory
  1. biology
  2. school
  3. trimester
  4. sciences
  5. cafeteria
  6. art
  7. stadium
  8. quiz
  9. course
  10. exam

21 Clues: artquizexamclassmusichouseschoolcoursebiologystadiumphysicslibaraysciencesschedulesemesterhomeworktrimestercafeteriabookstoreuniversitylaboratory

School subjects 2021-05-02

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. franska
  2. geografi
  3. religion
  4. Hkk
  5. musik
  6. spanska
  7. fysik
  8. svenska
  9. bild
  1. SO
  2. modersmål
  3. teknik
  4. tyska
  5. matematik
  6. historia
  7. engelska
  8. slöjd
  9. kemi
  10. NO
  11. biologi
  12. Idrott

21 Clues: SONOHkkkemibildtyskamusikslöjdfysikteknikIdrottfranskaspanskabiologisvenskageografireligionhistoriaengelskamodersmålmatematik

classes and school supplies 2021-04-15

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. math
  3. book
  4. English
  5. station
  6. physics
  7. music
  8. desk
  1. biology
  2. female teacher
  3. library
  4. backpack
  5. science
  6. history
  7. window
  8. make teacher
  9. computer science
  10. schedule
  11. Spanish
  12. test

20 Clues: artmathbookdesktestmusicwindowbiologylibrarysciencehistoryEnglishstationphysicsSpanishbackpackschedulemake teacherfemale teachercomputer science

Las Asignaturas 2022-01-18

Las Asignaturas crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. POA
  3. Religion
  4. I.T
  5. Music
  6. P.E.
  7. Theatre Arts
  8. Mathematics
  9. Spanish
  1. Geography
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology
  4. History
  5. English
  6. French
  7. Technical Drawing
  8. POB
  9. Art
  10. Social Studies
  11. Sciences

20 Clues: POAPOBArtI.TP.E.MusicFrenchBiologyHistoryEnglishPhysicsSpanishReligionSciencesGeographyChemistryMathematicsTheatre ArtsSocial StudiesTechnical Drawing

School Subjects 2024-11-27

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. muzyka
  2. siłownia
  3. piłka nożna
  4. plastyka
  5. zdać
  6. przerwa
  7. perkusja
  8. trener
  9. klarnet
  10. uczyć
  1. pianino
  2. klej
  3. ocena
  4. test
  5. fizyka
  6. czytać
  7. lekcja
  8. linijka
  9. relaks
  10. flet
  11. zadanie

21 Clues: klejtestzdaćfletocenauczyćmuzykafizykaczytaćlekcjatrenerrelakspianinoprzerwalinijkaklarnetzadaniesiłowniaplastykaperkusjapiłka nożna

S2 U1 - ASD 1-4 2022-09-19

S2 U1 - ASD 1-4 crossword puzzle
  1. to investigate
  2. understanding
  3. entertaining
  4. fair
  5. chemistry
  6. physics
  7. dance
  8. counselor
  9. to act
  10. secretary
  1. to train
  2. librarian
  3. theater
  4. lockers
  5. unfair
  6. coach
  7. biology
  8. cook
  9. nice

19 Clues: cookfairnicecoachdanceunfairto acttheaterlockersbiologyphysicsto trainlibrarianchemistrycounselorsecretaryentertainingunderstandingto investigate

AP Physics 1 with R 2024-12-19

AP Physics 1 with R crossword puzzle
  1. proportional to the velocity of an object squared
  2. the universal gravitational constant
  3. the net force is equal to the weight
  4. part of the MKS system of units
  5. objects travel in elliptical orbits
  6. the rate at which the energy of a system changes
  7. the area on a displacement vs time graph
  8. its always the unit's fault
  9. on your schedule next year
  10. where the physics happens
  11. our force roadmap
  12. when the initial and final values align
  13. what the students ask everyday
  1. the vector sum of centripetal and tangential acceleration
  2. used to determine the direction of friction on banked turns
  3. acceleration proportional to vector sum of the forces
  4. when you have a question at night
  5. the amount of work done by centripetal forces
  6. opposes motion
  7. causes an object to move in a circle
  8. a push or pull
  9. defender of grades
  10. when you need to relax
  11. how to illustrate the sum of vector quantities
  12. work done against friction
  13. great source of AP practice
  14. increases with stretch or compression distance
  15. time is nowhere in sight
  16. helps you quantify physics stuff
  17. helps you remember physics stuff

30 Clues: opposes motiona push or pullour force roadmapdefender of gradeswhen you need to relaxtime is nowhere in sightwhere the physics happenson your schedule next yearwork done against frictionits always the unit's faultgreat source of AP practicewhat the students ask everydaypart of the MKS system of unitshelps you quantify physics stuff...

WITH THE KRUG, NO WAY! 2023-05-07

WITH THE KRUG, NO WAY! crossword puzzle
  1. Who’s birthday is it?
  2. Disney…?
  3. Closest seat to Dr. Krug in math
  4. On broadway… or Dr.Krug’s playlist (deadly)
  5. Two hardest letters to choose from
  6. Not a morning person! What landon bear cursed out a Holton student in class?
  7. If and only if I can remember these acronyms
  8. A red-headed freshmen’s interjection to a work period
  9. Dog bark in New Haven
  10. Why do you #3?
  11. Skeleton’s jacket color -- but a scheme
  12. Grilled peppers atop
  13. +.25
  14. Over Puxotony Phil, acronym
  15. Keep graduation weirder (but less weird than Dr.Krugs favorite basketball games)
  1. Birthdate nix Month, U5 physics dropout, yum
  2. Award given to Dr. Krug at her graduation
  3. Warm and fuzzy car circle
  4. But I'm -- fre-
  5. Happy Thanksgiving on a New Haven Pie
  6. Cat or Lion?
  7. Closest seat to Dr. Krug in physics
  8. Jessica arrives at…
  9. Second section of freshmen debate
  10. A team building time waster
  11. You, me, derivative, Alma mater
  12. A misspelled sled sliding into each physics problem
  13. Alternative to recognizing patterns
  14. Alan arrives at…
  15. Lake, maybe land, ha ha
  16. 12 concerts later… maybe 16?
  17. Nerdy handle single
  18. Hard FD brings success

33 Clues: +.25Disney…?Cat or Lion?Why do you #3?But I'm -- fre-Alan arrives at…Jessica arrives at…Nerdy handle singleGrilled peppers atopWho’s birthday is it?Dog bark in New HavenHard FD brings successLake, maybe land, ha haWarm and fuzzy car circleA team building time wasterOver Puxotony Phil, acronym12 concerts later… maybe 16?...

Albert Einstein 2017-12-14

Albert Einstein crossword puzzle
  1. Won the _____ prize for physics
  2. Became famous for his __________ in 1905
  3. Researched Brownian _______
  4. Asked to be President of __________
  5. Wasn’t good at ________
  6. Known for the Theory of _______
  1. Helped understand how the _____ works
  2. Researched photoelectric _________
  3. Told President Franklin Roosevelt that he should build the _______ bomb
  4. Country where he was born
  5. Taught at many of these
  6. E=______ squared
  7. Studied math and ________
  8. Worked at the Swiss Patent ________
  9. Lived ______ 19, 1879-April 18, 1955

15 Clues: E=______ squaredTaught at many of theseWasn’t good at ________Country where he was bornStudied math and ________Researched Brownian _______Won the _____ prize for physicsKnown for the Theory of _______Researched photoelectric _________Asked to be President of __________Worked at the Swiss Patent ________Helped understand how the _____ works...

School Subjects in German 2021-09-21

School Subjects in German crossword puzzle
  1. computer science
  2. social studies
  3. art
  4. P.E.
  5. German
  6. physics
  7. ethics
  8. French
  9. geography
  10. Spanish
  11. geography
  12. chemistry
  13. mathematics
  1. math
  2. music
  3. English
  4. religion
  5. history
  6. science
  7. biology

20 Clues: artmathP.E.musicGermanethicsFrenchEnglishhistorysciencephysicsbiologySpanishreligiongeographygeographychemistrymathematicssocial studiescomputer science

spanish 1:en la clase 2023-12-05

spanish 1:en la clase crossword puzzle
  1. schedule
  2. exam
  3. house
  4. homework
  5. physics
  6. chalk
  7. lab
  8. class
  9. economic
  10. test, quiz
  11. classmate
  1. art
  2. science
  3. university
  4. stadium
  5. computer science
  6. library
  7. cafeteria
  8. bookstore

19 Clues: artlabexamhousechalkclasssciencestadiumphysicslibraryschedulehomeworkeconomiccafeteriabookstoreclassmateuniversitytest, quizcomputer science

Spanish word puzzle 2022-10-28

Spanish word puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. chemistry
  3. classes
  4. french
  5. subjects
  6. physics
  7. languages
  8. Mandarin
  9. sciences
  1. studies
  2. algebra
  3. calculus
  4. history
  5. science
  6. Spanish
  7. Italian
  8. mathematics
  9. english
  10. courses

19 Clues: frenchstudiesalgebrahistoryclassesscienceSpanishItalianphysicsenglishcoursescalculussubjectsMandarinsciencesgeographychemistrylanguagesmathematics

Introduction to Physics 2020-08-30

Introduction to Physics crossword puzzle
  1. is the study of forces
  2. is a Greek philosopher who devised the first atomic theory
  3. is the branch of physics that focuses on the study of heat.
  4. is a Greek philosopher who studied motion and the four elements: Water, air, fire and earth
  1. is the father of scientific method
  2. is a branch of physics which focuses on the study of light
  3. is a branch of physics which focuses on the study of sounds
  4. states that here is no absolute frame of reference that is at rest
  5. is the study of sounds, energy, motion, light and electricity
  6. is the proponent of the three laws of motion

10 Clues: is the study of forcesis the father of scientific methodis the proponent of the three laws of motionis a branch of physics which focuses on the study of lightis a Greek philosopher who devised the first atomic theoryis the branch of physics that focuses on the study of a branch of physics which focuses on the study of sounds...

Las Materias 2022-10-19

Las Materias crossword puzzle
  1. english
  2. literature
  3. economics
  4. math/mathematics
  5. physics
  6. humanities
  7. accounting
  8. music
  9. psychology
  1. foreign languages
  2. geography
  3. journalism
  4. sciences
  5. art
  6. history
  7. biology
  8. chemistry
  9. sociology
  10. Spanish

19 Clues: artmusicenglishhistorybiologyphysicsSpanishsciencesgeographyeconomicschemistrysociologyliteraturejournalismhumanitiesaccountingpsychologymath/mathematicsforeign languages

Spanish word puzzle 2024-07-02

Spanish word puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. chemistry
  3. classes
  4. french
  5. subjects
  6. physics
  7. languages
  8. Mandarin
  9. sciences
  1. studies
  2. algebra
  3. calculus
  4. history
  5. science
  6. Spanish
  7. Italian
  8. mathematics
  9. english
  10. courses

19 Clues: frenchstudiesalgebrahistoryclassesscienceSpanishItalianphysicsenglishcoursescalculussubjectsMandarinsciencesgeographychemistrylanguagesmathematics

words 2017-12-01

words crossword puzzle
  1. полки
  2. на
  3. часы
  4. Испанский
  5. биалогия
  6. доска для заметок
  7. плакат
  8. гимнастика
  9. за
  10. растение
  1. физика
  2. под
  3. музыка
  4. напротив
  5. в
  6. жалюзи
  7. рядом
  8. шкаф
  9. баскетбол
  10. плавонье
  11. рядом

21 Clues: вназаподчасышкафполкирядомрядомфизикамузыкажалюзиплакатнапротивбиалогияплавоньерастениеИспанскийбаскетболгимнастикадоска для заметок

words 2017-12-01

words crossword puzzle
  1. в
  2. растение
  3. биалогия
  4. физика
  5. плавонье
  6. напротив
  7. музыка
  8. доска для заметок
  9. под
  10. полки
  1. рядом
  2. жалюзи
  3. плакат
  4. рядом
  5. гимнастика
  6. за
  7. Испанский
  8. баскетбол
  9. шкаф
  10. на
  11. часы

21 Clues: взанаподшкафчасырядомрядомполкижалюзиплакатфизикамузыкарастениебиалогияплавоньенапротивИспанскийбаскетболгимнастикадоска для заметок

Vocab - numberz 2022-04-18

Vocab - numberz crossword puzzle
  1. Music
  2. Accounting
  3. Geography
  4. Biology
  5. Journalism
  6. Art
  7. Literature
  1. Humanities
  2. Sociology
  3. Economics
  4. Physics
  5. Business
  6. Chemistry
  7. Psychology
  8. English
  9. History
  10. Spanish
  11. Math
  12. Science
  13. Information Technology
  14. Archaeology

21 Clues: ArtMathMusicPhysicsEnglishHistorySpanishBiologyScienceBusinessSociologyEconomicsChemistryGeographyHumanitiesAccountingPsychologyJournalismLiteratureArchaeologyInformation Technology

classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. math
  2. schedule
  3. english
  4. spanish
  5. test
  6. book
  7. computer science
  8. history
  9. desk
  10. window
  1. female teacher
  2. physics
  3. stadium
  4. male profesor
  5. art
  6. music
  7. science
  8. backpack
  9. library
  10. biology

20 Clues: artmathtestbookdeskmusicwindowphysicsstadiumenglishspanishsciencelibrarybiologyhistoryschedulebackpackmale profesorfemale teachercomputer science

Las clases 2022-10-24

Las clases crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. boring
  3. social studies
  4. technology
  5. art
  6. easy
  7. algebra
  8. difficult
  9. interesting
  10. internship
  11. civics
  12. chemistry
  1. math
  2. physics
  3. Spanish
  4. PE
  5. English
  6. geometry
  7. biology
  8. history
  9. music

21 Clues: PEartmatheasymusicboringcivicsphysicsscienceSpanishEnglishalgebrabiologyhistorygeometrydifficultchemistrytechnologyinternshipinterestingsocial studies

Latin School 2022-10-28

Latin School crossword puzzle
  1. Physics
  2. Calculus
  3. History
  4. Italian
  5. French
  6. math
  7. Geography
  8. Mandarin
  9. Biology
  10. Music
  1. Computer technology
  2. Social Studies
  3. Arithmetic
  4. Art
  5. Lunch
  6. Algebra
  7. Health
  8. Spanish
  9. Chemistry
  10. English

20 Clues: ArtmathLunchMusicFrenchHealthPhysicsHistoryItalianAlgebraSpanishEnglishBiologyCalculusMandarinChemistryGeographyArithmeticSocial StudiesComputer technology

Ch.2 Vocab 2020-10-08

Ch.2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. course
  2. quiz
  3. school
  4. laboratory
  5. homework
  6. biology
  7. physics
  8. chalk
  9. exam
  10. bookstore
  11. eraser
  12. stadium
  1. music
  2. library
  3. class
  4. schedule
  5. window
  6. history
  7. clock
  8. house
  9. art

21 Clues: artquizexammusicclasschalkclockhousecourseschoolwindoweraserlibrarybiologyhistoryphysicsstadiumschedulehomeworkbookstorelaboratory

spanish vocab en la clase 2020-10-06

spanish vocab en la clase crossword puzzle
  1. homework
  2. quiz
  3. class
  4. pen
  5. stadium
  6. economics
  7. university;college
  8. spanish
  9. library
  1. course
  2. laboratory
  3. home;house
  4. school
  5. biology
  6. physics
  7. schedeule
  8. backpack
  9. art
  10. door
  11. table

20 Clues: penartquizdoorclasstablecourseschoolbiologyphysicsstadiumspanishlibraryhomeworkbackpackschedeuleeconomicslaboratoryhome;houseuniversity;college

School and Education 2023-02-21

School and Education crossword puzzle
  1. pulpetti
  2. lyijykynä
  3. pyyhekumi
  4. rehtori
  5. vihko
  6. laskin
  7. opettaja
  8. voimistelusali
  9. fysiikka
  10. luokka/oppitunti
  11. oppitunti
  1. jälki-istunto
  2. historia
  3. maantieto
  4. reppu
  5. viivoitin
  6. kuvataide
  7. oppilas
  8. harjoitus/tehtävä
  9. musiikki

20 Clues: reppuvihkolaskinrehtorioppilaspulpettihistoriaopettajamusiikkifysiikkalyijykynämaantietopyyhekumiviivoitinkuvataideoppituntijälki-istuntovoimistelusaliluokka/oppituntiharjoitus/tehtävä

en la clase 2023-09-21

en la clase crossword puzzle
  1. library
  2. bookstore
  3. totheleftof
  4. businessadministration
  5. engish
  6. biology
  7. toarrive
  8. wastebasket
  1. economy
  2. computerscience
  3. whichone
  4. history
  5. totherightof
  6. which
  7. Whereto
  8. physics
  9. mathematics
  10. nextto;beside
  11. why
  12. psychology
  13. chemistry
  14. tohavedinner

22 Clues: whywhichengisheconomylibraryhistoryWheretophysicsbiologywhichonetoarrivebookstorechemistrypsychologytotheleftofmathematicswastebaskettotherightoftohavedinnernextto;besidecomputersciencebusinessadministration

Introduction to Physics 2020-08-30

Introduction to Physics crossword puzzle
  1. is a branch of physics which focuses on the study of sounds
  2. is the study of forces
  3. is a branch of physics which focuses on the study of light
  4. is the proponent of the three laws of motion
  5. states that here is no absolute frame of reference that is at rest
  1. is the father of scientific method
  2. is a Greek philosopher who devised the first atomic theory
  3. is the branch of physics that focuses on the study of heat.
  4. is the study of sounds, energy, motion, light and electricity
  5. is a Greek philosopher who studied motion and the four elements: Water, air, fire and earth

10 Clues: is the study of forcesis the father of scientific methodis the proponent of the three laws of motionis a Greek philosopher who devised the first atomic theoryis a branch of physics which focuses on the study of lightis the branch of physics that focuses on the study of a branch of physics which focuses on the study of sounds...

indian physicists 2021-10-20

indian physicists crossword puzzle
  1. Professor of Physics
  2. conducting research onhigh energy physics
  3. Nuclear physicist
  4. Education: Northwestern University
  5. specializing in condensed matter physics
  1. Indian theoretical physicist
  2. astrophysicist
  3. specialising in Plasma, Optics and Energy

8 Clues: astrophysicistNuclear physicistProfessor of PhysicsIndian theoretical physicistEducation: Northwestern Universityspecializing in condensed matter physicsspecialising in Plasma, Optics and Energyconducting research onhigh energy physics

les Matières 2017-02-05

les Matières crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. french
  3. IT
  4. drawing
  5. chemistry
  6. history
  7. reading
  8. maths
  9. geography
  10. dance
  1. drama
  2. english
  3. physical education
  4. biology
  5. music
  6. physics
  7. science
  8. spanish

18 Clues: ITartdramamusicmathsdancefrenchenglishbiologyphysicssciencedrawinghistoryreadingspanishchemistrygeographyphysical education

WITH THE KRUG, NO WAY! 2023-05-07

WITH THE KRUG, NO WAY! crossword puzzle
  1. Over Puxotony Phil, acronym
  2. +.25
  3. Alan arrives at…
  4. On broadway… or Dr.Krug’s playlist (deadly)
  5. Who’s birthday is it?
  6. A team building time waster
  7. 12 concerts later… maybe 16?
  8. You, me, derivative, Alma mater
  9. Why do you #18?
  10. Birthdate nix Month, U5 physics dropout, yum
  11. Happy Thanksgiving on a New Haven Pie
  12. Skeleton’s jacket color -- but a scheme
  13. Warm and fuzzy car circle
  14. Lake, maybe land, ha ha
  15. A misspelled sled sliding into each physics problem
  16. Closest seat to Dr. Krug in physics
  17. Two hardest letters to choose from
  1. Second section of freshmen debate
  2. A red-headed freshmen’s interjection to a work period
  3. If and only if I can remember these acronyms
  4. Dog bark in New Haven
  5. Jessica arrives at…
  6. Award given to Dr. Krug at her graduation
  7. Grilled peppers atop
  8. Not a morning person! What landon bear cursed out a Holton student in class?
  9. Hard FD brings success
  10. But i'm -- fre-
  11. Closest seat to Dr. Krug in math
  12. Disney…?
  13. Nerdy handle single
  14. Alternative to recognizing patterns
  15. Keep graduation weirder (but less weird than Dr.Krugs favorite basketball games)
  16. Cat or Lion?

33 Clues: +.25Disney…?Cat or Lion?Why do you #18?But i'm -- fre-Alan arrives at…Jessica arrives at…Nerdy handle singleGrilled peppers atopDog bark in New HavenWho’s birthday is it?Hard FD brings successLake, maybe land, ha haWarm and fuzzy car circleOver Puxotony Phil, acronymA team building time waster12 concerts later… maybe 16?...

SCIENCE! 2022-08-05

SCIENCE! crossword puzzle
  1. pills and thrills
  2. your uncle was a monkey!
  3. deeper than physics
  4. the study of experience
  5. for looking very, very close
  6. published in a scientific journal
  7. better if a robot does it
  8. where all the squigglies go
  9. the way it is done...
  10. anthropology, economics and psychology
  11. not real
  12. where did this apple come from?
  13. inventor of electricity?
  14. first tool ever
  1. math, logic and computer science
  2. the sun is not at the centre!
  3. secret ways of doing things...
  4. 2+2=5
  5. smallest particles
  6. :(
  7. tools for life
  8. what medicine tries to produce
  9. where scientists work
  10. e=mc(2)
  11. physics, chemistry and biology

25 Clues: :(2+2=5e=mc(2)not realtools for lifefirst tool everpills and thrillssmallest particlesdeeper than physicsthe way it is done...where scientists workthe study of experienceyour uncle was a monkey!inventor of electricity?better if a robot does itwhere all the squigglies gofor looking very, very closethe sun is not at the centre!...

AI Puzzle 2024-10-15

AI Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. - Internet
  2. - Intruder
  3. - Device
  4. - Rules
  5. - Test
  6. - Exploit
  7. - Digital
  8. - Imitation
  9. - Physics
  10. - Coding
  1. - Scam
  2. - Network
  3. - Protection
  4. - Sequence
  5. - Barrier
  6. - Network
  7. - Efficiency
  8. - Information
  9. - Malware
  10. - Automation

20 Clues: - Scam- Test- Rules- Device- Coding- Network- Barrier- Network- Exploit- Digital- Malware- Physics- Internet- Intruder- Sequence- Imitation- Protection- Efficiency- Automation- Information

AI Puzzle 2024-10-15

AI Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. - Digital
  2. - Barrier
  3. - Information
  4. - Test
  5. - Network
  6. - Sequence
  7. - Coding
  8. - Rules
  9. - Malware
  1. - Exploit
  2. - Imitation
  3. - Scam
  4. - Physics
  5. - Internet
  6. - Network
  7. - Device
  8. - Efficiency
  9. - Automation
  10. - Intruder
  11. - Protection

20 Clues: - Scam- Test- Rules- Device- Coding- Exploit- Digital- Physics- Barrier- Network- Network- Malware- Internet- Sequence- Intruder- Imitation- Efficiency- Automation- Protection- Information

las classes 2021-11-12

las classes crossword puzzle
  1. dance
  2. sociology
  3. music
  4. technology
  5. personalfinance
  6. art
  7. science
  8. physics
  9. choir
  10. chemistry
  11. Biology
  12. algebra
  1. history
  2. band
  3. spanish
  4. math
  5. psycology
  6. geography
  7. theater
  8. literature
  9. PE
  10. calculus

22 Clues: PEartbandmathdancemusicchoirhistoryspanishtheatersciencephysicsBiologyalgebracalculussociologypsycologygeographychemistrytechnologyliteraturepersonalfinance

The world of school 2023-02-06

The world of school crossword puzzle
  1. engelska
  2. linjal
  3. svenska
  4. fysik
  5. finska
  6. matematik
  7. ryggsäck
  8. lim
  9. blyertspenna
  10. suddgummi
  11. träslöjd
  1. kemi
  2. bildkonst
  3. mössa
  4. huslig ekonomi
  5. lärare
  6. morgonsamling
  7. ordbok
  8. karta
  9. häfte
  10. rast
  11. mapp

22 Clues: limkemirastmappmössafysikkartahäftelärarelinjalfinskaordboksvenskaengelskaryggsäckträslöjdbildkonstmatematiksuddgummiblyertspennamorgonsamlinghuslig ekonomi

French Vocab 2022-10-03

French Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. door
  2. physics
  3. Spanish
  4. scissors
  5. Biology
  6. trash
  7. pencil
  8. Calculus
  9. English
  10. hours
  11. table
  1. Chinese
  2. eraser
  3. Technology
  4. Drawing
  5. History
  6. map
  7. German
  8. Chorus
  9. chairs
  10. bin
  11. poster

22 Clues: mapbindoortrashhourstableeraserGermanChoruspencilchairsposterChinesephysicsDrawingSpanishHistoryBiologyEnglishscissorsCalculusTechnology

French Vocab 2022-10-03

French Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Biology
  2. poster
  3. Calculus
  4. English
  5. History
  6. bin
  7. pencil
  8. door
  9. scissors
  10. chairs
  11. Drawing
  12. eraser
  1. physics
  2. trash
  3. Technology
  4. Spanish
  5. map
  6. hours
  7. Chinese
  8. table
  9. German
  10. Chorus

22 Clues: mapbindoortrashhourstableposterpencilGermanChoruschairseraserphysicsBiologySpanishEnglishHistoryChineseDrawingCalculusscissorsTechnology

3D My School 2021-01-11

3D My School crossword puzzle
  1. ének-zene
  2. hittan
  3. félév
  4. biológia
  5. regisztráció
  6. informatika
  7. osztály
  8. szünet
  9. francia
  10. fizika
  11. állampolgári ismeretek
  12. angol
  1. órarend
  2. technika
  3. testnevelés
  4. természettudomány
  5. ebéd
  6. rajz
  7. kémia
  8. történelem
  9. gyűlés

21 Clues: ebédrajzfélévkémiaangolhittanszünetgyűlésfizikaórarendosztályfranciatechnikabiológiaének-zenetörténelemtestnevelésinformatikaregisztrációtermészettudományállampolgári ismeretek

Spanish Vocab 2020-10-06

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. test;quiz
  2. stadium
  3. school
  4. geography
  5. paper
  6. physics
  7. house;home
  8. course
  9. economics
  10. bookstore
  1. biology
  2. schedule
  3. art
  4. university;college
  5. trimester;quarter
  6. test;exam
  7. class
  8. homework
  9. sciences
  10. music

20 Clues: artclasspapermusicschoolcoursebiologystadiumphysicsschedulehomeworksciencestest;quizgeographytest;exameconomicsbookstorehouse;hometrimester;quarteruniversity;college

Spanish 2020-10-06

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. homework
  2. spanish
  3. science
  4. biology
  5. course
  6. semester
  7. schedule
  8. economics
  9. music
  10. art
  11. accounting
  1. physics
  2. trimester;quarter
  3. stadium
  4. geography
  5. test;quiz
  6. test;exam
  7. house;home
  8. class
  9. computerscience

20 Clues: artmusicclasscoursephysicsspanishstadiumsciencebiologyhomeworksemesterschedulegeographytest;quiztest;exameconomicshouse;homeaccountingcomputersciencetrimester;quarter

Sp. 1A Vocabulary Review pgs. 31-34 2021-03-22

Sp. 1A Vocabulary Review pgs. 31-34 crossword puzzle
  1. chemistry
  2. Spanish
  3. German
  4. French
  5. geometry
  6. Bible
  7. drama
  8. civics
  9. biology
  10. Italian
  1. typing
  2. art
  3. languages
  4. English
  5. physical education
  6. algebra
  7. physics
  8. choir
  9. mathematics
  10. calculus
  11. science
  12. history

22 Clues: artchoirBibledramatypingGermanFrenchcivicsEnglishSpanishalgebraphysicssciencehistorybiologyItaliangeometrycalculuschemistrylanguagesmathematicsphysical education

El Mundo Professional 2018-04-30

El Mundo Professional crossword puzzle
  1. library
  2. literature
  3. cafeteria
  4. calculus
  5. french
  6. science
  7. math
  8. office
  9. chinese
  10. art
  1. chemistry
  2. PE
  3. theater
  4. spanish
  5. bookstore
  6. law
  7. geometry
  8. economy
  9. russian
  10. music
  11. physics
  12. choir

22 Clues: PElawartmathmusicchoirfrenchofficelibrarytheaterspanishscienceeconomyrussianphysicschinesecalculusgeometrychemistrycafeteriabookstoreliterature

school 2023-10-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. Spaans
  2. fysica
  3. derdejaarsstudent
  4. laatstejaarsstudent
  5. Nederlands
  6. eerstejaarsstudent
  7. directeur
  8. techniek
  9. cheerleader
  10. aardrijkskunde
  11. Engels
  12. geschiedenis
  13. Latijn
  1. wiskunde
  2. tweedejaarsstudent
  3. wetenschappen
  4. Duits
  5. chemie
  6. biologie
  7. kleuters
  8. economie
  9. Grieks

22 Clues: DuitsSpaansfysicachemieGrieksEngelsLatijnwiskundebiologiekleuterstechniekeconomiedirecteurNederlandscheerleadergeschiedeniswetenschappenaardrijkskundederdejaarsstudenttweedejaarsstudenteerstejaarsstudentlaatstejaarsstudent


  1. happy
  2. particle
  3. this week
  4. english
  5. welcome
  6. chinese
  7. difficult
  8. easy
  9. more difficult
  1. (surname wu)
  2. (surname li)
  3. beijing
  4. beijinger
  5. physics
  6. chinese
  7. surname
  8. recently
  9. reading
  10. busy
  11. international
  12. he

21 Clues: hebusyeasyhappybeijingphysicschineseenglishsurnamereadingwelcomechineseparticlerecentlybeijingerthis weekdifficult(surname wu)(surname li)internationalmore difficult